Grand Traverse Herald, January 12, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 12, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TluvcitM errv, amanp nuvtmc eotiKTV, NtCHio^ thumoav, januakv
7%tr Vrc Is s sslst sort n( wtr.
Is S «si«t sort of a aUMt.
Tti^ dos^ tsM*. a sn*> maaj isow
tasfcsa Uu- p#op»e they

r r> ts «pr ■
Asd Uteir iatlsMts t

leavasda ker Um wUk s bto»«red

areM a Probtoa ot

Aid Boat


aka alaci.

Ttimla sniha fkoM 8«a«a Hnad.litrtte aMU hr IwM.ywanni
B8aW«s( imer oref thu
____ nna dark, tslay Norember day.
;A .«balar ty*tea> aortben MieUcan
>1l»'li8liiii^. thas'which few tklaga
' ‘
»aartei. can well be In«M 1 aay? A BUBoner/
hta tdia « the whita aan't
aUht aark the hstfaalag of
the aeUier and the
1 dtgnlhed by the UUr

a tallMBd sad


9h^ had hiniad a tew treM aad
MM a ^v Bor* that barred -their
I paetponed fnnher tai*
t^airtba great highway uaUI
■remeat ifbb.
PcMM 4gk aaong the varied a^
t the load of bouaet her "new papa” wna

‘ MUoaa peaUiOL aad
Utmilf tfaa ttrtrer a oft*at-M»W*to ”haag oa." aa
^ joniag wagon
aronad. aad
hi and oak awag thp graat .treaa. or
. gwk aiMdad . to ih* baba, la a
'. ananhy qwt: or hsehad haavljy over
the deeayed ArttAa of fatten troea.
Bach ait^tlMt aa 8U eould a^
-from her^Mun oeeftioa and tbe
Many aew aad ammge oh)ecU about
{hch wai deroted priaeipally to her
■atairtevthar. Her own brother «ma the
■OM age but hSa tosr yaara had been
.oanfafty guarded aad gtrtded. Natne
. any a gaiek Mlcaie child, he wm*
now awed by the airaage eartrofcat
And a aew look oa hia awtherh aei.
'jwale (aee tato ahaplBta «at«L Not ao
otherMilMwtTB-. Hehadcfe
- tlka a wild brier, aad taprdiwti of'
mr or Avar woa agprflag hb die
aiigiava] of the aumaadlagi aad gea-


«re(Bl pratatt aid deW^eUlea. To the wocyteA^ea^ef.
.:Vh» eafi wiMatT hy hMdlag hia
■haani how btavaly the UUe twee
ataad etiU aM «det theeagh the calo
«ad wtad. he replied with a threauh. lag wag of Ma tow hand, the brand tobaasM of a aawH hatehai. and the fi^IB«B tbr«av>->«kat ap oA hold hoad^
he Bad phty aoaa.”

^aera to Ike Bo^m of BlUba. uppear and doroor ttea bodUy.
Wa* not. -8bBt np ole koc4 bead”
esalralrat to -Go np edd bald h^d?:
Tbelr daotiaailoa was eooa readied.
A lo( bonne In tbe Babtoken wUderom; two siHn fron ibe nearem
no after tbelr airlral anon
to ten and oontbiMd falUm
dayt and wedu nnUI one came to ac­
cept aa Uierml tbe aaylns at tbe drirer
vho aaaared iben tbaf^ibere veia but
n*o aeaaooe la tMi eoantry, July and
Andbst. and vlater.”
NeaHy all trace of tbe trail vat obUuratad and 81a bad alantat forp
there was one vhen appeared a
^traoUaf fbtimtb the drifia. dririos
a yoke of oier attached to a prlmitlTe
Be to aanonace the anddea
paaatBE of a UtUe ehOd and to take
then to the burtal; aleo to aak aid ia
maklw the little caaket. One nelehbor had tfvea a pieekwa pine board
from bU craaarr. another bad aparod
a few naUa and Uiey Bade at pneer.l
able a eoBa aa antkiUed haada vbb a
lev RMiib tooli nlxht eonpaat. bat
ataln or corerlOE there vat none.
I taw ter metber. after.a ewe
fa tboaebt. cut tbe akirt fitna a
black pHat drcaa. It bad tiiur
pill-bead dou of white and made a
my preaeoUUe eorerlns- Bit did
not then nnderaiand tbni print eoel
alsir oeala a yard in kmtUUet where
Bigbl read a abop. and that here,
girtag Bwant gotag vlibout.
Her Intcreat In tbe Voeeedlngi Innaffted vbea abe eav a pretty white
awiai of her ova grdag to line tbe
tlay ensket. The seapa were hidden
bf n mtle vraaU of Ihe-aprigt of
‘ iloek and tbe alnple preparaf -were toon completed.
tboae tlBMa and placet neighbor
and Samaittan were ayaoByaMaa.
Ko BMmlng aalaUtiOBa wtehaagod
froB ponhaa or emSdeoeea orcr baek
feneaa. but wUHag baoda and aympathWag haaru. alwayt rmdy to atC la

Proas the vaatage ground of the
apriag she eftea gated with aU the ar­
dor of the Danish raraller or Eng­
lish buccaneer ef aU. yearalag with all
ber bran i« explore those larltlng
vainly she tmplorpd her aether to
Boapaay ber. AsUe from frar of
the ladlara (he poor wooiaa.bad
to took upon the forest with poslUn;
loatbing aad hatred, as a great i:
aibk barrier that lay between the
Mght. happy past and this dull, bogekas preaeat. It separated ber -from
friends, aoriecy. old asoociain fact BOB that
Bade life desinbk. and condemned
ber to a sordid. aoUtarj struggle for
NeedlEUs to
aay BU's ^eadlagi fell upon draf
Whea the wttd fovers
Farad ka opened.
Pm the 8nrt time la her lUc SU aas
aad gathered spring beauties, hepaliras. trillloBs. dog-tootb violets and
a boot of other dainty, fngrwnt bios. Tbe very profusion was bewil­
dering. iBlotkaUng. SU felt that she
cnuld never hare enough.
One day. at tbe spring S^s proposed
to her brolbcrs to gslber s fresh boitnuet for their Bother. Here were
such darlings: pure white and so fragrant. Just beyond grew a grral clus­
ter of rosy pink ones aad a step far
iher were some blue braoUes. and aV
ays oae step farther were Bare and
ore and yet Bore.
Bis was aa obedient cbiM and ber
aasgresiloos were Invduaury. Sbe
van drat aade eoaaeicMu of having
•Irayed hoynad the pveacribed llmitii
by acetng hev Bolbev eoalag rapidly
down tbe path, carrying n toag awltrh
aad wearing a look of Spartan detcrBlnatloa on her white face.
: Then “there wm» racing .and
chaoing.” The detteate biother fell In
behind bit BOtber a oklrta and ao e*(■ped Ibe acoargv. The fliB brother
like a deer, after tbe 8m Hngllnt
eat ataag hit aleader; agile icga. biii
Steh atordy eUvea bore eiripea “warlatad to vaah” for aany daya.
t«ra afterward ahcleeroM that all
esplorcfl. even Ike great rotombua
hare Mt Ihc acoarge of adveroe for
Theo. beeauae there waa nowhere
to gd aad noihlng to g^for. Bis anA
her bioUtrnt traveled* no more that

Tbe. whole affair waa doepty Ib^«aaed oa Slab momory. fftrat there
whla the aorel alolgh ride. Tbeo the
detlghl of betag oat of dom aad
breatblng the pore air again, after lltc’
long tBpriaoBBon't.
There were but two oa tooBa la the
aetUmeat. There waa no hone. The
owiara of the osea 'waded bravely
tkioagh th» ateewt iBpafhie drltu bU Ml kingdom and ruled srlth re­
Viagiag the aetticra to hHp lay away' doubled nereriiy.
In accortlaaoe with the Orral Ordi­
■antte wither had "tWmM i:
nance of 1T87. which.suied that ”Rechild.
’.igion. BoiuUty and knowledge beios
Then waa awBlalater.
ai there had <M«Msary Vo good ghvernment and the
been ae phyaiciaa. owing |o ibaBlIer happing of -Bankiud. nchools -aad
of tocak iBpamable at tbb aeaaoa. tbe'Buans of e.loraitou shall forever
a tbe aeltleaMl abd aaeb aid.
BConrngeA” the seitler's during
8aaie one read the bnrlal aerrlce for that' un.bad bnlH a little log school
the dead, another nald a pray-er. all house aad derided to celebrate Its
iolaed la •logibg a hyna' Ifd by the romplet'icB hy an erenlag of literary
bereaved aether, end poor tittle FlorNlgbtlngale waa laid nader the
Sis was Invited to "sprak a piece."
treea aaar her>fatfa'er'c cabin, to tea- Her mother explained the aature o(
Idele In hearea the jottmey ao laMy
<roceodlag and Sis. always ans
' Bgua on earth.
Ions to pkuse. Iiesaa so raracst ffuesi
To the falhert. UaUy engaged froa Tor samethlng sriiahle. It seemed
Bornlhc mill al^t, felfing the greet only poetry enme under this bead. Sbiireea ttoa ,-proepectlv^ "eleeriagB." ralBly acarebed tbe few rolaraes her
aa eli too abort, bat to the Bolheahad retained from ibe'librnir
voBea and Hitldrea ti leeaed laM- of her nchotarly father. Koihlag poet
leal appeared. Bbe was flully cob81a aad bar hrolhora were e*trara‘ pelkd. io ehoaae between a hymn and
extract from the ‘ Bigelow Papers"
inily ddlghted over ihe tlnMt bit
sinning with "As for war. I call It
r Boaa or tbe amatlcat aprig of lye»
BdliB found, under a log. by tbr murder: there you have tl plain aad
aprlag: and.a bra, coa^alag a tew Bat: I dout need to go no furder, than
ta of aiwwlaa .wbaAt. corn and
She ehooM Ibe Utter.
I. waa a aaered treadurv to be
Bhw'Busi bnve been protected hy
caiwfaiiy aot ta (be tunnim apoi by
day aad goarded from frofc by night. the p^hknee that wpcrially. ptoThe rareat orchid coaid aeareely be tms the iBbecik and Incoap^tcnt.
abed with more rare than the)- for abe was appUaded and supposed,
gave tbcae few ahooU front preclow» that was all a nerespary pan of the
aacdt Illy apared. for did they aot bbM
Years afterward she
the pmalaeof the next ycar t aapply?
At laM. however. caBO ApHL-aiid
the awn. «atahBntag,a-<Blghiy boat of
-been hissed from tbs siage. for
Natorah foreva, drovp the reigning
uch. Wtater. to hU atroagfaoH these wore war liBes sad the tiroag
in tbe far. white, troxea aonb.
,«t Uaiea aenilmenl prevailed In the
It waa a desperateI craflict aad ^
It vras all very wonderful, however,
aUennaied akdetoa fonas^-ttwy
alghiy drifts «iU layr oUerTtbey had aad made a UsUag impressioa oa BU's
fallea ta shady nooks and hrtverp
“oradle kaolU” where the gay young
Priaee Spring vat clowned.
81a was paaalopately fond of nature
.every utalhle foot of the 'forest b«M
voaderlul tharms of moss. leaf, stonr
or shell.
What uatoM gloriea bw« Ik beyoad.
la the depths Of that ahadowy vaaiwa. Alas! It was forWddee gfmnd
A vaaderiag hand of Ipdlaiu bad
lately kidaapped a boy-troai oae of tbr
nearby aHUer's boraw. aad while-it
waa thought wiseatanw to terri^ the
children by rataUag the clrcuBsuaek
(hay were torWddea to go farthri
from the housr than the aprtag.
■It dad tod uw Mfa^ afy
•frond. aa«'MI«hia4 Mf In walk

u, imb.

with tbU papa she stepped bravely ifi- tiring la engulf tbe fourth, aad hkleyrar alepr'heyaud a eevtola depth
raparity belag nmiteri. the blad kgs | was acute torture,
bidtag pfeer. and (bra
to tbe Bight.
Several laebra of new aaov had Just of the kK victim toy back over the : FtaaUy but cmeMlf mOe r
lows 4if tagr the lenders rimrrad Mfallen and the flm Unk la the chain ' snake's bead, forming n perfect te-1 She aoBKlBra feit that she
i-iy. wi:lk- the ground shook fnra
ot UluskM naapped rudely vtaea she scBbtanre lo a pair ri boruk. iSte of.!dowa k the Ml smnr sod rest for a
Mg tsiusies. Ko. perhaps tbe fBibee|4ha-J|upsr(. Other members Tniagrl -.
was biddea to walk bthiad and try to
might e
’ be dying. She thrU- In kraer nocaws and the raoM was
step tat bis trwcka
pnssHe eridentiy bad a vague idea of
tbe kagib ef stride a child of_niae
tk*ben auitunn rame what Joy to rut- j tag <ff ber own dear father and pressed be drtrra ■
Bight compass, aad her erery~A*b tk through gr«U braps of fallen' on. Now she eouM see tbe smoke
Ml Inefaes short of the prescribe
IravM, inning np marveMs cornMnn-1 from the bouse curling nbore s riump
slowly moelag timad.
She had thra to break a paU'Tor tlou of brauly and gorgeous ralortng of gtDund hernUM. It was but a few and she sora raw to ber dkotay that
out ri Use qusralM.
berwrtf. and long efe they traveled ut every step. Once 81s stopped to rieps farther ton certain grrat beech
tbe mile aad a half Sis could hardly watch ooate busy oquIrroU canTlag tree and yri brro very far ii looked ShP ihitefore declAad to woU oatM
drag ber benuBbed feel aad tired away a store of beechnuts for winter. She remcrabered harlnc often rur. (bey were weU aarawi the aaqmf BOd
fBbs itiriBib tb
They wer ha ume as sqairrefs la from the bouse to this tree, surely sbe ibra make tbe best of her way kwaa
lotbTng Would hare Tadneed her to Ceuin) Park today, never haring Bight run n few airps now. Tbe tired The rasremeuts were. how«vw. afenHy
ask for rrat 'or a more modetale pace IranMd the frac of man.
t lUnha refused to obey. She eoolfl hidden from rkw hy n draae elamptf
but ber young heart sang a Te Drum
still tor some mlaatcs seaceriy drug them at all bow and !■< r hemlock and BU esaaynd mrapfag
of loy and thaaktslnesf as she sank when she rangbi a ^Bpoe through brrath rame la short, quirk gnsra- nearer, fcetumt well behind the Arraa
tnio one of those Mg benehra ranged the dense undergrowth of n-large sun she pressed oa. She dropped for
and Sanlly croaeWoc »»■ '
around the tl<ies of the srhool boose.- black animal which she thasq^i muK a awBrat. but Mniggkd to her. frri him n khra ler 8he had kaitt^
« breathkos to speak.
he a calf. As It approached she saw aad tMtered pa. , Agnin she dropped' •racked tkk print ri vaauge whea a '
The retnru was even worse. It had ber mistake and then drrided It buK aad tiK- wind lilror grrat rtoods of sharp pain tderred ber aafced taof,
naother her hnnd. aad a whok eriaay
grown collier and the muon
great dog of n 'aperies she BB>w over her. brighily, casting weird, grotrague bad rrad ahaot but never seen: per­
rrom away la the- dUunce
• aatpwraaka»
shadows from the fadge tree- trunks, haps a Kesrfoondland. a aiasiiff or a teemed to hear a baby's cry and un­ mary vsagrance u a her as the.Alasnd gnaried. crooked limbs.
81. Bctnard. She was unite taBlUar closed ber eyes and regained hrr (eec tu(W of their PM , They erideotty
As. always an arrant coward
with Ibe only dog la the setileaeni. Thank Cod’ There was ibe rake at criWfecTed her act
night, became aimon dkbwugbt Ihcrcforr the prraence ri this Strang* last. but. Ob' wpur «ml4 have hap tumuli and uproar that .bad aaanyif
ibrongh fear of tbe Mg. wavering,
would hrgue th* nearness of -nn peoed to tbe. niare* Sarriy ikiy had ihcm and upset (heir housekrid ar>
moved tbgAOw. for^ll looked a mile raagemrats. Mltb tan luvriuntrar
arm-like shatlows that seeaM
reaching and riulrhlng at her from be­
Sis brat a hsKy retreat siri related away. -Ik'lih a pitifsl m' ri despair sfcrkk ri paJa aud te^ Sis Sod iMa
the Incident oa her nrriral home, whc_*ank l4to the snow, a struag* the road to escape herWamutrau and
all\aboal her aad a q
her ery attracted the alterika of the
A strango, whlspi-ring BqrBar. too.
to Infratignte'
seemed in come from among those
raitir. wbM^medlstely turaed and
and found tbe. rtngitif In b<4 ears. rT>"uaairiy a
awful sbadoWB.
(racks to be those of n targe brar.'Tfe one chanced to see 8er ns she feU. Jotned in ISe parsuK.
She rave oae «n18ed glaara aad
FUsirr and faster sirode her leader
afterward raptured oue. Id ibe Her fen were frosen but pcfslKcni
and just as Sis fcU'sbc could go ao act of coming ciff a young plc.-aiid BppliralioBs of snow Bid pain kllk-r (bra raa wit* KtomU
further a horrible, uneartfaiy screech
rtb 81s eould disKnguM be­ rcBOved Ibe float and after s few dnj s her Joy'she oooa dManrad
-she was nbk to piny vRh the baby and when she flnnlly dared stop is
rang oat on tbe alienee and died away tween a -hear and a di^
la echoes, taint aad fainter, through
ThatTPInter the new papa Was bauV -hose feariod rry had saved hM from look behind, to her great raUef Urn
e were no feoger frilowiaa. Ah
tbe depths of (be forest. Even paps ing lumber fraa the village sltl^ death.
The father nwerverrd ako. and as
was ounkd for a moment andban cil. miles dtsisot prcparuiary to bnllding
aaknoKed nke dropped »P»k n
excUlBlng.—"By Jocks, that rid owl
It was enrcBriy chm .of Maiiag Bmy kaoU aad nohbod awnt piUtaBy.
barn In the spring.
IK be a bouocM’ Got a voice Uke
ladrad she was a nonr ntebt aad groat
He' drove a team of. oxen, and tbe
taraaiioa wild cat. Wonder yon trip took two daya lie reached home sever knew bow nearly she bad trim mackro aad knoba of dkratared SsA tbe renoB of the waMdidn't scream. Sissy.” 81s lacked,
one nigffi in a driving Kora. her life for hiB.
brratb to explain that ker vocal or­ 1^. hungry and benumbed with eold^
shoe* aad s'toekings
The nboes and dlannr pnll were nfKerne ef the (erward (oand. tern and tromidad latp
gans were so paralyzed with terror Tbe next morolng be attempted to rise achoot la Ihe s
riher popUs did. The dlKlactM was
that a kind tnond had been an imaot of her cbootdag. tte kw^ with
I was fnBy coavlaead that bar
obUlh UT The diKrseied awMber loiihlng ou “these prison ceOs of (Touldra vein ike dlrert paaMrarat'
He stopiM for a bksaed brrathiag
space to note tbe dlrrctloa taken .by dared not (rare him and It sesaM llhs prMe” as do all who are <«ee aecnsmbered
the salutary Mops
Ibe owl la bU'Sight and then resnsed murder 10 (ICBII s little giri laio (he
the Journey anroasclons. bow near Sit Korm and driftcl sotns for tbs Bit- aalare. 8he earkd her fdayuuUes the
had been lo arliial collapae or ihat h" (sore she BUK iravcl for nM. OOBld ireedoB and Ugbtaras ot ihrir "white
Panraro of OrtMd Wpallat.ruling powers
had given her a find Ininxliiriloa lo n she do ii* The need was Impcntlr*. skin stApreW^ but
n Is raid (bat
dlSemt raaeka
Sis wait botiefal and anxlons lo try.
Ini M> familiar to hhn
Sbe hare (be lallcUon with fxmsid- of orehids-.hare .been dlaeorwed aad
The'ensuing FUKuniw the Road HaKlIy swallowing a few Bouthfato of
tdctrlUiaiM. Areorailkmblc psileair* uatu she dlsrovervd
waa nil ihivmgh that, regiim iiasslng breakfast sbi' kissed ber Bother and
brothers paKl.hv and started bravely J)gt she was breoalng a Pariah «u vratirator ipto the ktslorr of, thfla
from Grand Rapids to Traverse City.
piani says ihai It to ari ra oxaspRain B Journey ihs! whs to lie a theca grounds.
No work was done aside from rutting
say tbai one kaaaa M* Am
When ber beat friend walked away
the trees from a strip of land four rods virngjtic with death.
brow oaerifleed to rath ■prolmro ai
Dciwccn the htiuse and gale tbe with her arm around auotber girl's this lower. Orchids Bourtok In As
wide, and piling the fallen trunks
across the worst swamps. A mere b*- wbiy expanse was level and un'jrok <i- walK her bran was sore Meed, but
dradly swamps ri MraJra; A the
glnnlog which the pioneers wort- ei- ihoiigb the snow came nt<nn> hsr when sDOtker, Whose word she had iorrM aad malarial dtotriris at Ae peeled lo comidne la ihclr'own ilme kiiccs. Tli-n caac a few rods wbere spelled, retaliated at recess by ealliug tndks. A the RrasUtoa toreats. ami A
it had mostly hiowo away during tbe her a proud, Murk-up thing, wraripg
ud .wsy.
place* Afesicd by pratUeora. Amro
When the short term of achoot Distil, thmigh not a trace resulncd of her oM sbocs every day. the cross was animtols. aad Serera tribes ef ravtgm.
opened that timmor. 8I« was allowed the frsek made by the slctgh the ton bratT to bear.
aOAc of which briieVe ibat.tbe orekM
Sbe thereupon adoptivi ihe prerarl- to aa object ri rraeraUea. to tamper
to aiicnd. She enjoyed the srhool and night previous. Thea she resrbed a
reveled in the long wal$s. An insati­ Inns, dci-p bolliiw. and- floundered otu czpedleal of deceit, lor Ibe ffrirt with wkirh atrana esrUA doatk V
able rrwdor. she hpd spent vau) >iayF throush drifts up to ber waist. At time In ber Ufe- Her mother bad said, raegki. One of the araei kraatICal of
during the long winter, buddkd over a flnt she stnrdily attempted progrrai —she would DM sec stich a great girl an or^lds. aa cxqatodt# white So'-rei.'
grrat volume'of • Prier Parky's Pan­ b^ pulling out one limb and Maring It gring l>areraut. Very well! Sb" nerd of Ae BnAnUn gemaa. was acuMly
orama,” which, being quite loo bravy •a far ahead as possible and repealing not see her. Bis would wearlier sh-jro
ill arms to hold, she used A lay (he process, but she goi. on so shnriy onill cm of Wight of Ibe house aM JaAs on an altar oa wAA h
on Ibe chamber floor close lo the Wore sad berame so tired sbe endeavored m thee remove them. Sbe would carry
the snow ahrad of her. This
bide them somewbere uaUI
pipe and there* in warmth and coniThis wna n g
parwtiTc seriuslon she srcumulated a failing', she reoonetl to erawling on went home after sriiari. In fa^ rim of dtoeevefT. but it has a psraBri A
alnablc wtnre of general Informal Inn*. her hands and inues, and no. by one saw hersrir rchaUlluied In (be M‘
> rase cd aDrihor eqrally loreir SowiBaginailoo now flited these T^a'i means snd andiher. she passc-d the garment of affeciMi and estrem. her
-which was dtaramri wreathed
oardesk pan of her Journey. Still an- former staius restored, her frl-’-ad fc- srouad humaa booes e^waed A a aoIngs Into her dally life.
gslDcd and wtrpdng amnotbly again.
A certain Crest t'coc, was The Lean oiIkv king, weary fnib- remaletvl.
renwitry In Nra Oalara. Bo trmShe hoKlIy remoTcd. the, hatrd bur
'lOg Tower of Pisa." Indian wlgwsms
rerc some <4 Ibe pAau attacked
dens and sllaging item over her shou'often seen by the roadside were erecibe bones that they cwnM not be*
dcr trudged lightly and merrily on reorornl. and ooe' was octaany .
cd by UmI Jacket or Pontiac. Hollow
trees were rarefiill)' examined for froicn crusts, but her fears pushed How soft the dust sas and how »cl brought to JAgtood giwwAg A the t»
traces of Robin Hood and his msrry her on like s goad Ai last tht dread-: »ety th. .-ooi, moist grass. How sweet­ ride of a haman skatl. Of right kratil trip wav enrin!
ly the birds sangVerily the world as* p»d and
era who wrat A Mexico to-Amt or- ^
life well woHh living.
The stanu-d nvighbor haKily sum- old. but oae seemed repealing cblda aevM towt ikrir lire*, aad tba
' During a rainy ilme the logs sernof
loocd iwo Moiit Dcpbcw*. her hus- as plaitUy as sbe eoold have sp»kca sole sarvlvor returned with fcto health
Ihc swamp were all aSrut and Sis dis­ l«nd lx tng awsv iu the army." snd 'he Wnrd-.--Tb»d s<-esr God s;covered a fasriaailug forni o^progress while Ih. y w.-r.- yoking tbe'oxeu f> | Sndd.-nJy sbe ixcame aw*rrhy simply Jumping from one log to ao- the sled .he brewed-herb tra and gnvr [great tumuli in it.- dmance
HraJ Arra DrAk at Ban.
olber. Tb be sure Ihirc was dangei Sis copious drafts snd wrapped her ' 'hrough preriora .-na-rlenees undr
"Whei: I was a rakA boy."
I ' stood 'b<- cansfT ,k gr-ai droVe of eatthat a log might roll lielore one
■ up snugly snd left her to sleep
lurn. [tie were.coming down liu- long hilt a -ideriy aaftor. "I rile* used to wonder
Kap to the nexti or that one might find
couch until she should rett...
birds tbooiwnds of mlto* oat A
an <n>cD space wbera s log had drifted
11 a hraveni) aense of rest and rhall mlie or no behind her.
entirely away, but Sis foaud the sport peace and comfort ramr wlih tbr' Cattle wer« then allowed to range sea. wbsl they done fur frrah waMr
quite too exhlleralint and the applaiOc warmth and quiet and rest. 81s ; *' Al’I throuiflt the forest, and nil br­ when they get iklrriy. (Ac day a
ie would like to lie tbert-an.l [ Mring to a settlement Joined in a sqnaJI answered that questhm for ara.
of her more timid mates too sw.-<-’ to
h was a but snd bHsiertn' day id the
tbandon for tbe safer and-more pro- slc-p for ds.v*. bu: with returalng ! rohunon herd,
iropies. and In ib»- dear sky ovivhrad ‘
arountl the swamp. One tirongth came tbe thought of the need ' They were now making ft»r a rpring
a Mark rain cloud ajtpeared all of n
aniurky day 8ls narrowly mtsoot
borne. Ferhapsjbe dear ilttk Iwby [by tbe roadside, a short dhUano fur:
Jumping upon a targe snsko. run: ins
L* even then needing rare and al-ttkrr down tbe rood, and beyond SU seddra Thro tint <4 the empty radoe
over a boadred sra birdsVAme/daraa* bimarif upra a SnaUng log. and the teuiloiL Perhaps neghwed and wall-[They weie raring and briVtwlng like
Imm s^ery dlr^bm. They. jeM ander .
sport rame to en abrupt leratnalM. lag while they minlKered to the fa- mad creatures and pawing up bnge
. Once she discovered, near Ihc bouse,. ther. Air She must go. ami shejcloods of.sand a. they tore wildly ■ b<- rain rinod a£d they wnhad (kora
X horrible snake wtih t
draggni her wrarkd limbs from ihe lakmg.
One was a dangerous nnimal sbnni m minutes. ritiriA' roond amd
n«indjW»^3}»ra the ynA braaa A toK
projecting back over bU brad. Hpr grateful warmth ri tbe roorti and. re- [ and had chased cMMren and grown
(bc)' drank their in. «ln the tropA^
dirirks brought ber woiber, but
ptaring hei- roarse shoe* and wookn ' people oa dlffen-ni nccaslnes.
where (be great sen faftds sail tkow
bis anakesbtp had Bed her story '
•Oocklngs and outer wraps arain beBs knew that an rid tihll kd off
received with . incredulity and pro eaa ber battle with the elemenu.
Into the forrm oearly upposlte tpe sands ri Aijes away from nhorc. they
ihHr drlokln- wafer A Apt- way.
nnuBced tbe tvsiili of a ton riviil.liuTbU lime (be snow was somewhat spring Sbe decided lo follow the trat!
They smell out .a Harm n tomg Waf
broken, but to poor, tired Bis the dk- wbk-h led back Into tbe road after
off; they travel a hwndrod ariks. mayA few mlnnies kicr. bowevc
tance seemed lengthened laterminahly. skirting a large swamp She would
:o get uadcr tt. qad fhep awBBer
ranghr sight of the repHk and
Her feet were soon cold and Ktff. Ko thus avoid ib<- rattle and with lluk
ewoogh raindrops la ka«p. them, fife
repulsive 'add dangrrons' fellow be rubbers.nor overshoes tboae days. Ite delay. At (bis iDsiant her friebi was
by the Sseof cry of another
kMed. He was
IrgglflgB either, and as tbe snow rame
aad czoBlned as a grrat eurMliy; for oinve the tops of the stoefctno il
her former
British ladta now tApIny* Over own
kaidc fraB the harmless garter anaki
hrongh (he oottoa under- dlrertian.
taOIloa pss^s A Bs rrifea Apaatrfea.
ta tbU region. elrihing. uhlrii hecame miff and ptsn she hnstUy r*a a shon dial,
The ByKcry
fmea and enselft- rkafed (h« trader down (he trail ‘and hid in ibe «
growth and awkml with mack t
Mra it WM Mrad bs
ber Bi
M (W mwrcMSU of bath hunia
three ufortuMie tanda «ad waa (hea tlBUlBg Very pafefsl they were a*/






F in^-SSirr
&;-;: -

WI><IW»1.' 51te monntt to to totor
at -W. B. FVu.-4« Onad lUplto.
1tar« u» <totoii. toe !«««•( tatas
.-im«torMMtorW.R.Pn. Tbetoul
to $tmM. The ttutoeu vUl be
’ oibttomd «|t4 u Mort mate to dtobe ti
(tern toe
C. L. Etoetton.
t»« Ttoeott Bp««rto toagoe ot toe
mnewto BtfMt«. m ite«* mm
ttelf—m toitolrg Maatey emteg


Bim Ttoe yntodnt. Itoad Teou.
teBMid»ton>WblHM.I»tel Ofew
ThM Ttoe xwMteL.Btoin IWt

VteKk irtoe praHoK. TMa ML
Traum, MiL A. telred.
Onwtot. Itotel nrecoa.
■ Alhm.
& JL li. !m w. B. e.
At toe p
•( toe O. A. B.
toet vedi
to Qmie kill, -a tom^ no«4 ^
▼eunae ami toeto vtrM ate aoaa of
vtemM awMBhlid to vttaaM
A'JwoBteoea a^nr vu


toeM eaten, afiar vbtoh tbe Boor
m etotete ate toe
toimd fDr aa old^loate Virttato
reet tod br Beperrtoor L. B. Cleretote ted tort. TCti. aterter, Ur. and
ton. Mark Itaean, Cnrtia Fovtor aad
tort. d. B.
ate Unto. B. Marvia. dote Bntotobt
ate Urt.'Oama. C. C. toaat im
toraiedtoatetiteatpmiiitor witotoe
aldar a

U foreefal bonne It la dnene nd
Bctaage la dellreri<d frea
^er. T. P. I'Uoin. paator of the toeal
chtireh. deUrered the toarge to toe
yonw Binleter. He apoke n the nB,
duly ate )oy of toe
toory. Be waa aasitied to the ordiaaaarrteea by (he elden of
toarek. ODbtet PowSaoe. Z. P. Swaa
aad W. M. Oerdoa.' Tbe prayer was'
■ate by Rider PowHaoe. Mr. Ollbert
also apoke. telliBc'wby he was a Dltdple and artiy be ontmd the adnlstry.
Mr. Parker haa aererai nils to flew
bat win Ubor In aertbera Micblgan.
Be Borfake tbe ebarefa at pebukey.

