Grand Traverse Herald, July 27, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 27, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Pitcs 11>6


qulret from one to I
On tfM

dry and are iiaed agala.

her naval kindly tart the euem paated i
the inddeot oB. Inaodoeed him f
mally to tke dnke and duchess of File.; |B« b
•»' «bo ...................
promptly Inrlled him lo call on ed tbronghoul of tofld sflrer.dl la ^
large as the Vnited 8iat« and Alaska ; u,*!, reeepttoo days, and then hei.x* , Uned tor Ibe palace
America baa 63 times as many _ tlnmelf two domra of where tal. own' prince. A maasire four-post tadataad.

ne lU rtafci to*.
AafifidaD tfo*

* fe«tto bi*«e
imai f>r oS HM


Blow* B«tl7 O’er tk« w*»i» t^to;
' A Mdto* bewrtr ««y
« 0>e wMUn ptotofc
Tb« twlDkllDK stm.
Tbnmgh *inro tart. ,
t«ek dowa «poD Ike tarkeaed plkli
Ike eoTOto^ err
Aad Ike Dl^ vlta't ilfh
Are btoM tai s kiBf rtfnla:

ure Tonn* todj tuBBjertiig u <Md MU-

Lopc nr> oi lletit
Otopri itae Bi^t '



ItafuM Ike air.
vMtvard sreoda

tke wagoa

Tk« god flC dar la gtorr nlKU-'
TIa auartoa oa Ike *tateni plalta
—Lofiia P. Canatiap. la PUtabnrg Diapateh.

-shore from BUt Rapids, as abc
my Itmdm know. He many large aad
b«stl(id fanat.

These are.^for tke

most part, desoted to toe rablng of
apidas. tor wUeh the region Is jusUy

One farm, eapedalty. Is

famoas tor Ita fruit, hnadredt of barof which are ahlpped to Chicago
dudag tke aeMoa. Thla place aumbers
maar'bitad acres, whose dsetlay to
preaUed osar by a yooBg married
oonsOe who both woto hard to make
their bostoeH a aneoeea. Aad It to a
kwstoeea. regulrlag as mm± thought
as a mereaatlle eatahUfhmekW 0»rtog throa axmthtW the year the
torifty wift ukw aummer boardert.
Thto to toe totr3 eeuoe they have
eome to her. and they (ctulder them'

gentlemen In those days often were, a | etUng

trace. U “rlrerThe Laila

il 1s rims. F«HB this
Beleg Tcrr foad ot ibU rmrleiy great gambler. -Once he was so ex­
the adjeetlre rtralls. penalnlag
of applet, be **. ia tb* habit of huy- cited over a game that be could not
rirer or brook, la the old days
la< (kesi freqaeatly aod haring them stop long enough to go to dinner, but
bring him-------- Rome petwie o*«^ « a«< ***«
•eat to hit roqm by his laadlady, *ho 1 ordered his serraat
Bten then he eould aot ■ the rivers, and neighbors «ko got
a dear little old tool and petted! thing to e
? lo eat In the orthodox i from the same stream *ere called
the yooag felo* Imajcatcly He used I spare the
toi^lke that, for he dldot get It aow.l lathloo, hot laid a plere
ikclr rights, and a coolest *oo« fob
,e Id the east | t«i a two pieces of bread, and i
alnee be left bU old b
liTca^Tn't to toe“|^;:.'a^d^*lng I dlapotad of them uulckly, A. tke s«ne i low. So. trith tke c^ ^ cmc
w«t to make bis fame and fortune, I lime, though ho probably
never nhrough the yean, people srbo

A rniMc. wUt etahantmtat rel«ne
«the wetlei* plaliifc


vatta. The;m«red lad did his I
rer a line to j moch to the aoeen's a

erirea amre than fortnaale that they
Wbappaaed to ftod her oqI.“ She to
one of the “best eeoka on earth,” they
all dedara. a mom chandag oompaa-

s:^r’r;x’r “r™:
hare liked, bin* for her daughter, but

tnes.^lshleh Staad la
groups .arowad the houte. aad toe
groimd to aoddea aad kept as cloarty

States as a gtala producing country, i
but ibm avekge laborer there gets |

Q«wer SwImmtop NeeAsa.
| and a cabinet make up Ibe aulto.
Svlmmiag needles that *UI rematu, ,b,cb took poarig a y^ ,to mate

Ione4ourlb as much tegea as to the on the wauf, approach each other and , w'elghlngaltogether orerfowr tona.1U

pete In school. In polities. In bnilnem,
allairs of the heart are called

many factories «. RnasU.
Ruaala produces one-tweoOeth

The simplest way Is to place
tbc . United Stotos
a piece of tissue--paper on toe water
there are :,«7
Jtossla has 30.000 miles of coast line, and lay' the n«^lr on it. The paper
lion, because the ilendcr, polnipd pelM»n becomes soaked with water and !
ut half of II U ko-bound.
al. are shaped like a lk» s tooth. The
The United Stoles has IW.onO miles links to toe bottom while toe needle;
daisy, smiling
smiling by
by every'reedslde.
to left floaung on the top
method Is to bang toe actdle in tvro,
once upon a lime called the day's-eye.

- • manner. He was as Early of 8pcn-l

who llTcd aboat ihc year IMfO. He;
he prob- ’
o much of a dandy t:
be bad net felt tke need of a wife, sbly set the styles tor hU assuclalce |
■niclr-foollshness must have surprised because It 1o<*ed like an eye. Through
by the beat of
him but he was so sure they would many yesu* and careless speech
tlsUc fornUore aad beautiful pictnies.
follow bis lead la dress that be once [ easily changed In soend, and then In
he had mooi than too comforts that
bet about lb He wagered that | spelling, until
Csll to the lot of toe average city
he could Ictrodoim the fsshlon of form. Saxifrage, which erety loVer of
young man who ^ no home of bis
wearing-anovercosl so short that the 1 spring wild flowers baa gathered.-is
own. To be adi*. he meant to marry
^ of hit coax would show below U. : from two Latin worts, saxum, a alone,
aomeUmb. but the right one seemed
be did, and won his brl. The I and fraUgere. to break, because jt
not to have passed his sray. tad so he
OB rocky ground, literally
was belplag to twcU tke list oTeligible new short coat was named a speacer.
was much worn for a lime: Anally
These sre but s few of ibe many
In lounging robe and slippers be It developed Into a waist for women,
derivatloa one can <
which Is still known ts the spencer
wta (akleg bis ease one Sunday '
and in resolving them tato thel
noon, reading bis msgaxlaes ai
Gerrymander is another word with a mary pans, snd In observing bow
peis and munching one of the apples
their preseni-meaningi were, obtained
(bat had come to him from the far-oB history which commemorates Us name­
a reader can secure a valuable inUn^unmercrea^ On the tabic at hli sake In retoer an unrovtoble way.
Ing for himself- Our toaguage
side lay a card which be had detadied Though used only by poUtictans. It Is
utergtnre are a part of ourjtofrop the stem el toe apple he was en- familiar to moti of us. It Is used to
tlon’s herltoge. Tlie study of ime's
><»lug. He pteedNi np aeveral limes, denote toe redlMriclIeg of a stole la
such a manlier as to give a pardcular mother tongue, therefore, ta lU-wealtb
aadgead II carefnlly over each Ume.
In Its power. Is both an art of
“Bltoe Balabrook! .EUse Bstabrook.' party an unfair advantage at an eleepatriotism and a mater of supreme im­
e repented, torakg the address orer tton. This word dates back to
portance lo him' who through the an
111:' when Eabrldge Gerry
aad over In bit mlad. Tbc tCreot was
-nor of Hanuchusvlis. Then such of speech would sway the minds snd
some half dnien btoeks away aad Ihc
maure was carried, making the move the hesrts of his fellow men,
moralng he woRld
and become a useful member of so•oullook for'hli roclectlon mor
and .eee what tort of abode
cicly.-£brlsilan Endeavor World.
vornhlc. Some cue discovered
Ibe next morning

United Stales'
*'•' *'<>•
•*<>'■ •**“ hewitobed to
The United 6ial« has S3 limes as those who know from experienc* bow

newspapers: In

as ret ho was “heart aad fancy free."
to bb pleaaaqt bachelor apartments

half hour
■Dtmg man a* a hi
loa. a chemr. •»"»». bcalUiy -‘-*
_sl over he — ..
usual. Br&kfast
than usual,
whom It to a dellgkt to know.
struck him at toe
Ttoi taimhoiue to
large aad old- terod forth'oSTfhat
teblOMd. with rambUag wtoga. “dor- time as a fruKlesa search. To And toe
e grand old

miles of telegraph and sends IS times | emoer party bad been walUng lor him which has ataorbed a ton cd aUrsf.
as much mall
' ten minutes.—aebange.
, i»el»e dining room chairs, tour lahlea.
Ruasla ttands neit to the United '
_________________ - *
isro divans, a womaa s dresalag table.

,, «mlrnated at *75.000.
The style cbosea by the Indlap pwUntohly a needle -111 ifnk to the bot- teutote, whose name Is to be kept asas ] tom of a glass of water uader ordl- cret. Is Louis Qualorxe. Orar the b«d
mare that he was likely lo | self famous as the orlgloaior of this ;
IS aa allegorical panel symbolliiaf
bandaome bead
of his; maple article of picnic refreshi ______ rlvalsmuch coal and onewlxih as much Iron
The names of flowers hsvc ofteaThere are scvwral ways of maklag 1 -steep
Brotalyn bgle.
popular In social, lit- tor to tbU day ii is known as a saad-i
is produced In the United Stales.
In Russia there are <mly M dally a needle float on the surface of the I

BMb toese had come to him In so Hat-• dreamed of such a iblna he made him
bare that

a ooe-kalf

one at these newly laid out UUtricu
wiDch was calculated to make toe govenor'f party tuecesaful. was ot so t

New .Work for Womefi.
Various pubUcallons more .

wart by the government.
Ruasla-s poputoilon In 19«3 was 14l.-

„ Greeawood oolltory. W
pooBtyiruls anlkredte rcgloas,.
,»>. and U tar
^ ^ e«e« on IL ao
ant being m

allngs made of toreate which miu|L
be carefully drawn away as ao<m
,||| form a
toe aertto floato. The *ertle eaa atoo, ^ ^

900,000; popolatloo of the CaUed
be nvade to float by simply koldlnOij
Stoles. SO.WW.OOO
in the Angers and layiiig It
These Ogures show JRussto'f flaaar steady
this requires
rial condition aad the burdens ot the
After two or three needles have
National debt .......................*3.500,000.000
been made lo float la a bowl at water.
Anaual Inieresl In debt..
;lse a sewing aeedle by rubbing
on Slberlaa
fairly tUoag ntaguM. and wbee
and Maaehnrtan roads. 1.500,000.000
It is floated oa tbs water
Taxes uonald by peasan
sensltlre compass (kat
anli-, 1900..............................
will altiarttbe other needles. Ttay
Loss by Industrial deslowly amroach each other natll
prcsfloo In three years 300.000A
they float side by aide
Do aot tare
Lost by famine In flve
5oifboo,ooo UfB sewing needle too strongly magyears prorrtlng 1905,.
asttort. or tks oeadlci may strike t»
Bigbt famines, flve since
gether so heavily as to cause then to
IWU. lot.................................
sink.—Free Press.
nss In inlinrs bv 150 to
170 bolldays each year

doftroyta* taa-

«, ,Soet.

|| i. ^

emled that two ytmrt t* ataady floodfag. day sod algbL with IJttflM gsi-.,
loas a day of the mheUtrs will bs
qnlrrt la order Jo aave the aflUICta


toBs of coal which (ta Are tas not ^
yet restart,

ta the aaae distrirt a

colliery Arc bas been U aMstat far

Old fltass Aad Mss At Wstalifk
The custom of thtowlag oU start
aad rice has prevailed for many yem
ta America. Bogtaad aad BeoUate
from ibs-Bastera Battata. aad
fItaUy tauoded aa a alo of
stamsoi by the



(heir autoortty over lbs bride. Aa tad
Quick to flea.
WalkSag OB tbe onlskirts 'of Boltoa Jewish custom provldrt (hat a bretosr
at a childless maa had (be flrst prlvllone autumn evening a clever

ti,-ar toss to date..,............
Expenses of holy synod.

ef marTTtag the widow, and until
annually ..............................
Interested ta wattalog
In relation to toeto flgnres
the seeds falllag from a -tyeamore ber brotbertt-iaw fetnsrt tar tas
nown writer says:
tree. He obeerved that they acquired eould ata marry staia.
•The simple iratk to the
that tta tferowtag
a rotary motion before reaching tta
peasant. of him. ti.'nader ground, and. taqulring Into, toe
ot tta aboe was a sham a«MH ta ton
present rondllloas. slowly storriac to he found that (be two wlnga
groom, who was aappeaad to ta eat
death. Hto average earnings In Oie
lag OC tta bride.—Bostta Budgse

devoted to toe Interests of woo
rious a ehape that It looked Uke
central proviacei are J7 and- II
hideous moattor: so the opopelng 'quenUy coaUlo long articles o
peeks IS to 9 rentsl per day tbrvmgbline of work open itrihem and toe
I the year; during liie busiest harsrrtttr of ita card h^elt would be Uke party, t suppotc. published a
the new district. In this tlie monster
n lime they rise to an average of «
looking for a needle la a baystack.
s tbc New
was dearly shown, and In honor of the
Z6 copt-cks (13 to 'fi cento a day),
But Rate—or what not—wu
Herald. Bui among them toere
during the whole winter be and hto
prove kinder to him than be dronmed. goremor was called Oerry-mander.
mention oJ tlM^ art of flereer
family earn nothing. Hto dirt coaslsu
He found toe streol and aumber all from •«erTy“ and ••salamander."
pressing, which has beei
£ren the heathen deities have not
of m«»l flour and grlU. cabbage and
right and paused (be merest fraolta
full) lollowed by at least one womsn
cf a second to admire its severely : gone napaatohed. but bare been per­
pouioes: no meat excepting throe

aUtatly tnrnrt li

which caused toe* to revtava ta talM
tag. Tha Idea o( making a screw‘propellor oa ibto principle

a reexmt wrtdlag a lady from

nita^ and a geatlenaa Dwm Kta-.
euiTod to hlBL
OalraaK a natural pb
marrlrt by Rbooogngb.
Italy, was dissecting a desdvfrbg one
brids bad dlptatbsria. Tta
day wbUe a pupil was maklag experl- boMS was guarsatlaed. BO taie betag

laeeu la eleeirtcliy by bis side,
admltl«l. ao toe bridegroom prutarrt
observed that the tnutelcs of the frog,
elergymaa and two pbcBegrapta. In
limes a yesr. Hit diet to Insufl
being exposed, gave signs of motion
DC of toeto the mlalstera qnesUeta
Mr*. A. G. ronreld
and lest than in any civilised
whenever toe nerves
and toe genilemaa's auwen wen re­
a flower ranch In Cedorado and lakes
hit toe come In contact with some ob- scin of Plwebni. who so reckiresly
iry. The hovel he lives In Is tv
Th« cyllDden were dita
with tbe seopci. Os .
U the boarden tolak that “Mra
large coolracis for pressed flowers.
lecL Thtnklag a pebble was In hto drove his horses through tbc sky. aad
a half ytads long and one and ono- too exlitcace of a new prlndtae In trtairerrrt. and the two maehtaes
PtOr.- at they aSactlonately call h«
Her prinripal buyers are managers of
for whom a kind otesrriage to named.
Half yards high, harboring the whole
phmiomeBcm, and origlnairt the seat to tbe bride. When they s
to peifoettoa ita rtouras the eompll way. be gave It a IllUe kick. Mi tl
art stores who use' toe flowers In
a she
aaswand (ta qosuect ta mMioa
mmitaa to tar boarders. Ttay all get
souvenir books snd cards, dinner,
TertaagaBL'aa Imaginary divinity of
of galvaotom-^Answers.
by one maeUas,
alcag so aSerty ttgetber—aone of tke
cards, etc. Some of ber cootracu cal! |
the Mohammedans, who bad a '
Naturally toe young man opened
Jantag and toaglla* ooe so oftco flada
for the work of an entire season, the
der lhat the Russian
voice and violeoi manner, and .was
op to sseertnln. If ponsible. toe own<
at aratoit.
being from early May
So Ibis word
peasani bas morally W physically doImagine fats surprise to rend oa a ca
Altkewh ita summer beanlera pay
tote Orlober.
generated? That womW art- immoral,
wttola toe same name and addrew he to I* applied lo any one of cllbcr set
FniH for FsuKiy.
Uborally fW toelr stay la this favorrt
Her .belpeni are semMnvalkIs
who was given to bawling or scoMdreading raalertilty. and given to a Starlet, rrimson snd purple.
had taken from the apple*
Aboni too pMcb or tdum (tom «an '
■poC they uft'ea ‘,Uke bOM -and A^p"
CumcAsb give us septo. wbleb 11
Bul. aa the years went on. a murisls. who, for Hw summer oi
frlghlful exient to Infanticide? That
With tome trepidation be rang the
be grown oa one acre of land, and H
tta pretty mtotrws with her work.
closer dltrinetlon wa.'s msde, and the (!<w5r» and the congenial cmploymcni. the men are nmuads. b-avlng wives nothing more nor less than toe Inky (ta iaad to divided into yarts and tta
Aad aometlmea. “JuM for fun.” they
word referred only tovquarrelsome. ,arr willing to work for Ihclr simple aad children for momh*. often yesg*. fluid which the flsb dlscfaarges to
beta kept tbereta. toe drepptata win
larade (he orobard tad hrtp pita aad
der the walcr black wbai It I
vociferous women, so ibai now one living expeasos. The uronger ones trying to rarn
mantin toe eeQ. toe bens will pnt^
far-ewiy dIsirtrtsT Thai the recruit- ilacked.
would hardly conceive the posslhiuty are paid *8 a '
toe trees, and (ta prodoctloo of fr4lt
Itay aro “all aata aloe boardero.’ garted aa a treasure by
come lo learn
Ivory chips produce the ivory Mack
lag In thewc centre! provlncve shows
be increased. But toe chief sdvawtage
taclaroi Mia. Ptoly. that she flada It
business. From one <o tour helpers progressively physical onfltncSa for j *o<1 - Inna black
Somc one ba^Sirt the counicc
will be that It eeabta* Ike owner of a
ImpoasIble to “take her pkfc.'
to tor nile.
tbu army ? That the health of toe wo I
Prussian blue Is made wlto Impure ’
.mail tract to grow art <^r-a crop of
down la her tecrot tool she taows getber were saved by the young. o»>>men to bad. and that too rate of In ' poiaaslum carbooaie. This moil uae- ^
Fbrbut also to prrtoce eggs and
lanl ghta we have a home of nui
lhat there to eae who flaeciepl
pouli^ for market.-thus uUlIxlag tta
own.” whita will be the eomtoe Hay tiinatcly, however, wc hsvc observed [in
Ue closor to tar heart tha^ toe

inelegant, cairtiy | iiima leaves are-gonc In OrtulH-r The
land ta>rc prnfliably. asd It would be
■fltbon^. a eoone. wlik ao
Ivrt. though the | gc-aicst rare mu-»l Is- taken lo gather f.5 In Ibe whole cmplr-*"—Rirbangc | vine stalk.
for all fruH-growera lo'irive tbU
tortoy people. « *oald>etcr I
II to aeedlcss to stole that "Mrs. phrasta arc short 1
Turkey red Is Ibe tnartdCT plant '
. ai Just Ihc nghi lime. As
hat some of tiicni do hcomc ivsubject tbclr coosldtrailoo.'—Farm
VMM do lo say 80.
l•olty■■ and all 'her hummer boartere
An ORtecr'a Atmalng Mietakc.
| wbleb grows In mndiisian.
c stamens. |H-ials or pisills
labllsbrt words csr-noi tx' disputctl^
t jres Dta will be bidden lo ihc wedding, and the
Tha ytmag tody’s
In snlie Of tb- s-ip;e«iilon wbleb!
Raw- sUmna Is the natural earth ‘
ini dark nr change color .In
A bli of claasic slang has come lo us"
idyvOty Is her “darlag* young fellow who insUgaicd
Btttarook. and toe Wind;
be lilots..m .s 10.. old for has clung to toe English that the, are | near Sienna. Hal) .
owau lo Aloe.
In the word -salari "
In the days
raise Estabrook to the apple project
; tat you wonx lln^i bob
when Rome wsa In Us power, with
has promised to be toe best man.—
tta dirqeloty oovere maay a
grral annlc* tfl soUHcrs. each soldlcrl -n,,. ctihcri|g U dnnr
Miebigaa Tredesmaa•-tal l am aatldpaUng ,»y storj .
lartleularb k-n als.ui any Mi of fun. > of this, and mill no. r.real lt> s.-end
. .. ^ __ ^
w-att glacier
rvcclvcd an ^lowaocc wlto which lo
The helpers sian
One day. late la tta nuiumn—M
. lx,,, such •n.crc l.'w hi.b-rto unp-.bllsh.-l story l-Ne. York null) N-.s
; buy salt, talkd his salarlum. or sail, (nng perforaicl
; Wend flterim.
Polly's guests absy aa tats as she will
specimens., tlwx,t Qu-.n Alexskdra tost Is worth,
iLtola. lost hi. uW during bl* flrit
luiy money. TXils «or«l. from which our,** imtanbi* use tor ih'
There are In these days ao
keep toem-toe wbtae bouse bad gone
,,ug er.
,ne «aUerl»rn.«ddc^
. "Balary" ts dertvod, rnrae to' l>e usrtj«hich will hold from 4'
nut ta' toe orobard. Aa frequently bap- printing preeees busily
Fife. 1
satan.- And with '
aplere. acenrtllnc t.. toe alse ig;Jochc>:
A '<»* search do tree* rt bU body
peu on aaefa oeeashmii. they fell to book* and papers, and so many public,
flow er and ihe length of Its stem-' bouses
aad irevcllng libraries dlssemlnallilg:
•’Is s*H

trlmamd as aay Ttfrelr «lty loL
'•t^ art atoo taro aBAboraea aud

wlragea are al the dtopcaal of the simple lines anAtoe-weirhepl nppemr- petuated la some aoun' or adjeetlve.
ot these, -flke Phaeihoo. the
ance ef toe surrouDdlagi. when be fell


this llteraluro. good, luid; and Ihdlfler ; «•'«•«

enl. amoag an ever-widening circle of 1
^ lu ,
attoAteg It to a flue a|ipl«.
TbcTrcnch soldier, prohaldy in fun,; «j,
aes what would come of H.“ Some readers, that It Is unnecesrery to seek'
made tta poelUve aaaertton tost (key | the almanac and
comrade. Jacques
Thence I *bcei of newspaper Is laid u|«n to«e, and M-ver»l n-c«-ptions on the same
■*Bev«r would dare to do tuck a thing.” reading matter. If It be tree that the
j,qucMe.a mile coat, mid from : *na .p.-p
are spread from flf-^ date.
On c-ntertog
bis earvlmtc be
Bat Bte, iB-a apim of iata(*lef-sbc fonner can present -atrpnge new facts
ime word Is our JaeVvt.
i ic,.* to • iw,-oi>-flve liloxsoms, as found he ha.l forgotten bis number,
Mlad like a <aad(M tkat day—uU beyond our explanation aad eompre- follow the
Some ol our words have
ata waanX afraid to do it. wbeirupoe benrioo. It to equally certain that a'
wM'itole\lo-" p.t^r''AJve*
a^ tafrlag.^ Il; ponman Squar- and It
' Ota ef tta young men “dared her* to study of the totter would often prove »any lands'and than, languagcx,
•lllrt-. laid another single sh.^ of paper, oue ■ would Im all righ-. It scem.d to be
be expected In a country selll.
aead ber name aad addrere. Not to amuslne as well as proBtablc.
of Wolilng paper aad toe Ihre* ! rather a large dinner part,. Judging
)• na-;
A Well-known editor reecoilr sug- by
many people ffom so many
ta *Mred.“ wlik a laui^ in her eye.
... carnage* at the
• I,, Ihe I
“6aod, - to derived pew.paper. again,
Wf*~tatoe Bitobrook theroopoa aclect- gtairt lo bis readers a study of tbe Hou. a. ourw
oBcer got out followed
history of the alphabcL And If that from the Arabic qand, meaning sugar
Those layers srv repeated as long door, bn'
ad the Bleeai aad biggert red
ouk hands with bis host
The Atabic'word eame from toe Pi-r- *, i, u contoUleEt for the worker to toe erowd.
Me oobM Had and secnrely attacbed a Is Intercetlng,
and Ihen lot.klng casual
cart tp tke atom stoa. bearing be^
and frequently that we forget that-ceeb whtah means to break; hence ,ing poslUOB- A pile tiyaa-tfco , ./ ......... - - --------- Dotlcrt a lady sH
MBS aad a^dreu. aad
familiar to
WeS one bas a dcrivaitaa of lu own candy was fragmenU of crystaUtoed feeTbigii is cartjed to the press.
„ Jtlng slum- whoM, face
land often
oBen an’
an' cnierUlnlag
eaierUlnlng htoiory.,
».tw. Molasses,
.-ou.i.i,,to•• The
| getop
uo.u. him.
|u*u,. Feeling
r —------------------he
________ fellow* in and
otoerwlael'flerivrt directly from the LSlIo mel, ; B,„acrately
Chicago to a la^ I Often a maa who would otoerwlael'Acrived
moderately tlghL li;i In a few hours totak of her name In a few mlnmes h.
Boath Water have been • nak-nowa lb fame bas.; honey, ol tmkw. f?bm mellaseur. hon- \ toi, pressure to greail) Increased- AI-. crossed over and greeted her, aad al

,1. N- IMn.--.
om-»c sent more nan
.pay for it,.- - Ho ..need
) kind I
Its was
alarigiio « -<,n. .North Q.iesns-:


„ „ „„„„
nerfect stale of ortaerriliOD.—

It ,U M io-ved

tbc .Naiumal n

land, who coiieCe.; oyster* Cor the- suem
m«.e, of gert ma». of pure ametoysu ta tke_
purpose, aa to-)' have
th-lr own. E'-n 'h‘- I»ak. of IVtr worW
It i. s part of a mass found In
neo wti'

s. e.;il" ui to Luadon. Braril and MUt 'o Oberiieta. Bavaria,

though m fonr-r days toelr father*
e-m-rted humsn'heads, morh a* Amer
lean box eoll-rt P"*'***' stamp*.

After Hiasvutha flemswuyu.
He killed tbe noble Uudja kelvto;
With the made him mlttena—

where at- l■«.-aI«■d toe greatest gemtu”lng worlts in the world. It came
from the region of 'he Rio Grande do
Sul, and whgm found wui 13 feet blgb .
a^q weighed 35 toss.

The curaior of

the em........................................... ............. ..
a 400 pound todgnient of

great gem.—Plllaburg PtaL
Uade tovm with toe tar side (nside.
‘ ter iwentydour bonn. the prrese* are ■ her tat ttatl,»n sat down
her side,
streoL Ttaa a rrtaller bought the tar torough eome laulL folly, or peevHar- i CT^ke.
<- little lime It occurred to Made toem with toe skin eld-outalde.
Ml. atoag wRb a lot of olhera. which liy, givea bto'naeie lo a aew taven-' OttlgiBany "book" meant "beech." changed; torn is. the top board to |
Odd Tecnbatane of s Pcnc>l Maker.
> attracting a He. to get toe srann aid- Inside,
wero toud or«r to a fashionable su- Uou or eomblnattao. aad thus quite betauae long before the dayk of paper'raised aad toe damp papers are rv | tbe oBeer tbai
A German peadi maker. iTcenUy
i~..w h*,
fo, himself a aad typesetting, the hardy Norsemen . placed by dry one*
Tbe flowers are' good deal I attention, and i
hsrh <» the lake froaL and here Js
deceased, baa over bit grave a glgaaHe. to get toe arid side ouulde.
.oodea! aot removrt until toe, are thoroughly I people .when imaatag him bowed
c letters c
' whme tta Story take* oa ok added la-,
xic stone rwpresentatloe of batf a lead
toe”^ladV- Suddenly b« rememw-ri-d Put tke warm side fur
tsftat. for BOW tbe young maa appenre;
. It to of rad
for Side inalde.' proeil act aa a u

M the tctaa. He it to ^ho to ooe of
It wa* toe que«! Wito XiTiy he put.the al^la side outside.
lU combination, reaaoc toe primer) meaning UI
-i,.- " - - two
- - -or- three
- - - -days
- - -and
- - thee
- - - I-cm
- -qftuu
- - - I-mtliar
- - - whim.
- - D but wonder how thU
tta purchasMS of a pack W
taijdc oBUlde,
i fachci in dtomuter.-Tld Blia.
Why ta luraed tl
this partlealar ftera, s d he U to latO|Ot bread, tatter, aad


Tk* trtt taOMicM* mr CB—ilHtH
is tba Kertlieni Hh^gaa «Wt» «• UatMBtatftM Ita tamlcMi tat
emt TbvniMj BUM b««Ma tb« M re«M<M with BBTtiilBf mta
kom of 12;S0 BBd 1 end tk« flnt tatl- Tta Tcrtlet e( Um atz men «M
Md vbleb nta*:
awtta tfeBt artklac tad tmkes pteee

n. Tkto meettac bas taea rwa- buteg wtatw they abould not be. Ills'
alac for about twealy yaara. bttt It to taart to on tta right aide insMad of
oaly alaea last year that U baa attract, tbe toft; hto B»«-i*.-ta'tta U<t aide
ad wide attnftlea. Kota ibae eae ttau- lastead of tbe ri|(bt. and spleen oa tbe

tta laUdf aad Uy wUk bar taad bo- boBldde oeeonta at Brooh Fax*, tta

wtttata reialalaf eoatalaaMM.
.teaaUat Braca aad -Manr tarUat


aarlDB c»e araek ace tadar. anirtac
trom tba tarth oa tta mbo uata aad
tatb take la «aia at Utar raapeeUra


bMfailr Oaaa Latbliu aad Ferdlcaad Broca, Caratara. taU the eaaa In


to a taaek apeo tta ottar. aad If
aateidB dia«nran onattar aboot to do


panoaal lalnrr *UI a«t upoo ttav
aad ratoa tta alar*. Tta taro aotaea,


^MNTta, awa 40M. taaoaawa aad



tba tol*ar

bklac of


Betb nMirad a« ttaual Tfeuradax Bldu


aad aotbiac vaa board ot tboH oatU i
o'^ob «baa Hli* Flatoo. maklnc tar


laaator ronda, board croaas oalaai-

from left to rigbu He ece^ to be In •
pood besltb to spite ot It all.
because be praoUed to mat.^ ------.U .bn, bbn,«m H.
mlad after (piling a de«-d lo her prop-

Horde* of mosQUlloes from ihe(
twamitc of Zog Island are helping ><>
make the torria nigfata unbesraW for
“ I
amim and at nlgl.i

swoop down on riUums who are an-t.
, ,lng cooUng bnn-tea cm their poevb)-*.
charge of obtaining propeny under
-•reel BufliT Hu-moat. To walk alvnc
el tboe who come arr very old. bi
tolse pretenses. Mr*. Cbrlsioffcesoo.
Inc reacbed tbe century mark.
the complalttast. l* a charming yosng :Lt- tboruucMsn- at night mcani *
Toaitiiuoiii flsht 1.1 driee the pe*i>
Almost erery ItuUaa to an orator.^
widow of Plerpom. Since Gordoe sra* >ut»rrip(lon If aim'll
at least a fairly cood exhorier. They placed la Jail he has been \<u7 volu­
lore to sin*. They iln* and ipeak for ble to bl* proml*ew.>D make.'amend* lo I«r made ft» the pun-base of erud;

iyautrad with bknd asd atvamdlr
C tta rtoha wbkh
dflac. AwWaanr wu eaUad tat tta lorn, but c
111 tta irnilai— ot tbe in.j tbe most part in ibeir native loocue.
yatlaM dlad tao and a taU btara latar Ute

not find fbem. It to said that tbe waler was,lowered three loe» and re-^.

saad of tbr mott rrpreaeatatlre la- right Instead of ibu«t. Hi* siomacb maloed at that level for three days hefrom right wTcRvjMtcad of fore taking Its normal level again.
.tup« from all orer bUeblcaa are

peeled to attaad. Tbrr come to all
Utrr LmUbh ease to tar dtatb
masBcr of coarryBocae from ibe opp*
Hdai ruioD. wtio was bbUbk ber renslt <d lajoriM loflietad t>r a veapoo
and lower pealasala. ead alio from
onl wtati at i «^eloelb vtas tatr- («»M>ber> la tta baads of Braeatto*
-WtocoaslB. Sallboau. caaoei. steam
»• ««o«al»
lay crtmjH troa the mca oeespM Bnta. lawta.
en. railway traiaa. wacims mod acase
totuir kT Uur Urttbu u a»eboriM>
afoot flad ibetr way bare. They briar
»o( Bocen Otf.
wmtiued at tta Noftbara MIebItaa
Pna«ta lale oaaatr. a
atlac. Some
stay ibrousb (be wbole
tor SB taeiliaUoe
■poa aatartsc tta roos that tta for. lac today l.24« patlesu. it to a ramarktad beta frUbttaUr aataaliad'ta abto record. One year aco a similar

be found. Men bare Irtod to rvarb
the trees with tong Bshpoles. but caa-

city. Charles Gordon of Ph-ri’oDt
Manl*lee. eonfronu

to Mr* CbristoSiWMO. hut the widow'*

Hanr O Pierce of Xtl.*^one of th<•• ID M.-d ierM-y
-*t knosn democratic iwlltician* In
. A rnsykod flnsei
••sierti Mlehlgao. 1* a raving tnaniar
fall of I'reri Williams, anvried lor ihi
from Km'iklng rlginitii and apidlra
burglary of fnao llivn.' mtal ma
to take raereatloe by belac (he desire* of the boncry The craoh*" tlon lias boon made In Ikfrt.-n rouniy
lat [k'uiun
In gaining
boeo named -Sbab-Sk^Kc-Zhlk.'- prolate coort to commit t
oMlcad to sU on barren benches placed the .hop
1 I* tbe notneolaitire of th* no- Kaiamaxou aFyinm. Pl--mj w«n lni|ilt~»r'1
tutored white man mena* •■Green Sky" of ascano the reers-i.r, o. ..... ...
crv..l,.-.i .6^1'
tta bard parcbed clay cToond woald to
rlcn roun.y democratic on'rai rom-1
W ililsms
white and Indian*. wiB be pres
itself caase aa attack of iaaaaity to
: ployed
Cryaa llroF
tta beallby brain of tbe slroac. Now cQi* and preach.
A peculiar Incidiiil 1* relatcl in cm-j ^
h, c:n U
.viid ha>
Dr Carlo* Monie*ntoa. an Apache
ft U found that labor and exercise aad
neetloo wl'h the ill.-*|ip.ani8<-..
u. Un
Indian of Chleayo, fornterly tb'e re«l
some land In W.hU. tak.-, orar Ki.,-.- ,
stot aatere'ln effectlac a cure aad ao dent pbysletoti at itcvcral <if Ibe
daU-. Abont three arfes of Isn.l on ;
r Tw
erameoi sebools will be present
It to that loo* and broad acres of
mc-Hne- l.av.- I--0 ' ••
'Ipobllc mciitiK-i
dolatiac Bclds and paBtsrace aad sr- add-CM the Indian* on “WTiat W
away and sauk nimiilrtely
fomm.ifvl» forward t
dims Oucbi to tic ’ Dr. >Ioniczuma
UsUe lawns aad flower bedi
richi. Tin- land wa* roiereil with
graduate of medicine tn this coun
away from tbo homes of the aflilcied
priiwu iree- and It Is enlil iln'V v

He la to the Indlaas what Dooki-r
who, loo, are
down niih Hie groiii^il'in wlilrh 1
loin ili.ii 'hr
« 111 Ih- a kr<'al u
T. Washington to to the negroes
wen- n'Mi.'il aiol in. irjip*- e* them
Trotter of Grand Rapids has bee
tbo flelds arc bancstod. the
Fd for I

lalag lu

a moet excellent meon will i

The Rev.
ai« kept In perfect annllary elcaifli- cnrcd'fOT a leetore.
las fra* ttair too*. She otaaed tta
ness and tbe vasnlnatilullon prorAe* Pott*, editor of the Utebigan Chrisilaa
daor aad tta Broca paUaot who «ai
tbe crealest cure known to medical Advocate will aI*o preach to the
lyl^ fPM bor little alacla bad. <
of Ibe Suaday*.
!, that of work and cxcrdie and
aad raaotad for tba crasita jreaael tat
. Mi* n*« a*aacad to «o paat bar. mental sctinty.
-Today eftoea'pationis are out in the
lor tta otbar patleat las' npta tta farhay fields of tbe aaylna with pUebtbar tad with a pillow thrown over
forka. which coold become terrible Inbar fbea. Tbia, Hiaa Flatoa roBorad
ttnimenU ot teruro or death, yet do
' aad wa* borritad 4l dtooovarlai
aot. and the work makes siren* aad


Dr. lines' Heart Cure has
tnade many beans we'l after
they kave been pnraounccjr-


It has «.m|.!e:ely
cured thousands, and will albenofit
every case of heart Jiscaac.

