Grand Traverse Herald, January 05, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 05, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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II ^




I^cs no 4
It stretched a road; oaee In a.while a pretty beat attire, was. In a avert aad
Aa MNt LM DnkIab.
I ^Ak. #»«*t KlUy. Kell* rl*e up fran (earn paased or a-VoniAB puabed by BSbile faxIUw. Amanda's own looklnn
J with her -Mum-ata gylog back io tbe gMsa. Thertder nlaier. in her aober
vlBd. Lovt- looking dIrecIty at It. nv ahavi and puid boimvt, walking b’
llUle fort %«l be
Mrtktng. She bad emne to a plactr la aide btr 10 mwtint;. aaa- all the time
fttl® ■piMlo*:
her IU« where the future cloaed arooni heraolf In this yxtungtv and fairer
* «Mpe. trip Sown w«k me
her so plainly that, whether she would guise.
more iro^—
Amanda was oh] enough 10 (»■ L<ore'*
not. ahe cquid eee nothing elae. iW
r . italf «bo |i*rl«b ’j« there
•ibillticii oeeued near enough U> Blag moiber: the two bad been ii<t alono
da&cc U bcKlanlns.
can. and all K>r dreanw were in.the vorld when L^ve was n baby.
i Hm)mNsrtw*>*■,iMtu Nil h«to gianu. No one bnt herneff They bad imly ibelr lUtl.' bouse and
cmid aee then: ahe va« Inuueently aa acre or 1 ax> of ground, bm Amanda
{/ euoM •veeiir ua
MUinad aad icrrifled to look: but no hail the bead of a Bnaatcler. She had
Whaenod raUey
work and no play could divert bor managed her peonlvs as Drmly and
.. yrhBe all the «lr
carefnlly as drtlara. She made e^ery
torlM tbiBsi
When Love heard her abler ootnlog Inch of Ibelr laud pay. Sbe sold M
' Mm* NUe bird
back ahe look up her work burriiUy and v««eUblea She did heavy laska
tbNia alley
and began to crochet. Her little tbin In needlework for the neiglibors—
^ looked unite aober and Intent; quilts and braided ruga and carpets
With a Woah
She did sol even glance at her aiaier Sbe bad a lltile sum at imereti In the
. «p the Vi
when ahe entered. Amanda'a face vaa aavlnga tenk.
ilar «ve la Ne kUm
While adhering to |be letter of her
reddened by the triad, but her hair
her hair fliaiiciBx:
*t1i hard toNfaM vbM a youat lover vaa not roughened. She held her chll-' principles In bringing up Lure. Aman­
iy dngcra over the stove and looked nt da bud spared her lo every possible
aray . No rough tasks had bc-en Im
*. So Nia'^bla't Iwl ebeoae lo go off" U»ve. ‘
-Got the tidy moat doner' she naked. pooM upon tbia Jiule aleuder-arnivd
.ttthe daaiilBg.
alat^. Amai^ bought pretty bilkx
-Pretty near."
AM aw on the green the glad groopa
and wouU and fine threads, and had
-Coin' to got it done to-night?"
"1 dooT know as I can get It qalic her taught to do fancy work, for wbicn
gar-hNrirti M vltb the laaa
dose. The Inat iwa ttke Mager.xyou sbe found quite a market among ih<af Ua cboaalng:
village women ami the store keepei>
Pat, vtthoat fall, lead* out aweet
vent Buddecly acroM to In a neighboring large town. TheaKitty NaU—
waa niraya flnlah^ artichw on r-xhlSoBMhov. vhaa be aaked. she ne'er Lora.
falUon In the aitterk' Itiile from ruuni.
"lAt pK aee It." said abe.
tlKH«ht «r refnlac.
Lore extended the tidy oervoualy. which waa a studio on an excct-dlngly
amall and bumble scale. Love's deli­
-How FWIx Magee pau lili pipe to hU Ananda acnuinlied it.
-Nov 1 vast to know )esl bow much cately wrought tidies and scarfs decotcaee;
. 'And vltb Ooariah ao free aeu eick you’ve vorketTon tbix aince 1 vent rated the walla on all aides, the labli
was covered with maU ami plncnsbooaplc la Boilon; '
|nu a ehaar and a bound the lada pat­
-I don't know at I can tell. Mandy." •lona. Nothing could exceed Amanda'>.
ter the gronad—
“Yon can tell pretty near. Have'yu-j pride In the display. Love had lau-ly
gniabed a silk patchwork bedqullt.
The inaMa Move aroonil hart lUte donehalf arovr
which was drapcul over ibe mantlt«vau on the o«aa. ,
“l-don't know aa 1 have."
'CkeNa bright aa tba roee—feet )i^t
ohair like a irlumpbal banner. Aman­
“Have you done qnarter of one?"
da invited people in to see It. She' Ua> the doe’t*T guesa not quite."
licved it a work of genius.
. Nov euyly reliriag. now btMly ad-Have you tfbue anytpng at alir'
Love crocheted fast when ahe kept
-Tea. lYe done a little."
Aaatch the vorld an
fras the
“I don't believe you've made more'u^ herself to ii. There was quite a piece
done on the tlily^when Amanda called
ahy to the gronad.
three sbetla- Have you?”
No anob eight can be aeen aa an
Love looked ahamefaoedly at the her to supper. Amanda had made
irtob MM danetng!
some milk toaai. Lovt- was very fond
Udy and made no reply.
-O, r. MoCarthy. la the Oael.
-You'd ought to l»c aahamed of your- of li. The two ate iheir supper itoact*aetf," aald Amanda, "li'a much aa; fiiliy In tbc Mule kltclieu. Amanda
•yer yoo do anything at all lately. gave Love the lowermovi and l>esl
of tuaai. and Ixrve. whoae
- ♦»nSnat» -vae- a
-• ---------- --^ diligence■ youYe
cyca were still red. ale ttaem mtvkiy.
After supper when ilit- <llsht« were
aHaoaL SiTte.
doin' mMId' ml all. ala-^>rtMd aal her elbov at aharp anglea. In' out of tbclThidov. You act aa .( cleared away, ii was quite dark. U>ve
od the auwt thread aiade a rmipioc yon vaa In a brnvn aludy. I'd like to lighted a lamp and sUmol to go up
•taira to Iter rhaml>er. '
•owd. na vaa aakiag a braided mg. know what alia you?"
K&’faurr you giiln'?" askol Aniaii-l.i
vMeh My atHf aad heavy over her
Love murmurud Bumetbing and
. Love aal at the other float IvMed herself away lovard tbc win-' -Up sMIrw.“What for?"
m. She held aone white eroebet
Amanda aurvered her Impcrtur■ l-lbougbt maylKt t'd-ebanmhot Me kept looking avay from baUy; her words had been ImpaUent.
of the vladov. Tbc cherry tree bn her nunner of iMirery calm. Sbe dtwaa."
“What are you goln' lu change your
the raaa baahaa la the yard were stood over her aisli
dresi f..r?"
hb^ u'a OMt triad. There
Blgrani. like an embodied duty.
-I—didn't know liut — somebody
i SO Nntioa nn thm. Mit U vaa
“Now. Love. I want to know—an'
ilMt comi- in."
% 4vtNg aad the tvigu bad a r«d gUiicc
thMk you'd ought to tell m<—wbal
-I'd like lu know- who's guin' lo
«l they Moved la the triad;
are you thitikin' aboui «beu you act
Hne that lliBI bniw ti dress yoii'n- gut
. Nov and tbm Amandab pak- eyo
doin' nothin so?"
n ain't good emnigb for? Who do }v>u
Shot a avUt. atoady glaaca at Lore.
Love quivered. 8«<ceel thougbU have expect?"
*■¥00 vuo*l gel that Udy done toolglil
‘'l-don't know as I eX|H-cl anybody '
N yna koep'kaddn' out td the vlsdov.' lore senelUve surfaces than bnrcA
and It •eerned to Love that bera were
.“1 a'poae y«i think -innybv he'll
aha nanarkod pmaenlly.
laid bare.
"Don’t. Mandy. I don't be in."
Lore atartod and ertored autUyknow,"
' I dra'i know hs nuybody'll romc.
"I'M golB' to work OB II." aald bUv.
-If you are tblnkln' about 'vkai I 1 leal Ibuiighi—I'd change my drear '
Thea ahe crocheted etoadlly aad did
IhMk you are." Amanda went on. Inex­ Love. Hllghi and flat chested. Ii-T
;mA knk avay troM her voiit fur
shoulder bladtw Mowing ihrouBli ihe
<iaw Uiov. Love vwld have beeB preiV
had art her faalttrv* been too thlB U you've got any proper pride that a Oick of hi>r brown drvas. stisiU iH-fore
•''■'*hd aharity aooealttated, She v*. girl ought to bare, you vont waste Amaoda. She held (hi- bmp iiUKteadlike a too hrtdly traeed pencil ■kelid): Ume tUnkln' about anybody (III you're ily In her Utile Umy imuds.
ibe btnuiy of denlga couM not Mov pratty sure tta^ want you to."
“Thai dress Is pleiilv go-wl euonglj
Love turned ou her slater with a whoever comiw In. I don't eare If Ifs
Shroogb auck forte of onlllae.
, ‘Mr vaa too heavy tor hta- delkalc look as If ahe aai feeling for the claws the pn>sldcm." said .Anuutda. "An' 1
-Mttlahaad. It vaa not very tidy; vhoo wtleh nature bad denied her. “1 never can tell you oue thing—if you've gut
ahe bent her bead over her crochet aald I was thtnkin' about anybody." an)- pride an' any sense of whafs
.Mcnk the great aHpplag kaot aboved nid abe. Then sbe suddenly put her proper you won't go dretsin' up In that
hands up to her face and begun to blue dfaaa w'lth all that velvtu trim
.■arc plainly■ "It dot* aeaM as H you night tvitt cry.
min' on H. If you Ibtok anybody’-^ romM pour hair a little ttghter; ti doa'i
■Therv'i nothing ^for you ti> cry In'. If |Oti rtwily «act to show any­
neat." Mid AMan^
nbuut," said Amanda. - nor lo gM mad body »•* like them l«fore you know
~"f oaa'i anka It pMr op aayhov. abouu I'm rtder tbaa you. an' I know whether be likes yoo or noi. you cau
rblanwd Love, trilh Meek apotogy.
more Mum the world, an’ I’m goln' to go and dress up for them. It any
*1 gaau I cDoh) anhe It atay op."
iook out for you aa faithful aa 1 know body's got common sense they cat
' AMaada'i light hialr era* parted and how. an' that's ail there !■ about :{. read It Jest like A O C. Yon’d beuei
henalH<d no »moolhly that there were Now yon'd bHier work on that Udy li go and set down an' tinish that tidy.
..'«nea of pale gloaa on the aMoi of her you ever want to get H doae. while I
iSove obeyed. She seated bertelf ai
head: the anaU kaot at the hack of get supper ready."
the table vllb her crvcbet work. Once
It vai toMpael and
Amanda. aa sbe sent out of ib" when her slater was out uf the 1
an antatue.
room, had a look of dedant embanaaa. for a moment sbe got u^atralihily and
After a vhlle Anaada arow. -m meat, and he^ face vaa Buabed.
looked St benudf in tin- glass behimi
> pSa' ont to take la the tdothea.'' aald had not UacM. but ahe via ■ New i the labl-. 6he tmuoihisl bark her
tGe. “I gmae they manl he Ny by UM BaMand woman, and the lUBcamiiJ all! hair aa well as abe euuld. and adjusie.l
Uatetlne. 1 ain't gola' to haw 'em UMIGS except material oaaa ibame-ithe little bniuch at her throat. Then
’hwtta- in thli vlod any toager. anv- tncedly with bar sUtar. She fait ak { ahe darted swiftly and noia«-lessly
If aha had Injnrad her own deUcacy av | arruas the room to the sblmuey raiv
, je mi go.- aaM l.«ve.
wait as her ai«tec's.
! board. A little bottle of cologne stood
; “No; yon nay ieai vhm yoo are.
Amaadn ont In the kitchen got aup-joa the middle rbeir l^tvt- sprinkled
jSa‘ do poor tidy. You've got
per aad Love, In the sitting rooK,|aoar on her bandkerrhU-f; then she
nbMLha' I atnt.gola* to have you out wiped hweyes and arorited on her Udy. i Oew back to her chair, ^e hardly
in tkt vtnd haadiM' damp doUim.'' i it vaa really neceasary It should be gaihed It before Amanda emeted. and
.Wha AMaadak Mil alln Sgurt- gnlabcd: ahe was golag to aell It aad | almott m the aame moment there was
•mcMd Rnatr aad movM Mran the she needed the money. The proceeds in knock at the ftoat rtair. Igyve pare
■DOM. K had a kMd trt NUT Majcat.r' of Unre's Uttle mau and tidiaa and j a great atari aad halt arose. Amanda
about It. Her hack and Back va-t pin cnahlons all went for her own Moked at hrr.
aboDtatety nabadlag. then vaa one clothee. while Amanda's bomriter aad | -ni go.- ahe anid. Lov,
- Mbtakan iMa feoM her head to her heavier wort bought food. MH aad her ♦own.
; haoia. ovna bar drean akin dM art own scanty wardrobe. Igire had many
Amanda bad remdied the shtlng- ^sMg. b« Mug rigidly.
a daMly little feunre In her ntUre rann door when abe intwed nronud
B as AMsada had goae Love which Amanda had not. and never
and aatfed ^tply. “tt’kaTa that 1
1^ hd her verk MU M her lap. leaned her MIriy knew ^e had not. Love's Uttle pmelir aald she.
‘hand back and hnkod am of the vtnBower-wteathad j Love mid nolUag:
There vai a liitir traal hataveretoAi
aa her own. She r - ____
Hare_you bem pniUn' aiyme of that
flMlh Ms graoB-gmy out of grate never thouAi of keneH as bring wlih- ivmlocne on
Etna and bnabea: htdore rtrt them. 1.4iTe on a Soaday. In her i “A lllUa."

;/ .


U Love lay awake wwplng sbe wept
ao apfily that hrr slsirt did not boar
^r. This -wa» a Wi-dneaday night.
Un-f'* admirer bad be«-n catling upoa
her iMxaaloDally 00 Wednewdsy cTt-ttPigs for some Un<-. The next W.-dnewday evetdog he diil not come, nur the
next, nor ihw next. The abieiv raid
Birthing to tach other about it. Ixyro
did not atiempi 10 change InT dress
and make heraelf amari for blni agaiiL
Her fancy work dragged more than
ever, but ahe alwaya Irhtl to b<- Indusiritms when Amanda wa* lu the nwnu
One anemuon a heighlaur called and
uked'Amaeda out in the enTo' when
she was taking kave. If her airter
was well. '
“She always did kaik dreadful dclIcalr." said the. "hut now she looks to
me as If you could »«e the itgbl
through her if you held her the ^bt
way. 1 sbmild tli'nk you'd better gel
her something strength’sls’ to take.
Amanda. You know- her mother dirt!
of (he consumption.
“I guess she’s well enough." rt'
(limed Amanda, ahonly. ”"8he's al­
ways thin a* a rail."
But when she went back into Ibe
sitting room she saw' Love with (he
neighbor's eyes; before sbe had seen
her with her own. to which her do.
.Ires had been like rtrfi hoed apeexarlc«. That night she tried to get aoairt
thing for supper that Love would rel­
ish, but Ihe girl scaicelf tasted H. She
only pecked at it like a little thin
bird. Atnandn made up her mind to
got some mcdidne for her. ns ihe
nelgblwr had odviied. and the next
•lay she did. and Luxe took it wllh ao
•»erceptlble effect.
I Plve werits from Uie Wednesday on
which the young man .had called.
Amanda bean! that he had procured
womearork in another village and left
town; She hesitated whether or not
to tell Irtjve. nnally she decided to.
Love bad just lighted her lamp to go
Ui lH.-d one night w hen sbe told her.
“They aay he's left town and gone
lu Sharon. ' snlil -sbv. in a faarah. con.ualnetl voice.
Love did not Mki- a soitad; bat her
fore muvefi a* if she acreamed. She
w-eni w-iakly up stair* with her lami>.
and Amanita aat down In the parioi
sml tboDghi It was mliluight Ih-Toti
die went Up stairs.
She li.ieiii-tl a ' Love'.
Iiiiir. ilii-n she iipl-snl In and bi-u(
yvi-r hiT Ixive was asleep; her IllUe
iaci- hail a iM-arrtul li*>k. hut her skin
was dank ami |iale with iiempIrBtlati:
Tl ain't lui- ' *ai<l sbe. and tit- ereai beads stood on her forehead.
"TItal's ibi- way tnuilii-r iisis] lo look
M<».|iv* llanie<I iner bur ehivks.
gU'"*-. I ni1l»l Iw gour." KBi'l h.-. when sin- was a*Us-p," Amanda *atil
TIure wa> sumelliliig i»ltifiil alum the to bersetf.
yuuus fellow, m Inn Siin'lay euii and
light necktie, wlili his nhin) nIhm-s and
r»in Auiauilii anil the
■•uriy hair dau|H'U<-<i and hnisbed ar
rniuolti as imwlble. .All tbeae llltk- IlKhi.
'Now. Luxe. I want l<> l.iiow wbat ati
liiifflble masculine furldsbiogs lia>i
gone for iiatiiflii. and he wax going Ibis means." aald Anundu. “.\re you
home dlsappuinieil and hurt afi<-r a fretiin' yourself rick l.iTaiiiH.- that le;painfully dull t-veniog. However, he low’ iloii'i come?"
held Up hi* hvatl like a man. and ihen1.SO.- did not riTply . her fa«- waa
as a -oiffneKs in hi* way of taking hi(lde-.i. Inn hqr .lemK-r riiouldei’*
-a>e wiiii-Ii iK-iokened rcsrtitim-iit a> heavisl eouviilrifrty.
ell a- il-ji-elion.
"■"Wi-ll.''”afl “Amaiido'" slowly, "n
Aiuauila weni to Hie door wllh Idni ix-au all. r>e liiard of rtieii thing*,
]d waichi-d him put on hi* cuai and mil 1 m-ver km-w- iliey mere Irue."
II "ll.-member me i» your moiber. ishe saioolheil oiil the hislclrtbea over
said she will’ll be W'l'iii vui.
Uu’e Hiid nrwinh-eoitl • her pllloa
When .\maiida returned lo ili.- *ii. ’Now yijn'd heiii-r *lop crying' mhT
Dgnami lAive hail her bead •■•■ni Eu to aleep.' ratil shi-. "He'll come
>f.T)' loa uter her work.
again fart enoush. don'i you worry."
VuD hadnl ought (o bav<- said ii
Amanda went out with ibe ligluVan t late wb.-Q he got up lu go.' said 3be dill tiul sleep at all Ihrt night.
Amauds. "It looked dreadful for She lay in her litth- chamber and
wards, as If you wauled Ulin to nay wrestled lur anolher with a ppdilcm
whethiT or no. I wa» *>ir|irl*ed at Ilf naiDo- w’hieh »bi- bad never had 10
face for herae-lf.
Lote put bt-T liami over her fai-i- an t
The Di *1 day wa* Saturday In the
her rhotililers twitched.
aftiitiooii Amanila dre**ed tii pr om
"Wbai is ihe xnati.-rr' asked Aroan
I'm goiii' out a Huh- ways.' if* so
ploasam ' sbe uld to Love, aben she
"I doD'l bt-lleve he'll —ever--rura< Went Id'o ihi- sluing room with her
agria ns long as be live-. "
bonnet and shawl on
“I'd like to houw «ta> he wou':
I»ve smiled IriOessly. She wa* at
the windon- wilh her fancy work an
l,ove made no nply. Sh.- vulibcd nsoal Amanda glanced baev as shicom ulslvely.
wcni iloa-h th*- path to the gate,
"fome. y-Du'd better go to U-d," said but lAive did nrt look afur her: her
Amanda "Ven re aciiug dreadful sil
i-r work
ly. 'Ain't you got any pride at all*
.Amanda w.-nt do»n th^nwd urt.i
1 gueaa before I'd »U an' cry because ►he reacfci-d a large white cotiage si-i
I was afraid a fellow wouldn't come to In a deep yard Ttere were four from
see me— An' hv'U come again fast wlodowK. Amanda waw- a head at one
enough, lit go and' heal a flaitrua to of them, but It disappeared when sbe
put to your feet. It'll be kind of chilly lurved in S' the gate. Sbt- drew her
uiwtairs to-Dlgbt."
Old cashmere shawl tightly over her
Amanda gut Love lu bed with the ahouidert tod vent, tllm and wtAiely.
hot flatiron at hur feet, and hi-TM-lf lay up the front walk There was a Mrong
half the night lisicciag to hear If shi- swoK odor of pineapide In the air: It
were awake cryiag. The aiatm slept came from an odd brown floweriag
In the two collage chambers; Love bosh near the gate, li might havthad the Mrge annny front dttv. There beeu gonpowder. and Amanda might
were mnsUn cnrulna at Lore’s win­ have been marching up to boatOe gmna
dows; abe had a elran, faded woolea from her feritaga. She felt a pair of
earprt. a large iooklBg-eMas orei
inimical fMDale eyes apon her briOad
httrran. and the Mat feather bad. a claaM Mlad. bin^ba set her Mea
Amdka'a little room was hare asl steadily shaai. went ap to the Moor
poor as could well be. her tiny iooklBSgUaa.waa Murrad. wad bar bed
She waHed a toag ilsoe. hpt ao «««
hard and luaiv.
«B*e. She knoM aghM aad agala.
•'You'rt- a xilly girl "
I40W crocbL-lcd with her heart piwl
ing loudly while her xisit-r ui<ened Ihe
froQl diior and k-i in the visitor,
could hear Amanda's voice and a anbOued masculine one. Amaoda was ask­
ing the visitor to lay aside b.’s coat
and bat in vi-o' much lb.- name way
ihalabc mlghl have a»kv<l an enemy
to lay down his arms.
Amanda prect-ded a young uuin Into
the allting-ruum. She set the lam^> uu
the shelf and blew ll oul. Love half
arose, abe and the yuung man luuke.1
at each other: Uu-y extended their
hands, then drew then bark. Lure
wank ln«> her chair with a soft, bash­
ful tltier. and the young man sat
gravely and Btlffly down on the aofa
Amanda seated herself, ai the table
with her braide<l rug. Sbe got it In
place and iH-gan sewing.
“How's your mother?- she miked
ilie young man, In n dry. constrained
“She's pretty well, thank you." be
tvplled, •
“He waa very young and .-ry tall.
His feet, lo their a-ell-blacked1 sbtA.
^P^awled tar nut from the sufa. His
Isome lace was red with eubarratsmvnt, but bis blue eyes looked ai
Amanda quite sturdily and steadily.
"Has she- begun on her cleanin'
yet?" said .Amanda.
o. ma'am: I guess nut."
s'puse you can help her som^
abort the carpels.”
“Ye*, ma'am."
Amanda sewed dnd Ixne crocheted
on her tidy. The youwg^as drew- hi*
feet fiiriber lo.
t'a a plvasanl evening out.' h<remarked. after a while
nanda nodded with cold acqule*
ccDce. “Yes. 1 s'pose 'ils.” said she.
Love smiled Boftly'w lihuui lookfltg up.
There was a lung siu-nee. The •&Ts vurkt-d steadily. The visitor eat
I the sofa, wllb hts unoccupied ma»eullne baud* on his knee*. Now and
then he glanced at Love's bowed bead.
There was a cslla lily In a big |kji behind hrt-. and the htuad leavct threw
shadows over her Love beneif Hwk
««d like a flciwer which for some reation
mu giving •■III ii* natural frwgraiice. ll M-eiued as If she neeiletl in
U- sHired auil shaken.
The tlui. W.U.I no. Ouev in a while
Amanda v<iiirh)uil<-il an abnipl qiu-.
n»ii and ilic .vmiiig man replletl. Lntv
-r *|*ike iiuHl he arulu- <<■ <ake
bate. Thun she tuaruul and looked

prvasion. Bbe was full of a aPlawih
sham.- mud iratw at what opo had went into the entry and knocked on douc. People wb«a they overaiop the slittag room dour. No one came I Ibelr bounds of conduct an apt to
8be openea the door and walked in. step high and wide; poor A|^nda.bad
Directly ibe upiwwiic door cloaad with cleared her* well The fr^ ^en*
a bang. Amanda walked arroas to •laglng in a stretch of meadow Mad
(bat doo/ and opened h. There stood ihat she paaaed. They wouM have
in cUiwIy woman In n little «?try bc- seemed lo her flk^ ihe chorus of a
:wcea the rittlng room and kitchen. Greek Uacedy, had ahe ever haanllM
She looked at Atnnida with a kind of OBc. ■
drilaat embarrassment.
Her hand­
AVben ahe got huM> she aal down
some fleshy face waa quite red• wllh Lore and aewad ualll auppqg
••Good afterwooQ. Mis’ DaiiS" saM time. Sbe saM nothtatg about WUlk
Dale. She got aoppar oarty and oltand
"Good anemuon."
It away. Thra abe got a braNi aad
There was a pause. "I wanted to comb and haaM
water aad called
?peak to .»uu a minute. " said Amanda Love out into the kUebaa.
Amanda began at once whi-n the here a mMule. Uira." add aha,
and Nrs. Dale were sealed opposite
l.ore crept out obedleaitpeach otber. "I wanted to ask you how
-I'm grtn' to sae in <aa*t auka yv«r
hair look neat tor oace." tffld Amahta.
"He's Writ a* commoa."
In a resolute tone.
•1 btard bed left town."
*8he-dampeued Love's pewtty wM
‘ Yes. he baa."
hair, brusbad It aaergrilcally aad
“Does be ever come borne
iwuied It Ught aad hard aa the tap
of bar head. Lovria thin riilldUh face
’■Well. Bomelimc when he dues come looked nt range and aevgre wllh her
should U> happy <0 have him call at hair In fiat dark curves amtad her
oar house.”
temirtea. Amaada aurreyad her
Mrs. Dale's faro grew iwdder. her provingly.
round eyes gave oM ab1oeglare.“Well.
■Tbafw." taM aha. "Now ym’d Wlni toll you one ihlag right to your ler go an' pot an yoor erthor dnaa:
face. Amanda Perry, an' I ain't afraid I want to fig that ^ace thal^ Hived nviiber. My son ain't cornin' over la thU one."
your bouse agnitt to be snubbed.
“I tbaaglii I'd go la bed pavUy nooaf
Dui If t can help IL I guess he's fan Mid Love.
a* good as yoor rirter-Tnll aa Bood.'
"No. yon aint.goM' to hod, aaHhar.
••lirttaan't that. Mls' bale."
Now BO nn' pot oa yonr draon. T«i
*Td like to know w-Iiai It was then." look nice nnd aeSI for ooce In your
"I rather guess I talked to Love an' life."
•aid some iblngt that made her act
wmis came nl eight o'eluck. Amankind of baabtul. 1 ain't never had n la let him In. and left him with Love
thing against yoor son. 1 have always in the aiiilng room. She hcrualf aal
■bought be was one of the llUleat down at .the kUeben window M the
young men in town."

let'iN-Dlng dnak and stared oat arar
“I rather guess my uon Is full at (he shadowy fiqMa. She eaalfi Miv
good as anybody that liuje meachin' Ibe voices of her stater aad her torer.
thing la likely lo get-full as good. I low fairty aurted apon that path of
don't know, what y<
love which was oa straage to this rlgldnor where you eomi
■ivrtl womaa aa that of daath. and
have had to live from band to mouth whither ahe was far lesa able ts fidIhe way you hafe. and n<-var bad aay «w. Amanda aat there and wept paimrlor. My folks have always had par- leniiy. haaliig her hlfd J^jatjBN
tors and aittlas (Doma. aa* I guari window gaatng.—Mgfy ft tj^dOsi ji
>me of thtaa
have thooght My Haepor's Baaar.
. -.:
III mas aiuppio* It they'd known."
The channel In which Mrs Dale'i
TraoMKa ship la Wmg.
ideas ran was so narrow ihat It had to ' Phr tbc first tlaw M tail psaiu « Imp
In- W’idt ckan-d of unr set iH-ron- oiii nan loot has been set upoa tba deck
COIIPI euter. Klie wa* a kiodly If ««<■ of the aackmt Spaalah traaaara
enough woman, ^lui Ju*l now »1k- aai bliw hna In the Hay of Vigo.
posaiwsed of aiatefnal tvm-niwitjt li
('axalierv- I'hm. who has baea"^the exrliirion of rverylblnK i-liu-. Mr. l•-avo^j’ng since April, wllh Ibe help af
Dak- was like an enraged rortber bird tie bydruscupe and cfevatora lo ral*v
with one note aad *bt: scrcsmdv It over Ibe ships and recover (ha CStJiaopMl
and oviT Id Amtiida * •are in spite of worth of tn-asure they ore aappoaed to
all sin- could aay. Kinaily Amaada xniialB. hai nicceeded. wNUi three
arose to go. and Mm. IMlc followed her WMBpankrtiB, In buardlag (he tunkeu
lu the door silll talking. Amanda n<*
ilcrt) a hat on the entry table. “He's
roiw honie to spead Sunday." ahe ■ho way of HlBO'a work im •» Ibe primibougbi. but said nothing.
At. Must of Ibe aUpa. lyln|^ a
Mrs. Dale closed Ihe door after bci iepth of about PO feet, are huiM lu
w-lih a bang, am! Amanda went slowly the hand that two riven aoaUaoallr
down (to j^th lookiBg on either hand. aour npon them as they Sow tato the
Over Id the fleld south of lb«t house Uy. The aaad Is so abaadaat that
(her<- «as a low- red Are hsaplng In the divers, directly they dnacead, Sad
ilr> nrsMs anil a man's Bgure moving Ihcmteivca hurled N aaad cModn. aad
aliout it.'kni-e <l•■•-|> in curling smoke. MB set.' nothing. "
The Inventor, hirwerer, han already^
Amanda WT-n^ strslghl ocroa* to th'tli l'l and siralght up to Hh- man 8b“ ierited a mesas to ovcitome Ihe ^
iH-id her skins close' around her aad ruliy. He baa perfactod pMos Cor aa
Mi-|i|M-d uoBinchlnglv over the black- Dstrumeni which will allow hbaaciawxl ground.
illy to doseend to tba aaa bad UariL
uid to examine wlih his own haads
"Good afternoon. AVUIIs.- sIm- said.
"Good afiemoou. the young man :ln- oblccta that the laaaiai of b|a hyiro»cop«! bare revealed.
retumod Btlffly
It t* tocoaalM aialnly af a kmgatcai
"Come home to si>end ffanday?"
t<'i«scut>ic tube, which, omy be riaa"Yes. ma-sro "
to any K-ngth deafred. Down Ods
"Why don't >011 come over and s. -.
tube tbc sea bed explorer may daseend
been for s long time,"
'lIHs ktoiei strwl^t ami isll brtoK; -toll! he touches brtlotn. The boUoM
manita. hi* eyes batked like hi* 0f the luU Is to be open, hot a rtrong
loHier'*. "Oucausc I ain't noin' any- eom-fit of compreMurd air Is to p|pf
wherir where I'm »li.»wn *o plain I .hruiiRii It i» keep out the water, fbc
'ubi- will lx- built in watar41^ oomslot wanteil," said bYou're wanted «rD»iiEb AVi *ho<ili) .wrtmecte and Ui by elactrie Ugbis.
be real glad to see yo:i sii> time I A firm in .A'lgo l» at preacat Aard at
'pose I m*kind of itlff sometimes, but work making ibU shapfe hat effeoUra
don't mesa i.j be. sn' Love la a llttl'- piece of mechanism.
utet and l>a*liliil. tnii yon mnitn't
think «e mi-sn to art oAsh. If you
-If hi* hydriMcope. which gave him tba.
id<-« lor tbc new machlar.
<’ ll
glad to cet you. Lov e, s
The great caOK-rn ai tba and af tba
n't ver> well "
AVIIlir movud around anil iicat a I
luU-. eunulBiag the lenses, waa ra
(- at ifac boruing nras*.
moved and the sea telaneope wan thra
rart-fuiiy' lowered ualll it caate ta ana"Love, she ain't very well, nn'
guess *be'* kind of freiHn' becaiUK- she lac’ with (he sand dWertng tha
thinks .vod're put oni.' said Amanda, mimnie-uDe of Ibe nlae ahlpa &al '
a pitiful voice
i have been IdcnUfirtt. CaraUeiu TTw
-AA’-'II. maybe I'll come if you'd like to descended the sieps that rna duwa laj side the hydrataeope aatlj be faaad
have me." aald Willi* besHailncI/.
"Well be bappv' to bare you ' Aman­ himaelf aa the deck uf the gaUoon
da Biancd off. then sbe inmed. “Hliai I He waa aeoompaaled try M. CleiB.
—are yoo golag lu do locilgbi?" ahe tCrttiBcau. a rich rnmeb gcMlansaa
j who Is ftnaacHlIy Interested la Ibe tuasked. timidly.
"Toalght?! rceiloR. Signor BoSnrio Moglla. the.
“Te*.jnpulB of the Saa CMawaie, nod a
“Nothlng particular ibai I know of." 'diver.
Tbt take ww atowly Marad hUhar
■•Can'i yoB came to-night?*
“I don't kaow hat I run. ’ said WDUs. aad thither abotu the sAtp lo rtapuaat t
In a bewll^Hd way.
to triepboae orders from j>ino l« Ibune
Amaada went buate M the early ! in charge above, 'and by thM navel
spring oftHfiMoa- Her llmta tfuMblod; otethod a thonmsb capita aghm waa
her (aee had a shedtad. desperNa ex- OMda af a SMali pnnlaamf the ahip.