Proa Wadaeadayh Beoord.
At toe BteoUag of tbe i
IbU mralag a comamsInUon am reeelred frooi A. 8. Pray, JnaUce of
the two bodies found It
n was aaltoared.
ILloo vaj(
fiWllDDa 8. I. K It aod IT of OaraeM
tnmablp he ftaneied to Raat Say.
'bla BBkMi teat Bay toaraahip
laUon froB the Boardnan River BeetrIc Ugbl and Power
eonpaar aMdng penUaaloa to light
toe tower eledi for (wo Hoatba te ibe
end of that Uaid to take oot at ao espnae If not aatlttoeiory or to* ooouy


Prom Thvraday** Record.
Did tbe ^nly anpervlaoraa hire Dr.
TedauB of aammU City for coaoty
phyUeUa-or did they not! That U
lueetten that ooefroau tbe board
thia afternoon.. The doctor dIaim*

A torn aaatoer of Meada atteaded
toh aarrtoea ate^ toe anttie toaa a
deaMeatoto nartet. The deeeaaed
teite a toeahar of toe RireaUte and
tetet Man order* of tote <dty toe
gte harm were ehoen trm toelr
Often aader vhoee awptoM toe
etaie van wodoeted. <n>e harUI
«tofc »tow at Qtevood aad
The Mehtoren amt a hrakaa wheal
teSaatoited toe fhraatm a toaUeae
aaeaa. while a haaatlfol pOtov wa«
am trtehte. TheoaMre Soral oBer

vr toe


The (Mae a^ gU toe trouble {* tote
whea be beoght^^ tarn the right of
way iraa tel nhtUoaed la toe deed
ate he waato ecteptantloa.


V. L. Barker Ortelaed.
TIetor L. Barker waa ordained into
toe tealatrr of tbe Cbnrek at Christ
oe nteradty at toe loea) (hnreh. Bm
Blace bit
i’ ten yeaia agj
Mr. Parker baa felt a deaire to preach
toe Word aad by hard. persMeai woto
he haa gaally arUred at bii amhUloa.
PlreymraegoMr. PaHtervasa atntot to toe tiararM Cltx Ulgb stoool.
. HewteCoraaearWeteordaaddeUred
toaaetoaaedaeaUoa. Htwaaapoor
hoy ate'to order te go toroan echoct
K wu weeeenir for him te Ubor In
addUloa to hU atadtea. He did eari•Bt Odd loba atpmd toe cl^ and U'
■ ol-the city and in
nan of toe dtr were kiad to him and
to toern tbe yoeag mtolatcr feoH no
After leartog the Ttotene City High

eeteol be
to toke «i> higkor work. Re tendied
there eoae Ume bet dnrtog tbe par
year be baa been tetondUg the ChtUoonegeatC
% ago tote h


OadlUar- aod te attitoncs hit conrer
Bln to a slster'a prayen.
Mr. Farker’B life ha* been railed
Hetea-aHray* tobured and bU eiper.
rate haa tanged
Inoter oanp troen a **road tenko''
to a log haotor. He aercr ton tight o'
bla pargoee. bowerer. aad hla attain
aaeu-abowa that te poeaeam tbe gu
at tmaetly.' Mr. Parker's preaebtog

agree to the eoatract after be aigned
O. that Ibe board has ao right to cm^ a phyteeian to do the dlalnfeetlag,
tbU havfhg to be done by tbe ward*
townablpa. The doetor has been
rrtng from, smallpox hot cam
the meeting anyway (d preseet hU


suRPLua saaoDo



Tire Insurance!


* —'•-T——iTiTlrtlrflli

Money to Loan on Improved Real^tatf-Onjy.

coroner. «1AM:.
. J. U. Wilhelm.
A. P. Narltoger. circoli court eomr. nm: H. a Game. W. E
_P. a Brown, treatarer. »fO.«eO: J.
T. Hannab. Samael Garland. Herbert
Tte oomaftuec on roads and bridge*
reported toronibiy to regard to the
bolldtog of-a dam aeraaa Boardman
river by tte
Light and Power company.'
A raquM for toe allowance of a Ull
f(W tlKAO for cler^hlre in (be irea*.
nrer’s offiw frtim Oct. 1. to Uee.-3I.
IPOi, was preemted by cx-Treasorer
G. W. Bteward. Aotkw will be taken
OB it UKDorrow morning at lo o’clock.
Tte eommiuee on Aaaace. wayt and
meus,.to whom waa rmerred the mat­
ter of procoriag a *ct of weights and
measure*, nmorted (htl the same be
pmrtded by Coonty aerk Robert R.
R'alter, tte aeloetlon also of tbe ma­
terial being left lo him.
.A reqaeat ftovthe register of docdi
for the needed light and atelvlng In
tte register's oOce. two cieciric ItgbU
to tbe tnnla.otDce and thr«« book

CbaSte* Cbatnn* tb* m*sn>r«*(ri*<isas

“We. the nndoraigaed taxpayers of
the oonnty state In our opinion tbe
eomiy tarreyor ahoted be prorMed
with tte meeni of iaapcctlBg tte recprdB and field note* of his oMoc at
aay.tlmc whether before or after .the
aanal boateeaa buura."
Thoites H. Sbermaa. Charioa P.
Hunter. J..W. OenUetU-C. A.'^agbec.;.
A. B. Hobart. J. W. Mllltocn.' Leon F.
Tttna W.' N. Kelley. P. A. Bari, Praak
Trudf. A. y. Priedrteh. W. K. Moon.
W. A. Dean. 8. A. Saylor. W. T. RoX'
bnrgh. Thomas T. Rate*. P. Sftelka,
P. a Marrin, W. H. Bbncr, CbafV t.
Bbaer. & J. Motian.

« the' Uw cf*creatoTP*
lo lire always to darkness
aa Mack as night One of those creaU a very rare apedmen and is
styled tbe cavera beetle. It was first
discovered some TO years ago in an
Aostrlaa cave, the grotto of Artolnberg. One apedmqn only waseengbi.
aad. though ju discoverer ottered a
prise cf tZS^for another.. It was 14
years before* a eeoood was found.
A renlntloo was pasaed making the Brought oat from its gieomy haunti>
ebairmaa, E, O. Ladd and one other Into tbe light of tbe sun it dies 'almost
(f toe 1
edtatcly. The sunlight seems to
tifei of Grand Tmvene county at tbe
meotlAg or (be anperrisort of the stole
Lansing to Febroair. Mr. Udd
will appoint a mmber from tbe dty.
as bU asaoelate.
At the montog aeadlaB.of the board
the bonds of the tneomtog ooaniy dl(leers wera presealed -ate referred to
The power that git'es you
the eommiuee
mlUee on
o^ ps
p'liance. ways aad
life and
,nd motion
me '
is the nerve
force, or ncrt'c fluid, located in
Tbe committee-iB
mmiUae-bB pads
aad bridge*
nerve cells of the briin,
Mat tbe momiag looking up tbe Nte
and sent out through the
ehUh tbe Boardm^ Rlrer EUetric
'nerves to the various.organs.
Light and Power tetapany wlshc* to
■ If you are tired," ncr\'oits,
tom. They were ready with their're­
irritable,' cannot sleep; have
port for tbe afternoon acaslon. The
•headache, feel stuffy, dull and
members of the committee wep
melanrfioly, or lave neuralgia,
Uarsba. E\ans and* Sierrheumatism,, baricache, perU
-odical pains,
tains, iittdigtetiem, dvs>
Prom Frtday'a R^rord. •
nepsta, stomach tirntblc, or the
The matter bf tbe hiring of a eoun>
kidneys and liver are inactivT,
ly lAysIcian vte settled thla raomlng
your iife^urrent is weak.
by Dr. Tedman appearing before the
Power-producing fuel isnecdboard of,itm>enl«on> and. aitUnjf tbte
ed; something lo increase nen-e
be winiia withdraw tils Usubrand bid
for cmiBiy phyKirigfc-^s aetites ibc
vine is the fuel you nce^ It
wwLBn-emy over (be biii for llto.
feeds the per%-es, prod aces nerve
ebleh the doctor prrnenied-' to tbe
force, and restores vitalitv.board yeetepay. He aiatnl that,
toough he tbmtcht that he was hired
Sc did not care to bold the boart./iyi----------------- a-J*.-™*!
ouipB tbe donor'*, action a motion
ns made amt carried that any anion
rhleh hart been made io«-ard the apMlntmeai.of a eooWy physklan be
■eaclnded. -k motion waytiu-n made,
to rtr.

hat tbe'chaUman w»ib< a nmimltee <rf three, wluwc duty It should be
o rt^\-e hMs for tbe |KtetiuD o( med­
Or. Mite* ttewM. Is aaU bv ro>«ical attendance upon tte Inmates of
te eoaniy-bJhse and fall. th<‘ commit­
tee to rtown- the right to rejMt any
Mcdkd Co. EOdart. iMd
or alt bids, and n-port tomorrow moriiAnother hill was the eaaao c>r trooUe
thla morning. ’Dr.'Roaenlbai Thompan prearated a bill whito the aald toe
eoniy ^)d pay. L- K. Clereland
refUaod to a. k. it and tbe matter baa
been held up. - The vartou eornmUcea
were hnsy this afimpn
ft *as
oot tmtfl late that they made any re^

Youp Life

New wnttslm Otoek.

J{mmber the Red Cross
to be compounded.

If your drugs

Travtraa CRy.




When you have ^miiy recipes .and condition powders


bear the RED

CROSS LABEL you are assured that yo.u have the
best of quality.'

219 6. Tmi/ St

Jlmerican Drug eempany
Albeet E. GioBrjesKV, hUoager.

TravenrChf. Mich.

If you want to bov a Im

lorc buying, for we baVc agood.aaKwti&eiit of these tooteat
TCfy low prices.


dtlM pliM tat.. bfitoa 4M.
N«w Wllhate iheek.
Travdvaa City.


g ODtfit or sort opyov tools,

you win find that it will pay >eu to look over our teock beOnrteeel dc^i^ chain is the long lap*

weld, steam tested aod guaiantoed to fi«e

anker Creek wired to noaeer Whoee toto^Oenured Late
_ tote Mr. Br&n had ten
fate ate haflt a taSi tace


Alao one top anU and one bate anlt
for toe vault.
The foMowii
I alao by tbe
rec^ved tbU i

date Smwo SUH
date Bmm acua baa eoow to toe
tmt vUh aaotoer eacapade m .to*
Mtote htaate of the Pare ICarqa^.

tor. teowa le aotolag hot a
Iftte he hah a hlatoiT it em^
iteto toe rote that *poU htai
: in toe real ot toe targe UnDy
’ Atyoae ttee he bain a
the road aad atretched
>loag with tt. toe eeea'
TiiTiteitei Oalla
Chw,teto a ualB ol two ean aad a
,telteteter two dayh. At aaotoer
a tree
tetea te hedd a hea^
I froB
h Win(Beater , ap gad dbwa the track. He
wae teallr AfaMged aad traSe rw
aatteiL Mr. .Browa was eajoiaeil
ficn latofmlag wuh toe toad bat
n’t wortT' .about the


at tbe afteraooo

board-aaya toat be was aet e
DMto ItolL
that tber have ao right to hire one
ne faaarto'er Barr Sitabr. am of of toelr namber. (hat he ivfiued to
9Mto sate «r MTitnt atren. vat
Mto m Tkwadar fraa toe rinx
Matoadlot (teMb, Her. Hugh Keaaedr


«Itoer aad ■hrinL.ap ibaw toeecta. er. Mrs. J. M Palmer, livtag ■
Jest M Ibough 'they teW-becn plaeed tone* away, bavtnp given birth to a |
IB (nat at a hot fire. TeL to apite sou. 'ttey were mboM to laav* for '■
at tola tact, 4.1* kneww tbte toe bttad. Miy- Falmer'a realdewee when they ;
deacended from iearwed that aaolbcr dangbier. Mr* [
allow ,tte.
Urwletk hliw. Oa awHoa of Mr CUre- Mtem whSto originally lived In to* Thomas Hfeka «d Tioga Mrr«<. Piiiy ‘
burg, wbo bad been maiTfed tte aamUte toe mattor ot prorMtog for Bgbt of day.
tefbt ns ter tesKw. had given birth 4,
welghta aad meastirea waa tefemd to
On Now Yearfa day M^ and Mr* igpn girts. Ltevr In tte day anniber
tte'tommtttfie .«m llaatese. ways and
meaaa. ibey to report to toe hoaN.
J. H. BHUamaoa of PvderaJ atrset. daughter. Mrs. RIlkwnnh 8iro(ten of
a^ac. scot n mewsage
>Tdil» n
J ■_ l>n IMJ
At (be asonlBg neeatai cd (be boaN AUegbeay.'WVfe cajityiaa a quirt cvl*- Webaterr avfwi
of superktaon too cnmmtitee on bratlna wbvo they tvcclvcd wool ih»f
Inaaee. ways and means, composed of they wore grWBdrarrtits. ih*-ir daught­ moIlM r of a boy.
B. B. Dory**. C. H. Monrod and H. KBeechass. reeoeimeadcd (hat tte boad*
at tbe 1a«patag ooBaty aOeers be kcOm.v Rcur
. Tbe boad* with the suretlc*
Breen COMP/utma.
wpre a* follow*;
•>w/' ■
Cbariee 8. JcAaBon. sheriff. glA.OOO.
. Plate Claaa, Stoam Bettor and Acetdant inaurane^
Prod L. Johaste, ar.. Fred U Johnson,
. VrtT-tert of dcwial aerrtea
b-.. O. C. Moffatt. W. W. Satilh. J. A
only.' Tveth-ycar of practlc*.
nobert E. Waller, county clerk.
N*w-Hanson bnlldiag. undw'MT
tt.OM: Deal Dlee. L. 8. tValter.
of P. ball, tm fioor with Ontec
RobcH E. WaUer, regUler In chan
ay’s BnstocM Oallege aad «v«r
eery. gSJXtt. I). G. Chaadler. George
Room 310 Now State Bank Building. '
Travoroo City.
tl. Cnw*.
George '9>. CunU, circuit coart coat
(T.OM: K. t.. Ransom. II. J


Whea yon want a aou cut saw ask to see the king pia of


(iBStp Sawing inj Pliii« |p
F-RANK TRUDK, I4« Froit Street

Traverse City


Ccnci Lake avt. ami lOlhtt.

6oing to Build?
If so, the South SideLumber Co. at Traverse
Gty.isthe place to buy your- material.
and mill work done on short notice.


Give us



a chance to figpre on >*6^ wants.


$outb Side Cumber 0c.
Cravtm eny, IBicb.

Not the old shoddy, but' fresh fromfaaory.



5.^A an^l

They are strong ap 1 chek^

est' at

U you have to buy the Above named
goods give Ub a trial.

We have them

in any quantity, clean and wholesome. Your stock will «io better by buying

ZUdAAtIC ADffigalte tiacM m ttodt Spaette wtgtas aad tedglte
WHHVII9 m^toorder.premptly. Only tbe-vaybete tote
RllHUlftS- terite osed, and fnDy foanMcml m evoy laapeo.
are made to om as weB aa «1L They
Tbay art
not Bade of cheap i^aial, tad givmi a flatey
finish to ettdi toe eye; ba are donUe, comfiMtable, and neat. The chaapM: oa the market, qtality eoeaidcrad.
Once oted aad you will bty ao other make.

126 suit str*«L w Uictor Pciinlyl.

tbe best.

find CASS Sis.


Jiopal tiger
They an the betL



Lili i -V.


Kmm« M-FOte* ■BrmmB.


• «M%7 I

- iMk«ya»B

If I OMP Ml to <»ytM

bkaat «Mi«k I am •ntf, iqr


As I aotry tst- tka eaar'a Mrt
am wuil Ton bat I oaf
^ttara tmat km tka Maosto
vOr aatte' brood ud Jaa^

AM giuio- it ail evar

jnr ThsakurirlBs
{Bates, abowt
wash jm
t6iaia,«ni] Joft tUok bow «uick ntut Hanv Ns*
Proa 'rsTiLbi-^
wmMui.' that wUt BMke in ibe worU!

It la Mnh Mbc. is H Ml?

for Ipcl^ Bays
" J^IOB.ILt.t.Uns
Boy Hak.

Aotiaas Bay. Mich.. Dec. C. joat.
Dear Mrs. Bataan bare be«a thiak- .
ins .of -WrttlaE to yoo for a loait tMr
mad barest sot answd to It. I aw •»las Ui aehod aM tbto U the loarth {
week. I aw la the fourth imde. My j
teaeber'a naaw U Mtiui WwMey^j
Mamma aad I hare tom t
and Ibis fall we)
hM rfaureh. t
Mias Peek. I had a j
lot of fwi tmUshl ridlBS dowe kUI.>
We hare a dog aad bla aawe la Cap
aM be will alt up and beg for hla dia
We hare wM a llttle'enit: be U
ala wombs old. I'lmpe jtra will soon
by better. I hare bad aiy (driure
Nc« wMc wa «m tell you about takra with wy Suadsy scImoI riass
i*a or the aaaanest aM yoaaseai of aad It u r»y atee. Oood'hye.
Mr taiMe.Mewbcra. aad bow be
lares his SoMhlaa baitoa.
CliOord Poster.
Three <>a|>edsHy.CDOd Uais of
hero hare jQst bora added. The btoom Cfcalcr .ebool sends tea i
Harold Kouie sirea
aorea (bob far away PloHd^- Mias
Peail^naaip, vbo u leaekloe
<hh srlster <at Boaror idsad. la. one
at/m aenr iMd frlcndi of the 11. Y.
^^uaablaa aob. and she has orsin/m a braaeh a)tl6 there, vbleb is
to do boatr apeeUl Scnsfalnt'
vark.durias tbe loag wlarer menttaa
vbaa.vths iatead Is aJBKwt shot
(M* tHrcat of the world by aiorma

The eeoaadrawa aad aaagera aent BOt^llCitida. R. P. n. 1. Dee. 12. IM
Dear Mrs. Dates—I tbouf^t I wmM |
by Wyiie Brader are ia followa;
Where is happlaeas fauadT la the write. M l bare aot writiea for sowe]
''iieUoaary, Why obovid aU ootarr peo{ barea*l teea to school for
Uwe ai we bare bad s bad cold
pla ae to root dlracOj alia tear Bemaoa vkw
a fiMc; Bicht ta aiib. MyjiBrie hss got hla aew telepboae
Wkt a a Ois-llka tba wttar K? Be- la. Blebard Wood bsl gooe to Bk
o.baaakMkatr Basty—/o> osty. ftaplda. where be will speed tbe srtoWhat wooM .a B« aay If It could ter with Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. W'lnalc.
k? OU-ajBO Boae at ytnr jaw. MISS Ksbri Oowlea. wbo baa been
U tka drir«c.i)f oa lea araaoo walabi worktag for Kelly Moras, wat boi
«M aooAa what wooM tba aaaa at tka epeod Soaday. 1 hare a pet
back onagk? The lea. Why doM eawed Uat. The sparrows alocp la
opaalbA^'Jrtiv raaemble tba atnuiga our eornauiks sad alwoM Ay iato our

Iha Ala. tka aaaa «a aw—
•Oaaah tbayll bo aarraaU walekla'
Wkareaar ka »ni ba;

mm MW m a taUa'
«ay I do. rn bat:
hiw la the yatlw
fbr fMT he alfht faC wat.
Or AM Ma mmn dhW.
Or olae (all la a


iMt TVM).

I fltcmaa, bl Jaawa. Dearar

,/appm' CM*, m, Jamm, Bnaar
T£a noK


iamaa, 1

■■Wmtaaa Mmoo. tt. iamit, Baamr

Uaa AUad. Mh na»»*a. B. r. D. I.
JMa WUaM. Xttpday.
JoBa aana* TIanloy IL P. D. L
B.P. D.1.
&.P. D.L
’ R. P. D. 1.
jMa Haoirtak. KlaMaip B. P. O. l.
ouve n. a
Many Baht. Cli^-ft. P. D. I.
KoUe Mar. OM Mlaatoa.
maalrnm. Oarnmu CBy. ~
«Maoy Lmo. SombH (Sty.
KOM cut.
. KoaaoH dij.

PCMk.Beedor. PBcartyvma. Fia.
•VhIw Pbaaftr. PMattyoinA Pla.
PoaanyTHlc. Fla.
ICatrio Taylw. MutyrRla. Fla.
toat that a oytoodid Mat o(
aost the oa* year withMa 1*03 there
«kab. .M IkM IM Nat showed 4IB t
vary Isne taomaa onr ihe twartoas
year. ^ start t«ai with' •«!'
MMB. aM H ths mt
aaam ta moaMlaa. this wfH be a r«esad braaktac year fat ear dob. Tou
aarnm MW by. »«dM y



Mra Alia Boeor. agM 74: Mra Claia Doudreaa. aged w; Mrs. ^ila LsfayMic,
aged S3: Misa MMte Lafayeita age^ 12.
wgy'flf eatsrlag Aram
Is braakiag the aeoUag- (CeOlag)a Is a sailw Bora sailor* Wbea
he la aboard <Um ahipl. .
~ Oriati. MIM. Dec. IC. IPM.
Dear Mrs. Bates-I aw a llUe girl
tao years old. aM W a*ster Mary it
L We wtmM Uke-fo JMb ihe 8uahlM riab. We take tbe BeraM and
we like it vary Back. 'Dor teacher'a
MM la Mitt fMrtbe. 1 bare a wHe
to go Id acbMl. W'e bare 33. seboUra
*ool. We are golag to hare a
CkrlatBaa trae at tbe March. My
ler Ocoega wOoM hke to jria tbe
fasahlae clah. I hare Are brothers
aM throe slatera. Pleaise aend oa h
card aM huttoa. Proni
. Sarah Wltsom

faces. One lit 00 wy brother's abniV
def and then flew away. We hare icw
head of cattle .aad thrM head of
to pagip water for, and t toll
yon It to pretty hard work.
sitting arouad tbe Are and bariag lots
of fun, ao I will close for this time.
l^wreiice Winnie Ritter.

