Grand Traverse Herald, August 24, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 24, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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/ ctuma Tiiipeiwsi,
Eapmw FletdY Bread HtaL
-I thoutod *he-coold M pemaded- laya, they harea'i prodaeed the evi­
Wf ptrsqa* peed do kmgar M de­
iheo,- advlted Dtoly. Isnorins hi.
TM eoreiesa apple baa at Msl
WUllam B. Curli*. the aewepaper
H.W !>«• K ••«" *» VouT
prive! to 'tdg fftfW
pVrtt— -Beatoe Moody kaov. toOre a bMUfuI cboloe. too." be purred.
u Mem t» mt I'd like tt «>
Zlkllacb U wonderfully vlgoroai. oorrespoDdeot and nnibor. had the fol­ prodoeed. It Is regarded aa the wi
carpet that Dick bad nithtMIr favorite pas»oi»^omta)n«.
Where beiu doTi rioc. aor .YMstlce ih^ Ubia* aod ebahn tpaa 1 do."
with clear cuemory. good eyetogbi and
ud Hitt Dolly looked dreamily oni at leaaly
nh-growlng drele* It UxtoM the "all rbuitacB make as pracitc^ oae to
old friead. Bugeee Field.
-Thaak heaveo! we can clear out rinmg. beany voice.
Her cloeki tot elrike nor sow be fieeubis laodteape.
He and CurU. were In SL LouU to- -wooder of the age." If the fruit I. to lelepboay aa has the Bev. Royal W.
He ba* much lo aay of bU ad<
DtckY mvase lotoi wa* lo*( on brr.
In flgtftlag agalnai the Turka in 'ketber and at the wine boieU About high qaallty. of good aaleeble else and ^iscopol ehnreh of Stratftod, a HbTooVe proalnod.’’ wat all he vouch- I be booted, but guess I'd better ask
And I’d here etlllDeM ell Momd—
hU earlier yean. He took pari in the aeven o'clock one night, (oet as Curils color, sad a’late keeper, then It
bar Bm a. advlaed. and boot tbe
nrfa to Buffalo.
which gave Ibe Greeks thtor free­ sras gelling ready for bed. FfeU
KM rwd «lIl"*UlliieM. b* JoM the
Wbne na* and Dolly bad known ter."
hts room and said: "TVnt. let me growing ladustrics everywhere. U It it j la Mr. Raymood’s coogregatlna
be recall, a certain young
Bot the taleamen bad not sub
not a fnll-Blxed apple, tbet despite the! there are a number to deaf pereooa.
each other for yearn, they bad never
ce flfiy dollars. I have a party
ch loved
- I«« vhUpMtws'or the has of Me*.
aeverel to them baring ^at.toadethoppias losnhcr before, and for all time yec
friead* down-etalrs. and I staP’t have
“CanT wo show you.some parlor by tbe Oretoc*. wl
Or tow**’ ttoot litoitoliis deer eionee me experieoce waa-^Uy atod *-ezc[(.r»~ jiLT'mJ share Of the 1 solid flesh than the eeedy apple to Lgrre. their eense to bearing by oM
nowT .1 know you are ring daring the
Ik aunsfely. eanJr tnnsled tonek
the oh____
obacrvlng-paxiar bad aoUeed
lns;~ DIek eald -Great,’’ wriitco In
hill nnleta you do."
] equal proportkm*. It emmot be expect-! Mt( the
mourned deeply.
A every
capllto*—twt that wa* before they bad
Curtis gave Field the flifly dolUrs-Jed lo supercede such psammoth .at-; that almoai
every one to, tboea per^
It is curious to think that Zlkltsefa
bored, but we bhve Hune ban<
o dlBcalty beartag dtedato'
rwlly betua to *bop.
fW did nor mention the loan while ; though seedy varieties as the BlenIs
"coldot Noble. Bla-lly what wa* eald over a telepbtaa.
A* they entered the arrat emporiOB things, into In—and Just suited
or .Peasgood’s Nonsoch.
[ TTU. gave him the Idea
to utlllilag
where tbey eoold flod aoythins and GOllsgo for two. ”
bat* to Chicago wiihotst paying It.
>1 mmrek w.
^ nu daa*
■Htoy smoker menully ejaeulsted however, has bees dead M >eare
everythtns for aalc. Dolly', eye.
About a year afierwart. CuriU wetrt The flavor to the eorrica. apple 1. elephoae for the beoeflt- to bto Beal
"MoUier MarT" McOonaJd, to
Aiarkled. Mie bravely reaolved to If- Dick, nnd lih suddculy came uot of
Cbkago. Field had not^ld -back beyond questJoo. If It proret as large
Home Tor Aged and Inflrm Colored
Mr. Raymoad look aa ordltary daak
H twweat for oltht
barpaln counter*. anbouto> vl.- suic of siupSr where be bad been for penoos. Id PUlSdelphta. celebreted
r ffloaey. While he waM^ls wews.rasnn,
naad treasaUter and to tM moaihot Slmy-webbcd curula. and rich,
per oBce Curtis-w«it lato neld'r wonder, whlc^ Is a winter yarieiy.
!’No,- bo atod with dorislon, -Mr*, her I35lb birthday two weeks aga She
piece (aaiened a eoamoa metal dee»like k totr wetty «e0:
tovet carpeu made her easer.
im. Field was effusively glad lo see will be planjdd' by tbe million la the
Is able lo tell to the stirring dme* to
fto-wto H eoae* to settinc rMt.
Dldk Mean to rotoUe that he wa* we* sad I have had enough sbopplug (he revolullooary w-nr. aod of the bil­ him. They talked to various tUngi. commereUI friut flelds at borne and irie light shade, about « toehe* *■
1 Uks ifeo anotor Ms the besL
setUas Into an unknown Und to him. foe oho d«y.- and •'Mr*. Jones” meek­ ler wlmcr when Washington nnd fate Finally Cnrils nerved blmsell to speak abroad. Bren If the aeedless appla diameter. This waa placed ou the paldesk. aad ftM this stand the sriroa
le ,bad a fetolas that be mlfbi bet ly followed him «ut and nway.
Joatlfles] all that has been said by lU
•onw tlBM IL SMmt to we I atiat
tiooi<s wore encamped near her home to tbe flfty doUare.
-CnrialDtr’ whispered Dolly.
ta TUB lo n pew uear the (rata a<
lo^' etraye^ or *ttoen. but herokalty
-My dear old
cried Field. “K best Triend* In Its prelse. there I* Ut­ he efaurefa. la the pew four reetoven
Jsto «tot the etto’* dlB ud dost.
"Cnrtaln* be banged:" growled lo V.lle>- Forge. According to reUaWe
keep Holly In alfbt. al
sd entirely sllpp^ my mind. I ile Kkelibood to lu Impeding the prto- were placed, am with such baadica l»
data, she wa.s Mn In Frogtows.
And set oat where the sky U bloe—
any coat. And be did. al*o etew»ed on Dick. "Let's go lo the beach."
iMbte sale to ordlnsry npples to 4k
Akd, «y, how doe* it eeem to jon*
Within half an hour. Dolly was sest- Valley Forge, live years before the hadn’t thought of U since. Of course
them as the ordlasry lelepboM re-«Of«ie Field. iboppen' drenes. bumped Into show­ 1 Id the praterilng shadow of a'great revulntlDDary war began.
ni let you know aMu grade. Its iDIrodatoloa vroold.
case*. and ahnoto np*ct ..a taUy
ever, ruin the nle ol common ontraf- edrer has. bot sritb haadle* eu^stFlorence Nightingale, whose name It to-morrow."
rock. JeUlng the white sand fali
kwffDMie. Tbe deaf parata
dreased BamBr, which beamed at I
date vaiieOeu to fruit, and ensure the
her SAgert. Her eyes wanDMcY thepptos ItoOk.
could ibeu hold (be reoehrer W Ita
Jy.\ Ufa had become
sc $4. snoiher proof to.tbe reading Field's ctoiftnn. "Sharp* and destnetioh to mUlhm* to warn-ont.
and then, out over the
•QrMk mi.- ehoBtod DoBy. *und
wlUi no more exenioa tbaa sreul^
itreationt. he tbougbt. but
moss-coVered and. profltleas tree*,
tiw kt tM tnmrhniiT with the receiver
ocean wfaiah rolled np aliaoal lo her value to a simple, regular, active life. nail." be came across Ibis paregrepb:
M required to use a (ta oe a wnBUier
"Hr. William E. Curils. the dlstlaThe last surviving veteran of the
' held to kttey. pink ear. She bn«^
feet. Dick lay pn tbe sand beside her.
Btinday. The pew la which tbe raeelm
gulAed Washington correspon^t thousands to acre* to some to the ridwar of Ifilf Is Hiram Cnmk. now
kwiy ii* HofleU of sotden-browa Mir carpet she bad seen reeeoUy and ad­ -Dolly,- be murmured.
ind most prodactlve lands In tM era tare been placed bas already bead
resident of Avs. N. Y. Mr, Crook has and literary maa. I* In Chicago look-Tee. Dick." abe replled.mired. Jn*t in time u rescue Dick
iiry. In l^l sense the coming of nasMd tbe "Deaf Pew.' bot Mr. Say
tbs reoMver. Ctae dainty foot Upped
-Tbat salesman aaid to ask you. and imss^ the century mark In life's Jour- Ing after some to bU permanent Insrin la a abort time fllsptate .
coreless spple would do ontold
by four yeflrs, yet he is still hale
i. "-Kristian Endeavor.
the tor llfhtly. wMo lu owner walti will. You know I haven't mntoi to
wHh this oae pew and ran (ta wlraa
la arm. ! think, and and hearty, nnd able to do a good
kd lo bwr » revwkM U her reqoeto
lo tbe peWB to all tboea srto 4mIi*
-For boaven’. aake! Dolly. UnT
and public couumers comblaed.
tor k toNpboko kttmber. Wh*», al thyre a tborter rouU? Hi eooa i
Even Fence* Thk* Rent.
the color lasting—Amerkaa make— day's work, by reason of the
bloaaoBlaasth. Ue -Hollo'' eaao It wa* not In my Bnlsh. to thU late." he groaned.
To people to the temperate none the
and >auH pay dear for your carpet, took of himself In bis younger days by
RsyaMd has rectoved amay
adlng a simple, active life.
rapid growth to tn^lc*l yegeUlloii less. the only thing reaembilag a
the Tolee she had hoped to bear. Bt
Ho toogtat be detected laugtaler. a* whltoj 1* Just an ordinary, stout, coarse
being a small cluster Vt tlay Miera Dom dlffOreai part* to tta
The Baroness BurdelT-Conlts. who seems almost Incredible, ton rnsny
two wrt Dt dreamlaBd with a sUrt.
Dtoly repUed cheortully—‘-Almoai carpet not velvet or Imported—but
green leayes. which grow sraond tbe country alee* It bas beeaw* kaowB
-It Dtek Thotadlke ur the besaii there. Buw>oee there 4* a »horter
I-he me. Dolly, put me where fou will. was "the sweet Anginy Coutis" gt tbe pans of the tropics the cUraale U eo
ihat M bad made me to tbe tsisphma
totakly, hot sot no-fart^.
you are near, aod 111 try to keep Ingoldsby Legfods nearly 70 years favorable and the soil so fertUn and newly farmed npple. nad sheHer H. for Use-beoeflt to hte deaf parialp
tort I doa’tJnioi^Ji. But never mlnd.”
KD. is an active pid lady of.PO.
“lat Heaven*! no. tmloB* ItY la- abp oMlIaoed. encouraclDKlr. -you're bright and sweet for you. dear.
oondudve to rapid growth that almost Being devoid to blossoms. It |s claimed kwere—BaSalo Bxprm*.
Adolf Hensto. the German anlsL sny stick plsced upright In the esrlb Umt the fruit toferi no effeeUve hldtakA- a nan refdled loreerellr. *Tb* looklag Bplendldly; tie’s a little o« ' Bciapbors and carpets asldA I
boate *ttU abake* tnm hi* Ceinpeot- tme'tode and yooTo a trifle pale. Bbsll you. Dolly, more than anything else bone work re\-oluUoelsed tbe art to will spring Into Me.
Farm Neisa.
Illustrating mbre than half a century
lo some ponioot to Centre] Americs «y Uy lu eggs, which It usually does
'anas bk«ins of doora. Bappoo* M Bot wo alt down here for a moment?’’ the' in the world.Plowlag s
I the t^eo eye o^ tbe trait.
tol with BO bona* teokM, aUboagb be Inquired a* she looked at him anxious­
Dolly’s hand alole Into hi*. “Di be ago. while he It now an active
one tnsy eee mile after mile to fence*
'There are now l.OOO to theee core- tom bams l* aot bait tbe work that bP
trator. 1s still a well-preserved a
took tbe etaira thrae atopa at a time, ly. but he saw ooe <?f O
BpparenUy composed of .growing trees
Mn. Jonesr she whispered areUy.
He 1s tbs Hit to
lets apple trees available for propairtlM lookM daasowia evea to aw. barcaln sign., ud
-No. dear, to bo my wUe,- be aa- P7. The 11*1 eoold easily be expanded which, upon examlnatkm. prove
(M earth. If M CBly kamr iL WIttato
Me ngnln
d bolted.
It I* my prlmU«MnlOB-that anezlia
by Stfnes of names, but the story haw once been barbed'srire fences, gaUoD. to supply the orchards to the bia this oU werU to oura muli an
beard gurgle* c< lan^tm- from hi* iwered gravely.
world. It Is estimaud that by 1M«
thowakd or fo oi life insaraaee would
TbcB tbe worid was lost to tbtor
Bonr and ffo to wasta. Are «•
Ji00,n00 to these ireeu yrill M pot npIf you d,ealro to "live to be a hun­ grown Into good slsed tree*. Maay
ha a wfm fWetkoatft. and to you <
view, for the time being.
doing our port to preveto thlst — '
-Dbot nm.- abe whtapered,
tbe market. For domestic ate
Central Amerieaa telegraph polo wUI
H'beo tbe shadows began to length­ dred." therefore, which it has
, natasa. paihap*: tor he U bound
The boys. In tom parte to Caa&da.
Dtek again dn>^ btollad.
toMt apple would eomuiend Itaett
demonstrated <M M obulned. follow be seen silb a crown to leaves at tbe
. be recAlem. ao has a* DoHy Worth-VeYeTfar^ a mllA" be tlgbad. en. Dick aaaeried (or the
'to every housewife lo the eooatry. For
lasha rata* ■aprwie. Sho Is cl
nek ttot amotberod la the rleUity -Why. I simply could not lire sriihoto eloeely the rales UId down for secom- ito>. wbicfa have sprouted sine* IMla«t
iirpoee* it would prore farm aud garden work, aad tta ftal*
m «Eaa^ lo tata aay mnaY head. of laee* and ruBag and frillA as they you. Golly dear,"
pllsbing tbe same. The result of main- visit of the llnetnan.
take a eourm U preetkal Mtuitatre
aadpootboy.hUfattmM. IlY rtally pamed through the wbUe good# deId tbe tropica] couatriM they have inyaluahie.—Michigan Trtdeamaa.
-Of eouree you couldn’t." she said lalfliog health. It appears, from the ex­
lag. This 1* very, rery rnwmim la
paU^tio. Bhs eoald make him think paitmcnU He ruefully watched the boldly, "and furnish a bouse. au}-say. amples given by the long live* led by as much trouble to keep the tree* from
Oermaar. also, aad ought to M lu- 4ha lioM U made of freen toiea
iCeyalty's Werfcinq Hour.
floor (or the togbt of a manly shoe, for 1 know that carpet with the pink some famous men and women herein growing as In northen latitude
tinited la tbte eouatry.
The man. ttlklas « BIJhIy. aaddenly
lumorated. ItYo eat little, diink lit­ make (hem grow, and one to tbe groatThere are two royal persftoagea.bora
which evldeace of a brother’, ptee- roses would have been fatsl-ln Ume.
The stormleM day ta tta tar* amr
. had lorebodlBsa. Ha panned, but tbe
dlfllculile* encounlered In thal to the relgalag bouse to Bararia. who be bright with kind deeds aad cKsery
At a reward for her renurk, she tle. be as much In tbe open air aa pos­
woQld hnve greatly choered hfm.
are pracUclag irtiyslclaM. sai
tort Itmt wb*B he feH meat dooWtal was almost crushed In Dick’s embrece. sible. take '|*yslcto exercise to some couniry In railroad work has been
wordl. Bala dm* not make the
>toa Thorndike, am yoa therar ooncomhig thejutnro. -Here we are.”
-Yes. we need carpeu and cait|alns. kind dally, keep the mind-free from keep the railroad ties from apronUng. writer la the Ere. One of (bti
rorU gloomy. It Is tta way^ Mart
Prince Freax Ferdinand, who Uhes rseelve* the storm that couaU Bar
-Michigan Tradeeman.
eheruped Dtoly brightly, and -here- tables tad toiairs and coaches and— anxiety, the
•Ohr tha sM bwatbed aoMy. ~Ta meant the carpet department.
ns little, ms may be about
hot small treasure in tbe dtaaen and good or UL
let's try again. 'Mrs. Jones.' and well
ye.-ao.*' tbe flaaBy .amartod ooeriBBthe advance to years, and don’t overballs with which the soelely to
Dick was wilted, tret Dolly, cool, go to that
It te grud to bar* tta etmflfltaM
irl^ and ielf-pomeeoed. ettoefl tbtor hold Bp my head like a victor, this rieep.—Detroit Tribune. .
The fancy price* paid for potatoes home amuses Itself. His wtwk-dsy to sll mea. U U graader to M alii* to '
Tbea. tbe maa ahlfored. “Wher* wlabea to n ■ale«naB.^;«Bable nnd Ume." .
which are lo be used for‘seed snggesi Ireyre him not only with a bealthfu coafldo te etkerm. U aaytkteg U IM
bare I heard that- vtoee belorer be sBlIlag, began dlseotfmng on varloas
tbinju were seuied mrtlidaesrortd make* a'maa happy. Is to hava a
psid for orchids, a new rose physical weariaeas. but with Ideas
think out and analyxe—for the bo^l- trastlng bean.
qualltle* and weavo.—mncb to ndtY torlly betweon these twa
or a bhie chrysantbvmum. At the be­
.Whth he tad aaBclenUr recovered bewlUerment. Another mlesinaa ap­
"Mek." inquired Dolly soddenly used In the lumbering business,
«*tat will the rteteg lenaihUta da
ginning of the yeir. when the potati tal be malntaliis trcM more tbsi
tram hla tnrprtoe. la a viriee that wai peared who look him in charge.
from his shuolder, -do yoo Ihthk the result of thus bringing science into the boom first reached ^^land. some net thousands pstlenu yearly, and can n*« ■Thr^^wed -lumber, wood to '^bon. of r
wilderness will probably be that
etfalned aM atadled. be haeteaed
-Now this 4* a
beau pole*? Better try asUtog
raricUes were sold it"* rate equal b all tbe Uam ouiput to lu staff.
mtplata:. 1to« a thoamad pardoa* last cotoTE. and dortodc. Why.^you
“Of eouree It is. dear. If you say so." from certain ptoiit* to vlewlhero w1!J over a ton. A Mr PUtdlay. who
Almost half the patient* trealod b> out a Tew ireea eveiy yaar.-rFarm
- I thoosht 'you were DIek'a . totter CM see youretot thu ll'a an elegant replied the msn. with a-poxtoed but
Prince Freax Ferdinand are vl
Rev iew aay* that ihroogbout'tbe Tor- grows potatoes at Anchlermucfaty. of eotuumptUm. aad M has Just ooa JootaaLWha-r but he Mt that be .wat u
pattere. Wo are kudns money al the satisfied look. “1 htve learned many
tat la vain, for the ^ had huag
krai things Ip this, my flret etu frOm.St, Johns to Vancouver lum­ than once eaten ll.sno worth to pota- pleted experiments with a eonsumpi
price. 1 know your wife trill M
EaaUy MteHd.
tha reeatw.'
shopping.- wtd he smiled ber camps are bow connected by telepleased. Just sec If sbe Isnl.dinner. They tasted, so he says, Ion cure from which very valuable
Dony wat laoshlas totUy. bat to. I Dh*. panlslly stonued'Iw the msn’i down luio the mevry loving eyes to the phone, which *l*o unite* the saw mills
suits are hoped.
(uaate poasuaaof to a bad memory,
or wood pulp work* of frontier towns very much like any good potaloi
hatUly aprans np from the conch audacity." was oot so certain nboui II. girl beside him.
aad be forgeta people's nam^ wHH
white, mealy *n>1 (Inc flavored. He
and large cities. .
where the had thrown heteeU.
to Bavaria enjoys tbe distincll
and he tried to protest. -6M itn'l ex­ And DoliNtM happy-—Homo Magigreat resdlaess.
Year* ago H waa the custom to the well afford to Induip- In the llinry to being the only royal oculist In
-Dtar tod Dick, t mutt dIedpUae actly—" my wife, be mnat to aay, but ilne.
On one occaBlan. whUq eaUteg at
him teday-^ aUowlas hit bead to M
. t.™ »■ i
'"'I" — ™
tbe aalesmfB hurried on.
xbe bouse of-a friend.'ta was tetroWho would travel l fortune grosliix thi. edible mber
tanod ao mtoly. I wptolfilU be doea
couriers, hardy
the Affti sbus to the National . Princes* Waldemar to Denmartt
Fmmws Old Peepla.
duced to a stranger whose name was
-Ob! of coarse, sta isnt panleular
;S mile* a day through the wlldcitiess,'
Chlak tbe moon It aady of sreen
! Bdfly.
' ctaemr nhe mamwred dhouctatfolly. -prefera lo ideaae her husband.
.h f..;,. p.ih., No«.I
Copenhagen. Whenever
load the simple life and lx- ariive.
la the coorae to (ba <
•Too aoA ^ wat thy way.- urfud That’s the way with these good wire*.
i™. ,h. .Ill all.
•' ""
Are the prinrest Is to bt• seeti wading
followed. M addremedlta «nm
Most people eat too ouch. Sleep. ,«,l.a rBppn. al «...,iioB. i
at Bret." he chuckled. M*Dony earaaatly that
with her heavy
wMapool.Ing knowing toward DoUy. “but <0. should not M pttoonged beyood IB U, iBaopiB. ua,... .„ ra. ibI-"' —
she nnd Olek boarded^treli
"< P-'*"” “»
rhere the fire I* i
partoa.- Hid the other.
tol7. ‘re-boa TOO stored m^ help yon
pmllllr Ix yond beilrf. Tbe Ele"*! » >* ‘*"”7 neerssary to
^ aiioe U not exactly. Whirl­
to toMoaa tha famMhlngB lor your new
100 mlW awaj-. The answer*
r.»-t* 120.000 a ton, “>•
enroureges the pool. (( I* Eddy."
Uled to
at -a,
iho office., 'lorado.
: Daurtoty hM*e UrlngriKlm. I thought
IVP the
l»»»- stenographer a.
for tM mlattke."
"Well, just ask her and sec what
Aunt Bvely* omUd help ua. bat she I*
Who writra but bis noies and malls '•
to which tbey are prompt
5^Ireplfed the tnlntster. eaurUoualy. ”1
III today. I teleffconed to the club- she says." penlsted tbe voluble aalesthem.
' ---------Ic - lime to peart ' tbe princes* often .
misled by llir nr 'itmflrrftT «<
to take advstaiage. Exercise, constant
horee. and you tad gcaa 1 kaew that
One dsy. when a party wa* eomlag
Mek's heart stood still. Sbonid he and almoM daily. Is to Tory grest sd- down the west breach of (he PntobIt was so Imporiant that yon gri the
1>«>B said of Dr. Rleb-|,|,e officers sud wstrbi-s tbe men tt!
ask her and see what sbe would say? vaotsge.t By . an observance of
tniug. for the bouta that
seto. la the wilds of Maloo. tbey were Srd tiaroetl. a tbe British Muaenin. i^Hr aibletic exerrtses. IMroii Free I
•tudied Law With UfweIrL
aayway." And OoUr lotoud up with -*Thtt fellow is a fool or a prophet.' rules, a man or srosnaa unioucbr
surprised al seeing the guides turn Ibst there Is no aoeolloil nf research ]Pres*.
i Angtssius HscoB. age 73. wbo died a
an apotagetlo air and with ^es that
their canoe* to tbe bank. •What * the one can pm to him that h« caoBOt
I few days ago st tbe home to Us Mout which, ahonly."
ptalnly asked: -Did I do rigfatr
matter?" asked oae of the travelers.
Tlekete By Mtesura
te-Iaw. J. 0. Megeatb. was i
But Dick’s troubles
only begnm.
Dick almort forgot to M abxlou* for
"We're going lo order your supper."
•TbU fact." write* Harry Foratsv;
reached BsluerUnd.", oj (ormer Judge Thomas Maeou. to
As;^n illnstmtlcm to the tntb to the
He came lo fatmself Jort in time to
tar atmf* brelth; for he reany-felt a
••»... found m th. rail-; n«,„r and waa rery well ktaWD la opened a sinaJI box "wa* demonstrated to me t»- a (rteod
grret exoltaat Joy wlihln him. as if to Kape buyiu a carpet—pink rouo* abore siaiemeat*. U U but aeeceaary qj, ^
to mine; wbo bad .peat years liivesu,utlon* alongside of ihe ticket: Colorado, having oom* her*''la the
,e,ephooe at the side
go shcpplBg with Dolly waa bawlnea* and ertmaoe caraatloos—which be felt to give a partial list to famoos old
atebion for m.-a*urtng the «,rly dsy*. shy* the Dmver Tlmee. He
certain Dolly would never have toler­ men and women now living, who have] ^ ^
g emp, mlle*i gating aa obscure subject to-'which
-WeU. I should say Ills Importaat,- ated. He looked iip'cuUtily. to sec attateed
Hfe and are «in acUve;
,ae party would ar-i

agent at Geneva
ago. when be cam* to Dmver to U«*
flelds to labors. All i
ta aOrmed mtfanslastladir. Bvery Dolly hastily turn her bead. Gros lng
night and giving directSona tori
continental Ubrarle. tor some 1 ’
beda busy mat aad wo-:.„„„.,
«. !.«««
--A half ticket (or ray llnle gif!.'
»itn Mr. Megeatb. Anguslua Madta
determloed. he MtUy refnsed to see | of them
-. time I wear a new tie the boys
supper. t
boars i.ter
Tsior rhe
(he wenwl*"
wenvy |.
.„.„„„B.r«ap.a-,;that U what they iav expect In car- any good In aay carpet he was shown, _______.^:.»V...Sb%,
j'O. ba
.» .1. moa.r. r. Bla» ; .
U. .... Alaimta. Thay win be no grateful for looking acorafnlly at a bllndtag mlx- Ir.aUa-ralB.-,
-----Coming to LoBdOa. be asked Dr
-My daughter's height was duly b.m Uncola. The Maoon teaslly—
to red and green, srith slime Jus­
Rey. Dr. Edward Bvemi Hale.l
year tartoe; (Or they swear that I
j Caraett it be could put him oa the
^ Ltooola. and IM,
----------------------can't ten rod from green, thon^ I rea tice. bat with equal aererity eondemn- who U now gj, I* a living example of:
I track. -We have cmly one book in tbe
riAht.’ -said the ageai. Sbe ^
rtrr (end to tM yowl
Heavily Endowed Ctolegea.
I a beautiful brown one. He Mgan the cuccen to a life to activity, rer I
—Bsaally. I can always tell bln* from
, Musettm.' repUed the ditcior. -toochlag
see doable and flgore* danc^ be­ nlarityand slmplidiy. He gives ereryj Tbe most riefaly eadowed to all
teotra.- ta added, smiling into the
the man explained u> me that
— —
promise to living to be lt» years old. ^ Amerieaa educ^onaLJgtatutloBS U upoothat. I win send far it. You will, too* oyeg of the gin beelde him.
\ fore him la every ctotcelvable shape.
find all yoo want on page S30.' "-Ex-; „„ wccouai- to innumerable dUpuie* ; A devicq has been Inreated .ler ta
; LeBncf bUhfori.
-We’ll aoe." saM Dolly, aoddla^ Tbe two Mlesmen flaally exbansu aad COTUnulng aa active life.
a motor car driver, by tta riw
Mreesaad nailed te
Russell Sage, to New York. muIU-' producilte funds amoaai lo twenty
vahlele ta oxJUksaire aod worldTamoua floaaeler.; miUion dollar*, par value. Girard Col
‘now.- began Dick srith
Ing to height Instead to according tojc^iag a
like air. as-ta read from hla aoietomk.
tmaatsal glow to ptek Id Dour's owe* bft M years to slmilsc
Tbe Arab flshermaa walk* aloog the ' age. Children undi-r three fret travel-j tneb. for testanee, a* the
ebeaks. ^ tee kept her eyes lovnrrod.: and canUiiaes at his desk with (M'Harvard, with tIC.TSS.OO". aad Oelom■nbere are earpeU and enrti
Dtdi wa* (hahkTal tee did ao, for M! rrbulsrity ooly a rite maa and an ex-! bla. vritb $1S.347.000. AH others are te shore watching tbe wave* latently; dJ-.ed free- Those between ihrte fe«and ^limit flxed by tew,'
chain. Uhlea and cooehea and—rectly bis trained eye catches slgbl of 1 four fret six paid half fare, TMae,
sevef flgurra Instead to elghL
felt that he looked Uke tta tytocnl perlenced oae would obey.
IMly intemmled: -Why..sre
j Tta aomber to dgarettel
hen-pecked sponae.
Stovaa Zlkltscb. to Nidi. Serria. the Stanford eadowment I* th* gift to i aay slta ol Ask ke throws fate net. ] ever four feet tlx paid (oil lahe.
to nbdoed nys be Is tbe olden maa la the vrorU. a Slagle tadlvldiisl or estate, teaead'Tta ipdUcsi te a very quick oa*. the] "The new rale l* a good oofa.' saldjlured aod told
of gKU. a* la IM| net bring gathered Mmely eh thertgbil the agenu -We have no more dM
He bas poaaed 117 years, and bat.the
funy. ata be looked as If the Joys to
_____ pntea. Tbe tefUren are a
to (he other ctoleges aad nain
ana and tbre east by i
reeci^- to prove IL Others have destapfdag micu ctattone forever,
spot I (M Uefcet otece aad that Is tbe end tojfaciared. wbUst tato year tta «
tetu> tta ex
dared they sraoida-. tat KlUtste re-iriUcs. cxMptteg only tHrart.—Ex- Kslsl
tvas M sraa eotaectad.''
jthe maUer,'Eveateg presa.
where 'to bM open hta prey.
- "Let's Uks oarptos ud eartalB*.
t^to to Mlleve them, Meaase, ta teange.



HAWO Tmvw>t WEHAtfl. •

lAV. Aueurr m. ims.

