Grand Traverse Herald, July 30, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 30, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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rally WILL

nsnm for fur


Tbo rarious rommlllee* In i harse
or ibe Crahd Trsyrrse ^ioii fair aro
fast aettlMc thlBicB In shape
Unmet and beet fair ever brtd In ibU
Tbe conMltieo

WHl RETM purr RlIK



Iiieau has secured TV. H Steele of
GOVERNMENT Nonbpoft to sear<h Iheverriiorr ihU NAME WILL
fall for apples for ibe exhibtt ilmi



W also ordered
a^bw cate to be nii tn ibe fenre
xroiiDds Ko tbai


1 Ihe regular rtmtlae bnslaeM



Mr Sreele waa with Ibe iiureau
and made sui n a good rec­

ting of tbe Bale for tbs special ele<s
tluri to Iw beld lor voiiag

ord Id locaiinz fancy fruit ibst be was
retained asaio ihia.season,

prviprteltirtn of cTabliMiing a mnilfir
□ ditnal school In Traverse

pranleal fruit mao aod kaow. all ihe

was bclp-veil thai a vote
ouestioa would not. be nee

detalU of selecilne the |>roper erode

of apples for exhibition
man 0ms Not Conform to HU Motto. laay bare a orparate eniranoe rron
LSBUUturc Will Cenalst el One Body
seartl/for sele.i rrolt will he
Not *1011*—IntSi^
Ibe other rebirles. It wollld be
Action Was Take
ten FoHowlog a Cel
Instead M Twa at Ja the Custom
neaced aa eoim as ihe-eaH. varl
OBitnfl CKinlJons ars louna
approeUled If tfal. Impr^vAneiii eouM
Maj.J^mit Camio the Bute and
begin to sbnw up the pioiier lolas there are
pjign Manager:
gar: fsFAmM B.
ber of bail (tanoK beiveeo D<
Daer exhihii ihls foil ilian has Iteen
fair lime, vhlrh vUI draw bis rn>»iM.
B'aahlagion. July ;r..—Alaaka.
and harlBx only one eolranee nulkee
I 1(1 Ibe' roilnl Stales In
t'otuarl Rooson-lt said tontxbi. for
bureau aod tbe llmiline the number;
I-ansiag. Ml,-h.. folv
liMOiireBlem as
RiiksU. with an area r<iual
bodilj- Mpmro or ttao Roimbllroti orof varieties win in a decree lessen
III nut be B cuiidid.le for guieranr
for the patrons of the,hall nmes
nuarter that of the I'nlird States, aad
■aalMilou hr tb* Xutoui l>rt]|trro'
work of collecilag and
Id his PBUie will not appear on ihe
since ibea pleading for seK-goirni
siro Mitr. Tho oiatot bo umod are
belter resiilis at ihe show.
pniiiary bat|ul
Any doubt aa to the
lieslro indi.i.
KsMsa. lllltMMta, South Uakota.
Inleml^ of Ihe bureau to work aloag govervmr-s fotitre roiirsc was reuidved
shell, lu the iviurae Of. Mi mlnules'
Idabo. (UMfonite and WaahtBcioD.
tbe rofngrvdal line .la the future an-1 Ibis nmniiiig when he mrtltU-d -V- ieID Ibe seuate. Senaior William
in SBch •( tkeso statoe. arrardlnc
leave out ihe nanv varieties that
' Siste Mariindale IU rvfuse
Srultb. rhalriiHiti of the romnili-,
to RoosovHt ieodora. oho have talked ATTEMPT AT ROSBERY MADE AT
ly hare a ten
ptipiiiarllv on llie pelltioos Pled in l>.lK,'n-a
■a territories. aeiUied the pas
<rRh the ex-prrsideal or bU aides, the
niarkeis of tl
These dirtHtions fdtlo»ed a .v
•r bla bill creating a lyrlsUtlvc
Kopabliton ormalaUan U In roiiuol
heiweeii the x<nern<ir and
<>r the supporters of ibe ties- party '
lavinits. wbo !■ luanagittg the MuawlVPI In WhUh Body of Julius Han­ main and conferring rlvlt gnveraiiii'Bi
sa euoai safflclenl to enable them
Ihiring the paai {<
nah Lay Was Forcsd
irasarof lbs orsaoUstlon vtrtually/in
days ftleiide of the guvenior in It
tan to Co^el noosereira auppuri.
lit have tieen .rr.utaling
inry there
baa been a concerted efta ooeh <sao II Is d>e iaieslhin
It arts dUeovered Thursday sfler- fon' by II
Inroea In Washington to
tsuiB the nsme RepaMbun and plaro
BOM ihsl Ibe lUnash'. vault at
Inaiiguroie a cunintlwloit fonn <if
esiidldsies for rosmoss sad suie or
eemmery had lieen broken Inio
eriinii-ni for'Alaska ilesp'lle
danuKe t« the anmunl of
inia of the Anieriron rItUens. who, PUns Are Under Way to Make J.arge




CommereUl Bhewriog pi

have so cUroortsl.

tbal the BBOtea of Taft and Sherman
koowa. but II Is ihe opinion
(or the same rigfals of se|l-gnvernbe placed oa ibe baUot aa ibe'Rrpub.
Chief nf 1‘ollee JohBinn that li «
lueiil that the American colonies
• ilran BomUeea. the Rooaeyelt randl
broken lain either Tuesday or tV.
tor ibeimieltes aiid.tliat have
dates for'alerAra, vlll to Ib a aeparBMday nlEhtau ruluBui. Wbora ibc Uv dosn aoi The vault »aa efeeied
«ab« ibU tbe Roaeeveli naadldaiM
by prylBK of the broDxe grailoti whu h
protably vlll be pfaoad aader
oorers the glaas la the
racnbir RepsMlcaB esibUm la
breaklne Ihr alBae. Tbe i>iil>
le vault vbirh waa illslurlied
li «M OoIobM I
was Ibe part Tu whh-h Ibe liody oC l
iloa tbat bo deeMlM «eald be reached
lala Julias lUnnab lay. In order
r Siniih. wbo Uat seiwl
Bi ID tbs pioeedare In these siatei
fei laio Ibe rnnipamaem llartf.
d the union by hringinK
uni (be swilaaf aftnailon «aa die
unarrew ibtve nr
remalhiiig •vMtiguoi
raasad at the Cblcaio cooTeBilon of
hie sUIm whirl, rorer^ ilte sUli <ii..
leiTiiories. Arirnmi aiol Sew Mexico,
tbs Be* panr next Btooth.
It h ..
the raskel
Afl of IhiUe smaller slainluraed hls.atlriilliHi euii.' Ihis sesshiu
broken. The Urn* slab wt-Uhs
seulemrul or llu>->JuDE-drawn-niii
tbal tbs iBoTSiBBtii
about lour hundred pouBdi and a« thin
AUnkmi |inibl>>lu. uiid his succes
more npidly tbaa «aa'expected
-vas-famed It Is evident
son him high praises from
tbM Ibero U Mf^MBsaa fur dstayliu
than one iwrson who
eciiaiors as lu>dge. Cuminlua.. Halley.
work aay loafer.
ihe art. Tbe hamliirlDta of the w-ou1d>
U Sontb DatoU. CDbieet Roosereli be robbers rqnld lie aeen on tbe dual Keni and other leaders and autboriaaU. tbs pMa WrMHly bad beea poi of Ihe casket, but Ihe flaas over the
Into efeel nod lb tbs other ouies It casket llself was noi broken.
bad been deeidml to uke like ineaslUi tboualil iha; tbe,motive for the




, Nopitale a Charm-


win bs pisaasd to learn of ber. laarHa«e to OarsBM P. Martla. wbl-.i
look pUrs at tbe home of ber paiVnts
la Praaklort. Mlcblfaii.
y JJ.
Tbs weddtaL tbeam simple, was
rbsrmtaf ta sll lu appolulroeau. Tbe
deooratVtas roosisted of


manaacmcniWibe Wcier.. Mi.-itix
lleVi-Uipuiriii bureau, and tile Ciund

'he liiv

sviuld have to bs glvsn

ctianre to exprsas tbslr wUbes upI ihs duesiino
Tbs board dscldsvl





of several lives by drowalag. aad a



irruiieo ibcir Ideas and iviiucde IhaI is ulsu u fine K<-n<-rul tanning rc
glon. The -showing ,>f fruit will be

Benaior Smith's Alaska civil guv-

fnity as laeci as a ye.vr ago. ami in
' rc-pBvi> It sill le> le-iter.
' iiioi-o slross » to I- laid
uiuii ihe Iniikinaiiic ut vni-ufi-s
aro sultulilo for .nmin.-rr
The exlilbii of frulis
lavueli will aleo be larger than ere'

The \\>»ictn Mlrhigun IVvel


bureau's . hemisl

is now at

prnnlaes Ihj I the dlsplav wiH t
acheiiie to b ’ worked.oui in the
orations is
■onibIr.aii-iD r>( v
apple green,
wvexlwork will i
white birc'i
Knough green w|
Ihe bitch posts I

used to set off

of others. Is the'loll af a
heavy rain. wind. haU'aad rlsrttiral

TeiesroiMi aad trlrphooa' cemamalPoallUa


CeaaU inUrast
at Primarias.

fasltlesblpe, If logical they sboulii


so vote to shsadon the Panama 'ca



IsitiKlng. -Micb.

ss«ion._ were satlreiy cut oC lor Iba

There will be ao

IL Walker.


WtllUw' K.








IS coat the stats IVLy.uh-..
One Idea of

the sBuyunt

of road


■ inuat effect I w

went that II i'^were all In a roc'

“ "'ink

a (be iraek.

A^oraey —fuitls



>d to the sleeper Bad ptoced oader (b* rare of a pbyalclaa wbo was
the train. A special irola was ran


months my iftme hu> tieen im-ntfoaed , ’I

I. r. Smith, s'-i I*i>t From ,
ho has beea til at IVtiivki-v.






■r prna'e e

Cora Pltigerald. n. n, preshleat

Broom waa aueaded by Arnold

hero Monday, afl 'he reumins werr tbls^iime.

To t ' so would entai! iia-^''*’

various JmndirK

nice to. Ihe i-andi
“ ''•“rted a> a l-ig
already ... the field
I rli-'ory lor the state
With the ex
cep'ion of a few r-inor exi-nroe. 'he
tlie home Tbur«tay aftemmon at :
„ir cnnsHierotlon
In ad
..'clock. Rev . H. W l.avc .if the lits
• -tat^lia* now tere-vod
r- cent li
riples church offlcitilnc.
:n I'le failure of lilaili
la Oakwood.


further public wurk

Vif* Gra
Recording SerTetsty-Del! Uelt
Tresanrer—N'eUie Dafoe.
TVardett—UUUa Perklna
Coadnrtori-AbUe Wright
Oia^lB—Fannie Purgerann.
R. 8. .V. « —t'oen FItxgerald.
U a \. O-Theresa Pwrwll.
fc. a V. G.—Hsxel'Knapp
a a O.—Bessie McMiebse}.

L a O.—MaBBfo Catkind.

l.iit roiber to

give aildbe lime in ray power to Ihe



, Pene R.cs Slneken by Typhoid Epi

ll'erec-e." la'
Afier careful runsiderwilnr.' f have I
• ronforv-n's ,,i A'toroev tien
decided not in . itei the campsicti a-j*''"

aervli-e, will be held

"The bride was aueaded hy ber aUier
Mrs. n-III Jsrksoa. ea matron ol

lie Return From Naetb Ha Will.
Start L«fyg Auta Cam-

‘ - AtTrtruev I Havi
Kuhn re.
. cneeh 0,1
1.-11.„ .„.nn
-uni Ihe T;'li- GuarwD'ee
• rwn'ir- Co/ihvue-,
•I'ti fa. •.-.leiilav

brmixM here.