-a'.: 4


F. m; PAINE." 7" Traverse Qly StaU Baji

lhu!'oraiK-.-|PM^'r> in New York gat-A«niMi». wliowr family iria- b a lunnH; isiard of ilic p.mru's'nili xir.»t
of hlr M.ii JuM-pb. areltrUloK jryTiiN t'fanrrb wii--^eld -i'lierMlat and llu- aui vhibuii>a (-bri>inu» ihai was llnai
apux^ an a
of tbe ioraU«lial fullowlti;: oOusra wu^ tfmird:
l« stopj..-<l by lb-- isitir-.-. Irsy Ikrb.
old ebl<<.
fane a? a uarrirtr in
(b/ SeiiB^iu iBekshuu. 'UUk' TisJ. T.'HANNAH. PrwaldraA.
u.,- «.«. wi .i...MreSo, ta.
n f;
A-, Uta. I. aj'-..( aitd Mmnl.- Itothtnitd.]
• 8. GARLAND, taahicr.
isnivd • Tl;r |>tiiis fhil.r »<«• an b*wi | Axa. EOfM or OUT FL0WKH8
A jnrr wu Inpaaeli^ and the ni'c- ■tan. i, ■ tiiU i«ta-LAi-i..rital ftai. J—:
.{ ! '■
and to m(iiui.-A. umil ‘b.- police luirr
Jnl.n n. MiHtata
OM.ta-.l S^r.lCO-. *«• l-l-ll. - 1
taary pemll clv<« for l>urla). Tbi'

CAPITAL. S200,000
fhinltr •r>' to»r<- Uuui anuxuall] Ix*^ tltainta, nta.n .-ll.ta. Ihl. rtalrn ta. . Tm..,,..;-.
a 1UU-. |e. afi.t ilK-.v
czacily *lil.- ;
n-arod a» Un-y bare Urn Uirec cbil trs-n reeokulx«-0. ba» »p.-ut uionib'i Is 1 IJbnari... I.ub. l-.l
SURPLUS, S26.000
K.. ..lauy viav ftg«r.-s. Tbeslrulti wp:*
made pndiabb
•Iren ^l^«•^ lo (1W» 4lille one.
.\no-l.-f.ajii orgai.iM'. Iks-k. r 1, rrid., tail .li -' wire
Iwinif triiw lixse. ap|s-aHiir: lafdri, |, uii'i ‘“■u s prl.-. ..( !'• *1 l.iUfJiorlAi.-r.-S
eiainis and aaaiB<d ibPimr An f
lx»i k-sai aiullt.v <d I'ni-h- Satn. mu>
tbai be wtwii mui li ns a luune} \< □
bist<-Bd Iwd .l>H<viiu- a vlillan
TnuteM. C. B. VAacr. A. A. McCW. Crand Uai>lda «i<li ius. bis ^ "Every
ihruplst aiid witii Kslny's work'woulo
UilBK OB EorUT m-ed not . (ravel
JperCcBi 8llnre4MTlBcDef«Us.
nillcii acaJo to a<x' tb<- oilda and eddt forwver cai-tMiR In.ban K!>v«-niiue«i
of (111- «<H>r or Uiv iuaniitai4urj,'«' dis­ claims. Kb.- ystars ol ar.l.n-us *..rl.
VainMB CbriBtmaa OlMier.
Plat«Gla&s, Steam Boiler and Accident Insurance.
bas ln.HUi tlw i«r.- r.-i and be c-arrle..
I Very l-r-'i of dental •ervlre
«’blle eatlne cjvian. lit hi* CbrlMnulih
praellrt'.'aaa dlaner. Boy Wiigbi bit on aonic More Vi lh>- Salvation Amy of Travvk oa taotber IOC.-.
ne (liUM- «bose eUIius W'-e
Yi.-ir lolrenagr wo p lied.' Iti
m> haa a Buee nxioUtr pan of
lie Bade ao in»«*RUN'v« MusM.n liuilding, iindt-r K.
KbUod and found a Doe pearl about tW Jim Trarla *ion‘. It besina iia lu- pBi.l was JultU-,VVuu-ka-»R> »n>l bscbildr<-o.
biu*.. ' Moze* und Anaiie
Uu> sUe of a pea and alniuat perfect
a.v'i- |iii»m«-ss Culk-|^ and t
ta'alBpo.. On looklus OirouKh Ibo e.-« (If Opuiii UiiDReUe. <3» East front Ella R>.-, It.dK-ri As->-a. Pni>
SlUR-.e ollov.
Traverse City.
Room 310 New State Bank Bulldin;;.
of tbe omera he found bIz »ire. Tlie htivct and extvoOR fnini (bb cvlibliiis As.r>a and Jak.- Ap.Mta of Noribjsxt
oukt ' bulldU.un diaries Sa'iiah-CO-UiB. IVi.t N;i'i
faailr alMi Inveatlsaied and found detsirliueiit to
two. Bakins nine ht all. nie itearls wbore accund-lrfmd biiitc*. and. hard­ w-a>-;;uni. Q.s'-iiua-Bh. Joba 0\.k. Sia-t
ware are aBred. tli«n hp Uh- oiiitblt DHei.’tta. Ma-Jo.-Bua-e.f ir.iqi Vnnnsed In alse from a>«y aiaall
In the not; bliieu on »hl«*,wa« (He aUirway of (he back bulldlas where Sull. down u.«r n.ii Itaidds. uad

On Real Estate.
immmi:, aiu>n« « iw» iai^t. In addltiun. Mr. Wrlglit U fbelvea. linen. Binudii luid fkiuru aii-1 (Vaul. lue-wi* tl’lB.siii I of llnui.iliMt.
bosca hold an alutal iiidlea* array
poBtjre that be
ThraP RtinaWaya.
T^c pearla ««re all of sood vbnpe that would Uk the ability of an exper:
New' Wilhelm Block. Trav
city. 1 u\i£‘.
and WOTC Btorlh probably la the i^clRb- lurotcer to chnwICy.
hlcii'tr elolbins frvni overGuaiH to .*.wv> hnurf null all dlrcetl.r tviDiir-ci'vl
bortKwd ia three or f«ir;iwmdred dolwny wa.-iIk- rewtili oi Tbi r^
Ian buL. tmfennnalely for all eun- dlRcardnl nerktlea am liued up anaiuat
eenw^ fhey'wero CMked add were Uic wallB and wuiueu'B cooik form (be d*y ulgbt's n-Curd >ui tbe Itsidsay Ik
Traverm- Clly anil Acw<-.
When you have family recipis atul toinlijion powilcrp
Sitater ahare of ibe atock on uni
ail .n-t ai; Wilbi-lm tb
of five, VV'illlaiii Uiviii..
liaa>-> ■i.UmM lanmat
tin- Ride of tbc room. -Captain Mun>
to be tompoiunlcti.
If >ftin' lirujr-' bear the Kl\l)
%x TiMM otu 10 VuurtmK
telle In apeaklng of the ■rteaaiid for Emile L Ptv-iffer and tli<- Mis-.v!: Ivn-'^
tear Hunt
you an- assun;ij tlial you iiavc tht
aiid llaiib- lYfiir.-rBitiUbuK Spimi.-^
Oowsmtiiis that sreSi boar bunt of
best of quality. •
left Elk Itapi.U wlib Ihvrytuan J- «■ f
. the .^ttke of Maachrotcr and Ute Sae and chUdn-s's clutbine b-d (be list,
Warut-rV HU, Unpiile tb.ubb- K-aiu o;i-i
spedau-a aluik by hN eraoivtbc eat b ibuusli wumen's apparel was always
219 e. Tntl St.
Sb<a>s are an latporiast luuMi- ^Idl Kk-igbK 1u. Ib<- v-stl:
«al Id the iRR. • Jbe TJ attend ij|i- parly glv.n bMen Bake* Ahe f^ltovlnK dlMlwura; itiBi and tbe HUhj history of ibe prlMIsk Uzii.- Kll-bmulul. «3 W.-bW.-.
■Tbc Bate dl^i|B arc tcUins alnot an
vttvi'l iii-lKwor uf her gULSi. Mire klay
■escItiAi' bear famk In irklcb biz erare. nlal captain ir lending a band is wortb
Traverze City, Midi.
AiJ’iiRT K. tJioni-NSkV, Mu
Weifil uf IkTrb-n SpriugK. A1 .Vi-in--EHos. 8. amiAeuR a •on,
the di|ke (if MaacbaBcr. parUcIpaled
Not nianj moons ago a Wnrj WUlie ackr ibi- rrussiiig uf tbe Artur mail
Citizens phene 108. Ofltea 4«.
atxr Ceatral. L^e last week. Inaa_____________
oat (zwa
•Bnina’the luar «'tu_ who cam.' lu'» the barracks one even; znd till- I’riv yiantuctii- ilu-y i-a« u
^«chTravarM City.
which Mr.
procured from Man-1 InS fuu'td solar.- at Ibe merry ucai and
of :tcuir liKaUug away fruni
Ills irii.vsiral,wants wen-aa
Ufte last spring and which has dewi.ii.wagflKikling ilirto and mul­
-lishled both vltUora and naUrcs -if bit sidrllual lie wad fVid and clotbed
tiea while chained aud Upu*xl by thtiu- good Cbrisilan ing a wild 'laBb fur lilH-riy.-nut Ihuii-.
up near (he Oiwmnd hotel tbraugboat •oubi. ills -gneroaily was disfiliucd Ctuglil uulll tbr rig was »b-iiuilUU'-:
the f<n>t hOBBtr, was bozod up and by Kiriug Uirvi- days service to the mud 111'- bi«>r -hail rovi rrd lour nr
Bvr mll'-s. Ihirlug lb''-<rxidli-iural i’.
aUwed north um-the cmtlnc before anuy as a nibbler and during the time
ibe AMke'a big 'boar htmi.' Uiore arc the captain iust i]uleUy grafted (be 'JdonUl U, Iklv tbr Elk Itepetls .vi;w l
a^ who candidly ofdnc tbal the Ortibler trade, purebaard a kit of touU paid but lilUt' b'-.-.l ti- (bi-tr own
Olid In. Cfvwslng
(u Bcnd
.MnBBRd honae -boar and the duk.t't
bear am alauMtanccms and the aame. aolee on short onlor. Vivlerday a UarkM wra-r upnet la a hrap am) tlii-ii.if yml srant lu liny .t lumlvcmg ouiiit or sM up yew touU,
Of noonn. tt U nUior a mean way to lustr tittle waif walkud tatio tbe aturt- uwii rig wax luiou out "f^algbi lii .i.
you will fiml that it will
rill |i
|«ay yoii to look ever our 4tock bethrow oatd-watcr <« hla Kracc'a apurt- au-ulH wiili but n poor exi-uig> for a wild iK-amjH-r ifiwani Ur ir-^vtiliatiuu
• any derm-u foul ruviwlug nod as nothing wovld Qt Travrrw- City. Tliry arrlvrai in i!i"
lore Iniytog, lot wc1uvr*a
»vr*a good
soc aavutiucnl •>! Jivese tools at'
tool on^l to know (bat black Iwrrs the Sboew wen- uk.-n off and mimiuid,
very'loK itricgs. l»ui «ci‘l iU-«-ki'ng diain is Utc long bp
are thkdMr'B Jade rRbblls aruund O-n- new soles pul on and he wAot away Front Kin-rt n-t-klng an.d ni'yuulug bin
J»l.Lafcat4iUl<<l h sway cnongb fur Teabod aad hapjiy. CapiaB Manxclle with thrir gall at ln|ini»-4
wrelil, Bteaiii trstcil ami guaiautccil to give satisfaction.
4hn aBiUab noMUly to none hlB out. (borunghly enjoys Ibe work and lie cs- -ind iMilruiriaiiK g.-ivr ilit-m ili<- liglii
When j-ou nr.ini a crot-- cut saw ask lu see the king |vin uf
m»lf mm It • foot of jcnow on (he biblu his buz of second-hand Hbues 'if way until Ibu p*»sipairt- wax r< ac-1r-!
with as Bucli when Jusraib 'Rlaswni made n itn-tvthttu.all. -THE LUMBERMAN'S PRIDE" '
«wu« and otd Bruin has bon aaensmarkkt pricks
lag awarAa bit .arlnlcr gnariors^or enibuKlasB as a merchant would.dls- ^top. and the «-»rile<l tt-am wnM innu'l
r-lu Mikr IJdiry. wlioCUitk‘Ib'-B bpla.v.bis wares and bis ejwBhinaic
aercraj wnha."- ..
be spies a hole or auk- that be knuwr H. J. Morpttn'x liviWT Imni. Tln-v »-.-r
rvu-agnfsed then* and Mr. Wvu'-r, »a*
ENt ItaRtdi Weddinh.
tUlrd by plmiK-".«‘ ibo saftH^iif bl|t«r- J- W. MUicr waa called last
ni‘8 hals^arc on dlqiBr aad It's borara Vliii-b ,w-rre imriii-'llBtrl'
weak to Bk «t»P*da to twite In mfirgh to give on the shivers U>,han- blaBkctcd Bid pul Into bhmI bauds.
rtoBt Ml* Kate Hawt9.<A BIk Bapida enoagh
Tht sIriKh h'aa 'practically » wrocl.
mi Aribur MUis of Twenie City- Thu
Coincf Lake ave. anti lUtb st.
are relegated to the dark recesses of ss (lulhlng but ll:r frmii'elrjgbx W '-r--closets, but lli.'ir senam is (vibIiir. Irn Bubanix'i]. iMfth.waU wtiv (' rii
sure mwgii.
«aU-(d Uto hrMc.
draity by collixkBb with
Tbe RBPtWB IBriora were latlefully
ub^a.that faib'd ii> rk-ar ilu- track
,dlBWfatud ami fnux»«d wlih evi.^
Indihna Got Money.
It boriet and
Tbc lufTBcnt of kTS.OW'. wfak-b is (be ad^they mad.- i^r iklbj;
Uk |>lir»icl&ii B Bbclt vssitl hBte IxH U
Tip . foItoVlwt o»f«™ h»rc iwun pk-k<!il up fruu tbi- Soar U> (be babr
pfacta .tg the ^J»UC Circle for the BnJ Ur luluni laiUncl lirlsirlu place
II In Its n»atli II inl«bi have been
tinvu tnlu (be re«i>lraUH7 tnbei



Dr.W.J. digsins

Tire Insurance!


Money to Loan on Improved Real'Bstale Only;



tbc Store Chat Fills tbe most Prescriptions

J{mmbtr tb( Kid Cross



H*i£L.‘;sE:sa:- as?a5=f‘J*

American Drug eompaity

J W. 1^A*rOMIN





WILL I AY nK;ni':sT

Ctist8iR SawiiiE aiHl Pliiiog Don

F-RANiC TRUDE, 146 Front Street

Traverse City Ml^. Co.





hikl to Ik- Bade by thtr prec
Uitvugb Ibe omri.uf (daims.'to tUc
tribe of . Indiana, of
which but thiriyeeven in Als' oorihern TvgMo have piwen tbclr claims,
waa cloecd up.oo Wuruday and
two'members thus Oir have Ikvu In
the rlly. made ibtdr ‘Biark’.and nreived a-ch^ fur .kLST.kt;. less 171.
the aiiornt;)- fw. for work la <A»Uin;
lag Ute claim agalnsi the surrruBcot.
The history of ibis claim would
make a Uxdt. hence It ran only In- stitt
that ftsu yt*i>
ibcsc :rti 1*0110waliiwie* put Id tbidr imlitblual
rlalBis. ami though in aU piubaUUly
there are aa many who arc <-nilciUl lu
tbc clal mas hate i-v-a^tcd it. iheir:
legal atandlog «« ikktoiraloBl.-s bas
uoi bet-n proven. The bnitfacr-lujuw
of (Be (if the fblvrprelers Is a full
hiooUrd* rottohatteie >m was «-»l
(lently sluepBgw^-n ixiik-t- waa givra
to tbe rewl (dhis faiifliy aind U
on the deal. Ho has the syuiiiaiby if
faU rolativtw.
if.- ‘ TIh- trils- was suwosed to be inaiapnrivd Ip-voud (be Mistdssippi by. the
ObHd Cbnbad ta Death
. wbirii pruvldtM Ifait- |Bytm-Bt
Dr. O.«. Chase and Sheriff (^and-jaiHl many of the mr-BiU-r«*«bo w««
Irr arm ralW 111 .bittviuebra Thurs-i in tb<-noutbivti lan ut the state camr
day to hoM an Jmneet wn amwiot I north and >-eitKsi on the W<w-t shore
td the BtMdra deoUi of tl^- ISmunllu.-1 uf (traod Tiavwrw bay and whea no(hd Chiu of Mr. and Mra. Wllbua T«l i Uo ^as m-ui \nm Washlnptwi did
kr.-who mWes Mt-eral mlkw oui in)nut admit tln-ir natiunaliiy for frar
the 'cDOKry. Bwr.OreoD Lake.
\ ikai it wratil luvnishiuent and
.While the cireaBstancra did PM I ar.- rtili da scBi-hidluc
•rad an {avraUgMIoa zm phyalciaa wasaaitiis were mad
ta aUmdaarc aai hesrav no burial por-, tir Un- •estb.-ra
bM «otiM be oMained exorat ihtvugh I iht-v wrw alk>wv<] to r^-inaiiL unm<v
i lWr-1. word wsm rv-arla-d tin- nonl.
Mh- faabt-|bu( an iBaian U suspkiou* and
was'aoddcBi} atiarArd aitb a Hraktng!
(b.-? dut tn'd lUsckw- ib-ir
sprU aad 'as *1l had Ixwu
a f Aamai; (b.>M- wb« eamv forwnrd
Jdektod crab
(lx- BKilbiT lbnMc«--^l rtaim aBl <dasuix-<1 rceoKnliiuti it was dnt- to that, bsl wowc ol
.KpaBS of Agosatuwu. ami their
tzwwbarthc>a>B>wai>.i>«l<B.aitdUt.-t4dauB Jadiis a bale-blriury »u Ht-elf,
Ibe baby (i-ri.-d «<kv».'tboagb a ukj. ,Cbh-r Peter Wsiikaxiwt. who aa* the
sage arasM-niHo the faiber in tbc lUB-; great Ottawa eWtf wblle./fesldlrg .ni
U-r^woods and bv airivcd.ln tbc cvew-! hb peservatiuB near. Eiaiisatuck. was
The UiUg one's r«*jil^tk» , tUingfai to be a brapgood chb f by the
ara^ed .lam*lrcd aad braaUleg was 1 adjoining tribe of I
diSHili dwriag (he aigbt and at C | was anxticui^ehlri of their band, ry
o'rincb l» «he muralng a second rituk-1 cdvlng aanniUea from tjie govenme:
laguiMl raaaltcd rtiaHy,
; as a chtefof tbetrlrtbe. wbii*-In rralliy
The family say that «* Chrbdmas; be aras a full btooded Ottawa. Now
had nuU and in' the opinkte of > the draccndasu.,tbe Waakaxuos ,*a.i

- pat the rooBB. TV lar»e ha>- wtodow
waa cunverteti Into a bower In vbirb
atood tbe nonuaoUBg partlea. at each
K> Ibo vtber in the beantlfnl and infreaalri) itag acrrlce of tbe M. &.
ebareh . pnghted ifaetr Blth. Mfsa
Lou «VMB waa brideaBuM and dyde
BmMr BpAhM waa.
: "
1>e bride was dreaded in white allk
and carried bride'a ronaa. -The bridesr .heooalagiy aulrod in pink.
ThawrcaonU were many and vRlnablc.
A laiae MI^RT of cuesls wow preaent aad a boaaUful wedding dinner
•mwa nofrei by Mra. Hawley. Ihe
Mda »0B OUT .of aoclriy'a favorites,
• ba^ al«Ar*
id Bh lUphls.
. aad 'l^Voin. a rtuing yopng man. U
mnroU-d wl^ the Peru Marnuetto
Mn. HilU took ibo
X:N Ifotv |darqnri;o ‘train for Urand
c ihf) will risK (he par
la ad the gnaow and oibcr retaUvee
w4 will be at boaar to ihclr many
friends oa Iteat Tenth aUoct. Traverse
CU.V. ^er Jan.'i?.

III tin-em-anlliw- tb'- Indaiul luin.
srrk'-rs plitni'vl tu Mr. Sbtfpaii fur a.^anii- aii'l, hr imnirduiti-ly df
l*trluil a rig that bnniglit rbi-ni In nruckK-k ill Uinr for lb" (vari.v.
■Wliilr Mr M.irgan'K ilriv.-r was <vm.
lag in wliii ai'- pan) (i»ni Arno-, su n
Uak l*ark, la* met A. J. liniwu wi:wax luiAiuu Ibf his burxr wliirb b.r;
alxo run awo>.
. , . 8. 8. Election,
ivlilig nf tbr Hundav

6oing to Build?

IL.-io, tht) Stjuili Sidr l.umlx-rCo. .11 Tr.ivcrsc
Ciiy is-jlic |il;icc to buy your material.
- and mill work Jonc on short notice-

Shop .



a chance tc> tij^urc on your wants.


South Side Cumber (ToCraverse City. Ilticb.


Not the old sluMltly. but. fresh froth


Ikr., Miles’ .\mi-l’..iii Pflls
a most reii«rkal>l,r rctm-tlv
for the relief of pcnt>.lii- ]>ain.«.
backache.lirrvtni.s or sick licail
aclie, or ary. of il,»- iltsirc'—
iiijr arhi-5 ami fv;itns that c.Hi-r
W'vmfit .--M niveit Millniiig.'
p.1111 is wcakctliiig. ami
leave-' ilu* system -ih an r.\hanstrtl I'onJition. U i' 'vvru-i>:
to soffeTa imvmciil I'lnjer ttt-m
neccssaty. .im1 yon shonlil takr
the .\iili-f*uin I’llK on first in
'diL-alioTi of .-111 attacL.
If lalvvii as iliripctral you in.iy
‘ have emirc conliJettcc, in tin it
e»Tccti\Piu-s'. as well a- in lit-:
.ktct.thiit tln'-v u-il{ leave (to iJi—
.igrecablo 'aftcr^^ecls.
ITwy, .contain .ao mor^/liinc.
o|mim. dtlorii!. rocahie *vr «»i!irr
ilangcrtMTs «ln!"s. * .
•Tnr a »-«: ()«(-*1 lia-* xwffxr-,i ‘ with x*Hl. .,r tta'-k-.-t:- that
Tti talrrx'xt Bt-'T-- (1-jn I r.i-i •-Ttal.-ii.-.
*rti----' xtlx-*kx •-v*nh‘*».B
»>taj u--« 1w~ «.r tlirx.I
n-\.r U.-B ah:.- in B.'C aij-tltfr'e ti.jw'^M ei>» in.- tti.rh I'l ri utlii I if-ta- uw'wf I". iJBra- ,(>u-.p .
Ihtx.-a.Kl th'^.-.lwuv-x reli'




Standard, make -5-A


They are strong ar I chc^

est al

^ fuUygiuraBieed in every respect.
rial ve arade to «M a* weO as seU. They
8"^ given a flasliy
(inisii to catdi the eye, bat are durable,
idilc, and neat. 'Tlie cheapest on tbe market, ({Kaltty omsMlcfcd,,
Orv e usc'l in<1 you will buy no other make

11 you bavc to buy tin; abo\«- n.init'.'l
;;*K)t1v «ivc us'a.lrid.

iVo Imvt- tht in

in .Yriy (juuntity. clean .nul whoh.-soiM*-.

126 State Street. » Uictof Petcilyl.

Your slot k will (!■' bciu r by buying
the U-st..


Have you ever trip! the

Royal TIeor

and OoRSoo*




Bo^al tiger an4
They are the best.

Sdc. *vn]y by



Miles Mt^ Co.. Eikharu Ind

ifcy.1 .

.d L.



