Grand Traverse Herald, June 29, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 29, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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out every pteee.
wtib a aav naaaiBi ea tha roan*
foreau aoath of tee Amasx pay tom I
uaa'b aaia. Taa. If* oar dotr." b* doable heaa*A with a «rt of todoaed don't can for sack thtnga, eayway.”
d a paity of Earopepu la
ricee foe *uiB<iut “bou."
toiu of many mtogtriags. tbe oi
«U to hluaelt ftrav.’had M HalM i* , porch batwsM. that may aUU be aeea
retlnd to nat early that alMt. Tbe ladtou of BUIvla prrfer kalte- a bxt. who washed their hands and
tt MX* << Ohio, teoogh Boat iff them
vflUaf. van oona bata » lira*
to troxen. Bo pradtable is brasbed their teeth. Next day tbe Le Ptlaee. who cxdoctad stmOar
that »ood ha ealM apea hi* bacrothad have faDen Uto decay.
' ' Cabs several yxru aMk to la
sex to enne to tee
The oltepeople tot down on tee edM atot mtoaad as yet” choeklad tee mas­
tiBt rarr arttUs. aad batox
of tee Mjermlutlx of tM
new kaiteertoeken of ■rivanlde and go tbnngh tee form of
ef tee perch, aad'e few uan slipped ter of tee bouse, u be carcfally nked U pays to
o’ekK* tha taU of tha UMCBadoa
peat to tee eaaal xae. HU week to atdown Ba-s too* u she thought U tee dot tee eoals left tram tee algbl ba- (heap dote aad export team when the washing tbelr bands ud of brushing
paapU bad ben lattled.
dittealt bexax of tea
variety to short of the de- tbelr teeth with Uts of stick.
Mn. BUuaa. tha Meat daa*U«r of happy days ebe had once passed in the fox.
Tbe tiger will sit with paly lu bead heavy t«tos and aumcrou rfOasu
When BOOB coote. and. u yM no oat maad. la tee hightoads near Ln Pu
the UaiHr. akiVnilr paraaadad the dear <M ciabiB. Pa'e arm atde sofily
» coat to a alga ef out of tee wnix x a bluiag bot day wbera nlBeteatha of the aaUvx ax
hrotfear* aad liaUrt that there va* around bar. aad teen tee aged loven ■as to baat teeM ap..tee oU people
ta u ladtoa Jungle.^ Sir Samari Ba- Infected, if not sick. Thru motboda
Bnddto^ for Mark to do. aad thar
-Itminate dtoaone. TMff
kx. aftx “bxtlag" for a tlgx fx tee
'Vast aamben of cutoff o>
■dad little to eoarleoe then ly the arm wu withdrawn, pad Pa-Sto- said Ka Blaclalr. sazioosly; but bx
put . of tee day. fouad aad ax those Iff draining, filling la aad a
go to tee ATgxttoe. Of these si
that H wu hot tha thing for father aad elalr'e dm came down x tee porefa bubaad aeoated teo Idea.
of kerosene. Aa xshot one in
They ain't op yet” wu sti be «ld.
Mother to Uto aloae. In Uct. It bad with a bang. "Br Jinks." be exdalmed.
made tfi keep evarybody
i xjoylag hlBsXf. They will alx
haan diacnaaad In the tasUr drtie for esdledly. -I’ve thought of ■oBctelngr' alteougb be felt ansloas. wo. J^eeas
undx sxeeu u maeb as poaslbte.
theyye rtagtog tbe ebttrcb bell a
Standing then before her. be unfold­
aeraia) raan vhat U do tritb the idd
>me dfwa to drink, at al^t ud Ixve Tt’hxeteevnxxnBarflinatbeytry to
people U Mark aad Helen arooMa't lire ed bto ptoa. sad it did Ua good u see good whlla SooBds Hkc they waated breldertog tee collan with beauUfol
long, dripping trail x tbe aaad be­ get tbe water lo fiow to aarii u avUat
tee light la her blue . eyes. *We to arake tee dead- I didn’t enppou tbe desigu la beads aad tbreadg TheArIt hoB»e. aad imuOrery one wai '
teat small fish wUl Uve to IL They
hind them whx they emxgt
jT. Tha aaanapaedai eld people were wouldn't dare do teat; pa. What would xcxleM wu to begla Ull tens to tee gxtlne aatlxt also boy
Among tbc few otex wuhiag ul- wlU kin all germs ud amke tew ww>

an taforaed of tha plaai naUI a abort folks layr
pux. Qulnlaa is used la tana
to tee raceoja. It it rot oaiy
“Lot teem say what they want to.” mertog away for most aa hour now."
thaa before the veddUg dar. vUeb
qnutttlM to beep tea weU pccaana
-Hen they anl” sercamed Charlie tee strangest Uete of all. many of
au aaaaier. aad before ther aald tee old genUeman. sturdily. ”How
Slaetolr. ds he nddxly. came upon teem wearing enstoff neektia* tied seir. but bu aa odd habit of uktag from becoming idek. At Paxaa wtesoon could yon get resdyr '
bad fallr raaUaad vhat wa* gUag
aad Umax an oU tee mbs. wlik
food to tee water ud glrto* it
”Ob, I dxT know.” said Mrs. Bto- the peaceful old people about two In round tee knees
tha roug people were aalabllahed
eseeptlx that Oetobx to the teltbarougb waabtog befox eating It.
Renoon. “Hun aad wll them to ebaage.
dalr. eatdilag some of tee xteoswith them.
gKiBtb of tee yaar.—Bosun BudwIU dnbble in uythlng whkh It wkw
waau to mre the parlor far- tosm. ”We wouldn't need very marii stop rtoging teat bell. Clay.” be went
fancy to In tee waix. One which
Wemu AmW Heroes.
altera oot,aadpntbertlatmahahae
Oat o’ >M-aU-d0«8 tbar hUl.
her party, pa.” aald Mra. Stodalr. ear- aad Beleor
•Hd va-d dU TatVa laa a» plaaik:
n and AruMa Laaff,
u-We wtBt toil theta, but tee Int teerest Whatx earth poeeeteed yoo
Maka ar aUaa Ur laia* thw daaib.
ml Boatha atur- the weddlag. T)o
It to not generally realtoad teat JM
tlonnl heron to tee Amerlna Twple test thx died.—Chkax Newt
Ow roMk Pau UK* goa-ad bia*- roB annoe* we do^t to offer to lean teaaw we get we-U get tee things dowa folks to give a* such a scan* WeTe
Hisatosind ud Us aflaeats dxto. M
ban. I gaeu tbeyll see It won't do been buaUng for yx thou terA of Fame. Fruen B. WUIard to
t eat all tha Uaet Wo don't aa> '
oaa wmi-wt. •ad Pau *«t. too.
e X ta part, it statu M tarriA New Hub's Ark.
hie stands by tee side of George WubTbM Baa TaUnr. ha raid apoat
ooB rarr Bneh. and It aacBa too bad much good to object DUat Mart say boars."
Recent dtopatebw from Detunaik torlbt. but a gtoace at tha map malua
"i left a DOU Ulltog onr totenUxe.' logtx to teeTuteeX of our republic.
bride can't hare her wadding thl^ t wu gotog toi Ctoclnneil
’Nd taU iM-*bat tni aU abooL
stopriidou tact ptola. The Htb
said Pa Sinclair, sUBy. "We-re bxo Tbe womu wbo xn tald In respoxe tell of reaurksbie ezperlmeats, carried
oot wbera folk* can aae thaa. That aekr
■m -ad taaka tba aa^ aoraaA
on to tee eoiind bekwex Denaiarii and OMridlu divide* tee eooatrr. gam.
Wh« ha aH wr aaha ar apaaeh.
parlor aei her Annt Jane n*« bw
who most helps to make tee world Bwedx. fx the purpose of testing Uto graMlealtr into two aaariy equal paria.
lepeadxn Day. aad we latxd to
been anpaeked eiaoe tba dar him it it wasn't for ItovUg u all
•naa thar nOaga baad-ad pbv.
east of this lisa to fil,of
aceorde motbxly." to to go
alcto.” told tea «dd lady. -They act follow la tee footsteps of xr lllutriToat artNot tbw Uoaa
tee sges teat tbto nation of ours x- ti« to the dtmunsiou of Noah'e Ark. 4M.000, which to aavaa Umu gruusr
hone of tbair own : u U wa wan a p^ of babito.”
•Nad tha dMaU' woaMl hagla.
In Ox. CIS. According U teu that west of It. Popalattaa aad
ffnm to tee goodly xmpuy of tee
AB «a bon )«<-»dt>kbi'»•
ju of arable toad are very Boailp
Fubx of HU Couatry. In Btaiaary tbe <topenhncea Dally DauXrog:
Mr. aiaddr. rather uatlly. That tar- hoax and tryiag to keep tea kaowl- family, tad from tbto day forte wi
‘Whoa f araf a Mr. jhaa vhlil
Ma and I wUI always be glad to Hall tbe great expxxt of the noble -Naval Architect Vogt, who hu ex coterBUns with tee aru of affriealof It from tbelr cortou Meads
altara has hen good eaoagh for a*
Tbaai arai Om m WtrtU riat
taral ratofatl. teerafora. frOBthepotet
xjoyad tbe task box than Mr. hax yx eonle and sra u. bot we Ilfo looks dowa apx the streams of pertmxted fx a Km* time wHh tee
> forty year*, sad I gnesa It alwayi
dlmCBSlou of Nosh's Ark u glvx in wbera tee grxt arid Nett* hagto. iMa
wtn be. Wa didn’t ask tees to
tide, of tee Boeky HouaUiaa. uattt
ruhlng to ud* fr^ la tee blip tee-^ble. has roextly eompleud
I lariliiiilr down into tee orchard take xre of u till we get u we need
a "ar <a^ hdca.” Tba old gebUetnu had
tex are~eroased and tee arable atrip
modet of that aacleal craft. • •
white xpitol.
with a uble elate or two ptaaed«adx ire.aaaeyed that Boratag by what M
SO feet in leagte by 6 foel ahmg tha sarglB of tea padfie oaxa
Most of the family had assembled
Thla «u womu'e day to the balls
-Tlln'l fair to Btfaa a^ Be,” Hark sidmd nnaaMeaerr ”styla” at tba bx aprx, X hx basbaad woi
lime to beu this lluie xeoeh. and no of coagreeL Bote bouset pused to to wldte by S feet to height, tee actnnl to xaebad. there Is very little sgrieoJ
aoBo aacUai oookiag aumsll
WtaBlilr waaaarug. alowlr. *T ampa
of tbe afk of Noah be­
xe made any xmmxl. In bnateleu their labox to pay tribute to her wbo
«oa^ tbm waa a whola lot ct aaitaa to taka kiadly to aay ebsate la the or- attic, and plaee tt gaUtOy la tbe old
Justly styled "the foremost womu ing WOxUzM. Tbe model to bnflt In i
klUbaa, While his ax wu basy la tbe slleoce tee ebUdrea.. aoote of teem
daring <f hi* boeae.
la ihatM aartac.‘No hoeiaa waa
tee shape of an oMduhkmed nddle- i
of bx Umes- ud Ixldxlslly
”Hnab!” aald Hr*. Bitelair. with a bV*xt field. Tbe young Mr*. Slnetair grayMired, toned to walk ai
- Wff WB«i tor two thBOIe*.’ ■
pate to tbe deserted fnae bouse. Ixv- huge ud oeble army of which tbe roof, x'thnt a noueoeUx «
Mtloa toward the dopr. ”HeUa'a
4aaT wan to try the aspariBB
u uoocelx triangle. Mix this qaextog tee objeets of tbelr seareb to langb
tbe orgutox aad leadx.
mn to aat ap a bona of BT oaujaat young, and aba'D bare to laara loU Of Bxx drxmed what wu gotog x
I wbo have paued muy yean looking crnlt wu reixsed frtx the
rl^l andx hx eyx. To vtelwn she softly at tbelr dtoepeafited taex. Tbe
Uriaga..! tbonNttthatt
ttkathamtof roodM.’'
ghe^ of Carte Braaka Up Cetoaio
efftx uld that Fbtex and Motex Sto- rerolullx wu onr. and the tosur- wltelD tbe gate* of our uttonal legto- tng boat which had towed It outside
‘Wat. Mark, it will Jaat break noth- rod wat ritet pretty oa the tahto tbi*
Tte wealthy Amltb xtoay at Ht
tee harbx ud lefCu face the waaUitouwe remember n
Clair eojoyad walking around la tee goats bad woai—Farm ud Plnalde
ar’f baart to ioaa yoa." aaeffarad hla BOXlB*.'’
M. O. e^l seU tbair raltmUa ttnM
fiax thu tee maux la wUte tbe
old orchard, aad abe teought tee ftxh
Bitoar gaWdr- “Tao are the baby of
and move away baeanu of tba oqtleading
bmb of tee couatry plaeed lu- markable eewfiffag qaalltlea. It driftsir
tW toitoW. Md ban ban wHh bar ao U BO BBOh K one of tboa* big date
wTxtbs of hoaar upx tbe brow of ed Stdeware with Uto tide, xentin* a coua of a trial of oaa of teetr bobnet in bx optohm. Tbsx wu a light
d dowa I
to^ W*ffH ^iBPHi ■hiBi the nwa
beK of calm watx to leeward, ud tbe bx. aniugnad for bto tefgggj V aeafi
la MO. ffndalrv eyx teat had Ixg outMf clothing ax told to tee uvag* tbe Americu womi
to ■nr I ilM — If-*’ tha
bto telldrx to tea pabUe aeboMs.
tut provx exclusively test a '
baea absent, had hx bubaad whistled pxple of the wxld urlou* to array
mneb bOBX
ttat nytai^ tobhy a tlma. aad no table, naywar,” said b
Tbe Amish paopla wtO not aOHit
ef this prlmlUve msjie might be perxlvei to the garb of elvtllzaUon.
hanyoa. BaMMi netoaloraiy die- grimly. “It don’t coat (bem a eeat to Joyfully U M teought of the days
Bverrtelng wu u simple u Mlu WU­ fecUy suwoctey fx a long voynge. It that tee earth to round nbd fx teat
peaduea that IW bar* mothar will be Ur* here. Ilka U Would If they wax eoma. SoatePw It took them a ic
to teeir chUdna studylima toooBpleU oa arraagemxte.:
Iard herself could have wished It Tte to well known tbst tbe proportl
they oatet to be wiiuag
dai^tad to havhtobr all tha Una; aad
lac caegraphy u It to taufte »« tM
lifted from MUa Hear*' fine
It wu bard woric gatung rorelton xt
- thaa. aha U nal to eld p«>pla. tor her pat np with oar waya"
public aebooh. They hax aatabltobad
haa ban ta «M toBlIy edan I can
Kbooto of their own to abJte-nodlag.
Africa to tbe toad fx old top bats. stream* of people passed through Stat­
aaaaad aoath ehaaber apautoa. and exatfol day came whx thx coald
artteq^r aad wrlttag oaly aJa
A City to Plant a Forsat
•% thtak'av MM'waaM eator bclac lhan It atayad. Brety Ume Mra. Sto- shake ^ dust of tee big boau from Cyllndeea which formxly graced the uary ball to look at n. Among tee
Tbe city of Los Angelu. Cnllfomto.
atoua.- ^d Hark. boUly; bat hla ato- clalr spoha of havtag It doam ania t» tbelr feat aad ntln to tea balovad heads of fops ax now being worn by ^ny tboosuds Of visitor* to this new
Tte otemy own tea finest tuiu to
■wrils ot Bwasilud. Ashutf 'ud ibrtne wex ewvxffl hundred telldrx owns 300 acru of brash toad called
”MT* Hataa’a pretty/teibC*.'’ bar aoa
the state, Uve slafdy.
•»»«. warni Joly evaalag when Bmegambla. A Belgian firm white from the public scbools, cite of whom, •Orittte Park." white It proposx Id anoe with Uirir faellsf to MwrwMat■Wator bataf aMu! totoat can yoo wu too busy to thlak of aaeh a thing,
convert Into a comaterdal forest. TUs ucc. ax paying their tasa to tte
hatolaklaffaft Aad «raa U they nto the pretty danteUr-to^aw tweetiy they etole qaleOy down terongb tee tradu with tee Coago every yur ec- -with lllUe bead bowed, placed
epod-tbe base of tee statue. 1
will bs tee Brat tostanee of a city to caau white wex -brought eguHiB
•aaid UMnl to lit m f» I akoalda't reaatkad that It wDaMal buri orchard, aad thankfaUy took poex* poru over 10.000 old top hale.
Vaat Bomhert of old bats, ix. find a pretty piciux. Thxe wu to It that tee United Sulu creating a foresL
nttan a Wt One laao- alon <ff teo dear old borne. Tbe bkiatot nay a Bbuto ahcai than Wa by
‘The practice Is quite coaunon
orarfaead had tamed to small new bomu In Portagaeee West Africa.
IhlwIaB. Idca'tBappoaayoo'raao ▼ntion followod ‘aBOthar. aatll by
The proeetoU^ alttney caDad to
Angola Imports glovu, paying high hearts of muy
The scene
»hex tee forut-pnrks have not
alBKWt grax applarslDce tee daring plu bad
tteaff how ehOdlto Bother U growtoff
the riders ud ezplatood to then that
told to tee noblest ud most clascxtrlbuted to tee pleuura ef the
xtarad tbe old mu’s bead, but tee pricM for eleued white Ud. To Mada­
baton* yoo-ra with bar aU tM tlaa aatlrMy refarahhad. aad
5^ nave bex more thU ulf- teey muet end- terir.jBOMpAja tte. _ .
waiting tlBe bad pataed swiftly. Ac- gascar go hundreds of Auclng abou. »le apartment of the great eapltol—j
of n gav* a UtU*
Md tha raat ban *D apotoa of n. 0
credited eebool*. and they tapun'IM!
yaa aad HaMa do B« ap hoaaakaaptaff party to a crowd of bar young Mends eordtof to all neighborhood tradlUxs In txteera Abrutois ud SomalUud tee ball in white tee hoax of repx-j ,gpj«rtlng through their timbx oat- tbx wxld mxe away rajhx thga
put. Uoder Its cooperative' oBx the
wtthoat having to be aabamad of tba tee Bible aad tee broom had hex tee boou ud leggings find t ready sale.
have tiMbla—BXteuge.
Tbe Tongnsuand eurisis of Siberia extury. Suged round teo edgU of Bureu of Poreatry
Srut things to xtx tee home, ud
oUteahkBodeoote and tea Ulleooi
the happy exple wex burdened xty buy vromen'e cast«ff blousu fx sum- tela ball stud telriy-three figaru of St Lot Angela four of Its eyperii,
wad cMlra that bad can ralgato i
making a compxhxelve ptontlag plu Tbe gin Periods af Hue
with awe xtnbix Ukra nt tee tost
Taa aad jeta altfit aora la here, {MB* to the ritUag ream, tt had
Cblldrx bora betwex
Bomxt from tec well-rwefced puUy. spring purtebsu In Umdx texauds warriors. Jurist*, exploxrs. Invxiora,
foreai. ThU plu wu
MtoUM Iterfc. *rra beard yoa aay : baea dooe ao qaloUy that thax waa
Thi ud Fabraary aru. 1
opto Metloa. tbooih the bewildered TTie youDg' pxple had bex invited Ml of palm of old atoeklngs. ud ixdt mx who have done the wxld'e work. pletM at tee end of SeplcmbxMa af ttaato It any each ax _
suppx. aad had promUod a npeedy ibmn to tee Cxtral Aston eteppu. In tbelr midst, of pux Carrara, teU- Idu I* to oooveri a wute piece of land state, aot X tan u thou bom to thf
people often wondered bow Ibeir
toad to ha'BBda it wu aasMr to hax a
wbex they ax worn u glovu ud eled fine In xppeaeniaUx of the se- Into a productive forai. white will eoBBX ud eprlng Btxihs. and tte
Lam. so tbe ooan wu clear tor
ant bad bean obtatned. Aa Mr*.
Baagilir U tha hoaa* than a daagbUr'
_ __
rxe futures of the original, bow ap
krm xrerlDgi by Klrghii womx.
only pay for Us erxtlx
enx growth of cbOdrx Is moeh man ra^
BolBM had truly told, tee bride bad a few boon at least.
ttrou^’tte'JerimVrox.lmb^.bnt “ from, March IIU AagasL Tte «To Persia go frock coats Ud carpet I pears
womu who probably
-1 do*|lt sappoae teeyll find our no
way with old paopla. aad year*
atoof me...! ixmeUa grow rapUly up to the alsslippers.' At Omu to the eouth texei thu uy other to blMory wroughi ..m
V ienrtlm.‘toldhlato*tar. withaUt;nd
of wth
then tbex to slow grawOi
Ua laiwh. ”Ab to ear Bortag to here, aad toUdlab graadtatecr had taogbt rtaif, with a ^UM at tee eld clxk
worn by tee trtbumx In tbe In. Only tbe marvelous voice—the voix Los Angela
thUtlote^yxr The
teal had DUX bex moved from tbe
Angela. It 1*
I* u entlxly prac^
yon kaaw tka boyi wdqU totriy eat bar tea vnhM of dltdomacy.
| which nxe test ever heard It cu for ,tcal plu. ud
Angela detenet
F™* betwex the tsote aad
OiadnMIy the oahappy old couple log bouse, -ncyni be right dowa bex lerix u armlets.
BMhar diBUaeud. and Jeha eoaldat
New Oulena accounts fx s good px- gx—wu lacking. And hex come men | ^for it* progroilve' spirit Other . ecvxtxnte year.^mpariag the fSawhx they do find It. thougb. ud I
leave hta torai. anyway. Toearebpra. withdrew tote tbelr ewu
ruUlL H appeax ttet lhax SX
aad bara aarar known any otbar boaie. tea toly oaa to the houx teat looked Just shake lo my steet tor fear ot what cxtsge of cast-off worox's ckitetog. from tee sat* of the mighty Iswmak-; f|,jeg could very profitably follow lhl< j
Papuan mu reacha tee highest [ing chntnbex. Jusilcw from the.bxch, 1
! ■'* periods of growth. The firri «to It woald be revy aaay tor yoa and boeaallk* to ttSB-nad teen apek* teeyTI any. VTtet do you wut tor lupisible social praxnlneace whx at-1 eoldlex. selxilsu ud Journalists, to |
Bain hto aato a awaai war with bar Mtt^ of tbair tionblea
X vxy rapid growth: the
"bei'a bare wantf biscuits.- mggaat- tired lo a sxge skirt. Some New ' pay homage. But swxtat of nil wex
are always u
aM aaat. fwMr* ah* woaldat tad It
second pxlod. from rixx to toorhard to It U ^acefany. W* caat Bweet aad good HaUa to.” enSed tea ed Mr. Stodalr. with a gluce at tee Onlens triba thixi fx old fllppen.jihe cblldrx, while and black, Uptoe- expeadX a
s Blbla of tee (ex run. growth Is aM*i tbe third
bat u amoleu u> keep [ Ing to tee proxce of to much great'
bop* to keep tether aad Bother a giaat old tody, oo* soft aprlng aftocuooa. oU oren by the fireplace.' Moving
rid. the palm for ezxuUx man be period, from stotax to aemiaw:
\ peu. pexonlfiX lo marble ud broate.
'while, aad I waai then to aajoy thtor Hoi I always feel galtty when I aay stove had bex xt of tee qoeaUx. i off the Evil One.
glvx to tee Kutbo-daw. ahich Is a
In teeBlsmaxk artetpetogoud Sol-ioul of the biitdry of ibeir country, Buddblft mTOuoent near Mudnlay. tee foorth period showa a slow growth
leal yaai* wtthoat a ategU <
aaytMag abeui her. but I eaaX halp iv fx tee praext tee mlelreu of the
. Old Br. sad Mra. Stodalr ware away pa. I can't even wate the dtohea any boaae wxld have to cook In tee bed non tsiudt them is kex xmpeUtlx i toying tbelr lllla ai the feet of her to Banna. It xnslsu of about TOO up to tee age ot thirty fx height, up
^ ^ 10 fifty tor text gtrth; tta fifty
tor fear of brtoktog hx good of ooato. Just u the bad dxe yeax be­ for boou. Natlva. otbersrtoe ouxly | wbo hu now lakx place among tbe temples, each cxlainlng
that atianoca. anaadlag $he faaaral
^ growth to one X resL from thirty to
uncUd. may be sex ndoraX to due- [ immortali. Fitting wu it teat teey
cC a Mead, aad thair ddeat daaghUr ebiga.
atway* kept my own good fore. That eloek atot running.
vrbite marble, x which tee whole of fifty tux: tee aUnh period to teartog pomps, tee sola X which no long- should read opx tee pcdaial teeu
had aa upfiffliiBUj to totoxae ber< diafaaa tor company, bat HaUa't are It's half-past five, though, and Tm
tele Buddblsi bible.
acterized by a deeroe to all rttmusloa*
▼law* apea bar Mother wtthoat tour- BMUr tMa my gold band, aat to tee fol boagtr." Bytlablu. hu bex xgxved. ot tee body —TId-BlU.
Old eoraeu ud eycUng ttoektog* go
God. fx Home and Every The Burmoe alphabet U used, but tee
■‘Jam Uke-Old tlmu" said Hr. Storapttoa. Whn tea left that yoaag ouphoard, aad she asee hen for every
ctolr. ftltoaSy. oaeaiiig around tee alx- > the FUl Isluds. The FUlau atoo Lud.”
Baa. ha wu aOeitead. hat aot aoalanguage Is Pall. This
Whxu Ax tha htoX Aaoiaat Raiuf
abaort a cxsiderabto proxrtlx of
Ttoaad. Tha th^^t of a hoaa tor Tour gold bead set to np to the ai- toot table lb tec midst ot nppx
ts sbxluiely unique The Knteods*
Tbe oldest arebltaeuiral rutga to tta
How Animals Bstha
*}nlsiwo" It rary ptaeiBai to axry tk.” aald Pa Stodalr. T saw It teen fctoi bto wUe. u he had dxe el tbe wox-oul trousex. ihowtog a decided
erectx to 1SS7 by Htodx-mln.
Polar bear* enjoy a bate fx tee tee lut king but xe X Burma. Tbe world ax Mllxad u be tte roricent
■.aadbadxadLefe go dowa tt tee or- fint meal to tbe cabin rears betox. pretxesce fx those of Wwd paitera.
txnplu at Ipsambool. x tte Ml buk
sake X cleaaUneu u well ns fx
‘-My dur. these Usxtu ax tbe but
dBTd. BS. Th^ caaT eke
vut collectlx of templa logethx of tee Nile, to Nubia. T>a largxt (ff
swimming and u a bunttog ground.
hloseoentog apple ■ evx tested “
lax. wite a domtosting tem­
Nleraacala. .Tte Cnrifftoe
extala zootaglcal gaitlx wbx ple to tbe exier. Each of tee marble then aaelxt tcmplx exitalu 14
Mm. BtoetoJr beamed with dell^
•Wh* has bad to help taka care of treea, with tee UrOt aad bees all abow
tho,old polar bear's bate wu bring slabs X which the ncred ten to In­ aparunxu. bewn oot of aelld atoae.
into tee two aad ncbleealy urged him to
add paofla an hto Ufa.* ha Battarad. a*
Tbe largai atofcto sUme used ta this
filled wlih Jxsh waix It would stud scribed Is snrmountad by u
I syrup with tee Oaky predaet Ite two X thru briu at the a
ha tot tea etooaaa that axatag.-bad a oM baarta. They wandered doera by
work if oae whkh forma a vBMdaiMth opx. letting tee water
ahiapa woald ha Blgkty pUanat to tee bxok. sad puod iooklBg at tea of tbe old avx. teoagb the knew be
^xial esaopy to pagetta fona.—Til- like proJecUoa aJoag ou aide eff .tta
Mtodaaaoa. ta the Pbillpptou. dto- run terougb iu Jaws, sad wbx tee
hto. Nat teal oar talka ara aaythlaff eahto to which Pn Stodalr bad broa^i wu apt to have ladigeerix aftx toBiu. ___________________
mala lample. It to 61 feat kmg. 61
Me cranky Aaat /ana.” bt bantirf to
bride betox the 'days of dalgtog la teeae ariktas. Tte gMd- pjay a grut dull* fx xffs ud false bate wu full srould play all kinds ot
broad aad 11—oDe.aeeoaBt nya 1*—
Otonta In-Greentofid.
Md. am to hla thoaghta.
atm. If brick aad fnate eoaatry boBaas. The band telu ud tbto old sUvx spoon* shirt troets. India xbhx coUax ax tricks, reveling to tee watx. One ot |
CbrtoUu Jeasx. wbo hu Just re­ •feet ttkk. This etooseU atxu to topIts utks wu to fioai ow its back to
. m wan akwa wa ooald do aa wa
mas wu still to a good atau of graead tea Uble. u did atoe a prerious atoo mate to detnaad.
by two rows ef Baariva aqaax
-ration, for tta ovaer would old hand tpu and wovx
iC sxi, rvporU that while hU v -! pUlan. four to cock row and aaeh »
heels with lu foresawt aad roO ovx
alio* U'to he need u n Mnble. test bad box par. cf tec bride's dow- off ekxhlag for shlpmxi tt t
After enppx Mm. Stodalr lastotad Amerteu. Tte ladtoffs bad negroids of , a halL It would also tniu ovx sri wu irteiag M the xotewust coast feat high. To caX of these pillai* I*
or ttxdown. u wo anay of the pleapx havlag bx bubud Ue dowa un­ BtuU buy waanx-B bats, the ehieto x- lekward OB the edge sad taU to with ot Oxxlaad then arrlvx drom tee attaeted a urtosul figure et a homu
aaer cahtaa wen u soon u the
tntxlx a party of gtoau, the shorteut batog. xaeblag truB fidx to not U
til ite falsbed tbe diabes. teougb be traettog tha featbxs x arilfictol fiowMd tea hot UqoU laa onr tha daaa boBMwubaitt.
Moteeya d«tx wash ux bathe, ot whom wu aevx feat to height aad front X tta Bsia tSBpto ax aaatad
an for thrir owa adoramut. aad glvwanted -to brip with that task.
Math. ”t gwan IW ffetttog oM.* aha
-After ma and I an dead aM •
though they have, u a rule, every the taOut Bias feeC They had tbe : sUn ottx xloosl. four la anBbx. the >
-Put yaar bead rWit x that tidy.” tog tbe box aimpu to their srlvaa
aaU. wite a Uttla stgh. aa ah
tee oU hoaae may go. too; bat It
coppx-crixad xmNtktx* ate the two torgeat bring smA a tael Ugh.
tea doth with tha dtoh towaL
oar Int houe. aat Kd gotag to stay
baf toaghi ttsB to te afruM ot xuee- featnru M North >kmartcM ladiaae.— Tte nJau an sappoaefi lo te 4jM»
paitlxtor any mote. WeTl teve tte Brazil tte Bottvwi parrbiir ce
•ha Md aaad that axpxMtow ter tha teal to K to.” Hr. Stodalr dBd
dl^ea. Which BTO pretty geMnOy die­
good of tea cUan aad tBaltore It i iMdris Cx wtar on rxemnsitol
M"d nmty yam. hat totoite It tell aald.
TV FtoMtk atot
U «M< Ur tM.
lion, rm *n»wto- «i*-• guite' kU4«- «DiA.
0» U«r rpartk BT atirlU rlA
Viz. -M fM M tan o- )ot;
«ut a. »h^ 1 ww • bOT.
L6U o’ Mb iaoB dtri Mi« 'bbsdiiaw m-ad pte •■a rtaff.
OoUrl bol tber fl«bu «• batft
' ThMdt’«( *» makM n» nA.
WkM I’iro a bor 'Bd roB
■BoaiA baxifiM 'ad ttU o’ fan.
Chak fan o' tiB ■ad apank;
TMt iw abod aaoasb than dan;
,llo*tk0^p>taowfMcUd«v«TVap’aa «U plB «haal tUan'ad aaek;
nr all 0r«r
job tooeb.
9Ua W aU; tbtr woBMat beat
That <dd ^vas ovaad br PMa.
Wk« Oa »o^ oaM roaad aw'd


, THUMOAV. JUNt a. not.

