Grand Traverse Herald, October 01, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 01, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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tore. In dUterent ■Ites. They aUo high. 1
1 by targe I :ve* of what nature will produce with tbe aid
tL.y were very good, the Qu«tn a;y
iMke aU kind* of preserred fnitta.
fancy white at»d rye bread. Theli of the hand of man.
■mpierneBt Company having aa exThey baadl* Ice cream coae* an new farmbonie milk bread U. ber*.
Eacsit th* West.
tkmal display of nmchloery that Ailed
are dealer* la all kinds ot bar anp- together with a bait dox^a dltterem
Tbe west may brag all they want
c; e ride
the Implen-eoi teat. Tbm
pllra. - Tb»T are eerrlai a new driak. kindi of rolls, rookies, msesroons aitii
frontloopd from Pag* Two.)
exhibit was la charge of L. O. R.ce.
to. tbe ease may show- tbelr very best,
■erne de meaiae. m sample bottles
and consleted ot about I1.6M worth
la tte aeit booth Orlnaell Bixit.
The merchant* of the city hav-'
uf machinery. All during the (air Mr.
uctiOB of tbe Grand Traverse
bare one of Ibeir Aaest playw piano*, spared BO troublr or eipenae'lo m*ko
and bU asalsiaats were busy
gloa (air exhibit. The big state tain
aad two of tbe Grinael Bros owa
pkh pf the fair a suer***.
evpla'ialng and demcmsiraili.-g ih- JOHN NERLINOCR OUAAREARtO
have Dotblog belter.
Tbe pUyer piano la
machine*, k.cplng three gaeollne en­
prodact ior the Aeolian Player Plano
Th* olspUy in gUss' Urs of (he
gines in operation all' the time to (uiyi
Company. Thrae pUyera m need
Board OT Trade and the Western
lETVhvel* of tbe bean thresher, corn
y-A*e dtSetwal make* of piap<
^sfceY sprayers and
of the leading one* being t
unlveraal-ettentioo. as well as tbe va,
'■ Hjeg sas supertateadent of the
The race prergam of tb* «*coad day rlous parAlag devices aad tbe dlfferStelaway.,Weber. Wheelock. Bloyfcfarm machinery department of the
of tbe meedag at tbe fair attracted
•aat. Biroud and Tecbnols
Ubels that the frail growers are
Thera were not many exhibitors
Tbe music piodoced by tb*»* Inelranslng la the nearby sections.
in this department, aad when Mr .Rice
meni* la ao nearly -perfect tbai one before. Weather-fondltloiu were aot ■ There are grapes as Urge as atnall
saw that (he t<-nt would not be AUed
mlght'easlly Imagine U was being r*o- the b**t for tbe race*, however, as a phimi, peaches that are as large a*
high wind awept arrou th* Arid, and apple* and ai<i>]e* that might be class­
dered by seme Aalsbed RiDelrlaa.
Bicycle and Hera* Races War* Lead­ by dealers and msaufacturea. and de­ Draw Money From Oenh and Hg* Ns|
with It cloadB of dual, aad at t:
ed among tbe tnrnliw for else, aad the
Art Hall ruiHl WMh Good* af Mar.
tots Leteted Elnce: N* W»u*
tb* dust was w> pleaflful that It
aroma that arises, from
la tbe booth adloialng I* a Aoe dlx•ta Oisma.ntlad LaU la th*
macblOTy from his own estaUlaaahanta mn* Maaafaetaraia—Llva
Fee HU Oebit O
difficult to see th* horsra. Tb* **eat* tempting of fnilt makes
play made by the rigsr MaJterx'
nietit in tbe lent. So be burriedly
Meek Olaplay One af the
of slower riass** than
Ups aad want to gel their teeth
Union. All the breads ot clggra
placed a number of buskers, thresh-,
taaMng Atmetlene.
day. belBg tbe 2;-IO and' 3:2.*. right Into the luley fruit, oae wants to
shewn are maBufactnrad la this dia(Prom Friday * Recoid^gle.)
sprayers, etc.. In the teat sad had
"Children's Day broaght tbe third
tncei. A haU-rall* niaalag race rinsed Unger in this sectioa for hour* lust
irict Tbl* iDclndes lerritory outside the day's meetiag.
Afler drawing a sum ^ n.~tr fnrfS
annual (air of the Grand Travene aa exhibit that was the aesibe of
what can be. rrodurad la (bis re­
of Trererae City.
the bank yesterday —ie»4i»g^ Joto
much favorable comiueat amoa
(Fifoai Thurader’a Rarord-bgle.)
la tbe 3:25 pace, a warm contest gion. Who wants to go west when we Region fair association to a eloae yeeNerUagw, a pranUnto.t turner wb*
There are eleven cigar taelorles
lerdsy. when ibouitoida
the "kid- m lo tbe fair.
Tbmak reU tbrwtaDed to deaceod
between Ben Greet and Gritty devel­ have sueb.fruit?
alx eed ime-baU —ti^ —
dlea" from all Over (he region ItarongFin* Srapiatoer Eabibit
■I aiir Roaeat tfartac the entire Trarer»e City and flve outside beloag- oped. but Ben Greet ron|ied home
Vla;tora stop and look at this, then ed the grounds u I
of the dty. dUeppeuwd and had Mt
tbU dlatrlcL
hi the northeast comer of U
Rorttfaf reaterday. crowd* beaea
winner. Crllly look the Aral heal by
> away^o tell their friends and they
rement. They
chiner.- teal Mr. C. G. DarU of Man-. been seen or heard ot ntnem He «nM
nex^ booth is occupied by the a BBiall margin, but Ben Grain nosed
nibarl^ early, and *^leUcaii diy"
all come back to look. sUll closer, stayed Ule. and ea
Istee bad a display of
wai the Mneet «ey yet or the lelr. R. J. MacDonald Company. ' Tbelr dis­ erotf « few'feet to tbe good la tbe
compartag tbl* variety with that, ob­ every minute ihegpicking fruit that iaiereateJ
•Hr Bwrtfbc wu narfcwl by tbe Jnd(- play ronsisU ot all klhd* of stock anl ext three, gltlag bltn the iqoney.
serving where this one differs from groueds. They wet
hundreds el Irolt growers .who Halted
lac or tbe Uva etoek. borate and pool- pouliry food, apraylng materUI*. fcStar Wood was an ^y winner la
exhibti, and il<e growers
awar«as ot the pramnlBa
He stowed several'sam­ draw tbe money and ninae than m
Ullxeri. fruit ladder* and sorting tab- tbe baadl of Nile* in the 3r40r"«’io- themselves are proAllng liy mis great good style, and there waa srarcely
of -DavJ* BsTTOW Fndt.Sieplad- trace of him ran be Imito. What kM
They also abow a line ot cereal*. hlag three Blralgbi heat*. At to inue
minute that the ooeaa wave, fer­
ob>ect tessoB. so that next yrar they
All ot tbeoe prodarta. lacludlng stock did there seera to be doubt that Star
dee." which tor pleklag fruit Is x become of him. or wrhat tootlv* to
will l«e prepared to show still better ns wbfol and -merry go-round
'dandy.' Oti one sectioa of the lad­ aboBld'^sva.Jor drawing the netogr
la the M« tanUut Dortb of the mala food, are made by. the Quaker Oats Wood would be beaten.
it the problem which tto poHm sfd
An boSHiBC, ooocerU by tbe bend, Coapany.
I thur o'chvk the exbibiiors be- der la a set of iso ahiall wheels, oa uying to aolve. Had to drawn the
The bait-mile ruanlng races xvas
Fine Vegstablsa Ahewn.
Tbelr booth is alao occupied by tbe
raeee 4|all a*M a bastog matek colac
dfanmillng tbelr booths and car­ which (be ladder may be wheeled
again won la two straight beat* by
Nearly all the east end of this big
like a barrow, aad baa handle* money UUr U the day itorn WMld
oe. theta na sathlaf Uddnt la the Womaa'a SaSragette
Jimmy Golf, though Martha ttout ball Js devoted to the vegetable ex­ rying away their displays, and sbon- and a- brace agalnal which a twadJe hav be«o groiiDd tor tb* tbaorr Om
■wneMiat Uaa. There we* eoatemade the winner race hard.
hibit aad this is as wonderful as the ly after tbe Anal beat of ^ races
fruit basketa may be placed. Tbero he bed bran UAtmaend to mm «nn
hnttoas tor aale, aad a bery of enTne fastest time made during itie fruit, with the extreme lateness of the waa run. the hand pUyed a few seDter into aome srhenM, tot aa
n be wheelMl Into tbe'orcbaxd. pav­
ihualacUc workera are planing buuom
imions and t\e fair was officially
be went directly to th*
^ he bmC
on at] who taror "Votee tor Women. day waa la the second beat of inr 'season and tbe coaUnued eold weath­ •loscd. U waa the flnest fair erer ing time and bother with a hone,
have bod aoM pramedlatsd
hundred basket^ If Ued lagetber. a
Hie ladice ot the Aebury M. E.
be wheeled upon this outAt. Bet aader mind. He wa* aot » drtodtomM
cbnrcb occupy tbe laet booth oo tbla iblle the best tine for tbe tiaU-iulle
think would be lurb a detriment
tree. ihU Udder baa tbe appeoraace
aide with a fine coHecUoa ot Japaa«M TUB la S5 seconds.
Gie ances.aful growing of farm prod the foBdest cxpectalioas of the moat r nay step-ladder, but has steps on
Mg fUe* Occur* Te^y*.
printing and peat earda Incrodlng
U thw An Ban the Urgeet
great dispUy sianiin thi» aaneuinc.
The elsssy event of the meeting, the
each Bide, and U easily handled. I
neat emnedlae tfUKay U that et the Ttewe of the aa<red tnountala. Pn
regioftya* oeie of the Iwsi farming
Bicycl* Race Thrilled -Klda"
: has h(4kt oo wbirii to bang baa'ket'
all feasible U that to may tov«
llama, the aacred cherry bloaeom abd -frae-foPAlI. occurs today, and has
fancy week aad dn^wMlea.
ipliie* in all Ibe rouRry.
As a part or the program to e^er- when picking and may be wheeled ur
X* to Idaho, where to tos • aoA
tbe atortca. Acroee the hall tbe Need,
Thie departBant M flUed wttb the
Corn erap Deed.
be has Utely smral tiM «■
bam Bneleeaa OnUege has tbe nraf
ipot withoal re
Ui«Mt eefiaetka af tu* rtaaa ot work
a desire (a have hto sum
moring the bnrteta. A* aa example
apaee. and here they rite tbe named lorera of tbe game. Not only are the
a failure to see those great sulk* race* 8U eairam* lined up under
arhlA has over base exhibited here.
tock and manage the (ana.
of bow Mr. UavU*
ot Uuwe rhlab la ahceiband. and ex- baat of local boras* entered, but many
Than M. WBbBtal drawn work, ear plalB the plea and xrorkinge of tbe fBM fowl from outside polaU. and it
the wire at Ihe siart. and though
Tbe woods U too'-vldntty «( tto '
Trgarded by fruit i
:he Ulr. One grower
bfoMary M vhtta aad la oblere. door
is oertata tbit the winner ot tbu race
«»» piaornd t.- bate them n
Mated Ibat he s.>:d orer Ave dtuen ilr grounds wwe
win have lOO bushels to the’acre. Tbe arcuhd tbe track once, n half mile,
OB all gradea ot ataterui from ib-^
TUI make good time.
during the fair here, and more ihair ihit moralSf by tto peUs* and (to
whe.i.l, while-not so good a crop
ebeerekt U#li 10 the baavy brown an
every eoaleaianl Insltled (hat k halt 400 Udder* at tbe Grand Rapid* fair. - -actors of sU onttonad t»la* here
\If eeongh enirtes can be attracted
iihiuif. yet (be niialiiy i- as gno.l as
aiihtoldory In aUk.and in Comppiur, la charge of F. J. Reulr. 1 Areenlle motorcycle race will be
mite waa too short, and . wanted
Mr. ilBvIs Is *B Uvemor, having
grown, i'
'Maco. «a «Ml aad on oottom
mile .race. .'I'lie starter told them
the local aoperiBieadent. There la in ndditton to the han* nciag. .
cpeni all hl> life working la that line, description* of tbe oM mnn. tot m peg
There never was a better distilay of
non an mao aome One epedmaiu ahowa a model la Iron ot
Uetny b^ra the Ant bear of tbe rncei
themselves, and after a gruelling and now has S3 psteni*. HU borne U absoliitely ao trace of klm hM bsw
beans' nor a* many varieties,
found. He U the fsthsr et *—««
ot kaUUa^'aad eroebet worfc. One relitan bnUdlng la New York, nth mb. »e Traverse City dIvUloa of the
same With the onions, and ibU year krlad of twice around that track. Bod la Manisie. (bough be traveU eeaaldJack Neriingw, ')totb
Michigan Bute Naval ReM-rxee will
Ite TQO-fooi tower.
more farmers have gone Into this Frankly n' dlsunced hU competiion. erably\ sad Is now on a trip lo tbe
-hla euy and baa Ot*4 to
tear year* to complete it Here
rreeb' sir and bealih bnUrtloe and give aa exbiblUoa drill.
winaiBf first place and a dollar aa the dlffereiu fain being held la tbe aUte.
most valuable crop and
Bit. tans tore thtnydtor years.
eoU pmova galora. ahd a aeore
booklets an glrea oat, and a puizic Though the crowd »t the grounds good and the returns swell one's bank tirlxe Waller Halberg was second
ier U his - Ulesl' InvenHe
abo(t.Ave.«a4 a half Asst
more «t onUU; from the gMly colored tbit interaata tbe llule tolka.
yesterday was nowhere near *■> lame acronni In a splendid manner and
been on the market less
allk ones to the more praeUeal patch V. Kyselka baa the next bootb. ad- a* tb* oae expected loday. the racei they can be grown successfully 1e
race attracted great auenUon among than a year. yel ie meeting with great in belgbL U 64 rout of age aad aaswera to tbe followiBC deec(1»tito*
woflL There le a good dUplay ct verUafeg Ueireraal Portland cei
tbe kids, who swarmed
attracted the greatest share ot the roost any soil.
Hn* ereo, Ml
' wovM rag ptUowa for porch nae and They are iODdaeUng a gneaalng
track when Ibe rare waa or
people, aad shows that the aaaocl
It eeema. that this year many ol
present these stepUdders are
the rag
*btob are bow ao pop- test. "How many Hrlw ot cameat wiU has n^e a good move la providing farmers have tried to see bow m
good "looki" ht the winner aad the being made U Grand Rapid*, but Mr. beard, srhleh U partially gray; m*
be eblpped from tbe mllU daring tb" good bore* races as (be chief amuse­ iDuaual things they could grow—and rest of tbe roatesiaats. The lime (or Davis is (blakiog very stnmgIy-o( or- fnmt upper tooth U mUMag, walks
with a slight Sloop, wsigto 16* penato
IHonth ot SepUDiberr’ They bare ment atlractito. Tbe poUclag of tbe tbe Btie of (bem—the aoperiaieadeats the mile was aanounred as two min
^ NKlIng M dhewn.
gaalxlng a compaar to pur them oa and bat a ecar oa tto Arat knaefcto «C
Coining thU ie a apace derated •(
gronads and el the track, and during weer si tbelr w'lts' end to know where les aad 56 seconds.
the market. He regard* To '
his UR band. Whsa to Ml tome
the race* has been e«j>eciaUy good,
paldtlag.mHa« an a^ oxeelleo'
pul them all. There are tbe pro.1
City at the very ceaier of the
Hera* Rsee* a Traet.
yesterday be was drsneed ia a Mack
. p>^ d«$e |a water eatora. drawing*.
and-when tbe horse* are ruaalng no
B from some of the city gardens
Tbe horse races proved to be the .Michigan (run country, and luy de- sun. buck eat and wore a Ugbt tobt
iboaa, furs and ladles' long costs ao.l
, aJ mtarpa dtaplay of <
U allowed 10 cross.
t c^Rlara with any on exhibition. closest of the four day meeting, ebe ri.le to locale here.
t^e. Msckloawa
a{^ows that no one need go with 316 class developing Into a wa
1. this Is B
Next to the step-Uddee exhlML
The next booth Is occupied by tb'vegetables and It is always a great contest and requiring foiR beats
dung- and the tc
raid well A Iroudon showed a few nice
saving and U make* a delightful pas­ decide the winner. Little EM a
to tbla oxblblV U tb* dltpU." HaraUioB Clothing CempsBT. Thoy
vehicle-. At Ihe left of the entrsace
have a very Urge dls^lar of then'*
and Price;
time (or those who otherwise would Lady Sphinx raced neck and neck
tVro. Jackson, the-local gasoline eaiga. gloves, mltteaa. sweaters. It being conducted.
not get any outdoor exercise.
f han • wary Urge eoUectlon of
beat, tbe former wlanlng the
bullder. had some engines on es-;
Cut and Petted Flewer*.
jtanph*. Those are fintehed la xspB, overcoats and the popular .Mac­
race wbea he soaed under tbe'wire in hihit Mr JarkMn turn.
*Mil «Mo4at* atylea and abow
The display of cut Powers 1
straight beau afler dropping Uunary gaiollue engine that I. con.ldTb* J. W. Mllliketi Company
111 is beautiful and abows tbe
the flnest made.
Ite tot forget to phone UUs Knem
and skill of those who devote
Tbla M Jetned by a large booth oc­ IT the next booth with a dUplty of
general supertatendent for tto Barton
tbe ctlebraud Pooy atocfclaga.
tlen of their lime In tbe AoSer gar­ The first event of the day w*. the
cupied by the dlnlay of the Kaaasb
of Asaodated Cbartti**. U yon tovn
final beat of (be 3:35 class, which w.s
The n«t booth ts advematag
dens. M.say of the displays are tbe
. A Uy MweaatUt Company. Hare 1*
any article* of eld detblag yon enn
post]>0Ded frum Thursday «n account
IkxiBa Remedlea This ^paay hex
of the younger children aa a result
dlamayod hardware, starea, Araaims.
dv* to help th* poor of tto dty.
remedy tor every III. and tbe good*
of darkness. In tbu race tbe young
glrtng out of seedk to them earlier
tiRl. hoUdlag papers, ahoea. clotblag.
dally are tb* efaOdra of throe
ote handled here by tbe John P. Set
ason. There are many places sp^er belonging to .td Wolgasl.
BiiUlnwy, fare, carpets, ruga, ladle*'
famlllee la need of wana ctotbdrag afore.
city and country that could be
t Halts and coats and farnltun.
tng to enable ibem to attend irbml
A. J. Wilhelm.come* next wiUi
made to "blossom as the rote" If more crossed tbe wire ahead ol Wilkins
Thera Is oa dlapla.* here one of Iho dUplay of ruga clothing, naderwear.
baveaY any old dotblM, a
■'' atienUbn were paid to the euIiHailOD giving Lady W'oigasi first money and
fin* eamblatUOB kttehei
pair ot new stoeklncs or roonoy
ir coau and beys' suit*.
t (Coxi ..
t waa (h
of the beautiful flowers.
A wedding fist sill be of Iniereet
Aretan eeokan, xrhiefa
toward a pair of toero wlfl to vwy
4 4 w *
In tbe next bootb J. A. Montague SorreUNed iWaudi
If. ^ITr
least aitracitve and which
tarad In Tnrarn* City by tb^ Retrig
u a dlapUy of atovec, refrigerators,
Time—2;2«H4, 3:3814. 2:291*. 2;3«t; adds ao much to tbe beaffty of tbc'dis- drove Lady Wolgast 1 the 'aecidmg curred Tsesday mght at ihe borne of BcceptabU. Let ns to sura tto cWlA.
oraar Company. No on* mioald go waihlag niarhlnea aad vacamm dean
dren do not suffer. Jf eraryone ttot
play and tbe decorations of (be hall beat.
Half-AllU Running Race.
Mrs. CalherinertoUy. at Chief. Man­
0WI9 tnm,^ fair wlthoot asUBg ti ra.
fhf two large disi'lay# of potte.1
The 3:45 rlt»( war won by Gritty istee couaty, wfilm her daughter. Uls* fesds tbU will help a IRUe, they wm
mmy Goff iCoffi........................ I i
aae ttla tplandid plea* of furnKar*.
ell cared for. Mias bto wm
.Next U Bbertnaa A Mnaten' booth. Martba Stout ilwiiii
. .. ...3 : and cut flowers from the gteenbooees in straight beau, tbough Sorrel Ned Cor* BeU tolsy. became the bride of
A iamnntraii,ii- U alao dts|daylag a ThU contala* a dUpUy of dottalag.
np tb* ctothtng On. 2nd. acS
Joe Bowers tOhleri . .................3 .n of F. M. Paine *nd Ihe QUeen Ci;.'
Uri'-y a bard run ia two of tbe Alfred Bertiing uf thU city
xacap^ Maaner.
Tuesday so phone at ones; her nnmUraUblnga, umbrellas, cap*,
Floral company.
Ttme~:w, -Sd.
iiest*. h-siiiag Gtiiiy b) a big margm
In this booth la aihlbUed an Inlaid
la. Bweafera and Uackmaw*
s zn. or call seooad neor. SsthI Much credit Is due these siiiM>rin
v*. losing the Irad i.y breaking
tahio rontytnlng handreds ot 'placea ot Th*^ 1:1*0 abow • lire of trxntki
lendents and their able aa.s|suat* in
outside strelcli B>-ar the three- pUyed hr ill« Th-fea* McCarty Tbe erUnd block. Fronl mreet.
—dlftmmK wood*. BOO* of them .
traveling bagm
I the great skill that .they liave dlspU'y- , irier pole. There were Do running
bnde wore a becoming gown of
than an Ineh n«aar». Thia table u
IS EXCELLENT !ed In tbe arranging of these exhibits races on Ihe final da'y * program. The Silk
A. K, Qnibrt occupies 'the nei:
irimayed wuh Irish point lace and
the worfc Ot
Kelson of West spar* with Plano* aad a player pUa:
following ls tbe cumpietr result
The greatest dtspUy (or quality and
carried wblte coses. She wai
Koot otraac
Here he baa chair* tor any wbe wUi variety that was ever seen al any Uir have handled tW« se.-nilnx endle*« U
Um day s races:
tended by Miss Lotile Moen. wbo
Next cotooa th* diepuy ot the liaallstea to tbe music He also ha* held in this ^(ion is the verdict o5
2:16 Tret or Fa«m
blue chigoe oxer erram sOk aad Nothing OefliiKe Oetm la tto FlgMlW
Mh aad Lay Ooaipani^ Aour mlU.
tne diaplay of pennants.
all who visited the fruit show. OwUg
Little Ed iDavenponi _____2 I
carried pink rosro. Tbe best man s
Hera are shown th* dltwnt grade*
JuUns CampbaU Company occupies
(be late aeesoa It bad been feared
tody Spblax (Niles) ..............12 3 2 Ed Lalsy. brother of (be bride. 1
of Aonr they manafaeture. as sral^ a apace U the noral Man with
Beldwia. Mleh...Btod. SL-Tto tonthat there would be very lltUe fruit BETTER ROADS
gtrt ws* tonoers Crawford.
th* earn manL hnekwhaat etc n*r dlapUy froiu theli gtueral U>ura
tea ia regard to the etootlag et
ebew, but tbU fear bai been dU>^fERE ADVOCATED Time—:-19>«, r ISt,. 3;im. 3
Mrs. Boenlag was formerly a Bars*
•ra niae ibowlag tb* Aonr buj and rimiDg ceUbUahmaat. it ebaauu of
pelled by this woaderful dUpUy ibai
aad lived la Trsverae City, while the Harry W. PUeber wm aomewtot
2:4S Trot Or Pace.
Wednesday morning ten antA car­
jUtar and bsnnd box. wbicb are ^r*n funiture. ruga, china, Laorel range*,
today by tto arrival froto
tbe trait growers have made.
groom U a butcher employed la the
ried TUItlng highway commissioners. Gritty iCreenmam ..............
to an nnmg tt Hannah A Lay
the norwee hot blast beater, tbe
eaters Agticultnral ball (be
Broecb market Both have maar Cbicago of Auacney Spencer fc.
I«ayU lonr.
Bt*ara*A>i*ler mattrasee*. They *r«- light that greeu you makes you ex- BUpervIsors and towsblp officer* to tbe SrOTTifhvNed iOrrmaloet ... 3
trieads U tbe city aad win no dMbt Adams aad Hsnia PattJton. tutor el
Star wabd iNile*...................... 3
TIaitor* to tu* booth *r* receiving Bbowlag one of the aeweat «ad
Mrs. Fischer.
elalBL *Ta U posalbl* that this was gravel road, retnrdlng lo tbe fair.
reeted by coagrstau'ueas and best
tody Sbeenis (McGrwn
a U the ahap* o* complete klirbea cabtneta, ma-lt
It w^ tbon^t yecterday ttot somm
grown la ibU region; " for great ubies
wishes srhea they retara to make
Speaker P. T. Colgrove foiled to ar­
Time—3:2*V. ::3»H, 2;39'i.
a tea gunlncr and n milk bottle cover.
that extend haU'tbe length of the big rive oa schedule time, but was here at
their home afler October 15. on Teath Iblag definite would be don* today,
Complex 2:U Race.
Tbe next booth Is ocenpted by
either by reltoslag O. M. Arabnto.
ball with displays tram the many 3 o'clock and captured the audleaceitody M'olgnit (Tress-Gerstreet
S. HntehlM’ar'BBSt Bgbtk atiwet. Kaxt to thU U tbe dl«lay a< the
U beU U jaU tors in -T-|iri1im
Urge orchards, while arouad tbe walU ind held them for oa hour
with a dMpiar of
-Votraba Harnem Ooaihany. Here ar*
tb* tlagU ^te exhibits ^ apples
Mra. Aehaeh Mse Brwwm wMew ef with the drath, or by —evs-g am n
aamrim of lapattir. vMonr and leatb- to* eet* ot han**., robes, ^colored aad paaehe*. pewn aad plamt. qnlafo* eloquent and convincing talk oa good
tbe late Frank Leon Brown, a brake- wwTsat tor Us arroaL
ar. wblek ha aam la hla work
shoep •Una. tranks and tracellng and ngsleoU and grapes, some In tbe
ARar a
oa tbe Per* Mnrwnetle Rail
Kr. amoklw shows aoms rary neat
ney Adams aad F
new pack, teme U p.rramid*. aome U
Tl*e-2:341i. 2:344. 2:«H.
CU» A Sen oeenpy tbe next bootb long
fc Cutler, aa -ririitoi wro
between Traverse City and PeSl«4. *:34«4I
Ml Pftnk lAan Thai*.
wtih a An* dUpUy tram their bakery pUtsa. and tbs wMdertuI cembtaadon
acbed whereby Arataaeh win nmiU
nmd* that tto people of the regkw
>y en tto moemA day tff Ism
Th* Q"»m GKp Settling Wert? on Rootk XmloB straet.
of qplof* of fed and gress aad yellow have ever beard. He urged tbe eouaPebrwT. has commenced anh in drhave s dlmlhf abewlng a number of One lmm*BB* loaf of
pwrple and gold make* a^ght ty aad township system: co-operation
agUam hto, at least MCn ttov
Of Um imple colt conn against the company tor
Ilia gotl drbte which they maanfae- bread nbent six feet long thrae (vet wnrtk foUg toUa to a*^ aBr'abows
derelogtotoU to tto can, gs.
(Oociiaoed on Page. Few.).




