Grand Traverse Herald, January 18, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 18, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Ti^avarso






IIBUUI&IIEmSG0.MMUL3£33|gfJ y^j|3
At Mooting This Marfang OBleara
Ware Rs-Elaetad tor Eir
suing Vaar.

warn wtt uvE whie


UBS ESniUTa IT $200,000


Vopoaad Eawar SyBam far Sacaad
Ward Was Eubmlttad and Adapt­
ed—PravWat tor Trwnk
Lioaa and Lataraln
The maatlng ot (ba council bald
Monday avaalag wu short, only rouUna butiaost being dUposad of during
the aaMioB, as tba francblM qoaallon
was not yet ready to be panwd npon
by tba aldennan. in order that this
Batter may be disposed of wiiboet asoaostra delay It was decided to bold
an adjourned mealing on next Mon
day evening, when It will be Uken ui>
and disposed of dellnUel} .
Tba bill of Henry Brodhagen
amaunting to >8 for anibulanra livery
was turned back to the council on tha
grounds that such expenditure bad not
beta ordered by the board of health as
in these Inaunces the ambulance had been or­
dered by several parties without due
anthorlty and the board of besatb re­
fused to audit the bill. It «ss re­
ferred to the committee on /lalms aad
^couats tor them to look up and re­
port on at the next meeting.
A GommanlcaUon from .Mrs. Mary
Klngaley was referred by the board of
■upervisoni to the council, as It came
within the Juiisdictlon of the city loatead of the county, as It involved a
queaiion of city taxes. It wss referred
to the counimeu on claims and accoontn.
According to the request of Cliy
Treasurcr L M. Winnie the }imc tor
the collectioa of edty. county and other Usea was ae^dedd unUI February

Tba aaatlooB tbroogbont tba day
proTod of raat lataroat to taadtara
both troB tba ett7 aad ■urroaadlng Zero Tamparatura Adoad ta tha Euffai
coaaUT. la tba foraaooa Eopt. U L.
lot of tha Thinly-Clad Tenairta
Trier ga*a a *arr alroai talk oa “The
—No Uvaa aro Itaport^
BalatloB of tba Boaa and Eeboor. In
ad UM.
which ba broEtht attt sobm polaU of
leaion. Jaa. 16.—Fire today wiped
Prtactpal Cartia
» abort talk put tba blBorlc Rarara booae. tba atopla tba attmeoa on ''Raformad 8pal- plat place of prealdanu. taonareba and
Ist," tractog Cbe btatory of
apaUiat tron tba Uma of Baa Johasoa tbelr night clolbaa Into <be streaU
to tba praaoat aia of tba rafetaad with Ibe tanperature below tero. Fbr
apaUlac- Mr. Cartit’ utk wm aotbuM- aareral hours It was thought that
aatte mad did <aot tall to point out a
giaat mar potato of latoraat ta bte
Uataaara^Mr. Cartta M a atroag anp- man KIppanburgar fell tram a Udder
portar of rafortaad apalUng.
wbUa reacuiag tba gupaU. faulty laatgwiatai^t Warrtnar'a lactnra Jurlttg hlmsalC. Ttah loss U estimalad
at |9Di.WK.
oert CO tba Vletreia. tba laUnment
wad baiag ona of tba beat earrlad
W Iba OrtaaoB Kya. Maate bouae
mad tabod for tb« oobaaloa. la (be
profraa of wlacttena ptarad dorlag
tba oraalag aoaw of tba grantaat artWo of «bn dar ta tta BwRnl world
Wa htaagbl. aa It ware, to tba rary
Property owners located on Easl
aebool RBW. and with tba InitmetiTa Books of Clerk and Treasurer Ware Fltlean street petitioned the council
Found Correct by Auditing
EUk glWB hr torn OIbba praoadlng
tor aa extension o( water mains on
OMh aalacUoa. tba VlctroM prorad a
that atracl aad guaranteed the aecoaprafwad ■■few «• tbla ooeaaion aad
snry nmoant of consumers to warrant
eWrlr iwawtatad to what great (From Wednesdsy'a Rcoord-Eagle.) the work being done. It was turned
This U the last day of the January
adWBtaca th» intnmnX ooeM be aeasioa of the board ot nupenrlaors over lo the water committee.
■aad ia tba paMIe a^ooL Mr. Wi
The conunluee ifk_ sewers recom­
sad there la canslderahla work to ba
rlwr la bl^ in taw of tba oaa of dlapoaad of before adjonrament la tak­ mended the adopii^ of the survey rethe Vletreia U tba ecboola and la en ihU evening. At the aeasioa yca- cenUy amde by City Engineer Cald­
tWiaallng oa tha fact, after a fee
tbe application of H well tor a aewer a.vKtem on the west
aWetioM bad bean plarad ba said Rutherford for the poattlon of Janitor aide, which Includee all the territory
“It te tha Boat wradarfol IneenUoi of the county building vns read, and In that part of the city which Is ant
of the Aia- nta eeooan tonlgbt baa placed on Ole.
properly taken care ot in the maUnr of
ahowa w what the VletroU can do
During the aeealoD a reaolaUoo
drainage. It inclodaa all the necesaao'
Cor tba aebooL Wbat oonM ba grand- Inlraduoed lo the effect that the com* trunk sewers aad latenOa needed to
ar thna to bring aoBa of tba Boat
county bttilflnga
take nan of the sewage fcom that dla•olad dtngwa la tba world Into tba grounda ba anthoriaed lo hire the Jani­ trlcL The racotmtiendatlon was adopt
•cbooL Baklag It
tor for the county grounds and buildbaBUaat ebUd to boar tha groat art. logs and when such person falls to
In accordance with the raeorn^
iBi of tba dar. Craa U tba ebOd la
his dntiaa in a workmanlike atkm of the Ughiing committee
aot anWallr iBeUaad ba wiu ta Uma
that nid cxMnmUtea caa dielight was ordered installed at the
appraedata tba great opportonUj ot- Aarga gaid peraan and employ anoth­ comer of Twelfth and Wadsworth
farad Ibroagh tba asa of tba ioatm- er to fill (he vacancy. This
BonL 1 ear. baataa the dar wbea was made a apeclal order for thU af­
orarr aebool roOB aball own a VIctro- ternoon at Z o'clock.
Ip. Not oalr tor pleasure can they
The comtnlOee oa flnmnoe, ways
ba naad, but la <
t with tba means raported thahttaey had checked
r woric of ^ Bdiool. tor aBreb- over the bocdui ot the clerk and treaam, •nretow aad daring tba grBnnAn in retc aiarrtaaa
U la not alwars pea- gaid to the dlBarent fhndn to be oop
■IMo to bare eewa one rl^t haadr
The (k
to plar tba plane, sad with tba Vie. ed thnl
6t in.EZ be takefi Teak tJepartment Seven Hours to
nl the
train Bwlc of tba Tarr beet kind It from the <
1 and cradit«,al
alwara aralUbla. 1 aa Ughlj la tarihe game warden (and. and that
ibr of tba Maa.*
t»8.98 be taken (ram the eoatlogant
Harbor Sprloga, Jan. 16,—Firei
After tba eoaeart. praoadlag tba la- and placed to the survey fund, aad
traduetloa of eupariataadaal Warn- that beraafier alt clatma from tbeae (nifford Wtoegarten was nertonsly in•ar. Mr. Trier Mated that be bad ra- two aonrees be paid out ot the conUn- Jnrad. four buildings dastroyedv and
Bremen suffered froMn bands
•atrad a Mocraa from Dr. WInaUp cent fund.
wbo «na to bare baea bare to ad- The salary of the third member of as the result of a ffra which took ae
Ml boon to controL Wtoagarten fell
draaa Iba BoaHnf
Wlasblp had the Boldlera and Rallora relief
boon dalarad U bewa along tba road clatioo' which amcranta to (IB was ord­ from the nacond story ot a bantog
baOdlng. It was 14 degree* below
aad aald It wotoC ba
ered paid out ot the oonUngeat fund.
aad the Aramen acre hampered la
set bare.
(balr work.









•ailM that thta. to htB. had baaa tha
to# taatltstk wlU a great deal of
‘ 4ha credit due Mr. WarrlMr. banaaa
Ihraafhnut tha nasalon hf had given
theB aBlarlM that wonU be o( «aa
to them all. ia daatag ha arid “When
wa here another tasUtoto I want Superlatandant Warrlaar here.'*
Mr. Warrlaar ^wa his laetiira “Ws:
sad Bwoa” a^ to say that a more
. thom^y Itotowm audlasea
•ver saatod to toa High aeshool rooa
<1 pntttog It vary aUdly. Characteriatic ot his wort thraugbout tba day
Mr. Whrrtaar wasted ao words to prapartag this iaetva or la laadlu np
to hie auhjeet Ha launched out into
tba vary haari of hla tltomo from I'ae
Marl and whaa ba had fialahad ba
was aecortfad hearty applatna. aad
oa aotioa of SapL Tyler, a rising
veto Ot tbaaka Tbaaa ha aekaowtodaad to hM qutot mmimim
nar. Baking hM aadisBoa feel that
ba. aot tbaa «m tba btaaEMary. He

m yaga tokj


OaaertiftB and

Woman Olad aa RaauH a«
Eaptaalan of Gaaolina Lamp.

imiadale. Jan. IC—SoSarlng tarrlbla agoa^ >lrt. B. F. Hairing died UU
NE BUSINEPE ENOACEO AT- moralng as tba raaalt of burns rrI^NTION OF COUNCIL
calrad (reB a gaaoUna Unp. Bbe attoBptad to fUl tba Ump. wblcb axptodad. aalUng Sre to bar clolbaa. 8be
rollad heraalf In a rag. bnt tba Saaii
burned bar daab to a crltji.

At tbe aaniial bwUb* of the HoraM
EVER and R«wd Co, held Mooday oElcera
wera rwalaclad as foUows:
Prasldaol-Tboa T. Bates.
Vlca prosl4ent-Gao. O. Batao.
Sacratarr—J. W, Uaanan.
Traeaerer-Clara N. Bates.
Reports of tha boalaasa of tba last
year aiada a rarr aatlafaclory abowing
to tba atocl
Uctur* Oft «War end PtotT Cw»«1«M th« EMaion. Um af Vl>
tfMa In EahaaN Ur«aE bjr

(rm Taaadar'n BaoocMa^ )
la ow of tba wont biluante ia iba
klatorr of tba Onad TraTena ra­
tion, tha boat taaehara- faaUtala e*ar
ME la tba owuKt.wm broagbt to a
doaa at tfaa Caatial aebool baadlnt
. laat aTaatof, wbaa aboat oaa haadred
taaeben (atberad la tha bifh aebool
roots to boar tba lactnra ciraa b7
Snaartateadaal Warrlaar of Snglaaw.


Cruelty are ' Qlvon
as Caueea.
Tba praaent cold wave brought oa
boom to the divorce bnalaesa. ibrac
bllU of complaint having been filed to
the circuit court Tueaday all by L, H.
Gaga. W'UUam N. Zaraa asks tor a
decree from his wife Cora A. Zermn
on tba grauads of deeertton. the cou­
ple having ■eparated' July Z. 1SD&.
They were Brnrled to thU dty August
*4. 1WI7.
Ernest F. Russel! asks for a decree
from Maude Rnaaall oa ibe
greund. The couple were amrrtjd
Hay fi. 1*07 la Elk RapMs aad eeparaud on July Z4. IMt.
Roaa M. Barth allegM to her blU
complatot that her husband George
H. Barth was cruel to her and vsnu
a divorce. They ware snarrled Beptmaber is.lKZ in the township
■oa. Dealaasa coanty aad lived toCathar wtU August U. 1»U.

Hiss Bessie Ferris, daughter of Mr*.
Tboe. Poster. ZIO West Tenth street
was qaleUy msrried to William Adeaormlel- at tbe home of -Father 8hee^
ban Mcaday evening- Miss Martha
Johneoa atianded the bride as m^d of
bonor, while George Seymour, cousin
of tbe grMin. acted at bsat man. Tbe
brMe wore s pretty traveling suit and
carried white bridal roses, while her
I wnce a green doth gorvn and
oarria« ptok roeia.
FhUowlag the ceremony a wedding
anppar was served to the bridal party
and a tew friends by the bride's i
er at bar boma. A number of pretty
and usetnl gifts were raceivad by tbe
aewly Married couple.
Mr. mad Mrs. Adseormler wm make

ibrir be»q to Muskacoa.

CommKttc Of SOO Met Dlstlngulehed
Prelate an gteamcr Bertin On
His Return From ,
Rome Today.
.\c^r York, N. Y . Jsn. 17.—One hun­
dred thousand cathdllra
(heir vocations today to participate to
tb«; biggeri demonstrwUon In the his­
tory of the church In this city, lo wel­
coming home Cacdlnal Farley,
bead of the arcbdioceae of New York.
The cardinal arrived on the liner Berliung before be stepped ashore
double lioea of men and women lined
the way from the battery to 8t Pat­
rick's cathedral A welra
mJttee of five hundred boarded the
Bertin and esourted the cardinal fram
the boat. Twelve thoussud policemeo
lined the route taken by the cardinal's
carriage. Aa the prelate passed many
dropped to their knees in the snow
to reeelve bis blessing Ui the catheadral e.OM school children nang an ode
In bla hooor.
Maaaed In the church wore TOO prlnnta
who recited the usual prayers. The
big feature tonight wit] be the illucuimtlon of the cathedral.

‘rom Tfiesdav's Re<-o]d-EagIo.)
Heavy gnew Works Hardship on
Theae Who Carry tha Rural Mails.
Despite the weather i-ondillons yes­
terday every mail carried on rural
routaa out ot this city, made an altompt to perform their dullea. and in
every case they were compelled to re­
turn with less than half of tbe route
flnitbed. Many people receiving mall
on tha rural routea bold the carrier
oalble if their mall is delayqed
aad accordingly eotertais onplenaant
thougbu of him. for they think ha has
BO intereat In the timely delivery of
tbe'inaU and therefore, dona not care
whether or not he flnlahed hit route.
But thU Is enUrely wrong and these
people win probably ba mone l^hni
when they know that a carrier rcoelves gompenastion in proportion to
tbe part of bis roate that be covers.
So in such weather as prevailed yes­
terday a carrier Is oftra out f<
l>erhxi of eight, ten or even twelve
hours in covering maybe bait of hla
route, while ordinarily to good wcatb
er be usually completes tbe entire
route in about seven hours. However,
he only rcv«lvea wages for a half
day's work. So it Is >o hU benefit.
If It ia at alt poasibic. lu go ovct
entire territory .

Board of Superviaort Voted E20E to
Work of the Oevslepmsrft
At the .Ismsu-y srsalnn «>f the l»>srd
of supcrvleore <■( Mlsuaukee/ county
sum of (:<iu was voted Lhr .Wcsi
ern Michigan Ocvelopmeut biirt-au to­
ward tbe 1917 lampaign. Tbit It
large torrease over ihe siuuuiii voted
by tbe county laat >asr and shiiwa that
tbe spirit <*f deveiopmeBi has taken
firm bold «>f (be people of ihai lo
ralKy. Missankee it one of the
land (ountiea and has not received
aa great benefit from tbe develop
work as some ot the countlea burderIpg tha takes, but tbe paople hs>e
seen enough of (he benefits ot sdventsiiw to want to be rvpreaentod
In the present campaign. There is
large area of undeveloped ‘land to
s county which can be turned to
good account In aiooat any Une of
agriculture while dairying would prove
a booanta for the p«>ple. The ad
vantagee of the cottnty in these, linea
be tolly set forth during
cooing year.


MS. inu musra
Pamad Asray at





Mra. Lrdla
aged 6i died
M *' timHR
WadaaaWy at the borne of bar
daughter Mra. Braaet Irtab la -tba
Wurtburg Mock, death baiag due lo
rancer frpa wbitb sba bad suSered
(or mere than a year. Baaldaa bar
daugbter^Mra. Irish, aha laacaa aaotb
ar.daufht^Jn IndlanapolU and a son
wbo raatdas near Mt Pleasant. FUn
era] aarrteaa wlU ba bald from the
Asbury M. B. ebnrdi Saturday oner- Annual EI«Mau at OElean WacMiM
at z o'clock. Rev. w. J. Coaiea
and riBMiltoMin if UghtW

Plus UE iw CHfUIGl

WashlngtoB. Jaa. IT.—Tha army
and navy are raady^o (aka pos
ot Cuba at a momaDi't aoUca if Prasident Taft s ulUmatum U Bol followed
by a complete raatoratioa ot order In
the Island.


Havana. Jan. 17.—Alarmed by the
prusiwcl of occupalloa by tbe United
Btatea. Fresldeot Oomes has railed a
conference of alt political panlee lo
Ctanve a reply to Ibe note o( warning
from Berraury Tinox. It is beileved DVNAMITE ,USEO TO PREVENT
that intervention will be ifad death
knell of Cuban independence.
iVasbington. Jan. -17.—Two thou- II ie Believed That ;.:aay Uvea Were
Lest—Reginicnt of lafantry
mil 'marines, four IboBoand sailors
Aiaisted Firemeit to
and six reglmenu of Infantry are or­
dered to bold themoelvea to readiness
Fighg Elam.
to interrene in Cuha-sbould Fresident
Jaian. Jaa. 16.—nvc thou­
Uomex prove unable to cope with iBc
sand resldeacet. nauidea and papodsa
threatened revolL.
were destroyed and many people arc
believed to have iwrisbed and thou­
Washington. Jafi. IT.—The United
SUlea y esterday afternoon threatened sands were rendetMl bemeleoa by a
third armed tovaakw to Ctoba to a fire wbirii swept tbe poor qaarter ot
the ciiy today, a raglmeal of Innote presented to the govcraioenl of
that country by Arthur M. Bcatipre. aniry aided the fire department. Oynaulte to Urge quanUitea was used to
American mtolaier to Havana.
pYcvent tbe spread ofthe fUmea. The
Mr. Ileaupre was acting on full lelesuffering ia graaL
grapblc lustractlouB sent him from
le state de|iartmcnt yesterday mora-






The ^e presented. It was said at
the slate department, is. intended not
much aa a notice to Cuba of a de­
termination on the part of thle gov­
ernment to intervene again, but rather
aa a warning of what may be expect
ed unless the government remedies
Ibe exisiini^-ollural sltuaUon. whicli
.Vlinister Beaupre ana Secretary Knox
regard aa a menace to iwsec In Cubs.
This sitwikm Is an outgrowth of
(be agitation begun last tall by the
Atooclailon of Veterans of-tb« War
lor Cuban Indefwndence. Tha veterana began by demanding tbe dlamiaeal
public office of all man wbo had
ever been Identified with the old
isb regluto to 18»^>8. and tha ap^
polntment of members ot tbelr organ­
ization to office wherever poaibla
This campaign has now *o far pro­
gressed that officers ot the army and
the riiarle guard are being driwn Into
It contrary to exiitlng law, and Presi­
dent Comex's recent mtiee fortmatSit
tbelr participation in the veterans'
movement.^Tbe veterans to return arc
detnaiHltoE'..ihat tbe law problblUng
(he larticlpMion of army offioera and
aralea /n'polltics he made a dead
letter and are defying the Gomez admioistrstion on the Issue.

The Trs versa City 1
raorUUnu held a vw
leetlog In tba coomil
evening with a
membera'-preoML AfUr the raffUbzr
routtoc hualaeoa a gweral dm—In
of the quMttoa q( the' cnBraHEMMn
or the two IlghUng eomiRnlM took
pUce sad it wss the opMioa of GNa
M would be s «uud Mea
If the two pUnu were merged. provW-

deal Is put thnogh.
ThU discuaatoa was foUowad hf the
aanaal elertloa of offlocra which ZW
sultod as follows:
Preaideot—Joseph Bleder.
Vice PresMaat—c. F. Haator.
Treasurer—A. W. Bartak.
ttocreury —F. 8 BlrdaaU.
It wss derided to hoM a raaewUM
and smekqr on Tuesday evcalac, Phbraary IS. to wrekome tha viMttaff 4alegatcs to the Stale (oaveatloa. Tha
recapuou will be haU to (ha C t. P.
8 halL On Wedawday evaatog thara
. III be a banquet and ball to «hJ* Mb
memberu and thMr U4M an hlMME. .

