Traverse City High School Yearbook, “The Black and Gold," 1907

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Traverse City High School Yearbook, “The Black and Gold," 1907


School yearbooks.


Annually published work of Traverse City High School, which would become Traverse City Central High School. The name, "Traverse City High School," would be reused by the alternative high school in the region beginning in 2001. "Black and Gold" would be superseded by "The High School Annual," "The Pines" and "Pines," as the title for the yearbook, and preceded by "Traversensian" and "Orion". Contains photographs and articles commenmorating school activities, students, and faculty.


Traverse City High School, Traverse City (Mich.)


Original held at Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Senior Class of Traverse City High School.




Herald and Record Company, Traverse City (Mich.), Printers.


CC BY-SA 4.0












Traverse City, Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Assistant Editor


Literary Department . MINNIE VOTRUBA






Circulation Manager . .


Jokes and Grinds . . . DON BENNETT


Advertising Manages . . • HEIMAN COPLAN

T HAS been the aim of the Senior class of 1907 to present a true picture
of our High school as it is today. In The Black and Gold, everything has been taken up in what we consider a systematic and
original way, that the public might gain from its pages a general
idea of what has been going on the last year in the various lines
of school work and in our athletics. We feel that not only the
High School but our class as well will be judged by this publication, but, gentle reader, allow for our inexperience, and, moreover,
do not form your estimate until you have read all. We have put
forth our best efforts to make it worthy of reading.
We have attemIttcd to make students of today laugh; tried to
awaken pleasant memories in the minds of past students; aimed
to arouse a true school spirit in students of tomorrow; and endeavored to show the public that Traverse City High school is up
with the best of them.
Success to the future editors of the Annual.



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R. R. L. NYE was born in Dowagiac, Cass County, Mich. Most
of his early life, however, was spent on a farm at Bear Lake,
Manistee County. Ile answered the roll call in the district
school, working on the farm summers when old enough. After teaching
three terms in rural schools he entered the Ferris Institute at Big Rapids. After two years there and a year at Alma College, he taught in
the former institution for two years, and then spent two years at the U.
of AI, specializing in mathematics. He went from there to take charge
of the mathematics department in the High school at Battle Creek,
which position he held four years. In the fall of 1902 he accepted the
position which he now holds as principal of the High school of Traverse
In the capacity of principal he has done much to merit praise. It has
been his aim to bring before the students such ideals, be they lives of great
men or simply noble thoughts, as would tend to develop character—indeed,
he has himself been the ideal of many. He places a great deal of stress on
that very important element of high school education, public speaking,
and, we venture to say, that no one has ever given better support to the
various school enterprises than has Mr. Nye. It is with pleasure that
we dedicate the Black and Gold to him.

R. I. B. GILBERT, superintendent of the public schools of our
city, was born July 5, 1870, at Memphis, Mich. His early youth
was spent on the farm of his father near Memphis. He attended
the public schools of that city, where he was a very diligent student.
After mastering the different branches of studies taught there, he engaged
in teaching. A few years later he took up a course at Olivet, from which
college he graduated in 1895, receiving his degree in natural science. The
next few months were spent in the Agricultural College of Michigan, pursuing the study of chemistry. Soon after, he entered Harvard, for the
summer term, and in the fall of the same year accepted a position as principal of the High school at St. Johns. He remained here one
year, when a more desirable place was offered him at Imlay City. After
two years he again moved, this time to Northville to remain but one year.
Returning to St. Johns the following year, he assumed the superintendent's position and held it for three years. At the end of this time Traverse City was in need of a superintendent, and Mr. Gilbert was asked to
fill the vacancy. In 1902 he took up his residence in Traverse City.
Under his supervision the schools have greatly advanced, until today, they
are among the best in the state.
In disposition Mr. Gilbert is genial and very approachable. Among
the pupils he is known as a man with a wonderful memory, especially
as regards names and dates. His broadminded and sterling views have
been displayed to a good advantage in the work which he has accomplished, and in the tact with which he has undertaken it. In future years,
as Mr. Gilbert follows the course of his profession, he will have only the
good will and respect of the scholars and teachers of Traverse City.



First Row—H. J. Ruggles, Rose C. Hess, Lauretta M. Ferguson, H. A. Davis.
Second Row—Agnes Thompson, R. L. Nye, Alma Brown.
Third Row—F. B. Wiley, Jessie M. Vivian, Marie McLaughlin, H. N. Hornbeck.

I SS Jessie Vivian, teacher of English in the
I I igh school, was born at Monroe, Michigan.
She is a graduate of the University of Michigan. During the four years she has spent here she
has proven herself a patient and faithful worker.
Miss Vivian is a person of mild and pleasant disposition and is a very interesting conversationalist.
One endearing trait in her character is her willingness to do for others. When trials beset us on every
hand in the publication of The Black and Gold, she
was ever a steadfast friend to whom we could go for
help and suggestions.


It has been the aim of the board of education to
obtain as strong a teacher as possible for each position in the High school. They chose well when they
chose Prof. H. N. Hornbeck as head of our departments of chemistry and botany. Through his efforts
the department of chemistry has been well equipped
for experimental work, making it possible to substitute practical work for routine of the text book.
This same principle of experimental work, he ap-

plied to botany, maintaining that experience is the
best teacher.
Mr. Hornbeck was born in Newaygo county, Mich
igan. He graduated from M. A. C. in the spring
of 1904. In the fall of the same year he took the
position which he now so ably fills in our High

Miss Marie McLaughlin, whose home is near Martin, in Allegan county, came to. Traverse City in
March of the year 1888, fresh from Ypsilanti State
Normal. For two years she taught in the seventh
and eighth grades respectively, after which she entered the High school as teacher of mathematics,
which position she has ever since retained.
As a teacher of mathematics, Miss McLaughlin
holds her own with the best of them, and should she
at any time leave the school would be greatly missed.
Her long experience as a teacher is a proof of her

Miss Agnes Thompson, in charge of the Latin
department, is one of the most efficient teachers in
the High school. She teaches, not only the Latin

language, but also strives to give her pupils an idea
of the principles of the law and government, and the
family and religious customs of the Romans. Her
orderly and extremely interesting classes are a reflection of her strong personality.
Miss Thompson was born at Flowerfield, in the
southern part of Michigan. She attended school at
Constantine and after completing her High school
course there, entered Olivet. She graduated from
Olivet in the spring of 1903, and accepted the position of teacher of Latin here in the fall of the same

Professor Harlan A. Davis, instructor in Physics,
Physiology, Civics and Athletics, is a welcome addition to our faculty. He graduated from Olivet college in the spring of '06 and came here in the fall.
As a teacher he has established a reputation beyond reproach and as a foot-ball coach—well, just
ask the boys, and they will bell you how, by administering a rigid course of training, he produced a
team that suffered but one defeat during the whole
season. Mr. Davis possesses that remarkable personality which enables him to be one of the fellows
and yet command respect and attention in the classroom.

Miss Alma Brown, who now teaches ninth and
tenth English and German in the High school, was
born near Bellevue, Michigan. Her early schooling
was obtained in the district school near her home.
After two years of successful teaching she entered
Olivet college, graduating in 1905.
In her zeal to prove worthy of her trust, Miss
Brown's health failed, making it necessary to take a
two month's rest. She returned after the spring
vacation. Her light-hearted, cheerful manner has
won her many friends, who wish her nothing but
sucePss in the future, whether here or elsewhere.

One of our most popular teachers is Miss Lauretta M. Ferguson, instructor in English and Ancient
History. She came to the High school in January,
1906, and has since proven herself to be an excellent
and capable teachcer. She won the respect and
frindship of her pupils from the first by her bright
and interesting method of teaching.
She was born in the village of King, Province of
Ontario, Canada. Her parents moved to Michigan
where she obtained her early schooling. . She then
went to the Ypsilanti normal and from there to the

University of Michigan, graduating in 1902. While
at college she specialized in History and English.

Mr. Fordyce B. Wiley was born at Brighton,
Michigan. By perseverance and hard work, he earned his way through college. He spent four years
at Kalamazoo ,and graduated from there, June 20,
1906, with his B. S. During the summer of 1905
and 1906, he attended the University of Chicago,
where he obtained his second degree as Bachelor of
Science, Sept. 1, '06. In the fall of '06, he took a
position in our High school, as teacher of History
and English. He is one or the most prominent men
of the faculty. His has been a hard row to hoe. Few
are able to fathom the depths of his nature, but by
those, who have succeeded, lie is held as a man to be
trusted and honored.

Mr. 14. J. Ruggles was born in Bronson, Michigan, where he attended the public schools. He entered the High school, but did not complete the course,
as he decided to take up work in the St. Mary's

business college of that place. He graduated from
St. Mary's and then entered the State Normal at
Ypsilanti. After studying here for some time he
transferred his work to the Cleary business college
of Ypsilanti, from which he graduated.
Mr. Ruggles is now completing his second year as
head of the Commerical department of the High
school. During these two years he has won the respect and esteem of the student body.

Mrs. Rose C. Hess was born in a pretty little
village in Van Rensaeler County, (now called Rensaeler County), New York. Her home was on the
river Hudson near the Catskill mountains and it was
in theme picturesque surroundings that she spent her
early life. She received her early education in Constantine, Michigan, graduating from the Thigh school
of that place in 1888. In 1898 she received the
Ph. B. degree from the University of Michigan.
Mrs. Hess is now completing her second successful
year of teaching the German language in Traverse
City High School.


II0 IS it that has always been on tap
when school begun in the fall to make the
school house shipshape for business?
Who is it that keeps the lawn mowed and clean?
Who is it that keeps us warm in the cold, cold
Why, it's Mr. Harvey C. Curtis, our janitor. He
has and ever shall have the good will and best wishes of the naughty sevens.





IIE first school house in Traverse City, was
an old stable, on the corner of Front and
Wellington streets. At that time there
was no organized school district, so a teacher was
hired by subscription. The magnificent sum of one
dollar a week, finally raised to one dollar and a half,
was paid to the first teacher, Miss Helen Goodale.
In this first school there were twenty-one pupils who
were very enthusiastic over the idea of being educated. They studied geography, grammar, arithmetic and history. After this building was given up
the children assembled in the old boarding house
at the corner of Union and Bay streets.
On May 11, 1854, school district No. 1 was organized and in 1856 the first real school house was

erected at the present site of the Park Place hotel
annex. The growing demand for education, however, required another larger school.
A wooden
structure was built on the Central grounds in 1877
in which the first High school met.
In 1868-9 Traverse City had its first Principal,
Professor Young, who supervised all of the schools.
In 1873 Judge Roberts was chosen as principal and
filled the office for seven years, when S. G. Burkhead succeeded him and held the position until 1880.
For the next. thirteen years Professor Charles T.
Grawn was superintendent. After Professor Grawn
and preceeding Professor I. B. Gilbert, Professor
C. H. Horn was superintendent. Mr. Gilbert has
been here since 1902, during which time there has

been great advancement of the schools in all directions.
Owing to the steadily increasing number of students, we now have five public schools, the Central,

dents and eleven teachers. In the grammar grades
the customary rudiments are taught and the general
academic and commercial courses are offered in the
High school, preparing students for college work.




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Boardman Ave., Oak Park, Union Street and the
Elmwood Ave., with a total of 2,021 pupils and 73
In the High school there are 375 stu-

The number of High school graduates who enter
college is increasing every year.

President . . . . . . JAY SMITH



Vice President . LARS HOCKSTAD




Climb the rocks tho' they be rugged.

Violet and White.

DiPPY ! YiPP Y !

Yaw! yaw! yaw!
The finest class you ever saw!
In number we are forty 'leven!
We're the Class of Naughty Seven


Aim—To be a musician.
"A happy genius Is the gift of nature."
DON BENNETT, "Beanie."

Editor of Joke Department.
Aim—To master "Caesar."
"A nickname is the heaviest
stone the devil can throw at a

Aim — to possess a
"Pearl's music in my
heart I bore
Long after it was heard no

Pres. Athletic Ass'n. ; Editor of Athletic Department; Capt. '06
track team; R. T. on '07 football team.
Aim—To become worthy of "Alice."
"Guess that's making a gain through tackle!"

Aim—To have a perfect Frank (ie) ness about himself continually.
"A lover is a man who, in his anxiety to possess another, has
lost possession of himself."

Aim—To master Eng. Lit.
"The youth who hopes the
Olympic prize to gain
All arts must try and every
toil sustain."

Aim—To become a "schoolma'am."
"A generous soul is sunshine to the'mind."

Aim—To do Moore (Earl).
"A little folly is desirable in him that will not be guilty of a stupidity."



Treasurer, Boys' Athletic Ass'n.; Ad. Mgr.
Aim—To entertain.
"Poets ale all who love w'Io feel great truths and tell them."

GLEN CODMAN, "Coddie."
Aim—To stop moirning for
a lost "jewel."
"It is better to have loved
and lost than never to have
loved at all."

Halfback, '07 football team.
Aim—To maintain his Rep.
as t-h-e halfback.
"So sweet the blush of bashfulness
Even pity scarce can wish It
LAURA CAVIS, "Pet of the Class."
Aim—To complete the High school course.

"The beautiful are never desolate, but someone always loves

Aim—To perfect the dance.
"He danced, I say, right well,
With emphasis, and also with good sense.
A thing of footing, indispensable."
OLIVE DOBSON, "011ie."
Youngest member of the
Aim—To be a famous Prima Donna.
"Age cannot wither her.
nor custom stall her infinite

"Josh" or "Joe."

General supervisor of High
school; class musician.
Aim—To run things.
"At all I laugh, he laughs
no doubt,
The only difference is, I
dare laugh out."
Aim—To study (Jay) birds.
"She is not made to be the admiration of all, but the happiness of one."

Editor-in-chief; Vice-president of class; Vice-president of Lewis
Cass Debating club.
Aim—To be a "civil" engineer.
"The sweets of life are hard to get
But persevere and you'll have one yet."
Aim—To get a Man(istee).
"The laughter of girls is
and ever was, among the delightful sounds of earth."

Assistant Editor of the
Black and Gold.
Aim—To See-more (Seymour).
"There is not a moment
without some duty."
Captain of '06 football team. Chairman of Board of Managers,
Athletic Ass'n.
Aim—To win a certain fair maiden.
"If it were not for hope the heart would soon break."


Aim—To be a German student.
"Short but sweet."

President Girls' Athletic
Aim—To run a kindergarten.
"In maiden meditation fancy free."

"Thos. Edison."
Class orator; defendant's
attorney in mock trial. President Lewis Cass Debating
Aim—To become a great
"'Tis the wise head that
makes the still tongue."



Aim—To become great (in height.)
"All that's great and good is done just by patient trying."


Ed. Local Dept.; Board of Managers Athletic Ass'n. Ex-president
Lewis Cass Debating club.
Aim—To become a great lawyer.
"Forbear to judge, for we are sinners, all."
Aim—To be a school ma'am.
"The talent of success is
nothing more than doing what
you can do well and doing
well whatever you do without
a thol,ght of fame."


Secretary of the class.
Aim—To be united with a
"Church" (Ben).
"A maiden never bold, a spirit still and quiet."
Class Historian.
Aim—To be a "Gardner."

"A little nonsense now and then,
Is relished by the wisest men."


Class poet; vice president Athletic Ass'n.; Sec. and Treas. Lewis Cass Debating club; captain '07 track team.
Aim—To become a second Shakespeare.
"The paths of glory lead bu t to the grave."
Vice president Girl's Athletic
Aim—To get married.
"The course of true love never did run smooth."

Aim—To be original.
"One of the best uses of originality is to say common things
in an uncommon way."

'06 and '07 football teams.
Aim—To be a good husband.
"Oh, that I were rich instead of handsorc..)."


Aim—To live alone.
"Quietness of all things is the hardest to be copied."

Salutatorian (sharing equal
honors with Corinne Silvers,
Aim—Deutsch zu lehren.
"There never was a heart
truly great and generous, that
was not also tender and compassionate."

Editor of Art Dept.
Aim—To get a B. A. degree.
"With all thy faults, I lore
thee still."

Aim—To become a western desperado.
"0, for a lodge in some vast wilderness."

Librarian '07.
Aim—To train "Roosas."
"In pure and simple soul I come to you.OMAR ROOSA, "BuddIe."
Class Treasurer.
Aim—To be Shield (ed)
from "June's" rays.
"The blushing cheek speaks
modest mind,
The lips, befitting words most
The eye does tempt to love's
And seems to say 'tis
Cupid's fire."
Librarian, '07.
Aim—Getting D(s).
"For of all sad words of
tongue or pen—
The saddest are these: It
might have been."

Center on basket ball team.
Aim—To get a girl.
"Ideas are like beards; men do not have them until
they grow up."

Aim—To learn to play all musical instruments.
"Such sweet compulsion doth in music lie."

JAY SMITH, "Heinie."
Class President; member of
Board of Managers of Boys'
Athletic Ass'n.
Aim—To become acquaint.
ed with new girls.
"A blithe heart makes a
blooming visage."

Valedictorian (divided honors with Maude McMichael,
Aim—To get a man.
"The great hope of society
is in individual character."
Aim—To be Wright- (eous).
"A mighty pain to love it is,
And 'tis a pain, that pain to miss,
Is to love and love in vreatest pain
But of all the pains, the gain."


Aim—To learn more about domestic science.
"Playful blushes that seem naught
But luminous escapes of thought."
Member of Track team.
Aim—To be like Daniel
"An orator or author is never successful till he has learned to make his words smaller
than his ideas."


