Grand Traverse Herald, September 07, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 07, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Mxv^^tv%t 4^txviih.


ficcs l to 8

It was BMtber'cottager, wbo. after natll the head wakMfecdy ttU. IM
of the fann and Isaac his orders
a loBc ^ wltk tba nrioaown lady fired. Tbe animal Vrommd aa itorngk
tost ss though be were tm tbe spoC
He bolds bU foremee to strict ■ wbo bad, made bmait ao much at a bob of Ughining had ttreek her, aad
qPhlle Hr. rilUer carrtea ob dlveral-1 baeoBt tlBB BOW, thask you.*
hume with ber. at that remarked, ana- ^ never a Marie twRebod. A notghbof
Bolden replied aa soon as he could Ui- •ed tsn|ing. hto ebiet attenUon U paid pant for the secUon* tffldtt' tba plciouBly. -Ye ne'er aay anything aboot urged me^lo do tbe same for a wore^arge. and rich bosuses reward those
-I Butt .get OB to to wkaat. core and cattle.
out bone. wbM WaMjj^y did. and
an'banaH aoeH dfcat Uw *UbLast year be had nine tbonaani who can coax the greatest
Watu'a. I have tome aedldne for the
lick boy. an* be omr n^ tu Here’e acres to wbesL 4l was s poor season
Bvectally prood is Hr. Miller of his | A story which U of peculiar Interest ore a rtfie. aad strike tbe b
b the peace of tkeir aeU-eoBUst;
ronr mnll. Oood-lir.- and once more for tbe cereal in that section, and (be
to tbe center as possible.''
fine berd of buffaloes, which grase on ]u« now Is told of Ctar Nicholas,
Tkera era ■osla, Uke aun. Oat d«dl
be strode out Into tbe storm, disap­ yield
of the Kodins-! Another correapondeBt advises me to
pearing In its bUndlng wbiri eren more | only one bnndred and gfty tbonaaod thqAktoboma side W the ranch- Okla-1 After the
I sneh an omto. gel down on my knees, and stay tbere
boma U one of tbe natural herding | koye Plrid,
qnlekly than before.
gloom over bis eorouatkiB. be paH : i II the Lord forglvaa me my aUa of
r aonla Uat btaae
After aavlng twenty tbooautd bash- grounds of the bnffslo. and tbey do
Hy half s mile to WalU's.
a visU to tbe boapital wbere the to-; eruelty and gives me a bean like Oest.
Uatr path*
but It look blB twice tbe time to reach: ela f<fr aeed. tbe resnalnder was arid well there.

! PbU. Sheridas'A who after tbe (avU
Hr. Miller Is airengiiig a lively en- fared were lytog.
hlSbwara mtivr taa;—
It. And. when flbally be slunblod up directly fron tbe Uiresben al >5 esBU
were yon In the crowd al alir; War. when asked by rae one wbal
« br the ride of tte mad
tbe steps, be bad to pause to catch bis a bunbet. realising tl»A«.
AMd be a frleod to awe.
Twelve hundred acres prodoead tkm of ^Itere wbeu it meets this asked one of his slleedanis of an old be should do with ao old. woramt
breath before be could subbod
govmment mole, ordered this mulo
nearly one bnndred tboosand bushcii
strength to knoek.
Lot me live b a boaaa br tbe sMe ri
wbat farming on a large] "1 weal to see the emperor,- she re-j i^be glren tbe best of care tbd rest
"Here's your mall an* medlcloe,- be at com—tbla Wain yielda aoonm
the mad.
\A bis days, regardlras of tgeveniscale really Is. he prtqmses to gather piled.
IB the fertile loam of that section
Wbera tba teea of mb co Iv—
Tben why," said the young cxa.'. | menu expense. This story. If tree,
int stop, rm a good deal behind; A gflb of tbe crop was reierved for several hundred ludiani from all poru
Tba MB who are aaod' aad tba w
-don't yon look at him now! He to'doea credit to Pbll. Sberidan's taodertlae. SB’ matt reach the Widow Case's' Bead, twenty-dve tboosand bnsheU of the Boutbweat. Tbese will be given
{ness of heart aad generoalty. , We
buffalo dinner, nad wUl in turn give tUndIng by your aide.tonight, an- Jotaasoa*t an’ Rose'a Tbey bald for feedtng purposes, and tbe reAa toed aad a« bad ae L
-Donttell me Ilea.- (be woman an-' might earry tbe prtoclpal tortber, aad
alt nlnt over a quarter of a mile. The Bslnder was marketed at SO cm
1 vobU Bot rit la the aeoraer'e aMt.
r racing for ibe bencSt of toibvl. swored, almost fler^y. -As U I did t ponslOB every old eow that is past ber
Konn-f something lerrible. Oood-by.-, buabel. malcJog tbe Income from
Ot bMt the craie-a baa;—
age of mllk-produetioo. and feed hre
When he reached the Widow Case's. soorce in.OOO.
Let oM Hra b a boaea hr tba ride e(
Kansas bos other large farms that like toat.”
j wltb the bett of oow-foods simply la
The iwelre tboosand bushel crep of
tba road
opep tbe eyes of visitors from the cBst I But probably 1^ prreonl king of/recognition of the serrt.ces sbe kas alaboui
Aada fttari to MB.
it wab a eat or dog wanting shelter. I was fed to tbe borere and moles. This Oae is that of Samuel Forsba. near luly has bnd aad enjoyed more of reedy rendered ns. Bnl can we aSorl
bis U barely a these expertonees than any otber llv- to carry a lot of auperananated ttork
t aaa tm V boaaa br the ride oC the
At first be conld not s'peak. but he held j amoont lasied onlv two igoolhs—two
garden plot compared A-llb the Hiller tog monareb. Not many moBibt ago to these jlays of higta food^rleea. aad
out bee letter.
{bondred bnsbelt gotog Into tbe
, ' when be was walking with tbe queen wben we bad belter give H to nsefnl
Sr tba atda «f the blfbarar of Uta.
~lt iff the right OBe.- be whispered, gera each day.
orhood of Raoomlgi. be
to. many of which are only half
twelve years
^ maa alM prdn wltb tba ardor ri -Itta half a mile to the aext booae. ao’ . -eaently. -IH take It down to the
To gather these eropa there are
irtng our inag wtoten? I ptMa
: It. surting to a modest way. He stopped at an ont-ofriie-way
* bopa.
that drift right ahead U up to roar store an* get your snppUes In a few | frity-two wheat binders, ten core bsiv
search of
3W has tlx tboosand acres and makes
myaelt to poaaeaa both heart and eem. Tba aria «betalat«nbtberiiira
afBi)lt8. an' too aoft to atand oo. an' minutes, as soon's I’m rested. IVs only vesters. Are Ibrcahtog oulBls and fifty
flOO.OfW a year ralstog alfalfa, cattle AcoosUng a peasant wbo was at work
Bat I tsiB BOt a«ar trea tbefr aant too deep to paah throegb. Too re a few rods.'
majesty oaked;
Every modern sgrtcnltural device U and corn and ranntog a (lonTlng mill
Bor thrir taaraTen miBute* later be went on to the
Lir-" •
on tbe (arm. HU borne eomalna eight- "Wbere to tb« Btasler of Ibis place?A Novel Btrika
BothAartiri aa iaAalU pM;'Hebbe.- lacoakallr. "t® K’a ^ lora^d purebaaed her supplies. employed. Leboreavlng Btacbtoery of' een rooms.ns heated hy steam and
-The maatre to al Rome." the peosall kinds iqay be seen and in wbolesalc
Let aw lire b mr beaae br the aUe to be done.brlnglBg them Bbck blmself.
barely looktog don Expreea reports a novel stitbe no
-To'n'll stay all night, of eouree.” quantities, wben not in nse. Each
All tbU time be bad been-faetenlng
rmllwiiia. The emplnjeos
Aad be a^friabd to MB.
tbe package aeeurrir .»I»o bla ritool- kbo said anxiously. -Yon're complelcly rieoe is carefully housed In soi
of bla hired men. Last year ic dost thou not know as mnehr'
have derided not to leave wortt. but to
up. and It won’t be safe to ti- of (be gUnt barns.
dere. Nopr be
Here-1s anotber story of King Vie- pursoe a policy of obsiroctloa. This
t going any fanher.FOr repair work, that Js coutlnually made. H 1a understood. 117.000 from
tbe broken baU of a tokebandle wMeb
ir Emmanuel, which be blmself loves Ilea to observing to the letter tbe regtwelve bundled acre field of alfalfa.
ily to irimaon's and Roae'A lost needed, there It a
ABd MoiitalM of waartaoM belrirt:
The Sherman ranch of forty tboo- > tell. Ooe day be was driving his ulatloBa of Ibe laUw^s.
id the store." ho answered. “I and wheelwright shop, where (our men
-If ron
mind. tH take this
That tba road pawea on tbm«b the
BXXor car at a rapid rate, wbco. no
sand acres nes* Ceoeseo, Kan., to
All aorta of delays ore broogfat, about
along.- be said. -It'll help steady me have Icltert for Ibem wbicb I want to are kept busy from the begiun
taming a comer, he narrowly escaped by followbg the mtoMeat deloD of
deliver toatlgfaC’
tbe end of the ytsar.
Aad rirriefaea avar to tba alibt
Fifty men are cmplojed the year eoUlxlon wltb a car coming In the op­ looltoe. Tiekeis are cbedied srKh
Benson pUcad an arm upas bis
The next day It ws still anowlug and
in onler to feed his live stoAc
a* atin I iBblee vbea tba traTriera
ronnd. and many more at barvemlns posite direcUon. Pulling up to apol- studied deliberation; trains do BOt
(he drifts mndi deeper. Although be winter Hr. Hiller raises great quanib time, wltb a general manager and an ogUe. be waa greeted with a ti
leave Uio autiema until every imiaaa-Lorit here. Boldea,- be said ear- stsirted eariy and struggled tbrongh ties of alfain and wild hay. Last yemT expeH for each deparunenL The pay- of abuse from the owner of jtbe
Aad veep vOb tba aUantara that
ger to seen safely tosMe sad tbe doors
«astlr. -dont you try'll. The tblng-s
until after dark, be
aside over two thousand acres
on American.
s liWO a month.
have oil been rioaed with aerapolOBB
AUalfa yields Ibrec
Ue more li n a mile. But the third j |o t
Mgr Ura ta KT ba«aa tar tba atd« of
-ni tell you wbat it is.- tbe latire core. Passeogers are dm left behtod
day the weather turned colder,
puttiugs annually.
the road
like yon ou^t to
■ any means a abort delay wlU
Holden' met his' nelMtbor’s look the. moist snow crusted enough to
Hay barvesllog to an InteroaUng made bis first tIO.OOO iaveftlng to be Btreog up. Too're Dot fit lo be
like a BkBB «be dwaUa alooe.
belp them to eater the trstoA
bear oop's weight. Tbe snow rtianged sight ua tbe big farm. Six roowere
aqnsrely. and sm{led.
Kansas tsnn luds. Nowbeosnuonc the Toads.c tesnli Is tboi tbe wbria ayslMB
IM M lit* A aar bOM bh tba ride of
bitter, driving aleei.
arc started, one bcblnd the other; and hundred and forty (arms Ip Kansas
-I don’t think so.” bo answered. *'I
■Whatt- answered tbe king, good- to becoming dtoorgantoad. Ttone tables
the road
/ ; .
was much harder traveling, but they go the length of the field.
shall try to^creep along the fescea
“streag np to front of my
tompletriy upset, and. aa the dlaand forty In Oklaboma All are rented
Wbera tba raoeod MB v> br—
wbere lib bad. an’ stick mosUy to the
Perhaps ^ey will go stralgbt abend on shares—Stewart taking a Ihlrd of owa palacerTbW are food. tbap. are
bM. vtodr gronod ncrom loU. where swiftly. This day Holden oomploied for five miles before turalng. tbe '
tbe crop for rent.
-I don't care wbere It Is. ao long i
«gak. tbar are attoac.
tbe soovH be less deep. 1 wooldnt kls deUvory. and returned to tke post- being siranged ,so (bat they can Just
Dan Rice of Atchison county, KaA, it U done. Too're a public nuisance
OSes wttk .too mall be had eoliccied. make the round trip l)i<»wn meals.
wns one hundnsl and twenty quarter said tbo Atarerlean. aa be drove off.
BtkcaooTBer'a wonder if Toonld m^e It all right.
It's tmlr halt a.®lle> the next house, Three days latot the roads were open
After windrows have been made i seciloos. and buys more fanna every
A fbw days later a Mr- H. P. C.—. ■
so be couM go for his wagon, to tbe wlTb ordinary rakes, a ''huir rake
an* not moreli that between any
wUh his profits. He has never MaaaocbnseUa. was doe for on u< ere. wbo d^w attentloa to the fact
Or kBri tke CTBte'a baht—
he went back to bis farm.
a (arm after It once came Into bit ince St Ibe Qulrinal. The doors Were that they are merely odherlBg to the
tmt me tire to B«r Mma br the ride
Rural nee Delivery No, 3. ftowever. bay at Internals In small stacks of
possession Laal year be garnered thrown open, and to hto omoa^i
rales <rf,lbe aeiTtce.
• of tbe read
otber thing, the main ooe.” his face b»'
each, aad these. In luni, ate gath- about JltW.OOO worth of wheat, ^e of and horror Uie Amerkan fouiid*%l
' A»d bc^-frtoBd t
Tbea a letter came to the posi«fflcc
1 Into large slacks In winior
his wheat fields to five miles long.— self face toioee with the motorist
ValuAls Mlrta of Oak la River Bad.
n waltar ?«aa. eomtog grave: "yoo forget tbe folks
la sent out (o John Holden. I' cattle arc turned lobse among there Detroit Tribune.
who are waitin' for ibalr man. What
A BuaalBB limbar-donier has diaeev
bad no lavishly abused a few days
«n to (hem If I don’t git
stacks, thus aartug any further
ered a valnable mine of oak. It exK. P. D. I.
tsursc. I don't know much ' -Owing to more dcffolte Information pense of handling.
lau lb a riser of sontb Rnaato. lo lay­
Arruia^g-fixperierwea of Royalty.
-Cant go BO fgrdar.- rriled Farmer nbOBt wbai'a in tbe mall; but; there's la r^ard lo Route No. 3. and l
three feet or four feel deep, scat.
Plowing the fields Is another lalerWhen ( • duke of Connaught was And ouuiretched band, oaring:
»MBB, <WTteg Mb Bittaaed bead* tp tba Widow Case. Hrin' kloaa. an' her prospect of its bettenneot. and
lered brer IW nqnare BlUcs. sad Us
etiihg spectacle.
aeldlering to Ireland nearly 30 yearq all Al
kto Booth «> tba «ords raU reach ion wcrtciir np country in a mill. She's especially lo the manner of tbe last
most striking faatnrea to lu .variety
Until this season's steam trscifon ago, be paid a visit to the Qnc
MtltWriM- tra or tlx feat OB tba halt-airii. an* be dont earn much: but day's dellrery. the department baa re- engine wns used to haul tbe gang
of oolors. auppoaad to be due to tha
County rose show. As the duke
most of what be earns be sends to her ooBildered tbe matter. Tbe route will plows, but this will be discorded
variegated soil of the rivor bottM.standing by tbe side of bis luggage
Kllllnp Aft Old ^ofw.
regnlar. an''It geneimlly cornea a^t be eoatinued for one year, with the the work beresllor wlir be d<»e by on the platform □( tbe Maryborough
QnUe a number « our renders bare
the road a tow roda tnrritar ob. wbara- this lime of the montA^rtBow. for posaibUlyr at
sUlloA on old lady bore down on him
favored me with advice In regard
tba *Aow bad drtflad aatirrir aeroaa. she often leU me havCTTIo tatty (bingi John HoMen la a
cvldentFive mnles ore bilebed
•eeartoc tba toaea oe alibar rida for bar at the lllUe store Just beyond
tbe disposal of an old borae. Some of shade. Tbe lags taken ont have raagod
listsklng hto royal highness for a
plow, every plow having three discs
our friends iDcIloe to the opIniOB that trw^o feet to 300 feet In length gad
•Ttoa loot deep, aa‘ attU drltua'. aa’
ilvm. I've got a letter ft*
tor turning the soli. Over forty of railway oaclai. and told, him
; pMtr more plaeaa ob abaad Jaat Ilka her tUa morein'. Hebbe 'uin't the
ao old horse that has rendered Talth0 to Inches to diam­
there plows may be seen lo the field at (or 'her bandbox, which An bad tost. ful service should be kept and well
. *. 1 deB\ aaa bo* rob got this fnr. coe. hot t wouldn't
anrprlapd It she
eter. and it to estimated that Btoru'
The duke piod humoredly ranaacked
lAsgsM Far min yrerid.
time, which
Wei. vail dborri out the gate, an;
without wood or coal to keep bef
his luggage to search of tbe mlsatog taken care of nntll it dlM a peaceful than UO.OW. .aTeragUg 70 feet, iw-'
tbea rna oaa drira to aadar mr ritril. warm an' a scrap to eat. an' that this
natural death. Tbal Is a rather aeotl.
tta thraa arilaa back to town, aa- rob leuer'il flt her op all right Than big things of big America. In fact, it
roenlaJ view of ihe care, often entirely
failed to find It tbe old lady rushed
a great expanse of grassy su
aaB’t ratant ear batter 4han jrob can there's Jobaaon an' hUVUe. who have ta tbe largest farm In tbe world.
Impractical, and not always oerriiat.
away to «rorri, of someone more com- l»P™ctlcal.
SUelcfalag acroat Ibe soolheru bor­ being steadily tamed upward
'•oabead. I aew tec aaowflr •»tost.
wounded to tbe Phlllpptoca.
A quick
quick and
and patolesa
palnlCM death
death is
peteni. hurling this parting shot at either. A
gome of the older tobabltanU ob tbe
HeMe ini ease up tomorrow ao *a Tbey're out to tbe box evety'inoreta' der 01 Kansas, near Wlnfleld, and e low. crumbling aotl.
'P® »'®'T beat war o« of a
Wheat harvesUag on One Huodre-I him; "Remember. It to a while one.!
e line into Oklabum
oBi start ID ptow tke read* not. but waitin’ for me. lYe got a letter for
“‘W- '
very emphatic In the bellaf (kal tbtwo
and one Ranch to a spectacle that al­ and If yoo find It. H's mine"
more tbsn one bthritod and fflty roll
•totot Ukrir raall git the mall a^d tbem. an- lib from tbe PI
King Edward into many arousing Toung horaea when they were Irrepar.m be drowned to iU waterq
ways attracts many visiton.
■BdB two or three dar*. or porh^ a And there's Altay Roae, whose hus­ f fenddog are requlrefi-v aurround 1
„ .fan* mpoUve In
Down the long belt of waving, gold- stories Of this kind. Many yrer. ago. | ‘We Injured by accident. In this vlclnpeak.' TemU ditre rigbt to.-.
band's off to asH an Uttle Nina Ctoric. srtlfe 1
»,etolty. or unUI Hobowoeko, the
Nearly five hundred farm hands
■ The lut waa ta BaaerOoB /at
whose feller't up to the mtoea. srorkln'
la overcome by Uto good
*-7---------thaa qaaetka. bat tba inatPeai
hard to earn enongfa to start to hot»«- reqalred to till tbe 13.000 acres under After the otber. bcblnd tbe plodding
borre or mule teams, un'U the line of | gentlemen In the
thnat Mi bead frem tba wm I
kaepln.' I’ve got -letieri for both of cnlllvaUsn. Fifty cowbo>-s look after
night, the party, dust-covered I
lbs® • l<««.
Bakokl.'s curre deles back lo t«7S or
tba aioraa. paarM Mward urfouMt
tbem. An- taini all tbe mall, either. Ibe 10.000 cattle and SOM bogs (bat Clattering machines stretches away
one can see. each leav- and weary, pr.-r.-nted ihi-mselves at' >“« natural death In the case of any ,574. At that time It waa eommCBlr
mm iU 7S.OOO acres of pasture land.;most as far
MBli aperture Ufi br bli^nrned 1 do errands for a good many. '
principal horrl of a small town, i beaiL Even for myself I could wish accepted lhal Indians were swimmera
cleamlng stubble In
Tbere are 300 work horses, 6001 Ing a swath
eoUar and dowMiimad cap. Rbserat knew the WalUea. wboae bc^ la ao
in,-: for nothing more (ervemir than a sud- pj. ,neu,ct and were not obliged lo
t-vldemly t
inxlooked troohlad. At kBgtb beaded Ml atek. They ain't nobody to send
m> days of useful learu the art;—Exchange.
It's largest j urtonc growtb.
triBcianUr. aad tbraed ble^borwe-i for a doctor, an* cdnldnX anyway
■m a'“®*®
comfort to myself or otberr
culllraieC field contains 9000 acres. A 1 Fifty wagons are engaged to earry- would-U) guesif. for be gave
head toward the riiowbloefc
tbreagh this aaow. I'm got
golf! are over. Tbe general consensus of
cbllllog recri'lton. and it w
-Hare to.- ha ahOBted. at he aprang
a for him tbey asked me to telepbona ayttem connects all parts of! tog the freahly-botmd sheaves to tbe
An agitation to going on In Loodoo
the (arm.
Hv® eref.i threshing outfits, whore po- after some hesitation that be cotueotOBt BBd bagan to Uric the aaow trea bring. Wbat migtatot U i
boned ambulances, for, Ineredlbla
Uke tbem to at all.. Al last, bow- to be Uiac the rigbl. or most humane.
OpttSIlBC rxpeBses exceed IIOO.OOO! sltkais are marked by the smoke of
hto aUe cf the grio with hla hearr dldut gM there to two or three days?
way of killing a horse to by shooting „ It may seem, a peiVm tojored la.
bc said. "I ran find a
aonnally. bud a rental of 6W.OOO is their steam engines and by the groups
boatt: -tba botaa conMa't pall Urn- No. no. Benson; 1 wonldnl dare
party, but the boy will » right square to the.forehead, or as tj,* itrw-i* o( Loodon to jo^ed lo a M« thtoogb that drin..lei aMe the stay « 1 waalad to. I'm only one. an’ paid for OBrt of the tract. Net preflu of busy men about tbem.
sleep on tbe sofa," and lhe|°B® writer says, abbuf half-way be-' yuMpltal to a iwo-wbeeied band barof
emthey’re a good many. Oood-by.
' In addttlna to Ua other features, the i i>loye<l on this etgtaty-reven thousand belr apparent, as ''Master Robinson.''' tween tbe ear and ere." or accortUng row. drawn by one or two poHcentoB.
. ti «ma blttarlr cold; and. altboBgb
Ha abook tbe detaining bpnd from
no doubt slept as soundlv on his shake- to anotber. ' In a spM where t line mere are only ihr<-e boned ambothma bad bean aigna tor an aatir kla tlioulder. and aliode ont* teto tbe farm coitalnt the largest and-flneat j acr^ farm would tax the.orgaalxallon
Irom ooe ear to tbe opposite eye isnCes In tbe wbule city, and they are
hero Of (qll-blooded buffalo to taxis:-j and Ingenuity of a large commlasary down as to any palace Ate room.
aprtag. this wai br tor tba V
storm, disappearing to tbe swirling
IB her very early married
at would cross a line from the 'Mb-, owned by private pantos, who charge
I department.
of tba aaaBOB. And ao far as ptod and
almoM before ha reaebad the
Balmoral Qoeen Victoria paid many re ear to the opposite eye ” A for their use. There to no fitnt ^
Joagph Ulnar. Hto prtoclpal owier of 1 Tbere are. to fact, several
One Hundred and One Ranch, ns this. sary departments, located at different a visit to tbe neighboring cottager* | good rifle should be used, and the' s,»,eni,_BxebaBge.
MOkpari <>to aattag np on (fae'reorBroson vatefaed h)m gloomily. gl^Ue (arm la called, was toraerly a J points about tbe esuie, so
wMbout being reeogniic-d, and listened ^ »bot Oved at clore range, say not o
ro*. Rathar. urtti the wind la lu praas Am<TicaD doctor h
■Hebbe be-8 right, an* mehtae bt Blo*t.- Imak preaUeiU. Seelag more money | (arm bands at meal times sball loss
candid opinions
Mfi jImM'. to UtU
ago. when I bad to have a ytiung marc s’cheap proce» 10 porify water, it
te grumbled. "I wDnldnt rcaitare to la extanalve farming, be trnnafened \ as liiile Ume as possible.
« tor several days' o
say. Only 1 know be-aao set {bat noth- Ibe acttto of hto' bnstoesa acUvIly lo
Arrangemonu arc also mbde for eoafidentaily: "Haar a laird's dangfa- with a broken foot killed to the sttbto. to nix patrofx] or ropyrigbied or f»to* I could say would move hlBL(eAtog Ibe horses and mules wherever t*r to malr grandly dressed than Ihe wher.- wi- could not get ber out and serve-l. It constots. In brief, to hangUie prairies.
bad no chance to ate a gun, we were tog a bag of cupper sulphate sboet the
they may be when the noonday dinner qneen heruel'. Aye. and she's
titaally It required kaa than ^
inutea to drive between U '
boor arrives. At night, however, there ! pride neither, for she enlerw all the compeile.! IP have It done with the reservoir until Ibe CTyatalt are dtsaboot I
beck of the ax struck into the aoim- aolved. Tbe copper sulphate kllU all
but It waa two bom laler wban Hri- has addrti to tato esute from Ume to animals are boosed to great creitral
mmt. and had not paid, aad non
al's forebrad. - it did' the bnslaeas all; vegetaUon sad germs and does not afto be dtoppad. MB HoMee had baea dcB ttraggled op bn tbe plaxn. and Ume. generally In tracts of five tboo- stables.
right, yet If I bad to do tbe job myself] feet tbe water (or drinking psrpnera.
These kubles are aboot ooe hundred bnmble tare '
BBS to 4bB nuoyatt advoeaiea of It, ka^cd on the door, knktoc
I wnoM he trei retoetaai m dp It by It ran be applied wiUi equal aueceas to
and had abtotoad tba rootA leering
M n HDe Utnn wHb nny other weUs and ctotei>na.—Prarttm-s W«ekdriveway
Ponca aad OSot- la'dtons. wbo are high­
bla oldatt bor to took after tbe farm.
r majesty Uie bread and cheese, and , implement- One eorrrapondent uys: ly. --For tbe land mice!- cried Uto«wo- ly sailalled with ttc onnoal rental of this loads of pmendcT are driven, and
Tba fiftr donaia a moatb mtotr urould
yonreelf. 1 very much dread to;
a 0MblaUmlBato*7«antbat0diiba aian wbo opened the door. -If it ianl «30.000 Uwy.recelTe. and are filledlithe tronghs tiled from the wagons.
-Aad ibai's om n'.-coBUni>ed the! kill aa old falUiful friend, yet for frarj BrlUih olheren are haring th* adars
with we^er over tbe conatanUy-grow-:.; Antomallc feedera regulate the supply
Ikrm as be bad araatad to atoek U aU lir. Holden! Mow'd yon ever,
boBsesrUe. to ber amjeaty a growing tbat a dtttateretted /-raoB might [ of face wooada removed-^ the aao e<
of tood that goes Into the maagera.
to get tbraugb. Bat come riglit
tag entgrprise of tha wblta man.
' bto tUa. bet bod avrer bean able to.
A tetepboee aystem coabects all the am*semeat:abeUdBfcsnaeUiUigwfaco rasae Bcedlea pain. I hare thou^t|Ught raya. The cottom to i
Mt It was BOt tba peeaBtary adraa- cast get «iB any BDre today, tty folks . Of uiVlweIre Utonaand acres mb
ranch hOBM. aad ob hot days Mr. ahe's out 00 ber vtolu o' intklBg pur- best to do the anwetoome job mysetf.: growing of surged!
go to the hare, i ealttvmUoB this year, atoe thoosi
UUlereansU to hto o^,'hear reports chases of batter and c«ga aad taklM -1 uaed a thlrtydwo calher rifie at <^;Ueato 10 hare the
qaae.- Uuwwlag wMe Uie door, -dont! ara aHotittl to wheat, two ihniinnd
Irasge. say two or Oree feet, walled 1 U«ma remored. .
hto harraaicts U dlfferret seo- them gome bereel-r
la tte coM. Tkke yoBr|ooc%^ handled to oats aad the
•«• WM a trMed to pm. asd UraA
ta a km br tke aide of tbf road.’’

tanBera: aad ha beUerad that is the
t raid par- Me had coonted a
cood deal 00 tba bolMlas of a U t ho­
tel in Ibe MNiBtaiBf for aabataatlri reUima;-t«t for Mne’imaoB the opeaiac !»««< been poettraBOd to anottaer
aprlBC. and bow. ^otl wbn It waa pettine raadr to be opened, the mote ?ra»
to be dlaeoBtlBoed. Doring ibe alx
BOBtba II bad baeo In force be had
not mlaacd a aingle dar from hli wadoo. nor been an boor Ute.
l«Bd(b the iBow waa cleared from
■aOcleni apaee for the gale to be
opened and awon* back. Holden lod
bta Mtarie Ihroogb and onder the abed.
anhameaaed aad took bim to the
aUble. where be fed him ceaeroaal/
wltb the bar wh>cb Benaon threw
from the BOW. Then Ibe two
reureed to the wmeon, and Hoidaa gnleUr arrasged bit mall Into a
Mopaet parirnge.
■‘Wo'II take It right Into the bogae.’’
aid Bmiaoo. "Illl bo safe there till
roaTe able to go on."
HoMen amiled and ebook bia bead.
-I riiall go right OB BOW.- ha laid.
-Mall Boatn't be delarad. roo man alirp! ron can-i'do li.-


wraps of. an' set rigbt o

o the fire



«MHO ‘nuvmiiM HCRAtA THUmaAV, «MT
na altownnea. ^ will sire
reworattesandfreaeotesibe eWarte.
him alarei SSOe cnah to hand with
Vtad StjatttB, a roans
l> 1
which to tteke a parmtet te a home
ofasa. waa arreated MM waMt at the Sunder acMMato the twwnahlp. M
be haa pwrehoaed at Saranac. Should
botea of Chariaa Doana, two reUea to hoped for tm the Sne and to
be not aurrire nntU the parreteta arc
notolter of rwans people to the e
aretb* of Old MUaka oo a ebarca
eompleced tbe allowaDOe will be paid
bttoklas tote the atora of Heorr H. -mnltrAt the
to hla preteni wtte.
I^rdia aad the postoSee wbera. It la
tend cf plratea. anM to be fron
allegad be took the foUowlas oa i
tbe Cnnadton abort, bare been eommUtetaoftoco
Sdr Oae|6bll1.twotllferdMlari.
depredatoaa at Ht. Clemen*..
ft MM. fortral* yweeai ptocea. abd
the weHar* o'

aeowa aad rnebta hare been
thirteen teaewBi pteewL
church. .
Tba alore waa eatered threosb
Darlas Dr. CarrertTtet
Carrel'a 1
was tba eat of Iowa cnaaU
rear window to tba boBeeaeot a
, OB tor tba waddias wart
■boot ST waa* taken el federal tooaer bare fa The benerolcneea • of
Bakh-a brotbaM»-law. d. Ban;
OU of Cbleaso. Howard Shaw of •Bd bettreeo four and Are dMIan
Orieaso. Mr. 8a»eh-a boalneai paitaar. tba atora till.
latonDBUon wbteb lad to ibe arreat and tbe meaibereblp a
and Mre. Shaw, Northare Warr
sreatlr enlanced. Dr. Carrel doaet
Detroit. Pan] VerKanp of CloelBOatl. of tba Taapwdeal wai toreUhed the hit labor with the reaptet. af
br Jim Jarm of Old Mltof erery charse.
Mr. aad Mre. Bashtoo H. Field of Maw
York e«> and Mre. C. B. Qlbaoo of:Mi- alOB. Who. 1 li claimed waa tMd
Et-ery pain-in the breast, dif­
o br the roans ainn w
ficult breatbing, palpiutioo.
SUU Newt.
to iripa to Dk Baplda the day
fluttering or dizry spell means
your heart is straining itCarlr FWteto MMtet
are drawlns to a ckwe. tbe board 'of
Oktos u the audae daeib toat week ralswed tM-fore JutUca Curtlt
Bclf m its effort to Iteep in
. Tba aaris pMaloaa wkldt bare baaa
state auditors bavins provUled f<
motion. This is dangerous.
■adtes a nartat >a Cbleaso tor ' Wadneadar of Oresf Duell. ate of Bob- Thurwtoy at 10 o'eloek and pleaded enwort for ibe'nrzt halt doien years.
Sbme sudden strain from over,aat thraa waaka are aot batas^teead art Dwell of Sooth Frenkfort. the aterr -not SBll'T." hi- wamlnailoo Mns pot Shortly after the Close of the dstl
cf tba Obarlto robb^ at Btoshas to for f olclock Wednredaj- tDoretosexertion or excitement will
tbera ta car loU W iba
war. while Button was servins as
Bintion haa alreadr aorred a
tximplelely exhaast the nerves,
■« bat are balni aUppad W peddiere BOW aaada public.
membor of the Ciutenlus euards
Saterdar nl*bi the s«*ral More of lenn to {he reform tcbool. ■
or piplure the walls or arteri«
owtos to the bant whleb preranta
a. be was Injured al a Fourtb ol
of the heart, and it will slop.
Inisar loU'bali« bandied b^ eomala- Joo Obarlto at Btocbaa waa entered
July cetobralloo by tbe premature dUMlniater for Ferty-Sevee Vaare.
Relieve this terrible strain at
BBd jawelrr taken to torse qaantltjaa.
. Mew maw.
of a cannon. hU left band beins
Owtos te falllns bealth and atrea^h.
O«or«e Urdle atatea that ha basan BBoas tba plonder bains fortjr flnsar aflor fortr-aeven yeare in the atotolrr. ■toln' oC and hto rtsht hand manned once with Dr. Miles' Heart
It invigorates and
.fcippiT Aos. it wnS nP to dale bad
ao badly that It Was possible u
thi^ heart nerves
Mead thlrtaan care la Chjeaso, hla atotter area kept quiet In police elreJea
only two of bis dnsere. Session after and muscles,** stimulates the
two ahippins poinu bains tbU «ltT wMla Ua moratMaU of Ore« DoaU.
on of the icslslature a Joint
heart action, and relieves the
and teua. bra car loadt barlns left wbo waa auipacted.
lotion was latroduced fur tbe relief ol pain and misery*.
bare tbla weak and three from Batei wai aliased that be waa in Ihla eitr
the injured man and finally in 1»7 tbe
Take no chances: nuke )'<mr
tbiB week. The prioaa rance hare from Baturdar erentos M 10 o'clock and
necestary roles were procured and tbv heart strong and vigorous with
to the Tlclnlir of tba Obartln
twtetr^Te to twentr-aiSbi eanU and
board of stale auditors was authorized
at tba ether ted fratai fortr-two caaU
Q> make Ibe did man an allowance not
par bwhel to ear loU to tertr-flTe to thto‘ cUr to the eartr morelns. 1
exceodlns 11.000. The board prorided
left thto cite and waa neit knowa
•nr eanU to unaller lota.
for tbe paymrut of the money in
Applea ara not oomlns to to sraat at Lake Ana. where bto d<
form of a peosloa of 125 per mooih,
•aanUttea. there bates precltealir no yaatardar afternoon, u aUted to tbe
ted Botton thus became the first
»iih*bl7m5icJ[^b* «»m«
to the north, onlr two ba^
ptesloaer. The allowanee ceased,
> ^ waa then dtoeloaed that be
rail UM far barlas ba» ahlppad br
erer. Junarr 1- IMH. but at the Iasi
Oaorsa Lardle tbonsb tba Dtebea. are had a Has on each hand and had Mean.
aessite of the lestoteiure anoibc
taktos Iba ptoee of tbem.and ♦!.« to •ny two other rtosa at Lake Ain. He
resolution was passod. the board of
II to paid far the tniU par barrel. U. atoo bad a h>cj*to which ha
state auditors bcins auibbrtzed to pay
" ?: ParkaU baa ablwad about torre pawned tor M, wUek to a waHlns ld«Bnltte)
a aum iiot ezeeedlns Sl^MO
. barreto Yto the Nortbm MieUfan tlftcMMa: Tha»anueteftheooronar*i
Tbe allowance was made by ibe board,
ltoa;~PlBtoa are.Mt betos bandied Jury today to tba atect that he ewmr
In the«>nB of a monthly allowance of
na tba narket to slatted with pteebaa, to hU death by oomIos to contact with
$fS, and be will recelre this allowance
moTtos train, and axonacawa Ibe
tba crop tbU rear bates a record'
from the date of the explntlon of the
• ipaakteStew BSbtete bnabela ware M. AM.B.
Shipped hr Oaorte Itordto thto week at
Ms Apple Shipmaaia.
: . M e«U pw bnahM but no nm wtu
The tus lla«to eatna down tba bar
ba handled oitU thate an beard troo.
Rev. i. W. Millar.
early on Tbondiy with a load of 1»
Tm MH« «f mpM.

