Grand Traverse Herald, June 08, 1905

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 08, 1905


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Aaotter cikM bM.lefi Ue Tni
per Hl«b Mteol ud Uw BMBb*rs wUI
Mter uk* ttaeir iO«m* In Uw worklag
vertd vipci^ • pertloe «f tkelr Urw
In nenir^ n UglMr luwvMgn.
rnndr, twnntr ol th« eUM'af tUrtr
rongvpoatBvho gtsdanUd Inat em'
teg. hnm ntmltod tkntr tauatlon of

around acentral theoght ef I ihaaked Ood Pal Peae Bea had paid
I aroased by (be coHegc aad elevated 1(. Into literature, Baaktod. Tbe direct naloe ot Pe
sal. UlKs aad bellowed |i. trto tbe bualares'
e of tbe east aad west by tbe VaaV great ralne to Pe dase and not only | Pa price (br pto
Bnt Jast
e move- world aad coaobled IL
eaaal. ihc reclalBlag of rasl pe clan bat eretr petwoo who beard ■ acroas the street
> be todostrioos. bat beeanee;
Alreadr a
I and
rrltcr would
he aeee that
Pe only war to gala
- T and profes
salto to to pot bis whole eneigy 1i
annociulsr M-en nlsn> on ibl> l.raad eartb."
growth of sotavoaes Weal far the
■ysleBatlc eSort.
pe: teeo hours a day for i
! Pe people of Trareree City e
The MEBplee aflorded by Pe teach-i work? Immedlaiely shr gave op
era probably hare Pe etroegett eSeci j her aBbltloos and drv<itrd herself
-: laied Pe clan and said that while be <
> look ap aad tee Pc roarehlag
MertoB Wilson deirvored the rato":
apea tbe papIL He looks
. ^
irally | of men sad womei
basts thsi bad paid Pe price.
as a BOdel and where more----------dlcuory aad did It In such a,»-ay as id
sailyieflted br heMlre
n..« to the (oacher who Is coostaai
he had never heard i belter prepared
win roach prals^. Hie oraikni showed lo sucn<ed It Is better
Tbe Law of Cain.
“ •
more iatelUgeat
be bad It ibor-'Tlciorios even Pough cbcckwdi'^l# set of
The life of'^ma
Boolb Tucker is careful thought
to 101
of Etou
This Is tbe tcsuli of tbdlTtdaai
failures Pan
take rank wIP tboee delivery. BeglaalBg n bis Perae, he
_i sotne respects a ooniblasUon
qau-: In
ooniblastlon of pe i ougbly commliiwl.
Kto voice was clear
poor splrlis who neither ca)0)'
1 Pe two preceding, lives.
said that htotorr was not aa accouai
“• '•* «trwaa. “If my
met which be sees.
Pe house.,'nor
,Jg„ much."
“.““‘I aad easily boarfl all
nor sufler
If we fall
pereamUty of Pe 1
of b«tle. but was a n.rr«k,n of Pc h~ther cant ke«, «p^ bl» fan oaf
r ipoke as fallows;
than to aoy oPer a
.world’b Ideas. E^ery event siaads ak'"“
tooaopoly leavee wrecks ,11

toe InitoB^ d
__ to farced


_____ _ ..
a rooDumeol.
as .
a ..............................
Iribuu fa some over Pe coaatty It to not my fanlf
Thai to the oM law of CaU who. after
man's Idea. Tbe Brooklyn bridge Is as
ilag Abel .asked. *"Ab ' I my
Idea. Pe people spin aoross Pe connbrotbeFs keeperr Tbe Preedom Of
try slsty miles aa hour on aa Idea.
yesterday Is Pe oppmaeton uf today.
cotfa.B to Pe Pmp suple that
' the oppreasM) ef today Is (he abaoWtoday because of aa idea In Pc mlad
USB at toBorvow." he daelarad.
of a Georgia eefaool teacher. Ibe ctUes

■tUltaMtar.nartAlaf tMr aln^ with
Ik* M«inc that tkn worti nfforti.

la (bo arrtn itf ibt

Tinreiao Cl^ Mboola, bo*»*«r, that
Umm who troB dlalndlnitlon or tno

nnppod tint>(U bo

n«nlp|ied tknt


tber «JU
be nUe 10 nnke.n
MM imaB. bnt.wlD nnd««and tbooe
thlBSi Ihnllkkatto.aBB no meh
Born. Stab pnft«& Ue pe>t bore
bM nnfbtdA to (1%. tbor hare twee
tbi«ht 10 iMl Into tbe totnre end
vbnt thnfc.«nure irflt be Uea vltb


have growtt Into Pe couniry and i
wheeU because Edison spent

In working out an idea. Ideas are Pe - 4 geaeral tadictBeat «f’■»« all mpllevers br which the Ballons raise - uiuts a^ all tobor oi^tottloaA He
It was pe Idea of re-; .gu that Pare were eom mmaldaraio
llglous freedom buratng In tbe breast | Bmgnates and many IntrillisBt laborof Mania LuPrr Pat brought on Pe <

.'S .me

complete Pe

Htos Mahal Waiwr had tbe honor ef


Easier mmjm tbe Aenltr U

dellveriag the class option and it
an honor wetl placed. Previous to bur
addreai B. Tceedy Legg sang two of
Harman Lohr’a eompoeltlaaf. *-Tou-d

mrtb^aUdbi *)*• lb tbe eenter ot Better Ask He." and *The Uttle IriP
the eeugk»aM of eaeU An
Oin.” Welch were very well received.
Sn» ^VMaaL On Ibe
Mist Walter possesses cooalderabto
bone were draped targe emUeme ot
etocuUonaiy talent and Pit. coupled
tte aatiea wbOe tbe lower «MM were
wIP Pe thought of her oration, made
M^od la tbe eotore of tbe elaea, red
very pleastagiBprcatkB. Shesald:
aad white,
etaga wm a bower <d
taea begta lo teach Pe young pll- j ‘
tem is fNBt wbSe tohr large Sage
ilw^lia tbe tfett.

In (ho Bowen,

the elan eolera were oatrled
■taw at ymtaaw asd hrdrnngae
VhMetaM aad fam
u added (he
the flalabtar^twbn
whole. th( deae
, <iss aeaUd to a aeitaadreie
K & <Hlbert « the lift
<Uher of tbe eenlnt. Prof. Tboaaaa
KadaL oa Ibe right.

Hont’e awbeetfa, whleh tarnlabed tbe
mtae tar the eraiUag. Mias UUIaa
VIsMr to a dear retae sad, perfect
Wei Itotep area dreeeed aoureir
whtta aad arhOe weeMnt. earned no
Aewera. Her addteat was aa tolkiwi:
Wr Ullla« hblajr. •fli.
A eerdlal wilemm to ostwded to
TOO tala eaenlat hr the elan of ISOS.
^ flnt that ron are aboarlad aa totnadt to the wellare of the


whhto we hare baas woridac, m hare
srwwn to realm (bat oat ewwftualUn

Net Oenecal Indletinent.

Profeseor Nadal Insisted thst he
epare time while a newsboy on a rialn, dlduT want to be coasiroed as making

Ctoee Oration.

nm^doee Colore.
Vn^ tbe

we have profited by the Iralnlag
y undertaklag In life. Pere
— ....—
Mlnettmea si
eeai. eo Pete have

■t Pe good a
gard fa '
evil in ni.
-I>nmig Ibe balUe Prough Pit life!
Never leave gniwiag till Pe life to
eoroe!Tbls has been bai a beglaalag. Perw
>r«, where Pere bat been a roeasore
.r auoceas. this roust be Increased:
where of faitara. Pto Bast be rw

German reformation.


and he reeecatoed pa tact

It waa the Ideal tsat Pto coaBiry wan llvlag ander pe

of Pe unlverealUy of Ood Pat took ■ best Industrial synam Pe wortd had
Uvlagstone through the foeeats .of:
,„.o. “But we eanaot evade Pe
Africa. It was Pa devoUan fa an fact Pat the naifan to faelag Pe greatIdea Pat gave to tbe world Pe prtaea- eet ertoto of lu htotorr." bo i^- Tbo
ly life of tbe Nasarede.

best sutettoesi aad the boat thinken

Battlee Coirtacta of Ideae.
When Pe Called Statee aad Spain
fottgbt It was a eooteat of Ideas, Pe

are absorbed In an aUempi to aohie
tbe probloms.
"Bat tateiwtate (oeuneree coousto-

old aineenib cenfarr idea of oppres1‘Crii SCn?0,L. 5E:MDa

*km and Pc 1 wenOep century idea of bumtoa won't do. an Idea can't bo
Ube% and eouallty. The gnat naval legtolatcki Into a'anUon. Tho aatloo to
victory of Pe fapaaeae was more Pan

bedding 10 an old tdaa Pat has doaa

Bcwed driennlBstloB. a ifulck re- a victory ot BtUtafy policy. It was pe lu daty already. It to boUlag to Pa
ilHOUe to oponunlllet and tallh la our old Idea of esartoa and abrnriattom Idea of ladlvldoal Uberiy rather Paa
Creaior. succtwi Is assnred.
•wing at Pc feet of tbe little aaral aaUoaa) Hbecty."
WoiBSn's Training Home was vniaU
"History rcpi ats iiwlf
\ear sfler
Uy doing Ibe duty Ibnt Ilea nearesL
llshed by General Booib for the
, r®ar
bsve Ivfi PIk High school we may be
TUi to Pe time when Pe whole anaiatloa cd women wopers fo- holding '» Pkv their i.lsces lu scfltv life. One Will aad be culilt-d by It. Since we
OB tarns Its atteatlon u> Pe young
oQces in Pe Sairsilon Army.. _____
UUs after another they hare
'■>' live In a country and at a time (avorpeople of Pe toad. They'ara Just complaced In ebarce
chsrce and',
snd nnm
until tonight
tonight we. too. are- aboutto be 1 ,hle to growth, we should wop far
ptotiag eoaiaas P pe various aehools
■owedsuch a personal Interest In ihe
added <o Pat list, f |hsi
end Dr. Chalmers said. "Edneate
and eollegea. and Baay eyea are upon
work thatshe was known as “The
It la with feelings of mingled joy ' the mind and we have an infldel; ednPea and are watching to tee to which
UoPer. ' In I8SR,
. _________
snd wdness
___ thet
-(hst we assumble
here, cate
cste pe heart and
snd we hsve a ti___
__ .
"recUoa they tura. aad along whal TralBlng Home MoPer."
bark over the tssi
M-ars. but educate ibe physical. Pe mental,
IS of Pought aad work they will adHere
the moral, aad Pv result Is Pe Ideal
lace. It seems flitlag Pea. Pat we.

the heathen that will become cherUhtYl memories. amn.
_u4«aag men and wumea. aboald eoaThe heart* of Pc Bach duty ;>erfornii-<l. each dllBculiy
. _ _
. ...years we have
Md^ serloutly Pto all-lmpanaat qanKyle, OUvs Laeksy. Qraes Utoaa. Vsnisn HcIMyra. HsM MeMtohsaL
rre reached by kind words oven-oroe. we rt«all with Joy. Friend- woPed together, years In whip
•erolee Robsrtson. KdiP flsitsr. Zsna TbeabaM. Laura Vaa VaUlsto
iring ihU
this time win frk-cdsblps have , been welded
be choeea. but tbe youag ana acts, aad many, thousands were ships formed during
burgh, eaals Vlntan, Mabsl WaKer. Lillian Wslp AdsIph Wflhalm. Ub
____ and admiration, and
converted to Pe Chrisilsn falP and never be broken. The bar
woawa wiui v a
Iton wilhsfan. Mabsl Wllhslm. Msrtsa WItooa. flare Winters snd Psily
opeaed to her. it
secompllshnl. make may wr prove as faithful Jn our new
Which oae to enter. She
to ISK. Ooasol
of ctsdBJ-s
Thus dutln us In those of the
"past, and
her ptwitlon has be«n In Pc
gvlUrr. but now hvef will Ik.- whsi ».• maks them.
dewa not realise wbal she
'BSD and her God
Before Pet Army In America. Here she laUir<s1 »ur l«ihs
wsr-i. lo-ward. let us range."
dawn of CbrtiUaaliT. woman was held: as a missionary, a platform orator, ana -'‘‘v*-*
hie Homes for Wotn.-n, ‘n common.
dive of man. But with the advent; established Reefue
I'sn-uiKaudl'rlt-n.Is: We fully real- country of Japan Pat bad ^reaed hw
‘S far the irm-mployvd,
Christ, and HU rellgioa of love, t.
that It Is through your eSurts we
his i-vi-iii'means ■c.vUilng
■ r ways wo-kctl '
M-en p<-rmlti<-d to enjoy the ad-i ports to tbe world.
wlP Hs traastormlag power. woBtoniand In many
Ideas are kings ot Uvea. Pey are APaes wlP the mesaage Pat all bm
aaaltv. Ttiuu»a
•■uulpttrd school.
was gradually ratoed from her
tarericir |
of hnmanl

In I
miuosu She Is DO lottger a stove, bntlof hearts and lives Ls>.- uew., i,.Kue
ily thank you a^ enargy. Pey are progress. Pey
ure of oae blood aad advaadag Pa
_ frisad of man: bis saual ,1a chsr-| richer aad better by her Influence. H.-r our mind.- II
Iistv grown .
> our lives that the I litsloa of gyngaie force of dri^ltoaUoa. they
Idaa Pat all men ere brbPm, hs said
.Kj] Is being fuiaued.
of*Pe*h^*and'’^^ then5ore”rte‘M°weU mPs'^
By'her deaih a rach'llfe hsi. been largely ilt-ierTmn^'-'’’i^ebr4‘* ‘w'th'fwi'lw of Pe
la ©a Pe Pore reelsUem like Pat ladlridnal right naotflasd
aboau be Pe meaaa of laSneaelng 1 place bis been left vacant In her home and the I.I.-3I. which ar.- to shape- our jeei^si regret we Dow bid you fare- a tide. Tbe l«ea of political Uberty fa aodsty. Tbs ide« mast not be T
blgber and la tbe Salvation Army, and In pe live, have bei-n formed. Each one has well.
gratlfvlng thougbl concern- Bgr be held la a leash but It to ready Shan not have." bat bm bs *Tbs
Her true work (s• fabencAl world. Tbe good done bv such work hU plan for the i-utur.-. and. wUh rlgl... tng our work togetberM. Pe frieadto!
-I1. and Pe eiaroplv of sup a ly dlreet.-d efforts, It should .l-v. iop f,.<.!ing which has slwsys ousted. Wc |
lorwaro wtia reaewea an oPer faUow^s^ bavA" Tba natka
mankM. If Pe cannot be
Of Uftlag hamanlty
hwaanlly to a higher plane me. csBaot be measured,
during the coming >ear«. Into sn .. ,hg„k you for the Interest shown at
Idea ef Ood Bay be Bast advance fa Ps Idea ot daty and
iflf Pongbt aad Bring. Pea her Btoalon
g„ „
pression of oi-r i-u- self
gnd asxurv y-ou. In psrilng. that, aside ] aealed la a tomb aod It will burst forp Pis wMl develop .Pa now gauiottoB.
lives* Is tbers not some lesson which
in this developmem Nslure will be fmm Pe knowledge gall
Pe king of Uve
PatrloUsB to not afaad a coll tnPMjM..
T andj
of inspIrallOD.
FtOB her poMtlna as a friend of man
bat a cairtor a Oght agaPK corr^
ulDg aner Pe
ahe advaaoed dong Pe tame lines of
Pought wIP hsr broPer aad soon ea.1
Patriotism to not devotion fa one pditles. acalast every sne«r Of rlghL
tered his flaM of work. WlPln U
Icoontry. ooe flag, oae set of Instlta- It to aa hour of deep dasgev, be wld.
Iasi few yeen almoat every line 1
: Hons but ooaslits of a devotfan to the It to aa hour ealllng for yonag rnsn
work has been ^maed to woman. H
aad yoaag womea of tatetllgeecs who
j great Ideas back of all Pe
BOW flad her as a phyaletoa. lectare
or tavryer. and la all ear work we fle
j rtillag Idea of ABertcao life Is tndi- win eaUst DPder tbe flag ef Pe sahor flUlag a pUee of hdaor. But wii
tjoD and taaaanliy. t-Ag>griog u Pa
. vidual liberty Thto Idea baraed la Pe
bar advaacement has Pe forgottea her
hearts of Pe Pllgrtm PaPera. It crlm- BePlebem star fa an oppraasod antrae sphere—Pat of bettering barnsnUoas and mnst net go dowa wtp bas
ity? Let ns answer this enettloa by
I scaed the green at Leslagfao aad at
eoasMertag the llvet and wo'k o? a
pe defeat uf Vorkiowa. a new nation
tew of the weaea who wlH alwivs be
1 was given the world. Again. Pe clank I
PraoentaUen ef Olptomaa.
kaewn and loved far their laflueece
' of chains was heard and on the field ,
The preaeatatloa of filptomu was
aad for wbat they have accempIlPed.
p her srop of helping her fellowof Appomaioi. the shaeklea were ‘ made by Mayor A. V. Prtsdrlp. Mr.
man when la need we and.Florence
latrickec from Pe legs of Pe slave and iFrtedrtP aald: "It Is wlP great
Nightingale taking aa tmportmai pan.
sealD a great idea iriumpbrd
' pleasure that I present fa you In the
When a yonng woman she became Impraassd wIP Pe need of trained woIds.. Ar, Not Ctsrnsl.
name and behalf of Pe p«Nta of TravBW la Pe care of tbe sick aad pre­
Bui Ideas are like men. They ful
aad Pe board «f adaeatloa
pared bendt for this woP.

Claw Oratloa.
■y Mabot Waltar. ■«.




try wd beeawe m kaew that to a

ftf ?!«

Let na ecaetdec. tberehwe. what
taton rea dadre to ftad In ns. Wat.
taare amt be an — —- —--------------

■ata totateet noet
I hr eertain d«
snalttlee la tbe ___________
toward an nea. a reepeet for tow and
order whkb will lead om to deal Jaatlr
with his neighbor aad treat with re■wen Uwae la aolhoritr oTer him. In
addKioe ron dnice tbqae fleer qaaltttoa Vhkb mska cne treer and noblor.

wot ealr to edossto tbe mind,
derelop the goad to the papllBacb IndUldnal le gtfted wt
aatarn tbe good asd the eril
is to

fill their Blaslou mid paga away. When

TlibCrImeaB war had begun. Shiplaada af bcb had been aest bv Eng­
land Wribe Black 8ea to encage In
war with Rasgto. la the hurry of war.
pr^r food aad doping was not proridod far Pe mea la tbit rhaaglDg cli­
mate. Winter cbolera broke out. and
durtng Pe winter of 1»1 hundreds.of,
eoldlers dtod becauee of the lack of
proper care. Moaey was provided by,
Pe bgltob natkm fa lellcre ibv-lr,
aufferiag. but eome one was warned to'
JO fa the Bast to bring order to Pc
eampe and comfort to pe soMlere :
There was but one persoo who ronUI:
do thto—noreaee Nlghttagale. Bui {
was this yooag woaaa. bred in a home,
t>r lalnty. sad surrounded br friends j
aad loved onee. 10 give up all. and go,
to the Ast fa give her time aad ul-|
eats, fa live la skk t

as . tokaa that you

I an idea is Incorporated Into ihv cr«-d '>•" ~»P>ried Pe courae I extend
' ofnauons. Ood give, a new cme to
^ Pc coogratulatloas of Pe peo; take It. place.

It an endeavor I. made P'» ^ Trartn, City.

fa suppress u. then woe. U in store fo.

They hope Pal

on Pe sea iff Ufs will be a

Pe SatluL.
England in !6« reeog- ‘‘•PPT oP' “I Pat yon each and
nlted PI, Mid granted certain right, *r»ryoae will rrocb Pe port tor which
France. 1(» year, later, did not recu*
ulae PI, and the French reeolo-.fau 8“*® “<>
Desmond. Jr. Peo
i dUirtbuted Pe dlplomn. fa the clnss.

After tbe preseelatton of diplosns
TTie Idea Pat gave pr patriots 0
of 'Pbsar to a story of the atmggle
the past has fulfilled Its mission. Th
------- a two aatorne to oae maa. It
w-beeom taa aim c< tbe eeboo]
Idea lhai gave the declaration of it
Mr. Knlgh L Mise McLsupnlm. Mrs. Cook. Mr. H oeeKeck.
of pe graduates advanced and
p tbe bettto Bide ef I
dependeece and
Mr.'Nyt. Prineipar; Miss MontSBur. Mr. Gilbert. Superintendent; Mis s Thompson, Mr. Needham.
or. as St. Paal has nu. no o
_______ dangerous
It U
erll with good.- to the blade
Mlsa V.vian.
Miss Pomeroy.
tthe Idea that makes the landlord turn
The omeerw of tbe ei*.. of 1»0S are;
k good and beaBtifal are placed
_.ere ell elae. Here the talM to gtren
Pe widow in the ..riY- hecaaaebebas 'P^'O^'”P"’’'
Mb her Jo.ou. asakvoing. floeoce,
Msht edott with irhlch
eat. monc.v.—yes. even ihcii wmt«
right, that make. Pe mine owner <■«*'W"helm. sfar«ury aad
leaiwe anan ef ktads and
m". rIosjN Pe mine b.<ause be has a right.
ha to tsa^t to aoUee ei ..
tnotlra. Whr to all thto bat to tol-i-auiv au.t 111.- rl»»t. h'd'
arane the dedre for the best ihtogi
«'«*«• -*«'
The oak may suggest .
thatUtoatoda. It thto deelie ' '
^VTj?^r JU.L
onduro to vS- .irength:
...................... I.Tba speaker Pen described a
be eraated tbe tratotog Beti
:h--amstic natiir- w;:S- Bins out the-;arkn-.s of the land,
r”^-^*.***.*^of time. TTiolr ram.-., work. at..1 ,:..ra.
irciand'a Mo«>r>g fl*s.
Ae coal regions where pis li
wKh the flrit wtoasee at the tbOd BM provtdod tbe psecaaary oomtoris
.yuirieirtral r-roponion. n! a . ry. Wlfa In the I'h-l-.. that Is to
Tbe hamlei of ClooocbMrera. «
into ettoad. Thto ptaa to eoatlaaed
irt.-.l riiarrinf.
Thu. we tray llw so a.
rt-flect carried to Pe extreme.
lal r.-inlii4 one uf a w ell -oind-.-l
•k. ; grter The sn-ath of the ir.u-ll-ci auui
I the depps of thi- mines b slsting uf f-tjm fory fa fifty Uuto a
0 betog etadtod whleh foeur seatr I tlu- aoiulriOR of i'»tl--nce aad
d road b
work and Pought. "Surely Pew mei story fotta«-s on Pe bdIIn
Meareoy. honaety aad uath.
to Pe Une at rotonn Prances B. B’U- j wouW reply-U l. to make th.- w«:14

0:14 fljenc- are neccssarv- ro a full .
Ulas E:h<-I Uailuy .tang a dilDeult te•cbTarC <
pre-eminent. Sbe reeeltred - more bomellko. Herein Hi-a her true oirmeni. Ar a mt-»c« •• ■*->- 'Bj na- leeilon from Gounod. "Sing. Smile, have a nght to demand a mere exist tween Casiltrea i
ken the papll ratehae toe Hl^
FTeyae'i eatote, I
teacher, for Us ..niy
„ cnee" Yet he saw pem at T o’clock I
d he to at that atoge when he to
, ihat-err fr.'Bs
Hi»f Baileys
voice to
.................-‘—-tt and to
WlP fatal extlncat night to Pe streru listening for a 1
at oneebegaa teachlag. and lUer be-:u,elr iathiearu Is ihe sirougeYi; the.- Xaiori-’r ri
tv.- not>- ibY M>-sd> aweel and of ao eicelleoi quality.
big whistle that would ted Pem tton by an Immeaae bog which has de^epTMefa^ufOeaMeeWerteyanlbave the ualnlng of po.e. who arc in growth of .
gra-Iual i-hsueiut
At il.e coiicl-jsioB of Miss Bailey’s
wheper Pey were to have Pe prltl aeeoded on Pe village from Ibe aMgb- *
RfiMtaary at Ubb. Sdw Tork.
I govern the country
The women o( from the In
- witb
ClIlKrt InirodQCed
An« weed^ K»e Use fa aludy-our land have the dortlny ef o-ir na the tho.-.pi that rts'ieor...
lege of working one more day or not : bortog moantato. to whieb a bug, bole
abr^. afcn retaroml to America gad ’
jg thnr koeplug to a greater ex- Ual element. A. the gm.u 1. ...wc p
Thvma. Sadal of the EkigUsh de- That wfitoUe waa music to the ear, of has appearrd.—exchange.
a Woman'* Mlasloanry . teat than any other single agvBcv Lri the spring with tffe coefideoc- that the pammmt of Oltvei collegestating Pat
------------------ that LBdailii hare pre- apek,brier,
the men,, womea and cblldres. It.
Sdwee tntaw ot Nature mwUag npwt Pe OxrtoUan woP done] ger thoi nae ber life for making our barrewi will come. a. the soali tree

with her matfod Barreto. r~
aer tbeee witboet teattotog

Scot PriB gim aa Mea^ the gor— -H aader whleh we Ure aad the
' ~ la lead aad Bdrtoe.
naey aad boaeety

Womnn'i OcSagrtoSSnSwa^aciL '.fa*‘p^ir



WM M tavyi.-ably
land a toad ot righieossaess —a land If set with the expevtvloo that 11 will
nivwEl bread for one more day at least '
A Kansas farmer, being asked wtat
crivM by Pe people
abe ace —*• of manly men. and womanly women. - bear fnilt, »o we that (be seed
““ Pat
■ • *•"
He .next deKribM pe marchtog of - be did to get rid of Pc weeds on his
InritnUoaa to leetaie to all pai
g Iggg vboae InBuence will raise lb.- sown in ihU springtime of life will
*Th, New Ptlrkitlsm "
MJWd Tetetans of the dvll srar mar^-' farm, said Pat h
whole world to a hlghi-r tiandard oi- pmw and ripen iuto the harv«-»t.
___ _
, _
to the wlaicr of
18T3 Pe
Pe Tc_
L. t «« have Pc
Every IccKvIdual . xvru an lufinrace.
frofewr Nadal s theme was “Tbe tog to fPlengo. He was on Pe fourp as oretuo. at Pep, and m
f 1873
.. Christian living
... Y.-------E. . .
xnmicst It mar U- gnat or small, t-ut It tas 4
PalrtotUm ' and was an addreas story of n boJIdlng. Tbe sight was a! four cento a pood.—New
■ --------omnlrod^- Pe .bopriul
of Uw toaL Tbeiwomea wtu> saM. "‘Woman ease latojchaace fa Improve tbe condlUoa of 1 toB of lutureat to all, ri good tho-gM jYK.|pta~..i cme and be Inwardly j Farmer.