It U expected that nay ot
rlBltlng delegaW vlU ba aoaOBpaoMd
by their wives, and U was 4mIM *a
appoint a oomMKtoe to aatorala Ihn
during the ooaveaUoa. Tha eanaMaa
raoaUt of the wivaa ot Iba iomX
Mrs Oaom M; EmIMM
aeleried M rhilfMlh ot IhM


At Least Twenty Five 'Tovena Will Be
it H Ifolley reported that (he mmIncluded in Lecture Itinerary.
factarm exhibit will M «W «TBa
NeM Winter.
striking features of the eoavsotMa
and so far be has tolorvfowad ivuatr
Secretary John 1. Gibson of the
of the focal (actoriaa aad oaah oao «t
efopment tnirean left Grand Raj
haa.promlaed to maltoaMmplMi
Tuesday (or Indlaaa. whera ho will diepUy oir the line* haodfod by tkom.
complete tbe preliminary
wrrang aside rram Utla they aru an wlIIMg
menu for the eertea ot lecturea to be to do all to flteir power to Mato (EM
given by htoi to that sute during the exhIbU a grand aaocM. AB ot Ito
eomiog month At least twenty five fifty (Bctorfos la tha rity wU torn
placea mill be vtolled in the northern
eample line ot thalr goods «a 4foand central port acts
and care will be pUy whUs ths ccavaatfoa laato.
used to schedule dates in the towns
was dra^Ued to hold a toMtol
located In tha beet (arming diatrirU meeUng on Janaary M to Uto «ara ot
I to get In touch with a dwirwble
fona penatotog to the
class of people who can be abown
they can better tbelr eonditfon
Uking up agriculture and frail rais­
ing in a region where land ta chealp
and where all the nmiural advaal
minute toward suaceaa along these
J. N. Gdarttoak iintad as Maatoar
These Ic-lurir* will be llloatraled
Frwn Flrat Ward ot toa City.
Itb stereoptinm view# of fara and
(From Tuesday's ifocord-Caglr.)
orrbard wvnee taken In all (be twenTbe board of nparvlooru met this
cDuullee that are covered by tbe
bureau The Icclnres wUI be varied to morning aad took up busiieas oboro
miei (he requlromenta of the partl- they Jett off whM they adjeuraad last
rular lemtory to which (hey are given week. Tbe andttlag eommKtoa has
It aa m bat
I til bring out the heal reaolia. By
tbe lime the lectures aurt tbe new axpect to have thalr raport ready (or
irraw. Oo aocosat sd tto had
booklet will be publlabed and a liber­
al quantity wilt be paaqed out after
DOt arrive unto Uto aad U was 1P:3d
fell Kttown Mill Man Cutflfig Lum- the I'-i'tutT* to Ibowe who show i
before there were'Cnoogh to maka np
lercst In the aubjc'i.
her lor Smith A Hull on North
g quorum. After oalllag to srisc tha
Manitou laland.
board adjouraed aatfl soon tar rammiUM work of which thara to bUU a
(ilrti liaven. Jan. 16 —A frighUal arUrge amount to be done. Thto ■fta^
ndent rx-ciirred at Creneen^ North
Manli'xi Island, this morning, (be vic­ Former Trsvcrac City Woman Died In noon the regular rouUne ot tha sesChKhpe After an Eatim being A. J. Whlto. proprietor cl
Untfto Illness.
Tbtl mernlag J. K- I
he saw mill whirh Is cutting lumber
as appoioud lo fill the vaeaa9 iB
for Smith 4 Hull of Traverse City
rc Robert Munselle. u«j MUii the first ward causad by the raatgaw
Mi. WhUe was caught In tbe "bull
' Canfield, formerly of thi« city. tioa of Herbert Mootague agpeafad
<-hatn" to the mill and bla left arm
l«M«d away at her Bomr la Cblrajco l•cIore Ibe board and was aestod by
was badly mangled. Tbe tojnry Is
hunday Dighi slier an extendi-,1 Dli
bla coileaguea.
Kcrfou.' that it will fie necessary
with (wncer of the Mumwh. and Uurhave the arm amputated.
ing the last hours <,f bet li<e shcAuf
fared untold lailiif >1r»- M<im.r|ie
about 36 years of sg<- and wss
known In Trnve«ig
wbere ibt Secoftd Rcpular Msnthty MaetWg ot
lived for a number uf years {irvvtaaa
the Beard ot Trade WllKBa
HaM oo That Data.
TAFT ALSO OEAL8 WITH EFFI- to going to Chhago. She ^a* a young
woman of very < harming iv^raenallty
The secriad Of (he aariea ot paElfo
and won friends eaallv- For a nnmber
Trade meeUngB InsaEtirated
ecomtwendt Bcterriiftc Bualaeea
t«rta of the Grand Travetwe rsclon (or each m^uth. will be h«M os Tqsathada In Coverttmsnh Oaand later took up a commercial courne dar evening. January a. At Ihto
at the biistoewa collega 8hs then went meeUng. mattora of public latoraat aad
in Chicago and was married to Robert Importance to Traverae ISly wiB'faa
Wasblngtoa. Jan. 17 —Urging .
dtocusoad. Tbe maaUag wffl bm ba
(ional annual bodgM and tha. applica­ Munselle. a promiaeni -lawyer,
tion ot nctanilfic boalnea methods In sides her husband, sbe leave* one eon. eonfined to memberi ot tba board, bet
wUt be opm to all rittoeaa wbo desire
govenmnL President Taft seat Rolwrt. Jr., aged nine year*.
Among tbe brothers and afoters. of to lend their aid to pdmattog tha
cungTUBi a apedai awaaage on "i
which there Is a larga family, are beat tntensts of the rawimanlty. Prae
nomy and eEUfoncy." ^Vlth the b
Frank and J^a CanftM of this city. expreeatana of optatoa wm kb toritad
sage la the report ot the .preaid*
AiiMto of Silver Lake. Mrs. A. PhiUlpo ao that the Board ot Trade May Eaoweconomy oommlaafos which oonfi
aad Mrs. Petar Zimmermaa.
tha .aeattmaato
uQ tba paopfo nibthreatens to decaplute. In the B
Tbe remalaa were braosht to tbe tlva to the prorwoB e( tha iiiMMirti.
rags eivfl aervk* ciasslEratfoa tor
Tuesday tor buriaL
high oStclaM M recommeadad.
•ad wbat to beat tor the qlty at laiiM







* • WOKl ’•W'

tml Tnvetse M

MHM tmtdMr Md iteMv »
ttmrm Otj. Wr*i1ffa, W






aUdMay boun were
the edU' mUhom lood while the
nM "•ATC m MiCTOAY. «}♦
dpBhtheUhpe of the eara.
I«*«i AAiOAhO
d. W.
Peddle fMt* toHeek had hot biWTor the tltoely nrritrirsf
' Jeimary te.
_ famer with anppiioi It would hare
Catarrh of the Lungs
t-Frenee iwocnUed the 1
been a time of grtu^^ auBering among
Threatened Her Life.
Hideacc of tba United Suien.
tha Otty or more paeiengere who ware
raMer. Bielhlfce.^^w- fhr aererd MB—M.' (here
17**-Bdw«rd Gibbon, ibe &wUa
yiy..r4.B, 4i«4. Don April S7471T. MOl,«TrriM: "t h*T»
romldenble work done In bt^f of
Tha Lnka Frwrt Poultry aaeeeinttofi
Ii0»—air John
1. «dHOr-of TPe
will bold their anuel ahow un Janu­
-1 bed
b aiw. hnied la betH« vfth inatta.
The dooton did not hdp Me'caple. ai a <»ndldate for the re^ ary I*. II and 20 at Fniaklori. The
te FVencb il CorunoA SpnU.
bird, will be ladgad by J. M. Knight
ns6-^«Qitr4 ot Tmde ottnsiiM ta
•^ '“■^*'*^'lBtbe«o^ d(eirt*t. Woeb ehtownge- of Traretue City who U regarded
M>UeeenMna.MdA^^ ^AoM «dHh«d 1»
of the best ported uMn In-the
thw W
-L —rmMAif »U the ocuBtlee in the dlKrlet .mid country on tbe One point. Of eihibl• BDenhle
tka .Uvttap eoUterr ClnMW 4n Bncewmilr dtoag hh. ‘hhen the eep- Uou poohry.
when I _ » o.hig lu UceliM
port la Grand Tm»erM county, "nie
.hhot I-eoeSd eee
Word waa raeelved heiu today from
B Court of the United •lowly »t
Butter has been ti»eo entoam een- LddBerdMIe. Fla, to tbe effect that C
*•• helping me.
SMtee derided the Lecel Te*d«
a while I c
BideratJoB by the MRer ^ The Rec- B. Garnett nud wife fonnerly of thU
•AIM 1 hhdjai----ol ita c—etHettonel.
—^d to edw h^ n etringr. rilchy ordEagle but Mr. Hennen hee today, city, recently became the
- my long*. Thi» grew ■nuaoiteud that he will «ot De a cahJW$—WIPled F. Vllaa of WUeoiwin
an eigbt pound twby boy.
•SeoNMrr of the tattrtor. le« end leat tn «neailty •» I e
dMute lor' the hlTlee hhd >e to doing
Jutffte Wayne.tiM handed down a deym^een UllaokeUnt of tumll
many Triehde who hare been doing claion In tbe caae of John A. Wood rr.
£ronml by
UM,*od now 1 ee
UM-^bn H. Genr eleeMd UaHed >r a
work In hie behalf. Ti'hfle the honor LuVeni B. Wood and the Flrai SaIM eheoM be tiatel bank, in whhb the bill or con;take* wmiMor trOta Iowa
M«-The «t CcT Arthur «*
giuteMI lor. Mr. Haoueo mate, that plalnt i« dlsmliaed and tbe Injunctlo'ii
_,nn. Wdiop of TamoU,. wMted
•bould Im ehier the cnntMi. It wonld dlaeolved.'The costa are.used against

•««io♦o'»i> on ♦'

Priwter at nil Chandn.


leeulre the eecrtOce of time that would
be deterlmeutal to hla hOattMt Itlereeu. and Interfere Ideo mitb huchher
1»«-Benjg*in F^nnklln born
raeumiNARY was ooMMCNceo
movetoeoi mhlch will TriJUtre cobaldMien. DM in Pbiladelpbln. Aprn
eruMe time and atweUm. but whkli.
IT. iTHe.
Wortt'Wm Mitre'To Be Coodueted eo
thed. will mtma mucb
xlTTl—Omrlei BrocWen Bfwwn
pioneer Anerlcnn norellii. bora
PbllndeliAln. DM there Fhb.

.«tn KmimtitK


AtUaeMve te Man.
'lie woman has been heard to
brer the beaeUea of mnuoery. but
noht have feand sametblur
the abnpgrund colors, especially thoee
aamplea tbit -are displayed lu t>ne
Muidped and Tweuty-artb mreet ahopt.
r oue milUner
on 4
la eoualdered li'eai


«paas.ft Kdlidg
Cash Shoe Slotu.
o Cam amt Freni Breeto. Trauena CNy,

High M Shoes for Men
T1> S.. iMhrli_I—16 ipd> top eoS M
lua>>«)Widd.le«Ja->li aeKS>aMl €■
ibixt Babes we herc neilad tbea $4.0.
tCiBiBn’. dwacealaeaAJaBWI i .Mjr
low pbee.

-TOatnridifwee cheered t#y remtrki
iwpeaiedic " -l-es. repRed the mo
-I weeer 7ei *iw an a»dlrtre »«?vw4nil«n-t reilcr hear liaelt
lioHer thauTisteB so aomMMy.-- taiA"

Positively the
largest and most

with weak bearu wUl ap|ituidi8t
•Ka-oUr” aiecbed fit |
Ml 201 WUhMB WocA wUk Dr. 1
4MTUL ’Tsttsenu GRy. HMIp

There was a good aubfedance at tbe
1781—Ainerictnn under Gen. Morgan
meeung held in the -M-oman s riub
the BrWib under Col. Tarrooms TuemUy evening (or the purposf
fcWwed tmia page oan.)
pyu* 4n battle ol Cowpmis. In South
wlndows."the MU nad silt the Umwri’ ImUof organtting a county V. W.C.'A. The taid tktt this had been the finest
tM« «1U alM ^ held b«r«. Hmm CMliaa.
meeting was calied to order by ■>!«. county inatttule be had ever aiie*><)
1810—Mniquemdei hnd
PiitUng It Ihe Wren* Wny.
That It had been a ideaMirb
i«e,atu«ctlMi here Inlemitt
Edgar Tteltb who haa given the work
a speaker Is lauded aa
mam mM eMb «tU help the other. The
or premonng anth an organisation lu for him to be here.
18lg—Mllwnukee iwcolvtd lu Brat this city a great deal of her time, and In dealing with the subject "War thg a fine reumaftd of 1abgnage.’_ot
WwdVllT hH e)«*ri been a «tnmt
whom if rright'bettei'bdtaW. that *bla
JVperier at the ponhrr lodoatry. and elegraph md^e from Chicago,
it was through her ¥Boita largely that and Peeoe." the epeaker -sooghi u language has a e«M«aed of hfm.* Hei
mi-ft iKib of women deetrayed the ptan was brouibt to the uwllce ' convey to Ms benrers tbe great tolly
itwr he enrprtofiic to mm ts eute
has (be same ‘command of Ueguagv'
«hA the poottry Indnatry meeenred by the rullrond bridgm end croaslnga at the young wumeu of the city
of war and H» eoseoooentes. "We Oan- that a rider has of a borae that la
^ AoOvB end cmu. U equaltod only by Erie. Pnnot say that tbe ware we have
running awayr' 'with him."—Wbaiely.
lg«-J«An Tyler, tenth Prealdent Tbe preUminmry work of organUlng pericnced could have been
ama giaat ladoitry in thie coootry. end
ihe club coortitutee an eight weeks
4k«A |( the production of com. Offl- of the U..B„ dM in Rlc^ond. Va.
can eay that tbe lime of war
irae of ln«tmcUon. and If at the
If GrundT
Court for the C
Creonway, VA. >ilnreh 21.
ehd mcuotict ■bow tbla to be true. Bom lA Creonway.
end Of tbla eigbt we^ tbe local Mwuld be forever Jn the past. War
flgurw. fasc^ 190.
two greet and civilised aa
club wiab (o carry out the Idea.
Id the lAalter Of the eeUte of Alt1u
poultry raising te not taken Into con- lITg-Victor Bmannol II.. king
B. Hanks, deceased.
representatlTC of a city organiied X. ^ons ebonid not eutat. ‘War is
Notice is berebj given that four
MdTUtlea. The -^t Aoertenn ben luly. burled lathe Pantheon In Rome. W. C. A. .will come here to further
U M no longer faahhinaWe for
•The BrilUh- defeated months from the 3rd day of Jannarj . Jlti-31S S. I'nhm
I kluHMednacnaottbemoetcBlelunt
Beth long Diet. Pheaea.
D to Bgbt duels to eettle some Ihtle A. £).. M-lJ. have been anowe.!,fof
plain the dlalla of the worA The on­
No. 43.
mectMe Wter* (n the United Statee. HndhTa (raopa In buttle of Abu Klea. ly way Traverse Uity
• or what (bey believed to be creditors to present ' their cUhns
Cltr. MIcA
and U la atraage that'la tha Grand Wl-~Klngd— of Pnuala eelebmt- auch an organlsatiOD is organise on a insuK. Ttiere a
agnlDsi said deceased to aald rouri
and adjustmcni. and Thura-tf.
tTlhsuiae radon drta tndnatn^ la not «4 Jin bioeoteMry.
s between
iiy club plan, and mugl 1
l»U—Obariee F. Johnson elected
that all rredltore of said deceased are
dOh more etleaaiTeiy.
man BSd man, why should (here
requbth! «o present
their clalins
'DntttB thtJagt tew year* great United Btntei ee»tor from Melee.'
be eoorta to settle nailoosl disputes. said <'
at (be probate office, iu
I from tbe city and i
MrHea have bees .pmde In the proni> of Traveree CHj. in salJ
U«i tbe btuodsbed of the ineotowns tn the coutU. end five bnndred
aij. on or before the Tih day of
fancy polfltry. and H400 (on
doUare. ArmniemMiia can then be cetii soWlera who -have gone to death
Mav. A. 1).. ifI2. and that eeid claims
I H not infiw.
cHy orgsnlzatioD wbleb lor their eouniry and for the uake ot will be heard by eaM conn on Tnes
GhMit The NorGMra MIc
oar oSrn Preeldcni Taft has day. (be Tth day of May. A. D.. IP12t
would be a vet7 fine thing for tbla
cmy. Jen. IT.^Ia BUiel
«y otMBhttUen haa done math during
shown ticre- war can be avoided t<: at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon.
.nuary 3rd. A. p. IM2.
Dated Jam
^BhdhamuoB yaen to pwmete commer- M^s entertaining her oouptn Miss
Dorlng the eight sreeka preparatory tbe way ot arbitration and the
■uM mad dMcy poohry talaing and is Helen Blxby ol Traverse I'iiy ibis work, the membera mnt meet ouee treaty. He has shown aallefnctoHly
-Jufige ot .Probate.
I 40 muBU for doing a «M>d
week (or a program and atudy. and'' that there U no resBOn why great Jan.^n-iMi.
tThe lanae «f Omsd Traberse
Mr.'Vrteburg has returned lo his mart have at least two eoriala, the UOsettoes Bhould not be settled by an
aaer bptaadU «ppor«Mlae 4o poui- ,wort <Ml the South Manltou lalandA fint for the membere eadMeely and
-• cduri ----------------- - avoid
-ttyHleTMophtaat and M can be made after a two weeka’ vlalt wUb.hla (amaeooud f^r membera and
their war. T\\ar doesn't settle great ques­
>«•-«( ihe Ouet soereus of toeMue if ly bare,..
friends. Some rime during the Mgfal tions. It only setties which nation
ir said district, southern divit--■urMeddaaeieBlIfieaUr. Itamyeoond
Mra. 4«Dy Swaboda and Mrs. Jim weeks Mch member of Uc cleb nrasl ema cresb tbe other.'’
atmngA but It U a (act (hat all of euaeau^wem tn Tmt
In the matter of Rrs A. Kingsbury
Superintendent WaTriter tonebed
l OUT on have aorae pan tn the pvngrmca. One
In Bankrupt* y.
.No. f
ri—-■ -----------oaaty oan net eeppiy
of the neeeeeary atudtea te the study on many points of vital Interest in
ialueei Friday.
of Januar; ' tills
the daMad far agm In Tmvene City.
Mlat Anna Klabaraky wbo haa ben of tbe Bible with be prlvGegc «f a«- sucb a wnner as to bold bis audlcoce
a for a alagle
re. it la ordered
Bankrniii for dlucharge.
hearing be litdju>niilBAhe Tiavefue CKy State hoa- TialUng Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kl
log In a hinall way what pence mcnaa.
left lor
(be naoH- on (be btb day of
paid aa gibwing Uitrtrte to that great art . A 1) . 11112. before said Co:
Mr. «Bd Mrs. FVaak Klrt made a
pbllantbropts!? Andrew iGtand Rapiils Id utd district, al
uptewdld epoortenlu- the lo- ^eea trip lo Travmwe City Man- givdng tbe oountr girls Tn parriceUr.
o'clock in the forenoon, mid that noth
Carnegie wbo has csuliKsbed
be imlillebed in the Graoci
t aSatds im iMm poultry day.
peace or bero medals in five coun­
Mrs. Lucte OorA was ntaopidng 'n'
e Hei
ieralil, ■
hand -and to preride a Rlace where tries of the world. As a U’Uiblog Il­
Travecse aty IDuroday.
Mrs. Jim AauBaan epant Friday and they tnay feel weleotne and at tbe lustration be told of tbe country
Thh Bank will wteMm your
.1 the«said lime and r
• trim not mder oMIgatloos to school teacher right here In Michi­
Batnrdar at Traseraa City Rlth her
accoont«iMl«ld you dflltoui,
auy ^rtleular aodety. The riuh. ff gan who on leaving bU bone
Tte# ‘ilnteoatl Hithwera ueeocUtlon Bister -Mra. HicfceraaB.
whv I
■MaMto u vropotal that the gorert00 niEtter. how •m«ll -MmU
to attend an Instltule saw one nl his «hou1(
>l be granted.
Wesley Uanrlek and Homer BrowsAnd it ts Inrther orderW by Uic
1 are oanfined to their hodsee wltu teas Ririt me -wommi «4k> have bo pupils wbo had been playing on the
■ccouat is At the ftart -or how
homes here, a place w go and ao)
ice ««g»«r and fall Ihroudh. With court. That tbe Cler^ Sball send. I»
tbe mumps. Quite a number ot tlia
II, to all know-n creditors loplea «(
ft moy «row.
thbm so do under tbe moat happy cir•topping
acAoM children uteo belug down wlui
d |.c(iilon and this;. addrcswil
i ■■fijr Thteeeewechae hoen
into the, icy water and tried to save
ihi-m at their plares q( realdci
Those present at the aMuUag Iasi t«e boy. trot to no avail, and they as stated.
r ooMideraUDn (or a hmg time.
Mra. J. C. Vlaek has bean sick
Witness, (lie HoaornhU- Clartnre
• BOW ttymnUied Into a definite with sieUc neerelgte.
bOrti went down to watery graves. It Saesloos.
Judge of the sal.l foiin. i
Ides, and many wbo owU a
was only a few weeks when the afhool Ihe seal thereof, at Grand Raidd.v in
Mr. dad Mra. Geo. I^ttey spent
oat have elgBlfied thrir will
■ yuetefday
■osCIrer's widow received s Hlter'Aed’ said dlidriri. on the 8th dav of Anulaadey with rfr. and Mra. Cork
■tad-by (be highways asal from the Andrew Caraeglc peace ary. A. I), IM:.
Il has been very eOd here Ihe past
BmtM IMS iegtetetton be reek. «nd more enow than we can suroees. and if apirii asd falthfahMaa
and better than that, the
CHAS J POTTKll rlerk.
count for anything tbe city wUl
I,-ft wwaM be
Uke cars of. The
Jan. H. ]».
I tore* la -aiMnultlag good roads gtetering 12 briow mart of the time. sec Ue rellsatteo of the plans.
iBStned a widow she wtmtd receive‘8sn
Tbe plan of
throagbOBt the UnHOd States and lead
per inontt. and tut each of tier aix
-terlan. and tbe obJe<-t Is lu
tp.gresUr ectirtiy In oountlw where mill eat being nbt^ to sun ter lack
chiMreti’ would 'receive ti per month the condition* of a cenalt* laorajai
members from all denumlnattona
Um work has been retarded because
until they were «««n rear* of age. made by Fostbr Kilpatrick sad Mai
of logB. and the roods bring In eu^
are willing lo give iholr time Id
„ .
a< <hc prgpoeed eipense. The propoalainck b1$ w-lTe to yury
After the Iccterc a short social se»
a oeadlttoB that the tegglng teams perfecdon of the organliatlon
ol of thp aasoctetioB Inrindps Mlriiiderwirood, dried April 1. A D ISH*.
are opt ahte to get threngh the drifu. meetings for the present will be held Sion was held to whlct all the teach-orded In the office of the Reg
In uAleh prupoerf hi^srays arc
ere were given an opportunity to meet 1*,;^ of
for the' Conniy of
odUkeed an followa
BuperlniendcRt WnMner. wbif-h con-iurand Traverse and State of Miohi
Mias Mery
the right weeks ere up. s derision
chnled wtai tms been claimed the gon. od the second day of AprU A D
e with her pureni
made to carry on (he worA suitable
l?It1, In Ijber C= of Mortgage*
In egdte of (be stormy wuatber there etab napm trill be located and everyWADE IN TRAVERBE CITY.
1 wbicb morfglSle tber
was an ettendenee Of ubout 60 people tbipg-lhat makes a borne for tbe botse- ha* kntrwn.
OyllBder tore. 4 IncbM; ttiOga 4%
•lateied to'be dne at tbe“ date of thu
ooUoe the sum of Kour itaBdrcd
at the annual lostaUailon of the Royal leas will be provided.
loebes. Good deatga. totl. mtterteL
Seventy-nine Doilsrs and Stnety-Tso
> .Nrighhon ot Iteder at their baU here
Hopper cooled. Welgbt. 2« tte. Starts
Mrs. Keith was made temporary
in Attorney s fee of (if