<ta«be Bi« MtrerotzT «r hta BM**
pUrioUen or forty yeeia Ago. PBtrtot- br Bar. Faee>w«* wltaeM
dfutb Jacob
net hb own death
lan tb«> wae laMat aad aoae woa- anr tHead* and rMtirreytaatkvao'rBMOfe. ,
The greon wBa .attended ai beet IB a dnllar Bunner aad at alwnt tl
dared wbether ft eoald be arpoeed, bat
0>tw IB dia hM( u4 T>IM nport*
wot. He WB* twB down by
UaeM called a^ and acaIa abUI a>an by ScoU Aroutreog. tho brldee«K thB MvMtMtt oscm m4 ottar
frela ]JnM
hh non*
L«naa HtDer,
reepooded Ib a nighty
mUB( to th* wtiltn <4
iegloa tbai reached inward la a llae^ «t rraTerae City. The latertar of thei of Bierllag and latuntly killed. Mr.
^ tor the oceaaioB' wae non ar- j Klda waa abocl t» }eare of age and
of daty and mtrloOen. Why do peo­
M W.'b. C «w *01 ec*pl«ea »l U.e
ally decorated Is tbe prerallUg | had bees a rwldcat of Slerttng aboat
ple deeoreta the aterte aod bone* to
ymuHmr bOwbo* •—ton a» •
rer flower*, the parlor where tbe'forty year*, baring tm »ctiW In
gnor iheae meoT
--•— «w (milad At f:W »>• >
nosy wae perfomed being la Wayne roooiyHe followed with ab etoaoeat adtac It™. ASM -B. Dd*U « Tbr*e
reti OA tbe cAoere which led bd to
KIvm BSd« A BBtka Af lba ftrat
telj lonrwrta* the betrothal
Change in Bortneaa Ceilese.
the war. and la cooeladlAg eald;
Ort« «l boMAA* IB AABA A UtAtfAn
irntbra. ™ «r.«l! T, .b. P.blk:-0.1.. .. »• b««bj
-Ood graat that la th'd future war
«( STAMIDC to tto K«r Tort dopAntbe
P~Wb •»< «»■*!»> 1
“bteeb >”
b ae tar off ai It datee la poet. 8im
at lM»i. aad have sold rte Trev^It K eonea. the' eoiu of ihere yeteraar friend*.
Mr?'and Mrs. Martin will be at home !er*e Cly Bu^^ne** CoHese to l*n'wlU agale wear the blae ae did tbrtr
Bttcfc»A^«( tto a. A. B. ABd NaUoaaI
, their Mend. In WashJf«»ore M.nindUl aad I^. who ar.fatbere. Thte eeailneat ii true eouOi,
miHllt FABOr HtAOt AAd PltrtoUf
oorth. cart aad wen. There *re lai
vlll be remembered th«t Ml*. I Lndinct.m biisleess college*. They
isstfwtor KstA B. Iob«b oT the W. B.
flag! and taaay taadi bat there 1«
C. dspAHAd for jABtArtAT. Tl>« report
Cook wa. formerly a Trereree City . ar.- both men of year, of esperKmee In
dag la aay bad like our ova f
iB *hA MiroA oC U# Aoa« of U>* Bolgirl going w^ one year ago.
^ , bu.lae*. college work, and wi I
while aad bloe.~
! vanee the good name and staatllng of
boar wmi read..........................
Fbllowlag Mr. Oerdaer's addre»«.
Traverse City college. They will
MeOMnonr. uu boor
Cbarle* A. Bkeicber maag' “My Owe
iaUtiOBl for UlA TAAt'
wit and F^ank S-reag- , P«'
UBlted Bute*." -Whea Jedmny Coare*
In eoaaeetlon with their other sehool. itrmsmr Abba B. OrlBsUi nbolttod
Uareblag Home Agala” was •aag br ay* were etnoeing on the l>a> one eaa do berier for tbetr Mudmu lhar.
r bor TAArtj report ibo-lOA ttUM
tbe qaartet and Mlu BdUh Andorano ay last week betw<H-3 the W<w)ue- I hate beea able to do.
MirAd ffWD the outfolsf troA«trer
delirered a reading. -Sheridan * Rlde." mg club and the G. R. A 1. depot they
I would ask ih»t all my former *«:
JCB 11. total IB jABe It. It06. betnc
retpoading to i a eacore wlih an atno*- were the wlinetse* of one i>f the "erop- (leois and friends give the*e genUemen
f4.UT.ll AAd dlfbAreoBOaU W.TKiM
tlons" which have'been miniloned In
loe of Geacral 0
the tame beany -oippcn th.-y have,
-Bapoit or ABBA B Kbapp. pAirtollc
ibea aaag. "Suwanee ■be Herald. The boy. paddl.--! w-ililn
The quai
\ ' tBnrBetor. of BatUe creek AboPwiihAi
glvea me. and I can a.n.ire them that
tea or twelve feet of the dl.itirliance
Professor* Martlndlll sod Host- will rvj ' ' ^ bad bren boBored with the cMt of
and say that chunks Of uwdiist "a*
Jadge Lorlo Roberta eloied
,««ee tor the aetaath Uaa Her Usie
boxes" were thrown Into elproeate by glvlnc them the best
raeeUag by itstlng that tbe night
{: - -reCk tbCBOBih ooeaptod M the report
core be bad proraited that Comrade
^•’ffcowod. The report of the t. aad I
Oardaer would be kept in the city.
•fliedr. Brelro Cnuere, ihoved tvo
Bveryoae wa* glad that be bad con. catered a
ebsege had beea made.
^^ orsBAlaed doHo* the paai year
aeaied to do *o becaote the descrip­ number of people
Thanking all siodeni* and frlcads
^^UJiaallAtloaB reported la the etate
tion of l**ue* that led up to the great from tbe shore..
for thetr wrdUl supp<in and wlahini
M bMarjotat wflh the porta Thirty
war would make tbe hearer* go
Aim leuorArArere vrliteo to ai BiBBy
that are now all the very Irf-sl suec-s* 1 am
and be better men aad rterlab i
is «re not tv- •
Rospecifully jvwrs.
pbCa. hartBC BO abxOIut oon
of love for their country. He »ub. iartrwtlooB for omatslBC the
Big Slick.
Cha*. R. poekeray.geited tbrw cheers tor Comrade GardAb fBA»y or the deteABtee were Irerbulldlng Bcvec heard
M tbB taoTBlBt tralBA. the baked
Tbe audience aroee and
tfp«t dlABer WAB ABBOBBosd by the
BAfttlBt iBdIet B« ABrip Bl 10:44. BBBy WRAPm UP 'W BIB BUSINBBS. America and filed out to the luae
Owi-v Rei.l*BLI
B W. HaetlBv: PreebleBt or tbe
of “Tramp. Tremp. Tremp. the liny*
it thB depBTtlBx iBdlee prevtdlBg thenBoard of trade.
are Maretalag." by the band.
' aelTM with baked treat Inartea Tbe
adjonradlBAff- wBi talrfy picked oei ot.the aea
PlAM OIOM, StMim Boiler end Accident IneOronoe.
AB the eah eaed WAB OABCht thU sore- belagTtareree City. Dnrtagtbe iftw- meat artivod la tbe department cop
iBC Ahoot daybreak and aereed a tew
chwed eewloa the paitor. Rer. ToiUoB of the Udle* of tbe C. A. R.
hOBiP later. Mra Bdlth EeaBedy of W. T. WoodbouM. »*■ aaaonneed i yesterday afleroooti the committee on
. Ponlaiid. WAB tBAdered a rote of the door and apoa being eieoned '
»fc—w. tor the Able naamv 1b whleh< the platlom he expreeaed the ihaak*.
Aba led tba AlBfBK ttrousboet the the ehnreh for the beauUfnl flag whldi a reetrialion eMendlog a vole of tbaalu
Room 310 New State Bank Bulldin*.
the ooerestloB bad preeeat^ to then for the aso of the ehnreb, lo the clil
and flower* la tho
the day preTioas and in return bore
preaalng InTbailOB for menben to ■ ball, to the G. A- R. for the greeliag
and word* of eacoungement aad also
tend a iitni banQuet at noon today.
the good will and conrteay ealeaded by
The iBBt camp Are of the twentyflowert from Vr. aad Ua. Botph of •ereaih animal eacampnent of the the pres* of the city.
The coBveeilon cloved at 6 o'eloek
t of.^lchlgaB Oread Amy
A rou of thaalu
of the Reipblle waa held la*t erealng after the laitallaiiou of oOcers anil
boopllalltyy wae aAatMrto dta preae at the aty opera bonw which Vai this morutng at 4 o'clock aearly all
membere ot the various eireles
aad elUMa* cT Tiareraa^aty.
filled by a Urge and
Wv Imvcjusi r.-ri iilly ebwkvl
'iBRaibtJoa of ofloere oaae late la tbe eoee. Hon. Farm C OUbart wa* ehalrt Ladle* of the Q. A. R. left for their
respecUve bomet. Mre. Mary A. Jam<-■nmooBu
man of tbe meeUag and after a
Vaatardayb ffwalen.
Uoa by the band “The Miaeretie- from BOB. Marine City, the new department
FbllowtBg the eleetiOB of tbe depaK- 0 Tr^yalare wak auag by tbe Queen prertdent, remaining until 11:SS will,
■eat oCoen the aett baalaeae before CUy qaanel. thU being ao wrell ren­ her husband. Edward S. Jameson
and from ti ix;rB<miil i-xiMTioiio- w<- U li- 'v it l"
:i nsilly use­
yit.W. B C. eotreeattoB wa. Ue ebe- dered that aa eacore waa iaiKted whose delightful song* Ust ewnlnK
ful iHoparation for inserts on Flowi-re. I'buto aiid Animals.
'tMi«ltt*«HfBttra hoard. Are nen- apon. tba ballad “BaDy » Oar Alley" MWe «n the camp Are program.
Jameson bat always been a staunch
bani betag the oeoanary qoota. Tbaee being then glvea.
Ask ns sbont iL
O. A. R. lady, being a ebarier
AdJataU rayette Wyokoff wa* then
of her borne circle and haring served
lamdaced by Chalnaaa QUbert aa the
mnaa wne before the eoBreatloa. flret fpeakar of tbe ermilBg. expreaa three previous year*. Mr*. Cell* Bar
hour of CaacvlUe. the new tourer,
Mim. PIMM B Moody and Mn. ini bl* pleamire
BwlyB Craaeare of Detreh.'who woa Aeera of the 0. A. R. for tho cordial win reafaln la the city until next Fri
day a* the guest of her husband's
H. B. M*cDOSALj»^!UiB«er
Tpiverec City. Mich.
oa the flm balM. Tba reanlt waa aa
bMpliable treatment accorded
nephew. J. J. 8hlW of South Spniec
them at thU
■tnmtlye Beard>f(ia. Brelm Cree- be aaW. of the Q. A. R. bad not always street, and during that time ebe hopes
organise a circle of the Ladles of
eare^ DaUoU. ebalnnaa: Mra Rachel. baeo welcomed la every aection of
BMBael, T4sUa; Mra theda CanBoa- the eountry forty year* ago for they did the 0. A. R. The mala existing differ
Pertlai. Brarti Hre ttana BeheBer. not come ai gueau bat a* mea of war eace between the Ladles of tbe G.
Port Hood: Mrs. Bdlth ReaBedy. port- forced upon them . Maay of thoee R, and tbe W. R. C. hu been la the
for admittance,
gmhered la aaaemblage bad no
R. C admitting all loyal women and
IMeotoa to tbe NaUooal Cooeeci eaptloa of what they had p
tbe Ladles ol tbe Q. A. R. restricllng
thn IbiagaU at larie. Mrs. Aaaa B throat aad the adjutant became
membere lo cloee blood relation*.
BMU. Itoaa -Wrare: altarBate. Mre.
olag back to a beautlfnl
CMC or O. A. K tMCMtimiHT.


Tire Insurance!

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

Your Life

UaTascQlr State BiB
A T. HANNAH. BmllMl.

The power that giv« j-on
life and motion is tlie nerve
force, or nert e fluid, located in
the nerv^ cells of the breia,
and sent out throu^ the
nerves to thcTarious organs.
If voa arc tiyed, nervous,
iTTitablc. «nnot rfeep; have
bcadaclte, feel stuffy, dull and
melancholy, or have neuralgia,
rheumatism, backache. j>cnodical pains, indigestion, dys­
pepsia. siotnach trouble, or the
kidnevs and liver are inactive,
your lifc-currcni is weak.
Power-producing fuel is need­
ed ; sonietiiinp to increase nerve
energy—•nrencihen the nerves.
'Dr-'Miles' Restorative Kert-iiic is the fuel you need. It
feeds tbe ncr\ nerve
force, and restores vitality.
•il 1


A CcBcnl BuUit MBettlMM

1 per CAAt ADnred M nae XMBMtIi.



or 8BASOM.


Ch* store that Fill* tbs most Prt»criptloii*

thompsen's /fose nicotine

219 €. Treat St.

6oing to Build?

A«aaa M. Wylla, Albtoo; dMegaiea.

la February when with
biukae rank* be marched Unoogfa
Keataekr Tlewtag tre mile* ahead
and Bjonad the Mamlng and gHaieaand snltlery until It appeered to him lartneible. Me eloaed by
t thanking the eiUsea* tor their
hearty welcome which Chairman Oilben aald was'sIgnlAcaaily displayed
la the welcome baaaera tbroogbont
the cltjr.
I latrodnced Department Cotn-

department irf the W. R C. * 5 held
xtely after
tbe adjourum'ent of the last
the eonventloo at 4 o'clock. Mre. Mar>
E. Udell of Three River* being the
lulling officer The »e**lon was
opea session and many of the hu*bandi and veteran* of tbe G. A. R. en
lered tbe gallery to wlues* tbe cereraaey. Senior and Junior vice presldeat took the oath of offioe Are! and
yean ago today wai MO the battle of reedved ihe.ljadge of office, followed
ballou and the newly elected oom- by the executive board, and ifaeo tbe
preoldcnc-elecl wa* lasulled and im­
mander. He aald:
“Mr. Cbairmaa. ladle* and peatle- mediately after oath of office appoint
men; My adjutant made my apeeeb. ed the oAcere being as follow*: Chap­
lain. Mre. Gertrude Welker of Ionia:
1 was reqneated by the chair
here tonight on eshIblUoa. Fbny department inspeetews. Nellie- Dodge,
yean ago canaon were exhibited but Oowen; department councellor. Vanda
J. Halsted, Corncord; I and I nSrer.
they were not suppoeed to talk,
Ida-Arnold. Kalamaxop: patriotic loeaemy la not clw eeongb aow.
lafantry did the talking and the eaaaoa structor. Carrie E. Hemsirect.
stood on tbe hill to scare tbe people laire Owing to a disappointment tbe
nl secretary was not appoint
away. Will thank yon and leave i

Ooh; two, Hra. Ekama Dorgdoat, HlUa
daU; alteraata. KelUe Priatap, HfUedale; Urwe. Mre. BlUaheth Harwood.
JMtaea; alternate. Mre. Ltatle B
V Oaok.&t0B Raplda; foor, Mre. Bather
, Beane, Beaum Harbor; alteniate.
Mre. Phtnipa, Manball; Are. Mn. Ida
. ArtoM. KaUnaun; alteraaW:, Mra.
Idb Adaau. Paw tUw: atx. Mre. NelUe
B Dadga. Oread RapM*: allenuae,
Mn. nhhitu. Oraad Rapid*: lereii.
' Mn. LUlUa Onai. liyoM: altemau.
Mn. Loelada TrMlaad. a. John*;
el^t. Mra. Haiy MeOoaBellcy. mat;
attanata, Mn, laei Booar, Owoato:
Btoii. Mre. Martha McCabe, Bay CHy:
alternate. Ma K. Jeoaie Badd, Sagi­
naw; ten. Mre. PreaoM Baow. Harbor
Sprtagi; alianate. Mn Sarah Hardy.
Big Bapldi; eleren. RteUa H. Ralph.
Bwanaba: attanute. Mary B Rowley,
OyMal PUIt; thetfih. BHabelh
Kway, lABilag; altaraaic. Mre. ^ma
U Oarer. Detroli.
WhUa tha teilen were out Tonatlag floor to Mr. GarWr."
two by the presldrtit. Mrs. Eva Giwy.
the ballot* tba rooUae btutaeau of
B. 8. Jameeoa of DHroll wa* cal
of Grand Rkpids.
tba ooareatloD was lakea up, the Am upon by Cbairmaa Gllton and be
la order bedag a tHegrera OT'iynpathy celved such aa ovatloa'for tbe ”8<
Previous lo the closing of the cunoCered by tbe oaeTcnUoa to Pad Com- Of the Terrible Alab*iu“ that be wa* reatloa Mre. Stafford, who wa* to have
•aader Amalia Oeeay of CallforaU forced to respond again and the aeeoad been tbe guest of Mn. Harriet Fadden.
oa aenooat of tba raoent death of her seleetloa “I Rkmt Go Out With Riley annoDBced to tbe conveoUno that she
haahnid. After the last dv^esate haU
' bad auended the fnnerea
beea alectad owing to tbe apportioaThe Hoa. M'ashiagloa Gardner wasinaalcl Paddt-n, saying that never
nent of tbe order of a delegate tor reaented to the audience (bee a* one I fore during a convention bad ih.
orery TOO menben it wa*
wbo wa* aoc wholly a streager. He I ever been a funeral of a husband
that tha coareatkm was eatiiled
aaldlrpart; “Hr Chairman ladle* I oae of the member*. Mr. Paddec U-ing
aa aktre dNcgata aad the iweicth delet have shared wlUi'Ifke
<tc busbaad of one of the past depart
gata was ihea elected, the namec of Adjutaai Wyefcnff and all comrades | ment chaplain*. The last bout of the
two mamber* who
who hare Come lo yvmr city, the kind conrcotloo.was given over a love (east
attaod belag Dominated. Mre Bilia- bospllalliy wbirt ha* made IbU en-; aad greetings and farewells and gUt*
bsth A. Keeny of Lansing ^ atier- eampmeat oee pf (be most enjoyable of love and esteem were exchanged
oata Mn Bmoia L. Oavey of DitrolL
in tbe history of encampmenu.____ among the retiring officcra.
IB# Tartw* reporu of tbe deport- old aoMlere lacks la anything It Is not
MaleommiUeee were read, aiDOBg the
gntllode. I doubt sonwtlmes
MarrM in WatMnflton.
latanaUag atatistSea tietnc that, of whether the youainr generatJoa fully 1 At the resldc-oce of the bride's para foqad that SASO appreciated Uie meaning of tbe O.
R Alent*].Mr.
aad Mre. Fred T. Cook, Sealaaldis** ctaeos had I
R. aad what It algalSet. I may aay. u*.
MU* Lucy EUxaheth Cook
gartag the paat ynar by tlfiXl ehOdiwa yonagiadlosaadyonagmca tbutoelaag Cbarle* Martin of loOomer.
aod Umt,M MTpa Ware located oear men you mw iBiUie man* yeatcpday.! Wash, were nauad la marriage
Mar to allow tte aerrfee « the dee^' stooped, wrtn^ faltering of step.{wedaaadvy. Jane M. at -t:S« o'clock,
vSam Of tha aanare.
grey baliSnfid BpeM reptesou Ibei-rhe ceremony whirt wwt perfiamnd

If so, the South Side Lumber Co. at Travers
City is the place ro~buy your material. Shop
and mill woric done on short notice. Give us
a chance to figure on your wants.

AWoiwgr a* Law


^ n&rsa!


W*yreO«m»yl.akBld,, pBTBOIt !

239 E. FWlt SL, OL PfcERfl


Ask For

Better in the stay
Screen Doors .and
V/iodQws than the
________________________ Idnd
make tor Ae
home from seasoned wood, srilh latest attachmeots.
the easy to operate kind?
If you would keep out the flies and musquitoes see
us. about Door and Window ScTceiab
Our finely made screens wil! outlast aoynriiig on
the market.

laPhene.Sai Ball.ISff.

South Crawrst
Side eity.


Over that Tub of Clothes to be Washed on a
W^h Board.
That is asking too much.
Make- your work as easy as
possible and buy one of our
Washin;: Machines. You will
never rct'ret tbe small ex­
pense you pay for the
washer. It Mill pay for itself
in savin;; time and hcal^ in
a few weeks. We hawe them
for $3,
Jj and Sll-iu- We also have Wash Hoards,
Brooms. Mop Sticks; Axe Handles, and a lot of other
ihinjjs that you have to use.




Hatinsand HanastlaETisa
will S'"'!! i" ii'-v'an'i .v"o will want s"nn- tool*. We
h.oi- .1
:i*sortnK-iii .>f tln-*i- u-rx.l- fp'iii which yon
tin;:- y.iiir Bcli-rtimis nt lari*---* will pleeae you,
sii. !.
reyth'-s. Snjitlis. Craillfs. B.’ikia. Fofka, etc.
U „ I, V n'si.raj ymir |Otatoe* us- lire RocheaWr Com|.-. ii.-i Vir Sprayer witli tlii- • Kiitii KIor" noalo.
• T ! . V a.'.' tl;--.lw«t mftik'- Com^ iii i*ni3 soit them..

rRANPC TRUDE. 144 Front Street
\Vi- li:ivi- it lirsi i'Lis* Till Sltpp.

Hare you ever tried the
Byal Tla;*r

They are the bexU

Csaaed Cera
aad Satmea

Sold ndy by

J. brezina
lp«s Emm* FroreW

•UNSTiuviM«HnMA THUWOAV. jihiz ». ms.
I wtol oqoippod te tbofr work and bare toM bod little DoUb foorto.
Bodskta. drtrra by
I glrra tbe Tory boot oatlilBSlra. wo I

"fit' tm i


OMiwr Ti John rroK ei •!. tor «»MM* tor tie dcub o( b«r m «t *
«’ctock tbto mtunooB toooaht to

Tte <«M

to tk« toT7 to 10:M

tbti wralBf afur u'abU ckwfe spoa
giiinti 1-------- --- --------------------—
4cUmlMd. ACMFdlBc to Hie ttatBtM

HowProto, ^torttodfll ood Booe. proprteard Wbltlag. drew tbe pole: Bw»ton ot tbo Mtodotod Botoaon OoUego gM to aoto toot too aebool wUl to
ijs. Oox Brotows’ trotter, drtrra
looo tbo. prooUgo it hao.gnla
■M tbo Lodtogtoa Baotoem Oollogo.
FToak Com eoeoBd: Betrtdoiw.
tbe TtoTorto Olf Boo- bat wiu be adynneod to too vecy b
owoad aad driira by Bdrrard Laaumr.
iBooo Conogo ot Pwt. cat; Doctooiay. that eaporiooeo aad OMoey raa mnbo
Tbe oU atodrau to tbo eeHage tbM. aad OoMea Bow. i. T. Haaasb>
Tbo thtoo oeboolo wOl bo i« «»dor
eott. drew' tbe oauido. OoMra Blow
imo mtotegomrat Proto. KvtiB- wUl be Mobto after with tbe
took foorto place la tbe Bret host and
teroat as formeriy nod tbo 1
as tbra wltodmwB oa neooaat to
priecoro wfU be pirated to bare aay
and oil farmer poptu enU apoa torai ml
say timo sad tbey wooM be gU<l
•Mist them la seeoriag posltloas.

nr pwM ^«fSm br roMoo'of
tte a)« to Honor to ur ponon. vUI
tero tM rtoU to aetiea a^iut the
lacli nto. Jt hw bora

BIIBlf Eli’S

Erra toe
gfilra witooiit eoc^ maleriaL

WMd Sob Onr, Beak 0|«li, lid
Srifais fcr

Umi COFFEE, at lafcr a a s«ta «a»^

BedsUa toe* ibree «m!gb( BnU
la l:S8H.
sod l;n. ghrlagblm

ddr. Doebotny eamo to Travaao CUy first place. Bocopballs took ibtra
ends sad BcMdoe three thirds aad so
In October, ISM. sad
has stnee been kaowa as too TrsTerae west the mooey.
Tbe lodges were Ben MeOoy. V. B.
Cby bnslnta eollega. Tbe college was
d Dr.
started la the small mm brak ot toe
iided by Baraan * Bari. )ew- Borto sad iVhb Shsne acted as timers

b«U br tlio Snpromo coart UiM uj
p«M Btodac e lalo to Uqoor to a
MlMT. wfcieH molu u tool to mM
• mtaiM^ IMU*. wlU bo Uablo in aeOra

gapn la ISM. aad from lu laerathm tbo college grew la lafloeace aad,
ealoe as 0. edo»tlon.l lastltnUco.! Pl»~. <»

IH^ to toter-o ora botoc tbto tbo
ottotor wboa deHtofOo ero ockod. to OB
Holt to tbto <Mo U tbo porrat wore
•bto to ooppon bortolf oolp the motto
i^H^IOoB OBdoot too toato wotod boM

aeJt last year the nadeot itol aggre­
gated eighty.
cily where they n
For sereral years the college has
occupied the greater part of toe sec.
CochllB. BUsell aad Requa ottetoted.
ood floor to the UEStoa block. A
the music being fnnlifacd by Hessn
groat many students bare gone from
Skeleber. White. Snyder and Hunter
tbe fraeerse Cliy buslnese eoUege Into
Tbo deceased has long been a memposItiotiB to respoasIbllUy aad trust,
1 the veteran poeu of the siati
the foDBdaUon to their success being
bavlag belonged to the Watson post of
UId la this schooL Many to Its gindGrand Bapids.'where both Hr. aad
Qstia bold Importaat pooltloni la Trnv.
Mra- Padden were grenUy belovod and
erae City.
Silas MUdreth Dockemy
today maay of the memberr .to the

bto U to boU bm tbto tbo cbarpo to
.^nti Otoiafb to eoror.tbe toral **
M tbo motto.
to bto dtois* to the 1I1I7 tbto
tog dbdfo bUpM bold tbto tbo pbrtoeto
•Bl toototo oobdIUOB ot tbo ptolnUS

>. Mg^ndilL
^b rftotiiiora
tbto to Umco
Tht trattmoor obotrod

posts and corps of the former bom<
pnrtment for two yrara with ptodty were la aUeadaBce.
ta otowo told tbo OKoeotoro two ed li>- toe aebool la the way to new furoltare, nouBced saceem. Mr. Doek-eray cane
toitototog Ugrari to loeognlMd by tow
typewriters, etc. To make Uu* here from Oraad Bapids. where he
. wife of
Mrs. Mary
W hlntlBg to moral oraofMUUoo. Tbo
K Oiy BuslBesa College the was aa lastnictM la the Western
■r of Soioo, breathed
t>on cbtogod tbo Jwy tbto tbolr beat in toe aottb U the ambUloo tolHlebi^ boeinesa college for n
Usi Thursday momioc
ioc* inftmM. told etramra- oraoo too iWDprietoia.
I time. He hae not yet announced
o’clock, baring a two weeks old bab>
BUt ^ raed to dotormlBo tbo toet
J. W. Martladlll. a graduate from P>«>» f" too future, but
spend girl. Mrs. Amtsbuchler wo* bom In
eorarto oodor tbto foot ud tbo todr
poKlon to the s
Austria la 186J rad when she wu two
mou to doarngoo moot oaly 'ttoriy
I old her' pqreau come to tblr
oerar tbo looo oDOttooed oo rogoon- partae^t tbe beglaniag to toe fall
Boddes t%c husband aad

■Mo vttb tbs loeu oBbmIUod.
Matinee fUee Meet
term In September. During the sumtr, on tbo otbor bond tbo defendoto
mer be wni assist la the NctmaJ aad From Thuruday's Record.
did aot oou tbo tetraktoteg u«oor. or
Bki^lsh work.' Slaee he gradaaied
A good abed crowd wltai
dM Mt coatrtbute to ptot to tbe dootb
from the Stats Normal aebool, be has
pralag meeting to the eeason at the
to VOItoa Cooper. 0 U tbo plolntlS
taken epedal commerdal work In the drlTlag park yeeterday aflcniooD.
tad toiled to eotabttob uv to tbo 00roeeq.wrat to the horse going the best
SHttol elemrata to tbo eooo. wbitoi
three ta five half-mile beau aad In the
eaatrtbDtod to too drato of and
srue City flrit heal H. 1. Burgees' colt Boy B.
tbftMgb tbto to too looo. tbra tbore
Butineae college. For one year be surprised the crowd by steKdni
■botod bo 4 Yordlet tor m
principal to the commercial de­ half la 1:0SK rad wlaalag from Molly
partment of tbe Peioricey High aebool. O. by a length.
no owe itokdi etaood by tbo roUrowhich posltloo he rceigned to accept
In Claes A. four horves orwe entered,
It to too tory ««■ otortod tbimi^ a almllar but b^er position in the
Roy a. owned by H. J. Burgess ud
drowtou to WIlUi
Warm High aebool. Warra. Penn. driven by Doe Burgess; Lady Cyeott.
oordmaa than oad t
Tbe latter position be bad charge to a owned aad drivea by William lager,
eomaerclal departasrat of orer :M pu- soli: Kau M, osraed by Dr. Oeti
agip to too nm to UJt». barad op<M
Ho resigned this pesitloa to ac­ ud drlTCo by Charles GcmialBe.
too rale to liquor to too ooa. WIIUud
cept the prindpelshlp of the Traverse Molly D., Sprague Pratt's sovrel m
ttooppr. by PKot-Bieo. vbn bo a
college. Hr. MarCadill drivea by Smer Weeks.
Is a maa to a family aad will reside at
1S7 Tenth Btreei.