GHiinn WBiE m





--t -




■0 wuRur Bn

‘ fetgBTTO. T •

HUMD numa

Grand THerald «nd Traveite




The fact that tnithfh] advertisinir faaa bem dnne h>- the ormni-

oorbBia u uu :

be somrtl

T^B»^ is a shortage of coal

thmortout ^

Hona a^ xha.^ix will lAt lie remowd dnrinf otOd yt>ev.


aotieea iu (be beet pmoHieok of the

that are far more valnabW as edTerthuijhiitB ituui ai^


• Ttirmfli


ttry. owing

» vaMoa raunra, and the indies-

(mtput of last .vear.


whieh. if true. W-4U wa-k a hanlsbip i»n the entire country.

reached and real romiitions in (his wet ion of the state

the vay.fw

This idiorttge is eaiimaled at T.OflO.OftO ton*,

This publicity- bas-opened

gan Maiula u» Ibwe h.v thU condition more than iwmie of the other
ftataa. allboagli at preorat the pr*e« of coal has not liceomr any

e the moat of the sitnatton that has dovelnpetl from this wide

liigher here than in "ther |>aris of the conntiy.

figfl V^te

linniHii rai-i- iiHlny.'

-CimiUiMi tfak week 3.050

wlrieb is the


infancy and will .-.miinm' it*

grt-ni)-*! scourge of the

but the work is still in it*


until thcr<- in a gcti.-ral

HWhki-ntug .•n'*lhc part «-f the wlmlc {mmoIc to the scriouKUcsK of
the siuiatioir.


