Grand Traverse Herald, April 20, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 20, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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(S^rm^ ®tatier0je
travchm city, mand tmavkiim county, i



:tsHla;attoth*ratoa(a gmat haltl*
Mc mu to «a Obooi to* OoM*B i W« »ood »>«««»* to to. «vcoe:b* UooO«rtato* f»t«Mth«nil«, to* pro- WIto tol* pM*r oT tb* vtol.'
Th* Ore ton Wjbat to* miraci* baa ^ abrav* aoldler for a few ■
I Sb«t hi* (V«* A nomiit 10 eMIect hi* CMds to b* ilrctt ID tte AW*t 0*Mrr- novm u4 bird* h«- hm
been eeiahrated errr *lac* |he day* g*U hla»
teddMir *nd *« tr hr matte, vtto a 1 ihoachia. toaa ofwnbic toesC b« j tog charltr- , A suaB^ ea*tam va*.
ct to* apbnlea. Mo*t of to* fdlgrtm* to th* i
mMo«^ toot from hi* boro, to* t*b- 1 ksoked at Rato. Whr. bow aweet and that of Mtlafoiahto* toe Ire* to all
A* to* B**t*r aato*Mroll.*
' M ibe Mateni cbtrebe* belie** tbai abali go forward and. a. oartala rtdg*
«mSe and rotoble >Uc* driT» wa« to [ gneefnl *h* va.? M* oocht to bat* ; ih* church** and kladttog to*m a*ato '
; tbe Ire aetaally ooaie* dowa titm b* voa. Oa that Ba^*r mormlag th*
to* mld*L After to* mall wa* dl*- ***a that before. .\ad rti* va* a* good by mrtUag a Itoi. Tbi* i------------- Baater ve«k U <
tad that they are aW* to U- *«H* of all m«a aad aumtia. Mi yMIbb
«lto achtag haarth.
I iTTiTTl Of. to* B»tiai array of bundle* and pare a* to* aatoto; what more moor of Beater *v* and va* (oUowed ao**lbl* graadear to all ib* MUe* of bcavea.
ajtg tbelr caaAea traai lamca by aad maid***, all bey* aad girto. aball

... .....
___ . ■ 1 . ..__._________________________________

■.— «r
to* cniaOB
of bleaMag «feiA
the v«v
As«.«»iR vMilean Mditod.
bos** were vhtoked
thto way
h* de*tr*?
r *tan *p aad eoauM toeir bodla* ad
Nu**to. aad eapecUny to Momwv. ood. ThU boiy Ire a..
The.In Wiio'JiJWid Him *0Mht to*
to* arra* of their re*p*«lr* Ie*itonW*ly bl* ey«* ■ooafat th* tattfr* vbleh v*r* verr Imx* It I* reOa Holy Friday, jut bMore aUd- ,, . o'cloek la to* afteivooe ***rr ‘belt mtod*. Tt^day oa tb« eoattVT.
la tbe toaib of tb* tbe body of a a
b« «»«.i u.„.
b„ wb!,»,.bo.,..,..»«-«b«„«,b.,
fN'^rt*. tbe eracMad.
ebtoery cmenl
-; wUd»d
weighed Ibr^
tore* bnodn.1
hundred poobd..
: Dt bll Ub >n<Mom pubwr b.-1 ib«Tll,«bUlr don oo Mlu Hbn-,
__ __
___ __
Wbw of a Mtdda'be
embed to iaaK black robe*, with .(^Breb
bdea -pat mi beforebaad. .k**v It *
Abl biHd vtto voadertog Joy
He bad BOI ihought «be could do | Th^aradera expo*lih>n of Baater U
lirarad. boverm. not oae aeemed t
tall black ap* and toag padat black Bud toe people
for boar* and *cu from Mto. or bap*, or tore, lb*
TWr aMa toe aaari old-.
{eompar* to generul toteieet to tbe' ibat. Then be wa* glad toat tbe vbU-; the u>* of ego. toe' emUeaaatte rab- T*1U.
repair to toe aibedral. ebbattog
for the boiy Sr*: There ar* hole* three attribuM* of bl* aoM. ba aaia k
TboOaeyoaaeM i bug*, blrftovered baad-boi aaalgaed periag* bad atiaed ap tb* Ba*ter boa-; ut. lllle*: koowo a*. Batter tllie*. CaHa
in the wmlU of Jbw qepuicbr* UaMf. doma blmaelf b* woetolag eaeipttnto*4eadr
i to
Bally. Charity Aan-* tall net aad Ortando Hiae* a* well. So b* uii**. 8L JotepbaHUl**. and toe an- a low and aolemn requiem for Ibe dead and
tbnmgb tb«e>cnadlH are paaaed al. He I* a little aarfirtoed that tl all
n . . . ._ V....1.
___ .1- .1 ....».
maaI/ .mILa.1 KIh---------------- ..._..(_dt.u IJIlAa *n.n,Afd«A tMlfWtt^ra dl#
Ibrotoer.'* But
wb« Ruth Hamtto
pot came to WI
amlled bl* *we*t**i punctollOB lllle*. Immea** aumber* of
-Aedeal which 1* .
- , , ,,
wu LUe eoatrata _
KOI iCto
I .
(iniMiv from the »->* and M—^ tb* ilM of the Bnger* of which are ralaed for Baatenlde.
wnma «» to lb* pairiaiMt of Jentaalem. who te «m* oat ao weu. ui* cowirwm —.
1 word* are il*a:
HTintM MOV. ,

ikto Mill ta fv
Ttm BMter iota Mow.

: baadto fm- a glri to her tore
But, be It *Md to Charily Ana. t«ced lo.toa theology and
black* pall, edgml<Hf with ^ «Bdla are IgSt^ from tbea. tbelr plac* to dead aad meabaateal
that ho- rlto city oediL *be wu mKtlpg oo tbe proud' phy of toe EgypUaa*. PetwUas, ^ul*.
n. -m».» *n to ■ <lamltogly bcamlfal fringe ct pnme**enger*. ruanlag. any toe movemai.
' auU* bad once more tired to an out- i oxtertor to mn*k the dtagrined Inter- Greek*, aad
•»'>*«»>y holy «r* all.orer Palatine, to Beth- Thla life I* eternal aad ahasdwt.
| lor. From tbe nwmeat the atered the'whom an egg
cease cfaattog. 'Ail U *1111 ud dead. i,hem and to Naxanih. to the 8m to Thi* la. the teem to life with Which
; CUrltr A». n> Ifin. », »il.' cumh.
Bndj U.k mt.. u I; ,■««. ,t. nrk ol .™ P.ltj.
..jj..,, ,p,„<.o
<wo grMi Galilee and to toa dltenmi arm to Batter ba* to do. to* aatoto to tottb
I hood .ndpr b« auppl>ruilp IP . pre-: wm. moctU her from il. 1«ikx»p1 , Bppi wa, P.M h. ..pipd «Ipppi

IdM bow-kaoL vb« Amw nppmred'; bead to Ruth Hamlin. And. mom than ; tb* Rgyptiana aa embiema of tbe recto»«• to ton tor,the earth ftoii which the plifrtot* and hope aad JoM.--«dward Bmtot
toe dead Chtltlp and Car and near tbe ; eome.
, Helewlih toa expected box.
thai: abe *aw the Aekie Orlando-* bit-.: «tlon to tbe world after tbe deluge.
ctbadral cburcbM and '
Tbe Intarcat to tbi* deremoay U a*
’ •'__
-Now.- be cried in trinmpb. “you; let doux fnlL lovingly into her tap., The l.iaellte. adopted toe ogg a* .
loacow answer vlib neat a* that which •umNad* tb*
I" too Biauty to to* Lata*.

ChaMy An pnaaei too Day Wt to
tod «H n too Md*^
Mnd imr perniy band to oogaatUrf


-o. POP

PM", O.-'' Ao0.m.,boa,,«.>l,™..r.OP.B..|pl«., Dn.l.b P«0 U.P

1. U..I, „


to« who two thing.: why Uls* Batly totansed < l^erly the <mly colora n.e dta the!
totoly bad abow. bar marked prefer-1 her mind fmm a dream to blue to a p„^u«, of the Barter egg were ^ “ianTLy^ *^ 8^ to w*
*»<•«•* ««-«• '•*« MwWa, toe
f,*m a handful of young wheat
Pbr aoM aha bad l^ toa forw oee. ‘Bol nerer mind now." abe, poem to gray, and w^y Ortando Hlnw
added bnttlly. "Ooino along. It ta get-iamc to near breaking d9*m to the BjBBped to boUlng water, nnd red. from The nairtareb notot*
; which all anure M ta a.
Rotor Facto *bnd Faaetaa.
B !I^ M top daya to ataa Miaeb-' ting drodfully tote to go to petite.: opening pl*ee.-B«itaitoe.
tbe Juice of a ptanL -n»e gre« be. _
Batter, or Outer, a* It wa* ooce cord; ud la to* ratftaaoe to tola te, wbn too aTtobge I wm try tl* whan I get back.—------tokaed a vague Ida to------------------------------gnage toe uid. old story to Cbtisi-*. called, come* late tol* year, aad U. turning IH* erne teem* to bmr, “Ob.
Sb* wa* thlnktog to a lltUo tet^nGrMtoat of Pactiv*!*.
lofig nad toccewifol life.
Bgonla. mofb m-Meome ihu ever, for that rea-.. *tog unto tbe Lord a new *oag. tor H*
e to obtain a BObm toto with that Muno^Ortabdo, btoore Kaxer day ha* a *ignlflan
lor* deteloped by *elena
of tbe up- bgto dae manretoa* tolaa.“
to.e tort to toe qbolr ante.
^ fettival not only cmblemnOc
of rdllstvaltaWe, and toe variety
offering* ronnd about rising of tbe gram aad grala. th*, But It to hot tbe tapartetal algMId toe box on toe*near- too ud-tbe rtinreh
Minrch. Ib..i
but ..
ns tne
the nni
flr»t |of Buter egg.fl*
a. numerous a* th*
,omb.jnd with klm after kta*.i bloom to flower., and the *oag to caace to tbU fesUral If w* nee to It
crt ahelf ud followed hU *Uler to 8t. taninl
tbemMlvc*. It
It I*
I* not
not In
In tbe
the shop.
.l«gl day
day of
to epring,
spring, wbea
wbea natmtw
nat ar-;
innnmemble crotting* and knock-; bird*. U I* toe totlral of ulure. and only tu inn*le and toagrana aad fb>CMberiae-a. woadering eomowbat. •*«* her own gloriou* prratae to Im) ^
thai fandful and. .ttractlve
forebeud*i oa the pave-! the atabltabed'
atUltabed annlvemarr of toeUure. TTe bare ao ri^i to ceHav wSorely Cbnf* bean wa* not no v*in mortaUti- and toe rworretoloiL It »*
o,* hui* family at ment. they return a* t
Wblle we keep Baeier UI we have earned It by «wrgy. It U


^ I

ap “t*
«a m*gn.n-_„,
• peek." at lean.
iwllt make ,a flne ehowlng of colored nlgbi. the prieitt repair la gorgeou* btgbeti type of tbe day aad tbe le*- with pomp aad gtory,
of Barter
a« the t ^
Be that ta K may. uhe aurely hadicenee, tbe--------------------------robe* ihroagt a brilllaWlydlgbtod. one aoa it leacba I* to aimpte a tblag m what atateHnem to
enough to -be palafnlly
_to fertlvala
old during the reign Of king*, might nay almott flaming
--------------- ^____
.. ueen
- ..r^annv
of thr i InIntoe
cHy, lo the; nn eg. By the miracle to to# egg ore' Waem to beuty.

^ :2i ^4r',T^t 4-«. fumed dtoNB* to tae ouuooz a

bMi aW.U iwbre ««PPbU bM I


.___ .. -____ _ - IpAtbaM „w,m,A„^AA WW m . ----------------

oombtontioa of gray ud olive green, being paid out to make It a

nc; o* «he----- ' Saturday ud toe -

em which were taken » tbe palace I Tbe great cannon flrut boom* onL!
I royalty. After toe followed by all toe cannon In the cliy. i C

geu iu name from the old i chut there wait* tbe
aKmib to toe'Out of duty; toe
to the aceda Of bmumttir:
^ ,U»e t®o»re; decorated pagm ^y all too bell* far ud near, rtagn out' f«art which lasted right da^ Aprtqm* ty^Bgtag ud ovetSowl



:t ttTtIgll ito p
__________ j.4l» amMlkm* gW doplsed aflata. Ibe brintani plan rosc'the.grcat fertlral. «e*poof of the
Now all Moaoow U up ud aatlr. weot to bU library, found a ^wlume. bta prifectloa. ■MMtod.
Ptaat— Mr*npR" «uqoe*t; u abe U toe Whltoerlng. maraballed them- community were fenatod by Ibe rich
With lighted upert ta their band* and .placed k opa'betorc»ihc child.
iln muorial banquet hall*, ud tbe ‘p
' iMMd u her b(0*a carta on aide- aelvM aad Charily
■ ■ ■ '_
- ..
.•••.! toe
4W> ' tag
. ____________
b«i<*me bluer than uy sptaodldly inumlnaied chtircha were
Th< new aleadar U— For the Herald.
I • flUed with rich and ,K»r. too latter be-: •o®*’ !»"* to toe sontb. and I* prao-.'Mrenii*
^ perron*, al,
all an/-k
flock In
to Ika
toe ahumhM.
ehurche*. -ICaafap
-Barter. \\ ^e
r Bartur aerrleerpoke eriw Invented. "Wbat
tlced ta cailern couniria to cooild- whlrtt are riowd.* Atwund them, oo. always ftok^ the real full mooa. I‘'
tdor abe edrialmed. overcome by it' Ing fumUhH with
«Mlto or
aaia *Ka !>,«» to. ■ tnlrtakf__
w^BOwndtbea.1 Uy and by. out to toe toao* a bright fair living" forth* en»atag year. Swe«
• cy ta
. nod (Aarity Ann charity
tweeter at tola season.
•iu*toapoke.--mitcb,wea i
Borne time In Uta fifth or sixth cen-2r^fcXS25i**^^u 'ioo late to retaedr It “ *bc tury ^r'w‘l^^-bltahto“bV“ordcr
tort Him L,s
,o he raided -for to- or the council to Nice ^ich at an
SSTwa^^^wlTsiter n^d^’-t-IltlMriSS
au «hti* toe!
hlrtso. i on veer mr! should be celebrated on tbe flrrt Sun•
Thffui jvtlm* dar nf ihc full m~Hi uk-T HAT-h 7U«
.. totoOMiaadtoe trrt:***
But It wa* not unUI the ri^lfa chn-to white Munce* the natch It to perfection."
; at her Mbovl up mum the gtay and oIlve«rera; tury ibnt tb* r
I ta agreeing on- tbs' same


na ^i*r
w..,«P day
s.p and
anrf for * by
hy toe
tbe priert*.
omer that regutaiot tbe Hate to Barter.. By the mmltgbt Mg.
•» ---------1
ob«?rvod on
Tbe -------proceaalon U headed by tbe, but u nitogeiber imngtanry «>oon > Buth ta waking, bands ar'insM^
tolrty-flve day* nfiorward. The sport, —nrcbbltbop ud nearly three hundred.! whose period* are eo conUnued that - oa toU giorioaB BMr day;
***» '
«*»lnrt uother aqd the owner of the prie.U^bearing ciuclflxe* ud b^lng; toe new (Mlendar, moon mi^ fol-IUf, i, rtrt’ng, ao mnprmus.
«Mn am preceded by j low* the meu new moon. Tte eSeei From toe rtagsaai dast awd «Mg.
M the one that doe*. Then hundrM. to boy. rota-d ta whUe.ltaar-, to tol. 1. toat toe Ht hd^to to. cal-:
tl** • ‘™‘«« W I* pkted aaainst u- mg lorcha ud banner*.
i radar moon, which had from the Urae'
other. Ud toon until the tart egg win* Tbi* magniflerat proeetalon march- to Mote* been coatldered full mooa
«ber* which thrir respective a round the atoedral three Gma. for ecclalartkal purpoaea, fall* g«- Tempting all th* baaa.
o«-ner* have won.
cbutlng with loud voice*. After ibe;erally upon tbe IStk or Idib to the,
ta toe ground* of toe White Hoate; third ertcuk*tbey *11 hMt before tbe; real moon, ud toereafter toe real full U a Wbw. trato naapolM,
Washington this qustai cnaiom I* jnrat estbedral door, which I* stjll, moon, which U genemUy oa toe I4to Of to* Resarreotoa pow.
strfkM theiof istb dsr."
Tbe anfoMlng wbita MhaMlag.
that btoi^iVidaciaiw it lea lonely imkef As'ebnrebes. which «lll exist*, tbe Ru. «ore democratic sight thsn tol* of toe door, then with a cen«» aattera ta-j The boy read tbta matoematlol aad Burmlag day-oprtag Sowar,
arapo- to ;rti^artaM^^
-tan. Greek and Oriental ebnttoe. home to to* chief executive of toe u-: era.* over it
! The gra*. bright grra. ta gowlag.
VWM laara bc-f- i to comr. matiagiy. way
uv* ^
,^kontag which «*«»
Mvw over to a rabble of All at once tbe door* fly open: tbe Ua bit pocket, and wrai tof wbtaUlag.,
TberW* a atlr amea« th* trra*;
back toiwn MRg wtateralehangra my mlad at tbe vety tast.";
ihem « d*te for Easier week
children cu bardiy be lmaglae>1. effect bring muical beyond descrip- i Later ta the day he iraa beard trying,
^mnsr sna u Tablaa
, But toe peitbd darling* of society are tion. Then the Immense throng of —--- •* —
tbu toe. western bretoern.
The tree toad* aad
tb* bee*.
.' Tbe leaf-bud* swell and I
poke that toe]

Ibrarely “changing ber mlnd.“ Ratbltasl,
by.,or- /“»‘»xl
*>T soMsl taws. At one of toe priesu, cbMsters and toe vast as- where,"
Spring flower* bright will
iamllB sarprtsed 1 HataUn «»» fl^ng Into rutova over, had committed—were -rrieaeed by,or/“»'
• Bless the boy. wbafs be trying to With the bloomtag to the year.
• Itar moUtar u* day by a very start-; tbe jewel of a imanet for wbito Aunt ■ dor of tbe Bmneior vAentlntan. \ ‘h»* egg-rolllBg oeasioa* prusidcai tembly.
-u from Clevel^
•WsabMiu: “Doyna*appote.“ AejFrodracemiitthaTf pald.qtriteasom.' The name Easira b dertved
htotrif tookM ra^altw^ Aiald !>""* ol llfllk •“‘1 X** Ml Mve n*r' quoth toe perplexed cook. —
ta Oer- ci-celvhig toe immense Jam of little fall .prortraie ud worship, craatag - Feeling sorry for iiKta a complicated ____
or'muv aha
I. ■raurtag 1^ word*, “that If:,
ding goddess
tbem*elve*. Thea toe holy screen, br amoum Of Igaorance on the aubyect to _
dower* aad moo
1 ObM «fM0 to Aaat Pradeae* to BUT; rtriags. urtmUy. And K wonld go nlcelight,
proba u a second troMe at St. Cato-; vltb tbe Mne sacque tbe tent In; of spring
D«M( toe wood ud Mad*.
celebrated at the lime of (be ver- hrury window and smiled on every- tbe lumlnou* picture to the riara lem to a aoluiloo tort the boy could
and all her lliUc friend* -___
panlcl- Savlou* glertu* upon the tnniutadc raderstand, and after laboring with It And bird* aad frog* and *qtorieta.
a. mw wool* ■wii mmfM; m
mmo wnen me cnoee loe oouei.
.. >• wn a^"orlgln'a*
____ ,, , blalad-«ry,dellS» So toe aarmut was brought out and; are atao aearty all the custom* wbkb

•!»« <«. ^
•" e*P««loB of divlnat pity, for some time, l stmpllfled it to this May stag thrir aoag* ta tasl.
Trtuuurw tltaTt——------ f- frtih Itrr added 10 -the neck ud attach t* to* teamm. btk which have “»M«dy apolraked to toe praKleql with .11 tbeir to.,1* ta their eya. hart.:
«1to tbe barrtiag blooata to May
cma 1a tha nboraa. ta av «d: ■leerm. while toe •eeoad treble bam- bad a new and * grud slgnlflcuce foe t*»c awful debris of egg shell*, he toby gaxe In rapi wander and love on -The rnl# is that Barter day la al- And tbe frugrut Bowen to tana,
imed to* Barter MiolwltodrilgbL
glrra m too, by the honor* to the raid cnthuftartkallv:
that beloved face, and cross to«a- way* tbe flm Sunday after toe Fa*-]
WM woefully
•sffWouM wbAtr ud toe astoatabad' Ortaado
Ortaado Hlae*
Hla« wu
woefully behlad
briitad cbuich.
"Bleas tbe
«be youngrters.
yonagrters. 1lec them . aelre. again and aaln ta lowUrai ehal fuH worn: that U. toe full moon |
yrar formerly
the litter they cu.
Tbi. done, .he-bole eon- which hupea. upon or next after toe
wOed up
aiMdraly. ta tbe
the'I time at toe
tbe service
eervlee Barter evratag He ta
In _Prune
France abe............
fonnerty begu make
*“Mte all..MA
c— W*h*t . adoration,
ifclA.. nee having!"
Ka. ....
...................... embrace
.. ........ ...
....... 2l.t
.... of
.. the
. __ full
.... moon *"« natrnad rrwns ana mama*
lhal anrat tWo wbMe hDorn tadiUng a wkb Barter,
nntll Charta IX. changed aplendld time
each other three
and if
__ Persia
aui me a new btmnet. H I i oitonlly worded »«e to bta lady love k to Juaair
l. la Syria.
aad » U estimated that ebUdren time*, with the -tods. Cb.lrt« to.- happens oa .X Sunday, Easier day I*
. taBpaOWtyiotridaaTbto beut'i
E^'gt^'wrtcbfli^i'wer^ balk aad Pcesat themselves on ^ this occasion. kr^-Christ hath risen." ud toe re toe Sunday after "
Flow op ud on forever
perirtag ap «i* t
Ume." benee he wa* ahomtaaMy fate, while toe Critic race* kindle the
eW-rtoling to certain-hath arisen •
ed one clause explained, toat about Ton, B,„rmhring will be a
rerto Mortifled rt bU tanltoeaa. tbe lead- llama of Bel. a cerrarony that date* P***? Mopw *»'>«»'•« »P«Mrtly de.- Ftull,.
, flselng
toelr taper*—emtbe
- Paschal
lamb. I ibtok aomrilaws
"It ta art I
» de-: lag baa* alnmbled akrng to hU place, hack to the days when St. Pntrici: ‘P'xxf •»
«>•« f<"
'blems of toelr burning lore—befgrc the tastruefbrs of youth do so mnef*
Mrs. HaaOta. after t
the mfaalve Into hi* aweri- made toe obaerrance popular. It w^ A beneflrial phase of the ohaerraace^ aacred elkoo*. or picture*, tbe mol- morallting ta Impaoing ecclesfactlal Tha doe* toe one Orator
on a Sg for to* “bet iheu." to# bow favriy her bine tonri wa*


aneea. and the peasutry to irelud' »enrtce* to toe day'being largely chor- kiss and embrace each other, cbe^ng methods.


Tbe star* eo great aad bright.

Liriag ta toe Light?
_ Mtsbaa*
___ nudged
him. '-inu-ttont'lighted,
bat the __
tarirat ___
nma _are »hU lime ta Ibosc baotifni expres- ter time with the word*, potent to ak of Easter? ^ aiisflod whh flo'
^tar to» herafa tack ta toe dklyoiriur h^ asked. garing"ta btaik tbaadoned iad the Bri’flre* are mere- »*o“ ®f »"*»*>»® »Mch »w srw eteialty. “Christa voakra—Chrtrt ««i tbe sound to music, and eongrstu- The* Iri a* afac gaibto
to Aaat Pnutance HamUn's rastoafahment hito bis wbkn toce. • ‘ ly rmatadea to Easter. At Caraac. ta acenrtomed ud which are symboUal hath *tfa«."-Tbe Hooebold.
talloa* that Christ Is risen. »brt^ And oSer aatbem* swart.
-pIliria«Btoh kqptb«rowa c«ra- Then, with tbe old, sweto-bodlag Brittany, tong procrartoa to people «* to® “Igbev lUe ud toe resurrecikm
------------------, tate l,Iara when toe world wM:a from trt ,„toa be whK* lUta*
•M aad nlyta «««l ktoprratoaiax; hfafbrahMd. Ortando Htaa begu toe'paa* before tbe Bel tie* and « Easter
**ve our heart* a
• Eactac Curteoa
, ta own sleep ud rtea liaelf! It
OBerad at toe Mastar'a fMk.
Ota u aha Itowaed to toe tortber^haas repot wkb-/ dexperalearas Monday tbe tarmer* bring toelr otUc;fc«Mtbtal and our lira an etetaitagla-, On ^ler eve ft was ustml for toe’tbyows off h* grareclotba. ft roS*
-C. Praacm OOlMt
wbtapertags to'toe “maroT ft, bine aeticriy ever rateriag lata u ^«er and drive them throagb the flaaia ta *»aee for all the year. ~1 wish yo* a jc*-, ,o make a bwalie la the open away toe «<»e fiwrn tbe mootb to ta
, briwera too gjBM
toe belle# that such riiw ward o« dfa- *®yfM Easter!" fa a *lgnlflcpat*»< bp- air. Into which all taavewed.brrad was tomb. It rise* from doth. It braias
f ].
--------When he ut down s,phi prerytotag ease ta both mn ud beast, i
propriata ulataHoa la many parts to cast, ta Jertumleu at the prearat day really to' Bve 1* the etwwal Uf*.
redwood trea to the Uaftfl# BtaUs
' The tti^'WM 4h at MIUTUta at was uatatelllgible psm#rat">e aalfl ' ta bfataad there are muy carton* tk* worM. today.
a caranMny fa performed which to ' "B'bat thqa?

— -e *
L Has to> tort tb* r
: SBHrt.Wtb*lah^iufa were agog, toe aecood treble beamed at him over , umc* Ptayed at taster, toe fotknring .....w ____ _
®MMd the "Mlnele to toe Easter
- vM the rariwmeat nsul at toe cda»-: her book. Sbp bad accepted him for Monday bring devoted to toe lea t«;
I to.toe weekly mall ta the iwrai all rime! Fra a atlavte the crowd' liglou* aporu. och as toe one rtere:
!ta*t >ea year*. Tbe Bona Catotolc* eome. lo eagage tbemtriva ta God's taalir *Mtt O. M««fag trtth. a apaad '
. To tofa add the eariora ex-' mrited iaio bsQ- dfataace. and be wu- twelve ancirai womra play « game to Rinata ta *WT wry bnatk.
tint and thMr own Aftorwud. that ta •«» typical to a wo*4 ton to

Tmi«»OAv. a^ml aa. tm.

knAM TKAvnu


Md HttM at DrtwtilA t Mw
lUr^tf were a
.!i^ Um Cber reiDaiD«d tMrtMA i waiA wd Mr. Kete» found i bontnnd
dmrtiW -oat of «bkii U«e
cwt .fter Ibe hoy rtHa ^ R, Me
------------ Pa>«n«.MiahU0fc^tChab0Btttt JtMua fmn tbh> akde of the »«ke
i^!T2,opr^ Sr ' Pl««. Hdw *l~ two ehldlm w«t • Iniacbed . bent about the aa»e d*a.
'|b»m ' MM t» «b«D and tbr flrtl d«bth in A utraa* north »»««! *» htow^ and
la wbkhitbrtr family oceurni. that of their theboutdrinedraindlyootlnlhemidtftmr W ------------------ apotam of; etdort child. Bmlly, Contlnoed U1 die «the Jahe. ThI. frightened llaater
IM. hbHa 1
SSrm hjrUoms h«»lth made Mr. Bantam determined Prank and he let *o pad made a ToU.e
) effort to «wtm lowarda abore bat Mr.
U The actlnc would to aeek'a new borne and he
m aad located Keboe yelled at him to bang on to the
Thu froaa lamalata a far* of 1« acre* at Ma>««d. aorlng, boat fot be cooldtaeTer bare ruacb^
Thu troop eoww. ........................
hc ha* been .bora. He aaid In explanaao. of the

atatc. It Is expected ateo that the
airtiis nt boraen that wUI cone here
win be the teateA bmteh that baa ever.
been brucidit » Trav^rae City. The
of 4lie ataocUttoa are worktoward that end.
■\ wUI be pol"-


Ti.e Mtowlng c«n»lltee* were up
fi. C Oermalne. FTed
-MeCoy. Kd Uut
er. FruA Pratt

. Jar MM
end 10 bU
Wm I^etmaa. Mabul Asder-: aloce. and coatinued
HolMes and UMtfar*
UM t far* hlmaelf until Aug. la
It ta«
la« waei)
And baa bMBoader the
the train-'
train-; be
be waa
waa •Irtcken with paralyal* arter
neptar! baring Jnai got Into U,c bam a load
pin.k» tbat time he baa been
conbned to bl. ebair and

aweep orer the boat and lo bl* effort*


— — arttty
Cbu»e*-E. K. McOoy. J. T. Hannah.
and when rewnwd a?kcd in an unconeemod manner for them -t. W. I). C. CcTTimlne.
Audiilwi-W. R_wnilam*. l.>ed
boat aaborc. U wa» allowed to drift
»w»» a» Ibe be« poasible dhK>o*iUoii Pratt.
of the thing and liter in the day the
young >iat owner aent aome boy*
dotra the lake who lowed it back fa*
Mr. aamum baa been a life long and ,^er acare for iboae working alOB*
eameut repubUeaa In prtltku and dor-,
Mia* Sarah Jaebaon of Dearborn
coantr. Indiana, appear* to have pri-jndlce* agalnat'fhe maacuilne *ea. She
lately made her will and lep dliwilon*
for her funeral when that eveni Kball
be line. She gave order* that her.
______ I tlwM In tbu fMllr Itaulf.;
grave shall be due hy womeh. that her
apd UMr the ramnr of Ouorge Koetlng.
palllHwrera and the drlhcr of the
iWng Bitblg.balf b mile of them.
farance.eball be women and tbat eren
hpTu eonta flown wtib a Mae. om oI ;
the banda'whlch lower her coBn Into
BtUe ^ hboot ffee yenn oWj
the grave and fill in the mrth alrove li
MtegfiikM-wiib tbt dIauaaeTwD dayai
Khali be feminine one*.
agfc-. The two famfliat were inUmaie,
M imltfftora and «■ it
Hrnry Oitmt-v. uBd«'r»«rviar>
at thp Itou of tke ffrrt ombrtnk


bott had boun M«mi>r »«poMd. ffcr
Ih wrantlnt The latter
fumt k huum la ^oae gnarturo
vM «*tnr Pbt and nothlog
pMn Of a ahfvia trtU »«tmii the;
wM MUr tram ukfac the diauaaa.
WMalM tbu troablu to the twotaml-


'AU pam in any disease is
nerve pain. lJ»e result oT a uirtulcftt condition of the nenres.
dartiof. burning, agonizing
pain that comes from tbe p«>muicnt nerve branches, or sen*
sorv nerves, is neuralgia.- and
h ^e “big brother” of ail tbe


taTctse Qty State Baak

to tbt' bird*, ba* aguMi^ attack It rl^.

tbla time la (br ifanaaa dl«t|4rt of
B%*btagtoa. OaiPU expect* to eleu ' A T; HANNAH, FrauUmB.
up gu.aoo tbU taring, aad aananen*
». MARLANB, CaMdbr.
vin ferwp (be n«wt fortu^ hr

CAPITAU taoo.000
SURPLUS. «26.000



*D?^MUcs* :\nti-Paia Tills ^
rarelv ever fail to reliet-e these
pains bv soothing these larger
nerves.’ and restoring their

AGberal Baakf^BniamlMM

i per Cent affgwed OB TUK D



leave no bad after-effects, and
are a reliable remedy for every
kind of pain, such as headache,
backache, stomachache, sciat­
ica. rheumatism and neuralgia.
ITiey also relieve Dizziness,
Car-Sickness, and Distress af*— eating.

lUrbe powdn* KUd r*(.- *— —•"
nrd l>r. Mile*'’Anli-I
CaKlUvT. Ul I>«1.