Secretary of Girls' Athletic
Aim—To find someone to
love her.
"As we advance in life we
learn the limit of our abilities."

Aim—To be Rock(ed)well.
"Tis a matter of regret
She's a bit of a coquette."


Captain of Girls' Basketball team. Class prophet.
Aim—To catch "Fellers."
"Whatever is popular deserves attention."

JOHN WONZER, "Scipio."

Manager Boys' Basketball team; editor of Science Dept.
Aim—To be a pugilist.
"High aims form high characters, and great objects bring
out great minds."




HE day has come when we must part,
Good bye, Old School good bye.
A sadness fills each loyal heart,
Good bye, Old School, good bye,
For schoolmates dear, we leave good cheer„
We leave them with a sigh,
In every dream, they reign supreme,
Good bye, Old School, good bye,

In days to come we'll think of thee,
Good bye, Old School, good bye.
Dear to our hearts you'll ever be,
Good bye, Old School, good bye.
Those happy hours in mem'ries bowers,
Have quickly passed us by,—
Yet to them all, we'll e'er recall,
Good bye, Old School, good bye.

The future greets us with a smile,
Good bye, Old School, good bye.
And yet we long for you the while,
Good bye, Old School, good bye.
Those days so rare, beyond compare;
We'll rev'rence ever high,
We will be true, always to you,
Good bye, Old School, good bye.



MONG the many classes, which in different
lands and times have stepped forth from
their beloved schoolrooms to enter into the
world's great school, a few stand out so distinct, so
far above the rest, that they mark the eras in our
world's progress. By them we measure the growth
of our schools, by them we test the advance or decline in the school's work. So far above us do they
reach, that no more do we judge them, but rather
judge ourselves by them, and so come to appreciate
and to understand them more.
Among the classes thus truly great is the one of
'07. For four long yet happy years this mighty
class had struggled and toiled that they might be
worthy to step forth from their small world into a
larger and broader world which awaited them.

Let us go back to the year 1903 when this class
first started forth on its great race of knowledge, and
we will at once notice the change in the attitude of
the older classes on the arrival of the 'Freshmen.'
Teachers marveled and wondered at the singular
ability of this class, and even the grave old Seniors
feared lest they now at the last be out-stripped by
this mighty tribe.
Almost uneventfully passed the first year except
for the subject of lyceum which was announced
shortly after the beginning of the second semester,
and which was quickly denounced by all except one
small literary maiden who with her keen insight
at once saw what great benefits the class might reap
from such a pursuit of knowledge. She ,however,
being overruled by so large a majority, subsided into

silence thus letting this notorious class stand out
from the first as an independent, self-reliant people.
So the first year passed successfully and '07 started on its second year with the bright hopes of winning the admiration of '08 and becoming a model by
which that class might mould its character into as
grand and as noble a one as that which had gone
before it.
This year awakened a new interest in the minds
of the Naughty Sevens toward widening their social
sphere, feeling that their former industrious mode
of life and well spent moments now deserved some
reward. Therefore a sleighride was planned to
Grawn, that beloved spot so dear to the hearts of all
the classes. This ride will long be remembered by
all, but particularly by the few in whose minds dwell
the never-to-be-forgotten picture of some of the boys
sadly gazing through the open windows, victims of
their first temptation. When this distracting news
reached the ears of the instructors great was the consternation thereof. Immediate action was necessary.
Steps must be taken at once to destroy the germs of

evil which had entered into the susceptible minds
of the class of '07. Scarcely had the noble preceptors time to discover some plan by which these bacteria might be destroyed when the information again
readied them that a sleighride to a much more distant place was being planned. Their righteous
indignation was now indeed aroused. These people,
who would so openly and brazenly defy the wishes
of this higher authority, were refused the use of a
class room for a meeting. But '07 was too energetic,
too independent to be overthrown by so petty an incident as this, so they marshalled their forces in the
heavy snow-drifts near the school building and decided upon a sleighride to a small suburban town
about eleven miles from the city.
This ride closed the adventures of the season and
now these worthy people were once more able to step
into a higher plane of life, and occupy the role of
It was during this year, that, not only the class
but the whole school were called upon to mourn the
death of "Ben" Robertson, captain of the '05 foot-

ball team, and a general leader and favorite with all.
This great sorrow dampened the spirits of everyone,
for "Ben" was loved and respected by all who
knew him.
The rest of the year was spent in an effective and
industrious way until the latter part when the annual Junior-Senior reception was held. The class
left school in the spring yith the happy consciousness that three months later they would be exalted
to the position of Seniors.
And now at last we see them, starting on the home
stretch as dignified, noble Seniors, sweetly unconscious of their powers. With new energy and vitality they plunged bravely into the depths of learning,
anxious now to make this last year one that might
be an honor to the names of the Naughty Sevens.
The school had just fairly launched out upon this
years' work when death again entered their ranks,

this time calling from among them Edna Greilick,
whose sweet and happy disposition had won the love
and admiration of all. Truly may it be said of Edna
that she was "Friend of many, foe of none."
The remaining part of this year passed devoid of
noteworthy events until after the holidays, when
some of the more active Seniors began to agitate the
idea of having an annual, by which others might
judge the superior quality and the unmistakable
brilliancy of this class.
Thus we have watched and followed the progress
of this irreproachable class with its fifty members,
as step by step they have worked and striven that
they might attain a place unparalleled by any other
class which had left the stately old building and
now having at last won this honor, we see them again
as they step out of "school life into life's school."




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I,: the Senior class of the High school of the City of Northern Queens, County of
Apple Growing Fame, State of the Wolverines, being of elevated minds and
strong memory (except in the matter of remembering Trigonometric Formulae)
do make and publish this our first and last will and testament in manner following, viz:
First. We will and direct that all of our just debts and funeral expenses be paid in full
by "Tommy," the genial genius of floor sweeping fame, under the consideration that he be
forgiven for the "heinous" crime of locking two industrious Seniors in the basement on the
evening of January 27 last
Second. We give and bequeath to the Junior class our good will and all the pleasures,
privileges, etc., accruing from it
Third: To the aforesaid class of 1908 do we bequeath the privilege of spending the first
hour visiting in the physical laboratory, provided that they do not attempt to study German audibly while there.
.Fourth: To the said Junior class do we give the privilege of aiding the faculty in their
attempts to keep order in the halls.
Fifth: To the aforesaid Junior class do we also give the privilege of buying any color
tissue paper that they choose for the purpose of decorating the mantel on the north side of
Room One, provided, however, that this paper shall cost no less than 23 cents.
Sixth. To the Sophomore class do we extend the privileges of sitting in Room
One, two in a seat

Seventh: To the said Sophomore class do we also extend the privilege of "jollying"
the janitor.
Eighth. The aforesaid privileges are granted to the said class of 1909 under the condition that they will at no time make any attempt to destroy whatever decorations the class of
1908 place upon the mantel in Room One, or attempt to substitute their own
pennant for that of the said Junior class on said mantel.
Ninth : To the Freshman class do we extend the privilege of answering whatever questions
the Freshmen (to be) might ask at the opening of school next fall.
Tenth : To the said class of 1910 do we give the privilege of narrating the many wonderful feats that the members of the class of 1907 have performed.
Eleventh : To the Freshman class (to be) do we extend our heartfelt, sympathy.
Lastly : We do hereby appoint Tigmonethius Astrohapathatic, the skeleton of the chemical laboratory ,as executor of this our last will and testament, and of our estate.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hand and seal, this, the twenty-third day of
our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and seven.
On this, the 23 day of April, A. D. 1907, the Senior class of the High school of the Queen
City of the North, in the County of Apple Growing Fame, State of the Wolverines, signed
the foregoing instrument in our presence, and declared it to be their last will and testament,
and as witness thereof we do now, at their request, in their presence, and in the presence of
each other hereto subscribe our names.
Residing at Bassit's Island.
Residing at the same place.


THE evening of June 23, 1930, in the
White House at Washington, D. C., the
final preparations are being made for a
great festivity. The decorator is just putting the
finishing touches to the rooms, adjusting, here and
there, large yellow and black, and lavender and white
banners, when there is a stir in the hall, announcing the President's approach and the decorator, giving one more, glance at his painstaking work, departs through one door just as the President and his
wife appear at another. The appearance of the
chief executive is, of course, somewhat different than
it was twenty-three years ago, but there is no mistaking the noble features of our former class President,
Jay Smith.
In memory of the former pleasant years spent in
the Traverse City High school, he has invited the
members of his graduating class to meet together
on this evening for a social time. Naturally, this
is a great occasion and so all of the class have en.deavored to be present.

At eight o'clock the first arrivals are announced,
and a moment later two tall figures step into the
room and are cordially greeted by the President One
is the United States Minister to Germany and the
other, the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
but can it be possible that they were once our fellowclassmen ? Yes, for the name "Spiegel" is heard
and we recognize in the large, broad-shouldered man,
"The Giant" of days gone by, Oscar Amtsbuechler,
and in the other tall but slightly bent figure, Robert
Walker, the "Duke." But their arrival is soon followed by others and we turn our attention toward the
entrance. In the door are several people and among
their somewhat strange and yet familiar faces we see
the countenances of Omar Roosa and Alice Nelson,
whose accomplishments in the practice of Black
Magic in Chicago aroused both the fear and the admiration of the people. Just behind them we see
the calm features of Florence Bissell and Olive Dobson. They have been working diligently for the Woman's Rights Bill which has only recently passed

Congress and become a law and they are now using
their influence for the nomination of Eva Boone
for Treasurer of Grand Traverse County.
But what is that crowd of distinguished looking
people now entering the room ? And who is the beautiful, tall, languid appearing woman in advance of
the others? A second glance removes all doubt for
we recognize in the person who has created such a
sensation in Washington society, our old school mate,
Laura Cavis. Closely following her, is Annette Lardie, now bearing the title of an. Italian duchess, and
the tall, handsome man by her side must be her husband, Signor Bellini Donatello Cosmo Gattemalatta.
In the laughing group behind these we discern the
happy, serene countenances of Mrs. Lena Lardie
Church, and one of our former mischievous High
school students, known as Helen Thurtell, but who
now with another name and its owner, has moved to a
pleasant little home in Texas on the Rio Grande.
Eunice Rosser and Ruby Shilson are earnestly talking with her and seem to be showing great enthusiasm over the beautiful orphans' home that has been
erected at Traverse City by John Wonzer, the
wealthy railroad magnate of Michigan, and of which
they have the superficial management.
But there are more new arrivals entering the
room. Ah! that is Charles Chervenka, one of the

great 1930 football champions and John Bauman,
the successful Keystone merchant, just entering the
room with Alice Kyselka, Helen Walter, and Minnie
Laycock. Alice's career, thus far, has boon very
successful, for, as the author of the book on science,
dealing with the discovery and manufacture of flexible glass in Traverse City, she has obtained a lifelong popularity. Helen Walter, too, now an eminent Doctor, has a very wide practice while Minnie
Lavcock is very successfully filling Miss McLaughlin's position as teacher in the Traverse Iligh scheol.
But that tall, square shouldered man behind these,
wearing the large brass badge on his coat; who is
he? Can it be possible? Yes, there is no mistake.
It is Lucius Patchin, now a lawyer, who outside of
his wide practice at law, has been doing some very
worthy work, as Captain of the Salvation Army.
That graceful appearing gentleman with whom he is
talking must be Tate Evans, the well-known American dancing master, and the two ladies who just stepped up and are shaking hands with them, are their
old school friends, Gail Langworthy, now a suemssful dentist and Irene Pohoral, a well-known philosopher's wife.
But we can no longer distinguish the new arrivals
for already the rooms are becoming filled with people. Gay, laughing groups are seated in different

places, all talking more or less about "olden times
and things which might have been." In one of these
we discern the happy and serene countenances of
Maude McMichael and Charlotte Friedrich, now
both very successful Latin and History teachers in
the University of Michigan. They are intensely
interested in a discussion on Woman's Suffrage with
Glen Codman, who from the year 1923 has been cartoonist for the leading Woman's Rights paper in
Cedar City.
In another group near these, are several others
who appear familiar and yet for a moment we cannot place them. The two ladies laughing and talking
together—who are they? One is saying that her
home is in Manistee now. Manistee? Oh, yes! that
is Louise Hale, but how changed! And the other?
That is Arletta McManus, our class artist, and of
whose career we should all be proud. Also the two
men in conversation with them, we recognize as Ernest Miller and Heiman Coplan, the competing poets
of our class, and now, still rivals, both occupying
prominent places in American literature.
There is another group of people near one of the
entrances which attracts out attention and among
the familiar faces those of Vencel Ludka and Ruth
Merrifield are apparent. The former has become
a very prosperous druggist at Slights' Siding while

Ruth has married a successful dancing master and
now lives in a beautiful home in Chicago. Two ladies wearing the emblem of the Red Cross on their
arms are just entering the room and for a moment
appear as strangers to me, but no, they are greeting
people to the right and left and we discover them to
be worthy members of our class, Lola Lutman and
Minnie Votruba. They are now nurses in one of the
government hospitals in Washington and announce
that Lieutenant Frank -McIntosh, who has been confined there on account of some quite serious injuries
received in the recent negro insurrection at Louisville, Kentucky, is unable to be present at the re-union of the High school graduates. There are three
other members of the class, also not present, and
whose absence is highly deplored. Corinne Silvers
is taking an extended pleasure trip through Europe
at the present time while. Don Cameron and Carrie
Cox have given up their lives to misionary work, the
former being in Africa and the latter in South America. But with the exception of these four, the entire
class is assembled.
As soon as the guests have arrived President
Smith addresses them with a few words of greeting,
in which he speaks of his pleasant school days and
the pleasure which the reunion of his classmates has
afforded him. Following his address is one by Ed

Fellers, now Secretary of State in Smith's cabinet
and his advisor in all legal matters.
After Lars Iloekstad gives a very valuable discussion on the subject of his discovery of the South
pole, Esther Benson delivers a few ideas from her
Temperance Lectures and then Arthur Lederle, still
an eminent "Judge," and Elbe Johnson, the American scientist, deliver short interesting addresses. Elbe describes the machine which he has invented and
in which he has made several flying excursions to the
planet Mars.
Bennett is just beginning to speak a few
words as an advertisement for the Revised Edition
of the Smith-Roosevelt dictionary for which he is
agent, when there is a stir at the entrance and every
eve in the room is turned in that direction. In the
door stands an extremely tall, thin person, a stranger
to all appearances and yet there seems to be something almost familiar in his mein. He speaks a
word or two to John Wonzer, who is near him and
the latter with almost a gasp of surprise, grasps his
hand. Who can it be? Ah ! now we know. It is
Charles Bracken "the dwarf' of the class but what
has happened to him ? He answers our inquiries
by exhibiting a small machine which he has been

carrying under his arm, called the "Stretchuoutagus." It is a device used to make short people tall,
and he, having tested its power on himself and found
its real value, has become an agent for it and he now
endeavors to persuade Mary Hurley, "the little Fortune Teller," to purchase one, but all in vain.
Josephine Davis is now called upon to give one
of her excelent piano solos, but she and Vera Wynkoop, the "spinster," who have erected a college
home for Bachelor Girls in Chicago, to take the place
of the Hull House, seem to be under the hypnotic
influence of Maq Stanley and will not be interruptMaq by this time, has become very efficient
in all of his old arts of music, literature, and hypnotism and he now seems to be testing his abilities in
the latter.
But this vision fades away before my eyes, and I
am brought back to the present time by the tinkling
sound of the town clock as it strikes the hour of five
and I realize that, for the last half hour, I have
been gazing at a large red sign, intermingling the
future history of the graduating class of 1907 with
its bold letters, which spell the mystic word

S POON, spoon, spoon,
From early eve till late,
A man and maid
Sat in the shade
Sealing their common fate.
"And the moon rose over the city
Behind the dark church tower"
And they agreed it was a pity
That it was so late an hour,
But regardless of the time of night
And heedless of their doom
They both continued with all their might
To spoon, spoon, spoon.
—And they're "spooning" yet.
E. J.



LLE I N, allein doch nicht allein—
Allein mit seinem Schatz
Zwei Augen, wie die Sternlein
Zwei Armen urn den Hals
Zwei Lippen auf den seinen
Bis Kussen macht sie stumm,
Und nacher immer weinen
Es ware nur ein' Traum.