Tlu- following |M-rtiticni remarks arc made by the

governor in hi-t mc-<-.Hgc- on tli.- pr.-io-niative side of the question t
^ "It i> not • nooghio segregate viotims. to be ricanly. to prevent
inf.-.-tion hy KaiiitaO' mcthiMls in ibc destruction of simtum and

Show PbssibUities


TiitM-reulosi-) will not be arn-M-d uniD'ihe ra.-c is huilt

ThtJ^ exhibit at the Oraucl Traveme Keition Fair is the Klrong-r, until the »s-s.-rv.- for.-*- that r-sisis attacks of is
Bneat ew* gathered together at a fair of this klinl nud is the greati-r iiml mur« |.><>t<-n{. The ■aitsi- of tiiln-n-nluKu ms well as its
center of attraction for the tbmisands of visitors \vii<> thfoni; tb<- prcvcniioti miisi lx- slmliwl. The conditions that make for ithc
^eiy d^. The erj* of a late seaiuin liaudit-apping the
wcjikcjiing of the race must !»■ r.-im-dicil. A< long as there ar>Ub^n ««a opt t^. if one can judge by the abowiiig that ia made, lowly and congested .iiuiriet* in citi*-s; as long as people ar-- badly
lor there are‘few directiorw in which the display eou.d he improved fed and overnork-nl; us long as (he working elasw^ are iinproia-rly
nador preaent oeeditions. It show* just what is (s.wible for the IiousimI. hotii-during their work and is-*liiig hours: as long a.s
d Trtverae reyi^u lb do in the way of raising fruit, ami is
avari.-e drives an individual or ein|k>yer*' sctfiahness Hie
'^pa'oliwhatth^Tuture haadn More for the frttit grower who eu|iloyc: a.s long as there is vxe<-ssive alrohnliimi and use of other
j jhe.courpe oiulined by the experts in thia branch of poisons, tile hiiinafi mee will .sin,limic to weaken. The viinl enerjfi.-s
. it^poiaibleto rsiac and sell fruit in thU part of the
of iiianlrind must tnu l»- .Wlo-n iliosc- things nn- ■•lo-ektsl
ihit «xedi the weatem prodnet in every imrtkular, and this fact hy moral and legal rutis of disei|.1ine. ihe greatest Mow will hemphaidzed more every year. Grand Traverse fruit has given 1.1-tiilM-is'nlosis and kindr-sl enemies ofjjfe."
e^^l^iig'^^tubrv ihgn the western ]>rodqet. th? oiiiy |>oiht laekT>mi litlli attHlitioU has . los'ii'I.aiil to llte prevem ;..n of Hitbo ineth^ of grading and lucking, in which tliii sUte discaae lit tin- past. Inil change in iml.lie aeDlimeiu is bmiud t-i
: . kiway yam behind other parts uf the euuutry.
work great refonns in this line.' li is a well kiiowu fuH lluit the
i f -^i pa«iB®e td the Sulser bill by eongreaa and its endorsement malady is niueh easier to pmu-nt than to i-ure. lint theri- must l>c
hi^ clepretl away this stumbling block, l>ecause< errtnin siiefill.-es made in onler to g^ Hie desired results that the
pfOTWOBB of this measure an honest, pack will he eom- sjority of people are nm willing to make. In the first plais- it
fkory. a awere penalty awaiting any grower who' misbrands his
neee*fBir>- to lake ear.- of one's wif in onler to insure perfect or
fkitftet, or Who-fails to pack aeeonling to the regulations that are even ginsl health. Tiie'|meu tinil niiHlern eivilir.-ilinn m-!
the Igwi AVith proper grading and lucking the jnaki*s this a diffieiilt tJiiug for most pi-w|de -to do. and the i-i-siiit >sj^pl^^l^^b^me.thc eaaiest instead of the most drffleiilt mat- that ImiHi this mid futhre g.Hierations must (iii.v Hie wages of death
iWent. There is alao Aendeney on the part of th. for having wimt is eulhsl a giwel time. Imte hours imil uunulural
tfs»— to«pa«ialt» in the higher grades of fruit, especially the hahit<: arc among the gn-iil<-<tt e.sinie*''of Ho- dro-iise. ihese lieing
^g^«a>d new-orehards that are haing.planU-d ore being seWu^ "ggriiV*t«J hy late Itmehes iff imligi-slihle f.Mids wlin-h ovi rtnx lliWM^lfig^n^BS^ial’end in view, so'l^t the prodnei eaii he rai^ digestive oi^niis :ind weaki-n the sysiein. w. tlinl if i-aniiot throw off
man varieties, as was the nwtom in the disease when it oms*-ntt:<eks tke-individiittl. In tigliting-disi'asp ,-t
heat kind of money in a sm-eeKsful eomrat'reial healthy boiiy is the one best ainet. and it is townnl securing this
nriikiTi ■lid tlin faturo will see tbouHasda of acres iiiautcd wiili isunlition i-T iiiiinan iinprovemenl that the eff^s of those who ;.e,tBi
eamiuiigniiig against the plague ar- In-mliiig tjlieii- efforts.
sXuothcr ilial finnifot'-s the disi-a^Jii the cities is th--.
^Vintk.e«)ul>it, although all that could be sbked .for at this
tte,*«roold be far more exU-naive and efficient if the pru^>sition eongcsti-d po{>ulaiioii mol low \vag--s. who-h iiirike it iinfiossihie
. «BM
to make this fair a real region exhibit, for then the for the pfforcr classes to sceiire tnmrisliiiig fmal and pure air to
bm^0^a3i‘the ebuatiee jn the district would be shown, and beiug ward off the iliscast- germs timl infest thi-se dislriet*. The iinjirove.
j^gB^ijt^nBfWpuld remit in still greater good to the gm.wcrs. iieiit <if conditions among this elass of peopie is one of the ends
Miot p^emnt tina, when numerous small fain arc held through- sought Miy the i-i-fonTiers, It is therefore cd'ideni that Ho- death
tmuttiea, the eompetiton are few, and the reauU is that the rate frtnii eousumptioii is dm- to industrial eomfjlion.s. d'-stnieiiv.^ tfie g^bita ia not raised as high tnm year to year aa they peni(>iiat\hahits and Uek^.f iutiTcst of the gem-ral puMtv to rewog.
came from » wider field with more numtf- ui.r.c ihe ^<-at danger whieli is facitig them umh-r Ho- ilr-Neiit
RvMeni. It w ill, he a lotig and uphill fight to reiinsly ihes<' ilef<s-i-«,
eghiUtora. It lakes .eompeUtion to bring out .the best there
hut trilh Hip tistml amniuit of iM-rseVcfancc that is put heiiind a
ia ^ jndiridttal or clads in any ooeupation, and the greate r the mnveiliii-iit of-Hiis kind it ean lie ae>-ompHshei{ within a f-w yejirs'
e^jll^i^i^t^ greater the development along any certain line.
in the movement iiimtiig tin- elassi-s
time. Interest must .......... ...
tatiog aig eoantiea were eonpeting for prizes instead of one,
tiKwl nffei-ted hy the disease; for when Hi- indivainals cotin-.lo see
to-tmagme what this fruit exhibit would be at futdre fairs. It what ia really hefon- them there is seatv-ely a jo-rsoii who will not
tffyanflldet and it is hoped that the countiis in the district will dp the Imst he enii to wn-c his life, and hy so doing set an example
atfwwMb^'bf the move and eome injpider the one organixation. 111 olhets that v.dl resnit in taivnig many others. Fighting the
■ --T^\wflj^.ef,theiBmiay fruit used aX the Grand-Rapids apple show plagitc is a matter of editealioii. and eveiy- individufll ui the eoiintn,l»i|jWim>;in thia aeotien of the Weateni Michigan district, so it
tdionhi heemiie a leiirhi-r of liygietie aloilg this line.
In this wa.v
eM^' to aile what Maid be aoMmplishcd if this dca of a greater the desired results cun Is- aeeinnplished and ihonsaiids of lives
' legos fair is uken up and carried out to a sueeessful ending, thill are tiow needlessly lost thtoitgit sh^ cHn-iessn.^s and
all pull tether for a uniting of forcee in one great, exhibit anil ignorance, of tin- simple laws of health. Tlw dsy named hy the
tba pMplb ifitai Ail Win all profit by the change iu-metlKHl of Ko\Vnior should Im olisi-rvisl to tti- h-Mer by . v-rv . itizi-n -f ili-■bowing off their favorite products ot the lioil.

OjDpwtorfS if Kuirf

Fair indicate tlmt

1 iiot »«ii 1m»w the eurtanment of the mine production for one
month w-ouid shorten !he *u|>}4>- a* it has ap|wreniiy done.



well a<l-

v^BO^ and a few more ds^w of good weather, will pul ul'

will offset the outlay niati.v timi'.,

d^mt. tiniloUN ]itlblii-Ily :ind sitlllcient

XVliat tlijs


giiibll- sgdnt

oMki naoh of the fnwt king, whale visit in full etrcnglh k e;

eitiz.-tls in gel^iwal to back it np ami s<-euri- tlo-

paiAatt at almost any time.

Mieliignti iigipb- is at

The wet weather has given the'ii.Tc

n.-.s|s is eon-

mi ilo- |^-irl of llnji|--.|m

r r.-siills. TIi -

gires>-iit :iiiiios-l-an oiikiiuwo g-r.niii.-t in ill-

ttoktore fot all kinds of eropa, and in the vcgelai>lc line some east, aiid a little judieiolis iidv-rlisiiig ugsm av.iiLibb- .Ms-asioii*
red|fihuiurkA1e spoeimenK have l>eeu piodueiHl by the fnrmem of like tliix will g.\ a great way in s,-eniiiig a gierinaiieiii markei for
tbif 0(KtDt}V dne of the pl<^(lsi!lg'featnre•l in the exhilut of farm this dcsi.rable i girisiurt of^he W.-.sierti .Miebjgaii orelmnl.
'^i^aOU is the great, variety ^liat is shown, proving conclusively

for making the merits of Ho- .Mieliigan ng.gde known ia the
thlkihiak jwt only the greatest fruit section that lie* out of doors, «-a.sleni statiw is just right. <>n iiei-Miint of the p-iierid dissHttsfai-ii.iii
bdkti Blab onetpf the bnrt agrieiiltural localitii^s under the pr«>tct- that exist* with l.hv western J.rsbiel lliat lias iiiotiogsiliKisI tlo;

It k evident to the observer (hut all markets for s-ver.xl year;.

Tlo- w*-*tern api'lii. wlul.- Il•-alaifl|| to

tb&‘has bil^B said in the adveiikiug litcralnrc IliM has t>i-«-u wut iiHik ugHili. is a verification of itii- old a.Iage tliiil lM>aiil.v is blit
ooffrotii here' is true to the U-Ucr and in no raanner.(wagger*t*Hl. tdciii dei']>. It bus .the sizo and isiW. hut ihe flavor Ls lai-king'on
I The atatementa Jiave aU-kcen -msile after Uie roiults have l>e.-n «>aecoiml of the artirieial -means that are tiscl to prolitec it. t)n Hi''-awaplirted and not before, whieli is itm often the case in advrt- Other hand the .Micliigah hpjde is ili.Te with the flavor, nnd its
tiaing tmHA>ttron‘and poMiibilitin of a m.-(;tiun.'.

reputation has Iictui built upon
ibis slogan.
It is rnis-d amid
particular Incaldy that Mn-boasi of sneh diversified .-i-opa natural siirrouiidincs that are esg»-eijill/ adaplisl to its eiilliire

naWrGrand'Trn^erte region certainly has a ful'iuv »>ef«re it that The cold sgiriiig bolds liaek the gr->wih. whi'-b g-re.-liiij- s the ilung.-r

flaunot be ignored, and the om-s who will profit the within from IhUi frosts^mder usual conditinns. iiii.l-ihe bright Minlighi
the MXt few yeaiv are the oAe* who Isko-advauiago^ ihc-»)4Mir^ fur which this |wrt vf the slate is uoi.-d guiiiits the prd|M|r color
tnjg^'al they prehent tbeaiselc.s,
tofi^aa oaB be coavertod into

Hy iiniu-d effort th,vul ..piwr- ugion the surfave. while at

tlm same lime, it ets-alin the jiiiis-.s

untold wealth and fame for the whi.-li liavi- made it'fi'iuous wh-r \i-r it B knvwii.

reghinr hut aa long as indiridual effort is relinl tiimn to work


nnd the sale nbiolijtely sur-. wiien it

ihi-diatfaiy of the seetton it* jw-ogrea will.lw' retarded and other ami |sieke,l.
rc^m will reap the profits and get the advertising.

The fame of m-uli


The exhibit nt

The .\ield is

i* progwriy erade-1

llnltiiiiore is n g'sei inn\T nnd, will

greater disj'lays iu the eastern states .lurityr the n.-xt

• OiiM'^Verae has extended from ocean to ocean and eve* aeWiM few y.-ars. .With inerensisi or.-li|rii n.-rwage Au im-iviiM-d im.rfcei
thj epaitt waters, so how it is np to the people to make the best of Siust follow, aud this >Jan is in the logical direeiMm,
tMgJimbUaity that has been obtained from varmm< M>ure.-s.

It Is

«M tMng t® ndverfiM and another to .live up to the claima of tl>e

lletv is -whe^ the ones vho a>c promoUog the iutor*

of lifts SMtion 'have been v iso. for ihv^- have eonfinml

The Coal SttaxHon
winila oT foil liaw arrivxHl at»l Hw

bnit*flioJ<i*g fintls hut isva! bin empty. H»e fuel qtt.-siinn looms larg -

rank facts and nvoided making extr»\-agant auiemcnts on tim horiann. Aei-oniing to repori< from all tlie b.rge eiiie* ilu-re
ihdl iWliiit'nfil ha ftrovcB by aetoal results.
U a xerx- )>osaiblr eluiiiee that Ihe heating Xiill for the winter will



Martoa Hasten w(«a of Mu at the mines, which might Im- cleared lip hy an in-

■bg> bod bean aoBetta* Im-somo (Me

v«-siigsiiou by the gk.Teniincni.
of the rtiujitrj- is a

Tin*, curtailment of the fuel supply

matt r «nd th.- ones to hlamr for th-

present sliori.-ige should W disi-vveml and action taken iliai will
pn-'v ut siieh n eoiMiiion m Hie future.