Roy a won the flrst beat of toll
rare by a length while Molly D. took

Prat A. D. Boas wUI
too tar too OMO to Proak Pallor r*.
normal work la the aummer aehool
atmid KOdam trrapMo ca too omo
waobogra. ntotomuacMoeelltot aad will give leaooae U plala aad
Prof. Brae ti
for ,d«abcot. action being tnkoo
a highly eduealed geaUemaa
' booad vpm too-rteloao aeUoo to
tioa to bb ocmmerdal work, be b
bone owned by too dotoDdnat. Bdw»
flae .penman aad
XDdoo. tt taing eborgod in too 009teacher to the art. being a graduate to

aecoad plaeo from Lady' Cycou with

babe two sons. Oscar rad Wfillam,
aged 1» and 17. rad eight brothers
Wendl, Joseph. Aathony. John. Frank
Edward, Fertlnrad and Stephen art
The funeral



dersoB Dntlenaklag eompray,
Fourth St Duck take.
There will be doings at ih P I>jrk
Lake Park Resort tbe Fourth
Water sporu are on the pn«ram and

aad Hon. George G. OOvcII will dolivci

Woto«a Obtain Mra. Plnkhaai’a
Advice and Help.

ClrraR vart was la saaafcm
uratofi aaUl 1» o'doefc. too dot
auH of Prank Pnilcr va. Bdward Ktldas Mai eratlauud uatll that time.

•d Cured Mra. Frvd OsydsL

BRsr taleh ca •djaaraatrat was taken

i» a jrn-at
satUfacii..n fnr s
Oman toln-I that
le can wriu- u>
ic miwl .prirsle
-UilA aboBi her
Inesfa. snd know
■sUirrlrltci will

' casearatiotoeJaryaadatlOe-cloek
aaaouBOtid a rardlot c( *Wo com

Cbaags ia Thao CM
Tta aammor ratadu to toe Q. B. ft.
I. want tale oBM Sunday. Tbe aeg
otowiaie b aa aMM ooe rad Trav
otMiSIly win bars a fine north and
fto serriee srhUo the Nortopert dk
d^M wfl] taTO ra axtra train.
Prof. A. a ROM.

4;4S a aa ta toe aorta. At 1I:I0. a'
train learoa for poiaU rarto aad south


Prof. W. U. MaitladlU will also as- ud Ro.T B.
from' behind,
nad aaotosr ta aortkdra and aootoeni •Ut la toe sommw school. He has bod
wheela with CertnBlBe's bike mad put­
poiata at ditft. Trolaa begin to ar- a gruat deal to experience la orran- ting the latter out of commission. The
rtre at <:X a B. TUs te a taaPtraia
lilag ud maaaglag bnainess colleges beat went 10 Molly D. with Lady
witoailiBgsrtromOtaelnBatl. iftlaa and has grown rW up In toe buslCycot^ second rad Roy B. third. The
atadBivo at
p. m. aad 7 if. ra. Bwa. Fhr several years be was em- lime was 1;14^. The next two heals
Cm potato aorto aad nonib.
ptoyod by the Ctoumbua Business Col­ went-to Holly D. wllh lady Cyeott sec­
Oa toejtaithport braaek,-a'
lege Company to Columbus.'Ohto. He
'Mres it «:» a. a. rad anoUior at come to Michigan
years sgo
ItSi pL a. Tbe arrtraU froa NoHb- ergulsed- toffTSStogUn Business
port and way ptoato are !•:» 1
lute ud afterwards esubILshed toe
aad 4;M p. BL
Haalstee 0'ttalooss College. He will
be ipaMcer to the three tehoob. bav-

(antitad nt too Me ct toe greoa’a

ond. Kate H. Third rad Roy B. founh:
time 1:0>V rad I:ll\.


race to MoUy D, Burgess's horse sec­
ond rad Lady Cycou ud Kate H. third
aad fourth.

ThU race was betwera Uttle Duke,
lug charge to toe odvertUIng. rad be owned and drlrea by Charles Ger­
has nude amagemeBU by which he maine. ud Major, owned by Fred
caa place db qualified studeau ta good Pratt rad driven by William Higgins.

positlaos la toe dUIereei parts to
Dr. Cctinra's Little Dutch and Mike
Mio nad uto. Mr. and lira J. D.
cotroiry. He b tn touch with aU
Hymu were also entered. Major led
IMtad, m Weto Bemto atroet,
leadtag employhKiit agencies In toe LitUc Duke to tbe q[uarter aad thea
large ritles rad is also a member to broke but settled down aad took Brut
tbe'Katlaeal Oommerclal Tcatoen' asrM. Friday ba atur takR« oa
aotoatloa. He always attends .these
4ta Deraaa beeaao atraid-to toe balemevUngi and la this sray It weU oo
fbl tatarare to the day Friday. Tbey
quAlBied with tbe latest, and best
•re both froa Chief Lake and It
methods to practtal vroeh to the proanitatr that toe gtrara be hg^

tdaee'la toe atrrieh. Gennaiae's horse

aty BMnesa College^ve aU beta

with UtUe DnU tacoad. Mike Bymra

todk seeood ud Little Dntcb aad Hike
Hrmra'rame la third and fourth;
time. 1;1S.

Tbe second beat went to Major by
rrarsioa. no toe wedding toe* ptaw fearieSL Be wUI see to It that all toe nearly IM yanls. Little Duke took
«aa ralea* atar too dot* atrot* !L newest and be« metoods-to bookkeep­ second. Mika Hymu wtanlag third
Aaotosr praailBr fratsre to that toe ing aad graaral o9ce laatrueUoa It frara Uttle Doteh by half a leagto:
glvsB la the three atooois under hb tM 1:HH- The third heal was a
Mio aad inora are both IS yrara oM.
repetlilra to the seeood aad the time
Ttaraanlflsa wao ant on etaptMt as
WhBe toe siuaeau to toe Tratsfie waal;l3. Thb gave the race to Major
toe rwiranay was wftaiiiad by the

Mint am gi iHjn«l • ps i bsgi ta
tan IJg WiBS.
*** **(SdeSyfaSISlmaMpSnvra}

would acaboTCT ud then oock open
r matter ooac tram It rad
mid all (aU 08. It would
a time, toes scab over ,
agata. Sc—. —---------------------------enra, aad we immediately procured
a box of CutienraOiatmeat, aad a cake
to Cuticura Soap. She was moch better after toe first hath wi to warm water

saw a marked change tor the better,
aad she was entirely cored, without a
scar being left, hr tbe one box to Oint­
ment a^onec^e of Soap. Her skin

100,000 MOTHERS
Daflp T«U outer l£«tb2>a
That Cnticura Soap is the best baby
soap in toe world for clerasun^ ud
pnnfying the akin, sod that Catwura
Oiaunent is to priceless value ta
soothing aad healing itching, tortur.
ing. and disfiguring crwptiona. itch,
tags, and ehatoiga. A ringle apolicatton of Cutienra CHstment. pteecded


Jl'ss than half an hour lightning
struck ihi- Fiore of Wood Bros., in Gil­
more, three limes.

There were W per-


' WOOLSOS SPLCB oa. Ttosdo. pMo.


The HcVw^cr Antoiaatie
Qonolino Engine ia the beat
1. One-third the miiBbw
of porta. £. So gcan,
toma, ecoratrica, tnmUing
roda, pr complicated mo, chaniani of any kind. 3.
An tdec^cal Governor gtiaraiitceid 10 timea an qwA. m any
other. 4. Owing to the quick gorwita, engine will ttaad fiO per
cent eiiOdca overload jritboorSlidting. 5. No ndjnatn^ta to
^ out of Older or nazle tho optontar. 8. Antomatic valva
action. 7. Automata carbureUon. Those nn» cxclaaire poinin
of the McX'ickctr Antomatic Gantdiao Engine.


M>us lu the store and six were koockDil
•iown rail one »-as badly Injured.


WescUlUrdwarv.aHkir*di«lFami MaehlDviy, Imptements.
Wagons. Buggies, and Ifsmcsa.

dog was killed.


To Cure a Cold in One Day ?

Kirehner's brad will fur


PM tataflwii Baeor4.


» a. m. arc swimming races, burlinf
itchrs. a (nb race, etc. At 10:30 a
eserrises will be held in the grov.

missed only one day. »lien his wife

Tbe cnae was tried at toe


<mg the morning fraiures beginnlor

ta too ram to $ PiaU * OnTii.
aai Pan a OObort botag attan^ la

A train win Haro Travorae City at

as-’aftidg sastb'a ag s:

when she was cightsea mootos old,
caasiBg intensesulieiiiig lot two ye^
Wc ttod several doctors, ud tned

The remains were la charge of toe An

tlorad ta «loog time, oaklag damagoo

loot ton to coart bat a dUagroemrai
WM too lONlt to tbo caae being tried



the Interment look place at Oakwood

^iBtot tont too dtoondtat kept toe

toitU t o'ckKk Hoaday wormlag.



from the

borne Sunday morning at 10. the Rev.
Bbellser of Keswick oOlelatlBg. and

Bitb the music both morning rad even
only a few laebes to opoRIn toe aflerBOon there will bt
ta the eeeoad beat toe fleld got away
ball games. Gtawn vs. Queen C1l>
the first time down. Lady Cyeott be­
aad Wylle vs, the Com Huskers. Pa
came mbed up in Molly D.'s
seegcr launrbes gill meet the M. t 1
the first tun rad broke. The Burgess
E. trains at Wylte landing and bussi
coll wag baling things all fab
will meet tbe Perc Marquette trail
the first pari of the beat but broke
at Grawn. There will be fireu’orkric
bm whkdi wa« norattotood to ntttek.
tbe evening.
Ohio, which U recognised as the beat
kb*, bta ami otrlko maaktod, and did
lookiBg good to come well up In front
tbra nod tbore 00 Doe. • toot grotoly atoiool of pramaaahlp In the world.
James Corne, aged lOl. 'bao^beec
Prof, ttooe It oBO of too best pramra at the flabb but a bobble strap broke. parish clerk rad veirer of ihe Churct
tootoite. wemod nad bnilM too arai
Jerking the more up rather suddeoty
aad teoeber to tbe art ta the state.
ptolatU. wbo tboroby becni
of 8t. Colomb MiBor In
•Idt, taoo and dloordotod nadooeonBagland, for fiftytoght years, rad bu

tbe oaoe


fiM ec«M tint far oTW •
b».. .nJ jw ril ok-.cbaVll
far.M-g in
_____________ ___

TaYem-Ooctiw ad SO-

; toem. which firm new oecnplea the en­ sad Jofca Lamaon was starter.
tire floor. Ur. Dockerar began with

lor Aomesra. Bat oeror btoon bei
^ aetloa bora btod tor os odoJi, tbo tol-


He Secret of Good CMIee

only, a wofull of sym­
sick slsterfa. and
aboee all. a
romah who has had
Is .treating female lib
than any living person.
one Ihundred ibonsand csms of
Over ooe
■male disei
ir before Mr»- Pink-


ing on forr twenty years.
years, day after day.
hurely women are vrifae in seeking
adriee from a woman of sneh experiePCT. especially when it is sbsololciy
Mrs. Rnkham neverriolsles Ibeeoafldenre of women, and errrv testimosbl letter pobliobed U done so «ith
toe written consent or request of the
writer. In order that other sick women
mav be benefited as they have breo.
Mrs. F>ed twvdel. of 4J2 North Mth
(Street. West PhlUdelpbia, Pa., writew:
" Ovsea year SCO 1 wToW yon s tgter asboc
•drim. as 1 had fmsate tlh andV^ nc<
cmrrv a child to maartty. 1 tvoeived «<air
UndleOarto instrartkimandfoUoaadvow
tavlra I am raw onlv a well wvmn Is eon-

KILL the bugs
WITH 0|!)E

of our


Aspinwall Spraying Machines





You cantiot afford to let the insects, blight and rot spoil your cropt when you
can get one of these "Sure Shot" Machines that docs the work right, and at a
GRE.AT SAVING IN' TIMK. LABOR AND MONEY. Atrial will convince you
that the above sutemeois are facts. If your Acreage is not large, perhaps you will
want a hand sprayer. WE HAVETHEM-ALL KINDS-KNAPSACKS.COMPRESSED AIR AND ATOMIZERS—the greatest assortment ever shown. Now
is the time to get one and be prepared when the bugs come.
Yours for "Quality and Satisfaction,"

Farmers Supply Co.
127-135 State Street '

Traverse City, Mich.

write ^yuu for advtra, ai you have done m
Juat ea surely s« Mra. Seydel was
•nred. ivUl L*db
Tegetoble Corapemod
woman soffering bum ray form of
female Ilia.
No other mediciBe la all the world
has each a record of cures of female
traobtea u has Lvdia E. Piakhauis
Vegetable Cocapound. Therefeew no
prtaent wemra will accept any subtoJM wUeb adrogfiat may aOer.
If you ore rick, erriic Mrs. i-lnkham.
Lyon. Mara. ta special •drioe. It ia
tae aad always bolrdnl

The children’s friend—

Jayne’-s TontcVermifuge.
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscltt.
Gives tone, vitality and snap.
Get >t from'youT


I Tn WAB Of tai lAsr
EL Ftimbort. J»«.
Alettes, who liM
taaa N>ppU>'*d
a aeiDber flf U>e eoDDdl <S oDpln.
tbc Tie* K>r»JtT of the tor E«»l of
vhkfc be fonaerly hl^. bdo* ebolUb«d br llapeHal akaK. watr nM
the BwUa cmerameat U deiermlacd

afoodbecaimeitMmdeM e»
pbstieall^ for imrfect ODtritiaa.
And ]B( in Oe mtter of re*orii« ^ipetite. <£
ctrengA te tbe turara, especialljr
to tbc Dcreea, ia acticB u that

Cleveland. June aE-Epeadlng
averaaventy niHeB an hMr tbc Lake
•ben TwcBtleth eetitury limited run-

B Detroit

Intaraating Exp

'Kaperlmeiita that trifle vlUi aod eodaarer the heelUt of

Detroit. Hk^. June *3-—On
rraaldiD atraai poMlc playirrouiide,.

latooU and ChUdrcn-ExperieiKe agmipat En»erlmwiW


Dated by the Doebannci. H. T. Lane,
bias tiwn Cblaa*e te Hew Verti an an
■uperviaor U the acbool board's pal>-1
vm. alii titrt wbr.
at M^Mer, Mte. at 9:»1aet aigM and
If to be known aa the node! -Cliy U
tweiitr peraene arc dead and at '
From the mayor do»o to the hard
tdM J|herc eMelali delta the flyer worked alde^an and <
rpalnte an epen ewiteb l»«t the eUUen Dichied policeman, tbc children of the :

OaaUtria ia a

snbetanoe. Ita age fa Ita guantntee. It dcatroya Woms
and aHays Foveriahnean. It enrea Ptarrhoca and Wind

The Lake Share afliclBla wauM net aay

mary pleetlonf ara to ba beid
withdrawn. July 7 and Ue repular election will
They pialataln the wreck vmuld have take place the followln« day. A mayor,
aaturapd te a dew train aa wMl aa the fix ddanben, police Joftloe. board of
•yra. ■AaMdel lavaati«atian it under brallb. chief of police, pollcemt*, chief ]
The <ralB eau«ht Are after the Inttloe and coreraor will conaUtuU

lrw«S Bu«d> * Indiu* HaQvra Oo. flaw
earn u>'U'.-t J
am. istA.
TTaiBlramTnnvvr city (.An. la. moacaADC for l-ABM urvib
mtn h«,w Ynnav* On; U;IS a ra. «ramt ft»
ud XRItkTruiB tratr, Thtmu, lYty SXi a. B. Snr

LOT 188

ItreUerea Teething ;m **
-------a the Food, regnlatta the
and Flatnieney. It a
fitnmarii and Bowels, glring healthy end natural sleep.
The ChUdiMt’s Pnnacea-The Mother's Friend,

la on Ux- gurthpan trawh.

LOT 230


W the iimttad would be


LOT 183

LOT 184

pabptltate for Carter OQ, Pare*

•orle, Propa and 8oo(8b>ff 8yni|w.
It ia PleaMU U
oocitains neither Opium, Morphine nor other NorroUo

agM eayt the awNdi iloM wm eat playproundi will cnael cacb 'part
p^periy.. The quedlon arlawwae the vinue of an eieedoo at U
hand! of
train rannlna aa feet t-Hat It jumped tbeir teltowi. It li to bC i child gov I

LOT 235
LOT 236
The Kind
LOT 237
In Use For Over 30 Years.
LOT 196
LOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214

.The dead era:
three wardf. aetordtns to the ajtet of
Thdwra ft. Marpea, maaufaeturar, the boyf and
Ba^ ward will
elect two aldermen, the eU to confUtute Ihe common eboocU. Tblc bod}
the lawa by'hblcb the
mnldpalHy ortll be goveraed.
Mr. Une bet decided that falU are
bad tblogi tor children even In an en-

terprlae cCJb\» kind, the aUgma of
Henry Triai, beiter.
being aenteoced to iall by the police
A. U Repera, ptett h»a oempany. JnaUoe would alwaya remain with a thirty days from acgrplon bllec in the
New York.
boy or gin. be taya.
M. H. Wri«M, viM prlildliit HewKt
Mr. lane, as tuperriaor of tbe play­
tbe city and will have the pardreilng
in the ebtet eaee-

Tbe only poUUcal pap tbc mayor ^11
be able to hand out will be (he fbor
bedih boardappolnimenta. The alder-

'E or NIl HIOAdi. L\fU>iy cU Ora

flghilng. awaartag and uncleaallneaa.


which ba win recommend to the coun-


_____________ _ ________...
•»“- »' »*“ -“>• « Alosai.d«
o?r^nv*BdflUw ^peu^.

One of the moat Intewitlug id
neb things wMcb hove taken the i



Plan whe war* ehMdad behind bervL arrested' If they tall to heed their
dnga Failure to keep clean

poptilar at tbe iiresent

IkdraiNff and thara was a rapit

^taniia af ahata at every ptteak.

• The ceaualtlee yoaterday are
r. Jury and o
puei/ raOme>fd. tome af the «g
errry one. Raphai
for (be defenae. all I
being planed at high at MM.
fer for the third jicar in .u<yis-.|"n
ingiiie ’ fr ni frei"
at Indleatlona be will have to valuable |Mire>
•-K report from U>dx rwcejrcd at 3
dYlodc my* tbc nnaber Mlled yaater- work to aara his tatary. If a system ef down, lor .the
ingeil rulb
day la placed at ITl beaMee hnodradt money Is decided on by the cooncll.
arranHoal lu Turk |»si rard. al
Hr. Lane U entSuetastle. AiaUiod bums, the cumixiltion to cIom- Si-D'
by Dr, A. W. Dtai*. who has do­ 33. 1H>5. FYill particulars, ruliu- anu
.Wanmw. Jane tt.—A dlwatch re- nated the apperatna for the groundt enln- forms arc five anil may In- ob- E5^'
talnod at all Iradlng dealers.
eeirM irem Cemtaictow says t^e chief and the badgra of oHee for the ofrt ponce of that town was aaortally fleiala. be thinks the children will take
SUto News.
pmmded today br the exploeloB of a
The fuaa made over tho pccomt}- In
bomb throsrn at him by a torroriat
a this year s
ja living state, pf a turtle, markeil and
■The aegillani, ae unknown man, aa- at tbc Russell. Bishop. Beretow. Che-t,„^p^
^ Tarrytown. Pa., by
... 1> clsUmdo. ta-da.'Sl ibi- lUir hmwf til'•ntn
Casa ecbools. The “Cliv o» c..Lee of Detroit. i:
Franklin- wlU be at Joeepb Campau !ln the tnlon eervleo. aeems ruihvrpr.Ipostcrouawhen lUs remrmbert^ as it

•esta CellWsd




Handsomest Lois in Dak Heights

pManee and three reglmanta ef In- and tmaa the chief Joitlce or the other iCo. of New York and l.ondon have >s
oBdata will come In lor ptuOahmcnl ■ aned the -World Wide Serlt. ' of f—
fanby and cavalry farca were
'cards.-giving faithful reprojnrtl.sni
pHebad an a apaclal train tor
just the same.
in-auilf«l idt^-,-.-oeana af the dlaardera. Tho fighting
m m>.t evuMy. ih«W.Mn-so.. wmks pr,v,ou.
eoodithm will be sought |colors
Thew- ran iv obiainevl hi
aeatlmiid all night Cfeeickf and drabrallb eommauMBiere
eommiealmiera aod ’ direct front the [lutillshem or fmiu
by the hraiia
gpwm freguentty charging the ctorWng-

Franklin strepta

SOth day of Junn. A. O. lOOB.

These arc all early selections and are the

leak piaoc In the atraata. A rail ww
pent te Ooveraer Iheneni Para far aa-


1 ggw<jg.gaaLri»oaiaOWy
. y. lUXUA. Oral Fran. Agrab


m»j tv

the playground prtvUegra
^ .
-luty spot* plcluti-d
bftdifti the tmepa and the warking certain nnmbcr of bourt.
n be sent aeay by ■
Tbe boy caught losalng peonlea or' nora i
i-ss favored friends
prapla eontlauad today.
ahawad that e varltabie pitehed batue ■hooUng crape will be expelled for a I home......................

broken not and the eoedlUon ta re­
garded U belag even more ec^a

Auiaii^rtk^\3kar1mU «aJ VaSoray.

-‘^it£ii£Safi‘-*r2rw*.*55w-u ■

Post Card Collectlena.

rnlgn ef terrnrWMah hae tamed
line a etaaghtar penjn e canWet wa«ed

. nan there for neveral deya bare again


Wise of HoltaDd.

three pounds and the other t
J. C. MaaMtaf, praaldwt Whaallns
onohalf pounds. Miss Wlte k
Ihe ehlet of poliee will be appolated
CamifMad Iran earapany. New '
Ing >t H. C. Burt-a hotel and Ix-lteres |
by the eounell. A» other oSeei will
U M. EHek. theatM man. C
ihe baa made the heal catch that will'
bo elective.
be made this aeaaon.
Hr. lane baa tan acBlaat gambling,


Pere Marquette

forert aolmalK. of |.caiiiy SDct v-sLic (■>

wHI appolnl three pcdlcemeB and



mao. nacch to (heir dhtlneilon la ra|>the bound.. It Is graiilriag to l.iio'n

J. A. •nmtf-*k'W‘ Ohia.
Cubans wore flgtlUns for liberty. bu{ ai a roeull of a cruel joke Cyril l.iip
P. J. •rtaot. trataman. Talada, Ohio: the chief ioatlce. tho supreme Jodtelr of war In the j
a shoe lace |>eddler. with l>oih k-gs
C. H. Wallman. nwapracbirar; Clava- ary of the eiiy.
j off at the knees, haa Just eomplen’.l n
“The bora and glrla." explained Mr. new cabinet.
- ■
I trill from ftodlay. Ohio, to iwuh
appllcaAHan H. Tytar. anghnar. Calllnwaod.
M,p.„n «as told lo KlmlU-y
Jamaa H. Olbaan. eaerimry. Amar- iloa of dell govenunem aod be taught
CrnWD. Mich.. June 33—While (Isbl- '
>>“!i|thal a
Haan Pavadry and MacMna eaijraany. to rdy on themeelvoa to a greater exlast evening on Sliver lake only a III
Cr-<k and worked bis way to that cltj .
from .the resort, illsa Ethel
the trip taking t»o wwks.
iBd. a atonograiiher lor




that the elk wc mey have always with
---------jus. and that bls>edal memt-ers of I lx
Madrid. June Z3.—Qcneral Wryler.j ,,K.cIea. tight hero la Micblean. that
„o bouedf. are likely to knou no
uUve. H. B. BtyEetd. mn Ann Arbor
taw grndnaie. tho director, will be talrallOD of aflaira In Cuba when the j extinction.
ground aystem. will be governor of


p ra ta­

Tvsnamna tna korthpon lsa»a.ramA

Bean thg Sigamtart. of

wradi and aeme of the vlctlma warn the lift of oOclda
«eipl»ir Curbed. •'
The pUygronadf win be divided In

one Eteel pempany. Oanden,. En».


LOT 182

ood»af« bat

eoverlBi Btoee than aa acre and do-;

iSK'av-A,«::: gS..

LOT no

nw Rirnd Ton Hare Alwftyt BoogM sad wlildl luu beem
Is OM ftr orer 80 yeare. hm 8mm the aigriratBPe of






i *'


^ rememlKTed fiy .some Trlbun-- (.«lU artvm itoiur,. “J'l*

Atgonae. June
*"'!**“ 1 Huakegon
earner. City of Rome and the Llndra.“j^,^«^



the most charming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now larg(
. built over, and
■ good'

not easily


lots will be













will be

The whole bunch of


if sold at one time and for cash down, would be

As the price would be made accordingly and
for holding as an Investmcni.

authniit v comradlctcj.




iting 1S2, Kl, 1S4. which must be
raicly. c.vcepting

Come quick



for^ choice


been made urgete of the mUltary.

and both were aohk.

Two peruosa i

Ihe Linden, the cook aod hli wife, were
asd ralBtn the Ere of the troopw^ Re- drowned. The remaloder of the crews
iUto that -|W men were killed were aaved.

.„ „„ „ „„...

i of probtty. a turtle irapiwr
lake. djsrorercO in hi* eolmonster
.An ortglnal herd ot clkvplanlcd on st ic .•clwS m the lor»n»« ..f su-l d»j.

The City of Rome la a wooden boat

«!.m «. .MI. o„x w lb. cii. I JXw“bl

“rj,™ £'S-3'S£~ss:?s':3

” ,b,»........




pstvsie parks and ranges
Tbe Unden u a wooden
,, *.e»lortx»a...,wi
g^.-lliae. Berea elk were placed
geTsmbw. A t) lIM. vlucli BiMig'Ev wu, b,
of 8S2 tons owned br
Island three years ago.
How nian;
doaky Lomber and Box company. The
Ana Arbor. Hleh. Juae 31.—Flfiy
are there now is not k-nowc.
boats Are Irjng In iwentv-flve feet of
jMlnr englanen left, bag aad baggage,
cently 32 were counted In a single
water bat tbe channel la not blocked.
lam Bight ter Ibardtakvllle. HMi, [
, man Bouwia tb'CVvorTrswrv C'.'y.Ormsd'
where they will spend atx-weeke.doleg
ned. One. report says ti
been onherailly flied upon for the,
pneW work In
Iden.voeeod and crashed Into tbe City
porpoae. By the tatter pan of winter.
■“ the «,.lgr. Ilk. a .talk of rent in the
tree ramptng laahM.
^ adraaee 1i “»»“'
guard-or three or fonr was seat on I
.autuom. seems to have fully ripened, inmbd m«--icsn. ruv iv<-s>ivs u, tv nki sne««1lvd.l» i»»l tnxrtgsesM l«a nta«i«l IB
neeeral Anya ago to get tbe uaartera I
Cendeneed Tetcarsms.
"'^- ceraing to receive oanrisomeot

Also One Acre Lot
in Birchwood
I'ronting East Bay S rods



less a strip two rods wide on north side

back 20




very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.

__...................... -.

ta readtaeai. ae the party will pot bej ivwa^.'’Ml^jniie*T"jlm Ftak. «™“ <!>• ereainre-.'vitalbv. b.Tomes
•abiseud to aay delay in atorilng ,
They are fc charge of M. B. j a„ak«i atopor. atrolled orer tbe steps

«k»t withers away, to lei oib.Ts

Mnniek, iBstroeUr In anrveyiag. and ^ jb* Ptn Maronetto nark, fell and ' aoccecd.” Thru, at the new year pushbroke bta Bsek. dying, InwaBtly.
a rekulreo «f ‘1

, ra tbe old tram hi. pedeatsL the young

cty -d Mra^n 3.-7.^.^.:;::
three dratba have rcstdted wlthlD|of a li moatb.

sod .iMin^iasc- tt,.-r.,m--.

While nearly uiroibnTnirww oty Itwh.


123 Front Street,


ra—MiiEliiM Tri-------**’r

as Ml


I all. vc.vlU fill U» depanneto wU
lortoi tasMad. aM^aato-ap tor it
■bfB MterwrlUac Ua* a»« acato.

