Grand Traverse Herald, February 23, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 23, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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F%cs 1 tt b


TIM Oullala iMlOiif U*.
■>nw Tr«M in Maliw.
Ple*M »M Cnwidtn IHwHiC
haw to bomnr oae. aroaM mt aad, Kerer to fWi fow knees mtle. nerer
~ur «HN:" be^ Aootta. »hkk
Fbor ymn as» tke BoMoa TiaaThe nrsmt ofYUlton vko o
Tb« OuBMte. ta ay article mtHb
if TOO SU, vbose Bios wools jroo bor- u> feH baairr ««t there la the awful ns her usual lalroSaeWy phrase.
a eaiafaUy i
MklM in ■«am«r utd ike t
I uted b7 F. V. BeiUdiB. ChapN Hill.
Sark! To he able to walk tbrooch It Bot the pot no taitbcr.
When be warn bark to the kttebca. >
of run. with roor sboolder*
-Beeanse I want her to be.“ append-^ of sportanra who come la autuna Teaas. -ears that la Ocrhrahlre. Bus "*oi «* «« eslstlat bards of hBOataea.
_________ _
.UM.h,, „„ .
m.1 anleadUlr. the war sol- ^
jHfr. -fd rather. Fhr I.' brio* a great dedl of nsooer lolo tbs : land, there are to be aeen. growtag, abowlog that oar aoblesl aaiJr* aal**^"*^^^*^
«a Mlipfan h«n S

H„“p,nfe sLnle marbo. *aybe Uligb. taugh! uka care Of her. We ahall taka bcdd Clares that froiD the* two cUsaea .tear la western Europe.
‘ beep thought to be the rase. The
hu'when he
Aad pertaps If there were aone‘ of haads: there woat
These straage. sweet easlcra ^er> Trmascript emsns eoaaiad up 1-.SS4.
i .
. hurt ,; derived a greater revenue 04M fponi
' her. with He there. Aad. AeoUa,—" anr one td the stateW great Induairles. hare a storr of their own. <UUag hark
But while the auaner visitors aad , nsajr ceaisries.
made, with the gmiirylng result that
-Aeolia wonldr.-! do." thought Joffy.
H at a Cdrfork lore.
sportaBcn are a great ftaaneUi
Loog. loag ago. la the farouuy dayj the buBalo an>ean to be ou |he lai
ttat klad of a per^ ^
-You aeedal go up to bed with her.. the
iieouuow ror. Aoolla
Aooiia .aid
sura - with
wiio .*«•*•
do that. then.
help to Halae. their pieeeace U ui ; of the Crusaders, a kalght Iron Derby- oease. now aunbcrlhg l.m, a gala
Tbep w«p the sarth »a ahlglgg glorr , redaltatkH. -N<^Y that
that what
what yon
ron the baby-" He got douu fr« hi. erer.
1 .hall
j ubire went to the rtpene of the Holy of SOP bbIbbIA We ned not four that
m the hack-yard feaec p,TO to aae to your bread. U aha.uHaii i^r
Ofs^n wtaatlal white.
.waaiad I abould tall you haw lo.apcll?
; 8epuh%ie. On his ietnr«. ufler Bsoy this Bagulftoeut henat will beeona as„
_____ _________ ___ ________ aad aoogkt.out AaidU. She waamd- criee the leenlm apedt, I ahaU pul spruce ire^.
* ■*" «* orHlna
Of courae.
oourse. tMTa
than how.
now. Dont
i»nx yon
^ and any. 'Here*.
Up to about the year 1SS8 the pine }'•-----bnro deeds,
Well. of
*--ids this crusader
emesder brought
hmurht tlaa,
Bptk OM hMa aad tur fran eight;
' forget Bay o‘the r^: there’s caeugh of •pleadldtol^ Tbc baby was UBi^lBg .jofry. darling:
__ __
Few of ibeae btfalon are roan lug
ah’ ah!’ I guaea It's tree was Nalae-s greateM source of | bboie with hlH aoM deeds of oriemal
Cn^MC ta the ptMaal bealock
•e«. BUT grief!"
pmiy good thing for the baby that wealth aad tBpnrtance. Maes gs -big. flowers and sowed ibea oa his estate, wild, though Ibsra are sobm ^ the
ia joiU. too.
*<0 double r!" Buraured Jeffy.
YeUowstoae ^ark. t
p la Colorado.

■■StigbOMha of epiucaahd cedar
iBabBBMd. “I—i dldoY know there; rtrr catefuHr. with aitestton to the
tr. b
biin the reg- together on thousands of arm. wblob ' hare iloiirlshed
jcot a scared brother,
Mat tan the boaras weep.
.aeree had fallen laU> a few I
were twiaa la the Biddle.
it was such a-a aeMon i,r kind. I____
t of the Oraat
«Np pBe the stuapa;.8'
obUgod. Aaolte; you' kaoak wumY every penoa that was
of all the Terrors the Worst One-ra- a ridleukraily low price, aad the foan-, The crusader’s ' bones are dual: bU - Slave take la aorthwewten Oaadda
grnt tot, douY you? f
Tin <»; Q^Bod after a harp. -Aeblla. will be
tbe most practklag. But JaSy datlon wm laid of most of the great | tunlly It nilaci: hU estates have The remaInderarslacajaivHy.oaraWMialMiWnuiktN Jewel, rare. jspallaraetanythlJif-"
Ibe baby always be a ginr*
gained on it. Fnan perefalag the stnee ktaioe fortones of this day. But Ihr . paaaed to otber holders: bis deeds are fully cared for. aad divided iatd ahoat
Vbw Mil n^SeM aad cahla home ; —Br—well. I'm busy now. I'rc goi
• My ^
ttoi it was the t»aby*s
, j,r(»u» on the seuleadge. heCW . pine was wasied. aad flaally there i fonoUen^ save by those who search ihirty herds, sridely asparated. an that
i lU* board to eerape.
with ua-;^, ,i
oeesatlon of the Jolting, u, perch two brealha. three, four. live, mae a time when the lumbeimca had ; oW records. But the flowets be pUat- no sJckacss or other mWortaae-eoald
I axp«M gracioaneas. "you eaa think
itudant wall of disapproval arose.
olgfai he stayed asitc a long Ume. to fall bari: on spruce.
: ed .011 bloom over the eouatryalde. carry them all off.
CbdlaMrKdMsofdrl«na»»w.^ i up all gie words you’waot apeU, and ^ -Beennao I thought I'd like to That was the night he got aequalaied
nny yearn ago the sprues began to ‘ »nd keep his mearary in the minds of
We may allow ear miads lo nut
hand'em lo me wrote out. aad I'll apNI know," went oa Joffy. -Hwlllmakea ,i,h tbo Worst One.
loom up bigger 4a the inmber surveys ail srho see the rare bloetoms.,
• easy on the subject of the buffala
*«a for you. Stmie Ume when I ain’t cirrunce la my 'raagtmmts." J«dty
The haH -vasSa
UlUe pitch-er dark _______ ____ . . today
the • The crusader's flowers are actual
>Sa Uli
. , of all
^ipabeUi Ray.
was llltle. but (be words be chose to
that night. You could dla- ggoMio^goo
yoK* cut aunnally lu reallUe. but they are also symbols of' Men Kept Young by. Moagant Waathor
bb lonely llitie mnsings were upco,- bear all (be Terrota hreaiblng n,,,
^ per cent Is all heauilfnl and noble laflaeace . The 'a Oermaa profeoaor alih a taate
What a nk* pernoa Aeolta
ioometlmm: PiobTf eke wontdn'i mind rather big. He wished li awiled oacc
»U........ _you. And you spruce, while of (bo _________
____ — for staUtUcs
-___ __________________________
a con-- l|Ule
iblngs that are doao
la the
sutes that the nambev of
Oa a Meak. haH hill wUk a dull wpHd
TerTora matA of say, even the for all that the baby would bo always
bow ereepUy sllU the . .Merable pan is hemlock, cedar aad eourao of a good life take root and live eenieoeniriaBs Is greater la soulbora
Worn One. Probly abe^ put both a girl; be did not warn any chance of
Terror kept. Tkea—bo moved!
,ban pine. *ke last being aad endure.
counirles than In ihooe where the ellfW Mary wocM af the Ornmna- ■
w pnrt,_o, Aooiia wasnY l Aeolla'. changjag her mind hereaner ybo tront quo stood up behind the set-} ^
as per cent iff ths
------------------ i------mate U colder. Thus there am ia
' whole, and most of It seeokd growth
Praye 2i3 ceatenartaas. whUe Sag.
.. . laai
aiau or a persDo, But
DQi siwa
prvu >7 and pmilng her law pants.
------- You could ue!
Qumr Psitha
I ham atilM whM Ibo whole world
certain; there were his om>r asoniwnl Jeffy In iravaU of
land can show only i4d. Soot land,
A short lime ago UlBS Carrie Hngln.
“O. O. It's you! I—I knew yon .
iof maybe-Jeffy warn filled with ahud^ ««iwb trousers, and some ttf them
vwly K.
While It was Jbe pine that made,of Janesville. Wis.. was so Ughily Sweden and Norway |
ISO u la ta (a t
‘ there. :
____________ n-_. I. ! .^
hugged hy her lover that two ^her »*««»» resjMcUve^. while BelfflM
n Stapd up. Tou
has ilve, Denmark

wadiad ‘^•la. thl^t thMi, that.*- (a bis



lans I. BTC oaf of a |
^ ^
W.1 -8I~I» a.n»0
-to .--W«.»Oor,..
po..- ............ ...............
“\V*hy. you haven't any boms! ,.1.
! ala imie over SAM,MO.-PiiUbntg Oa!.« ..II w-hfuH his-ulsB’
------ 'LLZ,
toon. 6he died V
woor- The
f-Mm gieea avem yiiwa. to a thaak*
Bat AeoUa rarely went up with hm.
be fin-ried sofilv -if. a happy ^*'‘”’ ***
‘ autopsy khowed That her.throat and
T.hT. t^.ln sum
v-ou Ye.
«ho HnlBg of h.c mornach had been
. ’•WM Jhd •»* ftarviag, though '
u,e dark ball, and abut Ute door
»iway. be a girl tbere's
wblsoer If you'd rather But
wlWemeM, like Rumftrt Falls „ badly burned that the swelling had
Dr. Ilerbst. la 4he YMacT;
. lafterhlm. -Bus aloag bow; a great SS^Uvteg l^ wa? to do to get To ILuuT^uImT Aml^^ aSoutride all- «„,«! her to choke to dmtb.
isehen Bream, irils of a------hr mpaW Mari’s haagm for joy kX_ bey Uke you alah afraid o'the dark.*« «* pnictlce wtmethlng.'- Jt bread and she Isat very easy of Uwis «rf capfial to Maine, and given
j. nidwell. a Boston omltbArall. t«* .p bOT MIW bbbbi. bnripc. Wop-i ri» «««■ to bo
and the wait of the baby ceased. As ed? I've aerooched myself, and It's
apntce logi. white paper would coat imb. aad. when bo riippM and fell, a *«»“• *?“•


i,*.. 8«M

opward aonl. F~
For 1.
It waa awful amIIs's ,0...™
foalnraa Mci™.lb™
twitebod at them ^‘ dergoiag ™»...™«.
seme strange .ipppo™. “
«. vialble
vi.ihls ia
ia It
it by
bv the
the curlciul- ^ f***
’ he
was slowly strangled to death. His ’*”•
had to path ___
Whateriv u-aa
-------------,out UnTc. awfttl! Yon ^
bride of a
iagalari the dark lo get to the Uatrs.
•Y35~Khead and bracticr." she said ous little iiaht atlirruttlier rmssured
------ Even the mal v
but was unable t help him. the way up you piuhed and .bpt^een Johs; “i ftues* you'll hs safe jefly.
ed to drint. Darfag the t
' would be lighter by far bat -fbr the
Beveler. of Sterlloc. III..
Mth thegtaryofhw^P"**^' And the Torrops that Itrted enough,"
>-cars she suffered from eaM. and aa
la the blackest darkaesm*.!
darknesM>s! You kruiUI
The babyksmalt.Bweei face'dimpied i, numy?' Why!
.attack of lafloenia. These atlawats ’
jg. tari.
tad. as
. ,. ,
ihear some of them bresihlng.
bobhril. bobbed and dimpled; and fore. Probly It
s on aecount of
oi the

Wv tMMi Mr the «mat«a'«„^ they had colds la V»...........................
Iholrhcds. And JeSy „eod
it. A bom. or's the Ump. A p«. ,p„,«
Mood gravely wriching
It his thmai.
imme of thorn squeaked la their^lbg
consisted of a flag sta '
lyeMalnt tandemem and protective- mn isn't much .afraid of anything by
feelhis that she had only been asleep,
L;|Wwm Me flag MaatF fwri heaft;,^^
rurily (blags like pm,, overtarge for hls^llitle heart. Umpllgbt. yoti know. I'm S'**!,
-,(on »nd one Indian buL The Indian
--------------during the night.
brpught your lamp. Aeolla nev^ light.
mi mr*.
jAtMUa-I'yberi atarcbed skirts. Tbe crowfled into K aad -made it ache.
•gflnaat tight ef tha atm growa
. Tprror u ■ very stilt—O. very!
J sute

.**« brwtb
u. ws... sharply.
V. one thoul she
r\mK^ prism,
p* ■■VU. and
«UU the hut
UU« t*■ o™ U|fl WCb..

More «USH
than ICH
ten VWb«
If®'-' jet. 0.'yos. hem was a person to take-donY know Juri ho* poor we a«. but jp^ing only thS flag nation and the ;‘“ttentlcat^, though nut common.
have alwady
Then you felt-worse than
mrile, or iqueak. i •
care or. A Htilc laughing baby per- we never waste iblng..
who lUded It.
•ua ut bw><
•.. . ...V —1 iit-o a. iMg iwprr BiasiB
s all
Becreury of . State Hay
hM m a .MM trims
a One Rk-i»»ond park, oaploded when atrack
illy tried lo run past the puetsa. pari all the Terror*. Tbe plan
«P >->- Shes an tbe woMn pei^
the greund over
■ Uwhlefa
WantOBd. HU round llltle knee* mt- took de«p root tn Jeffy-. heart, and «on
‘’••ve. because my fathw isni
/ A- lS;fMi drop .'from' a- hiMiM. tied togetbor in the prqcosa. aad be grew tram that atlnute.
here. Aeolla's a fuiuiy.iiame. Un t it.
bet o™ tb. l~t. 1.
^ frit himgiy. Jeffy had been hnagry
He hhgun the vorr. neat bedtime. She's named after a harp. •
ta called "the magic
tns?if city.
c-tiv ••’ because
hibcsnsrt Itii 'hf ccst «»f
of riik
the tree was shattered ia borne
____ _to
which Is
pspered_ ,_____
fro* oMUag
..^an«r wtyt wa
day whoa Aeolla apralaed her R-hea Aeolla pushed him out Into the
8(1)1 the alierailons went on in the came Into eitstencc so suddenly.
. >o fragmenU.
fl«w with eartoims He U also maklag
u .
Tbe pulp and paper mill, which catv
Alihoogh the cansc of this phcoom- ^
almntiom He has

«m trioa el^t la the ■noralng till .said.'-Run along now; a .great tray
gud i>e seen you by Ump- qp about Ko.0OO.oOO feet oMtw--yearly. •«»««' '• ®« «rialnly known. \
t wo*.,. ,
^fight at al^C The airangA aensatiOB like jroo alBX afraid o- the dark." he iiphi. Tou aren't anywhere near as employs in one cM»cliy or another Proba^e egpUnaUon has beca sagI JOHMr, too. that BOt la the
ibc had axpertcnced then under hU lit- be|ta«'rolled all bU will-power In i^otaiAy as I supposed you weee-^why. about l,0(w men; and there ar? U the
T** Electric current. It U
than otgot
eight iwaaaa
Hke thU hla little friihioned Ml. and made
j .uppoaed horns. >wn know, and
people. Where bcara ---------------------------and •»«, generttos auch
i ..4 .
lie Basslaa bh>oae
»a ihem walk, -fevea imai'lhe Worst One that your tongue woold be as red as moose voarood half a dogen years ago that the tap la tbe trees U convened '
em^oyeu ii the variOM ffoveraOr
or ffoalr the thlaffi ve-atiaage aensatlon that
] when he tried to niB past the Terror
MlcMhem _riiB. it was goo.1 .nythiag, *i,h a fork tn H. And of there are now rireei. Kntd -aith riid«leuly Into auperbeated.
*" WaaMagtoB. SM4 of
■ice after
M thndaevnpuu* that ornahifWimMmd the aeiltav So he knew tt waa P-ACtfri-. «»“ »“
course I auppo«ri you'd glare. This is stoc«. dwt-lllngs. «;hoolhoBse.. hotels ; •“‘ch expand, aad cau«» the eiplo
^^,7^ '
Nine huahMag
The am ptgbi ho went a little for- ,
I pha'n't .nd chorcbes. and lighted tiJth eicc »M. Betweea the bark snd the vaak
moisuire. aad this fact dred of them are paid aalaries taaglM
! At oaowHh the Farpoae which made- jeffy waa rir jR ,t* some petaoaa
"“PP’*'*'*«-vor be afraid of you-agatn. ever. Ajrfa.y.
, there U
from flWH) tn SISM a yeat, ibe others
all vHd.
• 1
ara M*lT brave. Pw*1r AeMlaa al-'
person Isn't afraid of aaoibpr person
the orieioal soitler. the ln-;ac«>««‘a for ihc bark bring driven
>"» dlan^mnrdere.1 his chance guest, the ‘mo epAW.
the rest nf the tree being ^ d (to c^p^mtlon of ordlnary clerks-««0f to $»«o a year.
But not until the Meh night did Jeffy y„„ ^e going? Then n1 go to the dm>r- Spanlaitl, r.qiorter. who went tip ^
not affected.
AmerlMin manofaclurer* nf woml
Close to the shore of Baatera river
I Jor whM ,an.

tsHr' hoiMf
"" itm Tnnor *'“»
>'Ou. because Aeolla's makiv Itangor
to see
al>om H had to make a.
a......................- .
k« .hoiiM never *.'4 .nut tor '*'*
•etlK^wlih the Terror 1,^^. 1-m so thankful we re 'quainled
„„ Mlted pig's shoulder and sal- ,^'n ««■ a'riniHav mi-ihod. IJogs of In West Dresden. Me., there Is aa ai>waatrim.
CBlma thiwash tnnble, aad want, and.m.
He«d scrooching there behind him! The
,retiY yy>u? l a poM* youll
,he o,g «:ail«n of the
P‘«ri' “>»
»T^v7.r7.i- w aw*«‘dartc seemed to close him m and nu^h. but I've hid a piiffiekly awful rguroad. Now they have one botdl at exposed to the ariioti of superhoaied stands, thirty feet hfgb. Bsaaarm ira
^talhrnlM with the gk>ry of
___strangle him. He
not to bg
Trald of you:
until the moisture
In every ceil fpet and three. Inches araand and
Mirieda alow
cryofof, ,
yoo! jmilnoekei
M„„„oeke, adiere
.-here the EnglUh Ian- steam
---------------------------------------------------------,a*elhcr she evw m nded the T«^
btV. rim know-because I've
eonridcred Inadequate lode- I* opened aad a« the log espKsie* it Is apreads.flfty feet. lU owner. Mr. Ham.
when she wm upaiatrs m tne miwwant any oae. to lake care oflhcn: got her to take care of. She's a girl »<rlbe all tke dtah.-s on the dfnner bill, changed Instantly Into wuri powder, has grihered ia some yeai? ttlrtv
But. O. how he hope^hal she did. It-h,.*.««! »p»c one to take care of peraoo. You were the Wor^i One. but
When six years ago a man warned
bushel, nf applea from ihla t«a. whfch
Tha Warn Oaa.
hMwtld have been aach a comfort to
^e waa not brave or piwecilve. ^ now Of eounie not now that I'm
,*l,. - i™,h ,, jiiuiBoeke- he hs-l The WrasiOMM's Son as a /Sunday '»
M Mffb wllbor aad

.■wl.r.ib bull,-li m- W litbi.lnt. Tb, “i^■>» "J 'S<0,

temperature to sehoM Masse* in ibe t’aMed States U a wealthy widow llring near lade“•
1.UW 1U. ■ -Wb,,3,w.
: «.U0 ™,i -w.i» w~ ""I"”-'"'.
„w. -so do - jmr ...i.. Tod., >s„
c at Uillloflcke; that taught by Tpeodon- RboaevclC pendeace. Mo„ died. She was koown
Btaaptuta la the privacy of hla qaak;
y be returned I
the new
shut the front door softly, and went about eror..-(blng In the way of eon- Jr,, (bo- nevcwcen-yearold son nf the to have made a wilt, but no amouat of
lag little aoal. At <m bo had spelled;
l^pcd Into
Into tMm—'
_ -Hrhr. struggle. The acxtnl^t. ll» next,
,trough the veolences that can he found In aay president.
search would reveal it. A few days
n wMh flee, aatll he found out about , then I ahouldmY be
I ahooM <l»P ®««“practiced, on ihU ter^ 210 car
The membership of this elasa I* ago the family accldeatally dlseovered
thadeahlarta iba middle. Aeolla ■ ^
^ „y
, rtouW r
«•>.»» *»«•• He would act give He did not feel at all like nmnlng loads of paper dally. Ibe brass band composed of iwv te lUile lads, who are that tbe will bad been wrilten on a
bad loU Mm about tM: he aanally
•Never mind, mother: M rij^'- *PWbf« he got inio bed. be did d3I poll plays almost every night, prohibition devotedly auacbed to . ibMr young fly leaf In her Bible. They did not der’‘*l»rL'rti'( **“
*** **
anywhere leaeh.-r.-who never fails to 1.e tn time sire to mutilate the book, so they ofbis hard li'tle Waterloo. I ough be d d
Mm like a soft mtai. and the spruce trees did it all.
every Sundv to tnstrwi the rlau lered it for probate, and the esutc Is
and la (be comfort of it be went sleep. Tbe best of it ta that tfaete Ji eaon,-w Tb'-y gi-orrally oetftpy a rorner in tbe now. being settled according to Ibe
’• .
, ^ ^
„ o.™,,-™. O.OT b, «n,ld. I,-.
AeoUa was
amnt then.”
k «s« hero he tar in hi<
*“ ’*■*“
0"«‘ »Pritoc In >alae to tsM tadefinitely. ebat» l of Jbe Eidseopal church stw.prms set down. Tbe book wtli hu;
' diffnent
YnMifllu hrsad. -If you waaMl
But therewaa ao one. Jeffyk frail , "TV _-H,«ed snd srifaLtmfui “knlkcd away Into the blackness for it ta DUwily owned by great curpor Oyster Bay. witk ibe yuttng l^er la come a imrt af (be oMclal records of
;apHi’ uae. you kaow." he addMU .to Utile ••mother peraon-had slipped om ^ ^
„ whence he bad come. Asitmlshmept alums, aad no waste ta allow.d. ,
the era.r«-.
the prolm<e eourt.
bad Mm
him la.ihelr
la ibeir grip He DaTtooqdar.--Ae6lU
and wrath had
------------------------. TUo^ la bU Maas are all aUrit
ab amusing mory i* told Of aomu of
had had many,
Impulses lo
toeapmia 11.^ they had
“You're a scated-oit' vmi hear me* *'•*'
riW- very
*’Cry many.
Catelilno rwti
r«Mi hy
by trisphooa.
' JgbKor nine years of age. and they ,|„. fjcnesi men la -the cooatry arho
shut itatdoor behind her. HhartJeffy
ItbartJeSy You're aUt
evil; hut this bad
his 6r« Im
a ?irarweglan
Xorweglaa has lorenied
torenied a quer<
years old. tta>.-rix-year.
WOW ana-m ngnt.
to think he had not been there to pot,
if i was rii year* old you pulso not to do u. Of the maay. be way Of flndiag out where the Bsh are.
^ “■**
meeifag at New York. Aroaad the
I Je^.
^ micTophobe. wbtehjs an Inwruiaeni

table were J. F- Morgan. James SUlihis hand Into bevt and run with her^^!^,^ |.j ^ TrSid? S'poee I'd run? bad never been ashamed, bat he ww A
you-n A)
J ,»!. o»; U ™™«1 kim „„
maa. William Rockefeller, J. J. HP)
. npotalra la tbe Ughl
^ "^O. mj aonl, you make me-shamed of
mile bit of aotmd. ta lowmd Into Ue ..
Hindhermitfs for the Navy.
aad Senator^-a had .leepiBg with
down ro
to Aeoiia
AeolU uou
aad the
"‘“•f" the kid!" be growled ttr^gh
^ flahlng smack, aad a , AH sailors ia the king's navy are tered wllh a package for the a
•mt. .rt^ WU.I . w™ .™™
wr.ii • narrowed ouwa
•»» baby,
i*«j- ..'ab^ waa J^y. fountala'of taforM iw ho. Well,
atways , aUoB. and tbe Ihile fellow diaak at
•***■ ^
* tele|*oiie ‘ otdiged lo boy a black siOc htiidker- oa which »140 was doe. aad after *o-------------------------------him. Yoa fons« H with wlttmi eagerarss. a IlflBe dtaaboard tbe boat. W. as riie herring. <*ief. TIrar get'll from the govern- log thion^hl.
.eodflrit and mackerel «hooI. anmher meat stoie*. and the price, about IV. Chanaeej/^
dtvHo up -tUe
w^w thought about imt -being dr^j(hu were'aaaailafyiag. A »Kle
T***T . ^
thouaamli anil tens of thoosaads of U deducted from tbtOr pay. Tbit year have emoogh money to pay the MB
afriUd whmi there was soare one to eutprtaed when they tasted bluer.
, ■*
pw“sc throogb tbe watec (he admiralty has ordered i«o.f>M> aad naked flaandal .Md. Al» aabeerltaed
/ fx^ jeoy
JefJ aae
had teoreo
ntfred to
to the
the boMi
baMi ,take care of grew Wtam J«^. it got to There was no other place to qtM«ch
« aataraUy caose* a rpshlag aouad. baadkeichlefi from tbe latgeri silk us moch as they had wttk them.-hat
lUm a way oot. riic odiy way he bit thlrai.
Cbrtst^ ttdeoror wood.
. which caa be heard by the flshermea maaafactuters In the world. This 1
toaid think of. And lu hla humiliated
-Aeolla." aaotber day be said, “girte
at tbe ielepbeoe. aad thus they are aamber is 40.000 x
mtio oeal Jeffy bulged laMaaety to/iet'are always aoarod«atp aroaH they?- la the msUer of houk paMteaUems h>«w their aeU at the. been regnlred before. Raeh baadker- i
to be atraU acaUi-0!,YWbabinibcomh,a^aher
. Raeala Ifat thefoot e( the aatiwm.
; right Ume nod la ibe ri^t price.
;«htef is UUny-ffe* riehoa ogaate.




aartf I ai






\9mcnfat h»pp<iWM WKf *Tcf

ytrl«c aia»toMlpB u> »h« tO^ >af


[waCrnitmh amvw iwlT«E «
Ml ihlinW ^♦«»g tbmt bl*: Tb«v »t« aur o(b«r rklusble auto____________
Mbcr. Mtn WUlmre. hui _______________
:wbb b« wUy
• M«n*l
4«U «Uie
i b. «M*
ln»rt; -rw ■ ■■ -*— ------------------- ---------^ ot tb«. oi>« «p«l.lly
o( u aimt *t WbrM. ««•- W»
***** *™“ A;
br tiTffrl-ffr
**** CI«v«Und
- Sfb WaiiBM «u a DtoBcer Inaber- aW another one trom tbe pea of Bar-


.... u...«».....

