Grand Traverse Herald, November 12, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 12, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Travaraa Bay Eaffla



mnenn uifHniiE


Oblo aad
Xi la •naaralty aaonrad, bowarar,
tbat'NPaakar Clsk and Cbalrmai
darwbpd voaU pcafer to coatlsua
tbalr «ock In ooainoa, wpaetalty
BOV ttei tbe lacMaUrp proems on
tba taill aad oWar 9M«looa ia likely
to meat vltb talrbr bbataclam.
Aa to Mr. Bryan, one of tba democtaUe dwatora tna ^potad duHng tbo
caavalga aa daenURy aaalCBlng Mr
Bryna tp a mhiaat place InVoaaa of
WOaflb’r-alaRlM. aUbaugb tba latter
suted about flw aame ttaw that no
.ennam^tlaa tad taaai glran to tbe
pertebbA of tba csbtnaL None tbe
lean taeonlaUBP la Bctlra as to wbatb^
«r tbo Nabraskaa Bill have a port
Anotbar elaasent from which cabinet
matarlbt la tatta
tboaa who tavs taen protanntly IdtnOflai ««b «ba
eampalgn, notab|y CbaRratas MdOaoatbs of the den
^ Repreaen
Henry Of Texas
nsyiranla. Aaale
ItrAdoo and a numbei
of MtafB itaa bore tba brant of tbr
raMHR *1 BaltNaara and dnringMb.'.



It l« EifwtW That C«IOMl Bryan
Will a OlvMi artfali*; No
ItTMilgta. Hawrse, Have
Batn «ada

PriuMea. K J.. Nor. T.-OfSee
Boakara fcaa4ad bora, accordinc to rofiorta. are set vRooosd - by Wilaoo,
aa« ha la arnuau |o Rada tham. Aceaa»aBM by Mra. WUaon, ha vui
aafl for Barmda oa Nor. le.
a two sa^ aa a trip of ahaol
Oa tba «:» ba' will eskr up
bia adad oa kta bppoIntiDeota. aod
ratam rHtb Malta »>«>•■
CaMaat taakara are alraady baty
eaajartat villi
h naotaa
naaiaa of tboae vbo
lilU I
a vttb ^*naon in ahaping tba
policy of tba
r tUa la putaly goaalp. but
halMora ai« aa^a tba Icaa actire
ta"ipotetias ool tba .paraoaa vbo are
poaaiWa oaMaat atb^rialOne of tba aaatlabla atanabu amtbffa.
M tbaBahlnMaa coaraa1 tlon. laeMUaf Spaa»ef Obanp Clack.
Cbainnaa DodRVOod of tba waya and
Reaaa. BniUam J. Biyu. Goranor

Cevernor Osborn Sets Aside Thurs­
day.- Nevembar 2S.

Lansing. Nov. 8 ^loveroor Osborn
Clttdniibii. O.. Nor. 7—ConidaU pehas Issued Ms. annual Thanksgiving
official ratunui from the nrat ConnppoinilDg Thursda.v. WILL HAVE 4S9 VOTES IN‘THE
Novemiter Sft.' as a "Day of feasting,
or Coocreaasan Nlcbolaa Lonevortb
prayer and ThanksglviDg to Cod for
by Sunlay Bovdar, demoemt. by 1S»
roles. Tbe official count ma|' upset
aad His protection.'
tbe taaolt.







mm 60ES


(Prom Prlday a Bacofd Eagle.) .
Bar. A. Banlall, aaeremry of tba
Nortbport FTult Orowera' aaaoRatten.
ad ttarmigft thia city this .merelng
vltb te cratea and IC4 barrela of npplea. He vas bound fM-tbe Mlchlgut
Land and Apple abov at Gmnd Bap
ids. wbare be expeeu to put np a
maintain the preadge
exhibit that vi'u n
of tbe N'ortbport aectlon of Waaifni
Ikblgan aa a fniU aectloii. Ha vaa
c^spanled by bla brotbar-ln-Uv,
Mr. C D. Day. who will aMUt him In
tfaa work of making tfaa dlaiiUy. Her.
Beotall is aura that faa can taka, back
to Noribport with him. at least a
Uott of the Bonoy vbkh baa bean
bi^ up for premluma.
Tbe aala for the Hflb carload of apIdea by tba Nortbport PnUt Orovan
aaaoeiation to Fbit Wayne, was conansatad Tbnraday nlgiiL Tbia
was sold at a price whidi Is
BanU better than tbe rery beat price
which Grand Rapids rouid offer for
tbe fntlL The Nortbport people bare
eatabllahed a atandlng la Port B'ayBO,
becnase of tbe qanllcy of' tbeir fnilt
and tbey t
oat tbeir fleld no tbet other. aecUaBf
wilt Mam of the applae with tto taat*.
wbkh apples are said to grow .In the
vldnlty of Nortbport.
A Core and Flower show Is being
held at tbe.Ogdensbnrg school on tbe
ThiAeni«i>rlse Is
under tba direction of Mr. Joseph
Carpeoier who is principal of this
acbool. It la held for the purpose
of Btimnlating Interest . among tbe
boys and girls atendlng tbe school
In the products of tbe garden and
M. J. Thompson, district euperviaor.
for tbe farm management work being
carried on by the agricultural departIs spending tbe greater part of
this week In Grand Traverse county
TiaiUng the schools and organUli
I^tbto ciubs. Wednesday and Thnrsday be under lie guidance of Lee
flornslr. conniv school commlwOoner.
risked tbe schools of Pcnltsula


WaablnglOB. Nor. 8.—President Taft
today ordered tha armoured r—
Tannaaaea and Montana to go
Madltarrauan to protect Americas
interesta at rooBUntloople. Ilelnil
aM Smyrna. Both cniiKera i
at tbe PUladFlphla nary yard. Tba
AsMlcaa ambassador at ronstantlnopla vaa ordered ip rooter with fats
Buropenn coitaagues and to take any
I will Deter
If tbe safety o(
foraigners la Turkey is threatened.
Detroit. Nov. P.-^Reputdlcan ConTbe declelon to send abips to tbe reaamsn John M. C. Smith. iR .(be
Banana la a rompleie- change In the Third diairitd. Is apimrently re-electattitude.
to thi>. laieht returns,
atnia depaKinem has relied on the tlarney. democrat, was crodiied with
European poweni ‘ for proleciion to n vicior} curlier. Congressman WedeRecent reports, however.
-*er. refiubliinn. siUI refuses to conof pending massacres, have stirred tbe cede Beakes. democrat, a victor?' in
offlciala to action. Tbe T«
tbe Second. If both
and Montana are hig abips and apeedy :are re-elected, the Michigan represent­
and win attempt a record trip to' the ation standi: Ten repuhlicans. one
democrat, two progressives, a net loss
to the democrats of one.
Wilton Gats Idaho.
Boise, Nov. 9—Allhougb Wilson
may bave lost CslifoYnla to Roosevelt,
he bas undoubtedly gained Idaho from
Taft by a plnraliiy of 600.
RooMvelt Ahead in Califaeritla.
San Francisco. .Vov.
The stj
Roosevelt's ly nhom TOO piurallty.
according to the latest flgures.
Mamban Believe Mere Attentido
Should Be Paid te Roaring
• of Children.


Nev York, Nov. 7-Wll#oo will
have tbe unprecedented record Of ISO
voles to tbe electoral collage, and a
good (banca of .addtof three
from IVyomlng.. Hooaevell. wIU be
aecoud with ar toul of 77 votes from
Pennsylvania. Michigan. South Dako­
ta. Washington and Mlnncaota.
Taft is third with- i: votes. Idaho.
Vermont and I'Uh.
Rooakvelt loat Kanwa and lUlnots,
which he had been ataadlly cUhntog.
hut g'aitiod iltonespia. Tbe aocialltU
lout ('ongre
i Iieiger btrt ne*r»y
doubled tbeir' popular' vote.

He Was Struck by the Many Improve­
ments abd Spirit ef the

(FVom Frida.v's Record-Eagle.)
i. W. Sammons of West Ninth
street le entertaining his brother from
Norfolk. Va. In mnvcrsaUoa with
Mme of tbo members of the b.-tard
*^<10 yesterday be Mid that he was
auracied' (hj“ u-ny not only hy his
brother ll\ing here, but by tl.e won­
derful odvertlsitig tbst tbe city bad
Iteen doing In (be l^t year, so unique
nnd persiiitcnt ihat'^even the inoK pro­
gressive cities of tbe south are
isbed and asking for pointers.
Mr. Sammons was even more sur­
prised when he nrrlved to tbe city and
Taft Geta UUh and ' Idaho May Be expressed himself In the strongMI
when he ssw the splendid build­
Counted in Roosevelt
ings that-we.hsre. the up-to-date
. Colu
siorra with window decoratioos that
San Pranclsoo. Nov. 7.-Eatimated. are second to none. q)c beautiful reelthe total vote of western stales, based denres. the fine )«ved atreelt, and
the vast nnmunt of cement sidewalks.
a returns tonight, as follows:
Idabt^Taft. 40.000; WItoon. 38.000: Mr. Sammons is also very mneb in­
Roosevelt. SR.ftWi; Debs. C.OOO; Chafln, terested In the syMematIc way that
the agrirnltural nnd boriiculinral
velopment bas been bandied. 5lr.
-h a noribern n
liccn in (be south from the time of bis
enlistment for the Spanlsh-American
war. Hr bad expected to ffo M
front w once, but It w foopd when
Nevada—Wilson..8.854; Roosevelt. he arrived at 8t. AugSbttoe, PU.. that
!ie was lust the man that the govern­
ment wanted (or Important home dit(ies and he was sent to the Charle*-'
tC'lleon. 01.120; Boose- ton navy yard and remained there
durtog'ihe entire war. At Its close he
[ilsce wKbout aor epposUlon wbat
He bsK 'since resigned and accoptrt other important poelUont.
22,540; Taft 27.760.
He will remain in (he rity fox aev­
Colorado - Wilson. 4
eral days, and be states that he may
velL 7».0(j^Taft.
l>chs. R.tmO;
invert and later come here lo .reside


Nov Orleans. I-n.. Nov.
meat. Important annual meeting in
tba blatory of tbe Farmers' NaUonal
Coagruea opened here today u-i(b del-.
tgatM In attendance from all parts
of tbe Vnlied SUtes. One of the
chief eubpects of discussion will be
the decline in niral aorlal Hfe. Sec­
retary A. P. Sandies of the Ohio
EtaU Board of Agriculture wilt de­
liver aa address In whl^ be will
any that many of Uie farmera are
.paying mor« attention to tbe raiUnr
of stock than they are to llto
vtaeemcnt of their children. "The

. "is In Bgrl'
cultural COUegM."
and street
Beeuuaa of*t
eara. It la urged that many from
Awpust Charies Caralan PaSaed Away tba rural distrirls seek their social
Law Night
Ufa In the cities anfl loa-ns. which
new enally may be reached because
-Angnat ^lartea Caraten. aged M «f tbo advaatageOus tnoderQ means
years, a pioneer of Bingham towflsblp of travel.
died at tbe family bene at midnlgbi
Whan MM with BteMn Canine Ap- Frida}-. He hod been ill tor
but had been patient through
pHtafoeLodilnBat Me­
all bit sufferfuga. He U.aurvirad. by
tal WMBng.
bU yrlfe and nine Riildrea. a slater
I Oamanatration Made at Copoaad one brother.
mMi Last Night. .
, (ProB IWaday^ BMord-Ba^.)
Funeral aerrlcei wilt be heW Tntp
Garrllt OMa. a residant of tbe Bea- day : o'clock irum the
▼ar Manda, ouM to tba dty and-pur-' church at Biagbam. Rev. Hpxmore ofCopemiab, Nov. S.—It le evident that
rtiaiad a fog yaatsrday. He vaa luat- flci-vtlcg. Burial will be In the Ungtba women' of Cojiemlsh appfectotc
baiu cemetery.
tbe fact that suffrage was carried in
a kennala and when ba vniked Into
state by a .safe fiajorlty.- The*
tbe WblUag note!, to aecnre lodging
OBBORN'S HCWAOE TO FERUtoo prevad last evening that they
tor tba Blghu. bla dog. of course, a^
A warrant (nr B<"i lUrmon. ....
in ftut as capable of generating po' I him. Hardly bad be step­
time offender, hu bcen ls^ed, chsrg
Lansing. Nov. S.—T congratuUUeal eGtbostosm as tbeir i
ped l|aUU tbe door, however, before
tng him with the larceny oY a dog beimndlerd Obmer caught slifot of him ■ late you moM sincerely upon yom * voted brother*, who, on account of
kHiglng .io 1. Boa-re. itoiimoo U i
MA JoRfllBg up, excitedly pUed him • election as governor of Mtcbig^" • tbeir sex. bave nutU the present
Is the mfosage seat to Wdod-• nopoltxed the right of franchise in ireseni nut on psmle aiid it will n<
Vltb qtMBUau aa to where and bow
hi ord
bridge N. 4-Vrris of Big Kapida by
Mleblgan. After It u-as dennitely be necessar? to reconvict
b* had aoRO into g^aaesalon of the
Osliorn. -It wiu be
laaitwd that tbe amendiDrat had been to give him a prieoo term. He is
caRaa. ftom tbe ensuing volley of • Gov. Chase 8.
thought to
pleasuK to turn over the evneuvorda, ft was flaally deduced that the • a'pU
toyried. the women of the village
live Afairs of tbe slate to one of * ginSr* a demonstration which the? matter what tbe condlflonaor the perdog bad bean owned by Mr. Obmer.
your ablUiy. Indeiwndebce and bo- * plaimM and carried ont all by them-; olty,»-hich he knows be must pay. bn
but bad been atolea a baa dart before.
man sympatb?-. Tb<- people, not * selvas On tbe village streets Iasi night. keeps on approAriatlsg everything u
cab lay bla bands.
4iaRles. control government ' in,* Thera were ever two hundred who
te set. vtat be tboagbt was the thief.





this country and are quirk
Ognlxe parti**
persons that
are equipped In every way to per
form the public functlcws. Far' lien and tbeir leaders must work
’ in bannony and be In a.vmpatby
' wiib.tbe beat tradUkms and most
’ righteous demands of (he people.
' 1 srtsh you complete success and
happiness in your prospective aer' vice to Michigan, wbkh eleeto^
’ ale is tbe most progreaslre. moat
' InteUlcMt. disertmlnaUng and to• dependent to tbe I'nlied Btatee."





mm PlIRffilBORE

Dome talUag laio bla hotel sritb the
deg. aa wall, aa at wbat be took for
tbo ceolBOt etaWdon of aerve wblrii
bad boM pillod et ter aone Ume.
tvpad •« at laR.tbat Cole had poi^
chased the dog from a man In tbe
city and the aCalr was ^Ued vriien
Ofleer OctUlab. vltb ^e aad
dec. vtat te tba Bfown vbo bad aoU
ft and aeoured tbe dMBMr vblcb bad
taan paM by tba nan from Beaver
island, no ttaMf Bta toon refunded
tP tba taw, tba dOff to (Muner and
Cote VM Rvan bla lodgdiff and ailowpd'to retire in peace.

. M.'trquetie, Mich.. Nov
the absence (rum me cotmty of tbe
defendant's attorney to the libel suit
brought by Rooeevett against (korge
Newell of Ishpeming. pttollaher of
tbe -Iran Ore" will be adjourned un­
til Monday.


Exbibitt Were HMdity Arraas*d to
Soeialiato Lest Their Only CangraeaLobby Sa^ to bo EaMly Anman, B«rt Returns Show They
Noerty Oetibled Their
EahlbKed Raga of Many Ceuntrieq
Popular Vote This
and Gavn Individuni His­
tory nf Each.

