Grand Traverse Herald, June 04, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 04, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Travorsa





nziE nm SRUSE
■noMT HMUDfWM HaM With Al-


BirtMay Will Se Celabratad Quietly

Oa Mar tl wd Jana Ub tba Baaxlt
Rome. June-l.—The Pope will he
Coontr n>BHna Qranca No. 7S. bm
«1Ui Alinln l^cta B tbafr haD
FINE WEATTiER RROUCKT THE aeventy-eerpn years ^d tomorrow. He
was here at Rteee 00 Jiuu
beklag Laka Asa. Tbai;a war
la aocptdanaa with bis wtoh the ede(raacaa out of tba alsbt
Tba Laalamu Coanty Poniiooa aad
btaUOB of th* day will be private The
Oraad Ti»»«aa l^*«ona Onona were
or pan of tbe day he atpAa to
•lao la arUaaca. N. I. Moore ti Hapspend In company with Ms elaten
, Jaehaoa Couaiy; 8uta Dainity.
end a few apccially Invited ot the
tweaeab aad *avo a good u
taithfuL la antlelpetlon of the annlTeraary many address** and teleSrr-WAOPAMCOAT the afureooa. aad aaotbar oae la the
ilBf. After the evealu pracreiB.
grama of cnngratuteiten have been reTHt Micniiia
the fifth decree waa coaferred oa a
daaa of elaetcea. fa a very iBwtM-


Cant Hr $njm






Large Number of

Par unt p^r




ma mncmBE feu ivoi


II Spend Two Veate
I'rof. Peter 11. Brouwer of Zeeland,
aa in the city Friday afu-r
> cMfer Titb tbe Western Mlcl
Devetepnient Bureau regarding a trip
to the Kethertond* in behalf of the ad
sement of thto favored-aecttea.
Prof. Rrouirer Is a man who siirdha
languages and 1* well verteil
garding tbe wonderful resources
thto regtML He proiwee* la spend
two year* in the old country, eecorieg
settlers from German) and tbe Neth­







Fbr peculiarity, tbe accldem which
The wretlier Thuraday proved to be
Saturday oiorulng about i o'etork ceel'
all that could be desired (or Memorial
tbe life of Mrs Olive .M. Lytle, <34
Day. aa omtrery to iraditten It did
tVeei Ninth street, was exceiutonal. U fiat Ahre^ Led An UprigW Ufe
rain, thna' giving ever>' chance
to besides being pecnliar a decidedly
and Was a TIrelsea
ference with Rooaerab uad a
___T ent the ceremonieeAl the cen_
sad case, and nyw* that shocked the
stsieteent teal added stiuagth to the
I'ery and In the city as they should
the Boereralt teore wffl
I Will be be npon such a memorable occsaloo.
Pridsy QnlDcy Thacker edehrated many frieod# of the fsBlly. The.LyUe rreldence to tbe eceev of bonso
held by Bt. Prencla echeol la the City In Uie forenoon U>e graves of Uie deed the fiftieth annlveraary of bis
bolt tbe conveatton U
cleaning acllriilcs aad attendant le
Open beoae- thli erenlDg. pltrioeoutrol the
(From' Friday** Record Eagle.)
In TraverM City, which to
particular point of bouaework
The case of Theodore P. Bauer, ot which Roosev
UBlalr. *lf
will be alreii four gradn- ing yo cnetom and the reipilar adrvicet
that be Is lustly prond of and
atM who hare fiatahed the Utarary earned out at the seldleni monumret. which there are but few others in the there to of couree the Inevitable ilrtni this rliy. district soperiolcodsat of 1h7~owte*l dM
cotirea. The aaaie eTeDing dlplonaa There was a great predusion of flow, region could-celebraia Some of the of the bed clothes, rloiblng 'sad other the Aotl-iteloon league for Donhwest- unfair or onJnB, nobody wdl respect
wlU be -aWhrded to thoae who bare ere available for Ibe inrpoee which data in reg^ .to his eiarl and arriv- things oe the vlotbesllne le thto ern Michigan, Is one of the saddest (he candidate who had here dtomteathe-line sfretched from the corn- that has rotor to light for some time. tested against If be tamety luhtoH
■aafully oonplated the et^Ui madd\tte event lnipr|aulve as
entalned In an eld diary which
According to tee stories printed In ted." aald BeveU. Whaa aahad H h*
grade. NlneteaB popUa bare recelred BboBid te. The hervloed at the graves
kept by hto father back in Ohio.
the Craod Rapids papers, tteoer en­
Palmar Method diptomaa for excel- was carried out by the membei
According to thto book. Hr. Thacker
v«*e and either while In there re tered thcNtore of Young A CbaEee oQ aaid they cpald pul tbatr OW* coRleoea U pw1tnallahl^ The progrea the O. A. R..'W. R. C. Spentob War
and Ms btotber started from tbelr Just as aha was coo^ out the weight
Tuesday evening for tee purpoee of ■uueiioD on hto itafret, MeKlA<n. Laat algM two o( the aldar- for the gradwUng oxerdaea to da M- .’efreans and Ladies AuxUlary.
In Deflaoce. Ohio, fifty years of tbe ckxbes on the line palled tbe seelng^aae of the employeet and
a M lha other aMe wan abaaat ao lowa:
In the afternoon the regular pumde ago as memben of a party of IS which
■ over and abe waa pinned be- while watllBX for him to airpear be
•oka* tflw a food Una tobrtakt
was held and was participated I
were bound for Traveree City from
. .No one knew abe waa tberv took a small clock from a showcase
Mttea ap bcbIa. The Ueaaaa coiaSong la AepoB—The Graxaboppera- the pntrtoUc orgastoatloiu. together ■ha Ohio town. Part of the number until the groana were brerd comins and imt It In hto (lockrt. He wa's ohI that the Ofdlwith the public ecbool cblldren aad bad already goric to Chicago, but the
•• *iT thn lanp-— »-';o
that direction ITolp «•.. p->
Baaea. be thaasafi to read It Batead Croquet
the city ftre department. On eocount Tbacker boys' were to drive from
I ns apeodll a, |>.»aili'.-' .1 ..
i: 1- i:. • .1- I
The Boebanlod Bcheol Boom.
of te-aatoowh «hleb.waa three nore
of the fine weetber there was an ex- ftence to Chicago by team and loin
the building was lilted she notified the polICA W'lio arreM-'-l
Saaay-Qaiacy Sooghey.
large turnout of civil war eunrl- the party there wteh they wer
tbaa hfi^ orec heea aaaaidered before.
horribly brutoed and
with Bauer upon a charge ed petty larceny
Tiree Pact Che»iia--rho Baapere“
Aa the aMefWW were all preeaet
a —who are always the crntrul take tee old siremer Alleghany for
extinct. vSbe was aad locked him up in tbe police sfaThe Jowmey of Ufa. I
fighre In a parade of tbls natnre. It Traveree City.
whoa the fint ordlaaoee waa paaaed
>d Into the, houaa and re- Uoo orer nlgbL
Is their day and tney alware make
Mai«.41aMalM aahad that the 41
The teoraey overiand took lo
d conscioutaeat hng eaoaigh to
On Wednesday morning he appear­
the moot ot the event, which year by than waa thsmght and as a n
HeeWla The Voyager oh "Tba Sea
bef aajl a half ed In police ooun where
sees fewer of them participating, upon theif'^arrival in Cbloagp they
of life"—Htoa Baby HaaUmaateL
boor later ah* dlad. The riba on the
gulUy was reiered by hto aiior^geUa-rGeiilaa of Qoodseea—Hlaa as ttair ranks are thinned wrery touad tail ihe boat had left aad they left , side were broken and ^ ;et< ney and hto trial was fixed (or June
k. aad whan the year rolls rpuad wonld bava to remain ta tbe dty for
Bdlth Brewn.
than MB be seen many ptoees va- another were btfore the boat would falp waa found to be out of place. She 4. Ms bond being fixed at 1100
lmtrl-11 that a vote be takaa
Terrehla-Ganlu of Worldly UCe^
ed. Later Mr. Bauer
Mayar OarBatae aatd that it
casl in tha ranks that cannot be filled return. TBto they felt unable to do. waa TS yean of age and tor (he past
Hlaa Haigarat HneUmantel.
Donths had been feeble although eonfecsed lo Ms fellow worfcara in tbe
by any reerulta this side ot tbo grave. ■0 tbe entire puny ot fifteen took pas­
the iropaiMIfi aarried thaa he woulfl
Falth-Mlaa Ueleo Dyer.
Dot tU enonih u be confined to her leagoe that be was guilty of tbs of­
traW tt at tha wait neaUas. .Thia
Tbere are still many of the pid sol- sage on the old steamer Union. wMch
Hope—HUa Marten MoOoakey.
The remarkable featnre ef the fense and that be desired to so plead
DetaJto of -tee drelh ef Moerto a
______ jt d|* hat deter the a
Cbartty—HIM deaeidiliie Ktehucan. Hera laft la Traveree City, a eondlbound for Norlhport. They left
to that with all the weight tbe before the court. By ihli act his eon- WUder. who was drewred near Santa
td the anwiMtat aad they tecMed
ure that to not found in aireie of the
Afflletteo-r-HUa UDtoh Blampaar.
ago on Hay .Sf. 1862 and arrived
Monica. QaL. some weeks a«e and iteo
eelloe did not break. If H had
Bpoe a loD tan whidt earned the
towns ttuoughont the country. Many at Northport on May 30. From NorthPeaery—Utoi Bngenla Molvaa.
ideotified by a matatotiUp card te
—r-*—r‘ hr a rota of fire to three, The Aual of Oeath-Mtoa
dare ot this kind will be aeon port they started for Traverse City. would nut have fallen over.
was clouded by ao act tor wbh-h hto the Traveree Oily lodse of Bk*. hare
AMewoB OaodHeh. Pitch. CBitor.
betere tha tost comrade has answered
omen in a wagon and tbe men
I. Lytle was the tTitew of the friends cannot byUere be waa respon- fust reecbed Trerere* City Maois.
fpiwi aad tiOhiwoRhr roUag ta taror
the final toll call. The work of carry­ on foot aad arrived here at 11 o‘re>re
Cbonm oC “DwellereI la t!^P<
Th* body was washed ashore shout
Uexander Lytle who paired from aibic.
aad AUerMB Xllbeane. leala afd tul Jala.’
ing out Memorial Day exercise* U
the forenoon of May 31. filled wUh
mioo given by Mr. Bauer to.mile above Long R’hajf entir te
rapUly beini taken np by the young- )oy at having at UM found Hirir vtaL this Ufe 33 years ago. She had made
Cbonw bf ‘Votarlaa oC Pleamire"
WBs te^ be was under the Hay. and It was holtevad that K had
her home In (hit city with her daogbmerations. 'eo that when the old
Baeltattea—“JaBe"# Otadnaiton."—
ire are six ot the orlgteal set­
been in the water tor Iv* weak* or
waa o« o( Oe «My.
returan* are gone the day wiu be itill
Mtoi Marten BendA
tler* of this county still alive that tbe Elmwood Avenue acbore There Uken ax a stimuteuL aud that he was since aboK AprU >. whan the yooc
The •asorttr wee lahorlsg t
Hutoe-Ptoao-Mtoa Biaabath Beou.
are known to Mr. Thacker and they to alho another daughter, Mra. Wickaccountable -for his act This to
dlaapprered. The body wre Asthe impreealaw that they could carry
BMay—Pagan Myths and Christian
are aU hto firm friends, and this to a aall ot ^-blie Clqod. Michigan and undoubtedly his former rec­ eovered hr trareleee oa the read who
Che imiadmwt orer the rate ^ the
nataaee that be vafoes very seven grandchildren.
ord ha* always been of tbe besL this
Mayor and Soraad the toeue. to which FIM Feathere Oe N<
Maks Fine
bigbty. as be beUeves that a friendIdretlficnfire tma aired hr
Funeral eervires were held from being tbe first lime that anylhing ex­
tho mycw ntfW by dedartag a ftre
cept the, hlgbeet motive* has ever InDuagramod wMte. a fikure of
who wore the blue la tbe ship that wUI test throoidt fifty long
mlButee reeoM ta which to prepare th*
A Comedy ia Two AcU.
to something to he proud of o'clock, and Hooday moreUag the rw fluen<*d him The penally for tbe of­ Mr. WUdBT's teiher find the mwahre
dark dare ct tbe civil war.
Telo. Ttt Who doM aad the veto
Oaat of Charactere
te Blk*' Lndga No. SSt «t
loereased leterret to being devdopwaa read fWBatily after the ooofr
train to the old borne at BrvwdsriUe laebed has devtrayed bis Infloenoe In thto city. aU ot white wore te th*
ed U tbs public acbooto ln tbe obt«r- ahndowy side of life's highway.
cU waa caOad la cedar agata. This JaaltOc-^oaB* Hwwitt.
oodt poteec Has BUhI SreHh. SMich., where Ictermeni will take le work In white
aetUad ^ qaaeUoa as to tha U aaPint Flog^^*repHetor of • Boy*' fanee of Memorial Day. Thto
During the past let
arete of tee deesaaad and a couten.
plainly aeon reaierday by the nu
puce. .
leoM aa It laka* a two UMa rote of Bdto^-cmawt Q-ReUly.
suer has iFcn suffering from ibe c(- assisted In tbe (dreUnoUtou. Mr.
en the eMeratea elact to carry a mo­ Joha Madlaoa Jenalngn-^leraM-a of ehUdren who took part In the par­
-I'ls ot overwork due te the strenu- Wilder bad been te poor health tor
ade. Mrary yrer a marhed inn
tion orar tha mayort rate. Tha aaxt
I* camimlgn which he roaducted In
■ time. auEartag from evareorfc
In tha number of children who
Harald denalaga-A tutan V.
■ova was to aafc nr a talaa of Che
Is dlstrii-t previo'us to tbe apring
deepoBdreey. He was a boteout to da thalr part la the work. Tbe
tlaUt ot 'll Is Sfaatiag e Uoenee to Senator-Pred Hobart
elections. He was
rraak Breohwr. hut ea the wu Horatio Do Algm—Tha atudlona mar^lW of tl^'chlldren 'makes one
worker, doing the-work of eeverel
of the ptoasent feature* of the eveot. Deputy Bmlth to Bound te Break up
■teed the wae aa before It- to aot
Fbltowliig tbe parade the regular
the Praetlea ift .His
iewhahip that uy more wtu be efidod
bis mind which fsgged under the preeregrvm was carried out la the City
to the newt haalw.
to order to kee^ up hto work
Opera house before a small audience.
City State Bank. Mr. WUdv act­
It wae etof tea o'tiock whaa tha
uboul two weeks BBO arCordlng to hto
Mika Stiknk. WHitam Noulgin and
The rrenlar riluallstic scrvlcee of the
ed as (imefcerear under hto uaeto
meetiag waa oaUad to order oa
John Horteg ef Cedar, were arrested Aecidaet Occurred Whee Team Ran Blalemem be look to tbe oee Of
0. A. B. Mere read and musical n
oouai of tbo aaiqal budgat hot betag
phine and Ms downfaU elwedily fol­ John Houraterii who was saperte‘-Away. Throwing Her Ftofh
Thursday on eompUlnt of Depuly
here and reciutions appropriate
raady. This vaa finally oomi
lowed. much to tee aorrow of hi*
Xe the Wagee.
Game Wardre G. AUen Stnltb for tlsbthe occasion were given. Tbe addi
ValodlctotT—“Plato Oorenat 0|>ua.“ to the Tetsrao* was delivered by Mrs. lng_in CArp Uke with a spear and
-aMttt to.ha raised hr tho coming
who always found Mm to be a mae of
J. I. Orar. who proved by her words Jack. They were caught In Ihe art
year le tTMM-M. ax^re c( the one -Mtoi .Bdlth Brown.
hlgbeet principle* and
Prohably the most reriou* accldwit
ConlMTlog ot HoBore—Ker. Joeei* that aha to a deep student ot tbe his­ and when brought into Juatkw Gage's
Bin tax. whh* win wBka.the total
tory of the cause* and efiect* ot tbe court today plead gutliy to the charge ih.t ^ oreurred in ibla city foi
about tha aajwi w'W rear when tha
and Sirank was fined t:S and costs
etrll war.
•aal ^wug AM Wada. Thto budget
Baner has taught school and
ahortlj before two o'eiovk. in a double
Mr*. Gray reve a vep- accurate and ot |3.:5. and the other tao
alao iBoludB tto taBUMe ta ealarle.
of tbe growth seased a fine of
each and totu of rvusway. A span of gray* belonging prearbed la aererel different citie*
tor all the meBlWi ot the conadl
GeorXB Valley bereme frightreed daring bis life and at ao time baa any
Eighth Orade-Harry Bor^ Haul of alarery. from tbe earlleat time* :13.3V Tbto belag tha iMrd oEeoies
Bhd bMTd of pwhlk work! which larang art marred hi* career. Me has
Do Mane. Newman Clanry, Hrien down to th* Issolag ef the proctoma- for Streak, be was given a stlSer wtare the wbtin* tree* eomq Ioom alwsre been s hard worimr. and soc- Thp GoiapuiiioB Cenrts ef waMara
Mwaae the aldwre roted thei
Michigan L O. F. wUI hold thatr
than the other tao. Tbere causing the wacon tbqgue to drop
Hocrilhan. Angus Jaoqoe*. Axllda
at the Int maettag c( the aew 00
« iwobabllily that two of the
pavemeitL The touM>B swerv cwutful Id everything thM be under­ twHfte annuai sasemhiy te thto tety
Jaoqnaa, Loul* Rtanti. Mary Saler. In this country. She began back at
He has always been looked mi on Jure 3 and g. TMs meetly wlH .
•r thto act the alary ot the mayor
th* time when'tbe flrsi cargo of tto»e* three will have to spend 3ti daye In ed ab»'ii throalng both Hr find Hr*
OUver Perttott. Evelyn Seed.
aad city attatwy wiU be «U4 pw
be for tbe purpure of Impraetag the
I tended on American toll
jail as they may not be able to
Valley lo the strecL sad Hrk Valley
Umeni el all that a man rtiualisUc work and u promote aecte-.
rear ahd that «( the eldermea aad
tbe amount ef tbelr fine*.
sus'amfd several tn)uriee..^^3B(S^
■ im Ml wC tha haaid of public worka
niliiy te tbe order. There will be
Smith states that he to going to break of ber ribs were broken and ahe-reMM mhh. loot double what it baa
tloBs. glring many tldellghi* on tbe ■p Illegal fisMag in that vtctoliy ir ceivtd 'an ugly gash la ber
beau dgnag tho paat two yeera The
history of tbe various periods that are be has to tuy thee* all sun
sill be giren Car (hs moat
-The accident occurred near tea B’lL
aot gsaataily known by tbe busy peuKIc* meted out to the law break- helm Mock. Just west of UnMa •troet
effetslr* wort. Boctal ptaM df* bstha mm wUh the excepUoB ot w
Amertoan people. Tbe eSect ot tbe
ln£ Binge by tea lore] ocmgUtten tor
eoBUnne .to inoretua in
FTMil etreeL from
StoM e< the water works and city
tha ununatnmeM ot tha elMOr* of
until tha p.'a<xl<»4t stopped boraee ree to Cass Bti^ Her* they
I paying, Midt, June 3.—Before any cotton gin was dveo in detail and
WAtoaur «Meh salary ar the. two po(Ontlnued on page two.)
fell and regatnlng their tret were Qaergs Furitlre Ptead Ou<lty te Law w-bom eevermJ hnndnd i aggiMii
5««to» was agvegato ll.*e« par year. action to takes townrda calltag
dnilBg tee tew day aarelon. Th* eenreught and uule«<. L G. rnUsr’a
watUBaiy approprutteu of tlM apodal aeoilBW to'prwlde ao approrenuop will be heU te tho lilajwtto
far tha Baaaaa aoetety waa also lobbwkiand a gensral good tH to anFeoplee bavlngs Dank bufidlas when
George Porkl«* nf .vortbperi.
lor the deuf ut PUat, which wi
andedla the hadgat.
arrested ou comptoint o' Deputy Game
the ronaWay oreurred and In th*
Tha bond of CSeergs W. Oegaer, ta ■unyad by fire e taw weake ago. a
cilemeat It alao became frighlaaed Warden G. Allen Smith on a charge
pnoadmaWM waa reed and acoapted. prepoditloa to brt^ the echool to Lanand ran in th* epposlu dtreettou. cf Eavtog ta hto poreeaaton a Urge
it with the edUel for'
The qoaAlea c( cpaalng Madtooa •lag and
Hoeever' tbe bte«k bona did net go cnantJtT of tmmature whlteftsh. He
aCreto from Prout to Btxth waa referr- ae blind here Will be gtrea eerteoa
ad to tha eemmlttae on etreeU and consideration. It to pointed out that Pboenti. Aria. May si —incomplete Colambtu. O, June 3.— The 'lAft far for ia rnnnire onto th* walk in apptared te JoaOco Cages oourt te ley Jure Sd-r7-2t. ttiL A teed gem
both are adoeaUoaal InaUtuUons and tetBrna trra th* state wide prin
and RooseTcIt force* went into the froat ot tee Hannah A L^-teeacan- Elmwood tewnahtp today where he gram of enterialatoret to ha(« siv
ram and aoree of tho hret agauki
tile Oa'a store; tee buggy was eanght plead guilty to th* -tfiiy and "
■SowJhaCOtaar Clark carried the
cooventlon tbto aftemoeii
TttBB HAUTE. D«D.-8trUe «
a fine ef tlt'nad •... . te th* euto wffl b* te oftoodosen
ou tee hltchl;^ poeu sad
■late hr a big plurality. Cter^ wUI fight to a finish. Both sMss are
tttow hare bare nmkre by 1
c to SCAO white he paid. A dial tnrRoUan « untended to
get fire and B'Usre one dalegaie to
Tbe harwm brokA roovre tee outcome. Cretrol «»r■ cnalopmnttre.
BatOmofw The Reputelcan cduvea- rie* with It tee electeos of six le­ Ireaiag the horee; wWch did ret PRc Th* fish —---------------------------- afl old aeddten aad oaRinnS to DM
• flaasrengao
te the Travecre Oty State horpttaL geoil guMta |«
ceed further.
ttoa *tl he haM duM S.
gate* at targe to Chicago,