0 OUR friends and neighbors, whose interest in us has ever spurred us on to do our
best; to our parents whose love and aid have
made possible our High school education; and to our
teachers whose influence and assistance and co-operation have led us to adopt worthier ambitions and to
strive toward higher ideals, we extend the heartiest
greetings to this, the Commencement of the class of
It is in truth a commencement, for we are no longer boys and girls, sheltered, cared for, and watched
over, but young men and women about to take our allotted places in the world of hard, practical fact
where each one must carve out his own niche and
rely for strength not on his neighbor but on himself. All this is hard for us to realize, for the end
of schooldays seems just now to be the end of almost everything, so long has the school been our lit-

tie world, and school interests our deepest interests.
When, four years ago, we entered the High school
to begin our careers there, and looked forward with
longing and anticipation to this very occasion, it
seemed far, far off in the dim uncertain future, a
goal which would be reached after a long time, after
much striving and many difficulties; but tonight,
as we look back, it seems but a day since the doors
of the schoolhouse first opened to admit us, wondering and not a little frightened, and we took up the
tasks which we have pursued since then. They have
sometimes been hard and we often grew discouraged
and down-hearted, but soon our natural, youthful
light-heartedness and courage would rise again and
all would be well. Although the years seem to have
passed swiftly, they have left their impressions upon us and their events and influences have had a
great part'in moulding our characters. We cannot

help but stop to think, "What have these four years
meant to us? How have they helped prepare us better to take our place in life? What have we gained
from them ?"
Naturally, the first thing that comes to our minds
is the knowledge that we have obtained from our
books. Through our research, reading, and study of
mathematics,science, the laws of the physical universe, the world's history, literature, and languages,
our views have been broadened and we have attained
a wider scope of vision. While reading the greatest.
products of the human intellect and studying the
noblest characters the world has known, we could
not help but almost unconsciously take lessons from
their lives for ourselves arid profit by them.
However, although these advantages aro inestimable and have profited us much, we have gained other
things which are of as much value, if not more. Our
constant association with the other pupils has served
to give us a keener insight into human nature, to
teach us to distinguish between mere show and pretense and real honest worth. In a measure, it has
rubbed off the sharp edges and toned down the crudeness of our characters, brought us self-control and
self-reliance, making us think less of ourselves and
more of others. Thus it has strengthened us and

made us more fit to accomplish our various missions in life.
We have gained another thing of which we can
never estimate the true value, our friendships. Although these school friends may, in a short time,
pass from our view, we can never forget them or the
impressions they have made upon us. We have
learned to honor the noble traits in the characters
about us, to love the sweet, unselfish, and gentle, to
admire the generous, high-minded, and honorable.
After four years of almost daily intercourse, we
have grown to know each other in a way that it may
never be possible to know other friends. We have
experienced pleasure and happiness together, elation
and pride in our victories as a class and as a part of
the High school, and we have been drawn together
through sorrow in the loss of two of our best loved
classmates. Thus through these common experiences of joy and grief we have been brought. together, joined by bonds which can never be broken; we
have been made more ,,ympathetic, a little more unselfish, a little better able to aid others in carrying
their burdens. So, although we may soon be separated, the influence and impressions these friendships have made upon our characters can never be
effaced and in future years, the remembrance of

therm will 1w a pleasure and an inspiration.
There is still another thing that we have gained—
worthier ambitions and higher ideals. These at first
thought may seem to be of less value than our other
attainments, but in reality they have the greatest
worth of all. We have learned to look above the
common, sordid things of life and to see the beautiful, the noble. We desire to make the best of ourselves, to develop the talents the Creator has given
us, not only for our own satisfaction and betterment but for that of our fellow creatures. Someone
may say, "Is all this worth while?" It can truly be
answered that this is the one thing worth while in
life. All others are subordinate. Is it not this desire of man to better not alone himself but others too,
that raises him above his naturally base and selfish

Is it not for this that we receive education and in our younger years are taught and prepared to enter into life? Therefore we may feel satisfaction when we realize that we have almost unconsciously been influenced to adopt these ambitions
and ideals toward which ever to strive.
Again we would express our gratitude and thanks
to those who have made possible for us these four
years, to our parents and the teachers whom we have
learned to respect and honor. In the years now approaching we shall try to repay them, to show them
that they have not helped us in vain, and, as best we
can, to live up to their fondest hopes and expectations for us. Therefore to all those to whom we are
so much indebted, once more, as a class, we extend
the heartiest, sincerest welcome.




LL M EN are created with equal religious
and political rights; all are entitled to a
voice in the government that controls them,
all may enjoy the blessings of life, liberty and equality. To gain the fullest realization of these rights,
and of the pleasures of their concomitant pursuits,
did men first seek American soil. With the precepts
of justice written in their hearts, they founded a nation, the American nation; and these American principles, unaltered and unchanged, have remained the
doctrine of its people.
In the consideration of this sublime subject of
American Principle, in so far as it embraces the common laws of our being, let us take a brief retrospect
of its guiding influences over our forefathers, its
lessons to ourselves, and our duties to our posterity,
as therein taught. Let us exchange our present, sanguine, twentieth-century attitude of facing only the
future, for a careful, thoughtful, backward glance,
which will carry us away from our existing order

and system, with their well organized associations,
to those darker hours immediately preceding the
birth of our nation, and to the perils which so hampered its growth while it was yet in its infancy.
Today we are standing upon ground which two
hundred years ago was being greedily disputed by
several of the leading powers of Europe. The questions then at stake were of great import to us as a
coming people. In this land our adversaries saw vast
commercial opportunities; for ourselves we saw the
possibility of rearing here a government which
should foster human rights and human privileges,
a government "of the people, by the people, and for
the people." We asked nothing for which the constitution of the mother country did not provide, but
Great Britain in the vain glory of her power and
wealth, had ceased to cherish in her bosom, those
principles which she herself held essential for the
healthy growth of a free-thinking people. The Colonists were not the only ones to see that the British

government professed principles far different from
the privileges enjoyed by its subjects. Britain's most
loyal statesmen saw what would be the certain outcome of any general declaration of American principle. They rejoiced when the Colonists resisted,
and in their firm adherence to the original principles of English rule, they applauded the efforts of
their brothers beyond the sea. With Pitt, they saw,
as we did ourselves at a later period" that "a people
so dead to the feelings of liberty as involuntarily to
submit to be slaves, would be fit instruments to make
slaves of the rest."
However, they were unable to help us and our national grievances increased until it became necessary
for us to 'dissolve those political bands" which had
connected us with the mother country, and to declare
to the world "the causes of the separation."
The great impending crisis approached, the moment in which Liberty should assert the might of its
right. The already gray day darkened into night—
s starless night—whose awful darkness witnessed
one of the most serious, most earnest struggles this
old earth has ever suffered. But the sun of a new
day did not delay his coming, and with him came
the vivifying light. This violent disunion had been
but the prognostic of a great social evolution. The

entire mechanism of the nation had passed under a
new dispensation.
A new faction has displaced
the old. As Brougham observed, "After a series of
extraordinary successes—and an uninterrupted display of political wisdom, firmness, and moderation,
they threw off the yoke of the mother country, and
won for themselves a new constitution."
Under the peculiar conditions which existed during its infancy, our nation sprang up with a phenomenal growth as never nation grew before. Within
a few decades she stood forth commanding the respect of kings. She saw the evil of religious legislation and put it down. One by one the relics of feudalism and monarchical rule, which had followed our
forefathers from the land of their childhood, were
abolished, till it seemed that all men were permanently established on one great piano of equality.
For a time our nation grew—she prospered, but in
her prosperity she brought forth—evil. She reared
an institution contrary to her own ideals, which hindered her own growth. This was slavery. And seeing her great mistake, she spilled the blood of
thousands of her freemen, to remove the stain of her
corruption. By this sacrifice was she crowned with
victory—then did she come forth united and prepared to stand.

A new growth set in, a new era ensued. As her
wound healed and her financial condition improved,
there began a development exceeding all former examples of national growth. Knowledge increased,
and as never before "mind" beemee the great lever of
all things. It was the dawning of a new day, a day
both of intellectual and material advancement, a
day of a story such as pen had never told.
Now what have these things meant, and what will
be their ultimate result? The institutions which have
been nurtrued in this country, have enabled man
to approach, nearer than ever before, his final supremacy. During the entire life of our nation, her sons
have maintained the highest ideals possible to a
growing people, the form of government which they
have established has been the most. successful ever
known. Under right guidance, the foundations
which have been laid on their constitutional principle, will stand through countless coming years, supporting the ever-growing edifice, which shall approach nearer and nearer to a grand monumental finish. It shall mark through all ensuing ages, one of
the greatest epochs of this world's history.
However, this rapid growth may prove disastrous.
If the people of the American commonwealth relinquish their rights as their own legislators—if the

people of this nation allow the sacred charges, which
their forefathers have left to them, to slip from their
grasp, and to come under the control of a perhaps
less scrupulous body politic, no one can foretell
what monarchical trend our national affairs may
Our fathers before us sought these shores to escape the power of the tyrant, the monarchism of the
old world. Through their self-sacrificing efforts,
they were instrumental in bringing forth here, a
The duties
new, distinct form of government,
which then devolved upon us have increased with
our national development, and today the exercise of
these changes requires a vigilance never before necessitated in the control of human aflairs.
If we become over arrogant in our present condition, or look too much at the possible glories beyond,
we are in danger of stumbling over the difficulties
which suround us. We must be sober—we must
be moderate, if we would be masters, for in this age
of commercial greed, we may forget the principles
of that sacred Constitution on which our nation
If we, and those that are to follow us, depart
from the rules of justice, violate the laws of human
equity, and forget each other's civic rights, we

know not how soon our Ship of State may be precipitated on the rocks of political and moral corruption.
Rather than this "I have," with Bright, "a far
other and far brighter vision before my gaze. It may
be but a vision, but I will cherish it, I see one vast
confederation stretching from the frozen north in
unbroken line to the glowing south, and from the
wild billows of the Atlantic, westward to the calmer
waters of the Pacific main, and I see one people, and
one law, and one language, and one faith, and over
all the wide continent, the home of Freedom, and a
refuge for the oppressed of every race, and every
el ime."
Now, as never before, in this day of growth of
nations, and when national boundaries are in many
lands so unsettled, it behooves us to use tie greatest precautions in taking any radical step, or in instituting any governmental change, likely to affect
our CO111111011 welfare. The modern political Hellespont abounds in dangers, unparalleled by the difficulties which confronted the ancient seafarer, while the
internal and international problems to be met by an
organized government today, require that every
man shall possess none but the keenest and clearest
conceptions of the right principles of popular government, and to these principles alone can we look

for our guiding beam through any political storm,
which may find us adrift beyond the calm. Though
many mighty nations have gone down before less appaling perplexities, than those through which our
own government has passed—
"Still one great clime in full and free defiance
Yet rears her crest, unconquered and sublime,
Above the far Atlantic."
In our land as in no other have, these principles
been realized; from the first the people of this continent have held the tenets of liberty and equality
in their innermost hearts. They have stood up in
unity and protected their ideals with their life-blood,
and have feared nothing in the maintenance of the
doctrines of their fathers. And now it devolves upon
us to carry forward this great standard of American principle--American principle as it existed in
the hearts of a persecuted few before the discovery
of our continent, the true principles of democratic
government as conceived in the minds of a few simple men before the birth of our nation. Only by the
greatest exertion can we maintain in our union that
liberty with which we are now blessed, and only by
the most conscientious guidance, can we continue to
exist on that high plane, which had made our land
a refuge for exiles from foreign shores, natives of

every race and clime, who come to make this the
home of their adoption and to support its principles
as their own.
As long as civilized man shall be gifted with intellect, as long as he shall possess those conceptions of
right and wrong that distinguish him from the barbarian, he will sustain the government of the people.
We as Americans will rise up in a grand assembly
to proclaim and maintain our constitutional principles. We will support them through times of peace
and times of war, and with the help of the God of
nations, will we make the realization of the princi-

ples of American government the crowning feature
of the civilization of the Twentieth century, for
"Here the spirit of mankind at length
Throws its last fetters off, and who shall place
A limit to the giant's unchained strength
Or curb his swiftness in the forward race ?
Far—like the comet's way through infinite space
Stretches the long untravelled path of light
Into the depths of ages, we may trace
Distant the brightening glory of its flight
Till the receding rays are lost to human sight."



OETHE says: "The man who is ignorant of
foreign languages is ignorant of his own."
The world today does not seem to know
the intrinsic value of language study. In Germany
the sciences are being substituted for Latin and
Greek and even in our own high schools and colleges
these culture studies are slowly giving place to the
more scientific courses of the day. But the student
of the classics can not deny that years of language
study not only to train and discipline the mind, but
facilitate the art of speaking and writing, and also
add culture and refinement.
First, the training and disciplining of the intellectual faculties. In translating a passage from the
original into the English we seek carefully the meaning of each and every line. Any language, ancient,
or modern, must of necessity be studied in a more
exact manner than our own, if the full and correct
meaning be conveyed. The mind becomes sharpened in the perception of general principles, in the

grasping of details, and finally cultivates that habit
of accuracy and refinement which sometime will
be crystallized into character.
The training of the memory is also a benefit derived. There are two distinct functions which the
memory must perform, the accurate memorizing of
details and the retaining of general impressions.
There are times in every person's life when the ability to memorize details accurately is absolutely necessary. This ability is naturally acquired by the word
and form memory, which is an essential part of foreign language work. How often, also do we find
it necessary to retain merely a mental picture of
something. Then when memory makes its demands,
as a result of our training, we shall be able to give a
correct general characterization and perform this
function of the memory work.
There are people who decry the study of languages
such as Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, saying they are
impractical for use in after life. To bo sure they

are never used as such. To use the homely figure,
one may as well argue that the grindstone which
sharpens the axe is an impractical device because
the axe and not it. is used for cutting. So the study
of a language makes us so much the more mentally
keen to cope with the affairs of life.
Advancement in life consists greatly in arguing
one's way to success. This being true one must have
facility in the art of speaking and writing. The
first. requisite is a large and working vocabulary
which is obtained by the daily memorizing and using of words with their definitions. Not only do we
need a broad vocabulary, but also a judicious and
accurate choice of words which is eventually produced by detecting English derivatives, searching
for synonyms with the slightest shade of difference
in meaning, and studying powerful expression. Then
if we apply to the polishing and enriching of our
own diction that carefulness and acuteness which we
are accustomed to employ while studying foreign
languages, we are able to add elegance and finish to
the already distinguishing excellencies, namely,:
strength and variety.
One of the things we are striving for is efficiency
and the truest efficiency is to be found in the cultured. What is culture ? A combination of what we

call education and that inborn regard for our fellow
men, refinement. And what is education ? A training and developing of every faculty we possess, not
intellectual alone but physical and moral as well.
Every nation has three epochs in its progress, the
primitive, the commercial, and the cultured. Is it
not in the last of these that the very best and richest
experiences of a nation's history are obtained ?
Since the languages are the gateway to culture,
let us with efficiency prepare ourselves to enter this
gateway and enjoy what lies beyond. Leigh Hunt
said: "It is books that teach us to refine our pleasures when young." For it is at the age of seventeen
or eighteen that the deepest impressions of life are
made. A written word is the choicest of relics.
Books are the treasured wealth of the world, an intellectual culture which enlightens and broadens the
mind. How much more then should we learn to know
and appreciate the treasures of antiquity, so closely
connected with all the noblest themes of life,—literature, art and poetry. It is here we can learn the
Greek conception of the beautiful and enrich our
minds for a life of high ideals.
As a word is the key to the soul of a person, a
language is the key to the soul of a people. The
language of every nation reveals its characteristics

and its life. The Greek shows delicacy of diction,
beauty of expression, nobleness of thought, euphony
of speech, and nicety of perception. It is rich in
roots, flexible in formation of words, picturesque in
the mode of expressing tliought, and altogether
melodious. Its very antiquity, its intrinsic excellence, its literature, all reflect the harmony and
versatility of the race by whom it is spoken. The
Latin language, vigorous, powerful, ponderous, but
not unwieldly, euphonious but not musical, portrays
the life of the. Romans, that race invincible in war,
intensely practical in daily routine, and made immortal by its law.
One advantage in studying these clauses is that we
are compelled to read them just as they were written,
in the initial language. All the greatest classical
writings have been translated into the modern tongues
but a real and living acquaintance with the ancient
classics and works of art can only be obtained through
the original, the power and beauty of which is lost in
the most excellent translation. The translator with
all his efforts has done little to bring us nearer to the
heroes of antiquity, to give us a better knowledge of
the people, their history, their literatures, for a
translation rarely if ever equals the marvelous beauty
and elegant finish attained by the ancients.

Then let us read the best that literature offers, become acquainted with the classics, and feel that "the
riches of a man does not consist in the abundance
of the things he possesseth," but also in the ability to
understand and appreciate those things that make for
culture and refinement.
We have finished our High school course. Four
years as a class we have worked together, at times
disheartened and discouraged and at other times
enjoying a measure of success. They have been
happy years filled with the most pleasant recollections
and memories our lives may afford. I trust, fellow
students, although the circumstances of life cause us
to separate tonight that we, as a class, in the future,
as in the past, may remain united in thought and
To our instructors, whose helpful guidance and
daily patience have largely made possible for us this
occasion, we owe a deep debt of gratitude. To the
members of the class of 1907 the time has come to
say farewell.
"We should never speak that word "Farewell"
But with an utterance faint and broken,
A heart-sick yearning for the time,
When it shall nevermore be spoken."