«. OARU^ Catalur.

Capital, B2O0AW0

& Gcaeral Baakiit BaalamiMBe

Short breath, pain around
heart, palpiuiion. fluitcrias,
diizy, fainting and stiK'ihcring
spells ..hoiild not be nr::lc«ed.
Tal;c Dr. Mile*: Ikart Care
and see how quick you will

6 tar Celt allnru aa n*e UCftaitto

be relieved.
h cani)ot make a new heart,

ran has not aofiened. Intbe ai
1 wm > 1

Traverse Qty State Baoi


; u

but will rcsioTc a sick one b.v |
glfcngtlicning the heart nerve* i
the i
nnnatitrti! strain, and restoring , _


^Vtau/'s "rery »Pd cwr of hssrt .
Ccillw ■T4,'.'r*'^Jf7r
nv.'.tto I
, .'miuih;



baarty men. with aeme laiercit Is life
Hr*. A. Smatx wtmt to Bates today
>, Or. Beatrice Steras- aad CO tbe road to a permanent esre.
At the fani of tbe Kalamaxoo asylan for a,day a pleasure.
snbarbaa home to pro­
A. P. Little and D. O. Shorter aretavided and a vast poulUy tora to ran soclated to a real esute exchange ami
by itaTet^e paUento who detlcbi
will also do insurance business and
bomety taska A beautlfnl UUIp act as penslcra attorneys.


Tire Insurance!

Plata Glass. Steain Boiler and Accident Ineuranee.



Moncji to Loan en Improrcd Real Estate Only.


23«» -

Traverse City.

Room 310 New State Bank Building.

Itaraetarad Ita r

lake is aear St hand and a drire sWrtt
Rer. Hugh Kenaedy aod family re
' lac taa* tar aar aad toootb. tta ao- lia odees. ennres lead to tbe water’s turned today from altendaoce at the
tb* left tida of tar4ace batof tarrtbir edee and tbe borne to like aa'Meal groat Methodist camp mcetiog lust
closed at Bar View and while there
btatoad. arldeatly fro* rapeatad blowi farm where paUeata ilrnply
members of a party of eight
Tbe remains were removed tram the lag at the Spwortb lawgae Home. Ur.
moraine to the osder. Kennedy aUted to the Record tbal the
of W. 6. Aadervon and a
1 meuttog was a great' eve^l, the

aalBad4awa fvaa tta wo*aa wbUa
tadAUft^far tta baddlac waa apt dtotatbad and abc lajr 00 ber rtebt alda.
tadac tta tad ooeapM by ber
mate and If It ware not tor tba left

to the hasbaad bat at

Sunday services being lo charge of
' band b*ac taadlp>dtoc>dared It could late bonr tb* afteraoea be, had not tUabop Berry of Bullaki- , While there
with the a^orftJes be attended tbe Indtan play.-Hiawatha,
: vta atatad ibat ita pa*aad lato tba'tafro* a Moad alaaber. the tall- tbongh to all prababOfty tbe body wlU and enjoyed tbo »»»•' “d bemutiful
tala brala* spoa bar toft band cboW' ta fb*s to tbe borne et Cbebonaa. btotorte aelUng and the pUy as givco
lac that ata taMaBtlr awoke at tba So tar aa to tbe dUpoaiUou of tbe pa- by native Indians.
^.btow aad tbraw np ber left bead Uenl. Braeattae Brege. aoibiaff wlU be
done tosrarda remorljw.her from tbe
la ward off tba awful auaek.

Mrs. Kate Halfleld left this after-

Mn for Clam Lake, where she
aaytom. tboneb lafatBre ata wlli
be employed In the Deucb hotel ihi»
waai.nmnmcioc bar bad wen
apattarad with blood aad tta pillow mipy a mom by herialf. She does aot
v B. Tanksley areompanled ber
aad.tbe mattren oadar U ware foafcad appear to be marderooe tn


THOS. •. flPRAOUff a BON.

Cbt St«r« that Fills tbt most Prescriptions


These nrliclis i

uitlli'Very |)iir<'li:isi‘ e.f ;i l«jx of



Colgate's Dental Powder
a L'liesl n>.iui sizi- of

Cashmere Bouquet Soap
not fiixTiim-iiU;

they i


219 €. Ti»at St.
H. B. MsfiioKAi.ii. M.viiai;'“r

Traverso City. Mich.

the latter had made a few days' slay
with her at her home tn loierlocben.

that ber lower law was bioltea. a

Mra. U. Wotfe of Slights made
A very qnlet tbourh preUy mldaum- buRlneM call to the city today, retur

tona eat waa Inflletad oa tba ebata.
aad tba Inalda oC h« Boatb waa cat.


erldaaUr by the rl* of tta wtapco .jer ^efdlBc oocorred Thursday morn- Ing again after her buslne** was com­
aaad. BrerTtbtoc that Bodical aid lag at f-o'dack from the reatdeoceof pleted.
eoato do waa doaa. bat tba.dlad wltb- Mrs. Cbiiatlaa Wood of (^7 BIxtb ' Ber. M. D. Carrel.jwho to seeretary
of the camp meetlog assoclaHo
oat iwcalatoc eooMkmaaa^ two and street, wbou her daughter. Bose,


a bplf boon later.
Or. Bowley atatad tpdba lory •
Boaeid at » O^kwk that aha wai fa>

nailed la amrrtage to Dr. T. Arthur well as a trustee ot the association, at­
by tbe Ber. U B. Blaaell tended the ramp toeeiing last we
oftbe PreabyterUa ctaurefa of this city. reluming from there yexu-rdny. R

aad that ■atertoOr weiabad la the

10 vows being pUgftted wltb

baltapa Bfftoa* bar. for *aay caaes of
offBapU* bad baaa oa. rpeord falltoc

pIseopellaB ring sen ice.
Ita preUy bo*e wa* a i

Thomas Cox also attended sod has
Mr. ao»4lr». Wm. Truchlood of Ko­

aad Btilklac rtoleatly cotUac aad la- fsras and rose* for the oeeasHn. the komo, tod..>re visiting ihclr son. I
(etiig lltoiled to a few taUmaie Jbhn Truchlood. and wife.
BteOac ffreat tolm^t audi a blow
B. Tinker of Cooiral Uke was
ooaaldared tatol
kl la lach a po^ frieada and tbe relativei of the
traettog psriiea. 'Proawtly at tbe hour the eliy yc«erda.v.
aitlaaitpoe tba bead.,


eet, • o'eloek.
• tb^ylB* a

k lUled that
lat a

tbo eoft

a la tbe roon tad It
that "aha cot Juit
It ifbai
iHiai takasad
to came Into the parlor where the was
bar, as ata patooek- her bBabaad" met at tbe Improrlsed altar In front


OrawB spent Tuesday and Wednes­
tao ebUdrea. the youaceel acad S
w" htaomloidy gotrned day with Mr*. norenW' Wuenseber of
.nart. ________
tanalty to apt to tbe family ,
aad tar
- flat* Iweft only six' ‘o while chiffon over white aflk nnd tio Itost Front Rtrccl.
hsoatta. 8talsa<tofmaaaadsearraly!e«Tled a abower bosquM of whfts
The entire wadding party_________________
From Saturday's
When wprosuhed by tbe Juiy - rttalrod to Ihe 0. R- * I. depot where. |
Charles Harrotra of Kalkaska spent

uffsata '^lah. but to able to undeP | •«>«

this amlgg ata was fouad on the i usM a abower af. old ahoes aad rice; yeptprdav to the city looking
hud to a room by beraeK aad merely :«ke happy oonple embaffted on tbutoii,„io^ Imerest*.
and MU quleuy tooktog ^rom one j wedding Journey to Mackinac tolaad i

ArthBrDeCato of Glenn Arbor spent

Cainmet. where they sriU

}-esierday In tbe eliy wltb frleod*.
a *«l to her by Dr. A. «. 1 •!*«'* • “"Rh In the home «f the
A- F, Huptlng of Eusplre wa* li tbe
groom's parents where tta.r wlQ re- Elly lodhy krokrng after business la-

tare aad be rat home" at 617 -Sixth;
Uatad to tta bdd when premed to street Ono ot the delights of the;
aansnr tte ffneaiioo as to where she newly wedded couple will be
< tad alent aU algkt. Her aightvrabeiataaeemem et Uetr foreeaminc. this
.. tar 4a the flmrr to a heai
toauv* ahowta apatlma of U&d.

Jack Probm and wUe returned
| atralo* of ^ monster cow bell aecnredy fram Letond tbls morning where they
At • JO o'ckkk Friday ncralag a Jury 1 locked 10 tta haadle of their nit case have been spending a few days. Mrs.
tumMWiad by Oonmer Ftata Holda-j
aee<*>taaled them to ttair Jour, Pfobest
recently retprasd from a

worth, cuaposed of Ualeulm Wluatoj «**7D.a.8taner.C|E.Taytor.W.P.Kn-|oBt*

baaatlful aad anIsUe praa- meolh'a vtelt wfth relanvns la Saglwere reeulved by the yuuaf^ nnw and Bay atr.
tar. Fraak Trade and Uatbew Din.j<«^
friend* In tta
Mra. G. W. Tong of tbto rity Mft
msimgaBtod hj Sberlff Ctariea John-‘ eftrthto momtog tar teplrc. where the

aea aad TraMii Thomaa T. Bntoa odi
ItahwlBiB heard dram to tta awlam^
•iff wmt OotuMT ffkMk HUdawncth. i

wfta >aeh tta taMtaony of Dr. A. S. j attoas are
to rlaw■ toa
uv .avMPioa
Jbw tta flUBOBivo
maiffsrta j| ■wiMisi

. Ttay ttaa took tta taatlmcaylfflanlBg Aug. n a


CitUen«Phonu.32i Bell. 109.

W.l_Brown. MnnaffM.

South Side Cumber Co.
Cravtrst eity, micb.

This Week We
Have Reeeived
Clothes Lines from oc up to 2->c; Tin Mca'»tin'i. pint'',
quarts, hal^gallons and gallons; Wooiltn ,M< aMirts, J,
LSand ICquans; Wa>h Boilers, Nos. s an<i
ordinary-at 60c to all copper at S-.j'l each: Wire Fly
Killcrs 10c each; Oil Cans from 1 to -j g.tllons. price
lSctoi»5c; Kettles and Sauce Fans xc to IJc; .Idly
Strainers. Dippers. Dust Pans. Hatchets, CurryComb',
Tea StraimjarFrj-ing Pans. We have very interesting
pnccs on the above goods, Wc can only name a few
here so as to let you know what
up to. Wc invite you to see for yourself. Don’t forget the place—
it is on corner of Front and Cass.

win Ttoit ralaUrea.

ladtn cimip Mactin*.
Korthpon. Uleb- July

Muwtar ata ttaa rap^iad to tta team I ibe gnat


one to
his trade

L. Beckman of Elk Rapids we-'

ttaiffb’tbto It Bot tree.

. le tta oth*. She gave ao ruspuase to |

Headquarters for Sash,
Doors. Windows, Mobldinffs, Interior. finish,
Store Fronts, Shingles,
Lath, • Cedar Posts,
'Floorinir, Ceiling, ,Sid>
ing and everything in
Rough or Finhh^- lumber.

who arc spending the *nmmer at OM
Ulsskn. wore In the city yesterdiy



If so, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shp|i
aod mil] work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to ligurc on your wants.

George P. Rim aod Mmllv and Mrt.
Loheasrlo'a march were rendered on Patlerann and children of rhlrago.

in ihe city on a business trip yester­
Her atste- of tbe traptoee by tbe groom aad tbe day.
■-MedllattoaMrs. Tony Rokn* is Ttoiilng her par*aau watw eat ot may value aa they vowu pbgWad.
played dorlDg tbto beauUfal ec
Ml*. Uf. asd Mrs. John Hrlfhch, of
' were ooeBlcUacarMettoe Brece.acad 41 ydan. was after which Che >oyfnl atratoa of M«a- Old Mission.
Robert Ktngin uad Gilbert Oleson of
- broaebt to tta aayla* July 14. by ber delssoba's march pealed forth and ih^
abort Informal toeeptkm was accord­ Kcysloue were In the city today.
- haataad. rerdlaaad Drece.
Misses Ids and ikclla Shunk
aatfra of Oemaay aad a toother «t ed the peesu by Ur. and Un. Peabalt

Going to Buildf

^stratoa of

tta idaao by Dr. C. A. BnrbrMge and
the bride.


W^M Craaty Bata Bldg, DXTKOIK .

to bloed. which povta Mt at her ean aad the snddceoeaa of tbe maala is daagtaier. Mra. Jack Pelion, to this ciiy
aappoBOd to be oaly a ph^ie of ber deafternoon on a abort visit, after


Cfaarlea ShnppeL of Ctovutand. 0.
reewatlr tat tta «*^ c< tta Hlchtgaa OMtaal raOread at 'Uarewo. Is an
omlcal corioaltr. aU hto organs





J S S K I. L1 N O
P .M N T . •
t\> In-.nw what t
It's ii.Gii- yo-j don't.Thu's whrre wc'll help-you.
o'jr eji^ncnrc will.Mve you
,r, ’ - L!.-l





When we tell you


t S',2.'

psinUble ytm m*y

>u'J (.uUrf card*.

I4he tarorv*

H*veyOa ever tried the

9eytal T'lKtar "T^mm akn^ OoWtata*

Gopnl tiger

' »B4t Sslm0B
Thev »re tta be«L Sold only by

tarora* Sftr**«.



SIM (an U4 «M
8M Di«o. Cal, ;oly *1--Tlie bon* pclaM'a Tl*.

rw» o»er bj


8be Uier mppaWaa to

market ayd do not ensh vrith ship­ Proa Thursday's Beeord.
F J. Porter and srlfe of Bast Jewdan
ping and ao ayrive to tba aouibem
spent yesterday In tbe
Hotel Whiting.
G. Boss of Cbarlevtigwas to the

markeu Ireab and wholeaomc.

OB tba pmbcw
Tba aodre knowing tbroagb bar b*l« that
hms aba became abaolTed from ato aba
ahlp waa blown up. nm »wpo«»
that atatp nao are UlM and a bra- would not be aarod aba became daSradliibirad. Dotesa o(iha daad and apondent and for four dayi refuaad
and water. IhU dating tbe begtovbaaM are now betni broo^t

ver Mouth Improved,

I.IIM ~ 1»». 1.0.U .u ra I.;


tbat her Insanity was canted by
babitnai aboae wbicb took the form of


maoe to secu

... .
, toterest?.
aala that wee tba tImoit mdar Ad- dally wblpplnxi from the husband and have tbe work done. Sol, a cot;
was noi omil a few yean ago that ahead with this and tbe matter
Mlral Dewey In tba battle of ManUa
^,-ed ibU noon for a fu*
,e was tout to Milwaukee for
allo- t-d to resL Lately C. E. Murray ■
'bay. Sba waa a ainall bat aiaunch
rant and returned In a ratiocal
look bold of it and now there is a pile
^ ^
Kalkaska la to
ablp aad bar crew wai regardod ai on
of mind. During the relaUug of tbit driver at the mouth.of toe nver tbe
o( tba beat In the nary. Tba Bannlni
part of the trouble the aged wUc
Meat, twin aeraw with ala *uni to bar deeply allected and appeared to acute­
ly feel the great wrong which she war
Mto battery.
alleged to bare suBered at Ibe bands


toe »a a goBboat 0* UlO tooa diaidaee.

Son rraadaoo. July «.-At Mara of tte priest,
liUDd aary yard thla momtai
stated that tba proaeof eaaualty lUt fyom rrlrlay'* tli-eord
The cate of Jacob Roslutkl, tr.. vs.
la the
Jacob RoslnnWI. Jr, ,and Mary Rosinforty<a>a dead, nine of tba rfcilina
ski developed an enUrely different
b^ nldantlSad at tbat time. Tbip£aae with the opening of the defense.
'Si or woonded nomoiban forty-Sra.
Mr, and Mra. Jacob Boslntkl. Jr. John
atoieen ct wbom, Inclndtof one nnFleece. Mike Oetaehka. tr.. and Jr., and
known etan, are to a aertcaa eoodlUon.
Metart. Blodgett and Sbooek taking
• Ko meblcan men ware la the aedb
the aland and in ibe suiementt which
daet as far as known except E. A.
followed the version of the denial of
’Starfcwaatbar of. MlffllnirUle. Htcb.

necessary piles and tbe work is being

-Iven on ibe'soulh side.





an aecidi-nt wliieh happened wl
was rU-aLlns a retolver in lilt

B. M. BumlI!. eonduclOf of the Perc . gyblay .

»,-ni up to bis room in the Imlld,n pri-part tor dinner ami sliortlj

THt)UAs‘j-‘“s.OTU. 317 Stieg SU.
Brooklyn. N. Y.

morning • Mr. jbe wounded man could not U11 exTbe

danly taken out of tbe train and he\.„„nd is a had onc.bui not fatal.-U if
ponged through oho of tbe windows. niouKhi.
A' severe gash was Inflicted under his




■ cutting upwards which veuaired • l>aver?e ciir, Vieh . cradiiailnc Ifom
. aUtcfacs U> close.

A deep gash [ \vi.»i |•oltll three year* ago.

He ha.«

merely sent the aoa. Jake, out to
shows over bU right eye while Us face ; bpcn marrk-d since then, lie l« svery
the priest s man not to leave the gate
covered with
minor cuts
and i popular at ForrWayne.
rue warihlp bad rwaWed ordati from
open. 7aeob Roalntkl, ar.. was recalled scfwiehei. Mr. Buxxell said that when j
------------- -tba nary dapartneai at Waabtogton
Tbf story to the fnregotog dUpaieb
and admitted that bls-atmiementa were -he drew his heed Into the, car the
tail ytatarday nomtog tor Pert Har­
gtots was sticking out from the vari-1 does not axyee wiib toe news recelvt-d
ford, to neat tba nonitw Wyoming
tods to bis face. The flesh of 1 by reiaiites to the eny Friday
The defense contends that
and oonToy tba monUor to Mara Inland
fatbeif Jacob Bosluskl. ar, deeded
the nose was thrown upward between I them It was stated th* ‘
nary yard. Ban Pranclaeo.
eyes making an cxlrcmely dell- Jared while In regular drill at target
p..a» waa np and ererylhlng wai eighty acres that the son baa now
practice the aficrnoon before." The
also tbe sixty ibjt ibe two live to aepin raadtaaaa for tba departora of tba
message farther stated that a ball eu
emtldy. with a store between ibem. 1.
BMtogtOD when the lUrboard f0^
tered bU shoulder Just below ihe col
a double bouse wlib living apartward boiler exploded wHb a deafening
lar bone, coming out at the back.
«ta at ellbw end. Tbat further,
rear. The agploaton waa terrUle. Peo­
Death Bolt
Wort! was, rt-^- li.-d Saturday iLa' U'
tbe mother sras never Insane aUny.
ple atandtag on abora aaw bnga eloadi
Tbe faacral of the late Jamda H. was renting <'a>:. s» no an.-ri--* w.-i.
line but suffered from nervous and
at ataam riaa abora tba
severed or bones broken.
violent headaches, having between
Oolnnnt at water wero.foread bt^
Mr. Booghton Is a residmi of Ihlt
them periods of long and lodd Inter­ Thutwday aftareoon at the home of tbe
fata tbe air. A dono or Bfuw men
vals and farther that She deeded the deceas^. Rev. Demaa Cocblin of- cuy. baring eoivred the regular
were btowB ererteard by tbe force at
ficlatlng before a large pnmber of the »ervlfiy about two years ago, jolnlug
properly In ooesUon during
tba tmrUk exploaloa. Captain WontMichigan regiment stationed
these, lucid Intervals when tree from friends of the deceased who bad come j the
wocth. who waa tooklag at tba Bento pay their last respects to the de-ta( Ft. WsVne. Dciroil. HI# wife, for
btafton wbae the diaaiter
Mr. Cocblla paid a worthy imerly Miss Katherine Moore c
Tbe Mtg bepM dey before yester­ parted.
aaya be aay human bodlaa burled orer
day and continued yesterday and today
« hundred feet upward. Tba air waa
unlay mi
father and husband and friend. Jam.-s !
^natil 3:15 when the Judge took If
aloaded with smoke, which <
The reg
under edvlaemenff after which ar*u Music waa furnished hr » fluartet, the eagjy train to Join
the ablp.' When tba haxa cleared away
f.*Mra. Everett,
Ilment is under orders to enur toe
menu for a rehearing of the caee of eompoacd of Mra. Gray.'Mrs.
o^'Tow men eoold be aeon «i tba
Dye vs. Oennalne, which was token Lawrence K. Buck and Herbi-rtn. Mon-' fuiilpi.lne s.-nlee In Nm.TnUr ami
dacKs. While a number were Soandertague. Burial took place to Oakwood Mr and Mrs. IJougUlon will go wliii
ider edviiemont.
lag to the water. BoaU ware lowered
tM tba Ooanatelnl wharf at H street,


In the mandamiu case of Lawrence in the family lot.

, from tba raaaelW aide and moat <d the

dle. appeared with an appUcatlcm for

llfl atloroey- fee;
A demorrer in tbe Fitch vs. Furtach
aeated terrible eeenea. Tbe force of
lae was arffued and labmltted and
tba ag^ealoa bad tom a greht bola In
tba ttarboard alda of tba ablp and tba token trader adTlsemeaL Earn C. Gil­
bert appearing for Mr.Flt^^and as
««sal waa mlioady eonmanctng U. Hat
tbe Raooid went lojywrbe wi
A aeciloii of the upper dedi wni
rtad away from stem to stern. Blood
and wreckage waa dbtribiAed
l|w enure ship, Ue after onbla and
that part (Y the ahlp adjacent to the

...... ..... .



Itdiinsmad BumlOKof theSkln
AS in eczema; the frightful Ksliag. as
in psoriasis: tbe loss of hair and cruvting of
as in vailed head ; the
and ring'sansit ly of wornoui jiarinfants, aad
s in milk crust, tetter and Sait
rkvum — all demand a remedy of aJmost supcrbiiman virtues to suoxssFullvcope ailh them. That CUlieura
Soaij, Oiuntieot, and Wlls arc sueh
stands provito bey.iud all .loubl. The
purity aad swxt-tncss, the power to
alio'nl immediate relief, the eenainly
of speedy and permanent cnrr. tbe
absoJirte sairtv and great iwnomy
hm-e maile them tbe sUndar-l skin
cures of the civilized worl* Abso­
lutely pore.

The Best
and sold,
at die






These machines are carried ia slock at our shop and
can be seen in operation “buzzing’ wood.


it rlar.- l.a- .-■ti-->I :

To Core a Cold in One Day

The n-gim.-m.

I. Jobnaon. Ibe alloniey, J, J. Tded-

m« to the water Were picked up and
taken on board.
On board the Baattiagtim were pro-


Mis brother officers ai

iboose when the alack waa sud-jMid he was fooling with a gun.


Durlni; a


............................................................. d vent* it
changed woudertiilly. snd coiiunuing
the treatment it rwnosvd all sc.Ue
aad scabs. From ihsl <Uy 1 ws» al-lc
to go out. Slid in a raooih my face

Buzzell waa slaodtog In tbe cupola ofiactly bow ihe accident happened. He

be stated to tbe eoun. tbe mother

•..»! farn: l.aiul

................. .... .


| atu-rward the guests heard a pistol
) freight was running on the Kal-1 shot and the sound of a body ralltog

\ oeuelues for a farroty ha-s

Ji.-ar^id .la.igh'-r to grouii-l. hrewi..
iBSshOr re.-k -.Is trot fnjn.-. Tbal 1«
Kaismsrr.- .-odniy, > n.-i aP in >- ;
.an.I during ihe i>a.-' s-’l. .l••0loll-'-.j'
though s7 old. he ran^ .

1 'eouW not yo out. U was going
from bad to worv; snd I give op all

Marouelle Ipcalrfrclgbi No.',187, was]c«.nt on the subject,
severely cut about the face b> falling |
throiigh a caboose window


r.-acbes the equity mark.

already b.-s-n' »«-eur«sI
and ••uoaab
s r.-sjalrsd tt> ccimid.-o- t

" t was t ronbU-d wHh .
face .^or tiw moolhs. dnneg •which
.time I was in the-care of phy«i
Mv face was in such a condition that

at Fort \Va>n.- with a bullet wound
tbrouBh Ws left lung. He says

Face Badly CuL

kaaka branch


In a Maatli Face Was
Clean as Enei.

heavy sea H was Imposslbli- to K.- i.
Detroit, Ulrh, July y.-Ueul. Botbe pile driver In ptace long enough to Ism.t W. B-unbion nf Company E. First
> the work. Tbe piles ar.- to-iog intantry 1. .>t A.. I* in a guarded room

abtoluiloo as given Ibrougfa the tcstlwho wu aeriooniy wounded.
of the plalmiff in yesterday's
Tba Boaber of nliitos U idaead a
______j was emphallally denied. The
batweeo twaaty nnd tweniy-flTe. Bear
too sUUng tbai tbe priest was not in
Admiral HeOalla baa begun an invcabuggy at the time but bis man
. tlgailos. At noon the nunbar at dead
there, nor was the mother run <
vat placed at flfiy-flTe.
hurt, nor at tbe grie ev». foi
Tba^'BatoliigtoD. at ibe tine of tba
aeddent. waa lying to the str^ }uat


done by volunteers. Tbe work was
begun yesterday but owing to the Lieut.

,UI b. I. OK

mgti-n-.| a:;.; ran away, throwing hi-

Bad to Worse.



.. .. b,

lb bPbl.b K ho t. .uch lb .obbb.

Ipun.we of organising a eorapanj to. 1. bbio ..o t,v-- •«
b-jlld. edutp and etindort a csanlnx 1„ .,11 I- «, bl. ^ .bo. bo


A bar at the mouth of tbe
" I Christianson of Manistee spent
nlng of bar malady which lasted for river .baa been tbe source
« of much
mnen to-,
^ „
convenience to locml boatmen as the
of Middleton and who
Capt. Loeclae Toons reported thla twalra years aad it la doring
,t iH.oskey lor a
•flariMoa that eaeiy man <a> the ablp period that the deed now being lougbt cbramel changed repememy
months daring the year the water be-,
returaod to bU home
vaa tajnred by the axpIortoB. Betwaeo to be s« aatde waa signed by
enrae «) sbailow that is «u lmpo«ible | ^
forty aad UV veta Ullad. Tba ablp mother.
On tbe other band It It eontet
npUir aeUM after the eiploaloe aad
to get to or oat.
q k. Babcock of Lake Ann was to
la belH towed to tba wbart by toc>The BanniiisloB waa ooa o( the re


Neii Monday eieutng a meeOwg will
jbe beM at the Aldm lownball tor ^

flclty yesterday looking anSr~b«l|toess
:: interesu^

uih of tbe Boardmai.



Horwre Lysle Hllbort. tbe son of ;



Funeral _ tor,-c,or­

is. f HlUieri of Bingham township.: rom-nilon has s.lm.t.d a r-M..u,„.r,
pUxl Thursday night Just after mld-lasUng tor IegJ»la-ur.- M |u.-- a n-s
night following an operation for the rr- law rs-uar.llng pr.-paraiiuo u...l s.up
Boval of toe appendix on Wednesday , meet ot cmiaglou. d. ad. 1 ..--r 'he
last Mr. Hllbortbad been 111 for some, prese-ni law local laards
i ship contagious -l-ad
tU aad felt ibai r'K»>t


be was free from trouble last week so . if other stairs li is^e,
attempie,! to begin work. He again , l*w and i.roiK-r.y :fc-mis, .l u
From Saturday's Hectwd.
b the adJonrniDeiil

yeelerUay afternoon at g o'jilorit

exploded bouar retembitog a On

all bntlnets pending to this
is .pul over rielil the next terra. Jiidge
Tbe boiier wbleh exploded. tt la said,
Mtyne transferring the liquor case
rni recarded ea aaaafe. U was slated
Elisabeth Gars vs. John Kratocbvll to
tbat duriag a tacett retnn from Hbathe next term.
'' dale tbe eteeto ptaeam was kept re­
Judgment in tbe JaeotTRosInskl. sr.
deem! la that partleator one.
vs. Jacob Roslnskl, Jr. and Mary RoTbe bodies of many of tbe raea
atoskl case was differrod until the next
takea from the wrecked Interior of ih^
term of the Leelanaa county court,
^Ip were ra»lUated elmoel beycad
though bcipre dtring so be aabrallted
several suggcsUoiu

which. It uied

Immediately placed him to bed.

He I ni

continued to grow- worse and a consul-1 latlon was held and the operaUon tol.

Thousands of Women

mourn his loss. iTbe funeral was held '»MeM *fLy«a E. FitkhWs Vspatobk
Sundav sriVrnP^ ‘™“
ehureb anXtmnenr

was- In

cTH-tocK. -riaii.l..

amicably adjust tbe difficulties now

amy. never hi idenUfl^

facing too parties-

Among the sug­

gestions noted was tbat toe Rostoski
deed sund as It to while the parties
arvknge for a peaceable occupation of

BhMs Upan tol Fic* that W
Bndt, Owa ll.kj|SI* W«an Well



had rli»rg'' “f '*’•= arrang, ni.-m_

upon by tbe parties toterested, will
arttb blood end eahes. . o.

Cinult Cmiri.^


fell 111 and eonaulle.1 his physician who j
of Circuit

Tbotrsand-s npon thousands of A
non have been n-stor.-d to
hralto byV Uvdia E. I'tokham s Wfetswund. Thrir hir

Tbe next (t-rm of ihr Boozir county •uh-ni
Circuit court will hsi.- an eji-cimeot

mdng It
Inds-qd i- I!
salt which Is rowt totrrestln* from.>
It mrJi,
legal point- of view, ihe (oodliloiif ex- with it an othrr in»-,licipri

From T%araday'a Rccony'
Tba ntteotlon of Ju^ Hayne Is ihetdouble dwrlllag or toe eider Jacob
halagkytw VP uxiay with tba case of Rosinakl Is to pay tbe younger for the to mske possible toe precedrpt to the i^ble Co^p.un.l sc-r.,aipliabrd iu » locK-gallly of a warranty deed or a will ,«p„,drv-.ul» for g,«d
jMSb noalnaki, ar. va. Jacob Rosinakl.' ...............
placed upon It that he
snd which should take precedetce. ,
Why ha- it lived and thrivrd and
Jr. Md Mary Baaintkl and toongbt might build upon the other eighty.
i'.om thK court calendar the case ;ddne its glorioos work for a quaru-r of
daUng-bstok to a ported relating lt> hapThe motion f* a new trUl to to*,
Frank M. Powell vs. Elmer 1*
mecty because cf its »thrpmlngt ot Sttpam fean atandlag toe Dyer rs- Germaine ease was denied.;
crane and wl/c anfl Is the ouieomc of Hng worth. The reason no ,'iher un-dMotlmony waa readsnd with as mneb court adjourning sine die.
the making of a wifi annullng wlihout joine
even approae-b^ts sue.-e.s
feeUng and beartaehea as tboogb they
had taken place yesterday.
bertes are recdtvlng as much; fevring of a deed, eoverlpg the same pond for womens ill#
, , .
the panic* to the anlt Ul reside In
Letrtanau eoanty nnd the suit la the


I p™,..,.,


crop being harvested. Every morning |
A number of years ago ■
payment for aSeeilon and care tor the J... .. jhc flrst cock opens bis sleepy 1 Powell of Cedar Run. one rear before ^qse it isastimulai'i—not h.-cause it is
aarraniy deed a paUiative. hut Mmplr U-cause it U
aged.. In lt»: tbe plaintiff and his wife eyes crowds of berry pickers wend | his death, executed
deeded to the naraeaake. Jacob. Jr. their way east tn-wagons with their; tor Ms property In laio.- o. u.» .>

ontevme of a trnaMer eff property

tigtaty acres of land and sixty acres ap­ tun bonnets Induitriously tucked away ^ Frank, at tbe same time placing u

........ ....

pended with toe rantua) nsderstandlng
- tbat toe latter would baoomo Ibe prop- tuncheon boxes in readiness
«rty ot toe defendanta tipoD the death days picking. Traverse CUy Is to toe; strucfed to hold the same In trust uofl!
ddal of toe blue berry belted lor his deacb and'toenriellver to the son
sff the parents.
Two yem ago toe aall was begun IhWy years or more tola little Inaig-' Five or six days preceding hU death who have rcecieniied
aad al the tail term of the Leelanau oiBcant berry has bein toe pet of toe; he made a will, directing to thU wi:i Lydia B. Pinkhams Vegciab
thongh never take® from i that eighty aeres of this tame property pound, and are fair enough
eoeoty oonrt was trmaxferred
Us barren and sandy soil and culU-| be sold and the proceeds divided equai- credit whore il is due. If pli
lain- Its
eoanty by mutual eoDseoL Tbe pli
dared to be frank and open, h
toto toe overgrown and over fed; ly be'w.-.-n tbe aloresaid Frenk Powell
ttl oa tbe eritnoaa aland today told tie rat
iflIvTtdge that they
, «.> ■'•S’r
gvow^" fruit of other small and two -gran.lsons and another
eonstantly preH.-L... l..vdia £. Piatieovrt ot the lltnewt and
I's Nestable
Vcgeiablr Compound
Compound t:
berry frelu. Tbe berry Is still a wild-Tbe will wa* probaied and the prop- |»ssn'»
* of feraaie.lis. a* the.v k
one and bushels may be found alaioat; erty In ,qunUon
question sold, tbe defendant to
eiprrienei: that it will effeeb s v:
tbe door of toe dly resident during! the. *nU now xyending pbachastog I
ptaetvtino'fTom her (las by toe priest
or irreguUr i
who poahed her away with her roaary a good Mwaon. tn many case* tnmllie*: and taking poasesaioo on eoecren.


wbspi abe preaoated benelt because
she had Bttempiad to protect her pri­
vate road tram tbe aforesaid prteati to clear A neat *um OT«7 day. fof alljVloasly bold a wgrranty deed of and --bearing-NlownaUegedtewleaa t»e ibrough hla per- bapda tare out except toe baby, and toe ejectraenl suit will be tried before,



that U b(d«ered up In tbe shade of a Judgp C, C. CWnetideo.of Chdillac at
Upon one oamilim. aq Jacob Reatn- tall ptne and allowed tbe liberty o(‘too next term of the Benzie county coesequencoabd br restored to bralth
Ihfantile woodeement al .toe-gbaagei Circuit coart ai Benzonia. It If an and strength br uking Ly^ E. Itnk.
akl tUWd, she vreet ort and r
tnn bot. itaSy roomi to t'he wWe^d j ^resling quesUon of tow.a* to which

Aspinwall Spraying IHIachines



Yoa cannoi afTord 10 !ci ihc insects, blik'lu and ro: spoil your cro^ when you
oriu oLthese "Sure Shoi" Machines that <lo‘^ the work right, and ai a
GkE.AT S.WINL IN T5MK. LABOR ANU MpNLY. A trial wili convince you
that the above staiemctus are facts. If your acreage is not large, perhaps you will
wan: a hand H'rayer. WE HAVE THEM-ALL KINDS-KNAI'SACKS. COMPRESSED AIK' AND .-XTOMIZERS—the gn-ate-t assortment ever shown. .Now
is the lime to get one'and be prepare<l wlu n t!i'' bugs come.
Yours for “duality an<i Satisfatiion "

Farmers Supply Co.
Traverse City. Mich.

127-135 State Street

The children’s irTcnd—

Drives uut blood impuritic-. . Mikes strong nerves and muscles.
J3ivcs ttine, vitality and snap.

alateney^ le*ving toe gate <mes.

wbtob It sees otH-hoIds ptvxNsience.
aa aldea.