]Uuf. «r> arc baviojc
ii«T> creks after Cbrfoimas c<
jiNdinol. icKja ibedlsU BnMkjn-adliiK. artUuncUe. «rHi«c. crai
• dnvlDi;. Bcacraithy amUpollliij; Tberc
wbo have bod
lO lilts I
ly for ibe etdWreo’a «Tvlce. which my
We dM am tM anrubm Chrlstmu.
Bitter bsi urery Sooday aflenioun. at We had a ylum iKiddinf; for dinwr.
b rewdm for lomd a^<
will dose. artshlBR
.otao 01 an ioccinire to m« bow much t'hrisUMs and a hai^iy Xes Y««r. I
d AUd canid tell of (be BU^Ie Btory
lore '‘repreacots. Tbeac nttlc
Gortnide' Franaw Graat.
tdUldrmi are imm like white ehUdren.
n«y aeeia so dcoae. Md forvei mi
PrewaAf. Art., th-c. ». tm.
aoiw. sad It Is hard to Ret anythtBR lu
Uuar Aunty Bat«?»—I have never
star la tbolr becSC'ihat you waol to vritteo Lu you beton-. but noB' I can
Wmaln there. 'Ood bicsstbe Satufalue heoaiur I hboB tMW. ttV are golw
ihoya and Rlrlt, and use them ren' 'to have eaerclseu ml our ectaool Friday
h. I know He sees mad n-Kdees' afiorBoon ai 1 o'clurh. We are soins
in their Rift aod v^'Pls it as Juu<- loJiBve a turkey for Chrhtmas dtnser.
uBio hlm.“
TblM- U my finii letter. I am Roio* to
Jiiias Anus Kbens. who Is a mlsaibu iesDi lK»w tb srite U-tter. .
ary to .Ooknoln. Ccyloo. .wdie* that
Jum- Hirrliui.
the carts sent her an.- reoHvud isafid.v.
Itay C(i>. Mini . Ikt JT. l»ul.
aori that shots vott Riad to have ihitn
(Xwr Auollv ihHes- -I I'mte uot writ
le amoDR the ebiidron there. Sbo
scys that the cards scat Hiss C<»k.'ai ten fur « tong lime. a> I have been very'
HUaila. In Ceyina. will dq.-a «n«< bus} since dCbool be^. I was ver>
deal of Aood. for tbv cblltfron~ there. r..rr> 10 bear you wen- s<i skdi and
mmetUag like those Miss Grieve hope you will SUM b.- sell and will,
hpeaks «. and they will be a sreni have a hs|»py New Y«*r My IttlJe uishe'p In tcachlUR them' the Bible •cr Vtntinia and I were coming to Bay
Cliy (or the hulkiays. bai thewas sick
so I had to eume skioe. My aabt mei
me at Ssr1b«b^ ! left MaiUftee be­
Lasj B eck we spoke ttf reoetrlDR a
fore da ilRht- The train was full ol
ickajie of Sunday ^huol paix-rs from
people going places for Christmas.
John Moler. We sboold bare said
, Friday there was an caurtaiament at
Moler, and we hope be will
uur ehiiTtb and I was in a Christmar
M« dk
A for making U
the mistake.
rantaU. I round a nice tree here B-altlog for me lu trim. I bad many pres
DMUtlful Utrlsiowf Sunsliluu was
ents and a gnml liine. My uncle took
made U a iiutnlK-rof meinbem alCassme for a rble In the afierntwa. Iiu*
opoUs'lUs year. Carts wtjre sent to
there is tu> snow or sk-lghlng'here
dliss ,H«en Hopkins, who called the
M) Rtandnia caonin^walk at all. as
Rlrls tpRvtbw.And they made a nomshe sprained her aziKIc. With love.
Iwr V tbe very prettiest scrapbooks
Irene BAoy.
that wero ever pat logethtT. Pail of
Suuous itay. -MlchvDve. M. ISOI.
tboif were used for cbildrea at CassDear Auntie Itales-I am very skin
iqN^, and some vrero aent to Sun­
dae bcadtniartcra. to bring Christmas in -wriiing. bui as I bsve ilnK aoB I
:<dicer to alcfc dblMraa. Other Cbriat- will BTlie to you all. Chrisimas i.
.wortt was sent oat. from which we very dull dowa beer, and we dM
have B Christmas tree, h'or CbrlsUiMu
will. hvar a Uitle later.
I received a doll. Aory book, baadkef
chief, perfume set. ibo pic plates,
' Smplrc. Mteh.. lice. S3. IPfH.
Mrs. Bales—Our school will cap ninl saucer, a bag of candv/ look
lorn acRt rrWay. nficr which -for ib^ lug glass. wrlUng papir and impct>rr


Stories From )fidii[^ ffist^ - ^
For Nidiii^ Boysaad Gills


1 «tt *17 M««r «• wprry «■
fcTtjiwKinUilai. .
I ««i tiT «#k« M M«nf M I
CM Ml malH «v«yMbr Mppy
I ««iH try t»*c Icrfi MpM
M« Med M MwyMdi' and »
CMfy Ihrhw
H I ever fen <M tryl«| tc dc
tMM IWnah I wUI Try, try

PTMUcHt. ttm. M. C. C SatM.
ActVlM^rMlMtt. MMM Mw
•MMd tNM #r«dMwit, OMre Satcc

CttrM end the Utttc Oiwc.
rnic MuCtr hdi come over Jordan.'
Mtf HuMk Um motker occ <Uy.
*»• li boOte tbe peoidc «bo itm»B
' Um.
WIU (be- tmeh of bt* flasvr. they
-■-.' *V-

. -

“Amt ao# 1 ehcil cerry tbc tdilMren,
UUM ItoJiel end Scmccd sod Jobs.
I UmH CUV tbc bob)- Mber .
l>br tbc Imrd to Mob ctno."
Tb* Mber ta*nl «i ber bMiv.
k be «b|i* bbi bead «U cmllQd.
«bo bet s doiloc moUer
WmM tUok of s ibtas m vIN?
’rtr m> cfcHirds were tortved wfth deOr dfUiB of leiw'-hwett.'^wMl.
Or tad they tbc utnl cT Um leper
tfbc mMO'la towd-''
'Mv. do Mt btader me. NMtai
I fMd om* « haodao «( «ai»—
tfi«Of*yHlw«ei------totaps I htall Mara it Umre.
-if ta ior -tai tata oo tta eMMrea..
Mr howt wIH be H«hter. I taow.
• bUsMog forcrer and ever
Inn Mhrw them hs they so.'
W the hlUa «4 Judtsa.
Bps by tbc vIbo-rtWB skai.
WM Itahiriilrnstm hor booum
Aat taebd b«F broken batwocu.
> PMide Who bon tm his
fcta- A«r watted bb toodiar bis word,
nii.uvh tta row of prood Phartseta
flbe iwenoed to tta tool e( tta LonL

dd Mer. "wlUi eUMiea
d aot bow (lommiocwlBg Uli e«wa.«*■

Uacbetfe aa^ boaloU dloeaacr


-rwidd put ibo

-Itandi them to come aato me.’
itod ta tadt to bU arms little bt^r.
Aad tacbel be Ml tm Ms kaee.
Aai Ota taary taart of the motbobtaa uned all cartbMare above.
As be iaU blB taad oa the brotbers.
Aid Messed them with toadero

EM*^ enod. Both and. Ptokc Hannatord. '
' iliahdebMaen td Mr. and Mrs: l^llam Good of dolon.

As ta paid of tbc babcB on hU boaom.
“01 MMb Is Ibe klnsdom of bearun."
B«eka we will have a- bulhlay vaca- tails. Tta tal.y Twiv.1i a tank. j.
Aad atreastb for all doty aad Mai
(ton. There has twea good skating little sjToun and a tuTb cu!>hk>n lor hi: nai boar to tar oplrit sra* glvea.. here file a long time, but the ire Is aft buggy. I did not hang u|> my toock
rureretl Bith sdob now bci wc capned Ing Chrivtmss eve. a* I reeeh-vd my
skate withont swtieplBff rtf the »now. piVMtiii bsfotv. For a Chriatmas'pres
nitMr.- Dec. an.
r teaehvT a pretty «wek
uf sno4 aronnd
Nezi week w« will bbve qnite a luog We, are baring hits of
>Blng almost all iiig chair, and ta lik.1t H veir much
here BOB. and it U suoBlni
Hot of tmaws to add to onr a»ei
tav.- my cart.and button vm. WcH.
ttare U su^ a Wg Plie of tet­ the .time. It touha like we are 'gurng
I* long onoagfa. »•
ters to kmh over that tta vtrv presl- to tavc a wlater Ukv we Uhl last year.'
oYnr* truly.
altbuti^ I taupe aoi. I will aea^nooM .goodbye.
doal bas odt bad time to attend
ibisa Sogge.
tbcm^etowcMlly d^ Me has b«ea so cuaaadmnis; 1. tVfcerv l» liappinrss
fMind* 8. Why shunld all sober iKss.
boor -wrtiiag to Msblaoravio t
Kingsley. Mich,. TX-c- IK l»u1.
tbem tor toring meesases aad rcmeac pie go tu rest directly after tear 5.
brapccB seal your preMdcal hy hee Why Is a pig like the h-ttcr NT 4. ' Itoar'^rw. Bates—I tbuughi I nvMl
What would a ani sa> ‘ If t' eould wnie aud toll yvm ihai I rv^elved m.'
SaaBblae boys and Rtrts. She
tored rrary one of them, aad has batT speakT «. if the drivrr tif an ic>- card and I•'^t<ul1. I ihiuk ilio
the good aunc fasten them on .the agoB wvigbs SS9 isinads^wbat wont'd alev. aud i :nat>k you fur them. W<
Whrlajj.- jsolng it> bave a Santa t^u*
.walk where nbe caa look at them alt Itc man at the I»ck''w4tgh?
docs opening a letter
liuBse. I go ty school m
sirang.e way cf entering
ring a room? ■-Iswers
My leacher'k uatm- to Mto>
tc weads tovlng Ihonglits to every w
Wlmi Is a sailor nor a saltor?
Ws-H. 1 -win have li. clwtv
Your hiving friend.
this ts'my dr»t l.tu-r 10 you. «'
Willie Ontodvr,
guu>l-bye. ffvan ,
«oa will
Walter Bayvrs. '
Tiavcnw City.
woebo ago m tam package of carts R. r. a Nti.
Karilti. Mich tx-c. 1». IPt.r.
lX-e«Bbcr*Tih, Ihi'l
BCai'la by 8>
ittea ta far dtstaat toads.
Ikiar Friend—Christmas •«»» rdta.*
aad lassed. It ralued Iasi night, nu:' ■ Mrffdk-J.\llle. Micb . tX-c- I". I!*u;
Mtas CoasUBce Grieve, who is
iXs^Hra. Bale, -i tbuui^t | ivultog ber Uto la the bean of AfrlM. it to-do Icy out Id doors that «v <^u.* f have «u
tnd Aanil op The trees hnrt.. very «rlU* a few iiiu-i
Tbto to to Bead my bvartfeU itaaks pretly all evyv md with lee. We had a wrttiiw for a hmg
gw tta^ largo package of oantaWhlch Cfiptotmts tree at rw school house oi: lor ru> card and luiitim.. l have lo-iv
arrived safely aad In peiiset ordat. Christina* eve iSaturday night, th^ fhe boMnn tndto- strew. W.e shut
1 iktok u rarr ewaet of the Snaabla- 31ilt.l We had a very gvssi program raWilt Thanksgiving dai
urs to eead ao many picuires that ibey aad tvro Cbriatmav irera. tVe aiw go- had a gw>a Unto Thtcl
base tieea Mvtng for yvars. sad sre ihg ti> hive aa ^n-r snigH-r lu a week pet* 1 tww a Cog and ca?V.«l mtf«:
tbtak at Chrlrtmas itase. when
or tiro. 1 heart that you were sick, <aiwe for this time,. I .^toh »vm\ Mer
tarb -a torpe gaUiortog of yooag aad but hope you arw well at*r. .My graad- ry. Chrisima* and Idve to idl the Sou
ma lives la -lowa anw. «a Aeveath
oM. of (itoMimtIag them tbea.
Hitalak the scripture cato would do nice- *ir«TC Papa to naullag h^ for-Mr. . -Asv IV- -





•r ns. H..C.C BATES



Thi heart* of tbe good priest* grew warm wltto ihem
- a* the} heart tbsaiorlea of the bold wood raopers wbo broii^l
to Canada tta newavof lta greto wild world to the westward,
itoeb a samdertnl. m»wterloas wotM as U waw wKh It* Intoad
aaaa dotted wllh Wreb caaocs M busy gabermea: Us deep
tomia Bl^ tta ladtoa baniera loltewod the tracks of elk ur
bear, or watched for tta busy beaver* as they built their coa
alag dam* and eartherw bogai* to the swift rtvora: It*
vllitge* of rude bark Btpwam* where paUeat aqoawt lAled Tif
Uay malar imtcbea. or sewed wtifa falibtal care ttair 4Mtto*
them defUy with gaily colored potewpla-!
nnJIl* or bright feather* Blih italr needteB M tcoe: and whev-*
little tooBB-skiaaed hahte* swaag la their back cradles from
the low hiaache* of the iree*..wWle iln-lr bcoibeta aad slrier. ekooted aad ptojwd on the sandy ireacbes of the take, ur In tho
‘ riiady nooks of tbe forest.
U tbc w«d Irwjuols warriors oaald go oa the war pa'h
wllderaem tbaT lay between
thruufh ah tta miles of u
• the »- Ihwraaee aad the fantaA shore* M those unknown osov
to tghi and kill—If the nmidi Ftvort retyageurs eoaW spead '
loag montbi and years io go and come tbsi they might briag
tbrir canoe loads of furs to eta OaBadlaa amrkeu for money
that was ao trfien sprat la wlW dlsslpatloB—why sbooM Hte mto■ stoaarics of the charch hesitate to follow la their iraritAcarryiaA
to the lusi heaihoo souU the smeet Aory of «ta
vatloB through the name of the dear.CbrlAT
Brea the Wshop of Quebec. Franri* dr lAval.- * Isbwl faln.Mdf tobe sent on this wlfston. imt the tot fell at laA to Faih^
Mcaaard. an ag.1l mm • ho had already simat bto strcogtti
amuag the Huroo* mad suffered a* oaly those devAcd mUaloiwrle* owld, in h^/ Master s cause. Beat with age. bto hair
•white w ith the snows of tuaay w Uuciw. marktd with deep ucari
where the turtari* of tta taree ladlaa hands bad racked bto
body, weak with |is*i sufferiag*. AlK this bende soul sprang
to Ibe call. Ml of >oy that he was tbougbl wvwthy to >uff«r yc
again far Ckrtot.
In Quebec waa aafety. sbvlirr an.l comlort. la tta wlWerBCSB-Vas loll, weartaca*. saffertag past the power of Worts >«.
tell, aad death: t«t ni-ver w.-ni 00c called to a feaA reJoieiaK
tuort than ta wont (o It all. The hour ita wort «»«• for bta
lu Ru he dpparied. with lUlh- •preparail.m, lorTto hi* own word*.
. ta -truAed la the lYovielroee which fod* the. IHih- bird* «rf
(be deseei. and clAbcs ibe wild IK>»ers of Ihe forcA.**
It was in Ita month iM Ang^- IW.-. that be pasa»d fw
tltc-lma time ibrough the doom of his Caaadlaa bene. aaH
good byo to the friends vhwe faecs he abouM aevv^ see agato.
aad palling MatocU into tta hand* of ■be Eem- eavapf* whi> •
baiiil him and'all bto kiud la ibt-lr bvw^. wvwt uot to nuknoBit
porils with a sung and a prayer.
No sooner bad tbe pall*ailcd wall* of ibe town Iteca hM•len from sight by the foren lima he began 10 ta treated wi.ii,
savage brutality. Fiww ifii- gr*Y of dawh till ita shades .if
wAlag foil, all/lirougb-tbe warm. Kunay AogaA dky* aad Hi.sburtealbg uae* of SepieialicT gruwtag chill with trust, ta wi-u-4h to the we*iwart throwgh iho wiW rotiy way'of the apprr
- pcal^vula Fnmt nnirniag till alghi his savage iitctwi fam>l
him 4u bend over tin- paddle of (he crowded daooc tin Iris old
boors and niusclei were eraibped with racking |«ia. He wade-l
toamlag rtrar* over' sharp rocks, dmapng. the canoe up alln
fa'idd*. When a ponfcge was mado he carried great burdens
br cnaM hardly stagger uiidiT. Amid It all Insult aad amtempt '
wai. his only reward. Hunger nddrt to bto sufTcrings. , Their
aapplles exhaiu-tcO. ibcy lived on tatries .nod moss. Ttaw two
falling ihciu Uivy were tewd to eat ifce din. and fftvgusUag ^
aMoac skins which wm- (be scaaQ elulbisg of the guides. Oa.- '
diay their hairrd of him tare to lu highesi pitch, and with angry
words and blow* they
t>rccluu* breviarr
wad threw It cuatemptaouKly Into Hu- wau-r . Tlien his l•l^riu^i>
railrt. and the iiour oM prii-»i. evhausied. faint wiib h'ing.-;
bto ban-feel bllsiercd and turn wlih sharp stuoe*
tin bto path could be-traced by bto lrfoi>il« r.wlprluU, wa*
atauduuil »u ihe.Bhorui of take Bopcaiur and l.-h akati!. wli.ioni food, to .lie. >'or a few dayi. ta llrcil on the lume* the;-' bad
hffi OB the ground at their lari &mpiog place, whle* lie
whh stosies nad so got fhum them the fptgmealM of nourtolimrii.
Bat the Iisvbgc faearu reteunil fur a UitX- and itay n
turned at last aad took trim tu their wioier ouarters uo a bay
which,'a* they rTaebvil li on October ISth. 8u- Theresa's d*.>-!
he named dt. Thetawa'* Uay. This to supposed to to- the one
now called Kfwmaaw Bay. Keacfalag this pisec wiifa )uy flilic.-;
bU heart, ta o'AUlibed his mission and laM wwsv. which, hsa.vs. ".rcpal^ me with usury for all my past t
For a while the dirty, squalid ladiaa camp wpa bis tiwm«.
itan fae -wav crwolly ibruM out aad all tbai toag winter la (L.
devulate Dorthtsad this aged aad feeble servam of God pa**.--!
'the wild days vrben the air was fllXil wHh flying snow, aad th
hasg dark lUgbU «f MUerjoU. In a hut iHilli ol flr bnacbes.
tbivHi^ which whistled t-ven «ind that blew irum off tbe icy
wnu-r* of Ita great lake.
He was utterly aloBe. Uvtwwcti hlm'sad Hoeitml itar
livtil no white man. ' Aatong other burrors. faiulBe esax- ■.
wasle and dustniy.lbe iiruple whom- suat* be hari-eomr to nav.-.
and uadi- it a winter lung memuraMe lu the Undhiuuy «d tbMbe. Hot tbrans* <»M aad (atatiH- sad bodily w.-aku-M nn<l
fwln. the boiy.maa wmt Ai.T.lally <m in liH Cfar'toiiafl work, and
n-jolc-d In each atwiity rowinl of hi* tobeyrs
At laA'spriBg returned, and v.|ib svT air aad waim sun
aad the opeaiag of hmf and flawer came smae n.-ltcf from thwiaier's want, flummer foUowed. and now on one of lu fabdays there came through the wilderaess to tta westward a
mespage i» Fbtber Mesnart and a call.
There had arrtviil at Cba-q-Ja-me-guu Bay. avwr the htw-l
of'the lake, a band o( paniy Uhrisilantocd liurous. who had
Idyia .drivim from their home by the Iroqauls. and bcariag <
the baly father cm the shores of lAk-e Superior, t^-y had seui for
bna' to cemn- and mtolsier to them tbe rtte* of the religXm'ibcy
mlued aad Meged for! Uae can' fancy tajw hit pious hca-t
leaped at the call. He was told tlmt .he co^ not g6 wlib hl>
MHm heahh through ibat, wnaeraess—a toiad of rocky Midi.
of uagM ortar rwamiK. of rapid
■>-aad dense*forest*. '
-Vod calu BK- Urither. I tea* go if It caou me my Ufc."
• Wllh ob4
Cbr him. he idsnsil 'ao hU pettloas
O* the twh te

A«gust. It»l. wbfto Ibe) V rejaoUac s iiartsrr. bla bUo^aht
taat sight of bba aad be a
W’hctber. mOk bto MUag togtat mad fseWe stsw>. be paagrred friuB tbe path aad In thtvse tmlltaiT «dd» riuwly sUrrrt
to.death. or.some.giW ladtac ateallhUy larllng hcklad (ta
irra struck bta down with uae crwel Mow, wiU aeww ta
kaesa U»g afierwant bto eaMock aad brartory wetw faaad
aatung tbc Sleua. who rereiwd them as taoty amwtaa. |tot tkH.,
we do koea; that sumewborr today, mlagtod with
boil, to the baadful of dual that was anew tta earthly 0rmer*.
of the devqied Soul who was the -ErA lu tsU ita AvBTof the
ttvis. im U**- Bupvripr's'ahorrs.

«TU be Cuatiaued.) -

Tb* Agscttoa 'of Birds.
jibe gallaai leader of‘tta Boogk MilI . 1 wtmder If you cbHdrqi know of th-- ers.
devp ageettoa felt by our lUiie lealb-i -He said.' *1 tare aoaM sMc ton* '
trk«iU. tbe.Wrds,I. for each other . with tbe regia
'End tattaAimes for -hr
have here, vrhieb I am ready to pay
-j tor uot of my own poehet. _Ca» 1 Imy
PosAWy the
(wove Inuc-' ihea from the Red Crtatr
i worth 'rriailng. aa>l
: T--NA tor a mliUoa dolton^' Or.
iwstlng to ytMt:
irm tta auA I itordncr replied.
.of I B&Stlsh vpamiw. together wifj ! • -But my men need ttaue thlags.*
Us liny oeoupants.' ta* thrown from be said, his toae aod face eapresalag
it* ptoce la Ihr trwetop to the pavv- i aasletye- T am proad M aty ama.’ •
meni talow. al! of the ffedgelluR* save t - -And we .kaow dwy are pomd e*.
one pertobing. A geaUeman, passing. >vmi. cokmel. Bat «w caat aaO Bat
the half dead IRMe sparrow and Cross aapplMt.- 1 iwered Dr. Oarv^
ptrUng h np. took It home with him
- 'Ttaa taw feaa I ffsa tbsMr
and cared for M teaderty. Wlihla -*JbA aak far them, cotowak’
fe« days the u ee htrdie was folly n-■Oh!' be aald. hi* toec caftealy '
eovcnil aad sould eat bread moistcoed with water from lu reacaer's. lighting np wifh a brtgkt amlto. ‘Tima -haad. The gentlonma kept the baby I do ask lor them.'
- 'When trill you aaad fhr tbese aapsparrow till lu B-iaga' aod tall werircaihiced out and coaM balaaec H to Ptaar
-■toend me a sack, aad I wtn ttaa
tbc air: ibni he decided to let It go Ui
ibem right akmg.' bo aaawcrad. wHh
the home nature Intended for it.
During tta lew weeks ibni tbe bird cbaraciertotic dedaloa: aad beteraav
bad iMi-n an Inmate cf the gvwHe- bad KupEiuI fnan oar sarpelae tta
nuui's home the two had become m»- iacMeat was ctosed by the fatan paaa(oallr attari^ to cack Mbcr. Tbe fli- Ideat of the United Biaioa AtoglagtiM
liberty | big sack at toalirt adt^ <
•ile tcUo*' was allowed
eoraairtl. caMd
d'sli oMicnt-1 Bsllk. oatmeal.
iboot Ita Andy and would'
of : fnilU. rice. tea. eCg..
U;.. ever W ahaMediy by the bour(^
_______________ baad while be . ders aad striding u« ihrpagh tbe Ja*wrotc srki hto rt^bi. And when tbc 'gb-"
geatlcmaa would hsive the'apartment,
•In Gsad Ommm.
I bop Bbtnrti
tastily, never
i-sehodly and ehirp
un returned.
rearing till
Tbea II Wtmltl bo|> Jtiyfnlty tb vmiif "f srissors>. Give each <me .a
bta. ollowlnB ItA-lf to be ptrkrt ap **«*’ ^**_,f**^'- AUuw gReea ml»dariag wbicli 'lime csidl ptejCT
and pt-rchtd tm the ctvU tngi r. Tbcic
muA cat wui Bve -aabaals flwM Upi
it was happy, aixl Irti off clamoriag.
Oceariouatiy .tbe sparrow wimM paper. ABeewart the Balmats an «a. bide away under a.table or lundccasc. bibliiil. sod the tinopaay gaca* wbM
jand If lu human friend wished for they an iaremlii] fur.' A prise
uiwrrr cumpanhnivhlp .fa.- sronld whto- giteu lu tbe uue whose aalnula arc
11c softly and Up the noor with bto rccugaltcd the quickcA.
au^rr a* a spipiBons. and Immedlaioly
Ita Wnd, would bop to him 1^ response. .Furatoh cacb gac*i wtib paper »at
And there wtrr always, some crombi pimcH.' BXrwIy read a Btl of familiar
ur iBtarts Of a reward for It* qulcAThe players a
Ilui the dsy'arrived .wbiG lit.- gen the namlier the oams of the book from
il.-n.0B ikought .li lori wHIi j wfalcli tta rhanctvT is tahm. A |w1se
toglv«-n to the owacr of tbr Itel
Hu- little siiaiTow. abom. he hn-l'
■isl nearly titrtrcl.
DaiD.ll IXsln. nnd^ta-bw) It on hl>
Hager and w.-ui i.i^bi-0|iKkirt> of ibiHavT- a Marktoard «< ime aide «f Ita
tnwB. wherv- there waa a ftae grove.
mm. Give each ptay.T * rtlp uf fa- ,
Me sayK that Dodo teemed to feel
pi-r raatalalBg the same of aome artixen- was to he a tosilag separatkm.
Bach In Cm WMA fp «• tar
(.ir, Ib^lliOv fldlow ucatied down lovoard <tad draw a pIsUiK af the
Ingiy In his palm aad cotild no: Ge InI whoM aame to aa Ms MM «f
• riuciil to fly away, slibongh each day
paper. Tta compaar ttaa guM trimi
I l>n-vh>p*ly he bad bam in the h(|hli of
j nVtag from the same haad tolu th'
I bmoebes id 4 rlliiibing rosebarii to
1f--a*t oajaseri*.- I Hut on Ihto day when IXslu was tu
' ta given III* home In the-woods and
[alMtecd -u> make friend* among bto ccaier of wbfcb a n»w of fteg.fd*R
XlDd'hU di-nsm^tV'B «ff affeclUm for Irtto I* piaort ai lalrreahi at aban
Ills'glam friend was muA touchlBA two feet.. Appohii two ladffea aad
lor after vnluly 'sUt-mpUag to mak< i.iace itam at tbe oad* of the tahte*.
1.1m fly away the geotU-ban wa* oli U a girea wont the pisyvtra oa hmb
lig.'d to pat him on Ibe lirsach of i ddc* begin to blow the balU. endtavhedge idaat. and as he walked bnrrted Orinc to blow tbite off tbair afptaof the tabic and to prcecai
be.maid hear lonely IIUI5
IXslu on.'Hug bis chlrii of sad remou-; any faalla from being Uosn. off <m tarir
Kirahce si bcloe thus ubaadoned. The own -ride. Each ball blosrp off cOffMa
The game to (me batarad
other insuBce I bave In mind of Urds'
jflectloB. in this tes4- for aiRdbcr puipu.
feataeced fellow.'l* chroairiod br a
B of tta nuai piuflrta*'noted naturalist, who bas made thto
Is faralsbrt by bavtog ota
MUbJect a stud? Hi* wortis sre^gnoted
player sUri aa brtgfaal Ptory. gtoteff
“For three ymiw 1 hare kept an but one clatmc.-tbe aen pl*T«
Itegttob song thrush anil a gias* lur- aDotber dhaae. aad no oa anmaE ta*
r*kii.t together in an aviary akms
Tbe itorr a»*y »'»»«' *«*hj
I. each pla
pl*T«r addwith other irird*! Fium tbc Oral lb- and around tbe room,
bat a Aaglc clanac. uatfl a
evinced a atrvWR aflmlrn'
Dnlsbes it.
;iloo. which .Itvcloped Into tac. I
the thnuh 'It would At all day h»ng
A ncAiaT txiffTivr
SI the thrush's fset. driflking in wen
Place peanuu ateoa* Ota uMr M
; ntae that the thrush uttered, ahri its the room at mtervaU of aboat thome
- ageetkm wns proof agalast all ill feet Give eadh omtostaal a toa»bjircutmcttt. tur alttatali
ihrBs;i plrl. At a given wart they all oam'|w-udM oanMsROy chase it away on I su.wce to roll fta pcaauu acraas tho
• perk 11 nnill tu feaHicn. flew thick. I’ vLMn -with the toothplcfca. Tta Me
' would alwsy* rwae tack aad sit .1. who first geto hit |
rap'nred by tta ride id the sroraf.:'
■ Is tile vkftte. Another row af
••^-ct/d its cbrtcc. Floaily U has
V (ta« ukc. their placea la
lbkcs^4^ nlDgitiR. to Jlsvlf. ia ,g.rhtlc
AlUT AI are tbroagh
. a song to which all the Ihe Tictor* in flu- dW.«
It brash's aotes. espoelaUy tbe ebarac have a flasl ooBieti.—CbriAlah to*
cboultlki d<*v.rr World
' strains, wre dlrilactly recognlsabU'' —Taken from ~A SainraHri In ladlaa > ta tin- hvrpilAl Vrts a cHpptrt tmf .
! hto leg wa, to a plaster cam that taff
tota rbangtil. It was a pataM opua


In b«T bo.A coHttc-l "A story of Ihr! t-ven. tat made a tazriag aoaad wUh
■ Bod Cross," Clara Birioti telU tta fo> tils lip*. »«u>r one asked him. after
i WwlBR pictnresque toeldcat of ih- ] d ww* over: “How e«mld yaa atemi the
; Bough Rider mloael la the taoHag-.: palar "Oh- that * aotato'." h* MM.
; "J losi.mafle bahwc.a bar aha Ataa-Tlim- 'came to our !mprv»vto«-i tog
lag m'rv**l^
m'eV**®^ ffool
doo'i tan amr tatah.
{ camp an eflker.. la I khaki ailforai. ..OB kaow V I Itol* ItmMg for fear
I d forgn
am tu bda’ a tag If I
' showtag hart servle*.
; taadkerchiri haagidg from his bat. to
’ prouct the back of hit bead from the'
: fletee ray* of the sun It wa* fkikmri
A mrittea 'tri
Roosereh. aod we <Miu Bardup *«^ BOtrt forger 16 li
.ln« aars 'I~> qted. very glad 10 •«-


