Grand Traverse Herald, November 17, 1904

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 17, 1904


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Ncsi to6


wbo Uved to Toritablre, Kngiiad, and
Strange Races Still a MpMai
The iarqier slowly nodded. UIs heart
was known as "Old Cmaleal." had a
Scattered about the wortd an
<rid desk, carved with his initials, aad wav
.oungi-r BOO was tbe an>lc of his eye. tnl mysicrtou* races. Tbey etlst in bull on which be always foliowtd the has tentaurely ^<9twd tbe plaas pr»'
ate apples while he told her ilori.
hunniU. "UM Comical " was a keen powfd by ffir William Oaraito. under"Let’s see those aaUaeptic taUets.*
his boyish days. Tben tbey wrote on
sporismaa and was prreeat at every steretary ot stole for publlr wc^ 'a
the blackboard, bid apples hi
hunt to the nHgbborbood. always ^p«. (or a system of tnigaOoa wortwback to
patleal. whom they differ
Aad wo la jwwponBO lo Ut aoa> teJ- dreo's desks and gave ^ores frott Jiralng
on hU boned stwed. TbM OB a larger and nw
AaMp (a (h« eeMlag staaMi. tbe •Sraai. Farmer Bcoactc jru walUas the teacher's platform. It was a happy
The olwhat la thc’lr history, wbeiber boll could equal moM of tbe borac* than asy bHberto a
Moar m *mmta a dream
with a t«TT«tl at the
Italian e< fooltih time, but tbey ealoyod It. foi ibont Uhsi in tbe medical Joursdltnre ts aMtM the hunters to Jumping and beat
Ala waa a emara aad acep(«r;-ricb Is
Urbnwk on tbe i^eal oT tbe they were a busy young conpU- wfct lals. Tell yoa whsi. you rity doctors tb<*y are n-mnaats of an aborigtoa:
stated at llOT.OOO.noo, of which Hfi,some of them in speed, and man
rvmnano of iniadere.
had ^ven tbcmselres but little Umt lavc got the idrantage of u« old fashaficriKxn imlB.
JOOAiOO wlU be us«d to (he Soadamaccident ottrorred beeanse at
oned fi-llowK with your new (angled answered qncwlkms.
■boat' bcr." wai tbe for r^asalhin.
OB (be river Giuripichi. ooe uf the t*en by buntsmen who did not like AUogetber :.«w.009 acras wW be
When they reache.1 bou.c there wa. ricks."
lai coaiaeDt mi b«.
And then Justab BtmtieU gave bU tributaries uf ibe Orinoco, is a rsM jt be outdone by "Old Comical" and nrougfai «a<tor cntUrmtlOB whan iba
looked lDl» (be earnest browa eyc-t spmelhing going on tn (he barnyard
are ooBtfitowd. l>e Awaaa
The (rid farmer bad brought bomr . isugbtertoJaw a look in wbK* awe
t. eodable face
lam. opened oaU two years ago aad
w. -Well. I n. glad ibem new mowing macbltte'aod IU power rax hdded to graliinile. To (hlak of there brfon- the Spaniards, bad tbr.
oBSiderod a very daring projeex. bas
You Will Be Otnd
there bow; and tbey are wbKe.
Id Uoc Hriaker. tbe moat popular pbyBO baby-faoed wax-doll, aa’ I only were to be tMted that afternoon. FTed
If yoo study your bmtness Just ns 4 nvted so Buecwssfnl that it sriU toa
iclan l*r miles arooad. referring to n is said
hope ebe ain't eec o' the sitodr mind who was cuastdcrablc ot m iiH-chaiiir
ri gold and silver.' Many otbei r'ioolboy works at bli books. About Wised at a cost of I1.MO.OM more
<k«|. ^ I.M
.1 ed aort. Tbat'd be woree yet!"
list slip of a girl!
was czamlnlag U wltb dtdigbt an
i; the mlstnkei we mnke come (rum .'be two NUe moutbi at Boaotta sad
And bow coolly she took H. He re Grange Ules an- (old (ri them, but's
Sat Raebcl. who chertsbod mcwi- etalalng (be prlrnegc of being lirsi t<
really kntnvlBg <wr buslueu a. ■'SBletta are to be Improrad and raixplorer
wlea of a dented father, not loiig dMw U. • His mother protemed tha: uembered havliig once doHarod that
sodeM at a (mat Of M4dd.«M aod
e shoi'id.
ilnee panacd away, fell drawn towsrd be Was too itwag and Incxporicoccd j> female doctor should ever enter lUB cottntri.
!t,ooo.Mo ipMt cm the Icrptton
If js>u do not try to do to-mirirow’
Anotber race of which no know
thU lollwora man with tbe kfadly face to mount'the vicious i^ing instm- Its dooTK. And here wa« (bU glr!
•dgc has been obtained ts till' Arfoui • ork today. Few backs are mmlaad abrewd gray eyes that had looked mcM. bnt the fathvT dlelared tbcre
supposed lo t<e Ihe aboriginal me: uvmg enough to bear such a doobb
>nld be no danger—tbe buy knew at
ao keenly Into fam. it went
;of tte greU Ulanil of-New Ouinc* -urden very k»g.
oo'.H wife! And—be wa»
bean when he said. "There danghter." wdl as anydoc'bow to run IL
£x4ecreury ttibn Root was toikU you are (aiibrnl In the smal.
j Tbo natives-call them Tbe wild men.’
wbolc family set foitb foi woud of her.
U be locked tbe laprobc about her,
lag about tbe bamaaliy of Judgoo.
After they took li«v<> of tbe old duc^ and tell many siraugt' stories of ibrir hlngs about your farm wortt, A match
aad aba wondered U be wooM mind II the south meadow after dinner to set
They ore bnmaa men." ba «k.
wlU set tbe bouse afire. Many a good
tbe caUed blB '’Faiher BonnelU' Aad the machine in operailoa. Tbe young or be remark'd In bis brusque war. power and tbeir method of life.
eould tell you many osortog fUflM
It U almost imposvibh- to reath uk- has beea ground out hy grit tn
eliarioieer bad prucot-ded iwlee aboei •S-imre you’re piUi- to have out o'
(ben she ^ded lo try li
M tbe pain that ttey bare Mtarad
base! starched up Iralm-d uuree wo- these sirange peuiile. A dangcroui .he bearings. 8o. loo. little Ulngs ol
“ ' *•
lay like a Uny white his grassy arena sue
cannibal cciiiltry has to be crossed, he right kind help to bring about sue to the iDfliettoa of sorere aaauacra.
barque aniaag (be greea bUlowe ot Bpoetaloni were about to turn awa> ien out from town, ain't you?"
t is not aHogeUer ptoasaat to ba a
wbea Rachel grasped ber tansbaad’:
"Oh. DO. ' replied Rachel. " I'm sure and after this tbe hardy explorer findt
bin ooudtry.
If y(N try to find -oal what your indge,
llotber Benunt and I can atiead him.' all the paths leading to tbe n
to Ratkel'e ImaginatJoa. as she looked arm with a command to lUten.
-Tbat is why I cabaM credit a siary
"Chug! Aag!" «ame up tnms tbr
Fto- wbich Mrs. Beunrit gave ber tains beset with man traps. Tbcar arm Is adapted to and tbtm silA right
back on the little rlllsge. iu two gUsbat
was told me Ibe otber day aboot
traps coDKlsi of ■mall, spikes of j> that crop.
.enlag chnrcta spires rose like masts: toad, the KHina pi a macbinc la taplc ibw teughier a hand clasp and a look
vou can Igaro H oat what yon a Jndge to tbe wcat. A erimtoal. dll
An automobile, and Fred’r bat was a'H tovi- and gralitode.
Inmwood. aliout in ^cbes long, im
tad there was a funnel, loo—a low
BOM MiiU-d to d<i oa (be fana. trial before this man. had be« togad
Tbo nest aliernoott, when The pa- bedded firmly in the ground at ar
a Uack cloail bdrees were timid and already rest
guilty. He was loM to rtoa, aad fha
.*roni tbe mile factory-on iho edge of loss from tbe notm- and novelty ji leot^wBs proBonnoed (Hit of dangCT angle toward the way from wtaJcb yac man ts a good dairyman: another
wins with sheep: nsoiber with grain: Judge said to bfm:
tbeir new burden. And Jhe mower waj: tad Iby peacefully sleeping, the farm- an intrudtT would come. Tbeae splk<
the town.
"Hare you ever bean aaotsaagd fib
>r. wlio had come up from tbe fields arc steeped In a poison, and after they ilill nnother with fruit. BMaeed re
The yoqng womaa from the city ca- turned directly toward tbe road!
nan who can do some of theae
"Jump, Fred" called Mark, wbiletht S doren- times to Inquire after bis Ixty. are In poslttoc <b(-y arc roven-d with
loycd the proipect wiib silent dellgbt.
-No. your hoaor. waM the rrlmlaal.
ibiogs aud do them well He can wot
while Mark aad bis fatber faiked of' funner aad bis hired ime sprang to Viuuil. Itochel alone on (be iiorcfa en­ leaves. BO that U Is almoni imiwf
aad ba buret lata trara.
- joying the wbuh-some outdoor nir.
them. A scrateb from one uf help being a happy man.
tbe boBw folks, old Cricndi aiid crops. ward the team.
■Well.' said tbe Jttoga. -doat ary.
K you keep your trills i«td. Tbe
He look ber hsnd very gently in faU | ibem-means ea-rtaln death,
The BenaeU farmbooso was'oW<atbwas. too late. A huge red
goteg to be now.'"—New York
rtl one was tbe laventor of ran
A wblte man. tUekly booted, might
ioaed. but tbocoagbly comfortable. A touring car wbtzzed past with claUei tollwpra wrinkled ones as he said:
screisBls at the store and etsowbare.
"Daud^nr. I rion'i know how t.v. escape Im-Idx scra||keri by tben.
itoat, motherly Woman garc her aos sad rolUc and puff. Tbo lx? feil
He kunra Josl when every bill ts doe
tad jie* daugfater a glad welcome,, the Brut leap of Ihe horses, but ibt thank ye tor w uai you’ve dune for the an (-sploivr iMmeuitlng to tbe
lad • bright lad of IS wltb bU alsicr. frightened aQlinals backed oud )■>' wsr boy." He iutaseil. ^is lone was bum­ Ulns. muM take i^vo bearers and xsys "ITit ti off till lo-uimiou,"
Probably tbe blgbeet enm rvsr yaiJ
two years older, came shyly fommnl Jammed unmardfully by the heavy ble sod bis voice lretnbh<d. Tears gniqps. etc., and these would certainly Don't let him Bwl ytra. Pay wbea the
tor a aermoB goes each year to a iachy
»U- Is due.
to greet tbe aeweomeru.
Lncklly be bad
German preacher, whd reoairoa PMM
Rachel looked at tbe pleased faces eoougb to drop tSc liaes, so wa
toeerfuHy responded:
to wear blp bouts of Matbiw. Tbe
If you amsuli yoar srlfe odea abotn
tor his effort.
tad only hoped ibeir glances woeM dragged when tbe horses, tbo puEt in­
"'A’hy. fatber. It was Just what any Hwtber wouHl have to be n-nai
he (arm work and oUier busliwas. Tbe
In tCM. a waaithy Frsweb baron
surgeoil. would have done. Only I thick, for till- IrnowvKMls of the Ar- point where many men begin to go
tbe letter a»ln, be as kind, ibelr feeling as tender, stant, made a wild dasb slcmwi
sBcd Farart, who lived In Bbor*
Hired to do 11 for you—for Marfc'a peiv fours an- as sharp as daggers rind as town te right where they get tbe «»
wbua sbe should takr leare after mak- neu.
feM died, aad
lag the llaal dreaded dlseiosore. Perpic."
Raefael knelt brsidc the uncons
le Prouauat «fcu* tbdra, wkb
bape It was wrong to leave ibem lo boy. His mother held his bead in bet
-But ye know 1 didn't like perfe.i
go It aloee. Tbey eoBiux aad keep It
ihe Ptoriso that it staaM be ta>saiiH .
ignanacc now. but wben she lu^ed lap ami wept silcnny. At a word from tlonsl sromen?up very King. Set that down as a fae:.
and Ihe totcrewt gteoa aaaaany to
U Mark’s bappy face she deiermln.-d Ibe younger woman Mark had rushed - "Vi-s. hut 1 wanted you lo like nu-.
letter h
trey-lere In l-aptand. wh.v
MonumeM to Her Deg.
(•MWalate yon oe row ie abould have bis two wcv-ks’ visit Tor the bouse and suio reappearrd TbaOs Why l eame bore- «utor fals-am iboce boMlag Ibo poonM Uvtags
.f re-lndoer tn
In ail (be peace and pleasure that
gome newspapers are very scvi-re
; diMfHaiB. IM* aa' I wontd like
Dairying a small leaibt-rcaBe. U coo cobire, Wni you forgive
the eee. on eqaditkm tbat be yroaeb
teM half tMm. bit tbe dUtaaee lear old place conld offer him. And tained tnigiral insiramcniA The llliig you at first? We uri to tell dilBruii task uf milking U being dime poo a New Bngiasd woMn wbo re.
short senaoa extalltog the gooff.
ttr ferae old (odea, and
fanner was direetiog the hired tgsn
baJ sort
numbt.-r her d<««l ririlfe. It seems a ralber til deads of tbe dead horoa. It is gsw
happy among tbew simple, good peo. to hssten for Ibe village doctor.
•THri. I'm sorry . ----- • —------,
,«» MA< Ml K
erally delivered on (ho trM Hagffay
«. with' sneta homellko suroundings.
t.vllo’r. I believe Iu ibe abole kri '
sdrlsul use of sn murb atoni-y. and
imr loalbm- rNd la too rnniK to
Jun.', oftet tbe isfotor aorgibff
The nest week was as dell^tfnl as
-pi-rfessors. lawyere au' ntin I
( tberc is a side lo It worib coasi*
* ^ fbdiff. 8o I gwmw yoiH
ee. and. balag of aoty
Bg snmner days spent by tbe newly was dear and steady. "It wont be Kiers, That Is. If tbey're- aoytuiu' i
lag. Tbe money went u> quarrymua
bo.t^W FMr bride to tbe oM
nocessaiy to bring the doctor, unless like you. my dc-sr "
[requires (wo lo acrompllsh Ibe work. and stone cutters, aad Ougefore helplir w ba lat oMiiiBlDted. I ez- wedded pair la
you Inrisi. Ac enn look after Fred.
rwRW oboaea vbelr. l kaov
The farmer stared vacantly. A pnpl Ii-r." she sahl. "I mean to l«iry m>
animal by
i. reins. A <|icDi on a sumpiknaa baaquH It might
There were long drives, and rambles
•rd^ aeiM frittr oMct oaee la tbe
of blood had imtbored at (be lad's sld)-.
halUT Is put orfv 111.have cansed dyspepeia or «ber dll
lb., bit
on Hcht IT one «( tboM ■a the woods, and visiu lo Mark’s He had nut escaped the cruel blades lal.-iii liere-aftcr sod juM uke tart- -f and on '-Ither side .>r <bis baiter
boyhood baqots. BuotrUaiw Fred
will kill
Neon iHMt tmR«d youof (bu maefaiue. Tbu young woman
fsM-ned lb.-se two lltui-s. which are uobody. If sbe bad eneOad It to tbe
my o^ton pi atroiicHnloded fe- artmi along as guide. bosKttnws (be was culling away the torn sleeve
eatbednl. wbkdi dates from U9P. gad
drawn aroaail a trev alai'wl to fn
tnemory of tbe most wonktess bei
Upta aad I bamt any eae for pro- prwty sister was htdaced to ao»m. ciosiDg a Jagged wound that turned (be woman's happiest sphere is In ber own
to tore booa amde by A
of ibu animal, maktog it iiosslbkhome."
fbiiluail voanea. aeilher. I i
side wltb horror. Joelab
irnmasric etoek maiur. It ts the ogly
“That> right, dsughler. Only donT dnw on Ibe reins to m-jcb tbe sai
ud tbon^t that (ho yoong Mapie
Inrym aa' doctora la petUmta.'
clock BOW kaawn (hat Is wongd og
foiyiei b(fw. It comes handy to have a
enough fer-weh oihur.
Tbe dog was at tcast faithful aad IU
Nadar-obmed with an aoarr aaort,
waodoB wbsM. stbtob to
dort(w to the farailr."
•>-. e genuine. It did aoi scold ber ftr
.•M Me yiWB« #tfe only amUed ae dhe JO (bare tad been liUlc diaore tor
rOo you see Ihsl. girl? ' be spoke
tweiTa fMt to cbeaMCsnaeo,
Hy- tornKT (rent back to his work fidgety animsi. ib<- mUkinald per riDrw. nor mbdi ber mile falttogs. not
■afeidid for him to praoeod.
p IctUag acquatmed. ;H’hra Raeboi
sternly. “Tbat means an anery.
be met bib sou Mark coming up th-.- forms ber work. .I'ullke tbe urdlnA! "lesl ber faults lo tougbtog corn- corytag a cobto ^crat SM fssff a
:|>a dirti mad here are gnint to town.' mugbt to be inlUnied Into the
don't know what yon can do. bat weVe
mi-tbod of milking she stands during «DinDs. Bor earnusv against her wtsb- leagth. wltb a taodds weight of tbroa
iliaatat to ba tndaod anraea aad .erica uf chnraliig ifr baking, (be
gM to make a- ligalurv Tore duetor
buadrai weight atucbod. Tbo dObto
He laid B detaining band on tbe (be precess and uh-s only ooe ban-'
ebase after otber women, nor
-tnek.- bM I lam tbeyll mlaa ibor knner’i wife woqld geuUy thrust her gets here. I know bow an' Hark can
tram the hitebcB wlili a 'There, yon
young man's arm. aad gazed tor a full bolding In (be other by Its long ban nbblv silttoess wHbooi eanae. If she bas to be wound op dally. TW goog
MNaliiluai.-• .
it the great teaor beU of (he oatbomtouie toui his son's face. Then b.- die. tbe vessel tom wtiicfa Ibw flilll
' ^tar daddy Beaaeur bnkc la Ibr ran dong, dear—I know Mark's look.
Bat the gfrl held to her pwiiioa and spoke. but 'll was with au effort ilir; Itows. By-nbts ofow ^ocess It re
dral. which wolgbt;ttinr-t«D hoffffrsff
thmpjh anratag waan-t Ji’ for yon." and begged to
trew.wistful, when she wa* glad they
pushed back his hand. "We'll oot
qnlr>». <•( cour*.-, i much longer time parkh-d with Joy, The faithful quad- weight, and Is rtra^ boaily by aa
le w(mls ram-' forth.
^ aaat wamaniy woilt la tbe world.' .•ido with the farmer In bis light
need a ligature." she said quietly. “I
do Hie work, but where a thrift}
"Mark, my mo. It's mighty Incky for
:. «»tt yoaln too eeaelMe lo take up -pring wagon ihe old man wuald
tbsll tie the artery."
,voM marri, d one o’ them doc '
">1- isd probs^ly netcr sulked wb<-n
«Mb thU oort, mr bor." tbe nwilrr proaipUy tesign his seal lo bu son
"Yoo!" (-xelalmed tbv (rid i
- kind to it.■—
........- '“iS
ail right, boy. You "’•I'’•-mpP-ys many bands to as- rss
MLoa. ”00 brlag ber alung aad «c‘U tad send ttaat' yemag man lo the vHIt would fight and die
wbleb giMO rooad oooo .
M- the task is renderc'*
#?• TM hoU a fight hearty wetcoiac. age or mill lo hU pUce.
her in an emergeacy and do oaj
Rachel was washing Uic gnsti. Letiy. land Unto Uenter.
to two hwn«.
[much easier. Tbe ingenious bsraeat
«Oar maOm la gMtIag ready for yoo.
On (be Saturday ending tbeir Bret
swift- fooim!. had brought water and
[on the H<-emtos]y
aad Latty aad Fbed will be tkfeled
aech's slny they set forth ou a vtell sndagee.
rearherons, but^pea too often are.
bappy. <-arU>-ss mllkmsid in
Meat tbeir aew alater. So no more
a the dtstriet sebudl. Tbe DeaneU's
Ik< wbule ihVwomaD might have
X Ot All Trades.
"Yes. l-ani a doctor add have had Engiand’s King <s
Maatiu Anaa yoar ateeUaaatc laiber. niched tbeni asnatorlng down tbe
Wbq is (b. to—t V .Tsat.le bngbsh
timriencc. You must trust me. fa
'■U Baaaen.”
ane. hand in hand, be wtaistUag. sbe tker. Tbls Is a care of life or death.
SI.: I'rolpaMj !lie ui animus answer,
, <^3,.
At tbe requrat of Bffltm Alpboaae Gto
^Wby. Mark. 1 like that letter. It U iBn^tag.' a pair o( rejuvenated urIII'Thj bis niA'--'' ' ;v king.
InleresIlDK sight m tb.- irsv
_______________ ivaaelli (be sral hgff breo broken oo
•o atialghtfcaaafd aad ao ii«lat..It Alas on a holiday.'
'1-iiv.ard U
wbere tbe wbed stratdc bU bead "
stibw by tral::
m come a. mllklnc
“Well, Ulher." said tbe farmer's
.K .Kc ,
„ CiK,
cUlub ,h.
"Do what you can.-- said the <ami- IK.
I dA (hlBk be’a a t
wife, "he's plek<d out a smart, gmid- r. rtertoy. “but JefTs gone for Doc riRging m vartly as many of his gal »
aanSimtaded triddii
'ookln' wife, alu'i ln-r"
lanl iqds to blue. Hut slnev ib-M. Urtnkvr. anyhow. - I uctc-r tsHh-ved
stood waiting to U- nulk*->i
^‘Hmg tain In the elate archives, has
Tbe farmer chuckl<-d. "Well, i was
liappv liriiiania days h>- has iday -i'
.Ibem spnwd oui. The print*, wb-j
young bns- .htaUb'—she seem* so sun of capspranicwl pan in nnarl.v every car ,
Muanwblle tb. oisraijoo «.
depotoHM bis will la Aogatt. ITUS,
Ride Caws instesd of Heraet
ale an- hidependcni Uk.—that mebby swiftly on. Mark assisting wtit n.
t uwch»-re. and
E and trade in ihe empire- Tb-,
wrote an impirwilte order oa Iu (ciU>
poini of view tt was sbe thM picked him out I like
If there were no su< h astmaJs ns
king ass brewed l<*o gnllonf of U-er.
•BSTTow tf takca from bor fu: rate, bat It's quuev she doot ural skill, bis iDotiHT bravely holding and isjL-n u tram <:nter. He has sold borsts ic the worM
m::bl g<’l
■u»usi among young chlldrej. : that it sbouM not be opento «aifl (h*Ibe paUh). unconscious lad. Then th'
lurl. of (b« OivnaHii family
talk aoac about beneU. I believe heart was examined and liandaged and good' Ironi a fiowtr stall, and run a
I a xiiuleai vai<r* a master*
m' '-sHiict. After two ramHe only needs
.A Frenchman Marquis d'AygaesMv»-s. pr-»< nc*. to Japan he bows to th«ibe s been a school ma’aai. Seems to
brought a iiiit^^ad carrk-l prinlir.: msrbtoc.
urtw lb< iast dewceadnat ot that
are bu- kao* a lot."
U- made U pais .rf Imi- L«5 a eow r.smed Susanne. which^e Ooof. and wh. li Ibe kwsoc l* finislied J
o the buns'-.
braach' ba* '-zplred.-lnter Oeuto.
ri'Ii-s with a lilt «nd sw<l<l>-' '-xactl.v be Ui** again with ••spr*
BUT be waMble 0
"Why. she’s beea to; culb-gt-. csit-r.
butire later the iifayftelau ar.
IntenU&s. tiylni
horse. Ahio he fresU ber on tbe dM ix-st grsiimdc a* be takes hu
AOmed Fmt. t-bui you'd never know riv«-d. Jeff bad bad a long suarrfa for cd wR^a new rU.- and detlrere.-d aa
'A MilHee Tci
bMt adrantage the taieau ;t Tbat (a. 1 mean, she deal in i«
nd bas taught her >u jump wo
fain. Mark introdneed hU wife as a sdurees while thowlng bU rc-marksbly i that Is fran nd.- "enwH. r«sii,:r>" with d'psnore. Tl.- tiwcfaer. siiUag ia
K ,11 a,.,,
*»-■»■ .....IM.
totimau knowledge of machiiH-n
pracgraph, few pMtpp bare on idea of Ih.'
Aad they laally
"And -he's b|w to Europe, but tietd in the priodpa! faospltal of Durgrai.:!, returos eseb FalBUiioa. ibc-n
Here are- a few of bis maj--st> s her afi'v a fariiiim.
.-MMt .M «w yoo. Mark."
Tbi maeqais l> eswmHy twond d light* bis Ulilc pile- si (btoto'-vlUbk- ezieat of lU use. Ab»M I JMiJiW mesioosnt brag pf iWi all." pnt in Letty. lingfaam.
trml'-w^and aPainnH-nis. in wblrli si

BM aa." cmrected tbe other.
Eurantir and her accuinphshmeots. bli of a aaMklng t*>a sjm] waJU fur ragrei are- eotii over the world's Hbcb
-She alal a Ut prood.L(iini
The uM doctor looked scarebingiy
every S( Urars. dooordtog to uugp
Maoo tbeg do not know
Thoy certAal, wouM not have
ext doss. There Is 00 harrying
prarifrol infere-M: Btcbtag.|
^«caaf«. JtMt fsB^, 1 shall be a thought ber proud U they could have at the girl, then lurool to tsamlne th.- eaBravtos. .blpbuiWteg. boukktorticc.
the •mdi.ary toffw andTmv of msMi.-rs fre*m room to room, as la
am ^
to all I
'cocMdoahte rim<:
Men her at that araaeai pteklag apM.B1. .d the M-b(gri* .0 orr owe ca 1
there ain't much need of mt mousing. I»ring.
IMII' fswwMitT. Bat for yow aake. ptas from one of Faraier Hcltbb'c
Eddie Suillvao. a ruwUiy<m a Cali- hsbu-Dcd land Or.-at imltot**r*
atilng- weaviDg. splantog. jewtory and
•ite. rm Jldnalaad to make tbem trew tbat overhuag the ruadwAv. swvlecw." be remarked, gently touch
M4X<.4t4 As a (SHW «f tba toto- ~
onglne-driving. A lt(«-.-:ber, tbe btog forola rdwb. has a steer wbk-h h« they are. the Japuese are remarkabl tag
j|^»e. Bo tatW go at aooB aa you Mark was holdiug down ,lbe braocb
BSttoUvrly tboie -forrign" cus- grapb. (ireai Brtuito beads (be Itot
aceumpuifim-ais. besides preters to a burse
ing (<voa the bead basdage. "He s in has over
with K.47I.WU0 mrwmgis. Tb« Uatte^.
Kot only does hr ride <he siuer to
tad iaajtoiaglr telling ber bow often
being our muH lopuior B.->irtkr and
whlch would tot cotoelde wlih
'tnMyMnaUy await? Ray.yoo're he bad beea pualahed for ibbbtng liiat aubd harnto if they are only a wis
States u seeuad wdtb •l^ljmo. and
ts-s. Jtut wanu qslei and good sailor, and Great untoto's groattwt bis ordinary boatooss. bat be U always
nathmaJ charanemtb*.
paw tkaa poo.- wasM iapUw-you'rt same OoUea 8we« tree os faU way
Fraat* eumew third with’(SJHAfil.
dlpIomoL—Xow York Eronlag Kewn. iT»>ij to race btai against the Call
hu.eMlttbie anabwa! I hardly dared from sebocri. But she InsUied «a Sli. nnrstog. 'Bennett. I e<
tornia ponies.*'
larUoadoB. accurdiag to the I
baring wsefa a talented dntigbler.
It Bflor-akowl« you that «oU- ■'Ag Ua pocfceu and be ealled 'bw a
XeWlKT toe FTmteb maninte aw the
»». 'Ouess there woBldat hare
1 (^lenlM Ameriran eowboy oan cinim to be the stoUMics. (here U bu< eoc icdey
MNffae .apMUe tg poor -father's.' b« taogbtor of Ere and wU the afglas.
for eeery CO tamim-*. |a Sew York
beea any ease waiting for me if sbe
tWwasBMaclac to take yow there. J ■hoMd taste better thaa aver.
there U oae for < tcry 12. m Boston
Tbe I
bndnt bma right on fcand."
W asw tbe placo aad tbe old
.Vlsgsra U wtwtb (I.OW1.M0.PW a
s bmlly in the wnr «( snMie one (ar elx.^ San Praactoea oae (w
Thcr entered tbe eebootooase
Tbe (rid triesds nUendy shook hands.
o eoiera in tbe WBriff, oad tj
beasts. Maay .yaara ago JasMe Hlrac

•WiMr W Kl««:
«wnd ■*;
Mtim* kw OTfw ttot •ttoi' itoUer tbe dmn ot A-beov lhaa (be
AMMteal ot • Mbs. -

L ToBlltfi^thdiBdieri^Bort,
aad If (ber dca'i tall la tare wltb m
—lOf jrqnr wa aake. M «lae—I'.l
dlamra (be eeilra taaillr. Let*! eun



:r„»“ r.::,r:

apM tto dHagalw W the Sm FBdw- ei*eCtir^*tniisaBd BSC-j ''
eearful rouag buslow* bmb. He hns| .The a
BtkiB for UMr reporU.

At usk MOB YtandBV Ms
BMW BS4 Xta tiBBa CocmH or Oop»
atah, vkostUaM Hr. bb4 Hn. r

Ytoaer v«* the deleg^ but oolBg

Twmm Vatswter H Ul*

to the IBbcw of Mte. Twaer ber paper
«aa read br Mlw Hiaale Walt The


HMmmU BBd kBH.WBB. »(*«

A T. HANNAH. PrsaWcnI.

Of 6SA80K,


Mr. BtMl Mrs. C. O. KiscDej'. dose tbtoBgboai tbe aute br dab
MnTc. t. nwtHfknwf sad Hlw Ad«: wooes, eot-wloee aioag Uterary or
xtBt Uaet. b«t also alpag the Uses of
inn»l« oC thta d0 BUMHiBg.
.. Mr. Md MmI Benw Mi for a wad- dde improveiaeat. WBitalJoo. fordkg Ma to OotnAt. foUoved bjr tke eatrr. edowUoB. Ubrarice and othw
Ipiponaal subject, whldi t»w^
good wUbw or tMr iHBts of frlotda.
o«h earaeat thoaiht and endearor.
During the paM f<-w rear*, buvrrrr.'
A flliBpae wa. alw glreo of the per
W. H. Dearer. o*ser of tbe Oaiwa Maalltr of aame of tbe piwmlnent
^Mtoeri prewnt at the federailou. ao-

las. «Mck «as daatrored br dw la«

prwMeBt. both women of cbamloB


and forcefol eddreee ihoroochly alire

man week bow laaeb amer MU

of bU time to the KW < 0

be wqMiM aa the awr boaae. It MD to the Itatortance of womnn's work in
be Hrger aad wore BP 10 data (baa the aad oat of the elob.
oae that va. boraed.

Wbea lalabed.

Noftbera Miefafgaa. A weattag of the

tbniBgh Uteee

of the

•ooa to atartad.
Ito tre waa


oelj a gnat low

giiiilliUr hot A.Bsmbtr of ob)eeU

lad a redUUon br MU. Florence EaiJ

■tlTuetloB. for tbe pleasorv Mil nmi

which were much eejoyed.

fort of women aad ebildren sn.l llshe--

vat* baraad that bad a aeatlMi


dadgbtw of

Hra ifkdiae;





the dtr of Traverse Cllr do bercbr

nci*' Mr, Friedrich will u»i lie a
stranger to the butlot-ia circles id

promise asd agree that we MH doae


Tbatb year of pr*--tlce.




ay*. l<uvini-«K <'#i>gc and over

Tbe shoe bustness will be conlmm-.l.
by Hr. Qroitidc. wrbo bas already ma.limany warm friends and w-bo has


;E,,s_ia^'iir-v’7:7r;7 Rac :

same promleeu in tbe business cool

3. B. Haitta. J. W. Oaaatlett. A. H.


Che Store Chat Fills the most Proscrirlions

w Wilhcln Eioek.

Idar. I. A. Ihompaoa. F. H. Hddn
north. F. P. Uwtoa. H. B. And<

The CompMvlon Inferma and




Traverse City, Mich.


Wtras C«uty Stak Bldg., DETBOII


.md. euDveylag always in Us Oci1o-i
utd Its articles some eunvlacioi: trull:
or s«Mic oontrttution tn the ns.-f-ii

omer with us

HtHaesdar evening at 8 o'clock at tbi
write for Tbe ComUSwIon represent an
ThTougb The Companiim ihe>- address
sot only Ibe yoang and impre^slot-

aHhlag a future fnll of bappisees.

^le. but tb»i tallx-rs and mothers ul

Ml*. Fred Baambcrgcr of South Beal

hi- nation. TIh- entire fanrtly tlaim'e
-ihare in the R0..I Ifaiugs v-hieli fill Th.-

'ad., aad oo'tbelr removal from North

Companion'v pak-vs.
'Full IllukUated anuoiiuceiu.-ni, .1.
-eriblag the principal feaiunv »r The

new volume


Before buj*ing your lumbering tools it will pay
you to call and look our stock over and get our'
prices. \V<- carry a good assortment of A.xes.
Axe llant lies. Saws, \\'e«lg«.*s, Wootl Chopperv.’
Mauls. Cam Hunk'. I.oading Blocks. Skidding
Toitgs, i-og anti Loading Ciihius. ,\sk to sue
our Steam Test Loading Chain'.

inflnlte variety M taleats aDd'eamugiy
BoU roong people have a Mde dr
3)e of Meads who Jdn Mtb then ic

store Froms-Fixlorcs, Sask, DMn,80d Kesi.
dcncc Interior Work.

for ItH'S |

rill be sent to any addreus Sm-.

All Kinds Of Building Materials


Tbe new subscriber for l!H>S will ry--;
.«lve nil the Issues of The Compaubm |
.or the Pemnlalng weeks of !!«•< fni'j

Mtd Mr. and Mru. Voice Mil cortUnw

,'rom the time of subsrripliuii. alno!

to live la tbe baae. Hr. Voice Uklng

The Companion ."Carnations ' t'a)<-s !