Chorus ru sunf as a proreaalonal

Aftsr tbe cMYBioay and a abon re-

Tbe wiad. rmla aad ball to ppd as hav iug dons a frewt amamlA
mags lu erapa. ibs ansat

Which cfna« be ssilMfsd.

four car*, the ladles' car and sleeper
to-tleorae H Jlech

ronstruned can to. gslaed from the

in •■onnecikin with the conuieaslon..; (

LeCK. BceoaapeBled by MUs Ptanees

aooB of OreeavHla. HIrb, alH>
UBS frUBd of tbo freom.


mchway ComShe,10 -Jiidsivu K. ranishin. Usrt
gera. mosil.v Chicago padpto rofara•end -t-flv. .IKia milee tiaanei'. WiltUin J. Rentrte. Krnevu'
lag hone from a week-end al Ibe laka.
l-oiri ' Sanford. C.
road wciv- oon«ifm-i .'Slenaky.
wrecked at !•:«:. n-rioefc toat aIgM
•el duiliiK the yeai nt ISir. of whldi .<mlth. riiaile. F Tavlor, Fiank II
and a half mllea fr«m Bbatby. a
.•.i: IBlb-e wereol snivel and HM>miles Viatim.
washout dcrpillag half tbs train. Bat
fo*uiiii n.-rk-WiocrtH-; Whpe
mscaduui, the le-t of latlnii-v BU
konwB ao have baaa <«■
C.Miiitv Tioa'amer Attim'll f«,k’
riously iBjurovl.
Wllltom (tooper. a
William *• tirwni. Juhii llnuis.
The .o>( of Ibe f-l.llri- mllSBSS
traveling salesman from Hart, waa
l(.•glslJ-r of U-edr-Charies O. Oar
IO Mato was but $iu;:.io3.' All of
sitting In the .aiokar BBd aaBarsd a
ver. Waiter W. itsan. Frank H. Him
these roads were ounKlroited- UD
broken leg and Injartoa aboot thd
•|iii. Felward A. Monroe.
IV iviunlv syKiein. wliorcliy tbe st
Seteral uiber pagssBcen aa»I'rosm-ii'iui: Attiirnev
WardltCuntamed inlanr lajurlea.
■VK 4M»i |K-r mile and iipwAds.
In--. t;.,iieeti fov^p-ll Aiiill F .Verliu
'luutibiiroi vuited lhal aecfioa aC
Hut |;r.,.iiNi h.vs t-u-n aoproprt
the stale Juki about an hour betoro
lie Ktuie lilgbaav luud of »P1.1
l'l^vIi< I'oun I'ammlssioi
-fSeo aud a-ben tbe imaaeitaer strock (be
Iinlsss oiUsr provUion U nude W. funis,
bridge going acroM Hobby ereeta aba
ths aurk Ilf tbs dspanmetii rill bs
foraaer—Frnest II. Minor
rolls gave way. tfarowlat tbe uwder.
grsBiIv cimailed. aiy* the eiraraUHoB
K'lMi-vor -Kdwin'r. Waiernian.
Iiaggage car aad smoker ever oa ibeir
er. Tbe locreaar In the number of
ai-lea. Tbe eaglne reached Ibe other
covinils* opernilng upd.-r (hs ronniy
l{.-|.e-Ket,t/ive-Orvme G Millar.
side all right aad proceeded ew to
-stem has Incrsaseri rtie problem
Judge of.Probiie-llarTv f. ttorls
Xcw hlim. two aad a haU mllea asray.
Since the dspaiimem l»gan opera
Hbeiif-Tbonia* U. BhllM,h.
where It waa foreed to toy over tog
on« Ip is»r.. i.rv. mii<w of stats re­
laek or water. TTie >rola coaslsted ol-

I-a.vne-nr on the hand- q|
Sfofc Tr.
Trear'lt.T Cluller. re. entiv
nrtminsUon on ihe repuMuon 1ickc:.j'"‘
•e.| >K,a J-'l.son prison, whsie
K00.1 fi lends III .l,..;■■aro-e.|

fratnre of tbe It U aa outrage i<> hulld the ranal
build a navy lo proteri It
orcaaioo wan Ibe presence of four
tollece frtseds of tbe bride snd groom. bellero in
« for peace •
Before tbe cerenony. B.

wood of tAbewoad. N J, a rollefe
triepd. TTie Kplaeppal marrlace
ties eras rtod by Rev. 8l. CUre Par-

BBill a late boar tbal aaytbiBB Uka a
I service was oatabllsbsd. blaay

Tbo storm waa moat aersre ta Hu
aowitoB bMwssn Bayae a«y aad «aa«


Feverol time* during the past few , *'•


boaor. aad two lillle Bower glrti.
MUa Jean aad Oeoricu Hnoie.

railoB was Impaired aad H was aM

la-ihs city of CadUlac auay maaU
Tlie following csB.lldsisw. hats Alsd
buildlDB. were MoWB oMf^Usfo vara
leir Iieiiij.ins wllti llie eOualv ,
ltd will hut^ their names |•rlolsd on uprooie-i aad telspBaas aad UlaBriiib '

,ts In ronaerUoa with tbe hat- S24.*|nr-Iappropriation roalroreray to
“If Ibe democrats vote down the


BrowneoM. saac "Oaawny. Awake Be-i
loved.' from
Peost. aad

■ ‘

ly laluriBg one man. aad brwIalBB aP



Tbe fUMta conaUted on

deralM paaseager irala cavMd by a
washout on the IVatwater divtatoa of
the tvr, .Marouetis Bear Bhafty. bad­

which awept weaUro MMtaBb
last alghi.aboai g o'rtacfc.

(TeveUnd, AlWki P. tJniv. Qoiuc,v Tharkor.

• Treasury.

I a laro' i-howiiix •$! u.alii,
•• iMHiple ah« have supiioeis

«rabd/*aU4,. ‘7;n!v » -TNoMMta
of dolUro damaas, tbs poaolWe IM

their ball-iis heiwssa lbs. boun


Heavy oroin on Bum

IPll exbIbU
As boe a sh.iwlnc
rnlt as was made •* vvai agv, tno

Weeteiii MiHilg-m was Urueli ,i

WrotiBM Havme WHb Cr^ aad

the eoancM rooms and all nuallfled
-Isciors a III have a (bauvw lu

• hs iirliuary balUi.

hiiW'evr-r, U lo be a larger aflali ih iii

SMVI..II, Will find a

CfoudaurM aa Lake MieHiBBa Bharo

ucilv, enniest for Mime of ttis oBIcss.
while Ulberw will -have but CMie roodl-

Kaidde AiSH iaiioii «.t i iiumw-nv

iiadc .-iDd 111 addition, grnjns. eras
.-md vcKcttibb-K urc lo lie pl.icml
tl dlsiilav. -Il IK piomn-d to

into bcv.


upon Aiiguet i; aa Ibe dale'for t
The .elecllua will be held






On the other sMe'-i4 ihh haUnce
ta line, a road stretching f^i
Plans are now lieing compleied lo
sheet. Alsska hoe bioucht into.the
Detroit to lloughton in ihe uptisr
riicun I'oun <
from Mt&kegoB aad the pa•seeagora
the IVveiophient buregu lor exhilutv
fnlied Stales from IMC
penin-ula. via Ray I'iiv and ('acklaaw. W, fnde.w.uvd. '
iraB.ferred Ihs stwclal earrylag them''
at the West MicIiUwn State Fair a>
Gold. »m\SK.r.2<>: stiver.
forou.t Is,.
reiiirnlBc lo 'be yiu'e melropniis
to lloUamI
The leader was ^tTlirond Rapids, and the MIrhican Stateopi^-r. MJST.klll;' -weal skiiie. f.\
Mitaauki-e :md rt.iiago soul
bttri'-d Id the saad- A wroefetBB
Fair at iMrolt
While t'beiie exhihils
Ati.HS; other anuati, fnrs. »lM!~i.-<a Sa> seat out from Musksmaa'
• ii:.lie along Hie tinea similar to
Und fora.;- lUbery pro­
..'oniliiued on page three t
those made Uat year Hie- wiH fo
ducts. »n:.S--,r..flT:; revenue roceipts.
inure compleie and
will W
Caantry «hsuld Abandon Panama :*•; other produeis such as
Sheriff-nsnl, n.ii.Mtev
wonhv rtf tnspe(
g. vpauiu, marble, lia. coal, walrus pro
Canal Unlstt It Can Bs
• O'ltitv n»i- -Timo'hv Tenipls
duel*, whslehone.
- I''•ll;l•v Tles.jler—I'harlsa II IjRlfe
grand total of (MK.Mo.PM m
r Bay.. July
set profli to Oie .l'jilied S-.n-..
biller atUrk oa the boose above all'ouiUak Tn AUsks of I

dsUlee. sad tbe -autroB of honor at
Ibe Bower flrU rsrrled boouets



SVC bmm tlx.-d for the Sec-ond Mb In






ma Evmn;
FYtaiids or Miss Jeaale

Haven. July


gsii Ijiiid aad'Aitple •.hull uuder il

rimieni bill imividec (or one til

feature, a unlcaiueral legtaUlun
rrime waa either robbery or the ho|ie
4-oL RoaasTMt Today completed bit of aeritrlne the liody and boldlae •« stead of for-a bl-cnmeral body. This:
due to Ihe vast exieiil of ilic terrlplau tor aUendlBg tbe Hull .Mom;e for raaaoni. Tbe Utter Iheoey U
.ry and lo the belief ihet. lo Aktsk i.
((■TeBUeo ta Cbkasa. Tbe coIobcI way disproted by the fact that
ve eharalier will be better than two
•lU arrire' ta Cblcaso bof.
(be raaiUU were delllieraie In ihelr work,
ills hill pUces the cgpllal at Juneau
WSBloi day. sad that ataht he *m even elorplna to pU<v the aratlaK
dellrer bis daelamilob of prtartples. bark la Ibe vault door before leavini:. Inateed of at FairUnka or at Seward,
He bai boM at^rork an hU dpeech Had Ihey wished to lake ihe body because Juneau is oa the waterwa:
tor asreral dark
with them It would nave beea a slue
r lo reach at eoodltlODs are now.
. It wUI bada witk **Ruia Shah
pie mailer for them to have )^ed
Tbe origiDal-pucvhaae price of Alas­
Btsal,'' aid Ks peforatlea trill be the iDio a wajmo aad takea li sway,
ka was l7.:hn.ftoii.
ptdpU aball ruU."
hi probable that robben was ihe tu
TmsI approprixilona from isdT to
U arlU cdMaEa tbe cotoael s rieas live aad that ibe thieves upon looklai;
M aU -tba topics eotered la tbe coo. (hrouah fbe kUss of Ihe-raakel and mil Ihnuigh the IrrjMitA
I. Including po^isl servire. tfl.Tenttoa-aall iseoed some «eekx aco seeing ao Jewelry gate ICiip as a
by Baaatdr Dim.
prolluhlo undertaking.
Total outlay »SS.m.«T«.*r.




opuion to the eSecI that the elsrior.


Just B'hen the <Ttmr mas roniniliie.1


The prinvlpal sFvirk ihai
•anie Hp lor dlapoaiuoti was Ibe tel

Grand Rapids apple show in Xovem



The regular moaihly meting
Ihe.boanI uf eduigimi, u,, Iield




will plve daily potfonBaBees Id ftool
or Ibe craod auad beii


The tVestern Sllehigaii nevetorment

he made hv the bureau ai

floeed a rOBlrsrt today altb ibe fainSmith and Coplan famUy.

^GfllRR tfia APPIB

■ntereals of 'he ciiv ur tis chief

The total ktsa m 'li» i
'llatler crash i-an.c
Nearly-gnti.cUvii m.-i. recover«s( fruit)
the Ulaxler bank Tb- rest cam^frnm

lolliicul visiinrs there ti aamlaiskaWe proof (bsl tbia atroag fopats
seivlon Iv bMklag wHb prououD-ed favor oa the Mnaselmaa gve
herwatortol -rolidldacr. Xews of Mr.