Ha la Authoricad t« Taka All Neeataary B^a te Protect Americana
In Turkdy As Emerganey

•pattdinff the Woak in Orand^
Traversa County.

Teddy's Libel Casa Ptrt Over at Maequatte.

.turned OUL practically every woman
in tbe TllUge, and they were armed
with belle, boras and other sound pro­
ducing InetniBfents. In mddiilon, the?
eenred brooms end soaking them
In oU set them on fire and marched
along the street In a repuUr old-time
forchllght procession. All the lime
that thh demonstration was in prograas »b« men of ilw to«-« stood along
the curb and wpiehed the fun. rheerlUK the paraders on to tbeir effort lo
Stow tbeir appreetoitoa of
right (bat had been tonferret^ upon
them by tbe men of the state.


PhUadelphia, Nov. 9.—Tbe meanest
man in the world ta. leen,found. He
is Oie man who gave Rev. Yhllo Gore,
putor of tbe German Luihen.n chuirh
i Camden. N. J.. aa enrelopc fllled
■lu tinfoil (or amrr?’ln5 b'Ja.
The bride ' . nd groom rang i’«r
Gore's tiore bell and ukea him to mitry thtu.. As they bad a llceasc. he
did eo. After the ceremooy was pc'lormed the man handed the min'airr
. n reyelope which was jn.-tpow-q in
umfaln the fee. After rensratuUilng the "ifcutjr
He Will Not Give Out Any FolKieal weds." the' miniHer ushered them to
the door and proceeded to opre t'-e
.envetope’ He found it contatoc:
Princeton. Nov. '9.—Wilson toda? nothing |>ut several pi«M of tto'o.l
gave stteoiion and published Inter­
CHJUlIXiTTE — Tbe onUtandIng
views with promioret democrats ad<d congresiidebt of »n.*HW on the Bne church
lo revise'the tariff.
"Tbey are re-y bulldtog of the Methodin Episeopel
inierrating and tmponanL" he siUl. society of Chartoue has been paid to
-bnt I'm st«)I meintaintob my Grtre- Tull. The structure coat SSO.OOA and
,wu dedicated December V>. IMS.
itg poUcy " ,


Tbe members of the Young Ladles'
Missionary aoPlety of tbe Baptist
church were most deUghtfully enteruioed by Mra. K. I. Hughes to her
Ideasani home on L'nlon street last
night. Special tovltattons bad been
Issued to the membera and to some of
their friends, which called out a Urge
attendance . Mrs. Hngbes called the
meeting to order in her happy man­
ner and after singing "America" she
stated that the principal object of tbe
the beautiful woven "Dragon Flag.'
flags of the world, which M. B. Holley
had consented to give. A great many
people bad heard much of ihU wonthe eqnal of wbl^
haa never boon collected by anyone
(he world. It consists of
can. foreign and Christian Endi
flags and 165 pennants.- .Mr. Holley
only had a portton of the collectlton
with him, but these were of tbe conntries most before (te public notice
present, as be has them all. He spoke
ver?- interestingly of Turkey. Bulgaria.
Montenegro. Servia. Greece. Hus^
and the great war that Is being car­
ried on there. He had seven dlSe^
ent Chinese flags, and told of the man­
ner to which they came Into hla pot■esstoo. It taking aeveral yean to get
meeting was to listen to a taJk'og tbe
and (he Irish. Scoitlsb and Jamaican
flags that were woven for him by spe­
cial order to the linen mills of BelfastTiiree different flaga of Japan were
brought to him by special delegatea to
one nf the great Intertkatlonal Chrictlan Endeavor conventlonm. The Burme-^ flag that had passed through six
•IlffetfBi sets of hands and was three
yearsIto getting to'him; tb<- aplendid
set of six flags of the ('onfederaie
states and the ^7 different American
nags. Tlie address came to nn red all
too quickly, but it gave the epmpany
a good idea of what tuey might have
should they evre have an oppdrtunily
of-Usireing to his eiitlto talk, which
theylwlll all look anxiously forward

The Traverse City State bank to
proving to tbe city and county that a
good apple show can ba tobSb a aseceas to TravMM CRy. Faraotoadtoa
tbe otneen aad etoptoyos «< tbo bgak
bare been eollecUif M>*tfltotoa of
pies and vcoetabtoi fron tbe gravura
to tbe dty aud vtototly. for «ta pw ~
pose of maktog a Ctsptoy to tbe baak
of the pradueti of tba soil of Grand
Tr^rse county. To «y that thsir
^o^rts have bew a aneceas would ba
putting it mttdty. for oa S^arday and
Balurday evening tbe buUdtog was
conatantly tbraoged wttb poofoe «ta
looked over the rartona dtoptara wttb
tbe gmuA totaroaL T%a vhala lebkr
-of tbe bank was flOad with laMta
which were naad to diaplay the gtofos
of fruit and vutetoblaa, Ttan sfoa
ISO plates abava aad tta d
ent varieties gav« aa ld«a of «bat tta
riclntty can do to tbe way of ratatos
applea aad Tegeteblcs.

The taUes through tbc ceatar of tba
room wefe not sattotaat to baM tta
dlipUys. BO tta todBM la (raat of tta
engea and wtodo* MBs wara atlMiBR
to a very catebtoff IB|iaM--. Tta tifit
was ideked up bastOr. but to (ba iMa
of tbe hurried BHOttar la vUek'ft was
collaetad mneb of It fftalA hKn aeo4A<
high to any af tta
of tba oouatry. Stxty a ' "
Included to tta IM sad ttay ware fU
pleased wUb the ubovlaff ttat wib
made of their praduoa. tWa abw
wiu bave tbe affect of gttoalattoB tfca
fruit iaduatry of tba aonty aad lakta
in an It to «a« of tta cdarwust bfta
advertising ttat has bsMi ttaaght aff
by a bnatoeas lasutntkw la thto paK
of the ante.
On Smturday eraalag all tba employ< of the hank were oa baad to *H^me tbe vleltora gad gira ntt Informatlou as was desired. At tbe doer
each person who entered «'
ed with a booklet «
rasoutees and adrautaOsa of ttto part
of (be aute, toffetbar wUh'MU?' fUueI rat Iona of actual fam aM orchard
sbenes taken fi«m this and atdiototoff
counties. In order to aet off tta ataw
The program was concluded by
to a fitting manaar. vast noMbers of
readings by Mtoa VtoU Stnub and
pbotocrapbs ware buff atoag tbe
Mr. Holley, ^nch and tweet oooklee
walU of the loMff- TtaM ptottrao
and wafers were served.
were tbe property of tbe Weetaro
Michigan'Developtoeot bareau. which
alwa?-a sunda ready to lead aaetotataf
to any cause that wfll Mas to pubta
attention tbb reaButpas aad adnaS'
tages of ibe weatarh Mlchtfcas terri­
Tbia (air wtu be the audeea tor tba
atartlng of an apptoo abav to Treverae qty which it Is totUBded to autoa
rat.. TU WaMera MlcblHad Wandered Into Lonely Flee
icb Is bald to Grand Rap'
Was Strkken: Clreumatono
ids Is loo far away far the pcopto at
this aeciion toaU^aad (be demand
bas liiten growing. f««a-cxhjbltalaag
the aame line fog thla pan of tta
(Prom Satunlay's Record-Eagle.)
stale. Travene City to the togiral
Lying at
the edge of a poM in the point for -boldiag sn^ a ataw and U
lonely atretch of woods In Birchwood la boi«d by atmttar teaaaa to have
fctost Bay, I- J. Bry-anL eeei
tbe plans (omnlated tor carrytog out
Ingly dead, was found by Jsmes Hopa aneeauaful aad. Oraad Trnv.
this morning. Mr. Hopkins at
erve bas tbe fruK. ao vby net bare an
notified Chief of Police Johnson. apple show at wUek ta staff It off to
;»ho drove to the scree and found the tbooaaada of paapla ffta 'ffouit
tbs' the man had been attacked by pntroalM it durtuff tba tea days or
an epileptic fit and'• although to a
whatever period It to dcoUad to boM
serious «-onditlon was notAead. aa
it when osca opaaed.
first BUPpoeed. How long be had lain
The State baa}( to to ba c
there or what his motive lor going
uninhabited, stretch of woods toted on tbe sbowfoff tbay am a


was is not known.
Mr. Bryant has been aubject to
taeJu of this ktod for some Ume and
the theory is held, by many of bis
friends that
bad started for the pobd with tbe totemlon of Ukfng hia Hfe. He to
present to such a condlUoff ttat . he
Is unable tb explain bis r«Mon for
being in that toealiiy, however, and
it It altogether probable that be bad
some fixed purpoee to mind, wbdfty
foreign'to that of ending when
be vreturei Into’ tbe
awanm ttlt
He was rcpmvM to bis borne at
tee and Is at present vndee the care
a physician.

Tbe. show wlU be eoatlaaad tor |
bgpa ten 'days, ar «otU tbo ti^
gins to show algnt of decay. In order
to' give all tta people aa Id^ of vtat
a Grand Traverao appla tsataa Hke.
one was given to,each vtolwr «ta at­
tended the show oa Saturday eventog.
Tbe exhibit was ao Interesting-,tkat
—people who came fem distant,
points lingered for hours to order to
study the varieties of ap;fos that were
ptooed OB tbe tables tor tospeeUon.
An extra fine dtoptor was placed to
tbe praaldeat'a room to tta rear of
tbe bank, aad it ffaa ffreatiy admired
by everyoBO ata-fBitod IttartK tta
day and eveatog.
(Conttopod OB ftoffo Three.)

kbr lur r«^

Uiv» nstioM of the coatteMit. fbe <«et dtat
b«i i
tb« Uiv<'r cooD^ei n^A* iiC£ Mk*«’ tk«t th<> eeoid nu num tbe
‘Now that Meetion b- over .an it is known Ui a crrtainiy that.
t iprestige with the tpullrtoy, and hi
w p iH he aathiuR dpn« b>f|h<
>f llieBi
tiuit ahr /fared ooof of
ft^ni tiriliadB of horrffile atrocities were
•iuin of the t*o«ntr>-. it it the duty of e»-ery
perpetrated in the oame of relifion and for other e*u*ea. In this citiaen of Traverse «'iiy io pet into the harneas and pull for a
Twiec • iMk
et abe reckoned beyond her itrenirth, for the Balkan State* larger and better city tBd’ewnmtmity. The field is ready for the
TM^tr wM Tbandtr at m
■tood the imtBent until th«]r h»d a«auHilate(t
t. but in th.- part thh worteca. while capable and enthusias- ’aaaL| y*
of war tt warrimt effe<nlTe taalWttiee. and then went into the light lie, have been too few to aceoroplub the best results. It takes a
K-ilii a detmaitMioa ol wiMins, regardle** of the coat. Their united rftort in -tirtar limes to aeaamplish resslt^< and uriesa this
........... Vie* ftm.
enthonaam and,faith in their caoac swept the enemy before them
exirta aaioog t^- ]>e<^ all that can be done by a few
until at preaeul* tbe»- are at the doora <rf the Ttirkiah capital, and wUl be more than offset..the many who are pulling in the opposite
ifi poly a matt^ of a few dajv hefore the Peila-wiU be at tbeir ^BtreeiiM.- U is a <-e«1ain(y that-the location of the eiiy.ia aU that,
ct begging for the meirj- which tbeir record of the part half conld be asked for. and this eoodition ia still further strei
ntnry doea aat Mcrk.
by the fbet tlwt it is also thedDdustrial center of the region n^h
The aKittlde of the Baropeaa power* in regaM to the silua- of llalddin. The peoide who efflne into the northrtn jiart of the
haa- been nnexpeetad. a* none «l the natiaaa have interfered state naturally torn thrir eyes toward Traverse City at soon as
fn betaJf of the Tetha. This porftiou- is ddabtfen due to the fact they leave Grand Baphla. ami this fact is one of the Ixwt assets
„ . .»e la Ad<
t errty one of the eontinentsl nations has wanted to »u‘e Turkey of the section.'
soundly thrashed, yet for diplomatic reasons did not want to Ukc
In the past the burden of keeping the city before tbeV’re* et
the iokiatire in the aOair. It ranaioed b» their little’ nc^boKi Ike worM has been rarriral hy a few* bsrineaa aco and others who
to take, up the work and eart7 it to a soeceaiM have given thyir time and money lo the eanse without any expecta­
end. The onl.v blot on the whole busineos is liable to eome when tion of monetary return, believing that what would result in the
OrcdaiiontUi weak 2.950
the question of earring up Turkey ariaea. for then it is feared that general good of all the people wuld give buck to them the money
the powers will step in and dtnand part
the terriio^ that was and time they spent on ih*' moveineDl to bring this eonditwn to WCRC REAPONSIgCS FOR MCAVV
fairly and openly won by the Balkan anaiea.
pass. -\s everybody hesrfiaa^vjhe building up of the eommtmit}-.
The result "of the war will change the map of aontheastm every iHuiy should Teel In ’dldy'bound to help pay the bills when
I Parts of 8tat* Caiurtbuus TMr
Bundle, but it vd! he for the better, for it will inaugurate ah era they «‘i>me due. It is one ttune to lie in favor of a counse of action
•rare T««sr* th* Tttal tt Pa- <
The recent election ban fuVnished wmelusirc proof that the of program for'that section that would never be pomible under and mill another to he willing to liear a man’s shar«> iii the go.i.1
Weeks SraoM.
work. This is where t«io msny have falh-d to measure up to thTotm of the entire eonntry have come into their own and refuse Turkish rule.'
■quired rtaudard in the jnist. for they have been heartily in favor
any vpte their ticket straight for the Mke of the party.
N*»- It,'—FOof
dratb* and om aortoiii InimT t* etivr ‘
- .Vccondiiig io sUtiatim five huidred volume* have been added
ly. but svhen the tinw eame'^to.put down their l^ned today la buatira
thi^ariMlhir or not he will n-maiu a true partisan. Beports from
tU leedltHes show that uever in the hiatoo’ of the country was to the list of new books that will be offered for sale, this fall. Tbew‘: good money they fouiid aoine jioorly toonded exeus.- for not meet- >eslerdi>|. Miaiakliis <Calvin Scott's
soaaded buck both verv
tWe ao much catting on candidate as this year, and the results. include principally fteiiou. whichaeems In be in the greatest demand jngtW obligiiti.ui. with the resiilrtbat the Board of Trade and other traUiac. O. 1’, i*reyH tried one sfeoi
booin has been remsrlahle'in yentures'hnve come out short when the final reckoning was tttad.\
■W())ilS for a time mixed, will r«mlt in better satisfaction than has a) the present lime. The output
vkb tacal reaultA lto>h mea Uve«) ■
her*. Tbts U tbe thiid iiuntiiiK fatal­
^m'divesi heret^ore, for tho reason that those elected represent
. tile idM-ad the tndivtdaal voter more than the party under whose little has been brought out that is-of an enduring nature. Most of city.'and whole region is on a footing today that is one hundred ity ia Dlckiaaon rornity. eaae
the iDUoeeni murderer has eoae fathe hooka present the appewance of having been written in
per t-eiil better than it wais thnv* y»*ara ago.
. *
a*iM they made’ tho ra«e.
" .
With the present start that ti>e town and region has itswould
nie etertUli also prorra tlat thi! power of the political speaker hurry, with the psitimtar end in .view of n
1 in his or tier mind. be an easy matter tfi keep things moving, and. if this is done ia a
Uw wwed to * point where the mnilU do not justify the e.xpen8c
af mrdr^»fy a -mp-ign dt.iig this line. This conditioh u made Great books require ^vani of thought, which condition is not laado aystematie mRnner Traversi* City will soon be in reality the, roost
the novria important point, not only in KoKhern Michigan, but the Entire
At Three Rivers a pany of boy* taw
by the sewapwpecs and i>eriodieab of the eonntry. which are read poBsible under the pivaent eoaditinna Tbe bulk
Carl Uarnban killed when taU aim,
elawwa. The peojde have also formed the. habit of drawing are written for retvnue only, and tbeir chief attraction lie* in tlie alMto. .\ll that i-i needed is harmony of aetion on the part of the which
h wg^itw
|.uab*R9 iht
-aad voting accordingly. aUnctive oorer and the rapidity with which they can be read. people, and when thU iaouae seeored rapid development-will Mlow.e. ae^I^ially went *0.
a, hedUhy coition and will result ki^better government an^ It is true that some of the better claw are written with an object for nothing .isiii withstand the efforts of a band of opt imists-when
railel jdereed
among the people at* large- The oonditios in in view and teach tome great trath ^ieh has a bearior- apoffT hey once turn to secure-a certain ohjfi*t.
the oountry is aaeh that the peorte know what they want, and pr«ent eonditiooa, but these are few and are growing still lei^ with |
Fevor Good
iCdite pf^j ffllinn g-'-J* to theni thc}* have no fear of exeraialng ^he years.
Fr<nn many |»arts of the state <Kime* word that farmers ami
Within thy past decade literature
been cominereialii^ itt
«> Aih^caw nhisena and freemen, to make a change
gpd jiv at^sr ,party a chance to make good its pledgra and ^ra- a manner that is to be dqnreated by the ones who enjoy ann buKiiiess men are joining lumda iu the movement for iH-Hcr roads,
profit by thci reading of something substantial, which wilt benefit and in tli<> near future sooie.very satisfactoiy- n-rnilU an- looknl for
Tee Mueh Face
part of this united oioveracnt. Good roads from all directions
Y<Hi tee) as it yon had oae ran- t
Attolhar Chh« that was eltmriy demonstrated Jiy the returns them intellectually and morally. Conditions cannot be remedied
hale n
long as the demand for the lighter elaas of material is so great.
tn luou-t. not only of the town but of the whole r«‘gioa of whii-li
nut t»w partisan newspaper has loot iU presUge and will never
tare. ><•