The .Youth's Con
The raaktaace of Hre. E H. PMce

W.L. BROWN. N<r.

!4I Ucrkeley Street. Tktsiun. Msm-.

torardar meralng at 10:» a. m. aad
total wreck
aoBM be ektingalsbed.



Seventh street waa Ukin ill at
third grade rtxtm hi the Ceninl scboul'

Mrs. Pleree bad oecenloo to bun UP

Friday, and later

■olaUou of old tapon and put

dtagnosod a*

tbem la a large air tight bmter that
connected with the chimney In the
pipe aad jthU U eridentlr the cause of



She Is


There are

SborUy after baraing ibe


amall |k>x.

Going to Build?


f in the elt) t


papers Mrs. Ptercc's attention was ar­

Mt hHe Wedaeadar wonUg at c rested by e distinct ermekUug In the
. b!HHk with tbe two bork Poiwm Hart, nppm- Bt^ and oa going above war
Buteber*' AOkuclBlIun at Hat
win and Andrew Anllp. who wvre ■el by a volume of Aamea and smoke. kicks on Keno gatm-s aud raffl.-i
■toUhrud br Ju^ Hame to tbe In- A etui aMnn was quickly respoodod tu loons.
dwtrtat oehool at LaBring. r«urm,d by tbe department but abeeis erf flame

O. Imea of SummH C»r. liule ll-reat-

Mlm Addle Pierce, an invalid daugfa.
«li tMaer Waaihera, aad Mr*. FtonM ter was carried aut ud placed in the
Mdftae of Bellatiw bar Uote nephew ease ofa neighbor.

dHthar HatchlBKa. formerlr of Bel
Tbe home Is valued st IIJOO. with
IHto. IlMter Arthur wu taken to an Insuraace of |7M on tbe house ami
oa tbe fumltnre.
AC «s toilw Dwtber. aad on
L. M. Whlumnore. wiib R. j. Wercei

pollwhtar threa mtto ago after tbe

Craverst City, Illicb.

.Not the ohl shoddy, but fresfa from

A Co., occupied a room in the upper
•lory and tost hU personal cBect*.


Will Not Help YOuiDisease, but Wilt
Weaken Your
PoDe* who think It Ss better to bear
pain than eoolbe It-are wrong.
OM.Tavhloned doctors ored to lay u
wa* brtier. because they bad nolhliis
wHjj which to ease pain, hot dangerous.



Sweet Cider

Mr*. Pierce Is a widow with lwt>
dau^er-i and s muthcr iu the home,

J9ka w aooB.

Mrs. Whrrwn TVIor

of Saimll CUT. a sifter of Mr. Lm*.
Mm took Stdoer Weaihen. MU gladIr tahe'HtUe Neva If she Is not Ukw
«a Ato paaiannla.

anjj^though her health is frail U able,
Iilcj It U wrong to miBcr. fo
through her work in dro
t./ gsiaed but wrakrnrd i»
rule to remc
ts: When
provide for her home. She has a large |I , A sife
In pstn. Uke an AnU-Patn rm.
circle of friends who sympaiblre with
This Wiu shntlie your cuivertiw nreres.
ber greal loss.
Dr. Uilcs' Anti-rain PiUs retleve yum
by restoring the natural seervuom., tn
Milch tber dllTer from opium and idnwhleh rellers pain
bn (d tbe gtonds.
and rannlesa. and are
A deal ha* btvo riet-<l whereby i
incdlcal Uratment ... ___
Frank FHialrIch lias aUd hit, Interest L
Headach^cmaigia. Ra- ka-J,e.





Waman'n Clah.
to h«H thte rearrt «, the abaorMn«

rich * Co, 10 Louis Creilick. brother: *Mtea
:ri-d Grrillek. who bas «>c«n Wr i

topic of IwalacBs -befere the Wo«an'-c
Hub .o^,




utoM at the MH meeting reported aa
Owtag to the iUaess of Mre. w. D.
. Tamer the baequet ebeuld to IndeS-

onninesa alH

.U..., i.

be eonUuued . at •«


Alwi nerre imtsUon* Un Sea<^-“«Mieaa. Seeplcwsnoaa.

T have used Dr.

„.„,j ~


MWr kmtpoaad tat that when It I*

clnrive Bhoe dealer In Tvnvre.e Clty.i
knvlag enUblUbcd n store hi IMJ.]

toM the mtamOMe recommends that
ktoatParkP ceandtbeprieetoll

where ihc^icrc U 3. W. Slater now!

stnado. on Freni street and which at'
The Msb adapted the report
that time wax the loeatloa of the lum-!
I the aheemm at Mn. W. O. Tnrow. tor yards of Hannah. Uir * Co
L d F ClIltopM prealded. caOIng
Ur. Frtadrtch ha. been toe ot

Ills: tapiKid. ;U 1‘ie per gallon.

MOea- Ami-raio

pend on it that U is pure appl'


If you are a iover 0;







-c you





y o,;r 1

good. ;m«l


Out Hr ck Chces’

i' a



of course tha; 'm- 'i-like iimberger.

palatable, rich.


-J.,^ are made lo u« as -rll «


ni-H n<a4e ofrlici, luater;.:, an-1 |iv«B a flasbr



(.'r- aiii.




>ur: o;

W'e sell the abovi; chi.';'' >


g, ,;<]


able, an.l neat


They are

c-yc; L.i ate-iuraWe, comfon-

Tbe cheapest or.

the luaiLf., rjuakty uoqnideTf,:. use.: ar,.! )vj w:ii Imy no ot;,-.: ::.at7.

124 Slate Street, w Uicfor Petertyl.

I'-* per

\Vi: have'om-


that Seal

Tea left, and l-cfore ihisi.' gon-

.. .............................


Standard make 5-A apd
Tliey are strong and chcai»-



You will'ay lha; i: 1? nice
much as ordinary-

Call at V. K-s.

' as- rwS5io£vgSJ

Thi' c.;d-:r was m.idi

good disiance,from an;. tn;< k-.r w* ll.

you like it,

“Where aball the annaal reception


South Side Cumber 0o.

were llcklag their way acroae tbe drr;

Mm Um state ato^ at CoMwabtr. roof wbea it reached there.
who tore found bad bomee la tbe
The down stair* turalshlngs were
Qraad Traverse rogtoa.
moved aad we*» euUrely -aaved. the
Mr. aad Mia. Sari D. Adame of tbV upper etory being eomptetely guUed
pwlaenM bare taken Tbercaa tat... with the furniture also deetrayed.

McMaiWa Of the paulnaala expects


If so. the South Side Lumber Co. at Traverse
Citj’ is the place lo buy your material. Sho|»
and mill wt>rk donv on short notice, (.iivc us
a chance to figure on your warns.


quarantlDv at huf home and iluthoroughly

second storr by a long length of More

Case of Amallpoa.
Utile Olive, the daughter ot Mr ami
Urt. William Alexauder of CI7 West


■tutlei daring tbe eariy moralnghoun.

home hr Mia. Smith tram where Hre.

CiU. Hm

818 Bast Ntatb street, cangbt Are 09


aamiag. arrived alao and' wag taken


Comer Lake arc. ant! IMk M.

P iTt.g.r?”“~"T

UaM Wera rinlmn. who t* boi 6

OHm 48b
Travnrns OMp.

were rasrrie'.

aanagement of tbe farm.

yi^g.«U and vurr tMght aad prepo-

Citifon* pbenn 10k.
. New Wilhelm

Tbe Yonth's Comtianipn uses cute.-

Nortbpert Wadding. -

loe and fertile A tbe aorthem reglov

■Mr seat




Walter Voice and Mbs Mamie Babm

The thrm ta oae of ttap meat prooper

^»y tor aad a ha^ home awaUs


Trawerae City.


Jlmcricati Drug Company
AoiEitT E. Gior.iiNSKv, Manager

calnmem as a means rather than s-i


L.lX.Mma-, AtMrr.T si Law


I. M. Wilhelm. O. B. Chase. L. 8vaa-



________ ' nrtTT—


E. 8. Minor. U F. Blpber. Arthur Hd .


On Real Estate.

HolUdar. W. B. Moon. H. D Qareer.

vii kept tbe farm aad borne taiicreats



Singer oBlrv

tbe Hed Cross, 2t9 6. Troat St

be at the old stand. Jir I-’rom strvvl

3iarles and Richard, and slater. 8ueie

: of bte wber<^uln bU aaat

I. ewlM I* m> atTWW
b^k oa Wk v•«^am• M


His iiiadouart.-r* »;'l

Mr oOow at 8 o'clodt. standard time,

where gfopertr Inlcrcntt called them
remained'here Mtb ber two brothers

on Tfeondar wltb ^ Hate ebUdraa


liEST and perrsi of dru^s.

u emetgsncr work.
Tbe ahore thaU take eSOet Nor. i.

pan Are rear* ago to Sooth Bend



Traverse City.

on your (]ru^ is a guarantee Hut you

BcepUBg into caws geseraUr known

Tbe brUe b tbe daogbter of Hr. aai

MWI.1MM. wMdI.. Bu«k U>

) per Cept illOTR... nflnuwtti.

i>f dental

i< P bail, .m ll«T w:ih Uwker


Wbll% dUennlititilDe tin- sw>>' busi-

barger of

V< r>

New Mnutroa lislkltDg. under K.

Btar In Wipd
that th< H<d Cross Cabtl

Tbe resort bas alrcsil> U>cuw

popular and possosse* great iiosriUUties for the future.

I W.dbC. Jr., aad Hto Ida

A i^cnl Baittc BariMtt DOW

Dr.W.S-disgins ■“ ”.rsr=,Ts.3Sa=jr~


One report* of dele- tion more tbonmgbly detelop lii» Csrp
lake propertf. This he Imc-mls *■ deDaring the afternoon a musical num­ relop Into a popuUr rwort. wiih vari­
ber wa. ^ren br MU. Mrna Miller ous fomts of amuM.-raeols. ini ludinp

alnAhiilitma Mil be held aowe time
thh week, aad work win Badoofatedlr

Tire Insurance!
Room 310 Now State Bank BviUdtng.

business, toring aircaitr establUhed

Mt oonpteta aad ap to data hotel IB



gine. aoiomobllL' and plL-aKiin- isunli

were B ronsiderul'Ir imle in ibeM- linn
broaght to tbe home dab and a apir.l a aide issue. Now be will devoU.- id*
of «K»p«ratlbB eagendered in tbe dul BClirc attention u> these and in addi­

the aa« Oweaa laa MH be



Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.


a» hotel. ‘oUeh «rU a total lew, MU
be rafeomwi woo aa poaalMe.
WhBe It «m aotdMaMalr be kaowa



Plate ClAsa. Steam Boltar and Accident Insurance.

asd tablr Mri. Platt Decker of Coknado,

atatad to a Herald rcfrewstaUfa that

A «A«LANO. CaH&v.


riod Bl the bow* of b«r vorctts. Hr. report, were exeellwt. gWag beeWw
a dear er»0|>l< M the.owMleat paper,
Bad Hn. 0. A. Oondlpiwaakd at the federatloD. a good
tl«« »«« Atusdad I0«ir. sad
cinaO, Hr. and Hra. H. 0. Saurtk- Idea also or the eplendld vofl? bfelw;

vaSk. was In the cHr Bauudar

Traverse Oty Slate Baik


Fiji- tAk> .

HtB. X. H. Hwai aad Hn. W. 0.

lir.n.-l Co'ie -


we v.;-!l g. ; some more


Ha-.-e } tried the

Tlc«r HTtoais mrkct Gofr^mm

Ho^at tiger
T'.f. 0.-C 111- Usl.


Connrd Corn
and Salmon


H“ror»k 8kr«*^


^V^AVMMnt T*Ma
wmM ut iB«iu
aS who »w
miimm tiu t» Mieki
i^mm m4ihoH«t ao ttM
•artten nHR* an «M Witt baaaOMir mai» Isakata af nafeM «i<
—JTyi- I-------- - -------tm ailllH ttat K «MWa lor tte
9ka aattwr «Mar tnlalm
. Mi# tta artlaue wwA. *«ya lUht aad
' Ml. M< aMM Wwaa ttat Mw tlMM
Ml a( taa the MBkala wbo« qaalat
«MMa #• F«Mtr «mMs bare baea


Tba real iMlaa baM. a*
. fht too OMlMfPd buda of -criCtta)
PMIMA' atUt left to MTIbarw Mkbl•iClaMtttbt



.■< ” 'ik' •1'=


prlMd iadiaa rellca te a cradle }'hb« he could itlre no such aancilor.

JsCOltS LmulslOn IS Simply

To Cure a Cold in One Day

milk of pure cod liver oil
over the had. by Boana Of whb* U11'
.. or^aapenl-^

"« »
fvottemen present la!?-: j especially prepared for delicate
Children take to it naturally

While workin*. The cradle waa

because they like the tastela-Uw of Oilef Kab-weAa-EewfaicU
Clasitow uDlvcrrtt.v. t* a laip author- aud' the remedy lakes just as
,9f the Otuwaa. wboae ten .ntOe pall> for the vieMthal ■ the quick lunch” naturally to the children bcpooaca were roekod to sleep la It <• a beallb dMlrurer lo aa ad.lresa
IkBonx the awarlBB brandief of the
C.1U3C it is so perfectly adapted
to tbe Cbarlng Croaa medical school
Lbndon be aaM tbai iH-oplp seemed
: to litcir wants.
lulble to get a phoa. though
ahoiild be throwa ■
J-'or ..i]}
into tbe stomach a* a sandwKA iaio- . .
, ,
th« - niko-!
<-hildren SooU s Lmulsion
rooted diaHke tt jjcjob j, ^ot tanght in ichoou" a=j ■ is the most sadslactory treatee- ' itATc
'll Ie
«IVrMV «We< flhoulil
.V.....I.I !
___ _
............. ... __________ '*«««>
iurod Miy bee^ of ibe reassuring, ^
We w-ni send yon
Ptenence of Mr. Miller and h^
Uoa. Instead of dolus fiin. vre appoint
tbe penny, i. e., a
1 tnem.
<.oinmtrslul6 to Inquire Into th-i
sam^ free.
causes of plijaical detcrioraUon of Uic

%'■: Wlir«M#^4lle walla. ai' trelU*
«( the vigwaM wlU be tor,
MMli. as well as (be art of Baking'
«M «MM ItaM: tbn.Twa-ki
OHtr Antded hod-ropee - pakim.
■m«M. ntTMtaed to tbe backs of the
le eared to ovry food aad
ea tbeir Jovneya.
tdta dnngktastaf tbe ou eblef.
of norlyelgbtr.
Ihettneior fOnr In tile rni
who atih make tbe nab
iga. Tkaee arc woven treo
IMad la ptaeU nttta ttlaad
tta Mdtaa vUlage. In ora« ttiM the squaw* ro4 out
ttw la Jaly. la “daroetA” or
—M># # hoBowtag tree tnnftt
sMW'AM Me iMpee of hmui. The

KtlliHli aad inld M the aboe* to
Mr. aeterAMlM ycOow bring
fp Mcnt Bettods (ran tbe root* of
VON mMm atsl. Mack from tag-w^.
Umi fitan roeta' aad a brllltant red
tnm a hbUI weed aad brown from

nm oM women rie with each other
la .Madariag ttaey paueraa. aad th?
- fm. no among the mnet artliUe
ttita produced by tte ladtaaa. wbllt
makai thea aaiA «
The ba«s MU aaqi by the olden In«I«M are made «f riripe ef faacwood
hafk. aad ere nauaUr (n daller eolan. TkM #e.almeR iBMaribte to
MMa at the atorea aad win soon be
nmbend aBoig tbe tblan of tbe
The haakna. which go under the


~S“-3iaDNEY •Backadie

“Wtei dM butter nent '

■ ............

•$£u. aad Ha eoiorlaa la oftee of a
^IMHnar tkat la a Hula eUrtliac to
‘«M V *e«»to®ed to Bodern art
k bM tta awe«t craai baa a.fraM M ila owp. aad there U aa


Ph)wlelaaa kt tte Bayoaec. N. Jj
r] mlct cab ba Mcarad br tb« aae <4
hnrpttaJ aar that rnak rruiafcowakL
bar 'bOMM vaa oTwa aUitM br « fu'- praper mettadda «( ureacrratire tnaiUit iS-ycai-vitf U<<. wbo bad both hti>
tml 'boaboo.*' as4 leraed la
a tD«at. Tbe latter U « laltlMi wblcb
eat off aa ibo koees br a railroad aolaclaaa footed tqaaw wlib bar pa- tb'! bareaa tt fomirr baa for aomo
.. IS. woQld not hav‘e pellcJ
poeae. or a trtai-tauaied ladJaa atMd- tlaie ben larntlcatiBS. aa alM fonb ie
ibrv.-jL'^tbf nfaMqeroi-ordcaU bad I*' ctatlr.'
tax readr to IpRar a baaket tor a few^ ita BolteUa No. 41. -SeaioelnsefTim#•*'
aad jbr;
(liaxar of wat«oj<!oa» t« caa>iiH;i
peaaiea aad a baadfal <d brad entaujber.-'.aiul ____
pnbHcatloaa _________
Pin-iber _____
balleUns daallas wlib dl«e,-eat aa-lCome pHt a pcnsy In me tote lor bl« moUier. Wben the ^'bnrr lobhea on Uw ana', raorhee io|
or brtdcea biu of cake.
ttniterhil fall* r In CaWoniP. The
Kearir iaU tte ladiaaa tron Owaa pecu of tbe aaase proWe® ta-.l chum,*' is an old time dairy •»> «»««■( Ii> the b(WT*ltal 1->m; dortttr •
iseioa ba* caraoed asd
asd XewadlB Ifmaaaa tt<K^^ea» toed later.
It Otten seems to
binvjf abom Ito wim.-rjcilne wild over, ttv raBeh. ., ifac
aad adl tteir baaktta tbraa^ ibc

work though no one has ever rtopplm: ai tbe litda.of oUttr
i rar.l; vioea cbokiniSoji altcai. i«rbv
■edialloa of B. E. UUIcr of Tra*er«c
cxebanaiox (x-.eilnfr.. Wbvc fcl^tati.l «(ber ortP*. ^ea the Unpenu.
citr. whoB iber call -aha-wa^le-^o-■ Tbe MuJIt of tbe lord bishop of
rt-lt - mTitrnf ------- ----" M.^C»riJale.Etn!laBd.UBoie4aaadcrta; l - .... lUlier'a
who aaae to ttto eouii-' tamilr- l^ie IHsbop'a faiber. now de­
paiu* to die.” »aid'| ranebtr* ^»laBl.^J rmall
ity te IMI. waa the am wbhe aetOerleewed. waa Ber. Janiea ^iley. Hla, because the children do not ma=»i.a I
oMilde of ihoea aeat aa BfBloaarica IWoibara
™i„ strength and flesh
sola, .. w s,„.r s-. |o.
t,., .rea. « ,
Biaiiv I lywe* “d tea were an llvlBS In or *»
, ceaw- I »o3 .aad doo'i waot to | ib< ro c iaa> wit. acatu red wij.- i.v ..... n.. i*i x«»r wbun, lae
>. WM ..
■' IK ■«»H. laa .ha say give them Scotts £mul■ wb.d ... «, irca
a... i»
"a ' l
TO .. a..:
ntw..- -to
Ion. ,h.
....... .. .
w^te« trli"aad’tally wceej The Eacllsb bar itlll eHnxa devotedfantaxtat np aaoaic todiaa pUyBatW.|b «o
"hea. A aollciior who lur
For aale hj 4a*. O. Johaaoo mad Bt»B. E. Miner apeaka aad wrliea tb.- i
roaoa wu not prepared wtUi bl* milk because it woits and-caUed J-Mtertl«e a^ tUc !,;e.|tiial br- n< « 8e.-b la H.*i ««...V 1, «, « t.n
pomellune l*,y T,h«-c!t-(l iu -he rtm-b.-tu-r;.
bee A Sqrtturxh.


The exerelae* for the taring of the
uri. Bibicll. widow of -llenr> Grin- ‘
truer atone of tbe Bcllalre , court ,pii RubsoU, of Providence, R. I...1* the 1
bouse were held oh Friday af !:3a ■ •
. ..
Vdock. deleqailoiu from tbe Masonic;
odgee of Haneelona. CbarlevoU. Cen |.. inace B.'Stoiriii. coanij- tposurer at409 Peari St.. N. Y.
a*l Lake, Twteree City, Elk Rapid*, -^trenooii. Arit.,:fcna been found locke.: .
5R-ai>4ft^. aSdnesKt*
Ralkaakaknd Bur ordan
being pres-lja the aiecl vnuli of bis olHee. iKjand-'
■’s—3^-- . ...1
Btand the Eaaten. Star sending dele-jsadgagsed. with SIS.OOO mlariDB.' He:
Klnt; George of Saxotri- '-IeavrE S‘.'>tattons from Traverse Citr. PcloEkeyihad been In the vault 16 hours wheoH r.f,.
ud Kalkaaka.
‘ found *by bis daughter. Th<- robbeo
cm Cuo)''* BiulU(»-i'thavC vlsltcl
Preceding tbe exendses at the court. wa* iierpetrauid Toe»ta> l.y iwo
him Is Springfl'.-M. Uasi.. tor <ioly flvijouK. a grand reunion of Masona dni [ masked men wbo entered ihe ofervears anh the unrrau-riM man is oui:.
eastern Star members met in tto Ma-j uHh drawn revolver*, lor $1.3» Ut l;o:;r,; asd lodplngmale ball and from there a parade i Without a gnanllan otter than such

We can give you a BARGAIN
I in a Second-Hand

rilb Barttal muile from tte Baal Jor-;o* mIgV
IoubA among the siexm
Klmball Ce. Sells Stare.
laBandBrilalrebamlfwas formed thejTblp and'rallroad employe* along the
The W. W. Kin-.lmll 0>. .Saiurday '
Btire line being crowded with a dense long Journey. Carl and Anna And.-i- turned lie store !ti ih;» rlty .iv. r t.
BBCoufM of riallor* wbo were In the jion. 10 tmd » year* old respccUvel.r. n. Harper, a well hnov. -.j uinsir cll-aUdiy to enjoy the aomentons occasion j«re traveling from Kraksbuti. Xweden. who has
mcTij- y.sre in the m
1*e eserclset at tte coort house .lo Waircntown. Pa., to join tteir parChicago. TJie More an.l burl- '
»«re held by grand ^er ofthtlicnu. The two children arrived in
su'd outrii;lii but Mr. Harn.-r
trand lodge Eugene RTutvril of Be!-i Phlladelphia a few days tp. as rteci- will tL-preM.-nt III.- W \V.«lJ <
alre. assisted by grand lecturer P. P.; age passengers on iho American iln • i !u iiiii: city. s> thai ihar .... .
•A«dMof Deiroli.grand secretary F B.: steamer bVICKland from Liverpool.; Ia<r.:r,-...r planum smi or^jr.- ,rii Mir
Wlnfon of Reed Oty. grand tylcr|l.asi night they were »uncd on tteir! be at tte from In .It s p- r.i,.v.
liMMcOreggor of MroH and grand jJourney to their new home. Nriihef! Mr. J, R. Stllltt. il. who bn* been
^ R»ortoo of ean »l»oak a word of Engll.h. and all [ maiiaper for tSc W. IV. K.mlvall C<.. lo
IMIand. Rev. Charles T. Stout of they bad to Idenciry ttem wa* , tig «i'l* city, wiil take a r. -luneibh- poslrraverac city bringtte grand chap-1 sen-n to the vest of the boy. Their a;> ’ lion with the company in Grand IttpBin for tte day.
: poarance Indicates that Uiey were : ids.While the local hranch has bo<-:t
The following attended from here: 'broogbt up with considerable care. Aili in chargeof Mr. Stiliw.-ii the buslnrs-i
lev Cbarlei T. Stout, Dr. H. B. An- , tte Immigrant Inspector* knew of I ha. grown
an,i prospered and Mr iSii:I
I'Is B~rt work la
s’ Tv
'COUDU7 four year* ago an.l • Grand Rapid* and vlelnliy
Jmlth, M. Winnie. A. W. Jihrani. il .tbnt these twt> had been brought un
The eonpaay -le;
ihU oppnrlunit,M. Post, Robert Caldwell. O. C. Mof- by their grandparmu.
1 to ihaak the pi^-opl. f ihl* fccilon o'
Mt-JasP^B. Levi Soule. B R
Mrs. W. S. Peabody, wife of tte gov-1 northern Michigan
■ tteir g
^le. W. 1. DeKay and Mrs. F. -2. ernor of Colorado, has been elected r>! pairooaKt- and to assure all that I'l.
leoB^ Mra Arailla Q^wr, Mrs ; inembership Is the Archaeological In Kimball piin.. will *UI! be us wale b.'r,
«mte. Mrs. 4. C. Peieraon ! stlfite of America. She was connecte.l '■Jid cootinu.- m i,<. a bouscboid lav,,-.
-.Bd Mn. C. H. PetMson.
; for some lime with the bureau of Etltm her.'io'ore,
Arebltqct Jena Petersen of ttaia city, j tfon to the piano, of eour*.,t. and is a 1
W. W. Klobaii Co
vho Is In attendaaee, is receiving nn- dol
- at
- Washington.

1*. simjig. Manager
■tinted praise for hla work In drawing •
IP the admi.........................
a of ip great a



IMoaatlns Timber Eaperimenta. .
Tbe bureau of ;orc*trr has recenUy
•Jgnod an agreement to make exieaUve tlaitar aeasonlng t«Ms In
aestern Hatea. in coopemion with
wo' Iriegrapta aad telephone
taBiea. Experimental tuthms t
orated at Marinette. Wls.. and £*taaqbA MIcb.. and probably a third
ha a gale made of cotared atrtpa of
tatton win be eatabllabed at Ashland.,!
htaek*hah. *r>e tag. are laid to water
•or a kag time, then when beaten «a. The expenae of tte experiments ,
be borne Jointly by tte bureau 1
hrtUi-heavy aaltata they eplu into
«d Ibe eompaale*. Cedar and
kag. pllaai atrlps. wblcb take a brUuut colarlag. The' yoonger eqaawa. track tetapbone aad telegraph poles
rill be furntabed by the state of Wis»h»e aM aa pattrat. aad wUUng 10
»aMn free of eost. and two railroad
MUow aaeieat ways as tbe old wms
tampanlet have agreed to haul thee
M* «nidi to adapt fhemarivea to new
tbe experiment etathns wltboui
•dtta, aad they aqt oaiy folloa tte
-barge for ftelghi.
^Imebenorad iatteraa. but oopy:
The object of the experiments Is
ttedealgna broagbi i
leiennlne bow many j-eart ran bo
tdded to Ike Ylfe of each p«e by proi*
Btreh bark wprk. eooiblBed jwttt V aeasonlng. since mltllon* upon mil
'•w gnat, ta qaltt-a apeeialty. The k»s of poles are used along telegraph
-------- IBM by tt« ladiaaa of this vl
x^ aMepbonc Unee. even o<e year *
I* naaity all brongbt to from extra servlee for each pile win
HgkMooe of Crass V«tage wnount to a Ueaendous saving m ex
pease. Unaeammed cedar pole, tart
Witt btacb ban. la froB twelve to flfteea >-ear*. Season
• attarialty with the Indian wo- log experimeai. have shown'tow
qtlieb tte atlS qniBa Ic ttwease this time by three or foull Is BOW eiTteeied to lin
prove on tbu Inereqse. Past method*
of seasoning have effected a drjlru
te’ dmr Wtxtt bark tte out of 20 per c«i tf the origliul
•briHaa «t Ibe -porv Arthur"
Wright of tte poles. The befter sea
by tto wuriag Baaalaa trobpera. K»ed tte prie. tte leaa chance tterr
aaUa «r seft lUna whb qmu or • for decay.
^ proaoted br
went, vastly dicarant tram tte Botetme.
Snrii cxperiBeata are of large im- ■
portaace not only 10 triegraph and,
but to all
rf heavy Umboa which come in wuo
tt« with tbe groBiid. at which line deau, ray geu la lu moat deadly work. I>
(a-il. britavM that still graater econo-



WEAKNESS, take the''



Strer.g(h.c;v.r. Ja,™-.

T<»ic VerrifOEO.



AH Wool Goods, for boys afe 4 to 15
I'o no; ubu;.ily Hivt: nutch

i-, the stock of at. A-ric-dliitral Implement Store

bui !!,\RN‘i.\ .WDF.KSON lins jiis^ .nJiiod a lar”': lire of

Cooking and Heating Stoves
; xhr Ho'.iM-.vifi-,

fill: line of

Only $5.00forEntire Outfit

in addition to .•A,;ricu!uiral Impiemcnts. Carri.i-cs and Wagons.
l.adicB are invited to cal).

Note tie above styles. Call before they are fone.

Hamilton Clothing* Co.




Mr. limftaaa baa »oi baeo to b
far aoTMl Mtta. Md to aaptotM

Mtrrtin, «»»■.

*»• tlfhoAe ariirtr-*
(knmb (to itAU itaWlr
u« MtelilpA M «•(«» *»*« *
»tt W. MWTtt I*

be workto* at Petoaker or to that vta bar boaw with
ber. TSelamllra » to dafdtate dr__________
. iboufb praTlooa to Mr*
Ungraes'e baeomtog a vletln to to
morphine babU aaay yean ago. toe

aoTB* Civ. Mlrt.. K«*.

«aa a woman of cullare and good edu-


tiML • Mon of 4«fr h«»UM «l T»«*
«iy tor AIEoroot
to ocftlioni

NO*. moh«J borf 7^

dV UM 3l«ii.HJmkw. i HMbo- «t
Oto HlUlker of tW. ptocp. W *o^

Tbtof at Eeyne City.

Nor. 10.—For

bare mytoartotnly


and raluaWe


road and ebamlcal plant, have been

«MVO Uff tof MOfOO.

Tucaday nigbi wbUo Rober.

='Artoo«». P*, Mot. «•—Fw«r «»toP» Hatbren. a iruMed employe,
««r« <nMt«4 to a flr«.tbat dMu«r*d carrying away a large piece of copper
sheaibtog to a coarealrnt friaM.
matenr* bare, toe famow ua»P
d by tbe manbaJ. and
MHf. Tbe *UWe to believed to bare
rcred he aiaply aaid.
bare aet oa Ere br uaiBpa aeddoi:
fbdr*aT to toe bat toft U) .loop. Oae ■Yea bare «
ht Be.” He eonfoaed
, Ifimp tawwi a» -WiibBtotor aaort. that be aold ovre flu worth of copper


tto^htoWeforaboree. ««*“»• to Petoakey panlre.
etonz too.«tBB! -wben toe reef Ml


- to a*d wetoeiMd boto the maa —

toow'Voto Wto.
“ jJo* Tortc, Mcto lO.—In a Ire at 1» toe MIebIgan State Soaday Seboal a&Jtok BfWb «*»ret aarit tob morel
iiioB In thla eUy neat week, b*•btoh tooEOttoe dodato of tocotob

giatilag .Tueaday. Nor. l«. M<1 ooutlm:lilg
Ibroiigh 'ttVdeenday

Mtoria. tbn» perreiia *ai« burned

; deato a»l reany otoeni bad wow Thnnulay. Ihc Ifltb and ITU.,
- aacapet. Tbe dead are FraderfA Web-


the only gtHetiy i

Th.' atogtog will Irf- iu charge ..f

Kiitod a WiMeal.

grrei leaden from Now .York. Meakr.

Sbcttond. Mkb.. Nov. )d.-Mra. Al
kiaaM aav four wIMreU trjtae to

Tullar aad Heradiih.


infbuiu and ChUdren-Experience acaiast Esperimenk

. What is CiltSTORIA

aa aoaia Icif bn

S—ncUi-nil iilscusslon:
ihi.i y.wrf

> lyul'r


be luuu.:

vtargi il



wiib ilic

Ind .


“W’ arr,' hncal.f lack #n.l i-lscel In th.- Tol.ti.'i.:'’''-

and npwardk.

TIckeik are goo.) going

Npv. H to IC and retiirnlog the

l.aiUiog womau •Ued, Ireiing twins' Wft. ii li.- r.-ailicl In ai.sw.r i.
im.. wfuks olil.
j fcl-t mulii.T's tj.Kstlonj If - sai.l bciw.s-t
Siuntp l.riguil.' *11' cuniimi.- i.|Mra-*
II.UIS at illtlilghn tVoUf.

; r<*r Waru.-r.wli.-n to- vai.i.-f i




mm by thla buUctto waa n».g^ toiu.
toaa ieaa

pariment." J. C. Surtt. Boyae Falls.



Thla la accounted for
tor jwrn

toy. »k Itopldt.

. 'dAatoa an averege of two kre

the wepantior w.-re lar?- i aun. r< (M-at

85 wi.nli. ■ ail.;



l>. 8.

i'n>vuD. Ihn.'lican .

;; ; (.wa^iJ

^v»r^. to rhaae^

IV. and li.‘ will B]^M-ar ftir trial at ■: - • .'«<y*'^d^!n^ Tran^^M'.-SuMi^) *Bt
r.i il t.-rm <rf tlie'xlrcii*l court- k-- TiBMWtaiy. .« U.e (turd <Stf .4 iB-udve.
raine .-hnngeil (Mlitlrs ihfi) in the
p.diHeal c«i:m-Hi i.f tix- vear. and, f<»i:oa«ng lii- exani'.le of- ilii- SeHpp*

S.cttom.r..-UB.1.1B1MUI'. a.4..UiX^.il to tir*^

.-lu a i..-r--.»nal cbo.|gilgB naginHi tin- rc
Ml- t.ri—vii iriMihk- i. the rcmjlt of *
Uarge auilasl flu- n-pablicen nnuln.--'
f..rc«t3ni} ifiatrunT.
Tti. iii- ;i from Uiv.--. Jnuliu.B. sirf
f.-rinc fnim hydroptHilua. ni-i.t ii. Anr

ilei slie. m»v r.-tiiarry wilt

.4tk(.-..rd.,r. MB<1______ -_____ ____
to. r«u4
Il-Bl .WSMstonl
Aod It i.ranbrt
ivdayslbctokl r .
_____ __
ilii -i1 r t- tl iintipibiWln tli >.rsBd Trm>
BBt*b(Wt|,si le c.-BnBB«4 ito^st i-s-ioaveiB
wli Wwk. Ihc -.■*.
-Ji. rao~ a
'hi. (44.T t.. I. i. rs.^;r
—-rtol «,n Misf b-.i rwHibw. 4. '■-n-Uitt. st .mx
C-.Mty (USB I'-f-.i-lU-IKB* -—>1' |4.BiVllBBl

toe (4 Btoir isw—liip. to


uobT a wAum-


You can depend on Ayer's
Hair \'icor lo restore color to
•ay heir, every rime,
lircctions and it never
fails to do :his work, ii stops

Hair Vigor




UoMtncHr. Wdinww. lor ll» (.-rBotouiBav. u to

.and a nwr Ihmal t» •> arrad


: r!

