Grand Traverse County Coroner's Records, 1943-1950

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Grand Traverse County Coroner's Records, 1943-1950


Death -- Causes.


Collection of Grand Traverse County Coroner's Records, 1897-1965. Attached to this record are the reports and index to the volume, created by volunteers of the Grand Traverse Area Historical Society. The records were created by the Coroner's Office as part of the process of investigating a particular cause of death; therefore, they can often provide information beyond what is recorded on the death certificate. The coroner's necrology and pathology reports may include details on the health of the individual and the exact manner of death. Inquest testimony may point to family relationships, as friends and family often provided sworn statements. Police statements and jury testimony and verdicts may also be available, leading to research in court records or penitentiary or prison records. Eugene Sampson continues to be the coroner for Grand Traverse County until he is replaced by Claude W. Smith whose first entry is on September 30, 1948 and continues for the remainder of the journal.


Grand Traverse County. Office of the Medical Examiner.


Original volumes held at the Traverse Area District Library.


Grand Traverse County. Office of the Medical Examiner.




Grand Traverse Area Genealogical Society.


CC BY-SA 2.5












Grand Traverse County, Michigan, United States.

PDF Text


Coroner’s Records
Volume V – Index
Adams – 212
Adler – 120
Akens – 290
Aldrich – 74,128,194,196,
Alexander – 198
Allen – 144
Ames – 212
Amor – 204
Anderson – 12,64,334
Armour – 4
Bailey – 120
Baker – 112,150,206,274,
Baldwin – 202
Baloch – 326
Barfera – 264
Barnes – 212,322
Barney – 24
Barratt – 10,16,18,28,48,
Bartak – 212
Basso – 68
Bauer – 330
Beaver – 274
Bebee – 332
Beck – 222
Beckman – 42
Beeman – 192
Belanger – 54
Belcher – 164
Bell – 54
Bence – 106
Bennett – 146
Berg – 332
Bernard – 332
Billings – 244
Bitler – 166
Blackmore – 146
Blickenstaff – 144
Block – 212
Blohm – 170,310,326
Bloomquist – 48,174,266
Bochem – 174
Bolling – 202
Bolon – 330

Bonney – 168
Bosch – 48
Boski – 28
Boss – 126
Bower – 24
Boyd – 240
Bradford – 256,258
Brakel – 300
Brazes – 194
Brief – 142
Brogren – 266
Bronson – 102,154,250
Brow – 200
Brown – 36,272
Brownson – 256,264,334
Bryan – 264
Buchan – 80,124
Budd – 16
Buhl – 52
Burfiend – 144,294
Burnett – 140
Burns – 198
Bush – 142
Bushon – 212
Bushong – 220,272,296,334
Bussa – 204
Bustol – 230
Caldwell – 296
Cameron – 100
Canfield – 300
Canton – 242
Card – 132
Carlson – 322
Carroll – 294
Carson – 222
Casler – 22
Cavinagh – 254
Chess – 250
Christopher – 48
Chupp – 324
Clapp – 182
Clark – 224,284
Cleland – 24
Clinton – 210
Clous – 168
Cobb – 162
Compton – 314
Cook – 26,192,196
Cooper – 34,256,262,310
Copley – 314

Coughenam – 212
Courson – 140
Courtade – 100
Cox – 212
Crandall – 150
Crawford – 108,138
Crayton – 32
Crockett – 128
Crosby – 54
Curtiss – 272
Daniels – 24,120
Darling – 216
Davis – 134,168,322
Delancy – 68
Dempsey – 262
Densteodt – 188
Deptky – 222
DeSmyter – 34
DeTour – 164
Dobson – 24,262
Dockery – 58
Domine – 174
Dorman – 160,292
Downe – 190
Dreves – 62
Duell – 166,232
Duffy – 292
Dunbar – 240
Durga – 220
Eader – 212
Eady – 254
Ealey – 174
Earl – 196
Eddy – 34,82,94,96,128,
Edwardsen – 304
Ehrenberger – 168
Elliot – 320
Engles – 312
Ernst – 318
Farmer – 6
Fayles – 36
Fenzel – 252,260,278
Fifarek – 36,302
Fillmore – 4
Fisher – 168,260
Flanders – 256
Flees – 252