' f



■ban eiAd. anyway: the cold aria her uaUl they are very hmd. It is la this
form that it la given to the noMlev.
.eumnilsrn'miiog.~rbaCi ah awfsl trylsg ihlng. thee If ibewoldkT can ttroenre a imie bod­
■wttsm Is.", bum the other woman ing water, be crunMes bla rice
law tbe water, breaka up tbe Aah into
-WcU. the'e especied It all her life, small pteees. nad ibl« la stirred up Into
.. 1
for she comes of a rbt-uiditk family.* a sort uf thiek auep sad eaten.with
said Mts. Graager's frk-ud. "Bibel. givai rritsk by tbe Japaneae eoMIcr.that's her yonugoA daughter, baa had ftait is added tu this raUun nlsew____ your w*7Console yoMwett
avallahle. but It to the eneeptkm
*to. Y*iir.
Ltringra already; but tbeb engaged to
.Ok.^ Ifc* Ti*r! Ok. «r N«w wlU Ike ibougbtHknl you bare done
a Csliforntan, so she may escape, gu- raiber than the foie that an.vThlng W
Sides Ash and rice to catea. Whairver
a warm clUaaie. ib«t way.
may be said of (Ms rmtton. at least.
W« smt tk« MW wlOi' khMut
guess Tom.' Ibsl's ibe son. wont c
bound to ecane Hsbt If you (Ita
have U. for be never kt-eps still long It has the effect of making the Japan'
Tbe »iirid hasot any
enough to get an tNince of Ae^ on ktm. cae soldier hardy, agile aad of won­
tUr caaUe km ««■» In vUb thee,
derful endurance..
Tall, though! He's Just running
And cron^ keoaa to ikee betoof! spllb asalsei you and yoo will bare
your ihare of suecew In eood aeaMti.
Inches; springs up like a shed. Only
i:..-.tad be cant wear hls lather's What te Remembar in a tick fleetii.
asked the New Year for w
trousers or coe'* Mr. Grauger Is sort . That a rubber kc bagjs as warful aa
•wh radiant poaalMmiea
or short, tike all hls family: but be has a -hot water Ilu^^
iror p«^t and'for king.
• -'
Some rale of life with whleh to guide
a brother btrili Just as Tom's golag .W
nai both Hgfat sad vswtltatloa^xn
So many ebuMet Aoei tkou boM
my feel.
Kv's the
wife baa all; lie regulated by plactng
nr torla* *nrd Md W»*»r ««'»*•
t asked and paused; he answered euft
of her srbite aklns made hand iweked between tbe bed and .window.
nr ferrent prayer and belpTul dM. * and.low;
ic name general mauDer. The Ares Now did you ever* in these days,
Thai awL-etemelling flowers should
nr folden ailasee: tbe whUe
re kept boniliii la tbe kllcheh even when ma'ch|nes do such lovely-workI” ngrer be permitted Jn a
••God's will to know.-So May baa* we'll And to etaep.
'•Will knowledge then auflee. New when tbe prasldenl nitd family
--No. f never did, " said the listener- there Is a very akk per
So May irevbHsK Hp« to klas.
absent from Wasblnglon for a pro­ "I didn't'know you knew them ih) well
yedrr- I crjed:
Thai medicine bottoa should be kept
And bearu to which our Jure cna give And ere (be ^wniluo in«> dlenoe died tract VacatlMi. for her* are preparid
you're real totlmale. aren't you* out at slghL
One MUIe boor of
of the eokaivl' help em­
The nnnwgr e»me. -Nay; but remem­
Tbe sun was in her eiwa to sbe cnuldTlwt gaiTuhMS Dleads should be
ployed In the klirh<-c aud lanudry.
ber, too.
And lUU Ibou kan fur e^ of n*;.
havP udd wbo was sitting bt-rr li irealed to the same wise ta^tuo.
There are only eight or ton of these,
God's wlU lo do."
. Tka happy May. tbe radiant June.
1^1 everynblng about the ; i
sbf-;<l looked.".
Mr.tvu-. \.FI*-i-»n<T. Amorl«-su-t;|>iron-sn. UleC^ri t”f--l. W. J.tViady.
The gnMen days when we earn »uay
Odn more 1 naked, "b there no more
"tVeU. 1 don't know as she'd have* should be amipuMusly cicna.
(BaftoleBUl). WOW Chet ai-ihc UsinierOrwnd Uolel Hsatti'-. \Yaah.,«rHeei
pot. entirely in tbe bands of r^gnlzesf me rifeht off. If she had
By rtppl*g.rtIU. In woods atunc.
lo telir
•That Is stimetlineti rafer-iu bumur
•h» ditfilnc leaves, the failing eniwa. And 'oaee agUii tbe answer awei-tly a ppofessloual caterer, wbo, aHbougb haiketl," waa Ibe gaarded answw. slch pwtple than to argue with •.!)•-«.
Igaflared with kidney And Madd* tmkte antfl lift did net mm
be makes use of the shlu- bouse kit­ ••We're not Intimate, because I haven't
vprtk livinr. I had triad many mtHaam, hut did aat ffei a>y »Tbe yellow knrreafs ihaalcful time.
liefontil Ikwk Fentaa, It was really waidirfh! haw much hettur I
The benUbfal toil end belmy aleep,
•'Yea! tUa one tUag. i^l other things chen and euulpmeni. brings most of idany met her. nor she me: but I know
1 did hot
that tt
<ne koun at thought anWInN.
her through and ihiough. and I preabove,
wotOdhalp «e peraaaenUy. but •• leac u U «a*I dainc m.faad 1 MBFrom tbe smalln kitchen a circular snmv- she w».md say the same. The
God's will lo tove.~
Tea. welcome In—trice welcome In.
1 ftn«d to fliy iwUifttrttt
i(on tialnray ascends to tbe butler's
. .................’
that washes ami irons fur her Ibsi peukle usf It and seUTCely «v;er ;
Tbon gkatous. bopeewdrtied yes
lasttycArad. Ta«
pantry, intmedistriy adjoining
oa Monday and YMeaday cornea to me think what wooaeritil value IK-s at ,
Wm though tbue'lt bring aome days
Theoglita for tls^ Week.
viate and pmwic-dining rooms. Two . Wednesday and ThuriKlay—and I Ihrir hands la the pats of dainty yt-:- i
“This la Ibe gospel of labor—
many-shelved.' electrtrally.operated guess there fJn't any better way to get lots cream fat. But this delicate fat 1
Some aorrowa
Ring It ye bells <>r the klrll
dumb wallH-s rnnnlug In sWts 4n the retf welt actiiialnted with another fam­
Pwww-M trmmwf toe Cmftewf Iha
Tbe tiord of U>ve came down (rui
wall bAween the iw« kilche'us. snO ily than tbal—thongb In snmmer I <lo ull for the weakly, thin people, and 1 CatMTh *f the lUBusn ■ Cu*i
May glad eontent nd almpiejoy
WacPac-RMNCy TrwiMe OflM
tMmt Trwftte.
acressllde fn>m isjth spsrtments. siso sun uf lose track <)f them some doetora bare froguenily recommended I
Lay happy tribute at by feetl
the eating of many thin slieen of bread |
raBa te Be Rc«arBeff at
Ferans Strikes at the very centre at
-Yopih's O*
Okr thee may paaee aprend anowy
(h'-dimcnllvbyrradtcatlng UtecaUM
ibichly spread with buticras ---------Thia Is the roar he plahied.
ler's psijtry and roettnue on up to
(rum the kl>i\er*. Catarrh to them.........
Here la the tbom-ernshed soil;
the Iron gallery of the pantry. WbenSensible Advice.
kidn.-ydilVwl'T- Remove thee*
uf the purest forms of fbi uiy.1t Iwllrr known to tliephyaletansas •4
Heaven U bluaaed wlih perfecl rest
The bousenmlner who studies wtov-ly
ar* stored In glSKs lorlosed ek»e
and y ou remove tbe effect. R'llh aaposslMc to geC ' Bu'tier Is a
Uul the bleuatng of earth la l«»H.“ '
ihv pnguTtle* of the fsre she puts h^
the china and cut glass.
erriiK accarscy renOa goe* right to
a* well aa to the pt-oplr.
Tbektdneys are a<K>a Ariag'
—Henry Van Dyke.
The white houst- kitchens are- Hglil
their »-ofk with perfect regnlsrlty.
. -e He hMnned tbe sdd In tU dawning
cd by riemriclU' and debend oa tbe tu the sevend needs uf those tu wbure as fat in the body. It giv«s energy- tske somedlurvli'-. hoping togrtWUer.
They never oncK think of cwlsrrii. Kid­
"I've learned as days hare passed me
•f TM
current tu operate their ddhob walteri. she ministers. Tbe rblld <>f w««k In- end POW.T to work to those who eat ney dt»es-e sed caurrh are si-ldom as­
rrettlne never Ufls the load.
fr-TT pe«*« Ma tore ra me to na an the ■
but that Is as Isr as the employment teeilaea mila, have neither tmtmetl. heartily of It; so It Is ikA ectmomy sociated In the minds of tbe people. smL Till...... .
And that worry, much or lUUe^ .
lat.Ii- tu Bivtrv! the. butter, ovvth u>
>to-wh..havr had fcMa*MteVM*Vkleh
of electriesl energy has gunc. Uncle bomlny nor mush for hls brvakfasi
alas, they arc not very often
in u.. „tna.n„nn i
• And aow in the hhberto ahtUM iha •
Bam has not-yet sees At to Install rwal. Rife, rightly eouVeU. thlekenFor yon know that aomehow. always.
.-il milk, welt boiled, and arrowroot
clectricnl coriOng applinnees.'f'cry^.gtviag Per^ toe whel.
—Afftii or
Doura are open, waya are made.
And «ni «( yeettrday unltea to-'
Directly aenws tbe corridor from, (Hirriilgu will heal irrUatlon. and as It
To IncreaiK- tbe breathing caiutrlty |
When we work end live la patience
mathe kHchons. and occupying almost as
_ Ibekulncj.. Th. y dor-t.FT tor *
1 of
Under all .the <^ses laid."
indulge In the ap- ! to awaken nvwnoss of lift-.
Tlto Ms
much space as (hey do. are the private
tvalltt-d'tb.- immense bencAu to U-| uingelse. Tl..-yiry thi« rrm»ty i
anil cracked wheat wtAch
•= * We wonld have power tn this year
lAee of the white house steward, the
*tBe cheerful. Giro tbia toni
gained from : projihr brratWng. he ‘ ilmi remrdr. The tr«iild* may Ian- iH-iter than laxative drugs

to brighten
prveldenttol rcfrigvraior and toe
world a smile.
wuuU bruaihe comietir ail tbe time.
bale brother.

Mob kd leas Uetaed asd .Srir
We Btsy^si kngeat but a little while. rooms The while'bouse steward, U
A biiilous girl should not diit^.mlU .Tito most cffectaal'reraesly- for the
• '
than oiira:
HastoD we must, or we ahall lose the may be ex|ilalnod. Is a decidedly Im-biuoi" is dirp breathlnk.,a'ccom;
• The woe to h«*l and the load to
puriant oaelal. '\Yhile tbe preeldvht unquaKflod by a dash of 'lliiK- water, l>ai>ted by optimisilc BuggesUmt.
uspecied to pay ottt of bis-own puck- ami slioiitd never laki- coffee, IUt lan­
To give the gentle word,'Uie kindly
I la, a.*
t.> kerp
B euaflnTl» wastotifcl garden;M» P>«« *
for all the fixNl eunsumed un hls guid apiHHIleles* tuultu-r will Ik- IC of nervmwtu-ss. rn-tfolBtw. and fcnr-l
tlly «to
fn-shed In nt-rvi-. sitmulaie-l in btolo.wtib Bowers.
Be sweet and tender—that la dvdng table or by hls servants, the goveniTlK- haliU of right Invathing
srilclr* to- mad.
Fur shin |'k ow* wUt cane to Jrou tow hicas.
klndlyirovldv-s him with an olwhole N-lfig
*** '
- isiHini*. etijr* and eoilarv add umTU doing what no other guud deed AclU to superlnU-ail the spt-udlng ul
WMemcBts. Children raqnlraY
e^.' Burn Well. |
waM-r. For deesMW.
bis muney. This steward leaves It to .doubtful whether or nut cn-arntri «>(
.To Make a
ph-aty uf ebaage and reft, and if le((<
hts buyer to select t^e best edlblvs foe i* a wholtwomc beverage for any, oil slovc 40 bnra 1
ahvne when Ured of ooe tbiag
.-subUshi^ fart that tUv withwt giving out an unplvasaiit odor.! imibot
Bp master of -the thing you do
wherever they may be found,
tin new year oi>««* before ns
addltbm fd tcream works a chemical clean and rvAll 1i every time after j >U»r m\X starob when duiag ap wilt rilher drop to sleep
Tboui^ dlfflcnltiei throng:
present siewjird Is a oplorvd
wtu Bs many
>u ufiPB
^iPB maktir'
ebaose. na.l for -ih.- worse, la that using. - If-you allow dirt and ull to!
1ia~, In that cam. toe ctuto.
, *ld to the number thU one. ^ Rrootved Fate sriil not always thwart the man named riOcknvV. wb“ servVyI HouSeblch. taken clear, 'is n v^uabte <li aravimulau- on It.- H Is aura lo smell! •f'' rnffU dam,weed and then Iron.ri the mIstalM- of iKvnpyliig all the- rbUd'aj
Who's brave and true and strong.
that 1 will be ebeseful tn sanablne and
ttoh.-. hut ihto is not uiily wearying
Kcsilvr agent.—Marion Hartand's
was goTcrpof of New York.
to ator*.’ Happtaeas la Jnst as coophHe Cuuk Duok.
Ue down and tlevp.
Thl- Interior of the white bouse gtore
(agkma as gtoom. aad an efddemlc
Uavc It with God to keep
joms. which, as has'been esplalni-.!,
of tbe former la bkuA to be prefert^
Macaroon Cream.
This sonow which U part
n the -wick isturoed i HjK l« »i»“' •»
th.ihbig. ui. the (HI np every
to oae of (be latter.
Tbt- fill! rtwapo luak.w cno.n;li
pravlooe night. Alw*.'> hav.- the In.a «« woohl do, L*-l toe chlldrt*
Now of thy hewt.
high it draws the oil uih'and i
Roberi Lonla Btevenaun. with 'hit
rrre Irutn eight to ten perKm".
hoi. When ln.nlng ,« labh-cl.ah fvdd nnd play aa long n* paastWe ajid tstern *
When thou dost wake.
store. Blaplos of all kinds, from may in- divided with equally gwod ra- spnmds over (.he outside.
whlmalMt humor which always
lhtto-*o Urln
If aUU Ils thine to take
it the long vvay through the cmnT.-np It Is nraMsary
^nvmJtfaat foods • to soap, art- p-ur suits. It »h«ulil •tic made the <ll^- be:lTUer nn wild c
AUrch for Collars and Culls'
i that (bt! edgra toasrJTy , mci. after -tmly or cr.en Ukr up cerialB' dt
ehaseil In'quanill.v. aud are neatly ar•rving. in order to chill thorn-CMgaiu- the iilayiline. aad aeo ^3
Work walu thy.hands;
Add to racb quart of wcIMioib'd !.ince golns over it. Thm wpli thr iron
'ranged on shelves. At ftvvim-nl laler- uiigbly ttocr night on (he Ic-. ' ^e
. If tbon shonldst fUnt
March half a leasiwonful of pow-dered i lightly ruh bv.-r: one vd.h- aftiT. tht- that the ihoy or girl has as mwb T
vals Inv-tuHorles an- Uken tn order to cnpful of macaroon cnimb*. th'm.I'm sure we should nil be aa happy
God nadeCMnads.
bnrax aud a Gny' pii-cv- uf lanl.' an-l {fuld ha* to-cn maiie. The riutb should raciiwilon as ■pussiblc. They wilt
detemloe wbat portloa* uf the stiK-k nueriers .iff a
m ktags.’
a cupful
cupftil <d
<tf Braiiutatedgraiiutated
eviffs in while theijK spraad out U. alf'for * white
hlte hbefore work «-ver *u mneh better if tbe fj
—Katrina Traak.
must be repicntobed. In the stor- sugar.
A writer tn'thc New Idea MagailBe
tyulie hoi Vso •
a pollabing !'■
; it '■
Is *"■
pul --*•
stray. A g.4ri |.Un te »ib nrti w-urk time to Interspersed with play.;
1- i"".-I”
rooms are also a numlK-r of ohl-fakb- gelaUnc. uiiv
raleaa toe thought as follows
cupfal of'cold water,
Oh. at?ver aU down to weep
—('tiicag'* Jjows.
and your eoHara. will look tike: s’UbleckMh InMtwd -of toWlsg It.
toned chests, which, bold tbe gold and traqpoenlul uf almond v-xtrset. whites
Be toecrful. etater. above all things
lites I *' •V.
And aever take Mme to wall.
If your faro rnttaliis are badly torn.;'- ,
i A good roller is made out uf a pasitsilver plBie. ehch piece ' catHully of four egg*. Dissolve the gulatlnv
^ cheerfuL If yon cannot be very •Tbe Joy that U aem you keep
■ ■ . I board mallluB tube with a narrow rib- tr»i reeading them this way; Uny^
wrappiH] lo a flannel covt-ring. and tbe half the quauiity of ruld
cbMrtnl then be aa dveerful as yon
And know that you cannot (all.
» Atrsightan }tottan«ettetned Chelra. I bon utaclu-d lo .«ch .end. ro ttet a Kotue plain carisln net. to match tbe* j
huge trays of knives, fork)- and spooas- aissolrod add ivmainiifk water. Beat
cam Bmlle. even If evrrythliig. ani­ Preston nrfth a ateadfasi will.
..When they have iM-ctaac sunken:|Tull yard hangs »<il. The inWmuM b<- gnxi^ work «d -your cunaitis. Ca*: V:2
mate aad iannlmaia. appears tp have
Be brave and toe fates shall bldss:
Hcre also ar* chests imckvvl with
- \
the while*
whit.-* Ilf
of the
the egg*
egg. dry,
ury, together
uu„oiu aid. up and wash | JuM at long a> a foW.d tablecloth to i>i< <•. lo overlap tbe botes; dip
. ealarod tato
ble linen aad cnpbeard« fllk-d with all .I'h.-i^,_^ ,m „„„... i«.......,..i-..iton...
For locked In your own heart lies
.... hk i-h,. ... ill cold amreh. Flare ploes of p«(
that la toe
add *iigsr
Tbe sedet of success.
manner of table decuraituni. In quan- drop* at a time), ilicn
......e aad
. ,
i>,'uoi wash the uiMM-r !>ide. Ill) tend* td ribbon logriber .and •rt»f. itvfr (iir hole aad Iron Jill qsUe drjv J
4a^ yoa real
'^be^ you
Uiy. such as coWired camilea and their extract. Before 1‘Uiclng In pan. stir
Th*-n- lie* Just died In Btockeiiiu,'
Ik- lo wipe very carefully with .vhea lie them anuiti.l the roll Okiih*
Lbavi- seen i((>uls whose ptace ebam -silk shades of corrcs^ndlng tint. Also lb tbe maearism crumb*. Uiie the tin
tlnd to death with tbe struggles of
iHsvariB. at toe age of S years, a;^
• me. aad toe baby la eroaa. and the ber wllbln was ample, into which tbtyr ilicre arc capacluns cold storage or tv■‘f'v
..................... - who passod *'1
wrinkl-w In ■h'-tn-and la'cklMreh "Jnst wear you out" with retreated (rum the strife \>f tunguew. fiKgerator cotnjmnments, whi-re '
1«1., ,b,. ™,1.
hiT wbob- fife tn.tfae oadli- shvra . i
:rniaili-:t aiii'>'<i)i«-<>( iwire
ihelr aotse.'amlle, eUier. aiBle. Force from (he.pursuit of envy and Jvatousy temperature can be rtsluced to su
altoVi- tii.-'Jan. 'Thl* sill avd io ramovTbe 1-st n nu-dv I haw ever trli-t ,

; .Ji- Sh.i« lirr Anrt steep Z» year* aga--^
yonrerif to smile. Maybe-lt will take and from all ervai.wmldly strifes and sired deprevv and wb.-rv- are stored all tng 'ibi-m wiihoui mameg the form. for sk-1; calx to ralto and iuitter'^bair
T'p to thl- day of bvr'di-atb tW» -<
ambitious; and there.-hr as much'it perUbaUe foods. Including the dainties Pouf 111 tSe mixture, aud plar«- on fee
eoaalderaMe force toe. fliwl two
To Kc9 Yeung.
.;trat)ge creature wv«*'rv*-d,tbe belgbl. ;.i
a teaspoonfiH of burieFanc! a sauci-r
around about them were^ night non
three times yw try H- Out D»t
K«-ep In
auoliglit; nuihin* le-ai;
Prvrident Roosevelt now nnd Dv-vf night til chill aud harden. If you of milk buHeJ logt-tber. They will | -• tbe
-------------I- of an Intaat-.'i
and ataad la fnmt of tbe mlmir aad mom and tempeeu by so touch thev tbea from hi* l.oDg Island farm.
vrisb. bofura (daciug In ,>an you may g.ti.-rally drink It. but If no . I) can
of a f«;w months, bat her Inieltect was •
laagh at gear acow'UBg face.
round uaaqnllhy «nd security
_ to them wlih a *,iW>u. while i dafkn.-.-a.
Tbe presi-ni cleanllneas and altrar divide ifte mixturv-. having onehalf to- siveo
nun^ly developer aad notbtne'otel^ Tbe Aaeat care m the world (or a blessed p ».4Btwcher.
have been odder than to b«r ttal*
tlvenest of the while h<^ VJleheu*
bad temper Is a good beany amUn
♦.-rerfl liin-.-* wUun w? j‘kprvtslon It to t ■ grtp'eM' eneno tiny Mb} In the cradle talk ifbe an
Whits HOVMC KiteheM.
dne Urgely to the late Mrs- Harri Breeily aU.toiuibelK«u(yhrtbe dlsb.i .
When an Impatient word arieet
Hce. llK-awne as l«- Vtote®,thought our cat v.oiAld die.
] uf the human ran
Washington ranprts say Mrs. Roose­
I adulto w-iib much vivacity-aBd tateilt- ''ri
B. Tbv original kliAien, from the
your Hpe. choke it back U jam bare to velt. model hoOB^ire. has the white
1- with wblpued cream.
Avoid ex'ce*s*t of all kind*
lime of Abigal Adams «> Ur*. Uneuln.

« ;
nwh fmi Aght It out then aad there. house kitchen In apple pie ord^ for
. Reversing the Old Order,
- ar«- lajuriuun. Tin- long life miiat biwas in the eentral pan of tbe biveBoiled the Prayer Book.
Dor let a mete angry Word get the tbe coming social season at the presi­
Miw. natl. leh-l sec yon haw- ih- a lejpperate. n Mfri
mem. to what I* now the engine room.
beum. of n whole body and mind. dential maaslon. with Its kmg sueHome Duties.
me cook

DuB'i live tu i-at. txit^t-ai tu Ike.
K was HO dark (bat Mrs. Uneoln had
lan uatneil Bethia Rommy who at
There is surely eaotigh of you to atrag cession of family and formal diapers
EvL-ry meniiaer
tb|- family should' .,
VrhBn'"—V*-*. Inde^’'«*«>'<” ‘'“f 'U« are dye to overeatthe kltchi-n ramoveil |o 'll* presi-U’
gle with aa aitaM of bad temper and
„i-r nroriy
month'! iag.. tu eaitnc 'be. *n.iig thing* and hsre a feeling of rvwpuDiibllk}'atoetl '
There are two kitchens at the ex- *ite. Mr*. Harrleon found tbe klteben tend.-.r*eevict- every Sunday morning.; h,,,:
eahgBer IL Smlh-. alster. amtlv.
Irreggler i-alloa
ecuilre manshw. both, k-ading ont of' infested with ln«ect*.kod in a gi-aeralIroni hfcr roiage.«>u B hHriac IB Di-rby
Into toe habM of ft. It wlU amoolb the main corHdur which bisect* the
j!t>T for soNrd cMbes should
sbouM he
be la tM
Urn g
Hunt al'ua yuur»<-lf to iblnk on y<er
1y dlla^dated nmdltion. She Imme­
shlfv. A* irgtilar li) Itvr pruriVlon ^'
-yM Art of ironing. ^
out tooee wrinkles on your face,
yunr hiribdav iha' y'ou~src.s year old' j uaib rixmi. or In evt-ry closet apd tha
basement. The entrance to the kti- diately had the
win round off that little sharp tang eben* last toe west end << the.manfor hi rn.-WMral warn* a* sbe wa* ln| imnlug is an an ao-l i-ver, svti
vr and su tnmli ticsrar thi- epd.
j men and boy* should bc' asked to pvt ^
uugbly rv-aovaK-d. Cv-ment floor anil
lion, whereas the ponat /or vD- white Hie wall* wera provtdeil. loi s-jtir.,r vies* *if evcrythlnn. a sanny > tostnad uf tbiWIng them on Oft flooi-. ;
It win not ttors I* at the east ec'd,3nw i screen gethvT-srlth an eniira ni-w syeiem of cwtom was to pl*cr s V^vcc «>f haeoB ; ^oi need t" care- for I
Bmllea are c
put Btar thu llri to be cooked ; .go tugerie. f.-w are'<hi- lo»'.>el)cdd ;
away the sba>l»w*.
jTeJI /tbi-m. too. (hat ubeo antylag a
shuts off from tog,j>ftw m the poblle plumbtng.-rRxchange.
agatuM her n-turn. Then; -with h«-r t ,.,^.^801* that kre rapabii -t i-irrJaSj
rimpty and saturai-' Imnt^-. ifc< ffobd pteev* of paper mosta child..
that put: ton of the corridor from which
bic prayer towk wraptw-d In a snowy
no, maierialv In well-;r-<m-d »btto- ; |y *nti t *<t> ckai. *rf entangiltix al’lt- Ite pui'kw'ay'oB the shelf remrrjst /ar
)-onr smile with anotbec. Don't keep opens thl- etllinar) domain*

■ hat purpw^nd ibat if
do n>a ^
yuar pleasial waya tor strangers who
The main kitchen Is 4ox3S (rot.
,, ,,^1 To idbI- »;arrb h^v.t'-t’-iist- tb«- spirit of coweciimenw-Jdo H.
■ *me eltr' wlU hkve ti. do ll^
Two aromvn were sluing on tb> pi Elrevir'* Onr'Snodsy. however, ehi.wonUaT lift a band to help you la Leading out of It 1s a smaller apari-,t and dissailslacthtt) hnig JSTthi
AIko. let t^emleafu to r<d(.^«
liman M trouble.
laeDt, knovra as, the family yneheo. axxa of the beach hotel at the time esme uie snd flu.iered ip her vto-isl j, fcctGc Vf U-tllns wriTi F”i’bsU a a;j
fortvw* pn-nuturaly to rbe face. ^ up good pi.-c«s of string, and i«t i
- Make use . of yonr'nice "eoB
Both ruom* have tile wainacikliig a< when all those who.bgtbed dally In tbe place Just In (rnni of ihv resdlng desk, i eupful of starch and one cupful of
J her vicar'* i
-• re-;
water invo a
r«rm a otl-lt of tbrowlag off bc;flu, the-string box—oo tl»«--vhotl wKh.;
maBMt^ every day right In. yonr own a' height uf d ur.T feet. The main sea were straggling along the sandy
l*ed at tight
crgni an
all me
the ine
the wrapping psper^ .set
Let them
mem pu*
jail ^
honae among the owes whom you real­ kllchen Is directly aaderaeath the pri­ road la front of tbe .house. There ■narked as sbe unfohled (be ssowy , eUr until to is smuoto. Then gradual- f„r>-- going to two
^uxlvtle* of the day--evcrr J torn p^i> of paper lo toe. llri- or lavs
__ ____guea
-Mrs. Granger." >iaid cni'e *>/ the
ty tora and wbo'.WIII Mad by yon vate dining roota. bad t* lighted
toe starch for ten minuii *.; ,hing which van posslbiy cans*-menlal I the Mrim?e can—icstt^d ot'tonAiliig;' j
hich odeupy • vomen oa the aatpai. plea*- I havrii't tiolW the prayer, btsik aad I jime
ikrongk Uilck'and tun U you neel
r- baroa to ctaaich!"
jrtirrlnc rocstanti.v- Add a UtOe white ;
deprive you «tf re4A.;ibv4n ■«i*toe floor for some them, tr the smile to n tittle forced almost toe eaitre
litre Dufth side of Ibv aut faced peram passed by wltbont a iiruugbi t
piece of sperm .candle. .If;
._____ - — to.pick up In fact, let ,aM r
glancv- luMrd the hotel.
aad wonatarsl at Arsl. gei used to It.
room, and which
ffUed with grui
1 tvalteble oae »-ieaspuon-1
•My! I Sluj^d think she'd hsve
'And after all. wbro yon atop t<> think glass.
a year or ttro|
M^ly'drled fl*h and lifted, rtce'l* j fnl ri hiiiter or lard. Put a o
place for everythlag aad everyat ix. ipm oaanot do toon than your
Covering the greater portka of one ........................she's mUenov
tbe ration of the 'jspai)i-«e soldier, i iht- '*sueti«sa snd let the aiatto atm-1 sgd thsi a ^n. ontwhed Wule '*f tolBgto
Us,Blaee." hast St aw time. When yvM have wall of the jnala hilcbea to an Im­ SO much A«h. ehiraltin't yon?
TM roWter g.ts hU railon alroadylmer tweniK minute*. After thtt pat I heruseae «ll_ placed Inaide the dock
daw all that to In yunr power with the mense hooded range. AdJolniDg It skeb roel go,«d natured. ! tidek those
.ibeaaa at yonr command aad (blag« is a bot water tank with capafUy
The ww from drlpplag caadkw c
Wo have tried R
fp any way- t>ul ttav r^ht way. as eaaal to a couple of bmribeada Be- blow as toe.v really ml^ the heat
rolted out aad ent taro smaU .qtmre.1. piece of-cheroectato.
• .
- aad are aaitofled that b ft wwnb pa..- be removM from table Uaee bya geA-1
thV W**
a habit V.
1^ •
yoad the f
II* U m
a tUU*
Mag poccelaln StUU,
nink. any amre. eiiber. She doyror
im«u*.apptiea(tea of ak<W
tr. jMfr.hl*^ «■ ■telltfg HiUl toe> |Tlw tote etek aMy-he wppiw- jeays site.eatoef. >m. WU 'weai^ or cake*. These are dried-la the aonj TM* ansomt m bsOtaf water wMto|teSt;||^ .


dated Crtai the fad .that bt-rrin ancIvanMd aU the dUkrs used in prepar­
ing and aerdag the to or i: ecwncs
piwvNMi for thu tvu gatato ai .a autc
la the ceau-r uTthe niom> a 4atge
deal taMe. Baapeaded from Ibe edi
lag above the table Is a heavy Iron
rack wbb* 1*. on the nl*bt of a state
dinner. Ailed with cooking wteaslU.
One entire ride of the kltdtmi la given
Btinenee cloaeta. tbe white
of wtaicb contribulea'to the
wbl^ preTulls tn -the kUrhens. Tbr
iqtpcr pswUon (rf each cloeet Is' abelveJ
and ailed with tlnsrare and eroekery.
while tbe lower portion U divided InBour. menl ■»! «•««•
npartmeaU fur aiigar. aalt. m^cea.