art rid ot the tirtinUgta b> ap■ be the pp#er that it was in the past. What the people want
na R B S' X K S P A1 N-KIU JX<J
ia the actual facts without political color, and the newspaper that created in a ^ay or year. It is a process of development which and townshi|is is <if great imjiorlanee, as it makes a very substantial
' 'Oil, Vinest thlna io the
M«m»tion it the one that wiU meet with the greatest takes a long tune to become effective and one which authors as they dividejid that is wire to lie rcalixed hy the political divisions that
haraa. cuts, eraiiip eolir. dtarrbeea.
^eew this
condition appli« to the candidate as well, for go today have not the inclination to cultivate. It is a ■■ondition undertake the work. 'S'ot Mily is it ilesirable for the various «-oui)to
iiiwtke inae who ttmtds for something that wins out. fur the
eoiniiig to see the iirtiiortaiK-e of the «'ountry in their
mntint their affairs in bis hands. The suocesaCul when only the aiirtior witli a message will reap the large rewards.
eeonomio system. Southern Michigan and .'Corthern Obi*i have
FOR hALE—so bronse turke7A youBX
ol^ fstnra h the mpn who can tak^ a stand for what In the meantime readers oan help the work along by <
Stock ot aeod quality at ISA* par
& kUcra is Cw tie brat interests of the people and sliA to his a higher claw of books and th«a inspire authors to put more time plan on fooT to eonnret Tsdedo and Detroit by a stone highway,
pair; slnale' turkeys Sl.^S *acU
wjiieh. when completed, would mean a great deal to those siiUions
Write roe yoor wants. Jarora
of what may be said about him during a cam- and thought in their rnerk.
Burdick. Meittb
lor he en gain nothing by rhanging his views on the Kve
I 3»m«
i^bwh. fbme ^nptoms are healthy ones, for tliey dhow that the
first e»DgrcgallOMl
> art eapabie of thinking out their own proWona and are done
Jgssff—Sissr Mis to
krthmthig ,U party leadera to formolite their opinions and fur- paiipi ooutains a plank wiiioh if put into effect wHl roBolt in'great to market and sliorten Hie lime of getting it there, lioth of which
arc important fnet*^ in modern farming. Tbe expense of putting sM Stater bitlMtao.
k.tbe.ackM«> defend them. A virile tttinkiog citiaenahip beariit to tbe farmers of the atmte. The plank in qoration declare
Xov IMt ^
-at»n. and the American people are praving in favor of the eataMiehiBent of a state department of agriculture. dowTi the rands is soon made up by the increase in ' '
of instituting and mainlaining this rtaadard. with a eowmiaaonM at the head of it whose duly it will lie to both by tJi.e towns and the farmera iit the vicinity. It enables
direct fWd weiknn and devise means for furthering the iiVterest.s markets to be eentralired. and instead of rverj- little siding bavipg Teeth EM
of agriculture and frtiU mising. Tlx' establ'uhment of a depart­ a buyer, tbe growers can carry th*-ir produetrtTarther to a larg»-r
ty watosi rs^r
ment ^ this nature would et^utalliso the preaept qiqradie efforts market and receive belter prices for them. Taken in all. good 0ora iboae
track the liuid and Apple J3how wiU open in Grand along this lute that are being made by the goveniroent and de­ roads are an investment tn any oromuuity. aod the m<^ that
wtthout paid. BSW
h, add the molts of the Miibit are eiperted to be faryreaeh- velopment bureaus into a ayrtem that would be boUi practical and laid down Uie snore prort'crous that eommonily become*. The tragi to iud‘ - “
a thrte .wjU be a lar^r and better di^hy of the products of beneficial. It « prgetioally a certainty that the new governor will movometit is well rtarted and il is to be "hoped that ii will lie k*-pi «1U wrak^bearu wtu i
*Ks«lar‘' srothod of palalras i
F ri^ir than-was hrid last year. The ejqierteaee gained by reeoiqpumd the passage of a uemre hy the logislsture establiKhing moving in the^right diraetion in iWe future.
liiikli nin Ihr liirrr last year aiU afam be of great value m briug- this, bureau, M>d when he doea^it is the duty of the members of
Mt-SN WUhelB Block. wUk Sr. I
oil the poiMa to be emphatiaed in fetation to the different thathody to give H fisvoraUe nensideration. The department should Ineome Tax Popalar
. /
wrath. TiweMa CitF..JCMMai
. and atfportunUies that are offered in ttic twenty counties be created and the necessary funds provided for making it a potent
So far thirty-three st*l*-s of the L’nion havb ratifi.-d- the amend­
«im tezritny repreaenta. The lateness of the heason gives fonv> in the development of the state.
ment to the Uniteil Sutra eonrtitution providing .for nn im-ome tax
for the seciuing q/ fruit that is fully matured
Farmeni in some parts of tbe state bpve been jilow to' take ad­ The consent of two more states is-nt-eded before the iiieasure b*-l&Ml-oriot«d, whteh (Edition is nek poasUilc at the
which arc vantage of tile aaaietanee offered by the
bomes a part of the fundamenul law of the. land. Daring the time
)a B^ediber. This is a ver>' important factor in the exhibit hav* been scat out to work with them in the past, but this avention store }KiH over twothonsaa^ aiin-hdmentK have been proposed, but
j||r ii
the exhibit^ ^ show the beet there is in the region has been largriy due to the fact that thew object was not thoroughly this is the only one. with the exeeplion of the slavery amendotents.
itfiknft CbOff out of their, way in making the selectioB.
■anderstOod' by the public, and not on account of any inelinarioii niiieh has reeeiv*-d favorable attention by the .states. There an*
Tk* hpgdbA'ahov bas/now become a phrmanhnt institMion in on their part to evade the adaption of new ideas in their work. glready enough of the sIat*V whirh have not expn-srtsl th.-ir ripini'iii
4ie elgir, and'hi tb» eohrae of time there' will be other shows What the fimner wanta is to be ahown that .the one* wl^ are senP D the matter^to make its adoplhui a certa-iniy in the near future.
dlitrtcilt eapMisifly in the northern part, which is the natural habitat to give him inatraetion in his business are fully eompetenP*
Hien the c<ius<-iii of tw*> more rtaO-s has h.-.-n s.--ure*l the mensur*'
«f the ap^e, cheriy and iwar. It xs eiideot that in a short rime the practical as well as the tfaeoretieai atandpoint. When he ri 'Will go- into effect automalically.
. tbirc will he'^ apple ahow estahliNhcd in Traverse
on account eonvin<!ed on this point hobeeomraa wilIiuffpu|Ml and tdd« kin^g
of. iU he«Nr Ike geofonphieal oenter of the future fruit belt of tbe ti> the s>-rtem. Tbe piaeiog^ this, work under the direction of a
avt wholl.v unexpected, There ka>
OBm, It » the tog^al point to establish one, and mi aecount of agate'bureau would insure a eompeteut corps of instruetoni ^nd
t*eo a break in the barntoniou-. re
M <m^ aeeeas fimn all paints in ths aUt« sueeosa will attend riic inspire faith amoog the fanners as to its effii*ienr>- and value.*
lalioa* or tbe dititingui^bed KBaliehMUi|!|)( oX the event Tiere. This is a luiiut that should be liMiked
Farmers have eome to realise within Uie p»*t deoarte that
roaa and hi# i^eraaietii. )*ii. 1' hatiito Iff the borineas laeu az>d fruit growere of the Grand Traverse famiuif is no longer a hit or miw'busiiieas. hot one which in order
been an open secret lof rome time
Waltoa .
i and steps taken as soon a* poaaible loqking' toward the to be nieeraaful must be conducted along scienlifie lines as much
that Mr Bryce, advanciha in >es:«.
Rowley .
Slgms ..
ilAf a alow of larg<‘ proportions, in this {dan
stock raising or any other modem businew. ft has la-en pV«-rt*^
desired to Kurrvndcr hU post at'*!
site entire altention to'the comi-l<T%e p^gilartty of the apple riiow is post and this .x-rar the lN\voud the shadow of a doubt that there is just as much a seienMl •RITIhH DIPLOMAT OlVEg
.'•illea kn been taken up id tlic east and worked out with great at the soil as of medicine, or any other of the leamo<l
o<eti|4eg ao lone a iMWt of bl> lll»t
. ilgeBBm « Baltimure, Slew Tork and otim cities. If a ahow of this crafts, a'nd tlw man who fa^ilmru<-s himsi-lf with the eoni|^ition
Vaclnc the Hrltitib amba-Nailor f. a aneeesn in cities so far removed from the grawiiig fentera and iieetls of his land mid teams the'methods for treating
nOed State# )ukt no* a'e revthe I'liAt
ot frail, it is imonCble to soi^usc that we.ri^t in the ceuter of order to bring it up to its liighoat poahblv sta^rd required
era! great i
Hry *
ttkit belt of the ntate would meet with far grealec aueeeas.
D. mntr. o. p- a.
ao^ It i* known that
the production of a maximum crop of a uertain kind, is jiul.w^
AND frlendf feared that If tie *
ntK«h of an expert in his line as the auiwessful pfax-sician or siirg<<m
The Cri^ in
is in his partietdar branch .of endeaxHir. Knowledge is phwvc
dqu-n bU health and probably ha
‘ e^iog to.-tke rah*rU available. Turkey has been driven agrienlturo as it is in any otlKW qeenpation. and the farmer who He Will Oevou >111 Future Cftirts 1
abandon bis literary effort* .Moot
Ikuki w point lb another by the allied anuie* of the Balkan states, is i-onwniant with thr latest ideas in his field cannot help reaping
the Complatias of Ttua N«w '' pther- thiags. the Panataa toll gueeWerka NOW Undee
tetil i/ is DOW OBly a question of a short ‘time before that onoe the highest rewards poasible.
Uon.prorauHCS U> furnish a dt»a*ree^ .
aMe and onuatisfattory diplomatir
. nawedtiX nation
he prostrate at th* fe«‘l of her conquerors.
A state departUH'nt of agriculttire is one of the glVat mviU
taafc. with Rule pnwpecl of beins
JIk eaune of tbe .dMaaler that follosred her armies is due to tho of tke'htiur. for it would mince fanning in the i^te to a basb>
Waablngtoo. Nos IJ --6%»aJ — brought to a auctuweful coocbision
- llffntrat of graft.
has been wnrkisl for years by her high offi- whefv the hcM ivsidts eouW he obtained from all kinds of laml.
ABbaaaadqr ,Jaroe*j
Btree's appoinim^o' ^ >
«kda, who. insni^' of dex'otiiig the fuudu approjiriated for the and thereby add milUoas' of dtdlars to the wealth of Michigan,
uraehlnn^n anracted
waa giara at the^
Brsoca- r
ot the aqny. and. navy, iiavc put them int<i their own would benefit the small landowner as well as the large one, for British erobawy today
wide atention at the 'im
§p6kitm and left 4he ooiutry unprepared for a euntingrticy like inteamve 'farming wCuld be one of the Unads upon whkk apeLtal
. the pcaaesit. Thowriay has been'poorly equipped and poorly fed, strem WMxld be laid. All riaasra and imlustries would benefit by reteraa dUdomat'e drsbe to coropletc
warfca o* which iw hpa bra* law,
ki'litts eondkaw it eotild not b<‘ e.xpwti'd that it could make its ertabliriiinent. ami it would in time prove to be the graatrat
kgM. Hie ilB« rt degprtnra is
^fm aB ortes ao mottar hMk
..^artk^d of a riiowing agaii^ a iswubiuation of nations who arc asset of the atate. Let the mmbera of the incooiing legislature not fispd.
■mB. Can or write for pstosM
^Pttliff few a cause that calls into .action aU the puriotism that consider the.npeatMB earefnUp and-land th^ aaaistance io ertabWhtte the MWa Chat Arohaprodnr
vWflAa Mdirtra ant eapatiW «f.^\-«lofimg upon 4 supreme oceaaion. Inhing apfi properly endowing the'b«rwB>;in a manner that will Brycf t* t* retire will be teeelvcd
I of vM say stm ra. tbP fW
fftir aanw Trara Turic^* has been aecore in her reputdtion as make it liOth vfhetive and peiraanet. I^nnera' of tbe sute favor wlri deep I egret ia dffMsl cSrrie*
I CartyM.
‘ p fifilbiff aaftai, and fbr ihii reason the has been feared by the it. and their opinion is shared by Hh> hurinraa and laboring rlaraet. and by lha rn—try utMtaXy. M

Ckiind Tratefk










ti ivni » SEtimt



f' '.