; \ ip¥. i.AlMta th* pnere totorete
le-r i«.
B>^d. a n.'«sM|iBr I
M.d rfHiulr.aisI that
llon-dUsn-atoch B

Fading Hair


vr ci imx.
la aaii fur

iui3sSu’r77i;;s.,*“'“~ . M. & I. t RHE cm
.... aisrTV:.:.;riirsv-». fefarisrl;
Cir-un ■■•oiirt


41 ...wB
li-id at to« Pro'a', idbcM.jB thr HitT '4 Tib.tbh (Vi*, m
-aj,| •■■iwtj, VB tb- rch <Ur -4 o-twtoir^ -


Is all Ito r-am titoc


aui i-


OCapoliS, tClIS boW flOy yoUtlg

s-”iDicpohapt.Y Raiiiaa." DisiHc!! wcoan may be permsnently
d Of
of mcMtlily
pains by takiag Lydia E Pinkbaiii's Vesetable Comimiid.

Mibal re-


Tru.B. ft«i 1-H«to/ ivi>'»..4 Pm(i—) BVftoB


iiiKe.t i

1 loaa of Secretary Hiss E. Agnes Dean. IM.»-

Mfli l■•crMtly rvdncodompui, aiHl a'
aligbilr. aivucad coot.



cirvwit > <«rl Cawsii ilrBur.

AMfu F. hsicu«(ttn<.

.. .-.i



ilaie fi.r treusun r in fTiarleviiK


-We F!::...-h... VV.-t;

Ibodinglily. .

-Itara.-' of criminal UIh-:. ptrf' frcl


vice” II. II. Harris. Sberman.

egtirc force arereclog about alx days

; ,


.he^8uX'"MS:^ iS^Tirsii ■ Miss Nettie Blflckmorc, Min*

ware to operation, and .here Jere oj
aa arutage uf tu leas employiro, (be
V tear work per amnib.

i)- i.ik.-.- •if. -•

c!:-rfal. W'-.nrl.-rti'l.“ Mr. Socur'-- u.
m Ih, .Irlv.-r w-ry i-. .n.i-

3—“How to Bring too Unsaved loj
lie Devotional Meeting*," C. S. Rlt-|

nan that to aome WcalltleB
a tb< rv.b

llirt-tigh the • r:-ei-.
iLg the ivur.K;

i—“How to Oire Young Pcxmle ■
Pasakn for Boul-Wtoutog." J. C. New
eoawr. Haoceton.

" been a dlnmaliloa to eurull
tMBH. wOb toe reaulta that for ^ ux


onhiii 311 slate ae.i i-«xinty

mn ton bnllatto

m an average of Sa.TCl taea
-aa 1M
Waa t

(hat Um. Bsii 4al> .4 » vimlw.
A U nvt. Bl •>« ->I.h4>
I.evMH. U

.■rjsSk'a as!4xn'iaE.r“

Bn«v|i:i|M rv- la Ik-iiiPi. h.’ " Uii ri-.l tip

'tiit ih.. t.-aH'.-f t.-is.i.- Win'.vi»:<-

and upper paaingula tbe ittb Inrt

ta thegaar preceding moatoa

The Kind
You HaYO Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.

talk nkiti:


II van

ext W. p-aiUiiB my».( f-x tua siriusiB

“Wiailil It lx- prac ; tl;.- mailer,

Isittg Kapi.lfi family had botiiiS^’-I^C
L' .4«toa^ to amallpax Monday, aod for
liurna) scomO ilm- in year.
. j
Ucriod itorlior bu.-locSK nu-n ar
iMk rrami be nfoaai to Mare bit
» at Fataake:^.
M. E. Can
McCom-. an.Old Uj.-rktcnily much
Inurt-nM In tbei*.
InaiB aatn it la known tkat beito to no
Petoakey. MIcb, Haevb 10.—Baglti
otag-. was n r.-r-. w ,t isJf»>r at j |,igb tthool-f-Milail team, wlilcli iBv- ^
'dinBer areatonattag toe diaeiwe.
elng on Monday of next week and exF^'"iltobart Folia, laadar of 1^ Old tandtog over Tucaday and Wedaaaday. {Urtllla Center, lie (-talus lu-hats-: <nasi<iiWi.''i>.'‘t'c Htbtv.
when there ife -< -mtr totirtet. wna at tbe Ha& bame; toe dlatrici oonfcrcaec ot toe Metbo| n lug
on. tbf merchaiils and .ill. '
R. -<lb
efto toot Sunftoy. naf dined dim cbnrcb vUI be held to thU city esce county. New YiAk.
81- }os4.'tUi sperLsmea have -struck a : rr misiniw total close tli.-.r eital'll-h- .
feV ; : *ttb Mr. Hanly. «ad It <bto ncM at aad toeire will be in attendance the
- toe tuna that he waa brrektng o« paaiora. ateifard*. local preachers anJ ante) idea In the way wf iinwerjiiig] m-ai- attrt r.-palr to the
in.n leopt-nlng when the
wiqr aeme •Hmatt.'WltoonthUt waa their wives from each charge in ihi* th.-maeltej »lili.-tiiaiing Ilf
.\b an- o”'bit»i»siir over iLeir lean:'' mit toaaghl that «t waa anallitos. Mr. Qtaod Travciae dlMrlet of ibc Hetbo- friim lii-iac tBiHiniren (ord."
anlmaU.. They will ail w»-ar liriglil -iic(V-3.'cA past and presoci. and tl..
to kto boae on Monday.
dtat Bptwopal tobreh. The followtog
t.-aiB does cut waui the barking ol
pregram wUI be carrt|d out.
The villageor ItochaoAQ is aald
:hc citizens.
»”releot form! Thta
Monday. Z:S0 P. H.
be a great bcaiib rcw>rt. Tic lu
* aeare « toe Haaiji homo.
Tbe two tiniverslly slu.Ienis at An.-.
onalB—Prraidtog Elder M. D
has ten men wbo bare been lu^ .Lrt-or wliit were arrested for h.dpin:.
%'j:m toasprarebr.atoct weat at «aoe to
Cainl, Trarerse City.
oorc than ftflv years act!
bnak up the burloeciue show a'
Sannon k A. Wright. Wantotee.
80 years old. They arc av
_:lSitoa B. ttaBt, ttwacretary of ttoU.
Germania hall a few nlgbts ago hs'>
Altar Service—M. D. Carrel. Tiav
ly aa livdy aad ac'lvc as ever
»eul«l by paying 1125 to ll.e propri*me aty.
Casiapolls Is to hntc a branch fac­ lor of the hall asd paying the costs in
ud toe famfly. who
Tueadiy. g:M A. M.
with toe laadar at tl|a 1
tory (g tbe Luti & Srblamm Plckto
The mu amminl of the fiit.-s
DevoUanals—a. 8. Daraea. PetosCo- of Allegheny. I’a. Work
was mad-- U|i by member.
factory kuihltog will begin as sooo as ^Ihe rts...s<s< to which the two :;iud<.-nts
Boatorea aemlon.
tbe weather unit spring -will permit. belong.
The eliarge brimght agsinaAggraailve Cvai^itin In the Sunday This will make Cassi^iU
fur ih--in in the court was mallrioiis .1.■ehaol.
abuiU aevenleen of Mlrblgws saltlnt vtnirlion u( pnMcriy.
Snreau of Latnr eOTorlag
1.—rrbe Nature and tmimrtaace ol slaliuas. also*too-.e of nohtiern In
itba ending Bept. SO. girea
Two smallpox cas;-s bav.-' i«.
dtooa. Tb^' factory will employ (niri lieh' at the riiiversliv of Michigan.
75 to 100 bmidA
Mnad to toe nrftmv
The alBleted »nvw are Key'
indent u an Agr-dtiairlou to Mitolitok and toe cck:
.Two years ago a iady hired a rig at man engineer, an.l l~ B. Cotioc, Bcmor
■ W. C. McCune. Frank Barber's livery at Coldwater. to
T Tpttl nnmbar tana of caal
law Ftmlcni, from I'lab. Tbo casePetoakey.
■toad to toe laat ato
are both niid and th<- gatllems are IsI-The Vatoe of Dacc^on Daw and
irg .-arel for to the UBit-twIly htu
Bow to-Use 1C’ P. a Wbltaan. Har­
pitiil. It Is thought Ihe .liseaM’'wa.bor Sprtaga.
. AmMoaeat par
L-i.ntrarted oinalie tbe di - and tear l4—“The able School Tember'a Op­
■ ^Iptal anmiMr «nu aonl
Ion that many undents itow Ik-oo -i
portunity as an BTaitgelltt.* Mrs. Bin■toed to toe .pneadtog
ma L. Bames. Faioskey.
James .S!(ici:m of Film, ix-m.tcfai..
TiiiwrMay. 1:« P. M.
v • 90101 amt of mintof.
riu.irman Wood's bomi- town, r."-..;
reUoMlB—L. B. liolmca. BMirire.
' AMfigaaoMpar tm.............
| bl-K
r>- ii-d on ancl.-nt (hri'.hlng machine
aaalva EvangeHmt in the BpIt vlU be naen that while toe ^odnean.l hinsl a man and i*. .Iraw
' tkn at coal for toe alt

____________ — ».
.laaas "f
PnitM.IB Ihr .MBII.V .4 U.H ..a.tB <g VMpFt'
Hkk.r. K-tcItaH ii.k.r.Sil < l~re**Vii> 11.

Tbe apeakera aocored niilaMr 'th'

plua S5 cfDta. for all amaiipta of^ II

■ imj. goramor-Nert of Indtoha.


Xirthinc ■

tbt rig

t.'w .layf'hgn when iUv ili Com.

l-ruts-o e«e.. I.. eaO kW*-lUimire sW slkmnw mM

furtU-r ..rCrrMl ik«l psUw MM*
lfc>ro>-t U VITO, t-t pi><MB lA • may

alaio are:

granted a tingle fare for Uic rooml trip,
OltoBM of OevernopEli^
MlfayaUe. Ind, Nor.

( Seu. the Signutnrt of

S. E. Wait & Sons and JolmsoD Drug Co.
.'.rlvr .

ferrecuB. *1
I hy uvoe'-es


iit-alil.. for Ux' pasltirs i.f iliv ilislrlcl •
( iii ■•I.TtliHi .<ay
Marioa Lawri-nc. Toledo, «<■ form g'rtmjw (..r Mutual as-isiatin- ' In i!.. ItinDloubani lilgl! m-IhiuI Ivt (lit.
totoke rnckana Prtdar amvlng. 8bo grseral aear«tary of totereaikwi
to retire) wort-rJ liitl.-K-liitw* vmc i.n Warot-raad Fcr-‘Tr‘ ber w Frank, bat brtore li: inclatioD; toe mBrrcioHt home depart
: Wednesday. 7l» P. M.
( rij by >laD<IInis up. On.- llul.- »-ycar
«S)i aat bto *«n r«*dy iher dapaned
meat werbar. Mn. Cialg uf RoAliiird.
HcnniniuiU — IamU Cr«>«.ntiBiiKn.! n!.l r.;lli>w. I'reoki.- t;...ilwln. didr’i
iairlbe avaav near toe lake.
W. C. ikaicc. educational aecre- Boyne cli.v.
i vi.t.- fiir riilit-r cau<ll.tai" until urid
Utoak wait to Mr. Novotoer’a to cat tary uf toieraatlnnal aaacwlatlnn. anil
S.-rin<t=—U- iv Uarlin. AU>imi.
oia>i Mau.l u|t fitr «iBf ..r iho «>tbrr. »
primary apocitllM. Mla» Flaie MurAltar Imicc.
Ii< -mImmI up fur Waro.-r. As wsin a.
fro? Itnrum <« toMUtrllio. Ky.

-e(.-)i.>.l V3S ill.t. It" siartc-il )iom.'
Tbe rallroada. «t tbe atotc have
State News.
- ier.lns a* if bis lunri u.-.-ti.
abtoa a broaktaat

atimte ibr Castor Oil. Pare*
Castorto to a b
ftorie. I>r«v* A d SoothloK Hyrops. It to l>leaaMt.
> Oplom* Morpblne nor otbrr Xorcotir
Mibstanec. Ita ae« ii
and allays Fevcrtsba..
CoUc. It peltovm ToetWae Tfooble*. cimes Couvtlpatton
and natalreiey. It aarimllates the Fowd. regulatm tbe
Stomach aad Bowels. fflTing bealtby oud uauirul stoop.
Tbo aiildrca's Panafoa-Tbe Motberia Friciitl.


Trial SoeSaa Fna



___ ___________ U that trifle with ondeodanerrlhe bcaleb of

Saved tbe Preacber.
Ber. 0. D. Soore of HsrpersTilie. H. writes: “I
had a fearfU court for montha. whleta DothJiiff would
relieve, until 1 took «r. Ktoff's Mew DtaeoverT tof
Conaamptiea. It eared my eoo^ aad saved my Ufa.”

y<>ii golr.g lo <li> nia.iil ri.vlval inis i ! sat. r ja»-


---------------------tattoos aad
are but
All ConntewfeitB,
aad “Jiwt-aiupoocl”

e Luiff SpeelBc In e
I to help or I

Mcea, 600afMiSIAM)

Bt^KJMvfar tka

—V «aad has baeo ojade imder hln pernoDAl gapeiTlatoa <Uu<-e Itn lafbary.
AHownaooe ta deceive yoa Id tbU.


DIfIrirt SprwardV ni<ottog.
i ard !S. W», BaWM. aged 1«. Tbrtr procram haa been provider) for the cp. The Paster and Aggresalve E^g^ ;
faadiM were uban to Beat One Haa- foymeat and profli of all dclcgaWa an.
rirod and Foqrtb al«M- The dama* frireda nf kUchlgao'a Snaday acbo<iJ.i
I “RtaBKc-Jh-m ia I’;iri..r:il Vi-ila ;
i» tbe-balldtoto to eatlmated at fS.«w. to aueatdancc.
Ikn." J. r. Iiurhaiu.



. bar. iMjyUe, aged to. uman Bublca.


Tbe mad Tea Hare Alwsja Boarbt. aad wUdi tea beca
to use fbT orvr 30 yean, baa borne Uje stgnatcre oF



from tbe mnehtoe ebopt of the reil

wfcw. be «*B totottog

StattfUeipfOTBtliEttbB tiiEDeai «r yoBT 47taff cf
'nnMt or Luff Traables, are 9 to 1.
Waste MO time, bat ears yoor IHsease wttli

moatoa valaabla mUI aitopUet la targe

dottllt .bot br ponlw «k*o«. '=
«bo *oato Boribaeto of NOVbertr.


aty. MIeb-.


T. niiran,!. ilu- <

; “'*‘*-“?;ATii?‘.«UB4EiL*
.....B.BI -BHl i-r-lei.
tM-aud >. WHi.y I J. F JEhKA. Ac
•■■r .iBiuuUnc Bed sltowlae mid '_______ _________ __ _ .___

aecT Uto BMB.uciir« o.d :•
fwaorbytsab; Tralk-ILT bKOTnCBlkiwU


rj3S£;SSVi''.,;,'?‘:;i6RAII0 WPtDS I fROiMA If.

frrqurnt 'to- s!v-<-uclc ir.tri-B
Yorso ATosixxr—_ bad
beadaches of a bcrrrc nalare. dark
Sermon, Thomas Cox. TnvcrscCliy. I
mvc'yra .and el myCKD• *
AlUr aenlec—Hugh Kimmsly. Trav-1 ntroalperiod* lauili-i


The Bilrfeea received at the bureau *”1x1

indicate that tbe omput is arenmlng
Ito noreiA) condition, ibvp roklurilo i

.. tor Bepiembcr belug 2EClg loti. more rrwe City.
thM that of April.

It I. expected that i


WtoFremtay. $:30 A. M.

^ toe product ftw the next three month*;
wUlbeftiUygiUrge. abonM;ibUi.-'ll1»Mn.



«mtty below tbd^ IME.



im*# Vo*i> ,
j ______ _______,
etdy scorned
Soaih . good advice and frit that mv case was
topt at me until I
I b^lesto but toe tort
' •--------’•* -md 1



i ^rld to chaapTm^^iVion'of the

. .r
u-.'ly m ibe ncrA.-m j-

Limgreea. liriug near Irisher r, ibe Churto. ' F. J. Bryan. Usntna.

tfone. M Central At.- Micncbpolm.; ,

cm the Lgkc Mlchlsan Midr,-. dle-I
3-“Tbe Bvatigeiutlc Preycr Me.-;-! Minn—/.>/.« »f..rkicw w;tewwnw;.
*Mi night a* the rrenlt of taking an iae.*' W ii Hertu-vi



8be was addk-ted tn't^


,v.. r prr.Utoi'la. H- hjs r
n r.rsnr.'.'incv-l *i, .n-




BBT* ■! UTbU-xv I-c buClfc

•AlUikV K-T--.


-i j&»sa*asa:»iSrt5ssp':s^:S'..

Mine habit and in taking the <rug did


» Mrw. FiokhAtn. :
«im suppose torn ft i^id bsvil a faui
roar letter In strlc._______________ _
S-“How',o Enlist the Men of th- S”*' " ’ ■■
>ke con sorely liclp you. for uo ; f'^r- - I'tour v!
eEeoL She took K at S o-phxtk to toe
Church In BrengolletJe Work.” Hujii' ^
petvoa In Axaericn <3Ui speak sniMct-si ai't-n;v i
•flMMom. dying about midnl
ttr. i Kennedy. Trevtaae Ctty.
/.'France cf Maple CUy
• Ini

Ruslnere aewaion.


*-oftboa»!uid*orwoincB!‘*“'"^-”k,,v_ ! iinnUiTClgoftboaSandBorwoiiicB^'
*“ *«*l'l»* Her address U’
Ikiiior Ui-niiw.-of il.c Ka :
j Ijm, Mate; fcer adtlc* to Irtm,'En',■;^i-r;^e h».- u-.-a s

• tsc


B.-* t4-B‘-J sad nr r^ Bli'tUittor'gBlkaBSa red
,4 ‘I'aHt 7.B—.
B to.. I SUB a .«-wa. OB.
:r...«>b.toBi dBg(4 P.V<^/to>Bts Bod Pi any,
i A 14«AN<iOt.


' “j WWWfto A»—C i
H »' g'Hti-UIS;. U.«'lFa>

Malto fre


men I Oa Sautto; Hcht la-i Mr. IBlto: | T>1* A»*««l,Wm
L-tatjbinM man dcuve WhUtduot t:.r <<'' IturioK
MiWleinmB uo hh way lu New York :.u,itu. aywibr |laktrn<<d L
IWoii' tmbarktos oe U«-' ekn h- the leatarr asA.d K *gy oae maUiD7k>il a ptore uC nper an ibe -wn»ie.' ,;tor an eaampto ••( an aaimal ^ (b«
MDi onuaining ttato aoUrC; -Uw't .^dvr M edeniau. ttat to. qae wWeb
. reetog Baabiall aad Sbarw j dades tq their mother*, aad irii them •tup iWi oure. 8bfbri<itM:*.«‘> W*’* w wittoiul teeth
teeth belrlDS tbrir
bc<r mother.
| to set them
thorn to weirk. and It tbe.v try tarn II ICH -. BMtmiciMwrs and «4!’ Hwmt wm amr -mj «f arrufUs
MmV T»mg Mb
•lie'* a naaghtv boy." sighed BaJi-jto -blrk their done*—«*tl. IHI item: cu binne alf right." aad ibee Toratog'
ay. amtber. Ttaa *ta egplatoed bow ; to nmak ibt-m and •end ttem bark to the n*n- s bead btuprward be let her I
I »0«>«r If CTCTJ- OB* d roc M*
go. S^r-- eouDgb rbe rwered the dl- '
laiT and Idle he wa*. and bow he flatly me B« * *<-tesd seairoec—"
<»« roa tare Hm «t leM oee kita
fr*t afeMRWrlM^ ^
la eafviy.t
rafimed lo work.
‘ "Tbere’ll be no *.-co3d erateneo. unrr. a luoc Bine
acta or Mk ar mM OM phaMBt tUM
I wHI tty «i ki « bipvr
“Ab, tal- eald PWT‘* moiber. -An l; ja.!s».“ l*«--'»ted Itoatiy. laicerupilDS and *1 a |wee ibai biuaghl ber buai< i
vbm H Btae B brIsW Bklftfac lotaJ
l is n rurMus (Sri in (lauirel bit
be tat p-jt the same noikm lain mvtbtnt. ~i promtn- :>'mt that. Nyw ttat: in aUi-t SB Uu”f
I tbiBk you tar*, and tf you naki
I ttat no i-<rd c«B fly barkward*.
Fosy's bead. Talk aad eaa* aa i mar., we know whai ttuager m**n».“ aed he
■ore or tbM Ota (or erery •!««>• «•»••
I ^ try te fet l*vli«, MpM
Reeaevelt OMyedI can': iadaec him 19 saibera ktasle .agria rubbed hto stomarb. ‘well ruaj
}mi MoHtply aa by s.tti aod ■**
Ml Wiik'tt •vwyMy'M

Bi. I no rikk ttf tngerins It this winter.) Wbea ia»« 3r«T.-T
vbsi a
or BblBlBK your dob'ii
•Mfy IMot thiMf.
tavlCDB ebal wiih PrrstilcM Rot-si';
Tben the two poor motbers began Thaoi. you (or the leasue
(Mas la «»e roar. !■ U wx ootat
IM ««*r «aU la tryiNt im «•
la-the White Hoasf law week,
Cao yoo Boi pioBitoc to oata
> bemuan ib'e sbUiletaaemi of tbetr: And Bane; and Foxy
old aad Wtoe ita* very dav. anil nev.y aiisitMhl till jibe i.-l.-phut.-e bell • as rlexing ..nmemm thtm. • »»l -try, try
’ B( loan «ee WIsbt ray to ttdok
•what iM'rslMeatly. Tben to ws n<Aht
e lull 1
•boBi oroory tftsbt J«« before you so
•QBtrrel. known ai Judge Brelnery.
Dear Mr*. B*tew-I iboushi I would
s id the icmtoni ■< h«i.‘ tl.*- prv-*«! .-xeus-v!
eeme past them. On aetdag bis nrigl-.•loop?
Well. doBT ■*. tbit ta» booB all a try aimto. I hope the other 8aa*hln< bor ladle* he atopped and said: “My
ooeaMrd rtai ata our *p*oe la •ced­ boy* aad girl* will writ*, loo. as I
, I notice yon tave a aoc,
----------------------- ,
:e (o read their letier*. 1 am gotog each who, instead ot worklag in th-'i i C*ar* Daughter* Oant Fancy Rehr. tbit Ii».k p;* -e .U1 the line, atronnae
ed. ea 1 ■tall tare to penpoae tb*
■taeol DOW. a* I bare not goac (Or
labor, are Mllng aw*y i The Csarih little elrt. mWrldiT U. ibv f.nir.«y >d the dls’
re«t DBtil aeme oibor ttae.
long time. We tad I.TfiO busbeto of ibeir lime tf one or two oi'i O' rarb i tbcmaelvea very merh .iinh-ed and
T«ar4orl«s '
Aiut laaaC^ pouioc* ftimi 10 acre*. There to a mu: famllv sfmild deride apoa aneb octtoel "rirteeted store the tjf the new
•taut two nllc* north of here wbo*»
H would prortnee want and (a«tne to j !»>■ **»'• a“J ‘S'"'! l>uehess o'ca
poiatoe* went 400 botheto to ihc acre.
this winter. No aquirrel I wrote a letter to ber m 'iber the otIuT
TrarerM CMr. Oct »l. i»l.
I have a bad cold and doal think !• is capable of toying op mo*e ttao sut |d*y in whirii .be formally preu-iu-d
R.V. D.NO.C.
-Wto>-« ihto Im Uiking to'
Dear Mtor—A« I tare a iKUe (pan- bM- to take Btedleinc: beside* have fltlent fodatug (or hlmaelf. There I agalnsi Alexis nccuptlns
the wbeisidns coash quite tad. Well, (ore it htaetrvea yoa to aee to It that. ta’s and mamma's time ■ U tht. n-tlne
-WrtL }«*-|l d". Tell .trrbl- 1..
»>*!<»*■ an. M. C. C M*
tet you baow that I 'recelred
tbefe toxy frilow* so «o wort."
; remirkal l.- doeiimeot the yuar.x toiiv
fini vie* PrMWMt Ma«
toy tard aad tattoo. a»d wae very loee. It I* half pan eight no*.
-Bnt./odgeBralnery. howarewein'ealtod the ciarewH* -au inifoder'
■WMtf Vic* .............1, Clam
From year Saasblaer,
pleaaed to get then. I an to the ori>i
make three wayward h»* realise the I and (rr thl« she w^s penlbbe-J by
tb<' order as (Mn.-CU-d -^Ksutas
U iyiDDii- Ritter. .
grade aad mr etudlei are arithmetic
neceasliy of work?" Inquired Bnany’s 1 toe forbidden 0 r^ile her fno; at tb" 0M>- Flar
Riasstor. Mieb.. Nov. 4. 1*04.
nieinag. readleg. peamoahlp. S«ok
moitar anxIoHsly.
' usual boer
Dear Mr*. Bate»-1 iboosht I would i
latar. %ra»war: my teadter'a «ame
tell us to induce them to help' Ctar Mrfaolaa woald speed
!i HIn BMaall. I wm very aorry tn write you a inter to let yoa koor; at.” said Foiyk nioiber. “aad we will' with lb.- babv ir* p l.mlitr't,
Ful iu ■•rarilr.- tin bits i>r
bear ytN were tU, aad bepe ydu arc that we are all welt, and hope you ate follow your advice moat eboertally-" a* It to be riius lo and ont the tmr»«-rv buM Wtoduai.'yuu picked up tlurlox
taUer DOW. wm. a> (bU U all t eaa
gM aiy card and builoe.
••Hnnger to the Bwms," calmly at sll bout* uf (be dai aod niebt. The the ■•laniev If Aunt Mary man. l*.-v
My little brother would Mkc to fol qncih Ibe Judge.
thlak at I will ctoec.
“After they gu othiT day hc'>irdend a sUiHy prj lev paunikra it.*n y»:i i ier tasi.-d to
Flow year (Head.
the Bnnabine club. Will you ptom asrtlle wltboui food they will tall In'cirsihui (ortaed. Wurtk-vr. ccu’-falr. alt .vour life, foot try yuur bsad on
Aaato Sbaae. age 11.
tear bla a catrd aad bntioa. 1 wl Mae with a right good win. metbtnkt.'I priest., bmlygnurds.
Th- y sinm* : paaeaktv t.xlbwing her yretpe a.,
cktoc Mr this time.
“But while tbe «-eathcr nmaias aoltolo ibe normry. srberr tb> rtarlea ckot-ly at '•'» etn. There may ta a
^Aimaiannrg. Hieb, Kor. 4.
Good bye,
Biec and aais so plrmHul.- said Bua- was foumi slittog in a faixb ctiali
de-Mtvl dllfvfi n.-i- between Aunt
tear Hra Oatee-I hope yon are Id
aggie Reboue.
ayP moiber, "tberc't little chanre of . the baby uo ber l-jiec The
~~ gvnivato Mary s pancatn'* and your Br*t ateler beellh now. I tare bad the
R. P. D. No. 1. BiaklBs tbeai glow hangyv. After tbe [ bowed low be(<i|« tbe baby and th .- iiaapts Iu the tame lituu but asabe np
taaaUtUt naee-a week ago Ihhr hut
winter act* in and tbe aula are frosex j prl*«« bleared It. Then Uie gaarCs your mtnd ii> k<-vp at ii till you ran du
Wadaetdiy, tat I go out now; begae
I thlak about your watch- Haw Suimy and Fatgr Bacama Goad to the ground, and covered with anew ‘ west ihrongb some eto'utious. AIrsis ak weii a-. »be if Ctatio Violet Lad
aad tee. ft will be too late to foree ’ bowlfag lasrily al’ the iW. Tiaal’v a way o( armnghig Ibiwm on Ui la^
lag for the poatnaa; I did not ds
BiiBay lived with his mamma. Mater them to work throui^ haager. Tbe.'ibc cmp<«ar offered .1 he baby bn-aa hk- that M-em«d,ii> make ex-o a aim I
that, tat I wa* glad If eome ooe called
Tt>day I added a few and broibcr In the hollow of a great oaly thins tbya to be done to to rob'and nil on a planer of gold. «bh-h to ph- BM-sl qnlle an etvac. art upua.tbtoj
othen to feed laem. the evasperatlng' the Russian way if dulug iHunage i ■ hlal. Wb.rrier ,K.u *«»l. it you *»*■ j
■taapa to ny eotacUou; tare etanpi walnm tn*.- T%dr botme was a
,, ! the Impertol sox-n-ign. tMin rt port uhaitrvlos. yea *g« lf<l- Ihiag* wtuehl
fi«a all the prladpal eonatrie* but fortable and safe one many- feat tiom fellowa."
“No. no." wisely spake the judge,|bas It that “bto lm^Ttol,hlgbm-‘». th< yoa ncvcnl.ej at, improveawais uaj
China. TU* U Just a Nttle leddmi the ground and cbeKrtta by a
“Send thc*e ytraih. lo me this evmlng ’ czaruwiir. arCeiued tbe br-ja.l aad the -way yiya do at your houte Why :
about Lawa. but I gaeat you are get­ work of protecting branebea.
: m’i with a benign imile "
ting tired by Ui>« line. Uaraandbe* Iher>‘ UAIer WB>s for yoari
> be beW I
anther nad her brother wnil* bad gnmnd wa* coverod with maay i
ijwti' 8lnr<- these hrisbt ld>-as ar>-|
tbrir honor. Don't eUbee of yon come a Clever Hee.- la Lnik WMtoftet, not eopy-nghixi. Ihery to t»i rrwnjo Vp I
gone oat to Anat Matla'a (or the d*}- of cuts, Banay'* muiber said t<
• isttiK*.*'
Uaia bad a very ntoe town dice*, ud chlMrca: “Now, my dtan. you
near my home por seek to dh*ovcv; f^mer William B. CllU of nkg»n Ita wurid why yu'l slmulil no: take ad-l
• ^ MtbMV^hW fUm ^
white atockleg*. a* that waa the (uh- all work tmday. Wa'va got to begin the method I sbaH employ but be as-, mgsbarg. N, Y. owns a little white rantaso of .ibem . .
ka* aw aF tfca ^jgiR
tea la tbom day* fer little cbltdrea patting In oar siosk of winter
ed that by usmomw nlght-l( aot, „are eaied WhUefoot. Bverr ach<«'
Otar* -maAala ladto !•
Ska ina»a.'-wbo wa* « yean old aad vtokms. and tbto^you will And no smatl
oer-tbei* fellows will Join the ,i,y norniag Wbiu-f.w hauls Mr B,
wwni III atom
Kindncaa Among Blrgs.
inilto, wte wa* 4 rear* oM. They
hiv.. .rmn a :.MI.- vbliH*iag rpar-’
talb ran down to *ee the iittlr pto«. ■Mb laeh of bouse roocnSdtb the bon gardlng them I shall not tu anv way
h.nP.e. a mile from hom< *ati I
make a burlu. ui'srf idcdlng •huh.-;
Wnoe cluabert oa the fence aad *ald. onto to be found. Lam winter
mUnw them, bin sball try my per- af,..r |,,rtag the clilWnm
........ hal(-Beds>yl nstoi.s Sbe walrbed Ur.
ubori of food beftn* spring and had ■uasive powerr."
| iptp.
**Laara they are making faee*
,» tomn.l and terns lack Iht upp'M-iuBity. aod «b<-ee«ci to'ih
Both mtNbers agreed to folk
taiara eald, “Lcf* rpit on their tu go a long lime oa half ratioas."
1 birr masuw'K bouse wllbmit ant pan-ni mbbtoa wrv away (n.m-Uu“WcIU" said Dunnv. “I don i arc lb* iudgi's li
She climbed one baac4
d Ihal rvenlag. rtrtm-r When Ibe sebool-ehning
hr-rr ae«t :<be r^ In with her n»r> 1
ys^Ntale Horarik. Sebon tor Ue Dbr. the lop and then fell over In the yard. nwd of at Ml working. If you and the told Dunn, and Poxy td the uniq.i. !^i.V,
’';," i^iVebr*''w'hTi.- writ.-' J.rliD UnrruUKh< la Online
The old bog aad all the little pig* raa Baabtair-^to brotber--and Sharp- entmalament to l* given in ibel j,ont np **4
alolle for rubln* r.wcBteii li.-r o.Tiriouma-** ami
WBIU. School for tta dLi. under the con crib. Uura (dtabed tteth"—bit alttem-“go out to carry- honor by tbe Judge. Thither UmIi'
Brbnrd hiHjre and to diK- lime rb“ b'lsili-d het not «>( Ibe tree wbenex.t
apts <0 tbe wtater storeroom I sboaM
eoL Obi *oeb a *tsbt ea she
; eome* bar-v with the Hiilc r.lrto
They went to the botne crylas and Ibtok the tbtw of you engbi to tad
: to. so eareiul and ekpi'Vt In pa<Klu2 or a wren that fe<l a bneid of ywnni
Laura's mother and Aunt Marla hur­ quite a ptoaty. I toM FUgy ytwtenlay
.« ,S.a .. U.e -ni™--:
mbto' Id a sinttotoway. aad a msb
ried and nadteaaed her and save her that I would plav bMe
to bia abode, to a tail tree, and cordial-:
eotUiloB or damagt-* be
l•luehlr^; inai «-d
yooeg blrd^
aueh a bath: her Aunt Marie harried wttb him aM day today, and 1 doat. ly invited them tu eoicr. Tu their de­
that Wert- In a ue*t near it* <isn
around with e camphor boule
lated to dtoaniolm him or myaeU. j light they met a number of oiber
tpriakled acme cm Loan and left f. either."
yooug squirrels there, with whom Ib.-y
“Well. I doat propose to work whlto; were sooB eagag.-.! to convert
. Laare cried about
her draw talas taoded aad alao tar- yoa play." abarply spoke up Bushiall. After much of the eveaing had
Ing to be piu to bed in the day Urn:, -I'm wUttog to work for mytcif. but
auihlag out of ibc ordtoari
man clote now.
D04 Tor yoa. j-ou laxy fellow. Not a eui
sed. Donay sasgest.-d to hto
1 rcceain yoon Hneemy.
cuny op this tree to feed you II i compaaloo tbit they lake their leave,
/’Aa |gr the dm ehr of Uta____
nercMc 3. Oarrettc
yoor IdlencM."
-|)OTt be in a burry." asid Judg-Nor eliber.” exelatoied Sharp- Bralnery. cooily. slittog b«lde th.
par SMBMaen do ereiy year y^mir
P. &—Memtae eeat you a little
^>iat li BBta Btaakw tf they maiT aad hope* H arrlred la good teeth. -We all had a floe. JMIy sum''You are my prisoner* aad
iM and BOW is the time for aa to set- iiM pass. I tare ibiwe young worker*
«B tat atanse BHre lhaa oae a ffay coodiUon.
In other words a merchant's success depends on his judifmem.
Me ntuM know a
(or eata BMlnr. II doe* cotialinp
tia down to soaMthtog serious. If you here lo help me guard you. Right
Trarerae Oty, f)«. a.
-imty fan. dotea'i it?
yood thinK when he *ces it.
\Vc struck it just ri;jht on
remain, wlitaut food
Dear Mn. Buca-4 ncelTed my
eard and tatton I tbaak yea very help B. toy to the food. So any 1-j.ratCT, tmur you have made up vu„,
V* are sita to wakem two mihimimhfcrtt. t am In the (earth gnde. And Mica Sbarpteetb threw her bead minds to go to woik."
ta^ (real the Sctan (or the Dea< al ' tare e good toechcr; her name to ap and tpaaed ber tall over her back.
-W'h.r. well atarve’" exetoim.M t.«h
Wat. aM hope they wUI tatenM MU* Phaaing. I have got eomo
-111 Ata plcuiy to cat." toughed Duo j frilow* to a breath. “Iluw danoltar boy* aad (Hi U oar aod^. taiekea*. two Wyaadoliee aad a pair ay. rTbare't always quanililet
aurh euoirol
Sta we would Hke to tare then Irkte of bantam*. They are very prwty.
tying OB the groimd. Whan I pass. KlrJa»d tell ta ahoui the eehoel. woeld
“Nut till .rou’vc prumtMvl
Many of the chOdnto have the aeaater. wtob n meal 1 Just ran down aad gc:
work gathering to your winter siipp.v
My totter to gettlag tong eeougb. m.
I jeeas I wOl etoae.
"Ah. my aoB- you baven'i tasted of noia.” said the Judge, never owe
Ita bare tajd puitlm oV tnilBs
Fram poor Saashlac boy.
fnwt mad snow yet." saW bU mother, budging from his i.laec by the door
hov yt*r prendeoi l», became ke
Clyde Mclatyie. age 11.
•baking her head. "Walt till tbe earth "No Mto worihlrito frikiwa can may lu
hated to tell yo« that ebeAa* out beeo
Such good fminK cioihcs. made up lo date in style and fabric, livcrj-^tuit is
rcred w'lh snow aevCT*l times tht»c wikds to live off utbers. If yo •
niBl, Mich, Set. 4. ittH.
«Ule ao waU (or the pan weta. bm
Kuaramced made first class. On accoaot of small expeose tlic low prices w.: can sell
Dear Mr*. Bate>-I will write a few! Ultaer than you are toll, and all the mast sUrrt-. beticr do It now "
tae ie taglahlBS 10 feel a nttle tatter
"Ye*. It's plcaaaiitiT to tave « lum-r**tae to yoa. I an deaf and damb. nuu frexen aulld to the earth
•ml*. 00 we caa etid with food
are; SU'. $1'>. $11. $15. $l«. $I\ Suit or Overcoat. Call in and look them
al ;a this sort of weather than to wait
I go to ecbool bare. My teecherH It. then, yon wimT And It such a aimafter aM.
(III frnst,' suggested unc of ibc guard*,
over, whether you wish to buy or not. \Vc shall be ylad to show them to you.
na»e to Mto* Kat^t 1 Ilhe ber verv pie matier as now to supply yanrarir
■' I*

