Grand Traverse Herald, December 05, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 05, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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arid Travaraa








W, B, .G.ELECTIflll
New Officer# Cheaan at Meeting Held
The anmwl eU*<-lloo oi odlccr* of ib«
IL C. reiulltM a* foUpes;
Pcni, tTeneee IHnIuU; Hcnlor vice
Iireilden(. Mln«y Uaet; Junior vice
prc«idont, MasKie Murray: trvaeurcr,
rallie Tharker: rhanlaln. Arstlen
bcii; runductor. l';ilk Morsiui; tsuard.
iiclcna I'lKlIkc. Krai dcIcRMoa to llio
deparUiicot ronvcnilon: Aral di-U-isatr
8anh liUlikcr; nocond delcsatr, ll•■t■
^looker; Bnrt aJiemate. Martha




a regular tiiei-ilng of McFherron
held Ucf.,;. i;*!::. ibe following
offiK-rs were elet led fur the ensuing

Senror vice «v>mniau‘der—1). G Pimr



Ledge Hat Elected Officer* fef Com­
ing Term. - \ I
WIMeria KeWksh lodge haa elr<n<^
Ihe'fnik’w.uig t'SteerE tur the em-mng
Noble grand-Uditb HuneeitVhv grand Kaiinie Fhteerson. Re<-i>rdins secretary IVIl Melcber
Kiuancial eecr'-lary—Margaret Cm-


'.iiiiilor vice t-tmimauJcr—J. t* IW'
or—Nettle ItaCi'
:■ ndorf.
Ailju'aiil M. I». Morgan.
Qiiartcmiaster—C. A. Steams.
Siirgeoii —W. M. Core.
Chaplain- W. II. llerbrrL
Officer of day- K. I>. Martin.
Patriotic instniclor-.1. W. HHHicr Sub-Committee Inserted Clause Mak­
I Will Also Ask Legiila' OeFer. Who Waa C
OrMt Advance Hat Been Made'In
Officer of the guard- II M. Moss.
ing Them Life Members ol Con­
Was Helping Train
;fwt Vatf Alens Varleua Linen In dciutruotuil oiieaDil>t the Elaetlen to be Held
gress With an Annual
•r «Bl»Macy In Ferelsn
meiit-.I.!\V. llillker: aU.-malc. tl. A.
. Next Spring.
Salary of S17.S00.
imoiuc. Her.
-licsidulionE axkiilR lor iproliibiliim were
waalnHanity killedTuedday night
Organixation Neede Mere Funds
Wadilnston. O. C. Ilecenibcr 3.Frodwete That Are Liable t(
presented to the .«i:tte As.M*cutthrii o!
about <; o'clock at ThontpauavlUe by
Care for Local Calls Dur­
-xq-feMdiuds. It dov<li<]N'd to-lsy that
The rnnnf- of Pmldeni Taft waa
'Froten In Transit Are
Farmers' Clubs in ihcir iwt-niMli au
1-eing ground. beneath the wheels of
ing Winter
in the h^^l dntll ntrthe leeiHladve. ex
read Before eonsreaa ttala noon and la
" Not Accepted
uual ouhvetillon ttsluj. Tbc ilt-k-guli-s
train. H W not knows how
a coippreha&alve treatment of the forexpre uwd liidiguoliou over the alleged
ai-ei'i-- .1 ox-urred as there were
lueiwred h> Itu* xiitM-i.iuniilU'e, l» In
The regular nHUithly nn-tUlng of Ihe
alp retatloBB betwern the Mnllod
neu pllns baa Roiie Into effect
acl'ivlticw of file liquor [lilercsls jn lie-ye «>(n>-s:.eK, bol II Is sopposed
t liided an tteiu making cv presidentx Itureau »f ArNxiau-d I'tiartiles *as
Otatag and the other naUooi of the
the Hero .Maiquctio which alll loaku recent wohign v’lfTrage clcciion TIklife uiemtu-rx >.f ivtogresx willi xn
held Tut-x-lay afierw-ton In the di thai Ix' «#•■ a«t.iatlng In -maklog np
world. Intlatrodecing the eubjMl he
tsslblc the ahlluiH-nl of pi-rtshablv inllucm-t' of (III- orguoirnlion wiil Inrain while swtiefaing sod In some
(luiii JOtlary tifIt is Maled rvx-|->rs' nium at the Iteouah ft liSy
kaa the fcdlowlng to wy of the fcnused with tin- It-glslmui-'- for a rosubvnitUiniieWill I'C sincken out
McriviuUle Co. sli>r<-. Tbe ruudiug of oianner •lipii.s! beneath tbe irbeels.
oral BituaUon:
mlaslon of the siiDrugc aim-mluu-ul iu
tint iidsred for some tlina. as
iiierruw by the full ci>ii;uilltoe.
the itiiiinies uf the tu-crvtery-treasai
' The foraicn relatione of the Ontted
have been diairibuu-d to the different the HprlDK.
-<-ii Sluder of the train eraw be- •
utid gtuieral suiH-riniendi-nl
Btpea artnallr aad Botentlally affect
whom It will cIf<-<
d Hia( he had gone to tba luBcb
look lip tho tirid p.-trt »r Ihe l•aailless
the atate of the Union to a decree
: to gri sonii-tblDg to oat before
aeaaion. after which Ibe ffoam-e
Bet wldlr reaUted and hardly aur- which might - be froxen or dam­
ioa on the re«t of bia run. M'beii.
mliicc tfittde ih- ir ri-|«>rt- They repaUed ty any other factor In the
aged by weather ^ndlllona shall
v^;;jiw.,dld not appear on time a
wdlfare of tha whole nation. Tbe .poIKtru-d that Fit-'- of Hie pwMj n-x-essary
from not tinUI spring be refused by
n.a> made and his body was
Ml the wnrk rif ih.- tun<au
allloa .of the United BUioa In the
the freight agenU and the pip)IcrB
-I to- his Irrathcr. who was obs of
haa-Wu o-al-H rilled
atfral. Intellectual and material rela
shall be notlhcd that they abould ship
..wn brak>>iDrn. The wheels had
hearic re«|mnae of the t-iiir<-n* who
tUna of (ba tamlly of natlona Mwnld their goods by «xt>r«-8B. I he list of
...ei bis body al tbe waist
bate tUuv fur be-xi called n|a>n by
be a matter of vital Interest to every'
so-callod perlahablu goods which Ibc
-iiibcra »[ the uilKtliiig tuuiudltoc ju.l boib anus were eevered.
mjufcHlc dliaen. The national proaofOclale of the road have tompllod in
Ur> DcFer bad been in tbe aervlca
Was Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting- Quratibn of Aegean Blockade Tiea Ua Much Good Would be Accomplished
iiioiii.iiat--a that they apiireriato Ihe
pirUy and power Impeae upon
dudes many of the produt-u of fat
c tbe road since 1907 and was proif -Some Were Put Into
All Charter Members But
Negotiations; All Europe la
i.t-iiialic wi-rk «if the Inireau, a
tiea which we can not ahirk If we
lories In this cHy, which an clprcsn
moled to eond-jclor os November 9,
EfIecL •
Watching Outcome of the
One are Dead.
the wi.rk they are doing to take cs
an to he true to our ideals. The
de would make prohlblUve In prico.
1910. Tbe body eras brought to tbe
Peace Conference
of the n—xtuaify i-liamy «rf the cl
tramondoua crewth of the export trade
Tbe ruling reads as follows: "Uou.H(y last night and taken to tbe AnJ.anviiig.
The lUiame eomiuiii<>e will try
of the United SUtea haa already made tDcncIng at once and until Ihe wcdUider<on
utidxriaking rooms. Mr. DePer
Slate .\ic-<.rl;itlim of h'aniierx' clu!> make u cidl iu the w-ry ucae fuiurc
that trade a very real factor in the
govi-nieuhdlUona warrant the iokto>traua
Hve.1 at 724 Hannah avenna and
'day Hdciplc*! reoiilulieiiK favorlug
. ryvine
already eoiteited
Imtuatrial and
officers of Travorw Cliy lodge .'so.
int look lliL lead today in wamln-c •linwiiig Icglxlaiiuii: • aiili-cigarei'<
portMlon of petiabahlo freight
leaves a wife and two small children,
of the ooaotry. With the
the Halkau allies that JH-Hy quarn-li tW. fret- luitioii in iill Mk-hlgun eoldlnary cars, agenu should rcfuso to
■ grtiitg tiieii lie WS.V a member of tbe railroad
that tlie' <
•r <nr iDdealHea the
peace tviuts must not becoi-.
arcopt such ahlpmeuia and n-jUfv tho held last evenluR auil the' followinK oftnen'x organluilon aad of the Loyal
k-gar. fice pnldk silBMd text iionkit
frive. anil 11 will help ibem
of the United States must rapidly bo­ shipper that all perishable pro|>>rt.v lleem wero eloclol for tbe enming
•e-n breach.. It was di-Uiiitcl
Order of Moone'. Punoral aarvleaa win
ublio achinite. fiudlig of ihrtUrer rnneh If you cau nnd will give
om a etui mon enamtial factor la which Is liable to damage by freoaing
,.|ac.-!. of nmuvenierii mi Sunday*, coiilril.mi..ii« in the g.'iieral *utH*rin he held l-'rtday niorelBf at 9 o'eiock
r-t>r. C. A. 116111
tta enpnsailo weUara. Whether we abould be forwarded by express.
Turkey Bll
Irviiii St. Krauela chteoB.
ilitc. r--fer<uidiiii) pud roe.i]l. metl- tcmli III. Mts* Kint-. whitse mIIkw is
~'bave a (hrsaalnff and wiae diplomacy
«<nild d' - idc this aftc
The shipiKTs wIk. ar»i effected |.y
c<-i'ilica!c.s l- fi.u tuarriage.
and are not reckhwsly plunKod Into
Hip sc.vuid Ihs.r of the .'tulbefUnd
Schlor warden- IS'. II. Kl'worth.
I bico the ariiilMice o
the ciuingo luid who hatv recclvcj
Boceeury warn, and whether our
block, opposite Slein1«Tg Bro*.' at-ive.;
Junior wurdcu--l«>i< Morgui. •liiit- . There is tmu h Mxiulxli.'.
topics of the notice are ihi: Musseltiwretory—Uvcielt Wbluiey.
or to Hie treasurer, K 1. VMwards. vl
•Icn poUclea are baaed upon an
iVr Hie cause ol Hie delay.
man Grocer t'olupauy, lluuiiah t l^y
MUseat cnap of pr««ent-day world HereantUe ('ompuuy. MikeatHI C I’onthe IN-gib's Saving Jiank.
A. II. <
Still Further Delay
Preny Event Waa Catebnitad at tha
ceodltlonB aad a clear view of the
Tyli-r A. C. ih-ajues. Pullnwiiig is (he report «.f Misi
F><Ii:i. Dec. ." --It w:u olliilally
■>aiiy. John 0. .Morgan & t'ompac.y.
Campbell Heme.
Knpe. and an ac-ourr ..f the district
petonUallUeo of the fature. or are rov- Straub Uroa A Amioite. A. 1. Joyce.
TnlMoc tor lhr‘-c .vears 11. H. Mon
KUM'-i-il this irtlcinrHUi Ihfit lliiamnd by a temporary and timid
'nurw-s work tor lU- month of .Nuig ol tbe pniltii'ul for
Queen City UoUling Works. S. Ia ilea. tagHC.
pedlency or by narrow views bcBtilBf
h'iitanre eoii.mlllec--U--n. Klsworth. h:td Im-i-u furl tier delayed for a
Orand Rapids Brewing tympany and
I at the
an infant naUon. are quosUona In the the Traterae-riiv Ilrewlng l’omi>any. K. P. All-u.
Charity Dept
This .iclien was fi-ix.-d by
home of Mrs. Frank CampboU,' 41B
Auditing lomiiilitc-c-.Cart Kriesun. uah'iliiy of Turkey 'and <;ii“-cc to w!
alternative conaMerwtlon of which
orffee hours. 117: calla at office.
and the iiroduci-« cf nil these .Irma arc
Tenth street. Tuesday nlgbL when
K' C. iTeuiuanii, \V.
lie il-clr aqiiabbies ^-gardiiuf
more or leas included in the list of
dM-r daughter. MIks Ida Campbell, boAl'ternate'lo the grand lotlgc-M. K Aesea.i Ul.n Kude.
investleutioii nC; busifte*is. 77; uuin
Ihe 'arlde Of fb-org* Asbby of
onablpablo goods. This meams iIiaRecommendations That Ea-i
hmdi.-aHon* for assislanre, tl";
offers treater opportunity few pmmolull ■•oltled gpods. vu'h as |k>p. peer. Hask.-ll.
Creni! Kaiiids. Rev. W. W, MrKee of
jimtcrtiil.rvdb-f. If.; eio|d»ymetil. K-:
There are sevi-ml apixduiite of:i
.iBff the Intereola of the whole people cunntHi Kottda. cider and a uuhiImt of
t’eoirwl M. K ehorch offlclaUng.
i-ra who v.Ul i>c adtiimmcd by the
Luiillics «>r Isdlviduala ii<di>ed. 54 new.
OB the one haad. or groator chance
othi-r products which must be aliipped
using Ihe ring service.
t4 r*i.virreiii; material re||.-f, 12 new.
«m the other of penusnent national In quantities arc now tabooed, and li master-<-lert.
The house was preillly decoreled
injury, than that which deals «iil> ili< Is altogether probable that woine ai-There were several iniere: iiug lurtf
14 recurrent: ganu'-til?. 77'>; haskeir
Meefng of Eagles
.Vai'liincioii. lA-v 4—The^egulalive. of food. 76; IK were Thanksgiving >r tbe ix-caaion. autumn leaves prefcreign relathms of the I’nlled Stales. llon will bo Ivken by (he mauulae- brought out at the-meeUng last even
Tuesday Evening.
•eul ve ai.d Judicial apprnpriafion basK-'Is: loads'of wood. 4; miB.el doniinaHng in the i
Tills was the fortV fourth annual
~Tba fondamentBl forotgn pollcica.
effective setting tor
lurers In an effort to make laelTiling
I wm. i.q»ri>-d In (b- house today laneeiis am- b-s. 12: <#*<•» reported by
nic^tiiig of This lodge. It -l»-ing ol^i
Of the United Statea should be raised'
At the auifual elct-ll-m <>r uRb
leas Btringent.
the (ipprffiiriaTi.iiis <-nmini'te<'. The -hurt-lies. 7. srhordn. 1: individuani. (he bridsl couple. Mrs. Ashhy a brWal
lied hVbruary " IVCX. tif Uie elEyiee
Ugh above the conflict of P
he f-jKlcx ' tiiy.lii ilegown W’ss ' besutifnlD tasblotted of
original churlev im iidK-rs Iher-- h- oul> ng were t-ho.-u-u Ip Imid the \
: scU-Ce|>or|ed. ]a: talks.given
cream chsnneoae. snd gbe carried a
il.-nl's s.aUr> l.-maii.s at
d- ■ vfTof B A. (•-. 4:
ofie living al preiurl. He n-:i<iev in •illii-lal iwJUuli of Ih- order 1
bridal wreath of rqpes. tulle tied.
the city. Ihcingh ii"i a iiu-iitli.-r
pile allempts l'»
il. sj-d
•ign Bffairn tbe tlnitod Flatc* should
vititing Nurse Dept.
Ther^ were uo attendaata. Meodeb
sil-ry of tbe se-reiaty U> the pre*’order at this lime. .Another im-inia-r
- yrasant to tbe world a uiilti-d front,
Nunde-r of palii-nis niirMnl in i
stohn's wedding march was played by
deut remains al Pv-un.
Id BtiendAd all but
^be iDlnllectqal. Baaurtal, and todur- ALL PARTS OF UNITED STATES
2; Craiid Travirrs- couuly ciiae*.
rildord MulU vIollBiti, and-Mlaa Unsle
.Tip- Krtumine-' exrt-ided the r-coifi Melr»|«.-liiau Ub- Insurance Cntapauv
trtaj Iniereels of the eminiry and Ibe
the tliiriy
Ib-sr.lriey at-tbe piano.
Vii.Cliailof i'arks ,
,i.-ndaiii.r t.| the sui' Ci mnilttoe to reiwK. S; Itiirt-au of Assonal.-d Chari
he luM-OTiie a m- ir.i-t-r. und n--;
publklsL tbe wage Mmcr. tho farmer
.Following Ibe .ceremony, lubeheon
inks all fiiiur.- . \ j.r.-sidw'a repTO- tics cases. 4; luUO iiutoWr of visits.
and dtlmi of whatever oocupallon Vartoua Problenta Connected With *nl one wh-. whii.- tie Imd
was rerv-ed to the bridal pair and
Se*r*-1ary-<'arl Krirs*mson juKt one lu-mli loir-'-r. jyeolalive* .a salary of
a in a wpirU of high
Hraiid Irav'-ruei conniy. I* guest*. wbi» Included only immeaiai"
Road Building Will be Thor­
Tnw'ur.r lieno C. C-dbi.
pstrtoUMn to pratDoto that nailoii
oughly Diseusoed.
rclaltv.-« of the tamlliea and rlore
- TniM-v l-r ib-c-e veare—Ktvd J'unn
solidarity wUch la Indlspensnblo to
Hiiresi^'of Assmial-'l Clia'
CincImiBli. O.. Ih-r. .1- N.-arly all iidWl here by demit eight yoars later,
frieod»M>f'the bride. Misses Kellie
Pli)>iiiun Hr. 1, Hwatitoii.
another niemlH-r ha-i tx-eu living
Bhtloaal -eflBlMoy end to the attain­ the leading naid bullilcrs of (he Unit
li^n. 21. ,disp-«iiiu!i of «Msea,
lila.kbmn. Nellie Send. Flora Strick­
Tberv- was uu imusuplly large •
sinee ixxt
Another •
dlsniisi.t'tl 1
ment of natkMSl ld««la
ed Steles onO Caimda arc gailicn-d
land ati-1 Jetiule Anderson bad ebarga
•if iii'’;.;!mts
and bdlijwitig lii?
iolDod In Ih-trnii In 1xm> and tuovvd
Impriivi-d, 1: to family, f; niiml<--r
'Tbe retetioBB of tbe United Steles bero to aitcnd tho ninth annual
of the k.-rvInK
here sixteen >«ors uco. Next lhe*o Vln-iion. inilt.ilciry work wn- i-t-rfortii
with all foreign powera remain upon vontion «f the Aincrtran Hoad l<
under rare si Ivsinmns of n-uiitb, 12;
Mr and Mr.- A.Oiby will make tb“lr
older brolhen* snl s-me wlu. bad bal> •••I. la W'lh'h (be new ro!>rF«iid i-talia
a sound baala of peace, harmony and
miatlter iii»<*-r « at ond o* Iixyith. «. l-oii..- iu tireud fUpidx The bride was
in'O-ntly i'ur<'Jia--ed Wll^ ii-x-l. givini'
luyeii in the order two wis-ks.
frelndahlp. A greater Insistence upon day aeto-kiD
for a Iiiimtter of years cashier in tba
Arthur IH-spivs was re--le-;letl tyler^ It add--l (*ei<h of luipn-f..-i»i-n' *s <o
;.-n .Supt.
Jttitice to Amertoan dUacna or Inter­ <«nmTiU>n wlih the (vitiv^nilon and
A J Wllbftin unre on Union streeL
tai.-ests wherever tt may have been de­ with the -Amcritnii Good lUuids Con­ for Ihe thirty-fmirlh rtuiwenlive'lenu
and in her lif- there aa well as la
uii-e on. Tii.c-lio i-vriiiiig, JjiTOiary ;. ■ Madisuti.,
i . la-'- 4> State Fire
nied and n stro(««r cxnpbiaia of the gress. which » always a feature of lie Is also tyler of all the oiIht -Ma­
.-bui.h au-i soclai rirclea, where aka
The wives id jtU, imiu- Marshall T. M Hurn ii »n_a stai.wTj
sonic bodies.
need of muteialUy In oommercial and these conventions, an IntereHllng
wa< pndolrient. she haa woo -many
fM-i> ar«->ct*nliailv' inv ttcl.c.iuL ih-' tr-.lav x.'id Ids dci-ariniefit has ro'ic'-.
other reiattena have only served to hibltlon of road building machinery
fti-jidShe is an earnest worteb
K sc>--ioo will Is- foli-.n.-ii hHIi :iii c»i < vi.|cii.-e wfiich Kbows the e\i*i
atroRTtben our triendshlpa with for­ and ai'pllance^, road malt-rials, moth- iosianaUoil of ollbvrs on hYlday. I>^
sHi'! ha* held offirea In the Sunday
Tiafnmen’ an-I daU' ing -]%rty Rti eti'c of ail -arh..n'irvi.-; ' «.:wraimg ii
cenilier STih. St. John's day. Till* Is
eign oountrlea by placing those frle«d'
t.. iiool of the Ontrai ebun*., wlli
WiMijiisin' and ullier st'ai«-s lor a ii'ilii
the time *01 start by the orvi- r nnl honor of Itr Indivs.
■hipe upon a Bttn tonsdaUon.ot reali­
which she ba* been altlllatad for a
le-r- i-f v.-ars Mi- a.I-b -l Hie warren*
ties as welt aa aapttwtionai
lustrate the work done In yarinu* vcraally for >ui h s<-rvi. e.. Toe tarn
long time-.
liav.- tM-.m ii-rui'd for llH-orrcs’ of «fi‘
“Before briefly reviewing the
state*, has been arranged. The .^nicr- Hies of all resid-m. s'l-I yi>Ulng Ma
aii—7C.1 ,i-rir.-ii«b. most of whom liy
sons are hrtjle.l to alund. (
Important evonte of the last year In Irap Hoad Ituildcrs' ai-eo-iation
piitMde of \Vi.-.n.ii--n. Tlo.wffHiiE •'
, our foreign relatiOM. which U U my organired In H*'*2 'and r-omHrine.s
fip,-!. 'VO.S rar; 1''®- a.-'ordoig to Ihii
duty to do aa charged with tbutr con­
Us tueubent the dkieI uoI-xI
;:ii -If V.kt;f!--'iitureTn ,Hiu F-'i~/U
i-ll. ill «vtijuu<-ib’n with a i-oti'l of adduct and betBuae diploioary affalra are road building expert* of the United
f;i<i thill'U one of (he first s <i Young Coufdc Quietly Married at Bap­
jusl. r.< of lire I.. —;
not of a Batbre to make It approprUtr RUtes and Canada. 'Nclimn P- la-wls
“It IS the 110.1 i«-rb-cHy f^niet! je.-l# on'the pewciam. It wv'Jbl seei
tist ParaensBcv
San Ynui. i-.-"- 4'a!. l.Kv'. 4,.-‘^i-c
that the secretary of state make a chief engineer of. Ihe board of <mtl.
, fomal annual report, I desire
mate and aiiporiionnient of New \-ork National Conference Began Three Day. •as-to advi.-J iroin ll...ii.aulu a 0
...... ix.'h» :nc ipkoi up at n.t-eiing*
Mias Ida Bell Howard, daaghteg of
pnihl Ibat-lia- •yv. r l-'-eli tiri...verej
• Seai'On Today
hian eyui-iii-ate of coal tnatilimitt'
tooch tlpon eome .of the e^ntlais to
la the prwlilcnt of the
Mr. and Mr> rtias. Howard. Monroe
till- etmnl.',';;: sa>: Fire Ma-si-all K'lr- of iHrtiier* Ji.d •dK-olrTR. that f
wilt t.miurrTjw (dme into aliM.V-n.- c
l of the foreign
and win ptv.ldc at the M-wionla A gicji atnoun* of liiit-rogt la the street, and Jamoa Brady were quletlyeoei->n of Cl'Mi'Tlua* .i^aud. .Wi.l'-b'll telL “Aa liir as Hio 5in.-srgi.iictn
relaiiona of (he United Stati's and to of tho convention. -Mnong the n\
;*>jSj.---T. arcl' that ae'leulture will
c-ne We are b--l t.. ludb-v. ’i-at
mmrried at thn Haptivt
.i» thc'-ipii-liHon of the >yndi«'atendeavor, also, to deffne nlearly
notable delegates in aiu-odan-- i
‘^lell4ay afternoon. Be'- C. H. Irving
I elivert ilfto a-coal stalii-n lor tin iv»|v
hcolth nffliers and elvlc welfare v
tain roncrete poUdee which are
Harold Parker, former chalrjuan
due. in H)L future, than it has had offllcatliiff. A *ed.iloe supper was
from liiauy rilies gathered here ply of ihe l*-ai,(l5': tt^lcl Tliy- 7>-lah'l J),.wonl. <•! i<o:-.-r!;. la
: kcleal modem corDllartei of the
tbe Massachusetts staid highway «
i:; 4ho part.
served at U.e home ..r the bride's parlast de'ad' ."
• long U-vaj:;c |r.;inr<y of
today to aiiend thctee”>nd national
disputed aad
Major W. \V. Cn»sby
T'-<- Wexford County -Boys' v'*'"’
to only the It
II keuw-n Sou’.ii Sea.n tJries fat:,;''
of the Ibrelgn policy of the United sulUng engineer of the Maryland state conference on uansing tn. Ameriea
• '-uit'wt has l»-en <alW for t'adtHac the eontrariirig t« irtle*.
highway commlsston:
A. Mcl^ean which txincludes Its aeiakins Friday who**.- priiiciioil residence is In
Mrs. Brady was for. a aamher of
‘ The aubjeeu treated In (he message lirovloeial engineer of highways of Queallons r latlng to health and *»ni rltv. In view of llic-sieadil-- growing
employed in the office at lb*
tailon.'oicrcrowdlng in lodging hous Auerban int.-raats in the 1‘aciflo s
< are; the reorganisation of the
Onurio: A. J. McPherson, chaii
. v<^ boy who .paniHpated in -i
6lobe ib-partment store, and la buai-'.
: and bow K haa work'ed o' the boaM ef highway comnd.slon ee. workittgmeii'a iiouxes and iheit .imw-:ioa has been roi-.-d a-, to wheibrtinteat in g<x>d faith will roeeive
nocs and socul eiriTew is s favorite.
icing, the platmiiig und buHdiar <r \VBshi*rt''H *111 be likely to g»'..c
out to tba advantaca of the country era of the jirovinee of Saskatchewan
Mr -Brady Is a ma-hinirt employed In
ileart *1. -Oniy gradimtes of the ■
clliei„l oesriTun.-c of fhe.tole of.Hi*'
xrden cities, and the work
, the mertl syateoi In eonaular nnd dip­ Arthur H. Rlanchard. profeswr o
grad., who snbmii eesay* of not 1t>e city, and they will make
Islaiv!. icasmc.h a* it Is , to 1- alomatic corps; autUUca aa to thi highway engineering. Columbia, un! tearblog the bousing gustH-l lu n<
Tokio. Dee.
The enure Ja;»ane'e than 30fi w ords npoB farm subjects, in home In tbe Wynkoop Bate. Many
, merit of noo-partlaas appolnupcau Vcrsliy. New York, and Herman arriii-d Inimlgrams are among the guiri^'by a foreign'»orj«>raiiMi anJ
•abinet resigned today. • intenial di*- addition to tnaklDg dl«pU>s ol earn. friends Join In extending bsM vtabt*
‘ toiffvr proTlBtona fbr embaaslej and Schneider, dean of the engineering aub.iects for diacuaaloa by the tnenv likely to be w t-.dly under foreign mana,re oUgible to kbe besars.
tpr a happy future. .
•eoslMi waa the-cBnae.
coUesa. Univ^altj- of Cuudaona
(CoBtlluwd OB Pag* Two.)



