Pc BorpweaL


tt'niivtiMC HOUi^tt^u^Ay. june l -nes.

took ftto CMtp<r nmMWiiMUr

nMwM «b» ii w« etaisit Irtlb tk«
forctKf and pMaiac «)( tb* kM dMek
Battrtar tro« tb* oOm tf a
CM. Aflw lb« «bMk «M BiMad a
aaUik «M «Mlr iMtHatad (or (mu
whi^voald (Md to locata tbe altasM
ataal'aod tha ta« kl»tt b<«**
oMMt am* W fbthm to ratwb
W «M iM0d>7 BOralBC- AU
- aa«M «« (wtb«
. albwavtutotbefraadon
ho ««• MM tb fpObd BOMT.
0« aatardar oveslac, R U oUeced.
' bo troaiW flr« TltU* eonpank
• aappor at tbo UtUo TMOia
Saadar be Ured a Urerr rtc aad took
a«ve,alaoaU4B«lBCtbalbaater Bat'%Ur arealac. PoUeoBoa Mike U(aty-aad WUUfB Moodr oearebM
ItUla (ono* Saiardajr bat *«• noi
to tod aartblnc ea biB. It latar dereiflViag that be bad eat a portkB of tbe
ar Ue ea» out at tbe back aad
laaartad tbe bout Ibere. After be
' waa takaa to (ail laat araelBC be
■ (Mad to aitobtc the Aeek la Joba««b A PeU'B crooeiT. H watfla tbe
- -awe of Hri. i. a Heoaea aad a» abe
baa not baea la tbe habit «( ricatac
tbeei ttt dbdoaara daeetoped.VTbe
toack waa paaaad at J. W. ■mOtea'a
«r. VUUkaa aoUtod Mr. Horcaa
. VedBaadar eratow after tbe aotkw «(
tv Biaalec ckeek vu'pabllabad la
Two BOathe afo tbe b
aeaaaa aebool 'Wbleb be afteoda aad
(KB the raHetr aad aoBber «d artldha wbkb be waa eeaataaUy briactac
tb«a aad aftber pualBc aroaad aBoec
tba ehOdrao or aUetag la Ma daak
eaaeed aaxSatr to tba teaeban.
MO tlse be bA a box «( peaella
a bea o( pm wbkb be treeir care
a««P to tto otbar ^ttrea aadaoap•araat wae 4e (act that tbor
tbe pratoftr o( tbe lad. a ooBpklai
waa tedcad vUb OhieT o( Polio* Reaala who vaa aafcad to look tbe Batter
to.' Ha ako had a aambar c( poatal
aarda aad tbaaa ti» takaa awap (kb
bla. with papara baallac tba baadllad
d B. 3. Mprtaa. Ha.- howerar; eoaUotod to to a taUbtol UtUa hBpar at
^ baiaa after ecbotd boan aad aU
toe laid aalde 4bU1 Sdtar|V. wbap.tbe Blnlac cheek, earn
- ^ batora tba pottoa.
' Tidinrf Baaala RekooaBi u tba
0 aoBpaiaUra atraacare la toe dtp.
«to aiTlTed b«e laet vteier froB
Tort. Tbe Bother at oae tlae
toae tbe polke trouMe br belBc aa-

iMt CbitotBBs BBBtto to* wU* died
aad tbeeato (atotr.<M>k ap bit baa* diracior d toe paatear laatttate waa
•Kb bk aoB Haarr at MapMok wbart Chrea by Obtctor TfaoiBas a Coder
MSb oaoTtaak biB rtk BoraiBc (roB aad k« <B toe proras U tbe aew
iM»eat d -Tdakrtal ParaatUa d
Wbaa toe <a!l for am w«et (ortb ia Hbds,~ tbe atolter belap la tbe beads
.J41 Joaapb ItobB raapoDdad aad «a- d Or. r. 0. Noeer of tbe ualreeattr.
Iktad to to* TwaavArat iotoaur.
Coapaar B. where be aerred with
The UUle rtlkce oT Kortbport U
to* CBaatrr of bb adoptka.
a abiacl* wearer by Had*, bomtac to toe fiwM tbU saaBCr with
tboagb after taklac «P toe wwtben aliwet paelac. aad m> (ar (bi«e walks
an pkaaed. Wsrtano street, iwaeadgaletlT
alav (KB tbe Hotel Beou aectb totbe
(am d Mibts aeree wblrt wai
Hftt Ob to* pealanla be wai lortar eoraer d Na-coe-a-br street U belac
Ip toned tbe *Tkddr d toe PeBlaaak' paved OB tbe west side, aad Nawoo-a
aad well dU be deaerre toe aase (Or br street (kb tbe eoraer d Wankaecw
ceaial to afl be bOtoBe toe aad Na^oa-a-br to tbe depot oa Bar
whleb for aeartr baM a eeatorr street will be iBprmred with eeBtot
'i^i'lwalkii. both sides of the street belac

ilowaa fcOkd hr (alUac >oek at
toe eWTdblrd lerel of tbe Bed Jacket
abaft d toe QilaBM aad Heck mke
todar- He was a traBser. aped SI.
Bad slack.-

You Must


Bcutart. Albaala. June S.—Boporti:
Ktoked here la reard to tbe earth» wbkb aecerrK restenlaj- Ic.
Moateaecra bt orer'W bon»e* wen
destrared aad la Uie BeiRbi-orhood of
tea pertoM wen Ulkd or aUund.'
Two dfaninet sborks were Mt sil orcr
Moi\eoeKra. This tma was almost
wiped .Hit of I-Xiflenre by the esftii

ihe brain, which will-1
will-soon <Jcixlopc into
Nature demands
■cicep, and
is a part of her building and
sustains process. Tli'ts period
of unconscKiosncss relaxes the
mental and jdiysical strain, and
allows nature IrI restore “
hauried vitality.
Ashtabula. O.. Juoe
Roy HowsrC.
Dr. Miles’ -Nervine brings
Lake UboroheeBsn ..f tHn city, sod refreshing sleep, because it
Hks EllfW Beseb wcr^.- married last soothes the irritation and re­
week. They returned from their wed- moves the congestion.
It is a!« a nerve buildei*: it
dlBg trip kst night, the being *Wt
nourishes and rtrcnqthcns ct-with typhoid fever .!.ast nlgbl lUy
er>- nen-e in your body, and
ward look bit Ann ran out on the road
and SI Youngtnis n wa-- Hlb->I In a rtrt- creau-s rnei^- in all the organs.
Nothing will give strength
irely a
r and vitality as surelv
I quicLlv
fluicLlv as t)r. Miles’ Neri-h
Ttiklo, June J.—Report* Irom
TNtTUg tor pen wiBtrr 1 bad tvgoreraor of tot- pravlnct- t»f Hirushima atlatk* V ta<Wp.

aays alT' arthquake
to that district
ymentoy klllrt six. lajuri*! seventy. JfJJ g*'s
alaa sad destroyrt-Bany boaea These
reporU bk believed to be toeoBpIete.

(aally exieods dowa to toe ceaaoloc« for Are cweratloas. wllb
AshtoM Oarden Sold.
•etea el
Dr. £ L. Ashtoo bM pnnbased
fortr-oae iM craadehndrea sad two "Ashtoe gsKea." wbkb Is kaown u
gnat *mt crabdehtldreB. toe toHdrea tbe besuiy spot of suburbu Tran
betag Htorr and Joba of Hapletoa. Cliy Tbe property tass beeo owned by
joaepb a! or Sodui. PWIHp or Xey- Dr. BtoJ. O- Ashtoo slaee 1IS3
■tone. 8oloiDOoofBlBfbaB,lln.T.J.l‘^;^21i piae aerto”iwtog X
Dialor Of UO South Dul«
fam oo toe west aad -nth
■Mrs. Oeorga Rosel of «17 Bsst Jroatj
.^u, Veoad-ciwwth
street. The great great gTsadtoltdreo i groteai apHags aad fruit _
to ..—..
sbuadbelag toe two tllUe dsughlers of Hrs. saee. tasktag la an an Ideal
rasUleiie* wsi bnnied a rear a«> by
Oeerte W- PuHer. oae of toe eartkst trsaip^ and as Mr. and'Mrs. Ashtoe
A red, wblle sml BKie tulip
aettlers ed AlaUra. Beask eouair. dkd hart a auBtoer boB# at ^ Bey
i£li.J*T Ma*Tttrw uklUt’Uv' nmi
noaflac «tU be done toU tiitotoer to blosaomed fast before Memorlsl day
Prtdar Boralac at the home of bU
Ori MIIm' Nerrine U srid by your
soa. Baaford Pallar. aetr this dty. ptoM i resldesce there, kit a bam is the prod on of tbe skill of rrank
seed tt: He. was bon Is Hsloae. K.
p aaooog bis Auwar* last y
T_ aad llred to that state uaWl IMI. other saBBcf.
p tubers were carefully i
lae to Mkhiga-n and took s
at AlBlra. wbkb baa been
toe llBllr bo«e for forty-oae yearsHeSrai Barried la ]«*• to Mlsa CharHaaaMd. aad tortr
of to* Mrtuw aasoctoitw u
_ loog aad bam. She passed away 1 ^
^ ctarleroU,
about seren yaan ago aad sWee that;
Than were elgfai
tbae he has failed eoasuaily. bU sigbi
I tbe follow^ PlRtwClRBa, StMm Bollsr and AodM^ftt Insupanc*.
cradaally ertntog poorer uaili two
.aears ware elaeted (or tba easeyean age he decided to leore tha old tog piir;
boBaatead and make bis botpe with
Prrtfdaat, Mn. HatUo Cooper of
Us SOB. Sanford, where ha remained Cbarkwlt.
until bU death. He kares (our ebuTint Tk* praatdaot, Mn. Loo Htodrao. Sanford. W. R. Palkr of Ptfe laa of Belial re.
Lake. Lydia Potter of Baanels and
Secoad vice presUnt, Mn. M. A
Travarsa Cl^.
Room 810 Naw Stata Bank B
Noab. who Uret oo toe book fara. oblesae of Boyne aty.
•arantaw grtadebUdran and Are great
Secretary. Mn. Jcaald Wooden of
liTtof la Mlefalgaa be- Kalkaska.
atdaa others la WasUagton. The
Treoinrer. Mn. P. A. Walbrlgbi o(
Ceatnl Lake.
The work Wedaeadsy erening
exenpllAad by tbe Cbsrieroix ebspTbOBaa SUpaeasoB. wbo has bean ter to s beSQtital maaner. after whleb
aadaBBt* of the Nortoata Mkhlgan
boaquat was glrea tbe guesu.
tasan* aayliiB (or to* past six years.
The MBOclstloa roted to furnUb
room to toe Mssoalc home at Grand
Rapids tbis year and Boyne City
toe dieiased at ■ffhltshstl. Mkb.
decided upon for the next meellng.

The tuneral of H. L. Mentelto oetop ga.the alreet
street oae
we m
aoralac near enrrad Prlday- Boralag at tb* family
boB*.Ml Sooth Daioa euwot. aad was
^akd State aad war M
krgalr aiuoded by Mends cf toe de- for Walter Adslt. who was wanted on
wmrrsat for (he alleged Uking or
oaosed. Members of McFhareoa post
« suBU of Boaey. t» and $30. tor
ouwded to a body. Rer. 3. W. MlUar
aoBaa hrttoKal oa sBaH prero.
-IBM aad tbe etaUr ktter snm alleged to bare been taken
aad' lkedaeadar vbaa (be poOc
a trank beldtagtog to a fellow
antKd wai tbe aableet d tbe nBe
man at Haxkegoli where young
laumwt took place at OakvIM hramical cMbnak aa aba wax
the, dv ab^ ^^ba^ aad. toe poHee wood and was to charge of U D. Curtto. The pan bearers war* Comradat
toe Pere Marquette rnBolag
J. Cnrtk. I. B. Osroer. Hoaroe
Moroe. DaaM Sborter, O. Jobaaoa aad from Muikegoo to Grand Rapids.
A warrant was taken out and a week
M. D. Marrk.
[O toe young man waa apprehcode<1
od of aBailac ME (orctog a Obort of
Ohas. B. Cashing died Triday after at White Oond by the marshal. Hr
use wUto wee Usoed by a J. Hotian
■I Astwr of Mrs. J. B. Haom. was POOS at t o'clock at toe borne of his asked permission to step into his car
SMSdsABty and aaoteoead to tba State sister. Mrs. Carrie Bkadgelt. 113 West .to change bla wearing apparel aad too
MrtOlal Srtool fW Bays at Loastog FKot stnsl. aged «« rears. Death opsortnnity waa taken advantage of
making a auddea Bight to to.
k Join BotVta- wart oo Pridsy. was do* to ooasaBptioB (kb wbkh
-BooUtr wffl bb It yean old oo tbe tha deceased bad bean a snterer (or nearby wooda. Deputy Sheriff Jame;
aoawUi of acxl JoBaory aad Ui aao- (oar yean. He came to Ukblgsa of Hnakegoo srrired Id tbia city Satur­
(KB Haw Tort (our ysan aao aad day afteraooa and a-tearrt of tbr
MMe crtdrw wbaa be k aevaa
Bade Us borne with hU sister, Mrs. home oo Wa« Bkhtb atreet made. It
Bk IWhsr. St. Rakooeao. srt
ao«n-a«d whw asked by A. lAgatas. Bkdsatt. who tbaa rsoMod at Central U now BBBoaaiM at Maikecon Hut
Wbo aalsd os UAeeprotsa. saM that be lake, toe toBlIy arrirkg to toU city the reapoBdeat waa la (bla city until
Thursday ereotog wbra be took thr
tbougfat that it was to* best tbtag (or
midnlgbt extra fratgbt bnt with s vies
' to* boy. Mr. Rakowse wU tkat "Baaak' was s Terr aaroly boy and bsd DsTld McDonald, a respected pkaeei of msklng s saMenent srtfti the psr
oftaa strwrt bto Bother whea *be re- of Acae; died U the tSBily borne itre tie* St Uushegon. Tb* Ister trelgt',
Bilee froB toe. town oa Saturday wbiefa leave* tbla etty for (be south,
(naad to gfre blB BoaayTbe boy'e pareatt Bosed bert traa le o'chiek. toe cause of dcub belV overtook the “extra- sad yoabg Adali
Vdi Tort eltr and too boy had prori- a geoeial braaktog dosra due to old left tbe slow trato sad took passage on
maly boea la Klagsky slaylag with age. deatk ooeantag to bk aereaty- toe fatter freight. At Barry. Jn*t
•eeeato year.
above Unakevra. he asked penaltalon'
OB aaat. & 3. Morgaa had co^
brakaaua to leave and walk
toe kd aboat bU tlrefy atobk
bifth BBd'edocatkM tboogb taU life into tbe clir. Re was laformed
aahooi boan aad Satardsys and it
was BStoly speu fa ABerles. wbara warrant eras ready for btm sad laslead
tbera toot toe cb^ and eoaB p
of being allowed to leave to was
he caBo wbea to Us youth,
brought to Hoskegea sad placed in
he followed tbe
Jttur toe aeataooa was mwooi
AtberaiaB la Hnrao waters aad after' custody. Tbe youBg ibsb U tbe aoe of
tb* UUk kd cried as Uhk fe
(etwcoUig Ibis pursoit to arrived at' Mr. sad Hrr. Arnold Adalt of West
Acae tweaiy^ve yean ago aad ba*';£lgbto atreet and bas been to (he emslBee made toe tarn bla btose. HeCpioy of 4>e Pere MarquaU* as freight
CUkMd by Orirn Ibi^ar.
By tka band ef death Fi)day Boralag learaa a wife and three ehildrea, John
tha link ta a ohala wUrt exteadsd aad Peter at home and a dsngbier.
OT«r Sra graerattoae was broken and Roto. in CamoKis. The ftmenl wv
Norfolk. Vs.. June 1.—It Is
Jsaeph DrtB of Hapiatoa wwt to U*
Donneed that tbe SUbdard Oil
reward after PT year* of aeUre life.
paay has porahased acres of
JOMvh DahB was bora in Balve.
land la eastern North Carolina
Han. Oonaaay. Sapc ». im. arrirlag
Stata SsaK of Health.
tatotog several mtllloa feet of
la tk* now worid when grown to bbbRMlto 6acer L. J. Tedmaa of Sum- Umber, from which oil barrela win be
bood. Here he set Mtm Roaeaa Ha- aUt ^air left laet week (or Ann manutsetDred st a cooperage ptoni
Ute d Bsteo. Oermaar. and toe tore Arbor wbere to altaaded tbe eighth be eeUblUbed oa the Une of tb* proof thalr aaiJva bome Ui the odoplsd geasral coafereoee of health oflleers
eaantry brought s chord of
Tbureday la toe
whkft colBlaatad b a £appy aarrttge new Bedical bulldtog V. MwUeb took plae* alxty^lfbt years ' Tba ssbjecu lakes ap treat of bbICbarleotOD. W. Va.. June 1—Lewis
asa In Ohio. lBB*dtotely a»r the lary. aeleoee aad toe pubUc health aad Touag. aged llS yaari. baa left bli
BhtilagB to* young <»a|il* arrived ta
■ace a wide scope oa-all anbierta botae la NlchoUs county and started
ihrtlgaB. ao la potat cf years tha de- portalalag le to* welfare of toe public. (br Oskalonee. Iowa, to make hie borne
ceasod leadi la atate
kg toem bring a lecure oo “Mod­ wtto hii daagbter. He bas made tbr
IV arrival ia toe
em SaaltaikM- d^lrered by Dr. M.-C. flrat tolrty BIV over a mouDtato road
s ^ ox teas aad -to* i
Stacialr. B*Bber of tb* atkte board of on foot, aad has stood it like a boy.
X Onad BapMa Tbe cabfect of Teoag has lived tbraugh tbe tem of
A Bora ,waa later sad* for
oRoe cf every preaUeoi but ooe. being
rpctrlet tuberealoi
Alsoraa. wbare toe UmDj d aarea takeo up by Sr. T. M. Kocm. bealtb bora tea year* after toe signing of
ffelUrrt wai* bora.
oRoer cf.QBaS RapUa while top mUk the deetaratiOB af ladepeodeac*.
inter h Ble'toa fOBSy aattlad at prabtaa was peaaeated by Guy
He Uved wtto bi* Srat wife forty
RV*«^ Ttoty years ago to* aettla- KMer. health oRcar of Detrari. TV year* aad ha* bbitM twice since. He
waa brdkea nrta and all <
rireaTfliiahiag aa tto Boat was Barried toe last Ume at toe age
BembrntaMHaadttakQaboB*mbbs lor abatSBaat of toe efSO.
«t Maidetta wVre the dacaasod
BOlsaac# was preoaatad by Dr.
bM'rtBMfaiildad. TWrim yaars ago A B. CM*, haalto oOear of ,P«wt OtlBBSt. Mirt, Joto t-rraaclsra


Aoncy to Loan on Improrcd ftcal Estate Only.

Trarerse Qly State Baak

of toe ckOdm ef PkC UarTkea Ran.,
of Ana Arbor. Mr. sad Mfs. Baa-aoUced tost they were rery to-toady apflakUag wtto s'hbad can A T. HAMHAH, P
tbo vegstabk gsrdra whirh was to*pride of toe pcolr^;* hesn. Lsier lu
toe day Ok- pruteuar gslhervd loc-..
Mluee snd ookia* fur ih>- table-, sad ii,
CAPITAL, 990Hfi00
•uOB aoliet-d thst itry is*ii*i
suoagly «f kerasrae. Mr* RMdst’'
wrai to ihf bark porrb to 611 s Ismp!
of tb- •■ilRstun-il \'-r.-:*l-l.--'

srs* -Sad ear —«■■«** Bgy rriy ^*a *—

~} per Cc8i aUawed aa Tim DeiMlta.



239 East Fraat Strecl



THOS. a. aPRAouR a



Wsya* Ceoatr Bsak Sldg., IlRBOIS


Not Only

Cb< store that Fins tbt IPof Prescriptions

and BsUdlnc Ma*
terialMit ftr an

dtadquarttrs hr Lfpa Cb«cpUU Crtmts

Btvtr Did

So Good

ap^hdlMtt, Trtslf tad Soed, at

219 e. Tmt SI.
H. a. Halu»\*lii. Mm—K—


Traveret'City. Mich.


T F tbis moftth decides yovr movmg td a aew business
^ location, let us supply tbe nrw store front snd
Oxtures arranged ao^esigned to suit yoor cooveai*
ence. We've every l^Iity for tnraiog the worit oot
promptly at tbe ben prioel

W. L. Brown. Manacor.

Cmzwns Phene. 32: Bell. too.

one to
'his trade

60ing to Build?
If so, the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
City is the place to buy your material. Shop
and mill work done on short notice. Give us
a chance to"6gure on your wants.

$outb Side Cumber eoCravtrs* gity. Itoeb-_________



We know what to look (or and wbat to look out tot.
If* likely you don't. That's wbere
help yoa.
We've evpcrimrnlc-d; o-jf experience wfll live yOB
trouble snd inDoyance. WTkcn we tdl yoo

The SHEmiH. Wiluams Paints
are the bc;t i-azr-j lot
<Jc|)cnd c;-.n ;t. us



IA« Wrora^

Oats, Iran,
Flour, Feed.


It will pay»you to investigate the quality of Feed.
Don’t go astray on account of cheapness ahoSether.
n pays to buy the best. It is a good indication if -a
merchant sells a lot and has oo complaint; that indi­
cates satisfaction. We have been favored with praise
in that line. If you have not tried any of our above
named goods do so now, and don't forget that we have
Land Plaster. Paris Green. Sprayers. Sifters. Com
J’lantcrs. at satisfactory prices.


made to order, prcmptly. Only die weryberi b*-^
terial osed, and foUy gnsnotacd ia erety redact
That are made to use as wcD as 1*0. They are
BM made cf cheap material, aad given a ia^
finish to catch the eye; but are durable, coxnfcrtable, and oeaL The ehcapett on the market, qaakxy eonsidtfed.
Once used aad yoa win bey no other maka.

i26stat«str<*L a Ulcfw PcIeilyL
Have you evo- tried the


Tmmm *ffrd Oo-fr»*»

Caamd Cam

tamataes —
Bo^al tiger tadSahaaa
They are the beri. SoKMdyby




•AOS OCbb* W-arasre'* »WwBbW. -


. Tbe mesUag was dHTOtad

•eaib ofaparwiaara.

ftr* it tax tajr.

Tte fra koma
JoUm VmK
am bar boM4 to Ue crooad Tbvf4ar. Than waa so iaaorasea sM tbs ■Mtad to tba beaiB of aaperrison paw
btfttac i« • total W. Hr. Fotto» tardar aftertwm ftoBi propertj ova-

seeretary. asking teai-4bd.anti-*pMUng
ordlnaaea be enforced.

Flab PHI Pram Sky.
Louts, Ho, June I.—While Chas.

Salaries.................................................... t C.OW
: -bor rat to a nalcbber’a oo aa arraad. la tbe atraat oa tbalr aide aad ovlnK to
Mara ba *ot tbaa the booae was la tbU fact, tba board alao puda a boflaiBts. Hra. A. Haniaeao, who Urea tioD ta pot la tba earMap oa tbe coaaa tba road, vat the 0rtC to dis- tr side of tba street aod la the sprtac
d the
oonr It. ttd
U» aelchbon all tsraed vbae tba grade of tba street was tallr 'prlatlag .......................................................


to sod tbe otherwise

Had it aot beae ■pleUtbabt.
Piwvloai to the opening of
tor tba pooriac raia Hr. HartJseaal
cpectel session yesterday blsnks for Beboote .................................................... S6300
bdoae would aoratr bare geoe tot
ufcleg sUtIslUa of all "Idlou. blind,
Total ..................................................... $73,000
deaf. epllepUa" and Mbcrwtee afTba cUas apandses of 8L mods
flleied members of fsmilies in tbe
aabool vara bald last week la the
varlons tovastalps were dtetrlbuied
te^bir raoa of tba sAooi vUeh was
among tbe sopervtson by (heir clerk.
ftaidataUr daooratad vltb tba aaUaBal
Robert Walter, though he was only the
eatan, palias aad eat-Bowars.. A credmodes aperandl (brongh wbleh ibe
fUUV prociBlB was
dtaa br the
cUy clerk eought «o reacb thls auguil
beboot. MlnH-LaaraQacaa. vbobai
mpletad ^ SaglUb
•a. was'gira

body for the suUstteal work which be

I br (be

HsJvs aad (ba aealor clau wde
tbosa vte ssecassfally psseed
(b tba gniBBiar depart-

After ibe lull (HI
anee of Uie Bdelliy bond Bupervltor
Draa aroee and msdo a moUon that,
owing to Uie risk which all supervl■ora would run. while out
hunt (or "Idiot membere’ of (be town-

IJia prograa waa aitollovs;
ONetlag. Blara.
Adtfaaa <K valeoBa, O. OoaipaaB.
Plaao daat. Hisses a Haydoo aad
TtadtafioB. MUs Lalo Hertas.


BHar. -CatboUe BlaeatiOB,-

ship famillee be made a motion



make tbe ‘■Idiot"
aacettary apparatai for bU pro*—■-*

lag that aa soon at the natter was

(hr prlte, which *a* flopping on ih.
ground. Thompson ■varbe-d ibe Dsh
first and clslmud the ]irlxc. but invited

is to lx- repr^tfpl when Russia's sur­
Kinysr Innl act­

Tbe rt-Rialni of Bteveos T. Mason.
^nl guvorour. will lx

exerclsos will be held In the l.igM
Guard armory. Addrosaea *111 be dc

For Every Humour $i

llvrfed by Gov. Warner, ex-Rog. Ls*

Complete exterasl snd Intenisl
tn-stment for en-tyjanmonr. consist­
ing of Cntienra Sewp, Oiotment. and
MIU. msy sow br had for one dollar.
A single set Is often sufficient to core
the most toriuring, disfig^ng, ilebmg, burning, -and scaly hnmonra,
eerrmas, raifaea, sod irritaticflis. ftn^
Infancy to age. when all else fails.

Gor. hlai-on

wax at liit
The remain-

by members of the stsie commission
Ocv. Warner; by Mrs
Doroihcs Uason-Wrlghi, of Ncwarl:
K. J, only daughier <if Gov. ^ason.
D. C-. the governor's sister aod i»c ol
hla grandsons.
Washtenaw probate court otBclals
■re puullag over the peculiar will ol

Tba gaaaUoB of r
to abooi gn.OM on an latereai bearing
tiaattag daaa aHawicn all orar tba basil.
VaUte 8tra. aad la aotaa porrlaaa tbe moUoo In a mleor way. aad li
trried. tbe order to be drawn June 1.
'* bm proran that large uacU wUeb
Soparvltor Dye preaented a bill for

Stork |xir vnifio. II por slioK!. Wi> will at-U for a altort time
tronsury sUx-k at *JUc ra-r shan-. cash, or S-'k- ixt share, 15c c«ah,
and Iva vents drfcmvl iind to la- {aid from tlivideiidB. No sale
Ions tiiAii >'<0 sbarv*.

Act promptly.

Prior* aul-j.-ct to hilt-nncc at any time

wiUiont notiiv.

12*J Eaat Pront Slrwt

TraTwao City, Mich.


Reasons Olby
Oaaolino Engine is tbo befit
1. One-tbiidUientunber





uanifi, econntrio^ tumliUsg
nxlB, or coptficatud me___________

clianicm of any kind.


An electrical Uov«!mor ptuiranUcd 10 time* aa quick aa any

d.' Owintf to the quick i^ivomnr. engine will atasd SO par

oent Buddt-n overload withotTriwIacking.

o. No adjofi^oents to

get ont of order or pucsle the openitor,

7. Antomalic carburetion.

6. Automatic ralre

Tbeac arc exdniitc poinU

of the McVickerAul
Sir Gcorgo Blcwart White. Drillah
guvzrnor of Olbralter. declares John


Bull is thy on patriotism and
have a man like Theodore Roosevelt
to stir things up a Ulilc.

To Cure a CoM in One Day



"I gl*c $|o m mv wo Fro.1

erick. I give Ihe res! of my property
to my sons John, Wililsm and Samuel
aod my daugfalers .Mar.

........................................... W3A00

Tbe pay roU WM allowed and

Muxise an;.

Mary Maulbelsch. The sou. shall re­
ceive onedhlrd more than the dauch


portion as unity."
'Our farmers arc busy putting In cors

aaid eaperinaBU bava
Aute Service Hat Car
Total .................................................... $ 7.000
Tbe eyee of tbe reeidente of Trav­ Total not balance to be raised.. SCAVO
maema nadar a aratamatio plan.
erse City were gladdened Tbarsday
It waa recommended that the fol­
. TteMleblgBataeastorbasimbUibad by (be eigbt of Uie new automoblli
Bbortages b« balanced from
aa artMa apoa tba aobject aad refers vbleb made lu dobut In Uie aneniooo
tec contingent fund
toCteaipraaaatPmadebytbe aero- ca (be dova Iowa etrwete. The
laaACtttb Iron eonpaiy of tbe upper ear arrived on Uie Hteeouri Tuesday Printing ..............................................$ 79J.18
department ............................
paaiatBla. TUa eonpaarowaa
and as ft was uomevbat damagi
tbeaaaadi of nerse of barm lead, did not appear until yesterday. W. H. Salaries .............................
amn postlosB of vbldi tbaytere re- Blake, the pranoter of tbe new auto Poor fund ..........................................
plUtad. aad the proepect Is aow that bas arrived la the city a day age and te
General si reel .................................. 2,000.00
wUkH bait a oeatary a crop of Umber
safely boused here as a flsiurc
Street district No. t....................
. w» ba pcadaaed vhicb wUI canea
a busUing bosineas maa. Ia bU
raetioa ia tbe lumber Induetry.
Before tec budget was Anally patsis]
borne town, Cbeboygaa, be te tbe pres­
. TteiatereetaUanoriaudswIibpInc ident and geseral manager of the Cbe­ Uicrc was some dteeiuslon in regard
traaa tea been glreu a tHsl aa« tlior* boygaa Tclepboee comp'aay aad bas
e ilema. Hr. Bingham asJdi hat
■ada for aaeeral yaara wbkb adkata

the street Interaectkics-were costing
the cliy a large sum this year, about
$13,000. Tbe four mill tax will bring

Id potatCM-s. learning calves to drink
and such other butiness as may enmv
before the meeting.—Morey Corre­
spondence Lake CUy Plain tValer.

mroRTAnr to

namueo wopiek

Hra. ^laiy DUBsock or Wi

It Is with irreat pleasnre we pnbllah
___ toUciwinf
foUciwing 1<letters, aa the.v conTiegsun we have s.) many
r columns that Mrs.




pbout $17,600 and there will l>e som,ley returned by tho county but all
(bal the charter allowed bad been ap­


and three-tonftTTs 'more

(ban tec daughter Mary, taking MyTW's

As the general street fund

wonid be ahori, Ur. Blngkam reeommended that no new sidewalks

No better than the best,
But better than the rest.

unless tec money was
city clerk ortee walks
gerous condition.