■ ■
wed; ta* to not croa*. bpt t*
In a rvvhvR manner
kind woman. Wtald yoa plee*e let me nau becomes vety scarce toier In tbtalterc pear c
••Our mother* will auend to you f .r
sreson; what wttb alt o«r own toaillv
taare aaj. UtUe eoroer where we mey foie the Suntalnc chu,. Picewe *ead
and friends satlKriBg ibem in. and ibto outrage. ' wblmpen-d Fuxv. a me-.rleU.for B few BilBaiei. She kaoas me a card end buttoA. Carrie tnilto.
Chore great gtonts. who walk m their baLy n, dtopoailtuo.
how dearly ! lore eddMrca aod ae It a friend of mine, went* to fola tbo
mothiT uanetioBH my ro:'Hah.
bae bcee a <vld. gtaetay-dey. a elec
to work and carry wiih-lei me see- diicl." n-pll.-.t ihc Judg-, nellhug hit:
UlUe Chat by the warn flro will b' Uuuon. Bond our cnl. and button,
do we call them?"
■rtf and ts'lng a mealy am. -Oivii'
to Hek-n: tae will Mcml tlicm to
risbl rtaenu.
teian iKdags." said Stanni'etb. a he wcnl (10. aiMteMlng the guar.1Too tan> taea al aehoal all day. cf I like the platw her* .vry »e«. The
"hclp «vcrM.-tf lo the aopin-r. bat k*x-).
eotree. the wood tana are Ailed eta bulldlns* are Jen Bar around here at very precuelous girl vqiiirrri.
“Tc*. aad those' gr.-at bumau being* your eye* on Hh. prisoner*, who ar
^ ewtalaa eheree all date eb aow Pitot. Mr, Clarke h our .uperlnteadBarv euiUed to a Sttie atoiy or eoL I tave e ctoior who' live* it coming aad taking away oar auis In not to tasic (-yco a »hell. Now. I'ui
to take a nap."
1^ or aoBKthlas of the win.
as a bull led to (be poor fuol-wbv my toin-r diW
8o the nigbi wore airay. and Fox.:
;-l nan teU yoB Am «( all that 1 wa. 4 yeangHd-whm
Boys. «:o have rtirc-.e hit piles of Sui's. a^es II: to I'l. -fhe ni.esl lol of soils
iJih tramp who negleeti to make pro- and Bunny were vir.v diseocwito’ .
.tMak year Smwhlae dab imt the I most.claae.
we ever had, all ihc latest fabrivs. vut in the latest style-, nta.l.- I.> the tailors
V Ufe rainy <1
Pn»m ycNir cverlasUng friend.
“rtty atom Ortint wcr."
p»!'» very bitoBry, for they ha>l iday. -i
eon; make tay while the »un shine* ’ i hard aU dav and bad aot caien »oBcaaJe Beatrice Korarlk.
Hew stod we all are lo eee the pleaethat make our men s soils, at such low prices we are sure that we can j.lcase you.
"WeU." aald Bonny, gaily .tratilu/;
b.forr coming to .hr jadg-'s e>
tat itathtot ^or a few da.Tt or duh.
OUI. H(w. Mich.. Noe. 4. I9IM.
Call and examine our Children's Spits. ai;cs t to Ir,. VVe have ih.;m in double••you may m ihe example- I j peeing to find a flne tanque. :„r«;
mamr VMtbcrtaidaeiuebtaehtaw
Hear Mt*. Baies-i mn*t -write and
jM to bttak rheertas and wname. tietf yon that I am well and hope vou IW^ Ml to wurti today. Pevtap* *11 ntghf* toe guard* kept . nobreasted two-piece suits. Norfolk, liuster Brow, arid three-piece soil., Ue select
I tape yaw /read your rulm e> erv day. are tee aune. t was «. busy picking I
!-m'wateh ov.-r them, o..' ..Tali.-*),,,
itreat care as lo wcariiva rlualilies. No shoildy on our sh.-Ives,: Also a
WoaH ft Ah ta a pood piaa
pototoea that I dW not have time to
AH right, sir." aMw(».>d the meshjten.tog came at last and ih. M-lg.
good line of overcoats. Sec our line ol IJo)-,' tshi pants.
write to
yoa. I onr^ acbool has com, w
B-i you neettol------ --------»'•--f“ •'
■taocdjx^do not go to maiool. tood aft.T the wiatcr actiK* do*nn.I to to- at (bi'lr work
“ W"
.. Mr oU.„
He a tiyvty breakfaM. b'endar wberotta datea are. or any
pm HIRM Raw up where -are and a buitop. 8ta to danf aad i to o-r worf
xilng to the
- MliouBe could aaa ttam aftas* i bethe agony ef Bdany and Poxy, whosi
three a«mpe,ed down tb* tree
IIpM ema mlgbl aaa a |Aaae of wbha ^ She 1. at-FYtot: ahe goes '.o!
atomaeh* gnawed at' tie sight of tfcHATS AND CAPS
»«si« te gather and (Try mi,. ftesb. olD nuir
RwUb and put a border arowd wttb
UHlC Agarea rut (rum advanlsMBtmu.,
About Looa they c
«p, taitapa of iwfMad tma or smaU *twa. A (riaad at her* waoM tike (o
W- ifc SiaiUi. d.1.
Hn »W1* BaabtaU and Starpleetb belpai
:« pon liT foto ptoa meaUoa H lb --ime U ftorrte'WHn*.
releaae or." promised Banay. bis
tbrir aatuber. forany was away ihroagL nibbing h1s ^ipiy rtnaweh.
tagt Uiuars and perbapa you can
va card
tb* Mien leaves having great spun |
cageHy ngrvud Foxy.
___1 abouM tell you » mad her
battcp aad CaRich to me aad I will
acm them to the girU. I bupo TouH
allow them to foia wMb a* girl* aad
hare- Oh. Mr*. Bate*, t would thaak
yM very. oh. *o’ very mota, tf you
would oend me your photo, and *o
nud 30A. tt._.b~ r»
tare. I woaM gtodiv *eod yoa mine.
Ob. plea** do. Now I hope (hat you
will be'well and happy,
gaatalnet* wU be weh aad bapo.v.
I man bnag my totter to * clo.*.
Fiom your irwe 8un«hlner.
Hetaa Heivlna Kevarlk!
P. 8.—nime tail Aunt PHty.lo *ea<l
me a card. I wtu aecto ber a cake
radpe bM lime that wUI tan* fan
K. M. R.


ir::'."' -:::,:r:zzz




For An
Informal CnO

_____ '-f



Jl. J. WillielDi




Children’s Clothing




■ R IL A a
Don't knb
An ntriaeiive leiicbeoa dl
posed of espa and rice. Bod the eg&> amilr Is boavea
Doo-l (bako U. bovovor aMWtag c'
hard, rmovc the abelii. rot tl

mony. cfaeorful. womu


MM H like so anch auosbtne as

a dark and stormy day. lA'hM a blrwtwo cromwiae aod lobe can the yotka mv be.’
put let it go to oleep at alght with- ' lag to tbe born Is tbc voou
vHhoot inloriu the vbttoa. Make
apirtts ai* not attected ^ vrt da.vs
paste of amabed aanUoeo. tbe yolkt. OR a ganrle robbing ntt ovR mitb tbe
and lltile dlaappoiataenls: ud whose
oil. ult aod paprika aod fill lato the
ndik of bnman klculaest dues dqi suar
esviiy. Cut a thla slke from tbc end
Out walk tbc Booc iritb R when U; In the oansblae «f bumu prosperity!
of eacdi abell ao It will stud: cover

BfttAig Powdef


-LR tU AoiuWoe to."

GoniaeiHls Pe-rs-na t«' All CaUrrk Saffaren.

plauer vlth hot rice aod Itsbod tbe, frets: ihlsdoes tbe ehlM no real good. Tbe children gu to echoed with a m
Serve with a tomato Mace: and It oooas forms tbe taaWt. aad the | of high ambKioa: hnsbaad gots ««>


i iRu the world with a conqoerlag tplr
mdc of a capful of sieved tomatoce, mother or nurse bna to seScr.
Don't be trregniR about fending, ilk (Ca aiRter bow be Is unoyed oaia labloapooBrol ot Sour mixed

Saves Healtli

ABtaoli are fed lor ahooM bej regu- side, at borne he is sure to fln'

vHh t Ubleapoooful ot butler.

larly; why BOt tbc bamu race?

Cunclooa—Cbcv eaeai parts of
cooked cbickeo aod tooivc vlth a


Don'i IR H auger for a driak of cocil,

- - -

;- - :—

Tea Maklog-Soae



ipoooful of chopped bam. some cream, vRdr fnot too cold, of coorse) ud ; Umt Ihe best cop oMi* she ever druk
drink from ■ cop or ^am. H Is j was made at Carl.lmd. ud thR the
Two tpocm-

eggs, boitev aod herbs.

to be easier for the little oneer- j soperior fiovor was dne In tbo oofl

fnli of cream Ud the yolk of
vlll be rtfitoient. Moisten vlth soup tRn Bps to cling to tbe edge than to water ns««d In nuking it. Wl
I some one else produced as good tee
stock, roll pog paste very tbio. aprenJ ^ (pou.


Don't teach It tu l>« afraid of tb-j by adding a pinefa-af baking soda t

evenly vlth the mixture and roU like

dork, or thunder, or ulauls: n child j tbe water ordlli|rtlr used, -lo order
Uy those cm
disti.- glaac ibem wlih the yolk of egg Is naturally fearless ud It oo^t to bo W softKi It. Tbc rapiTimrnf Is ococouraged.
| easily nude, though fine lea wai.
a MHy cake.

Aliin Ukiig fiowtten are

ud bake iiotll brown.

Don't let lu rtothes got vrinkh'd or j that has just rrarbed tbe Udling ixdut

Chicken Paprika—TbU conaisls of

Riqral Bakiiig Powder saves health.


1*0 chickens boHod antll they are ten-

TbU la uncomfurtaUe for ijand u mfuslon

from tbrvi' lo Bvr

ler. tfi tender ibai tbc bones may be grows person, bow much more so for| mtoutrs. iirixluces a result that learat
n baby!
. MlUe liion»(o U *-*lre—d.
.remmed readily.
Moke a sai

a fowwa CO., uw vi

Iton'i lot

halt a cupful of amlcied tomato juice.


------------- ^—-----------

go barefooted—have;

heard it aid baby will rob the sales.
how to Make FiU tavsry.
of Us feel logelher 'ud make I
liM-e a sauce i4 one Ub
of floar. HeR tbe tomato Juice a
I of butter, t
Don't let It Roy vr: it wiU
odd tbe buiter. When tbe butter
: flour viRed In a little cdlil milk, on?
melted stir h tbe flour ud cook five Nor with eoU feM: geBlic frIetJoo “ cupful of milk in which a -pra"
inlnotea. stirring constantly. If ibere
'aoda baa Ikh-h dlasnlvcd: rook ust'.l
cupful of cream, two ublcapoon-

tub of butler and two ublcepoodfi

ate any lumps aimln tbe sauce.


Don't nllov it to be Ussod in «bc.,^
mouib. I’Bdcr tbc cbM is a rR. -Me,

,hot add tbe cream ud season vltb
pnprlka to taste. Ten faf'tbe ehiekeo
and vbe^bealed tbrJb^erve. Cream

d.»«. ~.d

may be nsed Instead of tbe tomato,
aary people who radiate cheer *terBm MBf bnuu are miaitnc loaar? ercr they co anJ Biaa eat glai
frooi every pore. Money, boaaaa ati1
Mobear knon bat Boiber. ^

falaenoM ond aouoea, ud to fear U enuBod by Bleeping in beds tbni arc

sprouted grain nfier Ibe roshloo of the-bovi to Me in the sraier nud

course for a luncheon eonslsts of onebkJt pound of chipped dried beef mixed
spoonfols of grated ebeeoe aad one of


Ho* nugr bona n aoA Cat UtUe




bRter. a little onkw julee. salt
pepper, ud lost of all add fosr eggv



well beaten togetbey nod


Oykc'i tnanUrnl *XlaMe potta oa tbc

vhcle into a fryiag

footpolb ot peoee.- and It toraa

quickly oniil the eggs are act like

Mobody haova twt aotbar.




Uag coooloaloa to tbia trio c« lltUc omelet.
it* my halt baa abe kaatad today? •emeoettea.



(0 play, aod to look ap at ike Ran;

He* May

ribboaa far

each iHUc ■pite Botblog

Bov. lor irtr.aara. caa a Bothpaldt

to the srorid


Nobody kaova bat awHMr.
Bow Buy boora ad

Ml mat abe

Wbat la tba tlae wbea b«r daylt *oiii
Mobody kaova bat ambar.
P. H. Sveat

• AH Me my Call that vUI,
• My anthar prayatb aUU
• AM ibCMk a» other ligbt
:• Be avaiiovad op M alsht.

Kli work, nor yoi assign


Urn and aaxicty a«d oMoey apeot lor
PoiMHa, It la a pBaaia to read ot
boaatUal oU age. aa Md of in the

HoBeoec opoa oak'ed a woauui bow

It vaa aha bapt her ycxM so wmderBar hair vaa aaovr vhlte. abe

vaa M ycara'-oM. and barnarcy *a>
vaaiac, bat abe aevo- Impreaaad otw
vltb the Idea ot age. for her bon vaa
stin ywac in ayawathy ud lolercat.

AM'tbla waalier aoavw.


bo* to forget diaagTMMe thlofa.

orchards.; tnpldl.v.

Spin cheerfully.
Not tearfully.

art them about a foot apart—seats i>y



U..1 trained loswis-icouriesu-s In Iheif

-1 knew





the. bedspread


Spin carefully.

donWe-.tcnglbwlse anil-lay H

Spin prayerfully.

cbnira—leUlBg It aag down between

Children ate coipmonly

ill iwireuth and one another.!
Husband and

wife do


----------- -

rich b^lt^a.7 ST mirL^’"^'-


roll thin ud c« with a largo,
la links, hot: roil one link In 'each;


dough, pinch ends Uigeiher

ud bSke In quick oveo.

tower—V*cb one Mgglng « h*
m'rtoruKT mure api.n-eUliun
Ihu doMibelsnd ntiachnieul.
The spirit ubteb,

r “ r -j

more aaaabtoe: It needs chaartW Itvea
vUnb ndtoto gladatui K neada «ip

and Ibe

Who ou OBUmiR tbe value trf a
good -CMBT vbofvTar be goaa. hwead
Everybody to

BUiaetad to tboe ebaafu tnees aad




gtMmy. ibe-moruu- ami tbr Md.




j o,,h,c ,h-ir Uumn for iniixide hitor*

Sew T.miRo Msbil- Here to t'cRs. there mill remalas the fart that




m-rving loBi*1«-r:


- >>>” “ PP» -.-.Pb,-r,

WpppI"i,pIW P—
■'P'' UP

.knot nn In-k k^nd ' 'P*.® 'Upp®

of the total; butchers, bai.e-rs, toiloi

Up- ppuppupO* S»’-p-'1*7 .

tnd,!-.: p"— IPoHdny. n.^, tnknn Inin nnennn-

knn, IS,, in Ik- knlllnn Mm In ll, ^ t^U-P**-



amnn nkb Mntn nd Ion,


Ckllkt, LnU-Bmi . fnni mull Um

IHm ll«n Irn, pin.l.k, dMl-

Dmif. K- • IMtnn-,

„u,.hk- luier.*t she iKsomri. Rnpir a

utoh anmnd the edge,





Make a hide la tbe ceeiir


DoaT get It eidied




BoRon baked beaas eu be greaUy

by adding a cup ot oweM
““ tototjTbemorttag to toe time for a froUe. jcium the last
!n l^^dmm,. l,n.„ n,!
U. .
nnm. m Im,
Vi..,., mPdM i.
,|n „
i" ““



•!»., .in MOM U I. torn.
, «rtim 1. Mmmmk. Mk



maniter if Rie wuM

,j,h ific lime..

Tbe femr

t a h.«e, fi
. Ud the vvaau

«Ik. speuds to-r lime to Ibe
A New Cake Retipe.
horn.- niisMw (in- outside Rr trf Ibougli*.
A CoRl IAfie'-('r<-aiit .-m eu|. Hugur ud aiulon ihR wuuM do *urh toward
t-iiara--- the refreKhlnR
her owl.
IM b>r th.v

ic| cuK-half cup li -il-r
yoto* tnun lb-

..f tv., -ug.. at-! tafia

icr touiing ud.l

iMK faufifiy. WbRtotr it be

club. snoM- cbarltaMe a.jrk. roOM

rream-<l toito r ,u

pi:si, ijcat ibi, u'bruH-fa of art lu lnr Mm-l.T f'trms.

lUc... i|,.-n




la.I.I.MieAalfr-'rMkm-* ; nller- nrl'IiiiK -pi..


Nu«>somt study—aoax-ibtog. ao'hlng. to

► :.r again sndl finmUen tor Intmwts and h.-lp fity to

.ae baif cups, brirg frushnoM and Ilf. Into be^ iaily

l‘as|Krm liaking


GRinnell BROS.
the Piano Store
that Saves You Wone^
r lit^lhi m.-n
nii-rtani;lp i
smalMiUKlm-vs and'h
itod'hapOal. i>
The po-ronog.- of ,t;.. i


lyrlew,.h.,rh.«h-rlnofi<-rirg RtroctU.
1- I* H,e f«*.-r of our immease porcha.., .


buyer. If hamiK-

, r;:^.=r.r.;s:

credit 1* unqiK-Kiiom-.!,


u. ■ p.
laim - r..t

............... ......

m „



moR irf tbe chlekea: aeaaou! should go «o sleep qRyUy aad eaimly.



iw, bn warn

store-s. that enables us to give the .mtppr.^-t'kl.l.

Lv * f«w alleuB of hart boiled egg on do ft V rartling a paper or a very
the bottom of a ptoia moM: fill tbeigonle toucA.
moM sfitb' aliartRe iayera of wbltej

C-*ci>*nui KI-k-k—rircoatuit

lor doing to.uwwork.

shite imion rlng^ rut from raw uninn; ,bu»I nane la tonicb with ibe

I’Ut ibe


PR tae iiqmw again in the aaticeian;, uiy: It take


i, , v.oun who krtiu. house Ms BO

aiic ibcAi i.,10 H glass <ttob ud gs.

filing else. And when making lih-' i''v»ugs. sbarii wenis ami altfoaUons

Sene on torf,

red.ttoel, to oae aad oBoAaV plau ud ’ hy'v Atr^i,
afid oae-qnaner box soaked ge)attoe.|and grow. - if it man be avakroed.

•aaay ^mi vbo acaUers gtodncai aad

errom ,-r hard Mure.

Hug Ihe cumfdKer!
I•rt•^nl•'^ »"b attentions and 'he habit ■
delicate ew.-elt and sini|.l> nia<|p- j lloui and ..n. >:• ii
pad (unfol<lv<ll over- which pr.-se-r»<-» them will Ipsiitoh har-l —

■P..K- « o,, u.d miUI pn- i ““

In Hna'vHb Qtts to Ifela Umrty elip- Ml Into


X eggs are beaten to powder,- inmi

the salad aad fill siifa a ntnycmuaiM:;
w|jJjitK,-d cruani drt-s>ltig.

"*'* »»■' ml'’ <"iv.half

W' lglyl
<K|«al wrtgbi of I

Ibe cbalr backs, so as lu alinml loumi lb.-lr first graeious ran of eicli other
tbe seats: then shake out tbe blan­ Hot ihongltUiil and mn>- wr.- "• Hie Ik,ii add ib- sugar—u>,- sugar
kets. told them as you did tbe sprea.t.i irt-s ssev-len home life and lK>i:r th- ’ "h<.iild Ik- eruslietl and waniii-*! lu lli.
rlowly for isenly
I and bang them over tbe chairs also—, oil of Joy over dally exp« rletiex- V.*be>!
thirty _
minutes. •‘Mirvlng tr.-quentiy,:
; le.u not allowing Ibem to bang down I a husbuil or sun to promiH anil
loge roito a
k j|
ful In placing her chair for her at
=• aod
R"1 t.-ai
*e»l the
'be Kame ^
favorite la our family ’ tb«.e' c^.p!
" J*”
hie. wbat woman doe* nut fee-I haiThl-- laabe,. a •:c|ici„n.- quloccj
moroinga Try «y r^peMa^VCoDtlnue In the some way |
shec;». 'Flfsl the upper an-i j I'lvrl
An act irf oiortesy culUvai. - Proert- ii;i* iiiilil.e inariuslade tuilv -

c, M «!,: ,.;R,iu,
wm Mil; ,kin Pow/t^iMort

aonw. mtocry and glrdawm: it naedi




ro,M..P1. ...l c™, S.u„-M.l„. ^'PP"- PPPPPP- P*- PP.*'!—

<nN trorid Ja tM tali pf Mfineoa ud

»<‘‘l »>> "'Mch awcei

firthtthlrig DWecenl,

‘ (ha^ DBtursliy and essil} c
triad toaaaaiM’ tbc art ot aayinc pleai- platter, pouring gravy around them ^ami bang
It docs not look j 'lme« el dlffvrvace erf judgUKtu
oattbiaga. I dM oat eapaec too aincb when sent to the table.—Good House-1”’^'^'’,

- *“
rurse. but to lay a thick
of BIT trtoado. I keep ay aerraa veil
aoalloped Meat-Spread tn , baking!
etatorter over the foot of tbe
la kaad. and dM aot allov ihea
School for Wivea.
bore otbar peopia. I tried id Bnd any .U.b Rlenmte toycr. of brtvd cromto<.i
.tn Gnglisbwotnan bu- ktani.-d a

worii that COIN to ay band eoapen- mcat chopped very fine, a sprinkling:
get all day kras—and all Bight 1 “’’"d school ti>r the trRning of ulve*.
I rttaiood the lUMioM ot ai of chopped pomey. onion, pepper acd
i long loo. Never aleep under a ewiiKi-j She lakes young women loir-sIde wl- h
Mil: wbcB tbe dtob Is nearly fall poi
____LJ»d did not bailare -every man
I wadded comforter If you can help it— j
to her large home In a London
a Uar' abd every -womao apliefol. » over enough white Moee to motoiea
might almoR as .well wear robber I suburb, allows them a sum eqalraleci
did ay ben to nllcve the alaery I well: corer srltfi crumb* and'blu trf
Ud a macklmiwb. Doth keepi'" • J'OunK professioiuU mu'* ycariy
earn la eoBtaa viib. and ^potbiiej butter: set tn the ovcu unUl browned.
Mlorv—UO.V ll.-spi per .a
So., ,»ck ... .am.,...
*P' -"-PP-.P.:
*iU the rateriag. to Bet. t tried
used for moUtentog
*" *toicr it is oecewarr to have -t shows them bow to make th.- best
do to otbsra ha-1 arauld be doo<
It. lU-nt. rates aad uses ar. imid o

of gtacM aM udnaM?


A aantl Hkcem MrRner rt J Tbe while of

Out Icarc Uc ibroad with God.

tog tba freiu «f
Ptacatal old aga.-



of tin mum; heasehol.l ^
rklmmlng li IS salt will Roll
bang slut couun Ibrougb long assucM
; lb.- TtslUS <1
Hon. there Is npl to be a lack of lb
grt'eilngs and delicate attenIf time Ic plenty, and a tidy louklag
Dainty 0
room Is espccinlly dcsiml. act two itons whieb are gi>cn to visitors ui
kluinee <5rai< -To oue large qiduoe
choirs between two open wliidows— strangers in the ImusehuM. say* the

He knowB the way you plod:
la Utm daya OC fmtk oadaavor to
keep yooBC at the expeaae at nach



uacb piece Uy-iloolf to Rr.

Utere shines a thread of gol^


even tbe

(0 pull all of the bedclotbvs out at tbv

You Tiev each somber fold:
Ybr to. srUblu eacb daiher thread,


In nnoifaer borne

ihongb he Is foed of fruit. cRlug wii.i the ton that hugs on the edge* .rf n] a froth with
ixnind and an extra * ibe i>arter Into two parts ud U> om*
1 craiK-*' dewberrio*. and wlul >irnt.-;bowl will Ik- found even belter than! cupful <rf ronl
exinfectloner'K sugar. Then, par- add one beafhng lablvoiRonfel of
3t heart and (oatleneaa ot manners: put Ibclr beds 10 air—ud bung their berries. His long suit Is as sv-ed seed : die chve-'eclotb.
J u aililnj
pier- of tllrir ai-M m. Tars' gra'i-.! eh>K-o'sle or cocoa. wH wllb n
to think seldom ot yoor enemies, often nMit shlrtii to air also.
and insect eater. He Is a gluiion for
______________ '
„ mm
somll i>cs. and a cuplul ol: Mitic h« water, nnd one-half pound
at .roar Mends, ud every day ot;
How to air a bed U somcibtng that Boeds of the amort weed. l>!g s-ee-J.
finely grated nxsoanui.
Drop In jea-J
roiHna- To (be wbMe part ,
Christ, ud to apend as mttch time as
people have yet to learn,
weed. He has d
When CreaiaJwg Dotler.
sh^ sor
pans covenrt vlth l.ut-jnd«l oae-haH pound Bngnoh
roa cu vlth body and apirit in God's simply thro* tbc bed ctotbea back lo poMion fi
tor tbe potato bug. the lady
to a errt
■i<T-«»r Duurod pspef, and bake fifteen i "h-vria eboppi'd fine- Pul first a opM
l^arc the little gnMc a bnp at tbe foot of tbc bed is almost bird bug. the cblnch bog. the bew.
“‘“’“e «
mlDiHe* In a modernie o«k.
•’( dark amt then one of light batworse ibu not tiiruwing them back lK<etle. cucumber beetle, l«H w.k-.;1.
‘If? -ptlckly. Ful In Oie butter
Hvllclous Ilrown D«i>~Bioi«r a j Ivr in the baking Cln IIM all has boM '
St all. If time ia vco limited, a cbali ca'erplllar. eul
»-cirtn. army
•”* " '*o"«*Rkly: add the deep pudding .tb-h and place u layerj
*nd !**• iHioot 4S wtoiitoi or
may be sot at tbc foot erf tbc bed (scat wir. wonn, coUoa worm, loeusl. ami
<rf finely cbopiwd ai>ple* in ib<' toiUum:
■ aP^Bt rtt fie vltbdrowa *UDo«
Spin cbcerfully.toward the too'.boardi and
eluibey trfher crtH-<le»trt>yers- In many stauthe biiHer to the It^, then add a lav.T «rf
firwMcrotntr- i WlvJiiag. Alwaya sprinkle floar over '
Not tearfully.
all throsm back over It—alt wgcibcr. the partridge Is now Iirtng taken
i' process
......... *U far oulcker than rprtnkle with sugar and spire; add a,nnts and raisins Wf.we puttlBg
Though wearily yoo plod.
; Set the choir a little disturc from ib?
i b} tbe farmers
little butter, then another layer trf a|. :
M the U
Spin car^ily.
: foothuard, ud let tbe bedclothes sag mead of being treated as u ouilas
plea, and a,, on until tbe dUh U filled, i *"»■
Spin prnyerfully.
' down ao as to almost tooeb the cbRr Hay be flourish amt mulilp'y.
Always read tbe label
a a todil- Tbe tup layer should be of tbe ernmiw ]
-------------------------------But leave tbe UireM to God.
I soot. This sboulil be allowable, taowImtor.- glvIiiE medicine.
lotoroR fine Moowvtoaa.
Tbe ahutUoi of HH parpooc move
! over, only on special occaatoos—when
CnpiKTa- dUsoIvcl la waUT to one aiu oven anin quite brown and r.Tv, Court
UiMinK* bastoujo
To carry oot His own design.
' iIdk- for a tboniiigh airing U jn;t
n[ lb.- Rin..i valtiable uf dtoinfectui'. While ho«. either
uout wtumo who
8«* not too toon to dlupprovo
In tbe close lelathius
f ni<-|lll- ra
; rlmply not lu l>c had. Make ii a mlDark aMUve*. when with silent dread

IWadMbla Mwtk Aawrleaa.
that papeh



'“c yolk, on

U your Mlgbbor't, except hia hlodaea^

Ho* May ilttte. ton Bfaima to a


least ban of tbe illness In the Wwld
seldom or never property £rcd nm!

•"‘'® ««»«■>•

roar dioguna; to cov« noiblog that boyt of Ue family do nut consider

. Mabady kaova but laother.
Mo* aasy atocklaci to dam. do yoa


One bouaewlfc is convinced tbnt nt

by your adaaratlooa taiber ihu by

Hobady kaova tmt antbor.
Sa« ■aar aaddr «oaa ail ia a


The bealttfalncM of a bed depemU

be Mtiaded with ytmr potaernhwa. upon the iborongfaness of tbc sunRng
viltaQy bni not oooteot youreelt until yoo ud alTlag that Is given it eacb dny.
have aade the bcai at them: to de-

alt persons suffsring with this «
Myttem.”‘~‘Loals E. Johnsoa.

the pr;i^rhigh-flylo?|

Mobady. kM*a bat Motbar.
To be glad ot life became li (ires
Onoleaatr kMlw tkamriraa is ibe you the cbaoce to love, to vork. ud
Mobady kso*a bat aotbar.