HtfmM r*M /WU Mmtkm
I win try Mmr «i mrry «r
frat ■AMI

I wBI by to to «• imw to I

o real bletory
t. for Bt^bett read all the hMtory
wbe 'eoeM dad. while Betky rwd
talry lalea. eo Bobbett had the
to aantng all the prdnleaBi sea m
ibe bifk-polnied earn. To be lere.

baya. No aaitw .btokw It I*
wer or winter, there te aercr a tin*
wben the Sanehlne reka do not hold
Bood, and wbetber rM are worfelacModrine Of
ibb* *•
day when you do not bare i
ebaneee to be kind and loytm ato
beipfol to the peopJe you are wlib and
the Mrde and anlaale around you.

batile of Laotory Lane. a« Bobbeti
had piotoly named the tortheomlng
Tlwre waa mndi marching and eouo■ermaicblng. with many aide aklmlahea. for the ml comraatoera did not
care to haaten matte)*, ato bealiMe.
It waa a'low work, morlng whole eoopanlea to aoldlera. wboee feet
the iliioooTCTto country, eo tbey
The BelUe of Laendry Lane.
played tbal the poor feltowa bto aore
• li t lott too bad!- moaned Bethy. feet, eauaed by long, hard marebea.
tornlnc bon the window and wiping . Suddenly the enn abot out from be­
tear fmn the tld* of her pug note, hind Ibe leaden ctouda. the beautiful
-ira a nnn old ahane!- aald Bob­
raya theme through the baaemeni
bett. ato kteklng the footatool orer, dow opoo the battlegroato. and pmbe weal ttanplng aeroet the
enUy mamma called. "Cblldren.
took on oMbe wlodow that Bethy waa
^ nln U orer and papa baa telephoned
' that he will be here In half an boar to
It did keen pretty bto. whea they
mke at to the park
had planned for wMkt to oMbrate
A glad about went up from both
tto gtorteof Ponrth. ato thee woke to ■idea, and the Enal battle waa on. Bob­
End a heary. eteady downpmr to nta. beti noted bU green-clad men 'n a
with t^r aone* etoads loohlnc at If honied march toward the fort, and
they nerer ntant to clear awar.
Bethy brought her yelknr ranka wltb a
Papa had promlted to take them out grand, tweeping moreraeut oui from
^ to the park to in the than battle. -A betUto the fort, ato tbey met with
lie iaHt ntoe cftoAar at Hi* ml. enn eooagh <kan baUle." Bethy
Boeh a elatb and confualoa that ii waa
tailed It. and they had aand tbelr ptw- ImpoMlble to tell which tide bad won
<wttor to atale I an aUhlns.
met to poretoae rodiett and torpedoet
Tlrtory. to the commanden-ln’• to^ to whtai tbroofh «i»to a-flytof.
for the erenlng. hot now—oh. dtar!
chief ruabed op uUlra to get ready for
*U the eaerdee that I moat eorrty
Hanna acieed with them that It
le than batt^.
wai bad: but tbore waa one thing that
^ ;■ todThe neat morning when Bridget
the nerer agreto.wliiC'and that waa
'•t. «ofcj I wpat aoae punk and era^ra.
O'Ortoy came to do the (am«x. waahpoatlng orer tblngt that could not be iag abe aorreyed the field to baule
J«t tto ioodrto hind oT whaehera,hHped. ao abe aald. in a decided toae.
Imed. in dlaguai:
BaU a nerry little ttolew. hrlght
“Robert ato B«tabeth“ (for thoee
an'd t daDl know fbat tbim
thelt-ml nance, only Robert ehlldrln will be up lo olxi; the Idee
J MW to nee lhaa Btow.
bad Mid Bethy and Biiabeih had aald
I dreaain' op me. cloi
Ato 10 aato tbw oB a^blnlns.
Bobbeu before nther coold talk rery
whin they're a raft o' dolla upaialrolJut to aiMra tto gtili U they bo by
plain). “I wOl lire yon ten ninolee to
Wben the waahlng waa on ibe line,
dear away the frown cloodt msd bring Belhy aemmed with deUgtit lo
the annahlne. Cant you be palrt- one to her generala. with a bit to hit
«o the two. they
otto enoogta to celebrate the Pdurtb yellow gon and bU cap aUll clinging to
la tba planaant Jaly mther
wtlh Buntotoe tndoon. erei
Both the tolly little Otokar ato tl
hit head, heading the Mng proceaaMn.
rntnlag ootalder Don't you know that while down in the rear, behind many
the Ptortb to July M to emebraie the prlralea. waa Bobbelt'i chief ofDeer.
AM the OM. be otade a ratoat.
day that oor bMUtlfol eoii
VfeOa the otbar bwato hie Jatoet. ‘
inlcoe gun. cap and award. They knew
Bat u both 1t vaa a day o( keaM ntoe free, ato don't yon remember the him be bla fieree mualacbe. bi'l from
atorlec to the brwre men wb^ongtai hU delected looks they knew that be
the hErd batUea to jiroeore thia free- fell keeolr Ma defeat in the baiile to
idonT If you will only think to tbelr
Lanodry Law.
Tto NIgM After.
caSenag during the long, bard winIPb pet bln to tod la Mf htUaidcht
Little Dineh'a Ome Party.
furring and freealDg: you will
Down cloae lo the ahore to the lakf'
Tto'wom battered yonafater there, Mrely not think It patriotic to aulk It a Utile tod cabin, built to elabt.
waa la the town:
and cry baeanae a rain baa npeet your
In thia cabin Hrea Harla. the big
ret to aaM ea to opetod bla oely wea, ItoBa for the toy.- Bcllb cibll
black araaberwonan. who baa Ere
Tory ntMb ammnto, bm It te bard aeoty ptckanlnnlei lo work for. whom
- *Rah. -rah. tor the tolly oU rourth work to drirc away frown elooda when the calls her bablei;_Dlnab. lereo
of July!there la nothing to do bm pata away years old, and Pompey and Cicero and
the line. Hanna knew thin.
BlUy. all younger, beeldet Uille Zeek
Two Ihnnto ato aUht Eagan with
eeOy abe called, cheerily: “Cone down |
Hat wto* IM op. '
to (be baaement. children; t're
Dinah baa the kinkieti hair ibai
te\la head waa a bnap Uka aa opIking for yoo U> do.«
erer braided laio Boe itiUe cue

aide down eap
Away they raced dowa the aiepa. auhd . etralght out. like a halo, all
AM Me enlle waa dlatertad. kla
and fomd nanns'tn the laatory. ato losad htr head; and abe has teeth
all awry.
the toog ilncmrered Uble In the broad and whiu that ahe^feelt obliged
Vton the tor* at tke cMrtow FMrth : oMtto
to the raen waa a box to to laugh a great deal In order to abow
or JtUy.
' I. a box to eonp. two aliarp then weA.
We wara glad: to bad ataitad abroad knleaa. a bottla to library pnate. two
Pompey la quite her equal
two pairs to aelaaoro ato chief, aad all four to the foUr »ttle
Ato an day'ha bad Uead'la fhe pow- two atackf to wrapping paper, cae to one* tunble. day after day. upon tbr
greea and one to yellow.
' deratoton;
taad In the boi tun. or the two laigei
While &e boon to eaaaoa toarad op
shoal water
ninna'a anlllng lace, then watched Mlaahtag It ail orer themtelrea with
to the aky.
To nliiU ToMf Anettoa'a VWiik to whye the picked up a cloibeapln. tbelr little diuky bare legs.
nariied oyoo, none and Beroe (
Jely. V
One day after Harla had bang
noeuebe on the Bat Uitle face: cat a
I aalAwa wan dad an tto pleaaa were ■mall equare to paper, patted two upon her llnec a beautiful array to
white clolhes. Dinah,
edgee together and atoek a tan. poU*-''
Aa we ptaaiand and heoM than wUk ed cap 00 the email nan's bead; cot toilet wae rather acani. took It Into her
woolly head thal she would like te give
tmairiat can.
;ont a gnn ud pasted It oa om aide. a parly
Bat eat to tto wnto caiat the cnrda, wlU iha nozale potatlag orei
Bo abe persuaded Pompey to help*■ wl(h a sich:
abouMer; then cm a bairdneb tliee blnaelf from the clolheallne to a lore-D tonorrow waa otoy tta roanh to tron a bar to aoap, cut It In
ly frilled nightgown, that .tbey. could
Jalyr ,
e«nm. aioek the dotheepin dowp reach by lowering one of the pole*.
aa wUl grow all togathw^ wala. aerer firmly la one to ibe eqoxlqeShe cheae a riiOed apron for Cleero'a
ttaer* eiood a foaay little nldler.
costume, gave Billy a pillow ease, and
Beiby and Bobbett laughed aoVf<i leleeted a sheet for befoeU. becaoie to
AM to nady to calafarata fn
at the eight of the queer IltUe
aeit year.
the neonreea It offered In &e way of
that the frown clouds all ditappi
Mptowhlte all hb frletoe an
at once, aad mamma Uughed. too. for
thaakfal there »m
It was Bae sport to go italllDg ibst
'twUt th^ fell to work at once copying her Mhgtb to while after her. aa she bad
vUirth to Jnlya.
seen grand ladles drag their trains.
Wn loeeMafol la preaenllng her obPonpey bad ^e irooble In working
himeelf into the tleeree to hU dainty
Ob! what funU waa, mahlng the
gown.'bnl It ooly tototAIIly a minute
-We laid Ua bndaed kanda gaRly dowa e faeea. then cutting the tqnam to
to crowd hla curly pate Into ibe pillow.
off. kxAIng Uke
I Mg the soldier's feet In them. Bobbett , umn but iglle gboat.
j let Bethy cut the liny guns and the | PresenUy Harla caught sight to him.
I win by to to toying, halpM
•to Uito to Mwyktoy ato to


y Bar wna

FMrth to j

^ p,p„ f„ ,|„ o

I aald. “A glrl'a Bagera are u
j things." Deiby pasted ibe side, ol; nined and spoiled by the frolic, yet
,lbc whole squares Idgciber for lh»[ahe waa uo goodmalured that she put
Friday. June «. j Igewctal's aad captain's caps aad fas- b«r hanA to her fal sides, and Uaghed
New ^bma Jofolng tlsw inat i*- t«Md then on with the ptool to come juid laughed uolll old Peter, the gmnd.
dowa the back to tbelr bead*.' with a;rather, hearing the mlfth. hobbled out
^yhia BlIMi. Honar.
tiny drop of puts, but for the private* I of ibe cabin after her. to see wbai
TWrald I. OffoBMaad. Maple City she cm the aquarea In two. Mas waya. |touId have happened, aad you may beR. F. D. 1.
paatiag Ute HlUe comern together and i Ilrve be laughed, too.
Vlrglnta Batey. HanlitM.
leaving the
eomer lo atlrk ool ; go lliile Dlnab'i dress-party was a
over tbelr ei9c She cut Ml aharp-'greai toecen.—Tomb's Compankia.


TBsac are so
if Kores'a Ktag.
wooden MOm box oo yvmr ptaaldinfa' 'Rtcae
Ko-ea oolr ibe king may raise j
KUKied In a very I
d<Mc that they rattle afouad in a rery aUltnde, andj'wben tbey bad divided ixoau or have round col-nin* and i
linnemr way. Indeed there wm one tbelr men aal arranged the green and ! square rafter* lo hU boose or w.-ar ■ i
day wkea than eras not E single let­ yellow armM lo^ enpasiee, tbey'euni to brilllani red. Ooly ibc king:
ter. there, and the boa looked na looked very warilke Indeed.
j “V
"P“ ^
of «ke queen's ^
• tbongk ft did not kook what to do
1^ a ttroitg baTleade to ‘ kundiwds to atieodaot ladies or bare j
wtib iinlf. gfter being eo crowded nil j ban
— to' bm''p
protect the ranks lo ! noy Mlldlng omaide to which there,
winter. Bid aammer la playy tlme.and|greeti.aad Bdtby built a bMullfti] fort In'* •
than three steps. Pour steps j
your preeldeal wants
to you to to !bc samn'^ie-tal. behiod wbieb *00'ltd he bleb treaaoo and would eoei
your tivM. Oet bfowo and bealiby , "We must nAm the meet.-aaM Bob-1 B1»n yM-St-5«lS5r*,ecMckef»
nnd hearty, no shat when fall ronM,btoL Inportaatly. and^MBy had loland Breworka on the FMrth, keep
you can take OP the year's study and own up Uat. altboogb ber B^ett wefo j ever in mind the glorious deed yon
► l. .. work ^a wftk fiMb energy. Ua batterforeqdipplmg.bwaoWirrawlihiMlebrate-UiendcmiiontolheDoclamWaM earn wh<« there are BO Miera I uniforms and armA^y um«iw waa jum to IndeiMdaMe.

■p tho tlM to awM to tko HinBC*. O' eouur beyoM the HMs-

Stories From lOdii^ Hbttoy
For HkU|^ Bays uid Girb


The Brut ireaiy mnde with the HMhigM Indians by whitoi
they ceded a pontan to tbelr lands to the Amertcnna. was made
at Oreenriilr. Ohio. In I7»S. F'om that lime till 1S3X. bnsues*
between the two race* waa malDly Ibe making to ireattes. Uiile
by llltle^ the govenmeni bargained for their lands and tuned
them over le the aetUecs. Realatnoee wni often Berea In ibe
henrta and words of the warriof*. but might made right, and step
by ste^ they were forced back. Ai last a few rMervatioas beie
and there were nil they coold cUlm ns tbelr resting plmea. Then
li was decided that even ibis was too much, and they must be
made to Bod themselves new homes In a sinnge country beyond
the Hisaliaippi.
The Poltawauamie* were the first to auffer. In tSSS they
ceded Ibe Iasi to ibeir reservstions 10 the Unlled Slaiea. and
promised 10 leave the country. Bm ibey could not go. Tbelr
hearts failed then when it came 10 say good-by* foWto to ibeIr
bMutlful penlnaola. For five years they lingered. bMeleas wan'derert from place to pla^.
In IBU It was decided that tbey most be forcibly removed
if needs be'.'bol go tbey most. Tbr busiaeas of collecting then
was let out to a contractor by the aulborlilcs ahd they were
gathered together on the banka of the St. Joseph river and sent
west eecorted by United Slate* iroopa. But many scattered refsgees were left who bad stolen sway from tbelr villages and hid­
den from eearcb. and eveiS^wbllc thoae who ttnrted were on tbelr
way west many eacaped fri m Ibe troops and canc back to tbelr
old homes.
In 1S3» another gntbering was made and the whole country
waa searched tor then from the Sl Joseph east to the Huron.
Dree after thU there wore several hundreds to the Poitawatiamles who hnd-escaped the vIgUsnee of the conuwetora. In IBM
It was announced tbnt n BonLeffon would be nade. and ibai this
lime not one should be allowed to remain. But the heart-broken
Indian* were equally determlaod not 10 be forced from their na­
tive wood* and wilds which cere so dear lu them, and a large
body to ibem. numbcTlDg about two hundred men. women afiT.
children, with thrir old chief. Uuck-o-mooi. fled lo tbe-nonbern *
pan to Shiawassee county tnd hid ihcmselve* as beat a* they
could la Ibe woods and inarabes.
It waa a beantlful autumn that year Never wore the
woods gayer In tbelr crimson snd gold. The hilU we>e toft with
misty base, the manby meadows, still bright with agioru and
goldeorod. or blue where ibe fringed gentian grew In sheets to
bloom that rivalled ibc sky above (hem. Wild grape* hung heary
In purpN clusters from iheir vine* overhead, sweet after the
touch to frost, and nuts were falling among tpe dropping leaves
in bounloous firofuBlon. It was too dear to leave, this loved
home to the red man. and all for a journey over rough and onknown roads to an alien land, where strange skies would bend
over them, and a lonely world around (hem should strcicb ool In
desolate forlornnes*.
One day tbere was the tramp to troop* along the ureets
of the little village of Owosao. and It was soon learned that Qeu.
Hugh Brady hail been sent wtt> a detachment ef soldten lo
aulat the comraclora In capturing tbe fiiglilvc lodlans. acd es­
corting them to Ihnlr desilnstion beyond the HIsi-iftsIppi. It was
not a task at the gallant old soldier's liking, but bis ordcri
came and be must needs obey. The poor wrciche* must be bunt­
ed down and led away oaixives. since tbey would nut go at tbelr
own free will
Report said the Pottawattamie band were biding In the
cranbem' marshes to the northward along the Shlawaasee river.
Soon the Indians learned that Iheir pursuers were on their track,
and Wlck-c-moot. with two or three to bis warriors, stole away
from Ibe band and went swiftly through Genesee snd Oakland
counties toward Canada, resolved to die rather than l«> ukeiL
The oM chief was armed lo Indian fashion, wltb how and arrows,
knife and tmahawk. hit eompanlont bad guns.
New* came to Owo«to that Mlclt-e;moot bad escaped.and a
nonmed company set out to Imereepi him. He Md kept to the
woods for a long distance, but before reaching Pontiac he and
his compantoni look to the road that Ibey might make better
■peed and hoping that by this time they bad baffled pursuit.
Tbelr pursuers beard orTBSm many miles back, and riding
hastily 00. passed them on tbe road, the Indian* not knowing
who they were. They then halted and salted tor the weary foot
travelers to come up.
At they approached, the white men rame forward snd or­
dered them to surrender. With the o d are blating In his eye#
for a moment. UIck-o-muot't hand went to fals belt (ur hli weap­
ons. Tben as he looked In the mouth of the ipint aimed at him.
he realized hU belplessoets He would try strategv Instead of
foive. and In a lone of angry surprise he asked them what they
toted, tad why they had stopped a peaceful Indian on bis lourney
‘Who are your' asked ibe leader of ihe white men's party.
"I am O-gee-maW'ke-ke-io. the Saginaw chlel. " he anjwered
"You are not Ogee-maw-ke-ke-u>." »ald the white man: I
have known bim for many years, and yon are not he You arc
Hick-e-mooc the Pottawattamie, sad you must go wltb me '
The old chief was tilrot for s moment His fare gn-w sad
as he realized that escape was ImpotRible Sorrowfully but
proudly he answered:
"Tes. It is true! I am the great chief of tbe Potitwatiamle*. and It Is well for you that you took me by surprise, lor bad
It been otherwise I would have never become your prisoner I
would Agb: you now but It Is too late. I surrender It Is very
hard, but I will go with you."
Tben tunilng hack, they retraced the long road they had
come. 00 longer Ilgh'-fOMed and full of hope, but going as beavybcaned prisoners to a late to them far worse than desifa.
The others of the band made no resistance now that Mleke-rncKW was captured. In yule comianlet they were routed from
their hiding places in the 8blawa*iM-e cranberry marsbes and
brougbl into Owosso. There wax's large, empty k>g cabnt tbai
bad been built for bolding political meetings by the supporters
to Harrison end Tyler In the presIdeetUI campaign Just coding.
In thte and In a wooden building which was to be used at a hoiqL they wer^ placed as they arrived and pot under guard.
It was late In tbe fall before all were gatfaeml in. Then
fonr-borwe wagoos wrer* brought and in them were placed the
squaws and mile ebtldrec. with their few earthly possessions.
The iB(B were mounted on tbelr ponies, or Iscklng them, went
OB foot. Tbe Mng procestloo was formed snd ctosely guarded by
•KUM aobllen in front and nar. the ssd-tneed and saddtobeaned company looked tbelr Mst on tbelr old borne nnd loM

d that m iMi
u to thee
tbe Oblppcm and Ouawns sbouM Marc the Mleblgaa psatb•Ola. too. to a wsaurn laad. They bad foog ago lupsated bitiscly tbelr proratse to leave tbelr homes, and they begged tbelr
“Oveat Fktber.- Ue presldeol. to let them stay anywhere aad
oa any terms, in tbe rooiUTT ol tbelr aneeMurv
But btooro tbe time set ^ved, they sfomed to have vaaIshed Into thin air. Haay bad died to smallpox dnriag the last ,
year: some had gMe to Canada, and mnay boried themselves In
the northern wlldernbsscw to tbe state, where do punoer couM
folloiv them.
Today, a feeble remnant to tbe oace powerful nations
abldfo with us. One secs tbelr. sad-eyed facen here and (here at
■ be northern resorts around Grand Traverse and Utile Traverse
bay* or along the Bault where they were once a* numerous ax
the wavenoo the shore. But year after year tbelr number grows
lets. Tbe day is not far distant when the foot to the red man
■hall 00 »or* tread Hlchlgan soli, and along (be shores to Ibe
Land to the Great Ltkes hts voice l>e silent forevt-r.
(Tob* e
tmi* PhMy.
! («>>ool children to tbe SeatUe aMooM
There was a gresieommotton among took part. The SealUe paper'*
the si-mmer boarden at the Mortoo port b as followt:
House la preparation for the Fourth The story to The Old Sdboot.- by
to Ji'lv. when ^ery child in ibe bolel - Winifred Lovejoy. In the first year to
was going to take part lo the wonder-1 tha Seattle High school. Is wall teU.
fill play.
k simple Inddeat to a^ool Uf^
Even little Netty Dutel bad some- i at least a simple IncWeOt that mlfbt
thing to tav sad do.
| be school life. It Is told wifh tUm .
Tbe name to ihe -rtsr was “Colnm-; pllcliy and dirsclneos. The emoIMM
bU-s Birthday,- and Nrtty's Aunt Uilullhat maka the tooiy worth tbe teUllg
was to uke ihq
of Columbia. Hr. are well broagfat onL the eentoMM
Fowler, a groat ull young man. who 1 well lotmded and th# dlrtkm oxoallMt
could see over the hrads of every- j While throughout the nantoiv* tbeee
body else, was te be Uncle Sam. There; *r* plenty to jiirenlle tbpebeo which a
Jnsi thirteen cblMret In aU.: story written by a maiden to fifUSft
counting Netty and not counUng tbe years should btre. It bear* Hoeh crideaee to a strong literary t
baby, and Aunt Lulu said tbey
land pTOMhU plenty to IndlcatMa IhU
be the iblneen original suies.
Hetty WM v«n- anklou* lo do her little Hiss Lovejoy has a Ulsnt worth
pan weu. and very proud beeauwj sbs cultivating.
Lad a pari, but some thing* shout the
Tbe Molce to
A one to plainly (bat this ei
play ponied ber. and this
(hem. What In tbe world did Aunt an sarly oequal
Lulu mean by calling tbe children book*.
Ftor tbeoe rsaaona "Tk* OM Bebootorigliial states?
bad a tUUe piece to hss been Mieeted from the
poetry (0 say aod a present to glee, Mllest atortea submitted by the'lltlfo
bolumbla. 'Virginia was to give her a friend* to the Dally N«wt lo rwnhf*
package to tobacco; Haasachoawts. a the prlu to BIO.
The winning story foliewsi
dtab to pork and beans; PminaylvanU.
The little gray schoolboaM to No. t ’
bucket to coal;^>*l*trare, a box of
WM still for lbs sboou to Uin ehllpeaches.
Netty was Rhode Island, and the dran rose from the adjeftrtng Mkn.
only praneni the bad to gMi CMombU brown nnd bniewy in thtlr dead, tolar
lag leave* and (rom (he gtars aknUng
was a good hug and a kM*. *
pood in Cnry's Beld. Fnlnt balkoos
When tbe teng-expeclad aftenxx
came from the UM tsmsracM whM
ame. all the aelora crowded Into
rnl 00 the (ennlt ground. Uncle Bam tbe larger boys Bought ebevlag gam.
was dressed In red snd while trousers and a lumber wagon Jolted nlowly tr
blue coat, spangled with sun. orer tbe frozen road.
To Netty be looked very muck like . It was the last day to wlaUr acBoo)
walking American flag. Columbia wi and oor ■■Rownrd* to Herir—Cnner
georgous In s red-and-wblieand-blut card* with boy and boop and gar lit­
starry waist and a Jaunty HI- tle misses among Bower*, were net hi
(le red cap.
band; for tbe roads were tad aad tht
All Ibe girls wore white drosses. nearest town iwelre mlM* away.
Ibe boy*
"Seel." cried Ifonle* Dean, to a
were dressed like Dncle Sam.
gronp to us upon the pood. polaUng to
BTille tbey wslted for the audience tto passing team. "Ihe rood b aot *0
lo be seated, Netty peeped through a an nod teacher's a mMB. ■Uagy
bole In tbe teat lo see who sras eom- thlag."
>gNov. Hbs Blair was a dMr aad I
-There’B mamma! ~ she cried. -And replied. T'd to atoned, Hyrt Dsani
Ob! eh! what s hrautifol bunch to fother says the-drtVe te tosra voaM
Bowen shg has got! I Mew she's go­
take all dsy and as for stingy, fonts
ing to (row It at me. Old Hr. Dean,
had bettm- look st home: she wooMn't
he's got sgme Bowen, loo. Gueas I measnre^^peowed sugar with a spbos
know Ibe IliUe girl (hat will get them! or charge a hired girl with a broksta
And ibero's erowds to folks coming,
dish!' I might bare toU more, b«t
with lots of Bowen!"
the toll was riagHEg and aaba^.-dw
Now It was time for Uncle Bam and pond the drew away from me. urr
Columbia to go out.
aad hurt. And I was grieved: for va
Netty Itsiened eagerly lo what they were chums. Tto ohildrea cams la
were saying, though she bad often rosy«taeekad from the oalca. moiton
hesril !i before.
were tbere with liule oom b fanqy
Uncle Sam told Columbia thal she ribbons and tidy soiu and acroM the
looked "right smart (or s woman s field* the beyi came rpaBlng from UM
hundred and sis yean old." Now Netty
knew very well that Aunt Lulu was
n’ben the r
just elgbiern. and she thought it un­
kind of Mr Fowler to try and make
mered to her ctid to the asat aad b«r
those people tfalok her aunt/
mother looking down from tto rltoUng
nien Ibe ihlrteen original sistei row sent a guilty flusb lo my cheeks.
__ ___ ___
cusses srenl aad eame until the
ipeechex and gave their |.rea.-oU.' spelllDg dowa and
then the Uacher
, Netty a (urn rame last of all. ur
f she ! 'oU in sober tone* to her regret that
' wax Ibe Xinslleai.
I school was over aad to ber (aitai* to
I Her bean beat ven fast, snd xbe | ^ o**' '»rd»- Sbe bad. however, ar; fell like hiding aws^ somewhere. But ; rongrd for Pri*** and she hoped thto
,*he drew a luog’breaih sod ran out ■ »' might hold In memory apeeial
of (he ii-nt. atralght up to Columbia.'
and cheering word* (rom her.
I crylDg.—
: more welcome and endearing far than
!'Utile Rhody. here rte cornea!
; picture card*. Would we not go forth
Sound the irumpeu.
| improving sHf aod making otbers hap'
Beal the d-vnia
Pr? She was lure we wonld•
8he'» -mall, but smart,
Then my duly to my playmate
And kn<>«> ber part.
i nmebed ooly to making ber happy. A
And level her ma
new Idea to me! I bad been correctWlth all hiT heart"lug her. I lamed sod sbe movtag
And Coliimula raught ber up to her - back to me whispered. "I feel IHie (to
srmx aod every body clapped, snd ^ dickens when I m msd: let's make up."
.tamms tnd Mr. Dean and some other' Our arms rlipped about .each ether
. peop> ihrea ihi-lr flowers.
again, for -bus we were woor^o stndy.
Tbe supp<-r waa splendid! Plenty ' snd se were vmillnx. Tftea.JoOy Hr.
of Ire.eream, Jelllex macarrxioi. iion-. Blair. wh,> had cotpe lo fetch oor
buns, pn-eervn snd ever >0 many oih : learber hume. brought s plump pslo
<r goodies Then came the Breworkh: sar-k from the clover bay la hi* buggy
pln-shr-e|.. flower-pots, shy-roekeo and gave 10<eaca to os a big red apple
and Human coBdles. Cverylxxty Rald_ and Miri waa aaylag: "Hlne-a the
Ob' aad Aw! and Oo! at the right t'tgge-i. lei'a trade.- when mamma
lime It didn't rain, nothing caught, called and from my wlodow I saw la
Are aad the ooly trouble wp*. that the early snaUghl our great stone
■UtUe Rhody" fell asleep long l-riore: seboul building asd Mew that In
. (to fun waa orer.-Uenhs Waiaon
dreamland i hod been In the MlcblgU
I acbuol that papa had ttod me abooL
Girt't Prtt* Btcry,
----------------------fto Land to Toys.
Hr*. Lou Cole Sax rwivod 1
ping from the Beanie Dally News gir-1 The value of German toys exported
a story w-rltee fo- her niece. Wlol-, U> foreign countries last year was clOM
fred Lorejoy, wbo itaide laasy friends : 'o to whiA (to CaHeid
I during her visit here a couple to yean | Buies, as tbe prfttcipal customer, look
I agd. Hiss Winifred won tto first prtie j •bom UAOOjm worth. Bo^eberg M
i Ifl ■ conisR la which -four hondred [ (be chief ceafor to tbe ladocKy.