)urtl>' VtvmA at tb* bi«l
.-------------- m.b^pwtbflh*................
__________ . irboy ti
aaHtuiB •« “ »»■<*»
iw P«*eot hl|C>
nadiM •* h"*® w«J
coBoon lav ••
pounded by iboue sreat Jurin*. CooJpj

-•■^Iba Mat *Pftf.flTo years. He was preeMent of Enreka «me«e.
malntslned by ibeir rueeeMoni. V>
mmm ud dnrUi* bu life
Mrs. mu's earty eblldbood home cooeratuMte the *iate and our pen:
^u*; Jlnmlad *ae only a «ooe-e tb^ fromtbe to the anioa ukoo here today throu*:
isttoB or the Hoc


u.« U" *

ilr. WWM«-lsfl ta- BC Jossph Sal- at one tlmohe idayed with the chlldrsn
* fl„irs represemative of ih>
^ tViA weeelil—>1 IhnnehI he
lie was
area 1fno
•«.! stvlllt..
rbtan'a •Iipreme o
o reailte the Import of It all. alven 1.
yhs topa of tbs deaka and Ubini Of leue campua Into the private arotinilK
„Bir-r«liv will
. .»• fhralahiaff of the now parw^s of the hose, of thep reaWeai and be
wtS^f todar^s^tsiate.
HimiTwirad FHdaynad thefoisa of;waa amused at the defsisncs with tbronafa the Domloaiinn of t.o men
which the modenU asked________________
pst^^lw lj>era
of lu aovemlna
Is *rplen
_______ _ ________________________________
f»*“K boarjl. '*
them so the delayed removal of the)to come withm and art their ball, hot ■•■Idly T........................................................................
eltr Utatwr can take place At the hemaaonlypoatled at H ^1 end only

the iDHpIrlna
tibrarr Haatf the c
B. itAnaell. an<
lime prerideni.
preriden James B.
tin hooks makes b6sy work foe the II-, pi
• and aWHty of tb
hH-mMMM.* Tbe system
cnehi* and the r
a ohmerad and
«'*«“ C-**
rraof lu family.
As our aniversUy bas honored Mh-b
;aov AMS hoekn on Setim and IMl'
Satordayh Record.
desires ta honor It
^hoofcs oe ymralM q^Uoa are roestrini,
with ereat educaiioul Insiliuilot). and here
PUOU. V Ui. ruiute.
.0 .1 corJ... cotm..!
atloUat.- No othm work la that Mao will “ adjournment ahead of a msaih
pertain* to li» work an
lake BiiKo aaUh a.pmcUcsl llbiarUn: *»«y
had been pul over

U Travoraa aty la nM backward In tachmsat was *Hen a Jniy trial and pubileaa tmrty a* adopted In the pIs!
' the SSBtlBSttt whieh it bsiB* apluted after teotlmoar taken was Boaed by forms of the last t«n state
ite*T*-tsfsrenee 10 the wdlcfof
cause of action.- “®“-----------------------------------V. “no
»u -----------------------... ■*“'
‘i «*'"«* •»>
•' ”
t of a Juvenile eonft «hWi eartic was an esonmtlon of ,*”^.;
wlih aailrfactlon ih
^for the trial of youf* oSendeta and (Se defendant.

KTPST Attjooib. -fpward the
nuDM RoB " *»» bMaliMiT r®B4eted
r Mrs. A. S Rowtejr.
««« »*b«l
Ir. Le*R
R and Dr.
r «o|der.
• *
' At the rk>«<- of ibujirocram daintily
m uMee In arson and *hlte were
■laced aod dcllrioas refrerhm. ni»
»«re served roosUtlna of;
- rhlrtf«i*alsd.
^lace aatirtmlv^M. OWi»~. I'iekte*.
ColTfe. •
Tble -part <*f the erenlnr » treat of

Trarerse aty State Baik

N<«rue* arenkiORUtr.pUcwcd rorThe
and «;<«(lMaoii-ooB0rt»me ibo fftm bend *«Te a* folkHn; <laa «hite talxmv In tbe steel pUsts
H£>r«. Bscfcsnt. Kin*. Gsrsad other bl* fa‘’tp«Ws a aoath.»llaod. Ox**-. Pun»eh. SlH-nn»B
—" ood Beooetl,
---------- •
HHea Moon'. Carrie Karl and Min;
• IWactlr,VaiWir of Ne.' A r. HANNAH. P
Wa'I; iler^r*. Kina. ScyCer. L«'
8. GAHtAKD, CaaMar.
HoUey and Huist»T. Tbe •llreclor ••.• Y.»rb. vlw capKirad
«. .Mr*, i. R. Eaotu. ‘
, >.A*-*tn
irTti^idcBC 4lcKtcley» bs» >wt
-------------------- :—
liU >.h became iie fslled 10 paM a
A «oJl drewed man. wb.. reeUierci ; |,*l ,4«inioat|.ui.
CAPITAL, *200.000
a»-S U.-N.-al. ciiieaso.-at ihr H-t:o!
' '
«URPLU8. -*25.000
Touratae. Baetou. committed suirM.-


i,,.....™..- .......««..«..
tract. «>f idfo'iiflcatloa.

irtltis S< ettcleht a alter.-.


Tire Insurance!

8Tooa CoMeAMita.


A Getenl. BtUdK BwlimPm
“«* ^ "?*r.*7iTT 1^- *?7i*r**’^
1 per Cat HUM •• TUK BoMIl

Plate Class, steam Boiler and Accident insurance.

Money to Loan on Improred Real Estate Only.


Room 310 New State“Bank BuHdtnR.


Traverse City.


ClK Prstcription Storc~Ct>« Rtd eross

Very be«t of dental servleo
only. Tenib year of praetica.
Your pairniuES aolielted. la
New Mudvc.b bnildlnc. under K.
of P hall. (IQ Boor with Dorfceray's Btfslneas Cnllece and over
Singer ofBeo.

Do ¥ou Know
. What lilt- KKl) CROSS «ir.\H.\NTi:K m.; II


twotliiii]^ Kind, whi-ii yi»u
nnyiiiinj; .nt th.- R.-.! Cn-B
you i«u n-!iirn it .-my tiiiu-:iim1 p-i y<nir nuaj.-y.
Sr-i-ni.l. ii
. the l*-il Ilf i-v^-rylhiiig—iiiiTHy i.f ilniifS tuirl .-e-i iir.n y

Jotata. mho are not 081 ed thclf .knee pert friend, CMBeneo Bancroft, vs. .«**oniy In the condttet of all *uie a^htaoahdi. triad ta a cenrt In company 1 vna)c ~a. ClarE
Ihls suit was fairs, and sre pledse onr astisuoc
kertih mtelaalt ef all kinds and dla- bioo^t for alleRed breach of promise. “>
'h***^™" 1°
^XlaetfcMA is bariiy
brarity ediawdI it prfc- j hut is J r oat of court. Two lien -our (nnTriior. the Hon. Fred hi. War
oat etrcHbtiat
r a p<
patmon.for the ^ea-,euea were dimmaed of. tbe eaae of J

^bMikwaiit of a atato Javsnllc court. :b. Orelllefc va. Rocm, and J. B. Orel
One of the most dacceskful am
ma hMrd of ■apsTT^rt has sicnsd uekYa. Mia. Maude Ttylor. both hetn*
jtta pMfUai sad Friday the eooH Idwided la favor of the plaintiff.
Woaan'.< club wa* preaenied at Od< j
~ M am ptveo sn opportuhity. i
-----------^ Fellows hall Thursday ercaing. Mr*. 1
Mayae. wbb has not yat«san the From Thuraday'i Bncnrt.
’ 3. otlbc)
m. b otroMly ta favor of tbe. Tbe case of Dye va. W. D. d. Ger-'meot v__
lahMMt aT Murti ■ mart, and ea-' mains went to tbe JsiT this aDsmoon- tbonphttul planntn*. IpelnK luccessfu
------ —- ■H:30 bbi Frank Moostta. who wmi*u, every deuil.
i.UF •"■M ““**» W aiiavtate
pp p erlmtnal charts. »•»
When the curUtn wa.« -drawn frc.11
Jodicdal Troahisa. A commit- broaghl before tbe court Juat before the drat nnmber tbe ball was crowde
H « MV hoftte tha M«bMtw« la | nooi and aentsBced under tltbs Indeier-. arltb club members and their tueictr

219 e. TrPBt St


Jimerican Drtia eompany

•---------- --------------- -------' PATENTS.
!.................... ■..............................................................................


! waya* Oiauy Bmk Bldg., DCnoit


f urtll raanli f»m ,

.. ^

---- ' . . .

. ...

itoMe vhleb fliet the llnai at noileu ‘
“* .MffM - TM araamg trainfffteen.^ The tower scene in which U-onor.
he case inland Manrier participate, was mo*
----- ttkaMU.^M«ad doe hate at Judge Mane will hold tbe
liM > m. did ^ attempt ib leave •bc]«m mtU tomorrow afternoon; t»«dutirully Riven by Mr*. K. E. Hue*
would lake aad E. E. White.

TIiIb 4Uo.-lilui- leeiillvily

cvm ail<ioa-ii ami <i(i tin- wa>>Lhiu..
rsin ilo th.-l•mitv wasliiuir(lays trial.


of 1;! y.t-at-B

TIiib umt-liiui- is ».!>! on


Tnkv-otic aiHl try-it.

F*RANK TRUDE, 146 Front Street


---------- * -piciurl
a> elty Bator-', able.
-plciurlae In a dear aad
oar the plot off this Inieresilm
miua- RemlBgioa va. Arihbr w. Bemlnronl**^

Ww. ^ H«r «.

” /
. kvFarve Wm Mueky.

who i
■ VensH

i was aung by His* Uoutse Calkin* an<
.; E. E. Wbiteln a aipneer to elicit mud

a,r. j

earr vaiaabH ^
aateffragh albam afthe oM taablMMd-------------tm. vMch ImmaripMlawad-to bit tw stuck


bright and gurseoua In -ndor. admit
- abl^. carrying out the wlerd and plea*


■ '“KXhih.

•mdaSM. MiariB-eetnay.
knowing that there wiw ten other
Tte edlUea ta qacatlon. if It-tMuld cupanu^ the boufe aU ash

aimplaat ef aerall
]MHakment for i
■and epataia* a


I ive dtaping of cnnalns abmt a cami
.ta DetroU. muring to a fire' fire I round which a band of Ry{>sie
wlUi tbe'
and com

’ - Tbe Inmate* all escaped safely.


en^tkmally good work In tti* ede
brated anvil cboms, the chorus <>
voice* adding to the beauty and bar
mony of the aclectioo.
A solo Riven during thl* scene bA

Comer Lake AvcBse and Taath StnoC .

ellvery woi* be coaaldered
reading of ihe-Ubreito which ah*- bw

-------------- - lata. The
I:1B A V-ffM
the aanth van an-



■liH-s till- wa>4iiu(.' ill K-s-; tli.-ur4iulf ilii- tiiii'-' OM{iMiv<l->>y
other iIi-Tio-s iiiul i1<s-s it bitli ju rf.-.-i «-iiiH-,

60inq to Build?
I( so, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your tvants. •


South Side Cumber 0o.

Cravtrst etiv. HHcb.

Not the -old shoddy, but fresh from

Fits, dien


>c n-pi
^Ul tor* to remember th«m ^ ,
arc eager to renew their pledke* '
it among (he vlMa of Kan- of fearty to'the Intanits of the whJiic,
3. A. Oaiffrid.
pwpte. aad wtntng lo accept with
--------- -------------------February. tSSS.
--------------------------------■‘■litythciI that are Impued
lAmong the maar
thme word, rram Mia, Boote. the
to WIHWI amea
A. Qarffeld pn^oeed
------ ...------------------------ atattbe
polls iw
I oalr a
»-—■*-» hor L m. '
ronflrwed and •tlmutated In
oaiy a aaock headed boy In bit our adheraaee to .be pledge, and prtoWhen. In the little town of
B. be fell under the iastructloaof eeBsfuny wrought for eoantrf
■ Booth who was a partleuiariy ««r.-------g rimiwer beraelf aad be Hiidled JJSSSS
4 .voiced under'inatruetkm until the United State.. Ttwodoii Roo'iSveii:
a meuMIng became la the Ukeneas In kla. demand for a "sanare dn
hera. To Mra. AUya she said:
**« “h- door of opporriiaKy si
tM.4^T%.-bo.r or panlag
near. When you mutt go fm the home i. ,he fi^t plBtf^-SfTbVrapubhran
at your cklldbaod and the friend* of party. aM la kls
d fair Dtey
s»r. jdr ua humk well as for lu

“■ ^ S'Sch'S.V;

b*v* a aon that >wd ><rsla-f.T»e
B two yeer* olu. teUuBVd by ftta of

iMsraUr, . ^ ...

-...................... .....

T al-oul
that w«
(nr Uw
lie W.4

hit. h<tm«
In an aw
hlioa. It. h.e •Vwt
I, lx. n,i„d
tBlrd al»o^
trJy. lU* hirdly kn«ir oiw of |I.«

Puflind Billy

B Tvrr since, sad h* has hsd but
s T«7 llshl.sncUasinrc Ust Aor-'U
a ae.d ihm h< ««< r.« vMi vn.rp
ye. y»rrei>auofe him cut.-d. a* ha

CIKSSffi K,-S2Ei



i^Me^ Co.' EJkfasrt. Ind

Standard. make 5<A and
They are strong an 1 cheap*

est at

\Ve have a i;as engine and we call it rutfiog
Hilly. This machine will work all day without
grumbling: it will pull our corn and oats up
into our bins, will grind our feed for
just a little gasoline. So the price for-ne.xt
week on Street Car Feed is.........,-SLU per h»i
On Fine Feed.................................. LU per lf*i'
On C.'C. Meal...*........... ., l.U per 100
On-Com. per bushel - • • • ................... .............. Cfk:
On Oats, per byshel....................................... ... :JSc
We wjU wind up with^oap:
San i a Claub Soap.......... .................. lie pe r cake
Calumet Soap................. ................-J'/..'c per cake
This is af



I, Pastors i«'Maatoa'have decided
kf the aatloo. eapadany latmaOiig *• that tht>»vlllage Hands inneedofarevan MvaioaMe. hetkgfroB Jamm A.;lMe(BHonand are arranging for a
Oarfteld. the martyred prMtdeat. who serie* of union revival wrvlces to he
%aa at HM time Mn. Ftatl’a teacher la progrem Tor two or three weeks.
had Waad. The» chlrogtapbyv |i as Thl* ta the time of the year for such
•ae aad ddUeaw as a voa>an*a aad the dSortSr or seems to be. but tbe auggnaOmoAU, thd. vers indicative of Ms tlca has come that Maatoa.- hasnT
^Ue beaottfol character. The auto- mlBtatera eaough for the purptwe In
fir. Mfles* Restorative Ker»»
«mpk u for Mra. Mary AUya and was mind,
inc has bccii so successful in
written JoH atier her marriage and
- curing these brain-WTCcking
Ipertous to removal to -th* west.
. ftepMUcM fteeeluUem.
diseases that there is c>-«ry*
followiag Neoluiloo* V
reason to believe that even the
For Mra. Mary Allyn—A# ckiuda adopted gi the recent repubUcan *
most hopeless cases can be
^ the ayenlag light kmc after the
benefited, if not fully restored.
m hu daganed, eo doa* aa alban
of reficcb artccjhmp months
We will be pleased to rcicr
d tb* d«ar thlagk of memory when , the < niemptaiion
n of one of tbe most
any one thus alBicted tb
t vietorie* In natiov mod

Interior Pinj^ng

If V'Tii want till lk-«t WaMhiii;: Mat-liiin- iiiuili'. buy a
liflU .\llt.Mluitic WastliT.


Place Your Order With Us


■SmWi M Phu wMMav BWA IsAlmllms ml&

a than three years at the Micblpan 1
e of the flrsl numbel
{IrTi seboal orehe«tra
t’lllls Orlffln. tbe roast Iny buraUr. under
>f Pmfeacor
wasI also arraltned and the eoon Is a pleaslnt
encore was as well
desirous of fladlnt some saiuble per- c^red.
MiMridsi oa RaitfMda.
who can act in the capacity of
Tho FWd MNr«aetto uvin oerviee paml* officer, rather than m«d the v«d|-a
ridi's life by Mrs. C. E Hale and wa
Fridayp flom
not a harteaeU well gh
-------- tae
----- . youui. woi |,
Thin V
r aad thaagh tha regular; ertmlaal. u
M nmbe
kept up aU train.
him one. The court, in exer- music until his seventh year. Hi» Ui
« fMm dM ta three hoata
Mte. Tbs
" eumt me power of parole, can brinR educatloo In mitsir wa* oW
• tiaiamm^.MUth-arrired hi. liberty within circumscribed limits Milan. In all, Verdi hk* <
t afed d Jiblaek. double headed to that in reaUty U* acts and deeds ewentyeU operas, all bu
but one meeiln:
aught under with treat sncCcs*. Hi* ....
■rtli power posed In his eighiieib. year and *how
p*yole has beenD pot to
----------tl pracHae In------In-front :gve ethar cases and
le peon
been <I "II
h Ttovatore."
* rwaarre. wbich^t*,Me^
nd three
ttare have
ful. The hoy. nnleas o L oa pa-1 beet known and a




ma^le to order, prompUy. Only the-voybeH n
fnUjrituranteed is casyrc^wc^
That are made to vse at well u edl. 'Tbey arc


£nicb to catch tbe eye;' bat are datable, <
able, kn;I neat. The eheipcH on tbe market, qndlftjr con
Once used and yon will boy no otba o^e.

itBstaustrrrt: » Uictor Pefeilyl.

Have ytm era tried the

Reyml "TlK^r Tmm* mnd GofVmMm

CMMd {*<■

Ko^altmr ,ntSalm*m)
Tl*,- are the b

aid CASS Sti.



B*e rnmm*. o-ron*



crap will wtihar oa a dar aad a


*«|0 *»tar .Bd
» <Mr ffwU. Tker

the par awt to water diapatea
totoftgare, while
trap weU aappUad. although It* per
eaat to waiar to no htgber. TUe to
cMto* the aartoee orer whM
Tratolia to TMr Owa.
to Mraad to *o aeah greater
to the ctog. WUh the water Ala to a mm Batardar** Baaerd. '
TIM T. C, L. A M, whidi awt lu xJ?
glvco tUduwai the dar woold entaln
train tkiw^ oa Tharadar aora- i«ora
raatlr man water than
the aaad.
the acker ^ wkw the water to *o
^ ahanrtwM itnW weaiM oorawad traa the aoa that
«**»*•• *o wr the otodato
Ala «rrw the *0(1 partJdw to too thin j
® * *•
^ haw the ;
laetiv* Banagaaest to the road to;


HBiLTiiniL* *«

u» «


I tbc vamo «Hk «rkkft tt U
» miiin A*
aatMT fra*
M MB AmH «lMh Um tlw of «•V Tte M« BMlr diTld«d .Mwtotbedar
than to tbe .and when the wMare«.i“« •* ««*“«> ““ peMeager. who I
hawuw bn. readied the wtoe potoL | wme ap fro. the p
lit other wonU, althoagh.the aaad. »«
pa»engifa who gntheied at f
Am >m* •»»>
•etawm. Map ewtain fewer pouade of water l' B depot that night fotnd that tbe
**1 bean
Into .efTiei
Mm«, mm wMr IB B MU* for
en 1C foot
loot than
man do
oo days
eiays. they
taer will
wi 1
^ praeaed
^ nothing
wn* dnA-j
•«• «vi. cMttM tk* »»t«r d*Rr.
arM to CBl tlM «al«r to dinolre pwporuon «jp^ey«poaMsa
^ |
AM«t tt* gtoM. M the MU* Ml
(TO ba Coattonad-1
Mm tm» cnto* to wctckt. H* am
I to forsier wteters, tha rond» bdng ao
mtm m (h* MBk «c tke Mtle Md
W«M It tote toe teM pevder. H*


WtolMlMIktopewtoradglM^w*«i^ to Ae.tadr to tk* MC
4A. totooAk gtoM to M Mato* to
Mtor. «anit totMrm wtoDM **ttoiUJto toto Bto* to Atoolrc. d«rtoc
tw fton mm. tm one^itd «r tn*
M^ «ftfee«e*k. n* *an to eoatolMI. to «• Itof* MW. to
IT w* akotod toto.toto radt to
lAto Vtoew. Hk* oar Md MOM* «»d
«Mk tMs to Mar (or vtoto. «a
«|M«M dtoaeto* UtUe or otobtog Cton
M It kto baw abowR that
afeto pawl tolo • ftM povdar and
totoflp aaakad to «alar tor a waak
ttoa* wtod ka dtoatorad a* aiM aa
aaa patod aat to aaek hnadrad weight.
n» toPar toot to aoU to an acre
M tor (nw 4.0M.0M poandi



awerennHed to n


newly made groom, wa* none the lets i ventog bonis ead moratog. After
ahon rent here they proceeded to pick
lllheBratptow.toorder toeMW^op the passenicws ye«enl*.r wboir

';^«£MM'the thWknem to anV;.;rwhr£tohl MT^itoouTTK

An Mtor Blme to name fertile mu
bribed the driver to
biou^t np the day before uml
w.. ! the carriage to drive him down the Just before tbe hoar. 10 o clock nr m.,
mn m which all1 anipInB
eniptna water bna;,^,^^j^ However, while the cere-,»« for kavtog. passed the trip up and
bpmiAataad aad hava
d it to be mow was Mng ^rform^ Allen ,nsiead left with the snow'plow oulfli
a half the AMmoBs to (he
wnlU ^mtth and Dnncan McLaucblio came
,h-™ti .mn
«Ha nonin
.inne snH
Ilia dHrap In
n« off <*»
waluw Ton agnln,.BO uc ponlns.tnh. H
u waisia.,....
h««ta ''along
_ and invited tbe driver
*j, to get oB
no Bcrvlce or mail
wo days, and ft U bard to say lost
*• “***^
A®>1 one iwaaa large man Mr. Smith Intonded to
^rrin mil i
k P« this ttto film whaa agnad monut the bo*, white if he ws* smau.
i«B tha nwtaoa* to tba onbte I Hp- MeLaughllo would set a* char^ — iioieer. Tbe latter proved to be the .northern Iceberg a tme coenierptri

1 '5sr?i’irzr
; -STiZtiZi^



««■! fowr taehe* daep
to the
MnreareaohMflgt ma onght to mmsmber:
an 4MW squaih aa


{^.MrxMaryKofhn e


bor hlMHif. aoddaptany. be hartag
parehawd a Mali rrwtrar a taw dar*
btoore. aakaowa to bto parrwta. The
weapoa wag Mad to tba bara alur
tbe tatantr bp the bapY pwa— atotar. aad to bar Mgbt. toauad to m
porttog tbe Matter at eww ehe Wtod
the wBapcM to a

passed amend that a laM t
made aad they were aU hMdea away.
Now ChA FoeUer aaya that stone
they Ave ell hen taken oat tM wBl
Are to -May ont.
Fred CnrUs to Ttaverec City bowM
:S4 and SS. whieb plaeee hto* Ugh
mu for toe prise offered this mealh.—
Prtoehey Kewa

XoC^a CoMmOneDay Sz.’lX* 1

gtalhehoMetollr. and 'are auiled here todeflnltely. Brea the I.
to 1S3 Aun . M hanltog ladnatry to Letoaamn coao- ^ KIwd ererylhtog bccoiMs a buWton
id yon esaaot rrslk a fen^Uorin with------------ ty has pot been oarrled w tbe Main and yon
jroa tweak
t intop ■pirntion easily, and your
geflnshc aad yoagrow excited end
B In Ua ehnrtoi srork atage Jan. 1: logi -- ----------------------------------,.
win prttoBbly rei^ here lor a|«„
hemmed to on erery side b>
ried eonple bare oooseerated thedr; Monntato pIIm to drifted «Mw
I To bnhd Bp woman's ncre1 by the high srtods.aad {at o
Urea to Ood aad dwire to aerre Hln -w
to any Beld where He ehall lead. Mrs. pie
' has the abOliy and daalre
'^su^th;;; ^dTE.” i^khMY
wMtoi and ‘‘•y *® » critiwl esM waa forced to Vegetable Otwnpouod.
Here la aa
aar 'thU city, siiwcM
siiwded Iheirewirt
theirewirt to teiegnph ewrlee
awrlee aad ob- lllustraii^ Mrs.
L. K»
Osrflcld Arenoe. dtiengo. III., wntes:
High school here aad has fought hi* Gained pennlwloa to the Pere Ma^
Ihsremed Lytlis ^PiaU^.Vr^bls
[■vuette tntoBsster to atop the noon
_______ _____ __in mnu reuuus UBUi i _
wm’i wITtLl?™
today he ta ready to do aorrtce for ih» i*J'er >® or^*r to make hi*

Maner wItU all earnestaeta and alnTbe Korthpon train toew U «un out
torlted Ion
„„ tbe main
aalB line, where ihtor
Ihtor eervices
fBi pan aaa rwdlly aw that at this cetrlty. Him many friends arer lavitod
to TisH them to their new home. Her.
! by the leek to
I wonld be Bleeoired ton T.
...P. Ullom
__ the _______
AM to B* awe tally 16A00 pmmda
------------------------^nxiilre power on all branches.
ftgto -tha Ml vatee. lids la vastly
Oivna Lively Recaption.
After reaching Tnverse Cliy Tbaretown «w~- nay ngp oonM poMlbty nac. j Charles H. Broadfoui and Mlaa Orma day morning ordrra were bad to pro' tf tan M'miilin-Ttf ~»n hiTV evrftty
LaFOntace were married at 8 ,ceed with tbe snow t>>aw outAi to Cedwhh lu lUtlr
„ It Is o'clock last Wednesday by Ber. Pr.: iliac and tbe
. Attn pamdhto tbnt idnta woold Bad
iMi -|—ta tba soil water, srbwe ding wan a very quiet aOalr nad was ^jneans eo much to tbe crew
^gn^ were Bae and wotod ninrve witaeued only by the htMenald. ;tlc to tbe public eye. left ten mlhutes
JirAtoM of aeMM mtowal matter If MIm Stella Lodka, and the groom*-{ahead to the 11:10 a. m. (rain (or Wal
-ABtarMf wereoArnn. It-anstnot man. Albert LaFOalsce, brother to tbe . (on. Oo arrlnl at Cadillac orderr
' were received to the LeVe City branch
.kpaMtoratood that water does aot pea- brUa
The groom, wbo la one at Tnverse -1. bieh hnd been Ued up O/r two days
WMM the non keipels thsowelven beMMt.Mh evea tbe emalleto parU- Ctiy*. moat popular young men. bad 'and though the line la oo|y fiftceE
to keep the happy alfalr a ' miles |q;«. It seemed fifty to them end
wtoa k«Ut M toto keiM% Ihei* ar« tatanded
eloee secret end wsa eocoro to the , _
Unk. «h«.nx thex
knowledge tfaet nune'W even his most
___ inkling thai >.*«
ere extricated by n relief engine
tottointe Mood* b*d any
such an event
wa» about
to Iraiuplre. j for that purpose made the trip exelt
it wai........
Ho recKoneo,
reckoned, aowever,
tojwevcr. wiuiuui
without imuis
; ing They
i ney am
arrived nt lAeCliy nt 8:SC
r r. a Kiag. to Madlaoa. toto aceonnt the rratchfulnea* to theae _ ^ sad took