Xlngaley. Mlcb_ Dec. IS. I*«4.
Dear Mrs. Bitea—I thought I wonM
write to you. My hnKhcr haa recelrart
bis card aad butioa aad be thinks
they arc ake; h is not long now un­
til Christwaa. We are gotilg to hare
a Chrtstma* tree at onr achoolhouac.
I hare a piece: fbe name of it i>
-Qnndwa'a MtotaKe." It baa two
reraea la It. Well, I guess t will hart
«k RapMi. Mteb, Dei >•*(■
to cdora. BO good-bye.
Prow your flunihine girl.
write to yoa. We all hare a
Age 11.
Beraloe Sayen.
was takeo sick the 3rd of Detyaber.
P. S.-Uy.paiw Ukes the Herald!
il -had the docltw Sunday and s/rads} . We are going to hare a Banit Ctoaa
Dr. Bt^. It U anowlBC today St oiirScbool house,
and there is good alrigbtng down
here. 1 hare not been to school for loaroc Center. Mlcb , Dec. 15. 1804.
Dear'Mrs. Bsiea—I have hot writ­
Uwe. We hare got g aew neigh­
bor. His name la Mr. Pillars. Papa ten 10 yoa for a long time, ao mt
la going down aad gu toaie wood to- acbool a-lil write you and I wlli do my
al B leuer. too.- I'm real aoi^
My. My narie haa got MTlriephone
Id. tW BCD pot It in SatuMay. - Maw yoa arc nut any briter. as f bdpe yoa
aia la wachlag today. Ma and I ha\>- a-llt soon be.' I wish I were near so I
and tec
got goHe a few house ptoata. We have conid
:—7 come-— —- - .you evtty day•tree petualaa.^onr W»iss. one
"*'**'.• au studies are
mtog. ariihweiic. onhegra
tea. Bra car^u. one
and sprilBlnias. one nwbrella plwi.'onc
ing. ft !k s brii^i.-stuny darusday
tileet plaht. -one fererfes
Maderia rina. one fat man pUat an* and it lck>>.s quRe llkl< winter. We
lore-ln-tanslc plant. .,Wril. I wili a-m have an cniertatoweai soon aM
hare 10 clow, for this to thne tor Ihe 1 wU^tM cnald be well enough to
cowe/.jiai it Is vifie a hwg way ti>
■alHhan. an gnud-hye.
edme. As I can think of no wore. I
Bwws n'iuer.
remain, as
. Bik RspMs. Mirh.. Dec. 7..IPIH.
Atoh'd Tow^laa.'
Dear Mn. Batoa-^ tbixtght > waald
srrite-again, as I hare tlore.* t ry'
cclrad wy iwrd and Iwitna aad Ihank
One of , tbe moat
jpe for them. I jras sorr> in hear that Kianres knna-n to an
yoa' wree slok. I hope this wtU Sad peweh tooara

la ICTI tkere took plaea at Baalt gte. Mane a waaderfit
hwpaalBC cereawalal. the Hka cT wkkk was arrer betore
This was Uw aaklM paiiaaaina la tba aawe
of the klag at FTaaer ed aU the rofiM of ibr gfoiu Mhos. aad.
la (aa.«(alMot 'aU the kaova, pan «( Sorth A
Jeea TalM. the go'reraor at Canada, was rarj awbUloas.
aot only for hla own prariaee. katfnr the hoaor sad gkwy of
Pnuwe. AH tbe conatry to the wastward wao wyatectaaa aa i
aakaowB.- It aUght aot be Car baynad that tbe PBeUte.lay. aad
ao the war to Ghlaa aM theorteat.' whlrii way what the whrie
«if Barapr desired most to flad. At aw rate.. whaterar th^
was. lakU slew of the aaUer. MmsM bekatg to Pnaee.
OaglaM Miht keep her Dale atrip alMg the Aitaailr
aeaboard: the Spaalah. If they wera rinwg ewough to
hold It. Bigla bare iboir tlay Mt no the Oulf of
Meike. bat tbe hasiaer of Praara wlih tu goMea UUea west
waraoraraU tbe rest. Petkags hr aM by the whoto aew worU
waMd be a Praaeh possesalae.-wbleb weaM be a weaMcfal tMag
to hSHMS aM one waeh to be destred.
Tbes tkd^ were ragne htola of gnat copper wine* 00 the
shores of'^fake Sapertor, which must seeded 'iookiag after,
too. So Js 1C7A, Takw ordered one DasMot de BaiatedwasM
to aeaiM for these wines, asd at the aaasr time to take toram!
poaaewaioa of the. cosstry. Salatedgiaara look witk kiw a aawU
party of wee and set out at oace oc his wtosloa. WItk kiw was
NlMolas Parrat. wbo acted as laterprater, bat r
of the BMHt IwpoRast amabera of the patty.
the wild aM adVcniBroaa '-rinsers of the woods.' b«l was ra
saoug theai frtM the fact that bo could read and
write, and he kqu a racord of ati that be saw cm' the Jooney.
He was twealyuto years oM. fall od coarage aad love of Mrcatore, had great toflsesee awoag the IMtaaa. aad spoke the tanusage of wany of their tribes flaeatly.
So Salato-LhissoB, when be bM r
lalaada la. the Oeorglao Bay. aioppcd there for tbe vialer, aad
scat Perrbl oat m tbe basIncH of laritlag Ihe IsdUsa to a grrat
weetlsg to he hold to the spriag at 1
tke caastiy ahoaM be tMen. Perm at osoo began bto*wotk.
He srteried wessesgera trow swong tala tsdtos frioads ta go to
tbe far aorth touartto Hudnoo Day. to ask the tribes in that dl
recUoa to cMe toribe Banit the foUowing spring. He btmaeir
wee*, to Oreea Day to lavltr the Indtoas od tbe woMcra eooatrrOther nwaseneera were aem ibtoigh the woods la isasy dfre.'tloaa with almilar I
PeriM wadTlI wlaicr atsokg
Ike westora tribes. aM. aecordlag to bis own aceeoat. bad a gay
«lM Of M. AU the wild pcopleof Ihe woods knew hlw wall, and
whenever be rouebed one of ibrir villages he was reerived wiih
.noisy, welcone and enterislned with sham baiilea. grand ganie.
of ladlaa ball and nafly other diveralOBs. When pprlag <
he started eusiward vKh a great cowpany of Indiana, sawag
who* vara dclegaica trow the SdUwia; chiefs of tbe l>ottawatoailea. Saa. Winaelaigos. Mcnmliiea. and many mbcni. • All
thraagh the late April Mya with tbrir binu ^ coming spring.
Ibrir fleet of caaoni were urged swiftly forward by tbe atoui
brawn arms of tbe atroag ararriora at the paddle, eliding awlftlr
by tbe abarei) of tbe apiier peniasala. ibrir camp fliva ihtinriag
red drama of ngbi far out oa the water hy aigbl, till oa tbe
flfih of Hay they rearited tbe falls of Sie Mary. Mere be foaad
Saiau>Losseu wifb hla Aficca otoo. arnoog- whom was Loals
Joli^ another noted man tmoag the rariy eaploeera at oar
ntry- A brave, handsome trilow be mas. Caaaidton bon aad
ao aim young. cdneBied fri- a priest, aad «o learsM for iboo.'
days, but be bad left-that profeaaloa to become a fur tndor.
which sbowe<l that be was full of ihg spirit of wild adraature
ihai maikefl that class of men. Here. too. were four Jesuit priests
of note. Clasde Dabloa. anperior of all the wIbsIobb of the tokos.
Oabriri- UruIUeto. a very wlae aad leaned man who had had
much to da wKb mtosloiia^ wattcra In Maine, and even na far '
as-the new Pnriun aottlomeni at noston. Claude Allouea. tbe
pioneer missionary of the Lake Sujierior coanirr. Mailoaed at
Ike SauU. aad one Louis Andre.
Here were already pthered d
n the Cfecs. the
Nlpltsinga apd other tribes (ram the north, and from the Karan
penlniuto that lira beeweea the lake aad the 81. Lawreace. whUfrom all tjusriera. as was nsaal in the oprisg Uwe. the indtons
were hstienlag to the fsBMMu flahlag grounds. -At the foot of the
rapids at the Banit there ws/ always a large ladtan village
vrbfre dwelt a tribe called the Saaieurt,^ But now besides ibcm.
all along the swift river, were ranged couhtlesa wigwams of bar’:
or rash mats, or Ar bongbt, swarming with dusky aouaws and
tbrir broods et copper colored babies and little folks, and ibo
tall wairiora atalked in and outrawong them -in a dignlfled art)!
Or atopt at night hr.raddy camp Area wrapped in rabea of fur.
It was a-baay spot awktot tke focesi solitude that ■treicbed ou:
on erery aide aroaad it. and Ihe ahrill cries of children at play
or tbe wboe^ of the aolty yoaag wea and boys mlagtod with
Ike rank of tbe rapids and tbe .rash cd the wind through ih-'
plan aait the ee^ara.
At length all was prepared, aad oa the mornlag of the
'fourtaenlh of Juc the camp atong tbe river baaka began to M
deserted aa from erery wifwam eaiae warriert la ikrir won
r, aguawa bearing oa ibrir backs tbrir brawn pe:*ponses strapped in bands of baric, boya aM gtrto raaalag'aloas
by the aide of tbeli* parents, and even the ladlaa dogs sltokiac
stealthily along after iheai. Above the rlUage was a bill: neeby was the Jeault wtoslOD. Its little ebspri .-ad bumble dweUta,{
i by s pallude of rough eedar logi. The aun
was high to tbe.rast sod the beainirul banks of Sle. Mary were
more benaUful than cyer Is the golden anwaing light, the ptoes
aad cedars aM graeefal flrs abowlag dark against the leader
green cf the elau aad maples that grew with them. Below, the
niahlDg rirar was white with taowj foam as It leaped ftow out
tbe great lake and swept aroand Its pretty lalaada that trailed
their evragrecn friagra in the water, or dasbed flereriy agslasi
tbe gnail granite roeks that lifted tbrir dark Acoda above lb
rapid curreat. BeyoM lay Lake Superior, a ahMng mirror. Its
bigh Kia.vt line, purple with the morning tnisu. fading out to
tbe dtouaec, till It blended w ith the far borlron 'where sky and
waeer seemed to meet.
All aJoi« (he blltoldc the Indtoas stood to dusky ranks or
ral on Ike graaad. gating ap to-wlde«red.w(wdra. Hera wrre
stsioly chiefs freni tho bend watera of the HississtppL cr from
the ttat River of the Nonh. there a gnwp from the pniriea of
the llUaala «aMlag etoaa-hy the Huraas from the mysiertoaa
-SagtMW eonatry to the aoaibward. Sowe wora heavy mantles

eioikfea at laatbara Oafttr w«vc« saaiaBar .srith rttooli «smar«
IMS ibe wOi Mho or ooQie. whila maar a stahrsn wonbar
AwdaMsg sock WiyeiM wort oatlr • taamtj mmmx at, kamr.
akia OimWB Miaoi kU aloewr walai. CMIan of icriaaiy heora’
daws, braedeta *t raitliaail-e'a akta. or. skastber still, a kMte
tt honaa acslpa ^ loac Mace of toailas hah- ware sceaAr
wore, to thdrm bristly scalp toefcs. or aMostkdreaal Mark
btaida or hair sieawM aearlei bird piawea'er thr fray .tcaihsn
at the great war edsle Ooi tiaa the atldst et ibU wraga attlr>
ibrir *cra Mawa sloawiar with paJai pat ea la thr awat.
,slartllBg &ahioa. Herr was a warriiw with a aiM ed Mar.
ebeeka black aad the rest of hti (ace red: tkere owe with hsra
of rad. yriiaw aM Mack draw* tnwi fecrlwM to ehla; aM yat.
aaother wboaie Mwk 't
glared ksreriy oat Is a Maedeardliag way.
A.little apart stood .the fottr priests, pc^pa the Mat '
BiHkiag part at this great asacwbly. with ibeir'pale (wra aai
Mares aeada.' thelr straight Week gowaa fbIHag to their MSdaOed tan. with roeary aad cross haagiag fro* thaW glrdlaa
aM thetr dark eyes lllled with a steady, caraew Iktkt. ssriag
anther QUr June woraiag. MaWd lake or rasbWg rtrer. bet aaly
' -She hoMrads of hraiben souls whian-rWg. Mogrd to roaran
to ibeir iBlib.
Oa the auwwK «d the hill were tatberad i
sad kM UtUr larad. tbe k
t ta pltsMd hau BM
sailonw cd white, aenrtec and grid, ike royageura flay la tke
brmrery at toaiber friaged Jarireis and IcflMcs. with red aaahn
ewbraldcrcd with beads and a-awpuw abou their walsu. aad
ihrir kewda lied about with bright baadherMleft or ecrend with
pointed caps of red or blue with a gay laaaoi h
one side.
Could a great arUat paint ihla pIriuM what-a a
one It waald l>r!
CTo !«• rootiBHid.l


I MMivie enter. MWu Dee. ir. i*M.

Monroe Onter. MM..1»e. IS. TAM.
Dear Mra. Bates—I wiu arite you 1
Dear Mra. Bato*-I thoagf^ I tsaaW
tetter. I am aorry to hear you are sick | wrlie yoo a few lines sM ao# haw yoa
aM hope yon will get better. I aw | were geilag akatg. | am |a ackaol
going ta grandwa-s for Chrtotwas. My !^ now. ( aw
sw la raudJag aad tsasrasr
studies are rradlac. spelliog. laagaage. aad artthdetic aM spriitog.
onhograMy. arithmetic. We had a that you were onlie alck. Then ara
bos aorial at ibe tiSiOol boose ik>- ihlnye«#<M the roll rail now. I am
slght briore Tbaakaglvlag. .1 bare eievra yean old the sath of Jake.
s bratber apd sister: ibrir names Plraae seM am a eacd nM batioB. fto
ara Hanrid
and Bkiaoom.
We ibU la all for this time. ,
ride_^<lopn bill . immi' every day
wh^lt la idraaaat.
I am tea Uoarae Center. Mich. Dra. 8C. 18M.'.
yea^ old. I kw . la the POorih
Dear Friend Mrs. Datiw—Wkito I
There arti iweatyaeveu iwhol am )b sebonl I Uve thne u wrila a
'ara In school toMy. la lirtiool 1 aP few Mora aM Wytm kraw I am wril
with Roaa Clark. Good bye.
and hope -you are the same. We are
Calto Hort^

OUT pfeees Aar r
UMitie Center, M|eh.. Doe: 18. IPM.
I wish you riwld-be at onr 0
Dear Mrs. Dateu—I will write a.let- meal. I am tbirtoa yean oM. nnd 1
fhrloyou. We Just got thraagh rcM- am in the FViurth grade. Thera at*
isg. I heard you were atrii. We are Ihlrty-fto in <m> sobuol. We have a
coing 10 have .pieces here CbrtotaM good teacher; bv naato to Miss Hon
Tb«ra are twentyHerea acbedara ai ton. Onr sehool to crowdnd. Wo have
trbonl. 1 am la the Third book. My •to alt two oa the froM araL I was
atoier to la the Pourth grade. I am elek Wedneadsw aM hM to may oat
niac >'<Ars old tost November. I am the ae« daj. tITiera are yog flalag.
alamai through the book. Tkere are Christinas; Wril. that to all t ciaa
■seven alcds at acbool. We ara goiag
iblnk of itato lime, ao good bye- Prtaa .
loTrararae'CUy ftortatmas. I mde vi yjwir bwlag friend.
sritool this ranrniag. This to all I'csB
Marry Noblager.
Ihiok »rf BOW. fhwMl hye. from
Monroe Center. Mkk.. Dec.- IJ. IM4.
Harold Horioa.
Dear Mra. Datoa—I am 1a attoool to-'
Mnaroc Center. Mtoh.t D««. IS.
•toy. I am very aorrr you ara akk.
Dear Mrs.'. ItoKw—I am going ;o
My papa takes the Record. 1 Ulm ta
write a letter to you. We have Ms of
redd the poetry pieces in.U. I go to
Ciia. We have ao organ in the acbori
iiebooL . I aw is the FUlti grade. Mr
aad one of ib’o dVto pl^tw It. Wo
atadies ara rcndtng. grammar. vr*l-'
bad . an enlrrtattiment V the acbool
tog. anhography. cetspaphy. aritkflto
Thanksgiving iar. We had piccra
tic aad sprillag. Mlaa llortan ta aar
apeak. We had a boa aarial. I aw in
teacher again iMa year. 1 totve two
the thIH render and 1 sriH'miOB be la
walk to school . I am flBIM
the fotmh trader. I can rMe down
to try to go to sekooi every day I can.
bill and akate on the poad whea It to
Tbe evening before Tkaafcagtving «a
hard. We draw plriarea on ibe^toekbsd an eniCTtalameat.
After tk*
tben we color them and
apsakiag we had a hos aortal. W« are
Dice. Tbcy are oa tbe
goiag to have saotber rnirtlsIaiM
am ie tbe fourth
the Friday before Cbriatmaa 1 Wtak
: sprillag grade and wy brother
you woold be w^li eabtigk to rnwf I
iihe third sprillag. Hy alsier to only
hope ybn will soon he braiar. Thw m
i two years old. but she will aaoa b<*
Is shlalag toby, bat u to suite coU.
; three. I was eleven yrera old the I3ib
}olB tbe SaoahlM clah. oa
I of October Your Mag friend,
I would like to hare a card aM bettan.
Anna Mlebrii.
I win try and be a llttta Scaaklna
. Monroe Center. Mich.. Dt-c. 16. 1804.
girl. Wril. I guess I will close for
Dear Mrs. Dates—1 ibougbt 1 would
this Uwe. so good,bye. I rMasta yaar
write a letter to ynd. t hope you will friend,
get tieiter and come aM aceourscbool%e1ta Koflatagiw.
1 Pin Id the third reader. 1 woold Hke
to join tbe Suaablne riub. There arc Moarae Owtar. Mick, Oac. 16, 3M4.
Dekr Mrs. Baira-1 tkoogbt I woold
thlrty-aeven scholars in our sMool.
W. .r,
I. I..,. « 0,»TUI«• f«w
— It
_______ Chrisunas. We have sboai a
foot of aaou- no*. I aw going m I
Mthool and wy itoler Rectos la going 1“ »'
« 'I*** « ■» »■
too. I aw eleven years_ oW, Wril. I
OM lolaed tbe Sunshine club. 1 will
will close for this time.' Good bye.
I kindly ask you for a card aad butIM.
Albert Kllnkner.
It to class tlBta so I man ctoae for
Monroe Center. Mlcb.
Dear Mrs. Dstea-H tkoaght I would ibU time. ‘
Andy Ctork.
drop a few lines and see if you were
getting well, i hope you wlll-get bet­ ' Monroe Center. Mlcb.. Dec. 16. 18*4.
Dear Mrs. Rates—I will write you a
ter and eowe and see our acbool. I d
Like to )nlo the Sitnablne club. I am tew ilaea. I beard you wore atek asd
In (be Third gmde sad have oaly right wish yew would ge' better, in
pages to rcM and titan 1 will U- the Third gri^. I bare aprillsg.
ibroock wy reader: It to called ibe reading. wTUtog. tonguagt-< aritbmetlr.
Ualdwtn reader. Ttfe spelling book is t have a bratber and staler. Ther
called Harri.agtM-i spriitog book. I both come tu rebool. I have ben
aw ten yeais old. We have as many irtd.. There are twentynieTea aebot, scbotors ss thirty-eeren when they ars in sebonl. l_aw nine yrara old.
are aM jKre. 1 have two brothers aud Pk-ase send BH- a card and battan.
a sltigf My slater s name Is Rosa and It Is bricbl out in-day. We have a
I BT broiker's name Is Claud We had dog nkmeu Jumbo. I bare a aUle ^
'a good time on Thsskagivtnc and are a half to walk to school. -I go to
I going to bare pieces oo Cbrlsitnar.- scbool even' day ihsi 1 ms. . I will,
•l 1 go :n school every day. I sent op close for this tlmo, go good hre. Mram
- - Doaa Ctork.
■ and got some boriu an<l. earned
I bate a big I Monroe rvni*-r, Mlrh.,.Dec„ 16.18B4.
1 Hiileon aemeg them;
I lob to pcdille.itaew. I went flows,
Deer Mrs. Dates—I ibeugbt I woaM
'soutb tori fait and was at Waytoad write a iamhaet to you to tot ytm
i and Gram/ Rapids. At Iasi i came know thatjWveee all wed and hope
ere geulng letter, 1 have a flao
Miaek asd went to nemlnn, I stayed a: j
a honne. After a while -we renU-d B|ilme at school ndiw slown hilt,
boose for ibe winter and wy pa went | had ih<- pleusre fraaKfl that poo gave
to camp and stayed for the winter, aixl '■ we. I have sto rtossei: they are toai be caara twrk only Saturday ni^ts. I goage;. rradtag. aritkmeile. «i4tto*- la the apriae wi- came hack
ptora. and tbete we ara y<-t. Well. 1 me a card and botion. TriMi your
i will aapf good bye. ^Vem
Apaa .HarTtaroa.


M ’i



Ihome cheer

In tlivir ehU-

fectiy dear; place oysten I

dren: y«t. if (ber «A>7 Amw tt. a Ie«

wtth tbe'Jetly. bavtag first

■iBotn or brilAt. aaaiin' table talk


bosie. ani nisk mbtake for pcrcats (Mr own Hqaee. aeu^. remove-frta
brlag to tbe Mat tb^r Ktpteattlee fire an^ let cool. To two dotea oyatera
B roa. Br caulag arts Idicben btOe. Mre< beip. cw. If add a iMsponofal aad a half of vtae-

mar be b

eii)«blag (rf ibt* klad ia
thooM be vllb a ptaifal toacb.erhicb

vho bare doae tht Mea tbiaga vtU

vftl ran tbe Uoabtea laio laa^ter of a bead of celery into dice aad mis
aad let tbem evaporate, ai. for (a- with tbe-oystera. adding a haH capful

Forget ibo

act niwlr ■ai^jr-aU 0«


peraliarltiee oT


rriMTda. forget their taolu,

•oaafe ami Utter otreaa.


M^area, forget all tbe f
tbe road teade boac?
11mm! tbe


muon, served hot

ins Uble talk sysieaiattcatly bare been

natared temper, a ebeeiful manner, a

lowing method;

bealtbfol boar.

A number of effective ways of Indite-

Pwgmaii* keeps at

Uy wrinkles and oU age.

It IxauU-

Snadsy. sad cold with hot vegetal
sad apologies at Mondays wash-dav
straggliog about

la the momtag, each one was asked

the tdeactaed

bobe OB Tuesday. Bveo hot vegeubW.

to tell what be or she expected to ac- -one of mother's rice ptiddlng*.” and ;

fles tbe cottotenaace aith a beauiy.all

coDpllsb during tbe day; at noon, the warmed-over apotogfes sill aoi palm
Us own—peace, conteotment. beallh. geseral aabject was. -What I bare ■ be wreck off upon a Clirtottan
tbe memory. keep« leaned this moralng." and at nighi
mma's dinner. Scrape every monel rt

awe precioai than betora.
Ob. yoa all! not niad tbe toaraer wKb
neb bletiedoeoi la store.

.youag and-dirlle tbe pities of

WbeB*Hbe roa^ds hoa»e.

every one told at ibe tuooiest or best

mlod. eiasiic aad agile tbe mosriee of

Ob. yoa arai not mSa /he roagbaew tba body.
DOT tbe stMpaess of tbe war.
.^How eball yoo forgei?
Her the ^01. nnrenod momlag. aor

By turning

(he reatombraBce of annkasaat tbli

' Aad yoo vm not take a taratag to the

A mile practhm raaulted la-

amusing, edifying, and wven.ia-

it the back of tbe stove for four
S|- five hours.. Strata off the copfol of

spiring talk, the general subject each itquid sod thicken with a lump of but­
time bring used only as a slarier.

to your
inwer and dea'y them a tooibold there.

meat from the bone, crack the tatter,

thing that had hsppenbd to him since oover with cold water and Ik It slmmwBlag.

)-o«r mlod to bapiAer thing*.

ibe dr^aeiu of day:

-Another bright

ter rolled ta bcosned

read, or go some pUw.



and M-provoklng

with sail, pepper and tomato caisap;

Acme for table bt to have at each

stir into it the cold mutton cut smalt

Hat go atralt^i abend, aor tiaabic at Torn you thoughts Immediately in the plate a wrliteti eooimdrum or funny.
that hare Ixten yours graph. (o be tnirodaeed at some poluf
Ptor the road leads h<«e.
Jk^ tbe
tbings aa} of the conversation where It will fit
"And otteb for your'comfort-yoo a-lll idaee in your tbeugbis. Pick up a book Tbe cfforiJ of each one to work the

and a handful of bread crumbs. Mrea'
lag aome of these on’W: ba^e itmil
Ibe surface ImbWe*. drop four or flve
Kcgs upon U>e top. pepper and


Gel oot

o suit the subjerl

It baa wiadom for tbe lalpd and sweet In tbe fresh dir and walk or ridr. PUI
ibe mlad eo full of oiber matters Ibr.
■olaee for tbe heart:

of hb bon mot 1» inrarlably eclennin-

there uniH.ibe eggs are "set."

ing. and leaves a<> dull ammenu.

—a warm, ravory entree that will fill

read the guide and itiari.

there wUl be ao room for dUagremthk

It trin-aerre you as a maalor. U wtU

tbe eodlag soon or Ute—

them, set bsck ta the o\-aa and leave

Anx muifaer can make a meal chait.v , mtlsfieiiirilv-


cnMe you sow aad straight

• WTiat would yo* llk-e to be doing ten

lei all tbe disagreeable hap^lags of

years from aowr’ "What did you sec

Moral—Make a study of scraps, and

tbe day slip out of your mind ami stak going to or from your workT’ "What Ik
—New Orieaim Plqayn«»- Into oblivion. Blot them out. aanlblUte your pleasantest recollection of child­
tbem. and pennU an resurrecHon.
hood?" etc-, according to the p.twonto sleep with tbe thought of pleasant nel of tbe family.—Aad it's dll wnrtb


roie forth,


la Joy 1 wUhed It might be ah •

things la poor mlod. and begin tbe

while, for the l.righiacss or gloom -rf

next day as though U was the first day

those three times a Jay the v-ear round

of alt your life, tbe Ust day. tbe onir

have a targe Influrnce la the live* of

ways day;


all of tis. and a IHtle tbougbi aad can-

despise mu

atm U orer shtolbr. *<>« Uu

' aaiib


nat tarns ber face away."
-Oood HooMkaMiUg.


If anythin# disagree

Then If anoiher day

may well be expcfuled thcreoa.

oyalers ‘ iduch the right apoT as they j

To forget—that Is what we need.

wTtmgs. tbe bluer


ju to forget.
Praeliee it.

body. a^baMid wbUb U ^Ing prare.1
onr sad over again
fh) foUowing

srientidr mm. getUng:


of als-ays

Become an expert at for-

Train thU


of the

the;memory win bare fewer things to
mmember and It will become quick

E> happiness <>r

and alert In remembering the things

tbe Indlvfdnal and tbe borne makes II that are worth remembering.
i "Home not ha Ambered atUi the d
Mneb ts «M and -written nawaday.

given ID the beautiful ihiags, to the

d nHlvatiag tbe memory- Scboplt: worth-whUe things.

I Mtabllabeg

for the par-

icry caltnro,


No matter what boMoeaB j-on
pnraulng. no matter what literary aub-


,o4. If


will not

in the Ulsters hrij»
to form a m-« skin and shootd be kept |ss tong a» posKihle.

and aed^n w^h

bnuer and pepper , Woman's Fnnn Joamal.

seayon with salt and serve.

This t-

Fried Oy*ter*-Take

r ami half a cupful i

A Labor Saver for Wash Day.

prooounced a "royal' stew.*’

ter pancakes, and then fried. They are

a i«n on the stove, leaving th. m ibert- 'H

imx-.-*!- for I'M-ntr rolnuii-**

1a the liquid

ihe r!olh.*K Inio a tiDilui of uuK-r. rob

I with all our memory tralateg
Parbapi more of




Rapids. an« of Ibe brightest

most vermatite of Mleblgan's writTbe"first of these sketebM. which

us need to

leara bow to fargn than todqara bow


»0; remember.

C^iier. ai>i>«arw In this issue of Jbe pa-






-tor_ Homi

laamed juti as easily as r^ember- pCT.
lag. bat ll nqulree axactly tbe oppoktad .of traintag.

Even kwralng

forget (be tiitagi «« ebould
torgK wlil help «e to-remember the

We were aot bom to high estate.
We dare oot hope In ymutaie
Tbe mighty and Uje grea«:

But we can do aome, little 4biog.
Tbe tbtaga tbat,are impleaBaat. the Just feed a son! that*a hungering.
Ibt^ 4bat irritate, the things that
>B waler bring.
make ua feel bitter and gnMnd.— Such humble-Yeryter all the While
tbeae are tbe tbln^ we eboaM forget,
(be things we should discard and baa-

Will aorely earn the Master's smile.
Lighten each |peary mile.
A taring word-Kta outstmehed hand

-Tte bealth of |ke body, as wril at

cause some brother gm to stand

»mladi depeada ofitm fmgKitag.

or draw wreAec nves to land.

To l« (be memory of a wnmg. of an­

So Iri us then fresh oourage take,

gry words, of pMiy meanitees, linger

lly tewly deeds, saeei duty matoe.

•bd rankle la ynar memory will not

-Working fur CoDselei(ee-s sake.

Mtly dtastgata y«v mental caeam but

For others, tame that- glory ^np.

M Wiu met gpern Uie body.

The ee-

Tbe pride'ri place — dark

erettaas will be dlmlalshed, rilgeatlod
impaired, sleep

distarbed, aad tbe



Ing U'wliPapt unde-it: bot


make you Irrltabta. bitter aad abgry.


oysters and


Outir and prrnr t he liquid rm giadually

bread, be gKren to hal.tes till they U*-

Sea»..n with onedrail teaspoon aaU,

gln to "dcooi.~

add tbe oyst-r*. And aa soon aa h.wted.

first appesraqor of saliva which U n>e
esaary i<> the

Walled Ojwters—Make a wall abooi
une-baU inches

high and

potatoes, well aeasoued. on

the rim of the platter

This 'druolihx
dlgesiiun of

Is the

WTiea -larehy foo,| i* gUen before sal
Iva b«'gln* to Coq, ll ifiisres. ici.. ibe';
Intestines imilig.-»|ed, aeaVenIhg iht-

When Eggs arc Scarce.
Spiced Cnoktes -One CB^ul .:f mo
(ol-«< warm water ooe large teas|KK>n
ful at *oda. two thirds of a capful
imtu* tor part dripnliutsf aadonc tea

la.lolks aKtla' dowaan' feedta' them

(be stock or gflatta.'antl hgat. , Into spotmiul each of eta. rs. ctahaAm and

M your meiiKWy ^ lei it tetern to

selvM as if they was stuGn' a (hraak-

the stork rat two amall

the one gbo amt It.

ta' machtae."

“ per oae.oae.-a
a few blades
of a

SEoald be well lO follow, and one wbkb

will retars agala mita tba sender.

to aaglerted by


many tuulhiws wbu'

If roar frktada prove false and cast have rnuog more "culture** than. Mrs

ytm off. do M boM it ta anger agalaat Jim pcasmsed.
tbM. bat raiber pity ibcat!

Tin^ maay hotu.cwlve*

Keep a

Hatlevs and wwary'Sl mmlilBn'

- «dwr mmaeieace! «ad forgM (be mile

Ural they dmul makiag <ha effort to

, jMtaaaKd, tba paly lasaaawarn, tbm talk





-r-s>.-- l,a*ti..r M.i'-tj,- lUusar" I.) Mrl.tag ('


.-VK tK.f.>rc.


or onf ■ giager: mix son. and mil thin;


1 of irdb^. relen
HavV>^^ ;aad peppered tdi fnls of sunr unr cupful ol

Rome aSfi a
Jutes or rtaegar.

- ii(, hr ntiu.»t>; ji'M only ta PtaMii. bni’

U. <.

cb. *

Hhkh Ilm ev'.-oi rff oar I

. {KMVihlc.


. earm-Ki l<

; ?r.l r- iuiiathQ o.'

iii^i''ta'l daring U-years

!;iit):fii!i> , hiotcsH.-jUi.l cMI.