J. Tweddle of far adrii*. If* bee and always helpfai

Tbu berriew"flad a ready]this city wUl appear for toe plaintiff.i




aiuNo nuveine
- CMfi* Can't Tauafi Beat.
Chlca«p. Mj *0.—pn>
jcted br a fedanl eooft Injaaetloe
OlcWe llaaUiic peel nam. the GLtr

i m wu D m (AST I
OepeehactB. July ti.-A dlapateb
frm BL PManbwf to (Matadaa My*
patTMa adrtow ncetved at tba Eaaftaa ea^ul ay JapaaeM vanhlpe
tare beeo «^te4 aear NikoUlerta at
ttaaw«UeCtta.AMrriTaa. HaBy c<

e ttat the woolAOe
aamaia tad be* hired to lake the
ne artuiery battery aUdoiied to
the ton or Ttoaetty aear TUIs. Rnaeta UaaaCaaoatala. haa faroliad.
Tke artuiery »aa kUM their oOeen
aad bare Jolaed a bead «t malottaaty aisealaae.
Seattle, Joly W.—Baroa .Xomitra.
..-^aelle arrired beta eo the steal^ Mto' RUSSIAN SITUAYION.
Btolyatak. Pglaad, July M--Throe
penoae vere kflM by the exploetoe
or a beaib thitnrn at CbteT of FoUee
Ptetakta bore Ian alcht aad thirtaoa
ethera. tadedlac the chief aad hU eon.
ware tojar^. 1%e bomb m throws
whUe tha taUee ofllelal was tola»Uai
with a oowd c< people.
BL PetenbarK. Jaty tl—Orders
taW haea toiaed to the Oeaaaekt to
raptae Um atarlBes wbo.hare beea
gaardUid the Ktripteo woHA'eatalde
8l peiersbaiB- Thli etaaase haa
^ node owlv to the diaoorerr c<
. a pM' oo.tta part ol the aarbiM l»

acala today and recetred aewa ftoo a
wtrelese tdecra^ cotapaBy aa waa
prsedeed before the chsrve
dtatoBtled the etteea of the wbalcas
teltarapb eoaipasy to the Railway Bxetaage boOdlaf aoM time ac».
Jodao B- H. Betbea. to tba Ualied
Statea dlatrlet coon, yeeterday laaoed
aa tajasetta reetralstog- Mayer Uward r. Doase. Chief of Police O-SelU
and their oAcen aad ase«a fron lotecferUiK with the badoeae of the wireieac tetarapb eoopasy to aay way.
Ccwaael for the wirelee* telegraph
coDpasy raieed the polat that the
city did not tare the power to Islerfera with lotentate eosmeree to the
tom of meaaaged aeol from alaic to
tale by meast of telegraph, and he
raa upheld by the coun.
la laaulag the tolaiutloii Jadge Be.
tbta dectoied thst,«ltboagh he did not |
b^ere la gambilag to any form, under j
the tow he had no other course thaa
is lasoe the rtotratotog order. He de I
dared that the wireless company was '
eloarly engaged to iniersuie com-j
Bierce boatocss and that , the federal j
atatuies protcrtcd the corporation ai
protected other telegraph eompaniea. |

Loeai Company Gets Cenlrjrt.
Poallae. Ulcb, July SO.—The eon.|
tract te ihe nflh ward school build-1
yesterday awarded the 8- B. j
Cole eompai^r of Traverse City si IM.-j
ISO. It waa agreed, however, to ali^
somewbat to bring abool a
taoetta to ibe coat of from $1,000 to
ItJiet. The board of edotatloayesicr.
day Morning selected the alto for the
boUdlng. dlrertJy oppoaUe PiukUa

boe)eT«rd. This wUl lesre t& aihletle Said and ptoy giounda on Uc
end of the Orare school property
■odistnrbcd. Ur..Cole was to the city
yepterdhy and stated that be will bcglB
BtiHan IK Oangot
work today. ‘ Hs waa required lo give
n.—At leant
beod of ItS.OOO.
tUrty peraoDi were klUed by (be ex
Ptata eC A bomb which as aaiaadn i
Children Burned le Oeeth.
■MitiiiMiilly dlreetod, •» she psUaa'
, Muakegoa^hUch, July *1.—Two chllof Tartay y««Hda/. Ertltoataa ot drsB. James and George Crlbley. i^ed
the wopaded rtiry from flftooa to
C, and twins, were burned to death ai
forty. Tbe bomb waa the totatt crer the home of their pareou to a fire
Bota for soeh parent. Tbo poUce,
which burned M>e' borne eorly thU
bMtoee tbe bnenb ibroah.« wae the:
momlBg. tea miles-from this pbee.
•satot «f «a Aitoeata pM.
Tbe totber of the ehildreo haa become
»from grief and two other aiatm
CadUtoR .auolk. July IO.-4BWtaoa or'the Tlnlmh have tat their minds.
llinfBid-Mihirr I* haa baM talae- ' The Crible^bOBieU tot miles out to
James and George Crib'tag Btoeo Taaoday. He toa here to
srt aleeplng np eUJrs alone wbnc
pta berriea and haa not beea aeoa
. ptoa. taggh artar'lepoTtod piat he the parents aaS eight other children
led quarters down sUlra. Sparks
^ to «bo sdelpUy of
father haa gone there to took for
• Ita nbtqpartadthBtatafocdtoaM to the roof aad before the lllUe owes
coed tbe roof fell la oa them. Tbe
tatber In.bed beard a seroam of 'papa'
Aosta. Jaly ».-7»e funersl ser- aad tried to reach tbe up stairs room
utta of tbo tote Goo. W.-W. Btoektoor but tbe Banes baffled him and be
wID be htod at tbo Bemd Bnltorton obliged to kta oo and sec the Barnes
tawsk. Ooptoy aqoana. Saaday at I bora bla otfapriag.
e>ntak. BaprostotaiJraa e( tha 0. A,
Five hoars later tiny bones known
B. paoH aay that.pnbaMy anra thaa be those of tbe ehildreo w^e found In
Detroit. Xldu Jaly
IhatggaMrr. who waa itabbed with a
tatoto to aa oBkaowa woaao a
wpqhi ita U> a aatooo on RantkHph
gtrast, dta at d o'tfoefc thirtoonlng
i «L ktorra botoUal. Hoaicoi
rafased to ten who waa
Ible tor the wdmd. dal:
kaow bat the police bellere
dsM srMh ddiberta latent.


' 'Odldtad. Her, Jidy M.-miton Mal.'ttik'K. M. Tftaa and^ Woller of
^ttotarMA Colo.. laft^toUta. Jnaa
SB a propaettog trip totir Death Vah
Wr. Today UalUn pas braoght
"ttyoUM halt cnapd tita aaSartag
ho had Badergine. k^ioa sad WdMr
wastotod ortr tba desaa and tt to bethey perlahed. 2^ hatsea aod
aDtUe bsrrbw beloBi^ to the pany
. ' flat tat •h-‘r di-Y f— •T‘-r .


THunoAV. milv zi, vm.


The Ktnd Ton Hktrw Alttsya BoogM. tmi trWeto baa beta
in DM fbr orer 80 reara, haa borne tbe abmatm oT


triM» ckOdrta'a PataOta—T3w Mother's Frioad.

I Bears the Sienatnre ef

The Kind
Yon HaYfl Always Boup
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Convidion FoDows Trial
When boviuB loose coffee or anything roor grocer happens
to bare in bla bin. how do you know Mfhat you g^.
settint ? Some queer stoHee about.oofiee that >a aold in bulk,
ooold be told, if tbe pe.^ wbo handto it (grocen). eared to

lion Coffee,


L^hsad mi rtwy psftatr.
SavstbssK Ll-^cJimC lor




2Slh day. or August. A. D. 1905.

Waahlagm, Jaly
Tbe wUl
Professor A: A. Uurphree goes
Utototo aaoetarr of suta. Jobs Hay heod of tbe state female college at the
waa Bled Cor probole bare this after,
aboa. Hm balk of the eaute. which



Mother’s Ear
r Seotemiser. A.D. I

aooTT** kmuiMtott

SCOTT a noa

----Itafca, B|fW|W«W

TMS tana Tvainw CYly IM g. >■


T»S‘"*arJn'»i't-n a-m. )ato.
(law alrfa ain-pr- frua, (Xartaaaltl

TrajA arrim ffcB Aurthport M Ww B- ata

■j"; ’H=ir,S

ilBfaii aaOahBr fwra inarii at WatBw

c uuxwoon.o r ar. a

LOT 236
LOT 237

LOT 196

LOT 203
LOT 211

LOT 212
LOT 213

pERE Marquette



rtaaiy^nomad Traaan?*la^iSilaira.IS .

■ ' .ini-asit"



LOT 214


^•TSS.’iSSSSli.^ aa

These are afrcarly selections and are the •

Handsomest Lots in Oak Heights
the most charming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now largely built over, and good lots are
not easily^tainable. These lots will be sold sepal
rately, excepting
ISi. 1.S4. which must be sold to­
gether. All must go for s|>ot cash, and the prices

!Sni sufTs.'Sri'snjg

K.tis.'j.’i sissr^sv^


ii5 ■

±sr s.'Si-ssr'

asaib-wrattuU .w-'viof tornutoimuwarlar mv- of arrnow inaiiyava <•). tarw

The whole bunch of
*^aM*ThHaua<U2^ J«»a^ t). M-


as Trarma CB.. Kirk.

l^fWoAOg FtaBTTjmnto-WjBaaa

.^s the price would be made accordingly and to allow
for holdiag as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.

rnrnmm^lather .4

A. L^^a

Also One Acre Lot jrrH’rr-?S.£^S=S
in BircOwood
Fronting East Bay S rods and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rt^s wide on north side for street. A
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.

etaMeMdrtadM t. Bi
m^ameoSar Jeks w* Pa«0». mttrttoc


• tas Qulillihm Is the OiwBd Syqty KTi*wt«.ktmto. a.avwwyiw ;

Right aad odli arrive at Che

< il k w.. munuA-

Tra-m. C1I, ll-kt a B.'.
rtiM far »kla Mfik aM aata
a laaw Travana otyvwi p. m.. aMWaatloc far mfaxaib
Traia laam Tmamar <Yu «M a m .lUr

if sold at one time and for cash down, would be

Oftoer Bay. Ja^ *L-^i«sid«ot

_____________ .
York by
. Dr. l^taB Ahbect. odRor to the haj.loofc. AMcag tha laapertut qnetolatu
tkal th* ptcoldeat oad .Ua prime pitobtar wm diaenaa 1a the ptopoaad Uaaa. lertothaJtoaaMacaaalttaitbeJartadtetta to the war departBent (o tbe


Pnrl^. SB^^-Flavar and UnUormlts?

B fhc verdict el imXlONS Ot
■ODSOCEZPEaS doca not eonvUiec
«d tta
the meHta- ot UON COFFKE.
M Ctata )


LOT 188
LOT 23ff

ofactaturv, if tberhad not found it sopenor to all other brands m

Kingsley Wen G
1FOOISON I5PICE OO., T<dcdc. Ohio.
Kingsley. UIcIl. July 22-Tbe Kings­
ley hose ball team played a nine from
eitaU siding yesterday afimoon
There were taenij^ichi vacauvle*
"die rnlon station In Loul»tilIe,
BllgfaU Siding aod tbe totter le
to the grade of atfisunt iMijtiistlcr in imposing sinn.-^-. ba* le
went hoiae with o very bod defeat
ikatTo>fd li> fir. ; lo-f.
their credit, tbe score ot the end of ;lhc navy. For
g men a,,,.l,vd. Onl> ..« rH,-tour . -oBTOAOt FAbS-U-her.*.. der.oV,
ig 33 to 4 In favor of
stood the varluuv i-.^s ali l r' ceivtil iVI
leb waa composed
and Bdwfn QtaoftK Elgbt<
l back to the bench after wUdy
ling tbe air oo some of Croiser'r
feoleca. ‘ Tbe BUgbta battery
Moore and Mocrer
I> <«; i^d
The tow ntorles paid to educators.
eapeetoUy in the aouib. la iltattatcd
by the annoBacematit-Id a Florida

• Eaaaaa aty. July ».-Tb« Oty Na
ttoaal hoak. capital toOO.MO. did
' «pM Car baalaeaa totoy aad le to the
baads of tbe conptrdier of carreocy.
The boak bald paper of C. J. Derlto of
Topeka to the atoooat of opwarda of
•IB0.M0. the toUare la the direct
aaU «t the etatog to the first fto'Doaal tank to Tbpska. -the bank haa
Bepooltt to $l,m.Mk

LOT 184

Ac leader of aU package eotfees for over a qn^
Tta iHil I ■mitai •! UON COFFfX

a«s Ua^umMUTtT. w m» B.wto* *P.h"

LOT 183

___ tote tor Castor OU. FhreOastorfa to a
g oyrupe.
Syrups. It
is ».r,...nw
IMeosanU ...
coric. I>ropa ana motntiimr
av *»
coBtalns nelUter Opinin. Murphlae bor other Narcotifi
wabataoce. lu ago Is Ita guaranloe. It destroys Wortito
Md aUaya FeTariabaeaa. It eurca Dlarriuea and Wind
Oolbs. It reUerea Teetlilng TrouNco, cares Constipatioa
•nd Flatnltacy. It aasteUtotes tko Food, regulata Ui«
and Bowtoa. givlag bealUry aod uatiual .«loev.


LOT 182

I to deceive TOO iB thlto
.good” are bta
AU CorntteaMta, ImltattoRt kad J
Envlzaento that trifle srltboode
lafttaa ata ChOdreB-Expertonce


ue;a^t» ta Wiavyu °r«< Uk~-dai»-

LOttogOta C ^OASUta

■ '.'I-

123 Front Street.


-ayrntWattaiabritBoMarB aivwCTap.


HATTW m. nwm.

LOBAkuna uauKon.


TIM wnmt PMm H Md«r•MMell wimU ta.eb«»tort W
tod t*« bOT» wl«» *««
ttoe w«K tUfT7 tod lUroM Oto<
Tto- ttor
too«b»r.. t*m btnto
:«n. |oM
to tto Jto«
toj or vklek I vrtle.
B«t ttato. tod to K #toto to toy to.
brolbert w* M aIwo Meadi.
ktow two
itotood tors (or tto
SorpoM rd d»to»rtota* wt«S meb
Ko Bisttto too pInmUy they
. lA ottor tonole. tbP? slnys
snsppd sod toortod wtm tier

irastobedoM? Tbere It bltor..itoht
orar Ua (ops «( tto laotos. (olac lo•tods (to toto a2 taat aa h tosU!
8wta tbloUas hod to to dose. UHsK
oU tod BOt bia ssaasdas wl
tor, a tosry doBertt nark
irtt. J«o asMue lor caret
be tatoa. (or tto girer < the priia

pracUlsB atoest as aoch as a fci
-Mr «i «»«7 <r
Bbers. On the other bead.
U Harry nOloped after that Byte* pa­
per. to wmld alBost esrtaialy be tote:
aad U tto paper aboold be aoUed. or
by tto wind. HareH-a deI «utrr Mb* tovta» M|M
■U eeac. after all. And (to
Md Wa« M miyfc><» m< «•
non wna so done. now. that for both
«v»y IMPt tMl*.
toptbars to in deiaeriu weaM :
HI *Mr ton bitrrtat to««
eenalB riaitry (or the boy they
«Mm thlaam I •« -T»y, tiy
did not like.

...-• r •
“Nerer Btod.- said Harry, alood;
-Harold would deJt for b« to a iwinlt
Hstry tod BsroM «ck m tbot
ling. Tbe papa Bay not be ban. Here
ly Intimte tbsi the toys,'»to
goes! Perttops 1 can Bake It."
IWd of ttoa totb. vsre olmost )aolHe dldnl -Bake lu" He foetid tto
Tto oM«r toys nstood ito todM paper bdore It reached tbe pood, end:
Mtoto asd PytUas. tod oa
U was the Ustof euBplee, last as to
^Mioradas sad Pekiiddai. with bad tboaghi; but the toll was done
esDlt tbat Uiay looked op Ibe bli- ringing for eOme mtosus when, redtory tokm*lB)c to both those oaBcs. (aeod and out of braatb. to took hto
asd were by to Boeb Ibe tritor. Soon at to tbe class, bsrtog rccelrod only
« aiAHL MTn. n
e(.lhe bw» od ibelr oWD class osBed _ aoerniBl sbm^e of tbe besd froB.
lliea DoTtd tod JoDsthu. which they UaroM. when be placel leVmag.
to precious psper to Us hsnd.
Well. CO
iBssIse Us fccltogs wb« the exttoir IWto. ibe twins were bartsc a .Bines worked out et boBC were,
UWd »toito Ha-ds.
They were falrty celled (or, end Harold a
T%ey -drtTo b«to ito «»*•
vsll Mtetod la tbelr aUdles:
peally folded paper, tortred of tto
(bal HsreU was better at anaben. after which he bad reoed!
Up Ure^ the Itoc shady H
wbUo Harry w^ a saeeaea to history.
poor. dear, brare old Icllow;tlThtoS (ha
whtolto load H
At tto (veatof at the mUwtotor lem. KstoM said, after dsM. with hie sm
a prito had bees offered for tbe bcaq stouBd Us* brolber's sbo-ldcr. "C
Ttot a*s fSUow erttb rfpeoto* •»»». aeboUr id a.^tbB»eIle.- All
^ rushed sitek that paper and «ot
T^^fad. to tto Ibh* wa*»a« «B
BtoUers were ukn tote aeeotoU. pooc- dcBerit? That's juH too bad! Isa
taalUy, oeatBaas. apd (be like, aa well- II Beueroff. but I didn’t step to wateb
•(ibolsrshlp: so (bal ir a boy
It. becsvac 1 krtew It was the
e at-U» class, which. It hsppenod.
D ap. an account of a blot.
a tto rery tret clMi to tto aflor- Mean old lUag’ I Boot see whr I
90. or IT bia pstor <
kept it In tbe book to laske trouble.*
a was soiled or tok'Ststood. it oraslIt wss Bore ibsa one demerit. Koi
ad sotost blB.
only tardiness sod generU dtoorder o
Wet all tto tpstohrts ot the
e. but the tired boy. fsltcred
ere irytoc (or tto prise; to (act. K and Uundared orer a rule tbar be bad
eoHad (or « m* deal e( ostra
knowa parfaeUy two mtouiea before,
and tto aebtoare were allowad
and knew two atoutet afterwanls. Of
Ur tbair oaioee m eotapoUiore If they eoorae the teacher could not help that
eboto. . .
Tbe great day case and Harold Con
Ttoprtealuetf was di
resse was annouaced ns tbe winner
tto prise by (tut one mark! T
Iltda rawboat wUb (reshiaas sod awp- pleased faUer wblrpered. "Well da
iplete. It was offered by Mn Harry, my boy; only one behtod!"
Bdaeo. (be boet-bollder. wto was tb« And then Hsreld rose uo bsTnre tto
pneldeot o( tbe boerd e( treatM.
tnistees aad the other guests, s
The OoarerM. toys ware dell^tod:
tato Brst speoeb. He decllnod
they had waniad a beat ail (belr Ures. accept tbe prise! He had ii« won Ic. |
-And yo«nt-»to' tba prln. of oooraa.- he said, any more (baa hIs b'rotb^
Harry aald aaceriy. “Too are tbe beat Harry bad; It was oe account <t an
*t«» »• »^ *«**“ *^ iwhniir la tto dws. Tben wbat foa
And ttoa and. (here he told
well hure wUb (be Inat this saioBer the story of Harry’s Ace with tto
. .
-every boy in the school broke
Bl<i Father'Oonreree Bade tiwbla. Into cheers, and the girls waved their
ABd at Bt^i-ttow are toUad to atos- He wabted both boys to try lor (to
Ikcrchlcfs. and Ihc loacbors
. By a iooff that a food »oth« ato^ *^ot
each other. (BtfaB!”
Tbe eenuniuec of snrd held an cxold both bon at.oooe. elaust peto a soBloB iBBedtotely. and aa-i
oTor Ue tbonght
Douneod that Uey were unaUaeus to !
rffea.- saM Father Coorerse. flrBly.
ding that the prize be I
1-re-» each other, iff eonree. Wby awarded eqtolly to Hessrs. Harold and |
■hall gmr Bitolp mar
rnlMof'aUto. not? It yoto friendship U opt oqoal Henry Conrerse. Then (be room rang
lo tto«rato et aad *wpaoefttoahtbor aad.
with applause.
ewr tost, aad toob
The ooMe aad wtoa o( tto
-You ean't do it. you see.*' said an
wanblsBB. Harry toUfflale (rleod. shaking hands with
Tto aword. and tto mm. and paletto
of the prtoa. to help Mr. Converse, and .tougbiog as be |
Shan to.htod to tto Itttto brewa
hhn ta do Ua heet
•poke: *'I betlerc this was an attempt :
to hare Haretd to make each of rour boys stand Tor j
toM back Iwt to.glira Ua a
UmaeU. I should say they bad escU
M aaek ot aur boy* to do-Ueir stood bravely for the other.rmj haat ta ttoir ntadlea. and w
pyiday. Jniy «1.
TbU eventog to tbelr room It was
Ito prtnes ttoy can. bacnaae (batTs Harry’s tore to read Uoud the verso
• Oar MBOid -Ttoa preskleot has
-iMr word (or ua today. It «U eu la the rIfU way to do.from the Bible which, they said, ibey
Tbare was a gnat dfU more tato; -went to bed oe “ TUs was the verse:
wBh ^ part of aw pledge which
won wo wOl to ktaid to erary Using but (Bitor was right, of con^ the -He ibat itok^ mv friends doeih
thing, tog 11 to a good piaa (or na to to boys bcUere^-that to always sres; aad It to bia cnfaCdestnieUae: but there
. reminded cf It erery once In-a while. tt antodin both eUarlag tbelr i
It a friaod Ihat'kttrkelb closer than a
IT (he prise
VroiherThen balsB woik. Mato to Urown
Uere-a wtahlag all ■hfto'W*.''' mreg
BCSDB Jesus Christ." aald
and old. tto jnorrtoaL b^hdert racA sarprise.Jlarry hurnap fidly as mueb- HarUd.
tim powdUe nod bopfng tbelr bappi' Interested to tto eoateat as Ue broth­
-Yes.’ said Harry. nddllaUvcly:
ness srill nutbe ssgmwftiNI by leasoi- er. It took hiB toager to wort: out then to added to a reverent tone. ~I
problOBs.' aad be bad to awdy Oiy. Hal. bow he Bust stick! "—Tbe
iac tto Ptoasnre o( ottore
er to ondetsUad tbe rales, but be Junior CbrisUan Eadcavor World '
Motion IlK
totpISB -tout Iss.A Ruaalsn Girl’s BaUi.
sf wntfi (~B thee
When a tittle Rnsslsa girt wishes to
la It not aieo raenUon (lac lor alt
Before the amng
jOon KMiarnc* How tappy ttoy anui tenefaer. at least, realised the wisdom take a bath she docs not use a porceItow they al^ and ehuter and leap | of Hr. Caeverae't plan. Haretefore. tatn Ub or. any of the modern apand ■ ptov and repreas Uclr Joy to i Harry Cetorerse haH been almoat will- pUanecs to which yon are accastomed.
erery eooeelTable war.
I tog to fall to arttbrnetle. boeauso that for she baXhai in staxm, not wnier.
Are we blMetoaa U we lessen this «ns Huold-s stndy. not bis;
In tto poorer vHlagea titere are bathJv? It U too dlficalt to refnla fresa obnrse Harold mimt be ahead of him. jonaes. which ara"itaad in cobbod.I
fcining torsilres Utlla creatarea tor At Ibe elooe of ibr eprtag term. Tto but every wealthy Amity has a prl-i
vaxe bath-bemse. a smaU bulldlae.:
1*0 stood even In tbelr cndh aai
Ito toort of tgfclgg Ufa?
W year a frtppM lady accca- Thto was nn astoUshmenl to Ul the standing a few steps from-the house.;
Ttito toih-tousa to quite bare inside. |
|BgM a party on a aavlag trip. Coa* toys. TO make maUen Bore I
grott brick, oven-llke stove at ooc i
tato aB day to (to teat'and basmuiek eattox. there was one bey. whom
nritbar a
of uiem
tbom iisw
liked very well, who end. sad some ahrivei, rengod one
s -1 Dciuter
she (ooto a grrel delict to taatag
UtUe 'ri‘'pq»»k and a pair of blue! had exactly the same number of ered- above the other, aMig one aide, bolog
. I Ua. to-tat U to stoeto win. Instead ef tbe only fnrelsUnE It can toast
Brary SaWrday a Bre to made tn the
They amn taat aD (car of tor aadjalthcr of tto Ooamre boys! Tto
. —1— ts be- torir apd (Bdor the ham- ^ wtoto aebool was -roo^ to laierest. stove, and whon tho bricks are very
■aoch tor ere^ ato aaedt. It to Im-j Bat tba declsloe was not to be made hot, v(Uer to poured oa Uem. nnUI the
poasible to exprves tbe ptoatare ato , unUI June.
room to fiOed with steam.
The little lady wbo ts to take a bath
interest (bu cSBe late tor life! It was June, and bat two weriis bathreagb tbeae UUIe csoatnrea. Thrir fore (to great dectoloa. Harry One- Ilea OQ tbe lowest shelf Bret, end eooa,
gats so warm that the pereplretlot
part ways and aatlea were a naverlverae racto atoag tto atroaU^lika
lainag Bource of driWbt.
jpoay. It was Umret rime fnr tto one- starts o« aU over her body. Bhe tos higher shell.[. and
im- then placed t
I reltoUdtly’ add that MaBaedakio-rioek bril. aM a
water U poured upon tho bricks.:
o tbe
lattoabaeBoe of tbe r«at of tto partyM«tolately tour
tto bril stopped rlnr
« vAs Ilrkaisi la tto toate. and more steam latoed. Thto makes!
r shot land tthadbeeaBsctoBTy to sand Her- her BBl wwmer. but neverthelext the |
tor taarfai pro
(ff her peubadare'rid andhlmaeftcn-asiaadi to opposite tries higher and higher kheives. g«-|
and killed aO tJ
- |direetlont. He coeld enly hope that I ting better and hotter. nntU the water |
Her summer was aprilril. OoaMlHatrid would be cm time. Just as to'
raa* from her body.
tb^ have be« say happier lor re-; tamed the cureer be tow HareU dato! Sto kmfct more ilka a brilod tatotor
ptoring iBtAiiirs wllh yUt aad depriv-; down the small cress atreat laadtog to! ffan anything rise now. but she does
tag thrre happy HtUeerentares of itfet ; tto seberiMSB. At tto sama bmtaat.; not care tor (tat.
Kri OBly ihaL bB tto —I—r ef thO: he saw a pap* drop traro tto hook to; Thea whee aha has beea atcaBOd
A -icantod opaa, aad Bauar away to tto rntnik. ato fa riowly eoriad off. by
havtog Brri warn ato than orid water
hut Handd ppared ever tor.
aad tato ae ^saBui* from (to! -“Hottrot* to
.livresofottoSA Mato .tto vacatton a aattharrovacr toaid; and that p^ /After this, aha fa rtotod doarn aad
JOB 'may to an* eto f«*H as awert
baariy spot la (to
aM tiato at a Boarer.
of drilghL

For Hld^ Boys and GIrb

af lhana trere at» riam nomrwf tba». Hto Ito «ma to Wa pin.
ure. hatog to tto brert ef (to cfUca wbito tope tofcaa (to ptocw
cf (to wOBtoPM. Tbe cna refenwd to Is at «n Ptoibiagtaa
street t« Tvnveree CMy. ato a lew reto Dw* U U anabev tree.
rimltortr martod. TBsaa moed oa tto aU treil l^ween tto toad
' ef Onto Treveraa hay ato Bagtoaw. retarred to to Uts ttosptar.
Ato are lBter«*itog reBtodare cf a by««e day.

Worn deep to Hlcblgaa's tofflly, ablfttog soil, neter chaagtot said all the rbaagei of ynart. Ivlag straight as the crow
ties, across wide, sunlll gUdes. or throagh depths of tanglal
forest, stretch away the patta.s' made a hundred, two bnndred.
three hundred or more years ago by tto foouieps of .eoeoOasi
tribes ot Indians. Could ibey iposk, wlyt stories tney mIgU tell
of .(.wuhy war-t*Bds creeping out. and returning wUb abosM
of triamph. of burners eomlhg home laden with spoBs. oe of rlslto
betwesB tribes to (be rare Unes of peace.
Tbere it aoBeiUng r-ecultor sbotn Ibere treUs. which
Barks ibea and makes ttea ensy to dUitogui»b from tto paths
worn by tbe feet of white men to liter years, sod .»el Just what

Htorty a handred yaare have pasted stoBa
terUsDs were ae evwetly masateseed o» the haaks ef the tfirtr
Raisto. Tto story seems like a fable aU It ie bstd to rvaltoe
that swh a thing actaUly took plaee to oar own beautifnl eUU.
And ret uPly a few years ago an oU Ottawa chief lived la noetbere MKblgBB. Bear Bfc Rspldt. wbo was OM ef tto Madsfw la
(be Bgbt. ato wbo always wow ea a cord about bis usek a sUvar
1—— prcsfutwl u him by Mlag Oeorge ill of KflaM as a re­
ward for Us bclp. The medal is now tbe property of Mr. M. 8.
Noble ot Elk Rapids, wbo boaghl U from the aoa of tbe old ahlto.
Mr. Noble rtsltod A-ss-ce-asb* to IM4. sad Utboogh be was
Urea nlftety years old ato acariy blind, be waa as straight ato
stnag at BostTnaa of flfty. As be stood, slk feet bigh. to Ua'
dusky wigwam aad (old of the pan he took la tto massacre, hto
voice nag wttb all fto Bre of jvioth. and be seemed to be ttvtof tatbe midst of tbe Bgbt. Tbe medal, which be elwsya kept
with biB. and which was hb moel eberlshed poaaesskm. was a
mile larger than the picure of U. and was Bade of aUver. wbh
Ibe heto'of King Ccorge on one side ato the coal id ar»i of bgland on tbe other. A-toua-eo-nabr also bad a reaaaat -to aa
n, tag. oe a sltvar Bouatto alsadard. which M beaa
to the same battle. He would aoi pan with cither of ttom. ato
fto a eamber of yaare After Us dealh'Us soar. Chief PetoB-lwa
and Ooorge rrfused to sell H^thlnktog that their falber's e|drll
would hsunt them If »ey pA wllb «. At lari they sold it W
Mr. Noble, hoi/or many ycai^bey came to see if It sras BUI
•sife with him. Now they, loo, are dead. *a<l ‘be medal femalas
ir keep the toye and girls of today to touch wtta a dark page cf
lilefalgan's bUlon-




rto to OBUgaaB.)

tUs difference Is, It would be bard to dermbe.
- Onlv wide eoouph for one nereon t« move lo at a time.
Ibey air often worn do-ii many lochi-s below «h<; surreundlng
snrfaee.>aod the earth l» |.ack.-d' tinill It f.---ms slmosl at bard .
as atone. Altboagb ' alf s ceni-rr or more- bsi nsssed since tbe
last Indians followed ibe 'rails of their fetlK-rs. nothing will grow
to the hard ground, acd cri; when the saids of the Iske shore
^la themselves over It. or the plow of the fanner cuts deep fur­
rows to tbe Lri)wn esrth, is 'be trail lor'.
. Many years ago. when Mlcblgsn was silil a psri oMlie
great wlldcniesA, IWore . wn the fi'sl idvcnturo'ii white man
hsd stood on the broad vbore of the girst lake, so Isr back that •
no one knows Just when It was, s wandering party of ladlans.
the warriors iredlng sod the women and rhlldrcn fotlowtog to
stogie tile behind 'hem, with 'be park horars laden with tbelr
scanty eaiue fn.m the iiorih. (ollawing closely along
- the line Of Utv sbiirs uniil the hesil of ttrand Traverse bay was
rcaebed. and then broke Imo two l>sncl«, one going in the east,
to tbe land of 'be Saglnaws. and the other still lollowtog the
west shore, broke U>.-flrsi trail between nonhern Mlrblgsn and
t cernuiy t
e early half i
the Muskegon rl» path, by ihl. time msrk--d M plsiiil) IhsI cvre a child
(ollld follow It was. ii.v.!*s* oar of the gn-xt highway, of MlcUgan by all tlic IndiinK of the- north. Evry fall Imnilng parties
would come from tlir mon- nuribvrn irlK-s. sntl hsltlag'fot a
short lime at the 1;<A.I of Grand'Trav.-rtr iiiv, wouW branch
aeress lo the Saginsw valley, iheu rich In came, and return la
the cariy winter, bcarltip fool and furs (or 'he oold. ^srd months
which foIlowe«l. Tlu- Ojll>wii. of the lAilanau pr-nln^^ hsd s
mil of thrir o>ra along <*■.• .Iio'v. mei-tlng 'hr Bsln nail where
Trsrerse City now In thr s-.uih-rn par of the .tslo
there were many oihcr trail:-, thr prmoiAl qm-. running from
osfl lo west ond bridging the dlsiSBC- bciwcin Uki- Eric snU
the lower rbore ot Ukv Mlcblgnn.


e trails wl
was the way In wtlch they wrre -MstcI." The Brat passers-by
would twist s young oak o-f. of shape, lying H with streag
wythes, Itovlng It as a rosrk that (hey bad passed that way. In
the ymre following, the eonds wore away but (he trees were still
Icrt. iwlftcd lMo ttrenge shapes, living moniimeoK In the coaturles to come, of the first irsvelers In Michigan wilds. A few .