MBis BBd after a eerw* by Bet.
batBc worked Odt tB «T«tr Baaim-B SBBdBy idwel daw. Tb«e
OeoTfe Tbompeoc. alee of Beaaoala.
Tb« MBlDBi glan wiadows an an or
*»* the tanoBiBB penraa cbbm forward
awnted to the artkJee ef faith:
» t»m. iBOBlltr. b-B* tanubed by
Tb« stoDi of I
Bet. end' Mn. 3. U- Orcai. Leroy C.
Ibe ntubwg Plate QJaaa
^' Bkaid ead Mra. Pwale B. niood.
TIM Berth wlBdow wat tke cUi^
d the balldlBC. ’
Mra. CecUia HUl,-Btla
BortoB-a Sasday eebool cIbh and
or the amaUar obm wu preetatei
HfUlM tB tkc etty. Tanorrow tb« Mn. J. W. MllUkea-e MfMitMM
m>B satarday-a Baeoid.
I^ncoe aad Mm Cathstae MciMod.
tkmtk wa-b»
ta ttt 1
ABxaw the peepto who will th«a»|^
WanwSdm Baptd. aathe Seeday aehnol. The Unn
Aodft win b* thiw" open BBd U» wladew la the »tfl or Miiaea Mabel j toMcnow
he beaatlfal aetr ]

the daeartal yroblcB waaVaertaai^
ope. The ‘Hoeee Mleetcury eoelety
eoatrfbeted fW toward the paator'a
capport. Hao. Perry Heanah «are aaother botdred asd oae himdred wat
the eaoaet apporlloaed to the little
eodety. which fosad It dlffleali to comeren thU. la »CC Mr. CniB realgaed hla paatomtr. el •klcbtlMthe

d IwrMseil to leeaty-

Ttnetsed^ State Bask

\s(. tses. B>w S- Hatch, of
aim a e^J
bad crIdeBily l>
ia taeket aed More «

plodaad toward hU Miary. ia#Huinr
Miaakaary Kirirty «l»U»i: aa eq^aJ
amoeat. -mber- Hatch. a« he te MIH
CAPITAL. 9200,000
loi toaly ealb-d I'T all who hacw hlir


those'da>t. mas a icrKablc

A Geaoil Bukbv tattBOt Mm


When vour head aches, there
is a siorra in the nervous sj slem. centering in the brain.
This irrilaiion produces pain
in the head, and the turbulent
nerve current sent to the suxuach causes nausea, vomiting.
This is sick headache, and
as frcnuenl and
I prolonged attacks wreaUen the
brain, resulting in loss
1 tnemort'. inflammation, epiIcpsv. fits, diaziness. etc.
Allay this stormy. irTilated.
aching condition bv taking
Dr. Miles’ Anii-Pain Pills.
They stop the jdflh by soodp
ing, stren^ening and rclieving the tension u;x.n the nerves
—not by paralyzing them, as
do most headache remedies.
Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills do
. not conlfJn opium; mpiiiliinc,
chloral.coca>ae or similar drugs.




tUxiliBii'nl un Third !*>;;

J. J. TWgPOUsg. >per Cat altowcdM nocfltmllt




ft! t-rwt'e* snd-

J. w. Biitfttf

fiMiril PncHei .


il Cluii«li.>iiH IB tddy. la eoa ef tlM Caotral o


people blddsi enter. The taBay-lbraated ortaa wlU peal forth Iti >oyooa
the Usht’wlU eltl tbroogh the
Halaed cUae wladowt, sotteaed aed
adMaad ai (hoa^ la rerereaoe to the
ia Wbldi it bad eatered. with
^ hearu the people win mara
do. fcrBI. ».rcl« .1.1.1.
t cbBTCh home
ftaagbt with tU Hnolaa
memortaa «rUe paat, tbe old ehoreb baa
gOM forerer. Bat the aame old be»
•wtagi U tbe tow«r and its mnste's
Jart w sweet aa It wai yeara a*o- Tbe
;cMA»beea dlaplaeed by the »ew. but
^'Mtewy or tbe <4d aad the fooadatkw Mid theralB BMde tbe anr powt-

Ttia FurnHara.
la Ootble style. The commoalon U
I«lpU...aad kide ebalra also carry
this Idea. The commimloa table, aide
chain and SHamimioB aet were tbe
gtfu of ifra. I. a Oilbert-a Simday
eebool ciaaa. The center palplt chair
as the gift of Mra. U M. Amid
Tbe pulpii is of awre thaa ordinary
MtereM. It U the gift of Hn. Padden’a Soaday tebool cMai and te the
Wdiwoik W 8. E. Wait, cleih of tbe
cbnicb f(»A>Tor tbIrtyHbree yeara. A
polpiTOa eotala atyle waa wi
and a search made for H. 1ml to no
nsrpoce. FlndBy Mr. Walt volnnli
to make It aad tamed oat ao perfect
piece of work that H is more i
any that could bare been

; • “^1.

•nm Charah.. '■ . .BrtKortbeatoae-afthebeldf otthe
«taal Ttavsrae raghm. with a trimuBlBKorBkwaaadsteme. Um material
iitBHtly bedUlB^ to tbe atyle of
Mitllkiil iiii. lha aew stniotare atai
W 4M Mte o( tbe old Aumb at the
ewaar at WaaUnftca and Park
■ wuwrts. Tbeficweatraacelatbroogh
Mwo doabls doon aad the catnnee
fiato a TWUbnle. a abort *l«ht« ata^b
ow otthar a««s Madlag to tbs andltortam. paatasote doera aeparaUag tbe
taatlbala from the aadUortam. lathe
wartMole M alsD a mcht of stain teadMg-tB the basemealrdb# gallery aa- Brtey pipe orgaa. tbe flnt m the city,
esBU hsiac la the
la flaWi and declga U bieada bar.
DOBkmely wUh lu aurrooadliigi
fipat of tbe organ la' the cboir kfL
Tbe whole aodltoriiun tt'covered with
a fine WUipa-eelmt carpet.

tbe Park Place aane* U today,
rwebed by a Ion*, higb flight of alopj. I
Uaed tbroagb the weA aa a tlay^
aebool. the llule windowa were placed I
high In the walls, that aoiblDR ml^i'
dUtiaet tbe minds of tbe rising genenthm from their siodlea. On Sun
days toe
Um msiueuts
reaidenu w
<rf Lue
tbe little mMM...
gathered to brtd reitgioua aervlccs, tbe ]
aedalely oo one side of|
tbe room, while tbe men taceU then, j
across tbe way. In (be center a greai
maty bo* alove glowed red. and oeca 1
alonally daring the aerrleu Deacon |
Sprague or Father Cnm Blw aoleam- j
Ita cooleau fniBi|
tbe pile of wood that My oo tbe rough |
floor healde It. U there was a minister I
In tbe region, be came and delivered,
tbe sermon. Irrespective of creed. If
no one bmppeoed to be witbln reaching
dteianee. autrlces wera held by the
lay members of tbe chorCb, and the

tbe entire congregation Joining heart.]
Hr In the good old hymns, uolod by
cborUier or organ.
ChurEti Organlxatlen Perfected.
The American Home MlMlonarv *odety; keeping a watchful eye on tbe
new setllemepte reaching out Into ibr
fluBdey Scheet Room.
which wiU be used for Tliorsdar even­
sreateni wllderneas. became aware
ing majer meetlnga, amMI gntbetinga.
What remains of the oM rtinreb baa
ih«i here on tbe aborva of Qrand Traveommlttne meetlngi. etc.
been converted into aa Ideal Soaday ene bay wna a UUle cbnrrttleas comTbe dMlBg «oom aomea aexL. This aebool 'mom. A double cartala eep 4Bunliy needing iu fostering care. On
h atoouned for a Btoday sebort room aratea this from tbe mala i;^m.
October 20. U62. a special ooumU was
oa Maday. TbejEtttiicn te fust nortb peaalble to ntee pr lower thte at wUI called at ibe Second Congregational
«f the boiler room. Thte te flttei wUb and thoa euevaTt tbe whole Into one ebutub U OberlliKChlo.
t mom. 7%e old rooms bare been
implwrts aad dlabea so that all aMtel.
onU of the Ober•tain at tbe Aondi can be bandied painted ouulde and In and match ibo 11a college were ordained for nnrthi-rn
«Ub very lltUe laooaveaclence. The new ehurcb. Underpeatbtbe cU tmlld- Mlchlne work
TOiing men
MUar KXK ooBtalaa a UtieeB^oot Mg. tbe baseBMBi baa been Sued op were der J. H. Cram
and Rev. l#Roy
hoOer akteb will assma ample beat at for the Mayflower elob room. In tbe Warren.^Tb^y Ibolb auned at once
of the main room is the Underall tiasaa. the buMMst flateb te
tor Ibeir new field of labor, waiu-d
! three weeka at Port Huroo to get pa»
’ sage by the steamer .MKithany direct
to Traverae aty. at which place ih.•>
finally arrived. Mr. Crum n-maiDinc
hen' and Mr Warren enlng in Elk
Raplda. In tbe ebureb reconM are
these words of tbe sacceedlng work:
“After three monlbs of preaebim;
every alternate Sunday and much |iartoral viaitatlon. the way war pivpareU
for tbejorganlzallon of a church uf ten
wife. >
hydawa were aelected by Mr. Crum
with tbe cooperailnB of ibose protm.
lag to form tbe* now ebureb. and all
pr^lmlnaiT steps were taken to per/eet the orgaoliellOB.' An Inviutloa
was extended to the one or two Con
gregaUonal churches and such Con
gregatiecal mlnisiert as there were is
the regloB to come -io coaocll and re­
view tbe acUoBS of the chorch and
pnbUdy recognize It. provided thus
te all teapecls worthy of
*MgM fiM with 'a nb flnteb. This gartea department TheIs eov- j place la the sdaiertKWd of Congrega
iloaal ebordiea. After due InveaUgaeslr^ tbe tbiae and gives It a betwith green cork carpet
On the west aide of the church U tloa tbe eborch. Its creed end by-laws
w appmnee. aliboagfa tbe woik te
tbe pastor's study. Tbmp are two wato toaad la all respecU in accord
IPSMIVC. all being done by haaA
rooms, oae tmed for libiary and gn- with tbe beat OoogregetlOBal usage
Tka mala vsatibule 1s liUi^ by era] parpoae. wbBe tbe other 1s tor a and tbe nonefl proceeded to jbe
are light, plcaaaai Tieet of tbe poabrdlu thrdln brdlu In
sMMad glaas wMdows as te BlSI>-fb«
vices of pabUc organlzatlon.aadltoHnm. te the aadIP
Fim garvieet H^
Bie two large wtndows and three
6a tbe Bomteg of-.Febraary ted.
HBlter OMS. AO tbe Boon » the
IS«. tbe little acboolboiiae was filled
aadHortam are amde of tbe flaest
grade of paatasote. betag gifts of Mra. thirty tlghta. This chaedHter -te
with an aBwoBted andlescw. anmber'Oochlla-I tether. Tbe Bateb of the BoUd brass aad te very heavy and teg perhaps haU a hundred, wbo lIs
aadtemee roorn'ts golden oak with tbe costly. There are tefaer smaller-ebaanb flaUb. giviBC It a deep, rich eCce^ Mlera and wall Bghta. Tbe «
Tbs onam^au^ te aO OoiUe style. ehaadelier was tbe ^ of Miss Eva





h bimI take par: ■ rlsled ti
and Clara Baue and Oeorse O. Bam
ncBory of Mr. and Mra. Cram ahd In th« dtaMealory aervteea. there will' mini
was .Heeled deaeoo and LOBiT a few wboae.tnemory will take ', t_
L Suiaane
ibtdr iDotber. Mra. M. E. C. aBtea.-at be only
Prea. A B. E»C.
Anuh U*nd. Ind.
wboee home the «iat meeUapa of the them back to tbe days of ion* acn.' C Bloo.1 rlerk. anil the firai Cocere*aOman-ottlnnal church waelthinal church iif Traverse Ciiv had
Traverse City I
Were Md.' Other windowa will prole | Ann orsaalted la Traveme Clly. To j aprune Iniu . alatcocc.
WTieheld. TbeHante weal window Ivitheic. however. Ihe day will have t[
^ nnaneial Problem.
Miles Medical Co, Elkl^ lad
aoeclal and aacmd Bln>IBcai)i
.ItT W
J-O. *»««..« •
alead of the baodaome alone edllleri Daring tbe flrst yean of the church |
mortal to her huabaad.
they win M* thn little, while uafated j
wai the girt of Mra. L. M. Araold.


Tire Insurance!

Md aa WiiMa BM. Tiavwss Cto.

>7 «Bkwa Mfwwam«Mty


i DR-W.J.fflGOHS
---- , 2ME.PrwtSuaLP»flMm



Wayna Oaoaty Bank BMg., DKTBOH



Plate Class, Steam Boiler and Accident Ineurende.

Money to loan on ImproTcd Real Estate Only.
Room' 310 New State Bank Bulldtns.


pcrtainloK to LuiDl«A
BoiUitig Uaterialf W <
kmdAwewiU bejdadtom
ter with yon at aay tine.

Traverae City.

tu takiuR oilvnnumu "I
cd opiv>rtpiiiti''Sl’ Tliul 8 ibo
wiiy to svrvi- mmu-y.
times savefi^uj. In lie
Iwr lino il kill ro|»>’ ;
yon p.iy imr yiird a visit and
look lbrotii;li our varied sttx'k
—as' lorn; aa onivfully. as
critiadlv. ;ia you like. Ktliinat>-8 -m fill sorts an<l siz«s of
lum1«T in any 'lonulity.

■ lU

Voall find our iwtiuuitcfi aad advice will aavc money ter ja>
wlion pUnniug a bniklint;.
Our mills turn out cvcp-Uiiug for intiTior fintfb—onr yar
cvirj'tliiiig for tbe oiitsiili-.

OtlsansPI>On«.8at B*U.la9.


W.L.BrMm. fitaftaw

Sfiutb SiJe Cumber C».

you can get your

Tniit Baskets
as cheap at 1’. K. s as you can at the factory. Wc
keep them for your accommodation.
We are receiving daily Lime. Cement. Paints. Oils
aad Varnishes. H you want, something in ihb line,
give tis a call.
That best grown Coffee. Chase and Sanborn brand,
you get that of P. Iv. Don't get "something just as
good,” get the best.
Clover. Timothy-Judge them by quality, not by
price. There are eight different prices on either of the
above named seeds. If you invest in cheap seeds you
throw your money away. Get your seed of P. K. and
you wfll^odThings O. K.



\xi NOT iirv

r,.iil yon ln,v trieil the \.904 AUTOMATIC.
•I'los WuAln-r uill-do Iho work .iiii.-lriT, Ixrtter.-and
i .is .-r I'l.iii otin-r CMioliitHS. R<-tnoOlla-r *<• wU tliiih
.,I> ;o-i.iyfc'lifin-. ('ODK-ill nml B'-<- liiia marliine Uf.,n- will I'uy.

PRAMK TRUDW, 144 Froit Street
Wv Imvo u CiBi-' l;>8s Tin !S!iop.

Have you ever tried the
'•r Ymma and

They are the best.


Caumtd C*rw



Tor caaple.
r.'ihtoogb tbe “Btmigbt’ tangaagr
I to <a>m '■graft- and a High
Aid aodetr. toward the btold(OostlMd Tnm Beeosd FMt^
tag. b« have alao given tbe iarge ft- aebool girt when she iteato her eoa»• pipe organ, the onlr one to K. kind paaloe'* laneb car* abe -awlped’ It.
n pttlor, ud oAes Juiur, ud be
ebrtoto Tnverae CHr. whUe aU the vartoa* -- thea-dedared that
»wrtdny gBT* fl( bU' Use
la would be a treBeadow powr- *♦
bnnebee to the tbareb work, even to
■tr«ftb M w«l •• W« br^ tor the
the ronngeat olaaiei to the Snndar tbor wen-all “lUalght gooda.•ood €d hU brtowd eboTdi. Duriii*
From then on Mr. pnddefoof*
aebool. have bad aoBe apedal abare
fcu pMtortU ft oil vft* Ifftwd for
lon took a decldedir bOBe Bto*lopar>to tbe gtrta.
■Mttoc to dlwoft the bftlldlM ot
ttoge. He tedd tow (6.000 people lod
Biartlag wllb
ttorob bone, mad ob AprU Gtb. U«7.
ibeir Uvea trrtrj jett to peaceful oevttb Ibc ftMlitsato of tbe OoDr«C>eupatkau and bow two men were
Cksal DftloB. It wft* decided
killed and foer -wonaded everr dir to
iMwd and boUd a Boetlaf booee
Ibe antbradte coal Add*.
dita awaOD.- Ob Mar ntb of ibc
ibe Women-e Home and Porelga MUWhen he »pt*e of the lOO.OW •num­
work wftft eoBMteod. Haiir
■bnarr ndeir. tbe Church Aid. tbe ber lach*- to tbe wood* be lald that
dart dan followed for tbe litUe bead
Bridie Balldm. Senior, InterBedlate be didn't need to eaptaln that term
t* eaxMM worker*, aad at tfse* It
aad Joaior C. B., MarSower club, aad becauM tbe people were tamlllar with
aaeated fbat eremblat ntut drop.
other aoeleilea. Tbe Boadar ecbool It bat to the east be bad to cxplato
Mr. Hatch diore tBaar a sail la tbe

tfjwd to Bleep, but the prarei* aad


Imikt brighter dan and «n Jan. SStb
tbe rtnrcb annaU abow tbe followtag

New eiwmh Hem*.
•Vabbath Dv-

Onr new


beoM aU Balabed at aa expenae of IS.-

ga, WM tbi* dar dented witb ap­
propriate rellgtoot eaiTleea


ttai. reading of aer1pti«a. eeraton hr
the paaur. latndBetorr
.Bfatbto Draper of tbe

to -aba panto! parBCBlB before
turitr aad *o keep toterett ttarg?
to tbe lowest posstole potoC
After tbe repon to the tmtem. tbe
paatoe. Bev. D. Coehito. B*de> abon;
addreia. stotJag that afterieng tbought |
aad prayer the eongiegatioo waa able


grecatinc MASo. The tofertorr ptored the pastor were tbe vartoa* mlatotm •
br Mr. Haner was br McDoweil.
to the cltr. Bev. L. B. Btmell to the '
PDUowlagtbe'aAenorrwasaeotabr Pre»bnCTta* ebnrek opened the etoramer B. While. "I. John. Saw ibe i*lee hr readtog as ibe priaelpto iMmn.
Iltor Cltr.-br Sheller.

Itbe UfXXIV paalB which wn* fo»«#
I lowed wltb pnrer hr Rev. Hngb %t—
Tbe krjT were then fonnallr pre- |B*dr alter wbirt tbe cbtor rendreed

*e«ed br Frank’ HaBlhoa. ebtonoan | (be beauilful Te Denm that foraed a
to the bulldtag eommlliec. He aaliiiitlag prclislc to Rev. CoebUD's re-

Like PiecA of Rw
' BeefTliaft Hunan Beiiyg-OoctorsUAAhm-Bietted RetiefBod
Ibe wo* to Che vsrlont auxiUan
First Rod Sleep in Weeks AftAr
bodle*. Tbe church U eburrtilr and
First Appiicatiofl, and
will never be mlitaken for aartblcg

that be wn* glad and the commlitre piarK*.

elac. It* line* are hamoolon* to de­
tail and tbe Gothic (trie baa been

all the Bced* and in'turning ovrr iht.

building. The church
equipped, he aald. not oalr lor torTTthe regular wort but alao for

carried out everrwbcre. ao detail betas:
omitted. He aald that there had
no frIcUon aad he did not believe tbat


that a -loBbcr lack'
4bere bad ever been a church built
chine. He,alao (poke Of Ibe old dar<
Iftic (Uaaention. He told of
here when Hi wn* often aecesaarr
u-ma 1 suAcTcd with.
sobacrlpiloBs bad wUlInglv
tbe pence of the re« of the paueoicn
Qtas* to sores frem bead
only from tbe church 1 almoto SK>Ud
to Bide track a car load of -lumber
to fool, aad looked
member* but ouUidcr* as *tell. bow ^
more like a piece
jaek*-Bohcm ton gentlemen had given
of raw b«cf than a
He dedared that tbcM- luinbemen g»00 between tbem. He then men-;
bnpiea being.
Blood and pas
aad tbe people to the froaiicra
Uoacd the gUu to Ibe church made hr .
oGsed fmn a gmt
-a voice erring to tbe wlldenea*
clasae* to tbe Sunday •cboot and In j
tald that tbe ebon* bad more
dividual*. BeailoDiDK among other.!
wernaiU,aad near.
tban saving tu own u>ul. He told of the heautlful west window in memon !
Ty all over my
tbe rich men to whom be bad ex­
iames Q. Johnson and* the furnish,
plained tbe iltuallon and ther *ald lag to Ibo lower room by Mr. Bhncf*

balMJtt wttb bU own hasda. aad
reUred at night *o won pbrMeallr
asd Mtaltr that he waa almoat too
vMk of tbe «®gngBtkni

. 'PAMI. '

THO«*BAV. AUOU«T «. 1«fc

tiu .u. n.



,b. «.» .1.U iV

^ :ho.i»« .
lAh*l I h

key* he exprresod tb« hope that the, \
would ever be used rlgblly.

that onr cltr wa* never bHter
■ervrd t>r an ahW rorp* to nHnUtOT*
ihtu at the present.'

FollowlB* Ihr nn»cWatlon of the


He thro .poke of the fault to ao

many miBliti-is to tbe grrspol. that to
plc and ih
nverlonklng Important parts to their
Thl. waa followed1 hr
br the
>ne doemraton ;
,, having a c_

by tbe pnsior. The rk.slnc ,
-St. MarUB,.- the bretrdlr-.,

Hon being pronounced by Rev. Ui



[xHter open a service to tbl*

son liitn a Methodist atad so I wlU
The new edifice wa* lea* crowdeJ
In the afternptoi than at the prrv1o«i«

Aral call on Brother Kennedy!"
Mr. Kennedy expreesed bla pk-awre

Scaled on the platform with

tbat It waa none of tbe ebnrdi'e bud-

pra^ br

naea. And r« H tbe obureh
wo* lodar there would be no Tam

L \i i

Ur*. Grant and & L. Sprague arc ^ btototoi^reh,-"making me cry
le only ilving charter member* and ont with pain. My doctor did all be
maar compUop aor PhUaitolpbia evil. Mrs. Grant wn* kept *w*r on account
Tbo speaker then said that (bore
to IHoea* bat Hr. Sprague wa* ptrs-j death to end mrdrigbtfnl auAering*.
needed to be an awakeatag. DalirmHe tbn named tboae tbat ha I,
be BBMalMd wia a good deal of Inpie was ecet for to give bla oplalon passed on and said that be btoleved
BO hope of recorery. Bat oh, what
tmet Aodlenee rooB of the boefo la
ob tbe mnatelpal ownertbip to atreet
they, too, were rejoicing yc«er- bteaaed rediel ! expoienced afUf afw
car line* to Chicago. Brain* were not day wllb those left on oartta.
an mpBou plawat and m
plying Cnticmia Ointment, lleooled
much needed aa boncat men. be de­
the bMing and itching-Scab, and
The estertor wf tbe chBreb. with the
M'hcn the old church was built Rev.
brongbt me tbe first
alecp in
clared. He wondered how long
J. H. Cmm wa* tbe pastor.' Mr. 6>chtf aa addlUoo for Soadar
would be before tbit eouaerr lifted
rnc. > wvFuiu lau.c
lln bad wriiien him but bad received
ecfaeol rooai aad parlor* at the war.
'it* bead and advanced aa far in civic
_____ snd Cuticura Soap, then
roebroBalned praeUcallr unebaaged to all
Cbleousiieat aa It bad done la other
tbe Ointment freely, snd took
lln't letter. Rev. Mr. Warren rcplkd as
Ivrntfor the blood.
Soon the
the fpitr rnra followtog. natil the baa tbe dUUncUon to bolni the largtau
tbe ficab began
baOdlag ww tom down Mat rear to to Michigan, with orcr 4» member*.
d to grow. aM
He tbea laoacbed Into a fanBoroui
Of the tea ebafter Bcmben of tb*
"I rejokc with you and your people
rooB tor tbe none- boUdlag
time 1
deacrlpttae to fronUar churche» b
la the eompIcUon to your house of wor- iifrf.’lr
wMrt todar oecnplea tbe alte ot tbe ehureb. but one. Mr*. Marla Oraai, la
______ "ir snr’one
any onedoubts
iUl! tmember of tbe church orgaalta- r« wltb an the bnmor there waa
atrip. It would give me great plea»up-: them
to write to me.—Mra.Wm.
old Anrob.'
IjsThomasSt.. Newark. K. J.”
Uoa. her borne betog now, aa then. 1a deep atiato to pathos taienalD^ed.
> ntien.l
Dwtog tte Are rtora following the
Hp tpid to bow I16B00 bad been apen*
tnverao Cltr.
tbe dedleaUon but I am not wen n.J.sw.
MWtog «(tbe drarefa tlBca proepered
Mr. Cram, tbe Aral peaior, U at pre» to eoBvtct a Borderer wbo bad at laat enough. May you and your people tnl+
wltb tbe IttUe ceagragatloB. A bdt
*r. "Had half tbat BUB been
your children find pleakure and profit
m teatolled fa tbe tower, at an «•'
expended oo rellgloua training in (be in the use of the new house. UI1 your
peaae to abont |«0«. aad that waBe
be will not be able to bo proaeat aelfhbopbood where that .bor
church and. congregation ontcTow U-.T
ball wDl toBorrow oOl the eongrega- Bev. Itotor Warren, wbo ftaaisled at ratoed." he aald. •'he Would have bcca
a* they did the old one—while we, on.
tlMi to woraUp.
naerurettixtoi todar initead of an
be a good one at least as preparint;
tbe dedIcatioB of the flrst cbnreb balldby one. paaa on to the house not mad.
After wtea raan to tCtbfU aerriee.
■ way for something better. Anri
tog. 1* locaud at Old Mlaatoa. aad will outcaat." Mr. Puddefoot doetal be­ with hands eternal In the heavens."
Mr. Batdi prawebad bU tamell
I rvjolre with aU la the coming ol
lieve Id tbe teebnlcallilee that n
take part to tfie program tomorrow.
The old church was built by lU-r.
' BOBtalsn, bvtlbftMghallUierean
*0 maar denoBtoatton*. be doe*
Reuben Hatch, now of !*olni Cbaota.^ i
that bare ooBB ttoce tbea be baa prelike to aeo "*o much bdir gboat power
I all upon tb"
qua. New York. Much of tbo wort. |
aerrad bif tolenat la tbo chnreh
waated.- and aald
Pros Mondar'a R(;eord.
was done with hi* own hand*
The | romplitlon of this worthier siirresaor
wbern be gam ao aneb tortog. faithHe tbon gave Agnre* to death*, aul- ven^ble minister 1* now In
new CoBgregatioanl chweb
his | to the old church and I smite my prey
tol aerrloe. and ia hi* pleaaaat borne
eldn aad crime* tbat were appalling
emlU ObeiUa. at the adnneed age to n.
and advocated the eendlag put to good l«ler. dictated by him, was read *y i may In it* future history i>e to
wltb Bind tBdlaato br ymim. be U aenlJr approprUie and bcBUIng tb*
atrong colporteur* to lar
Mr. Cocblln;
I 8>'*n of God and greatly helpful to the
lodar rtodtotog with tbp Baabara over bappr occaalo^ The ehureb hose to
Ibe wort. j-He declared that.the
the aweoaw that baa erntned tbair to- nallr AntohodyBow and belonicf to tbe
"Vx,., nn,c nfAuc • cavC luv ul.-av '
doubling the-SO.OOO..
Tbt working and plan- lime was ripe for d<
:aaae ttaonsand* ' to
ntag of month* ha* reached an end
»>'• Mr. forblin cl.«ed I,, m*kln.
Influences were ready to aid.
and the new bullfilng
Traverse City congrcgailonal! *" •fPoel.t-f * HW->wl oRfrlbg to ad-l
' m waa racceaded br Bev. O. H.
Tbe Immigration quettton waa next
•crvlee for God with heartt full of
ch wa. to be pulled down. On ta reducing the
wbo tor toor r*toa cared tor
niched opera and Ita dnngcrs shown
that Hi* kindnets bad en­
tbe apHtoal weltarw to the bbaidi.
abled «be people to erect tho’^boautlful and a bumoron* picture to *n emlgram
o long anil
Sutog bli paatortt* a' wa
family on landing and twelve years
edlAce to Hto honor.
vtva] awapt over Travem C»r. pa^
The aerrloe opeaod wHh a maaterful later given. He said that all Imml1|filpi-|i1 to br all tb* efanrdiei. tbe
"Ita foundations were
voIuDiarr hr Bead on tbe new pipe grauu were not dangertraa but that
Uh* to wbkh baa never bean eeM ben
iroubloo* timet at far 'a» raisins [
organ ptored- br' Harrr B Haner. some to them roae to poalilon* to
toao* that tlBa Mr. Spoor paaaed
money waa Q>necrned and the sopet
Thia waa followed br the dosolagr honor and trust In tbeir adopted
avar a few trmki ago at bl* boae la
atrecture wa* very plain Indeed
song br tbe eoagregsUon and alao the
Awdt. dedlaatoiT pnirer br Bar. be­

ttor Wanea of Mik Rapida. "
veil fliled aad tbe exerdaea'aeeincd to



bSrai^to^“_ri^ hlti^t^th



The Best



anil sold
. aUhe





These machioei Rre carried ia sto6k at our thop and
can be seen in operation -“buzzing" wood.


To Core a CoM in One Day

"Nlcre-eang. At^Taffipta

oat to kill men. a ebafflaln at

Wb. 8. OKU, wb« wmatoed tmUl the Bev. D. 0>eb1lfl~read the sixth dmpier panled them. He wanted mao i.
taU to mi. Bn. W. B. Beaver to 8t to iBalata and Rev. Mr. Crafie
down their carnal weapon* and come
Jeaetoi. Mo. followed bln, bla labor* opening prayer. The anthem 'H'e Denm 10 the church. Tbe cboreh U tbe ar
taattog HttU tbe anBaar to IttS. when Landamta- was aung beautlfoHr OJ Bcaal aad men abould go there i
Bn. W. O. pnddtoooc totoi charge
the choir after which Rev. Mr. Ooch- armed.
tbe ebknh. noaintog ntll 4AA7. i
Ita Introduced Re*. W. Q. Pnfidifoot.
Rev, Mr. Puddefoot'*- aermon
paalor fewnd bla war deeper Into tbe
epeaker to the day. Mr. Cocblln llsieocd to with the eloocat aUcnilon '
banite to Ma peopi*. and It wna a
■aid that nil vrere gUd to
■ad tbere wa* always A deep feeling of
-tor to prtooBto -iwcrat and aorrow Mr. Pnddefool wbo bad come dear
when bl* nelrmika) wm aartounccd. from Boston In order to be present at
Tbe report of the mislees war ms
e. He bad 1x«n pastor to
r 8. E. WRlt. the venerable clerk of ^
tbe cboreh twenty year* ago and still
tbs bread field apcnel| before him by retained a focllag to fellowablp for be ehm»hS< foliowt:
hti poaHlon as field seereani to the the Traverse aty congregation al•The folloarl^ ttaieanctfr •aeiuUes i
hBertew Oongragathmgr Home Mla- Iboagb ua field was now a broader not only the coat of tbe new building ,


fldiogyonr private

atanary ■eciety baa Coen «.mailer to ;ooe. be being the.secretary to the
MWaMl prid* and Joy Wail lb*
Amcriam CoogresatlaBal board to
bars to tbe cborck, who have followed
olber fnrelsbings tor ‘platform and l diaraaea covers a great
iwme mlaslOBa
bla with Intmt. anf who will lor palntto*
-I am glad to see so many to you
Kiw gMAr wnleoae h)m-bome-ai
here." aald Rev. Mr. Pnddrtoot ta
Mr. Poddatoto wa* aqpeeeded
•Idem roroUtoJ*”te'’re!*U*
opening- “The Grand Tisverae air
Bev. Oeo. H. Cate, wbo reaaloed bat a most be the elixir of life because t
1 the change to our property, except
le cost of organ. The organ fund
expected to see a lot to old men and
besides : a
cing a fund by liaelf Is not eonildercl does not fuderwomen but you are all Just as young


■hired with them ibelr Joy* *nd wr.

"My aubjeet for this morning is Tbe Received from mortagogc on

rows, and they in tore bare grown Chnreh to the Living God.'
wttb him still cloacr tatoneb aritb tbe words arc found toten In tbo Bible but




'work to tbe cbarcb.

1 don't like a text. A text, to my mind.



began by saying that Jacob
. to tb* dtr- At the meat
creased tram year to year, ntieeaiary dreamed a dream and afterward said
that God wa* there and he didn't know
-That is the tronble wll£ a

last the UBM to oapaeltT aecmed le be

>y to us." onld the speaker.

ledge from actual c:
r it great.


Is simply an excuse to talk and rum' Growth to th* Cfoireh.
akrag oomc other line, so I always
Tbe growth to tbe thoreta has kept
eJeae pace with the rapid deretapBirai take a subJecL"

made oo the rtnreb bniMIng. bnt


reaebnd aad abont three rears ago the tbought that when be loft Israel
would have to worship otbw god*
amtter to a aew bnildlng began
aertmilr afeltated. The sneces* whikfa Men tbonghi toan tbai God waa


^..................... *-'”•»

ig an estimated
debt, after all


It. narrow creature. Isaiah saw Go.
and nil good pledge* paid
to ......................................................
bandaome bnlldtog which wUl bs dedi­ to HU glory Vnd men IMeod to
cate Umorrow, sorprlaed even the dering bow they would worship Ood Total eq*t to new bnlldtog
most aangotoe. bat It has not come. >way from borne, be^ to wenderbow
foaowsd and which reaulled to tirt

VToDan nffering from any form of
female weak neat sit invited id prumptlv
eommunicate with Mrs. i*inl[bam.-at
Lynn. M*u. All letters are reccirni.
opened, read and answered by women
only. A woman can freely talk of her
private illnes* to a woman; thus h*«
brenextablisbed theetcroalranfldrnr.between Mrs. Pinkham and the w-nmrn

■ experieoce which »hr has todraw from.
i it is more than pmujble'that she has
I galnul tlic HFt Vii^ledge that will

1 «x» »■> “''P >■“*' “**•
^ BoUiitto’ in
l,9St>tk>; iTtura cxerpl voor good-will, and her
! advice boa celirrad thousands. SoreU' oorwoBon. rich or pour. U very foolish
„ _
\ if she does nut lake adeanuge of this
however, wHboot bard. Mtlnned, they conld ewupe Him whan they did
offer of *«i.l*are ^
you; are
tolthfiil work oe U* pan aot only to wrong. Ybre reme the Idea to the' d^unary. total cost.................... Z6.I32.M.!
the'^sreh B*mbor<k bw to *11. yoong falberbood to God aad wttb ibis waa Total reeelpu. past and In•e wen ■■ oM. who are osoaecud

born tbe cbnrrh to the llrtog God.


to IhU country tbere are »«.0M/eo*
Um wtoiu the cbnreb
prtoeaalag chrUtian*. aald tbe speaker,
th* Udiat to tbe ebnicta have been bat the ellle* are fifty years beblnd
Wiring to thclr-torora>*Bd havq >M th*




^ .ostag

.......... ..

tVben a medieloe bo* been sueceMrful
to reatortof to beaKb so oBay women.
m cannot well say, wilbont trying ib
^ 1 do not bebeve U will help ma.'