Mayor Friedrich was of the c^ilhlon
eeed tevlag bean ptaaled In the nor.
builneee bae deapmstraicd to him tlir (bat h would be well to look ahead
aery two yean age. It is believed
iuceeas of such aa undertaking snd a year or more, nut teat tbe c
that this crop wlU autnra In from
do anything perbapa. but
be comes here now. not abovlee to ihr
•tty to aUty yaara. • This leems to be work bat a reprssestaUve of a succcmwas coming. Something must be
alnaf dlHaaee off, but ibe msaageoto bus route folly cetabilsbnd. done or the city will tx> up against It
of Ute Clevaiaiid-CUffa company
the matter of finances. A M.OOO
The tine la the sonUi part of the state
lialisea that the barran lands
• per cent school bond has been
covers twelve mticf ^f sandy, gravelly
pbed along from yesu- to year a:
aad hilly country road lying between
If-a syate mof pleaUag te adopted
bester and Chelsea, and two next year the* are $9.000 more
tbte Uan. and tbe timber oow-belng
trips are covered a day, *ibo auto school bends coming doe and in 19
„,^tad win be a very valuable aeeet.
making tbe twrive mUea In one hour $11,000 worth of water srorks bonds.
It has beea argued by the managemeai
Hr. Bingham aatd that wiib the mic
with a throe hours' stop st either cad
at tbe company ibat U tbe tends cut
of (he route
increase, that In a few years, the
««cr thirty years ago bad been planicd
atM worka would be able to care tor
Mj. Biske busied blmself PHduy
with yoang tress that wltbln a vwy
self aod pay lu own ouuunding
momng in placing Uie canopy lop and
■hart Urns the valoable tracts of Um­
glass fraet on tbe large auto and then bonds through tbe rovenue derived
ber woold hava beae available, aad
left (or a surveyor tbeOlirHlsston am) from tee water takerv. The schools
that crap would doubUese have eupXMt $16,000 more this year than
Kewh-ta-waeta route* where Uie re­
pUad tteeeapaay^ needs (or lU mines
maining portioa of the day was last on aeeoont of tec new bnlldlng
fbr maay years to coma.
■ He expreaeet himself as high­ Mr. Homy thought teat two years
ly pleaaed with- Uie outlook tor the would probably, wipe out the Increase
• rkbraat bams leads wherever piaeUaaent eatabitehmeoi of the new la the school expenses.
cahla as fast ae that teatara of 'the
Hr. Bingfaam mid that tbe (own
of tee As tar ar
work ewa te given atteaUoa. Boveral
Hr. Blake has been enabled to laform didn-i get the growth that was figured
traeta w* to be plaated over Uds
himself of the coadlUons of the'route, on aad .la addlUao tee Hannah per- mat. naeaa wbera Uie coet of re
he expecu to be able to make two
eatale amonaUng to tbout $118,bus In <

^Mrs-MaryDimmick j
Pinkfaam.ofLvnn. Mass .IsfoIlrquaUfiedtogive h--lptol sdeiee tosiek ;romea.
Bead Mr* Dimmivk's lettera
Bcr firit letter:
Dmr Hn. Pinkham :—
*-1 bar* bnw a niSeear far tbe past etght
jaan wite a iri<«Ue wtu--h Unit oneinaiol
bwn raluful DMSBUwailra-the paia, »e«
omeiaO^ with laflarnmitino an-l uleerattoa c< Ibr w«ub Tbe dorWx av. 1 muX
hawanepaatem <w Ieannnt Itve. I *><kx

Try one and be convinced. We do
Repairing also.

Farmers Supply Co.
IS7-135 state St.

Traverse City

Beraceoed letter;
Dear Mr*. Piukbaro•
"Voa -tUcenwiaberinyooodjti-wwIwii 1
Hit wTCte rno. *isl that the d-.-i-x wd 1
mus bare aux«<mx« ,w 1 ceuM ant h-e.
I notlTed your kiDd letter and
Bdriee very rarefuUj- and am Dow ecslrely
welL As my ease was so -moua ft hwo, a
Bilrazle that 1 an ruled. 1 know that I oa e
heatte bat my life to Lv la E

, and I wite rrn^_____ _______
rrad thb Wue and Trallv wtat.1 TOQ
oan -lo (or lbem-*-Mra. Marv Ihimnirk.
amt Ban OaiUkil btnvta,
btreeta, n
Uoh. Tbe ordlaaaee tor (be budget
lanered work out of boors.
How easy it was (or Mrv Ihmmlek to 1
write to Mfv. Hinkbamal Lvnu. Mas*.. '
as then passedpesalbte.
and bow little it coat her—a two-oent
City Badgtt for Vasr. '
Alteongb be stated teat It couldn't
Tbte b a probbm vbleh Hl^lgaa
At tba special meaUng of the dty properly cone before tee meetlag tee
As Hra. IKmaaicksay*—itsaved her Mr.
>—braia srBi ba^graatly lalareatcd
Madl teat week, iba bndget tor amyor saked tbe clerii to read a com
Hr*, plnkbsm bason file teousaoda
la. aad tt b OM whicb means sm
tba year was fisuar The budget ibis'
eatlOB la order that the atdermen
tte fauna of tte state. .
year Is f73,«O0 or the limit allowad by might know what ft oMitalned. TbU
trips to tee pcniasula a day and haadle

Call or sonJ for prus{ic<-tQa. Wo (mnnutUv all onr stab-nipnts
of facts to r»- Inic. Carvful manogenw-nL Fair
ir Ireatourit
Ireataumt to al

John Martin Braun of Supertur tows
ship. This Is the way the insinimeni

poitBBt problem to tba front la

Im Hk to tsrelre laebee bigfa. ibe

Power Plant in opentitm.

Ores Now is Sight Mike Success Assnred

Mias Bnlly V. Mason of Washington


that tbe iBOTe waa'made tbrongb tbe
dealra to' place

with aa eye to Uie locaUon of ibis
boallhy Hale of growth. Tbeoompany auto* line be weet to Chelsea and
eeataraplatea tbe piaaUag ont of tO.OOO found the outlook eo (avorsble aod of
. or mm yoaag pines on a fortyti>eb promise Umt be Imianllatelr betraet at Aaaa rlrar. There are t

Over 700 Acres Rich Mineral Lends

Tbe McVickcr Automatic


will be accompanied Iroai Ncm- Vorl

laaanacb as it might be a week or two

Dm throe to (oor feet, and'in a v

Uies at Cbtc Creek, Irtzm

relmerre<l In Capitol park,nest

boigbth of bis power

tba saeaaage bad^ twaebad tba board

Is wrery raaaoa to believe that tbe re- the well earned dteUaetloo of potting
salt will be very graUfylag. Tbe llrsi to flight the eompeUng line in the
wepariment was tried three years ago Uirlvlag little towB. All that rmstns
wben about forty
of lu former gtory arc the toll sls. with young plaaa from tbe
for long dtetaace.
Afler Mr.
aatascy. Tbe treea vbea planted w
Blake visited Traverae Oty about six
^ liM than a toot la height pot mv
werits age and looked over tbe Held

My body was
covered with spots in size from a Finbead to as larce as a silver dollar. A
white. ertUfiy scab would tortn and
sute. and Ada cannot express the
torinn and hoauliation I snfiered tor
fiftera yeara I tried many doctors,
and all kindaof treaUncsts. but could
gel nobelp, and I teenght tirere wsa
no hope for me. A frictid told me to
get Cntienra. I did, and in three days
mv bead was as clear as ever. I ap­
plied tbeOintmentnigbt sad.morning.
also teking a bot bate tbrre times s
week, and nsiag (he Ointment freely
after the hate. Afler using one cake
of ^p aod two boxes of Ointment-t
was completely cured, witbont mark
or blemish. I was so pleased I felt
like rnocing doaa the strei t to tell
every one I met what Cuticura bad
done for me. If any one is in doubt
«t this, they may
,- ,jned) H. H- Vrankl
Ington SL, Allegheny,

Sunday. Instead of Monday, a*
proposed. In the afternoon approjirlai.-

lol when

fitm tba etata bank for tbe conniy
Bapemsor Olllti. before

tera baaa denaded of tbdr prodnoU tbe payment of til to Mrs. Anna Ross
M warn Tears now gira prOBiHe of
for tbe care of Peter Ross, a smel
' dgeaad enp-of good tteber not many paUenl of Green Lake lowaihip.

Tho Jap students at the riilvrrsliy
0$ Michigan orleJ)raU«d Togpi's \lrtiir}.
Wcslni-sdav night, b.v a banqiiri. which

my bat all tec rime.

cause it was the she of tho stele espi

before tbe etata boodt eonid be apHgbtfal aptaad vu aajorad la tba
proTOd be nwrad that tbe dark b« inbaaqaH tea Tba gradaatlag
atrncted to draw a check on tba Bute
daat vUI te baM ia tba City opera
baak for tbe "ooemy foads.” sUlIng

nda rapid
at Ite Hkblgaa toraaU brtaga this ba.

The fish was sill] alive when li
sinidt teo ground. Disregarding (hr
rain. ThomiBun and Allmns raced (ur

and Aid. Heincmin explain that the re
be placed In teat park be

of BSparTiaors had suted to 'tb«a that
giada After tba vtardsaa, a aMit do'

Beau OBee Tntrene aty, nch.

F«»ty known ©«• tnlgra.

AT COST OF $,1.25

on Korte

ceremony to Capitol park. Mayor Codd

adiaatad aa order be drawn
FT. Joba Naadbaa of DatroU diocaaa
bank for tbe ooaaty fnada and a^tange- New BCD
also i^oka on tb4 work o( tbf Caiboa auda before aa adjoaraaieot
UOi ia Trararas aty.
taken to draw tbe state fuada:
Two yong ladiat. Hlw H. Laora'

on an awning

bo vnabU- to ppeak. From iho armory
Ibe remains will lx- remuvol wiih dui

done vHb the aav bond aad nggeit

Vaia Ryaa

riety fell

Senator Thomas W. 1‘slmer. who will

baak asking what tbe oembert bad

aad Hlaa

fish bas (sUctt In s heavy rain. Several
days sgQ a large fish of the same va­

ton T. Hrroani of Ms -on and C M
Burton, who will take Ihe place »r n

Before tbe rote was carried
saga raaebed tba board from tbe Bute



For Fiftoea Yeas F«ce and Bodjr
Hts of hching Sores —Could
Not Eipresi Suffering—Doctors
FiiM-Had Lost Hope


The Grand Travene AriMaa
Mining Company

W i,ro„g[,i to' Detroll from New Vork

rapon ^ ftads to be allowed for the

awarded taaoban' earttttoataa ta tba

was a German carp- ThU Is the sec­
ond time In the lest two weeks test a



Allmns and Tbompson took (br fish
to (he dty ball, when expciu said it

ery speeches were made In praise <>(;
tbe old-new Nippon.

of poor..............
Judge of Recorder’s court.............

portloa of kls famUy were Idiots and Weigh muter ........................................
protectlos must surely be given the Heatte
sutisUoH galber«r^-

Mlss Bdaa Holma.
PraaaaiatloB a< dlptaou, Her. Pr.

to baap OB with tbalr good votk. Bar.

BSh weighing acariy tjvo ponadt (ell
frtai tee ehmds‘.

ed as toastmaster, and the "sun flag"
was drnix-d over bis chair. Many flow­

mosey be nppropriated for breast
plates aad tbleldt be provided (or

a rtaky buslaeat to ask a man If

paaUf Hits M. UCvaUe.
BaaUktIoa. -Sool of tba

3713 Ltocoln aveane during a storm a

render Is announced.

tboee engaged in the task. To ntal
the matter plain, he etated that it wi

Isiiaia Oagaa.
VJoUa solo. Hiss I. Kebb).

(on la tee cmplor of tee health deBcnt, w«w standing on s porch at

AlTmus UP hl» home tor a fish supper.



Tboapsoo aad Joba Allmua, fumiga-

aad tba >aIL It was stated
akaad to baUd a tre la a store ta tba tba
' tea bosaa. sad afler starUac tl the that the ebarcb voehl p)^ tba curb

ba doaa to asra it.

Tbe meeting

adtonraed uato Hoaday night.

hw baas unas is tba cHr Hd bad hU an (C tba Ooacra^le^ eborata ta
rada an paefcad to aora to tbe tons vbhdi it was mMastadJbal tba
'tt« dar. Ha seat hli aos. Btore. tr pta» *ba «rl> la tbe Btraet batvaao

lad been withdrawn from taxa-

Jaync’.s Xonic Yeemifu^
gives rosy checks and active health to pale, sickly chilcfren?®And it is good for their elders, loo.
-Ask your druggist for iL



I F-inikl-I We must close our busitress heri by July 16th. the very latest. We have leas^ a store In ChatUnooga. Tenn.. and will haVe to pay a
heavy forfeitlfvrearenottheretotakepossesslon August 1st.

We wBi ny haU Wtmt nOroU
hn U y«ir'p«rd_.
:«i*. Unit 25 BUS..

We f«7 mr n<trMA fern Mk I

virsifTMT pvetaie aoMats la)
$2*. L&Malki.


The store Was closed last Friday and Saturday. June 2nd and 3rd. to cut down prices and arrange the goods for sale^ We will open Monday morning.
June 5th. Be on hand. Thissale will eclipse by far our Going Out of Business Sale of last February, as these goods are up to the minute m style and thor­
oughly seasonable. mate out a list ef an tbs IWgs yea IB atstl tor a year aad ceiiis irrepareJ te twiy tpilcMy. ________________



do d»i-«c o( « «0.000 Hook io nob • khort line.


Every Day at OsrDtepossL

rt). bcmstitriiBd utd (seked. aixl (nil
nxnbnlk Dmirein with three rows
of Uco and tucks; Farewell IHice............................... OOK^
Ladies' fine cambric Kightirowni. Wmmod with finehce.thiodcal- /|Q^
neatndoUar togoat....
ZaadiM' nnd Hisses’ tneked
(Joys’ Waista, worth BOo and
hSc, logo at 3^ lil and...


1 l/Cv




Child’s Cloth and Silk Coats

St Half Price
Jap8ilka...r.......... 29c

.. ....... >...r_..48c
Whilolkpeitk......... 19c

New Silk and Oorert Coats
tar ladies One-third Off
S4.76 for last aenaon'a
Suita that aold up to $13.
Jnrt a few.
One-half Off. on all last
seasoD's akirW.


A lot of last season's Corert
Jackets Uiatacddapas high
as $3, to cloae 1.48
New Silk Shirt Waist Suits

One-third Off
All Skirts, new this season,

One-third Off
Cravanettea One-third Off
All Fnrs One-half Off

One-Half Off on aU Dross


e8c for ChildroD'a Now
HaU, worth $1

26o and 19c for Chil­
dren’s new Hats, worth 60c.


Stroi't Hats,

worth up to $3. for 96c


Ftm i UR

67 best CarbiJn Steel

$2.76, for







Hata above $5.

Best WovoD Wire
Sprina, worth SliO .1ways, while the;y Iasi

.d<»e>t......... .....39c

Tim same in K ia. and .«laaeat.... 89c

MHGE ABM HOCKEB-Li»tl„r wot. .tralroial'
«ra,U,oij.«HI tor 13.50................................. ........ 1.34
OoC«U,loWb*,U,..8«dkM..............;................... I.BO
^ Ar»».b„ B.,a 36r-2, .onl, 1.5..W U.r
otor 2.8|
So,™ a.^ airol whtl. thry U.t.................................. 79

And smvs «t otban

SStr^;;o;or5o:;hu:;h;; '•®®
116 «id'^ sidebioa.. ...........................: I oieo
Bedroom aiulParlor Suites Below Out Audio
irn throttyh onr entire FnnUtnre DepirtmenL
J=lnt come, flrst served.


Wall Paper Oat-Half Off.
Bart ioo yd m!k Thread 7c
Team, Wagon and bH Stem Irstnres for sale—to be delivered


__ioA5 days.

Xravorso Oitfy,

Hsdo of good qoality material.
flonnoed and well trim j4Q^
a nmd wen-, 76c, *1.... '»OC

McCall’S Patterns
at 5c and 8c


We wiU condnetTan mrelnaive DRY GOOI» Bl'81NESS. 11)6 olaaa of goods soki in the booth it of an
entirely different nstore from whnt is ns|uired in this

It wm tteref«e lie necessiry for as to
close oat not only air eatire lines of
OatUiif, aea's FaralsIilBrs. Shoes
ul Famltore. bat ill the Dry Goods
as welL

Ladies’ full sized Skirt with tbiw rows
of lace inaciting and edging, prettily
tacked, and others with deep Mnlwoiden' flouncing, hemstitched 70^
and tqcked, worth 1.35. -./ JF t-

The goods on bond wotdd be nnsalabie in the Sooth.
Huucx‘ orei)-thing most go.

What theOtitiMvt Tlmo hails
m regarilM>v mm U thdr
Utne sfSMiay,?lay.*25:




Chiiles Rosenthil Secuies
Thoitipsui aeil Stand.

Suits worth np to



$22.00.................. J I .98
$15 Suita and Over­
coats for...............

Intend* «e tnvMt fW,000 •( Once ettd
te Xnisro* Wticn Blsger Quarters
Can Be Secured.

•>00Saiuo(.-iUwooI fahrics in i

‘■Oiarlot Roeentftal of Traverpr Cliy,
Ulcb_ arid one at Uie largest mer
cbsala-of (ba( seeilon of ibe vent, ycGtenlty closed a deal by which he will
acquire on Aur. 1 from the Tbompvon.
Seal Shoe rompany lu leaje oo Its
place of busleesi.
-Ur. Rmepthal-wllI open on that
date a largo dry to^> sad laillei jBrBlshlns store. Investing-lOMBartaiely
$69,000 In stock. He states that be
will increase the slock and-«1II^roilcc
the store one of the most complete in
the south. He has already begun hl<
ptirehsaes and will devote his lime to
scctirlog the slock be desires.
■'Tlie new More will oernpy tbc rnllrc foiir Boom of the liullding. The
work of remodeling Ibe store will
commeoee a> soon as possible Boib
freight and pasienger elcTalori sill be
htstalled. the opening In (he floorv
Closed up. shelving aad show rves loatalled and everythUig gotten in read!,
nesa to receive the atock-Ur. Rosenthal own* tar the largest
store In Traverse City, where hi* en.
terpiiae has bulK np for him a large
trade. Husever. on hi* vtslls in (Titillanooga be ha* been lnjprv««*e.l with
the prosperiiy the city U eipcrlrnrint
and the promises Ihe fujnro has is
store for fhallanooga. Concluding
Ibst Ibis was the finest locatvnn in Hie
counlO' tor a store of the charanrr ho
Intends cslabllf'bing. Mr. Ro.'cnlhal
baa decided to dispose ot hi.- Inleresi*
in Michigan auj devolo his entire at
temlon to the new e*i8bll»hnieni In
thin eliy.
-•While my tetabllshment win not
be a departmeiu store In the scime the
word Is employed In the north.' salt!
Ur. Ro^athal yesterday, 'll will be on
the order ot ibe larger stores In the
south, though I expect to deroie my
main attentions to cairrlng the Bnesl
stock of dry good* that ha* ever been
aeon la the south. I em a taeHeror la
adeerttslag aad udag such metbeda to
build op a large trade, and 1 shall purao« thsae neibods frotn the start. It
will be Aug. 1 before I ewa secure the
itore room, but I shall open alMut that
“The quarters I have secured are
not aartblng like as large a* I deatre.
bat 1 shall occapy them nnlD I can se­
cure a much larger bnlldld^. U will
then tablease the quarter# I b^e
rented amf enlarge my buaiaeas. I bo­
iler* that Chattanooga will be a Sne
looaUoe for autA an op-to-daie store
as I am going to tton. for alter look,
lag over tbc cUy aad many etbers la
tbe sooth. 1 have boeome ratisfied that
CbatUBOoga hat the very brightest
tatar* ahead.
- *Ai aooa as l dUpose of my boldlagi ta fraverac City 1 shall eooM to
Chattanooga and devote my atteatloa
to the hosSnert here.'"


This is\our lastWe’ll never (deal in this , line
again. We bou^t a* nice lot of New Clothing this
spring in the popular grays, made by the very best
wif you with to save
tailors. Swell stuff. SuU
.SuiU and

For lack of space we cannot elaborate much on Chil­
dren’s aoihiog. but WE DO SAY. if you have a boy.
suit him up for a year to come or more. Wc have all
_ of
. fabrics that
; good.
kinds of styles and ail
interesfed, our prices will do the
Come in, if you a


wril price....... .


GOiu.blaebed Cotton.
Linen finished Da­
mask. tocloecSt.... I7C

30cfringed Towds.... 25c



Am Hnkiili il olliin

00 in. pure all Unen

6.8 bMvy nnUeoebed
, Dice Napkins ............69c
I »4 to

>'ahi6s Hj) to $lh. for .

100 Suits in Blui-s
iiiiil UlackR. iik<-«
from 4 vuarM In 1C


Bed Table Cloth........... lOc

. 4.98
. 6.98

100 Suits of extra fine
material (or age*
from 3 to 10.val(<eg
np to $5. choice... 1.48

Twill Towding per
y«d ............................... 2*c

White and colored Mer.
cerieed'^ Waistings,
worth 25e\.............. J 9c
Dress Gingbams......... 4ic

.............. 4i
Fsney Dm ^wcs..


Prints......... .....................


rnbleacbedCotton.... . 3c

.M.'m's jiiiil linys cotton I’nntK ui.rth $l.ytmr, cboire al 48c
Mai's Corduroy I’aatA................................................................
All otii.r Pants............................................................... |.3 OfT
Xi> rosen-i-. I 'crythinc tpu*.




l.V Collatz frW...........

$1 ..VI soft Shirts....
$1.30 «iff Bosom

Hats and Caps
Men's lifdit and <Esrk
0}>-t»4Utc fur hats,
worth $1.25. for...
Men's and Boys' 30c
cs]« to clooe at----Strew Hsu for



Jllinclicd Cotton............


ID in. white Dimity.
l-> kiml...v..............


At The Fan Here
Lot of 25c and '•Or
Bells to go at lOi-.
15cand ....................)9c
$1.00 ami $1.2.'> Haikl
Bags for 4V nnd v.. 26c
FdnbroidTTtvl Tarn over
CoUars...................... ..

Oar beet :>0r nml T-'ic
2.V Bows for...............
iic Strings for...........
Men's light Nrtili£«.
Shirts with lie, 30kiml for....................
Men's pliiio nnd fancy
BalbnKgan I'lidarwear, good weight.

Store for sale or resit.



Lot of Ladies rrylored Wsisu
1 Qr^
to close at...............................
Colored Mercerized waista, prettily trim,
med and white lawn Waistatorkedaiid
embrmdcri’d. ctery one a 1 “O S
3.50 >nlne. FarewoU prin> i
bilk Waiste in black white and colors.
■ valnes from $5 to Iti, to ^ JQ


II Rink Ml ffMia

$1.00 Glows for.......... 69c
$12.5 Gloves for.......... 89c
$l.j0Glovcsfor.......... 1.15

Cart t*i Bd«v Cost Ralte Onr



50c Values for 29c


Haven't rvxrtn to ny moeh.
but if you will cad) well show
TOO rah>es yoa have never I and Mitta, r^alor end
known liefore. If yon come
dhow length. - were
in and we don't -wll yon
aOe and lli» to
shoes it' will be because* we
cioM at lOe and .... 19c
don't know what is good for as




Miv-fl}ar«AghtAd8 Al'^'
■Aim OasA) OrlmA md wa«
hto« ttoory t. mt. flha ma sarrM
wbA Atca ymag to a Ms Boa. aA
od the BA. Ambm Bom. A Bptoaopai
dergysan at Mew CaaOe. Dd.. whoA
wrRtea atta I )otoed tba dab. I go brother, tbe Hoo.. George Ben.
to aebool aad oar aAoel will be eto eae «d the dgaera of the Ded
Wadaetoty. I aa alae yeara old.
Hr bbthday ma May to. las goUg af Aa Pa
sawr. aad to adtottoa to Wa t
to apaMi a M«M the laat day od achoof
patriotic oentoA Oaarce Bba WA la­
nM tfy «• W « iMMjr M •
loattor botua: »va «yi If yea will
ud to tba fnttriabtox of ABBA
•Ad aaethar bo wta pay for h.
'baNt wfto. parhapa other slWaiy
BtoTA for tba ooIaIbI defease, aad It
t wwirr <• »• lM>li« IN^M
Baach flUtaa.
while tsggard at alxht our ihAc
M fcM to nmf^y mrm
Maple aty. Mk*.. Mar. 1. ttW.
I other ronna ba. that the aaph•vtoy »«*«• «H*t>
Dm PrealdAt Aa 1 hare aot vrlt- ew. John Boaa. reoeirA A faMT.
If I towr Mto tfjrtof to <•
ta to yoa tora tang tlBM. I will write
tbs exacts of which ho dM to
tMto OMp, t «M *TIT. toy
axaJa. I raeelrad av card aad button Jaaaary. int.
atrncbi aad I thaakyoe tor tbeai. 1
Bis hrlgbt yoong widow, with xrlc
go to aebool erery day ud like sy
taaAer vary wan. Bar ease U Alloe
•ugg. My atodUa are reading, ipell- at tbe IHUe bouie wbiA tber bad retolac. XTBssar. arithsaUe and geog­ A A Arch street, below Third. U<1
raphy. I as la the tounb taadtr. tboA (be BOV tasouf oosbUia set
Titara aye foartaan aebotam in lAoel
who had
today wKh syaeK. 1 wu rery aorry to A burrlAIy from hb army a PhUahear ad Hn. Bataa’ daatb. Aa sy IM- delpfab late to May. 17TS. to eesrer'
tar la gsotiig ksg. I will ckiar. hopiex Ato eoegreu on mtcuI Isportat
to aaa tbif la prlat. I resala.
sattora. They arraagA with her to
.TAr Buia Baaablae girl.
> a usple flag, with an esblaioBAge A
Alice Barth.
SMi Of tfalrtoM aura. diAlactog tbe
Chdiyac. Mich. May to. to. ' Brltbh Ualoa. wbkh. Ath tba ihlrteA
M. bad fersA (be -Oraad Uatoa'
Dear PrealdAt—I as going to write
to yea. I ns a aorry yar nuNher la flag, which hA Aly Aral txve dbdead. All sr life l as goliig to be a playA at Casbridge a Jaaaarr 1.
bar of yAr BAshtoa dab. \l aHaB fti '
tbe arpv- That rery day toe htog*.
Joy H A sneb. I —aaat A aa
Wh® dir** U ft»*
bat >p*Ah bad bau racelrA. read
a A I wooU ilto to do. f e
Or <«il Itf •
opt -vary say tMaci attbA. I A not Ato ladlgnattoa. and bpuA by-tbe
OlT® H hmU.—
Ilka to A aick. I oa only At Jaet-a
Three for U» Man.
tfwthiaga. I aaat eat atrawbeiTiA <
Ttoree lor (he baie.
thart^MofMagg. ntatlhadSA
Omow yo«r bM4 to m tog toe olitsatas A British Justice.'
lae. Sad tbA typboM fAer. ud Mar
Ttoe aoMMnVtoi mad to It
imitr hard AA of Brigbt a Oiaaaae. etc. Tbaa. toreugb the detecstoatlA
pad I do aot want wr sera alelmeai at WaaUagtoa. tbe -Oraad UbIa'
The toottoe aad-rlcto of H,
flag bad a rery ebon dnntba. aad ibe
The touallM wkke of H.
eoantiy wu aoA ripe tor the Declaihyet. -fto tbe deeur will net let me
' neUii»BtidUwr««orit.
Ua a ladepAdAA, wbicb ahaeat isat all. It la kind ed wlady ooi.
Aad tmaara totoSt «d m
(ha BA k ahtolag Oa the toth «d
\ Hare taaam The Flar
r WM «y little slater^ birthday,
Cbtor II!
r 1 as gotog to lATT dX. for I hato
TaHey and me
all. bn toara are ouny laiereniag litgot ay sore tUaga to taU yoa.
Shan boar It.
tie iaeldewu which hare bead haadA
bAe 7A are toatlag wM. Oood-bye.
raUMto ^ btoa* It.
dm wbbh hare Iwa iboagbt loo
Moir W. liad.
CUMrM careu It. trirlal to pabltob. One wbbh rafleeu
AH ahaB aalatolB It.
a Uttto light A Ase ei tbe anbappy
aoadltlAa at tbe Uba, rabua tost
ir floiblBs dab. PlaaA send sy
Okoan forthe aallota that ftaebt «e
wMb she vu aagagA opA her patri­
m Boa aad I a card aA pin. I otic wortc abe vu lAttA by bar
Chma for the aoidkfi that alvayt
QuUer ud Tory friAdi, .Igaaltoiag
go At boat ridtox aearty erery day. bar u ~a IliUe rab^' and tanillUtogly
ware batra tor it.
Tam tor lha M that want dm to I think It la lota A fa. Mystotaraad aakA If she wu not afraid at being
waacoai to th^ woods to othor the baflg for aagagtog to each aerrlce.—
* the mra far
putty wild flowm that wwo asai
t the bob. t thi-fc t win hau
dou for tola Use.
The nH«0to«y.
Bopiax to he your lortox SoatblBer.
It vu aataial that toe apiritA
ShKtAI. . .
cersA written by yABg Franeb Key
Atoes tba atrato tbara aonaa
Ktoxaley. Hleh.. Bay to. im.
while beU u a priMser A war a
A lilara ad hoclaa a raSa ad drag
board toe flagaip or toe BriUto Ad­
A tab ad eeler haaaath the tkr;
tisa atau 1 wrote to toe flisaUm miral Coburn shAld give tbe grAl
: #i«aoS!
elab. A t thoaght wonld write a tow natlanal stadard vhiefa floaiA above
na flax la paatoaf hr. t x<t to sebool erery dayPbrt McHAry a fpecbl toterut to
m aad mita u ahiaw,
ier*a name b UUtoa Halstaad. I toe eyA A posterity. It bu been lolike hu vary mneh. We bare XT aebol- ealA -pAlUrriy- to varloA ptocA.
Hato oCI

an 1a ow^KhooL I AU gtre yon
and to toe pA*ewkx> A u may dU>h>n bitora arflr:
Uat of aamu that woald like to be- ferent peraAi; bnl only as A these
fliMihtoart. Hoba Baker. Fife flags waver, to toe deurtptlon gh-w
ora tbaa tha flax la paotax IVLaka. Mbh.; Mabel Hasittoa. Klage- to toe-poem, ud tost l* toe treuniA
Baa flxhU aad taad fl^to grin aad
by. MIA. B. P. D No. >: Ebie aad property A Bteo AppletA, A Yonk' xroht. ■
JAdo tawa, Ktogaby. Mich. B. F. en. N. r. who b a gTandeA of Col.
Itoaxbt to Bake aad to aara the alata:
D. Nq. t I Ail hare to aske sy let­ Armbtead. toe gallai eosaAadaat A
waarr mrata aad atoklax ahipa:
ter abort tor It. tor It b near aebool Fort HcHAry during toe bombanlCham aratmiy oa dytax Oto!
PlaaA aead tboA gMa l bare SAl. Tbii flag prorn that toe atbaU a card aad hattoa.
PTAalM 'broad atripA' vu a Uieral
iraaseripiiA A the fact. The Mripe.
are two feet Ade, and toe stars aA
two fAl from point to point. Tbe flag
Dear Praddeet—I wo^ like to )ola b tony feet vide and vw origloally
narBaashtoeeiab. PlAAseadsea Corty feet long; but to ll. [iTAAt cur•Ixa of a aatioa. xraat aad amax
a dlmeaaiau It U wly ihiny-ivn'
battoa. 1 as II yAr. old.
To ward bar paopto fron foral
feet long. Thb b. such larger tow ;
Anbar pAder.
toe regulailA xarTbA flag A loday.,
Tnretae aty. Mkto. May'll. IPOE.
b BeuBias tolrty-six feet to'
length by twenty to vldtb.—Bxebagr.j
Dear PredddM—I toOMht
write yoa. The cherry hloatosi ata
Hat! edit
almut At BOW aad BOOM A thui arr. Flag of the atordr (alben.
atraat thara oogae*
I do aot go Mnytio
A Mara «d bagtaa. a raSa ad dram:
Flag A toe loyal aoaa.
And tayal haarta are badhx Uxh4
MO I hare » go to school, Beweatb iu fold it gather*
Hata a«T
bat a tow hover, that gtov
Barto-s tmt and boMai aa
Itoe^ la yaotax br!*
BoMly we ware its eoloriL.
boyo aad glria. vtolau. adder touPA
r veto* are thrilled anew.
aad cowallpB. n» barA are alsoat'
By toe etaadfast bar*, toe ctoaierA
. ua At taod va are dai---- Fitdar. Jnaa 1.
Kaa toitohm latotox ttoca laat r
tbe yard. I Ilka sy letter Terr
Tbe rA..lbe vhilb ad the bine.
eh. I think sy card aad battoa are
—MargBiA e. flaagater
Claada mthap. -Harr aad Mary pretty, too. Tho gtau b creu to tba
Atpt. Aaaaau'taaroBor. taea. Ada aad flaUa. Oor aehaol b alscsl oat
A Heru Hero.
Hoaard Ntoaea. Sowett Otx^:Pob.
It wtU btxat tba oacoadA Jane. My
A John V. HubbaA