A Ouaen's Dairy.
When tbe slide it propared to Has
a, wuton of mglato. Is a| flat oo Us stoaaefa. ibnmu bto aoaa
totrymsld. One of her great-: forward aad tarelbg hU fcrepaws ug.
eat deligbu to making buUor. Ato It; dcr bit aofl sMea. goes sUllag swift---od steadily
.. BBC bouer. too: mneb better than; ly dotoa. HU speed
stetoll toe
you woaW expect a flueeo uunake j uaUI be reacbea the walor. ffUttoly
Tboee who bare eaieg It say It’s -reU be parts the surfaoe and to lost fraB
sight for s few eocoads. then hto haa4
|O0d--ato they
a polite fiction beeanselbegueen man- appears above the anrfaee and you can
him tfve a can wbleb aoeaBs
wfaetnred lu ato they are’afraid to
I srhteUe. This to a signal. Tho
. say otberwlse.
otter aatoBes tbe poatthm aad
.( gaadringbaa. (be gUMn'e toTor«eou
to (he bottom to )oie his enmhome to BaglBBd. to a most aneeeatful dairy (armt which nays Its own paalon. Tben aaother whistle, aad
expcnace ato preduces butter (bat baa tba next to order slides and ptaagSB, '
and the performaaec to kept op tmtH
no peer anywhere rise to (be world.
All the butler produced at this dairy each ooe has sevesal trtto to'hto crato
fbrm to made under the queen's own
TheBfM BBkereofaaUdawnitoap .
and attends to Ul tto de- tbto up for aa lodednite time, apeadtaUs of the farm, from preebsslBg tta tog down hm aai ihea tradglag ap
ows to potting new bandlei oa the agato .til thrir peBUooa at tto top. .
-where (hey wait lor the whlsM traos
tYhen tbe queen to oot in the recep- briow. to the meaBtaae playiwiyhltkm mms of Sandringham castle re Ing each oUer or rolltog to tha am.
eelvlng distinguished
goests, ten PhiaUr. thougb. when, like chiMnsL
rhsnecs lo one you will fln^ her In the ihoy begin to tire of tbelr ameesmiB.
«Jslry fsrm. She Is oot like the queen they go back to the water aad . tab.
If they aboold happaa («
la the nursery rtiyme: She does not
np sll dsy sad -eat bread and bon- ipy aaother elide, atandeoed bya dU- '
band of attars, they eanoB restot at laut one trtp. la fart, ethara
That was weH enough lor a medprefer the toady-taade piaees. It Is
tocral queoi. la (hesc days, things
have changed. Queen Alessndn is eely wbee (bay are anahto to lod ear .
one W the busteri women to England each that (hey go threogh Tha totautaesa of sBOothlac a hal­
lodsy. She Is tboroogbly practical,
low to the snow.—Oetreli.rrlbaae.
and never puu to anything
usri<*s, or merely aansto
All her work Is with a purpose. Bv
esubllshing the dairy farm at Banff- ScSo could guess that the dandeOeh \
war the -dent-dc-llae.- at Han's tbotll: ■
ringham, sbe has gtrre emptoyn
lellp so called heeausa U tortca
hundreds of ceunlry girls who have tbeuellp
like a tur I, and toVb «hs asotbre
learned s ralusbie trade to the qi
for torban? asks a writer to dia '
native of Den-'». Nkbolss. The beantlful gladlolw
c aandrtog-; I
mark. bSB li
bam dairy farms nsalsb methods of | means “s IHUi
raiklog butter. Borne of the fore-1 from the shape of Its leaves. The aawomen are -imporied- from Denmark. 1 pbodri Is from the Qttok word Beanand when the queen herself If not! lag ’Titog s spear." The name dsffodU
present, they Inttruct the EnglUh'comes from the -asphodri." and B>
dairymaids haw to'make butter after'mrens the same thing.
the DsBisb metbods.
i The columbtoe, gernalom aad tothFrom bO to IM pounds of butter are' ipnr we think of together, beeanaa
I made s day st the Bsndrlngham they are sH named after Urds—(to
i dsirtes. and as this l.iiiur it market- dove,
crane aad the talk. Tto
' cl St about 5» cents a pound, the tah- mesnlng of geranium Is -cranrts bOL"
' Ings of the business vary ImSwccb IZS and If you noUce the s^ ptris et a
! and tail a day —not s bad sbowtng for gcranKim you will w tbat they do
I s eounto farm.
look like (be long bill of s erena. Tto
The queen's dairy is one of the prri-, toorb-miMxn gets 1u came from a pa­
nt spots imagtnable AIT (hr little eulUriiy of Us seyd pod, too. but not a
oritsges are built after tbe queen's peeullsrUr of anbraraDre. If la tto
own designs. The Interiors of the > pod voo must not toaeb. for if yea do
botmes are lined with bnqd-pklntad H
burst and out wlU fly ita* seeds.
tiles which were brougbi from India |
---------------------by the Mag in in<
Take Cara of Vaur Ostp.
Tbe floors are of oemeni. and the
Keep a dish of fresh water where
dairy U filled wllb all tha moM scien- your doq ran get •( it St night or by .
ilfic Appllsnrrs of'modern limes Tbe
oogs need lo drink ofCen. says
sbelvos la ihr dairy boascs tupport Our Fonriooled Priaods. and many of
pretty modars done In marble of ; the disroses of dogs are reused by tbe
•prize" aalmaU bred or ibn Bandriag- n«-s1 of frr.h wfsi. ham estate, wtaicb Is ooe of the finest
n you keep your dog In S kreori see
I private farms m the whole of Eiig that It Is raised el least sis lachaa
I land
from 'hr ground. A damp kcABRl
----------------------reeres rhr-.matUm[
HOW Otura Play.
«lira s dog Is getting old aad Ini It seems strange to think that any 0rm da no; allow bim out im the
fult-grewn fodr-footed snlmsl should streeU tk>oe. Aa old dog. lest and
Indulge la pHr like a child, and yet bewildered. I« a plUfal sllhi.
this Is trhat tbe otter does. HU amnseDo not ^eep a dog chatoad: it will
ment Is tobagganlng. aad Us pUy-_jpake him stupid, sulla* or rtrimm.
ground Is In s slope, covered with leej sod U s craclty to surii n» aetlve aMur snow, (hat goes down grade Into a
House dogs should be exerdsad
pool of water.
: iwlee a day
Id (be early spring, when tbe Ice beDo net let yottr Cog friWw yoar Idgins to thaw, these animals start «>:eyrte or automobUe niaro yoa vUh
their treveU from one stream to an- j ua to have its or drop wUb exharoother, soaetlmat spendlag months <m | tloe sed heai.
the yoorney- tf thev happen to seei---------------------an inTttlng hill by tbe wnyelde. ihdy . Jtlng Alfonso of Bpaln. dorlsg Ua
;e and reeni visit to EaglsM. smkswl Qooaa
prepare for • s sport. One ef (to I Alexandra to t
’BBiiiber leavea tbe wsur aad slowlr before rrtfriac ooa might, by tar^
cllmto the sl^. msklag a smontb bol | a series ef rapid “lip Bapt“ lo the torlow In the hm with Us body.


•akad Flah.
weleome varisttos rram^e c
tomary way of eooktog flsh'ft trytag



Reader feet sboold be soaked twenty
mlautee erery sight to a bath of wan
water, to which has beea added
haadful of
table or eea ran.
PWr feet that perspire toe freely pot
Ublespocmfnl cf rtiiegar to the foot

it to bake them.

to the summer: I
It lead as Ito wild e
ere we not mT-^retul. far there it
strong temptoUon icToilow dra

berrlca. a ptoeaitple. some peaMies and


StnBng (or baked fl*b is very good

cherries, and cook them to augar to if mady of a Utaspoonful of chopped
make a syrup. Mash them aad strain oaion. fried In a (abk-*po.>nrul of but­

bnt (he cherries through coarse ler. to which it added a cupful ef dry
esgckNh. Pni these syrups on lee.' bread crumbs, a tablespoanful o(
ered ^nnenu end eomlv out to gorand when the lemonade Is made ot chopped parsley, the same amount of,
i new attire. However, mo
and oranges snd water, add suet ant) celery, a quarter leaspoonm
ua -keep our. heads" and coMenk our-

bath: tbe aoles of the feel may alse Katnre. ensUv aside worn And wttbeat.

Aere are other* tbst lore be rubbed wUh splriu c
Irere—to kill (bem 'ia tbe plltlest

TlM Timm M thm CtMor KaMnm.

Tfc« wM tnm tbt slope* of pUeUad
graqi of warm bands sad tbea to fltoc
DrtfU orer U« wide free* Adds
■em by tbe roadside.
To rntncle lu tifcaUi wUli the lni»a**
•■Peaslbly It to better to lore Sowers
to these ways than not to lore them at

■mi n>*e^ doTor yields:
m dODds on Ifc* far hortmn
Are white to tke peseedtU bloe.
Aed the bradn ere teaderiy croontoc


-Bat tbe best way to lore tbe srlld

The sen-wera Tilley* throodi.

owers Is to let them remain where

AU orer Chf levees ot crutee

tbeir presence makes beaetlfol the lasbrtoes of tbe temples of the bills,

m shadows aad rtodes fo.

and by no doing

Boat la the meadows fslr.

When tbon setiest thyself to s comipisrr sesm:

to prolong ihdr
Aad a hleehtrd U bUtbdy stogliic
beauty aad to increisc their nambers
la the pasture dowi below:
according to the plans of tbe great
rw be kaows that pear him U^cridled
Oardeaer opon whose care the wUd
^ nate to her Uar aest.
•owers depSBd.
Aad tb* Ume of the dorer blosaoa
4s Jb* ewedeet aad the best.
Plaee s spray In thy belt, or a rose on
•asf ca the hlllt aad aptond*.
tby stand.
•oag la the besotUol Tslleys.
, . Soot «e tbe forest air!

lU beenty wm brighten the wortt to

Aad a cladBCBB deep aad lasttof
• That broods oa the starry sod—
^ ^

thy head.
Its fragrance



sweeten each

la tbe date of the dorer bloMOto.

A* worW is DOST to Ood:
—Phim JjSbnaL When lUeV petty details most-burden­
some seem.
Ti^ a book—it may gire tbee the
. stiaec thoD'ft songht—
And tom its leares o'er till thou

a Oome Ua wUh year heart to tb* T


Oat aader tbe ordiaid troes. - •
• Aad (tola the sweet taae orer

A chime with the lay of tbe bees. •




aad •

, a^rer

Waaas «ilet aad dear as gUa*. *
• TmeedthDocbtoSowlIkearirer. •

To tbe song of the wted In tbe ■
a ' . mrmm.-'

catebest the gleam
from the deep mine of

and kng.
Or thy brain la. perplesed by doabl
.niv open tbe wliidow, and let to tbe
-tM bath lanibt to tbe Mrd* for tby
M. a hrsneb of wUd rose* the barrenestlodge

Amorf »> emi't CiWt

'Maketb fit for a tbrane. while the
vmi tnm pi a bosrer the thomtest


A good frtoad of Hone Oieer. wbo
has bees yldUag to |be
■er, smidi SB edltortol

So will beauty make stem life dlVina

fV*r that is appUeable to erery atate
to the Dalon.
»b*re sUad aghast at tbe tbooghtleas

Summer Floral Neua.
Uoodsd way to
A eorfaee dresslog of lime and snlwbkh our bnt tored bsUts flosren
pbur will eradkat'e tboac dlmlnutlr*
are batog egtamlDatsd. wbon a UtUe
toseets that oftenllmet .Infest the soil
ears to cuUtag (be etems instead of
af pot plaivto.
taaiteg tb* mbu, would giro us ti
Keep on 'with the hellebore enm If
btoesom* tor years to com*.
le toee-^ugs are IneUned ti
Al* to eapectoQr tme to regard
tb* tNaatUnl arbotas, saefa «uaautles troublesome. Dust tbe bellebom or
•ad olMtmat odd

«f whkk am akippad from Omnd Tm*- Persian toseqf powder on tbe bushes
while the dew' U on them.
a erery epriag. Already one
Uqnld fertiliser ot some kind will be
far lAeld to find It to pmfeetlan.
rery helprol to your plants and will
As atantad blosson* wbleh. ahom of
toerease the quantity and size ot the
baK tbair bauty. am OHamoaly
is. Oooeeotratcd plant food* am
alao a great boon to the dty dw
ho caa Ml flat the beat of aoU.
. A* rsmdy mast eome..aat to futtle
talktog to the boys aad glrli wbo

Ae mealy bv t* ■ bard peal to get
rid of. but It can be done by flrst dls-

Bp aad dwtroy tbe mots to tbdr himte lodglv the neat with a small broch
ta' Moare tbe ftoweth. bat to tbe to- and then sponglnK or ayrtoglng
lanes brought to bear by wiser and plant with a sot aobrilOD of quasatoU erety lorer of the chlps tea, tO'-wUeh has been added
beaaUtol wooM form themaelres tolo aeuib soap to make weak soda.
Oriental aad other peimial popple*
a oesamiuee of one. «Ad make tt their
■ay be aoeceasAilly started from seeds
■pedal hasteen. ta that way. aad that
oUer beads.

ly 0
oaly. aright tba good work be ae- dariv 3o)y and Augnt. A clump of
surrounded by Sweet/ Rocket
Tbe PaleMo peper olers muiy fwemi- makes a gorgeous bed during May aad
imi Iboaghts pa tbe edriect, aaioag early June. Procure and sow tbe seeds
»w. Too win aerer regret It.
wblA am tbe^otlowtog:
Stoke your gladkitl If (bey are ex­
*Tbera am three Uads of pUnta;
those that lire tor a stogie eeaeea. re- posed to erery wing that blows. Ae
prodadag tbensdm eaeb year tram toller growing kind should be stoked
In any sltnailon. New and exquislie
varietlo* ot Uri* flower am bHv pro­
V s Miv »Mu«y \i»m*
4e pradpoa lower aaffaeed year after duced |lmott erery year, and It aeemt
be steadily growlag In popuUr ta. pear. Tbe Irst ‘kind am ealled an-

saala. tbe seeoad bunntato and the
Now watch tor the flowers of extra
beauty amov the double petunias.
s (he Bowers are Layer tbe moat desirable
pMad wKboat tajory % ihs ptant. aV thus oeeure thrifty young plants for
tbraagb tbe seed pro^neeton to proper-. potting later, end they will begli
: wbea saoh bloem when token Inside, and brighten
iHwto'am ton op by lb* mots, as fm- tbe window garden throu^ont the
goMt^ happens, the conairy is there­K entire winter.

re to be commended than batblv
cark of salt aad pepp«-r and cither aj
when the body ha* cooled oO. Inss- teivet. If new things am unaltolnablc. ■jTup enough lo make the drink
■oosiful of .chop(H-d caiK-r* or *'|
aa in the latter ease the rttolUy to forbUblng up a bit, making tbe oM tmooth Slid to give It a rich flavor.
of powdered ihymv. IVben ill I*
In very hot weather nothing Is more
ones do Uielr best for us. and often
-• aitonUbed by tbe good rosulls ■efresblng than lemonade made of thoroughly ' mixed remove from the
Many genni tbst am total to the
(bqy yield. Trifling detolls coum-for mineral water eombtoed with Iced tra. fire and stir to an egg. I do not care .
scalp sad hair lurk in (he hair bnubca
Ae making and aerrtog of these (or molRi stuffing, but If you want- tt i
after all. and I am again *u
Each Indlrldnal abcmld
things seems a great JAsk <o many that way you may ad.I a qiiatter cup'
nk out for (he Utile things
hare bis own hair brush and comb,
: stock, mtik or water.
big ones will care for themselves. For housekeepers, when rosily It Is merely
wbleh .should be thoroogfaly cleaned
Inatonce. It U very easy to keep one* I mailer cd planning ahead and doing
erery week or so In warm or bol
Enameled Ulefuilt.
laruovers Immaculately fresh wlthwt the work during working hours. To
Id of tbe Uundrasr. It almost luck up an evening gown and make
orod or buni.-d. do not • u with |
I superfluous to say how this fruit lemonade, not planned for. I*
knife or any hard subrtsn^ which I
when (be
be accompllahcd. for every girl. I somewhat annoying,
III break the enamel, kill the t-aiicc- I
each of powdered borax aad'aumr.
It Is.pre;
It becomes merely a
believe, knows tbe little trick of wash­
pan with wairf and place on (he {
Put these In a bottle and nsc twice
ing Uiem herself, at night, and patUng
; add n lablespounftil of sal-soda i
dally. Another romblnatloa ronslsu
them, while drinplng wet, flat on
very quart irf water, la-l the )<an |
I ounce each of powdered alum
mirror or window-pane. and. Boding erable evening eurrotindlngs I have
ramaln bn the Iwrk of the store fori
emon lulce and a plot of ram
Miserable abero they might
dry and fresh'and of Just
a ils.'. Ae stator will dl»ap-'l
A^ply UiA two or three times
proper aUSoera. when she awaken* In have been dellgbtfot. A hot. untidy
Imme-ilately upon 1«-lng rubbed 1
each day.
reranda, bare aavr for rbaln and peole morning.
with a gfeih. .-ttul the lini mida-vaier |
Wrinkle* am produced quicker fay
While on tbe subject of IllUc econo- jIc. At five to the afieraoon. Just bebf^ lioiiled an<] o*.-d iwime ixherl
Wffrry. Ill nature und poor health than
let I must tell you of another one. I 'orc the men come borne, the faousc—Wotnaii's Farm Mugsr.luo
went to see s young girl friend the ket-per might have stant>d the spray
other evening and found her busily en­ from the hose, without cost: she might
To Remave Ink fli
plenty of excrdse and a general
spreadSj rug on the fioor. wlibgaged watblng ostrich feaihera! Yet.
c t>«c nf uullr arid to r.-nuotog
IP of (be system 1* also neees»*(: bnmgbt a table from the
mbits Is the word: tepid water ai
pots fnini (abrirt has g
•. spread It with a wblU- do(h.
castlle soap (he meant. I confess
given KRilffarihin. n* thn a^Bls to |
maybe Just a towel, all wliboul cost;
A celebrated German specialtot
astoBlahed. and when I saw tl
Juriou* lo varluu* kind* of material*. '■ »*!•* Ell* Off. nSUBdenflt.,ladl*fe...
ooBces that buttermilk is a matchless poor feathers get absolutely limp and and a plant and a pitcher with (Inktme rase* It has *(alne<l. ami In j b|uUs, lod^wriles;
remedy against the microbe* at
thin. I smiled, slyly, aad mentally de­
others It ha* eaten the maicrtol. If; "lma(teredwttliana4owneom$tJUH
her own toilet sonl and clexn, the rold
cided that wax. the last of-lhem;
the anlele 1* ImmedUtely dlppivl In
bosICM went on washing and rlns- liaib n-ady (or the men. desn towel* sour milk, or bullermllk.,and allowfd •
aewAAsg ttr ^rfcw a
aT • .p .
.« SM*Av(Nva4rN»
gver and over again until all trace* to the l*lh room, the rhsdes drawn
n-maln thus for sev.-ral hoiin It
• ' ctaa,
proserM e t^k. I AmioA
and the table anally set. Ii 1* laztoe.v*
good, Om
ihrowlpg the arms back unUI the of soil bad disappeared. Ace-on
II be found Ibat the suin will i.. i bomci/er. Oat ltdUmt
droakt. Jl
_ 'seeAfavZMaifl'ieeofowrrirngttar.
the picked up the "allnky.” (hat makes miserable home*. Cheap
hands touch, repeating this exercise
to tiy Ptniaa.
^tvaa- Im o tow
furnlluro and poverty are no excuses
lomtog and nlghta k too! mai oct Bkt a
shaking them, violently with her hands. for discomfort.
Mr mppotko i
Ae basis of all beauty is pen
very few minutes I saw a transbcalth. Keep the system in guod
Tn Crystatltve Plowsra.
tccUag. and
. I. orntd sleep oUmdUr.
der and tbe.blood pure and there will .fortnatloe. and In tesa lime than it
<ie at moezfls / was cMlnefr
ocrally almul this .season of the
to tell (be fealber *as bcauUrf. ! thmak >ao tor whot roar
be little reason to complain of bad
then? appears upon (»e of the
tea MweftoroM.’-—Clb OH.
rcM bushes or a vine a partteiilsrly
A (easpoon of ammonia added to
fine specimen of flower*which the gar
TMbed by oneself, and>o many
fool bath of warm water .trill do much
dener w lahes could bo kept forever. It
penny found for something else I
rest tired, burning feet. Soak tbe
I Impossible, however, to preserve
A novel n<-ld for a wpman lo be en­
stead of golqg to the cleaner.
feet la tbit water for 16 mlnuie*. Dry.
1 Us natural slate, and probably the gaged to a* a business Is that of a pro­
example. If soaked f
and while tbe feet are warm
ext best thing Is lo cryalaUli
cess M-rvi-r, and the distinction of
For a woman to he sneressful In this
tome time to aoapttidsandalltUf am­
moist from tbe bath, rob over them a
hlch can be done to tbe followtog being ihc only woman to that line be­ business called forth all tb* wKe* aad ;
monia. t^ squeezed (not rubbi>d) un­
small quanUty of rasellae.
In tbe
Pul rightcen ounces of alum longs to Mrs., Harriet A. Carr of New cunning of a Bcrpent with detertnlnatil clean, rinsed and pinned down on
morning dust the feet over with
mo a qnarl of water, and dUsoIvc U
ikiD. a]>-rtncos and an tofinlte r«rsalllbrown paper either on the bed or on
Fronch chalk.
by letting It simmer gently In a closeKy. Ili-r f>ecupi(loii bringa her Into. .
the floor will look like new when dn'.
itoncd vessel over, a moderate fire, Island, but grew up at Fordham. West-fUBfei of people, .
■ a sluggish liver lemooi furnish
IBon veil* may be treated likewise:
Btlrring it freqnently wllb a wooden Chester eouniy. She come* of good | from the rit^rsl artstoerala cf aocMy
lost beneficial of adds. Next to
BOW from experittoce. as I did mine
spoon. When tbe solution is ready. Revolutionary stork from both par- down to the worst frequeolort ofdJm
them IB point of value ttond (omatoes. many, times last summer, as well
___ .___ ._________________
II Into a deep glaxcd Jar; and as enu, and is a
Aeee should be eaten freely at all
nor is .t_
the laBgnagd'Aad
lace tcarf I often
wear about my
It coots the subject intended lo be shrewdneat and cour*«e. of weelleat ,discourtesy of the salon keeper any
meals. Ae Juke of a lemon eqoeezed
aboulders.—New Idea Magazino.
crystallized should be suspended Tn II address and fine physiquetolo a ^aat of water ought io bcxlrtnk
worse or insulting often (line* than .
by a piece of thread from a stlcl
as often at possible, but especially
Her adoption of her present bustoesx J,the vlliip»-r*Uim of the Irate society
flome Sdtnmer Cemforta.
IB the mouth of the Jar. where II was the result of clrcumRtances ■hd.'malrop or the dude,
rising In (bo morning before i
Is not always those- who are a
In- al1owi-<l to n-malu for twenty chance. She was married to a wealth’y | sp,..
iblng has been pul* Into (be slomacb.
thus becumn known.- among
tve home and drop work and
four hours. When taken out of thn *o- wbnlesale butcher of west side. New ; jij fiuset and Is ondimbtedly tme of
ilblllly during the faot weather
lutton It roust l>e bung up to a shady,
“ I the most dreaded women 4n Nqw York.
who have hie grearosi delights. Acre
cool place until p<-r(c«ly dry. Take
(Wsrmsd Over Mi
I Her resourorful irldka and eviMrfagoa
arc eoqiponsadon*. and many ot (hetn
Able Talk gives (he follewing ex- (or the ''stay at homes." Not least care that the solution Is not lot
Llo gain an audience with iaatressible
nor yet quite cold, as to one case the
caUent and novel ways of servlog rem­
I folks are orlglaal. Anythlngi from a
among these. *( the rinse of a
crystals should be very sm^. a
nants of roasts and odds and ends of
Rweei love note It) a decoy ^legran
done day's work. U a vine coverod
iHc other miirh too Isrge. 'The dsl»r.
an- employed logaln aromu lojieople;
piazza, a coni breeze, foMnwtog the set
Hot BUeed Beef—Make a
ting sun, and last but not least, plenty
gravy of (wo tobtespoonfulB of butter
comfortable cushkiot to In
Rulijerls for rrystalilxallnn. Pay at
(or clarified dripping) browned with agatoRt the hard back nf tbe rhair.
icntlon to the alum’as II rteiwKlu. lo
of flour, one pint of
ajraltlne .Ihrm.
throw down for an easy, retlfnl tt
that it doi-s not fettle In greater
water, slock otwwvy, one toblespoon1 the steps.
quanllile* un some |>ans than on olbtul of tomato eaiaup, a few drop* of
Many go without ibeae minor li
Worcestershire, and salt sod peppei
uries. and lose half the ramforl of life
taste. When thick and smooth di
because of a o1»l*k^ Idea ibal Umirr
CsnMfig Peas;
oae side and lay la it some neatly
and czpenRO go hand to hand. Herr
Btleci (teas that arc yoting and
sliced cold beet or mutton. Keep
k few hint*, picked up from
Wash and scald them, park
(he aid* of the Arc until the meat Is
rkius sources, which, If rarrled out by them Izuo (hr jarv; itdJuM (lor rubLhrouEh: then arrange tbe Dimble-flngrred boys and girl*,
l.ers. Fill Ibi- Jars with cold water,
b« platter, .^ur the gravy
transform the uneomfnrtable and Imre plarc inenj In a waebbiillcf, In
and garalsh with parsloy or trlaagles
piazza tolo. If not a thing of l>raiiiy.
iKtiam of wlio-h ha* Ix-en plarcd
of triad or toakled bread.
iboroughty wa*h.d to edd water and.
lesksl a joy lorever, to their Hr
a rack, and surrauud them with cnld
jpu, into rapidly l«llto,: ral.M w.lwr
Cotli^L^PIe.—PYee (be meat from eld era.
mater. Put the lids loufly on the Jars,
gristle s^-4t» much fat and put
Aper torn in narrow slrlp* mak
cover ibe Isdivr and let Ihc water holl
through the chopper. Beaton faigbly an cxeelleni flliing (»r summer pillow* conllnuOL*l)- for ihn-e- hour*.
Mrs. Harriet A. Can-.
with chopped onion, tall and red pep­
Alt Is a good lime to gsihrr el
each Jar rarefullv: ailjiit-i tbe jld with­
Free*** Server.
per, adding, If liked, a few (nely cut
lltsoms lor filling pillow rovers.
out removing It. ftsiening down, and
olivet or a minced
York city, who was rulii.-d l.y sdv.r*.
Uluc is a color In summer turnUh n-plarc It qiilc*iy lu he IniHer. conunu
per. Moisten well with grary and put togs (hat I* very re»t(iil to people who
..•gi*,;.i.u, a. Albany and
.xesm.. '
l«>' ‘»e ro.^1
Ing uii'II all lli|* have iKx-n idjiivt'-d
buttered baking dish. Boll and
I »omo of llo .
■e DCrvous and Irritable.
Cover the iKiil 'r and allow the wa'- t nec.-ioar) tor her to help. yt1>’ »«. s'
tho time an aetlv.. eluh wotm.n .a,?
m pper a I a part of tm hmier
enough potatoes (or us* cold
Tho bandanna handkerchiefs to ri
In remain *1 lH<lllng !i->lni (or tlilr'y
church Rtog-r. l,m Mortm: -M
; *"1
- tn smal. pleo-.. Tb.n*dd
mashed one* beaten up
and blue with niflle* of plain eolnr si
uitmiles. I.lft the jars, and wh*milk) to make a ibirk cover
jl to de dcsplM-d *» pillow ctvi-r*.
examine and
that all lops ai
over the meat. Dot the top with
Have at least .one Dutch pllloi
ly fixed
ter and bake In a hot oven.
Aesc come to cotton
with qtisln
may be too low for reacUoo.

SUFFQIEOii months.

Pe-ru-na, the Remedy That


i ' ThU "do"rfJTU'rnd“"i^^^^

i r;..rr;L“9

Coppqd Hatb—Mince tbe meat and
n a* the perennial
season well; If the quantlly
tbkt might ooaUauo to extat for many fully ripe they should be sown Instead
it with a portion of bresd
of asTlng them to plant next spring.
crumbs, using broad which U only a
> Aey arc apt to hwe (heir rltollty if
la tbe case of tb* aannali. they
few days old. Pqr each cupful beat ae
t upoo tbe teed1 they am kept any length of lime, and
egg. add a spoonful of gravy or .milk
•Dwlag from year (o year. A field that the sooeer they arr sown after ripenteatpoonful HI melted butter,
il aulpped of flowering pisnu each tog the better, to Insure atrov plants
and mix It with tbe meat. Hotter the
year eanot pogslbly eoutlnue to pro | for next year's floweriv.
requisite niimlier of cups, pack tbe
dnee wild flownci todeflnlidy.
a bed of geraalums or eoleua can be
meat lo il, stand In a pan partly filled
by robbed of a Urtag ob)*et of beauty

Dutch children primed on. and •

Bummer Meats.

turkey red cotton ruffle make a brlgh
spot among other rover*.

travi-line mcB- matk--i

Malting remnani* ran Ik.- purchase.

the fine qualUj mhleh




Make a euttoii pillow and fill

with cnrli-d hair, m'»>. or hay.


-WUd lowers aad tb* Itowets ef tbe thickened up by pinching them back. with hot water and bake in a hot oren the two rquares of msnlng and lay
Do not take oB the ends of tbe branch- (er twenty mlnuies. Serve
cdieratM garden am not of the
over. Uilis and bind all around with cm.
aatum aad they caaaot be treated to et. but simply pinch out tbe
malo or brows saoce.
Inn tap.- or plain bright cotton cbxJi
tbe same manaer with like resnito. leares and center each and the plant
Those who are (animate enough to
Meat ind Macaroni—Cut
Tb* Bweet pea htosaoms the csore free­
In small, neat dice. For a pint J.reaJt live near a swamp will find that drtv-d
ly. tbe more lU flowers am stripped er axils and these shoots can be
one cupful of jnacaronl and boll to cat-tall* rival the hlgh.-vi prtred goose
pinched beck until (be ^anl I* as
fmm tbe rtoe. wbll* with otl
tailed water until tender, then drain. dean (or porch anti sofa pillows.
rated tarorltes tb* lack of natural; broad ai derimd.
Sweet fern leave* from the bushes
Prepare a plot of tomato
seed to suppUed fraat tbe store* of tbe |
inio the meat and mtearoal. and draw which cover the buekl<-t>erry plain* of
I trained for special development tor to tbe side of the fire (or firic
northern Miefalgan. If mixtri with bay
-But wtth tbe srtld flower*, tb^ case bouse culture should he potted early utes or ■■mil the moat is i
cut to short leogthp.H]( two or three
I* dnrerasL A* wtM flower banter >» Angust aad kept lo a thrifty cdndl- through. Serve on toast.
tosliia. Ill' (jurrera driichlful sni
U loo oftoB a wUd Bower killer, fed''Uou unttl.tbe time of Uoomlng. when
wham pe^de tora to wild flower kill- apeetal adrantoges abould be allowed
to tbe way of careful ealtlvsiioa
tog by the himdrad* aad by tbe tboo-

Meat Terrapin.—Cut tote baU Inch

more umisual than, the ever ^palxr

dice soaclent eold meat

sherry, ooe


pound* of meat, and
hare troder b-x-f


-r five

will thin

e beat, drlaks

xpore jolcy and »wcet to slice cjld.
few drop* of »lni-uar upon ib.-


before jioiiudliig and tour steak wi.l
be «er> much ro-irc tender.
try It, for lough *ieal. li. so dl**gri-<
able to masilcate.-Exchange.
A Handy Htrtt.
One woman known to the w-rpev at

oui: abo> e her drerslng table baug-

(her fillnl with black silk; any ton
mishap :t repaired at tme.'

are not only a refrewblng Inxnrr. but

Buuzmi are sewrd

oo. u well as

To dresa tbe books aad eyes, and broken ihrnad*

table- reraada with a rug and cbalri.' some to dropttUeb stockings sre repaired at
cushioas. a Jar cf teru* or le«ves and once, and to this way a really busy
£ pu«cb bowl is to have an mnlag
of rotld eoNriort (or neighbor* and

'IlfR' •

.-■.--d a largerl"’'«'

'< ‘tt «"» ‘ ‘••nr but ir-,.,.

i- '

- 1th'■'locklah floor pit. ;

pro | Th""......... ‘

^ '’P G...rou«hly

After dtotter. pm the ri-malitd-r -f

made (ram fruits and mineral water*
bealth-glvtoz deUeacte*


tbe beef l«ck In the keitli- of roiiji itn-

renlngs when the a rmall cusblos aad to ibU U alway*
men are at borne an d cxbanaied from a needlr filled with white thread and
their day's work to


It do.-- not aitvi t)o

appearance, and anally tbe secret wa*
umntcr Nl^ta.

-i"f —™ “<■.

1 .

flavW to the leapt.

way* pretuDU a mo--, imart and n-a<

oae- heaping pint.
1 win sooB become and frequent applkadetu of liquid fer- eggs Brown one heaping tablespoon
•earae, aad oae of the richest charms (llUet*.
ful of butter, add two scant tablespoonpf tb* landscape will be lost.
Dant forget that July Is the Ume
ful* of flour and brown a^to. Add one
Them to oaly cate plaee where tbe sow tbe pansy seeO lu Uie hotbeds I
copfni and a quarter of sraler or stock
wild flowers appear to tbe best advan­ wiater bloomtqg. Keep U>e seedllnn and sur until smooth and thick. Add
tage. aad (hat Is to It* natural births growing steadily ubUl frost, then keep the meat and simmer lor tea mlaules.
plaee. wbam. amid iU native aurrensd-' the sash closed whenever there it dan­ akr to tbe eggs coarsely chopped, oae
tags. It* propm- beaaUra are dUplayed ger ef a frosty Bigbl. giving plenty ot Uhleapoonful of
aad aeceaiuatad seearatog to the rule* air bn bright days, aad'ifa'e branUe*
«r aatamb aapreat* arttatoesa.
will be appreriated a* olber qowtA
-Theta am araa ttmt toreflowerm- disappear outside. -

When l.ollir.c add om- tal-l'-i-lKMinful
ot Mixing vinrsr.r


,™, .1,,


i-artatily toiurh pi- a; from th--

>w for a few rent* and these make
cool and pracileal pillow* for the bam-

-•* —Bxrbange

; V...d* a

Wl'h the .uirmu-r M-amii c

Tflfl Cu Get SathfActioB At Griutll Br**.’ MbaIc Bflt
BacflVM Tbtr «n Exdtuivt AtflBts l«r
Sb-inway I'lmnv
^y>illnl.•r ri.iruai


!■,.cL,.^I r-iKw.

tirini;-J! Hr-*'. I’iano*
Krnkmi-f Urn*.' i'ian'is
8VTliiib’ I’laricri
Haiitiii;:t/-fi PiiiDO*
M(-rt<l.?Usolii I’igDO*
Crown I’ianoa
Wejrman l't«Dr)«
Smitli A- Banxo Piano*
Sriitu-ffer J’iknrj*
U’iUinrl I'uioos
Bftas Piiinos
(iillsrt I’ianos
Jrrja'. Hhici>« Brr


Silt Pliflic nums
' TalUiiE Maittns
Band iistnnnts

J. \V. York an'l .‘vxi
: Co.
If wwteever tar bMtartodrumesU v> would bay tbem. All uwirsasReU sol
im owsy p»rn.Mt pUa

HIckUflB’a Ufliiatf Ha«k Bawb. 159 t. Frflat 9t

Parcs ?t» 14


DAY. JULY tr. ««A.