HE morning grew warm and it was with a sigh
or relief that I dismounted and after securing my horse, seated myself on a rustic bench
between the road and bay shore, where the cool
breezes from the water could play on me. Across
the road and on a slight elevation stood a large white
house, overlooking the water. It was, perhaps, nearly
an hour that I sat here dozing and dreaming, when a
man came walking up the road from town. He was

a middle aged man and walked with a peculiar roll.
As he approached I noticed that he was gazing intently at the house across the way and it was not
until a movement of my horse attracted his attention
that he became aware of my presence.
"Good morning," he said with a good natured
smile ; "Could I bother you for a match ? Ah, thanks.
Any objections to my sitting down and resting ?"
Being favorably impressed with the fellow I made

room for him beside me on the bench. Discussing
the weather and the country the conversation ran on
smoothly for some time.
"Did you ever hear the story of the house back
of us I" he asked.
I answered that I had not and expressed a willingness to listen to it.
"Well it's rather a pathetic little thing, but if
you're willing to listen, I'll tell it. It seems that
the house was built by an old sea captain well known
around here as Old Captain Tom. He had sailed on
salt water, but the voyages were too long and kept
him away from his home too much, so he brought his
small family, a wife, son and • daughter to Chicago,
where he took command of the "Old City of Traverse" plying between Chicago and this city. Later
he built this house and moved his family up here.
Good investments had made the old captain independently rich, but he wasn't quite ready to give up
his ship to his son, Young Captain Tom, who was
now his father's first officer. Many people wondered
why he preferred this quiet little place to the Windy
City, for there he owned a mansion on one of the best
residence streets in Chicago, but those who knew him
knew that he who had fought the lake for days at a
time and in its worst. mood and had ever proven him-

self to be it's master, wanted to live in peace as it's
friend when through sailing on it.
Every time the boat reached the dock the captain
superintended the unloading of it and then leaving
the second officer in charge, he and young Tom would
drive out here at any time of the. night or day and in
the worst storms. Finally the time came when the
old captain gave up his ship to his son and came to
this place to spend the rest of his days. Tie failed
fast and for years lay in that room on the beach—the
one on the north side—listening to the surf pound
and boom on the beach. It was the sweetest music his
ears had ever listened to for he loved the water, and
particularly this beautiful bay, and many a time
when "The City" rounded the light at Cathead Point,
I have heard him say, "Tom, I know every light from
the Straits down, but when I see this light and round
her I feel as if I were sailing into my own back
The stranger paused and gazed off beyond the
island to where Cathead Point stood out into the
lake. Far away, standing out between the island and
the point a large schooner was slipping along with
all sails set and nearer us a small sailing canoe was
darting back and forth like a swallow.
"Up in that north room overlooking the sparkling

water of the bay the old captain lay dying." The
stranger was speaking again. "Beside his bed his
family kept careful watch waiting for some signs of
returning consciousness. Young Tom, bronzed by
wind and sun was by his father's side and beneath
his gruff, sailor's manners his heart was touched and
softened. The old captain's breathing became easier
but less deep. Suddenly his eyelids flickered and
"Is all right on the dock Tom ?" he asked.
"Aye, Aye, sir," came the prompt but soft answer.
"Then cast off her lines." The eyelids flickered
again but now they closed. In a little lilac bush
near the window a robin piped a few soft notes and
the ship of life which bore the soul of Old Captain
Tom slipped her moorings, dropped quietly down

with the tide and was soon lost to view in the mists
which enveloped that great sea separating us from
the golden hereafter. "
There were tears in the eyes of the old man when
he ceased speaking and I dare say that mine were
somewhat. moist. We sat silently until a farmer's
wagon came lumbering along. When the driver saw
my friend he pulled up short.
"Hello, hello Captain Tom. Glad to see you again.
Came out to see the old place, eh ? Well if you're
going back to town jump in and I'll give you a lift."
The captain jumped in and turning, called out,
'The next time you come to Chicago, look me up at
the Graham and Morton docks," and the wagon jolted around a curve in the road.




What is there in this dreary world more
When with this weary struggle we are spent
And cringe beneath some towering element
That bears us down, than to have near
A friend.
A friend—
Ah ! memories of a life long role,
Of childhood's happy hours and days of youth,
When we took every omen for a truth,
And greeted every other living soul—
A friend.
A friend.
As children we did count as friends
All creatures, whether great or whether small,
Because in simple faith we loved them all,
And sought for every furtherance of our ends—
Some friend.

A friend—
When mid discouragements of older years
Hard worn with labored battles of our' strife,
We feel the tedious lingering of our life,
Ah ! blessed thought to have who'll share our tears—
A friend.
A friend.
When we approach that last embracing rest,
And earthly things begin to fade away,
We feel in death the victory of the day,
And render our last prayer unto the best
Of friends.
The friend
Who trod this weary path long years alone
And came, His life and all in all to give,
Who died that such as we through Him might live
And now awaits us in His glory home—
A friend.



HE day dawned,—and such a day ! The sun
rose round and red in the eastern sky, turning soon to a ball of gold that rapidly
diminished in size until it appeared normal. It was
the day of the great Interscholastic Track Meet. At
an early hour a great throng of people from the
country round about set out toward the Athletic Park
located in the center of a vast oak grove near the
outskirts of the beautiful little city of Fairview.
People on foot and in carriages came pouring in; the
roads were lined with conveyances, while walks were
overcrowded with pedestrians.
Along a winding path in the oak grove, a merry
couple strolled toward the gates of the athletic park.
Both were young and the pleasures of a happy school
life were very evident about the countenances of each.
Sometimes they danced gaily along the path; sometimes they paused to note the twittering of song
birds; sometimes they walked sedately, with the
girl's hand lightly resting on the young man's arm.

The maiden, a trim neat little figure, was not over
sixteen years old, and decidedly pretty. She had
dark eyes and a sweet mouth. The bright sun sparkling in her fluffy hair, and a pleasant smile made
her appear more beautiful than ever.
As the two came in sight of the big gates of the
athletic park, she looked up at the youth, and said in
a sweet voice, "Harry, you listen here! You've beaten most men on the start; those you haven't, you've
tied at the two-twenty; and the rest you've done up
at the finish."
"It is truly kind of you to say that, Alice," answered the young man, "but this new fellow from
Orangeville is another sort. If I beat him out, I have
got to do all this; I've got to jump him on the
pistol; I've got to break his heart at the two-twenty;
and I've got. to run him off his feet at the tape, besides—"
"But, Harry, I feel sure you can do all this and
more too. Remember, I shall be watching and,—

and oh, how joyful I'll be if you win that race!
Here we are at the gates now. You must go directly
to your dressing room. Remember! I'll be watching."
Thus they parted.
Harry Cosgrove represented the Fairview High
school in the quarter mile. He made the team in his
Freshman year as a long distance runner. The
trained eye of the coach soon noticed that he was
obviously born a sprinter, hence in his Junior year
he began training for the dashes, especially the
His event was the first on the program and he
had no sooner received a good rub-down than the
"last call for the 440 !" was made. Amid a wild
shout of cheers, the contestants ran onto the field.
Every fellow was the picture of perfect health, and all
seemed in excellent condition for the coming test of
prysieal endurance and skill.
Cosgrove was among the stalwart athletes. He was
indeed a splendidly built fellow, clean cut as a race
horse, yet beneath his fair skin played muscles of
steel. He had fine shoulders and a well developed
pair of arms. His legs were symmetrical and suggestive of strength. His waist was small. His neck

swelled at the base, rising into a splendid column
that was surmounted by a finely formed head.
As the fellows trotted around the track to the
starting point, the Fairview rooters gave a mighty
"Rah ! Rah ! Rah!
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Cosgrove !"
At that yell a pair of rosy cheeks in the grand
stand blushed, a heart. fluttered and felt a thrill of
The lad did not hear the yell. His eyes were
searching the grand stand. Soon he saw those blushing cheeks and a large pennant waving toward him.
"She is watching," he said, "and I must win!"
"On your marks !" shouted the starter, and ten
eager athletes sought their respective positions.
"Get set !"
Ten lithe forms crouched like so many panthers,
ready to spring upon their prey. Several thousands
of spectators across the field at the finish tape, held
their breaths as the tense excitement of the moment
shot through their bodies.

"Crack !" sounded the starter's pistol.
Ten clean limbed, lithe, determined young sprinters leaped away at the report. The 440 was on !
The start made by Cosgrove attracted the attention of all. The rooters cheered as they never
cheered before. When the pistol spoke, Cosgrove
seemed to shoot ahead at full speed on the very first
stride, Over the first hundred yards he led easily.
The others followed closely ! Soon the terrific pace
began to tell on those muscles of steel. He was not
reserving his strength for the final spurt.
At the two-twenty mark, Clark, the Orangeville
sprinter, drew up alongside and passed Cosgrove,
whose legs were growing stiff from the exertion. A
groan escaped from the rooters as Taylor of Glendale,
passed him at the two hundred mark. Still the Fairview lad spurted on as best he could.
At the one hundred seventy-five mark Cosgrove
took a brace. He realized that others were at his
heels and inch by inch he began to eat up the distance between himself and the two ahead of him.
He was not out of the race by any means! His
stride became more free and easy; he was covering
the ground far faster than he appeared to be. The
crowd began to grow excited again. Within one

hundred yards of the tape he passed Taylor.
Clark was now about eight yards ahead of Cosgrove. Something then happened that aroused the
crowd to a still wilder excitement, for Clark seemed
to pull open the throttle and put on a full head of
steam. But something else was happening! Harry
let himself out, and was doing his best. Gradually he
crept toward Clark.
`Cosgrove is in this race !"
"Look at him,—just look !"
"But he can't win. I t's Clark !"
"It's Clark ! Rah for Clark !"
In truth, it seemed as though Clark wotjld reach
the tape before the swiftly approaching Cosgrove
could pass him. But Cosgrove was making an amazing dash. He judged every stride perfectly and began to exert himself in an almost super-human effort.
He knew what it meant if he won ; he knew Alice
Carver was watching him with straining eyes and
wildly beating heart. He knew his friends were
It was the Fairview yell that reached his ears.
Yes, they were all watching. They expected him
to win ; they were confident he would win. They
were cheering! Cosgrove's eyes were fastened on the

back of (lark. lie must now close the distance
between them.
Could he do it?
Never in all his life had he exerted himself more.
Tie summoned all his strength and fairly flew. The
spectators grew mad with wonder and excitement as
Harry, straining every nerve, closed the gap and overtook the sprinter of Orangeville.
Forty yards more!
Could he pass Clark before reaching the tape ?
He knew now the slightest faltering would mean
disaster, the slightest relaxing, defeat, when victory
was within his grasp.
The emotions of Clark cannot be described. Envy
rose and burned like fire within him. He had

believed himself invincible. He flung back his head,
and, unconsciously, brought up his hands and pressed
them to his breast. This was the worst thing he
could have done. His fists were clenched, his teeth
were set, his eyes were glaring. He faltered for an
instant ,which broke his perfect stride.
It was Harry's only chance!
He took it and,—won the race, hitting the tape
just two feet ahead of his opponent.
That evening he was called to the telephone and a
familiar sweet voice said, "Oh, I knew you cold do
it, Harry!"
"Yes," replied the lad, "I did it, but why ? Can
you guess ?"



0 SCAR Amtsbuechler—Alice where art thou
going ?
John Bauman—When the Whip-poor Will
Sings, Pearl.
Don Bennett—I Didn't Think He'd Do it (But He
Esther Benson—Polly Prim.
Florence Bissell—Please Come and Play in My
Eva Boon—Friends That Are Good and True.
Chas. Bracken—Will the Angels Let Me Play ?
Don Cameron—Loving Words Sound Pretty Good
to Me.
Laura Cavis—My Lady Laughter.
Chas. Chervenka—The Halfback.
Glen Codman—I'm Trying So Hard to Forget
Heiman Coplan—Life's a Funny Proposition.
Carrie Cox—Still as the Night.

Joe Davis—A Little Child Shall Lead Them.
Olive Dobson—Her Bright Smile.
Lawson Evans—Waltz Me Around Again
Ed Fellers—"Cupid" is Captain of the Army.
Charlotte Friedrich—Love is a Bubble.
Louise Hale—Keep on the Sunny Side.
Lars Hockstad—Pm Trying to Find a Sweetheart.
Mary Hurley—Mary's a Grand Old Name.
Elbe Johnson—Meditation.
Al ice Kyselka —I Want What I Want When I
Want it.
GailLangworthy —I Want a Man Made to Order
Annette Lardie—Just for Fun.
Lena Lardie—Waiting at the "Church."
Minnie Laycock—Let Me See You Smile.
Art Lederle—Wait Till the Sun Shines, Nellie.


Vencel Ludka—On the Banks of the Rhine With
a Stein.
Lola Lutman—Never a Care Have I.
Ruth Merrifield—Only Wait a Year or Two.
Ernest Miller—Hello, Central, Give Me Kalamazoo.
Frank McIntosh—The Bashful Bachelor.
Arletta McManus—Somebody Has My Heart.
Maude McMichael—Just Maud.
Alice Nelson—Little Girl, You'll Do.
Lucius Patehin—Moonlight Capers.
Irene Pohoral—Won't You Be My Lovey Dovey ?
Omar Roosa—Are You a Single Man or are You
Married ?
Eunice Rosser—Just a Little Rocking Chair and

Ruby Shilson—Tell Me, Ruby, Will You Be
True ?
Corinne Silvers—A Social Dame.
Jay Smith—Happy Heinie.
Helen Thurtell—Won't You Fondle Me?
Minnie Votruba—Nobody Has More Trouble
Than Me.
Robert Walker—He Ought to Have a Tablet in
the Hall of Fame.
Helen Walter—How Would You Like to be My
Beau ?
John Wonzer—I've Got a Little Money and I've
Saved it, Love, for You.
Vera Wynkoop—He's a Jolly Good Feller.
Maq Stanley—All Through the Night.



ur are to be commended for publishing an
Annual. The Alumni feel that it will mean
much to you in later days, this tangible evidence of your enterprise. We wish you well. May
your ambitions be attained ; may health and strength
be yours, and may you go on to achievement, for your
success will be ours.
As the enthusiasm of the victory stretches beyond
the field and the High school walls and inspires one
who loves his Alma Mater wherever he may be, so
your success in life and the realization of your high
ideqls will be an inspiration to the Alumni. I understand that yours is a class rich in friendship. If
tie Alumni would impress upon your minds one
thing more than another, it is to treasure your school
friendships. Probably our success in life is influenced more by our friendships than by any other one
thite-. Frean them Ave draw our inspirations. By
sharing our success and our pleasures with our
friends we increase our joy. By bearing our burdens with us they decrease our sorrows. To our

friends we look for counsel and guidance in the perplexing problems of life.
One of the advantages of smaller institutions of
learning over great. universities is that the students
mire into personal contact with their instructors and
lasting friendships are formed which are an inspiration and a help all through life. Probably more
tree and lasting friendships are formed in our
school days than at. any other time in life. There is
in such friendships less of the mercenary.
The basis of our school day friendship is what we
are. Too often in social life and in the business
world it is what we have or what, we can do for ourselves. It. is well for us that at least in the common
and high schools of our country there is an equality
—the equality of worth, of what we are, of what we
can accomplish. Ilere the heir to millions and the
son of the fruit vender, the bootblack, and the
judge's son sit side by side. To the schools and the
spirit. which they engender we must look for the safe
guarding of our Republican institutions. No royalty

here but the royalty of worth and achievement. In
other countries the lines are sharply drawn, but democratic young America grasps in congratulation the
hand of him who wins, whether it be the son of the
merchant, prince or the poor boy working his way
through school.
Our school days are probably the happiest days
el our life. We may sometimes think that we are
having a pretty hard time, but there is less of the
care and responsibility which the active duties of life
bring. Let us enjoy the happiness and associations
of school life while we may, because the stern duties
of life will be ours soon enough. Then, honor, position, influenee may be ours, but the time will come
when we may need and can depend only upon the
friends of our youth. In times of trial, and we cannet expect that all will he smooth sailing, we shall
have to breast. the storms of life, and before we reach
that. Port. where friendships never cease, we shall
need the assistance and comfort that true friends
alone can give.
Many friends may be yours if success attends your
efforts and prosperity shall smile upon you—buttertly friends, who flit away when the winds of adversity come. Sometimes we are disappointed in the
friendships and the friends of our school days and

our youth, but the man who purposely forgets and ignores you because he has been able to accumulate
more of the riches of this world than you, while
you have earned an honest living, is not worthy of
your friendship.
Life may and does bring many cares and trials, but
the sorrow and the trials of life are more than balanced by its rich and lasting friendships. It is in
need that we have the friend indeed.
Let us not forget the school friend who has had
to drop out by the way because of circumstances over
which he or she has had no control. There are
many whom the pages of history delight to honor,
who have achieved less, sacrificed less in their sphere
than some in the quiet home. It may be the daughter
who desires to secure a high school, collegiate, or
business education, but because of her brothers, there
are two of them and she feels that two are more than
one; she sacrifices it all and giving up her cherished
plans and ambitions, works at home that her brothers
may have the privileges which she herself so much
desires. It may be a son who is called upon to take
a father's place and keep the little family together
tinder the mother's care, for he feels that there is no
care like a mother's, and that the calm, pure life,
the inspiration and the thorough foundation of


honesty and true manhood which they will get from
the mother will mean more than anything else to
them. These you can cheer and it may be that later,
circumstances may enable them to secure the education they so much desire. It may be that illness has
for the time being caused some to leave the school
room. They have not been able to return to their
duties as soon as they have planned, discouragement
may have come to them, and they may not now be
making the efforts which they might were they inspired to do more. A letter from you may renew
the old desire, fire the thirst for knowledge, and redouble their efforts to secure the education so essen- •
tial to their success, and which will enable them to
accomplish more for their fellow men.
No matter what may be our position later in life,
school friendships will mean much to us, and
whether our choice of occupation or our achievements take us to the great city, or to the village or
farm or to the high office of trust and responsibility,
our school friendships will always be dear to us.
Short, was the time which Lincoln had in school, not
more than a year in all, yet in that time he formed
friendships which he must have treasured. One of
his old playmates and so-called "A B C" school
friends, who died in Hodgenville in Kentucky, only