_ J



Grand Traverse Herald

roaatwixo trails. Iia^i htlle to fray in Ihui direetion, for the nieri;liaiit
inariire of tliin country exist* lanr-dy upon paper, as most of the
euuuncrcc w carri<-d ou in foreign bottoms, owing to the acliim of.
the^ American protective system. IJow far the active o|M-ralious of
the Japaueae will exlt n’d uheu the canal » opened is only a matlet
of ennjihetvre, txit the yellow men will bear watehing severtheiess,
MtdilM by
for they^re always keeh to see an advantage and take hold of it
with the spirit that is bound to win in the eonrae of lime. To
begin with, they have the advantage of other nations in the matter
}>f wages, which arc less in the orient than they arc in the Occident.
This is alW8>-B a pvat factor in the business worid, but when there
added to k the natural shrewdn.-w and businesa ability of the
t‘n of the cast, it is something to make the nations of the west
sit up and thiuk of the future and. whst ii-hulda for them in a
busineas way. Jai>an haa already a<mt her cmiaaarios to the eastern
la AdTMM seaboard to look up docking privileges for her steamers, and this
....60c iBAdraac*
is taken to signify that when the ieanal is opened that Japan will
become a |M>lant force in the eomitierce of the world. With the
gr<wt saving of distance eflfeet«*<l’^ly the canal; and the natural
adaptability of the race in a eommeroia! way. it will be well lo
keep an eye upon Japan for the next few years.

and ^raveise Bay Eagle
Twice • week
PabUalwd Taeatey aad ThnrwUj ml TnTma Citr;

ta the McManiis bottdiaa oW rroat
•uwst on Sacarday of this week.
The*.- RiulUnien pm]s»c lo keep s
ftm class market In e.rr>Their advertlsciucaL appeara iliis
week iB anoUMg coluam-.


moi. T. BATS........
OCtoa^ US STroiB

«tn City, Mleh. aadar the Act oT Consreas


To 9Med Gome
Ba^weoUlive Jai s Henry of Baltic Crwk piyposcs t<5 snggeat lo the next legislature that ajarge wooded Iraet be set aside
and stocked with the native game aniinaU and liirds, which arc
rapidly becoming extinel in many parts of the slate. This
good BUggeation. aiid it is to be hoped Ui#t tb.. otloir mnnb.'nt of
the legislature will look at the-matter in the same light The rutbkas slaughter of animals . and birds , hid* fair, if continued, to
eliminate all nreatorra of this kind from the slate. The present
game laws, while enforced in some parts of the stale,
welfattended to in othen, with the result that game is killed out
of season as well as in, and If this prseliec is continued it is only
a queation of a short period of time before thefe, will be no more
game for huntew to search for. The eaUblishment of a sUte game
pnaarve of magnitude ia entirely practical and would do mucli to
mereaae the number of animals and birds that arc prised for game
porpoaea. Thk plan haa been worked with the buffalo, which had
almost I>ecome extinct At last roports this animal was rapidly
ikcnaaing on the government preserves, and the swiety which has
tlM work in charge is very much olal.^ over the working oqt of
Hit adiemc. lo the work of preserving game fhc average hunter
k one to l>e depended upon,'
the class that is to be feared
the pot hunter, who. exists in eyerj- part of tlie state where there
is any game. This man lias no con»eicD»«, or regard for the rights
of mail or Iwast, and nithlesaly kill* op siglil, whether it ia in the
•easnii or oiit of it. He is llie man lo Ik- wal.*lii-d by the auUmrili.*.
and the oftem-r tlii* class i* made an .-soinple of the better it will
-be for thcjlegiliuiolP sportsiiiau, who alwiiys obwrves the law and
does all ill hi* power Ui iuen-nse the <|iniiitity of game ami riKh,
ord.-r that other* a* w.-ll as
may |ir«1it Ihereby. The state
game |in-aerve is a good ide.n and should n-eeive careful e.iurideratioii by the memU-ra of the alate legislature.


Expenses Inereasing






Thai the present session of congress will be another billion
dollar affair is indicated by the estimates whieh have been ha;id.d
in by the different departments. The auiouiit needed for carrying
out the work of the machiner)* of government i* $S7,G80,0CX} in
excess of what was ilbeded during the last fiscal year. This increase
is largely due to the increased cost of everj-thing that is used by
the govemmeot and for the purpose of extending the work <if the
departmenU along the lines made necessary by the growtb of the
country and other necowary needs. There will, of course, be a
great amount of pruning done to the estimates, but when the final
budget ia presented for aetion by congress it will be found that it
will be larger thsn in other years. One noticeable fact is that the
freaUst expense that the people have to bear is that of preparation
for war and carrying the survivors of. former
has been steadily increasing for several years and goes to show
that tbe policy of insuring peace by always In-ing prepared for war
Ja an expensive method. Kotwithstandiiig.the great expense that
the country is put to annually for maintaining the army and navy,
arttt greater amounta will have to be appropriated during the
eoning years in order to boild enough battleships and other war
craft to retain the respect of tbe warlike powera of the old world.
One thing that is plainly proven is that war and the preparation
for war is the most expensive thing that the country has to contend
with in this generation. .

To PrUsent Typhoid

bo tnkon ill ........ t-'»i- oiir«- relief befi.r*- tip- real wiiiP-r sets i
the eiiiiiilry and *hi|>|<iiig with makeshift methuds befome

Echoes From The
Olden Times

Oeeamber 4.
M. K. Haskell has l>ecn in Grand
lUphls |>arl of the week flllmg «ip til*
slock of Cairistiiias goods

Taken from Qrand Travers* Harald wf
A. W. Wall has a coniraet &r
Thirty Yeara Ago.
hnlMlng the new Friedrich Slqr.-. :
i will bcRtn in a few- days.
Tho C. A W. M. snrveyors have
found a most excellent rout* ovci
it dIMrult portion of the wbole dUtanco between this place and Baldwin,
the present tcrmlus. The line follow*
the river nearly to the town line, then
beara a little west, touebins the corOM- of Phillip tluhm;* place, thcocc
south within a few feet of the old
Beltner tolll. thence aouthwesLto 4lie
cute road about So rods matn uf th>
( atnpbcl! farm resideiice. Tll^s polxi
iboni tco miles from Tcavew) l ily.
From then re the line will ran south­
westerly through Green Lake, north
of the lake-

T. A .llUehopck, treasurer of Gar­
field township, wilt he at Winnie Bros,
store unlirfnnher noli<-e. on each Balurday, to receive taxes,

A meeltag of Poomab Grange for
this <-ouBU- was'licld at Grange hall
Thursday and fTiday of last week.
Besides the ususl amounl of rouiln-!
t-uKinewB some very liiurcBtiDg dS uSt were held ou msuers ]H-M*inr
to sgrii-uUon- and farm life gescrnlly. The U-si of good dinners wn*
served at Ihe-'Iiutl on holh dsvs, and
that tb« lady
Grangi-rs of Grand Tratorse oentv
BtamI in tfie faint rank of good lioilsckeepeiw. Tbe Grange Is not etilr a
|pUu-e where much may be k-arnei hy
fanners which will be fur their profli.
bat Is also a arnns -of Intclk-nnal
Imprevemsnt and an ocrasiou of social
entoymeiit which is very plcssant to
sll conn-rned.

Those who missed seeing the'Iran
sit uf Venus aen>8« the sun s face >«■»
i.-rday «HI never have the opimrtitnit.v
given them again, fur the m-xi o
rence of ihi* kind »1U not -l>e until
ihe year ^'1.

delegate lo Stale Grange, A. P. Gray

The nesolt of election on Monday in
With the opening «if the i'aiiama Cunnl the eomwer**e of th-- this county !s not a surprise to cjtiier
world may be r» v<ilutioiiif-<l .by lb.- iiiirii.lticii..ii of a new factor tdde. It was hardl.r expected that thmajority wfinM l-e so laree. bm that
that was not >-vi-ii ihoiiglit of at the time the big diteb'V^as idamu-d.
the county a-Duld give a prohibiiloQ
> Jajum i* the new coiidition that the world w ill fuee when kIuiis niagwity
tvneedr-d. It is a-llttl?
1 arc regulariy admiltetl t<i the eaiial. Ihiriiig the past few year* remart^le. hos+ver. that the «slr-'
Is« spring should be so great
the ships of tho mikado have pm-liiaU.v iii<mio[ oliz-d tho
! mepcc at the raeific, a|id when the short r»>ule is opeasrl to the'”’*"'' * ereailj ndu.-ed


Buffalo. D<*-. I.- t^»Ule. ni'.-li-t*;.
one. si.ivdy. S
t loKti-r.
ir.' s'Ih'ci*.
atilve. stroos.
Moz*. receipts. 4.2jO. avinc.

TJie Grand Trav. rae regi.m is suffering from a car shortage of
larger proportions Ihau has ev.'r been( experieiiei-d in the history
of the section. K.-frigi-rator cars for the shipment of potatoes and
Ollier pcTiKhable pnKlu.-e are entirely unknown, as ordere for care
of this naltm' jdaced two months ago are still unfille.l, and no
pp.wi.e.-ta of any relief in sight This condition works a hardship
with the eomniissioii men. for they arc unable to ship their tuber*
pnJitable or «-oiivenu-nt manner. In order t« get their ahiji
m<-iits out of h.-n- whc.i cohl weather n-ally sel.s in they have to
line roinmou. Im.x ears at a great expense,, which, of course, comes
if their pn.tils, whieh many times are not large enough to
permit of this extra cwt. All .•(fort* to secure ears'have so fur
failed, and there doe* m»t apjH-ar lo be any mentis of In-inging the
railroads to time in the matter. There should bo some means of
redress-ill eases of Ihi* kind, fop the eiitiiv pr.«i>.‘rity of a region
binges u^u its shipping faeilili»*s. This iiart of the slate has
alwa>-a been dweriminated against by the railroads, mueh to it*
disadvantage, and the time i* ri|m now for a nnili-d'pml.irt u|>oii
the jiart of all the biwiuess interests for better service in the matter
of shipping, rules* w.mething is done to relieve the ear sitiialinn
thousand* of dollars will be hurt, to tlic gr<iwers a-S well as the
ahipiwrs. A coin-erted eJTort on the part of all the board* of trade
in the iiortbem part of th.; state should lie made lo seeiir.- inuiw
at the time of the .vear that they are iH?«-.b-»l. and if this eHiiiiot
be done the matter should be taken tip with the railroad .siininiKsioii and »le|>s made to eiifore.- tb.- law in the nm-stion. This is
gn-at and growing country and U eannol affonl to have ils
pnigress bli«-k.-.l by the railr<oi<iK. wli.i an! laen-ly trying to linndlv
big umoiiiil of biisiiiesK with an imid.'-iuate ainoiiut of rolling
st.»ek. There is jiist^cause fop drastie aelimi. and this aetion *ln>uld

I*reralcnec of typhoid fever in Ivanu* tia* lot tb<-«tatv Utard
of health and slaU- univepsiiy to take lueasuri^t to prevent tie
.; spread of the dmepKe. In onb-r to do tlii* they have ad-iptctl tin
i hypochloridc s^-stem that is in ennimon uko’iii tiii* slate, the nnly
• differenoe being that here e«cb city prmid«-« i}s own plaiil, while
in Kknsaa the state, furnishem the plant to the cities’ that
affected by tbe^diseaM-. Taken in all, the Mti-faigao sjwtem seem*
to be-preft-rable, as each town owns its own system and
.it whenever the oceasion demands, while in Kansas the plant
movable <we owned by the state, and k lakMi from plaiv to place
wherever the water appears to be contaminated and the number of
caaes seem to wairenl its use. Several of these s>-gteius have bi-en
installed in the state, the nearest one in these parts being at Ltid
ington. One haa also licen ordejcd for-Traverse City and will be Travetse District Grange
- placed in position as soon as the waiter works repairs are omipieted. offtevrs wcr<> e1e<ie<l and installed: '
It will be in working order alK.ut the first of the year aiid will bo •M.. E. O. Udd; O.. \V. II. Bagicy;
U. WoL Rose: B.. R. R Rerimlds; A.
UKed.whene.var there are any itidiralions of imptfrity in the water. 8.. A. .W. Hill: chaplain. U Monroe:
. Wherever it has been tried the hj'pochb»riile ha^ worked with enHro Irvasurer. A. R.,WcfLic; secretary. A
aatisfaetion. and lawy lives bavc Iteen saved in the cities where it' r. Cray; O. K.. J. II. Monroe; P„' 8.
has tioeii iusialli*!. It is endorsed by the *tate board of health, and Blajtor; F, M. J. FulW: C.. M. J.
U A. 8.. 8. E. Graythe slate cLemisU have implicit faith in its efficacy.

YeHtm Phil In Peace

PrieM eorroewd each day hy wi.b|
troB Chicago. Detroit. Toledo and
BoSalo tbroosh L'nlted Preaa Megraph serrloa.

The finest kind of witii.-r W4-*llcr
Just colli eoough lo hoM the snow
yet mild enough to i*rk it.nicely
The sleighing was never iH-ltcr and I
is Wing Improved tor all its worth.
A derailed train about three mlW
south of Traverse t'liy on L'riday d.Iiiyed
travel (or bome hours
and again n Monday at the same
point. Ko one was Injured and
l>anicular dsniage tenc.

riiiirlc.s Wrighl. whii was given
away by Aiwoo<l. I-olh foinierly r- sldeiii.s of this county, ha* Ix-en found
guilty of making spurious >-oin.
l>een sent to prison P-r on-- .'cnr,
woo-l Is also in prisou for tho >.aPK'

The Elk Rapids Progr.-is has Ikk-ii
vastly improved of late. It Is prlnt<-d
on a goo<t 'IUbIUv of lioek |>aper. proh
ably the best i>a|>er utu-d hy any pa
l«r la the state, and is a cFedli tyi-ographically and ediinria)l> to iis-iniblisber. Ben Davir.


Before Christmas
We have a larger assortment of Slippers
than ever: for the whole family this season.
You wil] fiiad, our prices very reasonable.
Better buy early while the picking’