The i-otiiinaation of saeh-

edition will nltimalely lead to agitatiim

the mines hy the government, and ii«~hne will he to l.lame

As the situation stands fFeTm-al deMcT is gisiwcrless t->

-lire etjo'iL'li fill I to suppl.v iijs i-nslomeiw at the tiim- when it is
cibsl :li. .most

.heari (rouMe. She was -» yv*-.
of age. and learea her bnabasd aad
Burial will ixke piMa at
Wedneaday aflernouL


in favor of t.iking

‘tystalizing Reiitimcnt in this direeti^esJsyt th.- inim- ..noi-rs


' taead by Hit WHa.
1* . a wise wonna «bo knows
last what tb do wheb bar bBMwad's
■He. Is la daager, but Mr*. B. J FBat.
Itr*intri-e. .yx..
uf that kind
losisted OB my uslof: Ur. King's
dlsem ery '' wTMe*
diyadfiT •ouzb. when I was tn weak
myJ:lends all thought I bad oah a


and ihefe. aiih four hita, oae uf iheji
braie rtiD with two men oa


d me'
A unk-k rare foe roaghs
roUs. Us the nwM ufe and r—
ilalile madlstee for mav ibnsat and
iBoc •.roouiss-grlp. brtmebtUg. ctmip.
wb<o|.mg rough. <aiaay. toMitUla.
Tun Are hits In the rematninc ri(b^ hemorrhages
inre yoru
laalon of th> itaiue. aad oaly on.
re'iiis and tl.M. Goar
aievKl h>
drngetats nf Travetwe
■ ivn. while the Claau oVemme
e Beancaim Are nuu at the >iap

Kirby then aelllad down aod allowed

the lead and won <wiu T to C.
Kruener and Leak OrwtlM.
The iK-cfniiiBK -<it Ihe rlasa At
rtetaiili having been inada In
leaciie drafllu season'linda that the eondiilons of a rertalo mortgage a
TVili-do rloh Of (be .toerleao AssO- .............................
■ Kilraketh I.
oiailM* has landed Rrale Krazep an-1


A) l>ak, iwo mere ahtattg IfcBts
Ihe Trarerae City team.

Kraecer I

a yoiioc ratrtier who plared hfai'er'
Mane ban with. Jimmy iianllloa'
team, and ews a imsatlnn. At la-a
Is the bis Hlrber aecured from the
Three Men CKar»M WUh Beuig A,
ceuenct to Murder Were Taken
Prom kaiurence to Salem
Jail Today



I’s.- K

Slate leane

throuxh pitr-

<-twse. and hurled greal hall for th-*
The drafting of tbese lao ptayers


May. .Michigan, datml the fonrUi day
of April, A n. IM». and reeprdsd la
■hr office of the KegbUer of nseds lor
.-Viuuy of oraad Traasna and
Mate of Ukhigajk on (he sitih day oc
Atirll. A..I1. IMW. In liber i* of lonrfaagr* on
C>!L.whk-h nortgiwn
thofb k* < lalm-d to be due at-thr Mn
•If UVa Botke. for prtarttal aad UU«eai. the sum of nine hnbdrrd fatijei^t and tnno (Jo111m. and an' atidrn^» W of tWMrt-Bve dollan, as pro-

mskra aoothn bis bole In the pn*■rnlt or Iiroeee.1 Ing* at '’Zfs
p-riive KQfvup f.^- a team nest
lieen Insilinieal (o recover the.moneys
und an enil.rHy new natilt will have .evored h> saU mortgage, or anv |ian
to bh.luuumhred together for lie
Ihireof. rt.epi that a UUul rompbUbt
eoaWy or Grand TrarerM. in ebaaManager Jimmy tIamlltOB.
i.-ery, oil il.e ItiU .lay of January. I»JS,
rave the fans of Traveiwe < ity
:of the loreelosure of the aid mort­
guod liaU this year, a nerood pUr. age is ebanrery. and aaM salt ba
ri Moiiitnued by tbe complblaaat
t<^ that Made a grand ngfac
theiein; an.r by
.and Id arcordSbcw
Wfiir alM diatXMed of half a diaci
wiib a provision la tthe said mertgage.
plavers lor a big jMal. i* nos
defauli hasiBg been
tde la (be imyiKiii-e in Toledo. Ohio
r inuweM now


rtke. ,<amaz out 3»,uuu o|irrwliver
as lifwrtJrail.v a»stir*d when Ihe <-en
at rommlllee at the iDdnstrial Work
era of.ilir AVurl.l voted to favor of the
The mailer «1ll be refeiTrs;
to all luriuliers at' a. mass ua-eUas
IBI.- ioda>. it a luahiriiT faior li
leaders wilt mOrr ab.thr ureralive..
4iut Motiilai

REGEiyB com m

.tare the wtote of-the p^imi aad
lutersat oa (be tabrtsagoff^-dba..Kotlie Is faiweby glvea that, by rtftue oLUte iiower «f sale conlalbod U
-dta (uoringe. aad tbe auinte In caeh
i-ase* made an.l iirovMsd. on Thurwre takim to the Salem Jail loda'
dty. tbe lOlb day of October. A. II.
to auioiuotiile from l.awniiee. The.
iim:. at tso o-ikKk in tbe afunMMme underslxse.1 win. ai Ihe fronl doer
lofiisist staiemetn* about itbeir >aa-New York. Rept. rti.^^lillaee
ot Ibe court boiiee. in Ihe ellr Of Tmv' Otuet at Lswrtiteo
Willett, an expert on sugar atatiule* erse (-Ity. Uisi belu tho ptaea wbon.
l.avr<-n<-e U Oulet today, aa the ap (MUM today that be rerelred tfJ.- the circuit roun lor tbo eoaatp «f ;
• irabil Tiaierse u held, sell at pnbllo '
peal of die 1. W'. W. offli-lals aeeau »A» tor lbl«« w-oek*' work U> aw
vanion. to the highest bidder, tbo
to have been siiereesru] oiiit It' te lag for ll$BtT O
lireillrted the ot-iadi-» siiU todei
110 rebase of i-tiir-rtah fleM Sugar cmh-rail off the ~pn>les( strike." All miUe
pony, which erenlualiy was boasbl sai7 to i«y the amoual so‘u aforeoakl du^ Oil said mortgage, with Mvea
have noated ButirM 1^1 i-'.-ryo:'over hy the Aaierlfan Sugar Relih,|W lent Interot. aad aU leal owU.
vutl Ik- iakea bark Monday.
lag eoTDPBDy.
.............. ................. ............... - fee, >loI iinilr<-d hate r-turueil m wrfrk ai tl- The south
1 half
of tbo
Willett was the only wiiaeas of (be
\yer mill loda.i ..n.l o.l.l m r.-i- -n il E kil of section
■r iS.
day's (tearing in the ghvenimeni suit aouili«3kt uuaner
-tgl.teea ill), lowuship twenly-Ova
to ilJsMilte the "Mutar ttttn’’ alleged
■ o Irt WOM.
10 hare been developed by the Amerl- rontalaiu M acre* of
rnn Kagar ReSntng eomrwRv
Tto- leas. acTordtOdda tbe g
rey thereof.
Salem. Msaa.. Sept. :t.-:-Rtlor. (>ii>

vatiiilill and Oariiia.

the defendaWs

i-harzed at arceasorieo (o the murder
l.a«'renc«> Uuriag laai vear's clrlkc




By (1. a. WbUaere.

VOR BALE-Ilavo to acre*
trull Und Ave mnes east o
enie fur. for. ont> IJt*. X
acre tarni, Ane bafldlogs

foruier oil.Is -

.Whole Village* Wiped Owt By Fgry

■U fans.
Kiih). playvd I


tin..' i.Aeted t
■ he Al
l.oniS' .
Iriitlnn l»-iiiK. |.i

' " t
ha- n,

ih- I-

^ea» of iboasamU
s,re ma^ hoowde» t,

heen xwlii-hd It
luiae in the Itro
tJlllie* lo stv..t

•‘■-jilay and the huo al
' ~‘|hi-aVT.




the I’-pbuoo nbirh >arepi Japan Suit


bluins ihir.1 II. Ill- l■..-ll^e
where the came • v -i-eet hlnei
timii-i-i. j,r«. pl.ii-il

II':.: >-ii

ouiig pnhard. bargain a( tUM;
ernis In right isulles
Address K.
• Knasell, U<V Meffatt-Bunding Dc
roit, Mietiigae.
WANTCD—A middlraged mab ami
sir- W.iuld Rke a posittell to rtm a
siuan (arm: m> >'bHdra; caa farnub the bewt nl .rrtereboa.
dirs. XI M.-rsT. East JoTAia. Mirh.

•etn »f.«v

FOR SAUL—;.'* arra of goad tank
SU.M1 lend. •: uirvs cleMrpd. .*iod
' .. Is on mala .travel
iioblug ►hfi*’*L-sor.,. loH sher. ihe
-ui (»« cirds
i.ridKivn'was reuu-red nothing hasle from rlrr'amMs-.
liMluIre at BaoM*
sepl. 3«-:t
i-«* hate


a ilonhien. ad'f
Mltm he iisyl-d :i. tlir oiolh i

Fortunes in Pace*

tarv iv tier tortunv. 1
uud ohere pimpk-s. si
anting Rbolteii the tOao
bivtehi-s. nr iMPer hl<
be seeond'^ame of the doaMv-lies.t j

the L-r-'.l
er be -laevd out a ripptng trtpple I - h.v.V of ihHi. all. ai.U sliot
Kill.;.-. Ve* l.ife f.ile
d-—p left held that (..-eri-d Rhntie,,. .s II
pnMiKie kealib 'Bo.1 braaty Tr
loneli (ii-s- hm» slid wa.- .
dniccista in TraV'-r*».
declared oni. rohhlnc him of a pretii-1;",,
Tn (noire a l.mi!
ytors shen '
Itrief Is hurtling lliinn np down
At. Ixnos. imd Is hliTing wsv s-x>t-|

-- -----------------Orawtitf tha UnaT
PatrtottuB U our proudM

Ilm^work I* hUhl* reeardtd bvj
weary ciMMa sort e( bat In the tteeliaaeball whur*
I aat Many ................................
town, and Bll^rerdlrt a Ane raree
lor the Travel^ t'iiy lad
Saves Lag of Boy.
- It *e«-r!i»sj that in? H .rearold ho»
Ijirur Kirby, t.'te Hesort.-r-' fonse' I
iwoTWa hate to loae tils teg.oo arrous’.
'loi au uogly ukser.
Xew York Giant* agalnn Itostoo laal’brui*.," _____
m'rote I.
U. ■\\ Howard. AotMBa.
week, and gol
away lu good st.'l-N' f. '.HI
rv-uedle» and docuir.
bad Ar-si ianliig
WildiPcs. trexlDtcM fafled till we tried BnrkAruira Valve, and rursd him aitb
broogbi oot bo doubt by slight nertae box '
Cures burn*, bolls, akin
raau^ caused
t.i isade t .mpHoDs, pitoa ::•< at all drag
couple ot paafi in the Ar^t lanlhg. ot Trnvgrsc City.
star. pUrtieil

Nov .Uiiyt tlu- .eliilling

X Har Hama Nartfi of

HasUngs. died Roaday aftonoao at
her bamasartn of Buaa. Miv Rar-

The semliiig of ti prize disid.iy of iip|.b-s to the Pythian exposi­

Kren the com crop, for which of Tiwde meiulicrs. was au e\e.-1b-ni move and the r-sniis ohiaimsi

1^ harbored hy those most inlen\s(.-d.

m Httwi imws

eviilrtttly something wrong with the manner in whieh hnameaa

eM(!fflad'df*prod(iet of the toil will be plentiful this year amt of tion nl HBiimore. by Hie nreliiird iiud Travetsi- t,'i«y Roaril
a q^it^thitt iii seldom equalled.


Traverse City and

Good o9Ji>€rtistng

EkbiUU at the Grand Trav.-me

Fbur. hundred

were loM .ln lb« bBTrietae.

The sirilTe of the minj-rs las! spring Avmt of short damtitm and

^^nl-h hn* already l>een <Ionc in many, dirceiions

i-nrb ill'- xpri-Hit of

4m> la

H U estimated

taat the present, shortage of hardteoal in Detroit ia 75 oi



d of tbo ciUea Of NaNora andiOvafea aa l
of Hondo and ta'Gifu.

other towns throughout the state are in ahoat the same ennditioa.

<:<>-,.'nipr Osb«n> has iiantcd 27 a« Mkhigan Tuher. .91.00 la Advance
....OOclaAdvaaee Gulo:>i-i day and rtiflit aixm the i>copli- ..f the stale ot larc* (o pmp
...ZSe iB Advance
«wiy. olMerve the i.eva.siou liy bcodinr their ciiergi*-' >•> lit'- Mainplog
of thw droml dis<'esc,

fiMgMBamBred aeearely eieiyabcva,
di na10MtaM damage

the. normal supjily amt the draler? do not know whether they can
gef :he seeded aitmnnt for the



thinin for the Oiaad Traverse re|r>on..iiov'a11

and effeetfv.' ach'ertisibK-

_____ ________ matter March i. lOOg. at-the' poet(toCke at Travunder the Act at ConiTMn ot Man*. 2. ib<».


aaiise of the rtiortage is atiribiited by the n&e operslort i« tho
*oal strike IM apriug and the Ui^ ■h«rt«i|a in th« aolhnirito'''

praetteally every rias* of people in the I'nfied ittaW and 4'anada

that remtims i« for tit" eiiitcns to rise'to i}reir~.i>iiiH>rtunity and



■nhna in eharse of. the pablk-ity .work of the repnn him aoenred

Uid before them aa tl^y ai-tually rsisu


TRAVxxai UT saou,

ima^icda of articlea

paid M- presa' matter

Pb^mIM TM*4t7 asd Thanday at TrmVerM Clir. MkklsaB. by



MONCV TO LOAM on gbad «*d well
finpvoted farms
II. C. Darts. Sit
Suts Bank Bldg. Tnvaraa CWy.
aprU •»«


I HsultD «m luma ur xisi« nhaur, ootobb i. mt


fACm IB&B. .


third in thabau'lsg Uat ter n
a week, s pisae in wbkh a c
hitter and ntnnnr Is demanf

Browna has been way above the .4M
an th««Ur into tbe amount «>f moaor mark.