Fleis – 196
Flohe – 24,64
Fochtman – 212
Foote – 146
Forsythe – 248
Foster – 66
Fritz – 64,302
Fuller – 28,38,58,60,64,70,
Fush – 212
Gainer – 26
Gallagher – 8
Carcia – 88
Garlinger – 186
Gauthier – 296
Gay – 58
Gaylord – 138
Gerard – 268
Gilbert – 14
Gillam – 292
Glair – 8
Gonzales – 88
Goodman – 74
Goodrich – 68,236,240
Goodwell – 28
Goos – 256
Graham – 18
Grapes – 14
Green – 104,152,194
Greenlee – 248
Gregory – 140
Greilick – 226
Griffin – 126,242
Grovenor – 54
Gruendemann – 316
Gudritz – 292
Haggarth – 146
Hall – 72,214,218,304
Halstead – 114
Hance – 280
Hanrahan – 84
Hansen – 24,82,218
Hanslovsky – 144
Hardy – 294
Harpe – 252
Harrand – 82
Harris – 36
Hart – 82,296
Hartman – 190,272

Hartwick – 180
Harvey – 26
Haviland – 90
Hays – 226
Heidenflut – 244
Heisler – 266
Hepponstall – 36
Herkner – 56
Herman – 266
Heslop – 298
Hibbard – 222,270,318
Hierlihy – 204
Hill – 264
Hoch – 238
Hockstad – 212
Hoeflin – 278
Hoffman – 316
Holland – 76
Holman – 70
Hoolihan – 196
Hooper – 48
Houts – 108
Howe – 182
Hoxie – 156
Huckstep – 122
Hurt – 270
Hyde – 4
Inch – 276
Inlow – 320
Irish – 304
Ives – 6
Izbrant – 306
Jennings – 78
Jerome – 82
Joffe – 142
Johns – 324
Johnson – 116,120,198,212,
Johnston – 292
Jones – 180,324
Kalahar – 146
Kaley – 100
Kallas – 250
Karhan – 20
Kaufman – 298
Keith – 220
Kelley – 84
Kenyon – 26

Ketchum – 18
Kevwitch – 172
Kieler – 184
Kilmurry – 124
King – 14,218
Kinnee – 34,316
Kirkby – 324
Knudstrup – 8
Kohler – 208
Kokoris – 206
Koloski – 204
Komerska – 126
Kork - 128
Klieber – 244
Klinker – 148
Klonowski – 196
Kroupa – 48
Kukla – 134
Kunkle – 132
Kyselka – 232,292
LaFromboias – 244
Lake – 60,130
LaLonde – 138
Lamie – 252
Lampbert – 194
Lane – 314
Laskey – 158
Laundre – 152
LaValle – 120
Lehman – 6
Leigh – 246
Lemcool – 136,240
Lentz – 308
Leon – 236
Liferty – 242
Linder – 212
Lingroven – 82,84
Lint – 266
Litney – 10
Lockwood – 268
Loeding – 228
Long – 194,224,256
Lonsburg – 52
Lossman – 48,102,120,182,
Lutes – 104
Lyle – 254
Lyon – 38,48
Lyons – 310


Maddy – 322
Mahon – 168
Maleski – 300,324
Manety – 226
Manigold – 154,198
Manley – 166
Marshall – 70
Martin – 326
Matthew – 204
Matthews – 26,48,160
McArthur – 68
McDanile – 130
McGinnis – 56
McKaine – 154
McLain – 212
McManus – 150
McMullen – 226
Melbert – 170
Menzies – 200
Merrick – 290
Merritt – 212,254
Michelin – 284
Michels – 246
Mider – 204
Miller – 24,306
Minard – 264,282
Moe – 328
Mongar – 92
Monroe – 172
Montague – 176
Moore – 288
Morey – 62
Morgan – 264,296
Mousseau – 268
Mox – 154
Mulnick – 16,36
Munson – 294
Myers – 120,320
Near – 286
Nelson – 102,318
Neuman – 50
Newell – 28
Nickerson – 110
Norris – 282
O’Brien – 156
Ockert – 24
Olney – 112,204
Olson – 120
Orshel – 204