Mayor W.D.COanaalBe proradrrtiay Blfbt ti fire neDlien of thf c
eU that ha kaowa how to aw the
pwmat wbM ha baUaraa that It la to
tba WMfit ad the tftr. aad alao that
wh«i ha mkaa a ataiamant trai
ebair that ha la ready to back It ap
ta whaterar aanaer la aacaawry. The
nceatlw aiooa orar the lalatac of the
Itaatt aC.tba vnbw «( aak»M.
fifwaat orfilAw pnrUaa that not
mon thbb » Uoauaa caa be laaued
7«r SkU- hat thM prenakm
doea Mt aaam w'aalt the taoey of
fire ■MBhiTi-W the eooadl who bare
atteaipMI «o-kaT« the Unit ralaad












Grand l^ayewe Herald'

Mt^AUmiHg StMter.

mllAiui tliit aia M'ift out
fine of thu
fmi'neiiljy fn>m W.aahiugton, loakre an
; atateucM in
regard to the d<Treaim in Ibe wheat si-rrege in the entiutry duriag
Ibe last ten years. A g<-aeral stateuieut b made that of the eiitin'
eeh'^ aerrage. a little more than l•nc-half b in com, a little less
ihau ube-fuurth in wheat and a little leai than otie-fourtb in oats.
During the twenty yean prooeding HW-lhe acreage of ,a«
..yiaaI*r«ia.aB«Sw. IhtN- croiia iucrcssed TanidLv. Daring ibe IV years /mu 18t$» to
ItW* the mrmis«- «-as 4.1.WU.UKI seres. ; During the Igst 10 j-emre
(be ineroase has biywxuily a little mure‘than ti.OOO.UOO aerre. The
aslniimiung aUtciuetil that u made b that wheat has fallen off 8.UUUJIOU acres in the lastJO yean. During Hut time our po]tolution hmi,verj- largi-ly iuen-aiH'd. We cannot g«i on tarn-aaing our
|>o|inlation and di-creasing our crops witb<Alt a serioui change in
tbc jiric-H of food KtiilfK-. Thb Hiauge would, naturally, under the
....................................... S6e la Adranoe cireiimstajiei-s. lend to higher prices. Thb b exaetb' what has haj>.1. nnd yet p«-oi)l<- wonder why it b that the prire# of fwsl
“ aaogad-ctaM antter Marrb X lf««. at tte noMonet at TIbt- stuffs are nuMtanlly inrreasme. It, b the n-sult of the. working of
^|Si»3Sf|lBS. Oder th« Act of ConcraM o( Mardi 2; isn.
the natural law of supply and deinami. We caiinol p-t aronml the
fact that if rhe population ii«T.-<oire awl the ym}» deerraso. priciw
GroiUlioii ll» week 2,900*
most udvaiK-e. MarkeU an- syiuitaihcrfi-. The increase- pi^deor((aa>*'
in the iH-lee of <mc artielc or one dozen artirlre difilly or
indini-lly the prices of oth.-r-tartlclcs. .-ntiri-ly different'in charac'
Tho cost of all raw matcriab. have a.lvanml noticeably dur­
ing the Inst f.-w years. The
living has bA-omc ^-aU-r beSkdH'aiii CffW9fii
cans*- of the shortage in the sup|dy of all farm prodncls. bccaus<Twenty five of tbc “fret mfii” of tbc XortliwraU-rn I’jiiveraUy of the iiivn-oiu- lu the oust of all raw m^eriol used in ihannfaetnrcs.
•boold be arre^ aud fined or impriaoned.
And because of tin- im-rease in wagi-s imiil.
We bad aappoeed tliat tbc uuieetMl outeo' afuinat liazinK in
The alanniug/srt that the a.-reai^f wheat lias .derreaacd to
eoBegM had nearty efiminated thw evil, btrt it aeitoa the North* the exieiit of 8.mXUNil> a.-f-s during th^lsgt dn-adc. is a reason it>
/ weatenHDnfTOiify ha* a few left of the men wbo iLink it is fun to
iU«*lf for the ill■■r•■4lKing .-.Kt of living.
{day aerioua pra^ieai jokct ii{Hin tlu-ir ti-limr stiideots.
It brings ns lurk to the rnndaawwul fact that more
A night or two ago So of.these alleged m-iiUeiiM'ii. who are mui^get out onto the fan^ and farms luurt he vastly UKrenmnl
a^andinr the Nortbweatem University, eondudcd it would be in acreage to mri-t the growing •lemand of Ihi* u.m-fami pissluet
gMR ffih tb “ha*e”'aonie of the-theological atudcuta. They tbero- producing cumniuiiities. or .;l»c
laee pmeied at night to the rooms uf a half doaen or inure of fact of higher prices for wtut
tAi— ata^^and^ered tfacin to get np and follow them.

»d tAvene Bay Eagle




'TMUg^ of the Gads "
Then ia. where the half down-nr more thcologieal atudrata
Now that the ^M-nioiiar fig 1 in Hu-jinjnaries w eud.-d f.T all
'■■da tfaidr
Tbry aboold have refused and taken the re■idta'Wbtore they weir, and let ua in parenthesis say. that if the atu- Ih.- partiis nml the interest is ivnt.-red with the national ■comuiiHe.*
deufc i^oar o6lleg« cannot be i.rutwled from injury to theiuselvw and thertiatioiiul eoiivi-iilioiis. speeulatiou m rife. The rutUlt in th.■Bd'th&'jmpi^yV Iboy ahould esriy guns, and when necessary Hi-puhlican eoiiventiou n-sts largely now with the eoutealing deleriwdi, airial^ stnigbf. This is what ought to have been done at gatinu. It is Mr. Taft or Mr. Roosevelt asjthese dfleifctions way be
tte^NMlwreatem Univaraity tbo other night. It U probable nobody seated from the contesting sUtre. Verj- little attention has really
It-ia^nntonanatc they did Tint.' Wc have no sympathy . lieen given to the Demoeratie mnlu in the states aud to the eomiug
wflSl'h4a«rS.,and*if neeo«aa^^'^o stop this barlwrons method of beui(>kl^tir national eOiiveiition.
The fact is, th.- fien-e jH-rsonal fight tiial has Ik-.-ii going ou
. graetieai’Solonf, then kill ofl^ the "funny men” of oiu- eoUogea.
between Mr.-Ro.s*-vell niid-ilr. Taft has oecuiiied th.- attention of
G^tt^ back to three Northwestern hsreih. aud their thi^lagi- the eouutrj' to Ihe exelnsiun of an «><|ually iiitert-stiug but far Ires
eal vietiliB, it & briefly related that oaeh prisoner was guarded by )>ewnal stmggle that has tH-.-ii g.iing lUi in th.- l).-ni.H;nitie purlj-.
fowstadenta. wh^ tares were tue xaeu of all prarlieal
The N<*w York World, the leading Deniueratie pa|R-r in the
jAm ofHtiWVod ahMlld be. Tim |>risiitiers wm* taken to the lake i-muitrj- thinks it s.-.-s an ..p|wrttiiiity for the Deiiio.-rata tievause .if
Aide and the sentenee that was paswtii “Any of you fel- the fi.-rct- |s-riniiiai figlit b.-twe.-ii the two leading Kepublii-an eaii-Iowa-got anything to nay lu-fore the w iitenee of the (V»urt is carried ^lidiites. This b what the W.irl.l sajw;
«Mlt^'*7Kb Was from one of the nie^il barliarians. 'One of the
“This is the twilight of the gods, nnd (he D.-iu.H-rali.- ]>arty
TteUma repHbd'that he bad on bis best elotiusi. and he feared it
must ri.h- not .inly to iu npiH.rtunity bni tu its rt-siiensihility."
aronld mm theuL Theyilea was aerepted, and tie was ollowMl 'to.
Think ..r it; "Twilight of the gisU," Has Hie Kepul.lienn
golr^ bitt tha^ncat man who made the saihe statemeut was told' tiart,v'e<)m‘e to this p.nut wh.-n- the leading lVfU‘*”“*'e imper .>f th.i
' “y«B ahooU sot ha'vowiy beat clotbre,’* and he was pitched luad* itry snj-8 that this is the "twili(riit of the^bda?” For Heav.-n s
long into thaldcc-. Thb moii became tangleil in his hastily donned sake, what do.-s it im-au? Wlml is tin- "twilight of th.- gwls" and
^ dotUng and wM nearly drowned. Fortnuately another,' also thrown what .-..inie.-lion-eaii lliis "twilight" have with tb.- Repiibli.-aii «>r
in at that time, saw the drediranient of Iiis eoillrade and Ixung an- l)«-inorrBtie |>arly* Certainly Mr. Roosevelt lias not Isvn iu lb.C^p^'^nrifimer, he mBhed to hb rescue and aaved bb fife, and
‘iwilighl" for Hu-last few weeks. We thuUfEht he was a blazing
tiwBi'qilaah^ oplaah, apladi. tli« vielims were pitched headlong at
<im mKliing tbrougb tin- faeavens at aviators' speed, tweiily-fonr
' pidaigjht into Lake iii»»i»igsn The man who was nearly drownetl Imiirs «'w-ry .lay. and w<- snpjnwrtl that Mr. Taft was trailiug him
wawtahen aahare by hb oomnde victims, and rretored to life, lii jinlty eliisi-.
thnseahUmellw SS'biaaked ‘men. who were nwpunaiblv for Ihb uutTli.- World saystlial the west bs.ks lik.- Ru.H.-velt ami s.lvis.-s
ntti attbd^on the shore and jeered. .
llml th.- east unit.- .m s..meho.lj-. pref.-rubly Wilson. Th<- Wv.rhl
bus 1mh-)i a Wilson nuMN-r but it n.>w iH-ii.-v.-N that the ouly
' THf >oo|d«
tbc Umted Statre, who are aupimrlHig
eoltlghif afid'aniVCnities of the coonlrjv demond that Ihb^ kind of rliaiie.- of the l>.-inoeraey is in Wilson and de.-laivs what er.-rybod.v
' 'intk shall atbp,v and shall atop quick. Hazing caiiuot lie allowed knows that Hie Denioenitie |iarly to win this year, iiiust earr}' N.-w
iaaiie-aohools or eolleges. It b not what wc are paytug.4mr inoocy York. New'^ J.-pw-y and C.nmei-lii-ut. -Now we. are gvltiug down to
1m. Mere ibsn t^faalf of all tlic tax paid in the I'liitcd 8latre ol.l tiiiiis. win-n .New York. N.-w Jersey and C«imi.-.-tieut wen- .-..ntaedtathemppoitafourachoobandedlegea. -AVc-cxiieet and wc sidenvl neeriwarylo lb.-Auccc« of any jiarty. We still believe that
' duadM^tiiat tU'students inghese public instftntiona be gentlemen New York is iiccewuivy to Republican KU>-e<-s.s. If Mr. Roosev.-it .-aiiahd be ladire eTcrywherr, at all times, oiidex all circamstancre,
not im«T>- N.-W Ytn-k. we .io not iH-lieve he ean be i4.-ct.Hl. If Mr.
Taft.kwixiot <-arrj' X.-w Y.-rk. w.- do ii.n ts-lieve h<- can Is- el.vied.
We ahall look with anme interest to the further action taken
Now will tin- U.-UKH-nils nuniiimte a nmn who .-aii carry New York?
& tUs {Bgtter by the oSdds of the Northwestern Univeraity. If
Twenty or thirty >-««» ap.». the ntle wjw "as New York gwre.sog.K-s
they do'not act and act j>r»ui]illy, atfd imnbli severely thev will fail
Jersey andConneelieut.”
is tbfir duty.
Can .Mr. Wi1s..u W n..intnaletir It wriiis .I.Mibtfiil .it Ilii- lime.
ihie 2S men who took |wrt in this “fuuuy" imsimw are
Mr. Clark. Mr. rn.lerw.Kiil and Mr. Ilanu.m eouirol Hie siiiiiiii.iti.
rosaki and cowattk. No man win «-ill inanklibfaer todoanact of
If they should agree U]s>n any one of Hieuiseives. .>r any lUh.-r can­
thn kind ean be at^thing but a ^ward. and he would mu if a amall
didate. aside from Mr. Wilson, that candidate euiild Isi aametl utnl
boy ahould throw an apple at him. Such uieu have no bnsincM in
Mr. Wjls.m w'l^d Ih-iK.w.-riesK.
oar tjeUegw or oar adiools. aud the only way to put a atop to thb
It is hardly prulwble that sueb a sitwition oul.l arjsc in tbi- ReIdhd'df woik b to pnubh to the extent of the authority of the
publicau .H>nveuli<ni. It now si-eiua that it fimst b.- .Mr. Taft or )Iz.
i^Mlall of the schools an<( colleges thus disgraced, aud to the extent
Kouveyell. but Hie Democrats are entirely at sea regarding their
eaiididBie. Whovv.-r that eaiididate is. he IhnsI be a strung one.
There is a hojn- for DenioiTatie sueress thb y«-ar. but the right man
lim not y.-t l»-eii iiaiu.-d.