Pe-ni-na Promptly Cured tliim

“Vi;' iv;;’, i


Ask Your hraepst fw Free PenmaAlimMC tw l?0S


Jtomsflto esmr'sCalft.







TRAVcmc crrv. MANO Tluvcme

■ CMB OMM mu m. lumr
h tonMiH or MvM«. hU
S OnU ta»MA w»
• 1 *f »K. Mr. Orcr ttlA* Amms of tke
MW> fc«wr. D«. a. ItM. ;T1»,
/»- wtt Mk* Ormsd MMdr^helr *«Mf»


folWvte« are Uw «
TfiTOfie |iw>«o. Ma



Wo n..


^ OmUfia. ttac «Mc b««dr»Br
kr^rteiMHleM ta'Ckv«i
^^--•■oeoiid sopor w»* *naoo'i
F^tlon of ChfUt," wrUten br M».
f. E lUm. ud nM w Hn. A. I.
iMeAMt. TWi wao u

AooerlUnc ibe life aad poiatiaci of
this f»D>ou vodeni ortiM. maor iHo(sreo betnc throws os tW ames to
. Mis. U M. BesaeU (oM of D> Vlsei-i
SslBtlsf Of tbe La« Supper sod BapbacTe TrastflcsraUoB^
Mrs. Bassett gsre^ good daacrlptloB of the faver psIbUbs In sraapa
of three «bo«tBg tbe nnited retstlM
of mt±. qooUac frasi Goc(bi> beanUtat doacrtptloe of tbe whole.
Tbe TrufSrtnUos is oso of the
|eh palBttBgs of tbe wotld and all iu
parts at* patstad wtlb great adnateaesa Both of these great
we* tfren in good coloriBg br the

Mr. and Mrs. JoAa Stedmas cele­
brated their tweaty^ttb weddlag asslferearr at their bone In ttst Bey
Baunday ewslBg. The boose was
very prettily
greens and rad berries.
wlcbea. ollree. pickles, eotee asd lee
cream and cake. Tbe gndau preaept
were Mr. asd Mrs. B- J- Put^sm. Mr.
sad Mrs. BUiah Mu. Mr. and Mn. L.
K. Cleveland. Bev. and Mrs. Cor. Mr.
asd Mrs. J. T. Shields of Trarerae
City; Mr. and Mn. Bmltm Bsres .of
Detroit s^ Mr. sad Mr*. W. M. SUtes.
Mr. sad Mn. B. Btite*. Mr. sad Mr*.
Will Tlbbeus. Mr. sad Mrs. John
Hosie and Miss Ua Baipturc of Acme.
Many beantifal pteseaU of diver.
gUu asd ^Ina were received.

Bad Death at Asylum.
JcAn Dsrrow, late of Harbor Springs,
Otbor pictsres wortbjr of nentJon passed away at tbe asylum on Sainr
vUdi were throws on the screen were day of apoplexy, aged 7« yeara.
news 18 tbe life of Christ ibowlng
Tbo deecaacd had been a rosidenl
bln u a Toath sad also in Bsnbood;
nano in the ganlcn U Oetbse slnee 1176. He^leave* beddei a wile,
anno being of particular beauty.
six children. A patheUe Incldcst tn
Mr*. A. 8. R^er ddl^ted all by a
oeUoo with the death stf Mr. Darsacred rocst M|o appropriate to
nw was that hls wife Is an Inmate
anemooB ihcata.
of the asylum, and thoneb busbaud and wHe oecnpled tbe same insittntkm they never knew of each
. New oncera In Charpa
Tbo aaw otteers elected to CDOnly other's cxUteoce. it bring deemed
bust by Uwse In cara dl them that
gU. Thera la $406 positkiBS took fumal
their oMcct Monday. Sberig JiAnton they Bbawld not meet, the docoased
but in as extreme
Bsored Into tbe JaH bonding Saturday.
Hls first esse was that of Piaak Kap BETt DOS iMate.
Tbe remains were taken Monday
plo. a yoBnB man who llret at K<grby the son Her­
■toae. wboae
man and son-tn-Uw .Grin Himes, and
Oscar Simpson, forster sberiff. has the bnrlal aerrlces srero held Tuesday
noOB from Bedmond town hall at
ebosen by SheriC Johnson as
vndersberlff. Mr. Stapson' will be
r aborts
good help to Ibe-------“ - on i
coast of bit
In th* Land of Fletsars.
Probate Jodge F. R. Walker starts
tbe sew year tn hls olDco with pleot>
Oakland. Cat- Dec. 19. IMI.
vl worit os the docket, but has grasped . Dear Friends at Home;—Thb louiy
the eiUation with a Ann band and w^ll morning finds us all ferilng real good.

I an feellag mnefa Improved and have
aaeel tbe dWealUet wtateb b^ a



thursaav.aanuaay a«ma

We wttl ehwe tor- this being the oely year la whM aooe
Mr. Ocodrtch. Jan. A 1999.
Mr. Doan. Bept. 19. 1M9.
Ml Ctay airoei. Onklwd OaL
mr. fiBises.
Ob the sixth annlve.**ary of the Brat
-aeeUag. - when six had bees-<^
IU>^ amvi. mx ut tbe oldest plo- away, the. ramalnlag Mgewre tovUed'
roskieau of Traverse City.
City, who
to Mr. Bannah's oAoTwhore anotW
e, Ml Bay hour was pteaeaetly spem
passed away
street. Moaday afternoon, was bon
la Horn
• ■
------ take dtoner
ry but James G. Johason'a
ocurring on tbe day ot the
Mr. mad —'rennlon. It was lodeflaltriy
____ renMved rroai there la IfiCd. ipoatpcaed. During the year of 1903.
with eight chlldrea and csaM directly Mr. Cook, aged 9
la crJtod away on
to Traverse City, iocsilng serosi theMreet from ih* old home where he *^0itog tbe eighth juar.^whlA will
Msaed ssray Monday. At that time not rinse nnai Marrii .. ............
the.Hos. Perry^Hnsah was in bnal- was caned away Aug. 1C. 1904. at the
nen piri Mr. Bocor eateecd his emplo.v ege ot 90 and now Mr. Secur, tbe ainib
member, bas been called borne at Ihv
esu In thawDods and
of 99 years.
esiploy uf tbe firm after It was tneoi^ age
Mr. aad Mrs. Brockway have been
poraicd as the Hasash A Imy Meroan•
• their
I lie eompanr. •being
ibelr employ a*. married over tfiynlae year*. Mr. and
loibther for thirty y<•ears. After be Mrs. Stesrard over afty-four yeara and
in bsalaess at the Ume afhb death, Mr. aad Mn.
left their emplor he was
■tarried over fifly^onr
___________________ ne time aectwiolated oulte a bnsiaesa property, the j-cars.
block wbero tbe Wood sisters and the
block where tbe undertaking establUbmeot of B'. 8. Anderson now oeeai<y as well as several other blocks and
adjourned session of the board
h act
active real cs- tThe
though he retired fitAi
sapervlsora conventud Ihb aflor■ IS he *U
at tbe eonrt bouse' and E. O.
apprinted lo snceevd F. B.
He entered
Walker, recently elected lo the oScc
J. E. Citellck
several yi
ago and
b them urnlilil
UI hK of Judge of probate, while C. II. Evans
to irapply tbe vacancy in
himltb forced a roilnmcnt. six weriu
Grant township which hls rcmor.-il
HU entire family, with the excepUoo esnsed.
of a son. Austin. In Beattie. Washbavc been at hU bedeide In ednsuat mwo, one from pouniy Surveyor
aiu-ndancf since a week ago Monday AUen in regard to the varfons needs of
hia oIBcr. Tal>le«l. The other two
and though bU feebleness was ^
New Yrors be called all hb cbll- were from the Uoardman River Elec­
dren ti bis bedside ^^nd. foUowIng the tric U^i and l\>wCT cwpmtr______________ to the llghilng
... lum of tbe French natloa
which be was a noble reprcsciOat.... tower clock tn the county bnlldlng and
bicjsed them. Hls mind remained the other was a commnnicaUon ask­
hls passing was ing pcrmissioii to build a dam
.. .. the last and
.. 1 his
rely Ibi- peaceful sleep into which Boardtoah river.
The commlttro on grounds and
_. fell that bad MI as-alicoisg. Bcsides a wid«»w, the deceased leaves the
linoleum for the eoonty sun eyor'* offollowing.'
“ illUp.
ilUp, Louis
(d^l. Clarissa. Aus- llcc.
Slbre the Iasi moeiing vi the super-Isors three mile faeu jusUfy
miiuam. two great graoacDiiuron. ttoU. Supervligjr JiAoson hass become
Mandc and Ray Latoycric. children of a full Hedged benodlct.
bad added a sweet Utile tlangb-,
Mr*. Ida Boudnau Lafaycue,
Lafaycue. round
ter to hls family troc and Dr. Totoan
bas celebrated hi* vaeatton from anby enjoying a sloge
doubly aHUeted. . . . .... ..
’ smiApox. Hes Is Just recovertag
talhm occurred just three weeks frm
- hi
burial of her am WOltam. who and hit wife U down with the diacaae.
died s

JadfAWalhn- hat sot yet aeleoted hU have bees dl sane place of much In-,
teresl sveiy day slnee we landed here. 9:30 o'clock Wednesday from 8t. FranLanalng. Mich. Jan. S.-^mibe presctg ritnrrii and consisted of high re­
Treaasrer F. B. Brown wifi have tbe
quiem mats. Fr. Banr oficlaUng. and toe oC a dMriagulthad crowd. Hon.
ralaable aaristanee of MU* Baali. tbe
R Ana been'cMr and warm SHSt of the burial was la charge of U. L. Gar- Fred M. Warner wm awora to agxnvernor of Michigan yeatarday Jterytn^ lady who .has been the aasUt- the time. Mr'* have had a UUIe tro«,
nonn. Tbe oeremonjra ooeured to the
ant of Treasurer Steward a long time. but not enough to ban anything. VpiK
hoDse (Camber to the proMUe of nt^
There will be no c^snge* at present would think BO ,toa If yon could see
only tile Inctmtog ad odlBPlag cC
but Ibe toembas ot tbe auprome
In the oIBms of County Clerk Walter the great loads ot vegeublct on the From ToesOai'd^BeCord.
Cnlted States senalers and
Northport. Mtch- Jah 8.-Mr. and conri. two.^Cnli
and Eeglster of Deeds WDsoa.
streeU dally. People say It Is as cold
t of . tbe congreatmen and nearly
Tbe other new oSeer* to
as It srill be this winter. It will make Mrs. Samuel Gagnon of I
riTlhe i^stotor*. Many promlaent
leruined on Kew
their dsUee thU year ara . ClreaU you ahiver when yen read tbU leuer ihe largeei family ptberii .
the state and
■sany -of Oorenmr Warna's----Cook , OommUaloBer Nerlinger
up there In Mlehlgnn's,coId.
have.ever been held tn

srero present.
lent. Ex-i
inv. as forty-two covers were
Trod, ton and myself were aver to
Coroner* Holdsi^ apd Tedman.
Jdbn T. Rich oeeupiea the speakerfo^tbe
the oerai>-‘reaHtrday. Tbero we found
OeaMBbee SStb at the home
I spent la music chair aad was riiairmaa c« tbe occs
people tnjswlmalnt and more than
snd-social converse end before the de- slon.
’dM Mb Mii Itn. Qaaeae Gwsudn ot <zs
mm, ^ eestrsoUng
Oe the firet of Jannary. 1M)S. the thonsand'peopie resUng and laying on
the-beach to the warm sun. It U one
daaMkUr. Miss
nalb of oMcc. The governor was that
itess . .
M. Nay <f Uis thU elG' rince 1SC7 by John T. Beadle of tbe pretUcal sights 1 ever
Mr. and Ur*. Marrii Gagnon railed upon, mod to a i.lmplc manLr
Anyonp that has never seen Calitor- and SOD Boberi. Mr. and Mr*. Charles manner, mnde an address saying lhal
lanataliy win begla a sew career as
has no idea what a beautiful place WrUley and family of four, Mr. and In any rase, ho would uy and do bU
' \&W w o. doutai ti W> T. Baadle cotnpBby. wiih an asthortsed nU
>r eoihuaiazWilson and
Mr*. William Wilson
an. fairly con- duty. Th«* was a yell of
capital of niMloe. .The boslaees has thU is. When I got well aad can find
make money aa 1 did In
JennioEs. Mr*. Fred Briggs
-we* acBttered alib p»*diy «fa Btodt
i baby and Ml**-Ethel Wllsba. Mr. and said that be was giving place to a
pasy and the stoOkhriden are John T. Michigan 1 will make this my future
and hopedJbc would give
a Mr*. George Voice,
oice, 9Mr. and^Mr*. yonager
le, A. T^ Beadle and B. Bay home. 1 think.
Id tom
Joaepb Gagnon and
Thariter. The -ofiteer* aa Jobs T.
Mra. Jane Writley. Hr*. Blrney Galben. What It has cost na to get here. lick. Mrs, Jessib W. Brabant and aon
Bradle. proaldeat; A. T. Beadle, tmas-I do sot feel thrown away, for 1 have
City. Hr. and Mrs.
sror. and B. Bay Tfi
d thl* hanie»- secs BO maey thln^ o^teresi
prod and I went np on the Tldasoot Gagnon, Adoliib Gagnon. Lawrence
bahlBCBS what Traverse City was
Gagnus and Ibe Misses Wirifrod Gag­
small Tllf^. sod the enterprise Im inonnt^ to - yiew the surrmindlngt non and Lena Gatljck.
smojr. In bne place It was
Among . the FToich nation it has
grown ontll the prodneu of tbe
Reao C. Colby, a bright young n
>en the custom fiw ceateTh.-s
taeutry rntlena over wide territory la steep I took hold ofTr^'s coat-uil
man of lUI* city, and Miss Pewl
brip me op. I walked tsv miles and
.. Richardson of Roar Lake wcfc
lUag and tbsnksplvlng whik
ntsxl morning' as bright as a
parcnui houseboid of all tjuk Uy married at the borne of tli<B. Ray Thacker, the secreUry bf the got
r I eueii femmes is journeyod
» ...VV-V.
. Mr*.
r. ...
■ a.
IpusadUtely after company, la one of Traverse PUy'i
lay. Thank*
Thanks for tbe past year North Spruce street, si 8:30 last evtai1 went to tbe park and walked around great day.
lag young wieh. and has been a«*ocUtgiven and the blessings for the In- ing. Rev. Hugb Kennedy of the Asbnry
there for aereral tours. This paric is are
coming f-inr petUluned for. Mr. and , M. B. church oDcIaitog.
•d with Mr-Beadle for ^veral ycara.
‘ The hcMelWen was k
called Piedmont park, C milca from Mr*. Gaspon arc rocoenlted- a* the
I over w^.Mik asd tbe bridal beginning at the tandL.^ act.
• ' Aunt Kate, Jake. Vcralo
im^nfk of__ __
roeea. The brtdes- a practical knowledge of bah>«^ mak­
family trves' lo the nnrlJi nnd their Immediate Irk-nds snU relatives <if ibiand I an went Friday and it wa.s
■mUt* gews waiblue moessellm dc ing from the ground up
gatfaci^ Is -looked fonvnnb lo na a lirifle and groom, I'rwl U Smith was
tho best nan aad Miss Cora Laigy n(
ago Mr. Beadle extended As business
ycnrly event to Northport.
Cbli-r was the bridesmaid. After ti
and etumuhed a wholesale trade, and saw tbo Im-elleat flower* of all klDd«.
company partook of
Ti-nn>n) t
hundreds ot rose bushes loadpd with
Rnnk* Crowii
' IMdaijr rtflwsbaVd *>re eeiTed Mr. Thaekcr becaste tbe traveling
aiding su
of rosea- nofl
imo doe. not&Xtly
dsriag the evenlag to the nearly c
nleaman. Since that time the exten**
a cactus garden. They have a chll- theaged andwlHjnUK-tWn^M^
- hssdred gseeto aaianblcd to wUn
gioB of the trade has been remark­
len mark has bc---n crraifcod. the grim!
fwhr ha> iw
able and a large business has been easwings and toricra. There Are two
UbUtbed. Mr. Thacker U almoat coasummer .houaee built In trees.' n big ninth member of a dinner
made a large cirele of frtcndv who
met in March. 1997. b«
ov*r |
of thU esiabltahment^re finding grsal rock.witb two doors in ll.lhe totlde 1*
bollMjriih tprtogs^in IL One sul- '“■ti
s -v.ur .k.,
. The bride 1. one of Man
favor wherever they are used.
was on March 4.1897. that ^niucl ^If^^Siy'* sw^-<’t y^ng Udh» who
Anderson's w-vi-aty-wycmth birthday
Mr. Beadle established the business
one fresh wau-r. one magnesia spring.
In 1967. and bring a praciical
It ts a great -place for calla lilies,
,gave It bh personal aUcntlOT>r*Y«!ry
nearly every yard bas than. Era li> lowBstai'B and asBuctelcw to help lilru .
detail from the lalttol wort^ making
eriebrau-. Tlw jiany w as eoniposed ;,
well. He is getting four dollars n day
a haraera to tu d&lvery. and the de­
hi* mo
muM. InUmatc friends and fellow
. WHsawh^
\carrying the hod. - People heye have
tails of ofike work. TbeOet
different ways about maklag*change.
In somu manner, bowev-cr. Iht- n-crel
U dne to the expanidoa of the baxiand Mr. Tbaekirf. who ha* been They won't uke poaaies. If you buy
Bay amdar tba Mraettoa of Mra. A M.
i ceau wrath yoc will bav^ to pay S
8MMday aad «m a rare traai. ^ bereterfore bat an eaplo^. become* muv. I got a pound of steak at 11
Dsmlnlck Duan. aged 77.
cf the moekboMen. Uke many
aiMm aahtoct wm Chitot to Iiailsa
cents a pound. They told me 1 bad to
John A. Cook, aged 75.
Thosaas B. Brockway. aged «4.
JM mto a dae eoltoetkm «C nteroo^lake 10 cents worth or fi oema.wrath.
Perry Hs«eah. *«ed 7L
Ing leatnre of alL KU. typewriter was
a^ riewa added raallsto to the extoA hida fair to become larga a* time Froth menu hang ap on the htwkf
goes on, and tb* eatcvprtse back of It
James W. Roberuon. aged 73.
Bunnounted with small Hags andriongI «r aaered utojaeta
hero nstH ased up, and don't sppU.
-. Hip 8MOI. aged 7£.
side was hangtog a pair of shoes for
WU make It a stUl mta* tepdriant
'PwnatTfive eenu ^y call two bits.
a. E. Steward, aged 71.
Inriu Oa the <ns bracket was a little
MtslBCss exteasloB la thl* seettoa.
Th6 ofden member c<- the party doll baby and rarton* oGk* mmnra;
1 the first
1 the
. . . toe* were to evldese*. Os the desk
Mr. Beadle has made a groat «ncc«a*
papa apaa ‘The Mndoaw of th* Mlfind out bow gtoa^them
et the baslneM from the start aad to
stso reposed a Ufealsed sack of flour
tBaAiMito." tte traced the derotop... rtitot socially wUle a generqu* eelettkm of salt port
addlttoa to thU haiolvu eatplderable nesdays and Suaroays are' market
MBBtaCtbsMadaaarfrom the narllest
and a pleUire of the eo^any takaa.
rnemmOem to the haaktog .buxtoast. day* aad U ts a grand sight on market, •aach membra being prraeued with saved him vtslUng tke meat market
B«Ml ptotana af Lippi to the pa
for hi* aapper supply:
square. OiWt big cubage heads 5c.
prarideat of the First
ofie. Mr. AnderwaCUW hom. was the
Tbe Ut WM all the more pUpa^
fMtod art U muu Mfgm .aad hrtag
£ data alee big orange* tor ^ rice first to eros# over Into the other coun­
fauk at this tla^
hecaose he bad qUeUy arranged w{ih
salBwa. S poonds for 36e: the rieoM try, hi* desth oecuiring a little over a tbe man who controta the desttoy cf
af Lenmidu the Mratto
pnuM, 6 pounds for 26c. One ptoce year Uter. April 11. 1999. That MOe the Unotype to set theetiMy sad reOM.wero «f toad wRI c
tiMff MU ff pnmdk tor 10 carts. Lem- year^r. Ladd followed him. Ua death tura him a proof prosoMllr vriihori
ocenrriM Nov- X. 1991. Tto dro^ht of tba VMt ot the oaraJtoovtog aarthtog
tlm bwt. tor Wc pro doeen. The [four.other
members of the company ■tomt it. Bm
hm. laUl ptoas of
firida and yard* .gnwb a* to|oc«,rred to ibf «Dlb>wi«
1901 xto.






Probably you know us well but don’t iccogniie
the QAines. Call on in and see if our facet «re
not familiar to you. We
been firfling
clothing to Grand Traverae-iKOple for mtay
years.. Our unoOidal names are “Tom“ Sbet*
man and “Fred" Hunter.


( Don't give up if you
to see our Vtore the
\ first thing when you come to tte dty. It’s a
^new store, just a little
Lewis’ Cash
East Front Sl Look
for our sign or arict^jgrfire.-





We do not claim to have die luggestatodK, but
do claim to sell no goods we cannot fully gsar-.
aniee you from loss in porehaiRng. If an nrUcle isn't right, the loss is ours. Here are a few
hems we show:

Extn..h«vy-double Uck
froM. Seeci
lined, best made for tbe pnee, 60c.
,’theb^t ot Its kind, at 46c.
Rci. blue, and grey douMe^breamd ^ wool
underwear, the best values we coUld 6ttd. and
your choice $1.00.

Good values at prices from $8.00 down aa low
as $1.25. Every pair guaranteed good vdoe
for the money. Also show what we think is
the best Corduroy pant at $2AX1 in the dty.

Two extra good ones at $1.60 and $2J)0iength, well made, brown or black. The bet*
ter grade is water proof lined and will keep
out ail kinds of weather.

Our best ones are home-knit, and sell for 60c.
I'or 25c we show'several kinds all wool socks '
that are better and heak-ier than many others
you will find sold at that price. We can and
do sell a pretty good wool sock for 16c.

The best fift>' cent lined working glove here
that you ever saw—calf face, welt sewed, soft
and pliable, patent fastener. Others from 26c
to $1.00.

'^ot many prices here, but good* values at$1.00. $1.50, $^ and $2.76, plain or fancy
^ -

We already show many spring shapes of hats.
If you need a hat you may as well have the
latest. Speaking of caps, we rfiow lome good *
values at iiOc, among them the best Scotch cap,
ever sold at tbe price.

<*n t» fM! man tm ms ItaM.tsr IMm



■’ 'i,



mm M m-V*


«Ubo<tt tkrmiM vl^.faUViaaL
lit wmtocAttUc*^ «rc
prate ta^rvusBlsc Uri* thui
rae. ivuin to Oetntt «bMot Wt teU lo be imprtmia «1tk tbH
the mlDOle Ibey. craw the HW orrr
IsUi Vittieer. WbUe rery lew tags
era eera in Detroit la the Cenetliac
dty there 1* e Unloe J«d( fleet leg
oTCT elJoart erwy-brtldlng. The eleiter wm»M. fell to tooir that be to m
Eogitoh Mil the teiaate he leerec t&o
r*«T es the f*rt to well wdwrtlsei



Uertoo-d nae tirkei* cm *ale flr^:
and third Towda.n of i-arh moiiih un­

iC ■; -

til April, turn.

The Pert Artlwr Stoge.
The (all of Port Arthur nartts the
ctidloK ofjhr loBftoat »l(«c o( mudere
htoUMT and atoo mark* as ervtrt Id the
ne rear UiH bee oewo to e cloee world'B htotory.' For annoal tlerea
aefltteMWOtotflMCIewtthiu. Bonihi. the sarrtooa. eoaivd le-tbc
The mrl»M *M beat eetil^ «oo rock bound sarrtooa. bdd out agalu*
by tbo bcalcgina
e'vtaae U Malory. T&re -beTe beta party.' The toU. eo ktos aotlelpated.
with the new year and with lie
gmt dtoteUre, a war that to atfll regebatltss
of the taul may
tei baa beee besno, a canal im»n
that will tocaa aaefa to the ininwernf be freely looked for.
la all Japan there waa reicdcisR m, of the wvto bea^ baba naaertakea.
anal eacteeotiag feau hare hen ac- lerday. The newaboy* crying their
were the llrat to bring the
abort. 1»M baa beta a
tea-*. Snatching t^^aborta frun the
lUelc boya. the holiday crowda caugbt up
» oMhe kxi of
crlcB and abon they were ocboi-O
i, a
ware of
baa sMfli over the coontiy- J*«t«r Sreworka were aenl up and.the people
with >oy.
hH aattfl, aase bodnesi beao oo *
But la Rnaato, the feeUng nual have
' baoar flaatlas. aerer baa the coaflttier
dlflenaiL The «atJon 1* aeelh' of the paosla at large becu better. 1%»
. wtm aontor to reeetrlns ioat oonpea ng with r^uH. The duataad* of the
parly are beaotalng ioudi
oMaa Mr Wa tobw. tke awployer ha*
day and wUl not be aUeneod.
. i' vtaoly of eriare Cor Me soofla. thi
. % ■■■■farlrfl" an bwy. the ranitMd \Btbwaa- rfciu are fregueot occurmces. The fUl of Port Arthur nay
ren tortbe power of NIcbotoa.
_ vast aaaa la latprer*.
Xbto to the aooond tloe that the
tba aatohar of Uto to araU b
bare token Port Arthur. In
WbUelMm they cBptared It tram China only
in al
0 be forced to torn the forteaa over
o Bnaala at tke demand of a coalition
peartoai yean.
rupcan powera. Tbla time they
CtW kei^fla
durtog ^ paat year tare tokra It from Rnaato and token
_ noon puMtohed in th- t -duapite the beat eCorta of Ruat^’a
■Mho It inpn^bto. Saeato'j
Dec. 14. Bbewa tl^ many am
dW iagroreBento hare bee: mta In thto direetloB were not apuradopialo:
but were the i
In cennertton with tbo tamon*
■ariihiliti toUtotlii'
■ baa baaa nyto and It lege, tbe foltowtog htotory cannot
■dp but be of totorent:
Oeawal Stoeaed wai glron com.n* aflfliMt «f 1M Bcboato ahow tba
laad of the fonrew *bortly before
tMr,bae* bow ahead. totU th,
loetlUUee with Japan begu at mid017
IP fit the ^1^ tlMU. reb. S. IM4. with the attack of
\dmlral Togn'a torpedo boaU on tbe
OadTlcboldlnvap tarbor. On Feb. if Togo made
ja l^ bMiwMd aattofMiniT ooadi bit attempt to bioek the entrance to
he harbor ^y etokinc. three or four
■dtoapaaeeoftheelty teanubipa. On Mardt 17 the ton^do
•oat BkuiTl WM bJown up by a mine,
Feh. SC Td^ made hi* *oeobd atto «rtM of >11 MTU. pricer
empt to block the baihor entrance.
On Mar 6 the flrK toad
Oir year telBg IMS V
. ftnraee Clt; «alut As fertreu- began with the
TliM lo i»3 wu ndlng of Oenenl Oku'* anny at Pltlewo and Klnchow on the Uao Tong
tentosda. Theae traope cut the rail•oad 'had telegraph commontcaUua*.
to May S6 <mme tbe batUe of Ku*baa
IIU Which ended 8toeiMl-e hope* rtt
wUef fram General Knnqwtkln. Oa
tug. S the Japaaetc ran cloecd la uu
tort Arthur and captured >\.rt 8hauitat dlMtoe'an pntaeUni rnl-Kow. Oa Aug. 10 the PWt Arthur
«ka iMtllly «C the home, the cbnnbei guadroa made Ita firet fortlc and was
mren badc with loaa. Bcren day*
AMrtou.ftotoen to peytog attcMloi ator Ocpeial Nogl i^c hto first doman to the higher tktaga (baa meo aand few Fort/
Oa Nov. -i. the mikado'* birthday,
■Moy getting. Surety the coedai
toaeral Ncgl amde a dv^Kratc atyear can batog poMtag bot brtgbttaa
empt to take the fortress by atorm.
waa repatoad with* a reported iosi
The Hanidmuenda to all lu read
on the wlab «f a moat baggy and pro* dCO.UNiben. On Nor. 30 be carturvd
I MW year. Dvrlag the pai m Mctor hUL wgick prort-d tbe hey
« the •iuatlon. and then with henry
baM aknaet of tbe tlmea eat poati -lege gun* deetroyed the remainder of
be Port Arthnr fleet. On Jan. I OcoMy aaoogb ahead to keep pane wiU
tba aeltfe vowth of Tianraa at' Tnl .StoesM aent a te of tnne with
Ser to aaimda^.'
laUA w« ted ann to eomiag.
Bren Japad baa been led to recc^Maaerdy bopa that the aew yaar wU
ba gadnaa to you and that all yom itoe tbo gallaatjT and bravery of OttiTal
Btoeesol. wbo lu epltc ot tbe daily
aotoifabwa will be crawned wUh ^
U the; bospttato filled to
Torfiowtog with the sick, the falluiu
u arrive of the food ship*, infused hU
I Iqr Natan,
own octyraguand induced
a «f tba Orand T
hem to bold-out tbroagh tbe wary
aa a imiantf g
sonUt* 11 wa* net odUl SAS Mrtcr
'iUl was cnptnred that the btmre genoJOcMgaa wen damaged thou wal bfgan to doepalr. Thto wa* the
wal key to the alttmUon and Oeneral
la af doOan by tb« etorm.




mppcnetl. Seetog that * further *
dflee of human lUo
>e-garv up and marvbnl ouL
The term* of surriwder arc
known Just at preacBt. but It 1* nadi-rnood that they art of (he moat liberal
aalnre. Oeneral Stocssoi wfli'bu al­
lowed to go home lu honor, ho bai
fought a good Ugbl and dree/r'e* nothng elte-ud It to to Japan'* rvcrlaslng rredlt (hat thb.bravo luu wa* not
forred to endure dtogracrt along with

Pest Office-IMeelptor
a for the >-car
et ISM show a VCI7 nttofactor) luThv Incrvase a^ounh-d
|1.4K7h3. In o^y one duartir w^
there a denuaM- over la*t year, all il(^
rust abowliig toettasu*. Tbe fulkm-'
Ing to a camparntire aUXeinc&t oi th>- •
!« Ui. ,«n oi IW! ««11»1

Royal Blue SliQC

By Expert Jewelers


AVieJa Mm Wants
His Watch Fixed, he
Wants it

They are up-to-<iaic
(or stydes and are tbe
best wearers (or the
money made : :



That's where we can
help j-ou out.