Defaiili h.ii;ng l..i-n i.isiic tn tbe
exndiK.-ti* ot a c.-nalH i.tetieage made
ifonliniicd Ironi. l-jige One.l
by LL A W.l.ox and Golds Wileox..
h-gatK>cu> and olli- r. ex|>eiiae of our tiuatian-I n'fl wife, of Old MIciOoB.
Cblinso. IK-C 4.—WheaL S4*ir loreigh repr-iu-iilBti><'e;,«u<-,-es.Mui ef- Miettlna, in t.ivor of I’l-ter F Ijirdle,
orn. 45<*»c; r«U. SI'.r.
In the poiiin-tiyiu •^m-H.-e; Uw of Ihe *an:e td.icr. d;ili-.l Mm.ti 7, A.
l»,, I?II, sad ro-tirded lo the ollie- of
polii-y of ihi* ivunlry toward i'hiiia-. tbe Iteglaler of IViK-d-- (or Grand TistPOTATOES.
eiif*>tNvliu-nl ot neiitralily
crs«t I'ounly. In Idlx-r
ot MoiiipiBes
i!Ud :.1T. on Gie tV.ih day
rblesrm. Dee. 4.—!“ih»ioo«. 4S‘i:-r»- sulla of the virll of S.-cr.-lajy Kuus <
South Anti-rii-a; our Mexican pol ‘
, . Oil.
, on. slrlcti
f ' VaghL'Inr>. and
TTie atesmer MatiUt.-e was in i>ort our foreign irade: advantages of max'- thny- and l(v|ia> its.* Hn ^dlnr
mum and imni-iiiiin' tariff provision: no sui: or pru.-ee.lTnF>* at is* h.-iiing
i-ii-M-u.v 30-1 When nil*- left Uatl <
n<-c.wallv for soppleuiisHarv l.-zlsUir.-tnm.-d t.v r.-.vner Ih.- money
»aick.-i of .i-oiatpe*. l.'-t
.......I .»o.r■■!»■■-««. «»»> *»"
Itam-U ot ais-l-''^. t“*» <arl<wd*_of <
; .1-1.1 .Ui.,..;
,I,„r’ Ih.
T soil'a cartii.'i'I i>f miso'llaniyx
aiiutration w*1h Gn-al Rrilaint for; i>.aer of sale cunlaliiiNl In said UMirl.■rrbaiullse,
Nv« Salur.lay tl
lo-al in-aiy .xnd ne.-d of atnendnsatt, gagq and Hu- Malute in^t ii. b rase
Vani^l«« will !>«•• lien- tor the U»l
las*; tlnal*-iil of Norit.’J'M-\id.-.l mi'i.-e is h.-reby.
ilme this srsMin. ami
will lay ui‘k: ■
for llie nliiterat >lanlRl»K-. Tiir olli
boat* ot the Nortlu-ro Mi<-faican Valley and .M.-vl*u; fail.ire of our g"v- lon-noua. there will Is- aohi at iMiblie
•l hldd.T at the
•nxportaUnn company, the lilinoU.
ruii|t House •
iiir fipiunt trade in f......
the Missouri and Ihe MattUou. nre al­ K.r
-I, in ine riiy oi 'I lavthat being
IwiM th.Ihc
........ Oty“"Mlchlr:nn.
................... Ipan. that
ready In winter qusnera at T.'.snistfe I,ib.ria. MorrK-o. and Ihe Far h:ast;,,.j.^
Ttie inlBlg rw-ellds were the Uptiwi South .Snii-ri<-a and the nea-ds for l^k'i pUee wh. re the i'ireuit (Vuirt for HoInitm-diale measures for iueiN-aiidiig . t'oiiiilv of Hnit:d Traverse is li.-ld. the
yesterday that liato l*e-n rv«ceivod In
foreign trad.- with Ihe nations p, Premise* .|e:..rtb.-d in raid mortgage, '
•veral d.vy's. Tliv prires varied from
tt said
srw to- 3*e and cloaed at Sit- with a ilial pari .-f tho world.
ii.i all
lower tendency.
•-aal eust..’, «iih an a itorni-y u*c ol
Tliere wre several large loads of
-•ilt.-en i*;>l Itoitar*.
tiean*. litii-kwlicsi and rye' n-i-ive.1 by
TKKJKemise* l>clng d.^-rilwd in
-Ili-rI',. T C. r,
!>«• !ai.!''-rtrMnini.-nl ns folloas; Ilial
I ana some tame in by rail.
H parp
!.a-.xiv-.' iu th.- U.v..,shlp .If
. 1 r. »ir. lor* l..i.brr ,
iiiiistiki. i-.fiinly of Graud Traverso
4.-K44J r IU-7W*T ltr--*k Vl*
. ...-(.aiN'r.Tm:-)*
an.] stale df .Mlciiigan. rir; A ;url of
»-ni.wn *« a ran ot d<s-k_ hu
Prices eorreeted every day.
*..*.1 *; Siilso-w-..-. Cr. O-S fs—III l,.-!vue4i IlU i-reMously sold to K J.
Hogs ...............................................
Ms/.; s-n.;*. ts-Hd .‘■KXt AilnaF j Hrlpl.iiiaii and the highway mirth of
Steers ............................................
. ,
,,„,«j,!,*e aldlh.vls: =■* feel
Calve* ...........................................
luirc.-l of lar *i Is-inr ri> fe.-t wide east ,
NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. land *«nU and appnixmuiiely 3n fiw4
Cow* ...........................................«
iH-fanll liaiing Im-cis niadi* in t
king mirth and aoiiih. U»iaie.| in the
Lamb* ........................•-...............
•Niii-IilioD* of a v<’!laiii riM.rigag*' luad*- liilane . ■iimnunly kuown aa old Mis­
1»- .tnhiir Hiiis-lili and fTIlB lIlK'-lilL
Sheep .............................................
hi.; uif*-. ii* Naiii-v M Hiuidill. <*-d sion,
• 'hiekenr. dres*«->l ......................
lial.-it S. pleml--r K. A. I». 1^7.
i:.- mil Il». ..Mklub-r, A l>. I-n:.
Gii-si'. dre*»e«l ...'......................
anil riivTii-'d in the tilti'-e <>I
Buck*. dr.As.Nl ............. ...........
t*-r nf dci'd* lor llic iNiiint;
iNimity of tl.;
Turkeys, drc-ssi-d ........ ..............
rii.Tii.-} for .Morlrace.
t'l.- lilt, .i;
i-1 ni.ill-il.,--.. •.1. .............. ..
• Mch mori;.aCi- Hi. re is •-laiinc'd to in- ihursdec if
dll.- at Ho- .laic of thi-i in:li.N*. I'T priiiPrices corr^cd every day.
<- iuit and iuH-rest tlu-r-N-n. Hi" mim ol
I'otaiocB ................................................
;tix tlinidrcd Fiftv-Six aii.l :Mi-'
Butler .................. ................................ 7r.t
iiollar... and n:i alloruc:
Kpgs .......................................
fee of T»
Hs}-. loose...-................................ »l7ft I- a.s provided
Straw, per Ion ...............................WSf
been InKiiluied
Onions .............--T.....................50683.
by said mi-rliave.
any l-atl
FARM PROOUCE-^lllng Priew
, .Voii.e l.s hi-r.J-y piv.-o’thal l.y vir
• Prices corrected
Deliveries Each Wednesday
said tnorisage, and the sinlul.- Ii- sm-k
Butter........ ;...........
-af.- made an-l «.n FrMnv
• r..r KlIllRg and
Creamery Butter ..
tl..- inih day of -lannarv. A- I’- 1”I3
ii-es iH-foi'.' bnugiag
-liM-k in tin- afieni<a>ii. the tin
d*TSiKIK*d ' ill. at the Mnih lioc'i-.- in
Hay. wr ton. baled .
Traverse ftly. tha' I'in
Straw .................. ....
the plae*- where the l in-iiil •-.-nrl )< :
tlTT.:-; Tri-et.-. 1.- t-nid
lunly ol t:i
GRAIN—Hannah A Lay Ca.
-niise.-* d. '.rit-rd In .-aid
Prices corrected every day. n-ncli ilieh i'f a- tm'
.............. •..................S>Oit35'
pwv the anioiitii K'1 *!•
Corn ......................
irisacr, viilh
ilil due on said morisacr.
<1 all . •0.1
Oaiis .................................................. 31..y-s
with. r-aM all'.m-y'
Rye ....................................................... 6b.
Will Pay BigbesI
«li: l4-is. iii.-nt.v-lhn-e I73>
enty foiir <7»i of W.K-k'four
Prices lor
lU,—m I-ern HmmiiiiV Thinl I3r.l)
CRAIN—Travers* City Milling Co. •sCd'litiiih to Hie r'ilv of.Traverse t’llyI
Prires corrected every day.
Wheat ................ ........................^ S-MEni.KY lilNSKY A IJI.I......
Com ...............................
.ViornevK for Natcy Hlnadlil
Rnilding, G
bats-..........;.............................. ’-s:732 V. Fiotii S. BoiJi Pl»L4>ci.
Rui-iil-.. Michigan,
Rye .......................................
et in. 1* 5i. ni. I
Beans, per bu................
6. i;. 19. 2C.
Buckwheat ............... ...................56fi55
Prices forrected as market'varle>
Hides ..........................................
Calf .......................................................
Tallow .......... .........................................
A 21/,.h. p. Gasoline Engine
Np. 1 bores bide* ....11.60 and ui
r.iiBdiT b.-ro. 4 ill. he*; stroke 4M
lori.e*. Gu-d dc-,i.:n. be»t m-artaL
Musk rats ..........................
Hoi-per cooled. tVelcht. 3nO 1U_ Starts
Rseconns ........ ......................
*a-liy. run* «ii-jdil»; I* ecoBomlral,
Skunks ...................................
reliaide. duiuMe and complete with
Mink, dark ........
pelln.v, gnsflliae tank. Iietisry. coll sad
Mink, pale .............C...... .I2.(ui«i r..r.o
switch, wired ready te nin ymir
Weasel, while ..................
e-Tiier, -wood :-**• or pump or do any
Fox, ri-d ................................ .7* 00''Tfi.f"l
........... e csipucit;
r> of 7H
Bx. gray ............................ .r.Oc«t87.Ml
Price* apply only on PrittDO Stack.
Odtr apHes.,per IM lbs...



Local Mirkets





The LitUe Wonder

Prank .-nresch wilt
im )"
ijteai nisrkci In hi* neWf bnrtding
The Dairy Man Says
VnioB slreet. sooth side. U/l^
He ha* lunro milk aud Is-lur cream
ncr h.- l-.i-c.-ir. iisine |..\UVKt.t-:
In charge of Soininon
ilSTHTiriS l-IiWpKtl l! ke.|.s I• xpertcnt-i-d tueai market ms
COW# Id prime shape. It Is a etrh ilj'
couraa the old market on Froilt nreci uicdldhaLj>owd<T. not a food, and i* «
will bo rontinuod as heretofore.
general conilitior.lng priwd- r for co-*..
ixirseji, ai.rii ri.i!.., sh.ep. b-c* an I
One of the chief teat'ires of the hs- poultry. I-Itco 7:. Its. S-Id liy e:i
lar in Ik- held M IJhrary hall next druggisia.
W.-dnesday will t-Athe fan drill.. The
idea of this!I
Tbcih ExtrDcte* AbMisletaken from Addison s esasys. and rep­
ly WllbMt^PiBlB
resent* a eonw of ynung girls Umg
By vhe -Ki-olar" can re
drilleil in the sccoropllshaieni ot
irtove those aching teeth ahsoiule'i
ptessins vsrlou* emoUona. such as without pain, and without the use'of
drugs to I Mvdure utcco- irusnew.
scorn, bashfolne**. playfalness.and
People of luirvou* temsieratrcnt ncd
forth, by a mere moveiner.; cf the with weak iienrl* will aMWwUle the
•'Ka-olat' n-eilaid of laiuleas extrac­
Messrs. Waterloo and Bathey wit!

: btg tnde of tbe weotein leas. Tbe Uoited States, except io tbejwas bat i,7n, wwt» the ma)orityw«i bsraadf to open their aew meat aar«i<L';


Cask rotos Btora.
CSfSsr Cbm and Front SrMts, Travsr** CMjr. N*slk

The Markets

Cof Sftortsge Costly



: .-dak-, .

Amateur Photographers
n. fe U an i'l'a f"r m-u why not mount some of your lo-ei
K.-lak ju iiiLi it* tii-.-c ii‘-w <:al«.-ndar MounU and make beamif^ aud
tiKxp. I.iii*' ihmiuui* lokena 'or }o«r fri>-oda.
. Ein.-s i. •-•.X.

3-k. horltoau

r vertt-al, biuwu' or gray.

!! with square or oval opening. -

Be sure aud sen

10c and 16c .m-hj


MasMic Block

Traverse City



Mn W«*Ura Tails pt His experience loOroWlrs
and Stalppms Antrim County Fruit
I li it proljable lhat the conaorp.™
Editor or thp lltrald—
te of
win pay from 2.'. <»n:i
A* 000 of your aubarrlbora
thu you hare Kiron pubBciiy to the «

t.n ib.1,1 «aa w .tew let ti-;.. waJ'«

A, :■

u,. ™iwtd. iw

of tbe {(ittoM) BtTOT Will
CoBwesL OoTureon of lUtM. may•itlM and score, of loaillng
nmrillnie and oommcrclal bodies have
sent delcKaieti. and the j.roRraina of
fc-rt^l the lucaUs for discnaaloa of »o
Ljviy ici>ic* aUn to waterwuys that
three day# arc allotted for the ses­
I'ferident Taft delivered an aJdres.
at the furoial openlns of >l‘c conven­
tion this tnornlng. . The i-nsldcnt’.
greclluy was followed by addrcitfea by
lYedeilc Altor.0 IVicl. nilnlriiT from
feru. and Meut. Cpl.^hdemon. chW
oDKineer of the deisirtment of marine
and llshpries of the Canadian Bovernmem. io.e|d. E. Ranedell. rnllW
BiJiic* s.-nau.r-ehf:l of lajnlslana and
l•Ie.<idcllI tif 'ihe rtiliRres-'. preside,i at
the Wfssipn.
. The afiemoon rcwilBn wa^ oi»-ncd
with BS tuldres.-i b> tJeoree Noiris of
Phlla.leli lila. who Kpok^ on
river leitidnal,-- The renuilnd.-r-of file
■afternoon nan, Biven -over to llluelral
cd lecturer b> U, llc-l.. liardtnc. con
sKlIinB eUKine.'! ot the .lej:srutio0l «>f
di^eks of Nt * York, city, atid llncli U
tkioiMT vice tirrrid.-nt and chief fiieiiiecr of the Mi*»-l*>-ipi'l Rl'cr I'
Irioirinciit auiotiK tlu).-e whi-lulod
to a-lifr<*> the < oiiures#
Seuaft Town ciid of Mb-higiiii. Muvur
m^iBcralil of Boston'. Sccrtlarj of
kVui Siiiiisuti. Senator SiuimoiK of
.North Canilioa am! SelialoT Maitllf of

heoo Scott ot HouBbton.
Insula. U TlslUnK his alslei'. Mrs. M.
li. Kinney, for a few daya
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Jenmnss of Trav­
erse fity spent ThanksBivlnB with
their sister. Mrs. VIU Flerccor tbe Ave hunters who went from
this neiahborhood. Will East was tbe
ouly one to secure a deer..
Mr. aad Mta. Bert Kcktllne
Sparta'have, been vUlUnK their sister.
Arthur Kilmury.
The Sccor hoy. ate idiroddinR com
for Mr. Ankerson thl. week. '
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mink drove up
froni Old Mission Saturday, returnlnx
Suhday. Tbeir fi.tcr, Mary Metilll...went bark with them fora visit.
The families of W. !’ and M- B.
Kennev spent ThanksElvlnB wllli tbeir
parents and arandpareius. Mr.
Mr*. J. S. Horton, on the peiiinsula.
The letne iaike OrBiil:e oU>o>ed
ThauksBivlns dinner at the hall last

per barrel. WTillo I did not aulhort**
rompanlea will Ket th.
the publication. I do not obleci to fen-m-e.
n~r rwder, taowlo*. ,rhavt*n be[
Wyer opploa m
done alons U.U line If I. erldent.'r^-■
however, that jour Informant did oot *«“■
know that my apple* did not Wl-so «l*e Prowt« of that town iK-rtlu-nlly
iB one dlrocllnn. My apidea bate renartted that tbe eieellwi work of
~e to many people In aevcral state* tl.e_\Vruierrt Mi. J.lpan iJevelopmem
at the price above tDoniJoned.
i **«"»“
I believe thw K I had tommone.l
theowppal«Be.rIlerI «uld lmve*.ld:
WJ the So^ I wid fancy apple, srown
reuaou.ble Pri.v.. : .r
on tW. fine fruit iK-nlnauU
tfi-y Invc.t
Oraad Traverae bay uud Torch Lnkc y,
fnmii and settle aiuoni;
at UiU price.
All the ndvertiainx bureaus, all the
My experience hns ronrlncr*] mo apple uboHs and ail the le-wspaper
that them arc pUntj' of ix-uple who arlirles ieiidlet: to boom tbis rcybw
want Kood apple from tbla realon- will le- of liltle use If we^-*ii!iot wtl
I the,barrel- and are wliat w<- produce to pood advaficuo-.
» pay for theai. The apple
T<» rliuuae tin- MiftJ'-cl lor a tooI la not yet overdone for ttood lueiit, Mr. K>lllor.-I'tiote. also, -iiirt.
*. \\ ‘m. Huriiinii of (>*lH<ri;
appiea. If the loarketlnK end la han­ you verj- pr<ii>erly huie been
rtp-si of -Mrs, A. AlkliiKou and
dled proj^rly. 1 have been lutornied certain growers Ip the vk-lnity
fait,I!;. Sunday, ^
that the apples from another or.-hardj., p.iv.-r..- fit; b.r puttiiix iwor at>ples
Marlin Imran and fauiilj of 0*lHirii
on this pealn.ula wore sold fur IS.ik)
i^arrei vuih i;o.>d*aiipl
ntlciidi^ VailioMc Bcrvlivs at p:ui|i|re
per barrel tW# fVL I saw il»and tb.n irjini: in wdl tlictn for No.
belief picked and packed, and It was
Such practices catmot Iw luo
Ji.iv t'rurk.-rof Juiiitiuli ulli-il
werthy ot that prln*. It is under «:n>nBl.v eonJeuinod. A# luuc us ihU
>u friends at.CIcn loiko last Friday
•tood that tli« orchards of the Kay- dlidiuiical and t,hun-.lgltl‘-d praclio*
liarrj C.K,k and Mrs, VV.-H. M.-.l^ke Inili farm produced tlx- (.ci onlimiei; li cny se<'i"ii Hial
laii <-nlled uii rclallv<-!> at Ovialt lavl
ylMd-botb as to ouallly and <|iiaji- Aiil iM-v.T jouaV'- « good iiBliic
wci-k Tuesday.
Uty per aero, realized In Antrim dcadera or dim riiiilnailiu: uppU^
and .Mr*, llotner l*.iy(ii' and famoouity this year. Many peopb.-u who 1 xt.T lu u Oriii class mde
verc the guests of Mr, and Mr*
for sbveral lullcs around Ibis m^cilon
.void siirh a seclloii. |irii»-. -will Report to Contrary is Denied b Ytil-a l>*l»u'ii Saturday night and Sunto see the apple crop
htassaehuseiu &ull Mpea* Guber­
coiiiliiue low. :ind laud value* will Ve(Ini'.
iffhen an orchardisi <wn have a heavy Uiaiii i-fiini-poiidinaly |i«w. TloTi-foiv
natorial Atplrani.
Mr* Belt Rcjiiulil* aud daugli'cr r<v
yield of auperh appiea and then get
hi-nrilly <mui:uc>h1 jimr carriBallii'ti
turm-d home Monday after virtlliiR
a good prtre fur Utem. there 1. uwn.cj of (he grower* who failed to sell ilietr
Horton.' lu-c
t.-Chas Sumuer
at S<iulhcni Mirlilgan
la that department of fruit growinR spples to-a dliu-limiualinK Imjer lie- Bird. l’roEres,*lye londldute for gi.i
1 few n<-cks.
I was led U> try this exiMiriment cause Uicy had tried to work^off ih. i ernor :>l (l-«> lapt rl<!ctiou. ioilay d>~
I of lit)
■l:e WliJ Col. Rooscva lt told
of aclling my apples hy mail
■ li.iary aiid'dlsrepulnble tri.k of im:
l-hii|>in- visitor last Weilliewlav.
pie la varitm. town, by the fart ih.i^ ling Rnawl apples ni each end of the him liu would never OBSii
». Kd-vi-r of <)*I>om wa* *,l*edar
local buyer. />ffered only »1 per l>vrel Inrrcl and rider applf«*lii the middlc.jdhhiic for (lie pii-*i,Ieii< y. " 1 pri- Run Caller .'tatiirdu.w lie also iwllcd
I.. (hat Ml..1.h-i.!...........
tv.- apples. A I'liicaso dealer ban ’<icl 1'here is iiu I'oiibt
MIclilRuii has vaii-i.v slated i I. iNjrtei,. Hull Boii*eI fii-ii,i* ill Traverw rilv.
willitlK li
a ropresoutativo at Trav>rsu
■ l*-eu dunia.ted iu the c.M>-ni Of ml! v.di loi.l I
Mower* of I'carl l-ikc
Acme. Bale*. Wllllamabu* and HIk lion*.of doilan. by this evecrabie
of hi* van,I a* a'
ei-l to Travel se I'il.v Wcdlii-sdaj 1
Rapid* this fall; and all apple* l>'^keii haldl. Of courw- no ink- fniil gru-a- the lii-:-.l.' sail! liltil. •The rc|«>irei
> Mlllli, rtlOI'IlilUf.
alike to them—»l per barrel U-in-t
{■rai-iii-i's It. bat ihen- ara- jH mine gia1.l.fd 11.1* 111 1. Iia-*'* f-»r Ihc 'rturv.'
their beat price at the station* In thl.* fsmiets of n certaJi sort wiio <tinTlclnlty. Of roalwc. U is probable linue IO I*e riribn* cif thal
that Ibl* Chi'agu bojer belong. t<i
.Now. Jlr. Editor, you have mcn♦•♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
an asaociaUuta of dealer* and th.-i' Ihm.'d Olio haiidlcnp ii> iho priMT.-Ks'
one «f ll,cc iiiOBt *«<
Uim I* an understandini: that oth>; of Wivtcrn Michigan n* a friiil retiioll Impeachment of Judge Archbatd I*
ev**tii* of til.- s>-j*ou oi-i-iirr-Kl :it i
dealer* wRl keep nni of hi* terri­
Uii*e mcntioln-d atiuihcr'-dl«- ,
Mcliilyr.- home l':ida> sifteniouii wl
tory. At lemtt there was practically Iioncst inu-kiiiK and low pri<-e* tulil hy
>llss Ih-lcio Williams eiitoriaiiKHl
DO coropetlthm for the crop In ihl.s UkwI biijiTH. ImHi of H'cm si-rioua
W.lhliitiKton. IV.V- < —Tile ImjH'acIe
•eeUon. Tbo Aldeu eeprem nlativc of ill* Ihul hung as mill .times almut tncni triol .U foiniiierce t'lMiil Jud;:.- an aricn:i>oii 1iiiirli<-»ii from 2 lo
thl* Chicago dealer repcalcdly a.k'*,! iir necks as slniggllns fruit grow- ArchliUld liklay reaidic*! the *l:iC ' I't 111. Tfi<- time \>oM pleasaiilly *{>ciit In
, miiHic ,ahd KBiiies ,-ind a Ki'Dcral goud
•a. Wliat is Ihi- rein.MJy:
me to bring over my Ane Ri. loiw
cxBininaliou of witnesses. The lirst
'Time, nie table via. very i>retty in
] reply: a well nrgmil.'cd and.tibl.v of till- j;.iv,n-iinicnrB IP wilvie**cs
mice appiea. I (old btm that i did
!-Tliai.ksaivint .leconillon*. The giic*i-i!
DM grow dollarva-bniTe! apple*, iioi liutoagiHl AsaiH-iulInn to luarkcl our s-i-li.-.|-i1<-vl to lake Uic sliUid :
enjoy •*! :i s-ieiah ride liiHiie.
clc.even fall apple. 1 sold lbo«- St.
oi-liM-k ihiB afb-moon. The- h.ois"
Mr.-aud .Mr*. John lleii.lgCKi •ml
• the entire n-gii.u. Inmi.niurlcvoi: t.amari’rw h-iiK> to ,vnn|iliU. the trial
laiwrcnces for 12.r* per barret, f.o !>
ttiiicd Jit ■niaiikrgiiiiig iHiiiti-r vvl
Graml with a lo.ol brain li heforo flirlrtiita*.
here. Tb^ local buyer cave out all
friend* ami c-lBlIve* ciiiih. frnm iieir
kinds of talk Inu-lidcd to liear the
Ii sbippitiK i>uinl when- a aufllA/ti'lc from <-Iiarai-ler uiiips:
and fii: I.. *1* :id the day .
•111 iiumlMT of menibi.r* may be »i- only !. #.or.. will b.' cail.Hl b>
Market and to toighien the farmer*
W. .1. SaMuti of Inti-tiorbeii WO* iu
Into bringing their apples to him fur cured. Burit nn nKsorinliou would .-f- di'fcii*«..
iwn' MoiiC.iv.
DOy price that he miglil offer. Amoni fMiiialh ovcri-onie IkiIIi of the evils
Mr*. F. R Van lUmi li.i* reinni,-,!
other Btalenieni* I beard him mat. referred to and b<' a laaiUlve benefit
from all evteiiiled visit in Ohio and'
was. “I nndciwlaad that a person cuvt In w-vciwl Ollier wa.v*.Sniilhi-ni MU'liigati.
All of this I will make plaki in
walk acroas tbe stale of IIIIduIr on
Mr* Milton -Harr of Trav••(*.•-fity
i-iutmiiitiicaiious if you
apple, tbi* year."
Was Underwent by Wellington R. a* ilie micKi et II. ilbiT and laiml)
Hie s|uce for ilo-ni.
t auppose tbI* and other talk iulend will
Burt of Saginaw.
shoiiiil be plc-j^ to hoar from
to have similar eStvt was dail;
Hr. and Mre. Mills .if Bonn, who
nw n-i this snbjvi-l.
aant out by the shrewd ('hienso deal­
Batlle fr.H-1,.
in-c. < \V. I- iv<- Ih^ki visiting Mr. June* and fam
jnll.V WhyTEUX.
er to hi* iocsl hired man. It hod its
liiiKton It R.if.of Siirinaw. ulthongli >. retiini.-d lioine Tliunt'day.
effect on many farniera. and iliu* *ev
M. Jones
Thaiikrglv\\V*I side Toivli ijike.
era] ear load* of dollar apple* «'
olicrolion l:ere lo.iiy, ^ic iili.vsirinn ig at Kingsley
P. O. Rapid fity. .Mich, H. H.
sent from tbis county to I'orkopolls.
di'-laiv*! ihal he ilbidhycd pril tlii.l
Mr-i ch««diaii and son John of Tr:ivv.ouhl Ik. ndmirable III a man
'se fitx. who li.-iie been visiiiii.of New York. Sliclmel f.,unli hi* age.