In every par-

ato has reach­
Ke'i tuan. f I! . Julv .'O _Aa bpi- ed the
dem:- O' r'phrtul lever prevails IB Ihe
muuii liahiv rt! t'ebuelss. eight miles rrvsiallzlag of iba seittliDMi tor iba
Iron: Home
fenuela-, has a popola Groa-1 Rapkls huilaeea man Mr. HaP■Hill of about l.rvN.. and IP raaes of selmaa Is siumdlag tea dare la tba
I'lKrJ-t. with live itroibs. have oc- penlaanto aad the proBen of imppori


le oiafer sopplv from (be river
'be ei-treaauror's isirsonal estafe
afe ifi"
loaro fouad to be lafecied
n*blle denving myseir the pahlic
• l8"er l.ii-iu-t. director of pahlic boallb. has
the hoodtag rotnpaa'es
. .Iho^or ao many Irtends deelpe me
hare refusced pavmenta for aeverol e-istillshed a bnaplul bad to iHcu•PR.acJilefe I coaslder it m> duty to pubveirw on the techm.-al gi-'ond tbat la'.oa tbe inhabiiaats. aad As'hariagi
Hclv acknowledge my gregi sppieciathere was no way of aupomoolng the
Ironi other acpumea broagbl li
Uoa of ro'Bl(..-TattoD given
loss. Attoroey. General Kuhn eitdel
nor aecilnn with so high
t h'wAir aa a
the mass of Ikuaittno inrolved la the
clerk employed by Ibe Baaltatioa
eoBgressienal onminauun oc tbe re­
.Tate's effons'to eaforce rollectipo by hoard
Eton Juaa has develo|Md a
publican ticket
gettihg Ibe eompaaies together a^ case ef pUgoe. He was ill for aeverol
aldlag them in aptairiloalBC iba Ua- days, but did net slap work, not sooW. D. C. Oartaaiaa.
paettag tathoale.


s rereirlag from all ouartera pr»■s a MWeeping vletory for him IS
pntnarv and Ibe old-time repabllcan majority for the suie aad ba­
il ilckets this fall.
Mr. Masaatis aceoBpaaled by Dr J. B. Dradlev sad M. K Defoe, wbo la ta cbsr«a
of the pnbUelty ead af tba campaign.
Tbe party's iilDerary covers STMT secof the district. On bla rstani i*
Grand Rapida. ahoat AacnM I. Mr.
. jeimaa will start bla aaM 'campsdga a^d cestlBM natll primarr Bar.
esrariag tba aavAh BtaWtg Bi»»,

oum TtAviask huaia


nAvnu bat iaoU, ftitioAT, jolt at, itu.

«Q(id.ihe witnatioD. TIht granted that the <7.000.0(10 waB~'pne|i-^
rally thrown away, but they remembered the friendly attitode of
da at a time when it was greatly needed during ilie civil war.
and tht trifling sum of gZiOOO.flOO was gladly eoneeded. althoBt^
the le(wiirt»y was nothing bnt a harn-n alret.-h. as it was ihuoghfc
nf frnxen coast territory, stretehing'for nnknown hundreds of
lilts into the far froten nrwth.

Grand TraXrersle Herald
and Tt«viw' 'Bay ^
faiiliiaii TMcaar a>4 ThMdar at TrsTarMcur. Hieaiiaa. kr


Tbe aniversal expression was. ‘-N'ever mind. We don’t know
what we have got'or what Ha worth, but we do know ihst Russia
helped us oat when we iieerled help. Therefore, we are wHIiog to
jmy <7.000.000 for this fruxen territorj- that cannot for a hundred
yeara. if evrr, be made of value to the roited Suies. Charge op
..Both PhoBM No.:
this <7.000.000 to loss and gain'and esll it M|tiare with tbaoks i.i
Rnssia.” •
Now let us see whal we got." We got a territory one.qimrter
I* aaruca the *>ixc of the CHileil Stall's. We got a lerriliin.- that, using th-*
Aleutian L'lands. a long-leggi'd nisti. awn alinoTnsiep from the riill
ed Slnti's in .Asia. We'got a territory thal makias tAaii Fraiii-U<<o
the eonter of tlm I’nileal Stales, east and west. • We got a territory
*iSir 2TAtt*^"c(w?wa ot
that earried ns :l.flia‘l miles farthea lowanl the uorili jiole. We gut
territorj- of whieh we. evi-n yet, m-areely kn.»w the extent, and
Ckodatioe Am week 3^50
e surely do not know iu value nr its posaihilities.
We do know this: The origiual pnrehase prie*- of Alaska was
<".^.000. We know that the ap)iropriariona from the treasury
department, inelndiiig Uie postal servh-e. from 18BT to IIUI. was.
iu nuind flgures. <28,000.000. making a total ouilay of <:L).O0n.(iU(1.
We also know that wo have reeetvcl during that time, and largely
In thow of poaoe-talk and tfap dUamuuni-nt *nt n«tii>tw. within the laxt few .vears. <44fi.fi40.9S4.79. leaving a net pr«»fil to the
one rannot bnt note, at leant with intereat. the jjreat prtrparalioui Cnited States on the purchase of Alaska of <410.821.^10..^. Not a
that.are beiof nude by all the naiiuna nf tnrn-axe. to
r iHkd investment, was itf
be conaidered an alariuinK extent!* the natri^ of Ger­
Alaska has not yet begun, to p*.»r iU wealth into the Cnited
many. faglaiwl. luly. AtKtria and Franee.
Slates. Thanks to Senator $miih. who bas aeeomplisbed thn spleii.
ITr all know that for the iaat two or three years. Great Ilritam
work upon whieh he has ^tc-n engaged for years. Alaskn now
haa be«i in a turmoil of anxiety over the plans uf <i>-rm«>iy has self.gnvemrnem with a unirameral goveriiment. whieh was
Wh0iimr well founded «r not. the faet remains that. Germany U given instead of a hi-eameral. ojfnlg to the vast oxtem of tbi- teiriBmktiiR pre^rationa to oalelan tbe navy of Great Britain.
lory .and the iH-ih-f mi the |wrt of the .AUskans tbemselvi's. thul one
^or more than ^ yeara, the na\7 of Gr.'at Britain has riile<l ehainlier would !«• Iielter than two.
tbe. tbe VoHd. anl it -would he fully ti> supitose that that
This government. Uk.* Alaskn out of I.H al |M>liliesl .'.■nlisd.
iHjli<tti:^-Wld be wiliinf now In yield the mpremaey it has held far 11 insures the nroper handling of the vast n-sour.-i's of that gn-al
more ihaa three eenturim. Germany has for aeveral yc>aes Im-mi tirriloiy. The importanee of this aeiion by the wiiate of the Cuh' quietly, but nnti<-eaMy. addiqic to its naval Rghtiiie foise. This
ml Slates eamint. today, lie fully eompreheiKlmL hut as ib<- years
M^pipellin; Great .^rjUiin to Hinrease its aruxsl navy tu whal. a ;go by. it will b.- more fully appreciated »md hemef..nli, .linskn will
very Jew ywa M5»t^‘»ui‘l have Wn consHlered au almost iru- lake the place it should Imve oeeiipimi a quarter of s •H-nliiry axo
i^U Aieepfth The plans of Great Britain u«w are for a quirk




kwlAiM'oI !1 imt


.r.- ..n-W

A Democrsiie Blander

ant. M nation eonld alone withstand the naval stren^b of Great
JWlaifi. /
Germany is eoniinniiig its [sdiey of hiiildiiiK liattle.slii[w every
year qiul ita pla>(s today ioelude 41 hBtiIe.«lii|M. .:M taree armed
et«ia«r|...4i0 em«U eniiacra and aiualler erafi iu pro|Mirtiou. This
««bU mean that Gnrmauy would have a naval force of. 101 ships,
|mt and little. Two yeara from now. Great Britain would have
the larger tMtile.ships agaimt Germany's 20. Thia wMild
nafomitate l^te^iimre. rapid building up of Germany's nary..and
that.flenuaDy will meet the demand.
* Kny^Bd mnat protect Gibmltar. Foiir hattlemhiits are nnwpostp^ there. This will be inexeased to eiglJl battle-ships. The
Mediterranean will l>e the next si'ene of a world struggle for naval
aapmaaey. England. then-foD-. •aimol allow the w.-akenin^
.tke atrategieal lm|iorWiH-e of Oihrallar.
/ ‘ Italy ^ »«lay planning mix opw haltle-ahips of largest sue.
Anatrja joins with three. If Germany, Austria and Italy should
■hj(e.U» ooBtrol tbe ilj^Uerranean. they eould do no. The control
of the MMIlerranMn Would mean the inaa of Gibraltar to England
qad would force England’a nary hack upon the defense of their
qwxi liUlr
Tl^ colonies of Graat Britain would have all'
Ibcy emtid do to take garg of themselves.
Thi* day it surely, coining, not this year, not next year, hut in
tbe not very'diatant futnrc. Great Britain will have a stmndi
its life to defend its-home territory. hVance. Sjwin and Portugal,
tipir friendly to-England, eould give no help. A. few days’
paiga in Spain and Portugal would resnlt in annihilation. Franet^
4K>w the ally of England, has no naval strength that eouM he
sidered of valne outside of the protection to Ha own coast. Gcrauny, Aanlria and Jialy eohld today over-rnn h>sn<'e in a 90 day


|)emo<-ratK in eongreas have made one nf the mistakes of
their lives.. The Demoi'ralir tdatfonn ealK for a strong navy, it
call's for the up-hiiilding of the I'nitml Siatt^ and the u|iholdiiig of
its prestige the,world .over, it is a gmsl platform. .Many of its
fratures are highly'eqmnienrlable and appegf to the whole |H-ople of
the I’niled Stales of whatever party affiliation. In the fare of this
declaration, in the fa<-e of the announced policies of their eandidate, for pr<-siih‘iit. Mr. Wilson, in the face of the alisnliite nm'ds
and‘'yeqiiireHicnl8 Aif the Cnited Slat.w to-mmu the growing naval
strength of the great nations of the world, the Jleinocratie majoriiy
in the hoiwe nf n‘pr<'wmtativ<'H has defeaii-il the lull for the luiildiug
of ,twik*bnllle-shipa. askml for by the navy dcparlineni.
When one i-onsiders the Ircmciidoiis aclivit.v of Great Britain,
of Germany,-of France, o/ l«siy, of ,\tisiria. of Tiirk*'.v in this dirm-fion. one marvels that any repnsenialive in the eongri-ss of th-'
I'mlml Slates should h<-silale at this lime to. at Irasl. insiiiisiii the
present iiiival sln-ngth »ir the Cnited SiAies.
forget for a ninnieni that the great prolili-ni of the
ransina eanal is np to us. Before the end of I9]:t. great sleameis.
will he able to get tlimiigh this canal, from one oecsn in th'other. We have only a year of prc|>aration. and what I<^■Jlar3•
lion haa the CnilmCStali's niadeT Nmie at all.
It is well known (hat IV-sidenf Taft is strongly in favor of an
lua'ie iucrcBse in uiir naval foree. and Mr. Rmwcvcli yesierdiiy
iiiado Ibis dm-laration: "If the IVhus'rsts^'riite down the battle-,
ships, if logical, they should also vole to abandon the Panama
eanal. It is an dutrage in hnild the canal nnl.-ss wo hnild a navy
|n'prole<'t it. I Ix'licvc in nphnilding the navy as an annrsni-c for

Ahae of the mat proflul^ ero{w for the sandy a^ «f Michi­
gan is h^
If {wop^y B^fcd. ihia <gop will yield Car
more proflt^ sandy soils than mmh ero]w ga whrat.^al^ barky,
eu.. and in'^addition wifi leave the ami in better condhion for anbseqoeat crops. When the soil is properiy prepared, the yield of
met on sandy »oiU raagra from 3 in ^ buahela per acre, in addi­
tion to tbe rye with which it is eonuBonly sown. Tbe yield to be
expected is dependent not so mnch npon the soil as-'npou ibe tivstmenl giren the erop. The seed is aelling for <7A0 per bushel, and
at sueb priee*-the farmers of the sandy soils of iliehigan ahonid by
all meana grow vetch for a«^.
Hair.v veteh should be innenlat<H] and sown in August with
rye, at ihcTate of .10 ponads of each per aere. Inoeolated fluid
war be ohtained from the C. S. IVpart£^ of .Agriculture or the
Michigan agrieultural e..lle«e. or s.iil
heVuse-l from * Arid that
haa previouiJy grown veteh. Vi-teirfffbwn onV>Aebl Ihal prqiluee.l
veteh last year usually yields well, mii ».i-nuni of thorough in'oenlalion. For this reason, those who have grown vetch this year are
advised to again res^ these flehls to rye and hairy vetch. .The
pnwpeelive priee of the seed Warrants such a eonrse.
rWi not sow vetch on wheat lands. It way h>-<-ome a w.-cl pest
on such land. We recommend it for the p<s>rer sandy laiitU whqre
rye is the principal'eiveal grain crop now sown.