Very b^t of dental »err'.ca
only. Tenth year ct practico.
Tour patronage Mlleiied.
New Munson building under K.
of P. bail, on floor with Dockeray'* liDKincs* Coliegu .and over
SiDcer office.

Alkuuon. b»l).


liWiU made him no iDtrrsailpaal fie
art- la»i •ummer. will not irttim tn
Lenox this j-eur.


Tire Insurance!

Stoo* coHUAkiia.

PUM'Olu., SMMi. Boiler ud Acold.nt ln«ur»noo.

0. A. B. Cua
Mrs. MarguK* Sanwm.
lag ihelr realdence la Indiana tbuy
Cummandufg Etuutlw*.
thembelrrs witb Ibe MetboTbu annoal meeting « the eom>pa] ebnreb. Tbelr cbkf i* BtBderMwa* held la«l week. New
tercK baa been In thHr, borne and each officer* werg elected, only four bHng
Other. ym>h baa tonod In tbe ot^ re-eleeted to tbelr oOcvc. the remainab able aaaJttaat In the caruu and <lcr of the list being new. Prelate M.
iabora of building-up a borne aad rear- It. Halley, Serreury
). A Oarwr. cbalrmaB; log a family. SIz cblldren hare been Trceanrer Julia* Hannah and Scmtlnd
glren the* of whom three daughter* Arthur Oespre* were the one* ^ rcand one aoo aic still llring. Mrs. Man eloeted. At tbe meeting last week
VeraOlgM of LnUm, Iowa. Mra. Wm. tor aereral reaacm*. It was decided to
T. Trerette of St, Paul Part, Minn, bold tbe regular Batter aerrlce* on
MM. i. T. Wbyhrew of (Hadstone. Sunday aDemooa inatend ot In the
Mleb., and ^tl Ba^um of Mayfield, morning. Tbe *enlce* this year wilt
Mtm. TbM-acMl couple bare six he at the Bplaeopalian chnrcb. The
gnnll^Mrun and five great grand'- newly eiuett^ oOcen..wbo will be hiebUdren.
stalled In accordance with custom oa

the night of good Friday, are a* fob
ffbUrMSlTB-Onbart. J. W. MUUkaa.
lalunaa en Market. '
TBe followlag notleu ha* bean re­
r. A. 8. Bnwley.
ceived tnai tbe United Statue tend otGeoeralUnimo. John F. OU.
l« at Marqnette:
CapUin general. J. H. McO<
Motleu U hereby glrra that on April
ate. M.
H. B. Holley,
S, 1P06. tbu «Aee received Do* the
er. JJ. T. Hannah. .
of tbe general
.BcerHan-.. 8.
8 Garland.
land olBee. Wnabingion. D. C. n plat
Senior warden. J. F. Canara
of tbe survey of tbe following de­
Junior warden. F. C. Heunu
scribe islaads. situated la Silver lake.
Onad Tnverau copniy. MlAlgma. vie;
Sword bearer.4. C. Petersen.
Lot No. » (Island Noi)'containing
SeoUael. A. C. Despre*.
l.M ncrea. attuate In section 6, townTrustee for three years, W. W
ablp at. N. R. n W- Mteblgnn.
Lot No. 10.-containing tO-WO acre*
Trj*tee for one yev. L Robert*.
eg of tbelr of wetkm d. and lot No. 2 of section 7.--------------------------made tbOi eositalning 6«-100 neres (Island No. 1).
. Large Acreage Sued Peas,
WhUUm .TBu aAlr
.OMiilM ^ AblMMM laaaiy nmalna. slraate in tovrnshlp 2«, Nonb of For seven year* large *cfd concern*
In Ulcblgnn have recognized the value
IMllBt It wiu auMaMH^ ^ on Range ll West. Mtcbigaa.
b at Mr. Barteid plv ot survey will be ffted tn of the nortfaem climatic and soli conthis oOfM OB N^udneuday. the 31*t day dllkm* for the raising of »eed pea. and
and on In cooseoutsice field after ffeM of the
Mr. MM g»u. Banusa an pkmuurs of Mag. IbC*. at > o’clock
M lUiBiM. batlac ruMfiud uit tbutr and gflv sneb dau tbi* offMe vrtll be climbing legnmlnose plant
iMIbihBt Mr iblrtgoM guara, aad prepared to reoeivu appUcatioBs for seen In wide siretche* of bloom
throoghout the-oorth about the middle
iMr *m MMOff tbu buat'kaawa aad entry ot tbe lands'above described.
Thomas Besdden. Registv.
of June while the taimlng element it
BMt MgUy HMp*e««t ctUaua* of that
John Jones. Recelvo-.
tagerlr planning on the commercial
lammapBg. Urn loUowtu akMcb of
Tbe land olBce MX Marauette. MIcb- oiiilwk of the fragrant field*. Grand
tbMi-Jtnn vffl be of laMtaM to a Urge
tgsn, stnu for tbe benefit of prospect- Traverwo county Is a faroted sink for
cM&.M rrlaada.
Albart Marr Baraum. fain Aug. ». live appll«*«w tbat tbe first legarap- tbe field pea am! Wexford',~rn<v*
tor. U tbr TOUgaat of a family of pUesBt applying for ibesc Islands will alone bn* an acr>>age of^ while
auTM (AlWria. Hla paruau came bu' given u entry thereon, and that Central Imko 1* not far tiehind wlib
fnot naaburg. OavL. wttb AbuL tb^ all subsequent appllcaUons therefor Arcadia. Btk Rapid* and Ba*t. Jordau
Mfiwt «MM. aad a«tUd oa a tar* on win be rejected. In olber word* "fir*! following the output with Urge
come first served.”
age of ht-ary yh-ldlng crop*.
tba Wwaiilalr rirur la
SbouM more than one nppUcaUon
The Mason for tbe delivery <>( the
T. Mm tba otbur ebIMrM
r l^foor- be presented here at the same time fur *ee<l U now on and three cars have
aad bm Albert upuat
tuts guaru at bU iife. Wben
fbcB jimeen any <d tbe Mland^tbe applkatlaaa vrtll beep consigned by tbe Jerome a Rice
Detroit, tor disirlbii'ton at \SVx- guara M age be became a blBch^nb's
■ggfrif* aad learned bia tfade at right of entry vrill then be awarded to fo^. three <irc for Central Lake and
He marTted M'W age tbe highest bidder. TBe saoceastnl the other points Will take ore car esch.
at tMMtg. MUe Maryeiu Day at Mon- bidder will be required to mrice imm'e- tbe caparliy <d each car belnc
taouUo. K. T.. April 4. ISU. Mlaa dlaie payment In. lawful cnrrwy of bushels of peas, Mr Conlier. their
Dag^ latbm alia came framiConaectl- tbe United SUteu, riierits and drafts agent in Traverse City, says
take* thirty-five cars of ,that capacity
cat abd bar motbur waa a aortre o not aecepUble.
------------ '
to fill this spring'* contract*. r»-preNew Tork atate. Tbe biber of both
Caine Near Oruwming.
sentiag son eoniracu.
The seed
Mr. aad Mta. Baraum were vetetaas of
Master Frank Cameron, the «« of
loads or over
IbevaretltlL Sbe waa bon l(areb
amount of yield to the
Id. im, ut Ubeni. K. T. aad waa one
was the .sensaiionai attraction at ^ invested.
a a faMBg bt atau MUdrua. Fire
Boardman lake Fridfiy afietnooa
at bar braibura ware la tbi army dnrabout 4 o’qjqfk wben be capsized out
Big Race 'Meet.
li« tbu ciru war aad ime wa* U tbe
o< hi* little u-aenp of a canoe and war
The dlrecfor* of the Traverw ('Ity
garunmeM uerrlcu as.a bitdga bulldiracited after several hair apUiling at- Driving Park assortailon held a mi-eiar. OwtastoaaaerUaetMr.Day wai
fVmpls to leave bl* craft and swim ing m the office of the iwretarv-. Dr, J.
topuMaly dUablud and tbe CamiU
b, Martin, last w.-ek and perfected
wura aMaratud. tbu motbur betag able
Prom tbe Ume the lake ^ been arrangemeDt* for the big mm which
to bob* Mllb bur oaly tbe two yootc- out. Maiguttu at tbu icmder age of aU free of Ice Master Frank has been -al- »-ui he held here July JS. S« and 77.
sUy vectarieWoB Its freaky-tIm* panes this year *111 be large as
wuat to Uve amoi« unaagen.
wmtera tn a Httle borne made aklff or gj.Tw* wilt be paid in gold at the wire
Alter tbMr mairiage tbe yoong canoe whichever might be sppHraUe to the horse* taking the place*,
to tbe -two boanfed. “raxy route jo
Arrangements are also being perbeen, aad'mtn tbutr removal to twit- ‘
craft of a few Incbes depth (ecied so Ibst the big Woodmen picnic
nan. tbUtaen yews Mur. they bad
che*aj»>the shore have fnliy and celebration will be hrid on July
mttg nmarlraesi. among wbkb was. expected just what happened Frl- jg. it N puMible that tbe picnic will
raaaiag eaaal bout. trel^Ung coal nu day. He was peett^well out between be held during the race meet and ibJa
es where iSe rollwnys ot the wRl bring about 1.000 exita peo|dc to
oval wood dUb and basket factoflee u* d,y. jbe race* wwnld aluo be a
•elsbifar, an MpgllH b«log ’■backed- My and wave after wave seeased to aldrawtng card for tbe Woodtnea.
Ja Itar'atau mUsa. and baring pvt of Bsout submerge tbe Hule bout a*
The track is bring gotten rapid!/
tbMr boaae uwepi nwng hr m fnobul nt wattshed Irom shore. 8addvnl.v a splash
ot coodlUoa. A large
might mad tbemaelven aamwly «
and cries for help stanlud tbe shore amooni of lop di'Mlag-baa beta pot
Ih* tame Mta.
saea aad fraatte efforu wtrle put forth, at and wbea tbe work Is eosapleied h
m ^ wttb tbelr «MN ahOfiraa that at aara to «**»* the boy. Workers vui be oae af tbe Aataat tneka M the

' gf-- -• I

And Other

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.


Place Tour Order With Us
FOl ALL SOflM on

Cb« Stor* Hxt Fills the mett Prtseripflsa*


Interior Finishing
sTtiiE FMim. nxTutts,;s*m. msaa
AID gxsiDCXci ixTtiim waas


That’s the Si«n of the

21* e. Trmt St.
n. R. Mi, i«.VAI,l.,

Tmv.-re.- Citj-. Mich.

6oing to Build?
If 80, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your fnaterial. Shop
and mill work done on short, notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.

South Side Cumber 0oCravers* eity, IliicI).



Crmw Ld. Anan u* TtBftVa^

w. u Blows, MCI.


aTiilliimn at

Don’t tlmjw away your tnonvv btiyiDg milk Pan*. Buy
a Cniyiii Separator. It wiH oave you both time find
moiiey. Vou’cbD take <*ni of o Filrli Separator with
. als>ul the sfimv

r>v(uired for one mUk|Moand

you pnll get nta>rly '’i--f ja r <v-nt more cTvmm from your
mUk. Von can buy ■ Fil< li SejaraUrf made of Unt beat
Iff*!.- of XXX •ill «ii<i LTianitoedtogiTefifitiafftctkio.
for*:J..»U. Bu> til.-•
no goUtitnte. Yon
can tell it In- tin- f-d *Um<t that gora sritblL

IDr. Tarmers and
Gentlemen :—This ad. is in here to let you know that you
can get all kinds of <ieeds at our store. Timothy. Clover.
Abikc. .Mfalfa. Orchard Grass, etc. For the garden:
Beans. Beets. Cabbage.Xarrots, Sweet Corn, early and
late. Cucumbers. Lettuce, Onions. Onion Sets: Pea>—
Am. Wonder. Little Gem, First and Best .\laska.
Champion of Eogiand; Pumpkin. Squash. Ruta Baga-Turnip.'Nasiurtium. Sweet Peas. Field Com. Pride
of the North, this is Yellow Dent adapted to this north­
ern climate. Don’t forget Chick Starter for baby
chtekens, and Chick Food for chickens after they arc
past twenty-five da>'s. When you arc in* our store
look sharp and ask questions in case you do not see.
what you want. Maybe we could fish it out for you.

aU CASS Sis.



P-RANK TRlmlDKg 146 Fnmt Street

mMABwII® tnadc to mder, promptly. Only the-stiy befit m»WP..
terial nsed, and faHygnaraateed in emy ic^ccl.
DUggl«9 ThalaramadelonsiaswcU asfiA Tbry ««
mxiertal, and gi*ca a tfiri^
finish to ealdi the eye; bot are dotiAlc^ eamfat-

able, and Deal. The che^ieM on the miAet, qifili^ coarndfirod.
Ones osed and you will bny no other make.

120 State strttL « Uictor PfteTlyL
Have you o-er ined the


Tmmm mn^ OofTmma

Bopul tigor
They are the best.

J. J.


0»d Saimaa

Sold rady by '



Vfom m AwM Skfai H«R«fr.
SowtchedTIII Blood Rwi,

Theodore Pnaiap of Uirrtocfeen are in . Mtopa: “Bdlcor-rrportcr «aBtrJ and. ItonklB* tbf airansw am. a w»- port tlir Clpjrioa bme f
m*a 1 frealml t-Tgr fee mM: *-H'fau (k« pkaa*. Thr rstato oire* rttotr aem
tlio ciiy tfeto aftfraona w) a' fe.adaoa* loro»d-rei*l>U»b(^«cc».»r.i-_-------te paMIe aeafta, and «a.l be brtwo dlckina arc yoar --Too daat kapv to a rwOdawe dltofiet taaWe the rtlT
are. efeT eai< Oii“ dilaptdaird pan.r. iitofta, oa arfelto ft 1* elaaired u. Met
Mr*. Qarbara Uwna rHmaed to Elk « -and to: roaas and -brala*>
-day. Jtn; I aai aaa«* o; atoe-abe* ftto bonv* at a *o«.of $to*to«.
Rapid* tfeto afte'raooa after Ttoltiae taaiaared aw apply."
NItooll ZavoUfcr. 21 m« oM. Ure ywi acre idaliS-War.*' Tberttonaa. tfeto i* aaki to feo feoa WOton Wto
tfea order (or
il ftae
reoojsntort a TrtroO 4orf Atoar *are a
___________ of Ctdar pasBcd iadopiod eoe and •rurtod Ufau.uant of by tfeto (tore
bolN for tfee tton toaftttothrousU tfec eity tbU moralae for a! hUxlm GwWv. ifee Bnaaton nwrllic of forncr day*.' and a «atifracti#T
»r. Atiof am* •toatoc toecka
-tolfeU tcfvtoa (Oltoa^d.reOe
ttot .
Tlie late Adolpb Voa Menxcl «a«d «a<- tnw-ainfc
, »»(' G. E. Baldaia and rbildrea ofTiotaitry. Las toft Nra Yret wftb tferve
Ucad-jn. wbn bare bc»'0 (he pieitt <rf j eonttoatone to make a toar of - the 1C of (fee pka*aate*i rerprtoet of feto oat- «rf tfeeta
Mr. and Hr*. J. W. JarrMt of Bute \ Biati* for
parpo**- of BP' \o (fee Gerjaaa ^preor. Oa Ihe laid ibrea bto pea aad rwearked:
»Uvet. left (bto laorelns-fw M’esreood,! jipnadinp (fee doctrine* «rf FMctaltora €K<a»l<in of the palnu-r'» Wefeltotk -Well; I auat pay lase* aa.1 orUw r*irb*-rc ibc-> »IU maU-tbrfr fuiure-rre-i .bwok lb.- inrertrr rtoares. H. all!* Kafewf WUbHid torlird'Wm
boi I w*d aw pay iwB. If «
; uaiel a* a aibtoionan fropi Gorky, c. BansSuaek . A* be drwre ibraugfe lay* aowW naa to errre a fetoMlw
aiili the ob)ect u( imldtlnc (bat ^ra- tin- park (!b«% ani-a natoUr of n»- and rent It to »e. tl«-n It alll pay »e.
Fm Friday'* RouTd.
i Btisaton UTiter.
»x:<>'*tainett*a to rentod felai of tfec Nun." laretoa lo feto riefet-haad ntoto
y*. «. vabey and baby Harold' gtou-ea tbousan.1 babe rrorr bora '.i«ch fee bad partJeelarty atpdled. At -anke ahaaKencma for ao* oMoe*.
I tbto ntuitluK from a -ctk'. in Kca Votk the lv>-t fonr atoaUu. rhe tsutle be waatoet b> an «W Brea- I doat want to-fecar aaytfetor wore
; ,.toli at Mk IlasW*. rtsury* eompilvd by iW bar»^a of ^di. r altfred ui
bottoo* .-aaeily a. atonit It (w a ytar." And eo the r<. J- II. Harirj of Abh-u | Ibruusb vital r.athutos *feoir tbal FUih arenue Mi-u.wl bad paWcd bl* aon?*:«». Tbc Ac«* ware bulft.
the city this noraic): on a trip t.<. has tbv luweM birth rau-of any airret ballrunin «a» Blkd with ladle* and
Tto-GenaM mperor to kaU to hata
White Cloud. Wfeere be will »pw>'> in ifef city. I.««8 tfaan lea Wrtfes B.-nttomi-a la;ihed res»c* fee fend put bnm (b.- teUiator} Tm U (fee CfeK
vvf reported In tbc wealifeleal siw- on Hu- eanva*.
, »i»c acuuaP foac IWa.
SOUK- time wtib frired*.
!oD Of (but tborougfetare. Tfee boavlret
Hatlag cleand ap tbc will euaicat
Tbc deadly cm bw»mtml(igitto Ifeal
Ikairice Smalley id Aid.
IM and other migaiitJC against the catoie to killing so saar pon^ to (be Itofted
flKf.diiig a few days la ilic city wlib j ‘jirtfe tan- Is on the east side.
vtolop sin**. mtuTf the coodUlon* arr^rf GeOTBe W. Ctoyioo of Hearer. PW- Btaiea. to prevaWai la the aaburba of
Miss M. E. Fftspairlek of l.- •bo rwrene of tboM-OB nftb aveaae. eralJadge Hallett. admlalstiaur. bbs Bcrtto. Oenutn. and In eUcala.
cpendlng tbe day In the city to the In
A German periodical ha* printed pic- ,
ietv>-( of bnelBnis.,
.ure* and doaeriifetons of ibe plrtartma to water abwwfeed from the alt|rrop* produced by Icgnaies with (heac
.^qe bod]; guards of the rttlrea of (hi •
Mr>. nieli.T Homt-rlrti return.*!
(fee toai-rtt
-nodoleB on the roots are rlcber in
buau- In Kingsley tbU Bnirulns ^ern worid. torludtog Ibo Indian
Kor to BilTOgcB taken In by* tbe 'Ufedlng and maanrtol value that whenafter spendtoK a i^i.n'tlme in Hie eity bod.vguard of (be king of Bagtand. ibv
taavot. Of the total weWil «C Uic alt ^ they aiWabscnt. For Instance, mqr
^ washed him with Cotici^
B«i»K «oard of the pu|a aad man;
d pat oa one “PI
apt>>ieBtian of
of Cut!orerourBeldt tolly ftnr-Bftb* Is nliro-‘b«ns.koniaiff, ln lb(« entire plant, or cars
uu- B>- ibe fsuret of frii nds.
Ointment utul heie*Uoo
vraa so aootbnl
Mto.f Mabel KniBvId left l.ut.-iy for a ■rflufs. It rmnurks ot 'tbe itoltcd
gea gM. Flanto need attrogoa at evoo'' to tbc en-d ahme. tiol much nure (iiau : thatlputhimiutSecrwUe.
.lpathiniiutbecra<lk Youxlont
Too. eroour » b««rt «ul-it b. ~~ to fc «>^ Id
ow how glml 1 felt irbra be felt bet* short trip to Keystone.
aug «f tbelr growth bat they ennot | Iwo-thlrds as much nltroson .where the
toa that be knows verr little mUmt dbe bulk odTae }«
Im- nHHi- carefully protected t
_ . It took
_ one
_ _box
_ of ___________
Cutienra Oiato
' -ahMtfe ft thrungfe the Imtw our can aodnlea are absent as whoa toocnPn-tldtwi KotwtTlt. ovim-^ggh IjiBMB It while In^ gascoat ooadi-; la'.eO. KliniBCB to tbo dement tnostj, _ _______________________ Je of Cutiliodvgiiard is notSjad in br2Rht‘'aw1
«r-atbeR roasted! 1/ you bii}r yam
U must be combined With oxy-: likely to be toofttog to ourr M>1U
solU and'
and cura
... Resolveat, to ettre. I tfeiitk
MrtL Anna CcanlKby returned tbl.<
coffee knae by Ute jwi^ bow oow
«Bd aomu mineral bauo before iUils mailer ul baving the nodiihn ot>, • :. would have died only foe the
Fur tbo farewell baneeet to Mr
moraldg froai a ehort visit with
I YouflxpeettaMvfeadaaiimqiM%T‘
eta afewtife U or tttllbe IL R^-| the rogW of alMeg«mtoour crtHW canM.AnXANT). Jaeper.Oat.
friends to UlOBbans.
tbU altroBMi mu« bo iftrt easily be cxagBereied. store to ibU xo^rtern
in 14
rears: Mr*
Stevens trf Ulnglmm passr.-' bmiiMj. London, on Filday. May 3. or.t
the airil and that to be - way; with no cost, the farmer can hare
[«», under (tote of Fd>.:4.^>9UA- "ft ilirouRh Uio elij-.thto moraing da-Ills -if (he noM dtotlogatobed gatbertog*
I me pkasui
addcl u> I
L> of this expcfrlvo;
1 Btwt W In
way to llowcrs Harbor, whore, be wll s ill Ik- pn-sonl that tv<-v asM-nthh^l tc
mi^rtiooslr Increasing
tte ftra Of a nitrate.
cured of the tcreibU- skin dwrar
do honor to a forvigu diphimat. Amitnc
r. isain a sh.iri ilsio.
-----« of the mineral ^Uts that
BBiHdy.________ _ ,______
Mr. and Mrs..M. I'snl of Wexford rv rhuki-.wbo Jiate acm-pted iuvluiiuds
fTo‘lM- nmtlnucd.l
is hearty aud strong."
Ui:mA» ftp U» ashea^^lan'u can
turued tbtoiatoraing afur s|H.'mlhig ■ ire Mr. Balfour, Sir Henry Campto-ll•Mr them wxcapttbroogh roots. Tbe'„^,^
Michigan Supwioteadaoto.
IVMISB <r A CBOOnr. IMN evnx
Bannerman. I.ord “ LannUoa ae, Igirtlla the diy.
naau cnBat take them eltfeer, except;
Michigan Ausoclatlon of School
^ bcca the
m«m Ia
tKatbloea Vla'-li has pme te Roseberj-. John Morley. Sir Henry
wM. Uiwu. to «>IMk» Ul
Fowler, -Mr Ury«- and the arehl>lslin]>*
Marlta-bn a sburt 1ii»ln>-ss trip.
wgtet. The Bon water dtoaolnis ibmic
May 4-3 this yew. 8up«. i. U. OBbert -------Mrs. Emma Stto>oii un.l *on HaroM 3f Caaterlinry and York.
Reprosontaiives of 2**0 families of
*“ *‘^*'“1
: XortbtiPrt and asaln arrive*! Thursda.v „f Kingsicy are Ibe gurets df Mr. and
Boer* nr(.>utiy vtoited Dodge county,
“• “
, =«*™lnR and stated f. the Herald tha* Mr*. F. W. Wilson,
famltoan or fw the dMy ™ ^to giver* la.vJce presIdMt and .Snpt K.' he was more than ever favorably lai------------------ to—_■ ^ ^
M. fume, iKitoty lo.iicclor •jeorgto. and tosjtecied toads With the
■to! toabum of crau. or the U««»y of; ^
Beldtog aecreiary and ; pressed by the trip down tbo road for, i.aa»t.d (broaRli the city today from a vk-w ol locating tbo families there.
Mttto ptouu BUtoto to.o« u Itooo
Nearly all the mea were la tbc war
'OiP Bummers location. He left the
,Hp to Pt.ft Hun.n.
The billuwing to the prugrau:
iraln at Omens und drove Ibrougb tbc i .Mrs. lAwrenee Cagnun. who hau with Eaglan<l. It to ex|H-eted lhai
ilmiw fere amny of these minerals
la meh palace of UOK COFFEE 700 gei Oil* fuli
' rtwort. place*, and , then dewa to u-en vlvltlug to Ih.yiie with her par- ihuuld (bo srhemo be carried oui
that feife sfaMlately easentlal to plaaij
>und of VaroCoffoc. laeiit himb gtUiag tbfe ffeaftiiife.
*“ School Admlntetra- .S'orthport. ariring at 4 o'clock and t-ni*. returned (u.h.-r home to North- aistty (Mber famillis now In tin' Trans­
on ovnrr paekiFe.)
tfe« are lliM, ^t»
Pretldoni. A.-GavlorU Slocum, juklag aa early trip wr to Cedar
tbto aftenicuto.
vaal will Join the colony. The proposed
ly aaptrlatcndent of ochooto 4a' Lodge to Ufa launcb before tbc mom-'
tile inetudos 150.HW acres and is loI Nov York, proaldcot of Kalsnmxoa
nwto. He l<ft for Mackinac at;
'a;ed mar tbc towns of Hetena ami
tad. duartx. or cVea ««»«««.
-Ii;in and wUlomfer wlthibeG. R. £j . frofessur WiWam H. IHckeriag ol Ui-ilau. It to «’ wlrcpass region,
woolPON SnCSfXVfbtotor.Obife.
r ktod to not needed as far as
ninuT PMK8K00K
I. offlctols before a deeJnlon to reached.' ih'.' Harvard axtronoiuleal uliservalun ailaiilfd «• csttK- raUlug. Uesfueu ea:r the crop U conTfec SupcrinienUoiH.- (a) "RcUtlon The location which Mr. Armstrung to
aorihern Africa m-xi sum -.le. the ciiiuny will mine some eotifin.
eat*N as piaats may be made to grow _
r~U V O.
K,r I. • ««« .not toblrt:
tfe feMtailty aad produce a harvest_ ..
tbl -U.U1100 10 <a»Uoll«U!tt. torre. of tolUwto.M
wEk no anil whatever M»t the roots
T«a,rrto Sypl. W. II. Hum. Gltood roatW
U- .TO..Ibl. U. U... U. ..,1,
If Ike lattor-an kept to mm ebundani
... "IMaitoa
------------TUI. to roaitU .tons GnuU
Rapid*: 4c)
kat fitolie BBiMm ti U» emeaUal SapL Geo. W. Loomis, Ml. FleasaaL
In BronlplMo..mitt,.,
fetoUars Jfext aaatod. It Is, tbea; ifee
Geaeral discussion.
one advantage which Mackinac clalma.
pMt food ip aotoUoa which heipe
to-. .a
^ gMMfMwnaMaoaBltoaxliaaatedU'^
Mttore were dlstaBved
AwtoeffeimIn aeUIng tree Jovt ibo
of plant food that bis trope
• cbaixer »*■ oaltud I •tone U will rMdUr fnrnbh « kotnr.
■ M
We *l»« a UUb week, ead Ctovpr *111 aat witerulii. on Ju row*,
h iM« te ktteed before CtwpWr 12 Uw rtiaobU «T elUU*. n<(r «UI tlte
'to *wiBiW tt« •ittde.-Bd.)
- iwwpwMcepttbeeoopcToOooofto
; rti*otto of ibe *oy b*M: In f»ct.
tUs jwtot ire h«ve bw« w» recent e«pert»e«* M the mchlean
ioihov^tfei' Ofw ApplioatioR Soothed Hin
(T eoMr tfa* ^yWcal cbmele^
tO Sleep. Cure Speedy
Mlto er the eon. We have noted ■odc- ti*« to an eiideni boMUity uwweei. ■
^ PTminnn*
dbic at to (fee altt of Ulo putielea, rertaln leKsne «to the rbixobto «ork..
Tbc depart■*" rerwanwn.
: UNI nteiMdtoc capncHr. the vnjr
roWto heU. tfee ^remenu of wa- nest of ncricaHnre
. tfaree
tv'wtd On' Uttpcntare Wd ncnitou cnnaee tbeM ifetwbU
■ontfe* old hi* head broker* witlia
W Mtto Let w note next wfeer rune-! neiM nambers lu wrinta loliulotu ____ arfeich WM very itchy and ran
tkn* Of (fee eon la reference to tbe'.nnd fens dl»eo»ered n wny

QMMiienblc aatery Baid. Wc tried
■pitot life ft napportt
. »‘ttowi kUlln*- tl
can setnl ifermiBb (be mai!
■ptatoua clTlag
attadunMit to root*
alt (be tune till it aiaead to his anuf,
(fee plant aprigbl
where , to
a famer whose clover or utlier tog- kg*, and then to hi. entire body, and
-- ------------------------ -_
Itoltofto nay be baUnd la air aad;«neb" non^ c» « lU rw«
a fc
dyieg. It itefeed so he
to «be aMUpacl^eTOnlalniBB tb«c Hvlnfc
»ooWa«wb im ihcWo^ ran. and a
ptop^^toiitB an1 the
u water, nlaetn: rhtoofela. The fanw-r ban but
taorniag. I had to pot
altoogaa they eoalala ; low the dlrcetlona acewnpanylng the
nittcasoo bis haods to keep him from
iiftep ripe, or oae to tbelr growth, paexage
package to laucaiM
laoentotb aim
h to aoeo
seed ^
and tearing hi* »bin.
He got
got CO weak
' . He
Wfttor to feetoK.-wnsUBtiy evaponted thereby secure for Ida clover roota the. fe^
f . wooltl
DClto and
______„ spclU
___ wc
*“ atono.t a
tiW the aarfaoas of the learw bat power to feed, todireclly. apoa (be ul-, ................ B dying.
feaada Wtre
s^-caa be taken to fey then. The trogea <d the air. (h*i*
tbia like claws. .
water raporated from ] ■
lie was Iiad abont eight
_ we
. . ...
tried Cutienra.
...:._ra. 1 Lhwl not
toaaii »ay be tocreaaed by exewjdtag ; ram.
laid tom
him dowaja
down ia hi* cradle ia the
dlyfeans pf the aunosphere or toay be , - Recent «pcflmcatt«' «»*« UichlgAB to^
iaytime for a to
.«dn»d«iaTer,w.tdar.butto*o:Ktpcrtncrit atalloa ahbw (feat the

WMted to Skeioton.



ftliaept «!• mu





Itiilhs fhat Strike Hone
„ I.