Meads in tbe n^borhood. rettmed
home Satarday.
I France ♦llliams. who la st ♦♦♦♦♦««♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
UendoB. l>e<'. 2—Kev. Mrs. Huff
t the Normal at Traverse City,
spent Sunday with her brother at Em­
apeni her IfuatkaBlvlns vacation pire iUBCtkOD.
Mrs. E. M. Harr enteraalned 2& rclaJohn Mjers and family have moved
;!ves at ThankstivinB dinner.
Into the Waited Harris house north ot
l>r. and Mrs. r. A. Clark spent town.
Thank#idv1nB at Elk Batdda.
There will l>e a box social at Cc^'s
Mr. and Mrs. tioy Ayers and MiM hall Saturday evening. Everybody
Peerl Artllp ot Traverse t'lly spent welwme.
TbankSBlvinB^wlih Mr. and Mrs. MvlCha*. IVxter o: Benronla spent
n Artllp.
Sunday at home.
Mias Marsuerite Knight of Traverse
Chas. Morwe. George Hence
aiy spent the Week^ erfd with her
Frank Keynulds reiuraed last week
mother. Mrs. M.-Sackeit.
Erncht M. Ilotr reinnied Monday
frtuu a business trip up um-ih.
jvic Fmctsou arrived home Fridaj
o;n the viest. where be has bevu
workiPB. Frank Siarbiick spttit Saturday ji
Traverse niy.
Mrs. Charles Krunim uud'daughicr
.illis apeni the week end" in Trav
rse City vlsiiliiB frienda.
^Irs. I*. !.. IHrtl is tipendinc a ,viiiple
of wMdts in Traverae City visliliu
Mr*. llooiK-r of Acme, who ha* boi ~
visiting luT parent*. Mr. ami Mi*
Jiiliii Kailier. returned home Moiidaj
iA-c. S.

Ohio Horses and MidesI
I *Have some Heavy Draft Horsaa, some
Light Farm Horses, and Mules

Wm. troutwine.

Queen City Delivery Co.'s Ban

Buy YOur Christmas
Presents Here








lies, lo liikiiu-e IVru « n of .her fltian ’, aM.* ii,|. wall* of Mr. llnriV sinnuirli
cial slough. Thai wa reganleil as a closed and It wa* luipnsslblc for him
very difficult. If mrt lu nuuiilili talk.. |to take nourlKhinetu and it viav tijh-.-sMr. OraiK*. Iiowcvit. rclieil•qiilte as'Riiry
as'snry to
to oik-u the stolnai h t.y oj* rulniuib ll|•o■l (he natural ro-onr.-es of iBE.
rent—tor which be obtalucil .-otn-r*-


There Is-No Better Place
We are closing out our Dry Goods; going to' quit the business i
You can supply your wants here, cheaper than anywhere else.
There are Ba giinsevery where you look..
Dress Goods
Silks Unlngs
While Goods
S«veaters Ribbons
Velllnos Corsets Furs Hose
Gloves Umbrellas
and many other things In tbe Dry Goods line#
Then We Have some Very Nice Rugs, Lace CnrlalnSs
Oil Cloths and Window Shades
Then we wi'l hive to mention those Lvdies’ Suits and
Coats.- just think of it! L.adies’ Suits m-de from fine Worsted
with fine linings, or a coat midi from fine Kersey Cioth or Broad­
cloth at $5.00. They ate going like hot cakes.
Bring your Dollars Here, they will buy more for you than you
can gel anywhere else.

A. eJ. Wiltielm
Corner Union and Eighth Sts.

Sonfh Side

Gift Givers » Gift Seekers
will Both be Pleased with


w™ .............................. .
I'.-m, which ill ihal'tlmc wa* pra-li
.-ally cxtiiirf. Hi.-i fliianrtiig nnnlc it
|<it**IMc to .-omidclc tbe railroad over Power Company's Oam at Gtodwin
Went Oat.
the Aijde*. and to extend it to tinGUdwin. Midi.'. Ik •- 4. Tlie ylam
LondoB. IVc. 4.-H doe* not fall to I'crro de l‘u*i(> silver nnd .-iii'Ih v
ucd'by the GliulailV l.tcbl
tbe lot of many elrU. to wed witboiil a tiiliic*. AfKT that had bi-en done
mines were knight by a *>udl-j i>„n,-r .iimimtiy. ti:r<-<- mil
of name, but such was the ■ x
w.-til .nil todav wiihje
perlence of MU* Gtady. Grace. v.ho iwle. Mr. tlraiir w.i* *l»o im-re*t. d
was maiTled today to fsfiain Hainil in llie symlh'ate wlilrh undviiook to|v.** h.-iird fer iiilii-*.
ton Grace. Tbe bride Ir. the danriitoi nimpli'le the Intcniilltmal railroad',,.},, j. n,**!.-.!. The lire- i*•,<lte Ainle* in fhlle. iv.iim-. lUiu.: g,
of Michael T. Groce, the NeV V.nk.
iamdoa and Bouib .\mcri<oii rnim:u- wliii Hip tran-K-imtiueolal Ihn-'built li'j
alre eontraetor.
The brldcgriK-m, the fhlU-an mountalA* bv Artcnijim. ^♦♦♦♦♦♦*****^^'*^'*
The*e ritiaiiilBK* Were *Uriv**f«l. « .

Uiouxb of the same taiiiily name. i>
Kl a* the rirk* were 'Rreftt- the prof
not a klaimaa. The Buirriage c. r-’Will
►rng.-ui- Fi*lic: 1* ill Grand
noBy. which JDok place at tbe fash­
had Ihl* Wck .HI IHIMIIC-S.
c «,>«-led, Mr. Graiv. VI
ionable Bl. IVler'i Church ill Rion
Mr. and _Mi>. |l. R luiii.b; ill" ■ ^
n tor mnny yesr* a cltivn nf, N<
aquarw. drew a dUUoBUbihed gatlier
Fituinre wn- visi’or* m tif-ii A:l->r
k ,tif
All four Of Mr. Graoe's -daugbicr*.
Haiti'* Anlu'v; ni-af the 1>aiG'-- ; AiUir ti.wnyhip 1* Mlddl
who are famous on two runilneni* for.
tbHr beauty, are bow dmitIbB. Of the lield I'l li*Mli’C'‘, nn.1 rc*ldr.-<l ii iwr- gaining :i r.-paiatb.ii a* an ai.plc i>rn
I cif it. II wo* III.- I'nriitiM' lo mal-i •dil.-lng n-aimi and protalres lii Jiroi
four, oal)' one bas marrlod an Am.-ri
one of (Aie u>»*t fav.m-i} *-K iiou* ■ ’
nan. The Orst to wed wa* Mis* Met Unglaoi^ tis i..-ruiari> ni luiiiTc. .-ibd.
waiu'lvni Ilf li-.-Umi. he ha* be-ppi-i fruil wcIh':! "f Miciiiga.i
, cedes Grace, wto became the wife ot
lie own einiiic and viilhmit ' j-'rom FTshcr'* •l.K'k uloii" theic
Huln-n Beaumool. a brother of Vt»
.'iilrea axaln.
< bart.l* of aiidcs shlpiKd l
CPtmt Allendale. The pet-oad daag’i formalii.v. aitVinglUb
ter married tiie rresent Karl of IkiiiGIPI. A. Tli.-r.- 1* m* »ch.*d
om^more. Margarita, the (blid dniigbl«.r g.-hnm disli-ii-t fur a lew
ter. t* (he wife of J. 8. I»liipps. Jr..
'vriktncti are here iiirtallmg
New York.
beating and VKHliUtiUp nystcrn
Few AmeriiDDs have received
Address Before River*
-. ami Mrs II. N. Sh(Hldan wer
more cordial wchuiue Into English Ha Gave
and Harbors Congress
viMiine III Kmptre FataiUsy,
•ociety than Michael I'. Cnvce. who
Delegates Today.
A Thankreiv ing proghmi wu* giver
laadMl in New York a |ioor emigran;
the* of l!ic priniar.v • t
lad and rose to U- one ot the worl-j' Wskhinglon. l» F-. I're. 4-<lnc ,be lilcn-Artwvr srhools .lart ^ypdne.•
grtalest Iniemailonal flnancier*. T
topodstlon of the Grace fortune v i lhon*aml nn-n win. are vlially. Jui.t- day'K.n. A nrinih.T W Ulaid In New-York. Wt (be niili : esUrd In the Improvi-niriil of Aiimri .p;,rcnl* w.-rc present and Ib-.mlir
Into whkb H grew came out of Souih
I waterway*—canal*. rivciV and lalunient was much 44kJ.»>d
- 'Ansrlra. In a»*ortaitoo with bis' Ifarbor*.-gathered In the .ej-lral lo-^ Mr*. tipMrgc (look visii.^d Glen Arbroiker.'lbe Uts WlUUn B. Gnec. ai daf for tbe nintb annual cotfvenUon bor friends,Samnlar. •
in »n 0»n.


Chrittm** and New Year's Holiday*
have prepared abundant
easy aeledion of pracOcal and usefut gifts if
ycu make this store your headquarter*.
mere exen. ,»e line or better value*. The price* vai
dren's Puises to SS-SO for finest leather Hindbag*.

Leatber tl&nd Baijs,-$lto$6.50. Velvet HaDdBa^s,50cto$l
Suede and Leather Hand Bags at SOc each
Beaded Bags* S1.50. M?sh Bags at $2#50 to S3 St

tflRISTMAS HANDKERCflIEFS-A Splendid Assortment
Quality i

effectf—a large assortment of
pretty disigns—ICe.
^and a^c.

ur Chrittmav Hand kerchief*.
Ladies' Hemstitched Handker-

yie on* point we deem especially worthy, of emphan*

Lsdic*' Hemst^iheif Handherchleli with eie.brt 'tred corner



from the n
were busting.
R. R. Reynolds has •
MIehlgaD on bnsinen. He will %
visa his daughter. Ura. UUa V
at Three Rin
The news has reached na dt tb* ||
den death of Mrv MendanhaU of b
disease at her home aorthwi
The M. E Sunday school baa «
^ the ttdlowln* offlcora;
lendent. Leroy McKean:
Herbert Dextee: oiwtist. Mr*. I
Cook; rtiorister. Mrs. G. E I
treasurer. Mia. ilartls: Itbrariaa. 1
mer Wldrig.

. Ladies' All Linp Imtial
-.Handkerchief* with embroider­



cplerd'd qual‘ty-.-2Sc. or
Ch'riitma* bo* for «l-M.








Handkerchiefs with embroider-


cd corner effects or initials are


sjjeeiaiiy priced for the Holi­
day* at 5«. 10c. 1Sc and 19«.




Traverse City


Ill 11

' bSI^ '■

Thai make pleasta*
gilts anil are aot
every woman's favor.
8iik Ecarft* of ChHfon, «toe
to t3J».
Other Scarf*. 90c to f1A0.
Lace Coat.Cellaro and S«ta, Me
to KGO.
Jabot* In peony design*. 2»e to
Rebespierro Collar
. *Bfe to
:iasp kid.I. bUck and colers,
«1M and Sl.M.
Cape, eilk lined. Bt HAS.
Suede. *ilk lined, at SI.SO and
SILK HOSE—What I* mer* aceeptabi* than thasa?
Black. 2£e to *2A0.
Colors. 50c to 7Se.
'BACK COMBS, etc, 2Se to »JJ0.
GIFT APRONS—juM unpacked;
dainty. Every eoneeivsbic atyle,
2»c to *1G0.
SHIRTS juat raceived. This popwlar garment at *l^S—a great vaIu*.


Grand Traverse Region
' ■ Xonh
Nov. SO - TTiP rwl c«p
, 3w4 r«4uro<4 Tiiunulay tnuu ilio
sttM- an pit>*nd«4 liaailiiK. Tb<‘y
Knod lurk, earli nuu
I^^Bg his llrenac and hsvttu: an i-xirJ
* ■ od UwP'thiS year.

Mrs. JohD Uetka has beoD .enter
talnjnc her sIsIit fiWi Canada. II
has Imh-u ai'VernJ years since she has

U iWley has been on
side list Main liie past few days siib
s bard <ula settling uii' bi r lunys.
Mrs. Lorc-osu WrlKht «mii lo KalMr.'and Mrs. latmmlus o( Yuba
%Siia flBlunUy <>VRDine lo vlili r**!! wetv t-allera al Itales la»l week Tbiirii
ttrw. Mr. Wrisbt »lll )oln her ii»-re
y .Ml hIs return froni buDiInR.
Jtdih Fuirbanks nailed on Mlsa AtHr*. Mstide TJelt rinnrr of DIair Is nes lleld Wednesday oenlOK.
Mira Uildtr-d Hanih returned boim
•^dltiK a fe* da>B aJ home.
Mrs. Wm. Ttlch and Mrs. Kd Conaiit trutn Tbuntpsuiivllle. after sitendliiK

Pretty Dolls

Holiday Gifts
Nothing can please a child as. much as a doll
Toys may come and go but a doll is always most en­

f *
♦ O
folk*. Mr. Ad ' Mie. B«era.
Airs. Perry' S.'oObld of WilllamsbarR
Mrs. tic’ Ziiuaerman and ».Mi8hter
Monroe Ono-T. Nov. "O—Rcv. Kr.oas
vl*lt"d Mrs. Seelt-y this wi‘i*k.
is holdlnc it^ival meetlniB at the K<lHh went lo fhK-ORo to at eim the
riayt'Ki Arnold U spendins a fer
sloik’fl.* v
days at; hvnie.
ai-.l Mri Al-e S-nird. m :im;
Mr. nn.1 Mrs^ .Jv ' Stail- lhr.)ier. Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arnold srrv.-d
nnd Mra W. StaileHianr :nid H. Ikirn ■■hihirm of Urawii
dinner to ahuiit 3U sunsu TbankuslvK with his aistiT. Mm. T. On:,. M.
ard and wife wt-ne
at M. IljrIdk day. All
a v*-ry ul-e tlnu*.
Mr*. K- I'uril* and d»Oslii<Tt s- »!
gCTivea on ThaiikKcfylut: Via..'.
Tliankxfl'inK with her »*>n fl.'l; m
Klnuind I'lHiTt' of rifasaot Urovo
•Kwald Noa<ik i* (nterialoins ■>:«
cullod «Aa<e .MlM Fanny Bioiii Sunday
K\errt. Mli^i.
brolJK'r from iion'iiany.
Mm. Kavtmi and dBuslil-r l^i.a
Mm. Vandaiii and dauuliK-r rUn tiii siM'iil Tl.iir,k»f:l'ii)K al Mrr. Sn.ilh'..^ ,
ISvery .oiin la out with UK' alciidiB- n»d Clixlys VwnUm of •CMviriw fl^y
^njoyln* lli*. llr«l Know of tbo wlnUr
yUllliiK .Mia. lonii il<«li>n.
oi-ration. j* Inipmvini; riKely.
Mr. nnd Mr*. Miinin (Sr.-^n T-nior |
•lint XoiMijaud .nud family
, ami Mr> Kd Kral.m^il of T::i« ,
ulned IIIR t>arem^ Mr, and Mrs. J- riiai.l rc)> int: <UU*-Mr. oiiJtMrs Mar
I'ltv MK-Iii Ttiankwkhins wl'li lua.
W. <Jre.fti, and Mr. and Mr*. Frank ,,, M.Uabn iu Ti;uc\rw.. tjly.
Hu. k of WIlllatua-biirR.
.ji,.,,,, 4:ki.i,* ha* r.-.-ov. r. d
Jtoy y.imiinmum is *l»-i*dliiK ^ I'"
.Vir. und Mm. C. ll-wald caTlri at
,eur and ia aide t
d:iys In (Irand ih>|dds.
UiH home of Mr. B. R. Fox Sunday
w. K'lvd BlviVol
M.- Monroe visited Mr. ami from. Oran* llnidd*. wtu-re *h« li.i.-|
h.'.-n vl»t’i:iit 'h» r jLirriu*.
The home ot Mr. niid Mrr. Ih-n Mrs.''.\. Smart ai Cmw-Ti Tlmnsday,
and Mr*. N'i*»>
and .hitd
brlRlUeued ^ty
-Mrs If. Kpaiicler apeal Thanksuii
TIuiiiks.-i'ii'i • wlili lor
.;irl Siuiday. .Nor. 17.'
lii^ with her fafher at f«|mnci»li.
Wni. filluion
fJIluion niude
tiiude a buslntuu
Mm. Wm.
mini Ailinlid.v Cop-UnJ. who 1* a' iii'rtli'-r. M'B. <■ II. .. ........ I*
Mr. iind Mr*. Wid».i* r a'l.l
ttlHIotnahurR last
la*l Friday.
ip* to UTHIoniKhurK
i-.mjiiu si ho-d in 'rraienm fli>.
AIIm'D la-iter Is liavInR a sale lUid riM-iidii»; the TIiaiikhUiviiiR varatViii Ui-ta Ktxdrt a #••*• days with Hi-'
..Mr*: Caiitl'-1d.
vilUi her |mr<-iiia here.
will, lake hi* r.-imlly Id Indiana. <
•_ ijnd Mr*. •Finiik l.ii:v„>ii nnV
■|•|a.r.•' wa* a eood ailendati«'
iK-i liiiK Ip <-Bea(H- the ivid fur tho »
laiiiily nt” Tliaiih«i;i-i! ; •hii:ii-r wi
the Alii iln-eiihe lari »»vk -.tilh
bi»|iT. Ml*. Vi'iik.-r,
MUs llennina Meyer of lilk lUpidH Kriii.k le KRiil. The nest «ii..<-tiiix
"pkUl TiiankBKlvlJiK at the luuiie o( I.. will he held at Mr*. Ni<h>d* on
J. Crisp.
day. Her. C,


CONNIINJEfit coryp
General Law l»ra«Uee. tacludl a Coliecitons
4il 5M* Eo.1 Cm. .
Matt N. Conntne
War« B. Connioe


tj, \ liri
wili-'«'of, “•
Till. . *.-l ...... hand* 'nial aC.v.'d H'r.

, .mI III itiT I'll ' '111 I'111111. lor Hi.- I'ouu

Kiiii. i r wli'ii.A


• 1 (h. IkKird n! t^KiiMS f«u

Uav. till- laiv*t in.|iru».il m«
rhiiuTV uMlniMLufA'-luri' mv w'.irk
in up-to-date d.-*ijns frim th.rfugh
I’roiH't Bttetilion
given all onlcr* no matt, r how
small. Call or write for tiri-e*.

.......... T-at*


A. W.
t r»% i ra* V It* . .atch.
Jlolh pLonr* No. 6C0.

J held ,
uil. .V

I vl'lida'.


liullll' to



Mr*, lurhy A-n:rot*>ii. «
ml. ifc titii-iliE lo-r par--.1*
Ir*.' iMio fUviii, and ■•'in-i

'll-ai v'l- alTlri-I. 1. .-Iliotl I

♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦


■■ .l-.L.r.-d

, .Mr :.i'd •^l|•'.
n •.i.iiiloii amjj
<:air.;|i'-r 1>. *I“ HI Uo-lr Tli:!iik*«n


.Mi»* Lilv ll.ariliii Mi.-iil Suuda) .nl
........ M„. A„... ai.-l.-r.Ii ..I

Buy youT dolls early and then take plenty of
time to dress them and your efforts will be doubly
rewarded by the pleasure given the youngster on
Christmas murning.
,A most delightful showing is uovf ready for
youf selection. We have good ones from 23c to $2.50.

Gty Book store

If You Value Your Eyesight
Authorities agree that a good Itcrosene oil lamp is the b«t for
reading. The Rayo is the best oil lamp made-the result of years
of scientific study. It gives a steady, white light, cleat—mellow.
Made of solid brass, nideel plated. Can be lighted wiibdui re­
moving chimney or shade. Easy to clean and rewick.
Al DMtl*n Eetryti-hen


Mr ami Mr- I»;tv .<5. HH <^*>ri; !-;-ti:« Tiat.-i,— i.'i.y si" lit S.ibd.Tt fclili Mr.
Timi.ksx.tiliK UK!.
ti.-.i ■ r.»««1 Mrr- *’Varl-.-* As.-rs..n, .
•ri o
... it«hi .l.L..- hail 4 :AroU ISn.wo Im* «dd hi* Imaae iHu Tii.diWivim .iii,„..r: f.e ,;,ei>l'M-«a>--i«^»-IllhTrt14anewaouand lio'ir. f-mi’ie* i.| tludr in •h'l-.H'riiTp.
„n Thauk-wivinK. Th.-;-e was a'
'hiy ■»f IKllah-e
la«.- .roAd .md IL- i.vhW wf- w.-ll.f-w .la'> in lU.: Charir* F*a!..n iioilie.
1o-yd. d. and .m-'woni.l •' :r->-ntlr»i: Mon.lay
was ThanksciHu- the nay ill. y j-I' M!>* ‘Had'* « low
to f-ru^
did JifKi.'.- I.i i;..- ktsal dmu-r ,lu- l/tk- W.-lti. Mlav i ighi ' frt,-s,-veh,
tlruam-;*- Who* k„o^
.la'-tr-v.-i., .VhC.l.hla Ch,w. re.i.nied
for il,.-m. .trier din,.-r't!,.-r..
«ufd iv. .
w:.* a wry ,d,'a*.u,t pMvmin. ali. r: Mrs. I.iil.. it i.'rav lias h,-.... iWi.t.g
uhi.-h i!..- r, maliMirr ..f ih.-. .lay was
hi 1
jTay NA-nt Sunday th.-r.'.
siii'iil ill .l.-iiini:, and iill leiiorle'l a.daj*. Mr«. f, F. 8.ulHd !.
\.-r> |il,a:T.iiii day will
;oid ", Mf'A of ah'dr farm i" Wni
hi- r<4lle'l.i--<i d

iftll'drtl "K.,5>T«-.

H'B. ,

- ! «1 ■'luuuy Caii'aL.'vTS.