» hash oa the ‘■Phyaice to
d he ta the haada to

L. D. larawdl. caw to,the pliarrW 'iweaty-dTe or tkirtr ararder* charged
of Odttoad coeato'. who laaldw at agatoat bla. Tnren* CItr to dataSoath l^oa. rdaiM tM to the earir tog
Uoch was to the aaptea TilATUm the Ttnage of KeoslaglMt Boor- fatge two or three rears agoi. Maatotee
t> the aorthweatera part at; aahee a ctola to her osra hekaK, and
irtr ca>i- e*e« attto lake CItr waataapboe to
ttlee there, the Tlltoge betog ioeeted.the UaeUgbt oa the etteagtb to harthe nrgplhe between Detndi aad' tag once eatenatoed the
teee bae alhitted aa ewh id
IV U. A tofsU Biltether or aot Hach s
ela^ T«ar> to whkh to falAQ
daw to ltoe.*ad It to gweraOj K. tailway.took eU the baOacs* ew*r to northern hUWtgan. to ai
a tonlt U w« dig prcMtn^.
ftoM Kaadagion aad todaj there are hxwwn. bat that*B to no <
bm four beeati in what waa tornedy U TraTerw City and Maalalee aad
map«tT<o« Tiltogr. Tbe pnpMty Lake City aeein to fed the need to adptottod tote Ttltoga tou and aara earttotag. why Hoeh wU do aa weU ns
than one epeculstor dropped aU be asyMag etoe.—OodiUac Ncwn.
had to tbea.
SMej. the U-year<o(d ana to John
Poutoes haring dropped to dflew gtrtoei to Jeddo. who met a aoddw
ccota and below, end Mwm and atoo .Mth liui weak Prlday. It now dereltrie railway bnlldtog hartog decftned ope. was shot to death tostwd to being
thitwgh lack to interested ectlTW capi- killed by toUtoC from the barn loft,
tti. ihr aorthew Michigan countnal- ,« •• am reporjed. An torwilgatloD
ties with Uae oo their hands are ttol- disposed that tbe lad M lacetred a
tog tales to Johann Hoch. the Chicago :;.cnllber boUn to hto bead. The shot
wHh baK a hundred wires nad |, bellered to hare been Bred by tbe


.Jl... »lri . Mglf] W»i

COM ^ toe man to ch^ and got expose of Bllsienbig Ice bound engine
. «iv. V* ««• \*1« will* tnvm



__had'1ni?>»dBO chance to retoh headqunr-,
been a wmchMB all bis Ufe aad after tors where toe lee could be melted oS
they were eefely to slaned -down Caas the enUre engine Itemed blocked out
„,ri„,|,.| ofaeoltd Iceberg, and no effort OB tbe
A aitade loot to watar wdgha Bits Ito ktoSSptoM to
to whS l“rt of toe oiler conld reech
Ireothm they were gotog until Proai valves to Inbricate toe Becessary ap
. AoMcfMtoanUwto^tttofer- Btreel waa reached aA then h» storied pnratua and the engine went out on lu
ud on the wtadown hot Jut then Journey nnolled.
: tato atartaaiAniHMada; If AryaaaA
to I n>._ w.i.
. W pHBda: « kaU etopand batf sand. ipr toe
Mamuetto train from the
ball kaow ■
ed to make north yesterday doe Are at 11:15 a
toe^ wet* ouaatog and aUrted
'. ;.TIm MAea aotl to lighter in weigbi aa good Use as thonffa a general Bn
i double beaded'tnm Rapid City
AkhS.Ae Mtaatol deeper to the eirth. alarm had heeo tamed to aad Ure diy
y AU
aiA gantoa mi to lighter ihu day
miall.<aiefofPoUceJaek “
A »now plow was sen*
hbd eaO from ewnmpn. fnll of peat or
ook nhame to tbe groom and «
The Elk
mA la atin Ughtar. it u safe to call
d pennadto tbM to deecMd Apids branch was tied up yeeterday
d come up tote toe hall.
An wtogbt to tks atiper foot to Ml oa
Mabrt by toe deimlllng to a frelgbi
M Aero to avntagn fcwm as ahoot 4.Thursday evening, and to conso­
le the Boy*' band were waU- duence no paisenger service was had'
feavn abea that the water to the
_ Wh(*
o (A bride
and groom en- .y«ienUy.
I to the evteoe to the soli tered they w^ halnted with the
proper mnaloal ecleeUoils and a etob-, Tbe dcmoraUzallaa to toe railway
Mwato aai partlclea. It shonld he
Msak orate toogram was rendered, toe traffic in Michlean was mild in compsi
AAtataaayaoOsthererematoBtotB^jlsbntotoe tlto
>n to toe cut
<4ta|qr Ma iMM water thaa can A thna
AMMd aad aach w««r may sta^ to, B^ A?*luSto^reSv^’Sd^w •»'> Cans'!®- Itoporu are to toe effect
partaktag fit the JoUlty for some time - tAt a frtogbt train of twenty care to
Ao aau to sn ap ike pere apacea be- toriM^ oempaw to A wedding sup entUe has been atailed ud1 (the anJ
twaM tba knrwato. tbu* exeltoing »ir
m4 takstag tke Bdii to* otker ways.
■MUerTM toe^t^
WaA*h line some to the pnsaenagtoo street, .to toe ger trains Ave been lied op for forty
waahlag oaf mneb
ter compieMiig these bourn ud near Montioee on the C*
to tke piaot food <
........ to
. toe bride's B.dun'
by ibey went to toe home
B aid.
side ninciw train*, all dead
117 CodOT
BA watar tbas. Tka wise tarater
mSSu wmJ i*Stod!rK sniier'^
‘•‘J' «
served. The And ud a number to tooir effort* to release thtmselvea,
M ta tatonnUag (o oM tke quaaUt) the MmA to ‘be couplt went along wi-re stalled ono Ahlnd toe otoer. All
to waita-ratataed by fertile sons when
It wu Utc Indeed wtfcD toe mrw'*^
tjuuiao-unci, arc
ta tA bM oeMHloa tor ytddlag makers allowed Mr. and Wn. Braed- rtrutng vrito from three to -fire es' Aavtan mpn. ' Btotaca poaads per foot to go to totor Ame ud there i Sines. 'FerTTiA orer the Detroit river
^Wc fM wonM A n good amonnt for aumerouE
surprises, wblchfliowcd
It a
n task not Alf reallted by those
■ the Is
'- A enady taaim to


s^hMTefJi;., toam ud u high as <
hto^SSr^ro^ 4
-. Antly-ive of evea arare potmds lor
O'clock toe next momleg they were for the ferries to A out hours to lA
M7 mecAy Ml. nr something omr ewakened regnlariy mih a leiegtam. trip as tbe river to co'mpli
to front were also> witir patAed tee.
Am three toehea deep over tA muAaa Off 4A loaM mi Bvo toAea tor
An mek. TA aaady team wonld.
State News.
---------------------------.. ------------ ^
Editor Hubbtol to Ma.-i«lie bas for•*« tWMtrteFOpoanA :frt«a,. They are now-at home-^«»<caa«atoml»Placedeyeaad AfteaekaAnaifortyAve ponata'117 WaaMagtonatreel.
:Arows.- he *aya. '-are noticeable
^among-toe Ay*: They will develop
d tong MO that an non*
Motor WHI Bo tSteT
mnateehe* Infer.'
« g»re a* their smter to grow
Lent, toe period to aacfc tooth ud {
is experiencing
«A*a- wMk a^l nene *M thor-lashes, whea aiatiy do penance ud mb- tronble toat *0 per cut to other Mich,,ifu TfUage* are—toabUity to
M «u fnnhd that whte a jstato tiren wortdl
Mr. vRh BM paititoea wonldtaare a jtou this year. .Ato'^V^neaday. the
-The rwsalt
Rtowaterperlbegtontog to Lent,
«M|a Bm toaa wonld a aaad. with '
a pefttaM n «Md BM rtoU np

ailM la aU ab.iDt.six botthe
«od A «d B» a gMt ^ to

kin. PinklMn. oI Lxni,. IIhl, Idher fir adriee. Her great

Creek iblcvc*. Tho othev’ nl^l they
stole e gnaolino engine used for nolosdlng ecMt from ear*, togrthcr with
toe belting ud, clenric Bwltchboavd
ind AUeriM n»ed in connection.
Otsego village and township wUl
rote at too spring electiU on
qneation of erecting a new bnllding
for toe Joint use to both. .The idea to
for toe township to pay ue-thtrd of
toe coat ud Bse It for towitabip All
ud pubA library, ud tho village pay
two-thirds and Ausi- in it the Are dtparttnent and alko hold the- cauDCil
meeitogs there.
^Tue^e telling a story, orm at Elk
Rapids of a womu whose rpouth wa*
opm during a recent bllzsard. as she
was driving to market, ud Aw she
ba* been enable to close It eloee.
froxen open. There'* nothing pxuAr
or unusually Interesting In tbe Inci­
dent. If toe woman's mouto Ad been
fntoen. Ud not open, toat would have
Aon worthy to a permanent place In



HERE is what you need to protect youyiuring our severe winters. HERE is your
chance to buy right. - We are closing out
our entire stock of winter goods. BAR­
GAINS? Yes, the Greatest Ever Offered.
Come and judge for yourself.

127,-131 State Street

Traverse City. Mich.

GnMil Utter fnm the Well-Kiilwii
Pesseeger Agent of the B, * 0.

Hr. & B. Begc. t^seengm agent of
tbe Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.Washl>etaa,D.C.,c«e
D.C.. one of toe bret-Aown
railroad men of
the coantrr,
sends toe follow­
ing grsUful IctterL ••Thanks
-----te toe Cnticnn
Rctnedic*, I Cm new rid of that .fear­
ful pest, weeping ecrecut, for toe first
time in three year*. It lir^ appeared
on toe hack of mv And in toe form
to a little pimple, growing intoscTerif!
Idotchca. ud tot-n on my ears alH
ukles. TAy were exceedingly pain­
ful becsQseof the itching uddhorning
sensation, and always raw. After toe
first Ay's treatment with Cntii
Soap. Ointment, and PUU, there
verv ^e
little of tA burning and tototog.


If You Suffer




_ IsbjJlAgUd_________
>sid in rrlievetoers safierragas I was. and yon
ftto^) S.'B. Hege,
aC., Jne «», '04.••

Far Every Hontor fromdataBqp
to Ag^ Prfce SLM
Cnasisttogof CutienrstSeep.tDc1eanae
Soap, tc
tA akin. Cntieocs Ointment,
intment, to Ato
skin,__and Cutienrs
- Icnrs Resolvent
pais, to cool end clesnae tA blood,
may now A had of all druggists. A
single set U often enffitoynt to cere
toe most torturing, duftouiing,
fag..harning. and ^y Cumom «>

it will pay you to give us a c^as we-have a'hue Hoe of Gutters, Robes, Blaokets
and Sleigh Bells. If you anticipate buying a Bug^* next firing, now is tbe time to
get one reasonable, as we have a complete line on the floor.
Call in and get one of our mOi>'Calendars.

tofsacy to^. wben sU clot ^s.

• i-'


v' Jii

___ _
HMWcca Uriar that U 'Iw »••>«- 4ooi
•br aua tfci- T*»*wtn»4 T»tr M!I *1 UiH
MMtoO Ik*
«fU NTi-lr can
•a «xtr« Msalo* u( OMq:**** 1* tbe
lilUb ■««»* a<lh tke l*nW*w. “The
Maafi, «MBBtiUec <M latanuie cohmmku .atMMu *wui(ir
<» tkc
■■ncr.^ s»U Mr. Ti>w*Ma4 lodar.
^ If ac-taa «« H rrpmcd to tbe
bgar ’H am t»» «iU>o"t as7


F-^b. . ie.-Pn*U«H

mmwdk' tiiv ''»>««< •

or Ut* standard Oil comptoj-aMki- kaaiU ef tke bwcau uf w
ppiallou fl( tb* aeaanBcat <4 comww aad takor »ttk «*a*cUl rcfer«ao* to tb* cbaiva aad* a«alMt
anr la lu recent operationa In
Tk* inwltjrni perwimllT
.j OoaiiUurtoaer ' ----------tloaa OarStdd dlrocttnc >

ioniaJlasdpmlrtecUekens Hare been
Ooll««» profuMow Boandajr* arc
rciT acdloav. and Pirslilcal Tkvins
uf Woftora R**»T»e unlVenritT had ihc
aerr* to nar li before a Irt of alumni
In New York dly. •omc of whom
w^T.. them-Hve* “prof “
Ponleu M’aaibeflr, lUo Ebiellsb cxpkM^. vbo baa towir leUminl frum
Ike bean of AIrka. »h«» to ha* beoB
buried for eU-ren rear*, often not »«,ifty a wblie man ftn- tvo pean at a
euetrh. rwHucortw-d Ibe *pot »b«e
tto btan of Lirtnjwion is burled and
lalsMi a pennauent monament In pUcc
Of the decayinc-ircc that marked tbe
A pandsoo of Gcneml Sbrapnelabo inrcnted. Id itUI. the missile that
ba* rot sucb a flenre In tbe RitfsoiaMnesa-abr. is endeavoiinc to obulo

. Tto order taOowod a call at tbe ■pent tor ibo benefli of his oounirr.
nlatirc Camp- melt ine for that and his Inrentlon no
rocoeiiiiun aod dplni; poor and brakesaettoa, bovrrer, li
btoried afUT tbo manner of Invemots.
idtiiatM U partlcaAidernutn CTbirlcs KaKeubaniicr ufPltUborp probabtp U the morWs
bcariesl Justleo of lb.* pence. U|>pina
the renio at KS ponods. When Indnm.bMS bU poNlble ouUet for dactod Into oOeo fifteen poars ago be
tMptDdnct. Tbe Buadard ovna all
Mm Hpn Unea ami tb* wWI osrners can- velgtaed 3SS pouadi^ Under medicnl
Insiractlon to took-tocerclse uf all eorts
»ot mm ttolr piod|et tor aartbing.”
some time ago and managed to get
doirn to 400.pounds, but lapsed for a
OldUlne. Mleb.. FbW If^mlce Haa- tew daps and took on flesh again rapMaa cf Cadlllae «aa Matnsied for Clr- Ulp. Tben be gave it np bud for sev­
Cidt Jodg* bjr tto ropabUenaa of tbe eral yeans has couaunilr welebed
tnn^^Ui JoUrial diatrict this
about |9d0. HU bcaUk U S»«)d.
Mm <m Ibe tftletb ballot.
WIlUam-Cowpw Prime. tonni?rlp
odllor-ltKhlef of the New York Jour­
nal of Cotnmmo and for mnnp penra
profexaor of history of an In Prince
too tmlvcrallp. U dend nt his home In
_ _ Tb* tote atood for tortj- Now Yorit. nged SO.
baUota ai tollon: OtiUenden f.
4. Warner <, 8a«rer i. Ucla-


Curs Yoyr Coueh CASTORIA

stop 1iM«r Lahg IMUtidii;
your Sors Throat
had drtYO oat yoar Chroaic Cold, with tbe only oer*
UlB.«Bd strieUy oelODtUlc. Core for Conffhs and Colds:




tto fact that tto toko CItr
aMdoaod Mnc*n' mlica
MMtaa omutr Mcoatlon. on
ha-tnbi. attempted to drire in
I out rweb Cadlllnc tmUI 10 p.
■Hd eon—enwitlr. tbe comrentlon
•peMpoord nnte ible-monring.
r of Deeds Wn-

9 There is no specific for
comunption. Frc^
exerase, nourisluiig food sod
Scott's EmulsioD wiU come
pretty near curiog it. if there
n ainduDfi to buiid on. Mifhom ^ pet^ dirot^out dw
woftd ore bviog 00(1 in good
bcaUvon one nii%.
9 From time imneniona! the
doctors prescribed-^ liver
for consun^ition. CM
course the patient could not
lake it in ks <dd form, hence
it did very littte good. Thqr

cm toke



and Uderale it for a long
time. There is no oil. not.
excepting butter, so ca^
dige^ and idHoshed by die
system as cod fiver oil in the
mnn cd Scott's Emdsioii.
and dial is tbe reasbp k is so
bdpful in consunytiop where
its use
be fywthmfaw
^ We:wiii send you a
sample free.
a te raw ito thk
■ faerikrallwmt.r.
fp tvrtj hsokri'
bmahto )<n Un.

a»ii of aeti. eee. U. tovftt K. range
M: •!«*:.


The tollowiUR starinu7 ». *« i'e.u
Tbi- animal U-.t.l-* tnati funm'be vMiri.l t, tin .UaappenrvU la a n-«-W issue irf the Sitka •«“
Alaskan: "A calf lito been boro uuio
------- - Nellie, the *we*lJer!«}-cos keloueinp


Tbe Kind Ton Have Always 6o#t
In Use For Over 30 Yeara

tar/ Q.rfa tiinami •■(



.■at. b> uali>iEl>em»'Uaa>-rannclk*i thril. f.sriaat.
I'vniir. Uil Jane-. A
•»> • e-Htrait (if ibi, lOalF.
I » •eeWr^ Irac rr»
m tie- .3«i-- »r W.^mc


to the Acre




njn WSat C. A. Bngliee Drag Cl. Ihliks of


'““‘"‘v ”

Ncim... a


” Dpan’t Psf, I tell you tp. take chanceslaS-SxFwS and run
risks-when your health or life is at

. «stake.
Cistiu to tbiSi VITONA is not only the
best Tonic known, tout it is pure anB harm
less, with no had "after effects."
laslil on fpur riahls and don't accept any
dthertreatment when you know that VITONA
is positively the best Blood Cleanser and
Tissue Builder that science has yet devised.
Br Oust to Yourstif and if you have any of
f*’® following symptoms or diseases take
VITONA, for it is g«aranteed to cure all dis- i*tod iu
eases of Stomach, Liver, Kidneys. Heart. Nervous System and all other conditions which
are the result of impure blood.
miouo purfies and enriches the blood,
and not only makes you well but keeps you

the inlroductloq In the legislator* of B
to ^uirv (he esUbllshraeot of e.A«t.*0aiEB.
laiorica in n.TtalD cities no that
pvrsoiu who die* of Infociicms dihcxM-:
may be burned and not buried. T.’ic
negroes fear that llid bill lei^!lr<>, Jlic
■unilng of.inembers of ibUr race at


he- st&e.

I’nlic’d mates grand jury NiiilitK
al Portland. Crr, bas retunied .an Indiriment cliargtng f ulled State.N Rcntlor Michi-ll. CongrostuuaA ji>kn U.
Williamson. Ilioger Hermann and
ollierx with conspiring iu olilaiii |ni.cM-N«Jon of more Ilian ;WJsh) acres of
■■uldlc and school lands in several
-eutea. valued al over tS.nm.npn.
Presidco^ U'illlaiii H. Hur{>cr uf ihc
University of Thicagu. will
aopiher operation aad willI Ik.' alt«eii>
(run hit post for some time


etwiili^i^Ora— ^Traracra.^f^

-pofcha—d from------ thi*
........ hottlCB Of-VITONA tor
To he token tsr......................

’ June Examination. April 3, 1905.

■ We would be gladjcf hear from all who .Icire to take Normal work.




. -If purth—er talfe u* Vi

___ ___

-70NA has f^ed ts bcncM

fund the money paid ue

We sSatl**fl

>1 t--, ••'■-1..-* IB tlwfwo—,tgi


have extra t(»d»if«rM that we can devote necessary lime lo these'classes.
Nov is a t^ood time to take up a Commercial oH Shorthand course.

You c.ift

commence at any time

Send for Catalog.V

Bring the above guarantee to our store
and if you are not satisfied we will refund
your money.

C H- Dockeray, Prop.
tlto aeuYvIy ndd «e*|ber. TImhsmm

PERE Marquette
raTravwra Oty — teOawa:

him we htrtpy; bgree to re

! ' S-

C.l.UXttW0<M>,0 P,aTtA...


•a tbe result of tbe small Japane^.uwn,
atitamiT Katorlgasa airikiiii: iIh- bar
tc ctcsni^era.
bor works as Osaka. Sumlay.
Elj»s Cream Bali
■ Owing to n tnow b‘liK*edc. Mar■bamoa-u. U, U facing a ctml (amine. iteBTraratwtbssddil’ts
Pbctorica arc closing *fd at tbe tosa
u imi»«l /gjJUmm
toldlera’ home the commandant hassnlcritl the veternna to csorelae tv
keep warm or else go to bv-d.
Ex-Oovernor Jnmea E. CaiaiiU-M of
,r aaoniaas.« wm™* ei
Ohio, who far tbe Iasi .tour or fire
iTsars bas pracilred lew In N\-w York
rlty. .to't night at ibc
hotel anbouneed llial he would sooa
move back to Ohio to practice Jaw.
iking bli home in Columbus, in c-jn.aenion with Mr. Gaimpbcirn plans li
waa learned that bis democrallc
friends in the buckeye wale are nnk-ily
rarking ttp a I'oom for him tor the
Cara— ?>r KOC
{Dvernursliip niimliiailoa next fall
i^lurt Governor Myruu T. Itefriel..
Wto expeciH to be Venuiuinated by ila
After a harrowing esperience In a
blizard which drute for elghiy tu!I«:.<
leawaid among lee floes cm the (.rand
Banks, tlte long creenlue su-arac r Sll
«r ppchiu a lana la
1-lE. rrum New York and HalKax. has
uTh-ed nt f». Johns, N. K.
Hammond._ Imir'buffet iMUrrms ar.'
borrlflcd to leartt that they have Ikvii
Acrr-cd with honic meal at free luurli.
eouBicrs. UDc aaloonkeeper found the

fcOamral Nr—.
'’Uapneedentod - aulind*' b thi
hr tiriialD s foreign minis
tv in

____ _

tWl^'wcfB^waatssn •> Value tsr eratb

S. E. Wait & Sons amlJ^linson Drug Co.

Will organizs classes for Normal Review to prepare for the


travra Tv.rraratXly OMSrSlaaatWaS .

'Trata mvse tram nisiiit lira —te baeWalH.

f Beoxs the SignatoH of

Cfte traverse Otf Business College

.Own* C. Merrill and wife to Jamaa>

. .

TrSiff ral'Tra^^vS$*'liM'** WiIjraSWM- '
i.w.Aa.u.^»u4Kmii.S laaieTll :Uaas.





Ooatoria to a hanakna aohaUtate for Cantor Oil, PareCorle. Oropa and Soothtne Syrups. It to PleomnU li
contaius neither Opium. Moeriliine nor other N'areotkv
.MibaUnce. Itn
ond allny»v^T
Cfdic. itrdir*^Trauhlcu. furc* Qonit«fpnUow~~~
and Ftatnieney. It asatmlliitoe the Fwod. rcsulotce the '
Btomarb and Bowels, glvini; lieaUby nod natural slo^
Dio CbOdren's Ponoeea-mie Mother's Friend.

. Price, soc and dirixo

re: VIEW

Train.CfOsTCttyig lYiemiBlI


Almoat in Despair.
-OnrHttlodMdhtorwasrlYoniiphy twephysMaai
irltb ooBsomptloD of the throat, and we were almost
Row DtoeoYory. Aft^fttlnr tour boUles obe was
portoetly eorod and ha* bod no throat troable slnoe.’*
—GEO. L BYLEB. Comberiond. lid.


T(su» (ie<'.4arOiT«aari

ne Kind Ton Ham Alwnyn Bnofflit. and urhich One ben
In luo for over 80 yennt. ho» bMme lh* tagnatitre af
* mnd has been made uudrr hte |NT>
noftal napcrrisloD aince itJ> infanej.
ADowno one tb deceive poo in thin.
All Coiuiterfcltb, toutoUtHU and •• Jnst-to-good » are bak
BxperimenU that trifle mtfb and etidaneer the health of
lidtoitn and ChUdren>-£xperienee oealiwt £x|wrimcnk



ORAKO'nuunilM'MalUIA TMWMtfAV. nMUMV a. 1«M.

*iUHn Frm Ilidu^ OisiiiT
Fw (&Iiiita Boys uA Giili j



4 wm yr
aa# MM m -mmiM M« »


’^•T^rS^traat paaiM oB w»t•«»• *.
u MU. cc tko wM T-e^
MU eaida. fta«a. HUta aad ream. <«•.
me. Owr IM foot pebMo «Ai»>e .»«■•
aad Boretal othor moadi •ahMtfoHy

baadrM rear* Md imaMd aiiteo tba Ars:
notr Of ibo UBd of ib« CTMt lake* hart bcca (vtd M aacrr Ui»u«m ht the aotr aeutamsu « tb« at. Lawraoeo rtw.
tiadm aad primu had sUrtad iu coaau aad laaded bard aad

“ «I?IrtSn!umaw*rtS

i by that one awKi pauinj: c
aerou b« lower pealaaala.
At the moath of the St Joteph riter la- the i
was nil! the-««tUe W fort of which aem«lBc»-a i
riaoa of Preacbmea held i
piieet mne hia llay chapel tart) fo call them or wanderlne In­
diana 10 woiwhlp. At Saolt Ste Marie there «aa a feeble mto•km. The only really Impoitaat aeitlewioM within the boandary of oar prwent aute wn« ai Ptan Mlehlillmackloar near the
aonheramoat nan of ibe.lwer ponlntnla. add on the M^aibm
•bore of the Btralu of Macktnac.
Here waa one of tba toreen rntogea In the «-bole of the
poaaeaaloiiit. There were alsiy boQ«e«. and a fiae
t paltomie, and In every way w^ll fortified.
At thto polni there wer« •latkmeil two hvnrtrert Mtdicra. and
there were m»oy othrw white Inbabitanu. It Ik-Ids the sreai
emtier of the far trade of theM reskmr. The Indian had alwnya made thla a fatwrite camptns plaec on account of the
SMIns. nndftho undm' pome made It dmOriy atiraeUve to
'1^ ifato fort there waa aent aa oommandast In iCM. Oe
la Moni Cadtltac. a Pteami aoWler and a man of mrons charmeter and s»«ai nWllty.
As he looked over tfito pan. of 'he Prepch poeanaWma,
It Bceoed to him n mtMMieo noUcm to make thto far nonben
poiu thfi center of power for thla reckm.
Bearer the center of the chain ot sreai lakea lay another airalt
: a wider mnse of territory. IU aborea fertlle-ln
eoU. mild In eltmaie. and to fact. ■« it acenrrd lo him. one id
the fairest apota,ln the whole new world.
' Bo In 16M be propoMd to tbo Preach soverament ibnt a
•eutomcaii ahoald be made on tho neirott river, which abemid
be the neat of the eomnmeot amnos l«>th Indiana and uadera
• in the lake country.
Tbo ruUnj; pawora did not at firat look upon the mat­
ter aa he did. so ho went to Ftancy and laid hto plana before
Count pontchanmin. the Prench mintater. He aboyed how'noeeiaaTy It waa to have a pemaneni poet where there abouM
bo aoldlets. not only to Board the iDtereott of Prance, but to
tatcieept tbo Cnsltoh trade which uaa feat eomlns thto ^
from New York hod the Atlantic coaai. and atoo to open a road
to Uie wutbwmi by way of the Utoatoalpirt. He atoo fOreaaw
the advantmeea'to be sained by snthorias to one place a Urso
ferae of frieadly Indiana to oppote the ItSqlicte. who were aiHl
the fierce lot* of alt the ladtona aa.weH as of the white meb.