- To M. m.-r ; il

• will «l*f* a- gnat aa mere

Itiisis''*^ in.-r lrt*l-o


lasses, oiu-cupfpl of suXAr-half a oip

rreamed 'o}-slcrs

l«r ihU wlih(ji<mard
to ber stepsons;- ."I
"I alwa;
alwan made the \o Jelly oysters, either ta a mast stock
or ta getatlB. rnr a pint of Jelly uk<
1 dopt beUet*

It Is a taw. that that ^icb U seat out

’o‘eiK.1. dtliciuit* aad mvUy.

.llgesllve iK)W«Ti;aBd causlac paln.

QIaxe with

ly coBceii If

which -If

H |>v-HHe. I,iiy a .love hailny
.1 t nrrsi.c.'i.i.'iii lie same M la e.K.1

- T*i iiff'-r f..r -.ol--. tl
thn.i:ch.»il .*'>r

IS a rill*' for
An old .!oci<>r rIkKiaret.r foqd
milk to-make 111 eups; melt S tabic ' mothers irr folio*
such a. cereals. putatrM-i,. crackers or

Poor .in the center of thto a quart ol

/" '



spoons of butter; arid I laMesporra .>f

beaten egg and brown tlghtta ta ovoa.


- T'l

dPBta; atrah the liquor, add enoug**

km Cberryatan. ’

The suseeaUoa

Iiu[i'i- ■

m-.-c-al i.'.l.!; ■ . v

until ptamp. and

phyataaiiy aad tawtaHy. > CSA R out
It is sura tg do



T^le -embraidcrtea.

Season <rtth aall and pepper
Itaur over the dish H"
I.rnriilr shwts rtf tblrk. .nff wrapiiltii:
all the Juice of the oyst.«a and h Ufile
'|iaper.-tai ihe itaen <.r laee 1a th- |m
mlik. Cover with bread cnimh* doi­
per. r<>ll up lightly, snap an els.;:
ted with biiE of botier. and bake lo a
band nsimtl and Uit ta a draw-r a*a.)( oven (or about twqoty mimiiea.
from the dun.
Creamed Oysters—rfeat oee pint of

Win raaol upon you harmfully, both hmw talk at Ue table.

ao wlihoat any affon on your part tot

Inusly (-t. ar.

and bit* ri bntier.

The 6«CMd Mra. Jim. that awat sro
sible ana KMfonabta of atept^her*

forget It.

game PoinU About 0<l Slovea.
-Ii >11-I »ani >..iir in! r.*.! mg -ii.".•
■lo guo.1 wiirk It ii.ii't i.|. |.,ii >r-ri|*i,



yoo. treated yoa oonieBiAwoualy Is H e elii ap <t
Wlifa an Iip tis .8 boll, (h/'rt a.Id quaneml MldKi.ii „l: r»i ?• o ri-.k l» ready for all | wrir vi.iill apple* arc clear aBd-tcade*.


'vv.-rul eml-n.ld.'rt-il law it-ni.-r pli-v»heaping teaspoottfol'of ftai.r and p„, ;
‘=>' u liii-h ari'^M'il .M-eai-ii.nMIy a'l’i;' I.'|
Isio the apace left ta Hie regv(al>ii
into 111.' rt.tar schem*' with nhich tlic '
- e
I table i- d-.-vrrated. The careful i.«-ner
Scalloped, OysiCT*-Butter
fire proof baking dish and fill wl;h al i ■


Tha •ntSat TMla,

, .-,.mci a prrtly red color BtrMa Jalca.
Tbt- wk-ki.w* sieves are the mon.,and add oBc and one bgir eapa of *osutWaciory. and the beri on tJtMimr.;ar. Pi.i ta a aiuonan and Ut comeM


Most houri-kei'iM'iK tisn. In

*■ come to a lioll. and thicken with n

(hreefoqrths tarb vide of oae quart

Itas wnmged yon. baapad ataadrr upoa

of baking i-mdcr: t.;.i one
mill; a
• "I"' ■-'I- ■
;iilv it

half a pint <rf milk, on.- iable.-iKK.nfoi

tbealc. and a good medtaloa for the.
Written for Home Myrtle

to tmil wl.b Justt raaoA water'
11 ihc^n be;«o ooter. and boll nnill

smtAIng. so j put

of butter, pepper and salt to ta*ie l^*'

one and

If ^ one bas bees meaa to yon.


no can*- for being.

.............. .

brown lightly. Take iwo dosen oysters I

FtcgMttng ta a spIcadM aMiui calis-


In the iisiini‘'nianuvr. and rlnw.

oi .r „s.
egg. ....
and pu,
put ..
It .P
in .....
the ..— ... I

pour over slice* of toast.

... ..a--. II,11.^^^.

caMrat haaHh aaffer to e


l«P '»<'«’■>

Tli<-ii lif' - g< in I

ifte rlollies. Thestv
luttun siifi-'n* ih*' dirt an*l n> itn- sara.
ojater Pie—For a delicious oystci |'|
lime wtiU. n* the rl<iil!i**c not Irarmini
pie line a vegetable dish with masbe t
lirt-par^itaup- d.*,
Itotaio. Brush U ovej •lih th« while

t.*rnate la.ven of bread rrtimlw and

things w«

lab to

Let boll just ime minute.

""S I*'"'

son .and serve on freshly made crisj*

«e bboold' also leant the an of lorgetttag.


large, tne, fre«li oys­

^ueh as wmelltrik

0* m*-}t-fi logrthcr .me pint .rfoii rcslsivred against the oil

toast in a bot UKp-plate.

front Mrs. Myrtld Koon Ckerryiuan, of

aUek urbto credit.'


of rich b»> ini1k..s^lr gently aad place

tag able
that daring the next few months It

IpiwiMor bat ii la ad vseh caplUI wUl (oataln


a nlce.garatah for fish.

A wemralned memory U

W oaly makes a«aotb the way of Us

wood stoves and thereby save timp^

Ing pow.'i r^ t* >el Ibt* inhex wUh
ir* (» r.-moM- j
JaHlad Appkaa.
targe..dip them 1a braten egg*. <hca in ; tag .I.Mc.-:
While yonr Uillerfid „( 'oaspoonfuU
flour, or fine bread rnimbs. and fn
l« fccunti- place ihrK* ieas|>ooB- t•■**P®'’nl'*l ‘d elnnamoBi -half a l■•a- ranj pi»«fible oiivirm-tlou to the fnv.j
Warh and wtpe dry etHMigh aao« bpThe.v are also gfwl
if' kor>K-ne one half
bar of fP“«»fulol grai.*d iiuimeq amt a pmeh itaw of the olh if
proddlag werr.| plea lomake. «bni cut up. oM fiiail.
dipped inio a halter like that Jor oy-.' , *hav„l stop and.on.* quart of water in “f
»“f- "*'* —n. and b-at .m .rrgutarly Hu- mam ro^tainl.v. j.Save all nk* porttoaa of —-------------

uiatily to beallh of mind and body.


lirhsbtaFof lh<' exposed parta and a

.......................................... araldln

them in lard.

la aeceasary id aocccaa. buslm

very naefnl. faculty to poMsa

ImlifT t(x a

• is cl.-aning out of-the oil lank. I'an.i fu.-l.
<r. aiu; aiM a cupfid of will;. nn*asart* 'j aiktU);

The dnidgi-O' «>f wash day ««

.. II Ml., .ad ibn. add . h.ll ..pW

put experienona, bad ao on. and

Ask Your Druggist for a Free Peruna Almanac for 1905


add oysters, let come to a Ixdl only

:-iniil iheaoapUdUsoUed. Tlu-fl m.iir
Oyster ToasL—Put over the fire “ the wduilon in'o -u,. iK.ii.-r
Sow pul
‘hair teaeupfnl of
"* ’ n the first boll t*-.*
•"(*«. «.
' article
a a-tlme.
tag tb solve, take up the study of for)uff all sAm whieb may a
.nd .lom I. ibr r.K-r
liftlne u
!^he date of dUTerent e’vmu.

ungbt to
“** “«"• J^ yon max be atodylng. tw matter
• ^ ao Ibat Uey mar be able to T«- what sciantlU

very good tblnic.. A good m«

Peruna is 'recommended by fifty members'di
Congress, by Governors, Consuis, GenenUsi
Majors, Captains, Admirals, Eminent Physidaas,
Clergymen, many Hospitals and public institu­
tions, and thousands upon thousands of those la
the humbler walks of life.

Many p-o|.te kt'-op a iHUtle of linseed |
riety to suit all
ulLaod lime water on a shelf roail^ for j
Oyster 8few—Put tbe liquor from uw in CUM- of trarainc. but It l« not as t
the oyatera OB the Move, lei.lsdi. akim. cooling as the flhsl named rcnnvllo*.— j


-things and all ila attention will be

Cheer- etHiorial.


..venlng Mthering. ihej ^

give Home l>epartimr.i readera a va

Make a study of It.

from Hrdteal mind onlil It U strons and virile. Then

Talk on "The HeaMbruinaae of.Forget-


Served either as the chief counte lor i
dlaaer. at supper. •braS a special fea. I

monis,—Just Id them go. doa% bang
U then.days of gro»Ug belief la
tbe eUae ooanecUoa tetweea mind and


a cloth _
remedies are

do daring the chlU. roldwtaler,ro«wiljia. I

All the petty annoy-

. alt tbe vexing trriUUons. all the

meaa wtmdt, all the ankhid

rm €Mt^B tshk.

is'that simple home nmedle*

Srratie or graio a raw potato quickly |
An Oynlar Chapter.
and btad the pulp like a pouItlM oo |
There U no Ome In the year when____ ______
make saleratus Into a!

make it better, than tbe 'ooe before.

Just to forget.

For Biima.
s are such frequent and painful
(hat are

should know.

1 remembering only tbe things thsi am



of alndUi Imre lowes.

among the things every b.uisckvepw

Is^glven you,

ksrriy and- lovable.

the day of acStii

spoonfuls of cold variables, the pinch

able intrudes, gi nlgbifali bkn it

aaamad to any.


And aukc ibis day a record of

S1MI memoriea.

Bat In my seal a pw«!«t rolee •


a housemaid of

ner" of John's stomach.

And tbe read leads borne.

• Aa «p tke easwn iky ibe saa •



by a few aril pui quealionK. such as . mine once described as tbe “meal c«ir-

Every night «s the sun _^s down

All tbe time that yoo will looraey. be



tried, one family havlBg taken ibe fol-. dianer. shows perhaps a i»um1 of leaa

(be uaaWaa aarlr rrat


A fitudy of SerapaThe

yoarseU a snaay dtsposlilon. a good-

mm roar bolding oball be glrea back

left or to tbe rtgbt.

- *-

■Why. here I am laugbiog. and ti'v

By forgemag yoo will develop for

aad bUaiftt] ebalier

wbare te glad aad faU ooatent
■Aad eotapaaloubip of kladrcd; aad


la mock tragic tonea:

forget j«nr aa-


«a ice till wanted. Cut tbe tender part

mother ' broke into tbe of maviiaoiliie. - Decorate with celery

sui^ ooe

table merrimcBi the pther day, to any.

ber onlg tbHr good QoaliUee.

Heat aad coM. and totl and sorrow
—IwUI be beaJed

gax. ooe of oil. a Utile pepper, aad set

« oat of jrtw. mUKl. f®" «aa ■»«»
reaelir aad bavpOr. whUe Ute oa«
be tbe oatr ooet to soffer.
net H

them aatil plomp and'!

mukM. Berve o* small plaiea. Oyater Salad—Blew the oysten -la'

The ooBverMika el taMe etaootd be
irefteral aai of aiutaaJ Intemt. eeee at



troali .be tbe ben poaalMe cnta for taktag care to bare eacb oysier ea-'
cased la tbe Jdly. even after H H
fbic rerr lanltoda

of [ half a eufdul of butter, three cupful* «<

The posse&siun o( oae e( cnruiK PtafiOfi wsffld Mic ■fip'
riBOkioj-oar bomsarerr ^v^fartar I90S aai Isr^ay.
ytars t# coae. la vbat better wa.v coald foa suit tbe New
Year? Will yoa make «s bappr br ffinaf |i5lbe*womiliy
•f sbtwtoc .vtio oaHlae fii4 cx|4al^ tbe mu; tinsufa
•( draliiiff with as?


The Jell? ‘ flow Into wbh-b has been sittod half s

Bitst be firm, evea when tbe a^ltions * icaapoonfui of aoda and one laMV®®*
lave been madq.

Let HKqi dUti tbcitiil of baktng

powder; ffsvor alth

la weU MMoied with the to i grafcd te*oa peek

antfai^ of g>«UeaU;wheDdoM.auatoaattl»M-|

Splec Cahe-Rnb «me capful «( aur 1

...i .





A I»»



Paces SHill


tMMrt at tto lavM
rm itadvM BM«4.

«ork ct tbe tawd of

I, ptMMteat ad the
' » viu
t Talk aad the kaair here wlU be la
f S.B.1WP.

baaa Inklbte
Rer. n. te»enr
etir slBce mr Vorlas
arias bte
hit BUT

MTiOtr tMi that TSS
other district.
The bodr was ukee to Oraad RapUt
Sasilw kflonouo to the boair «( hit
taiher. JsBM Baperur. CC South Jeftenoa etreei. The bodjr ter li> state
at 81. Aadrev's cethediel from a
o'etodt on Moodar nmil » o-ctoclc
Tacndar moraine, .alien the ftaeral
•enrlen were held. Hieh- mass «m
DP Richter and Father
rered the euteCT- The
Tkm U a pRMpeM at uai Um Uiat
bishop was assisted in the nerr^*
Ike T. O, L. * M. ta^road. tvoaiad
tkla idtr Md Northport. vlH
Ute reaiilBlK attesdod tbo acrrlcea Tbe bodr was
raait In
ataler moeths. oerlnc to the eaoennlre pteoed In a icawonrr
SC Androwh ceawtetr and later rola opecatloe oa aeoaont n( Ibh tn- mered te lata meat to Father Rmof the rdhd.
poor's birthplaee. RoeUaad. Maine.
vas Btede to
RrealBc Reeerd os Meadar br Oen- aad parased h

eral Mensier
H. i>. Hn«bart of
(be Oraad Rapids ft ladtean Railroad
compuiF. vbhih la opwatlas the T. O.
L. * M. Oeaerat Maaacer Hmbart
plaud that vhaa the cMlract was
the Tnrerae Otj. Leehta- madelmtwi
ne laana R Mi
aad tbe Oraad Raidds ft ladteaa Railwar eoavaar lor tbe operation of the
Uae hr the latter, tbe road beti-----'
« to be >
at thte has set beta i



• eueaMia oa pcoonat <
be atorsw. tbe taeoMplete condlUoe
r tbe road maktiiz it tepnulbte to
perate the Uae________
wMbtnl hcarj
~ coatraet between
______ tbe
- . O.
ft J.
T. C. U ft M.
te atmtoft
la fbree. bat
L Tbe ktad o( water
ar Hnchart atatea that
>«IM kia sat lat kMa dedded
sa tbe T. O. L
|«m|h» Iwroa the nbaraeur o< the
e tbe road lai
§0im ■■■ftate sbW( ope^nf^wtspasr, aipp,..*®*
' .\th» R»T das win be loeated akoat lartas tbej

IS or a tetta betow the
It win hart a tbirtero
t satar aad win be ao eea-

I aftrlliat wcat wroac wta
. Thd o»d dam haa a
■ Rwt baad «c water. Iht
_ I wm bs s( eoaeraw. Tha
jh H MbC elaarod a**r aad tbe
l&MMRinarasrB Ubm Otosa
im sMeh win be patt ka aooc aa tbe aoji
Wiited. Tkeaa am

aide tter^. which be i


tOSeritt Uai
Uatr total report Crw^liapMRr ^ BklUpl^ ^

Us’atadiaa la LaOraad acmlaaiT. Me
treal. iiorwwe
Hare be was
w»s wubjiioi
ordained ana •SBC
his ftrat mass in Oacaober. IMO. He
amse to Grand RapMa cartr in Jaanarr
of the followliic roar, aad betsme one
of tbe asateuat prletu of St. An'
drew'a chnreh. He was rerr aeilte In
i ct rebnlldtas the cbunA folhe ftre. and thte actlvltr and
lowlns the
was resrarded with sncccsa
his life work. Hte scatel
__ _ .
sod him manr friends In
Oraad Rapida. who reamted W drpBftare dWr two ream obtalihful aer
Tlee to Uka sp ibe wort of the. priest­
hood at tarorae Citr.
Hte Ulaeaa dates from teat Aoswai
' baa been la Ibe bos
SuS"a?*Ss*teplds. He was iterated
____ Jtee. K for lerloua aiomacb
troable. aad was npldtr improrlns.
with erdrr prospect tor his aiUmate

asTlee oa the Hne te the proeat
piaetloaHr nothlat hhe beaa dope
apoe the ILae eteee the O. R. ft L teoh
koM of It. la order to auaisifiinr
operate K aldlos* aad ewltdMe mast
be eoaatrocted. snow feacea bdlt, aad
erected at rartoas pelau
__ llae. UaiU
thtework te aeabed Mr. Hufhan eteics that
Ite Bpmatloa of tbe road mast be at a
-— loaa. eapeeteUr dnriag the wtaMtka. It te erldeatlr bow bp to
C.,L.ft M. eompaartoooaipteu
ad It tken te to be trala aer-*—
bateraaa this dtr aad Northport


|ini wsiwwiEsw|

DsAh ItaR.
Rew. FY. Bauer reected a U

■ bp Sr. Wnma. t
br Mra.
Harry Dana. Tbe brWe was-haadrsed la a Rgmud- .toOo
white MIk. aad carried
— ■ Ide wah tntm:
«d to'b*'slater teiUr---------------------nepftew of Uk- croust was beat maa.
A boaddfW weddlag Aaahr was nerred
after tke tiereatonr. WTber were the miplesto ct mtMf
banasomc a»d wscrul pnamto. The
brUf has Mred aH.ber thte pteee
aad has sinays been rimMlwcil
4ke beat yoeaK' tedlen. aad tbe
& tortertr a Grand Trarerae
-tebes or
man. They haet- the best vte
ibclr many, frleoUs of this pteor.
oMoatnna In
and Mrs. CnrIiW will po to
a few days. Mr. and Mra. Andraa. H.
Andrus and Miss Miller of Traerrse
Ctir and Mr. aad Mra. E. CkrtUe oC
Tula ncfv sorats from other pteee*.

siaUag that Her. Fr. Aadrow Btoalaw•kl-a mother bad died. T>e menace
gare no partlculan. Oercral ruarn
ago the prieot'a father Aad ta the old
iirr and be aeni te hte mother,
who made her borne sritb him at Isbdorr. The funeral serriee will -be
Jan. 4 Ute actual iraasfer of war
romMV monlns
— —y ■ ■ ■
icriate at Port ArUur as the proportj
loiesU. Including "RaS. Fr-Tteupr dC
of tht> Japaneee soreramrot eemmenecd. General Nod reports that this eWr wore in nttcndnacr. ibc roqaeat of tbe Rasateaa te food,
medldaas and phraiclanB tor Ihete
airt aad woanded baa been arantod. wester wwtnr ,m Acme, vmwe
died four weeks ngo. died Bniurdar
lue. Vbatee aad Ttraasho teu
nficraooa of Wood potoou. I- D. Curtaken oecr br tbe Japanese at
terdar- The date on wtilcb the Ras- Us of this eltr made Ibc frteral nrwhich occurred Suudar
siaa prisonerB of war will be Barchad
nut has becB detered nntll Thsradaj, from tbe borne, tbe body bems idaced
beside the tnotber's In Ihe Acbk- c»»Jail. 6.
The JUl. dls^Bs the eapture oC
Tbe annual nra-tlnc of ibe Traverse
Port Artbar. rMews the price paM In
|C*Ur state bank wax beW la ibWr.W
Wfsday aftcraooa at 4 oWock.
OW Mteaten Wadding.
oar hadds i
Old HimiM. MIrt. Jan. II.—A very
for the ensuing yesr: JnllasT. Hannah.
aad It te pr«ty
afteraaon at 3:30 at tbe boat- of. A. Tracr Lay. Samori Garland. Harrr
day afte
and Bnaaanl P. Wllbelm.
Mr. and Mr*. G. Dana of this place, C
tbeir daughter Ully aad B. F..Carlllo
of Liringmoo. MoBC. bring the «wO- riccted the foJlowlB* oMoers:
Pmoldcnt. Jullua T. Haaaab.
Tohlo. Jan- 6.—A dtepaieh from Port iraeUng partic*. The ceremony was
A. Traep Imy.
Arihar sutea onlr eicbtr lUastea of- performed under a beaaUtol arch m
fteera hate aeeepted parole. All tbe
resular .Rusiten troops bate
out of Port Arthor and will hare for
Port Dalar todar-' The Japaacac
troopa eatered the clir Wtenlar to
keep order. The Boa-eombatantt weev
allowed the opUoa of remaiutag in
Port Arthur. Tbe JapaneM nary U
ramotlns tbe mlaea aad Japaaee<
bnlka at the harbor mouth. All fort'
have been taken orer br the Japaaeat.-.
Tokk). Jaa. 7.—It to reported that
Japan hat arraafcd to open the whole
Uao Tunc paUaaute. tarindlsc Port
Arthur and Dalaer. and make It free
to the world's < Amerce escept for
Tohlo. Jaa. 4.tared U.OOO pris n at-Port Arthnr.
at ishablUBta>ti
Tbe toul nei
U.W0 of whom M.aM are tick,
tieaeral Nod nporta to the aimr



S'Urr. vn



U. Jte----------------WhRe ^ 8Wpu.
B BclTtelhnWias. H.
W. Stewart of
--1 Antrim eouaty. and

r ta kta poalUoo
tor tfiM
The board of dlnriora npw atiutd'.
H. W. Rtowarl. i. W. Argo, Btephw
WURam Onra and D. fr Wyn. and aka WTO ciMMitototko Mama and Laata*.
koop. At the Bcort sacoUag a aeer"^ and ibroo dlieetora tell be e)actOa aeUat M her weak heart aa
At the board ^ dlrecun' meettai
doaaM aotkeadmtol
. aad te |te and nhoek-M aeMak te. aabkalf pllte on oapital stock
r ma. te
IS44U45 was recomiMded to carry
e loaaea tor te Ibootolag year au<i
I tee ktoote her
dteonaslan arooe at this atierMSw'
fttee was wanosoagh. SMOtlag
la refereaca to roMsIag the
M to thte cityfrai- ptedge of te ormatWtoa, wh>eh was
g galu Many at SSe at lU Irst orgmiteaitan. I. e.
• of Mii ROBloa. tic North wbea te capital roacked ike M.oto.ON mark, they would pay ito heoutm
te doUar and aa te oapital was now
over-gSte.te te aaUM was
tor dtecaaaloa. ..Jte-^enerBl ,c«
ana of opialoas esproroed'by »«•

----- ----------

t MMt waa aroolatod to ro
' valae ct many of the old poUrie^
wklck haee beta la exteteoce (or many
safely launch surii

Whawias. the kills formerly teorot. «d .to te heart tor paymest
■terot te uaaatr an to aome ^tea
Ihwte to he aterWHst aad to ater
waas caMd be cettoetod Into te gar
Ilea fer:skoto eHTleea an rssdanil;

osw^oa**T^e while te Fmw'
MotuM wen ao« taklag a 74 p«
risk sad te- farmer hiomelt
was calycanytog te Si per cent
d by
A rtaa was aatltoed
- which a tgr
could be toried a
te toU toon Triue toen metAB*-^
toeud: Moworor. as UjoaMroly be
•te hr an amoBdatefit to too ebarUr. by a prttoad aotlee glvea by the

srs£-?!«2’=3r'‘ ~

The nport wOr ibe past year adds
Raeolnd. That ta te futon so hah
sow mroiliiiiTV with a total ct
ten be Mtoaed b^ tbii board tor phy- « IT
s«* ud a total ndjastmeoi of I-----toctoas'avTtoMoe'i
.to te
.. value
. . .J of
^ torou^
torough arc
aad UgUatog paid te pael ye
InaUag a ratet ton
imn an «a pan to pay aau MBs a

to lakete prom Mipi to get as net
ktero .lislilM irt. dvlas tem toe
- -gsmat to eeauart artto any date aad

236 E Front Sl„ InTcrsc Qty, Mich.

Either for spring of for im*
mediftte use. anti ask your­
self irhethcr we arc not abl6
, with our entire new stock
and our many yean' expe­
rience with the dothiog
trade in. Traverw City to
supply your -wants as satis­
factorily as any merchant
you can think of. We’re
going to take good care of
our customers “from start to
hnish," and you may buy of
us with absolute assurance
' of getting \'alue received.

Underwear. 50c to $2.00. Kersey Pants. $li*5 to
. to
. $2.oa
Gloves and
$2.00. Duck
__ Coats,
_ - $1.50
Mitts. 86c to $1.00. Caps 50c to $1.60.

Manyoftheiftnow io.. Our entire spring Slock
suits and fumiriiings will be here before anoiher
moRth probably. Come in and have a visit with

sure noefvad fiom Rev. Fr. Bmperw.
who to Mercy baepftal at Big
fraifdl. where two wete ago he
tm. TMetenrablfcaadlUuaconUnped
ap aatU S oklort that evesdag when a
taddrt akaaso took placr and be rap
MIy nook aotU sbonty after ikat boor
' death took ptonr




marsin of profit. WE SIMPLY BOUGHT TOO
HEAW. but here U where we are going to

UNLOAD £SIs.‘>Sot"^ “tSI



K you inveat it mean, a gain of 3S« pereent M ^nr

kar out or tk(
frWMFfrot—,----. she was

te aMe of te cotter.
Mp. lirt
Vn. Toaher and
MpateMsM who men drtvUg by
MaM to tto aa^ of te aoritet.


11'. not the
Ue Overcoftts'

makers, as well as ourselves. Neither is il the
SeTt“ S'^nuuia-.r


mtkbd ireanrer, J. H. Mon-

SJSlSll. TM, wm Ml»

When «c .houW have only 15.

B. J. Morgan of this oflr baa iss
drived JWtIee from te worid'a fair at
8t Loute that hte exhibit of ngtarka.a large, rrt. winter apple. , bad bopa
awarded a hnnse mpdal.
mak tragedy, reooaveued tote
A year ago last Norimiber M. U
CeaB -of tbe — -—• --------------- ,moralngand after eleettog AdtAral

man. :
view of entering e
Hogs will be held daily unUl
Two «
the quostloat are scUled.
_____ tram the U J. Morgan ..
eSTj- snow
yiaf Mar they were eero In a good . 8t. Petersburg. Jan.
raging In Janrturia.

■ pcenesratlon by a Travers'
wtU aalm; malorlally. as It win neeeeItor.and Ute
^ *- travaUng famg Astecea by
Trans-Siberian rrilrc
tauB. whleb te a
dred other trains are snow bound <
te wlaur time.
(be Samaro Slatons To^-skl 'line.

ilw'kont. '
and MkklM. Mrs.
to Sara tbe otei
te nMgh from ham.





Tokio. Jan. 9.—U Is cstlmstud that
fully tt.OW Ruaalans were killed or
wounded dwtog the tiefeas* of ^
Arthur. One Ibousaad wounded Ro8slant nrrived at Kagaskl from Port
ArtbuT todayparts. Jan.


I'waa the aeeoe of aacter wvde of popalar yaanc propio today.

m 150 Overcoate

the trace of ter. Vice Admiral
Shlbeyame. coaimibder of the naval
mtaUoa at Kura. Japan, has been appolated foaimandani at Port Arthur.

. ___________________ •• Mn. _
Faramro' MbWal UrmuoU
g a» Mag iftka roeetvod latortw
Tke aaaaal meeuag of the Farmers'
R proved fatal. Mn.WeQt
i koma witk her daaikte. Mataal nra-lnannwoe company of
TMvatae. Laalaroa and Antrim
I two
------eoaatlro. tekk baa had aa
fr Itaataf te akan te tklfty 1^ was Md


Hull; v*ee p^
It. B
dents. A. V. I.
brim; caabter. C A. 1
dberinn are as torn piar:
Uwdoq. graphce uaatam-. O
Imtdie. J. M Hnenamalal. I
^bsd. Sr. H. B. Oaisar.
Tklftor. d- O. Crotser.


all aloBK the Use from

Ilt^tka amloa.

At tbe meette ef the dtrerioru «d

te Pyte


ONF-FOURTH OFF from our unilonn low pnecs mean, more to yoo tlM»
Fourth oil anywhere elre. We want you to see what eatraordmary vahreawrehave
for you.

■ These arc the popular medium priced
coals, every one an cxcsllent value at the
early season’s prices, but npw that >^u
save a quarter, they are indeed bargains
you shopid lose GO time in dnehing. All
new this scasoa^4fTto 60 inches long.

Youths and Young
Men’s Overcoats iOFF




The very newest and nobbiest ^is
litis season, Blacks. Fancys. Oxtords etc.,
etc., for ages 15 to -*0 years.