four years ago, took pride_ to the last in exhibiting
several letters from the President urging the old
time friend to pay a visit to the White House, but
unfortunately circumstances never accorded this
privilege to the good old friend. Certain it is that
the great President never forgot his first home nor
his early school days in Kentucky short though they
were, nor lost his love for them.
The friendships of school days may mean much
to us in other ways. It is not only in the pages of
fiction that the young man has been given an exceptional opportunity because his father was a friend of
his employer, who sees in the son the qualities which
endeared the father to him. It very often occurs in
How we should strive to "make
actual life.
good" not only that we may not disappoint our
own school friends, but the friends and schoolmates of our parents whom we may be sure arc
watching us and are interested in our success even
more than we realize.
It is in our school days too that we make our acquaintances with history and literature, and all the
good and great men and women that the world has
known. Their lives, the very best that is in them, is
given us in their works. We here form habits of
reading and research, and all the great and good of

past. times may be our friends if we will but make
them so.
A man is known by his friendships, whether they
are school; social or of the business world, or whether
it be his friendships of the study. The business man
seeing you habitually in the company of those not
noted for industry or for holding a position, naturally thinks that you are not much given to work, or
are of the same stripe. Your friends and your employer know, too, whether you make friends of your
books. The employer that you want to work for
takes notice of all these things, and upon the fact of
how he finds them and your resultant increase in
value, because you do take the right advantage of
your friendships and books and opportunities, depends your advancement.
Think of the hosts which are coming forth from
our schools and colleges—more efficient will they be
than the standing armies of Europe. 'Tis the army
of the Republic, to fight its battles for good Government, and defend its valor upon land and sea if need
be, making possible the land of Friendship and
Brotherly Love.
We need never fear for the future of our Republic
while there continues to go forth from our schools
and colleges this loyal band, liberty-loving, unselfish, try for the positions of life, but loyal to each
other and dedicated to a "square deal."
"Fortify your life with many friendships."
Make new friends, but do not neglect your sduuol
friends. Do not forget the old friendships.
As Bryant says:
"Break not an ancient friendship,
Keep it hale;
Stir around its roots, that it be green of heart;
Let not the spirit of its youth depart.
It is a power to brave the strongest gale."
In later years when you take from your book case
this treasured record of the past and turn its leaves,
it will remind you of associations that are tender
and reminiscences that are. rich ; and in whatever
avocation or trade or profession you may be, do not
forget the interests of your Alma Mater.
You will very materially increase the large and
rapidly growing body of alumni. Yours is the largest class that has ever graduated from the Traverse
City High School. Do what you can to have the
old interest reassert itself and to bring about the time
when we as Alumni will have an annual function in
keeping with the school work.

HE Fifth District oratorical contest was held at Reed City, Friday evening, April 12,
1907. Eight schools were represented, namely, Reed City, Frankfort., Shelby, Cheboygan, Harts Cadillac, Gaylord and Traverse City. The contest was one of the
best ever held in this district, and every speaker showed exceptional talent.
"The Lower Lights," the oration written and delivered by Oscar E. Amtsbuechler as the
representative of the local High school, drew third place in the contest. This shows considerable work on the part of Mr. Amtsbuechler, as it was only a few weeks before, that lie
decided to enter the contest. The fact that he took third place in the contest is good evidence' of his ability. This is the first time that our II igh school has ever been represented,
and the result should be encouraging to those who in the future represent our school in
these contests.
Mr. 0. E. Amtsbuechler was accompanied to Reed City by Professor Wiley, his critic on
composition and delivery.
"The Supremacy of Mankind," by Mr. Stanley Coors of Shelby, took first place, and
"Child Labor Reform," by Miss Ione Mitchell took second.
The judges on thought and composition were, Professors John Kelly and Lucy. A. Sloan
of Mt. Pleasant, and Principal C. G. Wade of Flint. The judges on delivery were Principal W. N. Ferris and Professor J. L. Felton of Big Rapids, and Superintendent R. S.
:Tosenhans of Manton.




T THE present day American society is composed of three classes; the very poor ; the
large middle class; and the aristocracy of
wealth. Throughout history, the record of events
in past centuries reveal the records of men ; men
who stand forth as beacon lights in the avenues of
time : men who threw the javelin at Marathon :
hurled the spear at Agincourt, and clashed the sword
at Waterloo. It is the men of the middle class who
have been predominant, and it is from their ranks
that step forth the men of genius, men of originality,
and men of self-reliance; men who have dared to do,
and say, what is right and just, thus bringing about a
higher civilization..
Turn back, if you will, the pages of history and
determine upon what the basis of government rests.
The laws that were gathered together by Moses, have
stamped their imprint upon future generations. They
have opened blind eyes and deaf ears. They have
given to Caesar, Justinian, and Napoleon those constitutional principles which have enlightened the

world and have caused the mighty throng of common
people, who were under oppression, to rise up and
assert their rights in accordance with those principles.
England, in the thirteenth century, led the world
in this respect. Was not the Great Charter precious
to her people? How they have. clung to the rights,
which it gave them, as a warrant to their safe-guard
and their liberties! How they have willingly sacrificed their lives to prove that might is not right, and
supreme power lies not with one man! It was the
common people, who forced the tyrannical kings to
renew and confirm its provisions, and swear solemnly
to observe that sacred document.
France, in the sixteenth century, was a land of
confusion and strife, due to the struggle of the
nobility for a world Empire. But the nobility did
not control France. It was the common people, who
were the back-bone of that nation. To them, and to
them only, could the Grand Monarch turn for aid
to build his magnificent courts, and carry on his
countless wars, and when the life-blood—the wealth

of the country— was sapped out, France lay desolate
and bleeding at the feet of Europe.
Not to Europe alone did personal liberty prevail.
It sought the confines of the forest, the hamlet, and
the town of our America. The people and statesmen
on our 'own Atlantic coast were laying the foundation
of tHeirlittle
colony deep and strong enough for an
Empire. _Hancock, Otis, Adams, Franklin and
Henry, those men who builded better than they knew,
were conducting for 4, common people that great debate by Thigh the Revolution was assured, before
the firSt.glin vas fired, "which was heard around the
world." But the Revolution itself was yet to be
fought. All depended upon these common people.
They were to make the armies, control social life,
and guide 'the destinies of a nation.
And finally,
the demands ,of, the people were fulfilled by the
unanimous adoption of, that bond, "The Declaration
of Independenee,"7hich is and should be held sacred
by.every American citizen.
Now it is from the common people that this
glorious nation has taken her heroes, heroes who are
the brain and brawn of modern times. Here we find
men who have not only worked for riches,but also for
the benefit and welfare of a nation. Our greatest

statesmen, inventors and mechanics have risen from
humble parentage. Daniel Webster, a world-famed
orator, stood firm in the cause of the "Union." This
man has become an ideal to many of the people, because self-aggrandizement and glory was not his aim.
He labored zealously to make and preserve "Liberty
and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable."
Our sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln, whose
name is recorded in history, sculptured in marble,
enshrined in the hearts of his countrymen, and whose
memoirs will live as long as mankind, is a type of
man who has reached the citadel of fame through
determined effort and perseverance.
He was the
father of the slaves and the guardian of his country.
From the commonest laborer he arose step by step,
filling each position as if his life depended upon it,
until he reached the highest position that his country
could give—the presidency of the United States.
Thus the rail-splitter of Kentucky and Illinois, becomes the "First American."
Likewise some of the greatest inventive geniuses
owe their allegiance to the middle class. Thomas
A. Edison, the greatest inventor of the present
century has worked his way up the ladder of prominence. From a newspaper boy he climbed upward

until today he stands shoulder to shoulder with any
of the eminent men. He has not become great in the
twinkling of an eye but through long, and hard
laborious effort and tenacity. His work is as large
as his country and as enduring as time. He is fulfilling a mission for which he has evidently been
chosen by the Supreme will.
This is the place that the common people of our
country today hold ; they are the corner stone of our
country's foundation. The perpetuity and progress
of this nation depend upon the development of the
middle class.
The agriculturist in his routine holds a position of
great importance. Ever since the landing on American shores he has toiled and endured more than a
king who wields a scepter and sways an Empire. He
has fought against tyranny and monarchy; he has
sown peace and liberty about him. With unceasing
diligence he has pushed his way westward. He has
changed the abodes of beasts and savages into beautiful sites and dwellings for men. From the Atlantic
to the Pacific he has transformed vast tracts of forest
into fields of waving grain and sunny pastures. And
today under our own form of government, he stands
supreme, possessing that priceless gift, personal liber-

ty. Today the agriculturist is the leader in the industries. So remarkably has he advanced in the
ranks of men that now he could control and command
the tide of affairs for he produces the articles necessary for existence of the human ram. Thus he becomes a strong link in a powerful chain of producers
and consumers.
The foreman of a mill or factory is not the most important figure. It is the man at the planer; the man
at the lever; the man standing at the anvil, who has
attained a high degree of excellence in performing
his work satisfactorily who turns the wheels of progress. Day after day, these men can be seen going
to their work, to toil through long weary hours; yet
occupying an important position amid human activities. And when the labors of the day have ended,
they return home, their faces covered with dust and
lint; some distressed, others happy; not realizing
that they have accomplished something for the benefit of humanity.
Of no less importance is the merchant, the great
factor in commercial life. He is the axis of businekss.
The products of the soil and of the factories are sent
throughout the world by him. As an honest citizen
he transacts business between two of his fellow-men;

thus becoming the connecting link between man and
man, locality and locality, nation and nation.
From this class there has come yet another important character, the soldier. Whoever has been willing
to leave home and friends and sacrifice his own life,
is worthy of our praise. He has taken up arms in the
cause of his country. He has taken stand behind the
guns awaiting the signal for the onset. Instead of
enjoying the pleasures and comforts at home, he has
chosen the din and havoc of war. For the sake of his
country; for the sake of his dear people, rich or
poor, he has been willing to lay his life upon the
altar of freedom.

Now who is the man, who makes kings and
potentates bow ? Who is the man who rises up today
and causes the world to respect him ? Who is the man
that speaks and all ears are turned ? None other than
he, who represents the people, who works from sunrise till sunset, contributing his achievements to the
world's civilization.
Honer then, to the man with the hoe, at the anvil,
at the desk, and truly can the giver of all good gifts
say, "Well clone thou good and faithful servant, thou
bast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee
ruler over many."

Died January 12. 1906

Aged 19 Years

Class of 1907
Died October 23. 1906
Class of 1907

Aged 17 Years



"Oh, shut up!" says Annanias,
"Ain't I gone and give a lot?
Sure I give a tenth, and then some,
Nearly half, as like as not."

He and wifey came a hiking
To the temple long ago,
And the High Priest says to 'Nina,
"Come, old boy, cough up the dough."

Say! he was an awful liar,
Hadn't only give a dime;
But the Lor', He was a watching
And He caught 'Nias that time.

"Nov look here," says Annanias,
"I have got to pay my board
And I've dropped all I intend to,
All I really can afford."

So He smote that Annanias,
And his wife, Saphira, too,
And if you don't quit your lying
You can see what's due to you.

"But the Lord," goes on the High Priest.,
"Says you've got to give some more;
Give one tenth of all your doolieks
Or he'll surely make you sore."

So be careful what you tell of,
And don't ever tell a lie,
Unless you are good and ready
And'your mind's made up to die.
L. W. P.

ID you ever hear the story
Of that Annanias guy?
He is gone but not forgotten;
He's the sport that told the lie.


HE High school chorus of alxmt
seventy-five voices has made
great progress this year under
Miss Booker's supervision.
The orchestra consists of ten
pieces, piano, two comets, clarinet,, bass viol and five violins.
All the work this year has been on
sacred music, the chorus having
drilled on the "Gloria," from Mozart',
"Twelfth Mass," "The Pilgrim's
Chorus" from "Tanhauser," Gounod's
and the
"Praise Ye the Father,"
cantata, "Ruth," by A. R. Gaul. The
present to
Teacher of Music in the City Schools. latter, the chorus will
the public in the near future.
From an hour to an hour and a quarter has been devoted to practice
Monday and Wednesday nights of each week and we feel sure that the
Teacher of Draw;ng in City Schools.
public will be well pleased with the rendering of this musical treat.




IIE drawing this year has been carried on at a disadvantage, the
class hours being after school. Our first work was out-of-door
sketching. This work continued as long as the weather permitted. After we were forced to go inside we did mostly copy work with
pen and ink. Some time was also given to perspective drawing. To the
regret of the teacher and scholars we were unable to do any color work,
on account of the late hour of the drawing class. Before Christmas we
also did a great deal of drawing from objects. The work of the first
semester was ver: i,,teresting, and the pupils were sorry when the
time came to give •it up for mechanical drawing_ The work required
much more time, but it was of such a practical nature that the students
did not lose interest.
The Mph School should have a reT.ular graded course in drawing.
As it is now, the same line of work is followed each year, hence little
advancement can be made in the subject. In many High Schools
drawing is or a par with other subjects and a special room is set aside for
ruom pt.
it. If this school had such a course, the pupils would be able to develop their talent for art.
Art should be encouraged. There is in art a strain of the beautiful—that which is uplifting
in its influence.
Keats once said in immortal verse—
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."
It is to be hoped that in the near future drawing will occupy its proper place in the High School course.
The rapid progress made during the past year is due to the earnestwork of Miss Pratt, the teacher, through
whose untiring effort the drawing work has been so interesting and successful.


• -7-7-


0 \ E of the most important of the High School courses is the Commercial. It is here that the
pupil many times gets his first ideas of business, and as often his entire business training is confined to the instructions received in this course. The tendency of the average course is to draw
the pupil from real complicated problems of the outer world, and to limit him too much to the few subjects
he has chosen in the school. But the Commercial is a departure from conventional ideas as to what should
constitute a High School course and has already proved its worth by qualifying many students for successful careers in the commercial world.
This line of study includes, in addition to the primary essentials, shorthand, thorough instruction in
book-keeping and its accessories, commercial law, arithmetic, and penmanship.
These with the addition of
English, which is required form a nucleus around which the other factor of success, experience, will gather
to form that perfect whole, the successful business man.
Much of the success of this course may be credited to the ceaseless energies of Mr. Ruggles. He has
raised the standard of the department and aroused the interest of his pupils to an extent that could bespeak
nothing but success to his students.



Copywronged by "SPOOCH" MILLER

ESSAH, wat's de use ob me
Learnin"Rifmatik ?
Can't I count as much as t'ree?
Dat ol"Rifmatick!
I can't study all de night,
By a dingy candle light—
I am goin' to squeal and fight,
O'er dat 'Rifmatick.

Deah of 'Fessah, doan get wa'am—
O'er de 'Rifmatick!
Reckon I can't ride de storm,
Ob ol"Rifmatick!
Tell me dat yo' will not-grieve,
When dis chicken sta'ts to leave—
I got sumthun up mah sleeve,
Fo' dat 'Rifmatick!

Truly, 'Fessah, I doan care,
'Bout de 'Rifmatick!
Does yo' want to heap me swear,
At dat 'Rifmatick ?
I kin walk de narrer way,
But dis chile, he will not stay
Where his hair will turn to gray—

Mistah 'Fessah, watch yo' cards.
An' ol"Rifmatick!
I gib yo' mah bes' regards,
So does 'Rifmatick!
Make dem lubbers all lay low—
When de lessons dey doan know.
Ef dey 'sist to pester so,
Teach 'em 'Rifmatick!



HEN we ask what electricty is, we are answered: "a disturbance in the ether." If
we ask how light is transmitted from the
sun to the earth; or what magnetism is, we get the
same mysterious answer to both (Iaerie:3 "ether."
What, then, is this so-called inevitable ether. Indeed,
the science of the twentieth century has reached the
brink of the world of mystery.
Ether is the substance, be it gas or fluid, that permeates everything. It makes the universe a whole.
It utterly disregards the law of impenetrability of
matter and is not only around everything, but sur-

rounds the very molecules of all substances. It has
many qualities that make it seem imponderable. For
instance we cannot conceive of anything being between the molecules of a bar of iron. Yet our
modern scientists say that each molecule is surrounded by ether. Neither can we conceive of anything
as being unable to impede motion. But ether has
not this power. It has the properties of an ideal
gas—in this respect, the premium mobile. Although
it cannot resist motion, ether has the power of transmitting it in the form of light and energy from the
sun, and magnetic influences from the solar bodies.

But what have we arrived at? Do we know, now,
any more as to what ether really is? Some one defines it as a highly rarefied and elastic medium
agitated by perpetual motion. How indefinite this
is! All we can say definitely about it is that it is
the vehicle of light, electric, and magnetic waves;

it permeates all matter, yet is not a vacuum, and we
know only as much as is definitely proven of it.
Nearly all the phenomena of the physical and chemical sciences are attributed to this mysterious, allprevading, baffling substance---ether.