Tkc partridge boa long bveo In fsvR-

with a copfR of tomatoos. two table

tbe HiMadt


..J „„ „„„

I healed ibrougb. and serve a
The Partridge u the Parmar'a Friand.

aoihJng but covardleo; to be sorcracd

Kobo^r kaowa bnt aantbar.
Ho* mur tblabioi ud apooti baa


... UTO.,,.,,

ud just before removing from the fire
tbe ycdfcs of tvo eggs may be beaten

Dainty Brcakfatt Dish.
n««. j,<kiIs M.
i-il.rsoa.rf ibcUu* Krvrcdyi«I.B*ti*b«v#s 1'RIM
Doll one egg. for Mcb perw*. ?■ mate.Hensi.w from M.r.«> .ttlorory tieasral under l-.e.M.uil John.wi, ns a breakfast food, ud as spirodi-l
when cold mosb the| nnd Rules Mliii.ler to Kngland, ud vbo vasregsnted as tbs fiwatoM
for tbe sick and well, but minnies. and
yolks ibrvugb a slete and chop the eooslIluli.msIUwrrr that .Ver lived.
be li BOW coming Into wide favor and
whiles very fine. Cream two Uide-j
In a reent U tter from lam V RL, X. W., Wasblngtoa, I>.C„»lr. JohanoBsaysi
renown as tbe farmer't frieaA He Is
apootsfula of bniitT with one'uf Bourl
“No one Bitould longer nutter from CdfBrPft »*C* Pmmm&tBiK’
t cudldate for tbe high pmvb of Naand add to one pint of boiling milk, I
To my knoo tedge tt Haa esase^ roUet lo BO n
:lonal bird. HU partteans assure
i rtirving imiil rnwmy.' Add the whlt'-s • Meads and vcvtMnfBisces. that It Is humanity lo e
that be Is a atom ally of tbc Ara«ri<
of the eggs with a pinch of aaluo^c
k and a much more aeiivt_
sauce, |KJur over small sllcea of totsi
defender of Amtwtcaa agriculture utl
CnUfTb Patonna.
I There 1. but one remedy U>R has IM
Catarrli Ir •■a|ial>le<>( ciiucingall ihe- desired cfre. t. aod Ihal remedy U Ps>
™«|.. Or.uhow.i..ii«\»anr..’I
UI<-^ivinc seerctlon* nf the body Into! runs. This remedy slrfkes ovooew to
crntDciii auspices, have been siodying i

■ ' '
aealdiBg flukU. w lildi deslrvv aiid id- the rooU »l eaUrrh bf restoriiig to Uw
the partridge, say be Is a winner. Onlyi
To Keep lea.
Aaoie et-e-ry part Ih-.r erne In e»ntscl capmary vessels ihelr beRttpr oUto
about ooe-faurtfa of bU food Is grata.;
When cracked ice it onlertd for
vnb. Apldlcalkio* lolhe pUeesaff«rt-l tieli.v. iVrinn Ir not a temporary-pal*
IP per eeol. cora. S per cent, wheat; ‘ imliem one will And mat It does n<
ad by cMorrh ran d» 1ii: ic goal save In 1 ttallvr, )>ol a rodl-sl cure.
I.lh-..rqulrt s>mptoin.,t Re,nd for Hr. lUrlmsh-s totost hnok,
the baluec millet, boric}', sorg- melt Bo<4ulckl}'. requiring renewing,
-nec II i* that Ksr-.:l<->. >l>ra} -. R-ni- aehl true fora sbnrt time. AddiM-Tit*
swlBv 1.1 -Nef
bum. ne ud ants. He does out steal ^ if i| be plsced In a sort of swing
'.his. but gatbera It afler It bos be>-i chmeolDib. toiog over the sIdvH ol a Izcrs and InbRuts oaly serve as tom-i IVruns Drug MuafsoWriag Ud, Q»
1 turnbna, Ub to.
kiR In the field. He never pulls bp
inMcad uf lielng placed in IL-

Hiw Mur playthtnn are atrews la laada.hiok ooaienptlble baaide auch
bar wayt
- - I dUpaaiUo*. The ability to radiate

Bo* MU' bwpa to ba abMM Md

add a gl.l ttf RrRued lo^

cayenne pepiwr: silr In InR ode an-1:
Don't ^cak kiodly to It nor Jark H. j
p.jpmu of flaketl cold rooked'


agrr- cate bustoeaa trf ro»r oan..T.«(,

.'•1. -ar House i. fomoui.

Th- .-..rpp..,ual

it.iieauw to.- a. puopje leart. - our tnKt./men, they guh^ r.-RIre the advaB*

piato bayer grtmtesi v.:u.,-. -he UgboR ito*
gre.- of eutofaqiioB. aod the moat efilcleai a£l reltaipi- .trvice. becanae we are wttboni .jo-s'i'iti osc of the
mtiu evleatively ergaaiapd ud perfectly cqaippp l .Mr;-., Houses







Sraallpaai at Owanm
KiHed at BL 4 N. E. Creaaiit*.
Nearbj waa a boadJe ot rabM and she hat llred wUfa her toa PMd at the aponded «nd aaid: "If Dr. HoUlday
: o'eloek thb aoratas. “nie balldlas
Mra. Marsaret Retard was atrcck ’ when he oandled It. he fonod br.:. old homestead. She Mree Mrt. E N. tranu M to attead It mut be —1» Omeiia. Mich.. Nov. 1«—Aa iBilaa
AttfaMHMwtliicerihccuartive waa TBloed at H.POP wad the laiarMoblo and Mrs. Jot. Jnewtsea of thla iniefeaUng enoogh to pay tm to m^; by the name of Tboowa Sbocko. aged
ooufttM •« tkc 8tau C. B. UaloB. aace carried waa OLm. The Are ta BBd tamtanOr killed br the train from ; Berdrd ITlas dead.
dty. Mra, Amadote Brow of Boyne the effort, ^h Indlndnal moot glve| 18. living In a amaJI boune one and
bM at •hH*. XiM Carolloe Par-1 fnupeaed to hare beeo eaaaed ,br the Piwreamt oa the U. 4 N. B. Tuesday; The rerdlet cd the inr «aa that
nnehatf miles wrat ef the harbor, was
BonOac about 8 o'etoek at the eoonv Mrs. B^rd came to her death by cot- City. Un Zeu ot Baat Jo-- hto best effort."
a«H. «lma aaWAI
Wthfal tnrk nplodoa cT a laap.
He spoke of the reeni action at the (ooad by Htalth OMeer Dr. F. J. Fra­
Ualon sitb the Uanlstec 4 North das and Mra. PlomodoA Mry. BoaTbe «re was dlscoreiwd br the aU- UaeeroMlag.
‘ H mu mmwr <«r a onabir «;
ton and two tons Pred aad WUllam.
ot the unlveraity In
o nck ot Sorthport lo be all broken not
taraa Ma taawraj kw to
with a vtoleBt rase ot swOlpox.
the bttlldlac. When they awakened,
ar aujiiwm ■•*««««
own eareleasnesa so thtt so. direct waa alwsyt kind and senile aad be­ aliks. should hereafter be treated (Tee {had t>era siefc since toet Thmday.
couBtr. near
• MMaTvitA A torn* cap l»r tk* o«- tbe hooae waa fall of amoke and on
blame can be attached to any es> loved by all who knew her. The at the unlveraity to nphold his ibccry. 1 Hto taiher. mother nnd a *awU bar
CM a« tfeo otAU oaloB. The cap t« aecomc o' the flantea. it waa Inpotai-1 Mrloa.
ble to «e: to the tower floor. One ot ■ «* Taraday nwraln* lo do some ira-:- ^oye* ot the road. Bowerer. a pro­ funeral serrlees were held Tueaday Ho told such a rraolnuon ohouU bf live la the tame house with him aad
«r wotUL mita. rA umc. wha
aorains from tbe Cailxdlc ehnreh rwpeoled. (or many will take ad- the aarToufadlngs are la a very unaaal^ i^t home abort 8 o'clock, her le^ as tollowB waa died:
graeiM ua hMattfotlr asbonad the aiatera joiaped trom the aecoLd |
proremont. FT. Roussmaa ofl
rantage ot ao unfair a tow aad the. lary condliloa. Every preeanttoa to
"We have well conaldered the abore
' kaailw. aAdaacM«l«ctotJ)cC.E. atory window and aroaaed a nan who; bujiMad-a (an belna joat about halt
^ o,e (aul croaaln*. She ws ease and we think . la OUT Judsment
poor sill be crowded out. For this being token to prevrai the eptwad of
aicangraB wbSo m 1A« oUcr i« an- worka at the cotorenL He aecured a |
reason these county socictlra should | the dtoease but the Indian aclghherf
cravad tlw. Mlowiaf laocrIpUoa: ladder aad tbe other two aiaten de I ^^1 hard ot b^nx and It Is ihoucht (hat new resubUofls ahould be esui.
^ ,he train. The body was Ibbed br Dlacias an .electrle bell a
hang lofEctber to couEteraei any such j have been going our and la vWitag
“PrMialal to.HlM CaioUoo Panoai seeaded in thb asaaner. one ot thes |
about tweaiy feet and th' said crmalns or In aotoe other suit
only for
fw this lea ' the sick man and the s
: la tort^ ipproetafaoa of har (allhftil aaSerlot aerere bursa and tbe abler
John Warner ot Elmwood tewnshlj
p,^ ^ ,b, busgr led wnr
alone, for il hu a tradency to . ly. bu probnbD been (
«PA te.«w Mkklfu CkHMlaa Ba- wSo juinpad from the window to
manner.” SIcned Larem V was the fam rvwratjy of a mldnlgbi
>e abrn waa conaldenbly brulaed.
.^Bwm CitoaO. mi."
Wood. Dan B. Caner. Cbarbs H. By, adventure that Is causing bis (rlendt build up a better feelings aad for|
There is no fire predeetton whaterer,
^ahi oi Homer Pame/Jobn K. Poote. Wnile*t
Now CtotMof Fireo.
lake the '
to laugh not a little. Hr. Warner waa
' CwriMB •tonT'
A new ciMhiBg Bra cooRpaaed-af
and the bnlldlnc.
bulidlnc. tocetber
to,etb«r |^ was complete N. Coddlnitom
peacefully aiecplng when be beard a place at poet graduate (rork. rapedal-1
Mtl f..Urta«rtao o< Asm hat a with ita contenta waa totally de- i AM.«'apoke beina led in tbe wbceb.
ne body waa taken to the under noise among the rattle. Not sioppUg ly for thora who rauld not go and take]'well kaown young man of the city bos
aailaRr li; tko Bmp* of
atniyed. A peerliar thins abooi lb* ''^nt accident was one ot the motl
Men formed and will bagta to do busi­
.king eeiablbbment ot K. L. Can« to dreaa. he ran out to the barn and such Work.
are waa that aeteral ycara aso
The sublert of the moaih old tow ness abortlr The Brm esnatou ef
peculiar that ever occurred in thb vi- where it was tuand that the left tibia found thnt one ot the cows wu on the
^aaiapait^tBo cum It a ramaifcaMr
unlversliy being under dtscus- 'Thos. H. Sherman, (or many yoora
broken half way between the knee threshing floor. The minute she saw
. tera Mi^Uon, oa vbiek aa Im
keeper aad ofBeo nmair-T of
,. Streagways made a motloa
and bin. <1)0 entire riba ca the led tbe apparition In white she turned to
piaiBiia aa Marodj be aada. Jtoabut (ell to tbe crondd twelve feel providing that a proieei be lodgM the Hamilton ckahtag eompony. usd
alac thrMfi M, maalBK >n «»«t d»against the arllon. which Ur, King C. F. Huaier. clothing salesman la ton
enslne. alrikins II hetwocn
below where shn lay Os If dead. I
. foedea. aad HfU« la pCltM fme it te
scraaded but ameeded by providing ■aae utore for a loot tImA
the cab and lender. An iron meji tom bark. Aside fiom these terrible
Warnrir at ooee ran Into the houra
aa«-TObaaA»jM«Mvkkh froa
Tito new Brm has Irascd tbe handtpom ibe cab ahows when- tbe buR© Juriee a deep flesh wound was i
get a butcher knife In order to dresy that a memorial be prvpaml. algued
. ah«o a*4
Paife Electric company cl hit and narks aloas the tender sbo<r talned oa the back of the h<-ad which
py every member and seat by the w? same Mure la the new building of tbe
Il and the whole family
) aaiarallp ty^c lo be coral, il u
wdt triangular In chape and deep back with him. The cow «aa atlll retsries of the rartoua counties t«4h* Cnvis Cigar company on Frau aUUM.
'poiom 11000, vtch un* in new impramena in me past
and will opn up (or busInsM wRb a
enough lo have iM>en totgl.
lying atretebed out and the other rfiai- university.
(ct Ireo la U and It li Bav weekt nniil the aiore U now prac- was torn (rum the shatis bat d
sustain a slnglo rcmiehl betas
The body win N- removed tonight
Dr. Lawioa In behalf of the Intiwt full line of etotbli^ nnd gWlauM%
rtandlng around In a circle
A «Mcb opailUe la
the resldrare of riillllpe Richard ol looking at h>-r The cow laid aUIl of the recrat tow. explained that the furalsbing goods ns tooo ns tbatr
r inarad oa It b qckklp
The building hat bora moved for­ th-? worse tor iu, experience.
Stock (bn be pul In. Both young man
. Uriaaltoa will hare ward eight feet to. me pavCmrat ,anJ
are well and favorably knffwn la this
to her. when she bounded tnto^ the
Ing among the fsiculiv and making
iceotoabtac a aew plate glaaa trout added, while a inquesi was conducted by Jcaiire I.
OeaUi Roll.
u lively as ever and apbeequent
tneambeat hereafter for aR patleats city an* rlbnliy aU their frisuda wiU
U ber aarUeat op- new ooat or paint adonir both the ex H. Gage at bla home lust at the cross­
ing. The train was tot charge of Con­ . Miss Sibyl Chapin waa railed to amlnailne proved t^ihf ebe wun'i to be treated in the order cf toefr nn- be Iniarasud In ths4r iirniu
tenor and Interior.
Plnlnwell a week ago on aeount of the barL Mr. Wniwer'a wife nays thnt his trance aad said that the pattoata nTbe aalecroom preaenU a fresh, ductor J. V. Mrintrah. Englnera V(ii\
Ltoai Fsapla ki Wa*(.
Wat MA
aerhMa illnera of her sister. Mrs. 8. B tpiArel wu ’the caura of all ih' ceniiy aeni by him had reeelved oarly
aaily appearaaee with fresh Hnoleem lam Kenraey, one ot the most earctul
nnaM Londoa and A. J. OayW kara
oa theToad. and Tlrcaan Luther Brigham, who died Sunday eveoinc troobk-, the cow tblfklng It wa*
attcatioa throngh
floor eoverlng. a hew a« «t sfaelrec
.WiUi.amoaa iaealrlci Iram a dally
Brigbam was a sincere ehrlatlan ghost..
lYcaldeat Anderson, feeling that the retnrned from a planaant trip oMus
aad the upper portion «{ the parllUon .Lawyenra.
coast. On the trip they
la vaivd to tha wherMbouU «(
Eaglneer blarney slated that wbei and b.T Iasi words were -4he U)H
dtocuuloa wa* out of order during the
set off br an aniatic srtll wortt flnisli.
Petooksy Siwmara Man Comlnp.
4hp inasktr UtUe ateamer Onekema A new sot of eauioguo caaea baa been about (orty rods trom the erosslng. be
ullb me abUDdanlly. "
tocUl aeaakm. ruled It out nnd Mra visited Portland. Taeoma. KMMth
Aoomplete' cfliange took place Sat­
r Mhtay. aad Morthport, Chart eroix.. Installed for the iwraty-flre Bras fcp Mew the regular eroMlcg wbistlo.
klan- A. Cbapin was bora in Belllle.
A. II. HoUlday thereupon delighted Falls nnd anaOMru Oregon, agent
•;.lfciaiju4 PetoNmy and wren the resratod In that way and the aew flx- accordance, with Ms custom, on ac- N. Y.. serraiy years ago July 7 tost, urday in tbe 1<ranrh sloreof theW.W. every one with tbe bMUtttnl ilitl: Mwie lime at Snn FTnadaeo. Balt Unko
IMbm Vail «at ot the path or lake
City. Odoradu Springa. FnahM. Kaae canie lo MIrbIgsn with her par- Kimball music house.- wbeu Hnntn ballad "Uddle."
cbandellera and poriablo count of the angular approach of tlie
is when B ehtld of six. She atodlel Rsughm Hamer (rf Peloakey. who;
tamps, whlrt hare been orde^ tor, roadway, he slowed down sod applied
In the aboenca of Dr. ias CHy, a short time, and St. Umls.
> here with a apleadld record of
.ahta port (or the U^e boat'a haveu the CbrIatauB trade will have plenty Ibe brakes no that when-be passi-d
Olivet college, ibon an iBnliiiie, i
Kanaga of Charlevols. paid a bMuil- where they remained serernl days.
df'pcfath, ifec lay Baasly tied at tbe ot show space.
Klamath Falla tony mi« a raguaad when she was IS publlely
the croaalag he was ntfl going
token poasoislon and the managemeei ful tribute to the toast "Our Lodtoi.'' Inr liuic colony of 'rravaria CHy peo­
«hM port «r Oma All day Bsnday.
Tbe second room, which tonaerly flnea or rlghtecn miles an hour. The elered herself a christlae. Her par under N. E Strong of Grand Rapids
Dr. n. D. Aafaton, tbe forty-year vet
Thf|«n« Ntew aMMat ot the aasicty was used as a work roum. shipping beU was also rang Ur. Kearney waa
two brothers preceded her
eran of toe Graad Traverse regkm. ple. Owwge Tblriliy. ChAries Oorhatt
Ibair tlA«p Mut and eajoyed ,theu- aad storase to now. entirely girra vp os Ibe right aide ot the cab. tbe train One brother. John R Chaiiln. ll«es
LAutaer of tola Hty and
F. J. Ullie Is the only one of the old wHfa a salemaltr of countenoaee that WlUlnm Good. Monte White nnd Mary
aalm la falst kAMs on board. basHe to work, a new addlUon barias been runniag toward Traverse City, and did Abjrndale, HaM.. and another brother
belied his hamorons vein, began toe
-force who will remain.
tta Ml#li «(» dayr. iwat ^ so de- bum to accommodate the shipping .tothe wontan, she being on the aad throe sistefa- Mra. Temple, and
"Plooeer Pracitoe" by ossertlaq White of Sokw bUng tbara. At PanMo
4 twtraal.
parlmeol. With the mUiged Boor other aide of the track. He of couree the MlssM Prances C. and Sibyl R.
that be didn't know that be waa to to- UIST aaw JaBMs Winer aid Tile.
*.4 .»w*apa, after aa the adaalat of familtlas thd Arm iwis that here­ ddmdhe aroaalDg and aaw that it wu Chapin lire In Traverse City. Her here Just u soon u a suitahle resi­ naked to talk, but to eaL aad aald h« Joba Broadfoot. Cflaa Btou^ and Mr.
after their work trin be of a moc!i elepr. His attonilon was then at- hushand, S. B Brigham, and son. dence can be found and their, eotre couldn't make a speech and didn't and Mra. WUUam Cratfc. At nuiMiil
duleker order and that, loa they can trnclad i> a man on hU side of William R., are et here means much tu the
of rjiy physician who had -ever they aaw Oeosga ME* WMW KlnHee of thj rliy Hto ion. Harry
IW whM Mill l«inp A near port It handle larger lob work.
the track who wqs in a rig with a I'lclnscll and anidl..-r son. John M. Baughm Harr-r. i. a idpe organist and made n dollar or a piece of bread and
At Saa rtondiM tlkw 1*4 Mr.
' «MAs lA lb driclaal interpreutton
They «re glad lo welcome at ai younger person. This mu wu ap-;
a pbatograplit-r at Rattle Creek, a professional t.isou tuner and Is an' buier by bit tongue. Ho aald: "I tad Mrs. Allla Fwrep uAe bad ptst
n lar MTAy aaaattr.' no that the iay^ thnea those who desire to look
parentto’ trying to caU a dog back; they and one daughior, (torn Ellra adept at any diiiy from ropalring aa never expected to live to s«e such ■ iMten off toe boU frui tan inguMi
Aftar A^ lA A'iN awAy eona^. yet their new innovatloB In Impnovemrata. fram (he Iwk. The Arst be knew of, beih. tnrrlro her
City, tbap gtfind an Mr.
organ to soiling a Brat clAs ptoflb. gathering u toto tonight.*
Only n few uc.jis ago friend- Th.' daughter, Grace Lynn Harner. bat prated toe statomeai made that "gu and Mrs. Prod Hoorar. aaktag mat
an ncddrai was the crash on the other
Allay la CleJkl.
gathered at their home with many
sweet, well rultiratod voice and
where you will yew will not Bod a aot< •IxtAOB Travone City paepM tknr am!
Tbe alley ruanlBS bcieera the Mun- . Luther Lawrenee. the Breman. was congratulations and pleaunt remem arilsile player of tbe violin.
■iaa<^Wttan a
gentert. intellectnal company than you on the trip eovurtng newral theuaaM
T. MUllkoa dnrlas SO) pr^rty and the pnperu owned next called and trsUfled that he firnt btances to aid .Mr. and Mrs. Brigham
Mr Haraer to a strong believer In see here tonifhL" Referring to bis
in eelebrailog thoir goldeu wedding.
ka the holy taad hare by Mra. K, C. Bat
social fraternallsm and conseqnantly plooeer days be said be merat)
.. ■ Ip the Essie Ptwea In ndht street to the alley ruanlnt bo- about ten
confesses to being an antlered EOt, a drotvod down here forty yran agr
Suan aged 80 years, Woodman of the World and a inember and conldht gel away that (all aov'
tom. wAAt a rerr AMt nour^ tween State and Fnmt streett. baa eroaslng.
A very pretty naiama wnddtog
sleeked •up and apclosed aecordlng
9lk -Tha Mt Id prtated ci hcary
parratly stopped to let th<
ihe train pass, puseil away Saturday afternoon a; of the Royal Areanum. and last but hadn't been able to since. BuL aad tolemaued Wednraday whan
oaa in the deeds made In
6:30 at tbe-asylum, wb^ tbe bau no. least. ■ Pythian
Clear type, with a
leal practice at that Ume wu a von Marion CwdllA Bopd Of B
e by. In order that a UOe
been for treaimeai stnee Jhne. He:
OM of the r.rung
ThouM M. nrnidiMPym «t tMe
the -whole wMth
y be acquired ty
Medical Aaaeeistion.
fiAlBraa li the lerti number
Bhe was possibly a rod back trom the husband, who died eight yean ago.
today, though be thought that thort dty were ualtod la tbe hety boa* e(
TI-.C first meeting of the Ninth DU were u many bones In tbe body than
£^;^lilt tBM4 made from photo- cither F. R. OoodrM r Mrs. K. C track thee. The engine was half <ny .wu a prominent fanner of Ionia
- MMWm Ip Mrs. J. W. Mllllkee ot
county. Her daagbivr. Mra. EOe It- Irtcl MudlcaJ Utociatlon «u held
The ceremony wna MrtuAnd M the
Away back In 18*8 the property now across tbe road when the borra came senhouses, arrivtsl yesterday and ro- Tuesday afK-rn.s.n si the I*ark Place there were not ao many creepini
atae map
idaeea riv
------------------------- notable plaeea
ahead and struck the engine at tbe
things arounA (Roara of laughter.. 8L FYnaeis ekmreb W Eea. VMhw
ital hp Ike pAHp. ose ot their eblof. owned- by Mrs. Sanies and oeeupled gangway. Tbe horse ran right Into turned with the body on the 4;30 parlorv «lili a large attendance of the Said. too. that Uiey used to (eel th> Bauer at 8 o'eloek. The nupfMMfb
by Jobason A PobI as a grocery store,
«hMM trlAf la the feet that they are.
tram, tbe fuaeral uktag place fo- disciples of Bsculapcui, who were In- pulse, knit (be brow, u they do now mnea was celabrate# aad toe tiBgnw
waa sold by tbe late Reuben Ooodrlcb
aal pMaitA cd tbe stMOtyped "show
Mr. Kramer said that tbe horse morrow at the old home at Smyrna. uresied In the following programcarried a “pUI bOg.’' (or tbm wm^ re ring aermoa ms aaaC Only the
to Hulburd brotben and later trans­
I4 auusy oaaea nnuana
1 county. Ihidertoker Anderson
reieral Catheierisatloo.- Dr.
ferred to Hannah, Lar A Co., aad probably tried to urn and was caughi
llitie capaules ud such thih» wmedAte rrtaUres and a (*« Isttheld the remaina ben- until the arri T Ik-lge, Rig Rapids. DltcuuloB.
WUe Wte cd umm. tMas a beit<»r
though be admiued that they bad "tb< ■ate frteade were praeent.
latar on to Penw Hannah aad last to sldewtoe. slewing the buggy around.
nta ed the epaatfp and the satlrai
of the daugbtor.
• Triwimcni of Lacerated Wounds." bitter pill. ’ and people didn't apprv ' The bride wae etleaded by bar eieMrs. K. C. Barnaa. At the Ume ot the
A. O. Bloom, the baggageman, was
‘|baa o)ia wmAp BitB mwi hooka of
r. Ju. A. King. Manltiee. Dlscua elate It then, cither. Canalderinc th> er, MU AUce Boyd, end tbe greou by
orlglnil tnaafer the property now tlttlu on the train box In his ear
The funeral of uod Richard Lee oi
tyaval. ^ HMhr'«f plaeea mde oacd aa a prtvate alley and the propon.
iU brotoer. Joba ^ocAmayer. The
and 'knew nothing of au accldest Bates, who (lied Friday morning ->r
scrtooi upect uf hit prKUea be to!
hItMrr am abowa. orty oa both aides u-aa owaed by Rea• Reflex Asthma.- Dr. H. B Ailder irf Ibe bardsblps of iravH. ntog ui Mide waa beautifully gnwaed la wMto
until he heard Ibe crash. He then paralysis, was hi-M on saiur.'<ay aThe Mtera are written In a bright, ben Ooodrieh. Me. Goodrich at Che
•on. Travcn.0 Cliv niseuislon.
arose and looked out ih< window an-l
down ih(- country on foot ah(j-clock from the Inliod Br.-ihr-:;
attnettve style. vUh «any iisshea of time lived In a bnUdtng located fnr^
Seldom hc» Ui.-r. Ct.-r bcin ■ mo-.. bor*el>ark from Manlsiee to Chari
MW the horse. IK- colildu-t
ehiirch at Rates. JK-j ^ c. R««tin<haBar i^*h *«d to thttr emarUTe- thei back, where the prerant ailev
•urrcssfnl gathering, bmb wwial an-t
ouquet of bride's roaea. Tbe hrideabuggy or annllcfi else.
and I’adlllac to .Northpon. H
life long friend of th. derearad ix
aa«. aad glre. aa eacvdlent Mea of runs between Front nnd Bute atreeu.
lalellofittal. than that which was closed by paying Iribule to hto «w
aald waa attired ta muB liidWiiaaa
Mtoa ADuMIansrii. a. nunc at ibo ducting tbe ejrvlrts.
..t^ eartou couatrlai vlaiied.
RTira the Frtnl street property wm:
'ley (
'lit white aaila aad riaMr laee and
happy life and hoped (bat onotbe
He paid a ainren- Iril.iil.- to th.- gi
'■aay Weada ed Mr. Mnukea aad his ■oW It waa nceeasary to mahitaiQ a sulurinm, bad come down lo get the
I*ark 1‘lap. . wh.-n
year av,uld i.rics together jaM aoc
mall. She aotlcv^ Mrs. iierard pass­ i‘ chararler of the dead friend,
anthM win 4e glad e( ma opp
driveway to Mr. Goodrich's atore ami ing and Mrs; Berard raid -good
!»-rs of the Ninth Dlfrrirt M<->llcal a- another grand, good mecUng.
large contours.- of triends gaihennt
to aeeure eoe M the walunea.
roaldeoee and ngbl fe« was rat
•ocintlon enu-naiaed «hc vlslllng
dinner w.-m eenred at thair aaw
ing." She did nut pav snv atiratlou
i;- thHr lut lnl.-.::e <o hl« :
by btm wen of the property where the
ux-ml-er* wi:b an Haborate baoquo'. btauljf'ii sung "The Ruse lo the (3a
ome, *07 Eighth atTML The i«ow
•erred In lh<- apaeli,-j» dining rtwm.
A *eip prel^AMddtas occurred at cHy drag s.toie to
ere charmingly decorated for (he am
loeated and ihi':
tbo eroasiag and ihe bell
deli,- and th- loasu to fbir Array an
the hotoa M Mn. Utak g. Akers in
Pftmiptly at 8 o’riork tbe compsny
•sioB in greea and wbtte.
vy’ bj l>rs J. A. King, ’W T Uod*
ring, mk was all the tcMlmony la
I Private n«o-. the Hulburd broth- ________ ___
repaired to ibi- jiulng to-mi *I..Te
■towood. Motim Nor. 14. at :
Tbe younx couple raeUred maay
1 J. M U'llbelm cli»s"d what wr
rangomenis In rhsrgi.
trainmen. The
•cventy-four c«.r- wer- itid The
Mv the mMage at bw ddeat — requiring the d.lyenny to ron.h
-raoUfol end coally wed^ gifts in
epoch In toe history uf the Oran
tables, arranged m a riutit angl.- the Travt-rw- Dlstrlrt Medical society.
Aaashter UUe to Mathan c. Ortowold.
UI gUis. silverware, chlaa;. boaae fur.
« vi,lrnco was found.
ana of Bar. OrtoweU •( Beidiog. The this transfer was made by Mr Om.;.
daughtoT of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bowra
The (oilowlnx were preteni; D» lUcloK*. a check for flM froa the
rtoh thesw waa a sitpulaihm In tVi
Mde was very prettily attired
of 81; Wayne .ir,-.-!. Ji«rt Raiunlav beauiiful In th.-lr timpiiniy. large Cbas Tbomptoo and srlfe. ak Rat: (ride’s lather aad I2S from her
I of whiu Maedosm and carrlej dfcd that when both parti.,. ,b?ir‘“i**'" ~
wother. Ur Boyd.
night at !• o’clock. Till- funeral w.-i' bowl* of frngraui card;nal <mrnaiior..- Id* Dr Bartlcu and wife
when th.
„g .i,, l>r. 8. C Muon- and wife. Cadillac
«peM. The brldeemaia. Mica hriie or amlgus tho^ m«uall.-!
hem Monday at ; p. lu from lii.- r>,i- being the right t.«K-h <r.
Mra. Brookmav-f baa a wida etrrie
•r the alley on-came and notlded bim of
•f.frieiids at Wiuiamaburg, where ahe
Dr J. W lA-ck<r and wife, Lali^ City
me nccldrat The body had been left drace. R.r. T. V ruom offlciatlr.g snowy napper> eud l.r.iU nUer.
where It atrcck llending the tnqnest.
Dr O.irrgi- D MlIK-r and wife. Dr. E wUI be much missed by thepauag poocT henap were Mtoe Vtolet Akera. elsOnestiwu
B. Uai«.e-k, Kalkukh, Dr. Praraa: ple of her old home. She aUo baa
In the meanUme nil the Goodriej
camef-.-rward and lifted the Cunis having the arrangements iti
ter cir tbe Mide. aad Htoa Phweaee
ll<Uy wbo, ..r. r,-ptmding. called upo.i and wif... Kslkuka; Dr F W Gra , Aacy friends la ihU city, haring a’pahperty has. lossod into othur hands i
evivcri-xl her, the carious
dWeweM, Atar of the gmae.
to drink I- the tout 'Our Guests. ” ftam and »Uter. Mrs. fed.-rwood. Lad seodod the High sebool aad bstag very
ittd l-taak IL Ooodricii retains-the •
............. pato blae aad cairl*
Fred Berger, ihv lltlte’son trf Mr
1 this wu hoartlh responded
Mtle to eight feet of the spate oral!
potting her Oce he spoke nnd
iagion: l>r. Wallore and wife, Maatoa TTOmineat aaKrsg ihe teachers of this
----- rred Akera. cmsIb e
urged uie.0 ibem ihe ihooght of Dr. O I. Bicker and Miss Sboo^ -iclniiy.
fee publk- purpoaet. alibougb i>elag aj*^**'*'
iiis naUve bmgiie and and Mrs Frank Berger, of 324 Sprurt
- Mde was beat nan. The c«r«
pritate alley. The alley has now!
asUe. the tears sirramlng strvrfi. dl.d lut eight at 6 p. m of making Trawse ciiy a m.dlcal Cadillac. Dr. B H. McMallrei an< : Mr Rrookmsyer has atony friomis
t by (be Rev. I
bulloB meningitis, agfd IC mostb' •idering Trav.Ti..- riry a* a medics' wLV. Cwdmac;
been chned totnpocarlU'in order Hull i from his (ace. "
sdniac; Dr R C Foster. Bra \
***'■ ‘^"1^
I* «np»Wad by the
-tsrer. uyllg how Impotflhle It wa< Lake Ur G. Edm-juds. H««ior, Dr i
10 Bseaesary tranater shall be maJ ».i . i™b, 1.11 .U
Msreuritc ruilttwd as I
A thfeeuf , dinner crai served.
for the fraternity to reach tbe sooth- ^■oy and wife. Honor; Or Kimball 11 Mr. “
I one Of the other.
and Mra. Bmkmayrr wlli
M., „d U„. D,„nl
tbe.toamhMag: Oyster stew, coffee.
part of tk- Maty for (he suu ftfc Lak. . Ur, Dodge. Big Rai.Mi;
Mrs, Bnraet bat agreed to the irans8rt»rl..d
I?”"""'-I- 1-1—
where they wilt
RsplAi ; Dr Mmsekw-ptng at
iMaMh. pleklm. potato aalad. BWMB aad It -SM at her request ihM
sw .» e„d b«»..
"" ' - ■ nthennes am! uked the members .-j Jam« A. King. H.tnlsiee. and tbe fo ** •'
fnu aalad, aeaartsd cakea. The
b-T hoaband
bubud leaves one i,.
ciraddcr taking up the work nJung the lowing from Traverse Citr Dr F P ,
tM b.™
U brtb, ib.1 her
son. «._i
MaraJ. fb" -n.<r, ,h« U> I....
hridah eaka was baked in a rake pan Ihe Ulto to the whole width may be
about 30 years of age and manlri'. St- Loots all aomaer u a chef. «-ii! line of iboee siaie usociations aad
ReBraed Wraah.
be able to be preseoi L O. Co-- coold see ao rcuon why it rould n . Uwtoa and wi/c; Dr. B B. Minor aad i
batoagieggo M Baed. It ra probable that Mra. Baraer Mr. 'and Mrs. Berard came to this
I wife. Or. H. a. G«iier and wUe. O: !
"’7® • Mov, II.—Through
tit bat, toe faaerai arran
j Mfa. E.b. tialBril. I o»nlaf the bulMlagfie the wcm sldtk
tucceuftd. u 11 bad
of the o
country abmn sixteen yean ajm. Her
A. H. Honiday aad wife; Dr. H r
wlU porehase the Ooodrirt) Iniete*:. nla^eu imme-wu Maigam dement. charge.
bundred mttea to draw Aaflersou aad eUter. Mrs Walker, Dr- looklag a freigbi, tha vast Iswd laat
frato. In thU way work Umt to liv­
to that ahouM she desire to Improve, SamoH Haitied. who llvra »ear
mall aad eaat bo^
on the
k hrtde nmMeeii aNay n«M aad *
Mt». 8b Charles of Provemont ing and gotog to the torgarelttoa wUl A- 8. Rowley and wBe. Dr. F. Holds I'akw PacUe rU* nOkoi kmtmat
• larger bnUdlng ahe con do- Cedar, who was driving along and
pained aw«r Sunday after a twe mamlnhere. He closed with erfetring worth and wife. Dr. J. Wilhelm and
to without delay or htodnne* to
- said that the
iSf aeoMeai.
Axuaa, near here, at • n*toud( this
m-mths’ Ptaaaa. leaving eereir cWl to toe gnat ^cuure It gave toe city wife and Mater. Dr. B<
qnlrtng the title.
ffrove -directly toward the moving
morning. Nine purao84 mmo,
LoekharVoter the origlaal deoda the ctoe- train which paued between him and dren to mouni her luu. Bhe wu or.: ormbera to meet aa* wcicose toe
men. are reporud kSlad MA 8vu to-'
tog of Ibe aUey for a altonlated pcrio.1 her baggy. When the train, wa« of the todest pioneen of this rs«inj. encau and ht^ that they wooU and wlfc. Dr. & D Aafaton. Dr. O. E t«c4. The deeatu aiu totohm.
to necewmry before a transfer can be stopped he taw the borae lytof be­ having lived at HrovemoBt (nr aearir «anr the ptoamtre with thorn on toelr Chane aad wife .ad MU. London, Dr.
W. E Mood aad wSe. Rgv. Wm. Woodforty yeara, her ixmhand dyii« aeartyi mwa.
tween toe (oeosoUve aad the tader., eleven ycara ago. sIbm whiA tiir.;i
bouaa. Dr. w. F. eunwwnys aM vtrs
B. B. MeMnlla of riwuin^





« ; aMtHarcrscHcnlt


'MUaUkt' U^M br “idMlnc i


Ma$liBftt aat e^iWiac Port Arthur,
u B»ir AM« llk«)/. tbare Is BO cos•OB vtar tbsrctfiM^ GbIBA steaM .us
proiwt her own urrftorT ftwB Ei>tMu iBnukn u4 tbw icltm /•»•>
of (hu Urdu. It woMd •«« •■ tf
PfU* CUM be Ur dWut. lor in
lemAtioliAl optoteB, which the utAT
obHU obbikX ACort to entirely iBDore,
Is studUr rlslBB ABBlast the wuiu
dMtnmiu of tire esd pnwenr wUeh
the wsr Urolvea. Orest BrlUIn eml
the Vnlied StMes'ere elrcsdy risiac Ic
protut ualBK the foil; of furthrr
•Unthter. When puce errlvrs. ul
afUe the period of ethustJoD Is over,
fre .oer look for u era of which hu

Herrla uB _____
Jr, wwt to Ms4<4e CSty Baiurdey ueaInC'
Ambrose Bon- ud family visited u
o». fPertt's electloa dev.
Mntere is home from iBdieDs.