Children’s Coats
lor ages 7 to 15 yeari. 5.00. 650, and 6.00.
all go at


IF You Are Not
P^cular as
to the Style
Wc have a few short coats that have
on hand a season or two and were origi­
nally $12.00. Slh-W $18.00 values. Some
time ago wf reduced tbe prices to $10.00.
$7J)0aud $5.<i0. We arc determined to
close them out and bow offer you a 25
l»er cent, discount Ion THESE RE­

Original price $la00, reduced to *10.00.
Original price $15.00. reduced to *7*0.
1-4, off -•* 0.63.
Original price $12J», roloced to $5.0a
^ ■ (:


aambera. Owit beatra, jror cni>P>>"« aa jm- "wr bald tb* limlcy irnfabara
tog will be ronaMcrad tetorty
- on to* aaenito drawlns.

TliMliistnn Store


UMle •■«. Mtodmr.
OMhto «t the Ugh«t tuk to the

•MaitndM-ay* «Mtod « Hirtot
that to dw aHr'toton.

Tnn» Mr
•!« lea o>",
QtMflBe M*Br ctUMW te*» bsrisaM
TiwI mwrr <Uv
!t tor ««tck trtl» If they bod to rj.
tm U ru«e. Ikej eraeM !««««
rt odr ililee .eual !«. «B ««*
imeaaeM*OovBeiefel nee.
tbu lAke Uie kns dilns.
cot 0«1 the t0W7»
^ rt here wWeh Wd her. « h^
esect « ertiT huUcM bm to the
«Hthen eDlMM.
Morthport dUieM and *1> olhw»
tfleete4.,hhoald Ro to Oritol ItopWe to
* body end ehow the «lln*d »e. iltot
the >loe to « neeeeelty. It to tree that
.Uoocd in the
pKMUie toOBld be brooghi
that el leant an auvraace that tbe>«sa be girea. If tbta to not done and
the O. R. A 1. reteeee to eany oot tu
eoatraet. It eboeM be toeawd agatoet
lM> ao that tbe trains will not slop.
The T. C, U * M. is too toportant
. property to be treated llghUy «d
tbe legloa tt Ui^to too noeii of a
eoaaMerattoii,to be audited. -

___ t, Dade 6m «tn tok* coctroi ot
tW Mnd at anto Doatoao and retosr* tohM after a oeatwy at tvawQ.
Meotohed aad Btorala. T%Sf sovenMto «ffi aot aaMR the Ulead,
aitthw ertn tt entetoe a^rntel goteOtoeat hto' rather erUI eta^ to the
mritiea at a noelrer aad eee that the
4eWa «t the ooaatiT are properly paM.
U eatou $k preaeat, Baato Domttm to a ■ntlar’e paradtoe. The
cMg itoeir wtth a popeUUoa tt XXfiK MTTLtRr FARM TO THE hOUTH
, yet the tohaWtaate “toU not.
aiUMr «o they apto.". At toat gtoaoe
Redneed rate UekeU oa- sale «r»l
the pPDhtoB at thadr aatottM to a end third Taeadays of each month un­
•yatatr. hat oa aaooad thoa^t tt U til April. UDt.
Sea agenta for rootas mnd raiea.
mm. the vboto popOtotle* Dree on
U.K. hloauar.
j^Stohttiar apdOa. The traaavy to
IHtol vtth thatotooataaag IMd. nr
■at Cooke to
1 ta ha ant ootod, Int



Quick Work

Royal Bloc Sboc

By Expert. JewcleK


WTicd a Man Wants


m « Ototy MBto a day'to aot Icrth.
aaadig they suit a teratolha aa a
totodtotl n‘ Tbaoalyoi
. aCtoa'hrt at «ar are the
itotoPda> aa a dhtoWe
catoWe hghUac toaa to


Frank Friedrlcb & Co

J. n. Warthitk

80 0) pails ior $S.7.V

217 etilTmtSt.

226 E. Front St.

Don't pay $7.00 or $S.OO tor an overcoat when yoii can buy just a, good a
’ one—if not better—here for only $6.00. We have cut the prices on all overcoats^-and we have cut ihem decp. Von might just a» well get the benelit of these reductions as the next man.

Choice of $7.00 and $8.00 Overcoats at $5.00
Choice of $10.50 and $12 Overcoats at $8.50
Choice of $ 15 and $ 16 Overcoats at $ 11.0©

iMnI rndti

ftaintc Medical fiepaniMii Bsnes

Boy’s Overcoats and Reefers From 75c up
LadiesTourist Cloaks


Blankets and Quilts .
|t> .

ma, tttoi Mn <tohda ao attatapt to
Ihfg fvebasad there,


May «rc r.oi Ik- your druggist*?



$. G. UUait ^ SonS; CrwtocrM

Ole €ait-Qiivf Yc«i

Tht best for the price in\

l4ed, meal. Bran/ middlhiAa,
€om and Oats
Wc buy nothing but the best gram and you get the
pure article.


And M on all along the line


-’T—lull'em- OMUM u.>
«!■ IMI.*,, M ut VM..-

V- '




~'Anf Ttmi- U a good tlcif lo U<in baytns .‘•■’ur drur* Frr*. Ni>»
c***! tin*-. i-<vaa>r >-ns wUl tbas bo as*ansl portret
*->lrv scU fair prinm for U.,- t-otlrr «W.
hs»<- a g'Kx] dnis »i<’K'. oi*- ibst it ODapirtt* In r*iTy dctalL
0»r M-rric* l» taodorn lu ail r»-»*wotst>ur prk>-» arc rramnabk- pr.d allk* to 41.
W' anus «-f cwD pu-acc- yon aad coasorve pour latcrmt* io crory



awto^Zto ito^fS’a


Street Car l ead, $l 2^r 100,
Feed,. $110 per
Sl<U Com per buthd, 05c.
Una. H. L. & Co.. $1.10 pr 100
Bockwbeal Bran, 60c per 100.
Middlings, per 100. $1J0.



no prtoetoal maato. la fact eto
4cra lo nnr. i
toaOy aO the renaae, to fro« aas
Frootst, bar
UBH, hath an export aad an toiport
a of eouen a--------tod^ hatog eharaad. Mo hooka an .lays will make -aatcmlsblngly low
toak the aaa to totoi^ are tosonat
dt'litoMMl oatoptop. !■ abort the gor' iitoilto to to A^mm pt cMaa. thoos «a boead to dtotifl
n la Ibis regtoa at o
y toUito to sniaWaad

Ec«H.r6tC|»r 10.M1S.5U
per ton or halt too lots.

) Specialty of fine



Vour Dr^gist*.

up-reuDAfi. K "
Cash Groeer

That's where we can
|tdp you out. '


:f‘ LEiw>.^t-L
0 R Sr : TR-


acm c LEWIS

Jit a dufif



TIi IW Sto Ci, MrtH.

His Watch Fixed, he
Wants it

T*hey are_ up-to-date
for stylM aod are the
best wearers for tbe
money made :


are QIVI
p andTt
tu our castumere of ulddkasen's ftroflis onnbiM os to rive you (hose biaaUfsl prrttnis. WRITE TOOAV,



Usaful Afcktos. coastotlag of

)lr. aad Xn. yobn^tsaier.




t^ALS tor the auar ktodoenee itoon

Trmm—omr Mtorieoia.
!@3Br^^igg55£ '

t >, khtoMt toR pm m
oHttr Is
Cf; t
V Ontoton, ■iiinlui. »taian aad



Tamostaaters, Toegnes and Fascinators

e BsnM. thwa to a pri»|M«t that
s CRy, Uetoarn A kaatattspa nUttoiy say be
r thasyrtator at toHL This to ioNd hiA am to the pwtole (g Nettbat SMow Bar and other statkws
abac the Uae. It wooW BMan a tml
Inrdahlp to aaay as thtor batonem toLeqakktrtpaioTnM
orw City aad Qmad
It to true tdat (b* tod stage,line
cmM bo atUtoed bat a retom ta stage
tmml altar otoag a raUway to a
rtaaa* that to aot raUshad by ady^
body. TmtaUag by mad dartag the
Bcrtbcn vlalen to tweertaia at beat,
anah awjro so than rrtn by railway*

dotayad, Uamt voold be lacocrealaMad. whito bgary fmtght woaU be
tM ap pmeUeaHy aaUI toe amfag
The people of Northport are face
to tom with a cristo. Nerth^ has
' aMitotohi hr the cmaty seat of LmiBMa eoaty aad a» has Sauoat Bay
Both am oo the T. Cw U to M. and
the tosatag of tUa toad would laaka
tlMa taaroesrible by rail during (be
t to atoo ta line for a
toatstoPim aad tober toil
tosata atol U tba nUwoy to abaaduoad
itoto «otod ba a toettftbat woaM

“ He

Steinberg Bros.
traverse citv,



tadhw* Ball's Seal MnUi Cai>«.
a* lochm long, foil swrep. Hoed
aad irtouaed; fomieriy 97.IW, ouw





Boston RuHiOrS

Uu3BBnM SM38flnH BMaaanM _B_MaBariti BnaaBOto tnii


€xcelltHt Pilots in

Greatest Pre-Mary Sale
liver inaiiguraicJ i.n the Grand Trav. rsc Region will
start at The Globe Sion ,


Nanir.l On-y
i.aiiUr «•.! ••Ui-.i



FHAUANUAny 13,190S


ji.:; •.

Pisdarrator)- Sale I


-We have fairly won and hold the title of being THE
CHEAniST STQRE in Grand Traverse i ounty. Read

aio w-swntt I
taaWn-O'fcAII.Wool Fan<-> 8». slnf: fonaiTiy rold for sv. IV In
talv ITirc.
mutoo stai


hi>-n V


tf'Hv. fiirun-r hhc.
t.»ry ri

.'J'.-. im-laviu-


Boys' Double Yani ttittens; fornerly a>M (or ISc. sale prioa







in the historj- of this city- Inventory stares us in the fac..
and wc would rather count money than merchandise.

the following irems—they will certainly interest you.

latcatory' SAle Pr^



; at Cbis Start.

The ifreatcst stretching of pi-oplc's dollars ever recorded
niske: fomeriy Mdi) .up to llo.OV.



39cr?o;^o??s'al/"s1s:?ri-..!°' 220


tohws of toa Ms^ttatoamo UM-protmat totomattoP of tha 'Diltod
to tho tatsrlar. ho«•m. do Mi daaire forrito toaaaaee
•hi tha tomtoMt etoito an awitoM u
am hoMo thw TldMtly tmr thal


'■ You probjfciy l.i»Wtlt« reputation Of tre Nelson Blptoi, uriilch.
nj«e p world wW- rtputotton^for beirsp won mode and moderatoty
p,-ice0 We carry , complete stock of -ttcitfns and can
l.ze booh m ony glr’e »«>* desired.'
60 'cenu a compact. weH.fnade book, citar priM oa poM^
per »nd durable cover.
For fi-SS an Orferd style. teacARTs' edition, that .cpMOt-beeauaiied efsewhere
Ask to see our line.

_ .

0ify Book Store
BoKtrl-Bttitrt^-.Pnps- Cmmu air, lOkt.

t's UU for saaar to make taA kM o( akoM lao
nt- ■haee aha Is prtselpal Is ose.ol the
. rweeia H
e*«T week.
«MT ttimoot OB tfea bon* of J. 11
^^llam Lore speat Sasday lo tha
A Galeshurg maa rrcently wernt c«t
TbMBU. m W«(Mt«r mlr«M br tke
irylng to bortrtw tra«ble.hat hll Credit
Ckrrcr iBtnnace ttntf. The ton weeks' trip seals this a
-as so aotorlooaiy poor that ao oet>
«m caaaed by the head of a partor
xmM hareABythtag to do wHh him.
BlQce kis.dlaappcaraaec M Decem­
27 BOthlng has ben ten or beard
■Mare expaeiiiou and «m
o rlilt bit danchter. of Wward Groetl. a well-fcaown «»UreJr **a*«r»M. The carpet was atot>
tractor of Napoieoa. Jack son Mmaty.
.tmrecid and the new damaiP^. The
. They wUl be |
Inasmach as he had a coosldermble
of money on fata person when last
Cirare----------------- ---------The tdsie oclaincd Hiss Ruth asd Carl Ramsdell sen. there are feaii tlrnt he has met
catrrd Wednesday afiM
of Maaistpe >s*i week. They reti
with foal play. »
home emarday erenisg.
fSImaacd Capital Cteek.
A Grim Ti
At the asBOSl aecUa's of ibe stockboWen of the FIrM NbUodsI bask,
held yesterday, a resofuiloB was adopt. K-Uiq- tM
1 lo Increase the rapiisl. stork to
not when Coughs aud OiWs are prop-;
inO.WO. This oMloB was smrt* sec- Hyemei Goes te'the Reel ef «w Dis­ eriy inwted. the tragedy Is averted.,
ease and Makes Astonish­
F. O IlHDlley. of OnkUadoo. lad..'
_ _
Ml has t»t«M Tcrr
cannot he cured by the nv wriiet: -My wife had eoBsnmpt|oa.
oat(f>-laK to the preseoi sJockbolderB. ofCatarrh
pills. llQuid medtrioes and socalled and three doctors gare her op. Ktnally '
The Plr« NaUoaal has been dolai
tyiieiB tonics. Voder sort treametii she took Dr. King's New fUscoven'
busineas almost twenir years asd
prcseBi_ chwier espirm on Ha^ 7. the Kcrms of the discose will slIU Ur* cured her. and
veil and
Beat. It mu be renewed
stmag - II kU- —

land ihe tacrease of capital mil prob- -jKIply.
Hyootri is the only ndenllfic and «aM-« One dose rrileves. Ouaranb
„: lb* ____ time.
- ______
wev to core- raurrh. KiUing
'hen this chanaf' takes place there
germs In the air pas—..
It en- F. H. Mead.. 8. E Walt A Sana, drug­
will be a sntMCtial dlridcod to the
n. d«- gists. Trial bo«l.a ten ernir.
the bkmd with the oxygen.
■* - rs sad a llmlied



MorftKmrwb CMIoKliBnn'm



ClmiMisn Uib wMk 2,900
Tto.HeraM ia aadcr obUfftloaa. to
r. K Jewett of Maple Oimre ftelt
rmrn for a taiv» Mum of ««ido»
■9^ ar the Shtawaun Beaety. Wott
Mvar. Ifroone* Wpplo and Ua1rt»rAatm Noneawb Tarieiiea.
Last WMk the
aanberwr peam tn oyatem. the i
ar the Coder belaa *!?«• the Herald
as Hoy Wrtebt. The Cod ahonld have
boM eredlted to Roy Chase.
mak B. Soars of Bk Lake was
•Me to Mate ibe-MOltarUiia today
.after hatag there dr/aoMo time
mtm vttb MUriUa Hia. 8om It
him.. He was ukm to the home
T-i !0ar«a,.|W Nmth Qck.


iiaees of catarrhal pnlsoa.
Tbonsanris of lestiiDonlali
of the bank Us eanlsgshave reached rireo
as to the astonishing cures made
the tmndwnc Cmre of 18! per cent.
beoUes paytBg tasee <« ibr stock held
Le Rendu. 7« Western avenne.
by each sharekoMor. The new stork
0„ writes; ' I bellere Hyowin.
mrl saved my life. 1 am better
mthoot delay as aa
than I bare been In thirty years. 1
doctors, both In England and Pranre.
ted at this meeilB* and com- treated me for raurrh^ui I was not
bosl- eared unill I used Hyomcl. '
pricesthe followlM
——„ well
— known
— ...........
Proltably the Mrongest erideoco
sera mew: Jaa T.
T.;Beadle, a J- Morcan be offered as to the powers
gu. msk Hamlium. H. 8. Htlll. Dr. that
J. D. Mumob, C. P. Bead and M. B. of Hyomei to cure catarrh is the tact
that 8. E Wait * Sons wlU agm- to
say Hyomei
Tbe aaste officera .were also re- refnnd the money U
ss not conxl you.
elMied. J. T. Beadle, prealdeoi: B. J.
The eompIMe liyonel outfit cosirMonas, cm rice preaMent: Prank
tHamUloa. secood rice prealdeBU but II.OP, coBsUtIng* of an inhaler,
LacB F. Tiuw. cashier, and W. M. dropper and avSctroi Hyomei to last
lererai Weeks. This will effect a cure
KMInc. aaststaal cashier.
caaea, bat for chronic and
maes of catarrh longer
<f may ImPeraeaala.
sties of I
Prom Sblarday's Record.
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Carr of the Em­
pire school, who spent their vacaUaii
Card of Thanlia.
In Bay City, passed through town this
We wish lo thank the neighbors
morning os their rctnra home. Mias sad frieals for their kindness to ns
Maryorie Clark and Olea Doyta of dnrlng oar sl^eu and eoafineaieni
• thi
the smallpox. Also the ladles
Sherman, who spent tbe bolidays ns with
d us with novgaeMs of relalircs In this city, re- who kin<
Imsed borne this moralng.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E -Wlneheomb.
Miss Emma Oberiln of Bliigham will
■pead Snaday In the x|ly with relaA Ouarantuhd Cura tor Pllaa
TiMhUt.PBiri r - —
uiyVpAgD OUt%BfT
Howard R. (ini of
In town this momlng.os a short hnsinest trip.,
Mastera Roy ami Fred Wolfe of
Northport arrired in the city lOdsy to
lime before jedning their
r. Mrs. B. Pimnk Wright, of
. Mrs. R. G. bsdm nsd little dangbAfter the Holidays
er Ireoe left this monUng fttr Lake
ASS OB a sbni business trip.
Mlsa Pi«n Kranse has rcinmcil
from Bendan, where she has beet vUItlng for a week.

■ mrtt. AR aembrea aye e«C«wted
■red to ptf daea.


The Critt taatalHn4 of loi
Eoeaty ar*M4 oh I
Loalaaaa eoeaty
onrthaT.C.L.» V.
soy or this
to the WetloHlana «
dtf; Tha lass are <iM CAd
vm he receired to hrtac the order
--tea. They mil he ^(*ed op at Has■m'a. Omesa, Settow Bay aod XaawMt, the Cat ean.bHag rnraished dtraatiy from the F


Prom Monday’s Reeort. •
Mias Maude lluslisgtoa. Who speni
le boUdsys in this etiy. remninl !•

Pipf. H. J. riooby k^i this noon for
West Kasaon. where he will spetic
several weeks.
Res. John Rodpalh of Harbor
tnlagt held Prashyterlan services si

also hi
kcT of Omens is In the
George K. Craker
clty today on Irasincm..
A. J. Cooper left today for Keyaloae.
Oeofca W. Neal, formerly waU
W«s ft thla rtdoB. died os Soadhy.
■Jha. 1, at hia hmae fa Whitawatar.
nig RanWs. where
Xha. Mr Neal 11^ for a aamher el
yc^ at Mayfield, heteg for aome time month.
Qeoiwe Bine, foreman of tbe fami
a apaber of the Cm el Glhta Bros, tore depBrtm<« of the Hsnntb A U>
- -,ay. ufi for tbe fnrhi Ue aaw ailli huslaeaa.
IB Orwd Rapids and
maay trlcads la thU teetlea of
■ab his spring stock
of il
for MaataleeJhta................
will take a poalUoa ^ItK the G. A.
Johnson Shoe eotapanr.
A. Andnta. scaler of the Kelly Lum­
ber company-, went to Imke Ann this
on buBlneM for the week,
■tar-tta^’ saya: tn.drawlag and "rS^Veyolt
fevoil of Buttons
Bpiions 1Bay passed
Watar eator^. there was mnaKost im- throngtf town today
-way tn Chitodsy^mhlS"
pnmwt oti-Any formes exhniU. ffaal- engo nad PnmtaoL^U.
Mrs. Nancy Lewis, ^ho'has been In
Bi. Joa^, Tres
e aty. Bay City sad Cestial Korher work at Cndillac this i
dtj wedding took fdace In 8t.
Marya dmresh. Prevemont. Tuesday
morwlag. Mtaa Mary Norouy being
.fpadg the hrtdc of Ararn Rlt^ard. Rev.
Pt. Prmthkv oMrtaUng. The bride war
■nnrdtai tir Mtas^Jraate Rleharfi. a
Mater, of the groom, while Jacob NoTclny. a brother of the b^. acted as
bant maa. After the cerafiMmy a weddtagdlaner waa served at ^>r groomh
homa. Both Mr. asd Mi«. Rlehard
haeo laaay frieoda who wM, them a
tosg s«d happy wedded life.

Mih. IfttUfi lAtocy. formerly of thu
«|ty but tedenUf of Vandertmiu. aj-:
. Oaorge V«a. Attkrii of rwiersvill
t IjMSing Batnrday evtmlhg
hr Rer. ftaanacey -ysn Awinm.
' braihet of the groom. 'Mrs. Utsey ta
taolh pell and fatpraiily known In ibb
efty. Batioas. Bay. tMieaa and Northpart. where ^ has resided nwl} «fi
bar Bfe.*Mr. Van Ankm. while«« sc
well -ksbws in jba sprih. ta a braUter
of Ror. Jdba Vah Ankea. formerly of
Uta rliymnd formerly tbe pastor of
the Norlhpnrt Congregational choreh.
They will reside in roiiersvfiie this

-WrmH. M. TimbUmZtt

and Urer trouble*. Try them.
At Johnson Drag Co.. F. H. Meads. S.
E Wall A Son*, drug stores. 2&e gna'

Zbt litfP V«r
Right by stanlag a
■ccouoi in tbr Oldest hnd Larg
eel Bank lo Northern Michigan,
fl.on Biartslbc acoomL Inter
est compounded twice a yetr
at 2 per cenL DepasUs made
by the &th of the moatb draw*
interest from the 1st. BV in.
Tjte your atu-nilon ami offer
onr serriees.

We have many goods to close out and we
are giving you prices that will tempt you. i

; 48c
Men’s Alettes with now exdnder, all taxes,


Women's Want 9ioet, goo-i
Styict, a shoe that seDs most
plwes at $1.60,


No matter what kind of light you have in your house—Electricity, gfts,
oil or gasoline—there are times when you-need an extra lamp. You
should have an extra lamp for each room. We have as fine a shodc of
lamps as you will find, liiere are lamps in brass or glass, nidtie or
chinE handsome metal or decorated baMS, (ftrlor lamps, hall lamps,
reading lamps, hand lamps, night lamps, lamps-for service and lamps
that give that Imchi warm glow to the room. TTie prices are from 86c
to $10.00.


in decorated, or colored or srUte ot poredain—all
sizes to fit all lamps.


for all kinds of lamps. We carry eightees
different kinds and try to fit all humers.

limes as much light as the ordinary btimer—sell* for 25c.

75c ^
WaiM Jnliettes, o.ld pairs of
lots that wertljSe tp $100,


*• '

' $1.19
Wann Shoes, leather foxed,


We are making aome radicau reduaions here to f duce
the stock previous to inventory. It’s needless to say that
qudity comes first here, and ^en sre offer you soch
“quality" garmenw as we carry at these little prices It is
greatly to your advantage to BUY NOW.
Any Skirt in the store 25 per cent discount.-All Ladies’, Misses' and Children's Coats 83 K per cent discount. AU *
Ladia'Suits at Half Price.

you will alwaj-s find

Whiles and Rubbers

In tbe Cloak Bcparfnicnt

Cnptrst atf Stst*

At this store in both

Wamw’c Storm Robbers, oev

These remnaots and short lengths are ra^ndly lietng indeed
up, but there are some remarkably good things here lor
Everything in the way short lengths—odds and ends
of broken tots or discontinued lines are being put oot at
ONE-THIRU OFF. This^tresyou a chance, to secure
many wanted articles for difierent members of the family
at a great saving. There are big live valuesHn the Under­
wear department that should appeal to mothers.

Oraatly in Demand.
Noihlng Is more In demand than a
medlciac which meets modern reqoircmenu for a blood and tysimn cleanser,
sneh as Dr. Wag's New Ufe Hills.

Genuine Bargains

hy trade, left----------------- land. Ore., where he will spend ibc

All Renmants Atest Go
Before Inventory


burnars. shades, collars, rims, lantern bumera, re
ducers, reflectors. '• .

Uises' Atctki, odd tazet,

For over tixiy yetrs doemrs
biye eodoned Ayer'« Cherry
Pectoral for coughs, colds,
week lunes, broechith, coo.
so^pcioo. You cto mist t'
medicioe the best doctors spprove. Then trust tbis.ibe eexi
time you
y*fw tsuTs
bsve am mm4
m cough.

Cht-hWn-sR^bdn. new goods.

Men's Robbers, a few pain of

Youdta- Rubbery roDcd c<^.
tbe best wca^

50c V

Warm Juliette^ fur unntned,




kinds, gas shades. Mica and glass gas

dl kind*, shade, and extra electric

---------------------- globes.

Oiildrea's Shoes, tases



Otildreo's Warm Slippers, red
fdt,.}Ost the thii« vooad the



three sizes, extra red and greeo gldresand
large street globes.

of all sizes, with and without standard







to a «OMi wdraira. ■
. _
Ulaa CBrrle Aadmes. vbo la Bl . . ibde emto the niof and a
-the lAuMes- Aid 0kst mat «
. Maggie MeCsrry---------------Bwalea and IMMMiBatlow o( the j to put the are ckU wben Jdr. Wb«el«r.
4 in tbe sttoil room at Britaar
Ilrinx acniaa
Bcroaa tbe road, ear »r and
to Bom
aona belter
bettar at thia wrlrtn*. Ilrin*
sy. sJier two weeks' vacation.
- -Isaan from
»eot to her help. Tbey*pol It om boand- —
MrK A. A.
erae oty ristted II
Mortb Dalty 9«Bt CbrtatBaa with tore Buota damuCVn doae.
Mtoa 1
m. Banard aad tamily.
WHV IT 8U0CCEM. » In Traef
ntefa tAe oM ymr
Mira Um Patteraon la bone riaUhaviB
Snar. F. Lard!
■ tor tb«lr a«veral
Logs fLie b«tdbiilBi: vo arrive at.tbel seraac It's tar Ona Ttobtf Oa>y, aaS
B> sitb Mr. azMl >ira. Rme.-t Oufaw.
■kiai; Mch fltbcr
vJidmaaB are
to beglB
________ bu blowcd off tbe .
nUH ya.-d ai tbe Uartow. aad it teofcr \
City' to Laarttiaff Tbla
la nuiy pUces and diRted la otbers
itKKiRb tbent w4«l 4w mVUir ‘
WUItwn Dutva «bo bad tbe nWora Minole Brown, vbb baa bren
to neiiber ^sood singblrt «<sr this week. Heeaaytol tonr tonee troai
NotUag caa-W r»J ftir erenlMdL.
Mayme aod Rcebel Lardk- eau-:
break bU'UBb aone veeka
Kbins aebool near Gsipire. is beDome uue tblag wed wins* atiocoaa,
•«o. baa )Mt bad
mine school at Nonhport.
T. E-Seattey to UId ap-with rbrntBa-,
Doan's KMaa-y Pills do om tbtoff
Wednesdsj oveatoR. about forty bc
Dr. 8«aatOD o( .
Mn. Bernar* took a trip to Norfb HgTW
toR Prtvtewt. AH eajoyed n c9°d dme.
foraed the operaUoe. -4fr. Dersa
IS coBBeaced sc
Unity and back last week.
Miss Lois Caras
caw iBCkacba. wtery kidney
i\Ms Mabel Waft sprat Suaday with
y frU to<sr after two weds’ vacaUan.
Wednesdsy with a tail rail at______
Mra. 8. E. U-wts Is better, we are Mr. and Mr*. PYank Sesltb.
Hrtt> K Trarezae dtp evMrao* to
Mrs. John Lardle speat Tuesday
Mira Claim Hollos cUiud aebool
pvwe u
ariib ber moiber, Mrc. Valley
D. OampbcB of 1l» tPatk
: Oliver Lardle has been ua tbe sick
e caDcrai
■Hwi UF*; -f bed Doaa’s ICidaer
list, but le latprorloR.
Miss Jennie Doha, who baa *c<>a
Mrj nriRban has bis nrw r«ed
working at OW Ml»fi<», sprat Hurt'
r bad and It t.<
The fwada _
dnrtns the pajn
dntrtifd sBcl slocked with bay anJ day -with ber pan-su. Mr aad
la no one on ibr
atlll aouples. Tbare la
two jfOT.- t>ry rcflvve tba pain ia
Jpbn D-Jbm of this plscn.
mads yet ihla nonilnr.
‘inapklBS of
Mrs. AiiMi ToiB]
Tbe Roueveil Boev Bees
Mr. and Mra. KllkiU. Xre. Richard^
by .^yKtrtoav.
Tbr serera iraow akirB prcrctitcd City aad
Orrte teei Ssiu. '
aim and k» Cart, aad Mr. fiaat at many frota ^emllns tbe cnu-naln- ted with
MBd <kher udney rMPed!<-« sad
Mry. Jetoa IMtwcr Friday.
this year with
teDt!c>l ibe aoiufn weddiBR in Traverar neat la tbo aebool l^se last c
reravs .tu l*«£'s KldBcy ptn*
v-A’ebcter Itoi.r. hav«- bows! i
Mias Ada Wilson vlafted toien'J* b*Te
rhtifk lime, liu-a dlscor.tlaue ibelr
Tbe Aid
d sodKy
toK at Mrs. Eble
mil! fnim May IVwk orar the (,'.d c
Vt^iaa Cox drew tbc tancaat load ot
when ttoev have br .U*bt about tto
r. Dskc has hired Paul NUchej,^^,^
03 Beetfo:. II.
Bwt Meiures
ton froM here to the eity that orar
Mrs. Frank F1sh<T. her noil CWninn. Itor walklDR hii..
Jc-ij>*d results
Mieincf part»euls»a
jtwi Kor* Hrifrmsn' Tt. v are
.. . mon- trow WHilum-tborB to I'cn It
srandiwB Vertonil aod Miss Hsnnaii
will be pleased to Mve in-any ln.lyt
There are so n
loRS rfiming InI'i;
wnilr. Th. y will
______ l.TWi. Jamof OdBrlrt
me persoja:.!}. n
Hawu-n wi^«L to South Uauiiou '
a a da}
iJdle Jidu: ai.d Ada Waisnu are ralliuR up^in
AH ar.^ boya, tnit bate Rimd tcainii.
kisuv.'toS. Jf.abe suffn-t li
^uartor. He to talkins ot .pot
. MW. WelU amt ehJklraii were Ibrown
AUee llui»t:i,T is TiiiiSiaR ridailTBS ber kUa-i>->* aaJ&r^s to ko-w •itsi;
tluR on a rrlRlii <’vw and rjoaltqr day
tram ibrir cuu«-r whUe cmitoK train
birthilay party ycMcralay aficrrMion and niRbi l<> make rvaa fbr tbe loRt
iqeass too emidu^ebtalp reJM."
in'Kalkssia '-ly- »ts*.
Trarmto CJty, Mnu^elta was badly
__ are
- .be
. sale
sale !■>
IkMS'St Ktda^ Ws
_.r. Evans returnid fnmi Mllwi
AMt r.olsm!- r i« Ubl up at bonie
.now at p.-esenl. Just vtuft
Imrl. ao that tii^ bare not been able
erv. PrtaS
M c«;t«.
r««;ta. Maihi
Ma l
all dealerv.
kee, where he was called U» sc«- 1
wigi a «m- I’-rtsrt.
ibe lug faauli-ni'libe <•) ns-.
Mbs her home, Iwl Ibe rblidrrn fit her with a loktii of trtcndsblp. T1
Blanche Avi-ry vJrove. to Trav«-r*v by Pkts«4 MlllHirs Q».. Duaalu.M. V.
deiighler. who has Is'cn.
Tbo«i- on tbe rirk bsi are CeorR
n> tmi Injnred.
afti'rnoon was <li IlRtiifullr kik-oL >
BOleagems for the Oplb-d Btam. Re.
Riail i< »loam fhut she Is l>eticr.
Taylor. Mrs. Orin Lude and daiiebUT Cby Sauirdav.
I tbe >rtr
taiwUw tbe came, Buau'A Abd iMm '
Jack l*ray w^ a Trarerae Oiy r
'FhMch<-rV lantl,'y hare nune.1 Mynli- and many nibors wlib wry i-ai]
hopnl that Rsiber would live
BO att»t. .