HOb abtar waabA->XB the Baaablae
A New Bnmavlck vu n« wUnly
Aaeax the daya «hlcb *e eai^braU. olob: ptaua aad bar a caU aad
oyA byfflK at a early boar to
toe Aonid BOW ad a torgat ’Tlal
thraoraJag. vHb. Ki totny boriA. b |
Dhr." «Wah It tae l«h. U-yoDbara
due to toe resarbable totellIgmA dii-'
. adarta^boaaataadaflagbaoaMplayA by aa old gray borse. known u
thlag eraty torai AnartoaB bey aed
Old Mlmhs. MIto.. May IS. IPOS.
BeCL Tbe almal uneticd amok
XiH aboau ml. be are to |ku H eat
Dear SUtor—t tboagbi 1 voald broke away fros hb manger, veni '
la fMat ad (he
write yowa tov Uba to lat yu kaow
ooo to which George Wilt,
•bare erary paiurby oa im IL aad I as waH and hope yoa are toe use.
vu aleeptog. ud klekA a U
aa yea watoh ha bright oMora ahiaiBg Our eehool wu oat a. week ago bat
U the aabUght. ihanh the OoM Fa- Friday a«d dosA by baring a floe A' door unto Wilt made bit appearuA
aad laieA a alarm. Serernl neigbtbathaiyoaimnthabaatei
We had a boop aad llov- boe. rmpAdA prompUy. Tbe flie.
er drlU. ifte oua
vhieta vu to tbe otBce. vu qqlekly
' were Bra Isidle. Marie
Stoae. Tint
Tba aaeretarr at the flotohdi
Btoa. OtBA Thupfetoa. Oanude LarSaaabtoe MA <rrim that anr____
bara- keep jolalag at erary todMleg. friaBd,.OertrMe UAM. aU i bare
aad tba verk of the ctob la waeh eetalecftoBBow. Weuba BtUh-BUI
. A Small Soy^ Hbtsts.
rory sta to ataoL t bepe ihb btMy thru ssall bey. were saktog a
lA will aot flU Ha Why to tbe watt
in apA meDdt. ad toe yoangeat
baUsi. Oood-byeboy. Honb. aged (. being noaaBlIy
ad wan beharA. attractA the
Clathhal Berbert.
Boue Joaraab aad Teato'a OaupaaUa of oaa of the todtoa. who
bu aad other tudlBg mattar, a
I If Moll'i wa. a!w».-» to win MigktA weary hoar* tor n
y it b fltttog that
the Tonsto Glebe. WbaraopA
rider bewber. faellBg tbe tototAaaer


-«h. sy. WA
Write a ^ ItoA to ya% A I hau at

BHV wa Bbabath Oriaws. I

At I




mddiim Bfalary
For Hicbigan
a^ CUi

Bfl»Twplj Hix

CaMgoeeraorAMlehlgBB. A bettor ebotoe «aM aot hare bM
K yABg m. braagbt ap to all the baUr ways of ploMor life: brare, eaargeOe. aad |
d A a wtoe torerigbt.
be vu Jut Ibe mu to ateer toe » V letrltary ibnagh (be rough
wBtora at her early esperleaA.
For MkhloB vu IndA to sore gitaiti vbea .he began
her We-Toyage. Tbe lAtou vera boaille atlll. u far as they
darA to be. Tbe poor pecple from toe tubla vere houelfi
tad loobA to Detroit aad tbe gorernor for foA and ebeHer; toe
Preach aksg toe rirer abeua had aerer fArA for ibalr Hru or
their property, tbreu^ the Indian war*, hut of laic toe urage.
bad klllA their eaitle. robbed toair gardA* and orchard*, ad
bunA Ibalr fAcu and area toe pbnk door, at tbeir boom, a
that tbeir dtetllntlA' vu great. The India. tbesmlrA. no
laager fA by tbe Britito, begu to uSer alSAt to athtratlA.
u they ItogarA around tbe eattlesento. BMveen toes all. far
tbe Aral two yeara ct hla rale, tbe young goreroor bad a ban!
Use at K Vito bb aav territory, vboee pruperity aA happtoeukdWBA M dAr to bi^
. After peace wu deelatA toe *klw began to grow brigbler.
o be dpoe. Tbe flrM totog
meat A her ciUzsu were Freacb ad iwtatoA all tbe ebaracterbliA A toelr peaaau aaoAtry. Aksg tbe rirw A both Ada
ezleAA (heir farms, ranatog back for a site, bui m narrow
that Ibe'teulera eoold talk to each other fros bAU (o feoue u
they aat a their dootaups after tbe work vu done far tbe day.
There vu aeareriy a brAk to toe aKtlesAt. from Lake Brie
(0 Lake 8t. Osli
festiritlA and
each Mhtr and
toe Biruger viihin tbeir gabe. and
Blspb nllgtoD. faith, u tbe moagrova craclfliA to be ma’ '
ertiy vbvte a gaiA. bam. aad bouaes. tfaowA.
But they had aot to (hemeeleA tbe riesrau A progres
or Ibe amUiton* vbirli go to the maktog A a state. AmeriAti
coksWa vere neAA to pot eev life Into the old PrMcb letUemwu aad to make tbeir way beck into (be new »oniry vbicb
toy avaiUng tbeir comtogTbere were eome thing, to the way A HIchlgu'. growth.
81* vu laoUlA by tbe vide lakM aad grAl foresu tost lay
aiooU ber. Then, bad slortot had ^e At to regard to bA.
It vu the eommoo bellA that beyond toe floe atrip A territory
atong toe DetrAt. tbe whole touniry vu foil A rut avamp.
latenpenA vUh baren platoa A sand, sad that It cAld aerer
. be uytotog bol a vllderaeu fit only fA vfld wlmals te lire to.
In August. ISIS, came a grmt day for DetrAt. a My vbA
tbe fltat atASbAt made It way np (be rirer, Ma, worn a ad
cblldrM torongA tbe wharrA to sa toe “WaD-to-toe-Water'
eveep malutiAlly up to tbe dock. bA deck, black vtob paaswgen from Buffalo. Kov there vu a way opA A luL to New
York and New Bnglud and all ibe AMem «(aiA. Poor WalkiD-tbe-Waierl Ha Areer vu a ebon oae. Three yean lalA
abe vent ashore to a Mors and tbe blue vaUra A Lake Erie
knew ber no sort. BSi ebc vu tbe forerunn'er A stanehA
craft, ad ere long ibe trailing smoke rrom more (hu one boat
vu a' dally eight to tbue *l>o vaicbA the sblolng nlA-war.
A lake and river.
In IflSS came tbe grAl evAt vbicb ms toe tide of emigrallM rolling vAtvarU.—(be opealng of Ibe Erie canal. The
daya A toe railroad were not yet. No shrill vbUtle A flying IceesAiye bad ever waked the ecboA to qulel contrytlde or busy
city atreetii. So the grAt canal, ralUng tbe HndsA rtvA to Lake
Brie, vu a vAderful ibtog. ad a vooderfol fseior In the oelMeBMt of toe WA(. A alow way ve wAM think It now. bat aksg
Itt alendrt line ane won. by More, and hundrA*. the sturdy
emlgruu from New England. New York, and Na Jersey, Three
UAmcn vere nronlng on Lake Brie before ibe seasA was orer.
ud tbey vere rrovdA with pBaaenger. a erery trip.
Nov the border line of counilA Wayne and MAroe. Hicomb and St. Clair, no ksger stoA for ^iebiga: Oaktoad. toe
county A frar hondred ptAty lak« iBlrrorieg the Mne A tbesummer sky ud tbe trader green A forest, va. alrrady entered
and tmkra poeaeMbn of. for in IglJ rae small log home wherein
Mred two happy famiJlM at fourteen pervAs. marked the Mie A
Pontiac II vu to mt that John Allen and Elisha Rsmsey met
by acAdcBt ia DetrAt. u (hey vere starting Into the Interior of
the eouBiry to luke tbesselTA bomee. and cut toelr Im to
getber. Tbey found a beamlfu) tireieb A burr Ak plklnt, fer
tile and fair to see, and there they ioAted their land. It was in
the mAth of Febman' and the jouraey bid t»ra made In -lelgts
dravn by oxra. Orer these sleighs tbey built arbor. A boughs
aad M abeliered. lived to them while >be tog. were bewn from
tbe fortst and their aUbs built. Tbe pamA A eacb A their
vlTM vu Ana. aad to tbe little begtonlng A the seiilemeal wu
called Ana Arbor.
Tbere vere Are toASUd Inhabliats to Mlchlgw terri­
tory DOW. As (he -JOt slipped Into tbe -30's tbe laromtog lide
A Immigratks wtoered foree u t> crept a io tbe Wenvard.
Adrlu and Tecamteb. Klin and Tpriluil. Kalamagoo and JaefcSA. Dener ud PtymAto. ud Mher future ritlet aad towns A
tbe Peninsnlar State beta to be.
Nov toe aabtoct A good toads ngaged toe aliemlon of
Ibe gorernor ud bis vUe eonneellors. Through Ibe InfleAce
A Gorernor Caas. the gorernment ai Wubtora ordered toe hs
callA A a row Ae hundred feet vide between Detroit and Cbleaga H. Itoe wu already laU ai. Worn by toe feet A tadlans.
from eastern atrntt to vcmera lake, vu rat deep Into toe earrt
the narrow India irnJl. For centurlea the tribes bad pameri tols^,
way from Ceaada ud toe $ut to toe great buffalo bating
ftouniU vest A iMke Mtchigan. In wd ai It vound asAg toe
Utile Inland lakes, aioaiid toe tamarack marshe., over toe beanUfnl oak Meningi. Into toe deep shade A tbe dense fpreat.
Ctosatog rapid rivers aad little nmntog streams by fbrds where
toe .ballov water* Nipped over atosty stASi. Warriora painted
aad plnmed. houters bending bAeatb toelr packs A fma. patlcai
squvi carrying toe burden A tbeir bouseboM gear, shaggy lit­
tle pAles ttotiliig along vtth UiHr packs half u targe n toemeefre*. all la alleni alagle file, had . B (be hard beam path
« deep Into tbe earto and v> narr
s i(. But toe way A (be tran «
• aaMeet and toe beet. Awi
o tbe .arveyora soon gave
trylagUMtov a
■ Uaeo aad rook (be 'rail fo' tM lotudaThe MW kigbvvr vu a free aitery atoOg which flowed
tbe Hfe btood A the tenluvy.

ta *aHW amd Ummm. H m «liiAtfiii laad. chii A ■eatoart
mtmmrn, <ta nnad HaMtwut bWm toe new oMta. IM
axk ciftada v«rt ita baaaUfri fafta with tbeir tflMIltito
moos A traw am flun, taa««fe»a ptalae. Erery jisto. lar
eeaOtu yeara. toe ladoa bad baraed toe dry berbaxi la
aatasa gad all tmdertiiub barbed vlto k. aad tbe aprtart^
nv toe fftagrovtog and bM eelrecy. and tbe deer toedlag fa
Pinm aartieM wring tin tbem
e flylag down from
tbe autk toe coAtry vu a a>ta A Mvaca. totau pbloaaa,
Mm taplaa. acarlet 'painted rap*,' pMMw ladixe pMai. toe aAk
vWte plamee A tbe Jetaey To. foUoved la «(ta oflciiMfia toe
totfagU^ dalaUer heed btoaioms at rtoiats aad MtamlO.
buftempe and bepatleu. and were m turn fAkiwed by toe asB
mot* guigauus display A sAusa Moom. Tbe wild Acs of
ditas-tB toe grassy opeAngt vere red vltb tbeir rito fruH. and
In tbe tdge* A the fortst cMstaerlng grapf daa. bang bury
vhh purple elnwer. sweet vllb tbe toacb A tbe foe*. YWe
were nerer aaeb fragnat strawberries u'grev la toe grau A
(be Uttle.pralrlsa. ud tbe toltdren vere in talrylaad all (be
emy stMmar daysBK It wu lUH all sushlne lo tbe faiber. ud mAheru.
Tbere wu bard wortc to be done before (he orebard* In Bay
abOuM grow plak vlih Woom besMe (be log cabla bomu (Ml
MAteeed tbe sinrdy pkseer.. tbe ram stand green U tall and
serried rove, tbe green flrMa tarn late iblss-flng eras A ahlalag goldA grata as tbe aasser wind swept vrsv-toem. WAeu

eaRfaUy raiaed ebickeba. Malaria crept out A tbe evamps aad
•r^ AM expected to etop boric erery A her day vhlle agae cUtt*
frote pad fewer buracd. Hills were Moibe A miles apart, aad
ddUb tbere vu m grain to carry to (bam had tbey been tuprer.
slaed vllb cold vatrt and baked A a bi»rd before toe fli*.
made a poor nMliatr fA toe vbeaiA hsT. Bartey Aflee ad
aamatru m vere laateWu berrragu to tooee vbo krred toe
Cklaeee brrb aad tbe Arabian berry, but they auveroa after a
fhskks wbea well i
e eaxar. Tbe BMtom
mui aflee btn coracoU A (he hearth to vbKe ashes, to mflka
aada for ber ~rielat:' esrravu ud dUl from her mudA larnlabfd eplcea, and red poppira A bar raWag gare psaxeaer m
toe family food. M( It wu Mrd to Xad a nlmtnme far aalt vbA ■ '
(hai failed, gad at erne time that acadfui camamdlty wu ivtayode donaru a barrrt. vUtrjxMcy la pay tor It vu aloM u
scarce u tbe utL
Bat tbere were cml flred a tbe ample None KrapMesi. .
ud Ifjbere vu nm maeb to pA la toe vide oreu aiafle bto ^
vlto ibetr beds A xtoslax coals, ibere were haarba A realPA
Bad rfta A bear to bang beforr (be llaaslag btgi. aad to which : ^
tbe basy vosa pare a (virt u abe paaesd back and lortb. to ^
make them atoviy luAie liU (bey vet* deme to a lar* A every ^
Md*. and tbere vet* way*. Isown only to (be good mefber to V
piece oat ber reeoareea
Healthy appeOiee bleased toe boye aad girls vbo grew rad
cheeked ud to^ad on backwuods taro and bad mere goad Umda
to toe day thu may A tbeir a
roc elotolag a fleU A
d flu wu la du umx
betcheied. spaa aad woren Into i
vlto tbe bum A toe eplanlag wbeA and touam A tbe hM»f
faaaB kHm tbe waM A (ba tarmerb Mew becase ibe wMxw
SMts tou protoeud bM and fait from tbe wlaiPT*s eoM. Bbt
eaurage never faded, though a hemeelck Vsgliig fat the taad
they bad left befatad toem toward ibe rtttag sn Ales flHed tbe
lonely vomeni’ bMrta.
Mravblie chaagei cedis la ibe goreAStmt. Ooe. Cbm
(be affeetloBS A aO Ue people. Mow be vu eaXed u PraddAl take a posUiOB la hU caMnat u YM^tflctoa. WbA
be restgaed hie xorenoraUp. no one elee belax. appototed, tbe
' dBtiu A the ABC* fell to toe terrlioriai seerMiry. Oea. John
HaKS. Bet presAUy bnalaea called b|m UBMfxIod. and be r*■IkbA Ib favor A Us yeiBS bm. XfWeu T. HaaA. who had
been aselttiax Ue btoer. nad tor three yur* tolt bey gorvaer
vu u the bead A Mieblga aafffri.
Ii is saw toat be vu Mly UaetoA yaars old itodx ha
bean bfa
certainly he wu not twnty-oM. The Addv
buds dM not rellA toe Imporiaace A tbs boy who bad au
ruked them all. Tbe story was tAd bow one day vafUag by
toe DetrAt river be case npA a group A boys vbe were harlag
great fan eoutiag In a tomper down ibe steep banks and a «H
on (be smoAb ice beyond. Tbe gorernor vanished In a flash,
tnd there was only plain “boy" lAi. SpriaglBg on (be rnde ^
(riveaee be prepared to Meer. aad all to* boys pHad oa b*Uad
bim and oX (hey started vlto whoops aad ctcefb. They aevA
Slopped to see that a Clamadia vegetable peddler aad hi* wile,
vltb pay aad pnag. vere puslag atong tbe road m toe river
huk betov toem Just tou. As ibe boys flew down tbe buk ta
reached tpe path betov, torre vu a crash, a aeene at wild oem
fimtoo. Ud a wreck. Boys. Jomper. peddler. pAy. pong aad
Frendi womu. were In a straggllDg heap, ud Hkhlga’a boygovernor vu standlag on bis bead lo a snow drill a doaeo feet
aWay .it vu not dignified, but it vu fun. ud Ibe boys were
prood A Ibrir tall, budsocne. brigbt-eyed ud dark-haired gorernor vbo vat more tba half ooe A ibemsvtres. even ft ibo
older member. A (be govenimrat did Uswn to to* story with
may grim toukt A dlsapptoral ud Back shaking A vise gray
But afte^ all. tbe boy Bade a pretty good goreroor, as
governors g6. ud li vu w* tong bAore be voa bl* way to sB
bearu In tbe territory vbicb be wisely ruled, u years vent by.
(This very week, u theu line, sre being put inlo type, (be
body A UicbIgBo'i flrvt governor, Bteveni T. Mason, Is bHag
brought from .Sew Tork U> DetrAt. aad Is being laid away wHb
gr««i bonor. In a beuUfA spA In a Deiioli cemelery.^diur
<To be eoatlaned.)

A Disgraecu MaaeoL
' IdsM A UttI* FAk.
' Tbe m*M»( A a BtWtob Inlulry
bad goM » bring f«
regiment, a nwokey. fau been dl.bon Uie new Mtxeu to abo* them to awtsorauy diaekarged from tba service tor Hot- HU motoer bearing a MR
sbunce wltocrut leave and for tbea aewfog. called out; 'DoB t hart IbO
rommittod hi asighbariag ponltry kiuens. PbllipT"
: yards. He U bow aervlag a life seeFrom (be ball came toe reasBflrtag
tence In (be Maacbester lootogk*!, auver;
: “Ob.
fm earryiag (hem eery
—-Wbai are (be propenies
IA beat aad cAdr

New Kind A Ptolar*.

ipber. one night u tho H^o upaad. and A cold to eootraet.' tUng v t very bMoftfnl wok a ptotta"
Tcacfaer—~Nvv. give Be u eg- A i
I qtdrer. Wbea Horrr •
SBan P«AI—'la m
w wbu It U' the ■ t Wnlag be loofcad iv ud
I bM the days are toag: la «
eeU tbe days are OorL'-^ari-! Tw what klhd A a phdafa «



Khehcn Werh Hade Caty.
i thfak Boat women dtwad ktt
work beeanat aaeh very ettaattlag
work has often to be repeated every
day. or at the beat eveir we«.
U the floor to aplaibed or pwaar U
Boat be terabbed. And tablB aad
work btA^ea are aerobbed or aooored
dally and UtHdally.. And then tooerrow there ii the aase roeOne of raallr
exhanting labor.
Aad the wnllt are apattered aad they
Boit be dotte over. <w make an othcrdainty kitchen appear onOdy.
To any a klieben can all be"kept
clean with comparative ease aoonds to
the wen trained howkeeper as iboogb
It were going to be done thlfUeasly; as
though I was going to anggeat aOBC
unworthy methods of slighting work.
But when I tay that a kit.eheo can
be kept clean easily. I mean that la
aplie of ease a-td spare hour*, it may
be all made exquUliely and hygientca!ty dean, as tbai. with (be third of the
usual expenditure of time. U can '
wholesome to live In and pretty

ItatiitoM b Gnat Tnm» Hnsttafeis



rinW Masvy *niflMaaa<k. ATncedbn'lTfa«ldcS tOpMiHia.


naa who flade tliae for ererrUi^
Bhe U alvari la demaad; people go to
ber for help when iber o>me to a hard
place, and abe will aaalat them oat of
paa, MvBtag a wWs raafls of datatlsa, on all given as originally waad ta the !
a dlOenltr. wtOle the waoan wboae
varloiB eewntrtoa front which they wars brought by ths eoBtributon. or by j
bead aerer aavea ber heeU. ia oaklag
thsir rslstivss and frknds In ths eauntrias named, snd theas urhe try thsm |
op to the aitaatlon aad letilox raadr
that ilwy ai« the real tbtag.
to lead a band.
very floe, then add ooehalf cap crack |
“We are pntllBc the earl before the
er emmlto: salt and pepper to taste.|
borae Id the uainlns of oar dangfatera.
tabkspoonfttl of the oil and a small j
“Before they hare erca a anaitertag
teet mlUu salt and pepper to taste, lump of boner and one ubiespoonfol
of knowledge o# bonaehold dutlea. we
Uix well. Pot a large bait cup of but | of cream. Boll Into ballA dip In egg ,
Asii'irteB the tittle WU of doe^
MBit then away from borne for high
In a frying pen and let It get hot. r then In cracker crumbs. Fry In hot |
■ C3ta* to her flatera Bofl.
collure and pollah, and expect (bea to
Then put in tbe other Ingredlenu and lard or bntter.
«lpe the tem* Into the floor. be aWe to pre^de over ibelr horaee—
bake In a medium hot oven for twenty j

^Thea hoMt her baada aloft
If they can hoodwink mea Into Barryminntes. watching carefully. When,
French Cesam Cookies,
la Book dewalr, beeaoae the bread
- Hac tried to ovewtm
or praMleal akill In that which to to be
alely with butter and syrup
[soar cream, one cup buuer. oae teathe^ and reach the kaeadlnr Ibelr Ilfework.

i spoonful sods, one leaspoonful lemtm
“ The Biddle ctaaa woman bat more
Petals Franeata
i euract. ooe-half a nutmeg grated: |
, Bedote lu oiorti la done—
letoore today than ebc ever bad before.
Id the beginniog. when you are
The Ingredlenu for this are two' floor eooocfa to make a dough aa soft'
: and the aneallon the aboold ask her- clcaniog bouse some time, lit pp your
eeir to. How baa she Improved it?’ aald kitchen and pantries with table oil- pounda of pork ateak of which 'about | as It can be rolled
jane AddamA founder of the famous |
Tto warble la her e:
potatoes- mashed, one cop of

Hull Moose In Chicago, aad she pro­
look pretty,
ceeded to point out how It had been eetually have an "oll-cloib kllcben."
line, add potato and bread crumbs i Although pea soup Is not altogether
osedja literature and art and benevoDecide upon some one color for your and salt and pepper to taste. Add half; ‘ Freoeb dlab. tbe I>encb have been |
AHorge my Ups to apeak
work; hot their new leisure It not klichen. Have l( all while or pale blue
^ wtob.tbafa hidden In my heart;
Of hot water, aad during lhc;Bfven the name tor «, long '
bringing method and system laio the and Willie or Delft blue and while, or
when 1 try-tbe isan—
cooking add more If lt.gets too dry. I »•«“» appropriate to give It'
to. Dlfletent organtoailooa have white and tan. or yellow aad white, or
U the Steve
1-B.a«iielebed fay Bertha's apt reply—
out questions to ascertain what, rream and brown—what seems most Make a crust with two cups of sour; «e <iu»ri
10 a boll. Then
Tm glad I teed
scant teacup of tord.^our and I
floar! The worfa that might bo f any standard, existed In the condnei cheerful cr economical to you.
Place crust a quarter of «n j put In half a leaspoonf 11 of soda and
of domeetic.aaalrs. the awortioammi
Oct your oUelolh In the color nr col- inch deep on bottom of a deep pan; ' l«U
Lin. cover with

of expenses, the ayslemlslng of work ora you IntCBd to keep for your kllcb*«•
•Wbilo««rU>a mixes bread!
and so on. and the answers showed s en. and use H in every available plaec. place fllling In and cover with
bet It cook very slowly In s I
Btnln through colander Inlo a
s-a srlmn at laat the rounded loaves deplorable toeklng littbose particulars.
A very clever housekeeper I know medium hot oven until brown, when ! STObI** «• «rihen diah with their
. ' Are placed within the tins,
Hiss Addams perllnently tuggesicd covered her walls with tablecloth and
1 “««*"• » »P'“ P*"
And Berthn. with a ertUi's eye..
that women cease to Imagine that enl- It wore for years. She pul It on ih*- done cover ernai with
I must be parboiled, but when done to a
flOBorr Dow«no.nie famous nnoaam:
garv^ the ouU and Ina
Uvallon must begin afar off. and Ira- floor, painted and varnished H. and
Cataau da Pache.
sumlnod. There
Of UBt raw bread, and pau It wall.
tbemstives In tbo matter el do she eonld wipe It op la lb mlnulhs.
Make a good, abort crust. Sprinkle i thouM be a quart of peas and liquor
And says it's alee; ah. bltoa!
meitk regime. If they would leam
Then she covered every table and ottom crust with flour, add cut,
la daaparatkm borne of love
that there must be art In chairs and bench and pantry shelf with It, lacked
of sugar. Cover the ■ “:*P *”“* (rump bone to best) on to
.••ra OM It gp/Wm Aaa «MW m
I aaatch fnmi ber a Usst
Ubles. and wall paper aad biscuits, be­ on ncaUy with gilt head tacks. Sbe
■are gooff fflgggviagArf Aiara aror
I rook, covered wlib cold water. When
Iways fln.
and the beat
tWkP Namaa ma If I loae my bead
fore the higher and less utcfol brarcb- selected yellow and while for hcr sugar wlib sweet <
Lvoid by using Pemaa. I ■ten- SatarrnoiigiM
LbU I avo
i U.
es of art < D be conserved, domestic aebeme. Tbe walls were plain cream Fprinkle of cinnsmoi
Ihatjhg. Dr. Hartman was the flret phyateton
knodr by tbe Uicrmomelet
a hot oveii. witbom a top crest.
taibeOaltod Bi
white, the floors plain yellow and the
‘big as a bean. Cook uaUl the Julcee WMLtber to hot, yet I have felt the heal ecrlba aystctnls Mtarrh. Hto resMdy,
table and abelves wblle. flgnred with
are extracted, then strain tbe broth Um thls'enmmer than ever.
M/tomaagprwvwwtttfw ^MMsf Fnnina, the only systemle catarrh rem*
yellow. Her windows
__[*rta-' »“d rorn H onto the peas. Ball and
gif owflflewaMtptcr flit tfeor
Mpaa any yet davtoed, to now kiiowa aU over
tbe efviUaed world.
with cheap white doited lawn and her
Btnin well, add salt and pefr P^PPef to taste. There ahould be two
Write tor a copy af Dr. BangugM
per aad two cops of flour. Mash tbor- quarts of the broth, making three
«t»oagh dmpla, good aad troe: • man to a law unto hsraeU. aad tbe ahadei were yellot
Moat of ber earthen toare was brown oughly. and make into cakes about an guanr of the sonp when done. This to
• ‘3m do ydnr baM, and trat tbe * srorktag girl most lenrn new ways ta
snd yellow snd ber kitchen as a whole Inch thick and about the site of fried “ flood wanned up os II to the first mnooss membrane makes U invalnable Addrsee Dr. Hartman, PraoMwt eff
■ raaf
every home she sntera. sbe can never
enongh in color effect Ikes. -Fit In lard or butter,
to actors and slngsrs, ss It does sway
• Ttefa taood«iknaC2^’’
* be effleimit. U we bad aome standard for ancharming
artist's stndlo. And as easy
with that tendency ta eodden boarsenees
MRS- e. L. DOMINE, East Bay. ■
the bomea. aome methods
work clean os a porcetain bath room. 8
so apt ta overtake one on emergtag from
that all weald adopt, and regular boon Inatoled that she saved twotbirds
French Pancakes.
| Cover a pound of spare rib and beef
Cor irorii. I believe the belp quesUoa her life by that olleloUi kitchen,
Two eggs, two ounres of butter, two with cold water and cook nnlll the
Among tbe many exeeileM tbon^ts wonld be aedved. Tbe factory would
gar. Lot It get bet. not bofUng. and
ver scrubbed lu But once
ouom of meal Is a pulp Before taking op. flavor
tor ifbkk the Farm Journal to noted.
oervealonce. It to vaiy nice with tha
to tempt girls from tbe homes,
oftener wiped tbe floor and flour, half pint sweet milk. Beat eggs | with mace, onion and snmmej^vory,
Mtktagm* MbffDl to both town and aad thertwoold be aome b<me of Andcream dreastag atone, having mneb tha
walla around stove and working ubic
and put them loio a basin [ Add pepper and salt to taste, and
«oaat7 bona^eepera bas aKreared
taste of cauliflower; bnt tbe vinegar
lag oompeloot belp.
borax suds. Tf) a basin
than the foHowIng article cm
makes another disb of It entirely.
' Helps Fer I“Boarding sebot^ aad large Inttito- warm water—really warm—she woold
malbod la Uoiuekeeplng."
Grease with lard the top of a stove, Nectar Cakes.—The whiles of three
Uems U aU sorta have to ayi
little abaved Caatlle aoap ai and flour, and when these are well as cardboard and then into dice, lay
and one pound of loaf sngar srSU
Bays the Farm Journal:
tbelr work, they eoold not get
.tea^nonful of borax. With
d add the milk; sUr aed beat them In a pan set ta a hot oven, watchbe
, “ABomg the many purmultt that wo­ other way. Why oonld not tbe prlvete soft cloth or sponge she would have
be done when the stove to «dd. Rnb
the mixture lor a few mtantet: put It tag carefully lUl they are a
man uina har band Co. nothing bat ome do tbe
the lard on with a cloth and tot It re­ tie cakee. Dnp tha sqaaras it wum.
her whole kltcbeo clean In an boor.
battered plaief and bake ta a quick brown. Place a layer of these ta the
several at a time. Into the egg whites,
Ibe erytag need of tbe connlry to
And her table and working bench oven for twenty minutes. Serve with bouillon cups and over them n laser main over night. Then apply n thin
or ao important as b«u«keeplnc.
coat of blacking and when nearly drj, ^ beat with a egg whip. Tbe egg
lor a laOoaal, natkoal, healthful diet. were clensst! with a two minutes’ wipe
It lemon and sifted sugar or pile of Parmesan or grated cheese. Fill
w not 10^ that it to In UB bomao
,h with a brusb.
tbe part of after work. Her wtndow ledges, where
pancakes blgb on a dlsh^ wUh a the cups uith the bouillon, made very
ttel BM and women grow mad a
Boar In mind wbon wasblDg glass-; and by the time every lump to be need
tbe membera of tbe boosebold. t
stood, apd ber pantry layer o( preserve or mgrinaladv be- hot and serve at once, ms 1s tbe
bom ttahied Into llvaa of naafnlnt
re not lo put It ta hot water bol- j Is dtowMved the whole wlU be very
let this state and condition of tbii
shelves were wiped
genuine French bouillon, and It Is the
reen each.
and noUd worth. Tbe^ who pro- prevnll no matter who comes or what
I first, as it will be lIsMc to crack ! light and dry.
the stiff troth Infew mtnulec.