T .1.-1 •.oiO-Moi.^l of'lYiuul. Cun-

COUNTy^OANV^SSANO^OECLARA, Tj’--- ............. ..
liT 11., 1. -.-.-al i.iei*iii|-. iiii-i wi.ij* of
tl,.- r..if!i. ..f
I,.1 Tru-.-r....h.’.H-t:..ii li.'I.I .11 il-.- ill dBv of .\,.ril.
A. II. '->X OTT
iw,,i«»lllun ..f

1 jiti-h,:.'. ...

Nfrs. U.iliie ll..\>ti- ami MIr* 11.1:117
Je’.i.*t,.ii wf-nl Thaiikkgivili* afSu'
s Ik.,.,
T..WN'Si:iIS \Nf*

We’ve the finest
Overcoat display in the
city. Needn’t take
our word for it.

Qothing Co.
Traverse City.

Our “Fitform” Suits

I..T ilt-rlH-'.

are growing in favor every
day: Style and finish about
them take with young men.

;il iilid





ns« toSJKw®

III..- V lit:..- t- II
•* ..t,Jl ST'






Ji |,

W h--.-4r. from 1h.- r.-tiim.- of tS»o

.. •• : -lo i..»i.=hit. I*
, . H,;-- '..VI,
. it. i-l ■11*11-1 io. ..

M-.n-Mi- ..



-r i
^ -V

in ,

T*' . r:-. at 11--' .1
i'b*K' In and
for" «id
on MoiU*.. tbP ii.rl


iK|.i..i irttfrie Bliocid

■' i.-v ■' M7

*••'101-. li ri-i" :


l!vi- of *U’

Cocfi't; C.’.'tvT'Weri.' Statemer.t.


Attract buyers
from eve .-y section.


Ilavii- .f.

. .,V-o! i- tiT.. IK--. .! of
•- . f-C.B-.d Tr*-r ■ fm-a- •
.. .0,01. of S.-.I.J
of ........................ • •lualif.od
..rwld .-.uii.*.'. »ou.;e WB rtld

•• “llamlio'.
f>„.-i„u. of
.if '.t; I -1 ■; T

’o, -,! ot Siii*r-.W*;
.- I • '

- N.IITO,-;


.s ...


^ In Weslen Canada’s

Quod varieties in
any price


Blue Serge Suits

From $10.00 up:
Hundreds of them sold each
Never a better stock to se­ season—
lect from at this season
We make a specialty of these
of the year.

Ti o:.-:.». :


Onawii. C




c that i!

U «-.'.l..aiid .1 lurihrr
IK- wind.- nnnitwror '.iio.

Goods which cannot be
found elsewhere are
found here.


Vjl • -tH'. -l-.- n



Suits & Overcoats

$10, $12, $14, $15,
$16, $18, $20, $25,
$28, $30


1 .....................

,i*F,,.r. for tli.--|..«le!ia-»'

Our Men’s and
Young Mens

! Mfn.Hy. , ,

Kingsley Department

Fife Lake Department
Conducted by Mlw Mac Dewey.
W* want to mak* this Daputawat «f tb«
Cmtoet pMiibk tsIm to all ooaoamod aad to
tbit ead nqacat that all itoau of penonal and
' fnaanl intorott b« aaat to Mia* Dew^ to -be
feoorpcratodto the Departneat. We eepedally
aak that charchM, fraternal aodetiei and the
Oraafe fnniA ttaau ct intenat in their reepeetire orraaiatioBi. Mean of-aodal eveoti and
------ - '-------------- -------------- T conagee aad traaifen in
real eetate in town and eoantiT are ospedallr
acceptahle. The above apidiee not oulf to the
vman of Rfe Lake, bnt to the «ajTamdiag
-Sditor Herald.

Mrs. C. Dolbert went to Grand Rap­
ids last wsdk and bren«ht her little
Crattddausbier Eileen bone with her.

Condocted by MIm Sdu Wall.

P. M. Swsraoi raterred ti
at Cadillac lodi} after a short time
in the city on bosiiMSa.
R T. ‘Tremaine
sC CWcafie. Is *

days' visit- before
...» •
(From Wednradajs Eraord-Eagle.l
,^.aod. f- P> where be
O. N. Laphsm rotvrned te hie toms' jy
(or.Ae wluter on bosinws
[ Mendon this moraine after ej D. D. Ziiv
I to his'
week', visit with relsUves in
^ ^

Alex Lyle left on tbe Sunday evenThi pa^le of Kioftky and
couby fin ill latongtod ia tbif DopfirOMfit.
tnc passencer train tor Bsnls. Can­
ada. wtiere be wtU spend two or three
W« ibill IM iM to bin tauUTldfifili. Arntbrn,
the Onuire, fntontol aoetottM lad lU othw or.
we^ vtslU&c relatives.
fiBigitiou'hisd in itdflu of news, penonili,
M.i. benan ot Petoskey visited s-'
Ida}. In the city on Inuiaess‘I of mMOagK. BottM cf eatertiistew days with her*broUier. Jas. EMR. C. Vsdder and wife, who have;
Oermsn of KalkaMta.
raeato, bviiaem ehfiBfw. pablk imp
rldce and fanHy. on her way bone
be«a vlsUlng in the city for the
je.«crttoy. called
bdac stOM or coatonpUtod. nUa at real eiUto
from Grand RapMv.
two weeks left this morning for
here by tbe mne« of her «i«er. Mrs
ry, iaad
in town or eonatiy,
, other Uonc at nsDlitrict Buperlnlesdent W. N. Kep
home St Kalsmssoo.
drick delivered a Thanksdvlnc •er­
Cdv«rd Kyselka and wife left this
who hfii cfaarve of the Depfirtoeat — Editor
st the M. E. ehureh Monday
lornlng for Detroit where they will
eveninc which was very InstrucUve.
remain for tbe winter.
Mrs. Blanch Bryant returned Tues­
A. C. Uarien. whe hM been visiting'
day fron -a week's visit with reUtires
WIQ Howard was a Traverse aty the eontcat. The banuocl was served
; tbe home of Geo. Larion of this
BparU and Grand' Rspida Mrs.
at tbe borne of Mrs. Ensign on Tues­
city tor tbe past few days returaed to!
i the first of tbe week, and Roy Finch attended to the telephone caller Monday.
rUe Lake acfcool we cloMd I
I Prom Tuesday's Record-Eagte.l
Mr. UtOo and his dsughter. Mra. day. ahoot thirty being present.
home at Detroit this mofbing.
WedDesdaj- udUI Stooilr for Ttoakc- r ccompanlod her hone ior Thankssl
nee duiinc her ahaence.
A number from here sitended the
Berths Endrick*. went to' tndUna on
Mr. and Mrs. A. R bkHamis tows
Itoy Cote rsturned te his toms at
lac vacsUoB.
alvtatX.*J. Inman and C. C. Ilacer returnaceabee lany at Jra Mstebett's Sst- Detroit last night after a few days' returned from a month's vacalkw at
Cllot Wiese was In town on busl- •d from their hunitac trip at-Iron Monday to vlali relatives.
Mr.. Ed ailmore «w la CadUlae
irday evening.
visit with friends In the Hty.
North U'nMy.
ws Uila Wi«k.
bWiacM Friday.
Mountain with two deer each.
Jlra. Meyers has been entertaining
spent ThankMClviog with ber parwnts.
Dmeney returnto y«^sy| Mrs. J. C VlaeV of Cedar Is In the
Ed Bebee ot Kalkaaka was trsnsWaddinc Bella.
Mra. A. Bayers weal to Klnesey
Louis YlngllDg loaded a car of hogs her brother and sister. Mr. and Mlsa from Chicago where be has
fur city todav on business,
Mtlnc business here Monday.
Willlsn Gilmore and Miss Olive Monday, i
Hoaday tor a week's visit.
Byers. thU last week.
Frad Kreider. wto has-toes to tto
The Suoday scbooi is closed on ac- Mills were married at tbs home of
Bessie Wood, who Is attending high
' airs. Uyrtls Beckstelae was borne
Beatrice Sparling, wbo Is attending
W. H. Craven left last night for city tor the past few days on bualrouni of tbe teacher. Mias Ancber. the"croon's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
trout Bummlt city Thursday.
high scbooi SI Traverse City, spent school at Traverse City, was home for bicago where ho will aiieod ihe'tiee left (or his home at Milwaukee
St home, her sister Gilmore. In BprlncfleW, Suodsy evenher Thanksgiving vaaettoo with her
Mrs. J. Burl*older o( Acne vj^led bavinc scarlet (ever.
liorse and stock show.
. jtbls marsing.
Inc. Nov. 21th. St B:30 by Rev. Loo*
Mr. Granger of Bay Qty visited
Mr. aad Mra. Philip
bar pareau. Mr. and Mrs. C. Peck,
L. >. Maigsr and wifa. who have] C. O. Wiley left for bis home at
Oliver Cnrotbers boucht a lean ot of Manton, Only the Immediate reUwith Mr. Haies over Thanksgiving.
the last ot the week.
been visiting with n-latlveK near ihe lllK ltoi»ds this tnunilng alter n abort
mules at Kalkaska Batarday.
tives were present to witness the cereMr*.
r 'Ladles’ Aid Society net with Mrs.
eltr for soma time left yesterday forivisii wiib friends and rsUilveu in the
Mr. ami Mrs. P. T. Peterson soter. A weddlnc supper was served visiting at the N. Sorensen home.
Grayling Friday.
y^ienry Tatiberer Wednesday.
mined (heir dauebter. Mist Clandts of by Mrd. Gilmore, mother of the groom.
tbeir borne at Columbus. Ohio
| ciiy.
Mr. Hayes made a bustoess trip
Hr. ScheU has s very- sore eye and
Brady Ctaik arrived Saturday from Traverse Clty.xond the Misses Susie
D. E. Qrund Ms ratumsd to his
Miss Ruth Msrriman, veto has benn
•Nov. 26.
ia planning on going to Ann Arbor Traverse City Monday, rawratog
^rcupiee. upper peninsula, to stay VrnHelsn and Hstl4e Tisn ot Petop
tome St rreepoft after eevarsl days' visiting in the .-liy foC a sh..rt time
Tuesday noon.
returned llo her borne at UetroK this
with his tsnJly nnOI after the boU- key tor Thsnksctvinc.
>lr. Dunn went to Traverse City TWt In the cRy.
The masQuerade dance dyen by tbe
A shower was clven-st tbe home of
Hr. and Mrs. Arthur SpaHtog
V. N. Bllbana. vwhe has bean In the morning.
Helm fi Madison orchestra Tbursdsy Tuesday evening.
Frank wiidmsn returned last night
Mrs. M. Grant is eolertainlns her G. B. Kodees on Friday eveulnc la irlaitlng Mra. Sparling's parmts
city for tbe i«st few days on bUKiness
evening was well attended, t
Adam Seegmlller made a toali
■Uter. Miss Hair, of
o( Mrs. WUl Gilmore (nee Tustin.
left (or bis home at Manistee this from tirand Kaplds where be bas been
Seegmlller ot Detroit won tbe prise
Baxter W<
Miss Evelyn Bechsialae was bone Olive MllUl. who was tho recIpleDt
for the past lew days auendinc the
Mr. sod Mrs. Woi. Primbie are
Minnie Sargent 1s staying with Uator the best dressed lady and Harvey
three days from Baxter.
or —wy bAuUfti! and userul pros- the sick ItoLGee. Mortis returned te his heme
DiUabey received the prise for the xie Mort for tbe winter to she cpB ttF. O. fiSoneham and wHs of Grwid
le enu.
Mlas Prancea Pierce came home
tend school here.
I at Honor thU morning ^ter a short
Joe Myers vrss snrprised by several 'ednesday to spend Tbankagivinc
Rapids arrived In the Hty tost nlgbt
for Tbankmilvlac.
Ur. and Mrs. Henry BrommeU'«rf
bis neighbors
Monday evenlnr. (UtlOO.
F. t. Trsnslew of fislmoirt, N. V.. tor a few days' visit with retoUves
Rapids Sunday.
Detroit on Friday.

'moved Tuesday to Spencer.
I Nor. 18. In honor ot his T6lh blrthAndrew Prtodle and Howard Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Eari Case were Trav
Peter Mdtb visited bit psrants s« Is In the city fur a few days on bust and frieuds In the City.
Mrs. Nelson and dsngbtw. Mlas day.
» to camp today.
Baxter on Thanksgiving.
erse City callers Tuesday.
Lois, went Sunday to Trout Lake, up
Bonday services at the M. E.
Ralph Pierce was In Traverse City
Mrs. O. R. Jelmtee retefvtsd te her
Mr. and Mrs. Fred HalUday visited
.Mr. Grueber and Hr. Mathews of
por pealnsKla. for tbe winter.
church. Dee. 8: Preaching at 10:36 1 business Wednesday.
With their son at Jennings on llmnks- Traverse City were here on butlnew home at Olivet this morulng after a
Harry LaBar of Traversa CUy a m. by Rev. A.
. Bakar. pastor;
Ben Wilson lost a valuable toll
short visit with relstlves in the city
( with bU parents. Sabbath sc^l at 11:45 a m.
last week.
Wm. O. Lassen, «vhe has bsen In
Charles Hoeflln lost n valuable con
Mrs. J. W. SeegmUler returned from
Mr. and Mrs. «. L LsBar.
Preaching at Presbyterian church
Wilt Hodges came home Wednea- Cadillac and U not mock Unproved.
tbe rity for several days on businesiSunday.
Jdiss Ixetta Wood ot South Board- 3 o'dock by Rev. long; Bpwor
sy to spend the rest of the week
Miss Peck was in town Sands.- on lefl -this morning (or Manistee where
Mra. N. Sorensen Is suSering from
man was the gust o( Mra. A. W. League at 6:30 p. la
with his parents.
ber way to her scbooi In the Nlcke--- bg will visit for s abort time beforcn absceas In tbe eye.
^County Scbooi Commlastonar L
Ben Seely left last week tor the
rMurali^ to bit borne at Indtoaapo
The Royal Neighbors had a contest eon neighborhood,
Qeo. Hobba was borne Crum Trav- Horntoy of Traverse City was
southern part of the suta.
to work up interest- Mrs. Mary Seegurs. Chaufty made s business trip
dirse City Tbnrsday.
____ __________
Xena Wilson came down (ram Trav- mlUer and Mrs. Ensign w_ere csptolns t® Traverse Oty Tuesday,
J. V. Zsigler of Maekinaw City, is
B. Bnmet aklpped a lot ot tnrtori
0.*U Boynton has bo^t the Knnt •se City Wednesday to spend ber
of the respective sides, tbe losing sldej Mr. and Mrs. John Pasel and
In the city for a short time on but!
'aad ehldcaaa to St. Ignaee last Mon- residence, on the corner of Mfin and cation at home.
to banquet the winners. Mrs. SeegmU- Irvine visited with Adam Seegmlller
Front atreeta
Bert Christopher went to Old Mis­ leFa aide being tbe losers. A number Thanksgiving,
H. H. '
I and wife return
Mark Hager came btans from the
The todies' AM and Sarvlee Guild sion Ssurday on hnslness.
ot new members were received dnrlngj Dee. 4.
cd to their home at Duluth this morn
Pbrfu Institute, Big Rapids. Wednsa- sodetiss will bold ttaeir annual (air
Married—CHmer iH. Pierce to Cnara
ing after s two weeks' visit near tb<
Say. retnmlttg Bnoday.
Dec. 10.
Skiner, Nov. 2Sth, at Traverse City,
city with relatives and (rtenda
Mra Bartlet ot Grand Rapids la rip
Chaa Prevoat ot Kalkaska was the by Rev. Irving.' pastor of the BapUst
log day when Mtos Ruth Cook, dangbMlsa hisdgs Roach Isfl this morn
tUng ber aistsr, Mia. U A. Bennet. guest of his mother and alater, Mrs. church. Mr. and Mn. Pierce ratoraed
of Mr. and Jlra. Joe Cook of this ing for Grand Rapids where she will
Elmer Pierce and Miss Clara RB
Mr. and Mra ^ihrahn Ran^r ban Alla Doherty, Tuesday.
home Friday. Tbey were pleasantly Sklver were married last Thursday at vkinlty became tbe bride ot Elgin visit for a few days with friends.
k : tone to Alba (or tbe winter.
at the bride's home the tbe Baptist parsonage at Traverse Miller, a pratninent farmer of Wex­
A. fihafsr and wifs, who have
John BIglow ot towrenec. Mich. U Miss Blmins ArneM Bseemss Bride «t saine evening by their frienda
City. Rev. C. H. Irving performing tbe ford county. Tbeir many friends
In., tbe cliy (or the past
the gneat ot bis uncle. O. M. BiceWm. Neieon
Mr. and Mrs. W«. .WeUs speel, ceenznn}-.
wish them sueeeM sad happiness dur­
months left this morning for Fort
The wadding of Miss EtoBna Ar- ThankagIviBt wHb tbeir daughter.
fYsnees Pierce was home for ing tbeir wedded life.
Fla. where they
Bd Carotbers was home (ram MItcb ntda and Winism Aribur Neleun look Mrs. Ctoa. Cook, at Kiageley.
Miss Tina Holland *|>eDi Thanks spead the winter.
Thanksgiving and also attended the
dtOD tor Thanksslvtoc.
place at the home of the bride'
Dec. 2.
surprise party of her brother. wHIch giving with her parents In Cadlllar.
D. E. Artllp returned te his heme
Miss Edilfa Bridfoimn of Mayfield parenta Mr. and Mra U. E Arnold,
was held at Mr. Skiver's Friday evenMr. and Mrs. Guy M. Stock took
: Marquette today after a w.-ek'»
apeal Thankaclvlnc with Mias Emma on Wednesday. Nov. 27. at 12 <n. The
k pleasant time was enjoyed by Tbankiglvlng dinner at John Amy's.
visit with retollvea ia tbe Hty.
cersmony was performed by ReV. A.
Julia Doran, who to attending all present..
Mlsa Incx ComMI spent l^ksglvGee. McOanald and w4fe returned
Tbe Ladles' Aid Society vrtll meet W. Bakar in the prasence of tbe im- scbooi at Traverse City. H>ent Thankw
ing with her parents. Hr. ap4 Mrs. Ed I their home ai New York Cfty sfi
«Hk Mrs. Ells White this week.
modiste relaGTes.
riving with ber pareuts here. Mr. and caller tost week.
d record mads possible because
• a week's visit in tbe cfty with rela
Bart A. Bair and f^llce Brunet
The bride wore s gosm of while Mra. T. Doran.
of our Infleslble rule ot mskins
and friends.
were Is CbdiUac Wt
Bbraldered net over white sUk.
O. Keevn- was a Traverse City
ly tra buslgess for Mr. Holmes.
“sbsolvte sefety (or deposits al­
Harefd Wilson of Grand Rapids arrelatives In Antlocb the past few days.
ily Mlowlng tho
caUer Saturday.
ways our first consideration.'*
Mr. Holmes was a Traverse City
F. D. Hager took a load ot turkeys
weddlnc dinner was eerved.
Mra. P, Knight to visiting her iiar- rived-in the city today for s few dsyi
Lewis of Ossnovto has
visit with friends.
iller (be tost of tbe week.
to South Boardman last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were tbe
ents. Mr. sad Mrs. Phil Zelgltr.
turned to bis home there after
I. Law left for hla home at NewB. Brwiet amda a bualness trip dplenta ot many ueeful and bei
Elder W. It. Griffin to here
week's visit with hto nephews. Leon
Mrs. Henry Milks spent Thanksgiv­
to Cadinae Tnsadsy.
tltnl prasemts.
ing with ber larents at Traverse more and will uke up bto duties as sj',:. N. J.. t,iis
and Loyd HuS and families
MH Traveler of Imnslng spent
Dee. 2.
pastor of the Wexford Church of
AlTfn Cook ot Kasson was th- City.
m of Hlcbigan.
■ Tkankstivinc with bis nephew. Rosa
Mrs. Tyler silent Thanksgiving wItK Christ.
guest 0f E. Payne and family Sunday.
C. O. Dramwln of fiummitt City Is
Mrs. Fbed Konxe visited friends In
Homer I>ayoe and srife-visited Sat- her daughter. Mn. Walter D. Lj on.
In the rlty for a short time on busi
Mtsa Rena Hscklns was home
Mr. and Mn. Tjler wok supper with Cpdillsc a coople of days tost week.
ly night and Sunday at the hon^
-Reseurioe ever Two and Onoli ankxcivinc.
completed (or his new house.
Guy W. Stock and wife
ot J. Osborn end wife.
Mr. and Mn. OMhnm the tost of tbe
Ouartor Million Dollars.
.. Mra W. T. RoM ratnrned to bee
Hutebin. who hw bsen visit­
Lee 'Gibbs la putting up s new sUo
laess trip to Cddlltoc tost week.
Mrs. Fred Beenion returned homehome In Acme Friday.
a hla ta^. .
Mrs. IjevI Strong and daughter-ln- ing wlt^.Alen4s In tho city for tbe
Miss Dalxell vtoiied friends a
lut week (ram s-vtsU with ber sister.
Orange Fuller sras home tram
tow visited Is Copemish a couple of
A daughter was bora to Mr. and Mrs. Plowman of Glee llav<
rse City sod Wllitomsburg.
Boekler tor Tbank«iving.
Mrs. John Hager on Saturday. Nov.
days tost week.
Dec. 3.
The friends of J. E. Osborn and
Mra EUs Whits was In
on 24th.
Dee. 2.
wife gave them a farewell party
business Bsturday.
Ekrl Gilmore and Vera Crngo have their home Saturday evening, there
Prof. W. G. Winsrd and wife eoIn the astomobae fi
being about 40 present. The evening! John Hoye to visiting old friends at
' Mrs. Hayes went to Traverse City
Wtaloed bia consla Hiss Ullle Kent, at Flint
(bis place.
was spent In playing games and
at McBaln tram Wednesday until BatPercy Strshan U assIsUng U T. Jod- tic. after which a fine lunch
Mrs. K. Wauon visited Traverse Saturday to undergo an operaDon.
There will be quarterly meeting
klns in tbe G. R. fi 1. sUUon.
City Friday.
Claud BattenfieM and Hyla Caproa
Roy Finch baa sold oat hte milk
Mrs. G. Hammond made a (rip to the Hlce church Sunday, tbe 8ib.
Dec. 2.
10 o'clock. All are Invited.
both of Springfield , were manled
wte to Lee GIbfaa.
Traverse City one day tost week.
To* Hller was In Traverse City SalWedneaday aftanwon at Kalkaaka
Orange Puller was tome Thursday
Mrs. C. Hammond visited a week at
O. M. Btgetow iwturned borne last between trains.
Mn. Richard Sparling Is staying
Mary WiUtoms went to Summit Cliy
IS'edneedsy fiwm Mound qty. WU.
Mra. Elta Wood tft Etkbart. Ind.. Is Howard CletonJs’ this winter. The Hel|>ing Hand sunier was a.
to attend tbe quarterly meelwhere be baa been In tba fruit tree visliing her brother. Chas. Lesria and
Miss Nellie Gray was home over
fort} attending. A short
program was rendered
MIm Teasa Barber ot Travera* Clly 'The bean threshers have been busy
Mr. and Mn. Winnie Pierce's two
.The Swastika supper was well
mxat Gitankjgiving with her parents. In Union tbit week.
bsbies are down with whooping sough tended.
Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Thompson and
Mr. and Mra Ross Barber, tn-Sprinr
A. W. Sinclair has moved his family
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Amll Smith.
Mr. l.nmklD and family of Traverse
«s and Mr. and Mrs. Orsoo Clark
to fioDtb Fife atoe.
- firid.
Dec. 2.
City spent Tbsnk^ivlng here.
dinner with Mr.
Mrs. Frank Bedell of Grand Radds
Mr. and Mra CyMe AJIsb of Clair
Uttle Carl Smith I* just recovering
Elva Dalxell spent s few days at A.
and Mra. Will Clark.
rtaited the tatterb alsttf. Mrs. O. U arrived Tburnday for a couple ot from an attack of chicken pox.
S. Pray's tost week.
Mr. and Mra. Earl Gray. Mr. and
vreeks’ visll with her parents. Hr. sad
Bnyntoiu and tamlly. frosn Wednt
Elmer Pierre and Mias CUra Skiver
Geo. Pray's family spent ThanksMrs. Silas Gray sad son took dinne,to Saturday.
Mrs. V. Goff.
were qniril}' married In Traverse gtring with friends here.
Roy Hager left here Monday morn­ City one day last week. They have
Tbe Helping Hand society will meet wiih Hr. and Mrs. Ed Gray on Tbankeglrtog day.
ing tor Alberta. (Mnsda, to spend the the best wishes of all their numerous with Mrs. Jenule Cook the I2ih.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson drove
girinc with their parents. Mr. and winter.
friends Is this ririniiy. A reception , Dec. 5over to Platte tost Thursday,
Mrs. A. W. Tbcn^ In tbiioa
Roy. Finch vras In Kalkaska Wed was held at tbe home oT the bride's
brother. Bajnsrd. cane home with
••day buying a new team.
Miss Emnis Hodges returned U
parenta They received a number of
P4snsant Sunday, after spradlog a (sw
Ray Fnller was In Traverse Cnty i
Mr..and Mrs..-nwlght Oates and fa^ them.
beeutlful as well as useful presenu.
Mr. and Mra. Roj- Case are
iMaesi (ram Bonday unUI Wedm
days with her jisreeu. Mr. and Mra
and Mn; Howard Cletond spent Uy and^Miss Una Oatley took TbanlcsO. R Hodgea
giving dinner with their sister. Mis log over to While diy for tbe winter
Thanksgiving In Traverse City
d*rHe to golDg to ban! cord wood.
Mrs. Harry Parmeyr ot Cadniae
(Maa'Desn srd family moved
Roy Stock.
gdM of friends.
R R Bates SSd nephew, Perry
Mr. aad Mra. Roy Spangler at^
Kalkaaka Wednmmay. where be hu spending a week with her sister. Mis.
Mr. and Mra. Howard Newmarcb
(toorge Suit spent Sunday at Jotin Rotbgeb, were out riding Sunday
accepted a position as sale^mn for Bd Gilmoi
spent Tbsnksgirlnc at Baxter.
Mr. C. L^wto and (smily took din
(be Rancblcy Medical Co.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Johnson of Shsran
The many friends of Grace Lj-dell Amy's.
A. Sayers has finUhed the log
were the gueaU-ot Mr. and Mrs. Gas and Donald Milks were eorpHsed
Several from this ridnlty-attended ner with Mr. and Mrs. E. Rayic
> St Buckler Thursday Tboradsy.
lag at Fite lake and moved hU miU Dotberg last Monday.
learn of their marriage, which took
Mr. and Mra N. T. Nelson. Mr.
to the Boardman “green epot." where
B<wn to Mr. and Mrs. Brady Clark, place In Traverse City tost Tuesday night,
and Mra Bd i.ake spent Thanksgiv­
!be bus a wlnter'a cut for John Cook. • Thursday. Nov. 21st. a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd 'Butler
They Immediately left for Grand Rap­
Miss Martha Bernstrise cmiae home
rMs. Glen Dlbert of Dlbert Is spend id* aad other polnu. reiuraing Sat­ Thanksgiving dinner with their par­ ing with Mr. and Mra. Will Lake. Mrs
Roy Case and Lanra Bates also called
Wedscaday eveulag tram Rapid City tog s week with her pareaU. Mr. and urday nbon. after which a reception ents. Mr. and Mra. Frank Puller.
on them In the aftertMoo.
to ppend Tbaalaciriag with her par- Mrs. c. Frailek.
Quite a few from this
was held In tbeir honor at the home
Ed Lake made a businest trip (.->
mtM. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Barnsi
Mr. and Mrs. John Codd went to of the Mde't parents. Tbey received bood attended the Home Aid Jubilee
.Traverse City on Wednesday to spend s nnmber of beeuilfnl klftt. Including St Shertnan Thaakaglvl.ig day and Traveiae Cfty last week.
There were 2: who took dinner with
A. A. Wilks left here Tuesday to ■cm Green.
silver, cut glass, china and linen partook of s bountiful dinner.
tMl rrlaUvn In Columbus. Ohio.
Mrs. D.'E HlQs left here TBursday piey have the best wisbeu ot their
John Amy to quite 111 at this writ- Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bates tost Tbnr>
. ■ Joe Mym was surprised by kev- to visit retoUres to tbe sontbrn part many frirnds (or a long aad happy
day. *
Last week tbe train oe the Honor
of the state.
Bder Green closed bto series of
wedded life.
asalof bU
Mrs. Chaa. Button attandad tbe pe—_
Nov. IL in boaor o( bis Idth bbtbMiss Myrtle ..,»_M.
WyekoS dosed school meetings at tbe Church of Cbrtot Snn- branch ran off the track. No one was
dro parly given by ber alstets. Mes- Tburnday aad Friday (or TbankaglT-|day evening.
George Peck’s team ran away last
1 A very prettr wedding was solemnMssiM- -Joe TUEany visitad bis sis dameu B. Bamn aad A. Rfebmond. lag.
Dec. 3.
jlsed at tbe CbraeR cfiwoh.Tfimritwt*-; Friday et edlttc and was not foend ot- . tor.
tar. Miss Bdaa, iat ber scbooi nsar afid Mrv Marshall Carotbers, Satur-