Mr. Paul's boose.
«r Saiurdar•BM USB
Mr. nSvls. who Itas Uvn w.wklfig
IjA- Hoi! urn*(v to Kalkaska *»•.
me wanweedrase.
L. K. Gild-* fc Bos Iciecii starting
Word rcacheil ns last w«-k «if the In John nimrer's ramp, has taoved bis
A' nan Ma»W «(«h » F»'’U‘to for
A noBber of youn* folks and oU Barrlapc. In Honor, Dee. II. of Will­
Ibeir vtiw mill this wwk.
A. G Fuirtianka drove down train even fi»»l of bto heigbl.
folks atieodedI the BU.P4.M'
mnrprise party "«> iam H. Le (liatt to Hiss Myrtle A. (sillily herd fraii. Fife i:Ake.
Hrresi Hllard. who lias "bi-ra Gibbs'
!l.s'n -r wDl Usi k>RCcr‘’tntl id daMr. ana
Wb----------------. Curry aad family Tbomas. by tbe Rev. ,W. H. Herbert.
aad wra.
----Isn*kis-)» r for Hie
thie<- Travirif- f’ny Tbnrslay.
lle.rt Viaini: sold soBie hof raltb- ;n ter turn alBO»t any other liowar.
s EKltmitrc.
fftoeedar eToalnu ot laM week.
arx. ba.s ri-tnrm-d and will work for Ur.
The »isIdiBK took place at the home
Trnm'h!-' of Trarerw- t*5iy la>‘
«>e ilk Lake Soaday aebool Mrated 4d the brWo In th" presence of a t«-w
le eunii>auy BRSin (bis winti r.
ihMr gOeen for the enauln* year las. frirvida. AftW ib*- eeremoar ndreahSluarl Mill- -rf OM MUibwl vi-i.H
Afirr sie-nuins iIk; bu:i<ta.'.<>
tenday. They were aa follows-. 8tt- tnenlR were serve.1. On tbe Mih the
la Iwother Clark of Ibis place W.vl part-Bia Ira Mlichi-ll'.reiuine.i n. DIr
pertateadBit. Ualer laals; assistant happy eoopio went n. Wexford, where nesday.
RapMs lo ail'-od scbtKil
Robert KlURan is on the aick , lie'
BopeeliiteadeBC Lol» cara»U*?^
tirin l.-.-vi- will ]>e lilgl'i wa(rha>a;i
tarr. Alkw Bodra; trcaaurer. Herbm
for L. K Gililo t Bun this winter.
many friends again.
Wood: nbnrian. Ha Will Lee: orsaa- here wish him }ny and a baiHiy
Mra. C. Hacor asd daoRb'er Mand<
D. P. Tavlor y itpcr^R M'm. Cor
tet. Lois floiira.
_ ,
p<-3Ue Ibis w^-i-k i» put tm the hat-'
Grandma Ftehcr siwnt two days
GrowraStora^lly i.ra»«
da; I
Mabel Cowls relnnied to Batoa Wed- WM>k with Mr. and Mra. narwln
ihe state Wislnesrlay: when- Mrs. Ha- GnivI
nraday of last week.
bes iMs-n Hfu-iulinc b<-r niraUon.
WanvtT Ta}l<«r (*p«ei« t
Oneida. Mr. Darwin la Mill «.n
:i«s MoscSi- MiGairy itfTh-iiner «tt- liy IcB baiiKBR iblK week.
Lois inns
Cana rxHuraw
ratnnied uimir
h^ >■».
fw^TlMi Port .Irk list, thooRb n« eonflawl t<.
IBK at Pelrakey Wedaraday of Ian
ut be has not been able to He
tost, as
Orowto Vtoratodily Mler^
last Itb of July. City ilurinR Inr varatlna.
in a bedI alned
*Mri. James R. Dran to on tbe sick He sleeps MtUnR up In his rarklns
I^rmers are laklnE advantitRe .>t itir
A WopsS «o toHto Wimra Im 8*jFn\^ltotra«.
rec-'u fall ot snow Uy hauHnc «<.o<l aaraMOterra
chair. Mrs Darwin p
Kn-il Wnnier bus 'fTUuracd to bi •
M Now Years moralnR ftw a tody for Ibe Traverse Oly Dr'lek Co.
r* I’lill De'um' rvitirned from aebool alu-raiui'
years old. She diseoverod thst the
Uirf Daiiii !.^ .--i>eni biT vacauon wtili
Grand Knpld.vThtir£<lay sli.-r. she. was
roof of Ibolr house was on fire.
ratli-d liy the slrknes and tlitatli of Iter her piremt ai Ut. C'etnenr. but will
jmlns to start luBSteiy ih* boose wss not v«ry hlRli
ruaiiu<-3ce biT setos'd this taoruInR.
Miss Clara Holloa
there-was a leanlo on one end. and s tiroili'-r.
rharU-s Kih.t spi-st Sunday at HiChris Ro^ut vIsIK-d fri- n<'i: la Ili litbe pitv
'^MIM^Bry H^on Is s<dBC to Aiaa. plaak was leanlnR from the
Wc So npi close ad noon.
l ome «f .Mr. aird Mrs. W. Uoi Icd.
Iter New Yiars <ldy.
up on ibc root of tbo leanto. As a
HIcb., toaucni) coll.
Alil;.i.!gh U wa/ .a v« rv stormy Sn
Charlie Igunis-rt returtn-d l» Gr.i--i1
Mr. Intnaa aad C
t!cy til. ihun-h was l-ill and We II.
Rapid* Wi-iinesday afu-r epetldlliR
CUitlBR wood for

, ^md Ti-averse Region.

Y *»«~«»r bare cot'tbe
w^Wf^l^n^ABMMan 8mMr.

(t aa« Iba bug-

,rtbe Mrfl^
a»d.eiN!b«a« «di
Ciitffcr'* naui. ofCeAr are to
- eeamrsiee. baiOins Ion tram otir viKriStt bSl' j. 4teail Vera haul

■ *^JcMpb WieU ^ >nak W» arc
hwdiac ie«i for J. BaUivaa....
ABMph Krtua baa BoWS
)(«■ to NeBtrakaTa mill,
nert BUdRer baa «u(t lor
■ now
--W _
inr Mr. CMver. and' ta
m MMlt Mimcte to atari baoUB«
' Visa lu'Odar thU vmde.





t^S*r£SSaU*lin a^ad. ^etrladiM <rtaB ibo WUIIanaba^ lo**2. ST MW I^aoteer of Tiaveeae
439 vwe «aU«n tn;ibU ytdaUy laai
nle araa boM at the
r. Hawfc ‘niofaday..JaBii.
aad a^
■to liaitar hadlte mlatorti
Kpe^ of ib« BclshlmrE.-«Sha »MDe M Mr^aad Mra. Ckorn
ff 'A m SB Mew T^a ere. Gaiaea
o»d«- of^o ereirin*. ibo



Cbtatortttatbaa tarntd its
laaiaaii 01 tbs "psesks' popMar boaas .Itmrisbtr” by »
ra ol Mhr doaHajj, aad a«l
■tela that fopatoilon by tb*

Clean Up Prices

Cne store Ibat imposes tmplicit confidence hi the peopie*
and mithoiif fear or favor ex­
tends equal credh to all. C4)l*
means you.

Oil Our enormous Stock for One lUeek Only
Inventoiy is now over, and we find ourselves overrun with odd lots, broken lines, and remnants’in carpets and
floor coverings. These must be closed out before the new lines are imrothiced into stock. Don'tcetiheidca that
these goods are old styles or old pattems-they arc not—they must go simply because they arc the last of ihcir
kind and now talrip that we must have for the new goods.



Agoodr-eU«*de,milstteCotnfortfcto ......1.................................... • JVC
Om $2.00 value cotton -lown. silkoUoc ccn-ercl, lor ........ ............................. SI *45



Scgalar ^ yaJw to tiM wk OBly...:. g... V
.RSctataebtohcwyAlKWodliipaia oUe..
: lUffaUr S5c .U^nio Stair Oaipei at.......... j*.
Good Taprany. Bniuei^ regular 85c giade...;.
I Aat AkmiMto.'
Bwr. OIB
_ this aak
Vc 1|»C • iw of nMBUta ia carpets, all grades, naging torn sx to-tratr yards m





value, far.................
neatytleeccdblankel.fua site.
76c value,to...:.............................................
A good LaceCurtM at, pet pair................... .........................................................
Out regular


curtains al, per pair................... .................................................... $ t .25

Oar *4.grade go« at, per pw......................... ...........................- • - ............. .. • -$3.00
We have a quantity oflacc curtains in'singic palranJ cnIJ‘'curtains d'H .u<mcw<.nld.
overstock other dealers.

worth $4.60
$4.f»0 to,.....
few heavy all-wool blanketss worth
Tlic ftl.OO :; goesaU,.......... :........... ..................................... ^.4.SO

Bed Spreads

These we will dose out at Risl one-half their orv ^nal C4itt.

A "4>.: l fall si/c while Treici to ................................. .. ...................... ...................... > 66c
Our tcpiht $1.7.n valu.; f ,r........................................................................................... .$1 ,25

Door Panels



Others at same popwlionate rcilurtion.

A good Jole Aug ia^e to oaly............................... .j. • .i

S1.75 Tdw aByma.'Mto66, tor «tody.......................fguwv'i*'*; .■

-I!*- »s

.......... 250

...................................................... -1.25

............ ....... ...........

Xup Miin Mini R-JJ. «4J5


A lar^c aisohtnenl lu c-.-h-c! Irom—all graiScs and hefts, v
A 5 pound, good mixctl feather i- lJw at, per j.*ir ................. ..i,'... .$ I .CO

Pillow Cases and Sheets


Knorinoudy r>\cTttockc\l wiUi theSe. To rc-lace Rock the entire liae will lie sohi at a
discountfrdin................................................................... '...........25 to30 per cent

Good tapestry Curtain, regular $2.5« grade, to^............................


......... ......................... ................ ... • - -3.00

Jirt Squares
la Gnaake lagnuB. SiBynii, OsAncfe, Tapestry Etossdt, Vdwl, ?fiUfln and Axnitos. iaan&Bcsatid gradei/ata rednctiootkSS pwoeBtflBeDtirel^
ftpedal~«xU art a9aare,,gniute. to...................^..................... <65.25

Oil Clotb and Cinel^ms
In order to reduce our alodt of Lwoteuna mod do h qokMywe will adl oar T^nlar
; 60cgrade for tolly............................................... .........................46C
' TUi gr^ liaoletuB in your dining laom or kitchen win tost ton Kveh^to ten jetfs.
pegntoSScgndeFloorOBdoth to........ ..................... ................. ..


iKIiliCIl towel to..............................'.............................................'•• ••
' A lot OJ' cheaper and brticr ooo* it a r4.vlaciidh of SS per c

A few $4.00 Rojie Pwtietes will go at .............. .............. ................. .............3.00

Cable Cineh

Odd mindow Shades

ii Tablecloths and Napkins are inch-led in this greM /e<luctioo sale.
of'J-* |ieT cent <» an)thing in slack.


Regular S5c Made during this sale only .
SGc value, beary at! shade, only.................

Camp mats

hot dish pa.!s, will peserv e your i r.en, at.........

Baby Robes

S3.7S value, gemune Angwa. to poly..
Oor $6.00 value, best grade Ar^wa...

Good, ^niar 60c one. to.
l.arger ebe to.................


-Vowr IWrafltolalto Monrato.WaaFewIraObte

StorM at Tra^rae City. Elk |tapi4s and Tlii

• J--.......................

Door ma^

A discoaot




Prices vv




Fs»-5iSis'?jftS2; "S?
to^tvtra^ »to. u ukiiif ti«*u
' tf0m6 Dm retmed to i

I. MMbtl 8ard«r «m Id Tnrtne
. JCnr on (KMiAMs W«dD^sd>7 tit

Mn. A4dle Keitoa is rUitbft. taa...fnaiU. Wn. WtUoo «t>4 wlf«,
Amos BCCnUr 4r»s (tows mOi 8-Jt' lom Bar * fate -tan teat
Mm. Wb. WotAors «
■am Oir Tfevndar or Qnr Da Loiiit want t.
nundar to «ommi .tfo
JM>m was ^Ttararae <siy
last Brtday.
, /
a T. McAlvay ««i Bs fram WaMoa
■bar tatsmab'
f. kBicbiK a

ra WTU anaoeuer >iam nsiana.
W. & IfldMb left Ust week for and earn with Beetrie BUiers. TbU
ieadoa for a two Wfwks' rasaUcni.
Mra. B. J. OeiUA baa vadted bee
>teria,for U rxteU
------ ------------- ■- ^ ^
-tu. enratlTe iBftnence on ue.dUeaise. drlv*
week ID }elB ber boabaod in Lidlnr lag it eatirdy oat tbe system! It U
modi to be preferr»l lu quinine, bav
le of this olrnc's bad after.
the Mtater.
E. 8. Monday of iletnittia.
IfRWonb leacae lopie for aext Smrlicc “My brother was very
taj U '■An I Mr Ibptber-s Koefwrr
b maUtial tever and Mcsdice.
A eoedial taeltatioa to all,^
dll he took BUctric Bitten, which
ived bis itte.*-' At Jobimaa Drag «o. H, Meads 8. £. WaU A Boas, drngMn. KeUer>ura IJodler bas ulieo op ber icroa; price 6g<^ guaranteed.
wiMii ao^ aftv as iUtieaa of
ODe-tblrd of the land ad/facc of tbe
globe U covered with frees. .

gesimn ana ajB»epfia—loc iwo ,areni-,
to Cura a Cold Ifl Ona Day
est enemlea of health and k*l»P‘a«*-'tni(,LAXAWrE«K>MO«CUfl»*lUdsts
Does K not afferd the best crtdsnca; ai
rrfuSte mS^ U uSSte
that An^t Flower U a ware apeciBc;ff*- K. w. Orove'. dmwtwrt b «a ssta ban
for all stomneh and
— ■*•
r Bin alahcd Tuet^teri Hey Beati^.
day toe
iirrlet Howard of Tins W. 34th Si., best of all liver regulators? Aogu« |
Mn. Georae Hapletott and dsnehter
w York, St one time bad ber beauty Flower has a matdilcas record of orcr
CibiidU muniect bone td PeUston
h skin irouble. Sfav writes:
"I bast Salt Rhenm or Eczema for
ratti plaints—a sacccss that is becoming
day. wto will rUli ber sUt«r. Mra.
lica S»iv.r." A wider In lu seope every day. at bo&e
Mills. More rtorBing.
bcnior tor cmt. burns and abroad, a» tbe fame
Miss Lctab Conningbam rHum<d to
Flower spreads. Trial tk
“ rerse Qty Wedaeadty after visit
ing Iber biMhera
. and otherr relaitvos
bare through the botlday/'season.
Mrs! Uirl Bnm 1r^ Kcvvrely iJnicied with cczena In her bands.
Wn, Paton returned Wednesday'
tron lUatinga. wbere be was called
by the serere illness of bis moiber.
who passed away a few hours sl^er be
Caiioltu EKSrec&aist for
amiwd beme. He has the synpaiby


Tn*«M Cio

_ -is t»i
• Witeeaa
wakes Itself as dtaa

g ffour
killed a large wildcat muasuri.'ig
a Inches. The,- BoUl the
________ in Kimnley. wL 9 will hare
taU porebase staffed and mounted by
Tbonas Clark.
Hlu Bessie Bmnoai went to Hodgo
Friday nl^t to vUli Mn. John Wioebcomb and tanlly.
A suiting party had pla&ned to gJ
to John tvtnchcooib's last nlgfai. but
werc unable i .
account of tbe
sionn. They expect i. 1 go lu.nlght.
Mrs. HarllD T
baa befea quUv
ek (for a <day or twn. but U bettvr
s1s4tcd at their u

Jgn-1. dMparti. (bIM 1b Ttartm
Wars waa la ^ram

peclal ine<
y night


Ty.,^ car.

A. %anb)fKer aad Paal DeBoer,
■wspw la_““woeb. • T*ay an.
atkBle at Bbtfi
eecotac la aa iafc .
-Sba. B. J. Otfild awl MIm
GeWck were >leawto aanrrtied b>
abeai SfteaoertMr Menu la« Wed' Id*. «aWW aad rWresh

k'tOr Atb-



In ilio dHoriliin and coriseiksn of abnnnnel nuidiibiua




U a brandfa of fit'olfc's OjUbaimte Insdliuie of Cadillac. MIrb. wbiefa
was osubllsbad by me'ln C'adillae In 189k. and is tmday the largest
and lies: eqnipiwl insUtiitlcn <•( its kind In the wtaie,
OR. 8. C P.AUL80N. who asriis me In my Tnven^' City
flee, is one of our own graiixai' s. as well as a grailnate or anoihi-r t-n1
lege of optomeiry. andlms becu nn our staff of atsisiiints fnr ihr past





MONEY has not been aparc<l in equippiag my TYbvvtsc aty of
Are, whicb'iK thoroughly equlpixsl with all modern iwdmmenu.
WE GIVE a wyi-.icn gnaranice with even- tmir of gtaMcv.

and BEST VALUES ever offered in the
city. Both LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S

Let us show you these before

you buy.

DR. P. A. WOLFE, Optometrist.
'traverse city. MICH.

Id bold

arday Bight and
nen^ today.
. U. Daate ara It.
Wood and Jali« SeegmlHer.
, where Mrs. Uame
from naar Burnnit City, are here with
t at tk< their,
teanu batrilng logs.
Mn. WUI Chase, apent a few days
with ber mother ol Traverse City laM
'week rptnmlng Banday.
Olaaov, who IBS be^ via
Miohioa U a creat place to Ure In.
I tor aereral.wo^
ram Gttr .oo 8aur Dftrlng the past moatb sixteen eeaiensrians hare bobbed op In the Ilmetlgbte-wUfa ibeb- btmdrmlth annlrcr-


a Odd in CtarOoy

Eye Troubles

Suite 413414 Wilhabn Bik.

voKovoKr i»AKnnait

i: a BiiVB aat daakhtar *nifr
iigm»lla,- wbo ban bean tb'
MlatBr, Mrs. D. WUte




•a vUMbk
. ..1. tor a row dan. boose for ber while sbe U away.
« at Mtrloa SaurMrs. A. S. Baraiim vlsiied Mrs. i
Tboraton of Klugsley Tuesday las
ikoop ratsniad bono
mdlnc a tew dar«
Ootaer aad oUiM
The trliHMls of Addlaon -McKeag a
to leant tbai be received a tele
selllnv ct.tbe death of bU notlior in central tUlnola
Uoorge Barick Is reported
■it up.
Mrs. Richard Uaraball has been
dnlie sicfc with pleiiHv during '
past week.


.. large bald-beaded eagle was rwa . Tbe pmr daiqibtsr of aa OtAlaadj A haabel of wheat, by aeiaal esmnt.
dowa and stoned to'^b fe a field dooWy agricBUnfBl took advBBtage j ha* been fbad fet 'eaotaUa SO.TSa bnaiy edw
near Edmore. Tbe bird's wing bad of tbe farm ba^s the other day. Bht gralai.
evtdenOy b»^ bwt and It eonld not [offered fimr klssta to tbe dae the'
liar over three feet from the graand, I woclil do tbe tnoM work In two day*
e feet from tip to tto ' and before night three
-j ptetely teckemi c^f
Oiaad TVaverae.-Aatrim nnd Leal an an
The Baerat,ef fiuerwa
1 :.luadlagb» sad Un KapSda
cotuUea wiU be held In Grange ball.
Forty BllUon botUes of Aagust jfi|tiag from on eiriil^le of a new 4Us.
TraVcBe Ctqr. Jamary lath. 1M8. at
Phrwereold in tbe Vnlted States al<me ^_ It is called tbe Mleblgaa «ch. i > o'eJosk p.
.for tbe ptzrpoac cd
mince its IntrodnctloBl And the de-t
Band for it is stOl growing. Itnl thsti”** rW wu, u.
bsMBoas of iBBertaaee that
o aeratefa cosilnaany.

membsT tbe battle "of ^
foartean bare smoked aiaee they a

firs Looked as IfThe;Would Dpo|>
■. Off-BodjEnSrelj Covond mth
Humor—Pireo Duefore Cuuld
NdtC«-a,ik)Gre» Worse,



X».GeoigeJ.St«ser«f'>ov< 8k.. Ahtwi. Ohio. tdUs in tbcloUosrUig
letter of BBoUerol '


ited by Cnticars Oiatmest.
r pbyiriciaBS. and all else had
rd: *'I fed itsny dniyaoisarents

Wbat 0. A. Bugbee Drug Co. thinks of




127-131 State Street


y. Traverse City, Mich.



1 tell you to take chances
and run risks when your health or life is at
tistttt to this: VITONA is not only the
best Tonic* Known, but it is pure and’ harm-,
less, with no bad “after effects.”
Insist om fOMf rt§ht9
don’t accept any!
other treatment when you know that VITOI^ A ^
is positively the best* Blood Cleanser and
Tissue Builder that science has yet devised.
Be 3ttst to Yourstif and if you have any of
the following symptoms or diseases take
VITONA. for it is guaranteed to cure all dis­
eases of Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Heart. Ner­
vous System and ail other conditions which
are the result of impure blood.
Vitoma purfies and* enriches the blood,
and not only makes you well but kecpa*you






• CA

•ff FabUeaMom.


MiMK Dirruk&irr

OVACCS. Camtoima C

Ust of rwaat. raat amM •OMer
maUAara. tfrawKtc MaatOUUt
DtoAraaaa amfe cfeoica URatraiiossa. «o wMIchto nfifiaS a
kU>OVE or DtSEJbSES, witte Alractiama Mew to twaat thw. glwam te» .