■• •:





Mtow HoSitfay Gaadt ts
•Mt eiiacf;
Tb« ueiulHTi of Mia MaeoibiH- falf
^^Bilttae are M the lob ever)- mln'- Bta or the U»e. and the reauH of their
woih h MMI CB «T«y bMbL Tiu will
be theF blcgeft eroit tha^hM bwn
SlfaB here In a nuuber of yeara. The
- Anaorr to belay put !■> abape and wHI
be a bMeflt In several waja. as It will
auble the Maecabees to ralM seeded
tmda to not only pay oS the blUa InCBjred Jrwa the last eonvMUon, but
-to suit a fnd for the ooBresUon that
win be here nest ainomer. The yea-

eral pnbUc can see the room of the
BBTsI resen-ee. and the merebasta
cah be creatly beaeflted becanse th^
can offer aOMlal iBdocetuenU.fer the
Popple of the aurroundlBs conntry to
come in dbritty the days of tbe fair
and do their l^lda}- abopplnK. This
feature baa bMO'nrtcd by the
chabu .for eom time. ai tbe pobUe
pnrehase their fifu early and so da
away «1th the {meat ruah of tbe laat
few da)w before Christmas. Tbe cuslomcra can be niven better service,
.the^rks win tmt be all worn out.
and tbe gifts that are to be seat by
mall or express will bo received
time, sod -no dsnger of being held Bp
for Uck of lime to handle tbe vast
amcfunl of packages Ttaat‘arc always

tUie aaya her bn^ad is now nim-b w-hitvr. tliaV it has a
mold delicious flavor and that ber pastr}* is simply grand.
There probably arc olheni who have not yet seen the
light. Wc know there are a few wire do not use

Lily White
“ The Flour the Eiest Cooks Use.”
They arc aiuccK* in their belief that- what they arc now'
naing cannot be excdled—but they are-niixiakeu.
Sometiiium, of coutk, women who are used to another
brand do not get the best Veaulta from Lily kVfaite'on thc-first
trial bocaiue they are not familiar with the beat Inothod of
handling it

Would Not OtocMS QaaMlaa «f.A»
ceptiag Piaea In Wilaeira


tqiiL^ ttua

fbeyenuo. Wjo.. Nov. 11.—Aftor
I.. J. Uryaal. srbo was foan-l nacoo-, acvcral years spent lo efforu to evaded
sricnis'aMr Birctawood last Saturdaf trial, George W. Dally. Ullbcrtorco
morning, baa rccovcied from bis 111 Sully. Rafuk F. Ireland and aovcral
neM and It later developed that be asaoclat^.of New York are und-;r
was working near tbe spot uken he court onler to'^pem-bet* this atv'k.
defendanu in tbe caoea brougUt
was taken with one of bl* bad spelto.
He bad no Intention of suicide and against them by tbu federal govein-'
never, baa. be being nierelr tbe vic­ xiicBt for (be cancellatlim of patent:
tim of an lacnraUe disease wUcb to to valuable coal Isoda in tbe Big Horn
liable to attack biin at any time. It is conntry. The cnaea Inv-otve 9.5«'t
s of laud
have been apto be rogretted that tbe Wea became
■proad abroad, for bit sudden mneaai .praiaed by government experta at
It to -Mtoctd- that- tteL.
came upon blm durlpg tbe toune of
landa were filed upon by daminj'
his refolnr duties.
<mti3-«MO tor the benefit of omI compaalea conucdled by tbe'defeudanta.'


lied at tbe show;


We Devote Ibis “Ad” Especially to

Unsurpassed Values in Suits
and Overcoats
There’s economy and all-rotmd satisfaction in choosing a
Suit or Overcoat from onr splendid collection of Fall and Win­
ter Styles. November offerings include unsurpassed values.
that must be seen to be appreciated. No man or boy can afford
to overlook these wonderful Suit and Overcoat Bargains.
One Rack ol


Men’s Suits
$7.48 &^5.98


Vois:t City Milling Company,
Qraad R«pld», Mich.

KyaelklsA;-comer of Front and Uawi

Mackinaws for Men
and Boys

l>a.v are at
tknue good

things' to «l si;e eranbemlea. apple*, rijn- olive*, dilf pickU*.
■suer itruut rutaup. Heinz. |jee & rerriu. aud Anvhuljc Ssuee.
baked'bewns. macardnl. verniieelli. s|*aghetli. raisins, currants,

InelnJe a pound ur^ of the l.u*l mffee in the land—

Chase & Sanborn

uV 4U cents a |wuud, or in 2-

ftouud cans, at 78 eeutii^i^ Seal BraudTea at 50 ecuU per

goods to do ao, and we guaraiittH- aatiafaeliou it the coruFr
of Frout and C'haa str«*ets.

Comer 1>YoDt A Caa Streets.

\ Next Time :
♦ Don't forget to include in your order for J

BEST flour, a sack of our

Guaranteed Fresh and Pure.


$5.98 & $7.98


Heie’s News
for Yon

Only $3.98

Mr. Man, You Can Sfrclch the Purchasing Power
1 of Your DoUars About 33^% by Buying Your
Clothing at

Wc thank our cuatopiera for the liberal uiaoput of trade
We have received and incite ihoar who have not ttied our

At $9.98

' Sea Darla—traverse Cltr-Suie bosThe gfeslesl values
lectien made for this Stills posseu the styles
and quality of much
Bentley Sweet—F.-M. Jb«eU Eat.
Qly at these
DaUcy Sweet-Jeaac W«dU.
Wordi $7.50
Woodedul Add they fit pn^ly. pnees.
Baldwin—pbaa. Montague. Ralph
value bt the money.
,aad $10.
Sonugua D. H. Day. B. J. Moreaaj
Sec our line«of Kirschbaum Suits and Overcoats.
Guaranteed in
'Black Detroit—Golden farm.
Colvcrt—FTaak OreOlch.
every particular, at $15 to $25
Canada Red-Cba*. Moatague. J. W.
Glllctt. R. no)-d CUneb. . ,
, Mea's High Grade OvcrcoatB
■ltd ReeaU
Cayw Red Streak—D. If. Day.
Overcoats at $9 98
Dropdoro-R. Floyd CUnch.
E=iopus (Spltzenlwrgl — Traverao
Heavy winter weights. Sewed so they w.ll Iiiadi-. p'rf.H-. tilting uvi-rcoals.- equal to an
SU.CrO v.ilui- In town
City State ilospiul.
Fallawaler-B. 3. Mortna farm. F.
Overcoats at 113.48
Priced here at, pair
M. Jewett farm, Trarcree aty SUte
Ho^e«er. Nov. it.—.Never in tbe
' Golden Rnaact—J. IV. Markham. T. blatory of Ibe Americmt Federation of
at 98c, $1.25, and $1.39
C. SUte Hospital. R. Floyd Olacta.
Labor baa the mcnibcnblp .baca
Cano—F. M. JewAt farm.
larger and tbe outkwk rosier, accord­
Grimes Golden—Frank Grelllcfc, O- ing to President Compel*' message at
the opening of tbe anniwl-convenUpn.
Flannel lined, high st9rm collar. The
Tbe membership to now UIKOW.'-He
Jesse Wens. R. floyd Clinch, D. H. urged labor to support tbe ioitlatlve.
kind you would find priced elsewhere
We offer bur.- ail-auul aeige
referendum and tecnlt
at $7.M. Here we have them
Mitts, with Knlckt-rbiKkrr panI*,
Nortbwcateni Grecnlag—Trarersei
In summing up ho gave .tbp follow­
City State Hospital.
ing idea of tbe situation
and (be panu arv lin'ql Juat fen--b
J. Mor­
Tbe past year has been one of trecults are tmid In other alotes at
gan fann. James Uilben, D. H. Day.
mradoua' stteas. responalbBKT and arHoney Sweet—J. M.GlUett.
SO'.ou and SO.w. Our priro far a
^vily—problewa,..dntU^ ''dtBicuUlcs.
Jonathan—Traveree City SUte ilpsbmilvd liuu'. ouI>
;In tapUFs»ccrs»to». - Y'ot. u-itb. an bonKing—li. J. Mor^n farpi. Tra>
Trav^erai «t^^1k»llfi^to feeling of ^ficud'OlMK ilra.'organiacd labor can review the
All kinds, moderately priced.^
D. H. Oar. U.
progeess made, tor dcsidte all hlDMann—Traverse Ctl>' SUta Uoapi- drance and obstacles, wc have made
Men-* Duck
flaL,'i*tu!i«iMaaia^ \%mm .
UL M. C. Guild.
elcady . progress. The stnigslc baa
CMt* bl.-tnk- t
Mother—Finley Hamamnd.
l«en bi^rvl. the airaiu inicns-.-. the
Ini-d. good
Til itMHntosh Bed-H. Hold CUn.-b.
torccs-drruvvd agalusCtUsorvndimt-•Inf’!} ivilliirs;
Nbnbem Sp}—A. I*, lira}-. B. J. Icse ibau-ai any time betoro—and j et
Morgan farm. C. H. SuaUwood. J. W. organlMHl labor to stronger tbau ever.
Markham. U. J. Thles. Ctas. Monu
We have, fought a good tebt. and
gua Wmiam Love. Jesse WeUa, Traverse City State Hosplul. J. M. GBto-ii. R. Floyd Clinch. D. H. Dky, W. M.
Umber Twlg-^Ted Dalzcll.
Ontario-^ J. MOTgaa farm.'
Sfarievo—B. J. Morgan farm.
Kocksbury Rnssett—R. Hoyd CUncblRibstoD Pippin------Traverse City
State Hosplt^.
Salome—P.,W. Jewett fam.
Snow—Chaa Meniaguc, J. U'.-Markbam.
Yon can get abMl ww-Uilrd more tor yonr money ot SMnb^rg BroUiers, than at any oUier
Surks—James Hilbert, D. H. Day.
more ta-Traverse dly, one yonniodmll that oehonee to save-^iiohoold not be Overlookeda J. ktorgas farm. Trav-erae City
SUte HoupluL
Shiawassee Boauiy—F. M. Jewett,
Now wc know yo-j11 hear 'ion: oUu-i ibat
^sslWc.' thfj ll tell J
- -mHbb'—I
Twenty-Ouace PIpptor-B. J( Mot__________
_ .
and VtTE DO- Tiieir
who was pat in toil fbr »-omv irilUns offi-n*.-.
■of tbe
farm. F. Sf. JeWett tana.
1. J.
exclain.'q- "AVjiv. ih<-r<.ant
ih<-r «.ant put 'v-u in to'l l®r tbaiV
ikent that be bad !>«-P am-strd. and rxclain.'qGUletf.
raid tbe
prisoner.' "biAitbey HAVE put m<- is jail.'
TolmSB Sweet—B. J. Morgaa farm,.
Just remember ibis mory when other dealera tell you ...
F. M. Jewett farm. J- W. Msrkham,
tbau tbev COB. Remember. too.,tbai WE ARE DOING THIS VERY THING—•riling the beM
Traverse aty State Ilogpltsl. W. M.
at ow-4ourUi to onedWtd bt^kto- tother *tor«# price* You tn-kd ■•plj to ti«ke t«iipari»ou
of tbl» foit.
naode *by *e con do hu>h brut- t
Wolf River—Jacob Wlntew.-Prank
_ .. U eee bow crowded this ««fv U with bleh-gradr
OrelUck. M. C. CinlW. John Oniiner.
}ou will reiUte wby our price* are lower tbau uihere eborge-ror clothiag <
Winter Basann—B. J. Morgan faro.
Ipe Savtag laat the Oaly Advaalage We Can OUer You. Elmer )
Willow Twig—B. J. Worm farm.
.. th<- price*, and «e rnjronti" for -atirlwWagener—HeniT Ketocb, WUUam
r u>'W feiyKe. fabna paiierns and colors Ibnii you'll hod an'-wa.-r»- cd*lorj—
Uve, B. J. Morgan fam. J. W. Markat tbe»e price*, whlck fact mokes the choosing t_..
bam. C. r. Eapf. M. C- Guild. Traveroe
Meo'g Fall Suit* and Overcoats: worth from II.'.Of' lb $k-4.P«''.
aty State Botpltal. J. M. DlUMt. a
Gobd popular priced aslta aad ororcoots. worth }i:.» aana I!
II. Day.
: you won't regret it. we a
WeaiBeM 8«ek-Ko-Fivtber — Ttot.

■en*s Black Irisk Frieze Reefers


t^l^s Ovmoats

Men’s Canada Grey Pants

Your dealer gladly scUa it.

ThingK tlial you want for

Warsted Suits


But after they vateh on they are enthusiastic'Lily White

It is i>ac]u.-d iu^AHZM^, sewed aaeka, with oar name
on «adi.


only hope and aim to
: Bideted. Bat 1 trust that this report
Or- cause to tbe tulle<t limit of whatever I will convey S0BM- adequate cuncepUok
sto strength a^ atnity I may possess and of the Work ! Uve irW to direct aaR
for thereby, in jt roeosbre, justlly the re­ avcompUsb, and something ^ my de­
tbe spect. Gon&de&c* and co-opcrsUci. oi , sire* UU.
and >«IIU1UC»
yosmmfis .or
lor IDC
tbe rniae
cause «
! which i~barc been glv ing ail of my «*■
my fellow aorker*.
KT. tiK
thought, and real tint I count It
This report to necessarily
-lllspem 1^ the rcouU* bring freer,
and iedves much i be desired:
•d Uboe l>
better. Bbppier Ul«: tv> all the people,
the M.I of
broad to be covered by onv one single i There *»• nvvt-r a vsn.'e or a wort
account. Our OeRl is a* broao as life: I more worth « hilv< than this It ig an
daxen sutok the Itftta NaMbaal Apf
' flonor to liave vven tbe -.tnalieKt. part
problem* are the dlfncultle*.
^ Show ijpeaed in Spokaae today,-. T*** !•«*'■'> •*“' >J“vcre ai-U-it of cothat has existed beivceo mr Injualic e. the aorro*. Ite- IdeaH. of In nor stragslv fur human
and' will cendaae aaUl Sautrday. Dur-ieiwratlOB
entrusted to the keeping of r-rgdUthe toilers of our trusd laml. Our
lag-tbe week-wfnhe abow tbe at,...
srosera of tbe PavlOe Xojthweai. UKtaoJ «».«etf. has i -iliuted tlfe deter movement is a i«n of life, s ith all &f Isod labor, are twacr and oppoiionUy
SCtbcr Viib orckard byiwoduct manu l »in*ilon of lollrfrs and the expcmlon iis ioiiw-rfecttiin* aspUutions.. and to light for ibt^xight. to strlko dokn
the wienS
faetdrers. railway trafBc manMcrsl^f
We have twen stHviDK.s for tbe IbUiCS v>e )vbuld
and bankera, are to bold an Imporuov unanimous as to iioUcick and mviho.l» seiilevv. It is oaiy |««aiMv to deal
the real
real:*t>.l better ***1.
to ^denvor to ^vejffo'' lurtberlng the cause of organtz-d ntoel !:r:ell}. even »itb matters that best expm*. I'tMtr-j>bc ) till.-Anjericmn-tvDtiocm. The have required e»iH»al aii<«tiofl .dar­ For Ibr arblevempi.'t of those ennob­
a gumber of preising prwbit-ni* ar-|.l“tojr
ing the year TheiV are man> other*, ling aspiraUoes it 1* an honor i
t and goo|d wiU ul ibe
Terttng tbe apple Induairy.
atu file-«» tenerallv some just ns Important, tha^bav^ not lilt not lor a battb- or a caruwlg
, them are the questions ot dj*.flabor-tlie 'rank
rank and
bu; lor all time. *o long a* .life lasts
I..* and
trHwtloo.of the fa« incTeoalng apploUu'J
fenerously given me in mv ef iMeu brvucM into prominence iMs aa-e
Again let uiev»a}. orimnise. that
rop. and tbe matter of profiuW-'*^*’f^»
helpful lo th, m and u> all of* new problems or . hanging roodishoulder to shoulder we n-a} press
uUlUailon ot orckard by-product*.
?PPr«iaie.I Ur Wyood lious—inese. though joM a* ewenlial
, can not U- here <-on- onvard and.upKsrti
■jiiy power of verbal expr.-ssloo. My j to tbe

New Votk Men Muat Afwwcr Fraud

- Now.ahc n-ondera limr abc coubi <-v<-r have been so blind
—u content with Uit* oUtcr. bra&tl of tlour.