What h M»n>
■ We an-sometimes 4e<l to ask the. qurai ion. What is Alan* and’
often the answer is fitMo se<-k. A half .vntnry or so ago. we were,
tidd Ihal man wak a monkey: then w'e were told that man trawled
up out of the water and developed legs amt anus: imw we are
solemnly told hy scieniirts.xlu(rTiian is.a vegeiq^le. We are quiuinrlinetl t» think'this n^the eorreet answer to-the question.
Mr. Vlnion baa been n ratMenl of
This thi'ory was’wTarted hy the s<-ieniist Ilaeekle, and therefore Grand Traverse eounty ail bU Ilie
and ha> l•ee(l i.rotainanlly Idraiieed
comes from gmid authority. It was always siipptMcd Ihal lifci-ells «Ub Ibe rai'UbUcsB pan; ever alpre
became a voter At preraal b« U
were animal, therefore man was an animal. If juao is lioi an ani­
Conaty Truant Officer
leer aand be» Gone
mat. then an animal is nut an animal, and ail animat life, from bac­ exceilnl wort
ibla rapaWy. I
dawty .sheriff and Ibe <
teria Iu. man. is vegetable. Did J'ou never notice the elooe re.
s.'inblaiiee lielw.-.-n sorai- lAan ami a vegetable* The world is full
trees walking, look at the uejEt man you meet on the aeefca lie promUea If ciet^. m glee
Iba reoaty a nrong bnalaeM adrntastreet and you • an rt-ndily And fats plao- in the vi-geiahle kingdom. iatraUon and a awM anfairwut el
A'oii will lie surprised
kiicNr how easy H is |o trace a a-Ibm r>-' the laws that are apnn Iba Affttwe
booka. Ur. Vlatiw hi maklpff a vtga stjunsh ur a toutat<
luriiip. nr a jaek-a-hinteni. orons rBRipaKa apd aaUHfii'Hui a■^
•ir a potato. >r a ^aler im-lon. And then Ihen- are the girls! It is
liiarvelons to note how closely they
th.' l-'ise, or the tulip.
or the pansy, or the lily, or Ibe meek and modest forg^t-me-not.
The next time you are in a gathering of friends, start this goFiibel Sirale 7 < Rock BntV.M
c and y«Hi will be snrprised at the resnlls.
>er i:;; tllttiy Bloek Egga, giEff per
e: U. B. Tarfcsff Bggn. Me aaak. <4JB




qp Wiir «• Rcviaad an •ciantifi:
lain- 'Ha gacaim Tarm. i
Pcraanai Guilt Far Carpacalien orhcials.

back to aitbar.RcpubUcas or Oane
eraUr partiea cut tar adrIfL
-lender stirb
Slraa aald Uat «ixbL -] cooU not tcmain kwgcr with ibe i
itaa clearly underatood. aa I heliercd.
fbai fol. Kooacrcll'a randidiry enald
be on the baal> Uai be waa tbe rasuUr nominee of a rccoUrl.r organiaod
ronveniion and when tbe OrcbcMra
hail lueetlog «aa held on IbP Satnr
day nighty of the national coarentlon.
idersiandlng Ibal hla
ndidaty «aa a protest
rather than
f crrftiK<» • 'new panr.
-The adveel of Senator Dixon
Mirfalgan. hla ataiemeni there In ber
hair of <-ol. RodeerelL and hU alatemenia anbsequentlr aa regard tbe lilt□ola alintUon. changed tbe entire
completion of matteiv I cuoW I
ronalMently anpport the . polirp
alaied upon in llllnoia aa regarda <
BomlnatloB of a third aule ticket.
re-election of Gor Deoeen
and of Ibe rcgalarly and legaTIv nom
Inated conntr ticket. For Ibeae tea
ienwttTv accept
ante of tbe poet of seoetary of Ibe
progresaire national organltatloD.-'

■jAHtS g. *0R0iCK .
Sapth kianUno, Mtl<.
taai-wgy, JffM. juljS
■ ^
by OrtB o ImeA and RlixabMb We.
wife, to tbe Leelanau Cmmy 8a«ing« :Unk. a carporalion Of <lAtoU
Bay. Michigan, dated the Ipwtb day
of April. A n, i»U. abd raenrded ta
the office of tbe Realafe
ter ar IMa for
the eouoty of Qraad Trnrwu aM
ftate of Utebiran. on lb* aUlb
da <*
b day
April. A. D . im. Is ill>er M of a
-> ahich menesge
ier« fi
• doe ai tbe date
tbU._____ _
au. the ana of nine boad'rad forty
eight and 4A-100 dollara. and as attor­
ney'* fee of twentv-hre dollara. aa prortded for in aald Dwrtgaffe. and no
oil or proceedtag* at ta<r having
baeo loMi'aled to recover the aooeye
•ecuied by Kai.! mongage.
thereof, e
- dabni.
It of coapUlnt
(liand Traat
eery. oB tbe »IA day of JOBMry. HI*,
for tbe foregloaure of iho aaM aertgage la fhance'rv. and Said salt has
l.eeu •tfa.ontlniied by tba ceapEalagRt
iberein: ami by and ta arcardaBer
with a 1*1^1
in tbe raid
default haviag been mad.
tbe payof ioeutlmenu of lutereU
due. the moHfSgee elect* to deabote of Iba priartpal aad
«bb moi____
• e J. herchj glcen that by elrtbe I«»er of bale conulned In
•aid motiaag*. and (be statute In asch
I mad* and pihrtded. oa Tburaibc lOlta My of October. A. Uat i»o o-cioc% la ibc aficnmoalOderalgnt.I irlU. u the frooi door
of tbe cmifl honae. In Ae rttV of Tra»er*e City, thal being th« pUre'where
the rlnult court for tbe county of
Grand Tratenie I. held, sell si pablir
amilon. to the htahe.> biddsff. the
pretulara desert bod tn said taoHcage.
or Ml ranch tberool a« may ho racio
asry to pay the amount ao ga Afore­
said due oB-aald nmrigaae. wlU aereo
per cent imere.i, and all logoi eoala.tocetber wiib kaid attorAor'o Ira. to- .
wit: Tbe aoutb half 18. tbl of Ibe
aoulbeast duaner fd R. I of aectioa
eighteen < Iki. townahlp twraiy-llTO
range nine i*» we»(.

es Gin, Julv Ss-Tatig for
•one anl}-; no third and ao a^ond
(•rai'ror president, and persoAl (Ul':
W corporation ofOrlals. mho viUate
Ibe anii tniai la»». !>• ihv three bif
• dlseu„ed by WlUon,
•Tiecrb, acrcpilus tbe dentorailr
nomination. The aoveroor sill
from bls«ceon trip toolKht.
bU apeeeb sill 'inimedlateiy he sen'
the printer. Ilia sprerh will be Rooaevqft ^nda OcUffatoa at
moat pnoxreaaire evjr delivered
a randidaie. Tbe governor stated
be .nrisidered the plaKorm •baoluicly na.r. N. ,T.. July
blntilne and sill make tbe tariff tbe ■ nuo>r>eIi made a >barr reioff to Ibe
big iaaue and asanre the .-ouiitry the aiaiemeoi of CbaiViBaB Hflles -in my
tariff reduction sill be a. IcaliOi'. Be Ian article In tbe\QullooL.~ he said.
gantiog truMt the goveriuir mlU sarn I nave ibe.bomi^ a pickpocket did
tniaibcsa ibai its anlve pa.-i>lp.i' ibol tend to edlRcailpn.- I^t kir Hllles
I in polliles slD be regardi-U aa' . read that an<i prolii by It. I refer blni
"auspirioua.and declare for a direr: also to im anicir Ju the OuUotrii.
primari and •■.irrupi pmeiin-a act.
Thou Shall .\oi Steal ’ .So aiatpineet
that It co'oialOK can be refated by Mr.
Taft or anv of Mr. Taft’* aopportera
".Vo poor creature aenienred
-leatini a purse shlleNhe convention less, accordtog |o the goverameml ra^
SB. on »-a« more cteariy gnllty
•V iberoof.
every mae sbo took part In ibe
Hi: u-M:ijA\At: corsTTgAViNoti
n.tN-K. .Uorigagee.
Lieniion N« bon<-M wan can defen.1
; It ao.l CUIRI to l>e aa boneet DM

little Jnsistciit in this matter, hut we know
whal we ar.- talking alMuil. and the Ciiitril Slates i.»Uy fac.-s the
greaii-st danger.perimt in its history siii.-e the Civil wsr. and onr
Jieople an- asl.c|., W.' never thought niii.h of the Panama eanal
exwpi as a great worl.l enterprise that no nation hm the Cnited
Slat'-s would dan- ip undertake, for we have always felt that it was
njM-uiiig a d(ingeraiis passag<-. for the armaments of foreign nations,
and onr only ho|v of maintaining the p<isiiioii wc had taken in this
matter was by a wise pn-psralion of land and naval de/ens.-s. If
this is not done, in a few yeara the Panama eanal will Iclong to
somebody else,
the ^’nile.1 States will Ik' the laughing slm-fc
among nalims.
This is not the mere talk of I alarmist,* It is the p.»sitive and
absolute danger tlmt eonfronts i
and the Demnerats in the house
of represenialivra have gone on
opjsising .the miiinlcnBtipremaey in the esiial x<pie. II remains now for Mr.
Wilson to ri'piidiale the aetinn of his pariy
eongreiM. He. must
do this that the dignity nf his iwrty sbsll be iimiiiiaiiie<l. tlmi their
___ Michigan haa reason to he proud <<f the excellent work 4hnt
Smatrw William Alden Smith has done as ehairman of the eommit- deelaralions may In* lielteved. that the pnbli.- may f«-l safe in
tee on temtories. ^ It was through his efforts, largely, that the last pbieiiig the repr<>sen1ative of this party in the presid<-nli:il chair.
original territory of Uie l States ontsi.b« of Alsskn. was ,\n the limiter stands i<Hhiy. Mr. Wilsoi'i, during the pf-sent «
Tied in a Kitat
U into
into the
th Fnitcd SUlea last y.-ar. with the admissi.m of Ari- has lost tens of Lbonssiiiis of votes, the enniilry over.
Deu-riW* the *ay you feel when
The fact if. the js-opie of the Ciiii.'d Stal.-s .-ir.- proud of ilie
>u ar* -migg'lfig sllh ao iiurk
>*<1 ^igw
^gw Mexi.>o.
XMis sBil
S.>nator Smith has now earri.-d his work to
«. * N. t. Ting CaIW.
Chotefs viortiuc or Cramp Col
great work they have done in the minstriK'Jion of tlie panama
|P. M.'A. M4A. H<P. M.
proper• eom^licm
for the present.
IfE.VNKii i'Al.VKII.U.VO.UAGir 0
L* Trar. Ctty.i *:«0- ::0*, *:U 3:2t
•anal, Thej- ar.' not .mlv willing bin drtennined ihal llik work'
rbi.-Ben, jtip
■e ku« au>l Qui'Aly give,
Ar. Solon....... j !:J7i T:M] *;o' 3:ft
"If*'*■* shall he-|>roleet<s|.- and in orvler to protect ii. our niivy must Islioes tbe >atiie‘.aork ah
irmer I'nited
Cedar CUy.' ♦;») 7:»|
OVttid^atire government. The pe..p|e of Alaska have been asknto the skin to relieve rh.
S' l« T not only inaintiiiiicsl. but slrongllieiiei}. We eannol iiffoni, as a
tivaina. tame bark or at
ing this ft^voa^s. pointing to the fnet that .Masks has on<M|itaner
tenlay «nh the ITogrraalve moA-e -^.v I, sa
ProTomont 3:n I
aondeiful reiiicdy for in
nation, tp let a single year |ws.s without, not only keeping gmid lieCedar Run ..
l«;C*t CM
meni ~l»»i^had
lerSTorj- of the eiitjre I'uiied Stat--*. and the population «
l.-rtu! or enertml u»e IVic Zeffirieney of our navy, but ineis-asing it m m.s;t the worbC> grow­ aulonal aet^Ury and bad bon m Sol<l liy American Orne Store
•. and its wealth vastly gr-ater. than any other lerriPUUe Bltec .
18:17 Cl5
ing demand. The Ileinm-rats have muilo-a lug rn'tstake.
Itaihm elth Col. Konu-veU at
Honor 1..........
t1:04 <;«
a been admitted to the ttiiiun.
Qmer Bay.' His reason for peparslEmplra 3ea..
a not bring Alaska into the Tuiied Slates as g state,
blnwelf fimn 'tbe movement aai
•s give ii,I.^laiire eonlrol of its own affairs. For the last
InsisiaiKe that there shall be a
Some experiments have been made the List year nr two in the
«.>A^TS. atremioHs efforts haw Wn iiiadi' by Alaskan residents 1
jtbtrd party ticket in llllnets
frrow iiig of hairy veieh by our furwiera. and it has to tc a *
Sims returned frnni the east
rights of mlf-govenim. nt. ThU is the w,«-k llial Ims le«. „ jirnfiiahle crop. .Mr. .M. J. Tboni|«pn. the district sup>'rvisor who
lau night. He aal<l it bad been ibe
completion through the eff.Mns of S.-nator Smith, aiwi lus been sent into Michigan hy the government dcjiartuient of
•Idderaiandlbg amoog i!><- R<M»creli
When a day or two agn. after an hour and a half’s
agrienllnr.'. to investigate th- agrieuiiiind siiuatHin. and who i< lUen'ai the time nf ib. June <oa*en
,«.«Htale flnor, the vnie was
lanimoiM. granting the wishes
Hoc that Ibe colonal aoulll be a canesissially investigating the .sinditiona in northwestern Miehig.m
e people of Alaska cni this point, 8.«naior.Smith was o
dMaie for tbe presidency'-apou tbe
that (he cullivaiiun qf vetch will pnvve of great Iv-nefit tbCOTv that be had been deprived uo- „
th cfutffratiUaliqra from.his icUow senators s 1 both sides of the
famsera. lie haa had
hy J. C. MeDnwe|]. an agri- ftwtly of tbe nomination tbrouAb ibe V
riiltiirist of the dciMrtmeM’i afT article on this su»)j»ci that is w.'U
marbteaiiomi of the controlling la. | M