' i%» uria€ «< lb* »«* dtr «w

' MU» «M eos^M«d Thandv afur■6an.tba l«i«tb tliU Muoa Mas but
two BOM asalM tbw« aad a baB
AD nalaa Ud for tbia
yaar are ata«eb.'tba hstaat batas «>
State BUM. m*B Boartoaa atw
to Boaa aUM a Uaiaaea o{ tJM laeL
Tba Baia wortt waa «aa la racawood.
Mtea Mas IBM la wan
atraat fcoot Uotea to Wadawortli.
Twalftb BUM te Oaaa, Wtea«b BUM
tm OakB waat, teat BUUeatta BUM
tm Owa to Uatea, BBwood aTaaaa
fm mb atraat tt Bwaatb atraat.
two biocka oa Strialoa aortb (n>B
Fwat. oaa Mock oa HaU atraat aortb
tm ftoat, aad two Woeka oa Wabater atraat aaat tm Boaa auaai.
Work bate* ib™«

baa apM bar aUlre Uta In TiatM*
Cttr wtth tba aoMstloa at bw 7BM
actesa ate tba IBM aniwte la qfc»_fo. wb«e aha was aamad » aatpareaat work, and tba beat wbO.« at
A win follow bar
Mr. Baleb li one
•toi of ^ TooBSar |»bliabara «f Chloafo. tba DStexU®* »“b
wbMb ba-te aooBOCted harlns a aatkw-



I movable, and

Ttareisc 01; Stole Bask
■.•ARkANO, CaMIte

Unlrenlly of Mltelste. mjpfrom a hicyde at Owoaw aad »ustalned a •IlsV,
a of tbe brain. Ocr ear a
•ly aerered from bin b.-ad b) t
fall. - Wbllman wn. unconreloue i

CAPiTAU 9aoqjaoo:
A CeMnl BuktvBviMMfis



SfM Ccat •Unr^bk TlMtBt>Mlti

U BBkbiK. TraT«n> av j

1. W. GWMI jliiii"





i£dk£co!rf&hsrt, Ind


Yka ipwelote TWMdawoa of Jndso nni
: ■Mre Lorte Bobwtt wpi DM te An' .sBMMtbwttbtrtoDdawfaioBBtoaredto
Sttneaa tho marrlate of Mtoa Marfcia
Bcberta and Piwnk Orto Baleb hf Cht^ Tbe Wtlre bowe waa Mabrntea buastlfulty teoeratod. ptok and
i bdns the color ateane of the
. PoUted arebai of
M wttb piMt aad white aMaru oqt
IM Ml tba doora. wtedowa and
dAtoae, sad (aateoas et srea with the
MteB tewun Made a steoafnl tenopr
la Tba larse Mr wtodow where the
catateoWr took ptoee. Tba baloatiade
- cf tba ttolrwar dowa Which tba wad-

bqmto cf applaa and SM eaeke of potatoaa. TbU. with the frelsbt that baa
at the dock for tbe
paat few dare, delajad tbe ateamer
tUtoola orar two boon hare. At Old
Mtoaton there ware lASO barrde of the
Dnebeoa applaa to be loadad which
cauaad a dalar cf two and oaobalf
boora and at e^ of tbe bay porta be­
tween two ted three hundred bnrreU
of tbe fruit were leaded, ewuetos delaya. At Trererae aty TM barrels of

vMatlon. Rev. J. W. MUIer of
Fourteenth street Methodist church,
elceed hto labors Sunday. WTille he
wUI realgn from aeUve work.' he has
been in the barnets eo long tbu be
can't get ooi mitlrely. to tor that reaton ted for bit love of tbe work llseir.
be will be an "emergency man" and
supply pulplu whceever a mlnltllr
t needed oo short noUce. He will alw
bold quarterly raeetUgi ted autot to

ahlpmtetL after Ue oonalgnineBt M
good! for'thto port was unlonded. Orer
IM barreto of tome were Taft here with
potatoe aaeka tor Henry Blackman,
greeartee for tba Mnaae^iu eomptey.
fratt and hardware for tta local mer-

‘”BOT.*Mn'MHI«, It 7* years « Mgt.
He wni a roung man to LoMagum. an
attorney, when he feH the call to
preach the goapeL He heeded and hto
dret ttoarge wak to toe wildemecs of
toe north. He hod a circuit which ex­
tended for miles ted wlotcr and sumr. be tramped or rode through Uie
hlng all the
Peloskey on the way up. '
re his roads and B Indite
to the

■ad white pUcK sited the corean
the pwtan aad altttet room.
Aa tba U>hun«Ttt wadding martii
w« playud by tbe Mlaeea Myrtle WV
let bM BlaaAa Bareum (ba wwddtog
puy daaeaDdad tba otatro.
tbiwa^ tba tong porton. ted tete tbelr
^aa ted* tbe comr et pink, wkite
•Bd green to tbe bay wtodow. Ftrat
•oma the rtbbte baarera. the Mlmae
iMtoe BMk and Orete MoTtnn. Omea
WOtotB ted Mlanto Walt. Heton
Manre ^ Ogyle OrtewMd. who
y iBjtok ate white
W evrlad ptok ate white rlbbou
teniht -with bouquets of ptok aad
White awoat pena. They were followed
by tbe matton cf bbnor. Mre Leon F.
TRsa, Mater ef tbe brtde, who
White crepe de cheM ate «
' loaaa. UUte Bobeet HaaUngi Mtewed
to wbRa. aanrlac the ring to a large
foeq. ate nm^ tba Uttle Sowar
girt. Bath FbMer,wleo In white.
Itet enme tbe brtde. wbo was asquUUMy fowate to while ehlSoa
white teUu. ¥lUi real lace. Sie earited a ebower banquet of brUe



the arch of flowure by toe groon
hto beet man. Jack .Woodman of BL
LOOU.HO. Tbe ceremony waa aole
toed by Bar. D. OoebUn. ate at
eeoetoaton a dellM>tfnl tototmal recte
tten waa haM. Dorlag tbe ceremony
ealeeUoaa tram U Trereiore
given ud at tbe eoaelctton tbe MenMoBchB wedding march was ptoyed.
•nw dining ream waa beantlfully
trtmmad to green with pink and white
natera. ate orer tbe dining table leng
. toopedfromlbeeleetrolloriotbeeor-i
‘wan of tbe table, wbete they ----' ean^ with pink antto rtoboni.
oenterptooe waa a large bouqeM of
tdnk ate white aweet peas, aad the
Itobto were Bbaded to ptok and white.
Tbe wfreabmenia were lee cream to
tbe form ef pink roeea. enkea, coffee
ate pink and wkUe benbena.
Mr. ate Mre. Bakk Wt on the
t thq^ Bonhen
tog. train for m
T wlUVjnake
'toaocta. after which they
extended trip toroogh ttow^toUr
Ttoittog New York. Waahlngtoa and
otb« aasten potota. They will be at
home Mter Hot. it *t 1W» Addlren
nrente. Cbitese. Many beautiful pmMta were received wUefa wUl gm«
lafTT------ cf the muy Mandi of
both Iba brtde ate sreem. MreSalto

lowlnt A portion of thU wDl be nsed
tor UtoftrbUng toe methods of good
rate buUding.
Oder cenato eeteitlena and on applkatloa to the Mate highway eommisMoner. It will be pooiible te time for
county or tewnablp to reed
certain rebate oe toe eoM of rates
bdUt neoordlng to toe ipceifteatia
the mate blgbwny cemmlsataBer.
eourae. toe matter will not be ef any
great extent until the tegtskiuo
omei more libemL
"But the ftnrt that has been made
IS still h
the teanlt wUI be that cad> county and
lowwhip even may aaa the Alrect
•la. U Michigan tollowi taXthe
line M other etetM which hare tehan
IMBtiem ia hate, the recdu will be
M WBiMd heasfft to the atoto."

_ _
Methodist ...........
Grand Rapids. FOr the left fourteen
yean be haa been preaching to vartaas
parts of Borthem Michigan. When I
Rev. E 1- Kellogg died here he flilej
bis yrar as presiding elik-r. He ,
LChed four years at Crawn. three
al Bk Rapids ted four ai the Asbury
He&tbdist church.
Uls last charge has been the Four,
leenth street church and the East Gar­
field church. He has preached In the
mortitog regularly at 'he Fonrti-enih
street chuicfi driven to Bast Garfield,
preached there In the afternoon and
r«urelng. preached at the Ttourteetith
atreet church to tbe evening. Rev. Mr.
MUIer to proud of the fact that he
never missed a Sunday.
Tbe last quarterly conf.-rence of the
Rev. Mr. Miller'* church was held
Wednesdav evening. Rev, Dr. Car>1 presiding. The street church has
•ea very prosperous during the part
wr. the congre*attan» have been
large, the Bpworth League, and tbe
prayer ted claaa meetings have been
well ntleaded. the benevolence# of the
church have nearly doubled and tb'o
Sunday school, under the efficient leaderahlp of C. H. Jolmton. to fast becom­
ing one et toe moat enthuilastie and
prosperous In toe city- A number of
valuable accvoaloDS have been re■ - by
• cot reraloo and letter—largecelved
and energy
ly tocoogb t]
r the ladle*. Tbe cburcl
Ugh'tt and a new
hqye also been added
Id the
At Bast Garfield
t chsrch has beun
jmewhat depleted by the premoval of
_ __
-w to Trarerse Ony
ted other ptoeea. but toe ebureb Is
very bopsfuL New abeds
bum and the Ltel

2» a mst su at. iMK ws



Osuaty Btek 81d|., DRBOIX

Tire Insurance!

Plat* CUsss, Stwn Bollwr afKl Aocldwnt Imursno*.

Moicy to Loan on Improved Real Estate Onlj.
Roibm 310 NSW Stats Bank Building.

erawOM to tbe llmU and aRer tbe boat
pulled out hardly anotbar boito waa ....................... ... trail*
toe frozen exponae of the Intonnedlale
chain of lakes.
Alibougb Mr. ------ -----------toe rougbost men of the lumber woods,
Frank HasMtCn of tble city U
he never met wUb anything but ktnd«f tba
appointad te form
On bis way up. with a large sum
towMiaa and perfect the Ml^lgu dl- of money to hla poaeoatlon. be slopped
Ttoton cf the AmerlcaB Bondmaker’^ at a hole in toe woods railed Cadillac.
There was a mill there, also a stc«.
atlen. The wppointmeot was hotel and saloon, the Iasi three being
Wedneaday at tbe Port Huron >mbined. Tbe joung minister slept
tto toe bartender that nlgbtMr. Mlllw dediraied the dret Indian
Mr. Bamlltoa was .Mi^by.
seen by n Record
chnrvh of toe region and at Pine Lake,
this morning and itatod now Charievoto. bo held Indian ramp
meeilngs- Thfero Is no phase of plfr
neer bartshlp bnt that he endured
For tbe first three years, bis aalio'
was 1200 a year. 1100 being from tho
m&lonary fnnd. The people were
ted toe county highway com wllltoB to pay nofv but eouldnX often
mtoMcner abMI meet at a time and Ucklng>ren the necessities of life ted
times Ibe ubdaunted and '
by tbe Mate htoh many
trepid minister was fare to fare s
r to dtoents maUers stnrrmllon but the Lort who tent
of road Improvement.
'^in 1X70 he was presiding elder of tbe
■The work of the committee
lo dlslrtet. lAier ho prearbed
which I hat
was unable to be preaent at the eon
Teatloa.- anld Hr. HamiRca, "la
doubtedly to aaaUi to tbe ortenUadoe
of good roads braachet or anxlllartes
the Btate laatltutViB. 1 hope
hare the atete highway eommlaalcer
here to a short time lo lay the matter
re tte people of
Grand Trarerse county. 1 hare.wrtlten Horatio 8. Bari lo come at bis coo.
and meet the people of the
"Under toe present law about (20.» haa been appropriated for this year



TravwrM City.

We Like Big Things
VTliilc wo’rr willing to' euppljr
atu-b light tliinga in himlior oa
ebinglea nod lath, we <lo rejoice
over ortb-fi for big joisu fpr
framing vitml acaffolding—ifa
the immeniite* of buildiitg muteriftln that intonwto ua moat.
Thal'a an indication that what­
ever you want in the lombvr
line in procurable here. Let ua
mill that our prim-s please the
biist poated.


and ate the aMortaMatoT
Lombar ud BniUiiiff
torialstobehad beret
Did yon erew' visit onr ffiiU
sod see what we are able to
tom oot in the w» ol lattetor Finiab, SeroQ Bswing,
Ttuning, Stair WoA, ete.

If >-on an* gniiig to IniiU or repair, oor prieosbad stock aost
help you—Wait oa at any timel

CttteMa Phone, sat BaU.fW.

Sciitb Side Lmmbtr C«.

STOVESWhen you buy an Osk

■. n
' /^,

aiasbing, Sbavinfl and Collet


Stove compare sites s*
wen as prices of the dif­
ferent makes offered.


Jevret 0»K*


are larger than Others of
same numbefi, aad as


Fuel StoWMfB
there are no others to
compare with Jewels.

' ^

OfluiDc Jcweli have the HI
above uade mark aad mjhart in


Jewel Stoves a^ add ate III

\V« have what you want in both quality and price.
It's a good chance to clean .up. Get the price at P. K's

We have just received Neat’s Foot Oil, Castor Oil
lor oiling buggies. Lard Oil. Gasoline Engine Oil and
dope for gas engines. You will not be stuck if you oil
your machines with these oils.


Have you ever tried the

«ox*l Tlcur

cy.\ TUvmsB

tend OofFteUfl


They are ^ best

Caaatd Cam

Sold reily by

Xrore* Shrtotek.

AL0. THunsOAV, »cmMBeN 7. im.

jMt l»M» dl»e®*tr«d thB o«Ht*«r tht
car ig Ruwi« n«r tM. mv^ror of
Jaw «*a •!»»«*«» thi PWM oifooiiwit ruebcd by m onwyi «1 Toa


C. J. Moorea,

The Better


Haran; Dr. Uidna D. Habbanl.
Hoosblos: Whiter C. Wtocheatar.
Onai BapUli: H. K. Load. An Sable:
Ooone a Hortoo. mnridffWith the eloetloo of the abort ofl-

TTic tissues,
of the riiroat
riiroB are
jinflamed s id irritated; you
lugh, and there is more
irrita^ don—more coughing. Youtake
it eases thej
«d OMl alooE Una* cosseyed by the B cough mixture and ii
reaotuUoaa read Taeeday creDlBs. The ' initaoon-Mbrswhile.
irriouon-Mbr a while. Youoke

can. vUeb took place yeaierday i


While thoro b a ramoU peoBlbllity Ins. the Hlehlsao aaie roieatry
«( a oeHeitt taHeb U It bdlovW that <»i«iini' became a tael aaa not a theory.
The worit of orcanlxailon wai cartha treaty •whle^ hat baan partly
drawn a •><■' ^ rMtflly apprwW by
tha fdlara of tha oppaaing natleoa.


A high Buaalan official lataly
PWPtabiiag aaya

tha Ulk of

baint daplorad by
. Ha eald h

Patoe came, ha aald,

cthen 'MveaU waa plmoet exhauotad
flaanolalty and

Itode arere

1 acaoeUtion eought to defraud thej

tar ReoaevMt -tha mr weuM hare
tloocd and anarchy oreold have broken
out In Rusla


paaea modified to read "cute land*." In order
u the H^lclatnre ebould not think



„ tin ‘-r.rjS|E M-u l s i o n
; what ts neces*an\

Probably no moeement in the cute: throat


it soothes toe







It nourishes them lack



a caMagraa

for hit


More time


how bcon s hmulsion deals with ^

pildilno the latter'e thanka far the of- tboosfat has been siren to this work | a Sore throat, a cough, a cold,!
forta pffi forth by tha praaldent teward tban the prouwler* will etc
i or bronchitis.
At yctlcrday's Bevtl^all editors efi
lo Hate were voted bonorary acms, .i^Th# a^Miaa
M algnad at high n

;rs with all the pHrllegas of active
Bcmber*. A vlporou* cmBpalga of od-

. a Act

(on I

Oi Uttthn bad «> the Roman Catholic church. He w
^ pn toot to Sira oxprewlon to tha o( tonrlau Mb Old
Dlpbt which they fdr a number of yonrs a< Ihc bt-ad
of Prealdeoi aspertcnco/Tuimday
undoubtedV win nc
the Holy Cross lejninan'. H was fn
^ BoMereU-i peace uhlorcBtet '
They left the Hitsloo'ln a gasullpe Notre Dame'lbat he was ordained
gyeetiBs him in a
' ber on hU roWre to tha enpiui. A Uunch bound for Trarerec City.
port of
Bdward George, a fihcboygan. Wit.,
-CTMt ooitpoorBs <d dtkees U proB- Is quite etisloBary- with


^cooBtry'* appiecUUi*

“wMrfrtWr, »>(•.
' BoDaert^ deelinoa

to go to

craft, the .engine went wrong. After

Hffetad about by the ware* for
time whlk> the Bentlcmen In
Portce worecndcewoflng to get the en-.
He re-

man. Juapod from a window upon the j
baeU rf a bnrglar who lud lnir"d,-rl In

bis rotiin. He llieu luok'awaj- Mu' r
ber'a revolver, inunded him Imo s
glue U working^ the boat was with 1 mission, marcbod him baek to
bouse, fed him and rdicased him
r that nebop .O’ConooU of
his promise to reform.
who made arras
Id wni bo oKielffied by tbc
'CarcIcBs of the fate of her eosttyM pipB repreMaUtIva to go to Japan er to uke them to Traversa City. Tbe gown. Mrs. \Vm. Guggenheim of New
oa BB iBporUBt dtploBatle misrton crew of the boat spent the remainder
& V ' -of tka nUean to tba BSkado. Tbli of the night at the arcrey of tbe oleP V
waa doddad apoa w tlijb wBdailoB <4 menu, and daylight round them
applled bandages and- soothing to'.ldn*
the Oemeni CD.-a iloek at BIk IU|dds.
«ooth tor tha peace bawiuai.

tacM to Vpahloftoa Sept. ».
, 1.—It U CBIOfli



A BuBCh at. Old HlMloo was telePorUBOBlh. N. H.. Bept L—Tbc phenod for and aoon came lo the
• Brat 4iT« of the treaty of peace bo- cee ot the dlaabled craft..
twees Boaila and Japes U completed
BSleea the eouBacllors decide lo'rerUu
aome STtlcte.

B. B. Buae of tbe sUte


to tbe hunt of Richard Kenned

workaaaa who fell from a seallolding
oo her house aad sprained his leg.
PennsylvanU’s much ulkedof law
suit has l>een settled. AngvUm-

Quincy. Maan-.l^^ll.-ln the pres­ Hams, scrubwoman, has reeelvt-ii b>.v
ence of a latge company of larlted dollar, wth Inicrcsl. from "Mill"

departmeu aad John Sulliyan of the
ter. presUent ot the llelaware.Valli
pofUffitoo- doparunoit arrirad Uile gscais and a crowd ot spMtori tbe
Railroad Co, whose relroad the sheriff
Bocwlag tp cngroaB the dsH text apoa big baiiloahlp Vermont was aae
Ibreatcned to sell on an exeeulluc.
th«gv«hBasL .They will have ttcom- «oUy launched at tbe yard of the Fore
he did not pay ber for ber work.
piaM by Twaday for algntsgJv tbe
ig:IO o’clock today. The new craft
John P. Holland, the submarlnu w
. esveya. , •
The eaaBiffia(B.rrsiBtng tbe doru- .waa ohrlHenad by Mlaa Jennie Bell. ard. -nys be has wo naderground «
knock. iIh- meat Me to a htieb over xhc article th« yonngcH daughter of Charles J. ■er greybmind that hill
ycUUag to BaghaUn tiland on ihc
qneailon of fortlBeailoBa, The draft

TriltSBlir-'1----------thla by tateraie*;
' %«g
^yg tkam
aea the right
tight w wet fortttea‘Van bat tbe envoys
tbe tBSt'-.--.••«BBbtitUiee«iToyaM*>
'««;* niannal meeang
.^Wma^ worn. Tbe Bus^
•Md It waa agreed that neither
ttaat ahonld ibe perBl)i^ (o e

Bell, goTcraor of Vermont.

preiMB. ewdlhM (be bare



pfartbww.______________ ________

___ id's


iHrrabi a iiagmr prtasiH aad nmUata
la ewtdouwaty. thMsaeeeanva vwtopven«

LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT 188



S'™ ~

Tnuo (tan* Trarorw piy (XSa. at. *a*a*ql-

l^or.ToaoB sAia-Drtswit h»«B,

‘oTSi; tS.
•i.wnHui., UrswS Tr»r--~ Ovoai^M-H^.

It>. EdviB U AUiteei <g Trarr—-_Cny. Mwlr

ot, SIjaw -- —
aoriiBs fov Bcaata aorsb aa* «*U»- Traie tears TrarMaal^ty eW p. iw.. <a*aaa»-

w ww Im
LMd, for IL* Cuoair of Uraad Tva'arw
'aadMa'rofUKhina.on ibr nrMrotk«ay«(
A 1> ISA, ta Ubn *4 H Monref.

„.w IBB

MO,, of Tvo Hos4na aad Finy-Oae Dd^
a>HTv>-oir S" Umt*.aad ae AlIcnMy • Fm Ttwaaamrs tros Xurtbs^ )«ffiww.aag
of v'JI—a PoUar*. (WoviM for la eald sOTt

LOT 230

r-gayJ ’.2.GJ, gkyaJ
bvraby gira IbU «•
Saturday U**


at l«o-rka^lo Iboiorawo-fu tbv* vtu U

Lots iSiS, 2JM).


as advertised arc now sold

LOT 196
LOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 214

■ These are all early selcctiocs aod arc the


•t gaar-


S’i"i'S‘‘J5=svsss; _ S’SLS £S;st5i.TSK2


raytre fsv Bo allowwasa. tbaraH aad

UlWmaMHIhr asMv H In B-Bsw
^ftBafinws. hanagSMB^sM

S'.KS'.SW “ 1

i lia Ul. rma A Aaia--r, viwei w rr\iimm
U Ur maurr H ibo eassla rf Lucy
‘*Oa"Ma*oTa'<H Hire tha pHttte*. doty veHM. .^Iraak D. Uaalord. prwylac tor tbs
aiWAant rf a gnardUa orrr tha prracai
ar,r>ata:r rf aatd wtaev sad tor aw* oebw
ardrra^.prvOTdiagaae Saar la raqaXivd l,y
‘‘rUrroi'n 11 l■oRlrfrd UairrMay.tlwXBd,

Handsomest Lots io Oak Heights
the most charming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now largely built over, and good lots are
not easily obtainable. These lots will be sold sepa*
raiely. excepting IS’2. 183. lS4, which must be sold to­
gether. Alt must go for spot cash, aod the prices


CUT rf TTaiarar Uly. aad Uo« caia

Aa.1 II I, fartbs or*----- -



t^‘ba‘«ii ™ ■bV2d"VSSS
Barald. a anr^apar pnirlrf aad etrvolatad U

,„^y, O.. 5« «.{«. 60—~-.

rfid eowaty. ihrw- auacMva «,ats yrMoae

ny^AQl yt^WlMrs^yaH^
navtsiC' aad la «br saywB* <k Ibr


sjmts ofl the Plunger. In which ihe!

nn-sident recv-nity did tb>- MciJinty
LaPore. Indto. Sepl. 2.T-Th<- famine Bcl. N**-H cxpcri* liau- Ru.-i
outlook la India is worse than In y<-afnew mlniaturii muiei rraf: a J rial and
three^nuriert of the conlinre
are satisfied smTv a. won4<-r. H
venibr eapocis her to wtilalle through
BpaalM by

iliu deep at 2P knots an bsur. -

The whole bunch of


The dowager • mpress ^ Jaiibn
geittag a palace ready In Ivkiu

A eynicnl highland gllilo thus ex- Alice Roosev<-|i
live in w-biie lii ihe
A aaeUag 0* Uie envoys Is ealled for plalna a certain rich Amerleaa's Bc-,chlueve ewpiui.
Miss Ro.-tc-tHi.
Ahia afttfooB to coeeMcrund approve
tloB In paying g:5.<«0 as a yonr's ren- ' chaperon^ by Gen. and Misui
:«rthc treaty.
tti fOr a csatlc in the north of Scot- of the Taft l>any. will reach 1*<
Cable----------- — Japanese Counselor '^■nnlson «n- land: "He pays tS.iHin for the beurc. cWit-Sept. II.
nonneCB that no mreeage has ■----------reived from the mikado for I
tic admitted (bat the dtawln
armlsUec yceierday *

.u,I .qjS... CATARRH

Fradcrlek Morse, soo of Park Morse,! - OUMWJB

if sold at one time and for cash down, would be

As the price '^oiiiti be made accordingly and to allow
for holding as an investment. Come quick for choice
of lots.

a farmer, hiu Just been gradualeJ: PATARRI-I
,from the collego of Emporia, Kan. Dur-. k»n I Mnnn
hug the ftrar years he w;as in college he!


more than eight mlle-'glj'j Pream Mffi
- AnBInotts and anthreclto. and the «
Ore atoppage of the fool supply neat every day. going to college and tunic
••Spring Bowl, declared Bare than pre«> again, and was
not ahseni a dir
ablg. Tbs operstors and the miners Uorre Is » y-ears of ago. He esiimai-s
,-------proparlug for the fray and that he rod* lO.fiOfi mile*.
all iigns polni-to a despereu atrugglc. j
Simon OuggenbelM. worth IIO.WM,
Tbe wUBt-honr *v and ^etull rcsog-!«» and one of the wealthlcn men la
Horeoo. at cue um«- cun _t..t
s are the chief polnu I ducted a Utile Shop for the sale of em- B-VT
e. It I* believed that tbe miners’I broideries and laces in I*blladelphU.



Bt. MltcbeU. U getting ready to I He made bis tm monej d*Hng the j

Also One Acre Lot
in Bifctiwood

iny-waa by datdrfaa

casar. ua lAr- 4W. rfi Ibr «lr>l day rf Korren
lar. A. V Iwa. vfii-K sid mortgap wa, by
dwd rf a,-isan.rBl daly esin-d by ttar sid
Sobanoo to Uattlr B- HraKi. rf Orar-'

tire atrengU at (he men In the bW



•trrf iflrrodo;
>U^. aad all corir aad eWgw
lAitra aad wlr rf ea>d w-irtgasrf
And a- -uil or arocrrdias at law or


nr.B «.•< '--y
rfM rnivlgsp

Jtin Icmg ago a cKltea of Glasgirel .laUr.mstwrH.

h Bay of SaptaroMT. A. 0- I 906
.. ID ocbr* IO thr torraoea rf earl day
.oUrei to ai: thr eovraaaii sad a«dtUott>



Seeiffiarp-T. V. Sawyer. Lading- peiBle. with the aok provUlon that hu
IMoxlcallng liquor* be sold on the

iZtFM Street

Oewseal Daniel E. Bi^le*' BctitB lo


ai «l

nttD a vrAi.BB
Jadfv of Uiv

Tiu'VERSE qnr. mice.

f.T rf rtfM drflan aad dU
AO.; .-barg-A rf fur-i-awo aad sain rf
Mid laurtcacad prro-iw> Aad as arfl at

gag.-'.r aoy tan tbrRrrf; wow III, i ipee t. ao
gacod prmdwa to tbr ‘"fO— btddrf. aa thr
Sttt <uy of Saptembar, A. D. I0OB.

Is-.cH rboeb* FUcr

nouneed that Cameron Corbett. M.
. entvmUv
Qraed lupM*. Hleh., Ang. 21.Prreldent-John H. Bleadl. Detretk
made over, to tbe city bit large es- At? '»?:
Vice PretUOTt—Tborntan A. Green. late betwrea Loch Goll and Loch Long. l^ruBUdsx sah U>wu>t •sld i

r «y. uraad

- -

left It a legaay ceaslttlng of a picture jchSIiH g««>. hsTtwsBud m J-i.

m«.ir»,pu.,to tij'riSi'Krsxssr.'iSSA'X'.
Uv>a«ICBv«) s^ dutrinsavt (hr rMds
valued at *2M.6«d. and now It


> Labrrbirf
Nrftcarn.. -a pep Uj. -ai ibr red day rf XoT-Bihrr. A ti l5», oo ahlt* *-wt*a** Ibrrr n
claim-d to Ir. do-at tbr dair hrrao? ibr
rf BarwityUrr- aad U luO Dollars. ■ rrj 73
for pnaapaj aad latrr-at. aadlalao all lass
aaiMiil aealBSt thr laad or-M) by ^
nMTlsacr. aad bwri ofora sold oy -wi.'. laori-

Fronting East Baj' 8 rods and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rods wide on north side for street,
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.

T la aattlng the en>

1 tor batter oondUlona for 1



SCOTT S BOWME, ‘-w^rsr*'-

Tha pi«elamatlen wao drawn up thia ocaikm win be carried on from tbls
aanOng by the envoys and ssaa at Ubc fortb, and even to the time when bor.ving a pet dog in bis fa^Il.v lot at
^ 01^ eWIad to Oanaral LIdavltch and Ulehlesn Shall be rctorcHed.
’Bushsrood cvmelery. h'ew Hoebelli-.
tterstnl Oyama.
N. Y.. has-ralt^od quite a storm of pro­
' A dlwuai^ araaa during the eonDeath at Empir«test.
Persons who have n-lHlves
Bmplre. Hlcb, BepL l.-G. M. D.
Jba anvoja of tha armlv
buried there demaad that (hoaoliuBr*
true# CloBcni. a prominent Ehaplro clilien.
iKidy bo removed. Ceorre D. Rawyer.
go bitfpiraet Immadlatoly. Tha
Tl» Jap- died at S o'clock this mornlns after a relative of the gonctal. is pnltrlnt-ui
tho RuaaUna, In- an UlncM of uoven yean, hii daplh
PBong those malias (bU doicaii't. Tin.K^d^M baoeme pparallva beinc caused by a coippllcalloa ot dlt- irmcien trusteoi are not eertain tl
fatmal treaty of
easet. He was CO years ot ace an4
they eao*order tho dog's body to
Tha Rvaalana yield- leavci a wife, two eoas and a daugh­
and tha mikado have na- ter. The ^s are Oaotge, a hardware
Lady Ilareourt. who has arrived
anooye of tha approval of man at Uaple aty. and H. H. of GroveNew York from Bnropc after an i
tema. Tha anvoya prebebty ton, Col. Tha daughier Is Mrs. Barsonce of many years. I* the daugbior
Carr of Bmplre.
Iba neatyi Twaaday Md «all
of the Amorleau diploma; a
Ur. CICBOot was forBerly In the
^peaaldatd at Oyffiar Bay Th^rarlan. John Lolbrop Motley,
hardware buHoeM at Maple Oty and
widow of the late Sir WlllUm Venio:.
n. I>otoribw|. BepL l.-DItpelcbai Wexford. coBlng here tea years'age.
Ilareoiirt, one of the must rmlovEi
Tha ^ody wUl be taken to Vlcksbors
{TOB Mawhorla aay tha peace
leaders and Haieanien of the liberal
, ^ Joat reoolTed by the traopa,'haa «uaH
are In ebarce ot Under­ pany.
' gnmi tor- no oOBors. boworer, die
Bar. Father Cavanaugh, tho now
-bOBowhat' dicidoaaad. UflnkBs that taker C.
president' of ibe Viilvcralty i.f .Soirv
- ^*M«y wet* kept from wlanlns a aerie*
Pry All Night.
Dame, although only 35 years of age.
.^MIeh., Sepi, 2.—A party Is one of the most scholarly men. In


SU « U- PTOUa. am».
Trarvra* City, aad


drives out the iijflamination ;
fltada a cotmt for Ma afferta In aetabr spoBce than thla profoci. Arthur Hill.
amcmbcroftbcooinmlialoo.haiTi»lt.;j,„jjj, „p t(,c weakened tissues

.wlMinCKwH ^drMsir uayheHWswAl«

hana* ft

tuf broaibt out a more seoproiic re- irritation; cuies the cold because

1 M. WKIa «

NMwIaa of




—i. t i l mm

TWr WMI oa--baU rf tb- rmUand vnarb-r rf


BMb Jacobs, wbo bu bee* speadlmg
^lae aolmai or gnaw bird protected theproed peiWKa ct a Btoe-pooad hop.
MsrtlB Kramer. Jr, baa taken tbe a peek at camp Lakaview. returned
home Wedneadap.
Lawtal to trab oa gaac Urda vHbla porittoB at Bottf drag store-made vaThe Barrr Lpcesm companp showed
cut bp the tealgaatloa of Fred Ma^
dor* or tba niSad cnmM
e IB lu r««*t B-iUw.
faera IMI Tueadap eventog and gave
Mt perwu tralalag nuat
a IB Mar ft the MaU amvery raalisUe vtewa. tadead <
John r. Bopd. the boatling Imple« aa« M var«iB ha« taiTT ftraam «t« ao «olDf.
«at tou. Is p*tteg down a wen for of tbe vl^a were ao realistic that
UabwfBl to nae dega 1b bnatlBc
- of the Beadon poang peopte

Tnvenc dtp

Rapids for a ft-w daps.
Mr. Slorcr rf Kalkaska w.

OBlavtB! to klU vlthaM ba*^ pracand
Eortlow ho««rt H-

iboetlBg aad kming or vonsdlag while elaitp paektog applea for ^pmeat to
to the poraoU of gaaie, of up fawi
Z, U Mortap was over fPOto
bdag. owe thenaaBd dolUre ftoa

cMae,9K. '
DBlwrtBl for anp p«rtw W wa

New Undertakar.

OalawtaJ to aaa *«■ >d boaUag.
Oal««rol to aaa artl^ llghb Jo
VtaiprfBl I* kin oatn 1»M OB Bob

aamoel BHeker was over from Aldea
Bervep H. ADderaoa. the acai of Wilt
B. ADdenoo Ud graadaoB cd the bte os boatoeaa pestcrdapHlaa Praneea 8lp retaraed todap to
SoBBti ADderaoD. ibe ptoooer udarher
home to Luring after a few daps’
taker. who located at Trareiae Otp to

Blaaa or Oraad IiUod, aad Id La^. tba (all of IBse at the close of the reBaTOB, Boalbe. Toaeola, Hoeemb. AI- belltac waa bora Hap 18.18S2.
Mr. ABdeiotm graduated from Ibo
la^ Otuwa. SC Ctair. Ukc. Oactf
ola.'Clare, Maaon. Maabtaa. Wealort, local High school IB the class of IWZ.



bdb. Baa*b. Leataaaa. Oraml Ttotaraa. doaaita aad OladwiD ctmntiaa

ud after apeBdto'g oae pear at
AgrieullBral Oollego decided to take
up the bBstoeae of which bla father

OaiavfBl to kUI aitll lUO la Kal-:
BkWirfol to km Boooe. eft aad oarf• , bott.



^ Op«laeaatailor*oi.Wa«iartgrap.
"-W October 16 to Komber;**, to^olSirfal to kin la poMb or private
yaik * ta aap lacarporated ettp or
* PMr Boarlng Aiilmab.
Ontowfa) to'kIU beaver natfl I»10.
Oatowfal to UD ouer. ftiber ud

Hap 1 to Nov^ber 16.


to km

latok. raacoo

mini I tor wait over three toootha.
tw*^vB dpitari: lor wolf uder


tktoo jMeatba, tea doUan'; for Ipnx.
wUdeaC threo doDara.
.< '
Oama Birds.
» riikbea, MoagoUu or BagWMBta,

wild' tarkor,


aad wDd ptgeoto-Biilawftil
a Uld. '

la,vOeC 16 to.
I. torinrive. Ontowtid
■ twriva In up ooo day. DnM^'*n have more thu AftptnpaaheJuataaponeUme.
Dakiwful to kill partridge. UanttntM vooee. dahrppar and ptarmtgu
tolaad, Alger ooutp. uUl

la several

of the

wertera |

Garrett Bruiborj are'brvsbUg grain ;

states for tbe last six weeks Ud Iher ! near the town.

Parks, has returned to Abb Arbor.
Ceo.-MeHuIlra made a business trip



"" “



to taka ‘ from atorited
atruM (or four peart after atoefclBg


HnahaUoage. aturgeon or any black
atrawbarvT. greeo or white baas-Un■
-oept with book ud UaA
Stock baas-Dalawful to lake la any


Ellt Rulda. Mich.. Aug. 61.—Tbe
aelghborlng tosra of Kewadin. Ihtec

since tk-i

x, r:ao coH*p<*.*

dfv as

,Vtbur ot the • U-arhi i c*iim-,i i,j ii,.- latpis-d ftwal uerved at
-r,].,,.- ’m io.,i.inK up the U..- J-me c mm. nc-mcal banqiyi^
fpun k IT..! Kwlm; wa» one ..t the oMert ul

tliruugh manv bauda (aoma ot
Utem not oti-r^lou). ‘•blcnied.*
you don't Inow bow or by whom,
IS fit for yourwwt Ofcotinoyoit


la aaolMcr atary. Tire sm
MMtes. aelectcR By la

f«dsc» •*

plutffKto. '

.Jemtity (WMted at ew A
wowU tool Bream Of arc takes

J^rom fAe f<‘r«« fA« evufee
thi/aftoty no Auiirf (oiicAcs S( till
it it opaixd tn your lUe^en.

iktefeuMBta uoNCSTRE toe iimarukrhcutaCtainA
•kf,-ii(..r.a of .American Homea wdcome LIOX OO^KFIB daily.
Tliore ia jio (.txonjp r jutiof of Buril tbu ooutiuuid and iscroa*iag iwi-uluHlv. -tiuabty survivea nil oj.jn.--.jlioli.




Wh.n my .lonors .vml all ..Uur rem-


now many women rcalixr that men«rusti.m_is Oic^balancr wheel of a

get bart-Qulte badly from'rallihg o

SSEsySSS.S'Jii.' the dutyofmothors

>wn Tuha^.
Edna. Beralpe ud

Tboo. Waters


l-l-.u til-. '-."fM
d.-:y lo t.-;-,i;:.



He Best
^ at the


abonld suffer so severely.

boom^ and Elk -Rapids takes off lit grudparenta. H. Dearth u<>
si to her. The" creamery there hu
e product



enjoyable evening.
Hr. Burke bad dhe mUfortune


Let Common Soise Decide



miles north. Is csijioping somewhat of ■pent Monday and Tucsdkp with ibelr



e thu Afij
any lo tnpaotch price. Some large sblpmenu Orange. Ko. 602, gave a plcqjc
VMawtnl to toke .m«
e tou
ton oae
gap one tap nr havyBara
receoUp been made from this Green lake Wednesday, toe aitenduce
bring about 112. At noon the company
kaadred tt pneaeuto^at any ou
to Chicago bp the steamer
aal down to a feast At for any Amer­
ttotoa uittito ud gua« birds—Un- The nelgtibon ot Hilton township arc ican rllUen md tbe way the granger-.
d Jusllce
towtil to ektp. na«l«
nitleu also erecting a commodious town bsjl | ud ibely frleuds
r*-'frr marked on outaMe «f haekage
wlto'eame ot canalgner and conalgnee.
toftW fOtot of bUttog and dcettoatlon.
. ^
A. a Dougherty ud Josefte Booth short
togo^ with toe Itetotoed atotettenl
promptu program' and the r
«f «otnto xt peekage.
Tbon-vantls .if Americu women, bow-,
day was spent In l«rttog. games.' cl
ever, bare fonod relief from aJl mo« toly
toa^tw game btrta abaU be Utpped
•nffering bv taking I.vdte E. I’inkhiim’s
with bis-car
‘bp tapeeaa. traigbt or baggage, or In
> Vegetable Compound, as ii -Is th.- most
Mipi^toaBMre^uhud bag- at toe Brighborlng towm. ud prasalsci era ud look
I toorough female regolslor ki
be ready for opcratlaa. And I eembly.
- a«Jcn.
^UHfeted game ud Aah-VnUwful now. George Lewis, u adept at the: Mr. and Mrs. Colrln and
______ _________________________________
has opened a marble yard __
at: of Traverse spent
W.-dnosdap ben-.
to taMSmn bepoad toe boudarles of trade,

t.-J chih
-s with t!

oris, where toelr boner ruks high

S<\ -

wliHn (he .-liv Iimiis wbieh Wa^
in the po»>^^.^.n of Jatn>-» lVhD>




log lut Tuesday.
Perry Brendage of Honor was


Bunw Uom Aprti^ to and todedtog


,1 U-e transr.T .<■. rleee of prop _ .r.s.!tvtloWfcU.«p^i-d U a Ptvwbr.

F,™, Head to Foot-Docto,. and

Budap aebool work duridl the pear number of hU-poong friends lut Hon The Caaa______________
surteJ u.;:.g Cut:
or Thousands of CUTM Mads
by Lydia
tap evening, the oceulon being his
X. ptokham'B V^iable Compound.
birthday ud cverp one spent » very

udar uvu iMkai to leagto.