Fioib yonr Saab^m.
Oertmde Grant

KlntmkT. R F-1> t Jaa. lA \m.
Tbo Wetlns oMBod aooa altar
paar Mta. BatM—I hate mk wrttwn
eaka aad taa ^ boaa aorrad. and to yon lorn kmit time, ao I wfU writ#
altar tho addfCw by tho pnuor a »lew llaao now. Wo ara all weU. hop.
Moad dtatrllMtod prlaee aad^SlM tolpuutyoaaraUmcame. l«otoaebnol
aad chUdran. Toormuo;Bov. My ntadtea are foanh roader.
tMka will he pleaaed. I am tore. iB:ftrtb itrade arlihmetle. SUb icrade
know that ihHr card* Mte auMh (p^mihy. fUlh srade pbyalohwr.
________«mdi boy aad dirt teeUfad iftfc p.4^ UMhaie, Sfih i»ade ape»
«aa «< (hoae pretty canto wHh tbeir <
mi mach to write (hit
•MIA nad thoy. aa woU a> all preaaet «uma. i bad snHe a sood time laat
«m tntoraaied to know that the canto icbrtotmaaaad New YeaxX aad 1 hope
an tho way inm Amr^ with
.i) the Banahlaera had a good

■® i
fih. there to n nttto firWl.

• '*-;Two hy^
Ma«le eombeneck.
t U SlttMlM.. -BaTior. taaa,
city. R. P. W. t. Jib «. MM.’
a Shepherd Load Ua' and 'Jesaa Lorca |
DMT Mn. Batea-^ ’
/ M^ toM the Unicet oaea. mere
Zm-T wniM binUr to
chon •Uooi tlx year* ago nnd rmsefred my

'SoaMIbO letton. My coualn. .La*"
lOarlA would like to iein Ibe Sunablae
ielnb and set a card and button. Her
MayfielA Mleh, Jan, t»06.__________
jnddnwa to Naaara aiy. Mich.. R. P.
, Dear Mra.Baloa-d bare not written I Q,Ko.i. I hnresot n^ UUIe btoek
>r a tabs Ume, ao I thougbl > wonlrt |
n itko.
poUtoei to cat. I
yrrile. Today to Sunday and It M1 am not coins to eehooi thto winter beMains. 1 had a s«»d Ume Cbrtatmaa L^um my opn arfi weak, hot I expect
fiay. t wiu tell yon what t sm twlto besta my mnaic lea«»a aimla next
Chriatmaa. L c« a enp and a beck ^Urday. Good-bye.
ribbmb nlbom and fi basdkeMbtofi. I
A«e 14.
Gayle Oarfa.

;U«« ctolidtaa.



; D«r »™.
waaie Horsan. i„^yo,agood la»-«r«ake.Twoessa.
jMday. FOtoi:.
nwe » —
Oraws. Mkb.. Jan. 4. IVA. i one cupfnl ammr. one cupful fihur. ooe, ^
Pear Mrt. Baiea-I iboasbt I wduld (teurih eopf«« ««« water, two teathlA fWd OrtPtnft ItoOfc wtSe a Mp RMa today. I sot f« lepoca. Imklas powder; fiaw tot^iSTlMOmldandUa CMMmna a pair of Horet. n little i DMt Um essa reiy Hsbt. then sUr In
lamp mm a mmp dtoh. It to «.owt*«iBMr. Ufied with «mkU« powder; mU
in Mfi IMny WItooa. Oanfioa. today, t have cone to **om erery •««br aad a Uttle anU; best well add. Owpynr. iMdora.
day nnUl racatkm.
*y*n^AdfiaM»SrtBillR«T cud and hnttan and l hn*e sot
the raid, and
M. .
. yw. IUhefiOneleMnU‘*>*U«f*d*‘ ,
butioaa you aent me. Goodbye.
Hemrtcb. Ktofalcy.; mil: hit letter wu totercetUfi. I hope

srssss. , s =T.Tl='ii.‘.S

'Hla anenmenu wera ao strone pnd ao weU made that bto
raouon waa sranted aod he waa appointed ecHniaeiirtam of the
new fort. Kins U«to XIV also save him a crant of a trect et
land, to be iocaicd on the hank* nf the Dettoib wher.‘Ver the
post ahotilrt be Miabllabed.
Cadillac made no further deUy In Pranev. but qalrUy
1 nail tee Quebec, where be arrived on the Kth ot March.
1701. He puibel hia preparations rapidly forward, and In early
Jnbe he embarked for UoatRai with BPy noldlera aad fifty
mechanlct and tradeamoi. 7%elr toute waa ito Md. one by
way of the Ottawa river, the Geordan bfiy and Uke Huron.


' On July S4th. the little fleet of twnoes mitthf bare bto*
■e<n paaalas down the Dctioli river, la the foremost one M
Ibe commander, hto era* scannlBK eanestly ibe abore <*
either side as they half rowed, half drifted down the awWl eur^
rent. At last be save, the sltmal to toad, aad soon the Urod
trarelera. crampM with their tons: ctmfinemem in tbe trail
. ennoe*.. epratiB ea^riy on abore and threw ihenaelves on tbe
sM* Braaa ander. tbe noble tree* that srew no «taicly and tail
beside the heeulifni river. Defore many houra had pasacd
Bbarp axe* in the hand* of *umly. workmen were rlnslnx
amtoti the »ldc» of the fottwl moaarab*. which came ctnshlnc
to the jtmund. and the' stockade of Fori Itontchartraln iwsan
to Inetooe the new setUemeai. It wa* well losmol for Its pur^ belnc ml tbe narrowest pan ol lhe river and bleb enouen
to protect a ukle ranse with it* cues.

aSa^to^. My tcacker’a name
LawfcMe U Ow«D.
to Utoa Fahlaa. Sb^ to trery cood to
n-ito. city B. P D L• Tiiaverae Oty. Mich- Jan. 14. IW!me. We ato« rotos to have a boa t«, I par
newa laus-.mai
utonr acaomaonse soon, ror
JetaiCaM iordim R F.u
Ilv MTU.
Mm. maine-M
anlae->t nw|
bafi been
jlBB Of writlas to yon for Boam ttoae. 11 have a oat and a csK. Tbe cat's n
but as 1 eaaaMwrita, my sister Ui- m Daisy aad tbe calT* nmmo u Billy.
;”'l^ >unr
Mm HwMi. I : Me
will write tor me. I have been We have Xen bead nf eaitle and *U
andMaria **“**■>HaUle a»d i fiotos to eobool wb«« the made have
pts*. and two boreoa Tbetr namee
Mato BatoBM. tenor*Atleri. Myrtle ibeea food, l.wfll Ml you what 1 pM
Rock and Maud. Plea^ eend me
— Raehal tor ewri****** . I sot a Utile eiov*. * card and Iwttoa. I caeca I will done
doU, hook and hair rib- - for this lime. Prom
1MMi0l4OT Aitord.RoaeOerfiMaBd I
John Jobnaon'.
tiam nail ft Jemnk Beaver
•top- I Mb to the am stode.
Bendon. Jan. SO. 19AS.
to Mtoa Joele Beaja- •
Dear Mn. Baire—I tbooebt I would
laM I like ber rery^BlKh.
lute to sto a card mail pia. My teacb.Your Masblae Mrt.
si- s •
K.1IU u.
Florenee Hardy. I bare
' ''tone M. Smedley.

Sock was Ihj' bccinnloi: of Detroii. the first Buropeae
eeiUemeni. except tho one at Port MIcbllltnacktoac. in ihe nonhwest territory.
- A* soon *s Cadillac bad madc-bl* lltilo town of k>e hols.
ihaiMied with
secure agMnn tbe attacks of savases. he
becan'to carry out bis plan of briocins to this point eornmnnltte*
of friendly Indians and so maklnc D^roK ilu- eeaterM irade aad

■ By 1703 iljere wetv several-lance lodUn rlllaxes In the vlclnliy. To these wild native races Cadlllne was ax true a fricn.1
as to the immlcranu freen his os-a eownirjv He built for the Ilu.
- ran chief wimi be called "a home of rtak." forty fret looc and
UnSBloy. R. F. a 1. Jan. 11. -OS. ' (apMUnc.'
crMunw.ariibmeite. penDmr Mrs. Batea>^ tbouihi I wontd maneblp and MyMc*. .1 am 13 yearn
twenty-fonr wide, delichtfnlly situated on il-e marcld^)f the river,
wrilA tor my IttUe brolber, dM. I Md: will be 14 InAnsnei.
staadinc on a little eminence and overloaklni: the Huron viilace.
would Uke to batons to tbe Yoons
He tried to make tbe ladinns aee the advaaince* of elt lllxaiion
«P to the vk
Mm Sh. iwm. in______ f no WIU
toeb. I *111 try to be
Bendon. Jan. 8«. IMS.
and raallxe the comfort* of home life as someitainc boyuod that
' Dear Mra. Date. - A. mybioihrr
of wtraderinc. bnntioc. and fiehtlnc- He encouraced sxnc-jlinre.
•bint n>u. u. bM auMr locio.
t to lo
i, -ritibt. i tb«u»i i «.m
and Introdnced'ibe srowlne of wheat, beside briceiai; many other
*et adtooL w
‘ -------My modlet are f^trtb
i^’we arataih ^VeMekVd
seed* aad fruit tree* io ibi* region. Mr wn;ie ii> Count Poniebar« boya and stria new cet
FI fid* ceosf
• ymir turn
fifth srade
fifth crmde j, rjoWwe Hardy. 1 would like ir
■•Pcrmli roe to lortH npon ihe ereai nece**ity there ii foc•pelllBc aad pemmaaaMp.
•«» j«u, the Sunablae club. Pirase wend
the eatablUfameni ol a seminars- at tbI* place for tbe iaitmctton
Annie will write, loo. Macsto alts *^,.«.Mand battoa. 1 mnat-ei&ac
of Ihe cblidren of the savseew sd'h lUose of Ibe French—iBBruet.
AmoM the ^ thiBsa wd bar* » with me. I will be 17 years old the oood-bye Prmb
abodt thto weak to the oqaalm- Utb of Janmry: Annie wna 17 the
^ce s
tnc them in piety n(id at the tamo i^mv teaehinc them our tanbleanle Wltoon.
tloh cS a bcanch’Rnaablnt «inb amoas l3th of October. I think I wID done,
cunce. Tbe savases. beinc natuniDv proud, seelos Ibelr ehiidren
th* members at Klasniey. They have
Hoptoc you soeeesk.
EltoRaidd*. R. P. D. 1. Jan. 71.1*05
placed stno^ oara. would dress tbero to the same manner, and
totofi theta-fini meeitas and elecMd ar
Minnie Bnmeoe.
Dear Mn. Bate*—I thoucbi I wmild
make ibelr atteodance at tke- seminary a pomi of tomor. It U '
•nem an follown; Prseldcat. Meato
wrive a few tines to the HeraH. as I
tree that at firm It would be.beretrary to allow throe 1llt}e satnriimmr- rter preMdeaU Oari Brow
to^A.-Jan. 15.19M.
ape* ereai libeny.'abd only ctnflnr onradves lo'ibe deeicn of
tr: aeerettry. Bllen SeefmlHer; tna»n-bod cold today and esak to
elvtltolnc them, and readerinc them capable of' reecrinac I*stroetkm. *M toeve the test ip Hfm who made tbe b«an.“
So early wn* Mtoblfma toimmUied to the esutdrabmeai <>f
amK* oxtrn enanhlne aronad KinaMey
**“• aumbers, Myjfifirovr-a
Macklacw trout aad Mr.
mi ewybody tbero will think apMac
Cr^lte. I l^ her Hichlaad haa cancbi c.w« oo7 of Elk
Beaau'bile in Canada there wat bitter enmity arminst CadbMsmMyhame. We hope tb* M>b ^
weat to Efit Rapid, ro.
lllae aad bU new- town on the Oarolt. The’traders on the Bt.
win nead this dwartmeat racular reto* neat time I will «» and 4^ „
LasTTcnce could not endnra that iho4r for irafilc should cp else­
WON* ed IWIV ■sartors and Ibe cood
where than to tow..
wwk they are finme-.
In -every possible way (bey opposed and persecuted (todil- '
Mm From ITM to 17M be was imprimned la Quebec « false
abartro. While be waa (oaetbe Indians fascaue taibulcat ami
rVwrititot wMomvy to-benrUmty«kwm*no.

Ota RRW.



IhrniMTfl, to* TTnnrn rtrl— -tr Miamla.. ;XRcb

th« tarmt a»lMt tte Fmeh Md !a ttw «grb« «r MM kfiM
Father Cwauattae. > prtMt. ud L* Rlrim. a «oli>i«r. Im e«tk» waM, FlMlljr iMy MM«*d DUfrilt far lomr Mr«, b«
4M am do *w^ teauax attebM.
A« »«T*‘ Cadlitac VH <M boi'vr o( bU uoaiM and waa
M«t back to hU po*t. ac tm» otMUbtcaM «U matior* wUk bfo
Udtaa alU^ Thor case to Urn »ltb k««M« pkadtnti for par>
dqa. whkfe fc. paaud oa coadJtloa that ih«r aUoald Rlr« ap to
him tbofr aoM MootCnl chJof. oaUri Tho Bar. who ahoaJd mtffer pahUhant M all tho aHachlof that had boat doaa; WBh
th«^ did tbi*. vtam CadUlae. aUahcd vUh Ihrl.'
nhBiuioa. pardheml Tbo Bear aad earo bim bU tlbmT- AUrr
ibto tb*“ lodlaa* worf firmer Irimrta with Carting than j-ror l»e-


Still the eaaaiF of the Caaadlim Par Compaar boaUBartl.
A«aba at the fort were of aa iU eompleHoa. The garrthoa «M
rtlBiaiabml la aombwa. aad tboar who reoaladd weco acaMil}
clad and ptmriy fed. naaliy. in ITlo. «h-» kiBA »»red M tbeae ’
vraastoet. hot rerusiilriOB the foortnr** and ability of mdUlae:
mppotntert him tprenor of Uwlatona. »»rt be k-fl hto heautUhl
home OB the siralta of DeiroU nercr to retora.
Bat the ra«»r. A Cadillac «bould alvayi be n«pe»'*"^
and hooorert Id MIchlifan.' To him are doe iba botlnnlaBi of «•
. oowtb^aad-fdoaperiiy and hto .•.rrM-.tnee.^ fidrtUy. .and pnn- .
minded booHiy of pnrptwe Jef. a Ja.tln* JmprewlAn OB iboar
early da)-« of oar »Uie-» e*lateaer
(To bo CoatlnaodJ



Monroe Center. Mich.. Jao. IS. tW-I wonder.- sMd Ibe pin. Tf to*
Dear Mrs. Bates—1 thouchi I would Witald pick me up." It raised liaMttto
write you a tottra. l heart yon were
s hlpbest pilch, bat It
wick. Imt hope you ara welt now-. I
tf the <»lld wotM pans
hSB 'he Sunshine rlufa. ___
would like
atone witbtMt
neticiac It- The nn waa
-ktotofi •‘rtfibtlr. ho-rw-er. u happrort
b,ve four hrotbm
„p the pla. and the lUlto »lrt
Thru amno.
noo^ and plckrt R -a Thro ah.
Adam, touta and
Why Mm did no

shine clnb. Their namro ara Acnen. **
^ dtsttordli
Admn aad Louis. Wilt you plcam imtto
hrart (hr Iltilc pin nay:
them each a card and
. button.
. We live
-LlHle c«rL do >-oo want jme to tell
every ^ I
Now of all tbincA Mbit—that 1
1 write. I will close.
aotblnc t
cIri'B name-loved a Micy,
with tore.
so s^repl
prom your would-be Sonsblncr.
“Ob. yoii Mro**- do.ACe 17.
Bo*m Oourtode.
. Mary sat down oa a dacmatep apfi
------------------ :----toe pin bcsatiT
A Mra. -fianto CWua.
-n y** oratnrte* h»\brinfi me 1*
MiM Reboe^ O. Cose, wktow of
tberofore. rnyWofT to A ,
BdOefB-CoxAlateoaeof theproprie- ^ one. aliboa*b peofdo do any: fih.
tor* of'toc
<W Btwber*'eollJrrie*
ai iii« mOe plA^Whai bUinryoa* ttmk ,
' hc<W
■ ■
--------- -------Hoochton. Pa. bad a tohe lUi of cbtlmnchlnery to a ,
drea to whom she jave Christmas jocinry. very onickly. aad sfurward,
. -m- _____
There arc alitmi« little
a totoDCinc-to toe
- famllka
- mllka af the
ocrti.* Ttaai Is^iraRH. ‘
mine worker*.aad Mrs. C
__ ,it:
, __
__ ^
' rannot
bnt it
me 1^.^
to Mve each some cause for rejoleliic. btar people talk, so about * pin.' f
lo addlikm to maktoc clfu. she had „
, eomiai* pin, 1 am ao oU
special Cbristmas exercises held In European idn, and It took a *n*t final
Uie rorlou* school* of Honebrouof time to make me by hand. Brfort
encac^ • music teaefaer to tnsiniht p,,;,pin thot^l ot .makinc metala Intb
toe )vanc*ifra in CbHsima* caruis
o)>liced to aa* toorMi
nnd hymn*.
. *nd skowi-r* of wood to fasten tfctoM
with, hul when we mvinl plM **ro toWpr M the WhIU Ham*.
vented pcoM* Itoined very t
RIoee the raeeot eleetton Ibe smnll comfort. Of courue. It waa oMy ttan
sons «r President Roosevelt have b*
*b<, couM buy as then, tpr *a
cun lo look.npon Wa»hinc«»o with a ^j-rp made by hand and-were very «•
more favorable rye than formeriy. To pMwIve. Gradnany peepto foond PM
Quentin and ArcMbald' Ihe notional ways by which we could be made mor*
capital meant only toe place where cheafdy. and tbea toe pnor bad noma
they bad to go to school, and where comfort out ot as aiaa, Pbr. yott kmow,
Ibey oust be always ^rented up and «« ere very uneful thine*. Infifiefi. at-on tbeir goad ietaat^.' But life baa itowgh people speak of as aa bMag
bra* presenilw: other aspect* laieD.. «*|ypins: yM they voaU be at a gnat
and the gmirirous way in which they lom wltbout n*. 1 wuader they aever
were refnemberrt at ChrlAmaa baa tbiak of thU.~^
.helped lo tw«*cile them to existence
"Bat you raid that yon are made of
t of Bovernment. For this
Mary. *and Q-f* It t"**
reaioo they are now ready to cham- ^,orte,
make you. How wna thto?
pion the much-maltooed roplua Miy *ud wbai are metala. plmaer .
anaiDM iiv
■to begia at toe beglBBlBg.- aa>
r twelve
Tbe other (lay
swerod the pin. “meuls are mineral
boys, sons of
stib«aan-i fonnd ia too-oarto. la what
live*; went to make a doty call foi
are caBed mine*. Metala are bora of
b,.ld. .... I. U, ».dw,
ten rls>* of officialdom, Tbe rtsltors
I for imsturia*
wxre lameaiiDK jbai Ibe
befora men dig Into the earth to find
were guac and that they ««V» n«
use Ibelr new sled, and skalro. and
hart lo be purb
theyl*Uimrrt condl^.
ged. and melted, nnd toe. nmde Into
-TtiU io«i 1. no pwl." —I Uie ww ,

.0 enwno ,0 no. ,iw.,n


*(...» s„™bo. ... Anrti. .nn
^ a.n—1.
i mi
, .1,. ,l.rn.on»..r n», n.,.n l„
„—?.«> I •- *«nto degra* below 'nn.~
■ ■ .eoed by roysetf ou'a gilBthtooe; th««
. “That's nothing.- boastud
***^' **'' >*"’ "**■
s-t>OM> father cotne< from the ..'—1?.
uppi-r ^
my. what a knock no the bend that
protnsula of Mfcbigxn. "We have i> .
, ,
' hammer gave mej To flaitea It out;


e pn to sebnoi un sqow»|ii>Ai ten feet
long, or else In l‘l••ictls with dogs pall^
log 'em. Why. my father txMld be;
iwesldent if be wanted to. but 1
....W.l.llv.. I,..,. U HI. ,1, n«*r.
washy place, always raining antTwi
t™», H.. r«
><<mm<T or witrer."
Its not so.'' rwiorted b-yenrold
Qu-ntin. biMly. “Yoor taiber could
n.W have
1, . »k. -h.1 rfS

in one piece, and they are inrncd o^t
by ibeib«i*ana« Tbey.are *u cheap.
,toil, that |>er>{)b- do Bot care whetbAr
they lose tbon nr not. It was twit ao In

■bontd hav*

IUt<! totfiDie down M> In the world.- '
“N<‘vcr mind, (hiir pic." laid Mary.'
I have a nice isn ilaol with Mite aal>|„. ,nd 1 wlirstlek jou'in a Btile cask*«> «nd fut
-mofig nmmm. . e-ri>r-~ ».« IU- ^,,,1.,

HH-r IU- bu-. rt-u —U. Uu
A..I uj^U.lur w - u»Li..u.All „„

„ ,u, „,bm„. M,„bii-. ■:
,u; „„ „„

havJNse kind that ev.-TTb.riy 1. n~--1
to, fvr this is their capital Jori a» w.-m


ToW By ta« Pin.
•Will DO owe ever pick me upT
asked a dlieoatolBie pia <>oe My as it
tay in a Ihui »De »f dust by the efimof Ibe sMewatk.
A gnat anaay people passed by, bat.
they dU aot bear toe ftuUe wail. Perhaps ib^ did not vnderstaafi pin laagnape.
Bp aafi Af a prouy cM cam* Mr

The story 1* tMd of BMber -Clevcland that when sht: Am beard her fail«-r tehtpbone f*pom Cblrago to tbe
Wbhe House, her roprcaataa ^■ef-s
to wonder and then to fear. Jf iM*‘/
suiviy iK^r^gi^'s veflee. yet tor vras
Inerednloos. After tooUag at toe ttoy
oprttog ia tbe raertirer. Bmkew a
fiemiy twnt into Man. *G.
toamma." aba Mbbrt. toow ima «•
firer pm papa oat of that tUU* taotoT '

■Mteisiw SM to the
<d tw

i>Md «ttll tlwmt. Ad4(ntte
• ■»»•*« «»«- ‘ " "

■wrelT Ml d«. JB« «kt Mi IrtMo U**P«*f^ ot ct«a»OB.
^ut tb® DOM o( tb« •ItotMd
«teiw. »w<
UBt *re *lr« il«»r
M* ■»*««»
Ok. wwktmH Bt»r«KW«l!
ttal *®re M m.Me; .
Ibe menT-eyTomA a*d be*r tbe baiM) aprad tkea ®rr»lj <» tb® bMtoa rf;
tb® pu. tt«* ■proKl tb* h»ner mm
U»» »
«* poaJWe. *•«;
tbn wn4 lb® imi at ib® enuab*
b.k® In n -»od®r.
Umm tera wiU of BI«nb«h
fcm ota; *b«i do*®. c« l»i«
lUM ny«i«mUlooc®»»k. qproor
nad bWp 1. *
Bliid In tb® r®K of Ood B®r«r to m
«nrni Jnr'ublJI nU abr o*®d;
deruk® more work ^ ur aort ibM ^bta In * *o»td®lfc*«® y« rtet Ktaiter««Ty <« enlmlr. ««l®tly. wlib^ ^
cnfnin®l Gln*«rbc«od.—B^e n lnr*r
rounrit. KTovint: nerrmw n»d Hk® on®
b|r<-r dnprrbreod. snloc tb*
out of brmtli.>tHi would find dbinnlB^^^____________________ _
rrrtpe «lT®n for coconnm sU
•enn® rale dodv for XPa ^
un j>!ne® nnj pood d®)’eoi® slo: wknt BO prti-®r or fenn «w»fa ®
Rcrbrmd rreipe Ibni *»n b® bnked Ib
re. Wb®B It to Uken froj*. tb®;
»*ra. have In rendinens Htber of tb®
jiiM lo h® i®Bdrr; tort'to beUB®:
aillnsi «l»e* below, nnd
Just to be atnd tb® vbol® dnr tbrousb: ^M«nd ft at one® wbOe tb* KlnB®rbrf*d '
Just lobeneerclfut: JuKtobeBUd; *u warm.
tiVbU® CwBtnH IrtoB—PInceorer
f^ll insmiaiojft in the " IJoys.! IL'-xr and Pastty Cook
Jnsnob®8®Bil®. nodklad,aBdnwe®i:
^^0 In an ft<nt® ■tacepna. ob®
Imok for makji
ikiaa all kinds of* bread. Jiiscuit and cake
Ji|M to b® belpfu; with wlllias feet:
ea,^u} of crmoulded MEbr. oe® ubl®Gratis to any addrcbi.
iritii Royal jRaking Powder.
Jssl 10 be di®«>- when ihtas* RO ,pooBfiiJ of ib® best wewBiery butter.
' wrosa: '
u<i u Mbbi tu-o-tblrds of u cupful of
11 fcT.. new WMK.
■OTM. WUuM raWDCB co.'An
Jiisi 10 drir* sadness awajr wWt a
,^<.0 cook (or flv® mlanooa:
Wheiber lb® bonr U dark or bHfbl.
et«»®r should form Into a aofi
^JiMt to be bval to Oort and riebi;
taimry ball if dropped lalo a ttlaaa of
JuM to beWere that Cod known be«:
^ »ob as a reacbes this
JuM la HU prtBi^ ®*®r to K»l;
,ue*.'rmime froui the *«•. set in a
Just to lei lore b® our dallj ka—
water: and beat lUl ii
Tbta Is qrvl K will for you and for me
k shmtM be thick mod
—■ .
aiMntb. Ftaror with vanltU. and
ObooT Uteflral tosboBS to kam i> i.>
8U Oallciaiia Olisrtokenada.
on tb® Urers of 0n-,
spread at
at oner
A ewifl nf
nalmrn bad leatoits. Talk healib and Tralulng ruj QlnKerbread.—This Is ,
' TVoiiibooi «r l«* bar® I .
detach yourseH from tb® habit of pratotd-fa'ihlaBed
Chucolaie Caraia®l
WI>*B®*«r J'r® m*i rfiene
llins aboai poor aches and iwios. K»ds about in hooks, that, rut up Into h|,k, the git
Of tonuB*. felt «»ttrdlned-to «t:
When asked about ibe eonditlod of
^ ,okl 1 lb® eblldiira oa ruk> pivea. bake lo Urcr<ake pan and
-t%nnk Ood It to BO weme.”
your health, pipe up cheerily, for. even TialalnR flay.
RTcat |.ni n^ether while ailU warm with
-Ihoneh you bar®
WbeaeW I bed laelliMd .
bare auae
aacae trimBe**llBe*i
iHfllBe-aJlBeai luxury by xkott,
Ibrnm «aame cblldreB and tboeoUto caram®! froMluK ChncnUie
Hy «Hh lo relMarat.
that U holberin* you. the 111 win seom ,h,.(r rldw. PtH Inlo a mlslBR bowl U prtleutorir “«.Bu. eirniWoed
Thh tbouEbt kiriek fladtea Ihrp' By yr*a y ,mi will bat rompar® It with 1
at bolter, and beat It to *»U> klnBcrbread.
Chn«.lBtc Caramel loins.—Make tb®
ones tliat you kave
IB tb®
are added.
- Bor®
-------------------------------------— ,
• 4BgT®dl®Bis

t have ao patleoe® with ope after the other. ^ ibo better
‘^ko (be one .bore, using a
Tkaak (kid It is w worae!
,b«a® worn®, wbo nara® their iroo- ,bo,^h,y pm-n ,i„... s„ ibrr *1U be «ant half cupful of milk Inslcmd of
Ttaa^ poor la beaUbwiM power.
Ideaaiid wbo coddle-their disappoint- ,b„roughty blended in tho llBtohed Imi- »»«•
stir Into I.
Aad'pDorer atili In pane.
meals, it Is Ilk# dtieatlaR all one's life’To the butter, add one cupfal of enough melted and sworteae.1 cho^
My km eataW .■ W «W be loirtr,
In black enpe wbeet on® might Jum as e«npmt®d sugar and one wdltowien,
»“ n'" " »
color and a A<^
/-TkMmk OmI it to 00 wore®!
well be decked with a amlie of eour- eg,;. ,hen one cupful of-Ne» Ortoans «•“'«’
SuuwMyUytlm^l luio
age and a boaqae. of rtoleu. BeBHae „ou«u, Itbe ml tbibgl and one cu^
ftkem darkam aena ibc aky—
„ belter acqnaiotcd with yomaeK^ ful of mmr milk, to which on® tea»•«“'' Magarln,.
ebange yooraelf at you would ^aat® rpoonfal nf soda has been add.-d and
------- T
the whlktog. trying .friends whom yo-t 'both stirred until ib* milk foams and
meet abd complala about orory daj. ibei^ are no lumps remaining. Sift In
we do 'thtwe cups of pastry Boor and one hwg. eretdy staapci imtaioes and after
•We can do sriita
M frtoMto row nool and aky.
>a> eU-an p]are thcbi In the
ibougbU and our merala. All tablespoonfol of ginger, beat iboroagh- washing tbea
XSItTB done
dune slit each
, MtM® thlnga will right (beBscrtvas. j lbete things art snb)eet to the menul i,-. pnd turn Into a shallow baking pan. o»«t to bake. \STicn
a»« I
‘orders that ibey. reedre.
yusss Apj M to no worae!
8®tf-eo«trol la one' dr ihd BWbtcwt {« welt dcmr remo>-e fern the oven and lasldo wHb..ut br®aklng4hr skin. Mash
ncvls. Mental eonlral
conlTol keeps our spmtri w ith a thick layry of Ibe raw tlUs snit poiaii. very smooth and aild
a for a Ihtve t
-fMd age coBes aure. though slow.
bodies la lielUw coadlilan. and healthy 1
. , «mk aU'te swn PMvem;
bodice abould tarty with them whole- xhari time illl ifie custihg of ibe nio butter and Parmesan cher««>.one uMe> Mean and brighter ‘ aapinittona. ihsaes baa "set.** when tbc cako may a^wmful of ehoppcal. parator. uae. ttfWlBl «mnT 41 has lu ooBfortt too;
The mind and the body work ttwether be cot Into aquarrsi and si rred as aoon spoon salt and salispoon p<Tp.y with a
' .nuHtOad It to-BO worae!