Hto stirtlai
proved a bad actor, bni hto Ertvwr, la the early i
Yafter«ay*s EvMrta.
ace. being dark bap with black I
tsred a* listed with the addlUos of
worth and -benutUnl ^toUan eharae- to take ap regular vmk'&ae leaYlw
The event of yesterday afternoon's Jowepb Walsh, showed great horaraiswShe pulled In nsder the wire
imek Bocen. aa Bfc BapMs horse. Doc
aa hto fHeads
Miehicsa. Hr. Spocr for uom years,
ahlp in brtngttig him to lens a»l In­
BE the polo, with ftrker. Bosp.
side the money. Charles Gennalne. him. and a pecnllarty strong Mend^p at the eaiMst soUeltaUoa at aam^
•a G( tte snmt bone
Fair Hard. Jack Btwers. Haaploo at BunUord races In the first week of Dnhe walked oC with the three
^ had guldad Jack Rogers, b rro of existed between him nsd the members ceeseeted to pshach a aermoh «Mh
fer Ole mrtt •*. Bred et the
beata ot the 2:40 pace, dviag
West aad Once Hllscod. the tororite. Jolp and to stm In for a good record.
Sunday morning wt the Terrace Onw___
(h^ * L depot 7«Mvdw mfter
rd la attendance
Harry a to alwaps on the Inside and
from Use Redtand Dally Facu:
gr^tloeal ehareh. FiMlly (hfilag
^Etertes tbeipecUl UstD beortnc drawlas the eereath posltloe.
Otaee HUeood. b. B, (W. W. IniiU).! to always looking lor candy, being a
*Tbe Bev. Orange H. Bpeor passed health wonU no toBgcr pwmtt U«
mV^anae Htfelr auned np lib
Jack Boaerm br. s- <f- **■ Brett)... .* g^sUie w(»ao-s hone for be sras forto eodwee even that miM|l eetlra wort,
CMP dwrtera sbevd the Cunodp
pirk the winner even;beat
T. buck, s, (BealUe Bros-)....S merlf a road bone and driven by a
High avenue, eged 74 years and 10 and he again and toreref gave ap all
bene mis. polled toto the depot ud
This Is bis fini trip nonb after LUile Duke had chalked
«asp. b. B- 1C. YenDpno).................
osHided their Mtg tretsht before
Haatpton West, b. sA. Keat- tboafih eight years'old.'
t at the Chlca
as be had been faUlng gradually tor was «eet(d i
ft ;
. isrge sad latenstsd sndleiiee- ssthtly held the odds on ShadeOtomend D.. sired by Silver K, to sp
a year, an attack of grippe ex^ High school board, asd lor aereral
end fer the occasios. Btssdlss three
land Boy. who had won second money
Ef. (Bl Wade)
rieoeed In the eartp part of 1904 tn years dented much at hto Ome aad andsome a hone as to found oo the
B\abiwt and eepsi*ted bp sobetsatlsl
at Cadillac, after but a brief trial. July
................. T grounds.
aphalldlag at
BtsOe tbs satire struts fnns Csdillac
at Siniford.
::4tHleaving him In a physical condition the High school. He was espMlIr
W. J. entered by Benson A Ward,
I _ xdSBS throofb wftboot s stop. lesTtos
With two heats In UlUe Dake't
from which >e never rallied. Last eeUre in the building aad iqalgglag
Third Event.
bo to OB ihe 3::o trot today, has a
l^tbeir tor»er dtp at f:M p- is. AU
summer he was uken to the coast. of the present bandaosue boildlag. Mr..
The third ev«t«h«i three, eDtrred. •dlgree harked by George Wilkes, bis
«ere walked dlreetlptd the Trsreree
line-up as previous; Uttle Duke,
bo;ring Ihe chuge would bnefll Spoor has been promtiMat la the «hr«
Cttp driPinc park bares and pafelp OolUeswood Bodier. Qoeeo of Oubs sire being Wlrp Jim. slfe.1 by Wilkes. ghadclaad Boy. Ubertj Bell and Alloe
life of Redlands, showing Intereet and
him. but
Though he entered at Cadillac he eras
hOMd to the eoBBodiooa Qoh
lino for corresponding posi­ Grace Hlllwood. b. m.. (W. W.
good, and
a beautUol race and marred lerely placed there to work out and
•Mrtanlp arreiised for thdr reeepQuinn)
tions. The pace
has gradtnlly weakened. I
."Mr. Spoor married Lora F. Dewey
Uia Is really hto Dm pebllc perfotmtbm. A UMk horse U a deUeate piece
ont a break thoogh ShadeUad gradual­
at Georgia. Tl, on May 33. lHI. The
>ce la fast eoOR>aiiy.
^ bdeA^racraiid a little ooM. a driU.
ly forred Utllo I>uie to yield Ihe wire
8:M Paee.
lOM state end the end came peace­ wife and three children surrlTp Us 4ea aarateh or two Beans almost a disCamille, the fast trotter from the for the first half and H looked for
fully at 6 mlantca past in o'clock.
mtoe: Mrs. A. G. Hnbbwrd. W. L.
aator to the food aase and speed of Joe Oale. b.*E. (Ceo. Spencer)...
stabln of Jubn Boon of Holland.
time as though Utile Dnke would yield
Spoor aad B. 11. Spoor, sn at wham
'"Rev. Orange II. Spoor v
Ub Jobs. eb. e. (Fred Teaehout)
here yesterday noon In charge the sc-cond bait but at the throereside in this d(y.
Georgia. Va, Snly 4. )M1
BUlp W. b. 8. (W. A. KeStlSE)...
of George Crawford. He has
ter slake he began eocroacblDE toe­ nreU) ....................................3 S 6
'The funeral look ptaeefMm bts
years of age bli llfeswas spent
HlMonrl Chief, b. s. (Jeton Bond).
. VMto Tatolap'S Bacord.
training but today I# bis flnt entranee ing ibe wire by an easy length. Alice Hampiua Wew. I>.‘ f.. fW. A.
reaidesce. S(2 High Aveslss; «fi Bom
edneaBat a Usbt eroed was in attcadasee Uttle Pnpae. b. r, (W. A.'tewU),...6 on the track this season. He won s Carr and Uberty Bell striving for third
Ke^togl .........................« 6
at the opealitE raeaa of the short drTime—3.-1K1L
record of f;l»«4’ at the suie fair track poslilon. the latter taking It by sjeady
This U the tistesi mUe ever paced l^l fall at Grand Rapids, and to driven
sebools.and study at home He then
aalt slpea oaBer the aotploes of the
The last beat' was Uttle Duke's
began teaching and also pursued hto
00 thU track. hreakln« H. O. Jopnfs today by John Boon himself.
fiavOd Ufe of CAM.
Ttareree Otp IblTtos Park asi
from Ihe slari. he retaining his invin­
Track Hee«< Bfoksn.
studies In various academies and in
Iras Koch Of this dty firatnh^
tka this ananooa. The track w
Headll^l’a rwrd of
■ Queen of (aobs, the slim liay marc cible pare without mar or 4>rcak. ask­
The best beat of the :;I4 pace was a | New Hampton li<slltule. of the same saved the life of a child Mwltf
bard is a Boor aad level bepoad the
in the f; 19 pace to a spoUed dilld. and ing nothing but alwaya responding at
<hpw-down for U>ng John, who became:
Docm and la doing so (MctMi
After serving (or three years
aipafianniH at the most sanEOloe.
■roB WedaeadaTa Record.
If approached by a lady who forgets critical ininu and loading under the
ils name well by siretcbini; out and'
Attendsnee LSrper.
lo-brlng her a sweet monel becomes wire without urging, the whole beat
atoiinguUhlng himself for the tbm
The aliendasce at.iodap^ races —
A tram bltdjed to a lambgr wagnn
being so perfectly enacted that the
pouty and sulks.
and driven by a farmer beoime frightfar In'cgcceai of pesteidap'a aad the push the thongbllcsB visitor away and persiwcilvr from-a distant view arross straight marks for second which herinrbed
vtibout trouble. Joo Gale Ohio, graduating ln'lM2. Ills minis­ eued at aa aatomobUe a^d were naerenia annoniKm
-harrad tbeash tosap c
ont of her sight. ' She has a good rec­
Iniervrping field looked llka-autoiBcreaaed loteteai m^est. The first ord. !:17'4. U six yean old and took mailc Bgurt* mounted Upon secret having no eompetillon for first. Mls- terial labors for the nest twenty-fire niDi^ down Stale streeL Whan In
MMiQ Chief to but a coll, having been yean were In. MlcUgaR: eleven years front of Brodbagen'i livery hM A
t of the
brooEht into first'money at Romeo. She was sired
we eiier»n«»u
to the ladsaa- etaad were stationed
out since the first of the moot^and In VennoBlvUle. four In Traverse
ee t«o of t(c Canadian bnneb
II child ran Into the ntraet and
Mb Uases. starter: lodses.
by Five PolDU.
The official score of iho 2;(0^pafo
City, five Is Dowaglac and five
I acrtirdiogty.
reciiy ip front of the ruaawaya. Mr.
Bbaae. W. O. WUllama asd Will Ben ______ .1 the first one bolns Mattie
Colllngwood Booker to a tull-broiber
iiimmary was:
Charlotte. Dnrtng tbU lime he was Koch saw what was happsettog. tma
ala; time keapets. -W lAotaer. W. D Cblses. a pretip bap marc, the prople. h. g, (George Bpenertp of F.'W. Toor ot Seaforth. Ont. of Texas Booker and has a record of Utllo Duke. bik. g ICbaa .
pastor of one o{ (be largest cburchM Inin the scMd and threw ihe cUd ttami
C Oecmalae asd Olek Brerett.
Cennalno........ .............. ,2 I 1 1
........................................I 1 1 Is Mlebigas and for several years
>der the boraes' hoofs. He was strack
the first eetat. the f :M pacedAdp K, Thta mile lithe piece of horse fiesb S:19.
Oeore R. miongs to Ihe Holland Shadeland Boy. b. p.. iF W.
i»Dg John, eh. g;. (Toacbont).: 3 2 apeetor of public achoois and dlrmer by one of tbe horaee wad thiwwa onder
Uttle Tod '♦Dd Rop B. were *lth ' bas'beea on the track the entire teaToor) ........*..................... 1 2 2 2 Missouri Chief, b. s.. (John
of Sunday eebool normal work In Mar­ the wagon, oae wheel at wblA pissed
draws, the fomer not betnc here and eon of three weeks, winning first at bnneh which arrived yestcnlay.
Roach) ....................................4 ,S 8 shall assoi^los.-of which be w
over bis arm.
pjwts Tad Btni anserine fr<n his toll PMsoIla. Canada, and oaklnK a record veenm to 2:19H. obtained last fall at Uberty Be)I. ch. m.. (Fred
suic races. He to a half brother
Teneboull .........................' ' 2 Z niHy W.. b. g (Keating)......... 3 3 4
Baa dap monlnc aad Bop B. also batac farbetoeUofr.Iltl.
.Had Hr. Koch thoB^t Of hto om
of McKinley. Che noted member of ilio Alice 'CkiiT. bIk. ra.. Il-onto
miePsyn... I.. g.. (Lewto)....6 4 6
. kU ap srUh a sore fooL '
The Hbraan
"In ISfiC. owing to the failure of hli safety It to beyend doabt that both
Cart) ................................ J *
1 <
AtBorell. the oorrel Bare owned bp Boon stables.
Tlme-::li‘4. 2:17%. M7%.
Tba SDBBarp was: '
health and to overwork, he
woBht have been aertooMy tajarad or
Dan Hugh, a well groomed dieslnut Udy Cyeott. b. tn.. (Wm. In
fi:40 Paea.
(MIged to resign hto ^torate aad In killed. Me showed great airis aad
has been menUoned as an old timer In
Rcrsoll) ............................. 2 <lto .
November of im. with Mrs. Spoor seemed to think only uf the BgfWy-oC ■
■badalaBd Bop, b. *, <P. W. Toor)..1 la from the heel ot stock. bclnE sired
Death of Rev. O. H. Speer,
the Erie circuit last year.
3:20»i. 2-.21.
•moved to California, hoping
the child. He doesn't evM Imow thO
UttJa IMks, bOt(OsrBdae Bros). I bp AlSDDsh. Bsrroa Belle is enolber
e maay friends of Rev. O. H.
Miss Mmrion Is the repmscntallve of
AteaOarr.blkc.: OonUdaiT)......... 3 of the Spenew-tertBE from which the
Spoor In this city will deeply regret to a change of climate would aid hto fall­ name eg the lUiie one.
the gresa Umellghi and (s a won bp
ing health- This had the deairs
’Ufcattp W, «h. to. (Fred Teaeb- swift Joe Gale at pesterdap'e eieeb
The -iJS trot beld.^ unevta bunch,
ot the Wisconsin field.
teat performance to a pfomlneot meofeet
. Hast baa gone op la Ooraaay.
aat) ....................................
She to «tered by W. W. Quinn, who Grace Hlllwood and Jack Rogers easily
ShdP CpoOU, h. to. (Wto. laceraoUl.t ber. She to aired bp Baionllte and to
bolding thedr respective pokltlons. Cal. Mr. Spoor was one ot the pioneer time B wall man he has enjoyed mod- •se a few retail gMUtloma: nuet at
a worthp oEspring. Debbie, the Ca­ also holds, the reins.
Belle, n bay marc, to entered Parker, a buckskin Canadian gelding, pastors of the CongresaUoaai ohurch oratduoofi toRR bbMI two yeara beef. 42 eeaia par poaieT-balllac
nadian borne from Uieknow. Is stand,
27 eenta: pork.'3IH cMla.
though possessed uf much - speed. In Ibis oil}', spending four years here ago.
*" by Frank Lake ot Marion. Wts.
Tba (Mt waa'^pleled. es- ard bred and to especially



What the


national biscuit
Has Done and is Doing


The National Biscuit Company has brooj^it the science of baking close to the point of perfection, practi­
cally revolutionizing the baking of biscuit, crackers anti wafers.
It makes them bptter than they have ever been matie before; it keeps them fresh in moisture proof
packages, as they have never been kept before, anti aU this gootiness it guarantees by placing a tratie mark
in red and u*ite on each end of the package, so tiut even the toddler peeping eagerly over
the counter’s edge, may
as safely as the thoughtful housewfc
Ifevery woman in ie land could actually know thc.high quality, the never-ending care, the
infinite skiU,d* absolute cleanliiicss that is represented by every package bearing this trade mark IF KUOafl
of the National Rscuit Company, it is certain that there never would be another biscuit,
cracker or wafer sold in a common paper bag,

[ f.;:

That dJs happy ccaau^roafion may come to pass, the National Bbeoit Company wM invite the ladies rf this dty to SAi Lian
in pleaaant entertainment and Aic become acTiainlgi in a really ddighlfj way wi& the most ddidous baking inlhe-yorkl

Watch for the AniUmneement




Grud IraTcrsc HcraU

c It was Wo tor re­
, waa miMHing Msnmnv
Dr. and Mrs. George H. Lyach pt moved from a furnlifre c«tcr ■
tbta toto pad Hra. L. a. Palmar, moth­ woald tovelvn u» paw toBcwlcles
toe dedre UMl«ta(UBC aad
IB badaeM and eActol aCalra shall be er to hto wife, were dalled to BlgRap- aaeuring tbe akiBod workmoa reqai
toSbrir CBlevi*toe.^x....^
stopped Uiaa *as e*<r kaova baftire. tt0 lAieday toleraooo by the acd
al Aoatiag of ber aoB. Prank. Tbe folTUi is aot'aa era ot fraad bat ai
The July tarnitnic exp^HJem to
o( Daad dBusetotlea Md «< (nad lowtog Big Bapids dlmtoh to
GfUd Rapids Is closed and it has been [
Grand Rfplds Herald Tneaday n

d Curator Pitoa

BO* thaa orer Uton. intt the
lUclatnw. Tlwr* i« Biore I

House Paint facts '
HK st>T pain* is very simple. White Lea^
W Uoscctl Oil and th^ec^aiy dricr-tbat'g
all. But be surcyour White UeadisMre. “Shlproao■' brand is Ruarantccd.

a very vunccssfdl one. There were IIC .
tog dinerlbes the aetodenl:
-*Ftaak, the 20-year-old aoa of Judge exhibliors aside fram tbe 3S local.
Arms. The total annual output to lbes< ;
the prawot *m fatwablj- eoaipai* U O- Palmer, sras accldentoUy sh
28 loeal tocloria Is about tlo.i>o>>/>«>;
with rarr best jaaie to our asiloa-t Clear take, fix miles from here, i
and about At.MOJloO wonb was sirt.1
Today, and It to feared be a
blstorr for toirdeaUBf aad Jwaest perat tbe eapmlltcm. Tbe out-of-town '
rormaaee of duly. And to the dhaemanufaeluren are eslimsled to base
(loo of reartois toTetUcatloo ot stobc
, sold oa an average
each or In
dolac aad t
roand Agures. f».2SO.OOft worth. So ap :
pualsli thleree and Utekstert aad a revtover wbeu they went to tbe lake
proxtmaiely jK.Tto.OOO wonh was sold 1
to stop their ateallDS. do matter bo* thia morning. They bad Ared several
nib local and ouulde msuafart'ir
Uch or poaetftl they may seem to be, times before teacblng young Palmer'e j by
Borne of the local tarlorle; snl.l
TeaastsfS* Strfita Over.
the be« dayi aad the beet cottage.
Vbe hardest tooglrt. the Most aut^EThere tbe question of duels rame, cwe-bblt to IbrIr ouipui a
ita conntry baa ever la
tat, the aod espenUre aad the
op and was propbsed'io have a mock
hitter strfka to Chleaco'e tont btaduel. Removtog the cartridges from
Merit Eraksn While Ohriag.


times wrscmM


. .

toR et suttee Is aaded-

mir nesi- llonit- G.svl,* Hcjiirtm<-ni »r art g ■Ine m <^»mm--nce
on Monday. J:ib :iih, in give
our cnonmers a ONE CENT

The aalos

Peter DsbI. foimeily of thto rity. Hie -guna. the boys langblngly stood
teaiasteia have lost aaf alsht
eon to Mra. Slen Dagri to Ml W<
baric to back and each advanctog so
taH. the BS easwad to a wild strar
paces St the word Are polled
)d strari. was Inauatly klllH at
^a to get hack the Jobe, that ihej bad Ulrer. Beach. BL Joaapb. Basday by triggers. BvldeaUy all fbc eanrldges
thjbwn ap. Tbe expense ot tbU leaHng Into shallow water from a bad not bees extracted, for. w«h en

REBATE CHECK for . very r.V
worth of BK iTtiandiN- |>'irrha»i-J.

over the

s *bat was mlaed?

These eh.-ekf'are n-ilc-rnsl.k- at
one o-ni rarh fur piiri lia'^es In

Amartcan Crsdttors’ Agency a^ to ridim aad be Is being carM for auder
The Bnlon company.with .the Mil wbsts be to- dlMcnlUes al tbe lake. Dr. George H.
tended to wed went to Bt Joseph to Lynch to Traverse City. wbajrecanUy
) (he day. goiv oror oa the ex- married Palmer's sister, afrivad to­

linoal gm-nja'-ks.


Peter OubI was weU known to


stn^ Tbe Ifontcomay Ward A Co. diy. arrirlag on tbe erentog irUn.
uamsten then'went on stitte and and tb«.aerv1teaf took place Tueada)-:
yalber than dellrer goods to the Arm moralng at S o'clock from Bi. Prands
lbs batoaea of'tbe taamkes^ or .at

who did lbs abototog. says that be

toast the ntojortty. went oot oa atrike

a mock dud, he forgot all about IL

OW AeWtiT Pienle.
The twelfth anneal oW arilters' pieDie will be hrid at Bardlekrtlle Thurs­
to* moat drsndad of miy. The laamday. Aw- A Tbe followtog U the
stoto etrioanr Hra to the street
a<v aateraliy AgUn' Whea a strike
Prayer. Ber. Borongk. Uaple CItr.
U on vMcnee to almost snre tot
4ddrens to wricome. Prwldeat a H.
That thto Js tme to proran by arenta
Day. Qlen Hi^rea.
flUhe rweant etzfte. thoaa thirty Um
to^Umoay to the fact
3«t the aielsmee Hone was ne
dr thteg that Hded la toetog tbe
aMke. The teamsters did not bare
general sjumUiy et the poblle to


Tba methods, lasrleae-

neto of Uto msin or their mrmpath
the charge of graft within the antan.
- the eoadaet of the oBetals nil had
ttair eteet

no eligige that paM



In a Platoi^AJse Atlen'a FOOT-EASE. =

S 4t

Fisher. Olea Arbor.

^uern Alrsatidra l« si the head of'
Hn^t to Karlin, who died after a a new Rod Crass organlsatlou In Ptog- i
short KtosM to cholera Infaaliim Sun­ land, which will consist of an

o'eloW at


gamaduc of all the foeleik-s ii

Underttotor L. D. Cijnls left To.-day
morning wltb Ihe remains to lliile

o'clock from the Wllltoma

Bong, t^setm to glita.'

Remitog. Miss Ida WmaL Butdlekkagpra had boM emplayed. the «oaTlUe.
ftmdea ot a member «< another tmtan
SeleeUon. mandolto and gnltar quar4at h« bad aldad to sadh netai
L. Camp Davit. V. ot M.
Thames aided aad 'it «m no wo
-Amerlen.- audience. ,
ifcat the atrtte mided as It did.
U It iBtos Ang. IMIcalc will be bcM
'r The toamstora of Ohleago fra
Aug. 4.
^orae oE thaa they prer were before
Tberc will be a bowery dance to
«Ad It wiU be years, If erar. that the
neetlae. open to the farenocm. stop­
B* anlOB will regain the power
ping two hours for dinner and pro1, and eoDtlnntag afterward,


Beard ef Trade.
The directors to the board of trade
met to conncll rooms Tuesdar Mgbi to
disease the raauer to a proposition to

PERE Marquette

At DeAanre. Ohiu, annual enramn
ment Angusi if.IS. Ttrkois on Fsk- m
rate of one fare plus 2iV<-«-nlK fer ih'
round trip.
II. V. M<>i l)- r.
Gcnc-ril |•u>.-^•llcl•r Ag- u'
Summer Assembly. Frankfort.
Aeroonl Ihe Congn-csIU-nsl '
iSM-mld) SI Frsnl
I.. Aug.itrip llrkels will |,<
fare tor ih<-

the srest bay shore adjoining the prer-


shore, and «tiaL.a ennuniUee to throe

nmke an Investigailoo relative .to the
be ptaaslBg to Ihobc who hare Copemish learn Bnday by
to sixTo one. The game was won by soqnlslUon of park site and further

#ren most thought to this Importaal

CopemlM by a series to Ineky plays. action, should it be deemed advlMihle
m-almoftto It saemed thhl whenever a Husker hit 10 porefaaso bay shore pivipeny. The
the ball that there was some one aoder eommlltee appointed was Frank itoms now presented
lUoB. AVu. Loudon gnd John T. Readle
« people of oar eoa^. The drat. It although every man hit at lend
Cariiile went to bat Arsi and pat a
Mayor Friedrirh stated
that be
I raaaon to l^toee can be


ever bilk

No Trace of UlsaaM



Liol ti ll .v.m^.jut tl.i- Sml

- gnv <-nc of tliR l1ir«eyGim.’i<SiL tSCGorlSCIJator (oUew
itiglbc InlernstknmJ Live Stuck Ezinmtiem at Ouean ,
Is It remarlal^-^^oi^w the slum >-0^kbOT Urn I
1 siixiciy amim-; breeder*. Tbcr had to beni
* t!,ccPTt=toofcontagion*<i;«ai*c-r. Them*—-------------------- ,
'to drmsnd each yexr by duinfeetiag with fliaw 1


pi;m..h;'' T!.f.i»-;mi.tonf,i,.- w.,H ■•lif.." as ap.
j)lii--l li> limii.Tti U-m«s I* ll... uninn .,f .01.1 atul l..iy.





Tilt-life of lie other iiaiiiiinate form
.•..rr.-si.oiils so
-•|os..|,v to liunmii life its.i-.-s

geS'WiipmdwirrIr. Thx't l.uh. rcliiH. imiB-nv. Do ra« «•• 1
ll 4.•-./«( e»vi-r :"'uv
musMia. errm (cto. B

aw i..»utJ..a«4WMlmalaumsl.a lirtMoaiUulMAluu

“TV Grot Cral Ttr CatVOc BMMtiicUM DM."


BimbBUriABOs Endure
Like the
oil! 6.-u_-5 -.f
).,ne aifo. Kiiiiltfill I’j.iiios . IILliir.-. .iji'l ri-Liiti till- r <«,-.-t


.ton to the board to trade director* In 1 P’1
dlscussiug mailers of this Importance,


hii.-h.-st snee -*..
V*H' ba\i- th.

plutk—now is tin- tiim-bi o.-quin- tin- treinioK
wliirh will fit you for a pay.
iii^ {visitioii.
Wi- uili

Igill I’ianos i- l.m.-r than
th.-lt-.fiirivotln r mnk-. • U e


wunlyon'to ct.ll al
,nAiid exaniiiic- th- ni f-.r ti-ur*.df.s.-eth. sir.
of n.ti-slr-irli-.ii. , ir

torolring tbe arount ot money


iiiJik.' you nn ex-

1.I,.... l«AWp.

• T or i--<rTi«p>i>dcnL


.h'vcl-.p voiir uJi'iits and m-iii>-


v'ni u moiM-y-makint;

vou will i.- fullv

KN'tW weean do iklk«kkM.pi»B.

- £•-»-J**y

- - - -



though bandleappcd by poor suppon. tue
the autoorlly
anlborlly to Ole board of
to director* i
_____ --------------------------thia makes seiDe more to that gorori- 'tbe game went to the Wheeling team toprocoed. OnmoUootbedcri.locto.S«J^3^l^i;ST5SKr'-^meal dlraetloa desirable and neoes- by aacorcoFi 10 2. Two eotlly errora the ocmmluee was endoraml. and they
fay Hard to tbe ninth lost the hrartauthorized to tarure the neees- :omiy. « ts- rm, Osr of Jsly. a D iit£
brsaklQf game to Grand Rapid* and
P This ;|^*^’'
iSsod Trip
A Osod OW World,
to “w
toe =
m...« of to- ,«st- ..f Xsrths t
as a rosull the crowd became very
mikeo. .1*
u writ stated by erne to the •ore at the man making them. Butler .^yor A. J, Frlfihcb and James
t tboagbttol of Amcfteu publkv atraek oot two men, was al bat three hoe. agent to the Perc Msrqneiie rall- >UMi srsytaf''
ttoai, and the stsiemsat was worthy; times,
hiL one
et the bent poegible egprassloB. that
one wild pitch.
Tbe secretary reported that be bad '.i>Ne
9«at ran sbosld he uhra by those "^e Grand RaHds Herald tMt moi*- besd to sorratpoodenee with


A o.. i» s

tiem. ^ phri at least, ihraugh reg^

a;.el LO ssldrmn

Miisasilgg tbe means of cMUlBg or la- :tog says that soil Traverse Oty roeien
establishing a factory to Traver*»
CH^. He read a iMUr from the man­ Mraassy tohttng.M to.
M sbd WieslMto ■
ager of the company la Chteagn which
Slated that Traverse aty could not be

Pluck. |torju-v. raiicv- owl

ri )ira' li< al linsito-s-, --l i.-atioii ofi- nil that arc'ru-c.«»ar>’ to the

more geocroas and lUr wtth these
Ons hundred Travetas Cijyr people millee on freight rate* had mri and ortarge lator^ than they har* many went to Grand Rapids Sunday
tnd derided to go to Ueirali

iMaariac pohlk optoloiT.BOt to aerals- came down wuh tin boras ^d cow
^erprri pnerat cendliloBs aatohnve bsls lo see Rntler plt^ t» tolgto hsv
i» believed ibat there it men greed ; sounded Ufcs S«0 but Ue oficUl dmu.
«tad grafting and dlabOMsty to exM- .at thiss«d show* Just m.


r.Lii iiiak*- h.T nwri « ,y hi ih.- wnrlil.


In irhleh the Interest* to the city are |bsarl^^m«i'^p'ra>'“«ris siT

tfeea beea with tbemedras. The erlli Ike Butito pilch against Wbeellug. De­ aad Grand Rapid* to onofer In peraon
to preaant eoodlUoni are admiuad. spite the fact that the Travc^ aty wltb the officialf
mciaif oi
to me
the I’crv
i-crv MsrqiivuiMarqiionc
A<1 the probability to aaope tram favorite did grrat work In tbe box. al­ and C.
A I, railroad, and ask.-J tor:

tWMH. « srikaM SkXS. t

ForsaIcbyS. E. WAITASons.

iievi r Ivvii l"irt'

that there should be a full reiiresenta-

•cnied to the propoailion,
J. W. MiUlken slated thil the rdm-


LTliv/w ;m.l some lli.-nwhich «-,,uld la- l.-lt. r f-.Mlie
world of tmis..-, h,Ld !l..y


the third toning that a Husker crossed involved. There were only right .h-j
rectors present and he did Dtu consider bm. Itsim* oty. Uwh
Vorft.BotoUoB of tbe qaeslioo ai issue home plate, making tbrir only
and \hep roblem It iDTotree.
to the game. The .score by innlugs that this rcpreseDiailons was Milheh m |

. Tbe people are wllltog to be

Oiptnt Olf, IB^.

C0O, Pr*ps.

ooiie fp-in it.
Many .............i!ie voiiii;.'
iMl • aril

aerddag the better ratber than

t mHatato the prepil.roaAe ahd other in

eify Book Store

II ll d
• Irdill;,-.
when its toiK-:—its S.111I

a of Ito macere adro- Copemitt was bit by the baH and chasing property aloog tbe bay shore
Lewu went lo Arst
'In the locality referred to.
error. Dodt hit jmd G. Rose struefc
Mayor Prledrleh urged, however, juJinii'chlelMs'.'.V.

‘ The Intereats of tbe j
Blover pitched an -enceUent ^nme
liemselTea. and all of’
Moo toteraeto are wtth the goreni- aad struck oat ten men while Decker
ment and tbe people, or shoald be. to struck eat eoly four. It was not until


I_1P*C OF* /



beautiful User Into a Copemish play­ would appoint a similar commliiec ___
e praeUsal and et ralM to
T direction, bat there Is Jest er's hands. Bairim and BuB Hokes from the conncH when the matter a-ss S'.'"
taken up by that body to make ai
I good reaaoa to tear that gorem- stnxtt eat. Bcntty struck out.
tbe BsA man to bat tor vesUgation of Ihe deslrabllKy of

Ad deetrnetlTe.



II. F. Mm-ller. <i

cat park, and the directors met in eandnetsd ^ Kadrbraek and LatMt^ to sidertbe advlsaUllly of-recamuK-ndtog
Traverse City Markets.
Ita purchase lo the cilr coudcII.
fTbe atatameat whkh comes from
This report to mads upon Wednes­
M. Horen to ttnplre wUI be
After the mailer wgs fully diM-iiRiwxl day of osch week. The HoralO is not
wHh aacita.<* less directshal to the day. No gambling devices
It was resolved that the board to dl■onslbla for changes In prlcos.
and aathorl'ly. to the eSeet that
will be
reriors recommend to tbe coiitiHI the
Booeeratt has not atodlged
AweUent Booeera
liquors strictly prablbTted on gnnmds
purchase, of the property offenxi. nr
of railway
is oidnIoB that n
f Tictoity.
Mrs. N. C. Helm, Sec.
other suXaUe property on the ba>
aad the general aseampthiti
Bees Ball Garnet

' »l»n Chl-wirn rintbalail'- <'oU-*r. Lir.«ti«l- t.y
rsknUfUkll'Mi yt..|unB ktftt*. nwvril
o( Ik- gyg AND EAll »i>d mriMi ciy
'■il.AHSK* A KHWiAI.TV. Wnk r>r Ttoraj.


erty has been offered to the city on

Pleree’s Corn llnskers were defeated go before the counril and sxk for their
ter the akond Ume this tenson b> tbe appointment of a ilmllar cnmmllteo lo

c-g'T-' Ennil Pratlici


purchase property on the bay shore
for a park. Some very desirable pnqr


29o .
The Wellesley Girls series and Rogby Boys
scries are two of the finest lines of books for young
folks published. Good, clean, moral stories, and only,
per volume

Gndute Medical beparlmeiit Binics

the Methodist, dturcb.

Selection, mandolin and gnltnr qpM- Dover Wnres, whose death occurred
tot. Camp Oarit. U. of M.
Monday morning between'midnight,
Reading. Mrs. Q. W. FiwUdt, Maple and 1 o'clock. The funeral took place
aty. •

I. W. BlMMt


old dmoghler to Mr, and Mra. Henry

day. was hrid yestordsy aftcniona si

binding, and best of all. cle^r print.The publisher's
price 70c, durs at present

UtBre hugn eafll 19 s. ir au-i; l«.r|>ai

Tililcn llsKh, a \Vh.-rling,^\V, Vs..

DshUi Roll.
sadShor Ktorv. Sr.
ne funeral of Uls, the onc-ycar.


A choice line of the staodard tvorlu of the
best authors—the Cornell serieg—remarkably good

&ui;^s*u .............. .

Bong. Otto’ F: ZeTaer, Camp Onvls. Rev. Thurston to Ktogsley oiBclaHog.
D. to M.

-The Old BAtleni,- Mn. Jt*n £.



iKty.'gjven to sk-i-o walking, was sho’
thinks tbs bunet came from his gun. dead hy his mufcc-r. who look him (oi
He knew that Ms gun was loaded but a burglar.
for a moment, when Palmer suggested

thwngb aympachy.
tn Cbkngo. a taamstBV strike to



J. J. *rwKDDue,

Mother Cray's Appeal to Women

and Dr. Lynch extracted the bullet It
had entered directly over the center

Ca^toeat workers In the emptoy of cityr hartag at tme time played
to the stomach and followed the walls
MMgoaerT Ward A Co. wanted the
s0d alto Bold on Uie old Inrlaicl- of the body In a deep eoursc around
SjVi to stop atsdtag work to oatslde bta base ball team. His father,
the left to the back whtoe It eanghl
acdMBlaa workers aHhoogb they
some time ago. was Peter Dugal,
tween two riba. It looks very tovoiao'screcBeot to that eSeeL Tbe Arm aisp well known.
shkBfor Ms recovery.
refosed and
the garment workers
The remains were shlppod tc
Glen Carpenter. Palmer's compsnlon

Vn» shniild

. see them. '8^11 al store fuc pa>'

tbe botton that prodalmi that eutok* given by the North AmarKnn night to care for the lad. accompaaiad
belong to the taamaters' orgaal' nnlon, Calamet council, to Chicago. by the latter's mother, who was visit
Olvioe Healer Is Here.
Tbe teaatstere' wileB has been A pleasant day bad bacm spOat antll tog at Traversa aty."
Schlatter, tbe divine . beak-r. t
he decided apem a swim. He did not
message from iUg Rapids to ili> preach end heal the sick Ire.- u
•r the stTOBfast, U act t
etop to toqolte the depth to the water' Record this afternoon sUted (bst the Sunday
_ _
at 2 o'clock p. m' and
krojEeat imlon to (taleaco, to-cme
bat knped from tbe board. ..Wbeo Che, boy wa^brangbl to Mercy bMpltsI last o'clock
t%«orst dlemptad.
body tolled to appenr an atom was night to an ambaltncc and this morn-'
lie ^e to UsHf was h alstak| glren aad tator the body was r
tog Dr. O’Hara, assisted by Dr. 8ptk>r
grlsraBce of the laatsstera.

2s Hodges Building, Detreil. Michigan,

to a.ldlik)u

tNir ll.inip (kuvly Ik iuirliti<-m
ONLY. TLi-5 nvH^tnlik- our ua-


laHmaeb as It.was aol based

free' gift,

Grain, Provisions, StockSand Bonds

In nor Rock llntlnin I'rlr. « ran
nol fall In lr> a|irr>-<'la<,',| l.« all.

et^e is almost beyond caleoIaUcs be- aprtog board. Us neck bring broken. of pain, Frank Palmer fell lo *lbe
^ae of the mnlUpUcUy of Uades and The eerideat was wUnesacd by ' '
ground shot to the stomach.
aAtot sEoetod by It, bat daitoc tbe
B wbo Is prostrated by tbe terriWc
fThe boys were fast friends and
.^^aya of the slhto^ea, thirty Uree afeir.
rnang Carpeotar is almost wild wltb
*«tp lost IR rtou aad attacks.
Mr. Dn^ . was mnplored by the grief. It Is ^fanpoHlblc to aiove the
^er it Is all

Hannah & l-ay Mercantile Co.

in Ve b.r Talkinu -Mari,me*.
Comph te *|.--k of |{.-c.,nis


for all m:i.-him«. Kv. rytlimi:
know,, in niusie. H.-pairii.;.-a
sjtci litv.

r.^-intf. CoBuncrcuil G«<w-







raphy nnU Advortifiog.
Writ- i/.L.y for free illustRit'-d jffos|i>fctua.






p. c

sU*. flw fndi fam

JULY g, mS. \

ro w0dcs retiirtrt home lite wan-; Al«»n<ter Be?ta»*ii. tie WMirehlrt: Co* A- Cobumii, tte defanltliu
Hr*. C. A. 0*1»« of Drtatt. I»4.. '«rho rbot H. C Friri. ttc ««1 mt* «*b1«r of lie decoct M*o Coun<3
•BBMrtC.H-TtaTerof KIW*>«y Are oAlc. «ric* t!:r.H€HEf«CAd nilke in Hc<5.> N«Uod»1 b«»k, a-Tc^ied « *
TttUlM frieoa* Id U>« clfy.
l»i. »U1
on "Tbe Clnrio-f:> e.l*ns« of rJnbMrleiBr^l^-DDW to
Hr* i W Hren of NOfCiport wm,Cw*c.“ wfcen fr*«! ftoo the W«u-rt fc*-e «i>iande.>ed »P*T7W Is Ter«'
I. the dtx toT*'.
pcDUchlUrr. Pl.r^hor,.
nauu- gUDbltog r^ti^.od At ooDrhx
MUD JoMie Wood of KlnsdfT i* »l»_______________
raco count *.
1UB« Min B*«»U J*rr«t of thl* cltr I
pi.mnM Cu~Froach bUtorJans tau»t fed^methat sthat uniasy: M. de Benlcr de S*or-j
FroB McaflAj'* Heeort.
' Ttt
•ure Ijnj- h»* bronstit sail In Pnris ttr |
K. Win of WlIllDiMbaii: spent
l. If }OU f«
jnniBip- aUtced defamalloo of bis *™ndf»lher,:
ilv It will.
tetAax la the eUr.
, »
: iton or p
erer. ^ E<Tti«e-de a*uvlini>. In his fi!n»tt«l«l j
W. W. Arpold of Cesrtral Lake w«», best for
t'bSK'v^"~. “•“'s "■ f™"''. »
tathe elty orer BnndDy.
..w—1 ... TCna. -1 lum i mush, for fouorea . rr»r.df*ilu-r Is pleiored haupin* from
Bert Ooodwla of Gr»wa spent r**-.
j,..,thing h.-lped me. ont.l 1 ,
with the ro)..' around Ms,
WrdDX la Ibo Cltr.
! ,nni: nr Kide *- N»w nt-eovrrr for
C. E JohnsoB of Cedar Olr an-1 ConMimptlon. Tough* ar1 Colds, wblrh
o. oi™ A,w,,1=™»;
I«e In the cl!X xe^ertl'r
liinB Troohl*-*.
cun-, for Throe .
C. II. Moroc of.Cer.iml Ube wa.«
At JrhB-fih Drue Store Co>.
8. R Ws'i i
ti 5.mB
s-ms droe stor'-<:
tbc city yesterday.
Hr. and Mro. C. N. Coulter Wl thU . pne- Dflc and ll.'«. R d, Tri.l
mornlDt for a day s trip donit the
l.eelaisaa pcafasult. when.- Mr. Coulter
Rt >rec W. Yiod'-rlilli. v.onh 'ffen
vlll Inspect ibe need pea ladosiry.
mlllioBS. htH-slM-a up fsrtniiii'. :.f a
bos reco.nlly relumed .Intm a; trip
’"^tbedja-.. IlU.more.N.:r,h.Cun.lm>.ls
ibrongb several adlolalae
aid considers ibe rainy season a dmwWrits
lot p.'U«BUr.,
back to Ibe successful crop so famrable a loootb igo. Still the Leeltna-J i
penlntnla’ he fed*, vlll not he .*«i-'
* Burpete Party.
M W U.. Mn, .».h.
.. „..b-;
/.'“S, ZZ'lk S'
Vod«r new ii-»ii*crii.-w*.
ly on blab lands where an unu8a«ll) : „j,,ng.a „odldn<- wblrh w: VVci;.-;;
W. II. Shsw. Pro.
A E. B«vh. Pris.
large crop I* being watched by own- their psln and illtcomfon. »lr: I'r.