We highly commend the attitude taken by Mayor Oenaaine at
IhrGawi^l-Weetiitgl'yidtyerenmng. r.Hwrdfng the number of «alooni Traverse Cit}'shall have during the eimuing .voor.

At tho meeting of tbc Council Friday.evening etj^ht of ilie nu'iupweat Mr. Montague being out of tqwn ami .Mr. Sii^m’beug.eonfised to the bouse by mcknem.
Trsveraa C^y now ima 20 aalMna.' An altemjtl lias Iteen nuide
to UMreaae Ihb nninher to 21. The liaa fimly i>)>j>o(ied thb

:‘FtMay ziighr a movc*nieJit Teas made to iperease the mtuilh-r <>r
a 20 to 24. Flw members of the council voted favor‘tiOodrlcH, Fitch, Umlor,' ^ith. U
'mtt wmbera present yoted against the proposition, as fob
' Iwa* Kilboonie. Soule, Dyer.
Mbyonemiaine did not hesitate a «om«mt.-His veto was
m «ee. an^nnoaoeed to the oounca. Tbb wmi prorn.g
ntion «ttd b to be l^gMy ooikTuenJed by our cilizent. The taayot
will reeeivc the hearty approval of Traverse City upon the |.«ilive
•iMa.he has taken in thb matter, lie declares then- shall be no
■■nthaa 2fi «aloons in Traverse (r.ty thb year. He b right. Tweaty
MlnboyA enoagh. More than enough for the saloon men ihemi^«t. lt* w^ be far better for the saloon proprietors if thb
again to the action of Major Gemudue last night.
WMcd it.
we believe he wiU mid fin. in the
lilkm ho liKakesi, and bo wdl bare the
hack »T him.

The Aae YieU

Se hereesttt

W'c hav«- had oceasirtii iu these roluiuiH to r«-fer' more than\
oni-e to the iKitato efop of the eounlp-. Ezp<-rts. under the dm-.tion <if the govenua.-nt agricultural di-partmeut. have be«-n at work
for Mime time ni*.*n the potato jiroblom.
Tbc eon.-lwKm is rcaeb.-d that ritln-r a greatly inereaacd aer<Bge imait lie .levot.Hl to th.- »to]> in thb «»un!r>-, or what b far bvtt.-r.
a greatly iuem-d proilueti<m per acre secimd. or the potato will
toon beeoiiie a luxurj- Ih-j'oiiU the reach uf the luajority of mir fmid
The yi.-i.l ..f |Mitat<^ throughout the eountrj- should .Is- u»l
lew Hiao :{<K> bu«h.-Is |Wr acre. The fart is that (he average is
scan-ely lOO husheh )>er aere.' Maine* last year prodoeed 22'J
hiwh^ to the acre, while proc-ediug westward, dihiiubhiiig .-n'pw
were IW1.HI until th* yield in the Dakotas was but 42-bna^ls {s r
acre. K.-m)K.v1vanta only jirodneed 88 bosbebi to tbc acre, 'rtn- an­
nual iwodurtion after jwar iu the whole eountrj' falls maii.v
maiioii busbi-ts short of the actual demand.
,, To raise 100 bushels |»er acre cort# wort- numey .-u » 12 ai-re#
field than :kW buahels to the acre would e<bt on a four acre fi.-ld.
*'ou haw
arm left for awne other g.>od crop- H *'’***
laorl to dig 12 acres and gel 1200 botbeU than it would to dig the
f^urarres and gil 1200 bushels.
„ |t b merdj- a question of bigger yields for the given uunilsir
IfHib ii. d.qie. the iwiMHihlauu of itoiatoiw hy the leps of mil- ,

Ihat of botbeii Voutd he stopp.-<l and our fatncia Wonld get ihlOoey that b now going abruod forlbn impssiatiaB. IWay the
pkilatn erwpbi one of the ni.aU im{K>rtant of.thej
fisid lovKlnctioii. and Ih.- money realised fnnu thb cn>|>
just as W.-I1 be held4t> the I'nitcd
I nited Slates u tv srnd
.rml it abroad,
to do (hb the yield |ur
imm be largjly^ercMcd.

St OMralia. Wash, w mr


r of Oo. K. ZSlh retwiai.

aad.was a bmter of (bo iato Harm

HolSocmln Rhcit bimi
Th.- rt-|i.>rls from (be DeTn.Kiwlic prinury in Khule Island,
show that S|H-ak.T fhamp t'laefc has a cl.-ar loaj.H-ily in that stat-. « ibo wiatrr u ArtaoM aad iatar
took tho coast trip, orenteg same W.-IV .-ast in thr .-utirv- lUat.- and Mr. Clark had 4,KG of U*o la U> Aagrtes aad ottor COUtheiu. it is said that s few vu|.-s' are still nii-wing. Th>-y prolubly foraba poiais. ij, wiU «pMd tbo
sl'4*ped .>v.-r ioto some of tb.- sdj.iining slat'-s. Beslly. Rhode Is­ rmtsr ran ef tgm —aiir !■
land lusn't nwuB .wiugh. under the r.nnplieat.-d primary sjwit-m
Jem, aa th,
^ woddlapb
that now |in-\^ils 'thrunghout the nmnttTV. fvr Ibr lullnt buses that
*r.-re re<jniiS>d. and of ih.-se Ik.x.-s had t« lie plaetsi aerow. ih.- started eg with a nmh Saturday, tbo
line ill or.i<-ri.i nmke nsmi. and now the qoeslinn is whether ( Oui-dsT. three Uccvsco tetiaz bOM
irsjrd Ttaear were to Homer Q.
votes acroM the ling l-elong to Rhode Island or sum.- .rtluT state. llrowD ot l.rlaad and MIm looae
Hen- m likely to Is- a diffieidt .jn.-stiun for the Hrmocratir luitwial
et Wtmamsl..ur*. Cmi tK.
Mitcbell aad Uba Gbdys 'M. Cbrr.
vonventioii t» settle.
both ot lUs rlt;. who were marrM
la the clerk's oOlee. Jodar rtsd H.
Walter officiAUns. Uorrls Uaiite «( .
SaglBaw- aad Mbs Flereaco lUdM.
bgry. sbose wrddinz (afcm {dare thb
Apsniiti War. Vslsfw WmMs To »t rvealak.
Oo tbo oocolog of Uoodmf, 4mo .its
E. E. TVbIto will site 0 private musP
Krwsl 8al«sisk>
rol la'tbe-Mag>nk- hall (or Masoaa'
Isberta at the eowiaa wsiau prtamr- aad ibelr iaailllea. Mr. TVhlts vrOl
Deputy Qane WarOeo G Allen
a* tie U Rrarnllj kiova slaa a zroup of sooss. aod tbo rreol
Sim has thtvwB bis hsi lino ihe
It (be cuvatr} thfve b. ■
proBilam to be aa aaloyaUe one. Ur.
'riac sad wOl pm-fonb Us
pect tbal be will be a Isvorite
forts to Uad the aomlaatMn farmer-' trader tor. Ibe officr. Hr bas bod While save a slmlbr eatmalaavat
Ur of Graad Travr-se oonnl:K at’'tUe ex.rltrm .-MH-Meu.-e ID tbis llu- three or toor years aso aad bb trievda
requesled aevorat Uoos that bo
Auetist primaries. Mr. Smilb U rmi.k. bs.ivR been a ai.-mber oMIu
(a>or them esaio.
aeatlj qoallfled lorxlie |«siioa as hi. |«..! pt,Hco
whi.-b pusllkm
KoOert atbwmirgir it Ottrott tm
work la the zam wardsa departiarw
m a vr# aerew.We mauD.-r
has Klvea him aaiple experlrvce la'bas a stranz (ullowiag aaionz__
tbe chr Ammi
boylac a carload of wod. bol was
nmatazdowD Uw breakers. He hatSvunzer ek-nrent ot the mubUca
aever been known u> zlre up a case I party and will poll a siniaz v«e troa.' .mbie to kreau Ibis quaallty trf tbc
£Dd wberever II was wnbla the line ibU smirce. Jlr. Saleoaky is a Span anub. IU todgyd a cartoad d IV»l tumiaa arUevemeat be baa always isb war vdierwn and has served bU loakey aag aaoUirr at Giiliaae. but
the brtners of tbli icrt of the rreba
dsd bU ama. Thta U ibe klaf]
are no^ raUioz sbeei> ia aay great
talent that is aeeded la the
sbertTs offire aad it tbs voters feej Will aol be afraid to take hold of anv qaaci^T ai the i^wnl iltue.
rhe same way it I. cvMeat that' be 'siiuatkxi lhal rosy arise in ronDo ttoD
NM Manx,.will Biakc a stiomc sbowiu ia the with (hr oSicr at.d dispose >-t
Tbo man vbo b always <re
maay sided race that Is now cm for acrepubic maauri.
be Aaebqs
Ub office. Ur. Saiith was appoloted
-«SKar art veer ms«> v*B«i
a depciy zame Wardea oa Pebraary 1.
:bus mod baa held tbe otic* coatlDu-|*
ously ever slare. Dorinz ^ (oui ♦
The brsest ohlpmeM
bll.-s ever rrrrlve.1 la Traverse I’lty
at oar time was that of ri^teea FVrd tbe social ayaum of tte PM# tlM
real . whirh b
rbowL^___ tocrinz car. received by tbe Grand
res bis ability aloaz tbe Itae of Traverse_ Auto company today.
temilae out evil doets witbln the
®0<£..«n«nber of iaatos In (hi.
dUlrtcl whfcb baa been assigned to
»nd a sbortaze
to rend tbem .hM«
in knock down-slm|w. Among ibose
w'bo will received one ot these rant
arc: Dr. I. Shank.of hbapire: Murl
' Hkr' of take Ana; I. I>. Conneeij.
yf Scar UKe; John fin. ot Sum
IVre One.)
Hie eSect that it hail on the oiiuatkii tai; Dr. t. I* fou->. of ilonor: a
I. Si-Pit. Of Om.Hia
by locmtlaz (he *aeinau0 tor neK^
Mr. and Mrs. R. a. Finch M 1
West Klnth street were called
■ Oo-Wblili.a.
War condliioiis and their resulta wen •viatiton. Ul.b., yestervlay oa .account
kbowa in (heir orJer. makiAc as l g the death ot tbe ronaer'a tatber
whole an excellent resume ol.tb.- r. S. fhacb. which ocrorred Tbnraday moraine at I o’ckHk. Ur. Finch
Hie aad Ueaa straiaa. best wiotar
ft? years of aze. aa old soldier
Tbe address showed long and care
l; baUhioK emnu |IA« l«r le.
fal tboogbt alone tbe Unes that' stu and was very wen kaown la this city.
Trwrdeveloped and her delivery was (ore*
Bootb Maloa. Ukb.
may. Jiiae. July—lues*
(ul aad distinct, zivlnz (be retoraas erse (Tl.v wilt be serry to learn ot the
opportualt) fo live over «fsi« tbc death of WlOiam Uagwortby wblrfa
aes and daazrm Hist meaBl stNow! -



.. ,.S::

and whacks b.^s If li don't. "Move
tbe early sIxtieK. U was a fltUaz C|, now • sa's ift Uz. harwh mluerel
■X to tbe reremoDles that maikcd I'Ujs 10 bosrt .^nzvstioo and suSrrIt-g rcillowr Dr Vlnz', Sew life lllls
Ihe obnervaace of ibe day.
•loni tn>n<lou- the bowels. They zrnU. le-rvusde ibrn.Vm cisbt actloB. ao.1
l.calih foDcys 2e,rts.. at all diuzeisu
, Makes tbe NotUn Oasp.
The awr.ll Ib-i ot injurirs ou a 01 Tra.erse fii.-;
V»irib ol July staazers liuuiaali,v tret
ver>t It. however, 1. ihr wot;- MONET TO LOAN oB zood aad well
Improted farms H. -C. Unvii. SIS b.-slins, l-y BnrVlen's Aniiea
Staw U
Bank Bids., Trsveise City
Salve, of ibourands. who auBrred
froai burns, ruts. bfuUra. bullet
illch. •
apm Jl-ir
wounds or explosions. It's the quick
healer of lolls, ulcers., oc-rema. sore
ftliwia W. P. Rock Hnn. $t.W
or i-Hes. rvns.. SI all druzgH
:ii.ty Stortrvfitzs. »2tMy
Turkey blaza. eV< each, M.M.
WANTED—(iiil (or znieral boos
work. z<md wages, small foaiily Ai
South Maiilloa. .Miefc.
ply to Mrs. A 'RosciKbal. atT SixV
s-rnay. Juae. Jaly^
street. Traverse nty. 'Uay-Sntf.

$25 per too. It comes 125 pouods in a bag. and we
will make four b^a at ^e ton rate. Eapectally
adapted for the growing ofeorn, oats, wheat and all
cereals. It takes aboat 300 pounds to the acre. It
will pay for itself many times over. Try some and
convince yourselt



BBptra,eta & ft

kSJI“ ...

......................................i:MI t:U
Traiaq oRlra at Timrerw CItr t:ST
a. ■. 10:W a. m. i:tf p. m. aad C:W
D. aiELY, O. P. *-


Wr tba rKa-otar- mMhed I
fmere tbem achiaa uath abaoHWaW
—^ cmu paia. and wUhoM tbd me et

.M',bewru wU aFpreetala tfea

We also h^ ^fertilizer which is hi^ in
potash for fruit \irees. small fruit, potatoes,
or wherever an

IncreasB io tbe Crop is desired
U Improim both qwaUly and qnawniy




rodgfa fU
firea ail---------------------- __
small Can aewitta br|>km.

A- W.----------------

-^riinh'rvMi't on* tftiWW

«un> TUVntE ipn^ .

AnS A^lfleBTO
Wn til S«*»h. tvii- lull t«rrlt>J«A bit fiir ud bU doctor lotm<l

Oo the Sunday School Leasoh by Rev. Dr. linseott for the
lotematioDal Press Bible Question Club.