Rear-AdmIraiHiehtMHii.:. PW'W

Praises Pe-m-na.

lllildAg Powder


■ : :2Si

Cl^TY Br«8Ld ^

Wth Royal Baking Powder there is
no mixing
handle sweat of
the brovA Perfect clcaniincsst greatest
fediity, sweet, clean, healthful food.

with suficlent

I liUB aBpkp ter iMi
ta srrttlM ’•nutfiwpa tf«*a.”—
^ ^ an the mt aubHaM. b^l then
; '' nmak' tied ll to no wane! .

areIxM BJ It poes out into the urarld.
Whst hr says U ocboed bj maBj ot
hto<> •taadias.




Pbilip Btebbom, Rear-Admiml UnUe
write* fruiB Wasblnglua. I>. Vn as fallows:
-After tbc tat cf Pentam for a abort foriod, t
caa paw. ebaarfuttr recommend yoar rabmbie
taaatdy to tmy one wbo la la aetd of aa Mgormtlpf tonic."—PbWp tlkbbora.


The aotdtor and the aailor are rspeelaUy sab
catarrh la aotne form or phs*®>
nibjeiet as they
as they an-___________________
to ®oa>tsat ®hi
loTariouavIrirMtudes. and all kinds of ellmaie.wm
and dry, night and day, tb^ find raiairb to be^ir:
lasidious and ®Tefprcs®nt.foa.
la the barrieka and on tbc Held, i>maa U equally
Tak-nlaUme.ltvrn afasolutdy prereBl cabdriag cold.

I >e-Hu»NA Afi ABSourre stoccinc. |
Aficraeold ba* bmema eatahllsbrd.Penias wUlbseak
It ap qub-ker than any other remedy known to man.
■TCvca after a eoMbss Iwrome 'selllrd lo son® orgsb ft
the iiody fVraaa can he relied upon b> |wui>4>ily dl<|s-l
rrruaa will eaer esisirb. wlmlhrr acute of . liroair. 1Btewdesrs ukrain H.r Itfst stage* of Uirriuo-s-.® *111 Iw
, moreeBreltor than wl..-n Hwdls®*sr has
If you suffer rrom caiarrli In any fnciti. d<> h<rt n.-gb-ei
(b Take IS-runs at odvm-. Itclsys IB eurh tuathrs

your P.maaasaiuwidyaadeut* tor cBM
I7 many ufmy frirod* who bare base bsapfllid bytbeaa
as well as my o«a rsperieac® as to its efbearpabd gaud M
properties. eau-®« me to recnameod It ta aU prraama
Ma-lJ.-at. ir.K. Nary. Jarom M. M-rgaa.
frieudsandetbar aufferersas.meot Ibcliest rsmsdtod I bare
veer irinl for c-stan^l trunidea of lb® throat and ktadmd
dlsesM*. I also cJSddfr I'efwaa a graad laric.^-AdmsrM
James A.llrrer. .



0 I bare u*rd your IVraaia wiUi saUsneUon aafl eaaMMrtfolly roeummeiKl tl.® r«u«1y as an eiferUtr® nmidf ieS .
Amgbs aad .-otds.'-H.-ar-Adulral i. A. HowMi.

IN Ml» rAMILt. I

01 baTrusodPmbBlamr to»ilr^jrtaM;«p^«f^^ '
s'‘i«in focwmnmnd yoarvalaaito reamdy as air-*
i-ougbs, coids aad eaiarvb.'’><M. O. A. Martaa
*.4. Porter.
yet di-Vlori. has r
rukuty rnunsomBuy rrooward stalMmib aad Biutary ■
W® bavr.«8<®«a-lsot tsstlBKiaUto Uka tboso gin
a<s-r<’. Wu >-dn giv.- oar readers only agUspm uf tbe vast
array of eodorwaeats l•^ Manw to ruealvtac.

would be no mean chapter la, a pro
pic's bla^ w»ch mild be pabdoce.1
fmm ihtoj|Bili%<:uBre* found la the
•*“ aaii s-up
potalo palp; wh.e bum.-s -.-f

piaeJi sail and cinnamon, yolks of
HcaiA lo vegtUbwa.
ihtTe egg# iMut.-n (hickthen the Miff
onl) km w what v.grtable*.
whites. ' link.- onv'halP bojr in meiUgots! for
wjai." safrt a pal® l«tl®
far what,
wuman (a tb^bhr rtls Dioniltig. *i'
my family. tVr
wuultL give
Hiatory jr. QuiH Btoekt.
this wlnt.-r. and I f.s-t


Here arc ibe tbra® deadly ayBglwas
of old a||F: '
Hcietbocss — Btagaailoa ->- laloiarnnc®.
If w<-fln>! ibesn la euraelr®*, we
•»»***« oJd-even If m
""'CTy ride
thirty. ««C
haptdly. at* has® tbree defcMOs. wbkh
fntulm-rabl®; If we naq them. w»
di® }u«dc if «® live to be a baadred. They an-;

Wc want all to be well aad atfoog.
Marshmallow FlUlng for Sponge Gin- eots Inro a as
WcaUwtaitobehajH>y- We all want gertread.—A matshmaUow ailing la milk, or cream
■1. »r.. —Mlo be buanUful. Other* canaot bring dellclotoi with a-eponge gingerbread,, *oft and ailr oi
- about ibeae ehanp!* for us. We real- Improriig the old-ftahloaed daialy on- Ing hot. Beat up an .-gg and «ir lalo
lae our desirce hy oarreci living, by 11111 is scarcely reeognlxable. Bon this, remmtl from the range.
j.-V''And tttoM'l''iUn
CuUlraUag good QualKle* aort doing one-clghlh of a pound of chocolate to aad flll ibecmpiy poiatoshrlU. C..ver
r».totl be
____ ________ ^____
oaeJnurtb of a cupful of waior. fading the *m with the wblpp.-d white of an
Bat otoM .By ma«r ejaa. nd sUhi
A good diction will Ukb the place onehalf rd a copfuTof auger, andwk- rge. aprlakle wUh chc-s® an.I return
Thaak Ood to to, go' worae!
of the amat srirnderful rouge. Finn lug till It “threa.U.'' Diasolv.- half a to the oven f.w hr..*Tilng.' S.-rv® ..u a
s la a plaiter.
mnsclM. property couiroUed. bring pound <d c
Hruo is mr'ipitaph
_ _
igraec. O^IInCas of body aad linen ublespoontnl,rff water tbolUngK aad
rcuau. Cakes.-Masb a plat of poia
Among-ih.- keepsake* of our ‘

little prtooa of the
«11 bbouWchtoto* lb-makejyootoaih. lmpan. radlanc® ami beauty lo the addtoJhe mliluro .J cbocotote; beat tor* Ibmugh a sieve until they are sramlmoik.-rs may ym 1.0 found Q.mlni
roilowing U. the hois> A«nal to r« Immeamdy iBportaat !o
fmm. To hare health.®, strong tongs, all logwher and spread betw^ add rprite-sm.»lb and free from lumps: sp.-ri«®n. of quilt mpisr.-*. aod «r®
wiL m-® *»- Th. r® U no d-utyiag ym fact thpi
Tbaak aod to to no worse.
: to keep *11 tb® wonderful maebliiery im top of the to.vers t»f glagAbre^. roU with them a laWespooafii! of imt
I ,ai(.Tus »,f half a century-ago
win n j mi liii 1 ■ inutlutht ynatwilfln
<d the hnmaa bodi to perteei condi- Serve while .the klngprt.reaii 1* *lH1 iH. one Icaspoondii of baking powrter.' 1^5* irf |.aii.-m B,e«llo*..rk and anis'
part to have 10 eoaslder other ^
Here iip the hoiiea' of one
'Wb* loMdApaerfb^ verso,
'ibd «ko
iaaay a wretched gi
.... Thank &ltWyw«e no wotne!
Bd iio w® par the I^ty. The wo--kled chopped nuts of almost aay klad hake la a b« ovo* TVhcB done, dl,.r
pradom of the toumry. AIL
ihi- mer.- fe.-lto- .rf- ay«p*thy ®*- ^-'1
man irtio weeps uouad soon grows one
has at hand. Melt and beat iborvide the cake* to the center, buuwi^otimi-m. ..f theto-art liart ..tpr.^.|i,.i.
Hi) did BB^ barm or good;
, old. The girt s«o atays up half the oughly Htrec-fourth. of a pound of whil.- Im-. pto« ingruher again airf
,rf ,h. gt a. ra„,H,ri,btor and krt as *' 'Wag: tortthe Bool.detoiBlaad aol to
Re towed Ibe wetrerae.
night .lanatog and ftmsUBg lose* the marshmaltowa. spread ojptbecakeand serve immediately. Ae*7 alee with ,i.„ a,r,,„s, eon® from q*.
gru»( cdd.
rdd. rwa
caa fom®
fora® tb®
ih® Body
Body to
t> aa
roimdnoas and splMdld stnmgtb that spriakb- with eoeoanut. nr eboppe.l maple syrup.
Rv.-i->: neHna has pat Its. emblems
• Hi«K r 4® i*g..od a*^ User oil., physical effort, ibougb tbm to' ao
YhbBk God U was no worae’, Is tbe'toherUaace of )-outh- Tb«e are' am*, or place a candied cherty or Oystor* rmaii> Ball*—Boll and ma*h
poMiirt* upon Its be-i* tmr
(.'Bfriil* a
taws directing all thiwr tbinjm. We strawberry bese and there 00 top. awl bee: pui.aiix* aatll free from
royniry has quilted the rtog. iho
^lery to ge
V f«« ha Ml wbo «*««.
: ha«-1iiit *0 obey Ihem.
Cocoanul Qtogerbread.—Into a mto lumps. R^hob with mU ^n<i white ,*,0^
England ha<
Mpatagm sllmulates
ih® kMaeys..
He sura tart ntma'-to enrse;
It seems as It most of us take good tag
bowl put on® cupful iff moUases.
pepper, and add a iltiU-l.mti-r. Makeleri >.»rea!l* with th® 4loails
Parsnips. rarksparilU and wai®»-:
Bcoub toafla.
- -WhUb aawa. ito srrit, thai-b^Bust
caro Iff everything Iwi miraeirM. The and
pour over It on® cupful of bolUng' Into balls .about the sire of a lar^*jximbiD.“ lUi- flrvciaa mabloa arwed
lYoss ar® l4oud porifler®. ^ for ib® itniitwriWe fdacea lo dwri—
, u
hoaaewlf® pr^rviw her allver frtm water; gs soon as » cool* Virt into
the egg- —»
With * teasimm make
a cavity
cavity „„
I.ily;" TurkUh wive*
Lcmna lalce i» gind for a' gargle, walls sad n»m corners—a brtOB bag
Ood n Is on worse. ^ ^
^ ^ grime, lauadw bet eartatos howl two hetpiBg eupToU of flour, with in each lall. Into Which Un-p three
-g;»r and m-seeaf from
Hut th® Juice mar. not U' swallowed;-to InraluaW®.
washes her ebtea and a pipeb of aalt. one leaspoonful of gin- t-ruamed oysu-rK. Cover the cafliy and remnant* of *Hk anrt wool; Persian
-US* with the utmost cure- The ptout g«r. a tekitpooBfol trf sorto. and half a after making ih® lail a® round a* po» ik-’i, wrr® covered with -blocks-, of ' Crape JuJr®. appb-s. carnns. sptn^- Make n eff canto*'ffaas®l, wHh the
' oap-InsM®. aad siake Jl >mt Mg
- > • * • • • • • a • •'jn
window of the living r«>m re- teaapramful of ctonami* or dove*. slble.-roIMi flr«. to a well-beaten raw h®-Persian Palm IJIy.-the Nile folk amt Drazll cuts ar® touiiv*®.
rraaberriea enrreew ih® llo-r'wbra enough to »Hp
rtlp over the whole **
le muc.ralc* w®
® all akoabl
ahooM • ceivn
eelvn us daily sanitlr
sapply eff water and U Brat
Ural iboioogbly
fiw two minutes, and egg. then Into
Inf. cracker crumb*,
6rumb». drop c”'
c„i am*
sn.i r.*wefl
r.nred idu
ton.. iwam*
Iwauty me
the pyrwpyra
, T . •
Ra a drawing arriag
. • teaderiy plmed I. the ..asblnc- Evray- then mid onM.»r,h of a cupful of melt- into todlto* tot dra,. enough .0 cover mtrt*. the sphtov. and the papyrus . I« b ««f‘'ring frour th.; r.-H..It* oTm-er rJ to; limim.
buM it la irtare si Ibe
la the sannitog: amlie
these bad will be








- u,>„ H.


..u un


M,.™..ou«nu.. _.n

z„ rr

And kte* «B amtllng al night!

-V • ,

sbouM be washed radk Ub* after
astag to keep them alsratys ready to
pass over..dHteate Cffvered papers M

rary to keep_a»/tbe btsastly lltilr lug two rather plump l*>-era. Pul to- hot with oy»ti-r sauce The
Into quilt «q-tar®». N.-w England hsil
Hcialcbes that FWber Time trictoics gether with a froMtog made' of eon- may be staffed with eboMwd bam to- the “Mayflower." yirglal* made the
acroM her forehead iftd tmptanta be- tiwtioaert sugar moWebed with stradof oysiera and wilful snuc®.


this a Hitle ihredded eoeoanut. and till thoroughly cookcl. without l■®ing lovers by the boluco Gate, tlw Carotn
In thVk
well known
m racietoe
<«v and
bum to diet
vi®v are
«•<- the
...<• fltwt
®.>. «pread
-.- - - on the
—~ layers —
. . . eoaia. .mraUv;
. . . • ped,
. . . slice,
. . . pat a tayer of them Ha maidea* wrought the ■ Palmwip'*
Madato'QuI k'ive.
kite. the
•toBiityd6«or-otthe Chicago Recort- awda of hraMh aod beanty. The least' «»ver all sprinkle thickly shredded c* Into a shallow bntbwed -U*h. sprthkle sqarv. Texas rad® ih® block esHt-rt
Hsnid. Owto Umetn the mHUi of her obaeraai mortal mart undrawtand.' eoanut ao the frr«ttoK w1H be thick sugar over, proceed as hi-fore. having 'Tear, of Texas.- Oklabonta f.w^ied
dattoa I* an*vraring the qaeatloa. of ,that when muiwlra ara bmughi Inlo and aaowy, aad then «wt .. the cake at aUeroic layera of pouto am! sugar, th® " Bcaer.^rt Avkan:
ilwmraRrapaadrat* who tong to^play all the vital runcih»*®ei to work onec while It to Mill warm.
put bits of bolter over the t^ add a ra. made the' ArkanMiy Ttovi i.-r,
n aaay nrad tn hrabh aitd tomuty more caorgrltoMv~ihCi during a *ttU>
Crumb Otogerbrcad-Mtwwre out lU,I® maple *,rtp. tbea set the disk in.. A .few ^.enaraw that ar® -miver^
'E^e her rradera aoma good. ^olW of Idtraras. Scs^tion Inerrases. tb® far tumblerful*
of flour, alfted betorv
the oven Ja« took ei^ l«
bmwwwherever the Chritila peimic baV;
idvtea. which If folkrtrad out would I4»ri eircatole* mot®
rapidly, the measurtog. on® lamWcriul <i( butter, the bmi®r aad s-.gar.
dw, tt *Pc.uciit* ih.-^o<ncthtorauwaywith the over pop- bodnybcattotoereaa«l.wbU»^up. two tamWertnto of *tigar«ro*r*o graSweet rmaio Croque:iw-,noll half him,-tb®-lJui., Log <>hto.-aiul ib®
beauty jmgenf ibe Saday aewa- uMdoa* aramWm* arc owtii.-«(<lvely alaicd.i ^ 00® lumMerful of aour g dbaea medlum-riswr potaioe*. pee' “Crown and Crowt
Th® ' Vitlc Ixic
Her:praacbmeal to a reeeat aeatawa>.
■«»' tiob the flour and botUT to- Md aiah wry samojh. scasbo; with C*Un“ aquar® l» tti;im®ily American
iiie nf the Rraord-HeiaM was ♦* (olWlenCBa tovHca decay. Juat as rust friher. natll they pro reduced tu
„d butler, then amk.e Into eOae- «>f th® oH «*hmtol d»,a, Tbc “Farm25:.

erumwes-metal ana dust tula* flae toto ertmha; a* flrmr and lard are woriseJ rtmprid craquvnc*: dip to egg and cr-rDanghii-r” i*aiBitb®r tororii® wtth
ft to wcA lia <**v sad nlBple mat- ric
tngeiher for pie crust, then add tb® crsrker or lirrad eramba and fry In Americaa*-. much prised to if>o day*

*‘Bfiwutn BfdMr

J! mark of Qualify


»T «> «»lr. ... b«™r »

A«wi, totoil.fa.lm-Me«u.hw -to.'to* “I. ttl-•ilmi-' .«!«:.

im».-n.o ™i,.,


m»® and daoWng mran* tba*. o;.e Pier lUo and a »«® eomjdete Ufo to «Be®-»ore rrun>W.v., M®a#ar® ooi Sweet toaaio n®-b#®ptoe of potato 'own. ••
I Wr of I
weBrnts^beraare ay irally jdain'w.v KvwytMagOB the earth fau It* fuae- twn lumhleifato of ibv crumbs, ud set .rffbbod throngh a strre or-cotonAw.
“Child'. 'Faror'.:
■ mwam^ fu* Of the gto^- Mmi tka, and duties. Tb®tree* spread
away Irv.a cold plae® ratll the hatter |o^r wetl-h-aten egg*, ime full eup rrf.resi.v to ihe.quUt
X 51i*. lorinawly. oe htra^ altb forth tbeirWo. Tb*
ia the to ma®. into wbal remala of -the snsar..* taW'wiomfui of butuT, n«-originattog to ootowa ramry, rather
V ,11---^ -XBI hrdlrt'- If'wearMU. w«* Woodtaml- Ucubs. lAdcs. imd Mpom* emmbk. ttit lao well beaten 4ga'; adiT meg to tat®: make too a vray ibln (ban to Ctilaa. Surueoac has raid that
'■ttm. aim kritalnt and anauraet again. The bUwbs. the s^Hlbt, the to tlRs mr milk i»e, iraspoonfal of bailor with rich milk: All three na toe Wbb-..» disuroyed. eonM be r»>
^ aukar inor. anow-all these are pettactulag dalkw. aoda. aad wbra the soda I* dltsolvod darerusU; bake 4g a Bodcraie-orua. produced from toscripttaa* oa the
A', an »Dw® "I® .
mUk Aams,___ '■M latq tto ' *
“ ■ JSAato SouHr-Hrat- -*— —.
^ .k_
jibe kraaka are b*ay«rrtB|ibelr Iff*.



Ittiebigaa's Ctadiag Ittusk Baaae'

"Bcnrintg Kmtmm to'ISask.^'
___________ WeViwriL

■ 3-v

^luttib ^tvitfi^tfit iljeralJi,



potBtM to take chane of thU «b4 M
PET wMMe M BBf CbT IM wttk. tk«asalr. At ibe mtoUa* laM aliht
followliic appolBUaeBta w«a
MM rMdi^r.wd raparts tkat a» satIMMtQir
eo«M b»aMd»«ar th* .t«(ular
Mmtt BMMa tka MaOac snaMr, jM
BfoeatSv»-Mra. EbbmI Oafjud.
kit the >«•■«
Mn. Joka F. Oti. Mra. A. L. Jofoa.
a DC. Ob
- Halt.
«• Ebt* • IBM MM k«r« ImwiMti — Mn. Dr. A. B. HolHBar, Kra. W. D. C
MMatag tkB nesi at CBdUiae Ja JMif Oennata, Mra. J. H. MoOoogh. Mrm.
mt Cartkc tka O. A. R. WM»iB|ataDt Robart J. Prtee, Unr^. P. Wraong.
, BanqaM-Mra. Cbaa. W. PBiiM, Mn.
M ikna Bara'MM vfll ba kald wttk at
^ Saadhi Q«a. Itaf. W. C. RoU, Mra.
■MB a atrtac or borat Etab at kaa
l^aer onui. IKa. Albert Korotar.
la tka Mtr. Aaotkar Wg
^ alaa ba anaagaB
aad It la Mrs. Oaorga Ne«b^. Hrt. Vn6
Wartbarg. Mra. A. LongMiora, Mft.
' that Mtlaaa raoaa trUT baPrad
pABad flC OTarr tvo waMs, with tka
J. M.
Mra. J. T Hannah, Mia. B. P. Bnma.
a tkaa bright for k
Mia. Chaa BnadtWt. Mil. C. M.
Bean. Mra. Jfeha Pnitaeh.


f n_



an UTlnB: flftr I


i newo tod iwcMred a wM btaatet aad
to the Brltlth Moaeom la aa wdrerwaeprsMteallpoMotttoMaie.
tteeseBt ct a reward for h nmawsp
ateTB. Tbe “ad“ to written on pnppPIrcNtefi
and U 3.000 peals <M.
eondlUoa tt thlaat-'
whea lli* Bt« : TBe Trarerae Ctty troa worki Ef haaed troa the mini of Tbebet.

usitad statM '<=kaira. Bo beAttead i:

:oko M
u CBiepraima hu
iu» «e
»•» haad^
m—u—— • -,



i-. ■»“?.
ssss i rrss;

r«“ iF^is

s.l'i «'?! ■S,T'“
oVi of'i Wle block Mid groond i:

Sto;,a'-Saali«at-grMtocAlldrMi. Hale





tea teteraetlng acoonni of bit
needed It. ^en winter
^ eecor^from mambera of bU tbr ^oQ^rt
^tbly _

_ oat and

thoogb .thep wei« all on Ere and need-

S£ H..U,^ '-•ssi''ss..^',
■n. Bt. Lawrence countp, New York, ^hep wore like bncktkln.
ard. JM5. HU ^er died when
In 1«4 ^U wlte^W a^

... I Job before tbe Ere proper wat iWehed
. bot a IlM of boee wM^t w the Ere

bit mother died aboot three-preeki .bometlead. During this Ume^pat^
birth of her eon BonlamlD. manp of bit lonel.r hoort In wrl^g for
orphan bopa and ooe girt, hit own amutemenL One of bla m
A meeUng of the pattan' aaiocUkept tbe got hold of a temp of piper on wbleb
en John't wot written.
, UoB waa held In the BapUat church
•Tli not the aged aad grap,
■ Mondap nKwslng- C. H. Bttea waa prewNop ,et the young “<>
' eniln the teterei.t of Sunday school
SSher dark! than swlp IW peart dd.
drore a whlto horee. HU Orandtothw
ai-hnnl tnnr
Hulrtt. a etui older man. came to rtelt,
t«>" *Wok wpa adopted bp the
him a great manp Umea while be Ured
icwsed to admire tbe kind and . mtelttera.
• -mom's. Ha ttred with the
the true."
reiolationa were premalor nnUi be waa 14
be mored__with
him to Ogdenaborg.
bU ^SlSeJ '
two poara te a
of bla time in read^ i
In tUw of the Sagrant abate of
butecher abop.
occaalonalty bunting rnbblte.
T. lo
About fire yoari ago. while hunting In ‘ the liherty of divorce, allowed by the
oudi near faU home, be wat. civil tew in ma
tick and could not gel homa God'a word and dettructlve to the per-.
to them two eoM and three ttwytera.
manency and
M the family,;
HU wife died
tpeni the night in search for him. bni the mlnlMcr* of thlt city detlre to p«
WM an Infant. He then b^T^ty
oould upon record their proiett agatett tUt
bit Bible with care and eo« axpen- bear them call but could not make j,j,
bU i^xlty
laxity of the tuie
euie in protecting lU
It* Imledachoolfor:^^,,
eneed rellgloo. Heattandi
bcard. Tbe night waaeo cold ponani Intereet* In the borne and fam- <
a time and preached
froxe. \Ytaen Upi and to urge upon tbe conilltuted i
that U both snowed and froie.
among bU neighbors, doing thU
found In tbe morning he was within aulboHUe* inch modlflcatlon of the 1
the lore of the Matter End bU fe:
•half' telle
thU In his
bU »tete law a* shall dlmlnteb the nnm- ]
Bile of home. And this
ot o
.............................. I ber -...........for divorce and make re-!
«lh 2
He married forhU aeeood wUe
niarrUge Incrcaalngly dl^lt .
never ccame to near dying « he did thoee to whom divorce ba. been grmitUp of eevon boya and three flri*. aU of ^ . night- He told o
whom are sUll llvtefc aicept ^t^
secret of his wonderful preeervayoongeci boy. who