' Bnesi thing that could be sened as a
Tides a good honaa flor bis family, with
from sudden expansion. Even delicate to a lined oaneep^ and set It over tha
No bousecleaning
Salmon Coquetlea.
first course for a dtooer.
Heat it sleadlly with a afooo moMl and pleety oC oremhtng. may fesi
glass oin be safely vtashed la very lot
h«adf ont. and aeU her aerv- sary. for the bltctaen was alwars per
III It ristm to twice the site it waa
that be to the prlnm UOor In that es- anla. U abe has any. In a state of rewater if slipped In edgewise.
fecUy clean, and sbe never hsd salt or
Bat What would aU fato belUon. entertaining company.
The gennlneDnts of roasted coffee •bea^Vl"'' tbe saucepan. Tban reroaches, for the repesled cleaning with
t: fire, and with a silver
thrift, as a moaspmiaker and liberal
ber guests and under­ pure borax lo the srater destroved the onion, turn tbe gravy over the ; gar. a salispoonful of Preneb mustard, may be eaally tested. It will not col- love from the
epoim dipped ta cold, water, form the '
prorfdar. atnnd lor. If there was no feeds ber tamlly ta every day life.
every aembUnee of Insect life, as well
one within doora capable of wla^
ful of minced psrslev. Work all to a ! Its smoolb surface or bard, lougb con- little cakes on oiled papoe-gto^ gQ a
“If we can pot have a nallonal
as germs of every sort.
bsktag tin. nnd act them ta 'ah ovaa
managing and dlm«aalng the means tem of' bonaekeeplng. end training
A neighbor of hers did up a beiu
barely warm. Let tbem dry nnU! a
Mkandr Moaaymaklnglsnotawlr- sebotai for the name, we can at least
Picnic Oatatlca
white bread,
tBaaCVtaU.—itto the OSS thatto made be methodical ander prwsent eondl Uful. really It was beautiful, kilchei.
soft and spongy wfaeo EOdted and ren­ very llflhi straw color. These miy be
In Delft bice and white. She used
will lb. .m.-l ol .imma ay,
»"•'«' &,—»■“ 'if b-" " der tbe waii-r muddy. The lest for flavorx-d with lemon, nme or vnnllta
«r ft that eonnta. flome people would
BaUng to the moat Importanl some cheap but good willow ware dish­
nlae-bsttsr ebUdren If they had leas or all things that concern the tamlly
coffee, tben. Is soaking In cold water. and delicately tinted If liked. A
es and dark blue earthenware and her nraKb.. Tb. D-lrtl Trib...
may be left ta tbe
state. Let ns haye regular hours for
yolks, Of course, this mutt be dong before
•Tte Tnloe of a weU-kcpl borne can meal*, and be sure ta bare them read; curtains wer« cheap blue and white ome excellent rocipc* for sandwtcbc!. '
| center of each and ta this may be
powder with tbe back grinding.
print. Theae wnlto were entirely white and salads, both ef which are picnic
When a COHOS frock has become plseed s halved walnut meat, a
o» be Mtlwitait. Sweeping and c
time. And let ns train the heads o1
dnirblVe'en'd *hiU tied
d add to them pepper
lag are not nil of bouMkeepIng: '
or ptouebto nut. n
r homes to know that they, ton.!
very find)
Cbicken and Nut Sandwiches - minced bam and eoough melted butler
make It white, and Ha useful candled cbem’. or Kuare «( e
lag aad mUag do not flU the c
as to bc{
taOl: tHWahlag and eatartnlnlni
oa hand at the appointed lime. They n Delft bice and white oilcloth. TbU Mloco the wbtie neat of a toast cblifkmake the mixture Into a smooth I “«»
nvach or pineapple.
ek. and mix It wlth half a can of
only aamall tmetloa of It: while muk are mottly bnagry. aad there. Is
if bsm I* no. St hand, any other
Coat hanger, of wire. 1/ pvlded and ; Orange Bloseoms-flUr logathar tor
which cost but little,
chopped flne, and
and an and Utaratnra 'help. bat do ant need tor thma to keep the table wall-1
k* renovated ihc time
cold mest will do. snd eilbcr ancbovles <covered with sblrrlng of Pompadour : half an hour one poimd of sogar. three
ribbon or silk and tbe hook, w.rmd j *hole eggs, and fonr yotka. Add ,of. make «p the aum of good booae
tog. and Utaga apolltag. as many taactually the most ar- a half cupful of chopped EnglUb wal­ or anchovy paste rasy be use
nuts. Season to taste wltb pepper and tbe compound Into bell, sboui tbe size '
are saUbU- .m-1. Bcieot flour to make a batter niff
tag. ThemUltam. Ihedresamaker.the eaatlderates 9 do. If they o e fnlly
tlstlc n B in tbe bouse, and It sun
typewriter, the bookkeeper, the doeior realise there to a storm brewing in- toon of time lo the can of cleaning tall, and moisten wltb melted- buiu-r. and shape of the yolk, and restore |
f®'' *■ church lair or bazaar, and enough I
Pul the mixture between Ihe slices of tbem to their place between the iwol“»kto«:
’ and tbe nnne on perfect tbemw
side the boose that may raise Ihe roof,
U dalt.y eu„,-.,vmen.
each la ber own pursuit, nad that mids if they do not appear at about the
CUP, of cte wblu-8 Keep these ‘n' rventags st home. A ..pnekUns Flsvor with orange flower ws(.-r, snd
^0. lo do her own work
Walnut Sandwiches—Shell Engllsb place by wrapplngtbem ta severa^qf viole.orri, bd.weep tl,.- Is.v.r* of bake ta a tpUck oven. When e,.il. cover
ft; bat tbe boosekeeper moat
TUffit time, they will g« there,te to saviag heaHh and beauty,
walnuts. Blsnrb and chop, and to thlckuces of tissue paper, folded ~«on '» “ «fapr«vemcni
' laefsssfjr of a dossn or more braeeh . “Method and regularity lighten all;
having a pretty
ca. If abe makea her ealltag eunpleu work. The woman who to consiaallv
kltchen.-Pliltbun Dispatch.
.square, the odd, fringed out ,ud ! •*'''«*good half teaspoonful of ervam cheese.
Tbe protsoaor la ooUcge of onivi
planning mnd trying to And the very
----------------------------I twisted elota to the egg. Lint s has I
.-----Rub well together and spread on Ibta
reads Us leelaras. and lostyuets hto best and most cmpedlUons ways of do |
Three Good ReclpcA
-iv"'..!©.! fine ^
CtoU Temsk.
dices of crustiest white or grmhsm ke, With gre,. ,eav« or gra»vT and ;
Mad«Bts-ta the p
tag things, eomed to be an expert ta ■ Pop-Overu—Two cupfols of
pile the egg* ta Ihlr.
isufflcleni sud r<..l In plenty'
Onc-bsJf cupful of butler. OBo capful
baa dwelt on for yean, b-tt tbe house­ booseworit. and her burdens arc great-, cupfnli of flour, two egg*, and an even
Chicken Sslsd-The meat .rf s cold .^
tin sop!
suEar. ou-- <-ee. 'puf cii)>fol of milk,
Deviled ^ Saudvrichee—Mash the
keeper mutt not only theoriie. bat sbt ly lessened
, teaspoonful of salt. Beal Ihe egg.
of r.onr. «Ji. three leamam giro practical lllusirailans of tbe
“Mctbod’l, a go^ principle to stand reparelel, and well, add the white, )olks of tard
^Tls^rss much celery
Wht-n it boll,, spoonful, uf Ijt-mg powder. Add la,t
s of her aystem. Sbr^mosi by ta all things. Tb© great
of tost, then beat well together. Tbcy
cfairkea. CLii Imp inch kngtbs.
one cupful p.f .. ....... dates. Bake In
•oric. Bhe Ihc thtag-Tsbe chrirttons founded by John and may be baked ta roll pans, or deop drops of vinegar- Work to a paste.
-iirred smooth tang, sbullo-, ipiii,. snd serve wsrm
wpoM teach Ihoo© nnitor her caip to Charies Weiley, was called Methodist, gem pans, which ibouM he bested on add salt pepper snd French mustsnl. One ,mail head <.f lettuce P.pper snd
Ju,i betorc ; elth buit-r. or with s liquid Huce for
dm She to In a eonstant state of war' berenao of the regularity aad strict' the range aad gronted before (he bai- to taste, with s drop or two of tobs«r,: “It ta'*“v. One tsblespoonful of o.l.
-<i- ............ —
tare with green help, or mnat'aceept prtoclplre of Its founders. 'No boose- ler Is put ta; they flhouM l.e filled half sauce. NOW chop tbe white* of the'““<•I serving pour over h.lf . cap of rtate ,
eggs as fine as possible (or until they f«l of mayonnaise dressing. .............
-4*at other nItemaUve. no trip mi all. kceptag can be caitod-good I
ebicken and C-U-r;'. sessoD snd
Tbe totter to the eoaditton ta which tag wlthoni method in H.'
coarse powder)
,-1Vareca'srlv«a mostly are found, it U
I tbe pota- them with tbe yolk paste. If more sea- salad bowl wlib Iriluce. and on Ibi,
09 record, as a tact, that only eighteen
toes and when cold cut them In roond sontag is nreessary. add It before
ri>ur salad. Pour the mayper cent, of Ameriean tamlllee keep An easy toad mas smoothiy down
slices of medium thickness: cut two spreading the mixture upon sliced gra onnaiRC
dressing over the cbicken and
To Half-Way Town;
nee aetiant. aad ecly two per cent,
onions In slices and' put them with
kaep more. 8o it aeems to- be allote-l For everything that's bnt begtm
Roast Beef Sandwiches-Cbop rare
Hade Brast b Alwaji la tha Ud
four ouiteeu of butter Is a frying pan:
And. evemhlng that'a never done.
Egg Satod.—Boll six eggs perieexl>
a to paddle Ihrir
when the onions color sllghUy.add tbe roaat beef very fine, taking t*re ta use
' EDomioas pnrebatea for cash eokbles tbem to qnoteprioea
s~wni»* and It to the b«ter pan of
potatoes, toes tbem ta the pan anil! only the lenn pontons of the meat bard, putting them on m cold Cater
that opp-ul to tbe greatest pooaible range of bn;«t. UctLwisdom to leant to padtie them ta the
tbey are a good color, drain mnd tCrre
ods iuiopted are tbe.resnlu of a boiled down experience of
aad most proStable way.
HmIMtatohed wills are tnmbUng down 'iicat with chopped parsley sprinkled ipoonful of horseradish. Mix and reaches tbe boil, that the yolk, may
j-t-are of aucoeeefa] btuincee. Buying |uiiaa that our
make Into saifdwlches with thinly be dry and mealy. Cut the whiles in
-Too many women seem to be desOIn Half-Way Tosra.
Uie®experience has proven to oar entire aatisforaoa have the
tute of method ta ihMr work, they
sliced graham breail.
two- remove carefully, and rub tbe
____ ____
.h., reel tn,.
HaU-flntahcd atreeta are always lined
Curried Chlcken-Cnt the chicken
stuff in them, the common sense, the tone, the durability.
Peanut Sandwlchca—!
.f!r I!T..
!Ts i
h*tt-doce -ork of ©very und:
good:Mtapcd pieces; put them Into
[jaitemeiiU of tbe moat contbe satisfaction to meet the
ting them, read u the monuag and |
■ saucepan with a few Htile pieces of freshly roasted peannts
aorvhtive mtuioian or bnrer.
... Oor inatalinent ayatem ia
Il'tOe sail “
crhiabs oa a pastry board. Add ten drops of onion iulce. s saJupoonfu'
bake in the afternoon; are ofiat
Half-Way Towa.
l»ric. an onion, and
faulUeaa.' Joataaplca, It to boy on time as though yon
rea^t ta the fads and ail unkempt
' Put ta eoough cold water to cover II;
paid all caah.
•hen akr eonM. by planntag and exe- Keep stiaiMit along and don't tot*; let it simmer over the fire until tbe DuU With enough fresh cream cberee buuer. aaJt to taste aad half a leaeottaf at the proper time, have been
I chicken to very tender tad the water lo make^ paste that can be easily: spoonful of paprika. Crowd thU mixtonnd taktag a nap. or neaUy dresred
spread on onbuttered bread. Keep ta lure back into tbe halved wbUes, cutToward Half-Way Town. '
a COM. damp place unUI wanted.
ling a bit off the bottom of ead cup
and aewtag or rendtac or passing the They aay. lf every oae abonid try
il of corvy |!
Ham aad Olive Sandwlcbee—Chop: that It may stand npright. and totting
time ta eome tUy, ptoasant way.
ter: atlr this laio the gravy, and tot
-it to not the woman who seen
Il stew wUb the chicken ten mlnulM lean bam ftse and best into each enp-: tbe aewty formed yolk rise above the
ba always at it. who aeanmpltofaai
tmm mmrn% M'ronto •«*.
• Have ready tome rice boiled, and form ful of the minced meat a tablespoon- edge at the white as tar as the ortglnsJ
( work. It 4a tha mafbodicnl wo- ta enpa. Dlah the Sicken,, take ont fnlta aatadtal,atea«c2DfolofTtae-lx<dkwoBMbsvedone. Arrange these
WhM BMth« Min* BtmB.
Whea Bertta tuck* b«r ileera above
Her albon plamo and vbNe.
Asd atfiB ibe Hoar lau> ibe paa.
Beeawa U» “apoa«e" U lW.t;
And pooTi tie maa Into the floor.
While al^BlBc » aerrr aoax.
Mr heart oolaee like that reaat.
II bHta ao faat and atroat—
Whr. ear! I ahaoet loae mj be£
When Bertha laliea bread!










Pa£cs T to 12


NO. *1.

Laeianmi Circoii Court
| lag at 10 o'doek. Ret. Leroy Warren.
7;S^Addreo» of welcoma, Cedar
Real Estats Trantfsra.
otic HcCInakey to Ellxabatb 3. HeBlgbt. vtaara all vert made aa oomfortl^riaad. Mich. Juae 6.—Tba trial of i an old Mead of tbe fairly, of Oldjtodety.
Oeorge 8. Blake to Frank R. Knapp. Quaky n 30 acres of wH of nwH, see.
able aa pooelbla
Reepeaae. Ber. T. Bennett. Omeoa. eH of netd. eec. 26. tosrn J6. range 9 \ 16. lows 29, range 10.
Today a retara van made and many Anna Cobra, charted vitb the norder; MUekn oOdaUnc. A large attendvara bn»fU bock to ibo city to await oC bgr ctalld. waa betnn bere yeeter- { ance froo frleadt far aed near were | Solo. Mlae LIbbio Ooiua. Nortbport.
Wm. 3. Garfield and wife to Alfred { Ellabctb J. HcClnaky e( aL to
tbroagh aarriea. aineag tbeai beUs day afleraooB and cenUnoed today : prerant to tettUy to the eateeta and | lilS—Addrcaa, Bar. D. Co^ia, M. Smith and wUe. ae<4 of Del*. s« ] Ralph MeCluiky, . 60 aersa of wAi of
•4. town n. range 9; $400.
' nw^. see. 16, town 39, range 10.
Ura P. D. VUtamaa of Oraad Rapidi. a-llb erary prospect of lasting a por-1 love In vrhlcb the pioneer waa bcM | Traverra City,
who haa baen tbe goeet of Mr. aod|Uon of URDOrrow forcnooo at least.; ibonjgbout ibis region. Mr. Leroy | Beeeption.
I BTUIs Wlghunan to Wm R. Small
Albert Brodhagen to Flank AUor.
Mra. George HeWetby. She returned | Op nnUI Ute tbis afternMn tbe pn»i spoke of ibe |ong and worthy life otj
vnnnaOAT HOBBIiro
I ey. wl9 of ae>d.sec.25. (own 26. range hx lU. Oak HeigbU add: |4W.
to tbla dty after epradlag tbe night | ecutlon bad not placed,all lu evidence ' the deceaaed and gave words of com- i (:00 a m.-r4anrUc prayer meeting, 12: $3,600.
I Frank Allor to Amiia Oardnar. lot
on tbe train.Another paaaengcr
fori as yet before the Jurj-.
fort to the bereaved family. Inienaent' Topic.'Abiding In Hie Lore;" leader,
Kate 8. Wllbelm to Geo. F. Smith.* 13$. Oak Helgbu add. $4M.
BuBalo temalDcdon tbe train all nlgfai I Tbe mauer of securing a fury was : was In Oakwood cemetery la ebarge of. Anna Cadham. Buttons Bay.
hna 1MM4. block 1. Oak Park add. ! Prank AUor and wife to (Mrrie M.
and returned as far as Baldwin, where > not diScult. only about two bourw'W. S. Anderaco of this city.
j S;00—Devotional aerrlce. Mra. W.
I Pierce. w4 of lot 33. bloi^ K. H.. L. A
wUnesses ibati
ihatt Mr. Dobm
Dohm was the oldest mei
member of; H. Harlbui. Nortbport.
Alma 3. Lelteh to F. W. WJlaon. loti * Co • 7ih add: 1600.
watareHort aod Cadar ■gHngt. Tbt She tmnaferted to the Saginaw divl- being consumed,^ The wUueases
family of fire generations ot eighty.! S:iE-"An Ideal Chrtotlan Endeavor 5-6. block 3. Wynkoop's add. to Kings-1 Carrie M. Pteree to Cora L. Ctotor.
Mr. and Mrs. Ran- have lesUflcd ao far are Mr
damoga on tha trnat oMa, Omnd Ragfamily, Prayer Meeting.' J. OrreU. Omeoa.
Chris Kehl of Nortbport and
ley: $1.00.
| M $t. Oak Helgbu add; tSOO.
Ida, whora hundrada of hamaa ««arr dall of I
10:00—"Tbe Quiet Hour." Mrs, J.
dangtater. Walter Cordon. John Gra- iwoup was taken, k
Ing the oldan (belr^
Ntnrard Wbliing to Ftaak J. Zee-1 3 H. King and wife to J. W. Hensagaln ddlRad amawntad ta •100,0011.
| eil s Dber of ei li family In the gen- HolUsger. Buttons Bay.
Talagham llnaa ara badly damal- of Oraad Ri«lds and they w e forced | bam. Dr. rralick and Dr. Siepicka.
tick. sH of ten <« nel*. sec. 23, town ,
lou 61-6t block IM.
Music. Maple aiy.
attractf'd much attrn- eratlona beglnniug with tbe white37, rangell; »600.
j 1st add. 0. B R ; I44N).
lahad. laeal pagan ara making da- to return today to Ludinglos.
Uon and (be court room la well filled . haired patriarch and eadlng with bto
livartaa ta naorby tewna with automo- oBdal car which waa atuebed
Myrtle T Goodrich to Thomas PUch 1
»» -»<*“ ««tonu.
Report at secreury and treasurer.
& o'clock tralo on (be way aoutb waa with listeners. Mau)- .Soribpcrt peo- great great granddaughter. The tem­
bOaa wto taunahaa on Grand riv
lot 7. block 1. Birehwood add: $1.00.
n-il li-i*. block 3. Ooedrtoh'a
Report from societies.
! ily group is as follows:
A tUal worn at Michigan City, Ind, aant on tbli morning wiih (he relief ple are la aitendance at the trial.
W. Clyde Pina, ei aJ. to Benjamin I* Id: $4».70.
Election of Offleers.
Lcland. MIcb.. June T.—The case of | Joskph Dcdim. agedPT years: bUoldIrvUg L Newberry to John Satowoa tauMoan faot high, tha wemt outfit wUlc Mveral of tbe mefflben of
Thirtby. lou iS. block 2 P. H.'s 4
Anna Coben. charged with murder., eat daugbter, Mrs. T. J. Umlor. aged
Ivlu. Ms n-12-13-14. bloefc 3. Goodamr known thara. Tha wharfa and tbe party returned to Baldwii
add: tl.400.
took tbe Saginaw dlvUlon to Detroll went to the jury at 3 o'clock tbis after-{ 60 years: ber oldest daughter. Mrs.
rlcb't add: $600
ahlpglfii^ waro badly damagad.
l;3«-^Song and devotional aerTte*.
Tbe O. R. A I. train which
j Verona Banbolomcw. aged 44 years;
Floyd L. Smith to B. B. Lardto. tat
' Eighty Aaraa Undar Watar.
A. 1^^l(e. Maple City.
aoutb at E;30 Iasi evening reached
11 and wH of lot 12. block 6. H. U A
Midi. Jone C.-Aa Cedar Bpringa and returned today
1: 4v-"Tbe Ideal Businese MeHlng.'
Co.'a 2nd add; ILMS.
tba raMt at a dood barat bat aldit without making Grand Rapids.
Mrs. T. Bennett. Omens.
Floyd U Staltb to MABto Urdto.
ladiaa icm craak fltarOowat iU buka
2:1S—"An ideal Jualor Sectoty.'
The train due on the Q. R. A 1. at
cast 60 feet of lou Sl-H and saM ••
tbta tooralBc IsnadaUac a aoetkMi of l:tl p. m. arrived at 3:20 p. m. It U
Carleton A. Hammond and wife ti
Mrs. Frank Dtvti, Nortbport.
Wm E. «,d Marv F sale. 1« 1.
« Fit feet lot 30. blDdt 1: flJtoO.
Wo B. and Mary E. Sales, lot 11. Oak,
and wife to BstUamla
Music. Cedar.
expected tbu through service will be
2:4S—‘Tdcal 'Committee VOrk.'' ■HeMu add: $1,160.
resumed tonight aa two worka tralna
■ Thirtby. eH of lot 26, block F. H, L.
Chaa. M. Hager and wUe to HowHiss Hary Cotton. Maple City.
are at work below Cedgr Sprlagt.
A Co.-s 7th add; IIJOO.
mmdad br «dar and tba raddantx
ard B. Gamer, lou 42-43-44-46. bloefc 2.
inJa«. B. Bradley. And. Osm, to Abra­
Southern Hiehigan Cyelene.
ara batag tokaa from tba aCoetad dlafluence." Rev. W. H. Hurlbut. North- Oak Park add: $1A00.
ham J. Corfmao. awli of awAfc. mc. «.
Sanilac Crater. Mich.. June e.—The
Mdto la mr boaU.
Say Shepard to Milton C. Shepard,
town 26. raage 9; $I6.W. '
cyclone which pasted '-dhrougb
parcel, see. 26. town 26. range 9: $1.00.
Ran Into Wmbatit.
Julios tA. Manlgeld to AngaMa M.
nortbweetern^pan ed Sanilac county
Mep7:30—Praise serrlre. Mlae Laura:
LesrU. parcel, see. 22. town Si, Mgt
loala. Mleb. Jna 0.-A Para Mar- yesterday "Siernoon destroyed
ard. parcel, sec. 20, town 26. range $;
Undler. Keswick.
11: $306.43.
gaatta voit train loft hern eariy tbto nearly as can be aacenalned. thirty
7:&0—Address. W. M. Oerdou. presi­ $1.00.
George Jameaoa aad wUa to Bdvafd
—to do road tmib after tba bnlldinga Including barm and reelEdward 8. WlUlama to MUun C.
dent Grand Traverse and Traverse
-•,R. Stoadman. lou 4S44-tt. btoek >.
•ogda caaaod by tba atom laat UgfaL dencos besldce killing two children.
Shepard, parcel.