• ItincV New rjfe Pills. Thpy, ere s
Brelm of Orand' Rapids were passenconsllp»llon. O at JohoMin DniR
ECTS today enroute for Nonhport.I store Co-f. F. »: Meads. S. E. Wail t
wborc they wtll be the gucsls o! her Sonf drug rtorot.
tUier. Mr*. Darld Whitehead.
The MItaei BatrJee and Ev# FjnalKr
tir Alden were eoeals of friends In this
U at lie ash Grocery,.
rliy a few d«y». rcturnlBE lo ihcir
home today.
201 So. Union St. •
Miss Nellie Suondere of Grand Rsp
di U rtiUlDB Mrs. Earle IlilchrofU of
226 E. Front St. j
West Tenth strM.
C. V. Slater .-ciuraed today frem
UeagD and Grand Rapids, wb
<i llifjim-.v'njip. ITi
Tt" lioasri
dlOr u-r U> (uf Ik-st linu-h»-r ;
sltS the turollare csblbllion.
HUs Lottie Ncleod of Grand Rapids
11^. ltdor"n<,l lake niBoy l.iinN!i>etH.f.>rClc-:irlfat l^.rk. .
who has been ipcinllng a three weeke'
10c pki; fur I’urilnu I'.irlor ;
raeatlOB-vllb her parents. Mr. and
!i1e oui-li-i!* tor n !i-.iiiin'-r i
Mra.'■Charles fietaon of Noribport.
iBl era* a n.-si .-uis-f-ir ' !■:
IT) Ills H.-SI r;im- (IrnnulnUvl !
to her duties yetterday afterrlekucs !,><» «• .-mp/vii'-o!.
or anj- tf the unfc-nitaaic -i.r
loi lbs Best (.'■•iii<-Uranulib->l
Mta. ?!barie* W. Joyce »nd
siipir. *<;;2o.
daughter* of MlanetpolU. who
oai tad cet rrlces httore ;
been spendlng>tbe summer la this elty.
We :«v thr..-e >-r e.-H .Inl.-.-.boyloe etoewhere.
left tbto morning for Mortbport. where
eomiKiuBM.-d HM.-C t y.-ur,
tbo will be tbe guest of ber mother,!
Mrs. M. J. frolfe at Blrct colUgc.



Clreilstlon this week 2,750
C. V. SUIer rettinod Meodax from
Qrwd Rapids where bo
_MM}ed the furaiinre cabibiUon.
iota‘sibnlti. an emploxe In the
PItebw lath and HUBglejaU at Bast
^ vaa atroeb bx a flxln* board t*
nari^. The board atnieb him in the
taee and it took nine lUtebe* to doae
The vails of the Bait Jordan Iron
MBpanx are-nearioc coopIetMi and
la the meantlBe the foondry U that
Han. All iron «*Uns are bclaj hanM‘la tte foandry of B. W. Boond A
Boa of tbU elty.
b cottage, a
M«i ai tbc
imtleata. tt U targe and enbatantui
asl to the Oral female cottage, (hongb
A Ml* oottage has bami on the
VonAi for some time.
• Bmn Battews hay and PrtiabainvB
tndtons pMeed tbrongb the cUy Friday
MMiag CO tbeir way to'JepBian.
. vbBK they vlU Bav wood for Cobb A
Hllc^ Tbto to tbe iBBOod btmeb to
#1 there aa ten red Bktaa left tbe treeItnan pestnanla a veek ago boond '
dm same pttce.
iAt tbe reaent eomiaracwBuu. ws...bUbs of tbB Cbtotgo Mnsleal eoUege
Md at' ttt ABdltortom. to tfao ptve» d.0» peiWDu. PTaBk
b br Tiotto. 1
itnan baa taken a tboro-jgb ooarec at
ih^legB and la sow well Qualified to
l^toatriMtkm OB the TtoUn.
«B«»orta iBdieatg that tbe potato
•on thi* raw vll be below the anrage. Tbl* Bbonld not' OBcaalon any
worry, btnrerer. aa It to bnt tbo
niural teacUoa fonoartog ‘ a great
on and low price*. Many tbto year
betouted to idant beeanae of tbe ear
t UK eea-

ga' arrired la tl^ diy yebterday from
OUcago to aiUDd tbe fanmai of Ptoe
D«aL Tba toea were fellow clut
astmbma of tbo'dmfoKitoale yoemx
■an and w«e with him on tbe Ill-fated
eKofslon Soaday when Hr. Dugallou
hjt lire by dlTtog toto shallow water
at Bt. Joseph. TTiey bad a-bBaoUtol
or tbetr Mend but they
boat of flowers for
were toe late too te«^.' tbe fibcral
bvtog been beM-yeeur^.

Summer School

. ,......... . .....



Summer Clean-up


The Place to Buyj


H p«llar Occatiem
ally Caid .Hsidt
Sosn Becomes ten


on All Lines.
Kexi week is street fair week and you will^ undoubtedly be in
tlie city.

While you are we cordially invUyou to make this

store >'our headquarters. -You will find it cool and comfortable. •


You will also find many things to interest you in the many
departments just at this time, as we arc making -quick haleprices on es-crything of a summer)' nature and all short endt in
the varicus-lines,
Nosiorcis as well equipped to supply your needs os we are.
You are welcome to look as much as you wish.

Any one of

the salespeo|>le will be glad to show y^ the many good thingi
withoni making you feel obliged to buy.


IJrom Taesday's RccoriL
Mrs. Arthur Holliday Is vUiltog
Mends la Fife Lake.
J. C AnderJ(m of HanUtoe
the ettv vesrecdir.
B. C. Brwee of FrorcaoDt to in Jhe
Cliy-Bn buslnea*.
Rev. Hugh Kfcinedy .of this eily
eni to Empire ibis moralng-where!
ho will condnet the qoarteriy mei-llnR
pf tbe MctbodlS church. Toraiin-jw
he win conduct the meeting at Inland.
Mrs. Kelson Adslt and daus^ler.
Alice, former reddents of this city, of
Medicine iUtt Cabada. are tbe guests
at Mr. and .Mr*. E. U. Five of 121
art Elgbtb street.
Mr. and Mr*. William .Sterner and
two mUe children of AlmirOcr. Ind.
who arc «p«idlngj>r*fimmer to the
northwen wenruTcaaMtae ibli metw'
j>- a short trip« of Csdiltoe wu In tbe eliy

terdsy to tbe el
• Hr*. A. W. Peck to cnTertatelng her.
two tiater*. tbe Mb
Me Tjler of Manton for
Therman Spellman.''vriio recently
closed hi* SNSOD with the Kow Ytirk
latBstrel* *pent Bnnday lo this city
a* a gueat cf Hds«i Gardiner.
W. A. Walker of Kalkmka was »
tbe elty today on bQStoess.
Mr. and Mr*. Charles Wells hare reiraed front Lndtogloo. where they
attended tbc-tunerel of Mr. Wells' sis­
ter. Mra L. H. SterltoK. who died
o'clock Thursday morning. She,
burtod at 2 o'clock Sunday afit-rnooB
from her residenec on Bast Filer

! PemonWi
pyrnn Sstsrdar* »e«wd
- J. A. Ollford of HonoLws* to t
dty ymMHf.
MewUB W. SJy of(ltoor was
IMK-aanoUl Ootomhla yestorday.
Miss Haute Novak and Hiss Frances Boinnaa <uw apendtog Utdr va
The ■>!»* of Persia, wbo is a( Contkm at HUIOmI tfarfca' cottage
tresvIUe. Fnace. has dubbed hlniM-lt
-protector od eni»." and eoUeci* all
Ufa. John OrtUCk and mile granfi- stray caa find, wacblap
Boa are to Bottom Bay today
them to follow him atom the i-tK-ets.
abort visit with triaBdA
MlSB Ocrtra'dc parkbarat of Reed]
CItr. who ba* been to the city on a
.two weeks' vtoU with ber aoat. Mrs.
W. *. WUllams, retnntod hosns todty.
Opttn Bicaorgrapber J. E. Hcnder■oa and family left this morning fui
th£r borne lb Cadlltoc. after spendlag a wM to tbe city en'kastnes* aod
Mia. J. L. Hclaiofh and little son.
John LM. . of BoiiM: CUy. pasaed
Feed your h»lr; nourish it;
tbrongb tbe city cb route from a vtoli
tfve li sometbing to live on.
wHh ratotiTca at Manistee.
Thee it will stop falUne, and
I Miss Olive Hadden el Haaeelosa
will grow long and buvy.
- wnsapsisaeBger-OTer tbe C. R. A IsOn
ber rstnrnfrom aibree weeks' rlsltW
Ayer’s Hiir Vigor is the only
V h*lr-foo<l you can buy. For
Hiss Agnes Hansen toft this nom60 years it has been doing
iBg for a rtolt at Subton vUb Mends.
lust wbfit we cUim it vUl do.
Mr. and Mrs. Bdwln Oondwla et
It wili'not disappoint you.
Halkaska were shopping to the diy to^

My Hair is
Extra Long

ifrt. Fred Ftority of Platte River
pmtoed tbrongb the dty today on her
vv to Fife lube, where she will Join
a ^rty of ck-vea berry pldters camp­
le for a enmSBer ooUng.
Bmmet Armtrong. tobo bsi been
g at Somialt CUy fn the past


u I. iMrtOTn IDrbf. Ml.


Craverse City State

Elgin G. Lewis.



Tt’s Beginning
to Dawn
on the minds of a good
many people that we are
doing business on a dif­
ferent plan than the usual
line of shoe stores.

And when your fruit eonte* you miMt d rop evcrythlns sits Sfid thsn you want
to b« all prvpsred.

Cong Values
Short Profits

is talkimr iib-tit
i llic-t liiul .>11 our

Imniiiiii table. l.nilioB'slioi-s.
oxfonk iiii'i tliiip-r-i. Tli.-y'r.’
worlli -Vic to $l.tX) niort-.

8« order BOW. pint*, quarto or two quart*.

Don't ursh untiHh* IsK mlnut*.

Then you will need catrs can robber* and can covsf*.

The Celebrated Lavaware
hot to injure It.

extra ladueemtofs

Then if the fro.t thould bell dry "O harm com** from M.

ether to the fru,t or the ketUe. We have pane and dippers, cup* and kettle*.
*11 mo»t needful.

on many of the new
spring lines, which means
a.avmgloyou from 50c
to$l.?j a pair and you'll
get -

The Stove Question
your-aelf ever a regular KevaVrhan yew a

Surely you do n.

new stftish


earlf Bufcrs 6et Che Choice

You ei n keep .fairly cool provided you own one of oor thr*»bur

rr eil stove* or

I two-burner Biuc*Flamc. or a three«urner Hot PlaU or

good gat range.

An Extra Kitchen Table
Would be 10 h»ndy when canning.



time* you



have room

enough for all the ari.cie* you are using and It would only eoM you fl.lC Of


II wi.l.-tot-s



..... f.-» -'V.,11,M...,-, K„l S5.,.

........ . S2.50


I1A0 lo have plenty of room.

Do Not Forget The Sugar
n hand—you w.ll

Have 2£. to e> e


when you have it

surely neod



Mi* worth 2S pMod* of ougar many

Kt ol *enmng down at tha very last sHm

ItdButo^soks. .-v.-o ivtlor imsgiimbV...................................

n your fruit U all b

ig —ana wait^to have it aent up.



W* Mv* tho osod

You should always use when canning, bacauaa you can't got a stov* tao

we are offering



YouDanTCan Without Ciirs

Low Prices
are ou>^tch words, and
you know 'when you buy
shoes here you get your
money’s worth, lust now

Canning Days Are Coming


Grand Traverse Region.

Dr. Fmirbaoki of Onuid Bmpld.
« of Ur
Ur. Cob
m mbott Tbit mt the bone

TMTWW car. he think. It woold be
bmrd to End 1 nl


Oktag OTM- tbe«rop of pem& lie «m*
■a pMwoa
nleoMd to
to «»d
Snd u»em
them taoUmg
Ur«. E. D. FmirhmBk.
H»m»* mo jcuyUTblllns
A »«Ut mgo Te*terd*r Mr.. H^
U mad t»o little dmnshtei. cmino to
tpend a few
mother, eo .u«o«.4,r:r


n,. r..



™5S r*.i;».S5.‘4r.



Urk-mrUnJ of'



►■r*irtu M --ver





'IS^^Oladya Earl will IT. to Travers

,bii4 i^VrV.\.. Mr Md W E. S

prle.. &^.c.

dmlir 54.
iBit-a: Clyde eun|
Mi.rii»lppl river.

D. a. Shorter mod »«e of TrmTer.<
atr Ttelied
shorter of Km^

“un^Dd^Unt. Wet Wire* mod Don
ChmMi of Trmrmc CKr rblted Enellm
ChaM> and Rou Branron Sunday.
, Mr. mod Mr*. Borkert mod children.
alK> Mim. B. Crmln. ekllod on 6. H.
Lonyer mod Ommlmm Hmrrey Sunday.
The UUae. Orphm and Nots Edgell
rUlted Him. B. F. Altmma Snoday.
t ihU place, mill li-ave fur fab
ur. and Mss. C II.
r Haliimun-,
Mr. and Mr., Jim Zelgler were
lUramt ye.-;
ar reioskeT lhU murnlng. . ‘ u-nded Suaday «ib«u:
bile .Ikxi.iil- a' i r»i. l.N a
TraTene aty caller. Friday,
Reid Wynkoop wa. a Trarerae City
W. It Cani'-mer drove daa^<-foa^ly vutic- 1 :i Mtle s
, .':.r.
tiler Saturday.
' .h.. ~Jno
aTti' wintPi 8ehr.-a*ler,
.10 IleBdcm Saturda.. .•*
w U eool
i»oI mod p}«mMj>t.
. borM that got
Tom B-hlte-d
II home of-Mr. and -Mr,. (l«rge Cd-1
^ .-.•enlog i» ObI
m«k Umcko.I. 8r.. *Ue. moo Chmrto* the U. * K. E fMlgbl. 1. geUli
t I t t I > t I t tt I > t I $ t t t >> I > < • t •
•■d da«cbt«r Uirmc mrrivrt from
■- today
CkkMlo ThurmdmT.
Tbui-------- th* 50th.
S”ldb Springstln of Frankfort
IWfiner. after a
sber of
Mmeko.U Ute letiior i
Mna i
of thia place vl.ltod Mrs.
little laink ia trsven.
I>mwa inkrtwl *
of Weft Almira Sunday.
Na^ftml Braa. mre tn^iy
_ . commenrert
Howard TInd.ll
■ iMi li.limoiuiii Ihw. Inti-r- *“
iMtoA hmrk to ihHr do^.
for Johnny Shorter of Ka.iwo today
fur ibriv j-eort from «LiU> •
«wt euuluiura fi
Tko bMT7 rmlo mod wind.--------- mndma Cauliflower tnored on hci f^^iXlr whrch O>ii.S“l.rAlJt;-treet,C^
b-ld here Saiu^y •.f.Arnu..n_ and «.
i«f Usi eetryi
in South Ka»»n tart week.
J. Borkert. our blael
??,^‘iri!ri'’tik^B'’7f r.'-mo^l!^J^
OB“^h^• va^bOlarry WSoeler.. ‘'^afvlT M.'ilahn vUlir.I .< a1.«*
t^ieatr i» iMiHvl in.tiwl of a h
3M Krmlt* li heIpJn* Frmmk
cow die Ian wi
1 lamp as a token m nm.
r.-eular trip* lo itib i;,.B,ion Saturday and Sunday
to ■« hb b«7 osder Mnror.
I>miWi(iU>n«L fnb>H«t <m thiwe oo
Hisf Kate Bridge
Titvlard place from ihr- .'Camiws and fllen AtTp,. i.^,lies' Aid t.ori.i> a
Tho ni« h»» minick tb« whemt hm
Ttttted at the bone of
<«>- ytmr ffuui <lab- oulcM nDevt.}.
>rt mti- bor on'SniuNays. Sunday* and W«-l «iih Mr-' Wayner ihb
k f
Ud BW bon U» qnrnHty to-------------_
and 1family a. the gneat - _
M.»t ot.iivi«H-ut for Uioae who viab 'to
DHL from Saturday until Monday,
oonplc of bdles of Ibis place are
irive chocks to otlieta.
Each cbtick oon*.
Tcry bnsy ■hunting ginseng.
^titiiHwB ron-iiit (ortjndnpiwtor. Anfp *»»1M *m»hlm« OB the pmrU crocB non
Hlaa Pearl Uarsh of South Kaason
alloos by Mlsw. Susie Yohng, on fti.nds h-r- .asi Saturday.
nii<l ctdivuni'iit way A>r imyiiHt all kindfl «
wa. a guest of the Ola and
Godard.- Tina Rlckeit.
Rlcleit. Hell
Mn>. Uurke ar.d Ml-s Mabd of-MB'
• dacmiunU. Wf furnish check books.
Ella ZUfler Tuesday' nlgbt of last
Hugh Godart.___
Godard and . P)*'Clfy vWt-d their niuiliur. Ur*, tun
_______ __
_ .MBKterr
err Hugh
Kmm. . •'f
TO inyilhtf on tli-muMl. Xo paytneoU •
Hr and Hra. i. Sklrer and Ur. and Allsler Shell. Past Commander Kmmt.
' Mra.' Tom Skiver and family Tlatted Simon, then thanked them In
..vk- fXcfiA iKi wrilion orOor of >l<i»ai- «• '
le preaeat for ifae kindly it
Offlcr Skiver of Ovl
>r. .K|.-.>-I.‘Dm1o. ifsleiMsilor so tk. «
H, Mcrrllleld o
leh they -----bad eotenalne.
lo wWeh
Mr.-knd Mra. F.
sin«. to ••itluT hushiiix! or wife eouki ^ ^
told thorn they had tmly cxemptlfled ness In town one ..
IhK U'qSie »1<* tron
Kiltkar-1 Oarion aad .tfr* N.
the fraternity of-the order The hymn,
draw. . All huaiiifiis stricUy o>nti«li-ntial. ^
Mra. Tucker.
tba cBmU of Dconacb mod hmrtin
••■•..riinu il lejr
"Cod im with you till we met
tooth oaUmcted.
el roll
then anng by all pre*<
b all retired to the door,
a picture taken of the group and
for their bonH;«. happier for hav80UBH CRANT.
ling had the pleasure of mwMlng their
*». Jmrrb mod JmaMm Sun o( Trar
Mr. Loo&art. Jontor mem^r oMheJfrlends b, aoch a eoclal vUlL
aty *«ro <»llln« t* friend, m
Bd and wife uf Vnneouver. 'U. C


,d I >™,h


Mr ;“S,„ BWI



- ,Som? Information Regarding Bank Deposits. -

*^wld'b“l^re of'ur^aD^ Mi^' ”^e’rr wilt h-- Bti ™t.'nalBmlT.I in' ;T The C.'nu-rrur.' gu.-«' ut Mitiui..few day* I SAVINGS


- B0.rbom'n;M' r,‘t.r3rs;;' war-

VHduT’ " *^^0FDE^SIT

■su» ns» or,';; a;






uii pbM Btmdmr.

peoples-savings bank:




r t » t > t t t * <« t t $ t t -t ».« <i < i


" ^ .w
Oletor Dtabfl CaUt

Oany tbw own lesvai, can
laid.- Yon do not hare to
nowr yoD mav hi
wotntoeffi talw.

price o.i

: Over 200


Tbb is .only one
them. Jntt to giro you
an idea at what price
they arc eoing we offer
one just like c«t, either
caoo or cobbler seat.

'Only suss

Wc are forced to sell all staple goods. Most any price will buy them. They simply must
move. Our buyer has purchased full car loacklots in all staple lines in order to get the
market’s best price. These will begin to arrive in a very short time ami wc must make,
room for them.

ir Ibere U anylbing In bousefurnisbing you are contemplaifng getting.
It oill more than pay you to get it now. We are not asking a profit,
fust our money back.

6o°eart$and .
Baby eabs
Wi- rualiiu’ tliat .what we <lou'l ■
«■» of tln*o III tile next :W ilayB
wc will linvr to carry to ain»lh>T '

A 'bii: Hlic u’> cl»o-*o

from and ;il your oW« iiricc and

and Oil
Stoves aqd

Several Broken Lines and
Odd Pieces
That to close we will sell much below actual cost? These include bedroom Odd
Dressers and ComoKsdes, Iroa Beds. Wardrobes. Dining Tables. Dining Chairs, Side­
boards, BnffeB. Cupboards. Rockers, Couches. I'arior Stands. Kiichen Cabinets, Kilchcn
Tables,'^oves, Ranges. Mattresses and Springs.

Carpets and Cace Curtains
•Here wc are willing lo sacrifice beavily.

sweeping red,alien will b? ,na.le on entire stock

No dirt, no duM, no worry,
limy to oiwmto. Will Mvo
tlicir 0*71 purehaae prioe hi
fuel *nd'almiyi keep yoor
kitcbcD cool.

Cawn and

Porch 0oods
Hfiiiimocks. S'lil-.

Remnants In Floor Cohering

Oinina Chairs
The laigeat and beet aasortmeot in
the dty. The <jnauUtiea in which
we b«7 Blade thorn barni&a at the
regolar price, and at theae special
prioea is an opportanity you will wait
a long time to Me iti equal

and Buflets^
! hca^good
. yon don’tS^peet to buy bdorc nest aitrtng.
I it will pay you to set ik bow if yoa have
I to store it away. Come in and see them.

UBllmUed Credit Extended Dnriit tbe

''itr.-rB —

ill in.-.-, till- ••Illl^• ! I." luuAt
Di.'icat son.-pri'It will


.lolL-ir U.

-t.-ji ill ami !>jc,k iin/uiid.

Including Carpets of all grades, Oilclotfe. Linoleum and Matiiog. w.l! -o at much Ic^v ilnn
cost. There are a lot of these remnants large enough to cover an onlinary si/c room.

JBHUindow Screens and Screen Doors


At a big sacrifice. These we are willing to turn over at any (iricc in order to *ax-c carrying
them to.aBOther season.
PICTURE FRAMES made to^ordcr, any si/e. a< a re-luction of TWENTY-l'IVE
PER CENT during this sale.

Vour credit is good here



B Refriflerafor
Ti. Sumtur BmuMf
If v.rii m.-i'iiie.-why Dotgetit



i» r cent?'



Onr dint

^ l» til- i..rL'cwt and l«t in the
city.< is ffoing to

Ltk" .-^vaatagi- of thU, why
' not you?

Setlinr at tbe Smaller Dealer’s HrstCoet
Nets Us a Fair PrefiL

Ora B. Pleree to Mag#e Drepre*.
^^^U OB the alek^Ut. lot it aRd wH >1, Mock >. Oak Paih:

_________ Seott of TAwoe Citr
Itw. JtaiT*^
MtanM koM iMt mOAT rroB kortb oalllBc « IhU ptaM Moodw.
Mi«. Moore, vbo bu bMO rUltlot
Mum, vkm «h« hu bm vlMtlnc
b«T brother. Etoorr Derttac.­ lincB Ust week.
HIM Vida ShuUer )< borne
’ Mn. imMi* matt «t North Hnm
Her. Platt aad ftiti* fitm Klasttej Traverse Clly. where sbe baa
■WM u «k Uk« eaOer Mrt FUdar«, B,*ktB« calli here ■nwradar ■-arebw dressmafcUc.
Oea. Om SBd Jte Beiacawd west
Mra. MaihUa Faael U oa tbe aick
OoUle HalUday U rttlilitc at TrarMrt. Meexy it taklns care of the
u EJk 1^0 rtoKiir a (e« dajro
^Ut^&ur Pepler Of BMdtos. «bo Clark famUy who have the amaUpox.
Dr. Criaael of Ovemlih eras a <*IlMU» noatl* Wbod of Bofnt Cltf It hat beeo rltiUoc her brother. Oeocse
la thli Ttdnltr one day last week.
Pepler asd lamllr of thU
irMUBC imtlvM bar*.
Rob Wiley of Summit City wea mak­
hare ing reUa la this vicinity U*i Friday
Tbomat Rawliogt and daughter
entertalnlnc Mrs. Janlsre'e
ere eallera In Blackman Sunday.
Jennie BasiKn. her bnsdaoihter. h
Mr. and Mr*. John Brodriek were
iren. from OiMaco. Mr.
band and el
Kingsley caller* last week.
____lira Ihink-or eetUlnj
aad Ure. t

-Jfrf hSU

ma Nuoo ud mu« «m twiod t


Trareree City or its rtdnltr.

Vine Horey. a raUroad ageol at Poe- j
It, Kan. win be 73 yrer* <dd ttmor-|


.ya aad will shortly resiga hU poel
tkm. bavtag eora^ered forty yaer* Ic
ABihceir MiktiU to A^a-MikWa.
Ma 4 and «. block 4. H,\U A Oo.'a tbe employ of tbe etaapaiiy. and dnr
tag aB ttol lime hU post ha* been
ttb add: tSW.
Wm. U Brown aad wUr to DhBUe SIM oalT by blmaelf. He aever ask
_ Hooroe. lota 1« and 17. bUck 4. ad or accepted a leave of absence and

Kalamazoo Boeiies

always bad a eJejr record with hi* en.
Oak Pari: tl.m. '
Frank B. Pnmenter nnd wife
Pneter Kilpatrick, w-24 feet lot 47 nnd
18 feet of lot 4C. Oak Heigbu: SCDO.
Pauline A. Monroe. Eeuie oC Ordw Its InltoMre H*.
Dct. Helra. perceto. P. H.'a 3rd add.
.. laManineak toJetneeManineak.
wli of eli of ewH. •««. ». town S7.
inge 12: $280.
James MrCully to Aaron Box. par­

Consisting of Rubber Tire l^na|a>U-tee

Pel* ■» So

Oentleman’s Drmng Wagons. Top Bug-

Many Travm** City Raaderm
Tbe wmihtag iatoenre of relief
Altar suBering from ttoktag piles.
Prom ecaema or aay lUAlncaa of tbe

ges, different styles;

MUt Nellie Tbompaoo H
Make* pne tert grateful to the ranMiss Harel Ollrw of Traverse City cel. sec. 8. town 25. range 1*: »1.4».
impforai since last week,
bone ma aSeeted and co«U not naa'a eonditloD rematna nearly onvUlUng telatlvrt t this place.
Frank H. Hotchkiss to O. August *^noan's Otaunret has soothed hun­
' 0 bav been aimeed, allhoo^ he niakee no anln
Mrs. Jobe Deco,
^^tite AntOB rrtnrned to Trarerte
. ,
Kelaon. lot 1. see. 33. town 29. rauga dreds.
Mre. Maitu Smith of Cbleaeo who tendlag her daughter at Empire
Here's yhat one Traveree City clil
at/ Thoredar- Mrt. 8»i(h bat takea
the paa^hree wrekt. returned hi
10; 81.
her ptaee as cot* at the boardliif
**D*A'cT-ceno of 313 West >^nlh,
jihn Hobbits eipertlne Mr. ^Smllh ‘‘Mla«*Anua and Uoyd Roger*
General Nesm.
heriorra. b. WUkrim and wife drore oi
Good Harbor vUiied at Prauae'i lai
Governor John H. Mickey of Nebrae- bolds for many yoara- In warm weath­
tim Cedar Run Banday to riait hi
esUoa and look
Eaaghtar. retumlni Hooday.
ks the other evening made good blS er they were parUcularly paint ' —
John Miller made a butmes* trip
annoying and when I went to bed
Seretnl of tbe men qoU work at th
*"MSrj“L.*a*he and danphter Mar
raveree City one day last wrek.
dalm to be one of the best bone tboe could not rest on account of
MW dam Wednesday, so now there i
The dance at Joe Sbalda'i ball S
ton drove to Trarerae City Friday, the
tdteher* In the stale. Paired wilb a tlon. I used _
a number
numb«.r of
of sixalled
> a aeardly of help a«aln.
latter not retorntne ontll Sonday even- nrday night w*a well atleoded-and all
I'l Ointment Is the Obly-I
ranchman named Derby, he pUped tbe enres, but
enjoyed a good time.
.... _________ re me entire reUef. Il[
Mr. and Mr*. NeU Oleeoo of Trav(asbloned game against bU private
*^ra. 3. L. Glbba la aUpptni three
J. C. Pease went to Werfatd Tore- hnadred ihooaand feet of lomber as eras Clly are vlalUog reUtlvei at ihU secretary. A. B. Allen, asd Deputy
For sale bv all dealers. Price 50
Hay of Ust weekao attend tbe fnnerai tost as the can can bo loaded.
State Andlior Antbee. Tbe two Ust ceai*. PosterMUbarn Oa.. Buffalo.
1M 'Saxton baa Doved la
Mltf EHen Olson, who baa be^
. cdABtROarlt. “
- -• tbrtheU
home recently vacated by Chai. Spaid- working at Ray's resort, was called named were regarded as the crack New Tork, aole agents tor
eodety of th'
home on acooum of ber faihre 'belns players of that aecUoa until the occaebuefc will meet at the
Ronember the name—t
^%e recent wind kiorns did less Uid up with rbeumaAam.
slim named, when they wpnt down '
naat Thnrsday aflamooB.
take no other.
damase la and about ihU pUce than
George Kelderbonee of South Uanl defeat nearly 3 to 1. The match wa*
-------M-»- taTtted to attend.
lou visited wRh bU lamily Iasi Wed­
UmeChaile. Rue Ben and Roy Case tbroosh the sunoandln* ronntyy.
A wheelman'* tool h« Isn't cour
played back of tbe executive
All.tbe ranplns partied from thU nesday.
spent a few days t Beutle lake Ust
plete without a bottle of^. Thotnas
pUoe have now returned home.
in IjDcoln while the mercury stood
July tt.
Eclacirtc OH. Hoal* cui». brulaes,
There have been rumora-cd a wedand Mrs. J. O. Crotsor and
over 90 in tbe shade.
sUDgs. spralna. Honareh over paia.
daagbtar Horenee reiamed'Thareday dine to take place at
Henry H. Rodgers of the Standard
atanlat fto» a* extended trip threo*h date.
Mil* lannah Hansee aad <
Oil Company it a yankee. Imrti Id PalrDr. Franklin aarke. an mhileur
Jnly tS.
•re nolle '
'^D^ty S«S“Nalhaa Hoaie went
haven. Mass-, hut be had little or none -boiograpber of Doeton.Jias U-cn
.to Mantfleld. O.. Thnraday to r^rn
of the yanhec proverbial sUngli
Thclr,toany friend* wish them . .
John HlBiy to the reformatorr ihere.
a happy and> prosperous Journey indeed, be bolds-ihal libcralily—a
KtoctUy and Hannah pinred ball
throuidt llfe.
wlllhignest to spend lou of money
Dber of
Banday, Ktaftley defeatlac Hannah
Tbe Fletcher load'ed with lumber
a seore of d«en and four.
order to get still more barit—which is
Neeaea'i dock on Wednesday.
MIsa Pearl Cray retimed to Trar- Una Voloe and Winifred Oagnon at
Mr. O'Brien of CUicago la at tbe
I business,
ing to I'ne Rriilsh autborKies.
•rae City today.
Lakedde hou*e for a few day* on busi- vlded the expendittires .be made wilb
John Bowers U harinc bU houie tag. 'TTie porch was ualefully
Women love a clear, healthy comd llghtHe or
plastered, mnk - HalUday U doloc rated In grawn rlaea. Sower* and
Mrs. Cole, little dangfator and broth­ iDflutiry and inlelllgenee.
ilezlon. Pun- blood makes It. Bur.
a lawn
ed with Japanese lant
the w«^
that pernurlousues* was fatal
otk UkJod Ultiers makes pure bkiode placed
Hies MaDde Oalhooa la In Booth drain, bammoeka. etc.
visit with their molber. Mrs. Fortinc the speedy acquisition of wealth and
oa the lawn for tbe comfortt at
- the
ither reUilvea.
ho pointed lo the ease of a mUer.
Its and
the refresblng
Jahol. Cook, (be monkey lamer, wbo
_.job's American Glass Rlower*
sre and beamitul moonlight all
have given Hue enlertalnmems to good friend of bis boyhood, whoa with all perished from tbe brat the olhey
full of life and enjoyed the amui
audiences, who were pleased with tbe fals scrUnplOgs and scrapings,
Bskol that hi* body be cremated
lU enjoyed In days part when th
work tber saw oo..e.
hardly saved in the courae of-a hi* .ashes sprinkled over Ibe animals
met u^eiher and all ludnlged In
Edward Fisher returned from Man
The atom Ust wM tSd marii dam- game of tag ajid dtop tbe bandkerlong life.
In the Ceatral Park monkey hause.
Utee laat evening much Improved In
. aye arond here. Lota
cUef. enjoying It as much and putting
aiBord I’lerot. chief of the govern
salth by the salt baths. He srlli go
Mown down in the, for
oS allTormallty aa In acbool dpv* and
mem foresiry honma, It a wealthy
ick Turadsr for another week.
,____ ______________ _____ Lautner
Ilvdd again thoae bgppy day*, reui
Ed Deo’<y came over from South
partly hlowa down. The ciu of Oray. taeldenci and talking of happy Ui
but keeps
position Jhrough
MbdIUu laai week iinable to work,
Brea, was nUo blown down.
and better enjoying the evening.
love of the work ronneeled there* llli
having, a verj- patatnl carbuncle on
Adam StfUkar hns a ndw
11c la practically the flrst American
' la arm.
KP «•
PiMo and lha wi
Tbe Empire and Olcn Arbor team*
foresiry a profession. HI* aal
Mo tbo honae.
r hay fever Is almoel
•lections, after which lee
A namher cE Wtg petode from here cream «rd cake was served a-^d the pUyed a game of ball here today, hry of 83.500 is not much of an object at band, and moor people feel that
mttandad the Oow
plrea wt Solon goceu departed for their home* In the which remrlled largely In favor of the
they will Ite obliged to go away In or
•dtooMoaae Satarday nlfbt by local
ebon boar* after one of the .moot Empire boy*.
•' •
sneezing, wslory
« gt»e^
-yable.oocasioBs Of the
inoylng symptoms
Traverse City for a week's
pay him anything. Ue bas thrown
of tl# farmra are throng
lummer dleeai
Its were tbe IMBses
her aunt. Mrs. Alexander and famUy
bwlac and otoere are hard at it. Hay _____ Elveeu Thom^ Tim
iscif heart and »ouI Into the work,
IS wish us to
Mrs. Ctrl Oleaoa tty* the wgi
U a IDod crop tBU year. Wheat U Ue NeUtm. PearWUtoe and----------------gtalug to it all bis lime aad strength tioaneo that when Hyomel Is iisedto* a
•Uo raady to cut.
there will be
Waller Bramen. ArcUe MePbalt and awakened last Tresday rliAt 'hr the
preventlre. or i
sud working much barter and many
lime bartlng and kl-yl-lng
Frank Rantom.
. They advi-u- dally irc-athours longer than lliV ordinary gmHlsa Bdythe Stmtt 4elaAed borne dogs near her hoime. she got up I
Ivotnel f.i- tw-n nr llin-e
Inveyiigate and Innknl out nttlie wh
They «lao make the tarmore work.
clerk who Is solely .le|«-ud.-iU W.-.-KR Ix-fort- lEe t«-usl time f..r Mo‘
MlM %nnab Strieker U borne for a
Hr. John Carmen left Ibl* week tor
tluiug on lu haunchre. upon the BOTorniD<-nt for his support. annus! appearsne.- of hay (ever. If this
^wt^' vUlU Sbe bnmxbt a frired his borne la Denver. Col.
Is done, tbe anack will bo prevepc-d.
cuffing the dogs righr and lefl. then
Jamcs.t;. Blaine, whose name was *a
Dr. Uoeg la spending Ihig week
plnage Into the river. There wa* a many years linked with Maine's polit­ However, If the preventive treatment
attMel of Qraiid Rapidi la via- town.
Is nut tuned soon enough, and the
Contract has been made for three Xan in the boose, but fortunnle tor ical fortune*, has no monumcni erect­ diseate makes It* appearance, um- Hy
bruin, no man to use i(.
loU of the Ransom wdditlen.
•I v<z nr serec limes dally, and reed to hla memory In the stole. ShortMica VelU Spangle <e visiting reU- looked like a Urge bear.
wlll bo given at once,
fy after hi* deaib there was an'elfon
Gvea and friaods U Traverse City.
here Is no stomach doting whew
Mr. A. ZImmeman of Maple City
made to procure* funds (or such a pur­ Hyomel 1* used.
Bnalhed Ihrougk
the gneet of friends in tosrn.
pose. but tbe difficulty m getting sub­ the neat pocket luhaler that comet
Mrs. D Baas bai been HI for U
scriptions was so great that the pro with every outflt. lu mcdlcati
'’'uiditBlw'otnKk tbe tdepbone wire paat few day*.
for a tew day*.
reaches the minutest air colls,
mdm Into Bdward Lantoefa honaa.
Ject was abandoned. Tb-' slate has
Mr. C Banmberger trtnaacied^1s aad soothing
children of IndUntpolii. Ind, a
nesB at Omena thU week.
not even claimed Ibe remains of her
lied I
Mr. Bailey of Chljago^rrired thU Oak Dale tor (he summer.
Mr. and Mrt. Morton Decker and once Hlutirioiu son and the body is
eek for a visit wilb his parenu. who
re tpendUg the summer In this vil- children, accompanied -by Mias Haute buried in Washington. In the rotund*
fever sold by S. E
dortnc the ttorm Uge.
Decker and Hiss SopbU Vesper of of tbe stotehouse 1* tbe bturt of James
•r a (Burantee to reBrazil. Ind. are occupyiiig a few rooms
Mrs-E. Gagnon and famUy of
II do^
give tat: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook's for the 0. Blaine, done In pure white marble.
coBflB are vlaltlng relativea
More than the usual Igterest bas been
Blridter. W
friends in town.
lone Ust Pr
Charles'^ Anderaon and sUter Clara attached to this work of
Mre. B. F. Dame and dangler AiJ
ArchbUhop Clenoon of St Louis has
tenataed triends oa Friday.
wa* learned that it had never been Ftorted for Europe. Intending to visit
Hr. and Hr* B. Thomas of Omena of Mr. and Mrs. Calrto Labare.
paid for. Professor C. Trentanove,
Henry Warner la convalesce:
closely inspert the caihfdrals at
ere la town Friday. '
.Florence. Itolly, made tbe bust and
Harry. Barnes U rUlitng relatives
EngUtnd. France and Cenuany. <-fpe
d Mr*. Ben
fpialt Swphpda wu a guoet of UUe aad friends in Grand Rapldt.
was placed In the rotunda of the cap- cially those of London, Paris and C.e
rmnnd and R
Onea Cmralngham Ust Sunday.
A wedding reception sras/glveo at
Itol ta 1899, but up to ihl* day the logne.
From these
monnmeuis of <
Mrs. Korah and ac
the home of Hr. and Mra. C B. Kehl by Harry Decker of Brazil. Ind..
sciHptor has never received a red cent. mediaeval time* he hopes to devise a
■dwaiE aad HU* Emma Tabor wei
on Friday evening In honor of Mr- and camping In OaUOrove.
Hiss Ina Perrfibvwbo baa been the
Germans from all over the United plan for a great cathedral In St. Louts
Mrs. Iran Thomas. Tbe rooms wete
Mr. Atktason went to Wexford c
Usttfully dmraled snd miuic ud
States will gather In St. Louis

Road Wagons.