When yon put In yonr grain this fall Put it in Right with one of
the Three Best DriUs on the Market.



■ehureb property........................




,„ff4"n si race and drift aluag frm
hod to
,e. knowing full well tin
ought to bare Immediate ouisfh'.v o
'3ut a natural modrstv impc:
________3 shrink frum exposing tlii-n




However. I noticed a great
In May. nn. Bev. Demsa Ooctalln
dovri andobma farnlahtag* have iK-en.'
earn*, bat reeaaUy tbroagh with bl* change to yonr city. You have evi­
etole^ wort Tbe* ecore to year* dently been obeying Ibe thlny-fiflh or are to bb. paid for by Individual or j
Snnday achool elasse*. the figures fur j
vMch ha* paated alne* tbat Ume baa chapter of Isaiah and making the
hot aerved to win for bla each year * ness aad aoUlary place* glari. Yonr
Total amoant rcctoved
dotorar. meto aUtong place In the city Is as beautifully absded as an oU
bean* to hta eangregatioa. He h*s New Bogland town.
dote 00»'Snm Jo".'










Each one is a Leader. Come in and look over onr samples. We
have alt sizes and OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT.
The Stire for OutUty and Satisfaction,


r3.rnicrs supply lo.
■to *

127-135 State Street


Traverse City. Mich.

M MOitotocans swireoMJ. wiaiitoiAiB





tflW COWOMOATtOWAt. CHUHCH. for a year aad It ten eaty sM eoar aad
thrtek ep. but rrfaea naa pilto bto tal(OovUaiwd tran.Pwe S.>
eat aloaceide of God we bare the 8pr.
BaldviD. Caaada jted. Btcel'i Rfd and
piw^t tlie>e«lBi at tfc*
to fact ermhliif fn*i a Bep dtorto to
ioatwtSth *mt»6 i»w**tptfcepi^,
RateetLUraMl'PKVla or tke ebareb. He U.

Scatb Emukkn

The vert of aaa teth Ood vae metet Oe alad that the efaanA tnlldlBsa
o( TratoTM Ctty
oot la aecoid trated by maBy ulci of the froatier
wtth Ute otter tmbllc baUdluca.
hae traveled aat
mU, •*" eaaB« aH Uilak
to ettoat aad eonr
an tote alike.- ate It
Diked from e
aad the expricnce*
to lore ttat brta«i the dlEereat teoMkhU cxii^e.
to «etber. We are eot aeei- or fellov vorkera are truly atartliw.

S A t ElKCMi


alike, tet oe

twad OB lanu telee asart Init the He told of one fijcad vto waa at work
p^toUM to eoaceeted aad It to tk« In the coal teetkie of ladlBaa. Ho vaa
ekanto (kat vast aelre tte proUam of Vtoned from oac ton alxieec ilaoa.
eecords of the rdeee
Held arrieet te dance ball, had bU
Urtoe men.' The rceordi will be (ur
Her. Btoetdl wa. tte oert apeaber
:paal<te abet at bto ride and
poetertty only and wUI to no drcaai
ate told or a aocUas ttet te attend­ tee* of hto pojplt vaa paactnred vilb
riances be erallabte tor coeleDporar.'
ed ia the aootheni part .of the nate alxtecD bollct Me* bitt they all mlaate
Brcbca were bulk and
aad team Hr. Puddefoot ear that
RcT. tiarld H. Boct. tte n«r preeitoday bto dty of tefoherete tired, orer to the Ummb, ibai

ether ate tbu It had atoraya been a

LOT 184:
LOT 188

qneeUaa to hto miad why there abooH
be a had axe te oear a sood ettodHr. Btoaell eftete oT the Krtet aecrei
cd a teetor-e life u betos tte aWUir
to BM the gooi aad apt the bte'la l»e.
(toptato Boteera of the Bairallon
Amr wM pceieat aad aM that te
m Bineb latorettod la. KrtadatoeeR
Tbo «ntato broashl ool the
year* a«o, thto

chareh 9<*e oe the voteera of cn»tkm. Hr. Htoal thlake that the profoatoa or an architect next higfaect
te’ tte piotcaitee of a mlnlater. *The
*Ao eaa eonerire to Ua own
tend, pot on paper ate

mi hto Moa to atoae and wood poeeeeaea tte ereatlre power of Ood.- atld
the teeakCT and then oxpreated
Mliii faellag toward Mr, Ooehlln. who
k teow the dean of the Trereree Qty
teUneterial eorpe with
Mr: B. U Reqoa eald that perhape
It 'Waa a elraa« thought for a qaakor
t te vw gfWtly pleaied with the
- Sedoreh, ^“Darldeall.


..Jao the Lord on itrtoged In
teoata.'^ ate he tten epoke of tte
heia»'aC tte organ ate eongntalatcd
Ur. teehlla aa (he poeaeaatag of etfti)

a wdbdertnl (aatnteeat.


-iae. Thoataa Cox at tte Flr« Mettaodtot chareh told tew he bad waUteed
tte advaaoeaeal at the work from the

Beeretorr d-thc Atoertoan Board of Home Mtorioae.

Formccl; Paelor

Hoari peoide. ht« now ready to go

D Tate to

jfortBarwilkWgaB to the early day*

waa 'TlTldly deaerib^ by bim as aees
when abown a beanUful •Utne of Apfrom the eyegrof a mtosionary. Ho
. pedo Brirldere. Tte Igare vaa of
told of the lack of a hoaae to lire to:
BMble and aUndlag with one foot
the cickneer aad death: the wlnnftig
#gbmi rgtoad at U
of the foreigner*, of tte ealoon keepers
Tte grm eeulpture gated npoa It la
aad anally bow the IluJe chareh va*
nptara for a moment ate then erteJ
-TToo. die Coagrega-

and ha* tecB enccralvely Inetitictur
to elasilcc at Holy Crow eollcsi^ ctox
riea and hlghor mAUiemailc* al
Francis Xavier c«>lle«e. profi-asoi

pERE Marquette

LOT 196
LOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214

Tralm toavs Tips

*• pv-»T»l»d ly tow pa*
! p. r-M-wulPd f..c lter->
le pni
: dr^rllpd In ups* B-ift*p
I Tbr~«am«<(sanw tdfbpatk—Mqsw
l.r ill artips nippiPia . tows 'imaty pc-tpo
''‘””aSw'i* U ABHTcni.

r,pma BpiM*>^ a-Imji-ia.iimk.m.

R. r. Mo2uStaT?l?AaSr *”*


2»!h day of August. A. D. It


Order of the

only one orUoial nilfr. vie., the si
of I^isia.

Her. W. T. Woodh

itoforr many BKiolh*. bow-

cvxT. it win te l«»toacd OB tb

U te aBya. aUo to anpreetote tte new

penw of Japan, bolweca whose
try and Great Drilain the clonrsl rcU

etnetare more than otben becanae
tba «U Ztoptiet tod O
I1.7M werr-jande: Rev. Cochitn andtarebea were Uadraarka In the dty
noonecd at the bciiliialnc
vhte te waa called bero and that tte
eobserlptloas had been liberal by 'ib'e
Btetlrt **wk*
etoiieh members but ,ttet there were
wmmteJty.- Mr.Wbodhooaetetethe
many <rto eonld ooi be *000 and many
Bteleaoe tte adrlee to band ihemwho dcwbtleea desired t al^ la the
■ edrm oter •» tte dtotoe (aaher aad
good irork. He arkod tbOw -«l>»
M him BoaM tte image, of Chrtot to
wlabod to do so to oontrlbBic as mneh

•tUag rnarka by tte pastor w
api^ ft the hcaliailag maaaor
vWdi they Brit waat ahmi the work

UoBs how extet.

Il to the prvsem

lontioD to have the prince sod p
C4»s of. Wales, at the end of Uivlr visit
to India, sail to a great warship
the roidcd dicoraO
Japan, tearing
Iwtlh them.
Joseph T. Cowan -<rf Dalla*. Tex,.

who believes that ho nwn* ICO acres of
as their means voiAd allow and the ro- land In tbc lioan nC Now Ynrk. tnclud- -^see were more generoo* than any tog thi’ gn-aUT parr of troiyil r*ar;..
expeetml. ThercootribiiHoE* In says that hcliss Urea ollcred h> a syu
ibe morning were II.SMT. to ibe aftcf dioaic pf six prominent men In Wal_;
Bon Itu sad in the en-Dtog 1115'.
for i]<iiir-toim infals

ate or thrir lack of faith to themsclres
ate Ood bM that they, bow bad U

' . U * «IM accepl
balance due on tte church faod not iw-mk-fin«-nth interest In Hiv

Mir plaae of wqmlif^ and that

fnlly provided lor.-only dUitC.

Tbctc liberal dOBSIIons Icrio lliv lolaltu. ur

ktead each pemoo vohM cojoy H to
proporttoa a* to the aacHBee that they


I loavinu the telnucv m it.r »jn.ticaic
'thi' gVi-nt.-r pnn of ili,- Hi"-arri- .-staK

avatlaUe seal In Waodltortom.
Ion ate ^lery was teed aad ■
regained itandlag. Maay aero t
^a paeton et tte vartoaa chnidiea
«Hh thetr whrea were aeatad directly
The aeriplnre


Handsomest Lots-in Oak Heights
.V. Thii
the most charming addition to Traverse City.
addition is noV largely built over, and good lots an
not easily obtainable. These lots will be soldsepa
ratcly, excepting 1S2. IW, 184, which most be- sold to­
must go for spot cash, and the prices
gether. All mi
will be


TJit'.i’St.SH »"ST
w. HAVn

The whole bunch of


• '.Nr. Cowan Ir conflclctit tbarjii- own,

OanenI New*.

had made (to e*q,Jt jeanfOeted,
The trnslces of the. Briitoh mnM-un: loo XlanliBiiBii. widi lUty mlicr lirirs.
At tte erealte atertce the boanUtol
have cxpirssnl their wlUliigtK'Ss (»
'• Ho says that 1 bi- odor w as .-i iriBc
Mgaiiog arraagraoorwaa looked apoa
eolv* cerefnny w-Uy-lcd pteiwr.-ipliU- j wtial hr oxpcci- tn g- r.
hy the pabUerw tte ^ time. Brery

■at tad Toom to tbc ehoxch.


These are all early selections and arc the

Carter has no L’.r- Ihhh I'lmferred



s Id OraM Tntvpvsr

physic* at St. Jubn'* colltse an>
physic* and mechanics at Ovontidoa n

leweled and then tte aame tblng done oBlvcTF-liy.
The famoii* Brttlsh
to the next town ,lhat va* si bad

forth ted do tte vorb wWefa tte Uwd

til froat of tte altar.


of the KIrat Congregational Cburcb..

SeM atoae and roogh Umbere to the
eoawkt* halldtog. He toU of
4B«t of tte Itfe of Mkhnei Angelo

-How rnarth.-

Trstplmw Vravmp Uly *« a. m. (fast
train with ilpipi (prm tXaHaasBI.
Typln pmns la TTwtrvm tXiy IJSp Bt.ja4
Tin P n frspp 1 itWi sa*maMi
tValapmvpp frM Porthfan Wmam.a*d

It isri moragsrr, or ao mmek mwiel
p. l» iHP^mrTV, i»r «*» smifPiitaorM

brekea down.'
Rot, C T. »odI of Gtaee ^ttoeopel


hr.udnRwipkrp ■» *iy n*H lbpf»i^

Lots 235, 23fi, 237 as advertised are now sold

etilb bet that hOV tte hanteie --------



|<T W Uawta fiw tap IMBtr c( Clfsa* Trsrmp


aad .that laitead «t oatooa tbWe vaa


IfsaB B«h4> a luawap MwW- (to. Tims
«aro la <«rri Jam MB. MS
Ttato Ipswp Ttavmw- Oiy eda m.,ama***-

:p>MlTfr,wtr S«. UpBiP.pmsBAtliiniM-. r«p

LOT 230

• ^'‘beeaaae he fauad a fbod wire Ja Qrladtboaifct that



LOT 183

ogcla the ton vficrc they .atoned him deni ot.Georgoiown tmlrcrilly. to .1
eouria of Col. David
D. 8. A
Brat right.

there were too tovai, Had Axe aad
OrladMoae, wttbto a feo nltoi at eoeta


LOT 182

Fads Are Mtrarn TUngs


if sold at one time and for cash do«-n, would be


K.H,riiPT7. A I< im»

tlakl ■»»; 7^*”

As the price would be made accordingly and to allow
for holding a.s an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.

Inaete. tte Bret diaptcr of Paal-a epis­

tle to tte apteatona. ira* lead by tte
Rev. Chartea T. Stoat aad
iotaa by pcayar which waa oOered by
.Bte. BtoariL
fir. R 8. Smith ttea rendered the
heitoUM eolo. -A Draam of ParmdUe.r. Smith is ptoetleaUy a »ew eome
ktekal drekn.

Hla volee la of Bae

gaalltr nd bk-aaoaclatloa to of the

ahowte to (te aadleace

aptotan polatte by Mr. PaddWoot of
Tkteetie City os It leaked ftkm hi*
mtey wladow year* ago.

Tte view
tad Hoardtoeddag pul npoa tte river aad
mw^laka. The prtadpte obtoeti

me leader oI *U packege eoUees.

Uon Orficc

in nuQio&a of bomea. Suck
popakraaccem apeata for^ It i. a
prs-thatUiS C#HH ta. the

CaaUSeaee ol Ihe people.
Tta mifacto qiialitr of UOK {
OOITEE turrives a^ oppoaitioa.

— -sssisK^^-ssr —

mm Aiso One Acre Lot

SB. OaaittvtefMM


Fronting East Bay S rods and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rods wide on north Aide for street. A
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban s|>ot.

ei'teyof saptambar. A. O. I »06.




I'.oashr imbatoyoT

» WJ-VV*- —------------

ST~.-.-W.tafr ‘tooa_

I^mtpsr tb.-Pn-iani <hm«m.laelwlia<ana
Pte tbP IPS., p. . . 1

tte tall pines which
by (he Itetory emeki
Mr. PaddsdoM dwelt only npon the


Hto of (be bmae miesloaary ate hi*
. -God made tte etogle vlU toM and
tram this we. have tte American
Bmaty. Jack ate dosm* of oiber*.aaM Mr. PtedelOM. -And imve o* an.
appi*. A cemmoa Unle crab apple.
Star ym eaa pray
a etmb apple


WOOMOH 8P1CE 00.. Toledo. Ota-^

123 Fnit-StlMt. .TBAVERSEarY.JUCap


My or teptatntev. A. D. I SOS.




BoUier If ib« will MM be wlUlM M
let Ttn bare • Satoty Ut of rtbboa
brt^t Sowera «■ It. asdl a»
yoo will tWak H Bash pntttar
(baa hata trtwiwi wlU Urda. ~
a oatrteh faatM»a are dlC*
(or tbe Urta are aafcber killed or hoK
t. fiuiac tben. If all aar Baaab
will keep *>«■ *Mrtat Wtda aad
wtagi. )aa< Uiiak whal a wide apr^d
ileaaee tbey will haec, eepedally If Iber irj to let other *lrta MM to
vaar thaSL Aad (roa the eaal. to the
tar «C abor- of the PaelBc. oor Soaabiaerm will be apeeadias ibe soapel
A lore aad l^adBcet (o -erery UtIbr
thlaiSaamit CRy. Mk*...Aa«. 11,
Dm Preddeat-TUs b the I bare wrltieo to yoa. I woaM
like to )oia yoar enaablae dab. wni
nm ideaae aead me a card aad batloo.
dbd alao my brother Howard and ab­
ler S4a We bare ooe col aad two
borm They ere oeite esoasb for ei
to beadle. Wb caa ealiivate. My
brotbor .darODOe aad I belped oor
ptpe cot wood aad help tana. I bon
yoa wfll potnbb la prtaL Aa my le;ler b gettlas loaf mmsb I wfll doe*
for thl« time. My pape tekea tbe Her­
ald aad I Uke to read tbe buera la It.
Aaaoo Netapa.

SMrfd FnMB »clii|«n HMWr
a bewM at the (eat Of the
___It ear eearciMtlaa aatarally drlftSd IbW talk or wa^. After ssbtiad oror
ibe batuea of the drll war we W la­
te talk of Berotatkmary-daya ahd batUaa Tia.. .
we located the redoebu aad ireachaa.
Bsarlac where the Oitiah tnicva made
■heir Smt aaaanlt. aad arere deep la
of the atratecic poaStioB of
bofle fell oa oor eara. We looked d
«• aaotber. each woaderiac If old
oa we moM
I. of Ke aad
feet, ead BB we
atood aad looked la tbe dtreetloe from
wbldi tbe aooBdB proceeded tbe warbig fddi of an Amerteai) flag appeared
abore tbe edge d tbe hill.
“We yenoted oor bait aad atood to
ileoet-. expeetlag—I hardly
what. Bat If a Ooioolal am
at tbelr bead b»
mareblag orer tbe brow of that blit I
dooT koow tbai I aboold bare beee


A eorreapoadeat of the New Tork Tribaae wrae aader
date of Jeae fib. ItSf. ia rriaUaa lo MkAlma troope at Pair
-I aow cemprabaad tbe Klasara rear of mnskatry before
wbkA aome W «w imEtmeati timSi mM be held fiat, bad wbkA

oBly. But do!
beer the eboet

o Bight BAd

we broke laio a hearty bugk.,^aad tbe
dream waa tatokea. for tbe army omaiated of abom twetrty boya with atteka
aoldleriy looking chap of ton or a dotaa yaara la oommaad.
“•Hall!* be erted. aad
Sammn xaty. Mh^ AB|. II. sraiy
aaid tbe little raaoM. wiib
Dm Pmideot-Thb b the Brat •(tow,
• All were dweaad
dma 1 'baee wrlttaa. 1 wmiM like to
la tbely rery beet;
>olB tkp Saaetatae dob; Pleaae a*-d maanwa of a geoeral. 'we bare atera
Mr. Jay wo*e aa aaure reet;
me a card aad beltoo aad eme .o my work before na. The (ate of tbe OolHra. Sparrow aad Lady Wraa,■btecatrmA We bare two do*». We OBlea depeada oa your ooorase. Onr
be preoerred. W*
Tbe OM la kawwB aad tlM oae ta y*l- baeetmeoowBBdobecalfayearold
My letter b cMtlas loes. My pa U iQA bold Banker Bill agalaai tbe ae(d the eaeaBr* (great cheerlag
mtttand mt^r ta. i»d tbea
takiM tba HaraM. I Jlke to read the
erery mas falU.'
Q«M air Bafaoaak-jDily (dUcrwI
tettwa. 8o«ood-bye.
Ttmld Mlaa Phoebe aad. part Mlta
“Tbea.dioplim* tbe eiaHed tear for
From .
(aaraoee Meboa.
jordiaaryooeremtloaMooe: -To..
bare got to be
roUowad Lord OrMo, ipU aad
Dear PrealdeBt—I tboashl I woald BrliUbers.’
. . aprlshUy:
“ -Wen. I wont be a Britlaber. yt»
Meat the Ftocbaa- wHb mile aad write a fe^ llaaa to let yoa kaow ‘
hare fot hoem. 1 bare beeo etaytac at bet!' yelled a little fmklefoeed
later team awcaur. 'U I can't
• AMPaiaoaBlaMcbMINamtBkVl^- Onwa with my imde aad at KlaMley. 1 atayad away ttam laoaiba. the be a ’Meriean I wpot play.’
loeteet I erar stayed away (nam borne “•Neither wDl I! I atel goto'to be
Aad (here were othera, a eemrouWUte- We harp two boreea. tbeir
, Johnny BnU.yoo bet! If I can't be
M are Charib aad Ma0b; oa* ^ mleaietean I won't be aothte’!'
AH la Ita very preUleat mood, too;
whose name ‘b Beaoiy
riioraied the rest of the ermy. while
Aad thwa arooe aoA a patter.
•e aame b Ted aad a eat called the ranks broke ep and tbe eoMlera
Aad diatter. aad datler,
Smnttlc. I bare two abiera.aad foer gathered arooad the eommander with
That tboee oot tartfad
bmbota. -nmu paaaae ate BRbm.
V«e eooD «me asn^itod.
Lola. Mlaor. Oemse. Ooyd aad Ooply.
•Wall, bow do yon e'poee we're
POr Bobody knew what ea eartk wae Dimw ar»-4ata-«r berrlea op here.
gelag to hare a Sght if weYe dl oa tbe
tbo mauer.
iBidef Some ef no bare got to bh
Or What a«A'a bOei of talk eoaU alOpdde dowa Lwrtto to thee.
Britlabef*. Ton, Beat, come on: j
. lode to.
Bight aide op remember am.
be a red-cosL Toe caa be captain.'
Bat MblBA alanalBS
I artU deae. Oood-hye.
■KoAlr-ree!’ arid Ben. abakteg
?■ Heard tbooe orerhaad. fo
A energetically. 'Too bet I woe
They toaad It vMte cbamlai,
Catch me beta' a Britisher! I'm aa
Ldke Ana; Jtdy ».
Aad aacb «{them mM mo;
and U I eaa't Sgbi (or
Daar PreaMant aad Soabenma-U
they'd an .beea aqatb. aad thay
; U rainy today I will try lo write a Ibe Cokmiee I'm aot gdag to play.'
: hadatawt
“ -Wdl. then yon. Jimmy, yon c
I Siaot the aatma time with tta tUB rw Iteea. 1 bare- MM* arritea ateee
laatwteter. I waat to Ocawa to acbool be Omaal Howa'
“ General nothin'! I gneaa I wo
ait test wteter and espaei to more ap
•a-tblj WM aU (hat tbe bahd mmutf; there tbia aotama. I wotfd like to be Oenetal Howe! Wbai d'ye take me
fori Think r» goto' agTa' my owa
they were aiklav aacA othtr aria to^
(M Anu Patty ag^' Aoat
Not oa yoar life! Ill be OeaJreae wtiua teal aJeeJattera. I picked
“Mtome aad bow
a yoar wiater
■t erefT'Oar. We hare laap- ersl Waahiagtoa K yon want me to.'
•The argoment laged long and hot.
betilaa maned, made into Jam and
bnt aot a boy te the compaay wonld
Jeny. I mode some JeUr the other
wasent foe a momeat to be a 'Briiday. Well. 1 wfll efoee wHh beat wteblaher.' and it appearwd for a time na If
ee to tbe BumemA
a drd war might br«ak ont and
Toara lorte^,
Friday. AaikK.
rapt tbe army.
Age It.
New mambeta Mdalag riaep UM i»
•3ot the capute waa a genlna *1
Goodrich, Mteb.
teU yon what!' be anddeaty erted. hU
. juoaa. Howard, >4a. Urma aad
Otar PimdMt—Aa I hare aen foee deartag. 'Well afl be Ameri
atomM Mriaoo. StuMsK Oty.
writua to yoa before, I dboo^t tbi caai. and let's ptey tbe redcoats srv
, . Bpatrtea .OoaieU, Ooodridi. Hlob.
I would write lo yea for a card ead tiyiag to me Ibte side of the ”
team Sebaub and M^ Moater.
1 am a Uttle girl ? yeara old: Oonrse. yon know, we cooldnT ee.
I hATO oae atatcr « yeAta eld tbe ICtb (mn bore, eo i^ pmend they bare
of July. 1 lire At Ooodrtm with my fnat tended from the Charles rlrer,
Last week <bt bon>bd tbelr lera
ernfatep^atber, bot I am aUy and are tryteg to aaienlt Bunker HUI.
aad wow All tbe girta of the Beaahtoe tag arlib my graadaaa'Daw. My slater. and let's dmrge 'em!'
, pteh ere soiag to gel together aad Mabel Corsdl. Ilree In Fitet. and abe ' -“'All right, ah-. Come on. e»H girn
Ura a alee 0tUe 'talVell by them- te ateo oat to my graadma’a a-rlsittng. 'em SU! Horrah for tbe minnie meal
oclTOa. Tear preeUcai wooldat be Well, aa my latter la getting Icog. I Well show 'em bow to Sght!' ydled
aarprtaed. howerer. If tb* bnya were will ctooa for Ibla time, nease head tbe army, picking np tbelr swards i
haagiBg arooad tbe edge tf^be pany. me a card and battea.
guns and eaaklng ready for battle.
wbltl^ to eao ^lai it U W gtrb al-•Fall to!' ordered tbe capute 'ReBrer yoar (riaU.
W talk aboot ^ they
Beetilee Conetl.
leuber. mea. yea are ftsfallal for
eC aad bare aacb good times all
ytMir hoaea and yoor Sag! Right
Proremoat. Hleb, Angon ICtb. IPOS.
logetber. Weil, we do aot
Order <
tbe boya we.'gltiar Wc.are Drar PreaMeat-^ roeetred year let­ Forward! Charge!'
«olag to ear emaethlag that wUI later. ter wUb tbe cart and buUoe
“WHb a wboop and a ebeer iber
am them iadlraoUy. *r«w if it dose i
AaM forward. Sa^ Sytog. t
I Jotoad tbe
There are two little
seem to awtr te the*. Ceayoagw
beatteg. srea playliig, mat eba^
glrU who wlU to JolA tbe Baeahtee dearn tbe bill with a 'nub that wedtd
what yooT pmldeat waata to aay
.poaf 1 tblak 1 beard one IKUe 8an- ctuA Tbelr aamea are Bums Sdmab surely here eettied the day ead ut-'
and Harr Moaler. I tbiU this wlD be
beari oay. “ImH H
Tas. that te last what It aU for this time,
Ibey bees there.
ta. Tear pceateeat wraate erery one
kioked at my frteed. and tbough
teabeil Valley.
of yen to tmra to tbe Home <%eer page
> waa a smile oo bla (ace. there
ABd ade what oar good Saaabtee
were tears to bla eyes.
^rieaa. Mrs. Johs. hH to m>y sbnm
The Spirit of Banker MIH.
“Tbe aoMlare areet all goae yet.
-Speaktef of tbe spirit of TS.- aaid Jobs.' be said. 'Ten aad I shall aeoa
oar waarlag birda oa ear hata. Aad
- Ah! bow yoor preaMeat wtehea she the man from Boetoa. flhklng tbe aah- be teM away, bat I gneaa we caa irast
cobM gel erary girl teal) tba world
-cm tbe (Bd of bla afterAlaner
xmagaten to take care of tbe old
pcomisp that they wfll Bdrv do mh a cigar. -I baliere tbMo te aa m^ of it
to tba rteteg geoeraUea of today as
tblMagnte! Jaat tbtek of fclRttet
-And I gneaa are e i.-—N- T- Trtbflt tea bcstrUfal little bIrda. wbkte al- there was to our RerdnUeoary (oiefotbera. we ire todined to think Ihni
waya aeem to be
oitem U OB tbe waae te this
Ood'a tore, and petbspa laarteg tta Uttlc broo4^*bablea to atarre ta thete try. Jam becaete la oar ordteary «
Tbere ia always tiam to Snd
amt. iate so Utet ^ oaa pat a hit of darore tbme la nottateg te eafl It foto
Ways of betog street aad kind:
bright taiorot trimmlM oa thair bate! aetloa. or te ^ bow deaply It Bea
There la always time to share
Sorely that ta wM tbe right way to
-err Amerkaa bean; bat let I
BmDee aad |
apread Baatetee and mke erery Ur.
I eripe to call It forth, and bom
Time te send the frewmt'Aatay.
teg ereaiare happy, ae we ptomtec ta
Time a geatle word to aay;
do te oor pledge. When yoar pmi<•»' baitolsets. aad Ume
deat 'wea a.mUe giri. oar dear Saa- HaaiyaaadPaal Rererm.
To aaalat tbe weak to dIMb.
Bhlae Pnmeat who bea gone to Ibe
-1 saw a pretty eight the other Ur
Time te glre a little Sow.
which sat me te thieklag' I wa
Saaabtee Land baM to tell ber
Time tor foleadablp aay hoft;
to be eniri.eaoagh to wear e pUKol unatetag one of ow Weeuta amBat^tbere to no time to spare
UBIe deed Wtd te Ur hot. and she
.For apktUoMa. saywhere.
nwrer baa done m alaoe tW Ump.'nm
w after rather aa alaileap tw• -MaMM ReWirt Anare,^ Tea
U the bean of Jaae—
• Tki eery brtihieat. blitaet rweaUu
SoiD. «d the aoaatdrde oaaMi Utetl
They met at Madam BobtaVT^ ■
l«U.e.ioj.ofabTeeaymapletf^. _
ftr aba-d wked ibem to aa eariy tea.