All. PAomur CMPIAS. I* «i



To Cure a CoM in One Day


General dlsonaaluii.
and in these arc gaUtered together ^
oDoaider tb« onaatltlei and
-Bthtos or Our t>n>feitsiun. SiipL C. vtoltore from all over the laud. Th.-'|
■umatklag of the eharactertotlea aad
W. Mlckeos. Adrian. .
' play Itself to lud mote Interesthig than
M mafeBu of ctmtieiilng the elemenu
General dlaeusBlon,
the prlmetalllfe which Mr. Army ixms
_A U/j..—saa.
nf tke feoQ eeaeaUal to plant growth,
i offers to ttese whu desire to siKCd a ||jSp6pSla 01 TfOIDGn
arnmiag water, already fully troatrd.
1 ■n.o^rai'toreuw.’<U'fl”- rt"»s- «s~i™y KEEDLESS- ACONT

,Cu»« «.u.

gnlreC of them all.
KUrogen exUts, In tbc soil.
to ,
In the free, gaseous. COmUUoa
iu tbe>r bmweca Ml partfcM.
2 -TU a ooasUtaenl of hiimas.
b 1.

.r,.. Msw-vra-v

the Cadillac tent. The oOctol .u.-.^..
toow that Traverse City won Uio enntest Wdiilc the rt»tm>r Ifni HHVK IhnVrhHe 1^ Cadillac tent jayKhu.
^ ofllelal reepnl^Male
fkal Cadillac bad about BCVenly luetu

A. \\ FrkKirieh. oimmxndw of Trav: diaus
of iI
arelre from tbc

with a cheaply constructed unreliable engine when you can buy
a Columbus? The

■ vl,ia.lm.
.„,|t™|«r, md Mr. SUr
i, rbarWrmr.' •1lb ..W r-brlbc
the aftroMl. RMUfeB over oar
b». plou.. II. „,d tb.r “'' V'"’b
Goaid ever kc; uaail os ptoat
«ept ft> <ft» ftalted -iumiata_______ c=r».».d.!. iwr, a ewbb .Ubdi
lUed ap'
I«fib.b. bbuboblb a« u. ibc:"** "■» "W" btol.ftb
Will Improve P«re Marquette.
caadldates n-port«BruofOlktaiBg.
to that year «uDiv ;r and tbar the iwimty
A unvaie
prUale tram
train of tsu edache*. cv
narapuaa aetoottoU. among tb«n.?*> *»«*"«> Aprfl l were really iniilat-:
MaUrtaM. pakHKod thefts of ex- ^ *•«* a*- vr wKbm U« MmlL TbU WUllam Ckrtier. general tusnager; A
pwiiaMau abowtog (feat one great «*«*
Ca^HH" *>2 tenPatriarch, general itaBlr manager, and
MH Ot plaatt,. tmd^tax
. H. F. Mob-ller. gt-aeia) iiassenger as\-m
etoror. aUaifa. vetebro aad all .unitor
Marouelie mrived in the

this free attrogen. Katore's mt-Uiod
waa tfelar-Omala
tfela;—Cenala mtouto
mluuu- p^ania.
made np eC a atogle call aad ao amll

has proven to be the most reliable

P”*''**-- Th« crowd that will ^ Thev were out im'an otteial n. i- and. which,
which. while
it eaui*-* a dtotorfehere 1s estlamled at fully a Ihoo- .
Unary la-iii.'psliriti.
- «.1,1hont a xned'u-liuMaqa atated that tbt-y weiv ampi.v which aoi only acts ms
■(*.- igtoif....

•kakft«M..*w.Mto.tfe.rooU,g:-^‘|“‘«»»>-«^«2toiW m.d
and wt
willI be some time
■Maelagamro. i« the.. Imnehro or ! elded npon >“ter
Ot*mmaader PAodtit* doeMi


^b^Th^Tlng ,be great i::^^
s btol^ w
1ms come
come to
to the
the sres ys- wK
WrlphL !lrooklvn.“N^T?!‘w-lS“
• • Cl
jore-l hy Lydto E. ISnk-

s Vestal

ma aad on act ^ tfe* 8)1
air to tka ooU-aa to aa(u

o yrars 1 «iff(««d wfefe Hr^n^ua
Xfiwqstsd aiy roijre svwrni that I
> Vi Btvadio niT daBr doOM. I


tin tofmed. voaid unite with___ ^ tog sptll and tore 1 shall ap«*d a hbif taatol^audUc«»d*dirt«i2»viuniy
ttf « ffM rrr .bd. „ poTfb.
.I* f. b. b»r rd,. fd »«. tb, .bl^ fStSbi 215t"K.1S'^.rS;
«RUMa .toat t^ laguoes *

per* perwonally.” There will be some vtowim^re Lydis E, S&am-.VesetaMc



■ and dally I
excursion* from ^
all parts of the I'niied
................... - ; il'^ Miion* of vtoliiug
A creat moi.y suffer wiili a
red tnea who Jake part to the Iicrfurm- ftr-ntof iBilig.-Mli>n..rdvKp>-|itoia«l,ieli
„ ' . with aneelallie/ Om-del.-sil-.n d«-«aot «e.-ml...vie1.l P..mliourvlreat‘n^-nt Whil. thi *ympt..msM-,-a, to W

taiigtmawa^ inHiifUto. wnu ^Huilsr to tbt*n- of onlumry indiffes-

b«to,.. ..f.:

As altrateatf
11^ magaealina i
A .A*
“I**!* «'•>>».



sally heipririto The leg- '
■MS fMl« a koM aad tke rhboWa
tderi Sswt for Hiawatha.
M MM in tta akape .«( nluatea.

------ ---------------------.-----«l.bwlllbp™,,or.b.b«...w.,
of to* amriec which will be iasudled
s feasible. Vice Prestdret


on earth. Users of Columbus Engines are our best advertisers;'
talk with them. When you are in need of WOOD SAWING
MACHINERY remember that we-are selling the FamousSMALLEY, BATTLE CREEK AND CHAMPION DRAG SAWS.

Ferris Implement Co., Ltd.
127-131 State Street

Traverse City. Mich.


I was a wqk'wqsDsa
' it
' tou^aaftoriK
other mediciac ia toe world has •

You Sjiffer *»-.
Strengtfa-Girar. Mym^B Toric Vcniifl«B.





tbi-reanTmUoR.; I
1 flClIiriac MRona ^ anneawn
r Md tb«-pre*MaM'a tarty. AO rMiilu Brp.Tl
tl i«tart4f tWstMcfK' Ucmore;, d<4*yi>4 -ter a «V- Tlir j
la «hiMr« Uat to«WeM «i« t>i« fir»t diuMa- to tbc: j
uc4 a, re*tfn*U<w at Uw coir ia«» Of War;
tint It' Ty»?Btto oooRir* Ot tka aoa- Konvr auil DnmifU fiuuday. Ttie pany
vtro'taTnmw CHy. wt ia a MnoUiliTie oa ttoulc aitnnid
liinirfflM to toe Mpdvt 1.3C7 mb are the ead of the-ehu^ rraeoa epelreliBR;
«avtor«4 to toe toetorfeato tote du; toe l>ia pot aod leaned on bed aad j |
Bad f4M iB'toe ftomcr.
;beBna Tlie preaMant ale btanily aad!
' ThojnvdMU o| <ka BUTcreot laad- deyiaa iBe neal rdated come ofhte I
toUii to Trar« «ljr are Hated as erpcrtcneei to Utc oow cailipa of Uw |
fBUo^: Otwoed Jiiator, aaplc Boor west to former y«7ara.
tss(. raaoBs, haakei .otototoes. eloto(toreroor rennaoo uf oUakuouta
tU toatoiM n^alTB. eaattoga. cigar Haed b^e yeMerday aad apiaii ibe
toSoa. kaakna aad oatea. batter nlgbt at Camp liooscreK. 11 te etBMHB..4|KBdtT «oik. totolr stock, bol pened that }>resld«ot Buoaerdt and
UtoB. *<0118, Ice ereaa; beer, aeterl- GoretiKir PergwuB TllMteMiiertaIncd
lary: a^lM. BMUtoeota, auteb. at a baaqaet to Predertek tuaJgltt.
'latotoi -aiaUer. ptaalem, camdlcB.
Colursdu Spriags: Col.. April J3.—
■iiitoa «aicr. rtotortofty. tsa. Imtoer. rr«sldcai Ruosevett’a speelal train U
■BBihiwy. Boor Bad toad. teaUier and sebetluU'd to start irvariblK cUy ob
hMaa, for i«b«, tottogtos. aeoda. iui nm Into tiie Rntoy a
.cteaUng. agar. Iri- -Um> Cutoradu MUIaaU raittuart at »:»>
cyrio (Bpalni. baka] ffuds. Beats, xan o’etock PrMay ulgtat. Oatog to besry
totoll aacbtocs tad otoeni gnoaH in toe ftolnity of BoJatone llie
atoon. •
desitoalioii baa boea rbaas<-<l to .Sew
of Oh-nvoud.
**’• caatle. taehc _ .
OHdC(lmitaaooiiMUi.fOur fnim aliirh potoi l hi- party will atari
mm* asd ooe oMgba. ’Hw loogMt Utr camp,
partoi BteabMd «M Mt'daya and toe
<ne pihn jialn. which «m l>o raa
■bUriMt t%tte arerBoa'bbtog 60.
tre ■tonvuit abvad of toe apectol. wlU
.......... ..
carry the newepaper represeaUtlvci

on*! several raJtwB)- olHclalJ. One of
^■0»*et AU*!- Aijrt* ta^TbO nabljtoest earfaea M toe Mldlaii'l
d*B> fcM capltaial^ to the primary ^.y,
jhc ap«-tol and by Kpi-ctel re■tet. BWBrteg ip oand toe ,ue« u,e presl4enfi car wlH be at the
teoAIHwer Wn-to proride for toe
^ „,p
»ui i,i*>I V>rmor and lleotonvH ,
,( ,^unie. hot the' si^tel
Ihe rtiad

The CornltJahit CASTORIA

IQS tA 70or lift tlLUi the drink. oottlBB
or ntorphlne htbits, for It soon ends tn GonsompUon,
PneomoBlQ and Death, ^ve yoorself friiin these
awfol results of Coogfas and Colds, hy tafciiig

The Kind Ton Hbto Alspayo Boairfat, and srliicb has bem
im ose for tner 30 yiotrs ban borne the aiBnatr;po of
- .aitd has bei>n tnadt- iiiMler bi-> perC/LjC/^A:^A, •“*•*«* 6UP« rt‘*-l«u Klmi. JU i,.toner.
.AUowno one todoreiti- yoa In tliU.
All Connterfuita, ImitatioBa and ^.TiisUo«.friMw)'*nrc IxiC
KijK-riments that triBc with .na>d c{tdanu’<Tiltv beulih
IntootB oad CUUdrcn-Drperlenc* aeafu-Nt Esperiiucsite



What is CASTORiA

"SlttliiK by Hy Wlfh^s Bed*'




lu. ...a .

—--------------------------Qos fifthobanS of toe tWtet.
Tho MeUwon WU. piBTld^ for toe
BtoM BoMaattoB of fsovmor. IlMilenWt SPStmor and members of the legWatve «u ymterdky aalMUtmed for
e and report­
ed net (asnra^ by tb« bonse oommK
teeee stecfjeaa.' -The Saal me oe toe
' MflLweaAS «e-dZ. .aome of tboee vbo
TWild w aeonli ihieemed-fw the
SMBBtei, nwe ■naocoeaawp. abscst
W—toe sessioB or mpd astiadt sub-

Boprever. toe measare It
„ap« B> to toe toM rea«|gg. and *41.
, to «tm JWtoM of Atagi. eonm op for
^topg. rbdTon can ramilicd'i
- ..Tsao-a. K. KBbM. Ageas. Attrldgs.
toiMto.. BpMir»Mtan, Stead. Bnuk.WVr*Mted>«Md. Decker. Devar*
' toitliisB. DuMsa. «lla Earl Fair
’ toMfea. Vlalwr^ .rM, .Harrta. Haabl.
• tOBBtaa, JWm. flad. ieram Lad-

: miiiiniiiir'ri^, Timow.->ettji.
' ItHtMk Stoiitol'QtoM. toMoK. Smith.
M. • ai^toto. ■'«!»«; 8uoa4.
OMRS, ntsaw. Toimer. Turner,
ttoi CsarM;''VMIaee.iQMera. Watt.
. e,.J>SBaUa. Gleb/. l|..FalTt»nk. GalCbsiaael.
.. amnsmsrk*ummte. l»^.l.I..KeUe}.

..».ew-i»»* ,0 .

& to KMtef. y'to Itoicbt. W. A.

a. Mat.

Train team Trat>4a lUy 'lw Tlial1u»l at
> anSrrr. fx-n: Kwi
i^itiu fxnn iWM

a> ail>|. m.
Train arrima
a. llriPn. m.
'■ari.r aad atngi
•lUifcar. at Vak

>UM Uaira


C t. LOCKWOOD, O P. a *.


Tnoaalain-Trsnn. tTry M MIews:
r-trat. TeM*. OMaso

n.i.l *'*Jl iMn......*

Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought

p”s.^.o'a;sw;s..i “**•■



or. 0000,, poor
loood OMlOI 10
hoot oirr ood

te SA t, &.“V

hoo^oodor. Hr o*. j
O lOOO. Ol.h hi. heodl,....
-----hi. oro» opllli.rl ir
r ■
to give llcitc account of hte experience
furitor than that. Th^ tael Is that
ClnelBnatl. April 16.—The Vlaliea Patrick was In town T^iesday with
Btauu Court of Aweals tote mwnlag rorapany of ladians and all
dadded that Mrs. Casslo Chadwick from stilKT. A LHaHly club and piuii’'
can be refaaaed fntei Jail under Iter of Ukiod in Uii- road liack of tbe o»mtt
ten^enr sentence pending a new trial farm londhtg to ihe.lailten camp. n:i<: mankind would have to
la toe Ooon pf Appeals If ehe can give the fart tliai Patrick was found at Hr*5,flW ball. Her attorney. et-Judge ™..r ..r» or., ruihioo.. iho- .hr o. turo's emuision - butter
Wing, skid this ball would lie gtron In
•lio-jactercation look'plocv on tlie wa> to tilt put in Shape fOF dlgestoe District court at Clerclaml.
tndlan camp snU not ot, Hu- Tsllna:!. tiOfl. Cod liver oil 'is ex-


.4Br«of til.'

1.1,1-a, fur Hi. < '.4UHi



“Ha Cow jjavC’^'SSs^iSs^
' Butter
^^EfSaaSs aSS


.................................................................................................... ........................ .................................................................

UlriK. WAIJntB,
Jades rSfmtata.

invent milk. Milk is Na- :s:.!."r'T.r.vS,Js;S'.^:;
l.»--i vi'—;.".i.j ..I .iuiint-..t!C-B..01. ti-aui.-.L.i. it I-l.«<lntdu{«.*iiti

i.-'t«*r-, ■ •. luw.' l-t.. ..- ---•'•
'I'-'YK-iv IS-n i, .. ;..n--t t.. 1.

InucfcerLti with a Icnlfi-but iIuT.‘«a« .....0 vM.™.. of. honor h„o


.'--HteMktr. Itoym,«.-.. . ■

• ItoBB-to'Aay^.
to a atotammtl by =toe atinney «(
toa towns City 4k tombenateni Railim» campany la last week's CHtmia.
toa pan
I that
1 ibo taads to build
- BbB avito toedr road to Oayjord the
BHriagsammer and that Il ls expected

to secure the adraaeea toe 0Ut*lN
of the & C. * 8. {I
e to be taken up and this |
rnad 'Uito lu oxieutkms bonded toae- •
«aK toe abore fnutte: alao that Wlilte.
* Ca bad guaraateed tbe interest on |
too baada: ibal It ia expoeted laier to i I
• oxtes^ the toad toioBgb to. Alpena:
witota Aye .ysara. It atoo mates that i
toejoad «nt crass toe Q. R. B I.
acar Blmlra.—Doyae.CIUsen.
^ i.
‘ toanB Tour ef araaWent.
j ii
rradertek. Olu. April IS.—Pre^ltoni I j
.Qooasvelt sw-s he Is enjoying his hunt -1
to Dm big pastun mote than any other -1
- stoBle treat wklto bas before bap- f
poaud to hte life, and that , he would
aattotesHIbrflO.OW. Moudayhewto 1
aeaaBfour woTrea eaptarod. three of i j
wblefa were ukea to by the pack of |
toaiaaB Bogs aad to* fourth captursd
BUT* by J. R. Abeniathy. the famous'
wtot hunter. At sight of thU psrfcna-!

cato'toe feat. Kane of the party (
Attobtod-hiteewagr. toa when after a |
to Taeaday be aptiang fram '
_ i bbm aad leaped 'upon the strag^tog teotr which was beset by too |
Bogs tbe crowd cheered him lastUy.
•me wow was captured aih-e.
The pmieldeat is saoee thaa-ptoasM). I
at UH aanocr In wblto the people of j
this munmanltr are giylng him
*W4tte«VBMt* by maatolog aaay from
the ismiura. Ho says he may nn
1 oenstanUy to the lead of Ui>‘ i
MO. as he te faralshed the fast-


irVu .o,S» before we can digest it.


c like thf a-ork of a club.


■ tif ciiiTccilon wuMv lit- was nent (rjni

the valuable hypophosph.tes SO that .t .s
easy to digest and does
far more gOOd than the
oll alOOe COuld.
.Id. Th«t
That «hTvoi


I aankniir iad pin'ii art) f
I bh. Alio lh^ offer a W)

I M-gMd-argmacau.
tort the Ctethcrafter* kaew of


Y worn cloth made of

It, prtiit
the nut.
bddt Hi color aad h»



rnd)4awca*.toMdd |tai arc
al«i)t sad sbtMiiiei}^ afi-aoel
aad aothisr hat aasL
4 tan cam
a *f Itee tatee.

A. J. Wilhelm


Uthday o» Juno. A-U. l»OS.


the most Strengthening,
nourishing food - medi'eme |n the WOrld.

-•h-ff . ami fu V lilplutfnv. with __
■U>tat"in ..I.-I.
loailc Bad provided.tbin
• iUli---l-i«r HH-lM-auRkK orwimaB.mibB
Saturday. toja^Ttij^onth Day of
,a> t.-ii...-ra-fcOi tbi' feneiopii <d that
•>.■ .He-ib >t<B>i d-«.r <J >bi- c'«art Soaw.tB





ga.vft pr. itiiwv lu ij. • I'lrlifwi l.Htfl. r. *.* iIh'

makes Scott’s Emulsion

' Markf!*. have Iwcn povr alltlu-h-*ri-n
Send for free aamnle.
hand con«qui-nily tho buMness Itoh
■ bt-tu IlKhl. fhiring ilu- siason the cmi- 408-416 Pearl Street Nc-w Vork
IHMiy Iian tioiight-and sbipix-.I almm
BOc. and *1 .OO.. Ail drusKists

I ttj-aa^feow
every pitie of doth bsahject
I .tocbeaiicsllcstariiheprMeRce


it has
to be emi

iaroohro Woo.
OoohUr- U.r tt SCOtt’S EmUlSiOIl S'VsS.'JH
iplanaUon of the affair. -Patrick liM
rrturavd fram tb.- iMndr bon., combines the best Oil ................
3rd day ot June.
u„. for aruior .toy
A. ...
.omo . ir. Oloo.h, oso. OOO ., o
i.rMbLT lo tot- more or lirn notoritxM
•Hcak-r" Itetrlvk of Trsverac City.Brilalro Iiidfpi-nilcm.
1 The warcboure -erf Join
iA Son was ciostn! Tm-wiay for the
1 pri'st'ni. and F. S. Hamlin was has ha.l
jrh.rtr of Uh; h.Ul»«. to, hh. r.Iltinutl to his home at Traventf Cliy.


<in>il3 TVavo-raB retmly :
■4iT«r Trsnew' i:in .MubtsaKd
ry mm.Hu.. aait n«vin|.vt In lAs
K*CU«er •< lBf.l.rffr Itraad '
.•■urv aliO,
tu.u.NV-liiraii JanurT
Slio, NBB.
IM Mldft

Attic Creto. Micb., .April ll.-Dat- 11 waj romned thai^Pairk-k imd b,-ti. tremelv nourtshin

'• Mtofto, Kaak. Oriatt. Proaicr. Road.
,;'iUite«*. tlmgics. Spam-, .Suuuard.
-ttowe. yratoer. «ard. Wbtlaa. Mr.


PiiiiigiiMl wm«

jPERE Marquette


In^Use^^ Over

rtogliM. itoCin. MoOwtoy. MoCrackea.

K--,1., r\t




s' ’'™-

------------- About roriy i.tecos at Fllk . 1“
i)'.- —..o........... it........
. mercbMi.
tbe spwhit te doe.
. Mlahd. Cbaftw
!«■ ofa u|> flBSIn for
-mrTrxaltoe. Team April 14.—Kresl ^
toki'ti fwm Bobtoson valimJ
|io>i*s betorf August, a-ken'llu- a:ii>k
dent Roosei-elt toarea today for CoVj '
liusineiu bttglDs fur ni-xl :<i-3»iti. Mr.
ratio, where be wlU camp oat ,ia toe
Accident on PresWent'a YaehL
Hamlin rays that hr would aii-. Is.for several week*.
N'urfolk. \’a.. April M.—The Morgan fsnrn-rs of tbis tiectloii t« raU<- a; ]. ati
toorougbly enloyed tbe wolf btmilQK
liner Elocld arrlvedat Hampton Bonds a rwajonabl- quanUty of poiatbi*
trip tn the great paslnte rcsvric of
Ibis moraiag towing the preshlcntv cootlng tu-asion. as they can km ♦•ihI
Treasury Department
Tcatci-day wealng. pt
.i.-il-iuoil *11 i>l nii: tT'UUl \i-«
yacht. Ibe Sylph.'upon rThieh there,i-brcvly act! farmerg la tuber potato,
FPaBcriek, be dashed Ibronito
Wii,bli>rt.i9. B>rvl>I>A.
»: ■' A ATI R Rll
WB* an explosion at nea
sea id
Id which two regiour
regloor are qulitteg
qullttCK tbe bnriui
.Wh-r..... li* M,*i fft.*:nrT
streets of the little town at toe head
ibv nivii'T^wie-.l It ill*'b
IWn were fatally scalded. The Sj-i|»li
8yt|>li .which
.wMrb tetter fac: wilt
will tend to make a
of any eowboys. Hu face wa* -burned
tb*: --Tb.•Tb- Tirvit
firvit Satii.npl
Sdti..n«i Itonk nf Trs»«9v.was reiurntbg to.WashInKtoA 'from sro.-ier deiuani! tnr the rr»j) her...—
t'll>, Ir IW
ibf.t -f
•■! Truc-r—
by the Bery amf bat be waa happy be5
Mnlrut UiHii
Florida waieni, where ahf receatly; bad Bellalre Indopeodem.
Dj-% Cream
i> . nr.p;,.<l irl'ii «U 'till- prgve^on, M
Bboard Mrs. ftooicveit and ' her _
r*TOp 'Wam.T ha* named Frl4-ty. deauet.wSurv:
The now Is two feet deep In the vi
tarard tipOw*
Ltecrt, «
Arbor .l.i- .od
rbprdclamatiun asking 1 he etny • eo:d tn u.s bcul
uVtiwk IB tb. finmsen ol bmS
tomi- days
rs ago.
IMople to plant tree* for the.pnrtci*..
cf malntalnlnK foreitiry and lo-ainif.
*i»<rtrd. ri:.f..ip.coadmued TelSBrama.
log toe state.
BwCa>esaiS&^ It ta 0"t drjin:—
Ma>v,..b mai. ApHi
•Terrell. amrUvolaV new
]i. 11 .tiu.wir n-ii-m
Sherman, aged *3, who for Bfiy yean-1
outbuildings at the county tonn
QTyg^incBJUAW. CMaty a( Oraaa
UtM . hn.II III. iKlbd-I lo « hovel I rrol.O tb, Cra. \r. Mlll.r
ToiO. -if ■)! .i-IUJSro.ljS.'M
OOlhl 0.001 Boor, oOlh oolr o I
hour oo CUomo UrrrI. oo.l Mr. 5II11„1
<5.„,.,r.iW.ri ' i-'
=~. ,...^
.XiiUcf lo .Sirtcli
brolMd OOd hlr-.dloB. ilr w hr
^ rrooirlos hi. rhrri.
00* loro

, togbr. itoFTfs. ■«««. Mhig.'l. 8.

Bi^ he rarnpaa a atsdOot ratilesnaki
ahkh tei^ at him t<mr Ubm-s. He
killed ttis w«h .hte elgkieeadadi



I TruM rnio. i:<>>.r<i

I Bears the Signatuic oi'

S, E. Wait & Sons and Jolmsen Drug Co.
Creek hail an ellentlve tUU of



CaatorU li,
hannloia suhstimto for jCa-doi' Oil, Pnroporic.
atMl Boothiup hjTMtto. It is IMmisanU It
ituiiM ucfUtor t^Utua. MuridiiiiR iti»r
xubotaDro. Us ape in Its puamuttic. It di-Niniys Womw
nJbijK Fevt-riabnoMi.
. U
It o
euros l>iurriio*aauid ^Viiid
t relirvea TectblUg
Tmubiw.. < iir<<h CousUpation
and Flaluieucy. U amdintlaUri
U*e FixkI, regulates tlio
BtoOKicb uud Uowels, gitiug lieallby aud iiauirul ‘Icep.
Tlio CbUdrca's Panneoar-The Blotbcr’a Friuud.

vrttes F. G. HonUey. of Oaklanden. lad.. **! readwboot
Dr. Dag’s Wow Dboovery. She bod goto frightful
ehroniecoogh. which three doctors btfled to KUere.
After taking two bottles she was perfectly cared, and
today she Is well and atrong.”

. ...t.,' t li ...... B Wait SB


nil 1I37



V- t’,«nir.MK-Mna.aBnK«e.tawit
...fUueM i^UBrU-ruT the awThimnl ffur-totliA ngbtrs B llfl bl tuwwdito tWHl
- ir'. Burili >f iBBse Btar <S. ar«**.<-,«ta.tioii- f..rl» a fto
tm lim.



Regular Size $ 1 Bottle of Vitona absolutely Free


>br e>i<wlT i4

Guaranteed the best Spring Tonic in the World
the iT«alt nf fb« rutebiBKt -ffurt* <d r-r- ‘
cni widely ku -wn «m] hlelilr rdenlrd
pkrhMai» *Bd «eteBtbt> Viuita.k bU •'•
; tatelyaBniaBled la v^wml M-irntr.** ii
lljr pnWMKB ^ pUBfT *a
rlfc.- Lknlto*parT.bmllh.vmudl•nrr *Bj d

HMittiy. tigenMu. rtaidr. croWee Wb
rauBBlytaiaiBlto l«dy tbro«#h BhoaB
e Uuid. i
sKr«*lBrm*Bft4nBelUe :


Kv.-rj Xi/nBe taiti
tt. r^Bl tr^ttntr nt ■
II. B-jd tl! M
••• Xifur- iB.Tli •uA iJ t*i-urty iLrtaei th"
' liBirIt r<- I-Mcpi.t-Ir V
vttr..l.Bf,,•«.». H*)*nB.linriit >


t< 1 w«.t»



** *«>»»•

ri .-k
ttf lornuuo. ito aadB
I ir-i.t liuf.ror tfer Ouan k
i-y.tTrx-rv-tTtv.UMt tMn II
., -1.0 ,r™,
lan-tm .to
t^rt IrrlETS.^r"
Ike Co
U:* -1 i rar-r.-iniirld .rtl si P«'Jk AartlBB.
tl..’)’..'--•> I-MS.B-, iW priniM fteacnM
II.-.- I ■ .•Jlg.ip .•«■ w. iBBiii tW-cd SB HBy
I.. n m-vrv ii. laytkB BBWBBt ■■■i •« Ser-iip.'
-S. I ii«..n*Br». wiihmgtit p-r cwBt—
..’..r.B.;4*UlreBlra>t>. Mdellirr WUk add
Biw d*w HUbB la eaM .
n-. -.-tr- •• f'tniwKIA «K Ttie tnm half

NrDninM.......... ^
I Ft**. |h*VB-««.

SdnUr VUI. dlJO.Betl].
Vitm AI~Aui.t
Md roae*
sbU wtU yin U * i«Ir t n*L

tomtw tox O. A. :

A-lg-,.- uf ------ .....

Qu^s aTcy



«hca dlaocr m reMj- p»pa cMM Mr. i
BeMiben. »d be <m»r. iookias I
mick ltk» ^ be thM
-Mfrak. I j
4lfaiit«r wlUi roo toder.* U i)
sever do •


^ M Uk. . M«b



mm, M*a«k Mm. iwrcw
^'wifiihiu. MiMi «*M.


PlfM VWb PfmmM, CJera Mtaa.
tm-f^^-T Ptnamat. Mt«. lew


If hat been very cold axd woray late­
ly god tke aaow It very deep. We take
! Ike Herald and I like to read Ibe let-.
len. My t(«ter Rda and I wtMid like
(A loin the Bunahine clnb. Please «end
u« aesrd and ballon. We bare a dog
' HU wae M.Borer. He llket to drive
the cows boae from (be woodt. TbU
la all I cna tblok of tbit tlac. eo good- j
Truly K»«. Aged.
Ouaaic VonOlabn.




Trarwrac dty. FtA. iS, IMS.
Dear Proaideni»{ bare »ot wrlitcn
!for a iMKAMie, tO'l Umagbt I wnoM
' vHte today. I go lo aehool ereay day
that 1 eaa. 1 a« do the ftftb grade.

^mLt iT’.ba Malar


Wa-r* all of w glad «t . iba Eanar


| n,,*

atea mm
£d *mm
Ma rooTOi
ebWCb «» * “'I* «®
*“ you bare quite
par S*'eblldr«
ibe miioiw tag.
HeraM ibat
Oeretby U
balk eblwe:
—. wi—.
k-,-..IU «f'» ^
Mr papa take.
The Mrib baa pal
ber aaaue or
i |{|,e to mad the Bun- DataBiicr.of Mr. and Mm. Piank Biaf-

rz r

with the tunhaam* aw.
AM «e an know wby-<M Baslari^ ^
Triinr nniihlnrr


«i.hin> vnu Dakota, and there a great ntom tweiK
down opoo at wUfa
aod wtad.-ona
all were glad to nee tunsMor Id tb**

Port Ooolda. MkA, Peb. ttlk. IMS.;been dreoehed. bedding and nil. You
For deep ta bar aeala tba
^De^fc^t-^. I b^ time I '
1 certainly bare Uugbed t
__ _____________ _ ..-i! wMl write a^ »oef
’*-*-■ to
-- MO.
1 am! pa bold the umbrella over ma while

.«! «a ki. r»
tl. «».- I -k- ~Kk 'k* kr»Hk«. •»>
- ; vooid Ilka to Join (be Bonsblae clnU meed John working lurd w keep Ibe
M*Bi of ^ balk •* ;p^ ^ ■« . card aad b«um. I «re bnmlag. but .1 laat we were all I
kata t«o atotan and two breibam.; ready for breakta.t aad by ttaU timrj
AM RIs Manahora
Oar acbool was oot the third at Peb- we bad tb* coming appetite, and all;
.itoaiy. Our taaeberb name waa Mr. was nfc*. tboogb eookiri in the rain.
And RM IpMt
f»ad Oago. Be waa a reiT alee leaeb- After breakfast ma wathed the dlabHoly Pm

^ ^

:i£iraiM. 1.


again, through Dakou.
down in lows and tiopped to rest the
lenmt gad have a wash day near Conn. ell BliiBt. but we toon left Iowa at
Tiarwaa Cliy. Mldu Mb. M. IMS. i Hambnnc and crataM over tbe MU
WHM and Lor«M Flacker, Kings­
Omf Prealdent—I go to acbool. I
the rockt and bill,
am tn the Hmt reader now. I am naar- ^owu to the lead mines near NodsWm ftltm, CMu Baa.
V*i BnwMy. «. JanMa. Baaw ki- U tbrouM my book DOW. I am alt »ai. There we ntw the men going t«
yearn eM now. Good-bye.
i^elr work.,and they Wore tbe euteat
Hilda ammerman. utile lamp* on their capi. Papa
MM aad PMya TymM. «ft Bap. Frtmi
and picked Up lOmo Of the
«M ft. F. ft. Ma 1.
Traramt niv
Oiy, llleh
td. lUK
IMS. • «U>PP«d
ream tnly.