Specialty of fine

Wtict tmi Stmtlrr


Frank Friedricli & Co

J. n. Ittartintlc
217 ettlTnalSI.


Are You Aware
ThatYhu Can
Tine Kcrtl at $1.90 per lOU lb*
Stt« car feed at $L30 per
100 lbs
Coarse Gora laeal at $L90pcr
Best Bran, H. A- 1. Cos $1.10
per'lOO Qs
Middlia** $1.20 per 100 a*
Bockwl^at MiddliBStiLlOper
100 U»
! atoo cairr Osts. Corn and
Oa Cake Meal tier 100 Bt SLGO

U so, $2.76 bay a26 lb paU lbtematkmal roultry Food.

n R A ■


SOUND sacNse


liiorc Is hmh-gtxMi'Ktisc aTid\uoU wifi II giving gifu.that comIdno nscfalai-a* aad U-auiy. Our
aiiuuml* to
Oilb. 1U1 and o:lK-r bnwbe*.
^fibtT gmu than «e nvalarly
IWoc* krtr for tlie fiualtty.
la a >Vltxy of roatUitaOaii* Caa
1 vua oa, thi* Item. A guod. aeuat.
bl.- line.
~'~TTe-kiad toat u. right No C%m>
bk ftm claw, good*, ia
(anr, packagesW bulk.
Pocket Dooka ^ Putuc*. for both
todb-s aud
Bill Ikuka.
^|p. etc, I

Wait’s Diii am


n« E. Froul ec

. The best fq^the price in

Feed, meal* Bran, ItHiMMfiBfl,


eorn and Oats
We buy nothing bur die best graip and you get the
pure ankle,

FOR 1905
WBl be belta than eve.

Whiskey kills ow lpp.iitR) persons ever>the United States. Tbe Keeley treatment as
tered at the Grand Rapids Institute is a safe and
less cure f^tbe^
for the dri^^abitdr^
drink habit and druir addictions.
^b^use 1 know
them, because I know it
it does cure then..--------is God’s truth, that 1 take Utc deepest intcr^i in the
■■ ‘ “
and* so *lont; as 1 Ii\-c I shall raise my
voice'm advocatinf' its efficaev."
For infoibiatio^ address



IM. O.

• iSTMmi’sr-iKai

Quick Work



tanIMtei -

V. «orl.





iQNfc' IhB
(ONE tze

. GradutcHcdicilfieparixBegtBgraa


ji»il .\iibw>r»

i.. pV"‘
trV>'T to Itg Kericy Cur.-.


We place on sale
this week totreduce stock
before inventory, a lot of the latest novelties in
Suitings’ and Dress Goods—all new this seasonpleasing color combinations, siylieh and cMra good
qualities. The price* range from $1.0(1 to $1.50,
but for this sale we give you your choice at


Mr.'tKxirgc ItolwivR. hlMoriau.
rtwi-smac *n.t dlplohiattot. wa* a
(llo;ro •>( *ucli i;aUoo»l tmjvurtaitrc
and i-nJo><'d tin- InUtnarv 4if ra
laii.v faint
----------------- l;to bkisraphy would uatarally bolong t<> tbo most IntorestlBE lUi-ralurL- t>f-ita ItlD-L






Importanno In the
field o( magazine liicrutnrc.

Mr. VaUiU-rili. wrilfs ti( Ibc t4Ut-9tlon* of lalior. *uffreg<-.
eUx-tifUK. i-ducailoD. n-llgHXi* truus-tc., etc.. (clUuE of the men
wli<> nrv sba|iiug t-n-uU. of u
urcs u-)w uetk-r aixiiti dincUAiduu,
asd of nsolhi* w-lih-h an- morlus
lariicz and fuming (uri.igu pollBeaatifut pcMpectui free on requeat.
es cts. a copy. 13.00 a year.
1S3 ^fth Avc., Nriv York5


Boston Rubbois

sMsssnu suassnu BMasBnii

and Supplies
For fhc winter terni of school will soon


U needed. • No saore carries as/compktc a stock bf |
both new and second-hand boojfe as pte do. _
Hest Tablets and Penciy that are made are here
iiigreamuanuiies. so that jxeryone can have their |

M 495 Dr*W5 the PAKLOR SUITE and



The annooncement of a now not
t-l by Mr*. Wharton Will naturally
taki* a place of dtotlaciioe la the

Tlic lucky nuihlr^ arc as follows:

t Hold your coupons. If these numbers are not
presented before January 27th. the second drawing
will be considered the lucky numbers.
b 549 ins k^U b; &• F. fiMres. Ho«re Pflfit Office.



The Hose Sup Co., DoM.



See Wmdow Display.


1 ,^...f....|St.«414 liktK'aT'


8.V acfiiK for rtmtv* and raue. . j
Uor tt MeU 1
H. >*- MocUer. 1


and doda
torad aofl wnoked by the hear
a while boat koneea wco ewep
away od tbelr coatoBto drffted am
toima. Jlaodreda of wlsdowa to cot
la bad 1a
* and parlllow
want iewa: ne reaoru along Orand
Meanm bay watered not at aU. The
' M «w a little baavy but no
to Btoouat to anythtog to nported.
Tbe hfll aarraaadod toy to an id^
Pto*» *« aammrr cettagea and hotel*.
not only booaaw of ita natwal beauty
W hacaoee a cottage owner can be
. sarbaf lading bl* coBver borne there
tohaa be muu attci the winter to


iMd to Bngand to vrarii 300 ttorai
C. 8. 0>itje*t ha* paraha»ed. Mr.
CuokV iBlinwat to Jhe Irm of TernhuM u awdi aa u wa* :« yean asp.': ,
C^k end the flrto win oow-bc
The aT*nsv amount of afcknn* Inf
knowu a* TnnbuR.» Oorbcti.
hnniaD life to clue daye out of the t

Trtovtrttotmr ttarfcdtto

I twT-il*- l-rw vltt, '-nrpTl l-iMUip *M

favorite kinds.
Remember >-ou arc ^wa^ wdcome at the


City Book Store
B*b*rt-Bmtir e»„ ftvf*. Cr,i»»e Olf, Ifflc*.




Tb» Sotdlcn ud BaHon'
Bos M* a BeetiBK la tba eowt
«Ala . ^k. OoMwaiar
OanUr »a» mafolawd cfealrsaa and
W. M. SmBA. akEWHT. Cammsdcr
d of B*«4. aoc. «. town ».
Tkontaa ef Ktacalar vaa U at1W toard
Want Cionty I
d VO* la cany o
««rk-ia Oraod TntTenx- raaat; Uil>
ber of tbe ritinens tt keridmra county
are fadeauoHug lo have the esuaty
seat moved from iu preeeat- tocaiioa
^ra. w. P. Kaiuiry and khu Ina at l.«laad t« thin village. They beMr* tfe* TldUaa of a rery «iEfUu llerr that as BoCtou* Bay U'more erm
loeated than Lelaad It U eqslar
ftsavay on Voaday. ibetr bora* traliy
of aeeeaa than that place. Tbey aUo
aUnInii cut Wadtfrorth otr«<n aed nm- claim cHber desirabto tsatom. Tbe
atac fo^ tonic dtoUao* belctre flaally
■Utniad aa Bay aireot. Ftetwaicdy
Ibf- alrlBk w , act
Ageid wa* Byrprlaed.
tboaxk tkcy had acrcral
Probably the most sarprlsed. as writ
k aocapra. The botae waa qnlto badly IS chagrlaed men li. all Leelanau
, cm abMC tba Indi from mrlkhia the
aleUb ai erery Mmp.
mssu aim Maalitlciae railmad.
watched ihe summarily piDcktng and
depot cm to freight
done, lb* bright MtUo C-y*ar«M atm toadtae of hte new
<d Mr. aad Mnt O. B. HNgra, Nlatb can aad tu dteappeanare op the
track. Coopc'd up In a Hay box car
atm-t. m«4 vUb aa arcUcat SatnnU) *lth the wind wbteiling in at even
I that lalgbt rery «atBy haTf crack. S4r. Hilllken has taVen a keen
rcaolted in aethw^lajary aad perma- pride lo the arrival of the variou<
fUln's. and ibuugb their arrival
------------------------^ HU mothfc wu depot- tula's,
In tiny aqnads. the door* and Windoweanriag apot otJicrf eoSoe aeroaa the Arst them the keyhole and lastly tbe
) vbaa the little feltow tan ttader lumber, was slow, be fell that they
' sure. 'When, wltboot wanting
arm and apUled the coffee, which
atrack him la the face.' Uieklly, be on ears and tbe gealal agent saw bit
did Bot reeelvo aaoagh of the liquid lo winter qaartera disappear bU friends
iattet gram iaiarr. |ito face betog only began ftoriLlng Uke so many daw*
ready to offer consolation and good
allghtly kiarsed.




I tbit wo^ 2.900
' IMqMtff dame Warden,Stamp u eir
. cMMtw a petlUaa agalnti the mc of
IWMi ta mmiag rabbtu la Orand
SMrcn* cMiatg- The pmiUcrn u bring
1 aa the rabbit* arc
•aCUaiiTeryaaicA ..

Daath'af Fr*d K*lly.
Pred Ken.-, for aereeal year* Ui the
middle Wa forimaa «f the Oraad
TraTorae Herald oSe*. died a few
day* ago at bU borne la ItotralL For a
quarter of a eeBtnry after leaving
Travma City. Mr. Kelly uas foremaa
«f Ibo Detroit ffVlbUBe oltoe. but for
aovafa) yeur* bad beea prealdefft of
tbe CadlUao Prinilag Co. l«e oldUmert ber« will remember Fred Kelly
well. Ho narled Mtu CUra.Lhaca*ter, (laugnier of the late A. P. Irnaeaster. nr Ponlceula. aad Hr. Kelly ImiU
a ga*g
home on tbe comer of
park aad Wa*hlagtoa »treeu. the
property iww owned and eeeapied by
Mra Crater. Mra. Kelly died here
aad U liitrtoJ la Oakvood cemeter.-.
Mr. Kelly wa* ctae of the best prluten In tbe elate aad an all around pood
aian. He aenred three yearn la the
talon anjy. and came to TruTer.H’
City sooa alter meelrlos hU dleebarp'
from the aroy. Mr. K«*tly wa» one of
the ber. aten lo amaage an office the
writer ever knew, and as an employing
printer be made a siMeeM, He marrlnl
again la Detroit, aad hU wife and one
■cm anrrlro bim.
• •

Keai Eatau Tronafera.
: A* B*v. Mr. ompemar of^WimamaOea H. Bennett to Btbel T. Mc^Pball.
.v. .-hM.wM-mMVdnth«aH er aH of awU; ace.' 34. town 2(.
laage IS; |l(>.
CaJrin O. <Hh=oo to Ww. H. Vmtor.
truueO. lou f and fi. btock 4. P. H.V
4th add: lUKi.
ThemsA Shane to Arthur J. Scott.
eH ltd 31. Mock K. H..
A Ca's' Tth
add; fl.
Board of SnparriaoFs to Margaret
ftocen. lou b-io-li; Mock 34, lni<»'
i -M. r. Medgea ctf Hodgw postoaee loebea; »1M.
Barak A. Orr to Raito Hoyt, {mrcel.
Sisi^ ta the lu^ Bumber. B S4».
•e. II. town ». rang* 12: It.
whM dNw tbe bed room salt at tbe
Hoyt, par
Baatna More. Tbe other two numbeea M. ser. 31. toam 2S. nngc 12.
Jno. IL ftanto. ndm, lu Tbomus 1.
raster. unH -lBi-.loa l» and m. block
It.. I. A Oo-’t 1ft add: gUH).
Ralph k: Jameson, et at. tu Cbsriro
'llbrim. M al, parrrit, mw. 17. town
27. rang* ll: H.
Barney Androam to James J. Dnn
tmreels, H. U A Co.'s FWnwood.add:


■a VaB-fftaa*<
Oo, tot 1. me. 34: led L o
K. range 12; glW.
Georg* Bmlth to Lnri

. Jm. ti—The rerideneo ri W. O-CrandaH caagbt ftn ar
to -the gremnd
an lu centemts.
When the Bn was dfseovered it was
too Isr advanced Tor nyihlng to be
■and. The tons wlO hMNn>*s'o *V**A-Orim 1
U Vlly cmasted ta ihcmands «T booies.
as-lvath eUlm*. In each one. another
viriiB of OmsuatNtoB r PaeummiU.
Lot when Itangh* and Colds are prop­
erly treated, the tragedy is
_ averted.
_ .
F. G. HauOej. of OakUnrton. Ind..
-Hy Wife had eoAsumpUoa.
and throe doctors cave her up. f'taMty
she took nr. Kiac's New Oteeovir.r:
Consumptkm. Coughs and Culdy. whi
cured her. and to4ay she' Is well and
stroog." It kUU the grrrms of all dis­
se». vne
One ouee
dose relieve*..
rriteve*.. uuwun'-vw
atr-ocahd SI "<■ l>y Johdsoh Drug Co,
F. II. Meads, d. K. Walt A Sons, drug­
gist*. Trial bottles tea cents.
Thu foltowing an- tin.- ofltoera elect­
ed by the Hebrew congregaiicm «t

ttroatly In Ownand.

menu for a blood and system claanser.
such as Dr. King's New Ufe PBls.
Tbey are Just jrhsl you need lo care
srae of ' ■wiping' their depot. Of siomscb and liver troable*. Try Otem.
eoorae H all goes to *how how enter- At Johnson Drug Co,. F. H. Meads, 6.
prMag they eoniUtor the Grand Trav- K Walt A Sons, drug mores, 2Sc gnnr

Card Of Thsnks.
■ tVe-wUh lo thank the neighben
and triend* lor ihrir kindness to ti*
during oor •Jefcaco* and confioenieai
y resnembeyM us with flowMr. md Ml*. J. E. Bnoeb
BritUh coloates are 70 times as
large as the ana of the Dnlled King­
d Curo fw Ptloa

A. U' Sharpe, the -only republican
etected to the Texas logtelabrei U a
native rd Olilo. but has resided In
Texas about ten years.' He Is a coun­
try merchant arid ranchman, birt was
fbrmerly a rallrokd man.

After all. saving* Is Urgi'y •
maUicr of habit. No matter bow
much you make, ii is the sure
Too will -And wltb ;us ample
srworlly artd eonrteoos trustinrnt. It Is our aim to esiunJ
p*ir.VTte and the puHic In sufteral. cooslsirat with aafeij'.


AJl fiemDants Must Go
Before Inventory
1 hesr remnanTsaad 'ahon Wngth!* are rau.dly bctiif
up. but there are nonp repiarkably good thing* here lor
Everything in ihe way of short tengths—odd*ao>< el»d->
, of broken ltd* or ditccontiBued lines'arc Ving pu*
ONE-THIRU OFF.. This gives you a chance to Be«pe
many wanted articles for different members of the family,
at a great saving. There are big live valut^o the Under*
wear depanmenc that should appeal to motiftra.

in tbe Cloak Bcparlmdnt
We are making some radiou reductions here to reduce
tbe stock previous to inventory. It's needlen to say that
quality cpmes first here, and when we offer .you soch
“quality” garments as we carry at these little prkes
greatly to your advantage to BUY NOW.
Any Skin in the stfHe 25 per cent discount. All Ladies’,
Misses' and Children’s Coats 88 'i per cent discount. LAll
Ladies’Suits at Half Price.

Genuine Bargains
At this store in both

Shoes and Rubbers

Forward has h**n 60* eoiwtairt aim. Firtthtg farwird tha nawaW ta *H alMM* of marohaadias. In fact, "putting •«* bsat foot OwWard." That Is why wa havs hulk up awcOt aa aaawaawa
buatassa. 'that is why opr ga'stewiira-liava eeaw to fnaw that th*y eaa dspaad aa what w»
amr and what ws aalL If you have tradod with as wa aoh a c«ai
It PM ha«« a*k wa am
you M ti7 our any* aad our poeda Wo aasuro you It will bt a

We have many goods toclo^ out and we

are giving you prices'thai will tempt iyuu-

Want a Hew Mattress?
Nargnn Dohta to Krery Dobm. partab. sfc. 21-22. roan 2S. range in: |i
Dus Klteiuger
Iteiuger la BucUay A Dougla.*.

............... ii. No1


W. Moore. to«» S and .4. Utork 3. i‘.
Ith add: I2S3.67.

loS'l’SSd'?; b“.X2.’p.-^4tr'«'i"

n* roguWr quarteriy meettag of the
Maicaret K. Griflih to John Hoar,
Buoday Briiool aasorlnttas Win b^%rid -ta pie Dteriptet idt M. Old MIssioa; II3.64.
Waller'll. Gabriel au>r wife to Jo
^atch fta.'^terodsy. Job. IS. Tbe
h Otator. tott l-l\htock
l-^htock s. RayaM*. '
priaripnl sPwW* «■■■ be Prof. R. L.
Nye. prloelpUW the High aebool u3
AlODM F. Hepkiuf nSd wife to Hsr <
see. 24. im
r. A l»utoe.'dH>a1kKwdoBt of tb«
tang* 12; »20.
Rnglbt RuBdagaMMOL
c'A.'HsmmoAd and^cife to G6o. VC
- Tbe f^ cf
Brotbnta. meat
mnrkat. has-beeayAissolvod 1^ matunl

ooawat. Winum RMacb mnnlBS ta
oeniTri of tig- btsiness, while bb
Ed retir^ HO*popular
and ta* aodbwBer wi
iow|»Tdmdny nerUad^blcb sl­
id mi a DtUe atiaattoa. \Tbe snltwfwty-olxX pan^s Tkeu
and meanred
rared t^v tern
It was vbM by bte/trotber
ll^Northport and was odlyfilled
k f^urea-mil* Chase, ‘neeal
ilT a moBvHr aui] would tavc
a warm flgki for a dog.
Ift. and Mr*. L... A. 4wy of A^u
AM hnv* bcea guests
for a short time
. of tbeir daughter. Mr*. K. B. Saail^
. of RUnMod av*. Mr. and Mn. Averr
• wcm.tdd-qgi^ 9^ts of Truverse«Mte«aaMtasaf y«wab«n
^ ta (h* slkU** and aeveatm; and they
Bad u dmeuli to tonaia amay of
Ol. Mil.


, 'Women’s Storm Rubbers, new
. |OO.h.Feg.d.r60cooe*.,


Feed your
^ve ft gomethint to live on.
Then If will stop f$IUiic, ud
win grow loaf tad beivy.
Ayer’s Hair Vigor Is the only
hair-food you cm buy. For
60 years it has been doiof
{list what m-e drim It vIU do.

Woqjcn’s Warn Shoes gochl
k^es, a shoe that aelis mori
placet at $160,


Boys* Rubbers, new good^ r«gnlw I«cc fiSc, •



Shoes, Usiher foxed,


My Hair is
Extra Long


After the Holidays you will alwayii find



iw‘w% SMIoKlB«en*m I

Warm Juliettes, mid pairs of
kgs thxt were 8Sc to $100,

have to hunt the eofi apete. Theoe are
all aeft. We aell you a mattnee with
oetten top 'and excelilo* bottom for ;
S2.7S. and the ttoking li the beri made.
Get another kind that te eeft anyway
you put «t for it te cotton top and bot­
tom. with cxoeteler in the middle, and
thia eeata you St-SU If yeu want a '
genuine dandy then buy the ell.layer
cotton, warranted net to bunch, ^
hard or eut of order.. Tfcro are four
gradee of thaaa from S4m to SALSa’
Theee are ee comfortable you almoet
ovcraleep. There ar* acme who will
aloep M only tha best hair mattrese.
We have the best that te made. There
te no wear eut te a good hair mattroaa. ^

As Iros Bed
ta the neata^ «alntlari»nd ef a had
MU cmi own. The, are -pad more
;than ever. Our aria, are eanataatiy
■; ?

' .*

dpi^lddlaplayefthem. Alt tha new


mor*bada. A tall riaad^Mt. ar aH
S'Mn anamri Iron bad for 81.76. a
for S2A0. ether atylea of SUR SSJS.

asm. SAM. ssjo^up to aarmi Th#
and grid, yettew and Wwa, wfiMa and

ChUarenS Rabbets, new goeds.
Mtes 5 to Ipi.

Men’s Rubbers, a few pain of

Yo,#.- R.*bm, «!kd


Warm Juliettes, for tnmnie-1,
several cdors, dainty. -

ChiUin'. SiKn,5 lo 8.

Chtldten’s Warm SUniets. rttl
fidt, just the tiling around the


You mttri have them •* you ean
in *net rmi easy. Have a wbyeawlre wttaawl
the sbpF^ fe* V -SO, that wHh a geod support e«tls 'far
fer mjfftnd S2.7%. ' Then you mgy wawt to
ewn one «f tlje-'besl japM eto«l *pri"a*. mlM yeu •a Ay 8TEKL.
_ tally. W*rt«Md AS
.steel, net iron that will bend and never spring back
M i^*
inU P'««piaee. Thta
This good kind arils «*r«R7B.
The beet spring made is the Ideal and H eeeta yeu aSAO. but it la fully worth M. W«
ee iiMy this season. People orill have them, w(^ net yeut

It win BOI



rMkitniUA THunutv.jMiuiin'i.ML
Mrs. Coo. Vu ^tottooai twtaraai
CW.tffiMii to totpeulaff I* tl
her hea^ la Atha^MPday.
^ {kp uab« cor* todtor witb Us <
Ml*, w. —
-------------------Twebat* uri a^ntora at* hsTiw suoilae eutoe.i^ ftu dM
A* effort *nii be n*«e tor cor till. -WtastaUey I
. ...
-laa to hive tbe nmir s«*i aoveU u- extra week's tmpBo* oa aceout
le caclae to cat wood with.
■ m eiRht or
troB lAlud to thb piM*. TBe people
V Whitt
of the fkadtWB aiwkATlac a very eebeet
couty------------------0 Ttelt frtewU.
Mo. J. B. ndBBcr.
eat. U belns tbe o»al eatrUly Xk
aied. The sutler wlD be braaSkc **Mr. udW Whiter Datoes at BeantpSviwtpoUid ov MMshiBff.
betore tbe burd o( Uperviiori tor zoala visited frlmds bem ^m Friday
Alfiod Davie'pod Suva I
Hr. ua Ml*. A. H. SbM ««re
oflast week.
a a^Tiadu.
Ml*. BPirUHWI. of KiIkiM «bo nede e haltwes trip to TraverH
The HoDor er^estra net at the
ho* »Ma vMtlac Mend* hem. re- lat'MflutoT.
hone od- Mrs. (MrlUe namiOMd on Wn. Vtoaunley• Mr. ud MrA J. Brown ad tbe .
iMt auwffir.
Atben WMttea H worktor tor ton.
New Tears ere. After rabcAnal their
mni BW WMW «■
part td tbe state are vMtctos tbetr
Tbe IMUea* AM meeU vUh Mrs.
boeus* uve then's verr phaesat s«r- Antibacbler.
<air ire rWUec hie fWber, W. M- duxfater. Mrs. Mpt CuL
0«L DM Tfcmdtr. Ju. «b.
Bd AbmIdc ud fanlty esUed u Ou
■« be Will spend the vlaiar
wlih cake ud coffee________
hli tonily.
It Ike tkiv hu put «
refrekbneet*. After wstphlac the oH|
■dn. bat not a sertowlp u *
Jadtp <MnM>cll end dUfbter. Mrs.
obi the caests departed wtahlar
M. TWey. were at the coort bemse ai year
Piuk Haidp. wbe leadlnc to profeale natten ibis week.
MIM Jewle UrtaiPtap ipeiL
happy sew year.
_ ui retoUves here,
C. L. OaptoB ud Bem Ptekprd a very
I Ml*. WUI dyd* Ml
Tew-e It SattoiU Bir.
Waller Amsira«( has takes a parthitva rUiMed to tbeir bone to Trav- drove to Port Oeelda Iwt Batarday.
I»aty are u'E. OllbeHh for uaMl*.' K. V. BIU hu bMff ffilte roorSilver Brae, iro kotte tor A t
aerabip la the hameu shop and lv
■W CItp.
Robi.' ARoaha of NorUpare-fs"
d vlelu Mr. Oyde is In very padl
.the work. The km U ao*
Prcd Bkiuisr’bi* pswbiaed i *
U drfi^ n toe^new i^Pferfoi
work bone.
Rule SOB Iff Mr. ud
jQlU Bute* 1
Lor biUer* stp busy tbae dips
Id. is quite aerknuky
aerinakp U
who epeat her hol{Arthur SUle* end with ire llrtiw la IravlaR Ion. ikmi of ibem poiaR
ibe new tew* at Wesford.
»er banc in Tfavoma'
Mrs. Hoefs boece.
ber duitte at the HIM
norm oiees «t ueules it Atwe.
strert srboM ttils ^ndog.
Dr. Oumr vis eUled to Me Du
I Dew.kirber ibop ii ou^
». Bln« M Toledo is h«M tor tha
winter with U tomlly.
' '
prof. Rpu returned froB Tcavenv
Mm. Arthur Dobmo Md ATtee Wi
Ww4 Beaoelt ud alMw Curie of
'Minnie OtOuer -win ' retnT* to
^ ^ Cliy Batarday eteains to rcMinc bis
Otei Bur« OBde * Mwrt eill it this fbr Now Vork eliy Moodiy.
iB Travme CUy today, afier a
Mr. iDd Mre. Wn. SUtes. Hr. nd
. Orria IJodecy U oa the sick
piMe Bitwfforweek'*
TibMMs Anns Hortt bsa the aasle*.
Tki NlMM iraTiad Bam
Mrs. Etta Osh^ bs* returned to
betU ittMded the sliver veddliA oT
Mrs. John Kennedy la'w the ^k
Mbn Psroisike of Trsver*e CUy I*
ber vmrk et Mrs. %i*ap'e qtter apead•
with Jennie yvnins people were ealenaincd ...
■ rMUlree o( tbb plu» tbe put Hr. aid Ml*. John Steduw Buurdar »peUlp«v|er
royelly by Miss Ethel Hlashav. Tue*
E. T. Pray «a* a Trarerae aty vis­ Ibc OiriMBiaa wltbue paepte at Juvl
6. H. Lrwl* of BMUb Harbor hu
t to TriTirM
***ldta* Mind Peek I* spe^tU * to*
pleased ber Rucsia with
Mm. Welletu Matterso* vraa taken relmned to Id* boneWier a few days' '
day* with rUsUvoe
Tl*it wllb friesd* k
BuMc. saneei etc., followed by
Hiu *— ''-----seat
for Otui
Ijoru Worden made a
cdrareh here yerterdiy.
bminrsx eollese.
• Elk Rapid* Baturday.
BM tn Hr nO Mr*. John Nuh.
Miss Jeuie Roik visited In North. eveiiins. tbe mala feainrr belns u
Active story deecrtbisR the prevlouHobert I'ray.te eirtt wit . . ,
port this week.
erenlDf. Friday «re*in« Mrs. a Ellis
WMltan C Johnson went to tows
.. ..
0« B.™. -M ■
Ml*. Kelsey _
ud dURta
1 her hiotber
luwber of Peloekt. ____ .
■ ■ by the mol
___________, . ..................
wiry Iasi Tuesday.
vt spent New YesrX
___ Nev Yeor-a i j vltb Konhport
t spat
pany, who had sneb a pleaaaia time
ItoRiy Linderleat bonsbt a driving wUb Mr. ud Mrs. Uadley.
d Mm. Jaaei R. Deu Ud tim- J. Peek ud fsnily.
BBersoa Hacker cuse -ho«a. rob
Ot dei Arkor liive 'taeB bue
Dr. ud Mi*. Vm Do Walker St- chsi eacb boi>ed for a repeitUoo of the luirac of i
MOwaUee CbrMiasa* ev*.
Saturday evening a “watch
Mitoff Ike bolMwi -viU Mr. ud
Miss I.*kto CiniB Is ipeiidlaK i few iiuiilM the annual Masonic* buqnrl party" was btid at Mr*. Ii. RiraniV.
Mr. Kelacb ud AuRSSt Keiadt'aMM
Ohio, to
Mr*. WehA
diyi TlslUhK vlth rriesds In Petu* ind ball U Ncirlhpbrt Tueaday
..i>me from Cedar to spead Cbrtaltoei.
which only cloM-d when (be ItelU rang
Mr*, m. r. DeouMM wal to Tmribc old year for the new.
e tbU- mornI. E. A. 1Peek fat vtsHlac relative*
... city BUnrtops DtuC Who hss been varies
ic Olson are home tiwa Trsveno
Mrs. B. Btibr is U tovi eilllni a
1 tbla place.
City for their v-acalioa.
Mm- Btanvtk of the Boardmu Rlvfrieodi.
Tosr's dip wUb bis psrats. Hr.
Tbe cnterialnmeai glren by the BuMl*. Orea 0t Ofa Arbor puud Hr*. Janes R. Dmn.
kr oleoillc llRbt pUat Is In low* vU_________Uiam*
tbraasb tow* A (ev dapi iffo.
MIm Hscxsrrt lAtoie. who bss bees utar retoUves ud friends.
but a BumberW the llitie tolks
' HIM CUr* Davis left taat Thureday
R. PlUuf his parehsMd
remiUe at botoeoqaebilged
for Oiarlevolx. where she wili visit frum Grand Rapids, where be
10 her banc nou 1
d the- —*1*-'
Bebao) 'b««u thU BorUiff Utcr s today.
. D. W.
Mr*. Frank McHunt weal to Manleft for South Boardaian
Die Hnaby N
PruX Boors west to Muiitee Ii
gan boy. ^
Isiec SaiunUy.
it Meoday.
Bstnidsp to take • couru at s
B.1. Pel*, who has been to Ohio
City one day last week.
Tbe Morrisu limmes held tbetr u with a Bblpnent of Cbristnu troea
the" <*or«b Buuy
BuMv 'uebinR-^^ffi
eveainp. tte w
Hudolpli Mire-Of oOod Harbor M
Mr. ud Mrs. Atbut MeOecaott of lul renaksi Sstsrdip at tbe BMc Lake
travelittg .(brMqto t.....................
Chriatmu and Blaine Monday to attend tbe funeral New Tear * with bl* aunt, Mr*. W
beeektef theff- -Tisttod u bu poruts-. Mr. Orenpe ball.
and kU alsirt- Aaaa. who b w
Mrs. Noble Tpirdl U on the skk New Yqar'e with her parents In Norththose Stele*,. HelsafiMapeaDrud.
. Hobbs: tost Bvodip.
Mr*. Ella McMuDua left Saturday Ing for Mrs. P. R. White,
____Bnti VtotM wat to Bnilre
OwAT Cla.vponl ud family took din­ we wish him soeceas.
^‘ neetlBRof tte Letdanau Coanty afternoon for the M. A. C.. after hav­
a Mebr enterulard her httilb-,
tost VMk to aud I tew daps with
Fanner*' luf.mute will be held Jan. ing 'a^nt a two weeks' vacaUon St ner with Fnuk YounR and tamlly on er.Mr*,
Mr. Tbeil. of Rud City. ChriMmna.
New Year's day. '
&2(i at this plsce. Tbe SUte aptaker* Iwme.
I Cm BooBedd at KafUep Is :

IVorse Region.