Part: *660.
Kadr tba priaoo ddliig tba woik train
A tonnel shaped cloed took a scope
iange*:'li OO.
na into a vgaboat and «aa vn
Ttoftou EIllou to Chaa. A. MUatt.
of about eighty rods wide and
8;4S—ConsecraUen service, led by -Minnie Ormord to Mlltou C. Shep­ iwK cf bwli. see. SI. town St. mg*
In the villages of SnoIM»b—f Will Alratd and Fir
Mrs. L. E. Bahle. SutUnu Bay.
9; 1140.
ver, Urbans and Lalng Two miles
Peter Wanbuig. apa«UI gMrStoa.
north of Bnover U blew don a school
Alice Shepard Ktlley to Miltoa C.
to John M. Bpeddlag. lot 19. blocA 1.
bm mad tte eroga ara ralnad.
boose and the MenonUe church, ipllnShepard, parcel, eee. 26. Uire 2$. range
Baraee' 2nd FYnwood add; Iff.
■ WMtout Worat In Voar
Joseph OehiT^Pive Generotlone.
James Dyer died at tbe borne of bU 9: 91.
R. Steadman and wife to Bobart
Mattagtm. MUG. June d.-Wotten
Peier Toonriler to George M. Evans,
brother. Thomas Dyer, of 113
Wilson and wife, a
Ulrblgaa haa boen vlalted by a clond- along (be road for on^tnlle.
( 21 and wH ot lot 20. block 6. P.
feel ot lou 43-44.$$. btoek 3. Oak Park;
Two mllee north of Soever the wind
Yesterday afternoon, the girl
hurot. tba vortt known In fadjr^yaara.
her oldest daughter, Mrs. Ethel Roral,
H.-8 3rd add: $22631.
urday. Tbe immediate canse of
.DaBtsa. aatlwatad oanaerTtUraly at struck a ftoek of fifty abrap belong­ seif, who was ihe only witness tor tbe aged 2S years,
her oldest daugh­
Tboa. Rawlings to Mathias Knicbel.
death was quick coaiumptlOD c
Geo. Jameson,aBd wife to Aaaoa R.
StMJIoe. baa baan wrooghL The ing* to WUllnm Coller. Utllog every defense, took the stand and testified. ter. Silvia Rosel. aged 4 years.
eH of eH J>f nwK. mk. 22. town 26. Hannaford. aoutb 7$ feet of toU 4>-t6bleed srlth heart trouble.
A borte belonging to Hnrry She told a straight story and claimed
train aarriea haa baen eDtiraly na-,
Teacher Waa •urprlae*
| »*'*- Drer waa bore In New Jwsey In range 11; $700.
46. block 3. Oak Paric: •dM.
gaadad owtng to waabooti and cload- Bmlih near Bnover waa also killed. It; that the death of the chnd was duo to
WlllUm Cracker lo Wilbur F. MUWlllUmshurg,
parFred C. Pert and wUe to Jooopb
heaU and It may be'aereral days be­
Hard. eH of lot 13. block IS. origiaal
Hanna, parcel, art 2$. town SI. raagi
at preaenL
Michigan and
This morning a few witnesses were ven- pleasant surprise was given Miss i «*“
fore paaaanfar tralai mem
plat. Traverse Qly; $600.
on a farm at Long Lake,
10; fS.700.
Maekagcmt All thraa branebaa of tba Tbe borne ot John Bmltta. at Urban, recalled In rebuttal and the lawyers Uixle Evan, at the close of six years' |
lervlee In Ihep rimary department of*
I their Ideas to the Jnry.
Pma Margoatto are remanded. Ttalna as completely wrecked, not a stick
r. Chase, lou 6 and $. Mock 9. H.. U A
Two tbouaand vueaala ot aO ddaeripbedag left atandlng. One child was
Hiss Evans, I stricken with mnscolar i
m aaltlaff aU
. atoog tba roata.
Oe-Y 6th add; $3,000.
Uont disappear evnry yaaa.
Good Ymr in Prtepeet
kUied. one is mlasing. thought l
1. during her stay, .he love and I
f*"" Tear, “as beeii
under tbe ruins, and thr^ members of
The farmers about Old Mission are respect of all
wbo know
her. aud ,,1. Is
«**>'mm Tneaday'i Record.
highly elated over the prosp.-ctB of slwitb focllugs of tegrei ibst all pan' B*»fdes bis brother. Mrs. Sileo Dyer,
The train aarvlt* aoutb from this the family are sertously Inlnred.
fdty la oomplaMy demorallaed today
rains the crop of bay promues to be 1 many beautiful present from her
Monday morning
owtng In vaabouta am both roada ran- Urban, was blosra to pieces. 0
■» 9
St. Francis church.
■iM Into OtMd'Baidda. Para Mv- eblid to dead, one fatally infured. and tbe hoavleai ilfat the peninsula has, pupiu.
yean. The small fruits— j______________ ______ _; ■

«Mtia ttain Na Sdoo Itora at lOidO p. eight members of the family Injured
ehcrrlea.>lums. berries aed currants I
Death Roll.
Union la Diaaolved.
«. WM canoriad at Oraad Baptdi and lore or leaa aerlomly.
loaded with bloom. Guy Temp-1 Mrs. William Scon of 912 Randolph ' Christians. Norway. June 7.—The
Tbe botiM and bant ot James Ifolltha « o'clock P«a N
belland were eompletaly deetroyed, kina, who has the largest chenr' wrevt tiled early Sunday of kT3ney.. ““Ion between Norway and Sweden
will prob-j trouble, aged 31 year*. Iiuiving a bn*
<»“e king was declared dlaeetved
near Colwood.
ably have between twelve and fifteen ‘ band ard one Utile cblld to mmire her *“’•7 by tbe Morthlng. Tbe governaarriea for thia city at a oomplaia
Grand RapMs, Mich, Juns 7—A hundred caeca of cherries while hi* lof*. Two week* ago tbe decease'' “«» ‘-f Norway wa* placed In the
atndrtlU. No maU waa raeclrad hare
of the sutc council. King Oeear,
tUa mot^ng from aouth due to the fitrea cyclone In Barry county near
villa, uprooted, trcec.. unroofed nine bondred cases. The esrly apple* merly a rcrident of Maple City, where I ’rbo has ruled Norway and Sweden,
toek at train aarvSee.
Tha niaa which-dalagad Ttavaraa bama and wreekod hamaa Only promito to bear heavily as do ibe | she was greatly beloved aod with her-1 bn» been asked by the siorUiag In a
i husband arrived berc only a few weeks i r*«'l''Uon to Join In the selection of
CMyyaatacday warn anlraanal throughThe Immense Howe farm, 4uo acres : ago. Both were members of the Coo-!
Toung prince ot the house of Ber
oat art>at|fe« sag m White Ckmd the
in extent, under the management of ' gregatlonai church at Maple City and !
Imthe funeral m-t ices were at ibej**7
Unaagh tha raadhad ftaai there on (o
Sweden, June 7.—The
&aM ttill 111 waa caa eoaUnaona
telegram has been tent by
■■hull An aarrfea oa tba HMka- ba ropeated here today. Tha dams ars two fflUcs of woven wire fence built Rev. l>emi* Corblln. Ralph Anderson j
Oscar lo Premier Mlchelscoana branch orw tha O. B. * L li dls- out at Unaing aM LowtII and fornad on Ibe place this year: the water preptrod the remains for burial.
Mr aod Mrs. Scott had
tad planned btoi'^^*'® received
OBUBM today toa The O. H. A I. tha Grand up to high water maild Tha which waa formerly pumped by a Wind
couocll of /tatc and record a moat |
pouring In torvonts Into the mill U now being pum|>cx] from ih>- join fm-od* lu tbo wei In the fall and
oAetok fat thli dty reoefved a
[decided protest against the method i
weut eMo and hundrods of famlliot art
distance of l.:uo fee, 6y a iocau- ibtTe
this Boralng tnmi the raadm
[sad setloB of (hr gnt'crnmenl."
Oraad Batdte atatiag that ao terriee
Aa extra Rood Ov«rall for a small amount <rf
hatow Howard Oty would 1
Another Tidei Wevc.
Thirty large factertce ara flooded ! glnc srhlch will carry three drxg*. thu*
During the heavy do«-npour and
taad for tweaty-toar hoara.'
moaey, try one of our own 50c brand—
noTha 11:10 a. an. tram tafi on time and elooad md SAOO men hre out of; doing tbe work of ibrv- t.-am* and It «l<-ciric Moria o« Monday ball stone* ilceablt- in ibi- ciiv Tuesday afuromploymonL Police boaU are busy In! take* only two men ln^(ea■l of thri-r. fd' for a »hott time all over the city.
and waa etowdad with
nnoti Id the baj and at the rtver’i
of theiThls fall a wmcivie x<ig |m-d ulll U'be gr.-at<-.i iroubl■nay at whom were sick _______ _
Oak..Hal"romeU-'ry.,e and other*
to Chicago and other aoutbeni pointa. woat aldo Uking famlllta from their | built wbleb will l>- s.'.x::
ramiliar with thi- •-eceou-leUlea and
high. It win be rovorod by a hip yoof. »‘>'-rc 'he hoc. sian>llag ihenOoadoetor Peek ataUng be thought a
It 00 far rapoKod.- TU- otebards on ihl* farm, on.- hunponirky that
1 and oibtr* vagarh-t <
tniute would ha given at Howard
, iliebIgU.
them from
....... M&«Sou»............V J
; The wraning train on the Pare Ha^ by the flood on Third otrect where the * and there will uudoHl'ledl^v b.- a iaral- ewnluc and ►1.1,
Til'- il'lal wave, which received He
aaetta raaehad Newaygo last evening wittr ta twalvo fact deep. The Even- crop of apple*. Tlierc arc »rv»-n nt.-n'--O'-r'''' oofla-iB'.:. Thi- Montai
___ ^ _ ere*'ai Michigan Cit> . Ind . and etruck
' and was bdd aaUI today when it a^ Ing Press will again ^ driven out to- • oow employed oa the farm and ai«m
lul' ‘oog" noiwater founeen
O' *°rh :::i
rived In the city aa Na 1 dee bare at dty and It ioauing early editiona only. \ twenty more hand, win be put on lu.
euarirr* wide
">"*> • rl*c of a Ullle
---------------------ukc care of the cb.-rry civil frvim ilii
- 1;U p. B. Tha il:SS A to. train
''r“'l Traverae hay
Pomona Grange.
;I.S00 trees.
Tt- j w.r.- m. pUiiMfui ihat f..r an
tba Para Margaatta left this city
^ time and was able to reacb Newaygo
Rracrt Nearly Rrady,
„ h. rv ih-v lay.
, “»'**'»• >'
c'P-ctally noileoable
an tba track wbkh wmc ao complete^ hundred delegates from Leelanau aud j
H. C. Burt, pruprtfior cil Sllv.-r Lake
-phe hail siorm s.»tr-^ cmfloed to a
flub bou^. A new
•ora ag dvtag tha night and early' Drand Traverae county Arc here to­
•aort. wax In th.- city arranging ^..ry narrow |«ih It hallr,| a illUr
‘‘a* b.-«-n constructed
Bdnlag had been repaired between -day to tuud the two lUyt- eeaaloo of
club houre and the
White Ctoad and Newaygo by ibe Pomona grange. After enjoying i ''
water came up rJoM-ly to this. Several
=“*'1 Dan McMulI.-n „t the ik-dI,
torce of thg wracUng
lausebe* were ll«l at ihe dock line In
-------- ... mu Mleraoon Int the .town
Burt designs lo give
E-lwin Black c tbe river aod ordinarily, the top -of
the resort a good tlm-- H.- I.a* made gj,,,
_____ ___ one of thee la ju»l vuibie. So high
fome Itnprovrnjrnts aU’ui ib.- p'ace u,,»,.,,r ..MiIhwcM i.
,, ri;, E Y
came up
which make this an I-;.-el >t«i for Llnd.-rman r. f«ru ilu
hailed quite
Aaloso Ylaltod tbe cAy U> the onerflshcttci-n and i>eopIc who desire a tard l.ut no damsc-,
far a* coairt
»‘'ce*aluUng a rise crf flftoen
■OM ABd daring test night aitd today
tied at
pleasant resting pUce for the snmmer.
i.arned. wa* doav, Edward LanlMade expressly for us—guaranteed' to give en­
twoBtytour btortn of the tower peetton
■'’,.,^ ''r^*‘"»'7UI.Kaied»cvtaiMl« south n,-r. Elmworvi lownaMp, siaicci lovihe the dock line came very ntwrly belBg
«f tbo city U completely Urendated. fittoi eo«rawi«.w
tire satisfaction—will not rip—remember us also
'-'“7 <« SIN” lAl»- hsl H-rald thai th.r.- was no hail In that swamped. The water shrunk the line*
god H ulntrtw out tor four btoeka to
and shon-ned it so thai when the
wtdtb. No trato anvlco can be tud eaaea and two r««e. of me^gitu
for Straw Hats, Cotton Socks. Coctonade Paata,
.uppiled with a
rise came the lioat careened and bad
out «C tbo Mty for tbo nonb.
which are oow pracOrtlly o “ ‘^■ good boal livery and-wv oral Isuuchee
Leelanau C. 6. Unloe.
If not been looaeoed would have gone
and you will get your money's worth.
. Tba l:U p. to. train on tbe Pare ger.
HI* localed also one-half mile frimi
Rev D, Cochlln wrni i.i Cedar TutuStargotota nrrtvrt on time tUt afUr- ' There ^ nore or lest l -liilgtUa jj^
. yp
,-xp,«.s It. make day t.. dtllrer it.- tddr»»s at the
Moa witb POToral of the paaaengm throttgtaoot tbe country nnd the dli- , ^
ngvmeni for a Fo-rrth
>’igtrh anuuaJ I
•brtrd wbo bad left hwo laat
aulboriuet aa to,
eolebrafton Traverae Clly peo- cnnveniioc of the Lt-elanan CtKiBty
Observed Aa the wind was north
tag at 6 o'etort tor poinu tooth of tM act Whether it is coougltro* or p„
^ plea-«an! ChrlsUan ad.avor feiotn
c*«t yesterday aflereooo, the rise Is
oraad Baplda. Tbo train
WbtiP OOrt ttoly to End tbe wmahout
: P'*” “*
Ittproventnl of
TV. M Cordon, who I. presldrit of regarded as peculiar aaoth^ blggeei
a..____the resort adds to toe niraetJon.
the Tracer*- «iy untoa. *111 speak
«~«»J‘7 come with a aoutb
.. - the
—* nutober of
•towrt. tbutw AM Grand Rhpldaoom..thlB dUenae raortM
---------------------O,, . wind. The water U forcwl up Uke
Fl«A n WM utAUd that At Newaygo 139 m weak Ahd tbe denih rate fas 40
Fuiwful of Jeceph Qphm.
convreiioo U aa folRiws:
; Mlcbigao with a tooth wind and wmee
A tadMUe dM to tbe btAvy' rainfall (per oeet
The ftmaral of Joseph Dohm. tbe
tcmdat tVBNixo
into the buy from there. With a noaih
.bAd Morttod ae rttodltod. All pAeasA-j Tbe OAaua In IhU Mto>e Ah Bto-,oldest pioneer
, wind the sweep U not so tong nnd U
7:30—Song ■
gwu wbo d«bM ruBAlM Aboard tbe come and MrrtJe OtK^bd'Ji of' beM from tbe borne ot bU too. Henry
ArUagUn.! broken by the lalanda at the cntrapec
trala wUeb wm aMetraekad for the Bast Eighth atteeL
Dobm At Uapictoo Sundey more jcedaf.
MtAsmout rLOOos.
OiWid KwtdA Mkh. iOM
now mUimM that th* dHBw by tiM
floa* to W«tM
will t«aet>
tltMOJODr' ^*fy foai running Inte
OTMto PtagMa to tlad op with tht axaagtlan af thaaa running aauth. HvntnfjA railraad brUgaa ham
«Npa« out and towna fleedad.
Among tha Imgortant towna laalatad

\ *'



'the Dew Store'
When You Want

w J




■ .


M irr


Sherman & lyunter
.236 6. Tnnt St, traptrst CItf



€raid Tnvcrsc BcnM
MClUkB MD weoiw eo

Oao. Kewmaa' and r
■u M— oxer HOMoy.

Hr. ond Mn. Chu. Naovoa dror*
to Oodtf Boa BotuRlar BlCbL
--------------NEW weXFOBO.
to Idle hands aronnd ot-r u


nag Day,


. Oa Wadaaadar. Jana K wOl <-------) 1to«ealiuaMdMdtwwty-eU<>tbaB-


■mnarr of tba Wrth of tfe* Amartean
A aad Bpoo that day wtl^ U doatg-

MM by the prealdaat aa flag day


k and has decided the American Wonder.
Is hardware and
‘°rGeojTe Lundgreen and

SB .la a e«
H. B. Baird «
caller, Urns eccoi
4ar to gtodoally beeonbig more widely
trade until bU i
iMtBiaM. and the dtoplay of Old
J. J. Hubbeil bsc been In
01^ oa the lith of Jane to a rafreah,
to erery patriotic A large delegation
. ThavoterauaftheetniwararaeBake park 8anda> to wimeas the ban
: faehiflr loyal to flag day. aad amoag _*»e between tbe Indians aad Wes(ord. Alt report a good time, and the
the old aeUleia yon wUl And
earn upon ihclr
Mat that ■honld be reflected In erary
smile, but the
Atowfcan. In Trareiaa City the meo- trophy o't*ic conflict.
here of MePberaea poal are already

Train «m Ici
I:S0 s. m. Rat
for psn^uUrs.

to toaptra a reaewod Inleiwat

potot to dtoplay Old Olofy on^e
Of Ansa. Wa bdfara t t this
t aad ahoold
B and mott t

The Amarkaa flag, the aablem of
fraadoto and Uberty. to dear, u
heart of ep*ary dttoaa ef Uito coontry,aad while thaio U Barer a goeatloo of
loyalty to Iha^ flag, there to often a
tegatfolaaaa of lu deep algaiflc




Mlaa Frooch U still remaned



member «tf schoot btai.l. cla-.elans of lOo;: iK-oeUlolloo. Rev.
Hnimos. teplro.
'June 1.

. '^tttoew Marielt U ssovlng his aawHfD «rer to the Harrison (arm wrest
ef ftlBfiMey. H» will have a two


J.T Babssw.

V. Wlskochir end family anj Mrs. B.
Wlskoehll ^nS (aallv were! vtslUns
rtoatlves aaar Maple City Sunday.'
Hlsa Horn was sarprtsetl Saturday
nitoit by a party of her friends. Tbe
snmtog was apeai to plsytog games,
lee cream a^ amk» were served and
all reported a ftbs time.
Chaa. Wtokmrnil was In Traverse

Mrs.-Geo. dement Is vlsittog ber
mother aad other reUtlres ai Ldand.
TBs sad news was recelred rcsterday of the death of Mrs. Wm. Scott
of Traverse aty. Mr. and Mr*. 8e«i
bar* apeot all of their married life Ic
our Ttatoltr. Tirovlng to Traverae aty
to Mardi. Hra. Seotl leaves besides
her hatoiaad and two UiUe girts a host
af trtada to mourn ber loss. Mr
•oott has the btmrtlelt sympathy of
the commtiBliy.

Is til.' Is-St fiucl Iiiosi .luraUf HtiWi
kanl or
• .ft w.s J fl.»ra, Niii.' l«lliuut eok« for renov.itiiik’ furiiiiiin- of .vll Lind*.


a overdraws s
sc say Hist '


'Wllh the learned musicians and
masses of piano buy>-rE. they
lead lu that rich, swtvi quality
of tone so t-ssenusl lor render­



Best Hpuse Paint


music In the home.


June. July ano August


If you h

^ 11 ERE is no excuse for putting any paim OD
w your house other than “Shipman" Pore
White lucad. Nothioj; else is as good—nothing
else is ah cheap (by the year). AU this has been


Hannah & Lay MercamUc Co.

,r spfcuil Vi

W . H Shsw. Pre«.. Of A C. Burch.. Pria.

I'orae Jo



make your iboicc au-




styles of many


ar.J w

can satisfy you as U. Uie rrii.

Elgin C. Lewis,

Invetl $r." vei eau tsfTrw.le t,
and =1-1 a new

iKi Y<ir rsE

s"mrwai<v-.l fit,

riKlii piaav) liiai s. ll. . Isewlic,-

Ulbol Cwine

f..r $ and
TERM8lin down t; momtily.
Then lien- w-e have |»-4ui;ful
cabinet grand.- for IJ'mi,
to $(Je, on .nr easy rredU sv-.

It pays

l-uv at ti.e far-

li/y |»)iiii';

f-i 'r.i

M. B. EARNER, Prop.


,\ new invrtitioo shfely appliid- Uuit'l
wlmt tnakiw




$l.:!n (x-r !<>,l i»-uii'V.

Oil Cake meal

r„m lb,, boul.

liitt •i .‘;

Gluten ITltai



Bradford’s Cait ftltal
!<■ isjLii;'!.

$1 'Jl i»-r I'* 1

Iiiak<« "liAK Issuh' of all other*,
waiitUiwv .mi-

uiid gi'l a <atalo«.

llur.;».,r,- .'I 7.T,.!-

furni X;., ImjJemctila WsgOftS.

226 E. Front St.

Is in full force. Stocks are being reduced rapidly in every department. The BENDA
STOCK, which we recently bought at 44c on the dollar, will soon be a thing of the
past. You had better lay ih a good supply while this sale lasts.



IS ;lii; family that buys their W.\LL PAl’ER
of u'- The reason is obvious.

; Bendas $12 Suits, we need the 0,03


Benda's $10 Suits, wc need the 4..9Q

Benda's $:t Newland!,:


Benda's 35c Summer Under-

1 K


___ y





! Youn^ Men's Work Tams, worth


; lito>-s' Owali*.’ *for tbij sale
per pair.....................................

1 Q

! Men's Dress and Work
Shoes, aiUi/es. for-■

In seleaing

hur-' you have a host of patterns to choose from

S Womens Kid Oxfords, 0Q
latest styles, for.......... *V*^
! Boys' and ^'ou•.h Tennis A Q
or Bio'cle Snoes for..
Misses' SI KidsiraoSan- ftO
dais, sizesytol'25^,for
I SAluliaMarloweShoes.l QQ
for this sale only .- A'C'O
} Children's Lace Shoes.. 1 K
3 to 5s. special---- ----- * -*■ ^





t 1 6 and I IT State Street

20! So. Union St.


d tale,
of 3^

of Bmpire passed through town 6atardar
hbV AUtoftOB and cUMiaa vtolted


X her* closed last Friday
wUeh the gmiHicd roasted maral
JowB. Tha ««n of the aflenoou___
apeat to ptoytag games and riding on
the Inke.
Jos AtklBsoa, who was atleodlng
doboel to Tfcuetsc aty. rcinncd
botoe last WeflMBdav.
Prank Wtotoi^l was to Traveiwe
CUMutw^ taktog the «te«h grade

im- saliafaetiuti.

ev. llurdvK-


BM'BrieU and yrUe aoeat Snaday
wUMBytoa Hnlett and family.
Ptotoo planting to wwlj ahmg

ic at Traverae lake.
aad lee mhm
mm were served,

f\.rull..ut8i.i.- wwl insid., iminting
.1.11 s rrvjmreil I'niiito.
K pro|sTly niiplire! tWy.
. w ill iiirt .'rack. l»rel or blist.T. ami wUl ipTr vu-


torn in «tew daya. but Bernie will re­
TisnsSs tSty, sad sbow csose. If say lhs»
main for the Bummer.
Hiss Charlotte Cook and niece. Dor­ bs. why tbs beayw td lbs lastlUuosr •baokl
othy Holliday, were guest* of Ibe
ITurnnbsr oTdsivd. Ihst mid
Walker family MemoHsI day.
Hra. D. H. Basse and sqa Otto
tended the oommencement cxcrci
at CadlUae Iasi week



net- Of ihf ;

)LJ&i i-SS^tJSi. ‘SPfit £ bSS

Mr. aiafl Mm. Ue QIbba of Hodge
! MtoOtoday with Mr. and Mia. Chat.

-IM wTidwum IS Wore tar ibi. M
Joav. isu:. vNy reasWus vitsiww,


It Is D


Good Paint Paps

Ssarai 0*sijiaj»,^



roR SALE—80 acres, swi, of nw',
tJcc. 13. Almira loa nshlp. IV-n.i
county, for $800. 'Terms. $]."i c
and I

K5^ ;.*gr^5“osr.a

n( Is tiw lu ifaabsM at my kauwkalg,

lo lime fur oOi

_ JSTsrtiSSs^i.ssif'SSd'iK.,



S Xtehlfsa. Vounty .


toward Fisher, wiie luiu i«o» elilidren <rf North Manitou have reeovorod

GwflBsie McdksittfptrtnKi—i»t»


s :- Tossl .............................

rate of one (are lor the rounil
daughb ■ |ilus 25c. Good Kolnc June ir-t
llth. and liinlted to Jenc Ifiit f

Bborter to rary ill.
4 Trarane City Is work. .rrad Ninon.
Tbe pallbearers and honorary
D Hr. .aad Mra. Bd QnaUe.
Ibearers were chosen from among
A Cuarantaod Cura for Plies
■ewaay. ■ daughter.
memberi of tbe Y. P. A. Deceaaed
, Mn. TUay Oaoklto raUned to her leavea a mother, three aistora. Mrs.
hoB# at Low Imka Balarday. after nnle Remus. EmeeUne and DellA and
tour breihcra. Fred. Perry. John and.
ftooiga. Her faUier preceded Iwr about
Sre reaia ago.
toted at Oao. Bogart' Bnndar.
Hra. Bank of Omena. Hitt Gertie
Bmala Pbalpa of Trarana City to OleaoD and Mtoe Haggle Reincke of
QTATaor XU;lUaab. Uouaty of Orsod
ntaytog at r>sak Bogars*.
Travene City aad Chariea Bumus of
Bactnaw were here to attend the fu­
neral of HUa ZlmmcrmalL
llw rmr ooe thcsissfxl alse boadnd sad IItv.
June $.
Piwmt, FT*d U Wslksr. Jitos* or Prthsu
U tbs BSttor <A tbs wtals at AlviSBd--r
ton. Wm. Botoey died Snaday
Prof. Boy NMeware and family hare
illneta of abont two gone to
o MTIUann
WHUamsburg tor a rislt with
baba and baa- Mr. Kotesrare's
' iparenu.
■snac o> t>- tbv last wlU sad tAvis«,«i
itcbeil was sevcrelv
Mtw. Fred HU
by her clothes takbunted last
day from the-SC John's oboith and the tag Are In s____
j Tiiwsini wars laid at reto la the Ever­
Bay Pratt of Hoyoe Is
green omnetery.
Mrs. arimm aad dau^ter Pearl
Hiss Grace Oardr^er
^wnakaa wm called here by the III- spent Memorial dar with
. BM «( ber etour, Hra. Hiram Tajlor. and slstesa.
■hifwni Bort and
aegtrled and Bernie Benisiein bmve at iswcdmM druwafsad sU othsrsmnio
gone to Peloakey. Biegfrted will re- lamstsd la said sststi. stv nqUrid lo so

SSffthp bail tlmt we ever bad.


“pruir t-kr*-

OBABO IfPlO^ «.TB E.«.

lailraetloas at tbe Lakeaide b<>a»e
FM Betam. Fred Rcvold and Hrs. F.; Tbe ptoiftwiB of the ootnmenrvtneni
Schioeder of Traverse Cliy were cal].'
call-, eaerclitee
eaerclses of the (II.-n Arbor school, to

era wrLeland last Tbursday.
' be held In Raj'e
Raj's nan
ball j
June I". Is a> (olLevi Uadley and Perry Undtey left lows: Insmimenul ti
■ ?re they Danec." (Friednjanl. R.
! cation and remarks. Rev. I, E. Holm. .<
ler and of Empire: aolo. "Uej-ond
Laura and Larina Undley will auend , of Paradise. ' Mrs. L J. R
>c C. B. conrcnilon at Cedar ihU grephleal essay, • Lonsfel

I ward Nessen: Hass propbery,Miss Uura Undley closed a very ! Carlson; solo. "Revel My Heart,
sucessful term of sebool at Northiain : Olcsoo; address to gra.lusces
laai week and Is ai borne for ber vaca- Wm. P. Vre-Uham. Tc^e-..- c.-> ...
: slrumeniat
MIsa Ulllan Froellch of Traverse; t Paurci. Ida Kresen ted M^ R R.
CUy is vlsltln? friends here.
Dumbrlilo: Miglnal rvwdlnc. Mi>. h.lliHiss Olga Zimmerman, youngest' abcih Ray; rrellAUr
daughter ol Mn. Fred Zlmmerinan. j valedictory. JUn


today vBh'Uetr
doctor fceepa Uni
Be want to Cedi



Train will m»e Tra\<-..- Clo

Traveoe City
'•ece Mrs Hi
Scott, who was very sick. Word
that >be pasMsl aa-a»
.r Is Mrs. Scott's
thplaee and
................... ..
Her larse cirrie ol
the lal •
fri-nils svmimihlt.'
I their bereavement

r last Tutwday morning aficr
a of alimit a wMk. Olga
will be
Ihkl. and
laraotartattc of ua Amerlean.
s a rswularj
If year flag to Dot (a eoadlUoa, look
It of tbe Sunday school aod
K at aoca. ao that oa flag day you
she was convened and Mined I
be prapMad to boUt Old Glory.— the church and t
tbe Y. P. A. Shg realised i *t deaiab
tlertcd ao le of the I


rrmvwTM U«» Man



,c::« a. m- 8m 1
for partisulareT

to Am day. and Oommaader Morgan
CdttoMB of Trararae City to make It a

' •^r. \

Sbanaaa rartlea. will bnlld a line CO- i “
bloek atoia
KnighU Tamolar. Oetrell.
to Trarerse 'cuy°^day'^t'aMk^*'’I
TbU will
Ilelli thal had been lakPor the annual eemeUx' ot lh<riiCnded prnC^ort
lumber al South Uanltou, came t^n Grand Coounaailrrj, Rnlg,rls
5*^!,“^, S'
tsinlght. F. K. Fisher eaioe on TempUr. Jane 1.1th t.. llth, at Ih-troli.

V that day if for M ether oocMioa. Flag

haa iwgiMoted the Herald

aM* Ttmxar ■

Hr. osd Hn. Coo. HcKee harc|
Muakteon—lUU. *2.00.
M«ttarUrv Cu.. :3bt.
^ tyillmc
____ ________
oiwd RH>ido-R«». «Ma
---------Vaotfui Dewey bw« retnroed mn> >
Sunday June It.
I p>ererrn acbod dt Blf B^t. •
t»»I« will Wve Trawfw a<r
1. r™«k Plen» and aoa Oeear of By , „ ^ bi 8m paatw* or wk Menu
! are ceMa of W. R Boter. and lam- ^pttieutarm.■ II. r. Hocller, 0. P. A

timber, which learea tl
licallr cleared. Thu
prarea Ita worth to our localUy. ai
prior to lU aniral the cost of logglos
to the other toads, owing to distance,
was acarty eqoal to the ralue of the
B i
The local acreage of poutoes being City were here last Monday on Ui«r
planted la the faearlest m record.
way home from their irU> to South
C. U. Baird, who to at the head of
j fio.ooti
mUy ofgabtord
the racenU]
s Monday.
«r no.«j. .ns i

ahoold dlaplay it to i
piaee. U ha doae wX ei a Uieenblaai


. m SEa Bia nows

u-RaUwrato Woman


Mrm. llslU» W»!r«i of CWlIlme vl*«f 1 Uad flleed* hero oae d«7 loot
Jaoito OoC Md Will Flksdrv k»ve

Traverse City.

an<] a |>lea-sing number can readily be found.
Then a^ain that question of price don't bother
at all. Ours range from 5c a double roll upwards, and each and every iiattem shows ifood
value. Be sure to get yours at the

0ily Book Store.
Srtsii-Bmter Kr., Pnpt- Xnnnt air, IBW.



There were eetriees St tbe Catbolle
Oytafl of Ttawlwe '
dWTCb Thoredey ead will be asain I j,. ta !u lerawou. like dytas of eoo«**V.
.nmPtWio. Tbe prucress of eoosamtr
iloo, from the te'slanias 'o the very
• l»
W.II 11.0.
and friea«^*-WbcB'l *bed coosiunpwoaTiy ITntord and
Wly Aldora Jobneos was boro io uao In tu fim ■tsse." write* Wm. M«
tbe afieraooo between
lOty. Miehl- pr*. Of CearTon. Ud.. -after trytna dlflaterloebca and Grawa was won by ................................
.........u -ber
T home fereot
rrreat medldno* and a «ood
icaod donor.
dorit In
throe milra we« of Klngflcy. Hay SO. rala. I ai last took Dr. Klns-s Sew I>l»laterloeben.
ch quickly aad perfe«ly
U was eeuamted that there were------------- Bthi sad 1. : eorery. which
Prompt r
T IV, a. C OnM, aboet 800 peo^e at tbe park aad a j Deceased eras united
pleaaaat Use Is reported by alL Tbe I with Howard Webster Sov ir. is.; srooebitl*. etc. Positively pr-v




$ 9ff 0(«t mmi« Tim Dc»Htis.