Mabel HoUaad.'

OiBifti ftroara. OUM FMr.


s-r^r ,r

■^MfenvabaoaBaaooe WBMbom.naamMivabdaDcmnK .««PI»r wat raady a well dreaaerf tmmp
__ y
came and wanteil topper and after Tl«

ti-tt.«_,»<ku It -n, k.i«k«~ku •». i>..k.i »k.

Siis.^ zz r:cis:^:;k:^ rkt's zjz


wblks they wotr' gone. Papa and John
were- Jnn out cf tight when tbe immp
picked up Johnt yiHtow dogVnd put
It under hU coat and leli Thai wat
tbe laA of tbe tramp ur the poor yet- .
<Md Mlattea. Mich.. Feb. Sf. IMS.
Dear ftdltor—1 wotrid like to Join. low dog. But Klsier Minnie teedng'
'ut Bt im^ at ear ptadgo ob BBMrr year Buaklae cinb. Will you ^eaae him leave tbe i<
left our wag- •oBMy MralagBBd gnMlao that we
lead me a card and button. I nm W.: on to attend ter the teoat till John a<td.
celMrated pap. came imek. aad along here Mme**f.^*!.”* kla tttb MrtbMv last June. For where I taw Ibe flrti darkey 1 ever
_____ Qbb TOO thiak of aayUlBg ibBi Cbriatmaa I got a big doit, a ting, two raw. isiiim I looked out of the wagon
.wtn wake ow dear Haga Savior baphaadkercblaCt aad three paU of hair 1 went aGer tbe wash diUi to with. 1
. .
— , '****“*^ 1 wJH be 11 nen May. Well, thought hU face wat dirty and J ■

ur. ft phoM ba as a .
ttoa Mr «B Iba ftnablaeni. aad tbere'
U w battar My IB tba year » anke;^

Ago 10.


2. ^Ltt^:



would be black, too. •

Kemtce Mieh Pvt. « tan*
P Kansas
—.—------- ------- ... ..—
(NjosseJ lack
hacifc again
agun in
i*!!.- pjij,
«•>' a£l noon mo«ed

fariglH. with •—*V.—
mmm, mmmuim
uui , ure.iio.
ret read one of my letlera. I go to
Ton win noUee a new name la tbe: aabool at Bllgbta. My uadter^ apmimt <x ——
rt thta mL' I. w a - .'I,,,

'ting anx^ wild fruit and nut«. Onc
<*ay J®bn esmc tn with green pmwlm-

— —.kk..,


.k.. A... i™.: K«A„

to ™k T ™ k^

ka.Mto_n«.to.tcu>..A.a iouik.8tokl«.Uk.Main.toi'
the Met that the It the one who bat and pta.
writtan all the pewtty ttortet about
Age IS.
Subm 1
‘-UeMlnr wfll make her M tbe bet-'
ter known M you. ’■Annl Ircae’ bu
Our Vlalt'te LswiaiBiia.
premised to kelp in war MpwtmentAU ^
—- to —imto,T'
w «. '■, ww.
.L..A- ■ >' »“l *rtte a atoir <d ear uaveU
Ibreugb the Kniet. We Started ftum
oor borne In Chandler. In Booth Dakou. tne Monday attemeoa and went
prTbuteTwn^^S^ ;o^
wltk them and were Joined

ctoTZi SmToltSJZ^OI K,,-.

"**' «**"<* »«>•


that not be oJee? t *m rery aaxkwi.
for tk« time to com A» nmwi te
rtibi bwWe • fir nbofiw I
»iltta« 10 olo« tke letter. I will eloie.
phee hid . Rttber
With Jove to 111.
in« ibere tbit alRbi an<> • crowd <±mt
Pro. yo«r »’’««“
to r«»b «.. They btoigbi eudy ud 1
Mibel Tompkiu.
ne. iiHt ibey bmai^l aRk to iu. NMt
Suilou tMy. MMk.. Fob. ». IMB.
aoraSig w* Idd tbea good-bye and.
Dear Preildeai—I tboaebt I wonid
narud CM imr Jonmey. All being new {
vrHe 1 few line*, t go to Mhnoi now.
we enjoyed <i very aneh. l^e aeeoad I


Staries FrwB MidUifBii ffiitMT
For Hkhigatt Boys ani «iii

'"k tbey
• «™i-»*-k«
full“of paw paws:
About tbit lime our pouenger wagon
We bad just got a two galloa
pall of tyrup: ib« cork came out and
the tyrup ran all- over the inside of ih<-ngon. The with dUb wm.full .nj a
pair of papn't bocu goc plenty too.
We -paaaed over some lovely coueir; .
in MltaMrl and tome seemed tuo.
roogh and rortty ib get over at all.
New we are la rough aad rocky Arknnaat and comtag to (be Bukpbur
lorrty. All
»* •*'
'*• S-W«- WHto. 1C

to trito. nodAM. riAkI to* Ul to"- "■« Ikto

THC SICOE or ormorr.
If Gladwin and Mt men were wrary of tbew loeg oMlbi
of eiege. none UeVta did the lodiant begin to get tired of tbelr
fmlUees effona to-eapiare the (on. An Indlao hat ao paiieoce
to work and wait for wbat he deairea Uke a child, be waau to
fe bU object at ooec. Had It not booe tor Ibe a
:e of Ptmtiae (be alege woold bare been ralaed kmg
Abefore the
TUe two aMKd acboaoem stnadlng guard on the waur
tide of (be r^. were partlenlarly baled 1^ the Indlant. aad they
were very much afraid of them. alto. They could never tell a;
what nmmettt one of them might Uft to her masts her while aalU,
fluttering Uke tbe wings of some great bird, aad come moving out
from ber aebonge. mysterloualy lacking tbit way and ibm In
a manner Ibe amaaed tarafle* could not at all uodenitand. When
oppoulie oai of their village*, sbe would slop, (url ber aallt and
drop nnebor. Then a white puff of smoke would Jtunt.frum her
tide wUb a kwd report like ihunder. and cannon balls would
come craahlsg tbrongta iheir bark wigwam*, while •qiiaw* and
cblldrea Bed screaming to tbe wood*. Pontiac decided that eome(blng must l>e dcaie to dcsimy (he*e twin M-ntlaelt who kepi (be
river gate.
On the night of the tenth of Jnly.-the )u.-oUaclt at tbe fMt
saw a red glow lighting up tbe top* of tbe forest treot far up the
river. Boon down (be channel between (he main land and the
Island came floating a hlaflng flreboai. .Two canoe* fliled wUn
plleb. pine hark aad the like Inflammable materlaliX^ bceo \
lashed together, flrcsi. anif sent rwlfily down the rmrent. They. ^
however, swung oiiiside ih<>' ships and disappeared down (be
river. Two nlghu after. Just before daybreak, another and much
larger one was sent down. Tbe Indian* mnde n large raft, and
had tom down some at tbe Frenchmen's barns aod tbedt in order
to obtain dry wood, which tbey ikillfully piled blgb with tbelr
«her material nntil a huge heap wat famed which. Intrttlng
into fleree flame at it came drifting down Ibrougb the midnight
daritneas. lighted up all the river. Bo well dM It Illuminate both
- tbe'.bores with It* lurid glare, glowing red on forest, and farm
bosM. and (be Island* that lay lo (be midst of (be river, tbs',
tbe crews of the ship were enabled to train their cabnon oc Ibe
twarat of Indians who stood watching for the tueceat of tbelr
plot. But before the echoes of (be shot bad ceased to remberute In aad out of tbe forest, (bey bad-all fled, and (be Are loR.
as before, bsmlestly passed down tbe river and went out of
sight into darkness.
By ihU .lime the Wyandou and PMUwattamles bad be«mte ao dleeounged that they aued for pence, wbleb wat gtuated
them on ibo conditlob ibnt %M latter tribe should relcaae und
bring to the fort all tbe while prinoert In tbelr potscMioo. Bu>
(bo QJibwa* and Otuwaa still kept clow- watch anti made dally
Keiihcr garriton nor besiegers knew that on ibe night of
tbe (weaty-eiiriitb. there was entering the Detroit river n large
fleet of twenty-two barge*, bringing from F.trt Niagara Captain
Daltell with t«o hundred aod sliiy men. seven small cannem*.
and a supply of provUlons and amrannitkm.
Tbe morning ut (be twrniy-nintb of Jnly broke with cue
of (how dcue, wblio fog* which, at tbit season of (be year,
often prceedi* a sultry day, covering river and tbore. At the arin
grew higher and the mists melted away, there, down tbe river
were visible (bo king line of boats urgpdpp tbe current hy niioroi.
of flashing bars. Tho garrison remembered wtdi tbe last time
they had seen a Uke procession on tbe river, and with aaxfon
bMrts feed a salute from tbe walla of the fort. But when an antwertng shot came back Iron the Btwt. tbelr fears vanished.
When the boat reached • point Just midway lietweeo'tbe
Wytndm and the PoUawattamie vniages. IBe treaCberoni mvages, forgetting that two weokt^go they bad made a treaty at
’ peace, opeoed Are upon them. The boats briskly returned it. md.
in a few minutes had. passed the dangerous apol. but'nut before
flfteea of tbe Bnglltb bad been killed or wouoded. With welocmlng cheers the garrison received Iu relief, and soon oil wer'.:
aafeiy boused wiibln tbe barracks and the lowa. Among these
newcomer*, beside the troop*, there were twenty IndMendent
Rangers, under the command of Major Rogers, whom Detroibsiil!
femembered. and counted a boat in himself.
Capuin Dalxell was full of Are abd zc*K To him the skua; tkm was fresh and new. and he saw no obcuqles in (be way of
the Immediate subjugation of PoniUe and hts hosts. He a( ooco
proposed at aiuck on (be Indian villages to be made the follow
Ing.nlgbt. and urged it against all tbe objeetkms which Gladwin,
who knew better the condition of things, could bring to bear
against it. and at last the commandant of the Jon gave a reluaant CDOsent. but much against his better Judgment.
Most unfortnnately. in tbe security caused by tbl^ additkw to tbelr strength, some of tbe-oacera fn the fort carelessly
*allowed some Osnadtan* to overhear tbe disrussion of the surpiiae. and so tbe newt crept out until it readied (be ear* of Poa-

Tbe Indian chief ^ just before moved his nmp up tbe
river whore a great mmh protected It from the guns of tbe ves­
sels. Between It. and (be fon. (or a mile and a half came flrst a
aurcMloB of Canadian farm bouses standing with inrir farm
buildings tb the midst of-flelda. gardeo*. and orchards. Then
Parent's Creek, a liitle*Mr«am. came gliding down through a
d(^p hollow full of tangled unMrbnisb. and coming out Into a
low marshy growth of ssamp gfm and rushes, enters*', tbe De­
troit river. A few rods above. Its mouita 11 was spatmod by a mdu
leg bridge over which (be river road took its way. Beyond, tbe
ground rose In^yMge*. and among the. (arm bouses cn thte side
wm great pile* of Brewood. and tbe picket lenec* around ttc
gardens and orchard* -were yiroager and ckwer than below.
At the night grew dark, oot from PontUc'* comp come
; hundreds of painted warriors. As tbey reached
ilemeni, they hU betalnd every feoee. gathered
tbe dtni
la the shadow* of abed* *nd barn*, and croochM behind nil the
roogh wood piles, tin every rod of tbe dark and narrow rood was
Hoed with a feroctoo* bon. wKb loaded gun* io tbelr bmnds an-l
tomahawks aod baicbeu gleaming la tbelr belts. If (be Frencktpen beard the rustle of tbelr AMistg forms around tbelr homes
or (be stealthy tread of tbelr moceaslaed feet tn tbe doikats*.
they gave oo sign, but It U safe to *Jk>w that little deep came
to Ibe farm iHNses along tbe ri»er that'Julv night.
At too o'koci. ja tbe asoralng the gates of the for nolae
icaaly upened. aad two hundred and flfty soldke* posaed aUcolly
ooL and two by two flled up ilw road. Two targe borgeo. each
wM a omall caaaoa In the iow. were towed op tbe river abreast
of tbeoL Tmty-flve a>oa uafler UcMsaaai'Brwwa M the bd-


fPMo. then came a eoaspnar ander OMtm Oroy. wbOo CapaW Orunt and bis men MnaghI up the roar.
Tbe nWkt wat clo*e and sultry, aafl vmy Mth.. On thMr
right as they atarthed. the river plaikad la Uuie rippHag mm
against Ut aanow. sand beoebr*. or made a^ muMcal wbiapnt*
as u waMed M and oot among the rusbea. Oa Me Mt the Canad
laa keukns stoofl Mrk and ttlent. iboagb from tbelr windows an
□Boeen peered many a curious face. Jn one bouse a little l>oy
left hU beii and clambered out on. the roof to look down on ^
hmg line m faayoueiB tkot glitured faintly through tbe daAae^
aad Ilsieaed to the low. steady (romp cf tbe oiddler* till R died
away la the dlsianee. 'uitlc dU (boae marebiog «^le«u think. ^
a* they passed oo to aorpriw tbe disunt Indioa camp, (hat all
its warrioi* *r«n- eraoehed betide (heir path evihy Mep of (be
way. teady to spring upon them as soon av tbe siiMt thcmld be
gtv«Aa the aoldiea worn fanber into tbe d.-odly path tbey
Bomned (o feel tbe thrill of danger In the air. aad they ttrpppd
more cantloasir and pevred more anslcMtsly Into the darknett on
every aide..
Boon tbe ouillne nf tbe IKile (trldge rose before them aad
tbey began (o-flie over the narrow psth. Ueaiwanr Brown aad
bis men w^ aaatlr arrvw*. aad tb<- main body was Just eaierlag'
tho bridge, -when the sileoee of the night was broken hy ike
crack of musketry', and (be I.Uze nf guns leaped out Into the
darkness.-while blended with tbe sharp reports eas^ a barrlMc
eborms of yHU rising on every side. PMI bait of ibe adraaco fell,
and (be main body begnn to fsll lock, bin from tbe roar camo
the shouted commands cd Dalsell as be rushed lo tbe froAt aad
Milled' bis men. Again -tame a cfuel flee, and agnla (bare wa«
BimMi a retreat, but tbe captain urged them pn. and (bey dashed
across (he bridge aad up (be farther side at a rapid run. In a
' Ipge (hay aotwhi the hlddM foe. but not a aout was wlihia tight
or reach, yei siili from out tbe darkness (he war whot^.raae.
guns lilased. and <leadly bullet* Mined upon them,
t It .wa* wor*e (ban foUy (oadvaneela (he darkacaangalpai
an uosceo foe.. They mreaied acroas (be bridge, while tbe dead
aad wounded were curried to (he boats, still under a sharp flro
from the coocealed enemy. {More this aad (aok was BplMcd,
hdavy tiring was beard from tbe rear. Capiala Grant's detachm<-Dt was attacked from « boweaituaTed on rislog ground bealdo
■he road and from tbeor^rds sarroundlag It. He and bb men
dashed up (he rise, and drove out (be Indians at (be point of the
hayouet. In't^e bouse tbey foond (wo Canadian*, who toM Urn
(bat (be IndUnt dM nw intend that any of (be BngUsb ahoold eaespe. aad tbni tbey were posted In grant number* nil ahmg the
road below.
Inaiant retreat was orderedT The Indians kept up a harasolng fire behind (hem, and now aad then they stoppcid to aaod
a voUey Into tbe ranks Of tbelr paraner*. Haif a mile funber im,
they came to a narrow paas__ where bams aad abrdt anroaaded
by stroug plritet fence* came down to the very rood. The rimr
MB elo^ oa the Mt. There was ao way but to go stralgbt ahaad.
Here (ho Indians bad made aa ambuscmle. being aapedally ta
foR« In one place where the cellar of a new boose bad been dug.
tbey allomed the aoldlers to pass till the coaler of this ambaacade waa reached, and they were well anrrounded. Then all
aloag the line grOM lerrilk yeiu. aad a raUag Are was pepnod la ^
upon tbe already demoMlIsed tinope. AD aider waa at an Md.
and the men broke raaha and fen over each other In tbelr baslo
to meape tbe deadly ntlnof ballci|^ Dalaetl rnabed among them
and tried to stop tbelr flight. He was already twice wotmded. bot '
bis courage never failed. He encouraged and Ihreateord Ala mett
by tiona. and when all >Ue failed beat them with blf svori.
Major Rogers and bU men bunt Into a hondr from tbe
wlnflow* of which the Indians were keoptag up a steady flf«.
Chp^n OMy undertook to clear oot s hand of ladlaBa tnm bohlnd'^n feaee. and wns ntonally woonde^Tbe ire of iha Mdlaas aUehenod. and ooco moro (be aoUlm formed Into llbe mt
retreac Tb* day bad Mwned. but there waa a thick fog. aM an
was Am and Indistinct In Its folds. Out..fram' Its grky ml^Mflig
a band of savage*; (ailing opoo the rear. kUliag aad soaliMg an '
they cama By the aMe of the rood lay a woasdad senmoat. who
atnuoBed upon hit hands and gated at his refrealtag oomyaMa
and then at the advi;BclBg foe, ta dun d«Malr. Dalsell mw him.
^ aad through thi> fast ralUog bulMa loahed to mv* WM A ahM
atrtKk the fanve commsihdW. and be fell flood h«*Ue bla wooaded
Major Rogers and many of his men rnabed for ahMur Ma
the houao of a Freaobmaa calkfl old Campeau. afld from this
- pcdni of vaauge kept op aa eCectlve flro oo tbelr aomHflols.
Capuin Orani -was now lefi alooe lo brlag In the troopa.
By occupying bouae after botme In advoare, aad cradwUy
atreagtheoiag hU posiiioo. be at Iasi succeeded to opealag eom-.
.muokalloa wRh the fort where all motm arrived rteept Rogers
aad hM rorty. whom two hundred Indians wore healagliig la the
Campeau bouae. Tbe two boaU. after ditebarglag their load of
dead gad woapfled. now returaed qp tbe river, aad opealag a tra
•In tbe ropfl'above and below, made the way cHor tor ftogara aad
his men jb come out. H was Hght o'clock.'aad after Mt Roan of
flgbUng. before all that were left, were ooee more onto behind
' thf walls cf the fort.
The little strvom of Parritt's Creek Dw this day bore (he
name of Moody Run. aad the battle Is kaan as that of Btoady
(To be eoatlnaod4

Caamr Epfl Lore.
Tbe diatribiiUee of eggs at Baster
ha* deacended to os from tbe greateot
of Ibe Chinese spring (estIvaU. laaagoMted more than aevea hundred
years before tbe Cbristtao eM.
The custom wns pardcularly popnlar
dmtng tbe flfteeatfc and slstecatb cminiiea la Mriaad. The pope oeM
Henry VIII an Raster egg la a stiver
10 Russia It is comma* to esebaage
rlalu and egg* on Roster Mj.
In Italy dlabe* of e«ts are eeai lo
the prie*ts to be bteesed. efter wUcb
tbey are carried borne and placed In
tbe center of tbo UMe.,
la ^nla and Oermasy the eggs are
oot Ueased. but tbey ^ highly etriored and are disuttawted amooc .call­
ers to be eaten or taken away, aeeordiqg to (be taste of the tadirMual
. The castsai. la oao form or aaotber.
eslst* among the Jews. Greeks. Turiu
and Pmlana.
-Pass", waa the ancleni name fur
Baater. and the eggs were ofien ealh-d
-paoe.' -pMh" or "paas" eg^
The tlifosfltiBB of ordinary egga
•rtgtaaud la ftngtnnd. OUAIng the
ahell* waa the Am Hep. ThU wns fWlewed by tbe addhtca af .ribbaa*, picflvgi and vartan* ntber. flevlees to
i^mai tbe Uide folk.
^-^OtriBi flm Mfodneed game* Mm

Ibe ftasier celebvMkm. Bg^ owre
bidden about (be-lawn or grnaafls or
te Ibe bouse. Then Ibe riilMren hunted
for ibem. tbe flnfler of ibe ACatflat
number receiving a prise.
EM joriag Is * favorite amusement
of ruasiu. Oermaa aad Frearb chil­
dren. Tbeicgg* are rnllefl down a MR.
bad tbo prize goes to the bey wboflo
egg rella tbe grealesi number mt moc*
without damage to Its abell.
TbU game t* play-d by «
cbildren ip frMi of tbe Wblie I
«a Boater Moaday.
. la Germany there on trad
of iwtgs down which-each t
roll wUlwwt
other one. The boy wboae egg arrieas
rubrohen at (be foot of tbe hU «Dlbeu "ir>ir from bU tippimiai wbpw
AnoUier game U played fly two bay*
wbo stand, cneb boMlag n egg. aM "
soddealy tdrike theta (oflMher. The
owner of a beary-sbelM egg can. ft
be possesa*^ skin, hriok Ibe ecM of
•evrMi* playen before bM opwa la la*
jnred. ThenbeU s'-cackofoBAIM.
three or four egg*.' m the caa» wmf
WtM are eotwvd by maMa-of aafUae. dyea By (be addition of hotag.
ear*. Uiu.-kgs or flat eggs mar ka
Mo mny gnlsaflae g|.

*ta» TMUMDAY. *pmt, aa. tm.

1 Rskiiis Powdlef
Saves Healtii

nm imr unos
■ Cid>aii>rfiM<TrwBBiwiilMpw


Was Alarmingly Afflicted With La Grippe.
Our^_^by Pe-nirna.

MTtM W Mtinaal rsctMi wUI b* •hMtl ta
ravtfM hiyailwaw. Tham MetJ« aH givan an crtglitally SMa« la tha
tKMsgM ky tha aaatrtkatasa. ar by
hlch thar

aawnC wai tMaa a*ta Wr than
thatr val^hiaa Wid *rlia<a
saay ba aaaurad that thay as« tfta fWl thin#.

ta thlcbwL Add >m> araU beataa whliaai- < ^ Pe<ru«a Gim Evctir Form
WaiA usd ctaaa a ak» traab Mi.fl<flTaaBiaad'bdM.
i Uwraiacblr.
«Ua wd bae*-;

Ktore Cams o( Gr^ Than
baoa. Clwh bwd. akU Md bom and
Hoaay Caka.
AQ OdierRcmeifies .
j boil Is wat«f. lielaB* aura lotkia.^ Oaa-half #lst booty. one^aU povad; .
’ atnin. add asH asd oaa Iba liaaor lo #oar. oao-batT pentad aagar. au «na. >
rook the balli is.
oo* teaapoos baktag po«d«r. rirsti
I Taka a wood maliat sad poaad «ab brat agga Unroacbly. add hooey and t
janoMb. pal iaui a bowl arltb a lUlle beat askln; add ao^ aad boat again.'
Alum baking powder* ire ttjwiow.
' salt, a lltUa butter ' sad two table- Tbeo aeM Soar and baklag powder. Pat (
t^miapoutoBaar. MtxweliU«aUur: iMUtapMsndbakelaaalcwoTea. i
add *rea*. one table^oeasfnl at a lUae
i imiU ibo ri*bl cauJairacy Staaoa
^ *
».«» «a
•OVU •aiUMO WWM* e«-M* »0«K.
. terlag. Cook fa water uatU it reacbea :
• iba facdllag potat Mabe a emt «f one 1
Vetf StaalL
pound butter, one pound ------- — ,
Take a alice cT veal aSd saak If fa
of water. Bolt thlu and line pie
milk two hour*. Heal trytoB |m red p^ |»oj
cover with 1
hot. ttaa put In a IliOe waier aad aait.
' Add- W owl and hake. Bat i
10N.WH.FftR50N5; . ITJI
Put fa tbe meat and cover with tbiak varm with eream.
, 9S5H-5t..N.W,iwcei eream. Turn meal over aad ovM^

• HAML MTCt. ranoa
Iwlib cream acals. If a thick attak
PliM Cabbapa.
Ibb Fear «f erip Xakw Faopls
srjeo^ three hour*,
Kx-Kuie H»bbu» and Ko-lt{wctal Jedga o( Uw f^presM
Rbaore outside leuvea aad part of
Court of Trxsa, and «-*• alto BrlEadler-Uvueral ta C»BfnImW Army, la
' la T**—Tbaa.
e( a woadertnl new life. What atore
' bean. Cut botes around tbe aide of i ■There Is ao remedy iwtbe world that a rtMcot leucr from ftS U street. K. W.. Waahtngioa. U. C, this p
tbe eoJhlUioos |m4we9 Jjy the' eeDllcmaaaayt:
PMf baBB«. aid clew yoor apprt^to Ume conid be tosad to
(Tip better than Pvraoa. •

, Bttke tbe “outer eourta oT the tcttple**
peruna Hreaglheiu sa U rcn-.vaWi
Boil ta salted water two hours.
Fsaalo the atttcacr at Parana fu ibe
Aad ahMS y««r bars ta every part; ' pare and sweet, not tentettins at the
•ootbesuhllettsUmnXsU*. hvala mall
tan at
-AbdWwft tbel «*webB rraai your; aaate Ume to ke^ the iBner.saaetBaiT. j
PaUts Soup.
To serre. ria&ore ctotb. put «a si
* U tbe
Peel potatoes and. e« Into cubes, pi^yer aad pour over it niehed batter'
- bMd. •
' whieb
the heart
bean of tbe home,
baiae. spot-1
spotAiawaaplbeBWrt*Bkatot»yoiir ..
.. and ready for the todwefflag of BedJ la salted water wllh one onion. . „u, cfccpprt porricy.
the dlviae love and life, tbe eeater«< I WboB cooked remove onloB and pot
table or raiaeral poiaof..

- .

It tcechc* the aourre of all diaeaternf • e/tact upaa asrnppMim.
throng a eleve. add a llute
Sraa, whn
-------on drop taio tbe soup
the aiBcona atctutwancc by tu aeuou OU' thataaata
moaning of liw; aad work will ceasc'cclery aad
sda in Trxaa, where I have bad the bosor l
“My I
the vaao-molor syntcia of uerres.
a>W Imth Ibe-Sbstar aad the; to be diwdnery. aad tbe dafiy tasks be-: some very i

tbonmgWr- F1U tbe cavity wUli,
^ Aftv-liMtiOfthaGf^
chopped cetery. Tic op good with a;
Erery per~>n who ha« had U prlppe' part for It* wonderfal efneacy."-W. H. Par^.u..
airUp. Put inio'a bat spider with a dnrlD]s Ibclaet yearabuuld take*
• Ul me but do my work from day to | OM>diSlt pouad buUer. yolks of eight
.oak plat cream oaobatt pound IHUe boMrt-and fry until a light brown i
peruna. No cue need expect perfect .duriuR forte vcara'rxprrleoce and stUl>1I tbaa a doaen UolUm aimr tbetrtmWb
^Itoa of #ve •«*. Grease b« ®*
**’“*'' tecovery oaleaa they do *o.
oecepic* tbe uaique poritioa of bslng ba* bscome denroramd.
I m Held or rofect. at tbe desk nr ■ fleur
grip ha* pruduecd catarrhal inIn- the leading
. ^
and put into n covered baking dl*h i The grtp
ling (if not the
tbe ooiy) apeeige
MbaRagcowIaiertaaeof IIABtrrla
atlonof (be whole, mucoas mea- ressedy for llivaftcr-etttetsur la grippe.
alrvrl, Moalrral.CaB. wrilcat
la luariag mariiel-plac^ or traaqoll about twenty wafle*.
a ball hour*. Make giavy In the spider hraoe, and good ^ih U i«f^^
ihTiwlUaths Promt
“Pemaacared mref a eeveeeasae ef ‘
If you are auBorlng from \he aftor- la grin>* when aothiag cW bad aaf
A great many xemedlea have been •Cecu of la grippe—if you have he- effcrlonme. Fivo botUradkdlbe work
diMouragrd lu your altedipis la j and they were wvytk b
________ •_____
Ume. but Feruaa ia tbe only remedy cure yourarif'with other treatmeatam Igr* tor iheromtortaad health
[tome. Iibcrrforefecl that the lemtl
I thathaaanysubetaatlalTalue in tbeec UkrahnitleofPcruaaaow.
A lotile of Pemna taken during tbe I eaa do b lo gratefully acknowledge Ho
, WMI »ia «n« « ■ni'iig*.
w .11 i»
I ». u» o« »
Itbaawerer failed to give aalwfacilon beginning of........................
tbe dl
-wrih ^fbela>erlu.*-KugeulBtatertuaa.
taii^ well, if they never make (as

- V 2ai5STlil£^





f{^ Baking Powder saves heaidi.


— h. —. I. tt.



* reward oftlOMO Has been deposited ia the Market Exchange Bank, Cohuay one ot our tes» '
f appended.