Bare tem la pahUe (Sae 'b*
e private, a-hat aon <d man

ir Joaoa bore oita aW t
i1.i« fiiui Iitiiidv.''
miaraetf^J JI>-poit1ji)t:.
defDD pniTKilS la pobUri arbat 4k«-*
P _
* »»J|0 •1*« «< *11.
lliddin Tfil—T$0tt> b d that 70 do s-tJiUeiiiJi?
' ‘;i4rj:*lFtx uT Tr«»w*o Cliy.
rs-l tWial am ihe benoBl»-„f ,
MattM Sv«n*d Up.

tU- ke«ii ol iIwib. t-bM> 70 bavo 00 ro- .i-ie.praroiT
ta.l . Whr U it lioinaMble l»r
A woma* «eo <* adTUcod Ib'W . «uni ol >uur PullM-r »Iil- U i» bravl•craoa 10 lie a CtarisilaB Who dues thil
- Tloara la ia*l7 to
Ubltd to bar
fuhtODi, It i* ODot>)or
,l,av.- privaU- .wiiiaanloo with «!<bIT
• *11 Wm.-* M- Is U r.r Old.
.101 V. r»ra T-»—What beeolU.U
' tt* U« r cooiiK'Kaailoo.—run.
vb>. alrava K-rans' hi lot' pooplo
rorm oT wonla Id prayer, even tr Ap­
Tom Thumb Pelltl latM.
«b» ptnoimt ot w propriate. If the hoart and nUd
Krt. T<« Tiumb la th. roallaat
<;od DM la ibo prayorr
i«i>nu Who bi" «ereilkd’at'tbi> '*■' If *0 sire u. the
1.1 -How do-jrs re.-oarlle
itffui. Hoi«. but a ]<ft of nitswj *bi<Ily and .0 ibe jiieot of oar Ai.lbov
lha-. Jeaui prayed ail alsbl loBa
ahould s e peck urhide the/art or be
i niUlBC 10 have it knoa-B. and *hy? |
,5.) If *e «lre oturo to a .pood
If tbe Hoavealy Father knoiA
Hunt for Rleb Q>r>.
' cause abun cur Rl.-mra are D.-rde rale
Onoo the boat for, rl.l; »ife cnd^ «r than abea they ar. taiU yr *e 'bat *e hava
hava need
need of
of before
before se aak
•bon the ruai./tn«et» a vouian that or nut. sad mhv, r.e<-e**nril> hypoerl. blm. what la. the need or benefit of
paea Bloctrle Hitler*. Her stioav

(4.1 If w. elv. aecretly or other.
-1-4.1 Ver*t S-Ooe. Jca.i*
aml'iuby lha. rtauU Itom t,.r pure sriae with the espeetation of being re. *l'»t »■• roll the lA.rda f*m>er a. an
Mood: her bripiil aje« Irbiu restful wardad bp Ood. it our motive noble or example of brevity or at a‘lor»,U» be
*1e<-p; ber elastic riep Irom Hn|i. free (gtroble and why? (This it one of the “«<-«>• ter b»tli?
queatlona Which max be anmeered in • "« • Verae. ■..l.l-W-baj^^^and
JhoL*a^*?br^ht*uenf?ioa. lodlgcs-,’"“*"9.
mambsra of tha elub.1
.niany petttlonr doei the iSVd's I*r
lion, backaobe. beadaclre. fainttnxand
(S.l Veraaa S-i:—If a peraos praye w IbflndeT
diuy snetla they (irp-oiuc. Kv.-n- in public for the aake of belap heafdLl ‘ff-.* What thiaw are we to pi
edy. If a .v'^r'riune
drugcUii of Tfuver»e<Ui/at DllII dru


“•» <•

V®’’ ““1‘"

The Barney Co.
Another Shipment of

Lovely Lingerie Dresses

SS. S7.S0


£. P. Buck Cave ReauHs of Hit Nweat.gatioo Irta Dispotltion' Of


Navy Blue Tailored Saits, $15 90'
At this ORDINARY price we offer you this
week some extraordinary values. They were con­
sidered GOOD at S19.7a $22.50 and $25. This week
you may buy for fl5 00.
GLOVES SPEOAL—'i6 Button" Kid or Silk
Gloves—2 ftS-for $3.50 qualities: 1.25 for $3.00 and
$2.75 qualities Ladles’ Stool Coals and regular sizes, all at
Extra Special Redactions This Week.

Tiif IvninKiila gnjig. re. at llo-lr
b.'ld Halurday
Ml.lcrtd Rt Ic.igih, the mailer »f
ki-iiiir; Hie iron crop. It lias been
I.i.iulA.I .nut Ibsi with Uie
di.iiii. ihi- n.-vl fee yejne. H will be
ti< 10 work out a more bolptui
k'eloii for gelling the (ruK
•viiiKuiuer. Tbe problem Of growing
iiuR lias been abuied tor tome time.
I r. P. linck of Trarer»e Clir, who has
been studying Hbe market probrer),
. for ibe last two years, appeared lieI fore the graogtTB on Saturday, and
gave them tbe flieta that be has dlsI .overed in bH inreaUgatioDa. Md
to gave them tbe oenclusions’he J
lesi'hcH. Me told the grenger* that Jl
' ia non.' too early to b^tn creating
icpulsliim ior Wenerji Mlrhlgan fruitr
. ilAt Ux-rc (pay be a dcuuind tor the
sa'me In the great oestral markets.
Iloii (iwike Cl Iriigifa «l (liA> Saturdav
nic ttug regAr-lluR hU ■.becrS-nllon*.
Wh.l.. u»a> trom home he hired out

Special For All This Week
-.WcMiderinI values In Dn

^ Dozen Ladles’Vests and Pants
afRl Seconds of 35c and 50c qualities: all.sizes, per garment 2Sc



I ull KuIcVcIkm
.Ij-le. all
for Ull* k.-.'V a; iuilt
Htownln Overant; ol s.«>.I

^N>» W'n)^ Toi lu'tK. ».r>
n.r.1 ..:.|.Vw-.ll
rt 5fc '
ii:.»y fitf rolorw. •.i.m-IsI at

Save Our
They arc
0ood all the

CongrecattoBal Siuidar school at
home. .‘.M dVasblnxioo nreet.
day arteraoMi' It was a pretty aUbt
to iw^lbe IHlle folks pUyIng gsmee
out OB the Uao. esiwcially ihe Uay
pole dance abich U alloaHhrr
M-ldoin introduced ml Juienllc ■•rtie*.

! tlon thJI If w. funslvt- alt those abo Is Bolblitg
BOlblltc il|gt
U|gt gives
KtVH thea quite
hnv. iB}on4 os Cod foTKlvM
queen v
much plMAl^.
Clrr your msoss.
Ibrvfw and
tbosra. plbcik OB b
tl*.i H w. do no( funcK. oili.r*.
croiTD.d wli|l B vr.
reslh of floecm.
I but Vrur<.sl1y to (K>d to ferrlr
Th.y tbelT'iUnced
tb«r^c*d atxroBd
the May
: os. a bat aill lie ib. mulIT
pole a-indlBg It wllb pretty hued ribI tiv. iVrs l« IR-Mhy Is It that -___
doora aoder the
shade of tbe big trpea.
I tVllwilAt iB th. hcB.nt of fB«.
The IllUe fotki all thanked their
I (2e,i Is fasilB!! in th« wax Jot-

S7.50, $t0. $12 and
BP to $22.5D.

lenaUsh P. ILandc
11 Linen OressenV
[■ for the suirnner girl. \
! in nifty tailoretl tie- .
' signs for uatitig or
vacation time. Very

uvE H«T nun
C^rua Were Enl
C. A. Ham


Awaits your early in­
spection. . Styles and
materinis are umisiiuily attractive and
desirable Id this show­
ing at



’«-► U » pe™on prayi loxijter and accordiFR to this OKrfel prayer*
__________ I <ir,.i Versea IMt-May we

I.UT aua. rmaa. mat timt.
to B fmll croa-cr Ib Wenatchee Valley
BBd irtaUe Mlo«.
ln« tbju odcupatloa iBBned aapeh of
Ue Methods eMplexed by the fnUt
growers of this (bmobs nuey. Ha nld.
bomerer. that the applsB *e crow hare
are the eqaal is uraat teapetta to the
of WaahlapflW. apd farther.
. that K U paailMe for vs to pro­
duce fine apples here
nae ihsB np the weatem fruit
grua-er. •
W. D. Bagley. who had rharge of
tbc Old MisaioB dori: f<»r laaax ywira.
pave Uwe prcaeac the Vn>.Bt of his
idiMTValkMu rcgardlBE the laarknlas
K O IsuM. master
arange. evpnwaed blnisHf, (hal
of the optatoo that lb. Umc has
cutae to Btudj the aub^ of belter
marketlag metbods.
SVvml of the other praiiRen presr.l expressed thcinaelve* on the
nos phase* of. iFc snhlt-ct under
sldenukai. .

M Dozen Lkdtes' Vests
.Low neck, 8l<*eY«less. wUh
tai>ed neck and arm iiarids
at <niiy.......................:2c
'40 Dozen Hose
fur iKiys .and girls, nearly
all .size.s.- blncA mid (an.
worth l.’icund Ifk-pair,11c
Ladles* SDK Bose

29c 39c 63c

-Mu.c ..I the kl.)d, IhBl
I-.',-I" III..- *e iiiu.'b—iVr.
■« fr-'-t.
Slid n/.;..

iuM.-ad «.HI^
fX... J.I. K.

li. -falji tkilorod an.1 Xoiiiii: M.i.-, ol
nc f..«. iii.i.
gnti <l< »

Men’s Btoc
Seroe Sails It:. IR




m Haturday's I
Naeni Rtichsrd went is Oread
Kaplits luday. where she will make
bi-r ii-sl.lenae for Ihe sumi
J. & Janewicx Isft today on ae sxK-uik-d visa tu lUy Oty.'
MIW Haxsl Kirehner want te In­
tel lochen thla morning to rltli frieeila
for a fi'V dayA
Mias Ada HalV-ieft today rer Cram!
Rapids, Detrojr'-and Chicago
•xiended vUil;
HMs Etsis May was ealMd ty Port
uron today li> thW death of her
left today for Saginaw. Iter aty and
l.t-oit OB.a vUit abd traalres:' ir.p
rotnblned- They t.RI ailred the U.
C. T. eonventnm at Say Cilv,
Mrs. Ed Auttl.-i and Son KkPeeCh
eat to ManUiee iMx morniog on a
■«- vJziL
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ewing art spend­
ing Ihe day at S< s> i
shn C. Tail want la Maniitsa thla
-Ding, where he wRl spend se-.'-rut
ds>s visiting friends.
T. Smith want ts Maniutps
tbU morelog tu attend the ball game


iiiiinihs Iron! ihe bid day.
Ii, IKir. bav.. been allowed t«»r-Me.|.
iioi* la iwe>i-iii tliflr claims acainst
<ai*l .h-.easel to said ■■oiiri'lor exa.ninatluD and adjusiuii.|il. and lloK nit
crrdlrors ul said d-ss-nw-d an- h. r.'1.>
insi to preia-n: Ibelr •daiuik to
.wnn. ai the |
:i> ol TiBvi-rM- t'iiv, in 0M itiun.
n or lieforv Hw Tih d;ir of «). i<s
•si. .4. l).^ j:.i:. mi l Ihai said i Lilin«
will be li.uiil h) said court oo Mote
It. the Tib da) of Oetobei. A l>..
.12, al len n'-.-bn-L In the turetKOB.
Dated June 3rd. .4. D.. IX12
e ot ITohatr.


The Maikete

Allj-n. Mich, Jane I,—Wilbur Uan»
has llalsbed the bigta school course
y lAgrc. lodlaw. nnd is worklBg
ire Rare la cteDriag SO acrnB of n
grooDd for erope this tear.
Uuilo a few In Ibe vii-lnity will s
alfslla this siimtii.T. H V. Itred has
ali-i'udy sowed bis and II is up. Pun.siKure-frcni Ib.‘ M.'.4. f. wss
to iniHUlsIe.
K. II, Allyn rail lines for a i
along tbe
ol the new elgbiy
-W Ihsi ^<1. inniHUigieel buugl.l
lb.'. .'Iprlibrni'ln kh iIuii X. Mr.
nip|s.nHleet will ehebwe pan ..f It for eash duy Iheireatler If market v
ixisiiir,. xml dear wmie of the balant...
When it Is all riearetl hp will hav«
one of the l.r^t KPI n. n-R for sum<
taaco around.
A large acreage of l.■■:l■lS wl
planted, to the oelgl.lsulosul
Tbe H. « N, K. l•ulidiBg crew
fuat put np the new wiiiiing btalion
with freight depot ix.thbimsl which
rail a liiiig r<-li warn. Till- l>eoMc
very mneh pleased with i'..
UiM Susie Sbutt and Mr. O. Ilari
of Indians «ere married Thursday
nisbl at the realdence of the bride's
fsther. They will mske their hot
Bert Heyvood hss s new team
has purdiased a farm of Geo. Habbler
In aertioa 4 lying eaat of hta fatheriD UWa r. I>. JIcCualg.(’oDilderalde corn will have ^ -he
planted over owios i« had. wcMber
We ag.ilD rail attention' to
and In some cases perhaps lee
1.0^ Club in* connection with t
P. B. Q. C,' We are sa(e In kayltit
that nothing Id the llne-af stud
Cm and euiroundlng
pie ot Tra«
AiiggeMlt.- quesilons'
which w.- i-rilii lo<U\ loi Ihe nlDlb
PTATK or Mi(-int:A:
Week. If auy of dur readei* .|i
V ol fJ»
read iheee qaesllon* ihi-. lH-|ier
.1 the eetste nf .lacob
lenr.'-. detsas^l
.\iiilre Ia tierebv given that four
III ilte .ltd day
t> X »uhfci rlW
I) , txi:. have been allowed for vrvd>11 not spend oi
liors to present ibelr claims
■I lor exaiu. dollar hener
lasiiou-oud adit
.0.1 ihsi All
ercdltoi-K ol saM decoasetl s e n- this «om-ei, for eome worthy 'rqulred to present their i-lniuit lo wald person. Uixf he or uhe tun) take
I. at the probate offiee. In I'hc cli.v
of Timverse tll.T. In said roiiniy. oo the (ojrse of restling and conipei-- lor
beime the kill dav of Orlolier, A. th* prizes Now is the Uoie to
U, It-l:. and that axid i laiiuii will be the Herald iBio the. hands of
on Tii.-sdii',
who should lake UP Ihe stud)
lb' d5..-.of twtober. A I). lal::. j
-wo "Suggeslhe Quesilnns." so
icIikK In (he-lorTnioon.
lic'fii good trim to start when ,
Hated J.iue 2td. A. i:.. ISi:
conteki eommences in n»> week*
Jo.ige ol Ihwliai.'inkoce
Jtin. I. p. Ik. “i
i-rsiin. }Ouiig or old. lu uke
Uke upMhla
uy rourwr iiI afmly. >roi wilt diAhim
• her luiire good tjun >ou eati A^er
STAIV: or MIITIICAN. Ib.- ITubalw estimate
'riiiF for Ihe t'«nintv~of Hrau.1 Tiav
Ilne*yoiir»elf aud tluluie .ilhers I
do M>