Fruit Wagons. Delivery Wagons. Spring
Wagons. Concords, a





We can Save You Money on Anything
You Need in^his Line.

128 Front Street




traverse; oity








la Maple city Friday momtag.

Ing. The bend*VDrnlahed
hrnlabed music on the
porch during the cniire ereotag. after
.. .. U o^dlng which
DowUng If Chicago
bUraeation at theTravene
Travene Uke Re- eerved. Many beautltul gtfu were reeelTed and the bride and groom Harry__________ _ HiUA Kaataar.
Utloni of
the> heany
-Walter E KeHogg. Mre. Norak aad their many friends In thU place.
Ed Nonk bare retu raed bomefp ChiHn. PowW and daughfer returned
i place IhU week.
A mber of yoaag maa srtot oat on
Ladles' Aid society wUi meet
the Uke Ust Snnday whtuV strong
Congregadonal church pariore
breet* sraa blowing. Before the tails o Thursday afternoon.
wore tolriy set. a Budden gale eapB. K. Pickard of Lelaad waa in town
aUed the mOl beat, throwtag Mr. Keltogg oTcreoard and
he casoe near.
Charles' Wrtsley and tamllr will
aeMtag a inurj grave. Owing to tbe Bove Into their new home Aug. 1st.
preeeace.of mind of Mr. Bagetbaler.
Mr*. A. Voice, who.haa been HI. Is
wbo leaped u the oppoalte tide, the cooralesclDg.
eMpm righted liaelf and further ealamMUs Laura Purtsch returned to her
home in Traverse CUy. after spcBdlng
a few days with (deeds In. town.
•wofaodmt urn Thareday nl^t
Mias Goldie Bedford returned home
tneud a Urge crowd and was greatly from Traverse City thU week, accom­
panied by her aUler BeuUb.
baa returned to TravMrs. C. Chase and eon wer.
■rae CKy.
ses this week,
George OUbert end famlty of Weal
lie Steele U spending the
EMsnn paid tbe'Atklnapnt i
summer ai Northpmt -poUL
Eaturday and drove home
Miv. Pniklst. aoeompnnled by ber
granddaughter Dealrioe. m>ent Tues­
*Hre. a WTakocbn and aon Praak day It Traveree City.
want to LeUad on bniiaem Uat WedMr. Nichols was Injured whHe playtag ball tifl* week.
a to he given WednemUy
Mrs. Peter Wurzburg U HI at ptls
The Junior <;. E. will bold a picnic
a gad Prof. Jacoby spent a pleaa cm Porter's Beach Wedneaday.
rwtag at the Phsstu's Uat FriThe Junior prayer meeting* will be
MUi Senon aad ProC.
laeoatlnaed after next Sanday until
Leon returned from Omena this
Tim ■wenligbt himt rides <m tbe
Robert Budd bu relumed from

- **«r^^.*i5S" by t


aetompniiled h> Hr. M^bto

Tbe OIbba ahtagU mlO eomstoted
tUmahtsrdar Uat
There u to be an lee cream aoclal
teU at the charek. Thnzedar eventag
Prteada of Ur. aad MitoJobn Seely
tt New Wexford, former resldesu
km. are grieved to lean «r,(hc eeriora lllaeaa of thetr UtUe daaghter.
AaaegUae. with choton talantaiBL
mm Vada. -VM Dwract u vUIttag

sprinc to honor tbe memory of
crel Frant Slgel, the dashing cavalry
Irador wbo organized four regiments
Osaa Conies and wife
Into their i5ew home on M_............ .
Mr*, bust Ruff and daughter Hay

of young Germans




and "saved HIssourT
The statue, for which

as subscribed



are visiting Robert Brown and family. residents o( St. Louis, will probably
Mre. U a Bus* and ehHdren. who
stand In Forest Park. It Is the work
•re vlaltlng John {
Robert Cauerj a Geraum Amerlcan
. have returned I
*cnIptor of BernnCauer went to
George Benjamin of Traverse City
St Louis last year and modeled the
Raal Eautc Tranatara.

facial likeness from original photo­
graphs of General Slgel at ihe lime of
Slgel It shown at the battle

Julius Camper et alT to Joseph
Arnold, et al. lot 50, Oak Heights; 11,

of Pea Ridge, scanning ihe approach­

W. P. Crotoer, gd., to Lulu M. Vine

ing enemy Jum before Be made famous

lot 2*. Mock 4. P. H.-B 3rd add:
Bd DeTer and wife to W. E. Moon
lot 8. H. L. A Co.-a I3lb add: 82M.


It pa* to this engarp-

men I that the tamoos humorous

C. Vallewu. pareej, sec. 32. town 2S

-Me Fought HU Slgel" referred
Tales of other days were (old In the

range 11: 81.

New York navy yards the other day.

Jennie M. C. Swafford to Minnie -A

Jennie M. C' Swafford to Wm. B. when Rear Admiral Joseph B. Coghlan
entertained three shipmaies




• who
ie« rif

"boys" and tuned seeming
glorious victory for the

boy* in blue.


CMfnalle Cure*.
The Influence of cllmaile eondiiliins
In Che cure of mnsumpllon Is v\;n
much ovonlrawn. The poor pmlrni.
and Ihe rich patient, too. can do much
better at home by proper aiO'UlJon
to food digestion^ and a regular -ise of
German Syrup. Free capecioralion In
Ihe morning Is tna-1e cenain by Ger
•use Synip. so Is a good night s res!
tbe absenee ,.f thai weakening
b and debllliniing night sweat
Restless nights and the exhausilou
due to coughing, the grestesi dange r
and dread itf the consumplive. ran be
preventeil or *iopp,-d/bv inking Ger­
man Syrup iil--r*llv
and regularly
Should you b.- *!•!. lo go to a warra.'r
.clime, you will find Ihal of the 1
A t-onynmpilves

A clnudbdrei fliled

the *ir<-<i* of.


Jeorgeiown. Ind. with three feet bf
iwUhlng water (bat
washed away
houau and store tonodaiioas and


tfreeked the town Inside of a couple
: hour*.

No live* were losi.


Calkins. eH iff neli, sec. S3,

year* ago.


It was the flrst

range 11: 91.
Ten ihonsaed demons csawing away
Wm. F. Grint and wife to Henry (our men bad met since three of (hem at oni's vitals couldn't be much moriMleft Ibe navy (or clrll life after Ihe civ­ than Ibe tortures of itehlng piles. Y.t
SaJer, parcel, are. 8. lovrn 27. range
there's a cure. Doan’s Olnuneni never
il war and Rear Admiral Coghlan
11: 810S.75.
tinued IR the navy.
It was .Ensign
Thomas H. Sherman and wife to V
L. Brown, parcel. Oak Park: $1,580.

Coghlan of Ibe sloop-of-war^^ahramen-

tgS aff-Jimes Robins was the
Wm. L. Brown and wife to Loren
Downey. hMt C.44. Oak Height*: $300. chief bosun's male and A. W. Ward
and James HcGraw were apprentice
Jane E. Hamilton to William J. Con­
ley. loU 5 ^ 8, Mock 70. intario^- bos*. Hr. Robin*, wbo Is the oldest
o( the (our. lives ta 78 Murray street.

aad son Baafl took
trip to Traveree City.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wemen of OUU
Juai^ H. Monroe to V. S. OUinger
Pier spent Friday in Traveree aty. .
George Leslie mtenl Wednesday
wife, parcett, town 2fi.
ta Ikaverae Ctiy,
O. H. Power returned to tbla village
Sarah D. Wright in Charles L.
(hU wnek.
Hr. NIchoU and wife left tUs week,
lou 18 and 19. block 4.
for toMr borne ta CbllHcotbe. O.
ak tark:
Mr..aod Mrs. J. F. Baraabaw cf CoChirlet U Blackman and wife to
' lumbut. O.. are gnesis at Cedar. Ledge.
Louieji:'Johnson. kM 18 and 19.
Tbe pay trate was ta Haaday.
Inly M.
Uoak 4. Oak Pack: llJSO.

Prederirh Creollrh. a Berlin miller,,
remarked the other day al a convivial
"All Is not
wisdom that drops from the emperor's

Exprvts Company

To Cure a Cold In Ono Day

Rorttesler. while Hr. HcGraw llva
Sackeit's Harbor. N. T. After Rear egw SW.Or«**sd(ro»ret«ea>w
Admiral Coghlan was aatlgned as com­
mander of tbe New Tork yards hU old









Ups." and la now undergoing a term
of three months lo Jail for his offense.

Newark: Mr, Wart U connected with
Ihe American



_____ U Rkbe« F-------------------------------------------) o'clock.
One SO-Ccat Ticket admlB t
: years. Ball-pise.
' Pertatmances Begin at 2 Bci 8 P; M.

I; Reserved seats and admission tickets can te «ie-s ~
-1 cured on show day at S. E. -Wait & Sons drug store
°'jat'«ame price charged on the grounds.


wnrs sa si- terrlBS the two or three HtOc ■’posprWki
toworwii u iSel
«omu ^ w*t
1, dfd be, wHJ
Barder to Irtoeeedt’ tsaplos otUke............... *
nstaltr «(
who are la Caror « the ac-! tnrsed the hose on hia |nsl-SM*o keep tl secret, la New
said Dr. Bdward T. Bice* the boat, aaked'hlar'ir b« hadn't
thBB ffOttlBC Borc than few
atked lo rettea.^‘sother and was not cnacht tiatU he
tloa. will Ukei;
on Wtda to ter qsit hi* fa^tUmeas mad take a nli» Vork cu.r. hoverer. be 1* Raid to hare i The
.hand played a dlr»e.
' had tlren her s *ood wettta*.
<ja«»tela five rani datiTOT V«taa before Ibey tnroed ap their toet.
Sir Ueh de*ea-1 been a rrpkal CafUah sport, belns
the Rtodeau at the Wcitem State ride la a n
Id aoeordsDOe with lastroctlon*
U> b* iuvdra«d IR Bwrtai ttmaxj.
two lander of EnsUsh trail lerden wdj C J. Patlerwra. the laUUonalr.- ee-. Tb.\r1l!aRe board « KlifBey hSS
cnle dlselale aec^ea-aad
aecesiea'S.^ - ipeat
e iDUmste S
fnai fnlon City. as»-r«la« '^l «•»' raalraet to A. Olbbs of Mar
■H—fl Umi mIrr St OrsBd Bsp- from the ooBBlaalooen the BsUle I—. V—
c cuTh*. Hr I)
— __ _ . irtsa hi* OWD
farnisb the r
Mr Mndtsra stklUt soMMstsd to sot
Held to fnrn
ertne sad srced that the et^ool (each-; esaoe. with womt asd tacM^ at satRW tbSS •ItmMO UriR RMOB.
ihn Booker, one of tiei,heBihU aato frightened a lar^s
"«ht*. The eomrael oslta tor tre*
dallr with John
i chor. nnellr It «a* aoilced t
era takes staad s^lnst H
________________ I

.... Il-ka. I
Miet cUMr. sbRflCt sad proRRCiitI rldtOK the bobblaglold tl»r mlBstiets.
and ._____
Is said
Psttenua cllsibed
R';r .ilabM >
ls( sttonierR *<U boM snaosl Rtste
; bUlow*. whDe pole.
«le. -patapkln-ERttl*-i.ampV!n-n«Ii- '; luarrted hU sister,
slder. aa
as tetress.
setress. They
Tber ,nto and Irt the far»er s hor»« »,r. '‘"“I*”
ssBTRDtlon la JaekioB. Jolr ST sod U.
and Dibwona*. unnifloved. teiUfled ; dM not lire long loitciber. howerer,:
fanner, wbo had sworn s blu. »'»o P'»r'‘ ll«h'r*;«oree aad dw^
Hsrty WosMer td FJlal the sum posted wen reonired to *o and was told to rub tome good skin
the presence
the ffsbermsa on • and when Hooker eane to Adrian In »tro.k diinr>K 'he operstloa. ihre. a ‘»r hou*ef. l•ropu«lltun■ are new Ije*'
- .rarly
- ,j,• , p,mog
• in* con»klor«l for water work* IB ran^
fl.hemaa on ibeNbe
To * rnd erected -a ---------snanner:,
tbrnt Rtlek Id n* trbllR pltrlDS tad shoot whh the pollc^sa w> that ss- food on her tare vlwo^r tbr.* Ui»a*|
the llgb<*. There ffill be a
looe B*a eoold Identlfr th* pesi««l,
iBtgine ber hiiabann s tnr-,
bome Joil north of ibe cliy. Keallng! ,truek the espensire tnarhlnr In a R'-Hlen
^ _
uumber ' improteiaenu during this
Uael««r ll-resroU Oelbert.Pr*------- nta tad not clsln ibst ther did hot: prise when he came borne Mddealy one ,

«r KslsMsM. wbo U sIlRjRd to bs*« knew the msa. TbI* they are ddn*. noon and fonnd her acoonng bor lace' .ue
spread and th. rt* was c»-' erased ctimlng to Adrian, the prop- Frida.'- night 1^1101*00 swun- out a
•' ‘he place,
alteced that aoaic of the boose with I weliirrwuntt.
psrjsrad hlMRU Is RResna* vwHafR
,.|iein<-ni and taroi*ble comments ba'erty fell Inu. Keating's possession In „,tsni. rfaarglng, nallcloa* de»tru<Attain* of Saginaw came to
USRMR, bad vamst Bven oet (or fllhlere sad their wires hsre pui up
The sympbonr orchestra of Trar-jjji^
A rciurrrc-; some mnnotT and he conllnued lo live ,|p„
»»> City »l'b a recommendallon.
City. conMnlng of lonrieeo !
lad-R aiTDrt. sad ssotbtr pscIr ea- }obs OB lbs wbUkf deslers for the pur­
.here nlune I. U also aald Ibni at oBe
.... ,hu ro.--w«. u. break woulJn t ’■’™>>k;y worrte.!, from Cilef Kata rf
pose Of blsekmalllBc them. Tbe boerd ;
pwiRd Ddben-t nsRR and
direction of Prof- j
l»e: -Ime Keating was a rich broker l» -.
, ^„p,-- „„
«.n,. *
8«'nn*' PO»o- department. Ad^
** *“®' Mare of dlsgast he gol from ibecrowd ’ Ssn FranrUro, but went broke on lhe;g,
t, lu the men who were
Ih a* n specUl on
(.nro^-oU CbarICR Tbortton of at ihe matlercf posOngIti a different,
,|,u vlliage PrWaf I
ta^ made a W-respceilng corn marke', and was iMng on an al- ^ ,
^ ,p,,
, fjcorj
’**» aty.polloe f.rte. lo do doiy
m a case of lowaace msde by bis wife, and -llh 1
during <he strike, l,ui -he could M be
Ssekaw iu fnss s laddar U (albor-a light, and have ordered Ibe chief to 1 ,»«,lng that was «rc^-.ed with S well [
IM sad 'SDStsISRd InlsrlR* vbieb cODtlnac to serve them.
Jfllled house«-’j^,^^,^^^,^^^„„^p,,„^,,„.„,a,„p ,he paltry sum be could take In from
break and I.- Ml to Ihe

•:aid tatlsfaeliona.wa.altewiedbyU.el
happened we alwnpsihls ehtekens. ..Vot knowing where .0
thero. Friday night be
Thai n biuband
bis wife bai Jus*, teen estSblUhed by; hearty applause glren each number.]
„ ptov.e differrni. Il | find any of bU rel*Uv«» and because
trying to burglarize a house. The rat'In the; .rf the badly deeompo.tsr condlitan of
oromenda;um wa* sUll In hU pocket.
yroblMi iRlIi ^stua Crrak (bat Ukp Iba supreme court In a decision hand-j The-Interest was chanced by the
„ - .. bin naiiin!.
at—sc. from wMeb cHr (RU vatrr od down in the Sarah Otlpman Turner knowledse that the members
member, are til
all i,<^
_„etroll Tribune.
I Kloise I — I'een 1101
sanor. Is act Rsaitarr.
•. wbkfa at been In the courts ^ of ae high
OrM.- Brown of (1,^ j Friday 1
only f5>ir week*, esmv to Ihe evmcin- fjt B<ky
•iHrtfM P. Cwlaa. oU soldlsr ot for lour year*. The huihand died re­ City, with one or iwo excepiltms. In ,
nkle! H. D Morov of Itangor, mfior will-and
Crratal-Vsltoy. rawlrad |IM (ram «bR cently and bU estau will now gel 'addlUon
•uu KK, KUX.
—............... prldwT a* the result of a »wry rare' log 41 yenix. has rveelvi-d a itrsH fr^I-j,,
asked the |K»r eomml«»l'»"'T 10 vend
•ibtR la psrmat «( bosalr-offered lo
ttOADO of Uie deceiued wlfcV
O^ral M.10W. Uule Ml*.
^ v,«,muloneuritl». "Uncle Bam' for 1= 15. Ihe emouni dee ,
tin. for BRO lo RBilft la UDka srsiy. esute. raluad at tU.OOO. Mrs. Tuner
■" •' «“'««•<«
i •='"
•** vrltb4d St o( tb« 41 seen o( BarriRd lUe died withocl learittg any netr rels- *^l ‘'•Tm
Mrs. Charlutie T. Ossseite. who
Mr. sad Mn. .Joba rosier of Bar Clir tlrc*. ber next of kin being nephews
Mr. Morey *t* OM aware lhal
I prvsenl.'.l .tlhlnn eollego
violin «do
bfed Si cbUdfRB sad ao twla*. Twroij asd Biee«t. to whom, a* well as to-her
ernmem uwol him auylhlng la this
aome Ubrary building In^Bmory of
a% BrMf. twaottrtunaraffhesU.
id. Bslem T. Tuner, she
line, bi>: I'Sd wrii'en l.-> inquln- about
ber deocascS daughter, was drenched '
6hartas H. Jarrli o( Ukeport Roea special boosetts. The will tben pro- „.po..r«,.......
Mandamus proceeding, have been !•«“»'
»” with water ih<- 01 bn- day-(>y her great-;
mthtt mad WMban. rtalmlas tber rlded eksi the residue, be divided
............... .......County Treasurer *1“''
The offlcralH. in looking the grandaon, ■n»:ma» Jeffe^i Mtl'utchigW heirs at law. While the The flute aolo by 000 of the orchcitra 1......... ....... ........
eteoirod asalaat ktm sad «aoU deed
prevent 1 P»‘‘‘ ‘‘“f dl»i-«K>re,| that hi- had M.13 •»<pn. aged 3 year*, (hr »on of ei-Mayur .
fiUbar set asMe. Bari be was statute clearly prorldee that Uie I
----- IT uu. found iho^ioumy hs
C^UIe and Mrs. Horst sdriix! to the him from paying order* signed b, a
band la entlUed to oaobalf of aU
kfpt (ro« alcfc rooB.
a drati ;
cualng to Mm. and s
cnjornmnt of the evrainc * entertain-1 deputy game wsrden of J.cU«m co-anFAMtWSUm.V CO. Tiasost^.Wch.
frmia CModMaUis, John Warm personal propfrly, the nephews
(or the qmoiinl.
meni by tbelr vocal wrlo*. a* both ] ly for expense. Incurred In prosoeut■Cb Joaei* f>a«satta. all opper pwls- nieces eootsaded that Ur. Turner
“Cnu murder be forgivenT~ Thl* •
wera in fine voice. FolU.wiog the con-i Ing ihr.-e men for Hteral flshlng In
a#a BRS wbo len Marffoetie
was. tbe queMlon BmU Walls asked of
iodge Jewell of Grand Rapids and Clr
Mpeb to Bitsr the p^mmt
for an hour of dancing, which was in-1 test to determine whether a dep-jty a bospilal aiinidunt at UarauwUel
em Jadge WMeoii held that tbo
before the edhvlef* death, ;
If young | «me warden from one eooniy ran prison
.argr numl>«r
uuui<.e. u
rale abooM apply to real ceutc aa to dttlged In by a [ante
Into anolhor lo prosenilo .'ffend- the r'-fUli of a self-lnflicled knife
sny Of the older Udl'e* j «
peraonal property, end tbU rlew has
Utd then sign urdc-r* up^in tbi- wound. "I>ld you ever Ult a human:
id as "pslroDH of tbe ban." The. ei
h<ra been eOn&mad by the eapraiae
nurse asked. IB
les* and Juror'*
I netted,I
Ladles' Cemetery 1
Sobs of the tnnaan west of Albicf eoart
mV from Ute eniertslnmcnt under |The sute Uw provides that'the elate - V.'i’ll. am that
Tfco mimlclpe! Ughtlng plant ha*
hiss been troubled a rant deal latdy
,pices the conceit was glvro.-l same wanlen ran do Hrf* In any coun- The dying mxn refusnl
hi (bc/rafWM of'SktmkA Tbelr dilef
and wUiiher he mcxtil that, while
!^Bh ^d^ I'roVraB.
ify. •nd ihut . depi.iv w.rdm
pMntnfhUaek SMB# lobe lbs poultry Already eome |T0X»0# baa been pst
The raeort and flehlng season l*:lnglvo In hfs Own couniv'. I.ul say* nothing lienylug the kllllag of the Wllmra bay.
Hob id the food cannoi eilst. (hat any
In lime r
biases, wbara Uisy Bsks s^ irork Into the vantnra, bnl the plant conils- BOW IB Woom. Ae Tribune would tag-labout a depuiv from oue conniy go- he had prevlourly eommlttcd murder.
dlMS»o aerm* which mav mter.'he
ol sN lhp-«i in sifkt. tbas dotnc nat to koae BKraey. Ua aeconat is oser- gesl Ae -proprlotT of every oae doing ] Ing Inio anotber.
iiuBiach will be dwiroyed. SBd food
UMr Bban to MOW Un prswat hi^ drawn about tlO.OCP. Now the Bnasee
rill be *0 readllr aialmltaicd that a
“h; aST
avoid abocking, Capl. Ambrose Keallng. an eeeen by waltz was a Jaek-kBite wllh a l-<*
wbst oaa I
s^BiDW «ttes
Bnt (ho fncT ooamlttee of the ooimcU bat
rstcrioua dlsaj.-1 trie character Bring alone lust north Inch bUde, curb s» eonricU are per-^ lodlvlduil life the alomsrii rapid »Bd healAy iBCitoae ta flesh
iM <tboy sunl RffSi saMu to bt (hs
of Aonac.
Adrian. wii
*1* loaon
found unu..
dead lu
in hU yard mltu-d
10 have.
hsve. Wall?,
Wsllr died repenlant.
,.eptx*ual Ihe "guard" will result.
paarsBcef. Sometblng riould be leu
^ ...
rvoQSBess and sleeplessness oomc
of lhair Milt. iMtand of trylnc bonds, flredlnhs of this for the In- bahlhd as iclew, unless U I* raaUy in-: Fnday morning by Mrs. Wooten, wbo He expressed sorrow that be had'against sickness If It IR alrong and
ofiee from a weak stomach than
prorsmeni and'' ralargarant of tbo
to ROW w tbair
- - from any other caatd: headache, back­
tahded to drop permanently out «f'called to ;.ui the housw la orrie- It given the offleerS «. much trouble, and I
ache. and rhenlBaUc pains are directly
ttlswa, tM«,B«iM.^*a a eery per Ughiliv gtsdoa aad HOMO to rnahe ■Igbl. Wba\ is aimed at I. ease* like Is .»K-lb.v.>d tbsi he died Wednesday said that If he should lire thfy would j
r else tlriren cB»*.-d bv the sHd rondlilnn of INo
good the overdraft agslagt lu bocobbi.
cwUWo Mao. One

(bat at Oorme the other day, Tiere r.lghi. as hr bad net been seen alive |
stomach. Hb(*«a corteca"BU (BlA pr*^
thaaiBt sbt wodM pst a Slop to tbelr Urn oouBcU ha* adopted the satMetlon a young man hired B boat and ffshlng since that lime. The dead man wg»
CB Hs'-en
Itsran has
nas been-elosod
oeen-eio»vra by
oy (he.
veni* tltr formation ol adds, ami aew
aiid^A^poeUl eieetloa -srlll be Md
ousnes*. kidney trotible. or rbcBma•easno
vMtg. «p oM.jni|iBOR»t » (•« «
outfll and Rtarted elene to brave tbe nearly Tu years ol age sod his hlsjory I sheriff. Every place except- re.Uo- • .hmilfl
llsm. Is quickly cured
ehortly. lust eprlag wbea the propoo< otyyikBlM lor the pnipoee.
nerlls of the fairly deep. He whm i 1* 0 my»l<ry. He is said to be .rf Eng-1 rant* had U. door* closed and crepe ro sir.„_____________BO eBeet
Ask 8. B. Walt « Sons to Mura yojl
MB's Mat tbs Bade a Uule boM
of luck flth- llrh birth and l*-caii*e of ht» goi*l .vtii-! allnrhed lo 'the front. Sunday. Flag*
(be giiaruulee iiuil.u- «iiUb H.i'y sell
Thl* remrukable remedy puts
l^dM aoA<«(A«RBtl aad drcvpsd u Un hlgbwt bidder wae eabmilied to
. vrlilli- lUe pc-ople '
Mio-na. Trie* M ecnit. It cvmUi noth"
1 ih.uiaht by many t
le digestive system lo so heali

. .




-• —- -







,S!;;.,:’i';r,»i“.iKeep Well by strengthening the Stomach in
- Summer With Mi-o-na.

MM HO MSWS Ol a wasa, tweaiyeora agaraK s'-

J ^"5?
• bpoand $1.26 Foulard


...... V 69c

-store aosed Every Frldoy Aflerooon Dorliiz Warm Weather.

rivals freab from the Eastern t^ors ranging from $6 to $12.
'New CAvanettes in Coverts jutt came a few days ago at $10, $12 and $13..'K)-'
You c^alwaya find something new at Milliken’a


: Apron Ginghams

We always show the brat Bed FnU Standard, all eizee of
SpgHils to be fonnd .in the city check* and colon for

Be yard


Is one of the best show rooms in the state, occupying as it
does the entire second floor of the annex with the row ot
windows on all sides; it would be hard to find a belter show
room. Tell us how your .rooms are located and we caa
show you almost exactly how your carpet will look on your
floor. This room is flll«^siih the best there ifl'm wp^.
draperies, curtains. Below you will find flome tmd-flummer bargain*.

Dress Goods—Some Underpriiced Items

SiUc Coats-One-Fourtli Off
Thh Uoarticularly timely. IS the nightfl are cool enough'to need a wrap and these coats are
i heavy
to keep out coo^air of the evening and light enough in weight to be scarcely notice­
able. Jttitflte thing for boating or riding aa they repel both water and dust.



Just now is a good time to pick up a bargain at the Dress Good* >counter. There is alwayfl.'ft
short length or an odd piece that we are always ready to close out at^a bargain. Scarcely enough
perhaps of any bnc thing to advertise, as probably the one you would 1>e attracted to would be gone
when you came for it. We give you just two items in wool good* but they will give you 4n idea of

One lot of 3fi inch small imiislinci and broken plaids in the leading colon that were ,60c, that we


ove'rplaids. checks and mixtures. 30 in., that we are dosting out at 50c yard
wash goods, 9c.
50c wash goods, '>yc; 25c and 35c Wash Goods, liic; 10c. l'2>ic and

Bath Towels
For fvcryUxly.

I .\ll .*111111 \V;iisl*.i»nd n U»-l *<■•

Sjdeo.lid on.-1

2 for 25c

6>5e yard



Belter oiira at tl -W. 11.75. $2.00

Loiiff KiMioii-’ui at $3 and $3.50.


One^-Fourth Off

Short K^rooiiM. v.-o' prettily
mad'- at
$1.00 and $1.50

\ I'oo') oni- ill onl'jr* and black


MM-Summer Specials from the Carpet Department. M Floor
HaapStair Oupetfl, good qoAlity.

^ Alii » UA Heiip it h^c


Oupo^t •bootWaida Wt,


I* Kuks K-ft-of
Peraiab Stripe Ctra.-b Cuv'cTs. fol] aix.\
\^^^rAy........................................................... ............


Velwt «nd BniMelt Corpeta. Wc ahow
•nr aOO poUerat. prioed^iatn 41c per yd to


Short ends of Velvet nuil Bni«8.4s Curja-U. fluituWe for Riitfs. ttU '■neb Tic aud ...........................


Bamboo Poivli Sbn<1ea. in nil siu<a, just Ibc
yiing for uov, up from...................... ...................

lisl2 Bi

IS. Huy iii«r. ns |>ri<-<-B nn- iioiiii; b
lulvuil' .• for fail, t'uoi) qiiuiity up from ....

tone effects, per juir

Ingnin tail phtternaJillin best stock


Rqgs in Velvet. UrusK-i* ->"'1 Axtnmilcrt,
sis-dal purebaw we aiv in position to tffler 700 mirt
4onh op to »:K).00. in oil tb.- D.ra deaien* ot r\r\
UII.I colors, simply works of urU hi onij - - •

I lo|i>r romliin'itions.



St^ MaUiiiKd, liiu


..t ik.tli-ms. r.-„'ular

sjustial^W (d Cnahmir

2 1C

LatS! Cnrtoiiu in fine rnfUe m t, Un- I1..W Liml.

J ^ | Q


Lace IXxir rands, n

.liff.-rt-iil 'Vsiirtis.


Tliisis the Curtain Store of' Kortlu-m MirhigBB. We
•bow more riirtaias llian any two store* in ibe citj.