»wtOU ■WMIIH.TrMifBig.1A.

Ciroutftion this week 2,750
tfeer* ««re «boot »00 MCki of poutdii kt the dod( on BkUtnUr (or Uw
WfiSy nuaeu.

«( Howard M. Lewii. r«'dlui to tie
aiaon. Alban O. Bor asd Lee i.
LewU. wboaa notbar died tearlsc an
Van. Ibe ll-raarnild daothier or
Jlr. ud Mra. Fmik ViidoD ot WIU-laiaaMira UU fran k.haBBtoek Sndar. MtalBla* a bad cow
fmnra or tba lad am whieb will Uy

that ta
noatbs ther bare bad a
tba diaeaae tbaa. la a whole 7
aten. It U abt aeeoQBlaii


- balljMD and Mrs. Wja. DUrkni<«. both livgame* and other aporu wUl find

New Table Ware

It Voer Daaler tar Allan'a Foot-

wife and
Warren Saultbury
Henry WilMUa France* Hlsglni i
)f Traverse aty vlalted
d al
at A.
A. U.
I's last SaiunUy evening and

Ulaa Idils Cara* doaed a very soeatfnl term of school last Friday.
Truman Avery It pUntlng about
alaa acre* of betas ihu year.
_.r. C. E nie U on the sick 11*1.
We hope for her speedy recovery.
Some are baollng potatoes to T
erse City; others are bolding for bet­
ter prieet.

ronita tba sronad.
Ktakad By Hersa.
Oedar. Mhta. Joae S.—While' lead(as a bona to water tart eventas.
James Saben was kidted la the tan*
aad bndty tajared. Hia face wa* col
«ad bnUaed aad hta aoae bn
WkOe be was tanfitas h. the *bi»«t
. taraad aad kldnd htm. Dr. Pntlek
was aawBinnid aad dreaaed tba ta-



New Dinner Sets

Saoilifls Book

in Uic boaotifol La BttUo
Cliina, with rich roM
omamontatinn on now
aad novel sbnpus.


Sale Of Ladies’Tailored Suits
We have taken all of our last season's Suits, about forty in all, and bung
them on separate racks, and have put such prices on them that tbe skirt or I
jacket will be wonb as much as you will have to pay for the whole suit. All
first class suits, finely tailored, the very best materials. The only thing wrong
s tbe sleeve—it may be smaller at the top than this spring's styles.
The following prices will give you some idea how we are marking them
for this sale.


Ebjoj' <-vi-r)' privili^p' usuall}'
extcndiel by a n-liable ami
welt fviuipnvllkmk. Can-ful
and prompt ntu-ritiua {fivt-ii
to the amall'-st itceoimts—
intcft-st compounduil.
Safety vault Tstjrs for rent,
only $5.00 js-r y.-ur.


The sires are from S2 to 44; in black and colors.
' If you don't take advantage of this offer you will miss
some of the best suit bargains that have ever been of­
fered in this city.

CraMrst eily Slate

Shoe Prices
For Saturday


and ncstOleek

Tor 98c


Olemcn’s Osfetds | niemen's Oxlerds

Your Hair
Doo't hfive a lalliac out vitb
yourhair. Itmi^leaveyoul
Tbea wbaiP Better please ti
by eivifiE it a good bair-food—
Ayer’g Hair Vieor. Thehtir
sttHM comtDK out, becomes
aok aad smooth, lad all the
deep, rich color of youth
cataea back to gny hair.

Suit, th.t were $14.50 to $17.60, cow..................... 7*0
Suits thal were $20.00. now................. .....................‘ 9.76
Suit, lhal were $25.00. now ....................$10aod 1250
Suits lhat were $30.M, now....................................... 5.00
Suits that were $12 60, nowr»»............................... 1660
Suit, that were $35.00, now.........................$16 «id 17.60
Suits rha. wore $40.Wnnw....................$.8,60 and 1960
Suits that were $•'30.00, now....................................... 21.00


Bora, 1o Hr.
a daughter, ju
and a
Mra. T. Brinkman

VlslUng friends.
Mrs. E E Biireb aad two chlldi
have gone to DesMolees. Iowa tor the;
Mrs. Cummings baa mnroed from
Otaeso. where she was called by i
lllaeaa of be- axitber.
Carrie Helffrtcb <d Meslein• -Vr. H. Blake pnprietor ot tbe aew worklag at tbe "Pines" this summer
aato bw llaa la nbe dtp will ■
hare aaotber ear here aad resalar
Tice will tbea be auned in tbe city.
P. F. Lardie had oalte a runaway
The ear has beee ordered and cboitld one
day tart week. The horses
be b*re aooa. tthn
arriree a frisbtnaed at an automobile.
Hr*. Edward Ctanoll. who has bben
aobedole will be arraased and rariooi
pateti la tbe eftp oorensd u well as nlte sick. U some beuev si present.
One of oeooid ird reapemed pio’ tbe penlasBla. tTaUl tbea tie car 00m eera. Hr. Bobm. bat passed away,
hm wfU set nm resalar trtpa bnl le wa* bDried Sunday at Traverse
wOl bo beM tabtaet lo dktrter bp parM^r. and Mrs. Clarence Lardic rlslied
friends si this place Suadav.
Hr. and' Mrs. Prank Valley spent
A ^oBbor ot the Meade ot tbe BiUMlay srUb Us mother. Mrs. Joseph
hapsp oowia Batardap reoetred neat Valley.
Mr. aad Hra. George Valley spent
' oardi BtatiBS ttat m. aad Mrs. HpToa
H. Xdtb reqaeatad tbe booor ot tbeir
preeeneo at tbe sarrtase ot tbeir
Mrs HoBmar and Mr*. Charlie l.
daosbter. Baby B. to W. Elmer Blllcalled on Mrs. Ales Carroll
saa. The weddlac *1U oceor oa die
cbie Suatav.
Wedaeeday. )mw 14. at 8 e'deck al
Rachael Lnrdle and No-a .Hoffmi
tbe hose ot tbe bride. 482 T^^er vialted friend* at Archie 8un<Jday.
otnd. Tbe bride to be ta e charslag
Toos ledy srith a Urse circle ot
Weeds aad the sroom ta a popolar'
Snow In June ta not esacUy ta aeccrdBbce with the prerliwsly eoaeelved Idaa c( tbe month ot roses
but aatora got amWUoas Tuesday
and VOTkad la as many aamptaa of.
taaatber as poaatble. Tbe variety <d:
■bowncs fnmi aa amphibians pHat ot
Ttow was very tattafactOTT bat ta
order to aattaty all. at 4 o'clock a llUle
mwv tanra atarted and lasted for|
nboat fitra mlanoA -aorm" ta a pUa-l

le. Trial bot'K*

Mra. Webwer was united wlib the
Free Metbodin rhurrh In m; and has

ful worker
Mrs- Webster was a fslihful a lie. an
A numlier of vouas P
le eteBiaer Columbia win sire a Bffecilonste
aioiber and* a lovtog riiller lake Sunday. All
cheap rate to Nortbpon during this friend to all and was loved by all who ilme.
Mr*. Princli* Un. Inc Comlne and
ith. the round trip fare, one day knew hi-.
About one rear aso she wa* «ken. daughter, Mary Corning of Wexford,
limit, bavins Dben reduced to fifty
srtth eonsumcxiui.. sCil Ibuusb her ill- \iMted Mr and Ms. John Sewmarch
k Tbe exenraloo rale to Ke-ah-ta- nes* a-m* loos and palnrnl. she aa* |is . one day last week.
waats la tsrenty-flve ecots rooad trip.'I tlent and hopeful to the end. placinc
Mr*. Laaci> and aons Dewey and
,| ber mist In the SUvInr.
Dannie, aecompanlcd by Mra. Seymour
SpeelsI Stmday excnialoas
foneral wa« hvl.1 at the Melhcv of City. vl«lted friends and
be rtm. Tbe Colainbia will make ihr I Thech.irch,
Tuesday. Xlav
1905, r.-iaUve* bero a few day* last ae.-k.
trip learlns for ibe north at S:30 a.
W. H- Bodine omcietine.
, June J.
m.. arriTlas at Ke«h ta-wanu at »:SD.
husband, two dauehters, two *|5-.
and three brothers and many life. ’
Omena at U a a. tad Nonhport a<
1 lone friends are left to mourn her Uss. s
A Bad Sesra.
ran. Betnmlne. leave Nonhport
=-------------------------Some day you will pet a bad *carc.
p. B_ arrivlns al Omens at I p. ». I
hen vou feel a pain In your towel*
Ne«b-u-wanta at 3:1S and Traverse
Id tear appMdlcUl*. Safely lie* In
r. King s -Vea- Life Pill*, a sure care
City at 4:S0. TbU will make Just a
>r all bowel and Eiomach dbease*.
Bice one day's trip.
ich ne headache, hlllousoe**. roKiltctie»s, wc. Giiarante.vj at Jobi
Sion- Co.'s, F. II. Meads. S.
SILVER LAKE resort opening Jane
fi.->rs' Dnie Stores, only
:. Iraeated seven mile* somb of
Travvne Oty, one and one-half mil
north of- CQrawn. Besui '
Just .^rriv.el
mile from Bata lake. Fishermen and
retorters who wlfib a quiet resting
ptaee tad fim-riaM fishing will fltn
Ibo Meal place. Good boat llv
aad naptha launchea at reason
June g-li*

Tba waddlaa « Waltn 8. Tra»baH
or CUoaCD aad mat IMorte
Bar ot Hartford wilfake place at
Trtaltj (dam. Hartford. Ooqil. Joab
to. Tba marrtace will be read or with
plaaBBie bar* aa Hr. TrabaU ta well
aad Btrorablr kaowi) la Ola dtp at
wea aa at Old Ml
apaade bis aasBan with bis gtaadHr. aad Mrs. FVed StaSord of.El­
panata. Hr. aad Mra. J. R. Bobarta. mira spent a few days of laac week
with tbeir oacle. Saawel Harsh.
ot »-••'•n. arrived
al hu reelSatardar aad will apeod a abort Ume
dtaee oa State street. Bar; Hr. MUler vlslUng bis brother. H. C. Bailey, and
aallad la marrtace Manaadoko Jotao- other relative* to this place.
Rev| Bentamlo Kamp of Coats'
aea of Uterioedaa and Mies Hinale
AadiwwB of lalaad. Mlai Della Aa- rove. Bairy ooanty, has been appointfl to fill the vacancy In tbe chareh
draws wM-brUeaawU aad Boderlek pastorate until tbe end of the conferHoLoad was beat rasa. Hr. aad Hia. eaee year. He preached for the first
Jobaeoa will Make tbeir booM la la- Ume Saaday.
Joae fi.
tarioebea aad win be at base to tbeir
Haar trinde attar Jalp L
Tbe fits pede at tbe-ooaatp stonodt
was raised on Satardar br a faas of
wwbaiea. Tin taekle <d tbe pai
wn itiaebed to tbe baeeseet o( tbe
ooart booee. -aad aaotber attached to
the eMbec reel beloaslas to tbe tail
aad tbea aereral etroas sea attached
tbemsalraa to uib tackle aad hauled
the loss aareetpeds foot pole ap
lato the bote made readp aereral daps


Is and E
s-tss?. cS“rir'„.s,.'s
s. Price

M«b wi,h .» mid. ity;.-Mml. of I-.O-oi Looil.or in
ns tfootl wi<aniii; ns moetll.uO i
one* A fi.-w lairs with vi-st- < the new "(Jiltaoii Tic style
ioK top.
} witii iiu tii«.

EMrybody’s awndcrina whert to as ter the
bcsiassds. Dsn’t ae~esme.






a biiTKtiin Aid you gel them
the same.


kid. They are band tunied. so an- very eomfort.itile.

No display has ever been
made like it.

No matter

what kind of chair you
want, you will find it here.

For 98c

Tor $1.19
A Konuitie Kiel Shoe, not n

Of this part of tbe state.

Constantly receiving the


newest styles found in the
largest furniture markets.

Oak Rockers

Ulc don't try to son ydu nhat S
wt like, but nbal you want.

For $1.69

For $1.35

The beat $2.00 shoe you ever
bouelit and is realiv ns gooii
ne many $2.50 ones! \\'e artmaking a re]iulatioD on thesishoes.

A man's &itin Calf Shoe,
stylish enough for dress, and
solid enoukfli for u'ork. Comes
in plain toes or tips.

Mahogany Rockers
Bird’s Eye Maple
Turkish Rocker
Morris Rocker
Bedroohi Rocker

Dining Chair

Olc buy Ibt But and sell It lor tb* Coast.

Tor 50C

Tor 25c


Womens Strgt Slippers

.^n al! leather Slip{>er inad<‘
on a good wi'ie cxtmfortable
toe. comes with strap or not.-

■lu*t tile o»le*t easiest tiling
for warm weather, that there
is. all sia-s from 3 u>


01* may bast smlHtd tb* article ysu want
but me ban* It.
Chil<fr..»'. Sho..
H to 11 .................... ..................... 76c
ClvlJm-. Shoo, lom c«.l| lo ■■.......................................... 50c
Inl,ol.' Sboa (bWk or cm, :i lo .1..........................................3Qc

Kitchen Chair
Office Chair


Porch Chair
Nursery Chair
High Chair

Morris Chair
invalid’s Chair
L-awn Chair
Parlor Chair
Hamnfock Chair


Sener «/ Seed Stses




traverse Region.


Wnteott Is 1
. ...
with stabs and edatnctI tor 1
thr, kre She dtattarcad a qaantlir ot i
«1MU at Mr. aad
Mrs Robert ITilsoB
sad Mrs.
VIIidd :: aeat aad brick, also sere'll iota of
« Loam doted a rerr sac-1 Soadar; bar for D. H. Oar
Mn. U r. Bhecldaa of Ota Artor
il tad FHday »1 Mrs. Nick
Ketsoa of....
Trtr*'-ae Clir
Is rlMtlBi; wtth b«r
__________-d ln,U
U there- rialtiu
herf daoskter.

Since apenii« our
sftSMcni) BBd Ice <rMn ud cskr Vk>U Lskr.
' Mhut A
. ...eMrred slw. The ereu trss cnal-' Mrs, C P. Btl«s v'd HU*
City o«<». Daring
i' Thotnpaoa.s
; It es)ored br »JI «bo were Oierc.
! KkuCmaa left last
Ust Tiseadar
TiMsdsr for B
I tUcoL; land Monday
• tbe pant week we have
■: Stone was orgsas
, Bi^
tU»T George
0«or*» orgsMzed s Jnnior [ Ind, where Mn. BatM will spend. Mias Ida FSnsat rlslted la Cedar
Mar n. !9osftatnidarKeao* St Omni
Onot dM-rcb Isn Wodocs , eane time rlililsg with -relatlres.
6tbvl Bwie gU«H to tbe
_ 7 and wife and Mr. Da!
It U the Israeet onebei Mr. Puller pessed away last Prlds) < P. A.''
alkri-iatioa U
wi mx msise.
mniiea. being
Si members. The linommg.' The fneml s-rrlces wer<" la» ofr i____
_ sH«t Saiardar aficr
erer ontsoixed.
>U golf llaks
bo- beM at bis hotoe here on RsierdS} < noon with D. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Will PreMlee attend- \ The ehoreh hetfir Is w«1r eocitplet- _____ elected were as fnllowt:
fd thr Bebekab Mse at Ttamse aiy. ed. Charier btoe sod WTIbor Stltos perlBieDdeal. May Soothwlek: secre-laod be srss laM to rest la the West
Satardar night and rlslted aiUi, nf
ot WllllaBslwrg
WllllaBalwrg are doing ibe
the carpen.
earpcn- lary. Mary earl; treasurer. Vera Dls-lAteilt* (rneterr. He leares three ... .1 Bmi
AHOonale l••hITan1 enteruiaed her .llute
on; deroiiODsI department. Mollli ron« and ore dsnghier and a nomber
Bennett; mltslonary, Mamie Ramsey; of gmndchildren and ereai-gmodcMl ; friends on nmday evening from
^Id HeDanaM Is to be boried
and helps..........
helps. Irma ............
soeial' drea to
ne air Thnrrtay.___
, ’ this irtaee this kftemooii.
: meter tnd
. mourn tab loss. Hr was ar old neveu to ten
~Rsm«ry-:’ ontanlst.
' 1.1| pioneer
pioneer of this Ticlniiy. He wa< c
Jno. Meinnis has a new drIrioR
Bohdar %lib ter | will Bhasnon of Central Lake called |^d llwarr. Clam
i Rood Cbristlao man wen liked hr al. borse.
liian etv>r iMfore in tbe
this dare Soada;'.
|l&el1e Raiaser.
! who knew him. He was aboat 8T retry I R. J. M'ller a*d lady altaide,l ih.
has taken a position as; The W. C
ann<> lengtii ot lime.
■nifs >home
—- •Iasi Prlday al Wviford old. Tbe be'eaved hare ibe boanfeli { Catbnlle btuar aad dancing party
I wearer la the woolen mills,
' Empire SaturUay cvealni
George was elected
■ led delees
• —
i CUdon Biltcs aad wife hare mereo
•Irs. r ....................
---------: Into amndpa Hoxsie's bonae.
iha eoarefiiloB at Cmnd Rartlds.
.. .
W<- ilo not uai! drug! in nwtiwp ejea
>d Ha____ —-............ Smidav.
Mr Baxtoa has been through here: strong. P«i
or irmlnieiit of eaaea.
boring cattle and wool.
! Cbsrie* Bate
• O. Neeaen
and A. J. Doval Manbusiness la town Hal'
Mr. and Mr>. Hleam Lemcool. ab'i 'choir etmidfled n1 K''Sejinridei

M In Indlsns
i at wesford this week,
g Mr aad Mrs. R. Cameotrr rlslted
Dell Gerar bad a mnawar TbonuUy. have been vIslilDc relatives and {Prank SIneJaJr. Mrs. U-wi:

le.-, liaTf returned to mantel ard Mm. Sylvi
lenl and' Curtis'Ancerlnc eeienalnid rela
ilSlIi. bte
w^STS air^rt one of bl. home, was ooite Irndl, fiiends
ntloa PWdrr.
fte Ladlea- ...a
Aid eori
nidrr. i‘
i bb"will; Lake Ann, Mr. Willi
trs. M. W Fbrrani gare s danclBR
' Mr. Wrtgbuier
mas Is slsliloc' Camp meet
_ . _ . ,
seai .bpd Mr, Kennedy of Traverse city
;y Prlday evening.
] Jane *o.
Ilsscs Allee and Eva Dav drove ’
Grant church Thuraday evcnlns. | preached tbe fubersi sen lee^. Twen
The new I E minister will preach
------- .— Is ---------------------------ty.sevea,i
Empire Thiirsda;.
I June ..
15. Everybody
lai>riled to et
Otbora 4!d aboopinx In
5 Mtv Etta
Jone if
. Admlsaioo Id and *nc
CMr Saiuedar.
A Huge Tatk.
A n"mber nt the ladle
n Is visiting
Ionian Aid sncletles a
It was a huge task to undertake Ibr
______J aty.
Travtaraa City. HI
' of such a bad case of kidney dU
3Mn CidltsiMoiea am
Aid cod
esnmUon htdd
ease as that of C
C. F. Collier, of CheroWe Pridar was Ml i
dare. Hay aad wheal look
friends here.
t Diitera did It.
auseh enjoyed^ all.
very promlalng.
vltitlBc Meads la
3. Howard bad a logging bee last
the.’ do no
Tmterse <^> |
I from dreadful*
Hr. aad Mrs. Kennedy and Mr. and
backache, headache, a) d depmsiew.
, SHtle Blandish It
Mn. H. McCombs went to Interlocheo;
Tartar cveninc.
In Electrie Bitters, howc ver. 1 found
1 eml weeks’ nay In Traverse
cure, aud by 1.
I restored 1
Several members of the v
Hn.piauBlngs was called tb Otaego ‘ school iheie.
perfect beahh. I________ _ ___ _
n Aid society attended
Jam week by the aerN»s Ultteas of her, A nnmber from here <
tonic medicine to all with weak kid
; ventio*
■Btion at Mom
lonroe Cenu

iBothdr. Mrs. Scott, a termer resident <
aeys. liver or stomach. Guamntevd b>
There will be a dance un '
tiek and Mr.
n- i Mr. I
bf this place.
F. H. Meads,
1 lag of Ibe
the 101b
lOlh Insl..
insi.. to lie
■« held Ilid hon-' chlmgo have iKntgUt
i• • • i• • •..i• i.»..• n• • •• t
' Bom. to Hr. and Hra. Jtdu Oslund. a < .
last Thors- orof iheAlmlm baseball team. Ooodlur Zeka will itfluni to Cbl
Reeve aro
m vUUlng
j daT’^htr^m-^
._i and Belle Raeve
--------------- ------------ --,
• ! The Dlaelple Church AM met at Mrs. |
friendt in Tmvemn
TmvM Oiy.
nurk walnut limber
a. Bdgar
Mr. and Mrs.
R.... of Trayecae aty! Panl’a last Wednesday.
kigta prices Just now. Curtis Morrill' ^
SrsTB or osin. errror Tptgno.,
Mrs. Itwy’i Budav. i Mr. Standlth l« fktiius verr fast 1 8am Myem muther came up u> t
wiaHod atMr..asiI• M
aim Saturday.
and sevemi oT hit; P- CTeyeland was hem on hiulness | him
irley ™.v.
PunaJ.OnmTBahMaaUi that br|. «rn last week sold ?■', blark walnut
Hr. and Mrs.
Hra. U. Lewis droio up
or |wi f«i al tbe ana uf F. J. Cnrsiv C (V>.. on bis farm
. -S diTwo
diTwe down frwa Traverse - last week and calling on old friends.
arm souibeaal of-tilon Cllyi _
«tyy Seuda.v
Sebda.v ant*
at tqpk dinner at the' __Mra^. Wilson ,lt visiting in Traverse• Traveme City Satnnlay.
............. ..........
I Mm. Silas
tbe eam vf OKB RL'NDBKU btdJ.SKt Ik.
A. Ramsey's fbiing people bare been icily Saturday and Mrs. Haul
ewdiand reery esar Id <-»r>Kai< tliai paaao
**Cliildrao’a Dar wlH be observed in
-------b. »wl by tbe me .r
eauenainlng four young friends from took In the exeuraion Bundar
Hte QtagregatJonai .ghitreb Sunday eaunaii
■tor-t.. June i4h. jnddng by for-.: Calumet
Cabimet aad
and Copemiab.
Copemlah. They an
all went: her
tier moiner.
” “
«’’irr.. >ub<. iwr cui». uum«. >»
awm tobefo**
to before mr'^
me aad «h«rH«
aafawHIwd li
ta my
Swy«M« ham BO do^‘he pro-; to Dock Imke yesterday.
We understand that our mall man.;
mkTlb day
a tt la^ ulcers, fev.-r sores, sore eyes, tialls.i
I Mr.aid Mrs. Haines drove to! Floyd Towsloy. will have hu mall' 7^
Baglay has Imarored the looka:’niompaoBVllle Friday.
1 wagon this seek. We all hope he nia>. I^l
af hlibooM vary Bioeb by palling OB a: Mr. and Mra. Coleman of ^Tavenc! as it is very ineonveaiem sometimes H.n. i—rT-t.-,--—------------- ------ ---- „ , . „„ „„
^ ^ whit. P.IUL
............. I C.»J«.t'^tl55_thrir^^Udre«^_
, to ride_ln s^.ono^.^^^
O. K.
)pe. Tex. 25c at Johnson •
Myers of Cedar
Co.'s, P. II. Heads. 8. E , «s
Run were tbe guests of her talber, Mr,
■: begtnnlng at 12 o’clock, at Grant
E. church
g | t t > t t * I 11 t t > t t « t I ti t I t I I • I T
Sons' ilnig stores.
Sam Myers. Sunday.
prettily^ hall.
The ebn-eh

__^ -

____ __________________ ____ _____________ ___ _____________







£■ .“.S

Kjcaimlna^lon Wrmm

DR. P. A. WOLFE, OptometrisL

ITry a Herald Want At;

Security and Satisfaction are found in
Banking with

........... ----------- -

Traverse City, Michigan.

We will for ten days duplicate any bill of goods you may have got an estimate on and give a bonafide discount of ten per cent from the best you can do else­
where. QUALITY CON81DEREU. Remember, no matter where the other fellows go. there you will find us ten per cent lower. Don't forget, this opportunity
only lasts ten days, and no matter how low a price may be quoted you just remember you can still sive ten cents on the dollar here.

COIVIE AIMD seie: ror yourself-.


Ice Boses




All aiBM, alT colors.
The biggest and )x«t
nsaortniidit you will
And in
Michigan.. Tm par
oent saved on erwrj
one for too days.

Parlor Camps


Banging Camps

With au assortnu'iit like lliit
you tltwi^t hare to Uikt' soin<--

Band Camps
nigb.1 Camps

ihinu' yon don't wnn!

We CIS please yes here
aad save you ten cents
on Uie dsUar.

• nie easy to keep clenn
kind. Wni uve twi<»
their own oo«t in a siniBe sorannr Ycmr choice,
all SIMS, 10 per cent
lower than othen.

Sultarf C^acIftM

Bracket Camps
.•\re all included in this



Can Tie njipif tijt ii. any
sixe bail. Jnst lint tbinR
for an extn. non. or
Bummer cotUik-’

Cen Day Oiler

Steel Frame
Swing «


10 d,j^

in this tl.’jvinment both
usefal Bixi ornamental. ;
are offewi at tbe u
lilieral UTins



steel Express



of I’vcr}' d<-scri|ttiou.
Just the kind you
have Uvii wanting.
Now is yonr time to
gel them.

From the cheapest escelsior to the very I test
grade cotton felt. Von


ontt find jost whdl j-on want for less than yon expr^ft to pay'

DiillMted OregH Ettoidcg tt an BaP'
ebasos inriiir 1W$ Sale.


SBwrmw ■»«


- Taeluding

Bought here. In tbe
next ten days vili *
net you a big saving.
Nothing merved in
this sale.

JmtUk.ct. AAi-U-


'Owr 200

Iren Beds



With or withoottopa.
Yon egn get jnst what
yon want for jnat
w)iat yoa want to pay

Cen Per Cent Cower
\ than others on all Carpeting. Oil Cloth, Linoleum,
Matting, Portieres, Lace Curtains. Remember

For Cen Bays Only
WeWUlBeBere fgr Years to Come to
Foimi An Promises Made.

a OIDjr. Klk MmfnIHm





Hred Mr* Sotdar melK ft
. IHvt iaMaM
Mr pMCBU. Mr. «b« Hr*. J. A.4m>ba. vM vn f*Mlah------Mr. aad Mia. Ta»»M Ud tiuia Later. Mr*. COM. lleaMn. and vlU a* MayBeU Balay^.
Mol The early eaanervkMtMveetber
ioba OaMia baa iMe a
• Mr*. B- MerMItli bw MM Mtr OL riiilblillil vM bar# t>*ae tMUbc > OaUtantia la Bake bar hoB*.
*et.lbeeo«ita vanaaad aeuie^i* IM bm
UUle Alaada Araeid
Ox to fwiicbaae aaoaber earioad
UMtr Dleee. Mra. Ben KopUa*. aurted
arelUaie et the vbate> treat ca­
Hrv OerdM Md.
Mtvm Lb* HaM*
tarrhal troaMca vllk the espectailM
other reiatlTM badMc rdturaias
dMCTliie. W* Mi I
latfvea at ^Mb»tbfir how a( Ptaaaam VaUeyTlov
Mr. aad Hr*. Praak Danferd
Mr. ScMMot via
la (TMob In IM
Nearly ‘alt ditaau gemi diat tad arbe; raUable appeUte. MsaM. caavMra. iaala HoOlday. Hr. aed Mrm. Mewria) dar la HaatM.
| tarvad taat nek fm aeatbm Mlcftl___
liidlBfal 111 tM ay*tem yi» ealraacv tag at the pl< af the aloBaeb. aallov
Lea RoUWay. Hr*. Praak Bayera. Miv « ioM BtaBea baa baaa aradlac aad ^ gam.
t< Or!
la to try aad
«a NaRla TboBoaM aad Beafla Bb- amaa m Wi &m yard.
: Bait* Caae retareed Saiarday fraa
br Ua HWbcr *M ■
__ ___ • oa a TtaH froB Kaaaaa,
aad Mra Addle OIbba aad Omit)
' ' day MMed oO-rarr pleaa-! a baalBaat trip to MCalo.
rcceaiJy roar phytarlaa ooaWi u t
t exerdaee a
pataad tkni««t tan ymMrtv.
Jy beia. TM peboel ckUdrM. Bov___ jid that the aaly ny la care be »i
er Ctrl*. Tateraaa aad Bartial 1
Dr. Back* aad vtf* af HaaH OUr
taat' Mtarrt veuld be br a change cf " digaat. they vttl Motala a aoar. allao
dWT* ta WBdnod. tbalr war eoi.
itarBad ta Mae about tea
o-ctoekMd; While BTf-dDC Ir a t
tHIiMate. bet DOV eltk Hyocael■1 you
yoe Ma . temeuilBg Baaa. aa Ideal apot for the.
the ceBeiatery. At 2:M all Baaday afleneoa. Ters
tai* at IM Kanova. Batarday.
'carry a baanb«1rtag etlBair
_ to gm and •pread,_JV
Tboa. Whaley of KeyMac baa mi.
the fTOTc vberc a pteaaias oat aad broke her am.
le la yooridlMaae
Jane S.
............................... ^
ad the boane et A. O Baian. re««DtJ>
I fity.
W. Chaee of KevaAta. h
lacbe. hark- tee under vhtt they aeH Ml-»«a.