‘In Amwica. with chaneierlstle dlstweard -nf our natural twaoornM wa
gave not pretoetod and eoaaagvad oar
diUd Ufa.- said HIM Korea. ‘Wo
have not rwcogalsod tbe mM-wtfe M a
aeoeesary pan of oor nfital otracture. Aitempta beea made to
her. but'a
fully. We have cleeed onr erw U
Id the meantime s:
her-and let her ateae,,wUha«t ad»<»sent down to
lion and without adequate taw* ter
soldiers bad t
control and eapamilea. lataltlfwt
motherhood to the paaacea lor the
and soldiers became frequent. A bo>.> atougbter of tbe tonocenU ntty per
Joon Kami, was stabbed ta Ibr back
with a bayonet as be was ruontog
from a squad of militiamen whom be wlvea. wbo. aa a rula are deaealy if>
and eeveral otb-r boys bed been Jeer- norant and nnspeakabli*. dirty.
-We arc (hue btalrifung tbe very
fKh ,,o.e Ibe riot between eol- fountain-head of tbe health and poaMAa strikers to'tb.
in'tbe downtown ble wealth of our aaUoa. Tbe mMetrtlou d(J>e town on HMonday. Janu- wife, for whom no epgortniiny tor o4ar> KT. Thai morning
irnlng a tialml of im- ucanoo bas beea provided, toanet be
lice had bet-u stoned to (ronl of one expected lo teacb the motheru that
of the bram fa unvilng pUces of the which abe beraelf baa never been
strikers. AU day long acutes of mu­ uught."
nicipal and state police bad clashes al
-Onebelf of all children die fro*
tSIs poim. Toward 4 o'clcx-k lo tbe dtoeesea of tbe dlgeetlve treoL tnberafternoon, one Of tbe many («radee cukwto. pneumonia and othA- onntnwhich the strikers ocaalonaUy held glooa dlseMcs,' aald Dr. 8. W. Neww-na broken up. A portion of the mayer of Pbltodalphla. ‘Lean tban
crowd turned toward the headquar one-half of materaliy caaee are atwhich bad been (be scene of (ended by physlclana VtolUag mhmo
double all day. Extra guards i|ere
rushed to the place and a pitched hatIn which shorn were fired began.
Annie Lopttsa, 'wbo was atandlog
near, the edge of the ctowd. with eer­
ier women. Jewing tbe police,
the ground shot trbengb tbe
heart. Then the crowd dispersed.
Caruso was arrested on Ibq spot and
held the ncM momlwt without ball.,
sith murdering the Istplzru
Three daya later ftior and
•pMlaf Rregnin Will Be 4U»an Nest
MMtiep >n HOftm- el
ibeir epeeebee and througb Uteratui*.
Three wiineaaea tor tbe detente teellibird time tbls year Onad
k( tbe preliminary beerlng before
Police Court Judge Uahoafc) that tbey Traverse Grange waa favored 8ttar>
had poatttvely aeen a policeman aboot day by an ooulde apeakar. M. J.
the Loptoxe woman. Tbey MeatlSed Tbompmu). diatrict superrtoor. (or the
pollceraao. No wltnma except farm managsment work, belag carby the ItoUed Statoa'Bepartpoliceman who arreeted Caruso
teetlfied agaltixt the'latter. Attorney meat of agriculwre. was to attsadGeorge E Roewer aMced Jndge Ha- ance. aud made a talk- In vhtoE he
bouey to fix balL It-waa refused. An told what has been done (or iha tsrathe aoutb by the (edenl gov.
appeal ttaa taken to the state aupreme
court InJBpetpn. but altbou^ Roewer erament and what ft axpectad can be
In the north.
bad tbe three witnesses swear they
seen the policeman shoot Annie
fir. Tbompaoo made It clear that’
lavplsso. ball was again dented nnd txi bad grown up on n tom m4 that
tbe atessed men have been Ij
reedy or Indlreetly la tonu
ileveloptnenC He alao made tt clear,
that it to part of hto duty to learn
all that he can from the saceaMfU (armera ‘of this eommunlly that be
may carry their moiboda into tbe
other BocUoKs of hto districL
Ur. Thompson auicd that Be Is
devMUig -a large pan of bto timk to
WTM OF SCHOOL CHILDREN the fuidy of meana (or getting more
forage esbpdon (he torma of
this section. He bad'Rbaerved a namof farmers hauling bay from town'
be stated that it was,a baa«c
[Kjsitlan that the farms sbooM
support themselves to the exteat of
ralsHig the feed needed to keep (hem
in operaUun.
A number of quralions sere pat to
the speaker by ibose present and
many valnable Ideas were broagbt'.

. made two molflee bits and
drew twe banes on balln. He scM»d
tour rwns. St. LmIs «Mk keth of-«ke
games bom Chicago. Big Ed Watob.
the king of apitimll pUebera. eppoaed
SL LotUa la one of the gnmea. Brief
walked twice In that game,
with tiro men on bssei. He alao made
saerlflee hU and a single.'
He hes been pUying left field. He
anrk. Rqp. Ovenr Cnderwood. Oov.
Hannaa of yblo, and Mber enndldntes at the present party eonventtonCol. RoWeiTlt U aebedulod » teeOfy tomorrow. He la to reply
nr WERE ACCESMMIdtirgea of OenaUir Ptmrose and Jtfcn
D. Arcbbold. manaliv of Standard

on. that tb> “Oil Trwi" eontrflnited
have been In ii
IlSS.OOO to iboneeveU’e
with ••tniat" >00*1?
iboldI recently; teetl- All CHmiMi CeMe Were Reedy ter
How much many have giganilo eor- (era Id 1904. Arebbo
TfTal When Celender
poratiou given to I
RooeevelL when preeldent ••ptreeontWee Called.
Tree WANT* TO KNOW tiona and eleetloBs?
Tlieaa are eotae of the principal ed" tbe Standard OU cot^pany with'
OepanmAit otf Joatioe praegtatloni
becanse aa additional IMfi.OOO loontrV
botlon waa nOiaed former TNmiarer:
Coroetiu 2C. BUm. of the
i on the calendar. There were no Story ef IneMenta That Led Up to the
OM Partia* wm b
probationers before the judge.
eondocted hr a aeleet oommluee of NhUonal oommlUM.
Arrset «( Etter, GtevannIW s>
Mamhan of Inweatlgatlng .
Benator f'enroM^'a alleged retatloni
ave aenaton under anthertty of the
Of tbe erloiinal casee caBed. all
Carvee During the Iwwith
'were ready for trial. Sick Doler and
aocalled -Penmae reaolutioB* pi
Joseph Coetrey, the former os a
by the aaaata laM Angnat ]aat before WlllUm B. Hfcam la evpectbd
WatfitnglOD. Bept SO-Comeliu^
real adlonmad. Staator Clapp. duoe abeaves of leuera. said to have oeay charge and the latter on acharge
BUaa, Jr., eon o' tbe fomer SepnbUSalem. Mass.. Sept. >0.—Jose;
HtnaawU Progreasive. Ii cbai^ been atolen from Ar^bold'a private of forgery, both pleaded guUty, and
leuer files.'between 'Pennyee
were renwhded tor eMienee.
CRB enofinlgn treaanrer told
Buor. Alturo Oiovsnnltt]
Caruso, after lying In
I Oliv-er. (Rapn.. M.). Jonee. Arcbbold regarding legblaUoo
A Jury in the case of tbe People v
Mass., aince J^uar; 3U. bail
(Rpn., Waab.). Pomerene.'(IM>. 0.«,
Boy Guthrie, on a eharge of iarcea
and Payster, (tiem. Ky.).
Who contributed to UemocraSio and wsd'called this afteraeon. and tt haring been refused'By lire courts dur
seven monilia of Ihc-lr InrwrVBlgni. Ha aubmtited-paper*, bowSenator LaPollette of WiecomlB. RepoWiran <«mpalgn fiiinds
trial mmmeur.-d. John O'Brien wi
a*ar atewlag that tbe <y>ntribntJoaK widened the acope of jhe probe begun
>d byT>r tbe flni w1tns.-o> called, and he was i reratlon. were brought to trial todss
IRpti will be uiuebed
to the BepoUttan National (ommli today by auooeedlng, doring the ante- commiiiM-. Col, Roosevelt
the chair for nearly aa hour. Several ID the Superior roun. Kitor and Glotee were la l«M. U.COO.OOO; im.
tlgbt last Angnst, ta dl- special target of aome of tboea be­ other wltnesaee were summoned, and vannlttf. both of New York,
ft.4MB00; IKK). *>,*00.000; ]*04. It.- raetlug that tbe comiAiitee Inquire In­ hind tbe iDvestlgatlm. Senator Iia- tbe trial will be rMumed again in tbe ganlsers tor (be lodnsirtal Workers
of Ibe World. Tbe}- ere cbsrged with
mAOt. Ha wrar heard hla bther to aU
FbUettee alao promiaeb a
tbe fact
mention tbe Btaadard Oil oontribu- lailon between aenatora and repreaenof bis financial backing last tall
tbe murder of Annie LopUzo, the wo(laii*. WUUaiu LlbUy, director of Utlvei. Tbe original resolution* of and winter.
striker, shot doring
What dlplomacs bare contributed
iw-een police and mill operatlvea In
ipalgn funds is another phase of
LawTence, on Uogday. January 27. CainvestigntloD.
10 U
' chi
charged with murder to the
Oonattpa Day Has Been Changed ts
. nmeh “Brot
It degree
connection with tbe wo­
October i.
fiaanrlally in President TeR's
man's deain.
election and nomination four years
Because of the greet Imporisnee of
go Is still another proposed future
pay the highest market price for hand pick­
f the InyesUgaUon.
Donuion Oar tor tbe Bureau of As- (be case two Justices were assigned
preside. They sre John P. Quinn and
ed b^ns. Also for good fresh e^s and good butter.
-J. Plerpoot MoTBsn. Col. Oolt of the sodaiediCharttles has been postponed Parley HaD. the dUtrict attora«“€f
weA. and will be bold Vtednes“Rubber Trest" and other Wall street
Odu S. Instead of WednMdsy. Ihaeg county. Henry C. Attwfll. was
jMiwera baye been mennoned as prob­
In charge ef tbe proaeeuilon. John P.
able witnesses of the oomnilttee. Tea. Oct—gr'as first pimmed. TbU acitoa 6. Mahoaey of Lawrence represented
of WUIiam' RoekeMler and bas been decided upon beeauae
Bttor snd Ulovannlltl. and George
Canvas Gloves 10c per pair, S pairs for 25c. ' A -bet­ tlmon^
lot aee'm to be generally under'
dlrrtioni of Suuulard OU reganling
Moore of Uqs Ang
ter quality 15c a pair: the best quality 20c a pair.
that t>oae whejiave enppUee
campsign girts Is alao desired by the
rune. They were
to dosau. are to notify tbe genera:
These g^ves are just the thing for foil work. Try a bommiuee.
by Auoroey George K Roewnr. Jr.
It is proposed to bold alt of tbe
who.acted as defense attorney for
meetings to Washington, alttaougfa it before Donailba Day actually arrlvea scores of arrested Lawrence strikers.
Hany hare bou waiting uaUI the
U EMlbls .lbe committee-may go to
Through srraogempnu decided up­
Nea^ork to exkmlno several wlt- last day. whereu Donation Day has on weeks ago onl.v Mlallres of the de­
been net apart merely for the gatbfendants. Iswyeru, sute oltlclsls, and
ess«sof good Sisal Rope, with a. patent clasp.
up by tbe B. A. C. of material
Tedtnlcallr. tbe testlmoKy is de-'
nes-si«per men who bad cards
pret-iously promised. 1( anyone bas
red to secure *to«dal“ Information
admliied to Ibe coun room.clotblng. bedding or houieboM goods
for framing of a corrupt praetloes
Irial of a labor leader In the
(or tbe B. A. C.. It is ssked tbit the;
congress, but campaign (bnoVulied States, eareixing tbe McNamesU Hiss Knee as soon as pomlble
der is tbe Immediate prodwt of (he
and (he famous Uu.ver-Haywoed.
so that the rouu (or gathering aT
Prttlbone trial In (dabo has attracted
soppUes mey be arranged before
such allemlon as lodav a The blsOCL^.
tory of (be case dates back to tbe tias.
sage by the legislature of MaasaebuGet yogr supplies at the comer of Front and Cass
A Lag on the Track
Mtu tbe law HmiUng the working
eapsrai mewBa st-rKios
Streets, where everything is guaranteed and money
d If It
it Is
It not reniot ed. so
le Hitting Ball In Fine Style fer the trouble ahead
returned if the deal is not satisfoctory.
% loss of aweUte. ft mssn. I>et- hours. Hill ow-ti<ws and other big eui
Browne. .
ItallU', loss of
rogtb and nervr ptoyera of labor (broughoul tbe stale
weakness. J( apitri
falls, take Elec- had (ought Uu- pasaage'of such a Iga
The sensational work of Bundy
"liurfi quick o overcome tbe bitterly
and «1lb ever} possible weap
Brief, tbe local boy. who was dratted cause by toning up the stomseh and
bilB meeting four detocatsa
by St. lAUls. baa.bcen the “ulk of the r-unrig th« IndlgestloB Michael lieKs- on. It was fioallv passed, hgarver. to
were elected to attend tbe coaatv
bad been go Into effect on Jaouar}- I. H‘1- F'or
Masbingloii, Sept 2;.~X ra} realss“ for'aome lima Bundy leR'for fcick (or over thiee years, but
sii bot­ muQlba, prior to tbe fli-si of ibi- yewr, trsuon of the growth of 'school cbll- tiraogi. . oonvenUon. wbicb will b*
i4>oia shortly after the chue of the tles of Klectrlf Bitters put bim righi
held in the Grange ball to tbto cKy
as a unique reform advocated To.yJsy efierunoo. The detvgatoi
season of (he Ulcbigan State league, un his (vet again. They have helped
and wss placed la tbe lineup there the thousands. They give pure blond the World bad been quletlj organising today before the International
selected wive Ceo. A. lipbennoo.
Comer Front h Cam StneU.
second day be was In tbe city. ThU i.trong nerves, good digestion. Onlv the onskilled labor of liwrence’s grvs!. of Hygu&e and Demography by Mrs. Arrilla Gardner. Mrs. U Paltta50 cenYs at all dnigglsU of Traverm: great mill sj-stem abivb Include
Prof Thomas S. Koich of Boston.
is somi-tblng unusual for a big league Oty.
teer. M C. Ovhilt. At tbe conreaUou
American Woolen rompan.' On tbe
'To get Abe best results In tbe grad­
delegates will be elected te-aL
ttnt pay day after the o4-bour e week ing of muul and i^-sical conditions
the state Grange, to be held at
law had gene into effeo. the me
of the Individual, tae should study Seolt 8le. Marie le December. Al­
women, boys and glrls-w-ho worked
ready .two delegates to this atste
tbe mlUs fMod that in i-ver< inatance vard professor'
The Permanent Satisfaction derived by the p^pie that trade here,
raecdeg have been elected from tbe
tboy had been Sodted two bourw
dren may now Ibe determined" s
F*«nona Orsngi. They are Hr. aad
will eventually turn your attention to this store for your clothes.
That nigbt meetings of the varioi
Ically. Tbe Bony eirucuire
Mrs. E. A. Bvaaa. of this city.
ilonalillee—there are some 10 work- body progresses with cempant
mcodng of Grand Traverse
the LasTence mills—mere hur­ utority, Ih* detriopmeoi of the wrists Grange to be held October 26. a spe-.
riedly called and <be word «
being a (air lek't of tbe entire frame­ risl program will be carried out. Tbe
forth to strike tbe next morning,
work. We sboun Uke X-Ray pictures day baa,be«« set aside (or eaereleas,
le workers weot to their looms of (be Wrisu of children to determine
honor of Foioona. the Coddaaa of
splodtes as usual. Suddenly.
tbelr pbyaical fitness both for school Fruit Tbto will be the third special
e>-er*y mill, before the a bee's 1
labor. Elions of parents to put program of tbto chxrsctec fbr tbto
e a i-oraplete revolotion. the vi
their Immature children to work 1s
respect bav;^Dg already boon
leaders gave Ibe signal and i
l>ernlclour. and talslficstloo of their psid to nora. the Goddess of nbastrike was on Some violent* attend­ age may be determi^ sileotlfically."
I to Ceres, tbe Goddess of
ed the openlne of the strike, snd at
Hld-wlves wci* defended by Clai^
The Pomona program win be
Ibe outset, publlr oidnlon was unfa- D, Novi-«. superintendent of Bellevue •loder lb.- dirertlee of Urs. ArrHla
vorable to 'ihe foreigners - as Ihev HosplisI Trnlrilne schools ut New
-. wlfo vepresenls the Frtji:
acre called. The tnfll owners fla'm York.
Goddeex in i>e local grange.
refused^to treat In any wa> with the
Men’« Under­
strikers; declaring that there was no
strike. However, within a week le •
Good weight and tall slm. t
Lawrence^ K.Outi mill opersheavy Beecc. well made:-all alzes:
ilves were dut, and Joeepb Bttor and
wanlUl were sent from Nc»
T«(k to take charge. Ettor's fiery sd
dressee before huge mass meetings cm
tbe Common roused tbe workers, and
s-Ht,^ grew to over SO.OOO In s
V da^^ Picket lines of from o.uuo
12.000 men and women every mornWe wish-to convey to you in theec few
( at 4 and S o'clock formed a
words OUR appreciatioo of YOUR
(be mllU and tramped back and foriX_
uni. wMtt. .Mdid muitr. «■appreciatioD of our came« effort to fiirIn Abe snow and slnah to persuadv
nisb you. the PAST YEAR, a Flour.
omewtrikera to Join common caest
fight (or better wages It was
.Men's Over- AQ^
mill oeidala, began tbe ucUcs wbict
anded to a eoagrcwitonal isTcstlgaUon. (eUowiag the clubbing of women
a garment; bpedal at .
and the tearing of thelj^Udran tnrn
them while scadtn* tbe Httbs ear- *-