. IM'StSd dsnars of tbe brain.

ibeu I began todo them for mr „j„i,b^ ^,p^lyoftlianolbee
To suit my spirit and to prove rfy M»d
srif. 1 never will become a qualiOed
Then aball I ebeerfa) greet the inboring bemrs.
And eboeriul (urn. when tbe long abad-

MM Mtktt them moK pffr
aomrtime* ^
“ • Open (be door for light if it can be paper.
acutable dSd iThfll) . Ourola Ibb
And ore for ihem-"ibey re too good to obialaed In this way.
'shelf from the celUng &'tae battom
. k— aeces^arv uttnllflca
»«.’• "
, is tbe cellsr eiean?
Wbltewnab the walls aad the cell- . r bare two sbrtvea, oue afaova
OsU ms MO WaW. dm*
'Tbr you in leas vroro' sad tarSUking. log. Till* make* It possible u> see other, aad bang tbe rnrtala froa tl

‘ *‘®“*
aad of courae the ssoreof aoeh work
EMkoraMMasay. grtsdaadsmi&l.
—Selected. I do. tbe easier and the better 1 can

better, of roume. fur the petaoa with tbe^dirt and'makes.It a pleasure to upper abelf. nstag ihb far faoxra. gad
-----------------------aceompibb it. As for the Umc such
The Charm’of Habit.
• ‘ need*, and l>esi bf all. isa’i it gening'keep the dirt .out sad ibe cobweb*, tbe under sbrtf for Ihe hats. Kept ta
work Uke*. the ronTenlonee of hSTlagfWriliea for Home Cheer.
"rsr^f «'» «he “Sunshine IJf. " we which hold dteease ge^. daaied thb way tasu are easily pM away,
% 'w. y \mm MMIlsr ktatarOB m tbe waH: . The Wamait with the Hammer.
ap-Mb vtadsws of tbe mind.
“Good motaiag.- aWd adgbbor Oon- things done when you want them la So mueb has been writia anil think weM Ime to llre-bnt nM till doWu. More b a formula for lasktnR afiev a tTUahiBg whb a wbMc. aad
worth It all, aad one can leave-out arprMCbed abont “the awful power of -Afterwhlle?”
. whitewash that will stick weU;
easily taken out when they are am-t'ofa. -4 wo.
’ door. “I knocked at the sldeGoor. aad few of tbe cakes aad pies tirom the Sat- habit “ that we are apt to forget tbsi
So much tiM^esa hoarding goes ua
Poor late a good alird psll or kettb ad. It b wUe to straJghM* out the
t»vlw«SH wH# Iba dusty Mibd.
iln Ike needed mo- the subject ha* a brighter altir.
stl the tine!
. ’ lime unoogb lo wbitewaab the cellar, howaand the brim, and lo-perk-Umo
: no one came, and aoelag this opaa. 11 urday's baktag
. Aad W tb* Apt* nwUae ta.
Go yon are '

To my mind, there baa tauehliisidrBooks you think your ;ibrW' mu»t .Over the lime pour botiermiyt eaoiigb taaiben or plumes
FlBM Snws ta tis smb fnmt yard.
never look af to
cover ft. Let tbe JIpe and bntttw- touch after brusWag tbP hPt to ppt a
^jlag already. And what a gi;sai lot of
--------------Now let me ahow yea what I have atlwi and delighi. a* there U dread, ih have, tnit whfch
M osl aM s^ aad btosaom
grst fmm
inun year's
year's Md
Md t^.
to ,—
ead—bright, tallk ..............................
aund for five or six day*. Then, away: thea it b n%dy to pul'op at .
j rubUsh yon bare there to dtar out, done alaee weCDoVed here. Comedown tbe away of habit. Perhaps I waa Brat
storii-s that yfm'vi^ read snd so without stirring tbe houom. turn o« once <he next time. Hau
•’dWi tat^ ml, uaee Msn bard. j»^tae!“
»«»ni otti jour Interest la them. A
the surface ct the buitermllk. add
^ taim [fpinni of new tdeaa.
"i am glad yon did not gire up aad lac shew? I needed It so much to s« know. who. la reply to tbe old sterao-;
food away oa.'and t knew just bow to typed qneailon. “fniy Is li so much »»fk room would I- Just tbe place fOr fresh bmlenallk aad stir up. Add box.-Cood Honstke^iag.
Tas. cisw yam- bom. add o)sa«.yaur'» hack.- rcluraed Mrs. Stroag.
'hoBL those pieces in your piece-bag
Bnttertnilk until che wbliewasb b lUu |.
, dblly. “TM..1 am ekMdng up a lluie. n.«t-e it—It bn-i the Brat of tWe son I easier- tb form Imd babiu than good ‘

Aadtasa^iaurMntaemypan. j but tbta ta not rubhi.b. by any tamer
And irluthes! There a
re,el<)ihe*.amaui)i uf saK and tbe wbitrwasb >:
empty fntH Jars and other bolilei. that so, because the bad hahHs we form
Haw to Wash Cwtelnu.
u.Mwri>. no. r».r <4—
you. 1* ll ponalble you do not foot)#Renemlter tto foHowbg p
A cltan 'whitewatbrd ec^br ia a, wheu “flolag up-^ y<
AM ump tbesBOwbaMs tram your j nlte valuablN Uke these when ^ see put in tbe cleats for Ybrif-supports, making us unhappy. The good ones s;aln--tban it's lusdiiie to realize.
aad made'the shelve* from
cover.‘are Jusi-a* easy, htii they don't bother
The fault comes from a misioK-n thing of Uaiiiy and a spot «if which aUg/urtalss are prefemd. tet starch

■ i itktmr.
’feeling, of thrift. No womac wtio^has. any LoaM-aUe may be Justly prond.
W. rasa, la Omega. ^ “Why. somk of them are your has then fastened it by snpportB at. the as.''
Is best. aad. after sUreblag they maat
Everv real home has aome Inataoee “> *» »
•««' 'M*' «al> »
U ihere an- t«Jor*. search for dt“
, ,
band's toolA 1 suppose, hut there ta s back to the hMBs of the rribr. linas
• aimehed ritber ta a frame or am
up my curiam la front, and 1 had a of the 'forming of lovely bahits. Here
vegetable*, find them and

. .massof,old Iran, besldea.le Sour. Khake out all loose dast.
very mwful cloaet. I ihlak my apecbl- Ua man of iweatyAve ke«*luc up fab "«'■« •*"'
"ro- them Iheayed vMetsbles are demt.I after which (he curuiaa. aroily fcM“Ob.
well«edu• T«w taam- iMs ct every doad
' ; ed. should soak 21 hours in oold w^ec;
• a bright pM sbtalag: ^ - * ' cated woman! These are not myAna has enough of them. Throe amall one* mother good morntag or good nigbi '■»t"vas*.y in giving away thing* that fcealthy.
. chaagtng II arrml times. After'bSBk•, band^. but mj ^ speebl toolA you
• AbdaolurtA
are made from cracker boxc* from the every day.-and who aball mrosure
P«^rot!> R-k-I. L.ti wnwe.rat.U-, , A cellar i. eVan . h.-n ibe
AM Plwara wm them larid^ not •>«« »-»*•
gi6euiT. The boxes eotee with cnroni the aweetneas addml to hta nature by fr«a•o*'Mni. or anuiber.
walb. ertllag. box.^. cupboard*, floor*
TOabowtbe Uatag.
/ . • i do you not rmgnlas wbal they all
bipged oa. Vbleb la a grrot help. a. ,hat maall roremoav-lndeed tbe gen•'« -ork and respoo- aad window, me wril rorad for.
1Tw!^m blh^ .TT «
Wbitce^RUcar. • ***^
one thus has d door abeady hnng tlenros it add* to the whole 9ioo*^ elbniile* by g. iiing rid of all bui the
Look to tbe e«-H»r. if anyone in the ”
-No. not haM of (hem. I know a mw Snch boxes do OOt eosne m as large bold*
things wm
yon .nn.llr
annally use snd >nre«>> tsinilr Is Elek nr siline: msite fj •.o™om lom 'never, iwbtcd or wrwn^thine*
abeets) In raie or more w«(m. SB
and a hammer wbea I see them. yes.
the al- awroe. clean, dn. and a. light aad
_________ ^
abea as t would like, so I put two aide ■| know of a blind old womaa living ‘“'’•P
and a serewArirm aad gimlet, aad t
U$k mtMsjbat's abont all I do kaow.“ by aide, and bare a double cupboard, hi two clniierod'ienemeBi rooms, wbo
onl} has Botbins to save, but per- hrolib of the lainil.v i* put ImprovM.—
Jo winter J provide a almUar one out- b dally cheered by the yooag milkMadras muslin to look Bke pew H
Hrs. Strong smiled, and said. “I was aide near tbe kfieben door. »o I c
I- two' DoRiiby North, in IkHmit Tribuae.
la'a.greoUag. “Cood n ruing. Sweet- . hsi>s. aim t nothing «
maat be folded while sdR vary damp
AM tbe world ia talr to view:
tee as ignorant as you are now. but keep food COM wit>out going down in hrort!- This IHtle comedy of three
and teaagled w«4l. Tbca a rwa orer
Convenient For------lately carpets asft as velvet,
Til csplatn my prmnt wisdom. When the cellar. Have you ever seen a words has been repeated (broagh day*,
cai'-ni wa> to keep oDci hau «ltb box iros. does aUjbs
or A yemfr ememM hue.
___ ta*< teamed
_ I bad the woefully eteset made to fit tbe lowro sash of a mouths aad even year*, ^d it b a posIwas
t CrtUr.
i. sad Ike musBa will be auft
curtained shelf in the
Wbsb^by warm lutas tUl (hey gib-. mukea Jd^ that
Ansewife *» te have
wlndow so that one can take things ia Hire ray of lighi lo the alghilro* oW

aad fresh aad will kgag grarefMy.(he ehiMrro
sicken wdrols- and
! b a man, busI as a amib • of eourse. and out hy pusblug np tbe sasb. aad woman.'

--------- --------whkh make Uttlehat tree* ExMaage.
•wept by aoulb winds Ull they know ull about tools aad bow
need not s^ out of Me kiUheu for
a amall boy kbsro bU moihw'* •"*'
sbtaoUmsb. 1 fsBcM all I had to do toget, (b« parpoae? It b a great coavealence band—in moik fomlity probap*.
brolihy .or gninring
“**" Invalid*.
F«T «M abe kaowB tbe aacMt a iM of repairs about tbo house done If. oac has a window which abe can Brrt, but be goes oa doing so. aatl! Often a cellar b full of. death germ*,
: How t* Mho uMUIaci teak tae:waa lo ask JohiC Welt. I soon fooad spare, for tbe cloaet «df course abais.tbecooniy.bit of play crystanbes into '
dosene**. ode.-*.
' b tt fiM good «M Mother tenb out that aakiag Juba was a wasta of lU^lhe light of the lower half oTtbe a habit whlc£ b a blessing to both.
dartroero. are the gravest dsugere that
that woman tuherlt tbe Impulse that breath. He was always willing, ot
' abont
hide la (be cellar and pollute the air
window. ^ It is not oaly shelve* and
What I* it Emersos say*
caaMB so Btrupgly upoo tbsm with tbe roune. but be never did tbe Ml of
closets that 1 make. I pat up proper •™?-“<bat they are “the braPT ways we hreathe dsr and Bigm. Gome^dvoM of Mtag? tar b It tb» rsuuU of work. It was pat off ud pif uuUI I b^'
la almost bu^klhle
supporb for mretotbes line laatead of of
rome dbeourmged. aad. either hired it bavtag It tied around some nail co the go
fM' giBhtoMbtis aad «rsat«raaA, ^oaa or weat whlmoi It, asaaily the bock feoee; I make- trcHU for my ha leoed Into «»—jrr “
**r ron be made dry. swert smelling
Wc tr^ ]TbD of tbis
muMata? Howosar.jbatmaybe. ttb ,i^c4.^ty^t#^Terodtbalbewas rlaea. pul bolts ou the back <teo(a.aad
Ah. thereIs. Indeed a charm la dotag and clean
SttaMfkrFIUM. Tbey m betttg aoldatagirat
bWOat withtbccomiagof.^ uabandy as ai woman about toota.
U tbe eeibr U diamp. sue to ii Rial
tinker arooad geBerally.“ '
pre^. teodcr. pbytul tbtaga. ebeeviag
*tats*tteg obosrert, aad change fromi.,
n.intfi he bad nr irrraiitra
rwJoctiott. Eetier httny if yoo want otu>.
__ h b properly drained. If yo nown the
“I declare:- said tars, oonway. ad- sM helpfal things. nm» they become
MB wtaim Mri) le Might Gower ror-jfb,
use. and be did aot care to
. L—14..
« U..O
|- “
pate aM groou Haf dragerteo la tb*;ji,^ yi, jfoofungsuorwauttoputb.4 .«b.
•MW Mrtfl. the MM buMTOlta seesas 1
^ ,nald Dot do
TtertM musk to Mh bewUdstmaat ofi pnperiy. 8o I gave up uaUag Abba,
T\ere you are qalte mbtakeo." re- toneteeotlblr iwrtmu and —
nenttag. alwa.r* ir*t tnspeet tbe '<vlttg #g,df the bgaae. to sweep and i ^
without tbe couvrofamt shM. tnned bertrirod. warmly. “I baTcal
,t.l -».• 1.
^r. always be sure of tbe erttar. A

rolbr lined with eemro, ought aJw„>
oriMioa ou a door. uM all • Id, Of Uleu, fiir It. 1 ««dd mmmw
to he dry.
I ute rest cf the UtOe things ufiea aegd- raver touch a hammer and-aaw If I
flMita M-rrarab MKbrmmW
could Moose, but It b DO battler to
-------------------if there are windows la tbe celbr.
:bara to ite these things 4baa to leara ^
tlsHim Moatdiag. open Ibem frequeuilr te-let a dranghi
: tataMbMa h*mutffuiblddromroa-j~y^ , too,. T could ctmat a droro toeook, Too know a dam woBsro at LaM away ia cteseu ta wvery hoaae tbrougj) to keep the air fresh. - Ifi^
Hta^lllLlfDBocMmiua Wttaroit (kitos that ought to be dooe ta em least who hare no kaaek at all for are all aoris of \hiags that are aeror are ra wlodows opes the eeibr Aohea

Aat 4ms


isf SMI • efgy chair tar Hope.

eaa put UP a sbeir or b bracket with
IMS work than she can do tbe washlog or scrub the kitchen Boor. Utile ,

'• .

• <«

99 Schaeifir Pianos 99


Mtag-eumro fbe.touse Ub'mtauic^ bM oatody era gH

S.*“ “•»—t-in—rs-S****-*-.-




99 Sckaifflir Pianos 99




Pacts Tto 14

for acceawry- Tbe aceUeat uiok pMa* ta
• a wywHal «4«r et b
j«hW Mr. Sahk Mat Sanday aad Pnak Bor-;
Mr. MOW mormd tt»t a
Mr*. LoaUe ^steeday. tbe wile d
Ttaee 'rav Ire aiare*
boat d tbe aiaivh faciory «a Bay
■Masjba ai
^Haeaaed Cbarie* baterday << &M «'eM TeaU Oraad Traverae ea&ly
atrectat ll;&
Mn. SaUth aSlMled with tbe Cob------=----rvWAatr it vtn be to ta-lthc «
died a»-*bc faBUly- rerideaee ‘ bordlac to tbe report of tk
. . gre^Uoaal
MMt d
an BBtarlal nad aad op aad eaefar with the teatiMUre —------------------ diordi dartn*
- all brr. rtw Satartay^ 8««ard^
Of tbeee dee. t > bad ftre
aTMirM«W^tbe,.orkted«»:»Jue«. He iboaght tbai ibe ««■*- year, of aaefulaaa. and-WM ai In».
Tl» bo.r.^ <d aaperri«« ^ de- *be »ere^
afcy . board* at tbe lllBeaa eateadia* over three veeka. eaeape. aad l
balta%»wpartyowadr baa teaaUle;tap ahooM bare aome leeway aad that toe the woKby eoapM helped matertal- ctded loiaake a ttoaae a theOtliea.| Joaepb Kr
t tbe eiMtrt
bouse.'Bleder bomr. 6fC Bay street.' abd tbeusb uaiU ibf
vm.: ber ecBdl- eieraua. belme.propetly protected ae•tt '^plaMbar. TWa «aa a ae» all tte OBeadBanU peaalMe be ae- ly wlib the btrildtaa d the ae» ebureb telephoae ayateai...............
M^ iuaud un Ibe ton,Tlr>t nMi curd ir Ul o«iW.-> b. bouab Ob cdlboi. Tl»
Elba U«i ~
-rf a » a.a Ubm. aadib, re i,w'. iVana. —.ua.
T*e Oaabl
toaeral aai™.
eerrteea w«. Bra Uba, lu batbUulo. .11 U» nrb. .t ... ...a.




------------•■«>., «.;pB.yfriead*«»«lduri«, tbe boar, bappeaed that* tbe liae ara. bu*y for doa. to b.B or Mr*. Sleder. Today, brio, MM. U«Ue Becker, aad her bookkeeper, aere to«M

tb-e re-

ru.^^ r^-iirL^eaSed-^’^or't^r.: I'l^rbUr^bfraerMr
■"“i!___ ________________ i-. 4- :
-nU wer.% few Biaor

a’.bo.i.w Ih» the >np*i nf deerh was Ubc. iDStead of the ooe. For t»o, mill mod Oepped Out na the track Mrpe circle id frlead*. , Four ttttk «r, Ae draatna H.*n t<w her daj'e
a«r. the a*ed mother .lantHed
•IsalSed her
ber y««Xthere
yeara there ba.
taa* beea
been ao
no contract
coatract bi^
be- whea
when tbe
the accldeat
accident bappeaed. The
Tbe eo-<»«i
are ber^ bf a BOtber by bee-aork. But .
rroB death, the oldest beMc but aiae year* ployed aad their day*, oaralac arer.w
___ ... arfb....,
. *________
_ be
. dealre that
tbe aerrtce.
I held' from f*eea tbe couaty aaJ Ibe eoapaay. tbe ctae wa. palUBp Mtae ear. optt fro
____ ^ „ . bat la Ike aala the
Tbeee «er* -two autle
y **
tbe bone wbere .be had .peat .wh a Pboae. belatc operated by tacit a*ree- ,be «arch factory Mdias la order i. • oC ace.
rale* ^r* Mdt a* tber ware.

cashier* and while they arerace |Z.«S

laeMl^tB wea tbe property
laiaadeau la the dty wa* held at the...
' ’ tbeir wire, aimd Jast am they dM tbe
ccaeral pboae ..m
will ho
be placed i«
la thw
tha it11- -eiowiy. >>
It was cvmlac rmn.
from the mci
' ___
a day. the aU. (emaie imsbier* only
a 11. akoat aa boar: i^^gj^ertaa charts Sunday
^ htrabaad-*'ftmeral the week prerMu*. brary OB the .ecood floor wHh aa ei- Md Mr,. Weder wa* poinc weal. A
'*'**7- ' ,«Miy-flte tmteMen
f the mUa bafore
inanrrairnTi I
«'niaBi t.-oTe;or aiBwooo purtouea
and th*» earaed ou aa.avThe coaaollt; poarlac state copTMtloa vktek vOI irea vilheliB Mas nru well etiouch to leB.loB phoue la the county derk'fi aixfa we.) wind wa* blowtuc at tbe
. , ..
offlee and exieadoB bell* from ihU one time and ttaU erideatly prereated her
residence yesterday d the *•« erwje „f j..oj i da, white the birtyto.^ «r (be apiBtcB that
p* bold In ttU dty TCor. H. Uand It.
•* ________ _ _

schot^ and from hearloc tbe endae. It l» Bald ««“«* B- Mead, 3« Elmwood arenae.
.aJoatedko received sa arerac* of
iMtataMad high A seaeral dtocuaaloa wa Ibdulcad Ip ‘
, -N.nartmnnt ’ " •*“““■
•’ "
of the coontT »arreyor'« offlee. The treafr , that tbe bell was rinatas ud that the •“'*
which he
j ^
atore* had aeau
om «d redder Of deeds offloe. will eadaeer aw hey and Mtomed a warn-.*»•^ «-V 1.
saperiatead- j
be on tbe same Uae while the Jodpe of ST^ b~1 front of the ofllce B-Hop the pioneer day. the two.
----------- ^----------MIriSiTllli^ “ cir“ai
P«.h.te-. o«c* trill be on a sincM Uae. ^ fc,r dAiper mid cited to her. She ««»"«'“>-«> SteHtlUo;.-. torar-m
ta ^
” •*
ii7£ U
•-The contcrt price will be $»• a year
*peae p.lf way around after >*““« »‘™» *“
aad mnr
Mr. ami Mrs. T. OoMlach aad Mr.
dMcoAloe WU1
prUI b.
ba had bad

thhJMA. Tha aoataaUc tamritad ta':, where further dMcosaloe
sb. U alowly recorerla*.
|«.jo « fortaeriy.
• theahooU but was too late, the pilot that tbe former ha. pa«wd away Mr..,.p Mr,. Jamc Saner of Ronb
’ j aad other pUa made It U a
Dr. Gdfcrtleu's bill, which wa. Ukea Mrlkiap her.
'' .................... ..
ntp ftpM It w «4. tha yard hydrMltj^j
_ y.M. C. A Wane
Mr. Mend took jarred by a wdden sarpriM laU Thurap. WA cut from S31 U>
op this a
.USA naa H aad the iw tw »rl*OOdalafa»«r'wmbep«aeat.
- Friday Ba«lii* a larunnal meetiup ‘
ot a number -of year. mCD. . day erenioii by about twCty-flre
•M. a|l year from Id to M, thU pro-1
WA bMd la the o«<*i of Pana C. Gil- ^;
____ . _ w,_,^ — . - ,. „ . ..
.hJ ■ WTiHe tbe Dr. Andernoa cUte was al-' ,nd erried aloap a short diwance. her The farm Mr. Core leave, la poaaea-' trtead, who arrired for aa eecaiacw
tddfl hPwacr. that the oaar hA one |
The fanner Camlty wSt
Iinhnimt J r
ThU placed the price of
drappliip uaderne.lh. ghe wa
“‘s two ikbs. Oeorge *
iSrStsTTk^l^i^ baiA.:,h?^i^^^.?ir^'rrTA
(b.0.oa,lcttvopef.tlaa*t»10ia«cd ^Memb- badly friph.eaed and
f «d the f^ will mmn beco-e a ben- ,^de la Wexford ami thrtr mead.
■wm BW »»» nw
«*b«^ « t*®*'' »• M. C. A. in Trarene Ctiy ana r. A.
..-iBa herself-deir^aal- ®dln Ad reside there. A portion of ~tbered to this wa t« plvr tbcB a
__ ______ ____ ___
aenfatlre of the wot*, t
I fPMad. The rata in,
,odbp ba wa working at a ance. Mayor K. J. Fulghum
. (ntB lit to dM. bat A ! ^w- la the mill wh« a Umber about- chalrmA and it I. propiMed n
BolMB WMr QUrtia tkla WA rmlaad to!
illhll i-JiJ feiU'tnr'ais am ■« llreeriV elii~«ri7i"i[^iisinMS

> deU^fully apeni aad a. mldalghi aF
proarbed <b* dellrtou* nfreabmenu

: which the crowd had Jan' brought
Wh- -« M»re.d and
IM U m. H. -MihA
Ital U..; ^4----nreck
hire loi b«»^
to ___________
Ml to cUU».
lor_ . retoM
to to p«- “Whereas.
•™'i' «' ,,f,
■‘“'"'j it ter------- aaad Bora■ water
- .w_________
It seem, to be a dimeuh ,
r the left foot Ad maabiisp
MAters Howard Ad EmBCt Boaah- "'^
«Mcr UiA AT------nay-1 eg,. All
the __________
rfatble mark
wa. a short
poae of________
tbe .........
sit aU. to in r«fmatter tor the board of a
_ _ «reet gave a id.- rlbly aad Aly paarinp parttelly orar ^
Xorih Odar
I nt Ad a bruited place but be wa M- crcnce to rml.lag t20.oiio for tbe AUbcontract with phy.lcMns the'ripbt ac. iWriqp the flMh hack imhVful ereTlnTimnr'^MAdA^rM i
r rate, which be-1 mmacMms nme tlm»-Ad grave, fcan: Bahmeat of a Y. M. C. A. in tbe riiy. enter Into a _____I
-toretoY- toltitont Y-.'_
...._____ ____ *
1 M._
.KrelY -.tore W~to^ fg WePfUTd.
for work cArped to the coMty wttbont f„m ,!>, none from about tbe crater ,
r I and (
a boAr of their play- ' lap fur ihelr a
MAloB whl^ WA accepted Ad Aoptacceptod A.a MbMlUite for the Mee accept-

m >to to toMM, toU « to 1
toto. WUllto C. Ito.., . -totolto I. reto4 >« to retollto
to retoto
MMto k, toM to lu. toitor. I „
» to Pto lUi,™,..; to, ol .to 4 toit. itoUreii™.
to clUo, tolto lire
to U
mMm tbe aetwa ia. ------------- - —- : by the ambnUnce. A neighbor. Mra.,
ooMaw any only Wrthkle
(ram 6|pygBk Emery, took the youA «aaa
I- Meetlftfl.
Ad la other aa* could be collected
te t a. n. aad tron • to • p. A
' Into her home a the Lo___ .._______ , FtiHB ThurAay's Record.
from tbe paBle* for whom An lce. are
Tbe lalM that the k
I ere apstatrs. He I* si years of age.
the Itiiure no
«aeM_flMSed Mr the arater worn are |
y, g^at extral hA not yrt been 1 „ ^ad* and bridge. recomatAd '
' bDU shall be alUiwed by the brjud for
----. I determined by tbe physlelA a H^hat a thlrty-foet apace be cleared
or other aecesAO
would be dAgerou. to underuke a the O. R. A L bridge end bIm that the

aI" ^^‘,h?i“hlli' ■ In tbe-ward.


Eiwwii Wira Again.
^ of the eAnaet^lear. tbeoe t
joao Bitroa*. body I. not -ooM*-, m«uutk»a to allow for the ,
Jag In the grave, not If he kBAs bite ^

___iJ^IIi!Tvrtn iSThlm'

In tbe city or toraAlp
' or piAidAt of tbe board o( bnlih of
: the Tlllape where sAh expeaw, are in
8‘**rcurred.cenlf} inR that he believes that

quite far enough, however, and her
f^n across
across the
the track,
track, the
the front

, toe. UU NIMto S'rikli,
Oto tlluNretot-Hto
„. \
-1,1. Irer to»re
to lu.,
** ““ “
"" * ”™
itoiM «p to Mre. Slreln- to rre
*^..1 i-mi. lliiie (tou -to Mned a slsteep page cdiilA coaialagt, 4U to to retolototo
... tor lA a complrte Ad InlertvtlA wrlta
„gpk. Tte
«------- up of the cliy. U
,„b^Mace was summoned Ad rite music Ad^r^hL".
Au refresamenis fonaT^
lormeo ao .•
‘•heot«th..Or,ndTt.Tet*eh«p„^m A^oggg., fraternal Ad Miclai side of IKe la that
enmlnaiion dlAk-ed the n„„nR aumy dainty plfu----- ----------- bustling city. It it a fl
newspaper AierpriM.
gmpntatlon of both feet ---------------- --- faren-ell reminder, of ihe elcae Meadi'
BeceABiy. AUbouph Mts. Sleder la- ,,,,p ^
k to New Yost
Maba Ad children. BelMb. OUn. '
U worth oAf
InJurUrnSrlth tbe Gloria aad WIdred left m the Arty jj5..n«.,o(»0. He I. •» yror. oM. Ad
MJfeuat to mire from Atlre buehiAs
■ “»*"■
exception of a slight s
^^,^0 by tbe fall, .be wlUjmdoubtedly «lly from -the operaUon


m!!!- ; •W^“be ^ii^uilaTatT^e-rwlii

ir£“ 3“

I. which WA allowA y«- various boards of health t
son. Mathew, an employe of the
I atarlalng him tor Interfering with the,
■ for soch purposes."
esnd.v factory. It Is also Mid that
.Atlhat«y^MMMl JBaetlaglltBAxy|opmtk^ of the road. The — „ n A the
the commHee
she had ber Ars covered which pre>.11 or cs r« Ui. to. tore.... .rtollo. tooo.m..o,re4 to. .0. pro.IvAted her from ‘hArinp.

■' ‘™"»•' = toito. »to.-n-,

ztrr.rnLTrrrr.&'^rr.pi.'rAi::: - —^


fBaVWagmepiAlUMlwac.dietioa ,, Ue Sapremh ooun ^ building, wa nuiAri.A to purebAe ,od F-aIo at Tu cents a foil... the Ame
YedfeMay afternoon the flnhaelal
larfaM. KM paly thM. but k*t which wA_.^__________
_ With. ^ plaibook. E. O. Udd at 3:» Ave „ former j Am. Also V»> oo|riA m dlffieultlA which the Arm of J. D. Pike
a appellate CBM WA
I a Mag bat of cJUm that bad; drawn la order to aerre the Injnnetten' an latetAtlng report of tbe etete A- pamphlet form to be published from ^ Sons are Mid lo have U-en Uborin;;
e precl|>
chattel mortgage which ba>1
boinp fore
. , ....................
WA taken
lion orpinp that the senator and repre- .^a the Ariy Art of the aftemoon at^<I
^• MM aad wrad tlw efttea aalag them a jivor the goods H looka a though
sc ibrir l»e»l endAvors to •*
km>-aMlC» "WT T«r- Tbe Bat-jpev fAdhed would hare to be bnlli tw A ground. Ad buUdinA wa. aa- ,«,eurB the Arty pAsape of the IoaI replAlned by Sheriff Joharon. Today
Mr, 4d>ir Ma« dlaeaMtea, rAoired »-. or elec Bnwa gIvA what be Aks ‘for lbori|e<t to porebase a flap .laS at
which wa presented to the leplsla- »ke place of business is closed and It
. teast flfiy fAl high to be placed by the ,ure at lu lasi sesslA In rcfeieoA to i «■ rumored that Mr. Pike 1. At of thv
■ I—mil o( thna be appotated to
-----------------------Aldlcn' mAoment in plaA of tbe G. the muniy depusiion- and which wat. oily.
tha featfbUHr:
DMth UnMm Hinhand and Wlf*.
by tbe legislature and Is 'now [
a the ahopk of
Ipal pteat taad
M putUag la a Bahdpal
Ad the dairy- np to the MUte.
Tm LcncMme.
urn tmUbte cMl Ad that te the the drath of ber devotA hnsjiand.___
_______ I' tn^tme

both granted
Yesterday aftenioan a coniraci wa
tVilliam tVllson of Northpon. wbu
Maaattte* ao Matract ba made with; Ma W. M- Smith paaaad a^y ^arof the e^urt house.
inade with the B. R. E L. £ P. eom- Pa been staitenoi si CathAd llghi
the BoatMBA River Bwitric U^lday AAlag at Soctech. )n« tea dayy
_ _____
Fc« for ihe part fe»
after hi* dAth. She had hPM in
and Mayor: lA^ hAlth all wteiA^aij wflered Pn» Friday, Record, r
\ 'teH fpr KiH) a yrar.
,, was promoie.1 this sea«>B m
alM appointed Mnaan. Btegham. with pain la her left ride which afSeveral phjwicl.n. ..iiAdA the
-----------llphiho-^e •«
An b.i.le
MarrSF aad WUmle a the AMtettlA.. foctad hA heart, ttertng the fl|neM bArd of .upenrlsor. meeting this fTom Moa.te; , RaoM.
mllA from Ludltm.on. wheiv he v
Wa racHred froB of Mr. Smith ube borered la grAi afternoon. .The iaw- of their piVsThe ciosing hours of the boar.1 of placed as head k.-iwr.
Bill) w
n. suam aad gA flltera anxiety over hU bedside bight and aa wa the dltunission irf the Gbai supervisors Saiurda) afienwon were do.n there bui th.- locatlA was
Tbe mailA was ihven Acr to tbe report for the thre? "ui of ihe wayan.l the lighthouse Itself
il Ko. 4U ramonttraUag. day Ad «bA dAth Mtered t A
anti] ------------tomorrow--------moro- mAlbs
aad —to.^
BMlIy w—
put c
mp^Athaedty thawtag At the wu^tbewitewM totov-tow