Inaa 4. II. U. 33


iB LhMIBae. bavtag goat to that
piatw to vMl Mre.'taeqr
UtOo baby wba aro «(U ta iba Baaid■ Proa. Pritey’s BecwdJCagteJ
Mra. W. C OaMMl M(t thla m
Carl, Mabisa of PsoHm. roturnsd
lag for
for a thrao week's
home today trom a abort boalosas
top IS tUt dty.
leas ewrraetad each day by «b«
troB Chicago. Detroit. Toledo aad BatA. J. Bpaonar left tkls msming far
talo throoi^ Vvltcd Press tMagrapb'
OMStra. HeBro, rapiuBiIi aad otbsb
with I
polatB M aeveral days hualafsa trip.
J. V. ReyuUa. MS Whj
>. U Partar is »aadln| tbs day at
F. O. Sakh of CMe
«>eod ibe weM«
Datalo. Juae i—Cattle—Beeeipta. i.
I- Clare left tMs inerning far aetlre. straag. »U»S*- CalTsa'aad Mrs: Lerta Roberta.
and Frankton to vIsB
-Pilrtx A»ctlre. ifc loww.
u. Newman roturwad this mor^
frieoda for a' weak «r two.
Rbeep-ReceiplA U.00»: alow. *6 to
95.T54loam. gaSk.49; N* 2. 92.T5fl
3. Hoiaaa
Mra. Andrew vlaek ruturoud wday
from Reed I’lly. where she was coli
«“■ —• - - wayv.
iPd., returned to ber boms today, al- ad sevel^ days ago to aueoJ tbe fuuextended visit here with frieadi mol of her Meee. Miss Lortaa Hor
and reUti«es.
Mra. t. KsKsg went is Ana -Arbor
Mr*. H. e. Scott want is Greed
rbicago, June S.~VihMt.
today to rsll bee daagbtrr Mia Blha.
Core. 7:Sr OaiA 4»Uc.
ake her fntnre resideoee.
R. MeCalUsMr of Bsnaeaia. pamad
Heiroll. June 2.—Wheat,
Mrs. T. P. Rsdding s*sM to Hoi
Urosgh Ibe city today on bU retare
Core. 77c. • Oaii. J«c. .
this morelog. where she will aiieed borne frotn f>toskey and C'harleToIx
Toledo. Jone 3.—Wbea^
tbe wbeol gredoailoB exerrises. Her
R..B. Vina want te Maneetsna this
t'orn, 77c. OatA HHc. •
daughter. Miss Wialfrsd it an^iac MornlK. where hr will speed some
school at Uuil place
time visiting trirads aad retallvre.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Shsrtae. ruturm
Mrs. F. Mllise of MsMon. rstornsd
ed home to Cedar Rnh thM moralag.
after speDdlng'Deeoniion IMy la this
Mrs. W. H. Cotlsr went ts Faweti
Mue at Fife 1-akt. aflar a
Ibis norolng for tbe day.
I here. Hut gaesi of frlapda
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Slaght st tss-{j Mr. and Mre. Mm Thurelaa waot
Ha. passed through the city this n>orn-|I to Cbartevolx this anenmoa. to rtsH
Prices corrected eacl^Moadax.
Ing OB their was to (lleo Havre.
vDIt tfaelr son.
William Bswmaa M adatWii^ a
- Mr. and Mre Jamea Ksndcl
few- days al Vtesi Jordaa. .
Grand Rapid*, who have here vl
Mr. and Mrp. Hsniy MaRhy rotwrn- .
Ing here for tbe past wertt. returned ed to their borne at Maatpa. today,
.............................. Fc and 5C|h^^ ,bl» BKirnIng. The) will g|u«d trom a *hurt vtell here.
........................................... s lew days Bi,<'adiltr. the orosis ot
Misi Minnie Millar of DMTON te
1 '
apsadag a few days hree tte gatsi
-Hre. Hewel Jsnsa of Bsilairt. ar­ ot friredA
FARM PRODUCE—SuyinB Prios- '
Mua <y%tksr. who hat bspa «teR>
Prices corrected sscb Mooday ao-(
cseb day thereafter If market varies. frieoda for a few daya
lug berg the past aererel days. Us
Awia Bemrsw sf Cedar Springs, uen of Mr. and Mrs c.jL.t-arrolL
•ed through the city itils^morelag recarnsd today te ber lioHe at Hartmr
hi* way td Empire, where be will Pt^
probaMy spend the anmmer.
am A. Maim rsturnsd ts tor homo
dshh Lynn left this merwing on an I Peteskey thte afteroooa. frbm a
[tended bosiness trip to Toledo and cboit visit here with her sen Prod.
Oevelaod. He will mure In about, Mrs. Ml^rd Bhapten .of Cbprtsthree weeka
Mx. recaniad home today, after vtsMr. and Mra. Heraes Baldwin of Rlng MutHte la tbte city for tbp |teat
• /
Detroit, retufacd borne this morelog. week.after nn extended visit to ihta vMnlMra. E. B. SpauWng pf Elk NapMa.
ly. in an uffbftjo locate a deulreMe' who has Wn, hrea^ rixtUag her
Mra A. e: Lorrest arrived boms daoghier. reta^ boi^^da^'
from Carey, fad.. Wedaanday evenMra. B. A. Burgaas ot CMtIBnte.
ynkBsd through the city today <« ber
rnuru borne from an eneoded visit
lih retetlves at Crane
.oeh day theereifirr if mxrtiel vaxioa. short Vus>UF*4 trfP Co ibis etiy.
R. J. Merese and Capteia J. a M«
Mru. Can Plssii wsM toTlrend Rap­ itosh. left Ihi. aftereoao (or iMroli.
ids thla afiereoon to aUend the wsd- where Ibex win attobd tbe ruiyWxfh
ding of her dauRhter.
enaetere of tbs Raight

Mist Iva VaMsau wrel to Laks Ann

this morning tn spend a few days with
her parvpu.
Met. James Phillips sf Masksy. is
spending a Tew days here vlalllng
Mr. and Mrs. Frank BIm’ rsturnsd
. their home al ManluB today, after
rverel days' vlall here.
Dr. and Mrs. W. J.eKans ot «L
Laiuls. .Mo. have arrived for* a visit
with raltUvas and frisada. Thc>
Pimated by Mr. and Mrs.
and baby who will reauin
as their goestt and tha
guest* of ihrlr famlllea. the R. J. Hana
and Ihe lanidoaa.
M. Henderson and mite ooo
Paul left today for Naabvllte. Mtrh
where they will vl*U- friends for t
few days
J. C.
C- Brennan
af Harbor Springs ts
m the city for a Ttah with hi* arm
li^otge Hre
Hrenaan. Hct Washlagion
Met. Persy Heldtwerih and child-p anil .Mrs. Itui.iaa <-x Iwell- and
rhIUreu of Chiraga wrii..-.l id tbe
• il> la*i rvreing rA>ui t'ni.ago to
kpsnd the sutim»-r at the ll..'l*wurtb
cottage un Ibe IVniiisute

HI* PaM af AMdaOh


-ul than a break la all kprain*.
mts. burn*. hiiilse* and »rel4«
Mk^iVKS l-AIN-KiUJ.Vli
OH. is tbe he't tbiag to uv. Relieves
Ihe iwln. rrda.e* kwelline. is a nftfe.-t
anirweiaii- and brals carldl). Kaectlve'
Wlien lakiti for i bolere nmrbus.
1^ aad
Wre 25 etA

Mr. ad Mra. WUliam Fartey want
to CadUtec^^ihU afieniooa to vteti
rotellves fur a few days.
Mlii ConsUnep Kowlpk af Big RapIda. paamkl through the rity today pa
bar reinre home fron wereral days
run Pt Mapteua aad Old Misahm.
Mr*. Harry Blivur rMumsd this of.
leraoaD lo her home at Cadlltec. afue
tdlng -Saaday lo ihU rity vrilh
the aty iodsy «a her reiora home to
Katemaxoo. from Empire
Mayor W. 0. C. Gsemsins is maw
arUng bosiaesi io Chicago lor a (ew
MIsa Lalia Bwanten. daughter of Or.
apd Mre Swaaion. airivrd Saturday
from Oxford rollege to spend lire sumtner vacation.
Mre. C. A. Cenanit is spsnding a fsw
week* with rrieeds sad retellras iaManlateeMiss Alma Cotfrsdaan rsturnsd
SuDday from Manlxee, whsre she has
been t'iumdiog thg pam >lx wseks on
account of tllness. Mias Ctetfraison
resnroed her duties a* sieougreiAsr at
the Record-Ragle office this mor^ag.
John Viden. -sf httaburg. Pa. wPp
has been visiting ia thla ricfalty for
Ihe nasi IWO weeks, returned home to­
day. Mr Video thinks thla s very (avoisbb- locality to apead ble ratunicr.
and will inniiably return sliorlly Ip
reintlii lor Ihs season.
Osergs Blhaf were ts Cadillac thte
moreing. where be etpects to work'
' Mru.Mp««rd WhHs of MaaMg*n
passed Through the .1iy loday os ber
retoni bom* from a short risU sf
Provsmoot, - '
Mtea Irens kaylsr rsturnsd tbte
monilDg to her home at Rig RapMs.
aftiT k|M<nd^ Sanday In this elly
wlih frteiida •
Leute Shaw wus called U Isnia tbte aiimd ihe luiietal ol his
ilxilet Schwab ol f'adlllar apepl

Dsubly Bteaaad.
Tha moOisr «f DtUs Utica was om
Ot twlBS AM tu twte Btetsra Uvsd
gaits a eay aparL Hsleo did not SSS
hsr auat UBIU ahs was about twu
ymmold. On Brotsssiag bsraU w*a
greatly paxated «

fPram Mondayfa Kecoftl-Eagls I
•h<y Improve the Stock
Mr. and Mrw. Frank O- Nkhrisen
lit .eiocL Is In poor r
left lliix mi.rntng fur a w«wk'» vlall
It ^hirve or look Well
with reta■i>.•^ ul 4iiii .v’.’aH-xurt De- IP) }uu in gel a k'e<i. ipekagi- c
HARVKI.I -S COVDITMlV l*OW---Steel return,
I Mr*. Jami
today Id ilietr bmpe at. Detroit .
after an enend.vl risil here with relativeA
-nomat Bharman and Mra.i
MrMaoiis are apending tbs

4. Trtene^juttM^ Co*r.

trflU, Qriml Tnrw' »ni «4)otBlv
4^atm. la • Urser way 'Chlcas^ ■•
•Ivuarlr aHiiitad nik m
lorattoo tetom^ lot tiw larp aaai
W or f«ail Marm, aad ike iiawMl-


W — IM

____ _____ r
wheMtoUda^aie •

MWdltlon that la
of urpriae lo >ti
rttr. Whkoai ihu ronuakte rireuiin a ««.Ud a^e tt to i^Ue
do iwUee to, Uito tuWon. for.tko
rpaoa tkat vbitaver inrreuea tko
popaUUqii :ot Trarenc Oi: and ad)al|litt oouatiefc or adda to ihrtr
waaKh and teoeral proaperltf naiur.
alljr has s heaettcial «ffe« oo Ike re­
tail tiade We mut not'We alsht
-oe«ba (an. aNfcar. that tke men banU
cad tke wetamcra Inurrata are Mentkial U rotr edly U attfaftlre a» n re
till Mater it to «> becauae li u to Ike

Unc or affafra. BidMb« «
dtten-M ttWB »at>dlUtf A k>
Tbtav ir. t

b^STeTprSaS Champlo. ef Neaeen Cit y, .putt Sunttotftto-Ubtnaeoa. dar wtUi Mine Pedden at.the home ot
j. c. TUUpansh.
kidM^ ITlto
Wry PeUnon return^ to her
—•* hetM yesterday, fitter an

,.««« of a an?., nucber of
io make U »o.
more than ball Ike namber
There are two poiata to coaalder
ralatloB to tilia aabto«: Oar prea- "So amv toe ateita and Jatse ato<i»
C. P. yiBiiin to apeodlDS hto opon
eat altoatlcm. and foiore poaalblllilea. luaka kaeo (ompetUion. and i
icsia try inc to tarm. Succcm
Oraad Trarofae Jtoj ottendlae totond partoon with tke Nertk or Wm i
a^Vj^^UookJe. ooa tbefllto
aa it doet aoo-e .liir:/ '•-!■''orty show'(hat preraUMif prloa*-here- a
ai leaat twenty five per cmit.lci
nilW and beliii; divided iaio'
Ine hold b Indeed
and weat am by the penlneal
Onir y-fsterdiy 1 aaw an anide bouebt
• poimtarlaeai} two nillee In Icbdtii. mi
In the VppcT Pentnniln Tor tb|nr
donnra vbirh could ensly be dnpli abto-wtok bidi^_________________ _
the ball
rated •keie for not uvnr twrenty
a success.
twenty two dollan.
her in at(eiiilanrc.^in-£ fitsi class
p apllo-cf tbeae facta we are unt
Uwe wus enjoyedjby aU.
trade troiu Uic territory,
Mr. Jainrf fttltte *|>tu: huiular at
atoebotlka. Youmitf
natnrall) tributary to na.* we
Cornish, with friends. Juba I'r-nl
have a asMc boole
titled to. or to nuke It aandenUy pru ;by mail free^ al»6 «
Johnson aecompanlrd her home to
Oabte to the tuerebanu ip'~%tloeas
. apeud fUe week In laierkKdteu.
here. There ar« eevenl reai
_____ 'oTtSliMsaon was out yesicntoy with
of tfaettooaa
tkla coodltlon, and aeveral -remedies. fayWin-.—..y
tDoWdtottaa remved fnrsi
nfieieis I bis launch, tranifering paaSengera
ajta across Dock Uke.
{ win oientioa k tea; reiaedlca.
«rt. John Amie spent Sunday with
Flratr-Tbc ofieaer people com
Mrs.'nod MrCleod.
ir cdtr and Into-onr aiores the la^rk
Adelbert Barton, who \wgi Injured
money tUey will apeod. With the ma- Btoer-tSwaiR
I the trill sereral days ago, U imIcflty of people In this cpfiinti It is e
protinp slowly.
lurh a mattec oftno tuemer'
i I) It lack c< 0
demand, in addUion to the direct boLONG UtKE.
Befit -Of the Tavtory ilaelf. An nudl44444444444444444
lottam to aeat three thousand people,
team, the -Utmber
Oscar Uons from the Penlntiita.
in ibe apring after klz or elpkt
made a buslniws trip to ibis idaee.
mootha Itolstlon la ibe back wood* .■nib.a cdiy ball, wc would find coud the first of the week, iwmslolng-over
one hundred and fifty
bigbc at Mr. Ankerson's.,
be sure. You are pro­ with
an sun up.
hundred dollara. and>«t ambition
anil Mrs. Amoa Kenned:
part with It aa quickly at pustibble..^k^dre<)
c^ldren -from OvUtl. sieot Sunday
tected by the blue
imiiroved j our owp benefit, don't y
with their ,motlieT._Mnt. 8. M. Rich­
guarantee tag which
auriioriaes any grocer day; we bare nutay good raadi andiaoiice. and Traveine I'liy s
Ufa. Will Jennings and llille hoy
are making more, of them every .year.] such, a boom In
Is growth and
at valuef who have been - vlaltlag at Will
to refund yb.ur money and yet it it-nol enpugb lor tb y v.Ti
<«oU thalr hbno la TfaTerae CHr.
erer, u...
that ..».bing
aoibing ebon of a cslatniiy
Oar-atop 4ia Traverae fltj Is -GOOD Thursday.
:if you are dissatisfied
gnat need to' taiertirban linea andiTOUiT;- but *onld be raaily -BBT- . Thera was a very good aitendanes
ih any way after ‘bak-^ nod roada to cetoeect witb aame:
at tbe 8. 8. eoBTcntlon at Ibe eburrb
'^ant to tnake our city lo attmr
last Ss'nrday.
ing from the sack.
wllb public pariu and' placea
Miss Ruth Adams drove oni from
icinent and resting pUcee for rltlTraverse City last rt«ay. to vlall
Be fair to ^ourself lora and Ibra lO easy tor them to get
her r^ister. Mrs. -Bemafd Rh
that tbey Just can't beep awaf j.
8he retunte.1 home Sunday.
and family!
Start here
from ui lonj «l a tiu-c. We want a
JIrs. Addle Vsllean. who has been
spending the winter In Traverse
right this time ^nd see new. high ac'ioat as up-todste as the
.!• pMXI I -i.n.-m college and;
City, baa returned to her cottage
: . past edAhe r««wUr dial is
bow easy it is to make normal training scboel is always a
l-nkr. for the summer.
ScotfB Emulsion
good drawing card: this we have, alMrs. Mary Skinner from >«rtb Carsplendid.bakings. •
ister. Uit
tbongb they aheuU be in a building
o1fns, Is here vlsliing her sister.
WMbtiev repair waste asd eraeta
8chra>rFrank Schtnerhon
of their own, equipped for the pur>
pby^ reeialawea fa.tar than
pose. Every factor we add lo our
horn is recovering nicely from
diaaaM can daatrer- ABDcaoMa
list brings Just so m'any more fsrnicent Opersflon. and her many friends
wwi a Iwwar rAiOirf--iq S J l.'-ll
to tbe city to supply the local
hoiw for a k]> recoven'.


gPirRlsrv.NT FLOUR



K C Baking Border 'worki
likemagk. Redpesfonncriy
coQtodered difficult to bake
tx>r come out of the oven
l^bt, daint}' and ddi*
cious. It fairly makes
you htmgiy to look at


Is the hooaewile'a
bestfriend, liKhten.ins her bnrdens as
rell as the food.
\\*berever RCisoaed
will find healthy.
tented bonsewife. Complies whh all pore food lars.^
both State and Kational.
JMUoa Mff■ C*.. tetotoMO

IVi^nre for Better Results
The quality of your
faiod and pastry depends larpdy upon the
lond of float you use.
• ■V'



to say “a
of flour** wheir
ordprrae groceriesi but
ttftjPrpduce rga} results
bn bakc-day with just
-flour” is almost ime

with this bank.

---------------------In Tuberculosis

-dB^cr tcUyourgrocer*^i«»ceMflour*'and

By becoming a “First Nationar
depositor you increase your chance
getting on In the woHd^ !