This is an aehierament of far-rcoehing importanem the fnll
StfaBce la the old Bcppblicaa nawVrth replacing here,
vhlrh eanhot hr today folly loeogniaed.
IV>fe«snr.McDowrll hftlicves thai tl|,e hairy vetch u one of the
AVihln the last 10 daya «r :
4;', II will be rcioemhercd that when, in 1«!7. through the efforts
OnekOM fdo:
most ppofitaWe aw} important crops that can he raised in northsaU. tbe plans of tbe fioosevcH lieaManistee ............
^waid. the Cnitpd States muppleicd the piirdhase
rcBleni Michigan-ami the experiments that haic already I>eeu
Trains orHra at Tramra
Tiatena city l:n
teunts have changed, and tbe ptepollaaka fcoi Ewkh far the am of <7iWO.flqo.. ihw wwa T^l
made in- the faimei* «f this fcedfinu would scent In prove th4i aaaltioB is ibai he become the candidate
a»8» er «]9»cciaHo<bHpen the faeea of all Attericaw
eg a w« puny, Wiu an ttwa nmai«f!
0. m*T. 0. 0.


All thfse nations arc standing on tip-foc. They arc siwply
waiting fortomelhing to happen, and that something may happen
■ any day. Peaec-talk in KnrApe w fooliahne*. AlPthe nations
preparing for a Irencpdiw sttnggie that will surely come within
the next feir years.
Then b when the I’nited Btates must he able to take care of
heyaelf. She will surely he called upon to protect her'interests
fll.ppdn qf.the world. This «an only be done by a greatly
errai^ naval strength. The Panama eanal will help t» to rush
our battleobips from one oot^n to the other, btit we must take
of the Panapa eanal. I>on*t forget thia. and don't forget thirt the'
t^nitgd BtatA most enntimte to assert its supremacy on this
lineot. jpelqdiqg M.exi<>n and the near-hy islsiuls.

A fSpi^tf





Of intei^ To Farmers


lEAIlFTatEm illUIE /

■ma mm yaa
Thw.MagiM Thatr Sew*!* and
iha Pniaona ViUati tha

wMta^ b. mvmva^ I

eriaMw tb the bddnry of tbe Uulm-,
I. wko aimed tbic they nerer awao much wg^ in anefa a.atert rime

Oq the Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Unscutt for the
International Press Bible Question Club.

a a vary
, ,
Hot l^tbar baa
' Aug. 4. l»ia
(Copyright. 181!. by Rev. T. S. UuP A'
. Unci'ld
. _ « iq«xerciae
*■ for Kfbi,
ilfbi, uMr fo«da..Uka
. jili»
. ... -.
arou. D. U )
, Mbar «>U •ouoM.-Uoiia.
lOH-Uoiia. wtaldi do abi
Tbe ttori'k vl the Klugduiu. Rall'L-41Cear ____
tMd tu
to tneraaaf
^lly and taod
thalr natural tcodeocy u> oooatlpaXluB
« womri
Uuldra Texl—Seek ye flrat ibe.klug
doD> of Uod sod tala liktatMuanelH aod
i ewnallDi rSari of tba
dlceslioti asd rectdarlty of Itae bowwli pll thaae tblnjca ttaall be added uuio
poUai. Somr frulu havr ]a':-v- lou: Matt. vl;33.
I Verve 44'—VVtaat la-tfaa value lu



Tbe heavy ralua <i the past Wart


.1.1 Verstt 4T-4a-Cau

bare apeUed Ibe wbcsl ervp la many
aactiena. Wbeie Ibe wheat was cat
aad lb- abocks not morad from tbe


algeifliance ol iLla drag-uet parabk
letaody wlib ttar auol of a talwealber comes soon, the loaa will ran
as applied lo rtariatlanilyT
ia guilty of stvalttag plaata frooi
tboomnda of dollar* mote. Tbe
■ 113 I-Who are the llabenucu BUp- tbe flower beds lb Hannah park, aad
rBiBfall during July In all accHon* uf -ijpfroU
Posed In ibta panblef*
the city autu^llea wotUd like to obtbe aute was tbe baariest reeorded
(13.1 What does the "aea" fepre(bat wmM lead
since IWI.
tbe arrest a
(H.niow nan> of people tbu la gull
ought a persiio be alltluc tu go if froB a moral staodpoini doe-a the
work. Al first suBie begnbla planu
noreaaary lo order lo obuiu the aalUkeo In broad diiyllgfai and


VslkiD of Ilia acHlIT
ifl yme the atandpoiiii of

of Syrup I
ftaf ihf d
vilMx- 1
Dr. rj


-auiei-raft wtaat ia Cbriatlanliy aurtb
i<( tbhi tvunlry?
■ 4.1 M list are 'lie i '.let rbariKieria
ilia of the 'Joy" ei|>erif>liir<l mheu .j


p<-rauu ubCaiUB perapnal aaliatUuiT
and «ou$ Wta sYraa'tiial botU*. twri<3.1 Would It he riglll or
paid. »rju«Dr. W. a raldarli. twS
uml «b>. if a oiau ataould aerliJoutalVinliliiim|-lt. HontJrrIlo. ttlliiolily 'diaitjver ijrb treasure in anuthn
iiius'a beta] aud bide ilial (art fn'ix
llie owBei aud^beu buy ikr Held
abat it was worth utsj.- bbe i.r tta,*

IC.I Vena. 45^«—What
> lu ib< last analyaia
la tbe eliivf

(tn ca to prodpcn PDcou-nouaBOBB. -

jr;‘if'cs;”.r.K,'sss s
-Ki.-olar' aatbod of palaiasa axtra»

worth. Trarana CUr. XfeUoh.

u-at III eiery nan's Hfer
I'l: ttlinl are the "goodly pearK'
me alileh'all iu<-n abould srekT
18.1 VVlial would you say la I
••pearl of gieal price." aud bow w.-ulii
you draeribe It?


ir.i Why

WnabUaa rapsW waal« and e
physical rn.miara-famor
diimn CM daatrsy. Ak Pro


»._WL.-ut. filBfS
HeauB. t^r bu ... .............................. ,fi3.M

-ziMss. sr

sight two fine Dew geranium plania
would you of. Ol
Id Ibe poaacsaloD of (be
'bat many lueujleia of our churebea ihler. It Is bard to realise wbo would
anewer lo tbe deaminloo of 'bad" be small eDuugb lo eDgage lo awch
iisb r
bualnesa, but It ia evident that someBctU.-. atcadv. Is.TJi.a.Sr*. ,-loaiug at
<l6>'VrrM-b ((•'.'•o—Wbut le
of that calibre eslsia lo tbe vlly
idea ol (be pinweBa whi.-ta Ikul
Tbe park uSIclala would like lo
lake a( the end u>/4|>e world lu "aeter
iDformulon that would lead
(he wicked fruni^ie lualV
apprebeoaioD of tbe guilty one
(IT > What are tlie i«aHoua for
t strict wuK-b will be kept In
Uraad Rapids. UkAt.
Mk-h. July 3;.-^lie>inu Ibal Jeaut. did nut nieau a
to ellbey^find out wbo b doing
. >1. Wilson today deaWQa
eral "lufliuie of llreT"
tbia kind of work or to k^
circulatedi report lu the Mm that
(l» - If 4eaua did not niean t
from tbe temputloii Id Ihe future. the' Mauialee
ialee aud .Norl^^teen Rail
tbe wlckcil will. I<e <-aat into a literal
There are a lot of people wbo
way company U to' be rmwganltad
"funu<v of hre" what did lie tuewAT
X sUDd tbe temputlon of aeeiag Tbe raUwav la an indepeedeut line
llb.r Itoea the "wallioc nd guaahle roaes In tbe park wIlboBi pldtlag connecting with tbe iiiwad RapMa
ing of t'seb",niciuioiie<1 here Indicate'
■em and secreting then under
Indiana railway, tbe I'ere Marlage. aud diaaiiindi.tiueul
tairmeota to Ibal Ibe park overseer .oneltc wad the Ann .Arbor railroad*
tilve yiiiir rteiaotir
see them, bot It It bard to be­ Mr. Wllaou denied
(Zai Verses S1.53—H»w may we
lieve Ibal there Is Baycme who wmM made In cvaneiticm with Ibe repoit
underatartd the real mca'nmg pt Ji
)« guilty of ultiiig pUnia up bodily that tbe raUway I* a kubaldUry of
from his highly figurative style

Local Markets

.......... ........

> gel flow,
era for Ibe park uiid they should be before tbe lumber ruuipant came Ini
ptoWiXed by tbe |•ublle. lor they are czlaient-c
The attdroey denied ibi
inibllc property. If tbe rlly li
trap" line nod that tbe I
l•eaullrul It will bare to be done by tcraiate comiuerce c

of *• i^hr'diat ■

Scotes Emulaion

been lost In this way.
Uan.r SeMa are aundlng ebtinely
under water and nnlesi dry warm

t ribe llir nature of a'' drag net f
(II I What would you aay ia

In Tubcrriji.rC.A.MPS
- a

tma cawractcd oavA day by wtra
fields, the rain has matted tbe grata,
-uaking It impossible to Ibrcab It. tnm Ckkagn. Deixoit. Toledo ad BafTbousaodk of bnabela of wbeat hare talo tkrotiA DUtafi IVcat tolggrmgk

I WbaL ia itae birat way U>
the "pearl of great nnr«r'

The Markets

rAIW^IIOOVCC-Ouyino Pric*.


Mtaa Aheo E. Peerr and Hawwfd
l*arks uf Elk lUpIds
Were galrUy
ruamril at the borne of Ibe hrfdsi. TS*
Wetuu-r Mieei, Saturday ermlng.
Rev. W. W McKc- ofilclallng. They
* III make ibeir l>ome la KIK Rapid*.
Ta Cura tha Siuaa.
t»a qnickeat way to eura
U to Memity them
If yrau leak a Ullla and dlaeorer that your was has M
raaaonable cause, and tbaii yen -ym
feel Uke-teehag ae ' you knew that
lb* rondlllOD b pNyalral That kaewl.
•dge pul* you AO ib* road lo rorerary,
for tba pbyalcal ceodlllM haglM to
laprors as soon aa you find Ihors li
bpthing worse tks maitar.—WomaaV
Homa CompaaloB.

Prices corrected cock Huvday and
sack day tkert«ner U market rarlaa.