FprIffiili4ikh;Bi9a ahi «ris:


Oe-aBaa wbom Rearaey ted np. end by ell the otbera who atood
by-peck, and ConA.aiidKera. and wbivtamed under tbe Bntlerteigetoakef tbeSeryHateueteaeB.Uglowtog. Criwpaalnanhlp In
arms with eueh mea would be te me tbe moat aatiateetery dtsUactlOB. I wonld covet tbe boaor. if usage could confer It. of
adopUoa iau either of tbe Htehlgan reglDeeis wbom I saw on
tbe leap tbrougfa tbe shot end sbdl Ufeued wood-oa the leap
te the rate advancing upon ns from the rttwi to take It to dank
and stay It—an edopiloB with e risible algA. so that wbee e^
,“Te wUl regiment do yon beteagT- I conld proudly rpply. T
' ioiig to Berry's Brigade.- Cromwell never bnd belter troops
ihna t^ who. nnder comasad of this good oncer, swept wlib
Sre and steel the whole rebel force from Casey's camping groun.l
nad eartbworka. pltlag h w{ib moauiacnu of tbelr terrihkmarksmansblp They flred away evety- oac of Iheto., slaty carl ridges to a man. and then gathered ererywberc tbe nefonatnaed
eartridgea from the boiea of the dead and wounded, and ecoaom,
leally naed them. A North Caroltoa regiment seat against tbe
Srd Htefalgao bad lu front tie wholly knocked down by n volley.
Tbe nen Sle toned to np. A line of boyoneU dep(**n«d hehlnd held ibeto (hat. "Charga!’' ordered the Hiebigan colonel.
Over (be rail fence leaped oor mm. with a yell ibai ever amUes
terror. Tbelr boycaat polai'i -were not welted for. Tbe CareliBlaoa broke and ran.THE GUNS OF LOOMIS’ BATTERY.
Loohils' Battery beteaged to the PIrst Begimeat of Michi­
gan Light ArUllery. nad made a grand record derteg the war- H
was enlisted ct Ooldwsier^ A eorreapoadeat of tbe Ctoeianail
Oaaetle gives tbe tollowiiig aeeoaat of tty toarof iu gtmi al tbe
battle of CbickamaBua;
"The ted. 33nl. and Mtb Ohio, tbe Uih ladlanA tbe lift
Wisconsin, nad Uxnais' Eatery are eompoeed of tbe beat ma­
terial to tbelr respectire auiee. and tbelr commander eoeceeded
In Infimtog tote them bU own magnaalmons spirit. Gatberlag
UgeUief tbelr bieken raaka under tbe Are which every insunl
Otewed Mhem dowa. and foUowtog tbelr faerote leader, they
charged tbe dense legloaa etuvouadtof them, aad like a whlriwtod In a foreet tore Ibeir way ihroogb.
-But alas! tbe gons of tbe immoriAl 1st Hteblgaa Battery
owere 1^ imtod—tboae black, stem-teoktec. rteed eaaaoa'l hac
come to regard with a feeling of almost reverential awe. I bod
ecmi'Uiem flyteg destmetkm Into the naks of tbe traitora. aad
never knew them once tnraed agateat a legton of my conntry's
eaemiea wbieta they did not aeaiter like leaves before a bten.
Bvea ta the opinion of tbe eaemiea ibemaelves. Loomis had mad*
these guBs tovtocible. They were commanded now by a yonOR
man. wbo. poaaembtg naturally tbe nobleai auelltlea. had thor­
oughly learned tbe teatons of his teachers, end promised to prove
a moat worthy aocceator. even to Loomlt blfflaett.—Ueolenant
Van Pelt. Van Peli loved bis pieces with (be same usseiasb de­
votion wbleb be mnelafeaied for bis wife. In tbe deapemte eonaict wbleb broke sjuund Scribner's Brigade, be managed tbe
battery with moch deaterlly aad coolAess. and for some mo- <
menu rocked the very treat over tbe beads of tbe enemy by the
Aery blasU from hit guas. Bat hit bones were shot dowa. many
of bis artinevtoU were killed or wounded The tefantry supportlag him bad beee compelled lo cut tbelr way tbroggb tbe enemy,
and a horde of traitora rasbed np lo tbe muules of the aow
barmleai pleeea. Van Pelt, almost atone, suitoned blmseir in
front of them and drew bis ssrord. -Scoundrets!" aaM be. -Dare
not loueb ibue gnos!~ Tbo miserable barbarians. Wable to
andersUad true beroism. brutally murdered him where be stood
Tbe bistory of tbe war lumlabed not a story more louebing or
aaore sublime tbnn tbe dealb of Ueutenant Van ^•eU.All the gnus of the battery, inve ooe. Ml into tbe bands
of Itae eaemy, bat ner* afterward rerapiiired sod ibe battery
waa allowed to bring them back to Miebigao. where they are
pow to paaseaaten of the aUta
A eapUJn of the Iti Michigan, with a party of his mea.
were oat aeoatlag while tbe regimeol was siatlooed In WasbIngteO. aod before tbe Aral battle of Bull Hun Coming apoo *
anull compaay of rebels, be put In pranire ibe rustom in thoseearly days of tbe war of making prisoners swear allegUaee to tbDoited Buiea and tben letting tbem go, Bot the Michigan boy
was not eoaieni with tbe regnlsilon way sod added some faocr
touebea of bis own. He compelled tbem to go down on their
fcneds and after taking tbe oteb of ailegUnee to the government,
added /o it -and to ibe Bute of Micbigai).~ and then be div
mteaed them, good citizens as far as sweariog eoold make ibem.
of tbe PanlntuU Stale.
Tbe famona black borae used by General Sheridan oo bl*
eelrimtad ride up tbe Sbenandonta Valley wbefo be came to the
rceeue of tbe Bylng Uaton troops, and won out of defeat one of
Ibe moat glorions vlctoriei of the war. was Utcblgan'bred. He
was raised in St Clair county and preseated by tbe dtlsena of
Port Huron to Cotoeel Archltmld CampbeH. of tbe ted MlcUgaa
Cavalry, aad ^ Urn givmi te General Sberidaa. A well known writer bea made tbe steed blaterkal, and Is oae
the mo«
tbrilllDg Of war poems telU bow Bberidaa
-dsabed down the'line mid a storm ol bozias.
And the tuve of mreal cbccked Us coarse there, becaase
Tbe aigbt of tbe matter compelled It to pause.
With foam and with dust the black charger was gray;
By tbe Besb of bli eye aad tbe red noatrU's play,
d te tbe whole gnat army to my.
-I bare broi^t
it yyou Bberidna all tbe way
_Frem wiartwter
ater down to save the dsy!~
-Hnrrab! Hurrah for Bberidas!
Hurrah! Hsrrab for borae and man!
And when tbelr aamea are placed on b>gh.
Under foe doaee of foe Caton sky.
Tbe American aoMler-t Temple of raote.
Be It said te totters both bold and bright,
■Hete to foe eteed that saved foe
By earvytag Sbertdeo late (be Agtit.
Prom Wtoeherier. twenty milea away.’"


foe tetet RHte «Al tt
A Wkm I caan ptey
teir nad aRMTA I'll Map ptepMade af dolHaad tokales Sae.
CSoae roar eyea ao ebar aad bright, lag altagatber.:r
but he saat hte
-Pob!- aaU FUBp.
aad go to abep la deUy-algbL
greea man eptoateg Acnma foe heaiA.
DonrAight. my deity dear. ,
Uacte Heary laid down hte paper;
la a tblag ibai'a rety qoear.
be had reed ekoagfc. .
Per H exaaea. yea kaow. my bwe.
That eetito^K." be Hid. aa he vedt
WbSr the am B bright abaire.
ap to Ma reom.^ T wontdat have foal
hoy Philip wUb my mtle Loote all
aq^idr. MM for bli wrigbt la peU.
Why. the feOow ehaaud a trifle ee alOcfly. dear, do aot w«m>:
eyes la doHy-elecp.
DoHyAreamt. e fairy hand..
Will Uke you bark lo dolly-tead.

irioet ace bow I can iril her. HowHngb ■boll have s ehaaee. K be
1, ffor and a half yoni«ar. and aot'
«> haedaome e* his bret^:
Wbsi a manly, rkeerfsl little fcMow he .
If as emdnaiured wbew k* tboaght
baatee as be waa wbee be
Ciwklaato and Ce*
PbiHp aad Hngb were to tbe midai. woe. Aad he will be ‘fair and toaerc.'
f a game. Tbe crokieole^rd was!at he wya. in ererytbingshat be tau
praad out on the little UMe. ead the | to do with: oae can be quite tore of
tee were sliding about to tbe wUdeM | that aflrr wairhing blm leaigbt; My
U»ul» «•}■ eafriy toOam bto example."
Dock Henry wnt the only other per-: Tbe next mutatog two people arere
•on la the tltttog-rvnm. He •« by tbe ; «ery moeb astoolsbed when Uncle
thnded temp
evening pepe.- i Henry unloijed kls plan, Ne mam go
ea alP
before him. and seemed to the boys to i lo Europe In lee days
to take hli
reading Tbe truth was. he was
latehlng ibem.;. He was feed erf boys, moihrrieas boy Louis atoag. beeatuc
and liked lo>re them pUy: b*•lde^ be wet a trail little fetlow. and tbe
be bad aaotber object in waiebing doctor Ibougbl aa ocean voyage might
lem aa • I do him great good. Hte goveraeas
He had
lid be with blm. a awiwt and good
Ibougbl aboul'lbem a grenl deal
young woman with wbom Loaia was
since he arrived el bla alater'a
but foe tuber
days before. It was be wbo
would have to be mneb uway from
brought the rroklnole-board
him. aad decided that a boy m>me■bowed tb* boya bow^to oae it; bi
had eot Ibougbl of It's helping him ti> where near bit own age. at leamenSclaetly ao to eater (aio bla taaup and
decUe tbe qeemtoa be was stadylUg.
If you OMl4 have looked Into bis eajoy Ibe rame ihUga ibU be did.
would be a great pteosara te blm. .
bean a( aay time daring IbOM
-Louts U a wldeuwBke little fei- :
days, yon might have seen Ition
ihlng like these; -Philip la Ibe tow.- said bla IWhev. “aad ramafoablfo
older, ao perbapa he ought to be the advanced to bla ciifdlcs for one at bU Me it a bright, amari mlow. loo; yean: bet yon sm be bat been as frail
that oRea wbam uher boys wm« eiei
I tblak my LouU wonld taacy him.
wish be had a brother a good deal rpmpiBg be baa been enddted ap someyonoger. eo I might see bow be would Whet* raedtog. He ia well up with
.two boys te andlew. Mary, altreat him: Hugh ead be ere too
an age to Judge. I tbtak. however.' tbougb be is only ten. Well, tbe wteAe
will be Philip. I ml^i tpeaE~te bit •tiwy la this, that I Mole foipe days
father tonight, but perbapa I will wall frtMn premtef baatoeet and come
down beiw te get a
•BOIber.dBy.- BobewMb
boya. and tee If I could botxow
-Hollo!- aaid Hugh. ‘"Tou.are a bit
oe of tbem te go te Leadoa with ■«.
rev tbe line; you
•ban have to be pretty busy, bst of
“No. I'm MM!" daeterad PbDlp. 1 course I aluil eoatrtve to ged to a good
“That Is joM tbe s^iadow foal you aee.1 maay balf-hMldaya wHb foe her*: and
lltai eouals ten for me all straight. foey two can do a good deal of night•eelBg with foe goveraeaa; she hat
old fellow.'
been abrtad befoee. Now. u.caaieu
Hngb teoke^dooWful. but said
lore Uncle Henry opened hU eyn tbe potat. I want te borrow your Hogh.
wider. Tbe green aua _wns sndoubt- I-U take tbe beat eara of blm. and
him all (be woDdera t ean.-mad '
edly over foe line a littla Wt; It bit
advice Imd been naked, he foouM bavt bring bim back to you aafe aad aDoad.
to Seplember. Wbal do joa
'said that Philip could aol eouat Urn;
bnt nilUp did. uad tbe game went oa
•“Hugh!- exclaimed both Mfoer gafl
■-SIMI,- aaid Uncle Heaiy lo him
self, "(bnt might bare been aa boaetl MUber to a single breath. N'by. f€
course It wonld be n w
Aaotber round waa Anlahed: Hugb for tbeir boy; foey had never even
was busy coaming bis gates, and Phil­ tboagbt of betag able to have Um go
ip. Aral looking up al him. aad forget- ibroad: and with bto Uacte Haaty,
ting all about foe anele who waa read- too. who had bewB ao many timaa. and
tog. potbad Hufo’t ted man a little- knew Juet what boya Mked to ton
very little, not ae dgtafo of an toeb Why, foey OoaU adl be greMful
-foe otber aide of foe line. Just ac enough, but—was he sure he'maeat
lat It could count Hugh only flee. U- Hugh? PblUp was (be older, and a
nead of tea. When the bey b^aa io trifle more advaaiwd ia aome at hte '
look for bto treeanrua oo tbe other ride atadlea ptrfhapa; beridcaof (be board, be exclrimed to a dUtF
The mother *<Jd not Astoh bet stelone. -N-hy; I (bought that leaee If she had. It would bare beea;
• uhea dtoappetatmeata
mhnwealnride the ten Use!'
He fotaka that he. hetaf
“Well, you see be Unl!” eaasreredj
Philip, end bto looea were a trlAe the elder. sbooU have tbe batl oC I
while Hugh U aweta-erirRed
lo yield te bit hrofow."
-AM right," said Hugb. cheerily;
Someiblag of font kind she csrtata“Ibel makes ns exaetiy even, and 1
tboaght I was Ave ahead. You are ly thought, but dM not like te-gof late
beating me toolgbt. Phlllp."
-Yea." aaid .Uncle Heary Armly, T
Siill aaotber round: Ibtotlme PblUp
mean Hugb. I tboagbt at ArM gf PhlP
took earefai aim. and tended almost
Ip. simply bacaosc be was foe eidar;
ih* little circk- In the centre.
1 hare been vtelttag with them a
"Whyee!" said Hngb; -you didn't
aim for my man. Tbe rules aay yoa good deal for (wo days.tend I have dm
must aim for ooe euery time, whether elded that my Ujute wduid get on beat
you want to or Bot. You Juat tried for with Hugh. Betides ~ and ibea he. '
tbo. left bis aeslence unAatebed. He
tbe Centre."
-No. I dUnt do any snefa tblag!'
, This time Philip's roice waa decidedly
forongh tbe booorable aad dlshoaest. Bbe «
aagn'- "I tneam t
centre pons and sby to tbe rigbl a Ui-; ** »!>«*•< beyond
tie, and hit you. Look here. Hugh j'
Rh* would pertape
Gordun: K yon can't truet me, yon
Iblnk. If be sboold expiate, that ft Waa
need aot play wiUi me!
Why. Phil!" said Hugh lo great wicked te Judge of a boy by tbe way
I surprise, "Of coorae I tram you. All 1 i
• meaiil was that I thought you had for-:

' Bat a boy wbo
gamei.- said 1

aad don't waste so much time talking ~ i
Bat Uncle Henry knew ihat no fee- i -r wlih himsooable bring would ba'
Auts- CewaSeds.
through fooee eeetre poets li
On* of lb* moet teterestte^ratodiaa
------------...-------»»sel<;( insect life Is tb* r*teitonshlp heof It when a momeoi afterwards a
pi,Bi Mee or aphIdA
akllful Jerk of Philip's Mule flag*r „^ g, Nicholas. These pteat^ee
while Hogh was stooptog te pick up a ;
boacydew from foe Juieea
fallen mao. seat (be giwea mao quite |
Uicr take as food from pteatA
to tbe eeotre circle, to eoeatleg PWllp n,. ,o,.
fond o' itto aweej^
I Kubtunc*. snd car* for foe aphids la
Mid Hugb. "you arr In (h*; . ouaner that seems te ns snrprlatBgrlow did It get te? I thought; I, jauJiijpot. Tb^aomeumeaetrTT
you stood on the edge."
. ;t*m liodlly te a better feeding groimd
"Jumped te. How do yen suppoaer |
drive awav emate nf ifcrir aaeOnly a few mtentea afterwards [ nies. it it elrimed that they seta
Hugb aeemed merely to tesfo one of; build abedt' of amd in foe cnMebat oC
-bto red men with his Anger, then set nirebt end smrit irara On aeeoaat
lock ead wehed.
I«( (bU iimeet retetkmsfaip ooe ny
"Wril. whri aowT- naked Philip; trbfofdlly cell ike enU -teratora." tha
-wby don't yen ptey?"
I “eowfoedt."MTVed elmoat aa lech; my Anger
ripped, yon ace."
“Pob!" said PbiUp. -you are too parteoler: go <m with your tarn."
-Na rir!“ aoM Hogh. foeerfatly. “1 The edlflea was flamiwaA ta Rn (■
tad my tom; ttamiei any If yoa 1AM.


Plato Ice Cream—Three cnpi
wm. one CMP of milk, one small


•rwvm floep.


Whenever the windusra reflnec to

: sagar. two tsaepnons of vaania. Pat wp and *awti wRhoot a trmt deal of
le rfaam. mUk aod tagar oa the toe tttgglag and ptfitog. cr bcmcaa drawers
to stick, brown sov-tow triced
and stir tin the aupr dtoaotvea aad

CntrilMBi bi tori Timm lll•sttlqns

the cream jnal*wriDklea oa top; do not to need.
Take oni the drawer and mb the
M H boU. Take R oT. beat It wndl
dap en tha maaeta'aiBd^ groores
U cold, add tbe vaaQIa aad treese.
with blrda’
French lee Cream-One pint of milk, hi whk* the drawer to han^^.^. af­
ter patolw the window ap an far as
Aaotber oarneit woman wrldOS
le enp cd etnem. one cap td et
It will go. nib the eoap oa the saata.
tram Oraad Hairida. «kh, i
.for eggs, ooe taaapooa ranlUa.
take the window oat entirely and pea. eeveriag a wide ranflc «f datoUos. are all givefi
-Thera ii ccrtalaly aoUtlltf boanlUnI aaltapoon of aalt. Pot the milk os
la weariac the dead body ol one «< riar fire and let H Just aeaW or wrinkle. rub tbe map on the edges. If the win­
liuie -hroibeTa of the air.' oa oor bau. Beat the yolks of the eggs, pot In the dows are takeo out. aad all tbe ropes


m. 18.



«ot Birf. lP » lo«


ttronfw. a U»«tlcr sett.

^ lsrbi?"X


to that VM lltUe heme la the pelt
Uc world.


perfumed or toilet soap, and Is kept by
aad eblldlab. those acalott their oae
Coffee Ice Crenm—Make ^ther of
many “who know" in toe bathronm
laoy and forcible, that one
these creams aad flavor with
for this purpose.
den why womca do not rtio eniaaaae cop of strong coffee Id place of
When nails are driven into
aad cry ootaialnit this badce of cruel
Chocolate lee Cream—Make pUln
wood which It le feared they may spill,
Ice cream; melt two aquarea erf choc>
flm lay tbem in soapy
late to a little saucer ove
bar of soap, and there is no dankelUe: MU a little of the milk or
cream with this snd sUr !
dlflteolt that the use of even this
aod then po( it In with the ..
Civea a aort of aancwill need to use a large >«p of sugar
wearlng faibloo. and
Instead of a small one to making iblv.
to the infle in -murdered Innocent
as the atoeototc to not sweetened.
OonaWCT for a moment the «
Peach lee Cream—Peel, cut up and
Dooi number of iflrda reqnIrM
meet Ibe trade of the eounlry this mash a cup of peacbca Hmhe pUin
aeaaOBWhme. and well may birddovera
ataad asfaM at the terrible havoc

m oi

and edges of the cleaned wtod<
be amured that they are tbs rani thins.
and it it InamprohaailWe bow any sugar and beat again: then poor
robbed w«h soap, there will be do
laa who coaaJdera hereolf eultared hot milk Into these slowly, odd
ketUe with salt, peplUHir meat.
Ubie; put
adorn bertrtf with feathera and toll, put it oe the Are to Ibe dooble iroable with them for a year, when toe
. bay leaves and cold water. Wh.m *
T^e meat left orer; put a table-'
ap may be renewed.
le lake t«o tahlecpoonfuls of flour, j
btoler and let It cot* to a nice thick
spoonful of butter to a pan. slice ao
Brown soap may be used to advan­
Tbene cnoUUoaa aboo that
- ««s. a lablespoodful of vinegar.;
I. iThls is a plain boiled custard,
oaloB and simmer; cut toe meat In
arc Ihlakias. and the more woar
each ns you made for floating Island.! tage anywhere la the boose, since 111 dice and put la tbe pan with a ubler all together and boH a few minoffenslre odor, to enremely
b* kd to tblak abool ibo mattor. the Tnke It off and let It cool while you
* longer.
spoonful of dry flour: sUr unUl ibofwin be
beat the wblies of Ue eggs stiff, aod clean, and Is most dtocouragtog to Img- on^ly mtoed. ihit eoougb water over
that (bore U need of benerracnt.
then the cop of crenm. Put the eg*v
to keep from burniog. Add last a UbleThe wortd la full of ao many preulcr
Orst llghll)- a-beo the ensurd
spoonful of vlBcgsr; boll for tea min
Baked t
(hinp (or iiimminc. the arciniieBIs tirely cold, aod Ibeo
tbe whipped day of tbe year by lU use.. For this
Take s large bum weighing from lO
raeorin* feather decoraOoni ao few emm last, and the vanilla and ffecie. purpose It Is far more effective than

Aa« WO ihiU not Had to a »«ek-li»«

lee cream, with n large cup of sugar,
and when U to cold stir In the peaches

wroodht byW pluadcrera of our for and frocae.
g a large
Strawberry Ice Cre
Well might womea'i duba every- cop of berfiea. mssbed aad itreloe^:

carefully so tost there are no

their iindy of^art and history and pvc

vrltb toe lee cream, hnd freete.

where, for a brief

apace. Jay

I'ack It In bread doagb

until tender; drain three hour*. Romot i- Irom the oveo
81ft In a teacupful of flour and let li‘coul. Tben uke tbe bA-ad
and whip until light.
a spaoo in­ crest from It ami you will be aurpriveU
to cold water to ke^ Ibe polali
to find what a floe disb you have.

from sllcUogl. ' Drop tbem on a platthen take a guod-slied piece of

A Utile ship mixed with stove black­

nsb and Crevy.
Take a big lake trout and cot It lii
plAces. Cot* them until the bones can
be taken out

•‘I am aaUaflad that t
bMause they do not

Quick Way to Cook Potsteei

Wnier enough to eover.

ange; oool and freexe.
Lamb. Boast (hot or coIdl-Mto*

M a few hours, and the sai

the jaice of the lemons and or­

enough for graty and aei+e with the

It up and dlf-

ml^t they work for the
rBim Dey“ to every public acbool.


auce. Preach salad, new poUtoes, cut

poultice will drew a»splluter from flu-

Orange Ice-One quart of water, six

MlaaMnttoDorbarme.UB 8U Cltcm '
bethatreul^ Moalreal.Can.WTlWi

Itraln off the wnter and ;

It fur the gravy Par this melt a
bow bad they raally need tr«S>
piece of butter the slse of a s4fl|«'lto ' msotand feel anslaraldti|0Bcy taeow
Pe l and cut In square*. tCnt slmnl Mix It with half a cup of flour
half: salting a physlelau.
durable lustre, with less work than one-half way
through, breakini
____,11 onion cuT floe. Stir It Into Ihi- ■ ••I felt badly tor. yuan, bad terribla—.
blacking without II.
-This will keep ih^m from cook­ water o»ed In cooking toe flsb: aeasoti . |mlna.»dM^nwa.nnahtotontlon*
Both plated and solid xllver may be
ie ploct-«.l .Pul butler, poialoe*. with salt and nutmeg and a couple oT
cleaned by leUlog It stand'tore
and pepper tn the keiile nt
drop* of vluegar. Cook until Ibkk

yellow soap has been

learn to love abd protect oor teatbered oranges, ooe lemon, two and
cups of sugar. Prepare exactly as you
Would dub wommt learn the facts
did lemon lee.
the dangers which menace
rewberry lee—Ooe qaart of water,
and onetbair cups of sugar, one
Bern they lore each other. Bern bow
and onehalf cups of strawberry Juice,
birds were almoet destroyed by woms
they love—Tool
strained- Prepare like lemon ice.
nnUl oRhnrdUts were forced
AridaUdaytong .
Raspbeny lee—One quart of water,
port other birds to^save Ihei
A Utile Urd'a acrig
two and eoehalf cups of sugar,
Brterpreta you the o^ of the piaee: bow Florida and other soothere atates
have lost 78 per cent of toeir birds: and one-halt caps of raspberry Jotce.
but life to ewaat, sweet!
Siratoed. Prepare like lemon lee.
wbaM they study this snhiect broadly
LIfetoswakil Bweetlt
Peach Surprise—One qusK of peach­
Tbe aiA to Uke a uaMag 4atoy4dl
thetolBnti^.woBW soon make Itself es cut up in small bUs.
Darkllpc and whlfatog:
sugar, whites of live eggs. Df> not
Ibe datoy-fl^-a a snndloekad aaa of felt tn tbe markets.
beat the egga at all; Just mix everyNo intoresw are
than thdse of agrteuUnre. Already tn totog together and but totbi freeser
Tbrsat-BlM ud brighCntog.
and turn till stiff. This is very dell^ arwem tbtre are baamlb (be MeUgaa 4« per cent or more of tts
featbefod friends have been reihleasly doui and toe easiest thing to make


ing produce* a belter and more en­

tectors of our trees and orcbarda Well

ao (bat the rtotog generailoo may

> IS pounds.

and bake tn a medium hot oven about

Boll potatoes

and masb.

Soap shsviugs or a small lump of batter; when hot crumble bread into
yellow soup luck^ into a moo»e bole It and broa-n. Cover iKitaioeS willi
prevent too r^pmrance of tbe

solved. This method
ordln*r>Lemon lee—One quart of water.four off the plate u doe*
mons. two and oae-half cups of sug- method.
A poultice; of soap and sugar w
r. one orange. Boll toe sugar and
water ffT ten minutes; xtreto It and drew a awriling on the finger to

tkentelTea to a cruaade against the
era wbldi trids fair to rob the world
of «a berttage of song. Its best pro­



gor or nail.—Selecied.

Lamb. Braised-PeAk^oung caifota

Blackberry Jam.

and lureips.

poncelain ketUe. adding a little water
to' prevent sticking; ati> and stew for
Veal. Roast-Thick brown gravy,
twenty minutes; press through
rolled bacon, bread sauce.-quarters of
e. and to each ptol allow [ color paints.
telling tbem they should abandoa tbe lemon roreemcai balls. Preach bewna.
Ieav» wd sterna with clean water.
process of housecleaning. "Koep your
Veal, Stewed—Pareley sauce, cooked lalf a pouad of sugar; boll for twenty
ntoulea. PiB away. In Jars.—Bx An old, wore toothbnuh W a valuable
n all the time.' she said
carrots and turnips cut to dice or
tostrhmeot lo nse on boose plwta/—
answer to tbelr remonsirance*.
small balls, peas.
Carpeted floors can be kept bright
Veal. Loin of—Veloute or eapagnol
Javella Waur.
^ (rwebplag tbem thoroughly and ibeu
nuce. toasted bacon.
Care « Flltowa.
mopping them with a perfectly
Cairs Head. Boiled—Pareley laUM.
FIHowa wear out Just Ilka wythlhg
which, although <rid. nay be of Inter.
mop rung out of tepid water, to u hlcli
else, and the featoin** coUeeV-dast rind
o many. It to worih keeping on
three or four Ub1es|>nanf<il*
Fricais»eed Veal—SlppMs -of
U-comc- unsanllary.
Onu housewife phor and half a n.p nf ammonia have | ,„^-^7emon! r^lls 7rbiw,~po^cd hwd for It reiDoves sUto* made by ; Ukes her irflluirt about i
grass, tea. coffee aad freh. The fol
bees added.
arid pats the realbers It
lowing recipe will proridc enough to
Fbr carpeu of a dellealo hue. full­
doth bag wa waahen (hem .(to t
last w ordlury bonsehold (or a yeaV:
er's earth to one of toe best clewing
Porte Roast—Sage aad onion stuff­
tiagi to warm soap radi. riaare tbem
Mix la aa earthen Jar or a Urge bottle
agencies. Cover the spots with a paste
wd p*U them OB the dotoesltae,
ing. apple sauce, thick brown grevy or
oo* pcand of aalsoda.'flve eenu' worth
of fuller’s earth and water, wd after
abaklng them up frequently antll they
quwt sauce.
of chloride of lime, aad two quarto of
day or tdo. brush It off'with a stiff
to all (be list
are dry. when they omie ont llgbf aad
Bow (bay BiU la nnsto! Bow they
water.—Woman's JoureaL
brush. Sometime* tbe operstioD most
fluffy wd ready t« Iw put Into riew
bare ai»-One!
be repeated before the spot is entlrely
cup of berries aad put them through
Based St the
Where an day hpt
fried poiatoes.-Exebarige.
Save the (
Ok. bh._the -sasig of th* woodland toe colander. Boll three minutes two
\ A inUa bird's aoBg
To Ctoan Willow Chaba.

A bit of blotting paper
Glass wan
cups of water and one of sugar with
bird. iBlerprata yon tha aaeret of tbe ptoea:
It reqalrea only aeap and iwer with
flstiron wfll lake away every sign of
be greatly lougfat-i
lets, etc., t
the Juice of halt a lemon. Mix nil to­
kidody! Melody! Melody!
'Ml bat Ufa to sweat, swaetl
good bruah to make willow «MM '
grease. II applied when toe suln
Wd breakage* crflen prevetileil by
Boefa dainty singing never sras gether and freexe.
UfatonwaaU SwaM!"
fresh. Care, however, nniel be taken
placing tbem In a large boiler or pw
* /
good, the water warm and a guud rl
being need be iorirocu-d in the dntle*
not 10 have to* Iron too hot.
CoDlatolng cold water, set on tbe froal
Fsalmody! Pnlm^yT'T^Umody!
H«-to reipove ail trace* of a«p. Do
When linoleum begins to lonk dingy, of a guesi. a-rlles IsaU-I UeDougall to
stove, letting iliem
Blaekbirdr~Tbnet. and lark aad
More Ills come from lack of chewing wash li a few time*
not dry., but leave Jo the air until
House Beautiful.
with a
boll, wd boil for severel hour*. hfU-i
food tow from any other cause. This dipped to toe following solution;
who has ever, bad a g«e»l knows the « bleb they may be moved back wd re­ drhioed. Then remove to thMr plae*
All tore and watt in an eerie evil dees not show Itself till after tbr
two eggs beaten well, sdd one quart contrery. OnJ;- open tbe .object lo main to (ho same water until It
11 Is c«pl

habit Is fonned. and lu continued ef­ of water. Naturally the Itoolepm must any group of woqiyn and listen ifftoelr
scorch from ltocnfi^^“
AX the voice of a blrdA-stnetag.”
fects are felt. The idea
slofU-s of tbe imie thing* that have
stepped on while this
Aad yet. tor the pity ofdri womeo
Halpfut Hints. .
hasty eaters Is to ggln time. They Is drying.
gone wrong. Prom a lew of them may­
;<•* or fuller * earth, the Juice of
rolhtoealy eneoarage a tnAc which
not aware of the serious* conse­
Ink spilled oa a carpet or rug causes be drawn up Ibe prime dulle* of a
or Ibree large onlozu. wd
threatens to bpalsh fm
soap. Wipe with a wet cloth after
quences tost follow. They may have dltmay to too heart of every house­ guest; punctuamy wd
J o;";i;e;;r^7lel toem”^
and leave t
, l.mstilag with a wrfl flo<w varnish. A
It are heed- wife, bnt generally milk wd
wlih all household arrangement, care
together till they form tola n friste. I
varal.h al long loPerchance an ef­ remove it. As much tall must be put of the hoRl * property.
last week tbe Bacxtrd pobHataed an
Then sprernl tbe mixture thickly over
In taany aeboola'Ia
fort was made Xo correct toe habit, but
wishes, wd even for their
artlela <* tba proteeUoa of birds and
irpet aa will keep the milk
the seorcbe.1 place and let H
autea. already a dav to
Iful of quicklime
found Xp ke quite Impossible. It is a from stoking Into It. Wben the spot prejudice*, and above all. good splrli*.
•aaa to Mtcblgan la wbteb refereBce
a of birds.
1-nle.s the scorching I*- so bad ............ ^
^1 and liolted
toe study and considers
The lK-*t return for hoeptiallty I* to
^ waa mad* tn the tows reo
Is well covered with the aaU. pour
have dv-stroyed the fabric, all mark*
, ^ ihlrimea. make*, wtx^
Why not
to Michigan? Children
drtaklag whisky
* only toe
toe milk, and repeat the process, using show that you enjoy l.t. Try to be will l,e founil to have vai.lshe.l when I
hardewed. a glue
tralnat^to be nature-lovers, to oboerve wd is shte to do tola Fbr this r
rf I4y^And
salt wd milk alternately until tbe spot pleascl wlih everyiblng. Try to Uke the linen ha* been washed i '
bird-way* and to naake Mends of them
which cw b<t used to the ordinary way,
sem the lesson should 1
everyone you meet.
Enter heartily
•baU.‘ WbOe tbaaa-tows
Ink (a removed. Then •
will hardly be willing to maturity
I bill which w III resist Are.
ehlldhuod and toca cooUoacd ibroogh place well with hot ammonia
Into all plan, made fur. your pb-asurc.
frimaHly f«r the berieflt of Uie taroeneoarege their destrecilou. Tbis'ls

Tbe brown dUculuraUoo may be
ere wboeb crops ye being destroyed
but do nut esrwel 'o b<- tmiertalnol sU
Chicago Tlmes-Heralil.
trivial cause; well may It eoHst
mlly removed from fniddiog dishes, '
Rrmady For leseets.
through the want
both hrert snd c
coatard cups wd the Uke by robl.hig '
Tobacco lo wy form U 'li<
emled by thchimdrvds. Both Bright'
For Bums.
birds, there Is sat
bood. Recent events tedlcate that un­
a flannel and.* lluie sand hoap.
disease and dlabetee are gt-aerBlIy
and teathen
serious bum. as soon as the
Pretty Ruga.
BuesUtm of waarlng
ceasing agnation I* the onlv nrice of
Ingrain car- water and eomellnu-N sn'ifl are used, powdered pumiee. i.r. If n'rf very dark,
cavised by tbis habit
cxllngnlsbed. th>- clothes must
which la *0
ns arttolm of adonis
making very Fumigating with mbareo -'.-ms Is the a little whiling will ai»-«cr.
fevers, wd bladder iroobles tovarlably
loved. If not already thorough
Inna T.
e utlllz-d i
biaantttBliy «t»ret>e^ by Mrs.
XXlieD toe bandb-s of steel krilvea be­
rug* lo l«- inH-d In beilrooms I “can* ino«l generelly . luployed In
follow. Coasttpallon and piles
ly wet. ftbe tojured part should b”
It Hotne Cheer
It in
wtjs toe result Paralysto. softenlag drenched whb water wd the cloiliw
ihe carpel* have been taken up i torge plant th.- neatest come loose iir Oitne off they cW bO
hoi summer months. Re.: wd mo« effleb-nr «»> for bouse plant* eaiilly mend. .I with resin. .Poor a
of tbe breto. aod even toswUy follok- cut away. Everything
MkhlgaA fo •mast women wd will
tie powdere.l^r.--Jii Into tbe bwdte of
getling ibem off wltbool pull­ ..............he dirt" and dust by iKailog and ;l» “• sprer *'>to »ai.-r In
1 by mwy to this ptri lewlng exeellent roles for making ice toU giW evil,
Ihe knife, ih-n h.»i toe'pari of tl"*
acylums are regular bog-eater*, never ing. as tbe sllghiesi dragging may washing and cut in strip* one aod one- '.solved a small smo.mof the state as ooe of tbe flneel speak­ cream and Ices:
(he bwdle u
lee Cream* and Water Ice* —Plral. stOK>tog to chfw tbe food and swal­ brtog the skin off. too. If patches of balf ftchre wide, lengthwlee of the make a go.>d-sml--of r
er* over **Bt om by the lUte ss leader
of these, soap
Applv with a hi I sprarcr. | it Is red b-.'. an.l Ihrost It q.ii.'kiy
•f the wtwan'e secilon of toe State place the ice In a*(kte'k bag wd ham­ lowing large luatps that cwnol
Ibe elotbing adhere and will not drop | rarpet.
alkiwa-I lo iniii iI:.- kuiuli.-. and wbi'D It In cisri the
ihres.l. remain I House pIsi.'k sh-ii.l
off. ibey must be allowed to remain.. strip.
Fennere' InstHates. Her plsa tor mer tlU all toe piqen are the slxe ofjgesled. or to the tol^rior part,
tofesieil w’lili mealy bug..
Tl).'} j band!-w ill to’f"»ud to be flroily flxod
w egg Put threeliovrls
Tho*e who feed mainly on cereals. Dip cloths in a thick solutiun of com- i m the mlddler»ew the strip* together [
'Wrda I* as fotlnw*;
d—iriiy.-.l by touching tbem' tn.
[Bil and add one bow| of coarae salt, meal. rice, wd starchy food*, find It so
waablag soda In water aod lay j and wind in lialls Ilk.- carpet rags,
and ao CO. mixing will} a long-hwdled easy to awallow them quickly that they
tbe buret surface, bandagtaa 1
,bem to a weaver who will best
Before ao andieoM of enHnred
. How to Keep Clean.