DaMk a# WNBar E. OratBa.
miBar B. OcBm of thU dtr. M
__ ___________________
of aca. pasBad away
OB BBtarBar
it U:M Bllsr b aioBth'a maaaa. whiafe’Brlan. J. O. Stranh.
CnterUiatoeat-Cbae. A. SkMeher,
bM fanewBd B loag stage of U1 health.
>tib Bitiaaid was the SOB of the Mto W. D. C. Oarstolne, Traer OllUa, Wil­
H. OrBTsa M Obbss. who died lard Campbell. Orna. Braadtoot
Banoaet-Chaa. W. Paart. M. WH■MBaalr IB the
t teat Aagast balffl, Bataart Dai. Albert Noi-otor.
hors In Oread Bap- B. W. Onmdt, Duff McDonald.
«pU0B-J. T. Hannah. W. C.
Ms aad UraB tkara tor maar Ysan.
vhar*' bla totkar waa proat^eoUr Hall, Oei. M Amlolte. John P. OU.
Bmwb. and after tha opaateg M the Bnmoel Oartend. Jaa. Kdioa.
Inritatloo-Cbaa. S. Hale, t. H. Metaaoti hr hli father, renofoif
MfteMsa. ete he Bairlad Mlaa Addle Ooogh. Chaa. S. Vader.
Floor Maaagere—Robert 3. Price,
4trut at that pteee savaa raan ago
M. Baert, A. P. Strnob, Hanrp
' h. Lat^ his health haosBe
aad Ihor raaorad to Baa Smith. Dr. 3. P. flargaant.
of tbe lodgeUtohaTa
OhH. Maw Maateo. YhMa ther «I»B■«$ tor three paan. Pladiiig that the the prtrilega of teviUng one geaUedid bM .bring re. «n not a member, with ladg,
are to auke tbe
ad health ha retnrsad to Jnlp and
for the meoD, Mra. Oar­
;.ap hla raalBaaee in this dtp to the
tend, Mra. Ott and Mra. Jopee. will retwo yeare.
mm MeNiBiaiB Mode, where Baath
cMre the mntarUU from the other
In 1861 Us
fa two BMiatT bU first wife.
tediea te prepanUon for the basqnet. John and H'eipy.
Henry. 'enlUtod
enlUted in thV
tbe MW
army | 8^ ““t ^ure ho has walkrf
itheroBWedlUsaervice*. but'to Traverse City aeveial
tImM. He
It U therefore detired that all the aad the taiher oSWed ItU aerviees, but - , . was rejected on-account of hU age.'thinks now that be Is too old to be
asrlBg bis Qtoaae aad a
pteee and bu
Ldter. arrangemenU were Mde to ac-, moving from place
iNMar.-Mrs. MaWa VhMaap of BoMiHM. antraB two Baps aco, hit
tediea ao that compIMe ■
iBeUiM. Otoik Orarea ef CBartotte.
1^ be made as earlr aa poaalblfc
.rtdiirtng IBM Bight.
With thU armp of hnergetlc Indies
Cka tpatal avetoM. wUeb wU be and geotlenea it te an astared thing
Brirato. tor the ImMdtete rMattrat that the Btet cbarttp-ball of IM» wfll
«Bp. warn hdd Boadap aftanooa be ooe of the beat erer glr«x te TrarMt detoek. Bap. O- OoehUo oBddMlng.
^ aa MeaBBp the toneral eortage
k where tha burial took
Ueelanau Term of Court.
Podge Prednick R. Mapnd and court
ttenographer J. B. Heoderaon. who
Mattodt Clap DiacevafeB.
epent Bondap In the clip, after ad­
r. Baxtoa of tha Baxtoo Bard- journing court Prldap. left on the enrlp
. ..
a Uact of morning train for Letend. where the
tha aaatom ppi^ of the dtp. Pebruarp term of court waa conHondtp. The cnieodtr of
Bap.ltrarptonek* ' the DeeUntu conntp coon U oiraiaal• dap bad loeatod on the Ip light thli term, but fire cneet thut
hteh U aow being dearad of far being on the dockM
laeob Van I
these being
the KaDap Uuiber
Alter I or Nortbpon
Alter v
Jaeob'B. Van
V paara aifb to tha Ptetaltp of
It Case Is a
aad tbsro was a brt^ maklag growing out of whge hire Tor the build­
tha BrM to ha opaiatad to this ing flf/lhe Plank hotel on South Uanl^
B.bataslhM*waBUttlabrlekto too teat nmmer and was tried te a JnsUee eourt teat fall at Northport. Tbe
to this dtp at that time, the' B. Oreillck Co. va. Northport hotel te
another ease growing <rat cE the bnlld- .
' w'
e, BaatM has bean making aa taivae- tag ot a hotel, the new Northport
IMlH of the Map oa hte tend and Beach hotel which wu finished two
peara ago and oalp opened for a abort
ia tt M a sapertor qnaUtp. R was. ttaw tbo tame seaMn. U rMsalned
iitei kp an axpert from tndUna teat cloMd All ten Bumm'er and the K OrelI «Bo pmoMeaB It •poOMto etep~ lldc Oo. is aalBg on a meebanle's lien.
te^kiik iialltp. BUioe that Um Wnuam ne* ot this dtp appear* as a
defMdaat to a rtoUUon of the Uqoor .
I other eaperta from tew.

‘sr.'sr^'hS"? s:




-"*«'»> “»»'»“-»

ring that C
word are of supreme obligation, we
ut-Tk-uy UUUUUUKW vur ogrr
reement not to
offidtie at a marriage eof a divorced
nersoD exccDt In tbe
the cast
case of. the Innopart: Ivorccd for adultery: i
requiring before er
arrUge tbs
M^y ot the donee
of the court or a
solemn afflrmatlon that said divorce
has been obtained for this cause.
- 4. That we mpectfully request our
•enaior and represeoUllvc to secure
an additional clause In the marriaga
license staling whether either- party



The tie-up occurred te a cut about;
ttree-quarler* of a mile long near
Grawn, The high wind bad carried the ;
snow from the surrounding
teal! R«ach«
; Into tbe cut ufittl ti was piick^ lOlId '
year. Henry, aner about a year's aerweight of a
H. E. cm, the postmasler of North- enough to bear the weigl
•er. 1but JMin
Tlee. died of typhoid fever,
port, who has been at Grand Rapids In Bolh.aldes of the cut were banked high
served unUl the close
clow of the
aiieDdaoee at the
thrown_ up
. by
. the plow
Lhe republican convea- with snow throa
old enough tion. arrived tn this diy Saturday aad other trip* ani this was blown* down
Into it together with the snow ‘from
aa*lt° wS “ *''*
tour'^fiara. w the fields.
. .
^ed ^d X^d 7h?tolnUM 'ieaM
was almost** perfi
___ _
nlgbt ^
d from there took the stage which Is ‘
Mception of toe wind, Md
home with his knapnek filled with
n by Ssm Boston >fween Prove-, Traverse City was tmly twonly-five
Jerked Tenlsoo, and a grand old Christ­
mt and Sutton* Bay. Arriving at »1“W«
v -.
mas dinner they would tore together, 8«tons Bay aeven paaaoigera. among •»<« ^
with enough left to purcba*e their win- •them being Rufus^uMuver. John *1‘*P At toe Ume of striking the drift
Peterion. Han* Anderson of Northport
train, was going prt^bly tofThe price of land waa now so hlgii
Mr, Raftahol of Suttoot Bay start-'“‘jf*
Md so UghUy was

» r ,1^

».a.i™ou«reo.,b.i». n..rha
Conductor LaOear
walked to Grawn
vole for a taomettead tew. In toe i
ban followed.
of toe Hg broke throngh. The entire crowd ,and, with the ualstance of all toe dogs
I The building wra* two atoriea te of 1866 bb took the
town, awakened tbe sertion men
height and wu built of frame. Tbe
work and In
'{second fioor wu occupied by James


ux te the
.they left the bnUdteg Theyearried
1 toe nr'
gBClal *««Bte te tto hlatoST of so tnsqraaee whatovar.
I may have toaaed the Wdoa
whtek win a« a I
Bwler'a Ion 1* ^need at now » miles Irom Tra'verae aty. with
--------- h la-believed that tola la low no «ore or post ofiloe ne^r. Tbe change hU Iroien clothing w«. .„
book accounts may have ran saqjr wu now aboot a foot deep. The turned agate from Northport and made
He* Outb In Minard.
afteraote of hts airtval at Mr 'Paylof’s ^ enra trip to Provemont for another
lOtoMdenhlr over the ram of 33.W0.
of M. A N. “ paasengera. He; Mantetoe. Mteh, Feb: IS.—John
BtoatolH* tto aipaau of the charWhite
------ • nothing wu gotten
n out of tl ^hg.ioti Us rifle, wew. oot and kUled
walking lee man and hi* ^ a*i.i-. s
uipenter. bu not
M ctvaa to tto Bks ton kwa boll^ it la toUeved tkat If mate/ two deer, stayed all night *lone In tbe hmked like a wall
mldbeea aaen or heard «f stece test BenIBrtto the TObaipto ato nftaii tlmu
. •
1 die and worked like a hinge.
inled bow-1^ “o™*»»g
*»« ■tarted to walk
ever, and left Northport Mcteday after-;
to Point
Banble .with a kit of (oob to
.jty maam- TUa yaarlt teettoa of Bte RsqM* te rapposi
and in ^ wwalra alept under noon with the malls, arriving at sl^t j «srfe on the now Ufa uvlng station
li^t a rural free deUvery man carrier.;


nealto «U to ■rattfyhigAnd aobn* wtvea aad metheans ’ ried a btoek away and
d aet fire to Ike

to kem kera tarttod to for....................................
withoot tUBeattr and the lou to tto

■Jui tmu ui*uv u*i»*- v^^u


rr. Dur- Northport and the Saturday mall alter “• T** “® ovucoat
of U*'the duckteg at Omena, wu takes oot.aa teteoaely coU sight, and u the
toe uck* and apraad on toe oBctel:Md thioagh
' ‘
aad ao wuk to to tod ai- \ wtora'^ ‘r«toS5“«B oHetel dr;^
a|Tto latun wara r«adaMa hat «ari«M-

His Watch FU^. he
Wapts it

In a Bum

lOOBoie. S\-w 's,-oM

iToiira.<or....... I 3C Box

That’s where sre can
‘T'-Bilp yoo out

F-orj-SJ-ooTmol, H...9c
F.„« WhiU:fid.. H....IOC
X.-.Y, S. Horrine. H....7C
Old Y. M. Hoiring, n...,5c

WtUp MUi jMM/rr

Elgin G. Lewis,

Spectdty of fine


J. n. niartintk
217 eMftrrMisi.


Spring Suits Uow ln
Choice patterns faocy worsteds and lE^imeres—
plain black df blue serges and worsteds—we >cU^ty

and they do fit—we let no one get out oi our store with
a mis'fi't—it costs you only


to own one of these suits—you might pay more rise-where and own a much poorer outfit.



“* •"

Wheo a Man Wants

Josl Bfcein^.

Merc RaHrehd Troubted.
As though all the salsu conspired
- against the hard wortced trainmen
,and their ilkfated
Saturday trains on the Pare Marquette,
.the last possible thing happened at
Qrawn at 4:30 p. m , when ooe of the
double headers broke the pra]ecttng
flange on a car wheel and consequeot, ly was derailed. A relief trail
•i sent immediately from this city
and repassdnturned at midnight with ther pi
gets and perishable fiYJght. The

' the regular train which Is due bere at
: U p. m. from the south waa held up
j by the wreck and did not airive until
7:30 a. m. The depot waa <ven all
• •
Ired no express from Chicago }
three days igalted paUenlly all night t
take care of what was expected to a
.rive on the/'boodoed" train.
For ten fanurs Sunday night and
! Monday morning. Pw Marquette ex­
tra freight pulled by engine So. 161 U
W of Engineer
Bctblaw and CooLaGear waa stuck la a
>o wfll uJitou Ms tooth Mrtbday Mday,, WIIB
with u>
hl> SOB
Grawn. It took fifty
•Mr*.AlliBTaTVir.aBdAte*t.;^m, ,j,ovels. four «iglne* and the
snow plop to release the imprisoned

Quick Work
By Expert Jewelers

201 So. Union St.

226 E. Front St.

bLih^Sf eMliSSTto bS ??r Mm Srrfi“«Tk. and *«“>«• i

•ptto of
i o.a
-- ,
«r »e bardahtpa
bardtbipa .endond
,enao»o In
in bit
ut, a
d hit. ch«n‘eal exUngMtbtr,
had_b*« which had b««
ti^r dara la Orand TraTttae. he U aa f”
**"’ “* ; filled and pUcM on tha bote and ladeuaple of the aturdj
to the fnth
not known
ibes i[ <»«•
“*f •• MPanUit.
aop««i». owing
ft the
foreOaae lawt were
inen i then
n being oot „t

I aamples of brkk have been made
Baricoa Fir* M Elk RmMs.
tka dap and smopneed of a
BIk Rapida. Mich, FM>. SO-Tbe BAler Qrocerr eompeny's -^uUd^g. atodi.
- riraBa.
BBara at* twantp-two aeraa eovered books and book accounts wars enUrMy
Bp.tkia atep tod hot tto depth tos not dMtroyed by Era M 1:30 thU norateg.
It te nttetont Tba loaa waa gT.OOO on ifaa buUdlng
firsap cthat tha dap teoM to be al- and Btat* aad 6n tha'bccoaau abont
Tto experts who 33,000. Inattraaee 33,000..
%va taatsd tto dap bp a cbemleal ■ A. boy la Ika ampluy of the company
that there te ao sand » came to the atora this nidralng aad
___________d to It and that H la auli- bnilt'» Bra. He then want out to the
Ha «0r tts MautooWr* of pottory. ban, which Is 'directly in the rpar of
1B: Baxtn vpaMa to dsvMop
the store, to care for the horeaa Whaa
aad tt to qatta proUbte Umt
ba raturned ba found the
VBtoaWt totaatrp will ba aataMUbed Male aad Imaadtetaty tanad U an
Matead artkar for Uw toaautaetnre alarm. The
kal* nr gattaiT. Aa toUer np
rtlM aasM'to ba ftoalbla and toe
anything the bydrant blew out.
tMl of tto posaMUtlaa te wy flat- pilch
The hoae sraa taken wp and -Mved to
Ate-la Mid to to tto flaeat
hyd'^inl bnl. UiU
~-«lhr to to foato te MkAlgag aad Mr. i be troaen and before a
a baa griai h^ea of the ultimate ! be secured five hydrants Wbiw'wled.


This is the number of

For the pirice
of the pants'^

Suits we have on hand^
They’re made of strictly
high class materials mostly

Hi|li Grade BlacV Clay Worsteds
They’re well tailored, (food fitters — dependable and
will give excellent servite. - We have divided them
into two lots and will close this week






'^«niid Tiarcnc lenM


................ ...........
n« BmM Md BMord oSw nf>
ebaage or nop tor meala. Soe twre
fcmd * Mrkma mcMcA TaMOar «rMMargartte ticket agent, or write H.
iac jnatwtIwmoB th««tltknc( tk«
otdMd. nra^ liable
1. Bhoold
aerre. ae aa obeh_______
e sBkso«9 BMMa «M «C tb* roB- came tbeee all.
Bedooed rate Ortete on sale Srst ,
r cnnted. OM of tho nOarB «m biEt froB Baeterlac wbateete Itte wort be
Bar «ad«rtake.
** and third ToMdaye of end awntb an­
ud BOOM of tb* EMM bfOkaa.
Mrs. Albert BrlgbaB cane dowa al April, 1*06.
froB Crawa Moedar to epeod eooee
See agnu for wniae and t eon Irwin.
Dee a-Mt* 1
H. F. M.
bat • dar or .two al the mosL .
Mutteo tb* Eaeord.aad Herald
Low "mm te the waeb^ ^way. QnitetteHcdlcslD^BrtMtfesnes
be prtetad om the Whttk>ek crUader;
> neo
rraak Smltb Is tn'
" ‘bla


Dppp. Maj^ubtte




P^Dsi 128

Imm Pndiei

Wt Can
m that

or write H- J. QRAl
been an Inteuae eaSerer ft>r artr lour
yean. Wm. Dtion wUl look after tbelr *- *"»“? “Fj"-.
special AttantlM^lyan to Country
institato at loola. a few daia ago.
, Sondey School Program,
property toteresU here whDe they try
^ogram for Sunday ecbool conren- tbe experiment.
eball not be eatleAed ontfl tbe food
The roof of tbe *-■------ —” '
prodoeta of this eUte are qaotad la all Uoo at Haet.Oar«eld dinrcb. March 4.
I t^les east of here, fell In Monday, but
tbe ioaisalB of tble eoootrr and ebwMOSHtHO SHBOV
irtere oader tbe Mlehlgan biaad." was
9:Se—DeroUonal aerrice by J. B.
On necount of tbe Marti Gras Pee- i «T-jan
datemay •MR'.
br OorerBor WEkver to tbe IimU oboothe Pere Marguetie will sell tlekeu at —

ty tarBere. ilie tennen of Mlrbl^a
id trip.
e at one faro for tbe round
j^n aonbti^ be more than wUUag to
’ ; plus tta, 'Good going March 4 to 2
1«;S0—“Holding Our Tonng Peo-;
, rincluelre; good “returolng not Uter
* te aj far ae tber caa U bHag- sic." Rer. D. Goeblln..
b 11.1906. Return limit wUl '
U:eo-^BBtn«oa, elecMon of oSeeia,
It tbe better repntadoo of oar
___ ___ airy aad agrleoltaral pr«
wblrt the gorenor baa In mlad.

Can 6U it oom'cU>' no matter,"
ir by Ifhorn written or
uit whuae blabk'it batiia-iu to btywr<!
Kenrly a
eecnidiun IdApk to Ui<*
iunsi in tl
tb«r locality
6 which ewr blank is bamlx -t .it iho' time.,
Tbe iwiwernitiM) when writts4t i« ><>uk nnd it lies eadn-ly
Htt.voii wh» .lull 6U It. n j-onbriiiB .! t,. ™ il will Iw «»..
IKiuiHled from fh«h. full Bth-tnah droiifs
wiiii iwvciae rare
which every ]>rve<Tip(MU~ah<>t>Id bare. V.m - ..nnot c«'l betler
druyjB or |tht)cn|>ti<n work anywhew and «>i • ,n.-.n an- nlwaye
low for the kind of


Ask agents
^S:0O-6aaket dinner and nodal
Truat *nioes Who Hava Trie
^ iTiil F1^ Standard 01L
r.a*—DerdUemai eerrtoe by Rer. J.
jAe etate of IDliQle^haB eet tbe paee W. Miller.
.slmaMM M d» KTtB ttat.-Ostsr C_____
|k matter of eubetaatlal eoppoet
2:00—‘'Does tbe preaent standard at ttWsnwiAM.aiksco.IlL
SpecUl Train From Detroit Through
le baUle agalaet tbe Staadard Oil Chrletlan lirlag meet tbe ideal of our
nshingtan via Pare MaroEeriog to loai: Kabsae dlM.OOO to mng peopler Foreai Taylor
2.20--MOTO Thorough
^^^t tba Staadard company, tar aU foilc.’' Mrs. Joseph TbMuae.
On aeoont of tbe ceremonies attend- sad rsUread msuoo. l>cM si Ooium
2:00—“Ollmpees of the Holy Land.“
yean without Intereat. ThU prcgnei^ Uoo oosee tbmgb an act of the DU- Mrs. I W Mtmkee
7T30—SrenlDg seesloa.
TravttrM City Marfc«t».
Mareb 4tb. 1905, the Per*......................

^ ^^«alt UglBlatnre. At tbe eame time tbe
SrangeUsUc serrlce conducted by
a a special Me of one tare round
Rer. T. P. tnhn.
smk. The Ho^d 1
<rf the pipe llnee of
Order cf CoBBlltee.
tbe Standard
tbroegh tbe etate. While tble U a deOrange O. Head, whose destb oc­
‘ Sfpsyment of u addiUonal fee. limit "
psitora trooi any prerlooB »etb< '
curred Tbanday at 1:00 a. m.. was
g may be extended
bora at TwlnebiiTg. Ohio, In 1236. He
oppoolUoo to tbe eU oeU^oe It
BI turn.
nmrrted In 1269 at Hit
geeu tbe poeelbllitlee of anlted aetkm
among'tbe eUtee In debUng with tbe
The Gevetner’s Special,
tmeU; prorlded tbnt eodi action la
m-wi OoTeittor Warner and staff, uji- BscM ms. SUM Bsab BoikUac. Trsews. aty.
I. which Bay bare to be Hbam ooliege. In 1227 be came to
« Oenby <aob of Detroit, and the MlcblHltblgan and took up a bomeetead at
Jg I gan dob bare chartered a special train ; . ’ .
' ----d by tbe conrte.
Kanoo. that dUtrici then being near­
ly a wQderMee. with only now and
then a aeUler tor neigbbora. Here be
Meaeew. Feb. 17.-Oraiid Duke Ser- aetaed with hb
•• and after
([noon. The general public U invited to
e travel on this train, with tbe gov-1
glue was essaaelnstsd at 2 e'eladc thU years of hart aad perobtenl labor be ^■rlBcOUebui..
‘ ernor's party and tbe republican clubs,
tbe plenaore of
aflarooon by a bomb
g Those desiring to uke the spedsl write for descriptive catalogue of 200
tbrewn under his earriege. The grand
s must engage berth In adrance. Write ,
Useful AfOeJee. eonsUUng of
duke, together with hb horaee end eer. _ . _ . townehlp. where be woo
ri^ WM blown to pleoee. Tb# grnnd for himself many estaemed friends,
.0 Saginaw, or H. W. Jamomm. D. P. A., vbich are GIVEN FREE with orders
dMw WM drlvbig from the historleel who win grieve to bear of bU death.
■ • * np hie residence •» DetPolL for reserraUoo of sleeping ear , for Soap and Toilet Goods. The earing
WMMum In the direeaen of Ki
d for many yean a
__ .to our customers of middlemen's protU4 accommodatiM.
palaeo end wm dose to the lew caurts
ae emMor or James-W. Mllllken. j
No extra (are will be charged for |
„ to give you those beaitUD BepL 23 be anSered tbe lose of :'
when the bomb wm sxplodod.
taltbful oompenlon, and since tbi '
Tht grand dukob earriago wm fol
iMBd by anothor vaMcle eeiilBlnlng bee waited and listened nnxlotiily t
two man who throw tho bomb. Tho no- tbe euiBmone which srould once mo
MBObm uMfo orrootod ond ono of thorn unite them.
Beeldei four daugfaten, Mrs. NetUe |
ana dangorouafy wounds .
MiifiiVtB abe havo been taken into Belknap. Mn. Ada VanderrorL Mrs. |
Cora lioarle and Mre. Hattie Lourie
Grand Duka Serglaa. who wm the <a this city, he leave* many reUtives
WMb of Gear Nbhelae had ason far • “
■ •
• - • iburg. Ohio, behlmeeirthe most heartfeH haCiad of
I both In Ing­
...WtMl nukts CH:
any man in On vUgae of hatod man at ham and Traverse City, to mourn bis



OFF.CE ir warehouses


Better etay with old Mleblg-^
winter snows are easier sboreled than_______,
Mother Oray^Svom Pewdora for Oregon mad.
Mn. Robert DUon and BOB will start “ IM.wesi. i
for CaMfornla ae aocm ae spring waatb^ ,
Tlckeu will be <
fully eettlod They go theta to
fmai! through tbe Booth oi jiarci
S the former e




S. C. Wilif $ Sens, Cmcvrtf Cl^

°' 'ar


Uie Can Give Vou

^ia£wSL”a.^"TS“ p


The best for the price in

Feeil. meal. Bran. ihiddlinA*.
Cerif and Oats

FURMSH your home
MllSHIOUl fimilllBE, lit

S0«p CL Dftrolt.


IMVMWIHS for reform, hb feeling
agriMt the etudeiRe and hb bad t^
per bad aroused againu him the meet ,
ilrtam antipathy by all elaaeae. Thb ,
tdrolea »
enifsat In c
as wwil as ameng the t

t chnreba U 112

We are not going out
of Business, but. are
making low prices
on Shoes. Rubbers,
Overg»iters and.Leggins :

Kimball Piano


in the trade is QUALITY. By qual­
ity, we do inot mean mere goodness...
but character as a musical iiistrament

the •bloody Sundey.- the day
W. B. Neleoa of LeetsvUle U workM whIdLthe wertmen........... ^ *
ing for A. W. Tboriu
In the atroob of St
Mrs. Lnvena Bmldi b visiting rritgnmd dukde
tlves at DUBond Springe. Mleb.
n aat^ became aeuts end ho «
to Hoooow, whero ha eought refega In
tj. B. SpnrgeOD has retaraed from
Kremita paieee. Orond Duke Gergiua Anti
WM bom In 1«7. He woe married in
of her brother. Fired Mills,
for a few days.
Giles Hodgee has returned from
eh., qalled
qriled hon«
hone by the tQness
.it noted during hboeouponci
Of bti ebadnen.
pewt ef gevotwoT genemt of Mi .
d Mrs. Jn«.-8tadden of Sodtlk'
Mm tkno and again he diaperoed gethre
tows on botlaees
ertnga of young mon In the strdeta by
aentfng aotnlaa of Coeeoeke out one day last wert. .
Mrs. J. R. BortboldtwisaUll eerioue-i
ngelnat thorn. Theoe omiooarisoof the
grand «uko rods Into the ranks ef the
of Big n
yoong men. rede them down, sabred
them end lashed them over tbelr heads
Mrs. W. H. Welb and grandson. Rns-;
ehouldem with knouts. HbAiwelty
the Author- .«! mieoD, went to Soutb Boardnan
teee p
last week to rialt Mrs. J. J. Nelbardt.
Hies in the oapU
e-bo b suffering with
cognisance and
Wart has be
realgn aa ^bimmor geneml
Grand Duke SonHwe* power with the Rasey. irtm le 1
caor had been of the etrongaat kind. broTen hb leg and epralned bb ankle
Ho b saM to have Influenced the mind while cutting wood.
Election NoUce
E. P. Wntenban. who it teariiins
ef Nkhelee to oouniofisnea the affaire
ihool tn>ie Seharneen dbtrict. v
whbh tad to the
in town'" te have kept the..... .
d thM M Uw Omsral:
atBbetkAlo tBbttdb thb Vcodsy.1
flaawd agemet many of tlw offleere of

Jl Tofcif


We buy nothing but the best grain ^^nd you get tbe
pure article- .