Eggl ................................................................
k> general ettort and'tbe aooutt tVg allaied tbe reported
class'of people are fouad
la tbe Straw, per ton ..................
He aUted Kdward Buckley
better it will U for (be parks aad bend uf both Ibe railroad and lumber


(lo«'rr.beA.uf tbeelty, as well ax for

aad that Oscar Larauu. tortbe people/wbo delJgbl In aeelog tbe
plauls 1
resigned to become aclirely eitgagv-'
in Ibe Interesia of tbe lumber snlcr-

Large Fruit is Raised in

prise, but that oUierwias ibeie la ao
olber official toteresled lu both com

Western Canada
finest reports from tbe fields of
Msmtoba. fiatkauhawan and
berta are Ui tbe elect that Wheat.
Data, Barley and »*la* gtre promis<- of an abundant yittd. Ralbs


Some ol the largest gooM-ln-rrira
Tha many frianda of Mra. Ellen
ever svfb In ihir aeclloa of wealero llrayioa of Urairn will be glad to
'•liclilgan fiaxe been received a
know that abe baa tegnku-d her sight
laboratotr ol Ihe IVealers Micblgan alter bring praril.all)- blind lor some'
Ilevelopaieiii bureau for |iroce«>lPg lime. An oireratwn was (crformbd for
These berries are ao large and »uch (be rriuoval of cataract. Thta
proUde bearera ibal from i:
rerr aoccewsful and It la believed that

Norttiern Michigan’s


A. V. Friedricli’s

-i' AA
-f Aff

1 IK


A. V. Friedrich’s
Leading Shoe Store of Traverse'City and Northern Michigan. .

Charles A. Eaten «f Wllllamaburg
was ebv-ted treasurer ol tbe Ml<-hl.
gan Kmol Mail Carrii-rs' aasof-ialion
at tbe iLnual tuccllng held al I'onlUt.
He received '
. .

raniv wete aeeute.1

Ibe delegates.

fioui ibv J. Q.

lindalc.v farm near Harbor t^prlnga.
J. Lsnnaa of t1« North Elm
t-trnmet counyf. Tbey have beeu placed avenue took a fall tVednesday from
IB a prevrvlug solution In a large Ibe Oval Wood Dlah companv a ,
Slaaa Jar and *111 be one o( the feat, Hr had been working tor .Mr %lunroe
urea of tbe fnili ethlliU at tbe apple bo the pile driver and had been doing
show at llrand Kapida In .Vuteuiber. aunir w-ork on the dock. Me went to

l.e<auae Its road oommlaslonera bavc

(Two pairs for $1.00)
236 pairs Women's $4, $3.50 and $3 Oxfords and Pumps, all
leathers. Sale price*.........................................................................
Misses' Shoes in all styles and leathers. Were S2.30. $2.25. $2 and $1.75' 4 4 ^9
Sale prke, $1.89.^1.45^d .......................... ......... ..................... M.»li
Chil^m's $1.75 and $1.50 ^ips and Oxfords.

DodT Pot Oil Coming at Once


{ ruBila and gets tl.evv reward tier mile,

Our Prices the Talk of This Region!

Were $2. $1.75, $1.50

Tbe burtwu ia also In

l ight uuana of laiye. lian<J<«nie c
rants of the Kay x'arlety
These eur

western Michigan.
It baa al«o ob­ then bounded off Into (be water, lie
tained pboiographs which
Illusfraie waa taken lo 111* home at unCv
the road, building oprrallooa uow be­ etamlned. and alibougta
ing carried forward In Kalkaska
• erv broken Le «a» (oumTio be badly
IV. Tbik county la biTlIdlng macadam bruised and will be laid u|i lor »<ime

leading Shoe Store of Traverse City end Northern Michigan.

Boys’ Shoes.

of l>r: Jauiea A. Kins, president of Ibe
MaliUlec Hoard of Tradr.

Mrs, Brurtob'a recovery will be perluanent

The de>elol>nieli( bureau baa been step fiom the do«k lo tbe pile driver
HuccewtuI In aecurtug a set of pbolu- and Id sonic way lost his fuoilng-and
crapha showing the (levelopuieni tak­ fi-IL He bit the rail o( Ihe title driver,
ing pUee In the Wellstou section of about seven feet brio* tbe dock,


Mea^Higb Grade Gun Metal. Patent and Tan Oxfords and Shoes made
by famous manufacturers. Were $4, $3.50. Sale price......... .....
Men's very best grade $4, $3.30 Oxfords and Sbc^.
Sale price........................................................ .............................
Men's Work'Shoes, absolutely all leather, singie or double soles, full
bellows tongue. Regujar ^75 and ^50 goods. Sale price $2.15 mid
150 pairs Women’s High Grade, Oxfords. Pumps. Slippers and Shoes in all
leathern. Were $3.50, $3 and $2.50. Sale price............................
65 pairs Women's Oxfords. Were $1.50 to $2.50. .

u-tarta of berries are picked (row a
,>tngle buab. 1>ey ere from the farm

Rav. Lartn fi. Reed, paater of tha
liliuovered that they can buy crushed FtlttMillc M E. rturch aud Miss t'srsioiie delivered by rail, tor abeu
U CTvapiielle of Moorcstown. »'ere
l-rlee of gravel, where tbe haul la of guletly married by. Hev. W. W Mrany length.
bU study In the paisuiiage.


M MBHm Acm Cite Crap


.................................a-........................ s:.c

KaOrukda are' MU and hnlMloa
lu all
pdiUspa , Tba oppuriuue IHue few getDra'pome uf
Ibia generous preductng landf la
Eicaratoos un all tlM uf
t'anadlan Rallaava lo Inspect'the
Apply for Settler'a Tertl
rbe uDderaIgned CsnadUb
Uovrrnment Agent:
C. A.

Lauritr. I


If you filled them. All's well; if you didn't, your
rival got the order and may get the^ customers' entire
trade. /Wake up and push the “BEST" flour madei,
The manufacture and sale of this flour helps pay
your taxei pave your streets, build your school
houses. Dtpes foreign made flour do as much?


Tbay bare gooa to Bay Vie* (oi a
re relurnlug lu
make their borne to tyiiitsa'Ilr
About two hu"d<wd attended liva an
uual K

of ('

picnic ai



<> for the cuntenlenre



of Uie

was served after

IiiavulBie.' all of
people enjo.'ed.


tbe young


Mia* Thelma reveir-

cd a number of pretty gift*.

' lurr nwH swot state
iConilttuoS from page one.)
and Ibe meam wrecker sent up (:
(Jraod Rapida John Matiui and John

‘ Its Lai

vkegoD .
ne City
Amarwan (.aaguc-

Kosaleo. both of HoIUnd. were
lonductpr and englaoer on the


I pasaengrT.
Pelroli . .
re MargueUc
paaseuger No
rieveUn.1 .
from Detroit, alruck a real live dyedN-a York
:be-*ool walen>i«ut about » o'clock
( Digbt. while
Natianai kaagua.
Won. Ia>*l
Ixnalng and Urand Ledge. WUlUin
t'sawell of Detroit, rondactur of tbe



cru*d. and tbe band which *eui with
Mr*. Oweo iscboolerafl. 7lk Waatithem
Allbougb . aume .of them Iw;
inglou street emerulned eight IKtle
_ . .
sundlng out
girla wt her borne Saturda.c afternoon
in the r^. they uy they bad a fine
at a preliy birthday party for her Ilf
tie nelte Tbelina Owen. It waa alao
Wh,le woriemg an has mewing ms.Mrs. arliooicraft's birthday and the
iluc Mouday. K J
|t«'o celebrated tbe event
-DinsviU losnaliip *as struck In lac
[sltb Ibe little frlrsda of the bonbr
e by s flying plev.e uf sit-el. WfalleL A pretty color attheine of red
>t reriour Ihe »uutd
a paiu(<i;
I and green ^a used ibrooghout
le and Mr M. Mullen. *a*
house, eiepe (laper atrearaeis and red
V for uiedlunl atteudnowera. The table* were eery pretty,

Why should every ftirtner tliat grows wheat ure
fertilizer 1 Because it pays to do it. He can improve
the crops to such an extent that his profits will be
more than satisfactory. We have a pamphlet that
'You can have free for the asking that explains the
winter production of wheat. It takes too long time
for most of us to take hold of new ideas.
Fotlucr hm beta used wriib Mceem in Eigope Iv
. mra Emopt
bki been colbralcd (or i tbmm
thomand' yean, and al prewM ■ prodmt more
Ibab doubk pcf boe ol what
- ......... - do u tbe United Sum. bfraimr dmy

_____ ___
___________ «r to dm boe. wiueb
Su^ you -____________
you $3.73, fcgun ibal you mcnaae you yi^ 3 bmiwi hi N
' b alow eeimalL aod tiuf woiAd pre yog wesin pre&i «f
CaD attbeCmiiefof FramMdCMSilctlafiduftlimomwkhk*.



. said (bat Ibe ear*, wety nearri
flooded with water before fG'e train
lould get the veniilaion down Cini-tu

Tl-r iwsrt-ngeis sutfeted a <vualdei-

alls wcttlat. but no awnoua rrsulia

Corner Front k Cu* SlreeU.


!•(•««« rpr tbe




Mick. Jaly K.—The ;

iagr of Mtoa Hetea WlMlfred faytor
If UeWird to Martoo Rk-kard Drewch-

*Tbe third tarty nwtwMent. as (ar,
as 1 «aa uadeniaad K. la tbe rusuU.oI
a larsouai nsbc Im^s<

VJth K C Bating P*rder anjr
Bowewife can auUy make, biacsita.caktB^ paatries Uat sur>
the prodikt of Oie worWa
gtealwt chefs. A trial will pro«
to yoor entire satiafaction.



caco laterfere wKi u> .Tofatt.r
It^iubhcwn qiarty.

who warn to U' |ircsid.m yr ibt- Lalied tiutea. ( do nol believe any loyal
j rapabtlcsB can auad aalde snJ
the parly tore tb pieces bciaose of
tbeae dlBcrcvo-a

rr. took place al S:m' Thersday
ing at Ibe heme of ibr greDm'B-pMf
rets la tbto plac^.
The ••erei
was 'p^oPUed by Tlev. Jones,
rtag cereenony being used Tbr brtdr,

groom weee airompsaM bytlhW
.kaaa Taylor of Sagtuaw. Mr. AYbert
-- w to Hreseber of Dig RapMs. Mias MlUrrd'
past it or painio
Jordan and Mr.
-.issnnlnc lUerc is cauw for crltK tbe hock art also aymptoma that tell too Ursactarr ot
The wedcisoi pc (be reiiubtlcan umtuatioa. or the kidneys and bBd£ are out of obikr K Hreseber of Detroit.
din* march was played by XIIm llt-k-a;
the repalilirau raniBititpe. or oc ttiis
Hilliard of East Jordan, tbi- brb
Tbere U comfort In ibe knoViS^ ao
We kliuuli] alatnlun a ariai poIlUeal oftea eztwcaaed. that Dr. K&ter'a wt-artug pair blor silk and iwriied
sbower buquel .of sweet
ptis pj
lattv tbal bax doDc *o murh for our
Mr, sod Mrs Hr-m-hcri
mutual tM-lteniieul a., baa tbe rciwbrbemBatism. pain in the Kirl:. kk
left for an extended wedding trip
llean larly in Ibis <-uUinr> •
wbirb they will aadie Itu-lr ho
-| nould raiber be a candidate tor



man or tbal. la Oial any reason «br

^vemor on tlir rbpabli.aB (irkvt.and
be defeated bj a dvinoiral tlisn to
baik on a imny tbal I. be­
lieve baa been tbe li^ruiuent In Itie
bands of tbe Almlsliiy In niakins llib.
the. erealeat nation on the face of the

soonreaIiaed> It rtsm
canwofiu remarkable
bcx-auie a eandldati- fur mvemor
OB tbe rei’ublli-an lic-kei before Ibel
medicine v
t'bicaiw, epnveutkiD, b-rore the pro- havelbehes-----------------,
errashe jarty was heard of. and lie- dni{;giaa in fiftv -cenl^^^^^^^^—
toic snrii an atiiinal as the Riill Mo6>e and oae.^loIUr sires.
Von mar baveataBiple bottle sent free
ever bveaine llic (Dsiitiila of this albrmait. .Addrem Dr. kilmerh;Co..BiaB(eoji>u.d polltU-al r<'\oIt.
wiiai Uod bamlofi.^'. Y. bloition tbU paper and
of a Ilian would ! lie to nup-over at lememba-theBsae. Dr. KOmcr's bwamp
this Hnie! tf’bat kind
would I make, and how tMul.ljl etpeel

Says He Will Stand Brea On Taft Platform And
Oo E>own To Defeat Rather Than
Surrender The Old Ship

of Intcrim-ben and Mines .\1
Mart Howell. Iletb llntckea.
itilda Hate) (d Urawn.
were entertained at tbe Luoir of Itaefr
mrtaer. Mlu Msrpret Mrlntowli, Wednesday afientoua. The aflertKWM wiu rk-asaiilly spent iu music
and rrrlilng.
Tbe embroldery
Idery riub will tp«gt w
ilri. Bracken.
.. Thuradgr^rruoo.
Miss 5lsy McJnlosji sprat Sou