.drop# him. bat they all aeem to Uke
KM e> Humptin' UP MP Hair.
bar. }iut tbe eamc.« Tbe-voree ebe
WbM I w™ a mua W!"*.
treati them, the mere they like ber."
Aa- tba
TO mn p- -boo-a'.
*1 hardly «**■>' tbat,' eaU her motbAa- tt* Blaek maa'a rta' to kaJ-sh mt
■What doae ibe do. for taMtaaeer
■ m 1 «Ma*l Blat
i« nr »'•
•<». aben promise to go skatlag or
VbM dartoMat «aiM
rovlag vUh one. and maybe gaoBvlib
aaotber lanead: or ebell wear Jlmb
Ob Dm am ol Bocbar-i cbatr.
data piB for a vblle.aad Uwb lead It
Aa' abe’d pet bar ana annud ate
Aa-'raa 'ar Vagan Utroagli my hair. to Prod .aad all each tricky little
tblogaAa' tba I aaad to aat aa' laS
*-Weli. yoB may dipead apoa li. my
At the abadova «a tbe van.
ear. that tbe boya doaX like bar any
Aa- «r I beard a boot ovi boot
bead- for cock amsll dlehcooetlei. Il
I didat aeare at all;
amy aaioee or area taselaaie them la
Ptar I Vaav 1 ae gboat or goblla
a way. or 'keep thorn gaesilag' at they
OooM arer teU* me there.
vooM eay. bat depend apoa It, they
WHlTav BOtber'a arm aroead me
vUI aot bar# a rery deep aad aMdliig
A»' her head npoa my hair.
rcfpoet for aay girl vbo it aot
qaare.' area la little thlagt."
Wta 1 get a UtUe bigger.
-<». veil, boye deal bare aay Tory
PlaytBtBtartdee m the etroet;
•deep and abldlag- feellnga. I gaeae.'’
■rtemldai via ae other way.
«e aot. bet It u tbe uwaileBi
.VoM4Baa I aaed to ebeat
ms of glrtboed vlilch become
Ah' tbea fd go a eaeakla' hoate.

r to vbkh she Is aclag addremed by yoa.
U tmeC wk7 «■ iBot tbe Utile aeiea be
•un«4 IB tbe ■ame vay tbat leuen •net a day goU rlag <
"Mta. Brova'
BTC? tr jM wo e
to tea.
o««r for (b*
yea veold probably my *Tty Oear
Non." aad tbea go oa to my vbat ymi oelTcd a geld doUar. for abe sras to be
vlabad. Tbaae little brMal aotm are married b«MU the next moatb, aad
Milar VBS to be veta la ber sboe
earrylBg tbsaks tor aad BbevlBg ap­
idtag to tbe old ibymc, tbat a
ed the klad remembtaacea
bride Mmxld v«ar
Of yeer trteada. Hov meeb
stao«14 they Ob
formafltf Ibaa
And a goU dollar M bm Am"
There are pleaty. of cotiree. vbo
ma^etUI prefer tbe oold. formal aote. lor good leek. One maU bad a gold
bat If roB viU atop to tbtak yoa vUl hraoeb vltb a apoon Ipld across it.
tbe brttel algaitrlag tbe
vblcb yoe bare reeelred vbere meats of cookery, to vbieb ibc bad
bride made yoa feel that year gift glrea marked aueailoa at eeoklag loevas oae vbleh tbe prised aad oaettares durtag tte prerioos vlatar. 8tH[
vbieb ebe kaev abouc vhereai th«
ber there of tbe bosquet a stirit pin.
formal aote girei oae Ibe li
tbat perMpt tbe bride bas no Mas barlbg for a bead a pretty pearl peavbat yoo seat b«. aayvay. bat bar- bolder vltb a gold pea mid pcesloek,
lag Bared your card Ac haovs tbat rigalfylng ber saceoestBl aotborsUp.
taovledgmeBi Is due yoo. It li aad ber literary abUlty. vbUe tbe repMsant feeling any more than ■««i»i««y tvo had pins vbieb lymboltbe one vbea tbe bride tells you about tsed their lore of some outdoor eport
your pretty rase, vbea you really seal or other.
candlebra. toddeatally it may
Tidy Morning Oevne.
be said tbat if tkeWfte ere laeatfamed
Women pore orer tbe Istect fashtem
la tbe notes, tbe ilMde vlll hare to be
rery aeeutate about It. as sneh mU- Matgals. They plan last bov
risKlag guva sboold be made. - They
takee are avkvard. to say tbe least.
Back brtde vlll. of cotirae. bare her vorry orer both the flt and tbe eost.
ova vlsbes m tbe matter, bat from •ftey forget ibatibe gova tbat sboold
of u oatsldcr It it tbe hsre tbe meet perfect flt aad fanlUeat
loTtag note of thanks carrying vtib l< trimming is tbat la vbieb they
of pereoaal amredatlon and most often eeea. tbe drese for bo
pieasare at reeeiTtag It vUcb vork.
Tbe perfectly plain Alri vaist salt
glreo the donor tbe most comfortable
with lov. vbite collar and oaiall.
feeUag aad the little extra tboogbt
rUeh the notes may taka vUI be veil plain tie. gtrm tbe best eSeoL it tbe
of Alrt aad bkmse be aa
vortb srbUe Men to so busy a pereon
these may be attached as
as the bride of a fev veeks. They vUl
aot be Mtlrely diSetent. bat droprtag they are la naraes' cootumce. Focr of
tbe set fom and vritlag as tboogfa ibeoe govas are aeceesary. tvo in
talktag to tbe Mead vlll ooeoascloarly vUle tvo are betag lanadered.
M*e it tbe pertoaU tone aDA no extra vUI be more restfal aad vlll sare them
change oae for the other la'tbe
time or tfaoogbl vortb eoAUag vUI
eiaooa. The afteraooa govas may
be expeadfd.—Exebaage.
be madeA little bit more elaborate by

n. B.

Cwttktil UtnM Tmea IHuihgin


an twa. lailmi
barlag to by IM
vbDta tbbg avay tUsAUl 1 latMd tt
vaarhvkhttelWBgallvtBter. Tir.
It yaaracK.* addad tbe gbl gMeraasly.
•ftt be aare aad get tbe Mftaat aa^
ligbtaet aUk ponlMe. as a more expeatire ffMlMy will aot mU ao onto

a eerin af aMteael radpn erW he ghma b
y Oraad Tiwveraa heaeekeewera. Then rack
dsiMM, are an ghrao m ertglaaffy Mad b «haa they verv breeght by the tiiimiirtiw. er by
Of an the "M
hrMaa, thaM tvo haee Ae
ibeir leietlvm and frieoda la tha ooeMrim s
cf bebg prartMl ead aa biM—»*<
aiWbe^eeiifoiltlmt they are tbe real tMa»
tMt tM parem of IM geests ata Mt
taffran Cake.
Three pooadt floor, tbrae eggs, oae
The flrat was a "gbb aad tor
drachm eaBroa. ivcwhlrds cup bWter
and Mrd. oae 'entire aatmeg grated.. Cot oS Ae stem ead of graaa pepoae e« of eogar. oae pooad of cor-1 pert aad remore tbe eeeds. C
_ _ tie of catlap. ADI saaev or tombter A
ruto aad a pinch of mtt U the: boUlng vater for aboat Are a
erealag make a sponge of tbe Boor.l tbea drain. Stand peppers oa
a cake of eompreosed yeast, salt. I a baUag dlah apd fltl vUh cooked rice or awtimem aaltabta tor ibq occatioa
aad saMclentvaier to make like bread I vUcb bas beea mixed vltb melted TM bride^obe was detlghtsd with thb
eDBtrtbuUoa to ber tiuirgmiti tiM
Ol the mSraa rerr flae a«d! batter and veak eoap Mock. Cook ta
TM sceead Mever VM a
IM It Btaad eoreeed vltb cold vaXer'
clerer. It was a vaA rag: soap aad
over nltiii- la t>e mwnlag mix Ul
bath tvvel sbero. Tbo peckagee ware
deUthe iBgredUets Into Ue spoage.
b e etotbee basimt sad a
biead-cake. Bet It rise, and ebos prepared tor baking la tbe same
teltad ctothaa hamper, which were deabake to aa oven a little atover than vay aad noMag with Bermuda <v enlad vltk whim rlbboa. TMre was
ssreet oaloas eookad. ebopped Aae aad
of aD kbda aad rariaUee. Itorer
vltb a seaat cap of bread
sboold bake one and a quart
TtoMgh the back door like «t aot,
This cake trill keep a month. Aa old- erembs. a thbleepooe of cbenmd porsAa' of aaybedy htokad at me
time vay of testing tbe beat of tbe
Ky taee ^»all get y.
Is to bold tbe hand Is. If bol
tted m ttMBB yagtr with ribboaa.
from hie IliUe girl Meads, be viU
gb so yoa caa eonat sbieea It U basting often with melted belter,
A dalaty laaekMa was served at
Aa’ Oao my mother'd thiak T» tick, be teylag a Brm tOasdatloD tor bit
ready for bread; If so you e
bOto tbaae aBaln. The brideaiaetie'
Ideals 9f vomanbood. I hope yoa
Aa' fd vtebt at I'd played fair
tventy; il Is rifft' lor e«keWhea the aaked am 'Did my bead aerer come to tbtak It ■amart' or •tak­
BlaaA tbree-foartbs of a cop of ating' to tieat year boy Meads la ibet
moads and bate until a light brova.
hpsnteb A^ CakA
Aa’ hlad o' mmpled ap my hair.
Oae aad ooebalf cope apples coAed tbea run tbroogb tbe flneet katvee of
Why, ABBle IsBX
griader.' Place la a strali
■ a sauce la maple syrup. Tvo eggs,
Tbea vbea I had my lack kalfA
sad poor orer ivo is
Aa' ««• 1 bttdm aty tkate
"No. I beUera ebe U only Ibonghlsalt, oae cup sour milk, one-half 1 cold water mixed with
Aa' vbea my beat girl told me
IMS aad a UUle silly, bat she may
soda. Vme leaspoonfsl
' ' baklag'i
- -tiag| ful of rlaegar aad drala. Dry la oven
Bt av tie vaa*t op to date:
aaaily become aaprtaolpled if Ue goes
teaspoon each of grated
tied I1 aad
AB- eiM^ I bad tbe tooth ache. .
on la tbU vay. Bemtmber. dear, tbat
Bumeg. clanaBon and tinger. Make
Aa' vb^ dad vooMat let me go
cream, deep yenow. aNaga. ovAteaL
any boy vbo U vortb asaodatiag vltb
With al! the other Miove
like aay Ake. adding floor eaoBgh to Ibe yolks of Are eggs baatoa aaiU deep maroon, doop taiae. bat a« pas
an, U vonb troaUag aquaroly.
thick sad lomoa eotorefl. oaMblrd Ua- pte, goMw bMWB. tut. graya sad
To aae tbe etroM abov.
bo IsaX gmtlemaaly la Us babarlor to
recipe makes two cakes.
olarat. -Bba sMald aroU aU greias.
doaX,..reUllate by copylag Us
AH aorta (A beyteb Otaibiei
of salt Fold la the vhttae of Are
. maaraa aad "graoar bteaa.
faaiu. bat simply srotd oompsaloosWp
teemed eeaier to bear.
eggs beaten stiff aod dry. FOl bat- TM tair Waaatts meet aot thiak beSpanleb Msat ftoll.
vltb Urn. Of coarm, ere mast make
Whea my metber'd eay abe'x aorry
1 gem peas twotbltds full aad oaoM toe bsppMS to poaMs Made or
Any variety of meat will do for this.
ss for boyish crodltim of m
Aa- kiad o' remple ap
Get a chonk and bare It boned. Pill bake iwMtpflre mlaetM » a ate biwva Mack hair that abe mnt draae
Mr. bol the-Baer polnu of Uadboss
tbe lilts left by remorlag toe. boaee
rre dial op blO a!^ dxty yeaia.
kJ aptott. TbehalrlaanmnereCqalte
and boaor. vUeb are the easev
with a mixture of ^raad erambef sage,
R Is tM Ata aad
Tbioagh atekaeaa. porarty. aa' ala,
esy, mast be expected of boys as
dean for any leagtb of time vlifaoal
tM eyea tbat have «
Jee- gettla- oat o' troabto
ea-aad oorTespoadlngir of girls vhea about their vork. a eastern ve eolUng tbe detbea. amterlal that can oaloes which bare beeS partly coUted,
pint eeasldmed. Among IM Mr bruetiTs
litft tali back doaPOT tm.
’ veama. There’s aotUag fanny
be easily lacadered U In best
U a voman taadea that an aproa Is
tie meat broth. Roll tight aad tie
Bat I'd gladly Ura If an alata
eotera are creoM pate MM. BUsha«iB
Black aad vhtte ginghams vlll be
uselom teToaUon. let her vear
Roast notil tender. plaUag tbe meat Julee. Add to tSe mlxtaia twelve of gray, pate oonl aU pole aalmM
' AJT tbere'd be hewitnem 4o apate.
coBcee of euur ud half a pad of oae
for a alagle monlng vbea about ber found to be tbe most pracUcal
■t I cotdd iu- (eel motbar^ hand
becaase U always seems fresber OD eometblag which will bold It up orange. Let stand for oae boor. Thoa pink. For evealag tbe Milov bruatta ■
vork. and note bov eelled It beewaes.
from the bottom of tba-raasUag pan.
Klad o' ramirilB- ap my balr.
Tbea let her rAeet apoa tbe fact that erefT time It U laondered. vblle II it Turn and bane It oftes while eooklag. sUBla ibrooM Aae mualla and troeea.
rarely that oollon material of any oihbat for tbU protecUoe her dreas vooM
It, aatneal little girl, and yoi
Carrat Prittara.
bare received aU tbe toll. "But ~ .. color retaias lu fresbuess. An ex­
Apsnieh Steak.
trow mto a ftaak. slmplebearted w
into oae egg beaten
stir half aad atroag goMM brova «
a black dress alvijs!" Is ao r ceedingly dae' sreare Is too dellcaie
Hack r ronad steak oa both Aldee
This method doeeaX brlag
fatatloa of tbe argameaC Tbe eoil Is
with a sharp knife. Put it oa a drip­ a cap of mUk and flour to makt a stiff
- x»oqaeets.' perbape. bat
batter, aa erea teaspoon of i
there, erea If It does not sbov. T
ping pan that has becrn oiled with
brtngs Meads, and that U better.
• AeltMVtbedavalagbgiVd.
fact tbat it Is preaMi it aa offense
pinch of salt aad oovfourth lea
pleec of bacon and over It spread
Myrtle Kooo Cberrymaa.
ly BO means wear a wrapper when
• It bai a gift tor dadaeeA
at voman. And. vbllc certain
layer of sliced onloni that hare been baking powder. Have roady a cop Of
work. A wrapper Is s lounging
• lu dreams die net avar—
sorts of soil may not affect t
parboiled and drained twice. Orer boiled ud grated oanou. Stir this la(bat u brtUlaatBBd dmable. OmiM• Ok. vbal a fooUsh. bappy heart.
le or light dost don. and tbe robe, aot a work dress. Half wore or them pour s plat of tomato sauce and to the MUST sad drop boat 4
eseged'sUn waists, frayed bieyde
• The vorldUer paopia eay! '
boOlag laid. Drain on broi
arable srbRavaA ooght to be amd on
eomber drees eoon looks vorae
sprinkle U with two ublespooafuls of
skirts. MmoBas. spotted old dresses grated cheese. Season with salt and t per befors aarrlag.
arm. Booltry booses assy M eov•
>4Upley O. taaadera.
BOS a colored gova.
after tbe veddlng trip 1s a tUag of tbe
seed vltb U laaUe aad oat. aad U may
AB apron, morarer. aarea tbe rear
pepper, cover and bake In a moderate |
past, tbea the bride baa to eettle
be need to adrutags oa fMOsa. Tbs
and taar on tbe froot of tbe di
to real voik fo a lev days, aasv
reedpe to oe foUova; Blafce oaobalt
and iengtbeas the period, all too sborb
aeua and aeknovledgli
baAel of qatefcllme vttb bofllBg srater.
at best, before the fttmt breedtb of
Tbe gm of tbe ohUd^ bm
S{ the oldest mllltarr OTganlsBllOD la tbe eVverlag il as soon as tM vator to aptbe pmiy gifts.
sjilrt beoesBoa sUay aad vora. Glni
of tbe raieat. hatmUat.tblav
After all the good Umm It dom look
P|Ud WbMtloMd. ftialBttaadaM.
eomt to mortala. In tbe oM talcy elor- to bo a heap of vtak to vrite one boaMssh eaoQgh boiled p^tuoes it>
<;the flrtt vharres at CbariseWva,
la tbe kltcb- mske a plat . Seasoo wlib balf s tea
a paiA of Mit. dtooolTA ta warm wa­
lee wVA vere the delight of oor dred o tvo boadted little notes, more
f I Mass, and vltb John Wlatbrop. Jr. ter. three poaadsmf gnoad rice tbat
ea. But there are many women who
yeotb.tb*apeile oast apoo tbe prtaoem
establUbed the flrat Iron works la the baa prerleaair been bolted te boBteg
or Ms. as tbe cate may be. and par- do not alvays bare at baad a large rpooaful or more of salt, a .dasb of
by the vkked fairy god-mother
I UDlied BUiaa at Lyaa. Msss.
tlealarty alMe the bride vlsbet then vbite aproa to slip cm while tbe bric- pepper, tvo or three tableepoonfini oi
water to a tblB paste. baU a peoad of
maye MM by tbe gift of cbee
batter, ud milk ns needed. Beat tborto be seat about the eaae time. K> '
Mrs. HamllD of Davenport. Iowa, la 1 The apuk. grit a
Bpoateb vhitteg sad oae poead of
a-brac U being dusted, or while they oughly. then beet lb one egg. beatc-n
. wferred by tbe good tsinm. Tbe real
Mrt. Smith. beaHag that Mrs. Bi
u editor who haJ made a nirk In the , >b* Hamlins ud S
ciMB gla^ vbieb bas beea Itoaotred
are doing tbe atnety-alse trifles that
cbnd bean dom aot depe
centerM la' Ibe te srarte'%ater, atix veil togetber sad ^
bas received ber aote of tbaaks ftom fUl t tbe lot of tbe' boose mother. srltboul separating the white ud yolk. world, ud U s living Illustration of .f""* ■■
yean: k U tbe bean that traata; that
““1^'Lii'.iTwhM ,he Is dA ' »"We« of tbe sketch.
tbe brtde. need aot voader vby she
OB of tUs porpote sboold be The mUlnre should be firm enouti* w]
tot Buad lor aeveral day*. The vart
' Aom not apeat tbe time In aaxtoos
bas reeelred
sboold be- appited bo^ gateg « brash
plalB or flnlshed with vide tucks and
torefaodta^ bat ases It vlaely'Tv brtag
Tee. It dom eeem a large ^dertak-.
-FiM Walel or CBSkteg It aaCeteatlr tliS'A.tW K
haimr tb Ibc many amall )oys of tbe tag. aad. harbaps. it lo do voader tbat laaoeeat of elaborate embrolderT or
lace. Of a different cIbm :
•i.k K..ti«r online News Tribune. Davenport Remar be applied by a A*Vteg pomp.—
preesat day, vUtb It pat togetber
the aotm are treqeeuly ao Imperaoaal. dainty aesrtng aprons, which a
K—. 1. make a eerprtrtBC aam total of happltbu sprinkle with sifted bread
eo foraul. aad. let os add. eo poorly of Aceresi li
.r asked a girl tbe other
Iowa, ud U now the editor of The Tri- orgudy
aeaa la eraiy tvoatydoor boara. ThU
crambs. FVFtbe morlds vltb the po­
Uasful Idsat.
Davenport, a weekly paper of : day of a friend wbo wore a dainty
lace, and serve for lanoceat coquetry
te tbe bean tbat sara.'eaA moratng. ritten.
Bat area greatiag U1 this. U It neo- as much os tor actual servtee.
bottoaed up tbe back with
A btfrir fell bat amy M tieaaad by
a Is Isrgely <
>Tblbm. take today's carm aad carry
out the center of each, learlag a aa' greet merit, '
eaeary to hare them ao ImperaoaBl aad
tiny lace buttons.
flrat brasUng off sR tM dMt and (Mb
There are many new kiads of
tham for me." aad then drope them abI* If one vrttaa a large nnm- aproas. for tbe denmad te loerraslng row wall. Hare reedy Ihree-founbs;
"111 let yoa Into toe seem." said robbtag with a flaaaM Nl||ia te a
aoIttMy. traeOag la tbe abUlty of
p of flae ehooped. boiled ham.i
ber at eve slUlns. they vUl. ia spile
the Mead. "It to aM a particnlarly j waspooafal cf
addtd tB tea
Some are edged vltb embt^ pover ttaa Its ova. la tbe obapeg yea. sbov tbe eCeeU of tired fla­ broidery made la muslin, ud tied mixed vUh *alf a cop of cream saor.-.'
floe orgudy or swiaa. ratber-for It U tabtokpoonfals of eoM tea.
gon and Utboa^ pretty. veU vrtuea rooad tbe vaUt: others hare a bib. Use this to flit the opeo spaces in tbe'
SWISS, which washes better thu tbe
ShonM a Uoe cartala beeome ura.
Ban • vrtMr la Good Boasakaeplee are alvays more pMsaat to re- vhito Is cut la one with the etrilar raqplds. Cover with more potato, ud'orgudy—bat It looks so. because 1 VaA sad sterA As dasBoged eartate
Ur□to the oven on a baking sheet.'
re. yet even tbe Irregular papmaa- piece; this would be rery pretty for s
wear It over the thlnaeat kind of s aad stretoh It oa Aa troateg board.
The otdeei peraee of nj aeqeaiatehlp vUI be pardoned more qalekly bacaar. vlth a conple of rosettes lo Let set la the oven nesrir 10 mlatites.;
white wash tUk bkmse. whlA l» made Take a piece of oU eertala of loUabW
Ibaa the cold toimaltty vbleh pervades be plaeod at the waist, aad where the Then, turn ooto a serving dUb. 8erre|
plainly, bat along tbe same lines. This else, dip it teto tM staxeh. and toy it
tcmalo ranee or with tbe bam
tbe notes of so many brides of today. collar piece ud tbe bib nnlte narrow
gives (be ssrtos a.cloudy, fllmy. ud neatly ovteiM ton part. IfAeropair
bMw aakod by bar moUter vbat kind
mlxtofe not ased, stirring inio-a cup
klad of billowy effect, that makes It to Am ItodA flrmly viA IM Irna w
of a time ebe bad. replied vKh aa exof thin white sauce.
, M ased wttboat eeorebteg
look like ebiffOB. It throws op' met
gromdea c« IsVUte boredom. ’Ob. tbe
you do not own tlrabele moulds,
Utile thread of tbe Uce irimmlag. ao A# maiiftel. tM carute win look
dereid wllb lace ud bare a bib. wblcb
mbU thiag!’ My yoaageet Mead' U
maA bettor Au If mended U aay oA'that It appears like somcthlag
Is aUBChsd lo-a baad goliig roaad. lust
<. MtMty^. U hU laet raoetred pboforasal.
I Instead of the ordinary wash ralenu If Intended to mark the deooUetage.
tc«rai& a taoder eonedeBoe. high
Bunllght Is HsslUiful.
j eteanes. which It to And It gives
Meals. hahItaU dtiMey of tboodit(fls Bsed. It may be copied for tbe whole edged, tike the akin of the aproa. ^iih
Few of ns realixe tbe vondertol
I sofe effect to tbe skin.
aad fetilag. are aot more marked thaa lot" Tee. poctibly so. bet do yoo tUak lace, aaya Ute Queen.
tbo Mead who speat the tboagbt
I Tbe lining, too. saves tbe svtos. eo
Those who wut it for work simply health-girtag pover of tbe son’s rays
tbe look ol
known fact that sick peo­
tbat by wublng It out In qbe
taufeet aad deUgU Ib Ute tbat Is reple who are exposed to innllgbl Im­
bowl oBd pressing II when nearly dry
freskiag as tbe breath of May.
tbe waist Itself cu be .won two or < when wi
"Let fie IMI tbe reader aa' o|m
musllB lace trimmed aproas bare
three times wtOiovi doing ep. Besides j arailed.
cseL It Is this: X«' rttymss with cclred? WboM yoa. it writing letters
dl»ribbOB bow, sUacbed to .
•eUd.' So long as you vork srttk epet •- several frieodi. use a set form for
lafectut ud sterilizer. Sna bstbs
Isara srttb aager Uterest. uarel, ob- erea balf a dona? ts aot oacb Mud lag efaniets. ud then, again, there
yoo In a dlScreat way? It not
pieUy oremllt, the bodice part bare muy devotees. Either a part
awee. aekitve. do good to yoersett or
Mrs. Ells C. Buahnell Hsmiln.
acbwi vttb warm plwNro. yop caa 'caeb trtead tbea worth tbe thought of box pleated, set Into, a yoke embraid- or the body may be exposed or the
whole. As s remesly for tnsomnls they
panoBBl note of tbukr vbea. Ae cred to matA the e^s. It is i
MTOrbeolC Buhoslaam Is as yoong
laralnsble. They cause Aundut
M awie bkMemBa. Whea Shakos- IS beu kind caoagh
her able ud brllllul editorials. Bhe
peaie vrou.''Age. I do abhor thee.' he
also been interested te politics
•xpmeed tbe aUrereal feUMg <f haUklag a eea bath Is as followt: Inj and was a deiegsle to the ProhlbitloB
TMa Bouquet Wm Hovel.
■aUty. We an abhor tbe lodlSer- be veil to keep the cards In i
“Vogao" teUs of a reeeat sreddlni onr eUmale (be sun batbreom aboold ccmreniloa si CInctensU la 1U2. ud
eaea, ililliisntM. ilmlwMias, cyale- placA vrlUag on eaA card tbe
K-oiiian's AiSrage ssnoelatkia at
hare a aoutbera expoenre. with gar
-ATkm. taaeUrlty of alad aad body, of tbe gift which tbe Mead has neat where It was tbe bride's pretty Idea to
eroos wlndowi. which should be slop the utkmsl convenUon lo Washinghave her bridal bouquet made la
which caastitata ega. aad vUeb make Tkot ke^ the names abd gifts
lag. Tbe patient sboold Ue ocTatecnjch too. D. C, te Ipoo. It was Mrs. ^mtioBs
a vamaa
as tUUe worth as bar
wbo wrote the first arbltriSlos
te fraat of the window, oorerad with a
ererygraadsire carved U akbasiar."
very UAt ebrerlag. Cbie sboold be pluk In ur state platform ud se­
White tbe ckild-ake Mart b a gMt thlag before you. Too Piet ap Mrs. tbe bride vaa Icaviiif tbe bouM (or
PIAKOS, Otgiaa, and TUking MachiaM -iaU at time. AH
taken alsrays to protect the bead tram cured lu adoption by the FXrm Ksto aema people. It oa be aoqalred by Btova’s card and tad tbat ber gift (be« separated tbe vartooi
J coaventioo. Mrs. Hamlin orig­
parts of ber bouqoet aad threw them the on's rare. ' The leagtb of tbe
the up-tiHlaM mane kept b atodu WE BEST PIAV08 mid
aB, via a UUle aMert. aad tbs reward eras a eat glass rase, to root
tovaid eaeb-btWcaald u they Mtb *~ts varies aceordlag to different fac- inated Arbor Day in Ion. Besides
It OK teat as easy .to tbaak
mcner paid aa mt ^ipUed if iagtramaot ia pttndteeed
tbe "pretty vase" and ten ber peibaps. erad aboat ber door to eay good-Mc- tora. chW among which is the phyal- bHiig s writer Ae has leetnrcd oa ra(bat yea are eo load of cet glasa. u to As eub oae grasped ber seettea of Ml enodlUea cf the tedirldnaL Tbe rloos topka. Mrs. Hamlta claims to
. tboroach Americu. her greotear that "Mr. ud Mn. James Saltb tM booqnet. abe foead a amsll gift JeAle eaaaol veil bear more thu Are
Ttottua (or Harne (teaer.
VIA to thuk Mrs. Brova for tbe gift sttaAed and these gifts were aalqae miBstes' expoene. vUlst Ae robust graadfsAer. Capt. John £ Bostaaell.
' Tfs foBBy." Mid B little Ugb a
vhlA was leoeired on seeb a daler ia tMt tbv vere aot all aUke. as cu maad H lor three qeaitete of u baring come to Ato coontry Jn lOS.
fyoAmu to ber mother oae day,
boor. OMmerae tM teUBSttr of Ae
U Mra. Brova te a (riead vl
srltb tM hoys,
eall by ber flnt name. dMX tor goad
traam iMm }a« avtally maan.
gaM tUmbte. alM At vm otvayB
vkA bM gete tired « om Ae aimply aeAMke'thaAJlI^l

JbmUmeMw'i tMt


Grinnell Bros.