U. IMS i


BmM nomtcT

A woiiuin wlio liad used one brand of tinur i«r mau.v years
and tbouffht it bad uo auiKiior was fiiTall}- iM-iauaded by lit-r
■on to get Lily WLltv-


_ - cbeervd aad bearuaed
i-Togreas aad victurlea. Orgaalse'.
garl'c' OreaWre' bse -baeo anr
and vSU be cur insplrattoa
^r.1 >W W«IN^tg~at Wwt-|,be ,ork of the ae. year and
AAV* PR06RCMIVCS WILL CONfyear* to come.
. By. the magic token of

Waauingloa. ,\ov. II.—"Tbe
grcaalraa srlli ccnalaly eootrM dw
next mBgreaa." was tbe deelaraUoa of
W’nifam J. Bryaa. ‘The senatora aad
represeatatives were elected o atbe
Baltimore piafform.- lie is vtoitiBg
Tbe luerchsUts wtll do well to bear bis son here aad going on a winter va­
this in mind and i^das tbrir adrertla* cation to Florida. "Are you to jdek
" be was
ing and tbeir siocki accordingly and
get tbeir gooda on display at «
Borne of them have -already ^aced
tbeir holiday goods on sale.

A -Woman’s

V* fcAat-Y. ipnpanAV


erse City Sute Heqilul.
Yellow BclUtower-lL W. Uodgr, R.
>Toyd CUneb.
Betted Bleiita.
Queen City nootl Co. F. iL
Nligsru—Dr. Ptemmlsg.Csrrow, Jsa.

FI011UI.-1 Ghins iir all <^olor» and

Ttio bek liiiii 6t^ -Supeftod-

kiodsi^Sbt or heavy we^ts. at

.-Md '.'Wblte Ca4".tor.P««S st.«i
S1-SR rxo. St Stse, SSAO and |£

SI, S1.2S, StAO, $2 and SZAO. ,



TitfT DESlftES
roucr B FiiuY euiun

protu) pafvnu of a Ubr twy Uioi wrhi%; at^ilieir ko«c ckeUoo <ia>v
Vri. Silvan aini aon Jobs mo*«d
to Traiv'ra« «r«ty -Tucaday. ba>ias
neoted tbcir.fann U> Fred Saerjrer;.
Mrs. J<M»aa aM Marcam Urhi-x«4
Epeai MoMlay in Traveree CUy abjopPins.
i1ra.,.>lcl4itiro apd d»««bter Miat
FrasrU were Ipterlocben
Tburaday>!ra. E. lUrr vaa a Traverae City
talh-r TharaOjv.
bfra_8eabriftbt aod daucbter Go
‘.rude were Ti^rerse City caUcra MiWday.'
Mlu Pearl Beynuids drove to Tr*v■M City TUurada}.
Nov. 8. ■

WHI be Fol-

ts inm suQT
Min Mary Melichar EnterUtned at
Morgan Home.

y advice. M> bupe tlila areat tneill
rlne will yet be aold In every drup
! In Porto Kin>." For itbroaf and
iUD< ironblea it liB» nu e<|ual. A irlai
, Will eoDvJDCe yon of Ita merit. eUc
Biid tl.oo. TrW bottle tree. Cuaran’ teed by all druotUlB <of Tiwveiwo C'Itv.

isd'is j5:sssass.i!'c!iK
sssS's gaa«ss.‘ssi!sisf

a 8% s a ’£ E a E Si “ a s. £ IS a s s
iK'a;* Xssssivaijsiafi'
a svi S s ^ a a a E E V E si; E s a E
u a” a e je r. s a
ssas E-j;s a ass E 2g|ss
S s‘b a B 2 2 E a SPSS's 2 a e i
isasa”5SSsa*s*s|2 2c
s¥a KS2 2 as s s ■ a¥a iT|f|

2E2EB2SiaS K»*asa SgE J
c .iT. -.w. . i E - f, = ; 2 ; ¥

WaabinKlOD. Nov. !>.—Wb»t Ik
«ant» from cuDen-sa ilile coinlaK »e»Bhm. (he laM of bii adniiniairation
and wbai he will acinally |
Ihe <iue&tioD8 which PresMent Taft
wrettled. with towiy when be Iwgan
the artive w^k of iea|.|)liiK
aimual inekUKe. The preiiUeut plans
make bis rorthconiiiic inessue a
"( lean up" of all lesUlatiou advocat­
ed by the rcpubllainB. a reeutue ot the
■■otirtcs for wbicli big adminigiratlon
has sioud'and wlilcb as yti reutalu uiiacted on. I| will lake every molueni
of ibf IcKiKlaloiV time
|>ass Ibe kU
en routine aiipmiirlaltoli bllU.
Ilul Tbft wll »bift to nmttresa re
g|»nglbimy tor a leeiglative proRiTim
of eitorujous mannltudv. Failure
coucrexs to admit that pivitraiu will
Kite the republit-aitg llielr umiortunTly
I lay blanio on the democrailc houiM-.
The preablent
told deuannicni
heade at today* cabinet mectiiic that
be t>ro|ioses to follow- hi* plan of lagi
imJttUiR «nc RenemI .me*■ace wben coitRrces convene* and fol
lowlni; w'ltli ci>ecl*l *u|i|>leiiientar>'
ilarglnR on the lopic* dU
icussed in the annual document.
Taft ami bis "olHclal family" made
no attempt to conceal tbelr firm be­
lief that a spiw-ial aesslon of consre**
will be called soon after Jlareb i by
Pit«l(leut Wibou. All official Waab
Inston ea|>ectK it.
AtnmiK the recommenilatlon.s which
he' will suhuili, I’ruBidetil Taft today

Till- jlresldeUl Im* been iiiforiiicil Uial
denioerallr leaders In Ihu huiiko will
nol alfc-mpt tari/f refonu this winter.
Ii-at lug. such legislatiou for the efa
itected i-xira session. For this reason
executive desires lo make '(lutariff section ot his message a compleio ttatonieiil of the Kpublican at­
titude on the subleci.
The president Indicated -that be w ill
pplemenury iegisUtion to the
hl.ennan ‘bntl-trust law and federal
ineorporaUon law.
new- -passitort and trade treaty
wMth Russia.
Workmen s compcnaatlon and in
dusirial insurance act
Adoption of a new code for tbc
federal Judiciary to expedite Jnsbto
and yet protect liiigauls.
storatkiu of a nou-pantsau u-lff
Continuance dt lliu ucououiy uud et-


■E a :Vi; a s f s s - s 2 E S a s I

" - £ - E - in as i □

2 62a a 2 s 6 S E a ■= £ g asE s-s
EEIE J E E E E E jjEE _ Ee g = „ f

a sa SB £2 a f s a £ e e ££ £ s is
£ S E E £ S B a 2 j £ 2s a £ E g E 2
£“£E~ -E-EW-E_E-E= „i g

a 8 a g6 8 £ E S g E 2 JS E .£ £ ,j

Protettion and eitcmisiX of CivH
A retirement scheme for supersnpuated goremuienl employes.
Adoption of the budget sy-stcia
Kxtonsloii of parcel* post.
AppioprisUons for an extra n
■•atUosblp ttt* winter and three i
uually hereafter.
Fonillcatiou and oi<crflug of 0i»
I’Bimma cuuai. wiUi a law* iK-rmlttiiig
lorelgu tmtlouB to apptol
lireme court from the free lolls con­
cessions . given American cosaPwlse
essels- -■
An iiUornatloual invesMsaliOu of tho
high roBt of living.
Development of A^teka.
Ship subsidy-, with registration for
vessels to lutrotse tho Ameriran
merchant marhic.

ESVE E-—E EE E E - E - • - J |


aB!;^£EiiESK = l;.iES£af-:

-i. Ilruckini sml daughti r -Mis*
llclli of Traverse I’lty «i>eiil the wc-l
lid calling oil- old ificuils.
Mr. and .Mrs. I). <au|ibrll •>! 3ra<
rsc rUj wcTO ciicsts of Mrs.
Wi-dbcsday t-veftlnc.
.MiBB .Miller, tlie iiuisc who ha.
-tiargc of Mrs. Nelson duritiK her il
ness, ivtunied - o -Traverse
City Me.e

K a 6 S g 68 g asg. = sa * 5 EVI
.£iTEi-- EVEEt-J-.^EE!



Mr*. Irene . Pomeroy Sbiold*. wl,
has iioen ppeudlng the aumuier a
her farm at MoniiOe renter, was thgussi of Mtw. Batey Wednesday. Mr»
BbleMa was on her way- home b> Ila;
1> E. Crandall, transseted businta:
I TVavers*- City Monday.
Mrs. C. A. Clark returned from
kik Rapid* Thursday, where she
bc«u fur the lutst two works on
of the serious illness of her
Wallace lioxate.U uwving back
bit farm today .
Mrs. tetlb of Traverse Cftf was In
town TbocaAar
Mr. and Mr* C. Kau. wb».rscx>DtJ<
mored to Borllngton, Mich

(Frcbn Thursday’s Record lihisle )
.Ml&K Mary Mellrbur wa* honor
eucst at a pn‘-oiiptial lurty giyen lai-i
eventUR a< the home of Mr*. J. f. MorSislh street, when meiubert-of her
Sunday K-hool class, of which Mrs.
.MorBan wns Tomierl.r teacher, ntci to
heiii napklus lor her and M>cnd a so­
cial evening. A busy hour with the
naedle. fHemlly conversation and an
apiMHiiiuR loncbeou a* tlie bundubioii
icAdv the evvtiing out- of pleasure for
.Miss.Melicbars-taiarrlaRo to t-Vank
Bhsler Itaa beeu aunuunced to -Uke
place Wednesday eveuiui:, N'ov. 1".
S o’»loc-k. Sbo Ita* many friends
the city who wjll ioln in eslcndluj
best w'iBbee for a happy future.




j £8S6liSSSS«^2¥it*^ t
Sloan's Liniment is aquid
and reliable remedy for Ume-^
ness in horses and odxct farm";


Uail.M tilBBV.OriBV riwi’i,E*g„
E^.I>..>-A.a.T6itM:--lb«i»B>ar» '
* ua a> »lnp»— <»> W aSca Bad coa .




■ ££¥£El«WS¥*S3S5¥rjg
ss¥¥sni^s ¥2 rsipt-pi



VSSB6 eB»ft3«2E2S=lff- "e
■ yE..E.; :Eff-E5-;—=eeiT:V--j

is a tjuicli and safe remedy j
for hog cboltj-a.
CavanMT «f Cuftb m
Sfa—'B LMmi («r H«s C
>i-r. ltcun<vb«l>aBll*A.
I.ri>~-r 1 IJV tl»t lui bwl »ce=r%« a

SS£ 8 ST£ 88 88 - K£ 6 pB'S;

' 68826 288888282888511
I 2E8Sgi588SB882S^|

lusim'-tit of »l»p«. *111 .11 :|

««ro Bt |1>« Acnmllaral CbIImhB
!■« dlKOMloa <S (£• ■
MM-, Wot. Bran
ro>(« .*ta. mww.
i:4>e tUennsUyauiael
.lael Bi oiifaillBS." .
Sava^Lsaun UaiLV
-Sara .
.11 .lit Dwalcr.. SSa..*ac.«l


-T; —--

i 58Va^2S3¥8^^8SffsaTf
^ Ea8S6i8S¥*¥8Sg*Tss- :|

■ -tKJKMSSa;"
AUiWi fir. Bart E S«s>. 1

■ 2SSSS :82sap-E2aS|rf'

Flfr l4iko ....
tJarfleld ..........
Green LAlio
layng Uke ...
Maylleld .....
I'aradise ......
JVulnsula ....

: E'sa^s'iaaar^^aSaESs—f
’ 88686 ■88aS22S«|5s" ¥

Ni-w Yosk, .No». f.—The tirst invlialioo to bo extruded to J’resiJeul-elect
U'uodruw- Wilson to attend a social
function arrived from the IroQuois
vluh of Chicago. The gorenior, v
asked to niieiid a Jt Ferson day baunuft-

Whitewater ..
First wanl —
SetoiiU ward .


illair .......... ....
blast Uay -----l••lfe lAke ....
GarOeld ..........
Grant ..............
Green I«ke .
Long Lake ...
MayUeld .....
Peninsula ...
I nion .............
IVbUewaier .
First ward ...
Second ward .
Third ward ..
Fourth ward .
Fifth ward ...

: —-T

Tmt uiUBt have' good hcullh.
ewii'i have good health if your liver Is
uol dolng its duty. Slow but surv pul­
i'siaiitij; i* Koitigwn till ilic inin: under
such <ioiidiGomi beiwune bilious liupuniiss arc goitiuK into the blood. Ur.
pet thn liver in order, purify the
Bioma'cb atid bowels and act i
louic 'mi the entire system. Price
cenu. Sold by all drviRClst*.

I sa-2¥-s^Sa6feS»a»'8*Ss |2
’ aWs's'taffsa'SiSsgpf f
‘ s3s¥ss8fts5ai;si||'r f

Europe wicbdtd
EOO.OOO nen to make eoldlera of them.
They «ro kept from one to three
years. M'hat an appalling waste;
bow doubly prepostcrod* if eOcieocr
can be insured with mUltla umtdlnC
—New York World,

Fla'ggea Train With Shirt
T'Wrjng his shirt from bis back au
Ohio man flagged a train and saved
it frvuu a wreck, ^ut H..T. Alstud.
Kalclglt. N. C , ono- proveoled. r
wreck wtili Electric Uitlei*. "I vriu
Totals .
ill a terdbir plight when I* begun ti
•|is.;H.eui," fie vkrit-'s. "my stomach,
head, back and kidneys were'all badly
1*. wiibjeffeaed and my llrerwa* in bad
but the . crowd cheruv
a, aniQil' Pitiun'. but four boUloe of Elnerlc' Bib
¥u4od h&dm he hejd
tioutcJ< 1 ter* made uiu fuel like a now man."
round box. "Fellows!"
Siilvc I li-iM
h-iM ' \ trial w:I| convince you of tbelr
‘ir* Arnica Sulvc
ihla. Iluckleir
iicliIcB.s uirrii for : stouacb.
ovcrvlliiiig' boat for, buiiiS.
............. .%i.lnc.v trouble. Pricy
JHplii ■ ai>o Yor U'lls. tilcer*.
at all dnregvsiB of Travv-i-ae City.
pimpic*. otseuiB. cut*, sprtun*.
*•>». SiircBi • pile cure. It j<ul>dit<-.4
liiflaiimiaU<m.-kltlB pain. Only !;
MONEY TO LOAN'^on Rood aftd>wel]
at all druggists vf Truvt-rw t
11. <'. UaTis. 31S
Siaio Bank Oldg, Traverse City,
Pretty Siirw.'
YVhweTer a man is Uir
the deep sea Ac is preUy sure, to fli
the deyfl on the other aide ot him.
ami K the foundation of Wealthgood digestion—is attacked. <iuirk cc!laiwe follow*. On tbe'tirsi sign* of
ifldlgeslifii. Hr. KUib'b New l.lfc Pill►tiould «£• taken to tone the stum
•! owels.
i'!. cents at nil dlttgsisl* c

; i55sl8s¥=8ss¥|alT5]f
’ sB-»2-

“^8888 "

rart" -«»rtrag-~:~a«ir8*»'7;y

■ ¥6S6¥2¥Srs¥--681sfT
'■ ■r66s¥s¥s¥Er£ir25pr _
‘ S¥5«Titlf5¥s|!2SSff2^|

WUl Pay Blfbesf
Prices tor

! g-.rgE2-p.--E.-EE-. -S5B“;¥

F U R^i5l
732 E FttiDi S(. Bqik £W*.
Nor *-4IBlb.-


SSS»S«rsB*W'* —^


mESSaa^sssffief f

and rapid.

oT this bank ;ha's been steady

Modem methods, superior facilities. couJteoQS treatment, comtwed with & lai^e
capital and surplus have helped this lu^tution\ to aiuip its strong position and the
^oodVill of the people of this city.
We solicit the accounts of individuals,
merchants, 'manufacturers, fanners and

U«fc,0«lnJ of me U. S. TiraiEj

- g.-t2-“-*-S2*-^2gJ68~f

- SS¥S”a82n8SS-66ff
2 288685s 6 ss^ssis!