Traverwe iltt.'Tte guest of 3
voter In ibe slate lo h
J. Oarneli
ifldmee in aiiyltilug wbb B 1 AtUlit made bt tlic repiiblleaiis aiv bi
Miss hZoima Bagel.
or vtanil for?
niUiukim. 1)0 We. as a rule, ixtudi-fuii visiting her fiicnd. Mrs. (Hr.i fUrk.
If III) opiionruts hate nilaoudcr- a man or any number of men for
left for Hetralt. Sunday
aiood my iiOaliloii. It is
Miss .Mildred Hreseber, wfau
liunisn luIaukcT lion are we to re
fault; boi. wbolbqr or ii
.me on a sbi.n visit, left lor l-bist
a mistake*tiuless we arc allowed
for Ihia otriep. 1 want
Jordan. Tucsda.v.
te to U-ueQt b> It?
|ile of the Slate of Mk-hlpiii lo know
Mra. Jones U tlslliiig frtetids
w-beo 1 any I am a reimblbwn. I
Tret-erm; aty and atleudlni: Vbe rtian
I detuoerat or

by its mlatakfs to a.bcitci and gresl


tbe Totm el the stats mar know ex- imblieaB Uckei. I do not want tbe of-

life, and If my expertenee of tbe i>ast
BapWq pa^tr resterdar:
‘la rtaara tb tbe sinteueais issued Is any crfterioB of the future, I want
,hf m opponents.- said Mr. -Ml
lo contlBue to be a reiuibllcan aa long

r oppoBtnu.

with other u I live.

r as louK as



.ibackacbc sod ilred. listless wi
out feellOB"kilectric Bitters ui
done me a world of Bood." wrl
Cltxa Pool. Deiww. (>kla.. 'and I thank
>XMi. waif all my hnin, for luaklnB
such a good
medicine. "
Unit :ah-.
Uuuranieed by all drubBislt ot Trat
opm City,

'It la blHler, In luy oldDloD. to liijni
whatever pmgreaaire princlitles lua)


t I Wkffli


Dumond J-IOc
Gate Post-lOc
Factory 322 S. Union BioadRoot Havanas-5c
ettpkoM aaa-te.
F. K. Smokas-5c
It cento stnrislil
Beil6^ 5c


rS cento

Jtiwia F&ctsff Smker
; t n«to


JiriMte Brtmit'

jn. Ol., .MW,

hy all dealers

Sc ach

Watch for the new Cigar


W. 0. w.

kccplas with the timew Into a
luirt)'^ which the rountn hw bad 1C
baa siHUnB up as
«r pcTwnal dlffcrenevs ol the

iBing lake. July }|.—Nelson




O' acres, ism h of which Ilea OD bMb
sides of Ibi- HoardwuiD river tor four
Fivm Ibis point a aiudy of


inding soil coudlHmia conld easlit be ^de. On this farib tbe Hecbt
yiwoiie a»d a'half
Quite a Dumber from thin idscw^*' ,^l>rtiilie'i|s can show
splendid onions whteb wilt
lended qiiarlsrty ■■anting In Trsteme
Ibein HUH' to It.isw i».r arra Ttley
it) last Buiurda.v.
Mias lAi Gragg of CieveUnd. O. ar-


ted SaioriUy to spend tbe summer
lih her sister. .Mrs Csrl Miller.


Qacea City Ogar 10c
W. O. W. Sc

.Mr and Sirs. Ankerson went to tbe land. Tbrae boys are sludylag Ibr
io ritil
Ihbir needs of tbe varloaa aolla and--«r
t will think likewise. If tic dui-a daiisbter. '
ualng tbe piuprr fertUliers are BettInB
be ls>wa.ted b) tin. iwr^oanllUca
J J. .ktklnton. Mrs T. M. Wheelock, the results tbal lell In Ibr loUB run.
V have Boud buildlnss aud uultifs
t-bdrtlf Wbeeloek. Mr. and Mrs. Earl



Hew many do

doee ttie outtWe e*»ar manufaet
w«th pis maehfna made cigara. epand
In the etty aninuaiiy. ae cbmpamd
«l^ tha home manufaetirrara. wHh

Ihe New Sc agar

homes and Any all thair neeaaaltii

'Geod today and better city t».


,P. B,
the best 5c cigar made
Tty one for your

BOWaKD Peiep Hormulb

‘lUE.IWiSt lMpl>Qaeie9 212 W-90 Sl Ti«n>ca)

“BoU of
tlie Wooes”
Drag OjOK^
The Best 5c Clxer In
the City.

Mrx ritman is an eolbuslasi on Ibc
great fciure of Ihe beautiful lioard-

cleared of iret-s aud brush, sod
It they are no lonscr repubOsborn. Juir ;i. -cftsrlt-s Wlggfns (s-opled with a teppy ami pnwiwrvus
Ucaua. they should retlgii their posl- I* very sick si this writing.
lot of fannara who mill rewh town by
Uona aa ducb and aSnUte with whatK|>hrfam .Mklnson ’ l>
building a
tbe branchew of onr new Interliart.' Ihct < liooar lo follow. ’ I tern for Georse Zelgler, .
rallruod.- May Ibe dreams of
eonielte of no greater weakness
Mr. and Mrs. Fre.1 Beentaii tIsUed today betvme ibcereaUtles ol tomorIn any man than fear of uiaklug
Ith frlendo at Osborn Sunday.
known his sund. Such a man li
.Mr. and Mrs^.lU>*. r PUnl aud Mra.
and iln ll■ant-h•-s
orfb) of public eonlldeuic, wbaiwer Hallih AtklDHin aud eblldrea visited
his lost^u may be
Hbink tbe examide ol Governor Sunday
Dnern in llllaola should l>e followed
by every reimbllcsn In ibc counirt

Dcneea was In syiuiiaiby



and Ovian ibis week



raspberrlew. whit tl are idenilfnl tills


Kooscieli and the |irocreswvc nioieHally and Milled peMh-lnan
boldera who are aiiaddllne tbsl vital aud Tbonins Deering of Bnipliw |iasA
Ing the republltwn i«rtv, (Jotcnior ad Ibrougb.our town Sunday with
Deaecii refusol lo lend blmaeir o

•h'nnber, I

their now auloa.


ent was as elning os It Is lo MIebi.

rtra><-d down iv .Maybeld and found a.

have no wnrrcl wlili any of ui>

Miiall empire alona ihe
walHuB for devcloiimeui

low iTpUbllraua who ilo not uk.

Ul> nowhere In Grand Tratese

view ul tbi- kilualion. tbouBb I an


solu'elt eonviDved I aw

llBiirrs and wtneb
aneiy of JW-.

want It




u there so miidr land
Trii. kk ^cnmg„

Ihe liouonto and on Hie uplimls cattle
and sheep srailn* laud, in sbuudauce.
Most of Ihe upland Is n>lllhE laud, but
I iheie are a unud«r of fori
abUHoes tour tiead tevi dl/.zy at
times with s|te]ls of Itlliiil siacBcra
eishtles whiili s:e abou' fit' |
and rinaliii: iioisr, in the ears* These
art- n.Mii|-loins of a discliac.i li'i-.r aud
III s proiw
of Iht Ti-r- 1
II eloBPtl slate of (he bowels. Tbe
nsdv U HR imKRTl'Kd til.liAK illlsere needed
lATEU INUJ5 , Th..t
flat elEhly BlMMIt elEli'l
Bast lo lake an.< i Mil >o<i out beau'la.-fleM
*hl. h
would j
Iirully. Tr.. tbeni. I*ri.-e
cl.v. Sold
prubably rstsr aoud srvllmi
Aaerkan Hroe Siore
stock, or wLcn fenced «o'
Eood sheen iwt^rc
Tbi> s
Man’s Pant to- ms proromioe.
hold every wan a dsbtnr to "hU for tbe ph.w and vould b.- I
profassion. from th. which as men
' > seek to recsiv* <
and prof, so engtt ibsy
Mdaaeor themteleee. b:
p-ach. l-ui I bate some dolin' about
amends, lo be a help and oPoainmii
Fiom the small uf haHs
aw^ The Bciabborltoo'l. sbH'h had
■ail Carrtsra Wil
This Is ail aav- ot Kti-si
I'roB'ess rides oo the ai
all direrttons. inntiorfin
wonderful lute
.all. I'.-oidc .. .
log's \<-w Hisi-otery
Ccugbs, I’ol-U and other tlirital
____Ido'b diseases la ibr most itopular
medicine In Anierfrai. "Ii eure.rme of'
a dreadful coUBh." writes Mrs. J. K
Harts, ftlcWiev
I'onter. Mr
doctor's trralnieBt and all oihrr rem
edirs had fallel'
For rongbs. .olds
or any bronchial aff^iea
it's eneguaied
IM-e W and
Trial at aJI druAisu of Trararaa City.

It a imk- rare. Ii c.-i<.i»ly looked
e a tsliislile Held fe: .-viwnnienll
scneral Ir^iti "iliur
Kut (or calile. shee
versiu truck prodiM-i- lu- Un is bate
been pruteii oui sfi'l «tien cleared
furlher will be talusM--

'a- for coru

irre is dSDCev of s sumsafe as ihrre
, teW
su.-b BH
Msyiild I

■ ST Up /the

Kmersoa lays lltai a llgbl natf and a
Efod weU ara >e iiMisdaHoa of
1l« B.lgbi t^te added that
plenty of firewood and One ttonl Dsb1QB liirulsb tbe aaure lor good lltlOB -One -farmer told me he can^t
seven hundred trout Ibis aeaaon
Edward ParauB
Inacet BKh Costs Lag.
A Uoston lunn ibsmu leg from the
bite of an Insert two years before. To
avert sncbwalanilllew from ettage and
Tiles of linens ose Uucfclea's Arntra
Salto promptly to kin tbe poisea and
pretcoi Inllaumaitou. awelllag and
Mrtkls burna. bolls, ulcers. pUes.
eneuw. cuts, bralsrh.. Only
ai all drugabJa ot Trat area City.
Down WaR Dntll Tte Ubi$.
II is a great nlalsM not tb UO
people bow mui^ ibeir sanricM nn
valued^blial^arn.sllU aUva.
Tha Choice of s Huabsivd
U lo^tmiiortBui a matter f
te? blood or fool braaU. Arald these
l-ltl-iK^ by uklag Dr. KlagV UCe
.New streagcb. flue complealoo. pure breath, cheerful aplriu—
ililugs limt win men —follow tbeir use.
l-bt.y. sale. sure. J^k.. All diugglMx
of TraVirne City.


. twtv. celery and oiiiuii
n cu>tur..»o(5

"Sc^e smoke’

only need n-llable belp to extend
tbeir oiwratloBs

uia>^tei valley and .Is.confldFUt that
♦ a /ewt\ears will sln.w this wonderful



Nowotr Sale


lien, all from IHeirtri No. t, via
at & B. nuhtea's MSI Sundat.

reasoning and iourlustao».'

about 50 men wKh families.' msny of
whom were born In the city.' own i

Smoke die strictly
high grade

Hie rvpablUau

"While 1 am on ibe sub)e.-t. lef
a t-tbal I bate oolt ronu-mpt Ibr tbe
MoaUluB ol those reiiubllcan olTKsr-.

tanuriHw to any aurb

Mr. Busineaa Man, Profeuioeal

wilhln tbe rauka ol

and In itlliioU tbe Roo-viteh

M.. Rabinovitch
ClKsr Mfc.

oats ptoduie
to te Imshels to
arra. and tbe bay m>)« wlib-b I
nearby were extra Bne lor raw

who hae sliidled .the imliileal and
■ouik- i-ondltleiu of our sovem-

who still believes in bia itaitt.
la well known tbal Cof-nioi

tot K. Front 8t Clu. photfa B-Sti

le cento era lor SS cento

Grand Bapids

kenton hns gone doAn to tbe laoinila to plek tnitC.

Oarmrin and dangliier Vers and Fern

Son. oi Ih oUal bnsk ole ■

Voigt MBIlng Company


saulullou. i don't care wbut .tou call
aa to. caDdKUiei for public oKIcc, am on tbe
What Makta
r^b- tooee aa rmptrda the Tafl-Rooaevell
Olle bundeed
want ft -lore or less, of boor ai d muscle.
)kaa caadldate* for aovernor. suada brand ol Bopubllcnnlaiu. I
oa lb«/kreat iiolltlcwl ifiaea ot Uie aald. as emphatically as the KaglUh don't iiake a wunian. It's a Bond fouo
Oar. He vU&da squarely oo Ibr Talt tanguaee ran make It. Uial I aui not stre
rvngth und slir may niU- a klngil
plairomi and nolblih (ttauected «llh on tbe fence. I am not lb favor ot a
ut tUal's Jii.t wliai T-rin-tric Bln
the Rooeevait t>ar^ 'cOa dra* lilai third party. I will be no party to It, Bite ber. Tlibusands-ble»» them
fron UUs inalllon. la'ardsr that aU suid U i eanuot be.covemor on the re•eUr what iiosIUob be tokea be issued flee at all. ,
tbs MiowiBt staiSDsni to a Utand
~I have been a republican all uiy

For the improvrment that
Ciescent Flout can make in
ycur bread and pastry, why not ■
start now? You are protected
by a guarantee of absohite atisfactioD, so you can well affoid
to make the change, and the
quality will prove to you that it
MUST be a permanent change.

arivantaBe than an>' ncwdiora oi

Tbere is M lonRCT as'’
vbetv AiDOa «. iliuaeiaiau.




rrasslDB Ihe stream seterll imit-v Ihe
wcene was hnpreswlte. IwgW-'atqwsi
walled le ht Ibe wooded bills OD ea<b
flats of

fcO*E COMB RHODE IbkANO REDS the rti-besi murk aolU. lull ol promise
TuitiBaBd Bean strains, best adnicr
layers: baicbtag sees. It Ms per
E. HUT21
- ‘2LER.