MunoNt or ■uoinHs



(iC» Stasdai^ «n. taRlSed b* ' io«w
BMbl&c et w «UU. LtbbfUd
bum ware (ha oolf wUsatMa at the
forahooB aaaalOB.
WashlBctoa. Sept tO.—The
reepiw iBTeatlfaUoa of *'Blc BosiDcas- in-polities aver bald ta
Umted ’Sutoa vu becna todar by
a apadal aeoata eommlttee. n&ancUl
pollUcnl itanu of the nation are
awaiting wltnaaa nand ordeali.
How far haa "Big BnaiDeM''
I inflQencfng lagltlattoo ta boib the

gn mu
Oeckge B. CorteljRjB. Oeorge
W. ftrUnii. ComeUw Na BUM. Jr.
Senator Dim. BooMVfdtV eunpnign
tnanager; *Itr«e>niM Sbeldoa. of the



msmi Wljl TESTIFY






We tia-ve for Sale


10c each. SlmrVe* ^

Gcaidiie Manila Rope
from % to % inch thick at ISe per pound.

WOULB ffloiiuffi RESETS



: bticer


Becaase We Have ahat you me Looking For

The Ntatsl, Chuaest, MottHUewntky Qolhes /or Men


Its—styles that are so dlllcccBl and prices so nmeii less Ihan ordinary
mat they please al slBhl. Made otUie hloh.
cal grade maleiials, asnally londd only In
Ibe best SSO and SX2 gannenis-bnl Uiere Is
no reason wby yon sbonld pay ibese prices
wben we are selling sneb allly sails and
overcoats al SISM. Olber bigb.i|radc snHs
and overeaals iwclever styles at SUM and
Siaso. AU-wool serge sans, worib SUM al
S&8S. Cicat overcoats wlUi canveilabic
collars, worth I1Z.U at tWSO






To Our Customers:—


be cared (or to otbar totla* lo l



tm Mtfun mma-em
(UutUiiN^fratB i'^ee Ow.t
ta Mcurv IBU. tad advocated coimtf
aed tovtuhlp beadlaa. He nvc
‘ttetia atowtns tbat tbe averam
Uuoash ifei* eout)U7 «r blaoUiK one
lOB a mUe «a> »



MoMhides id People

l>Taaoe and Cerinaiir. vbere a
reada hare eaMed for aeaeratloDi
WBf else to tee centa. tVhUe aetomo-

take 5COT7*5 EMVlStOM ic^

bOaa mat be a factor in tbe haatenlu
•t cood roada, tbe piieciide of Rood
road baUdlBS U an aeclent one The
eeo^mic advantaaee of good roada
vere appareat and bare been i>ut Ini^’
nee long before aotoa vere knoa ii. /
Tba apeeker today, lion. F. P.jClocera, viu go leto the road boiidlas aub
Jert In detail, deacriblng ajeili«>J»raii<!

larly to repair wasted vitality and
enridt the blood )o aithstand
^ winter colds anck exposure.
it contains tfie highest grade of
cod liver oil. medically pe'rfecied;
it is a rream-like food-medicine,
scrupulously pure and healthful
without, drug or stimulant


and advocated by medical

•(dMiUSc baudnng of good roada.
Brery eotuty on tbe abore of I^ke

SCOTTS EmJLSIOttdnyes oat
i-ncspishes tbe m
of the throat and lungs and keeps

^ der tho condtr ayatetn. and ro^(>-0^ (
coanUw of.tbe aUU bare adopted tbr

tbetn healthy.
WerAfeg ««m/s SCOTT'S
light cAssCe mmE

SUteen Ibooaand people. Uu- tat^eai
crovd that eter gathered wilhln Uic

Equally good for infants,
children or adults, but you ipust

fair groainda in Uua city, made -Trav-

have SOOTTS.

erae CUr day" the feaiore day of the
fair. TboBgh weather oondlUona were
axmedlngty onfavotable. a cold, abarp
wind sweeping through Ike park. t1a clal and agriculinml renter of lids
Into tbe pan of the slate.
ttoie began atreamlni
graanda rariy la the on rnlog. and .at

Royally Eitterutned.,

MOB It was n««casary to pul >-xtn

Tliwe was nolblnK Inckiag iu enter-

tiekat Ukera at tbe gate, ao ateadlly

Utfit rncca. tbe 2:::*. ilnas behg tm-

fourth b«^ fram WUkIps
Whan the
latter borse won the fourth haat It
Iicoentcd Lady Wolgast from taking

by Lady Sphlnf. jrhh



resulted in' Jlmnij Oor again winbrat luoncy. Tills rai-e was a
lllllr'slower than cu tbe day beluie.
tbe I>es4 time bring
kecondaMetoreyele Race a Feature.

.... ,,;
B«^2:lt.U..2:i;.U 2.':tt'...


Harry Wa^tO^nTlne:”'.. 1



EmMaglaa.-UMC ehell. is grippwi ia
ThU iMtag is deeigned to give Ibe erect aynweeioo
nieSMefT to eead the load to the aarh qaickeel. It wsuree
Mssd-lbe saae speed la every sbeU.
The etani ItehtdlsMoisBcreprool-oodempoesseanget diroogh.
Jar proot-wo powder eaa get enl. Waste proof ■■ eo energy tsioel.
mrnt gjyis tic Atm.

Nki* CM> Swel LW Kmft

RenungtoB Aintt*Uimn Metdlk Cartridge Co.



kb place hera.




.Another piece of -publK-iiv

■g for two weeks, the


INthtat. of

It’s Gnaranteed.

nsual. They call li tbs "FyiUbi.
Stales Exiiosillon.;' and I'l will be hel-l



the big armory, one of the Urgesi

in Ihc country. - TbU buildiug has t

Voigt Milling Company

seating caiiacliy of 20.00X.
Best Hsd Bran Bufleted Over East
Bay During the Whole

Tbe comni'tlee of arrangemenihave dlTldtd the floui sivscc iiilo dl

. GrandRapkU

visions twelve feet s«inare. and cacii
state wUI have as nisji)
any s)iacvs
siiacvs ^
■|ilay amr-gmils
they can occui>y. to dls|ilay

(From Salurdav s Itecord-Fhiglc I
Tlic sail boat In w hicb Warren Johnun of Ibe pculuaula went out for i
ail last Sunday and never relumed

thal they wish, to eillfer
•r adv/rtlse
u fracture ber am while pUytSf at
ime-.|^itions of pl(>dgibg
uocompromlslog o
as a whole or somi
the prvaent conspiracy whereby ,«hboI.

Is proposed to drive VUter out of^ m,. and Mm. C. Spangler s
The Western Michigan Uevclopraegt
Its cherished place la the cansUtutlpn'tendiag (be fair at Traverse C
■is found last night b; Ralph Kltch- bureau was to bave bad Mnc of the
I «ayv
sivaves, but unexperted coadlUoiK Ol the rolled Kingdom."
pledge concludes bv declaring
Sept. :
.rose making It Impossible to lake ndFrank Grubb farm on the
aatage of this chalice, and so some tbat “we have aure conMCnre Uiat Grand Trjvervc bny. The twai had
Hod w-m tave Ireland from iliia cal­
evidently drifted ever Kin.-c rlnco Sun­ of Ihc luuiiibvrs of tbe Board of Trade
D. K. S. C. P.
bu -y with' the mmli tbat the amity."
day. as If fhowed hard nsage from
Tills Is not a fralernal
Iwitg driven.along the beavh by Ihc s|>lemlld exhlbll of apples iu the
These-leUem stand for one ot tb«
landsrd box fiack that was on diH'Uy
v.tud» which shifted st»e.ral times
greolest helps lu tlw
durlnr-tbc wevk. In the boat was IroiuJ Hie Moigaii orc^rds has bi-en
Ifrve hliioiisacar. <1
They rriJr
found one oar,
that donated by the 'Morgans and will go
all dhs
the express chargowvmid shed any liglii on how Jolni'on
lor the same wa» taken care of by
disappeared. H«h l-ayk have h.s
i«ICK's'viilA,a have been In use lor
of 111.- tii. nibi-rs of Ihc- Itoard uf
searchea lor tfio entire Week for
ov.T gu ...SIS and an; ib<-'standard
n. about nine miles nor


Trade 1licT-di.iIl.'. When one slops lo
thiiii. I
RuHibtli. a fathter at
Ml. li-tau win te.- u-presi'ni.vd hj ih
OflhTwhK dc>iL‘<-.: •'>
c\li:t.ii 111.-' Will this i-ul l.
s;t'i mU iis
(» ru|«nl was drowne.!
r (hls region and f
s. liietudiRg (hiw horses
edAbe emit without relurtil
three b.-ad of «uiv. !i is uoi '«oown
N^iug has been heard of tbe Ibe Morgan orchard.
the tire origiiutea. tut Ibei
mlsalng loan from his relatlvea or oth­
of the Is iil. but

discovered Ian
qu.-Bll»ii as

seen of it





no Are in life vtcialty of tbe buiMln-;


covered by insarence

Is Made.
■ ."ud.JU. IxviK.



n Trav.-rae City.
olaiuc ColLIIii.

H !•«



*iidam of T
s at the C.
Mr. and Mrs. Cossclman of Bork
b-y, who hare been Ifi charge of Htv
r-sort at ln;.k I.ake. h»«e rcturii.-d
to thdr lioriif.
Miss Mabel IMGrnai Mstlod friends



I'auiiiu. S

WaltM ..................


Uf tvilllai'nkbunt Mfi week
, Mr .in.l Mrs CliaMi-r'Copeland altd

and Mrs. Cline Copeland and rbil-

.Irvti .ti;d Mrs M. Monroe were guests the I motvisi disiri?
..f Mr, and .Mrv Stjirt at Orawa 8nnthe proviii.c- For the past ten tfays
l.ig aiui-hoiiiv

interiqchM ....

the gutv-in-

Uie "nst.-r Ikiy" dcmonrtratitpn In
Athen Ifrrsrhcr, who has been hoin. IrvLiud. Although the Eovcroiucnt bus
-Ikysslhly no pUue
grounds was uiore,frv«|uemly \Wlrd vUltliig his parcnlB. returned lu IHg
or more appreciated by
the great Rapids Saturday.
Mr. ‘and Mm. Tanner of M aylaiid lost lu.i-osc of "certain cvcnluslt
throngs of tvcoiik- who swtruied Ih.MIeh.. arc the guests uf .Mr.
ground:, cll day. and especially
Today Is the time set apart lor thv
G. K Aldrl. hr
WUI1K-II and clilldrcn. than Ihc
signing .'1 a u-» and ».jl-.’a;ii 'l'
Miw. I*.rruudall Jiv.
tctil l•^uvlacl by .1. W. Slau-r. Ttil.and cov.-num by the h.-m.-‘f

Mr. Juueiibr’in bi>e<ii tin- wti-k


The Ai.l It-.-... tv u;. i with Mrs. I«r.>.
lloyer last Friday.

ni.-tit • Irclew thric exUU a very grav
IVi-sl.yi.'nuu ( hiiivh of I'aiuda. guiiic siiuatiou u.s a n.--uil ;ul lUi- appreUK far west as MuiuU'ha
hciisluiis cntcrtaiu.-d fur Ibc lesi

WPS Ihc. r|H-ukcr>' irm and .Mr. Slat-r ScbriRhl were Travra.- l ity
I'rovided nearl.v ev.-ry i-oiivonienve «f Tiu-sday.