_________ Suday last.
Alvla Cook starts^ to school i^ay
b<-B aaA will JuhDhon did shopplnc
in Muir .Cttr Satardav.
-. ,
Mrs. Vt*. l/AMen wil danshter went
to Matib- f'liy Thnnulay.
Oeonfr Barth. Jr, called ai S. New i
maa'a one day ibis w<«*k.
Joha Mrlwmel hu the timber a:: I
cut .ud skidded oo Will curs i<ia<-<.'.;
Mrs. Mina Peek visliod her dan*’-.
Ire. Rosie Ilanh. on Thursday.
William Joharon called oa «en.*
the sfoMA Is that revival Um UoltrJ PA:k Suadav.
0»o, J Hcnh vc ni fwllinR. ni
Stales wfll take ao mlmw share:
besee (he aailsfanloii tbs' Presldcti fr4< Bd» «
RonaeveU's Meetioa mnans no rhanr'
in dmr foreign poUcr.’’
I dmitv lo say .to lay pstrtas
Alrudy the taetoHei of the coaain 'he nobllc Bonerally that I areail'
their painuiSRi' I have
are laklait oe new eaeny, alibinid- pre'iaie
colvid In Ihe pasi in mr asriruH
ibere eras Do depreaalns oslac to tbs Implemcni. wanon an<t raVriaKeledton. But th* *plf1t which'aiieod tMum aiu] lu asKoiv ewrli ami all
ed the electloD of IPrealdhiit K«<»rrcl Ihr rliaiiBe In Oiv li”sin--s.. iiiiil
••anili' -t.'h-Ii i
awma to hare been lafnaod lato i:» rkin ■ nal<l*-« «Di.lit i Kivater \arl*"y of Im-lm-ladaatrMi cd tbe. naUQfl lo au^
erer netorv M) stork and oTBci s
ectut that the eDtnlDjt year promUe. l^k-u mOTssI n» the m-w lirirk l.i™dll' Aral lirirk siructun’
10 beoMorgreat proaperlijr all aloof Stale
s.Mi of fasi Hires:, sh-r- ihr-the llae.
. '
vluri-v sr>' drvo(<-ii lo a i-oin|ilri>' si<vk
The republleu slate central com i|f sranans. Iiuutes. rarrluti'ii. lia|>k
ud farm hart!
■Kteo now Bpurea fropt the rWuros ware, also a lanp- 'Ilne
of barn<-w>,
that OnvenK>r.eleol WarBsTa plumllly cr.V<-« aivl litankets. Tto* busloeKs <
wtti reach at teasrss.oon. Thai
F. V. ibn^cy has l~-.m lnron«>nillato ibv FArnxTs' Ruiinlv Csi. i.
am. to the face of the Iremfi
bru and ihlsrfi.reiu<Btoiloii bronab- which namo It win h.-r-nfu-r n
siulBft- Mr. Waro^r la the late cam
^Ke oew oimiuvuj is IxHicr
pain, are a aplondid' tribute, ud
lo.hancllc • tarn-- so'l extensi
aail no ftalnpi s wnni shall s'
pabileau have rrwaon well
llnl. I misi that ihc Farm-Ts'
Med with the retyilla.
rnaDpapy will Ik- lavur.'.l alili yo:r
ili>v<l jiatninaar and aakun- ton iii.n
n* Rtaaen Why.
wfJI he mVatly aptri-rlalcd.
The dlraet vottoa aystem Ja Wayne
L...; o , H.iiah.'
eomity eoat '(he eudidaies for aoml*
•,^i^ply Co. Travers.
oatlM oat haadriU tboueud doltan
for rntrertMag atoae. No wonder
Octfolt Tribue and BveatoK. News
vacate this plan. "
Oris or-Thbae Oeotatful Bthtea.

BiM. aM..aM0M. Ue fact, that Ch*
BMttV la aniiwtaE !««■) U«*P«rt'y
hU . «M MlapuH to«hMBe. 'lB
•aM Umb “alaad pat” and '”M wMl
«lMM»«liM~ai«rarra««iUve«a»mtrn IIB ................
r« ^ beyoa^
•Ml above aaeh appaaia jdaaa the la-'

It may be falaily reanabered that
durtog ibe" fate eainpalu the dei
orata elalmei) Indiana, sure: the fai:
retnru show • plurality for RooaevMt
gf M.«0] .Caimmeni aoneceaaait.

lu Canada, or w>^t of rhitsKO or Mo

ffi; is\wjrwsasi.T:3'ii=^~

Live Block Enow.

; Sn-vlal .-xcursioB rat.’ lo rhlcam>
•ard roioni No.veit^r JT, tS and 29
SJ..1 Iks-i-mb-v 1st. mas! lo n-ium up
• K. and inrUniiru I»cciHit-'r Mh Ask
•r-r.t. lor (Ar.lrular».
« tt


Settlera* Fare* to the Beutfi artd Botrthat all statiou oo I'm and third
11 Tuesdays r.f earh moath. lak agonu
>! for partic'iiars.


World*a Fair, SL Louis.

IF 6(3

Get B hBirgbUmofthow

Rouad trip tlcJteU at low raiaa.
I. sale at all tlrkw siatioai. Ask ageau
' r ratvs. Ilnill o'llekeli ud * "



35c quart


H'hen atjTii^c is re'iniiml there it do reason why yo« tboohl
be Iimite i in your choice or pay an Ckorbiuot price. Obr stock indu lcs every style an>1 kind of vyringe made. We have muy vaheties
not commortly earned, and white ddTACBt grailcs are handled aw
luice on ei< n is the lowest.
We liave a t|iecial line of tmintain syringes bewing Mr name
wbicl.I. ... purameed
one year. -------Prices ran^ iroin fl.SC lo
... (or
arcorilini; to sire
Wc hive rheaiier ones.

mair$ Drug $tor^
Traverse City.



Foil F’.'.loi Eoxlisli Walnwis.
Hod AlmntuiN.o. Iirnsil.,

Ule Can Give Ysu

S. s i^in. IS.


At the OldStand



___-____ .___

c. :i

k uents for r

42h.'kts.'K;,:iS:s. et ..stj

for charvees in prieea.

LaUa Robsru ud i
CU/ csUlen Fridai
■go Peck

,p*evc^t«»^trkeu oo aaJe
reitira until

no. SD ane tatiii iV mhc. tram TntWM

Net to Blame.
The Detroit Tribiiee ears. -a«|>ul>«Mp«ME aidYifTnirr
T—"~‘- llGUlsm
to domluat. - Well. yea. U
SMBraM ta the Mtoda the
way.-The Tribuoe need,
pu^ Oau more b baa beuproTod'
au oMtfMi. hoMfty and MMBd news not feel so Itodly over It thonah. Thbt
BWiHliMaMhH M> aupaaMdl leader^
BUB: BBd atm ow pnaMpat 4ow
^ ~ IB «HM la • uartaad dearu with a
Mtoa Vtoa Taylor ia vent a
I iMIa: paiuyllty bU the
rbumatbm and li (inder
tor's care.
Bore, to Mr. ud Mrs. William Peat,
be tba eteet of the elee- r, Nov. 9th. a daughter,
<Ma' Luce ud Fraak Box srere fa
tf< ipu the Moes
Travorae Clur ooe^y last weMi. '
l»f; l»a,>Ul!waa.ll laueatloa.
Warreo Taylor comeaeed bit I
gtog Job agaia Hoaday. He will'
RB^ wr BW
Ith the tob this wlaier.
D. P. . Taylor ezpecte the nam>av
tie week to pianer bis houee.
Mr, -BHi^wb of OrawB to at the new
- baylag pototuM.
---------a f.._ ..............
week aiutoilthe milt.
......................-lade another ablpmeat of cattle to the east laat we^.

PERE Marquette

B PrU*r ii

Not Sold Out

Je/» Our

Soap Club
tt. won't test yeu $10.00 to j«<-.

It bu been erroaeoualy tepo.vcd ihat i have disposed of my.
business, This U not woe. o:
the coBirtry I am plunffig '
iDcreiase ny faciHUea tor
larger stock.

The best for the price


Feed, meal, Bran, lUiddliiias,
eom and Oats
We buy nothioftbut the best grain aad you get the
pure article.



See' what we give you. 1 bo* (3


of these


Pwili soou have a big tine of

Toilet Sups that uaually sett at
SSc. for ONLY VOe.

Vbvr eheiee

of the fellowinB:
Oat Mul. Glycerine.











..Special, Autumn Violet Fr.voie.




Cream, etc.
Many ether new goedi arriv­

aad will have belter altruilons
t»r the careful buyer Ihu e

ing at The Economy Store.


217 E. FRONT ST.

Boston Robbers


i;,?-. S'VSitir'i

thM acRdlUoai ATS highly lavoialite
for stlmUaUnc toennaad prodnetliu
aad that wi are atudUr approai
BwMaai aunt foHow.
“Aa lor thb sfoek uaarkel. the elc^
Una hu bun highly aUmotoUng, spectUatloR having bcoken out Into almost
reoord-hteaklng propiorthma.

opBHtmtton far quick tiadera.
“The UveRmnat demand Is nceltont. u prevM hy -the bwvy move■MM M imndi. which, tbengfa pnniy
apaenlatlve. abowt « ngndy abnorp-l
(ton lab) siraag boxsa.
1%e weAkest point hi the omtodk j
■to.tbe war betwesm Rnuto nad Japan. |
•rMh Ha cnewqueacea to other Onaa-i
dal eutora. BbonM there be no far i
ther Mcitoa between Ruaala and
, OreatBritoto there to still the dlstaH<-1
lag eteet of huvy war loans wbkh
' mast aoDB he Saanewd. Both Roaato
aad Ja»aa are ^kwhjag at the door i
aad amtomi htudred mlllhma ct new,
. hoods wlU noon Iw oa the world's mar- ^
. h.u. OBo^ al (be Japueae loan. I
or ahcmi no,eM.«ie, wUi be oBered to '
New Tork. srhere, na a 7 or 7% perl
cuot^huis. It will be readily lUen.
the wt

Our stock must be reduceiJ at once. Over 3000
pairs of shoes will be placed on sale at a cut of from 10
to 40 per cent off. This sale includes all our best makes,
and mostly new shoes bought this fall. We will not be
Uhdersold if quality cuts any figure. This sale will con­
tinue for 30 days. We give you shoes made by Pingree
& Smith, .ffindge, Kalmbach Co., Mayers, Packards',
Nettleton, Waulkerz and ntiany other good makers.
Don’i rhiss this sale. You take no chances when you

242 Front Street

. SM38BftM

sMaflBmi SMBBarm



Tf Jinytbing
in [Ke following variety of goods is on yonr list, you can purchase it at the City Book
Store with the assurance of obtaining the Unit quality.
.Tt a moderate price. The Recollection of quality rem.ains long after price is forgotten.

lOon Paper
Tine Ehina
OHodon Shades
Picture Frames
Souvenir Boods

Sportinfl Boods
Earthcnsiarc ■
Barnes and Coys

€i(y Bodk Store
Bti*rt.Bmttr E*., Pnpt.

Cmmt Cllr, Itikt.


President Reoeevrit ran ahead of bit
u- •( Uk BDrlttci
I rallad OB aiD- ticket in Maseaebusetta. where he
d brake IL
ettrad e plorslitjr of mjJOO vetca. wt

^ 2SS

tbs repabiiean caiwfidjste fer governe’

****•***) im. Bdward UuiMr «u tbe
•a*i***j-6l»lest <a B deilfbtfnl sptpriie Taeel««y CTwUoK «t her borne. 11* Uoloa
. y» 'dl»«: ^ I Mreat. os Uie oecMlas at ber blr(b'
<l*y- Trrentr of ber frleadt dropped
i c O-Tta. -t> toepttid ihoerebibE. bringUig with
tbem • delicknu supper, bud the erej;;bk vai spent la ptbrlBg cards, tllocb
----------- i and titber ^mes. A niuDber of beauIBC ■"#"■■■ i tlfoljeeseou w«n glren Mrs, Uniner
trill Bhrars be plobsaat soureUiB of a rery happy aDBlrersafT.

defeated by »«D-

» that statt

the legislature is repubilean and Ike
entire repubriean ticket, with the escation of gevemar, was elected.

_____ _____
ipOBSible for ; A
maay a saUway wreck and the eo»r; 1
causes-ai« taakloa humaB-wrotk* oli J
siiCerws from throsi and Ing tnei-:
W«. But etoee the -adyert of tb .
King's Sew Wscotctt for Ctmsumplloa. coughs aad CoW». erM the worct)
eases can be cured, and hopeless resJg ,
natfire Is do longer Deresssry. Mr>.;
LoU Crtcg ol Dorchester, Ma«.. irj
one -of many' whose life was aared hy j
Dr-King's New Dlseoven- Tblsgreal'
gonneu^'d for all thrust;

NcspWHmrn MblePtlKmn’w i

m*ntthstthetoglsl»tureis.r«pobIl6aiiian.riuag d^tes b>- Johnson !)r-i-:
di«>»tes Of wmianv J. Bryan's aspira-1IJ’ - /
tioM tor a United States eenatorwhip.
Ths goeernorahip is in doubt and
require eaieia! retnrns to deUrmine wrho is etoeted.
MInneseU. where Rooaevelt securgd


Cora husking macluDes arc rlslsBlcy J
bands and fingers tlirougboui aute.

Pirogam for ■TaaeherW AseBcIstiott.

Th* KMtberB. Miebliaa Toaeher.
aaaoeiatiOB ttWclt -meets here on th.‘
e'rieetcd.- l^'.and idtta,bap prepared aa InteretUni ptpgriai itor the two dbj-s' sesand It Is'bKi^ tbst all who atVod (sUI cotne prepared to take pari
la one or more of the dUcuasiuos. The
day sessions wiu tle heU In the higl.
in a ...tal u.,.- ot 4«.
^oul room. AdmlsiloD no the leh- „au>- of
turee will be free to members of the
cacf Uy -t- ri-..uhUc=n ..u.l
dalioa; oibm twepiy-Sre cents. crat panies Tu--s.:aj.


show proper tvipcrt for
}usi the cxiDtrary in c
-.......................... pills.


let lie

»■ ^-cls' Drug ..on..

A $35.00 SUIT i ^

prcjldenl aqd Un- hvaO •

1. rOl.iJt; Parker

B. OUben. Trarerae

City: railroad:


-iv. x^-.,rsr


the vo<c fuc gorernor shows a pi-

J. «. Tice. Bast Jor- r^hy for W-Douglas. O.-mdcrai

■ V''




Sli.TKi nod the deteai of Got.Tbe fbOowUig is the program:
Betvs In a pr.-sxlcntlal year,
which Is conelilered <«ie of the wo..
fSIDAT, NOT. a. tdO>. H.
inexplHsble featured •>' recent elecIfbslc.
DarotlOBa! eserdses. _
, Ha. Nebraska.
Appointment of cotoalttees.
i Omaha. Neb. Not. l-i-Whil- both
.,Paper-Th. Orowlb* of the Teach ' aides are claiming governor iho ro
turns show that the ►tatv. congr.-*er." Prla. D. B. Waldo. Kalamaioo.

W’e issue checks to
Travelers payable at anjBank. It is not necessarj’
to be identified. This is
a great convenience to
the Traveling public.

We do oot beUeye that ever in the history of our Cloak and Silt
bnslness have we offered yon sneh faTues m the Tcry latest
tbl^inat fasbion says Is right
; ;


Ulcblgnn p-lll give ReosvH-elt SJP.itO.i
and Warner OS.pnn.

._jiMk)B thit WMk;?.900



' .


, '


Alfred V. Fricdricli

Doinmlssioccr Duaean. Sulions Bay.
. Sm^woods IB that rldalU'.
John Monree and a crew
ir-tre SD«
^..Iteyne ttty on of Uwr adiotnlag oonMIes will meet in
fkMw.Atur «MBpMii« the work on (bla city during this aeteloD..
' SitMrdanliKBeooBtfbei. They pUl ,Tfcik*ta add Nov. kt aad iS. relora
Sumtily bnfin work n bnliaiag a. llmlc Sttb. sh
tgEra^ kftdce aM d«± lor the Boyne
lAMbar eoapw-on Pina fake.
Big Real EataU Purahase.
Julius T. Haanab of Uiis city aw’
stdW4f-»lne ladlaas with their tambis slstw. Mrs. J. F. Keeney of Chi
. |tak niRili^ig «f ebUdren and
4^ paanai ttraagb town today from eago, have porataasod t03 acres of lan-t
within tbe city llmlu o< Chicago
. f "kiT~~ eanty 4n mate to BUBord.
Wliwo the '«ii1t af wood caUlng tor ReWtta which Is lure to net rich rcaUt BapMs Iran company will gitre turas on the iurestment of $76,000. tbe
priM at tbe purebaae.
- ^n wtsur'a work.
Tbe property U Snelr locatod and
'.Berivnl aerricen will continne thU oonulBS about V>00 building loti
«wk aad negt la tba Bbmlcqr dtnrcb which will be Bcdd. Already one party
negotiating for flfiy of tbe lots upoa
nt Bast OarlleU. Me. aad Mn. 8co>i
are aaaUtlag ibe «aator. Rer. J. W. which to crest dwelUngs. Cfalcago
. JIucb lawtem is betac maal- IMghU U Improring rapidly and bctnew fnetorlM are in course, of
TberadKU acrrleas bn
ion nt this time. The prrd»erty
f erentags.
oMnUrlalng itaU pnrebase will more
. .Mae. a N. OoeUer and Mra. Abbie than triple IB value within a short
. ,r. AUea wera qbMtr murtwl *t 9 time.
Vtidefc anurdiy CTealiu at tbe home
of. tbe brMe. It? Bast Sixteenth REPUBUCAN MAJORITIES UNPRI,
t*e ceremony wns perforated
. .fv Ber. Demas Coebllp and only tbe
Chidag*. Nov. tO-Preeldent Rooa..
ware present.
., lmm naaiRg,^ flBo* m uvd
' aditn. ainod*^ W •<-». or alxty days
la-fan to stand comraliied vjitll tbe
tae and coau are paU. In Judge Bob-ert's court Saiarday. He took Charles
^Paige's wheal, ^wdrt guilty, then
, aaM be dldnTUhe It. so the'coon
triid tbe case, be bavtag waited hi.
.Jbry right.
AUbpugh the racaipta of tbe Triv
sne Clty,poeU>Blc« ctands ai the tmttom of tbe list made public Friday
hi Uk report of tbe audlw of tte de^aent. It is very gralKying that
'Traverse ay In tDptOded in the Ust at
■U as tbe dispaiob reads that tbe list
. In composed of only tbp prlndpa!
Citiew It Is sigBlflcBBl ttagt Manistee
kmd Moe otters do nocappoar at all,
Bra wera

Twenty-Three Seventy-Five

CrjpffSE dtp State

sv. '

Manufacturers sometimes over estimate the amount of goods they will
sell and when they do they are willing to sacrifice on the stock they hafre left.
In this case a manufacturer had a number of high grade suits at the end of his
season's business; as ours was at its best we made an offer for the lot and got
them. They arc suits that were made to retail at $27.60, $80.00, $82.50 and
$35i00 and we offer choice of the lot for

------------------- -- -- ..--------------- _:lved by
McKinley in 1«0lk which -was 84».7M
snd more thsn three times MeKinIry s
plurality of -1606. which reached WVRoosevelt's popular vou is th;,
• rgoet ever given ■ presiderrtUI candata.
Pennylvsnia's plurality

486,000 is

These are the latest things brought out in the snitwoHd this seaton,
most of these are in the long loose fitting jacket which makes them very desir, able as a separate coat for winter, in most cases the jacket alone it worth the
price of the whole suit. Heavy mannish mi.vtures characterize most of them.
Some are lined throughout, others only shoulder lined, bm all of the best silks
and satins. Every one is the work of a skilled artist in designing and catling
of Ladies' suits, finished as you would like theiR to be—perfect in every detail.


If you have oot bought your winter outfit do not au to see ttane sul^


Well'. Onr Great Stock Kcducing Sale certainly caps
the^lima.x. -'ll eclipses all shoe sales ever heard of or
ever dreamed of. During this matchless sale we offer

3000 Pair of
Dependable Shoes
BRAND NEW ONES-thai we have just received
from the factories in a wide variety of new and



SOME STYLES and leathers.

At Wholesale Prices
Our reputation for good shoes is behind every pair.

i: the convenience* te make this u*4tally heavy vwrfc light -t < Malbl*. Sw
how we help:

PUT THE CLOTHES TO SOAK in a good tiaed tub.


WANT GOOD WATER PAILS, muct have Umn. look at thaaa, «*Nd palia, gulp paila, tin gaits.

. flEirS SHOES
Lowest Prices Ever OaoUd.
Patent Corona Colt Bluchm,
the twellect shoei you'Q tee this
season. 8i6 pairs $4.00, re­
duced to

Patent Colt and cadet calf.
Bluchers and Bair, nobby cfioe^.
ever)- pair. 211) piitx ju« in.
$3.50 redneed (o


Incomparable Bareaibs

combined pluralities



to Parker

Roosevelt has


which the
and Davis.



■bout 27X00. and Folk, democrat, wa-.
elected governor in that state by 4X00

Work Shoes—Genuine Kan­
garoo C^C 140 pairs $2 and
$2.26 reduced to


Th* fatvaa-

ixed aril from 20e to 46e; water pall* 10c. 15c. 20c. IX ratlmad 10 gt gall* at 8*0 aad tSc.
THE SOAP QUESTION I* aoived here.

You choow from the be«t coapi made, Unox, American Fm^y Oak

Leaf. Big Acme, Ivory, Zoo. Wool, Jaaon, Fcia Naptha. Fairy, White Claud and darant af pthaia.

Sorosis shoes, never »ld for
lets than $:1.60 anj-srtKrre in
America. 125 piirs, S3 50 rtdoced to

WASHING POWDERS are labor saver* and the«e are the beet;

V $2.45

$2.45 K id S!-,ocs, nca- styles,
light an.; heavy soles. 230 ptiis
$2.60 reduced tn


y form and the very beat quality.

The gawd«r, the liquid

form, the bluing ball and the Wiggle Stick.
CLOTHES LINES that will not break and

Patent Col! and Enamel 1 jce
Shoes, vrr>- newest sha;<c5. ;i5
pairs, $3.30 reiuced to

Oeld SUr. Cold Ditat. Quean Afiftf, Buh-

ahlne. Berublne, Powdered Beraa. Kirkelmc.
MUST HAVE BLUING and we idl <1 to

it much.





braidad, Uia belated, the

Jute and wire covered.

CLOTHES BASKETS to take your clothe* ' a the linet and tc gather them up wh«n

e*y and U iia* while

See the dlherert ».«i and price*.


: aanitary. wi;

giaea. an

me greatesi I,

almost sufficient in Itself t« wipe out

The galvanixwi tubs *ra MMd ra much; ChrM diffwrart

■ink SOc. 65c and 75c. and four aitee ot wood pulp tub*.


perforated hole*, the patent galvdamd, the new patent wire and the

i*e u»e. vr'-ere ye-j only r

26c (the cheapcft

wher< ctermy.
another style with n

One kind aell* for

keled trimming* telle far one dollar.

WRINGERS, the. small all steel t'-t is-ge a:i wsod. the new bench wringer and t

V patent adjustable

280.000. while Maryland was earned by
Roosevelt toi ddafe majority,

1 werWs fair.


in v.ew



The situation in Celon.

“LT" H"-' .......... “"I"


oS. was
™ liora Noi. 1. i™“““.i
Freoborn Gardner
atate'by »n
JMI. VtItMm Ottv cu Kov. 1E 1641 ■
Md A- 8. Dobm OB the sntb of ihr.
' dknid year. They bra looking ftir
Illinois the presidem polled ap^oU soldier who wkii born on the I9::i prsximstely 225.000
vetea than
le year. When be is touni , dM Judge barker. The New York city
r pCffiwee to celebrate with ttr reiurm are mill inoongleta. but Judge
It and heal birthday dlanor ot-<<r Parker carried Greater New York bv
kaowB la Uir Grand Traverse r<sl»4. only 41X00 votes.

High cut shoes. Tap sole.
For wel weathet.
75 pairs
S2.50 reduced to

Kid Shoe*, nice styles, g.o l
wearers. 32.3 pairs $1.-311 ari'i
$l.e.3, reduced to


broom* and clothes p

Alfred V. Fricdricli

Seller of Good Shoes.


Opp. Herald Office

Tner» there J

e gnt and the easiest te u

IS tnd tre best of elastic.and giet

e polmette fiber and t



Gi^tnirTraVerse Region.

G,IW<1 RciiidK. U bcrv on

Ollord Pray .went, to Alba to a
T Beatiey U wUnc for E. V. HOI.
KIbi Alk-i* ^»s n'-'-Tjed frena fbe
w«t. »-^rTe ^e tev
ftw Ue pa»t
ihrM- BOnlb*.
The Ladlev- AH met erltb Ura. S. K.
teal Thurfiia*-. «iu a large atHiding Elder U. 1) .Cai
. , . .
good• Ui
llj go
City proaebnd a very ttne tur»A “SI tendance and a Jollj
>lar election ia iver I
1 tfce sacraineaial tetdiff'. •%
__ _
.............. We »*IU bare four
Si«ed by'tor, Rev. W, H. Her- _
year* more of goad fme*.
Tbe rtdral mcetingt at ibe U. E
***WarreB Siller bat varaied’ tit
lunuie reoeally oDrebased of Mr. Ttn>- !«harrt; tor tbe irn- i«t» veekt will
ieio«e iniert there' is mt*e Intcreat
dlek abd evv occaniet
•laken. Very Jew are.Icellocd to come
!•:. B. Arnold ha* made a nea- house
•-•. • *out nt bis old me. He U» built more
U»<U 'a3d Puiik Ciasiik.

tra ffioM bu more4
«rr. 3. OatKinr o( Ocborno drove
M Qa^e bM rourwr Mto Sr. »-cr Prldav erenlog after Ml*» VIdia j
. j
Ju. DeOrsv bu acrid U< plww to sH 'Mtk. l.ronU Roablow <of Tratifs?
BM Is ’ntsverar dtr asd nor^ out 0117 eame dews to c«e ber titter, Urt.
{take viuieri fricncU here t
Tfc< -part>- at Sr. and Urt. WUllan nrday aad Sunila.r,
* Sr. asd^rr. a«o. Rosm dnrc to
■ ft
ha» tbs* wall rcniplr
Loot Lak^ Soadsr.
amder bri. Iiou^m; and Id ImlUfnga n
Nr«. G. SlMcT bsi. be«a bsrlag rbcanatUn.
It it wise batirr
TbotBpTkirr «1II !•« «ti cstcTUlomoat. at. ,Mlr. and Urv. Ivon hren of Tbomri
file wen- tb<' gwa
IV fvrtitne.
gwatt of fait brother
Ur tehool kove Wt^seadiy
Fv%«tlie. tonrfile
nat-dy it ilolur a good manr.
fur a'fea;
fe* ds^'a.
Xo». Mrs. B^-efTwee larJiIted to at- Kale fur-a
Ii bit Hawing marbioe.
Htat lAnda i-'evlot trat tbe guest of
fAi.-I mift 'Bst Tbotaday wl'h
Urt. C. P. Bate* Sunday. .
lupi Had a eer> pieasanr
Will l.ake and S'dncr Bat« drov.
orer'io Honeiiead Uonday tu-gi> iila K
Frankfort to aueud c»ur: Iberr.
I Wo h
n- 'tKwcr Tburrdu.v evening.
Ed FbtlDer end Mttt Tadie Coffman
: er U|. tc


« .led

rime will bo

Siu.,r^i.y" reu.™lng ki.^dev

b'ev. 14


i J.riin Moran and wi'*- <*r Kalkacka
|vi*iu-d her parents Satnnlay. Mr. and
Mrs B'n'^ntere.
Chns. Gloorfenr.irg liart Ibe inlsfor, ii«i.- 10 lose a row wjiloh got doen IB
4 f-et l. and droamod
Mr.- H. L l*ray la Quite alck at tkl‘

illlip* and hi* wm wiih 'h
VoHctt of Blair I*
Oa.'family will live In
bouse and the other in_Mr. Snil;!i' ;j.lDU old fri.-nd* hire for a few ,1a,.’

'*'w*w”mv or Tracetae City edited moved DuM Mn. Wortblagtob'* h
bit pareait over Sunday. He stana into Hr*. OtWat. wU<^ make* aim
tor CoiumbuB, UUa. Taeaday to spewl much nearer b*s work. ',-aS'iism
Hiu Soale Marah teti' todlQr tar
*'*ujf^ Mia. Hotleabeek ot Sortb ttec. wbeie ab« will apend a taw day* '
Miltua are rUlUng mead* beta UU auandtag ibe aute Sunday aAotS
HIM Vernie Gardner taa> gone tot HIrao baa pnrctmied a benoof
CadiUar to auv the winter.
{ E R. foi and is movlSte It to bit M ta
Mr*. Atery Utench and Ma«er Mai;Bai*a. Wee are glad to nuU oor Hula
drove to Ttavene Cii>- Saturday.
* town I* groariBg.
The funeral servlee «ff Oreadpa Lew
tbe Chnrek iBil Saiarday '

_ ___

drsele Wood Subdayed wlih Mr* ] came aa a wekUBir releaae to hit
IVm Prink a*. North UiUoB.
I ncked
florD. to Hr. and Mr*. Nokte Tjr (erred
d lb Oakwood cemeiefy at Travre'.l. a girl. Tburaday of last aofk
Will Gee la remlring h.r boaae.
Vincent Tyrrell ataiud tor Canada
^--------^ai Wlday to «lsli relatives and
~ ---The Bell Tclephoae
Co 's llcei
. •
. .. H. McMulh-n wuai la Petonkey
!'“>■ '‘■rougii I
pciiMon la*( week, twiuwinf «r.*
r nelghborbood.
• V"
McUuiiw ti eiartilsfI for jtaelnberg Br^e..
Kor i«
l« I Rbbi.
Rbbl. Uaiiaad has gone
gnae to Uosrce
Rev . IVidlBc wrm to Potoak.., las' : f>nter lor the winter to n,. cww»p.
Tu«dav on a bu.ln«*s irto.

' The danee ai it.- hall iau Pnda.
P. C. B«vk I«-ft TuOHilar• for Val I| e''
lng «a»
«»» enjoyed
etikiyed liy a large e»
Hin-nd Ibv 1 Helm A HlaKeiie, furnlrbed mn«
Iterals... ahvrv


We have an Exceptional stock of all kinds of Stoves and Steel Ranges.