f Sateiday -evenlug. The reguter rliu- cbaliman and Miss
■mafly. runs steedUy; U erenotixieal,
provided for In said
999 9
f lUtic work was carried tbrongb with- temporary secretary.
mortgage, sn i no ruli or procetdlnc.
relteblA ditrekte and complete ri«h
•ervicee fer the late Mra.
law taring *be«n testlteted to ti­
- much credit due Mss. Uucia Oark wbo
poUer. gasollue Unk, tottery.
Officers for theei^tweeksclubare:
er tbe mone;s scured by eald
Mary K. Johnson were bcid from tbe
tlOMl hi^way at -SeuU Besri.
ewttcb. Wriryd ready to rem your eep
President. Mrs Keith; 9rst vice presi­
t'atboUc church at Mapleion at U ortgage.
dent. Dtes (lara Sllnort second vice
Vow ’Therefore.
*By vjrtue^^ol 1
^^.^SSieMy ri r
Silas U.vtle; eet-reurv, MIsb o'clock tbU morning. Father Faucher poser of »ale conlamcd In
I. P ; oreupies 2s3te (Sri. Priea »».
of Elk Rapids otridaUng. iTurlal was
-. and tbe statute in such case
Florence Strickland; treasurer. JIlss
made and proililed. notice is hereby
In Mapleton cemetery.
eti (hat on Friday the Ninth day
The remains of Benjamin Petera
(tens, after which the new riOracle.
A committee consisting of Xtiu Ora
February A U 191!. at leti o'cloth
were sent to Elk Rapids (bis mortung
Netehbor Meaebem tn behalf of
the forenoon. I shall sell m PubSouth -Bead tbe i
Auiltuo. ti> tbe btghert bidder.
- and burial occured In tbelElk Rapids
d-highway leaflnd lodge presented the retlrtng Oracle. g,rK.i.|,
North fpont door of tbe yvrurf
Neighbor MeQueer a
of meeting durioE tbe eight weeks. cemetery this afternoon.
■ -1'
House in tbe City of Traverse <'iiy
•unal services for the fats Mrs. £<■- Michigan. I (hat
being tbe place
n dt roads calU
the circuit Court for Grand
an BKmbciublp. eocul u»d program.
tor three mate klghfraye fruoi coast'
Traverse.* County
boldenl. the
Anderson Undertaking parlors tom
nerikoni, eeaoul end eewtb- elao a boe amoktag eet to Mr. J. C.
In said morfgage,
row morning at 10:30. Funeral s
Vte(k.Ka tV'eodman. who has been
so much thereof as may be necetoim lOeuptmt tbe aein>patets
vices were held Monday afternoon
Fat iba ■<« k»
« we oMp Wpo *Vww
V to pay tbe amotmt doe on enid
seek of tbMC raetts are trunk high- looking after aad renting their hall
the Aabury M. E church.
morieage. with seven per eent. infor them free ot ^rge. The tedles
ways, lushing e coarse nnwoik
terret. and all legal eosu. together
W. D. Manna met with a painful
Ike SBlire cotmUT. By meuns .. ^ wtehed to show that they appreciated PREMIER WAN WA« VICTIM OP
cldent while at work at the Potato ___ eonvonnted for tberrin. the
Then the
UM M. ol ioia» loom u -llu.'W^BOME THROWER
factory Wednesday when premises being described te said
2 ^llWBl ht^mge,** tbe t****^* country
was cleared, and taMee
lum>i» pnc^ 1ka P«mai. S.apo(ldB 'Ql-<?i Wtel*
he cot the little finger of the right mortgage ms all tbe foltewfeg describ­
1 Brffl^W anmti mttb a toe bri work w" uoon spread s^th
llK'EMtmw ICote CIo. tlHI mm, At bl4r «>•••.
hand very budlj. While the injory is ed land situated te tbe city of Trav­
tbiags which,(be toyal KrigMors
erse nt». County of Grand Traverse
know SO w«l to prepare- mih the
■Mlehteua. vii;
Jf tbe ji'egBSid act hseumsi a law
“iltty of Work
K urO) tad tbe hlybeet .agpredatiou supper the event dosed as onethe
Miu. Peter ZimfiicmaB..wtte llvse “F" of Hsmnab Lay A Co’s Seventh
A (Dod cbuKc'lo|« • lood GmcWWw lowwte
te tbe bletorr of the
Pukln. Jan. 16.—TenoHsed by an ntIn tbte Stele. Hie ' '
on rnral mute No. 4, retiyned Tne$- Addition to the City of Traverse City.
Mlrhlgmn. necking .to the rewrded
OihAtab derlBC Ue last three yearu
from a visit to polnu soidh ptet toereof.
Mn. Tlorrooe He Queer te i
bomA (be royal family 1$ prefiarlag tou
leuve Pekin tor (belr sonsmer palace of here. Dnring her trip buck she had.
act malton wide atteetion aad Uo Bldk With tegrippe.
•everal experiences te snow blockades
Mr. and Hra. Pelky have both at JehoL Tbe bomb eras thrown
miariten of th» pi imneed natl
wbicK she does not case te repeat
I sraald be a vott potebt force In
She was ou th^ trete (hat »aa test
e City.
■aUeuattee of tbe beetthy devriopte the drifu neur Beatoa Harb« test
(dk8 :
kIDed. but Ytmn was nnlnjund.
at the weta wttb K.

interesting stock

of Cut Flowers
and Potted Plants.






€ooi Bmdtmg Sdniice

The banking sorvioe &is UadkiM
to its cuvtomeis « ri >die UgCmt
class, the Idnd ri semoe you <ms
looking for.

We pay 3 per reef iaisMi








Low Prices m Frmo Cwmam



Cm.nBaamt vmrnmM,



, r hnj^CDwyi

to held <m Saturday. March 2.
Tfhrerne Clir. aad another ode
VMttpal ^rUlD«.
the evaninc of Wedneeday. April Zi.
IfichMU a&w4t.
and that ot^ weetlnai to told at
■polstz in the county durtna the
■ .TV Alphabet BMIM M MeMt(
loner Paunee of Wexford
s In a*>Ww61 Utibry.
'TMttUc «wcr>Kbr b> -»*«• M a countj will1 attend the Farmer'a
. iry BuMr, rtMly. text book wttlwni aUiate ai.Trarerae CKy oa Jaauar..
to. and In the ereolwt be wni>l»e an
•chMl Newt.
/On FVMaj olstM. Jaauar; 12. (he work of tke Boy e fore Club of Wex­
Hm eUMt mAooI vaai to BarUett «b4 ford. oooM.*-. This le perhapa the most
the two acheela -held a apelllaf match active bo.r'a com dub to the atate. If
•M'a'^hAMe. TV apefnaff match there Is any real value In a boy'a
corn club then Grand Traverae
hy-Waict Martin, an elevea
c^ant)' abould oraanlie one at the oa
Md'ter tram HDI Street.
Heat potolMe dale.
1 the nneKion, fto
Echeaa Prom the Irtatttvte;
«*«ed.’ Mat Mpltal
No more one day Instltnies In dnm
fhe Btoll»tot. l>e ■nJlrmatlre vas
. '•(M'ttrr.-H. AStoraOB and'lota Hall;
Md'tto'Mcatfre was npportcd by O. Tboitob the Bay brousbt one of the
fK. 'Otolihy, Roy Daria and Blanche noM severe atortua of yean the atlendaoto was cood. In-fsti U was
lOfttda. The aXinnaUre won.
«wlll toliMat HtU about aa lance aa the hlgb school aa’DttoOt on vtoMan- 1*. *A( IhiaI tint* sembly room could accomodate
the city teachers attended and there
fOB'two adboMa win debate Hie .t|UM'Hfm: Raahhvd. Otat WaahlActen CM
■ore'fer‘Ma eonntry than Ad lineoln.
The <aXiniiaUtre «B1 to led by C. It.
a aad Ue necaUve by Blant^e
Oarla. The pupUa of both achoole wilt
take .
•dt ■aatlac «h ealled tn the offTto uf
■mm- TyMr, Oh
tAa-tarpoto A taMns .op the

from this county and twenty seven
freiu 1,-eehuiau county.
Fpr your written lanimaae work in
the upper crades try some of the itlustratlona in the adrertiilnirpajtea of
the Saturday Bvenlns Fost or In any
other well lUustnitod waaaalne
Tell the tiory of the buy on
(to front rover of the Saturday
ln« Pott for January is. It It a moat
laiereatiBE pictare and Is ramllisr to
Loderie of (he Boardman Arc. acbool. the Hfe of every Xortheru .Mtctaiean
«Bd Bnpt. Clark of Klnaley wto choa- boy.

'« S»ta- Tk« bm vb^wtae was bmI* WexforX, 88JU: 18 LanUtoa, 87.
. «ber* tbe laa«aM
127% bustoU of
uMAod to 2M.Z per cent.
the Blaefc Valentine taans from Are
The thwty CMatlM in the order nf
84 50: » ChartfvoU. 8:-*9: ro
and the exact
■t. 85.87.
Prank Box aecui
I of those tahw ate aa
With land iBcreasiN; In valae as U a yield A 19 bastoU to tto acre of
by tbe above tguraX H la Bed KMW} beaas. and A. E BryAM
3 per tool; 2 -Weithat great pi
threatod' 18« Imsheto frost th» pods
Numbkr'W ntohalo'Wedt^'dfiehl.
de. 14t.3; 4 Lake. made in the derelo
banesied from hU leawcra pnuh K
120.1; <i Maadn. gloD The aapitommost
countiea In
lied that doae to ten thou: t Manistee. the Western Michigan territory aro.aand bnstola were grown in this aecMlchicn Is cMlns to 'the
tbe first to get tto benefits W<au>e tioa in 1911.
front as aa a«rlculiura]
they are nearer the ovcr-|iopulaied
Beaus can to grown to a profit upfaate^ inaa la r
aectloas. The nortbem epanties made |on the Western Michigan lands Purtbe beat showing from a perceotage iihennore. tto uualliy of tbe Weatern
standpoint, which Is mire proof that iMlchlgan been is above the average,
iheir lands will toon to In as great allu I91u Setb Rockwell on forty acres
demand as those of their neighbors lolnear
_... Mooreatown.
.looreai- . Mmsaukee tounty.
latxeat dollar and cents
tbe south.
harsesied etuMigh
enough beau to bring him
was made by Kent county, -afaene tto
ia34.07 wbes
when sold at 82 11
19 a .bushel
ned• to
■ 8854.6:5.818: Ota
seed bouse,
tern Miebica
taws Cnuntpa (ata amounted■ to $23,vsloe of ito seed wu deducted be had
creased 3.574; the \alue of iann Pr»P 7M.396. and MoBtealm's gain to |I9.a uet Income of 8964.97.
erty locreaxed n:.92g.000; the value 039.285.
of farm Und Increased 943.2I9.205.
The farm bundinga is Wemera
Tbiitdho of tto tnenty ■Western
MaIi> good crop
and the averaae value per acre in­ kllchlgan in 191U had a valuaiien of Michigan counties have adopted Uie
■r Damn county.
creased $8.1C. A careful examination 8SI.618.»(>6. The Impiemenu aud ma­ coonty syatem of road boUding
In -Maik 9^. liviag four and one-half
of the flaurea makes clear aevermt slg- chinery on ttoaa farms wsa Inven­ conseouento they are luiirovlng their nItIe^ DOTH) of ilarbor Springs. In
nlflcani facts.
toried St nearly ten uilliOD dollars. bfgbwsys atong lines which In ea< b 4911. raised on tweni.v-four acres.
of Parm Landscase- Uke Into roasidersilun
Namber of Parma,
roasideniilun the v
huitols -of potatoes. 250 bustols
As Interesting a Mudy as any Is fare of the county u a wboie.
la the ten years covered by the cenof wheat. 400 bushels o( corn. 500
ytince ibe state reward law was bushels of riRahagu
BUS the number of farms Increased thst which has lo do with ibe locreasc
from 43.531 to 47.1U5. This U an !n- Ic the valne'of farm lands In the ten made effertlie. I>y which the Slate
John T Starr laired on 5o accea of
yesrs covered by the last ceasos the pays
u boomy upon all ruads lui- IHs fsiin. near llarU^ (*i>rlng;>. Emmet
Tbe I
i Wex- raluatioa of the Wettern Mk-higau prosed ill avcordaace with speclAca- county, WeEiern Mi.hlgan.
:.9(v bushford c-__..................
farms iocreaaed 71.8 p«- cent The Uous approved by its highway depart­ 'i of iMlaloes. He aold 1.30U bustoU
farma Increased 439:
t gain exact amount tn money wns Its.- ment. over 133 miles of public high­
75 ■(•(x-nts. 9975. and he has the great73
was In Mutkeaon county. where
there 2I9.2U5. The largest amoent of gain ways have toen Improved by eight o(
[•a'n of the remaining 1.6oo busbcla
in Itlb than was made by Oiiawa conaiy and the the tbi.teen oouniies ato ihese couustorage u( Jarks<mvl|)e. Ill lo to
......................counties had a smaller smalIeai..^mt>UBt by Kalkaska Otta­ Ges have rctolved tS9!393 from the
d lu the spring for seed st 9i> ernta
iiaic treasury as rewards. .Maskegua
number of farms in itluftan ten yeirs wa's lands iDcreaeed In vnine >4.- MV
iM'iier. This means a return that
before. These eotaUea were Kent. 8U.77C and KalUska'a l626.«Ht).
totter than fiou an acre. Surr
Uecoau aad Montcalm, and the total
The beat percentage gain was that Improved over 33 miles a^ rtoel
docs bis own marketing, going direct
839J’23; .Maalsiee la second with zi to tbe fiul irurcbaaera' wlibuut aoy
of the decrease was 4S1. The madee by mauukee
Vtauukee (2M
<*3< I per vcot.l.
I thatt gained and the number
the loweat by Kent (i«.l per miles and 818.805 to Us credit. Tbe middle men
of farms gained bv each arc: Wex- ceiitl. The foltowint
log counties made a
The Public Library of Traverse City
ford, 439; Missaukee. 403: A
gain of loo per
is aiding in the deM-lupment of WeftManistee. 3.17; Emmet.
zie. 145 9 i>er
ern Mublgan by adding to Its book
Grand Traverse. J09
l^e. 125.6; Newayi
vgo. 121.5; Mason.
Collei-tloD works bearing U|H>n fruit
K)$.2; Osceola. 104.1: Mtniviee. fni.8. ««k“ee'n
growing and genentl agriculture
It In eaeb of the above
cently It purchased "Cyclopedta of
i^ke. I07: Ottawa. 81
>uniies tto farm lands
r«onloolture." 4 voU.. by
bJ L.
MuBbecoa. 39.
xubled In value In the ten real
H. RaJI^; "First. principles
. . of 8Soil
The gain in average value p acre
yvrtimi." bv
-t Alfred
AUri Vivian.”
, ,. , and Terduring the ten year varies fi
14 47
tnixerv • by E( H. Voorhees.
the increato In the number of farms
laws roumy. to 83-67 fur Emnie;
should to 'placed (ttoae Showing the county. This g^n
.............for each of tbe Gland Tmverse .
Max HcrrnMnn. locaied
tacreaae In tto valae of all farm prop apumie.- Is as follows.
Rapids. Anirlai county. Westeic Mich­
ToUl .
. 133.168
8 89.393 igan. leceived 877.38 (or (he cucum­
erty. In ten yeara the value of all
Ottawa. 914.47: 2 Mont.
farm property Increased 83.7 per toni.
bers grown on .a piece of grooni} 136
feet long by l^eet wide, a mere gar­
cans that
a rat^better Ibni
... pafd
patch. Tnbse
____ cucumbers
- _____ were
eight mlttiOD a year. Ev/ry county In
inly. Wcsi- taken by tbe. aalGng alatlon iocated
estern Michigan territory made
Itchi^sn. have been dulu;
Elk Rapida
lii^well by








• ♦♦♦♦♦•♦•••♦♦•DM

DRAMfc '
DeiroK. Jan. 37.—Whaat. 97%4
Cora, Me. -Oaia. ific.
Bp4faki. .Jan.
4Pf cara;
Cfilvea—Active. I
Recelplt. !3,to
toipCa. 6.W>0; active. 86.40^«^ C
lag at >6.15.


Kumab A Lay Oa.
Qaia .
Corn .

1A».. V»UU«»'o. O. dU wSi
'^3:. Ptcnc,





Like a Bomb Barsttnfl In Mid-air, Comes lUs Annonneemeni From The Men’s Ffpsblon Shop

Starts Saturday Mining, January TwenlieSi

GMnplete new stodcs'of Highest-Grade FalTand Winter Merchandise MUST Be C(b verted into CASH
inside of the next two weeks! OUR ENTIRE STOCK of mens and young men’s winlet-'Weight Suits, Over­
coats, Pants, Overshirts, Underwear, Sweaters, Dress Shirts, Socks, Cjoves, Mittens, Hats, Caps, N&kWte,4etc,
etc.,-included in this drastic price-cutting sale. THE MEN'S FASHION SHOP opened late last fall with
an ENTIRE NEW STOCK of MEN'S WEARING APPAREL-many of the Imgst orders
were not completely filled until the season Was far advanced. This has left us \Vith oufidl^y
large stoeb on hand Now~we MUST raise nwn^ on this merchandise AT ONCE^We’IT^fer you Oothing and Furnishings at the greatest price concessions you ever knew.

Remember-Everytliing is Absolutely New and Up-lo-Dalel
AU ItoCloUdan la ttls aale Is ol this scasoa's aiakc aad parctaasc aad has aU IhclSIckt style IobcIIcs

Men*s Wool
Choice oi «0$l find $125 wool QA^
WWfif. bi« idecboe at..9VC


One let e( $I .50 wool ODdawfief bfifipy
jMuJi Uct innni


wool OBdefweu at...


Men's )20 and $22 winter •§ M QC
Suits and Overcoats at . i“dty«f

Men*^ Fleeced

Men's $23 and $28 winter -i O Q/%
Suits and Overcoats at . -i.OaiyfF

Ma-8 neece&Dod udemear, aearir •>
flzei, worth 45c

Men's $ I 5 winter Suits and
Oveicoats go at...........


Men's $16.50 and $18 winter Suits and Overcoats at ^


Bn AMcle Id This Slofe WUI Be Sold At Regnlation Prices Dorlno This Sale, ExcepUngOnly-LiDeHCoilihis,
Gold Rated Collar Botloii^ and fbe Crown Brand and Fltik Detroit Special Overalls!
All Oar Seel
Hen’s Bants
Heavy Wool ^ks
Men’s Sweaters 11.50 to $iS0,
fi «a 6 ISA 1 4M;
Wortl Io$1.50 a
at prices aever
1.96 45c, 95c and 1.29
UVERSHIRTS atl0to 20atr cenuff •tABaarbtsI Worsted Paata at1.60,
Id per cent o(f Mca*0 Bata, both mh «ad
Priea nagb( (ton 50c to >7
rtjdes aU
Jl |0
and$Xat3.95 & 4.9S atmi, our. cbdicert
Men’s 9ttss Shirts BaPi»8m mm WMrtrtriM Jartteto ai »pcr cent off per oeM la 79 ptr cca( •ff. 19

liil I





fleece mxleiweu,


AB $1.50 aad $2

d 4C



Brth Robes and SmoUg Jackets to UrneMlu cog-q«Nitor od.
Worth $S. 5630. $6
$10. oow $$.7$, $«.M. M am$ $7.M

I IMS Mice

Aa Htcimv aad «d»m, worth
from 50c 10 $3. ledoctd irom
19 per cent la 49 per coR.

nie Allen’s Fastiion Shi
The New Clotbias Store (a Swanoby. ntr.>lj4 B. Frooll St-Noit to Friedrich’, Shoe Store-TrsveTM City


Okiom TOAVEBSB HEftAr,T>.^^^raA^S Way EAGliK TfafRTOAT/JASpAl^Wrto

fiG^d Traverse Region


CoDducted by Mias Mac Dewey.

Planl^ «t mor ber»
Mr. Doveoport U-oatw Ute- Bloicii banl to ««
Lbc 1<^ to tlw t»ai. He U Dot natnc
'« enctBO and c»n tbU «inter.
Ura mak Hairer ba» sooe to
Mrs..Mary iones to on tbc stok Urt
_ _- Cltf Hew »M TTavene Cltr to have her.arM Itmi- again."
itejr and
Mrs. Cudaer and children, wbo xto
ma* Un. Btteo Cwtlte.
wnwaa Good, who went wort la»t' lied last week with her mother. Miwirtns. to here ehaklax bande with old Twias. at Bales, returned borne Thurs­
1« We are glad to welcome bliu day evenlnt. ,
or iKwd ctir, wko
TMtlm (Hood*- btn. n Uctt.
Seven or the I. O. O. F. bo«s arcoiupl>'de1 .-veupuaw,
Neopbeer. vbo
mw bae been ilek
■MflbdMfjanled ibelr three candidal^
« time. Is able to be at work.
lenderaoD. John Tolar and Wm. CarMrw. M.
U. Brown sfas
eras a beUod
Uelaod and
nean. to Traverse City lasC Thursda;
Trareree City Tiallor last week.
venlng. where they were alvcn the
- • •

Mn. l.«c«Hir Is III at ber borne In
I. O- O. K. lodge No
to vUlage. but to som^‘
C et that plate.
Mr. and Mra. UprdoD
There were sert icea
Tbe.Udles or tbis piece will gixe a an chnrcb Sundae.
Sir, Cudhe> <atue ne
ting a ar­
II at the Hotel Mlsncr on
The tliermoueler roarbed iT, dchous a>e Satunlay u.o sing. but with grecp. 1.1-Iow tero laM Frida'.
of neigblioo
the pronijit
Is* IJlfUn Colburn of i-jtM Boardatt^od tbe meeting
they exHogutohed
It bt-Iore any great
man to visiting' frientto brie fur a few
' ^nMial Fire Innrdamage-was done.
TMwcrao Ctty.
Jan. liS.
Utos .Sellle
went to
to ber
F W. Cbtlann went to Boyne Kalto
City alter a few, Traverse Cli) to attend the leachera'
1 busiU'.'M .Mouday .
Hera wUh ber son Joba.
Itr. Uiav failv-d to continue bis trip
■ ■
' Boardman Slonday on account ut
AoM Tam.
Uto fathar.
le Kieriii and returned home.
Mile Flora BelllDger
k'lll. «a«^*r>at this writJsK y^tiahan wa" home Iroiii Slantou
from ber recent eicknesi.
Shaveoau wiih the cooking at caiup.

•t * per cent n

uo. o.

. ajwi
Sira. Otto


Stoykee Friday.
FVank Box relumed from Cardonvllle Slonday.
......... lay.
Stra. C- Storra recelveil a telegram
yestenlav announcing
the death of ber
— JO
'illlatn Osbomr. of l.exlngttoa at-lhe home
e of Wm. ton: Oklahorua. She leevee tbia aftemooD for Sloatpeller. Ohio., where
Interment wur be made. .Mra.^om
ss the sympathy of ber frleada
Mrs.-Slary Tayler am1 family aiwo
Sira. Elme
Snadar aad Snnday with Mr. and
,tl|a BsUI befngJWjSrwken^t of
a on (be home
ij .Miss l.eaa L
irolka Sunday.
_____ __ . r
Jlena Stons. who
Is working In
1 Sunday.'>Uliu- camp. !...............................................
; ^ ^ -|^ddneeday to

We arc very sorry to learn ot the
Mto* .' irlon Sinclair relumed I
death of an old and esteemed neigh­
bor. Mr. Mattlce. who iiassod awey
Mrw. W. W.'-tlrower lelumed from
while sluing In hto chair. He was laid
to rest in the Oroen Brier cemetery. lavnolng Fridav evening
Mrs. Ligbtbiscr retunievl
The bereaved onea Itave ih heart:
from Traverse riiv. when- ahe var
sympaiby of tbe cemmuolty.
vtolllng her dauglilvjr.
Raymond Thoniiwon la helplm; Will
Mrr H
Ixiucks vj.-Bi to Tiaverre
:inrk draw logs to Pearl Uke.;
City Saturday.
Sira, sunn-Putnam and l.nniw ItoteTom aud (Tills Iwwnev won- liotiie
were the guesu of Mra. Viola l^l-v over Smidty-pom Manlon.
last Monday
Joe TiSBIH/ to sil k III l«s| with a
treated to npplea and |io|Kom. Aticr ccld.
n social time they iraini>ed iliroiigh
Aligns TIffan.v has bi-en out vl ibsiis
tbo deep anew back home.
II tew times (he pasl week.
Meaara. LJovii Bales. Ed Oray. iKo
I iontlnedMrs Wih- Barm
Gray and Gordon Gray ire all hauliiiB to il.r house.
toga to Pearl Lake for tbe Empire
Bom to Sir. and Mrs. Carl ILite».
Cirlh I.aUar was sbesnl last week
Jan. 4tb. a aon.
froiii school Willi a lia.l i-obl
Iday. the l»h. waa tbe cnidc-t
.Mrs. Ia<ady. who lias lM.-en ill for'
we bare bad here this winter. It several w-aeks. Is do lietlcr.
was Sr. below at R. R. Rates. :::: at
I Klailoll Is belter am' .
Will Cltrk-a aad at Mr. SbuJu.- 2- Ih-

Barnett Blender, the well known
German ejeslght ai>eclaltoi fioni Cad
lilac will be Id Fife
lake at tinHobbs holeU Thurt-day.. Jan.
Sv e
him about your
wlihoui the use o' lbc
Bife Con ilutlonfree.