A few weeks ago. Mre. Barmb Rorei

aslontobed the women of Chicago by

JbvMri riv erfMW-* tMt

toe freeser iDio lu
■HO stood a speaker of Bne presence,
ptoadlng with netodloa voice tor bet­ backet srith the cover on Wd flU to
mee with the ice and salt, press­
ter eondlttaos for those of her sex who
are wageuaraere. Bat her appeal feO ing It down well. Let It stand to a
UCedees apsa mw of her hearers, tor cool place with a ^eec of carpet ever

It. Yet the Interior
a hardly help U
part of every grwule I* onloarbed by

lightly to keep them to place. As sooo
a this dressing

dlgestant fluids to the stomach wd
they become fermemaiive in the to(estlnre. as A consequence.

them up to the wtwviui^ leavlog a soft
vrlreiy knap
may Iw u.ed tor the center and
of conirnsilog colors for a border
b^. en-if.—Woman'. Farm Journal

This (er-

Orinnell Bro’thorSL

parched oa to*'front of her hat was a K till toe Inside Is very arid, wd then mematlos lo tbe Intestines preclplutc* toe phosphates and these pboslarg* green paroqtMt with halt-spread
Blackberry Ccrrtisl.
The Piaxxa Fleer.
gel to. wd pour In the cream, pbatoa become w Irritant all toroogb
bM only distnettog anention
Crush any quantitv at ripe iHrmesi
Unseed oil U the verr best flnish
Cram toe apetoer-s srords. tort suggest- which mam also be cold, or It wUi melt toe system, producing ooe or more nf
for Ibe plaza floor. One iboroiigh oli and strain off tbe Juk-c. To each pint
all toe ice at once. Paiontbet^wd the alwvc
lag dbtrest of her Judgment.
of a pound of loaf
a bear In after tog should keep (he boards in good
till It u Alt,
other quite a
How coaid a sane, levekbeaded. or
all sumjer Oil again to the sugar, and lo c\ery two quant of Juice
ilnutes. Draw off. days or years. The result Is always
reaQr Bad wwm to middle Hfacom-1 should be la flftee
to preserve
the ^boards add a quarter of an ounce of mace, allndt bsrneU to toe egtenaton ofXtoir the water from toe bucket, wipd off rertalB wd sore, aever otherwise.
Too much attention to this Impor­ through the wtou-r. Take a day when »pice. cinnamon and clove* Boll tjio**'
most craci and barbarotu <ff modern toe top akato. wd take oat toe daaber.
blowing; have tbe Ingredieuu to a thick syrup, and when
preaalag down toe cream wd aeraptog tant snbject cwoot b^ paid. Every
done add as-much French brwdy a*
from toe aldea. Pat cn tbe cover moothful ought 10 V diewed from piazza swept wd washed ciew,
'T^-ma.''lay* a writer In a leading

Pack-------- tweeiy to forty times. This t* done to
sqmc eolleges anil sebooU where toe
wlto tee and sail, but nse
art oall lo four psots lee. Wring rtodents are rightly Instruaed.
trimmed with aa owl or a Urd wboas
Any one wbo will bead tots adric*.
heavy cioto to toe salty .w
poor lime erlaSi are stretched bea^
will bare a toager wd banker life
Ooasldmd from w arUKlc that you drew away wd ebrer
llghlJy. atM pot toe carpet on lire, and wUI save a arolttinde
stoadpotot atoae. bird* do wot make
scsla and stand to a cool dark plaoe atAet. pales, aad fllseasea that wl!
Ull yoa need tbe cream. AH toe cream coose lo all Iboae wbo win not do ft.—
ChkBgo daily. *toar is no kind of
bat M


with a cork to the hole.

kldeoa qa one

is better far ■UBdiagitsrfltearB.

flfedtoal Tklk.

when perfi-cily dry rub into the bo
boiled llnsot-d oti. The next day apply
a second coat, rubbing it well. The

Tht rkM %mi OrgBB tmjmr GmM*
tou,. hwtory afMwhlcss'tftwBrawsis-H
BO BtB.suiid* ilUaaiwiinrMiilIy s< OMMNgU. BOOfl wta. Btwnt ... ■wwcht.lbpfV
too sorwM«r-a aasw (kx kat Mosl *•■
p.Mt!*w gnstwatas gf wtnsftctJue t* ev<W7
T pwrebsMrtsrerer twwuty £.•' r«sr«
To* win flwd tl VBriT RL-l H TU TOCB
kOVAVTAOE to BM nr outtawalcwto wMk
ulfyoawrw ««Umc(sUac to.s*«k—<rf*

fal for the dlaease* incident to sam-

floor will be greatly improved by rub­ mer—Bzchwgt.
It U Ho-ae Cheer's rule never to
bing with coarse woolen clotb* a few
days after toe oiling. Sweeping wd ^ve recipe* contalnlag wlnea or
w oceaslooal washing are al! that tiqnors. but w exception Is made to
laacb a floor reqolros throng toe snm- tots case, as tola U oae c( tbe best
blnisHHrid remefltoa ksowa to tb* ed|m«r.—Womw’B JonraaL

HleUSu-i UUtaS H«k Bno.. li* X Fr^l St

. ,
) 1

Parcs no 12

tm TWO

PUM Vt«R Wi-^irty V««.
HtB. P. Busdert ef OilcaBO. wbo
f... boM tMUbs frlesdo b Koitbpoit
tor • obort time U b Uie eltr todv
~wt-f on oU tileodi. Tbit It her
tnt eMt to Troreroe CII7 b fsttr
reon ted the Sodt U ■onerhel 4tfEeott U> beete tbe cmee bmllbr bod■arh* wtalcb esUted wboa TniTeree
CItr’t mib bMtaett tlreei eooubed
<m)r taor » dotea (tore* wd retldeaew. Mrt. Senadem will be remem' bered br ber oM-tlme tricndt ei Hrt.
Thdroa Bottviek. her flnt bubaad
bati« OOMV «•«* foHjrdJro n*"
•CO. Tber oeeapbd the old eosotr
bolldbc at tbe tine U «aa boraed aad
attenrard the clerk'd office waa b the
mtle boUdias oa Paik tlreet oenr aaod
ad a Uqr<to thop.
Wara ImHatiof Japa.
WIHbB Oremek, who baa aone
teob alored la tba warrtoeae cd Chat.
JeSrtea aear the O. R. A I. depot dUeoverad erideBoe of Sre bu Saturday
He nade aa t
aad eooM find aothbe thes. bat taebbldiac. pUeea wbera a Are had been
fcbdM oa the bare Seer aad la acreial ptaeea bad eatea bto tbe wood a
Two aaiaU boya were latpeetod aad
wara toaad la the aflcraooa ea (be
' bay ahote pUybe with Bro. They, at
Btb dealed the ebazee bat atierward
ooateued to the ktadUac ot the Brea.
Tbe Ud( ebln that they were pbylns
*-Port Anhttr' aad were bknrbf op
pUea of retM.
Tbe boya had Uaba o( ausar UU
between tba aappoaed tortlficplioaa
aad had baacaratod pUaa that nlxbt
h»r#ba| aerbaa reaolta.
Hald Up foe Highway.
Hta. W. Ooldea afO
kHd ap by a atnage man abaut two
nEba Iron the oily an the peabaob
road Friday awnitag. Wh« told that
^ had BO nooey the nan rataased
bis btrid cm the buggy wheel aad altowad her to proeeed.
Mrs. Ooldea was drivlad b this
Borwbg with Bra canes af trait She
waa drtrbg very atawly aad was tud, deajy abrtbd to see w maa atop froai
the haahaa at the aide o( the road
Bib grab the froot buggy wheel at
the mm» Uau «aHbg *wtop.* The
horse slowed down aad be grabbed the
wbeH agab aad agab ^Ud Mop. the
horaeFo^ to a ateadatm.
-I What aMney.* tab the naa.
n haveal a eent with me." aald Mrs.
Golden, "but wbaw I come bmb I will
have tfewty. as I am UUag this trait
At tWs the man released Ut
and aba whipped ap the bone aad
came on to the city where abe told
ber .story aad aa oSeer waa detailed
to aeeemmay ber back.
Tta maa aras dark aad awartby and
appaiwatly an Ibiiaa. He dWat Mer
to awbat Un. Golden even after bedag
ratweed muwey. He was appar


BtaadiagbeforaabaBkotfenuea a
white rag sad wader a whiu canopy.
Heaiy I>- Sntkop aad Miss rtnaees
Rlgglna wen -aarrled at high noon
Vedaesday of bat week. Her.
WrUley id Bik Rapids offiefa
The aobma aad Imi-orslve rtagoorc- m^iy was used. Tht eeremimy took
pbM at the home of tbejMdd-s graadpamu. Mr. And Mrs. A. M/Smith of
The bride wsb attired }t wbib allk
chlffin and CArrbd brideii roses. Tbe
brldsamild was Miss Mts^ Miner of
rraoktort sad abe was ^lued la
' white onmadb aad eanb(_a bouaoet
«( white ^nattou with asparagus
leraa. The beat man was A. Andrew
Withop ft Cadinae. a brothto of the
graom. Min Cbra VUih
ring bearer. Bbe was clad b white
allk and the rtag was kUdea la
pobb at a white rose. BabeBsieb't
melody te F was the wedding march.
- batagpbrad

bappr eoupb will make tbeir borne la
Boon i. City opera boote block.
Last week, two abdwert were glrea
for the bride. Os Wedaesday ctcblac a niteellaaeons tfaower wai kItcti
at the hone of Wits Blaacbc llatkcll.
color tcheme waa yellow asd
aad cake were aerred. Oe Prldiy
erealnc a china tbower was Rlren
hoaie of Hi«. Warrea Saisbury.
wahneala o( cake aad coBcc were
Fine Bam Burned.
Dnrinir the aerere eloclrreal alorai
Suaday olsht the flae largo bans oo the
fam of John C. Welaaat Ketwlck
attack by llgblnbg aad totally
ftroyed. ScromI valuable boraea were
aared from the building, but twooLy
irtga and aa old hog were cre­
mated. Dealdca varloua tools and
there were alitceo aerea of wheal and
several badi of oau la the bam. be­
sides varbuB. articles of ralae which
could aet be saved, altbongb the blase
was fought hard by the tanlly
This bani was one of Oic Baest b
Lcebaau county mad was built only
rear. The'foul baa. whUe not
yet deBaltely annouaeod. vrlll doabtetch M.OOQ. inanraaec was car­
ried In tbe Fkmera- XuMal for tl.SOO.
Cow Ala Mousy.
Ike Aastte, the south side bulcbir.
I bamoming 1 be loss of a roll of bills
amobDllai io 170.
Ssiurday morn log Mr. Ausila drove
) bis elanghler boase south of
Me hadrbls'lcsUier pockclbook
Catalag the money la hU pocket aad le
Jnmplag from the wagoo H fell to the
grand. A cow, Aleb was bring fatleaed. stood arar by and when tbe wal­
let etneck tbe gyouad Misiroas Cow
made one swoop with her longue;
wag of her laws aad away went tbe
pocketbook ABd tbe
Tho eriUer was boL ready to kill bul
waa "up 10 AnsUa." so opcrallons
bogao and la a toartjlme the brute
lay at his foec properly slaughtered.
Nest frilowed thelsoarcb for the misstag anlrie "—
gallet, not
not there; tbn thraiiA all the other
three slomseba. Ndl In any of them.
TbcA i«rk Bgaiu anil the anxious
searcher waa rewarded by fladlag
piece of lorn 'tel leather. It w;
aBriouily unfolded but not a visa of
even tca-eeat pleeo could be found. On
farther iBTostlgathm, bowerer. 1
wad of ditty loekbg materUI
tbe rise of a golf toll was hauled forth.
This, wbeo washed o«. was found
be the money, partially dlgcpt<< but
how much there Is Is a rajulcpr' Tho
wad It packed so UfAn^at'll
be a^arated wltbootToirlni; of entUag
and as the whole amouat was In SI. It
and IS bills they are packed very closoAbout six figure ones cl
tiagulsbod. Mr. Austta will
■wad" to the treasury d<*artmeill^l
Ws^tegloe and have it dissected.

Boy Seriously Injursd.
Grawn. Mieh.. Aag. 17.—A week sgo
Balurday. Julias, ton of Stephen Starback, disappeared from hit home bese.
Yesterday bis tslber recrived a messiatlBg that tbe boy bad been
fatally injured at Burllngtoe. Iowa.
The message asked what disposition
should be made of the body. Tbe
father sUned at once for Durlingtoc.
bavlag received another message, stat­
ing that the boy was stm sltve.
r srttne tlaic young Surbuek has
had a desire to sec the wt-*t. Bserything pertaining to the vnrst appealed
him and be told a number ef tbe
Ighbortood boys' that he Intended
go to Iowa. He also broached the sub­
ject to hU pareoix bul they vigorously
opposed ibc Idea and thought that be
had given It up.
A week ago Saturday he went to tbe
lore of Jotin Ilruckcn and bad a eertincatc of deposit cashed. He
been rsMog potatoes and bad been
nvlng the mouey 'and nothing was
thought of It wheb ho wanled xbc ecrIIBeaie cashed. He look the t>orc MarQuetto train from Grawa.
I father learned that he had left
aad tried to head him off at Ludlagli
oas unsuccessful. Nothing ^re
was beard of him until the telegram
^Uthough only 17 years of age. the
boy was over alx feet tall. How much
>• he had is not known but It Is
thought thst he was beating hIs way.
Grawn. Hkh.. Aug. 19.—Mrs. Julias
Slarbuck has received a letter from
Mynie Thompson, who Is nursing Mrs.
Starbuck's eon. Julius, who
Jared at B<t11b. Iowa. The letter,
which was dated Aug. 1C. Is as fol­
"My Dear Mrs. Starbuck-I sm
nurse employed by (be county doctors
to tske rare of ynnr bo^. Ho was
Tuesday manlng ahoot g:3l>. hit by s
plank that made a araffnid on a bridge
re putting in a new
riding (in tbe steps of
the ycry back coach and this plank
stuck out in such a way as to striki
him. tft'hen he was firsi hurt the dor. |
did not have any hopes of him a<
But be rested pretty wck la<t
snfortable all
But the burl
Sni they thought his
pretty badly bnl the
• ••
blood that be raise* Is very dar
IhatahosMlttea'l bleeding fresh
tbe lungs or It wonld bo bricbi
Now I will write (*eh day.and tv
dhy If there Is any change'! He said
tell his mnthtT a
home he win coming and sUy
tbe rest of bis life."

■y I dfosyurg, Aug. n and so. The reatral
known of Mr. McLaeh4a tloB of the brass and Irta foundry
U 1 Iboui^t ri
o the prugren Is “tnereased
that he was always to be depended which will bh operated by E J. aad U
npoo at all times aad a Trioahle eaea H. T. Coots of this aty ander the ’ Power,
la aa entergeary. He was 43 years tt' firm name of Cooke Brotbcra.
age. A widow and tme child snrrlTe: Tbe bulldlag will be UxIU feet and j i:Sik—Pri-paratloo service, condaetS pan of It (WO stories high. Tbe firm
py tier. Hugh KvOBedy. Traverse
Hr. McLarhlsa mot hli death at U laieadt to manafaeture. as Ihrir prin- i city.
o'clock on top of a foriy-Bve foot prie. Clple product, machlaes for maklag | ::ao—Greetings. Mr. A. H. Wllinbee.
. lespoasox by towBahip
holding the wires of the Eloardmio
River ESoetrie Light aad Power com­ their -machlBcs. does not have to b-i; prasWeBis. 1:30—-The Potnre-Our Kco
pany and Are department wires at tbe covered with Uth but bolds (be plasier
corner of Fourteenth and Unlou Itself.' Machlnea for maklBg cement IIuw to Meet Them." Mrs. d. U Glbl<s
fence poets trill also be constructed. Mayfield.
m»cnssion led by Mr. W. G. Tomp­
He. In company artlb Will Snusban. The firm intend to aiake all sorts of
went there to repair the wlrcsTor box smsll ‘iron articles, such as hinges, kins. Old Mission; Mr. Ftaak Bherlg.
hicks, etc- The power will bf steam S'rasen City; Hr. Henry Sackctl.
57. whirii had beeo out ri
week. He had been in good spirits
3 :b<t—"Rercrenee tn the Sunday
all the morning and when about to They expect to'begin operations aboai
School." Mr. J. H L>t>n. Wllllamsclimb the pole which be was te leave Jsn. 1, 190C.
In a few momests later lifeless en­
C. E. Will OedleaU.
>c<issl(iB led by Mrs! M. Duan.
tered the meat market of peter Sny­
Sunday evening at ":3u itie C. R Kiacslcy: Mrs. M. Ktncb, Fife lAkc'
der. ate a small piece of bologna sautage aad ilrink a glase of water. \t"beD society of the CongregatlgASf churcu
leaving the market be said. "I'm going
to qnlt tbis pirtly soon. I never could
TUMfcAT gvnmro
7;3n—Song aervloe. etwdneied I
climb a poh?." and when passing down ,
is not tfkely that all Can be ev. R. N. liulsapic. Traverse City.
the side of the raad plckW aevciAi;*"** "
I*rayer. O. J. Renson, Maplrioa.
rourdeaved riovers. also tme of five present those who art- absent will scad
S:0O~Adilress. Rev. Hugh Kennedy.
leaves. aaylDg "Tfaat moaas bad luek."- messages which wlTlv,bc read.
The society was ocgaaixcd FM>. C. Traverse City.
Last week the B. tL B. L. Co. began
placing new wires at the point where 1887 with the following chancr mem­
fi;3(t_Cniir,Tence af cooniy
(be system was out of commission and
J. W. Hllllkcn. Frank HamUinn. W. township nfllecrs. led by C. H, K
In coDseqnrhce the fire deparlmcat
Confcrttiee of primary workera, led
system was thrown out of order V
box 27. This mnmlBg Chief Muhay Puddefoot, Frank Osborn. Mamie Ipy Mra. J.- W, Mllllkeo.
9:30—Oevoiloaal aerricea. lad
McUeblan and WlHlam Kneoland. Annie Llnemeycr. C T.
ere to repair (he tiox. aad Grawn. C. G. nates. Fanny Holds- Rev. A. O, Hammood. OH Mlsalon.
10 ;00 Roll call of setwoia by towawhile this work was being dond wonh. G. S Octdir. M. II. Holley. Will
Morse. Alloc Crawford. W. G. Pnddethat the fatal accident occurred,
Rcporia (If »ffie<ws and commiUMa.
Ira Blood, who lives on tbe comer f<»t. Hahri Rates. J. W. Hilton. Ruth
ElerlloB of OBIrers.
where Mr. Md-Khlan was working,
AppointmcBi of dele^ra aad other
went into the moat market Just as be Ray Steele and Carrie Steward.
or this number M. R Holley Is the business.
began to ascend the pole: when he
10;30-Tbo Program—R-hal to Put
came out he stood on the walk a mo- only one In active work In the C. E.
racfit. Suddenly he hcot(J some one ulthls city. At the time of Its nrganl- In and What to Leave On’—Tbc-l'alu
yell •■Oh’' and. looking up. saw t>un- aailon thew were 2.000 socu-Ugs «* Ih" dl Variety. " Rev. L. B. lUssolI.
Dlscuaskm led by Harriana Spec'
can astride of the top arm leaning
Summit City; Robert JIaracy. Oarlark In a very unnatural attitude. Mr. W,(MXI
toul ■membership of d.OOO.tWO. flild.
Blood thought that be bad received x
Among Ac upllfling thl^ which
slight shock and started across the
--Redaiinn of'tbo Homo
Btreet saying, "ntai's the mathrr. this society rasdo prominent In its sehool." Mrs. C. II. Oyr. Moaroo Ceawork was the riibtributlon of hotel letrailed 0 Snusball. who a
the aoeoad pole to the west, for asslslanec. Sonsfaall half cllbod. half
slid frma the pole and ran to the oppo­
site corner of the street from where and during the craze for wherding the
MelAritlan was. climbed another pole organization of a bicycle clnb which
and cut off the eurrcnl by a twiteo featured early morning rides along
the bay shore paths, when praise and
lately installed.
The shnlUng off of tbe eliv trlelty prayer brought strength to the sool.
to veaktBg of ihi- wondcrfnl work
Icfi the tioii limp a*d H fell back
across the topmost wlroa. Mr. &ydcr <jf the abricty^Mr. Iloii. y says:
was In his toarkel lelophonlng for as remember it as dblinclly aa thoocU
had been this aflemoOB. that
sistanee and. being unable to meb
tbe cngtno house.'sent (be awful mev- smalt nnmlier came together la the
sage to Arms p Colo, who sent word to church tmrlors. We hardly knew what
the firemen. James Raker got bis we had come for. except this—that
team Into the bareeas and ran ihem^younR peoples wwlety of
be formed.
e of the 1i
movement was
.s ^
with the Ihougbt that water would lie t "The End.
line of hose was Iri.i \ "uly
1 socMies in ail the I-ntted
and all that eoulrt be done wa* done to "hb
Slates. It had not even ijono •
restore McLschlan to' life.
After Snushail cut off tho elreiit he the oecan lo any foreign shore,
nished back to the fateful rpot and were ready for some nrganizatlnn that
with the astdslance df Julias Paige. would bring us together and allow
who had arrived In the meantime, at­ to do Btore for our M^ler than we had
tempted to lower the limp form which been doing, so with so^llttle fear
a f(Xr moments liefure bad Ix.'cn so full galbrrrd.-not forgetting to aak guid­
of life and vigor. A life bell was ance on what we were ai>uut to do. The
►trapped bmtralh his arms nad drawn ; tueetlng wa* railed umether by J
as right as possible a mpe alterbeJ I Milllken and wa* opened with prayer
and the line paid out a short distance. ] *»« *i»R'nR*PBut the apparcnllv lif.-lra. Is>dy aa.- pointed sccrea'ry of the m.*>ting. Since
n umn that II «ilnne.i throuffh -hc'thcn the following ome-rv have pre-

Waraheuse at Nerthpert.
W. R. Roach of Han of the Roach £
Co. seed ladustry of H>'ri. Mich., and
ChllUcolhe, Ohio, has relumes] from a
Leelanau county In the Interbis firm. Twelve hundred
aeres arc now in the hands of the har­
vesters and the seed peas are about all
In and ready for threshing. The yield
this year has-ranged from 18 tn 32
toihrit to the acre. In former yparx
It was simply a grovrtng industry aad
the raw material wasrahlpped away
as thnubed. but this year the new
meot atorage bonse of II. E. CIU
Northport has been rented and
pcot and beans will be pMln and band
Tvratoy Days for One OelUr.
picked before shipment, which 'irill
George Casey, a lUtlo wpaxened <
UD between 6* and tt y^sirs old. <bas gin Sept.
given » days In )aU Thuraday
presdatlag a traadolent order to Juba
Homrlch. thfe Wexford salooak
K7—First half.
pT II sad redelTlng that amount
' T. <;rawn.
Casey, according lodils owa story,

1 •
l».f.s—FTrat \.«l
half. Ci-rB- 15. .Rcedlc:
has BO home, no relatives and from
Pelaencd by Spider.
i luilaBcc bore the body
half. George S. B.-v-Ilefarts broeght out at his bearing
Fritz Carter, who has bov-n In ■
Justice Amll Kerllager's court, bo cago and Grand Rapids during
The cltv fire alarm cyfiem wires nm ond b»lf, M. R. Itoll.-y
frieods. He works wberever be can summer n rurned Mondny tilgbl. Is
B emau arm* which arc set im the i im-’-Flrsi half. Mai* I Bates; *ectnytbiBg to do aad bas a foadaess III from the poliuinous effccu 0
for red liquor aUhough be doesn't get spider whirdi walked over bis 1
top of the pole. I. I* probable .hat In ,
bsif« ■'
drunk very rrfien. m he arid. He was leaving a poisonous track at c'
reaching lot this wire he touchtvl on.-, WI-First half. PL.renee ShulU*Of .be prtmar/ light wdree* on the second Saif J-nnlc And-rson.
arrested once tieforc In his life, the step. LAst week while lying on
lower arms of the pole with bU leg. reIk'-'I-F'T*- h«». M.1..-I Rate.: «:csc bdug druakoDoeas. He worked ground at Gr^I Rapids; an Immi
for John IMmkard elrvco day* and It yellow spider Jumped no his arm 1
eelvlnga .hock mhleh threw him back . "od
upon .he larger wire* and 2.&00 volts ^ IS'-'S-Firri half -Skra T Chase: to
waa hi* name that he wrote on the the elbow and ran down to his w
order*. There were two of these and Mr. Carter hni»h(>d Jilm off and In j of
bis body
E»'f—First ha:'. Prof C H. Horn
both called ter II la trade and auicd i doing so he evidently, rmashed hi: | fur nearly five minutes.
ihe calf of i second half. Prof. C H.
that Dunkard would aec that Homrlch ; poisonous body on bis flesh for his atm i There is a deep burn
leg and another oa .he upper' 1»:.-Pirv half. E. H U.vdcr; t;
i Imraedteicly began to *w(?lfra* though the
.he Ich arm. where contar. ond half. E H. Rydef^
Tbe proscculloB today was based on |
poison. ' Ho (wnsulted a physi i>an
1th the wire was made.
: IStel-FlrM half, &.-II- JJowalng,
the order dated Aug 14. Casey read-: ^aa and for four hour* every effort witl
Mr*. McLacblan. who had .he mid-: second half- fnio MeClu-key.
llyploadod guMiy saying that 41 was
counicraci the d(ssd!y
use to deny the rharge af "it wa* bad,
_ Insect, but IfUle wa* ac-' dav meal prepanvl wondered at bti! 1*97—Flrr. half tsabrl iiamttuad:

■“ Vl'pr' r.r«“

; Hotel Chaitgad Haada.
laterlorbni. Mleb. Aug. 17.—J. C.
Tclcpaugb has rwraally pnrebaaad tha
hotel formerly run by Frank Hardy.
1 a' Brit-alaM
He te aa experteaeed hotel teaa aaJ
promise* to give the travellBg paMIe
unex(Wiled aerrfoe as good as any ,
small toWa la aoither* Ni^lfHi «aa

No Traoe 4>f DImmo



(•■Bt U*.

**nM ftwt ChI Tv CvMb M

28 Hodgas BullOIng. Dwtrett. Mlohlgan.
Grain, Provisions, Stocksand Bonds

aerred ta tha dtelag raom whiefc was
to falaa aad white, aa ardi la thoac
ealan beteg • aatocndod al
taUe. The Ubta Was trimmed in (eras ever. to«t "1 never would have done 11, ,^4 became gtratlv ►wulloi. an.! Urge house. 1....' could find out norhlng
and white earaatloas while the ^aee only 1 was under the Inflacncc ol
,jBark(rf every point of .he firemen were then in ignorteicc o^ood half. Clara L Carr.
Vnder .he ad Ihe death of their comrade. The rad
U99-fnr.. half. Geo E. Hoyt;
- 'cards were blue and white hehrU wHh Uqwor. r wanted more whisky." Tbe
the tewa iBKribed U tho hearts. The (diargo oa whk* he wa* tried was ob-j
phyakUn Mr Carter left hU-fnew* was broken 10 b<T by Chief of «d h*:f. Geo e. Hoyt
ag money under fateo pretense*
ovcnlns i Pollec fshttm.
K-rf.-r;r.. half. E. H. Ryder:
TlaiUU served were:
aad be was glvca a light Beateaec 00 — ...V
j, Coroner
Hutdswor-h w«.. .ummonvi ‘»n<l half. E H Ryder.
...* rti*,|,ied
rtlsaliled member.
......... .............
____________ __
land an laqucf. «f held at th-?
l'A.|-Flr». half. B. II R.vdcr; w
eoadltion (hat he leave tho Grand
Oimean MeLsehlan Electrocuted.
Anderson undcnakitig e*tabl.*hineni "nd half. Isalu-l Hammond.
Fouto salad.
Baked Beans. Traverse region as toon as he potjjui.
He rradUy pramteed to do so and as a
DuBcaa MrLaehlati, one of th- tnoM »t 1 3ft, The jury n-edered a verdict i !»:—Fir*' half. Huih Romsey; »
V4ei avMttr'ritnr to his ond half. Ruth Riitn'cy.
lea Tea.^ ‘
Laramtede. taalier of preranttoa (he secoad order iroputer (employe* of the Traven-c Cl'y ,1...
Ih^d over bla head as a wanileg te fire deparimeai,-me. Incrant death ac*th by a shock of electrieUy rerel.erP' 1WI2—First half. Olfvta'Waters: a
to orw tad cake.
keep emt of Wexftod where be
l| while at work o the alarm systnn at arcldnaialU- The Jnroni were lx-'1 .ocd haM. OllTcr WaiecsFTtIt.
___ __
The out of town gueau were Mr. aad ■wasted.
-I cu (nra arond and walk oat av; ten had
c employ'Bf the dc: -nx^ 0 ShUtmn. John Caaipbell and *«»ad half. Jenni- HoH»«t(W.
Mra. J. A. MlUtop o( Cadlllae. Ml
.: parjmenl fi»r more than seven years.
IM'l—First half. Grace Lucas:
MlBBle Miller at Fraakfoit. Lnnra Higerngtoc house Uu» afwraoon te <»<1 t*lf Grace Loea*.
ftet of Mantetee aad Mra. SheMoa of "I dog-t want to go to Jackatte or De-1 *evtV fsHhfollj a* driver .raiil two
trtrit hacBBae I am gettiog wwQ along; years ago when be vrasataxloned la the.
in mourning.
—------------------The bride H a popular Traverse' ta ywara aad I Bjiht die there."' j^sfcnglne hoate In charge (d the alarm'
----------------------; County Punday School Co*vvKrt
GMy yauag lady
tha graom te em-1 he conM be proaermed tor fotgerr. h system. He was a faithful employe.
Now Feandry Sttriad.
Tbe followiag te the practam of tec
ptoyad as tetoraiffi opmator at the. wiu'be wdl tor him to remember aaj deaerr^y popalar aad one
Gratsad was broken Maadv U (he rightnrath aaaaal ___ , Sunday
q.B.EL4aFal. Durtog^hte atAT to j koop W* promise.
|bo« fire: flcb'cra la the. ■pepan-j weal cad of Wayae atrret tor the eree-i lehool coavewtlon. > be held at Og-j

i*.-- ™

l:5B—Quiet boar, led by J. a BaiPey. ^mverve City.
;:uo—-The Nation la the Cradle,"
Mrs J W

ntseusslia led by MraTtffi^Vnteon.
’inverse City: Mr*. A. O- Hammoad.
Old Mlsskw.
3:IHkT-"Tbe Army of tbe Faiare.''
ARer 4>ili*tn»nit—Wbatr' J. W.
Gnvn, Bate*.
Ueneral dlteosslna.
4 TOO—Adjournmrei.
Tbe reerpiloB commHlec coarista o(
Jdr G««. JamlraoB. Old Mteriae; Mra.
A. M. Wiliohec. Old MIsalOB.
The comaaixce will meet (be 10
u'cloek beat from Bk Rapids at OH
Mission, the Id orlork boa« from
Traverse City at Ne-ah-ta-waata and
tbe 12 n'rlork boat from Traverse
City at Kewerv Harbor.
Thcase Intendlag to come by . boat
please txuify Mr. Willobec oa which
isHU to expect them.
T>tpa wUI also be made from Trav­
erse Oty by tbe aato bnaeea tt the
Traverse Oty Traciloo rompaay for
73 cents for (he round trip.
A large attuadance Is earheatly 4asired by Ibc ealertalners.
enirnalBmeat srilt be faralahed free
to all delegates and Soadar acheoi
The music of the roBveottaa win be
In charge of Rrv. R. N.- Holsaple ot
Traverse City. Bflag peaueoaul .

Bought. Sold andCamad an Marglna far Futura Dativrary.
cam. Jtoa U Hwper A Ca.. BmAcn. tWrall
L*«g DWtom Ftoat Ml TN .
nstirpaavcd. We pwy all mca
! td rtorge, on appttcatioa.

Y«u liaot Wanttd-

Jl lyatnmock
bul ntij'lcctcd 10 Kci if Well,
then here is your chance to get
any one in our stock at

Ont’Towtb Off Regular Price
They are all brand iij:w this sea­
son. too. and arc as good as cad
be made.