^ Your account need ntA ^ a
large one to be welcome.
y i


yxaoT mLLom c^mpamt


Let its offiMre add to your finan­
cial interest the influence and support
which it ofTen you.


Traverse City Cigar Manuiacturers
n E. wava


nto €for of QMy


Smoke dye siriclly

“How^4” Carl M

by aU dealers

Factoiy 322 & Unioo


Strolidit Tea

Havana CLoms
node of «beloe. eareMBy seeded Aovaaa

agar Factory


Uem F&ctfiir Suoker
S costs

mm ftiaiia iionm
APSftai^ MjrfoiJ



4I6E EiifadidtCStFbaMd?}
Blakeley Bras.
toanalactiira. praaleally ail the dgar
boxes used by the cigar Banstaeiaran
la tbs ^ and Ih Northern totchlgan,
asd for aUU la defilgnlng box ooven,
and ap-iodau woA oa box mannfao^
tare are uaezeeUed. Let as figure op
goar work It you art not bay lag ot 'as
now. and be aattoSed. with secret ot
Others wbo_^ using oar ctgar boxes.

Now OB Sale

*‘Smne Smoke**
The New «c agar
Far Sde hy AB Deelm




Sweters* Oar.........
OLghsM 474
Factory. aTE^Ttam




Itotoa Vebrf
Starlmg, - iOc OgaTf

the bed 5c cigat made

Thai. Faek. Prop.

Tiy one for your
next smoke

Itsvcrse Oty, Ulcb.


llZEIddtSt BdlpboMl89


Peter Hormulb

The Woods"
Drag One.
The BhI Sc Osar In


212 W. 9lh Sl TnWneCily

■ Story No. 10
The omllty of a cigar depends open the price paM for material and the
eapenee thereto In manufacturtos. eelli'ng anddlitributlng. itgeihwWi out
dlacaaeton that the expenee ef a man engaged In msnufeeturing a cigar
In e city of tkto else, where he woHu from dayllgtit until dark to get Ms
goods msds up far eelee. hsre snd thert in the evening and then hiea him­
self te bed when the blgfseerty-ewner la at his fsveradclub,erpslstisi rssk
dance enjoying the proceeds ef his mechins and cheap hsip. snd psts ready
*“ *" ■- hto elgsr making early nest morning. Tho o*' ' ------- *--------e Birangtr te your teem, te your local buslntoe intoresto and l
vship. Tho ether a neighbor, a fellow buoineos -man and w«
■ participant
' ' It aandI donator
- te
- your various aeeial t
'Ahoso two Irydlvlduats look dlftsrently to you and their hualnsM rw

The Best' 10c Ggiir
made in
Tfavene Qty

Some d( the eUw bmb BHle b
Trsrctae Gty oe the h—Ji

Diamond J-lOc
Gate Post-1 Oc
-Broadfoot Havanas-5c
F. K. Smoket*-5c
Traverse Belle- 5c


QlftXN errv CKAR
Better Tomomw 1

w. o. w.

' :fl



Will give you solid toadait aad «r ■
rtghL sod win spread atDotd yin Uiat 1


tot E. Front SL Cits, phiug B444.





■ r> k I I» I

Wonderful ioia 1^1
powcn->itmtfoniii9, 1

■^baii« 1
Wbodofol fai i

A Csm of* “Now or Never” fci^Giiiasle
Who Wants One of GriDiidrBros.
(own make) Piinca


tilstrfi.'sstri jm 22,


mecft. le come trifle a



Event Now Demanding Attention of All—Lo­
cate Every Subscription In Si^t -


Bete*^ an Inttanee ia yestrrOnlr flve dan remain
candidates u
n of tbc
;----------- -------- of (Nd MIsaloe
pretent sdsie ot vote*. It U d
fiatarday erenlna. Pune S. eawtabth.
Tbote seadlac sabectiptioiia by mall
wiD hare.tbem in on lime IT tke'lFT*
r bears a nostmark of Jane 8.
• • • « ♦ ^'4 « V ♦ « » ♦ « « « Utkcr aod unek. wu rltiUnc
DnKnf the paat day or two man}

♦ T«e*taf. - ‘
«••«*•'♦>*«««•»«•♦« I jiiere erb ume fiitien»-n^ .tem out have taken advaaiafe of ibe present
iMg Uke. Ulch.. Jane 1 —Sctwol ii/e bfre eoulof ibc croni to btt*, scale aad oSer and a large ^percent
inetnOen nU territory laalde Ibc eity
oibwd lut Frlds}'.
>,l-m lie nlnr wenUier Is not enroun^ ace or them are coming from persons llisiita er Traveru City.
wbo arc last becoming aettra
winter um Wtt *
VaA .Natter. 42S »■
•lacce heretofore not repre­ Cedi
srani Ibu was elren'--------------------fn In the evonloe-------------------- Irorethy Mesisnkr
Atooas Ue reciUla wu the rrndrrtns ♦««♦♦♦«♦»•

sented by candMaiea. have been plae- Mrm T. Tempid. Wilhelm Oik. ISdnS
or the CooHihli. or .MIk« SuuulUli. by «
ed on the campaign map during the Lofi^ ScoHcld. 1l2t P*nlncula..lMSt»
Floy Oltlngsr, MS SUt*..........ISMTS:
so»e oT 'lbe‘bl<ler''>rSelenrTDd roa&r ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ « ♦
• .^h.
------------------------ •" '
imuioUc sosfs wyteiiefc^aie of the
Bnc tbe campaign la atlll young.
•ndlence Mains In the Aoros.
M a slngte prise has been
Bnrr Jmm' fast ftpcfM • croMT.r as ehalrman.
yeL knd no cudidate baa a load that
The societr was reorsanlied with cannot be overeeme In few daj*' Mra. W. H. Brown. SOS Front. .12»dtS
steraiB tWok/&iKtr.KnM, wher'
be bopM to wMtb^lredc He ie- the follovias officers ^eeted; Preei- time. It U possible to enter todav
leads to bur buuer tet esss. berries dem. Mrs. Ixlu Holme*: tlee pres]- aad be la toncblng distance of one of
dedi. Mist Josle Jerreic seereun'. tbp elegant Orlanell Bros, (own make) Margaret ^Ifarek, S11 gnd...
end perbapt poiatoei. ihU (all
Un. Jobnson. wbo has been care.iis Mist Mae Tompkia*: treasurer, MIm pianos before Satnrday nif^L
tor her tiaut. Mra. Hopkln, th.wutk Elsie Stone. Mn. Shlpler will lead
But Ume I* always vnlaable. and h
btf lUaeaa, west bow to Waioaioo, the meeUnton June 2. It Is cosneeraU not fe the pert of wladom to de
Ikm meetlns add the anire members
Wedaeadar(. Tbose who fell}' resllre tbe value
wbo did bekms are reqnested i
Beerrone h Wt'us iwady tor Deetl4ie -and make every minute eoual
present tor it Is now necesaar
oeatlM liar bera.'
e tie ones wbo wlU be awarded
them to Join asaln aad site the
prises In tbe end. Syntem. too. sbonld
Tabbercr la borne a»la‘ldr elate memb^.
be pnLlriio the work done, so that
the samer. Mrs. rBbb^rer's bcaitb
energy.^ well aa Ume. maj- be sav.. _
_ ,
does not ImpTora. Her father Ur
1. Every candidate should fOwlns_ White,
Kidder or rnton. U rlililns tbriu for
list of tbe penmns from whom she
thinks she tan seenre sabsi
it oS a name only after
baa been aeen. and discard Uic
Hat only after every ume on It bss
been cheeked eS.
Mlten anyone promises a subscrliv
Uon “later on." the
Sort. 413 E. »U>.
should be srriUen up in t^ receipt
incci ChervsL
inks. SM Bay...
bodu furalsbcd to candidates. »
Matilda Klinker,r, 413 E. fith___
will not be forgMien, and tben It
........... ifinton. Wynkoep II
Mr*.- Ma(« Oraw. 2*S Wash... fit
realised on later. When a
233 Bay.... K
aertptUn la paid It abonld be sen-.:
g'lvnissiru tmaalble. ftltea a peraou;
snbacrlbei for a paper he does not
«t ^.aooad.
eisnr peepl* Itk* Mr. r. B. Leeks. tH wish to wait more than a day or two
luch.. sad Mn. U before reeelring IL* and an old sub­
Includes all territory outside ,.
Credutt. EdDwr*. IBeh. any they wooM scriber wisfaee to feel that proper
linvemr City and wwt and north of
u Mae b* witbaet Um neessittlia as
wltbeul Or. CbUwsB's apron Pepsin.
crmllL has been given (or bU pay- the Pert Maf*oett* R. R.
Mm. Fredrictnen. Henhport...129753
Much good work can be dene in the Mra. AtUneen, Burdlekville___12S975
— TS nest
Bosi* Fergveon. Cedar............... 1274*8
fire days. The more aggresalve CherloH*
Thie*. T. C. R. 5.,, .127445
candldstes will arail themselves
the advintaga Uey are oSered In
Rent dariaoVr " - "
field that baa been little worked.

A.Remedy No Fam%
Should bo Without



Wo ore rlosln* oul a line foroicriy
nold at II.7B tor «I.» a nallon. Snii^ able for oetslde as weU as inside
work. This 1* a i > bareali
aboukl take advaBlaae of.

Thrmoat.perfect wall flnlab made.
I beantitid noa^dlns *tolors. & lb.
ickases aL 36c.
onl.v |irriaratk>n (hat you ran
kiln yonr calves by uslna sklnxaed
dr scrw.v.
separator milk.
Will abeolutely
keep itinr calves
bcaltby crowlof
condition. 2i Ih.
_____ . EVE
Is the cream or choice Minnesola
>rini WhMi. tre sell It oB-a Fuar>
!(«•: If not toaiid ibe beet, jour
y refunded.
- Try It. att »fe.S0

. A.W.



Be Ume To Spray
Yonr Potatoes

And before you buy your Spraying Ai^ratus we
want you To call and see the Brown's “Auto" Spray­
er, tfaeheat potato qirayer made. We also have me
SOindAtd Kno]> Sack, a oombination potato and fruit
tna sprayer. you can qiray your potatoes or the
higheet fruit tre^with this sprayer. These Sprayers
will soon pay for theffiadvee in time and.-mateiial
MiPad. We* have tbe small hand Sprayers, Pam
Green. Anoiate of Lead. Bordeaux Mixture and
Ume Sulphur Sdntion. Come in .and spe us for
Sprayers and Spraying Solutions.


wiU And the e
a little older.
largaret Wileon. T. C.
C R. 1...123*75
mnie Fsrrant. Empirt - 123475
People wbo Ukc some other paper
can pay the candidate and have the ------------ight. aiapte City R. 2.12B745
AU Burkett Cedar Run.......... 1204BS
Becord-Engle or Herald staned at any dulls Estes. Bate* ....................12«75
*—h Wilsen. Empire R..........11*475
ROM. Lsefcey. Old MItelen.11*366
. la Oec, Elk Rapids. RFS. .115645
Elsie Btene. Old MIsalen ........ 114»56
Lena Hclfrlch,.Old Mlaslen.. . .114729
. . |iay highest prices for wooL Hattto Bwsnty, Old Misslen.. 1143M
Write or call u by either phone.
Cheriette MiHiro, Elk Rapid*...119973
■ ■■ '
Old MIseien
- - -........... -rhis*. Nerthp
Mr*.'R»y Panes, Ltiand..


scalje: of votes
The follovciDg scale of vote* is in force from Hay 18
gp^to and iadadiPR Jnae 8.

IS* MOOiaDiSffl* BT MAlt

a T«an $100.............


i T*ar $1J» .
I Ymn VM .
Tb»tb* aamber tf Totss gtVm ob nbacrip


SbB BmU aai Bs«oc< Oo.' Mbm Ooumt
To bo vM*d an Off b*9*f« Awm lltb.


U witk ck«e atlesUon. The choir
of Uapid CBib oa MWe igSdMlld sinesag asao piayiag a ^mrm an IM wa
aoMlera. but tew In fioaitier niarrbed
U aadtabk the pUosi naaianmi them
at tta>ehwi or tbe a'd«7e4a. Kveerear
fs^ forw^^d^^ shake banda with
fbe bora wbo wore tbe Wtir. wbefi
I Mm.. Lmh Huff. Entire ..........
Ua}' feriucd la line and merebed osa
(0 tbe BtralM of muatc We wtab to
Nor* Rtykl^Lak* Ann. &d!. ... . Ibaek the friends who thna pbowecl
Mrorkd. C. Otinvnm. a.Misslan 1Bl«»t their riioralh} to Ue dear oM bu}t
Helen RIehnrdsen. T. 6 R.------ jrbe bre faat paaslas aws}
Jime 1
Edna Tromm, T. C R. 8........... •
Wrt. Lola Ennlv Elk RapWa R I 9*461 • ••••••••
•r*.a Riehacdsan, T. C R. 2. *«74: 9
Banaia Bla*lc, Ukc Ann RFD.. *nii
Mm. Fred W-vma. Cedar No. 2. .-taMS *999999 9-9 99,999999
pedeasbur*. Mich. June l.-MUs
•dm. Keldcthauiam «Upla CNy. tBTSf
lamle Newman. Mapla CRy R. 2.*S7U itiasel Oore and a Irlead from Tra>dm. O. Kaevar. Cm^rc............*4765
«m Mun^ie Ctark. T. C. R. 5.. B3765 er»e City, vtoited Bnmiay at Xlllwii:
dm; Myrtle Omen.T. C. R.7....BI***, Gore’a.
I>r. Bhambo and nlfe rrturaed lo
their home Uoula}. after a few d«};
here looking Alter tbelr bnnlDess.
Mr*. Han* and dawrtrter Ceentla.
*l>ent Saturday and 8tis4*y at Gold
Incfudm all Icrritery w
Roy nobm win move his faninr
Tmvema City and South and east n*
terk for Ibe anmiuer. an-l they will
the pern Merffuettc R. R.
live with Rd. HritHril.
Etu BarretL Kingsley, RFD: .199*76,
l^dl^' Aid <K>elet> win. meet thia
Minnie BargcnL BummR CRy..1B«S9
1nr,f1,v wItVi
■ een V}-|
wxin \1,«
air^ rmn^
Mm. O. Pray. WimaMdberg....1*a*H n*,wk
iva Bogart. Kingaley.................19947* Sniltb. -at MapWtoa.
Allea Bcbell. Kingelry ............. 122371
Stewart lIrneiiaU afid wife left
hdaline Mallory. T. C. R-e....1«6dS
Jannit Lafgatt. Crawn. R. 1..190479 Inal Wcionday (or CMraKo aad from
Helen Whitvan. Batee................1fcU*m • there win ko on lo Calilorwl^ to live
■ "
.120825 in (be fntare.
Many will be sorry to learn of tbe
of Mia* Giiaale lJ«l<toc*(. wbo
■de WhHeen. Bates..
;;nBw dealii
used to spend her sAmiffetn bete.
Mrs. r. Cbandler of Traverse City.
Maggie Oomlne. T.
vlaUed a fvw •!«» *nb he' dansbl-t.
Oraee Tayier. T. (
Mrs. Artboi Devoi. Usl week.'
arl Rl<
J. Frances ibrnpheU of Grand
- , . rOill. T C. R. 2............. 113719’ '
Edith Caribaek. Kingsley .. 1IMH ' RapMs. arrived Rttorday and will
Flereoe* Seett, T. C. R. 2.......
make ber home -faere In the ftiiure.
Clare Arnold. Bate*.. ,...........
^-------* a»n-----------O- C, Moffatl and fnmny spenr Son9McSt
Mrs. R. Van De Bogart, kenden.
Bay at (balr coUace at Old Ulaeion.
Mari. Bmliey. T. C. R. 2.........
Mrs. Frank Bayern, Mayfield...
Mrs. ElUa Newell. F. Uke H. 1...^^
Mra. T. Toner. Drawn.,10*745
Cora Beeffeld, Williamabarg...1044r9i.
Onlay Wood. BumfnK CRy... 103479 ‘
temk......... 984751
-. 4............. 9*379'
Mra. Hanry Bachticben. T. C. R3 *9B79,<
Mm. Loula Osktar. Bendon.... *6755
Mrn. Grace ^enyman. Acne.... .9*749
If you ailed them. All's mil; if you didn't, your
Mary Creen. Acme ........
Mm. Lean Wolf. MayfltI
rivaTgot the order «nd may get the oastoBiefS' estite
Mm. Eorl Cllmore, Flic
6r»co Boaulding, T. C. L.
. w-.
Wake up.and purii the “BEST' flour made.
MvHi, WekOff. Summit City.. *6715
Hattie Hopklna, Mayfield.........B341S
The manufacture and sale of this flour helps pay


!rJiL°* "
^tratmaUsdcline. .