Datowfnl to oeU brook traat or gray

AUna v’llfse. Ftoteaa.


a men-1. r.rf the


prated bp ateaa^ gas. uptoa. oil tourteu years. ThukS ww alao
>wn is bring cleuod op. stumps arc
vaaBw or eleetrldly or uU boat or tu&ed to too Methoaistelftireh
* lor the being removed by dyumlie Ud gen­
to BM anv awtral nr pant fen. bat nse of toe building Rev. R.
L N. Hoi- erally improved.
taiT.^-boat-or similar deriea.
uple and kUu Gibbs for music u
Mr. McLean wu a Frankfort visitor
toe TracOoB eoBpanp for low -rates.
Tuesday ud B'cditcsday.
It was derided to raise 6100 for suto
Harry Wilson wu sorpriked by




I i-rJ-'v-oi

Tbc» reporta sw>f j ,j,„ ,,, pi,„ngBd hart pas.«-d from J inoM prvnnloeti i>aurwt<ira In Mlritl-

MUtp Sunday eehool eonvenUoa
plover, ntpe ud woodcock to a ver»-edceea8ful end here peate^
Bendea. Hit*, Aog. .Jl.-Mra. ,
chas. Keidcrhousc lost a vahiabi-[
All Other Remedies Fail—SkTn
aai. up ktod of water (Owl-Opeo dap afternoon. All tbe eeatloBs srere Snider la vtolilng her sister at dWesj colt last T...-s.iap. Too much
Smooth And Clear.
aHrieCfroto Bept. 1 to Ju. L iaeln- fan of tateren^ and wfell attend^.
I feed 1s .ho.iBht lo have l>oen the cause ,
- atv4 teue. braat. Mae bOl. euva» Every township aaaoctoiloa M the
•Mre. Thompson Ud daughlere. Vlo-1
^ BMgeoa, ptotoU. whlrtler. apotmtel nad Daisy, sre spending a week ai,
Miss Ella Wilson went lo Traverre ANOTHER WONDERFUL
H^ivad head. boUerbalt ud eawbul
Much recret wu ezpreeeed that C. Wejrford.
4iil^ toap atoe be kOled tram HarU H. Bites asked to be reUeved of the ofTwo of the gug of tramps ur burg­
16 to Apm 10 toelnalve.
Ace of president of toe couotp gBsocla- lars who have been hiding It the
Dalawtiil to kill more tbu twenty UOB. Ur. Estes bu served fatthfull.r swamp south of town ud annoylBg for lie past week
Mrs. Wall of Traycr^e City called
ive te-uy owe dap, or ban more ton ud uder bla dlraetian. much good toe town people were captured Friday
aovutp4ve to poaseatto at up om
A retoIrtlOD ot night at Thompeonvllle while attempt­ ' on Mrs. Dan Way Tuesday.
Mr. and'Sirs. J. ST- niakcslee
appteclatlOB was passed bp
ing a bold up.
Datowfnl to ate any AoatMg device vesitloB. He served the aasodailon for
The swamp road south ud eut of

Map 1 to Sept L
Datowfnl to bare

pladd-water*. Snudap a Dock of smaU

were on aelr way home when Ur., yield of grain.
l,a;id. ol il- ■ (toper Iaiuil> wane pte aud Urt Hen wiili the ewUeg-’
i Way was taken soddeolp sick. His: 'Several >-oimg people of thlf low^ii|.y||^.
so-j sln.-e i was slarc^l.
proIutUng .>f ■
risk to hbr cooslo, Homer Sip.
.. remwilncst _
;L;« couDi.y .n 1SI-: !
During the whonlele^ r.uoli. Just
Crleods here feel verp i
Howard Middleton of MsBoelona was
lilBj. ,
I -OrvUle 11. Slcbblns of CWtex. whOijamv
ti..r<-C...p.-rM- ot -e'rral
|.;<iuari ctal.-s, or S.nS9
a gue^ of W. J. Towers the first ot the
Mr. Ud Mrs. Tonnelierof Travorwe! suSered a partial paf-tk-l'
j y.-ar» In
;inr...sltacvi.-,no. ..SK«;-:i„....ris. of the l-.-rri.,.
irt MOP- ■;
City came Uoniliy eveningare! thrnal anrt u-nune. 1:
: itunenalLeri .he locality ,n1|.peJ Ov.m
Tbe prieo
Hiss FuBle Broombead. a sliier of
spending a few days with ihrir Urqiber. Ateg wlih Wni. Geddos.
,d Us^
t avorssvri 61 1-r erau. (Joe family re- V
Mrs. A. D. Palrbuks. ud Miss Mobifid Tonneilcr, and family.
E. 8. Norihn.p is «eni for the Che-;
the fan.
d new I' H a
gomerp. both of Allen-s ,Grove. Wls.
Grui Woodard paswu away Monday; bopgsn Snow plow.
! ^ m.
A fe» diiy- i|y n-nsbrlng of .dglil |mt»obs, Ob» left HoBdnp for Wniiamsbnrg inj evening at bis home north of town,! Cyrus Mendlib. Jr. Is,laid up with a
, a r,-ie.;tal.t. testi -a» a s.-S ..-tls n. ' t.1. l- rrl. s. which n-i-pblc toe whor- .
Travorto Clip ti
funeral servlo-s Thursday afletwoon. dlsea.sed leg. A b-ncAt dan;-,-thrt Del
la,l.e .’tu-n tUtf ..a cl-e.' I.tsp.e-; „ri--rrU-s very doori,v. ar,-Wmlng tti
Until the'test few wc.ks he lias eti- ted about Afty dollars v^s sftvn for ^ n l-r-v.d
le I,..:. .... ........................... „.,rh smaller .pmutttttw. TltoT
Ifiael Goldfarb left Tw^p to ea­
Joyed good health and his death eome.^: him.

,, u ..| Kalamaioo *.< tespousM.’e j oiv a Armcr. hut k-ss Juicy terry.
ter the Chicago uBlvcraltp.
great fhork to his many friends.
----------- '—---------HIM LAurs Hue! bu gOBC.lo Aaa
8. Hairy Uiirch ud Miss Flor-;
Slate News,
Arbor for ireaimcBt at the D. of M.
enee Burch of l»nllman, Mich, tomliev
Themss Oorker and Sejmrjr Ul-u.

and sister of E. W. Bureh. arc rtsllinir two ilale^l.nrc young r-.-. who sr.
Hiss Mariai Parks, aftrivtaro weeks’ In Rapid Oly.
j «|>eti.l1ng ilw summer^ ihf wo»«l. "t,
visit with her Brother. Mrs. Joseph
CtercneeVand'ervnn I,«tttbemlsf»r-|noftoerti Ml<Sl^n.


Oieefbead traat—Op« seas

; a trare Mlow BuM^I who wW Uke -

jf ib'c teuerabk-old
(d«i>-er» <if l..t-s armed vsyi'riiot cnas were
so frigtien*! w-ben th^ lady from T?»v-1 .< one c------^
waiting ft
City made tbe -high dive" th&t the viltogc. »«tt
party w.-rc not able lo catch take sreaii>lea*ore In a

me to have la-o of his flnBurs lutill) ! friends at home rt.-.m a uluUi • ui< ' l .
crushed one day last wi-ek.
.''uec. IlaUng* red some diMan. e .
to Traverse Clip jesjerdap.
AIlsl tV.sjliHTt Antehed work at ihi-.f:-m H.elr <-ui|> on.- an.-nnsjn. darh-l
Sam B. Taplor ud famllp are spcBd- City drug store Salunlav night nnd m-ss rsme .m 1-dore uuy. rearlo d to.-.
•Bg the week at Manton.
after a few days' visit with friends lu' r.«d h-i.llns to Tamp and tli.-y sa.n,
C. W. RlchmoBd of Central Lake KalkUka nnd »k Rapids, he exp«-i: . dise.iv.-r.-d they -*en- Jiwi. \Vbv:i ih.-,
trutacted bustoess In town the Aral
10 enter school si the Ferris insiltiiie, Im.vs bad .so-n-d bIn.ih oncriiall ..f the
iWrvep M. AadtfUic
of the week.
^ Rapids. Ihiring his stay ef over .lUian-.-c to camp tl»-y be gan u. hear
Prank B. Moore ot Dolrok wbo. with
four years in lUpl.I n.y h.- ha.^ made, toe lia-rls ot wolv.-s, that rhas-d them’
aad grudfaiherhad made a lUe itudp. bla wife, has been In town for a few
wide circle of friends and all wish Yor mlt.-s. l>.n rcach.nK camp-one of
With what prdetleaUoiowledse be has daps, baa disposed of one of his dwell­
m success.
Uiy. starU-U l« onior the t« tii. hm_
gAlaed from hli tttber ud broiber ing bouses to E. E. Cooper.
Mr. ud 'Mrs. Du Ljun visited, «as Murtlcl hy a vicious groul. He
ijh he baa recentlp taken spocbl '
Bd U Bdekmu. tbe popular Perc friends in ftetoskey this wieh
i Hr.-.l n revolwv, th. lr ..uly ».-ji|u.n, lu
.. ji* to uatomp. dlsInfccUon ud eat- Marquette oondnetor. hu purchased
.Henry Van'moved his family lo Ke-; to., dir.-ril.ui ul the! ar-l .-.praii..;'
balmlag In tbe Barnea School for an- the house on Traverse avenue roccnlwadln tots week.
^ .iuislde. l..ll,-w.-.l hy ■ h.-.-vr. Th.. hoys
balmen ot Cblcai^.
Ip vacated bp T. W. Preston.
Mrs. John il.-D..nnur of -Kalkafka, .llmtn~l a me by.
Mr. Andcreoo has Just passed the
ra ud win probnblr.
J, !>rieur last. IV;- lutmtely na." t.~ small fo^ I
callril 0
bp th
be occupied toe latter gan of the week
Tn.viiK-il I
,1 cllmh. a
■tote board of health and was
bp Mr. Beekmu ud family.
toinp-rii uoussfrt appMcuts
Mr. ud Mre. Dcloi Smith, wbo have
has moved into Geo. WllkInsoo'j
class of slrty, he having received eer- beu at Skegemog resort, ud spent
house on the eornir arrets from t:
tucate No. 861.
Soaday with Hr. and Mre. C. B.
- At prraem he holds a position as ver. rewrned to their home in Chicago hotel.
Mru.'Htaiy Smllh was railed
Aral amliUBt to toe Anderson Under .on {he steamer nunols.
Aldcn Tuesday hy .he Illness cfjirr
.•irtny oompaBp Bod Is considered e
Hiss Genevieve Brawn hu reiorncrt
brother, Oco.-cc Fry.
practical BU In (11 branches of toe to her Lansing home after, e visit
School iK-glns r.exi
Hiu Mabel Pervyj:. M. Sci.lly of‘lte.1 Ax.- retnrne.
H.^ Amerqpn wu at . Lone Troc
to .Rapid City Tuesday cvoalng and
Sunder Seheel Ceevcntlen.
Ppliot resort the Arst <fe tbe week.
will take charge of the school work
With ScalCS ud ScabS
DgdeasbniK. 'Mich., Ang. SL—Tbe

aparidadi CaWWla. LoA Leveo ud

He eld ms that the

laonner that he saw is a geau^ -

an unotmeemeai of the 5.-a;b

Rapid dtp.


The U»; be wu driuklDE-

of « to a dense swaEp. i lepia.. and a> a'resnlt of his dlsqoverp

A qak-t smile pased arauad rte eoa-tuo one srlll swim fel the lake, and tt la

ladiee and four toe mencftol the d« i gnestto of a Zvelud ehorcb 6unds>

Bk Rapids visitor Moadap.

ia apoUad eoat.
OaMwfoJ to panaa. IriD or aapbiTa
aar daar wliita it b Id tba wator.


fourteen Inches In length.
Word wn. raeeircd here Saturdav;
After apeodlng *a»e lime with her night that Lewis Wap Is verv'alek with '
Thompfontilk-. Mich., Aug. -1.—Tbi ^
sUter. Mrs. James Harrison. Mbs Ae- typhoid feror at Gread Junrlto. Col.' cow ra»«’ la Jnstk-e S’ortkrnp's cn-jrt
oes Daw retursed Suodap to Chicago. Mr ud Mre. Way have been ritltIng‘wB8 settled, witboai trUl Wednt^p.'

tfcaa bra.
Oab«f«a to WB la ta# aoat Of tawB

tbe bt^jtbo etaiomcot abom thc.AerS B%la

i (oliuwed the bear some dHtueo. tut

Hager bad tt
atp Hoadap.
apriaontoeDt lor ten peara.
igh Asb for dluer. *
tram M<»dap
The Mbem Lottie aad Juale M8^
Pm (he game departmast baa alao
crowd enjoyed a green com
Aftecn-poand huket
>me the raggeatioB that ;lt U the to- php of Couererllle. lad, are gneau <* beauties, ncab of them k-ss thu t
lout Mdnds.v ereniog dosrn on. the j
Rev. ud Hra. C. 8. Rlalep.
•eoverj rjver bank.
Incbcs and the most of tbom
i. B. Bopd it Ceeual Lake was u

Maat. tlM: wfartdeBl teatafa »•


^catiti>liig ouiAt broaitot In.

A. Htoer of OU Mlsskto It la this vt- looked quite consekras-

POBOlty for MgligOBt or aaioleai


9 Drevon. ih.-nearest iown.libe l.*ke View and gaps that be «B
» arrangcicc-sts to havi- ib< Ir , swear lo what be saw. He dealew that


There was a panp of aborttweotjl

1 tte lDae«tDj|-«Ada]

KvTMlMr ». tocladfc



Bert nagermu Is borne



These m.'ichiiH -- a r earned in siofk at our shop and
in opera'.iofT •'buz/niu ' wood. .

ing bfwsrm bx-.h. w i;!i Cm.




,! Ks£’^'£5'Z'£-;S’vi" r
To Cure a Cold in One Day
I Td»Laxative Bromo

tbla|t«e at up Uate. Provided, tort Kewadin. and christened tt -Sunny i ud attended toe grange picnic.
Mr. aad Mr». Archie Dlcklson
, _____.

cangbi to Lakes Hlehl Side- Marble Yard. Elk Rulds peo-|
HuroB ud Erie, ud the MeeoagnuilatctorirncxtdoorBrigh-idaaghteT. Marion, of Kalkaska 'Fere - ^
—....... '
psiaful memarwalioo wbMi eboptaa^ barton oonneeted with said


Fred MarrioU has rtalgjied hU po . Rhodes’, Wednesday'
tok^ ^ Baalt Satote Marie. Saint
Miss Oeorgle Ralman. who baa been ClatB ahStuw and Detroit rivers, map' ■Itlaa at M. E. BWU’ coner drag store!
t™. tu m.».d ..
be 4*4 traaepoited ud ehlimetaort
M iMa^taetd.

TTalawfnl to ablp deer

or pwtftn ot deer within toe atau utaMAotePbPiPd bp lleeou tog. \
Ptojaito map be toaoed bp toe Me

« ud au wwdu to It

I lasuutle. Big Rapids. It is ; botte fa Joytrid.
d tort four more of Elk RaF;
Gladys Wing to vtoUlag at W.

K. Wldrk...


\romfa who are tronbW with painUlliag. InAammaiit.n or ulo.-ra.
ntcras. ovarian iroublrs.


Mr. Htfddlertoaea-are all
a little better.


BtioB or tor blocs, toonId take
' Imme^ie arikm u

1 he children’s Ificnd—

Jaync’-s TronicVermifuge
Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles,
Gives tone^ vitality Sn'd snap.

( huator t6 take OM deer'ort

rtrentrtb by takiop
Bd F. Bow to laid np for repairs, the; been spending her vtagtloB here, has
of tob-SUU. when fully aattoSed soeb
______ B. I’inkbaai's Vegetable C«n»doer was lawfnUp killed bp aoeh aoa- result of a apratoed ukle snstatoed J retaraed home.
prand. and then write to Mrs. KnkHtoa Dorathp Ingleright returned ham. LrDD. MaoL tar fnrtW free ad<
iwitaat. to for psraaaal oae. aad that tort Satardap sight write at worit bK
tot eweiit taelorr.
[home fram ramp Lakeriew Wedacadap eiee. Tboosuda bare L«cn eared bp
Mr. sad Mrs. Henry Bualnger arej nSertag tram a (rioh on her Anger.



Ifosn to=r drutpil


Having combined the stock of the Ferris Implement Co. and Farmers’ Supply
Co, we find we have on hand at this season an enormous stock of Buggies,
Wagons, Farm Trucks, Plows, Cultivators, DriHs, Disc Harrows, Spike-tooth Har­
rows and Land Rollers which must be turned Into cash within the next 60 days.

How Are We iioing to Do This?

Look at These Prices!

150 Buggies
Whidiwin beioldat 15% to 25% dis­
count from Regdilar Price.,

Shoe and Disc Dr

$35.00 to $60.00

These are bargains you cannot afiord to mUs,.


, Ooe 180.00 lV>p Buggy
■for------------------; One $70.00 Top Bu|^
for--------------- Obe $55.00 Top Buggy
' for------------------ One $50.00 Top Buggy

A large stqpk and good assort­
ment of Farm Wagons that will be
sold at greatly reduced prices.

About 30 Disc Harrows which
will be sold at

$17.00 to $35-00



The finest line of Farm Trucks ever
shown will be closed out at

Two $76.00 High Grade Driving

WagODB for------------------- ---

One $37.50 Road, Wagon
One $80.00 Cuahion Tire Bike




$25 to $28

About 50 Plows, comprising the Bissell, Burch,
Biyan, Syracuse, South Bend and Peer­
less, will be closed out at

$10-00 to $12.00

Some Bargains in Second-hand Goods.

Om *135.00 Cut Cuder Surrey

One $80.00 Spring WSgon




Five liood Wagons, Sizes 24xK to 4xJ2 skein
Three Wood Sawing Maeliines, all self feed.
Three Hood Sweep Horse Powers,
Four (.lasoline Engines, ^Stationary and Portable,
One <Jood Hay Baler, 15-ton capacity, with « borne
- Mounted Sweep Power,
Several Good Plows,
One Good Team Harness, li»incli Heel Cliain Trace,
One Good Team Harness, 1? Heel Chain Trace,
Several Single Driving Harnesses in good condition,
Two Good Single Work Hatnesses,
Cne.Pneumatic Tire Bike in gooil condition,

$20 00 to $50 00
$25 00 to $65 $0
$10 00 to $30 00
$75 00 to $450 00
$25 000'
$5 00 to $10 00
$12 00
$18 00
$4 00 to $8 00
$12 00 to $15 00
$65 00


One $5aW Spring Wagon
. for---

The Above Are Only^^a Few of the Bargains We Are Offering.

I?- . ;lt will ^pay youu to take adii^ntage of this opportunity and secure goods for next season at this sale

Farmers’ Supply Co.

1ST to 13S State Street.

'Thaxrerm^ City, \41cttl0an.







Iria M0DtliR-cc,lnclu(liDg Tuition, Boots S Snppiies
Fall Term In Session

A Few More Days and You WDl
JWnking of Going to School.



We BSk alt wbo nro thinking of nttcmling * Boainew OoltFRO to make
V a riait, and thoroughly investigate our school. We jwlicit a careful conrideraUoD of the narite of ow school and oonlially invito paronts and tlieir
Heri.K.oJl«»aini«»t il. Emy dc-|«rtii«at o! tin «>bool ,i. opoi lot
t any timo.


re partioalarly anxiomo4o4iaye par former stndoits who have porgted a WMEWO
ooano VJ
to rolnra
and m
«oob«o <at once, as there is a good poai- ,
Uoo fw yon at the eompIcUon of the ooi^
' If ypn have not started a coarse vith aa. we aro sore yon can do no bet­
ter than to hs^in bow. Bnmembor that thne is money. In the strenoons life
of tbo Twentieth Gentory. the bosinces man most t^- fall advantage of every
witmita He has no ^mc to srasto in bothering with stow atenograpbere or in
oorreoting the errors of faalty typowritinig. .
re in great -----------domand'
Skilled ai»iwuuueB«B.
are a drag on tlic otaiket. Bnsincss men are wiDibg to poy
largosnlaiios to bdpers that rpally help.
And that is why oar oouisu pays-tfag^st. We fit oar Stndeois to be
aiperts-B)iistetsoflboirprofc«ion, witha master’s pay and a certainty of
Wo know we can help you, and TO know that yon win make a eoecoA of
yoor work in ooraohool. Utherwtso wc'conM not sSobl togi\x3 yoa a month's .
tuition fraeioorder.logirej-oa«chancc.tomakc a thorongh invostigaliou of
o«r methods.


Frederick Ireland. Congreswonal Bof>«ter and ahorthand cxpwt ss«;
“IH wcroyoangagainand wmntul to cam ?2>,OCOa year, h)' Hm timi'I waa
thirty. I TOohl h-am sborthainl aod tyin-wriling. and gel into thcoffioe of some
big business conoTn. Thi-i* is no ijuii-kiT. sorer wny to Imrglsritt.- sneows.”
Mr. Ireland was a poor Iioy. isisod in Adrian, a smaD town in the soethpert of Uiis state. He U-gan his piviiaratioo for his chosen work by at.
<■ t.-nding si hoo! half day at a time, and wofkcil in a i-rinUng office the twnatndT;r of the day. Il is likely tlrnt hi* bad to nwlorg.. some hardships; sacrifire!
some pleasures in orilcr to get his preparation, but it |«id bim. Young peetdo
it will pay you V. make some smTificc. if ncocssary. to Uke a conlee in our
BciKwl. and right now while you art- young ia the time to make prepar^oB


. i a ;1’

for life.





Risilizin^tliat your imporntion is tur lifi-. it is your duty to^get the lawtIf a suit of dolLs or a dress to bc’ worSTWrewt r'lf your life were panlo^
Ikjw much rare wouki U- taken to p-t the r<-ry Inwt. You buy your ad»oofti«
l,utoi.r..mBliMime.audcach year y..ur iduralion \xxont* more valoaUe


Night School Four Evenings a Week




' PEkCMEir fwi « K n











... .WA ^ owpt om BM Ao bUL .w'•< OB > «■ BU It WM am BapBoadw nuo AU Htoe gm foB tes MiAg. wbaiMOt
nt#DLn,!«Up?U.iflA ODd AM*
WM iflrtog; -Oood
Dtoaa. I'M get a load of ptoau bore ano aot a aaaad aaywben. WbaI
UoAtofor a Uttlo ‘FrUdy girt*
or ODAeUa.'
-Oenoltol- Ac old tody-e abrilL
. -Bbeatal
VMn •!« ptouwt ui>c* to •»€.
boyta■B. a«t
iw tmr» to «itl* trot
"Kov" AeI BA aaowend-—•Sgytow pmUaot fcM 4coc mom o( tt< aooB aa bo aado for Aon. Ac odUo:
AM Ear rdend tbaae-ftldbtoWc tog Sowlr BhOBd Ae earner of ibe
imMmf tuo ooaMr. M4 ah* wttto
woBld Vaalmh. ibc taeoi baeoua aol apoOed ao< e o' bar flowen. akUrt klt^. -BaUe tried to aH tar i
ta*« m Wk* TOor tarn Boir. * UtUo eua. And ao pi toot. dUh a rawn. bring *0B right to bon.
aa. bat am a aoAd woold Arne tram
tour, wfc«» ?oo fot'ooUUd to yogr Oar Dot fatoc blUBoU oa lA alato
It Ae oarBor
bor trlghtOBOd Hole throBL Tbe Ug
•chool vort)^ Ttn tare aoBoauc floor. toU bla bead oa iila ton pawa eaaaad. aad the ooaad of fooUtepP go- Afog OBBO Boanr and pm om ita looc
tip wr w roo wfckfc AO U,WU Wfll and oooBtod onr tbo boef boaoi be lag Aek and forA took Ita pMpb. TbA arm to o^ Ar—Aa H uoAod ber
tettrat rut •
had patm Artat the toot weak. Kot CoTBUla-s cmadBotber beoke At to and to a lerrltao agAr of tau
word at Ae aormoB uuAod bla: It cspeautoiiA: -TPHl. then waml ao, Are AC BOAtog UOle erf.

aU tto biB to do Ala. Tbot Bowen.
-Vhx. nx JceelMM UUle glrUe’"
From Up|>to«tfolUi»*l»o •• Ukt an etoar onr bla bead."
ooaMal Are Uated BrnWa a week ot tld Bamata'a tender ntoe. and abe
tho- {oUowtoc otorr o( **Oar Dof to
two. BBd tbcA ptoau BiM Aae eat M gaAerod Ame to the tortag
How Conalla Took Her Rtdinca.
bfAtt. “DaI tnablo ao. dearie.
aUght.■'H« w»f 0 unto ^|ttur«d w ftrto «Bft waa a cold aftoraoM to tbe an- -Tbor coat ai Buck at bia UU jmr'a SasBa boa jon tight. How did rn
iBBm. Tba akr waa doodtoaa. and Ae akUA wAld brtag." roiarBA Ao dAlA to be here? Nonb bu
wtod had a ertopBcat aoscaaUi
to Uncle Joha'a knkfog far r«B
cr Aeorfonj. "Ther wet* a bABtr
boat CoTBUto DIxae wni to tbe troa:
pair. wo. Bot hart a bit BarnAd and Oaorgo."
ftc, 0^
out ot Uto OBBOtnal rnrd. eonrloc ber flower bed wlA
Ara. mra he. ‘i gvem I ca get akag
qolot tb«r race ontdcalr U tloc. Onr won ^atAwoA quA. There were WtA BT old OBA Bern wtoter.' Klee «U—br—mraeU." aobbed Soaie.
TU tngbusad oAd «o«ld bor* SM Baur Atoca Aal CorBOUa eared bor. HarBood -Aifil roa fell aatoA. dldal raa?
te, bet abo lond her fltfwera wlA ae
nto oat at toon. ooJr the door*
Then waa a aooad bebtod tbepi iUie •Baa dropped a apoA frornAe wtoebMfd. Ho ooeo rmrarA bImaoU. touatllr IbU Bade w for ber lack r.f
choked err- OoraeUa atood oo Ae >w and cune ooi to aee if abe eoaU
tbv v«ro OBlr IMka ofUr oU-ooi* oAer tetarcau.
BlUra. ttarlBf bard U (be row of pot­ MJL"
Ranaoad Ror. aa bo wept ui
aa bo MW e*err dor to alroei aod
ted plAU raagod atoag t^e wtodow- Ha Ae big daA ametblag Aa:
Kept of Ao boat bouao Wokod o»
lodW of'Ao alutog room. TbA wlA- driCbuned Siule waa iau (he lortog
"Ho bofu to MeotnUe one oftir oo- her and uaUod. "Haklac 'em eoiB- o« a word Ao ArtA oot of the opA ■Baa abe waa loegtog for.
(or , Ae aicbtr bo eUlod dAraad Mto Aoaest
otb«. .Ha «Ud U »et op o Unto aoAfW a while wbA Ae had told UI
eWiUUr wlUt t^cn. bat thar took Ui- acras Choortlr. RorU, who wai dote
"WUl. if Aot alB-l a war to act!" bbpW(.4t mamBa aUd. “1 wdaer U mr
ito or BO oeUee at bla. Brairbodr' at bit toaater-m beda. gated at Comolto uM tbe old gTAdmoAer la koA
Btap *iri AB retheaber thi
. ad otroocotr caumood tod «}- bCBlcaaatlr. mod wacced bU boAy tifleulA. "Thai cWM dAl toko after thnoA Ufc Ae Mg dark. dromlfU
tend. LOar Dec U * pet. ud tkla cut
ae a mile, aor Ar of mr folka." :
wbaMiB are oftA Ae rerr bleutogi
“I ato’i a-toto‘ to hare 'eai apolled
Mni. 8«it bit U 0 oHt-nltoBt nnp^
Ranaond. Jaat tome from acbool. ABt we WAt (he Boat, end tbu mr
otlre Botora, ao ^ threw hlMoHf on aar aooBer AaH aeed be."'nturoed area lelllac bU DoAer tome of the bATAlr Father Ja nlwnn proaAi
bla own ruqpma dor a:
dar’t expertACA. wieo Cornelia baret with
«» lm» I'lB TfflIi»I.___ _______ Jt ot the pro- WlA beb. She did not mllr Uke Rar- to opoa (ben wlibom Ac formUlir of
-ru trr." Mid Badle. -^Bd ibA ni
pilettoa e< Aorch or AarA aorelee. : Bond, tor tte atoritor lenoon tbu be kneeklag.
n« be «DCb B"Fntdr-’-^eleetad.
Tbo Aetr It aopandA frou the ee»- alftr* treued ber wtA aneb ceotle
'■RariDOBd Ear." abe bogA la
oBir br a aiifbur ''•tood dptetute*- •'Hehaantnocallto beao ebeklag rolce, “tan'ra got to take
I DeiCrFeel Uke It.
Oa AU wnlkA Our Doc. pUlie to ne." Aoocbi tbe AH, who tboee pUnia back. It wonld ktli aa to
MtaUeMt earled a to Ac eoinor
Aiala Aera wfla ttottoc- He aaeH: oonM not oenwebend RarBond’a do keep’em. I dAl baroAy- ft Ae»ig lOAge iB^be sttttog room,
flni of Aa brgan: he Aaa aaoK <d ^ u treat erery <toc courtooualr, bodr fctod
•be b«fd her pendl to coc hand aad
Aa oiflaalat and wacflod bla toil at and eatpeoted tbu be niebt be mpk
Tbda abe atoAOd.for U ibia tnUaU bgrflrfUiBeUc book to ite bAot; but
hhB. fto ortaalot looked wlA aa in* fan if ber. .Bnt aeaaltlre and ana- Roral wUked tato Ae room, and at the ■be WM Bot worklag. lamead ot that,
OBoaod and btod)/ ore; but be onM ptetooi na Ae waa. CorneUa oonW aot aigbt of Ub OoraellB't rernnaM ol abe waa ^ag odt of Ae window, opDot atop. ' Oar Doc Aaa anoU at Aa reptr pnar u aar oae AU aaemed
posUe. todnlglni to Ar droflma;
ttoaaapndaado; bo amolt of Ao teoor: totenatod to her Bowen; and eo Ae TiolAt aoAtog,- Ad. faldtog ber face
Prosentlr Ae lamped op. oxetolBhe auall Aon oa obo aide and Aoa Wiled to aaawor to Ae aatatottoa
Ae dog'f ahaccr bUr. tba bagead
A Ao dAor. TbOB ho wwl boA bad ber noiBbbora.
him Ugfatly. while RoyU tookA ot
•Tbere! I flonl see why I've got to
Tbon!" Ae oaM Iriaaphaatlr.
na^ Am all‘onr acato; alto Aa
rr la a porploxUy AU BaytoAd mork eznmplea AU bright aftanooB.
0CBB. That ^ -a UUio eorlDaal the taekod a
fuUr tbarod.
I’m Bot going tu 1 doBi tml like It."
-ft«o,,tolli^ A a cteraa ot doc> A Aa protacOBc qalH, "bcbo of '•a will fiuietod U tou br Ao*pBiUod
ABd^ Arew' ber book a^ peaell
■Ido Ad Uut toaa U the kera tarpmhr of RarBAd'a babot. Ad bu aalde. aad rA oat toto tbe garden.
rm Btotakoa.
uobUoc Aoto. ft blto. A aar rau. U
arh aooAtog ktodaaaa. bat''|poU
Mamma, who was loUtlag «■. m
»BB hot ■tol0Cr^ Ha walkA -aroBiid Aoo^ Ae dangOT ArmtoUng ber of A br RorU’a ptcaatce. CoroUla noAtoc: bot Ae raamrod to teach
It,, and aaelt A ararf eroA and cor- trmt«rot waa qaltc onUke AU agUau b^A ber explAUtoB. totorr
a to ber litUe girt, wbo waa co
abr ie flM A Ao sraiotr- Ha tried wbiA Bbo'waa prtnrldiiig. RorU waa mw aad tbm br a irreprnalbti
atmUlr glvtog away to bet idle feUMCI a'nmalaBlUartlr ont A that aa lUUlIgmt at a dA noad be; toM tonllr, under war bafoe
tos. Aceordiaglr. whm ftnar e
deed. Ae eld taraor AU had prooontchoir.
DIxA awoared a tbo econo,aad. to, at six o'clock, expeettog to Bad
ft hto^ ^ Ihf oM bA rtwf.
CMdiitoM: areoarMbowBUadahaDd od'bla to RaraoBd boaatlngly de­ as her bowUdend brain grMpod tfa« pv OB the Able, Ae mw Au ao proppaw to ti
U waa A bo clared tbu bo "knew more Aa mbc
aratlnna had been made.
Ha atecd BBd iookod aad wa^nd whole IBBlUM." BmtoAlapaitieator
Mamma looked np from her readhta bMbr taU M Aaa aa terd aa ba inataneo bla poBOtrUlA waa u foaU.
■praada a pUebwork
Hot. aatflabiy. Aar-kept aU
"PotoAf Ae ertal IndlgnAllr. i
0 oot." abe
"It’s tbe mald-a n.
Aelr -ptoaaore U> tbeaaelna. Bo be quUl A Ae grooBd.- RorU dAbtloaa If -aome ooe were nceuatog ber of
explUned, "Ad 1 do not fed like gMleft'Ae choir ahd caue dowa acato argnod. “It moat be la Ao hope Aat
"Tbero Ual a drop ol poto<
npper nody. Ton may go into
* to ectotodt OM
mder mj roof. 1 Arew away ibU Atenatalo apA ft.” But to Ala. m wC .. pollab toat bouae cleAto'. Tbe tbo pantry. FabiF. Ad serve yourself
I, won two little Aria oa
'aab to iiUMhil t
I oome bread Ad milk."
badtaaoL Ha kaflw Aoto: he bad cb- know. A WM BltUkcD.
white alull to Ae lairbottle that looks
Tbe little girt. greaUy tnrprlaed. dU
Whoa RariBOBd ABfl At-of-doon
iwrod uaar a romp wlA tbeoL Jut
like l( la a dnpepar cure tbu
I Ibe wna told.
Ae AlDct Up be jBtoped wtA hta pcU M>ntof. Ad MW Ao patehwt
TwAl faun Ae dog a mite.
Bm Ae waa more tnrpriaed A boor
pawa OB AU back aaat: r« ana Aar mat flatloBOd dowa npA Ao oarA.
Itorbe It'll do bjB good."
tUer. when mamma aUd;
wan to ao haaor lor ptar- fter BppBUAoo todlAttoc that RorU had
The IflM of BorU’t Deeding A Cld
"itl time for bed now. danghter.
pioAod bla awnr, and lookad U aocb pMted a rsAer mtleaa nigbt. Ao bu- > dlgemlaa. atrock Rartnond as ao Ton muft go opsUln aloae toalftat.
other aa If to aar. ‘DM roa enr aee aoroui .aide of Ae UttmUA aUtuk amuatog Au be broke Into a rtagtog.
t doB^ feel like gotog wlA you."
^ Arm. and ?e iboalod with laagh.
to Aprebr
boriib tough. Ae atorrlmoat'oC wUA
TUa WA mpf* Aa FabIc ^Id
_________aC enfTWbbre. Our Doc
liifeeUona.. HU mother sallod. bonr^ have to mist Ae ev^ag
wobU took doaar tau Alt auuer. ^ ConiUto waa tookim U blm Ad Cornelia gate o Iremaloui. bnaky
toOk.Ue cosy lodrtag to. and tbe tost
Ae picket tAco, ber face qaite laugh, biding ber fluAM face u
gpofl bight kin. Sbe rA up to ber
np. SohowalkodU AotAOBWndof eolortaaa. Ad her ereUda like emit.
RorU'aneelL Bren OrandmoAoriHs- iwAer, Ad. Arow^ ber (
“Ifi all nrr well for roo *<> lAfb. A Aockled tUsUy. wlthoot qoHe nna'pow.'joBppd oa It. ^bWad Ao
atood ber aodc. asked aakloualy
-pooplo'a boekn. and wUUced A got to Rarnmd Ear." abe aUd. “Peihapa dentbBdtog why. As for RorU, be
••Wbat Is tbe matter, tnamaa? Are
V ooDeAtog roe lored waa apolled. gated apoB Ae group wlA a <
ymiflLrA wAldB't Alnk It waa m fnanr”
aeeadlag Ur. aa it be felt Ae wars of ^0. flw PABlb. I am quite weU.
RarBoed waa aober to a toatAi.
Aa Ao bruB eeaaad. Bmrbodr aat
in belagi to be past uadentAd- Why So you Atok ICm atcAge Aat I.
dowa WlA Aa aabdned craaih of sUk
tog. bat was reoolred to be patlAt akoqld do a you ar* omatAUr doand broodetaA. fterTbodf A ^ BB.r be mid. "And t nerer tbmgbt WlA Aem aa became a dog of broodtogr
bODdi eajBo aear Utttag a Onr-ftg. bow bad rwt'd feU."
-Aa I SB doing. Bkmtur’ repealed
Bm Oomelia oaly lAked
It ra a lOTTlble oeraable to gat otn.
Atur AU tough bad ctoarod tbo U‘ "Still be knt bo oBptored. Tbore wiekedU. "Prapa rwuni na-------- nwopbere, Rarmoad aald to ConUta,.
••Tea. dear Every day 1 bMr you
Maettine,” abe a^d. Ad. torUag. Ae fluAIng a muo u bo aptSe, "Tou'll
wM-a Itoo of AUn A Ao atote.
yourtelf from duty, aaytot,
AO at Aaoe AUboratolr «U Oar Dog.
hoop Aoae plaau aarway, woal you?
Her mind bad ben bAc up from aa a alga (At we’re gotog to be good I •! flonl feel like It’ ' Tou aee bow
U OTorrbodr woold do BoAtog bat alt
work lii Ae home life If Ae r«m
atni aad look U AU BA to Ao pu­
fHeada after AU,"
act ao.
pil.' ao waM he. But KAohow be BAdb langh^M reached ber
"I don't deserve them." answered
"I want my little girl to reme
Borod OM bind tog toadrartMUr. It She WMI about ^trerlt rery qaletlr, Coinella hnmblr.
' Aat life It full of tasks (hu 'bare to
and tA old grAdsother wlA whom
allppad orA Ae Aalr’a odee.
kept Aem. neTeftbelnt. aad bo done, whether we Teel Uke i
'Ae IliM BOtleed noAtag nanbAl la (bey meaat to ber br more Aa a iry
D(« dUppad OTor wlA It aad mb
Bear ABbltog aa a bUag whb foor hpr ellecico ar to Ae lererUb gAaB Binder of a faelpfol frleedAip. Day not. We mutt learn to do oor daiy
wlAout cODiultlnc oor feellagi.
Ics can. All thia Bade ootoe bad U- ot her eyea.
by day. aa abe watAed Ad tended
"So. tbe next time roD Are <
iraeted UUbUa. Little bon aad UH*
After abe mw tUrteAd atari awnr Aem. (be dellcue anfoldlng bkmaawn
pies to work, keep at Aem bravely na> aAml bU borlA fnco xery oober,.
Ad big bon BBd glria aaichered
UI leveagc
iDonod Ad alratoad aa aIj people CMBeUn-a benrt begA to pound bard reu
reak AO
Ad woruuesi.
worAlen aso
and to
to jwr^
nreach ut
because yoc don't Teel Uke
aa U aoBeAlag had terrlfled ber. Bbe
rear pretMeat Ukoa U ofl^u bar deok CA aeleker. Aoyt Ad atrUa
' It.’
ptotore to hanait poBr hoppr iber onghl aot to. Kne aoBa of Ae dlBbed op to Ibe dotty top Aett of
•mob, whb Ao aBBBer ub 'ob Think It Out.
a ^hlie, atQkr Itqald. WlA
#iar waa good, bat woA to c«><. too. Aa tried to pm Oar Deg At. But be
Once a niMmA left M« properly
tout h.-dnr SBobaaMT It waa JoUr bad A Idea of gptog. He' had toae Ala Ae apftoklod pMatUoIIy
to bU three wona ^ Hit will gave
to waka np WlA kaw. Dm dan bafon wlA Ar folta and b* na oot gotog •enpo.of Beat ion troa brenkfatt. aJ
oldest oae. bUt of Ae
IbA wAt to Ae door, ber am togging scan of A oM cow."
IBB. bat It U Bteo to flat UgoAor acato ' aA Aer WAt. fte atiAge
. property; to Nnplo, bit aecoad
nttle BOW thu tbP time for bcUa
Bnsie'a eyea fliled wUb lea-n.
BBd tolk BTOr UI tA cood Uiaot befora ;grabbed tor btai. aod be dodged bln
OBcAlrd: Ad to Aag^iai. Ae y
WiM'BM oooB balf 'ao win U Aon :tftc and agntn wtA mU hit aatl<
-HoyU!- abe Ailed. "Here, RoyU.
aod agtUtr. Tbto waa Maethtog
wtoe aot aotoo obo to UU Aob A
pleaded. "It’s Jnat
*'Obr SBBabtoo dopBNtoOM baa bBd a like: It waa Ipdeod hB.' The aextA Oood fellow!"
The' groU dog COBC orer Ae fence Ad we're ciooe to Ae bonae." Bnl i pbAts. Ad bow wm It to by divided?
nnilBC. 'too. and wl^ Aoeq Are A«« ap Ae ebaoe: It waa ratatog the
the boy on the fenro was Ured of Ae j TbeM eleUtoats could oot be eU np
a boAd. Ad to a BOBA
^ a tew Mill, roar WUdOBi l»
tide her. hmktoc lain her face wilB borne yard aad he rA away down Ae \ very weU, to carry out the tenps of
^OM ftor.'rarr InaaioBi tor a coad. hlB go Ad alt dowa; ho atood u
big. hooeet eyoa, aad waggtog bla tUt paatnre. leaving Ac IKUc girl to ptoylAe will
Ad AAlnBofl rtoH tfom UI bar fta- dlatann aad looked U Ub aa It
by herself. She seliled down wndefi At Uai tbe Ar« aona
aa U la tbacU for the faror
•btim Wbewlli AtbbinttewrHe oar. ■WUl. Uni roa gotag to try
Ac big apple Itwe with her'flail aad j wise man. Lranpudk by
abAt to reccire.
CBd MO M hboat tbo ranUoa* Whaf Biar
Bat. when
bbd taken Ae bai tried to be happy, bot her eyes fol | asked bU Arice. Lenaponk qoleUy
• Ad yoa A? ■When did row go oak ‘‘Ttaea. to a toaoeoat Ad touebWhs' «U'Ao BOU tatoroattoc Ato« « tghbraaee AU bo wm rtolattot troa ber flngen. a toddA pmle mlzed. kjwed Georg* aa be aped over Ae pas- j took one of bit own
tore. It would be dellfttful over there' drove It to amtmg Ae
tbaf’bwwcaad to paa. aUkar at hotoe
a boy-a Aooghlleaa laaghtrr. If It wia At fOT Ae cow She wUbed i by tbe will "Kow," aUd Ae wise
AAarlaR? DU rwo work a»d aara Ob Dog amt boMly np a Ae''palptt
George wnUd atoy under Ae apple |moa. “wo will anppooe Aat yoor
B thia bcAtUnl. tn
bar Adbbr. a>d wbU are roe lotac to UUra while oar BOaiotor wap peAcbtrwe hot* eloM by Ar kftebea where! Aer left yon tbeae Ugtateea elepbAU.
4o wtA It? Ict'a UI draw onr chain tag. asd atood and mmyod Ao oa- crounre to nofleHni n»d dAA.
mamma or Kerab were Uwayi wUbta! FaenAnmi. take your Air Ad depan.'
cncatlM. todoed. be appropituod Am Ae door hard, and flA npi
BP eloaa toflUber Ad tUl eaA
•e Fnea^oea look alae elephAta a<
. At BOA the prepared ber t
Bwh Of AU coBgrogatiA'a atu
flboM 11.^1*11 wUl BM Bake n bit
Bother't dtonor. bat ate notbtog bey
Ikya I'm a Traidy." abfl
•IBIiAbi * we aU talk at Ae
telf. Rfac Md a boadaAe. abe tUd. momored. wlA ber doD-ciooe to her
«Be. Dbfl-t wUt for aocae Ae etoe to
ebeUt. -and I am. Fm ’FkUdy afl ^ AW Ad go - SoNoplB took fix
•wrlM its; ftar pnUdM wm
BBBraBM which, to' B nemna and bor pUior mode tbe
TAB Ae toM begA
tottan baton aeoAer week. aad toexpericDced tpeaker. woUd bo OOOB nry probaMe.
floreru boon lUer tboro wm a ring ble out of ber eyea aad oA kid *«ri "/Mw. DtogAt." sUd Ao wUo man
better Aa gUd or dloBAda. He
j to cooUnalon. "take yoor UaA Ad A
dldBl ATO. Ho Bselt of Ac Btoluer. of l^bUIUthefrAt floor. OomUto. taco to Ao grass.
It WM very qUet. Mdor Ae APU i goBe." So .Dtog-bat. well aattofled,
ter arMb to eU AA Ala wluar. awk Ho lioaght bo’d trr oBd om If Ae lU- lylafl A ber bod. wftb ber face blddA
trwe. Ad AO boos biwim-it a ooft tUI-^Aafc Ua two etopAeU aad am fortbA«hiApaBaA*BhB»aaBhan.UM ur wore la a aood br aar oociabiUtr- to tbe pillow. Atrerod m t


Mo: be wia bdtoaf tboa anr A
fMt T«a kAHitr abd aOAoa A Al
tbte crowd id i«>pto who aal than and
koiud ad bito pMttod Oar Do*.
•So cttold oea ao oonae to it. Bene
Uttlt bora aad flrtt did anDe aa ba
auod Iboro; ...........
tbooe ai


-^ssir.s £•“-“■



, ,
STOBiES ae aok brave bots qi blue-iv.
k to ftvoo Ao iMt at At gBriM\Ffam MiAi'
eiwMowonof ton. Mm. Roim li
,hor mholo Ufa tn Ulchgao. and her mUn atUa mM veey dMr to
her. Ms.bora and gino won, to hau^uia bom end deartm hart
■lU fllHa to Ao world, flho Auatod Aom. had foWi to A**"- b«llovod to thorn.' Her bam Aougma. hoe bom
wanfit««}.toAom. Thoeo gtortM From hRehifon Hiatory are her tagacy'ld
Aon. Thiw work ana A« tom aha did. When IKe wm nMHy
dona oho Arefullr nvised Aom stoHek and aha lived to eee Aa
flem foe> IB print. In these eleamg days of life her thoughts
wart mill with Aa bOA
8'Ha of Mtehim". for when aho hod
qlvefi As bom work of the bam A*™ of a boar lifa.