City Book Store
cw fifSxv Cf„ Avr*.

owMttt atr, mitt-



e o( thla 1 *■* Hecald lafetawe
Sand <wMd »«ipU. M Mac tl»
«UtcilHn. lM4«p-adaat. tlwc«lp«»
I. BH onir tbe weak. M Ui. sUl of
a ft WaK. who far thlrtr^hree jmn
ha* aerr«d tht aSareh la Ihc capaeUr

Md win doehtlcBi pr^t a «a« diiptar of the tndt IM bai aiade Hkkl- the strata rediltaat tro* the Snrear
aaa tasoa*.*’ Tha»e who hare aot ei- ■uperatkd, be* tanad ocer the rebtbKed heMetetp are argad to t>^ VDtv'to Crows Prfsee OastaTe. and
wiU retire to a nmU lataBd ta the Kltplaailac DDW. BcBdtothwaa
for a piwMlDB net. Ux* U
Make op roartotad what roe caa chow
A ToBdihta Stery
beat. Get thla tnUt la the Grmad Rap­ le the earlBg
fmta-dMth of the belt}
id! Cold 8«»B«e coBipaar. ihe aordetr ■Iri of Geo. A. Eylcr. CnhtaCTlaBd. Mdwin par the etorace eharae. ta ether He writes: *At Iho ago of fT>»oolbs.
vofds. do 70CT be« to pet ap Ihe bed oar little girl wa* In deennioe health,
POB toa. Nercr aiiad whether roe prt with BOTtoo* throat trouble, and two ^
a preaaom oi- aoc It wHI do yoo goal
poor fndt with that of try ta-. Klnr s Sew reseoverp for C«i
otbwi. Toe wOl eajep the fair Borr suBptioD. Cough* aad Ctolds. Tbe fird
bottle g*Te relief: *ner Inktns four
H poo hare asp fralt poo waat to koo; boilles she wa* cored, and Is now in
of brine tt with poo. As perfed bcaltb.” Kerer fall* to relles^feet sake Pour rt*f and cere a cough or cold At J<*n
aon-i TYng
Pmg Store'.
Store. P.
P. H.
H. MeaiU
M«d» and S
wad exhlUt an edomtlo!. b-Wb for!I ■«>*>'»
...............Sons- drug doree: W
pourecif and otb<
itilced. Trial bntil.Martla. aapertamdeot hortlcultaml!
Monroe dreet. Grand
Card of Tbanlc*.
Baiddf. Mich., that pou intend to cc.. .............. .....................
hibli whal pow lutend to exhibit, ami j Bates wish to thank tb<- kind fri<-Bil<
... -anp tatanaao^ pou -3^
retaUve to p-wr dUplap.
moih^c. Mrs- HHeit iT
U ii hoped to hare laslruetfBo tal
---------------------grading and nacklng apples, and pew- {
peculiar Oisappcarai
dUlp lafomial talks bp esperls froBi j j. p*. Ronpsn. of niiilervllle, O.. I»U
ibe AgrlcuUHcal collcac for an hour : the pecallar dlMppcaranr.-of hi-i<a.o-

Froo Thandajr^ Baeord.
Prof, aad «r». C. T. Qtawa of lltP1aa»nt. who hara beea alalUBf Mr.
aad Hn. 3. W. MUUkdi aad Hr. asd
J. A. maitacao. w«t .to Ldaad
todar. Prof. Qrawn wUl erect a «tacB thai« tbif nmaer. LaM
tag Hr. and Hra. Oraw* aad Mr. a^
Mip. Hootagoe took topper at tbe
Ldthrop eouage.
H. C. Bart o< Qraara apest peeUr
dap ta tbe clip a* a gaoct at Hotel
ft W. CUik od OraWB tiaiu
aataeae ta thli ««r pederdap.
W. B. Hobbe of wnI|a™bBtg
Trareree dtp rtaltar paeterdap.
W. C. SUW «f OrawB wa» ta tbe
dtp pederdap.
la 0nad.lta«lda;TI»»*<AT >■ ^ Pudge Mapne of Charleeota paMd
M0O07 «d thlicHr waa dcawa oa U« Ihroagb the dtp todap oa hi* wap to these If tbop will help pou. Wth Ibe-j „Vmp*: - Thct ar.' a perfect retaodp
•uanUlp aad analltp of onr fruit tbi- | f„ dltdnewe. «nir -twttaeh. headache,
cnad >OT aad W. ft Hai^ «• the Northport. where be wUl apeak a
the d1*plap in hortk-ullnrel hall I cwosilntUon. .Hr. ‘ Guaranteed at J.din^ TicTerae JarrIpdlaa camp aeedlag.
Id b« a record breaker and pon
fc &.M- diig tlotea, price Sic.
C. L. Tradbiill of OM HUdoB
sbonld help to make II so wbether pour
C V. Slater bai rouiiaad tiM BIX ta tbe dtp pederdap.
ilhlt be ibge or small.\
BdptdA where he hai beea ta aiiarce
Hre. ioha OtaKB And ber
a( /. W. BUier hoaae hoalahla*
RcBsitb, left (hie norstag for Port
U 3. Weber. Secretary.
darteg J. H. H*bH»W. ahaeaw
Oadda to rUll ihdr MoBdi aad retatHy t» Qraaa Bajtda.
Many Find Positiena
At the Meat eMhtoaUoa at Or«id
Ileorp L^oedlng, ronnorly bookkc-i-T
Bnr*f- tat fUU eohalBen' eertiS- who waa aergeaiu at armi during
catai. tUrU-aH oat«( a elasa of alxtr lad aeaalM of the *U(e legislature. U and stenographer tor the Elk Rapid*
has a poslCefoent
-paaaed. Amk ibem was Hcrrer H. in the dip'todap.
a month with the C.. U- A
Hie* Honie Qatnlal of Kelamedm tloB at
iMiiaw af nawae CItf.
,and HUe OotUe Rogm of CMsego Uc Q. luAwap company at Unroltr. Neb.
till- bouse is apt lo i»- stobn
J. M. Hihtoaw, matocer at J. W. guaets of Hr*. 3. af.Haueo.
; Will NSkh ba* taken tbr ptwilion
or sikuilS-iviiiuta bank
BJat^ hoaae fqiaUhlii* atore at Bk
D. p. Wpedtoop relumed todap tma with ibe c«
acconnt provonls lit.' one anil
aho tel been aUeodlai Pro- diort bnslnes* trip U> Klogslep.
bp Mr. Inedlog'e realgullun. at a pood
iliscinnijfi-s tin- otlier. Blue
hau wort at Grand Sajdda. pataad
■alarp. This makes twcntp-clsht ■-tr
Savinfe-B Iwsit isstutl iin.i will
thi«a« the dtp OB hi* wap bach to mm.Friday-* Record.
placed In paying |>o*i(jons bp
safe to take
loan you a snmll
Mii. 3. H. Slcrenson and daagfalcr. Messrs. Martlodlll and Rose, iiroprl.-.
ktvp your s.-ivioir!
iiooH-. to k(
Mis* Beam, of Kratoo. Ohio, arc tors of Ihe Traverse Clip I«iislni-*» cloIt >.-ost. Tltrt'e per
. mile home grown peachea haws gueeta of L. L.. SUwenion.
,'in>f8 aecttiint
ciwl v
haiG OB Ihe Btarket for eereral dap*, ^ Hebert era* a momlng paaaen- Icge, Bloce June 1.
tt liejatsit it
the Srat lerge oBee were hrooght to ger for Foned to look after bis bolel
Oe Herald thlc week bp F. U. JeweU interaU.
* at Maple Gtoea froH far*. Tbe «r<*
ft A, WlAcra aad eousta. O. B. Pnl> thto pear praailaes to bo an exeepUae- Urn of Toledo. O.. left this morning for
' aOp good (*e iB ererp raapect.
aeeeraJ day*' *»p ta Cedar and Bast

dftuWoB thte iwek 2.750


erasers* EIW Stale



TTaed Mr*. aniHe* CHIP win BOOB
HU* UU Peel of putt pMsed
tfib~a~r tbelr goM«B wedding. Tbe throng the dtp today oo ber way to
date id .tbte bappiP toalrerearp Cell* Grand Rapid*, where she U emidoyed.
OB Wdap. Aog. » and It i» ihalr InHarry Parker acrlTad last ereslat
to iarlte a womber of gneau from 8c LeaU, Mo., for a two week*'
. crbowUaleo'bepreaeatatdlBBeraod
Uon at the home at hU mother.
c receptloB la Ibe pnemooB.
Mrs. W. 3. Parkfl-.
Hlea Ida^Uacr rtMunod peaterday
Tbe trat boebeaa applef of the bobftOorHaple City, where she wa
•PB wyn raoeiTed oa the loi»l *ar- gueet of Hr*. JoBepta Rntiier for a few
' MMdtoi^iBS-'ThefntUbraasb:
- (^fUHodlAtabarrH. Theerwp.
: ^Htboi^ der^optag ta good ehape. trUHtag the family of C ft Palret
^ apt be a* exteeBlre as wai Aiat OM Htaataa. reiamod to her home lo
pepM^. The prtaee and taaikel CadUtac thU BOOB.
yn«lae to be good.
Mr*, ft B. Carpeot^ aad non.
bare bM rlsIUng at the home of A.
^mMlag of Mte* Maitoa Steraoe Rob­ a. Arm* and Ocoe Scofield, roluniod
ots and Ftoak
Balek of Chicago, tU* BOOB to their bone ta Howard
no eotomp ^ take place at
wUeoto of .MaeRoborW pareBU
. yadge and Mtc. IMn BoberK «« Prpm MoBday’* Raceri '
patar Warsbor^ wTlforttvDR fWaaktagtoa atredt. cb Weda—*—
rlTod thU morwWg tor a day* builne**
avdttag. Aag. M.
U WUk the taU
Mrs. 8WBBM
(aaiOy of MaataB.
u>« hay fovarmtf who hare beea at Northport, arrtvcj
toathenrBsteA IsBg girisg at CMtaai ta the idty thU montag for a ahort
patM Isto th* dly at 7 p. ta- Than- stay with her mother. Mr*. Ota
^ to tba P- H. Tb« uata dae at BlaiAea.
10:tS p. at. had two axua coaeba la
MU* Wtalfred Oagmn of Northport
taw aad arrived at U:M. The trata arrirad In the dly thi* mornlag oo a
tN* Obta Priuy BodB bad to
rUlt with mead* nd relatlTea.
HU* Map B. Sh^of drawn, spent
all last week with Mr*. Wm. F. Wucu*ehcr of 4I0 Ba*l Front ttrecL '
Ideal «* Ihta dty, but far *«v*cal yaart
Joaepb Sledor .worn fo Klhgalep on
ta the weaten atMea. haa returaed baataca* tbI* morning.
baiwfoJocBtapexW&aUy. Mr. Hob
MU* Lula Saxton weal to Mapletd
-ttagawpeth haa <vMed aa offica ta the ite morning. '
nartlfiwaiil haUdtag; Sit Ba«t Pnmi
Htliou Karr of Grawn wa* I
atiwet. wMto'ha
coadaet an .
dip todap tooldug after budneas tafoayataBt banaa i^^ bustacaa
N. 'C Bon cTOrawm U In town oa
The aiacBtWe boaN of Ihe devcaih tstaeaa todap.
■ 7t



dUtrlet Michigan Chriitlan Badeaver
Fnilt for ttw Fair.
atida met Friday Bight aad made pUn*
Oraad Rapid*. Midi.. Aug. IS. 1»0S.
The West Michigan Stale fair
whhdi wiU be heU at-Alba. Btot- -U
aM tS. It U the tateaUto to bare the tome' at hand. Sept. IS to tz will soe
heal coavnUoB that has evar baca bp here. Thote who hate exhibited
heM aad there will be a aamber of fruit In pact year* are alr^p at woi^
apaclal foataraa.
Thoma* H. Ham* aad MU* Etta
AIM* Bodl. both from two miles south
.«< tba dty w
ABg. l*th. at 4 o’clock by Rev. Hugh
Kctoedy at hU borne. Tbe bride wa*
afaltodta while aiJk and wa. a«o»pmatad hr her tUter. Mis* Blta Buell
aad tab groom wa* atUBded bt Cal,
RagaoB. Thar ten w a two weto*woddtag trip after which they wOl be
at hems to their Meed*.
. Mr. aad Mrm. J. W. Lane of 01d Misatoa. the keopar* of the IlghlbiKue
OM MUstoo polat. were 1a the dty
Taaaday. ThUUMr-lmae'ifiratyipto
the dtp ta tea year*. Both Hr\sadn
Mr*. Lane are very doaely etoflaed.
bats by their deliee at tbe Hgbt and
by tbe-cooBtlesi vUltara who aumber
np pant tbe tbOBaaBd mark etety anmmar. Totterday there wore forty tialter* at the pietaioafiaa eottage aa«
light, aad a* the rule* forbid Tidinr*
aatatlaf tbe light tower akme. amay
trtto aia made aonsaary aaeh day for’
the gaaial boetaa*. who alwny* idrei
theguiiti a ewdlalhaUima

My Hair is
Do rou like it? TbeR why
be comemed witb b? Have
to be P Oh, BO I Just put OD
Hair Vicor and have
loRi, diick hair; soft, ctcii
bain beauciftil hair, without a
tfatlegraylineiok. Have a
tilde pride. Keep yooac Jiigt
ts 1^ sa yoB cas.


k w. mnuiBswonTH,

-THIC QWAui-rv’ e-roAi

Remnant Sale Of
Wool Dress Goods
W,e have gone through the stock and taken out every short
length'of wool dreSs goods—some nc^o very short either, but
we required the room for the pew dresSgoods.
Many pieces came out that under ordinary conditions would
have remained on the shelves—vvhole dress lengths, cravenette for rain coats, pieces that will make the children splendid
winter coats.
No better time than right now to get the children ready for
school and winter.

These are Marked at from 25c
to 50c Under Price

imlsslon Salesman.
W<> iirt- iu tuueli witli more iliiiii
mills. f;e-lorUs
io.iiuil buaiiu-s- (Ytneonis. Will eii5 tlfovor to furnisb c-mployinonl or
itlemplo.voe*; a?tt or .-xeban^- JiB.v“itbinK from a bicycle to n m.w mill
slat a very moderate coniroiasion.
..“'Writa. pbone. ndl. or. wnlcL the
SiBnllotin Hoard for Isinfoin* and

•I .io.tioo u-i.‘pii

«*'*^^*(^iti'zen6 pbone JTl. nuidlmanU-l
Bldi:., 2l.‘i K From St..

e. 0. Eewls
sees out of the


Ole bousbt his entire
stock, have mooed it to
our store and will close

it out. a a a a a

Bargains for


“Light and

Wants liifht, frath-





and pic crust.- It

No mailer «hjt vou h.ikc. whcHher il Iv- brrad nr pa*rry.
ifmnrfcnf Mai-vct l^loor it '..11 l>c ciclicious wlioWmiu
amt NaU:.if ini’.

It’S a Pleasure to Bake with Marvel Flour
li’s mo.lo in H'w.lulcly :^i.ilary rn’m-. m.i,!it .Marvel Flour is u-cd. It b.'k.-s i-.. n y n
CUK.1.:,. Morvcl Flour, all fl-ur-lr...;,..
All "...m'is s<-;i It. If >-urs dot. I, In. '•
u ior ;ou if yrm ask hi>n la

n afways be the
1 result

if you use



We buy it in car­
load lot', because
it is><j|*opuiarand
It >etl sO inoch.

Xhe b‘-M of Ifood thin-- |’r- iar< 'l b> '-xiH-Tt baker-^. just th< ihinK for
afiei^oon luncheon-. ■ v.-nin,- -iiiheriii,:.-. picnic parties an-l < .imping.'

Shoe up now. it is the
right time, a a a a


sau£f^ OF GOOD SHO^



Craii Tranrsc HcnU
tb« OUmva iMUsB kMn, a


ponada of beans are oo band and
are stfll ombIiik. So orgi-Dt t'
seed Id help that aaroae who
come to the factory to work m I
by ootlfylac the maatcer mo


IBS ~tooi bre, wr biwtber.The brMUBc np ot euap wxa
loved and tiaps. eqnlppesee of iU for when eotopleied. The factory wll
■ besaa e slow take aayoee over 14 yeara old bat tb
kiiida aod <1
h the wild. lasced applleattoai don't .keep op with ih
roada to the cuter worid. many takins
tbe moraine train te Petoafcey. mnd

The women arcrace fiOm W ccou i
»l a day. _____

olbw nearby pointa.
Her. WUUam
Petoakey and parly BMaberiag ihlity.
bring among them.

^rriem were Id

PEPE Marquette
______ Muakepon—Rate «J<L
^^Craod Rapids—Rate $2.00.
Sunday. '
• —

Train sill 1
6:30 a. at. Set
for partlcuUrs
H. F. MorilerTD

Domb Thtwe Yeara.

tkm of nn Indian interpreter ms it ts

kl comUerable beaedt lo Ibe state of

The ne«it aetloA of the

to the oowathatloa amborUlas the lectaiatan to make aa
aiata aid la the toipraTesieBt of tbe
lii^waTs of Hkhlcaa. has ftT<
•tlflinlaa to hlchvar laproreneet that
SB a few years will resnlt lo sneh ben.^
Sla, that tbe people of tbe state will
be srilUos to ooiu lo aa)cln« botler

Mtlt anlveraaL
Tor Bear rears es-Beoator Horatio
8. Bafle has beeo a aoii earoeii odrocata of the der;>4opioeot of tbe roads of
the aute and tbtongh his mercy »"d
lafliicaee a coed deal bas beeo
pliabed. Mr. Ba^ bas beeo i

stale hichvar


tUeUiaa and
via ba largrty la his «jliar*B.

A few

laOea of mod hare been bnlK uidm
the state revBid flao and will be loaimctad by the deiecatea to the eonyeothin. It b expected that this exam-


English lanogage enough
serrlee complete srlthout

pla of what can be done will Be a

$ o'cloefc. He adOretsed the andienee
» reservaUoD qneailoo aud made

Real EaUte TramfcrB.
Stephen Clxek to Cbas. Helm and

aoB that wrery farmer-a orfanUattoo

. saUlea on tbe aristocracy of tbe
wife, lou $-7. block 2, P. H.'s 3rd add;
and bmrd of trade In the etate can ropoblic. darning that it was the
atadr to material adrantafe. 8ute
race, the rad men, wto wore tbe artaF. W. WlUon and wife to Wro. H.
tocney of America. He caused a fu­
Taylor, lots 5-6.yiock 3. Wynkoop adrore of laughter among tbe entire condllioD to Kingsley: tl.
fbooM lend IU efforU and meant to
gregaflan by aUtlng that an Indian's
Joseph B. Barney to W«. H. BchnyIbc aod that tbe hlghvaya of tbe sUte de&nlUon ef bell was '‘work.- and de­
g to ted he Impiored.

plored the faetrfhat tbe goveramenl

A few years ago a
ted them ud made It possible to de­
Md U this city and a plec^ot road stroy tbelr energy to do for thembent }nat UU aide of OreUldhrilU.
That demanft.-aUae prorad bow entilr
Tbe evening services were the ban-'
nor mads caa be t^m and bow durner services of tbe week, tbe andienee
. aMn they cw be made wUb a llUle
numbering talD $00.
■fitwnitir «ort Tbta ottr tbonld
Dr. Carlos Hoatexum$ gave tbe ad>
■ted dslofftaa to this ogavenlloD and
rcaa of the evening. tbU belv the
«« baUara that sueb caa be tearaed
moet able nddress of tbe vseek. He
' tbai ^ be of iBleieat and ralne
followed tbe foriiaoos of a pagan child.
iUi earntnnalty. In aay cane we beai be was thirty yran ago,
Uete that tbe riloru of tbe state high:
through tbe~pc^reu of devetopmen-_
way eommlisloD abonld be eseouragad
and the reteni to the pagan home
In wvefT poealhle manner, and by
“white Apacbea." yen who were living
■^Ited anergy. reiuIU will be obtained
thirty yeara after; where be found
: dtht^wO! be gnrpriatng.-lleeDrd.
on tbe reaervatlon. In dress, babit and

ruivKordwvd, ih»i Mid prtitloo


W<- alit-k ''.-Wr itinn a
liruUK-r" to .|im!ity.aiKi


yoBT doairca


ir mat ler «! thr rrtau oL Bits Ocmm.
^Qrcyi^lmmTpisa hsnas 61^1

that poUlo aoUo

lhlirr.rtl fiu ^rtS r^


In prrs..u*llty

csKv abstomiousni-sK has wrought "■
refined effect cm JiIk foalun.-*. Hv
short of stature, w ith a .somewhat llorion. anil bis small, iwinl

gray'ey<k have that furtive
loLlO. sec. 21. town 27. range II
charartcrUlle <rf <hi- llus,lnn
part see. 6. town 26. r.ngr'^""
u-urklag elasK. In spl'e of hi, m

1 an<i:»« F

-tf.. to Albert i»«=^ **'• ^

Ed D. Wilson and wife
Kratochvfl. pan of sees. 5 and g, lying

native cf
J. Wadsworth RltehU-,
natural Isc-l
M. A N. E R. R.. town 25.
Ish MiUj.-ci, Is an exiiairhu-d Atu- rl
range 12: $250.
can now at .Vewpori. II. «ai ii- i
lab A Lay Co.. to.Jolin O. Dun­
! brought up altogrtlter alimail anumc
can. lots 7-S, block 11. H-. L. A Co,'*
English surroun.lltigt l.iit liis nunher
bos likewise hecone
Jobn O. Duncan and wife to Charles
-I, Uhl
marriage an Endi-sh s::hji-ri
degenerate as
Ms Oraii0e Rally.
G. Sherwood, lots 7-«, bloc^l. H„ 1^
himself Ki-rvcd ' gullanliy thioiii
tbe pagan ehiki bad developed la the
The big grange oily vOI be held
A Ca's lOlh add; $500.
■ he Boer war In South Africa
tfea oU fair gitmnda Ang. M. Mnaic
win be fnraiabed by tbe Uttie (*>»•
in London and has m. many friviid?
broad terms, that the reaervatiOB sysadd; $1,050.
and reUUve* here that Iris tran,fpr of
•ed' the white governiDrat
Tbe master nt c
Loren Downey to Frank J. VogI, e-31
tils Blleglanee from.l'ncl.' Ram
O$o. A. Bobertaon, master el Orand employes Instead of eimixinc the In­ feet of lot 64. Oak Heights: $761.67.
English erown is nni likely lo pr.-J-^
dian wlthia lit bovden.
Borin O. Olliett ct»al. to Oenerva
udlre him to any extent ip the ryes of;
A aiefUng called last evenlu elect­ YooBg. lot 66. Oak Heights; $160.
Tim tUloving i
Sew York society. '
ed omeera who sill lal^.caH'a eaBrenwfllbe^reh:
Edwin W. Gregory and wtfe to David

Mamntelh ur IKdlaat <

. eJoo

R«raemb«r the Plmca,

Elgin C. Lewis.


•lispuUtd. nmrit'a a fucL
nut ovi-retotcd, wo nro in
a ]iosition

to offer yoo

The Man at The Desk

iriano <}uali^’

at oUicr liinoa

Croostadt. who bas

eracc ^sslan pcasau’. ucly fji hi,


MB* wvjvst'tor'tt,*
fur thr iMlramriu sad luunbuiios ot Umo
• -.olMldM-‘^U^"rat^tb*vth<- IMhdaTiir Orptr-BliV..
A.U.I»u..»« ww-u-clc^S to Ibr tariBoom. m>
mill pM.lwt* nfllSt'. )>r acd u haraby app-mre

of oor ffiiarantoe is un-

lie bad

Abraham Love and wife to Deor-

Iwir <<a.-,-in tbr<div,i(TrtTrrw lHy.madd


B SI. lb. Bar n«or. aprlBC
WbOBt '
S,n.U<dd M.dBlFtear.a(«iw .

<k1: liie tiiianciul Imckiug

and p1a<«a.

such extraordinary Influence with th.-

226 E. rroBt SL 201 Se.UEiw

our pianoa is tm({ucstion-

also sireKtod.
Faihor John

be uswera the dt-rripilon of the


Thendialnlity of

trying to peddlc'tbem on Sunilay. «vr<'

rxar. It Sd year* ol.l.

frpnivd sad rjpru]
•aec«vr vrrfei P

A low price willi-

out good liuality trill not

now liigli

town 2S. ranges; $522.
LIbbie R. Foster to Pfaillp Roach.;


i:-, IW litmaaUtrd Hosw .


jit.a lower price than can

glana Newcomb, self of ueH. *ec. !K-


Jodirr ol ir-l-tr

liollrc stalion.

Two sailors, who were



Ian iiarrols an- lockrsl up In s Ikuuoi-

ler. lot 0. Evergreen Beach.


*W*C55ra*lB*bI^?S»lJ' ■'Si iTSw

• Dgusl 29th'
:b dates tbv

- —
• occurred' -'Tee til
full iBformSiion ask Tere Mar.d from tbai time
tbe week be hi
of th
H. F. Mc.lKr, G. T. A.
word. .
nn Inter­ on bit vacatlbu end stopping
Labor Day Eseuraien.
preter. Dr. Potts took ns his theme Rapids began taking ireatmen’
Ticket, .« salt- to siatlou, di,<am
ae beautiful tbongfal that all meu trouble snd yeslerdsy Mr*. Butler
mtlcs. Uouday. Sei'U

^d be eared through tbe power of reived word thsi her Jiisband
-e plus
now able to talk Id whispers. Mr. But- ,
d for n
God. He began his . lUnsUatloDS by icr's friends will be glad lo Ictrn ofl'«f •'
describing a rltlt which be made hts Improvement.
' j
through tbe Chinese end of-Ban FranlO lorvoM*. V-.,.
Scalped by Slab.
claco and ibe frightful pagan scenes
Unadisn Kstlousl EsUIPillou. To-;
Jobn Reese, a laborer Id WltlUm |, no. Canada, August 2Mh to Scpl-:
rhleh be wUnesaed and coupled '
Beltner's factory, was struck oo lhe;s .. TIrkHs on mK- Ancust :Tth Jn
he same rlslt where he entered
pt. nil IncluHlv.-; gnOil-for retuiT
oSce of a Chinese dentist who wi
111 Si'in. 12ih. Om- (arv plus 25
at work outside the:
cbrlstlutsed type of a Cblnaman. the
Mr. Reede
It, for round,trin.
rasl dlEereneea bring due to the sav­ mill and under he belt that rarrie«'
lerlal to
G. A. R at Denver.
the waste mater...
.. the refuse heaping power of God. He sUled that be A aUb, \oo large to be coovci lenily
=k>r the NaUonal Encampmini G- .4 .
felt that It wmi a bard task to en
at Denver. Colo.. Sepl. 4(li lo Til'
bandied by the belt, was throi
dusive. tickets will be sold Augii-I
and in falling, md duanward.
tbe ffllsalanary tielda among pagan
iDfortnuste mas just abut
to SepL 3r-l. Inclusive, at very lo»
dlani. yet as be stood before tbe aud!
Tbe force of the blow to
e for rt>und trip. Good for reittru
cnee gathcrM In the lent bo grasped
r Umli mhy be occndell
the band of aged “Brother West" and
th'lf desired. Ask local
e brad and r«
.■ MartiueiK- aKt-nl for Intormailon.
isriou*. He
said that be was proud to stand hnnd
at the Oakwood house. 64A East I
H, K. MoriU-r. G, I* A.
tn band with so true a Christian nnJ
Eighth Ftreei. where medloil auend-1
Brother Weet granted a happy asaenL
E^l aod the injured I
General News. '
The crowds which began to emtor man eared for.
SnowbHuru! In ihr, .Inc ila.vt "f An
Although not a serious inlury the
tbe'ereands nt » o'clock were
esc will be
In tbe law tent at 2 o'clock In antlcl- pbln Is iDienso aod Uf. Rr sometime gust Ik ih.' III.- of HO tourists In.ilolaid np wlib a sore bead tot
Innor'zilUT valley. Ai.stiia,
patkm of hearing Dr. qarloe Montmii- CO coma
Charged with profaniiy. six Ilnui:
ma. vbo. however, did not arrive until
dians In aitendnnee nn<

Md la Port Hbiw od the »Ui. 5«b
•ad nat«( tUs moitfh. promisee U> be

ber Olh, g
T 12»li.
I esruralon *»!>«•■»'


conceded thni the maloriir of tbe In­
The Deed Roede C«

nNOlrt-l l-y K U-ck-eay


charge of Dr. J. U. Potu. editor of the

■hree yeara ago Mr. Builcr wai'
D vllb peculiar spell*

praeMatneu mu


National fair. Teroi

Atwood Bouer. barber at the Hotel
Fw al«ve
hT.mB* .bop, who loat hi. vtrice oear-l wn s e 11 .ell

hllcblgSB CbristlaD Adroeate. who arrlred on the grounds on the afierBOOD
;Ualm He spoke vlthoul the Inti

Do you WI te a good posltlou'
fur the b
can have li. Prepare
at Traverse City

A. i l<re

nuku a Iraay inonth uf
August u'orumlly dull.
Ustd Upright PihBOt.
most all t;ooi! makes rep*
n-sunlol. to clear out at
n.-arly Imlf vu1u.>-$8S,
SIM. S125. $150, S1S5
•p. Payments to suit
Oar Small PaymMl PIad
Hakes PiABO Bojia$ Eaiy

Uf icca
is the
Di—and baa (ho power lo
opiwrtuiiitiea. tvet^izug thtwiUiem.
. !
Kn..wJ.-.Vc is lowor-tUFprartiad “know how” that *T>ara.mwiwow%
liles yon to-do tlif rij^ltkinff
in tlie ri^bt wny at tfae^rifdit
time. •
We n^nip young nvm and
women with a practical Imin*
ini: in ahorthand, typowriring.
luokkoi'pinK and tho varioos
detaiU of biisimm We fit
them to Cider the brat offices
and “make (soud” frtn:) the
start. •
A cnnfsc at.otfr school will stsit you on the Tonil to roaL.
BiiecrsB. The demand fur our i;radaates increases daily. Thore
is n plaii' for you when you i-an fill iL
Aek for prospectus today. Fall term opens Sr^itember •'Hh.

Remember oor trial monUt tnltlon free.

‘ prallanily t.

mrf r,



Robert Doa at Chicago stf-ven men of all na- M. Melnlbth. admin.. lot 1. sec.
\„afrraD-Qra.lre.« or udy ot ,«d
tioos to consider the reeerra
tr of nmona graiig*.
Weaker of tbe day. Mortimer While'ToofA^Tut^ny to Winifred R.
Alexander. Trar
bead. past tectniw of tbe NaSoBal
klnson. lot 36. block 4. Boon A An-,5“»Address

tbony'sadd; $40.
001.^0W6. Holdsworth to H _F Boughry.
brsaka; UeMurer, Rev. William
D Petos- parcel. Traverse City; IS.mio.
la tbe tetoreet of tbe srai«e^ A. F.
A. G. Anderson and wife to Jobn
Oray vm apeak.' .
Hood. IM 44. block 46. O. B.; 1123.
Bartter Creek; audltora, Bimeoo. RcdJames W. KUIlker and wife

btrd and Hark Mem-rH^. KekadI

Seme by CbarUe Ranaom.
Song by RariMi Pepper.

Klatt. lot 10. block 6. H, L. A Go 's »IU

' Charles S. Corbit and wife
P, town 2..
L. Bollnger. ocbl. sec. 0.

add: ItSO.
■Htybfay Is toTtted te atund and
brtag a batkel tor oin^.

Vrtim Hnndar^ BMont. /
Today tha cloaing exanlBas at 8haako<eaUe tamp meeting tori; ^ace Is
the tndUkmal way. tbe ririns of the
•an. the great orb of day b
MBMd to take place
(Be teOM



nara «C Bftvra Bed nolmaaly oet Rom
thetr liigwam bomra and gatb^ togechfr Aw tiilr Stt reUgtooa aerrlee.
1 by ate ^iUr
body die.
frame deeayT
limbs of ■
Wbaldertag in
In the gnveT*.

Bowen Harbor, passed into the great
unknown at 5 o'clock Friday aftei.
noon after a Ungerlng Ulncss otmearly
' Ine yaare.
Mil* Hartaon moved to thi* pert
the country with ber parenu UtlnyBve yrara ago. Niue yean ago the
father and mother died and shortly
sRer that lime tbe daughter. Mda.
tiriekco with a kidney dlsrai
aloee bas been a sufferer,
TuMday she was foreed to lie In bed
and from that lime ber llle bas awittlv
ebbeiU One sister. Mrs. 6i
______ who____
who baa
a_been ber constant
companion all ibrongb-thc y<
poor health,

■ • and
d six bro
three in
this part of the slate and three In the
stn(e-of Waahlngtoo survive her.
Hie funeral was held from the
at 2 p. m. Sunday, the Rev. Hes

range 12; SSJOO.
Wm. H. Klatt. et al.


iSLit;:, i.rmrins tor thr alPiwi
.4 tbrrwdaUiruolriinirnt and dinribstion
cK Mid n-utr.
It to ord.rrd lhal Ih.- lUh day of S«
A l>. la.'i.a’_______
. tan o cluck Is ihr torjiid
■Ud proiwv
pr^ia’r oi^
nOlcr. ^“"t t* ]j2d

i;rni::T"orear«S. .that psbtu- noMr
j Iborw-I 1-a pree t y pat.lioauo® ft a -vi,. ut
Uhtoordrt.for ihrc'au-rfMav. a .wka prvrx>n>
! u. M»d day of hronnx. In to. Oraod tr»r.~' Bcmld. a n.n,**pap.r i>nntod and Cirrolat.*! In


add: $500.
Charles K. Hunter to PUIIp Roach,
parcel, tec, 23, town 27. range 11; $1.-

Tour weekly salary is ibe index of;
your ability. Unskilled labor of any |
kind 1* always poorly, paid. Become I
an expert and your money making'
power double* or irebles. You can l>e.-:
rone an expert—a businras atw-clall**.:
at Traverw.- City Business College.
Dtetriet Cnir>{K MectlnoThe next meeting of the Grand Trav-

tire yourt Buy n lair <
Wnb-r Wiiitra.
Ltani 1
swim in ONK TRIAL.
your joy will I* uni-onfinivi.
Prices are 25c and 35c pair
Buy ont'of our Helmet Sibiw

Mra. C. H. Beegnimor ar- with Fife Ukc Granp?. No. 731. Sept.
fount degree member*
iSilrago with
tbe body of their little six-moaths-old eordUlly Invited.