-------- ending at this Auion. begin- shin off from ei a a view of the lake
ellng in J*n- unlAs from tb.- tower Itself, the
PIPM JasM* the Alb line. They
her-grief wa heart br^lag. Phy.l- lap. J. W. Patchin appAred bel.BX- nlA after tbp renter
ures tire short front living llnrtl with hlgJi
. ..
....____ ______________________ _
_1_____ ____ _____1_
___ ___ . .
J_ 4_.krelr
re .. re. 1....
»N to -n.f ihw —irMT-f
bni sinking
tbe ._______
bArd. In
.bebaU of Tto
Ur. «*«
uan' and the rcArt c
the cHy
CMpkOted tebemn u .___■>
half. dA.
were te
. f .. _
_ _ .
Ire.l...l._I .W_____________ .Ire
axtea tadOteachailea
wAk Ad
Ad thak
UtM mbHs were freqaAt Ad it wa
while Anil F. Nm-tlAor repr«-«-oted
Incliid.-d the qArantine bllU. and all
40 Macbaflea woek
te tha wteMT U»e thAe acAilAhl thought Ariaable to Uke her. to the
the Dr.-Andeiwon Aiale. Dr. Gauntmoney, expended In InquAis. .uf
MawaratheWvwrtttWlhepliiBb- Arne of h« daughter. Mrs. A. J. wnileti wAtA the fall amoAt of the bUl
Pli« Ad tbe various other eti«.dlM. IRm* ara alghtaA Mamber* ot helm, where a straggle I* a week wa
while the AaderiA wtate was willing
tare* of tbe osinty amAuting la all to
^ . Che aatea hAbtea the halpaf. and te' waged Ad d'Alb Atered tbe strlckA to take Ay a« of the «SS that the ^ *3.79330. Tbe test act of the bArd
— "—;■
all abAt IM depAd a them. If the, tamHy again jad mw both aiaU bArd aaw fit lo allow.
wa tbe (ormutetlon ot a 'i>etUlA to
of Earl Wllltems.
uraior w«*s '4om the’ work It meAi have bAa takA within ia daya.
The bArd y«ierday tb..uglii that be preseaiA to the state M-oaie reU
Earl, aged :«• j.-ar,. of
thM iMBy wlU have to teava Uc chy.
Mra. Mary JAe Burdlek-SmiU wa Dr. Oaimtlett's bill Included the Aa- live to the Assage of the local ai re- j-«,ar did at the Aylum Santrdaj
Many are Uapayera awl own tbaM bora la Armada, in the aItam north- demon Mil Ad allowA It. tATtea tie teting to tbe dalle* of Ariain o«fers
he ns takA for treat
own hOMA The iralM tadoraed the , era pari of Maooab Auaiy. removlA other Aiae ap. they recoosidered.thelr of the county of OrAd Traverse, ww „*,o, y^^,,
He was a rosldent of
peAing |■•e^u^e the SAnte. Aside from Hooper AlI.'gA county, nniil a, lildir
-----------------of H. O. Jurat A plumF; A the distant and K—ely4.1and of action.
JW teAMttar Ad aAA that the eltr SAth ManltA VhA. bpt eight TAT.
At theafternoon SAsteo td the a; the drawing up of tbt. petition
a >Ar ago when, after u;n
j«aa a art of maltaiy raiw to gorera.old. There kA c^ldhood wa happily pervitor.yAierday E O. Ladd, a be- chairataa wa antfaorixed to uk-e euA moiher'-s droih. be nme aonb ul
UtoBbiag. The AmamaloaUA M0-|apAt.aA there ahd met mad wa won^bA of himself Ad Ur. Haraba. *uF mraturey a he tbo;ighi rxpedlAt tor
bis home with bis sister. Ur>.
MMad by Aytag that at prAsat ■&: la marriage by Mr. Smith wto Uugfai
mtuA aroport of tbe sUle aarocte- (be nrpins of the bill through tbe sen- Berelhymer. He wurfcA ia the siav<Of the BAihm of the Ate* ware em-ja Bight MhCid a (he Utead for mAyttea of daneerteor* to which they Ad
and if aecenary lo atiAd la per- „(], gg,i »gg
(•(, health uotil
^layad while many had bAS At of! yAn. the marriage occurring July -ST. bsA ' Mat a. delcAt a from this -- or Ave the
weeks befi>ro enieriag tA Aylum, but
wa* paMcd by
cooditlA at the time nece»>ttaiec1
MmhteraMatA TA oomBSAkatton! ISCC, poa after his return frotn the county. l%ey alM piwoted a Tecnm- an attora'ey.- The
botme throuph the effon* of R^-f his remAal there, wh.-rc he died from
*M faferred U the eomminA.A tre war. The hAPr_faatnF >«ft their tnAdatteo tAt t» A w-m to the
. . home
• seven yeara'lalrr aad reury of the------ ------------------T—rd of .uArviceiiamis —
of tbe
neck. ......................
-- ---------------- resenutlre Monroe nearly three WAk* -----------— .........
Th* matter ef Aadteg tA efty for settled at GIa Arbor, where they a Mr. to coBtriAie to the Apense. of ago Ad 1. ajw awalUA aeth* before ^rter at whov boiae he IItJnI he
•M^ hM hcA deteyed. A commMi-. awlnA BAriy aVa yeara before tbe aasoclailoa. This was adopted.
the seAle. They adjonraed at i
the followiag brotA-rs and sis
«Wte4 froM tA cItyattonMr and dtyigcdagtoItAtA. aadaftA arAldencc: At lA atoratep sasIob a communi- o’clock sine die. _
wmiams of Toledo.
Mark Mated that there WA A reMrd :th«*4f arveral yaara iW arrived la. Athm from the BoardBA River Elec—*■-------- ^---------Jamn Williams. Houper: Mr*. Ia
hepnad a**M4MV aotlcA of the pass- Traverae City. whara.M^ Are rttAt trie UAt aA Power cumpAy was .
' LMt Botl* Feet
. Kelso. His^-r; CArie* Ad •Susie
age at tA eoahUag act aad it WA aM > alxteA yATS. Two chUdrA,'Ara a received Ib reference to (A lighting of
iU>mit three weeks ago Mr*. FrAk Williams. Hooper. Mf. and Mr*. Bevel,
tanma wAtAr the gbveraor had (A tetend. survive themtoMra. A. J. IA iaa Mock at the court buone. SlAer Adly ualdA one A her feet. hymA arrived in tA city UAAy
adgaadh AML AtAanei tenguage Wlibctm aad George SiAb. b
tustaig mornlag Ad Ad. tbe remain* preralap the Injnn t


fym Can You
6tt along withnit a Dew OultU
this ^riiig wheo
and prices ,are to tempting?
We’ve done our part m adding
to the temptation ag far as prices
go—you won’t believe until we
show you, «4iat a nice fit and
outfit you can get for

dunesanduv eou,muu.e«..o,.
cIvlUratliHiexcept along the
It wasso tonesome that the p..-.

$7.50, $10,08,
$12.00, $15.08,

'’Clothes to FitB. 4 .CO. '

When will >-ou be io to see us?

‘Cbt ntwstoK’

Shuman & dunt&
236€.TrontSt. traotrseGtp







ClT. PHONE 158

^2 5r2-^rs3i:nsrt'ASSi"«J“'^



«r BWU. MC. M. t«ni'». ruie «::________
Some »WT io»’ *n pri«. oUien
H. L- lA Bar to ToMaU^ ot Fife eiBbonie com more. PrincIpaJi ani)
Loke. lot I. bloek ». K. Hf* UOw: »M-1


, ber oo oe^rU of s« tr,
rmi* ii.
WIIIioB P. CalUiu to Bl A. Wcoton.
' dH lot le. 0)1 lot 11. Mock 2. GoodIrtcb'aSrd odd; |»0.».
Oprww mi *. W«BW m t*-; lUMok A Lor Co. to Thoo. P. Me-'
rtev i^nria.'

I'O Foet-Eooo


Bdvord Roomer to Arnold Oerker.
DH ct MWU. »ec. It, towii Sfi. ronse U-

An., V.

COrriM* Bad H»OJ- PmlMVag.
spociol Attonli^ <Jivon to Country

An Only DAughttr Cur«l of

J.«. emtliH


n. wmu»o.,jJtsSyS,'5!.iS'£;:S"

feet lot« «3 ond tt. Movl-jjji
ettr ooi 00 Hto tmrm, br vrooept **^|load'o odd: tlM.
____ _ . o> o pBVle. lot « doaoo- i ■ M. B. HoBgerfofd to Nettie K. Foote.
Btnu tkM wo eor-for ooo dor «»"! pwcel, Trorwoo City: ll.lK.
mMo from tke or«d«y i«Uet of Ufe
1 to Wm. P. Croi- r
o^ aelwte Moooao roloUv «•
ro.(» A CroUer-t odd
boMtj 0*4 MMilwn of loroaa to
h— flooHiy tree* ood
CMik Spidle to.Joilo Cleload. lou 7 pUo.
irnblie ilmmmitm ot tho Mubjetl o(
^ block S. Klnrdeyt 06W.
l~irmuw CVlMtaiTIMP
fOrcotry. -7*o ■lemtlty of yroun-lBd
Heary Drerm to ChrUtioa J. Dreres.I
TulUllURi CXUlMIlUlw



ot MHt o eowMB} td ttot rtoh kerit^
n: iLOW.;^^
aw «kMk hoe bow m*a olfk oikonot- > cbrtetloi) J. Prerm to Frook lAtit
•d.tkarotwtti N «C Odlebl^. ibooid Bcr. ovti.Jpc- *• iB*" SA nwee 11:
bo Isynwod o»cm eor pMplo. Let o ^^,0
o bo ^oM Ot tbo bomo by erorr ‘ xrtkar A. SIoummo ood Wife to JohD
of mH.
A totm M.
oa« «hOM too yotMC oboBM bore CM:
niwdill Mr ibMB. «M tboro be core-1 Abtmhom 8. Fryawo ood wife to
mmtm •»* owr^w*. ttf tk* oeboote ■
„ Nlcboto. M ». bkiek F. IL. L.
^UPPiprtito to m ior. Tlmo «• wollj^
•^Wd Ml twoblBf tbo bwuoi of BO- yio^ L. Soritt oBd wife to Oim a
tvOMi owMbMiirowdooBi wr- pi^ ,0^(2. w% lot ftl. Mock 3. Omk;,.*
imtmmtt oboMi okow tbot tbe Mooob' Pbrb:
pB-. 0300.

8nin) Pnelici

. WiUUiu.Ukry. Mh h.



■BT- . -


OeotfC L. Neebltt to Netfid a Foole,
; lot «. block 4. P. H,*e Std Odd; iSW,



______ J




whOTTibmu M* asknoB-n.

------------ --


B. o~ » nort

201 So. u^ion St.





m (Its Bowes M tbs

»d tt* Id (be


SsM *ts “
ssMeSSgfforsSf T.______ —
ton* SBesBsOT* nmb rrsTMSs to mid dsy sf

We want Seven Hundred Acres of Sw^t
Corn^ and One Hundred Acres each of
Refugee Green String, and Red Kidney
Shelled Beans.
gn>wn for ns miller eoiitmet in tjie (tniinl Tniverso
'regiiiu to W lieliviTtkl liy ti-ain lit <>iir fiirtor)' llii^
8011. The Nstl is now nil here n-:n!y f“r liistrilnilioii.
iiml we jire writing •Mlilnielt: liaily. ('•nneninl iov «s
«t llie Lu-Iur>' ofliee (he m \t time *jin- ill l‘>wh er
iiulify us in some wnyiiml-w'- will gl«i!ly enll it|ioti
yon. Our |>ro{atsiiioii is a goal oih- iukI if you h.ive
nut wriHeii your eoiiiniet it will Iw well i<>

a'.'ssrs '.siT^r s: ;s.i'S' a

lsl*rs«< M Iiivrtdn) In Mid onMiat.' -si
wUck m<stnr- (W-rr t>
t<. >• aur at
lhrltBiro(lhl.BsU-rlb'uim-( D>-m> Hmi
dnwyinilw.. IMIu>. sort F.-riT l-siil>.«ihl
— AM.entykfs* <|(
.-• -niirtj
Tlilrt.< B,.,.
B.-r llultsr*.
rMsUluruiMitdiiMnnr'.aBii v.iniUu' i«ir«*dis«> fei 1«y Imvtsr i**-nI u>.tn*i<.
u>.tn*iei tf-

-»ld tsorme-IS- .. l.J VUTO*

Friday, tha Fewrtaanth Osy of

In the long run merit wins in- I’ianos as well as in
By reason of their wonderful power, swwiness, depth
and sustaining quality of tone, coupled With great dur
abiliti . agreeable and responsive action, the




i 1-.

Kimball is the Nation's .Favorite

in WALL I’.M'ER arc now bdnar >liown.
The conceptions shown here arc the finc>t tlesiiiiis
and are confined to this store «lonc.

Th# showing

is'-far ahead of anything we have ever before at­
Come early and mate use of the oppor­

tunity DOW offered for choice of colors and pat-

url Hne^' •« th.__ T>»»rr»»l\«ntT,
wheiv th. i*tr
r of lirsaci
■rlbrd ta mM melt


Kimball PiaM
Kimball is the Artisl’s Ideal Piano


ly. A. O- i»OS.

Try a Herald Waol Ad.

1 he ven'large number purchased ever)-year by an
—greater^ by half than any other
ai«i)roving public-greater
make' fiiyy'aut-sts the truthfulness of the statement

le trest saddsclsrv ibrwniscinmi.tHilli |snn

, >1«. Mhnism U> tkr Vittae* l*<m I'M.,





■ Lovfjpr.
of tbot klad.
Mrs. Abner
W« MIoee tbat the bill paeaed by
Mr.-mad Mrs. H. C. Bun.
toe boose Is a dlstlBet rtetory tor pn>«Biy nterai ud that tt should pass.
Vbare la bo doubt bowerer, but what; Several
I U both the ere
1 DwMedvory Mill ttet j log the tcleBce of prrtwrlBR eodbsb
miled, but to pet a lew'balls sad outoii*.
MM vHn aaaat all of tbe requlremeats
d by toe people would ~be InMMikli at a alaato aeaatoe of tbe laf■
Milan. We believe that the MU M
• adiiaiad. wlUi a few alaor ModlfleaOBBt toouM pass toe aeaate aad be
BHisalBw. Iflt deaa BoL sad tf tbe
olBto aatola aatoMas aay further over
toe pasava of a prtawiy law. .and
^tiiwsm Albsay. II. T.
abaws a dtapaaMw to nafto wbst bs«
baaa doaa by toe bouse, the ropubUesa
A BMdlas CBipeater. wbo was «eparty aad toe adMlBlstrattw will be fwted for ae o®ce at tbe ttceut eliy
« by.lL Tbe siate icclala- HeetfaM. ts.sUU sawlBidvMd.
tare owes to tbe
OP tbe people of Mlehlpaa • Prtmary
law wbMft wUI offact prtMary ndona.
Tbe Raaord baa »ot bees la favor of
a:awooMak.pnaary raform law aad a
iPBM BuayVve aproad rttb thU aestlMiat M(t' M an aatisfted tbat tbe
------- -^wted paaead by toe

W'li buy nothing but the best gnun and you get the

226 E. Front St.

rthe eeoBcy
*‘“»alpm iB tbe BoaiiBBtlw of toveroor DerM O. Cboodler to Melrlo Oiody.
; elk «f BWH. eec. It topro 37, roase H>;


Feed, meal, Bran, middiinas.
e«m and Oats



ailw eatlre would act be • course ^ ramip PohiB. of Beliaer. Hr*. Ctnru
Little Wl
of AACWWu.
Gtown. ■and Hr. end Mrw Mcftsawso. M
to tbe
IBO sutler w
of *«a|.i»e
ebeplas . tjsujr
party policy aw ualy be dcae Ib wib- <torry mad te^.

The best for the price in



■taar oeeafi. Tbe bBtaaeo of
dUd* Ueket, oeMaiat to (be OwUe-1
• f«wy Mn le to be Beeriaoted et o etote ^nr iiio« bwrtfeiribojik# to oor meny
• L >Wb la BBt aa oUeetIw. frteade Bad aelsbli
0 ao. kindly

Ole Can Give Vou

pure article.

tbr iraiTMM-Uon <
r be
rack oUtor tinrinw ■- mar
br prcmolnl
prcmDltU f(

®*»” ”■

.. Ud.wU Tc».............25

The Annual Meeting


J«** “«o‘“


Cor- Front onO.Unlen

wiU ill nx
AbomlB. leqalnitllV

ibrditror tbU onkr. md ihM
............. ‘ '

Ooadrteb to Cborlee H.
». MAS. Mock 1.- •
MortOB Wootkere mad wUe to Corrie ;
D. Johaeon. ewU ot oelii'eec. 37, tove ;
17, roape 10; IIOO.
Owrae A. Bryoo ond wife to B. R
Boctrtc Ushi ft Power Co, porccl.;
. ---------------------------------37, towB 37. mate----II; *i«
Oolvla O. OlbooB OBd wife to OMOt! g

§. E. WAIT & SONS. Druggists

........ :Si

k I.ucnp
tp LbSarch...............
.. .
5 iKHtle .Vnitneiiik .........................25


Cborlw H. BedemoB to Myrtle T.

Simpaoo. lot 10. block 3. P..J4.'* 4tb
Idd; »Ma.
JabB K. Ootmode to Mortw Weoih-

Elgin C. Lewis,

•n>|> in n oiutrlo »inuu yntwinu' oInL- loot jntir
■t lorn of five miilniu lUdlar^ Ten tbouicuiil
tWlarp' worth "if'liigh-trnKle FWoi;iKh-lj>'')>- w»»iiM linvi
•r.-v.-m«Hl this loss. Forauikli-hjxh- j>. :i
rmns KTowtho—smut
irmiin. *-ob
l.tiv.-of oil fmmns
KTo^O-stniit on
,U' in oritriiwtl i«o«‘krt»nw*litv«-l from r..rk«-. Lhivis <v t •».. giinmntet- it I«> Ufnllettrenv'th ami «.-ll it ti( 50C a pOUnd.

lstkil>lKi)i Iq

STssss Mssii.'sus «

SSTS.? icrz,Tib‘5:

GntdBtle ■ciloa Deiartment Birne


■ww Ml obfr toBfht but oppuod. It; wimorn ;
.m «Af M obomrod 01 tt ohooM
'■mm bdWM mad oor eoBBtry wlU be-|j^
ilBBitIil^te(t.ett.| umrweoC. I
I OBd'^0 tbe
■wU of oeH. lec. :t. «|m
» tbB iBttoo of cMlimAlp. • hHwlorlBC. oooBtry-loTiBt j
WiMorS'M. a Hui«en[iiJ^3^i5*-ityB>S^
ford, lot St. H... L. * Oo.*» lltb odd;'
-:tm or pww ud b«b» dofoow Ib time PSST.
Wwir. .
Jeoepb KlOBew oad'wHe to M. B.:
«Bi«r my bood Bsd the Htia|arfDrd.''lM-3S. H, L. ft Co.'e llib
tor Ik*
■emt awl W tbe atau ot tbo eopliM Odd: »»M.
Wd Trarww. !■
L tkie twa dof of April. Ib ; ABBle A. BMeeO to HorsiAel L.
of MW Urd Mte tboaaoBd: Hobbe oad wife, poipelo. eoc. t. towa _____ Omnaek. oonpUlaBn', n> Mur' ■IWfcWdfOdOBdiTB.8BdOftbelBde-;„.^,.

H am.
***? **


Sell Smut

-Moreover, we display ar oar warerooms, for public
inspci'.ion. I'nited States letters patent, showing the
Kimball improvement in Piano building—diplomas is­
sued by great World's . Expositions and more than a
hundred fac-simile letters indorsing the Kimball pi­
ano by the worM's greatest living musician*.
People of vcr;>- moderate incomes can easily owm a
Kimball by taking advantage of our easy payment plan
of purchase.



&sy Tfrms if Deslreft^S to $25 Down: $3. $S tt $10 bmUHj

City Book Store Kimball Music Bouse
CfoMiM CUr, lOkt.

m. B. Barmtr, Pr»p. K9 TnMlSl.


«u iMooi ywUrtor by Ootatj a«k Walter, to 1»
UH Daagi of M«slr«v» ud »«
ttecto A. LrMMO.


' Miu Bttvortb, «bo bto be«a aerim wlOi pnewMOU ot the bone
of hM- mead. Ulto Ate Waipn. «a
Tmttfc atrsM. U BlIshtAj- better



r toy. H. O BMla

Mania Lei
the Boauw Eton, arrired j
to take cbance ef the ttothiwc departI Beat of the Beate Mode aoa uned liy
the Globe.

jpgiwttiyytwHiietirfM 1

Chafcter C. K. Kortbtrar of
• freight depa«*e»t of the G. *L * 1.
; for the paai two and a half year* bai
beeo prcaaoled to the atency of the
I mala liae at Taatlo and vtll leare for
:U)ei« la a few day*. Mr. Noribway
«-i«e to the elty from Peuiakey and
' win leare manr friend* here who Mncerely regret hi* deitartare.



Rlehard Horiuier of (ho Haenah A
left Wedne*'day for A
j bb Arbor, where It U
peeled be will undergo an operailoo
^ : for a chronic iptaaltrooWe. Mr. HertsI

L*y Mefcantlle eompany
JL LayMeto

it and he hope* by
.! troable li
I thlr B»re to be renoned to bealtb.
I Joha A. Keonedy made a record with
la drag aaw laat week. He wa» ent^jilag beech^d maple for Charte*
Caaate «T Omi and la alx boari cut
aereaty corte of the hardwood. The
wood wu split *nd plied In ibst Umc
and fully sixty people watched Ue
Tbte la oonaldercd .1
veiT high record as prerlous. flfly
--------------- .
-------- T
caongk tor tea hour*. The next ford
aooa. tbIrtyAro cords were cut in
three hoars.

plaau sad tree* Ttom the aursery o:
OrMalag Bros.. Moaroe, has arrlrcx*

f.oia deck Ipr tha Mwaid Blaaa LoB'
I, who haa laeaaUy
I aa iatarest la the UlUe
tama. »o«ad to Ult dty Saturday
koB hM hotoo Bear Orawn.

hare all beec
taka ttam the nursery within four
.Btontha aad are la tea .shape, harlap
I ahipped-bn the twemh. The con
algBees are all Gtaad Truresse eoant*
fralt growara aad as a result T. B
Mcder will bare a new orchard an<
Mra. Rose Shane, aonth of Trsverar
CHr. will abo hare a new orchard.

a barge Bdward BucMey U
DtotMMd in PlM Lake.
d for Chicago at. the
n« following dispatch from Charir
jaha r. Ott deck. The barge Sopher eoix to thte moraiars Grand Rapid
M atw taadlag at that dock, taktog oa Herald will be Isteresiiag here aa boU.
a aai|p of heaslgdc.
yoBBg Bwa are weU known In thl*
city: . X. 8. doaea haa purehaaed Dr. I. A.
-doha Paddock. 18 year* of age. sot
thawiaini h S^ street prppeity-aad of cs-Repreaeatatlre R. W. Paddock
aad Cart Lamterar. 17 year* old. stsrt
ad Saaday to erora Ptoc lake to Mr
PadddHt’h Mock farm tbree mile,
ioatheaet of town la a caaac whlOthay built during the winter. Wher
iW tkUad to retnra no altnn was fek
aa It was tho^t they had mnalaa
at the farm.
rerealed ih'
fact that they bad not reached thai:
destlpatlon and tb<r ooocluijuo wa»
raateed that they had drowned
Searehlag partiea la Jannehe* are nos
for the bodies. Both bop
good svtaaal^ but the watw
was full of lee. The caaoe iraa picked
up yesterday aonth of town.**
. -^llta. Ida M. Sailer of t&la etty. for
a( Ocaaft Satflte. »ra a rety


• atm as hi* whHe bmhrra PW:
•u4 plei at sriy feet.

| rta> ,t « o'cloek at the Genami L.uhi chnitdi on Sovcoth street, tte
tbe ehy ^ procerakio leaving the bouse at 9 a. m.

MoBtey ovw toe o. R. a L bousd tor!





Avoid Tainted Butter


Putting it Off

and rich, «fad builds up the
feocrat^eiltb in every way.

Charic* White of-thls city has en­
tered the Johnson Drug Co., where )i>
lust flu Into the position re.-vntly vs•aicd by John Boswell- and will fit
•tmself foi-'-a pharmarlst. Ho is a
graduate of the loeal High srhool an
is bogh popular and a buMUT In his

s2Ts ssiSJ^r-rrH

Tubular Separator
Instead of watting fora
It has a simple three inece bowl—the btI i>st. oKMt (•ffvrtive Bcpanitor devioe—and b

large, sum to begin with,
'••art your acc-junt tud;i\
YYith a dollar. We help


*cif cinUBft P£CTCC*t

viiu make it a larger v.iin

) V i ",

t>> cuni|>ounding. ihe inlerrst. .Ml depiysits piiy

I* Ji

Cravtrst City State


bt> kept clean without a girat deal
It tuna tviaily—^ima deao—mdb
fast. Call for a catalog.

115 and 117 Stata Street
Wt Mil Uanlwarr. «II kind* ol karni M.i-hincry. Intplsmenta, Wsgmis,
Bug2’’^ and Itsntvs*


J1 Few Specials
just a fe»- more da>’s before Kastcr. the day of
new costumes—you'll want a pair of new shoes, for a
neat shoe is the foupdaxion of good dress.
Comparison shows that oiir prices arc lower than
>*ou wilt find elsewhere—these are just a few of many.



i-r p^roiwi -thk UAnoBB.*r

Wi- stuiI! li.' iiU-asi*] to show yoh our Hcgam pancra. N» trouble at all—tbai b our butoesa—a
paprr—and ihe only way t<> soli It I* to SHOW It—and THAT we coaaliler a pirarare. Tba i
sn- ibo boaiitlful i<aprrv iho sooner yxtn will make >-our aclocikin and plte fra

<fiXKl, sirlisil oitos.
mnde of Hue Kid. |Xit.
ti|iB. new Invlsaiul t;oml
w«':iriiitr—n {foisl *InM-ni

Aro tn 1-0 iiK0>i
that M-H for SIT and ai>t) 75c.

ax over llavn aoino floo onca with narrow bordor* tsomelbliig you bars vaatod) .
double roll. Wo Dover sbow^ curh a libo of (ho finer grades at Sfle. Stc, dfle. tfle

'llavo vnoh lowutifal oolorincs. Have a stock that will pjounc erety®>
you .lohiro, Th'-s. papiT* v-H at :.V, 3»c. 35c. Wo. f-w, Mv. T5c.

$m ^ $169
Men-. Patent Leather (rere melll...........................................$2 50
Men'. Velont C.U (good wearing)........................................... 2.50
Mena Box Calf,new an.l Ian,, aljle.,.................................. 2.00
Men-. Viei Kid ,l«ht tor dr,«.............................................'. 2.00
Men-. Satin Cd( <ti|> or pinin toel...........................................
I ;35
Bnjs- ralL,.0-li.l, .-ntd ttoo.1 .tint,................... ..
Youth.- Ctdf (extra Boodi.......................................... ......................... Q8



Wtmn's Shots

HaeV* in pntcnl calf
<thi‘ kiid 'that is tfa<liuist ajit to crat^ I l^ocher Btyle and dull toji; ns
stylish as many $3 shoes

easily kept perfectly clean. Othna


abU- oil demand.

Can maka ug any t

a-boro ron tro ihQy? ilmt-s a ■!;
ill Itrowns and lighior shade* U c
i:c. ir< and s.v.

t loai-i and It KhouM hare bright, oboerful paper- The new pattaraa
1 an- fin- -ilati- Minio'hing now In ibo rods These papon sell at

X.-0.1 tlarkor. rj. bov pat* -a- make a sfK^lsHy of these lino*—rtripod ingruliis. duplex, craped ingratos.
rrL'> plu.b. SpanUh looili-r, tcavT omlA»>.-l i«i*or*. now floral and cooventlottai dealgaa, Piicra at
nv. J-T, 5.M-. f.i.c, 75c. *1.00 a double roll.

Want n>-aT daimy papora. llaee the nowest Is 1-oib broad and narrow satin suipe* and dainty floral pal*
t.-rns Those sell tor I2c. lYc and 2f«c.



As uoo.l tl sho«'
ns you pay many tl«d<>rs Ili50 for.

.\li ;iU 1<-iithiT
nil sizes from .*> lo



T>.- lars.'st lino of gogular kitcLon pai« r* in the i-l-y. All the now (iadti* tif granUta *
lido wii; CYlllng and border all to match. Fricta aro Hw. lie and I5-; doub.a roll.

ror tbe bath rooms. Now pfturcs rei: for 59c double roll.


tlw 800. wb«e they wilt, jMa the j The ftmeralvservicr* of Mr*. Charin
iaapBoo. White-Mart* toanarrow oB-m*tonlay sriH occur this BfierBoon
her run betweeo Green Bay ud Lake fmm the re*ldeqce_4t J o:ckick.
Svpertor. Thoae who left were Whiter Rev. Hugh KeaBCdy oScdMiiu:. Tbe
Moetoport. who is Aral j tf***®*^** rehulve* are to
nmeer: PkSflk Campbell ot tob city, i *kcrv death ba* called ibr%; Mrs. E.
mnd eagtopw. and Fred Dordenu - t>cricer of Tbrv-e Rivers, her mother;
Northpor^ho b going lo “Are tbe, Mr. and Mrs. K. DetevT of Nile*, and a
boat,” or BO ho statoA »« Ihe Record.' »‘*er. Mra. D. A. Roth, abo of NUes.
All porta are bMag rapidly MrinMM of' Mr*. J. B. EaiUvaay of to.well. mother
A'i ,Uie Bra foeeo who winter fbm aad i ®f Mr. Butorday. b also here. The
;•.(» -la a week H b expeeied that narlga-jf^Mbw fUl He in slate fn>m 1! telil
^,. dBB win be to tnS snrlag
t iCm.


For the.


ijMa M a AMapytotmaat la a way
l. ix cunl* at Oakwood.
Tfrr rathokMatle raMdeaU of thU portion
. *
of the north h la aot so far as to>C:
Keyes of the Glorert.
» 6 attend «iraU who de-i
Omens, passed through toe city Tues•Ire to take th» tffp from here.
! day on her way to Pawtucket,
Jassas WaushagMate ef .the 8ol-l Rhode talaad. where she was cslled by
«cn Hcrae. Oraad ttapMa, arriTod t ^ Message stating that her sister. Mrs.
m Balnitey aad krill apend neverM.o. h. Bullock, fonaerty Miss Brsman
veekn iu the north on a fartou^. re-tor Jtorthport. Is lying ertticslly HI. The
taralBc again oa May 1*. He U a • „„ ^ especially sad as only Batorlaeal preaeher aad aerred la the Plrat'
irotber. Hon. WillI,
Mlchl^a retglmeBi of Sharp Bhoote«;i,M A. Braman of nrtte^Ohlo. was<
MQompaayK.maileii»aatirMyoMn- iMrtoa. He U eery wMl known in the i
dien soldiers who weal Utou^ their;north as he spent the
_, . Mhr reeords wlih an eye which knew; clovers. .
'Ra mark and merer taSed. Wauaha^
Sraalc today looka « toouglr be dmld
The funeral service* of Mn. MstIP

boatmen left


« tl?