Boston Rubbors



saaBBOM BMaBBOM BMaaBnu BMaflenw BwaaBnu


Frank Friedrich & Co

glut hbnooH.
tL Petersburg. Pab. 12.—Them te a
Strong beller in dipbmetb eircbe thri
the seeesalnetbn yeeterflay of Grond
Duke Sergiua at Meanew arlll lead the
government te eenelada pesM in the
Rueea Jspn war. The growing ttbleiitlin mneng the maeeee In the
elM empho makes the oondurt of the

el ef the env^ has b
A eeweldir the eiMrilen reauNlng
rma (he kWteg of Orond Duke Ser.
' #M. A mnmertel eervbe for the grand
dohe WM heM ■! Gt t
today. The tenerol wm trim plaee In
neoerri days wRMn the Kremlin of

male Oredn cf SoaUt *Flfe Lake
paesed awv at 7 o’cloek Etaday moraHe hM been rilgbUy demented
•rd of Uo-sttoe llo i
for some Ume and sboot six weeks i
i Bhd cnc CUeoil
Ueoit Jedgo tor Ibo
ago be wandered away from borne aad
____ Jodhtel CtRvtt,
■ttw of Otsad Trafww. ABUtm. Cbtfle
was out all sigbL poexing both -hit
feet Slnee that time be baa slowl
failed and snffeigd mneta pain. H
leaves a wife and one son.' Will Green.
'Alden. Tbe ranmJ serricee will '
be held Toeedv afteraooe at tbe Pree- abwIB of Ofsad Trswrw Oaeaty. MlcUma.
n diBirii In charge of tbe Lttt•sSnts. ■
Election Notice'
L GiU'e cAdeet boy b suBiring
veton of Orud .Tmi«e« CMOty.


M, eUiThitt m OS'STmio^r■

Bd Connlne b again behind tbe covner at tbe ntore. after a six werts'
mnflneaMBt In tbe sick rom.
Rod Derto had tbe mlsfortnae 8aterday to loro one of bb targe black
boroea. Tbe team bad bM eoaSned to:
tbe ptable aerera)

The Kimball tone is of exceptional
loveliness; it has great power cornbiped with remarkable purity. .The
modulation \ scale balance) ^leaves
nothing to be desired. This iostni^6Dt will inspire your respect. We
offer It as a LEADER with which, on
meritv’ to conquer any competition.

! pvaz‘ii.5 ?KS:£;ss!

dbd of peeamoote.
; P. R. Wnllmr. probate lodge. SonI dared ott |be old farm with hb brotbw.
' The-people cf thb vleinUy nxtend
ter. TMor Mmr. dC wbem we bear
UmgaodBrintlmihebM taken onto

iUall Papers
For 1905


3 KimbaliWusk^ouse
nUB*B»f9€r,.Pn^. K$ TrMttSt.

' The careful attention which is given to the purch^
ef all artistic things for oui* store is at once evident in
^ur stock of Wall Papers this season.
Originality, novelty ^ml exceptiodal .artistic beauty
are the distinguishing .characteristics of the desigiu
that we offer our customers.
This year our papers are in greater pnpfusion than
ever, and it is only necessary to add that there is every
variety of style and price.

City Bddlt Store
gttwf-BtoOtrg*., n«v>. Cnotnt Oft, nikk.








UeiMM Tarpi e« Coert.
T%e ncolar term of Ctoeolt court of !
Leelaa?^tr. wbleb oonraaod la

B Of Hr. Ud Mrs. Al_1 Carll»l<- to qnJto UL
The K. !ior Lomltor Co. a
Irr hardwod abort aUba.
1th drr
neSr onUre la« 7«hr'a ootpat baa
been mM to Kane Orand Baplda partp.
Rentr E. Carttole to banUnf wood
. _.
----- atTrarerae Cfip.
C. U Doinlne aad
i Cm eat a atee
k>t pT bemloek
........ Ion

for RataH Vanderilp for materia] tor a new barn Mr.
-: Vandorllp
Ip lotrada boUdl^ to (be near
f'raadi Fbrtoo oTnat Bap geared
four Haektoaw troot_______

All together tbep w<
Two welfhed
weighed «H
eacn, one ji poandt. and one i«
poimdi. areroge lOM poondA
Arthur Dumtoe, a fanner well known
reehleot of Enit Btp, wrlteo to bto
brother. C. I... Domlne. thnt he left
Eaatao. Waeb.. nod two feet of lee behiod blm. aad Uint be to la Tacoma.


and the grnae
A aubceripUon Unt waa drcnlated to
' ' ' to aid Prank Knaoff, who

iOrevlation thli week 2,900

eraw*and^gh.“ He^teetf Uww
Mween Rneela and Japan, and adds
tMi It to a war that will make manp
enfortonj '
ilacrable. “'
Thto to
tbe oolp lURle Mr. DomlM hae llrlnr
to the old eoontrr. Tb* tamllp cooelpted of etgfat bopa Hr. Domlne'e Mle to AmerJea,
another nnele
Tbe le—irmhecl for Utpjip the Ue- went to South Africa, and tbe raet
inae pniaada on the T. C, U A H. Itred all tbHr Urea to Switzerland.
Hr. Domlne'e father held tbe oOoe of
n*a Jeek plaea Taeedar eftaraooo.
the MM *Weh had beea praawd Into
tlae of the O. E
* L bake tdaaeed aad
w We at * o’doft for Northport
Hr. ud Hra. Tbompwm are bare
■ Oraat baa racetred e cliprtoittog bor Km. Joha Weetcott, ud
•Mg im
B bto bntber,
bcotbar, wbo Ito In WU-, tamllp.
Bd Ttober
^'•>**■*•* *
Mb wi Htoaard which hae
IBan B» aame tlaa. caadag I
Hra. Darwin effort OaeUa to here
rtoittog fttaada.
tP paoW t* (Bo aooIbweeL AooordWhile cemtag from hU ramp oae
Mc (o Me iMwt. Oread Trarene to dap last week. Hr. Dap of Olea Ha'
tbe ■AHortoae to
Ahaat m sood a reghm to lire to aa

OeaOi Ben.
Mhl Dehcrak ImMep. aged C7 peare.
M* widow of Chaitaa R. Lackep, a
BMbaer ritodwit of the ooeatp, pabaad
Map at 11 o'clock Studap at the
^-Wae of her eon, Oeorge, with whom
w-x —X•------ Po, the peat
paara tbe deoeaaed
rcre well kapwa and
among the pkweer reelptdiaei
a «Bp «■ the Thacker homeatead.
lar MrAeath of the hatband the
Bef mill Mr a time. bM retamed
a la poor health bat
d to on toTolid chair
. Hmbaallh during tbe
t*ana vwka baa tailed gradoallp
Mr two «ape aha wu confined enTbe funeral eer-

B.U Cuter.

Rather thaa be thrown oat. Hr. Dap
Jumped Into a enow drlfu The horara
ran a abort dtotaaoe and came ap

Tbe Ladice' Aid met at Hra. Nee^n'e Ian Wednetdap. It beliie a Sne
dap a majoritp of the mt
prcMat. Tbe-afletnoo
....................... J pleaaantlp
d pro&iabtp spent. Two weeks from
Bt dap thep will men at Hra. Cari-

er and eight other t

» abool

_____ jcutten. After dinner he_____
back with them. Thto morning Bogene. hto father and one oUier maa
would not wait onUl nfleraoon as the
outers intended to, but started back.
Tbe wind, which wu blowing name,
increased, and when water wM eeen
to the dbannei mock aaxlaip was felt
for tbetr safetp nnUl -the cable g^re
the memmjK that thep b
abont fifieei) minotea when the toe be­
gan to Irare. The tee bridge to gone.
SO the-otber mra are here peL It otdp

NotMrtg More Dangeroue

Phoebe Jane Carlisle, daughter
borip burgUra stodptog the
'XlavH. OarllBle «C Bopd arenne, died ,
tiem of the familp aafe wlUi the aid of
SMudap asornlag at poeamonla. rea dark lantern. Thep sUrted for them
tram an attack oi the measles.
and shooed them oat o< tbe boose wtui
TWra ago tha daeeaaad lost her
great brarwr.
aalhu. and atara thaa she hu Ured

Tbe MMral ot Orange B. Head, wbo
dSad tm TMMdap moratog. were held
m Batudap -at Ute Btagham Bran■HtoM Utn^ after a abort pnper at
tbe hMM, both eerrlM being eon«BbM« hp Bar. R. N. Holiaple of this
dkf. Tbe Maanl arrangemenu were
M ^uie «f 1* O. Cutis.
Mwta. tha laMat ana 6f Hr. ud
IMa. HaaMa Hoasbarbu of Oufield
MWMktp died Taudap moratog and
^ Mawal WH haU peeterdap tram
the hsoae
tbe hartal at Oak-


auttm were pot ever aatO the acA
...........................................raa act loag

pelted to remain to Letoad todar owtas
to lu betog a legal to^idap. and each,
being the eaee be could not sign tbe:

Jap to paiL Tbe enuns iaw Aww, uvwtiri. rvtuiwuu imv
ereatag andnhe court will Uare there
earip tomorrow moratog.
Tbe caae agatoet Jdeob Taa Alter
for etealtog timber on tbe Sooth Tax
Bom Jolm O. Plank wax tried and the
ondeM fond gnlltp, but aenteace
deferred nntU the next term of
court to give opportaaitp for flUng an
appeal to the Sopreme court. The |
Inrolred waa *160.

mpoeed bp tbe cowt. wblM
Three Rlrers mlnlatere ot the goepel
are mnldng war on the local theater
aad bnpe peUUoaed the cooncll to nl'd
them to the
A few coonterfeiien
been maki
aooi of



Bax coorealcnt end IneapenaiTe
enfelp depoalt bosee. Ererp
Mmilp eboold here one. A enfe
place for poor pnpen and othM
ralunblee. Ton hare afaeolute
controt of poor box, aa poo bold


Ch‘«*«»wiftMt'pHOBP. th»'
amt. M tcD o'elsek,
iB thBrnreoeen, b* BBCtCBBd fer tb* bw'
Klnnler farmere are aelltog pou-___ _____________________ ___
loeaooihenrj^for 13 centa a burite)
and are glad toint rid^of them at that
the Prto^ oam.
bfc^tSjjvw K Ui?pStkiJS'»huQld
Wlndaor. Onaada.

Do you pin your htt to your
OWD bdir? Cao’t do It?
Haven’t enou^ hair’ Itnu«
be you do not know Ayer’a
Hair Vigor! Here’a an Intro*
ducdonl May the dcquaiot*
dace result In a heavy growth
orrich.tfaia.Cloaayhair! AjiiL
wo know youH never be gray.

Q'Jdbl_ITV 1

Fbr ^fow and Later
Everythiog that’s charming in outer wearing apparel is here—and such
ah array. There are nobby suits of subdued mixtures or indistinct checks, with
a mao-tailored coat, reveres of contrasting colored silk and fancy vest, and there
3T0U are as mannish as you please. Others have the coat slightly on the Louis
XIV style, only longer. This is indeed a veiy swell style and made up m a va- |
riety of pleasing cloths: hardly any particular doth has the preference.
There are Mohairs. Panamas. Mixtures, Broadcloths, etc. Eve^hing-for
the spring season in suits is either tight fitting or half tiglu-Titling. Each season
finds the tailor-made suits more popular and better. Designers have used more
skill and better taste each season until today it would seem as if they were well
nigh perfect. The suits we are showing this season are certainly the finest we'
ever had, and come from the fashion center of America-New York—and are
made by people who pride themselves on the quality of the suit. The inside of
a garment must be as carefully finished as the outside. These are fhc kind of’
people we buy our soits of—that’s why people like to buy here. Then, too.
where another dealer may show you a half dozen or dozen su^pi we show you
three or four limes that. Isn’t it wohh your while to investigate a little before
you buy your new suit ?

Which 1s Your Pr^ce? $10 to $50

JI Bargain





j Men’s $4 Pat. Colt or
1 Velour Calf Shoes, our O OH
best selling lines....... O..UU
Men’s 3,50 Pat. Colt or
Ca|f Shoes, Blucher 3,75
style or regular, cut to *

Thei>est that is made. The kind
that you want. A full solid oak,
three-piece Bed Room Suite, (like
cut) for $21.00. We have a splen­
did three-piece Oak Suite for

Men's $8.00 Box .Calf,
Blucher style, an ex­
ceptionally {^ood shoe O
for winter wear........
Men’s Satin Calf Shoe.


'Th«.S 1-36

-toe, a good shoe, only

Women’s $3.00 Enamel
Shoes, heavy sole, a
water-proof shoe for g gQ
winter wear, cut lo..
Women’s '2.50 Pat. Lea.
or Kid Shoes, light or ' .
heavy soles, several ^ 03
styles to choose from


“Sibbf,;";.!:!!:;?:? 1-87
: Women’s Storm Robbers


{Children’s Rubbers



Chic and natty Spring Jackets—22 to 45 in. long,.box, half an^-lull tight
Btfing, silk and satin lined, as charming coats as you could ask for ^ to$^.
Rain Coats—that almost indispensible garment for all kinds- of _we^fer.'®^
By a special process this cloth; is rendered water' proof without using rubber,making them just the thing for spring and tummer. as they arc not lined. $7.IK)
to $25.

Opportunities don't iast forever. They
come and go. You must take them quickiy or loose them forever, it is now your
opportunity to^take advantage of our low
prices and you can't afford to let it pass.

it Policy
2tS| to buy
now for
Is It Your Tuture
OibnHair? mants

___ ___
Two farmer’s dau^ters Urlng neu
in cbaigejNorth Branoh. the.Htosc^ BdlUi Dd
Mabel Wloten, abosred true pluck the

^WiKh W Mthar at the bOBM to tbe

_ fart or tha eUp. Aaida tram
tha Mther aha iraree two half atoiera.
Mra. NHUa La plant and Hrs. Rose
IMrr. both c( Kalkaaka. and tsro annix.
»s. Bisaheth WoodraS <4 KaJkasks
Md Hra. OeetBe Lnd of Hahomet. 111.
VBa Mnarti aer^ces took plaoe
afternoon from tbe raUdence.
aar. Deamt Onchlto oOdatfng. Tbe
fiMkIis were broight from Uie eaal-'
MrtMk vrbwe the deoeaaed died, bp
U D. Owtto end prepared for hartal
«Md MMr la the dap taken to the home.


etekaeea doe to potoou
to the amaU eakiidar and tbe toot that i ^ “fP*
food—or BMoep back.
the crtmiaa] cue of the ______
PeepU tb. < •*
----T^'w^o\a^ ^Mm^eaee I
Jotaaeon- Dras Oo.-a. P. R.

be quite a Tioltntot. She to taking leethe reputnUon «rfi^OBiMdlM“d«tMth»p»ciOen,d^/»i»l
eona of Prof. Hotel of TrarerM Clip, i
have beeo anoceeafallp
C. L. bWtoe
Domlne rWired'n
receired n letter frem
from i rea>«diea which ?
hn totileTibS 5?SSt?p!“S ItoS
CM orM « peara. • '
pratectlon. to pou, to our name mia
onibewTM>per. Look for It. on all .6r.
eo far ible to tbe eoldeet winter
» Bnoklen'e MCdlei, ae
In twcntp-flre pean. He tape lire i

Bm Natooo of Good Harbor and hto
were la tha dtp Tboredap
cm beetoeee aad made tha BenU ofteaailiiiiilcall.

ef tkawtag out the trosea
Bfdnata Taeedap night. flftp4onr to all
kM« Mead tied up hp tbe troet which
fetod paMreted to tha depth of nearlp
Bee Mat Kever before bee TrarerM
OMr artered ndi a ceaditkm of aOaln
•at tbe oW aotatloB to the tieaUe
Mm M tte Met that the tall waa elmoat
mow aad the tract became
•MHmMm before aatBre eoppUed a

origtaaie to ^r 1^


HmroM Aadrtw to entUac mod tor
,PrMMa ftasbo.
i Mto> Harr Ptartoe wtoit U>
Ju'cUr Tocrtay «► help her otoUr. ^
■A.' LeoBArt Ooorttde, B»r« Into their
'ihMT L«r. B- O' Defto.! Bert ni'lltosu to cnttiBp wood for
* 'TTr.-*.—*
; Jcte K. OoortAde.


Biliiaa la Bead.

You Need An
.Odd Dresser
or a commode, or a good rocker, or a small
table, or a Chiffonier, no matter what you
. want, we can supply evey demand and NOW
the prices are the very lowest, because it is
Inventory time.








i, THUMOAY, raaitUAirr n. im.
HIM StMla Smlto. who bat bMo! \j to rraal :
• able to be
. _ . . It not well.
3. D. KUwy. a p
_ ttine
]U wUI be a loac
ttin© befo
before tbe will
- - hit TMfe toitbdar r
8caM bead la an <
aa weU at
a* the
Mtot BUen Aadefaao baa |
Trarerao ClCf to Mv with bar*Ma­
The ladiet will aerre a dinner to the
leanI be
cored. Donat OfttBent.
wetoenb of the cbnreb the t" '
and permaaeBt to Ita reanlta. At aar;'
no VMlbor It BOdontUBS to It It ter. Hra a GObett.
M. W. KUwr weorto^a^ Citr tbit proeram It betas prepared.
' drug ftoK. M ceMa.
-----««St« ptouut winter wentber. tl...__ thU monliic to but ‘thoiisli tbo rondi tr« badlr drifud to
_____ for 3. SbUItw wblcb w«« but oUcm. Our nail toled to com
• Diphtheria Prtlered to twenlr rfaeat ud lAlddod anrir la tho wtator. | nm dnro laai weak.
^ waa toatalled here teat Wedaea-,
- day of laai week.
utet. AlmottBlrae«loiM..Dr. ItoBHr. and Mia. P. 3. Brlgbt of Cadtr | ^ho l» crop U ' '
. at-BrlcctHc OH. At aar drn< atdr&
Mra. Mareball, who wat ttrickenMabel Cowles tpent Saadar al ber
rtoKed at D. M. Brl^ft Soiuto)'.
{n It of
f U
tbe niceat doaUtr, aboot owe
V«-**y* “?• blind. U alowly reeorerlng her eight. b““e to tbit place.
W. BeacMfior Of Codnr onUed «
Mr. Bweet of BardldtrlUe.^er^lee Impwlnf alOTlr.
Jame* R. Dean epent Toeedar of
D. M. BrtoM 8«Bd«r.
’ Tb^A^ aaw* BUI fired op U
to pblna 'a bH« t» aarthtos Mob a
tbit wtol^ U hiwie at preewt ,
• ; Boh. SbepbaW and Aggie Ori«n U.i week to Kalkatka.
Hit. Celia Nawman It abla-to walk
^ ,eemi good• to hear t
»ltoBt Simda^tb Mr. and Mia. Lon
Will Sh.-g moved bit toailr to the quarter of I mile to a BiUe and throeareond tbe boaae a UUIe.
’ whittle aoln.
to tbe prartooe-to
Good Harbor acboolhoote Pnb.<ZStb, l^oulek.
a tl^r of Rob Sbeohard..home of Albert Darla to beoonld
D. M; Brisbt rematof about the;

in tbe evening. We nre totonned that i
Mrt C^Ile Umnto will >ton for Georgia Tuetday of iMt week which It may happen to be.
ae. He tiu op a liule nearlr er^,
' T. baa a pio-j moc
tbit placck
olace. bavlnc
The latt meeting
meeUng of the W. F. M. S.
toon move back to tbU
• emeriMnod tbe WiniaBt“f----E3k---Lake
W. Elnebart went to PlaUo Rlrer " Mlu Kate Bridge epent Simdar at gnm. The proeeeda wtU be naed to i twee living at Mapleton aU winter.
tbe home
t oMd atter eooY
«U^e Ibe tebool Ubfmrr- Bverrbodr ; mb. Guy ToBpkint la qnito Mek
“• ^turttor *t G
latt FWdar .and returned tbit
"f WHUam- Currr Tue^tny of U« tumptluD bat futeued lu deadly grip
'“SlM Ella Schomberg and Artbnr' Uia. George Bourataw baa ,been ««-ek. nil ibe lung*'. Take Dr'. Wood'a Norwar
■jt No. 2 patoae |
Maple Citr r
McOncer were onlied in Barriage laat ^ery tick,
but It getting bolter.
Mra. George Suvent reurned Toee- Pine Syrup while yet there It Uae.
•od. W. Aablejr'
tbrongb tbia ne
it the carrier. «
He began Wedneedar .--------- ..
Ipe ererr dar where
George Bdgell and Wb. Mr« or
MlpanM.Kbuipeo. bak* *■» 'Peol

OreUid Traver^ Region.
Rwt w«^ to Bortkkrmo
-^liw lUclBMa latoBdi
THnno citr next
___ .
A. AtkidM U folnc to atqiln
Bill Bt ri to TMt reativoo.

bOM rtolttos ber tUUr.
N. ATorr wma down PHdarlool^g


taraati natll Mr. Arerr nu
to tbit Tidnltr
1 tbe past week.

“■ -1

0 mate Lotoad tMr


Rer. Tindall |
landay with

Mb. Prank DavU of Nortbport It. ’
nteodtog a few daya with ber mother. {

Owing to tbe tevere •

Grave Trouble Fereaecn.
foretlgbt. t' ten.
ySur stoBach a^ liver ara
.............. ...
It aboad,

Mitt JeitJe Rottman, who baa been 1
r afew
daya laat week.
tba route for
Idas LUMe Mbrt of IKncttor U rlt- vliiUng Rev. W. Horlbert and wife at
lUag ber brother. Ada« Mort, for a lorlbport,
Mitt Kettle Paulus It borne on a two inleta you take tbe proper Bedidne
few dart.
^ ‘
Ipr y.m'r dltoate, u Mra. John A.
Miaa liabel Cletond ^Mnt Bondar weeks’vacation.
^ Clay. N. V.. did. She nays:
with her Bother. Mra. W. GIMand.
ill Oooh who baa bera very , -j htj neuralgia <rf the liver and itomwmiaB Bbaritog atorted Pridar Mat
bean was weakened.
far Ptankforl, where
whare bla am
eon Henir IU
-.'tong time, but In Electric BIttera, '
------------------- ^,,60pIeaiwoal.agMn leSattonSw.
Tbe aoclal given for tbe benefit of
whai 1 needed for Uu
_________jg aege-ot aeanei lever.
’ Mia. JobaNewmardiisomtbeMdt .V- ar w ^.yreb paated off very plB- ' |^“ekV?MleTrt and cSSTbc ” S
It were IS.60.
medicine f< r weak women. Sold b
1 SeegBUler and faallr Snifrltb Mr. and Mra. L J. NewHenry Mllkt, -Bert WRaon and John
John Ver Schneider apent Sunday to i
-----------------------Price were among tbe Elngaler eaUtown with frieadt.
; The propellers of tbo fast auto boaU
en Saturday.
social at Duck Lake. All repOTt a de-1
. .„
IlghGul time. Tbe proceeda were »#.'
** “”«• “ •*«“•
WUI Dalton aad Wm. Neddow are;
Mck with the grippe.
*' ■ i
They are now eroeting ou tbe lee I
A^nitinp Buma
from Ibe Manliou Itlandt.
! Are Instantly relieved and pertcetlr
_.A Rlebard dobnaon.
len't Arnica Salve. C.
Tbe ^wortb league topic for nest: i healed by Bocklen-t
Than were aerrloB.ln the'CetboIle Sunday evening it ’Medlbal Ultllont.'-:
.': RJvcnb..
Rivenbato.. Jr., of Norfolk. Va.. writet;
MtuA Snadar. .
Leader. Mitt Ethel Hinthaw.
my knoe dreadfirully: that It
'**1 burnt my
Alfred Badera-a brother from MarMluPbnnleBlaekbarn bat accepted blUterA] all over. . Bncklen't Arnica
gnatte U ritUtog bate.
for Mr. Wal- Salve stopped tbe pain, and healed It
** . and Mra.-Prank Bmltb w«t
Snttoni Bay. Tbe young peo- wlibont a
- “
- r. mad Mrs.
FOw- de will Blaa Fknnie very much.
: aad toroe. tSc. nt Johnson Drug Cb-’t.
Clreult court tbit week.
i F. H. Meads and S. E. Walt A Son*.
'*A toad of rnoag paople from Ardito
Elmer Chandler baa gone to Cedar ^ Druggiita.
SBiprtoad the MlaaB Mbrgaret and
- Oltoe Xardle Mat Moadar ertolng. A
good rimo wnt en>oyed br alL
A saiprtoe party was glrea on MUt
Soofield. tbe aehoQl ieaeher. el Hr. P.
Zonlek-t Mit Battrdar ereatog. Tbe m The lategt official infonnation iJacee the aoioimt on di>i»o«t in
. eroateg wat lynat In giWB and daac- ^ the nTioga banks o
of the United StaUw at a little over



‘^ra. BnM Degraw baa bacB oa tbe
IMS. StoreaaoB and gimnddanghter
■ Mime ard eMtliig at Mr. NelaonY.
The average individual deThe BaO Baa bat hard work get­ m credited to 7,30o.000 depositors.
ting tbrongb bit route for tbe last M posit in this conntr}- is much hipli ir than tbi- average of any
.weak aa tbe roada are rery bad.
^ ether comitry in the world, showiniig tile suiH-rior prosi«erity and **
intelliRenoe of oar people.


Hundreds of Articles in Broken Lots
to make room for our new spring stock, which will be much large.r and has been bought
at.better advantage than ever before. In order to make room for it we have articles
jn nearly everything that you will need or want to furnish-your home '.hat we will
close out, some at cost and some way below cost.- You know that in buying in the
largequantities that we do for our three stores—buying in car load lots—that our cost
is right down to the lowest cent.

b let el'lint blab sradc spring scat
Reektrs at first eesi and many btlem.

Odd Dressers

Iron Beds

Extension Cables

Veur cbele* el many styles.-

nilaizts,analyhsand all
eelert ^

year earn price en.all Ibal

Dining Ebairs


on Bnaday Mat; alao ber notber. Mra.
Serb OoUtof it worittog ra tbe tali>
Aa latter u an old aallor who dsma
to vlait bU alstar, Mrs. Luis
Mra. Bayne returned tbU Boming
ftoB Tnyerse Oty. where abe baa
hem tar tbe peat wak tba geast ot ber
fiaashtor. Mn. HetBrleh.
ChariU Strieker oMtod on Artbnr
Lutner. aleo bla Mstac, Mra Bertha
lABnar. on Smday tat
Mn. Wtoaunley eMIed oa ber
tel^tar, Mn. Ctoypool tost Wbdn«aMra. anma BUt aad fiaagbter Aanle returned tost Tburaday from a two
' Bontb’t Tialt with retotlvM to P«u>aylvnnto.
Mra. <C. W. LelBer wnt a Tiavcne
City caller one day last weak.
Mr. aad Mra. John WbUo oaBed on
T. B. White today.

P&-, i


1 wlab to atale that I have bad glaatea fitted by Dr.- I^em at IM. WoUra
branob oBoe, and that If I could not
have them dupUcated I would not take
fiSOftO for tbea. My wife baa alto bad
gtoaaea fitted at Dr. WbUe’t bran^ offioe and.^lt weU pimed with them.
Manton, MIcb.

Haa been oa my atoS of astltianu for over two years,
and la now In charge of my
Trarerae City oBee.

Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums
We can-save you a lot of money as we have several remnants and lots of pieces of rolls,
many jiist large enough to cover one ordinary size room: these we will close out at
less than first cost.


DR. P. A. WOLF^ OptometrisL
SuHa 41S-414 Wilhelm BIk.

TRe Boston Store’s

Of Bed Blankets at less than first cost, some strictly high grade wool blankets that we
will close out at way below first cost. Lots of Dishes, Graniteware, Tinware, Glass­
ware, Lamps, etc., that will go if a sacrifice of alt profit will move them. * ,


A wrllleo guarantee U given
wltb every pair of ^atSB.