Hats. Tii.-y ppsemhlf n Lug'
potato hot: in form, an-siipportetl upon the LeaJ !

satisfied with t
Or have you a desire t
condition, to rise above .
Let ua make >-ou a bu»1nt
Set j-our mark high. RIgl
me to la

Haro IS Relief for V

? present*

open frame work, thus a
ingra fnv circulation uliom
tiie heail at all timi-s.
sorh’is, tourists, lisliernu-n,
ix-rry pickera. anil in fn< t
ovt-ryl>c»ly who wyild tivohl
the ■•tojstliing—fun’s
sliouU trv ont- of Iheae lints
Nolhine Uko tLem for COM­


courwr of iralnlng li

l-ariion us lor imrudiUK upon your valuable time, but wc have a few things that
may interest you. Our stock of furniture, as you well know, if you have called
recently, is gettin,; low. but many of the good things still remain. We will men­
tion a few of them here. If yoo are not interested in these, we may hake just
what you want, and if wc have—will savdyou money on it..

A S25.0' ChilTonicr

14.00 |

l-'tather upholstered g,30

A 512.50 Lounge

tjf tjfg | A SU.OO Book Cabinet

A Sl.-i.llO Ward Robe

iJf_QQ A SW/H Ladies'Writing

I-'o^r S.1.50 Reception

_0Q A SH..VP Music Cabinet

A S22.0O Roman Chair

’ j^l.OO

J^Q_QQ A $1.5.00 Golil Arm Chair


gQ A'si5.'<l I'iano Bench



rse DIstria Grange. No. 17. will meet

Fuueral anrlcea
field Friday mornlnc at 10 'o'clock
nab ah gwah go gnh na shlnr
from tbe home of Nr. and Mrs. E.
ToDowlBg thU walllBg hymn the en­
LewU. Hr. and Mra. Beegrolller vrese
tire eoagregatloB. nuatoerliic about
expecting to airlve In a few d^
^^t kaaditd rad men and their
spend,their vaesiloa with relaUves
agnawi i*d papnoaea, formed in twtr
mends here when the sadden IllUnas aid beaaa the grrat cliele tarenets of tbe Iltfle one came lo make
^ ~‘Wn. handed dovrn from generatloii
change la IbHr plana.

9^ seDetailQD from the esriy pagan

rttca. aa the fora ef braaklag np all
Want Otia 7
d Workara.
D**' greal ^therlnga. ;Aa tbe Itnea began
“Help vranted“ U the eir at tbe
.'Wi. a flhfw and dignUad counter i
jmflBg faetoTT Jut now.
>L hanto T«aeha4 over and across Horrid Kneelaod Is op against n prob­
lem. At iwraeot there nre 3» workera empta^ at tbe factory bat K the
cnBtoaay wowld
eecnre tbe* they
wonM take l.W«.
Fifty Utoi

Just a Moment’s Time, Please

Leon B. Taf-

■or. lot 10. block 6. H.. L. A Co '* Sub

rived last week from
*»d nnh.
gwnh go gnh aa ahln.
Ming ah gwah go gnh na shin.

GharlM B. EnM. harms

en F. Garland, lots 21 and 22, block

Over one thonniid rUlton awamed H-. U A CovS 6th add: $2,200.
thq camp grounds yesterday and Ipi
Matilda kW to Wm. K. KUtt. lot
oranlng every train bore iU heavy •OK, Oak Helghts''*dd; $1.
loaded co^faea to and from
Perry Hannah, et al. to NaUldn

Sosig by Pynha Baammi.
BeettaUen by Mra. Bdeeanli


NeitdoorA V. rrMrWli's Sbn sWa



BtoMalloAbr Mra. Baebel Pe»er.


KIIVIBAI..IlyiumJo Moum«
M. B. HARNER, Prop

A S'25.00 Mahogany BookA »5.n0 Bud Room Suit

J 0 QQ | A $2.5.00 Sectional Book-



The Boston Store

eetatlna at thlR ——^
i ue pwH acta Bare naut »aa hbl mmt- , Mitt fMa HaRtMl PaiMd awBp lait
■W. ramat.
*S5» WaaSe BakerdniVie ffl-' T«t ttow and dlHenU.
»vmp at bar b» at Beween Har- edee c<^ ^ M
OMar fts«ae baa ban mmflaed to
HkS MprS^^Sone 5t>dar
J. D. BriHd mid fwaOp dtnrb to C bnliter a Uac«*a« Ufcan
tba bene tbe peat reek bp tlckBett.
/Hra. Bdtrard Barr It indertbc nte
Mra Celia Neinaan Im- [ around wltWa thr«c dapt
Hint WaM. ane t
of X>r. Franck aod It qaite SL
: In aH bre akteew tbe
prove la health and ttreaetb.
ten mllei eaat W Wetford
Tbe IMIovtBa panp from Oresorr't reUttrea at tUt Haeer'
to make h pleaaaai for the
verp coillpr:■ aad
.. tried
Tbe-Sklptkl brothen
Alben pTBBf^ T^ed vtth H. two
dap after an tllneat
retort lefixm the MItMerl .Frtdap:
fever aad aca*. mp atrrea nreni
nettled IB their botne
booM oB
. the farm! anmad bw. MH* Harttoa
to monrn ber Mn. Field asd toa. Mr. abd Hn Dur- en aad familpitadap.
vroM: I eoaM n« ataap. aM mp
ircsaneg oi Wra.
wm. Palcbt.
: oer pwreBu vueu • j
Mr. aad Un.^. Hilnila. Br.. tpenl
Immabatband aBd thnc efa»dm.«bo
J. B. UhlB
atomiuto was so weak, from aalac naeAfter
tearca a beanltful
Bandap wllh thai--.daa#bler. Mn.
have tbe tpmpetbp of tneu- manp
letT^ton- drwi. that I eotUd bat.
Meedt la tbe lot* of rrtfe and mother. Beane Orap. J. D. Hacsard. Dr. Fantp Heorr Peke^.
after bectanlnf to take
The ladlea cf Oraal Chareb AM vlU Boelrp and Hattie Bowlep.
ebldua pie tapper at Qrmai C.
c. aethmeltel.
r>etl at IdleeiWhIle.
etaORb %
XI Salurdaj.
Hr. and Hn. Holmee of Cbleapo are bp tb* choreh aexi

aad 8. H Walt * Buaf
B. V DonTfmn Olen Rap left im the- rMUa« at tbe home of Hr. and Hn. fi the Butpleet of tbe Sundap
}an for a Roclal dv IV p
J. Brinkmaa.
MlnoBri Fridap for Cbkaab.
DP. MfUt pf Chleaito wHI preach bi
W. P. BAae of Ana Arbor.
..JM been rUIDnit hit parenlt ti tbe OaBcreCBtloBal cbnreh oe« 8i»- calablet an a taWe dll
W-rrlM-R and imre tome
rer) tnuchla* : ' a machine, ihinklas It eU.
Kenwood reooft. look the Hleettorf dsT anreinjt.
Hr. and Hn. A. Hoatmirue of Tier- ^lie prinelMl evnii
^'rhe*'Miiii«'**Bhri aod Giadpt CnIHn erne Cltr are In their cottadeToe a Chibt
cancen. that eat away yoor akia Wm.
pDlaloei and cora look flae.
of enMltaeoi and leave poor caret i I peon aeo I t wat c e of tbe tararti !
________ from
8. C. QalBter and fatallp
j fanenU that hat
i»e. Bteryone rtirdlallp Inrlied.
held ben-. |
g** **'**'’ ''**'*’" W*' /'*
HrA ^art BItbp and ehUdred vtaledlaa
week and are
ledU Tcrrllorp
“ ■
Lob Brinkmaa hat reioroed to bb
and ranoen. It 4s tbe
bnildlDR a boete near Mr. K. W. Her- ad at tbe borne of Wm. BnnMI a
home la Mobile. AU.
allac dmalat

Id.few dapt the past week.
h'her mother. Hrr.j Aus. <S.
Mr. PulrePt mtollae Uonch has ar­
iiali <ruW.
i and biali
, . bum and
The WeRcnx baded with elabt and
,.......... ."
!tk- at J.ihnion'i Dnu! Bton-.
« net and tkidt tba bark for Hllweukee Seiurdep.
. P. H. HeadR and 8. R. Walt * BoBa'
E. P. 8ara«e orchieaso did butlneu
bntock oo the place.
Gnace picnlr to lb« G. A. R. KTOtel'

J. W. Dfeketiaan and S. C. Quintep.
- itrdaT
eitb tbelr tain}llea, «nl to Soimr Loaf
Mr». Fred Nefiuiu i> enterulnlnit! The H. A N. B will H«e their nt«
|exeor*loii Pom tb.- new lowa on the
.r>- WniUmt it i.
N. W. HetTlaaton ttarta todap tor a
— plaj- plven by the borne talent |2«h. Round trip toII jHwuivsei-,
ManiRtee. IV
iib Cunlt Anserlae and'fanilp I
friendi la Klnatlep.
Aficn dapt- rltil with hit brntben
•n latt Frlda>- et ualna was well i which Incl-deR a i
Mn. Carpenter bnt told her plai
and friendR la St. Paul. Htaeaimtle few dapi the past week.
the Rtormy
jrendered. "Winn
_ ...„ 111................
. Lake Mlchtitan,
Mr. aad Mn. M. W. Fanaat were ec . Nelwm. who tR maklnic quite a
>d other pomu >eit.
'only.a small rrowd
crowd was out.
, A Fk>d i>«HIob of the
Harp Cate will leach tbe Wllllamt lertala^ at dlatier at ld)e«-«'Ule 8ai
OrvenwcKidjf Travene Cltyl Duck Lake Sunday jo lee the Orawa
Vere Robbtot retanied from Green^ „ pyank
day afternooB.
aebool in Kaaaeo.
worklns for MtA’Chaa, Garland, j tram defeat rhe home boym at bBRewiefa.
reported that Harp Oood. who
Several famllle* from Mapleten and | ball bra seoee of 7 to S.
the emplop of tbe Travene Clip Brick Archie
0 Oroftm a few j-oan a«o. Ii
went to Willow Point Tor a pie-1 Tb«as MaeBrlde and O B. Danlon
married. Alt of her frtcada here wtdta
' ; of Ih^ MacRrlde lambtT Co., of Grand
■ The Lad'et- AM wiclal a
Mn. Win Prentice t* enierlalnlaa nicMn
ber moeb bai^aeat. .
F. 'Frrnrfa. wbn ban been ill. IR - RapidR. were on tbe fcroimd Satanlay
her niece. Mint Nellie Brenner, of
tbe aldk Hat todap. Un Http .......
Improvtnc slowly.
! kmklnir ov.t mill pUnR, Eiirtii acres
Grand Bapida.
« wai
‘----HtR* Carrie.’Bixbp apeU Bnnd to
c worUas RteBdpat
orchard for »:
Dacheat a^let
Hr. Uitbter It oat with hi* ihreablnR

the depot. Good..............
tr it BpeodtoR
gtuiigMi. •
Hn. R. H. Dap of Lorelei Lodse en- laebine.
b«va aenroe. but oae mcn^week
Oar Indian nelebbon are all laUae a-few days witb-friendt to iblt place. ‘^Mtal^Oecil^Faycate fi
lortalaed a number of people from
see the walls eotnnlNed. CK
atlves to Travene City a
Kenwood. Wildwood Paib. Olea Rap.
. It. 8. Hall has moved InlHlf
Bert Cram bat Mfl H- Fulelpber'*.
_ tbelr ton Dexter ant) '
Tbe Oaala. Idlew-Wbllc and Olea HaBssfihoase.
:blB place last
rn WedBMdap afternoon. Tbe afier- where be bat beea.workitis to loni;
M. E Baird bat tbe exraratlnc far
Bay last w.
and Mn. Innlt have reiiiTneJ
nooa waa apent in plaplag carnet.
a SMooi balldChat. Carroll went to Bast Bay Bat- .......
after TitltJog ^helr paitbii and
urday. retnrttlnR Sunday.
[ Inc will c erected for barber shop,
other relallres.
Cin(ogea ttnffrn irbtriot
nfectionerp ..................
and k* cream
— partora.
Aiip. *1.
Horace Phlllipt hat beea quite poorAIrn bp fbe Bleeplns Bear We .

ol)ne BortKnfir
Inc BtatloB Thuiwdap were laixelp at­ Ip. lat It better now we an- Had in
tumpq potatble atreen
fatHly ha^tended and a flfte and emcieat abo*wllh Mr. PrincM to eharce
The Ladlef AM met last week wllh
, . , 4 vIrH from hU R<m. E l wetfw nBR''B^^M'lMLn BewRedtof! made
0q|OgCB Wfrtni. ^
Oms. Herilkew-B store bulldinc win
Hn E V. Hin.
^ Harrep Wllce. wife and aoa.
x« be^ralliac
Auc- 21Hr. Horrfl and wife arrired on the till9:tbRT.r «tobrBA-fi«rTr e*mhe
nolte Wedaeadap and were met bp E.
-R. Oalip wlib bit paefat Hoatana to
ttroek Beatmar. La.
Fartncra of ihit place
take them to Empire, where ibbp wIB
one white bop and
throuKh harveatlBK and are
apead a week or two.
duRkr. O.. vlRltlnc ber. necro bopt and lB]orlne 20 peaHrt. Hanaab and ehtidm arrirad toft for file threihtoK nacblne.
^ir.InltfitlTtin'fM^ »t fl aS
on the IllinnU Wednetdap tor a ritll
Tbe dance at ShaJda's hall wi
________Haavit. Whelmalei
The rlllace it ln_a pine forott
ib aah |s plridKt
-with ber brother. CaiKaln Walker, of tarcely attended and creryone had
a« the damace tnd lots of Ilf.
Slit SiakB tiuH'
pood lime.
the lUe tarlnc tcailoo.
d his consHn. John Oltcn of Ttarerac Clip U *^'ea
of the RTRUa.
pw bMUa iMd 1 wtt cauead bp uprooted trees crathtoc
Hitt Bdilh Dntton tad Mitt OraM
MlitoR a
with rclailvet ht this place.
Mabicp. DMt# al Lorelei Lodee. left VtalUne
t Ibouto. they were hurled acatott.
t-Vank Daco of Chlcaqo.
John a
Thimdap for tbelr hornet in Detroit.

Grand Traverse Regipn.
itminir^^^r^y 'bf 'ammna that it


an. C aatwoe BaadvHla Bum Trmai li on the «tel< Uk.
A muater of peofle Iran bare atia«rt tbe OerwAB phaileai Bk Ka^
M* test SoBdar.
Tbere wt* a lar«e allcedance at Bk
Lake cbareb Siiadar. i( beiax Ber. Urler'i iaat aWBOB befote eooferenee.
Mr. T. J. Carai ef Tfarem- CUt
mIM OB Bk Lake (rteoda la*( Tbun-

HIM Fotkell cf BL Cbarlea, WU.. U
apeadtac a few dart kere. TbeV maar
(rtMda are Had to vHesne then baefc
acata. Hr. Boot wat a former paator
tnraed Saturdar frow . Heoom
vkere tlier bare ben makleg i
hooe eleoe laat Hareb.
ioha Bmith of Barber Creek a
Beodtr milk Hartie Qreea.
Ctaptaa Arnold of Tw
apaat BMKlar mth bit broiber. Wall
Hr.-ind Mra. Lmej Crttp and Hitl.

JSSSStS"*^ *“* **"•"' **”•
ABB- a-

Hra. W- Caaiiit m
boBie la me Labe laat Pridar.
Tba LadleaAid ct Qraa 1 ^arcb
Bamtep-t latt Wed.
met at Mn. WIN Bami
iber vere tbi
Oar Oarlt and VaraUion vluti
Mra. aanaea BrbHm tort Fridar.
- Hra. J<kB Hadn of Trarerae Cttf
; H TlalUBK at a. D. Breni'.
Brerpbodr la ibU Belfbborbood U
aalortaff the rerlral meetlai at Wet-

•nod map be aceompllibed.

Tbe barreetlac la tbit VxHItp It
nearir done. Tbk eertaialr hat ben
a bnateouTear for tbe tarmen.
Hra. Barrie Ndtoa died at her bomr




..... -

Our store and stock today Is the boiled down essence of twenty years’experience. We passed through the experimental St^e years ago. and in so doing
. ,
learned the Ithree essentia) elements of a successful business, namely

vicinity have baen furnished.


In Our
We handle tbe leading makes of
Stoves and Ranges, including tbe
adtaoBdedged peer of all ranges

*Xb« Quick mear
ako a full line of Stove Fumitnte
and Kkcben Utensils in Granite.
Copper and Tin. as well as Sbelf
Hardware. Wasbutg Machines and
everything ^the laundry.

Wewm«teBttapl»BscretBshsH7M ursack
•tr itm whetMr yoB wU ts hay «r BSL.



Ole make a
Specialty of
Seasonable ,
Our line of summer goods embraces
all bouse, porch or lawn comforts.
Refrigerators, Ice Chests, Milk Safes.
G^Hne and Oil Stoves. Porch and
Lawn Chairs, Seats-aod Rockers.
Hammocks, Croquet Sets, Lau-n
Mowers and Hose.—in fact every­
thing for house or lawn.

J. W,

In this department we have con­
stantly on hand the largest and best
assortment shown in Northern Mich­
igan. 1'he smallest details of bouse
furnishing have been carefully look­
ed after m this department and we
can safely say that we can furnish
your home complete and give better
satisfaction than' you can get else­

Come fn and look around*


Cace Curtains
And Portieres
in Carpets we carry all grades, froip
the cheapest Hemp to the best Axminster; all size Rugs in all grades.
We make up rugs in special sizes.
Other floor coverings, including Mat­
ting. Oilcloth and Linoleums. Hun­
dreds of patterns in Lace Curtains
and Portieres. You cannot fail to
find just what you want here.

Yov Credit Is Good Rere la Any ef Oir
y, ■m m


" HOOOK ''


m. mmh c< miHjBM. wii,n
vWl^ kU tevOMT IML
Mr. aad Hr*. Artkor Ho^
Tkw«dur»(Lrw OM^.

Mr. aad Mra. A. Bldnrd at Traara
Otr spat Baadar ta towa aM

“>5TSrSlf w. a JMU. M
UmMi cl BL JaaMa. Baar Isi^ arriad this weak akd are utaprlad tb
Borrr attaa. Mr. Jokesta wm fo
laio baslaea la towa la Ike wear ^

.. ...

(ataOMaJtohar.ab Mis. Ooa a»i
sa Jai* oc Ckiraa aUad a tke TiekochUs Boadar. Mias Mattie VIskaeMl
ntoraed with Urea to Otoa Arhot lor
sl-ort TWt
Misaas Chrrle swd Plaroeca Bari at
Trmarw<Citr Tinted Mrs. B. VlrtockO PrtdsT ud maraed bo»e a lbs
- loa tab wttk thsir bretbtr

Oaorga MUM o( Traara CRj

km «M tkkAMMUT bars. _
Mr. M< Mrs. AM$m CsapbMI mat BMtker arrlrad Tbnrbaj wioialBi lo
speed Ike aiaaiader of the ass»er.
Mr. aad Mrs. Ptord BtoSM ad
teee cT Owoao srrtred TkaNdar for


^ . ..

BC loals, alter spadlBf a ra «
at CMsls sottadSL
A.lanpe aaabar of


dUtriakss '

The easierr s________
Maw of Mrs. A. Voice a Ai«.

Oil ropert s lood Urn. The IsMm
MM KA« sad Ike AM-la the slier,
aoos wu weD stleBded.
HlTM Tsrlor Is prepsrisc lo boUd

s crsaaiT..


AS aMIUca to kis hsm. 14s44 IsM. lo
be wed M a MaUe.
BrmHuleti vUI e
kaaw IB s (e« 4ars.
There were torn* tnm here who atMAed Ike fBaerai <g Mrs. Hston
Wetferd last Saadah.
Mr. Moow aad Bnwe B*aai bare
tbek ma Jobe Oalshed. The reads to
Booth MarBeM are oov as food as the

Bn. Brrsa of Haauie speat Madar
H. Tbaeker ot Pallac ud
i. r. Bberidu at Ssciuw
(own Taesdar traasaeUnf bi
JodflC Hsru of Tarerae Ctir wst
to towa this wesk to-apeak
*BS\^ar»ea aad famllr atertalned
ir. Cartes Hatesawis Bandar.
Miss Haad l>ec* or Sottas Bar
speat Boadar test la towa.
Mr. Lecba ot .CUcvols a rwst
°*M^^'lteRD. wbo bu bea Ul. U re.

Miss Alice Barae is rtstttac b
'Mrs. J
‘ •
Mrs. T. B. WklU has dBlshed papertac down mlro.^.8be did Oh work
herMt aad «M a be *>b.
The Meal UMt Ml rHdsr *or
Inc lo MUortala the people ed Old Ml
akM aad ANMe sHtb Cs«i. Baeket. r

is fa Tisreree Cltj to-

Bearr E. Carilsle aad-Momb- Harry
bare retarwed from a iwo weas
b DetrolL They wesn to see
Carlisle, wbo Is ader tteslmwr —
eaaeer. Mrs. CsrUsler wbe
b Detroit orer sis weeks. Is eipected

B'tmoldSsxoo^ .
Tbe ngbt to be pstiueted in tbe exeinanre
aae of s trade n
kea toeg recoesix^
coKeisM by tbe
tb Ctumon Uw sal afeecc^^ t
-ts of Rnglsite aod this country.
:mat puts it* mark on s bood to giee

Oarpeue Pleree at Trwrerae
aad danthlrr
lie BMoeke
I her eMtcr, Mrs. Steele.
sad other pobu tbe
Nsctkport teat week.
Mra H. W. Pierce sad children ot '*WUIbm WWch aad bmUy hare reTtnrane Ciir ealied a trteode here mored from Bokm. They are ocetpTbs ae of the botue of Albert Cost
A^al BUT people from here ai
aded the rsaipraerUa at Nerthpon
Hn. Hobbell ot test Mead U tMH
BBdar aad reportis good Urns,
be triads aad rmsUrei ta tutbera
Her. E. B’eUs ud Hr. Rappert of Hfcblimn
Reed Ohy arrired
d a the 2:M train
Susb Forta Is workla*
Fred DoBlw ef East Head.
ling about 2:te o'clock
wUh the 8U
Roy Rtites IsI irsTellBs
J.G-weiss bad the mlsfoi---------------------_ ______
re* Bros, show
bU anrlrdiuilt barn ud all Its
Wtoler UPles
' bdlt «
I W Court
,t the whole I Jioesu. wbo base s choice tot of Duch
, -scsreclr being sMe
bam was
apples, hare aid
lorsee which were ta
fel Ml
<. Oourbde's and
It lose for Lardie getUng Jobs N. w—— ■ —,
,_s basement. Ii Is ■ arooi
Mr. .Perkeir Adtore Harllnaus.
Mr. Welts, as be lust bolii
There will be s good erw of,
last summer.
wbal and att, not much corn. There
Ang. 2!are bui a few tomaloes otr the vine*
On tow and eby grontids tbe potatoes
Mn. A. J. D
arc begbabg lo blight .
Is eUlUng Mrs.

b end of ■ pockag



Trade Mark

^^lY^wimans will koU asai
friends fbr a short lime.
CatboUc ebsrdi a Tnesdaj
Piuk Vbta ud wife epac a few auscs we may expeei s
Hr. and Mrs. Haataad.
---------tbu Isst yar for potato.
puM br Mrs. nuirasn of TraToru days ai Northarf last weMt,
Tneeday. Aeg. lllh. be . he (7lb >
Mn. r. B. Wbne sod esoUbr, Mrs:
aty. are spadlap/a fa dars tn towa
a Unb-i
F. U. DePoy. wat to Kmlkuka to rlsit Wribday of George N. 'lUMes.
bad at-hU t«|.
Hr. ud Hn. DePay. also to attend tbe day dtaoer party
ijoyable time wu|
denee. A eery
Blue left Tharsdar ter CbkSMO.
m Mr. aad Hn. 0. LnrtBer left Ttanre ° On Julym IMS. there were 2*1 ehU.
eo4d a eow to;
dar a the lUiaoU for Cedar Rapids, dree In Wbltewaier township between
Iowa. Tbetr sa ARbnr will tessala the ages et K sad 20 yars. There were
hu a cbotoc
284 at the dose of the school year.
the boluw of tbs eraton
pcan. plums and grape*. Mr. Dom|no i
Mr. aad Mrs. Bhelp left Thnrsdar There wrere 214 of this number that at.
laded school during the yetr. Tbe mdeniunds the ruliuix- of gnpes anil ’
for tbelr borne Ik North Dakota.
its grape* sre always In good deaisnd '
a^niu ot maey b tbe district oS.
Dr. Carhio Malexoma spoke si U
4e Intends In the fall tu enlarge hl>
cert' hand a»d d«e Ike district Is II.

"sr. wbk
lied the MiMW Halreraoa Boadu.
mJ7. We paid tor teacben during -Ineykrd.
Miss Martha Boask has a aew or
Grudma Forion. who bss bcoti
tbe year: To taa. I6UA0, u> woma
CBS. Vise Belle HalrsrMW is-------------spendlug m week vlsIUag wllh ber
11.041.00; loul. I2.01I.O0. Tbe >-sTuc
Bl«e her isaaoai.
dugbter. Mrs- Joseph Purtoa. returned
of ibe ______
Bcbal ,
.......... -S
Is glTI
Mia AiMlIa Bbela speat BuMar
> Traverse City Sunday.
at Vaaik vtslUag Mads.
Ure. Nors Hosleter of Bellslrr Is rlsAug. 2tBATCB.
' I
Of ttans bare llbrartee wtlb l
Lord Carew. the tegltofa nobleman,
Mta disale WtsMaakey cpeat San Ulna bv uncle
ad soat. Hr. ud Mrs.
- ui
II Tolumes.
Hr. ud Mry. George W. WiisuB are;
dar at bcoBe with bsr parsBta, Mr. ad Kale Ar^
is a (anew of renown ud owns a herd
Aug. 22.
Mrs. Wm. Wloitialer.
visiting at Haachestcr lor a lew days.!
D hu been
Mra Lee Ayen of Grawa
returned of Jwys of rare strain and milk^lvapndlng
Hr*. Gedfca gave a party for
> tbelr bowto lut Uuoday sfu-r u Ing quallllcs. It Is Laily Care,
law. Mn. BDsa Ayer»
iw. milkmaid faxbtoa. la short | Sunday (cbool elsu ^t Fridar^
of two oonlbi.
Hltajfhia Myers of BtAod expocu to
at J. W. Wllsey'a.
ud' Mn, MeKenrki - H. C. Bailey bu recently built u sdud towwni bodlee. agd I
Mrs. Can Brower Is altsfaUjr
r mother a vuit orer Sainrdar
Hr. ud Hn. D. B. -Wynkoop of to .. lib Mullou. She will 1
thoach atm rarr Ul;
.llih.D lo bb barn.
Troeerae aty aad Hn. Adaip Wynone of the boarding house*. Vtaak Barorm aad wUo have morpd
Ml*. Pewins sad Mra Vaagba ef luGeorge AraoM bu Just SnUbed hi*!
nia Jark«« and Frank Miller She 1* u t-xi»eri tullker and eu put
MIm Lciia
to Ikoir aew raMekee,----------------------- lud bare been bpeadlag s few days koop of Cedar were ealllng on (rteads
of OsbU-mo wtw I he guesie
here tost week.
* '
many of the .dairy maid* to blosb to Imra.
wUb Mr. and Mra WIU Fewtos.
mt. Mn Prank Fisher, tost
- Mrs. Floru BaaseU of BayBeld. WIs..
HIM Susu Harsh hu goar to New
rapidity and In ubuintng mRk
Blackberries are getting ripe ud
Hiss Nio Helm spent one ■
Is rlslUng ber grundparoaU. Hr. ud
'the sroods are toll of plekera
V of the herd, i York to visit friends.
Mn. J. P Tlltocuea.
rr TucaitoD very plesauily
Tkc whistle of the tbreshlag
Of eounr. It I* pore sport for ber lady
Hr. and Mrs. W. H. Cnior of Travehtae Is hsard eoce more lo oor t
eru City were the guests of Mr. ud ^M*
Hn. Oulus Is eniertslnlng ber •l*ifr; ^|ooiblug pK-are* her more
Hay from Walloon Lake.
| ^,'1 „
Hn. J. Bowden last week.
Mra. AoeOa. • living near l-aasing.__________________ __ _
iorlie aririocrallc friends to
^Htsa Rckah BTlson wu Ibe gust of
J. B. Herrill hu Just had a well

Mr. ud Hn. C. A. Wood of Chicago
recently .celebrated ntoetynintb blrih-,
ta be baa tecuUr laku wu> Hiss tether Ayan Eridsy.
tbe plays tbe pan of
parUmuU a wife, ito bride baleg Mias
Tbe game between Maple City and
Hattie Holt ot aowcU, Mick. Mr.ABd Ponri Lake *
I to a to taror i
Mn. Jatttacm &*• ben speadtag a Maple Ctty.
wwb witb .tbs4r mother. Mn. Roxy
THE PLAIN TRUThA Almlro icam will play at Ba­
' '
'ikMpUod. TheywiUmake pin Ang. nt ud Maple City Sept. main aaUl nett week.
Mr. and Hn. A. J. Lynes ud dai
I at Piuaburg. Pa, whertr
yesterday h
What Mere Can Traverw Cl
ter of nainwell. Iowa, wbo bare b
m has s potltlOB with tbe
tor MllwuL...
mi Like sad^Mlto Qnec Ellsworth
Ask For?
Tlslllng tbelr relatives, thr Klngsli. ,
The KlngOsher. have broken ramp
of latond srors at i
left for Reed City Saiuntay. aceom- Ud all left but one. who got*
mi- re*M<-nts and highly
^5lJl?%dle AmbbTUu' U iBfori •reittoB.
of Tra»-r»e Clly
J rneepttoa
rneeptta Batnrday
Mvday_ ernlag
Tbe dance atiM. Geary's tor the panlcd by Hn. A. H. Jeffery, who will They packed tbelr lent, and
return Tuesday.
equipage and left
- r of Hr. ud Mn, Bay J
ueii etatem.-BIr a* tb.; following.
Psari Uke alae wu a grand soerass,
Hr. ud Mrs. 8.
iptotog ItlAO tor the boys.
er. In be ready for nett year. Nine In It muu carry eonvlrtlon lo every n.wdarrived Saturday
all have been here. When m-ked bow
1C summer monili* are /be best in f
If yo* siiff.T wlOi beadacbea. todle Mr. and MravB^
... jf town were
InftnenteHra. Alt Ira S Jarkson of E. Fnml
whole vear for the indmenl and
naiuh%cy. specks before Uw
Oibha. Mias Ardle aad HaAHr^eau
Mrs. Lne Ayors rowraod to ber
Mrevt. l'<-v<in'l Harlow stn-t-t. *ayi:


The children’s friend—


Drives out blood impurities. MaWS strong nerves and muscles.
Gives tone, vitality and snap.

3Sri ■



■ iiJVf



Nature Helps Mi>o>naCMre3tomach TroubiM
in Short Order.

C Ofbbs of Matobetfa MlnMaiy Batabt ^ ‘
«f Tnrene (Uty ud MraCnfoMiM
I -'i Urn. MaiUe Hot
Tke oecastoa wa
.. ...................................
ataglag of tbe kullea’ koaratte aad
aotot by Min MMn OIbbs aad-HaroU
°A^ by Mias Bbd pIMs of TraT
oru Ofty «w Mjoywd by tboM atind; -tag tbs eerriees «i the chureb Son^MTa^^n. Btebard HanbaU are
oatartmatag Mr. and Mn. Jamaa Ip
Ste Bkd tBMUy of Orond Rapids.
Mta. wm CteM has gone lo MUwaskae. Wla., to.rlMl u aoBL
A. 8. Bkiassa' Is hartag hU mldeaoe rStMagM Ud a porch added
la froat


______________________________ •

te Batnrday. Mra. Mora HoottorAlbrlght. wbo hu been aick the p
Agaos Apsrs wut wttb ber lor
week, la better.