”*** ** ^


Traverse CBy


A. V.



Jleraonal da> was hrid at Maple
CU}' May 38. In tfie ('ODgrcgalluoai
rliurrh. which was benutlfHll.Vdocorai
ed with tbr nutlenal colors: Tin
Memorial nddrena sms dvea bj- Rev.

your taxes, pave your streets, build your school
bouses. Does foreign made flour do as much?



Here are three arOeles very randi In de­
mand on every farm lo the next iew months.
^ At no lime or place wiU you have the opportunity of buy­
ing these things at anywhere near the prices we ate now making
on them.
Vl^HEN you leallze that we positively close oir
^▼V dooison JULY 20, atkl tlit these goods miut
be sold before that time, then you will see it’s not a question’
of profit with IB, bufsAat will they sdl for, and it’s your
chance to buy NOW.
We have in oiir entire rtock about Ten Buggies, about half
that number Sns angle seat top buggies, others of various lands.
Everyone of diese bi^es must be closed out, and the prices we
have on them vrittmove them. WiU you get yours?
there are mmy other things here you may need that we
m mAiag
sacrifice on that we have not mentioned—hot
the prices win suiprise. Remember from now until JULY 20

Fbl in the Btae of the Udy for whom yon dem to
rote sad present to The Herald sisd Beeoril office on or be-



The Farmers’ Supply Gompami
M-USSlatta. TrawrseCily.lllclL



lunra mim Am> lunns BfT lAou nnHUT.nnXMi.


♦ ♦•«•«♦♦♦♦♦•«***«•♦«««•*••♦♦«♦« ^c«a ki tteK
I Bkcc U koov t
bojr» and
♦ «rlt were alLSBimhhiera

Tbe lam letter that we are to bare
♦ for per Hate today li fiwa Helee SoOor owa Helea. poo kaew.
• •rttM
rton «« til claim
abc U a
twh Bbo from *«•*»■' H«f «*«r^ *»< patleBce to a
tooSDB to oa aU. toa't It!
Omeea. MMl. K. F. D. No. 1. Bos 31.
I wm trv aeu.r •> mi p- ae C
■ *^1 down -to her hotoe today.
Mar 3S. 1*12.
, « have (0 walk oe leg* and nou aearly Dear Preaident—
I ««ll trr t* b« ai tMppjr at I
ram all alone ta tto touac Inn DOW,
, ♦ all the war. Tto water la loU of
* pUcca if orer a peraea'f
I bad
erorytblnc M ao nice and quiet
* high rhcta 00 today and tto. { g« that I cauf toar tto dock tirfc la tto
I mitl tnr t« ka ia<ria» MpfiM 4
to nep «PP0*U* room. The wladtware partmtd kla« U wafykaiy «atf to 4

ir'optoaadniebaiilfebreetoeireoa«an> IMito Oita4
♦ ftotoot of tto water aad mad again.
HI orer. We are haritig rery
r fan to trrlto • to ♦
warm Wtothcr for ibl. Ume of the'


to oor toar PncMaat, -«a« all Ike
t tcculD.
Te«r tolthfhl Soaablae sirL
Relaa 8. Keeaitt.
yelea to eertalaly “a CaltUal Baa>eaa.* Who wHI write bar atoto or
mmd hm
la Uc
of a Uttle gift?
Tear FTteMtot waSu to UD yoo of
tto pretty prooeai ato yooalyad aol
long ago from .two BaaaUaara la tarawar Waahlngtoa. Kathleto and Ad«line FWlaage. of Ofhto. aent her 1
namber of errhUa. packed la a UOlc
bn ae that abe ceoid piaitt them U
bar garden. Don't roo hope they will
grow? Mw wrprtoed they
wllj to
^ eiwjtog. whea tber w^ ep^
«to ttonwelref lo Michigan! Tto

atato wttto pm leum*. aad 1 «aat to' —a bloeaoiai. t hare a UtUe 4^
write oae. toe. Mj Wnkdar win be Baaed Boner. We tore tomt Mta
Ike twWy-Mh of May, aag aniiwi My etataie » Baiab tee. m
it CDlag to bare a Mrtkkar partr lor the Iktrt sada UM pear. Uj Mter a
ae. I hpro lartted aD la Ik. eekeoL ta tke ■mgiada She to aero, jmn
Aa my letter to gattkif km*. I wm oU. NTtoPthw to la toe Bfifc grade,
rio.^ boptag ZTLi mr ktur'ta Hm H
uadier'. aatoa to Mr.
tag to atoeal tkto rmr I Uka m an
*? “r^ Wto Jtor. I Uka to to
Write again aad tail aa atoot..tto to atoooL
bam Ubm yon had ea )wu birthday.
Erwa 8^


rH------ -liniiii ilii 1
W ether heree la tae —a«e
or to------m tfii aad - ^
to toaThTw rorr Mdafk!^
,u. _ ^ . .
2^ i
* tmarhoeae, aad aeea They
eama «to4lket«nefaotagaadfc|.
lowed h wukeoi rwt aatJI mUday.
tkiptM Ike aea^

oaar Preeldent—
onto y
roe a few
iheagbl I wpold write
line*. I am la ackeol today. 1 am ie Tiararae City. Mldu B. F. D. No. 1. <n„ day totoTtaTL ^
,b, third grade. 1 hare four ctoaaee
May 3. 1*11.
da, . My clataeo are toa^ Dear Prorbleat—
arithmetic. lan^, and op^ I J *an to to oae of tto Soaabiae'
Spaabiae' SJ?:
hM aad palaf„uy,
wIU be teo >-ean« old tto fltet of top- I bare a pet bona. He wiuBut .Antaald,' partly totow of bto
much Interencd in oar Onb,
temb*. i hare foabd a lot at mar. kiaa
ataake baada with yon.
toptora tto nag. aad
We have one more name ftar the
(hte aprlng. and hnre found nnd be M a flne
to“.Sr PrJ^en!^ to hS
H *“ » 0*^
*« “«»
------------------■- o—w._
- ride
.. .him
. quite Often. I tore three ri.
mw CLAM BATEt, MHar.
light lampa. TBen It atoned to taiu.----.-r——ry
—- . -------ten and two bnttore. I am eleren
*“ W»»mt ertad oet:
. li,-.____ _ .. «. \
«"* '»
' **««*^‘
*®““ **' Copemlah. would to gMd U benr
FfPawnn mm tiiam Mtea.
‘ ^ ‘ Hnlag min to me. i
ntUtnu any from nny of tto Saaabtaem. '
Melblnl iUaaa.
ynn old and In tbo fifth gmto. I . 8^
Bto rari If yon wm. my
Flfto Vlea Fraaltom .Mr. tiatof
H» mlnlof toBodIu:
that they
.red wh, a
Aren't tbe aiwlng boattftto dainty!
wtah you would plcaae ncml me OM of
Tblhault, but I ohall rito down
Maa WBliofM.
<i«»P '
the atnc before I feat ma.atorm. to aome pUcea tto damage waa
have one root of them In my ‘wild yonr bnitonn.
I Vice f
.beary. I am glad that aummcr la conP.-...^
Copemish. Mich,
aearcoly bad they gOM three
lag. but niarnra fear the elemriali IApril 2C. 1*12.
Tberon Bobert Garlaad.
f»«her wlma toddealy Nicole
norma. Tto gnaa la growing nnd tbo Dear F otldent—
Are you and Milo chnnia? I thought P*“*«d riotapily^feU to the ground.
Neaa^n fliy.
treea are getting ihelr laavak oaw
H.heH toen aueh a long lima ainca
May 1, 1*12. » tocau!>e >00 and Ullo wreie to«•'!*<» »»« lAth blood gnahlM
n the Stmahine Club that I
It aeema tbni tbf blrda aing I *
'OBI of bb oooo and month. AreaaM
more aweeU, ever, da>.
nIU do *0 today. 1 am thirteen yean
, ,,„ wnie you a today Tbla
waa thrown to tto annb eom^ db'll in't raining nilB to me.
For a oblle I Itad ui, windo* full
My.birthday waa tto foorteento ^
l;torire' Mich
**V. and by good lortoBe eo-------Bot BehU of dorer bloom.
of wild Bowera. Marie and Charlie «•
^ Ibc-Bftb gnde. My
*^***> “»*>•«: Vw when to hnd gone
a on tto Cradio where every boeenneering bee
would go to the oooda . dally to gel rtudlei are geognphr. nrflhmetic. Ian^
iTcaldentover and aeea Nicole iylBi there unite
)Uy Had n bed nnd room;
me freak onea. Among tbi-tn waa a
t*r*IoloBy nnd apellnui.»Bowen
I tore
tore never
never wi
wriiiri. to rt.- *un•*“> *>*“y W*»
-------A bealtb unto ibe happy.
vaae of beautiful niboiua. «blch were
>“ atolMBf-cInaa we a|*ll tor
,rt.ntu.. The U« day of acbool ablne flub before. __ . ________
aent » me by Mba Dewing and |.u**“
®“ Mr Puller la going lo have Bi apeak would write now. I go to erbool eterj«>“»
WUdah Polled^ Nemen City. Mkh. U*1q^ mining Win
l>IU of WaUin. and when they reached 'I** blackboanl. and whan we g« live
He rriiow. Kven wbep bb t
Itores Bobart Oariand. Travono
fia reining violeia"
me they ware ao nice nod freah. WTien
“* P“‘* ““
aiwliinc nnd reading and arllbmetlc. of June I waa niocb pleaaed with my
“F “< U*od to comfort
D-,No. 1..
Aren't they lovely? They arei.. .. they were withered I told Marie ~
to '
*'***' ***™' f"* F**’‘
Margie Cannlrbaei alia with me now. tard and liuuon. I hare a few nanira
" »»» of not oaa. Anmntd 1
0»f teacher» n«»r
name b
b g|„ ^
. ^
«!!. »
'*•*“' throw (hem nwny. but she wouldn't *''‘'*..*'’”■1. ^
j^e Bun^ae Club; >larle_____ beartbrokro at tto iboaBbt that Ua
K«. . B..11
„« ..
n tb.,
J. —.
u™. ow uevaMae
IH.d lUcni
,b,-» •«
>11".------------H«.s -I--------------------- •8b-ll.o »
| ,fU IB^ D.™. Ml-b-1
—w —
—•— —
wen. II ------M’oa'i >"b
you plenae a«nd me another ,b,.b
(bank lb,db
tbe aenden tcry much. The}-do
one _______
kitten and______
one dog.,
Julia Doran «he life of bb fnrortle bona.
7'" "» «"
__ T%e Knms._____

nolgrowoutherc.nuJ this faihe'nret

*■?" doga name b Spot? .There are thirty hasloetherhuilonandwouldlikeear, aad toe
ft ^1^. *^’
“■ ' "•« •“Iume 1 eter u« them, and at Bret takli« inr^io much room on the San^hool. Mr tretoeC. other one PIreu vend the rerd.
mri Mkt ^ he bed .Mcole't body wraitmb and
^ '•
«*• »»“ •“ ' ■"
^ klkht 1 roll lo love with Iheiti.
•*““® !“«■ » ‘
lie'me b Grover Fuller,
Fuller. neaae
Plcaae aend
tend Muon* to me.
luv. and I will
w ill give
give ibera to ped in a toeet of purple. Mlk 'and
I alto derived tm.ue flower reed.
lonr Brine
Bv,ng 8un*hlnm.
aw t card...
and bulloo
mr friend*.
...................My teacher', name b Pkeed In a torgeotta <aakal.'nBd gave
H“»» StrematetU.
from ^Ure.
Mary JoUd«o of Sehoi.i,
From you. friend.
Richard Salllvan I like him very well, order, that to ohoeld be Imriad with
■* *BB">^
K. r. O. NO. I.
| gueu my
my let**'’
blur ••
b »ellln»
getllng rethee
ratber 1___
b,^_ "it...______
i^d mamma._______
ha. rowed ihciu al'®'"’ "•"* '*'"1 *“ f“
WlldaU Vollorii.
We are rmlng to have a bo. aoeial at grrtt'toennony aad hetmr tmder the
long. M will eioae for tob Ume.
ready, Wd hope they'wlll grow, a* opondenre. Ltat. ud 11^ you will
oor aehool booae. I am at acbool now. plum tree In tto ortoard, whm all
Mario Kanu. irda boren. Oonofe
ihere are aome which I never row
«w to ““'‘®
Fl^ot rriendc
Your Sunahlaer.
wn» the jUy ptenn- >ly sindlea are reading, arithmetic, the dog* and bonea of tto Cownu of
Don^Mkhad Karni and ^la*
^ ^
Haul Knlidtt.
fore, {would Ilk* lo Uke n iieep nt
ant ao thaf you rAuMhncf a titealcT
hngunge. geograpbr »><> toriUng.
i Flortoim bad been laU.- Bat tbai
Utoh ‘ Nanma .aBi by
^tm waaa't that a doUghtfuI letter. to7nl^rWcot’-am'elUiig hoito!f7she
am in the flfib grede. I Uke arlib- sight Arttaoid droaabd a horritOe
, .Neeen City. SIbb.
m«ic My leU« b geitUig Bog. ao t 4ream nnd row Nlode anla m h»
Baubh iiiBk Marr «*■«*““*•
»->P* to hear *««• me m>cb a nice long u.b*ive.
*»'• I* ‘ and noad n lovel,
Bvely poatnl.
postal, alu
alto mwrd
May t, t*lE tvlD rtoae. t
bad aeeo him lying dead B tto wood./
MdiBfcporeBeo.Brewot Cecil Browof.
aotor. to tto Suimbtoo e, ,toe prettleat ribbon ns n touvcBlr I>~> IToridroiD«ir l^rcldret^
From your truly________
• -----nnd he awoke crying aad aoUdag.
Bm Brewer, ‘l^wl Brewer, delea ,
Cl“*>from ICoponhigen In Dei.mnrk. the
« Itb'e never wrllire to (be Son,
^ sonahlna
Irwin OUberi.'
Then h«
Tto next letter wna alio from n home jof her childhood. lt» color la »hl»« W* « I.*'"
« «“ oub riure I Joined ao I thought I
Hha ywuf iSBooI cloaed. too. Irln? pbred o
growiMip momber. who ton never forha, two narrow right yrare oW. My blithday waa on
. j
mom of tto Saroblaere are toriog vaNow. one day. m a rot tfttotffuay
goUen our pledte to to loving, cheeo'. ,trtpea on each edge, tbe ftrliea being Uie tih oi February. I am in the aec.
cation bow.
at Ibe window, be
kkl ttrtl Of Stmahine. Mb. Alcb bu Htc^ior ofjgolA I d» not think rue. ond gnde. My riudie. are reading;
driring a bora# ntlnebed wag
BBbbed laaebln, acbool at Good
United St.lca, nriUtmeUe. Inngdnge nmi apeUlag. My
i nL ^^boi
ntor. Mkb.
>») noticed that tto
Oty. turbor and toe urw-Why. «. wHl for 1 never uw miyiblng aimlbr.
teacher', name b Ulu Hetty Mae- ^^e . m”ie L“hSf to» tt^ctool
May 4. 1*13. ^togged wwartly oBog aad Bohed
Mlfh. ,N«M POM hptMuHeCarsikfa- i*, Her'tril It hereelt!
anmh«.u,ine which mad, «,* verv Ntmare. She live. Ih Reed City. I *“'• «
“<I • •‘•'f «»»• » •*««
ready lr II with *-—
I alt wito W!UU PoiBct She b BW Dtar Prealdeoi- -aad B- --t
t ..
arhoolmata 1 have Ibai my card and
i reerired y-our btur. asd the rerd' *> “* celleo ®ot and ordotad tto mas
”» “■
.«.. I. W.W.
... “W
nalace grooma wito a poll of waior
pUa of Mba Oewtng. and
Aad tto horea druk
Whan to


ataglv .to hb pmlaie.
-Tak.roapf IB tto ^rden freur.
One wbu*.3to afhgr red.
Aad joaV t «to gsretac by
.Ow.tPito other, Mid.
*9e« h^ORtlfal to Uea and be

VtMif rW* UlB J«> Bkd tne!"
A too got tnagtod Ja av tob
^ dBOB begBB to BBOld.