WIA tbe close of tbe wu a on of gnml proaperKr com .
to MIeblAB. Immense lonuiwi wet* asade to the ptoerlca aM,
to Ac Btoea. ftUlreade aent Iboir slender i'toea of ateel Aroogb!
uabrokon foretta of-thr mrA. Ad vllUges. townt and rltlea wero'
atriiag upon thrm. Xortbero MIchlgA became famoua not Air ,
for use bbt for bCAly. Gay aummer remtrta rptAg toto extoteace
la mAy places where ladtoa nrlgwama had been Ae mly eIgM at
boBUB b^llailon oa Ae boarbea of OrAd Trnverae bad Utile.Trareral'ban. aad almg Ae cbala of ^nd tobeo betwfe* thf
Trareree City liad Petookey grew to be b
lo Ao grwU army of Ammer iravelern which goea oot yfarly la
SMTcb of health and rem.
Ill III I III II I mil.....iim||ii"f • |--| --1 :
wberw two AArod years aw9* PbUmi Jamrit FBAera madd
ibHr mUakms Imoag Ae wild Mvagea. A Ae yean wpmt «■,
t A wblio OgbU of Ae rtoeirie age abMc At o**r lA Umma <d ,
Oltcble Qnmee. tbe Big Sea Water, where the red glow of IfldtoB .
cahip flreo hA IlgUA ap Ae wave* at they roUod to owl of Ao
darfcaooa of tA BlfbU. For Ao lonely ea« of Ae tooa m ft «A
from Ao toko lo (A totoad manboa. waa Ae-wlld abriok of tA
loroBciUre aa it took A arrowy flight aerma Aa toad. IraviBg a
kmg troll of xmoko and mearn behIA it.
AS tbo lereota felt. Ae coitfa grow grMB wiA gnaa afl<
golden WlA hnrvaot groin anmfld Ae faimcn’ homea. cAnglng. _
.to benaty nad eoWon Ae roogh cloorlaga It had talua BUp«
anM aad eoara«eoM boarta to bow oo^.
Tbe end to not yot.-M Ae twMUelh oontory enMo to wlA
lu prophecy of graater Atoga tor Ae MIehiMa y« to bo.
AM now we aa^ goedhy to "Mlcblgaa, Mr MKAIgafl.*
•nwM few atorloa of her fonimM are bat htou of whu her kl»
tery bUdt tAt you UiUl road wlA glowtog bMru aomo day.
From Ae UUoa bkwoomtog to Ao wllderoow^ Ac hM |
rtaoB io Uio Stan. Fblr and aorcao Aa afta Aside Ar tokM aad
itoteas to Ao moUcU ripple aad whUpor of AUr plaeld waton. .
or to Ao gTOBd Aoru of Aolr whftocappod waves m tAy
to under Ae n»A of mighty winds and fall ntwa her abaroa. T
Peace and plenty are wlthla her bordora. Her broad wbdu flUda
lie goldA to Ao oua. aad bor orehardi' bang heavy wlA frUl.
Her grou tofoau. full of weUA for her stBtog anAd oima wA .
shall aome day fUl Aem and let lA aaDligbt la. are beautiful la '
tbeir cool depths of abade. Tbe treaauret of tbe oarA-Oie bMOf
bid to Ao loogb rocA by Lake Sailertor'a Aoroa. Her Ur ta
pdto and broclag and ibe quiet ptoeu Aelde ber blue watero tflvlto Ae world to arndmer roM and qnlet. Happy bomro xtaafl
bCBMA Aelr Aelurlhg trees amoBg Ao greoa moadowa of bar
fanaa. or gatbor toto it
or go to make Ao hM . of busy towns and oftlea. :
h of Ae feet of an ber IH:
there ara tbo oehoolhoa
Uo AUdren.
And wAi at fotor* daya? TA Alldreq at lA adwafboofoa nuat toll Au story. To Aem UoAor Midblgaa tonka,
tbu tbe glory of Ar future may sever grw dim. Over Ae road
to the acboUbonae. under eammOc onn or tteoogh wtolor BBQwa. •
. hUeblgna-s Ailflren march, a bUf n mllUoa airong. a gruder, '
anay tbaa ever king or empow owned. Over Aem to' tA/
beavcD of Ae PUher of ua UI; tamhH* Ae flrsi allegtoace doe.
Abcne every acboolbouso waves to Ibe brceie tA glorloaa flag Of
Ar couBtry. which Hieblgaa'a Alldreo win never aee loworefl
to foreign foe or irUtor wl Ato our ton'd For to our hearts la
Mlrhlgaa. guarded well wlA love and pride. Ood. ODqntry,.
Home! Wbat a glorioua three to live for. and If oeed A. to dla
May Hieblgaa'a boys A aUoag amd brare and troe. her .
girto aweet with Ae fUAful. tortag beans tbU make a bMeea
on can b: and Ood blem tt I eveay oa^

Tberwopem Lenaponk took bia own I could not go on. Ae maa atrnek Arflelepbant mad drove bA bock borne er. Then a little girl, Amy by name,
got off ber aled and ateppiBf up to Ao
AA wA bad made a miataA?—Bi- man tald; politely "ConlAI I help yoa
with yoor horoe, air* the Itmd of wood
aeema very heavy tor him." Tbe man
' looked wery moefa aurpriaed. but
A Deed of KWfMM
- stopped Immedluety Amy went np to
The hill was Ulve wlA merry girto
on a bright Saiurday after.
tla ear A nnmooon ta winter. WAt fon It waa to ; ^ ^
a few of A*
deed to coast awlftly down Ae >C7 , ^g, off the cart, and troPaferilng Aem
•lope, and WAt aAota U HnglA |
lanUifr m Ae aleda flew down the!
>he waa very geaile. and tA floblo
Young Ad Old aeemed to A Avtog
^ p^^totly wflltog to obey
(he gayeai lime poaUble. Big boys oc
vUked f—g and mUIy
double runnert. wltb crowds of be oogbL ' At
ww at their bacA. wlA rosy cbepkreached lA top, and tA Ara
and tporkltog eyes, lursed Ae oArp
comer it tbe end of the hill, to .hori
j^e ehnrea
1} Alp drag Ae beovy corryUI up to r»d-algbt to go
tA top ngUB.
^raaoA. •aytag.The son bad UmoM set. and ha roay.-M.„y
i*g,. gad ta
light flllodtAe mreet. bot before nay y,,
mtay." which sbowed Aw
bad started to go home a maa driving , ^
wMApa targa toad U wood Agan to awttmd
giggj, {A borne, or lA Uttlo
Ae icy. poA. TA sleda ateered oot of I
betopgM to Ae SncAy for
the way aa tA poor bone tried Umoat:
crgHty to Anl^f
to vUn to go on.
i —Onr Dumb Animals.
Sodflealy be supped, for A eoold ' :
go M M fnrAer. The road was ae;
Utopory Au to tiylag to walk hU hind ' ftffato U to eelobruo bar ooo kMlega sUppod friMB AaeaA him. The drod and fourA UrtMay A a flarolmaa soemod oeroged and bogaa wblh-. vU rttoh will A beU Ao flrnt VOUt
ping tA poOT crMlnre. Ai tA Aroe I to October.
. '



MV. tePTCMt* 7. IWfc

duM cooked in tbe Oerman style.
rwHi.- ebe replied, "flrst t cook

add a enpCal of dder vinegar, a cupful
of grape ymee. three-pounds of angar

r^ieo hag mmulnfng two ouaeea
vagatahlea a Bag. Bag wWle. thaagBBamoa. one ounce of aiovta. a
iBg the water several tlaes. 1 drain
Boall pBee of ginger root, aad obc
e« tbe flrst water and add
I anmeg. PBee B a preserving
aad then perbapa draB .oC the aeeood
aad pet ea fresh water agaB. I kettle over a sBw Are. and cook until
cook them asm they are trader. Tcty ef the eteaUteatey <ff marmalade, atlirlv ceaatanUy to prevmit bsrelag;

Utaiinf Powder
Royal Baking Powder U ipdUpenaabIc
to finest ax>kery and to the comfort
and convenience of modern housekeep­
ing. Royal Baking Powder makes hot
breads, cakes and pastry wholesome.
Perfectly leavens without fermentation.
Qualidei that arc peculiar to it alone.

-for lastanee. la eoiAing cahms tbe Ihit should uke about oog>onr ^ a
quaiur. Turn
Bio 'idlT
tambleri and eoVer when eoM with
- grain ihU off. aamettBee th
sir limes. I think' H gjrei the ontos
Mead Paare Pod an?>ut B small
better taste and they are
pieM a peck <ff Bartlett p^i*.' not
strong. Then there B aapai
or (hrea Umas ovet^pc; arrangp in layera la a
i do tbe same poredaia fceule. sprinkling wHh flve
way with
paraulps. cabbage, canli- pounds of sngar. Allow them to re­
flower: la fact, almofl aU vegetables, main covered over night, and In the
think, are belter If cooked this way Bomlofc place over a alow -fire, addli
pound and a half of crystatlised gin­
know some people say that I drain





ispoonful of powdered c
the smaic taste from the vegetable and half a doxen whole cloves. Cook
nntll reduced one quarter and s««l
tid gives ll s better flavor.
-If rcook canned peas I empty

BaiBbOMS ercr ROBlIy carted:
li the baiid ibai ruin the vorid.

1 add sugar to aim

.Hotlnr^ flnrt to colde the elmmlet.

and wbolesome U to change tbe wi

« esking.

Many a wotnaa Uves acientiAc way of cOoklng Teg
dariroou within glancl^ distance of lu moat
we cannot say. bnl we

U the haad that ruled* the vorfd.
WoBMa, iu>w dlrlne yoar mluloa
Her* u*c*> oor natal aod;
Keep, p keeRtbc yooDg bean^open

Atthls’Ume of the year thelbougbi*
wrote. Keats' reme is remote B It*
; the housewife turn to the ptvpam
sUrry height. Bat the actual clouds
fn» or aohstanUal joy for the sio- Uoa of aimetlslog rdlshca nnd pickles
delight the eye and plense the pallientortbeB.
c In the long winter monlhi
s mere 4oman who Brea them and
The foUowIng redpes^ Ukt*
IWea'^'fira. wHI hesIUlc
New Idea Hagatine are decidodl$' nov
describe theta. Thdr wcmderfnl graslatlon in shrfes of white and pe«rl. el and out of the common run. and will
of iotcreu to readera of this de­
impresakm they convey, of betog
at an llllmiuble distance and

for the haad piat rocka the cradle
u ruin
the world.
fe-thetaad that
BUetlnjt on the haad oT woBin!
fhtbara, aoot and flauRfalen cry.
And thp aaered aong U Blogled
^ With the wonhlp or the »kr—
ffllaiBe wbenf no teBpcsi darfceaa.

In the aouih. the Innd of delectable
wltblB reach of the lifted band, their
npMly changing shapes, their melting picklea. sweetmeats and preserves, the
housekeeper of (be old regime prides
U the band that nice the worid.
corves, their charm of easy
—Waltace. Ibeao and a tboiisand other graces and herself on the number and variety of
the appetizing delicacies, wbl
beanties are aa free at the

> Bnlnhow* erenDore'arc colled:
For the hand that To^ the cradle



And at tba inal a obeorful aool.

waya prepared dnring the
Bg air.
-Let the leatleaa. tired woman mahe momhs.
menu In the serving of
friend! with the donds. They will help
lo.bantsh the bine*. iM/wone foes, game, ponllry £nd Bsh. Many of the
recipes for making these famous pick
and they will intr^tteCEw Bto a o





wni be toond delBlous.
otmun a la Cardinal—For this
>e quart of raspberria. pick


clean ihein.and bruise with a wooden
spoon, when mash through

a si

Mix the pulp with half a pint
wbIpfMd cream. Have ready j»nc oi
of gdatln which has soaked for h»K
an hour In half a*cup(ul of water;
when soft,

half a cupful of


water jt added and the whole briskly


rb-has-Sm well

lea arc treasured heirlooms and arc

h Ud BOM I


as possession

rid began.-

they wOt In e*en the be« re«ulated
tlT^ and .the daily round or dulin
MeiBa to be a last atraw. .U la _a

Fev people knew bow to c^k v
fart beyond eapmalon. )uet U
tablet Dvoperiy. As a rule they
ghoee home bospltalliy and culinary
COBB one who underatanda. Sympa­ only about haU cooked. The Ameri­
: triumphs are arkaowledged
thy la good, but ayinpatbyBnd eoBpre- cans are espeeuny ignorant about
hOBatUB .are worth ten tlmea yie
cooaing v^euoiea.^ it
The PrtBch and
Mlsaisslppl .Chow-Chow—Cut Inl-J
oerman know bow to eo
small piece* two quarts of while on­
The tonowiBc editorial Ban
aad the Amerksn sronid do wMI to ions. hkicn peek of grtsm tomatoes
namber of the Toatha'..Companion ! learn from them how to prepare vege«id two dofea. cucumbers, adding tw->
Boat bare beta written by a woman tables for the Ub1e.
targe heads of cabbage, shredded with
who baa not only nutted and undcrCo llllo aa American hoLd or ressharp knife: arrange. In layers.
. mood, iwl haa ftnmd/tbe door B the Uurent and give your order for cer­
ssiu and tl•eeartngly 0laak atoo^ wall acroaa ber tain kinds of v(«eubles. and they will
low It to Stand for twelve hours; then
be brought to you served, perhaps In
off the brlae whkh has formed,
She taya:
the latest style, garnished and dell- and place In a large preserv li
xan bard
ekms to took upon, but wholly indlfosgallon and a hall of
many h tired wAan. When ihr (iblc and totally unlit to eat. Peas
gar. baH a cupful of cinnamon, four
body U exhausted/and
beans are not even cooked until pounds of sugar,
atmtnad. the anceasi^E rmu
they are soft, but are hard, lumpyl
ful of cayenne, a quarter of a pound of
Is evacinllr wearing, cvni Uioogfa lu palauble and indigestible. Stewed to­
mustani seed, sis bay leaves and one
her normal atats the woman underes wlH have a bitter taste and aa- ounce of celery seed. Cook until quit.«aiuU that We la made'np of dutler
tttS will be a mesa of bard, atringy
- cold add
tanee. The whole Ueubk Is they targe euptnl of salad oil and bait


i-sslly pre­


Improves the flavor
and adds to thehealdi*
-&lnes8 of the food.

faygvtUngiuyrectwrpt.aDdsliliouKb ‘ saflow n.-« of the skin.
need Ibe usual remedies 1 cuuJd not! . | to-ik IVnina for some time ant
eniirelywvli. 1 cannot codun-P.
-I flnaUy took Pernna. In a week 11 too »tr..n8ly."-<ir-rtrml* Unfort,
was better. After several weeks I soc- '
ended In ridding myself of any trace of
It you $oiler from eatan* ta may
a cold, and besides tbe ni'dielne bail
lorn, do oot delay. Take Peruoa
at ooee. Delaya are daogeroo*.

rants through s sieve; add to the Julc- juice cotm-s well oiii of the grape*
Aa Good as Nt
thus ebtatoed half a pound of sugar take them from Ibe Are, and strain. To!
gays a wrtK-r In TabU- Talk:
r the youth of the bream.
boiled to a thin synip In
each pinl of Juleepiit one pinin.1 of th.-|
of brwnlilul wood which bail lost j
ter. Strain again and freon; as lor le., I dip It to hot anspsad*. and trim tbe
l»sl loaf KHgar. lloil iwnity nilnules. I i,„ uwuty by having li« Ihtogs w1 o
crcalir. This Is most besutlful In et»lor. Fox grajK-s make i-qu»Uy gotsl Jelly.
• varnish
soOened straws to the proper ahapa.
i|. inirtUng Ihruugli the
varnish anl
clear red. snd'^-ry- d'ellcate In Asvor
cseelleni Are klodler qssy be
__ _________________ • (Bsm lo the wwrt. was made to 1i«*
Frtraen Peaches—These are dellel■ Good Peach fleclpea.
s« <‘•'11 n* «>«-w hy i liU trrauneni: KtrsSf tmade by dipping rora cobs in g mtoBus. Rub two i*>unds of pai
I lurt- Iff Mclied rusto and tar. and dryThis lx going to be on.- of the fa- UiBa* washed with a strong .......................
quartered pesche* ibrougU.s sieve, aild
urns p.-ach tears In Grand Traverse jot lye put i«i wtih aj-rts;-. « I' 1*1 l"g.
■ them a'pint and s half .rf syn
ever was llivre iironii-e, of a flner I very-1,0.1 for the hand». Till* looscii.-d ;
Stains on knivee. however obsllaala
ade as directed above, and fret-te.
-op amt owing m their aflundanc-; ihe tsrnbli. wW.-h was th.n «crap.-l [ or of king standing. wiU disappenr If
Wstermeliin Ice-------This ts s eon',prices will prolmldy be verv^r.-asi.n-1 enllrel> off with a pl.*-e of gins*. Th.- rabbed with a ploeo of «W |kkato
tog and quickly prepared dainty
uhb.-djfli;,KSl la brick-doil.
-. they V
watermelon In halves and seoup not
* -•
■■ ““*1
After Mi-iiiu,.
Ironing 11
the center, carefully
removing (b<wlrvii in g-v-1 roBdiiioB: wi-rr rulib.-d
seedi. Chop It to a wooden trey, and
wlili rruiw- oil. ■■n.l*>»t.-« a doll fi" , dry, a.« the vrm««U wUI b* atlffar
Home Cbi-er rearterv.
to each quart add half a cupful of sng­
Ish Whieh pw-a-sl. tb- owner V"''' ihn, if p-f, to dry slowly. .
Peach Fluff—Take om- roll and one
ar, the juice of ooo lemon, sml the yel
than -n. that shone, but If the polish .
rl.-an n-alcr bottles Shd decantlow rind of a lemon grau-d. Mix
l< pr-feni-,1 II co-ltd I- glv.-DwIlh
„„.,ub«v halt a gfU <ff vtoiand pac^ closely Into a fret-rer,
idfd with lee and salt. Turn
er the Are '•l.sapiM-ar from a table or idher pb-c •
to be elrened.
crank for ten minute*, when ban
a---------------trealeil I
in,J..J ,r„o pells s^ld «ot
op with Ice and allow to remain for an until Ibirk'-ned Htk a smooth eudlard.)
to (iro.l.Kv H.U n.
arinking water,
Tbe flae
Strdln. flavor w-llh
hour or two. Serve to glasses
........... ............
' njatlng Is rapidly a«ed upon-by WBMr.Bstdr- 1.. rbIH.
gtasa saueers.
Sh*sl.-vet*o'rlpep...rh.-s A-lli------------------------------ forming a ,Kd*ono* oztdo of ilflc.Rice PudiltoR-Make a |ioor ihroiigh
a cupful
cupful .d sugar and ih-To Take Out Grease.
If Ui- men I. Um hot yna cbb
; •
of a
mao's pudding by owklng sBwIy
* woman who .Iropis-I a Ian-pl-e. it i,> .puii tog to a dl*b of watef. If It
bours one quart of resv-rvi-il egg w-}iii>- wl-ii-ti lia* l>c*-u
biKt-r on her silk wnl-i was in -ii. (•*. hot on Ibi- lop, lift the stove UdS
l.boruuglily chilled. Hat.- Hi.-*- mcri-.l
milk and
lent* in a Isrc- l-wl. Ib-ai Ki.a.Iilv vpalr. tor ili-r- wa>
rice with ten ounce* of sugar. Wb-n
A spl-ndni fumlinre pollah Is cnadc
for half an hour with a Ast win- b-sr . l'r-<-rh chalk In tb.- b.
‘ by taking a winegtassfiil of olive oiL
By that Hm.- the miitm.- will lo.plra;lot, cau«-l tione id vinegar and taro lablmpuoiw
have *w.,l1,-n to four nr jlv.- iln.-- il-. zri*k. .p..i ibl.kly «
■Sweets for
Tbofte.who have

a ."sw-eei lo«b '

will enjoy trylDg (he following rvcipes
from the Ladle^' World;



to a itla-- 'I'-r. b-aitoc u

with the rbllp-d r.iKtarri •


d..-.. !


Houwrtold I

lemons very- thin and take out the large white, frees.iu,.- f-ael:.-*. car- .
after il,e. U'lled starch will ii...i
seeds. Pour over them Ave quarts of full! halv.-.! and
water, and let (hem stand all night
The next morning put
sstpe wiler. and l«

1 belli until

tender enough to mash wuh a spouo
Then add ell pounds of sugar, and Inill
thirty minute*

It will be quite Ariu

hat.- le-en wasl-e-1 an.i w-ii-1. but ii.d ^

pe,-lr.l allow a mlxiur.- of iw.. iabl.> oBg help* i« k-■ ispoonful* of Engllrh mu-.tart s-cl.
iabl.-sp»onf'il 'll ei-lerv weeil. on->
tabl«.p.«.t,f.,1 _pf srrai-,1 horseradish.
tahl.-aimonful ..f curry p.iwilev. ■rti-'
lablesiHKinfiil >'f

ground mar<-.

while pi-ple-r, a very liiile all.-ii.rv-.
two ialiU--iKJootul« 111 w-hlie -ugar and
line tabli-spisintirl >if salad «i' ItaV th.hslvtvl pearhe* In


brio- fu;

Oerman cooked vegetablee and
lump of atom, half an ounce of ground melon allow oita pound of la*f-S8gar,
Had of a letnon. the julcv'
j American cooked as Ibere^ Ibt- mace and ocie ounce e«eb of celcn
|taag«age of the two nations,
seed, mosurd seed and clorca. Allow Id half a temon and one half trespemsBwIy lor thirty mloutew, fui rt etouiid whUe^ffTtigef. dbil until
tlopp). watery, half-raw Am(
thick jam. Puui-------dtahes are converted by the German and pm^bat over tbe pkfcles. repeal­

sugar lu ti. bring to a l■•II. and poiiiasalB Diet tbe pesrbe- Cuter closely,

dellcknis. appetising ing tbe precea for three moretogs and to glasses.
- Crape Jelly—Caiber Catawba gi
scaldtog tbe vinegar ea^ tlM.
piekM Orapes—Prepare-the crapes j«at before they are ripe. Pick

Wc aBted a Oerman bOBtewU-

as for preserving bv reBSOTtag.. the from the Ftems, wash, and pot
Mtlns. belltog the pulp and sUatotoc stoae jar. Set, the jar Is a vesael of

and p»ll-b with Aannet
; S.wpl«rk P ll> Is 11,1 levii all-oroond
' eb-anslog ageiii that a woman can keep

This slii.uld . Exriiange.

n stand long befnr.- Ii lx M-ne.1

- fuls Ilf slrvdiol; appfy witb a a<ift ckith


dish or to indiildual dish.-* and r.-n.- miirniiig th.- -«ii b.t-i



Miss Addle Nslley. IS I> street, R-K,
Washlngvxi. 1>.
gh. tbe grip, eatanb af the
kind-all aorta of remedlfs,
bome.pateniaBd prMerlbedby disMoiw.
and no rcitvf,—that telle my elary, b<
story of snfferlDg sad disUwoe that
Isstid four years.
I ‘-Then—thrte botUm «( ttarena—
eatarrb gone, sppetlW and strength M>
turned—a happy woman, and noste
mure grslerul tor tbe bleeslng of
tails what reruns has done
lor me.-- Addli Ne
' A reward oMHWaO
la tbe Market Etachi

r current Ice. pass a pound of cur­

eaten them at tbe table of ibe German galloo of strong vinegar in a kettle, jam. Put op ID glasses.
HHoB Marmatad.—Take Ormrlirdh
housewife where they were cooked in adding one ounce of Juniper bArie;,
the pore Oerman style, ^ere Is
half a dtnen wads of green pepper, melons, and grate or chop them flne,
imach difference In the taste (ff tb» two pounds of white sugar, a imall removing the seeds. To each ponnd of

into ancraleot.

«0W EBDrely V

&itin SjlUB Toud br P»-n-n

served from the table of the
nntU the damsons fall from the stone*, iwi-niy fiMir hourv. and- for the sam>flower Isepareied
family where
tbe housekeeper ha* three quarts of sliced greeo tomatoes aad mast itc pulp until it is fmootb lime to pure c;,ld wa'cr t,. fresben
every quart allow (hem. Then wipi-. and -tuff wuh ihi
preserved her old-fashioned -Oerman and two quarts of Hoy sliced oolona
Allow tbfse to Stand In strong brine one and one-half pounds of sugar Stir spired fllllng. lying up w-lih ■ smui
iree dajs. then drain and wash the sugar and pulp tog* iher. and boil cotton thread.^winding it around ami
-a at hotels
becomes a llrirk. smooth around lu hold the i-lde> Armlv In
. and we have also _____ titrough cold water. Put half a



-1 can think of no event in my
U»l flits me with more greilinde —,------------- ---------at the s«m» time a eeose of fnture Wliisi.tfllNti
eeeortty.asseore after long eufferlng i writes:
frurocsisrrli, brought shout by nsinc
•'I'eruns K
Peruns se directed. It has ounipletrly after pliyslelans bed pnetleslly girea
cured rae."-«'lara Case.
' up my <-sscI "Fiiraluog time I suffered with cslarvhof tlie Lldoi-ys, ti
aad pstn in the lisck, loet ffrab rapidly,
Chicago. III., writes:
fet-t ,...„ ,*.,nen. my
••A few manths ago 1 eonlrected a cold
I h----------

pared. and always And favor

not cooketl enough. Vcgetsblei cupful of groun^d musiard. Mis the
and Hear when cold
require a great deal of cooking. Those' oughly and store |n a stone Jar.
Damsuo Jam-F^ll a slone jar will:
cooked and eerred to the ordltfarr
Dellctens UUed PBklo*—Select Ave ripe damsons that have been wasbeJ
lel and tbe areiBffc American hi
dozen small cueumbevs. three quart* to cold water, but not dried
have a totally different taste when a string beans, two heads of cauli­ and act to a veeael of water, and bull


pm lalky’a fltflfr-OMrt, Bit Iit»
~ aatisg to IraiF Won»m '

Bnfind Lo&s With Cbtint.

The followBg redpre for

gre a liule out of (be usual run and

pyull Ices-These are

as the changing phantoms of wbkh'h.-

^waya to tbe breath of Oodl
At^the.tTOphlei or the a«ei
Are freer Bother earth Impearied.



tordrfBTor' and never knows that
l»r vegeuble dlaliea arc 111 for tlirred unil Ithc gelatin Is meliOd;
BBlIea upon her. It reels over her any king or poienuie on earth to «ai. when partly -cool, it is added to tbe
respberrles and cream. Pour (ho whole
>ead. It Is (he fairy world which we They are
1 pretyt mol
call clonduid.
some and dlgesllble.
Kbn'ny ilold—This Is made of btack
“RusVln wrote of ihe-eteoda. but bis
berry Juice to a slmlltr. manner.
doquiBl prose Is alDosl as ethereal

knrled; V
Per the baud that roeki the eiwUe

peo­ packed closely In a small canhenwarg flour, aa a grat many
ple do to make them more dry.

of workBg men.
on (hem several times, and cook them
Is. however, one aspect of thoroughly dime."
nature which ii nf enchanting cbaracThU Is what the German boasewlfc
•- andgrbleh ta to be enjoyed for the said. But whether hers be '

Power Bay with beauty flow,


en. a handful of whole clpves.
spocnful of mdsUrd seed. s.

atoes. Not enough to Bake them bunch-‘0l chopped celery and a tabUsie of tbe sugar, but Jost enough tu spoonful of grated burseradish. Cook
take away tbe strong and iCId lasle. for half aa hour after the vinegar begias to boll and pour while hot over
"in codling turnips 1 also chant
>r geverai tlme^ an. instead tbe cabbage that has been dmined ai»[

In a couple of potatoes apd mash them
logcCber. This renders the turnip*

a and waabea for a boni^ul
talBB^ th'« teoder rooatalD:


when cold In smalt jelly tumblers.

Pickled Red Cabbage—Shred with
icffl from the esn into a edander and
sharp knife four beads of' rod
;hi in stroeg
been canoed In. becai
[g ^lot a galways some kind of acid used ip eannlog (hem. and then 1 wash the peas Ion of vlaegnr. to which have
and pot (bea on in clear water, adding added wh»B cold two chopped oaiaan.
milk. salt, pep'per. a hit of biiuer. aad
drain off all the ja^ that they have

-It it tmay to commend to her tjie
potatoes do (he
bounlilng. or thr atndy of blrdi or cooked guile a Bog while,
' But ail tbeae atndlea Uke tin? they are tender through and through.
gnd atrenglh-both already orerta*.
think tho whole secret in cooking
for the woman who cooks and m^i
vegetables so that they are delldoui

far the luutd that focki the cradle



that changing the water Ukea away

ndler which 4»mea from gardening or

O. M iDBUer vbcre tbe ptoee!
VMM tbsl nerar MorMt tmil It:

. PioB tbes> acAiU unreeUnc
Oiow OB for c»od or erll.

valMs af
Wamea Haa Att

Dainty Guest Dishes.
This Is Uio time of the ye*r when
doee over and oyer again. Change
vciy moch nicer than wReji llmir '
northern Mlriiigan homes are
aome kind If bor loperatire need wbcii used. Vou can't taste the potatoes
abe loaea ber grip on heraeu In this the turnips, anyhow.
Flour simply with guests and maov plesswt liuiitnakes the turnips a little less wstOry eniertalamesitt are planned in their


aiWilnn OB tiM hBBd or wooad!

Mscases kMa hn

away the. strength of the vegetable. ger. three sliced lemons with the seeds
bare tried both ways and
’ ' removed, one small cupful of

mile sugar.


CatwTii Md Catarrial

water beeom^ a very ydlowleh

rery wclaUc I cook, especially



Pack In a jar. em-.r wlih scald­

ing vinegar, put on a < bise lid. and w.
away At the end of a w-ev4i pour of
(be vinegar, add .me-half cupful of

and keep M six munibs b. fun- using
Sever pot tomblen wblcb have been
naed for milk, to hot water, umll they
have flrat bedn rtnsed In auU wateThe beat drives the milk In and give*
a cloodr appearance


T* flve ponds of tratt hot water over squiatflf*. Whea the. wfaleb eashot be removod.

the glati.

AIM.- wan r

. r.n band It ma, h>- prepared by paUtog
> a handful of anapUark to quart off boB-'
ing waier and lelilag H coot.


ink rtaiBs '« silver ran be ramcTOd

by pilxtog n llt'lv eblorldoof lime to a
)«Fie with water, and eovastBg Ibe

1 -twis with ll

i .

gl»‘-» n u" i-. j'-


lo canning (r ..