H must admit that perfection is reached
only through development or evolution.
The grand solar system, the wonderful
prod tic( ions of science, great works of literature, did
not any of then► spring forth full grown, as did
Minerva from the head of Jove.
Darwin, Kepler, and LaPlace were not the first
to voice the principles for which they are famous.
The world was not ready for those principles until
they, presented them. Why did not a Shakespeare
appear at the time of Chaucer'? Because the language had not developed enough; had not become fit
for a Shakespeare's use, nor was the age ready for
him. There must be development in everything. La
Place stated in his nebular hypothesis that the celestial world is the result of an evolution. Newton's
discovery, or rather investigation, of the attraction

of gravity was not new. Men had knowledge of it
before. He only developed that knowledge_ Even
in Vergil's writings we find certain elements of the
evolution theory. So we see that Darwin's "Theory
on the Evolution of Man" is not new. It is an outgrowth, the development of many centuries.
Evolution enters into and determines our social
and economic conditions. Greece fell, to be
superseded by Rome, which in time fell, to give place
to the Teutons, and so it has continued down through
time until today we find the Anglo Saxon race "the
race of the world." Grandest of all, the United
States stands above all other nations in nearly every
line of development. She is the survival of the
fittest. Economically, socially, scientifically, and
even in present day literature she stands supreme.




FEW years ago C. E. Tripler invented an
apparatus for the production of liquid air
in large quantities. Before this, air had
been liquified only in small amounts and at great
expense, but by Tripler's device it was produced at
a very small cost and in abundance.
Tripler made use of great pressure, and the compressed air itself to reduce the temperature sufficiently low. The ordinary air was first filtered to free it
from foreign matter, like dust, and then put through
a triple compresser. The enormous pressure of
2,500 pounds to the square inch was applied. Pressure raised the temperature of the air so it was then
passed through a cooler which reduced it to-220 degrees F., the point at which air begins to liquify.
From the cooler the air is passed through a peculiar
valve surrounded by a felt vessel. Some of the compressed air is allowed to escape into this surrounding
cup. It expands and in doing so -necessarily absorbs
heat from the air in the valve. So low does this reduce the temperature—as low as 312 degrees below

zero F.—that the air liquifies and can be drawn
off by a stopcock.
Recently Piscet, a French chemist., devised a much
simpler process. At the Royal Academy of London,
he illustrated his method with a hand pump and a
coiled tube or worm placed in a Dewar tube containing liquid air. He simply pumped air at a pressure
of fifteen pounds through the worm immersed in
liquid air and it came out liquified. This method
requires a small amount of liquid air to begin with,
but when the process is once started, the loss by
evaporation is supplied by a return tube, while the
remaining product is collected either in felt lined
vessels or in double walled glass vessels called Dewar
flasks. The space between the walls of the Dewar
flask is a partial vacuum. Radiant heat will not
pass readily through a vacuum, and hence the liquid
does not immediately turn to a gas again.
Many startling experiments may be performed
with this peculiar bluish liquid. A sponge dipped
into a glass of liquid air explodes the instant it is

lighted. A tea kettle of liquid air boiling on a hot
stove is covered with frost. On removing the kettle
to a cake of ice, the frost disappears but the liquid
continues to boil. If a few ounces of the air be
poured into a thick walled copper tube, a plug
driven firmly in with a hammer will be almost
immediately forced out with great violence. This
illustrates the explosive power of liquid air. A rubber ball placed in the liquid becomes exceedingly
brittle and flies to pieces on being thrown against a
wall. There are innumerable other experiments just
as interesting and surprising that may be performed
with this wonderful liquid.
Liquid air has not yet assumed a very great
practical value, although it can be used to advantage
in several ways. It has been used as a cooling

agent; it may be used as a motive power on account
of its enormous expansion; it is a good explosive for
the same reason. Experiments made to determine
its effect on bacteria, show that it is not a germ destroyer. In the practice of surgery liquid air is used
as a local anaesthetic, the only danger being that the
part subjected may freeze. It has been used in the
treatment of sciatica and neuralgia, relieving the
pain almost immediately. Liquid air gives charcoal
great absorbing power by reducing its temperature.
It is thought that this will enable the chemist to
eliminate, some of the rarer elements, as xenon,
krypton and argon.
Great possibilities may be in store for the liquid,
but that is for the future to prove.

I T was a warm winter night and the ground
covered with a soft snow, gave promise of good
sleighing. The Shilson House was the busy
rendezvous of a large number of Juniors and Seniors
who were going to Silver Lake to have a good time.
Promptly at seven thirty a large sleigh stopped at
the door and in less time than it takes to tell it, was
filled as full as any can of good sardines. Another
sleigh came, and still another, and they started off
with their noisy human freight.
The ride was uneventful except for a few cold feet
and the barking farm dogs along the road. At last
the welcome lights of the pavillion were seen. The
rigs were emptied almost before they stopped and
the place was taken as if by storm. Some huddled
about the stoves while others at once took the floor
and music as a means of getting warm. Besides
dancing, games were indulged in and refreshments
were served.
Early in the morning evidence of fatigue became

apparent, and at about two o'clock, the young folks
again took the sleighs. The return had much of the
romantic element in it. Two of the rigs took the
main road while the third went by way of the old
logging road through the woods. The moon had
gone t., 1-- ,t and as number three emerged from the
little patch of woods into the main road, the
passengers' blood froze within them as they saw
quietly moving down the hill, a long procession of
dark figures. Some were arm in arm, others alone,
some gesticulating wildly and others were seemingly
sad. For a long time those in the sleigh looked on
in silence and awe, but finally someone found nerve
enough to shout. Immediately the long procession
came to a halt and a chorus of almost human voices,
frozen so that they cracked, cried out for aid. The
horses were urged on a little faster and soon came
up with the weird band on the hillside. After much
excited explanation the band made it understood
that rig number two had slipped over an embankment
at the top of the hill, due to the inability of the

driver to handle the horses and
. As there was
no room in number three, the poor Seniors were left
to walk until number two had been righted and
had overtaken them.
About four A. M. Traverse City was aroused from
slumber by the loud shouting of three sleigh-loads
of happy humanity. The lonely policeman on the
corner resumed his beat with a malicious grunt at
being disturbed at such an hour.

0 v THE evening of Feb. 1 s, nearly every
member of the Senior and Junior classes
met at the City Opera House for the annual reception to the teachers. The opera house had
been prettily decorated for this, the most elaborate
event of its kind ever held under the auspices of the
local High School. The colors of both classes and
the dear old "Black and Gold" were used to good
effect for decorating as were also many beautiful
penants. After a well rendered program, dancing
was indulged in until a late hour. Music was furnished by Horst's five-pines orchestra and dainty refreshments were served at Jackson's ice cream

During the noon hour one day in
Davis gave the Senior girls permission to use the
physics laboratory for their annual spread to the
ever hungry boys of the class. This was granted
under the condition that the skeleton be fed what
was left. Many goodies were produced and the
skeleton had prepared a mighty appetite for the leavings. But the naughty sevens ate up everything except the wooden dishes. As none of the eminent
chemists of the class had yet perfected their system
of converting wood fiber into cellulose the poor
skeleton had to go hungry.
On the thirteenth of March, 1907, Eddie Fellers entertained the Physics class by one of the
most death defying, danger deriding, dare-devil
stunts ever witnessed by mortal man. He actually
masticated and consumed one fly.
It was a rainy day early in spring after the snows
of winter had melted and formed a young lake on the
streets and sidewalks. Mr. Nye was carefully picking his way to school over the icy sidewalks. Meeting a couple of Juniors he said, "Good morning.
It's a good day for ducks. Tsn't it?"


ELIGION, morality and knowledge being
necessary to good government and the
happiness of mankind, schools and the
means of education shall forever be encouraged."
Our forefathers struck the keynote of the excuse
for the existence of the whole public school system,
when they incorporated this clause in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. The only reason why the
state has the right to tax all the people for the
benefit of the few who send their pupils to the public
schools is because of the well established fact that
knowledge is necessary to good government
To say that Michigan has followed out this clause
would hardly express the way that she has ever protected and fostered her public school system. From
the management of the smallest district school to
the management of our magnificent University,
Michigan ranks among the foremost. Michigan is
the foremost. But what has she to show as the result
of this fine school system ? It is true that she can
neither be called the mother of the presidents nor
claim to be the home of many prominent statesmen.
But she can claim to be something of vastly greater importance. She can claim to be the home

of many intelligent, patriotic citizens of the United
States and her past history will be sufficient evidence
to prove this assertion.
As our school system develops and as the mode of
teaching becomes more complex we are apt to forget
the original purpose of the public school. This is
particularly true in the cities and especially in the
High Schools where there is very little said concerning patriotism and good government outside of the
history and civics classes. As many of the students
do not take these subjects it is but natural that they
should know but little about our government or the
problems which now confront the nation. It is for
this reason that an organization like the Lewis Cass
debating club is of particular importance in our
High School.
All the members of the debating club do not intend to become politicians, statesmen or orators, but
each and every one of them does expect to become
honest and conscientious citizens of our great republic. As such they must at times take part in deliberative assemblies. It was with this idea in mind
that the debating club was organized.
The club is run under approved parliamentary
rules and each member has an opportunity to act as

chairman at. some of the meetings. Programs are
made out by a committee elected for that purpose.
These programs consist of debates on live up-to-date
topics of general interest., current events, and declamations. In this way the members not only have an
opportunity to discuss important topics in an orderly
way, but also to keep in touch with the progress of
the world through the curent events and have also an
opportunity to study, give and hear delivered, different masterpieces of oratory.
Besides these benefits there is much practical
knowledge to be gained in such a club. There is
probably no stronger argument for the existence of
such a club than the fact that nearly every person
who takes part in such work is more than willing
to say that he has been well repaid for the time
spent there.
May the Lewis Cass Debating club continue to be
as successful in the future as it has since it was
organized two years ago. And may the members become as loyal citizens of the United States and
"Dear Old Michigan" as was the distinguished personage after whom the club has been named.
What was doing in chapel Monday, March 18 ?




HE annual session of the ( 'ircuit Court of the
High School was hold in the assembly room
of the High School on the evening of April
the fifteenth. The case was "The People vs. Lars
Hockstad, forgery." It was alleged that Ilockstad
forged Ernest Miller's name to an order for twentythree cents and presented it to Julius Martinek for
payment. The defense was handled by Elbe Johnson and the prosecution by Arthur Lederle. The
following were chosen for the jury: Prof. Wiley,
Arthur Spencer, Lester Simpson, Robert Foster,
'Harold Jahraus, and Heiman Coplan. After the
evidence was all in, the attorneys made their pleas to
the jury, which were exceptionally good. Oscar
Aintsbuechler in the position of judge cmrried off
the work very well, indeed, and his charge to the
jury was better than many heard in the actual court
room. After the jury had remained out for about
five minutes, they returned and rendered a verdict
of not guilty.
Spiegle discovered that there were pretty girls in
Reed City as well as in East Jordan.



ATE in January East Jordan high School
sent a challenge to our high School for a
joint debate to be held at that place on
February 15. This was referred to the Lewis Cass
Debating Club, that organization being the hub
around which events of . that character centered.
They decided to accept the challenge and chose the
affirmative side of the question as East Jordan stated
it, "Resolved: That President Roosevelt was right
in his attitude on the San Francisco-Japanese school
question, it being granted that it was his intention
to force the San Francisco authorities to allow the
Japanese in the public schools under the same conditions as the white children."
After much preliminary debating in which most
of the members of the debating club and several from
the school competed, a team composed of Vera Wynkoop, Oscar Amtsbueehler and Arthur Lederle was
chosen to represent the school. After much study
on the question and after awakening the skeleton in
the chemical laboratory from his reveries, in rehearsing their speeches, they started for East Jordan accompanied by Mr. Nye.

On arriving at East Jordan they were met at the
depot by several of the teachers and students of that
place and were escorted to their homes where they
were to he entertained. "Judge" Lederle, however,
had fallen in with good company and started off for
somewhere, he didn't seem to care where. All the
lusty yells of Mr. Nye and "Spiegle" and the merry
laughter of the rest of the group did not disturb
"his honor" and he kept strolling along until
"Spiegle" caught lip with him and with a firm grasp
on his shoulders cruelly made the "Judge" realize
that lie was still on earth.
The Lovedav opera house, where the debate was
held was well filled with an interested audience. The
program opened with several musical numbers and
a short address by Mr. Masselink. Mr. Mopus of
East Jordan, acted as chairman and Professor Masselink of Big Rapids, Superintendent Beardsley of
Alba, and Superintendent Kennedy of Boyne Falls,
as judges.
Mr. Lederle opened the debate with a short story
of the question under discussion and also reviewed
Secretary Metealfs report on the same.
Turner, of East Jordan, followed with many
good arguments which seemed to justify the action

of San Flancisco's school board. Mr. Amtsbuechler
on the affirmative next brought out very forcibly the
fact that San Francisco's school board had violated
a national treaty by discriminating between the Japanese and other foreigners, thus making it. the duty
of President. Roosevelt to interfere. Miss McRe , of
East Jordan, then very carefully showed that although there were over forty different provisions in
the treaty referred to, nothing was said concerning
education. Miss Wynkoop of Traverse City, then
followed with a mighty plea for Mr. Roosevelt. In
this well delivered plea Miss Wynkoop showed that
President. Roosevelt was undoubtedly right in this
matter as he had been on many other important occasions when he had been severely criticized by the
people around him. Miss Stewart then summed up
East Jordan's arguments and eloquently showed that
Mr. Roosevelt was over zealous in trying to get
special priviliges for the Japanese which even the
negroes in the southern states do not enjoy. Mr.
Turner then closed East Jordan's debate by aiming
his leveling sarcasm at the leading statement of the
affirmative. Mr. Lederle closed the debate of the

affirmative in a well planned rebuttal. In his zeal
to show how they had proven their side of the question and how East Jordan's arguments were not
well founded, he spoke until the chairman had
thrice called "time" and while Mr. Fuller, East
Jordan's superintendent of schools was nervously
looking at his watch and trying to figure out just
how much longer he would have to talk before their
debate would be lost.
After another musical number, Mr. Masselink
arose and after stating that it was very difficult for
him to come to a decision in the matter and that he
felt that it was the same with the other judges, announced the decision of 2 to 1 in favor of the negative.
The East Jordan people made it so pleasant for
the visitors the remaining time they spent there, that
our debating team did not realize that they were
defeated until they saw the account of the debate in
a Grand Rapids paper while returning on the train.
It was then that they decided to find their way home
from the depot by the familiar back streets.

0 N Saturday, the sixteenth day of March,

little St. Patrick arrived at the home of
Professor Hornbeck. As all appearances
to stay, the event, of
indicated that he had come
course, had to be duly celebrated. Accordingly the
Senior girls took this duty upon themselves.
Monday morning dawned bright and clear. Packages of all shapes and sizes found their way to the
library. These were soon untied and duly prepared,
but the girls, on looking into the chemical laboratory,
found to their dismay that Mr. Hornbeck had not
arrived. All hope of his coming was given up, and
the mysterious contents of the packages were laid
away. But as the last bell began to ring Mr. Hornbeck came bounding up the stairway wearing the

smile that wouldn't come off.
Everything was again made ready and chapel was
called. After a few appropriate remarks by Mr.
Nye, the gentle strains of "Sweet and Low" resounded through the halls and corridors. It may be
safely said that no song was ever sung with so much
feeling as that one on that morning.
Almost at the close of chapel Mr. Hornbeck was
presented with the contents of those packages. Sticking out of his pockets were little shovels, dolls, tin
swords, and whistles, while his arms were full to
overflowing. The squeaking of a little clown startled
him so that when, three times three lusty yells were
followed by cries of "Speech !" "Speech !" he was
unable to respond. At noon Mr. Hornbeck reported
that his son and heir was very much pleased with
the toys.



Mr. Davis—"What is that formula I asked you to
remember, Mr. Wonzer ?"
Several girls in chorus—"L equals V over N."
Mr. Davis—"It's strange what a lot of relations
Mr. Wonzer has down there."

Was Mr. Hornbeck happy on Monday, March 18,
1907 ?
Do boys like fudge?
Is Mr.•Wiley really wiley?
Can a duck swim ?

Freshie—"Is it injurious to walk on an empty
stomach ?"

Mr. Wiley (solemnly)—"There's a judgment day

Mr. Davis (in physics)—"A circular mil is a
square mil ."

Mr. 1)avis (in physics)—How is liquid air sold ?"
Walker—"I think it is sold by the piece."

Miss Mc--L—n—(To Freshman in algebra) "0!
such a boy! But you'll do better next year."

Prof. Davis (in Physics) "Suppose you should
want all electric light on the porch—" (becomes

Miss Ferguson (in Am. History) "Mr. Shaw,
what did the Stoics believe in ?"
Shaw—"They believed in suicide'.'
Prof. Wiley (in history)—"What did the Crusaders do when they reached Jerusalem ?"
Kehoe—"They went back home."

Prof. Davis (in physiology) "How much air do
the lungs hold ?"
Freshie—"One pint."
"Spooch" (in Mod. History)—"Was Alexander
II of Russia daughter of Anne ?"
Mr. Wiley—"Ile was."

Miss Mc—L—n—(3rd hour in the afternoon, after the entrance of several heavy footed Sophs.)
"There is a saying that only empty wagons make a
big noise."

Mrs. Alway (in Eng. XI)—"I saw Ker, the famous Shakespearian player, and shortly after I saw
him he died." (Too bad.)

Rock-a-bye Senior in the tree-top,
As long as you study the cradle will rock;
But when you stop digging, the cradle will fall
And down will come Senior, diploma and all.

Mr. Nye( in geometry)—"What is the projection
of a line on a plane?"
Ye editor-in-chief—"It is the 'foots' of all the
perpendiculars from the line to the plane."