Paces 7t» 12

L. bet IB a few spedAe

dtreetere, line «* coasMeted tbsl
Losac*. brotte et tha srooa asd tbs exteat el tbs aeterpnse at the
MiNOMlter^ naampMatartad preeeat tine aoold wraal the exat lt:U br Om eoe. wbara they vtU peodttare ol thU latter anooit M
T. Ibe natter was therefore rea»«i,tba aamaar. A aabar of aapetted badt to the epeeui eomaaitee
lo Iba 4wot aad tbay Wt tfca elty la ebkb trst resoested to enter late
ntgeOuitmt with Mie eona Manrar «< itoe aad food wlabat for
paay. the sense of the neetlac belac
the fattra.
Tba^cMa b a ixipolar ^ cbarmiaE that the oncual proposlUoa soscested
yawMyaftfeaettr- Sbabaaarary by the committee was all that tbe prowanwted. Bowerer. U Is beUrtf ^raber ct <rlaad< asd that
tbay rrl^har bamtaaM worn aitboat ilered that the eompaay and t»e board
aayiv- ^ EKwai te a pnnbtar of trade oaa lef tocether to tbtir
yaaac.'SUaraar c« tba ^ asd abo
Aaother eery Impoitaat matter
liM wav maadt vbo «Ub blft a
btoe^t op. bat too late for exteaded
baf*y Mp la deeUa bana«.
■sloe, bowerer. was the matter
CnadtV by Straat ApHnWar.
of (rn^t ratea. H. 8. Roll redected
mnaWiliT. Jaaa ». Party Wrigbt. tba aeaUment of ibe maoofacturers of
a My^XS^rsar* old. abo Uraa wUb Ui the dty whea he ctaled that the rallt were aot dirtaf the dty a lair
■iWw. lire. A Wrtdbt, at tba oenur
a( FIV ME nttaaath atnaU, ba^ deal «B ixeisht ratea, aad be bellered
ww1*id ta tba wwaw store o< C T. tbat the board of trade ahould exert
ARbTat $U Sootb Valoo etiaeC
raifeet ladaeaea with the raflMeadar aftatao* .be *as seat oa road eompanha to bare Trareree aty
aa erraad to the Pint NatioBsl bask placed npoa the Cbtcago basts o(
pad whaa ready to retara Imped oa al^
his erbeei asd stalled op Cws street
It was floslly dedded to sppolot s
aaeb IWtn U>aa the weed liadt.
spedsl eoiBMlttee to' oAfer with the
A»MWlir,McLaaiblta vbo driaas tmilraads sod PiasUeot-RssttBgB wUl
elty wriakler N& 7. had }sst Iliad Os
task asd ns aelBf east oa State street. lad the matter (orther with the i
Whsa a lev yards (ran Cass be saw Iniereeted loeal pardee.
aa hv «M>laE srooBd tbs oocaar OB. It wm 10; V w
wb<a the meetiBd adMi abaM aad BoUoed at a flaaoe thsi ramed and
tre aplrtt
In aaa folac loo bet to nahs tbs
tm. na taafc vaa searly toD of
Races on July FWirth.
aatsr asd kacrelac that tbs uaa
The Trareree City DrMod Psric asooBld Bst slop n ta tims HcLaa^la
paM as (W to tbs rldhTas yras poa- sodstloB has arrasdsd a bid matlaee
meet for July 4. Aa tho« wUl be
ittasr oslebratloa In the dty. the
I tbe bv bfsfir
et the street
d to tan b hot be
fa ooald anoelspcw hat planned to make the
net mVs u sad straok the aear hone: aSalr a recalar pleale. The groasds
is the hlad Mn The team wm at a wffl be open ta the momliid sad ererydaad Slop orMa the wheel stmdi them body U Inrtted to bflag thelrtsaksU
hat ^miillitily Was plasctaK ssd aad stay aU day. Is addlUoa to the
this TtdM the Croat wheel ersr tbs ptale (aatare. the sssbelatloB now has
hwb tWI am. moUsd s •7'fibetsiw la the oeoiae of'prspaTatloB a proM aad shoes tbs elbow lolst. His head dram which wUl be sway ahead of anywas throws dliaoUy ta Croat of the tUod dirsB la that Une.
wheal aad Meted akadorer the pare-

Tbs boy «*• <Mnd ap by bysnsdsta ma earrM a phystelsa-s oftos
wtaoWs.lalartM were owed tor. He
<M ast hM oahMIeniatn aay of the
time av whsa AM of Polios bshtta
SRtiwd wUb HI mother he tald her
the tfnmmiWeee. Be was takm
to hlB.hoaM taw amhaJaseeasd
■faatp dslet althL
IWe' «aa be be Mame pMeed
smy cae hat urn hv ■■ the byeUsd
say tMt HrThiihlhi did hit beet to
the way and stow and was
la aat* b posttiea that hs-eooM not
see the boy when he wm ander the
wheeu aad It wm all dbses work with
Mmtafaab«U«lbetoaaL Tbewhed.
Eemd ef Trade. ‘
Thtra wm a eary sflrltsd aieeUDd of
. thedHantmaod thefaoardottradeMoa«W s>W aM % lacse samber of I
hns tram ammw the bmtaasa m<
tlw dty eotmsmhen of the board were

•mav Mtar thtods the report of the
dammEtoa oa aaya asd meaas. which
waeiftemtodeone time bio
mb alMa tor the espaadluue of the
pmcssdJ ft the'boadi recsatly lasaad.
Altar the matter wm tally discaaeed s
bamd w tfwaiem waaisHai of are
■■iTn todndlac the peeddent of
each ot the three basks of the dty
m fdlewr' H. B. HaU of the PeopleW
Mrtods task. J. T. Hasaah d the
TTareme Oty BtsU haak. Mm T.
■mill et the ftret MaUeaal bank.
tBsa. T. Batae md Attorney H. a
' Whoa the epedhe rales foeWalSd
the eeUca of the rwmaimae hu net
d. It U
I that the tiaslem win
mdedliiM oC-the beard of


rase' coaid net be tried agatoatftwo is throagh her eaetgy aad ks*a toftrms ondcr tbo tame raont bat all the sight that saecesB fallows erery eaUrepeatag of the aflnnoaB uiilan this 'ttlamsat pMaaed and tinmel Mra.
denied by tbe ceart cad the case Boyd-Vsn OstoB Is a New Task dM
The JOTT retnrnpd a ver­ and a newspaper woman from ths boay
this trip s loete wtU be d
eastern Beld aad berame tdratlBad
dict et »CM damagea
The (TOnlng sraslaa. whiai is nsnal- wlib this particular work tkroagk her
ty held for the divofco mill was aot ta adaptability lo engineer saecaaMnUr
rdara wUI be made i
xhat many mca have made Bernal
ilaw to tbe iftenoaa. the party dlslod
prevlora three cou^ sooMt aad ob­ failures of. She arrived this aftsri
St Old HlssloB. The Trareree Treetained rCdrcM from family tics which
tioa eompsay Is composed of promlbad proved gnlllag. Maud Horan and
loeal bndnesi men. Tbe
Merton Moran. Florenco Parker aad
paay Is eapltaUsed at and al­
Biuncit Parker gad Angnsu Undell
ready ni.OOO worth of stock has been
snd Alfred Llndell received consolallon
•old. Ko offleers hare as yd In decrees.
•d bat the aew company will be
TTic Jury for the Allgaler vs. Ben Rnhcr Boyd ot knUiamabotg ' and
beaded by oonserralJvc and prominent
Yost et al. damage case was not WiUlam J. McLwod ot Bk RepUe
basinoss men of ibe city.
drawn yesterday aftcraooa until 3:» were united la the holy bonds oC.maU
The board of directors It conpoeed
wh«a Fred Pratt, attorney for the de­ rimony.
Of the (dlowliie well known baslnen
Tbe eeremony wm peeforaMd la the
fense who drew op the writs, was
men: Charles Procbsxka. jr.. J. W.
called to tbe witness stand by the St. Francis efaureb by Rev. Palber
MlHlken. B. 8. Wllllsms, H. O. Joynl.
PTom To(»dnT> Record.
plalnUff's attorney, J. W. Patdiln to Bauer at S o'clock. Tbe nspttol bigk
W. H. Blske. r. H. Pratt. J. H. Blakesbe case of Charles R. Remington verify ihc staumcni of the plaintiff. mass wu eclobrktsd and ibe ImprtoeIM asd r. P. BoBdhey.
Nathan Luca*, which was being lelaUvc to lllinra noilficaiioa with the Ive ring sermon warn used.
The eqmpasy will pot ten antos is
Only the Immediate rcbUvM aad a
to sell
pkkedNip right at tbo farm Insl^ of tried In the afternoon session of Cle
commission In tbe city snd oo
few iDtlmate Irleada were present. Ike
court yesterday went to the Jury
UBla ran. Three o( these will be having to take It to a dock.
bride was aUendod by her aistes.-Mlin
morning at It o'dock aad a v
Tbe su4el car sen'lec and tbo regu­
pat in the etreet car serrlce In tbu
Boyd and the groom by a MwA
city, two iriR be on the Old Mtseloo lar Old HtssloB runs will be started as diet fur 1100 danisgcs was renderad
of bis, Feoncy Pope of Bk Rapids.
Pawnee Bill's Shew.
1:46 this afternoon.
Use. three-wUl be frdghi ears and wUl soon at nosslblc.
The bride was branUfnlly gowned
T. D. Tan Ostra. tbe advance agent
The next case to be rdwrted ready
While all Ibe drivers have not as y«
on the peninsula, two toarlns
I In pearl wklie chUfoaeUs over wUte
been dedded qpon the following will for trial was one for tS.OOO damages. of Pawnee Btira wild west show, ap
which win be subject to cbsrter.
silk and carried a shower tiouqeet et
have ebarae of ears: .1. G. Sorgusea. Bllxsbeth Allgalcr being the plalnitfl rived this morning at 8:30 In advanoo hride-s rosea. The bridesmaid was at- v
Tbe cars Is tbo dty will ran
car No. • with twentr-olgbt aeUve and
regular scbednle bat tbe streets and Charles Clilfe. Thomas Ounloa. John sod Ooe rrosi ct al. the defendaets. lively bill posters and toes of paper tired in craam landsdowne'trimmed to
tbe roate hm not yet been decided Dill and Cart Oarraw.
lace and rarried ^k caiaatlou.
which will be
upon. This, bowerer. wlU be a
At the conelosiOB ot th^ceratosv »
In the rase, two saloon firms arc the north ta tbe next tvro dsya. Uthoranged that It will cover the dty rery
charged with Ibe nalawful sale of In­ gr^hs. Ilterunre and rarlons illns- dinner wai served at Hn. T. H. Bookthoroughly and glre the eiUxenj the
toxicating liquors lo bor husband. Inued maps and olbrr materials mayer'a. a sister of the brMa. MT
benedl of a Regular eerrlce. The two
WUIlam Allgajer and the charges are bearing on the merlu of Pawnee BUI'S Bghth street. Tbe rooms were ehaitothat ran to Old Mission will make Edward Kildee which was begun yesfer ths eerastoe to
ideoUcal. The defendants are Beo and show win be freely devoured by the
two raond trips a day. One will leave lerday morning at 10?30 U belngTrted
pink and kbit*.
this dty In the morning and the other again in Circuit court owing to a dip- John Frost with their bondsmen. J. S.
The young couple reeelved many
Martinck asd William Mattes, aad the
wm lease Old HItelon at the i
weddtog gUU to
tlma Tbe three freight cars that will of court and owing lo the wide circu­
men will scour the country and dis- glass. aUverware. chtoa. boeae furbe put on the ran will have a capacity lation ot thb facu and stor)- surround­ ot Ucycr FTaek and Abe Robiosas,
tributo their wares along every high- ilahingc. a chock tor »1M ttom tbe
of fiOO trait crates and will furnish ing tbe case, (be Jurors were excused with (heir bondamcn. A. B. HucUnas- W and‘byway nnUl eve
M^'s father, also |16 (ram bar
quick iraospertatlon to the markets. ud excused by the attorneys in the tel and J. W. Round. \ ,
woman and ctaUd In Grand TraverW braib^. Dr. Boyd.
ease until the time spent was equal al­
s company has rented
Mra McLsoed has a wlAs cItBs B
and adjoining counties can reeobnt the
BooMey bunding oo the corner of most to an ordinary trlsl. aad 11^ was
virtues and thrilling performances of friends at WUUamsburg where she
Cass and 8tato street sad In this
tog's session was taken up with tea- the coming atttmclloe. Back of all this will bo maOt Bilaaed by the yoong peo­
ge win bo fltud up. Anolbcr
limony of half adoxen wlieessos in the Is the woman, not the “man behind the ple of her old botae. She alto hw
fe«u« which win bp very gratlfylaK
Allgaler vs. Ben Frost et al. case, who throne.'' for a lady of cultarc aad bigh many (rienda In Bk Rapldi who wfll
of the bosbaad. WiU- eduettloa standt back of this advance U pleated to receive bar la Jb^
el4 circle. Mr. MdAOod also bee
«V-«S » ooioow uu»
-usu lam Allgalflr. whose misdeeds
guard, planning and mancuverliig i
many (riesda In that pMee. He M em­
^^^|ibe sdjonned smh» of Circuit court |drlnker have formed the basis ot the foices that DO territory shall
aad capable of doing bigh claas
ployed la BoU's drag store. Hr. aad
now---------being beard.
convened owing to the fnabillly of tbe--------------- W. H. Blake, the heed ot the eompsoy.
Mrs. McLeood left here on tbe l;it
rq^ Traverse City. Another . The mornlDg eoeslon cloood with
retaraed from DetroU today with the
train (or their nmr borne to Ktk Bapmotion before court to take the cai
chM engliiaer.
ids when they wUlbsdtbsBSUaMr
from tbe lory and reader_a verdict for
Tbe pfleee hare not been soactly de.
ton vs, I«athaa Lucas. J. -W. PalMln. the defendant, on the count UiM the
tormtnM-BPon bta they wOl be very
a of the dty will leare et

. Waller LoraacM- aat Ml- MaUM
OratlkR wer. «anM at W «>ele(R the total ai
Tuartar a. ■. by Ear. It H. Htdaaple O.0M.
While then
af tiM araafatleal ckwch. Tb*

plaied tbe mvMdltare <d ebeot UAM
to aU c< dm enterprtii. Tbs eemffAAy agrrai to tbe graeral twraa of

attorney for the plalaUC. asd P. C
OUban for tbe defense. Tbs compMlnBSt dies tbe case as a trade of fa<
in wbleh be mve on Dee. I. 1«H. a
brown mare. IIS In moocy asd a
for «35 tor one year seeared on
sorrel gddlng. another gray mMlng. a
lumber wagon asd a set of hara^
The exchange bdng effected by the W
tease with ooe sorrel gddlac. whom
the plslntlff charges with baring been
badly *wweenied’ and aBllcted with
heaves, the former state of bodDy
meat preventing him from dolngfa full
days work, by taagiing up hU
feet In such • manner that be was un; lo wade through the snow,
complaint tlamagee are ask<
sum of 1160 to cover the aa
of the exebange and the cost of Iteep
Of the "sweenied" horse.



Wbea Sieknett Uomes to tiie
-litde OEM
Xt b the Kother Who GUefl;
Her sympathy ts despm than that ot
aay oUwr member of tbe (amlly.
Tbe mothers look forward with drmd
to the torrid beat of nunmor, thinking
of their children and thcmanT UaUlltim

dttooTcr that Perana la the
•he has to tlmrt of fllnsM emoag (be
Tbcdoelras may come aad go with
tbelr different Iheortes and eoostaal
different remad lee than be doM today.
Bach year dads some change In Ua
pteaerlptlaasaadlnlhedragsba raltte

|F A ^

A Moltitode of Widbrri

Have dlaoorered that Perana Is the
stand-by, and that In aU the aUmrala
of spring aad aummar to which the
ahUdm are anfajeetsd. Perana Is ths
remedy tbat will most qnlekly rcUeva.
Vbatber it is spring (ever or stomach
derangement, whether ll Is ladIgeetioB
or howel dlsMse. a ratsiThal oongestloo
of the mnoeos fkrtaOM U the eaoM-.

Pe-m-na Shoold Be
£tci7 Uouebold

s. lu opeisa do aot dl»lodelelariaas effects In any part of ths body.
It simple removes the ran— of the

Tbe molbets all orm tbeinutsd StalM
are the beet frieada tbat Perana baa.

ncmMiidrenbraagbtnp lo believe
to Perinu from tbe atart. wUl. when
they become bento ot lamUlM themselvos, ase Parana

Pa-n-M Fretoeti tke &

niTMwlBbeaaesd, end haadrada of

-We ftnd It of irreat value when my husband becomes worn oot or eaicbes
cold. A eosple of doecs cure him.
-yrasbebj-hes tofte. ormD-awmect Baortorx. s deae or iwo aina bar.
-/ rimtUerPtfmaa fleer thoa ray aacor'a etetortof tfcsr / here over
fried, nad/Anew (tor AS toivesww bare fr to toe bowse, art arm oB be
mtOt as deep la good ieattt.'^-ThreM Kooke.

Ve Beater Xeqnired.

The Mntbacs HBd.Pm-BA to Hifk
Votonlybecanaett baa cored them of
tbatr rariooi ailmrat*. bat beeanae It
always reaeam ibe.chUdrae Ctem tbe
tbrossand gta^ at e
We bavela cor fllea
rarnlats from mrihat
bare faera eared by P
the large majorny of mothers who as*
Pmana, vs never bear (nwa.
Bnlmtdo bear tram a greet
at mOm> who ate •• o '


Where Th'^JTApe little^

Pat Into W<
FmnatanotephrMa. furanalsnot
• narrlne nor a aarcotle. Parana does Tbe chronic alloxnu tt has prevented,
notprodoee aay drag habit, bowerer he suSevtag It has mlUgated, wfll
nto with tbe heard of directors ts'Tu long
it may be taken. Perana la not •
Bulatleaslthlsmoch can be said that
■mtotltnre for pebUe lamron
he coming genentloa owes a great
for 1'........................
There wm a iood etteadani
Btfewtosttc. the tmporuaee of
beert o( trade belag (nlly reBIsed and
Its work (Btored Into with a iwocraeetre tpWt that was oommendabto
Tbe raport o( th« osmmittee nppotob
•d to HBPtliti with . the iM'opeead
mbit mMBMbiitog otoetprlM was
rahBdtled. toBKbdrwIlb a contract sM
agi ■ imral fi nm (be eompaay. to wMth
tbey aireed to tona emtata oUpqtoUana tor a bonoa from the board at
trade. Tbe IIIBIMIIII bed aabmltted

I. TMURSOAY. JURE 0. ^906.

rameasblp. The tore to bs( Bay
polats wUt be ten ceato a pence each
way pievldad tbere are tea ta tbe
party. Tbe tore all orer the etty wlB
bedveoeau. Tbe tooitog cars can be
chartered (or K for tbe Ers( hoar end
II for each succeedlag boor. Charter
parties of coarse wm be coaitdorsblr
Tbo neb Une between this dty asd
Old Mlaslca wUl be an excetlent thing
for the dty as it wRI glre the Old HIssko people a chssee to make quick
trips to and from this dty. In the
past, with a steamboat line between
Iho two potoU the Old Mission trade
has generaUy gone to Bk Rapids bat
with tbe new line ft wlU come bore.
Not only is It aa excellent thing for
tbU elty twt It wUI ben«4t tbe whole
peninsula as well, pravidisg quick and
cb«ap mcaim of IranUi. ibe freight
ears wlU handle tbe fruit and other


Mr. Edward Otto, 4K7 De Soto street,
St-Paol, H>na.,writce:
-Icannotmyenoagh for Peranm It
haadosegrratworkla my tamlly.
pectaUy for my oldest boy. We 1
dortorsd with three or toor dtSsraaJ
doctore asd they did hot seam to da him
any good.
-We gsveitobo|>-<>(«are.aadaedld
they, bat we polled him throagh
-H'ebed ervsraf decfDra and tktr
aaW ffkST c«M As ne mors tor bto as
araMadParmmoB a tom resort, tmd
toefdHtoswdb*:. fftoeeBee ww Aea»

It Id tbo -baam *M tba atom «M
itoctor* roq^n4.V-BawdMOao.

perana Mould be kept Is tbe heoM
•U the Ume. Don't wait nntll tbe child
ltettk.lhca«eDdtoadragstflra. Bat,
havePerans oa hand aonepl. ne rabUlote.

Mr.G.n.Fsrmer.New MsrttoeriUe, boarseness. Uryngltla,«te, are Is
-Aur imie i-on. Hsrry, U well sad fereni phaaes of entarto.
beslthv DOW snd we think U we do sa Mrs. AmeUa Sailer, Mscasha, Wto,
:ted ua, be will keep hit health rrltee:
-I haw aacd Perana Mr a nntoher at
and ,
ears. It cured me of ehrmto entairk
-H>Aoow that
•as tavad ty)
rhlch 1 soffrrwl with from latoksy.
, Pem-sa Oostatoa So Barestua.
dad wa stoJ/ always pi
-tt’bco my tiireo children were been
One reason why Perana has found per­ Ptnam..dodaaaKladar
tdosBr a
Jhey all had eslarrb, but I bsee ftvm
manent nee In so many homee is that It t______
contains no narcotic of aay kind. Pm I -Should we have any more catarrhal them Perana and find it very efteettve
rpna U perfectly harmless. It can be trouble In our famUr, we shall always In ridding tbm of this bocrfble tronbla,
Bsedsnylendthof Umewithoor acqnlr- •trentment.''-^.
_ _ H. lOsdlhatUUalMgood-to glvt them
s yod• fur
asatonicaad a pterantettra of soida
Inga drag bablu Perana does not pn^ Farmer.
dacctempaearyresnlta. Itupermancal
Mr. Howard Andrew Sterner, Moddy
la iU effect.
"to tocA / ranrMir «« iiimdlto
.Mtoddot _kaaw_ bow to
t( baa oo bad effect npon' tbe.systsm, Crewk.Pa„wr1laa!
•ad gradually eUmlnaua catarrh by'ra- -I have Penins In my boose aU the ratos my tAfd-in wttbaad b. tarn
m7* ^ brnyt*
morlng the cause of catarrh.
timeandwtm’tbewilhant it. Itttgood
There are a mnWwdeof homca where forehUdrea when they take a cold or
' my baby boy of croop, AAdnasDr.8.B.H
Perana has been nmd off and on faw
riuced Perms Into six at Tbe Hartman 8i
twenty years.
Bnehe thing ecwld net be poaaiWe If
f alrcady."- Alleorrespandanm
Perana oontaltod any drags af a narOdandaL .

, .'i'


TtaTCM Hcnll

Gra*i prrpuviuna *re BUmJc for »
cnad celebfcUuB of Uw Fgank «(Sil­
ver lake. Buiioa »III ni-«
alOran-a. Tbwe wUI !>• <UacU>». ru»lu ncoa. K« tmrliDE. «thliHle aporu.
iMch rae». ball eay and a erwd
dliplav of nreworka ft thfr-evenlnt
Pterybody inrlied-__________

- TfflNG

W. P. Crotaer baa paRdiaaed tbai
rdmaa aveone a<Ua-i
«t to tbe Bplatopal ebnreh. formwly I
rsed by Mra. Ida Avery Paiaoba and





Your Painting Bill

Pere Marquette


iar* 1 Gnittlc McUcil IMpaitmcBt Btn(s

CDod lor return nniil July
Katk^a—Rate. Sta
Pateakey—Rate. SIMI.
Sunday. July 2.
Train will K-avt- T-rav.rvc riiy

4t^ H1PM.\N ' Pure White Lead, property ap~
^ plied, will not cjack. peel or bllBier. A
good painter and-Shipman" wiU cut down your
painting bill materially.

J. j. -rWKDOI.K.

Voar Daater^ Allen'a Foot- ;


|>. A.

Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

B«ra Ne.'suM tUek BnUlac. TiaiW City

tndcx^jria. Bow itbri|;ht'• OM
Min Ada Water* retaraed Saturday
My. Tbnraday ipoc»taK the home
.«r AMa 6*e* et Old WiyalOB «n«W CTMtlnc from Oilrei.- where ahi- t|*enl
tr. Ufi byroad to tb. ponod In apl|c commenceieent week aa the sum ot

ent Aud

refinee boioc—



nervea aniV


W b o t

«t t>« bajd irork done by a botkol her brother. Wayne ¥
brlcada wWeh took inter (ran the

protty fnneioa it bring*

bay. ThPvAiia* ct iba Ore waa a dofeeme dUmnay. AH ji Uie (nntltore


nd pnetteaHy ever^rtne eUo wai
raved fren tte boHaft*. Mr, Bwoet
ta ad Pld BOB *he haa been In the


the ■ummer

moniiaj Ho

panad ^ireusb the dty tUi monlns
OD fata wa} back to Orud Rapida
- wbete be will apatn nler the booe.
Tbc-'im waa'nearly .covefod by.lnI


Music was


never roade




iuivo a bad

Boy yonr




at a Btore whore yon will

1# the Iwat and most durable finish for hard <
soft swkl fl<K>r«.
Nin.' brilliunt tolors for ren<

be »nre of getUng musk

valine fnmitai^

all kind#.

—where {Hano knowledge
is abnndant and nlways

Mr. Bw
FOR SAUS-Farm 130 acrei.
balldtasa. yonns orchard 8*» i

on top—where evorj- in-

* U Here. Ca-a

Btromont is giwl—wlu-ro
every tmiisaction is hon­




.fact-buy bon-

and Iray now.

Orm* and Marlon KobI «( Norlhpon

No sec-

hand one# «o get ritl oh

tan ban-4n the dty thla week ai the
. saeda ct Udr annt, Mra. ThomiiklBa.




TnwtaM otty Msiicsts.


factory, in



the largiet


ortte nrado yp OB WOdfioi
do (or «


isis I



in the drai# |d{ goal
FOR RALB—W actea. iH of nwH.
See. 13. Almira townahip, Denxlc
eonniy. (or MOO. Tenna. »l<» or
more down and balance ai c per
cent, nmer B. Webater. Pontiac.

Try 3 HBrsId Wsnt Adi

For all oiitsiili* -tnd insi'lf i«intiti
.k-H's PrejuMl I’i.iiits. If proi»-Viy
blisuV uml will giv,- onwill not erat-k. j«fl

tP bod piano—and

bad piano#

Sotdtera' bone at Oimnd Bapida dorlas the winter and laialy came nonh
to ^lead

ffo0d Paint

into the mind—that is.

M. B. HARNER, Prop.
HeetdrarA. V. l*»«dn<a.-. •bra aler.




Don't U- a .Inalgt'!

A multitude of hanl-Uv

goi-nt ixitts—to be washo.1

twice a day if

emun is not b» 1»- Uiinkvl--n»Bkos the mshiog of bucket l«wl scikarators ifyn^ular wyb
duy task,


Is w.»k.hl ill live nrm«t.-8. The teirthts wly
one small piece Inside It comes ouu C4.m<tnkt-ii Iwwl apart If# simiilt—i«#y—works
lK?rf<-L-ily. Drop ill and’get u catalog.




1 1 5 and I I 7 State Street

*1 Uur !.' .Iff. ,.II kitpl- -.1 ti* Ma- Lincry. lltij.lrn.rtrts,
It iC^ip* aii'1 M;ipn.-p.

R Wouldn’t Do R
!SS eity Book Store SK
To let this glorious Fourth of July
go without a proper celebration, it
is patriotic to celebrate, and the loud­
er the better.
Here are Fireworks.that will do it
in fine shape. Irom Crackers to Ro­
man Candles apd Sky Rockets.
Be sure to get a good supply of us
ai ours are all fresh stock aod are a
sure success.

ttt Spbart Co., Props.


istOiMi of lliB Season. Only One In America. One You All Like! RpnlWail!
kbIU ksd CMtsei ct lh« RED MEN


lllMirated by ThwrWtt.

•iiioi winiiii. squn. nnmn.

.Kiral V

The Qnlf WiU Wtet M

« Touring i»«r/c», CcmmiucnU/ i/>» Onl/ 0«# fo Ifiiit This Section.

For lu yc.vrv rr.inn's Ihv admiral i.-n ol tlie wliulr . ivilirt-.l n.ii i-.,

A. yyr.y.i,» n.1 »./*.,«

, rt,r, m.,m. i. s.r«.i

.'eymrtiallve Kldcra vrilb Naiivc Steedt
•< Erary Eirapcas EiaevtrUs KMira.

weino MViie rMU me
rayrraiT nemtspaent.


.■« »»— »-"(

Hat Won hr it a Hcputelien that Mskas for it the Lcatar of til llarattng dmirae/nenfr.
The Wry llrain K.-p-kmi: Dtvani- ot -Sini... 1 >um..i . M.trri.V.r.N! |-vrt. Itv>


II,. M




Jartstu Ca.ilry (r«a Vsakre IWlM#(m#ai






eftb* Wsrid._______




Rati*# NsrareM (raw •#■

Prlace Lvcai' kE.r'ri Irvn'iht SUpMSSl Rraola.





1 w.,n,.


• 't.: frw whWa ara

(Mhii^ Ilka it ever aecn belurr and prubably nuthinc Hkeit will rverbe neen a


r,. largut in Me World

Woild’aCrrateet LadyRitleShot. ii Mam-dtai* KnaU tt Uark.maBvhip fr..m lluBech ul a Runniuc ilurae. aa>r>trd by CAUFORNIA PRANK.






TBB wild WBST With ila Plaiusmen. Indians. Chit.fs and their F<>1lowiEr*, Oowbin-#, Oowgirls. Srunta, Bruncho Busters.
TBE GK^T FAR EAST Bce^oodunt in (Iriental Sjik-ndor. with Aral*.
Rnseian Goraacka. Japaneei*. Cannibals, bkist Indians, l-lio-ptiaiia.
Hingakec, Himlooa. tNlipinoa. Boers and Strange- Ik-ople'fr.«i
Every Section of the Tropical Climee.

— ——
m toi Oravral ABisla

Excursions on All Railroad Lins.
ManelDus Bedoglii ArAs,

1 W,M*. nt— l-ruTp-IHttf

Of Ezceptioaallfordty.

1>..........P-h .1 I »bU : p. « Uiih.f-•

■“Ts l-\T::

TbrmrliI Sraev
Srar. anrt*ra Cra«praJ

Larcesl Troupe Erer Brouflit .A i


Oyer a Mile ot Magnificent Street Parade Starts at 10 o'clock a. m.



.--a. •

I. TmiMtuv. inmt A f
• Aartoea AeclAaat
Iwt ««leUr iwycTi*!. he aertmeil
ke'Aam. hW, Mme tt-i
the bnkmui. who M the ««ne to-;
Brpaa aad Brace Terek M tola ptoee
Jvied e( the cwi^ to eecwei Mr,
aa accHcot pmilMar afterDedur «to caleftec •tth miuheroei
hrtoMB ud Mr. BetUaMMeec had e
uectoebMleec oeWibeed. HM
. Optapof'oto^
teftirteearere dr—to at Oder ead he
b. In Ita tormtota, Hha dptac of
came oa to thU ettjl •nifc-toowto* K
.imottoB. The pnveea ot eoBto...
asr. reached Into toe
vaa diacorered that be vaa lajorad to- Oen. from toa biwtoatos to the eery
pocket to s« one. He ptneked iPtoo
a leas mnr<
k. «nv W. S. o XMt.
bard aad tbe wbolo box exptodod. Tbe
a la tta Ant atase."
whole Bide at toe Bryaa bop'a cent waa
Deapite Ui tatorteo Mr. Decker took
L. -after trylBS
bla trata oat twa mortofts dmi oaly _______________ ihd a sood doctor. In tore awnp aad be waa badly abocked.
worked aadl be eoaM be reUerad.
rain. I at Ian took Dr. KlaTi New Dia- Tbe Torek bop’a hand waa badly tocerr. wbtoh qta^^and perterUp; tied.
cSS’^ me.’* Prompt reUM aad
enra for ooesha. cMda. aore throat.
Ralpk Thacker. wbi> baa been atbrooehUla. etc. PoalUeMp prerenu tendins OUret eoac«a la borne for' toe
_____ ____
at 4e
Store Os.'a. F. H. Heada aM 8.
achoM at Battoaa Bap waa bald peater. E. Walfi
I' Dras Storaa. Price
dap afteraooa at S o’clock la Walterw’ Me aid M.M? boMla
hall. Mite Sophia Stdmal aad Howud BtMmel betas the siadodei from
.Idermna Stona ot Kanaaa 6ty hat
toe commercMI coorra aad Map ManMl a dlatlDCtlTe name to frame
Juna. Julp am Ausuat
Bddie Ott and Andrew Aadrewatraeterea reneered with atone or
toek toe sndoatee tran the eisbto
brick. He cniia tbem -ablrtwmiat boDd_
I. A ddlshtful prosram waa
SiTM bp toe eeheol and a torso at- taft.- and la maktas a Tisoroaa war
leadaaee was pfeemt tram aerraond- on a propoaed law permltUoS of tbeir
DCTBorr. aacMioAN.
eonatraectoo ioalde the city Are Umtoc territory.