They win qniefcly dlaap-

- i»’Bi. and 'he paaii- should be waafaed
..ff snd Ibe afilele wiped. dry.—WoI

man - ktarm JourttaL

' ■

A Piano S-tore
D.A-*n'i«P/“ i-itlicml t-aum-; ilta-sn'l
the Imvcflt/io tho
TuiUtl SuU-s withrnit lilt-bi-at of reaBom: Uow wonldit«OBtinur-for iii'W^rHa fahlf .1 ermturj' witlioiit then- There is no
iL CloBO iiiu-ntkin to iLt- interi-sU of oar pw
tMiu, (jaiDSUikiaK. to pkmse Bna
liberal in nil d.hliiiKB with oar oafltomers; »tUinR ptoobt arid otgai^
(k fiuiDent«UiiuiDL'at priosfl.()iiBl^
ity c-oitsitk-rod. which competltioa
is unwilline or anabk- to neet.
Tlii«e pnndpka are the haeig oa
which uor Ixmoew was landed
nod is coDilacteil. nod apotl which
wc ask yottr farther patnoBKe;.TPopular muato TsIKIX* MbcMism

Iteiie Bmh. U* Is FmI SL


TlUVERt* errv. ®raho tkavcmk


bCTMtt 1

Paces 9t« 14

county, michioan. thunwav. UPTCM

rtVad 0* the goaet tor um «ua ot Mtoa abenr* department to thU eliy and br P. C. OUben aad Prvaecutor Dayla tb* great oppattaanu* that the
teUed tta utboritlei wko taarimd tta ten loofcvd after tta iBterema^of cemfeL H* U mid to toe* toooMd to
«V>C<=<1 «.
OyU OrUwold. '
ThUltopmaaed tka doobe mynerloastr
tome at KarHa at 7 o'chick that ,
ujrmauatr tbe
me viur-i.
la vne
tbe meantime
.lock of i.4i.ue»
Cord, i Mobile and test tall reb
la orer a waek ago be tog boolder* lor sehlmaer wbicb tbrr ""r* B. F. Kreb* aod-W tkUdtta tar to And tbe awfol sight of a d«M
for blm wai
store to LaUad wa* allaekej ; ,
maiiee wn*
Mt tba dtr to look ap a kwaUoB to whre erectlBg Tb*r were followed br! ot Ollret arrtred U»i eeealag to vUtt mu Iriag half aeroa* ud tabind a' Bnwben'
by Ibe Mi^mu Grocer coatpuy
Carjmtelv ulon of MdUle
irlUe. FU-. Utaodlag to retani
: ud tta aid ofStk* Truorae Oty
tnlBk with hi* body frightfuUy matlmaker*
SKttarand take bl* motber back wUb him.
•• - ' wlUtait 1
-----vmurn V
Hr*. Bartoo wa» aiwar* cbeertal aad vara clad to white cap* aad ib*lr| loifie arrlred m »be gueat of Iriaad* to him after «ta sbot which ended bU rfv^ to *
__ _____ ..Jiher. also
worWag apron* and carried ambrell** | Ue north.
aratjiooib l
ran ot cood CbOBgbu.
coufii of h
•stawt •»<««* A sbort time ago
good dmi Ot bar time la ctedrieg the to protect them from tbe toe aad the! Mt*. Jatoe* Kebl and aoa, Uaae. who
Satnrdar afternoon Mr. and Hr*.'tbe
Mr*.' «b* biulo*
biularM wUl be placed .la
tb* baailtaa
Bible and ftrmlr belleaed
.............. fUncetof tba glrU along tbe line. The! bare been at Maatoe aa th* geeeta of doaeph Be**, wbo live near Karlin oa a, band* of a inialee and allowed to
............. .... ........... *-er* had a toraout of t*«nt.»-j her brother. Bob HOwall, caiae to oo farm, wwe at home with companr. 'be! Unae.
I ^ toqo*rtat*^?^Hrf£&§? Hr*
---------------------Tb* barber*' anka. foorteea, tb* excoraloB tant arealng ok their Utter leaving toward night------- -Urettertf w
a* .to the nnderuker* In the ellf. a*k.
puled to the 1M. A N. B. depot ta Mr*
to Sonhport.
tog a* to tbooe wbo bad ladr attend- men In Mae. wa* preceded br lb* Bor*' 1
Tbe tatter.^hMever.^ did ncH ^ There was a polet marriage to tbe ig,. bnsbud
band. The trpograpbIcaJ Bnlc* Boat.! Ml*. Brnma Child* ot TpoUaaU
_________________ —
____ . ._____ __
.> .k^
whh Bag* and. dl»pUrtng
the rlred
for a tan darY alar at
the boo*:
after the family
Brarriblni poUu to tka tact that
le deed wa* pmnadlutad. Her par- anion Ubal a trifle morr than life lU'.i at 3. R.,Hamlin,
tertog tta bom- She .Uted 10 «he ^>-r i*l«w bribe rtricken wUe Tkw
preeedad tba t«rao(r-Bre man in liaa.i . Un. uirf Baker of HUdlarllla

to her
» A FMoswofth.
lEMclM*. U* Botkor. Mrt. iUttieU
Bortov 70 rmn of ago. «rbo kw bMB
jigwaing (ko HBiMr awuka at Ike
koM o( Hra. Z.-U. SUtacaT at *St
Waaklagun atraat. took kar
kr Bovia o( cklorotom aM «u diker
lal* Satardar Blgkt or earlr Bandar
iMralag. teetag InalnMtkBa aa to the
cart U bar body aad peraonal Ofecu.
Mre. Burton tlatia lo a badroov Jatt
in trant df tka ainiac iw« to Mr*.
aHtacto-B hena. A door t^aas tou
tka haB aad one Into the altUns
Cb* tatter beliig barrlendad
The printer*wrra dacoratad viib tbelr' rired for a tan dar*' *tar at tbe bo
loMf*. Bauudar areatos aba bade
a ud car- <rf Mn. Bd 8ui
mtoa badge* *ad «
th* toaiir goad-nl^l ai uauai and down br a book. On the book wa*
Wllllam Fetteriy, who want aoalb
ried *m*ll Amarlean fl*g*.
Mr*. A. E. B«nU retained oa tbe
vau 10 bar room. Bandar bocaIhi .plnBOd a note reqneftlng that the
-•omp time ago. I* to quarultoe to.
The plumber* b*d a Ugand on their exeanioa from a trip to loMa. where
»e wa. not prepared Uter for the!
krMkCkto vai prepared and at abont thlnga be left until the doeuw arrlted
1 of L. H. Ben- ; New Orlcu* On accoaat at tta yellow
TbU the waa called to attend tar danchter.
atfkt oklook Hr*. J. F. OiUatpl*. Hr*. to taka oareoftbem.. Two other setcf
“We Barer vweai." Tbara
Hra, Can LewU, wbo U 111.
left oo tba draaeer tbanktag the
ployed by bit father. He U .
BtataOB'B daatktar who. with kar baaThere, half ■lltlog on u old tl
mu with a large riCele of friend* to
Mr* John RandaU ud dangbiar of
band Mke tbelr- bom* *ttk ber. pei^e o( tba tomllr tor tbelr klndaaM fourteen of tbe aooi>antor«* In line
wl*b him »ucc«*» ud “
and carnkmlng them to teaae er«T- and tbar ware clad to Una working JackMO arrived a* tbe gneau
toaWid to tka door vhieta
tail* and carried black tllk umbratlai. | Aiftiur Gi
ud fsmllr.
utural of ita Oraad Rapid* <
Mr*. Barton'* badroem from tba ball tbUK to the donor.
arc very numernueud utui
^ y
c. 8. Ralaer of Haa- bat dlaambowalad bim.
Bvangpllcal ebureb opened lU door* .
A ehedc for the room rent wa* left Tbe plumban' ualoo wa* ireeMad by
Ir tola in 'wfdblng bar a
and btoodtod. calling lo bar that breakI'.

imn ateslag at fba Ciaagalkal
StetHat wai raadr. Ko *n*w«r wa* btard
toon tnarebing men faaadod Br a Bo»t. u,. -i.y
,, thoueh to farllltate tBa^iChaege I • Je*elrr etore at Tbomp*oovllle and _...-----...-------i. by Rae. J,
with u able fbrmta
and tb* atrong aiaail ot gaa permaaiad
of llertey. taken from Aeu u1t:18.
tka kali Hra. Ollloopio roabad to the .BaUirdar *b* aeamec rather down• mrm d«or.lrt .l.b
.. ,rM.„
" *'i£
“And hereto do I eteretoe myaetr to
^Hlng mom and aald to bar boakand, baaned. aaiing aereral time* dorla*
le of tbe old- bait- alnar* a cootctoace void of ofTb. 8..U.. IW
SS'5r..“ .i’SJi.
1 balior* that aomaUitof baa gone tba dar that the dtr «aa dreair nnd
............................... Br'WO amtil
Reuban Benfer of Toledo. (Wo. U, to *paak any Unguag* bet tar
«fMg keoaan Mr*. Bartoo doe* net dark, rat to the ereBlag abe iolaed
i Mlchlgu. died at ibv b<m.e of herj
sermoo Urita
the tomllr and cbtUed oheerilr tor a bor* la tbelr “
** "
(be gve«t of ralktira* lo tta City. ' I
aa***r aod I ameD ga* la Ui6 hnU."
taughter^r. »»“*,->•
uik’{ta iiroto,-eisto. wbro
Mr. Omaapta. tUaklng that tba ball
qoeaitons aroue
aroae. amuug
among tbeal
of paralysis, followtog - m. Turoday
•-.i.;■i *everai uoetolou
d,a bouse wl(h lha dead body of bmr
door «M looked, nuhed Into tka ilt- wbm abe ta* beard taking ber eren- of the proramicm' ThU Rbolred a tcl- gueat of B- Sumner erf Ihl* city.
motlag room. pn»ad tba leange back and Ing bath. Notblog further wa* beard ephuno aichangc in opemtloa with
lo bed until ten day* 1___
a* tba
busy -beUo- girl* The c*cb*i
leu ud ber busbalA came to Gland word of God. He said that ato bafl
[gir-Tit tba doer. Tb* gas va* «aloeat. o( ber aad Bandar momlag ibe totalTraven—county to I4f.l and settled at
wu sunnoaQlcd by s airing of colored
W. H. i
lb* word wu
lag and Irttg partir on bar tace and
electric IMdiU s'lreicbed from two tele- nven tan evening ud
' ** ***“
vitb tka Mtgd*takabH pallor of deuk
Annual'Heti 1 Party.
l^one poles on which the Unemen were friends fur a few darn.
, ....o—*.. ---------------------------«a* tba ko^ of Hra. Barton.
touy. Tww wagon load* of Ihiomen
ng take ihougb i
Fr^k Steiger of St. Paul. Minn . •» j «*S?fto'‘;^lnrth2S'toT^lS
Tkd> doer waa latoadlataly eloaad
lean died wbtle on tbelr way borne Ud |
vVwtog the remai,
and Or. Hartto, vbo raaldea MSt door, Dalted Stale* DUtrlct. Attorney Oeo. with their paraphernalia., followed. Tlalting the family of Fred Alkln^m of
the-following Jurors were impu<
•oato^ Tba doetor, Mr. OUta^de a. (fordi, on tba abort erf Uwg Lata, Tbe bartenders union rode In a car­ Tnverae Lake resort.
George D- Evan*, (niarlc* Bertek. Al
Md H. •. HMlar. vho board* at tb« 4mi tbe aeeae oI 00a of tbe aannal riage.
•uoday Oetool Rally.
boaad. entwed tba room ibioagb tba fomBeaUok*, from Angoil SOth lo SepTta South Side Lumber eompuy
ling tb*
T^ic unual Sunday scbool rally of
a m
tembta ttb. which ba* made the Corell bad tta only muufactnrer* dlapUy.
ts tbe result of aal-; Iron.
. J gi vm.
.am i m
effect that d'
Alden; Efizabetb Green. Alden
! enc« as a bond of tympalhy *a4
cabin rfaiBoa* among rmriog* dUtin- TbU eooilatad of a load of lumber, fob tbe Long take and Oarflrid asucla- eld*.
. From tbar* ererrtbiBg eoald
*- t- :
Hetopoke of tta ebntrb *a tb*
and auie ottdaU
red'^y a loM-6f bnlldlng materUI ttun wa* held In Mr. Funlng'* grove men TLdnr
ktoto^ eat® A two oeaee phial Ur
tta world, ud • r
at tang take Aug .11 Aboof fifty
amptr on tb* Boor and anotbar aoa>
were prsuent and were^welcomed by
Tta ^arlag
il In tta life of b
I concluded tbe proeoatlon.
tatobig ehloroiorm star a add tba
a told, tbe apirtt that amt
Three bands, the T^yerae City, tbe pre*ldenc. Robert Barney. Ud Mr.
Mt «M wtda opan. Tba bodr la^ on
'1. srould natarallr ta>
Boy* bud and tta Sutiona Bar band and Mrs. Fanning. .
tta toCt dd* aaarl/ Bat on tba toe*

Oatrml •cbool grounds ner all wbo wlibed
tooeh blm. out of a terrible fear from | to'enaent 1
dosed bis address by eipraaatta lb*
tad tfatebad to both k
; aimpir to enjoy
.1 abe waXeba-jjO'
bop* that tta eonventton wouM prwea
2:aolmnedUtely ride oD the Ukc by Isaac Wiuic in hi> the awful sight
towel whlck kta bam aatarated with
D tbelr return the cbolr
a bieistog to tta commuilr nM tta
help until she w&B Blr trf |dr. OoreU. after the dUbudtog of tbe parade
____ K. HoBtagoe. aged g» year*.
tta dtath-daaltoc flaU. Bke wai
Tta am gnatU arrlred oa tta Wtb
brief but
lof Orchard farm passed away The*
' .koataad dmd kr tta pkraieUa.
day at 10:30 o’clock after u 111aad-eamp wa* brnkta reatardar man' cmcert preceded the public exerelsat,
MrantMng akeet tka roon wi
COM** Must Stand TriiL
egtendlng orpr a period of years
wbleb were dellverad from
kartwt aider and rarloo* not**
at tb* eabiB wai aacb porary stud erected at the aenttanst followed by more maslc. an address
litnlm th* dead and ear* p( ber
tee*mvf«tin wu h
___ _ _
_ _______
H bad eoHierarf
On tbe etud by E. Wilhelm ud a song by Mr*. Alle laU aboat
• made good-on aStunUy
a wife ud the folloBtog cbll- hsany
wm seated Mayor Friedrich. Farm C. i “»>■
He spoke of the eoaveptlon w----------the room.
PofioOce inspector ‘ jr,aj
Jn-oj Charles
Cbarle*. Rm’oh
Ra’oh a"d' Mrs.

'^"ihc ’dav ud ■ tinging by the choir and company ud ud paid over toJ PewtoOc*
here eight years ago aad ot tb*
Tta (eaowUt totaeaga glea* tba Bldei Mr. Cordl ware, Hon. Henry M. ailboft, the speuer of tec oa>. UO:
^ wton!,. for his! Martin In the coi-n room of t'alted', Matalle Kelley-The deceased ba* been changes
wbich bad tekag place lath* .
Boae.. of Grand, Rapldi. secretary of
leaam ot tta daadr’
ebnreb to the mrantime. He MM-fEai
tb* faltad Sialft eenate; Fruk W,
ihey were not uked here to rtew tba
-SigL Ut-Mra. Btatoea. plea**
Walt of SMugUrOnlted Stale, marabal
efaurob of dty but lo do good. oM
fitaii to.Or. W. A. at tbU botn
for tba Wtatern Diatrtel of Mlcblgaa; H. Fliber. Bollo Thacker. R. B. Oaf-' aucces* Ud tbe guest* took their peared before CoromlMloner Roberts foneral «-rriee* will ukc place Thur»-;"j^,J^,^
tta tabu Ur an aaoKr Mratop* «rttb
___ _
! for oaamtoallOD on the charge of em-1 day aftemoon al 1 o'clock. Vodanaker they (OTid go about aad rtew U» '
‘ tta ataup at tba MajeHU B<tal at Stole Senator O. (LMoSatt. lodge Lcr- wick ud Joseph Cartier. A crowd
“peuri of tbe north." He clto^Jg
ipriatag aoveial htAidMd. foond
axtendtog a'-benrty a
Aktan oa i(. TbU waa dated Ang- ta Boberts. tx U^ W. W. Smith. J.
No Cauae for Action.
| Ho wu released upon $800 ball ud
W. Raaoe^ C U Orelllek. B. B. White,
It CD temporarr arranged board
of tbe eh
Tbe replevin suit of A. U. Hpellrau-1 bou„(j
lo the October term of
wta'U to Cbtoago on U* war math.) tmrem aty: George 0. Bate*. Cail- aeaU or tba torlilng green of the •1 vs J. J Tweddl* for a Jiet of 1 united Siatea court to Orud Rapids.
R. Carrior <rf lonU. wbo •
aM b* mn aftaad to It aU. Maato eago; Poatmaater C A. Palmer. Maa- grata aad tor half an boor listeiiea to
city. uylBg
Itoow* afaoat tka be* of
day evening by a rerdici 0
State* Marshal Ed^ O'Ounell. wbo j widow ud five children. Th# deceaied the graiilled
Jaat emit tta loag white anderaklrt Babcock. MaBUtao; n-SbaiHr A. B. the apaaker of tta day. Farm C. Oll- for action.
' came from Grand Rapid* for that pur-1 tu been a realdent of tta north tor and
ud the ebureh. He made a
Mar 21. I»04. J D PIke'ud
aM tme tka bUnt alpt draa* akin aM
.. ....................
w» to tba.
MeBato: Jodgb J. M. Harrti. Boyne
Huellmulel emered Into a contract
mA 1 bat* worn. TIa U ptnaad
1^ laod reapected. The funeral aecvlees great peace negottotloas which were
Tnuday at WllUtm* going on today, ihroagb the greOt pie*Taka aatolbe tadarukef* and toara City: Depniy Reranna (follecior A.~L.
money for wood wKleh wu to l>e purCooltar. Chariarolx.
In charge of Rev. L. M. Carpenter IpoteMtorie* and drew a almlle to tbelr
m» tbara ntU W. A. can attend
I chased by the former. After the ei- by Pottmastcr Martin Brown, wboac burg
ud (be burial took place In the WIII- peace negottotkasnow about to bacin. .
trnl Mtehlgu prints over tta Mlcblgu I
iBPldPOtal to cuttl«
friend* came lo bl* rescue lb time of lamabnrg cemeterr. nader the direc­ -Not only to we repreeent peace bet
■attar*. B* ktod and laader to him.
(Uatral and G. R. A I. arrived In the ; mg were dedueied. all proBu or loaaei trouble- It U »lgnlflcnni .teat *• soon tion
Labor Day ^meaMofi.
m 1 know roa wUI ka. Aak HatoU to,
erf L n Cnrtl.
we also have come to tbe name of
FHdar evootog
at »:». bclag two were to be equally divided. Bulneu
ling Bt»:».
Despite fraqugiLMrte* of rain and city
right. We dealre to *0 imp7*s*yt>a
pal tt* kU tit tote* to a boa with aott
. . ..nSmunder tht>
ibl* eontraci ivuitlmied nOtll
tntlelLaelanau County Fair.
that we aiw men ot Cod. We ftel that
Kov. 211. 1K4. when 1
pag« anMM tl ta prataet it aad a*,
............ . _..j he had been thrown
ve have come u men of Oed Jo tobke
wu made whereby u eilallng ladr
by the dlshoocatyi^of his deputy poatphailttiar. Boo^ The elotbaa all sky. tba tabon. day calebradoa MooaM w#
would be one of the Urgem eacuraloos edneaa <rf t2.f«c.4^ from Pike 1
muler. they immediately came to his (tounty Agricnltaral society wlU ta|AWru «
a groat aaoeeM. Thera wa*
taag a* two taUi tacMtar. Thank* tor
au to be paid In wood
rescue ud offeredW help blm out held at Sutums Bay Tuesday, Wedftead^^«ci ft>r**o totog”
good crowd Ip tbe city, ao aecideBU, no ot tbe eeaeoB but only two coaches Hoellmutel
ring nnlcnd'-d at Traverae (Mty. flnanclally Even restorers at Letand
After tta rsaiMue Re*. F. H. Bailor
diaorder aad erembtog paaaod. of wero^aui to ibl. rdtr the
, ud UBIll came <0 his aid ud comriboied sums toy and Thursday. Sept. 2«. 27 Ud 21-1
■rntti* L. BortOB.'
Ttaofllcersof itastxletyare: N. W- addrtaaed th* meedag on “Wtaf
r full amount wu paid, the title war of various sire*
smoothly. Thera were a go6d itan: one* ffotog north on the malo line.
M*«v* In Bbnpta Paiiaartpl
be to tbe name of A. B. HucllmuPostmaster Harrington. Solon, pruklent: -•o-P'i I «‘S:“ei*4S"r^.'ta 5^*^* a
A number of frieodtof the tocoalng
•T. B.—When ran tnagragh Dr. W. UrM people in tbe city Tueaday at tb
Tbe ainount wu lo
W paid b«-jijf„,n varti-d frtun lid
8300 ud Krubni-r, Lelud, ireasorer: 8 B.. ^ ^ vsmoraliy weak cu never be
^ ,„irfunbeV!
A. tafl him to brlag hU trank aad all piocmm ranged from tb* asylum bal eicaralonlsu were at,(he depri tor
, ... .jc ikvpi.* making U
,Cate. Solon, secretary. Eleven direc- spirttnally strong. He also commtw®grooadi
, vltb him. It mill daUr hU ^ng mAh
' M tbe conv,
! (beir
Sbortly after 8 o'clocLlbe program rival of tbe train which wu tbe regu- void.
tor a Urn* biltmHI May* Mm fra*.
bta*t> with a ball gaaw between the Ur O. B. A I. due here al'7 o'clock I While doing bu*lneit —' “H- L. B.
Then on tka other aide ot tka paper prinure and tbe clgannaker* which re­ Among
sulted to a defeat tor the former by a
warn writtoa two taort notea;
:IBed agaiam tta pewHra. K. L. Carr of Chicago, who will i and (he good
...................... ....... ....
...jnd urt labeled by
■core of tour 10 00*.
Ttare to BO death, ^t
anotb r It
of it to
In'' teT’secon*
(he second .isv
day of the
tee fair. ThI*
TbI* role ^
r . ^ .
After ihF printer*' game ibe cigar- be th* guest ot Mrs. Jennie Silvers! eluding tee aet ot sleigh* to question.| Martin nrvwn hut te came out
U traBMUoa.*
I (.ill wu *(>*oltiie. warruled ud | nei(cr shape than hi- hart rwaaoo to ei- I* (o strictly be enfq^. All premium
tec tebarcb ud a .
Bpakera went agalnit tbe plamber* and daring ber etay.

-ABo* BO one to ae* mfc*'
o whatever ea-:
^. few
few days ago. He wu not In award*., except dirislon. sball (le a
wu give* by
claims U
i-aistinc of A. a - shape llnurlallr
8t this Utoe to bear )ect lo a pro rota reduction to mee
~Stadw A. to.-Ht rm iMegrapk tfcU
Rev r. H. H'A* ot Horton* Bay.
Hucllmantel. Howard Whiting uri C. tb<- boavvy li»s sriilcii ibc embexilt- deflcicncy that may occur, to the «
It wa* after 10 o'clock wben the pi» wUl be tbe guest of frienda
a. m. be om'toke tkMrala boma toTbe afternoon aeaaloo begu w«b
gram of spoetropened on Front *tn!*i.
cooduried by Rgr. W. A.
.... .-...nx- 1,. strain ctery effort to pay runnlbg expenses, Urt that the devotlostau
Th* pnmde wa* a groat awcea. *!• tbe crowd and while here will be t
The and toiitaga wu i^t to Dr.
Now by linuf of tkls bill of sale. r,.]ievu li:« l>ondsm.-n from lou, w a premium* ihall b<' p*ld pro rata out Of J,
' Bothint Bay after wbka
tbongh the bustaca mea general! goeol ot Hr*. Fruk Benoctl.
J. J. Tat-ddlf claims title lo the; p*ym.-ni of I4.3W0 would severely crip-' tta bal«nee. All graiu. sepds, eU.,
. «s.«A^Vtxoe t
sleigh. In question. Subaequcnily. 00 ;
' must be of tbe growth of l»OS.
d a good adrertUing oppoi
Warm O. Day of Detroit arrived
1 the toiJ«n.
1:. 1»05. six toys riter the afore-; corde* h.rt very frukly admitted
In this clus. si* or more varieUc*
tiiiiHy. Th* parade waa formed o;
wke a ten dayi' tUU al tbe home
said bill of sale, a nepr contract wu ,be embexrieir-ent ud wougbt at once stand to one eollealan u u entry and « »»'> Irommendefl
in* reroostattty
tait Fsoni atraat. marched 00 Frtiei t D. O. Shorter.
j mede'
made bwweet J. D. Pike
and A., ,0 make It goodWalllagum.
' mtaV «b«w th* body Uy: Qaotge Tntmake good a are to pecks. Beus. barley, wblte
subject Is a moat able maBser.
ma cam* in cm tbe egcaraloo to rUil!
tto. B> J. FltaUg. A. B. HalL L W. Slat*, went on State to Onloa. «mUi o
Itoi-------------------Bwwoe. J. SUdnbatg and L. Horn*. Valeo CO EIgblh aad west on Eighth i Mrs. Jeanl* Hagar. '
test he ta not proaecutod. The ca*e, ed to baK bosbels while early sweet
-----------Mr. ud Hra. Sberley Taylorar Jack-j
tta (Uatnl i^ool gronada. where tbe
r for tta alelgh* I ! however, wu to such shape that no corn, Tom Thumb pop torn, or yelAfter na tarasUnUon they m
..........................rd could be mad*.. low pop core come on the list la mtas- Prom Toeaday s Raeord.
' was bald.
.ni. arrived M tee sutou
Attontey Ceorgej ares of a peck each.
oceaahm wa* beMed by tbe mother. Hr*. A. L. Flbley.
of CadSI ' .1 si
r- u tr,l_
G Covell, wbo appeared for tbe goi -; ap^» are to (>e c-ahiblied 00 pities. Ark_ Ml»« Atli'-Beaweiherichk of
Trarerae City band followM br tbe
Mr. ud Mr*. C. H. Ki«g ««e»>^-j,ieigh* after having turned teem over eroment. stated te*i It would be im among tee early varieile* betog th* ulac and M
TilU arrived to riali tbelr pareau. Mf.; »o A. B. Hoelli...................contract.
uilble to accept
____ *■
rt upon asv Duebw ot Olduborg.
lurg. Oreuy
Oreuy Pippin,
Pippin, who
who have tavn rlritlng wlnllve* to tea
today lo
. Mrs. Borion wu atriekM with paIon
0„,„ B..U, “.SS'!"
mUroto ewrorat years ago' aM herjlgbt tbe Cencra] Labor unkm came next,
Jattlce Curiliiters of (bis ktod. It wu agreed. Irow- Wealthy, all poputor apples to the
Mrs S'ollie Waldron, wbo baa baea
Bab hu not been of rnimh nse lo'lier trilewed by tbe Traveiwe City dram ate came tor a tea day*' aUy with 1 ^^ers )udi
• tact teat tta lever teat If setUemeni wu Irimede fruit tall of (be Grand TYavevse a'visltlcg frteads near CMar, leflfor bar
Menertoa pooL G. A. R.
Hr*. J. E. Salter ot Webmeribill of sale . J. J. Tweddle take pre- ^^ly'______that efforts wooM boctade
Fifty-seven vari^ie* of tall ap home In Kcndatrille. lad. today,
oM binr «ta ebtalned the chlort
I eedence -over tta latter date. Ju. IL u, make tee inislimem u light u pies are listed u sttoject to miry,
Uoren Row* v
} "
* '* this
W believed that tbe uide from the rorly-fruit. Flowers, none 10 visit.
B,. «„ MBC,
a™. 15; «.
Cordes' friends in \^- canned fntli. yarns, bmier. sugar.
jopp Rafisry ratarn
tbaAooter. bring ajAyaUton. hM tta were thlrtyrix men marchtog and three
portions of Leeiuau boory bread, “sori: u moitaer used W City this noon. He wa ... ..
'■M ^,
tteC to tta boose and tbe otber that
ra to A. B Huellmantel obtain be merer of the coon wheneverything known to tee eoJlnery art MUt Am Hardin
Uardinaae « Chtaagb, srhS''
urban tba family VMe ataaai abe Uto- line of marto proved too to(» The wife of Cnlon City, arbo ate here for * ^be
cornea to trial.
win be on exhlblUon at tee Leelanau returned home
>m» rifrom bare.
•bomad to a drag eten for II TV* to- next wu a cwriage of Vttle ^1* rep- • toy*' atey.
tld ta<
beto wn aentsM off tta botUes. rwtottog tee goddem of liberty and . Mrs. Vega (toihmu of Silver Creek.
u> C'XeRlse bl* 1
it of bis friends to this
piabnMy a» ns not to ImpUeate nay berattentonu. Tta goddom wu Kim K. T. arrived to make a tea daya’ mar
I. beeanse be and Cordes bad been
NenW Brodigan. Tta Central 'Labor with Ma a. W. Buibee.
Waiter Fettariy Killed.
dins nwen.
tided In favor ri J^Tweddle.
r grtot friends for many year*
Mrs. Bnifta ud eon enme bei* Joir ankm wu reproaenled V a float fllMA Tb* Mlsaet Hale of Loentoe. Ohio,
'stand :
reoelred of a
wttb horrible tragedy which hu reeanUy
third nM aWflped at Park PUee. mo*> jwUb imie glris drewaed to while. Tta wbo arrived u- tbe gamts of Mr. ud
light to AlabsxM of wUto a —-Seven] yOBBg maa act fliw lo bale
toff to HfAStotson'* a few days Utar.
earpoMar, ri bay OB can betoagtog lo Mmm
. th* doctor fUU ratolatog Ms oaea at
honu with tee dead body of ber bn*-;
« ta the
of 8S0« I
pysrgnaoa of CoMoatar. Can aad bay
hata. Joaepb Rem. tee widow UemWalter Fetleriy. wu tee rlctlm.
, tta butri. -A trisM wbo wu TialUag peBtenro4etaacaiTlafle.foUinredhy|tee gatot erf Mrs- L. P
{ .Him May Smrrell of Nariirille ar- day afleroooo u 3 o'etoeh reaebad tbej j. BeehloL Oordes t
Hr. Fetterly SMSt aoote two yean Acrixpyed. Maa.m^
lb tb* rity totorariM Or. Famwactta twtoty amrebtog mm.


“> a- ;rz:.

j sr,




^ I

CUM MCUiP, Twuwohv. —rt

-«aa( Tiarast HcnM

eaioo the store bMMiBg nd
dean of Mrs.'Mary Johaasa oa B

Mr. Ooekww 1

oata. Mr. tmd

L^W. HWSmil I ...

Mia. W. X. d

< thaaka to the aiBr Meads aad netgh-


; bon who so kbdty s»d wmtagly lea:.

Cartia L Vaod baa pBrM Ida
Mia^ % froat M Joha Loodtag^;; « tbe raeaat naca betweea the bawl. e^Waot ttataaaU atroot vaa lag anv aad Ma FniirlTs hisoksmlih shop ahd la baytag applaa. He
tararr^ te tba dtj aagtaaor.
gjada for aeamat

; ibUr aid aad sytopaihy to as dariag
;: tbe mans aad dnth of our hUond
I LUHBCRMCN: tnatstets.
log cutters sad svsmpm.
' • hestwBd aad taiber.
' evttern. see per cord: e

Mrs. Mary Oopplsad.
mod OQxht to ba oacfhuM at
nrdw erealag.
eaaiiw. e>
emd tinber: hos'd gxio.
is paytag tlM for tiM-Maaa Daehan.
<na board of poUie verka
, •
Heary Coprtoad.
WHhoat foaig to ttaa aqiwaa a( tnMThe Mlssca NUUe aad Myn Terry. mmoN
Bd Plalar^dobe BaUar. BamoM FWdMdad M the dtr paidaaa tjm
fatriiw tba
»lra. aoaaa of arhkii
who hare baea ta tbe city tbe past
hridc vhieb Caatraaor' ma aad jaUos Mayar Mt Satarday
WltHsa Copeispd.
vaa todijr von,
tor Big Baidda to nlar the rorrla ta- weA as gasou of Mr. and Mrs. B. BiafMB
Klitabefh CMpetond.
(Daid ha laataUod l«r «1M « tha tela,
s bookkeeper, good referatltuie. Fred Marriott weal »leaday ~ (0(4. left this sftenooa tor AMea.
Mn. Ruse thaale. ^
phone polaa. He thowht that h vat thoaaand tor on la repalti. Adopted.
they will Tlsli theb
i~.t~ «me aOovcd the It
raailr olBlaal to dafer acUM.
aednr. Mn: D. Sopn.
__________hoU back tor ataty daya aa
|r. OIDaa otwMBt ftf«a M
Mrs. C 8. Bkkerd. aewnpaa
the anaoal M. E. eoafenae«.whlch wui
lot in Trsrerse
the MMt Froal atreet parlag ThW
.BPlur vat vltfc the tyateai. atather
aftobe beM at CbaNotte. opeotag-^^morte >t.ais.7( aad eai
Ipc that It vat fomartjr aO right, b«
tor BeUalra. where they will riaii
Ml at owe aaeatad to go ^roog. V
Mr. aad Mn. Chas. Woolpert ol Kal- friends.
jdfi the Ihlocfur markri yardeniDK: .
The hoard <d pehlie works raeoB««™r aald that laaar tl»aa wbtti
Mr. aad Mn. Fred DarMsoa of Chi
maadad that Court itreK vert <d the w.«fc« V«t Stiaday la Bk Baplds. the
vaa thooght to be all right it vat t
o'u^L—M> arirv, 7 Btllesoul. »».
ago an the goeats of A. P. Gray and
oooaty bolMlag and that Park dreet gvesu of their daa^ter. Mrs. W. J
1 plhf. . _
.................hsTiUoOil.______taMly of Arefak.
wnt of the Cdagregatloaal diorch b€I.WM HI -Dure curds of blucA vood. ,
Mr. aad Mn. J W. Jaeksoa aad ton
Tbe steaater HlUKds made (hU pon
ended and cnreled aa the ehorch bad
MlMa arrired la tbe city
TO SELL—ri4 .hnw nover essoIIbc
to the expeaae of pattlag la the Sunday aioraliig and dlseharfod
(hMd BagUt la attnetiog atatovMa
auaatity of frel^ tw^adlag Ure^
£HtlaaaBdtbal«gartaMaaCIUah. had broagfat the Are alam aiatter to a corb. The work vaa ordered done.
thaatata. While here tbey win be the TO SELL—C-ist.le pool sad billiard.
Alao. the dtp wax paflag aboat
Tha flaal esttnatc of tbe Wen Pmi draft bones for OUter J. Powers. She
oolBl. 'hslr«, crD«>-r«. sbov esse. |
laeta la a«pba«ttod hr l^a gr-t^
gn a year for batteriei whea uader an atroet pkrlag. amoaatlag to
took on a aniall t»oali»i»eot of apples gnwts of Mr. Jackaoa-s alstor. Mrs.
llgtal (slum sad >lork of guods.
gad the largo attaadJoha H. Fisher, and other rclulra.
»M0; less ihan bmlf run prto’, par
taprand ayateai. tba batteriaa woaW wtalck waa all that was dne with the aad
Tbe apples
lies guise soulh.
not ooat orar te a jroar. Fire or atx exea^uoe tf tbe 10 per ccat bdd back, shipped by a a BIgga. C I. Wood and
Tta tMa eouiaedM ah extract froat
•o SELL—ic: Rsmbl.r Cbsiolos.
TwrawaaMparfortheBawantoB Lovers * Cole Bios. Tbe Isuer trm
•aa tilowed.
« ad«m daamd W Ollort PlahettefT aarlBf aloae.
C.-OU- birjcles. M-00 aad:
Tbe neeial eoBtaltiee oa atreet ead
Mr. Oiueru took exoopOoa to tbe po­ walks of the Fourth
TO SELL—I Ui--n buggy.
The 11000 barge Wlnaebago was st
lice patrol alana. aarlag that aowe
eeareat aUewalk oa tbe north aide
POSITION—Ls<J> U»iLkeeprr
tbe ma compaay-s dock Friday sad
TMogBlaa that tha balk M OUT Ume ago the dty had parchaaed clockf (d Bereath atr^ betweea Can aad
TO SELL—Open Irtiggy sad bsmciu
rortheotteera to poiiehaod they were T^trs areane and also a ceateat efoas- Saturday and dlsebarged a cargo of
■ ifraaia are aov aad mast alvaga r*
m tb. Bm Bto new. acelaf
IroD ore. She beared Satarday algb:
wviss............................ 30 :
ta the b—dt m prtraie ovaert; .osMm to peach theao to the aegleet walk M Bemth atreet acron Lake
TO%XCHANGE—Kor Traverse Cllr
property. 4" mcr.-s Isad. Ukc from,
Oli tt la oalr tha prtrato evoer, larga of all their other dotlee. He thooght anaae. Adopted.
that UlhedtycooidBttodtrtiatyiBeo
Tbe sieam barge Albert Soper
S^aulL bamaa faitaraatod la forcant be cut. 1 S miles from milrasd
«tir Bhd earrioi oot Ua ptMUeal ^
cargo of t7S.OOO feat of IK-toeb hard­
that ve ahatl oMoaad ta iatro- dUea. He beUered. hovenr, that ley aiieet between Eighth aad BeliWATCH BULLETIN BOARD for n>^here wen good ma n the force. nePa be Bpoaed and rareled. Adopt- wood lumber.
toMtir iatotha JDBltod^dtatoa.
pioymen^and bsrgsJas..
JTZm bar^—bar- thgttta BCB Who dldat need watditag
State Fair. Detroit. Sept. 11 to
The matter va* dropped at that
alttee of the Third urday . .
fa, n^. Ill B farm ata aboBi throa
Pere MarqueHe sgenls vHI
not equaled in say one day daring rouad trip tlekMs (o Ueiroll. account
tbU a e^eat alde^La« aa groat la aataat aa an tita aa- polBt ahd Mr. Btorer cd the Oaiaewell
cUMd that thm «aa M do«h
that tha
waa la M




Ta excHANCE—inod. toauoa






*She at

north aide of tbe past ahie yean.'
tbe State FUr.aj rate of oae fare plus
S loaaat toaarraa, aad that the ta. ayateai waa glren aa opportaalty to wttk ba bom
Ubor day was obaerred at this place
a ihb eoaacn. Ha aaU that ba Beraath street la fimt of Hdea WOe fair. Tlckeu-oo sale Sept, nr a parade by LoagMioremeo-s ualoB.
Sip^ with tha taat araa of tba- bad exhBtaed the local syatem aaf halB-B property aad Uao <mo la froat
If sad It. good to return any d
found that It was la almost aa good of Hr. Hosrard-s pnmriy.
to and iBclodlng ScpL l«ib. A
Artaad. tha mUUaea apoa
ooadittoc aa when laataBad twenty
Tbe eoauBltee oa atreeU aad walks of other unlOBS. A dance was glren
■aiaa, whWt ara'owaad
la the eTealng at the open house.
^ rallroada or br bob of aartoaa ooeo- ytonago. Owing to the growth of tbe rwornmnded thU tbe betMlag of


m. evotin- v-r.

totasM Milt

Tbe boiler of the steamer BelUlrc
Ztieu who eoatrol tha Uatbarlaixla city U etatmM.,hewenr. be dlrided Into eemeat ddewslk betweea Oardeld si
Bnflalo. N. T..
-use aad tbe eemetexy oa M Bgblh has just been ondergoiag a thorough
SoTwWeh tha proaparttrK thl. throe or tour ireJltt.
OT^baollag. Jobs MeOdieni did the will be run orer the Lake Sbore A
whala^tiT dagaadi, nialatoba ad the npladai of tome of the old street b* deferred. Adopted.
Hlehlgaa Southera Ry. Tuesday. Bept.
abend, that tha foroata «f tha
fdlb. Spedsl train
- ‘
a wahara win ban to ba hat U


R*m*mb*r the Wlao*.

Elgin G. Lewis.

iiS??irt5i s*ru wHfcu


tds boy. who far tbe past year
without ckaa

aiy to Cl
ia tbe employ of Mltebell Bros, JeaFare, Tn’
IP; Buflsio.
lara. $11-10.
Blags, was la'town Sstonlay reaewlag
Tiekeu good for 30
3f dys.^^^^.lculy
oM acqaalalanea. He was on his way
________-keiagcnu — -............—
to Helena. V. P, where be has accept­ 8. Brown. T. P. A- Hillsdale. Mklu -ir
takea up oa
aad Froat atreet am ed tbe posiUon at manager of Die raer- B. W. lana, C. P. A_ Grand RapWi.
oC^the Bsrtley-Hc- Mich.
also examtae BaUroad. araaoe vhlcb
Oafferty company.
la ta bad abapa a«ar Bdtaer-a mOL
Rate Cxearalen te^ EaaL'
A hay-ruck load of merry yojing peo­
Mto toe L^e Bbm
Mr. Dorlenyk laotfcm that the eltj
ple atianded a dsnelag party si the A Hichlgao
sat a bsn «f John Edley for It
Qerman phaUc ground last Fridsy-even- Olln F»mny”Bx«mralon ^
moth to keep the aaUler tools I
d BuBalo. N. Y.
O.. a---------was tost S to S. Hli motion thU tb
igparticulars as to time ef speeds]
Oea LewlA who recently openpd
rale. wm. em.,
board of pabUc wofki prepare plsas
r band bills.
the Soimydde marble, grunile
for a city tool bouse csrried.

. be oommgaleated with tp rw
^ tba urarwbaUnag ealaaltf«* araead a disarm way. The alaUc la
wfiBitaalalw^bakaptfioaithla the wire ahonM be polled np and the gsrd to getUag an expert hm to see
treaa trtamed so thU they wooM not tt the city ernrter was any good.
Ihteifmo with tbe wiras. He th« exOa Hr. Wlaala's motlaa. the i
fistsss the marita ot hk aystem abow- of public workawUI replace the partaf
Open Doer la Aaaand.

Ing tba ssTlng thU eoeld be eSeetad
BAftar glrtaf •
with toar edngdtt aad atonga bU' r of the ABaaelBl aad tadastrigl
y Clews of Now Tork tarito
Mr. SaUabury of tba SlgaUpboae
a as taUpva n tba Japaaiw
napaay wMkbat ba bad arrlrad too
lata to
the oKy ayataca, bet

'aaU thU eOdaaey was tba main potof
a It la tha last, of all M all Sre alhn appanltia. Wlthoot
in traasmiulag aad raeeirIke Hagee soda <d a«
dbBotas botwaea aatlooa w
raadai Reword. T
ft Import laaaeBi

Ing tha alann. the

' Hr. Doekeray’s motion tbU tbe com- stone works at Kewsdla. was la town
Monday and reporu thui builaess is

mttue WB UghU eoiter with the B. B.
E. U * P. po. la regard to what terms
his coBpanrs
ilwgth. iBjagard to the podoa alarm eoald be made for addlUonU ilgbU
.. dtlag lit a partaaae
I world onr. Tha taotal ef- •yuemhaaasdthatuwaaaot------------ -- ^ate a ptopostUoD oa IM lights
• bet of a eman aaUoa Ilka Japan a wateh ba the oMcen hot
The commioae on claim and
pNtocUoa lot iham. At the eoaeloaoklofiag ita
eouata reported a namhar pt bliU
Mag ttd water onr what was tup- ahm a(-hls-tUfc Mr.
rhleh w«a ordand paid.
an powertal a aatlaB aa thuUn matter ho laid onr waUI the
The report of Oscar Slmpaoa.
wOl -she eoperara aad kUtga aeU loeetlag nd ihU pn^oalUoat
raa sent aa a delegai* to the coi
ta fte, man baton deeld- tnm the OeDewUl ahd SlgnUphope
-to M> b> wpr, eyaa With a aataU eompaar be neelred opoa a Bn alana
Tbe Wpn door- U aow aa- ayuem tor three or foor drcalu sad

asPind-wbkli also for a pdlee dgaal aysteia and
cf tha two.

cy la pRWMlBg tor

of paoplM with t



flUtsa, together with the great antargrlae of her marndiiata aad prodnoen,
^11 soon pisee thU eouatry tar la the
JBd la dlstribnllag maicbaadisa to
tbeBwtenpeo^ Japan windoag
«al (he leas of aa ladmaaity. to wUca
4# waa Jestly eetHled. Had H been
glaiitad Japaa would ban gottaa out
4 debt to toe (oMga aatlcma who
. ^ea .0 geaenmaly t^aa bar boads.