Tlie lose wUl amount;

Scverol bun.Uod dollars, which

New Conabtutien If Civanga


itIdri'Bs iiicciiiig of the Uoinaii
py.n-lini Miasicniary eu.-iiivi-s .>1 ib

during the day.

ihousanda of
I’hce r> per box. Sold by
\iuot.-aii tmig Hiorc.

Unionist Leadarn TivTaaten to Set Up

Margaret Mm.-KcHar left Wed
iir-sday on a two iiivmlhs' inp

siglitM-eri- at the lair.
There were
lour upbuUtcrul rryckers, a vom-h, li­

_^^Siirely it’s worth while to chOose
X^escenl Flour (or yoUi
bread and pastiy.

and along difli


a liouic lor live beii.-lil ol

Geater Vaine for Ibe
Same Price.


BaltimoiT. .Md.. arc to Lave one of lbbiggest luirs In Mm- history of ll..-




BREAD and Pastry.


boney In JIule glasses, large Jars,

though the boat


The &eetiog iretmly

We And In the report from eoofev

oro triuni|>h to their lanrelsHcre also at* to be found Jars «f
foldr-n yellow butler that have tli«limmess and flavor that only
Bkllled butter maker can givo it.

Sachett had charge of th-

rare that ou- prsuir his bci.-ii asslgnc.:
to Kitjalcy. and E. Si. Koonls wi ■

anee Is sUn as much of a idystcry

'dock*' with a iboner
-------- 'Sled Lined Sbdli.
ier Bfiiigrse-Carc


swMiw-s US' 8nnday evetint -doru> =
le absence of cur pastor at coofe

ers who knew him. so bis disappear-

E«h.«tE«iTdne.SpeedShen ^
- niifsi the
_________Steel LM
IS Hendkope held in

PMitiM pa brakesBa with the samr

three heals were close.
and big tin palls. It makes on.- think
> Trnveese City that U a Ititle
la the 2:17 claas one borsa with. of hot muSins'and coffee to see a! usual, bet it shows that those who
Irew }a*i before the race, leaving tirts sweetness. An-l when one think
are kioking after the good
only three stnrtcr*.
Wand, how nuuiy trips the bee has to maki glon are always eiitiag to Uke ap all
nemialne tip, won this in straight
rry even ofie teaspoonful of liouopportunities that come within
I the comb.'^1 Is a wonder how roach, and this time -Trav<-rwe ('it;
baU-mlle running race, with the
a qusotity as U dUidaycd
win gel a little more than usnal.
> entrauts se on the day before, Is ever ptbered.”
Beginning October 1st and confine

and thickly did the crowda
Uoat of tbe factoriea and stores closed proBram tor the day was begun at
great allrarlion. and tbe crowd grewat SMB, and it was a reprcMotatlvc yoon, when the entire exhibit of livewild when tbe two machines. si>eedTimm Cttg erovd that ibrouged ntock and homes at the fair were )«•
m-lcd around the raeo' tmek. Mayor
close logeiber, raced around the
tbe paik.
iMdiihcl bis
k in a bitter two aud a half mile
Yeeterday't ancct-esful daj' pmcilrab (ternialne at the bead
lash of s[>ced. Tlic enlrants
ly pM the fair aaaodatten on Ita feet, pretty-buck team. procciU-d tiy Camp
The bwntifiil Voioe on a singly eyilnder Indian niaand almsra what thta dty can do. In bell's Concert band.
aolruals from tbe ierds of the Tmv- ihlne. and'iktou ou a Wagucr. They
bee of frigid weather, the l>eoi>le
raced five times aipund the tracks
tntMd out by tbousaedn, and not only
Voice leading bis oi-ponenl l» all but
people {MM the city, hot .tbenaands igan Agrlciiliural college were ahown
he fourth lime uroiind. and at thfc
B b. this
from the «»Ure Gtegd Trarereo re­
Homes and stock grown right la the tlnisb «B* less ttkan iwemy-Uve yards
gion. Advertised as the 'bluest dsy
o( the fair," Traverae City da>- bsngbt Gmnd Tmveme region. magniBccat ahead of Eaton. When the race wat
animals, .made that lamde tbe finevl
the <-row'd .swaimed around tbu
out tbe people, and It la imereating to
exhibition of farm animals ever naen coniestauls and cheered iheui.
noto that the crowd was more Iban
The follow ing is the complete result
twothlrria as Urge as tbe biggest in nortbem Ulchlgau.
third da.v's ruces: •
Tbe horse mow were eiarted a tew
crowd at tbe Went Mlebigae fiute fair
2l2S Trot or Pace.
held in Grand Rapdds a auort time tntnutns after (be |>aiade of Ibestock
over, and tbp biggest, as
as Udy Wolgasl iTressl...........2 1 .1 2
ago. Aboot M.OM people turned om
la Grand Sapids on the big day there, the basf meet of ibe lirograu wore. Wilkins lAdnisi ............ '.....Z 2 2 I
Three iwclng classes, a runaint Uebert U tljulncrj............. I 2 w w
and a crowd of IS.UOO in this cUy on
tba big day U a grand lihuiratlon of race, and also an exviting iiiulorcyck
thla diy's Importauce as the commcr- zara lUled Ibe pmgrani. Iu tbe pacing


Mrs Itoaard Aaderr<M b obiomux
visit. Ron- her mother.
IT m anmber ol yean, has accepiel

Tbere are feUles of all varieties,

on two beau.
In this space Is a flbe dlsida^ of Show Apples From Morgan - Farm
Tbe feature ra« urilie day, the lionee. Honey in the comb, strained
Were OoivaUd and Sent by
free-forall. had only tUrce starters. honey and candied honey; honey with
Beard of Trada
borse w'Uhdrawing dust before the
dainty flavor of the clover hlos
sUrt. This was won In straight beets
I. and the beautiful baaiwood flow,

iBluuiciit for the immerMe throuit. The

Sjeel Lined

c-siT vacuttubbxit; ooTont 1, ittt

OnUhad. dtrlmeaf ioierfbitni before from the raby red earrani to tbe pale
the deciding beat coaM be run. It goMetr qnlttee.
put over nnUI today, being ibc
Samples of unfertneiiled grape and
'event or today's meiug program.
apple luiccs are also shown.
The pickles are q! -toati.v klnds0 have Ad WoIiMsb t
sweet and sour, iilaln and mixed, masUrd. and chow-chow; bntsnps. pickled.
drtTint bis warn
bMts. beans, peaches and pears.
changed bts plans about remaining.
Benqilfu! brown loaves of yetst
went home Wednesday night,
bread, sall-rlsing bread, eaket and
leavtug his horse In cliargr of Trainer
cookies sre dispUyed here. too.
Tress. Lady WolCnst.
with Trass
The bousewive* of the Grand Trav­
ilrlvlag. won two bests of ihs f:cr.
erse region are ceruinly adepts in
clast III line: racc»T and but fnr beeak(tils line, and this display adds one
isg tluuld undoubtedly hate Uken tbe

tbe race, as the Lady bad prertoualy

authorities everyahere.

an«*Hf-e Crnm OCbana to Emmei, »1tb
tbe excepbon of two. l.«elaiiat> ao>l
^AMtUb. are baUdlag good roada nu-


meet were ibe 2:3i, 2:1T and troc- bl« and mako a fine ebowing in.lhe
cvcBU, ant each nnultad la clear, ricb syrapn.

. KI;W A im. S:U p. B
D. RIELY. a. P. i

\lls^ \1srr.i- fii- Spaiirltr Is speb.l-

tbroughrvul Hi.- pi-oMn.w wbl'b have ii.g a f-.w di.'s in Travers- '.'Itj and
Hughv-s t I'aroialce and ih- hcM addressed by the Uakc vif ^Is-rbrary table, a ertb and high ebaire
al'enitlng the fair.
tor tbe hablcs, any numlier ol ooiului*- MiKses Polionil. Moldsworth. Iluiii.r.
lU.- Uuk- of
l».-v..iii.h.rc. 1
H-1-11 tpv'.-r Its.- bad the Tiiiffonun
abb- scuts, and as a last thought [«r AndeiBO:. an.1 Hugli.-.-. nieuileirs o il..- MurtiUVs ..t Luuderry. thu .Marquis
the comfort of the women, there was Uridge Builders' Socl.-ty of th.. Firet SaUthar... lg>rtl .Mauus lb-:-riord a
By the “lUvilgr' aAod 1 eoa r»
I Happanmove those nehlng IMU abaolawly
a bed completely furnished where one |•ongrefaUonBl chtirch. Traverse I'i v. iXhero. F.wllng runs so iii«tv It is >u
t> of RENSEl? wufaout pain, and wltkeM tbe nae of
might He down, for a few minutes' weie Riustr ul tin- Mcliilosh. P ii...l-rcdiit that ih.- day wdl not pass
10 prodeee uneeatetoarnesa.
sleep and rest.
These conveniencca Monday evening. A Qot-Iurk son|.e- witliout broken
People »f nervous tcBperameot and, alter whi.b the wcivliig
Is expected the privy couoeillor*
were certainly ^ pi.reclntod by all wlio
wHb weak hearts will oppreciat* tho
'Kaolar“ method ot pmalraa «tn»
took advantage ol them, and a wsrin was pler.ssmly spent In j sorlal w
will be lb- iir»i i.v sign, and ih
sjioL in their hearts will be reserved and llsi.'iiliip to Hr. MacKvlIar tell
those smiuiic tie ......... ..
will nu
for Mr. SUter for hU kindness on the the neec's uf the women uf India.
ber from .........
‘ 14dm WUhMm Bloek. with Or. HoMP
Mrs Sheehan and son John rei..rne-l reasou. to i'.-leve. n.oieov.'T. that tbe
cold, windy dny the weather luan saw
worth. Tmvereo CltT, MkdMM.
flt to furtvish for the big evegl of the from ladisnn Monday
Vt.ioni-I 1-sders »;! the meeting
Craad Traverae Regton (Air
IMfast un Sept.
will ancoa

Teett ExtractcdAbsolately WHKort Palm

lo Loan on Farms



Sap9.1nM WllhelB Bdg., Traverse aty. ftUcliu


Before Yon
Bny A' Heating
. Stove
t'unu- to aud let us sliuwu xm .'oU-s
OflBtual Hot lllast beating woiiflcr
of tbe cwDtuiy.. Ibis flux- »ill l.iir;i
.■oal. bard <



Oin- of the displays wlrtvh has aiinrlcd no little attention Is that of
the eanoed goods.
Here Is to Im- founi! u fine colkflloD
most tempting looking fruits:
;p««rs. pcaol»w. plums, chetrlvs. ranV


mil in the

, gonseberrles,

kUss w

EXoarnows Cannot b« Curod
lug the grates, and will bom It asttr
faclortly. Cdiss Hot Blast will hold
. ere all Ulgbt with yoor hattnl of coal
and will bold Sre 3C bourn wtih on>
hod of aufl ml
Coii.r uiid
gniol beaitv.





_____ ihli Mb*


I MVSsraioU.aiBitwalMsifaa lalaami
tliKlebe I .MW ul 1
rr. mas rase, nuv «f Vrs ai
ciMrtk.wMrhtseoimMbwISB U


..Ibtcuisdl] BsUsu arrhvWr

Ihc day iu Traverse '11.'', thj gues' the heods el the .soistitolvon wbuh
.<r frk lids.
they wl’l set up :u the louiinacn
I>r. aim Mrs. C A Clark '.slto.1 Ir the enartm.Tit of home rul-. ThElk> I.IKI week. Ihv guests ul fUluilon Will s.|wratc the Judi.-.;.:'
Clara's pur.iiln, .Mr. iOid -Lis. os well as Ifc' asse-jibly. Rturles
J. F. Veil.'
armed rlsuvg the seizure of i Kotiiidlip: and fen.ily'or l=ll- Belfast rostolii.-.
o»l.-r v.
iT I.nk.- wrre'fuewts of Mr atid M.'i. plota are untrue
H J-vnes Sunday.
MIsa Minnie Johnsuu has rc-.iirned
atl-r vpiltiig fi1«tv<ls in Cadll'hv.
Sir, r.nJ .Mrs
,J. Straddlcl.aur o
r.-m<r rallid on
Iriend' on ihrlr wa»‘ to the Uir av
Truverse CUy Wedneadiy
Fearl Hcvnol-U si"-ai

a fe»

diiyirli. Truvarte City last wcii.
-1 la aoRerUig w-»ta a tor

The woinei: of 1 isi.-f-sr- to at
iXlC i:.« with ti,e-e..;-h--t
pl-'lee h;.S
framed whe-eby the wottem undertake“sixud by <«ur men lolk m '
• out the soh-.nn b'jeue (uv.-nant
»- lii^ Gf.od Trsv.r— lOuni.T
,T i,.-.iLiifC 4»'r-Iti.d 4iid tb--.-

ouocle ut: his hand
D. W Heynoids and Josrj.hson Br.>*
have tH:pro-.ed th.-ir store balldlags




S ’xrc
t :

oniati- Ilia! rnt-

iili trtiew i-oat ol p.ilnl.
'Mr and Mi>. John
:ami w .-.-c gorau ol .Mr. and
E. Aldnch- Tuesday,
Mfs Vnn Mom is siw'nding.ibe day
u Traver»«- CUy
'Wlllisir Kruaiui. who has been
aertJoL keemm on the P. M. railroad

Sc Sit; ti
t(vl in anvthlng bat fnut in
S^u r.- leaimls .s cctiewal as-nt
ilh. \lk-iagan-.St.r»i,.ry Co. ot Mum



The cuinpound interest your savings
_5 earn
the First Natioiiul Bank Is a .fividend
paid you twice a year. It is paid when due
whether you ask for it or not.
Such dividends requires only persistent
banking of your small economies.—amounts
that otherwise would never be capitalized.
Begin now for tbe dividend to be paid on
savings January 6rst and every six months



Under CoDlTiJ oi the U. S. 4'iea$L.)

DUiiD mvtui mgiii.D fn Tunuc bat'baoli,

IWKB im-



i.thaka 9m ooakChnt-oMtttao tka
kowooU«lf»<«rtp.MA tt> kaao
plaeo OB tbo oBJelal tanUoL. Tbo pas­



Oodfe^ Kdvwdteh ' bled

bora >0 Germaay, aad tocsted in this
county 2S years age. ixiytag-w

Tb« Boctellvu-^lao expert to mka

near Sliver late, on which b« had
lUved ever stare. He lesves a widow

ta the tar WML

Oa tkc


TMa rmr tka ooatWwiee ot tka vaitr

dty^ o-feW
Aoff looking-mireta tke ptaoe-bm-tbkt lac-after a **»*»* Ttaiflr^ rtty
......... .................... ......................
post oBice.