»HT cttfiamiwTUKpgiwitt,

■ri-jm QUAt-rrw stork



) th|» wMk 2.790
hWtr 1

tau the dtr nerddv aad
■^hata.teada Mday. The price raasee
OU Mltotoa wiU eelebrau
Fttarih. A haaMt ptcaks. horae tocaa.
teot raeaa. aaek race., boat laeea.
SNaaed pic. rtoto*
rape waUrtas aid a Ms daaee ta the
K. O.’T.M. haH areco the prasrai

Wadded ie nerida.
Chrda bare been recetred bp frieada
la tbU dtp aaaeondBs toe mairiase
to Wedaeadap, Jeae tl. ot Htoa Amp
Lob Pnltor. danchter of Hr. aad Hra.
8. C Puller et Oranse Otp. Pta-. and
mniam A. Sharpe. Hr. end H|w.
Fnller were old ttae reoMeou of Travatp, Mr. Pkller betas poMmaater
tor aereral -terma dortas toe Wi. and
Him Phller made Map frlenda dB^
lof e Tlalt ban a eoople et peara aso
wto> wtD enend eancntalaUona

t bare Met
The C. S. P. 8. phmto at Carp Uke
ke* waa I. U Pohaaoa ct Maalatee.
who waa here with hk IKUe 4aiith(ar Bnadap waa a sreat sacceai. fntlj
eoa pai^ betas attendtaoc. AlBtaa. Mr. Johaaoa came to Trai
thtoeatormeameaplntoeafterCfty to IKt. irmoTtof to MaaW
It did not eat Uio toe ealopaecii
Bai|bto Id pearaasoj sreat extant aa eratyooe bad •
MiB. Ktttia
flae tkaa daaptte anp Unit drawbacka
. , ____ _______ » Traratee like wind. The plenle waa beM
cnr CM bat a realdeot ot the Orieot Peuek aad the M. A N. B. aoU sn
lor tea raara. raoto of her wo*
UdieU tram tola atatton beaidei tboae
*tito mambara of tWroartototk Mr
that drore oot .deltas toe dap. It U
Meth^lM choroh Boadar monttac.
mted that orer 7W people
caartoc tha potpit held by W seed OB the sroonda.
nw Malaed wtodowa tor the hew
Oaaga^rinaet ebon* Mnd
weak aad ware pat to Satordar, There
we Itoee lane wtodowe aad tea amau
^ aad era maaatoctorad bp the
mtahws Plate OMm oc^aap.
Wtodowa an aB werka «< art aad wlU
a4d snatlp to the appeanaoe M tb»

Dnek Lake Saeratoea Mr 4th.
Jodse Wallwr. ptecldtas.
Hnrtlal rnnalr. Wexford band.
tIpaBtas don, -Ofoettos.' bp Twin

A Bad Aeara.
P pe
wnm poo feel B pun in yuui
and tear appeodlcilU. 8afetp lies 1b'|
Dr. Rlnra New Ufe PilU, a tore core
for all bowel and ttomaeh dlaeaaea.
' aa beadacbe, blltooiDeat. csoatlTc-

•toto * Co. Mr. MoOto «tn iaadle

ItoiHtottM bp praaarrtas apptae to
iHato aoadWtto-oMlI toe artiTal ot
tato etrawbwTT Bioaoa. Habriocetbe
BaraM BaMme -apptae aa treah aad
fair aa ttaesh rearatly pfekto. and
Wkh toHi boaea of atiawhoRtee t

A' ptaaaaat'aarprtoe watched Ian
•aadap at toe raeidimee of Hr. ead
Mn. JoeephTtwtea. J. J. DePWr. aberIt to iroa couatp. WM. aad Hr. and
' Mre. Praak Portoa of TraTCtee CHp
were toe s«eett of hemor. Hr. DePer
made a epeclal oecaataB to eee hla old
toaebir ot iwiatpdbre peart aco. Mr.
Itototoe. wbo with hla wUe. wat atoc a
- BhtoL Mr. Domtod wat detichud to
aae a ptoO he bad aet etea tor tweatpSMpMia. Hr. OePer owaed .MOhalf
toe propertp of toe dtp of Be
VM. Be M aa bUmate trtad of Ooreraar UfWlette ef ViBooaMa.
laliwad la Prelpht Wreak.
Qaadwetcr ChaMea iMtoer ot M. >
K B. local trelcht Na I1 aad toaltoWaa Ctorira IMIlltobirmt
M toa
BipoM Ot toe eabeoaa when It wee
- anrtaiaed tp betas toreck bp a tap
totardap altoraeoa. Tkst koto aatoped taataatdisto M eM of toe mtoaItoe et raOraad Bto.. Boto mea
eoaMderablp Mtored.
The eeddeat took ptoee oae mUe
■otto at Oi^. The train wae-lwaWPS down dado ud waa totas ha
twaea tertp aad tortp-Bre mUoi
haar. Jaet ahead of toa cabooea
a car toad or MSI wkMh ware heM IB
tn tooea aad Ire roBed ot. oae ttrikttt toe oobooee ead kaocktaf It fPem
toe track. The eahooae hittoaamiBipkmtot akwsMde toe rW c< wap

Tka raat et toa erww dM not dW
aarar that toe wap ear was stoe nnta
toep had praeaaded probaUp two
milea. the trato waa aUMiacked aad
toe eastae backed hack to when the
eaheoea waa Iptas to toe track ca Ha
aMt. Tha crew expected to Sod both
•■tor mod that they ha* both
aaed to fM. oat at tha wraehed 'to-j
hoeto Tbe ibrea of the ahock had:


V. H. a»w. Prea. ar A E. Swell, tota.
BhOM Baltotoi. Ortarald aad

We have sixty-five Covert Coats and we have made just two prices oo
the whole lot. Not one of them has sold for le» than' ten doUartand
from that to twenty-five. Now you can buy $10.00 Jackets for $7,60.

Bona' Dras Btorea. onlp



Too raa bank poor atrinv
here eafriy and coOTentonOy,
toodsh pou Biap lira many mllei
away. Inlereat compounded
aeml-annuallp at toe rate et
three per cent wtthoot preaeattne poor book. N^toau^lnt^

AN-yTHING UP TQ $25.00 FOR $10.00

b St tbe Cssk OTBCcry,

Covert Coats are always in demand, while we have all Htes dow, we
may oot have in a day oc two.

201 So. Union St
226 E. Front St
10 0) BoUeel Oata, 25c
6 lb fancy .TajCHead Rioc. 25c
10c per lb for btot batcher
8e per Ib for Clear Fat Pork.

for Pnxitaa Parlor

18 Printzess Sailor Suits 18
These have been and continue to be splendid Sellers and art very pop­
ular and wiU-be all summer; they are nobby, attractive and serviceatJe.
ThisSauIl oufhbCT-is not ^ouj^hto make stock-complete and it is too
late for lu to reofder, consequently we offer tbe balance of the stock in
10.00, 12.00 and 13.00 Soils for

0 Gisnolated

100 Iba Beat Caw QrannUted
Sugar, I6.1S0.

niMn^lf dmlred.
Safetp yaolt boxea to rent,
.onlp two doltora per pear, you
hoM the key. Write or dipp ta
aad era na.

OlU Aid get irtco bebre
taytig dwwicre.
WOl be dosed an dsy tbe dtk

Cr«ocrM eit? State

Elgin C. Lewis.
of Us.

for tbe
The Song Fourth

' *r E. WtOir 'haa retirad Irom the
Addreu. Hoa. Geo. Q. CorcU.
him of nuk. McOop * Oo. aad will
Ctoatas STora exerciaea. alnslBC
eaMtone to the wboleeale eommii
■‘America”-fap toe nodieoe*.
towR aad prodaee beelaeee The hap.
Two ball snmea. boat raeta& t
veto aad toed boatoeee wtU be coo- aad Arid apoiti and ireworka will
Aaad aader the Brm aame «( Joha make the dap aad erentas one eonttatoe Mhatoeato aortbere tr«H trade ae


log Friday, July 7ih ooratore will be closed every Fridiqr during
warm weather. Also all day July Fourth.


of the Hair
Tbert tft four venct. Vene
1. Ayer’s Hsir
the hsif grow. Vertea. Ayer’S
Htb- Vicor Kopt rtUiag bslr.
Vene 3. Ayer’s Hsfr Vigor
cares dibdraff. Vene 4.
Ayer’s Hslr^^tor•lwsysro•
stores color to grty hsir. The
dtoros te 80111 by nHDoflt.




Cue Glass
Ton’ll bare fan ’ and b«“
ooinfortable too in a pair of
our Tan Oxford*. Th^ make
all tbe boya amile. l^e bot
atm nay wrinkle op and apoil
ot yoor new ahirt
and you nuiy wry yoar coot
on your nnn, bnt it will never
mir ^sbttgte line ct a pair of

COMPORT in onting daya
ia wbat a fellow wmt*. aaya
•■•Toininy Eyelet," aad they
can certainly bavo it in a pair
ct Cuvaa Shoes. They're
light: they’re cool; they're
oomfortable: they’re nuulr in
Sl«)« or Oxford* and in aev.
eisl different ook>i«. Thi-y're
cheaper than leather, too.



Special Prices


•rir..... .....I*. Ik*

Baaukiful China
Which makes such appropriate gift. No lady ever had too many meces of diina
There is always a place for a new piece of China on the plate radc, the side­
board. in the China Closet or on tbe table. Remember thb when looking for
a gift.

Make a most acceptable gift. We have many fine novelties in odd and attrac­
tive shapes; they ^1 at lOc and 26c.

Indian Baalea-ta
Make such pleasing gifts, ^’our visitors always Uke to take away some remem­
brance of the dty they visit. These have su^ a local significance: there art
many novelties made from t^ch bark.

0^1 -yff For MEN’S VICI KID OX0im/D FORDS, made up in'new lar*T^'re light 00^ eomloilsl


Stands at the head for gifts, and we have such an assortment and many of them
are quite inexpensive considering the quality of the goods. Berry dbhes. sugars
and creamers, celery sets, bon bon dbhes, water bottles, nut bowb, tumblers,
^erbei glasses, wine glasses, spoon trays, mustard sets, vases, cheese dtsbeis.
We carry equally as full a line of

Travaraa ClCy Souwanira

genoine kid or patent leather.



A gift is a remembrance from one or more persons to anothet; and can be given
at any time and on any occasion. Our great mammoth store b indeed a “Gift
Store" in every sense of the word. Each department has^ ho«s d! Appi'Bpiuts
gifts. At this time we invite you to the .''Upstairs Department" Brbete artgifb
of every kind.

^ht to have a pair of
Uteeaty ^ippera to Mi^ on when


Onr line of DAINTY SLIPPPIRS for tbe r&iUn.>n i* complete.
If yon caat-fini what yoo want h«v, give it op., Slipperi are

So^vonir ^oaeal Carda
Are all the craze and we have now twenty different styles! and they are all
beauties. Many of^hem ace the genuine platino finish photographic cards. Mail
them to your friend, give tbem to your vbitors. There are so msw iriio art
making coUections of post cards. These are .so fine, you irill want to bey tbe
full set. Tbe colored ones seU for 6c eadr, tbe other styles art two fcM five.

5«c. ««, JSt, $Sf. p.9t,p.2tiP.5t

jRIfnd U. Triedricb
Silkr ^ 600i Sib***



dnand Traverse Region. •arses

thavsnsc huu


. nMa^ W rrwraroa Ckr
L PW laa* ta ihl

caarttr ■aaaa baa a k* Ao|^

Ca wok IMd meade i««.
Oca. Hahn, the htatUac isTtaw ta ; tf Ssh oet eC (bdr pood tarta test Bat~
was Bkaaota Bortoo. wbe wdi
- -aabetx.«asaT>aTs— Caiy ealter|o^ «• are tatarmed.
: Saturday.
’%y'^ be?thi <
stidtarra is tre-




aalBC was wWI

NatopiaaUBa u


tkali' Immber


Wa haar tl»t Joe NaaejaTwaa
iM oe tba Hat aad wUb Us aiach

*'’Jr*a« rite. Andrew rar-wtollad
Meads aad retoUrta la Trareree City "Tbl* wnddli
mf^tarSf W*Shitota to Ttotitos
I OolBBbas Betetaert'a
wnitota Jebaaoa has goaa U New

Jtamaaa and wKa baraSaold
Ctolldiaa’s dar aaeretoea ware baM
torn aad toored (o Detiolt.
ba» tW»/e^— at tba MaKbatt and Blaektaaa ta^ jdr
Jobe Johason and slater of Detrelt
boaata tost Snadar aad both w« welt Ttoited
at ThostaJahaaca's teat week. ^
with theta urpytat.. ^ f
■as were ean«bt.
CUaioa Pray
Joha NOlaa was I « oM dar taat
Wednesday erealna. the list.
‘“fc'tSrS' ft«» Weak* and Wexford weak
iDower for W.
aauiai ap a o
Bra Thertell cteMd - V
la 'thi a>^ dtolrlct j
r. KraSta to la Blc BapMa ai-'
CkOWW'a dar exareUea at ^Jota
MdiBK tbe Parrfi lataltaia
Ben Le^ aad temUy aioTed
pnak Rimtta to la Fortlaad. Ora,
t euer Carrol preached at
atmdtag (be uatto aad dark (air.
•trkktaad'a Soadar.
S Thursday erealac. The
June te.
_____ _ ras wen attended. A bus
miji LAKc.
A Host Ti
4aka Oua»MI W Cilatoo. lii^ ^
*^rsrE! f^teafhaslwa* te Trar
It waa a hum task to nadarteke the
ore <d soA a hod cose of Iddbey dis­
piSj^^tota S*l*taSL
af C. P. ColUer. of CberoMr.VaFlIlra. Prank Mrfriends et OW Mtosioa betare retarwee. te, bet Beetric Bluets did It. He
Ir. and Mrs. Jiloo. Moali reaterday.
‘“^^Mtita Praaces HlyKtas and writes: -My Udneys were so ter ptae.
day aad eaa*bt altaost a btu
Bteacbc Haskell ha*e been Tteltla* t eoold BOt sit OB a dtelr wKhoBl a
and suSered from dreadful
Mrs. A. M. Smith tbo past week. Th«y OBBhkra:
hta*aebej beadadie. aad depreesfcm.
w I ‘’^aad Mra. Joha Kmbner d^io retnnad borne today.
Ok L,^aju] to riait their thtber. Coot <Ths. Oerr has eoatteneed baylat;. in Etectric Blttera. bowerer. 1 foond a ]
to eat the bay aad then plowed the cure, aad by them waa reaUred tot
I reeooitaend Otto meat |
mad ead ptoatad poiatoee. Tuba is
taedleine to all with weak kid^ place to Ure la when n tenner aeya.llreror
ttotasek. O-r^eedby,^
taOTod talo thdr new hooae.
~ hnsoB Drac Store Oo. P. H. 1
SfflWI maha. aad (uallr.
*^5‘c^‘?Sto^n* better,
tore. T. Soiterka of Datroll U rteUE. WaU A BOOS, dn
r Wltkop aad Hr. Mason
« with Mra. Weaeel Hterka.
Mr. amiU. aad aoa Of BaaMtote Jire
taHaa hark tor Ptaak Metaoalal aad
Tolmy Staadtohramd Cl. died at
Oao(«« inaadtorW BMUoate «ad«. boardlay'with Mr. aad Mra. John
la realdeaee at Uaaondale of bean
iSTjana s:haadter. ajdaaa
antj^t. Jt-bas beea a Bumb« of
failure. Ho worted to the tareoorai.
paari ateta
Ashed at the rlrer with bte hooaekeeper uaUl S ©•dodi. tben cxaaptolaed W
Sunday srftb -Mr. aad Mr*. Toay Bwonot feeUar srell. went t
t.~i. at Oadar.
Aanie Nadiaiel to ataytac with her
dster. Mra. Praak Krabaer.
" -. ehni
Mtoa Ctor MaaU was the meet W
Wtos Osra MiMil was the ta— of
-Joae M.
He Secret About It.
It to BO eeeret, that for cuts. t^.
Vm OOta aad wife of Hodee rWted
■letra. feror aor»a.,aore eyea. .b«dlA
.............M effeeare aa Buck_ errtta are lectlM ri»a
-It dkUii take iouc
Mwy bara aet baaa lO aloe la y.—
Ttoited at (he botaa of Mra. Raw^ «ie«Mt lalaa an Jnsi what to aah
Wo need to fear anddea atut*a of to cure a bad tore I bed. aad It to an
»>_• ....^a Seaday.
;*rtaroa> TWapklaa haa ibe a
C- for sore eyea“ wrttes a L. Gre(*o)ero Intet^m. dysentery, dtorrbm O. KTer. ^^_at Jo»»»«i
«r aanmertatn^t If you hare Dd.
year a
PDwterto mxtnA of Wild Strawberry
Walt A Bona- dne aiorea
^SetoMderaita this yt
lo the oiediclBe ebeat.
to Hr. aad Mra B



Port- •

•ekata Rapeet.
Readreds H H*ei
Bceort of the HUt Btreai eeboei tar / by hartas Dr. Thataat' aciaotrie
thTy^bestoBtacBept. (.IPaAaad lla the hoata loat wbaa R te aet
\ ; Corea .taoep, baala tonwa. '
er W days laashl. ITT.
\ ^ wnuali <d eretr tart.

r^mdtr wmiBf tar a

5#^S££r^'3S-. Bata taka a
' * 'ta»«atardar oa bli war to >UMaai>- Huin. One












AU Deposits
u Bcmanl

AMiitaBtOMbioE. <

°sr:.rK.Tn,i -.b«u

K5 ?uir<5.;,T. i


$ $ $^$ $ $ $ $ i S 9 « « t

Ah to Whether Wdealer who buye.n fuH car load lots and saves at least ten fcer cent on first costas well asanother ten on freight rates is in a better position,
tp givB you close prices on Furniture or not.







Btif Ods
J7nd BfCtrts

aad Ice Baata
It's now. or »enr with
os. Those we '
sen now We’D have to
esny to aooiber swurm
1 The lever We’D nm to

r Dovetbsmie

Picture frames

De^ the heavy aprinil trade oor carpet department ia
atiQ the beat dtooked yon will find in the city, toucan
get iptt what yon want at jort what you want to pay.


Bhb;!* nmmeroBtiiiflB de­
pend giBhtly on them.
ErwyttuBR for the HtOe
one'* oomfert hu been
miefiOr kxAed nttor in
the ed^OB of oor etock.
Your ^eointK far fntue


That we carry a full line of Summer Necessities. Screen Doors. Window
Screens. Lawn Seats. Chairs and Rockers.-Hammocks. Croquet Sets. Lawn
Mowers. Hose and small Garden Tools. In fact anything and everything for
the house or lawn. Justetep in and see what we have- and we can convince
you that we are offering big bargains in these goods.


Made to Older. Hundreds of st.viiw of moldinc to select
from. Any sixe yon wi»h nt n mudi less titfnre than yon
t«n get elsewhere.

Sning ebair
Sobuflt that i« readily
wlioste lUk'lf to.qny positiim lb.- Ikkly may aasnuir. .All st.'cl frame.
WiU wiilisUnd
woutht-r. -Tust like cot.

ttlindow Shades

In all ti*ea, from the Roall throw tor to the fall roMn aixe.

Oil eiotbe Cinoleum
In any quantity yon
BHiy want
and look tbem over.
A fineline of piOowa
and aoCa plUowa.

A SBunHyamt howB uA Twr Owi
Tine im the Balaice.

and malting

All grades swl colors. Odd sue thodot a tpeciuJty.
work in this d^itment is exeeoled liy an expert.

and Portieres

In an floor ooverii« at Icm tlm oaat

j. w,


Fer enly $».7*

Cace Curtains

In all Bi»ies.8t lowwt prioM-

EAretody LbvMcbs
and yonr own ImM
Will save tbair own cost
in a tingle sesaon.

duress OlMdOBS
in aD uses. aD' steel.
, We porohaeed a fatpe
of inese
thew »*
quantity oi

> \/y

(>nr assortmiiU in tbiwc mak.« It nnn.!OPSsan- for you to 5
take tomelhingj'ou doi.’t want Come and look'lhom ovct \


V 7/
VJ-LX and an offering them it
il-X-i-~ .vtnW
‘'-s* **«“ •maHer^\ata could.

YonR reomsE i=e« renmE patHBrriS LEGAL TEiaEK WITH ns
, Ot*y. Kllc Wtafaltota mnto


' wjm iwnmKK HCiiAtA, ^cwwoay. .wme a» im .
andMa at Atwe aad also tbe camp■Wtag «Ma H b^ WU by tbe

>!»». **m Saw U *wtliw Mr
d by tbeta

»re4 n«roe^ Swdv^ _ gaeata. Hra. Cart
Km. Mm Brovii i« rWtiac Mr ■»■ ----- hue IlMaerd
_arrirad a
tar. Mn. wnt ChitotopMr.
Mr. amMT of Wwtort wM * mUer
^dSe^W^' Ser^<^aw 'Mm
beea «ade aboat (he *<»>* <Ha year
la tbe w«r of feaoea. baOdlac*. etr
: hfUdDeedair^ boat from CMeago
a^j^ Mm (or 1^1^ Wwam


T. ^er aad wtte of CUeage
rrived toot «re*lt with tbetr boraeB.
MiaabaM aooda. etc., aad bare takea
op tbeir abode (or the aamatr U the

courmr une.
Orutt ccetar Omiisr kdM foar nmr
Hm!' D. H. Day aod dindra^ aad
BIIM>-T to lU IIM iMt TwMar. We
•re proud to ear <M Omnge !• pr» Iw Ida Partaal epew^day at the
- eir. Tbe dlwuelaii (or _jae of the parenu at>^e Mapla
WUMna unwrw a naa wcsM In bat Bmblre.
iaet meeUat «M
eoh^er Weateott Is loadtag
. .-lao, and koo a
work if he wea a wo
WMiaa woDld wirk
k e
were ebe a man.*
tawreac* Day aad Alfred
' tdlaou
It waa a nreir and li
. aareoB totac a trip to HU'
aioB aU eajojred by aU
CbIcaM last week speodl ..
'^Km BHaabetk Baniey died at bar da^^Dd (rieoda. Tbe^Mf«M»*
hoMa ta-.Weaford iaai Thnreday after mted a aottage oa Olea lake aad triU
a BkwiMc. Utaae* M ooaawapOoa. entertalB their mends ta myal Hyle
Bhe leave* to taoon her loaa three I -Pbrvcta* ODtil Abcnat U.
Seraral fueett arrlred (or Omaory
Hai^y of Trar- resort oii the,-WedBasdar and Batorene <«tr M vtaUtak Hr. Hard)'* dw
•oUtar ia OiBBt. Hre. Beta. Dl—
rtred'M'tae boat
Oldt'2oa Me aoM bla (ann a
ood (or as ouUbk.
P. J. Smith Bfld wife were Traretee
Ita TtattOTB iBst week.
rrahk Kaomka we
Vr. o. H. LaCore called tt umn
TMt-fHeada them


4|M Daria' aad C. P- Haiper'e
t^SS hare •«» to cup lake ■
eMtai a. J. UanooTa

^S to*^iiSJ°hSta Sb^ at

. tbe mtr/ornk gmre.
• nHLSKlauaaeert that waa ta hare
*-beel?brtd at Hr. SeberarerhoiB a *
poatpoaed tutll later oa aeeowt
tbe rere Bieetla*. .Jaw M.



sf Qie TmrjBiM (Sty team, and tta
Mme. boiweW the Tmeerte team and
Honbr. played at Imks Aan. waa II to
t In (aror rf Hoopf.
Mia.' U B. Batta weaLto Traren
City Mat week to rlaU with her daag
ter and took ta the o. A. K eaeam!
*3«achool doaed last Friday with

STc: Itattar. mtinad u bar borne t


aw W w oecnpyhig ibalr.A«UBaiyrJ
Joe HoWeroft was ap ham KaySaU
Ledarie. who has beea attend-;
oa bMitasas Batnrday.
W. Dana waa a Tcarerac Ctty boH- tag aebool at Ana Artrne. mtamed
hoam last week.
Hr*. Leaader Baaa-aad amt JeraM
NOKTHFeirr dbpabtmcnt.
dslied her motbm’. Hia. JMa.BBW
,Hr. A. H. Lealie Ie(t Friday (or
f?Sk baaford bai mon^'-hla-tam;'
llr tale tbe bonse Jaat mat of Alfred
ttod tilMn* of
LadlagtM are tbe gueeu of Hrs. Haa-


I Lotus B
. ...ivarM CityKarmaa Tboius arrlred boaw
'alum tbla week and has aoeeptad a
- '
M telegraph mwralor In tba
. omeoa.
___ Beka Barth left Sawrday <
pend tbe egmmer at Tmrers* aty.
Hm. H. Blage and family of Oiasd
Rapida are ooeopylBg tbair Be- -‘
View Mtaw at Nortbport point.
Jolta*8tai0rd and wife bare mered
] 8L Jamm. Bearer Island, wbme
ley will reUde. Hr Stafford barlas
.searad a posWoo as dellrerynian tor
tbe am or auTene A Ktlzlnser.
Hrt. O. Ward aad family, aces
paaled by Hiss Herrtl of Toledo, i
occBpyilig tbeir eutage at Northp

Bar. A. Marita . _
Tnsata aStarday and Bnaday respectjoseM Haaasan of Haidttee U tbe
Hoaroe BaMwta Is able to be 6ol gaesi <t Hr. and Mrs. N. Psalim (or a
tew days.
Charles McGlnals has rettmied
RWen Wood cpset Baaday wltk
-Is bone at Bay City after spmidlag
friends la TraTerse City..
C. V, Moody was a etatar (run Bom- ibe srtater ta ibia place.
Mrs, Darld LaBoaty aad eons harcJ
°Oo^*M^eule baa m^ bis gone to Hnamag. their totare bone.
aAer baring spent a week with Mr
parenu. N. Paulas aed family.

early DoralBg train. Tbe ereatag iTborsday with Hr*. Jessie Rostman.
train Jrem tbe soulb comet ooe boor
Hiss Lota Clereisnd speal Satnrdsi
r tbaa beti)re aad teacbes Kings- snP Buaday iB Suuodb Rb}'.
Ille BUnsell and Mr*. Ocrtrudc
THpp diwre to tbe Bwnlmaa rir^Prl
Hiss Jessie ■*
day aad eliitu! Ur. and Mrs. Theo.
'T?.' Klebols of Oreeorllle. Hk
Han' Hon is the goesi of Asapeot Tueeday aod Wrdnmday
Pease sod B. E. McCurdy were Ble Scbwani a few days.
«owa. tbe gneat of Dr. P. J. Pral
Cermas Cordes and daoctater Berl
City %i(oiday.
and family.
went to Mllwaokee Taesds}'. Tbey
Hr*. E. Bailey aad tamlly BrUred
there cm sccouai of the seihia week to opea tbeir oottage '
rere iltaest of bU alece, Mr*. Will
Arcble Ledeiie. who has been
0 of Trarerse Ctt}- U lendtag srbool a> Mllsrtukee tbe |
year. arrirM borne last Baiarday
*^li"MdHt*.^R. Peck spent'Su rlsUtag at
*Srm?*Omar Praaee callad
Solon aad | BlgbL
Hat Care rlsl
mother ta Ofen Alter Snadar.
■ ta Trarerae ‘
Hrs. Ollrer Bio
_____ ___i leagoe pare a social i Trarerae City Baiarday and Baaday.
At. Wyae^rf HOW
Hr. and Mrs. A. Pto>>*e Bad Mies City Friday last.
Tnaaday ereatag. eerrlBt Ice erea
---------nadeake. Tbe tables were cwtcfol
"norsied ta red aad white. A pi
. Dago atteadedi
ram coBstsiiiig ot redtations and b
I Nev^
toe Hnmeot When
the raeampmeBt at Foaeb ot tbe Tnr-,
e eras Cran.
le newly set grorea.
erae City gradualioo class of l»«, of
This Infermatlen May Prevs
Mn. B. 8. Wilson spent Bsnday
wbicb Mr. Dago is a member.
of Inflnhe Vslur.
............................u Jr.. BBddaaghur.i
Hburs. Rofu Retmaurer aad Albert
to any clli' ' trtead of Cbl-'
Daakolow are at Plalaet, Hoatana.
ten of Trav.
where they will remala. Hr. Reun
^ iri1!r|toe*^lkBla j to cured
^□fW-.........of painful, apnoytag
................ and ticb1 the s
Badle.peck eatertataed bar friend.
Beaaie Bojt, of Orlatt. loar days Iasi
HaHe BaBcian arrired borne tbit week.
Him Ctam Marrin ratamed to bar Jotaa Hagea bss retaraed borne from home at the Sleeping Bear station. | eta ^ One ^^p^licallon
..._ie at
be tesUmony
Oleo Hav.
Boy, Tbonma graduated '
Unity aebool closet
_____ —,______ of Olivet «>lMra'. R. D. Henderson, of JM W.
BM Jetanaan was a Tmreme City lega MoDdar. receivtag bonora ta a Friday with * plenle la tbe_
_ Eleventh *tre«. says: “In ibe earnMias Cau.
the tea
aaa* a ataetecD. He woa flnt pi
vistur Batnfday.

bad tbe
DarU U. PMk IS halptag Fred In tbe Dniry Oratoilcnt college, wt
■tore she will attend the anmmer ses­ ' BMOsles. After recovering, ooe grandIs Hk dollars, and tbe scbolartblp 1
chat. fhwWe obaaging •ork.
cblld. Ibree years old. broke
sion of tbe Normal.
Mlaa Hartba Bartb If wending her year’s tultH ta college. Mias Eire
r covered hU
Tbomsa woo simitar bonora at Oil
mcntloa at borne.
Id under (he balr.
wn«n Boeet H antertaintag bar ale' Despite tbe
I salves aad ota«Mrs. Wiasas aad graaddnogbier and
tar Barab.
Mr. J. Ooalde arrived oo the IlllnoU
David McLaugbllt
- Hrs. Jaas Cook
I vteltlng <
JoiiB Rennedr, who'has beea HI. Is

rtSr'jirtcS TX™s S“h41

«.M.. .or .1,0,.