Mr. Wiley (in Eng. XI)—"Mr. Hoarde, please
give a description of Custer from that paragraph."
Mr. Hoarde (sleepily)—"Do you want his outside appearance ?"
Junior Girl (reading in Eng. XI)—"Some young
men embram more than they can hold—"
Bright Junior (interrupting)—"Especially on
sleighrides." (Junior girl chokes and blushes, why?)
Prof. Wiley (in Eng. XI)—"For Monday bring
some thoughts to class for description of things
which happen in the dark—not necessarily seen.
(Suddenly blushes.)
Mr. Ruggles—"Do they raise any silk-worms in
India ?"
Senior—"Yes, over one million in 1905."
Mr. Ruggles—"Are you sure?"
Senior—"Well, it was somewhere, anyway."
Martinek (in Lewis Cass Debating Club)—"I
will give you the opinion of a man who knows more
about the 'beauties and disbeauties' of the IT. S. than
anyone else."

The hardest work in the world , I know
Is workin' "Trig" when there's a show,-Searchin' and lookin' and huntin' roun'
For functions of cver'thing in town!
First search here, and then search them;
You've got to search most ever'where!
"Sines" and "Logs," and on you go,
That's the hardest work, I know.
'Tis the hardest work in the world, I think,
Can't go down to the skatin' rink,—
Can't take time to catch your breath,
Almost work yourself to death!
'Tis lots of fun for the teacher to be
Lookin' aroun' at you and me,
But the hardest work in the world, to do,
Is huntin' "Logs" and "Cosines" too.
E. A. M.
Mrs. Alway (to librarian)—"Have the two books
on the life and character of Shakespeare been returned yet?"
Librarian—"No, ma'am, they haven't."
Mrs. Alway—"Well, I guess I don't xwant them
just now."

I'm so glad that Mr. Noah
Placed a "pony" on his scow
For it is the noblest creature
Of the ones surviving now.
How steadfast he has stood by us
Through examination's trials.
Alas! Sometimes has he won for us
The teachers' happy ( ?) smiles.


No trouble nor expense is he;
He's just as gentle as can be
He never sleeps or needs a stall,
He is a servant to us all.
We stuff him under heavy books.
He's not handsome as to looks,
But we love with all our hearts
To have him come and take our parts.
—D. B.

Prof. Wiley (giving out topics to history class)-"We will have the execution of Charles I by Mr.

If a man slips down a bank
With a crash
And lands in a ten foot hole
,, I have always heard it said,
TAK1N Gr That he is apt to lose his head,
And break the third commandment
L. W. P.
All to smash!

lesi HEN T



_5()-loot- AND


"Judge" (reciting glibly)—"Mary was the son of
" (becomes confused.)
Mr. Wiley (not seeing any cause for hesitation)—
`Who was Mary the son of ?" (also becomes confused.)

"Judge" (in Trig.)—"What do you do with those
problems you don't know what to do with ?"
Prof. Hornbeck—"I have never seen the pair of
shoes I couldn't kick to pieces." (Beware Freshies.)
Lederle (in physics)—"A pipette is a suction
pump, the plunger of the pump being down in a
person's lungs."
Prof. Wiley (in history)--"Mr. Kehoe, what happened after Charlemagne's death ?"
Kehoe—"Do you want me to tell abut the
funeral ?"
In Mediaeval and Modern History:
Historical fact—Cromwell died on his birthday.
Lederle--"Didn't Cromwell die on the same day
he was born ?"
Mr. Nye (in chapel)—"Now I think hereafter
everyone should take better care of his report
cards. At the end of every six weeks we have to
make out from six to a half dozen new cards."

"I'm going to mark your standings in round numbers," said the teacher as he marked down a series of
zeros in his class book.
Mr. Wiley (in history)—"How did Jenghiz
Kahn treat his captives?"
Student—"He didn't treat them."
Getchell (getting homesick during a debate)—
"Mr. Chairman, can a person retire at this time?"
Chairman—"We have no extra berths just now."
"Spooch" (in debate on liquor question)—
"Drinking has been the direct cause of innumerable
`widowless' homes throughout our country." (wild
Not to be outdone, little Oscar Amtsbuechler let
loose the following batch of oratory: "Fellow students! I have good authority for my statements, for
today, before the glorious sun sank in the golden
West, I held a conversation with one of the most
notable workers of intemperance in the state.' (more



TIILETICS, as carried on in our high
School, are nothing more or less than physical education, and should be under the direction of an instructor. True physical education is
not designed to develop physical prodigies or great.
athletes, but. rather to attain three results:
1st.: To secure strength, vitality, health, and endurance.
2nd: To develop the carriage of the body.
3rd: To develop self control.
Athletics are the expression, in play, of the
natural desire of youth for activity and exercise.
They are, therefore in no way vicious and should be

encouraged. They develop courage, endurance,
loyalty, obedience, alertness, daring, natural manliness, which are essentials to success, and which every
young man and young woman should possess. Physical training or physical education is an important
factor in life, and every boy and girl should take
more or less exercise. It is vigor and power that lie
at the foundation of all forms of success in the
varied lines of life. The period of life spent in
school is the time to develop boys and girls into men
and women, who will be physically, morally and
intellectually able to govern this great nation.


1. Harold Titus. 2. Mr. R. L. Nye. 3. Ed Fellers. 4. Mr. Stilson, coach. 5. Roy McGarry. 6. Charles Hodge.
7. Oscar Amtsbuechler, captain. 8. Robert Walker. 9. Ernest Miller. 10. Leon Slater. 11. Willard Getchell.
12. George Whiting. 13. Ralph Hunter.




ARLY in the spring of '0(1 Oscar lints]);welder
was elected captain of the track team. A
meeting of the candidates was called and
about twenty-five responded, who were all eager to
help in turning out a winning team. After a general
discussion and remarks as to training and dieting, it,
was suggested that Mr. Stilson be engaged as coach.
Mr. Stilson, being a professional very highly recommended in the line of track work, the boys decided
to procure his services.
The last week of April, the boys in track suits
with their coach in the lead, jogged up Pine street to
the commons where they received their first instructions. All were eager to make the team and it was
through their eagerness, their faithfulness and
loyalty to the coach,that the team acquired the highest proficiency ever attained in the history of our
High school. At the try out, Charles Hodge,
Harold Titus, Ed Fellers, Oscar Amtsbnechler,
Ernest, Miller, Robert Walker, George Whiting,
Ralph Hunter, Willard Getchell, Roy McGarry, and
Leon Slater were chosen to represent, us in the interscholastic meets.

The first was a dual meet with Manistee held in
this city on May 14. The score of 89 to 48 in our

favor showed what faithful training had done for
our team.
Two weeks later the large interscholastic meet
took place at Charlevoix. Five schools eontested, viz: East Jordan, Petoskey, Cheboygan,
Charlevoix and Traverse City. Our team was in the
best possible condition and left for Charlevoix the
day before the meet, with the coach and several
rooters, expecting to see the Black and Gold floating
uppermost after the contest. Their plans, however,

did not turn out as expected. Charlevoix took first
with 54 1-2 points. Traverse City, second with 52
1-2 points; Fast Jordan, 13; Cheboygan, 10; Petoskey 5. Mr. Miller of our team broke the record of
Northern Michigan in the 220 yard dash, making it
in 22 2-5 seconds. Although defeated, our team returned home satisfied that they had honestly and
fairly contested.
On account of financial conditions this meet ended
the season, with the exception that Mr. Miller and
Mr. Amtsbueehler went to the United States inter-

scholastic i.ieet at Chicago. Luck did not turn their
way and they came home without having won any
honors. Their trip was not, however, devoid of benefit. They saw how track work is carried on in other
parts of the TT. S. The good effects of their trip is
evident in their work this spring.
Following are the records of the meet at Charlevoix:
120 yard high hurdles-1st, Bedford, Charlevoix;
2nd, Bodge, Traverse City; 3rd, framil, Petoskey;
time, 18 seconds.
100 yard dash-1st, Miller, Traverse City; 2nd,
Hodge, Traverse City; 3rd, G. Finucan, Charlevoix;
time 10 2-5 seconds.
Discus throw-lst, Amtsbuechler, Traverse City;
2nd, Harpster, Cheboygan ;- 3rd, Fellers, Traverse
City; 90 feet, 7 inches.
110 yard dash-1st, W. Finucan, Charlevoix;
2nd, .\ Tiller, Traverse City; 3rd, McClelland, Cheboygan; time 1 minute.
High jump-1st, Levi son, Charlevoix; 2nd,
Walker, Traverse City; 3rd, Whiting, Traverse City,
Bedford, Charlevoix; 5 ft., 6 inches.
220 yard dash-lst, Miller, Traverse City; 2nd,
W. Finucan, Charlevoix; 3rd, G. Finucan, Charlevoix; time 22 2-5 seconds.

Shot Put-1st., Fellers, Traverse City; 2nd, Amtsbuechler, Traverse City; 3rd, Bedford, Charlevoix;
36 ft., 11 inches.
220 yard low hurdles-1st, W. Finucan, Charlevoix; 2nd, Levison, Charlevoix; 3rd, Bremmyer,
1 mile run-1st, McCelland, Cheboygan; 2nd, G.
Hunsberger, East Jordan; 3rd, C. Hunsberger, East
jordan ; time, 5 minutes, 40 seconds.
Pole vault-1st, Levison, Charlevoix; 2nd, Bedford, Charlevoix; 3rd, Slater, Traverse City; 9 ft.,
6 inches.
SS() yard run-1st, Rose, Charlevoix; 2nd,
Mayne, Charlevoix; 3rd, Getche11, Traverse City.
2 mile run-1st, G. Hunsberger, East Jordan; 2nd,
McGarry, Traverse City; 3rd, Levandosky, East
Jordan: 12 minutes, '20 seconds.
Running broad jump-1st., Bedford, Charlevoix;
2nd, Hamil, Petoskey; 3rd, Levison, Charlevoix;
19 ft., 3 inches.
Hammer throw-1st, Amtsbuechler, Traverse
City; 2nd, Walker, East Jordan; 3rd, Smith,
Charlevoix ; 116 feet.
Relay-Traverse City, Charlevoix, Cheboygan;
1 minute 36 seconds.

1. Jahraus—Center.
2. Captain Fellers—Right Guard.
3. Coplan—Left Guard.
4. Amtsbuechler—Left Tackle.
5. Ellis--Right Tackle.
(L Moore—Right End.
7. Hunter—Left End.
S. Heiges—Quarter-back.
9. eliervenka — Left Halfback.
10 :Ind 11. Kehoe and Simpson—Full-backs.
12. Miller—Sub. Quarter and Left End.
1:;. Pierson—Sub. Halfback.
\ 1,•( ;arry—Right Halfback (not in the picture.)
It is to be regretted that "Mac," the second Heston,
1 ilot in the picture.






NOTHER High School football team has gone
on record. The team of 1906 has played its
last game; trotted down Pine Street to the
gridiron for the last time together ,and for the last
time will the same voices make the old dressing room
ring with rollicking songs as the boys shiver under
the shower bath.
The '06 football season was a very successful one.
The team failed to get far into the interscholastic
contest, it is true, hut, nevertheless, the two games
that they did play were fought in a manner that
provoked the praise of their opponents. Clean football, no:"beefing" and but one aim—to do their best
—have been the principles upheld by the defenders
of the black and gold who retire this season in a halo
of glory. The squad was light, but under the faithful coaching of H. A. Davis, they developed a speed
and running smoothness seldom seen in the High
School teams of Northern Michigan: Ninety-seven
points they scored in the ten games that made up the
season's schedule while the opposing players have a
total of fifteen points to their credit.

The backing the team received was of the best and
many points are due to the lusty yells of the rooters
who cheered the eleven on in the face of defeat. The
scrubs, too, did their share and in the early part of
the season, when the scrimmages counted for so
much, a dozen or more could be depended on at almost any time to root around in the sand and perfect
the machinery of the "first" team.
Captain Ed Fellers deserves much credit for
his official work (luring the season. Always confident, he has kept the spirits of his men up when
raids lay heavy against them and more than one
touch down dates back to his "Ginger up, fellows.
Tear 'em up. We've got 'em on the run now !" .
The prospects for next year are bright, although
several will be missing. "Spiegel" will swap the
pigskin for the sheephide and go to Olivet. Coplan
wil graduate and "Blink" Moore will probably go
away. This year was his post graduate year. Fellers
will complete his ecurse as will Miller, Chervenka
and Ludka.
Following is a summary of the games played:

1—T. H. S. 0; Alumni, 0. 2—T. H. S. 6;
Alumni, 0. 3—T. H. S. 17; Manistee, 0. 4—T.
H. S. 10; Charlevoix, 0. 5—T. II. S. 0; Petoskey,
5. 6—T. H. S. 30; East Jordan, 0. 7—T. H. S.
0; Manistee, 0. 8—T. H. S. 16; Cadillac, 0. 9—
T. H. S. 10; Reed City, 10. 10—T. H. S. 8;
Athletics, 0.
Not a little credit for the success is due to Prin.

R. L. Nye. Ile backed the boys financially and offered his advice in all matters while his personal
enthusiasm has served as a stimulus to the players.
II. A. Davis is to be thanked for the team work
He has worked with the boys unceasingly and the
product of his labor is a team that has made a record
to Ix, proud of.
- selected from the Evening Record.



MEETING of all the students interested in
athletics was held in room 3, Dec. 7, '06, to
consider the adoption of a new constitution
for the Athletic association. Mr. Nye exposed some
of the defects in the old constitution and then read
a new one which he had drawn up himself. This
constitution, after some discussion, was adopted.
Another meeting was called Feb. 14, '07 for the
purpose of electing officers. Oscar Amtsbuechler and
Lars Hockstad, by unanimous vote, were
retain their old offices of president and secretary.
The new officers elected were Ernest Miller as vicepresident, and Heiman Coplan as treasurer.

A Board of Managers, provided for in the new
constitution, was also elected at this meeting, R. L.
Nye, H. A. Davis, A. Lederle, J. Smith, and E. Fellers were chosen. This Board of Managers has complete control of all arrangements for scheduling of
games, management of same, and shall secure halls
or fields for practice; they are also responsible for
the revenues and expenses of the association. The
Board of Managers was the principal change under
the new constitution and under this new form of
management our association will be stronger and
more compact.



HE annual banquet of the High school football team was held at the Little Tavern on the
evening of February 21, about twenty-five
members of the team and faculty being present. After the large juicy steaks had been stowed away in
true post-season form the evening was turned over
to Prof. Nye as toastmaster to make it what he
would. The election of captain came first and Roy
McGarry was unanimously elected to guide the team
of '07. Toastmaster Nye then called upon the following members: Prof. Davis on "1907 Football," Ex-



HE '07 track team will no doubt be a winner.
All except Charles Hodge of the '06 team are
in school and, with a fine squad of new material, prospects are very bright, indeed. Ernest Miller
our star sprinter, has been elected captain. Oscar
Amtsbuechler, our star weight man reports that the
hammer flew out "only" 140 feet this spring. But
he is not yet in training and only weighs a little over
200 pounds. (He's growing though). Mr. Davis,

Captain Fellers on "What We Did," Hoekstad on
"Football Financially," Miller on the "Benefits of
Athletics." Oscar Amtsbuechler told of experiences
in A. A. Stagg's National Interscholastic meet and
Smith spoke on the "Managerial end of Football." Titus then responded to "The Press in Football," and the toasts closed with a talk on "1907
Baseball," by Chervenka. Songs and stories occupied
some time and then the whole squad was carried off
to the moving-picture show by Captain McGarry.



the coach, has issued orders not to eat any cake,
cookies, candy, pork, peanuts, doughnuts, nor PIE.
We are confident of a team which will be able to
hold its own with any in Northern Michigan. Training commenced the third week in April. If we can
judge at all from the spirit which has already been
shown, there seems to be little reason why our hopes
shall not be realized.


J HEN I was young," quoth Sunny Jim,
"I sought by football, pies to win ;
The game we played for three long
And in that time received hard bumps.
The bumps we minded not a bit,
When at the Palace we did sit;
Our hearts leaped wild with joy.

'Two pies apiece,' cried Davis then,
Great appetites have all my men,
And forthwith brought he to the rout
Pie after pie till the store gave out.
With satisfaction sat he down,
With football players all around
And many a tale of hard fought field
And touch-downs, then told he.

The air was dark and crisp that night,
And crisp also the pies,
When out they rushed with all their might
And rent the air with cries,
Along the street resounds the call
From many an alley-way and wall.
The people all rush forth to see
Whatever all the noise can be,
And see they, marching down the street,
H. H C.
The football boys with heavy feet. "



OW Easter is past us
And summer's at hand.
The hum of the auto
Is heard through the land.
Past byways it flashes,
Through fences it smashes,
Down the main street it dashes
Seeking things to destroy.
It chases the chickens,
It flattens out dogs,

It grinds up stray children
Among the steel cogs.
A squawking of whistles,
Like flocks of wild geese,
A smell like a gas plant,
A trail of burnt grease,
A glimpse of blue lightning,
A rattle and roar,
And the auto is past us,
Ten miles—perhaps more.
L. W. P.