SH per cent tor

Cc^rsl L

M«M IN. CocuilM

(tolwon WfHltK‘.-(toy sflcrnoon.
the biolucfs
• ..-rwHl b> the hostess.

Slnryto bo»idiul of that plai-<
i-c. arrivevi
I-. Baker
here Monday..............................ito
and look
ilher. Ben ............
Slei-I ...........
attended the Btioual
iamln tilo<-lair. back with thoui tor met-img of
lieaimem .wt ihe.boaplial.
South Hoardinati





:i -M.,., m . mass meei

The Servlix-wtiuild todies will liAld
a liake goods sale ai \V. W Blower's
ore ou Saturday Jan. :utb.
Wni Willaid ami P.1. Ttltahy wei«In Traverse City .Mouday. ,
Pumpkin Paneakau.
Fred Mills was on ihe beard of su..
■•ervltors at Traverse City Hie Iasi
Boll and mash pumpkin and to each
cup^I allow one beatenpcgg. one cup­
Mr. and Mrs p I.. B.-ato of niitinio ful milk and enough pre|«ared lie
e viidting bis umle. PH Beals aud
make a batter aa for ordinary, pan­
cakes. SratOD with salt and pepper
.Mis lam-tiB Klholt i-ctiinied flow
snd fry like griddle cakes
If t«vTiaveise Ci|v to-i week.
Jas. Snell anil lloraiv Flanders ic ■ pared flour to not at hand, use a level
turp<><l Saturilay linoi Traverse Cily. teaspoonful of baking povdef for evwhere they were on Jury .luty w
«rr cupful of flour used.
■ Mr Tanner, who Imuglit Ihe F T
him k>iiilih
business, pas
Omelet Pg»i.
iiinied hto liiiiilly lino
Something new ID kitchen utenalls
to tbc omelet pan. made In two pans
like a waffle Iron
When closed It It
crescent sba|>e—in facL

..Ben Bancroft aud ljuillv
I'iiditlae Fndav. wheii- he h
■ .-|.led at iioslllan with llainel'. Kant
iit «

•bspe of a well^ooked omelet

Miss llena HnsRIns <amc home from
again Suuday
Mrs Mae Klmltoll ofOtovne Ciiv
Needham Business eQllege a: Trav- stoi<|H>d off here Thunulav evening on
('ill la.I .Mondayher way home from Kalaniawo. to
Orani;e Fulb-r wai home f'om Fti- si-ei
-ltd a cotiiife of da' s w iu Wm. Kmc
•lay noun ciuil ;iiindu.> liorii Kab-aska. Ival'
High s< )>ci>l was elosvsl Momlav on
lay El ngeUsi K VK. Mirras.
Mlrraa. Wt
who Is
arroim'. of.tlie ui.i<liei> iii-iiiuic ai
at Kalkaska.
Ttaver-c iTt;.
iIkv glH-Sl
Rev, A. W. Baker
Oeo. ssioclair ef Grand, ae iween'frains last Sgiuflay.
eomiiauled by Pr. 5li-Cready of ihe Bt.
Tbe Uatoy class mt
I Eunice

J»TBsnep In the Cen

Silsa Nora Hernie was'ln Traverse dUJ'.
City over Suodav and wUoiidcd tbe
teachers' iDsiltuie on Slonday.
Service Guild will meet
Bessie Kl
Jan. l!*lh.

nnd over. 1

C. A, Hammond


Wc wsBt to auks this Depurtnicnt .of the
grestcft po^Ie Yslae to sD coscenied
reqncft thst ^ items of persoasl sad
Kcoenl UitM
^ to Min D^tj to be
'- the
*■ DepartmenL
................... W« cepedaily
. rated’ is
ask that dtorches, fralcraal sodeUes and tbe
Oraiiffe fanish items of interest in their resped
tive organisations. Ifewi of social cTcnU and en>
tainments, i
■"» being made or contem^____
$at^, and bnainen ehanget, and transfers in
>eal estate in town and-conntrj are e^eciaUj
acceptaUe. Tbe above applies not- only
jnly to
t the
viU^ofFife Lake, but to the sarroanding conntry.-^ Editor Herald.

klrs. French haa moved ber family
to Traverae City,
Mrs. Celia .Nctok-man naa
M<» « tw. from Trsveree City, where she bet
been ever alnce Cbrtotmaa.
The Meaara. Sltrtln ami Carpenter
' B li
Into the re­
have moved their famlllea
st re. French.
______ _ wbo learae TMaa- cently vacated hoaae of Sir
Jan. 1
Mr Obleago. Pitgremre
raatnra or ibe orealag.,
Rudolph Doakey bae loat a vaUble
leora wat held at horse.
! Box I
called ti


F’ife Lake Department



Ooug-<tr|ut »MrtL

A prisoner aesteoced tb* Mhv day
at tbe Seine AsaJtes to etgbt nan’
penal servitude made a a-nsatteat
eocape from the Omclerfw'o cartxJ
this morning.
When tbe rolls wer«
opened about 7, and Ihe Trtaonera
emerged-iw exetttoe. Romeuf earns
out with tbil rtwt" ^t«g^Meuia4M
of the warders bark tielWjtamsd for
a momeci. be got a fellow prisoasr to
let him mount on bto shoBtiera.' tad
then, with marvelous agility, he man­
aged to iresch the top nf lbs srall.
neirly twenty fe« hlgk. T^e top of
this gnrtilshed wltb a '•cbsvnnt d«
frise." but Romeuf. who to a .plniuber
by 4iade. thought nothing of telthig
■ ig a window, hs
made bis way.. Into a corridor,
thence lifrn the
Palais de JusHre.
which adjoins Iho Conclergsrte. and
In a minute he was a free man. JTi#
to oxpraasod at

I and many othor of
the lUDStrlovs prtoonon of the I
of Terror were Inprtaona
Ing led to the seaEold
times Prlree Napoleon. Is HU.
and the Due d'Ortedaa In HM. wees
detalnsd within Its irnlls.—Parts cor­
respondent London iSilegraph.

To give fried doughnuis a delighiTnl flavor and prevent Ibelr soaking
grease, add a cilpful of boiled pota­
toes put throuirti the rlcer. A frieod

Always Thees Altond of TImn.

who has. Inrarlablo sucr-esa with her
doughnuts tells mestbto U tbe seerM
of IL—Exchange. ^

"l .riws s1l my success Mi Ufa to
having been always a ouaner af M
hour beforehand."—Lord Nelaoa.

I'cck of the Most Important Oean
we’ve ever'held. Positively establishing an entirely new record in
points of value giving. Enthusiastic crowds grow bigger and bigger
despite ittplernent weather.

. Iv tiMOj low. dianen|[e ^ces now being ndneed to fragments,:in onler;r to Iharry the dispnssl of all overstocks, remnants, odd pieces, sbra worn stock and
mt-Nt Mfftnis, beloK tbe arrivol of new qinog merctaandise, have caused wonderful
wonde activity omong: sh ewd and economical bnyerL Tbis sw is podtlv^ the
fnce sai^ sole we’ve ever held, and it’s one that will never be forgotten,
n, at le&st
ieost for a long, long
ioog time. It will pay all lovers of tbe borne beantniil to
MW lor yean to come, becanse yon won’t have another opp rtmdty of tbis kind lOr some time to come and possibiy never again, Wbetber it’s an odd piece
ftwo or 0 wtHde hease to fornisb complete, get to this sale at least one day before it ends.
Aiew examples of llie baying oppottunHes now presenting themselves at this great Jannary Sale
Ah to


A Big Saving on Dishes

Saved Qn

% to


Rocken, tiaek exact dnplKale ol tbe flltutiv
tf^oD, itcaag and o^artoUe. Rendar


aowoferadloc qiackdeaiiog

- lockeca, a«w ooly_____ ______
SereralSS tmJMmtd locken,
deaiiogat, cacb__ ........


Traverse aiy comfoit Ritten and

Many odd pirceo. »u^ as plates,

60c on tbe Dollar

uuce di.hcs,
li.hcf «tc . slightly dai aged


Sbiclly Wananted

butler chip*,


(01 IC,






while, Icr

: :5M Range . .

25 to 50% Discount


Duoti Set.
• Sl.-i-I nulig-

mncfvnir. aalj



2c, Sr, 4c CDd Sc each.


tM tfiEgra arc elrleay Ugh
I every respect.


IS ill,


.inker. Hiiii »









Did coasist o( 100

and gold dc'-'«rsled

pieces, but one or two

pups arc aiisving aad tbe covet hondleroo two o'
pieces are broken.


.. .......................... 1 ,


This did s'll when ,

coreplctefor $l3,aowit i> ofiered



far qui k seUiag at.................................................................

Wc are clodag out all
fieatiog stoves and R*s a good
time to buy now lor next
seasoa. Tbeoe are dioconat'
ed from

Duriiu: lit- ' sal,-, niily


There are many' more, also some
Toilet Sets and Glassware.

W. Slater



10 to 3S

percent ofi

Picforc Fi’smes odds a»d rads 5c
WlMdew »h«de£oddiaadg»d,5loSec
Csrpct Remnnta

nj to <a»ol XoM, to M no. ' ‘

Their LUctfiMft.
While P»1 woriteff. Mike and
phr painted a ptctore.oC ft 4aBkcr*a
bead OB the hack of bia coal, tblnklns
tbai they wooM Aar# eone fua out of
him ftbea he put oo hla coat to «e
IhBt Ttetcry la not ftlwiyp « matter
borne. Pat aa be reached for bla
. inproTft tbft ftplTlu and coftt aaw the pelBtlug aod aiked: of alae or atrwgth van plMat
fliuatraied In the
of the d<« Umt
“Whlrb ooe of you fellowa «lped
bla duty ao eSaetoally In the taeP
faoe oo the back of my coatr
deat bare relatoA.
A man namai De Bear had otarted
'Wbftt'ft tbe matter. Ocorger aafcad
•arly one moraine (or ft.Jearaey m
foot ta MaubeieUnd. leartas hie boy Ble^er when be and Wadley met et
tbe name cafe tabie laat Tuaeday
not COM baU a mile vhw be beard » noon. ’You look like tbe laat run of
• Work aad Or16MI AfiflRSI—New aad Original IdMn in U
^•1 and. turalns, aav an
^ abad. Hava yoo beoft alckr
nantioK. Plana and Si-eciScattona KumUbed at Very
"SO. I’ve been up In tba connliT,*’
litmeat about Bfty yarda away and
BeftftftftftMa Ralee.
" ' ^
-----8be wai vnbto eaJd Wadley. “You ki
Morgan a peqple have a cottage at
Sunacl Uk«. Well. Katherine Invited
brtb the baftBfa law.
**SteH Dm TKet**
TM aecond abot broke one cd bar
LRrg«Al BfweTDrt nwcslBOM World
leCB- Tbe tbird. 8red Juat aa abe aald ft waa a quiet, reetful place,, ao I
‘ ■ • Pedigreed Tree* ai no adrance In price.
aprane on De Beer, mlaaed altogetber decided to break away from tbe bualneaa grind tor two or three daya. if
apKClAGTIBS-Andeifton pearh. Banner Peach. V
bad tbe man wai borne down.
Applm Bmaaelor Uraune Cherry, i rimaon lUmUer Ere
a few aeconda be wma mauled 1 loel my Job (or It"
-Y'ou did rlgbt" decUred Blqeker.
and btitan and bla left band aeverely
1 Traaeme, flit, phone «C.
ft cbftage oBce Is ft
Injured. There eeemrd lliUe hope
that beeould eeeape ali*«, for bla gun while.”
‘■Well. T.bad ft ^ ; aU light."
waa o-jt of reach and tbe lion, lying on
bla. pheveoted blm from moTlng.
"DMB't it agree with yo«t Waa It
But with De Bmt was one compan­
ion, ft liltle terrier. Tbe Uny animal
"Dull! ni JoBt ten yon what KathSew brarely at the Uooeaa- ear, got
■Ine. the edoibble. tbe untiring,'ftbft good bold and bung grimly on. Tbla
aolutely (odeetrtirUble Katherine, ar­
made tbe brute ehlft a little, and Da
Beer waa aUe to reach tala rifle again ranged for my pleaauiw.

Ukm ft «M ftftlMl ftiitf ft AM b«rse
■fcoiM b« »ftU CftTftd tor. Jb the bUMm 9h«n llw bft* botftfti ftr« kept
Torn »m ftcftrly «lw»yB Bad « paekaco
«( HAHVBLL'B CONDITION K>Wum. It U ft pweir medlctftftl puw
4ar. JM ft fooA wd il« eSert on Itre

Veiling •■ ' t
. Katherine

Greentaig’s Trees Grow


aad pay Mg prtecs lor Uicm.

CBOTia'traaa ■ «e«Ha Aaalatrara . .U ceMa
Paaea iiaaa
eaala Paartraaa
.U enila
NawIalkcllBicloaidcTloraprlBg deUvery.
Na aRorts CBvioycC



and •■104 aa ollhe nualoluc c4 W^oiu. Skigha

FallanaMiluiiofaiig •! Rdiii»l boriiin prion





■ •ppndale fte pOraa(o ol my at*f Modi d o«r
'OeGiaalTinneRcfioiiolliepia. I un aow deriDi
. y«ipkad>lba>|d>c.^|oad. I h.n audoclKd, b
EnOd^ ia da my ol naitoUrtoffd aridsawol
MIkeirlntiywell■didiooialnailica.d ay aeply<l
, kjMwntbayriaeemiellielieK lop»W

Travcrac City

Mid Winter
Is the Time to Get

Done ^

Hoiyoswa td • etf aaorimna oI pccBy pictm
adStplUlaRoonoet lor My kbd ol pionre you deriic
Ovalric^iilobfkiwliucnyoawul imieil ■ d
le am >d cril lot k idea yoa plMM


Qty Book Store

vltfa bla right band aod aboot tbe
*qt ^ frSO Friday evening when
ilooeaa tbrougb tbe cbeet. 8ba fell my trdTn errived. Keiberloe wee at
dead on top of bla hla left band aUU tbe aiatlon with a carryall full of
In bar moutb.
yonng peo(4e. who welcomed me moat
wamly. We drove te tbe cottage,
where eupper was aweltlng me. After
SULPHUR TAKEN PROM WELLS I dfapetebed 'that end wma 1
longingly et one of tbe porch hamnocka Kat

within recent yean Btelly, ao long
(amoua for lu eiportatloa of eulpbur.
baa auBered from tba c
the United .suiea. In Bldly aulpbur
la mined ^n tbe aoild form. At Lake
Cbarlea. U.. near tbe GuU of Uealco.
ft little orer 200 mllea from New Orleana, eniphor la obtained from deep
depoalu In tbe form of A liquid.
WelU driren to a depU of dOO fbet
In aearcb of
ftead ft rich depoalt of aulpbur. To
obtain tbe mineral hollow tnbea ware
driven Into tbe earth. Each aulpbur
well eODBitta of three (ubee. one wtihIn aooiber. Through tbe outer tube
hot water la forced down, and It laauea tbrougb perforatloni near tbe
bottom. Tbrougb the cenUal tube
hot air la driven a little lower than
t^ polnu where tbe hot water eecapea. Tbrougb tbU third tube, inoloaed between tbe other two. the Uquid aulpbur. ^taaolved by tba watar.
rlaea. to tbe^urface under tbe
hloed Influence
tbe preaaure of tbe
column of water aad tmpulaloQ of tbe
-TtalBg sir. Tbe liquid aulpbur ti led
Into wooden retervoln. wbare it cooU
and bmrdena.

for tbe destruction uf a vast quantlly
of books In U12 be framed ft law al­
lowing goods to be Imported from the
United Kingdom, provided that the
Imporur ablpptd an equivalent qaaotlty of Frcncb goods to UUa cooouy.
French merebanta genarally met the
requlremenu of tbla Uw by ablpping
books to tbe valua of tbe warae they
wltbed to Import. lUvlng served to
gain tbe neceesary permit, tbe books
the way to
DigUnd, aa there was‘no demand
them here. Bblppeta could well afford
do tbla. tor coffee end sunf^^ere
then eboot tea Umes deqrer iTPrance
then In Englaod. It baa been esUmated that books to tba nomloal vaJm
ol tour million doUern weru denrayed
la Ult way.

Oonriialon of tongues In 8i. Oilleft,
tbe luduatrial enburb of BruaaeU. BelHer© the Flemish. Walloon end
t clementa meet. BiaUsUcaurepared for the govemment on tbe lan­
guage queatiOD Bbow that of CS.23»
adnlu who form tbe popuUtlon of St.
OUleo, 10.16S men and 14.2U women
op«ak French only; 2.48S men and S.Flemish only; 80 men end
German only; UA9S men
and l«,Mt women both French and
riett^ Til men and T98 women both
Frttoh nnd German. 30 men Sand 38
womiB both Flemlah and German, and
8S8 men end <43 women French. Flemiah and German.
To End Leg Rafts.
Caluabta rivemen believe tbet tbe
recent dlsaatera overtaking a number
of tbe oecfto-folng log rafia which were
being sent from tba river Cd California
lieve been tbe means of sounding tba
doom of (bla method of shipping .lum­
ber down tbe comL_ In euppori of
this eoncluBlon it la pointed out that
tbe ataemer Csrioe, on ber last trip,
took out a deckloftd of piling from
Stella. Heretofore th© great bulk of
tbe piling from that point has been
Shipped to CahforaU Id tbe form of
ntia,—Shipping lUuairaied.

*qt tbrre'a anything aicky sweet in
the name of food that I partlculariy
detect It'a marshmallowa. but, of
course, I expreese^ my delict «t tbe
roaat and nwey we went After ehout
ten pounds of marabmellowa bad been
VoDBuraed end tbe beech fire waa gel­
ling low Katherine auggeated that we
have a few lively gamee to warm our•elvea. AUbougb I waa really too
Ured to move. I Joloed In tbe rompIngi and tore back anA forth acToan
the beach like a acboolboy for ft halfhour or eo.

“At £;S0 tbe next mornlnr e rsp et
my door woke me from a lound eleep.
" ’ArenY you going for a dipr called
■KatberlM. gayly. “I take a awlm ev­
ery moralBg before breakfeat.'
“In about llva mlnutea I joined
Katberine on tbe pier. 8be dived Into
tbe water aod I followed, my teeth
rbelteriiig fihe atruck out arrots tbe
bey. It wea only by auperbuinan efforta that I managed to keep up with
her. I hpd not been In awlmming
before tbU year, aod I never wea a
that we
ran borne on tbe beech and Kstberiae
hei me a box of randy that efae could
btti me 8be won.
“After btvekfest she ch
tennia. We played etx seta befos^
lunch. I was too tired to eat and I
loured to stretch myself In a hsmunx'k, biJ\ Kstherloe said she was aa
Eunxry aa a hired loan, and she knew
I must b« atarvlog, so I sat down et
tbe table end wsa making e tsirly
good meal when Ketfaerine told me to
burry, (or she had arranged n'foursome at golf vlih two friends of here.
“It was S o'clock when we flnlsbed
playing goU and Katberine aald we
ebould just have time for e swim
before dinner U*ben I was dreeslng
after tbe satm Katberine knocked et
my door end told me to put on my
deocing pumpe. ea we were going to
a bop In tbe evening.
“We went to tbe bop.
was an blooming as a rose. Bba in­
troduced me to every girl there and I
danced every dance on the program
and six extras. I donY knew bow 1
managed to walk (be mite beck to tbe
cottage without falling by tbe aid© of
Katherine, who appear«tf-to be doing
a Marathon, eo briskly dtd she walk.'
“1 hope you got a rest Sunday."
said Rleeker. sfmpatbeUcally.
“A rest!
Katberine bad planned a
walk around tbe lake. It waa just
seven miles, and we got home tn time
for a 1 o'clock dinner. I was determined that I should eleep ell tbe aft­
ernoon In a bammoek.. But It was
to he. Katberine asked me to row
her to tbe far end of tbe lake to pick
water llHei. We got into weed*
where I could hardly move tbe boat
an iocb without breaking tny back.
“In the evening Kaiberioe bed e
crowd In for a Weltb rarebit and I
waa allowed to cut up four pounds of
cheese. It was hard work. One of
the glrlt came nneacoried and Kath­
erine and I rowed her home across
the like et midnight end walked a
balt mlle to her bouse aad Back.

“It didnY seem more than ten min­
utes after I got Into bed wbea Kstbrehie knocked on my door to see if I
was ready for my morning swim I
answered brightly that I had slreadr
been In. Then I began throwing my
tbinga into my suitcase. At breakfast
1 inqulrad abo-jt tbe first train (u
“ 'But George.' Kstberiae protested,
q thought you were gulag to stay over
today. There's a lot of things 1 want
you to do. We were golog to play In­
door baseball snd----- ‘
Frovlng an Old flaying
"■lYn terribly sorry.' I interrupted,
n aura believes dat dere'a troth la
dtl old proverb wbat aeya, 'Heavto tint It's Imperative that 1 return to
helps doee wbat help dvmseKe." ao- my oMce this morning.’
"It was ImperatIvR. I knew thnt if
ouaeed Wandering Walter, tho'
faery Wop.
f dtdnY tegtin the rest and quiet of
"Wot mlkea yer nok dat kinder ay desk telephone immediately I
fled SOd
doper Inquired Kagwett Httgle. tbe should be B toul wreck J} fle
Kstberiue's Isst words to d© wi
Roving Reprobate.
“Been If we bedenter want *b‘ Invltatloa to return for my vaefttlon
helped oonelU to dat cold ham In det
~«-Ul you cor asked Sleeker.
enmmar kttebea we'd never bar© tten
“Ntt unlees lYre been to a rest cure
dam winter dotbee hengta' thftral'—
Ctovelaftd Plain tteeJer.