Ui.iniiiiUiiiil I



m L£6 HUNTMfi

:tk* Cow roaac MIm Vbo UA
tMlfptuu< •
« .
UnOt* skoft tW tlM kiMKiw -all
uaam *«»y ntl ww twUlH a Mm
«klv*. wlO not b« (orgkUra la

W* party of foar •« make up of
WMt« \ii CMrt N*ar BMM r^ump Aua
iCMil ank l^or f>»aiftHn. a Nolao*
W»( eiKh«r0Ml IMP
/aasing Itom II to W year*. Tlir bO]
bar* oftn goao bmilof togotber, aiH
Amoaa tb«> ibw habtiDC
«r^ la ibp alaahieict aaar taiM tk«r
Ilka-* ao old- oabla wbafa tb*r «av

: QAiore you put on a roof it wUl pay you to figure
the coat of the different materials and the life ^of
thhm. When you do this we think you will be convino|d that Prepared Roofing is the best thing to uie,
providing you get one that U good. We have a roof­
ing that we know is good. We have sold it for eight
years end have never had a complaint nor a poor
piece. It IS eafled Rooftite. It is^made of genuine
rag felt and pure gum asphalt and we guarantee it
to give satisfaetioB. Come in and let us show you


twafkkF kkiki i
kkat la tb* -moralac. ttot it
abkrt xjma cMM to a aal «M «bM
Oiffiar roMMak (k* ruU.kiaehaiva of
a puhpM^n ta Ma Mft ftot. Th* oik>^
ban war* up.batere Mr. OMoer. •i. J
vhIM oa* of tkein va^
tMat tkc mni ihai it raa ar*W*r;.iiiy
BCk. A pbyaMaa wae
aak Mr. Orgarr «ae bi%Mb*.
t» «k* no-.' Tb* abot
tbrough tb* nkl* )olnu
(iMiraytot a ail wdl ap lato tbe
•«. A*-n*atH»0 .‘n« Rbov* ih* naklwss aecMfaiT.
No NR»e li pat oa any on-- oC ili-’
SRjtr. tak tk* roBkR frttaa-who i* cril^
PM tia Me eaateau Unaetf wUb
MriRR. “It mteht have bappett
ti.roae. and li mighi cairfly bar*
aaotb*r of the pdrl;

LRfl Nata Saplfis TMt StruOQM Uo4*r eampMiiivt SycMNi i« Not
Worth While.
• Clhark. Kea.. Snv 11.—JiiUui A
Wajlink. ownrr of ihr -Appeal to
the ' b*< known Sonallsi
***vi^ i.Kindfk
ilootloc hlin»*K
IB tbe nwutb at hU bom* her* today.
M# left a nol* aaylna “Tb* struintle
iiSdw tb* compktillve «y»t*m l»n’t
arnrtb a-Jill*. l*i it pn**" Ho was
mrlanchol) alnr* his wife was kljird
an autoiDPbn* arrlrlrni a >'<-ar

la MM-SMsM FaaMom ol

Coals. Sans sad Dresses at
IS.75, $».Sd aad 127.50



New arrivals in .wanted weaves, in Corduipy and New Clolh and Fur Fabrics.


DBES5 SHCmrS at 15,17.5S aad tS.75
AHlte beu Btatk and Daik Navy-Mannish Weaves, Two-lone
DsgonA; Stonn Serges and heavy Cordurot-s; hi^ waist Him,
ai(^e^<^ftct trimnrings~-“CUsiy” styles.

m state mastek



nW HIS 1,500 HIJ0H1Y


Coats The BARNEY Co.
Suits SpeeMl November Economies
Dresses lOjdles’ nd JuntiMr’s

Local Markets


Mmetim DERE1

Siqiplying Your Winter Wants

Every ctepartment in this store is compietely equipped with just
the kind of goods that you need at this season, of the year.
And virn’ll Fliul ttie Qualities, Styles aad F*rtees Rigtit
Yon Mopty-Smbitliderea sltriU pwmpl yea to pwfif h Atoi s/^todid eftriags. NoU all the prieei.
Veu’ll imt find a mpee oampleie
stack of - Costa. Purs, eulia
I new. freah good* sod Just '
In this
you may be ieoKing (er.
every aarineot t* prteok ai its bonaRt
COATB. In Whitt anti
. |
CHlLOREN’t hIaVY chinchilla
COATB In gray,
and navy:titHto
ined wHh eomcaatlng shade* uf
e motorl*l; cheap
It BMO: our prie*.



The Shoe Department will b« a ve-y
busy aeetmn during November.



'fyt soft coal or wood
is a wonder Q
^tiieprice OaOW
IS inch size'

priert ot



“USIi- vs
..........1.48 Attas Steel

iT.ciiranm •vwv's-

We Sen the
Smoke consumer and
is guaranteed to bum
tbe heavy smoke and
gas firom soft coal and
Owl7tech ,

Warm, eon.fertabl* kinds for womin
and children. You buy uojtorwear at
saving pnccs -f you buy hher*.

ment. ,n regular a
very speoal
aoid eldewhere at 7Sc:
ehr pr,ee..pair
Splendid feeced garments


... '47d


leather: .»at*M leather Upa: St.TS








With large reservoir ami
Be^er «iluahtie* of LADIES’ UNHIN
•ulto far the money
warming ctoaet: ha* »>-S incli MEN’S S4NCH LEATHER TOP RUBSUITS
been efferad.
cover* asd all blue' oieel
- •
We are selling tbein
WORK CLOVES AND MITTENS:day to lestoime-i s.fter
inry. nav*
hare oompare,
wiita rangro coslfng i
drepa Rh«* m button and blucher
<Ntr prise
.vr«un«i« vu*chase
enables us to
A fortunate
styles: apeeUily
eHer thesa grand bargamt:
pricad aL pair.................. A,.
Fisecsd Bianketa. m gray only:

tSe. •LtA st-ss, tkto
aito aUS.


ruii mSIT-mSSt «




la. however. **•!•’*•■ r? diinaitea snl a pan of ou- 7,000 miiorUy: and who!
etidre** has been aithnslttr-l aboweC bv ibelr nfp their wimnrnesa'
beRrhic wpon this *|oe*lton. Havhie to share Ueir clUieiublp witS na. W.•'
, ,
onpilrM Mrtsdlrttoii. tb* ct»n alRbt rt* truy sratetnl to *«*b oat of ycw.'sMa a»l*ad tb LMt Loak Erom
retRlB the aaa* for the puepoae eti The tnaiiy throks of .Mary -McOm
Prlankf ChM«h
'dBlBR the asaiRit ot Mid daur will b* irtewad to lean) of her serto t*
If the pani«* deeire ib* roan :Hno*s Sbr Is sufferln: wiib typbml
vrtU paa upon the amoimt dr damap-a' fever.
Prlmry Eieetien Was Held Satur- or wlH b«»r further leetlmony If ihej Mr. and Mr*. Orville Pm* bavo''.inemlar sevrice
kiy. SRwaral Reforms Aro
Traverae Oty (or the «ln- church yeatevdaj was a baf^y o oot dralre lo have the dam- moved
UrfM By MembMW.
.bnrrb baa bee-.
ages kMerniosM In thir proceediciga. ler. Mrs.. Fake Mpetia to underio f„
operation this week. Her many burdened with a dehL .Ycwievnay Ktomtbe bHI will be
Dated. ObarlevoiT. MlrblRU. No- frteoda at tbia ptece hope ter
ipg. «iih oo bendag or ezhortetion.
Saturday wu primary day at Grand
hot after a Mmple and twain aaaUk.- ISIS.
Tmtwip"pnnge and tbe 'SrRbRees
siaiement jymccroing tbe flaanctal afvoted with all tbeir mlilst and main
(aira «
Aerordlnp to tbe new onler of thlRR«
Harv.-v,' I
each Rfancer who attend* the ii
of the mosey twdiig InrinekbuHy
lug at wblA tbk prtmvT !■ betd ha*
TbreoRh ihe efforta «f
rhaince to ,rt-rnrd hU preferenor
Helm, tbe Prlesds’ rbuitb *«■
for state master, seeretary. and fain
tensioD boaril has been pi'raMk^ to
About :
of 'lbc eseeiHite eonmliir*
give almoal a* imirii more. ’I’h* lotl-re*hed in ihU uelRhts-rliomt Ktlila
1%* Grand Travi
dies' Aid and Saidgy arhnot rtaaarv
unaninioUM vote elroted Rdward J and Saturday.
haw anrkest Mlbfid)) (<
SUsr Iterean l Ounn nust Miss Mar
Mrifullcn of Peoinsula townshir
lndebii,dHnsS. and bow Is (be llquida .
Omiid Traverse count) as iheli Uorsey ivort- tho nueais of MIm .tuiiii
on of the debt .1* an auured tart
ebpioe for master of the state Rr*n*e Cate Suuday: all of them acboo] teai-hCommmt la ararcely aecesaary lo
ilM ibo pranRers reaUaed that tbe
tell ho* a iieopte feSl when CPeed
jiWs. of elecilnR Mr. MrMulle
Ixonard UcTTliigtnn
not tbe be«. they tell It their
Bdlth were visiting old fnends an I
puah him to tbe front bent
oelghhor* Saturday and Suadv TljeCLAIMED THAT 11 UNffAV^ARLC
bis great Inieresi in the order and
ere from Bast Hay.
hie abiUty to represent the agrleul
Mr. and Mrs, Jobti \n.ite menlunU daaa.
around calling Sunday afternoon, an I Official Canva* Will Probably B*
ReaolutktRs were pased by |b< Incidentally to see the be» house of
ecOMary to Decide Fatd c
grangers proieaitnR tbe artlon of llu Oickeman's. which i* being >
Amend^nt; County Canexerutlte eommlttee of the sut. (hough tbe work pnArsoses rather
v*a«5ra u be Wauhek.
grange lb withdrawing names fron vtowiy.
Dertha Bcvtdhynicr was .tbe gues!
tbe primary ballot after the parilei
Detroit. .Xov. !• —WiKnanv-uffrase is
had been regularly ptft In nomins of Suste Perguaon on Sunday.
carried lii Michigan by l.r.en. accord
(Ion and demanding tbe withdrawn
____ Dunn, the teacher In Clear.
to the iTVised Agurek. hut not
of lion. John r Keirbum of Hastings bmok districi. now boards with mA withstanding this apparent victory, n
Prleaa eorraoted.aneb dap bp wfra
oandidate for the office ot •'Taokfaiher.
few vote* thrown om In eat* county (r<« CbiragD. DetTTrtL Toldfio aad
state master by agreement of thi
M'ill nark bad the little finger oa
mean Us defea^ and county c:u Bnffalo tbratiRb Unltad Praw tMbseveral taetlou thal Are fighting U i.U left hand n<‘Arl\ st-vcrml in saal
Erabb aarrion
vasers «n Tuesday will I,e watebed.
the plum. It seemed to he the opin s-ood with a^bur.k nw.
The charge Is being made ihat 1:
enj vlsiied
Ion of the grangers iBat the elevilor
Mr. and .Mrs Mvachcra
precinrit jn Wayne contiir are Iwitiof officers Is a matter for the mem trt M.Dueers on Simday.
witbb«-ld in ovemim any rnvomWe
Mr* BIU Good ceme out Sunday
bership to settle, and that thsrt
ijorliy at U.e I**i mlMiic
WaymrAmntenenii have been mad* (or
should l-e -no Imerfercnce from th- see ber mother. .Mr*. itO)nc. who et rooRt) has aliead. Rt.ea over in.oon
apecial represematlv* of tb* Beelulie sli-k at .Mrs-. Tom Wbites. he- majorit) against the ameniltneDi.
ordEa^le who -sill vbli the differmi
the pr>H'incia >--i to come were,
■nOcii^kots -4-n<h momlng, and
In addition to voting.ttelurday. th< uauhter.
.. .
Sr*. Burdick are going
rvintrelled prei incts. An ofricisl
itbr in-lces used, wlll'bc (boae (hsi pre- grangers dl*ciiss.-d elections. eVery
vsll for (hat. da.v. These will be abperaon present having an opportuni hW with Xri MrQueer ihia winter ;o
luiflvreUable. and tb* farmer*.
ty to talk. Some very IntcreMlnr
Bert Hbas baa aunrd' camp 0«
Isers and fruit grower* van depend
facia wore given to tbe world. Twe
wbat waa'ihe
Cbrit Strohm place. U|
on them
of tbe grangers present had voted
gel out '.(mlMT on Prank Aniesbuchtor iVeeinont in ihr-S. A number
Thi* iDOrnlng the marRet was alow
Ire’s pla.e,
tbe Biwakers told of the must exeli
(or tuber*, the growers are alering
-('better Meai-bem la wnrklng
Wesicrncra See Pally of Cempetlpg and btAdlng (or a higher price. Tboae
ing contests they bad c.vjicrleiiced
.'edar for the nillmulM.
Apple thevt.
reJolHng over the' enual suf
(hat are brought in arc Just the field
I.4-W Ketmedy and Herb t’orii i
frage victory was sung, tbe song
Rolt.g to luiul-er IWl actv* ot the
having been writioii expressly for tbs
Oraiiil Rapidr. Sov T. -Oirar RetuB.
PVesli egg* ate ve] Dtuiglas place In Kits
eccaSloQ .by Alrv.'R. K. Duryea.
Is a demand (or them gnd strictly
aon, the logs going to Kutliardfa aid
Noriherii l*acinc railroad. Is In Ihe Tresh nnd a read) tole.
cltv. .mV Seion stated that the nlan
Vardee A Hunt Praduce rompanp in imi on a display of apples grawn iff re buying alt the poultry that they
the northwest In Grand Rapids during in find arid the price is a Utile Mglithe week of ihe second annual Michi­ ec ibun usual The ralecra abnuld
gan land nnd Apple show ha* tieen bring In all ihgl they bav-e tn them
each Wednesday Just renloee the
The ease of Harvey Morrison
"We have nut the men lo siure
feathers i* nil that l» necesaan'.
pill on the hliow imrir at iliU ilnie," he
(fueen City kSlectrir I.Uhl and Ihvwoi
The farmers can sell all lUF eider
t'omimny,. *hl<di has been i-endltig in
said. -There U an exhildilon
api'le* (hill they van bring to (he dtp.
E. J. Bast visited riiends In Tra- MUtneai>olls this we^ and following both the rider mllla will lake all they
the cirrult court for aoiiie Umo, has
era* CIO' last Sunds)-.
that we go to I’hlcagn. anil.ull of tbe can get, ih-y itre uaing togefber 5.bTN-n decided upon by Judge P.
Our township board 1^ contc
Bvaitahle^men arc iiusv ]iri-|ciHng for »W hiiabcis a day. at :<u- per inn
Mayne. It was ^imed by (he"co
plslnant that the building of the dam ing tbe purchaae of /(afger balloi the show, oi are in ntiendance at il
exhibit. We may eon
on (he i-ompati)'a property caused boxes.
Mikeaell A Co. will buy nil'
JJUlc Ravinond- Pierre spent
in here later with un exhibit.'alibougb
great damage to bte land whicb was
seel apides they ran gel for *|h>ie
eannbi rav iwsitivel.
to- thal,'iltuked above bj"verH(>*. On Sv week In Traterwe Cli.v. tb* g.h-st of
butter, and Rnsaet apples ter Ruaset
urday the tniiowing ' decision «
An o|>Uon ha<l been secured l>> Mr. cider, ibeae sbonM be neparnled.
Mr. and Mrs, fart Richardson aiv Seion on the rooin formr-rly oeeiiiiled
given by Judge Unyne:
rejolclns over the arrival.of u nln- hy Corl. A Co., on. Norih HI
••lb my opinion, the complainant
Bound boy at Oielr boine last Wed vision aveniie. and It wa- the expreaaLIVEETOCK
this cRuae. by reaaon of the act*

|-is Knwtor. Ml-. CTandatl. la not -a ncaday. iTicea corievted .eaeb Monday.
ert incenilon at ilie time of the oixion
The ladies of Ismg' iJtke wish
tiled to the writ of injimcilrm
II a lavish dis-iiUy of the prodthank tbe ts loyal voters i'bo formiV nets ul the northwest, both
I rayed In the blit ot complaint
gRiln. The dlH|ila) of- linli, apple*
-..................................... 2H tojc
esjieelnll.v. would have brs-n 01 grrat
itiiere-r In lonnection with Ihe Mlth- launb* ...r............................................ it
Igau-klioiO Id (bat it could haie given Sheep .
the kres.eM of this , 'ale a nni. h need Cbirbetts
Dneks ...
cl olili-el lesson la t'he pre
■tacking apide' to obialn