Hsr Buaber* wet*
iOagto^ Tha AHcaa.” aad Uam- tcaltls. She ha* been a widow for
Oaitshdh ‘Mrs. Ripley's Trip, thirteen years and spent tweaiy yean
e eery well recMvcd. oa the thrm wbece death orertook her.
She learea two sons to moan the loss
of a atother. The funeral took
of Moatraal. who was place Thursday from the Ocratan Lathla the Hty Inal Friday whtt* looklag pna tearck on SrTeath street. Rer.
tar a pallaMe localioB for toe prasea- WUUam H Schweppe cteclsUag. The
tattoa a( the poted Indian play. ‘■Hitleft the borne at 10 o'clock
^tha.'*,ha statM that be win

’’ A trie of

‘ Uak tatter tot* i load Of teldea;
Laat Maga VgoMhad.
! tswporatod wlto a capital atotte at
' Aae.if to Kalkaska tme day MM waek.
:_Wbea leadla* .phyMclaas said that >!#.•••. m-wt oTwhlth ts «*a.^Ths
H. Ooaaiae- and temilr hare
I ***w wesfort.
Rd Reaater ha* ooM hii farm aad: l,. H. Pray w*» happil) »urpri»eil the raalteed. hot Or. KlnTs New Dlacor- • tma are tae lampormry omrers « me
' by bto (rlendi eathrriag there tv ; rry for touksuapOoa. Cougte aad Kalitlag.'
•11 more to Idaho. Irwidoo. Aoril I? --Admlrsl TngO
>rsie 111* birthday. A very |>toa>- OoldA kw him oat >if hta ctarr. He
IVter A»aa_ ka. sold bis lam m.d
has «gUB to barram toe Ruuiaa Beet
evening wa» enjoyed by alL ~
*ay»: “ThM great apeelte ctaapleielv
------' 1 of apolea to cun-d
cured me. aad
saved my life.' Since
. OriUr
Prar took s itiad
■isder Admiral RndlexivenikT. The ruiui
then. I have used■ It
■ fiw
' ov
orer tsyear*.
ftaRvrinjc frightfully from ibr ......
Hudmaa has rraied JohaTW- Kalkmte ‘n- 'imUy.
Jaranerm kare raotnrail n isree nomWSJ duwa from aul ens'tdti- w a manr
,r|.e«. Ihroai leat jBUoa* of aadlge^ food. C G.
nf rnltter*
the Mtssl of r«e*tB L*.-d's tsrtu
LaM. MW_ look llr.
• Oraysoa, o
Chlaa. This will prore a serlou, baadl , rUUed Mt^’'?Al
Kiox'. N. w Life miA “wl'k the rr.
Mr* IrVla BsslMgs •sat Week.,
___ _
...... _
•«-un*Li suit,- he write*, 'that
cap to the R
whose base of sop-! j«*b Telford bn* mored ia*'fs«H» ;
bou]«> ai htbuson limg au sinomch and bo*H dtaorderv give
... S'-w 'V'esford
pUea I* so tor sway.
>tc. laxatitv ^0|*
The neaBtir BrynhlSde. wbicb a^' J«*n Tien has renivd the former'I The silver medal coolntt gives here a Son*' dnig sictei. Trts! IkwiI.-* IV.
F. 11.
Paffbausen farm.
rived at Hoag Kong from Baagiuifc
Miad*. S. S Walt « Suau-' drag store*.
isH KrliMy evening Ity M-veral.itraTl..- Ssi
c Knitting rtioitany U In.vounj: i>eu[tle.
lotey rtptina that the Rusalaa Bi«t

of a vessels stopped toe Bryomrdai. I..H all tl.-sMT»e a great deal ol
hUlde sixty miles north of Cape HaraC. Bolsnu-re drviv
ka U»t prshir. sod sbttw.-d ib<> fisi- training
•ate Friday aad after searching Ihe Thun<te.v.
ibev iiad reeeiv.-d trim ttx-ir IcsirucVisiied , ,„.,s jjr*. Frank Ballv.v The snpplevesart allowed the BrynhiUile to proMeW'
teseber. Mr. Beach. FTiilay evi-r meaiary recitsiiouK citen by Mr*.
oced. (Mpe Haraaada Is ito mile*
Aturlia imllt-y suet u<-s*rs. Rs'.|>h
aonhrasi .rf asigon. The Russian -‘"f.
M.-t-k-v Slid Jay l* sVre I
Shiga were steaming tin knot* an
.-tijoy.-il l,j *H. SI. ws* also the L._ .
hour in ibe direction of ih-' straits of
1*1 (loe <lay
The t-uiire <irrhi-*ira six'
___ _
Jo^n M.iraB «d Kalkaxk
_ .. . dnrii
Alsmic Mil
JIJI Sbimpo «r Toklo today declares tmtvert iMck on th.- farm
that ihf kussian fleet un<l*T Admiral '•’C.
Rodjestvensky I* using K
visiting St Mr. and Mrs. K Tyn the east coast <if Preach InthrCbln*‘
• rcvtatirani biilltllag recently
Mra. A. H. Crisp and daughic Artclk- '
u abase for action. agsiDs; Japan. The’ r>{ Itatee
____ ___________
visited her...
*lt«e. Mn
'esley T
gaper Insists that the use of this port. Pray, one dav last week.
as travetins oslesman f<
The Herald and Record Co. has jutt received a
Is a dlrt« vlolatltm of ocnirsmr- It
Mr. and Mrs. Hollenbeck of North rago
____ Arm and le/t Mimday morning tc
r bis new duties.
tbargtw that Hrsace is openly aiding Milton are vUltlng nlative* here thi* coral
large line of samples of benattful Commencement
(rtenilH are sorry
e him leave, but
Ruisla ihiu actually Joining issue wiUi
tll join In wbhing
Programs. Some very low in price, others more’
toe exar's gorernmeni against dspan
n<-w wo'k '
The Bcwsiiaper calls oo Japan t
Mrs. K. P.- Phillips, who ha* lii-cn
elaborate cost more. Principals and school teachers
oniu- III. 1* now n«overiog.
tain Great IVHaln's coofieraihm ac
Frank Cotiklia is moving- into the
wniiag to the terms of Anglo Baveu
should sec these uriy. Call at the Herald and Kec*
houre formeriy t.rcupied by J. ArmtlUanee.
Kirung,- which hi- has receatiy purord office and inspect the samples,
St. Petersburg, April 18.—An laierIM.-d. Sainrdsy afiernoon. at her
estlng Mature regarding the ^rcst re
homo. Mr*. H. Kuspp. of cancer. The
eentjy of a dozen terrorists is the fact
■hat Mile, ixtontleff. the daughter id
I biwtuinil Biid'Wtn i<
Ooveranr General Linollefr i:f Yt
totsk. tSasiern Siberia, etnivi n<d iwp
To succeed these dflys you
ili'ces of Governor Ctaaiwal Tn-isiK of
Ruist hive pleoty of frii, courft. Petersburg to the iiHuclidi's of the
ace, streottb.. How is it with
tarrorinis. One of the niec:-s. Mile,
the children? Are they thin,
frepoff. attempted lo as*a.«einaie her
mcle. flring.two shots at him whirl
pflle,delicate? Do BOt forget
Hank bat^ is eBosel by dirt. Hem'*
aliased. The tiro nieces then irie.i t<
Ayer’s Sflrsaparilia. You
joal «ie aepB^tor that isn't igit to taiat
vommlt solcldc but were unsuceesriul
know it mikes the blood pure
butter- it's tbe
rrepoff tried to Coneeal Ibe fans Jr

{Tax wss n ni lAST I ’

Ml the new telorlng* sell for 15c. 50c. S5c. Jdc and 50c.

Loins’ Somfit Shots ot Wholtsolt Pticts:

Jllfred V. Trkdrkh
Si41er xA (iubil Shoes.


Largeat liiw to

T-WAVKflWmK oiwvr. MIOM.


, THinWDAV. XpRIL as. 1*05. •'

Graml Traverse Region,

Mri«« ^ rerinil n««lw> >t (be H
BM- Kkooi boo»e. ceadacied V BIAb
MUlei- ud asrisrrd by the MImct
•U«T. Oarit *B« L«ni
■ ibertI
Ton Macy aad rand
cUy hare 1
«Bsiun> *
SottoBs Ba;'. tlw guest i
lB*0 tfu« <
Apr- n aer.
about one dtlle from Kcysuoc
Mr. and Mr*. Victor VlskachlL Mias- ^ Mias Ma»;ie Hanin* Is riettlnif her
naoh e* Horn and Maod Pheatt and Kd'alaier. Mr*. Ida Boas, at Korthp^
neau vlaltad the Athlnaon* last SonMrs. Will Aker* of Travers Cl^ U
cnr 3T
tfcp *««« of her , slater. Mr*.,Eor
Cal Smith left Monday fiir Roseberp,
■. nd Mrs. Chapman of Trarers* ■ Pease.
„Kl UK. Cl«in««'Or,';A"i5aklltJ»-Tr.Wi"l-*i;.
smu«. B.^ M Oresoa.
' ■ !■ c.ri
------—«----------' boalneM
Ip town
, and Ml*. V. Vlako......................
“ Tweaday.
_ butlaea trip to to Trarerse Cltr t
: tamed the name day.
Mr*. Gog.-Valley and dancblcr Rose
BpuiudSaedav with Ur*. Jno. Lanlie.
^ 1^-.
tagt Saturday
•Traverse Cliy visitors list Saturday.
Ulsa Jennie Iiohm 'and Roy liohnj
Mr.Sertonan.tfa»11y<rfChlc*«olB-: Charles M^IbbI. »as a .Traverse spent
Sate}' with Myrtle Helffrich of
t. nil moving to -The Bnosmere^ tba Oty caller Friday last,
WBT AIjrtBi.
' middle ^
of nest Booth
month ............
';i Mr. and Mrs. Maro
rewmed Satnr- . The lamer* are plowing their
AB.r ; Mrs- AiklihoQ ^Bcl
and Mrs. ChapBO*
Chapman d»r.
d*r. atiw
afier twloe
being absent all «winter. ground ready for cropi.
Itrea In LAke Ano.
Barbara Wlskoditi and Their many friends are clad I
ed qq
OB im.
Frank Smith drove to wwb SaloB
, Mrs. VIctof
.... *a» amonget t
‘ oooc.
and Mrs. R. M,-adgeomb have
•trentag at
,*»—*------------------ h ‘ a"hrpidii mumedT,^ Gmnd '
Mr. ad Ml*. Ooo. Burgees.
j„|,„ Kalanda has boen prunlng.frDh Rapids Saturday evening.
tree* for Fred Aikinaos.
I. Prank Haiyey of Coder
gneeta of hie slater and
PCSTOVBUAMta. Sam Myei*. Tueaday and
A Darodavil Rida
orien ends In skd accident. To heal
Joseph Bronson Is on the sick lUC* c-rae City have moved I
ty waa^ at Tiarofte diy
aecldemal Inintlea. use Backlens Ar­
Wm. Boeman of Oabom anent Sat- Rcrt hPuie at the briei yard,
nica Salve. 'A deop wound In ray fool,
** ^ooT*"botir ‘ win be i nrtay_wd _8uniiday with his daughter. ' j<>« Galemo bad U
the Bominc at 10 o’clock.' Mrs.‘.W». Keklerhouse. and family, -cut his fo« very badly last'Tluirs.laj-. from an accKmi." writes Theodore
.. ™niT
iprll 16th.i The
.........fttrmem...................Union held., moetln,
whose death occurred Schuele. of ColumbM.'O.. "eausetl me
Physiclina wen? belpley*.
iltTmuThtraes Inplace. In U>* P“« O®**^ “!>“»•
Sunday night, was burled Tuemlay at great pain. _____
but Bucklen’t Arnica Salve ouickiy
l .be a ball ame on the. Sainrday evening.
id braU bams
»■.----lira. It T. Sullimn of Empire spent.
^urdajrAnd Sunday with J<*n Dago i work for the Traverse <
•^^> n. O. K.
wen ,
The Port Oneida postoBce was! Prank Heard left Tuesday for Mon-' <
to Maple
today. Ourpcut-t
TSeniekrt-jortM^April Bth at Mr.Snored
^ City
has re-1

™. i"nSk'’A.I3SJ.''?i. I.

_________- & *11
«aa oowdated of fee <
at tfle am «cu,
socia] ...A.
nod 0,.

lnt«rt«t (tXND** poimded seiu*

CoDSSit as Eye Specl^Ist for

Eye Troubles

Shoots of Lelnnd.
Ml*. A. M. Cook snd four children
of Trawrae aty spent last week In
bidding farewell to friends nnd relntlves of (bis place. Mrs. Cook and
fninlly expect soon to uke their d«-

Htrn „
Cross Eyes uriil R<-RtoDPeift-Ct Vision l»y tin- use
ofoarepeoiDljrrouiid I-nsos

thelr new home.
to oatTT ont a>V ‘Bm*ldOai
' Miss Oeorgia Paulus spent a fc?
; days wUh her ais^. Miaa Coral, a
IHIIOC Siiilona
Ba;-. ' /
Dr. Slcplcka and artfc spent Monday
at Traverse 'City, returning In th.


Dr. P. A. Wolfe,

Dr. B. L. Paulson,
^ravora* City, Mieh.


• Allowed oa
Cheated Death.
Kidney trouble oftno cade fatally,
but by choosJac the right ntdldne, E.
H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, lova. cheat­
ed death. He aays: "Two years apo
I had kldno}- tn>cM«. vhirb nosed
- riBB




be ^tkdttVBB




;SssS:sst3ES.'Si-^ .


BngHab and Oerman t
i w"

ercmlng. April to. All an invited to

t'puas Xe« Yort «B|doyen> ead the
lockooi od earp^ters. oow oa for aotae
aontha. a natloMI strike of the brn*bertood am he called on the coKracto
Of Betnfaers of the'Mi^orers‘'asaocla.
Uua Ul al cities.

r»»» ri 11» ,»«I«»»I»»»»«»«»»»»t f
Ibkd they have no^qoal. Johnson Drug
SloiO Co. F. H. Meads. 6. a Walt A
Sosa, drrtggtotc. guaracteea tbehe ni


Wh^t You Can Do inj Wontbs
at thi tramrsi Oty Business College
You can complete our OFFICE ROUTINE,
BOOK-KEEPING, improve your ARITH­
You can complete the TEXT BOOK on SHORT
HAND,‘Take several weeks of DICTA­
TION, learn TYPEWRITING and im­
And your whole expense will 6nly be TWENTY-RIVE DOLLARS
Come and see us at once.


Mr. and Mrs. Blm



We Can Save You Money on Anything in House Furnishings.
from the exten*
ar«, enabled to do this by the fadt that the quantities in which wo buy enables us to underbuy and '*’1®'’®^*’''"sy
we not



-Wily get the lowest market price but the saying in freight alone means considerable. NO BETTER PLACE CAN BE FOUND in Northern Michigan to mako
ir spring furniture purchases than right here where we guarantee better value for the money invested than you can get elsewhere.




only....... ........................... $38.00
Oth.T8 from ^!2:!.7.> to Stfl.tK).


to ditrcivnt Ktyl<« lunl Ri»-s. al pri.v*
tiuit tiinuot In? «lu)ili<-»Uvl liy 8iiulli-r

A larRu
Ui(^> m solid polisliud
quartcnid nnk from


Fran $4.75 np. in aU gmdoq.

Chnd's nursery Chairs
Bevegul diSorait styles to select fran.


An assortineDt of 40 difforent stylo*.

Yqiir M Is M

A 6ne lot t.f

p'Mep oak

grado Axoiinstor.


tumls at Ives than ••ost.


Pick out

your carpet iipwr we will hold it
for yon.

dust a small |Kiymeutduwii

$16.00 Buys


A first elasB Sewing liaebine. guarantixd in every ies|)cct.‘ Others fran $12
to $4.1- Don't fail to loci these over
u-fon- buyiiiK. Huy a Kood muebine
ami h-t it pay for its<-lf by payiiigns the
money in small imymetiU - that U saves

Foldina flO'Carts

Oil Cloth and
f'.iniploto assonuioiii iti all gnuh-s.
W.- have l.imdoum in two iiii'l
four >Tml ivitioras and «ui wvor
.any •• withimi' s<wms.
Sov<.rar reniiiaiits less than nist.


Art Siioares luid rot.m sia- m>rs al

A j."**! htriiw mattinir at Ik- juT ,vd.
tveveral 9-iiort .-iids bolow eust.

hns to pay for them.


'of patterns in smaller nn.'s. »'•
clutling every style ami iRltd.-tlumarket furnishes. '


From l.“.'i to
.lust ri,-eciv.vl miotlier
■i<ig?-hii)monlof thos.-|»jpular priced Ge>.
Carts, ranging fruni 810 b. $30 for the best
.■oiiihiiiatidn of Ix-jiiity ami Rivi-mrlb e«.*r
shoKTi hen- for the tiioiiov.

A iiiio iiiK- of gouts’ high L'mili- lUO-'i
wheels at U>ttom pnit*.

Ulindow Shades
We make
Any color, inly timde.
« sp«-ciidty of odd size r iTtaius.

Swowmm m« Twai*rmrwm Oi«y. Kile- n«g>l«Sm «v*sJ *rMe



just about whnl ibo average


will soat ten i«»ple. i.l 7.7.*^.^..10. W.OO
ami $io.


Ev.T>thiiig from hniip to the- Ix-st

morris Chairs


Wo arc showing nn ologsnit lino <>f nil
slot‘1 oonslruc^'d at
fi.-V). 10.00 uud
12.00. TliMf won-pnrt'hused ospAwly
for tlio trado thill wishirs to oomhine iH-anty uud ntiliiy, huiidsomo i
sigii and in-rf.vtiuti in c-uiiRtniotion. OUk-ts fmui 4.7.*i to S^iO.

$15 to $60
Fiom SO eta up. In Uits aseortuient }ron wil) Im>
sun* to find just the chair you want at jiint the
|HToe you iiitendnl to pay.

From $4. 2.*i to $27.00.

nii<l yOur owTi time <>u Udmice.

Cook Stoves

.fhliere. up tn SV).00.
An («oei>tioiially d m*
Kne of ixipnlur {iriuod
bonniB in solid niid
qimrt(>r oak at from
$30.00 to $30.00.

70 Dinerent Styles of Dinina Cbairs

Extension Cables

■ A liitrh (Tnidi-. si.v hole stei-l niiii;i-. sill
nelicstos liin-d. hi}jh <-los.-t. ns•Tvoir. will Inini fillu!*, w.iotl «>t n«J.
haiKleoniolv iii.-khd, just like cul.

One just like cuL
In^ idhte glou. two
• siuall dniwors, <me litw-d
for silrur nml one liitvu
liiu'ii dmwer. lumdsomt*U iinbh<*l iu (vtddvii
onk, only



4 i..u(.:vijM


Wo iirido uurwlvtf)^ on mir di*i>biy*of rockers.


is l>y far the best inul Iniv^t-nssorttnent in North­
ern giHiigan.
U' found here.

Any style or any priced chair can

CtjbWerhent Boeker. well made, worth $4.00 for
only....................................................................... ..


Buy Now, Pay Lain

vT /

'' "



toUy uiwtAto aoii Midwife
1>e tocial Klirca riKUr erMlw
JoMivti «M1 wife «r TiwiwfM; week. They wlH «e gntoy
VUI Ptckeas hs* cone to CsJHttf.,. wm «w1I etuoded ssd sbost IIS .wm
. mMliw s r«« «sr* >s ow'tbeir. B..AsrA. wfcenllnMd Mn.:wtiei« Ae hM Mvored toptoymt.
SpluIkMi were sMlre workers, «Bd ta
A. X Seett of TrmrerM Oty wss a
Bn . HcMh preoeked Simd^
a ToMBOBd wife of tk« Nsmws I otter circles w weU.
• bateiws taller In lowa tost week. . owlse totte llleeM of Rer.Ctepester.
ere la tows yesterday.
Jsy SpaaHe tethraed Batarday eTffe, Mies Daisy Hills of Kiasafey is tIsMr. Beebe U stlllnry IsipF sad sbBee »»T ■unn and wife tere
»ve I Uf
laf noM
(n» Tdiedo,
TeMo. (NOD.
>i Hias
Kias ficr
tar lataer,
fatter, r.
P. B.
s. HUia.'
Mma.*^ •
aMe to work. .He ..i.
eras .ten while loadaad
MIm Clira Wnrehats apeat last - Oeo. C. MeOtifead of Travwae C3ly tax ears at Bast Head,
tar-;weak ia Traverse City TtstUas rela- dha a teslocM eaHer Ib towa last' Qaltr a bbibIw aneoded G. Lote
~aad*ll^teowij. of Trar-,
saver's 1show at Traversr City SatBr» tteir sraaddaacMer ^ Uvea.
z left Moitoy Mratos
Joe Meyers has retBroed.froai Ohio.
I'm. WQaey save a birthday pany
e Rosaraa of Leiaad speat;
IBS- diaaer Saaday laal. He was W. HS
a few days last week as the sasst of. kegaa to vUU a sister, who U very Iti. received a nmaber of pfeseats.
a«^.:tte saest cf'MIsa yioraBemaser last Mhl HBrib.t.
The work of eonstroctMB of par- Soata BoardaHa spoai Saoday sritk B. Itiax Hr«. rnree.
Mia. A. 8. PrlU U aarUag two fel- tor's store besaa Moaday aroralax aad, F. Tracey aad wife.
Mra. Host has a »ew img carpet Jast
nSIl te to be e social M the M. E.,I ees
oa oae tead.
U pragreaslag very rapidly.
Mlu L. J. Boyd of WlUlansbura has' eotapleted.
•ifeWte asst 1-............................................ A B.
■ lOM a KOOd borsh i Mr. Arsetrooc. owasr of the copy-' pm la a taUllaery slock ta the botldlas
The woolca mill has eoaiiBHwed
laat'Tosaday nlabt.
. riabta of tbs draaia wrlttea fioai Lcog- recently oeeapled by the ^tt^ce.
work for the scaaoa.
dsnebiiw of. fellow'a Hiawatha, was here last WedMias Phraswmh visited frieads la
- ___ _ ^u»it Late tore besB rlslUn* her tie- • Boaday lookla* over locaUooa, both Klngaley.Saiunlar.
Mr.ABd Mfs-Mayawd of latarloeteB .
n riabee here aad at OBeaa.
Mrs. j. R. Btukbolder Is mndi im----------------------4^ <•
Baldwin left for her aeif homo
;«twood April S. Many of her
her .
tended the 1
, MIm Alice Oin of Harbor Sprlajs U. lex at Trav<
. Ity lam week.
Mr. Hoiiidav aavo a fine oaienatnBIIStBFOBS rBPiiSimPH
d«ya here.
here, the sneatof. W. G. Ca
i^adlac a few dpya
Caras or-Cadlllac la In town meot last week at Drake's hall.
- Mrs. H. B. Gill. '
«D bosiness.
■d by wraoc KrsnriK
Ellerr Potior has inae to WrMwood
Wb. WQsoa ratmad Satarday
Mrs. MaUiews aad alBter. Miss Maod. The toanrsi of M. Markham, who
• A
. n.
to work for Walter Harris.
I Wedaeaday evho- 1died last Friday niabi.
Will Carpeaicr ^
and wife apeat »
a **■»
few 1 clran »k.oi*i.(Bs. Netic* the low mpplv esn
lax la honor of their sister, Mrs. Ella .erday at the iT E. tearch. Her.
Green of Harbor Sprtnxs.
Bnrtite o«ctaltoe- Mr. Marktem had
At a meeUnx of the aebool board lived bme bat: a fel
few nombs.
..... ......... ... .........- .
• • • Batarday


toUowiBi loK that
tbai time
time has
has endeared
endeared himself .0
Tlinradky Is town.
teachers. were
_ _____
torthe eosnlax »ii;
He was aoTcaty-foor y
Ilea' Aid win mdet Thnraday
- lesT
_ wife,
leaves. a
daughlers. one dauabter telteVMr. Scott earn a stew tere three
<Mr;a»d ^s. Oeo. Harrmt and Bra.
iin. ], u Oomst^ Manied 8atar-j[atermediMei Mlaa Laum Uadi^.aec- iiSSk'i • Chit
~—alriicd fHcBds lB :)teTene!day from Onte RaMds, where ate o«d latenaediat
vtet for treauseat ate 1a Mach Im-,third {atsrmsdlat.. .
roved la bsaMh.
primary dimaitmtiil.
) ererybodr reoonsd a m>a>l
Mrs. BlB Orssa of Baiter Bpeiagt
Mrs. WhUteste aad family hare
At the llanee hotel It a W.-C. T- U.
apeat Satvr^ ate 8____ , _______ ■,, moved Into
- the cottage vacated by Or.
hows Mac% gosM of Mrs. Bmtors. R. r Ftaod.
ts Hutersda sf-TipvsfW Cfty .
Mra. P»d Bordwaz Mpen Thors ; The Northm Dls^ Soadar
It birthday with the Haace family.
i&teol coBTceUoo waa held la the M.|
RBmsw JtIdAm of Boipe Oty. aow j
' There are dajw of dUslness:
tech a annay ^ sorrouaded by a
Spell. o{ headache. Sldeache. back: halo
___ Of
-. silvery
rilrw etuis.
enris. She la ^rs.
Quick, awiher of Mra. Haape. ^
Roben Carpesfer is agala\xoaMra. Stooeboots of Cadlllae arrived_____
Oaed to her bed with rWumatlamT
Word, of. Wptoome., W. F. > Often urinary dlaorders. ___ _____
All trti yOu plainly the kidneys are . Mr. and Mrs. John Slarrow have


Far.Ahar <
and V

^an Using



to asaitt bis aw ^ Hi

at «k* nmn.
light- g.
8. ^

Is proof la Traverse City.
of Tjj
713 wJhsier
^*PoMT Wurzburg returned ^urday;^«^?hSh^to^8oteay*sS«>i?
Mrs. B.
E. Dunning,
Dtimilng. W

-rom a botlaess trip to Chl-:Mr. H. Marrla: Vocal duet, Mrs. Ben- atreet, sajw: 'Pains
across my back
tuea and Mra.,Van De Walkw: Foonh and hips wer
IS aervous and ^
prayer nssflng will b« held --In the chareh." Prat J. P. Maibe^rs. busy at woiic.
Agregailoaal <chnrdi Baater > DUcussIob. Maalc. BubIbcm. G. a. attacks of hoadwhe. dlulneta and
la the Coogrsgailoaal
_______ _
, Crakw. prssweot: Clara B. Thomaa, Binktng spell.. ^ k*-w It would not do
Bra MaiT WUaon waa the vlcUm of! seoretarr- At the bsMsesa meeting ' to let it go any longer, and being prosiratod la bed In
m the wlpier «
18#7. 1
a iniprise party given by a aomber of Mip. Van De Walker
Walkw cf'teuon.
of Bauons Bay tratod
Kretary fm- the en.Blag
had a pUyalclan treat me. 1 obtained
the ladlaa of the L. O. T. M.'lam Pri-' waa elected secretary
e relief
lief but waa not weU
... as •*day aftsnooo. The afteraoea was ^ year.
spsnt la ebarerastkm aad music, after; There wlU be special Baater aep

* • anpper was - served.
--------------------whleb a bmmttfol
- rlehs held Jn -•
d la the M. PUU and they helped me from the
........... .................... ..........
...... ...... ....... ...
uiyiwM rr^iuu#
«nt. 1I UBVU
fonr boze. in all aad am
Aiwre thioate town cate bedceL
Chaa. A. Neteoa spent a few days so well pleased' wfth Uie reanlu that
JI 4o not beeluie to recomtawd thi.
It waa called to Olw Ap
anyone who auffeiw a. I did
charge of tbs l^rthoppe.
M long.
he a apsclal Easter arr- > onoer rocs aao wue «• oniwo
For sale by sll dealers. Price SO
Apr. >7 cents. Fteter-Mtlbum Co.. Buffalo, N.
''------- Wtloaal' cbnrte apsot Satarday aad Sanday the
! Ur. aad Mrs. MUo Pnrmaa have rv ,r„
1 and an Baatsf'of
Bsstsf'of titeyaiater.
titeyaistsr. Mrs. Kelsey.
,V„ .oie
sole agen
agenu tor
fnlu-d States,
'J Igm WlU be gfeea
gIVSB at
- the Fvtcod*
V44 Welker
nr-.w-. of
-e Buttoas
i Mia. Van De
Bay < taraed feom the west, where they
' - the name—Dean's—and
harestwnt the winter.
■ ■ mch la tbs> emlng.
•• 1 3. wnsr of Oleo Hai

The Grand Triw^ 81 Arizona
Mining Company

wniri fnr Twin Rivera
ate Mrs. Ira WoU|,j^.„^

la Jsaals Cooroy ta woriclag at the

and wife Haves tor
N«Ui Dte<na thU week.

Boae Office TramK City, Hkh.

A Continual Stfstn.
Many men and womoi are coostaatr aahjected to t
term “a ooatlnual alraln’* beeauae of
some Bnaoelal or family tronble. It
v«an: aad dlttresse. them both mentally ate pbyaiealiv affeetlag their
badly and brlngtag oa liver aad
ailments. wHh the atiendant
^ eonitipation. Jon of appeUie,
Meepleunes*. low vltalUy and 4
•pqndeney. They cannot,- as a mlo,
itc£ rid of this "eoailnnal strain." but
they can remedy Its health-destroying
fre«neat doses
dose* of
....... ... by
, taking
______ -..,_.nt
Green's Atignst Flower. . It toaes up
the llroP. rtimnlaies the kidneys, lasurcs taeslihy bodily functions, gives
vim aad spli. .. ___
and eventually dlspris

Over 700 Acres Rieb Mineral Lanis


R. R. Dntcber has retnreed from
r asptir from bore atteadte thejrer.
_____ _ eveo. _
mad (unlly hare SlockhHdge.
W «t Ite poor tom Friday
Will Wllliamaon
Armer Frtlick has returned fromJ
. «te
i1 moved iiInto their new cotfage oh the
'BBlUras of Cedar Vlailte ailhOL
Dick and purchased the Will Crego
** ‘' Satarday aad Suteay.
Henry Spinulkra baa sold his farm farm.

arrest of their fri4»d..Aliss Lcontiera.
Serofuit. sett rheum, etyalpelas aad
daughter of Oen Leontiera former other (lUtrcssiDg eruptive disease.
> '•’>■1 quickly and iiermaneni
governor of Poland gad PolUva. „„
4 Burdock <
the charge of being an «

Forty known ore lodgoo.

Act pmmpUy.
without imtiee.

Pricco eu]>i^ to advaneo at uy time

129 Ei^ Front Street

Touths Salta toft ormirom the sale.
BwaU now solu tor yoatte. made
from the rery heat of i
ote mtee by export tailon. gUa
*■................ .................................-•fbAO

dMp Mi*d(fllew PBnliie<n

This is our 12th Spring ofieoing we are annoaocing to our friends and patrons, and it has; been
the most '
trying and the most painstaking of them all. For eleven years our aim has been to deal but good
,.od reliable merchandtse at prices withm the reach of all. We appealed to your confidence and won it. We; appealed
to you
a^n at the beginning of the year and invited you to participate in a Closi^ Out Sale, being; fully confident of
e stocks had been well reduced. - We had all kinds of offers but none that we
could accept. Our stocks were greatly reduced, and every day dwindled them down till they reached such small
proponions that 'doing business was an utter impossibility. Spring was here and we had no seasonable goods on
hand, and with eKpenses going on in the meantime, it 'would m disastrous to remain inactive. The situation com-,
pclled usAo restock eveiy department with new seasonable goods in order to keep our patronage and hold our
own. Our going to the maric« so late imabled us to buy at a great advantage—great sayings on every line, as the
wholesalers and jobbers were glad to take a big discount to close out stoclu 'for cash. Tnese reductions wc are
now offering tayou on brand new seasonable goods, to our mutual benefit.
We will continue in business till the sto» is sold in bulk. The results of our Going Out of Business Sale
were alike benchcial. to our patrons as well as ourselves. You bought goods during this sale at cost and below.
Our stocks have been cleaned up and some lines entirely closed out. Having the cash, we were enabled to buy
(under a depressed market) fresh new goods at greatly rf^ced prices, which we now place before you at money
.^saving prices. Comparatively speaking, you have a New Store in your midst, with a new stock bought right,
where you can tra<^ in confidence and ger the most and best of everything Rt special low prices. Pay us a visit.

Mar Caps


All hats left over from the sale go a(
«loal«oqt prices.

ns Grestsit Bi is Tears Is Osr
^aamr^- ootwal

llata of

Wc price Uem to you at
a auYlug ed about ooc-thlrd.