CBfftff muct movt^akt ib
g price#

We have several new ones and several second-hand ones. Some second-hand cook
stoves, good -large ones, and just as good as new, that will go at a very low price. Sev­
eral second-hand Peninsular Steel Ranges nearly as good as new that will go at less
than half price.
. ‘

Are wbat you want



deztns le cbees* Irem at
meney-saeing prices.

and so on right through everything that you heed for your home, in fact a GENERAL


Ccmblnathn and
Book Casts

some full stls and seme
Irem 2 te 5 alike, betew iirst

wa law m^uai m miwim, mra.

Stetral Btdreeni Suilts. many btlew
and nent abent llrst'esat.

Come is as4 see tbe isoBeT
we will Sfive you. A small
payment dowa and your
own time to pay the balance

Wholesale and Retail


Your Reliable Home Funiisher

Stores at Traverse City
Elk Rapids
and Tbompsonrille.

Business Sale May Terminate at Any Time, Without a Moment’s Notice

This oale haa bon and is today tbe gKetest aaU» cxoeedinK in magiiitude and lowneMtf
pncco of any erer offered to tbe Kgidcnto of this vicinity. -!t has. of cooire, aa a matter of fact,
been leaUy imitaM I7 eomc of oar competiton. but it’e oae tiling to bdd a eale and oontinue
OBd onottier when a bosmen ip going to'diacontiniM*.

You Should By
Ail Means'

There are sevi-»l figuring o:i purchasing th-entire baling* and a ante niiy b: bcmelnded al.'
nioet any time and when such a time does coni<-. aa oome it ninst—t^iis stih; will U: declared off
and then yon wiU regret that y^ did not come in Uor-'

Take advantage


and Naar BYTS'^DM^y^THorsAXw'TnTuidirra^

cal price 'cutting

Kv*py<fcKinK <to \A/re«p, Kv«»ry«KlPk8 -to
Your Womo-AT PRICKS HEBETOFOKE I KKNOWN - For the price of apair.

taiM to <|Dmo- Tet with all the brery purchaaing got Blocks aw still in good condition, and tbonaaada ol bargaina. jnet aa great aa at tbe firet, atill nnnain and are waiting for yon.

sale ever offered
to the- public.

of JMlIlt
lilts we give you a suit.

of tbe most radi­

’WABH blanketa. Com.
. fbrt^ Hone faUnkela
[or ,Ie« than wfaoWe

Don't -delar — come a^
_ ...... wedt d
kbia big telling and etoek
“wiU be badly cot up.

’e w TO"* reilrood
re if yonr pnrebape
La to 10.00 o I

Boy's suits at yonr u

I {wioK. Make i

SHOEti at a earing d


Bobbers below

abdeaale coat of today.


I. m.k.
that makes beme
ing easy. Don't dday.



rm— wood baa doaad a aueeaaafnl
'Mljniifcii u ■Irtlni In tlin m-fl tarn
of adml tn tba Wakawoa dlaUtet
Mn. C. X Bartcmaa wnt to Tiorcne dtp todar.r. W. VltooB «aa
aiT riidap.
.,»T. Mran oaa al
datlat Id tba BapUai abonk jt
a tkraa vaaka' aiago^
4v and ftttiv vUb Mr. Dawum^ afUr
lanMB at nia I^«.
Jto. Ba«*r WM hurt iMt wMk vkB* IMar baa vttaaaaed qvlta a chaaca
^grtlM M Ik* mm w thatlM wu Wd la tba vaalbar. Tba aaow baa mMtad

for a f»« dva.
MtH ana WOMB «« TiarerM CStr
li TtaMac m«dt kara.
Mr. MaMirY boom eaoskt flr* Bob
«V manoas. t«t It «aa *mb UM
■V damaca «aa d08«. This aakw tke

Cttj callar____
Mtw Um laajflap baa glraa ap bar
BDfie eUBaa* hart.
Raqbaa Paikar want to Soatb Boardlaa
fBBtk Oma hta boos*
Mlaaai Jaaala and Badia Beott apaat
adi wlatar.
la*t vaMc with MIm BtMla Ibaatarmackar. Tbar ratmad to Utair bom*
Id Trarar** Otr Batordap.
Mr. aad Mrt. IxniU MaalcoM eallad
Oraadma Daco U «a t^a slek UA at la SnioaiJt dtp todap.
Mr*. BpaaMlDK
aaMlop oaata op trom
troia Map^^SdiTl^c! Baaek. wbo baa baea «»• flaU todapr to aup with
bar daocbtar.
•Md to kar bad vltb tbtoaa* t« tba Mra. Gao. HannaU.wit
a fav
{MM faar v*^, u ao« rapidir tap
Mn. UoDTiia Walah at Mapflald rtailad ralaUraa bar* todap.
Mr*. Moae Bower* U .flnlle alek.
JohD Huff.
jr. a^d
aad tnH_MMlp«
Iff. jr..

^ eooit.
.«_* dmdt
—- , ‘***^ ;MablaoW*
to Bttmd
ATSabat of ov paopla attabdad ■nie pwDffw aon of Mr, aad
MM* _B^_
of Bo^^M ^bDiloai* Batardap.
Wdanmd to bar bom* last Batardap
Am a law waak*' vtatt with rMaUrea Mutp aaat todap. a a caner at tba
nmoeea laaea of Tiaiai'ae atp
bar aUtar. Mr*. X' J.1. Ne*
iBaiiii Bndap bp Bar. m«I*blrtb of TMlUBff
Dollp HalUdap raoalrod qalU
r ftnt trial of the UtUa
aarm* aeald a few dapa acn. Tba
^ iwal Iraa daUrarp.
boUer was <m tba ■torr* partlp flUad
MOMr aapaetaiA
boUMc vatar. wbao ta aoma wap
^ MA «M dap thM wAk attar aa or- with
t tipped. tocM of tba water atrlkinff
' thaUtbena
Dollp. wbo wa* aaareat, and buralnc
bar If« qalto badlp.
Dr. Tadman caSad In town todap.
•Mr. BIkar, tba nial man carrier,
lad a aarp dlOcoH tbaa daUrertat
amn Mat weak,
a* t
—^ ----fid ta a laBtar pom TbOBias StoBe. who wu bMlioff
BatkeMootetanp 0(1 for Heorp Bate*, pot amtootlp


Rubbers andSiioBS
Boucbt at Auclini
at lest tban

the Dollar
Friday, Feb. 24th
at 9:00 a. m.

tn iinai

*L^O. Bpafford rAomad boma tnaa
^kfbrt UA waak to aad him U»Rard Mpen of (hU pUee expecU to
> to Ohio eooa.
We are aorrp to hear that Mrt. How>• li rerp low.
Dan Pni.i had the mlafortane to pat
Ttator Hlarka art bMl- b1i team down Id tbe now ao be bed
to onload bis alelph*.
from ^ Mn. B. Batm wa* tbe poeA of MM*
BAta Wlteon TneMlap.
BMattoa Mlaad to
Mlm Maod Bate* was ealllnp on bar
neltfibon Wednecdap.
There wa* no pnacklnp UA Btmdap
Man** tba waathv wa* ao anUroi^
able '
Uopd BAea aad Joe Jooee eaUed oa
a Jolaad tba aoetotp aad Phad Mpara Moodap erenlap.
Mn. Ccaorr Hatlatt baa ratnraed
from Trararae dtp wbar* aba baa
bean rUltlnp her paranU. Mr. aad
Mr*. Wanar, -tor tba paA fw maks.


MaaMby MaMtara
I arts ikA down eatnrdap Motben sbotdd Awap* keep U pood
bodllp kealtb. Thep owe It to their
MMUtokafor cbOdran. TA It U ao ttnaaaal alpbt
to see a mother, sHtb baba In annt.
oaBM down flam ooapblnp rlolaatlp and exblblU&c Al
- Mend* bare. tba *miptoo» at a eoaBtuapUre teacaOed to
tdeatb of
mother aad
..f‘t^d.^^n~Dr. Bo^ehee^
Oermea Bprnp
Bpi would pA a atop to tt
.. asotbm
- Aiotdd
-j be wltbkb^Ooea WM bar* Batardap tn tba A onoa?. No
latmaA of tba Blapm Bawtap MaAitna OA this Ad and tried remedp U tba
bonaa-for lu Umelp ne VID prompt<M.
Mn. ftaak Baparn para a tea partp Ip^ore anp lonp. throat or bronehU]
to alpht tItU* pIrU U boBor of her Rt- trouble U taeneU or her cbltdren. The
worn coa^ os-oAd can be *peadnr
tU BUea. Tara Boaa, of OwamUb.
cured bp Oeiman Bprop; m can
hoaraeaeet and eoapeatloa of tbe
broocblA tube*. It makee cxpeaoia•kw^.
Uoo easy, and pivet instant t*»A and

■ ■
: JM HoMeron west to MaaeMaas retreablap rat^ to' tbe
impttve. New trUl bottles. Uc:
Ate. TSc. Tor sAe bp 8. B. WAt


HI* mlttea* exploded
AM Bodetp
meA Thun-the other day. mudk to bla >ssprUe.
-----------. , wffl
----------------dap A tk* home at Mn. BtAiard Ma^ ‘ and hi* hand* were badtp boned. He
jU aoAoyed U the ckeiateA fartory
A eebweb aoAA win be held A tbe there, and tbep became cataiated with
- Mr. aad Mn. Lm HAtIdep j *
win be a Urpa tanoot.
j Tlw Meat daaphter A Mr. aad Kn.
’^BmrJamaa ka* km rarp aUk. bat b
^ kattmaBta.
At' Cttp was tyamA B*m Aatarr* by dUipU
Moadap «
■nminp. d. EOS*it A kaea B*kb datba nkaaltk oSoar.
fuiA Many If It Fad* ta' Cur*.


dlseowy at HymaL la fact,
aatapa of curaa by tbU ireatlant piwre* tt aqtiA to tba AaA teat*.
The tony A takUp medleUe Uio
• cor* catarrh at the
__ |t*kB^iw|^^
. ';oo*e.'iSwif*iA
_____________ Inapi has baan reAe to bed by physteUas, bu oA twUl Ry»,
^^le^GB** A^rataerk attD; mA wa* kaown. bad they a psectte*t;
matbod tbu wooM obvUt* Aomaeb
Mar. Vr. AbA. wbo bu baU tba 1
- BAMaC WL Harf ahum A Rui
T«r*p**m,bHbmtraaAan*d to
“ ------- *•---- *, Mbk. ^ fbaler tbA can ba tuad aaywbara wtib
•T* rkOTgi A.oot aUiacQnp'attaaUoa. a madlcUa
rdfoppm and a bAU* at HyotaA. BiM
-------------— Awadad Wad- botUa* at HyoiMl eeai.m^Mc.
«*W>Mp. TltatrawwfCABdto BrutUap HycmA ibroapb tba U'
daebbmpeoGha*.jbA*r. arary paittela AalrUutaoModamapa«wdoae.jtm tbe aoea. thmt aad taapa. b
af naLaka wu Ulobarpad wttk a buWap babam t^
my A MM WMk.
sootbas aU allays an tnlWba. ~


tills tova has ctct kiowa
Sale Cemmeiiccs

Friday, Feb. 24th

SOOO Castis of^Bubbt-ra uid Shoes oimotl by


WuAnmmomy. ■■'uB. a. ISOM m« lOiOOm. r^.

Lot I Hen's fine vdonr calf shoes,
the adrertised Chevalier
$3 shoes, water sale price..


,iS’ iL j3s

iteot Ketber fancy
di«>6' psteol
Lots Lstlicsiuitable for

„. . _

____ -





Lot 9 Snow excluder Arctics for
men, heavy bottom, breed and up-todate toe. Factory price Qf^r*
1.42,retoilat 1.85, sale price

Lot I 6 Men’s Dress Shot* worth ti
and 3..)0. in corona colt skin, vici 'kid
lace and Blucbcr Ayle.
' ' 'le A*

Lot S SnaK {ttoof btuUe Rubbers
for sox. firef qoalito, fisetoo's pnee
$1.48, retaiU at $2, water
«1© price............................

Lot 10 UJius' .lonii_Aliisluis, aU
Factory - price

U>t 4 Boys’ and girls' good, solid
school ahoes, wiU stand bud knock.

Lot 11 Cbildien's fine vieikid
Sbo^ sprint: heel and turned soles.



Lot 22 Hen’s and
tics, this yeu's t
. 1.09. retail at 1
sale price. • •

Lot 23 Boys', Toutbs’ and Little
Gents' solid Shoes for school wnu.
single and douUs.
200, br.
wocth np to 21


Lot24 Hen's axtd Boys'firA quality
Ismbumen buckle Bobbma for aox,
doable boIm. Factory price IJO, re.
' tail at L50, water sale price



Lot 1j8 Hen's fine storm Alaskas.
' latest.toes. all sixes, this yor's goods.
Factoiy price 99c. n-tail for' "74^3^
125, water sale price;........

Lot 26 Little Oenta’ satin calf
school Shoes, also rid kid, extmuicn
sole shock tor little fdlows, water sale prioe........ OWC


Lot 19 Women's light and heavy
sole Dress Shoe*, some fat ankle
styles and
all leather
lined, aorth up to 2M, for


Lot 26 ChUdren’e storm Alaakaa.
first old atod. Factory
price o3c, retail A 70c, wa­
ter sale prioe.......


Lot 1
and double soles. FsAoiy- price 210,
retails A 2.75, water sale | 0Q

Lot 20 -Men's 3^sole Shoes, made on
the lateA Issta. nil solid | rye
- leather, worth 2.23.for.'... I

Lot 27 Old men's eoU skin sod Dong^ Kid Shoes, oongreM aad laoe,
•olid comfort, wwth 250, |

Lot 7 Hen's first quality 4.biu^
Arctics, all sixes and good style. Fao~
toiy prioL- ^JO. retaDs A - ] *7 a
$i76, water sale price .... I • ■

Lot 14 Womek's $:i and 3.50 Dtvm
Shoes in welts and baud turns kid
and patent coll skinT all a QQ
Utest shapes, for............... '<


FREEL We wiU give sway free one
pair women's shexeor slip^rs to each
customer baying fire pair or more
^hoes above 1 dnll«r dnnng this sale.


water sale price*..

Lot 5 Rolled edge Lumber Bobbos
for sox, felts or Iratbn tops. Fsetoiy
iniee $1.64, retails A ^ 5QC

•/ -


.»tlyn.rfe.«Je price


for............................. .

- »•


72x90fak»ohed Sheet already hemmed
Latinize bleached pillow cases, free frod starch'
Stai^^ Prints in light and dark colors per yard


^ ^

Hsa^lineti Towding worih 7c per yard
2^ Gdf Glovatodose oat, perpair


i» dl colon. Bioeo ond oUipoo. rath 75o 35Q
Bqyi^2-piece Schobl Smto. mSat. dark pattern^ juA far a flyer
Hen'a, boys' and


I’s Oaps, worth fiOe, not aU sues in tlje lot. sale |


Wbito Sbiker Flannel, worth 6c and 7c, tor thU sale per

Colton filled Comforter*, sale


Window Shades with roller oomidete
Boy^Cotdurt^- Knee Panta. 4 to 14 years <d





50c qndi^

Brass extension rods complete
for................ -....................
Hon^^aUo-oolf^whilo they joM, per poir
Hondiide faced Hitteos for men, wod lined, 50c qnali^

ow i-ow piaioi


• wutetowBtramaom.1. A M WAt a^^- fAtb U tba power A HpoUA to eato
(Bttrrk. tbA tbv a
mooay tt It doaa ut pi** peAUr* r*>
’'ft U »Alp
U *r*Tfma^ •

at 9:00 a. m.

Our buyer A«cu red the cream of the stock, about 250 cases in all. at practically his own price. The stock consists of Rubber^nd Shoes of the ^t
grades and brands, such as Lycoming and Goodyear Rubbers, Richardson and other well known makes of shoes. The'^oods were but slightly
damaged by water.ln many cases the damage was on the boxes only. The U. S. Rubber Trust have advanced the pnee of rubbers 7 per cent, it
will pay you to lay in your future supply, as you can shoe every member of your family for almost !»s than you have formerly paid to sh<^ one.

«■. «aa Mmlda. wko M «att*
W«aa| Bralti mada a bnaMata trip
«» OMM-Bibor laat BMardar.


Bignst Rubber
and Shoe Sale

R. N. PITCHER SHOE CO., Milwaukee, Wis.


. Pr.. tad MMB Jota- Lakl Ha wa* thrown from hU tlMpb* :
MdMMi^A!*'war* aaKad tn mar- aad made ancootclou* bp Aiiklng on '
hM bead. He al*o bad one rib brokaa.
■ Mis* GoldU Bate* I* the ffDMt of
MMa Laor* BtMU tbl* week.
Mlm Nloa Mpen wa* 'calUnc oa bar
^ aad bapplaa** la tkdi Ertaod. Hla* Lottie Brocks, tba paA


Id Unddr -Thd Hammar So Tha Hla-haa




250 Cue of

. 118 WronW SSr***, Travatrs* OlSy, Mioh.



MV. mutiAKv n nm.
, •ovBVSAsrr.
‘‘^^SuiSS kM A.vcMi Urn mm
UtMM Aim aad BDa VDmb ikaBt
Uit w«yk vMk Mra. Btggv !■


Tb« W; U; Aid met vltk IbB. HalM
lut Tboadv Md had » VM7 plMMt
UM. Th«f«iu BMt vltk Mn. OhUA

THe MQS-t S'tsr-tlins

^wwha; tSatmm jt^t wt€wr.

Tlu! K<^ fhasM Ouatt* thiaha
that If P*opJ« had tt» alt CB as na^
fMlahle icau at chgrA as thsr do at
the <#

-------------------- *



, fallr.. '__________ _
the laflaeaea
the KTOcan of Hart hare farmed aa
w^liatlrm vbleh wlU ha kaowa as^Hart RetaU Orooera’ aMoHstlrm
Therein dwlre maar baaedu from U.
la proteetla* tbenaetraa from deadheata,ete.

Ever made is now advertised, and we invite the public tp gather here and partake of many choice
^things that they will need for months to come, at much less than manufacturers’ cost.

•.s. Walt A tom Hare tlmpU IUa>ady That ia OaaraaM to Can

h^anha, and the

t the
tooA. Mit they do
: hdp^ dlj^
_________ ____B tha stmaoA. and that
annia gsu wsalnr aU tho ttma.
A B. Whit * Sons, the raUaMa re­
tail AncaUte hare so mneh OWfldenoe

' ■aaraBtaa glrea with erary box.
MtMa Is in tablet tom and sbonld
<ha takan bWsre cadi maaL Other
■ . lamedlae fer mojaach trooMaa and in. dlgastta are taken after the meal.
nd daeompose the good food yon oat.
. ,bnt Mloaa osed betore aaUng
Btrvkthaaa the stoaueh, soothaa-and
haem aU imtatlon and Inflammation,
aarfekes the bkwd. and pots the stoma<A la sBch a healthy ooadlUaa that It
wOI take care ef the food ttsaU and
. than win be no pain and oaCarlng.

fseUnd paofde seam to hara fatth
to the baaklag boataass. -A seoand
hank was organised there reoeotly,
and at the flrst maatlag the i^ole
capital atsdl-et
was enr saV

potrriyi fnoor.

lha hast of proof. Read it:
Mm. Almln A. Jackson, of S..rroot
■traat. bayend Barlow street, says:
“Hard woitc broke me down, aad for
tweaty yean 1 narer had a dayTa good
bnt I Bight aa wen
have tttad as mneh sold water as thdr
“ It before I
eeit pnialyaiM.

Aad ths store U uwnOem chain of bargains, but bear In mind that
these low prices are only for what we now harp oa hud. We coald
not keep muy of theae goods, so atrongly marked down, on sale tor
T«7 tong-^oo had better me early. eUe tbe Unaou bare told of

Man's flne henry weight Blnc^ Thibet SalU. also
Fancy Wocated, Scou* Tweeds, Sergca. etc_ aome
«f tba moat atylMi snlu wa hare hnd this winter.
They are ategnoUy mnda ap. the cnau bare the
wide ehovldar effect aad eOfl tronu. Oar mgnlnr
prices were |1L60 and tlS.OO. and they ware epteadid TSloM at that, hot inst to show yon what a
llraly lima they'll hare among the Bargain

' saw dMcrtad flgarea. As ml^ be
awdctal nnaorly dti


Good Batting, at per
b up to 15c a yard. ^
Alt of our beat Outings marked down te 4c, 5c. $c

.... 8.75

There are 8fty of tbem. anstly odds and ands
' aad smaU alsca. from each popular makes
. as Amertcu Lady, O. D. Health, etc., that

'Toaog Men’s SnlU. Just as noMy, swaD and pertaet as any young man
oooid wish fOr-woma of these suits will fit small
men—worth erery cMt of $10.00 and IlkOO, are
f> f>T\
Bargain Baedtonaru nl ..................................................
Toung Men's 8niU of Csaalmeres. Cheriots, and n few
Worutada. that wars $S.OO and $0.00, are Bargain


$100 Oorsets
at ..............
Blade Corset StnaU, worth Ifle. a Bargala Beckoner


Bargain Beckonersi

Bcantirm Coriet Coven, beat 60c
at ........................... ..................
White MOBlln SUru, worth 51^

That are making th in^
hum in Dress Goods.




Suitings that were

Knee Piiat 8nlU, not lAenp, or medium, or even the ordinary better
grmdaa, hot the TRKT BB8T 2-|deea aad S-p(eee Sulu .that's unde,
that S(M at $t«, $5..$€ nad $7i0. are indoded as
Bargain Backosera nt ..................................................

A lot of Draas Goods gathered from 15c, 20c, 25e and $0c
lines, to dose at per yard ...............................................

A lot of Knee Put 8idla that are not the latest, hot there are good
atylaa among them and aalta that wU wear. Thay ware.
$1.U. $U0 and $$MI, aad are now Bargain Badkaaetu at

AU wool THcot ud other Dress Goods, wwth 26c a yard,
r. at ...................................................... ...........................................

Men's Overeoato—Don't wait uUl next winter, ml^t Just as-wMl mve
HALT by buying now. Thaliatt that are made, moat perfect stylea.
thalr equals cant ha had for leaa thu $20, $U.
| 2 gQ

Choice Kew Ginghams, worth 12% a yard.

A mixed lot of Ovcreoau aad Ulsters for saah ud hoye that ware.
$S.00, $6.00 and $7JO. are BdrgMa Betkoaers * 2 25

ISe aad....................
ny.atoree at T5c. are 1

A few Baefen and Orercoau. ter little Mknrt, emsiU alsae only, were
$1J0. $2.00 and $2J0. to ckna out as Bargain Ba^nng0Q


Children's Daderwear. heavy fleeced or rtbb^MBall elsee
oaif, at ................ ........................
<Lai^ sues at fl^ 12c. 16c. etc.)

Some of oor choicest Dress Goods,'
worth $1J5. $1.50 and QQr>
$2.00 per yard, at.......... 057L.

Bad a knUa bean

jm was more Uka n trann In wUdi I


misery fosA'to

the stmaaoh sad the dlam by the asa of 10««a.
. _ _____<Mdy stiMstch raaedy
knoVB that alraa raUaC by strangthen>U the stomarti and dtcasttre organa.
It is thU prlndpla that amkas It a os^
tala care tor indlgaatten. Other modi-



That you can’t resist

slaamoh or iadlcesUon thaa “BiaarT."
The sUMnaeh Is veak and cannot dlf> ^ . asst the food, so that there Is no aiw


Suit Beckoners

But 25c ud 35e BelU are Bargain Beckooers

. 4c

___ -..svy FI
Beckoner at .
Msn-B-Heavy Fleacod Uadarwenr, worth 50c.
at ...................................... ................................
Best Heavy AU Wool Underwear for mu aad t
$1.00 nad $1J6. at.per garment........ ..
d $IJ0,-nre Bargain Bet

■ a


. . .. 33c

A few Sleepliig Garmcou for Mimas aad Children, worth
.$1J». at.......................... .......... .........................................

Wrappers and Kimonas.
Ladtee' 'FTeecfd'''Wrappers, bast grade, ebdeest pattens, nice dark
rings, alt aliae.
alzae. wero $1.00. $1J5 aad $1J0. all Bar- *7 Cm .
gain1 Beckoners
Beefconers at .......... ....................


Dressing Sacqnea and Klmnroi. worth Op to $1.50.
Dressing Saeqoes and KtioiiM. worth up to 75c.

'mu ^SZly In tartan___________
Baw 1 want the pe>iple of Twresee
Oty -to read the fbUowlng: I naad
aavaa hoses of Doan's Kidney nie,

O u RXAl N3

aggearad. ontn I weigh IM poanda
leas, intll ! aoald sleep like a cbOd.
«BtU I eoDld nad for thraa hoars

Doan'S KMnay Pflla to at
. anle on ma pscacmally. k —------ adfere from IMney oompbUnt nad
srtttM to know what oouee to pa^
nne to fating rettef."
For eale by aO danlem. Priee SO
oantA rosterdannm Oo, Bo^. N.
. T.. sole agents far the Daltad BUtae.
RsBBBber ths name. Doans* nad lake

At 69c a Pair
Lace Curtains
Worth H.00

Ruffled Curtains

* The Bargaia Beckonm come thick and fast in this departmait It% not at nil likel; that jiwll hhu
the ehuce to again ba>- oacb dainty ud desirable curtniag at rocb low price*.

At J.49a Pair
Lace Curtains

At 98c a Pair
- Lace Curtains
Worth $1.50

Worth $i25

35c pair

59c pair

At 1.98 a Pair
Lace Curtains

At 3.25 a Pair
Lace Curtains

Worth up to $3.50

Worth op to $5 00


‘ 88c pair

Tapestry Curtains

At 4.65 a Pair
Lace Curtains
w-'ortk $i.S0 UKi no

I’.25 pair

3.76 pair

haenata hie wife wtMld not get hts

A Btai«.lng Oaatti Itada.
retary of Stale Presoott re

Pnaamo^ U pmetleallr la grtppa
■"■otlrnea cnnaa tba ptmamnoU germ
to bacome actlra. yet It la very «elabaew an a germ kmer. Vhkan corty
It destroys dtssau germs of all klsda
and hWmlaitas them from-the oyatem
t M aWetty a temlty madkdna
■ at otea ponsifal aad harmleas. Can
ha glean tn nahahy la nima with per­
fect safely, pat thraa doau win i'


Caps, Hosiery, Etc.
........................... 75c
Men's. Bi^ and ABdru-a Capa, not the latest, hot good
stylet amoo^^ tkoioe tor..................................

^eoAM All Wool ScakA nlno Lndles'. Miaaor and CBOdiu<B Wool BotA worth tSe and S5e n pnlr, nt............

Window Shades^ all aufrieie with Axurcs ready to bang up.

Best 50e Shades.

-Dudy Cotton F8M. QuOin. worth $L25.

1 O/**


Good Cloth Shades, usnally iedd at 26c.

Bliiuete. extm Urge else, worth $!.» per pnlr.

1 Or*
1 s&C

Han't Woed Shirts, our tost $L3i atytes. In nnvy or dork

Window Shades.

Bluketn.*tbe regulaf 50c qunUty, per pMr.


Cortnln Poles, wltbont Extarea,




Btarn Extension Bod. for. Bsahurtnlns.,

Trmvormiu Cl-ky, lyilohlemn







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