. 69c
Globe B^arlment Store '^■’l.“SUr.;r“'”.-98c

piji Pleased BUnketa: »eed weight-


Kvery eommtinli) ought tri oxempliry .the enterprise and energy •.
' of its most progressive rllltens.,*
■ The widesi«-aLe citlxen ought to
• see the- imponance of devotingia
' share of* hi* lime to the public
• service III aid of bis comniDnltv.
i'uhil. Bi’lrii eharnrteiites the
' modeni siiieessful business nlan
• lie reailies ttaai he ts'jndeble>t to
Ihe rommually In which he baa
' attalDfd his sureess. and thal tbe
' best and most pracUeat method of
meeting ills obligation to (he communitv is to take an active inter- ■
esi in community
Aciivlile* of the disreputable
elements in any rornmnnlly
Inverse proportion to the indiffereme of (be r*sp*(tabl« vitievgs
jThe effect of good example is sal­
utary in (he comnraniiy a* well as *
In tbe famll.v
.Vforeovej. «b*n tbe eltizen* of
wide inflaenre—Hhc bankets and
merchants—Uke nnlve pan In •
commaDliy dev^opmenf the less
Influential ar* easily Indm-ed to
do likewise, for tlievo'aii Iw made
* to'see that their aid and infliieoce
are liu|«>n*ni.
Tboogh th^’r
sphere of InAuence 1. iesv eitett '
aive their voke and exanx'le are
potent, perbaiw mere ao 'ban
(heir more prosperous nHght«r>
would-be in the same n-her.
No one’s imervHe ip Traverse *
rlti are too '•airaril en--‘
nglng in the *ork-ot cOOltniiDily
I' totUdlag. -The gr«at simglb of
rhe American army to oald
doe to (he fact that each ^«er
U an offioer. So wbeti eaeb and *T*r> cUtsen Is working in eacn-. *
muntty buildtng 'bothlric cm teng •
!,• retard Us ptogr***..


-bv aX

FS«M F>ODUCS-*i,lf, Frte



FARM PRODUCE—sailing Fnea.

Cn-amery dfiM-r.............................. 2- •

.-ach day ihcn-ancr It naikct vorleV.s
Wheat......................................... '-boeg-.r
Oats................................... ........
.......................................... «■
... ,.50 to GSr


I- . —. ..'.

I tro^D



-C .%

SAT iiiM towat, m. ix i«l

........... »»Hv gt


T JL-#

•( nr bora eC ■ffmni .BI^IH mr g
<mr ••• a»t <
MMftU Ub AbA tkw tkn* b ^ to» «ma
it.CM w aa^ w m*A tk«* UnW grt*(iM»
cnutaez «f cmJib *»s ii
VUA T* ths^t
th* pBglte IB Wst tW BMlAaAn wAm' bbAbM last. »U a b
UB* W tgr»»d gt* UtM baaU*. bbA U Murbt
retefi diBt' ta a h
H U alarp.
•liwp. bb
A Barer a piwrtlci* ap gnU. oat* BBd. b
BBd atmu IB aa bbcB Bar* a Httto BtoaA to regaN to year »UB
«iTteBai aoBU •»<« brlBi us mu bJI w««
MnAr>«u* BBka a
-Vea. 1 aapgaae ao; aner we jiat ar tbat I abeald ahn m bow u ae«B.
to b«r aUBB -------------------------------------------------------BBd'Md Un to ot
b Ura. Aldeo. 1 hare whether The trala were la tDotlM or. Alterthat beweald taka trlpa tooB Bach Bore hard work oa U. Top wood tdish year dealtoa. I wm aay that
tlBe to Uau. aa the wfgh caiee apoB 4»a-t aBoat to Bach. Jnat wak tUl
"BT ho aose ahon-cat an«M
*V«' BBBMg tor the SwuUae CJah. i K.
Paper wax iboreaMr tofehtooBoil Wb. SMetlaiea be woold be gaee a
fno laatTaeUou.' aad well >»u to tboae mIbuh ptinnua. bat I
‘**^*«= Alice Enler.afiealx: Dor.
PtosBore. age aeroB.
eere®, aad
BBd Mafloe
Mart** to
! ifalaa: to (Bee be kaew ao other wo*k. babhe atoara oane hack to be now tolka!" Dae aald. aianias the thiak pear cbaacee ot flbdtoc oae wio
whk-b pteyed nuaicaUr to'asd he abnt UaaaBe aa year ebaarea to
llale, age els. Yon may aead Iibeir baae. rtm |ftod» a— cboabbtow. »iHwd »*th opea areu by little
win the lelUtoB aad loaUtoga. aad the JIb.
between tbe muaealar yoong am.
bg RgbtalBC pr of be^
Clre them to (be children.
ahrfil wblatMagt o( the eagtae aad
Now. a> U happend. JlB'a (atber
h «m a work of Use and pattern ''‘****^ PmaMent ot .the I'alied
the cltafitog of «a bell dWnrbad him wna an Enillahiaaa. aid one day be. « ^te .bailetter. Uaa labotod orer
dabtor Is not Boat
Mltorod Martlnooa.
nat at alL rinBiIlnaai. when a great, receired a letter from, g frirad at jt tor as bonr. aad then tore np tbe **‘**h to keep yea aarmhe algbtA Tbe
**** ** »
“> he
aad begw. . frM ode. to -hlrb
1 cka dim yon
pro^ethere. So be
Ii tbe
Mra. Aides ia tbe
ate preparatlona to tako M. toatSly ,forger did not nadermand aU \helr
H. T. r. 8nn- ploeea. P
eiety. to which onr o«
him nap. taBck to the oU connuy. Tbej were
aapirattona it «ai Bot Itoab “From the lowaM depths of poterty
.< wwntd giTo a-toowl nt
ablne Chih belonga.
1. hot 10 travel. funiltni» and all, to a
It waa beat to be exidlclt MTten
To the highew hotohu ot faar.
ly he woold tnm over, pot f,«|ghi car “ toftoa Boatoo. * here ,i
^ Prom oharwmtwa of peaHtoB
BU boad dowa betweoa bla pawa. aad
were to take atop. So
To a bright aad abtotnmae.
^ Jla
JlB and ,y
ly »*ed into a bit .oB
cardboard and
Miaafnlly to toet^p again aa If Both- fnppy and all the bputotodd gopto carofull, wrapped to aeforal ibiek- From the Boaa of baman belig.
Pr-Ucait whateror bad ocenrred to disturb vttt rocked Into tbe freight oar.
neaaea of paper carloaed aad addrw*"'h* compoae the tomno rtoa
1 got ay card and button and bit rest.
Now. b_,hnppened that at OBO point
i,„ ^id h ooder tbe OBttroaa to Yon can earn ynnr w*y tp creator
tbonAt then very nice. My conain
Wbon tbe UUle doga were left to ia tbe road. Jnat aa they passed a
^ »oltable. oMtoftanltT tor Ball**> 'he IUrd«nrt PUa.
from Ireland wants to be a SnaiHwe ebt»BiAPae-dbeyNTtoatlr-enlo>ed idar- -----------------------— ‘--Tan g heavy

He felt InatlBrti^risthat__
girt. Sbe eem to her letter tbe Mat tog/Ugather
laat ©I irotber would not be to i^pathy with "nooH worry oM cawns.
ot October. - I bare only mlaaed oar wari ■Mr -wM aiM. ot« ,..a ii». mi,,. T».
t tu
.u « ,„.u
»»■. ur ro« l«.. - brato.
day at attoool ao tor. My teacber'a
la bn*»-laaUa,. ™in»U iH. aar. ».a
tb, ta. la aallar
naa'. alt baa .a.Hi Oa nar ol bop.,
aanv la Stlaa Sheets.
aueeuL. « like
fiav her
«*.. Tory balla. BDcrytog eatb Other a ears aod wad had taken a side mack on the leva%Ba
„ lo
tbe postoSke.TIU tbe etooda
irta* np amin.
t^lrd grade.
^ arltbBWlc. Tending and mad bartog
'hat )«.t due Mould pass, whan wltl^ IIlL^SnilirLtor\^e



■-.‘i•' fixed u
raka tgiwMag , , bare alee Utile ptacea there,
t iSTaM
gbt '.
g «‘i(b atraU to laake a aoftLr^^..
'« ^■Pto^'aadto'to ----------- - « they stay there tor tbioe daya, while
l evertodr «Bn to BW them ItBt like

J^ MtM
-«*■ YlNWg

Marco baa (onr bine
Hbbm and n l^wblu-aod-btue oae
The athMkMr a«i« I ^
_______ _______________
» t*e»7 HvtBf tWBfi.
• ”,
blBonb • red onto, wbicb ara BOt
Nl gvarlfiH. I* Byta*
la * I
♦ half aa nice. ■ He not hie irtcinre to the.
I tolM TfR try ♦

J iwtHttrlTL ton^wuK J ^
^r^a" *a^ial


Yonr PfesWent U gotog to ropy part
of a letter w her from the Plrat Vice
Preaident that told abont the dog
Bbow, and tbe toiereottog peta that
PrtoUaat iWaa Clara Mea.
mere Uwre. Urm. XVUUana did not
Ptrel Viet P»reaident—Mrs.
kaow that b«r letter waa to be print­
ed In the finnahtoe Me. hot we don't
tbtok abr will Biod. do we? = '
Thla la wbae Ate aaye:
k A. U
-Let n» talk abont the (wefwtly

2ns..i'.'.rs'.;r.r:a': ”^s:.ranLa“r:;p.a,...w "”irjb-iLTr“b.'''t:r

► <»e of na coBBon betd-of people; the
, n,,, gog. He plays wlih
.la^bi .fTh
.«»a"»~a ai. la,«,b« a»l ba„ a. T««.- U «b« .. ....
dainty greyhounds. wKh the tocea of Qspd.fcyp, Prom
^a paaO wb,,b lb.
aia.1 .bar.. „
... ...^
_ aa™..a» thaa olbarWi.
abaoitttrty tonoccBt maidens, and the
^4. Wheat.
ba.«.. of aaani™ 1. lb, l«b «..
, „ .J„
«a., ...rtaa. U™’J»-•’iHiaa. .I..-...... .....I ib. .I»l'" "b. b»b~l a.
.aO .o. b.a.,
wf .ub.,. ».
Ana «*Ur, «M(i*y. Mleb.
tary; the
. abenrt Pule btodt
|«tand have han>y tlii»es to- .aona bbAt oUtr ggd wiser ihna they- fmt
frout or
of the
tbe tram,
train, kw.w
knew BKhl^
Botbtog oi
rW^lm'^ndtotber ,«t
S-v7lL M
PnUyB. Bgrtaboh. Maple City. Mich, ud tan who InaUted .bn nnmsg a Mher II U Bice that yon are both One day It happened that tbe box-car what bad hapc|>ned. B« JlB'a totber
-ai.r..-,....___ ...______ ..
ftABi badvlg and Holeg BannsAi. QMse throngh a knot hole to tb*
to which they wai» confiBod waa felt tbe car alidlng hack aad tas to « hi* hatto go out.Joe toltowed blm.
"•‘Utoaioo was ike |mU on the eM
Mapls City, Mlcb. Namaa ■rat by floor, and actatebed at U by tba half
drawn -p on the rtdtog to tbe trton the door to look no,. He raaltaed the
Here la
J; ~
Folly B. tertfibA.
boar, with rnrtQut ragea if agy am
yard f * largw tow. la -bk* they d»«er a. onto, and rttrtngtog ,o the •
Alio* KfltoM-. DBTBlby DtoBBor*. aad said ‘let me get ttot monse.'-Md bla
to perform tbat nlght. Serntbone top of the car at once appitod tbo
he said.
**1Crandtoiher tooV
toot UIt and
aad look«J
looked ItIt
MartcB HfllA KgKbpnrt. Mich. Namea owanr. who confessed to me tbgt abe
had mreletoly left the door of tbe car brake. But the /rado was a. -«.ep Rrandtothe,
*Top cat I Bgke a nma -wt by l<||d^ Marttoaob.
always fed the mice to her hon* bw
bu«-. i________
alar, and-________
Puppy, la tba coarwe of hla and tbe weight ^ tbe car ao gragt
"Feels ae if there wak
Arthur Bohne. AU« «« A.e waa B,rr>- tor th*«; tb*
. mklee. di^^red
rfi^;ereMe opmtto,
on«ttox.. tbs.
It. SMdia' oae Of-------tb«n
» •• ■*that ,he
the brske.
brakes, thooM
thongh ther
they aee^
aeenad * furt*f«ft
'ort«ffBft «B
, Utde ones-------------------------------------->x>u bad took down to tbe... .. ThBo ia n proverb w^tok a----Vtob^. bBd 4«est* Ludwig. Maple reaUy
rtangerona Alrdalaa. who** ™ ^
, Rein* of aa tonalrtaa dtonoaiUcB he aomewhat to Aackea aimed, tolled to-------------Tillage .0
to Uncle Ben.
Ken. 1l a poeer
poaer he
»“»«• «« *• “
“* **€ ^**“-'
KtoB.. «Bt by «.lrn e^ wet. good knd a.rong. «d who
gr; i^l.J
.“-ICSILtiSfe. Wrto
ihe car to g
SlTitm YUlngs
.}. .be hi. • .an- huntor. of the
««"«- T}^’'
tiU t>o,a through, then TU. paw. .xonnd the curve he conM hear tbe
•!««.« 1b hU pockeU tor
, and finally be nceeeded to paablsg throbbing of tbe rapidly apptfiaebtog
•Pr*''"'**Cto*^ aM NlMrAI LeBretM. Trav>
a«it by
. /
timmM FOCMfi.

Tbo •Nv*r UitlBf. ,
Wtib |B tbp dlfbHU aappblre way.
V*t a. IbdM. night yon and I.