; bread aad water (or three dapa. Atom
ftae Ftober. Tbe adtaaea mrtr coaCat Tr> Sram Trw.
,‘toto woat Moard tbe iieatl aad ardvi •
A lean ewaed bp J. W. HHIIkeB aad aMed cr the toBoolag rortdeata at
drtrta by Jama Pwtar toe* a apim ClaetoaaiL 0-; Fred T. ToUj. boato C.
tbe altop bnweoa Wjrtawr-« Twer. Dr. C •'..Hetotor. V'tOtoa aad pretty, bat wealiby. She to HIM f
MB<« to haeb a pillew tor
iHdea Wilder, aad her tatfaer to eae,^**oa H^aday mad SaKh aad Albert OroU.
bto fert. or tbe faratobtos. tbe metTbe fooBder of tbto etob. *-Ua«le ,to Ibe great rogaektagi
ktogi of Ibe Pa :
trace aad pUtowi are coreird with a faded op OB tbe coon beaee
Hiekory.” (Jama Klekmaa). to prob- idSc. worth earrral omioBa. Ii waa.^
k* 0< ftwto U4 WUM* c( Owi
^ ^fokia oat to Now Or .
etrlpcd ataS aot oallbe aamr ctoUw cT Porter bad left Ibe team etaadlagla.
fber^Waee te Vea br ei
T bcuer kae
mttfoUt amr the
>•-1 her lore W ehUdroa aad aalalalf..___
« oaar^
tbe prtamt aad a Waakrt corenac tbe tbe aller betweev WeBlagtoa aad
,hu yoaai wooiaa
OK. tk« IvMU MML TtoBMtlBf
Dtottnwa to larked brtweeo l( and tbe FPiakilB atiweia wbeo. few aooe «a- dpie of Itaak Waltoo to Hlcilgaa. A I
aaitee aga^ her daier city.
alight maraa preeraU bto prmrace to ‘ 24 (o aeck'lbto app^aiaMbl. She Ua
beilaldr. mock aa Ibe.aeat be
«M «ui«lr p«n0Ml IS4 »o MUUur
kaen reaaoa. they atan^ to raa.
Hrt-1*11^ Fraecr. atoter of Hartoa
Dcrw tarke to ber aaowr toeet.
irrmiT—‘ nrr Um Rm*
Tbe boroa tan out oaie Boardaian camp at pmaet but be la cipeeied be-' sKragted oOeer. aad wcara oa fcer erawford aad atom
Here, bowerw. tbe laeemhl
Bveaue. eroaaed tbe etreet aad eadrd fore tbe ead of tbe armoD. Tbe , ,5,4, j,i, bal the afleer badge o( her Howe, baa- aailedibr JaW^>ttc
tbe preemt atyto of bed rea*
weather kaa aot bmn farerable for j
carrica a reroncr Not tba> abe may aaatot tbe work Vibe
• ta uU ea MWlll Mtltorttr
Tbe lta«
to«< at tbe bead ere carred t
Sabtog tbe pait week bol aome good
ago tbto aananal yooag woana Red CroM at TiAto. of whtoh aodetp
ttaperv WIlWw l«pr«»ed «*
3BB wu tooad to a**-.-— —T—
iledtoaetakeoetbe wagoa aad ■
caioba tarn bee* made aad the boy. ^
that tbe oaptale d
nter (bt
X Ui»l- at OdrWeo. to Arte totoir. aad Cron citoUtoM. At tbe root a wooiaa
tbe wagoa atrock a tree botb Uic
abe to a meatber. Vader PHaeeu Tosaiiocib* wiriD ito lar >mi wd «ln IbefarttbatlitotbeealTooerdKa BOrTooBdtos *T>Ictare wrltlsr' boldi broken to tbe bonea' mootka. Tbr ■ are WJoytog
which bad lately pai into pnH had ter
^«i to tbe
«rt*i ttat nfona b* crastaa to tte aee erer nmarttort aDoos the Batv fartfa. Iba aldet are Btoartre panele wblfto troa were cplft iato allreri aad
- tUgfal ofleaae lotLm hu .wo
1. may be. go W tba
etber pl.«e of fafnltare foMd to ao carred to a almUer maaiMT. am
Sotdler.- md Sanaa- Mmloo.
g,rt. to . cMl.
a latgf poplar tree naarty opcooted
etoet nitoi tbe ometoitoo la drawa atraniue of tbe whole mart, h i
(roet U the aeeeaalt) edati.
nou. Jalr M-—A« eacW nport tbat btda at Ible urtj era were a aer article ipade te be baodrd dewa from Wbea tbe wasoa croued the eeibtoa Kalkadca. Mirk-. July 2d—Tbe Oraad ;
Trarerao Soldlera- aad Sallora- aaao-;„ ,.■■■
mi to St. pourrtoi* —wmw
ooe feaeratbat to tba otber.-ai(aso a aboeel which toy to tbe wagoa bo* daiioo win meet at Kalkakta Aur________________
bOBb tbmrlBi OblragM oeoamd
to ewe ttat iwertoae to tbto there
wai throwB toto a ample tree, eutttog
If aad If. Comamader Harriot rcte TMte toll ««ok Mi tbu olcbt <X- to MT're.-ord or tbe eatoteow rf bede
oStli* toppaita tbal the ladleatloaa for a Utr.
Strwd Fair.
weU wlttoMt an7 bed to Ue to. aad
Tbe auect (air of tbe Capitol Amuwe- K-to hoped that erery oM aoldler aad
CktoBco. i«'r
kobbtb. wae Det aatB tbe Ure or Blraitoai ai
Iba Warti.
cat ootomay waa opeaed to .he puMto aaUor to aonbera Ukfalgan will lake
Ibt JmMM pMOO OOBtolBBkMOr. asd Onefce befan to rente toto coeepar
Tbe snwteto road boUdm
mat ceBpaay waa epeaod to tbe peUle adrantage at tbe low ratee.
dre aTbarlte Iniarj tbat tbe bed aa

world ai
Tuoday. Wl.hafew eaeaHtoaelbcat
conpoDMt part oMbe booertioid w«
•oath America, la tiwUdtog a 1
Soldiera Will Heot.
' inniOBa were to worktog order aad
tocUtotioa will be oooipktoCvUb ibe
ey any mloott partlrlea of <
Bellalre. Rich.. July J4.—Tbe iweo |
ponloB of Front atteet
b wbkfa they Rae a tbe toad
ty-flret annual earampinent eg the An
latleria ai 1 imwtaciw of crowded with people duriag tbe cnllrr |
trim Oinaly ftddlcrs nad Sallon bmo |
tbeto----------- - . »•
••(eToaini;. Tbe Ferrto wheel, loewled j
AeeofdlB* to Or**k aad Ronaa If oementnl by a aaeter taamo. Some
Iclaiion wUI be held here Aug. » and :
• - WbtMbr, iolr as.—no ooeUllau poee.
tbe eoraer of Uoloa and ----- wall patottoSA bBMrtlera aad rejao- Ida of fbrir Dtaobee can be fanned
10. On the forenoon of Wedneadaj
bare ordered s iMoraJ tttlkS to be to- Metleai
to eeolptare. toe ertgtaal bed wbeo « to retanabentl ttat tbr wl^ole ctreeta. waa the flm allraetloB te there wHl be a reeepUoa and aMlgn
iagre^abow dny in TroTcrao City. CTieap ratoa da all raada.
MCmtoi Moadar at a AMMdMti
vaa a beoeii. oftea a baaotifallp carr- et tbto road to tbelr tree, peebapa wear- beitlB buSaea. aad wa. IlheraJly
cd aad decerated Jieecta aad oae cDrer ly baV a ailto loog. la deturly tbroaied nmlicd la the afteraoon and erenlat. menl of Quaricre, la ttoaneraoon. »1»
lUbg and tanrie and In th^eveolag anMiCbttoa toto vM tt IMnMka. tbe ■%a wtth eaaUy drapertea. bat atfll to with a maltUBdevQtog oot empty and
, address of welcome by Clark E. Dra«SM wbo aU—jtad tt aaeBatoute tom a bearb compered to tbe bede of comlag back with ttieir nmtwella-IIke
followed by a ramp Are. Thor,
Maay of tbem were laad * bwdvm. wWto tboonada npea tboo•area Toa SotoM. tba cbMC.oC poUoe toder.
Ti> lm\-e yw^er^thoft^--, ^.
drecTTlDg of credit. Tbe feoataln (
eetta. acme oT marble, aad
ttoy moralag there will be a boalacai
»iM. awana to tbe doomed tree.
at Wtarmwi Marcb M. It It toand tbe terra
Itaete to tto broaae veelawe wbkfa to Tbat tbto ract aemy to tmdrr the brat It locaicd in a canre. cvetamre and' eeesloo and at 4 o'clock camp wlfl be
entire attention to tk-fcctire cyea.
4ar Mtoed for Iba etilke win
to operated by waier preBeore.aad
etui to toe.
■'toarted hr rtotto* aecoDpaoled
Btraaran wall patodtose of tbe ftfth ttwiD tor tally a tew moatoota. Tbe elecirtclo. Some very beaalUul e(-.
aad ainb-mtaitoe a C abow that
forts arc creaied. and ' tbla ta wnCendofiMd Telegrema.
KJtoar Atortoad RMM.
tbim eowbee w«e plendral tbm. Tbe
doubtodly tae'of the Boat apectacalar
Aaaapolto. Md, Joly :i.-Tbc bo-ly
ttnataaa bonded weU wbm tbcT «aa>e m. w-hlfh they do by loorhlBg hrada fmiura ever preaeeicd la Traverse
IS-Ww tortosa «
ttttake bcda. for coeef^
for a moioMit Tbe todlridoal ao City. A mlBlatnrc village, aa Indus-1 “ Jobn Paul Jones waa landed at lu
atobartMa tbe etatMeeat thi
•rtwi ikU morotag aad plaeod In a
iewfacd wtn atop, tora back, bnrry for­
Ibe mtorMoe bitweeo Btoperor
rarwlteauteitoto. ward or abow fa wome ant* way tbat ■rial dlaplay. ' ---------------- --------- vault.
take advantage of thtbate aad CBT NIebotot. Saadar alfbt to and marble betasDtnow,
la in operalloa. eleeaet oa leg*, be to foOowtag aocae comtaBad. But
cheap ntea aRd oooie to
Md rtttardaj. mwm» WWto» adeoaeboftodap. aodpBed a Imttre proof of the dtoripltoe to fbond
0 Itare nmnlng. saw mllU cattlBg
Hombolt. Tesas. Joly *4.—Twelve
Travetae City *p*t TaeaTbrte wera two to tbe Jart tbat wbeo tbe anay meeta lumber. 50a! mta
need tbe tut ttsoKtede peaee wltb
UDka of tbe Texas OU eompday '
ktodf of bade or coacbra to thto perP whb aa obatacle. aoeb ae a log or a
day., acc tbo frae atrert
ibtag'aiacbtaa and grlit mills at- still burntog when a laal report
od. <me tor recttolBS apoo at ineaUlme targe atooe. three to a Jam of auto oa and have yoorey«
■■■Haw Tort. Jaly IS-Baroa Mtoro Bed tbe etber for atoeptof. In eeme la- botb aldta. aad they ran aboot to dtot and various am>
tborQORfalycxaininnd Trst
are roaning lowanto tbe oil Bcl^ A
taaeto t^aame caocb waa ttoed for nay aad diaorder. laataaOy tbe drlrSoaora. mWatar e( toralto al
en taarry op. abowlBg tbe greateat exsad cfctod -SaaM ptoalpotaSitan
^STtoTmily Oreeka aad Homanr ettemeat. aad ran om. aroaod awl tra­
rkka. Two millloa gallcma of oil
Sapaa aad party arrtred to New Terk Iba bed plapad a amto proalaeat pan der the ImpedlmeDt to Bod tbe bat ItUe work.
val'-ied at IMC.dOO have Ueeo de
ef tbe peepto tban It doea
m »:U (bto meeatos. atasptts at tbe to tito
way oat of tbe dlOewlty. When they
Tbe Abyalniaa eaak'e eater to an siroyed. Five mee are reported mlaahare derided tbry toad off Ibe Kae of attraetlno of eome merit aad a source ing but ao other perooaa are known
mireb In tbe proper dirertloa. But
The prla- to tw lost. Haadreda are bomeleaa.
anfil they take fbto «ep tbe workea.
SL Petarabors. lalp H.—At a meat-,
d certainly a
Forty mutoa were burned to datb.
_ reoitolag make u6 attempt to pace tbe efaatarto.
, Cttinana PMrto No. SSd
tog c< tbe maatoan ef tba aeUUtr bato _ ^_
wbtof^ dlitod or arried .ea a cea- Wbee a aetoctloa of a torel ptoee of out of plaee aaywberc egeept among
Sulto 4IS-4ldW!)holmBlo«c
Travaraa City. MlcM.
Sadar tbe piesrato f
vetmaoB. Early aeeoa^brie tbe efaar- groand bat beenmade a perpeodkaUr a lot of aoakes.
OtBanlxa Naval Rcarvaa.
m MUlaad bp Iba
gmn (otKoreed are wbHly mytbo- abaft come eight locha In diameter
plaauiloa troupe of minatreU' Battle Creek. Mlcb.. July ;S.—The
vaa adoptod. Tba aeUea alae -daclarto Mm! H»w ttwiB meettog date, de- and alx or aevew feet deep to fonacd. give a pSrformaaee whkb to free. • geaeral out of tbe HIctalMO Sons of
la favored
Wdoebea or repaatog Idly, all Tbto la for drainage and ventltotioai. There are vartona other auructlooa, to-, Vetermaa for the coming year baa boeo
oa etmebs of a aat^ khpllar dcaifo. aeeer fw tagreaa or egreua. If tbe
----- oeewatotbto •coaml alopM tbe abaft la borUoataL eluding a merVy-go-rouad. soma with [ aaaouaced by Col. Frank J. Kellogr aa
TeWo. Bidp'M.—Adatlra) Bofeatvaatbe mouth, of coutm. bring at tbe bet- merit aad otbere of very ordinary char- followttoy. vba eonnaadad tba lUaaiaa Sect
Dlvtoloa aeeretary. Walter 1
'bTferm the 6Bortbto'(ra
tern of tbe bin. From tbe perpeodlcu- aejer. Tbe b
la Ito Btortmi touto of tbe aea of m wttelpla moeb akla to tbom
tor ttaft. eorameoelng at tbe bsttem, lag tbe globe to ooe ttia^will auraet Rayaa.
wSkfa okf bfrti are now made. There iwdtale gaUerto. like the epoka of a eoniiderable atleolba aad to deaervDlTitlaa treasurer. C. H. Shaw.
«pea Bto tba rAmeeal «r a ptat* «d ara tba toidj. too atoTbadptoce. all wfaee) art at a idlgbi angle. At tbe end
DIvtoloo conns-Mlor. J E. Turner.
loR of credit. The street
baae fro^ * woaiid ta- bto fortoead. made maeb aa tbry am made today.- of eat* eeriee of galtorire' apoka a clrChaplin. E R. Strain.
novelty aad'.hai a good d<-ai <u i
Bto aoaaUBD to ragardad at laUatac- At traW ao far aa can be fooml. tbe colar gaUery to made, forming, as It
•! Inspector. A. L. Sireeior.
body waa only a alab of marble UM were, a set of wbeeto ooe above tbe mend It. and aolblng, which will
i Dnrtag tbe past year the order ha
acroa two oprlgbl ateaa aerelng a* blbee. Iru or. rather, eboee, tbewe rtr- adreree critMim from a moral
•L WRtatoai«aA
-.gained J3 1-d per cent In new amjis,
too. LaOTi' bowtrer. there eome to edlar galleria tbe neutm or dwelling point. It Is certainly a larRc
. MR Mtr
■WWa. laaktog etav a tog#er aart aonu and.a bn
plaea are cotatrarted. Three are oral prise and more than 200 people are re- i and DO per eeat to membcrefalp. the
that 1 have been telling you ^khr. It is a
^ ftmBM
btoalpotaaatoT to tba ptoee. T%e bant egamfte dt mode
In ttape and about a foot long The qulrcd in Us operation.
[greatest gain ever made to oee year
IV)Uto Digger
Hilra'tbe akUTof tW aarieata
mut eaSfSraooe .to ba bdB to tbe
narrow eai of tbe oral to dosrnward
'kleee the nrganlxation of
SUtaa. laR tbto mocatog tor atalsian aad-paiattog and the Impm- and Opnm tato tbe roof of tbe guHery.
/■#ilti1aiT. from wbkib plaea bo will taace wltb wblcb they regarded tbr bed. aad aa tbe apofca slope aligbtly
Olea Lake. Hleb, Camp HIrkman.
•yraveree City, Fort Huron.
ko are oftaa attabto exampMa of toward tlit abaft no iroidcal ralaa. no
far tba Oaltod Btataa tbla oroBlag. Tbe
tbeeareef'iArt.aadlbeaWtoaar — matter bow beaky, anptner Ibe boma KtoRBabee'a Club. July 25.—The an-| jinlea and HMkegeu wlH organtoe depaaela wfaereoe tbe aKM tf B
aai hreedfqg ptoca of tbe aati.
Inual caav otKtagSsber teluti.vblcb tsebmeata of aaval reserves.
It is set up in my warehouse. Call, and inspect it.
Boat dmtoM bey Utoatog.
dcptoted ttie life of tbr
----- :----------------j has a rerovd of turiv years aa a camp-1
---------» Bmt SatoMt, Mto. Jaty ».—Harrltog club mi the various labn of Mich-: HaroH Weekes.
HalalaM Boteaa.
M ^tami% aaa ar Mr. aad Mra. w.
the imtatoa regions of the globe c
iRsn. has-been eaubllshbd tbto seanoalawwa •tootball player, has paid »m>.
li SMaart <1 tbto alaee baa bacB mlaatbelr aridity to tbe fart
a the* N*w York slock
hcaullfot Olea lake a._.-------------lag Bare Saadap momtog Uat. aad
jj,, -prince of good fellosr*.- Bn-lexehaagc.
at tbe eitHwt etoaTifaetare. tbe weed, abut 0# ftom the toOoeore of
toara gra aatartalaad tbr bto fata. Re batag UdBM vttb Jrery aad ether a^
VM autoad ttoC mofatag to bto am) Iktot or arasmmrt. Tertolie abril aa
Babara. tbe dseert ef Oobt and
^aUea. aad got tbe boggp raadp tor bto
eoartotPera. Tbe driert pure la the I
\ Sbiaata to ao tt tbe farm a CDoiile of
void to pretatMy that part of Egyptl
ktoltoa oat ato toaat I* abtoto. ttklag UttraOnr aad gold «
between tbe two lower falls of tbe
<• taac*-wltb bin. iaM bit aiftor ba
Klto. y>« bas aerer been known to
fall there, and tbe tobabitoata do not
•aa aedag ap Iba Bordaa rteor to tba
the ome ayutma a to ta vogae
ten tbem tbat
Wabetor bridge ter a few boan. aad
oeaL Hattraaea. (dUowa.
_______ _
aky. Tbe great
vaaU ba bato bp 4 o'etoto. Slaeotbat
aad taaa drapsftaa are ebei
srtods at the itortlng points of
lime ae trace of blgi ba« beta hasd.
tbe nrty vaa patattaM All cm
tbrtr palta are the reuse of droagbt
He wm aboet IT poara oMips aaa trad Btoltfoaea. bat tbe tUcfaiMm. qnal- and barreanso. but where they croa
tbva vaa «o i«aacto tar btf (Umpear- hy sad U»B varied wlto Jb. dlffvMt laiut at tbe tenulsatloo of tbelr course
SaM Ibat to kaewa. If be bU baaa partoda. At Brut ooly a few aktaa they give out booateoua rato anppUe*.
■aiitoiHdai toBTtoi benejre woaM ttaeva awvr tba body of tba bad wvn Tbe eaotraata tbna offered are vrey
Mrlktng Tboa eome parts of Ibe Mobare takaa wltb him whatinoeep be
Is now in full force, Our «ale opened Monday with a rush far above our expectaiion*. We were taxed to our ul‘
Tbe pUtawa were of vartataa '
a nrer tbe bead of tbe
ilihough our force of salespeople was nearly doubled. It shows plainly that our effons -are
IBS. bto uaa vaa aat dcma. W dU ba
most to care for all, althou]
AlUntir trade
take aaptblag bat bto aaaal cklbaa.
aot expretenre a ahower ter perbara
Bto paiMto are macb dtotpeaaed al
twenty yrere at a time, srblle tbe same
wied when It ratfaa tte coast of
will last until evcr>- dollar’s worth of this stock is closed out, but‘you had bstter
ba to Ma «Mb wotot ba at
Bonita America predacre a nlDfall repcomeearly while selection Is large.
revsttug a depth of tuoity feet of
Vtorrabi piaitot yiaaa.
watw In a yor.'
- ' Baaito waa toadb of tba rirer aad
- atbar Skelp potota la aaar be vaa
Mass as aa AWteto M
4iwwead.-batB0thtog«a*IMtad. The
Iloya' Suite, made of
all wo<^. fabitato bare never fowod Javor, na a delKen's Bcrvireable Dark Suits, neatly
Wltb Uaea
tomllp formerip Ured at <Md Utoatoa.
treey for the table to Ewupe of la tbto
tailorad. aoU in this eily O Q7
. . exteet was used as
Vbva tbep hare ratamaa, aad It
reuatty. bat In many tomto they are
for $5. ehipwieek sale price
tbe pUhnre. Bare tai
Setofble ba bm atoned fto ibal poIbl ter
tewnd where atlk vaa emptayed aa bed relltacd as an dVllcle of diet. Jbe ue^
gro stovre of Jamaica naid to regard
Troablii Of tta Oam.
tbem at -a dalely. tbelr masters not
any "ttier mat
Morthpoat. Mlcb.. Jalp M.—North
•an wUl bar# aa tottreaU
Qiicen Q'ial!t>
lijfht nrwi dark
8b(to« ter a-MBcQ. ' IHnxrer A Sml'S
inrfii'lioi’ fancy
acR *h-w bear- Risk.- ytorev ahn
bftilBBk wba tbe cam of the People
tea gort-a QoBl- Chlidrvn* Shoes.
ua. Otto SUlto. manaaer «r tbe loeal ft* ______ woed oDeclaltr prepared ' animal aad ratting off the tall, turotag
Jiy tabel—'e Sblpvrvuk
'.-.••r- etc. worth
%M* ban tana will appear ter trial ta
prioruiir price
SaaUM Aaiataa Baitleti'i’CMn. The p».
oped unUl^ree
tarpelr by tbe poor c
,nta fancy ^'o^U‘a,
„ „ — eod of tbe ak..........................
caao la tba outsotoe at Senday bate pUlowa are Brat meett
ttaball. A work ago toai Saaday a
extotena la tbe foortb ccataty.
til If was toasted dry and ertap, tboa
vm ptoyad ta tbe miage with the rw dreptrim aad haagtavi trere te
inataaea rlcb tapentitea.
ault that Joba Eltait appeared upM
may ratnmealy'be rent for rale lo tbe
In Ibe
watfaat aa compUlaaat Tbe riOase %
funkdiU^ raa gremity to tax-; Mtkeu of any Chinese lomi. hi'H and
ITS Lsdlo, buck
to eltally tatarepted ta tbe oatcame.
nerrCrixed peiil•arm C. Oilbtrt of ttito city appeaitag
• Embpol*.« wlib ooaia. irimmed In
gar tha'OMaaa «f fbe Sunday a
uteri rod. CnoRt)
wat WM a padtloa bribre the two
handle*, raragoo tog,
5V ah<l *V -1r<-v»
plaited: ortRliut
Straw Hair l .r
« gaark eld HItage to vacate tbe eorpor-Shipwreck tale values DO to 15—
•reored for tbe boat exam-; Tk>e Belgton noUIKy gare at Ibe
•tiDB atgaad by Sfty or the rittoai
I'a Tan -Shore.
aad a atiwama kMt agttoat Suaday
price II.K.
I .ale 97
JTr a-i* ■
bane ball taoim M fboo^ tbe riiug* VM.oftM iDdteatud tv tea ok.. _ ,------. wm oa fbd tugs* df k erlalB which of tbe bed draparton la bto beuae.
I titled todies fonui-d < sisriaralar ImiI> baada toward dtarapttoa.
TkilhaatlTH aad bed faiiiliMag kad‘let Ttw i■n•dortiol■ raw aurtije.1 by
and, or«y
Piltalli tbo yooBfUBi gaaoral to •tibtodl'ao tbto utaRc ta the ]
woaa taking part bore a tUle.
^ vatM ta a atpbav «t tba-tata thab A. 1>. A lalattog of a bed
period abow-s au article of 11
dr Panda, a boy aot y«i 14 gkan old.
b tike tbe^M-IK
He hoUa tbo rank of a fuU gcperal la







DR.P.LmiF(,Prip. SR.B. LPUItSN, «SSiStMt



V. E. R01-A1MD.






sks. i»™












Tfimirse City, MIcIl

^ i


mum TmvCTu Hcmtp.

twumoav. mlx tr. t

cn. theta- i.not—Inni et tV, aortarM hlB BlUBtlM to the lanoltoB rM prtaeoaa. It dead la Oamdm. H. .. -. nager. deapnlr. ftalostr. enay aad
J. ifer mother, bora la Tlrglaia. wmrt
MB VM mM la th* <9Qr of B aev povBer aad vaat oiona
ottaer ordlaaa .rngOaiM. I cay ton
tm perfBtttoc it. oflM woitloi to BUna t«one many yean age
k («* «a7« BCD for
whm they are Unttertog a wekeaoe;
wnt wooed and won-by ElBg No.
labora-tMM. «ha MB M t«
Shortly after tbe birth of Prtaceet I ton tell when Ibaym CBlUag me to
come Meic. aM I can~Mlwben they
4e*tk U fmn i
OMBfB] OalUcBl If Bl ooe aad the
an iip/rmtac gratitade^or reUrt
-acowr akBM ttan drawlB* par aa srtrenwr
MU ta hBTB bind mdBrirtr K TrUtwa« sate."
M. B N«v TMfe acqlpur. to «Bke a
-I decree tkat ttae anm ot MAM be
troopa te
paU my only rtdU. Lhnra Brertngtoo
portrait bMt «f hl»»rtf ort «< pan
MMacaaear. lo that oa tbe wbUt be many np maa naleae a aaUre et Knewnm. All the net and renUoe 1
poM UkBB tnoi BeoUT-f DbbUi Taltoy
Sierra Leone. Her hotboad. Ekhaid
Me. The tawi »UI be trortb HO.Brin <nmc from the tar away king- boaa^ ti tbe Mdtng rt a I
BDt tUa aboorval atate of tblaca
tur bomeleai enu and dogi. the be«
ried H. Daiaerguo. tb« laU nlalatcr dmn.
I eaiUe. Cialg- uae. I deem, that money ena be prt
tor the ooloataa. iboasfa be did aot
Hme.- PaUl't
to.- Tbto »f a port of tbe wflj ttaarwaa
reatan to order Oaaetal aalUeal
tba UBdM -aaioelfti of tbe CaltoB
eoDter* to tbe nle. beeaoae the g
^ wealthy and eccentric
mataa. Uaadla* labor onaataa
ml it a power at tbe toi<»ia] oB«
K. T4
Btao prtvoae » oMtain
aad la. uareotar
for tbe can at tboae arbo
aabte ta Madaiaaear. la a|rite <d the pkTilloa aad wlater cardee at tbe Jeao a. leartag an ettate o( BtS.OM.
able to Aad acecoMBodatl
Unlll tbe dlteorery of the will, which
het that two or three biRhIr placed 1 other, it ebowt a froatacc of faUr a
pnat aatloaal aartaia. PnaUeai
waa dated Jan. 21. 1M2. It wu tap-'
nea are dola* all they eaa to aupju«uand feet atoa* the terraoed
tbe Borer Tawe, and ao roy- poaed that the daaghter. Itoora Brer-'
iato bit Pipe*-, u. DamerBoe, there- • ^ a of--------Ingtoo Knewcate. waa the aole heir.
ton. wrou priTBtely to the goreraor
Mrt. Kneweare wat capeetoHy food of
paaeral aad beend him to aoe that ao
caU and dog*.
oSeer In Uie HadaMsear araiy ot oeMllowt were cheated In St
ibien ^
once gare _
•otbor wbeae wait It tafclBS iU plaee
eapailoB inatprenad the rble.
. akrtftUa that or Ooriex
olDlrter nattered hlmMU that be
pot the <
acknowledge hlmielt bceien *heo,^,^^ hit guard left ««• ahme for'

.. .


hare tbe honor to Inform you that ac
•or Chartoi BTBotb. pretUMt <f the
of Ibe oOtoen under my ordere to the braul murder of Cbrtotlhn 8cbto-|j_^^
OMiwimlltta bank, aerrtooat. Tbe drawing double pay." Ocnml Oalleddacker^a batcher, "to an egort
' ‘ ‘ them clenred out of Spokane.
naeUae la to be et c>lUed alert aad itonl. ibenfon. oontlaoed to reertre
Mroy any tntlmony that Hartmann
^ antho,
«m ba eqaIppM with tafei aad Taalta. m lADAM Danca.
mlrtit giro agrtntt bj»_
' and ledarer and (or ihree year* prao
It will be Uebted by rtectridty. with
II to uaM that Admiral Togoh artNrtfaanirt Olbb. Ingraham, f*"^ aoclnnatl. Rer. Babbiu
tbe M»e wtln power. Tbe “baak“ ary. to Amertean money, to abort M.eon ot Bupreme Court JotUt*
ji^ib Now York after a kmg
«m TtMl tBaar towaa la Obto and •M n
ham of New York, to aalng hit w«e tn^
^ ^
KoBtaeky. taUag depoattt aad erteadf be detected in tbe fact that
Edinburgh. Bcortond. for MAM • nnr
Ibf Kwuincome, which he tay* the promtoed
• Mn. Brtta IMwood. the only wo­
Mnjnt to New York at W.OM^ him before be maTTfcd her in London.
Oder to tlmply
man wbo erer raa tor pretUenl of the
or nearly at much at tb^ faSnlted Statea. la a Member of tbe Die
get*, for
my* tbe oatairt We of maa to J«
-Wet of CoHnnWa bar. At preaeot ahe twrtre mooUt^ hard work.
Ihrm r
year*. He doea.oot agree with Prof
U eagacad la tbe ^terokee Indlaa
Hell rUihM. a dttoen of Port Ox­
Oder and otber* that the wortd^* ef«aae. aaea< tbe noet tmpoitaet that ford. Ore, ertebraied tbe Fburtb of Bdylh Jfertlre. eltalliing work wat done bc•rer owe btfon the Oalted Biatee Joir by imbibing too freely. While to who married ReglnaM Ward, a
of 2S tnd 10 If the
ooait of dalmt. Mrt. Doeke '
■bit eupi be ton down and otherwlae ■C.,r kiM.- «.d
hto .d,^^ ^
ardent adtoirer of PreUdent Roomh treated wUh dtoreMCt an American
Mny. 190S. •
,o ,^6 twl
ealt. whom ebe regaida at the groat- Aag which hung In front ot a tton. So
Od. CTddId,
»■ rodd,
B..., mu. I> «.
oat Urlag atateamon.
much Indlmrallon wat aronied by hit « S;ml. ~ .bd .«». - K,.» Xd.|„“
Tbe Uto Btahcv,Dadley ot UoU- condoet thtl PItahugh deemed It
bdrt » B,mUdbbUd pdUd. AUmmdj,. .
rtlle. Ey- aome Uiae befon Ua deetb, to mahe public apology.
thoegbt thing* moring.rmtber
£e brought up imprt d wKh the obllwhich ooeamd la We* Tork. wat to.
K^. tPhine. the acnonipll
With the view of livening op the eptr.
elted by aome women frletidt lo take Ftendb mn<e. who hat done to muefa lu of bimtelf and hit fellow gae*t*'
tBMbeoa at tbe Martha Waablagton. in Prance for thote aMlcted like hertbe woMl hotel. The blaliol>
•elf. hai'been toreatlgaUng the tlga
a eery ahttrl-"’"**^ naa and tooad Uagaage of the Crow Indtont-Ui the
■pn arrlTlng at tbe botrt that be bad
. SbewaaamaxedattheteMi ahared that mornlag. Stepping duty with which the ooold e
,.„o OTIddd b.m.d.r b, ,.»ddk u.. -d »IM O.U-R P« .. ^ddUu
ap to the clerk at tbe deak. and tniioh
-rb'd u...^
to the borror of groopa of wonca. he
atfced: -Can yoa tall me where the, Bi cnilly at ipeken bmguag«.
barbat^i abop it la lUa boleir
The laljMt profetrton In Umdoa to
MIH Bebeeea Bmeken. who It dead ibrt of Tourleeath gnert.” That to.
at KUea. Mh*. wat train dUpateber the-M«^aar >*
* momenft
tor a raUroad then, and to bellered to aoUee to make a fourteeath at av din­ was very fond of hli famoi^; chlm- «P
“‘"'■'•li. on ih.dr l.urrtm.
hare known mon ahoot time cardi ner when ^ aome rMion there hap pan«>e,. -Mr. Crowley- rtid - KHUe <"<> '•‘-''v
""CU taring <h- «
and bow timlaa ought to i
PM tu be only the nnloeky thirteen. ^wley • -Mr, Hrrowley- would
\ any other OBMye on that dWlton of There an aereral of Ihoae rtnerprte- 01 rhe able with Cook, amngc hlr
r the Uhe. Uo wat abort the only wo- •ng iadlvlduBlt—all well be
napkin, carve the vlaaito wbh hit
OMB In tbe ceaauy <o brtd tneh an op good Ulkert and eager
knife, oto bit fork properly, drtnk
iBportBBl poaiuem In tbe tmllrotd terbeing called upon (o pay for from a gla«a. and at the end of Ihc
rtoa. Mlaa frmckan wat hnown far the teaaL
meal dink Maa*ea with Jake in a
and wMB at tbe -rall«»ad mmi-t aa_______ _
hartng ihiagi Udi toatL -Mr. Crbwley^^ ha* a large on Governor-® IMandrNew Tork. I* at
■al." A few aentha ago ahe retlnd own wv at Newport, according
all wardrobe and dreaaea bimtelf with at Fort lUley. Kat.. watching the experi
from the Mrrtee of the-road owtag to rrtiont. and the falrttown beautlet great enie at any man. When either
wl'lh the new explortre. donnlie.
81 health aad bar ooBdlUea atoadlly
crowded to the wall aaleat -Mr. Crowley- of -Killy' wat tick. of which be it Ibe toveolor.
they can manage to ihlnk of tome way Cook would *pead tbe entire night blockbouM waa u*cd a* a ta
Olan ttlmoae. tba tBmmtoWngrt the beUK-oMB^ entcrprltlng aloeptog by iU cage with an alarm the u®e cd dbnnite ebelto. the baUery
eantor at tbe woaderfnl e*t*>etre. Shi- budt.
ida. Hort-oMte
feaUrltiet thai. hare dock to rotne him hourly. All the at a dtotance of nearly two mile*, de
mm powder, uaad fay the JapaaAe been given to fnr thto aeaaon have
be would give mollibed the blockhouse and riddled
amy aad haer, wm hOrn la the
the ln(aotry ahllhoueitee ' th«l
been for tbe ttoneSt'of the younger the patient with lu mMIclne.
hamblaat drtmmtlancea Is tbe [Wot- eel. who have had nnongh homage
ange*. broth, enu. port wine, milk In tbe trenchce behind and at the
Inca ot BMmhtoka. aeine i
tides ot the fonlflcrtiotL
paid them to turn level hMda.
ypara ago, when railway* i
Very nhpleaaanl. evideuliy.
good. Kluy uaed to cry when OooK
Porty UfUe okunkt fjga
Boog MO Oemrti Summer School Mt bcr. She' wu exacting and de- Id the village* of European Turkey. A
dayt-nt" a Birigartoo band
iludeau iMW' Ibe nnlrerdtr dormi-.
toiy. Women uhrtoked and held their foi*ot to tar '•bood-byc. Kilty.•■ a* i tcendod on Brttroa and Gradeshurtia,
hit way to the capital.- borrowed book*
hit eutiotn, and the grabbed hit murdering all the retldenu of bo«h vilhigh for ibeller. door* and
to rtady; and. though often on the
I were cUted to that out tba band and Wt it to the bone. Cook logca. Torkisb troop* *eot agslnst Ibc
Trtga rt ttnrmtloa
I not believe to the Garuer theory Bulgarlant came lo a ' vllltcc from
trom tht impertrt a
of a
M^kev tongnage..
laagnage.. -While there
thm which all the Inhabiunu had Bed In
U^aat benotp. H
to no tniiUn the Gamer theory of an i fear of ihe Bulgarian*. The Turk,
nraa a evMaa Ink. now uaed to Jama
tn a syatcmuie manner br elahomte monkey language." be said ; then burned tbe village on tbe ground
•nr bank nrtna.^;Tft aoerrt of lu
Aght o« the peoU. Tbe ekunk* begt i tmee.-yet they have a ebattertng code i that ihcy suspected the missing
ptnUlen la ahaolatf and cMolei
.....................cellar of a vacant by which they comr
arVwaataatly ■ drthcted.--------I myself '
^ tbu
I»«'to Japaa was balMlhg after *to had been killed.
tMl ta* PMrtwr^, .
Brin, a South AT- part of It I can tecognlte. lor It month ago.

WUlt Sician Skirls
Not oai
ai. «ricd, taUor madt 13 sore, cal axtta full and
pt«. K
tBy plailad. The peettiuM »hita>kica of the seasoa, at oaly........

White Sicilian Waists Jwt
They .uc . pcrf«d match to the .kit. that one mould naUir.
al)T think they came together. They eprtainlf B»ktfB g^
Buit, but the wiu«t s^^go gootl Urtth any ikirt. and ^^0

Worth op to $1.50.

:Uian Shirt Wa

■•asrit^.r^.^r;? $4.7S

« *2.»*, ».»8, te.vs
Thcae are oe* apring and autamcr akirta that
we have marked down (ram $4. $5, $*> and fi.uO.
Tliere are over ttra hundred cl them—erreay one
maite thia aoason. of beantifnl mak-riala. indoding M4Mra. Siriliana. BriDianUnea. t'nfiniabad
Wor«t3i ' oilfia, IWmaa, Broaikdotha. ate...
made in all the neweat atylea, anch aa aanbaiat
{ idaiteii, knife plaited, cirrolar, tunbreOa. and
many otheri. You cannot help-but find aomothing b> pkaa.- you and fit yon. beeanae Utem
arc alt the differcoi. coIma—plaina, mixto^
bncka. eir.—all the diffemit anea, in
irt. ioiik
kmg,. uman.
amall. larg»-and
{irioca are deodcdly in yonr law.




ilKtO <* IS ymuB. Blaek
Sicilian Bkirts, HU | ^
Ua i«trtii», at only


sur tlw
naiv Wit*
MPttICV who
matt* nau^y
Thia item ia intijii^ tor
iScnlty in findi
hir aim
pTt^T ____
aicc. (>ai
42 aa wdl aa tUt*ir atab-n
vnrift) and good taatc

Worth $:o0 to IS..T0,

flailed Skirts for

J2.98, tm $4,98
^ n|i-to date Skirta worth op to f7.Sa



cBiLira's JauvEia


Z^X5,50 Sfy,'i/0.50

la Navy, Tan. Hack. CaaU». Brown, CaidMal,
etc. Bcantifiil atylea that wore $4, $5 and $8,

$1.98, $250 and $2.98

Closing Out Wasl Goods
place on Kilo 600 yarda of Waah Go^
. , . - - II .1.!____ _
.< 1CL. titn on,, an

Vests and Pants


Low Neck V?sts

mbtella atyle, laoe trimaad.

Lidk.’ Knit

u^roraoe Union Suits

Tirscl CoTos



Look Elsewhere. If You Wish. Befora Buyln* .Here. But Ba SURE. Aba
Look Here Before You Consider Buying Elsewhere.



-rfVAvmmsK oi-rv,





Here m a few items piciced up here and-there to Ulastrate hpsr unmercifully prices have been rat. These are not s few leaders fo induce you lo call, but examples of how every do ar

-rM.moommMU.-rm-: mo Jo.



mmow.-r» -tmoowm -to -tm.
F'OR *ri-IK

*150 Flow Bint......................

$150UwBCbaii*...................... ..
DO. ill Wool Dto_ Fhurt.oL 38 lo. wite............................36


$100 and IJiO Straw Hata..
Lot of o3^a and coda of StrawV Hsta
1.50 Dssa Shirta . ■
.tOp Work Shirta...
$20 Suite for...........
$12 Suita foi...........
Good Work Suita..
50c Bella ..................
$2 Felt Halt, new .

worth of goodi ia. tbe

smoes„Sl„d3..»Klo»,............................................ *1.07
lofanta' .'lOr .Shot*..................................................................... 25
M. n i Sporting B-r.ta and Ki*.-r Shore, ralore up
Ui $-7.....................

Men's, WomenTs,

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