1 Gray
1 tost Bui
I.W **>». «niiri Hooks..
Tbere wtU b« AdinnaalAfthuf

lae to hare the nedt yoke eonw
le boggy ttstooe. btaaktog tbe tongue
I two or ihsee plaoea.
Wo uadcratoad there will be rorirat
iMttngs held at the seboolboute'all


Mias Lasra Halmud. dror.
Letaud Sssday to attend a
aad eUll frlndi.
Mr. aad Mn. O. B. Wilbnr of CharICToig are TtaUtag yetatlTea aad
Mtada In town.
Mn. Murphy and daartl«;Gladra ot
TWHTtu City apent a fter days of this
.r week la town.
/ '
Mason. F. Stokes aad Soka Foster
' kA TbiDOdAy for Utalr Utae ta Rranaton, after apoadlag a tahrt to town.
-Tbe gaaeto at Cedar taodgs. assisted


wu tbe gaaat of ber naeto ud a—
Hr. aad Mrs. Hltna HaUett. Bnnday.
Hiss Reksh Wltoon l
Clsreuee Cuule. I
Rum^ Piwd H-ileoa
row were Ibe gues
Rahil Bates Buaday.
The gsare betwete
ud l#ke Ann wu • ti
UkcAnn. *
Aug. 21.
Tbe put week bu been replete with
nil kinds of amusemeuU ud soetol
A su
btmor oi will rauwuy »i «,o>cugu, «
dMl^lful time wu
sput playing
games ud dsiwdag ud dainty refresbmeau won serred later la the ctu-

Botaiday oftagn^ Aug- /1»tb. for tbo
beseBt ef OelU^Dame. wbe is Ul abd
atoktsagoddrUoatseaL iMsuhlsh
ly eaisrutotog aad wu attuded br a
tone number. Tbe progiam wmttwed
of songs, daaen. drills and uealtoM
- Maglag. Tbe utertalaaMM wu btgh **A Imta daaee wu glrcn at the Serwbleb pTOTcd
a Maaday eventog w

Mtoa CArrie Cadham of Butloiu Bay look place at the VlRlrachlU tut W.dto vtoWag triuds to town.
a pkaaant affair
Nr. and Mra. Bardgt of Fite Lako aad wu largely attended ud enjoyed
• ate dWUag B r. ud
_ . Mra.
hr muy young peopla ud reaortera.
I. L. Dom« toft
Tt Wed»<
Wedaa^ moratog
Another duee wu given tbe aamr
• Osti
-tortol. Mr. .and erealag at the Kaltoas wd a good
te tola kto wUa to
Mrs. Dame are BOW in CUeasD.
Ume wu reporteA
Mtoa Bnima OMmu hu ratdned to'*
Mr. Perkins td Chicago hu porbor bitoo to iatoad.
ebaaed several ur«. ot tood from Fred
Mtoa OoRnsda -Wkgbo rMamod home AtktoaoB ud will en^ a.Midenec
tnm SMUma .Bay Baiortay.
bare 1a tbe aaar faiare.
Mra. Lacy Bridges and dao^ter
Ivu VlakoebO rewraed to Traverae
MlUrdd left Monday for their borne to aty Satnrday evening.
Mr. aad Mra. Jehim cave a proProf. U l: Dytte
lAWTUeo. Ku. grcwlTe etaeh vnnr Batotday evmiwas to town M veteb the laott ot lag. Tbe prise wtoaon were--Traak
Mr. aad Mra. Ayma.
Praue. fint prise: Fred Atktosoe.
oed prise; Hose Ro«en. booby pr ..
CI^’ Ma^y*^ *"* *
Mra. Decker, first ladles' prise; Mru.
The T. P. 8.
Elmer Rogers, second prise and Clara
KKlal at Oe.c
- ‘
on. booby prise.
Vateu aad Mrs. WDsoa
rudand aad a ptoasut evaatas apm
t .vlslud tbttr brother. 1

•Hard w. rk <iu a farm hoib while my
fausltand wa* lu thi- civil war and for
hcrrlcs w
efi. ruard*. broke »n. down, pn.'
my It ■I week'! items wfeer It savs
h.-alihy action lotbt
a gasoline yachi from rUeago. eir_ ii („f ,.,-niv v,*r» I Un- m-ver hml » all help to
rllK'-rtIve t.„__
Every phy>Vlsu
Reid Wynkoop bu gone to Traverse should1 asay a tolling yaehi. having v q., .
v<» alii;n Natun- w‘ll aid MN>-ua in
City to spend the week with relallres cabin. F. E. FUher uya li was manned cwnrulie.! .si.l I bad IIvit trout,I.-, Ihil
flnely by the i*o girls. Th
iDrllpostloo ud gMng rtrength
short call ai the North HapI
!• .lumach ud whole dletutlvc
■r a* Hi* tr mi-dtcliic
they were greeted by
iwn’F Kill- S.vietp. u xbe best lime lo use ibl*
friends. They must i
noy put* I •»* siniii--' psfalyi
wlibo-jt a*sl*iunat
Markinac; .Itho-Jt
u, win notleinp ti m eh-;rrh .me Sutirti
‘^fa^Hre. Tomllnaon uf
inc .hen li Ivqiilr.-J an el
Letlle of Hour spent Buaday
rs. N. B. Bheridao. a rrsMetit berv gg „y
Mr. ud Mrs. A. C. Wyakoop.
.h- ,.o«Mh .nJ «,l.r
thlny years, an raratei worker Ir.
b,|-.1l» .;«n^ fur a “L,.™! ................ .In.
LoaU BstlcrSeld went to Grover
">rcnsihm the niT«c» of
•ly. I..
lit presidcni
... ,„74j,n
H Id a knife I
Hill. Ohio, lut week to attend ifac fuIt any Mmcj
le, wat ,iirprl»ed lut Thur* '
n> 'Udn*!
a»e- of Ibe
day afternoon by iwelve ladle* of ibe
In tbe
s caneiT, Imi
society. I
li. am, and
agreeably spei . Mr*. L. L T.-ld,
former reslden , and her niece, ti.w
ud Boe Garl have i
hlrago. were
.ere prwcnL which added sanoytog dlBre.oliy will
Tlslllng frleods to
•toilr to tbe eatoymrot. At the prop '
and I
Pearl take.
set under the ,„ri„r.. ir. m ihlrM
• time t
A. C. WFnkoop'i cousins. Mr. and
Th.- t.Ica'
r*. Leyaes, of Iowa, alto his brTnher,
Imsketa were relieved
Ihclr Ifl* whie'i per»!*leli:l> rlun* ••• nicTor
i». ud *«»t*.|akcn SI the lal.ler.,
sradiisll,. ,li.ain* art.l,
where rtellrirao* coffee, sandslehe-.
uniU I ru.,1.1 .k-ep Ul.- a (hill imlll I
and Icr crcMU awaited, lo which
> was done Hn. Ray then rea.i
and placet of interest
wsls's wu?eidm
artlrle writien for ihe oerasUm.
) the family •<
rrlaii^ Inrldenis of Mr*. Sheridan* Kiadly pile miriil-f
• Tager
r hu two
ibreshlng machJii
plonwr life, her klndne** in ihv needy,
rvantog bow and la yery busy
expevk-ner UC
..I I»
Mra. Lewis Lamar aponi several alwavg rt*pondlng to the call* (*f the or-y P1IU »oan> la.:- wi,.. e.
■ feeduis
- lUiS the
days ta Lake Ann and tatertoeben lut
p.-r*on,ilv. 1( vne r-al-y - ,f
since she must be-wcmr>
week vtolltac filrads.
ley oimplBlBi
i., etr,
Mrs- A. C Wyakoop wu a Lake Anw well doing, the ladlt* presented U. _
wtih a nice rocking chair to rasiJn.‘
caller Batundar.
il.-slerHr. Tlndell Is doing mason work and feel that she ha. uaroipl thatj^
for Robert Wilson of West Almira this small tribute of their apprerlailDU ofi^“ber worth and s-nrk amoDs them. The '
gift was rccrived wllh'heany thukv
d ogeai. *
Mr. Bryui. the Herald
Ri-mi-nil-.t !l.v nsni.— Ikwn'e—ud
by both Hr. ud Mr*. Bheridao.
in our vjctolty
ay last we
lake no «lliv-r.
Aug. 20.

' '

; ’.'S';

fermcolatlcir. heart Pot. dtosl.

acb I* not disesling tbe foodu U
d of the food iwtog Ba­
f-lmllaicd ud making rich, red h------btood
and good solid flesh ud muscle..It to .
turned In the stomach 1
siimr. it
aonooa germs that fill the wbule b
wllh poor hcahb.
Just (AC lillte tablet out of fl W cent
Ml4>4a for a few days, and alt ;
thiH will bo ebanged for the better. '
ud btwHh re*
Ml*>«a’gaarA Bou V

gommercial Printing
nn Kinds

Rerald and Record Co.




week. They Irii Sunday for
Ntotera FalU.
•Aaa Putmu ud family new omipyibejfrtmt rooms of the Wynkoop block.
Mrs. Belie Hopkiu Is rislllDg rotaIves at Wexford.
Chu. Valencoun returec<d yesterday
from Bpriag Arbor, where he ha* bee-i
atteadlng sebdol. He will si
oral mooths here wKh ’elaUt
Two ball games are billed for Kings­
ley this week- Grawa play* th *
atoe FHdar ud Hanaafa wUI .
bats with tbe Kto|s(ey Sluggers Sat
Cbu Staaaell ud wile drove
ae Ctty today.
Rev. Martin ud Ca
family deponed yeslerday for their aew home la Farmingtoo.
loo. Hicta. They will be greatly mlrred
from Uw large circle Of friem
friends *
thoy had formed here. Servleea were
beU SBBday.m which the new |
Huneberg. was takaUed.
•sites Seegmiller ud wife iff CUcago ate rislttar the form^ pa
Hr. aad Mra. Henry Seegmiller.
4k C l#mbkto tu beu reahh

Vnlied Slate*.

wbo are bcacflled ud r^aln ttrcngib
are thoae who use Oermu Syrup..
Trial bottle*. 26c; regular sire. Tic
rbr Bale by 8. E. Walt>>8ons.
Since hi* arrival in thI* eotintry. if.
Witte. Ruasla's cblef represeaiatlve in
tbe peace aegMlatloBa. has woo for
bimsetr a vast smcRinl of Bbod win.
Wbatercr be has aald for
has beea ebaraeieitead hr'lnct. good

Dr. Haba of Algonduta. DU ate staylag
Htoaea MargeiT Speer aad Nellie
at the Trama Labe renost.
Fee eeve to isiwn from Rnmmit CUy
Mn. Bielger U enfmalatag her reUtlrto from Chicago, the Btoxlks.
Mr. and Hr. teker. who are rlalf


Senator Elkin* df We*t Vlrytloia i* '

aimatle Curas.
In danger i>l lorlng hi* jub Th. ix- 1* i
The Influenee of cliraaite roodllkmi
a gencrsl arri«log nf the "(iimaKjn ;
ta Ihe cure of consumption Is ver;
much overdrawn. The poor psileni people" wh.) Is-flevi- ihsl Rlkiti, rep-1
ud the rich psllent. loo. cu do mud resi-otf on)} the eori>or*;iuii>
bettor St home br proper itlentloi
to food digestion, aod a refular ate o
To Cues a Cold in One Dag
Oermu Byrnp. Free expeeioratkro ii ^
nlng Is made eettalo by Ger t
rap. so is a good night's resi «
absence of that weakening
rough ud dehllltatlng night sweat.
Mis* Mugl.- J IValU of Calumet,;
ResUeu BigbU ud ifac exhaastlOD,,
Mleh.. i* ediimr thooaly FlonlsB pnbdue to coughtag. the greatest .dugey ‘
for women lb this eoantry.
umptive. eu be lleaiian
ud dread of .
prevcaied or stopped by laUng C<r- |She I* greatly Interested In Unefiilag
snd regwlsrlf. ,the condition of the .women in iht
mu Syrup llberallv
Sboold yoa be aUe to

taste and breadth of view, aad he has
sbowa blmseU to be lo every way a
BU of brato correspondlv^
stalwart phyxlqae.

» ETES »
Cisro Muflachu. Stralgtitan
prou Bgwa snd Rootoro
Pprfoot Vision.
Of*, f*. A.

We Known Lines
Milwaukee Corn Binders.
Farmers’ Favorite Crain Drills.
Weber Farm Wagons,
Kalamazoo Buggies.
International Gasoline Engines,
Empire Cream Separators,
Syracuse and Peerle^ Plows.
All kinds of Implementsand Harness


128 Front Str««t
.m - '
' i-Ewis mce. Mbt.



Charter Md^ leaves PHday for
Bodily pa)a Mms IU terror If yoo'vo
Mrs. Charley Barton hs^^arsed
«e •naif hope that. »ltb tba hds d plaist a loag tlaw s
fttim JoySrid. where abe bai beea rlsBmrr jmrt. wher Mr. Plwee daUrarad Ood AlBightr. aad wltb the----___________age la writta* fro«
ber1l^ euu. apralas, acetdesta at aay
a or an her — ~• Ada Breek la rliWa* at Mn. ttiag the paM few week!.
.rtMoMb, N. H., *u«. IT^Tb*
Frank BoUart and wife are the | ,«t.
the trrtag
Mdaat Rooaarali »We*i tad baea ____
Jobs Ryabetg waa a Ttaewrae CHy
Dr. Bwseo-a ttU we
• mrvf k»»«
preod pannta of a baby hoy. borej
—-----br a t***' anleale throagh whl^ abe U sow pa^
Mra. Bby Lewis, wife of the sight visitor Tnesday.
tto. «f rd»J-rti« J«M iw w hroBCht fro* 07«*r Bar
aad will be bore agala U
uaad MeOa«.
kicior Barton has awred- badi to
igth.-the pvataeaa and the i
operator of the Pere Marquette r
Thao for aboal three bonra M. Witte
Mr. aad Mrs. McLHlsn cti«IUlnej|
tS? l".
read, has returned to h^ borne
eoDM Mb Utc «o«f«naM roo»
their dsughivrs. Mrs.-Pearl Hollu and : iftyp, Uir son of Harr MUIer-BrIght
aiA«4 • giMa otkepe tk*i tluT B*r
^ JTSteibof tbU
dar of Howard CHy.
HISS Maude McU llan trf Timvcfre *od Jeremiah Brtrtl. and died la 1^
la direct
t M. B. ^uftii wnl glre a aoeial Host caihped at Green lake over SnaMar IN •U« lo meb aaaia saUatar rard and. It la beUerad. ware
Bit. IB the rear of greoe. IX® aad
clereath rear of our relga.
iot, iBdaratuiUac npoa ibta patai or liidireet
at the home of MrsV«
Mrs. E U Waten has beHi rltltiag
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bowman aed
re for the
day evealug. The pro
na aawr* paaart the aneatloB pwr ________ Attar tbdr ratsm
her oarenU Mr and Mr*. H. Dearth.Kdaughtor Ella were vlaliors at Camp, la early cblMhond hU father dlirt
botd tbar abaolatair dacUiwd to laaka
benedt of the church.
•Aar t»o boara- dta««toii iU« »■<»«•
of West, inlaad. a few days.
' Ukevlew Saturday.
1 ^i''„i‘V“^*"heTvrt unm‘Sire’
Mrs. Matilda Cooper win elan
tag vUh a dadaloa ta record tba o- aar atatemeaL
been Tlsil
Mr. Smith. the Herald
•«»■">' represenu
aasoaad tba gr^aat'a aiatwgM (d Ttawa aad otbar artldai
Monday to vialt her daughter. Mrs
■live, was
los(D Wednesday.
aage vaa tba raaoll of Baron Kaacho-a
lag friends at Kalkaska.
John Boyd, at Elk Rapids
Mr. and Mrs. Andivws and daughter
Jut Andrus has nearly reciovered
Tlalt to Ojater Bar re»l*rdar.
Rev. K. 0. McCuno will leave tor
May were the guests of Robe. CarA plan of eoBpromlilag the dtBer*
ill- s<a ptiiiunnus iiT'ttu system he
the east Id about three weeks to onto* from the eSects of being klcko.1 by hU
I^MawreUi. K. H, *»». »*--Tte
family Sunday at llfelr
................. ..
_iea« hataecB the plealpotl
horse, being able to stork a lltllc now.
The thooiaadi c( diteouregnd pro­ the Boston Theological school. —
ls>. b<- married EliuH, H. Olds, who has been on ibc sick ramp at Oret-n |.uke.
at Boca: ns the attUag of tbU arUele « (Saghallenl bai bees aag- le who dread the approach of * — K. O McCone leaves behind a grea
The Mchlniii sorUI at Elisha Ami- '"'■h Jane Hinehan. who survlteshin;
gretad. It eoateiaplate. the reatore- _jer because they have bay fever
auoy friends that be has made domi
■ontng. Aog. lA tba peaee oooferenea
Uoe of tba etalBB quo azletlag be- cannot And aay relief from It.
There U an opening here for a good
aoMiBoed U>« dIaenaMen et artida II
read with Intereut and grelltude
oried a s-ueress FrvK-reds to be glvitt i,,i„ „
« <• Winrers and Mrs.
osd baa sot AsUbad. Tba dUettaalon fhra 1876 when Buraia held the north- following ilalrtaent from Helen p. all Join in wishing him a successful teacher, as flendon has not hired a > Hi., ehurek
: Ui««.a Mahn i>f W.-sl Nlath street.
and iapaa the aoothprn part ol
teacher for the coming year.
IS of —
M tba artlcte vtU be raaDiaad at :
college year.
Mtlli-f .vn l ,.4i of Wisconsin......................
Mrs. AllUon Scott spent Wedneeday
fj years, from t
e-de^ Afttete II reteni to llBltaiioo
Mrs. 0. B Manh is spcndlug b week
__F. ____
adjoining (the home laim: T.
fros............... siailon ac»%i fur the M. ft
In Traverse City.
at tba SsaalaB aaral atrcagUi is tba latiafy the aatloDal elaltat of Japaa adlleted srith bay............
terfr,„.t.wlng wbrue nt Old Mission.
N*. K. at Cedar. Mirlu and Jraalr. the
aad at the aamc time rellcre Ruaala
Emily Bowen of Turtle l.ake Is vUlt- reiurnssl home last KTIilay
The farmers from this Tlctnlty are
and worse each year. unUl erf late
tar fcat.Itarrelt anil farnll'. Frank Mr vuuugest. tlin at home nnman-hsl.
of tba daager of an laraaloa of the yean I waa unable to ailead
all bury working cm the rota to make lag her sUter. Mrs. Earl WldrigLaaAai. Aag. IB.—A dl^teh to tba
There an- twruly living pandriAwhich -U declared hr the wtwh during Uiai period.
Mr. Dalnei. eouoty whoni roinmU- U-an and familv. y |). Burke apd fam- drrti.
Tdegrepb from 8L BeteraIt
•Xaat summer I fommalely'gave
would axSat U the lalaal
lly tnd Mr. and Mrs. A. Alleu acre InIn IWMI he moved to Weltt.eouniy.
man nod beast.
farm «
JapanLltllc Rhoda Hollis of Trsv.TSe City
: Mr. and Mrs, Vinton arc away this
valle a»ooi>B tba penole la regard
. . . lar..l It ■
Ikui Welrh t<r Frankfort
had no recurrence of the disease ; week on their vmtalloB.
o br the e
Is staying with Mrs. Sarah Wldrig for
where lir ,lved until
H.Il.He,'. j™-"
non here V. irhlgan
a few weeks.
vU(± la axpaetad to be laaaed totaor.
Aug. 39.
- ' hi* fam:
King la Inaana
amr. It U batlarad the prodamtloa
lave romr
to the proprietors
, .. etors of Hyo-,
GharJey and Hocloc^IrlxsJi. Mr. I work for the Wjlle Cooperage Co
in Kaason and logeili
Madrid. Aug. 1#.—De Dr. Macho. mel and the resulu tallowing (bU
vm alwtr aaaoaiiea the creatloa of
a^ Mrs. Will Csrpenlre and Miss Hathe comfonaWe ‘
A new /mtd over I1-e hill west of wbirh he has left.
Bcndon. Mleb.. Aug. 19.-lra Case z^AllcB look In the excursion to Lud
a aatlaaal aaaanbir aad that there lAyildan of the bUbop of Sioo, who U
ViwB Is^fng suncjisl. and Ihe r«atl
Never a atroug. robust mU.
i lost a valuable horse and cow. and Ingtoa Sunday.
- wW be so Bestien c( the aabject d prirate ebaplaln to the royal family,
xra a pailew. unromplalnlnit
nid today that the proposed marriage,
north of tnuo t..r two itiilcs l» being
j Orric Case a cow. by parts green pol
Mrx. Ruby Lamb was very |ili«atil Clayed and tiirtiplkW. Igu the good
mvrh of the lime; hr yr^
of King AUonao and Prlaeere Parriaea
; sonlng last Monday. Mr. Case seems
By I
niasing until lam Rep-'
If snrtirlsed tiy about forty of lo-r
of Ooimaugbi was deeUred off when healing balsa
mal^.f .Ke H.V no be having bU share of had luck friends Wp.lB«*day evening and all re work go tin.
lemlier he was sttleken
»•,---- -- with
----- toe
—------he peter more gala<
The ,law salt t.tiiig rarrled on be­ ad> from wblebI be
a coHaagua of M. Wlua to the peace Alfonso, suited Bngund. King Ed­
port a merry titge.
alreogth. . ihuugb his body was ve
hay. was atruck by llgbislng and
mfMbca Mil ben at 7-.S0 thU more- ward appointed two physldaas to exLast Monday Arehle Melx-nn gave i tween Mr. Ik rkey ati.l Mr. ^^ss In •soak and but tl. burned to Jhe grouad.
tMfbrOyntar Bay to confer with Prea- amlBC the young Bpaalih klag. and
farewdl party In lleake's hall to i
they reported that AHonao showed
60 cenu. S- E. Walt ft
M H. Deuke and family eatertalne.!
Meat Bonaaealt In reply to an argent gtgat of tnaanlty. TbciQ King Edward extrn bottles
away, yet
r mmsrios* of the loved oare
icy to any
number of his young friends. A ver rairled to a hlgl|ef court,
Bonaagi to refund the mont
nsreet reealved from Hr. Booeevelt declared the match o».
Lllible Rhodes of Green l.ake Is viis ■round him.
B Hyomcl Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jacoba and cbll- enjoyable evening wai 'spent and be
hmy feri_ sufferer who
He uas roaverted la Wjuth nnd
Uren RcU and Carl and Mr. aad Mrs.
King her sister. Mrs. Mossle Uartua.
MM nitbC Preeldeat BooeereH and
wltbont beneflu
fore leaving, toe young people
Mori Freedom In Ruatla
Kllson and daughter Mlnnlo last Sun­
rUUon. wfirb he servod In taaliT oEMr. and Mrs. Doakr. daughter Ei
8L Pctereburg. Aug. 18.—Bmpewr
rUl wavs the moat of his Hln.'-belng
day at Camp Lahevlew.
eft Tnesday montlng t« at­ elre. Mr, and Mr*. M. E.Jarobs and class Itader lor many yeara. Ma waa
Niebolaa baa today aaooooced the Bentot Harbor bring 170 net .In Cbl- • Harry Barrett and family left FrlUna of the pWM eanfereace. Tba
tend the encampment at Ludlngtoi. Milts Domihy
kindly ware and
knowp,fpr hi*
tor Wo.l.ooa, .to- lo W«l i.ko
rif-------peaM wnTon hare recom- gnut to the people erf Rurela of a na­ engo.
and will go from there to Alpena i" Messrs, llildutrd and Durham and fan- hr alwavs hail n good word for lEerjto the Bdkado that the orlfl- tional eoBSUltaUvc aaaembly '
ime proiM«l or a1>*ent. He never
spend a few aionilis.
aal peace demaada ba modlfled.
to b* hU
Don't- forget the Sunilaj- school pic­ Green lake. Sunday.
duty, and-we believe be ba* the re­
the whole of Rttisla. The ImperUI
homc in Wisconsin. H. Slarrow l
ward of thf faithful.
MBUetto. whidi Is pobliabed almuta aad summer compUinu
Mr. Barrett's rlscc here as 8. Drown s nic. Wednesday. August :r.rd, at Creei
bad a running, lu hing sore on my
taneoiuly bare and at Moscow, and
Srrcrfnla. salt iBeuqi. eryripal
Suffered tortiirea. Ikmn's Olnt«fll not besuiad by arUtrelkm to the which will be read In all tbc churches
Mr. -Wldrig huf been gfbding and ered- I
I took away the liurning and llrh. 'other dUtreaaing araptlve d
Dr. Brnee recently removed from the
.gopalar aneepaaeo erf toe word." de­ of toe empire. U dated at peterhof to­
Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Huddleslonc
per- field qulekly.aad parmaae^
stomach of Harry Clayton a snake fixing np the Uwn around his new daughter Mabel arc v^ III with ty­ Ing tnstanily an^qulrkly^ffc^^
clared toe Japaaese «T0ya at noon day, and U as followi:
Lwhari. Buwl
lowl- rlianslnx. purifylns power W 0
houio. an example* more Bendonltcs
Blood Hitlers.
today, tbtnagh toelr Bpaknamaa Hr.
The empire of Buaila U formed
phoid fever.
srould ilo well to follow,
Bata PreaMeat BooaereR bad aug^....MKeoed by toe ladestnwtlble been a sufferer from an unknown comt the emperor with the
«sMad to Bam Bores that the dUrf toe people with the ompots Ngardtos the remaining nrtkJea
coneonl ol emperor and
bs aubmlUad to arblUrilon, There people Is toe great moral force v
mr be coueaatoan." Mr. Sato
has created RnuU In the conr
ttoaad. "bet neitbar couatry would eenturles by protecting her fro* all
all attacks, aad has
ntre to Tba Bagtie any qaesUan in
eonstiiuted up to the present Um* a
reMBg prtodpla."
pledge of unity. Independence. Integ­
rity. maierinl well -being nnd lutellccPwtaaHMtb. N. H. Aug. n.-A tunl devdopment.
ld;U tbU montlng H. Sato, the JapanOM mbWtoen. Maned toe toUowtug • "In our paalfamo of Feb. *d. 1901.
n«Ba] ntotomeat: "Owing to the tm we called la n clote underetandlng
Ibc taltotitf aons bf the fatherland la
• poMltatmy to SBlab before 8 o'clock irderTF^olart toe organln
’ this altoreoan the srerit of preparing
the pnueeta of toe meeting of the 5il**^ dOT^*’llfe'of toe
City concern, owned and controlled by yOung and enterprising
. v^savn. totoy's meetUig has been ud than wa’aarolod oureelve
Traverse City men. recognized as one of the largest and
Vuanad nntD tidO. o^oto Wedaeaand of removing toe dlaagraebrightest Dry Goods and Clothing ^ncerns in Traverse City
n U baUered by toe time tomOTTOw'a mesu exMllng tore which haa reacted
—selling only guaranteed high-grade Clothing and Furnish­
to dtreatrooaly «i toe norniM course
■eating oonrem toe envoya win hare of oar BsUoual life.
ings. Hats. Caps, etc., for Men and Boys: also Dr>- Goods and
•Mwered toelr reapeettre govmmmiU
"The autocratic omparore.
TfariUng Praetdeni Booeerelt'e sagDress Goods, Underwear. Hosiery. Yams. Ladies’ and Miss«’
grelion of taterreathm. M. Witte deCloaks and Skirts and Suits, etc..—all at prices 10 to 50 per
dared today that BnasM would never
pay Udennlty or nede toe UMad of atole~ of
^ renata^
cent less than the same qualities of goods can be purchased for
Sai^abeA- He aUo aald the demand
elsewhere in Traverse City—and in addition
erf Japaa for possemloa of the tatereed iSiTttCTeby**at?Mh\p^ toe higher
Raadaa wankipa was nareaeonable.
Oalaas Japaa' raeedea oo these point,
’SAWCe Disk
there U sot mech hope beU out for
of the Mate budget.
Creato Lower Heuaa.
; B.—Tba Ena-









tloaa to Mr. WlUe omUnlBg'toe coma
that ba Pball poraue at'toa retvenlag
are fUD la preeare tt Ulag pal Into
dpbar prior to bainc loewarded
Areartea. WUh tba raealpl of
PMatsbair* Mat moaaaga. toa briai
braatotof ipall wUl have emdad. «t
Patanbarg Irevaa.^ final word wilt

—jJ laBrregnrrtlng
_______ ror. sre have deemed
J to form a Oeesdarevennlt
(lower haute of the aatambly).
eleelkmt^'toto donma. extending toe
validity of these ta»« W toe whole
tetritorr of the empire, with tneb exeeptloai only a# may be conaWered
neeeaaary In t

**"Aa*raga?di .. .
labot^of the gotudartraonla douma
of delegatat from the grand duchy of
nnland on queatkm concerning the
empire genernUy and toe graad duchy
ta parik^, we sUU take tpaelal
Mr.-Wma, tt can‘be dadared that the leaBures.
laqulfwta of toe ntaM make con"At toe same time we have ordered
emloM oa toe WSa of todeomiiy
toe mlnitter of the Interior to enbrnll
aad Sa^altw. at toere quatttoD* ware Immediately
for our approbation
ciriglaany pnseatod by toe Japanoae. lattaot tor the <deetloi)t to the d<
so that deputies from flrtly governIt to eortalA tost ta toe natter of meoU and from the mllilarT piovtneo
of toe Don may be able to assemble
~taaetariaa toe tear potnu sow la dU- net later thaa the middle of Jasuan'.
ptaa bate beea ooaaldared aad studied 190ft
"We reserve to ourselvei entirely
care of perfrellng toe organlxaiion
already bat graatod oe toe other eight toe
of the gostudarevennla douma; and
the course of evenit shall have
i the peeesalCy tor changes rorre
Ingly completely to the welfare
, N. H, Aug.
Mnptre. we tball not fall to give
•t the proper moment toe neecstarj
a today to't oUook toto aflcr- directions
CMUftenoo in Feopla
retod to toe ilgatag of toe pTMoed*
■re cOavtared that those
the ennill
shall have. been elected by tt
already agreed to. R to etatmi oc
B of toe whole people and who will
eeUeat aoUnrity that the exar
.. called upon to partJclpai.
totMd M. WHta thU ■mlag that be­ tout
work of the governti
toe leglBlaUve
l< '
fore Bntala wUI treat for the pnrehate
: show toemselve* In the eyes of all
of toe tataad of' Saghallmi. which Russia to be worthy of,the Imperial
of which they have
Japaa won by coaqaeaL aad for rrim- trust la the virtue
been Invited to> cooperate U
In thibonamnt to Japan for keeping the
that. In perfee
Baattaa tvtooasn of war. Japaa matt
r InstHnlloos ai
withdraw, witboot coadlUoat, b«r de- iboritlet of to
wfll Q
eread'lor tht^paytoent of toe irei of UX.
her nimary aM navil oper*tk>nt>Thrs beiag oft our common mother. Rosala
aad for tbe strengthening of the
toe aecurliy and
ire. at well at lor toe iranquimiy
•a ttdamalty. Bnaria deetarea tbc
protpcrily of tbe people.
matter now roaU with Japan.
. New Era for RueeU.
PortsMOth. Aug. n.—Pi«a
’ Rooawplt to sMrgatMally eoattantng
bit oCerts to save the peace reefer.
COM Bore ablpwvwta Tbe aentatlcm able eoaSdeaw to tbe grace of •
end toe tafalUbltity of the great
of toe day was a ■ytaeriowt vtelt pM terteal dasttatoa rewerved by dlrlnej
- by Mr. WKte aad ^sma Bnore t

GiTtag you absolulely free of any charge wiatcver to you, when you have traded a certaiu
amouut, a bcauflfiil white and gold decorated
'iUItNER SET--43 pieccs-is reason why this
concern shonid be entitled to your patronage.

Don't you want-no encourage enterprise? Don't you
want everything your moqcy will get? Can you equal-can
you approach—can you even get a tithe in the other stores of
the values., the excellence, the quality, that you get here ?
And to mark our appreciation of your generous patronage,
give, mark you. absolutely free, a handsome china Dinner

This Beautiful


6 fNO


Dinner Set
^t>|NNeR 1


With 09 Pemiom Tickets.


6 cups €r







Steinberg Bros. Set the Pace
- There are no mveyirrd method, io vozoe here.-oo .n.iqoaled mcrch.rndi.e-eo „ld.|a,hion. d Uka, of makioc a fortun'-'
fortune on
o. one sale. Were
wc fail to nave
„ »Js^^h^-eX VALUES-hiq va,uc.-bi,qer fhan a„vhody.-rhe«
-W - keep .he dishe. wf.h S.cfohera Bro. eompUmeo^^
nearly every man. woman and child in Traverse City and the Grand Traverse region
Bros. Get it at Steinberg s and you get it right.

■rreAVKRSE eiT-v, isaiomioain

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