A Cenlnry



Selecting the


is a Simple Mailer
at Our Store

Our Stock is Complete, from the little
one dollar Brownie to ihe most (xpeosive
Kedakj—Come early ard let us show you
the line and give you a catalog.
Brownies, $1.00 to $10.00.
Kodaks, $10.00 to $65.00.
Tripods, 75c to $S 00.
Can^^g Cases, all sizes.
Tenk Dcveloidng OntOts.
Deveit^ and Printing OntJIts.
No tronbic to show gcKMls.

WAIT’S Drug Store



OTcu" n»tt ttid

or ri



i QIEliiL li

•tolo a ti-kket. end. two day* tator, be
va* hack there with plaster of Pails
^ l.'ilrpmALa
and a toad of cem acd the end of It
atat Due Bentley'rfdrs that sane FASHIONABLE FABRIC*
-1 atm InalaL" said the woiata wte
* called oa nr old M«td. Btm
g today, HP ^ ardeed Orangvra.
- a there be eom«» over that rise.
Hell be here In five mlDUtos. Watch
him when be paste*; the horwe has a
Bmp. and tbcugh be can go when ha
M.. fcTKUTO.
I C «. W. o.- wort.:
wan’B to, Doe ItoRley wont pc»h him
oa these tnade roads.
was I fitr O. yes. WelL
when he waa eix nUea out of Norton___
Nancy beta. Tbat'-am W someflittg
"Of oc«me. I wouM not ro aroosd
Tille, end waUtlng Into town. Mias
TO. pronisos to be an axpeulvs
tooUng Into pwuple's window, in
Edlth.Soi»ers was walUng &i ihs Pre*--------w... The fur*, the vel-■
i^S^Wben • per«* build, a boona
-wni u.« »t. rt« OU i t«r lor
wM.'-'tt; im'p.lSil“''.hVta«ta bnerlia ihurfh. Thai w*» at noon, veto, the aatln, all the beeutbul mate* -No don't sum!" broka in tha old tn town yoa know tt's hu casOe and
end you mlgbt thtsk Dec HenOey rials that rank high on fashion's Ust woi.^ T ahornd think yoo WOOM yon bamoT any right on th. premlM
ie* i
•At a rery Rood one.” be returned.
you knbw—and she bided here for **e- pould hiTo TTorered the dteianee on are eoaUy things.
hTas^mod of TonmeU
mr without an Inriutloa. but whan ha
Citiigtnf tdilM-woi
and twenty »«**»
years •““*
until Doc Benb foot by ihoB. Bsi the fact U—whidi
Um ai her pretty brown
eyea filled. RCDtle.
»rown eyes

. • ‘T,
The woman of few frocks will do love scrape* to svarybodj."
build* one tn tha eountry U ta a path
r loTgot to teU you—that be had been wtU
wUl to
lb cloec
close her eye*
eyes w
to me
the lure of
n* »oo^ l ahnar to bear
Mid‘Uva bid lor Inapaetlon!
stunned h.v his taU and lay like a log Ihe velvet*. They am*beautltul be-vnn mav do out'of do<»' Bo
“Why. a new red ham U a OThJent
ngt later
in the
from twu in the morning
csii: half past eight- Also, bo bad a modlrik. but they will not Rive such |
“I didn't know yoa erer sold goods
tw«mty«M atoond hi the eountry and -a boum la
broken shoulder. So you see people .ervlce a* will oibor matortala aqaalthat way.” Daisy said sortly. and for
J^Xia and buSTma a n BdalUva .fodnend. becaus. evefy
were sorjewb*! har-.h when they said ly faahwnsbU-.
the first Ume Bart, amurtiug from a
] Ltu. ^
body cma axplaln aj kngth why bo
he oughtn't to have cone. or. W be bad
For smart tollomd costomeo wool-;
omb five doesn't Ilka IL
“i«,i»r,rrhU..U,:,.» r~ l»r
gone, be ought U> have be«n back on rep and epiegle are to be had in ex-' ^
re *«• 1 didn't onaml much'
TTte Sutiona began building thalP
keeping our eneagement a secret, atlU
:0m teat couple of months. noUced
^ne a
^ A cracker ought to k« p hi* place. I
cdieni quallUaa. and wHl be found
howae out near the golf Unk. early to
"IIU* Bomer* waited with the bridal much mom pmcUcal than vdvet. fbr
bow totely the glrilah face waa.
iTi« 4.tetLd ^ “>'•
“«> »*"“•
n.h.fci the spring and a* It was merely serosa
n berer hate.” he aald
' wUhes not to
1^^^ n^U ^ of u. folks, but Miss party from noon until a ouarter past house wear snd evening wear the
woman to keep me the road from the eighth hole It was
Then her father took her bosie. lovely stUos and odapes. and even the
, wtsrtod quite the thing from the start to taka
-bntttto nerer loo Uu to eba^ my '
the year, rn solve
and an hrur Icter they were cpeedlni sheer gamr stuff* wuh^nd . hard
to touTlook at Ih. a recea. at that point and cut acroM
DO., »„-<«. '>•
lu their car out of Nortiwvnie. 8bi wear beUer than velveL BuL considto s.'e If I could find one to nnlt the road and nney the bole In tbs
arstlon of eoiuomy being left oat of
ground that was going to bo the Sul“Oh no. no.“ she oled In alarm.
town, that you obtained lb!*
proHd. Her faShcr uwk her to Palm
dbeuaripn. me new velml must ^
All Of u
you won't tell that 1 hivo ring from me." and with these worffs
Heseh acd aner that to Pari* and be CBihuslsKleally scctoiineo
^hap W be knew «f a Flared every time we looked at It that
London, nad they tar she brokelew
ha. changed modi ^ ^
married, and be the hole was sllhsr too big. too imafi.
of hcun* during i
.I since the old day*. The llghu auppic.
j,, guessed that Nancy mo thallow or too deep and nothing
-STty. surely not." ho wtumed, *^0^t on yottr wraps," he told h.r.
nuS w'to^
clinging fabric of today baa little
lltue In
in unox did and If jiVanted
ut!I ...—1-.
,ranted a wife 1 had could
Induce u* to hate a cellar like
lerlag -« her emollne and briak-•-red I w-m take vou homo." snd he
5‘>Ui* yeai-s: but She ctvir marrlei
1 commonj with the stiff velvet of yen,( when me
the workmen
^ taming wsUers tato a thoroogWy ! walted in thc'^ll' fully oonsdoas of
‘kW-luiTSl^'hnd alt ?c courte .vou know Jim
foriui e In t.w
• ‘•Tear, and though chlffoB velvet of ^ ^
„ ,
agreeable be'lB-the foendaUon* It was even mom
channel, be pulled out a tray i the bnnlng tonitue. Intlde as the other folka
i V'
business chsnnel,
in the place
have got It their empty
:v hou.e
house at Nortovllle.
borUmrIlle. and !,... ------------------------ho* a way., —, ,
Knox’. aSTmLk. ^
me eactung.
e«IUng. b*osn*a
there ^ so many
heww spread like wildfire.
Of ringa, and asked:

“How high do'you want
« “-‘acQualMU wim Nancy, snd he was kind* of fouadatiema Nobody who
h graceful, while me „ good a* hU word; and •twaant an looked at the Bnltons’ tonndWlona
The glrl'e eye* lingered upon
daialy UtUo p4arl cliirter rlpt and *cw the light In ber brown eye*, tlm- pmctlctogv In NorionvHle. a
m nd*. I
. new vclvett of mo flno« qu^liy are S^„^.fore Nancy and 1 war* on the approved of them.

• coA Idly mioed to hl*. but he aald noihl-K
»te moun.alna yonder.
Dart finally let ber have H at
th nk ^t un ■
i best of term*
’ "W* s« gurgled with Joy when tba
'ums He'd paKued out of college some Ihive
a r^shed^sti 0«>ed»'''ce »cock. or bodies a^ j --*,0^ night I had hired out wim old mptlghU martOng off tha partitions
twelve dollar*, tolling her to pay him ' nctll they were well
. or four ycij* then, and already he'd
m* omer »«vcn a* she saw fit. He ban, and man asked Rontly:
I •*“«
Knox for two posnds a month with 'ere up and we eould s«« where m*
as at me bottom oi it a.i.
inuiuhd for street wear, under
,ng lodgin' nnd I was to work rooms were to be. Aeeadlag to vaUngbed at hlmseir a little scomfiflly | ■tt’tuit made you buy.' tb<
thei*-. Tou kndw NorionvllU:, y.
"Doc I'eutloy Imd to
1 topcoaU. have been turned out by ^Vinter
r>« pi*y«" who dropped over
Ihe rest of the day when the iransae- Daisy. drarT*
Tv*. Tve h.-ard It's a fine dty vn e. of co“^
' "Wall, for about two montha 1 felt mere In one morning the living room
Upa rneorrwd to him. but by the next i Choked with aobs. the. girt COBsoon •ftcr he got
hot 1 "cto
designers «mj have been copied „
In a mw cdiasto. *•* h fares, the dlnlag room a crima.
Jtorgol IL for hlrt^ was slHI heavy deseed that she had envied thee oUu-r
had ;, rirl.
and was UrodW '*cfe.
T>6r- Bdnlley waa ^Idered rnbodf bolds It against him,
»ucceMfully by New j
Nancy every Sunday nIghL ‘he hall a Joke and the bedroum* a
ihe aoww. thaa cTly
dly girt •’.had
glrla melr adinlreii.
mMAa tor him.
-V tater
•“ ““
Daisy oanein a week
later with a ' of hrr own
*-11..; Md -ha
bn waa^somawhjrt
'Tbo tlrl" say Tm too Qulot for the the (place. Ha vwuau t ^ervod Uien.
- bit of doubt bnt what Nancy would west, mough ther* wer* a few In towas soniawhM anrqur$Sd toMe ttering^uTfinJ^ bey* to Uke me. and 1 thought tf I Uio he Is now. hut Jolly end lively. I-'**.
_ I mendatlcn. since It Is oltared In axeel- be overjoyed si booming my bosom vor of a soaihers view snd notoa
“tVell, I must Isava yvn-bs^
quality »uu
and C1IMI.I.M*
charming colorlogs- c
£aBw'*mhttifctrtit *»• v*a t.aHui itbad a nrelty rinc ihey would think tbc/ U!1 me—a kind of overgrown boj.
. . lem QIUUUJ
, rt—rtr
... .rt, rt TrtT Old V»„.
.. t've got some snopping lo do. But i
^hlc of the UlUe
^teat mis time mere cam* a » dew of tba lallway tine and tot
e yoBog ’'Too poor little thing,'' he crid-d. soul.
wrJk straight ahead to the turn and
was also toltow froS^Uinton to keep trtMl, one keep track of toe tralna that want
hiidns ' rcallilng IhgL the very resafre and' “nut for all hi* Mg practice BenOer
niTIl one of the slmplcsL The velvet was „d he^n't Seen mere «rrt * *««words' wA the shy lltUe ^hlng ebj-nen that had repelled other* had wasn't the man to snrrlB.-e the poor to rifl
week .afore I found that he had a inot"The walls started to cobbteitooeg
trimmed »„ek.afore
principal of— Tou know ber?
made'Mm grow, to love her. “I won- get a hlgger fee. Wany and many
satin cord* and buttons. More exhankering arter Naoey.
U»»l revived flagging loieresL If
V t *ear«riy wnfitwd eighteen
“Cerry Nyers. come here!
Come ;
der darilng." be whispmwd. bending cevo be treuled for nothing. I'm told:
■Tl'aU. one Saaday night. BUI Bmllh. “>“• no* wasn't telling aboft a cabi his head over hers, sod prBssIng her he'd keep the hlggret'felka In Norton- here* There, you're loo slow! Tou'va !
for that was the critter's name, came blestone bouse be knew of that feU
m*dlff^^l*^dl* bond close to bis side. '1f yrw nre yille waltlnB to hi* receiving rw
lo Jest at dusk, and when th# «tock «»<>»“ ■! «>• «''« *«» « *!*>«
Ttort^M to ’mie at the older^t*. wlliln* to make what I anU tonlcht while ho was glriag fret, treatment
stnok nine he didn't seem ready to «»* •»“
«pUlntog how banal
of the Fraa school In the middle of the
^nter^Wly wm etriclly truer
.some poor colored woman wWd |
Old Mr*. Kno* and me young
Innri^e oobbisstonei
first h.And that's bow tlreeL as hold as brass, and—look! 1
his. She la to
Sp^y^“TcLnmMT« ^
Dal.y rrised herr eyes
e>“- to
tons all wont off to bed. and there ww«
they had grown so »mmoo. That
IVby. they're carrying on as If theva
BM^dn ^’Wh nil «be young peo^; of w^cd no further words to tell her he c-itnelo grief.
left but
ifrtrt, lull Nancy.
sscoad story was hall limbered
-Ton coo, MUs, Doc BeijUey was en- wa*n't another hurasn being In m#
and'l. and mere we sat. round tbs fire. ««*'? *“"•<'
»d wim 1
a g,
------ Wivlrt hm just themselves!"
b*M t^^ohoci^enrjt'fl
^ {.e roarned—
to‘MIsf Edith
without saying a word.
«bo sat around on tbs torrsce to cool
T I *wlft glance of her preUy
re«y brown eye*, ^mers.
the__only daughter
. _
of old Jla
(CeprilshL ikto by W. a ChspiBsa>I “Alwcys afore old Knox had gone oK after a game got all bested up
; Dmryone was in the hall. *o Bart did suiucrs, who built the railroad from
- to tod and left the coast clear for •*«'» expostniatlng agalnrt tha halt
timbered style.
7 nod 1. and I kept ‘specting c
stnnit that he wpnld tell BUI _
clear ouL but ba did no auch a ming;
» bonding: H was m IniUtuilon
Indian Legend That Aceaunts far tha
T)al*r now has a half a doten very
I toil Jest as ths dock •truck ten bo 'kimoui which m# golf club would
Tree Th*t la Found In
valuahie ring*, but prise* that little
have fsllen flaL It mads it all ib«
pearl cluster raor.^ than any. and sho'
I “-Bicv#' say* he 'let'# go to bed.
comfortable that tha Buttons
and Bart alrriady hsve rneamired snfor wo must to. up bright and airly.
»ere to Europe and tha bonoe waa
When the chief. AMnImo, who preotlter Olio ofi her little finger, a plain,
I "Wa'nt mat a I loohad, b*ll4w- ^

ridod over the tribe of Indians that
broad band, that he Is to put on me
at Nancy, but she turned away her
^«n tbe FIddIng girt# oame oM
dwelt on the bank* of me Bombad.vy Fhe I* eighteen, which will «]*o
hed. and at mu I up and mardied ^ *9tai the day at me club with an
book. was strtick dead by a munderbe her bridal day.
out tato mo entry, and up me ladder "-bat was more nsturol than that I
bolt, the people of the tribe buried
■ (CowrighL UtS. by tr. O. Chapmaa)
-to bed. I was boiling over mad wim ebould lake mem over to see (he Sub
him near the hank* of that strenm.
; dreaUon-lim. Naner. aud old Knox in «on’« bouse? 1 thought they woul^
And there to lay. near Hallowell. Ho­
I ^rtlrnlar. 1 got into bed nnd Uvsrod
kioattoR over its deflden^
over the spot of hi* grave stands the
myseU up. but 1 fell so bad that I
" ® ‘riod the front door, bnt It wan
rmoklng pine.. This t* the story the
couldn't go to Sleep. Uke as noL the tostened^ and ^ was that at thn
Indian* tell of me origin of thl* tree.
schoolmaster was kissing Nancy down bark. Evidently the esrpenter* had
When the first white men came to
to the kitchen, and I couldn't shot my buibbed melr work and tofu
Inhabit mi» land mey found the ineyes for the life of me.
Anyhow. I told the lieldl
dlnii* a strong and sturdy race Inhabit"Well, all at once It occurred to *
In;; thl* new country. To them the
that there was some Mg cracks to the
white men brought Tice and disease,
"So we etrolled around to
dally those conoMted with marriage.
floor over me kltotaen. and f
and soon the todlaos' native etreorth
Bvery one know* that th.-re are aeand vitality began to ebb. They grew
lh>na both lucky and unlucky. Among
feeble, lust thidr former hardihood and
the former It Is commonly held Ibafc
vlRor. and wer,
to pul oa any article of doming wronr
with the mor«
side out Is dcridi-dly a aign of good
the land.
luck: but it oust be done aceldenul(Tilrt Asonimo saw this and warned
ly. and when the misuke
found out
at the Greal
no change must be made, else the luck
.n,—... .rt... fate, which
could hare choked him then!
and flowers and surrouuded by
wfll tramedlatrly vanish. The Idea Is
i that of destruction. He
. ^ew High Oa Yau Want to Oer Tcrj- firmly hold about stocking*, proh"B’aU. I watched them tor sboui a '
: them Mt to Join In strife with the
boccu*e It is more ea*y to make
Quartcrotan hour, and by that time 1
white /tan. but to call him Into
wUh Bwqh a mlitake tn putting on a stock:,aatt*
ell and to amoks with him me pips
-— tog'than fit fionnlng other Barmem*.
of peace.
ifty aeDsatloDS.
-a woman
bod. for I ,wa* boond to know
hefu to noUoa thi
“I am soon to die," added the old
"My face remained glued to tho
Bentley, Did Yea Askr
a bts coat
Nancy was tru. I to me. By«od-bye
chief, "and where my body lies m»re
BUI hitched up bU chair a UlUe eloeer. pane, becauee 1 was uw Ump to tab*
CUflln clear over those moontstoa. shall arise a great pine which ilmll
tl away. The alraoge man arose and
asd 1 could see that be had made
as ahe teamod to ba ne^afi.
The day w as svi for Uielr marrlcge at forever smoke as a token of eternal
came out at tbe front door SDd around
mind and wail Just going
the IT.-BbytcrUn chiirrb. And lou'd peace between'the red and the white
-Oh. I fioct know. Bha Jost doeant
where we trembled asd ehrusk
aaem to toke. 1 sun>oaA and men
In n vole*
The prophecy of the old chieftain
dnoa tba talk .about her ring. I gtiaah
my «
I better^—
’--------. think may -ha*------wS. LIST' ^tok dai' o«>lr ‘ f*«
«« »» was fulfllled. The compact of peace
fooUmiy that 1 waa abowing my
hnwcvi the Indians asd the English
who Sha^ going wim betoro
4 441 strange
the plank 1 waa on Upped i
was made and soon thereafier Chief
ara aeen with her."
™n^^^utto^^nto a^ thal
th.J ‘“S
down I went right ntw< , mI !«a “»» ‘ben announced that be was Hrk
Asonimo died strtieV down by a thun­
-What lalkr Bart gasped. aWnfoBy
never'slept 1*. before.