• ^-5

M^ra't^’agfi&STsWraT^VSK ^



TOtt wbst Cnticom has dose iur any
little danghter. Sbe bivkv oat alt
overbcT bo^with a hnsmr. atul*we

& Lm Ihdr Tlait Id ShUoi
*-*T*ortbs last weA.
I We Iwfce oa FrMa) Ua>.
' I nab retimed oa Sa:.
TBcatioo u
d Cedar Itailda.
Braea aod olate. Katb
.,_Joad trasB eUlUaa bar sUItootMike,
,.Vaaaatn arrteed aaiarday
I to star wub Mra. Tanaatta

wHbr«tte^t&. I called istbnvdoe*
ton. they
tdaimed tb» ceoM help
her, bat sbe cootiaoed to grow wonc.
so^^k^ her*
loe wss eaten any, her ears
--------- as if they woald dioo^odr''
Keigtabon advised ste to mt^Cnncura
Ointment. and before
...........I ...
id Ointment,
'aaed hall of the cake of soap ami
box of augment the soivs bad all
henkd. and my little ontys face and
body waa as clear as s BsTV-born babe's.
I Wow)d not be wltboy h a^ H it

...;. .bottlea of VITONA lor
which........paid..........% . takea for................


r tell* on VI­
TONA hoa toiled-to bcaert
hI«. WB bbr^ agree to ratoad the money paid nt,

-wSSwbtoU nU^cM*S^?iire
* ■


^te^metbers. in wm.bstbs

Bring the aiMve guaranty to our store
and if you are not satisfied we will refund
your money.


it will pay you to give us a call, as we have a fioe Hoc of Cutten, Robes, Blanket*
and Sleigh Bells. !f you anticipate buying a Buggy next spring, now h the time to
get one roLSooable. as we have a. complete line on the floor.
.Gail in and get one of our




tan b la a tnaaUorr ebadiUea. Oar
tumm an tanta* tbelr attattloa
Mai craia tmTiac aa ibe
«< lacMt. u> Hn node hMtaaarr,
la trMdi b dalrriac. To ap
sUad oar aute aboald bcconc a smt
wti b Mi^idaiiTt M«
dalrr •taic.-v.
idik. tat to mini ua t
Mwon ol tWa ptopocKk* (ta
of tta anUn of the crtat aUtc parti-,
cUed the aUte of Wbeoeala,
m* pBttda* akoaM bctct be a raUajt
■Mita. That o*lr «*« poBileal imnj whk* baa 1,T«
: to>.ta iWMlad ia joar dellbwa- attlaat W la Mleblnii. ata wbtdi
^ue« TI;Oeo.«M poimda of oeas
^^;4Bakei..iha ,
aad «M BMentV lOr a yrc9«r M7 batter aicaian leea ibaa S7.«eo.<HW
«MMtks « partp aplrlt axn obri- IBHnda to MIehicaa,
la or^ to BMcre better roadi and
• of (be aaitoDii la taUdlns (boBi. <be
iwi» KOTcrnor aan a e
au*t oaitbt to be ■
tbc MU to aid la tbe eoaainKticai of
ita ^ptao of koeidoK ao»B ^Bblie hlBlnrairt. He alao ibiaba a
JepartiMat of road talldias abo^ lx;
the MMlMi WHcta-







•mi drir» «nt 790# Chfoiilc;Oold. viUi the only eertite.udst3ls^M«BUfle,Car«rorCeagitfMiOeUto:

ne Klad Tot 1Ut» Aiwmjt Bo^MTnd «hkA hm k



taral Mlc^
Ob tbe aabieet

in Of^qulr.

of primarr eteelto
r^ora'tbe gorerwr taakn ao poaitlve
but oooiea the platIm of the rcfmbtkaiB partj' npod tkat
rabjeet. SpeaklBB oi ibe prtnarj reMce«^Beto»« tajoo
bm la« In Warao. Keai and Mntkehe aara:
“-s*-.■»«««.•- |OB‘laOMatle*:
aome panteolara tbe operaUin
it Ibete Uva bu bees aaUafactoiT
• .1 bfr lad lb otbera deddcdlr tmaatlrfaelorr.
Uon lactatoU«B ebcMU be pionM itartai; defeeta hi Ibe lava bare been
potatad onl.aad them defeeta pea vUI
IHirtBoM lo’proiierto cnde ibe aa) >e ealM upoa to mnedr bp approprlarM «r tbe fsplo^. • • • * ' i M leslaletion. Bliber br partr reclaTb* »topdw « aoeh a taw wooM re taUon or ia eoae other war. laferfer Stn Wimera tpeoi pan
a«Hia« jmtDn aad iahataaUal aa* m* of membertrf one poUilea^ party cation vlaltins frteiida .aad
tof 19 dbe oM* cbd at tbe mm tiav !. a the affalra of aaoiber party abould
• SMlto UtwMe Ibe eCdewr of Ibi , w made verr dlBaatt. aod proyrsied HIM Jrenie pfl^t n«’nlia>t' week
oaMtol driit»Hitf*
i diaihdber If peertble. • • • ■ •
oi tbe mtoitot« bPimirtatloaf tbi ; lemptloB at prtanufea or at eleeiloRy
WWiM orttoMeatlea to tbe dMaac ; hoald be soarded ajuMt in. emr liMore Chrhtmaa. The- iayv <0^ «ae
eiK.ararly off a^d Oi«o»bcc.i<>cj a>i
-far IripertTiTliii aad pedata oet tba: j nasible way. The qneath» aa to tabiE
artl> r»h Or. Pnltek dreocl
to* todt h«l4*lar« added tMMM t< *bctiier tbe espendliaro of xauttPy by
-._inrt'«n.giieeftiifull}' fhai ampaMdldatei for pi
10 once and
va* no. nci-rt.-rt. sn<l lu lutw
eaaAIdaiec for elcMloa sbotild be | trellts on U ajcain.
Ur. anil Mrs. J. V
lc<-hart en'.eriBited la aaKRut. u ao-latpertaiii
. » Nriv Vi-nr‘i
ytar to jtar vttboat ^aage to b «d aboald reeeire yoer earefal noa- t-ve ai Ihi-lr bocne Tlie- haurt«-inie
*l.Ml.nj,7C. .Tbe esOTMa lor lb MerMea."
dmfhle parh>n. viib ibertr <li-.-i>raili>n«
of |ion<\l (ilantg. pn-hrtiled f lirr-iy
if> hv IMM. be taM. ven
anil pbvKaiii nceni-. ihiHns iIm- evi-oSTJl, a a ■ vhlah.b*aayK««ddb
IBK. lasiraiDODUl mnlc by
■riag the aexi two jroair
J. noiiii. Wm. ltri;:]>i.;J<>bn mm-bart,
d afflfiri vere tSfS.
Jr.. W. KnenoMer anrl J. li. firichl
m «Br pMota; |l.SM.Te7.» for la
rural aoBE>. by the male O'lart.
let wi-re Tcry "ojoyahle. as »as ab
k Mi' ibair espnprit
a whinlloft solo.-liy Jesse Roil, til
<Aii* <kntab.lba been of certeetinB
prtBrt iirtsin accumpabintBl. PT. I
■M (barblM: tnM?S for aoraa
wlik Mrs. r J. BrtKbt ol C«<Ur as of'#Hdto( imjkSS far the &boai e
can acconiiaDlat. A boantlful srpper
'Ms; <UM*S tor sboelM.....
was served, of which ovsiem t. ro *hc
icartios feaitite anil (he S<-w V<-ar «as
-of dbe Mia corenuta’
sreleoBcd la
tabU-s '
TbOT fbaee l(arw tbe soraraor eot
rtplto that tbe taclMtEn Boat ar M-TKi^^amlwbsB.

iBsprleu act baa ibas ttjmjM.Uf
I rvenlPB,
Btiehi pnyMTs -ob
. C W&n’cra ab<) f
loekMB la ba»l%it aa awful ila* apnM New Veantai Ibeir
.ritw I'vuivv r.«n '«* M
imt bnildlns a deteatkm hospItaL^' M. Iirisbi.
,:^.aupeiTlaora are yetr^Mioarteal*-' Ura, rcti. S.-anMv4*fPMrrt*.an«i^^^3!j^\^f.;^^
abl.f. Ut u- i
nd wean proridc tor eoe. dud the eUy lU.l^x:..t. uoaab
eads lu.eeaUflotM earn to a hara.
Dm Dw/ST. to Mr. atirt Mr*.
' '
.'be loeal Aepeu are letriUy werrted KaUDTitch.
a« Mn;4a.l .Mriboat
to' that direetloe bere v«va taM
R/U)ert IKIhm. a :bor'
«b*a tbe aioeCb of tbe Mte.
cvvnlluicr-ol'l R»
<Mtbeaab»aetoraUtetaullaa. tb
' TV-nwixw It I. ool-fr.t. Ihil IY-hU'. tlir
actih «Uy or J»i,u.ry. A I) Isui. »t lu ..Vbirfc
■efawMh<r»- “After Baay yean c
In Ow rurvsuun. I.-a-.rm-luc Ih-b-nnne
. OTadeeMMI that tbia
g!..! Ilikl il
■ ■■
problOT mtm beBBitod oat tbna»
M. nxl <01
Hr. aad Mrs. QIIm H. Peltoa o^
a’totob'lii lOTSHidna Tbe tabor c
Vent Toledo. O., Tiilted
_____ .at .D, ..
%ilild ngi jp/**,* s^tadlt Bie of
ftW'e tiOT Taeadey .aatll FrUay Oyb CruB SalB
toaaay tenovta. m


tarr— —’

u9 hM bMB M«e NDder hIs 9OTfdon alDMi ita iatoaqr*
AU ComtetfMtaT Ij


Ba^erinebtirtbs^ trite
tHAe wUh aad en
tadangrr tbe badtli at
luitotole aAd^Caaidnib-Bxperifmce <

What is CASTORI^
liwn nn'lunkB ailatini
------Cerio, Drop# aad SoeUilns 8jn
camtabM oetUier OploM, Morphine nor other Nareetle
Ita a« Ita a<ta(Mtee. It deatroya Wei
aad etlaya FererUbacaaL It rttrea Dtarrluea aad Wind
Odic. It TcUcree Teetkhir TnmMea. <-urea CoaaUpattaa
mad Plataleiacy. It MabnllaUai tbe Pood. reanUtaa tbe
h and Betrete. gtirtan bealtbr aad oaUinl sleep.
Tbe Cbndmfa Faaami-The MeUiefa Friend. .



<.. k.1 a. 1


Bears Ue Signatiirc ef



Tbe Kind Yon HaYe Alvays Bon^t
In Use For Over 30 Years.

It miin havi- Ihk« in Cab.^b|irs ^ it is .aid that tbe Tavaa Saiar On.
alMTc aa ahseal-ntBrt<v) man «a.h»d jbaa par^awHl fhaa E. O. Cole of Aa
his vnuden k-g tbc other <tay. U was jflrcs one tf the IIbcm (arM In aocib-





Two Minutes
{^ftodans tell us that all
die blood m a Jieaithr
hiunait body puses through
the Jieart once in ev^ two
inmates. If this action be­
comes inegular the whole
body sufim. Poor health ’
follows poor bloody Scott's
'£nml»OT makes the blood
pure. 0ne reason why

• be'oattaSe
r fix tb
a er reaMf to aar tovaablp bb
toar aot'aUMVt to asnad tbe ta
«kUa tbe teatoaip..
ObUe aabieet of
toe gWtoMretotee that raUroad UM
«UT«|«Me ■Ueb tbe eorenor Btate
wilwiMU tbe tatenat «a praeuean
mu of iMP^. Got
ete topner preBbea that tbe latei
cato'or tbe atau aball be aaiply pre
tected ia Uom MUera. He raoMi
Mceto a Mate lav for the laxalloa <r


la eaaei i






is such agreat aid is because
It p««scs so quickly ihto
the blood. pai^y di­
re it enters the
stomtdi; a double adt-antage in this.
for the ttomachldtiiclcer
and moredjrtcTTjencfits.
To get thTcreatest amount
of e«od with the least possible effort is tlic desire of •
everyone in poor h^th.
Scott's Emulwn does^ust
that. A change for the
better takes place e\-en be-


Anlil i< (ortli-«urS.c«l.tkumkln.-illKinlUklllu


: thj.cjntorlMl-'puUlvbnl IL tV. Un.M Tn.
Uanid. B n»w«lqr»v
*”'* T
a*nnrt><>l>t«l«l. lU xTi* l».
-iai* ! bmrir




Whiskey kills over Kifl.'iiMI persons every year in
ihe United State*. The Keelcy treatment as adminis­
tered at the Cirand Rapids Institute is a safe and pain­
less ciirc*for the drink habit and druu addictions. ' Rt.
Kev. Johi
John Slianlcv.
inlcv. Bishop ot North Dakota, says: "It
is because 1 know
low it
It does cure them, because 1 know it
i* God's
truth, that I take
thethe deepest interest m the
tvel shall raise my
Kecley Treatment
and so long a'IS Hive
voice in atlvocating its eilicacv .”
I'or information aaddress

Jinw m



$20.00 Over­
coats, $ 15.00
$16.00.[Overcoats, $ 12.00
$12.00 Over­
coats, $9.00







$10.00 Over­
coats", $7.50

The more Madaxinca there arc, the more
Ttbu. P*r.-« Tr«»<:

ladispcosable ta The Review of Revtewa
~iin aaJ
wcrU*uod^»**ficI«U^».“*-Ari*^«ic»tJ»»i la public »l1air»
ftoa mad
«ar«f i}k ph.-*««iar brwi
evrrcet luc.-^aire.'—liir-K
me Bcuicn lb rr •».

tbe mac'd.

il tolo f.-art 1^ IWl-wcf

Cop.VfiykH»rt Sdnffi;er



c!hl L-v




5>'b b tbc toad W

S* Ibe .dr —r to Irep M






.Ito^ '

-'iSswr.,..k., ..


- fore you expw it

snbject cf tbe toiry aod too
drpaitBBJt tbe a>eaaa«e asyt: “ft I
ny belief Ihot Ibe dairy and feed dr
jNBBMit aboald be m brwadaacd fc




r Uv.|o ndoei
- tbftr rau of tare, tbe gomor potob
oat that they ban delayed redaetloi
by reacrt to tbe coarts. latbe'caMo
tbe Oiaad Itapidi * tadlaaa raOraet
be aaya. tbe road collected Urec ceai
par talle tor Uree yearn after i( abenl
-bare Uaiyed tat two aad oae-bal
oeaia per Bile, thereby atakloc a prod
of tsigaoe a year. The DetroU. Graa.
Sara d-HUwaokee raOroad.Jiy keer
tor its case la eoort, la stBilariy laal
tocaproat«f«MAOeayear. TooMt
ttls fvD Ue
lair by vbifh liUroad eoapaalca. I
aacb cam. bball retora to tbe Mt
trcMary aa oMwi eqod to twice U
eaten at pMeearit tafta eoiieete
dorlar tbc peadlar of earn la eoort



•rtee ia iMk tie. l*w wetoir-i ef Ceor-^-1'"^
•£ mdaerc «• ba B.W keep “(o «cSi lb-

■ 3 PUcc. Nf. Y«k





iPEBE Marquette
Tnaaal<M«TnraA*Otty m k



JANUAW tl, Wm. -

sTisfiS^: ei

^"■s r ss ii.sis e:
or Or«i Md arm
. tafiF>AooI eo««nitim. M4 «
Mm C«irr H. s. «*««* UmmxT
Mmtim tmemti «t It «. ». «rBk
rwMwil J. K. Kt«»r4r la ekair. Mr.
Barnard ot ota«B lat tW deroUml
awrtw. Mr. 4. niwd »vr ihr aeopm a kcartr vcteom. to
A T. HUI mimdcd ta a fe« aaO
^oara wordl.
Mr*. Caaatr of N'ccm Qv ao( Im4m
premi oa aecmt of rirksraa la

^I .Uii II
ity II ■■HI M Aiwia

5 rfSSf:?!

s sis ii

muMw ur Aocs
u m im tm

w **'



K« I i I





• m

V% t» £m tket
to Ibr Mea^
Oar CeaaoB4tr~~«iiilc* bmaA oat
toaay mud toeaiAla. m «d ibr cnM
tboacfai* udac that ir»- rtoald Im**
tbi* iboiuM; “lU K> aWrr roa nat
mo to mt. drar Lord.' fU br vtol jtw
«aK*a«o br.~ Ike *t*r tamiat
war bean aad Ufa.
H«wy BaeiHi «f Orawa c^a tcry
lauareUaK talk. RM aal^
ikr* n»o« iKat Wr l^oar
IVr Oat id the Hey* fr«a ihr Saadar
Mooiji^ly Anar TOry bier th*
aow* aearral
oa tbt
atortv aabfeou «« rtoMd vlth ata#-




f lil!lfi:J

isifliJi 1
- :siSSASi= 1s

HmsIw <d ibr fidovlDc oMcrra for lb*
naalw n-ar:
ITcahh-Ot; 4: K Mpm
ihdy; »lci- |»rraMr*i. a a. Itonwaa:
Mwury. Mr*. CKUacrr: trranrcr.
Alh-a Uumrtr*: Itotar tkfwlMrM a*,
arrtatradmt. Hrary Sa^cU; arlavv
. aapMlBlcadrat. Orarr Vaa Ka>|M.
After alwiM by Her. X. GeiMSe. w«.

1 ISjijife

Sl^lJ .1

'fi- 5 ? i‘5

2^:;;I5 Is


Ssa.;:S! ’S


f« p^r

mu 4


r i

. .n



RrralDC reaaba aboard Ir* iha *t*«Ucat. WarirrSudetbaarrlMdlHIM
drroilooal *micr. trbK* «»a A iMk
**to nMoyH rtTT niidi by aJL Sto»
la*. “My Moibrr-. rajn. by Bay. W.
T. mil.
rtU *CT. Kill
ducted aa
rraamdlMie trryloc at
a-hlrb tberr w** we prcrbiaa aotri kd
to lad tbe Bartor.
We feH rfrhiy rmU tor ibe day't

'i I

s 5 s

:l I II



UlOl M*!S . I .

I Ell iiliili
’ pilf IIIill ::i
1«« .



a ai




laiki*M-»A«dlB*a *
« in


t: ,: Si: <s
its i£ SIS 43

s. J iS
.111 i!
!S S S 8 !S

na lab* Lam*

anaad to baalaeaa darter MtoBv. at
■Met darter Ibe algbc IteWtel f«e«
-tewrtUr ptepie
OoM a
«r*«. Nerertefla. AtaaydrasMota
M eeati.


Itaad u








*4^*88. Tboaa* esd'wlfe to C
w. Bar. Ma la. n. it. i>. i
Or«a A WiaateAad.; V '
C. A. Ttmt to Maicaa Darla, m 1,
bik. G. Pife lAke LaalMr C» add. to '
Fife LAke: $S*.
FViyd L. BMlth Mid wife to Wte.
L tinrwa. toi 48.
a% M
lakil, Uk. S. (hk ,
I. c%



Awadik>aitoih Id Bm*u v*«


A Lay Oo. to 4. B. Hawter
Ota S4 blk, a. H00.1


, ssr.r-

■ S H V.i ii

5 SlfStSi,„

Roebel. kXi M-K OakJfaliMta: It.
W. B. McCaU.itoa W4 wile to B.
U Crsaito*. kK 2S Old MMatoa TOh
Uor: |T».
lUaaah A Ia* Co. to iobaUMtar
aad wife, tou »-M Uk. t. H. U A
tub add.; tvm.
BMAard 4. Ualor to Cfcartea WUbeiai « al. lira 74. Mk. (. H. U. A Oa.'a
Deaj. y. caraoa ci al to Joba C. Moft
W parcel aec. t. tow* ». raar* »;


mil i“

^ lay Mid'Oo-* nn* iMKio*

TU*aibl|>7 KgrtiraTBaaff* Jt Wnl

3| i| ijfii

-K—nrs :s IS 318 iSe


2'^?uT3“‘TF'is"s iS !S

iSSJS-'s S ii!5 is

s ais IS

IW-ad AdOtthiD


II i«

LSxaiS'v'i • '

- Ba»*ab. la? *ad CO* Toaitt AdAiua


.1 yiii SsSsT

vnAAt^ ur •ntMxt cftT

fit i« Jie

Baaiah. tat UdO* mb AAMIIm

■tVrraKMy a Ker* <d



loi II
I Lnt a.

: .. •

-Mbaato. la? aad 0-» Math AMttfaa
ai<«*rM..-a *


ciarh-a I. Pierce aad artfe to Jam
A. Bautb. WH of a wfk arc. A im

"Si. nMge »; lliee.


IS £8 18 !8
4£ 48 >8 18 48

T.mi^ a K«ih Id B»a«r i: V«M

SS It'8'lit £8




5 !S ".8




1 m i|:



Tow^MKorthtd tMaM»W«*>


MM »te


5 M !» tS

48 .8 818 48 ifii'iiWiiu


fteaj. Thblby K al to fterab D.
Wri«bi. tola
Mk. 4. Oak Park,
ex. a. to feet: 17*0.
Georre W. (^crtl*. MKmi nbrdiBB.
to w«. H. Pattoa
al. > e>A of a rtk
tec. T. towB S6, raerc 1'*; WK.
Darkle) A iMmsiaw. lAtofacr O*. to
Wai. t-Abl. n eM <d a ol* aae. 1. toWb
». r«ace 12. I417.ts.

be* «k>
Rkn<l Butera. Cure* dmeepaf. eoa*tUiAUoo; laylrorate* the wMe ayw

The Ci4bV«J6 Weekly MrABBat
will bereafUT be keown a* tfco OnA*rtne Weekly Cal), the iftaagc la bmm
taklBS place thfr w<«k.
Takca ibe bara a«t
wand; car** the i»ia
EclecCrtc on. the boaaebc

a blr paptr am wiU be boUi te thb



Baal CaUte rrmtefB.

Mary StruMc lo Ttewaa WtewW
aad wire, pamd aecUaa U. towe tt,
raar< ii: DM.
iaha A. Wnaoa to Bnarortb OTOB.
BH of » wM tec. tl. toWB n.

.. 1*1



il I iii >ii m\


Berauh. anateh. acmek: aebte to

UHSa aad Vbab-. AddKa*


v*> be rbabU'il to do farttce a«t for
. tbe MaMae la ikto aew yr«r.
AltbeoiM ihe day «** atotmy ear
coaatr prcatdbat aad wife w*f* «ttb
u. Tber* were If.r la BOewdodM
aad w» had a mettaUe ui r~~Tr

. tke heeadleUee.
Mf*L P. B. Oulaito. Beer.

ttadrtth-* AM AMMb


Mr*. Mim.

a arark>*>^ by all. H la
cal iP'Unvn u» Iht talk- aad
Wr thra HatraK to a
■oln hr Mr*. rnwiK-ad Vritord.



. ■?

8T ' B !•' lili

•car tatar* if rvaen bbote Or MterPlato art eirmL
Tba BtUe t«iM


Or. WwdKl

MawarnaAKrnip. finadMuateAtr-




' ":”V, *


.i,. j.-. ' ■ IL

thumoay. jabuart w. ww.

‘Mooqrbak” Silk
r>ri|rtt H at M
Dust and damp proof, because no
forei^ substance is present to attract
dust and dampness. "Mpneybak" is
notldi^ but silk. Enquire at Eie silk

nefirdtcst SdlmgEvcnt IntbcHistoty tfour Busiucss
In the Cloak Room
Where a LltUe Honey Bays Hndi
Two hundred Dress and Walking
Skirts, alt choice styles, bought for this
season’s selling. Our new goods for
spring will be here in about thirty days
and in order to make room for thb
stock we offer these at 3:P i per cent
Twenty-three capes in stock. We
are safe in saying there will not be one
in three weeks, as the following prices
will bustle'them out;

$4 Capes $2.75. $5 Capes $3.75.
$10 Capes $6.50. $12 apes $7.50.
$20 apes $12.50
Thef» are. ■everal thing! fliat make thb
am the moat attractive piare m the city at
to Oracle. Light and wiy, plenty of
room, everything for the comfort of our
patrotts it is pomble for t» to haveacoin*
petent selliog force, the hugest stodcs in
-DOrliM »this pan of the state.
We tipthe most business of any com^
.in thb raft of the state. . To those of you
who hopw whht the "UilUken” store was in
iatafaiicr mi wku;it ■> today these thioi.
wih mean a good deal—they mean that this
h»beea accomplished only by right methfldl. W dealing lair and honett by each cus­
tomer, giving them GOOD merchandise at
a leasenable price, and “your moocy back
ifi^ wwt iC and now comes this s^al
Pn Inveotocy Sale to reduce stock and rid
ponebcsofalladdsand ends before that,
time, which srill take place in about-one
week. For real vduc giving thb b the best
wpeverliad. Convince yoursdfby spending
a Unle^me looking over these special offers.

Also a lew beautiful Opera Capes;
handsome garments: high grade in ev­
ery particular. These are greatly re. ..dac^ in price. Colors light fan, onion
brown and cardinal.

Ladies’Suits .
Hieh Grade. LHtle Price

Saves Money

Oae fat half bleadfad. dkepat.
tan),lirgeflze............... .





10 dorea Murkaad Stark UiBt, ISxSC..
10 doccQ Lmea Hack, 16x3C, far.
U doan liacn Hock; 21x40, S5c ktad..
SoBM aU rriiite, K
$ doxpn Saiia Danaik, $0x40. 60c toveb, far.


Mothers ^ould Re^d This

S3.76, S4.60 Md $6.00, for.......... ................... ..................... 2.50
SC. SC.60. $7.50 and $8.30, for........... ....................................4.50
$0. $10. $IS and SiaCO, far..................... ...............................6.95
riftccD Mina’ Long Coats that wre $10. $13.50 and $16, for.......................7.50
3S Udia' Jackets, aouU usa, Croni Usl aeaion, good ganMOts Uit oat d
date; sold at $7.50, $10, $13 sad $1C.50, for 08c. $1.$8, $2.98 ............. 3.98
('Aa^ otberLadia’cvHiacs’coat. except oaveacties, at S3j per ceat diacoanL

Shirt Waists—Greatly Reduced
rLA.KNEI._A6 Hut moc$2M $6.76. $.7. 6:1»; for.,................................ | .98
VKLVET-AJct. .07 d»ioc «jla 'cfi, $6 md $(.-. (oc............................... . 3.60
SILK-T.irM. «id Pen dc Soic. coaly bUcR. fcl.60. $t60. $5 06.
$666.fa................................................................... ..1,98. 2.76. 3.50

' Dress Goods, Silks, Etc.

CORSETS one la that are n<H suibly up-to-date in shape; soU at 60c, 75c,
$L(0; not all sixes; dioice «t..:.............................................................. 25c
OoefatCarseti,alltiMs.l8 toSO,aoMat SOc,newstylafar...........................34c
One dollar reniooanfar.....................................................................................75c
This as a fat we bought at a special price; they are made to seU far a doQar; we
offer them far teveatyi£ve cenu.

iii' ifc.' '!».■

a Qiedal Boinbcr.

Since Cur HALF PRICE sale on suits staned we have sold over
half of them. When we have reduced the stock to where wc want it
to be, then no more will be sold at the price.

■ There are totae very anuiaal offerings at Uu* eonnler jwt now-» many short emb
aad broken lino, that yon are sure to fiml aomething yoa c«> tae and can secure
it at a big saving. Every short length nidin «ne ca«a -half pieca are being
, aacrilieed. Many of tbe ,«ec« axe enough f« a whole dren. whUe you are sore
.. 0. Se«bg enongh far j^’s coat <, wain .or yourwU. or-weU, j-on know the
nseyMcunakeoftbeas. 88^ per cent ducount


Wbcrc tbe Hsosewife



................. 210

Api.c» of a™*i >wibu.

16c kiirfrfa,.:.............................i’2jS
,Co.u»To.cUbglbc.p»,d............... ■...................... ........................ , ^
10 pieca ah linen Runia Cnab, worth 10c. far...........


A few pairs Cotton Dianketa. tan ador, were 86c, far..... .............Vv?T. i. d. 99C



Everj-thing in thb at ....................I-3 Off
Thb b a splendid chance to repkirbh rpor
muslin imderwcar. Some of the pieca are a
littk soiled and mussed, but a trip to the tub
will make ilicfii at nice as new.

Tams, ett. 25 per cent off,

KNIT DNDERtfEAR E-hilc W, Lvifa- PuaiodVofa. on.
regular $1.60 Irae, until after mventory, $1.00
garment. Buy t»ow far next year.
20 dox
ribbed, fleeced Port, and
Vats, combed EopiUn yam. 50c. for ?9c.