Hy **dt«»«e ta Helen Ludwig.
ziHrhnad*-! Borer
V>* Hty.a/Mer Helen would It
Tb«r are tiny—I soiBoeed th^
big d^-«ad * --------- -- •‘--1.
1*«" a«to the enrda and button. .
^0; tbo artotocatic Boston Bull .te^
Your sunabtaer. '
rtora. whoa* mlMrcaaea are ^ -aaAg* It
Polly tt Bartuneb.
ctW )T ot Dearer aoclety; aad perJ woBdw If you and Helon Ludwig
ktoflcae doga and the two dntoty Chow

i 1 SSSftwrt 7S

art- - wa -

• ikyTlMtdNdBeMB*Bdden*d.agtoOBy houct. genuine . thrlUa. waa tba |act

that 1 petted and made Mend* of two
Qpptb tbd)tolgMU;.y^It B.Ww ofwbo,.v*r» Betnally tWi
'■W»5!SJ*»;Ja *0 « war -daily
pST a'^S«£
■ -L'-.'- «.'•
- trioodotbU Uvea at WtOetop. jnrt
Why Inpk *0 ibd -wbBi llto'i no gtyr
of Denver, and Peary gave tbm
.fterhe tome back Mnbl*^
n*«<PkW..«M -<?rtU-«n*rt «• Od^trip ttp bonh. -rbey took ••epa.
aitol did bdt dare B. Inkldn the r*boh
Chain* tor
a long
-^ ... r-—----------------------- tlm*.
-----------W-rtTw* O' we tbey worn the dearert doga yon evay
eiit tb.
tofrtenda. T»W
1 bfPi^
frtP.JHI tb*. wprtd to ,„ootnoartyaablgM«8t.Dai»apA
bavarwilgbl oohM lontbalr*^
Btoto with toe hair parrty btortk a

•^<>Y. L l«~ »?«»•«.

"fli. »

fb. S-BIO. «•

<». •» ua- b. bo 0.0 ,00 of b„ .p™0 M,

>« “»


»®*Wng elee. In-your <
:lck to your wood-cnitlag and
“I may n« he Boch of ■
'. bnt 1 tbtok I have
film yon ton omu wnrtb of pototm
that wBl do pan ns narti good -ag'
though 1 bad c^itetcd lb*B Bnt'fey

!*»“« “•

" *"


Uarcua Frink'* aroodlot.
orhil aa the Boofla of JnpHgf. I cab
tVben Grandfather MckoU took tte predirt, bowenr, that your fuinre wfll

S? .IS' *We*liT tolm^ .‘''^TtJirre™™^ many can. mov- uuio-iZ Z
2LJ.^o.raL«^l »-««»* lug .lowly totefi B-1 forth.
they aU chlefin Ms BOUtb. r-ai**4 IhB toBO
wukid like knk«l no OMMdi alike that tbe boi« thing was tba BBUer. He nvevned
«-SnSr^tni »oto p«xW b* be- iTTaglnc a.
SiTS^bar^BTAl^ «toe. «.d be toew n« which-ny to jnat then the fMgb* car c*gto AWtog
------- - *r nu
*e,e «r-n them
cl^ and
«>d be
Toached the i^tform.
betwCB* tb«B m,
wa. of
Mid the cards
hutlona to me. n»a
at length reached
A collision hetwepn
i ^
o,en to m> frtoada tor from which a train, ouiward bound.* coome nnavohlaMe; hot with lau
tb^wmin Ple.«<l to recelv* tbean. wn. JnwBOttofMbe door of tbe bag--speed of each dlmlatob*#. U (toultod
i«l soar Sunshtoe girt.
‘ gaga <ar happhW to he «Pco *ito only to a ».hahlng jv to tb* paaaeaLudwig.
Ihtonv, feeH^Tjft-here ai. leaat be ceto. and no one on eltber trgto or
• STL-t... Heb. tn Mani. riL ^ w.. atoid dafcntor mtoronndtof.. ffelgtt car wa. tojarad. of coura*

r« ’of ^-re yon are
hU hand in bU i^kc. «to «to took
«t-hU pipe. Tbe matter wa. dear you put -pa^ ytock. *»4 pe*a^
to him m«r. H. ««dled ov^ AtInto lb* <rtBd^ .0-.^^
uailo. a moment.
tbea bought an- U boond to y up at a ^
ocher envelope aad a powage «*mp rate. TbMt H Aay be »*"*>■«« ^
_ „___ .•— — VTT.—

W be1i^7Ji.^rji2^filJb^
’On'Mnln Nkl^ ^ Mad^ ^e, be toBa^l sto*a^
W»«rt.^ .aid. Then ,nd eompiHe befam the ylA It mat
be iranaferrcd tbe Wrtcr to the new b. -mugbi upon-by eWIpd

. .
..... beard
__ .. ..__
iB tbe poet-ofilce
with a Rand^ tAr gad
toBB Ue^
But he Tery soon dtoeovered hU tli ibock.'and
when l»|*r
bowIt <toPo*l«ed
. M(Bh of
^ p. no. s. Btoiake. it wa* not btonar and there Puppy^d saved the irato. be « once
biothm to. became a bero.-Ugtof-wn B. Mtoae, great h^ done. Ater AL Tbprit

db^ except Sarards}-.
I thing to If do you. Jeer Dan Nieboto or they'd like a
-^it7 wbefi school first begad. The oned. be crouched hi a
to the
asked, looking np from the pnper' he to eo«e to tow B Slone any mDre." he and brauly for wblrfc
society to -JI. V. O. a." What mould happen next.
to klBseU.
« tob o;.
^ *
___ . -Mind Tour Own BnalBefore.long the buggag^man ea»e held to fato hnnd.
"I dtto't know. There's Wg ®«»*y *■
«« ‘^t letter be

pea*." wui'you please tell me how to through. He seemed to be s jolly ■

Aad lat.w.toa nbbena npoke, Vbo.i^noiV

___ProMdenl has deaerwA

Ybfi ■imeblae Uf*.



the letter Jmo his eoal pocliel and
P*rti« up bla c
PoegeUtof hia glaaaee
gt*hdlaiher-s; mm on
Dan ^
«>»’« '*»•
with a anile. "He (bihk* it U for CnHe Den." he said as Joe cane ont. 1

Every second was prectona, yet his
he eonld
think ot nothing to do. ■ndiWffty'he
temenbered. l*uppyi be ww hitown t*
eveo' iraln man on tbe line. He abouted to tbe dog. aad haaitly natytog a
red handkerchief from about hla neck.
thrust It into Puppy'* month.
-Do.. .Be. Pufp,.

«o. .Bmr- b. rtoLul u<
througb the open door to tb* track.
And Puppy undentaod. H* (ew ont

iitS'atrrrfT r,Lrnr.^

w I»«b*^ rtt a* though toe
Uuot^ tbe bonadbad'dl^ tola tbe dye pot.
. *beyUnib'nTtbeH«e.«dsrbam Travetoe cm. MWu


tog through which' be oould past.
In another numnt he bad leaped
10 the groand and
about the train yard, heedieea of the
*ootiu oBgtoaa and greatly enjoying
hU taste of liberty. He was to danger of being run over every minute;

ai. of .0- -am*, tba. a, W.
ao f-r of tla..o. H, ra.blol abo.<
aasong tbe-tong line* of freight can.

want to be -lovtii* and ^tod to evarr
iivlo* ihlne " slaodoMn't »! If Jsnel'n a.^.,1__ '

Tb«.dore The baBEagc-maa. who had no au*^ dropping the handle of «be croB<^t «rmred from Ha orlglnal.tosd. be haduserin nirion of ihe nfMonc* of the dog. was »»*■ which bad estonbalf way through no idea, hut l)r meant to ^*cr It.

.-tmh-, * pecity big ten eeota'
rwarked Joe. a* be aboulder-


Plret klce ProaMenfs pet for onr to»- pnttot* to me

.My letter is yetting qmldt e>a aoogkl some weapon of de^

—G. W. Ilendricka. '


--ibf o»,b™. ...b — ™.-.

- —Lu


yon aboft bar net*, ^ you remember?
mndfllon. • dog O'" PresidentfiUMbMiME HUMANE SOCIETY.
named iw|lfa^ and Dan. the' I 'bought 1 would write to tb* Bua•UMbHINE HU^E SOCIETY,
W to* cunnlug Mb Wtoe page. Our tebool wIU *ttR the
TvewfoufMiland a
II* chtpam^ Ptoty and Priak, b*- **««>»
Norember. Me hue* our
vHas*iy^^>7^i thit
Into l«toloe* dug. but hare our oortJ to attny hSnek and white fellow, with
‘ *•«'»'»
«* to RboA ISTnT^snd genilen of big brown
■ w£S
vai.ia. ^
than busk com. I have two mjlea to „tf H* had long ago outgrown hi.
Mike my teacbar vary
«d pasaed through the various
___ ___ ___ m<u>h Ilia I.
v-iiMi.4ak_____ __ 8___ -w.i... i.__ —.1 Ki«


mili.. aw.e and the coadoctor knew
nothing whatever ab«Bt him. 80 the
kindly baggage-mnn fed him. and kept
him to the car during tbe two day.
that he was ia
charge A U. And
_..v^ ,h^ .n.n v««. Btnei«n.i

‘1t ain't a -fake, eltbw. Doat. you
»>e any* w>?, l anppoa* oome of
>® are- f*k«. and be. put tbA to a>
*e would know u gaa all.right LbeUeve we bad bett^ «mwer IC
remarked, thoughtfully rtgardtoi the

PUy all kind, of game., among tbRS SK? '?u. Puppy he had n.^w home a. a Vtoymate to hto ^ppled

"I wouldn't mind rtokto.'.en cento ll'

In the fifth.grade. My studies ^
W*<Uht wrtttog^ spelltog. aritometlj;
geucraphy. and/tonguage. 1 Uk* my
Rudie. very well. 1 have tost my pin.
U' Jwi please aepdme another one?
> wUl h*ve-to clase.
Your* truly,.AnAe EUto.
1 w-js aueb.pleased
with ypnr letand the pretty poeicard enckiaed.
' .Vorihport. MIeh.
Nov, i. 1»I5-

_ J)

ItoUke toe majority of dogs. Poppy fricn-1*. and line time, they b*ii play.
h»d . h,„ory Hto mother was alrick. Ing together. Bat aa the W wa*
fl^g to a tfavvilng clmu.: and he. with lame and could not move about rapidflj, llflle bothers and slatera. bad ly. be would throw ar,cks for Puppy
peea bom to a baggage car eorotne to m«br aad PaatH- a«med never to
between Ml“«wa Center and Crock, tire of bonndtog down the steep bank
otwtown-where the circus was billed to the traek in ae^h of tbe nlrka
»© apraar “for oae night only." Fbc which the bov tore# for him. Jim was
toe lint tow week* of hto life, or until net long In atocevering that Piipw
be b*« teamed toe use of bto legs and conWI do trick*: b* took delictat to
ng.bim through the Ad ones.
«onid ttot abont for -blamelf. Pnppy pntUng.I
evM l
some new.. one*
and hto bfvtbers and Astera spent AI and erai
tbAr tim* to tbe box car. and were which Pnppy leaned rery readily.






!«>* time to Inquirv from to* conductJoo toe* the paper and fffpd U o*er daily.
dred cord. cm. have we.
nr ia
in recard
regard jb
read* all
aU r^t.
ceaaed^ 10 wonaer
wonder and
ap«- j-ybat
what we bare.
fb an owner.
»>«'>» (or himself. "It reads
Joe bad
nac cea-seo
ana speca wnai
,.r a, I can aec.“ h* .Ad.
uUte about hi. future. He was very

■“^•rrwtbeyTrRVicePr.. s:k:?‘^rtS?:;nr^”s:ts! ^ind,* bo,..t^
Meat toUi Jaaet Anut him:
tt to a wbito dog with lol* of Mark
•PM.,** It. urn a. tboH to aeme one
had tPlBed an ibk bout>oTer It. U
cam* to ui frwB a tong, long way oS.
and WM tear flay* «a tte- train, aad
yon caa jus( ffbto* bow glat U was to
gat'bai«,gbd have* too* boeoe again.
M MB* to.A Wg Box mad# of alato
with .places h(«w*«p where it could
look Ml. aad on top A tbe big box
. t|*.MAUto4 with dog UacAto
(or ft to cat na iba Jpnraey. They are

, of hl« dedk to await a auliable opppr-y^ fcrtlt l.’ It's AMlgbl. too.
'How to make ttmlty ..
^ord. Is ibei* to ibis lotr
“ Main.
fonnne., Pull invtructloaa aad yoftr
Dan and Joe wuched the post-office. ^
Its In pretty clooely for the next few days.


weU content wilt bU preaeoL bot Dan
wa* daily groatng.TOre diarontent^.
M- threw down hi. axe one ^

.means a -Uuadred dollmn
■woe. I a«e~ -«f —•
„ ,... . _~nih, and ihto^we will
'' <- lop wood. Oaraea pa'ye tJUr
CUB eord for top wood." Dan aald.

I am gotng to i-i-llt up lor .
J« loo_W «P


-hat - hap P.t ob^r

hto to^


1 rtPjl tolj well
make one to a hurty polllw tkto ol
crom^ut w.'' Ito. .a*A gloomy.
"Wbere^dto you get that paper.
"H l»
crandra fotebed got JL *P^«wn
place. Queer it ah*
in it.
write tonight." Han.nried..
"All right. You write ibe letter, gafl
ni furnish the tea cent..- Jo* was
Aow with Us iw.^
______ _________

. Ask me^
^ "g to the
j^t w .
fioiwathiM WaAiiw
Twa-ymr-nM Harry bad never *«m
sa d.
a live lamlk bla only knowled^ ot
Joe wafched Mm out
went back to Ms piling After he lutd
animal being derived froB n toy
CAsbed be rounte-i the piles of cnr-1^ wbeCU. Vbll* vlsittog grandwood scattered about through .the ^
^ was Ub«a t

Ihrin of.
of. pri
pride aa he *u«>d and fc*>ked ,„{,Ked ep A graadpn witb s' pnzxtod '
about him Each pile represented exprMalob and asked. “Wbera'a the'
edon and achit-vt-meot.
pnri^. f
stAden “Hello" atgriled Mm, rtan was



•« - - - -s..- u-

or I w«*BJf we bad to eal. ACe today. When we auned l* »CbM to**M*l»**-' Atber to tbe car or to a bis youth clung to him. With wlstfA Sesenty-five «t* •Ptove- Tbni* ffW
•Tig DkniA .Vk-bA*.
cuy where sbe p»e*. Upca reaebtog
tb*B..lBl tdrrd Mairo tolnka they are tola morklng It was snowing. One Hff ebverad hamper, which was cap ey«« be wonld waieb tbe iratoa aa wage*. Aa^Jt? IBb,aA<Ta
'Deer Sir; la ref*/ to yonr letter ttae'bank of the rlw wbmr* k cnaU
jaat fiflyltflabfl tlfbae* tor tboB be- night mamma and I made a (fisn'tor' ried. to U* ient to ease the “sbowWre. they! paaaed the nttle mae maw. CAL'-It ain't tori one taar* no. hot we romlted some Amo Ato. I will aay > be aa*k to AiJca. «l||* tovaiaa. abe
‘Ob. arbo M<IM All that


tabaa bUn
ibtm. —.....................................................................................
The doc* alt to i > Ladle*' Home JonmA anylag i

* haeb to them abe noaed tb*B'^ tbu be •eiwd


oppoeesAty to to nla* fleOnr* a WMk.tor to* twa A vlmaaMl to aa OM laii**, aac aa*


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