, Suttoo's brother and Bring there UU
Gray Velvet and Chlftcllla.
derbolt. Then It wai that bis tri’•'-m, a^x
Ort Ok. svk'
declded to leave the land and
pesdire frock* on almUar lift**, but ■ ^
had oome. and he
be bolted out o' door*.
d— **___
- on westward.
Uaue bar eoDveradtica.
-7 and bandMMe;“7^^^"j‘^‘^”^^J»2' *'V«w m« W bypooOied?
visiting melr beloved Chief
“Why. ah* has a nng that sha sa>w cnl^vriU the alec^ be sure'to dream. Pboac tnm
. . -------------------- ----------- '
... f'eoDM)
to *cn miles
mile* south from
from Ntwtonrllle. In Atonimo's grave to bid him
ceedlngly good-looklag tor dayUme J*gotog'*uTtt» UddeTlheai^b
A negro farcwel•tU they beheld with
a great deal for her. and who »dows
, the midst
the moontatos,
t or a coat of Mr*.
• ear order a fur
Knox beUsr. ‘Nsnea. scoot the cat I cardlsd as wa traUad after that raOf me aupantlUoi
«t>oantlUona attMhcd to
bad been ereshed by a wagon end i wonlrr the tomplcte fulOllmcDt of h's the frock material.
bar batter than anyona else. Sha
I. who took tts from attto '
down, or abs will bruak ar«r dlah on
b* was^the nearest doctor. Would he Erophecy. ^
9Ti«Te stood a beautiful
won't tell who that aomeone U, and ^^age
____ .peofio
mrrlace eerenMies
eeremoMe*. no^iMvielD
The attached peplnm Is shown to mea^MMr''
, to cellar and had lbs croelty to aervu
.people ara talking," and tha girt
of *ihrowtog ^ stock- cot
many of the eeoii-drossy models of . Ths naxt moraine, wbsa wa ,*»,
l««> «« bargain and art a* ihongk
imrew up btr
' lng.“ This rtto would hardly be ye- ha
velvet, and we abow a good-looktog ^
QueaUon to
bmtaad of paato
now ai'inn'stotenrwim m'odeVa
saved '• lien they came to audit i cobstsuUy rtslag. Hence It I* tbet model of this type. . One U of old
' Bart looknd aertoua, but aald noth______
tog. And eaeoslng himoall aiartod to BoOon* of dMoroa. but It «e-hlRMy bl* bcok^f life on Judgment day.
green velvet trimmed wim
chlDctollla. me for she didn't
tor Bin'Smlth.'
badnt any right to revengn
k Daisy popular In S^ny*. The ceremony 1 "Doc H.ntley dropped the t«!
^ Baoktog ploe—Celia K. The cblnchlUa form* a high
OSS me
turndown ^

rurtyyMTO blmaoHao! The totlde of the
was performed at the concluston of reeetver a?»d ra!l..d to his man. 'Saddle , (»»“■•to dance wim him. He *^w
collar and vast, and trim* the sleeves.

• «««
My Boar. tbs boose to a perfect dream,
of iW older gifts go up lo the UtUa tijc wedding day’s feetlvlUe* by young my hgrse. Jim.' he said. 'I'm yotoR
The skirt is made with s lualc. which
a bMutyi Tbat'a (ba meat edaaBcnt*
figaro and evIdMtly say sotnethlni: to
and gtoto seated at the bed foot— ride to Carters.' And. seeltg that .
Strang* Guests at SC Barnard,
horg* tn draped fold* at the froaL
a enormous flock of awnDoin rtaa ' Another attnetive model tt'.iaade
Elaetrto LlgM Canso.
>sr that was nk kind to U* nature, jb* tamer having me bride's and the nothing he eould say would rtop hlaw I
natter the groonfa stockings—whoso Jim ssodlrd the horse, and Doe Bent- overtaken by a heavy soowUi
cane* are fitted wim slaetrie
for Dalay apraag lo her feet, her
of uupe velveL trimmed with
_ _ Than her head drooped and objan to mrowing the hose backward ley reatiied Carte.-* at midnight and ' the famous hospice of 8L B«
there to a crossed whHe Oghfa. In the cm* of canM 'mad*
e seamed to wilt as she resumed over their head* »-a* to ML H poi- saved a life.
j the .'kljs last winter. Av
utnmad wim passemon- wHb tba onUDary band or crook for a
“It bad been do«'nhl!l to Carter*, hat. stntea When me goed. monks siw
beitona Tbs w«a roUe^ to bsndle me light apparMu to sM to wblcb be think* me hlghart timtb. last
_r seat dejectedly.
J« to^
^-hjmld be ----------- - - ---------------going back, and eighteen : the Wrd* they opened the door* cad edged wlA^ta^ wwe TOU coBsr to ^
' In a moment me young man
.it was uphar
mRes upon
upon a ---------tired horspsmay
her aide, asking gently:
. ried couple. A successful shot toaant mRes
------------- . . wlna«'wt of their building that the'
MARY DSIUt. „bandto, wUh tbs
^Moet of theae cune* aro made ctralgbt. looking at Ms set* from an lapenco' -What Is IL Dalsyr
' Marriage at an eariy date for me five hour* -or t^entydonr. when the Hwie feathered stkangers nilghl have
1 »'lb ibs light aqtdpmsnt In tba uppM aJ point of view. . . . Npt aa adThe girl turned, her eweet young thrower.—Tll-BUa.
moucialc rosdi huye bocofflh rushing Malta.
. w
f»w changing from white to crimson,
stream*, and especially when your , AH t'ae.rooms wrere crowded with
buckles’for ibto wtolar are «»d »“* *bo latm-aet to the oaM'a top, ventWou*. will tbs wise man regard
^d v^C^l«
mis form of electric tuna hatog tooS tba faith which Is to Mm. Th. blghand (ben paling again, but abe aid ’
fborse falls and bretfka his teg In two them, thousands remaining until aunNone
None Too
Too Soon.
^ Brotlry rose up from the rtae. The next day proved flae rnd
. to
shS^Sl oonventomt to uaa.
art tram ha sea. b. w«l toarlearty
-B—.' Beftatbod ttner—%Vhai on
" "»*“
_..,4.. ------.A t».w_a «i Uie ettimal Of wrta purwued Oulr way towud
—ce of rtandtf*rBP^t
There to a bottom *t tha tofia whkh nOar. Knowing ^ Ito what mar
He tamed to the t
Italy. Thl# ts very plesaant to I ram lo the allP(.4.. 4—.—
__ * you win UU me the trouhlo.
Inatcad 4..
of .,..44.
Ivhix 44.4.
fin. 4—
Cut —
M .pressad to mahs tba LUht Mow. aoma of IL be if tkna pUylng tato
tor? Flnt you give me the BM. and f
but. tl -sadden* ooe to know that a Steel bofklsaI are
totterr by i*bfch thm Bgfat
pwt to tha world knowing that
' “A atysurtow paraon has given
eepectony to ^
de- The only batterr
vert ruoher of less fomnate bird* ttond. and. of oourae. may ba bought la .praduoad m» ba ruiMi^ Ik thaaa U ba
her a ring, and she wont tell who it
to." raid (be Hdiw of the yotrog worn- •
I reckon I can cere m'teree'*.' ha totl.-d tu reach the boep’cc a.nd woi
separate from m* aUpp«. oUbM to «*“«*- J»« “ « «« :b# to
, fk^
,W._ oil- . ‘•“.
«U “
vrnin, sir. u was iga
— "Wa*r* i
found d»*4 to the m»w by dm tondi
44 ILU
bannM brothen.

“W* *11 l.aT« Affair* that «e do hot
, tell to the poblip."
“She cao hare all *lia want* to. i
I bnt ab« uuat k««p avay froid the'
1 r«*l
Of U ahe waan thlafi akft la
aahaised to talk aboat" said the oth•r l(Ott&£ woman, and Bart fvpdimd
to bImaeU that a human corfblti&ncs
coeld be BO dtaacrecable. FTe tboked
-----at the little efartnktnR aanre, aeJ
»]r HORATIO DENTON GERHARDT. knaw that It was a criaU in the clrf* .~Te*. kilsa, tba:'i the way to the *0. Bart Wllion. at the Jewelry connof ‘“r *««*. ** Uro- Sii yuu'K the new priocipal ct
tar. looked HP Id aurprise aa he heard »o"W *>« branded by iheae two. J«l- the Free echoU! -J hope youU UU
n«i.y KartlA.aik falterlnclyi ®®* “f
beauty, In a way tliac the ^P'.ade. UUis. «iiu
^- with
»*«, n(
and ol

Or. Bentbry Never Talked Naoh
About Himself, but It Wat
Net Nece&sarr.

H»wGMK.ptS««t a. Engage
ment That Wat Notan En<





ssjsr.n'j.r. £5;^,
-rCrt r^,,




.'5‘. '

iS;;: rs'pSSS si: s


■”;,i“'':Lsr«£L4T.-wHL .4




u.. u..„««

Buy Homefurnishings. They Last a Lite Time


% O id




liroscDt of a

bcaiuit; I.

When you buy a clotk.
come to J. W. Slater’s aiid
buy one ai the rigbt price.
We show Mantle Clocks ih: t
are guaranteed for ten years
at $4.75. We will save you
from 10?v. to 25% on Silver­
ware. Dishes, WaterStisand


Mr-Ic your.wlfc. n- I'lcr or sU.I'T a

Hero U « chesce lo lxi>- a Chrlsl. BMa proMnt et » nvlnK ot about
per cent We hiTo about )00 Trav.
•rae Ctly Chair Co.’a sample chain-.
norrlB cbaira, rockerajawl arm Hiaira
that we are aemai; at factory prices.
Chair Jnst like cut





Buh. iaiitial

t-ewinc machlue for < ■ rictmas. Scwiuc machine ilttc rut C.::."", .\snit.s
atX from .Jt-.'JO to »i0 > ■< for tin- b.huc
macblue. We have «itl:*rc
Dp in price from

Kitchen Cabinets

PlcM.' €il roi>nJ toi isi|K*rs.
n-nns'-i'B. aiiO a taHii'. ;^liJ
place lu :ct tin- iao<l>- Wo arc
Bbu«i:^K one of iic UrKest liuci>
«c hc’c ever fiMiwn In mab<iRany. * -alhered. early Knsli>li
and p'MoD ■oik,
in pnro
]■ fn in t4.T5

What a beautiful, useful present'
one would made for your wife or
mother. An article that would be
used every day in the year, and
would cut tlie kitchen work lahalf.
Has a place (or everything. She
could get the Christmas dinner
4rithout moving away frofii the cab­
inet. Come in and look at our
splendid assortment.

Rugs and Carpets

Wi- an-

Roekiway Safety Caaslar

u i'lli

m KTi on oau

lin>- ot band .-IM . " I
i|i*4cj-. oNiri-.ndlcr


'loll .WMSHSMfMKBMkt'


Beautiful new floor coverings for the
Holidays which add 100% to the coziiiess and beauty of your home.
$28.00 buys a beautiful 9x12 Wilton
Velvet rug.
$18 buys a l»eautiful 9x12 Axminisler.
."Gl buys a lieaiitiful 9x12 Velvet.
$15 buys a heaiiliru! 9x12 Brussels
$12 75 buys a beautiful 9x12 Taitestry.
We are showing a splendid assort­
ment of Ingrain Rugs ranging in price
from $3.75 up.

Book Cases
A |da<<’ fiK- I'wrylbiiui
if yon tiBtp a writiac
<l<-rk you ko<JW piat
to. find >riur •rilinie mao
rial wtx-n yoa maDi It
Wo arc xboatne ilivm uifrom

J. W.'Slater’s is an ideal place lo buy Chrislmas presents.
You can always find just what yoii want as we have everything
in Houselumishings. We also Cany a IqH line ot rc-

Ugious goods.






sujm nAVBn bibald abdtbat


Tba Harhor gf CbriaUMa-TMa.
Ok. d)o ’AprO biorsoms were fair


And tbe Bowers of Uay «
*«OM**^" ^
m«i Ite idU n.t onr *11.
Oral and aabm aad gold and rod
Tbe treoa ff tba fprtst swayed.
Tin the faded learea were as withered

^ tall iu apbropriaten^^ and the
.»l.b redl, oiiJu. K
worth vblA. The following, from the
Womaa-a Home Comuenion. U ao full
of clever hlnla for nimble fingers that
Home CTheer girae it la fuil^

Where the wild northweeler atrarod.

A discarded aample book of wall

WDere a

paper booth


™, cover
»v,r the
ita tube
lube hr
br iiaaiing
i~iln. over
would be a „ ,
nwilm reDInc i>sner Iwlne

" U„. b„„„
rraus are masmg
_ .........
dhierbread men and horses and cats ®“‘ ®" “

e town oT^e* Christ
ms. .r.1. rp, delight the children I


And tear.
the aalle shine Ihrodgh the »i,tav “f* be
ta. worked
worked ont
oni In
in any
snv color
And this was tbe arag on the moUier'a
A cheap blach-Japaaned rarti U purAnd this was her tender tone.
chaaed. and-lt la atrong enough to last
Ahd thta vai the U(ht that knew to.
yeara. Cover It neatly with a |dala
< » hurU|» dralgn Is good*.

Ito who tlmt would drink of the loy.



colon, ndtbmpuu <M (be rrast oC> ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ «o«e-fton tW «tarc aM let tt MMa »♦♦•♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦•*♦ omU rand etttw. UMi (n9<
Mch amtic rapw
on wbteh te ♦
♦ mU eocl. then add tb« rMl coiorins. ♦ THE CHRISTMAS CAHOV BOA. « tSapad «aadr rattara art baadr to
lattarad tba name of the article aacb ♦
-« tba extract and tbe cbopp.:d rharfiet. ♦♦♦♦♦♦#♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ hara and trill be aade br aw bardbox coDtalBB.
Beat aaUI dt thlrkaai an I b^siaa to
Ttwdaat la tbe foaodatkM of alt tbc vara aaa. RoauH of plaAaad ahUe
It U alvan iatereaUag to set a raia. then poor Into a papcrdlaed pan expeMire craata candtra. It is caallr peppemiau rraeaed lagetber aake a
Of tbe very aaall tbinga to be made
KUmpoc of tbe Urea of other people. It Wd aUov to cooL Cut Into beerta Made at boioe. ,Tbe foUovtBg redpe* nrj pr«tr cSert.
vltb vail paper there la a great boat,
la like eoctag. iaateod of rbodlng. a »Ub a aamli. tbanvedged cake<atter. all call for lu aae. Home Cheer angCocoaiiu Cmtna—Thcoe are —
and tbeee are eapecially liked by voBtoiT. *n>ere la a vast ooeaiiT Iflng The padding laast be prapared the geeu thet very boxy bonarteepers raa joat like fruit creama. aod aftv tbe
om v^ entenein a greet deal. A
to the north and weat of n of vhich daj before. Becauae a man la out on bity anBavored fondatit la balk at any boa-btau bate been cat Into
of place cards for a lancheoa
^ **
except la a general vay. the prvlHc twenty milee from any- local candy atore whlrt makrs fta ova roU ibem la the grand coeoaaiu.
Ibougb it has
baa iU lance dtJes
dtlea and
aod Ua
Ita wberv-aa some areals no reason canJIc. for morb less tbao the to- ------------- -----------. though
s real Christ- Isbed pnsiun would cost, and flatsb
. fertile plains, aa wdl as lia great vil- *by l^e shoal.l
Tba Uttia Inenlidb ChrMHnaa
mas poddlat;. Remember when yoa It to suit ibemselvee. Also. If a geick
.When ito child awakcBA Santa
color schema may thus be easily car- **™«“***be silting by tbe wlndow.
ried out
Tbe tbilovlog. written by a “batrh' arc goiqg to town to supjdy yenrseU candy is desired, a coarser gralm-d a*,,,
_ male bomeateader is railed li ••«»» • len-ccBi tin grater and live oncooVod cream U quickly made by h* u made of a big pillow with a III
Tbe eonlen'lccc holder is a boanc,, nnmarworth of cinnamon and cloves. mlUBg coafoctloaer-a sugar < the toest o* o^e for the bond and looks very
bold convenience of wbich too much ^edl was printed In Oonnirr Ufa in A Podfd of ralslas. also. If you have !
ctea If aU bU clotbes a
Canada, and thoae who have the
o"® taWcwpoonfuI of bonowed—a real far coat aod a rap, a
' ■“•'"b «■>" “b «•
>" ““
.tH.p M bclU, 11.™ I...™'. I»pu
* *®|~ »'*«
mind can picture the lonely Eagliah- tato Ipe^l. one cup grated carrot
Fbndani-Two Mips of granulsrted or shoes at a corerct angle beaeath
f“ ■*"»<»« «>* P««
'Of »» kwp- Canadian, determinedly
making a one cop molaases in which half » tea ««*ar. two-thirds of a cup of hot water the long coat. Twenty five ewu ba>-a
•'hrUtmas for himself, thousaada of siwb of hiking soda baa been din «<>d om'-third of a lebsiwonfal of a very reaUsilc tee wlQG|h^.^.Aiu»
«on»en ■«>
mllee from bU BagUsb borne.
solved, one big uUes|iooBfiil of sweet cream of tartar. Ptace cm the bark of glove# or mittens with |Wp3r*n< pin
®*® ®* ‘®’®**' cooierpicwos which they
leaapoonful cinnamon, one the slave and stir until tbe grain U to the sleeve* of tbe coat which arc
InWllah kitchen, ib. busv hou... teasiwoaful clove*, two cup. of Boar, thoroughly .Uawvlv.-d. T.kc a damp also paper iwdded. Haby ribbons are
tare of. \S Ith a goodelsed cardboar.1
h“») bo****,e,„«»Bful baking lewder, two flotb and carefuUy »a*h away all attached to the •niiing.- In bU pack.

' like the German idea, though I
|«ate. to the inside of the tube. .0
that tbe two ends will 'come out and
He to hold the eaibroldcrtcs In |«Uce.
Tbe eoibroldertes should always bo
r^led light aide out.

ho1.-sonic than the highly spiced
pudding and mli^ moe\ lumUes. and
ibey^ ate- such.good fun for everyone,
There are nmny n..„nerw. 1 have no
doubt, whcHK- iHitpea will not ,K-rmlt
Iliem 10 ouy
buy any <u
of me
the lascinatlng
toys dbplayed In the shops and tfi.-y
Tory dd.dr.ll, i™i .IU«„l.n™i .1.1,

^®’’ J®"’’ !«**»'••

^®“ *
““'■•“'I *® aresure


UrJ bM b™»
Wh™ iW n,!,.
u ino stiff l" »—•
beat longer, I1.W...1

you wUl haveona P«k «•»« fondant away In an earthen
If you meet U w ith at least a Uttlo Joy
•»'! «>'cr with wax pai*cr. If tbo
nnd gratitude In your heart
fondant should be grainy after bfwlInA add more water, dlasolve and
conk as before. Care should be used
The ChHMnvee Letter.
One girt who was handy.wlth brush
and iwlnt»«,lved her Christmas i«.l>
Bon B^ts-Work Plain fon1cm. In an esy way, A few week. .
before.Chrisima*. at odd momentt, she «•““*
®®*®" ®"*‘'
her preparation.
preparations 8be bought
began ber
------ *----------a quire of white letter taper, the slic
..d ...lor. db.rl. .bo r-"..rtr
™l1d Id Odcd. M ,U,d k... ™»d«t

kl«d.*^rr^ror tto cake. ^hTt i™ro\brirto“^rtWr"m^ te

rux"„;:rsr,.i'r xr:r.rr."r,r“'!,'r i-r:-.b^’,r’“»r:r.r r.-r,r:b;;^,rb


o—. .1-.. —

close bonnet may come to call and
tell tt>c child a story or sing a song,
She .antes a lliile handbag With odd.
toy* In u.
nant a p ece of cedar la a lower
pot. atuch raadlee. light them at mHlcln.^tliilcandihei.let lJm. J.ckfVo«
'» H.- 'thrown cotton
snowbalU with thllg. lo*
nf c«ur*e .11 the fstnlii- wilt amrm
,hen preeeats
Mo .d Ibo ohllto_reo« • do.