" »~£rr~ '


wrf'MrTST^ WMU^ mm iSm
tptKi M Mo^ «1tk DmaiM Hoi: fto •»« wife o( BUM.

H. J. Liihinl •» 4 fkti wlKktar-



. V. AmMvSMikltnl.



•ler lAtaPi.T_
to* «iU« m eovptr ir«Mw«r.






U par srat oa-vKk ■
thsv that ----Aftu


Mai M tki Bovtk MUIUM
to ftor lUtku viid





ffSwMUOO BrS^?HnB» of furniture, that now oocaipy room that is much more valuable to us than the profit on them^woirfd net us. will be closed out at a big
cup hw wh» the market l» right. Wo can furnish your hpme complete, from cellar to garret.




Agood fixed cook Move, jatt
lite eat, 17 ineb oven. MmU
oe back, ab^r n&dcr oveo
door,'large fire box,haper.
feet bakto. woctli $Uor anytody'gBMfier, only $7.75


Aick rtini fkadiv


«B bvff .titbgr coal or
«ood.U|li dotot «U>«attlr ndtmi, Bb batter
tatetotole. JtHtlikeaS.
Wffrtb t4&00. 'Cu be


For $36.00


A gfauee win Miow you the valw
tbit offdr. A beantiful «■
Inge arm rodeer,
bKk, ran diaped teat. poMi,
Mrekchoi and q^iffdles all tora: ’ed, wdl made and braced, finfihedm golden oak. joM Uke
Us thu other deafen cu Imy

mfttwm. ■ AptmOUrnmnfbd
tkirnmim ShreM,pd.
. iiirt bo^r. hurrott bof.
'bufftoa AiM iMWhbwnr rawtd4KCM^^adH caatfeoH affd



*teiniii.»a t4» is hdi

B toke It tock Ghnl^ odj.
Mi. wB tobe IB inch dkuhL

is a Cut
buter. Jktt 8kc enf.
■ftd CM fire pot, aenbk fffle;^
mrnmnam fcott tom! doer.raan7
toBpn, acR* teftt m both feed
ad M dow^ bUBtitaBr uckded.
tokh^ bma Mpttuds fevfect

Only $8.75

13u$t two

Jl Solid Oak
Arm rocker, jofi like cut, high em>
boaaed back, toreed poets and stretch*
en, cobUcr seat, wotdd be good nine


at $3.60.

WOl deu them <mt lor

Only $Z.2S

Jl Cargo
or chifTooieres u 20 per cent less
thu regnlar price.

One a high, five

4rasrer, wdl made, with braaa trim*
mh^wm bold mote dolhei thu

I Orta*.

three ordinary dresMn, tor

tsa, eemmods*. eemMMb**
and eennnedM and B«ds at A discewrt
M Irem N la 2S pw'cmL

Only $5.75

A large, aoUd arm rodeer,
U^embtNMd back, toned
posu sad qiiadfes, finahed
in golden oak, worth $8.76
of any ok’s money, before

‘Hie matt nefnl fuce of larm--


with tbe waA bench and old

0$1f $2.50

chair way, donN have to aobv

fbr a rfeeap ebah at other

wringer to tab.
Dating this
safe for less thu yon wonld pay
lorthewTfegerafeoe. JnstKke
cut. Only.......... ....$2.75

I Mmtoffill .

CeH Over from

dry fnmitnre made, does i


Voup MmIftolPida Mmew^m ITai

sur.. M TimrM CHy, Etk lUpM. -.1 ThOnwMOVIIH. Midi.


Waslt Cubs, Washiug
Uiaebiuts, CMbts




Iwt sKkt Sesfttor JtUm CaMff Bu
m wu aont*Bi«S br •edawtioa.
ne MMte Moeac oatie tto Mloa


gcwafftoi'* pmonl staff lu«(0(Uvt.
« nnk «r «0M«l i* A. L.
0«k—Chsrict & Pleree <ff Iomo.
SwfMJit ai Aratt—Joiu WUibeck
i. B. Utenff. S. T. lieOnv.
W.«. StertK, niot.

d Ur. Burrowi'
potcthis oat tin'
cc Hr. BalTt»s hu 1^.
, CItr vrtred toEar oo a vWi to bor
‘ ODB. r. A Klrtvatrlck.
Mr. aad kin. Fred «o«rard of Bol, talro apeat CkrMUw aa^cke meats
or J. C. Beward Ot tUa-^V
tkU BHtralac lor loala.
Hr. bad .Mn. W. F. Vt^Haoec. Ura.
‘ Aaril r. NerttagM- aad Wimaa Voml«tukn retoraod from Aldan, vbere
tb^ btLeadad tlie voddioK or Mtsa Ba­
sic, Ronltur aad Fladartek Millar
wfcicb aeeomd at wwo TWterdarD. 0. CordBe of
I thU atWiiMoa l»r a abort Tbdt aiib
’ Mn.VIU«s.
Mr. am Mn. P. H. R^y and AdlUe, of
dres. Cbibertne. BlleiT aad WUUe.
WeM SerenUi street, who bare been
m«*ia 0< fneade In Wederd for six
weeks, retnraed borne today.
K. U Beebe aad f|mny of Kalkaika
re wi^ag bU aUter. Mn. C. A



tbc poUcV of kccpiBK s(»d men in tl

loala. Senator Ruaaell of Beat. Bepre
sentotlTp Stoar o( Lenavee. Sonaioi
WoodMB oC Pen Pa*. Ilcprejcnia
HeaU ol
. Qmd
taltb or Htft.bc-11. hepreaeniaUT.
Wbni of Sblasrassee. Senator Croparr

Flren Friday’s Betord.
Mlaa Clan Darla of SuUona Bay
paased tbraagh Iowa this moi^g eo
rpnte for Charierolx. where etae will
■pend a few day* as the gooet of ber
Mn. Prank Eoulak eff Old Hlaalon
iMdc a short riatt with friends In SulBay tbli werit. reluming thU

MaAdiMi aae ben Mar. dS
bemst oC her bealth aad exAO W aMe
nowt tn gars and then
Hia. Ben P. Stelmel of Bto B..
« kM wBa pnaaod thnogb town tbis momtog on
better oad it vox
her way to Bk Bapldt, where
to look after Ue bodben loiaa ber bnaband for a ttiort stay.
Her brother,
MISS Anna Oroseth of 8<rtUins Bay
left for Otuwa, BU today to -eni«
Pleasant View eotlege for a oommw*
MrUa— waa wen ksown. aad
.tar ot fHMiic to tola
Miss Anna Cadbam of Sntlona Bay
•be was bom to Leetobna arrlred tUs momleg to spend a perU. Itn. n>d Urta
tlon of tbe holiday season here with
ber paiima.
Oewnt has returned to bla
boiee to Crdfton, after a few days'
Hr. IWi,
▼tall In this city.
fine Cornell, has retoraod borne
fron hik sailing season. He was on
the Sidney O. Keg until aba laid up
aad then went to the Francis Hinton.
«wn«sg tram MieUgaa City. Tnking
the boat nl Chicago he cupped et
Oraad Ba|Mda tor a two wedn' elalt.
Mn. Margaret Homes aad soo iawhlrntdme.


“e-S*TbcamnUac -ItcbiaK aad barnisc
ol tbc skin. as in eocma; the itiglitf bI
as in |>aonaais: tbc Ium of
hair and crasUi« of tbc scalp, as in
lieil bcnl :<bc facialtiis%nr«B>ent.
-- naplca and riaga-om; tbc
rnBcnag of lofsau and the
ful SBl
i«lt pofCBts. as ia
SilkeTdA tetter.!


To Cm^a CoM in One Day sz

_________ that'________
ant. dbdPillS arc sorb auadaprorca j
berood aU dibt. No statement u I
n«le regard^ them that is nut iustified by^ rtragest ovidcooe. Tbc I

DMrolt. Senator Sbridon
caat the rote et tbc Joint caucus
Bnrrowa. which was d<
leoator Pyre moved
or three be named to bring Sena
Burrows before the er.neiis. Sr
Pyfe. Repn
Repreeantatlre McOarihs
tor We.
Siaadish and' Senator Mllla.of
named. Senator Bur
drcMed ibe eaucua.
Senator Uorrowa aaid In r>rt:
“I retani my i

grateful aeknowlMlgeacot.for this rr
acral expreaskB of your coaSde-no
Md Caror. Uy approdethm of this
courtesy u tsmatly bclghtoned. too. by
the-reflection that this haaor miffhi
‘II hare been eoafand upon otbert
our fdkrw eiUsens who would briny
to tbe dlachuge <ff the dnlicw of ibir
high pasmon commaadlw nMIlty and
nuiai aoccpUhle aerrice.
"In aeepUng the nomloatlos T.-hiei>
yon hare thus so gtoenniHr' ‘DiletH-4.
” ’
D only ptomiee In mum that In
the erat yoatr choice shall be raiifleo
by the leglalatiire. to bring to the
oOeial duties nnawerraud whaierer |
log SMIiy to the trust,'&a>
oY ability I may be able to command.
"It sbaU be my ambliibn

aolnte aalcty and great economy, hare
made them the standard sfcte enrea
icmmics of tbc drilUcd
Tbe gn^^ testimonial tbst can
be oSerS tm Cnticora rciardies u


hare used them. FromasmaUbeginaing in the simydest form, agsinW
trme indiSeresre. Cntienra teBH-.lirs
bare beronie tbc grralcsit cu^atire^;.of
their time, ami. in fart, of all time,
for nowhere iptbehiKturyofniedk-ine
is to be fouud amitber approochinK
tfacminnopnlarilyandssle. tuerery
3c aa^ith every peo^t^'
met with the same Vecrtt*
confines of the earth are
limits to their growth. Tber
conquered the world. -

and BEST VALUES ever offered in the
city. Both LADIES’ and GENTLEMEN'S
COATS. Let us shpw you these before
you buy. ^


!ta?eeettl%rtion in tbe state and Ibe
nKkm. "wWch.“ be said, “has imi
upon the aoeoesrinl party
Vhtrh the ■ i. Uh. facesnsa. L
• of
ptstUoa, a_
people expect ns to rc<1eom.~
lsii.t l>Hr> St .Isw



t27>I3I- State Streep


Netlee of Amwal Meeting.
. .. - aanual mcettng of the Far
Mutual Fire Insurance Com]
dWd Traver-^AmHm ^
counties will be hrid In Graogc ha:i..;iv st^«
^ |i«v»iy jayrcsiM is
Traveiwe City. Jenuary l«h. ISiK.
1' o'cloek p. m.. for the purpose of ,Uus4«^tol> ta ^tinad
eleetlos a PreyMrnt. a Vice President
and two direciora aixl ibr tmnsaeti»:i tbnk-asacMi ra nun i-rmou! la m>d day td
of other bn'fioen of Importanre that
will cone Itofore the ncrtlag.
of the company at far
as potaMile. arc requeatefr to be pres-

Traverse City. Mich.


PrM Batmr^'s Bnoord..
Tbe Mlasea BogbU Bteliiiel and Zaaa
Onckcr of Snttnns Bay are la tbe^ty
today on a abopptog trip, returaliig on
the erenlng irator -,HlM Ploreaee nomas sprat Christ­
mas lia.tbe guest of relaUres to Morihport, and cetunNi this momtog'.
Mrs. Ed Stmilter of Altoona, who
*tu boon risitlng at BoUona, Bay ibe

The Hisses stdia B«volt and Irene
Rnssel oTBettou Bay am to the city
today OB buslneas.
Mrs. B. H. VIM and ber eister. Hiss'
Beeale Kovarik of Oraad RapidA who
bare bera at Oni's Pier as tbs gurau
of ibeir parenta. relumed borne UU

M Mta mettral woib bad
■ ItethpM depot tor tbe
WM raatoed Priday
p«B •miwtoM. aad na a
itatlal yiotk of tbe
dm Prtday.
.... ................................... ta two
lilii taBMti M brawn of tbe
M fMMMtal that IM.fnM U

P. C. Ooldamjtb ef SiUloat
paased tbitMtB towa ihu knorst
male to MUwauhee^ MtW Goldsmith
him: as far as thU city.
Mia. Clark Soaion and two.cbUdrra
of SuCtou Bay puaed thr^
tola morning on their way to Kalkaska
where they wIU raced Kew Tear's with
her daughter. Mrs. May Kaodsoa.
Mm. JnlU Wilson ot this elly apral
week as a guest of Btogham. Leela­
nau aad Nartbpwt friends, retuntlag
‘Rer. J. J. Maakstead M Snttons Bay
paased througb low* thU morning
ite to Bik Baplda. where be wUk
iKdd aervleet totoomw after whh^
he will go-oa to Reed CHy aadAftond
the German Buibermn 'ranferenee
drbkh opens Jan. 3, and coBtinoes for
two days.
Mr. aad Hrw Jebn Cornier aad fam­
ily of EDt Rapids paisea throogb towa
merakag <■
way to Prorct. wtara toey wOl be toe gneaia of
Irra over New Tear's,
as Jeaaette McLeaa, «bo U atlag tba oowraat at Piwenrat,
paatod tbraegh towa ibis meralag^ra
raote for ber borne at Grartiug. where
ber tarattra win be epnt
Lewto P. Lodwlg cf Sbctlaad is a
Tm-rcne' Ctty rlsittw today.
Mn. Robert B.
by Mias tkestoakrr. left for PB« Lake
today, wtam New Tear's will be sprat
Hr. Walter wm Joto hit tomliy toraor-

A sUck of dynamite ia the Chicago
drainage eaaal cxplodpd nrar Lock'port. 111., .whoa atrack by the steel
tborM of a dredge aad lAO men work­
ing near ta were thrown to the grottnd.
Sngineer James Hill, his■ aulstant.
aad aa Ualiae laborer were fatally
bun. and
oibera were tajniwd.

Jayne’s 1905

Bea. Fnfd R W»ljrr. JodR cd;
IstfemalHrrttheeMaWfd Uly Fiwklia.,

* . *■

A Happy New Year
Tbe last luf is ten'from the calendar and we
write dawn tbe Mew Year i90S and berin where
we left gtr.

•r PwbUcaSkom. tortsisral U»
OVACCS. Cometame OrsssS

Ura «r PMra. fm* »md «




Thm Will Ito .no Step Badlward
trade and iss planning
for a greater volume of
busioess in 190D:
it-will spare no p^ns lo'coin*
respect of its patrons.
mand the continued

We dcare, alwyc ail things, to have ihe con­
fidence of the public,

and in thanking you for our growth and pros­
perity wr will say that this store shall be some­
thing better than ^ place simply to handout
unrdiable goods and take in the mone>'.
■ly the Hew Tear Be kind and when line shill
-harrest 1905. atij we all be kereaad aue tssaj

A Hkppy New Year


I 3

it will pay yoo to give us a call, as we have a fine line of Cutters. Robes. Blaakcts,
and Sleigh Bells. If you antldpate buying a Bugg>-next spring, now is the time t"
gei one reasonable, as we have a complete line on the floor.
Call in and get one of dur




;;.t -v.;/!^'---;'-f
Btr Cftr n<«.
BV atr MIA^ Bm. «>-Tk« W«b•Mr MMsk w dnlMiM K> tke «BlMt
tt wm Md om
stock o( e c.
r. B. ruA uecapHiK tba tia( aad


•awkwksf tWMi Okworrt lHnwl. Ka^
MmSMIMw •« Mti aMMWlH niMt at
•NuMIVliil-la turnm ttm Mnrn•tWIHtf IMIMlI'S UtMr u Omni
Magi, i! !• oM, to M felloiM: *
adar M wrrMgM bMMM fiv-


Y»« tkkto cmtmihAIR
«t«i H«M My»; *■
' «gMM el'totertfay and tandCT^
^ «« tnm «M Mirt out by th« RtwWM fotlMMd a «MT mlfwtM totor by


«#>t for bar Hfc.'
TAto. aan. t—Tl
___ , .jawH^arofthodort Arthur
barlfc It to toaraod UiM th« JbMOtoa
fliliwo and oftototo wUI bt hcmlttod
ftp MMm to RuMia e« aaroto. tho ofTha RuMtoa raab aad ffia'of Ibr
lawtoia of bort Arthur wlH coma to

toft ban Arthur tort
-Wlwt I toft hurt Arthur tho fortroaa

, uMm. 'tha arty navigabto
rat ban Arthur ara the hoa




Aad IFru in Ann Arbar.
Ana Arbor. Bleb.. Doe. *1.—Tba Ann
Arbor Hlfb a^oAl was destroyod by
fra at 4:M this nomtor Ijm 911^
OM. liiMranca » A hiRh' wind
was btosrinc and the frenen wan
handicapped by Inadogoale water
ira. The
errt hundred smdaati Into wreeklnit
parties who ronovod the library
ratoed at tl.MO and the eynnaston
nppantiis. SnpariniaidMt Blaasoa
aatnwd (bo huUdtos with Kreot risk
tn Mtoaelf and anvedUa acbool record.
Tbo acbool board has boon oirmd
tta Arttogtm and Ibe Arbor bOtob for
oairytof on the acbool work and wUi
probaWyatoo.nate up to one or more
Unde Aam Wm Santa Claus.
B«w Tork. Dec. «L-Tb# - United
SUtos ptoyed Smnf One to tbh
at tarpe. necordtos to reports secured
tooua General Bipertatondent Joseph.
BlloU of the money .order Atisloa of
the J*ew York ptwtofltoe. From Dec.
I to Itoe. n. tbostohi before Christ
BO less than SS4.M4 toternatlenal
orders were forwarded to other toads
from this city, and tbeM orders esUed
tor MA»7.e«-»ssM Mr. EUtoU.
~wtto toe tafghst to toe history of’ ihe
pootoSo*. T»e ffUTM show an nnBsual dlstrtouilon also. For tosiance,
Itoty came aeeeftd In tbe Ust.oC beneAedartes to point of mosey reertred
and a cood first to tbe afibunt ct InflTlduI orders.
“Orsat Brftato. as a matter of
Mtto^' «« more mosey and
rders. hat, nMragtoB tbe amot
too sepnraie ordera, H IT seen that tbe
BK bnt little more
than tto apiece. Tbe lutiaa order*
toow an avenp* of more than fM



For Over
Thirty Yeers

I US Knar."



S.f. Wait & Sons and JolM^iillnig Co.
Beat Reached ftort
j worn tnOarcr. tmat hoesas boims da-1
SI. Joseph, Mich.. Dec, ».—After-stroyed. wtodqps rt cotU«esd.lown to j
betoa Rlren up for lost for rarcral I and rnoM darns** done. Sc* walls;
hcors tbr stwimM- Lloyd M.. of the j and docks were also wtshcl away.:
flsbias fort slruERlcl Into ihix harbor I tlrand llspld* people were b.-avy taf-,
Toesdsy olfthl eoidplpiMy envohu»od‘ferers.
to Ic*. For lionn. the crew had no |
hope of cier wrotoK land and the i New York. Dec. 2u.-it Is reported In
. .
. .. .k.
-- - -plucky fiRbiaialBst
death made
bj-ihe i Wall wreet
today «1...
that Thomas \t*
Bto men on Ihrlr IIh Ic eran was «>oe 11-awoon is Rolap to Kiirope n< it monih
sakl llurt in/^iead of brine luAiui^
of the ncist notoWi- ever known >m the . for redu that be to todni; lo Mcaloj m
with a <le>.lre l.-l tjiilt. bis dHermlna-.
Ij^e. inrestlsate the Standard Oil opr-ra
iloa to was'- a ObIsIi was. It anyWith fyo other boata Uie Lloyd'lf. lion*, that the masaslne priotlns Law
sun-s levctottons baa b« n bouRht np^’‘'“«^ stronccf than
went otii 'to the mornlnc^to Osh. Iiqi
noon was struck by a wild cal<'- The by Rocers and that lawsotfs article.^
wlH MiRi as a munururc oT a Irtiw
rest of the
the Lloyd M, failed to come to with with itocers. The pobitoher* of »b-.rTbciK.i la the* fold praves.
them, and a* the honni paaied and the masailne deny that they have sold out;
,Bi,B»ted In the Iloffaun case
violeoco of the storm Increased, watch-(and say they will oontlnoe pHnUns ;
Pib here ^re up the craft for lout.
! l^wMn^ article*.
j ^1,, „a w-b..m Coroner . Hoffraan
AMS ha.1 To be UM'-t to
10 chop the:
;„_^^.,:^ihcld Inttuests-U Hbelier'-d
Ubclier.-d the
fhnen doors «^n In- order
the eapUln from the pilot house and
r. Dee.
■■•If™ I"--. 1)0r-'Ui- for thet-h-von oiobths arc 91^9.B tho connly.
bn»y kreplnc the Ore*.under the lu.llcr I"'*'***’
Ml>H0 more
(kVi.w-B. whleli-l>^
the n-conl of any pmluu*\rcar.
NVw Tort. IVc. SI.—Dr. Utojr S.
fipl. Henry NoUhapen. who. with





An Oxford man was apptoaehed b}
sintnger the other day. wbo bsedet.
him a card oa whicb was: "The bear
er It deaf aad dump. Please help.'
A akkle wgs plaert la the Uggari
band. “Tbaak yoa very mneh." tal
toe follow .a* he -passed oa and Mr
BoaatUul want oat «rt boagkt blmsoi




We Come to the
'Point at Once

Wc Invite Comparison

46 close quick
at a loss
Saving to Custom­
ers at least


■ •Wtiiiiri''





The more Matfaziacfi there arc, the more
rn<3tgpcDFgT>lc is The Review of Reviews

mrta Am into*
Ijm t»fr<as

- BcxaW) i>
. B *n_tiB •* ^——



5>b M d>e fi-<si <i

Per Cent



The fievfct. cl
(ia art (mcewC.

tortmisusiTme—otr ma


L- iaJ'..aiJ -J' ■'

\ 1

PERE Marquette ^

CWM led um

Ci^right ,904 *>9
5- Mm

• !”



, CslomH. ?4ich.. IV-c. 2^to a hosdSIOCT. A*» t»o ,0,.
rf I
I■ •jj ertiUeiivi -iM'twoen twli^rnck trains
br 1.B .UUB.I.T Slirj. Dl.-rm H*trj i
leased that the bost.had te.a
„,„u. ..M St, „ ™.
toero' of the Riant sms for praetlcally
fee' hoar*. Ntoo miles i< net* wenIbr vrm bolM lb Hbl«krb. b. J ........
■ dnrInE the pertkMlB Irln.
The sheriff will take him back
The aevere storm in northern MIACiereland Uii* afiemoon. The iloctnr Icah has suhslilrtl, bnt cansed a henry
was very ncn;ou* and cxclicd to an
« Tetofleams.
tolcnriew *r.h the nht rlC he Ka!d:
par:ed on the South Shore lo.vwo d
Hartford GUy. Tnd, Dec. 3^—The
know nothlns of the utterance of a The eopiicr range tnffflr U nispeaded
natural sm pnmptog station of the
forged CarucEle note for $3.000.ww. and the mlils temporarily eloscci down.
Crescest company west of the city wir
Up to the prcucnt raoment I hail b.-totaUy wrecked by. a natural sas evlloved my wife In no tr.ible."
plosfoa doc to a -plun hlowine ouf of a
spark from the fts« ' Boston. Dee.'St.-rSo far frem ’V't-, oLunno
erapressor a
eilftlne imiUi
ting" to hi* warfare on the Standurd | a«q wwavjwn
w^ killed t I flee mhe™ badly In- Oil tnisu as had been rumoerd.|
Thomas W. Uwson say* he boa only i
begun and that on Moodsy next ho
HolUnd. MIrhv Dec. iP.—The Bionn ] will pm n l.r<i*d*lde aisaiosl thoBtoiHl-1
rwtcr.toy pUyed hnvoe with re»crt | ard Oil and Amilgnisaied Copper that gjj'j ftju JlJa
'TortBfal bad liie amanest srorafe. property at Ottawa Beach and Maca-: will make all hi* previous effon* aeem 1 mcyspdnlcMwM to
lawa. The Maeatawn side was the [ tame.' When seen this mtwnlng.^Law- j ~
The arcrue of tbe
to that eonntry was tS.*'





«<8ltUBg by Mj Wilb'B Bcd*^

It was a eeiT pecnllar eooditloa and
tbe ehaneo* were mneb apdast'ttie
foot ever bcliic mafa lo hnL
Armstron*. who ha* booa In charge
or the cate, do^dsfi that the only
iblng to dP wga' to grow new flesh
■poo (be bone. aniTm^ke a oew heel.
To do thU. he obtalnsd a Uro rabbH.
and maklag an IncAea to the Oesh of
the animal, bound It to the fool. -Thr
tr ^ Japoioss, When the first attempt sras not a sncocss. ih*
me they reputowl the ssomy rabbit dying bofore any adhesion was
secural. Tbe second attempt Was
« so worn that more Booeeutal, as the fleeh Ad
itood Ibe final Started to grow to tbs b^ ‘before the
. A third rab­
, ‘At. tysoraburg. Jan. 3.-U Is pScUV bit Is now atiaebod to Mr. MUler's foot
,|y darted IlM an attempt bw been
*- “v'ou tba Hfe of the esar a* report- and if tbe animal can be kept aUre.
Tb» rtbpem passed MuaUk to- Ihet« seems good grounds for Urn hope
that tirt ttotone svglml>;jibi wW
prorc a sueeest.
Two Miaufis Casas.
to tbrt ease. Mr. Nltlsr sbonld fori
MyingAsId. m. Dee. 3L--Two ease* __________
good fortaoe. few
of' pniubeied.sleeping bare afoueed^be. wilt have a •rablrlC*
foot.' that
mnrb totimiaBw»gibe-a^iealprac-l«aBen eff gopd fortnae, alwnys wkh
hha. The tMteeme will be a^.ed
with toteresL both by the wm
frtcad* of Mr. Miner.aad by physlclaat
wbo aaturrtly take aa aetlve Interesi
In aU Boeh matiera.

has been tn a dee* rteepaae. wet'll aad
bat dbpwWwg sl^ of awakeom rfl has
abe U la good betith;
Tag. Ami
bat jibn Mkwt Jam a trace ef fever.
Thh U Me atoOBd Mag stcM- Onto*
. iwevios* cneaelna. dbe was asleep two
work Md •uffried M vrti eesuM*.