Aepteraber tg to a..................
Marquette agenu will sell

round trip tickets to Grand Rapids ac^
was a guest of Judge a B. Wheeler
t the Bute Falr.^ rale of one
the latter part of the week.
fan pin U cents, which lacluda ad­
iMr.'and Mrs. Dana Reed of Jackmission to the fslr. Ticketa oo c
aaai are rislUag at tbe home cf Mrs.
Bepl. 1$. IS. to. 71 sort 32. good
F.R. Williams. -•
return any day up to and Includlox
,Oeo. SaraslB U at Bast Jordan AaSeal. 23.- Ask ageats for partk.ilsrs,
tkm of the Laagse of Amarieaii Munlc- Ishlag toe interior of a store bnildlnE 36-31
H F Moeller, C P. A.
tor John Moaroe.
IpaUtm at Toledo. O, was read
toaneO, .who attended the good : BberiS Gabrloe cf BellUie waa to
8Ut« Newt.

s eoareatioh at Pon Huron assde town euaday.
Oftera th^-s vlilt with 83k Rapids
ittoa OB streata aad walks a rerbal reporL
One loae reeolutkm was paasedtTbls friends, the Hlssa Jordan and Shaw
_s waata U twotUrda of the popalaiWl Baaday morning oo the nilaols tor
tk« of tbe world. The bolMay trip Of allay between Frtml.aUuat and tha prorided (or tbe Issalag of pariag
luRM bearing Are per cent lateraL
rtrar rnaaiag from Cnkm i
t|e future wtU be
G. and J. McDoooor of Ksiksska
Mr. GlUett called tbe conndl-t sttenCase street was a pobile aeceaslty aad
#ortd trip, with tha
spent Sunday in Bk RppMs.
ihat.the pwpoeftlOB ofthw property tloa to tbe tael that toe beard cf eduB« ttonitma aad of
Mias MnM Wood has leatgaed her
«ttM that wm bauom mn lad- owaeri to deed elgUeea-f^ of land eatloe had been baytag dirt to grade
pociUoo at •poegt-ria iwataurant. Miss
$BU of this derMa^t. aad. what to the city shoaUTM accepted aad tbe the school loU on toe weet aide,



opoilQg up briskly.
9oB. Frank B. Tbauber of Rsve
totmeriy la toe drag besiness here,








from vhch he will probably die.-.
Mre. Anna June, an old seuler of
Vassar. was seriously Injured by
lag on a cement sidewalk Wedam
braking her shoulder.
DaplU her


advanced age, W years, her recovery
is almost ceriata
Margaret. ihe'\14-monlhs-old dssgh-


r of Edvard HAd)on of Fenton, fcas
I badly burned Tnesdsy nigbt by
explosion of s gasoline stove that she
ed Vlibln’ a few boun.
Mre. Mabel WilllaniK Clifford. se<-I
36, vlfe of Dr. Rnymuud A. Clifford, of

d dsughier.
Tbe bureau of fisheries «i NonhvlUe

years has eondneud toe leadlog dry a guest of John P. Boyd the Aral of tbe has been eultlvnllng bass Id the ble
goods and etotoUg store here, is about week.
poods ever sinre last June, dlslribul- tb'5.'*«aixlwUt.»f~ldmi»o« _____ _
Miss Lulu Nsekermsn left Saturdsy tag the fry to iirlvstt- spplleants all
to dlapoM of Us stock and retire from
the merenatile butlaees. Mr. Hirsh- ter Alden. where she will teach dur­
-er the •■taie. In all several, tnllllun
aeceptad, to read tbU It be tefarred berg has been In bnslaea here for ing toe coming school year.
V were hitched.
Cam S W. Fowler of tbe M. N. C
back to the atreeat committee, ihe city about Afteon years aad by clos^ atm Che City sV Tts»ww
tatkm and strict business lategrity
engineering corps of Bntile Creek, bas
attoney aad the dty engineer,



from Us duttos bM ala
the degtric light 834M.
Twpktai o( CeWral
, af Ihe CUliene TeleBtnUtUc. cosshlned curb and g«- dsya.
like Is the guwt e( tbe Hlssa Btoel
LawreM* , Mortu.
j that too system be pot tar. (Moot nagway. 8(44 a (rimt toM.
talssd ths MriUtags oce^lsd by A. •aa Mtamta traspktas of tws citT.
^''tour draalts aad that storage bat- toUL 831.«$W.
A, B. PWtaber at Cb»■ttoUthk. csasbhtod curb wd gM-)^o$dfsib pad PblMp Lyuti, wfU this
e Btourad. Tba report wss re

Have artistic cases, but
they exccll others .lO the
three prime contribatiog
factors which are my
necessary to make a p&feet piano:—


The best mtiridans in
the land attest the truth­
fulness of this statement,
-and this evidence s fu%
supplemented by 45,000
users of Kimball Pianos.
The owners and usert
of Kimball Pianos are
our best advertisers. Like
an endless .drain they tell
their friends of the good
qualities of the Kimball,
and in turn, they tdl oth*
-ers. That is why more
than double the number
of Kimball Pianot are
sold every year than an'
other make tn tbe world.

BiUPilca .

YpslUotl. (lied In a bosphsl SI Ann
tbe result of sn operstbm
She lava a husband and ivu-yesr

A ft Is now. these oMl^lona win oonsVrUed a delay as tbe alley
to na for an indeSalte period would ba rety expansire to build. He
Md tbenby toad to make Japaa eonamend tbe moUoo madalmilnihtim.thmi
Mr. Dockeray that tbe prapaKloe be

barer 4^the
OuaeweU ortgiaal motion was wltbdraira and bas bolK op a Ane trade. The only
’•Jkank O. Btorer
teaton be asslgui tor toe sutpeisloo
le araadmeat carried.
elegnph oosaiiaBy
oompaay and
BMW -Alarm Telagnph
U toat toe oonAnemenl eeesisry to the _____ lastjeTenlag oocompanled by her
The eammiuee on gre end
M B. SalUbuir ef the Blgaa! Phone
friend. Mlta Bdna Haraeek of Marn of hU bnlness
addftoBCd tbe city couaell Claud that aa laresUBtlaB bad been
lette tad are the guau of Mrs. John
S hU health i
U^srsBlBg oa tha meriu of the Brc
poem to make the ebangc before. It
£im ayatema that they repreaemed dato of Duncaa HcLaeblaa.
Judge J. A- Lotanger went to Sagi­
toand Cbst he bsd no ordert to climb woUte.. Mr, Hlrachberg will continue
poisB and had a Uaemaa with him tor his reaidoia hefe. ahd altbougb bli naw this meraUg.
Mn. Arthur Brace of Mlddlerille.
puns as to the future are imaeitled. be
iMMy diicussed and It seemed to bf that purpoto. Howvrer, la
w*o has beea vlsltlag friends b
ik eona«Bana of opinion that oartag to burry the work ba amlsted the Uae- vfU engage m some vocalloo wbichrequlra more eot of door wxcrelse than city, iwtnrned to her home thU i
m Magth m Ume a had bean toatalled mah. HM climber '
srito a lira wire aad bU abouldar with
MM tba laereaae la tbe a
Mrs. D. Bntrick and MUs Ida DeJ. G. Ddston. owner of Skegemog
tbe Are alarm urtre. maklBc a dradt
Hmea. the preaent kyutem
Point fuort. reporu that hU guesu Wttt cf Cbarleretx are visltlns friends
^ aanUstaetory but actually dan- which ranlted in his death,
are retnnilag boms and that altoougb U the city.
£mu bacauae. as baa bea often waa atuched iq tte
MIsa B. Wriib of Cadinae w U the
^ed whhia the last few weeks. It Bleetrle Light and Power company or the soBoe hu been abort. Bkegemog.
m commoB with other northern Mlebl^ vary difiealt to hiade trouble and Pire Cbtet Murray.
Bari Clark, the clerk at Hotel Cdlamthe line waa oat tor
Tbe board o* public worici preaemted gaa resorta. lUs mtioyed a proa{
Ma, has reslgaed bli
comaunicatloa girtog the cost of
H. T- BiodgetW oew euperiatendenl retiitMd to hit bow* ta Hoskegon.
mbraaghttorthby paring Booth Union street from the
T. C. Behridcr. the Bundart
committee oa Are and water whM bridge to Bercnth siraeL ''The aosu of scbooli, says be was never ta a
mL U ta to# city today.
ter kept acbotri buQdtag thaa tbe Ceaere as toHowa:
oardeUy censhtoriag
Dr. J. C. Marah and family bf GalTbis speaks weU tor the
Brick, stone emb aad gutwr. (gfoM
-toraametlme. Tbe eoma
thm. Ohio, who have been ipelldtag
mended that tour poUee patrol roadway. ti.CD a toot; total. fhxoiXO. Arteney ef A. B. Lanbecber. wbo has
hrpuichased lor a poUce p4frrt
Brick, utone curb and gntur. W foot been tahllor of thU banding tor twelve BOB* ttae at F^akforL pured
1. that the Are alarm wlraXba ftmdway. M.M a tnmt toot: (oua. 833.- rare, aad daring this time hsis been: aruugk ttrwqTfls p«m «»ti their way


Ik’S?. Fater. sn employe of the Bis­

aney ballL the UU^ tn to be done the thought that laanauch as many of toe Uxxle drammal succeeds her.
F. R Williams left Monday for Bel-,
struts -wme AUad with aoperAuous
same at the dty maik«t alta. ''
dirt that this owht to be used; Onbls Idre and Petoskey oo professional
Dockany thought that tha propodtloi
Bhoold be.aeeeptad aad the dty hare : motloB the board of pobUc works wss baalneaa.
D. P. Horae of Sanilac Center and
remove toe
charge of the rirer baak. Tbi* was
on Monioc. West Front street, IBfs Bra Horae ef Pontiac returned
also the riew of tha late PanT KanBmwood areaue and Wsshlngtoa home Monday after a few days' vlsH
with Dr. an4 Mn. H. Boeb Morse.
Mr. Olllett opposed the matter, aut- streeL
,n of
Mrs Geo.--- Kalkaska
----------- vis­
lag that U the dock line was used at
it the btnae of W. J. Tovera. Suatbe north boundary. t^Aome placet the
Elk Rapids. MIeh.. SepL
city would make forty feM of lead la
MISS Mabel Perry left Moodsy to rtorder to get eighteen feet Be Uso many Blk.^pldt renders of tbe Her­
ald win be"-surprised to learn that tame her sebool duties st LaBsIns
stated that some of the pnrperty
F. H. Boeworth of Traverse City u
era bad all tbe laad thelf deeds called Hatty Hlrabbee*. who tor aeverml



marck boiel at Battle Creek,
struck by a westbound Grsod /Trunk
tram and recelvod


imeoced drilling Battle Creek
____ .. _ farUsc
pany. uniformed rank,
Knlgfcts •<
• B- y "I sUd petltta.
Pythias, for the state competition
^Debjanilg^-’-------• ••
b-^ o. the Uread TreeJackson. Sept- 19Tbe employre of the Siewan bs
In wwa. prertoos to said day «(

y •;

of Owosso and their relatives, vho i
from under by wlihdrewlng money be

Brings them within the
reach of alj buyers,
and our
Small PtrSKAt PlAA MsACS
FitM BajiDt Buy

Mwsio Mourn*

M. B. BARKER, Prop.
MtoldowA V. yvtadncA-stoi

1/ a WALK!

fore toe bank failed, were given aoik-.'
by the Deireli Trui-t cotnimny
tea to return s^e They will prob­
ably conteest.
When BO one was wa'ehlng, rtorothy
Habel aged 3 \-eare. toe only daughter; ■
of Postmaster Fred Stow.-II of Byrao.ll
ellmbml on a sewing machine Toadny :
and got some iporpblnt- off the clock ;
shelf and ate It. She died vltoU toteo

Ho Trace of DisoaM ,
IfitretnarUUe? Jf ^oa s*v tbe shc« yool^the fl
eoQoUeu tUousaodi in va;u« assetnbloo.
Tnere was t
bnmders. ^Tbcy bad^obe^^mud^iM 1

Pr. John O Raffeny of Sooth Haven;
Calhollc ehordb. bare bare arms from
rervlca. Girl* from oUirr eltia at­
tended chureb with sleeva rolled up
to elbows.


reOR asr-a-riFl FBCTT rAJM-^JPg-

diitoifeeti^ wSh i




. nrjm

s per cm aBrrei «■ IttK Itefodti.

and they most “keep off the grtaa.”
rred SUBttoa. (be jtmac bed ender the arelidit of the food thlass
Tbe Ml; araUable grexe Is that of
eb«r^ vilb nbbtes (be ia<»er which the booacwlfe knows bow toMra. JobBaoa’a. which the lady very
<)r«»cr of ibc l«rdle ECBeral More «t prorldc M ao^ occasions.
kindly offered tor the pnrposc. Inr
OW VlMton, wM-relcMod yeM*rd«r.
lo Its distance from the boat
for tbe e**r appeared It ailompted » rellcre the Ublcs of their
JoMke Curtis’ eoort tb>t morulas and bardeas and allhougb ibej’ dlsptayel landing aad depot. It was decided tn
bold tbe gslberlag le tbe balL
eU tbo moislns tbe most determined effort and tbe
Tbe new swing bridge which crosse.
the prosecatiDS atlomey dorirted that moat pernsieat peiaererance tbey
IlgA lo glre op tbe Mreagl'' CTsm rirer wrt| be ready for placet
there was aot eootish tesUnpay tol
bin and also tbai there were aeri-! aod s<»r. <ray to relnforeemeou. who about Sept. U. Helena towaiblp pa:
arltb not maeb better ane- la ibU bridge at a coil of tS.d^ loibU as to bU s««l- Or hh reSerural cottages wltf-BThtnit here
coas. After dlnnea was orer a short
qaest the ease was dismissed.
program was rendered by the ytMBg this fall for resoners from Columblb.
T. U. Jewett of Haple Qiwre ^It people. tonsUUi
srlmmlag pool will bTlSmt at
(arm has secmlatfr oaly to^clre bU readings, etc. The mec-Ung then to<*
uads to his troll sad It will do
Bfteen mlouiea and gatb- Aldra (bis fall .wKb bowling alley tikd
aarthlas he wants u to. Kot'satlsted
• front steps of Harper'- row boats atiaehmeat
Tbe new Main Home win bare t
wlth>-ralilns foeord hrcaklas apples photograph gallery’ to be pbotograpbrd.
asd peaches be has lost been picUDS
The liceUng was again called to large addlilon ballt this year.
seeood crop of etrawberrtee which order lu (be hall, where, after tbe disnisal of ibi- routine boslneis a ques.,
tirm box was opened with *
U aot as Ursc as the flret oco
tbe of sBbJeeir of ftiieresi to tbe frsiernl- I Torch lake haxr had the largest ann.
«, be brousht a larse box of
AmoDK those wbo took part In the bt-r of reworteta this year of any year
berries to tbe Herald ofllce last week. dlscusaions were Geo. H. Kirkpatrick previous.
' Peraeaata

C. Hllion and no of
Malae are visHIng Hra. Hllion’s father,
L. Hosier, at ProrctSoat. This Is their
flniR Ttslt here In sixteen yoari. and ll
Is made the occasion at a r.ery happy
(smlly rcnnloa. Mrs. P. LaBoms of
.thto city. B itster oi Hn. Hllion. Is
•peaiiag aooie llme%t ProveinoDt.
fMp. MaUch and aister retamad to
Chicago after a rery pleasant week
: spent St the boine of Mr. asd Mrs. E.
H. Oran of tone T^. Mrs. Malaeb
wOl remain a while longer.
Oea E. Fray aod family bare retnracd from Rapid City, where they
bare spent the summer.
Mrs. P. LnBonla left yesterday afternoon for PrtrrcroonL, where she will
make a rltlt with her paiwnu, Mr.
aad Mrs. Mosblcr.
Bates Bahle of SnUons Bay was la
tbe eliy yesterday.
Hn. J. O. DaBcao at Suttoss Bay
spent yesletday In the etty.
George U Tbniaion and wife of CenMl Lake were In tbe city yesterday.
Hits Jennie Wolfe ot Wesley bospitBL CbJeago. wbo bat been at Northport the past momh altendlsg ber
slater. Hra E. B. Wilson, passed
throogh tbe city last night, being
called to atUBd her alsler. Hra. W. C.
Oriesbaber of Chicago, who Is 111 with
dlpbtktrth- NUt Hay Galdck of Heroy
hospital. Big RapUt. will aUead Mrs.
rusoB at North^rt la Miss Wolfe's
d MeSoace <t MayttM hai Me o(
Him Vath Carter, wbo has bet
8U Harr’s hospital. Detroit, under Inhla thomba c« «« M Thoradar
k iii|i1nfr< ta Onra ahlofla mUI aad BUtmUoa lo the nones' debartmeat.
wW arrlre.home tomorrow to spend
«MM la coataa wfth a
her tiro weeks’ rncatjon.
•Thir Ber. Tlwmai Cox wen
Geo. 0. Bates. Ties prsildeat of the
Herald and Record company, arrlvcil
Ktocfley last week and laid tbe
air eteas of tbe aew Methodist eharcb from Chicago this aoHiing for a short
whlcfe le beliks erMad near there.
Tlalt with hU falter. Tboi. T. Bates,
and family^
Tbe Mtsaae Zeader end MIm Kraai.
bare rsteraed to their homes la ChlCol. Dan Lanoot loft an esutc o(
> alter a two weMs' rlsit with Lson.oeo. aecordlnrie a will Bird for
aberbesgttWtam probalo in New Toffc. Mrs. l.aiponi
Mlh.A. C
a half iBlIe^ east df Trarert* and her three dangfatcni arc ihe btnc'

Qreulalion this week 2,750


The rcpteeeBtatlTei at the Herald
afll call npM readers of tbe Herald oo
; B. r. II. No. 4 oBt fl( Trarerte Qty
aesl •atnrMT. Sept, •. to tMOw subaeriptleaa ler the eoailBC year and to
trauaa any other hoslacss thU max

of Rapid City, president of the asso­
t Ikp Flndlee aSAOPy.
ciation: Secretary Ira D. Bartlett and
rinding brallb Is like finding mnary
Geo. Jatjuays of East Jordan. Messrs, —so tblnk those wbo are elck. Vl'bcn
have a cough, cold, sore throat. rteoebam an-1 F. P. Fox of WUIlamr.
burg. Elias Coreyou of Petoskey, Sam.;
uel Chapman of Mann-looa.
\ He says
Among other members prt-scot werv'l trouble. cai«.*l
E. D. Townsend , of Romus. .Clarence ,
, ndlng n"
Townsend of Kalkaska. Mr. Dwy of j ^j.
King's N.-w Discerery for Coo-Ccntral Lake. James Martin of Custer sumption, Coughs and Colds.” (.real.
’ •
cuuch or lung modlclnc
township, tosKiher with many of
■ Johnson Drug Stor prcmia.-ni cltlrens ifi Alden and ncarty I c„.VV*'h.'nd’' .
Wall &
all of the above named gentlemen j gons’drug slore*; &0c and $1.00:
were acrompanled by ifccir wives and! snieed. Trial boiilo P
altoglher’thc gathering w3
Tbe C-yoar-oId son of Fred SKlrger.
deddit] suoctsa..
of Pcirt Huron, while riding In a lllile
doddod'(hat Ihe ncx^anniiali gexan. was struck by k street car an-I
picnic t>e held al Petoskey. tbe time;
flxed at the annual eonventJon •
wbleh is Id be bcid in Kalkaska some
Get eff ChMp.
well think, be has got off
lime during the winter.
after having coniracii-.l
This picnic was appnlnved in be constlpailoD.. or
Indigestion. Is sllll able
held' at Aldcn under tbe siipipjriilon 0 perfeei
feeilv restore hU healtby Nolhlns
’ - Dr. KlnTs New U'c
beaitiiful grove in tbe aoutb! Pill do i;
pleasant and eertatn
adache. nni«tiiiEHrm. <
Drug Siore Co a, F.
menu came lasr week to'secure Ihc'
E. wait A Sobs' driig
place and make preparations they | stores; guarani-leal.
fuand the grove was private propcri.v ! _

a deponit in our Suiiout

i Th»4<ae«a CMy base ball tea* de
faared the Orawn lam t to 0 at Duck
laka Labor day. That was the firs’
the araaa ter Orawn and
the Qaesa City beys ny that they
were.vary aore. Spaagicr. formeri)
af tbe wylum team, pitebad for Orawn
. aad waa easy. The Orawn battetr was
Bpaaii^ and. Brayta and the Queen
City battery waa-Glbaa and Libntskl
. Tha aaeoafi flour of the WewoMoag
teh hease aHU be r grtmUy changed
l-v-— thli wtaiar. At the mceUag of
- tta fllraciota Uai wertt. Uc esmtfaeta far the flaUhlag were let and
work wtU ha hagua as aeon as poolHa w that danea and parties an U'
Mfi this arlater. The contract for the^
woodwork"was let to Wanaa and 8aek-V
att aad for the piaiterlag and bulldlag
at oUmneya to W. P- Vpgelsong. The
of the woodwork will be done
J, J. Barfien. The haaUag will ' le by meabt of two dre saadreglo

For the
To luccecd these dfiys yon
oust hfive pleocy of grit, courige,streoph. HovUUwiih
tbechHdren? Arc they thlo,
pi]e,deUcate? Donoifoiget
Ayer’s Sirsfiptrillfi- You
kaov It mtkes the blood pore
■ad rich, sad buUds np the
ceaeral bealib la «rery wty.


aOAKS AND smis
Special Values in Ladies’ Cloaks'At

S12 and $l6i0
The above prices are special. We have any other price from
$1.98 to $60.


before nust Tncaday. yon
irill ifct inlereat


Alden. MIcb.. Sept- 6.-Thc first aiiaaal picnic of Urn Nonbeni Michigan
Beekeepers’ aaroelallon was bold herWednesday. ABg. ». The meeting {
WW held In the Orange ball, where lb
toreaeci^was tpeat la visiting aad In
tha TCSkMaa at Mrs. Hattlo L. Da^ apectlBg the dlffercn^jatfiplw 'of
honey on exhtbltlgm'-dlmoag the sam
toe wtwe takM Uila moia)^
•Vbxfc by ,ber soa. Dr. ramewonb, fries of honey shown, which were o,’
ta«muw..when the aerrloaa wDJ be special' laUwesL were packages of
hoBcy gathered from boacy dew.
orange hloasama. eatalp nnd gulden |
rod. bcaldeo aamplos from raspl,^
dh) Blgbt from pueagoL elm. soft maple, e
After throe montfas of reiL the pies ntaalag through-every shade tron-.
aiAoUn of Ttaretae-CUy waded tbolr water white to the darkwl amber.
achoolward Tooday. la ibe Hlgn Many atylc* of packages for cxtrac'.-i |
the MTollment ww 301. which hooey were on exhibition^ One whlc':'
eoBslderobly larger than test yar. attracted special attention was oxhllbMfae gradaa the ariillmat was very lied bp EUas Coreyou of Petoskt :•
bnlldlngi showed an whIM waa a almplr proi^ for rvallie.;
Chora j ere pres- the ordinary Jelly glaas. without th-*AlV1h* teseheia^
vgi^raihooth and screw top Arcr by maos of parafM^Md^atan
fined paper whicb renders the paekago
secare and safe for ablpplag with nn
' Saturdayya*alacChM^.Bd
danger onakage.
at the praiilBsalk iwcdtreff an ni
While tbe ^llemen were lhu«
M vliii from
ram hli tatb<^ E
engaged 1
MMb. wbo arrived her
e ladles he-l
mutual interest,
MHaonri for A visit
the hall ttbles Into reqaUUlo;i
father aeparaicd la Uiaa.<Qklo. ihinyand
were aoon litcially groaning
•ve yaan-MO aad had not alece am
aaA outer, therwforo the vlalt '
fnaimir pHuiag to Chaa. A. Edge



To show you the new Fall and Winter -

Special Values at $3.95, $5 and $8.50.

Traverse City Markets
Tbta raport ta mb«* up on Wednoedav of oaoB weoK. Tbo Horald ts not
tonalblo for changoa in prices.



vSoplcmber let.


Crastrss etty state


Calk Jibout

n $bPe Sale
Ni‘vcrin tliti liiatory of our store hisso we aoid aoniBny alioes in
AtiKual. The Ixswis stock wns precticnlly « new stock of shoos,
Mt. Lewis haring had thorn hut n few muntlis.

Every Shoe f$ a 6eod Shoe
1-4 to Of! tbe Regular Price
and to think wo'an- at-lliiiK them at such rcducod i>ricca !

sample Quotations
mtn’s Sbsts

aiorntn’s Sbsts

Men's Patent Ctilf <Shoca,
Bludicr stylea or llio regulHr,
The swellost ahoo of this son.
soa. They sold tor $100.
now they go for

Women's Pntont Calf or
Kid Shoes, miule hy the welt
proccae. are EOod values at
Sll.UO and $-'<.-'>0.

Mcn's.’Patcnt C^f. Kid .ind
,Cnlf 81ioca in the fiew styi.-a.
shoes that sohl at l^i.OO and
W..‘)0 for

$2.50 ,


and kt'ejt out the water. They
stUd from tt.00 to $2.D0. re­
duced to


Pon't take our word for it. but ask those who have used the different makes,
and they will tell you that the American Field Fenaj is the easiest put up, ad­
justs itself to uneven ground, and is the best general-purpose lence made today.
We have it in 3'2-inch, 47-inch and 49-inch, at 25c, 2Sc and 30c per' rod, in ooe-^
hundred rod lots.
PLOWS—We have the celebrated "Oliver” in all patterns and sigM..,of
wood and steel beam, from $5.00 np.

Women’s uenuine^nln
Kid. newest slmpt*. a ifootl
wearint'and vi-rv stvlisli shoe,
that sold at tS-W. '



Fine Kid Shoes, with
liateni tips, nice light
for dress. They sold nt
priee now,


Hundreds of pajn of Bors'..'$Iisacs' and Children's Shoes hieluded in thU sale. It's a good Ume lo shoe up the whoTi



We have them in Open and Top. Single and Double, and to close tbetn out,
to make room for winter goods, what we nave will go at manufacturers' prices.
HARNESS-We have a number of sets of .Single and Double Hamefls, at
prices that will surprise you as to their economy.
If you are needing any of iho*e goods it will pay )-ou to see us.



«u^'«;niAvei»E t4eRAU). T>iUN«eAY. «ep>

€^and Traverse Region.
ite TSSy"«^

tM lata to ba KMd In M

<Ur tor Maaallolt. O, vbere the vUI
auaad aobool acala tbia Ttor.
Htaa NalUa TboBpaoo la to tCMb
Ibo MdieraoD aAoel tbU tell
Hra. Addia A. Glbba baa betci aoterUbitSA Mra. Jaaal* Olbbi and daaebtar

Sm oM In tkr
Hra. Platt Baninm loft Wodnoaday
Mnaw ooaiir to tU» .Aanooo » elalt ber metber at AIl^aa and r^attvea at other poiata
ibla ataie.
Wort «n the aev electric plant U
—jaar'fr'T' TrAveraa CUr Soada)'.
Lgnfox *»d t«nUf bare woeed procreaalf« okdy.
Sept 4.
j^SSSu^' aad tamltr abd Bot^
*«rt lOMia apaat ThnrMr at Loo*
Ira. B...
^^iteaeaal tbf> hall BatardaT nlidit from PellatoB Saturday and expect
lariatt««W on ac- lake tbia place their tnture home.
Her. Hin preached hie farewell aer
1. Moppla,-Itb mon bera yetterday and will leareter
. Mm MmiMm.
onferanee today.

Mra..L'. S. OtUnser le on ibe xlck

Sra Derated «< Orawp dor-(ebon wBl commtec. ‘h*'
.jmaa tq her home U> BeUcrea. O, lag thed contcailon
this week.
; Mlaa Mabel Vali of Wb.y4»*^^
Mite Jeselc HcISrtr* le working for virtling a few daya wtlb W*. Jo»
" «ad Mn. K«a Cm «( WlaUftil.
;Mrs. Mary Cberlng. wbo la toiendlag Mill*.
are the *Mt* of Mr. »nd ■■
to makes rUU at Aldenlora wbHe. | Mhm Bmh ^II*



u-tt h.-e ..
___ ________
Engaged people
Monday to rtalt her tstberk relattm.: that,
■at. after marrlase. many naarrols
wbo lire nearr Chltago.
can be anMed, by keciAag tbetr dlHra. Wbl H.
' Field of Grand I.rdee ' gntidiix In good ^(Htloo with BcleclUng Mr*. F. E. White and ; trie Bitters. 8. A. Brown. oTBr-----rille. S. C.. as
"Fbr yeva W wife

our pulpll this summer, kdl lor iti»tun' plicated wit!) a turpli
I in. .nfcorUhnnae 'George HetBrleb U Terr idck.
last Tucaday to aumid a Iheolaglcal lost her •trength and rigor.' and beLAUTNER NEIOMBORHOOO.
Mr. and Mrs Henry Dobm are.
: came a mere wreck of her toiler ai-lf.
sprading a few daya in TraTetwe d.*. . Pieolv oi
busy getilog ground
Ret. and Mrs. Carpenter were given ; Tb<-a eho tried Elecirtr Bhiera
I. F. Lameral. brother of Mra Fred j Farmers
ABOBC Ihoac wbo came on the ct•, aad flnalt) ma.le
retuni from ' hotiwd
cnrdhm traki Tburaday were Hr. and Johnson, retiirtied home yestnday *f

She la now airang
itlrely we
Mra B. Frederick. Hr. aad Mra: 8. lernoon after mafclOK her^nbort rlih.^ lih fcls wind staeker threshing- The the aummor, Mr. Car.^Bier's
son Drug Store On.
Car,«ner'* i.altl and bealihj - j.
Roy and Haxe^Qfc«»f rexoraed -Mr. Oe
_ .
_ Mr. Anatefl and Ml
?. E Walt A Bont.
wed and he will
tend I new starter works fine.
■ Is some Improved
to r. It Meads ai
or Aahley._____
Idd.Mr*. C. B«kley a
1 guarantee* Ibem.
idlng j ■ Mra, Louise Knrtpw has b»n
■ ronferrcee and erpocis to late a
aehoo'l' agaln'Yhli yrar
ghter of Athena Mich.
and helping her mother for a ehargn yomr
the sumincr with fhelrfaihcr.
, Mrs. L II
d left .few (levs.
Ikv Va_...........
Van Nest it-........
back to the OraniV, a.-r.l niece t
thU so: dng for their new'Bfld of la ! Ikv
hsv< formed n union.
V<- regkm
•j dTOve through ^ their Tran-rxregion sigaSn. He leB
leU lattXhash.
1a«t\ha>h. Ind.
for the
til.- rrOiiih pan of the «iate i Essie Vir.P>n has gone
• •
• spriiiff for
attacked ^ * Mab
. _
llaoncb Strieker went In Bnf -'Zimmemian refc.-'l ^•l•^!h of Trarer*- /
John Kroupa^d temll.r and brother
gone to (tir^ And !--aieo. la a talerr riot. toiUI
.. a Roblnion and niece arc rlalt- ■fWl »p^nrsundarnp
■m»r“Trevi.iwe- falo_ i _ _ lend the wedding of a tr.ieml Oty. Wbrj
apeni Sub
•am. «tn
IV of Mal.i l e'wicfl wHb sores, a Chlrag..
Mr DupexDunex
I Ch
Charles Stricl.i r Is oat ihve,hing rVeiilnsuli and
tog at A-E. BelUngef*.
^ | City with Ibe family of Mr.
lUen'aa iAr- •
rar c>mltohtriJ®ai|gmrd;aBCklen
■ Traverst

' arlth
----tenches the IXiiWlltiK schoid
Her. J. Zimmerman attended the, ui„ guna Nelson went to
eounty Sunday school convemloo at.
Saturday to be ccmllnneri to the I Sept.
..................... - lU) family,'“ wrltw*
Northport last Thursday aad Frtday.
IB church Sunday.
I Wrirh. nr T.-kt.t
b- 'a-Geo. Clement ha* gone to Vicksburg
Sept. I
to attend
the funeral of hit father,
dar evenlug. Ills funeral
Rmplee Thin
Sept, 10. Mrs. L. E
Mrs. Silas nowncr. .
; r>o net,, at'Tuexlay ,
Next Sunday, Sep
Mrs, Chandler has Wn tjlule sick.
able, the eounty delegate to the groat
Mrs. E.1 Qtialie and datichier* rewill give im IB shiwly recovering.
Baltimore C. E dopreniioD.
.. «W-


Tbare will be a bee at the
' ■uiwicKvntXc.
vto Trarerse City and will risit hls; ''7'“'
i.'^u't'hYIdO} *TV"r ' Hte'sn Stry-kwell is nioeipg Intel
tlonal chorch at
next Friday to work on the
Prdd Hind and *Ue^of
.« a
Alth..Mgh M" llanU. t-6 l,ou-r.
n.V^ aMtar and bio Iher-ln4av 4 J. abada
BtfiteWrM PHday lor a irlilt of two
Clint Copeland is very elck a
Mr*. Marshall has been quite •‘'k-■ P", Vl’?”.*'
pboid ferer
o pish: watch-I Wro. M. llalr.1 has remrned from
Hra. L J. Gilbert and eon. Oeorcc.
•^BOT. Bchewar of H.'llana.
■ New York, wlii-re be ha.« been ilsitlug
Mhaea hcddlBf ratrlra^
the H. B. retnmed faoraa Sunday, after ipendlns
flosi • tor xtme time.
(People’s SATiogt Bank)
a tew days with M. H. Gilbert and faaIris for
The eJipni held a chicken pt.' social
. burned c
11 miss iioth Mr. and A
I^Oora «A»a returaVd to ^
at the towWiall last Friday evenlBB.
where Miss Louie will aliend
"*A' company of frieode surprised Mrs.
■avente City high school.
Istadelbauer very pleasaatly Saturday
. -of. Taft of the JtCTirultiiral rolMlaae* Ida, Alice and Bessie
erenlns, the occsskm being ber birth Parrant of &si Empirv passed lece made a flying trip down to Oh',
lion solielUng fruit for f
Lbroagb our village this'evening. .
\tri. Mary g-jalfAeteroed to her.f*'*;^
and Hra. Arthur Gilbert of Ml.
Miss Plbra Dellinger returned las.
home al TT«ver..e Clt> Saiurday. aft. r :
Pleaeant airlred Sunday for a weelf'e Tuesday ader an extended visit to
.f^.Isp. adlcg a week here.
^ ___ :----------------- •
▼Islt with the temlly of M. H. Gilbert. Luninglon.
: y . . Sent. 4.

Sept 4.
Mr. and
m. bot la bauer now.

Sept. i. ^

sure ihinat, croup. laHMM Ida and Beaale Parraa.^
O. Ladd.
Mra; Hammond and daughi-r oTi- In 17:11 the fir-i fioM-uglne w.tx'stoot rotlef. permanent eure. Hr.
Thomas' Eclecirte Oil. .U sav dru.s
Roy .Carson cd Deirtdt le rlsIUng
the guest of
Giiilflgrn toniirt jetrrint*
b. Dtma and te«Wy tn^ a trip _aroond (dendehere.
Nonbport. formerly of Joliet, ill., made
sbori vlaU with Mite Anna Morse Holmes. J. P. Tlllotaon and Chaa. Hood^,
• lOO Hevrard. *100.
Miss Lulu Holmes wl
cljne Dor^rif|( Simij
wore camping and fishtag at Dock lake lis week.

.................................... - ,
i'^ii It
B'allace Smith of Btmb Jl8rt«r Is teaching school s.»m in tl
bint week.
^'Js'-kt.* ell) hJkpIlal. was ibt.iv.n ...
!lfS0fli:n Wfrbcw.
llu Morse thiailrict.
^^e many frlende of Mlti Mary packing apples. for Hlu
H.iils S.-l>n>-ldfr's ; ahsia h.eausi- t
' Mite Veda VanDerrort and Hlaa Kllnglesmlth will be glad
1. harbor between the
Hatomond and daugbP
iKotv.t (*'r>dit:/ w'riRte
IS drunk and licgglug. Dunn ebiiii
Iteitte OIbbe apeat a MlgbXbil day ■that she la rrry much beite
of Travorwc City I* vlsltlni
Mra: Idi Pnlrer of Cha
Inatlm in'----- - ------*--------«>i^
. ividdcdcurm
- wns burled Iwhllly Into the alli
The set,re was' i:. u

ipdnding a few days with fiieeids h«ra. homeof’joWHolmc*.
boha VaaOamrt (or boatsaa.
- f'.'Willc.
Mr*. Tony Rokos of Traverse CUy .dlii^:
id may be cfiiipU-d for’Ilfe.
Hra. Aryt of Jackson U vlalUng
The Sunday
school eonvomfon wliieb
ned home Friday, after visiting j Tl
iju!t.£^!!t ^ua!ii“iTanln|”T^ \ tr. and Mra A. W. Nelson'e.
■> ,S a.
gwpii H^ apared no paten to make
is expected at
af Bltli
Bitter | convention ever luld hty. M.
or B' niU with ber daughter.
No noo.1 to tear sudden attmrt.s ol
lodge the Brst of this week. 1 home help.-d tmler
wS^ and IttUa dadjtbcholerr. Intaniiitn. dys'-niery. dlarr
Robert Lannln has relumed home ' delegates and,ibel
Tedman retnraed to PowloT
W ot Otedatitea, O. P, an TtatUas
from Alden. where he has been work-i The last wwk Ui
Eln. Whybraw-n pweata. Mr. aad Mra. TlDa. where he U auendlng icbool.
‘ piiantUy uf Diicjiess ai.ples pie
H ,M lie drsgrtsts. tte.
U ri. Harfon. wbo bai been vttllins tog the past year.
Sirawlierry In the mivllclii.- chest.
HsU-sTsmSy PtUs asst
Hra TboBa* Ghcring enlerlalned • This w.-ek-wlll alsiin flnlsh ih.-m
f*Htea Vada VaaDomn aUrted Mon- I J. RUson't And G. W. SDell's,

. 1irArAS..'"" "" “

“S'““ s "ro..r~'




,Sinia « eiDUinbtvUjU


Our Store and stoclctodi^ the boiled down essence of twenty years* experience. We passed through the experimental stage years ago. and m so doing
learned the three essential elements of a successful business, namely

The first has taught us that nothing but the market's choicest bargains are appreciated by the consumer ofioday. By the second we have tearn^th^by
buying in larte qua ntities we get a much better price than smailer dealers, hence can offer better inducements to the public. The last and most mpo^
“How to Sell" hastiught us to have unlimited confidence in the people, and our generous easy payment system is the means by which half the homes In this
vicinity have been furhished.^^--^

In Our
WeSiandle the leading makes of
Stoves and Ranges, including the
adtnowledged peer of aU ranges.

‘Xbc Quick meal’
alsd a full line of Stove Furniture
and kitchen Uteonls in Granite.
Copper and Tin. as well as Shelf
Hardware, Washing Madiines and
everything for the laundry.

^shtvyn thrsict
•V IM« vMlNr yn wish to bay sr BM.

"Specialty of
Our line o'f.summcr jjoods embraces
all house,, porch or lawn comforts.
Refrigerators.Tcc Chests, Milk Safes.
Gasoline and (Til Stoves, Porch and
I.UWIJ Chairs, Seats and Rockers.
Hammocks, Croquet Sets. Lawn
Mowers and Hose.—in fact t:vcr>'thing for house or lawn.