Ott – 326
Ovalle – 208
Paige – 290
Palcjch – 306
Palmer – 36
Parker – 224
Parkes – 10
Parr – 146
Partee – 250
Partyka – 222
Patch – 186
Patton – 154
Pawloski – 212
Pelarski – 150
Peltz – 254
Penrod – 148
Perry – 172
Pfannenschmidt – 300
Philipp – 72
Pike – 212,216,240,276,332
Pink – 222
Pitts – 274
Plamondon – 296
Porter – 212
Powell – 212
Powers – 138,212
Preston – 74
Prevost – 124
Prouty – 112
Pulcipher – 128
Pulford – 288
Purdy – 246
Putman – 68
Quinn – 106
Race – 84
Rancor – 28
Randall – 114
Raum – 136
Redding – 178
Reechko – 326
Reich – 30
Reynolds – 276
Richalt – 38
Rickenberg – 168
Ridgley – 312
Rieger – 10
Riskey – 142
Ritter – 104,212,256

Robb – 158
Robinson – 242
Rogers – 2
Rohe – 252
Rohr – 214
Rokos – 170,212
Ross – 266
Rosser – 330
Rousch – 174
Roush – 118
Rowlings – 24
Rudolph – 44
Runciman – 186
Running – 330
Russ – 268
Russell – 184
Saier – 46
Sargent – 194
Saunby – 284
Scamehorn – 6
Scharkey – 244
Scheck – 54
Schiehtel – 24
Schlagel – 168
Schlienz – 86
Schneider – 188
Secor – 172
Sed – 24
Selkirk – 334
Semrow – 212
Sheets – 140
Sheffer – 286, 290
Skiver – 172
Smith – 12,16,24,132,216,
Snelling – 212
Snyder – 24
Sogge – 40
Solen – 194
Spaulding – 78
Spero – 18
Spindler – 74
Spoor – 118
Stables – 304
Stahle – 38
Stefkin – 120
Steimel – 46
Steinbach – 24
Stevens – 84
Stickney – 184


Stitt – 164
Stock – 92
Stocking – 58
Stoops – 234
Stopp – 308
Storm – 200
Strait – 50
Swanton – 68,106
Swartz – 294
Swishelm – 246
Tatro – 74
Tebo – 4
Teida – 272
Tennant – 104,192
Terando – 48
Terman – 290
Thayer – 220
Thiel – 212
Thirlby – 212,296
Thomas – 184,198
Thompson – 212,224
Thorsen – 40
Titus – 212
Tousley – 304
Towne – 14,16,40,330
Trimble – 56
Truesdale – 84
VanBrocklin – 318
Vandenboon – 94,96
VanderVeer – 98
VanZee – 324
VanZorn – 312
VanZoven – 306
Verlander – 164
Vincent – 234
Voss – 84

Welt – 212
Wheat – 314
Wheelock – 6
Whiteford – 320
Whitlen - 196
Whitson – 146
Wilcox – 182
Wilhelm – 16,294
Williams – 70,90,204,322
Willman – 262,292,314,328
Wilson – 84,120,200,328
Winegarden – 334
Winikaitis – 80,124
Wise – 270,276
Wood – 148,212,298
Woodcox – 212
Woodrow – 74,174,184,330
Woodson – 152
Woodson – 152
Woodus – 212
Wright – 6,278
Wurm – 118
Wurzburg – 154
Wyckoff – 34
Wynkoop – 24
Young – 166
Zelinski – 20
Ziegler – 2
Zielke/Zelkey – 162,172,176,
Zimmerman - 308

Wahl – 140,142,212
Walters – 24,62,72
Walzer – 30
Ward – 318
Wares – 190
Waring – 58
Wasaquam – 106
Weatherholt – 224
Weaver – 326
Weber – 304
Weiderhold – 38
Wells – 152


Document Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Bound volume.

Item Relations

This item has no relations.