An expert tn Bah enttara, who beHevaft that Bab hftve memorlM. gave
a Bovei exbibItloB to euppori bla
U oea gf the oMloaad pools at the
hatchery a&der bla charge there waa
a very large trout which elwaya came
forward to aee and be eeM wbea
vlalton nppeftrwd. It waa tbe axperfa
custom, after cftUlni partlealar ettenlion to that trout, to ralae bla cane
quickly and hoU It over the water.
Tbe performance would have ao eCect
upon tbe itml
Then the'expert iraeld produce a
light trout rod end appear wttb H et
tbe aide of tbe pool. InatnUy that
trout woeid twB and See. bide tteeU
at tba f*T end of tbe eaclqaura aad
remain there fto leeraa tbe rad wea


A. F. Owen left tMa menOeg
Manistee and Ludlifttoe or Mveral
daya bailBoaa trip.
F. w. •atemea went te.Copemisb

loday o^ buBiaew.
A. J.-WeifSAd ie apeading the day
Salrii on buBlBeaa.
Chaa. Mskn went ta Cadar tbit
MM-nJtig ue buBtaexa for tbe day.
L. C. Clapp and K. E. Horet went te
Uanlatve tbU morning to make
Snal axTangvmvniB tor tbe &gln:
Ulnstrel show b> be giten at that
plat* tomorrow vrenlag.
A. i. Mikawefci retumad ta hit bentt
at Cedar Kun ibla morning from a
abort tltli Urr*- wUh Trieods and ret
atites ^
Mrw C H. ZimmenMn of Maeklnaw ^ly. rviurned to her
' ^ '
Tiing, after apand
Ing the past ibree weeks la tbla city
aa the gueai of relativet and friends
One day, early la tbe earMr of the
O. C. VibbCr of ftummn CHy, arriv­
flab, tbe expert, to tiy a barblatt
book be had devleed. cast with one ed In the cli) ibiB moralag ua hualla that pool, end tbla trout eeiead tt. Dean fur Uie day.Mr«. J. H. LeukB. |rhe baa been bare
Ybe book pcftetrated end peaoad
tbraagb tte upper Jaw. and by ibe|v>riilng Ura. C. E. Green, reiursad to
time It waa relMsad from tbe book It ber borne at Fife leke today.

«ey m Oevle wqai ft ftai^MR !
this taoralBg «e beitaiw ftr • M
w. A CaHyle retmead ft ftmi<
Ibis atteriMon fram sa a
visit Ift tbla vIclftHg,
Hitt Eva CftTiftfi of Fravmmitt. mf
rtied In tbe city this BKtrmlis
I'for tbe fty.
Jt»r nnrihatbir rfttftnwd tt Mmftm
goo Ibis BBoralftg to hla SkHs
aa tbtttre ptaalsi there.
Mendel left tbla BWBttg '«tt
Toronto. Ontario, Canada. Oft aft et-ndvd buaioeae trip.
J. F. Aataten went u Meneeteaft to­
day un butlnett.
C. C. Thacher of Kalk^lte. rotonyi
bla borne* ft! tbai place ibla itorto

Cadmac>lBn t
Juttua FIKX J
Klagaley tbla weak. '
J. «A Zbrnaarmaa veant to Kla
Ibis wmralag on hoslftett tor ihe tai.
Fred F. Boughey untt M ChsMg
fftft (his SMSAlBC OR toHtoRftft. .

Wm. Oeodft iwRtt to KaEoMftft todv
□a seversj daya hftftiRaig Oft,. *•..
.Mitt TMrxB Frtmid loft Mtt BMft
morolpg (or- Ft. Wsyse^ Iftd. whora
she whl spend a week ritoUft Meftto
and rwlaUvea.

™ S brief rl»lt ber© wlib (rleoda.
J. B. Fetcra of Leetaville. raturwad
d the pool edm bU rod
bla borne ml* utorniug. after
tbe trant would InttanGy daab
•AeriE to AMoM
place of biding, q^tbougb ft paid no eral day#’ vl*li here to attend the
attentioft to a cane or other stick beM
it of bla btutber tbe laie Benja rounty, returaed to Saglaaw tola ■
lug from a abort vUit to Uls city oe
ovar tbe water. Tba trout lived for min Peter*.
yeere to that pool aad aevar taUftd te
Arthur Tewera whe hat been here
show Ite fear of a troftt rod aa leaf vUliteg friend* tor the past week,
aa It Uvtd,
returaed to bis home at Maacekma
tbla morvlng.
MOTHHiaER IS VEHYHMDY L. D.-d^ilen went Ie MaAcftioiw this
aoralog 00 b^lnett for tbe 1. c. 8.
F. U Cam^ll ef ctfl W. Tenth ttREAT VAftllTV AMm» PRR
street went to Grand RspUs this af■mTy-:::
teraooa on alweek’s bashwea trip.
Mr. and Mrk J. l. Warner went
Milaa tbla atlerftooB. being called
to Wftk ft ftw to TIMM gai: J
there oo-accopto of tbe death of ft repftttling the bqoki
HftwMftWTMhftftftU^ i
-1 opened aa old Ubrtry book tbs IftUVft.
•Mi *rT^ Uftft.
Mrs. F. LaSftr rewnied ta her I
other dsy.“ be fsld, "that b*A tbe ap­
pearance of baring beftft closed tor a ■1 MsaceloBB Ibis ftfienooft. trott a
ftra ft ftftfaftr to li ilMMi
century, aad on ibe vary first page I few ^ys visit hero with Meads aod
ETOftt ftftftMUftM ftM aw S
found ft moth millsr. He lay llfstess relatives.
for ft few minutes, but prstty soon
.Louisa Maattl ef KlngMsy rebe begma (o wriggle. Now. ordlnartty,
After baattag,
motb mUlera nre my chief aversion. I innied to her hose there CMa aftertodustarototot . ____
tske a cruel delight la kUUag them, nooB. after aevera?daya visit here.
SMaol ft.BHftftaR
ft .
Mrs. M. Thomss ef ManceloM ^rs- •d (nralur* that
tot sftftaoi
but I could not kUl that moth miller
uwt thd >M
ftM to ft BMd
ftftd fttoft.
I pUyed tbs rats of Ubsrator Instead. tnraed to her boBM at that place to­ without
he hftd ftow. tfta laWiA -jS
His belplettoess. touched Be. and I day. after aeveral day* risli In ibta
ft petotod aft tfti lotoft ftgt.gawW
blew on blm. flicked him wttb Biy-Ea­ city aa tbe guest of friends.
ttoeraftttftft (oU l» fta MflfiMftB ft
ger, tnd after awhile be was abla to
Mrs. Fred Eg^tl of BeKiwr. arrived woodwork ftft toaa II gortftft
fly sway.
In tbe city toll raornlsg on buslnea
Asothar to BUft «tth ft ftwft ft
■Tv'ow. wbat I would ilkft to know
for tbe day.
each oftA. om to gtoftft^lMl^fti
la bow loog had that Insect boen onWMt to
tosnbedt My cnrioelty «-arHa«i ms to
wher* sbe
tba length of Inquiring wbu tbe book Buckley this i
bad been called for last, but the *t- wlU spend several days vtoiilBg Irieods
tendant Informed me that (be book and relatire*.
was In the reference depftriineni. aod
Wm, Wllseo is sptndlng a tow
It would be a prodigious tabor to trace days uf (hi* week In Grand Rapid*
(be latest reader, eo bow long tbe
moth dlBter bad suffered eapUrity la
H. 8. Kneeland left flunday tor Chistill a Biystary."
igo wltere be sill enter business and
lucste permsnemly.
PalnlSM Dentistry.
In tbs Sunday acbool taacher'a exto tft bftftkt to lift taw
perieoce the only kind of a danOat
Mm. E. F. Altman
she bad ever known waa a
who Run this murnlng on ereral daya
•d Ukft _ _______________
pulled or repaired teeth. ftO When tbe visit and businm yip.
round aft aoft. tofftfftft
nice little girl In bar class said bar
Frsd A. Castenhelz is apanding a
father was a dentin the teaehar coo- few daya at Manistee ibis seek visit- dost from tft mm
brae. wbUa Into tft
eluded to patronize blm. 8be knew bU
addiett and called -esp day wttb Ing reUUves. He etperu to return
warm water to wElfth/
nerves braced (or trestmaat of an uo ber© about Baturday.
sound tooth. She was sbowo Into a
suall workshop, wboee Mdtt ware St HoDor on businett In tbe inierMi a traatAftftt tft toftft Oftfl
be elaaa.
of Grionell Bros.
Ftor fiae cut gtow ftii OVflMl fg
“Dentlsty tbe
Mrs. O. H. McNutt of Honor, ratofTh
“Great Scott, no; lYn a clock naodar ed to her bome at that place today, to ptoto we ftra ft Mg Sftftft hS
but I know bow tbe kid came to omke after spcndlog (be past Mveral dsra Btode of thft ftoftaw JNtoftft. •» fit
tbe mistake. People In tbla trade al­ tn tbU city ft* tbe gueftt of Mr. and there wUl be ft ■fttoBtof to tft
kftte uxtura to Ift gtoft. Rot wfl|H
ways call the (allow wbo makes a spe­
Mns. FYed H Barney.
aft ftftuBOBlft are bsat to fttt wfttl
cialty of tinkering with grandfatber
-I. H. Marshall went to Lnha Aim wftahlag gtoftA ftl ft Mra to
(docks a dentist. Tbe wheels of most
weU srltb etoar hat wftWr aft goS'
grandfaibcr docks of Amcrlcfto man
. |
Mrs. Eari Thayer ef 2fi1 West srltt ttoaae papor.
Qfaeture are made of wood, and when
w to ftU eottfts Ift bottto. kra%
tbe clock stops the woraout (eetb Twelfth aireel. left (bis morning for
baa many aatt Betttoft ET
have to be removed from the' wheel Mu Pleaaatii snd ('arson City on
and sobnd leetb put In. Bo I really euended visit to relallvee
bftbro narring hottta. to«to be
do work with (eetb aad deserve the
H. M. Cannon went to Honor this ed wttb tbu strto to brash.
name of dentlsL"
morning on bnsinett.
docRfttors. wRtsr bootofl.
Miw Dells Matar to Seyna City, rsturned to her home at' that place tbU depth
Saw No Future for FIttobwrg.
Oftsfut boOto hnwh.
"Pittsburgh' of tbe ninth edfUon of monilqg from several days visit
U you wo gttottpttog to keep
Che “Bncyclopsedla Britsnnlca' had tbi* city as ibe gueet of frleads.
witbow tft Md to ftftr to tfttt'
quietly become ‘Pliuborg' In tbe
D. J. Wright went to O'Nell this
tenth. Tbe former, to sbkb America morning on bustne*s.
baa now oficlally reverted. Is the ongMitt Ethel Cline ol West Twelfth usks are llgtatsned by (betr oafl^
Inal spelling When General Forbee street, left this nwrulug for Mi. Plea*
raptured Fort Duquesne In 17U. be re­ ant und Perrington on an extended
named It Pltuburgb tn honor ol tbs
Ferfuma CsmpeoAdlag fta Art. '
great BnglUh Insplrur of rictory. In visit to relatives and friends
Tbe compooadlBg to psrfimtt li ft
O. A. Robertesojs ape"d'"B
1784 Arthur Lc« described tba place
dlsunct bcaBcb of eftatotJ7-« ftrin language wbicb seems strange to days of Hits seek at Cudlllar o
fume maftr may ft ragariad as m
those wbo know -nbe smoky city" of
aniat of Cfaemlstir. htoadlag his tocratoday: 'Pltuburgb Is Inbsbtied si
I. W. Wright of Detroit returned dlttu with (ft can to
and ^
moat entirely by Bcou and Irlah. who
thai pls'-e tills morning, slier hav taste sAd skin to tft «
live ID paltry log bouses. ThcfS are In ing spelil the past se-k Ui this * It) Almost sU pertomw have ss a baato
the town (our attorneya. two doctors on buktness
ambergrta or dvoL ftftd wklto tbaftft
tnd~DO( a prlMt of any persuasion, nor
Arthur Hooker went (e O'Neil th.e aatertato are mori usceaaary. irsftt
church or cbspel, so that they are
care muat ft sisrelsft ta thslr tta.
likely to bf damned without tb# ben© morning on buslnes*
for a grata too mueb w|fi make tft
Mrs. Levi Wliliame of Walton, re- perfums dtotrttriiigly IrriteOag to tft
at of clergy. Tbe place. I believe. wlU
t-iraed to her bame today, fr-un
uever be vary eonsiderafalt.~
seek's vl*it here stili Mrs John /




Oerataft Tra
At one time tbe county c< Lan^ftehire. In England, produrad practically
an tbe snipbsric add In the world.
Tbe commercial devriopmau la Ger­
many and othar Coratgn eooatritt of a
special proeern S( mannlactBr% origl
nalfy Invented by aa
« h*s
tori tbU trade te Englaud. EUnUarly.
the working ett by Oermaaa to ft
method of makfff artlfletal todlgs hfts
alramly revoluttoalaed the toSIgO b«touad MSs Mr atoo te
lu the cottce dytong hidutoft. Fmvfifths to an the dm need Ift fto wctU
are mada In Oermaag.

Mrs.-N Mikowski are visitIng friends and relatives at Du.'pe
Falls this seek
Floyd Scseh went to Buchanan
afternoon, after spending several
dat* visiting friend* In this Hiy.
Mr. arM Mrs. A E. Thorn wont to
Peioskey today on an extended Visit
Mm. w. H. Stein Is spending sev
eral days this seek with friends st.
Frud Ingersoll of Detroit, returned
borne to that place this afteraooo. af
ter spending tbe past week in tbla city
on buaineu.
dohn F. Haydoft to 0«tr»R to In tft
dty cftUtog on old frteads.
Mr. ftwd Mrs. U O. Hamlin to hoAor.
pasasd thnnsfa the city todny ow their

predoctog hystsrU ta a mtld ar
severe form. If ladolgsd tft st ftO but
u sboald bs oasd.
Nsr ISM m ftiBsrtoftAft

A imie btghtowl Bcateh girl ft*

lag BO bard at tbstogiuri atisr tft
Amertcftft glri had amrad.
"It to vary rada." fto mi. "Vft
de yoft look at bar Ukft thwr
"BuL tootba; ftr ftir M BgMaE
-Aftd hor akM to wkSto."

"Ytt. b« wbftt to ter

"I always thesBft iftd

«RA?!I) TBArraWE HBBAU). AOT TBAVl!I»RflAT SAW* ^W)WII»T.'JAOTAa^T^18.^^ll£'■


Kiijir^y Department

jwriy to #*iog

' ' 'c^licM Iv Miu Edn. W.H.

iaies’ Cm^
DTVniro m

ZX>T8 roE
qihok oftp^a^o*.

W4 ihkll be gtiA i6 Uivb Ikdiviai


and all ottaw or-

the Orwc*.L IfrM«


______ _
can(lBu« fali work.
iMte M«w»l
bom* in
cttT w»oii*«d«y anw a Blwrt ^rtih with
ftlkwri Kywrtks wf Ti^v«r»* CHr
u Id towB OB taulnM* th» Oral ot

MiM Amy SeaftnlUer weal to Ttb'
rrsc CJfT
Urn WThwi* U OB ibe ilefc Itot.
Omiw* YBto BBd Bd Bmlir o»
qHbw OMUB_wer« IB «aw* oa bu»l


uminc tax week and'Bw
il in samrlK a fine rad tox.
MlM Uab'llDcan la aaaixUw In tl.»
Iteu'd lelotilMiDe efflo {or a ebon

Yput )4ioi^ Ql ame rw»
olcoBis, bl|u^kalulc<dllra

be aa fine a rw
nd m aay i«ft
ilv. lie eeau Her lu Ibe baM and eiKrl<lay-«trt»liii!. Jan.
imea blnnelf for a ntontaat. The Rlrl
laae* 1.
ljuJj -MB«<»l*o»'a ana huohandii. mum
ralib for ■ time, ibeo ibe keeper a|e
Bdllh Uencer. Ivab
.rf eliom-ei* Sir Kultliia. ree|«odw
iBiion exranoea
exranded Ibeiii
Ki a «x.r.ltal liivlliilon
inei.. l>earK and tells the (tlrl where ahe la Waldron. .Mlaa Evans and aereral ol
lilt- high srhool atwlents attended the
I.v« |ji<7
Tlier.- were and what la exoeeted of her. IBM
tMrberx' HiKHute,
alwiil IlMl eaeaU
M»oat <>I Ine the
IW. Swajttoo of Ttaverae t’lty
in il»e exonlna'a f<f
I town lloodarilvilloN la iho way of iHoBra*>»l»** I'Ojlrl. ibrn lake her to the cur
Korn to Mr. and Ura. Arthur ilaveclrt>.
Tmi aamea were' playe.1 and
nor. Monday inoraln*. a girl.
\lra. Anna Varthnck BiK-rerOed In ae- lire, and at aoon na be «ew her
iios KIrkMwon. Jr, went to Trarouilivf Brsit prira, wblidi oonaUiMl of
rae l
ity Buouay
Sunday lur
for s
a soon
sbo14 ruiii.
iu haudkerAblef l«x. aud lor coimoU oushi «'o be a warnini lo the mothers
■ Millard Mrtcerson Is bauling logs.
lilou Mm. O. Kloykee reipIvH) a xnall
wuHd for ihen^lvet.
Pete HomrMt I* on the sli-t llxi
.Mr. I'arlbark wa» alwi ainT«o»
0 Traverse fliy
Iful la !<e<-iirfnB Oral pli*e. whfcb aaa
Blre^ luokv t





fluff Kluek bnwdWulb r<«1a;

Maple atyW.



thi»ueFi«n!.willi beat






Yonr iliou f tlOa lot. ONE-TlURl) OFF..


and Dre$5C5

:« store box. aBri A.

aJ prppflrtlppiiite diacounte

Urloue apideK. wbh-h were weemliialr
X Inrun
N 9cr.«Dsen then In behalf of lb«
iKlIins {.adr
ItoUfbta nreaeBIed
With a le^iitmil «l-pieie dinner aei an
a tok. li <.r Ibe ealeeni and hish retard
n nlil. li ilM* tauillv of K. A. Ni. kerwn
X held. .Mr*. K. A. Nl.T;erson re»i«)Ud
.d to the preneniaitou in a lew well
<tao<ieB worda. aOer* which Ibe nMur
friendx deparied. -



Rm. York


.and Record Co
fia your Job work.


ftm docjlfir Mils, BD«
»|ue comloii you ca^ j^yc
for so UUIe mopey:

: •OVB' - OVeitOOATB — Ue.VB*
want) overeoals and reefers
fkat ware «2.'M aasl


-coimTIil.te .Sturm
w. ic {It aiiil




teitible conarx,



Cl I

One Men’* Fur Lined Coat with
lakpe Itendan l.arol> etorn <i>l
bir. witrth tar.iei.

idlex^J^ Lined Coat
a Mink
Mini llliing amt
Urook MiBk Hutrut*
•ullai. aurtb »:•••. at



and ts.r.u, at StSO


Ladlea' Ftw fMvIng Coata that

“..... $18



^ «ortli^1:'.*H>, ftl


35P Pftir§ pf Sample Hose

At One-third Under Price!
Men's Sock* ii
■liulii III lirlii
a iwlr at

the tuM l»c a pblr. al....t2c

Men’s AH Wool Socks


..................... ..............12e

,LaOlaa’ Fleeced Heae wwrtb

mediuni and heavv welglii
worth W a pa

Mictea’ and Children'a Nveol
Heae am

MImbb’ Md CMWrMiY Ribbad




iie AAd t»c a pair wt....t2e

UtBrtea Weavar and wife returnetfl
home mat wtwk from Ihelr extended
vlali with Kebraoka reUxIves.
Mrs Hitni is very (loorlv and Mra
IVie Oolbr is siaylug wliu her.
Prank Erhan Js
fro mhis iwecnt illBe«s as was Bnd re­
A. I'. Sorensen and , w....................
Her. York Is adpertmandsBt of the Traveroe (71ty lost week buH vtalied
Hume (or tbe Prtendleaa at i’lili-aBO Irleuda aad relaiir
Am-ie 7Jmmer is worklag fur-IYank
A liberal donarton was gireB for the
support of the borne.
Crtfa t'nmkhlie started his mill Usi
Tbe only resret Is that there areti'i

many more t
Will AUefi has a/^<e|>ted like ixsitlon

S .

• 'f

Wf ST HFF »**»•


Hoi bios'

Al Hlal and son Uleu went' to Tnv

by the aid of the public.

nrat of the Seaaon Parties.
Miss :
Tlie Drat of Ibe seaiuinY dan.-lng erne flir Sunday.
lAirlles was held In Cbe Sioiiroe hall
Jan. 10.
l^vi PrHay erenliig. the Madh-on or
rheafra furnishing she muide. The hall
was preliUy dtworaied
with . everyreeliB
A good lime was reported h)
The ngxt of the series will be.
CMnat* Boldlart In BaWa «f Ping
held In abont three weeks.
Yah* All OpBnad Paroaola WhM
Fsrmero' Inatltutc to be Held Janu­
ary 22 and 23.
ft Ralnad.
Tbe Bummli flty grangers are mak
Ko Mia wbo baa atodled tbe mUlury
ing pretorailohs for eareHent m*r«
togs and have twnred the assimpm-e SMboda of China will be aorprlaed
of aimakera from aeverol minis hi to laarn that ‘YbaUt” of palatad
Breryone shouldI try and
at rend at leax one at
Koura. Elk Chlavaa. Not ao vaiT long ago each
Mldlar waa aapidled with an oilcloth
parnwii. a^ a faa wbirti he tucked
S?e«Tetar>—E. O- ladd.
During the batUe of
t-U K. Tati. Rinfe wp BM Meevo.
Piag Tang, when tbe rain came oa.
Agrti-nltural nillege.
Hear tbe paroaola wero opened abd tba
(totidor-ior—A. 1wneon-TiNod the man aaay UrgeU. eaPeegram.
peclairy aa oacb taia wore a large
. Jan. 22->Aftarfwon.
rfalte disk bearing tha number of bhi
reilmeni enJl^Wreast and back.
At tbe arAt^l at Kankln 11
of onee decided » abertea a Krupp caa2ii-••Tillage
wbieb bad arrlvad there berouoa
- ttoldcllli
«j too tw. aad to maka ‘Yolid
abeilB“ wbldf^odd aot burat. Oreeb



a Ibe Farm ’-.........................
.......... .-edinan.
3;3b-»-Tbe Hilo and Silage" Byron
T;4f.—'*1liefare of tbe Y’oung (t>

h:4:—-nre Wife's Share"—Mrs
A. (Ympb


- Kan



iNsi-tluesiion Ihix—A. I-. Ifoiiklns.