Cace Curtains
Jlnd Portieres

In this dcpiriincnt we have con­
stantly on hand the larges: and Ix.-si
assorimenl sliown in NorihcTii Mich­
igan. The smalles^ tleiails of house
furnishin*,: have been carefully look­
ed aficr in this department ami we
can safely say that we can furnish
your home complete and ;:ive better
satisfaction than you can j;et else­

In Carpets we carry' ail grades,.from
:lif cheapest- Hemp to the best .‘Axminster; all size Ru)p- in all grades.
W'e make up ru«:s in special sizes.
Other lioor coverings, including Mattintj. Oilcloth and Linoleums. Hun- f
dreds of patterns in Laci- Cuttaias
and Portieres. You cannot fail to
tind just what you want here.

e«mt in and f»»k around.

l*y, UCIlK CBteRldte tend THomi>teenvlllte


Yonr Credit is Good Here io Aaj hf Onr


foe Tiayerae attend aebod tbe
ivunin wi»n i.
Tte temen oT Ul* ridait; are tct?
___ a«*»J^ t^a^ tw ofclldteB
liMT tlU««UBc. Mr. LewU o( Kmm
to «alts U>c v«rk. BebMac«daat- ahleed od the DUneta Balarday for
at aM Ibe tansm are well leaned Grecery-a rMort.
wlCk hto «ot1i. anbootb the nlar
weMbv bad Peeked tbe procreu
X*a Martiawl. 8r, la earrVl vlth a
Mr. and Hra. Tom revlaaa ate,,..
I KtncGey Toeeday night to rlalt rdTba-|d«er aatotora ei Itortb DaWy
•in*. They acre on thetr way to
caMnud (be atUMh awtoanary of
oner where Mr. Fewlaat baa a poaltkato eoataK to Mortb CaJty. at the
00 aa prtndpal of the acboola.
Hlaa Jemle Hatoniett to vtolttog bee
parents. Mr. and Mra. George Mainafl tbe oU awtten that aUll aarrlre.
Tbe BMBUr «aa a eery Joyfal oee.
“uioe Herte le«bkta to rery sick.
Mr. CboakoCake of Chlo»*o tarorod the
Mlw CalUe Gray relomed Tbnraday
asdtoeee by cSrIac them a Beat imcc«B a abort rlsll with relallees at
eattac i9Mt* eooeerslaa all a«e/
vortky iaeldeeu durlBK the paat fitly TBSUn.
Mias Joilc Allen Is recovering
Tbe dd aeuiera vbo came
her lUDBS Mra. Allen, arbo baa
here and aurtad chrftlatiOB. ckartn*
MTlng ter her. returned to her I
a*ar foreda abd baildlnc aiaa]l loa
cabtaa la the Mi oMttS. and erbo atill
anrelTe are: rraak Kratta. Br. Hra.
Barbara Kocara. Hra. Barbara Wlakoehll and Mia. Mary ^Colaada. all of Uses at Wexford.
Mrs. M. a LembW^bo hu bwo
Ttottlng rdatlves at Cryatd CUy for
,e time, retnrned home Friday.
Ider of the
. A. Goodwin, dder
tbe Latter
Cadillac, drttvBalnu' chareb la
We bad a
reh here'Friday ev
' Mra. Learie and ATeteb are enjoying
IS to rc-vlslt Kingsli
a vtaK ftoB their eaete of Vnba.

■ jSEssSifirss’i.AX

The Lkdiei- AM aodetr of the C«rCamllj
M Belofmed. ehi^ win mart
School bMins Tuesday with tbe talr. 8e^ (th. wttb Hra. E
towtng tcachms: Supertatepdrot. J.
iBltx. on
F. Matthews; grammar room. Mis.
plM~tat recently a resident cf Trav- May WoTdan; tatermedtate. Mrs. fh a
erw aty. has accepted a laersUve po- Sa^; aerond primary. Mtoa Jalia MUaltien wtih the Oevetand OUto Co. at Mr: firm primary. Htoa Hand Baifige.
Cbas. WrUley and family have
moved Into thdr new borne, tbe FraThe W. C. T. tJ. meets Too
BepL 5th. at the lesidence of Mra. llck resMenee.'
George Mompsefa has aeeepled a po-borntoo MUrtieU.
aitlen with Fred Anderwm of Omens
and left Tuesday to bcgls hla
Mrs. and MUs IngersoU««t-t
im the fUlncU for Chlcn*t>.
Mra. EtoJe Bobeits and Mr. U Mra>k>
•w were Made City eallera today.
tbl* week wnt wMl-ei^ded.
Ftank poster and wife of Detrcdl are Addresses were given by Rev, Caehlln
vtolUag relatives and friends here this and Mrs. MlUlkee of Traretae City,
which wero htunful a^d loiercetlog.
Mrs. George Barth. Sr., to enlertalnW. B. Johnston to fining up ihr
log her slaler. Mra. SbulU and family, Dame store for occopency and len ihU
of Maittotec.
week to purchase a stock of goods.
On Toeaday Isirt Mrs Marrtn and
The Bailey family left Tbi
son Byron. WilUain Cloff and wife. their borne In-Kansas.
George Barth, Jr., and wife went bltckAug. 4.

If you will eat more

Uneeda Biscuit
yoti can do more work, enabling you to cam \
more money, io that you can buy more

Uneedd Biscuit^ do ttutre work and carti still tuore^ money.

*’*Mrs”c. W. Williams and daughter
lABCUClara called cm' Hr. and Mrs. C
eUhd. S', died last
Peek one day last week.
Kwn a resident of Ibis
There was a dance at the Cototne" place over Bfty.year*. He wu real
taoe IsstSalurday night. All report ed .and loved by all bU neighbors
rood time.
bis honesty and Integrlly.
r. W. HniMngs of Central Lake
Mabel roller last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Hammond
School began yesterday In dlslritt
Mra. 0111* Koon of Mar Bnn was
ere In Traverse City Saturday,
No. ». wltb HIM Blen Austin of Elm­
vtalHng wltb ber Mstar. Hra. Etu HyCTInion Pray went to Bowers
wood as teacher.
«s. Bonday.
3T Sunday to play hall.
Miss Laura Ltadley left Friday for
Hr. and Hn. C. P. Bates were
Hisses Mabel and Irma Beckwith of
Trarerae City, where she wUI enter
guests M their son Henry. Snnday.
Maple Grove attended a party at Grin
the boatoets college.
Mr. and Mrs. JL It Bates were tbe
Undrey's Thursday Uternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. King of Webbgoeeu of Mr. and Mra. Henry BMas
Fielding Watson Islhe oldesi
vllle. Hlcb.. and Mica Ida Bchin of I
this oelgfaborbood. He ease in this
Mla« Mara CMoa returned Friday troU are vtelUng relmtlvea here.

Miss LUIUtn Gray wlU go to
from ImwfsncepTllle. Pa., where
RCT. W, A. Shelly. Mine Laora Shel pUce fifty yean age Uf filpt day of
take to aasuBe her duLlsa as ti
John Cnrr} pleaded on kni-ei In Lan- ' TiTribl.-plssues. Hku* Itching, pesspent her summer vacation. She
ly and Fred ReVoId attended tbe Sonfor another year.
John Horah visited Mr. Bolsraler's
irge of the
S'ellie Herman rlslie^ner par-, ring police court for aid to become, irring di»ros>-s of, put an
again have charge
ib< primary de- day achobl eonvendoe at. Nonbpon
Htoa BteUa BMelair. will tent
, Kingsley acbooto. Mias lait week.
partment In tbe
Good lIsrlKjr last Wednesday, ntan. John was Arrested for drunken- « nd •<> mlM-rv inmn's ointment r
•ebool ibla term, eonnsendag B
Mr. and
Mrs. Iwy
returned tram WlllUmaburg
At any drug aiure.
iBcofield retnrni
ri-iiirnlng b
le Thursday morning.
,Vess ■
Albright ww
e her duUea as teacher In the Ing for 1- _
Cliv to attend the friends from Traverse City Sunday.
Mlsa MI“^JHulben 1s working for j
Hre. Lewis of St. U>uto Is vlsltli
district meeOng which Is in teas
to year.
ber dsugbler. Mra. R. C. Gardner.
there this wert: •
^Hra^enta Lautner and little 1
We are all glad Mist
Hiss Lavina Lhidley. Gertie tad
daughter Esther were Traverse CUy
VIdM BpHnatela fa _
fie Olson will ateod the Higb school attended the pony at IJndsey's also.
.rranktoctand wUfa berg
Burney Scofield and
family have rollers last niursdOl
at Traverse CUy the coming winter.
Mrs. Anna ClaypodLrolled on MrsBladibenlea are wary aeara. a
moved up over the trarcboose at Ma­
X at D
Sept. 6.
r. w. Irfsiffler on Thursday last.
le Qnee
and Mrs. Frank Fkwterand lliil-Miss
Cora Crisp of Dales vUl.ed her ^ Mr.
■ throngh her.'
Mrs. Shaw of Chkago and NorHiam
lly team and defeated thean by
■ wni Lapbam of Bast Empire
Warren of Detroit are vtolUng Hielr
......... Winnie Sullivan of Hapli- Cit>
onr vtdntty awvaadag for frell i--------nrcnis. Dr. and Mra. Warren, of this
Chwier Alsh'oW asalatcd In the
ll.-d on Mrs T- K. White on Sund*.
Mlsa Vena Bpfcle west In Cedar Run
banks, of Travessc Chy, last week.
Bank of Kingsley a few days lau week
1 her way to Mooruc. where she will
- to eommenoe her aeboel at the C
**to^'warreji, after a two months'
Richard Pray Is on tbe sick list
during the
r absenoc of 1.
. Haxam
lend sdnool.
Briar sAoolbouBe this morning.
Cgjlon. has resumed fats lalnrs as |
A nomber of Miss Onie Llnd«-y'»
Russell and Olyndon .Elltoon,
tirs. T. S White to quite
frmods gathered at her home Thurt-.
have been spending some time
>L being usable to raise op Ju
Tbe fsnneiw*are*vl^ buy picking
day. IJght refreshto Boyne Falto
Mra. Wla Good was down
BtaU were served and a good lime en_ OLSN ARBOR.
see her slater,- Mrs. T- R. Wl
SiDOf* openimt oor OpthsIiDio Pariora in Traverae City ve
Roy Ossaon of Detroit Is ylsltlng
Oari Valker la home again.
Frank Bunek is working (or the M ]
Hrt. Cromwell of New York to vli
have thnrooglily (lemonstraled onr alrility to elniiKbteo noM
Dr. Shank of btplre made t
E R -R Co
............................... Jan
eye* w-ilhout the unc of ilruga or knivea. Call and aev photoHUI and Rev, B. W. Wood lefl
fksnn of Goo.1 Harlmr vt>^^lte^l&"^aicagDto Umgneat lolay to allefid the H. B. coofeceBCC
of fulieiito before and after atr^ightening their eyed.
rr. Mrs Sellle JU-nnan. a
nieces fn»
being held at CharioUe.
dr bw IMIber and tarailyMerle Crotser left today for school VanderbllL are v
damM Ukgrtck has bonght a I
and Mt c4 Oagnr Johnson..
■1 Big Rapids,
. Bogaae and Clinton Fftber bare
flepl. I.
Hra. Seth Tompkins la spending a iheir aunt. Mrs. Fannie Norris,-this
griven pllee met side cf the ouUet of
S' pt. 5sw days with her dangbler In' Tfav
CkyMsl rtvaf and firedged out the
rse City.
J. Ziegler's liaby ,1* very sick loday.
^ansal. Bonta drawtng no more than
Mr. and Mrs. Howe of St. Loola Mo.,
Mrs- Lamar was cwlling on friend*
tfciM fdet of water can now ester tbe
re spending a few weeks no their
lit afternoon.
' Is** Monday evening which was well
beiler. to giving employmeol to a
Sehaol commenced at the Green
^MUrllny fTeneb. wbo baa been here
*’Mrs. Hamond. the H. B.
anmll army of
MIS. Ev.ey wU,
Briar school- uMay.
searty two montba has returned to
mtntoter and wife, are going to leave
.BarbomeiaObla Bbe to a teacher of pentert and I
this raoniing for conference. They do "mt. sed Mrs. KlDcster and
BoanesUc adenee la a female seminary.
The distinction of making t
not expect to return to this place.
Ethel Din visited frlmids and relatives__________
». B. FIAar baa removed tbe sto«l anil____________
largest catch
of fish II
L 4.
' %orna power gasnilne cngtoe from the
■—.--1 Bundy.
, ! Jon'belongs
n belong To Dr. Mtaa
" ' et Algonijuln.
MmSiM Wtmd^and tepleeed It with
Qult^ S
imber from are
|an.l.-.| m-v. ml five ismi.J U.*
X tweleebnree power Jump
Citizons Phono No. SS4
made on the buildings:
Smaller aaglae. which gives p

A pleaaani surprise was given at the
The Arat cement dwelling bouse
Suite 413-414 Wllholm Block
Travorso CRy, MWk.
Bramon home on Friday evening. In
be eroeted in Bk\Rnpld8 to now bcl
iomcE HOUta: au am, l-S.iutorop.B.
Mrs. BUnina and Mrs. Wbrness and
honor of Cbaries Brameo. the ocbuilt on Dexter Mreet by Frank B
Buie dau^ter took the boat last
easloD being hli flifllelh birthday.
flm e^g,
lUfflf and tanseFTIrsnch for Mra. B
lag lor Tinvaree City and arfli l
Twenty-two gueita met at the borne of
baia Hogan. Tbe msln bnlldlng
BlackbereIro'^re’ very plemlful In I '’'5^“^,,. s^raon
Mantotea today for a vlalt with rela- Mxte. with a wing Ib» feel In at
Mr- O. Dame and Inier In the evening
Joined their friend at bis borne to
Travers.all one story In bel|bl. U la of ro
iSg t'h^"'*'
Atkinson Jll
A eeir pleasaat aoiprise and farespend a pleasant evening dud with him
Monday to a'lend the HIgb
finish cement blocks, while tbe corn<
Asa Harvey, granrtsoo ot Mrs. Jane;
.tirell Iftfy was given Mrs. Oscar Johnenjoy the dosing hours of the past
the following yror.
have a smooth surface, combining
**ly years, and the ocroslon was blghI*ror Jacob}
Frank Mtkula
make a bandaomo structure wb
(y. of whtta tbe was a valoed
________ ahd at one time prealdenL
touoblgg remarks, which were re­
w.M. i.«4ia re Grand Rapids «
Balaty wfratamcmto and deUdons coft Bt. Paul's Bpls- sponded to by Hr. Bramen in expresBae were enjoyed. Mra. Ray read
skm of.his appreciation. He was pre- Ohio, it
blrds-cve \lew ran be obtained of
niUele written fw the oceasKs. A
.erett Crain, and c
Bd Vlib a chair as a token t'
Good Htrlmr bay and the South and
... ... Hammel arriviM here from
Wee acta pIDow wna proaented Mra.
■■ -B- Fannie Norris
North Manltoii Islands.
Chicago Wedneoday wllb hla pleasure ____ I and after refreshmenta
gohnsca; a vaJuaMe book to her son
Miss Nellie Norris, of
o Frankfort.
F>ank Steiger of 81. Paul. Mlnn^ i*
yacht Uncas. and repeuti a pleasant served the guests departed with best
■llto for tarara received. But the.
vlslIlBg blk ►islet, Mrr. Fred Alk^
trip and fast time. The Uncas to a wlabm and many happy returns of the
liend•ream of tbe Joke sraa Mrs. Jobaacm
. ion. He has not been in tbl* section
yacht day.
kad brnrd wktapera of coming eveals
ance at the rbapol Sunday night, as !ii( the country for a.number iif yi-ars.
seventy feet In It-ngth. Bbc is a^Long
and rand aa article ake had written

Mrs. Hllllken and eon taenl Tuesday tbe weather wa* so bad.
The fanners are busy now a-.lays
[aland Bound boat, bavins - been
Graed|>a Zclgler's' hroiber, James following the threshing machine. Vic­
few tbe oeenakm that brought down tbe
Jo Traverse CIITbroogfat over tbli year, ^
SoMe. attm wbkb Anid Lang Byne
Sopi. Warren and wife are guests of Zclglci. also a nloee from Bowling tor Vtokoebll. .('hsrk-s VIskuHill en.l
Mrs. James GannUdu of Milan.
tens auBg. The tam.lly will noon move
Green, Ohio, have been vUitiDg them Fred
had. Ihi-lr
I a
and Carl Koeatev ol Rev. Hnribnt.
Mich, and• Pcari
fe> ftllston.
Mrs. C. Sebroeder. who bU been 111, the past week.
guests pf Dr. J.
T Sick tbresbed this week
Mtoa Beu Cook retornad peMe^
Mrs. Wood, who has
is convalescent.
Mt.isro Maud riK«it and Ella SerO. GanhUeu and family.
:ek. Is
ft^^a very pleasant week's tSIi in
with rheumatism the
Mrs. Lee and dantater Hast
were busy as«lsf(ng Mrs. Itorbara
Hits Margaret Rltehi
toned home.from Traverac CUy
arlng V£n,-ali
Vlakocbll pn-|iarl
Rose Utpham to pn the sick list. I Mwaid Ptohw and family, vrtm have
last W<
keen beroaevee weeks, returned today
Mr*. Ollle Kohn end son Carl sud
B. cm It VtolUng relatives
Will Alkiii'-m
I AUen. N. r:

' >
In North Hanllott. Kto brollb to better
Asa Harvey visited Mr*. S. H. Myen.
ty last Sunday
idEs Rose McOoagal leR Wednedaa
than wbni be came, bn be U not enof West Almira Sunday.
Redford cniertaloed
for her home to Los Angels, after
-tirriy well yet.
Mr. and Mrs Everett Crain eslled
a dancing pary last F
taeaaant vlsll with Mrs. H. a Mortc friends
Bupt. ».
on Mrs. Crain s imn-nts. Mr. and Mr*.
Mra. J. a VeacrIluB of Del
Frank Haney, si South Kssson. Suntailing-ber daughter. Mrs. J. L
To Cure a Cold Ir
■ Congregation
and Mr*. F H. Blephrm
■r. and Mra. Daniel ^beru and morning and evening,
parents of Mrs.
B. K. Plckibta e>l Lcland is in
Ira. C. A. \nager of Monroe are here
toitlng relatives uid fiieads.
her and returned to
W, R Johnstod-tofl Monday on a
G..n ruor W;iiii- r
Betmett relnmed borne from Rebeni was formerly one of ou
hnsloesa trip to Grand Rapids bnd DcAbrievoix Monday. wbereM.haa been
A. C. Wynk.aip madt Ib-n
ol .tiro* .
a J. Oolgi^e of Trarerae Oiy. rep
VtoUlng bto son Ward.'tfbo ta la tbe
.................................. ugusi
mtoMoner (nr (iranot conn'y
jedm mite of Solon attended tbe their annual
resenting the I. C. 8,
k. of
to iheir friend. Mra. C A. Cot*.
convention this week.
Tbe Misses Prances and Rena WoolBart a Carter of Traverse City rrai
Climatic Curea
Sep' t
Bt Tueadav to Traverae ICty.
iatered at the Uke Mew bouse ysier
The infl.ienc-- <rf rllmailr cotidiilons
D Ita rein the cure of rufi'-im|illnn Is ve
B a vlsll
Mrs. Harry Davis has retunud from tnreed home Uto week
miirh ov.-rdrawTi- The i»ior t«’le:
tan and Btolav trwla aSa^redge
with relatives at MaOUn.
anti the nrh patl<n'. ton. can do mn
Onte. wbo have beta spaodl^be som- a visit with friends In Grand RapMi
Mr. and Mrs Frank Ransom rw- Read What Travers* Cby Cltireos Say. better at home bv proper attentl
Ifeer at Grc«ory'a refort. rNBrned borne
Get down to the fseis <rf tbe matter. to food dig-'.iion and a regular use
Fay Crawford was down from irav- tnraed Tuenday from a visit with
on tbe Mtoaouri FMday. n-.
Don't take -a stranger's word. It is German s>riip
meifds at Cedar.
we City Thursday.
Fn-e expeetorat Ion
Hra. Jaama Hanaab and children.
ter to pro«F the tsnlbfulneas of the morning It marie certain by (e
Afinr the business sesthn of the L.
H. a Bricker of Aids enllcd on
«ta tare been vtslUar tar braitar.
tements made by cliiiens of Trav- man Synir. so U a goo.| nlghr* r<
lends here ysterday. He has been O-iT- M. Friday evening lee cream and
OapL Walker, with ber itotar. Hitt
c CHv than endorsement coming and the absence of tbai weak.-nlnc
Carolyn KelUe. took the Mtoaouri Fri- employed by tbe Elk Rapids Iron Co., cake was terrta.
J. SUbbIts of Traverse City spent a
eemrh anri dulrilllBtiDg nIgUt *WeaT
her 'borne in Cbl- but has resigned bis peelthm to osier
tay. tbb-lormer lor b
days of ibis week In town.
PWris Institute at Big Rapids
I'd the t-xbfiiisiion
tago and the tatter to
Monroe Morse, of 7:13 W. t
Otto While returned home this week
he Misses Jordsn and Shaw nl Chi­
o eoughlng. t n- gre-atest danger
vs: •'Doan's Kidney Pills
read ..( U
tavnius, Mr. BellmelBl and cago are visiting Ok Rapids friends. sRer speodlng a fi-w jlays in Traverse
e This seem* a doubtful suti-mcnt
from Idlew-WhUf
make, but 1 am willing the pubUr
Hiss Utilise Doogbeny Is home from ^tav, CoehllD of Traferse City was
from Iswnu Gniv^
1 Judge from the facts? I was Should
............................................ Oeveland. C
Id aueadance at the Bnn^ school
b<- al.l.- id go to a warmer
eeatera on the Hlasoorl for
a physician's irrotmeot for (our
1. jtticn.
will flnri'lhar of the thou
, gave trp hope of life three i
His. Miller of Petoskey to (he guest
Mra. F. B. Moore hnve r
insamptive* there, the few
. ^ra. A. H. Upton, son Robert nnd *”m
of her parents. Mr. and Mra. Chat. limes, and when I commenced Data's
are benefited and regaltrslrengih
Baagbtrr Gertrude and .Htoa Earle
who use German Sj
dtmed Wildwood Park and luft Tor
. A lumberI be led ar-y)
icivauiwa Rev. and Mra. W. W. Waab■s SSe- rewular slxe.
the remedy.
bura and Mrs, Devere Baswtt of DeSons.
telling me at the sam
the doctor's meriirlne
Ken of
Mr. nnd Hra. Dave Kelater are home

the Sunday school or six davs aft'
. Olita Carrie Cadbam as taueber. Tbe
______ the
tbe kiriney
kiriney Rccr
- -^tb grade work will be taken up ibU
)>efore I ni
walk to being pat In pore blood, and )>efor
tarm. Tbe achoolbouie has been '
they were elror and r
_______cd the W
mod. rupalred and pained and
un the treatment, and e\eo tr tnere :
OnstaL _ ..
Motwe of Banltoc CeBlw and
Vmmda gtaded and seeded doma.
tee I roe conscientiously si
Btapb« Oorey of Bror Lake to vtoliidaiv puis cared the last a
Dr. H. Beat • ” ^tedanghter. Mrs. Cbaries Cur. of
Mins Era Lanbee of CeBtral Lake tack, and savrt mv IlfV
. .. Al Osnn a
For sale by all de^n. Price SO I
to the guest at Mr. A*. B CaiapheK
■Has lixxto Rohr of teplre. who hu over the arrival of n lea pt
Fosler-HIlbure Co, BuffaJu. i
aadfamtiy. Hiss LarahM to a niece ot cents
tata TtMting in Chicago tbe post throe tbelr boBe. Al says he
New York, sole ageoisj^^tfae United
maeks. rmprobd on tbe iniucrti Batur- kvaant a bay ns be knows It would be Mr. Campbell.
y reentor Uttle aoo-of-mGnlia.
• .T Ltanard left Thoraday on the BllRemember the name—Data's—acd<
^im Jalia C^^unan wna <
visiting friends In FeCity yroterday. owing
_.e been
_ . .
L Neasen of Manistee 1
"Now good digestion walu
..weeks, r.
- , srtin
Beoch Htuel Co.' waa In On last tile, and health on both.'
If h doesat. try Burdock Blood BtlId Bvelyti - —............................
^^and Mim M. nam of Traverae
R «B-«be illktas BMvday



Cross €yes^traiabtened



QHIbeui medical sr Surgleal Creatmcit


Readacbes Cured

Defective cye*«atue 00 per cent of all nervona hoadacl|eE
We correct tbe defect 'in tbe eyes and the bcadacbo no lon^
Call and have your eyes thoro^hly cxamitiod.
Thq liesl is Uio ehcapost wlicii it is a qncstioD of sight


DR. P. i WOLFE, Pnj. DR. B. L PtULSn, ts^t

^'y.m':"'’:nir^*^r^r‘c^}:^aS’d- Her-1

l^orsos F*or Salo


2'.; I™!

Besort acnaon will aoon eloae and moat get rid of aoDc boTM
year. trtd. Wocky .built,

On.-Ikiy liorae. wi-ij;lit aliont UK)0 Iba., a good work hc^.



Om- email brow-n i
\ fi-w }?ioil ilrivi-p


....... S*5.SI.Slf5


Well Known Lines


___ j^tagrara

Milwaukee Cbrn Binders.
Farmers’ Favorite Grain Drills.
Weber Farm Wagons,
Kalamazoo Buggies,
Internatibnal Gasoline Engines,
Empire Cream Separators,
Syracuse and Peerless Plows.
All kinds of Implement%and Harn^s


• 128 Front Streot
CidxenB Phone 761



tbavewsk hsualb. twusspav. scptbmscw

r. ms.

other M" ^ the atate or oooatn a.ibetter adapted to UMbetsrewth than
bardwoeda' Thro there, to! ipcned with aa e»nm
d la the Oraad Trarerfo boy] Hiehtaa Md h were a pUy that the
iMBba. Ohio. 9m/L d-Bor KMthe aaaofaetBie of apedal flocks of|plae. To thto fuiearat thto
tse Bade e BDeeeMfnl Btteapl
UlheHtdi. legta It was much ated for tbe’l---------- -■■ ■■ ■■■
aUllMtka. Haeht of
■TDkifc awt. C.-* wo^iBK *"
of partcr framer ta the I ly bare of Umber oa to tbe caoe la the
thu aeMiBc to «r M> Blr Bbtp ten.
Into booM bdUlac tan -Thaab.''Nbe mat drer ealley.
» pMMt .ftiw lie ier»» uf
Doteber Was a aabbor of Ibo T«rJ
ami the furelture Ita'aad other appUraUoo, [ southera eouaii*. of the Mate. wbta aapte floortas! the
,t>e pwee ireMr- 8at»«i»*iitly U« Bllei Bboot the dty. Md«lt«*
[fWlBODt ri«e tCOBL Hit WO*-WM BM- l««da,thoiBCb baatwood aad black and Gtud
rlrcr ralley the tower reaebra where wide, eicxr. raft, workable hard | n,c Inportaaec ot the hardwood infgift, «t KOkODiM 0( a ■DTWSMMl ■tote caplUL
.ak»fl. and be wBf one of the »w
tbe fireaxs raa ihroesb' bcH» of wood lumber wo. a deaUJetainm. Pur, cufUr aad trade ta Mtohtaa la evlwhH«
Bf wdl ai bitch aad beech,
Smt were mtucked br ■ abb «aJ
CIcrclBBd. O. Bept S.—John
foer lo'wlB a pleon At Ibw tat »h>r land oa which elm. Mb aad ba«f- } rare tbe alaagbter of Iblf kind aJUml drat from tbe fart that in t»M the
cut no aaall Bfuro la» the,
d»o>te '«««
OtX'' Itockefeltor todey brake BlI r»lof by
he d*U«rto go eoat <a account
od abounded, ahlle oa the better went no and the lumbn war raid at licuU out pat approilaiaied HSATUBM'
^----vM^ *M eltenplea
•""»* reeemBx the dclesatee to »he At
iMdaatf eawaceaMta." - The m- balMtac line.
londf betwcM Uic ftream waf a large prices lower than the merits of JhV.
H to latereetlag to obamre baw ■
idc a iihoreosb
p*«, «n« leluroi. The ootknrt
ia tat tmlefi oai aide
prBM bnaorlBte aaoeietka
Bceafiot of another nort «l "ea| ibis prodactloB was dtotrlbated.
a Md tooh.^e of the aul growth of Mk. Becaaee tbe areas i lumber seemed to JirtUty,
M to A awiber ot wi»U. The dU- teoUea ead 4a ahoolBX thea atwot bU caceaeaf-that to Hta Sal
itloned were Uiuf oeeopled by Uie
a Urge 'port m the extcnslrc bard- [ Uontotee \ ihe ebief hardwood latatIpUdly of afee to wbfcB-tM harrltorhueo ti u leoUted nee wd there
towed hto return boae.
teas inter wpod arras of Grand Traverse. Wex- j ber pradurlni crater of Mlebtao. barwoodf ot Mtehtaa are denM be
If Mtblac eerloM in the Eesei*! *UdHn. Wentngioa Lrwto, who Ml to«
fohd, Charlesoli. Bmmol. Cbrboygaa. I lag loroed ooi ta 1»« a total tt
fpersed t1U> Pine. tbo bardwood
SAdaaw. Hleh, Sept ?.-Bx-Go»- week OB a defeetlre tli^walk and dU- would Sad it ImpoMlble to coop
attained ah earlier de^ Pri-eque Isit Mouuaorcaey. Oieoda fS'MO feet, as ogalem 4t4Jt/l®# feet,
•aa. Keowro'e View.
,raor Bllaa Btaried rof Cbleaxo ee located her left ankle, has pre^ted a bend Utca all or be able offhand
JViQtts. Tbesq totalt were the ootpat
more and other hirdwood eountlee to owned J'lo
Botfoa. B«i>t. 6--^n* »»««. ‘he roote to the BBlIonal ehcompaeot ot etola to the coencll or the city'of Morof ervra p '
by tbe torge. old plae lumber oom •; M
each tt the woodf hot Kf Bpeclile
etolted Iter- the 0. A. » at DMver Ian nlxbt At «WI W tSODOO damacw/ctolBlBs
ponlew which ocqulrad the tondf f'
when rallraajlt were thnitt
odaptabllhi. wbleb iatrodace* a '
Tord thli momlax
>» “ Interrltw PUBt «Bf taken eoddenlr HI and bad to be pammaently Injared.
rtoaf element late the cooslderail
Hid; ■'7^ there •< dUnUeCeetioa Miarried frea the train. PhyatelaDe
Loat year S06 doc liceBMB wi
ooo feet, la each 1i
hardwood Industry of that section re­ abouml with hemlock, whit*, la oddl-J
Id MfW orer the temi ot the ireeiy care order, for a apeelal train, which Ukea opt la BalUe Creek- Bat a little of the matter ai a whole. Of t
ip,. temololng pine, la btdng cut . lato acre no more than a clagle tall
Ihlam wc raty be eore-tbere If we ceived gracrul aad rigorous teatlon.'
«. auke not ntteapt IQ Mr hot thet brOBcbt the foraer executlra
4POTO than 300 ate wearinc tact this
eubae-joir, while the hardwoods are olra bring i of large eapaeny. sawing pine wtmld ,
rrom 1870 to ooriy la i
banlwood Umber ia UiehtcM ihu
tben hi the .llxl>t*« donxor «rf mi.
Bllu. year. Icarlac nearly 500 eura without
quent dcrade
dcraile an
BB Immenoe
ImmeBoe omuitat
amuitat of'
of > cut
c-ut to
lo whatever eiu-at
eiu-ni the
tbe market will [ turn out In s r Ingle ecosiw. Thom H ,
■CF. He Iteeaief. The polloe lalcnd to enforce
end UkcB boae la an iaUuUncc.
good bardwnd Umber was sserlttced [ giuwi, them. A like pnicrai Is going i can l>e seen that the bordasoiid producbe ullllxed to the lam Hmb of
oral or •»<»« ‘he cltlneof U rMlco- If foBeHM Iroa henlt dlwatc an
the tow. loiu. Uto*l»W»‘be“®e«lUic»erjr ia a lerloBf eoodiUoa.
HIchtaB to efpcclally well elu«Bte«l lu firing Incomotives on the fprerai:^ i„ the uonhern pefilasult. It to ] tloo «f Mlehlgan. though large In tbe
(or ecoaomtolag Uf hardwood Umber, ralirrads Md for firewood that wai perhapt a wise business policy oo the i aggregate, to not of uoStotenl arngnitrootr «f P«Me- Btbcr the orbi
la of Miehtcaa.
shipped to towns In the mon- soulh-, p,rt of the pre~nt boWera of lho;iude nearly to approach plae prodiic
the bOWte we noi.<iulle eBtUBed wll^
order to aculre a competent un- « ■;
I palmy
iod. Qtalttoe.
-t the hardwood. llmb« ' tloo la
SoMDOB Meaecr. e< Detroit,
the Wme- iapaB U b oaiutltaUoBe] or the hardwood lumber j^d Mtata°

mlito produced
iced si.fM.OM
fM pf hard­
Into moa<^r. reprelally t
contor. We bore « diet end portU- braexkt wjlIaB at South Bhad acalau
ibc Grand Trunk Weatera Ballroad Co. Induftry and trade
Mlchta^^e Hoe.’ lu people naturally bare derel tikes a large amonni of wood was fall grown and herrafter-to more likely' wood lumber la lt04; tbora of Lndaen Bhd U the people bare b
would need to make a
nM for BiaklDg rleom on the several
deteriorate than to Improve. The iagton *£513.000, Traverao City It.oped the woodworking laduttriM
piBlat lh07 OBB lapfBeh the xorers- •ad Newaaa A Oo. for MO.OOft daa•xef. The aanplalat raelia tbM Sep- mate. Ttoli even county where hard­ baro the pe^e of Maine. It wa
linn wbtwc boats tonched at varhou rapid cutting of the -hardwoods alw sin.O0A. Onaway IO.D04.OW Md a tall
lOer *. im. plelaUf errlTed in Da- wood lumber to pradueed Md mudy
the law mil: points from Saginaw lo Prankfort for will tend to tbe setilemrni of the lands at Slocum, owned by a. Grand Rapid*
tnveja HB<a Obm.
I orer the VaadaUa taaraad. en­ the meihodi puraued for the rarloos lo the faetory of »
,rmen‘ for geaerally it Is the pol­ firm, lOJWOPOO free Boyne Oty; In
the reploatohmeni of their oappUraPWttaoBth. fept. >.-Tbe BbmIbb
exoleltaUdSf Md uiof of the different
icy ot Ihe oauor. to pul the cutover Charlevoix eouniy to a hravy prodneer

material was at bMd and op
•nd dBpoBeee peace obtoib Md their
bardwood lumber, the total output
land, on the markw But in rrae oenre.
bardwoo^ I
eratora seli^ the chance lo auke use
•BKas Mt thlf Borotoc exeept Bbtob Oo. aad etarted for a bote) aad that a
Trunk train ftrack
clearlng toad, but not oo much as was and a vcry -fmportMi one, It seema a* at that point In IPlM bavtox haea B.KoButB. who left U« Bliht tor Boelor profil.
WO.Wio fcwC At K*m JotdM h.OW.Wb
alghk all
waa along In lb* early 70s of tbe sacrificed In that way througUoui the U a far .ihu.l wisdom oo the pan of teel
U rUit HBTTBrd. The thUBlBBt the reblcle and peraaneotly InJureJ —kre
was prodaeed la the same year
oaw mlllf. rangtag tram Ike Utile
eountles of the state, which tbe hardwood land owner, of aorthern
- wai orriee Bt Kew To* ihU BfthrBOoo pIntaUB. It to i*ar*ed that the drltrer
eentary- that tbe hardwoods In­
apoo the irackf and alngle elrcnla to the Uto flnrt clari cluded la' the plae counUei of the
settled l.cfur<- the crralloa of
Miebtak. >»
pvnlnsulaa. would aad at Bmpire 7.000.000 feet. At Gray
ud the jBpBBeee prohehlr toaorrow.
{•tied to fouad nay alllt of tke Ukcflde Md railroad
dictate B degree of preoervaUmi. ac- llpg. OB tbe Mackinaw dlriikm ot lh->
hardwood market ot magnitude.
that the <^i
Ceotral, tbe output laat year
prtnu. which turn om hardwood lum­ Doribera haU ot the lower .
begM to be exienolvely eat lato 1umTrtJo, Sept t.-BMortt of the pol>by one roareni waa orer 7.000AM feet,
Dr. B. 8. Copeland, who wsi ap­ ber. Tbeae nomerouf mlllf. ot a xrcat
mnch earlier date aquarc dustry of MIchIgM much n( the capi­ the magnlficeol bardwood for^ra
Ue aasa aeetlaci at Nacoya aad Ota- pointed OB the board of coalnd of Ibr mxe of grade and eapocUy. raw »ev.
•ad at I-ewtoion. on tbe aame roed. 8.largely la
tal. min capacity and carrgy of
ka to dnaoaaee (be paace traMy say propoted aute hoapUol for cioMap- cral ktndf of wood, cater to a varie-y Umber and eoopctu' stock were exten­ of the stronger lumber manuCaciiirers
was larwed miL At Au ^
lumbera n Md dber tondholdotv.
the ralfoaUca of the *o»«n“e ' ’ uret. won odied recently ehpui the of markcu and In aunierout loflMces sively produced in the Saginaw mJ
Seblo 85W.OOO foot of bltodw^ lam- .
bas been diverted lo the I. a rich timber heritage that H
Grand River TaUcys. Aifler the rail­
dralroy, as boa to largely. ber was cut to IBM.
probable ioe^on ft the toeUtalioo. utntoe a porUon ot their produce
roads began to be extended outward production of haydwood lumber. In
-1 dn net kJiow wb^* It wHl be local manufactures.
Grand Traveroe region and the l>een.done In the aoalhcro eouatle. ot jI Thus has been mooltoaed the larger
from^laaw and Bay City and northIn Htatan hardwoods there is
Tbe ctraen of.tbe hard-, productitm ai.aeparate palate to'tbe.
• Treaty.
wdrd'from tbe soathera part of the Manistee valley and along the OrMcl
wide range of forms Ipto whkh trees
Rapids * Indiana, the Mlehlgan Cea- woods of Michigan have wUneasod tbe soutbera penlasnla. At Hsaomlaee.
BertiD Sept S.—The rreWnalce
wo*ed' from square strwlural 'sute Into the nortbera eoanUes, and iral and other rrilroodi an cxicnslve
ZeltbBc to oathority for the dedara- tarlum. the Baltic Creek BMitarliiin
imple In other lertloas la the o'pper pcmlnoala. six mill
mills were erected ateng tbe oev^
tott year reported outpu that
tha that a aecrei treaty betwoea and one or two other piaoea." “U there timber to tootbpicks. A tone amoonl
bardwood buolacas boa grown up. ThU of the eouniry and have the opportuaC%laa aad JapM woa eenelbded ilaal- oBy fhow -r it. belag loeeta ei Aan of hardwood limber In MlrhlgM Is dc-1 lines for the cuiUng of pihe. operators ho. brea sllmntoied la its develop­ lly of prraeollng a dlffereat and belter aggregated aearty 1«500.«W (cri. Nu­
ueeoaaly irtth tba alcnlac of
example. Forestry experts hare dom- merous mills to tba u
Arbor tiader the eare et tUffi. of M. voted to tbo monuftcluro of cooper.' tions thus reached by tbe railroads ment by‘the exploitation of maple
4 into Tipeniidi treaty. China nader•lock. Another Urge •mount Is eononairaled clearly that forest ar^as ena reported voriotu eau. swollta to a
a flooring maiertol. .
in the ynaklng
fbt^Hure. A sitouaded with bVdwood timbe^of re­
pcoBotnltcd as to yield a fair large toUl for that port of the atote.
why not. If we wMt It Bat do we
The business hw aoi only beea <
markably good growth. It was natural
■tagfe p^nt' waa ao much
eonsIdcraWo percentmge of ccrUln
iBlerest on the lavestAent. while the
tttS.'rtTbS the eodt h«‘ want Itrthat thto must hive been so, for tbe veloped along the railroads In t
qmiQp Binder, aged a. a Katomaxoo woods goes Into sgricultural machines rallraadi cut across kbe country and northern roiralies but larac quMUl
timber growth can be ptraayed ao as turned ooi as at such plaera aa MmJIM win tantoh the oOeera. Thto
wSdd c»ra
abadote ooairol of city emplore. took tea grata of mor­ and band Implemrats and Into wngoa Uius traveraed the divides between of logs and lumber bavTbera lra|s- to bo perpetual. If the owacc* mbdoc totee, Cadillac. Bay Chy. Traeerae OUy
tha Chtaeee aaplre.
City, la tbe aottlbero pen­
phine to relievo toothache aad It was
‘ ‘ ‘ go the whole IcagUi of
the-rireams, which were higll Isnd of ported lo nay City and eemal hoara before be could be fruit ttakeu Md ports of packing good soil, capable of producing
flqcr manipulation. Hanistec. CodU; areordance with lltf dlcutcs of the insula. la the upper penlasala. bowover. there still I. an opportoaliy for
boxes absorb a good deal oJ hardwood
lac, Boyne City. Traverse City Md oth­ science of fofwslry they'eon
a Urge growth of bardwood manufafo«t. u.... Men. ut... ii • On aceouBi of M laolaiod caie of lumber that to thus consumed io.lde
er ptoees have become centers of hard­ prolong tbe Hie of aorthern Michigan
When (be production of pirnture. while 11 to probaltle that the myellow' fever lu Ottawa ooualy. tbe Uio limits of the state. In the fruH
wood produoion. in which maple ha* foresu and piraerve enough «rf the
lih of prodaeUon to the hranr peaiabasket line there are several large her was the principal thing that k1n-l beea a powerful factor and maple timber
mate of ArtcMfM baa poUbllfbed
■ 3Sr«tm aotdy to the altaatlop l<
Certlff- ■factorioi which take Ihclr raw mate- of timber was largely found in bodies flooring ao Important feature <rf prwdc
generaSlw bat aad may be recarded ai
1 of health ate required iff clttoea* rial In the tog Md wodt It Into veneers ; loaard the head ileri ot the principal
iT^twM to the treaty between EBttions to eomc. The.- con do Ibis by

bld and Japah.
of Mfchtaa iota to Arkaaaaa.,ao"f
l.iu .
eordlag to a matem'eoi made to tbe onerallon ending with the erolvcmcnl, .Icnscr gr..wth. were cui as near drlr- j K..r s.-v-ral year, the sod
process through a .iricl ertiuomy
Cendfiaed Tdecrnma.
tbe fural- i atSr Mrcam. as powilblo. But the rail-, Grand Tran-^rag^^^ was a Icodltu
toad j noeriy overeome by fomee from a
of the finished
fial.bed prednel.
prodi— In
. board of hralth by. a Mlehlgau <Tlhe
lumUT in the Chicago bardwood.trpde, rutting aad marketing.
«airar. Sept «.-«fiy thoaMnd
lure llBO mMufaeturOra in some In-j road, obeaed uffroelion. remote friim
ownera are pur.ulng4hU policy Md It above blta. wMeh wa. bri^fumV
olhvntemaa uiawiliiM la tbwG. A.-ft pattMces have latercsia to Umber Mdlthc girbaas. where the best growth,
ibetr number will | gated. He revived after tnacalai the
Bert Dotel
cr markets. No ouch quoatUy of Urge, Is lo be hope that,t Ibetr
mills as adjuaets to their bu*toees..| of maple, elm, beech, birch, bas.wood
tc la Ibc Union Is! open air.
towae o( (be a
and ao it to with aevcral of ibc ipdus jata other hardwood* aboundoa-llilcr- aoft Md excellent elm grew In My
;bl to HI
hl^ of them


Che Hew Store And new Slock


Our Clothing Department
Represents the best products of ablest designers of Men’s clothes
—in addition we represent the leading designer and manufacturer of
strictly high grade young men’s clothes-this line has never before
been shown in this city~to appreciate the truth of what we are justifed in clairmng for these two iihes you must see the goods. Two ways
to see these goods—watch the well dressed people we have fitted out
or call at our salesrooms. Many of the fall patterns now on sale.
More arriving daily.