AH robm size Rugs 25 per cent discount. AH Labe Curtains over $2.50 pair 25 per cent discourft^—AH Velvet. Axminsle'rand Brussels Carpets 15 per centdiscount 29c Idgrain 25c. 45c Ingrain 37«c. 55c Ingrain 47c. BSc IngHain
55c. 75c Ingrain 65c. $ 1.20 Linoleum $ 1.00 yard. $ 1.00 Linoleum 85c. 85c Door Panels for 59c. Ruffled Muslin
Curtains 48c. Fine Ruffled Net Curtains $ 1.48. $2.25 Lace Curtains $ 1.65. Short ends Carpets. Linoleums and Mat­
tings one-third off.



i^a^0ie UMalih^

Tfwe««la,te C»Mn.
IteiMMN «C tht HMMlu.
/ ^ru» aft ArlHwii tie rtln.
I UN ttiMgMa Ml la ImIMIiw
■ ABd WtfN ana* A* «Wob
_ ' WU arklal s>o«>K'.- like* ammtia a wktopa:
*^1^1 fUeraMkaPwr
' Afe. tlM eont $M <ka tanvu /
He loolMd a viUi ior
I oUr tto loralwitM ) /
■ lb loMd vbn A bor; .

tiM ateCM Tfea imd U
VRraraMUahrito /
JftM a* «te a 4MBde/
Bad bdM



NAaft fna^ faUbtal
^4 QM-aambiiiKtaR;
< the tUm



M «to MaMer Bealyi^
««o ooeM hear the
: ’ gfiMdr tUPtacklac of a bamBer, and
vhm mm her. The
•'■LtoiaHt-WM aaHtog «P the hooka
, rooad’eyod Ttoy
MO"Itoten to Be! The
_ tae rgaiCBed. Utt Sunday,
^feafiat baaa Jaat a Ttoy One,
ira-heea thert to hear him do
I thaa roe eoold have told b*

toidiBd aorry. Soawhody
teee.laakea aetry. bat tbe Bln«D«^ *•» aw. Dorrie! Ue eayr
■ateefetai at hit eoaartewee. ao(

__ _ ..jr STBS v«ard4ith an'
a sargla jl ibf. bat ihore war
C to be JggOtt over. And tberr
taMBbaaitobeover! Toroae
Oh UiftHiklw la that other
ttw Btolatar’a UtUe
» lay
a Mistf aaili lato
Asadtthatwrabeatghed. -Ob.
B«tUe awfal one to alt tberr
k CMSly toughs Uke that!
■I.W »»->dtda't X Ml-yw
•rJadrtolcaed? Then atop
WatotrrIWtt waa aeRhar
oM. toto -oaiWy." the mtoShe WBi aeliber bearaurai
toto "Hghl.“ Her sweat
.. bad pnaalhQUtos to tt for
'sil'•or’-tewa. TWt-toito-

—the batoBei
* bBtoeart. Then quite nn. IbayilMved.
Heto eoBiBc:
DoMa. toach!
.rw ftoac to elic!- aad Ae lined b«
■. - 'Hark, frok tbe to-’ *: then, baaHty breaWtac «t aad tosaeUac her
IHtle dkn ttpoa a iww teae.
I -.Vt
tto a toi4 that to fairer tbao.
trtoee Coated oat
«b» atair toado eaeSy,A htop. U aba
"•Aatl to faith we ton we it afnr.' ■
' paag oet toe bran TelCp ■haklly.
|tw Coer the toocUtot l|ay Oae heal
A PBe.wr.biir ewn ^th bar ralUa
*«M fltfw aU paftted.' dearr tbe
baae stepped at sight of the atolster
to the door. -If it hadn't beea «br
rJHUs Mbs KulsaaDe here. 1 ahoeM
W»e gone aad helped ytw. Aad. O.
Davy, t hope 'iyt rcaNabered to .pM
tswaces* «i tWr Shaknataiel“Tea, jec. I raaMabeted. 1 think
Tve heaw naeiabtfiBg—oserythtos
Barto. tkto aftehaon.''
>oer Daryl She waa begMe htoi.
her plUM ptetoaao at thearfatoCBs
hahetoaftoah. FOr she
Itoe knew he bad heea n
r two Mtlto graves oat be. headtotbeUtitoi
her toavsii Ml away froB
her. Uke too hcary a garaaeoi for her
gliafisr toowtders. Beddeaty ehe let
Wb gee her eaCertag tosri.
-O. Dato, Im ^ we go aad Ifsr*
Osar the Crtod. beSUag her palias
^^^ssMBirTfla seat -it-s that-} <»Wd


u.^aw> q>s itot .IsastM the itBB they
I/'wh-tan ta. asi tbato tree «at they
"-"^^jHA.thsssa, and aiL Brtor
WM -hv «bm la iovlig ams
MiAp.** bw afiM. -Tea. i kaow.
Tbo weadtoT feel Ukr


aald wistfnlly. “Pretead It'a oor new
boaae, aad we're ^leg to Uve to M'
Wttb oar view spread out before ns to
look at to the monitog and the evenlags and the noons. Pretond, Davy,
caeT yon pretcniir'
Dot Cbp Btolster had forgottoi all
that was Wore be hail restgned. His
I aew was on the htnnUe Utile
borne he had arranged to more Into
when tor pethlng was done. It waa to
e noar-hy Iowa. He had spoken to
one of (bo fiahemen of his congregaikM to drive then there in the.erenlag. after 4he day's “caieb." TT>c fur.
nitore was to go hefoev, qU but the
few neoeesary pieces which they were
to carry with them. Where the bomkle
iitUe new bouse was. how it looked,
whether tt were this or that, the min­
ister's wife had never asked. She
•lad made no atlpnlatlons except that
;i be wiihto the eoond of the see.
“If we most go away from It. wr
must go easy. Itovy.*' she ainUed to
her gentle way. "Not all at. once, for
toat would break our hearls. Just by
legrees, tin we learn how. Von can
'protend' tome things, but you cant
-DooH!: She aionted him ceceriy. preteed the SM. And Itn glad we're
harrying acroee the lltile faded room {Ding away at night. Davy. If i'..'8 good
to lay her finger oa bla Upa Bltler- tad dark, we neodn'i abut our eyea
beaa had Belted to aottaoH to her
Byself go."
(boa ■
She did not tar it: but toe ytolster
me Blaiater U alwaya right.*' abc
eald. "We tnul tbe nlolfter, doal knew she meant, too. that ahe did not
we. Dorrie? If he realgna, wc'rc re- want any one else to see. la her sen•timed} Now. when I eay. Throe,' ■lUve heart Bie shrank from being
One. two—three’" leen by the nlnlslcr's people who
’’Bverybody*’ mlled. and at least were not Barry. Aad the Blnittor an-,
the babyt anile was xenotoe. Jito tbe derstood. for ho was seaaltlvo. He
lader of ibo aftemoon aothlng was tfad tb^ were to go away at
.’orther was said about the rcelgnlng light, and be knew be sbonld sburblf

iC tbe ntoUtoc, The packing went lyea
When there are few things to pack,'
So tt went on
tor eereral days. Bocanse of the *nny t does not UVe very long. The Ian
the Blntoler told down bU
tee tt was not poaslble for the nto
later'e wife u aealel very much, bat bSBBer with the first long *1^ be
■be bore tbe Uckdacktoc wltboat a had permitted blmaHf. The Btolster
jBumur: ao mneh. anyway, abe
Boibtog^ieft now but to go with
They eeareely knew how tt had Barhy to say good-by to the graves of
tone ahtwl: to their toaocence they Ae llitle twin aoos. and lUrby was
fid aot epves dale tbe bcglimtoc the, toady and waiting. She put the baby i
li« tba two IftUe gravw bad been "silo .hli aims, and they went ont to­ aide, to tbe UlUc cemc- gether. walking steadily sble by side.
^Be'Spoke but the baby. Dorrie
lery. Tbe Blnleter-and the Blnlstw*
•rue—dM not reallM that froa that talked oa joyously to tbe delight ofwrrlWe day the Ufo bad gone oat at belng ont In too Bolat, salt air with
toe Bdaleterto aerBona. They roal- Ao aptly In her face. What was pf
aad ^ly that the Utile c«mcrr«atlon tag stray to Ddrrie'?. -Or the aadnesa
la tbe weather hoaten abureb on tbe yf ibe.IUtrc (win graves lyisg hand la
. *
e or tbe aea had crown i
They stood a tong Use bealde them
■ttH. and that tbo fttUhtol oaaa who
^ayed bad aat In dreary patience witbottt- speakto^ Then K. was the
rhUedhe mtolaler prea^ed. with none aitolsUr's wife. •
"I’m toolUh. Davy; it U wicked lo bo
A tbe olddlBe totereet on their weethV beaten fncee. They were oaly fish- tboUshr she mnmorrd, “(o feel as If
were Icav^ your lililc sons bew people, hot tbe BlnUier and the
. you! Because that's bow I'm
aUalator'e wife bad read their feeea.
fecAaa I guess it's wiekod; isn't It.
tad the BiBlater had realgnod.
Jsar? Oat Oorrir's too IRUe to ntiIf tt bad only been bekaOM of a
derstsnd, ai^ I guess Toiill have to
toair elaewhero-bai ao one had
let mo bo Wtoked.. Irwant tb gather
wllcd' tbe BlnUier. He had gone
my imie gnircs up in my arms and
■boat hU packing np qnleily, wIlKoai
carry theaa with rue. Dary! They're
froa dhe atoaU the mtto sons I tove! Davy, nhy
later'a wUe. No one bad been ‘‘eorry.
donT you speakr
’That toat tbe bardeat, bni it'a
“Lei us pray." the aUnlster said. He
hard!- Bohbod tb^Utile aany wife la
'( Ibo Tiny Oae down betwotn the
aer baby'* neck. "U woold be cwsler
Utile twin gnvea. aad bowed his
j> have aoae one eorry—jaat aoae
DU bead.
•Dorrie!'* And day by day abe
“O Lord, who hwl Thy Son. Wty ns
tad watted for w&te one to come and
«y. 'Tb aorty.- The BtoUler had who have losi tion," he prayed, “and
waited, too. though toea to hiaaett Biake nllowances for us. iMwaiise wc
Just a bnmaa father aad mother.
;i was woebnteseed. ''
Pliy this mother most, dear l4>rd: lli"Apy one bka iajodayr he asked
ite sons are, so mueh to their molhers!
wttb palafut eMoalaeai aner oae of
And ahe ji galng away. Lord; It Is ao
dw days of packlac o«t in tbe Uuie
bard logoavtay! Give h.-r s glimpae
an errand, yoe kww!
3f her Utile sons to Thy nftot. to the
I dld^ know but t heard the bell
^awav. Let her mjf them there.
lac once."
l,ord; oi. 1 pray Thee comfort this
"Yes. tt rang.*' There was Bo ant- mother whine UtUe sons arc dead!"
aatton to Barbara Watowrighfd volco.
Then 11 was still, except for the
'll was Mra. histlls. BheqaBstoask
■y advice ebbui wall p^cri. Rho baby sad I he sea. The mlnbncrh wife
stDotl with closed eyes, not sUrriog.
srantod to kaow U rTbeoght a ereaai
beside her tbe minlsu-r stood. In
fRMUd with genttoa sprays was wtlsUHh their faces and the Ttoy One's
Mra. Maliis Is tny talons
(aco blew the sweet. muUt wind.. It
w aritoUe.'* sUnM the gnus uo the IKtle graves.
aow,*!—arar was there aal"Amen.'* the mlntsicr's wife said
■allon la the BtoUtar's rotos.—‘i
lappcwe rito'a having the New lleane BrfU)-.: by and by. "1 see them there:
now Lean go. Itov>-.“ And the gentle
papered. It anst be about.ready to
light to her far* waa like that which
•ore Inlo.shines to toe face of a mother who
“Yce.. only youVo forsottok. Bhvy.
She Isn't going to aiove la: she's eotnfoHed.
Whea they got back, they amde n
changed her nlad about ludlltofi her>-.
Dent you fcaow. sheb going to wll touad of the dlamaattod rooms of the

•Yl.'ye*. I eaaK. Do yon w>t aw
al« acalD, Daryt I ftiielc 1
mAuro. Ton irtro oot tlw hyaiB/ «art>y!-- tor her taec li«t btai^aad
(be bUtenWH ^IC'ber tweet voice.
Barby't Wriec «u not taaed to Idtter
•«, I know I'm a ^U-ble tiDacr.’
like old Uncle BU«: and here, Jntt a
lie aao. 1 waa a aalat! I told
. Donto to laesh and l A aUc- Wc
0 Vrtac to be ao pMdjr, and not
nuke the whilater'a harden any hard­
er to oarry—nary. a. Davy.,why did
the nlnlater rettea? Why did yon let
The ntalater ^ed tv/ihe crowlac baby abaenily. and eaC her. a llh
lie warn heap at mneaed pettieoats.
■ ble ‘knee. Tbe mlatater-t grave,
good eyca looked' weary, and hack la
their Bhadowt larked trace* of a'bailie woo tont hard eoaieelcd.
~^)all I Ro all over tl acala. dear!
Moetir boealdpatleetty. **11)0 winlater reeicnod bomoM bo
1 bt* daly. becanw hU people,
wiebed It. but were too loyal to

Tb think that the Btolster
gpuea! TVhen tbe Ntwr-Tfa
beca so ahsorUacly interostlng^froB
tbe UiM this one rich wumaa bad
beck to her aaiive place to baild
It. When the bIWHv aad the bIdlassrb wife had watched lu' walls go
sp. and ptoaaod lu ratont. and fur.
bad calM tt. tbeir New Hoew beaasT It was boUt with tbeir View
troB Us wtbdows. Iko View ifiey
. -Well iwMead. Davy, tbe way tbe
Huie Twin Seau awd to pretead,** tbe
Botbur-of tbe ntUeaSead sons bad

"They're forion nttle room*." aald
toe Blairs wire wtatfully; -bat I
tore every one of them. Davy.—every
forlorn one! I tow toe room wcYe
entun our hecnklasu and dlnnrrs aid
sutgRtn to. aa<I tbe rntmt lYe,wasbni
your big ciotbN aad toe totoies' llitle
oMs in, and toe terrible siUf little
pnrwmage pnrtor I've enlertatoed'toe
caller* In when they eoBC with tto4r
best bi«n<^ on. I lave the ehiBBsy.
nnvy.- phe laagbed twmMoasly. -wad
it's smoked drendfallyVA^ tbe rooTa
looted, hnt 1 lovr Ibe ndft> It's tbe
. ..1,

p«cs 1 M6

e eommf, michioaii. thuwoav. January tt, ites.
r. but I love it—and—and
I'm golbg to cry to a mlnotc. I know 1
am., it's croBtog on." She
log all the Ume lUI the toby's lUtle
creasy neck was wet. The minister
stirred naeaslly. and rvbbed a moist
spot oa his own cheek.
It was quite .dark when (he fishetm«n who was to drive them to tbeir
new bOBC srrivGd in a ereaktog wagTbe klghl was stariens. black. Im
-Wc toant have lo shut tmr eyes"
whispered the minister with a faint atlonpL at drollery. The Tlay Oae^
eyes were shut niroady.
They drove away Into the btockaess.
to their ears aad
with t:
breath of the aea to their faces.
ibe br
Soon they settled li^ silence ap tt by
toe fisherman's
flnu auempfs at{ sociability not having
mot wilb -mueh response. Sea and
It seemed rather a short drive, but
with many turnings and corners. The
minister had ftwgotien It would be no
croaked; he wondered a mile. In

bugged tbe Tiny One to her arms and
endured with (be patlenca at her kind.
Once only she apoke.
"There are lights all the 'way. Davy.
I thought we would go through woods,
didn't you!"
“ye*.--the minister was certainly
a Utile puxtled,—“hut probably ihU
U another road. It was marly all
woods the way I went ibe'otbor day."
Oddly enough, neither of them qnesUonod the fisbennan, and he offered
Wbta finally be
Mopped the Inmbertng wagon. It
merely to annmnce. “Mere we be,"
“It U very dark." ihc mluisier's
wife said, holding the Tiny One closer
Mill “perhaps, tl yon went ahead and
lighted up—«|ky. Davy. It's lighted up!
Some one has lighted the Ismps!" she
cried, as a sndden pole radiance made
sort of pathway tor them to the
bouse. There were subdued nullings
by. astt
1. were passing them to the
"I Uke It some o' the
in somewheres. an* struck a mstch;
there's kind folks to most every
plaec.".too fisherman vouchsafed phll-'
oSophleally. "I guess Hannah an' Be d
lo that much fur folks that was movR' in to (tie dead o' night. You go
ihMg In. psrann. with MU' Wato-

Wltbln. there were warmth and light
and comfort. It was a home! The
mlnlMor's wife caught her breath In
gup of uionlsbment. “Will you
h»ok. Davy,-w1ll you look!" she cried.
“Somebody's unpacked things—some­
body's gw supper—soB»eb€id) > an
Tbe big bright room seemed to bold
nl welcoming arms to ibem. There
was a carpet on (be floor, and curtains
St (he windows, and n ketlie jHirriag
too slove. A bed had been set np
temporarily la one enrner. .
“You didn't aay Ihero would bo fur
nlUire, Davy—thU carpet Un't t
the eiiriains. If It wasn't for the
bed and the teakettle, ] shnulil think
wv'd made a mistake. Uut they're
—I know Ihsi teakettle's'veiled
Still, it's vm- simoge./Unni, Davy!
I dout umlerMand—'■
“1 don't understami." tbe minister
said simply. - “1 guess kre're too tired.
Barby. It's our bed. anyway, and our
kettle. I,et‘s drink a eup of in sod
solo l*ed. di-or In the morning per­
haps <Mir niKUrftsoditiR will romo to
••UoiTle. (be mlnir-’ier I* alwsy*
rlghL-fel's do It! You shall have a
rup of laby lea. Well step easy
tbe enrpci. and we won't lourt the
ennaios—till we understand."
And to toe morning they undersi

DBTlarn Watowrlgbt pushed' aside
tbo cnriBlRS sently In the morning.
and atuod lookiug out at a radiance of,
snalight on the sna.' She uttered a
“ttovy. It's mir View! It's nur View,
Davy!- she rrl*-d "O. I knew the tft
wu ben-—I've listened lo It all night
—ton not ours. TbU Is our sen. Dary.*,
Hr was at her aMe. looking, too.
Tbe wonder in his face maiched tbe
wonder in 'bera. Aad Ihea tbe fresh
»fs the New ilonu—woVe'
In lhe_ New House! We're at borne:
we uever we« away at all! We drove
ronnd aad round in the dark, and here
We are! Wbat dos* tt Bwaa. Davyr
They found a letter tbai told (beat,
to rough flsherBaa toagaaga This
tbe Mtsr said, aad tbey wen
aw BtotMer aad toe Btatolsr'a vlfs!

wne to toe weatberbeaton UtOo
iHtoRd-tp ventilate the iKaeuse
ebureb beside tbe am! DM tory tbtok ■abtcfnaeaa eft^ andtofeMp toe teat^
sms could rtmlga like that! Not' peratBR- eadaiSfik- In the lover levels.
when they wete loved and valued; AU deep mine ^erlags prow bow stathey might move to a better "pass- peadonsly dlffcatt would be the task
aBage." but po farther.
r desemdtag hetow the mile IcveL
knew a good minister when they naw
At toe lowecl tale of increase in
him. and toved him when they had
blm fto- tbolr owB. They could put earth, tbe beatat toe depth a _
(bdr hands ih their pockma aad bay, by Mr. Parsoas.-i: bUb down, w
him a passuaage worthier ^m. Wei-^ ^be'Medegreea'MreWbett.
Mqdegnes'FUhrtWhett. This
Mae to tl. Wtdoane! Wrltsme!
Ikoagh' for from the fnslag point of
••Let us pray." the minister quivered, wnaght Iron (S.SSO degrera). woald
droptdag to bU knees. But be said
of tools, even if toe
OBly. "Lord, we thank Thee."
lower boriags of toe shaft wen eoa“Amea,"
wife stnteted as they are to oQ wells, a
dUkatt pmcaa. It would defy the
broatoed Bority.
“Donie." ahe said later oa. when
aaltossal sdieme of aitlfictol re« wonder had grown to a'bcautUnl friganttiag to reader sneb depth* avreality. "Dorrie. the minister hasn't BOable^ entiaace by bomaa bHnga.
resumed! Stop toughing, yon little
gnrgly Tiny One.—ao. don't! Keep beaefit enter Into the ptoaa of Mr.
right on. sad lit tough, too! ‘Hie sea Panoas to saggcMlag toe 12 alle bar­
Is Ungbtog. Durrle.-we're all so glad ing Into'Ibe rrost of toe carib. II Isa
Ibe mlnlsier hasn't resigned! And Dor- sebcBc parely la toe laterMt of seleattfle kaowledge.-Cbhago Trtbaae.
Tbe TlnyDnc a^ed IlMcBlngly.
'no says—the minister nays be
AltomarkaHe Pr.-phot
thinks now he «an preaeh *agaln. It's
Tbe rMaarfcable way in wblrii the
bwutmil to be loved—as U we Umde coadiiloa* of tbe preaeal yew
lD*t always toyed blm!-—ChristlaB
fowudd la
Radeavor World.
Benaer. a tonaiT of Duada*. Ohio, has
created Bach eommeat aamag the
Hols T«Mve Miles Oesfi.
of tbe cmatiy. partledBxporimeais to be tried In toe torlytoc steel nwa. who bare
by oOeera at years gireo mneh wetgbt to the proph(he United Sutes geotogtoal surrey to cMe* of Ibe farmer aag^
determine the
Benner has for many yean hcea
of toe
SBoaaciag. a
ahead of Ubc. the
srtdespread toterest la^ setosUte- cir­ tread of trade. Wag his psodjettoa
clet to Washington. Coming as tt OB the prepoM^ that, periods of
doea oa the heels of a project bmached flaanee aad Unde Bove In eyries, aad
by Charles Algeraoa Parsoos at Atg- that having ooce leanMd troai tbe
land tn bore a bole 1: mllee iaio Ibe past tbe duration of too eyelo*. It was
earih. tbe scleBtIfic world bat BDch toe eaalcst Batter la foretell to« nrrbfood for speeulation.
ahto conne trade aad fiasaoo woald
Prof. Panms estlmatoa that to sink pursue la the future. He ooven tb*
a abaft i: miles deep wonM cost US.- coBdlUoas of sud. Iron. grat» aad
OOO.OM. and that It would require tS proTlslons. and bas been
roan to accomplish It This abaft eat that aieci men watch hto
down tmo the earth.
Beener toys ao elalB to anpeniatl
the equivalent of a hole ode foot deep uni power, basing hto predirtloas nd*to. a Baas cec fees ihk*. U would ooiva ly on lessm of tbe pasL Addison
that tbo afdentlfie Qaanaack. owe of toe great traders la
knoflodge of the world has toft ab{. Wall itreoi. walched tbe |
answered, yet it would. tovcailiMd
ly yoatv. aad daring toe toier
only -iho crust and leave tlunmands al rran of bl* acGvIty In the Borkrt
mile* of the interior man atlll on- be was guided to his
of toe oM man. Dorhni gone down Into the tog the early ‘POa tt to *al<l that tt was
earth'* interior beyond iho dlMaaee of to* predietloa of Benner that a cycle
mile ud livi-d to tell the. story. at high prices had eoBC that ladaecd
The deepest boring In the “crust" of Casmack to
rtblu-ra campalga
»t|lto acted hlib«.bM. He bettored that Beatfer bad gaiaad a for*
le center of the globe.
dghl into the economic tow* govern
Tbe earth's Interlnr Is a vast
ag toe worid of trade.
knuwn. beside wbieh. In tbe mlm at
mystery, the heavens arc an opsb ber, hto predlctkms for
book. The m«*i daring explorer seeh- and tbe coating year he forMMd Just
uew fieWs of heroism In imrarel- wbat bas happened. The stvlfieani
tog the mysteries of nsiure ban halted Jortloa of the Denner prollcitoni
___ - before he could idsn to SUP
mntmt.ihe oluuaeb-s iluii lie IS toe
“I predict that prlcea for pig Ifoa,
paibwa)' of the secrets of the enrib'* raUroad stocks and many oommodi

g(a«bewarl|C Orrtalnlr. evdry oibee toad with m straag .
ha* toagatoec
brwa expiorod, bat tbta one great smbIsavage toad, guarded by too blgbcat
itaias la tb« worid. rramlaa tlm
last idsee from wWgh tbs iaaoraUag
white man is fieroMr sntoded.
re owe' sromaa Bay have saay
sads. bat a ama Bay have caly

womb; tbe ruler of toe toad u
forever a child, fur every rotor diaa bw
fore be breoawa of age; to* tobiSdwasb theasselTM iHto ffuaar.
aad ptaytog to dune by aachlBBTWlibto toe walls of lAaaa ttatff. tbe
grvat Bystery wberr toe Oraad Iabb
drcBBs away bla sautd bat brief oxtotnee, only torae' wbU* Bsa aw
kaowa to have sm toot, la ISIl. aa t

-------------------------•d a* a loam g prick. lalfiM.
. ..> Preach prtesia did toe *aam tolas,
bat Mac* then a* r—imvWse
baa peaeltatsd tbe i
Thibet has aa i
gorawntent. or (heaeney. tbe bssd cd
which to suppowd to be. Oraad DalaiLaara. looked npoa aa toe retatoiSB
Uoa of Baddba. allboogb (be red ntor
to a tcBtoPral chief aalMd to* Oyalpe.
Tb* Ofilbd iBBs to Maaliy ebosan at
the age of five or otx. HetobegfJaa
paiaee at lAsaa. and to never ae«i tr
(he octalde world. Tbe Oyatpo, or re­
gent. ha* charge of (he fiaBa.iaad. at
toe age «f fifteen or olxts^. tbe LABa
die* of s
is totta aanonneed
that bis spirtt bal
passwl to asMber tetUI, who will (it
fooad at a certain place la a eettala
taBily. The child la lawayqJmBd as
directed, bad duly lak&ed iTtiiril||l' ■
eoBB aad Btar wtoed MreBontoa^'-

CMHaaa Ptoitt Ukb a Blfigatli Bpldw.
One of ibe Boat qgrlOM jdW Ig
toe worM to oa* liBribil
etor* receatly retaraed (roB Iba Osp*
Negro oakMy, a ftttlsl—wa raffta of
Africa, and called the opidcr ptaat
These tfCvMen often heard from tb*
aailve* of a plafit tbat%« pfiOl*i^
aad (hat. growtiB, tomr iU W ahoM'
la eoatlanal sirnnMb la ramp*.
It was toe good fBtiaae of Dr. WeL
wicieh to dtscOTcr the ortgla at
tegend. Sirdllng aktog throoCh a
-swept ubMaad aoaauy. be cbb*
spoB a ptoat that rested low «poa tbs
ground, but bad tw* e
tbsi bad twUted ahoet to ton wind
ttbe sorp*ai*-t4a fact, tt lookML os the
aauves bad aaM. Ilbe a HgibUe ofUtr.
When the wind came rasktog to
ftOB tbe see, ItfUag tbe earioa* ilbbonflke toave* qad tasstog tbem abeot
tt alamst aaeaM to (be dtoeavoiee
bat Ibe atrange plaat bad awHfaly
beeoote iBbacd wttb life aad'wos
Mruggiiag to escape. When a dsecrlpUoa and ^clare of toe ptaat were acat
to Bagtaad, tt waa. UlB maay other
dtocovertso, discredited b« soon lb*
wUI be lower In IMl thaa in lliOS.
The ameuarof eompresston at toe
"1 predict, lhai after INK tberr wlD Maal Useir was received, aad aow
globe's emter sbonld lo some exIRiL be' a revlral In trade, better tlBcs, and Welwttacb Birabllls to weU kaowa to
leasl. )leAne the ebararier of ttc (Ikt higher price* will prevail aBin
ss of which tt is furmril
he year ISII.
WllblB the t
‘The preaent down eyrie la price*
B ha* tor*
which Is 6:-'t feet high. Is to be siretob- and In general Iwslaess ends to IMi
tweatyelx iaki aatosMIa wblA WtB
wlro '.too fevi lone, on the free sad by reason of a protective tariff
end of which will Im- hung h«av) ^Is eoimiry has'r.ut hotl an dld-fash- tsM up. frame and alL toto a IMa
iM- rarrled fa the pocket. Tba
■Ighls. Survey e*iw-r1«. who will' ooed p'-rlud of bard time* dnnng the
baadle and alt tbe Hhs coastot at flan
rondiiet (br extwrlrocms. hope by thil past ihrve years.
mians to gain n knnwl<-dge of the bas been a aiacDdouH fall la pfkw* sad very stragg steal luhea la aecttusa
toatde tbe otbir.
fum- of Kravlty at eqiml dlaiaoro
sad shrinkage in values of railroad
«ar,l the renter of the earth.
sad ludiistrtol secarliles with • severe The eovertag is ef very to* allk. which
lakes up but IKUe tvMB. Tb* woods*
It is-argued, that the great mass
decline in Iron.
■ he interior of the earth Is aoltd.
The year IMS wilt It the ^auiag baadle of tbe ambrelto to hMlbw and
Against the eoBtenilun tiuit the ptonei year <if a new up rycH- In pig Iron and reeelve* all the rest <ff toe tidiicnp
under a erust SS mlln ibirk I*
long <v>ntlniied pmaiwrUy In general lag aBbrella rad wbea shat up. A
mall aad light ease, not too tdg M
<if fiery llqvid Is arrayed toe fsct-cf bualncss. laMtog notll the nest
the known density of the (^obo. That aerelal revolshni, nhtcli will be d*eta toe pocket. Is provided to eoBtola toe whole, which is thus secarad from IrdenMiy In Ihc emrUi's entirety Is about IJll.
BBd the perOs M
times the density of the water that
"l^lien our financial and
covers three-quartern of the surface.
b their lowest limits. eaposure which Blway* Btlead IU wae.
Tbe assumption of a romparatlvely as detennlr.ed by the cycle* of trade, O ft I* B toy whlcb to* MlsaaBpolto
thin erust requires.
they affurd toe best cqiponuaiile* to BeebaBictoa i* gDtog os. tt to aa taWIUbOB Thompson, jhai this rruM make pnJHable InvcotBeais of money igealoasonq. If aa article cd teal atJItty. toe gcaeraiioa «g rainy datoice osd
should have a rigidity powMcd by to property; r
known substance. Tbe son exerts sceoritie*. BaaoCacturra and Bcrcaa«p aad eail him bleased.
h a strain npun the tubsunce of Ilk- pursuits.
the (wnb that the planet coaM
.“tooklhg forward beyond lNtl the
n*h Skto* as doth tog
BSlnulu Its shape as It dots, he msln- cycle* Indkai* sla yean of nalloaa!
The Ualtod
uaiioo aimon
Stataa fish
ssa «
talBs: unless the >nppoaed ej
Itwst !.«U« <1^ JAeo mile* lu thick
eotsiag opportunity to caidi bat recently l«w girlag eoasMentes
aitentloa to nilltotoig the afctos of wa­
........and a prtoea at their lowest
Tberr li> i gradual Increase to the
deiwemloa wW mot happen ter animals for eMhiag. They have
already proved that seronl ktods eff
g the Mir- again for SO year*.
fish skins make oaoelirnt leather tor
(aeo of the eruM. -This toereane to
-The prospects of a bright buMi
some kramtee k so rapM.a* one de fnture were never better lor Bodevate some purpose*. Balmoa hide to fO«M
gtve for each K feet at descent; to
bat BO great aet only serttcraWe for hoou. bat
nasoag tb* EaquisMBX H to* tosa oaed
other** oae degree for
feet to tS boom to price* similar to carUer tim
lor ge
when we bad »M> pig inm:~
dot^ J3to profde.of the far w^J
In lb* Comtock silver jalsc* to Ne­
also rae^cvktcE
SBeUaWfi akto*
fk jacksb. Tbe
vada. at a-depth-of S.nei feet water
Chalmers BoberU. wrfitog qf Thibet tklB* whlcb the fish
has a teapevalBK of 170 degrees.
Fahreohell. Tbe deepest cxearailoas to toe World * Work, deedarea (hat It pie bar* iwad pnetlaaue aad donkfe
acat Mashrr,
toto tbe earth are at toe Cslnasct A
Hreto rapper Blue* to MtohlgBB. vsded that the fasetoattoe of the Brtt- wbjto dye to litaaHfatoekwa.
rbete the kBgest perpendicotor ataft toh tovkaloa of Tbihrt Uea No white
Cblaa has
goes down OM fort, while one of toe Baa Urine bas ever smw Lhasa aad
ureto* roars.
staadtog sbafto to more thaa s.M<> fed. rrtwraed to IMI of it. This aknw leads MHedtoftog Ito Uoiu tbm bIbm S&A Bttqi
a M tbr ftam
M latsswl fliltorirt. ColaiBl eagtoea



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