I;2li--|IV«al.><»s a* a Muncy lTo|i'

5MH.*^ib^ssl..n- Row, Wllev,


Mrs. Jul>0





rsunarks - Mrs
Jolia Wiley.
r:3..--Tbe Oreaslng and FecUn* ol
fhlldren'-Mr.s. E. A. Camide-ll
-;t5-»lKCussldB—ilru. «w.
Jack•The Sra-ial SMe of'-Mra. A
I StinaoD. Klngaler.
>11- Mrs. Sam

Mrs. I)el<w KlngsR-y.
IHanmiun—Mrs Rose Tavlor.
t uu-Elesiloa of oglrora.
Tlw State Houmt-Up iaatiinie
Im- »e-ld SI the Agricultural cdlegc.
FfU. 27.
251 and March
Lee Maniyold Married.
Wedneiffr afiernoun
- _______
ilaniacld was unRed In tnarHa’gc
Miss RRsaiietb -nmien
I'ity at ilte .\f. K fYrooaage bv
Rev. W. W. McKee. wHb Mr. and Mi>
P. Soreooea aa wtioessea. Mr. Men.. livnd here sJiice ehUdbood.
dav be brought bis bride home
he baa a Itome furoiihe.

*fw™ f• HFy

Biall earner In

Rerwanal aad General.
Mrs Mn MrCYrtbr tavMiiag rel­
atives In Big Rapids.
Kaliib HMu* wsM lo Tn.
Mooday to airot with the heart at
Miss Oanie'Coff vlalied ber jwrenta
I Fife l.ak«
C. McMey*
s aad <
i on boiiness
B M'altoB
boiioess Tueedty.
Olen Storra. who ta worfclw

great Y bntefij


There ahotiUI not lie a

Miiy sine iti ilieb. or niiy oibrr>Hrtr without its AutoIimliiie.

Tile Aiitomoliile u-ns at the iM-giiming of ita’ fihHlue-

lioii liHikiti iipmi !>>' llie furiiiiT as u-iiuiaanee atiiKg {lieee.of

oil tile


of tHii|>te of Weallli.

lU a|i|learUMe

ii|>.*fi the bigliwiivA tens SI siy.'iial F.>r eS|ireMii»n of fleausaialion.

Ill Koiiie eiist-K tbe rnKiU u.-re-strewn'with ruhbiafa to

liiinler tlic

of III.- I'urs iliroiR;b tbe e.imitry.


llie Aiitoimibiie is ihe In-si iiiyi-simititl the fanuer eau make.

iiiiH_re.-liiig nf iiiii.-r antaRuiiuini tli». .Lut.MaultUe baa' tjjei
its uapiHStil I
siiv thaii tiic Plow or vb.- linniess.
f..r tin-............................. Ill of fiinii vulin-s

igilgtioii 'f.i

Din-.-tly lb.- .-mise of ihe gnraf


Til.- Auloiiiolijlf luts liriiRtcbl Ibe farm m ejuarr

with lb.- t’ilr uiul

its markets.


waa trliuu.-lbe

funui-rVas tsolniiil fr.n^ lli<-1 ilj'.' li<‘ lumiewmi bis tram gt
tb.' w.‘ek*s ell.I iiti.i I..till uitii Ilia proiiiiee .la-iaging
baek su|ipli.-s

|l uns n ilrt-ury. ilrive over nils ami lUrnt^eb

Tbe b.iTses «efe ukeu from olbiT work oil The Hfm

nmi ecHier Ibe fanner or om- of brt




LalF or a’ol.- ihiv ill ninkiim tile tri|i. Now nil ibis b^ i-)iiin»[W. t'ven
ttie Uani'-sM'iiit! is iiim.-eessar>'.'All that is i
Ibe Motor 4>r ami spin into louji


in l«su tbaii uor .RliVT'

In ^ase of sickiirsd Uig tiiatgnrc

of til.- liiii.; it f.iniM-rlv took.





folks eiiii ilrive into town ill Ihelr r.^r niki «lo tbejr biHipl>iag
.Tlmu Ibolw
witli.oil ItkiiiK the men away froiii tlieir w.irk.
Niiy Ijiiii^ tbai •till Is- iloiie with s I'af wlirtr-tf-ur apt
lieing ilriv.-ii


' .\iiY

fanner eoiil.t rig il tt|i to |>ivu|>


11 giv.-s

.Vimtlier gn-at


1^11.111 is the ii|t{M>rtnuil.V

farm lo gei ntvnj- frton Hie ol^. bume-


on fileBMire^niis.
llie |.m.-l<m-vi of the fpnu lias
Well |iroverl>inl.
ITiiis ne.-il
ne.-.l IKil
n.ii exist longer.
Tri|K ibi
llii- ii.mitry
mitry !■>
l.> vi.|il

rriemis nr into the City srv as CtNiiinOB

nitb |H-o|ite of IliiV Ini-ni gs iri|M Ibmngb IbeesMintry-are with

llttellers 1

Al M.





diatrh'i of ChU-ajb and of the suffe
He SBid that twoflflhs of the
-lavM were there from fbolre and
Huoslaverv. He unrovered a *r*«t amooi
:ot the awful iralfJf ttcdnit t» In Ibe
bodies of the y»mg women Bud girts.
lanv oiher war* la wbh-h tbe
agenta of ilieee dens bare o( trapping
and setilBB Ibrtr snares.

Lectured at‘the Bapti
ChBrdi. ^
l.aHt Tuexdi
uenduy evenlne Her. York
Iw-tiired I III.- baptlM rtatirch on fbe
Mtbini of •White Blarery.'
wilb xiavery as ll w«i betore the
explaloliiR aa he went. Ibe buyinc and
of cbe slavex and of ihelr fain
IlillB C
itief iielUK bioketi Up and of ufle
f the family lielne wild into
into aneiber kIi
Itf, er
tni, nnill all ofe
Jamllv were
This iw imad e«'a
w'a romiarlaon
romiarlaon «h
itie while alvrery of today. He eaM
black fclare wan aohl pbyXcwlly. '
le aUve
waa sold pbyHirally
. Airaltv. aud that their soubi were
;iulci and i-nnUtinluated
beyoud redemiitioD.
lie also 8].oke of
young girls were
Influenced, those
miiKlng from the ag^-wf 13 to 22
years; bow many »A
.voiing nnd well e<lBrwied wetrid gn to
u small country town in search of
yoiiuk xlrla. with the prei.--------•ing in ill liealilt ami In l|
-niH-iate from hix sirenuoux cliy
r and a
X Bmaller town as a resting
11.- then ineHis oererol Of ilie
>e then flaahes bl* Jewelry aad
tlcruiM-m to a gre«i many
This Is an
. . at once becoi
ime hia prey. He
and they
Is Interested
then la
Interested la their fun
'■t ibaiB
fare and U read;
ia> t'booae. that
Is li the city, as most girls have a
desire to go to a large city. He gets
her to Ibe city, then lakc-s her to one
of these ditea. Tbe iKMise from the

•3M.YC ..


Afier ihl« a sumi.iuout.wpi«*r waa
>ecred. wW.-b everyone enjoyed, and
eeri«! eome He

'“f of

ni . coAd

I*, floremiea

\o1hinp in Jihttorj-Itas lim n t
ms «f
»r Aitterim
Ainenrn im
us the .M<ili>r
.Mulnr <Yr.

.\«i n

inaM.-r ..f 1

iiolbiiig of tile filiaiieial Rain.
Hinall .

s tli.-m bnir.

■ng i
Itirii friini town.

• lo say

The .\tilomobile is tbe-^realcat


invi-Ktnii-iil tlie Faytip-

Tbr "........
’ ' ifain’is
' but “

llial of a linrM- as tbe e<ist of oprrat
It d.ies liol neeil to W «fisl oil Ibe IW-

Tniek ami proilms- .-an 1m- baiiWi at


in- Riii.-kly.
Tbe fanners of Atm-riea are-Ihe
less eost :iHil inonTliey know Hint il |ia>-s ia
Im-sI jiiilr ‘
' tW .Viiiomoiiib-.
-alrli njnl weallh.
bntli heal

Frolt Grewers, NtrteTUs!
Every ftroer knows that perishable fraiu ^diverod OB
tbe Chi^o Burket flnrt corned lucbegt prte. Tte
uid it will be deUvered ia Cbica^ the wiw dny. lis idfruits delivered to ibe nwi^ tbo
ditional price for periri
___ d»y they are pickod will glncat if not quite pgy for b
Ford Motor Car in one seasM.
51r. Henry iltsiKmr of F»r.l I'ars ami fmiivlrr of
I'sl ill.' w.irlti over to-W Ihy one
llie Konl .Miiiorf... is e.fti.-.-.!.s



tin- Antoni.>1ii1e intliiHlry.




Mriietinn ami |int
|mt Jb<Jb«' pric
priis- wlM-re-il
o own a (*nft
av.-ragg man to





AliloHlobile L'OB-

is tint a biipden for tbe



r«w arc etMf« Jw fl




itisa Setter XV~Twl tecoose
Hit a Chttper Car.

apaouta •ere'^alaa aeen oa tbe ioga
Trote wMch g«a atocka were to be
tbe Tlmli.* ea ana May
^y, waa reached at Hankow when
Auatriab warehip entered the port and

(litiin .Si.H-l is tbe nmsl exju-iisivc St»*el kii|i«n to llie world of

aabited tbe fbit.

«l<s-l niiikini!.



tempted to return the ebunew_. but
atopped abort after Sve er six'die
Aa tbe Ck
•eo the tbftd
arttllerrmaB had been killed we d^
elded ta etop flrtag.-

All Font farK are of Vniiinlitim Sti-ri rtmatri^irai.


Over UAM* Far* Cn ugw m upc


OrlfloaUf e lumbiM- waa tar from
what K la tmlty. aad
log has been kui In tbe many grace­
ful lorms tn wblcb It U to be m
Wbkt a "luQibIrr really U may
Interred Jroat an esitmct from a |
tlctuan's diary. wrUtea4n IMl. which
alao tbrewa Ug^ apew the aortal cus
toms of tbe Dm«. lYe eoiry is aa
ToUows: "Had b taw meads to die
TYted my new taiabling-glasses.
Very aucrossful; all got drunk earl;-.
-•tumUan" for sbuH. wer« made
a reuod.ur potaiad bocioai ae that
they could nut be a*i dowa » bM tarr
ceniained M«ulda niibout faniag over
and aptlllag their
were eiade aa a eort of joka to cow
duce til rapid dtttking.

Ragular Habita
It ta a guud plxo to Bx«* a regular
ttSM for rvsdlsg
One *c.-otnpU»hex
ao DiKb oiurv ia this uay. suu l>w
•Idea sfiMilt'l.** a klod ol loiellar
tual habit tbit le a good thiog In 11Mlf.
Ia aa hour, or tran half aa
hour given regularly «ax-h ds.« lo read1^ a great deal may U aisumpllekrt- Do not ■ oo9oe youreei: to eertoua
AUvrnaCe llgbi. wtlli bear*
reading, and do nut eiismpt L-svy
reading whea you are tirad. Do not
read taert-ly to be amuaed. Tieai
four books XI frleod
Do nut follow

Tourina Car Polly Equipped.

F.tJ.H. Hejroii.


hUodly tbe leacblcga af any book.
hate <oim n.r ibe Coiaiti ol Ijrwn.l
in lha matter of the estaia oT lYra*et*» -H. t■a^rt^ d«e*ei*d.
NoWce la herein giveo that fwrt^
..>*Dths from the iTib day of January.,
A. n.. Ifir. have been atkised lor^
to present
• to said court for
axsmttattea abd adhtstni
and that'
all cre.1lu>ra of said <!«•.
Rulrod 10 ivvnt tbrtr . Minia to saM
I. M Ibe probate office, la iMr c«i y
•rover** i'iir. la raid couwiy, oa er
.jre the Jftb day of May. A. It,
I9t:, abd that raid claims
wlU far
beard by said coon on Mendbr. Ibe
SOili .lay or^y. A li. lt.12. at lew
e'etoefe Ml tbe foreaooa.
l^ed Jagovy I7. A. tl. IMS.
JBdsa od Pipkaia
JaR.R. MNab 1. •.

54KO-15 H.'ir..ii.

General Repalriny
*•■* territory asee 1w live

Ergnd Traver$p Auto (g.
, Ul-iy^ W, Frent 8^ Travenetaty, gicB.



n* mi
tM .cnM.


to th* li

■Bat rM ta
“T». ttr «i <Wi«. »M>
to t*ka
OT«r to tko
cui. T«f «fk Uko k ko>
•ball ato^p IBu a but asd aot
you a mlButa'a traubto. Ton caa p)a7

proalM that yon >1U ta 4W>)tr

T^^r’a^aiaa Utar MIm Itebr
totU *M tk^riiB-J»to* UtiM tk* »•« aat OB a baarh la tbc part with aa
op« boak la ter baad. aad a goaart.
^MtatMB.Slrt baby'a yMr m wllbiB caachm.iUataBca Tte wot waa a
t •»< tke 4vk tOM «r lb* fyr. I raUrad ste, tba aiorataf Baa. aad
tbara ww bat 90a otbar tittar *____________ * tatak tor tk* wk*to

tte kklrt <ka*a to te aaa« OBto <W »
Baptt ft aatea teU'«4aaaa


ate tte cteU wkUo ttee tot tte^dhteaa
oolteittoo B«aiw U tte Uoaaa.ftetetb
a ^aPi^ te-toaek. 0blCte. -»&tokL. pM
tettewteBtelea In aUk of Ortoatal
ba' oaod to food
Mr orapo do telaa.
I waaM adrlao tu

late mm n SI

roblat aaac aad' tte aqolrrala ehat'
urod. Paaco ate
Mlw ^ky bad aaatcbad ap a book.
)i«t te* *te Btoappelatad la It. It
*aai\ a loro atoir at all. Tbara
waaat a baadaono paMaa. a cbaraUar aor a dual >B It It waa a bbok
of trarol to Bomao. It toM wbara
Bonao was locatad. wbat ite aatl
ata ate bowibay fat Hd of tteir pareata whoa tte oU folka got put bopout of hte OB oaU aarBlaga

Bcarte te a ooat faatanlBB atoo «biakatoaisc tba Boto qf ootor. k'botbar
fbU te Sate or blot. Haro a loag.
aemr oetorad taaUor to Mtcb m ... Vallad Statte apad alaataao
nv blaek watm bat «bUa. tbao, a of aatarally roBaatlc aatureT Not a
btek dtonk mC aaB a day aarmr bit. Tte bote wai laM ailda tor a
look at baby. Bba waa all right- Tbaa
a tote at a iebla« Ho waa all ricbt
Tbte at tba aaa with tte clear ate
papar. Ha vaa all rtpbt- Ik
prarytbtai waa all ripht Than Kite
Buby bacaa to blh|k bar ay« aad
Oooarta bar# a babit of ataalloB
«way 00 a trip by tbanaalraa. Tbay
caat ataal upblO. of couraa. buf If
tbara to Ua pltobtaat tepeapt gtos
look oat for tboml Tbay wUt wait




*Hwlly C

OWWQC iiqu|Hi> TO mWM
mrnim tototeo to Mtoto

BBbaKtttotoHte or <n«iPto Blvayp MTliiif •*)lk brate. nte tbU.
baa toi IP ^ ooior
bM baap
po IpBB Bteipctod. baiBB rartrte tor
trttotolBtet aapaeUUy te mnttewy ate
ioraialT totite mar to aaateag 4
enaga ctetote Botoaa aad atilt 1

doapte color and too garpunt to
bordarad *lik pkuak -or



U apKial banaoBy k
ate bU terta pf Cpr.
palprtop. p ptoto Pf BiprteB pato*.
goair of orritea. ptl aUte ara taorw
nanlwi te aStet oa a hategroute of
jMtei «tou wtu any utbar'eoior. ate

-bw-* ■“



•»> *»«

craty. TouTl teto tba poXiet. wool

k KWI*

Mra. Winatow and Uly «Mto mm
hiA aUBptog Into Uo antatadARg
bM tte poa^Ban caBO alM^
’Tbat't trtta Mpado’* aW ’
Plan la Bhawo I
Palla. pounctog upon a ^ 4—*
poatBarkad -aprtogvtow.- A.
nine a atlrkpln under Ua BdA 1-U knew .wtei wa am all mMiM M
Tba ordinary way of gMag
Mlag,^ ”
draacb U wltb a glM* bottle, but om
llaaeo for a mmtm
Bade of lia aad Batboard U baiter
Make a loop at tba and of rope ate Than ate BM ag anddaaly iM toMl
ber eeatpaploa wlU te*
‘T'oaato Matila Wtaalow.* m
I. "Wm you Itouc to wbntjiBiB
Waabbuma baa tbp agMJMqn »
write me? or couraa ate baafpd wAA
a lot of truck aboat bar own 4^
and Uan-natae:''*ba-J^‘ ‘
wear ptak 1
aailn. AlltteaUarglrta.»al|fi


wear n abort dmaa-pnUp tongU.*
And BO oa. and no o
oa. Now, auB# M
you.tbtofc of tbatr
Bba pnasod to tat tte bmr g| dM
BiiuaUon Btok Into Uo uMd #


-Wan. ttr Uap
UiBk tar • MfM
Mood that r .
of Ua klad tbay a
went on Uly Bolta. "i wont go am$
for tba eld weddtag. Uafa ktt.IV
writa to mamma Uta very «
MoUiad of Oivtof Orpnata
to tat Uam orgar Ua ttiM
Aakla langtb!
re to mouth aa tndicatad to Ua IIimlton
litoart Uc tetU of ite alaa wUh a train nnd MUto Uta 4
#qptppad With Oavtor for MoMlfit bottle between Ua fmt and back tratilng ap Un ntala ta n UfU«
i««U. haeplog It 11/to tba roof of tba
bhaiU of Back Open Wblla U <g
uioutb and glvtog4 Unto nt a lima 1
Balnp Filled
tba boraa eougte. tot
hand dowi WlU
aatd O
A truck that aoawan a double pur- fur a time
poaa baa bet-o de^ed by an Ohio
maa. Baaldaa betsff adapted to tba
■Ob. tt’a nclnb wa hgvn. TtataiM
}0M aavan M an and qaeh «w' A
baa taarrtod tea bad tte mtt
Tte am 1 wa* Mita* MB
waU M U* atata wHb M MUlrJ
Ugbifal-fraB Daaagr.
To dtoliifaet a aubto aad
Ba partacUy ftirtaim. GowK#
decBi-tog animal or vegeublo maUaf
-WML" pnrrad Gnmla M '
bly. "jMt trot araasd |a
■bouM be preMfved ate I
today and look at Ua prrtty
etroyed. ceatequantly lime abould
gad forget all abost tt for a '
never ba ueed In or about a suMa
They had Uair laacbao*
where 'manure to made or'^kapt.
UM decomiKtoat tte muiu* and Ub- Btoktoc n tear of Ua gbapn
raw tba apanglad A«*leeraua ite ammonia—tba moat
ctutomerJte 'i '
able elainoat ai plant food.
tt ap—a taralr. abUam
proute rack
n Kba of ctUwUa apawtad 1
-Only ihlrtydwo tfty. tak(k*« 4




mao of dIgsUy and propRaty.
wealdat bate haptoaad bto sralk to
gat out of tba war of no auto. 'bat.
ibto occaalon vu aa asooptlos. Ho.
■torted oB OB a np. Re dropped bis
cane, but dU not atop to racovar ft
Ha no dova patte and acaoea Ua
graaa and Uroagfa tba buabaa. and ha
left abrade qf bto garataBU baklpdwnp on tte tnll of that baby.^
inlBf wild- It tonied out to be battbao any pUa. Ha floally bunt
of Ue buabaa on cart and baby
aad boya ate a naa who ted Jmt
lotete tbWB. Tba boya ran. but tte
man put .9 a 4gbt. Mr. RoMawia
bocp dowp oa blB llto a brtefc boaM
OB tte BOTa. Ba wag ktokad aad
pimebad ate aatotborte te two BteBtoa. Uopgb the tea blow te got
b^qkqd Ua cteraUarb toft aye rary
Bgby BtUl glut. Tan Btiiptoa utar
Mlm -Itoby waa bngflu aiid klaatoc
tba wotearlBg ItRla runaway
tpalnc at tot«rya)a to aay:■Ob. Mr. BoagBora-apd I thought
you a TlllglBl
you erer. aver fo^
glra BO tor abaUBg you!"
To ba aura ka xould and did.
RcoaDon hadn’t taken tba young
Udy tor a nuraagirl. Ha bad bat* In
tte yark too aftu for that. And. batng tte luot aiciUblo of tba -two.
te bte aotlcte potou to teialra. Ho
bad to ato Ulat ftoby aaCa back, to
■pita of hU blatU eye. ate te bte (a
ba tetroducte to tte moUar of Ua
teruturbiia baby, aad ba ted to te<
browp papar and TtnegBr applied
that oi^e. aad. iatar. ba fooad It m
geatry u eali on tba baby* taUar to
act aa titeor ai bto watetag.

CBckada rooptto of Mack
Uaatete with eol______ coRwet complata -aodada. wbkb wtu.!