-Tow tafto ma quiu afraid.- I rold
■now da^ you to ao boldr
moor UUte naM. ptroae lardoB tae.
^tbooskLirFO w®re)*c-" •»« ba^

. Tto Bowers ta tto aftlBB-tod*
Were atain« creiy oae.
8o taroaUfti arag arerythlng
I Around' B»i that i could but stag.
O lorelr. Brely raoaU of Juaa.
Whaa aU Ito'wwU aeema aew.
aad uklro
.bower too,


Qlrtkood": U D. Smith. Vere
CBarire Itarntoni.
wbh to Join: AUea. High. M.ry du«y nuuare with toney k-sd.^
8„,,b. Tom TIdd. Agne. Noatviek.
Too. letter w., . w.lrom. one, nnd
Mnrgl. CnrtuBhnri.
irkre. FBreno. Bre-e.^. Hetet Klne.' PM‘Inf *ld-^
he clappto
abneb Cnnnean. Agnes Ramroy and 1 hope you will writ, again.
.y™r dear Ihtic bnby brother ritoU CecU Brewer. Rose Brewer. Beulah hb toad, togatbm-aad ertod:
Wlggers. Tbe lK»ok b a good
have- hb name on ib* CrfdB Roto High. Drib Atom aad Hnsel Brewer.
"I know what I wffl do. t wUl pm n
one and 1 tall It my ■'Suatolne Rook."
Wnllln. Mich.
,iow oW la he?
all of Deeatnr. Mich, nnd Elba Crem- drinking trough tore ta toe aduara.
| roni a oqreoBalleiier to the aendere
April 2T. ISIS.
nor. Hartford. A'lcJ*.
at tto foot of Kloobs atataa. aad "tar
TheToUpwlng Sunbeama send iMtere Dear PresidentNeit,.-n f Itv. Mich.
hb anke no borne nhall auger any
oeeaaBaaUj: Anns Gnindv. one aign.
May 1. 1*12.
Uly Rudolph.
Bnger with tolrat"

■t be a Soaabtay pbee
ed B. E. C.. and- Ealber Swei
So be gave ardors Bad they p
Throe sent poauU: Mary ..
r mfmbeta of ear big
of Nebraska, itabri Holland. Gladys rprlng 1* here
signs „roKfa the ta« day of school I tore club ta It now . ,
^ x,roie. a ««at rioto trough tad
gcolU. UUn Tliulick and-Mm. Mabel of •l«tag. '
many crow, and ^
yrore old.
flBed 11 wito riror wator. Aad whea
Cooper of FBridn.
Wnckbirds. beard a robin alni and
nod my aeainiate it Ermn Stack. I am
Darragb. Mich.. R- P- D. No. I.
ArnaoU Behed Iron Mb wttoow aad
Sunslitiiere one. niul tiaw the pdtiy willow*. How lo iltc third grwdr. .My studiaa are'

Hay 3.1*12.
horsea drinking
,hnnk many sign* of apring tore you aeea? rending, ariihiutelc. sitelilng nnd Inn- Dear Presldedi—
u,g|r all and going away raCreobed,
I will not be gbd when aciiool b out. miagc. I like my rijidlcs. My teach| reerired my card a»d bnitoa ufebanplcr and did not grlere aa
u,rrv Doe sent me a kit of OK wc not have n great niB atorm
name I* Grover f'uller, Arb^us ly. Ihii did ool wror my bulloo over
,, before.
which hel|ied to iwaa time, tod.)! We have a cow named IHby.
^Towtag down by llie mareh.
l^fore I Bat II Will >
and H"'c 'T'" cnl'^*- MJ' brother la W IIVMplea*.- eeqd me enother oue? There .
and Bundny
Sunday ahe
the lai.I
i«iO me a very ideas•
**. 8.8MI.8.
- «• « tbo
» —•t IlHle going to the hoapltal at Ann Arbor.
Frida.. There are thirty achok
0 othera who want esrda- nod dear Moilc. ha be«na to aotBe that
t vlill She has such a
b,,.,.. „
,g sweeilv.- She is a This is all I ron think of.
I"*®**' are in our school, My teacher aad all bullotia. Tlieir numee are Odto Be- many were dregglBg Bada too .beary '
Cradle Boll member aad it-makes me bye. .
ihe 1»>K i)lay hall every noon. WUI i.igh and Howard Beirigh. Please for their streit(Ui^ akd that aoTOO were
- From your little Sunbrem.
you please send me a neiv card and send the card* and buttons to me and tame: and emna wore Ulgd. and thrt
I eunmee mom of the Sonshluerh
Agues Nosi.Ik.
button? 1 will IM- giad when school 1* | «ni give them to the l»ya
Mime were corarad wtUi oagoa. Aad
having varetlou now. Tim GUI's
Now euntUHT is almom here! Great
My elder and 1 are going to my
i\iur: truly.,
Ph-r acliool cBsol wiUi n )■I^Qlc Fri- <‘tongcs tore come ta n moniU.
jn^dmee end ota>'all siittimer. There-^
AIIh« W Xclrofa
^often cruel drirore
„ -kicked these nick, old boreea. TbcB
j,,g acbool for the
,re aeven-ta my riaa* at orhoot. I'hnre
or courw you may bate another
to hlmrolf
drot at Flint wa* going to close Juno
Elk Rapkls. Mich-. R. F D. No. 1 - gg„g ihrougli my book, and am going bmioii I »»"« >■»“ “ nlsny* leel ftol
BeeltatBn. "t Have
“*“'®'' lUih. but Ihl. motwIUB we rerelvcl a
April 2*. l»I3. ,h„ugh U again We are going to ,o«
a Sumhlne boy.
* .***T..*
letter.leUiiig us tllal the main build- Dear I*i:esldcni—
hate a uew erliool houae. I have a
______________ ________"~*®‘
tag waa totally deairoyed by Ore: for
l gol your tatter and rim Varda and mile to go to school For pet* I Itave
„ •lunaiel.v no one was Injured. Be*rlo i,„„en. The children were « gUA , ro,
. borer TI,.'ret* mtnK-i. Why the Horero are Happy ta Ftor- jtoe I atoll atoa^ ortar to^
DtaBg. -The SecoBd Topay -By
^g„,^ ,g„^
,0l,.telhem. I have two nwre na.ue. mv hurro'- name I. Nelhelm.
happ - Ib ail »y Itod* DOPa^n
twp glila
I wa. w very rorrv (o read about lor the Suoabtae Club. They are Tur„,ghi I found route mayThere i- a little provloee. called be allowed to bu* or taoRrett a
DUBg. "Playllta D0CU>r--WUIl0 Bin. Johnron'. death. You know that mr tolther.nd Hctan I-elth*r. Plcaae
gro.mate 1* ice year* oU FlorJ.rlm. Mtmewbere ta the norlhere horse'
Btid Jobnnie Wlcheni and Lottie
rords sod buttons for them,
Irwrejois of tun at school. She |iart ot Europe, nnd this prorinre is
sg i,, prosed a taw that any tnao
year. entlUed'The House That Grew." Bessie has lost her button., so pleas* went home^thm* last ««k
reraarUbl* for Just oae thing—it* .who starved, beet or Bbuaed hi* horse.
Song. -NeUle Crg)--Jol«Ble Wlchg,-er since then I hsv* tod a cor- .end her one. foo. I will send you a
voor lovtaB Sunshlucr..
-plendtd boreea. Every horeg you ren ,boaU be sent tato baatskaest: but
^tt ta ray been lor them both. And boqurt of flower* The May-flowers are
sareb 7.ue.
meet in a day'. Jourecy is tat and every man who kept hte horse fat
-Soutbera MeBdtes''-^r thlnees
gjgg ^aa Joined the ongris. nearly oil gone no*'- l'»Jll
Wliat a happy yacatlon ywu will a^eek and hearty aod toppy; every
airong.aBd.dld not work hist too
toys and girta. •
i ,h,i, ,.,1,, y,,, g|„ ever ao much wme arbuiua In a lew days.
have! Where does your grandma oi* of them from (to Mg. heavy-foot- h,re. should receive a puree of moaey
RccltaiBB, “Uttle Wbito- Uly"— ^g^e Her famllv-bive utv deep *>mFrom 'our Sunshine girt
“I «»»-'■ ‘*“t carta away tbe aahes. u roch year from the eonnt- And tto
Georgia Fuller.
Ito PHIara

tbe dainty llilta ebcatnut on the
g„ «.hicb fbe money waa to be
Recitattan. 'Tbe Squlirel'a Homo“—
,gi, ^.gg how mtnv chicken*
The arhutus that cam* were ven' 'Tr»v,-f>r Cii'. Mirb.. R. F D. No. I Connfs carriage. And the secret of It „id «,» the annltersan' M Ito day
Loren Swmnaon.
' we tove ralstrf this spring We tod preitt. lay denr.
IBs it. Unr 5. 1»I2. ,1* ttot in FBrhelm no one ever mal- gg which Nk-ota met hta dretb.
ReduiBn. Mr Country"—Insn Htl- jgg, hg„ setting and two of them
tr«ta a hors*. Each oor.e has enough
Thu* II «*me to reea that even lietort.
set onlv two weeks. The other two
Nesaen City. Jllch.
, want to be one of the «anahlli«ri. to eat and a good staid* and the best
ih* yonng coitol became a math
- ReritalBn, "My Doll}"—UeuUh KU- hiwbed nineteen together, one had
Maj L I»I-- too. 1 am rie»en years o«!- 1 go to of care: be la never' beaten or made ,hal there was not a rick or atoitad
nine and the other ten Mos't of then. Dear PrcaBeni—
school almost every da> Sy rohool to carry * load too bee.y for him or omltreated home ta all hi. domto
Recitation. "A Quceilon of OIscIf
white. We tod one goose act wlt^, | wiu write you a Sun»hlne letter.
g„, g,.,, Friday w* are cctnc u And when you ask the peasant* *hy mg, ,nd all over Europe tt «r»w to to
tlae"—Della Wlebero.
gg],. gg, jmeUita our school close* the fifth ot June, ^eve a plcDlr. and tto Staple ^rove this I* ro. they amtls at you and sav. ^ say ing. "Ke'a aa happy aa a bane
This ended our program, t musl-tril hatched. It U yelBw and ItTwnnot We are going to bare a pkalc the
,, ,g,gj
puy a game ot bWe-'tVby. '«> hecaos* of the good Count ,g Fterhrtm."

}-ou atom the number which w« pul ,-^p.
^j„, l„
The goose last >lay <tf schooL aad we arc going ,„ll with our school. W'e tove a little Arnauld aod hU horse Nirole." And
A^d Anauld dreamed ao M«ra ot
down aa "So'hthwa Jlriodlre." The gg,rt, j, very clroelv.
,o a|.rek piece*. 1 have a ptcee to ^,11. He 1* red I haven't named him the story of the good Count Araauld sirole Iring dead ta the.torMl, bwt Inthirteen cbild.reD were bUckened up
«-,.hnve n Httta dog; it's cotar is si>rok- My lenchcr's tome ta Mr. Fuli h,ve a isyi chicken, alno. aad a ta written ta tiu cbronicl.^ of the „rod to dreamed one night that h*
aad diwased as though they tod juat bh>ck and browx and to i* so cure. ler. I will to eleven years old ta No- ,g, squirrel. Will yon ptanro sand at Coonu of FBrheiai. and ihi* Is wtot «w a great eomiwny of waaderfully
eome ta from tbe cotton itaWs. The}' He ptaya with tbe children, and. the veiober.
n card and button?
}0U read there:
besotiiul horses, preodag ato ninmade a cute picture when the curg, p,g, ,, qrs,.
From «our Irlend.
Yours tnily..
ti-hen Valentine. fMrti Cooirt of FBr- nine about in a Brely greea aandow.
tain* wet* drawn back. They nag
Ito puppy would aiqiranch tor
Carl Bouamat •
hUo VnaRrocklln.
beim died ta ihr y ear 13TT. hta co«*ln ,gd u-tore theui all ran N^ta- «t">
d to hta title and es- his long gray a • ato tali flying h
"Sowince Rlvrr." "t)ld Krnlurky ,ne would Just errvam.- He plays with ' Wlial was tUr piece.that you ,»i*»ke.
Yew, Indeed, you may to n Sun- Arna
Home." "Maaaa's I
tto Cokk Cold ______
I might
_ be c
. have beard It.
ahtaer. 1 gm anre XF® win to a
t hold
of. He I* Cart?
Ground." ''Kingdom's Cornin'.'' nnd
,.i„g.p ,nj ,he chfidren

• '
one. wo.
* old an.1 an or|*nn. but very brave and'xirol* Boklng ro frea and happy,
-t nder Soutbera Skier." This, with ^11 him ''Curb "
Xenaen City. JlWh.
hlgb-aplrlted. Bereu.** he was toad- Th.o be awoke ato frit comforted
the perfect ualron w ith which the gesi beemmt so Interested in writing
Mi) L 1«2.
Nesaen Cltv. >Hch, R F. a
some and viever he w., much flat
And when he wna n man. Arnauld
turro were made, made it a reo pl*M' ifiS^ler that I did not DOllee Itol If Dear rrevidentMay ,, j*,., tered ato veiled h.v hU courtier*; » uaghl his chlUrrii to Bve and to
tag feature of tto e%ealng.
was getting ro lengihv. and hope you
I tbonghi I woobl write to the Sun-, otar PrroldentIt re«*e about toai be became, though und to all horsro. ato from that dw
Tto riiltaren are very much later- win etrnte nta for taking up ro much ablne Club aa I have not written In a
, n,ve ro'me arbutus at home that naturally kind ato generoOs. aomethis, every oee of tto OobbU of
eaied ta the flunihlae Oub.
room. I will cBae now with the aa- long time I am aolag to school every
^.pg g^t for mv *i»ter an?^. -I what overiMring and fond of hta own Florhrtro hna boro goto nto marclfi^
Lovingly >onrs.
mirapce ttoritore nightly lmprove.1. dav. and to'e oot missed a day store hg’,e„o miles to walk to acbool I pleasure.
to toiwes for tbe aabe of tto b^. Ay*
Alcta M. Ilodgro.
will all. keep oa vlaittag the flret pi Aprn, I am ta aetool to- have to paa. by a wood Tto eblUraa
Now Araauld tod a apletoid tray ngnld. ato hta fatOtfal NkoB -Poniu,
Do«M wtab that we cotdd have all
page cKlen. With in.v eternal Bva da.v. My taacher b baring the ihW at school went to tto wood aad taud boree. oamod Ntaate. v»y taftblal ato A NedwOL la Ov Doab ARlmata
^l^rtnlnmrot 1 ebouM .end to.
program 10 you. They all did re
akaly that I mure do It“WeBome Song." by third mde.
SecItaticMi. "Prieelero O.vp—Clare
ReclutBo, -Richmond on »l»
------ . "
Reritatloa,'TCaep OB BmlUdg"—Ma*ri Krdpp.
Rocitattoo. -Motom-n Ook'Iort Thee Neboa.
Dlntas. *Tto Worid'a Worker*"—
By four glrb and mtreo boya
ReeiutBa. Tbo Kaoekrr"—CBdys
ReriUlBB. The Can«enlcr Man"Henry WBhere.
DIaBg. Tbe Model Claa*"—Otadya
Kllsr,. Adolph Kroitp and the first
aeconU and third grada riasaea.
RroltatBn. -One Lad's Udy —Ver*
ItoeltaUoD. -Grendmoibcre »}•
tagr~—titan MluRkei.
"Hide and Seek"—Bobby

.^Rrolu'Sir^' B-bblu'

—Vra. 8 J. BrigbaBL

ABd Qttia dltaplad Fata.
-*p roses help.' BaSBN repMed.Tari by briRE eweei.“

-Sock taUreaUag totief* keep comtag to rear Proaldaat all the time that
■to caa't belp leeUng toppy nnd flam
Bhtayt floppoae. Inatead of a real
talk with ber tbta ywek. you aU com*
two bw room wbare Ito Mg deak
aiaadn. Onai ptay-pretead eomell aod
reed throe of tto “most partICBtariy
toBribT tetters with tor.
Wa will take thrie as they are
dBUa; abd that mqigi vre srill have
ftnarib Jetwr first. «UmI Is getting
la to a grown-up Subaam. bat she Is
■MM Iton evar one of our truly Rum
■btaara. Her tattar baglm.4bta way:
WlUia^. Htan.
Hay 18. tWl
a rotbar atrtngs lor me to
write to tto BunabJne Chib, as I tare
■M Writtan tor a tang lime. Mit 1 tav'a
waatto to write wear riace 1 came
bare froai UtaUgan. .
• W# bare baaa bach two ato ooeAaR
yaare- I Hto tto ewaatry real weU «t«a*t that It ta owtonr wet.

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