■ I.ei.'- II J I'lliuiri ul I'bict.CO
South Slaallou.~Tlic
Starting u> develop bis six iboutandj
may. June, July—tuei*

/Connected with the organization of the First
National Bank is concerned in the welfare of its
Thfs interest is reHected in the unifonnly
courteous treatment accorded customers, and in
the willingness of the entire force to render oasistdnoe in any way possible in the disdtarge of
their, duties.
New accounts, either checking or savings, are
- invited.

Uader caatrd of U. S. Tretnaiy

Before yon buy your builders' hardware, we in­
vite you to call and examine our stock and get 6iir
prices. We buy our builders'hardware direct from
the manufacturers and can save you smne money. If
you don't imow just what you want, come in and let
us help you make your selections. We also wish to
call your attention to our Bam Door Rollers. The
door wiir not come off tbe track with these rollers
and they will carry tbe heaviest door with ease. We
can sell you these goods cheaper than you can send
away for them and you can see what you arebuyiog.'



m m ^RGH MfifiTBJlfiE


nxa yiM. '

^aBBlreMirr M^ati^'aoon of tl
A tarr- Bumbrr « ***■ AenlMra pboreb «m ^iB K» Utroaa bpaa 1
bar* almdv be** rer»l«*0 Inia «b«
riarck^dmlsi flH> rmr
al lb'

WVa a
H-A «M pMitM *»r
.Uhorr *n be i
IsAcItloB ttL -mMrmM t*«
a StiMB'wlBuia*. TbrM>k.«>e
INttbatSc coopMMiUi air «ba aulK*
p and tbe B
tbe ebutt-b. tbr anire aowoot bu
bMa provided for aad tbr cbwrfc iopaioted
aoior Mt over to n>*k
* .* i- •-•
oiber neetbaar^' improreai»u(K oe ibi
pn<Mt carr7>W fortvard tbe downiovp pro
(Oort* prepanr la all a»otti fMv3
poal^ioD. The vor« of tbe year vaa
> HPM UbuTj. Mthodtot 1M» Ubdenakao iritb oal>- tevee ofdcial
Tbeea loyal people feel that they
tom Amh. Tb*™ VMM • MMni
Ibera aad al> departmebU o( the Uve Jiyt raaaoo to le^ prood of tbeir
ctaairb ’ aertooaly dlaor»aolteil. Xm aeblareneot aad propoae to eelebnte
buns U U» UltM.
l«a#t dla«iura*ed paator aad peo ibe turceaalul eloae o( Ibelr drU
Ii(d bacon* cnrcDt Uwt'thU »^tera'ed to tbe Uak of yeorpaalx raUia's campalpa vilb dae rereDOB).
traalra ^nb onuld h aertpd Into inc iba lories of the rhurrh. Tbelr "suoday. Avsnat 4tb. Tbe Her. l\ t;
UiP C<
effona bare been anceewira] and the Barw, P. D, of Cbka»o. peermary of
Ha W«Sr
ai>iie- -- otrUpok lor tbe lAarr* vaa uever^ihe Federal Cninrfl of iba Cbnrrh <»'
■taal u\'>4iMW or
eot-Auraalas (bu at tbe preseai Ciiritt. In Amn^'vlU be tbe prMcbaltecHber.
the natter vaa laU tine.
tbe day. occupyltn tb** piilpiboTon itlpbop Wllltam A. Qua^Ie at Tbeutb lor aone reaaon ibr fan noralilc and eveolnc.
tbe laat bcmIod of the itlcblcap ron- bad oot bpaa reponrd. there baa ex- iac eervice. midai areat rejoirla^ Itao
prpMara »** broodlil laird for aome rear* a moncaee of nortcBce vlll be burned. The Rev.
Frocka auluble tor vomen'. ^unwon • ear. ni.d.- oi‘ V.,llea, Ti.
io bear mioB btio to make tvb aa tl.:oo on the rhorcb osi!
ano Uotba. Claabama. and atbe- rotioas. ia p<od colors aad •tyh'i..
F. Keodrlck. dlairlct auperfmendwere tCjK> aad S4.M. vUl po U4ia at tbe i e* tncv-k4A5.
He bovever cave beei property. The pastor eoaferred qulet- enu vlP aaslei In ftilB aairlce ami
lo tba vri^ requeet of a toyal band ly « if b a fev or the promloeot ni'
elBO apeak to the Sunday icbool at
of^^menbera aad Menda oa tbe v^t|l'er* and uiced the adtiaabllli.v
thHr Jubilee aerviee al noon. The
side o^ the rip-, aad dtflemined that j ukina atepa to pay tUa ladebtedni
trlumphaiii note vni-draalnate-all of
. Apbdry ebur^ abooM romloue ' 111] Tbe maUer vaa carefully dlaruiaevi Ibe aenlrea of the dty, bavlBC i
iBcous eixMtp. colon btack 1
r<SKl • Ml.-U I-..
wqrk u a.aeparate orfaaliailon. He,by il«» offtrlal, board and tbal body proDlaeot place In tbe Epvonh
accMdiaCly ippolmed Rev. Wlllttm, deiertnined to alk>* tbe memtierahlp l.eaRue toeetln* and evenlnc serricc
J. Voataa to Ibe overalcbt of the veal'of iba ebareta to decide vbai atep aa veil, in aU. tbU ocisabm prom
aide So«k.
be came upon th»;^u}d be ukea. At a meeUna called iae« to be one lobjt remenbered b>
field be vae eptbualaitichlly reeel«ed,for that mi^e early in .November the <kureh and tta many frieoda. all
by m iprai,
)pral, nonaara.
Bonbara. aboot r« of, tbe matuf
maiuF vj
vaa laid before tbe mem or whom are invited
Ibcase* rt CUot;ham^ Ijviis. and Oairlliiek. that
tl :*• i.i
Ibe famer
hiTinc tolldved beta, and It v
-------- tae^bar*
- ‘
Id tn uke to
lees bf tbe day. It vlll alwi
P pric..i—Etc and ftAi.___ ^
Ike retUdbX pastor to aaetai him in i^laicr atepa
atept to liqaldate tbe twin- mark the davp of an era oi^^Kmte.-

u> Oe Q^ a JMtiIckw.

!»OMCY TO LOAir M »nd tM ««n
! MBMord -fariB*. «. CS toVA ttt

Iinn»iWant Clearways
in the Ready-tth-wear Depariment
at SteInb|E9|rg Bros.

A S|Special Group
Dres^ al $4

Ladles’ aolh Skirts. $2.95

Tub Dresses Ipr Women and
/ MIss£S M 9$c and si.85x^

Good Seasonable Long Coats
at 92.95 and H95
.4 hniiied number, all of b'uher <iualitlea-«eTe »An* u> S:Aamade of Linens and PppIlBs. saltahle for moturlnc or iraveUna. M
veil U some for dresa «e»r All are prod Brt|*a-ibe> ebevM tad u-s ovuers la anon oroec si .nem- pilres—tUS an* ftja.

Ladles’ Long Coats at 99.00
Made ol Msaalsli Serges. SaUat
Ilo- greatest rpoiiei aacinp oppununllv m«ee' out,
ecer offered- all aiMsl calues al ti:<s> and tI-«o. are li
avay sale al 99X0.



al Kc^adtaM
lroaUt% to

Oiir entire slocli of finest Embroideries is includeil in this Sale. Beautiful patterns and the vert
{test materials. Make selections now while these savings are possible—
For Sdc FlODncIngs.
For 81 A 1.SS valocs.
12 For
& tM valaea
' Fifteen new designs in
Pretty designs in FlonnFluuocings of line Swiss
Fjnhruidery Flouncings
cings, 27in. and 4Sin.
ill imitation Baby Irish
27in. wide, worth .'»(•
wide.regiilar$l and$1.2Ti
Designs, worth $1.85 and
a yard, at Me.
values, go at only Site.
$1.50. at only $1«U.




Embniiiry fbaaciagr,
and 15c a yard,■
go at only .


<•' WId. Embroidery |0d. Lot bf Wide EmbroMory
■'=‘*“•"'•1—, wonh 65c a
iFlouncInKs, worth 75c a
I yard, go at only .
[yard, go at.


pirls : to 4
It yrari old.
Itrrasc-a of Ulnabai
uDd - Prrcalca—all
ill at
‘ at half price—form%3.n. arc now 4te la

. v.v

tiuifj2s$.^, gO St 91.25,91.4t Mid 91.95


that were $1.25 and 81.S0.
Lingerie and Tailored
styles, are now...........

goods, and stand ready to make good any shoes that do not give salfstacuW
Men> Footwear Slaaghtered


150 pair Ladies' aU solid Leather Shoes, ii^uding Women's
Oxfords and Pumps. None worth less diaird2.00. some 0
as high as $3..50. During sale, per pair.


CKatcatiaaplaUeo’aRaaslaTaB and Black
taee. SooM ^csbiBts, aU
lor nciaa 1*A Have all

75 pair Ladies' Oxfords. A few Men's in this IrR. in patent
leather, gun metal,................................
vici kid. and tans, ■Mostly

‘ all$3
values. Sale price per pair.^^.^^....,

I the oalc.


issia Oair
-Joctier Cilt,
SPf.sB nfw stock, deai“ .MCiyfOiteiMirantoed

------------ lero.: ySoos rockiliitg


As AB exfra indaeemenl
ISO pair Women's comformpe-stM, we frill give DoBbl^Trsd- table
Juliets, patent tip.

soles. Net a pair worth less
than $4.00. This sale
at dhly
ily per pair ...


l»yo« uk l«r thsau-

elastic sid» and rubber
heels. Also a few 00 ^
Oxfords. AlJgoai..

Bl0 3ai^a
n ILIttle Shoes
115 pairs Miss^' and
tht^jL&r^^SS! rCUildnwi'«.3 atrap Rus­
Sebotrf Hesse Shoes hove sia Tan Pump. Patent
gohe oat ol hhsincoo. we Pumps. Viet and Oun

ToWefiinrt|(en-o soHd

Metal Oxfords go at —c
A table hilt of Misses
and Oxfords,
fflrtsaodflela palrallhr some shoes,
best weariof
sehaal ent Leather roo^y
*000.01) solid Leathor.
values per psir ..$14$
toidiidiBi Mole Skin Infanls’ 'soft
btackaiid c^'
^Ddals, Elbkia s^.
tvmstrap per pair 88e





----------- Shoo. bIm'Cm MelalOxtfrfi.
E.. Pw ------Oxtfrfi. Ewry
feed al joHd. no; a pair
worih Ina
fhaa S2.'^o latf dvriat
aalc «l

1 lot ol Childrea's shoes
some hand turned, that
sold at 89c and $1. during sale per pair__ 64e
¥7hife Oxfoida. most all
Ladi^ sizes, some Mis­
ses. sold tonneriy up to
$1.50. Sale price....43e


» ag For Ladies' White Nubaek Oxfords and Pumps. All
new style toes and advertised every- A •Q
whereat $4.00. Sale price, per pair ................... 2a4IIp

For Ladies' up-to-now 'sty es in While
. Nubuck Shoes.
Handsome, attractive
I styles, fine fitters. Advertised by every atme
f in town at-$4 00. Sale price, per pair —

'f Qfi
Ladies' White Sea Island Duck Shoes, button
A*«P styles, reuiling everywhere at S3.
4 AO
Sale price, per pair..................................................... JUirQ
8 OQ For 16-button Black Velvet Shoes. New. stylish.
good fitting lasts, they are easily worth $3.00 any­
where. While they last,
<4 AA
sale price, per pair.................................. .................. J.eVH

Dep’t ^tore

SUrtf FRIDAY. July 36


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