«dtor Tbte MPa far Baato ftom toaan


. BM daMttoMi. Tter
earrlad tbla«a o« aa»T ••» “
waa thair Brat McaMr.wd
Uat M yaata. Tte aeU aboald. tbtiw
4o wlib iha ebUd^
ta«a»B iw (or*, ba preparte te a aoa thoraote
waM wM-tka
tkdP *a tkw IMT to dto
aatej apU to baat. bat It
wia do waU te any paod pardaa aoU
that to fraa fren ataoM A aoU that
baa bate bnruy Basorte a tew prarltkat Mi acMi^ Mft7 OM IteB Mt
rerable tp putoartBB
a oraMIteg
oraMIlBg out tba
bearlly at tbe Uiaa
*<Haaa yoa Bate bbh
rooia. bat at ae parted aboald aapacaate a tehyr
ria ba ailowte to MfUr froB lack «d
B41 Mmmm fmrn |a tte-WSMiw. Btoanrtai. at Bni-ctopa aboota
only ba grewa to Tary rtek aoU.
poba ate m ^ te *
Ta* tte botoo gardaa U* bteBU say
wailad o«t:
be aat out te rora about thirty iaebaa
h ^ kan fOte> U Bto^
apart. teTlagthaplapu about elgblMO
babr'i boao bldaipte-ate ok. wbat tecbca apart.
win bar aatbar ate totbar mr
Tba baat tine far aattiog oat
gua If early la tba aprlag. waualty
aboat Ua ate af April.. B’kera tho
naiw ate fnnte tba rww »aa
to be Btpke tarrowa one foot
tba coat coUar aad abate Mp to ftte wtda aed aigbi tofbaa daap la Umo
furrowi art ite plaau to a natural
fro aad abcUlsad:
1 ate It all BOW. Tm «n tbf |4d- popUtoo plU ite ropta apread weU
■ •• Toa wai<bte ppart apd about twalve to aigbt- ate waitte ttU 1 atapt. TaU aa whMw taebee apart. Be careful to f*»ar
crown of the pUoU not sore tkaa two
Tte youag au ww protowlag aad inchea la Iha atan. aa tba aboota trww
ponplrtpff wbat an otoeor oaaa up aawir aM ptoata are not atmag aaoagb
- ^ aa teptoaatioB aad got to torna Ihrwagh a doap ataw of aanb.
Tte tWMW ator ba grteualiy tllod aa
'^•wCi'^’Tbu'baaA till
the aboou terapee U growtb.
to tba talapboaa and' Bt** u Btonn
The oUact of paiitag Ua cn
throuck tba park. U'a probably tba tar below tte aurfaea to to protect
rock at boya aaB^yooni aaraly Bat tbaiB frM Injitry *bao ntitag tba
abr back, d’kyr'tkli yaoat aua to abooU foAaac. aa Uay ara uiuaHy eat
Ir. HosBBwra -Ite kapwa bla ter about two iaebaa botow tte aurfaea.
Altboagb grewwa diBar to thaOk
tbrpa yaars ” '
optatote oa What Ite ua or pUota fw
tolM lluby totete BP.«dto
aatttog abould ba. oao-yaaroU ptoata
aad aitoBdte bar bate bbB
goHB 10 gtra Ua bqgt uttofartina.
Plaapa tefflt* ma- Ti



TmmsDAT. JAVTAIT !«, 1MI.-4.'


baglg to iBova a«ap. Tb« ipba oarp WititaM Fancied Ha Knew Mr. Brw
but Ha Waa Undaeoivte kg
to tePka pp poua. pad to a toUpto. ^
tbay pra out of atobt U bpby
awaka ha may yall ap4 flra
atom, but ir ba U aplaap away bt
*Toa gay yen knew Mr. BrownT
aafcs tte lawyar. ae«er«ag to
Mtoi Koby a bhnka and wtate and Ctondate llala Cantor.
poda raaultte te alaap. Tba aaan with
•Xm. Mr."
tba papar aaw that aka atopt
rou arm g<
aattod to btoiMtf. Tteo te aaw that
r«. air.~
tba B»«prt bad dtoappaaite, ate te
■You BBu 4bgt ygp 4rp d
pttorte an oictoiaptteo of plpna. ate WlU Mr. Brownr
*Tbac'g wbat 1 aaan. I an
It waa,bto fooutite*
awtea Ite
"Stop. Ton doo*t know
pro aaraly argaalatad wlU blin. You
•IBddt yon bate a «o«art hpra. doBt aaan to taB Ua court. Uan.
allabou Mr. Broarn ate
arltk a baby la Itr oapattoste tbp
teOTw dldr
yMl" waa tba capty.
*T'caB‘t ta(l.yba. Tbaea^ bate
body plopp. Tba cart ^apt bate nto Mib. .80 ypn don't bWB CTCtrUUg
arowp aver dldr*
cd away b/
■Ho. atr."
. *:But baby-^I gbbb bate tod^tet la to aay. yon aroa'*. do wall
auBtoMd wiu Ua M yaia iugt Paid
1 tbtek not 1 tbtek wpTl 4ted bar
all apta around tte lora te tte pato-’
• Q-T ■
Mlaa Buby iwn abted ate tte taan
-Quit gueaalng. Wa ara baganlng
.iUpwad. Bte waa BO aacttte that aba
dldat Mttoa wbat aort of a teoWag 0 nadaratand *ach otter aaw Ton
Bte te par anapt that te waa
t put It. 1
^■Sbe icb*t teto^
a ptolD quaalon nod
4 you auat
BUI give a
flrl aa ate raaebad tte ta^
“Than wa |aagt «o pa. ^ ^ gte ptoUaoowar. Don’t try to ovate aay
there ta a gharp crtda bara. wa awJ ya or do."
“NO.Bte tba cart te tba babat.“
■Abk? an. to patet te tete fPB
■Ate baby tbrowa out aad klllte!
don't -know Brown at aHT
Oh. air-----■Why-«-«. glr.(Ate If aaykNidy Uiska thto to
Wail I
laaqua aiuS. wa any roBark Uat wa
cart la a a
|Ba tter dlflax Tbat mm* te p got it froB pa ted nputete of a for
gtHdrt bgd Mban Ite mlMlo te lb* par court raportpr. Ap# jag copied ft
path aad kept It. it bte tlptete dote for word—etewpt Uat tte wltr wBa waaa'i Brown.)
arotad tba turn and tbaa kagaa to
race. It aada two aora tama aa tf
gnUte te buaaa kaada. ate tbaa abot
Cato a kirUa *aU to fhea two hoodOM Bay aa By yoong Irtebw .and
a Mbo «ora araaatog tte park. I war* ote faadtog my ptMo te
. y ftabbte ter tba twavte nte. liappakte to aoa aama yotag'oMa
white ted not haw Sbatr ayaa top
^•®y*tao-a Wdl- cteteM a»
and bo pgbdd aao gteiPty: "tete

tkp k«B dpwa Bteb mm m :«tetr.



• .


from tony." aald tte iiliiniterf
It eo eauatlr ai freak burned lime
t.lme atone to pertacily Mutml and
bus tte aanta value na dirt at road
dual aa an abeurteoi. It ntoo poaM a value on aour. benvy aoii bawlU a'-boldtng detire by
nuM It neutmUxea tbe aoU tafdUy
be held «IIh Its Dioulb opeo
permit of Ua ben* eaatly ditod. The ,and Improve* tu phyalonJ eoteluon.
aatoteton oo Ite tower ate of
truck U wide aaoagk to auppofl tba
bottom of the bag. *bito at tte top of
tbe truck ta a aeBlelrenlar bar that
•rill iitaurwd Thraugh Tate EUmlnclampa tba mooU of Ue bag and holdi
atea Trouble Cauaad by Anipula
tba latter to a perpaadlcnlar poallkTrying ta Get It.
ao itet wteuver u to te put lato
caa te damped to witbou tba troabto
The llluatmlioo abow* a bandy bog
of boldtog tte bag oiMo wtu oaa band.
tewdar vblcb will aava Ibo (armor
Wbaa tte uwsk U to ba uaad P>r
tauah itoubta. aaya a wrltar In Uo
original purnoaa It ia aliaply grupi
doaa on tba wbeela.

Garden of«<*
Tarm Notes
Arp you roaattog your ablna by Ua
Bre, or luralag >uaap wtatry daya tnio
Keep all tba leola that arw naed
around the bam la eoavaalaai
k(a placM.
la Ite larga Bkoductog aaettoaa cabigte are atorad to apactoUy prepared
froti-proof bouaaa.
Hop mucb dcMa It coat you to laava
that laachloer}- auodtog out
weatbarT Bbeddtug U ebaapi
Many a new -and raluabla tinplcaat U left out all wtoiar
Uuuugb raretosanaaa tbaa aayUlag
Tte bnataaai Utot gromt rapidly
nay wall te wateted ^oaaiy- Cuacanta of alow groptb ara aauail
Farm tuccaaa comee to Ua man
arko nma hU llUJa bit of
on tba
tsa ptoo that the anglnaar doaa bto
ato—ricbt ee tba dec
It'to na Idle and naak
.good cr
a Ua bay ate guaw guuka no
at tte tetUa cannot gat at Utaparalttad to aai around Ua bottom
tbay woi waau mofa Uaa tbay
K poaafbto tevo a aagaiwta buOd.
ing In wblek to do tte bm«'
work, and Una mva ibo woman (olka
aa Btek aa poo caa. it to ama'a work.
Tate tte Croat eot of your gylndgtoao bafora you grtod tba ax. but do
It gradteOr. Abd not by natog bot
wgtar. That would totort tte qaality
of Ua atODa.
Lato ta Uo faU after the eloaa
tba bower iow, baae dtaaiar to a corndor tte wtator. many oa
a gprtag. «r

Tba cuatomar tomad 1
aniiy. "It taat fuel 1
aba dmwtad. *1 CMte TU late
wbnre elan."
Uly BaUa dmU# tt tte *tai
otbar woiaM Cacaad muFlook ai that, ptmt." ate qrt
glag Couain junta lowpr# Up .A*
-ton't that Ua gwpatatt
over laid your ayea o*r


At Uly IMta gwad • telfMtf

la bar brain
I rfFttttttttfgfc

tannin Mtttta WUwtawr ate ^
iced, imgroBlvnlg. "I’tt gotag te
bay that laalc If U tAkag-tte 1*N
ax Uo vttdtng. Tbarm *11
but tt eerrea Uem right____ .
have a train at iho bottom 0
dreaa VII bare a tnata
mate np."
If CoaMi
Inga aSout Ue propHoty «
nagrmatt. ate gaa u*B
od with her young
« retodva to tgiM
them, ao Ug tantaI ttga
paid for.


Mra. Wlaalow
Handy fgr Faa
fottabiy lBana*ay
Orange Jodd fWnnar. Make a tube
dtog. I
biu locb bttordB about Urea aad
baU feet high Plaoe Uto at one and ■sprfogvlew- *ad addreaatt I* AMR
of trough
Pour *wlU ibmagk Ud« BMIe'B upright teadwriaM"Dear Ooaein Mnttto." ate Ptel -4
iute and you aUl nut ba buttei
bavo only Umo ta wriig ypa g ttM
about tbe wadAtag baraimo I'm aSi
out la tte ear with Mf- BwuP^
Denver nan t told you about—ba4 I
Steep Are Haryeua.
want to thank yon for hgtatag tep
■eep »rv tervuua anlotaU aad of cbooaa that tunic. It ]u*t mate m
er deiiceia cooeUtuttoM and guf- draa* and everybody aald tt wan 4te
more from bad vanUlattoo and pmtiem gown ibax waa aer ana* >ta
rrowdiBg than any otbar animal sprtagvtew
oe tte (arm; ft la a tulatake tbarafore Maude * draaa to *p*ak of. or ApF te
to coDfiDa tboap during Ua wloter in tte other*. Tba gtrto war* patettlta
cloaa quartora- If hapt dry their furious, butvlt ttrtmi Item itmA
•ces win keep Uem warm. Wbo they iMver would bare dnmd tf Jm
p bMTd at abMP f rragfi^ to dtwlb
clde the way they*!
they M abPtt Ite tteli^
If 1 bte teen bera
-Mamma begna la make g mw
UtUwr tumr Frwfmmd.
t'ao n toaUar baiter reta lostaad of fnaa about my wearing cbo ta*te—
a ebaie wten tytoc boraea In Uclr thought it might not be to good tagiM
aulla. Tbay may become estnajcied —but when I told bar tbgt Rte
god tbe leather fto ina) poeilblr thought it aras all right ate Map^te
csBltepqp tp
break aad releaae Ueifi wUboul *«rl UBed Fbe bs* ao mneb
otto InJtiTT. while ibe'cteto wil! bold your Judgmeoi. Thank r’" —*“
dear CousId Mattie, for
r aaggaatlte;*.aod often ilmee reuae UHr death.
tad bor^
Couals Mattie epeaad
UtUe at Ue last I tonca^ IBM m
MIetake of groedara.
nmitod plaridta.
A great many breedefe eeeo
■Xib. weU. Tm wUHng to tteo «M
'Ulok If they pDeaen a purebred
meponalbUKy." ate UougbL K
tte gualUy of tte lowa Ooao not •
aerve Uem right"
for much. Tbi* to a md mi^
dead, aod farmara caaaot te too
The Medarn Vay.
ful la the telortlon of waU-bred aowa.
Mm. Oty-My buaband u
Pig. ef Larga Uttom Mao
R to a fart. Uat tte pig* of torg* Uttara ara u*aally taora aaitonn lu *lie
and fanoB mom wkUly Unn Uoao of
.■yeti uoort. Mgcp I* wteim Un gno4





<0ura> nUTOSB herald. AM> TBATE&SE bat RAGLE. THTRSDAT, jAKTAST SI^ )911
wera p«i ^«r ibcr ba4 bM cm .to W « puddlttg disk nd MTf* hot «r b«t two U^crs tbw» vtll b* «w«fb et vorea ao! Tet I leeraleM la tba
♦ ■ HOUkCWOfm MAM CASV. .• tfav piccM. Tbe MSt morstM' tbe cmd. If aerrcd eoU, cerar dirtag tb« abova BOiat (or t*o cokoa.
anmaltarr aad <
alitarofvaa bcotM ameotb and traab rwoblnK, or a cmA fonna.
Tbc rarlpa for tbU coke ia aipoUa tbai a word of remlnOar tram aa «•
It baa lose b(«a a aorrm bopa la bnrfcvbMi, aoda. aalt, aralar aad moSarMaioD Puddlnc—Tho daochtaio ot aa man; rariaitoosaaa lannUr mmtbe baana of boaarbM>tmra ibai Iba; tiaaaa addrd. iba lattar brUi tor tba of a a'ar-lluir motllbr bava boroam ao odf. Ii ran. lor tanasra. U> babad ta m« that the blanket
tnltj^i lira io aaa tba ora o(*papar la purpoaa of amklK tba «aka« brava rvaiamM of itala racipa found la aa a aqaara raba ria aad i-ut la aquaraa;
•aiendim vlib hot a
tba tome. Tba time la no faal ab- %all cm tba griddle..
aU Uwk that one of ihcm baa aeai It and If tba whliaa of i«o e«> are aaed.
baa anted u« aaar ptambm'e hU
prtmrfalag ibat alraad; we are beginTto aatt three realpaa are from ibe for ftablkatlon. The original rerljia and ibe rake flavoredVith roae and
Cbe tarot
Blag to eater apoa Ita aaa In aobrea Woi^'a Home Compaaioa:
ralla (m dried rberriaa.W ap|rfe< or Med aitb king id ahl.b tbrre are
of war*. Al) that maalaa U tor II to
Borktrbeat Cakaa—«cald t*o rap- l>eartaen or perslmmona, bat eraa «rltb tao or three dro|« of cDthincakeitrmri. vtlhoat water for aevMal week* at a
a little dmaper. ao that we can fait of mf^ and noar erer cme-tMrd of lealalna tu rhaapacoa rerommeadt it li tnakea b t>ret(; and delicaie rake; time daring «e^ weather, aaya a New
bar, nie and bum oar bonseboM nten- a capful «r floe bread mmbt and let Sift a teatpoonful of aoda aad one of or it am;J be ked elib rellow from- York Woman. Firm clw* tba abattiB
la the veltar Then <hw« lb* faucet
Prank re- aUa with to prlrklnga of the ran- stand tblnr naamee: ibea add one-, aalt la a qnart of dour, and nib in two lag and Hatured with urai
a that bit area fell bmtar. and aclenra laberited from our thrift; New halt taaatooafttl of mlt. oae-tourtk of ru|m of raltlaa; eilr iwo-iblrdt of a a <bo<olaTr frotiing and Bavond with to lei/(W water run back. At Ibe eame
wyni wmrr B-w»«af tba Hlgbvar i
that a fallow t«U ‘ blm tbe *‘aunu" OtgUnd forabean.
a yeatl cake diaaolred In onediair rap- cap of molataea into one cup of kfliter raalUa. Again. .It mat be baked la lit time bold Bader the faucet a dipper
Wd^'battod aad BaatanM arlib w«ry wee* aaif. aarwa;. Piomle aald that
g,^, Omntrr IJfe la (ktnada;
lukewarm water, and burttwbeat or good Urd.and tali flour with it.vui
r«i* rake«; -aad la say etem it I* of bolting Water, ^koterglni Ibe
' Bad atrifa,
e«ai7 trace of lea cream bad .been
^ aeeBu aa tboogh modern taelbodt
m make a Itatita’ iblo enoogh to ting la enougb tweet milk to make a a mom wbolreutue. M-unoiulral aM mouib of the tawceb Aa ika pipe,
emmlee. tbe bm water U gacfcaA W
: ^aa4t^b&tba vaj'ttde tba bea*r Ukmi om of ber dreaa b; that new ud ilnvemloo were Uklag women Pour- >• will take about one andlbree. ooft dough. Tie la a damp cloth well rellaUe recifie
•flSa ruBB Ibe leogib a( the pipe, toaitea.
cladM. aou .ra. ae>..^
up to bU fmka *ery far away from tbe tdralt foariba <npfula. • Let rlne overnight: floured, aad boll three hour.. A ralaa
.a tlmple. bealihfui tea .ake.
lag It all tbe eiay and melting tte
Am boat br <bd urn OB Urn tar* el tba meibar. cemMed to ber that be waa ^ ,h*,r gmndmoiber*. Team ago the l» '•>' n'mrnlng atir aell. ad.l one table dec placed la the botiotn of tbe kettle rially for children, la a> folio*.:
froei and Ira
going to teoK ap and down aad eeery _______
^_____ ___________
opoonful of
and one-founb of below ito bag .will allow tbe water
war batore be croaaed tbe afreet again- and wW chtu on ibe imeir} abelrea • lenapoonful of aoda dlaaolved in penetrate freel.v to all pan*of the |>ud- ______________
•. r
tarry n wbUa
rnlea*. flannoU. etc.., urge

Dbrtor Ooodwln told aiop^de and toy of every well “ree tnbleapounfubi of lukewarm wa- dtog aad preveni oil.king or bumiag. ,illl the .-up wlib nilikt
taufaiturer of weolea imodk.. "teSo
-'3> *<'' ilaa of bto railage daya, aad Marjory
but aowadar* tbe
I’ook ume a* griddle cakea AiSauce for-Hie Pti.I.IIng—Two cupful* toU of a^i
lUVl ertr’. .Wi. B ll» •«» oI '•fpB
.io»t U ViocV«i .1(1. mpir »«■
niptul ol th. «l< ot........ ......... - ..
of flour fUur enough to thlckrw It w itiaf It waea them la lukewarm watar vU
Vtto tM^r
agpariancaa that Mra. Ooodwln forgot
i,napkin*, and even paper Man- tun to ralae the next mixing Instead well tnlxM wiib
auikr. one will drol> from the .|uiia. May be inire euap and to tong tbe garwwwu
trH(a ta Ito Joga tlmt ba- taai ah# waa aailag. and deaaan fol- geU nm,
found on beda wbera tbe of «*tag yewt cake.
lahleaiKiontuI of butter, and the am- bpked'ta>JMf or In cup rake tin*
dfW la ible
a and k>de thin rind of a lemon well boiled la
' ________________
lowed koBP. maat and vageublea. At pgu-hwork qolU once reigned auprama.
Eke Griddle Cnku. .
way ihr ■brtnkage^^in*^ ao •light
iU' noon TUI tt WPbr ‘bay grew bilariqM orer Tad'#
^10# clooet or kitchen cupboard one^half cupful* of floui
fable- •
of water, make a nice aauce.
Applet Fraah and Dried.
Harvard pudding ba. tbe adraniage
Apidc ITraiir t'ake-One-haU cti|iftil a* to be almost uanutlceable. .Veter'
*■•• HMMtata M MgbL
daaerlptko of-ibe My at aehool. and ^ unger boaaia a ten and dinner aet. apoontui* ofpugxr. four -----------------Otf iMda and wall Frank*# promotion. Era. OoodwlB
pUce of cblna atand *tarka of bnklag powder and one-half tealnexiw>n*he aa well a* being each of .uKar and .weet milk, one egg. try to hang oui and dry woolen* when
PMaad bar pto» for a aacoad balplng.. p,
puiaa. aairlng ditba* and apoonful of salt. Work la onehalfcup toothaome and very nutrltlou*. Melt
bird cupful t^wnn of melted >„.i the ieni|>erature U below freetlng ST ' JbM ta niry • whileAt
rSHta of the •aMla."

' Doctor
axetongad cap# and aaucera. Tba manutariorer* ful of raid racked rice with tipa of
t»bleai«onfuU of butter, add on*^ ,er. one iea«pooarul rarh of iehma
Than and Hmm.
glaneea ^tk Wa daagbfar.
of paper tovaltlea bare area gone ao Bagera; than add one and one-hWf cup
*>f ,ii»ta.»e«. onetolf and .-ream tartar, and one half ten
r fuU of--------milk, —
one eu ««>ll ______
and <'t>P>t>l of
. ^
________________ c*.--------<**•'
‘•o- Siwonful of eo-lB n.lxe.1 with flour .. -Some aaventeea yanra It wa* I
far —
n* w
to _______
Bwrkad a tolfMor to Mn. Ooodwlb.
tbe day U not far dlitui whan we two table.poonful* of melied butter.
cupful* of flour mixed and *l(t. n»ke a smooib toner, i.y sifting think, mi never torgM the dayi. J
• as ibar woranirgronpad on iba plaiu
,»en be making iwper garments. Drop mixture by spoonful* on a hot od with onrsbalf leaipoonfal of aoda
Thf* «HI make three r«n»l* look a bnskei to the iiora. aad when
e-fourth of I
clerk bad looked m* oto. naio
on#. aranlng
ten day# Utar.
■ In ]aver-«ake tina Between the layer*
T*« UB*
alwaya UBU
bad B
a great JWW
love *VI
for B*
griddle; *f^tbe
' —r time
..ijiv tbe IBB.
last Vl.r
one —
U •
----•^aa. I
h*d a better appetite
faahioned tbinga. but mg Ilka to on. tbe Ifrai *bould be cooked on one °f
rlove. alUpfre and. nutmeg; ,nd onThe top put a fllling made by him I <hd Bsy: THve me (oar blu"
tetalr. aad I (eel better than I have
^e* ideas too. Borne of these aide and ready to turn. iWhen It. “>« •-’J «“"•>•»»
* «»•'« grating one Urge M>ur ande. adding woMh of lard, and a quarters worth
* ywr—U Mate AtoWlflM.
for weak*., p^ noraltUa are really good and should be puffed, full of bubbles and *'<>“«•
‘f t>iccw», Turn into r one . ujdul of i«wdered eugar. the of haoi. and tea cen««' wprth of Ibal ,
A about of merriment went np from
^a cinaaed with tbe Ubor aarlag raoked on edges.) Turn snd cook the
«"<»>■'• 'over and let .tram t*o iwaien white of an egg. one teaspoon- Chr^eae that come* from Boilw
dam. and live cents' worth of eatous.
tbe tamlly. aad Doctor Ooodwln whla- gevlcaa w# ara bearing so mnch about other aide. By the time the U«t one
hfor*- Thl* Is an era- ml of vanllU. and beating
-P*!—! ............ .
a I r n - , -- n
daughter. -We don't neril ^
papers and
and a nickel's worn, of egga—' Wrik .
egg bea’er
- is turned, if tbe work Is done quickly.
For iDRtance, tbe pa- tbe flr*i one 1* ready to remove and
Sterling Sauce—Cream bne-baU ruir
Apide. Cake Puddiag—Cover tbetioi- any. you'd iboaght that blame tool
per -towel. It 1* perfectly abaorbeai serve. Care must be taken If the fin-, ful of butter and add graduall.r. while loni ol a txaddlne dish with i>srd<l and clerk would laugh bImaeU off bla legs.
“— ■
and raa he uae<l for the kitchen or Ubed products are to be regular la beatlngconsianily.onerupfulof brou'a-qtoitered adple. of a tender, tan va- ■Now. how do you think," aaya be to •
aoHed burned. Thl* abape. of Ihe same else and evenly sugar; then a-ld (our tablesiMtonfuls of rtety. and^|>read over It a rake made me. wlib e most offensive air. "Too're
. TBatltab Wamaa*a<!ol1ect. whkh Is
Maple f
naot almost
aimosi anlraraally
naireraaiiy by
oy women'
women. ...
washlfg-fhe browned. It must be rememtored thaj B>»k and one ieas|Kg>t>iMl of vanilla a« above. Bake till hell done, and going to carry all that stuff la that litMM
ebuntry brer; being repeat- r.‘_
towels are nsually the hardest part of the-center of the griddle I* usually the Add the milk ve>. gradually, or a ae|s
with Sw^i Sauce; One uNe- fie. basket Itorer Yratwdar I weal
•dW.Mfly^'tara at Urn beglaalng
“» taundry Tork-*nO
«hoT «»
n»'‘- A aoaiwtone griddle arstlon wyi i.rotoWy take place, aioonful of sifted flour, onetolf ru|i to Che store wlib a basket as of yore,
the same old sIm. oame old kind, and
oickneas »«•
or -a ——
akin trouble ....
the pa- ue^s
be heated.
BMwaA between thin any ••s——
^-------- to
— —
.-m. Tbe
... ......
............ - - cupful of ral*lus f„| qf eugar. add a pinch ot'aalt. wet
^ -__ V
-fc.. fcBB.B P*r t®**> ** the moattoaitary thing to giMdle or frying pan which Is frtv "ceded and cut In pieces may to suls m a i<a*ie wlih rahf water tlilr In when the clerk bl* ear Wdaed. 1
named my wUbe* o'er: '-(iire me fonr
wowal “we"
W^t b^r«eT^!:«-?i^ ®“- Tb« “«« «"“>• “ta *f th* pa'lueuHv used, must to ffrsi heated and
«««*d for the date* in (he puddlpA
onehsif pint of \boUlng water tvery
of tard. amitwo
a minutes,
quarter's end
or enure neat oreso. or uae one aiM ^ napkin and handkerchief, ll may
iben rubbed over with the freshlyt ul
hni jhe dates have a more dlsiiactlre
tHrBmwnwBi 1- K. «„ M
seem to Ihe careful aavlug (irai moth- pan of half of a raw turnip.