Mr. and Mrr. (Ma. Morrla a( rraak. WhaMr baa a bark Job bear here for
............................. .........
ippJr the pulpit the teat or
■r the
tbci -----------------------------------Br<
-tan flatted Mr. aad Hr*. Oae- Wearer B. J.-MoTMa.
PMtoc Bang that beaatl- year eat aoeonai of our tomer pasuv'a: a taodMcy to catarTb. ahoald nte
C D- Haoks baa Morad to hU taiw (*l patriotic Bong. 'A TbouBnd Her. L. B--(Mbeaier. (ailing b^hh.
Mr. aad Mr*: S. W. Dtiiiiiaui aad
Year*.- M. W. Vadenrood of Trarerae Mr. CarpMler haa botM U
Miaaotaitba Heat dnm ta Mk O^M*
City thea engaged the atientloB af bit Village.
aa Tnaadar et Mat weak to rWt !«!*• Mr. DarHare
aadienee by a ahon talk. TUi was: Ber I.evt« er Nat>rllle.
Urea, ratantleg oa rrMay.
toliovcd by a aong by the ladles ot tbe cane last Satardar lo oondoc
Mr. aad Hr*. B. Tedar or Bdea apMt *"tTloee*no bare been irtek »ia»e re-' Gemaa chnreb choir. Rer. Tburatoo j lag* at tbe tova hall for tbe Dl
Bodar vltb Mr. aad Hr*. Oao. BpaM> eorered vtlb the eieepttoe or A. B.;tbea paid a iHbme lo the Queen Cliyi A lev or the rrMad* of
I and (ufltalait Hycnnei tor rerera;
I Deed the wool aad msat liare it. Mooef ta no object I
- Tbe tabaier tans
BaniuB. vbo eontlaaaa la grov ta<oretbe Nartb by uylag that nerer bad! Brail*, the priBtary achool t
8*r<nl or ear old a^dtara aad fi
Hyomel U- need
I Me retuied *« a ipeaker on theee oc-' g>re ber a aarprlae Ian Friday alier- a Itfetlme.and If--------—
harp Uhde rontneta with two of tlic Unreot tao^ milk in Ibe
Ola* attended DecoraUoe day «
Onr BCboo) cloaed Friday anervoea, aaska* vbea «e reaueeted one. Tbc< aaoa. *he baring ungbt ber >ii year*. ed, exua bottle* can be oblained
Eaat one for ont'.qaaytpr bkwd sod Uuve-etEfaUtg bload. aad
prograB glrea by tbe pe-1 beaedlrtioB vaa proMsaced by Ber. Betreitaneou oonalaUbg s« lee er- - ...MCCBI*.
t1 la Trarerae CUv Ibere are *cor** Of
pita, aftar vhleh
' eraamI and

cake B. W. Wood.
take. aaadvlMee
Ibc other mill for all the loweat KMdtv I can get I mnab bars
-.iwell knowB people vbo h»«e beea
—• aeread to the vUdior* aoo acooot.
1 her eerred.
all thirteen ear kmda o( hlirhigan wool. I atn thirefoie will•BBMy, rvaraiBC tmmi «ta taMaay.
f raiarrb by Hyomel. If It
a Amy WeidBaa baa taught bera boaband to Rlngaley Tuesday.
Hr. mi Hr*. Lavta Ookar of Hcm*- ... three peat*, bat will not Mur*
a. B. K. Wall « Bon*
Hr. aad Mra. Lou Clark of BapM i
inir to |my one cent a pound more than any other locnl bojrer
ptnad-Ttaitad the tattarh pamta. Hr. wst CaU. Me bafliii
TbI* I* tbt
City Halted Mr. ead Mr*. Wb. War*}. _____
the __________
principal ef tbe eehool.|
aqd if yon will brioff me your vool, and do not find thia
^aad Mr*, i. C. VaaBtarlooB. here taat take Maige oC ■
I of the bore a fov day* ta*t veek.
Ml laai veM for Oraad Blanc, i
. Bdtnrday.
Mr*. Itaarl Flaney oT-Craad Rapid* bdag U* beae.
ex^T a* I aay, I am viUinR topay from fil/)0tofi3.00far>w
HIM WeidBao taft Friday erealag va* tbe goeel of Mr*. Mabel Pataae. juae e.
MMday' *^*'***"*
troaUc in romioK. Also, whoever nendt a abearer. by machine
Pre*idnt Booeerelt vtu rrcclre ibr
tor ITarhrae City to rlilt her brother Tneeday.
Beveial of tbe ItoBeMead people al> there.
Chai. Strait of Trarerae City was
Loonie Btrood. foreBSa ef a plOBb-,degree of IX. O. ftoB Clark ualreror by band, enn a<-nd me bis addrr«B and bow many flreoea be
taafled tbe ball taae hor* last Bator*
WUl OIMa took la the high wbool'
haa. and I will atmd tbe abearer. Alao. I would be gtml lo have
mvm onww
mwv, aaeariioB to caanerou
ChaHeroU mat
taat v«
.'•iMtahnaaltad ta B aeorea la taror of Mrs. B. A. iamlm and Mr*.
you call at my warebouae and «w the wool J am getting, and
Buaday erealag eleren storlea froB a skyscraper aad, the <
rrre in
la naaaBier
Rtagalcr oaiaraar
i The nosir vaa u
you will find I am not Unffini; but m-ed Uiia foU tbirteeo <mrT afteraotm.
,............ ............. ..
_______ __ _
J. M Koldcrart apeot Saadar aad | Pentoa, Hla* Alice Abtroll and Kerrey
loada. Bring your wool and your money ia rondy for you at 16
HeelUtr Metlie**.
Hoodap la Trareaae aiy vHh rriend. > Tripp.
»Holben should alvay* keep le good
onnecs to the pound.
e eoumyl Loni* OUaao had
health. They
. aonuy set___
____ .owe. .It. to
. their
......................... iree of
j children.
n. Yet It I* no aosoal
tmosaal sight
' left hsad last week rrhUe verUng for [
®'*>' CHliBm Bay.
to see a mother, with babe In arms,
tbe Zeeland UiaMer CoTo cere ae n
T80-T93 B. Front BtrMt

I --iTf-ft-MBi
eoughiac vtaleatlr and cahlUUag all
• MOad do- Ataatra OB B
Wm. Howard et Treveree City '
Tbe palBs of
[Ibe tymptoB* of a cobtuSBptlve t —
AIM HelBfonh of 8>.
here last week.
weM. Mr. HowI
Tbe tired-out reeling*.
deacy. And vby
why should
*bould this danger
Mb Pairbanlm of Trarerae aty Ha- U HIM
vteltlag relatJve* aad friend*
Hold DcFrance yog mast reach tbe »pol-gvt, at the ooodttlon etiet, dmmgsrou* alike
h»d trlBMl* here ever Soadar.
Hr* Ftad AvetT aad Max diore to
Mr. aad Hr*. Frank
ink Davl»-f*fl
Dart»<^cft Fri-.
Mr. and Mr*. C. W, Chase of Kvta moat ease* Yl* ibv kidneys.
Cenn* 8ymp ——•
pot *a stop
Traaaisa City SiMidiy.
trleada at Palo.
* few day* i
vadla apant a
week with
SB'S Kidney FPill* *rc for tbe kid- at onevT No. mother
should be vltbMnu A. B BfMtad. vbo baa baM day for a H*U with
retnrued home rroa------Hr. and
----------Mr*. T. R. Hill.
tpd tried remedy In tbe
it tbit
*M ta greatly Improved at Uta vrit- —Mr. Vaaaatter
ea Friday,
Klagaley music iorers
■ LAnghray of
J timely use vfll ptmaptiBBg. tbroBi or bronchial
One. Bags* aad'Ah. ~ '
•raetf or ber children. Tbt
to Ttarecoa <
. Ringtiey or^esira and reclta
cough or cold cam be apeedily
Mr. BeMh____ _
Uon* by the talented :mIm Bdlth An- > beckacbe or what
German Byrap; so can
Oo. aad LavMI Boor* transacted tnslderM» of Traveree aij. 1>e »c!ee- in the back which and congeetio
ageetlOB at the
saaa bate MdayUon*
It a
W. B. BoekM of Kalkaaka vaa
sad •boWed Uleat and careTuI drill- Wed vltb rheumatism
a In BT llBllb* so. Uoe easy, and gives tostsat relief and
OBlIer bere lata vaak.
___ __ . . .,_______ Boaday or tag: aad Miss Aaderson. whether ber;palnfol a' t'mes that I mid faardi-' rtfreabing rest _ lo tbe eougk-rackea
Mr. Bnksr mM a borktato flol Los- IlIlBoU
rev Ctaarlevolk. earoule for 8t •nbyecl be gay or sad. exbiblu * taJ- exmUnueat iny workrPnxmrinc Doan'a > conaomptl'
tarlaK veok.
Beaver Island.
eat not -sen everr day
Kidney Pill* at a drug store, used I targe stie. TSc. For sale by 6. B
-Mra. iaaaa Ramaood b viililiig M- ' imaa.
Mr*. Wllbar Caapbell. aeeoBpMtad
V Lance came down t.vm TmvTrav- them with
vKh most satisfactory molt*.'
re«aIl*.'A Soni
attvas at CMtrvl Lake this nek. City Friday to reiiilvc*.
' Though I don't aay poeltlvely that uw.
OpteBtam imiaBiri va* a Travafaa |W her danghter Lewre. lett Batorday
arUe Isaacson retutped Friday , remedy cored ne permaneaily. It is a' Four Frencb priois and many aaaty vUltor Batiaday.
ih»t r have not bceu tPoubk-d,u
Ma Motaa and tamOy of Kalkaaka
Mr. and Hr*. Lelsod Tripp spcflt, since I used Doan * Kldaer Pills."
iVttitod bar parMla. Mr. and Mr*. Baia- Ttnvem Ctiy.
~ ~Mm Lbdiey and IrlM I
Sunday with rMstIvee lo Hsniai
. _ tar their beoMa attar BalM
HIM AUce Abbott
rered b
To Cvrv a Cold In 0*>o Day
cooaectloa with J. Ai____________
___ __
he I'olu
Mra. LoBbkla leinrttad from South ! State*.
f Daa* sp^t Thmadar at I«m?id.
BowdBan. where she went to see ber
Remember tbe
‘ Rev. Bannatt ooaapled tba pulpit ia daugtair. Hr*. Oba*. Revoolds. who U take
“ tbe Ooagregadoaal ■
- •
v*ry fU. Hr. Beynelds Is alao In s
MMlagbhd evoWni.
Uoooditloa with typh^ ft
Oeorg* Purktaa. vbo hai bees m. U
. K Harper. _ I bas'^K-ci
coeval eecent.
dortJng the sale In J. Ansi
Hr. MePtasfi. brother ot Dr. McWodneWay for his bt
f Bk Lake pei^dc at- Phall. U msdlBc a few dars la town.
Mrs. Murphy and danghter Gladys
brnded the '
of Travaree City
a few days '
■t Bk BapMa tata T«a*dBy I
thia week is ton.
Mra. Mary Oat amd Mra. ...
Mr. aad Hr*. WHUaa DaTm and
. flee were North HOtan viMtafa
The -COLUMBIA" Dfy Cell, are the leiad yea
aoc of Tmveraa City left Tharsday
should buy to ignite your gas engine.

ef BDi BapMi irore Iter apeadlng a tew day* In tovn.
Hr. Ftaak of Chkago arrived i
Grand prize awarded the “COLUMBIA" DryCellt
>VB ibta vefli.
Mr*. A. Hataen paaaod away Baiur I
at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. St. Louis, 19M.
day ovantag at the baae of her *os.|
Hr. 0. BIgflav. after a tong and *c
We U floBV’ giwva Im Friday.
TcreillBeas. Fotir chlldron are left u
taeara her loca. three see* and i
1 mar frtaaid* aad ae—to meet you fdce lo lace—to make you thiok more of us as a trading place,
Dcea. Fuaeiml aervicea will be'
the OoBgregntloBal cbeTVfa o
re one day!
have placed on sale for the benefit of all callers during this month;
r. Ber. W.HF Hurtbot
• offlclst
B vtaUtag ta De- TWesday.
Dealer in Automobiles, Launch and Gasoline

People with Weak Stomachs in a ContKiual
Stale of Danger.

wool- \A^AIMTED!



a la;;; »'bS,

*t*:rr ”•

•*. soMOMma:*«OKi«



To Get Better Aequainted




^a^atm retnnied home from
Chicago Saadar.
MUa Btaacbe Maaea of Saiioosl
^wSTMatUda dee and HIM LotU ^Bay arrived Friday ereoiag tad will
ooeopr tbe peaittaa of Hr. Darla at
Ctaiyna wm* Wtk BapUa vlMtora
the baak dorlag Ua abaaaec.
ffar^ fiKnrday ef mat vM.
Mtaa Rosa TYnvR aad wm Ctaiabel - Hr. aM Mra. W. H. Itaribut apeet
Sunday at Buttons Bay.
Omen hM Wt BagMa hIMi
A pleasaat tarcvell surprise party,
flatiMa Tmsday aad Wedm
taat week.
vaa given at the boBse ot Wm. Tboaas
Mr. and Mra. C Mtmroe ver
os Tburaday evenlag m honor of tbr^
kav Creek vWtwa Boaday.
MIsaes Laura Uadley and Clara Thom­
as by fonneen yonni
Levit HeDerBond has *
SMrae^ a tev day*' rtelt

■wM.ia the Millar distrtat last FH

Ladies’ White Hem­
stitched Handkef^iefs,

^ Turkey

3 for 5c
3 for 1,0c

Men’s Working Socks, blue and white

3 pair for lOc

(mda Oaitbe. -After a ptaamat a
^cfreabBaau amtastlng of
and cake vara served

Engine Supplies.
CitiMn’s PUm 5M or 4S.
Tnymt Otf, Mkh.

Girls’ Muslin Drawers,
sizes, per pair.................
Ladies' Muslin
trimmed, prith lace ios«
tion or hemstitched wi
tucks, per pair.............


Ruffled Mull Curtains,
per pair.............................
Pretty Lace Curtains,
per pair.............................

Use HeraW Want Ads

*^La tMltaWhUorlalM tba H___
BatvoM mday
atae atumtai
tba boi aaeUL rataratag to her I
« tbta pmee Balaadar deaumg.
ThVfw vta« U boXB* eeM at the mdial Friday eveotag at an avaragv of

In addition to these wonderful offerings. Every Fifth Dollar spent secures

A Pretty Waist, or UnaersUrt, or Pair of Ucc Curtains FREE.

Tb« ragtdar booQhly
iI’ fa
^the T. F. 8. C.
- K

Him Cbarlotta Whlttaa called oa Moaday evauag.
bar aUtcr. Mra. Aua CtaypooL^^May
Tbe Womaa's club aataal banquet:
vw tasM at the hm of Mra C B '
Mr. aad Hra O*^ FWtta ^ Kabl aa Friday MiaMeon and a
Tba gaaau w«rv cosdmny
d by Ibetr boatam to bar plea
aad after a short time vs* spent
hU stater. HraX J. Wbitc. aad-ts
la aortal eoavaraattaD tba tollovlag^Mf*. Utsie FPvlar of MapleUm 1s peogzam vaa ^v*n: ta------------rtatUag bar parmta. Mr. bad Mr*. U. leetioo -Madltatlon.BmlUi. and trtaMa bate a (ev day*.
name: vm
Mr. aad Mra. MU Laataar aad Mr.
and Hr*. Oamr Ctaypoal ealtad oa
Mr. aad Hi*. Oaovie SaUtta and daagb- cal aaieMlim. *Tha
gft Mra. LUiie phvtar. Smiday even- *ieby*adar: reeltaUac
Wlldar.- Miss MlUar; ____________
- Btvard Antaba feat a Tfuot wall Whpa My OoWen Hair Has Tararf to
fiomplated for hi* aev boose.
My Pead^ OW: qwnat.
C. W. turner ta bavtag hl* new
bmiM ptosterad ibta week.
Pack and HUaTtaari Dwe. JUter tba
•• Mra Oora Cam iff Am vtatlad psDgram tba g—ta ware larlted to
barparama. Hr. aad Mra. SUnayShef- tba fftalac TBOB. Vbara tbalr placas'
wav* asalgnad br amrds of Urrti bark

-«»-t.^-ttofk* srSI be
ftaased to taam tM tJ_____
' vara U^ly noMpRMSAtad Ibr ib
l*rt* rwisisd at Hapta Qiy «• m*.
■wtal Aay. Thw vw-a aambara ef
Uta Masto Oty aad OsdB-Mbeota.
Haary rila ea Moaday did ■

itfSmSB'S tax

aarrad- *A?I taft^'tbeta IMM to^
-------------oiiL BcKi.
Behreadav. Nataee. Witalw. fncbtas.l
------- ------------Vhtet. Gag*«*»«. ■aiimaa imm*. Itovter.
EtaBcaa aad Vaa De WWkav of ButA^Kala<maa4i>..rtD;^.
~— wav sMtakira vMtad vMb the
8. C. n OB Saadar avesdag.

For outuice, it Anne buy. *S »orti Md Muy buy. $2. and ibcn John buy. ;
dollar .woreh, ht. dollar would come fifth in rotation and he would recur
something free.



TUc Best
and sold
, at tbe

Ladies* Tailor-made Suits,
Silk Shirt Waist Suits, etc..


StMk Collar Foundations.

*'S'i.l,Vorth3fi6'andS4,ot <





Mail orders not filled oo these itei^ You inust call in person to get tbe benefit.


Wag a T. P. S. C K-






These machines are carried in stock at oor shop and
can be seen in c^>eration "bnzzii^" wood.




LmMva. J»n«
by th*


M.1 M mi

rw«irt «•In tkn IWMI bM>

tin In tM SMH* «r Kmm pub n«
taf^ 9P»TiWT>«nt in t>W nMnUi pIsM

M. & & E TIE cm


{tbi wiannMi*5T|

Scott’s Eigaision

yprfaikati and OMMrsa.


The Kinit Yon Have
Always Bonf^t

hM rinn frwn nivwith ta nfarth
ptaM. Th« Mvpl powm tiMr ranfi
IP thU «r«pr. OrMt •rttsin. Prmt>c».

Beare the

tha total laaaao of the J^anaao In tha
»ta Cowit Cawlnl at Waah-

raoant naval battia nambar abovt WO
Thraa torpado baata vrhieh waro
wart all tha vauala Mat by the
aoe. The adaiiral aaya that H

’ Wawaaalt

madiaUng w>ii

bn madn

report of tha
captvrad man can be made.

A report

aaya the battle eecupM two daya and
two nlghta and tlM anaray acattarad In
every direction.

For Over
Thirty Years

It It atatad Hi the official reporta reeolvad In Toklo that in addition ta the
PMlPfl and not Wowing up bin ahipn.
■Traitaf" and "Cow^ ara aplthata
aOlwM wtOi hit nama.



main lighting

force of

eight battlo-

ohlpa, three armed crHlaera and t
vtaaala which vmre
tufed or dootreyod. meat of the

MSB and toss OF Saber

• Ruaalaa ervlaare and e

0 the whale
Riwaian float waa prawtieally annihlptanatlan ol hi* action in taking a


Tha Ruaalan cnilter Aurora

ygw •*

probably aunk..
aapfaa thiwigh the Korun atroHa
whkk «M8 atranglx guaiM br tba
Attantloo It called te tha fact that
Jipanua, Itojaatvonakr oaM ha had
hapa* ta Waar tha atralta ofTouMilna
highly tuectaeful and that the mem*tr Ibt oovor of a heavy fog which
Jorlfy of tba large RuatLan vaaaaU


BCtfT eepr OF taRAPPOt

aunk aa tha raauR of them. It
____ llelally announead In Tokie that
AdniMr' Vdekeream v>aa kllltd Hi the

vaualo apon ta Togo’a attack.
Tha Pinking of the Bofnehug, wMeh
haa bun imafRelally laporM ahtea
the batUa. haa bogn cenRrmad.


AdviGM received In St Petareburg

lost outside Uantla bay ami prevent | after being Irungfai home t.lck fronj
the deptnere of the three Ruaetan: Denver. He bad been mourned ai dead
i for tweoly-eevrn years, most of whicb
---------------------I time he was In the Blatk Hills searcbHra. Dnyid Hirer of Springfield. 0 . ‘ mg for gold.
bat boon granted a pension of M a >--------------------------------------------------moolb. but she wilt not begin
It nnUl tvdve rears from date. Tbis
rating Is doe te the fan that abc drew <B>Bo.?PKsn(i or waa imra.ia
a peulon for twelve yean on the pre
mimptlOB that brr hosbaiid. David^ ■ Oruc.UsfcUcd
Mjchiew.sBd wUrii
KUer, was dead. He recently died - ■ '

from Barlln aay that Kalaer Wilhelm
patch te the cur caking the amperer

•r tha fliM t40 >r tha hotplate watedod Raaalan aallora an tha Orel were
thrawp averboatd gacauM thair ertaa
Of pain and vWWa agony oariautiy a^
faatad tha awn who ware working tha

ta make peue with Uw Japanaaa.
It ta eatlmatad that 7400 RueWanc
ere killed or drowrwd during the
iwval battle In the Korean etrelt^ The
wounded head Mctalned by Admiral
Rajoatverwky le a alight cuter fracture.
Hie ether %vCundc arc allgM.

vMary and today tha whoia oNy 4a onjty»"S d

Landan. dana 1.—A thrilling aeaoant
of tha naval bWDa In tha oaa af Japan
ta fivan out by MeJL a Japanaaa aeriwgana»"t W tlw Oally Taiagr^
whaa^ra ha witnaaaad the flght
-At • a'alaak Saturday mar
teralve knata, tha Ruarian float ataarod
threegk tha Korean atrailar Tha RuaaloM want ahead full wood, allarding
m Impraaalva alsbt Maanwhlla tha
-f---------wore lurking In tha nalghbar^
haafl and Uwlr auxiliary float to tha
north haadad off Ow RuaaUno. than
' tha grew battio began.

-Admiral Tega^

■doB, Jane 3.—Admiral Train of
the American Astatic aquadron. vbilr j
cratatag oS Ibe abere near Ungnyen |
gnU. PhnipplM tatand. eMoontared |
tamtan eretaen Aaron. Oleg and
icbog aU more or leea damaged,
vitb many woonded on board. He aceempanlad them to btanlta. The Rue
Stan erntaera will elltaer have to lean

«rt«tat„,fiesiw.cp nans ao. which sold---- - —

awparbly tarriblo. tha guna of n
fifty warehlpa were being fired and
new aM again a graat eraah aou
aa the laud reporta ware eeincMant.
Far a tlma tha belllgafenta gave ahat
for ahat and thraughaut tha apnflkt
tha floata ware an tha move. But tha
Reaaltata dovlatad from thair erl
eeeraa wd wHh a haatlla aguadran on
tha aaW aMa and anatbar ahead af him
wHhinafewlwM Ha had faHaa Into
tha trap which had bean ffwaHlng him
ayar abwa ha taft Mwtagaaaar.

-The Japanaai knew Inatantly Wall
mmir waa baaWc and tha eanewitra.
ttaa af thair fire BPw baeama ahai
ly bdarmaL

Between t aita B e-eleWr

BatM^ay a Rwctafi aruiear of tba NakMmall ataoi and tha eaavattad ervlaar
KamUMka ftundared. Than Uw Rua­
alan flaat brake Into utter diaarder.
Tha veaaata tw langar praaarvad thair

LOT 182
LOT 183
LOT 184
LOT 188
LOT 230
LOT 235
LOT 236
LOT 237
LOT 196
LOT 203
LOT 211
LOT 212
LOT 213
LOT 21.4



muhmtwvrAw from wwaaMlat mta> bn* •mini

o. I. a.

PERE Marquette


be taieraod until the dcM cd tbe war.
A malorliy of tbe coanell of war of
8U Petenbarg bolds to the opinion
that U ta belter to neod mlUkma u>
keep np the preaent war rather than to
pay the tademnliy which it le believed
lapanece are core to demand ns
Ibe prlee of peace.
Rear Admiral Rotaitvouky Is

These are all early selections and are tbe
Sc barcDl thcooB >1 Its •iVWck U> ih. lon-urxn of wid da;.«t
ad ccwnd by aeld Michltca. i>a»uician li-oci' belay Ihr pUn
a.aoorh \h«tau»a-nicy Wnac-wery loot

with perfaet praclalan and aeon
—T------ ware anfeWad by thair firing
frent and bath ttarrica. Tha aeatw


elded to accept a parole.
' ReeaeveH Wants Paaea.
Washington. Jane 3.—The president
hat Btnick a blow for pence In tbe
far But laaamfereneeatiheWhlio
Hoose yenlcrday afternoon with CJonnt
Oaarinl. tbe Russian ambnsandor.
presldesl csprecsed the earnest hopc|*»i*^
that Rnssta would fortbsrlUi conclude |
pence with Japan, trol
war, be beUevee. will
TMorT for tbe Raectan nms and can
serTo to Ibcrease Japan'* Indemand restaer more dlScuIt tbe
drafting of a treaty of peace wblcb tbu
as weU at tbe mikado
' bw^sbe nuav wkm- thp Olmiil
SdCeCBty tobsUittm ravmUa d.
friend of Rassta
less wan
than m
of rapsu
Japan ' asld BorSenc*. <v «v nam a* may b.
■Bsin no len
It Mt only of the Wsabtng- j <a-i._iai
L but In the Interest of
TInUl bit words have readied Tura-i
koeSeto and have been oommnnleated ------- ------ -------n,vwrthmrtthUm 1
to Emperor Ktehotas in tbe friendly gSSdltiJSa ISTV______

the most charming addition to Traverse City. This
addition is now largely built over, and good lots are
not easily obtain;
These lots will be: sold sepa­
exMDting 1S2. IM.. 184.. which must
, be. sold
___ to-*
must go for spot cash, and the prices

1 sisses assTJJl.iS'-'ss'c: ks,
ESrsW s.Si’r.TA-a-.s s2S; siir.'s.t

in which they were uttered, their »—«*-« “ “ “i^SiraSnSiT

effect cannot be enUmated.
ferwmrd wm. their grut assidir^ fleet has started to blockade tbe har­
while the large Hpnneae war '^shlps bor at ^ladlrcwtdL
ppverad the fissSraysrs’ attash
PSith tlw riwils from the graat cannon.
the Navy Horton today Issued orders i
te the firing anfl a SM batUe t
directing that the Rasstan ships at Ha- •
placa by alghL the aweeplng asarah iBlla must be laieraed or depart forth- i
llghta HgMIag up tha decks of tha iwith. In view of the fact Uat tbe|i
chips sriille Itashas of «w guns iHiMnl- iships bare been i
natad tha blasiriwaa. Under the firs of worthy this order means that they will! '
the Ruaslana all of wtwoe guna ware! be dlannaed and dtsmaatled and wllil
IralMd ac tham tht iHtla craR {be held ta Manila until the chwe of.
daatwd an aM sunk the follawlng'iUie war.- The oflkers and crew wUl]
Mpa: Atanander HU OaHlaba, Maw-i doubtless be paroied.
arifw Orel and three •■nbeatt.
< The oortvwpondeol at Manila of tbe ^
f Loodoo Evening News wiled his paper'
-Na real was allewad the RugaiaaB.j today Ibal sc>es Japanese torpodo
Wimn Bunday dawned, the Japanese;boat daatroycra were reported lying'
•aM cams ta a atlU elaaar range, press- Inside of Corregtdor !.»«.* puilp-| tag the Rnaatane acta the nerthweat | pines, wnlclng for the Raastan ships te'
eaaat «r Nagata. Aii day Bnnday the j leave HanUa harbor.
battle r^M with unabatad flafeenesa; Tbe preaklant felt that 11 wouH be;
irirttheRMstanawarnlnneatrntegiealiat ICMt gaestionable
>le to alhrw tbei
poaHlaa in wMah they eauld offer any ships to be put Into eobdlUon at Un-j
. Ofw bynne their. pita tor bnUie. The taternaUanal taw i
only ptiWhfs tbe baUlgerrat vesseU
to be repaM ^SBcIceUr to make
tbam senwortby. It is peiatad out at
Lsadin. June I^AdMral Tage rw the M»7 dapartmau that Japan could
garta ta tha lagnatai gavnnm—t that enrilr ptoee a anpeftor naval force


The whole bunch of

if sold at one time and for cash dbwn, would be


CmrMtUwaMSIHcltap>tlU<m.d>ly vwl-

maai «ic mia rraav

- _d*A-^ Sut,*'m”thi
.... T^Joaly 7o1?B?'t5fS«ia*«S
Xiriileu. aM d»rnbf4 a« toQc’wa. to

- - J ■! and «Tro i». s and t>
Ih. Til.
ed rial lhtrT-4.
dihueihdarcd Xar. A . ....

fe r.a.'t canj:

As the price would be made accordingly and
for holding as an investment. Come quick f>for choice

Oraml TravasaCosaiy

is ooe of the oldest and bat known
Windmills. -Sold under very besi
guarantee—both Mill and Tower.
Every farmer knows the old
wood wheel windmill; it will
last longer than' any other wind­
mill made. We also sell Pumps.
Pipe, Fittings and Tanks.


Handsomest Lots in Oak Heights

115 and 117 State Street
We sdl Hardware, all kinds of Fain Macbintay. Implementa. Wagosia. Bqrgwa, and Hameea.

Also One Acre Lot
in Birchwood

Fronting East Bay S rods and running back 20 rods,
less a strip two rods wide on north side for street. A
very desirable lot in this beautiful suburban spot.


123 Front Street.




Vinun f).

^ VXT7£5L-

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