4 IRLY last fall forms in scanty track suits

might have been seen running across the
school yard. They were the prospective member of a basket ball team. After a month or so of
Lard practice, Mr. Ruggles, the coach, considered the
boys in fair condition to play.
The faculty were challenged. A game was ar•
ranged to be played at Campbell's hall, Nov. 17, the
same night the girls had arranged for an inter-class
game. Both games proved very exciting. The game
between the faculty and the boys was especially so.
This was the first time that ba§ket ball was played
here by boys. These games presented a good opportunity to see the difference between girls' and
boys' basket ball. The scores were: faculty 11; boys

24; and Senior girls, 34; Sophomore girls, 14.
The boys were elated over the results of the game.
A challenge sent in by the Grand Rapids High
school was accepted. The expense of such a game
was. great, especially for a High school. But Mr.
Nye, with his characteristic good-heartedness and
liberality gave financial support. Great spirit was
shown in this game. Better support could hardly
have been given by the pupils. In spite of this the
game was a failure financially as well as in score,
which was 31 to 9 in favor of G. R. H. S.
Stander, the Grand Rapids center, was a wonder.
He threw nearly all the baskets for G. R. H. S., and
his guarding was excellent.


AREWELL, farewell, kind friends and true
Our hearts, our hopes are all with you,
The tender thoughts and e'en the tears
Our parting brings,
But daily strengthen our resolve,
That through the fast approaching years,
The strifes and struggles they involve,
Our aim shall be toward higher things.
The road before is not untrod
To us alone the journey new,
But we are firm, our courage strong
And each encounter doth renew
The spirit of our onward song—
To better serve mankind and God.


EFORE bidding you a last farewell, we wish to express our thanks
to the members of the faculty and of the student body for their
good will and co-operation. We are indebted to Ezra Winters and

Frankie Chilton, for drawings, and to Smith & Price for photographic
work. The liberal patronage of Traverse City's business men has made
the financial department a success. We express our indebtedness to the
Herald and Record Co., publishers, for whatever degree of success we have
attained. We regret that through an oversight Mozelle Bennett's name
was not affixed to the article on Drawing.

are for sale at the following stores in Traverse City




" REX are put up in assorted flavors."

Senior girls grow pretty eating "Rex- chocolates.


over Johnson Drug Store


Everything to Wear and Everything to Furnish
Your Home Complete
Let us explain our new, easy credit system
and prove our motto.

Joseph Sleder & Sons

Traverse City

All Kinds of Enlarging Done
Portraits on Post Cards
Souvenir Postals

Golumbia Transfer Go.

Butchers, Packers


and Sausage Makers



Gor. 8th and Franklin Sts.
Both 'Phones


32r State Street.

Our athletic teams live on H. & L. Co.'s Best Flour.

Both 'Phones, 44

Deposited with this bank
will be safely cared for;

the %tore of the 'People
With the Goods, the Quantity, the Quality, and
the Price; where you can Shop, Visit, Rest and Enjoy yourself; no other store in Northern Micigan is
conducted on these broad principles ot

it will gradually grow;
it will always be ready;
and it will be free from
We solicit your account.

Established 1856

The handLamest Millinery Parlors in the state.
The largest line of Suits and Wraps and Cloaks that
are shown.
The newest novelties in Dress Goods and Trimmings.
Everything in fine Stationery and Envelopes.
The "Knox" and the "Beacon" Hats. most stylish
Latest Fiction soon as published.
Prescriptions always filled promptly.
Children's Clothing our great specialty.
Most up-to-date Spring and Summer Clothing.
Best stock of Shoes in the city.
Everything in the Furniture line.
Carpets. Wall Paper. Crockery. Cut Glass. and Brica-Brac.

Capital $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits $46,500.00

Traverse City, Michigan

Chc lbannah &Isar Mere. Co.

The Oldest and Strongest Bank in Northern Michigan

Eraverse City, rich.

Patronize our advertisers.

UnitedStates health and Accident


Insurance Company

Attorneys at law

Branch Office. 307 State Bank Building

Citizen', 'Phone 281

Bell 'Phone 218


Hay, Feed and Sales Stables

Traverse City, Michigan

Traverse Glty State Bank Building

120 W. State St., near Union

Fritz H. Carter, Manager

Traverse Gity, Mich.

Hack calls promptly attended

)E. 11U. lbasting$

Fire Insurance





State Bank Block



. T. Moffatt
Suite 210 State Bank 'Building

Traverse City


. and .

Amil F. Nerlinger

TOL 3q Kimyririlt


Strictly Hand-Stitched


212 State Bank Building


Citizens 'Phone 696


Repairing a specially

Be up with the times. Read the Evening Record.


B R O S.

nen you make your /text purchase of




a.ek for the






and Fine
1 lute I In,
Fine and







and yet Me best grade Mere is on the
market for the money.



.. 'Dealer in . .

Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gent's Furnishings,
hats and Gaps
Carpets. Cloaks, Ladies' Skirts,
Linoleums, Oilcloths,
Lace Curtains and
Window Shades
... South Side . . .
Union Street

Trdherse City, Mich.

Our ad. managers told the advertisers that in the Black and Gold would pay. Prove it to them.

Manly Clothes

on your phoic
graph is a guarantee of material
a n d Workmanship of the very
finest and carries
with it

A Record of Years
of pleased, satisfied customer:. Who Come Back
Again for more work.
We have the largest stock and assortment
of mounts and folders in the city.

Any Style Finish You Want


7,1,11/ //le

lilt/1/ H07, , 'Id,/

right ihaib„/(/l/„r n.u, h

/ 11,1


1,3 ,;:torle/ el II imp ,

(brat,// , (





el /re

11/1 I

,,mes an contort,

"Good Clothes are Hal/ l/ze gallle
We would like to have every young man in /he city see our
ine of suits for young men. It does not cost as much as you
might think to own one either,
We are especially strong on fine black graduating suits. all
the new ideas as to shape and cut are here and we tan save you
money on your purchase.
.Shotild you prefer to have your suit made to order
that for you and save you a tidy sum at that.

Let's Talk It Over

liubeck & hoyt
, 111

I 1(•I





Edison and Victor

Codman (in German XII)—
"The only time the Swiss people
called in the Emperor for help
was when somebody murdered


"The Venetii had a great number
of ships with which they were accustomed to navigate the island
of Britain."


Inspired Soph, (in Caesar)—


rinnell Bros.



CITY \4.4.%..

Corner Front and Cass. Traverse City


Hack and Baggage called for
on short notice

A microphone is an instrument
used to detect noises. Mr. Davis
says he doesn't need one to detect
noises in the physics class.
Walker (in German XII)—
Under the ruins of this tyranny
she alone will be able to dig out.'"
As it should have been—
"From under the ruins of this
tyranny alone can she be rescued."







II. S. HULL, President
A. r. Fri, ilrieh, Chas. Wilhelm, Vice Pre.,.
C. A . Hammond. Cashier
inn. Loudon, Stephen Lautner, U. W. Lardie.
J. M. Ifeullmantel, F. C. Desmond. Dr. H. II
Garner, B. Thirlby, J. 0. Crotser, F. H. Smith.

Ieu la,

ta s‘


The College Favoriles
-:- /be -..




Patterns are designed especially for
roung men, and those who want clothes

a little out of the ordinary will find
them here.

7 ..
4 . IA t.14Pil t

St ore
has the largest and best assortment of the Spalding Athletic
Goods in Northern Michigan;
also the Greatest Variety of
Tablets, School Books and
School Supplies in this Section. You are cordially invited
to call.

When You Want
the BEST Goods

Wm. Hoolihan Co.

McCormick and Champion
Binders, Mowers and Rakes
Gale Plows and Harrows
Planet Jr. Cultivators
and Garden Drills
Page, Ovid and "n


We Make a Full Line of

T he
I-1co b a r 1,

Ask Lederle who Nellie is.

No. 1 Heavy and Light Double
and Single Driving Harness
When in need of anything in our line
give us a call and SAVE MONEY

Wm. Hoolihan Co.

State St. Citz. Phone 99. Bell 188

I r. Wiley ( in IT i story ) —

Smurthwaite & Alway - What took the place of the Long

Practice in all Courts
Markham Building

Traverse City



Traverse City. Mich.

City School of Music
In Session from 9:00 A. M.
to 6:00 P. M.
Through the School Year


Dr. A. J. McPhail

"Spooch"—"The short one.-

Over Johnson Drug Store

Conundrum—Why is Miss
Thompson's room like counterfeit
money ?
Ans.—Because Mr. Davis can't
pass it.

Bell Phone 300-2 Rings
Citizens Phone 668-2 Rings

Dr. F. Holdsworth

Special Attention to
The other day Ernest Miller
Diseases of the Eye.
astonished the Mediaeval History
Ear, Nose and Throat.
class by informing them that BaGlasses Fitted.
jazet, the barbarian, vowed that
Over Johnson Drug Store. Both Phones
he would feed his horse oats on
the dome of St. Peters in Rome.
Prof. Hornbeck (in Chemistry,
holding up a bottle of 'dope') "1
don't know where to place this on
the laboratory shelf."
Thirsty Junior—"It don't belong there."





ackson s

c---,--A PERFECT
satisfies the
makers of the


Is the place to buy your
Ice Cream, Candy, and
Always the Best if you get
it at Jackson's


clothes we
sell--particu- E. A. MONROE
lar styles for Stationery, Confectionary
young men. Grand Rapids Herald Agency
such values
elsewhere as
we show at
$7.50 to $18

Sherman & Hunter

Both Phones



The palace
Is the only place in the city to
get Ice Cream, Confectionary
and Baked Goods that are right




)out that picture used in the Mock Trial

Hannah & Lay Co.'s

Is so GOOD that it is nearly PERFECT
We would like to say perfect, but millers will make mistakes and grocers will store merchandise in unsuitable places.
But as nearly perfect as the wit of the miller and the brains of the grain buyer can make
it is this fine flour.
We got our reputation years ago by making "BEST"—the best flour every day as it is any
day, and as good flour any day as the best flour milled any where.
We stamp "BEST" on every sack because a good flour is worth a good brand..
Difference in quality is due to difference in policy. It is the policy of some to make good
flour and some to make cheap flour, but no such reputation as "BEST" has, was ever built on
cheap flour.
"BEST" flour is neither cheap nor high priced. It is just simply the best flour the miller
can make at the price it can afford to be sold at and you can afford to pay.
Buy one sack, keep from buying another if you can.

For Sale by All Dealers

HANNAH & LAY CO., Traverse City, Mich.

Rowland Douglass


Crawford Shoes







James Means Shoes


We've Everything to Dress
Your Feet Well
at a Moderate

Bachant & Roscoe


" Prescription Specialists "

Sweets to Eat and Sweets to Drink

Archie A. Miller

Clothing, Hats and Caps

West Front St.

Exclusive Sale of Kuppenheimer Line

R. J. Mercer & Co.
Steam. Hot Water and Hot Air Heating
Tinning and Sheet Iron Work

When you want a GoodFitting Suit. buy a Hickey
& Freeman te Co. make
Sold by

Agents for

Capital Boilers. Boynton Furnaces and
the Forde Gas Machine
Both Phones 430

223 E. Front St.


Geo. W. Miller

Live up to our motto: "Climb the Rocks, The' They be Rugged."

Front Street

Hamilton Clothing Co.

BOYS are sure to find
T every novelty, every new
idea embodied in our "Young
Men's Suits." We study as
earnestly to please the young
men's fancies as the boys do to
please the fairer sex.

Hamilton Clothing Co.



Every up-to-date business house in Traverse City advertised in The Black and Gold.

New Bartak Block







I It




El tlikp APEtt

;;N•ri-"L:k'CITORY OF

the Bcst

iqlk°41tIk' 00 WELLS 1111:31AN EEL



- I CH.



Wells Higman Co.

Phone 1134




Park Place
First-class in all its

Jacob Furtsch

"Josh" (in German XII)—"I Every thump of your head is
so much pain that can be
see you a living corpse in a horavoided by taking
rible grave."
Johnson's Headache Wafers, 15c.
Soph. (translating Caesar)-And when they seen Caesar com- JOHNSON DRUG CO.
ing with his army they went and 125 E. Front St.
hung over the walls by their
hands in token of surrender."
Freshie (reading Shylock's
part in Merchant of Venice)—
"Has the Jew not eyes, hand,rgans"—(Applause).
Mr. Nye—"Mr. Slater, were
you tardy?"
Mr. Slater—"Xo, I was just

415 Union St.
South Side

Phone 34



Dealer in

Groceries and Provisions


Prof. Wiley (in History)—
"What was especially strong
ibout the Teutonic race"?
Bright Junior—"Their feet"

Kodaks, Cameras,
Photo Supplies
Prescriptions Carefully


W. E. Williams Co. South Side Lumber Go.
Manufacturers of

3-8 Maple Flooring
5-8 Maple Flooring
3-8 Plain Oak Flooring
7-8 Maple Flooring
3-8 Beech Flooring. Dark and White 7-8 Beech Flooring
3-8 Beech Flooring, all Red
1 1-8 Maple Flooring
W. E. WILLIAMS. President
L. H. DE ZOETE, Secy-Treas.

Traverse City, Michigan

Mill Work, Sash,
Doors and
Interior Finish

J. E. Greilick

Sell you your bill for a House or Barn.
We carry at all times a full line of
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings,
Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Porch Columns, Interior Finish, Doors and
Get our figures and compare before buying. Call on us. Look for the
Big Red Plant. Corner E. Eighth St. and Lake Ave.
Phones--Bell 390. Cite. 308

Educate for Business or Prepare

Caldwell & Loudon

for Teachers' Examination at

Manufacturers of


Wagons, Bug ►ies
and Cutters

Call or Write for Catalog
Citizens' Phone 995

W. P. NEEDHAM. Pres.

Logging and Bob Sleighs
Blacksmithing and Repairing
of all kinds promptly done
Shops Cor. Union and Bay Sot.

The Sweetest, Fairest and Freshest of

Always on Hand for All Occasions

Queen City Floral Co.

''Ah !. how I love," said Deacon
"Those dear old 'hymns' to hear,
But my wicked wayward son alas
Loves young 'hers' best I fear."

Phone No. 43

Monroe & McWethy

Insurance and
Real Estate ...
Citizens Phone 503
311 Wilhelm Block,
Traverse City

0. P. Carver & Bro.
Represent Only Old Reliable Companies
Oldest Agency in the City

Fifth Floor, New Wilhelm

318 S. Union


A poor bewildered sparrow
came through the transom into
the intellectual atmosphere of
Miss Vivian's room during Eng. OR. F. J. M A C N E T T
_ ,_
Specialist of
XII class hour. After a few id,e?------EYE, EAR, NOSE
unsuccessful attempts to find his 1P
way out, Miss V ivian remarked,
--'- ,
"He must be a stupid bird."
Wilhelm Block

Fellers (in History)—"Was
the battle of Worcester fought at
"Judge" (in History)—"The
only way that Cromwell could
make satisfactory arrangements
with the Irish was to kill them."

Traverse City

1.....r• E. B• Minor
Office Over American
Drug Co.
Special Attention Given to Diseases of
the Eye. Glasses Scientifically Fitted

Barnum & Earl Julius Gampbell Go.

156 Front St. Traverse City

Your Home Furnished on
Bell Phone 123
Cite. Phone 125

New Store. Union St.


Good Clothes

New York
Tea Co.
2 3 5 Front Street

Hacks and Baggage


Traverse City, Mich.

Germaine Bros.•

Walter Benton

Josef Urban
Dealer i n

y and Feed Barn Fresh, Salt and
State St.

Near Union St.

At Shane's Sale Barn

HACK CALLS Promptly Attended
Citizens Phone 802

Bell Phone 163

Sausages a Specialty
Citizens Phone 52. Cor. Front and Division Sts.

Traverse City
Wagon Works
A. J. PETERTYL. Proprietor
Manufacturer of Carriages. Wagons. Buggies
and Sleighs. General Blacksmithing. lioreeshoeing
and Repairing

Corner Union and State Ste.



Special Attention Given to Executing
Neat. Tasty Printing of all Kinds
Citizens Phone 9ti
123 Cass St.
Traverse City
The Best Equipped Exclusive Job Printing
Concern in Northern Michigan



Is the Newest and Most Delicious
Drop made
They are for Sale by all the FirstClass Dealers. Ask for them
Manufactured by

Straub Bros. & Amiotte
Traverse City, Mich.

Feb. 8—Junior-Senior reception to the teachers at
the City Opera house.
Feb. 15—East Jordan debate.
March 4—Lewis Cass Debating Club sleigh ride out
to Amtsbuechler's.
March 6—Senior class decided to publish an annual.
March 30 to April 8—Spring vacation.
April 15—Mock trial.
April 29—Prof. Davis came down with the measles.
May 2—Lewis Cass Debating Club banquet.
May 3—Declamation contest. First prize awarded to
Vera Wynkoop; 2nd, Bertha Perrott; 3rd, Ed Fellers.
May 22—Junior boys attempted to put up their pennant. Seniors caught on and spoiled their plans, and
doused "Jerry" in the watering trough. Too bad.
May 25—Track meet between Charlevoix, Petoskey,
Manistee, Reed City and Traverse City. Rain spoiled
the program for the afternoon. Meet postponed till
next year.
May 29—Junior reception to the Seniors. The Seniors
take this opportunity to express their thanks for the
excellent reception tendered them.
Tune 3—Junior-Senior class rush.

The Black and Gold
Was Published by the

Traverse City, Michigan

.4 eat
Issued Every Business Day ag
Michigan's Best Family Weekly Newspaper
THE RECORD is Northern Michigan's most progressive daily and enters more homes than any other
daily newspaper circulated in Northern Michigan

more people than any other weekly newspaper
circulated north of Grand Rapids

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Bound volume.


9.5 x 6 inches

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