Wc Mn’t Need tk Money, But Must Have Some of tk Room
they occupy to display our Xmas Goods, which are beginning to arrive. So, we have made a heavy cut on our Stoves and Ranges, to move them out quickly.
It witi pay U8 far better to do this than to pack them up off our floor and store them in our warehouse. But you must come quickly, as we must have Uie room
Inside of ten days.

. Vw# have 23 different styles and prices of Air Tight Heaters, from $ 1.25 up. 23 different styles and prices of Oak Stoves, from $6.75 up. 25 different
fftyllp^^prfces of C(rok Stoyes. from $5.73, up. 20 different styles and prices of Steel Banges, from $23.75 up. We mnst reduce these at least half inside
23 Ditfersnt Pricts «t
Oak Stores

Only $5e00
dotra and $5.00 pe

50 e<nu

bojri a ateel

.Ibtin and 38c per
week buys this air
tight, just like cut,
heavy boiler steel
bo«ly, large cover,
. nickel ui n, large cast
<lratt, cast
leg*, only

rang^*^ high warm. '
ing do>et and reaer-


voir, jnit like cat. bums
%ottd or coti. (worth ;
$80.00). at thb lale :

on),..^.76 i
$88.50 Range tor 37,75
$85 Range for.. 80.75
$«bRai«eibr.. 83 50




Gale stove, just like cut, will take
13 inch chunks of wood, feed door,
two nickel screw drafts, ntckd toj*
tim, nichel fenders. f«................... 5.75
Next si/s. takes U inch wood, has
double lev.l doors, lor ..;............ 6,73
Next sire, will take 18 inch wood.
double Iced door*............................ 0.75
Next size, will take 31 inch wood,
double teed door*......................... 13 76
.And so on right through.

Over 25 Different Priced Cook Stoves




,«ed kibgc. .elaborately.
aidteU,higfa doMt and




down ami $2 |«t month bu>a this beau* !

------- -

tiful Stove, just like cut, heavy polislieJ \

1‘eninsular cook Move. 14
inch os-en. shelf under oven
door ..................................5.75
Next price, iwonh $'-'.75),
fur...................................... 7.75
First cla« good cook nos e,
;usi like cm, shelf under
oven <!oor, warming shell on
badk. iworih $141, for II 76

Next size has five cooking hdcA (worth $8$), Cor............M.60
Same store, with reservoir, in three sites, fworth $1»$U,

$80.80. $3160). for........................ 1$.76,18.10 and 17.7$

01* Can Surtly PItaM Xm
And save you a lot of money on any kind of Moves yoa «nt
WE ALSO have a fyllline of Soft Coal Oimen; abo Hanl
Coal Base Boroert.

Closc-Oyts In Bedroom S«Ho
We have several sample soiu to dose o« at teta than teaoy
Mid oJ..
(raft 418,. ,«.................................117,
Sohd <ai, 3.p«c nn, (•oRh $23.M), fa............................n.go
SoUd cl,. 3..8C. „i,.
fad,»=„dcofa«.d.,(™,hggS|,l»........................ 1»,7S
Solid oik .oil, monl,
„.™i, |™.J, «j), fc,...
Aooilfa,. Iwonh <3S), lb................................................................
Aooibn, imdli *as).fo,.............. .......................................... ..

$.*■»< Bifl em on Odd UrstMT*

bdler steel body lined with sheet steel, i

ExctpHsnal Ua(a«a

heavy cast top. ,With heat? cast hinge

and Urge assortmMt of Iran BedA
Our stock .t so Urge that )-ou can htal just what yo# wanTit
just what you want to pay.

cover; large, hinged door draft; preu^akirt base, two nickel fool rails, will take

Batptnh Witn
jvniMke. big gain. You
go . <I.ol Miol Raag.
<lb.,-0,-b01 M«l o«g,

chunk of wood 10 inches thick and 3U
inches long, win' keep lire 48 houn.
(worth $7.7.51, price now................$5.75
W stove, with Urge ted door, (worth $8.75 ,. lor............G.75
Samenovc, witlouiteed dooraed without nickJe foot rails and
bate, (worth $C 751; for...........................................................4 75

othm would ask you for
a common range.


Our $46 Quick Meal,

Eu, p.p„.,„ .ra u


J. w.

is a busy |3ace nowadays.

Cbe Best eooli Slow made

down and $3 |ier month burs this
iicatnifnl stove, iieai.v, polished
boiler steel, lined with cast iron;
heat7 cast top; heax^- cast £rpnt.
With large feed (1q»: ntckd strew
draft, ftielie loot I«U, oickei lop
hand, nickel name plate, pretty
skin base, will take chunk of wood
21 inches, (worth S10.7S1, now


Our earpti Dtpartmcal
goal, large • ouk ^o.e, ust like cut. large enameled reser­
voir. (worth 520,, for......................... .........................................17.5«
-And £u on ujv

It will not take half
the fuel and does bet­
ter work—our steel
cook. The bodies are
made of polished steel,
all lined wjth asbestos;
, even dow drofis down
same as range, will buiB
either wood oi cuBl,
just like at ooJy a has
wariu'ng shelf on ftoai. (wr.'th $2n.50j, for....................... *4 7|

}*arge and compleu assortiDroi of all styles aad padcsttf'
Carpets. Rugs, Oil Cloth and Liooieums. Ia Cki. al kioda «f
floor ooscringt.
A rich, beautiful Azminster Carpet for ooly___ $Lt6 per yard


SlorVB «t Trovenio City. Elk Rauias anfl ThompKinvIll,. Mich.


Mom* fFwrnteH^



idai fttoiiGi Btoeak haBaaeto of
«n M bar eartet. Her. retoalai
IBU to WM to the Olea Artor c
■he toarei » haehml. who H
Mn- A. 8. Frfts aad
_* Mt«r.
~lwaMta. u4 u l$.rMr4)IO to Trarerae Citr Frldarla wtll I Wll)l »T«NtlM MW.
The mother aad Aaathter
Orral BeWager . ' -•
« DulvCw * 1^.
Kittr BbalU u UMt «M t«» MM. DUBfe
£i**The'SS oT^irSuiSe?*!. Mtoa
were aalted to anntage at Lriaad
pltUol. She it aaw ataktog her how Taentor. Their trteadi eztead omiritb Hrr MdClbbea. Mur ot the gredaUUoH to the happr cupie.
r IMM «Mk kit •
eld taiDtrt o( Pnahrert will reaeaThe Ladlee* Hotae Mlaaiooarr eober Mitt NelUe. -the deacMer of Dr. cieir wlU neat with Mre. Dr. TVaUck
Horalot of thti place. She waa Ughlr Beat Tbareder.
» tfea «1
edeeaud. e Sac aMlelta aad tomte
C a Berrr la quite Ui egalm.
Her aaSerto* la pow paaaed.
P. Tmtea drove to Glen Arbor teat
«r.^. !«•« K
<MllD k«™ The hmelr daeghter haa ths armpuhr
lager erpeci
« to
IW the «lM«r.
______ _
Tbep will be gicaUr mliaed to oar tiI- i

Peart Daaie. antoapanied >»'
brother Occar. toft thit nofblag oa
the ateaaaer Mtotoori for Buver tot-




I^Ct. nert*«^ fttoUr TtaMtk nor

0. Dhtorkv.
^^jrotMlktoktrt WMIB tfetoTidhUr
fMtar M< MtM'kBj' <a tarta—

^nS mT't>»

cr Mr. aad Mre Canto rowler Wed
aeadartortaiac to hoaor of Mlat 8er.
alee Itowler. The gueeia ttet ai the
hemt of Mr. Bader aad proceeded to
the rowler taaldeaee. where ther
d br Hra. f
tor. who waa to the aeoet. Maalc^
daoetag aad a gaaeral goad Uae waa
caiored. VIolto saato waa faratohed
hr Herbert Powtor and Joba Biwtoha,
plaiH> aetoBpaalaieBt br Mlaaea

‘‘mvo Oeeeue baa atoeed hie Mnflr I
iDto (be Atoldoa houac foramrir occu.|
pled br Mr. McLaegblto.
Bora. lo'Mr ud Mrs. Waller Aali-|
ler. a eoo.
Tbe Tremain Broa. bad tbe ntofor.
tuM to loae a hotac laat week.
.\tben Ptaber begu hla acbool laat
Uoadar la the Mania diairicL Wc!
with bln nuefa aoceeaa to hla i
Held of labor.
Re*. A. A. AlltoBton aad Andi
Plfber atteoded a nlolfim' aaalcra.


K 'A-ftmM war peapto aiteadtd to
«r Mr. Mlfcoto of North Uali
i Ito, aad Mra. Winiaa KeWarhoaae
i'Sftwa to>Ortanw oa Saiardar to aif MDda t#thdar panj at Hr. Bieiapa'a
I DM ram ad
a home oa Saadap.
I A teaMl aarpftoe. panr waa giru
■ Saiardar alght at the home of
IpUr Btormi to beaor of Ueir daashm, mS^Sm. wto toft Port OaeMa
sDaaAr te^a oto to WaUlaftoa,
. jfeare aha eipaett to.iatoBla tor the
I MlSMr. iTV Pa^
a tood daw.
taaaui papar weddlas
br amar trtoadt laat
* la hoaor of Hr. aad

Mat. It
Terr vaiet weddlac took place
Mat Wedaeadar ctealai at ibr bone
of Mr. aad Mra. C. H. Mooroe. where
Be*. J. W. Miner aalted to atarrlase
their daiiililer. \*lda C. Mooroe. ud
ita J. Stnart. Oalr the latnodiate
irea were preaeat. They hare a
of frleada who with them hll hapPto^
will make their home ai
Mr. aad Mn' A. J. Blurt are tIsIitat mebda at Fraakfort for a few

H. H. Oldf bu bnlli a large bare on
baa fana at Greea lake.
Six potatoea fron S^moa Browa't
tarn weighed 17 poaadt. the larget:
welghiag 3H pooada. Ther were aeetIr arranged aad pbotograpbed br J. J
Hn. L. Kenaer baa laat cook bone
from a week'a riall to Trarerae Cttr.
Mr. and Mn. John Strtokler went to

WtttaiiMf SeilptotMili

Cant htolto Dili


The femen ba«* their farm work
done eartler iku «Mal thto fall.
Hlu Fannie Jarrect waa rlaltlng
(rleeda here tbe peat week.
Mn. Orvic Caae U#err tick.
Mn. Jobp Jarretl la recoreriDg
liowlr from ber recent llloeaa.
The Bendoe Aid aodetr will hold a
baxanr to the nur fuinre for the purpoae of telling off nuaeroua utcful artlelea that will be anluble ud Unieir
Cbrlattnu preseota.

Soap to ckaiMg Ac Ain of e
ab4 aCAkl.AI>dHftoHtbcd
toed cutklc, gestk app&atto

CUnCURAOtatacBt totoitoBt.
l7 hllAr ftchtof, irritAtiBfv And

faflawwiratfewy gad lOOtbc gad
buLnad mild doaes of OmeURA
Pflb to cool god cIcAim the Ueod.
Set. cotdoK hot Ooc
DoOgf. b ohm aufficimt to oae.

The Secret of Succaaa.
arde WUaoa It oa the aiek Hat.
Ponr BilltoB bottlea of ADguat
Clrda Hathawar baa a brokeB 'aakle Flower a^d In tbe Vnlled Statea alone I ‘
alace Ha introducUon! And the de-i
nuti for It if iiill growlag. laal tbatjr
a Dae ihowlng of sueceas. Doa'i i
teUed I. o.. r. lodge here laal Wed- prw^tUt Aogut Flower baa bad a
adadki’ aWit.
_ . ____ In tbe c- .
ud Ayapuala—the two gruta erutot waa aput to
' riaaeto*. A .Bbc to. Ttottiag frtoada here. Ihc roung eat eaemlea of bullb and bapplness?
not afford tbe bni evidence
rrad. alter whieta all
that August Flotrer is a sure apoclDc
• tbelr beet wtobfor all siotaacb ud lau-stlul dlsor
hroaag ooeple
Mrs. Honu. of Tiarme City. Mai deni—that It bu proved lltelf the
Marria MeMu to wvrfciog .for
uncle at Inlud.
Fyh taght to oa Ue alok Hat ttU

..Jpb hUaatok to movtoc toto tke
-----------rated hr Mr. Seiiem.
a mo euectt hit lamUr tfau
h'«t ttordrae CHr waa a
a RHInaa bone over Son-

MW** OKy WM to
MMSa df Inlaad waa the
The ntoten.
_____ ________ wan to tbe
» toiettaa gad oa^ wu badly
Saugh Potoaky
M Piankfort, Bn^
- ABB Afkor R. R, to rtolt-

I .^m-BBdrd khd wtto of Travarw Qty



Piaak Say««B bu bairn: eaioytoc i
’toll fron hla aeabew of New Tori

and abroad, u the fame of August
PViwar apnada. Trial bottlea. tSe:
regular alse. 76c. Ftor aale by 8. £.
Walt A Bona.

Quite a flurry of esettciocDt
. t ,-waa - VuuBg wonnn of Sbaflabun: druart..
oauaad durtog the hIgk'wiDd1 Saturi cd beracif ooe week beforv day sc
day hr tha buralng out of the____
m oblB- wedding. Temporary loeuliy eaune.
Boy oa tbe hpuae oocaptod by Loourd
Cuantoghan. Tke smoke Ivamd '
Net a Skk Day Since.
1 pas taken aevert-ly slek wlUi kid
acy trouWik I tried all a>irts uf nuill' |
elDui, Bone of which relieved me. One
Brooks of Klngalcr did tbe a
day 1 uw ait ad. of your IHectric BiiA. a Bamnm. who had a pnrmlytie
ud determiued to try that. After
•troke to August ud bu been feeble ten
uklog a few doaet I felt relieved, and
over alace. la eooogh Improved, so -be soon tbereafter was entirely
nrml to olecUon aad helpad elect and hare aot seen a akk dajBooaerelL
Neigtibon of mioe hare been cured of
Mra. Juto Hoilidgy la going to keep rbcomatlam. neiiralgto. liver ud kid-;
joae for Mr. Sharkey, wbou wife BCT trbablea and general dcblllu
died some time ago. leartog a Uttle This to what B. F. Baas, of Frem<
K, a. wrilct. Only 50c, at John.
Hra. Iva Parklm Btagbam died
- - - -I Wnl
the Jnaetlon Tuesday moratog. Nor.
Sth. aged » rears. She leavm a IKUe
son. two monttaa old, ud a tatber aow
cfalldlems to hla deelletag yaars. Tbe
S of bread and '
parenu of tha beranved busbaad
from OreoBvlIle. this aiate.
attend '
the fuaeral. whkh ocenm
fTWny '
rialtn took tbe little o


Mia. BtoghW"^'UiS

' cfaildbood
1 with
of J. a Omer. Pruklio Orvve, III.'
-. The has bsen of treat lotereat
frieada. having apent moat of ber Hfe It deroloped a stubborn ulcer, unyield.
dolors ud remedies for four,
; at this place ud Traverse City.
kien'i Arnica Salve
Oitop. rice graaldMt; CMkeL oovared with Sowers. tesUfled
good for ■
to toe toader Interest and sympathy
na ud piles._____
_ o- a. 8. a Walt « ;
I ud nstt drove
Dreg Stores.'
oaa to ipeadlig
Ha^mk haa a bud which la said to
-Ith Mri*l^W
Irwta RnwHas A
t one of the atmgett In the suit
SkTTJai^' g! The «uclng etoa* teacher from At leaat the leader’s name ia Onion.


nm^^ ^ reSne* M^ur poolrteM »**
.1 ’SMR^Sh wni go laWdB'buyiiig' hers of bla class.
Y •»* lam Wfdamdnr aftonwoa. There
about, tweaty tf tm eoetoty pra>
’ -Sflt. kad we wars gleawdao have eerI ar the BII Uka
riaH as.
her wll! «dkh agato. Ber eosae. oMw ud tried
a ^ servod by ^ to
- ------------chan tooa



OlemMi’a Handaem* Fan eoata





<.>nce more wc caJI )-our aiteoiioD to the (upradacy
of onr freat Ooak section. There is nothing )'o«
could desire in n new dever winter coat that cnoaot
be fomd here among the hundreds we arc dtowing.

Never ia the histoty of this More have aoeh a*A
nobby overooats been offered at Bwh cxUasMly low
price! u we are offering right aow. Hm ire htow
dreda of new omcoats, freafa (riMB the beet namtflctoren in Ibis eOontry. They're as pertea w it k
posriUe for the moBt skilled artiwa to peodnee. Wc
have all tbe diirgrenl lengiba, ia any style yon any
>leHre,aad the range of aiaUriala is bow to pkue
yon. You really bare to eec the ^tasMa thtaseiva to tborooghly a|>ptectate the very tpBcml viOues we show at f9.76, $12 60. $16. #1S. $29,
$22 50 and $26.
Nowhere ontoide of the be«
uilors can you matdi thcae canneeU tar general
goodnen, and the cost a tbe taikn’ wSI fcc tody
We have plenty of Other overcouts not a gaort as
above tmt far ahead of the average. Thcae odbU
are right up to date, thoroiigUy rdtaUe. and are

Olemcn’a Itltdlum CtnatbEaala
From KerK)-s, Clieviots ud Fancy Mixlnrer. loose
back, with belt; also fiUci new Mylw. al.. $5.00

ffifssM* sad $m»ti Wama's
t*uHst Casts
in Blaek u.l OsforJs. mannish ellecis, new ileever,
slot leams. back with bell, wonderful values
«.................... ;...................................................$7.50

Olamta's htw goats
In excry late Ryle, iadudii^ thotc thai are extra
long, made from line Kenc)S and Cheviots, new
style sleeves, nobby elTectt. in the new shades of
Brown and Blue, as well u in Black* special prices, $SI.7fi, $1S.0U,
$13.60, $16.00 and $18.75.

Made of Klectric Seal collar, cuffs ud lapels of Beaver, lined with
the v«y be« of satin, worth $35. «..>........................... $25.00
Worth $00, at $50.

Rich Furs, msratleua Ualuts
A gathering ol fur soatA that it teldoni teen uutaide the lar-,:e cit­
ies—all the very’ newest wd handsomest effect!.
Beantiful Fv Semito at $S5. Beutiful Searto at $25.Klennt Scarto
•t$18.$l6. ,$i;i80. $1*. $10.udsoon down to $3,60, $2,50.
$1.98, ud acarto nsnaDy aoU at Itoc by Bargain Stores are here in
quuutici at 50c.

Your style, your cote, your siu it here, at $4.M, $6,

$G 69. $7^ and $8.60.

Pall aad OHattr Suilf
It makes no difference wl

It you have to s|iend tor a sail.

we hoacttly believe you will get beta rcMhs here.

Our Hoe ■ im­

mense and embrace! about everything that to wothy and demra*
ble, aad we know the prices are under what such good iiualhict are
usually sold aL

$9.75, $12. $15. $IC 60. $1$ and $20 for our

ben suita, $4 60, $5, $C. $7.60, $8.50, etc
Complete seu at UK.

ebildr«n*$ and yamifl l1H$$e$’ Coats
'nm.'e-quarter lengto and toll length garments, in the. ____ I's new.
est modeto,- ftom Frtese,. Cheviot,
Coven, Reney
Ketiey nnd
- - - .---------.
Kanciescvery destrablc color, complete aasonment ofaii«-4, fi. N. 10.12
U ycanofsgr. You will find plenty of them here. The values
are marvelous. LoU to choose bora 1 $2.60,
' ’
$3.50, $3.95,
$4 60. $4.D5. $6.90. $G.60. etc.

The tolett stylet, the n.ost perlect filling, in aU tbe leading tolora.
totopftoft prices at these;
C.«x ..ku
$1.95. $2.6$, $2 95, ^w..
$3-50. ,,..,5
$3.96, $4,50, !
*7.50, etc A look and a try-on w.a convioc
convince you that they
tbe best ever Aewn yon at the price.

“ShL™ rimi®

inioMlcil tar those who a|ipreaau tbe value of hard-earned

ekgaal fur Sacktlt

Buudreds el BtauHlul SUrts
For Cadirs md ItHwes

With the directkai, couiuel end tioancial backine of
\,tronz ^ nuke, > dedraUe piece at which to keep
your buk accoDuv Such a back ii

W^e know you undemand values as well, perhaps
better, than wc ounelves. And we do business
with this knowledge in mind.
When wc adver­
tise a 50 cent article for
cents, wc mean an ar­

ticle whose regular price is-50 cents, and not 95,
cents—we anticipate when you come for it that you’ll know exactly what it's worth. This holds true with eveiythinu wc advertise. If you have ever answered our advcrtigemenls you have learned from experience that we ad­
vertise 6nly the truth-- without any exaggeration.

The right kind, the styles that idease.
$1.50, $2. n&O. $3.60, $4 ud S

irerellna man avvcrelj
burned by nslng caiWk acid, ihloklos ,
It toilet water.

Per Bale at S. E. Walt A Sena. Americu Oiwf Starw. Jahnaan
Drito Co. Hannah * Lay Menantito Ca, Ototrihutlng

; 1 The Ke« Charles Howe Huley U<
I ivsigaed the putorate iff the nr«
- : Bapttoi chnreh ai LodJagtoe owing to
Mn. Waiu.^ur of Mn. Fnllek I kU eoatrineny with the BuUat atat^
with them boU taceeu wd bapplhu rvtomed to her bone to Nur::i j burd of nlttloaa. He iaiemto to ItwDakota.
I ture to tbe ■arrouedtog dUirlet thl.
;dar evenlDg from
----------I winter ud w4U make bto beadgaanen
I abe apeni tbe pul week.
In Lodiagtoo utH aexffapriag.
,: C.
u. M. Dane. Lea
Leander Peck. W. O.
Cagnow. laaar Daria aad Mr. UcClaa.
, Sr , of tbU planr
-----------------------kr toft Wntocadap for a tea dart• - f. built
The Uttto fOlka love Dr. Wood a Sordeer hunting trip to the upper penla.
Clere-1 way PIU Syntp. Ptoaaaat to take:
‘ pertoeUy bamleaa. Paatilve cure lor
land townabla cemeu-r}.
Hra. J. VaulU returned hone SatAlbert Botigbey went to Mtohlgu cougba. eotda. brooehitto. aatbna..
City. Ind.. to aorre u a life urer to
PoUoctrs amde way with ae*ecal
ralaaMe boallag doga. PPw Spw.
d by Juatlce Kel- bone last Friday.
D. B. Flaoden of Tkumae Cliy haa
Mlat Climena Salk( aiieodlss
Frank RotaBi
Lelud apent acbool at Mapk Otr.
naW la tbe J. M
Mias EUaluMb Krtetz of Maple City ^ a».tn. iMiildlna. adioialBg the D M
ChU. Panal of Traverse City wu a
a few
Nonh|on caller last Friday.
Miaa Pearl Dame enu-rtalnml iwraly of ber friends tost Saturday ercoNorth Adams pooltry taacier ha<
Ing. After musk aad ganec a dalaiy
game cock for which be refused ISA'.
luncheon was aerred
Vetetu at
Mn Jessie Flood and ton Bnacit
are spendlag the week In TnrMse j anklde niher thu to tubnli to opera-


Utowiati of (hrlrdau^
IB. 9mH Flrrig Bad thi

.53 •* Mb a. cawra. nw.1

’edneadar. Nor. Pth at the bon
Mr. ud Mn. Fred Bauinberger. wbu
their darter Mamie mat united ia
nariage to n'aHer Yoke of tbit vil-

laiinw vurw i»r »*iws

srw •( ointn

Prieea. Hot Spriitoa Tahleta. II.
Hot Sprlrtga Gutek Rettof (linlmaMI
SS emrta.
Hat tprinpa cataiTti cora. N oaMp.
Hot Sprinaa Soap. 10 cento.
Het Springe Huling Sahn. tS Mata.
Hot Springs Corn Cure. 10 cento.

D Basurdar laoratot Kov. lath, a

^pirc gudar.
were etoo«lvw br Mlaaea HeM Walt
aad Havto LuabrU. Ootee. cake aad
boa tomi were aerred br Mlaaea Jen
ale Doha. Ratal Toapklet aad Be^
^ .„jd CUp after a two ■
alec POwtor. Thoae preteai were;
tmh harwaat. Mre Wak 0
Beito Kllaaartr. Bwie Boehujeaato
Weiai «r Read CMt to riall Hart. Ldltoa HoCmu. Jeuto Doha.

aoa. 4. O. W IbMa Laabriz. Masple Imrdie. CHlre
lardto. Rachel Ui4le. Mabel Wail.
Mamra. Pruk Klhaarry. Joke Bachui.
HaaM Tamaktoa. Manic Lardic.
Harrr Lr». Aadrew Carroll. Will Car­
fTtSMia. A. W. MUfTattuSad rol. Bor Dahn. Bd Btewa. Blmcr
E'ISa eumn at Twaiaa Otr '
.......... ................. —
Ted Gllei.

C«ua sH Chfpirie Biiiiaw.
1AM Trwvena City tortlnoaltli
Par aato br all Hut clam draggieH
They core to am ewred aH chrotite

! MWdtotOB arrived hoate u (he
I toon ibU aomtag tron a rtott to the
' worhTt fhlr.
1 Tbe rtectrie IWst ptoai la aow to-


A aaabtr tt:
tea aad Antoie.
of Mlat Haxel Ti


la Travene cUrMn. Ban Porter arrired .
Trarerae CUr Mat Pridar algbt where
the tpeu the pact week with her «l>
ter. Mn. W. Oarrow.
The W. C. T. U. gare a lu at Mra.i
Oeo. Dane't last Wedaeadar.
Tbc Indtoa- Aid tact wUh C B. Ki-hl

For extra good stpts for businen or general wear.

Bey's SuiU and Owresatt
We show a large Une of these gooJs for the youj* m:n and little
lellows ud they arc worthy tbe ailentioa of all threw.! inrenlg, tar
they have tbe ttyle ud wearing .juxlities ll.U will stud tbe tcH of
“Young America’ and best of all. there are no toncy
attuhed. $1.25. $1.69, 11.87, $2.25 ud $2.50 w.U secure extra
goo.1 suiu. io.l good a|H*xnng suiti. We show finer tuiu at 2.96,
8-30, 4.U0ud 5.00 that will compare tivreaUy with suHs offerrdlry
other Bores at from 1.00 to 8.90 ntofe. Heavy warm reelers. withBonn coUare, at 1.50. OvereoaU for little fellows, with beii in back,
that wtU make them locA like little men. at 2 60. 8.60. 4 00 aad
5.00. Youths’ Conets Overcoats. 3 So to lO.oa

or "ore tickets entitles the holder to a piett,- doll at



_______________________________ ________ „
“I o»e av «ta4r Ufa. |o 1
. .
bates etearad •mtr
anadka iialtMWdft of (or tbe ateter. aerenl
pereb frerc iwiaaiteR ,prv>u»l in tb.'i W. J. Rvaaa «t «b. Fifth Ward, ^^Rn
c* aaH, oee.-li.v«m *5,faa»e U.j Mr*. He« Kith l» th.-«ac»i of Mra.•atcr ba«D.aad aeecrml ra»ilk« bad a; n„r«,.
be treot i« vi-v dl«^v I
vUboiR ootec more thaa a
u,, lauuu of uncut the ih.ikt:- i
One aioDib after dewb af lutebaad.
I block fnaa bojae.
pmrided by tea a
lot* Ifi aad II, bm S. H..1M Ot '» returaloc tbe next dav.
nnmiita. J •
Rcadiny voraao laarrted -asate. Ha^-Ceorse p. PCDOI* of Kal
o baa|oDV of (he ticket*, lie came u> ih<-;”
tB addidl.

.1 Tbe Xioataer'ani
then thrc»- her out of doon. 8ho
killed alDCtecn allisatorv. He make* | coocluzlou that eonu-body «as iry lna '
trip* to Nca- Orleaa* every y«ar on ; to keep irark of hi^ vide aad hv put''had htni am>ia>d
lot t, block f. Oakirgod: Jl.
\ «tS!u M-fter of
Will Helm
buKlBca* BBd ttkCi time of lor alii a<- ballui Into ti.n iiorkti atid took I. '
----------------------W. Smlib w ioUw caa^t- Taeaday Bltb
i-"*- Urs. J.
' K. U-dcrie.
, ,Gua+j-icknoB
CBlur btUU. ThU awk be rtcelved • hoiac mid buruv.! it. Lat<-r tn the U*' !
hwUM'Inil.l n*-c> »l'.r. Hr- 1Tbia»a»*
^ Orville MHIInKerand vlfc reaiaacnuti. I awl (H« wiocac.,
^ e Rlverrldc laa a to« dar* tbit’, ,,,»l/. dame»oa baa rtgv|4baadatlo- akin* of three reptlUa he kllied ta Au<; he came Mk (•< \«t> aud the liKpect i
Haarr Seeciailler and alfi- to u.
a B.
gual. They bare since beea la the or* rvfured to fil\, liini another ticket.i......
Carter, aeti of o*14 aad acVt of ew\i.
uyuvn. who ha* be^o viriilns!
K.«. io*aJ6.ranfaH);MM.
] hi* uncK' lien, returned to hi* boinej
p^.ouce ireaC^ "Aldt® and
iaiMa W. Hlllken to Hr*. IVaiKe*
1 went a lea day*. HltMMhcr r.-lurned
tfmmi aba. !>.'»«» ^fb. ;raM« 1

|m«uaiTHtusT| *7,
* -------* ^wau.*a^*dfc-_^- ,- ..