;;"^om;‘dn and'firm. kfWt moro ^

MHt WBbnr tto door, and watch once *«1'1 • M»® or »»o
bronxe and btock thoroughly beaten eggs, one cupful of
They will give twice the pleas- two Inches lit length This she out
vegetable coloring. Heal well. «rousl« way to dlrlribnic tbe glfu U
“» *®^«
^ -Ilk 004 one ,««nd and one ounce of JlTof iJe tomlhfen toV to toth Z iatl in «ld S ifi the tok^ n'l’ ‘“o center, into this n.Uture. raat »>y menn. of an ext.fwss mam He^
nsr the BlffD of the BOtden Uma
feet wUl be Imtter. If yoa prafer It. a
two teesimonfuls of
l am giving you a nhe nainted a si.rav of hollv or Christ *oU and drop f.n wax |«i*r. '
ter* with a child s express wagon
«»M U.< » U. b.ri»r U Ctoim»»- ■»
Ta tbe toTes of Aeari-s conteaL
Wkve the craM while salieoae rafely
Wbm the BSerrieel tbougbta are'
Fkiiet tbe hurt of tto nnelcait gradge.
Ato tto dart, deprraalng mwd.
Sa the Chriatmas raato let lore to
ta tto world to cmir good.
-Alargaret Bangstar, ia Woman'i
Homs CompanteL

«Itt ,«« »a ^

T, lu.k, ll. fimu:.

-Mo. .MIO
«dd hdir . oo,, .1
0,0 Ut.lo lolk. Ulrc
enameled sh^vea.
..»»k. and stir over the fire until the ,hc ih,„sb Boys b«t.
Fcr a ahigle photograph frame, take *«»r l. dIssAlved, bat not longer, tot
Ginger llread .Men-Onr
.Men—One run
mp sour
rardboaid Mgbt by ten boll antil the ayrup forms a Uircad. enwm. one egg, one rup moUsaes In
anl oneAalf Inches, in the lower right then poor slowly Into the whiles of which oiie-half iea*|oonful of baking
lund corner ‘of one rut an oral open- two csgt which have been well boaicn soda has lieen dtssolred. one tca*imon^
eultable alie (two and until dulie still, and continue l>eatlng ful of elrinamon. one leaspoontul of
threMonrths by four and one-fonnh during tbe process uniil the icing U ginger, flour enough to make a stiff
inches U about the be«l. Corer th\i eoW. Spread l^twcen the layer* of dough, which will be about throe
of (Aboard with a plain wall the cake and on top.
enps. Mix the Ingredlenia in the orp^per. taraing the edges
paper, taroing the edgea over tbe
Black ChoroUte Cakc-Cakee in der they ^ given, turn tbe dough out
cardboard emrefolly, and being c*i>echocolate la used are famniar on your table or moulding board and
daily palnataklng at the comers, _»
y, nil households, but this rake Is a roll as for cookies. *’a»h a few ccurBlaab the paper over tbe opening, and novelty, nnd weU worth a trial. Boat „nu to use for « yea and nose and
1 tbe topi hart. This, must be u,ree
the whites and-------------yolks sets —..~v
bniions. Take _
a diarii
—--------------knife, dip In
dona vary neatly. Now cot ont of
To the yolks add one and flour and then cut the little men. a
aom simple bedroom iiaper a apiy one-quarlcr cupfuls of augar. half a high silk bat effect makoa ihe*q- queer
of flowers, and carafully applique It ti cupfnl of .......
cream, one large cujs u„ie fellows -look very dashing. Bake
tto frame, taking care to paate all the fu^of'ii^r, Mwiuarter of a pound if j
,en aa they arc casadgM firmly Into place. Trim off the unsweetened
chocolate, melted,_____
with-a ...
n, _w.i..v-,
B„,,-0»..|,.k eu. o, ,uoi.
on one end and one side, and fasten it , ^ of salt, a teas|»onful of vwnllla,
into puce on the back of the fram. j^e white, of the eggs, aad tetly one
with tto paaae-partoui Upe. leaving tu„pta,nful of baking soda dissolved ,
■lip the picture .
the top open.
*"• one-half teasimonfnl of grated nutmeg.
throngb. Make a brace (by wmen
which to
to ta, I»II
j^ll nee
one euotui
enplul of
of granuUted
sug- ;
granulated augy„p,
auad the frame up) about two by four ^
ono-half cupful of water
In the order given. Turn the
inches, lasten It on by a strip of the
„ ,pj„, . j^yead. Beal ,
dough out on moulding board and
upe on either
of one egg t- ‘ riln froto- knead slightly, then roll to about a
_ aide, so that it will fold. -V ^^Ite

Mid., ribbon., or ,<rb.» . 1.™ lib b, workloj . qd.»tlU ol Ulrol, <»o|. ^

^ lb

Uod lor ,b, ododlo.
Od Id .did
paint. Then she wrote her Christn>*»
These were begun some
Iwfore i'hrisiniee and were not
written under stress and hurry, but
her leisure. In them sho gave her»®lf *n<l h®r tost Christmas cheer,
The enveloiw had one of the glided
fhclstmas pasters-as large as the top
of the envelope, with a place for name
“to address-iasted iiiwn It. The first
I**® o' ‘h®
>“.1 spray* of holly
scattered o r- ;i Ti-r work ahowed
‘to thotighi aiig love ol a gift, and the
cheer and ha|.plne*s It carried
w“ *“"•>
‘® *'®'' friends
llMn »"> small expenditure of mnoey
h*'® toen. To others whom she
wished to remember only with a greet*««• **>® s®*“
1>» «»• .'•I wlU>
» Christmas message,

iW wl.b n.llld, d«,,.l dd.l
i .Td",
away to harjictL Melt more fondant In *
ing kind and rwiry n book la which
a double boiler, add a simonfut of hot
everybody "algaa ^np.*' whenavar a '
»n*l » hll of iHnk regeta- prcaeai la delivered.
ble coloring. Heat well. Carefully dip
If tbc child la oobvaiescfcg. be will
the hardened centers and drop on wax anjoy flxliut an umbrHIa tree. This
paper. Defore the bon-bons harden a may be suned several days before
few chopiaid nuts may be sprinkled CbrUtraas and give# him many pkwaover each,
boui*. Dot a smaU nmbrelU with
Chocolate Ilon-Bona—Put through '
the food chopi«r a few stewed prones
or flower pot that
and n handful each of cwndled rher,„f,
^ eoarwe-^
rlca and i>ecati nut*. Into this mix^ j^lty wreath around the
mre work |iowdcr<-d rugar until a silff
,1,,^ Ja,,npw lanterns on the
Whoa strifa abail caaaa, whan ala
p»ne has IxTii formed, flavor slight,i,r»cl|re presBhan to no nora:
jy wuh almond. Mold into small
yf-j,. The cblM
Whan men abaH meataa kla tram
square blocks nnd put away to hanlen. „u„tatrs the little gUU and keeps dticrary sborai
Melt fondant In a double boiler, add
„„ ,4„res of cardboard In a
When ««U pasaton In oach banit
» tablespoon of hot sugar syrup and
fy^nds draw a aumenough mellod bitter chocolate to b^r aad find their surprise on the un»Tton aton tto Chriatmaa mwanga '
H, a™,™. «.lor ...
D this dip the hardeiP'd squares and
-A. H. McQallUn. '
drop on wax iwpcr.
Ta Send a SmaH OM.
-tHvida the fon- - ^T,en you have a very amall gift to
Made From Awlsa.
l«rt _send, such as a pair of cuff pirns, llnka.
One often hears the remark. There dant Into three iwria. Color
^ nothing ao ertap and dalD^ s* dot- by mixing with melted chocolate, an * taooch or a ring, and would like an
led iwUs. The more U Is laundered, other with a few drops of idnk candy- original ps'kage, purchase a pair of
the prettier It looks." And thU la «>lor. and leave tbc third white. 1-Ta ^oMs' stockings In acartcl or aearlrt
----------------------------- --------- whv once having a dotted awlas pin- vor with any prefelred tovorlas by
creen sirlj*. Put tbe wee gift.
Homa Chaar-a visit with lU readers
.„*h, ”
®' * ‘®“' onc-half Inch thk-kticas. Have ready cushion cover, one never is quite dropping a few drops on the fondant tapped in tissue, In the toe of onthis wert will to brief and to tbe

spoonful of erdam of Uriar. and the ,
friends have and kneading It In ITeas a Uy. r of „f ,he Etocklnga. and then fill ‘he
tiK! sharp knife, bappv pp,.,
polaL bmwua. U fa upon . subject
a)l me
^.y*. then ,bem.
Mad- i.............. ....... .. ................. -_______
________ with ralslas and bits of
which aomtoow Moma to hurt a UtUe
One la lovely of dull gold burlap pa- while. Whip evenly and vigorous y
,„b iky*, ^nd Uced to- chocolate Into small bnxes. and w’hen y,ndy. Tie with a scarlet ribbon mad
lean K hurta the writer. It aecma tor omamanled with a graceful spray until vcO' cold, ttavor with a little
,j „ ,^,^08 quickly and browns In p-ihrr with wash ribbon, they are moldd cut In >ancy sbaiies,
p,ck In a box. This Is a pretty way
iMBtuM UnpoealMe that at this blaaaed of Pink POPPlou with thair foliage
lemon Juice.
*1^4, of iwo minutea you are safe In really very simple and always fresh
Cream Kniil Bon-Bons—Fre*s out a ^o give souvenirs at aCTbrivtinaapaitylima of the year, Joat Ihrae weeks toAnother frame bold# two photoOenntne Christmas ('rollers—Even frying your boya. They arc sucii and jireity. The iwlrs of eyelets, layer of (omlant on the board, press
-----------------------tea tba annlvaraary of the birth of graphs and Is made froifi the same pi^ln homemade cruller* ere dclllcous. chubby iolly looking IIUU- Ud*.
which am quic-kiv msk^ It easy halves of dales or flg* Into ilic center
Chrictma* .Wrapplnto
W LcNl. there ahouM be any one quality gold paper. The dlmensloaa
those made after the following
-|n this enuntry chickens .have four ta run tbc ribton through, and so of the layer, fold over, and roll, until
\ve now/glve aa much attention to
who dcHbaratelj; enrriaa n Chriatmaa nr* flolt® different , however, bejng recipe •become genuine holiday lu* fipct. in other word*, tjjv^w home- Ughten the task of putting togrthef fmooth. This maloti a long roll of the covering of our glfla aa to tbe argrouch'.Yel an ordinarily dear, sweet, elghi by twelve Inchee. Conventional „rte* Beat three eggs until light ao^ Header makes yoong rabbit take the ,Her UunderinV Two or three of fondant with fruit in ilie center, and
themselves. Tissue, paper
ChrlsHan WttSlga niparkml moat foF gnsen and .Mn llguros arc cut from a htnootb without seitarailng: then add ,,1,,,^ „f
birds at his Christmas these arc very acceptable gifts to tbc may be^4aio romid iM-n-bonx.
,-r^ in>>er come In a variety of
fdbly to Hone Cheer Just three day* upeatry pa|>cr ami ai*pllqucd. cne three ublas|>oonruU of milk and six dinn-r.,
girl who Is fllllng her bridal cheat.
Fnrit Cfcaits No I - Choj. dates or colors, but red. groan and white
ago that aha was not going to write a
about two inches hlgherithan the oth- ^f sugar. Stir In three iablcei>oonfuls Rabbit Pic—Clean and cut up one
a Hrlpof thedotted swLvs
edged to*, end mix withttic.fLndanl; mold shouldprclomlnaie at ffiis seaaon of
Chriatoiaa note or send a Christmas «r. With a r.harp knife the center of ^ n>cUed butter, and when well blend- ,,|gmp rahbli. Put (mo isM of <-old with aruffle and laid over
a cxdor Into siiuill sha|ics.and fdace todry bn ihe year.
Firstwrap the Cbrisinias
greellng (O ber brother, a man so far the toaigns (and the cardboard underv ^
,wo cupfuls of flour that have water sfith a t»o-hi-li square idee- of makes a pretty covering for th : dress^ eu oHcl pa:>er- Thci-c may to dipi>cd r-membran-e In tbe pa|>cr. and then
past hU threowoore and ten that there neailh) are cut out. leering oddly- been sifted with one generous tea,K>rk. half an onion and a dash of .joc table which Is to hold the little In the metieJ fondant of which we use the colored rolls of i**se iwriom
more expensive boOcannot pomihly be many more Christ- shaped opening*, which were moat cf- aiwontul of baking jwwdcr a.-d one |>ci>|ter. This should be allowed lo tnuslln piawsblon.
»toll tell later. For cornanui candy „ you would i
the foB'Ixm.
fondant. day' rlblwn*
riblion* 10 He the package. To
mas annivcrsariei for him. Her roa- feetivc.
aaltspoonful of aali. Pass snctlc-J liU-k- t«>n seiitly lor an boor and a half to
ourcau Cover—TiiW U a "’** f*”” ®tooa""‘ t lih '•’®
tn.t to dia »« .rti, to bor
Elil,;.oIUto.In.»»wo.M'd.v.l- or,-ib™«, ,to
™,.r olbom. lMbor.bWi.ocm.lim,
,b,o 'and' mold
" ' Into shai-c*. or it ran be „„ko the wrapidM nttractlve. care
comWulag Ihe colhalf n year! Somehow
can- «*®
M*® ™®»‘*rinder
until ‘a >’“»
half cupfulls ‘®“K»‘ « ive^Poonful
tough a ..................------------for nearly totf
aatln-strtpe ororcart*^"0®*- "®‘»
of vinegar will
«e vui

'o® ®* o“‘* *"*5' •* ord* of lapev and (*- lonlng. White
»«, b®®® • ■«»« tohe In the
p,„er*7«d of course many v.rl- obUlned. Dredge with tour and work help to
make U lender. After ito rab ,,
„ „ ,n«.
,^4. name ^ns
Cut an oral
oral. equarc.--.
Uome Cheer benrtoirner ever since.
'S;“,;;d77n\;TdHora. weU through the dough. Turn out on blt’ha* bev'n cooking for an hour or
l.’JTou'rt To a"lmw rorar'thTto»"'*
It aeoma ao foolish to let fancied
a floured iwairy board and roll out la *0 add three poutoo* efu In squares,
' ,
If nut lion-lioa* arc diulred,
boood with gold, sreun with sliver are
As tb- i«*s< i«sHi»ui cannot to
I ua aad our
‘ “
the iblcknera of half an Inch. Cot In- Then mix this blsculi dough for a.
of v-hlrh arc large coin *pots
Cream* h 2—Roll out a long
any time and
Attractive magazine covers and covfondam. place a layer aeiually tied. It l» li-ld In pUce with
.h.w to. I,v l.a™„.n.k.
T.o™i„.l.o, nour.ooobtoi.
.,rt„ ol ■
s time when *** ^®*" •**•**>' toP®r novels may to Ito on to. doll..,, hr., b. Itolooo lb, „™„,ooblol oT b.blto bo.dor,
dat-i on the top. ihen |he little Christmas iwsier* ««n which
...b „„
made of wall paper. Tbc edges of the
another layer of fonilsni. either idnk
prlnti-d liny wreaths, pto® trees,
Love is Mag of aU. Tet there
coarse paper and sift powdered sugar poie-halt teasgioonlul of ealt.
p^e. and ate, tbelr name Is legion.
over when cold.—Exchange,

sfioonful of sweet drippings or
rover wPh ®'^
el-lghl-ell*. red polnrettas, and spray*
IMge 1
who have aa antagonWlc feeling Uk
®' to'®®'«*«®“t
to _.s r 1 .™,m- -to.,, c, .to "1 it sets, then slice off the length of
hollv and mistletoe.
WMtlevm. Christma. ttartt They re- fpe, gummed-Inside, to hold It fasU
A Pro-ChHatmaa Ceb
evwiiorausl milk, ^nd cold water
Mrt it I- a urn. of mtpmme. of -payL‘
To Cnwm .\uu or Fruit—Put a i,y the kimoI. aad may be used to tie
My small daughters *ei
fondant ifcio a sntall bowl,
,rtl<l-* t«» small for. the wide
lag back,- or u some one has put it.
leas when indoors, and >
excited out L your table «.d
roB or TL-'romT%touMVTu^^nTT^a
piece of the> fondant
••doing other*, as they
Ili.h of tolling water, and ,»„o]art'**it- Chrtsuna* lags should
over Cbrisimaa, that 1 wa taxe.1 to 1*1 It untH It Is about aa inch thick
while It meits. Set on a hot l.rP k
f„t-t,cd to «*> b yw'kase. so.tbat edges on the wrong side. A row of
the year. Home Cheefa editor, for ^“>0 l*®*®* ooi .mall purse, ano
, ^„e mother. fiv>n large sheets ,0 bake your Ple In This


bib. o„ ito'hb,." wto,."; ““"f-'*7 >» "7' '7'
4 """
rnegntone. Is going lo send aU the* love »o«ld like an .esthetic flowered hat
wrapping iwper I drew with colored dre|> dish. 1-our y oor stew iiiTo the
thonghta she wanu to. to every ooe «»* of “>« sort In which the smart crayons a l>ine tree for each, rhlld, baking dtah. leaving room cnouxl. t.
to.oto. ./Id im out onto oil-d paiwr.
The u <• of red scaling wax has an
ahe wnntt to. Perhape tb*y will go mUltoer* send home thc^ wonderful
„,teood them low ufwn th(- wall, lav your crust on top. Have your over,
Vao a fork for lifting, and he careful old-iim- sinmgstlon. Gift* that '»“7"
not"'to let the mixture gH too eool.
rolled o'l-r a iu1». sii-h a* music, llnthroogh the medium of a post car.1. or creatlont. toke your oPo humbler The ^rla apent three weeks In fllllng pfring hot and bake the pie iwenty
A Pretty OtfL
Chocolate Creams-Mold oot the
„r (anev work, should to wrapp-d
n shoot of paper, an envelope and a ^dbox and cover Ji Inside and out
n,,„u»p, j,-ow.- ,hoc. the louf.ia.
two <*« atnmp. A good many of them ^ wall paper of erram ground flowmagailnee wero searched Peel aad plunge Ibem into cold water,
piece of glass cut round. ,hai*a from the cream fondant and |„
tissue l**P®f
l*®^ around
wrin to sent out brondraat, like auwith gay pink roads. The rrault
lioin*g eighteen Inche* In diameter. - Place j.^ce on an oiled pai-er to a-t. Theit
mM-Ue with red ribbon, with a
tnmn leevea. to meet thow- against U J«i as fetching m posalble and the
no. ralt until __________ __ underneath
_____ _p,,,^_ ...............
this a piece ofcfctoune with a fork din them one a«'a tin e Urge red seal of wax affixed lu the
- the.wind
«.to wing of
Af deetlay
daatiav Mows
blows cost
,h. family and
.. old friend*, ly done. When tender, drain' and vxactly the same slie tlf noaslble se- mio the melted fondant. Jn'o whi'h
costis UInflaUealmai.
InflaUealmai. mrmtor of tbe
them. B« ikeugbtt are thlngate rral.You may have seen is tto sman
Paper dolls were dresed; plHurei ,,Uce well on the back of the stove lec« 'retonne *Uh pewcock* or birds
b^oon stirred one gqjiare of mt-ltrd'
cma to the Ho*na
■a uaglWe. aa MntMial as though novelty shops those delightful French palmed; cards sowed: tiny mysterious and cover with a soft clean cloth, of iwradise in' designi. Bind the cborolaie and a small piece -f larafwrapped in tiaaue pnpur aad lied with
affairsto hold .one's belongings ol bundles wrapped: wreath* of holly >Vhen they togln to Itx>k mealy, mash c-lges by'iiasting on Fteoch gilt up- one: lift them out and lay ujion oltol
«i large family make* glfU to tto
tolly ribbon. Ob. It la going to to n dress. These may to made at bone cut, and two loally attractive pictures with a fork, until they are a fluffy holsteretw •braid. Green felt should paper.
. bom a few day* tolorc every Cbristpied Chriatmaa. a Chriatmaa of loring by firm building a framework of wood of beavlly laden Cbirvtmaa tree* were m««. iib* n^w snow.
be pasted on the bottom.
After the fopdaht is jut-iiare-!. many ma*. fich member of the famflr.
he ssmailtst to tbe largeit. does
eng givful' t*®** *» »“ ''®'‘ *® ®®'’ ““'•r ‘our feet high, with shelves ten the result. Then the iieople rame. Christmas Sweetie*—tVo cupful* of- This make* a very accepuble gift binds of candie* *111 sugge*i them- from the
has been ncglerted
ptiitos. .wbto wo gl»» love-thoughts!
inches deep and about ati inches Fashion books were searched for tarn- granulated sugar, oncbalf capful of *or people who like to keep their i>oI- ^eji-es to the maker, and any kiid of something
«ed, but vanilla i» about the honxe.
•Jtoa whatev®r wo do. 1®t «■ forget
apart. Do not tncloae the aides or «, ^jd trienda. cut and groupe*! cream, or.e-quaner
cupful of butter. l»hed taWe* from being ecratehM. end flevoring ma:
the flavoring that Is generally used
On-of the g!rU made new dra^rtes
«or grterantoo. rani or lanciod. and
back And after the set of shelves is ,roond the base of the trees, which one-half cupf/tl ofchopped candied
“ win al*o.make an exeellen
with chocoUte. The •flavoring should for the gue*t bedroom, toother hemyet as for ooe wh«to day give iovebuilt, enamel carefully la white. On were taken to gran.lma'* house and' cberrie*. one teasi'ioonfal of ssnllla or ard. for a vase of flowers.
covered faq
ked into the foodam atier it Is med tto doten napkins that had wallI the real tree. So much
thoughts to every one. to every thing, each shelf is 10 to pnt
Imergreen extract. A single day with evary huoan being pasteboard box. which flu the apace. ,
aod love of other* of ranr.ed sirawbeiry Julc®. Put the
Fto Christmas,
knraded for use.

' ed for a yrar. Another mended the
Uiaarlimtlr doing Ibat would bring tbe but may be drawn out easily. Cover .
put Into tbe work that the Christ- sugar, erraro and butter Into a sauce*
Green an-t red raffia strands are atPeppermint Drops—Flavor tbe fon- hole In the ball rag. nnd *0 on untU
tba ttee at -Peace on the boxes with wail paper ia eome ,
spirit wns truly deveto[<ed by this mo and »tlr gently over the Are until tractive for tying up Christmas petv dant with peppermint, roll out with a every thing .*a» done until the negt
■nth. good win lo *ML“
fltoJoi Tory amaU pauern In driirate ,
as li' my UtUe ones.
the mlxtura ibreadf from a spoon. Re- eels.
roDlng-pln, and cut out wrIU some git^^eeasoA


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