Bears the

nt CNSNniM, eaiM tti Mus



Tlie Kttd Yoo Have
Always Boaglit


Fooultor AurBlmt Anperttneirt.
-Pmt APlhm «!• «* ssbrnisUosCbartevrtx. Mich.. Dec. 90.—Wm. M.
MhmiloB not oBly of----------'■■—
MlUer. wbe-waa emptoyM oa the rail*
“9U if iist of toe cantona !•» road bridse. was pntototly Injured *crbAAbiM Aslia the work of brrous.for hrai weeks ajm. hi* foot bclnc c*u*bi
to tbs msebaalsm of the brUge. and
the fiesb aad tendon* torn loose from



rsMoaoda uUl.lMUh.. S>ra ;
.««fbl milti ot CoifSs ud CoUt, kj t>u«(

imuTlX^ ksh-w* *h» "•

Land in Laha Mtohlgan.
lABrtac. Web.. Dae. Sl.^Daptdy Att«wy Oeaerat Chase has bean notlfad by tba raftolar of deeds rt
net eouaty that Sanurt U Petemn
and ulfo of Bar Tfirk. uko reeaatjy
mae tho Nor Torts toad Annpaay a
dead of a loetM to Laica Mlcblcaa
outside tba ttoltod Stales neaoder
aurray. bark #aoB a daud to tba Omtral Coal. Lambar and ConstrneUoa
oompaay coa»eytoE toad to Bmme:
cmnty taklajr to a uwaliw <rf islands
OMr there.
The raclsiar of deads was adriaad
not to rwnrd tba doed. II to.tbe tbeory
that tbaaa Kaw Tort vMtlos are haeiac tbswa deads reeorded that they
no show a ctoln to tb« toad, «hieb
«o«M eliable than to Aspoue cd it to
tonOMM parties.



this MorrttoslanRTlBK a tatal lau of
ttTAM- Tba ncuMOBn nock iraa
Iim; «Mr«d <• iii'tM** Urtocd at •M.bM vRb ttl.MO lauv'
, tba pbotogiartt ^err at HM*
orUb 91AM taaaraada. Tbedanaeoto
tba Uodi «u frtly eararad by losuraaoa.
U l^ietod that OM Ara ortcttalM
■MA M ISm*, kW totSTMMd Omi> troM a nail htoio' ««eh broho out
w«l M»«r fkMMiq »*• Mixsrt «f ._ .JK aona-bam to the pbotofErapb
iMltory tort araatos but wbich aa atut auppouad was sumpH eat.


thuwday. **wuawys.


ta T»«*o citr


^^STtaSral «rite Lato HfeUoter
«M Mff TMoter trw tke BMM
ateck. BOT. My«n oBcWIdk. D»iiMKkler tmi tkree
pau:to ■!•«■ b«r Ion.
to Tn*- Mf. aad Mrs. PUMp Minor retoracd


baebanbatriBc bUo:
mbJaNtoeed la bealU.
Mlfbl ^


____ ____ >TU^ HoU of Tkonptamm
OkrlMnn wltt FM
mt lmHiT «( Mimt.
oaf lb«.'Wni TMotleo reUtncJ


j^e OBSMi Bicstiw or the Ktefricy
cboreb vu bM ^rdor
Hovord Dodh U hone ht bit raco1.^ CrufiCute st>(*Bl « fc* doyi in
TroTrrve Cliy mt week.
O. ■: Wrbbooo «M Ion fion
Trofente OU' today.
Afotpb Aooiweb nd irito arrirof

rrioiMi IB Tnrtnt City lor
Um 4m

■IMmalai ahtoariae Wto
Agac aad Malarto. caa be rrtlmd
brWe, Bitcaded them' The ganu
prn« were iha panlcalBr Mewdi aad cared with Etoetrle Biuen. This
BBd relaUm cf the eoauacUag par 1« a pure ualc aedlclac: of eaperlal
beaHIt la amlarl*. for It cxeru a irwe
' '
^reriebed soQ, like inpor- Bsnrod after the tofsaj was perTher« wen amay rto aad
iiriiigfl Mood, needs a proper
giroa them, la the
A cteBirtbrMml.y.eeets.
a rerr plnnoi Tea, write*: “My brother sma TcfT
wiih malarial ferer aad Jafcadlee.
•octal lime.
he took Bloetric Kucta. which
The Mtsaes Lottie aad1 Addle*:
Addie'.Seitor Oraad tatad bit itfr.'' At JohaaoB pnut Oo,
P. H. M««dt. 8. B WaU A Boas, drwgmures:
price Sec.' gnaraateed.
Albert John has mlgaed .
If four Uootl m inipoverisUed Iloa la Kehih aton aad will go away
Snt of tbe year.
Ssidaaw eoBety is Jaai t
TOUT doctor Bill tdl yon phot la adtoul (be
The eleilm in KebPs store por- ts the ealao of good roads aad etorts
you need lo fertiliio it oiiil gi\T ebased a dac torp.- clock aad preaeal- are beiag made ip Improre the bigb-!
cd it to tbe dm fora ChHatBMs.profk the ridi.'red vorpiiecles that <wt.
ways of the conaty.
ore Indiing in it. It way lie yon Iraa Tboaas retaraed boak.- (npa
Rapid* Satarday aad will re
noeda tonic, hut moreJikdryou QnB«L
•amekl* oW podtioa at Koblb.
HatTlM Howard of MO W. Sttli SL.
need o concentrated fnt food, Ml** Clan Tbomas iDrUed
New York, at oae Hate bad her beauty
with tbia iruiplc. Bh-.« write*:
nod fat i. tbe ekruent lacking
rt“o.rSi' •polka
■-I bad Balt Rheum or BezitnA f>"'
aad ‘be
the cob
eoiolIbb of the aew ynr.
ill yonr eystem.
year*, but nothlOB wOuy.cnrc II poift,
Rafiu Rennaver . .
1 nsed Daeklen's Arato Saire.- A
litrtek aad «ate bcator for cn>*' baro'
Tlor. i. no Inltood tlm. ;
aad aorea. 2Sc at Jofanwm Un>B Co.'
SO Ktoily
cnbily digested and nsnmi-. vt-ek* asMauaB
•sktaUBB th>.- luaiiiian ctoih- P. H. Meads. S. E. Walt A Boa*, drug
Ibb Co. dortns (he bciilday
lated as
Mlw Sla Hurbaell U ibe Boe*< of I
sifter. MIm lAktie Rimharll.
White aoud U qtUlo proud of Uiiaew Pere Mantaeito dupot that ii
aboul flaiabod at that pUce. It will
of. Cod Lwivor Oil b^pamts at SMth'^od aad Rich­ be upeacd to the paUIr nn Jaauary 1
ard will inrcl prouad die cltolv. Inok- and die people arr atralilag the threat
It will nonrwli nitd stmigUien , i»s
pMcc «. go to -rtwaH.



Bento Wbaoo vlalto Mcito it
“^^‘ySfafivareracCftj FM‘‘%iwjLrd Dma «w la Trarcne Oty

rTm. C. Fnoor ortiTod today
___ OadUlac to aaolit ttev. Mycn la
■awiww to b* bold IB the
BtohMoa aehoothcoto lbi« week.
Mrk j: J. Bionaoa waa la Trarerw CKr flaluday.
wa> la Trtrcrae City
hao aimt tbe bol-.


Mto EUrni cdbeaa. olMer af tbe


Scott’5 Emulsion'll"

the tardy «1rii milk and erwuu
rton Mootacoe.
Mr. Bain or EdOKwe k here rMtlag fuiltodu'it. St-iMt’s Ihnuligoil ;HwtoCenw««adeMe
Mb aoa. Prof. C D. Sain.
is olwoya tire KUm-;
Min Both# Calklaa retorwd Sonpulatnbk*
tt of Mn.-BtffofB'a BBBfay
- ' - • •

aiKiD ai
Bi ihidr'
tmdr bumi- in Sbetlaad.
■ opoat a dtOsbllM eywios
wIkiv Ilk* hody ia wdatiiig fnmt
Ihvf. Jacoby. M. WUbortifl aad Mr.
jHlwig wfBt
w«-ot to Trarcne CltyRio
CltyRin tth?
any ennse, dlbcr in rhildn»i Ludwig
rain Tseaday.
or ndults.
Iran Wlfbochli aad Will AUiUson
S^ool atarte op
lent Cbriutmas at their hurae at Sfavi.
IP« vBf waf JAB a aampM ftac.
wock'b vaeatto.


hat nored Islo Will Jar

'•Ml a^ta'uaalw la fek
mm TMie^ Hardy It her

Me aad tMMyoa.
OMa. etaned oa
Olbbb* panata
- - aro vaU

Min Maimtit HUloa eajorod a few
dart' eo)nan to Tiaretae CKy dailar
ber aitool racatloa.
Jen Cook bat beee qatle HL
J. Helai baa eotaplcted his mUge
wbleh be bat been tnrUdlog upoa hi*
Min Becaie Vhrraat wte at Bor
dtortile last week ea rooW Iran Qlee
Ham to ber boaie Bear Baptre.
Tbe rerlral ageeUaga la the Old
Tiaw Motbodiat chorch bare '
Min Beat Hwrie U

Prank Aiklam was baatlaB logs for
Bd rbestt last week. tun- ill tlie (urui (
Mr. aad Mr*. AUriaacm eaienalaed
lal*4 iH OB lb' «ra|i}irr
’ with progrw«*lre clarti New Year'*
eve. those prescat beiag Mr. aad Mrt.
uo bu;-.
Johaana. Hr. aad Hr*. Docker. Ur.
aad Mr*. Rocers. Mra aad Uiiui
Pheatt. Hto Sailer. Mr. and Mrs DelIlager. Tbe first prise* were won liy
Mr*. Ropers aad Mr. Johnson, the sec­
ond by Mr*. Pbeatl and Mr. Di-rker
lad the third by Mrs. Johnson and Bd
l*bcatt. AI tbe.eoncluilhn of the play^
lag a datoiy aupper wa* M-rrt-d and
New Yaar's Broettor*'whanB.xl.


^ {Mfiinsi.slniTiit

I Bthgt HUue at FOretl Ufll baa
beta «d»c m. hM Is bb^ bcUer at taiaed Mr. aad Mn. Morris Leslie
«B ai dleacr on -New Tea^s day .
’ to. gad tot.
Mn. Orta Knaey </ Kam
A few
JoSd^ are rtalUag'their bratbw, Mr. surprised
led ber tot Wedaesday e»entoe BaoBgaittoor. at fhte plaee.
toB. (be oeculon beiag ber birthday.
i Qatte a aamber or BardlekTine peo-

lled bU Bother aad akte
Otr. toTud Mn. B. 1
Mr. MIHIken
Rule .f .
I at toll Kaeeoo aad
r thaa aggtiered
bc$aifte he
____ Mcredltb aad family rli
wBt the only maa la the party.
. Meraffilb'e Meter. Mn.' Cbarto
A iargv gathcriDg of-trleads aad
me CUy. aad '
Buk^bon learalas that tot Monday
waa Howard B. Olir* -birthday, sur­
prised him at C o'cloeV. They csrriod
all iblagt noeeasary lo mke op a
tioanlilul Topart. Refote supper war
serred Mr. GIR was-pmented with
IBR OB t-.______ __
baadsomo totber uphoUtered
‘ '
a barb wins teBce and badly U * *tS (bair by Harr J. Scott on behalf of
her face.
the aunpaay. The eralUK was spe-ni
Maylag games ^d ererybody vn)oye<l
tbeauMm to the tuUoat cncoL
liCBtoboitt MTABnitot


Sunday Seheel Procram.
B lo be held a


‘ ii’es:...........




rjM Mmkm rii6v''^»St.
la .Cate* Cra|aar^
Metetby attaaded
i to the depot bore dariat
Hatill treat to n
;j^w«b bar

Orowm,^a«toMMiiar Maar*

A MWMmaS *o AH* WiM !• aMmolmnA.



I*,,. MinK.
• rZ^*«^baf tathr orwiypoWth*



■ borne (reaunent
Ilf «>ld* and U i-iill lo gn-aier
boM favor thaa any known reoiody.
Bnl even withoat tbe appUestloB ol
Hie oM-fashlooe«l aid* Gcman Syrap
cold In qakk tinx-.



. WaaKEtm
Dffa«tiYA Vbtoto

I REMOVE THE CAI SE and the symptoms'
longer exist. Such curus arc permonctu.

DR. P. A. WOLFE, OptometrisL

Svito 41Sdl< WUhalHi Mb


MM rravwaa City *
. Par aal* by all first c
They cur* to auy eurad all chraala

ntlay* the irritation, and effeci•
• r child will
Ircly stops the rough.
take It. U I* iBvaluable in s bom
Trial alse IiotiJ

Prleaa, Hat Springa Tabirtt, $1.
: Hat Springt Quick fttliaf
K ^Winfaaat)

b Sons. *
Oecaaa couaty (rail growers ar.pnwd of th« fart that oae
nanbrr. Uetuoa Gebhart, was a«‘ar<U-.l'
scTcral-iirIzea ai ihe St. luMils-r^
,flHon.Jn compciltioo with a num^r
PC olb<y cooaUcs of the date.

- T« Cura a CoW In On* Day
Ah dro«yM rftnnd
nd (be
tbe wewi-y
lec**-* W
il relX (u
’’'uofalng aostian »:S0.
i'*4riisMreUuB moi lu.
Derotlonal scrricc. Mr. Daraard- - sr

Weictiinc. J. nissard.
Remnsc by Rirhanl EucSiaUstics show that we lose Mn-wnty
per cent, of the buy* fitua the Suaday
school sbtrrtlT after they enter their
Cbusob. rcmedic*. Henry 8a<*«t.
-■What [acilliles would enable ns to
bcrit-r inaltc the Saaday acbou) a’iractlre io the Itaea of our comtntjnity.” Mr*. Osnut

Trslac aerrice, Ptaak ShertS.
Talk by Mr*. Mllllkea.
Solo by Mr*, Georg
the aeason. Abooi IPO guett*
prescat at the baaqnct.
t.Vhto wa
inm-l (be Ideal of our youiip
heart ever slvca here,
people?” Rer, J. C<-orgc.
great erodll on lluic) Seoli
bdp. The most of the oat of turn
mtoben of the todgp aad other guest*
were uaable to get here. Measr*. I>ui
sl^^aa~ ta- Dc
Dr Walker, witb
with their
wives, of, Smtoas.nay. and Nye Jor­
dan of Xiaverau
_______ Chy
___________-Headwere In all
Supper waa nerved at k o’rtoek.
. TbIcb. Uic pompaay repaired to
the lodge room or dance ball and spent
fhe evemlBtrlB dancing, cards and no­
-« (.1.
to ber dal coirrcnatlon. Mr. aad Mr*. B. J.
________ liOe'e bay oa Meeday. after
waidlBg a wetic with bef pareata.
ub of uSocts was heW pn-vtuns t«>
Mto Oladya Dbbk torlted rii of her H
This is Traversa City Teatlmony and
frtnds with tbdr doll.
Ua to............
help the
Mr. Joba PMcrnoD and Ml** June^opd hcr^tiir Urtbday ob Tbarw phinc Haakrcn. both csihaabii-' re*iIf
dt«iW Ur- foRowiDg aad wi»b
dcata of this place, were Joined
lolacd iu the
bands of BmirtoKmr at the butae
.l“'•wl*'to^-^ jwJ*"'"''
'aion lo prure
— ^
It. If* not a loBg
alShL the Rev. A.. J. Raflabal oBtolal-, _
. slory
. published in
A iWBber of Mr*. Bert OampbeU *
a reUlThens were a number of gnc*ls Traveive Cliy newsimperraUrat
-Meade atCBaPtod to awprto ber last tog.
iDd . di-ni
In Kalaniasou. Mich., or Tampa,
pteacal to wUarm

» the
partake »f Ibe IwuaUful ni«asi given 1 *■■»•. If* alwut a r.-.ident eg Trarenuaftar R.
Itlty. and glrm in.hl* own words. No
abe bad pRparod tor ibcB.
PYaak It. Wriglit of Deirolt tied I rlrotagev proof can bo had.
Ml*. Jaeto Btobaat of the Breolag Mr. Saddle
H- SmUb of ibl* plaee! Moarw- Morse «g TSS W. 7itj
Booord retaraed to Tcarene Oiy Moa- Mrs.
were married at tbe bmae rt Uir. mays; “Doan'* Kidney mita saved my
bridaY daughivr. Mr*. Ocrril Keven-. life- This st-om* a doubtful *ttiem.-nt
aalL of WoodlawB aranui-. Grand Rap' to make, but 1 am wIUIbb lh<- iwUlle
1^; The bride U well known through- ahonid JudBelWm facts, t wa*
physlela I tresimeat fur four
by ibe r«t
Mr.. ehd Mra. Itettcn\ Agoea apeat llttrarr elrelc*. where nbe ba* alway*
the bolMeyt
to Cbarlc- baefi aa hetlve worker. A* a Bcthn
wyltor ber'work wa* under the name
Mn. Welicr ^wi^Taad torn chit- at “Fhusiliie" and her ncqualaianec
B(>dy. u-UIng nu
dm. of Kligaley. spent ^ Cbrietmat with Mr. Wright was tbroagh llietory the same
tb* doctor's
to throw
with Mr*. Btawn's paredto, Mr. aad ScUs, a* he. too. I* a well known autllelne la the QiMi
For fire or
Mra. Cba*.
Cbas. Obeni.'
4 the treaiaewrpa^-r maa. furweriv of the b'ree als da)n affrr I a
Mrs: Atoes Beahary rotmtied b«ac Pnws sad Jotraal of Detroit. Thiw areal the hldney >
tot week, after epcadlag Cbrfartaa* will make thrir borne at SS E. Tbeo- blood and befun- usod one box Ibe)
U Trarerec CUy, the goeet of Mn. dorr Ktreet. Detroit.
dear and regutor.' I Wtowt*! upBBet iDgerwflL
C^r Charter aad Miai Hay. daugh­ the ireaimcnt, and crew If tBen- I* a
Jake SUMtIU left teat week for a ter of Mr. and Mr*. John Canioun. one rceammre. I caa eoniicleatkiuKly as;
abort rtoU 10 Klagsley before gulag at tbe pmqicnMia tormor* of thk town- that
Doan'* Kidney Pilla rtired the last
to COdar Kao for tbe wtatcr.
Bbip. wero married at the borne of the attack and *ared ny
Mn. B. J. Onty apd-aoB Leroy re­ brideY pareau at high noon on WedPer sale by. all dealer*.
Price Vt
taraed to their boon Bt Belbdre on mw«tr
-----r-r lasL 'Rev. ..
.„,v. ....mJtd Go.. BnSalo. N.
J. D. Deets read'ecat*. .Ftmer-Milburi
Salarday tot. Mn. W. B. Campbell the manlage vows and Mrs. Ocets'T.. *olr BBcnii (or tbe Called Slate*.
awtoiiiii a«i orer fm Wa- aad ttaagbtor '
piayetf the wedding maieh. Ur.Irving,
^toarter. brother of the groom, and j take no other.
Uataa eMIted frlrtidi In . to. aad Mr*: & W. Porter uil^
taiaed Mr. aad Mn. W. K PMerhad
Min ___
Bdltb Dame at dtoaar'to Mew
Taai^ day.
Mr. aad Mr*. BcH Campbell aater-


which '


.^iiM uuie 1___
b apeat Ue bolldan with ber pateato
■£-. aad Mn. Bam Oagaoo held
toBlly reaato oa New Tear-e day.
to. ead Mra. 0. U. Dame west to
Tiarenc Oty Monday. Tetarnlag
Min noceacc Tboaae caao down
1»B Ttarrrac Cliy to fpcad the bolldaya wlib 'her pamta. '
Mr. aad Mra. wm Oantnr aad bob
retaraed to Tiatwae City Mooday.
tfter apndlng tbe hoBdan wUb Mra.
Darrow'e paresU, Nr. Bad Mra. Ceo.
Boter Daraowa of aoretoad.dt tbe


Tha need OM Way.
A sererc euUi or attack of U grlpi^:
la like a fln-^thu Mioocryun combat it
the better yotir chaarcs arc to orcriwer It. Rut few mother* la this tmC wllllDB to do Ibr 1
required to give a
I *udi a* winitd I*-


FeraatoatA.C.WallAWa, Amariew Drvg
Drug Co. Hannah A Lay McruaUle Ca, diatrlhtitlag

The New Way to Health and Strength
Tnis purely vegetable remedy is compounded in scientific
proportions from certain herbs, roots and barks, ail of which
are powerful.agents. It is not a chance discovery, but is the re­
sult of years of investigation' of the best remedies known To
medical science.
In VITONA we have a medicine which will relieve. quickly
and cure permanently all diseases of the stomach, Liver, Heart.
Kidneys and Nervous System, such as Dyspepsia, Nervousness,
Indigestion, Heart Disease. General Debility, Rheuntatism, Gout
Sciatica. Female Diseases. Neuralgia. Catarrh, and all diseases
arising from an impure or impoverished condition of the blood.
It will cure you. Give VITONA a trial.' Do it Nowi So sure is
C. A. Bugbee Drug Co., that VITONA will cure that they will
personally guarantee it to you.
e u4 UlU it u C A. SsSkw Drag U.
......... HO..



fwrUUMd Iran.............Ihla


«t VITONA far Oliich

........ piU....... :.r............. .................................................. ..........
« pvivliu,. Ulti >u VITONA Am (alNtf to btoielH Mm Me hmby
agrba ta rafuRd ^ m*n«y paM aa...



V ' ii

Ask C. A. Bugbee DruffCo.s about VITONA and they will
gladly explain its merits to you. Price $ I par bottle or six t>otties for $5. You are to be the judge. Not i^d^nny unless




r’ron'fc and Union S^raata


We find on examination that our stock is entirely too large
for this time of the yean We are willing to take a loss and
take it now.

I'UPP^ cvportunlty to savo money on new and high-class merEvery Item in the store is cut deep to sell quick.

j ,»i.* rxiiie

iUbite Seeds {|£lofl)in8 Dei>t.

tbt erut aaloadiag Salt of LaOts’
aadmissti'Wiattr Suits. Skirts.
^2 Coats and'furs.
Oraiin ..f .11 oiir UJic' OSi-OO Snil^ «»»i.l
ills of F.^ MiOain., Unrrinsl.i«. •"•115.00
^9 Onnoiu,
of nil our SiO.OO .nil ♦22.00 onc^ eSn39 Clioico
oisfing of Fnncy Minliina, o«o«n. 13.60
\69 Clwioc of oH our $17.00 Cbcrvila
.85 for ...................... ..
Dress Skirts
1.26 dwiec «ff all our $16.00 Di


M M naek p«n 6e Sok, «ll ulk, wortb
for .

Mliilc liciwrised Waistiiips, wvrtk 60c,
for....................... ....................................
Anotlicrliit, nxirUi tip to 7fk ;

nc indi Wliito £ui
worth :«0i^ for .
SC iudi While Curtain Madras, 60e value,

extra siwial,j>cr yard ................. .......................

Ofoioe of all our $10.00 Dacss StiHs, consist­
ing of ranamas, Voiles and InrisiUo I’ck

f Hw

Onr $7.60 and $S.S0 raliMS
for .............; ...................................... ...........
Oar $54» ralncB
................................ .......................

if all MW patterna, 13 l<Se kied.

t M Wiri’ MiioU, pink, gnwn Uw nnd nj. S5n
iifor/................. ..........

f rawy Wairtinp, wwfli COc^

h Jlortawi 8oitingrsnJ3r» <»V..wtlit5c,

l-^g* AB W-IO™*, ™ ♦1.00,
«• {m4 Blade Paua Zibdiae, go^ nloo at


5fa f»r«.......... ......,.♦1.00 ..w
'‘;M»4cmUte ..........................1.23.>ntao«
.$1.50 values


$0.60 and $7.00 values
for.............................. .*
$4.00 values

for................... .

Heavy llecccd, 101, our n^^ilar 75c tpialiiy.

In faucA'. mixtures and black.

, .-.•••...
.....................$2.00 values


$S.60 aik) $4.00 Suits e«>ing'


.kimllmr lol iviUi belter rararing, ont legoUr
$1;26-qtialilx-, at
----- ............................


$5.00 and $0.00 ^itwgoti^


.. 1.90
... 3.90 7

iVisolutcG fiw, « subscriiaion to the “American‘Bny” far
mm year witb a puraUasc of $6.00 -or over in our U^s

men’s Pants
dlAeraW IdU netaed, nU nad nnd-prico W
$1.7^ and $2.00 Pants, Uko tboni


$5.00 and $6.50 Panbs Ukc them
at....................................... .............................

2 60


6ents' Turnisbing Dtpt.
Flannelette Wrappers
Were $1.25 and $1.:.0, to dose at 8»c
. . and...................................................................
.lOc Men’s Satatens to close
Jim! $:!.50 I ,
l/ry'f $J.60 Kweater^ Bgvs «to6,
• •
sale jiriiv...................................................... ..
$.'..00 valma
3.60 Men's jereev Orar&liiri.
sale jmou ........................................................



Souk, of Uk. iwellcnt pomnia of ibe nouon Hill
♦5.00 Soitn, eboieo

$2.50 m»l $2.76 SniU going

audflied. Worth .$1,

Clmio: uf all uor 10c and 12c dark colors
for................................... .....................


♦50,00 bn* Bimli. Sent K»1
♦40.00 bat gtiilo Artrminn
,fbr .....................................





Fnnn ♦15.00 nnd AIC.IW Oenl. tnkn

. Comforters ,
Full Biw. SilLk^hic


Fran. ♦10.00 nnd ♦12.00 CnnU Ukn Tnnr pkA

Blankets /


$7.&0 and $6.00 ralw

F:ran ♦S.OO nnd W.oo Cnnu ukn ,mir piii


Olalkind Skirts
$10.00 \-a1uca. :

men’s Ooertoats
........... 3.90

Frau ♦5.(10 nnd AtfSO Onub Uke ,nnr'

CO in.di Turkey Rod Table Damask, was 99c,
♦ W.60Snib,eboien
jwlal, \KT yard...... .................... ............j.
(II iiidi Turkey Red Diwtl Pallcni, gowl valiio
♦ 10.00 nod ♦12.00 SoiU, rinnon
at 60c, 'spcdi
OC iiidi half bleached (all linen) TaUo Dam^
$16.00 and $1€.00 Suita, dtoi^
ask, wss 60c, s]iccial
M of Urmuaiits,'tirst ^ality Satin ifamask, gtiod table­
cloth lengths and napkins tojustdi, at
and leas.


Uei, for ..n..‘...........................................................

Grent Pria Cutting on Fine Good.

Heavy lTnMcadK.d Tnrkidi T.owi, U8xl6, ««nlar }mco IJic, for..................... ..............
06x16 BkacLod lluck Towtl, regnUr 16c iralnc, tmloadiiig i«-iec................... ..............v..
Heavy All Linen Russian CraJj, worth 13 l«c,

l*anamt Clot^i, tor..........



.\n U.1J 1..1. sliglilly mussed, liavc sold up.t->
50r, cliuiiv, jier yard.....................................


50 down Canvas (iluOca,
. !«• !“•' ..........................................................
10 dtiwo S5c nShk-hl Rows, at 10c, or
a for......................... ;.......................... .........
, 50c Klc«c Lined Uudenrair, Uiirls 4ily, cdi ................... ..........................
I raw RiMwl uadenresr, Aix-orel, all ai»».aB)e
IWWAMWch.............................. .........................i..............

Cbdw of all <mr $3000 Ramiwits

vh ihs


i* (n ironed ont,.l . big

>c^dtatikls, S6c
UttdlB^icfs, 10c,-or »


CadiSsMSbort Jackets

Work eioots and
'i Flannelette nidbt 6own$ .Ml (k«c liiKja pwds, 50c oml 75c vali
1 f.'if ami y.'4c<|waliUL=i
i !«T.2.» and eUVi •|uaioi-F
Dress Dlom and lOMtus

for . ............. ......................... .................... in...

Glioieeof all our $8.00 and $10.00 valura



Cadies* 0apes

S.A^^ LEATBF.R BAS'D UAUS In be ifaul oitl nt


fi>r ...................................................................................

Chakc uf aU Muffs at.............>____
Ith^d^’a 8MS. Muff and CuUar. 4:.

llder «nrl»aiMlB^ Piccis
Oponam, >nR Ar-M and AAOtli
7<nd Opwnm, ^♦i.OO,
1^*7/?;" i;


^ Cbildren*s Coats




Mu«»'-$].50 Union Siiiis


ftW ....................................... ------------------



Lindd India' BWL Hnra

“ie P™"......................... ............'••
lOe Hindi Ileretila Cbildn'n Bonn

“7irt[#iTiiHiiir- -T irtri

$2.(a> CovwTt


♦1.50 lnA2.00Gnp.1. ta-tiocnp. -


. . .

.73 ;';



6 60 •

r ‘'


Children's Heavy llucecd Vests and Pauts, reg­
ular twice 15c to SOc, ^wcUl, Oc,

.. . . .

Duck and ^rt Coats

•69 o-00 Buck Conk

r . . . .'^n . . ...«S . .bn <*•

tS.60OMtt V
.................... .. •
Onr $6.00
16.00 miid.$6.00


Due hM of Forest mUis Rildcnl VteU aud I’aiii/,
$1JW value, to cU«c.....................................
1.50 Minisrng White
ft bite Kibbnl
RibCW V«u
\ c* and Pants,


Our $18L$0 Coats

^tml nnd Bin fni. m nLOO.

fiit-a.Mills heavy Jlttwl, regular .’.Or ralmj

misses* Coats
. n'.lIALF I’Kl^ Siia fn^ 14 In 10, ♦10.00 nnd ♦12.00 vnlinn,

$1.00 values .
at. . . . *•. . . . .
♦LMenlna - '


♦In finest Kersey or PInali, at IL\LF PRICE.


Men'. 5«e nnd 75e Dn» iiUrt;.

1 : All 1.1.1 I..I. |.rliiiii»liv ,i»a 35 lo Sll. nguUr
' ; i.ri.x-s, $U*0 ami $1..*.0, to eW........ .

Owioo of all our $1S.00 values

dioicc .

>dia’ lOe All Linen Bni

Men’. 5be. Work ,




to 75c Caps
at ....*.........




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