Latest Styles in dtati

91 inch Faacr Feularde. all fllR ..Sto
19 inch black All Silk TaScu....4Be
37 inch black All RUk Taffeta, good Yard wide »a<dc Taffeta 811k. good .

30 Inch Habuial Silk
36 inrb Faaev Mohairs, In the preur .
new shadiagi and weaves ......48a
shadings SB'I weaves..
4S iBcb Fancy Mohairs, la the ptetiy
new shadings'and weaveo. la the

and .white, to retail from 60c to S'

Rew Wssk Gsods sM WslsUic»



...... -...........Jto
i« Woii' sWl^'

For a>«o and ht^. in Yacht. Tourist
and other nyUsh sliapea. tk ote 60c
NEW HATS for all. The Stetaoa



Mew tiwihirto. Me. SUM afid $1JO

New MMA'ISe la .

ity. b

^ tateresdsT Prices SB

grand spring opening

Power Plitnt in c^mnttion.

Call or Bond for prospMtnp, Wo Boatantte nil oar sthtonents
of facto to be true. Careful managcmenL FairtmstiiM»tto«U
Stork par ralno.ll perohare. We will oeD for n abort tiran
trmsiiry stock at 30c u-r sluuv. eash. or 25c^ thitn, 16o oanb,
and ten cento
jonto defunvd aad to be pakl fion dirideods. No sale
leas than nO ihareo


Brery ktad. tlte im to.................. IMb
AU the aew goods are priced at extra
low-dnr«a Mail be aeen to bo folly
Special cloalag oat prleua oa all chill
drea's clothtog caertod over 'frtaa

Bmi *t Oi?e Creek. Ailiiit

Ores How Is SltM Make Ssccess Astired




bUR MIUJ.NERY. otevr tte maaagumeat of oar ahto and laa««pvrl«Kte trlmmor. Miss Morrissv. will
ran toll forev tte «nUn> aeaseo. W'«
vlll coaUanv to makv and wmodri
hats oTall kinds aad carrfnl atioa. ilOB vllt be paid to all tjamers. Oi,ters'prouptlr ezccoted.
A large stock of artistic MlUlaerv tell
greet rou rem on the malt^^ww:most beaatlful patten baUezmiej
bv eoM of tha bnt arilais la Chicam and New York; are ^kwd very
reaaoMMr- Our mock of Street Hats
are a ooHecUoa from aeteral of the
eastern taettatoi ate are In alt the
■qrlUh ste^ that Si the tend aad
face soRMelv Mils eMsoa.

New Fabric Gloves. 2to to............61S0
Lo, or aew mad Bag................. 2to up
.-ascription aud^

Paficy Pinows. a close oni. values SSe
to 63JI0, wbkh-arc aboni one-tbird
off tbe rvKular prices.


■ Ul
......................... ^ ■

................................................................... »*

No. 4A Sue All Silk RiblMos tor ..Ma


................................ ....

o fdSall amoufii
spring needs. Will uniil furibcr aotlce sell OB our re<v payment plan
as bcretoforc.
Full line of WALL PAPER from the
oheap4!*i to the best.

New Mohair .Lustre, ia cheeks and

................. **

New Ginghams, regtdar to qaallty. to


d a manlo •l.«o.

Made of ibe new Fteicy StUUngs ate
Mobain, very Iate« styles, for
ladin ate misses, a regnlar $S.M
ektrt ................................................ OAO
Wns ta the tne grades of fascr
and plala Mohairs and Paaamaii.
all afathed and are extra raloes.

SS dozen extra fine SwIsr Rmbreidetod Haadkerchicr.. wonh up-to


Ike Gresiest Talici ii WsiMs we
Ever ks< Is Offer.





Made of best Percale, good patterns
and well made and pretilly trim­
med. alt prices up to.................. I1.M
SPECIAI^-Oood mallt.v dsrk Wrap­
pers. caped and trimmed, full


A few Silk JackeU la lost year's styln
at greatly reduced prices.

98c, S1.29, $1.48

Dmibl. r.m
RM.i* Crmat

............AS. all
prices np to...... ...................... SZJIO
Good Fancr Lawn Klmoyi.............. Se

.urk. fMt Mi.

fC ‘


Oiwnr. WB«OMI«


jpMrer 6 Mfv JBHKr pon-

_ _

ar M< «n-!*«^MkVMa
«seee <B ponHjr br ft MrtM of ftBnjr
TrtMnfttChB )m>lBe*» MftftBalft «• «rtor l« »
Ci«ue» I TrMioe dtf koepitia. H* Ml In the
itreet tm etpomr* «ftd cumt^.

9tn BBlim Mf*


tac VlUk kU MB. J. I

at if fuo^


____ lUSSl^ h» WedBM-


4bt oMMt Mfk ftr tk** »«*i.__ _
Mn. R HeCBTtkr. Mr». 3. O. CrotMT BBd Mn. O. U fkBtoo wmi »IIjHMW ft
Mr. 8f«bM at TiftTWftf Cttr wm Ib | c. P.
tOvft todftjr •• bBfinff.
; (iM. ^
B«r. B. C Myaw mrnnat Ttmt._____
•TMfBK pom ft TlMl with teWlieft ia' =



^wl' a Thar«r ftaJ dfti^ter A8A i

aturday. after
the lot!
loreh and Uj
: Ike nmr e( tke M. K ehoi
------_M?ra«i. Mr.!
______ _
____ aepcral houaca tkla,
a—rr for reoUns patpoftca.
MIm DftUr MlUft rcumed rMterdftT i
OB a fbort rialt la Flfa kfth«. -

tt oae of the oldPtt and b^t known
Wtodmills. Sold under very be«
guaramee—both Mill and TowerEvery farmer knows the old
wood wheel windmill;* it will
last longer than any other wind
mill made. We also sell Pumps.
Pipe, FittingB and Tanks.

miOL PHmai Md BineM and niM

____ Frtiik of llortb MUtoft ap«M

■1 Soetil Mtlten. ■MM Bftaa TrrreU «f «A Bapldf Pift-1
itad with tier paredU kere.
_d ehlldm bftTc
OftOTte Frink and wife aitd de&ck-1
__________ MftlBVtlBrftvMlkpralB tor of ABcri fttteoded ^ereh eerpleea.i
*'^S*A«fbrt>ih«f of AncaU Mm'
4^ M ftiMftd the Priftftdf BBftrteriy Wednnday alcbt of cBiniBittloii and
M burled In the KeeradB eeneterr
"StaiilMW asm op from TmtBW
«toMbS«ft kne X«d at paopta to ^..a
WrSSTom^toaatiot. A large
a are on the aiek lift.
PBBberwe pniSit .

J. r. Barren of Lsaia
chftMd tie BMd CUT I
biMB 3. P. Sw«ftrtB«eB.

I. VftUnr «reet. Sawr- mmt.

rnniBdar of thU
lUid DowBor ftpeet Sfttmdfty

at tftraft. eou. epniaft. actMeftta -at

Tkft iiuk talkf lore T^. Wood'*
Norway Fiae Syrup. Fkanat to take;
perfectly harBkofl; poMUre cure fgr
coashft. eobU. beoBehUk. aatkBa.

^Htery SftBUBOBf. Wm. Vr*t aoi »•!
mar Dotjr »e(L Bfttartffty for Bmoa

vlib.bM^ pftTM
pftratf at Wcxfepi gBpdftr

BodOr pftlB hMfft Mft temp tr rtfo***.

M Ons b«r

- T.W


J Ob

TB Catr* b


116 and 117 State Street.
We sell Hardware. aO kiiMU4>( Farm Ma­
chine^-. laopleaieotB. Wnflona. Bupj(nes.

The “COLUMBIA" Dry.Cells .are the kind you


should buF to ignite your gas engio&
Grand prize awarded the “COLUMBIA" DryCeUs
at the Louisiana Purchase Expo»itioo. St. Louis, 1904.

Dealer in Automobiles. Launch and Gasolioe
Engine Supidies.

OtlSBB’snMe Mt or 4S.


Trarsns dty.lll^

J£SP™“ «.»

Albert Braaer k pr^iaHai; to build
-. and Mra Bea>T Haft* a large addKlon with atone bafteaeni
to hk bam vhkb be buUt two yeara I

M MBe Obc. » aoae beder.
Wb. Pmtekt kaa aoM kk tarn
A. 3. M«Ml and Mra. Che^ aad bou^t ike Urm of Mn. Bmll
Mbbm «Bf «a>M » MantoB laat BattntaBoo./
Steuittend Ike
■etas aad will kelp kk talker work |


Mra. Frank Itocert.

^^qpjynr**la WUa» tar Byron


Mmrd OartoU kowht a teffte

Henry Beamer toft kere Baturday to
rkit hk uade weft, of Kkupitoy. who
k man to «o to Idaho.
John Beeiy drove orer ftoa Wesford
DM'Saturday, at ll:ta p. a., of
nk, Bkl
Bk^ lataat
Mr. aad Mn. 1
as^d doreu Boatba and tweftty-thm

<knmtkuiU<ay.oTe«»n». ApHI Wtb.

I Whrrai. Jr., haa kk ban ita
4M10 Ckltatopker of MatdHoft If
t tar data Warm on kk

tar SB fldAMBd.TWt.


The Ladlea' Aid ftoeMy net Thunafteruoon at Mn. Frank Sayera’
aewed tor Joe SfotL
bao ptourkw and k
eootsad to the I
t^hf. Spaulding cut hk knee HoodayrThe Injury k tepottod aettoua. *
Mra. Beit Hopktaa k miorted alA.
Mela UanlcoM b the totoat rlcUin

There was a dance Balunlay ntfeht
al Oftotse f>epleT*a
Mn. Bauion k aot 4m wel],^^ U
eoaSned to her bed asatoObH Carpeater has nored tn\tbe
tain of Wb. Futon..
Quito a good many realdenk from
tab plaee attended the High echool
.............................manky. Fridayl


|el^ ta'fltojytl^^rtct altera "'^Ui^Ma^licMIehwl tJ^Tnve
City pWted Miw Marbn (
Wilt Jackaon and Jor HoldT^^^ pye apent iaai areek la Trar- croft drop# to Trmvenc City Bai
llki Maty Knight apent I
wHb ftfeada here, returning to
U a tam aeaa the Baaato ad
cm eSy-Mooday.
I. We ehall be aotry w ban tl
Maud Bauy.dtd shopplag la Tiar-



prank Daltcll k around dcUrertog
ftWU treca today.
Mn. Tucker of Cedar Run rklted
f Tonng
taai’ "
of TnTene
soon MBAIR.
I ’iilra
Mra 'Mlnnto
Minnie Joknaon
^-ir i CBy k TlaHiug her parenu. Hr. and
Oraat Chunk AM act w^ Mra, Mn. Sidney BbeSer.
ekWBknm tew Wednt^
Hi. nnd Mn. T. F t. While aad fainMr Md Mn. J. Paal apSt two daya Uy. Akin Sailth u

Itad fttaata la ito Hty an MM •

Mn. BHghty k ekBlag her u
Mra PTtoM.
Miu. V J. Sekel) drove
Mra Chaa. Deake aad Uttto daugkter
.^-jt a few daya wttk mWlvea here

tugar last TUeaday evening at A.
Mlaa Uxtle 1
her work at W. Uotner a Sunday
Mka Bertha Jcgie aad Jbn Paaek
urove to Oood Harbor Saturday. n>
turalagjiom'r Sunday evening.
■ Mka Uule Wlnkiuler and Bddk
Ookey attended the aurprlie dance at

Oka Burtowa k oa the M Hal.
Mh^? tan
aewa. It k J. A. ny viaticd Jaaiec Good and fanliy Sun-!
kaaaedy who haa boagm the rergnaon day'afternoon. They all eojoredthcaiSnaB Wexford.
________ a aawed. . '
t buiMlng ft
Wait Uftka AM win Beet with rMa. ] Mr>. Hanhab Weetjohn and too BerAlloe Cripgea April atb. <nard went u> Traveree city today.
Mka Mtaa McCoBba vrfn lead Ihrj Sidney ShcBer and aon Cblck i
taMue BKetlag next Banday cvmlag. tended the I. O. O. F. halge ai TnvBrwy oae lavbed to attend.
erne Oty laat Tboradaj- evenlag.
d Mra. CauMp ------------------ta extmaa' I
theta thaufca to thooe who got up the
aIb CuauluahOB.. tafani tailM <
•uod hoe for iheB taat Toeodar. to aU: Mr. and Mn. LeeAard ^usmuguam. w
Mo cose, and alao to Jotau Keaoedy i MarSiM. wu»4iaHt April -IK. t»»4. aod
tar the oae of hk wood sachlae.
died Api.............
...... wav 11 nonih.i
Apta IS ISte.
„ 27 tort.
Ttf fuawftl took^iaiN' at toe May-<
Ate.n SeU
ebapri Monday
' Thataiay. “The GemKcr*.- by Trar- i E. W. Wood t^ekika The lew
fnaCot talenu staca ben Prl^ j LAa «MC.
kite well (Mended. The j Tbc (____ - - -......... oa» aad wreatha:
... choir
. conaloedi
Iter fma the audiandl- of B. James.
Jameo. Mr. HolUday. Mk*
Rurtoted aiuch laagh'tr
The Ttadtayr hetwwm a«a by - moas. Mn. J. Qtbba and Miw. Ada!



QCATS or MKgnoAB. ONftW ta

Anniial Muslin Undewcar Sale

EARLY- EVERY STO^E holds its Muslin
Underwear Sates in Jibuary or February.
We believe this a better time than when the
mercury is at zero, for now people are changing
trom winter to spring clothing.
Another reason if, we postpone^ buying uniU
late, waitiok for the price of cotton toVeach a luwer ^
mark than it has been for the past year. Au a con­
sequence we are showing the finest line of goods WE
EVER had and at PRICES that are below what you
usually pay for goods of a like quality.

We have rearranged our store so that this dcr
partment is entirely separate from thd rest of the
stock, so that, you can select your underwear at your
Uisure. and without the confusion thvyou get where
stocks arc close together. This departmeot is so
arrang*d that the goods can be shown to better advantage. In Addition to the lOw price, the usual WHITE

The MusUn Underwear Sale Started Friday Morning, Aprii 14
Corset Covers at 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c, 85c, $ 1 and $1.25
Drawers, 25c, 40c, 50c, 75c, 85c, $1 and $1.50
Gowns, 29c, 50c 69c, 75c, 85c, $1 to $3.75
Skirts, $ 1, $1.39, $1.50, $4.69, $ 1.75 to $4.50

m loto-a 1^
I eta aay of Juna. A. O- i VOS.

Theo: lines are so eat jisive >rc cannot attempt to describe them, bat sre know yon will appreciate it and
will find it iomplete in every, detail and at satisfactoiy prices, in our selections we have noy forgotten the little
tots. Dtesses, Skirts. Urawem, Waists, Aprons, Bonnets and Caps, Kverythipg in thb line.

C.«int' . *t»r

«k&Ntt tlUVCIISE fttitiuA


Reasons Oiliy
inillMB AmwCfS Tt»tet»e CU>|.>

test M<^<r.
■ t< Uie
of Wlllten
B. Bteilk of Tnvan* Ciir «m rt«d
. wMk sorrow by ^te May frtends bore.
Mbrr BrnpoUiteo wHb tbe teBlIy

' A»».»
Br*.-«(ottow] SBO daoEhl*^ >iaU»£
atHV. jUlIteKioD's-----------------, Mlw Alleo r*TMt bu r««T0«)
W bOBW te^Baa Sm|dr« ofler spenaWbOlwte^B
I te tow*. Sbe
briber oephw. Hoary
. immm
Pv. who wUI rem,!,
remain • wtort -wtett.
ogbler. Verm Bmacntfi. of


Tlw McVirlcT AnU»mati«<iufio]iui- Eu;riin‘Wth<-lK-bt
L (.huslhirrllhommilxT
o(f inttm.
S. Ko •p-an,
rurts- umutrics. tanililiug rods, or tomplicated -iiK'_
c'luiniein «*f. iiuy khiil. 3.
An doctrioU Etoremor eiumiut(>cd. 10 tinurn »> quick us nny.
other. 4. Owint: to Ibi* q.nick pjvinior, engine will stand .jO jut
cent sudd(*n overload vitimut slackiuc. ‘i. No Kijaslnii'tits ta
getontof order or iiuxzlc- tLc uperator, <■. Aotomniii; vnlv
octiou. ,7. Antomntie oirlwivtioii. Those a*u eselosive loiuts
of the Jic>'icker Autoinutie (ius<4ine Encim-.

W.-»cll lUrdwsrr. all

.»(|--rru Ma. l.iur.v.
aod llarui->».


».«d w. Milir to

bawlna. Umusb btn SI ysat»
81 least iwealy yean older. Fbnaerly
Idle waa a plsatp tfrl witb a ssreet teev
Jan. MeCkwhy ban aor«4 rraa Tra« ami rununicd look.' Now “»he Iaermua. cerer keeps atilt, baa a bard
*TS«- CUjbit term and opened
. look atoand tbc meatfa. ber Ill's are
men s-ormiaKai
ilnbtly act tugerber. Prince Hoary,
Uchert of Cobbs' Janctioa called
ber coaaart. is laU asd big
at F K‘««n's
Bra. J. D. BrlKfai and two cblUlvti V>d peitinE bcarler all the time.
retnmod «o Maple City Saiarday. after
The ftrcocb chamber nf dAmtles has
spemdina a few day* bore.
. Mr. and Mr^- •M. L. Conklin *-i#lte<i adopted ib<’ ftTFT aafd second srrilaas
of ibe bUl lo.scparaif chnreh and rtaie.
t%c scconit ifction coatains the funda­
mental prtortpJe ofAbe bill *ihsi i!..
Biss Lilllo Wbfficr t> wurkioK for republic neither re<S«nl»cs, provid«.s
Mrs. Kd Vansbo!
Mipends for. aor «ib*WU<> reii:
Au Americao woman, loag a real- toa.“ It passed by a vote of S5T to
dcoi in Holland, says that Qatkm A'll

Oor Barsess

Bonds's miS.OO

Is Seved


With The

Business Suits. Closing

Ciuaiiij; ont wtlr jiriv*’. -. -

f.M-lVtate wortl. hp to tlMO. floaing
Bow Tifs. to rloR.; oul....................................
RirI and Uno .V- lidkfit. ulr prirt-..........
M.-ns .Trfion wi.rk ••F’ks. iwr i«ir..........

Mackintoshes \ I .98

35c BcBdas $«.00a»d S7.50 ^ ^
- 1C
I ic
2c^„ .
out «K-pn.
laK- i»ri<v.........% / J1
23C < ’liwing out

3.V M. t.-R ril.Usl rndorwmr for............
1 5C
Wilson Uroti. SI Dixv^ ShirU.S'>i>iS at- 1 7c ■



lead', others, followi







VOCIfW O^OIOK F'OPt 36 eCN7’9.

waafi without affecting their beauty,
for only SOc. Tbc and $140.
Other cute BenneU for thf baby at
asc. SOc, etc. up to $140.


76a. Me, $1J6.6140. ate.


Only one will be sold to each customer at this price.

at 21c. 42c, «3c, TSc. Me. etc.



ia the queatlen aiwaya asked '
t mother
d In a -^Rl
Whyr Beeauae
oiNnade. haa the little ea> .
usually found only in the
high<oet t»«rdcr garment.
They’re ouch realty good
clothes that we'd like you to
bring your boy for o try.on.
We have every alM for every
eon of bey end every price
tor every son of otiree.
In -tne game of life
help your boy to wlfk


■ 'H W.

PRICES $2 to $5.00,'A

la arfelte anrf piwtty eetert: wnI aati

Men'a and Yeung Mente,
Suita 95i» to $1540.


/ : , \


Made el nic' soft chiffon
Toffeta. exactly like «uL for
only $10.
Pre^ Shirt Weiet Suite,
made erf Sirilliantine. irv r.avy
or bream, for only $7.50.
A rocll line Of


Ciria- Mushn Ordwere at 7

Ooly $10
This riew belled Cravenettc IS made of a good guairty Herringbone Ra'ncloth:
GOiiariesa: h>ck has double
be* plaits running aU the
way down from cellar; new
style plaited sleeve artd cuff,
patch pockets: garment tiirm
med with buttons of sams
material. We ahew it in Tan
or Oxford, and It's a leader

vrerth $640 to $740. for only’


: ^







that’s big enough around the body and small enough in the neck—a shirt that has more room and style and comfon and fit than any we’ve
ever shown before at double and triple the price—all-si/cs—50 dirferent pattcros in all styles—light and dark colors. Our special price for these
shirts U 50c each—but to gfet yon acquainted with the line, we will hold a sale for Three Hays Only.

All MW Mylaa. nicaly tHiwnad. «

City, MiCh.

Present Owners of the Benda Stock.

36 Cents for a Man’s Sliirt





SiperlorttsO'ethers. Sews hetter thss siy other msdiiBe ssd
is Ua hetler Ass us be dose by hssd. (All si the shop ssd See
ttwsrk. IiAsperstedbyPhUUpRkhsrds.Hehss mide bsrsess
lsthlidtyforZ2yesrs;20TesrslnUieeiivleyor Wilhelm-Btf-




out sale

X..wbrHlWMyk^r«1.^........... - . 23c

tic Buiess CBmpbeU Lock. SUtch SewlK JUOIne Which Is

196 STATE 8T..



Overcoats are going rapidly

Bonds’s miB.OO



^ .

Use Herald Want Ads

lfciKht-8 S:Uik*rii.l Huts.*..
Ni’wLiixl $3 IlnlK... J.:...



Trawore* Citv. Ml«h.

Tailor made Suits, self retaining fronts

I.fch SMteh

Ifeei Palm Deacb. na.

'«». aoMOMia
T»a B Frool Strfot

Black all .wool Clay woreted Suits



' i.

Cassimere and fancy worsted Suits, closing

Up'tO’Dak damess Shop

a'piAHe by tnainc dowa
1 in tu Kiwat

I Imvtt jwsl tvtunaal from tin- East wln>n* I iBMle aorh a«^
ntas<iu<-nU tEtl I i-aD buy wool
tlte \vry la's! {sisdlilf ad<
vaiitase to the «.dh*r. mnl'l will jntv the
wIm. s -11 to urn
die hij<htst nterkt-t pries: anti tht-laniuSt of the aiatTially l^O'ld:^
amii;.-ctn<>nta I have nmtii' in the best marteta iu the 'East.
Hring yunr wool to mi*.


Bonda’s $12.00

I Hosea Siaa erf

j power It tAeb
IMM Itrw Terli dty aldermen by ahlil
i the aaaembty at Albany


rbe iknda stock is meUInt' away - take wamiDg! Since the sale of the Benda stock has opened this store has been stormed
by an army of shrewd shoppers daily—hnd the best of it is that the same people come and come again, not alone but with
their friends.! Tell Your Neighbors and bViends. Tliey Will Thank.You. ,

Prod JtefI of Otea Aihor called In.
town aunrilay evealng.
& rilber tiasaaeted business in



Very Prellj Corset Covers
anO Drawers
offered in corset covers and drawers.

Only $10

24c. 28C, 33c. 39c Sl4 49C






.Our buyer has ju« returned and
never before has be bad fortane smile
ojion him as this ^ime.
has bought, from some of the
leading Eastern manafsctnren and hn«
porters Millibety,')^Dress Goods, Skirts,


Shoes. Underwear. Clothing, HSts and
FumidungB at prices


!!• ^ren«


Our Store is simply bubbling over with nil the Newest and Best in the way of


Milllnsrv. Dress Goods. Silks- Shirt Waisis- Skirts- Undirwear- Glathioe. Shoos and FomismNS,
n CnmtattoM C«t si S«tn Paltcrn Bat* aad a Bffl Esi of Slylitb CailsMSad* Skirts. All the materials are of the finest—all
the shades the newest—everything of highest standards such as you would expect to find In the big stores of the large
cities. NowtheBargaitieiMr*einemKninUcblflaa,theolciand reliable Oak* Star*, asks you to call durinc thoir Spriag
Opinioig and would appreciate your presence whether youT>uy or not. Come and get posted on all-that is Nobby, New and
Dressy. Everything underene roof, complete. Outfitters for Ladies. Men, Boys. Children.

118 Frontf .St.

118 Front St


The Globe

That Aiways Give the Most for Little Monoy

Traverse City, Mich.




...../si.s84,u 98c

Lodice* und Misscs'-Stnvt
Hats, braid aiul ribbon
ore, worth SI for

Kev%riiigBkirt«ianondtiM,dso pUio grays, worth


J5ewBpriagItiinanM.neoUy‘Uinuiica, -


U^j^irtwaisl mils, latest ipringrtyks,



iBWBB, paradM, gis^iBnis, etc, froDi


In endl«m Toriety.
•---------- -

In peon
silk, silk

down to ..............


EXOLfSIVK STYLES in laadios’ and
MissTls’ Street and Tailoinl Hat*, tliia

Lwlies' nmsliii niidtt- {^>wns. cufTs
nnd.tieA neatly hpmstjtiiwl.

98c, $1.39, $1,98


CfatldrenV ni^in d^ers ell sizm
Lsdics' musUn cbiuKwc. .T-uko and
•bottom trimmed in duoit kce end
insertions, worth $1.50...................
Ladies muslin skirts trimmcil iii raf­
fle lucks and hnv. Siicdal for this





£e nkhdi ^ted mfety

Pattern Hats


Wnaillis. all ........... .05



l.ndife' Dn-n Haiti, trimnutl in Hcrex'rs. ItiirkJce

Exdusi\-c styles,ocw*
est models, artistically
trimmed in flowers,
buckles, chiffon, etc
values up to $10, spring
opening price

iiiFlowure. SptH-ial
prices for siiriiig

Ledies* BB^ per«te wrappera triram«l^ wUL
OBB, worth up to ^ for..

Splendid line of Pattern, Tailor-Made and
Street Hats, also Flowers and Foliate at
prices way below excloslTe millinery stores

Manufacturers’ sample line of
KnoUingham I-acc Curtains,
. .extra long and wide, only two
or three pair of carh kind.
worth up to Sli, ^pcoing ,sale
' price per pair

Dress Goods and Silks
100 pieces new dress goods consisting
of bUrit and colored Paiunnas.plDin.
and colored Mohairs. Cbt-viots.
showiT proof Suitiiig. etc., worth
up to *1.00 for............... ..............


Mgs^LoA-Shoes, flexible Bolcs, kid


1.24 mn’M Wthm!

Leather and lin Oxfords,
bluchcr style, custom made

Urkmen *3 enstom made W’ork Shoes, absolnUk a QQ
ly solid ihi^bout.................................................. ,
Kirfcn<fllV*1.59 Misses'custom made shoes, dive- Ofir^
sy and neat made on the new spring last, for___
5701Urkea«aU‘sMe#B«3Yieiand V«doarCaIfSh«-s.a i ,qq
nan? shoe,saleivice............

it the talk of the en: tire cummunity.

nkaein Women's Oxfords, all solid; a serriocahle*1.506hoe.aalepriee...,...................................
Boys an
and Girls' Horsehide Sshexd Shoes, a shoe
mat awill stand tbe hard knocks, worth fl.S-Mwi


q rr ^


Bo^s’ IJne riieviot Bchool soils, bum up to IS,


Men's medium wdglit, ooU<m rilibcd. fsDcy stripe underww.e .



atn . .


Men's black nitd white heiivy work
Lliirts -conlid ..r twilled dokdjle
front and l»tk a 50c shirt f<»r ....


Uiat (IOCS UOI craea wutui

Tc oottem cra^ tow.

iV rJ Ul*- doU,, on in

LADIES! Don’t forjet onr Grand Mminery EiMMt. Yon
can sare many dollars by biyinf your Hals and flowers ofos.

Hosiery add Underwear

Ladies’ ribDd skfT-clrss V^sts. all
05c 'si» s. sale price
I bosi! worth
08c i lioyfl' anti giris hesvy ribbisl cotton
19c hese, all Haw, per {uir
2-'i dt*. white Imtiste giiOkw. nicely
3ic trimmed and stayetl w.trth 50c, lor

KirkeaBall’s jiule Gents' nt-A-erriit*150 shoe*, uaioii
ttiaile. sale pritv ..................... ..............
£irkes4all*S 7'n- Infants' Shoes, made of fine Viri
Ki.l. with velrot toiL sale priro..............................

$3.00, $4.00, $5.00



Youngt ra’s work pants, worth


New-cr^ionsiii wnsb fabrir-s. sw-h ns Voili's. Silk Mnsliiis. shirt wiiinl
igs fancy Flake VoiU-s from i!Uc down to .
.«tilk Muslin, si»pcinl oi«ning. «ih’
price................................................... ...................
White India Linen tK'^qUAlitr. |a-r yard


M men's samulo suiU, worsted, casrimero and oorduroy, ^ QO
oiMuimr sole
sale price
iirioc 93.iKl
•Men s throe boUon doobte fanoBted nut*, wry nobby,
wortli ItO, for.
Men's sitting salts in plain and fancy fabric*, worth rise- O QO
where 115, onr ....................................................................... 0*>FC7
Young men's new^ spring saits, worth 7,50, this opea\a^^^^

Gents’Fanisbiies iims,Stipise




CLOTHING m ncB ME sniff.

.......................... ........................................................................... V-;

White Dimities iiM’hccks anti Btriinw for cliiMn n's drcwn’s un>l liitli. s'
shirt waists, ixt yard np from...............................‘..................................
Kl.nke Voile, a lu-u fabric forsliirt waisis Flurt waist 6uits. oituit g
sale priLV........................................... ........................................................
lX)ul4cfo1d Pt'ik’nle very d(«inibK' siiring |iattents

Mi^' l^hool Shoes, nmdc of Kangaroo calf, worth
Sl.iO, fpr..................................................
P, P Kiri„-.^ir. Me„-8 Box CdtSI»... tb»s,iri.e
Mjle, TOrtl,;»i, tOT....................... ,.........................

Traverse City, Mich.

Boys' sample saits, worth $3, this tqteniiig sale fwice

69e, {1.49, S2.7S

Fancy Suiting for chUdren's dresses,


He Globe

Men’s It^ncMdoroy imts, wamnted not to rip, wotth

doirt-rfi, mull and ribitoii, wortb

THE GLOBE STORE Are tbe real Bargain
Glrers and Ite peeple nave ftnnd it ont.-

, /jc

nvantiful awtortuirat of Lwbes' Silk
Chiffon niJ Fancy
Kmid Hnt^. Tnhics
np to $5,00. oitcnin^

so Ww as to enaUe
U9 to give the pcf>ple bigger bargains
than ever before.
You must make it a
point to come>-let
nothing keep yw
away. ltwilIJbedol>
lars in. your gpeket.

Sample Shoes for womea In Pat­
ent LeaUiiT, Ideal and FrimchKid.
Biuebar Jod lace-s^le, Fkench end
military faetd, Bzes
to 4} onlv,



l»»t.;y pi.l.i. nj.


1 Bale extra good quality
brown sb^tng. '
w(^h 7c tier yard ‘


Sails nuriemt


fhoes,raB}’'ehistic insU'p.for *

5,000 PMRS
Custom made Shoes frmn tbe
atockof F. P. KiAeudall-Ca
of Omaha. Keli. We bought
them at about cost of idain
leather and now ia your chance

aare msoy dollars. Shoos
1.69 and
for the men. shoes for tbe iwomen, shoes tor boyssud giris —
1.25 ■hoes
to fit enfty foot mutort2.89

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