(tass. BwatoUi and wife spent Toes,
misery that h
dey ta Traverse (^ty.
>uld not sleep
Miss Ethyl Hanger arrived
ed to try Doe
ItaU week.
Normaa Newmaa and wife
ootbing tJ
Mr*. Frank Raaaem I* trlsIUng
MaM* aty caltara Baiarday.
e night.
Dell Nash's little boy bat brain fw
Mr. and Hra. Oao. H. Barth rtattad mends in Lclaad.
ol Hiii Marrtn's yesterday.
Oeo. Clement
Hra. Marrta aad atgtar drove to the
T-..~ c».
at Crtatt Friday arealaa
Mrs. Kelsey and daoghur Bita spent visitor BaUirday.
a. Tbere «U| bd aa- r.ew bridge at tbe aanows of 'Olea
child i
a tew dayi ot last week In Saitoav
Rev. sod Hra. Crain of Tre'
lake a week ago Baaday.
after measb
«e wayr af
City are ta our village visiting
g friends
are rellci
tmebt gar.
.-e Barnet fatally arrived at tbe Mr. (?rata ira* a former ^pMtor of the j
don't OlDlmem as aucccastul
tba looks Perint this week.
grandchild. I atipUed It and for
Mm J. Speagle and tamUy retoni
> and wife of h
of his booee wlUi a coot of paint
the first night ta many she slept
Ibis week after ritlUng frleads
. Brtc Carlson it

re in ocr village today.
«„im.liv si
.....d'taat Ttuaday eeentng,
and before aevvn o'clock neat
raveree (Sty.
.. from a tea day*' risU
_ Hiss
Bertha Doll U vlsiilng In East laorcing
^orelng her
----mother was at the drug
Mis* BIU Bosbaetl Is speadiag a
Mu b* a dance bUd at Arthur frleads ta PaHaUm.
eek at her home la this place, after
._'s bowery oa the Itb ot Jaly. Hr. Nessea has a new drirtag boree
Mrs. Miller, who
lO has
— beea
bere (oar
« ■tuinima and ereatag.
am week U ber borne
.went I
Ata7mBh wMt to 8i«taa«oa a waaka. retaraed but
Hr. aad Mn. David WbtteBend at day.
hi Trareree City,
M* trip tast Friday.
For tale by all dealers. Price So
the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. ' imlly retaraed borne this week.
A nnmber from here aliended I
fcols. Foeicr-Milliuni Co., Baffalo.
Hiee Mabel Wolfe of Chicago ta vi
Any Donbrtlle wUI be ptaaeed to
ildlers encampment at Traverse Cl
a:«its for the
II L'altnl
taP they ribbed Tpaftand ta nataty Ittag relatives and Mends ta town.
isl week. '
Tbe aonaal school
ecbool meeting will I
c name—Doan's—end
Tbe ball • e Boaday betw<
take DO other
llty spent
irtBe aad OH Arbor taoma
iMed ta (Kvar of tbe Oil Arbor boys
T. R. White was a Trav.
CiimatlB Cure*.
A new cement wa’k 'Is» betag
MH French U aUU eoalaed to ber
---- ---------___ " The Influence of climatic ctinillll<ta>
Tonag aa* rlMttag trUda t
back to Andrew ^ebl’s
bed. tan iBtarovtag alowly. Sbe baa frota
Mitt Hina Myers spent Sunday with m the cun- of consumption Is vt-ry
two ntoeaa. tbe Mine* Mby and Flor
at Cedar Run.
. isoch overdrawn. The poor iiaiichi
Cbariet Banmberger morne<r from Meads
H FraaMk or Ofah). mylng wia ber
Hiss Alice Bayne of Travora*-.5lty. and the rich patient, too. can do much
be bedside of hit grandtaiber.
If Tlslllng her slater*. Mrs. T. It'W«tcr at home liv proper attentl.m
Albart Hamy wM bom* a few days Mm Warner end ebildrea letnrned nwood. of South Bend. lad., wbo
While and Mrs. Ells Good.
io>x>d digestion, snd a regular iifc oI
lattwaek. Be la wortttag H tba
I ber bom* la Trateiae (Sty last •ea very HI. but It slowly recovertng.
Mrv. Grace Bayne suited at T. II. German Svrup. Fr«- c»p«-ctor*tl<.n It.
The Hisses Grace and Marlon KebI White's Sunday.
eak. Her mottaer. Hra. N. a Bbcrt
:pe morning la marie ce-laln by G»-rpent a few days of this
dan. aceompanled her.
The Solou hand car was used as s mgn Syrup, s» Is a good night's rest
ta« woek to tbe aoMtan' reuaioB.
' Ufa. Ue eave a i ._
free bus Sunday, two trips being made ,nd tbe ahsoiire of that wcaketilae
Ihe Help Rand met wttb Hra. BMe
George LaLopde arrived
was greatly Uoyed
each way to attend the picnic si cough and ticblilialing iiigH fw.-si
BooMit taat Tamlty.
week from Detroit on a two weeks fur Fouch. About :» elijoj-ed themselves. Reitle** nights and the cxhsosiloii
MctaJaae II. ta Mr. and Mrs. T^
kmgb, beteg statHed at Fon Wsync. All report a fine time.
jue to coughing, the fr».-rl»*t danger
The Ledlee' society met at tbe home
Miss Usile WlnsttRlRy tnd Peter aad dread of the consumpll'i'. can U
a^KMd^>Mbffm iterttlatac gedagbr
of Mn. Henry lUII on Thursdtv and Thiel drove to Fouch Sunday
prcvenled or stopped by taking Ocr.
gonwa fry MedleM
Bon. Mrv. Anna Claypool called on Mr*, maa Seisin lltorailv and rcgulsrli
gnecU were present, iacludlag a nnmMtb. ai
Lautner. also Mrv. C. W Leoflicr.; ghould you be able In go io a warmer
m2?bta*S<i!55«*n'i»rt ^i"ta« Bora, to Hr. and Hr*. Bdwtrd Flsb ber from Nortbport polat aad an eo Bnll
Wedueaday aflernonD.'
I dime, you w-'IH find that of th.- ibouweek.
or of North HanHoa. a son.
Born, to Mr. and Mr*. Joseph No-icantU of niUFiimnilves there, th.- t.-w
Mrs. Josle Bitsrd drora to Trrri
itltag of Ice proska. June 21, s girl.
A. Bede. Frank Flaber aad Bd Denny ....................
visa are brncfiicd and n-galn Flretiglh
Cfly last Wednesdey.
M Beetb Haalton came orer ltst algbt cream and cake were served.
Hr. O'Brien of Manistee Is filling are -•■-rwe who us.- German Syrup.
K McCombs and family rlstted al
An Ice cream poeUl will be given at Mr. Smith's place for three week*. The Trial lioi'le*. ;V. recla-- slie, fit-,
Jane :S.
J, »Cb»bf yesterday.
the CongregatJoBal church parlors on latter la U> be married Wednevda).
. y-ur sale by S E Walt A Sons.
im Paal held the tteket. Mo. t».
(ha|Braw the prim an the bncy wnrti
Reginald Ward, /.merkaa mllUun
ported sick last week sad died at her
ta!?Batafdar erealag.
friend of King Ed'j
bimic In Bmwond township on Fridsy
BtUe Btricklud ta rlsIUng camjiaent at TraTcrse City.
tags. Nortbport polul.
morning. She leaves a huslmnd and
(rMaa here.
to Cbtrievou on Satni
Rev. Harafe weal to Peusltey
three ehlldrea to imiurn the losa of a
Hr. amd Mm 0. Btaaid rislud
aeeday to remain over Suodav.
loving wife aod mother.
Mr. Marvayh yaaterday.

Mm Helen IMckeraoa of Aaa Arbor
IS Onibs Bdgle, wbo with ber p
ber dangbter, Hr*.
(o the touthern part ol the subjected Ward
ta^Ht waaSffaeSra^ The young otaa U Tltlltag
of this plapestate, mnreed Isit Wednesday to verse criticism
ngnklJMa lonad while working with . hhlliOB.
Mrs. Amelia Wortbiagton
City Toesday were Mn. Ch*» Hillard. tbeir former borne at Cedar Kiiii Mis.
the weMiicWtai t* etiu allr< aad
n London.
Utile bri HUIard.
Qty celled oa friends 1
Hniard. Hra. Geo.
Orpba came on to Solon m vUlt her “
being caied'for at the borne ot J. Ken­ erse
Mr*. Mabel Pntm-dtngbier cuusln. Miss Ntaa Myerr.
elnity last week.
edy at We
To Cup* a Cold ii Ons' Day
'Mr. aad Mn. Bd Onum .............. Handle. Mrs. Chas. Sunsell. D. U EnJune ?6
re held tor
tak* Laxative imr>iin giTsmt Tsi.irt,
ftotn Hubeioii* Wednesday Iasi
wbeiv tbey bad spent a tew days vis.
Ittag tbeir many meads aad relatiTe*
Mn. Webster and son Harold
Ml«» Myrtle Eglqr. who lia. bi-cn
Mrs. U B. Wbltacm. wbo has been to Trarerse City Tuesday to stieortj vliltlng Ndlie Braam the p*sl fes
SeaM hes.l If so ecr.ema of the malp i
ta WashlagtoB the post year, arrived the Free Mrtboditt camp meeting cay* rwtirrtie<l ti ber home ta Trav- —ven
tfver.- F-.nietIm-F l.u: It can lx- .
Friday anernoon aad will-spend (be held near Acme
erve City on Morctay Itrt
rue a e
core:!.' Uoan't UUnmcui. quick aod
Mrs. Oarltag and little son Harold
sammer with ber two soiw. George
ta typbi
Miss Emma Steffens, h*« miitned
eat to South Boerdman Wedoesdav from Omaha. Neb . » here ihe has been pennaii<-ni in li. rc.ulit, Ai any drug
__________ » taken to OllU PIbf tor aad Jodd WbitsoB, Her ma; ' ' '
I visit Mrs. Dartlag's motber.
rill be glad of her rwtara.
for (be Iasi six mnatix.
' '•
Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Brawnsou
Mn. Howard Fife of Trarerae Cliy
Theodore D. Rianley of Lake Forest.
Energy a II gone' Headache? Siom‘psat^aiunlay sad Baaday with ber Trarerse aty caller* Wednesday.
III.. U camping at an Inland.
' aeh out of onler* Simply
'the suBtaer TaeatioA.
Adab Thayer aad Belle Honklns
I Meosn. Rardy of Ttaferse (Sty
lister. Mrs. Evart Saylor.
Mn. Mike Claus, is a Traverse CHy : lonrid Hv<r
WhUe Herebel Hobbe grae taking pe. turned Tuesday ereatag It
el*, i vUltor tbl. week.
Oeistauk of Empire were In t
aloe* ori of ibe warehouse Tuesda}'.
Taeadiy alght
ackledge and 'family of ycui.
. The.maay meads iff Berale J. Mil­ ils borsca became frightened at a
lar were eerprtsed to eee him drive mssing tralo and started at a lively week fining .
teto town afiw a few dayi' abesoeb pace toward WUliamsbarg. Fortoaate Nick KreBe'.
Mrs Cbm*. Spaulding was In town
aad preagnt tltam to bta brWe. Tbe ly Uey were stopped before they bad
}n^ lady WM Mtai Btsabetb He- niB very tar aad no damage was doee from Hay«eld Tnevday.'
spm a tow of the potatoes
Miss BSe Weldman of Uke City.
Caatar of Haaiitiqae Mr. Miller Is
oaeafcwr bl^ly esieemed yoong bosi.Msed ikrongh town yemerday enj
aei men aad has a large drele
Hiss Addle Cdi ilertalaed a few ronte to Travorve aty. where »he will
of ber Traverse CUy. mends
- • ' at ber ritit her hrotfaer Harrisob WeJdmaa. I
frlMta* wbo JOlB ta wUhtag him
Orville Stansell. who
'astt Balm
irdaj'. After
dinner dbe
ipeadlng aa few
to the
Ibe bboae of Mr*. J<
eats. Hr. a
time she baa made auay frtendi who eller. wbo bat been sick ao BU
Chas. 8u.............
tnrned to hU «
win be hapgw to weleone her m tbeir
sad 10^ .
ta NIH. Satorday,
midai. Aftop a abort wedding trip
I which'Hr*. Crisp knosra so He was secompaaled as far at Tustta
Mr. and Mm HUler win be at borne to srall bow to pr^fsto. M’e thtek H very by bis'sUter. Mr*. Gertrode Tripp, and
tbeir Irteads la OH Haven.
UmaghUal of these yeoag peopU to ao they apeai Sunday tbere vUUlag retaOPTOHETIIST
B. H. Wblicomb ot Mllwna
tire* sad Mead..
Bd (Ms week
tonanaie tbaa t:
Mr. Odd Mrs T. -J. Hendemm and
-lytoa gad J
son Harold are vUttlag Mrs. J. A.
41S-414 WOhdoEloa
Tripp tbit week.
aty speat
ta Baias
Ktaciley* eMag to eelehrete
D. aod Rrien Wbftsog. wbo
e Ftoirth,
Orth. An I
beeata Evart since tarn tHt. rata
ooiwwBd enjoy yoartril.
to tbeir borne HI Batnrday.
Owtag to tau- pnater’s nbasnel
Hr*., J. A. TrtoF caUed I
ly of adboM
serrlacs weew beM bare Bondar •
B lake from
lag. aad a Urge awmher of oar y
a, W. Parker ai
people attended Ihe (talUraa'a do
a aod spend s tow
Mrs w

tamed to tkair (ana'fmm tba 1am■Ha Ntaa Myen «
WH BafeW WlkwB 8
' ' K a* tba as

,™.T™.m. a., u.,


Don't ikil to see us before hayins time.' We haodie
'"Relight ninoisg

Mmee Mowers
that make f^cncls whereever they go.

A Complete Stock of Hilwaikcc
HancsOog Macliinc0, Twine, Oils’and Repairs
on band.
Remember the place.
l-'rom St., where wc will be
pleased to meet all old and new friends.



7SO-783 8. Front 8tro*t
Mb PbsiMs-Jamall ftortosam*




The Best
. at the


r i



These machines are carried in stock at our shop and
can be seen in operation “buzzing" wood.



is one of the oldest aod best known
Windmills. Sold under very best
guaramco—both Mill and Tower.
Ever>' farmer, knosrs the old
wood wheel wiadmill; it will
last longer than any other irind'
mill made. We also fdl Pumps.
- Pipe, Fittings Bsd Tasks.


Dr.P. A. Wolfe

CoKittiM Fnt .


I nt«>l the wool and mnat have it’. Money it m olijpcl. I'
hure made coot'racts with tiro of the lufttost vooIa milla in Uie
Eitat, one for one-qnarU-r blood aod Ibroo-eightlit blood, aod
the olhermill for nil the lowest Rrodc* I can set I mitat have
in all thirtecD oar loads of Michigan wooL 1 am-therefore wijt.
ing to pay one ettat a pooml more than ooy rithurYoeo! Boyer
paj's. oud if yoD will MnK me year wool, and do not find this
exactly os I say. 1 am willinR to pay from fl.OOtolH.OOfaryDur
tronhle in comiog. Also, whoercr needs a shBorvr, by marbue
or by hand, eon sepd me Lisaddm and how many fleyoahe
has, and I wOl send the shearer. Also. I vonld be glad to have
yon call at my warehouse and see the wool I am geUiiSt and
yon will find I am not Uufiing but need this fall Utirtecn car*
.loads.' Bring your wool and yooMnoocy is n»dy for you at 16
ounces to the pound.


---- -

Lewis RICE. Men

ClUzens Phone 761 '



116 and 117 state street
We aeU Hardware, on kind* of FWm kb. .
ehinrey. loiptotncnU. Wagrpna.Y^-*
giuB, oud Harneds.

UA, TMURkOfV. JUW ai. t
Aotta a BBMbcr trm hart atteaied
tbe daaec at A. Babdoa-a Batartar
((Being There craa b Ug erevd Hd
CttreWdac old Meade. Charier
mar aad wtto arc tahJag ehatge of all report a good ttoe. There wlD be
daart the emlag of J«lT
the boUl dartag their afaaaaee.
Mfai Baaa Heart le hem tnm
atlB. Lamr speat Soadar at
iin be oerred.
Mbe of Oiaadma Barrar.
flrtad BapMe.
■ Jeaale aad X
tOM Hbri Wtoe is atartu at the
Strar lake laa. «Wle baUag last
tbelr graadBBkad-ether
rWtlag for tee or three ___
Tbandir ereBlBKiMa «a|bt two Sab
ateaaeasL Oae taaicbed
pcaada vema*
Ott>. Bdgail aad tatelir. vbe BO*ed
aai the
l peiii.
IP the aoetbara part of the atate tbia
CbaB. 8&ra la BWTiag lato bia aev
b«r ame Bt Hubor flprtBH. Manei

Wwhtafbm. Jbm M.—The folknrJW makwmmt ww gSf«B cwt «t A*
> «UM kiQM fUi •Amoob;
9MMMt IM i«e>in4 (rw both Om
Maim Bad Jbbbbwii coromMU b,
M of the
two eoBUrtw vfU met Ib tbe HbUb4
•iBtM «bHb( tb« flnt tw «B7i <X
It «M moM t»kt Blew UtBt JbPBB
Hi B>«iB M aamd tMr TipcaaUUm t» tbe pmi coBlWBBM b« no
■UMB wtf* aveUsbie.
Tka lBtl»atk» come rn» a bUb
o«cU BDope todaj
baa bm ^rlMi tl



arawB woB tb^ ball'tfate last 8aa<
Mr at tbe Daek Lake part asaiaat
tbe Kerateae tailaaa.
Jadca P. R. Walker ot Trarerae Otp
»aa tbe g«eat er O. A. BrisbBBt.
Tbe Her. aad Hn. Hfll are eetertalBtBg frifAdi rran KlBgalar.
HiB. Wdl Sraan baa reumad
man Wesfori, «bere abe baa beea rlaItlBs her eaetber.
Oeo. U AIManB aad Mlea HbUr Walliker trere mrrM tbU aftacBOo
tbepanoeace. tber left ob tbe <
tac tnlB BBd eld aboae aad rice
the depot.

r Wanair,PotePd,JaeM.—TbeJep.iM goartar c< «Wea« rmim tUa
rtofCw aad It I* faprad tbPl a rtpaOtfop of the abartorti at Lodt «Ql
deav Pt anr tteia. Groat emwdt aaomWad te theatreau aad faarriepdaa
«erp eroded la rariopa parti of tbe
4Mtriet Bt«et ean wro orertorped
to fdrteA BDdepaof etreet defeaaee.
The ahope and Korea of tbe dtetrlet.
loairttQg a gesaral etrlke order are
^f^ppd baateeea ii at a etaadatUL
^ooiaked tbraiaaBa to deeetop at
PPT itnr— Aa both (be troop* aad
the pao^ an te aa rtir neod. tbe
imt attanatlOB betweea tbe people
pad the aoUteri te atooat eortaia to
bring oBarfeL
jh« troope bold the atraete ot Lodi
todpr ^ *0 cUteopa are allowed to
-Marp tbelr maae vlthont a porailt.
The town hai bdbp declared to be tn
aatsteofilesa. Tha<


_. ladm Norna atteaded meetlag at AlBlrt. bat Ber. nadall- preactaad to
(be amteg.
Wm Ataira SaadarMn. Boaa Parpe aad taallr .
Hmer Crate. Geo. CUr. Mn. Cea
' gaaou of taair
Harsb. Ollie Kobe and aen Carl vere
TroTene atr taflen Wedncedar test.

Mias BHah
Koba Soadar eresteg.
Mr. aad Hn. A.
' C.
' Wrakoop a
aad Wb. Ctelor and w
CUr aprtt raatardar
tbe lake.
Ber. Btflekler -and wife called oa
O. Sbotter Of TraTOrte Citr f B. P. AJtteaa and (anllr PCtdar.


THE STORE FOR HARD TIME PRICES. Yotfr dollar will go farthar at
the Globa than anywhare on aarth.

HAvnCLO. .
Tbe lawrar at tbe ibteide tpIU ^
tbe DlsfortoBe to cat oS a Sager teat

Ti^mJyeadto Toot

Men's pad Boys'
Straw Hate for

............. 8.98

lmd»' ^
stmt bpta. formeriy
pcdd op to 12. for

98c and 48c
eSuTdrto'd hAid wdm.
laoe ' sbocp. special


85e and 35c mnslui
cometooTcra todoee
out Pt


T. and Mrs. Oeo. Pepler and chlli left today for BaldwlB to visit
Mr. Pepler a people, who ratede then.
Mrs. Franc Tbompna and family eaUTtalned ber ateter aad bnsfaand
and Mra. John Lyle of Modke, te
aode. Mr, George Plen* of W1
sin. Friday test.
A clsss in Indian elnb swinging has
receaUy beea organised here, with
Mrs. Cbas. Walsh as leader.
Uia. Janie HoUlday la at boae for
two week*.
Jir, Cook, who was lajaredia. —
shingle mill. U wow able to be at work

All onr vraah u-----greatly reduced
Ladies’ and Mimea’
dieea hats at 60c on a
Percale nm bonnet,
sold ebewbere for
25c, oar price,



Frank Saylor of Ktegaley Mka
shipping tbe potatoes be boaght of
I Mrs. Gibbs. He shipped Ibrte eartoads
Warrtw. FoUad.4}aM S7r-Tbe aft. HtlOB here to bwoteteg smo erltkaL
Tbe potm art terrtr strickea aad are
to prtoonra order.
a patrol
il tbe
tlH atroeu aad
a obeai*» bare
boepopa ther tMr amasteattee. It |a
Hpaeiad that mrUal tew will be d»'
eland ehoitlr. Tba prteena of War>
. mr an lalL V la« ‘baa m perBma,
■oallr d**a. bartaf h{« amoted da^
Ipg the teat twas>tonr 'BPort.

Sasjlioiial aitUK Bngains

Lddieg’ akwrekaa

*Mt%. Ja^ Crandall and dilJdr«
bare bean -n*lliag her aUter. Mrs. AddlaOB HcKeage. aad tbelr pareaw, Mr.
aad Hr*. Jacob Wotf.
Hln Veda Taadorrod returard Saiorder fro® a two rears’ toloara at
MasaUoB. Obio. wbere she baa bees atmdtegaebooL a r»eei*loB was glrea
te ber honor Satnnlar ereaing at tbe
botoe of ber mother. Refreshmenu,
or strawuemea, icc aewu.
wafers and cakes, were served, and the
happT oeeaaloB wUr aot aooa be for^
Sonea bt those prearat

* Her. E. W. Wood and Ber. Platt
both of Kteg^ler. The tearch was
decorated with Bowers aad

tbi 12m Store

1 and Boonomical buyara.

lswhatthtoatoreisoon»ld*™d i




Extra Spcdal geeiU. lolw. wool. nStSc
Extra Special
Extra Spcdal
.o', kid It

Mcb's riel kid ghoee,
lateri irtyle, exteosiaa
sole, ' neoeh back
stay. wiM by onr competiton for $2.25, ,

New belte, nrir aeekwear, new wrist bags,
worth 60c. onr ape-

Scnsatioiial Sliirt Waist Baitalns

S2.60faney white Lawn Waiste Cor............. t.29
llAOfancy white Lawn ■Waiato for..............
Beaatafal light and dark Waiata to oioae
onlat48oand............................. ............................. ...
$3 aO over bee Watate to doge ont at......... 3.26
I^dtea' $5 Silk Waiata. neatly trioiBied. far 3s26
Imdiea'tS-50 white Shirt Waiat Soita. far. 1.98

0«lta, WoA

Men's ~ulk front bo■om Dreaa Shirte far

MmV 60e and 76c

Mm'a8tiffHata3»da’i price 12, oar price
Men’s Bibbed Srl
UMT Underwear,worth
36c. for

We 6t you out with the
to sell at tbe prices we quote.

I. Aoaie uiooa.
toraished work.
dUs Bessie Bn
Mrs. Newt Jai .
asiei^D-tew. Mrs. Marla Caaaaa.
Ilg Rapids, dortog the past wewk.
Jnne 27.

Where Hard TImae Priom Prevail

SuUs $7.50 to $18

bom Jane .S.
UU, te ntoaea eoantr. Mew York.


dat are perfectly tailored—
properly designed-win short, made

wS aha dirt at tba pge of Tl^rmra
PPd 17 4v«. She «M the moU
HPPdBlUrtp, (OPT of «ho« reau

to fit. and fit to -perfectioo—

Traverse City. Mich.

118 Front Street


Th« i. bou.d to provo O.OCC05,. Savipg, made po»ibla

WMST SU?rs?si^J.irrND CLOT


A ontirl (Rith^rina ftf seasonable stvlish; new TAILOR-MADE SILK AND CLOTH SUITS, SILK SHIRT-

once worn always asked for. ,

Sad He totefBeat took ptaee at tba

canpot lad to elicit boundless cacitement and enthusiasm when once you see the ntbeulonsly small pnea nraed.
We’n: determined to do a record-breaking business in this section tomorro..Samr4j, mid dl nnxt «ek. Sown
have prepared.aJargain Feast that’s worthy oi the name. Just a few ot the good thmgi that await yon:

ItaUto t. SmSTwife 'ct Fraak
BaMtb. of Waxtord. was bora Nor. XI.
ISU. te New York eftr.
C tee age of • reoatto
tnkaa tram the Orphan's
Norte HaopteMA Ohio.

bear in mind our street number—888
East Front Street—and don't neglect to call
whether in need of anything or not—always
glad to see you.

Thtee teUdrtn hlamd their hme.
Ve«h. bora te IMl: To®, la ini. aad
a mua Art. who died » tba

whr ther rttarpad fra®
Raomtlr U baopan t
Mrm.ttpltbtegotoABa Arbor for
No exrtrtorai of two large tnaora.
—• ahe
----‘------ 11a
pee— was epared■ aad
Srp waaka wlU a aew lease cf life,
nra waaka ot briiftt bopea aad happteaaa eedad In eaddaa aoSertag.
white tested aaartr three dare, when
lteHdmaa.JtPiel<. Vairfewerar

Shomtan & Bunter j


$l^and llfi Suite reduced

Neirael blouse and Jacket styles, all wool maUriala, swell mixtores, PsnamBS, Serges, Broad• clotha. etc., reduced from $lt>,50, AQ *7 =
118, $20 and $2130. to only.............

LEGE will conduct a Summer School commence
ing Monday, July 3rd. and continue six weeks.
Teachers wishing to prepare for the examina­
tion in August will be afforded an excellent op­
portunity of doiiig so. In addition to the Teachera’ Courac, we will teat* Bookkeeping, Commerdd Law, Arithmetic, Spell^, ^ofthand
and Typewriting, Grammar and Penmanship.
We wiri^give special lessons in Penmanship.
Our te&ier of Penmanship is one of the best
jjcnman and teacher in the state. Anyone wish­
ing to acquire a good hand writing will be great­
ly benefitted by attending our summer school

Mtoa ImtOa MeOaity of 0®eaa has
bsaa atwodtag a few days wttb bar
IPrtata, Mr. aad Mn. Stave McOarry.
Mr. PPd Mra. PWrd Josaa left WadworMpg^Jg tba
to batss PoeidaBtatty btt with a brick.
' ' Mn. Jos Qaterao rtolted her pSKOta
te Travane CUr ten waat.
-----------Maynard apasr 8an^

Tafiay fto Spadal CMtf. TabphMa

w Can at CMNa Mrks_


^ I'l-eBO

New nodels In Silk Cuts
C%iffon TMete. Peau de Sole, etc., in all the newcet atylce and diffen-nt IruRtbi, An *7 =
worth $6.60. rodneed to......................
• P
Worth $li) and $12. rodncod

Very Finest nan-TaUored Suits-

Worth $!(-ami 120, reduced $12.50

Rain CMts and CnTcnettes

Tan Corert Jackets

> beef

Swell styles, worth $fi,.W, $7 and $f-,

. $6/50

$12.50 Cravenettea rednoed


$10 and $12.50 Jackets
‘ $1.5 and $18 Craveticttag^ndRl

In Covert. Cheviot and fine black *-7
Broadcloth, reduced to...................... V * -OV./

Mra. JaM OraadaD and teUdraa

prat dbrnAsr avratea to "TIi* Makl _
plpCtotettoPiBtoDaBttay.-* Imdar.
Wmk Back. .
. Mte-ttodto. whotobotevk


Cbarming modcU—excltuivc dcpignu and copies
of imported models, characterized by aU the dignity and rictiBeea that one sees only in sacb
highHslAM tnitt. They, are rc. ® 1 « KO
duced from $30. $35 and $40. to ^ I O.OU

Mvwite aaklPd wart.
The tpp«A paertcaa a«K bKd te
tee M. B. tevte. tcea Qa^.^pa»tor. oteciatteg. A loag
Mama laUowpd tba raa

•teh teat Hopdar.
Bar. Lewis, who hsa bora eopdactteg liTtin at (be ton baU ter tea
.prat tear wasks for tea tHadgli

Ihe prettieri gtyfe# aad the newe^ effects, in fine
Taffeta and Cfhiffon Taffeta, shirred, plaited aad
tucked, with newest sloero effeete, skirts in foil
fiaie and kilt side plrite. all oolora. ^ Q *7 e
$12 aad $15 suite are rrdoood to.. H>Oa / O

Choice Lot of Tailor-Hade Sails

H raan pad all U

Ubp Vane, who has bsea attaad- I at Baaieate. to vtoUteg Us
Ira. O. A. Carpaatar.
Banm and teUdrap ra»... wmAS last Hopday after vtoR.
tto bPrspraeis. Mr. and Mn. Harrter

SOk sun Waist Snltig

UlUes’ gnil Histes’ Tailor-Hade Soils
The newest blooao and jacket styka. in plain or
fancy materialB. all the choicest cooJela, jwlnccd
from $10. $12..60 and $13.

^ ] 2 50

and mixlures. plain and plaided styles; new; workmanship of tbe finest kind.
SKIRTS^worth $12.50
SKIR-^ , worth $3.50

SKIR-re worth $6, $7


We place on sale for tomorrow, Saturday, and all next week, ONE HUNDRED MEN'S SUITS, all this seaaoo’s
newest «y^ in single and double breasted, made of fine all wool worsteds and Scotch Tweeds, efegamly made


Worth $12.50 and $15, at $10.00.

You should make it a p^t xo see and examine these goods.’ The saving this offer gives you n woithy erf your
mosj earnest attention.




It will pay you, and pay you well, to trade at



rs Bro-tH^rs
BB Orry


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