Hiii" r::r™

- „„ ------------------

Nm M —A
*t»W» M»i Oeaertl
OHwwbDTB U>‘ 4ted saddnilr m U>^
MMit of M tl»ck of «pop*«7. r
M. rMMttly BPPoMitoa to «*Wi
Hs^rborin anor
■ropartBS U> tfwit fw tbefpr Bmu
flracral OHpi«bw* «» ««
. <M. H* 4I.UWIIIA0* Ua«eU la tb^
Mlata (BMirTceTlaa at ISa ao4 la lhi
Tnrkevtaa campalfB of 1SC74lel
nnMwanilrl Ibc Moai»« soardi it
Mrs nix
Haaao-TarkUfa w. Oiar Mcbola.t •hoe.
iTraverae City.
U-en virilinc ber daacbtrr
paid a mcbIMfoI tribote to Uie raBdward Lctaaa to Jamai aad Saral:
acU'a oortb la a letter lu bti appotn- UcanU. ioM of eeli. aac. «. lovi
'^Mre'*?lelB and *oc of Mll»auk»-.
...Id* in lirtf villtc.
1» Cbae. Preotici.'. men:
tas kiK «> tbecMaBBnd of Ujc wsooad nate 19: »*».
H. Bryaat aad
' Will ProDtlce and famFlaak A. Freacta to Donald A. WII-. mcAt i i! Traverse Clo
^ „ra.|. »c. IJ. u». ». ,~iK .0 1
- SL Pelmbof*. Nov. H.-Japai
'l.iasae a>j bHd Thunda) cv.-uIli;
■*. MacklBloab aad Ur*. Palmsare oboni ready to *ace a «raat batllP •I™
tin. AuenaU H Utwla to Edvard J- tbe home of Utxa Itelav Br>ani.
teer of Trarerue City vlgUod a’ Mf<.
for <ae iieweariea of ■ahdea aeeoidloyor, vhk of acl4. ter. IJ, toon 2C,' A. Flre^ne ol Sottoa* Bay wa.^ in Diti.n'ii Tburadav
IBI! 10 oevi reodved troto tbe froai.
MynleI- itemben
of Traver«c,
field Hanbal Oraota bat reeelrc.l
Myra A. AHbricbt to Royal B.-8talh- pem, cn^ed u. teach the Duck lake
^ry nttforeoaMtt (M Ner
Piwaac aad la aboolii* panlcolar ac- ar. parcelt. tec. 81. town 4S, ranye »• aehoot this vloier
K>: II.We.
PratCBUDi wa* a Leland
Chris Miller I* movine his (amlly to
flVHy oa tbe JapaMac right flaak a/
Blohard Haribal to Tbo*. H. 8he<--.
rtalua ' Ihibd teacWac-j jlfl*"!mfntor.wbere be experts to wore
If Ua Mikado'* aae are eoBteBmattB3
na.pan»j. Oak Park: IfM.
Moaday at tbe Dcooist *ci>oolbou*e|
» tantac ■orraataat la that dlrecUoa
WHItea L. Bvoam. at al. br *her«t.' near Setioi-* Bav
KanioaUclB ba* fortiftad bU
tuMUoa* aloaa tbe Sbapke river aa .n c.—«— » PhilUiix wU lot 3(1 > faeifon S“>"h M Traveno City was . e Binier.
Mr. and Mr* Albert R
- M pNparai w block Uw flanklaa
I Gramn spent tbe Babbaib t
Anditor General to Margaret E. _________

„ l-Mra.- Monroe aad tb^ n,a* of Ml.
are mavlog here.
MakdM. Mor.'U (Delayad).—Tbe OriflUi. parcels. P. H.’a Itt Md lad
Tbe reiulu of electiuu ar.' freely
John and Alberi Boanell aad Vier
-BatelaaB thnw M» Mi eoataet abelU add: ISCIC.
dlacnaaod by nearly everyone In '
Robbins are working to Lee's camp
tetP tba fMiaa*r arav't umcaat
E. E. Staaibnry to Arttta U Clark. iclgbborhuod. Joseph
Ibia winter.
of Cleveland towasblp i
mtelian la tba pMe along tha-fbi9»a parocli. eec. S3, town 39, nage I: vtoor
rector of sebool district .N'o. *. is elect­
•May,ter tba »foie of Mwonl '
ed .Leelanaa county treasurer We
tba worit of teRMCMIoB at that pMat.
JoaMh Peroll to William Baniek. congratoiaic Mr. Knihner iirion his,
Tbday'i bombMaBwat was mad
parcels, sec. 39, towa 37, range IS; II.- election, although ^e «ill bi- alsaed I Taa the Women of.Travetae C.ty /he
bam* as Elaewherc.
aMoaai of tbOAWWWt detarmlaailba
duile* as treasurer aixl leaves t
Hard to attend to lioaaebMd dutier
neigbborbaiKl In which be has lived
ftelirar baUM them. Both aldoa
Hapleton. Mich., Nov. IS.—Will Pul- North tinitv. died Friday. Nm. Ilibj
•he wouldiil If the Udneya
IP dw UMMOIvaa teto ibe groand
. ipiried last 8'iedav
ttte tba anuicry fire aa al Pan
presebod the f iaeral i.iTmuD | Doan's Kidaey Pills make « .-ll kH
Aribar la laaSeetIve. Both nnaloa. erae Cllv ibe Usi of this mootb.
The deceased leave* two daughters
F. a: Fowler has teniad F. Brown’i and two sons to mourn bU death. _.
vU. ; ................
IbertfDrwnre Mag Mg guat. *
Trarerse city monnti who
Antony Mikula of Traverse - C
ry, I
,1,,^ pi,,„. •
' '
Hr. RotMVta of m Mlaioa has or- Frank Mikula of North V
inrfceya of yager of cedar and Mrs.
wed a couple off ter0.
' nud hips were e»t>ecte1Iy sever • when
Frank Smith for Tba
Ed Rokus. John Jlcikos a-d Ahuri boKt at work 1 was gervous and had
Mn. Combs Is te Trayorie City tak- <Sirome of Travereo Ote are out aiucks of headadie/ dlixine-.i and
lag care of her daughter. DenJe. who <camping near Baas lake, where they slnklcg spells. I km
expect lu enjoy a few days’ hunting.
y longi
OMfaa, Nte. IS.-Aa w Mimed it OB the
th aldi ll»t.
Tbe farmers in this locality bivr
winter nt 1;
repaii la kj|iiil bm tbal tbe eailre
lie Koick Is around tritb bit o
(all work nearte all done except ......... _ .......................
jnitii MKrbt Part Aitbur escaped fauaker ttnlthUig np tbe aroriv of the' nlowlDg for apring grain.
, taliifd some relier, bui »a» imt wc‘l.
' Tbe potato enm tiirnt
t very > as ilil* *atm- iruiillc cuntiu :ed li:
«Mb (be Mfpili deMiager Raatro.
to in
paamy wMeb arrived la Chefuo bar„ ^
.1 »w‘h8 »
nf Kailrfacthui on [ Ihwn i. KWn, .> I■IIIB and they h.'l|Hd
«tr after bring pmaatd by the Japan spent Sunday ancrauon wiib Mr. and their races after they have counusl lu. from the iin-i. i uw-d f..«r luxo
wmblH- CJJUe evadlt U giveu Mrs. Frnak Saitta and aun Balpb.
all tbf- h-shris.
i in all and am no well |•l•as. I uph
vapart.'.'nie 1
Mis* Haxri Lardie ant np a ann'risc ' John Kucora ha* snccenhil in rals-j the n-sulih ilai I do nn |i<..iiaie m
dbmlatte aad remate here until fbe party Wplnesdav errnlng on Hiss iiigxuore iiolatocs than anv ulUer «oi i rceoaiiai-orl this remedy I" .-iiiiom'
farmer of the BelghborlKsNi. The mini- • win. » :ffer* a> ' -Ci* so l•■llp
■ri of tbo warl
■ b> nil d.xl.-v,til iBMamlie PMa
tbe Ramtea de- aU enjoyed a good tlrnc.
F«*)vr-Uill.urti Cc.. Uiibiili,.
elrorer aays "Nul only tbe
Frankliu Smltb of Bast Bay left for with bis lean
Hridn dan bMaU bapoctaai pm
the lamber woods tbi* mornlug after
Mr. Novotny
•eaaad Port Aittaar ard MoiroUed b- a brlri visit with bU lister. Llixlu
tbe Itemlaas.* Comaaader Aaber.a Fowler.
tbtec te eaSeleal teod. ammaalCbarile Imaaim aad temUy bare
«M aM onal bi Pori Artbar to test
moved ^a OUlnorc-i boase.
pear: He aayi bti boat left Port
Perry Fboch baa 3,«00 basbrit L-f
Aitbar at mldalgbt Monday daiteg
note ihl* fan.
MMtac aaow eterm add aaonemfnll
Lata tWa afteraaoB tbe Raatten drMroyw Barinwaumy yraa blowa up
. Ir ber frmmaader. who feared the
IMMitel tfwM try______ _______ s. w,. Uorkel'*^
fibptala lHte aoatema tbe report ^«t
Mr. and Mn.«rilaon want to Trav*r*e Cltr Hooday.
Jo*. Horeevcltky I* bnlldlog
ditlon to his boase.
»«» Hops eurtted.
Geo. Harren drove to Tvavoree CHy

Ifow Tort. No*. lg..^lre te the Tbursday
ttettad Hock ym^ at tbe foot of Sixtb
an are vltlUag rotellraa here.
MneC Janey Cliy. «ariy tMay boteea
Tbe acboolbouse fa all eomplcto:
lb Mate tjm boca. xomim sjm aad aeb(»l commenced this mornla;
tereama* la arid atocage ready for with Mis* Mall as teacher.
aaaaog S3JN» bead of catpr.
tSawpaml boga to atampada.
throagb Ua immaaaa poa loclosurc
Hra. Haley came down from Cedar
nd daritetriag mate ralMble prop- Rbb Tuoaday. wbere she baa beea v
9*ty. far a Uma Ua water froat mag her daughter. Mi«; Zeigter, a
•laag Ua Jeraar City tbora for block* will apetid a short time with I
daughter. Mr*. W*. Gray.
eaa tbtaktaaad wMb deotnictkw. Tbo place.
ina ^ t1S0.»90. Tba Ire aUrtad 1a
B. Lambble U bavlag an adaillun
" 0 bl* bor»e.
*aaU ounce room aad u tboagtat ti>
ha dre u Ua axpiorioa of an w


T.». onik

cm. „r«j:«'

„„ n;.w7,.

I ‘“si.”i.rK,m,

H. rrc'“:




Thu Rural Kaklag Powder a
ttaa. C- UiaritBda to Jadaon E j bousewlii- know*,
i.. be r.
»'». u always
Ctonroa. Mk,;* aad *; bibck 1. Oth ! ^
«' *» oo" of .be grv«c
MU 64-U. <QC.1. Ibwa 34.


''' —

To die people of Traverse City who are Saifering from
a “run down” condition of the System.
If you are "all worn out" with no appetite, extreme nervousness,
inability to digest your food, come to our store and let us explain
VITONA. the wonderful tonic and blood purifier.


luate uak.

Mr. Wood, who ba* been visjtiag hi•on, Rev. E. A. Wood, for Bome Umv.
Stnallpw la Albhm agate.
will retani to Ui bome near Elk Rail
Tbe pnpia of i
*f pacte.' have ^oi maon to be glad
J. 8. Browi
1 Traverse Cit
that It ba* boaa elbctoslly pntvon Wedaeaday.
Ust'tba D«roH Tribbaa and Detroit
eveetes Matte ere regarded a* entlrriy
aaworibyof eoaMaace or mpaet Tbe
bakinc powder, so far as economy in
ebbneite of Ueir eampalgn agalm: , mahlog
btsenit and cake '
Mr. War»*r and Ue
party I Uan te way one Uini
liable and uaworthy as] Tbe liakiDR iKtedcr that will mak<
u wtually aaatM In ihe
illbful li
the must economical
> uv cheai> atom b*Uug powder* a*.
Igx- ahum live per c-nt. ofltevcnlag
ftoal'Catato Tnnriera.
i, Thvrcfotx- It will take ihrcc ihnes
Fhtyd j. BmlU to Anaue R Haone I
m~cb p.>*'1i-T lu rkiM- tbiisculi as >t dot's of. lilt
PM. lot* 39. M. blnch 3. Oak Park. I
(itr Inrianrc. which |»^
[cre^ of lansr powder with
win tin.TRte*. U Brown to Vm.«. tt Thlrll.v,'limes tin- Icavcolng *in-Dgth.
parcel. Oak Uelghte: |t00.
Isriual cost with the alnm pv.wd.-r

than this,
Stalla E -Loe to saaaii J MomH>ii.!„ cr.
,.- Uc
u,r cream
t*l9 of neki. see. 14. Uwn 3C. raagcj makce the flufsi kind ttf
|Ue alum jwnrdcrs fnijin-ntl.* fall
AufteU M. .liewi* U Geo. -H. Bou-1 "■*'7 «"
-f:-- our and bunt r
«n. b-i* Of ne14. «C 14. town 8r.l Th.,‘gr.:“
rabgc II; *S>e.
Augusu H. te-wls iH Honry Urteker.
eeM of neVhuywr, IS. town Sc. rang- tl nvc» lu , iillli. L__

C. A. Bugbcc Drug Go., Offer


...................................... *190 .






...Uii* day



bettle* el VITONA for which




To be taken for.......................................


If purebaaer trila us VITONA hat failed to beneftt him wa boreby


apree to refund the money poiJ ua.

........... ..............



VITONA does'not simply digest the food but builds up the tissues
of the stomach and purifies the blood. If you are sick it is your duty to
giva VITONA A TRIAL. It costs you nothing »if it does not cure you.
C- A. Bugbee Drug Co., know VITONA WILL cure you and will be
glad to GUARANTEE it. Ask for Vitona Booklet.

The Only real way to (est a Stove is to use it.
To show the possibilities of modem Slovemaking. we have arranged for a unique and in­


Hot Coffee and Biscuits served free each day.
Every lady who comes will be presemed with
a Handsome and Novel Souvenir. We arc go­
ing to show jou just what can i»e done with the

Ecosomy h Wealtb—Buy
“Tlie Best"


20th Century
Steel Laurel Range LAUREt HEATER
Wlib n'ca nioaiioaiioo

We will show you whui a I'uel Saver it is. how
biscuits i\in be baked, using only a paper smoke
l>i)»e; am) liow strongly it is made
Don’t tail
lo come.
will lif the most practical Cooking
l'..\htbit evi-r mtid'’.

November 21st to 26th, 1904
*«»j witli E,»t bate Sold
Dorim: tbe Eihibit t
Oiu: Na !' Ntckclod Cu|)]tcr Te* Keltic
One Ijijje Enan.el Kettle anil Cover
One Enamclcti Siuse P*n anti Cot e:
One doable Roasting Pan
One I-aurd Broiler
One fry Pan
One lOxH Ufip J'4n
Four Deep Pie Plates

Fire I’Diirijaniileed (or S yean.

At the Store of


, Tf;' iihcli'iinenal tale'.f liic ;A9ili
Ctithif. )...urel llca'vr (oi tl:-;
, dsi iLrec ycaix, has <leiiK>ii$ti.*:t.l
tijal it meets all ilie re iuireiuenu
loth Id a[ipe*rancc: and operatioQ
that the i«0],le hate long aoi^l
after tn a stove (<,i b-ammg soft
coal and wtxxl ar.' never beforehave bser. able I', ol>la;.i.
.\ow K. it.:i;i: uw aaKrog the
coosoii.ers. Tuts construction a
proving lo itx.e all the ll4i
wc claim for it. Cafl.




MonUf M tfe» OoeMl «k«cta w"*on.
, «Mt oeeMM -W
IM k tka iiainrirr ****^
■w kMM •! Ktajma tmm
CM «T* « iwt eaUrilM MUtt

M« Mtar « tk«r dM la
mt «T«a
€Ttn a«la«
ViMg ik*
ih* t"'
tall w MMeBM
, tkM
UM oa
aa CM
CM ttp»

» »«
»« plaeH

MadlUM «< CMC «tr «( idAO*
Md ovir
ir' MMtdcaat*, aaa
oocivjiw **“'
of CM me* •€ Timwmwe
• atr. aad tM Maa» Mta« k diit.
^ ah* MkMi a kat aad fund

Mb m IBMT raok, bM aa bM paahad
iiMMa cWchaaa M« Mrt. Tkia prorad
llwtM.MBaM.har. bat hM
MlhfB la it 10 BMlaiPlah U aa anah.
. SMCtM«r,lh»rw.a-er..M
, BB BM Md aM a Mat aklB rolled •
1- <|M Mca M»a aothlai. BO «_
P^ Sk. M ehalra. ao doora. a.4 la falay

rCMf tM BoektaB ana «kkb an
MUt eoidoora. an Mlt kiM iM aaKriw aacapn *M **"
TMIr MUM .BfckB ia Mt tMMl.
F te MMcaipB 40 Mn. MUIDcaa-a oV
a. kr IM ana. » kkaa la a
a with iMikalr laalda aad
aad baah aak lu pnm thnaih iM hair '
r at tM pany poked m

____ B Bika MB OUec. aad
• OWaoB'a loaatalB^ aad a du
a ■.■aw
rtefe Md Ma brothOT headed ahoepi,

mm tato kMBBM hr hu

■pklB^ aa effpn* to aeean a Ml)
tka. aad Mn. MBUkaa apoM at the pky 6> tUa erkter. Jeaa' fWaraaa,
Mnaaaaat at iM aoaaotrr.
tM arddieet. MU boy tM foala tor the*?
Oa tM trip the tea. vaa nry *>»«■
tdth laa plm* hr tM aaltaa opaa a«ikaltanl paiaalt. ta too craat ta M ly tnatad. a traTellag- mn caaklBB
ML aaOJai hat abaep benllBC owo- the. prenau «* candy ahd IM
eataadln* «o ibe» iM eoorteurtac tM *aat oaUylac eooatn-.
n«r dtacripUah at iM aanwr •lea of ibe trala. Mr. Hocal
ftreeta at <M <dtr. aDlr Mla» ahooi bocaay teaeber, vaa ipe jefnee aa.
aigbt «r taa feet vide, tber hekc M. illaa VIrlaa the Maperoa. The Itaceftaa flltdd wfch earawa vt doafcera op at the Tnrene caty team waa:
Dolly Wyahoop bap PJoreace Ra«
ar tnatit to aay aotUat at tbe AoeM
of »«Mp. a pidaitflaa la alvan HaMe teobtar:- baakeu: Vera Wyakoop.
la aaMoatar tmi tM tadTridual effort Aiwa Krarika. MadB* StnaBver.
Vera Raitenbnry and Bertha
' ta aMie oaira aM a pan aad panel
;« tM iMradlac valU lo Mov (he PetrtA. eealer. Mtas kranffoan nni^'
the cadre rlfht of SiUa PetTwi pteyIna the aeooad bait
var. aloaad .aaa ot the Boat latemt- oaiy- • ________________
las. M vaR aa iaairartlre leetam
PMeretlen ef Ltter.
ever 8>rea la thla eHy.
8u rn«tt'»«o. Noe- H.—Confronv
Nmaeroaa neeButoea ven broaght ed vtih <taemoDi rnutbi eitb i
to tM eboreh to be laipeeied br all cnviett iraportaece to orsanlt'^l;
vho dMired aad uay look idraiOaBe labor tM Minial raarmtloD of t
k cha opportarJtr to baadle aad
Anertcan Federailoa of lAbor opened
ftr thenuHTei MU of aaered reliea here today «i-j! »a atteadaacc r
mn The Holy Load.
eebftDB IS.OWi ro«e». ForPBMWi ai
, the qacetlot"* to bo eonrldrn-d af
ebop iBOTcmenl. ihc mnvctncntj
Woe Oamo *t Beet Jordan.
The High aMooi glrta* baekM ball til acenre leataleibn looklns to
pa. vae tdetorleai at Baat Jordan psrhialon of the Jepaoeae troai i
big am) plaaU tlrmuplioiit the fnicd '
Bmce. the waller of .olcrtns activly Into polliica and the c»ubli»hir« nl ,
tMMdordaatea. lacked IM prae- Of a nieer’a orgaDlKmion la ihe *
Ituqh 'niereat auaclie.> lo ihc
Oee o( tM Travene City team and
kie made It one aided. There vere loriloB of a pretloeni. The follow-;
oo atan la the sane ae eaeb Bin era <if Jane. Donean wy they will
played Mr beet'aad all did Terr «nL pn*h bU (aailMacy wlih vigor wM'>
.Mlea Dolly Wyakoop tbnv three bae- Ihc friendi of Sanitcl Oompers a
fau tre. tM field aad me fro. the eonfideat lie will enatlmir lo hold t;
kel Mae, mUbb aerea poIdU. and blab o«ce,
Precldem Coapert aaid today; -The
kUa Ftareaaa Battenbary tbrev one
(Ml tro. the BM. atakluB (vo pelou. only eate coune for organlti-d lalmr
. The tea. waa retr wrtl ntlafi?J to adopL 1 bellerc. U one of ab«ilul*
With the tnatMBt stna the., the Bot.-cu.aBtiai 10 any poliileal part/.
■hat Jordaa krla MklaB capital bo*- Aay reaolaUoe by five t>r six delegate,
icaaea. The Beat Jordaa lean la Bidog wllb BoelaliRtIc lendeacln looking t
iko aaU»o.pnetlee and will play a rc- the adoption of indalUt tennei*. I ai
gaiae here probably ihe Seiarday ■lire will meet with dienpproTa) iiy a
atier TbaakaBlTlaB. Tbo idrlii are

Im AiiiJi

d hi. kwd. sun. It

CtMtr Soeha," “VOt kna CM c< whaat,* aad

_____ .a ifiMar the itaknt iff
• tkla «f “ka Mad^ thewUn.’

_ w-eaam


k Mtf a«k MMt Mdk kkk aa a
k M A kka UMB. A day
i kM wa nakad.
ff Bk aa CM aarh. ThU
t MIh IM vokaa to vho. H«
~a wbM gtn hw ka water at

Copjnrigfct I90t by Hut Sduiiiier £# Mane

GMIdurerae? Social rutaliirt are near at hand.
See aw new CWlhs, Just Mie mint $25.00 lo $35.00.

h Hamilton Clothing Co.

firnimm. UMrktMdayatUy w-

4Mn aeariy IM

4 half la old aad aev

; TMBtasoadaaooatkrtordhebuUdliB of nol—kiia taaM* waa Blrea 13.•NAM poaaBa at SBU. injIOO.OW of
kinr. aMa tn. 'BMW imb worklas
okne yean oa tM akao. aad 70.006
IMB oa daty aa inwia kbereta, beM *k a portloa k tha kaueth
Aflac lla doatraoHoa tt Mff a koatftad yaan hefora oMk hkag rabalit
TM three pooU haSt hp iSoMnoh
Mkfe or tM cMy oad eoaaeetod by aa


Do Ne« OMlay!—Qaidc actioD it necetury on your part as the catutgnnent will be with utbut a short time.
CumBMtB w** Akdtl IfTOo »»« n« l«pwed to bayj«t nor, come in an.l aeleet foot (jarmertl an.) «r wiU lay it fjr yo;i

Greatest Fur Values Ever Given in the City
(.adius- and Misses Ulack Shra.r<l Conry Srarf. wlfh Is-ar tails,
always sold for $.KO0; sale
Rnestaa Bear Bnaa. 110 In. loer,
rlPb. blark lurire. irimini-d wllb
tnng. bushy hlaek hear tails. MdJ
oterywhi-r.' for $7 56; kJ QT
rale price .........................#4t9l

Ijdl.-*- tc;.in. Ur.iw.1 ital.-li- liarRparf. w lih tiiDh' tails on pacli nm-.
■itrl.<-l |<lair-.lrbalc. worili #4 rtfl silk nn.1 ttir ;|s.iiv. wori'i'ripp . .

is:........ $1.97
I'liadrrn's Wbilv


lAiil. -• Alaski. Br-aris. ' lull
i.-;gtl.. .rlmm.-.l viili Hti-frs.
nn.l,-m. 10,1.
lu-i.s' ..


.................. #3i0i


lliiilsun RablP Fox SPftrf- uiti;





......... ......97c

wllb lalM anil fox tails. kC Q7
worth till; aale pricp.. #Us9f

Ladies’ sad
Bmchei' Sivie Cesu. made
of silk nnisbed ZlboMne.
trliniDeil In oxydited Lullun.s. Isney (•lalds. Inlsn!
nun; sale |.ricp..


H ■■

B. 3. IKorgan
Oae black (.orae. weight

is month, old, a fine one. MtjKi.

One apaa bay honed, bloekv built, weight •.««!, wlih work harBOaa aad Inaber wagoa. price |t‘5.

I.adlPs' Tourist Coal, 41
In. long, made of tancy
fieolph mlgcures, irimmel
in oxydlxPd buitims an-l
fEDcv liralds. worth $13.'
sale iirlc.

lAdlia' 44-in. TiHirls’
Coals, in black and r*v.
4or«. made of best all-wisiL
ker«*y. shoiildera. fnmi
and biu'k Irtniined- wim straps, sallii liii.-d.
a $l=-:.» coat for

IjidiP*' lAsise mtlfig
Coals, made «i( all-woul
Mopleiiae and kersey*
Ilm-il sllh nmtiine.serge,
neailv slttebed. wiurb
IIO.INI; rale price.





Udle*•- «-inch Tourlsl
OoatD, ma-> of American
wooler mill kersey. Irtm■ned with laney silk braids
and.butioDs. silk siiicheJ'.
aAX&M«oBt: sale pHce.

lAdies’ Loose Fitting
Costs, made of all-wool
xlbellne. trimmed Id vel
vet sod Kersey, stitched
straps, a tlIfNi coat,
sale iirlcu.

YoiiDg I.adles' Nobby
coilarlosn, llneil
throughout, edges cuffs
nod collars irimoied with
velvet and fsney si itching.
RSle price,

|j.riies' and Misses' ale
wool kersey cloth Cons.
Havelock rtyle. cape neat
ly stiiched and irlromo-l.
belted back, worth fl&.uc.
sale price.

Ladb's’ Rlectrlc Seal
Fur Coat with guaratitet-il Skinner satin liolog.
lull railing cuUar, wM«
shajse revers. worth $24;
sale price.






Ride r d o w i
irlmffl>-d .wiib
‘wiitte gngoni. worth $1.7.';
ooiisigiimeni eloak sale

lAtlles' ' IHush Cop.full sweep, 32 In hint',
collar and edges irlmnol
with nngors fur. Iieavily
Inierllned. worth $>>.«fl-.
sail' priiv,

Ijidles' All-Wool Crav.
etuuie. lii-Ite<t track, velvet
i-ullars. a garment that
usually readily sg-lls-fur
BT.5tl. sun.-ICBOteat rJnftk
rale price.







Hisses' Coats, made of
Adc frlexe cloaking, capes,
belli, cuffs and collar
trimmed with piping of
velvet, gill braid and Iniltnns. worth IG.06. for

Short Coaly,
made of all-wool melion
cloaking, a good warm gar
tnent. ▼orih l.l'ki; sale

Children's Crood Wann
Jackets f„r rcbool wear
rape anil npllar irioime:*
with Mlrhins, iiiping und
fancy biiuons a gcssi \»l
.le for l:;:., lor

ladles' (Hack and C.vrtor Coats, rollarli-ss. lieit
I-.I back*, neatly «iiiphc<.
lined thniughoji. a<iiK
>7’"; eollslgnnp'lil eloak

75 Extra Pine Mlsios'
Clilldiy'D's Sample
Cloaks Irum the






';^,ifci'Bklw. Mn.’MUMoa t

'^fflklad ^


75 lAdle*' anti Misses' Dress and
Walking Skirts, made of fancy

•aMaaa’B kkple WM (be place firti
Mask hr alU aad it «M first rlewH
iMhafiia aanh at high kel
:« Mkl. aad apefce at lu ktaatloa oa
k|m koaitiki. Ht. Hark aad Mi.
.jNk. (Ma httag tM «aat Mde. TM


Several well known cloak, skirt and fur manufact­
urers being overstocked and wanting to.unloid have
consigned to U3 3,500 garments to be disposed of
at about 50c on the Dollar. Wa are only acting as
agents receiving a small commission for selling it.
Every garment is strictly this falls' manufacture and
perfect in every respect. This is a grand opportun­
ity for anyone in need ef a wrap.

Ladles' rmsh I’lusli
length CnaiB. ciadd .-1 Toiirtsi Coat. Iliieil wiib
Ampriran all-wool krrspy. Skinner
wtio. nfllar
nnatly stllrhed. saiin lin­ sleeves and Ix'li (rimme-’l
ed. cheap at liniW: con­ with fancy silk braid,
signment cloak nail- iiric.’. worth $:2.u«: sale pnee,

:TkpBMMBaaBaMfiay venapwt
W mtmtt at aMliat Sake., a cltr
ThM It when

am ap kar
road, and i
they I
i aenronabie,


MIbsps- rloaks in bln.'
and red, *ge up to 14 yrs .
collar and rape irimDKvl
Id fanrv huttuos and stlk
braids, a winner at H.Oo;
sale price.

wmr lo lapnaa ao
It at Mbto WMory.
kapd aa lhair IkkU*
l-JMMak.. they teri■ tM BUtaMfff^Vkb
M tM vaykde-

#SMkB.tM MMoaaehoolwalkM
iMi k MM with her to ahow When
SkMk 0.M M ckherM. aad tokMhoP kk Mas IM aoacMit M> doar
hkikiiy. *fMfffh a hawy load tar
/ AgaktMjDkMBlorkoaotwohoaIpNd Mpw Jkkkii nMaaed oh w
ttoAkk tM pkaa vbof* Banart aafMaod. ’Hen ak r whea tM Lord
.mam hi., aad tM tan



a. AM asak.aaaa that dar,M‘
f aaatariaa a«o. aM aaM a pan-

JO. Mah. Mn. MITUk. saw tM
htr taaehiBB i
poor, mua, dirty aUln «hn
.aMff-ejoMlMmHe. *Ihte I
kr tha Mk TaUa mt eo.- and
k thek M»ka lo pkh M
mtm*. hat ffhnifaoraat kupty
ka tMr had BO oM to km tha.

HKIIAIA -raWMioAV, NOvjuiKK 17.1M«.

10 dot Women'll Blark Mem-t
'r.ed PeitleoaUk made with deeo
accordeuD ptalled nifties;



11 ;ir.!n.-d.

12.7 Ijcl,-- KiP*-|U|onally FinA'; Iskir'- ma-b- from all *<>u
SP....-I, noiiiir. - ncHlon*. bros<'
s.irlb -i.piti .l,.-vioi. .IP |•1II••I anil
-I:-........... .



work tad «ood driver. $50.

One bay poor, good driver, price $i«.
• Oaegrar faorw, good work'-r, $io,

work or drlvtag mn. weight S.ion. price |l».

One alee pair bloeky built bono^ ,-<9gb. :jm. s and T yen olf.
Oae black wra. C yean oil. weight »&e. flne driver. $*s.
Coau aad ace ate if yon whbi bmen. l eaii ^ve you aone good

f T. I.v-- and Walking «klr.s.
,:p.riK.-,i and .‘,nmk. -j'.;




Extraordinary Bargains
in Every Department During this Consignment Sale

Jihi Banner-Brand Sample Waistr
in iK-aii dp soli' silk uiTvta. sailo
ciripe. DUO'S velllcg BDd One UrliliantlDPs. Id hiark aod
oraiplv Irlmmiii,
$0i"i. sale prior

“ $2.69

50e boys sweaters with .ioul.le lancy stripe nerk for...................26



:;0c bleacheil laiile Imeti, nood |aitems for..........................................
19r-heavy rice ;e line<l hose for bo)'s anJ (Zifis. f.yr .


45c womens ileece Imeii Ltiioti suits for......................................


lie daisy doth, all colors, saie price...................................................... 06f


SOc «eel rod, kmigo handles, ombrelUs lot.........................................25
07c light and dti* outings, sale price........................... ........................ 04
Sl.OO mens silk fleeced lined underwear for..............

Oae brovD ame. Icgbi UM. g,»vj


C-I lAdie,.' and Misses' Walkini;
Skin*, made .u fancy Seoirh n,ix


$1.00 mens blue fiaanet overshim for




7r, 8c, 9c and 10c white shaker flannel for.. .T.................................Q5
$L50 meat all wool aainple nDdervear for........................................... 09






■«. WUbalMitnrWcrefonedlos
MMi KM Tort tkli feM sot bm
MMmA fks Smm* Is bssfy. Tbs
o«« s« fBW
tbs sehooosr Aiess
kiMs. «bb* «sM sb tbs rodk sasr
Bmus, psrisbsS btkfs Uw Ufe ssvcfs
csiM rsseh tbsk. Tbrc« pstsossr*.
«bs «m SOSbMS M tbs UMBd <A
■ms rtvsr. sbo lowsd s psrty ci tWion bscb ts lbs sits BBS srsrs rs
tag. Msis MKbl.k tbs ISIS ssS It u
tMWki tbsr psftabss.


58| .

Mnr T«fk n« atiM* tk« AUm^
tk MAM
T«mn^ ““

11 iC,

«5jt» p««»tin.AiwsBnPAccT


mtAoi or n*» lABt ugoog AocT.



vgmvAnsTovxaito* AOCT





,3S /■
7« «

_or .DKcMAr
.. usi'Mi Aorr.


M—..................... IBM


bAtrniLD .OWSSHII* ugco* AOCT

(IMtM tlMKa




AKbss Tn« kJsssA
■t. itabki. Mkb, No*. U.-Attbiir
Pry*. SMI sC tbs'Bs*. ssd Mn. W. A.
PITS. fSTMarly of OtsMi Hsplda. M k
A Tfsskkk : oosdttkm. «Hb' tbr
StebWBorkskpWskgUBoibU IBc
WUk pkyks bssk*t)M» ts tb«
gyMMskM kst wktsr os* aigbt dorkc A brtsk IMS YMSI Pits san hs
iwt’alMbkff SB^ k hii tsg. PVoM
tMt pm tbs .Mssbsr csnssd bla



Jta’ rfo-UnrciAlti

. IMS Bay tost vsek tbs yomif bmb
aa^tsd ts aa spssaaos. Itis Ask
A }*st bskw tbs kass oa
B tbs kokiOB Aoirsd
. Tar ssrwal kdws
B eat opss and abMt
■ iniaMik of dksassd boas wa







We olTer for this week a tempting spread of Household Furnishings suitable for
the coming Thanksgiving festivities, at comfortable little prices. It's a collection of
those verf good bargains that have made our store famous for value giving.




l€3r. •





MiMid Md is psll kaowa la
baiki fori



mcr'ijt. IR,,.A-.s......






HM '

1 trsatsd
It «u feaad
MA bata eoBpIstsly nado



ffiSSS.v.,'.;-.;:::;;:: ■«»««

VTU-xoE or nr* LAC* acct


i “i: ::l's|


im. Ml itMs« hK Vm FUatr
vsr* tsdsv rtlssssJ Vran lbs Potor
Ph« Nmsss sncr ssrrlst nrestr
mn *t sstiurr sobIssmsbI Usrs.
Tb^ TO* »s iMbsn k tbs **Tsrro^
kt MMkMt* k tbs ssrlr slfbtks.
AV-ttns skinsi ghiikcstlf bjxJ bsdtslf VMM. Bom sTlsr tbs prtsos
srt itswn oot4« frss^o* tbsy wer*;
wrtfsk U> ipcsS tbs rsst^ tbstr
Mm k Psstossfsb. iritblB tbs Aretk


M.tll a. 2

Complete Dlnlnt Room Outfit

ORAKT TOtriraHiP acct

sssiss.- . .



" JE-S'



-, uekSs^: .

4 «[
KAsM'dBr lown«Mj.-*’'**' '* **^t 2


Djimg Room Outfit, (Uk* cot) cotnpristDg Sideboard, tl ft. Exteasion Table
and four Cbain it nude of selected
white o»k, r ch golden finith. and the regnlar jiriee ii fiS.VOO. We ate offering il unttl Thaaki|i*log
at ihy vet}- low price oi $2l>.75. It this does&'i suit ^-ou, we have oiben. Prices SlB.fiO to IIPO.

TERMS-$5.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK.


Hrve yon visited our Crockery UepartmeiH? If not, yon nuke a
iireat inUtake. We are showing a lieauiifiil asuRiaent of Dmacr>
ware in open ttocks acd in sets, at rety attractive }wices.







■TubM—o. .




SSSWSS; : : J! ,

Vb^BM mkrn WmAmi fkuraa.
OMBd BagMa. Hk^ Nor. ».Aarks B. Bmstsr. iklst dspny
WM kardsB darkg sovstal adsaatointkaa,^»ao «aa ssBMaHly Arsd last
Bigbt :ir 1Ni«aa Cbagaaa for tbs
rstM thM bk mpsass »ocoanu «srs
' taojarai. «bs sssa si hb hoMs k thb
akp «4ar. Us absoiatsb rsfassd to
taSr Bbd AM b« kBOW be bad bsso
: Hs aiU bai
say k tbs ftMi*. psibap*.
May*. IMarka K. Hoyt of QiAad
Ha^N«WMr MSMbar k tbs state
kalilpt*«'bAB bsaa appkalsd to bit
ka^ HiftAia* bssa k tbs sM^ksi
sad* tba ObapMiB isgias.
dktketloB as deputy \
by sapiMloc''boaM Isblag tigs «*:
Psbka Harbor aad St. Jossph aboot i
t«o ySArs aga. ^nsr tbsy bad Ttokied .
tba k« Bad triad to aasaps brvbsB-:
lag tbs kSkaa IkA Hs coaMdacsd-jon. i Bybai—n.dBrettr....
SMTkABBd* OoagKMIBaa WIiBsm!?**^
AU« BMitb aad has ssrTdd.soees*!^Abiv
•iHly «adar Skltb. Osbora. Mors«;Asra
aBA;GhapMgA .
Tbs dkaOsaa) of Bnarster k said to
bs tbs oaCgiowtb <d aa krsi
* M* aeoMMii tar tbe IsgUlators of
INli »bss it «M kahasd tbat bs vmi
Bkag tall «Mes A* a sourcs of graft,
h .b inUMStoBd ibat ChapMsa deMwrsd Agalari appokiliig bki to bb
dUC. bw ibai l)e «Bs prsTAllsd open






Dinaer Sel
Ntw Shape,



BnUMr dor road......

all foil size'

aal haafles,




$3.50 ,
25 Per Cent Disconnt on all Hivilaod and Anstrlan China.

even IK'wm Ootfit, in offer absolnicty free,



A W wkbed k tbb way to BMfcc
I'lWOkkis to asTsral of kb poUl-l

V- *






~~ IdMlTigUiM ^mTSi!*{-

-------- -----------



PABADta* Totnraaip ACCT

Ardyonare astoreil of i>ef*Ati*faclion both in t>»k-


$25.50 to $60.()&

$9.(5 TO $55.00
:3llpa-™= „
PCPULAR univEiua

•*rcfM aa.rcvmM «


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