on, iable*(«vnfu1 of ImUer and worth of bam. and tea cMt*' worth at
Mad tor tbe lop. For a richer
that husky cheese Ibsi comes from
■ «r rather waaiefui to buy ttaing* and
Crlddie CaWe»-BTl# of oule
Vegetable Puddfop-Two cnplbl* of one small teasimonful ol raallla: or
' wleh. BplnUt tbe angar with any kind
ilotlerdam. and lire rents' wortb pi '
barn then ap. bui wb^n one o
. which might oiherw|«# to dis- fl*'*'*d white |>oialoes. one-half cupful flavor with nutmeg or t innamon.
el chopped nut manta
oalonn. aad a atekeTs vortb of
Manle ‘Bnaar BUenita Thtwt dais
“''^•d. may be uiiliie
<-ggs-" W^l. any. yoo'd t-iboaMI
Ilaa are aiynrooriatelr aerved with the “®*
cake*. Prepare one and one '“‘f «f'^‘l*liis. one teaspoonful each of Three cup. ol d. ied apjdes eoaked itoi blame fool clerk bad gone on a
, JflMtate ttoW prayartally, and
Uchrau or dinner
®f >««•* bread ctumlA tre- ''nn-mou- 'lf»« and nulmeg. one cujs over night, in .old water; chop very taugbin' Jag. ''('iiuck ito, toskef."
|i«ta(MF*Fn|ltottaffH. It wm ^
per article U the chrapeW in the long jerti,* ,to hard ouishle cu.m. Pour
»f «««r. one leaspooaful ol w>da fin* and put over the lie In ihtee cu|w
•ay.s be. "you raa rarry ll all in Ihl*
ghb-'Ota* to* “rongar and bettohia* na«
®ver crumbs one and one-half cuptuls disiwlved In the grated iiotBto. Mix ©f scrap and stew >t(iiil soli, but not here |a|>er lag '—BL IanIs I'osi-IMs'
' , AoueiL ndi ll ob^Awirfta “"(*•“* O'" »f P'f'tfhln* to eat our e, .calded milk aad let stand to rao|;
■ gf***«l can; .-over and |.„|,,v. When .wld a.Id'three and onc- tatih.
aougo. rm.
aawqpann '
from paper pUtea. but when we ,ben add two Uhles|«onfidi of mMted «“"> «hree and onr-balf hours. It naif cup. qf flour, one c„. ,ir totter.
^.ttA^Jiflrmoto f the
^ are to have a particularly boay day It b„„,r
will kee|. a long time, and tieedeonl.c fo three egga. one teasiwmn of soda. t*..
That VggMable Garden,
‘ half cupful of flour mixed and sifte.1
heated. Serve with curaniel sgii^ leasiumna ol cream of salt and
it Is almost lime lu togln tbinklns
.j. .... this:
..... nruwi.
irlutiamon. .l.ixes aiuJ
(to'taC^J OflL tPMk potttaana.
Ut i^pg CDopper.
chopper put
put on
on (be oiner
other nan
half oi
of ^
*“ **'“
“** ‘*‘***
'“•wwnfuU of baking
two cupful* of. ,
•“ lae
aad bora .hem. The tone,
naner hianket
blanket I.
white s.igar with a ,de,-e of tollerito ,
One cii. of rsislu- <>t drito of ilie stuloa yegelable garden AI
same a« rice griddle cake*
"f * wall"*'. ‘«fr»1ng ralisianily .■urranis iniptoM- it Huk<- .aiclully la teady the' c-alaloaa are dax
tlltig us with their wonderlwl imom
Wien sufficiently l.ruwne.1. add one • moderate oven
Itea. A farmer's wife give* the toiIdiii of tolling water and atir Into the
**^ •**#» each .other
lawiag good BUggratloa;
of ciirnetarcb.
Winter Vegefoblea.
"iMriag Ibe winter I save atl my
Bermuda Onion* wilta Kaura Wiley—
Take ,
Boll small fletninda onious wHb pleniy toper toxe* tVbea apriog ramra. or
and seasuo li
I'UXIlMMi Mflk* w
of aalt. cbanglug the water oni-e and rwibiw. when Ibe tlaia for atartlng
r forced through a food cboppe* aba can very
D prove that they a
MMA taMta. Ttocb ,bpp pgj
Is rauaing tb*
e arresi and iiiinishment
drain Well, aiul raver alth this oam-e. rariy vegrisbles In ibe boose arrives.
I make.lheae to*e« answer a very
•etlM oaf batur IMgag • hall cuptuto Boar
A( men who are so iTuel and Iniiunun
wh.. E„ p«„. tor.
good |Mri«ae. into a large woodea
' AM BBaMM. Ato initHlT
a* lo allow their horoes to slaad fui
It to tba Mt- powgpr. ^ fum,
tox which will fit a window. I imek
any length of
iheee little papri^ toiM. irimmiac
^itaTcraitor ciu^. br;m;"wi,;'‘i;;;:r. •
■......... ..... —t— ,j„
of eaga Ilf
ibem down to lb* asm* belabi as ibe
gin tu kirengthen." The young houseand uBftolf cupful* of hoi water ami Wooden box. Tbeo 1 Bll with good
i„„ ,1,.
7„;larragoB or earth and plant my needs The emailkom, ik.i
I. Ik. II.,. I. ..k,
i-ki-koo-ikier tbe |iai>er toxe* the toller a* only
one nr two ptoni* sbuuld ofwpy each
•MMMt-MArr Btnart
uaide Cak*-Matouydesired foun«f •'> •***
dattob cflka aad bake in a ebem. Cov^ckwheai cake* b^ tbe llai
u4hy (hat by dl""c-can *w< ipos-,
^^hen well cooked draw Iron* the lire tox Ip tranraptontlag all I have fo do
-A Stray HMft.For Instance, good sugar rookie* ran ,nd pjd
»hi toaien egg .Volk* I* tu 1111 the tox Otil of Ka4Mer fe
.IB upl. irau M .'crikki. Trau *
D>. loiu,.!.,
plain dIractloM for making thl* iwpti- .S'ew Vork chy there Is posted in-every to made wlihoui i
.Ilk tk.„p.k
••gg*. pfier the and |iour over (he onion*, at oin-e tiusi t-epiaclc and transidant ^Mgarden
................. ..............................following
,.„h ,q,,,rika. Ju.t to wiitotii disturbing tba toots tad re­
m«M flfld fltaru Cui ta atrip* or aqtafto for ^rrvtag;
tarding the growth of tbe ptoflt.'
Very Am.
-«o»p Ibere are who at;e aartofled eard of which ihlt to a rajiv:
■'“““''“-Two cui* of *uga'r^jhr£^ for, „„dl„
n,* table.
ol a
a .upful
( itpful of
of butter,
butter. one cuie
■tad 4tal taMtatad flboot . Mapto .lclat-Ftorco-Wtohalf povod »Ub the many raady mixed buckwheat ,To Thee! Mv Master, l Offer Mv fmirth* of
K»calloi.ed Onions-Huiier a tJeep
ful of sour milk, one teasiuonful of baking dish of the desired sire.
A OifsaMW* Narabit
Fi tabtaBcy fo djTtaopMa." of ample nigar tbreagh a food ehof
‘Ita* ■« to boloand'on tbe marPr.,er:
,«„om pur a layer of thinly sliced
Make a crviam aaace of oM Ubie‘ w bto toOibtw per aad pul 4irto bnuared aioce pan
«•«>“ ^
me. water and care......................
for nte and ••‘"'ta ta ‘*»e milk; grate In nut.
sitoonful of butter. <
—- poaluveir with on* rapful of granutoted
BB aoaar
_ -BM,-.
raw While onions, the mild ........ .
you must when
day * work 1*
done. i*rovlde
aad one aad oae^alf capfoto
kr*«M I
a to gat at Tb* aad on* ckpful croam « f rich milk.
■enulne -buckwheat: which
wHh .belter, a clean drv bed and a
«»kcv „nton toing a grad kind to o-e. and
r grow* Bwr* expepsive each year, eo
wide enough for me Wile down ‘‘“'tar; roll lo sugar and bake in a *|.ri« siatliixlv wuh salt and white of milk. Beaaoe with sail (a baif teaPat ever tba Are. stir nalll tbe a
f much ao that many city giwer* do not „ rt,„,fon. Talk to me. Yotir voire
put * laver of *i>ooBruli. peppet fl*d a dash of cay* .
__J carry it at all. By followlag this cec- ofi,a mean* as nipdt to me a* the
Cakes—Two cupfuls of *our flnelv liroken soda crackers, dotting enne. Then add ooe cupful of grated
........d in
•“'■cess, and j^ln* Pet me somellrae* and I mav
o' “ur cream, one
ia„p,' «nh bps ©f butter. Con- -cream.cbeesc aad «lr unill BieUed. K'

•*^'’*‘* *“ aelf-dafoase ^Med
la raid
raid water.
water. Let
Let aUnd
aUnd uaill
until *P* >'®"
>4fo Oirw wlU ber. lokewaroL
fokewarm, beat unill creai
creamy; reheat. U** ««>y difficulty will be to InduV
,^0 the more gladP and leatn
ie#*|ioonfi.l of ,in,„ „n,|I the dish is aln*ost lull, and table^IiooBrul of Worcester taoca my
tUitary.aoUood tabar
aa.weli. gurriug coniUatly aaill
“■■■ tbtaga **
family to eiop teasing for the ,o i^ve you.
**"■ *"** foa’‘l'®<>nft*> “f aoda: grate in ,heo .kireftillv |s>ur In milk unill the be added If desired. Poor over bot
■m Mllad tba (amUy fowtbm lor a* apraad
.pcj -oa
wa cakea.
toke* when warm apring day* come
u<, „^t Jerk the rein* and do not *
or tinnamon if |.ic- ia„,r reaches the top of the *r*1lo|i toast and *«r«e ai once, a* It rooU
^WHMkCottage Poddtag^rrram ooedlilr.l''*^d you fear dleilc effet-t*. Kach morn- whip me when going up hill. Never
'‘'h ■ "nil .Uver of well-bui- quickly.
- JLtK!
MflHffT *Kb cnpfai bn,,,, wltb Iwo-third* capful
dissolve half s rake of '•ompreesed
^ when I do not
omitted, snd an era
. Bake •hreequariera of
I hour
until I • onirin* In the
Uta flflMflECed. “aad I tHnk ,ngmr: (bea add in eueras.lve order
a llitle warm water and poor understand what vnu mean, hut give
Canned Cherry Proasfv>e.
. <•>/ s.-slloi. ate soli.
MMt^m^irweatopsanvdl*- ^
threo-tourthi cupful milk. “ ‘“to a larae mixing towl. adding
a chance ro umtersiand vou.
Take one quart of coa:
) 'be
IIB.1 Kldnev llean*-\Va*h well, put
y^SSI^- ”?** “*
>*• rapfnto flour and one level table,
Iw-rtpfuU of buckwheat flour: w„h, me, and If I fail to do vour hid
and itour- off Jolra; Than Uke oar
o esi ,r BO agate ki'sw |ian. and rarer wiiii
i VT*?'
‘•ta‘»- ipoonful baking powder. Bake In gem "»'*
«ough **rm water
,,, „ ,«nyeihlng I. not wrong
* "
fiound of giwBulaied kugar snd aM
“ta dtoagree- p**,
hot with maple aaucs. •'»'> "'‘Ni In equa\ qnanitilee to Agke with nu harness or feet
**"ll Mowiy and add wa Just enough water to moisten: toll
Maple Bauce-tTram together-one ••«'« Itoner. Cover with a napkin,
Kxamlne mv teeth when 1 do not a-bi
to ke.-|.
until It threads, sdd cherries aad toll
«ntaMMga'AobT.tatf«a to. said Touadlng (ablMpooaful each of hut- «f*P «•*♦
'» a woolen blanket , m«v have an ulcerated tooth and that
' *■»"' »ell racered Add a few slices of sail stout tB-D(>
|taB|^'‘^l mother bear* oot only i,r end flour; add gradually ooe-half ■»<l
>" » «■«" PtoCP over night to ,-ou know Is verv |«lnftfl Do no* tie
i-'-PP^' »"**
"> wwraii. sn.i made in tot. ws, ate never Mroag
ftal.taMAlM. bot tbe Wtfdene <d the- cqpfqj 'h« water aad one half cute raise- In the morning, add a iea.|s«n-‘
head In aa unnuiural nosliinn <>i
einu sie i"le 6I
,<„i; ............ ..
Then u-e tdentv of
anti Wi>- . iii-irio never tone tbelt'
■ gpgtataMttalty. Ptfber will tell yoa ful iMck maple ajrap. J,ei boll eev. fol of sail, two lablespoonfuK -of mo
,wav mv h^i defen«> anmsS"""*

'^“P' ■'"* • '"’ie fle.-e tmlof
Wl****^ tatqrteree wltb fllgestloa. eral nlamea. ailrring raastaniiy. Thin to»»ei and enough >klm mtlk.or warm
pg m.
'•••"'ird. of a rupful oi j>, hutier Ho not iSffl,until after in.TgAta,y;
when bo aald that owe* If aaaded.
wafer may to used, to make a thin ,,u
►•r* ' 'udk- V""
®' '*® «»H’es. on- milk Is add- l and do not tortotl tiiOwMies* Oottera.
■altlespnonful of, one and .«<* bran*
lito tbtoogb the
Wtpl* Floating Ittood-Pot oae and batter, if the *tx>nge ahould-br In the
Xnd (InalK Ob. mr master *hBj, ""”e*P«tntul
K.*-i. litniM-kreiwr knows bow. a
mm «afl h* was ear* be dlfltl . half cupful, milk la the buttefed«lop taabi eonr. add a Itvel tea*i»oi<lul of
useful airength U gone do not turn iiiifds lupiiilsof flour, jwo *'‘•H•ranAooiher \Vav-P,rtoll in s.tfn. i.-nt
•iii-icr. unless shaken out about evert
to become of of a double boiler. Beal while* of two *od* dlaaolved In hal water; beat well
oq, ,o ,i,rv-e or freeze .trijell me hiU of to*.lliE prtwdrr Hake *"
raver, and'add one ..-a
s bsll. lesvea a streok of
stiooBfol of msIs. end
I into a wlde^rauihe.! pitcher.
owner lo to s.dwl. tor in*et«. or more if preferred.
The filltnc fo thl* rake nia> to ar- Uen until tender J*o not ,<«k tra is.- diot. iiuiead ol taking up dust, sayix
poach until Duke the cake, on a griddle well ,„red and »iarved to death: Imi dn
lual^ s lanrv
Here as they are richer wn-n «rakrii me ikmd iTieei Mary Jaae tell* a young
,h«,. mv auMer. taxe m. life in the

«n and « e strained milk ffreaeed and very tot.The rake*
biMe. jii>T "learning bow." the way of
•®‘*« *® tar mklkg raaiard,
should be aa ibln a* a wafer and of undwi war and .vour ifod will rewai are three .lifferenf, hut excellent, rec
lift 4l\bto.agaBilU»ow.
CuaUrd-Beal ,blk>
ybll of three egg*. •ea«ou. tire. Bate a cupful of the ,-o„ her* sad hereaficr Vou may m
and enough Cteam 'O make iliem making wjnu- 'dusilkim dualcra Ibatll
tor ...I...... BMdber
ru-Bi. torC^fotard-Beai
1-emot. Jell. Ktilmg-Onehalf pint
tot Mand wl.e.,-rite, w ill situ gel etei. '-u>it,h n'-du.t up dual sank
noaele w «dd oaodblrdcupful bot maple ayrup baiter to alert the rake, for (be next ,«„mder me irrevetent If I ask this
of sweetwa.
oneluegg or yolk* of two. mer fo, ten or iiite. n lulmiie* when some ,.iusfc. of old flaanel la par­
W to tbe party be- and
one andahalfrapfoU boimilk,
fooralng. Thia stouldbe kcHcool, fb, name of Him who
i|oaiilul ot cornatarrb, .one
,re lead. i- -it- H t-e-tw- affine oil o»#i nigbt, na' lootorrow
taAMta «WU“ to* «»ua« OB ber Cook la the top of a doable boIlPk aad 1i Is a good plan to pour a liitle atable Amen
morning wring 'em out as tight. a«
'*^*A*® ‘bat hartowlag ac ailrring constantly uadi mixture com- *»“ water orar H before eeitln; It
___ ____________
tahleeioonful o( fli.ur, two lablrapran rook them
c.-r you can. Tbeo wash 'em la
.gatatta^ tarrow eaeape tram aa au- mnoee lo thitoea: (bea remove from •»iY- «® P'w'fcoi (trnher termentatlon
Ineapenalvc'aod Good.
'“*» of sugar the jm.-e end grated rind'
------------------^— warm waiyr and ibeyTI tnai lutevet
daaaan waa „or. ^
oaotolf teaspooafol va- Hll needed. The rake* for tbe second
Sheldon pudding wraed with thin
««'• 'emon Cook like holle.l cuw
In Cold Weather.
nlUa. ______
Serve the___
custard In a______
toornlag wUl
to to___________
much cream and auger tn*v well to placed “fAHave you .iopin-.! >o think how an' a day witboui ao need lo mak 'eta
Aiqrte Filling-Two grated apple*. iinkatlsU. tor* m double i.ianket i.? again, and my. bow they riraa end
**at raoad the ghws gfab or rimrbet glta^ with ibe belter tbaa the first batch, and If tbe tm the rom|«nv dinner-iabie.
«g. Obe Ictuon tiind and Juh-et. Tbe sunning ah-i airing which all isillkb the furniture."
"* ** ^^ poached wbltee 'floating oa top. ramalaing batter be kept raol it should three square* of unsweetened ctoco- ‘
_ with grated ^mapi* "oi____________
bo aacesaary
w a« new yeoMfora tote In double toller with three cupcupful "f
of *u«sr;
augsr: .wraU.-BlI
- wraU.-all toto- woolen
woolen fahn.-s
fabri.-s nec.l frcitonils U nKci
To Chop ItalsiM F,na• fl*tad dll atafoaaaot' «*baUb- Bugar.—ladle#'
augar—ladle#' World. -'•
week or l»a
a blaukei l. uu-ui
im d*ya"
(ul* of .-old mil* and heat owr
over toiling
(•oilKig P^ber;
ffriher; wton cool i*rt
1,111 between the la.-oDvenleni
(a.-onvenieui w-j.-n
MeavurV the raisins required aad
areverblaJ thrift ot
of the Braicb.
Rraich water
mmi»r until
..n.ii cbocolaie
.-hnrAUie i#
ts dfUolred
uhd fu'er
«'‘'er tbe
(be lop wtih wbiiu>ed
whliu»d 1c wesbing. ih
ihr weight raus-* umiue
- ------------------------------------ ^----------The proverbial
At tao «d ^t«o vsoke we will have
Prime PuOding.
ramblaad with a knowledge of reaulia. Mix one-third of a cupful each of ang cream flavored with lemon sad sllgbi Meet, blog In wringing and drying In drop ftom iBiu lukewarm water. AltaJtataEBJPtatat^." aald Marjory.
Oa* cop Jminr. two cops angar. two Is n mesnory ot (be little giribood of ar aad rarnstarrh with one^oanb of'd «> awfileiied.
varying the covering pn a bed. It i* low tbeoi to soak while you rresas

mm Ml •
rape aoar milk. Ibree aggx. four cap* Home Cbeor's editor. Tbe beat bock- ieaai>oonfai of salt and dilute with coU
f*bocotatte FIHing-Two square* ol pioi-h better to to able to add .one Ihe butiex and sugar. Wbed needed.,
* taB^ a trytagOMaL but ptltod praoaa. two taapooaa aoda. om wheat cakoa abe ba* erm eaten, were milk Add rarnaiMfh mlxfora Aradu- choratale. one teaniirful of bot water, ihicknes* at a time single bUnkei* squeeze Ibem genily between the-:
W.W.--------«-u of augar. two table- ran to mora rawly Stored la aummer. bsDiJs to frra from sraier aad pat
. after tbe ally 10 .bot e
. _ plni etapliy. and coatiaulng the stirring tor spoonful* of flour, mixed smomh; let la fact, tbeto seems no more reason through tbe grinder. The rarah will
whipped of left-over baiter foio wblcta after three atautra- then let rook wlthooi <• >«ll until thick; wbeir root, flavor why blauketa stould Ue kept ta palm to Bar. even particles of frail and tbe.
hn^taag all aarphM cooked paacakeo attrrtag for flftera miauu*. Turn m- with vaalUa. U the cate ir baked to thaa beeauae they are grtadar wUl bl* ranch aasier to ekaa.



'"ta am bifc^i ,

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