Otbtr Dtpartmnts
■ 15afs...
and Caps
No caps surpass
oufi, for style and
- general appear­

IOC to SI.50
The best Eton
Caps' for young
men. New line
just in.



Wo»i d»st
As cold wea­
ther approaches
the demand for
cashmere hose
begins. The fin­
est line 2oc and
50c goods It has
been our pleas­
ure to handle is
now on our
Blacks. Tins. Fancy Embroidere^Whtte
Foot—cverj- kioB that's k fcOod IcmST


Union Wadt

The best of Union
Made goods

50c. 76c, S5C
These wc would like lo
compare with others at
same price. They re the
best we ever saw. Our
line ol pants for

$1.60 to $» 00
will be hard to equalimpossible to bell.

Sptdal Sale
Sample Tests aad Bau Sat­
-see other ad.






GMlt 8cm^ 0»>Antt It Ok-


CkDffrti's 25c GittM Bose, bnkcfl Uks.
to dose oit tt 19c, two pairs for..........
Mk to see ov Uties Bbck Bose
at ..................................................




Thefte Is no better time to prepare for your fall jneecjs than now. stocks are rapidly being filled in with new
merchartdise, and it’s an exceptionally .fine showing that we offer in all lines. We consider it the finest showing
ever offered in northern Michigan, And we take pleasure in inviting you to view this splendid selection. You will
not only find everything that’s new, but you will find it of the best quality and at prices that are right in every

New Fall Suits

Dress Goods.,.

EmrvomuUIotefOtediQdnn^terUls, and they are certainly beautiful
eaottffh this Mtws to Interen them all.
Each teasoD seema to bring forth from the designer* and weavers something
morebcantlfnl than the preceding one. The showing thb fait is ahead of anything
we have ever shown in beauty of materials and in variety.
The best thihgt that are. right for fall and winter wear will 1»e fonnd here; many
of the old fovoeites. such a^ Broadcloths, Henriettas. Serges, that are good season
after ae^. are as much in favor today as ever. Henrietta u an old favorite with



Just now the woman who has not already bought hers » planning to do so. The'
styles for fall are very pleasing, both in material and style. There are the charming
suits with short jacket, with the blouse effect, and there arc some very chic and natty
suits in this style.
The who prefer these to the extreme long coat will find something very much to
her liking in our showing. The one to whom the long coat effect b the most becom­
ing will be much iuterested in the splendid collection of these really handsome gar­
The materials this season are the plain colored broadcloths And the charming lit­
tle checks and overjjJaidt. Prices will be found to be-xonsbtent with the quality and
making of the suiu, as much depends on the making as on the goods.

will be much in evidence in smart street gowns:
V{^ and Eoliennes are still in vogue for dressy occasions. One of the new raaterklBthbaetsonbE)rapOeEtejafibricof medinm weight, with a satiny surface.
Ahnoit any fabrfc you may think you like b proper and stylish. There are so i^y
good things in stock that to enumerate them would uke more space than we have
*®'*ilihort time spent at the dress goo^ good* counter will convince you easier
than all Aetalkhig we might do ph paper. Our sales people wiU be^adwshow
you the new thh«s at any time, without you feeling obligated to buy. Our 60c hue
fa espedaUyetrong. presenting a greater variety than ever before.

Prices Range From $15 to $42.50
LincDS and Domestics Among the Small Wares HAND BAGS


Spe^ showing of new Table Linens. This b a
p^iculariy Wrong department with us. Special
attention is given to securing not only attractive
patterns but in buying only those lines that we
know from experience have the wearing qualities
bade of Uiem. Our line will satisfy the most exactgg^custeiner, whether the price is 60c a yard


40,41, 41

Every material that b right for fall b among

PW^ m $2.98 TO $11-

We are dosing oiitaspecial lot of Nap- O
kins that are worth ^60 a dozen for...
• V
The linen to match U sold. That b the reason
for the cot in price.
New Outing Flannels for fall Are now bere and
there are many new and pretty pattens. New
Flannelettes and imported German Fleeced Flan-ifeb are here in many attractive patterns.
Imported Bath Robe Patterns. See window
di^^at special price of $2.65. Others from $1

Hair and Cloth Brushes, unusual quality ^,00

See Our Hand Bags at 25C

Dressing Combs, Urge assortment to $e- ARfs
lect from a: 10c to..................... ............... wv
Plain and Fancy Side and Back Combs
Others in .leather and pig skin up to $6j00.
Hat Pins, all kinds, plain and fancy, 1 KA Tlain and fancyj>urses from
from Ic to................................................
Pillow Tops, Urge selection
Others up to 50c
Infam*' Pillow Covers stamped to embroi^ir.
Linen Doilies and four skeins silk
Pillow Ruffling. Pillow Ribbons. Cord by the yard,
Cord and Tasseb; all colors.
Silk Belts'black and brown, 256^60c. 65c. 75c. $1.

Special line of Bed Spreads at $1.19. Compare
them with oedinary $1.60 spreads.

5c to S3.Q0

New Neck Ribbons in Gros Grain and Grot
Grain Roman stripe Peniaas and Chiffon Taffeta.
G inch Taffetas in black and white only

Good lice of Leathef'^Belts.


Carpets, Linoleums, Lace Curtains, Etc.
WlnterwlU soon be here, and you will be obliged to spend many, many days shut up at home. Make it as cosy and attractive as possible for yourself
gfidfamny. Fall Is the time to make the little changes. Make your purchases in this line early for two reasons. The first, you have a much better assortmentioiShoo4» from just now. The second, you will find many odds and ends from the summer’s business that we have marked way down low to clean up
quickly. Of o^rM they cant last long.

Ingrain Carpets

other dona.

The oav Bocal deeigxu are

42Xc to 70c Sq. Yard
Frtom Sfc, S2G. 4^ sec, 40c. roe yir«
Stair Carpets Mo«unM for hue •teio •( Siii doyud
age. W««bwAhigBMmBgingi&^ricefron

People boy Portiena io the FaD to ahatoff
cue room from aaoUter aad at the aame timemake the kme look more attraetica Never
did we ahow aa good an aaabrtment.

$1.25 to $17 Pair

120 to SOc yard

Hop! and Kaba Rugs


Tat the AiKing ream and ebamher. '
6^. 7.6xlOA BSxlOS. 9x18. NoUiing on
the market that cqnkb them in medinm priced

Them good* we boy is bige qnaatitiea,
•onal evleadi in t jnear. Bnyiag ia (hu
way we bay tbtaper and aaU dwaper thaa


Room Size Rugs
Weahow oeerty wfannOred atylca in 9x12
Bnga. We never boy « Eng jaat becanae it
ia cheep, nnleea the style ia right. The line
we show for fall we ace quite prood of, and
we invite yon to gian« throogfa the ipim
while the aaeortmeut ia (ttmd. Bemewber, it
it DO trooble to show Bogs.
sum 9X12 Rags frem $9 ta $37

Velvet and Brussels Stair Carpet

Lace Curtains

We abow a Ud<- of Stair CarpeU in bettor
gmhw that wookl be a credit to many laTger
. city itoroa. - Some aplendid valnea at

The new fall goods will be here about Sept.
1. The Cortaina we bare on hand are all
good, deeiraUe goods, bat! to 4*^
stock we aw marking th^ down to make
them more attractive.

75c. 85c and $ 1.00 yd

Hofi Matting
For the ijedroom

Velvet and Brussels Carpets
Our foil line it in now and we are in pbaitwo to show tbeae goods to a mneb belter
advantage than ever before-plenty of floor
apace and the beat of daylight
69c to $1.50 yd_

35c. 50c. 60c yd
It is tboroaghly hygienic; it is toft, plia)>k-. dean and odorleas. It has no nap to
collect dost and lint- germs cannot find lodgment in it. It aboohl be sewed togelbee like
any ordinary carpet.

DOOB PANEUS-Very fine Irish Point
Hpecia] at..............................25C CSCh
FINE NET CL'BT.AI.VS. mffled. SoilaUe
for dining rooms and e’liamhera.
Specialat..,................... . gl.lGpsir
ODD CL’BTAINS at lem than wbe
prigea. Joat one. two and >hree of a Umd.

We make Windo)(r Shades with rollers M of vigoTlnd ^life-^guaraiitce them to give years of satisfaction


i ..


jcmwo TWAvcim
> moaey had goae laio the

really more to do In tbe summer

T. B. Ctart. • w«U taowa Gr»d ceaeralfBBd. .
Some we^ ago Mra Waale OenaJUpM* »u, hwt ms ta -BUehlai^
■Dm <MUn ai <be Eknatre cafe u baa of Port Botoa was grsBted a dtd. Nelaao Oama8C toe Vtentn «d*bt wttt thre* wee rnm ber
baa. sad Vu ordered to ton orer to
wboB be* thiBlu an elurke.
Allfe Mllcheil of CoaloB. who Mfi «bj her bnebaad Mttbp. a pertkn of the
le u oU tiimd tf Oa/t, and wbo to- proceeds cf property that bad beea
held Jelatly by the ooople. The wotradae^ blm to tbe nca. wi
faUed to make tbe paymeat ud
-talar at (be matcUax panr.
uwer to a citation tor 'ber to ap­
Md br tbe pellec pendlnc aa tereatl-

time than m tbe winter. There is more
efcmaj. mere eAerteg.mcite general
litreu to anmmer tbaa la wtatCT."

hpuib. thuwoav.

l discharged crew <g tbe s
the deumion camp there, owtog;" __
to the yellow (ever quraattoe.

In a plea tor tbe -aainri reUgli**:
which wid csoM aU classes ta tota-


by pminUed tovors. One renaon tar
M that tbe rich of tbe country, avoiding m «mWoa near Bayslde. N.
pear in coart and abow tbe reason why wbo abonld be tbe lenders of tbe eoaa- T. An attempt to dltcb.4he ear to altfate to pass, caused
^e ailed to obey Ue order of tbe try. strive ;o amke iB that can can be
ne disMiMed parlabloaen of 8t.
coart. tbe aoinsnal claim U made tbat made, lasiesd of dotog the good deeds (he neetdeat.
U belDc adlodged a wUeb should be done. U Is simply tbe
dlsUaeiion between cUssei that iweBrntdoa. Mich, Sept, 'hi — Mynm
vents tbe worklngmnn going to eburen.
Pease and wife at Toledo. O.. are tbe
People wbo dOD-l mingle together ta
gnesta of his brother, D. L. Pease, of
tbe partor cannot mingle together to
boM tbe deeda bad flnaacee la tbe aew
tbe ebnreh ••
Maude MeLcllaa of Traverse Oly l>
aoeteir*e owa baada. sad aot
Senator Jules HriUe of Praaee. pre­
spendtog a few days with ber pareets
tbeai over to tbe biabop. Tbe
mier under Felli Paore. believes tbat
■eat la beaded by tom. Wleteatka.
tl Industrial crisis Ibnmiens both here.
Kutopo aad the Cnltea States.

He de-

cltres that tbe Utait^r mtisl get back
agrlcnlture. or all clafsea will be
hurt by the tide of industr tl owjnJTO^
dnctlpn. -The titasUon.'
liens not only the pro^rity of
countries dependlns upon a tolr dlvl■iOD of thelryirodiictlve forces, but the
eatatenee of laborers

There li room

for everytme under Ibc son. bat on con-

ditlon of sfaarlag up .the good things
to tbe costlneni. etc., which will bring _____ e earth Insleed of eoDceniraUaii
- itae erater aloae, and altboocb uay
tbe toUl up to or beytind ibc formida­ upon one depamaeni of activity, Tbe
. people were near at band oa tbe
bas eome to re.-dorc the world'.
ble figure mentloaed.
beaeb. no one but <;putchie bad
«mUed ecooomical eoulllbrluni
Tbe Alpine gnlde. Leopold Grand,
tleed that be had «oae beyood bU
aad to warn men away from tbe beat
depth. Ooatcbie vraac^bUmeiUB.. baa reeelred the cross of the .Legion
aaee and reached hlataa be «ai «elac
doara for the third tt«e. CeweUe U
a blita aebool sradiiate abd bai
liarilibed blmedf maay Umea la
iellc taeeli.
; Mayor Staaley E. PatblD of OwoaM
addressed the Maple Rlrcr Pammclub mad baadad ool some b>
irari. Hi eoBpatad tbe man who bold­
ly demaadt money few political InSaeaee with ibc oae who aecepu favori
ta Ibc abape of free paaiea. free tolepboaeS. etc, aad said abtfat tbe oaly
-'dlBaraace U that the former
tbe viitoe of boldaesa.
Oaalel HamUtoo. a>ho wai
Mieased ftenl Mamtieue prtacm after
perriBg a term of teo years for barglary.haamadeaewora stataaaBt.1^^ aerloat ebancee acalnit tbe priaea

of Honor.

tins says, would not be apt to In sjrtte of 'be rain all spent a very

eejoj-sMe day.
all reeovertos
Tbe Bertilloa syatem tupopriers are
■ad that Al B. POTcrreU, kaown a» bo<*n having hU secretory read to him laughing at the failure in (torts of s from the iy-|>huld fever.
phiiiographlc syKiem fur idenll“Wblley Black." aad aeat op from the oddest Of the begging icijer*. of
Real Estate Trantfera.
Kilamaww lor bank robbery, cut
wbicb vast numbers were soul to him
Wm. L. Brown and wife to Abraham
a certain thief and got a eollectioa'
pemt cub la bli wrist In an eCort
wife, lot
114, Oa-.
of alz pholographi of him la dlBcreot P, Walker and
bleed to dei^ beoaaie he feared
Italy's greatest Hvlng poet, Gtonse
lerrlWe Sontne. It la said tbat it Carducd.1 celebrated bis sevoeticlb posiUons. Copies of all six photos
afterward baeama ataiaiary to ampoHamUton hu a besTy

blribdar^on July




months ago be had reulned bU chair

pleee of hamess leather la wbhdi are
ai profeam^ of ctostlcal literature at
paaefa bolas aad whidi he elaiiar it
(he Dnlversfiy of Boulogne, which be
dopUeale of ,lbe strap need to beat tbe
first occupied in ISCO.
RamlltOa says be repreDavid
.aeata SS4 prlsonen In presenting
South Africa, wbo discovered tbe
ataiement to the goeeraer.
Pretoria mlnet, bas arrived
Probably tbe lut dries of toga
this country with
purpose of look0> down tbe Hoakecoo rireriethe
Ing over ih? mountains of srestem


were aeni dH over France.

A few days

grapba of the ae«aed persons duly to
hand. I am happy to Inform you that
I have arrested five of them, whom I
am rcialniag to cells.

I am on (be $95C.

ipturc him Imfyire long.•
John E. Hadden, the fugitive'turf

wife's divorce case.
It -wu the property of
Owners nt automobiles are held r
tho L<« Ovneti' Beemiag O
FlrA Uenlenanl Henry U Harris
OoogbUa. aaperiaceBdeat of the drir- aad Sceoad Ueutensat Morion Bus- aponstble for fatal accidents and ra
earape heavy damages by the plea
ert for tbe psM 18 years, remembers aell, both of tbe Twesty-second TToiteJ
t tbe peraoa killed was guilty of
tbe time when tbe snnoal lloataia of Stotoa latoniry. have resigned their
Mgi ran from SM.OOO.eOO to 8W.6M.0M commtssloBS aad will enter tbe Cfat-. negligence, according to a decision of
appellate «llvlsli« of the New York
fMOfiocs. Tbe old Utiakccoa Boom­ nese army. They are lo-^ecelve
ing Oo. pot in an ererace of 3W.0M.- rank of eoldael and dtojor. respecUve- supreme court.
The biggest wad of spending loooey
ly. at 87.000 aad IS.OOO a year, and srlll

«0e feet f^ >0 years.

tbe eaute. which foou u
W. C.' Freeman to sUlI bopeful (or
the bacMaa .of his flying machine upon
whIA the has aiieni much time and



Hortoa Decker, wife aad ebl1dr«.

. rer seen at i^l^tio City to that
flaabod li> J- M.'Richards, miniiop

■tattc a# to tbe results of faU invi
at a white beat. Tbe aaperrlsort a
dttoeaa of the western part of t
ocssaty want tbe county'eeat remov
from Ranigvnie. where It has always
betti. to Mod Lake or acoae other point
near tba gaagrapblea] teter of tbe
voaty. Two yeart ago tbe county jail
to itt hatag retnm la KarrlsvUle. The
'daadlhdi ctmtlnuod onUI last -wlator.
ethea a law was passed making HaritvUle a dty and rreatlag {oar more suparriaora. This gave the new jail auppprtera a saajority. and at the July
aaeariBg a resoliiiiaa was passed pro.
TUtog (or the erwtioa of the jail (rom
tbe 11^ tosataaee aad a »SM) approprlatkm. Supmlaor Gordoe bad tbe
pmaa ban refused to give them up nntll
campbled to do eo by tepleWa pr
caedlngs. Thee, on tbe appHcatoeS i

d with tbe srork. alleglot tbat .the




a large aerragr plan^^ut at a M

airrady. Tbe (armrrx njld buxlasaa
men are all wreathed to amllra la aa.
tlrtpallon at a rushing bnsUras tbia
Ttere wax a big attendance at Joaeph Forioo's dance Saturday evrittag.
It waa Miss Saxlr'a alxtasMb bl?lbday.
Bverytme bad a very cajqyable Uma.
The goesu departed la the woe boars
of morning, wtablng Htoa Sttoie tbe
beat of hdalib aad prosperity and ibac
sbe lire to enjoy many a birthday.
Sept. (.

New Goods are Crowding Gut the Old!
Wc h»ve jim unpacked

300 Brand New Skirts,
100 New Coats and Cravenettes,
200 Misses’ and Children’s Coats,
All kinds of New Dress Codds,
New Undgrwear, New Outings, Etc.

s -

Caldwoll to Joseph Morrow

-r. T. Bates to Ix>reo Fuller, paro-lOay Heights; l.liip.

We will be bus>- showing the many new styln in Ladies' Skirts, Jackets and
Cr.ivenetics, besides hundreds of New Suits and Overcoats for Men and
Boys, and we ll be busy closing out what are left of this season's garments at
ridiculously low prices.

srrj-'ii.s-' -V."-

W W. Riclimnnd and wife m Jn-

A* B. Ciinto to T. Yminc. w4 lot in,

“ GonTnS to irau-'l tiungT ror.

eralor from Marttoaborg. Va. He near-

ly grte the bell boya locomotor aiaxU •0. Isl arid, niarkwcmd. (*7.
wben^4Pread oat $51,000 in crisp • Uura J. -Wilkins to Wm H. Wil
kins. e4 lot :e. block 1. Oakwcxxl.
Ills for tb? hotel deck to depoalt
te liifr of tbe Hotel Sbelburae.
Aad.ltr>r General «i Amos l/mgshore.
I^iljtwllb tbe Otmanisb by tbe sulua
and with-the Order of the Savior tv
Tbe baby famine In Mikksboro. New w4 of new. sec. I. town ZC. range 1<>.
rice aad St. Latorut by tbe king of

tbe of Greece, Is about to be ctwatpd n Jersey'a "race anicide" hamlet, bas

tbe Legion of Honor Uy
broken by the arrival of
ttae French govemmenL This
Baby qarrison, a girl. She Is the firs;
tbM^ tnMmidjX steam for motive
asknowledgemeot of bU recent prebom there to seven yeajp. Jhpower, as origtaally^laBned. gasoline
tentatlon to 'Parla of a floe branxe
popuUUon Is now 357. It ik two
Mgtow of tpeelsl/make will be toatnc at Benjamin Franklin.
ycara since anybody died in UxrksatolM. With thlal.aBd probably a tew
Witte Is a big man. Helsaeronteet boro.
.OUur ebangea. the" Inventor is eptj-

- The Aleoaa ebonty seat war Is m


Saturday All Day and Ail Next Week

irarii of the sixth and will eertaJuIy

among them.

The rw«ftof C &«IH1ngbnrst i
devote tbemselves to Introducing
era mlUtary metl^i In the army of
Ftaak H. Bmltb. oammltsioners
eiaiiM la tbe eeuie
cf Cbaries.
tbe Chinese emp^r.
rs a toul of
J. P. Morgan, who has already been
deeotaud with tbe Order of SL Mau­

;-r and wife. se>k
n ZS. ranee 10; 81.

later a chief of police to a smpll town
to the Parts police;

tan from New S'ork. to bidden sale to
erbteh hu Just pasud Kewaygo. The North Garolhta, where there are be­
Lcxlagtou. Ky.. where be will sUy
■sal ewried tl m<S. aad they
lieved to be rich diamond deposlis.
Mriag frm lt.«M.OOO to U.dW.OOA Several flne specimens have been III be Ihlnkx the roast Is clear of
wbo would nab blm oa eo
feet of too. most of wbldi '
foobd in tbat aeclkm.
tempt charges In cooncetion with h
k>ck. There were also ploe sod uh ' -tnatlc eir«t^^_,.de^e»opment


Dvrbaa Brown left Thnrudny (or bis

Grand lives torn bat on lbc
geallh arv already l>elng crushed from
Small 8L Bernard aad bu uved tbe
tbcer weight of number."
leg quite badly and came veiy near week
lives of maay UfvelerB who bad lost
Mr. nower of Galesburg is Tli«lngj
tbCseamc hour l^t herbusband bleeding to dealb. The fiow of blood
tkolr way or were unable to rcacb the
Mr. Walter's iieuple. We understand be,
to Little Rock. A>k.. Helen IMale was not enlirdly stopped until Thurs- will r>mtn home Mondav. an»«EAST BAY.
bosplcc. HU BOB. wbo itied to help
dby Boon.
JtAnson.' a magnxtoe wriler,
lanied by kis daughter.-MIsS Pent.,
Bora, to Mr. and Mrs. Jtdia N. Coorblm.‘dluppeared to a creriee one day
John Rynberg was a Traverse Clly who has been- here all Mimmer. -thi-.tade. a daughter, Aug. list-. _
drowned while bathing at Coney Island
u they were dragging out a parly
of Miss laura Waller
Mrs. Mlrhart Wilkins of ■M-lty is
Monday. Her btuband. Allan jetonson. caller Thursday.
burled by an avalsacbc. After realiz­
r i
wlU atoo acr-impany
impany (hem
them to tlslttog
Usittog with
w|to her relatives ^^and '
Utile Rock banker, died at
Mrs. Holmes of Cleon Is viglitoc bi
of the Stan-, where she - Traverse City.*
ing that the sob was bopetcssly lust
Is DeontouB df
and at that hour Mrs. Johm
Wm. Bartoa'a
attend school. We greatly ,
Willis .Prase aad
tbe father spoke a brief grayer and
young t Kalamazoo are vtolUng with Hr. and i
missed at Coney. Her body was fount
Mrs. Eastman of Kalamazoo Is the regret the departure
iroccfd^ with lbs work of retcae.
ow elr-' hirs. Jas. I). Beaeb. Mr. Pease intends
ladl<-s from «ai alr«ady
guest of Mrs..Hunt.
About'sUtecn months before his. lluatlae out to sea. A mesaengeT boy.
light the joiinp I pyorbaslng a farm here.
elc. Miss Walt.-r has tausl
wlt^ the telegram telling of Jc
liennle Uurkbead and Alvin Striek pcopU-k
little Siiodar ’
Henry Bates lias pnt qp a houne On '
dealb (at IWJ Senator David Warh of
ler of Traverse City arc camping at school and organized aad....................................Julian
by ber ef
Ponon place to idace of the
Prmlrictoo. N. O, wrote a letter about, dimth. followed Mrs. Jobusod's busies’/
ihal was burned down last spring
forts snsuined the only Junior En> tbe morgue in an auempt to dellv Green Lake a (ew days.
of llTiBg. Kor brenkfast. be
r bis message.
taM. be bad oatmeal porridge aad
Tho till between Secretory Shaw and Hanee were duck hunting on Hnd lake ' center lasi Tnesday. retaratog Wed
milk, to which be had always beat acFriday. '
| nesday ,
. C. L Dumlne pick tdums for a
mstomed. with a slice of plala'bread Gov. A. B. Cummins of Iowa over
Ullle Lloyd
’d Clark to
is in Jlonur
Honor with [> daya.
MIsk Sawyer arrived from Frank- ‘
'aad a cup of black tea. For many Shaw's charge that Cummins mlsquul
: bto grandparenu..
I Ham M'lddU bas bought a nes
and bone.
yeart he bad aaiea aellbcr beef, mot­ cd him at the reriprodtr eonvenUnn, j fort Saiiirllay,
St^ool U-rsd Uondayt
ion nor pork, hot took a little fish or bad a chapter added Monday in a letfrom CnfiunloB replying to Shaw's Sawyer as teacher.
fowl at 1 o'elwk, with another ctip of

Ha rntya, amopc other (blaci. tbit BmH
During tbe recent sojonra of tbe
WaUs. the aotorkMU Oetimit murderer, abab of PeraU la ParU one cf-bU to­
took tan own Ufa to emeape a doalBg.
la aald to beve


Grand Rapids last
' weeks b
_ <
«ad Mrs. jeesme ForMr and Mrs. Kennedy mi
Bora, to Mr and Mrs Oswald
Crtppen went to Oedensbarg
.y la"' ' "

- rs, a boy. on Tbnraday
( FMst Head baa rocont^eeiKn. Mrs Crtppeo wn I as h I
Mltoes Bertha Cornelius
dtus and IJIllan
delegate from tbe West Union
sebool . Keyes deft Tueadny tor Grand Rapid. ,/'t
W. Kkks. S Brasebridge. T Rob-1 after baring estjoyed a few days' varT . *
I down, bsvinc
ertson and
mother, Mrs Pnesi.
Prit-si. L.
i,..j tlun at Oak Dale
Priest's tomlly aad Mr. aad Mrs ^
Prtmtice THIle. Cbarile Rsdille aad AtriM
. .
Btlsiiiw J p g^iin 1^, Wwdacaday fur,
■>“ >“ra «1to|^.^beciM a (t^
gar are all enjoying
the Adrenl
campmeetlng at totst Jordan
8. Wuodhrldgr and dlsiriei n.-u Toesdar.
Adam Miller kxt a valnthle t
MUs Pearl Holllii at Trateesc City
aftiv having »prtil the s
visited ber pereni*.
Mr. aa^Mr^.
Mr Woralbrldge .
Prank McLHlan. Sslurda}-.
I tbe guesu BoMay
Mrs. Walter.
r. who ha. been with ID. ____
<sMlagv built Ibis fall /nr bis ■
i L. Uumtte.
UUle Rboda HeUis of Traverse City, Waltrv on Mann Drus. scow lor lewrai j borne,
Ed Dmiae. who went to Ontemsgea
wbo bas been speadtog a few mo '’
i oa biislaess rvi-’rntvi borne Thursday.
Tho last b<«( load of stovea snd | weeks at tbe Leetauau. i
here with relatives and frlUids.
heading for thi. season left on the yuncie. Indiana, Salnrday morning.
_ are
, glad ^ beiir that Mrs. Hsmir
returned borne.
seboontT Belle cm Toeiutoy aad tbe;
yig, mia Medllte of Laaeaairr. 0~l^
u„, g
Ralph Durrea is vUliag bis tlsterf
her baalib and l<
The Mann Cedar Co. are entllng ' srood of Bast Ueland.
Mrs. John RynBerk. of thto plat*.
Tbe Domine nad appragrtotitm ha-,
(belr timber on the Mbtf bougbt of J.
Mrs. Will Adslt returned' .
Miss nora HcLeaa was a Travi
been wortisd. F.H- »r. the road has
aiy visitor Monday.
'* M*'^pT«tice and son Charlie haveja'f^ davI™'si?atS''B IDnalmt^s^ *•«»' “rnplhed on iwii sides foe 13
gtsie lo Alden to look alter the threshMrs. Wm N. i«» resumed from MU J?!*'
Mr. and Mrs. M. Dcakc enlcrtal
^ »»
a number of Ibeir friends at Camp
Mr. Mtmtgomerr and a genileman her friend. Mm I.-J Qrobben
, prlailoo to grading-tbe big bill on the
Imkrvlew wllb a isBy pull Monday!
Mildred Durkeray of Traverse Cllv north end of Ibe l.a^hU airo
Albert J. CourUde had the
evenine snd evc-ryooc spent a very
ing Tuesday and k-Dtog WVdoeadgy. to vtolttog Miss Jessie Bossmaa of ifaU completed.
A B-ntleman txuijgg wKo from nrorjpto„.
joyablo evening
a lar______
ko Ann. whoM i
Ullle Mike Pekarek. wbile pleylag
friends from , gle^^S^^i-^(ioldriek* left Friday tbe north o>d of the BInck toad. There '
88bO ralBsa for tbe Impnoei
with a draw ehste Wednesday,
IndUna and ramped rhe flrsi of the
,nolr borne to la'dianapolls.

oOelali. la his eUtemeal. wbhdi be
Shaw had asked where CunMr, Bert was fc town Monday on
ttoot to lay before Oor. Warmer with tea. AKo'dockaalleeof breadaada
a namben of afldaviu. be alletee tfaa; cup of tea once more consUiutcd bis mins got the remans quoted. The lat- bnsineas.
Camps Denjamlu. Comfort am! Lake
prisMera ia tbat tasUtnUoa ere treei- evening «caL He ale aeltber pie nor ■|cr replied that he took'them from th^ entelly mad are sebject to bruUl pudding aad drank nothing stroagor DCS Molnm Capitol, (be editor of view entrrtaineil Home.ol ibelr Bemton
which U -a friend of Shaw's, and. as frienda at a plrnic dtoner Sunday ac.I
pBltlAaNet (or latraeUpBs of tberulee. than tea.

Ute tbe band.


hew on hoBlaeas one day tost week.
gie to good feltowsbip.«. O. Nelson, CUB potot to go lato tbe csati
The West Ualon Aid met wllb Mrs
Mrs Bcyt W.
Mrs. James J.' Corbett was slightly Hentf last Ihai^y aad bad a very titog •
aald: “Tbe reUglan cf today U rwleJ tojered aad -Jeems" g« a lew bumpa: plmuaBi Use. Tbe aeu BMWttog will


«nDer prealdeat of St. Adclben’a a»
east blm.about tSOO.OOn He l» laying
cSety, vboee coetroreray with
plans for a social sod dlplumailc cam­
Sbory umoiaated la tbe dreall a
paign such as Bonc of bis predoceKTbe membera also object to Biabop
aors tboogbl uf uadensklag. Dorcbos
Bkbtei*a raUac that they coatrtbote
bouse, the Loodoo maaalOD which
to tbe aew partah of tbe Sacred Heart.
Relda bare taken, can cot be d!
Bat fw tbe tlmly and bendc aetioii
;ly maJoulned under I7S.OOO e yeer.
of Bayswad CoouUe, of Uarifecoa.
West Parit acounlry plaAbe has cnn-yearHdd Nick Onbaa woold hate
I. win eoet m.dOO more, ezelaalve
drovaed ia tbe eeit la Labe Hieblfsa
of elaborate eaterulnmenU pUaned
la tbe preacaiee of aereral tauadrad
there. Then there are tbe opera, trips
-people. Ttnns Cohen had foae into

Mra Adakwe Marttocau's gra^tothto. Mr. HeOamy. aged 84. ner uatoe

Mr. s^ Mrs. PaltermmjotWv Cen-

*“ ““

Auditor General io Amos Lougshore.
: w4 of new. sec 1. town :C. range 1m.

Auditor General to Amos Uvneshor.-,
oeW. ICC. I. town :c. range-m. SAmz
Auditor General to Amos Longshore,
new. aee 1. loan
range Iti; $fi (i
EM Lowry to Elmer Itolleraoh. Io; "

four toefaes toll.

Not Sergius, the
Burglan wbo robbed of valuable block j; $75
United Stntes to Cto-orge Cross. In;
peace delegate, tmt (VllUam of New
Irerdtolrlooma-tbe home of JiMm.T.
ToriL When little Mias Hnriel Starr, Waring of New York, drank two bo;- S, aee. Zt. town 27. range 12.
Geo. Brown and wife in J S. Brown,
aged 17. saw him bnlpleasly flopidng tlea of bto beet wine, smoked half a
lot 12. bloek:, Ktoesicv; $50.
around to the Coney Island surf.a tie. dozen of bis choices cigars, pored over
JubD (toiler to Ella Fuller, nt, lo:
Bbe boldly swam to hli a ’vtaume of ' Byron, leering burnt
aid aad kept hU head out of water ua- matebee between (be leaves and ler|
L}on. w SO feel I.
til (be life Mvers arrived.
ime.of ihcir toola.rCo.'s- *300
Tbe will of tbe late Gee. Blaekmar.
Uncoln'a birthplace, a U»«ere One
The Dowaglar Mfg Co to Henrv
near HodgenvUle. Ky.. was sold under R McCowmn. nwW of nwW, ser. 11.
jwn 27. range 2.
leaves 83.0W to Naacy T. Creel at
Monday to tbe bankruptcy
Alben H Miller to inn Urban, parUmlsvillc, Ey.. whose mother serreJ case of A. "W. ^aneue of New Tqrt;. cel. Goodriefa-s add: $inn
erse (o-C«i. Blaekmar
Vvxl-4 and wife to Jnn. UrR. J. OoUier of ifew York bid it to for
la : and 3. block -2. H.. U k
was sroeaded during the civil war. H« $3j:i>0. Tbe Uueoto (nmily. when It
Co.-a 4ib add; $275.
alaa leaves to the United Stoles gov- moved-to HJlnola soW the farm to the
Coiled States

iment the chair la which Geo. Grant Creal ^Uy. Tbe latter sold it to of aeW. aee 6. I
5. range 12.
eat while anaagtos (or the aurrender
of Lee's army.
Secretary Sbaw baa writt® a tart
• W. Ramaev-s ihreablng macbii
‘-Satan! He is IneOrriglble! He will letter ta Cor. Cummins of Iowa re­
In the neighlporbood thto week.
not cease from work! He takes no garding a reference to blm In Cum­
The tofant daughter of Hr: and Mrs.
Sommer or wlnier.. Then why mins' speech at tbe redprority ««- U Stevens died last FrMav after x
abonld tbe church cease lu cfloru? It ventloD In Chicago. Cummlna quoted short Illness irf cholera Infaninm. The
frmeral was held gS-Crani eburcb yesIs just w neceasary (or (be ehu^ .
a report that Shaw had
tardap ----------------pen IB summer as In winter.“ Dr. French' reclproeity treaty gave eve^fMias LoeUa Knapp of Portland. Ore .
George \:Urke Hougbtoa. of “Tbe
tbtog to France and nothing to the was visiting fCenda last week
Wttbnr Pint and wife of Iowa are
Ue Church Around tbe Corner." of New
vUtUng bto parenta. Mr. and Hn j
Toirfe. wbo taker no vacation, spoke
idU to know Paul.
I And tkai tb^ wbal
Cteon Blaard, whOe at play last Satreport Cummlaa i

wlik much spirtL

Arc you-saving tideets fur a Dinner Set? Wc are going to give a^ay
500 beautiful 43-piece Dinner Sets—one to every customer who brings in
yy-tickets. You might as well have oae as well as your neighbor. We give
a ticket with every S3c purchase.
We guarantee our prices to be the lowest by long odds. You can’i
make a mistake by trading here. You have everything to gain aad nothing
to lose. Trj' it.


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