Grand Traverse County Coroner's Records, 1963-1965

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Grand Traverse County Coroner's Records, 1963-1965


Death -- Causes.


Collection of Grand Traverse County Coroner's Records, 1897-1965. Attached to this record are the reports and index to the volume, created by volunteers of the Grand Traverse Area Historical Society. The records were created by the Coroner's Office as part of the process of investigating a particular cause of death; therefore, they can often provide information beyond what is recorded on the death certificate. The coroner's necrology and pathology reports may include details on the health of the individual and the exact manner of death. Inquest testimony may point to family relationships, as friends and family often provided sworn statements. Police statements and jury testimony and verdicts may also be available, leading to research in court records or penitentiary or prison records. The first entry in this volume is dated 26 November 1962. The signing coroner is Thomas R. Cajigas, MD. He was a pathologist at Munson Hospital and had been serving as coroner since January of 1960. Beginning with the second entry, the coroner’s office appears to be shared by Philip Wiley, MD and Joseph C. Steffey, MD. In 1965, Dr. Lavern V. Wolfgram has taken over the office. The last record in this volume is dated 31 January 1965. The remainder of the book is blank.


Grand Traverse County. Office of the Medical Examiner.


Original volumes held at the Traverse Area District Library.


Grand Traverse County. Office of the Medical Examiner.




Grand Traverse Area Genealogical Society.


CC BY-SA 2.5












Grand Traverse County, Michigan, United States.

PDF Text


Coroner’s Records
Volume VII Index
Agnew – 29
Agosa – 133
Aiken – 152
Akers – 45
Anderson – 27,112,166
Bailey – 28
Bancroft – 119
Barch – 57
Barr – 22
Bastone – 21
Beeman – 138
Bensinger – 65
Berg – 149
Bisher – 42
Black – 99
Block – 75
Bova – 25
Breithaupt – 106
Brenner – 141
Brott – 63
Brown – 59,80
Brownson – 110,112
Bryant – 126
Burgess – 147
Bush – 157
Bushong – 72,150
Cain – 103
Cajigas – 25,42,43,45,58,
62, 76
Calkins – 102
Carrier – 85
Castellon - 137
Cate – 48
Chaffee – 42
Chappee – 134
Chippewa – 28
Christie – 72
Church – 155
Clark – 21,58
Cline – 143
Collie – 22
Cooper – 58,157
Courtade – 166

Cox – 82
Creglow – 86
Currie – 164
Cutler – 76
Deitz – 100
Dine – 121
Diverge – 134
Dohm – 115
Downer – 82
Dunkle – 120
Dunn – 77
Edwards – 77
Eggli – 114
Ehrenberger – 89
Elder – 128
Eldredge – 51
Ellis – 57
Elsass – 94
Emorey – 95
Erickson – 43,139
Fahrner – 141
Faris – 134
Fenstermacher – 54
Ferguson – 64
Finzel – 131
Foote – 36
Frantz – 126
Fraser – 50
Funk – 68
Furtsch – 105
Garn – 140
Geyer – 94
Gioannini – 47
Goode – 44
Gowing – 77
Grabowski – 161
Gravel – 84
Green – 29,120
Griffin – 142
Grueber – 193
Guthrie – 80
Hall – 24,40,93,141
Hamilton – 43

Hanna – 73
Harris – 79,136
Hawkins – 140
Heater – 52
Heinforth – 143
Helmick – 144
Hill – 54
Hobke – 70
Hoffmaster – 91
Holcomb – 44
Hollmam – 101
Hornwood – 52
Hulett – 86
Hunt – 62
Hunter – 49
Husby – 110,153
Jackson – 149
Jordan – 132
Judd – 136
Kadrovach – 78
Kalachek – 89
Keith – 42
Kelding – 49
Kelenske – 52
Keskimaki – 34
Kettner – 96
Kevwitch – 162
Kitti – 22,50
Klepac – 81
Knotts – 83
Kool – 36
Krajkiewcz – 27
Kroupa – 29
LaDere – 92
Larbee – 118
Lard – 74
Lederer – 88
Lemen – 111,125
Leogines – 38
Leon – 31,32
Levenski – 39
Levitt – 162
Lieding – 34
Livasy – 74
Logsdon – 122

Longcore – 95
Lorengel – 163
Lossman – 21,25,29,36,
Lucas – 74
MacDuffey – 24
Martin – 51
Martinez – 135
McClay – 49
McDonald – 34
McKibben – 104
McPherson – 148
Mendoza – 63,135
Merrill – 49
Middaugh – 114
Milliken – 35
Minnema – 154
Minnick – 69
Minsker – 143
Morgan – 165
Nickerson – 84
Nicklos – 111
Norris – 136
Olson – 85
Ostrander – 69
Patterson – 76
Pelky – 93
Penrod – 97,156
Peters – 67
Phillips – 100
Pionsetti – 47
Plankell – 94
Playter – 150
Podleski – 107
Power – 46
Prentice – 33
Priest – 37
Rayle – 109
Rediske – 96
Redman – 46
Rennie – 98
Riedel – 129
Robertson – 69

Roman – 117
Rudolph – 142
Runge – 21
Runk – 97
Sadler – 34
St. Clair – 66
Salinas – 137
Sawaya – 125
Schichtel – 47
Schneider – 98
Seaberg – 119
Serrate – 63
Shorter – 145
Skinner – 85
Sleder – 81
Smith – 42,71,130
Snyder – 68
Somerville – 116
Sperlick – 41
Stack – 112
Stayt – 144
St. Clair – 66
Stiffler – 34
Stokes – 34
Swartz – 111,154
Sweeney – 22,141
Swinehart – 40
Syson – 83

Weaver – 166
Webster – 53
Weitz – 22
West – 77
Wheelock – 123
White – 48
Whiting – 113
Willman – 41
Wiltse – 50
Wolfgram – 51
Woodruff – 127
Worm – 160
Wright – 30,87,162
Yankee – 27
Zielke – 30,112
Zimmerman – 67

Taylor – 67,87,142
Tharp – 145
Thompson – 144
Thornton – 36
Tobin – 139
Tolman – 35
Triplett – 151
Tsukinari – 60,61
Tyrer – 118
Unger – 108
VanDrunen – 124
VanStee – 90
Voberville – 98
Vogue – 146
Wall – 53,147

Document Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Bound volume.

Item Relations

This item has no relations.