Godfrey Keewticb.'. aged W years,
died at bis farm la GartMd lowashlp
Saisrday algbt. Mr: Kerwiicta was

la Lnwrooee. New Bedford and other
mSI tower to ereoUT* locreaM the

PacMM atoaa OaUtania (are Ua
■t'SattallK TOM four yeerr a«o.

S. II. EUls aod Wm llnrler. ol tbe UKTSoaed tiM for tboeoalBg yoar.
m Do. of Mil-

ta «

ty raaaa«on are. iwtylaK apoa tbo reoaat atrOtM.ani other labor troablea


tdbbdat, oowbbb a uu

• rrem SaiarBoy> RetordJaglo


and six cblldmi. Herman, Fred. An-

ter Hasilttcs.

gust. Adolph. Lena and Mra. Minnie
Tbe funeral services will be held

Mtao Julia VaaM Movaa today far
bee bOMo ta Sagiaaw after apeodlog


imorrow morftlng si the Ersnxelksl
church St Crtwc. and burial wUt be
■ado tbot Nerada will oMct
BodaliM BOteroor.
Tom. Ncptb Canlioa and icToral

'Hw* t* Tato'tAkf

[her aoatkm atadea bare SodaUai


In Oatwood eemeten

NaliOfial '

Wem Present to Add to Sueeoto
of Meeting: Btrang Tkkat



Cons Teitc.

Oau. »i.r.

abia tar iu

bmU Sbclaliat eoie. OkGraad Rapids. Sept. *7 -The demo­
l^omo. for raoinni that ara dUOealf cratic party of MIebIgBD In a coorr
II ot Bttor.^ to datormtaa. boo ahowa far atioaaar tioD marted by tbo adopuob ot
towarda Sodalim than platform along
eotlrely progress!

walbdd oat of tka-Wood. Arar aid
WiaktarM oallti tkla iponrtoa.
Onaatiar Taataa aaM tba atrikera
<nU -be uitad to retora to work ai
j<ti1ka «B Mwnikorlaad by ike oHMals
at tka -ladoMHal



tka arpM of Vllor aad iSloTanBlin

Turn Were Admittto to Ball ta Civil
Court—Writ of Habeas Corpu*

IM *T)ova wkk tke l.'aliad Butea.'

date fqr United Stalea aeoswiB
Bra kttattrad ilaUaa Uborwa . on a
bameeratle Sots Ticket.
aufta la aysiiuk]' aoJaat tba Uapnaaorepoor — Woodbrtdae X. Ferrir.
, LW1UI11& Sepi. 2K.-Tlie >iate mili­
ooBMBt or Bltor aod aievaaoltU, triad
tary board which Inquired into
to domoUtk Um AiDorieaa ndaUtor a
. yoremnr — Jsmes
shooting of £!■)- reported to Got<
beaw kora.. Tbo poUco and aoldlen
Obbom today esoaoratlng BUckman Helme, Lenawee.
daaUad tka Dob. No daiaano
Congressinmn at larger-James W.
Bod Jockaou. BrioHr. the report depkirad tbe abeotlnL todlng that Uie Pre^sdorf. :.eDawee;

rodoablod tboir «b^ru today follow.
Ipxtbo aosafrotaAorM, Aooordiu
to talatana from all parta-of Xur^.
PHta. So^ .VIaoBa.4Udrtd, LMm
and nam^ommctally Uw JaUar plM^
tba atUbtloB asataat tba. Iiimi l^|
maat U maanDlnfalartaiab ptoportlooa. The goreroMBt wULba t
to take up the matter la luly.


Jaekaba. Sept. SS.—Capula
wa and Primte



with murdw la'eobaecitaa wltl
deaU of Etay. were adoriUed U



Tofbr Setai

ilnutag hie trip to Jaeknoovllle.
C. F. taueghara rrttwtrad to hta'
ai.-Uatilttoe I lb
^on ilKii ill t(be riiy wita frleadi

the a«i-e-




Wn. *71.S«i‘“Amrin. 121^ Itar.-,




J. W.

ftatehih. 'jaaMO MeAlBltra

and K I. Kaaaom fall os the eartymoralag trala for laoMag. loriilteod
■ be Rail Hoeae Male cooveriiieB.
Vtord laft this moratag 00 o
delegMe la tbe Boll Uooao raorao.

A M. WUiiamt, lecoi —nigir of
Ike Bell Tetapboae eoapaoy wO bm
glu a six wertts' raratios iniuouaw.
Ibe first be has bod la five years. HU
place wm be taken toy H. O. Btarv.
eperial a'gent for the mrapaay.
WIIHagL will ipeod bis time al l'e»
iral lake and rthe* Persia
0. p. Biirvata. wHe aad aoa-Jvai ralamed Irnm s irip to <%ortevoix aod
Fefo^i^y ta (bwlr msetaiBo yerterdav.
All report a gotai lime In spite'of tbe
coBdiiloD of ihe roads.
Mtas Hotao HopktaO. wM hoo opoot
Ihe last aereo weeks her* for hoy
fever, returned to her hotat .lo- Coo^
Mpolis Tnda.v.
- /
Mr. and

Mra . Edward

daughter ‘MsT^prei

F. Btoln.

son Coars<y.

Cornelius M. Sheehan, brother of
Rev, J j, Sbeehan of ibi- my, died

RfalD Is the well known toae kail
player, baviag pitched for tko BMokNoHoBal* and tb» Cblcago S'>tloDol leagnea
At tbo preaoai time
be hold* tbe Offlre of deputy oboriT'

beeD epeiidir.g the aamaser ai I'liarle- recciied
voli. arrived In the city today for

abort M»l( wHI* friend* before ridnrt--'
ig In Ibeir home ai i'bicngo.
Harry Oowroen. whe has bee<
X with frieriJs in ihe'riiv f.
>-r7l ilavB. rrlurtM-d
le Cl- ek today.

-n hii he

. M. Barnett end wife whe hivs
X hi tbe tier for eooie _____

tke pHmartes la Angaw be
ihr uomlnslion for 1 itaaty
Id Wnyita (wnnty.

ed left today for B(dHl0. N.
T, where be will spend ibe wtater.
Fred Devertdorf left fae FraaklsH
tbl* luorolng, where be will be for a
few day* on koaioraa.
Mist Nora Edgtii taft thta moiwiag
rr MIsbawaolrao. lad., whore ah# will

all tor .eoa*e titao wUfc frtastao and
i«d in iheil^bome at Grand Rsplde retallvet
In Detroit ThnrsdB'
HU lether T
Coe. N. Hill and vsffe taft toloy for
H Sheehan was s-itii him t^ien deatb
m^a CHarley, returned
Roll, where Mr. Hill toes lo coooec
urred and ha» 'akrn tbe lody
.n,r at ThotTipfontllle lodty after bit work a* rrufaroeoiatiic
the family home at
Cur far
V deye' viut In tbe -Ry with friends. ol the Cota Coortractioo rnmitaBT
Rev. Paiber
Atfrad Wilhelm ^reived here today where they are building a targe new
requiem ’here,
nm itiicago aod will speed
Injuries sustaim-d b> a fall sli.le
'days In tbf city.

Wm. HowT »f Cfand Ropfto. wtao
iiieg he/e (be invlher a ill be iioahle
Mrs. Charles S. Vefaiooa ie
u been vfaRieg la tbe city for setmak«it:.c j-iurnej
Ro-v '
moraing on s maoib'a irip ibrnugh
wl dayr. veKirne-l to bis booie there
Ohio. Kbe will visit with meads and today.
iHtliye* M
Napotaao aod




4. J. Marvin left this morning for


lowad three fotlta balkiU. ta wbicb
rfartb raa He^ea a Btrotat:
ot Hedges' ■mtawailoo wos later 1

The ani­



r. bo i.isaplaliio
«alBB ta the aawB «t kit ka*.

born during the fair sae pnrc%3sed

mal comes from prtie stock aod will

''bore keeo laatraciod to *[<twelee guns of ME mHlIoiMre cwllbie
Anrang the important wtinMoe)
and -four goos ot 47 millmanew. He.tell whsl they koon
«e win be JMOd. and her coo
itribuilnaa to the pr*»ltbe aame ataadard^rar It cooM deniUJ campaign' funds of foor yeara react speed tweMy kmus.
Rural Mail Carrtorw Bclmdule Now
aesrcwly be expert^ that the party
Geoita a OnneLvou. WillUi.i
tote wetrtd Mere Unta double.
Utah. Jr. ez-Seaaior Charles Dick n;
Sept. 30.—PosUDBBieT
. x-Scoaier Nathan B Scoti o'
General illtrhcocfc. uadw s reccot anWe* Vlratala. Henry C. Prick. \V1'ihorltailon of raigieoa. today iocreoaThe aeo. wke.wra aaoatl^ tbo
a Hrarot. WflUnm Hockerfellcr
«s the tatarteo* of abort 4:.o<u) rural
Sodalixt cawpalm declare that they and George W. Perkins, it u unde^
also that Coloael Rooaevrlt all!
ore la rooMpi of adMaoa
compeorttioo <m sundarl
wtdOtatwad dioaotaCocttao with tbo roldnuruy appear before tbe eommi-.Wea Ota ia Ctass Raea With Woda-mltaa. 'll
to aoawer any queettaoa that mi,
coadMatea ot tbe oM portioa. They
beUere tbit baths Toft mod «
raised 7^ fl.HOe t
eorwiy anSet>ctaotlp4i«ai-«WoeUatta by
loraUoo comribottaps 10 the
lAleb Mbm-ooeo aaro thaw n
SUBloca. Sept. *7.—Job B. Hodges, shorter romes
campaigp fond in IPOSToH. wm'ibaMiL n* annum
a New Tork aitontay, was
Thta^ tavolVre an additlooal cost
Ibewe d^eetkiaa. ao they atate. wni
Mo Boioll to It.
be for* tkao -aoCleleot- to roll ap ■

HaaMataoa New Tetk atate boa pott-



be-e-orth a conslderabte sum after'
‘W monlbs growth.

■»« ft""- ytora ago tba tote
reached t9d.TK. la both tbeee etae- pair.
itoBB W yy bad tbe aame 1

•i iki liiM Iniililln tou. Naad ta


blooded Durham calf

lege by Joseph Zimmerman.

The Parts betaaga to a a<^<

Waatt troatmat

•llz. phoi,.- 371

iess thar
Hue iie>

peof—a -to add 10 -bar fleet ondrr
icTBlMwa or tbe senate sulMAmml]
Sepienolal program adagHed ta
eloeUoe. Thu b^r U abared by bto
appotaied to tavcsUgaie campaign
oampalcn naaanta and
baaed pendUurca. of which Senator CUpp.of iPie. The first two. |he Coonrhet and
opoB reportB reeoKIy ro6et*ed from MlrnooDti U chairman, luu here today the Jeon Hart, are about rtady
gn into commlsslOB. The Pranee «iU
tbo party w^taWk ta every aceHon of
plana for the bearings
V, tbaMewup. Tbe koM Bectallat vote Thaao beartaga are Mbedutad to l>e; ta tao mattokal electtan la IWH
Uoaday. on which data ell

amok voMe far tbe Seolalut ooUoo

lor ihe part tew weeks,
lurned 10 l:i* iionie iwra last lugin
these who have etalhing, 'bed­
A.CMcLewrie returne«4B hta her
ding nr household goods th
.Mnskegmi t.iday after a shon tii
spared, kindly hear in miml "II.ira
I (he ci<< on lius.nraa.
tion l>A' " tor Inireatf of assorijie.1
C. N. DSvideen and wHc. who he
ehrrltles. and call up the general '

for the


e. Bird returttad te Mo horao
. 1*00(18. thta morniag after uwerAl
I'xya in'i^e-eUy_^ boolBraw.

—.naod tart crebtBC'TW.qk^ koto*
IV for a few days on business.
Detroit, after cpendlag t^ prat
6. A. Hill, who har been waitlhn Week witb Mr. and Mra. Wattar F
with rrtatftes In tbe sonibern part of Greilick aod Mra. Joho Grellick. tor

frdm the .Michigan -\gr1ciiUural

Campoigo Fundi Will Bo

WaahtagtoB. D. C, Sept. S7.—The

:....: ::::


guiahiog feature of Ibe new veesel
BTB BlH^MMirTBE B^NS Is her armor plate, wbicb Is made
entirely of a new metal of Firwcb
venthm wbtah «wHl, it ta expected.
w- 0 buOesWp leas rutaerabis
Thooo Who Con
to akMt- fire, nod tnartc a oew epoch

27i>«o«aM V.

a) liekot

short lirre on buttoeaB before

ored in six ijoais and seTenteen
the (ti^ie friKO town to
being sb^Iowb; Traverse fiiy

hen ihey wet* tart

shart rirti ta tho cUy wfOi frtoada.
Mr. and Mrs. Jameo BmlW iitawinta
I Ibeir borne at Ptataweil tl.ta moratg efter a week's Tlali at tbe hotao
(heir son. II. W. Amlih.

M. ta. Lairaksi taft this moraing
for Cadillac where he will be fc

Ur. JaokBon. wbo accompanied him on
tbe trip. T&b entIredUtance was cov.


Toblon. Sept. 3n —Wimin
oltU ceurta. Tboy are ordcawl to ait- twelve iDombs from tbe
(tear before Ibo pollcw coon on OHo- keel woe laid down, the
Paris, designed to be Ibe
iBldoble warship ever built

Doha, the BodaUat- Party coodUaio
M tean l.m.ew eoteo te tbe ooallc

O. F. HoLpod mini and to hta home

Amo c^mpsny of Graad Rapids, aod

Oen‘"c'rj”a «'ptailer* <^u,p,h“d

autborltk of the

PEiffCin»fr PLANS

dnya retnnied to tbeir bo«ae at
tatre this moraing.
at Grand RanWs this morning ofter
■rerni days ta the city on bna

last week by j. R. Jackaon. a repreiwntaltve of lb» Slrauoo-U’oodoock

graai tbe writ, tbe mllltlameo will be

for iirwllud. bMMeea be wlU poB<

It «. Lay Co.

Thr record for speed between Tra'
erse Ulty nod Grand Rapids wss mad


If ibo onprame-court abonld

.rMBoted from tbo

,»oap lonutaead ky


la tbe city for tbe part



wrR ot babeaa coritaa. tbe atxosed
mea will be tewnararilr reiurw

wa« Wkdra Ldber Vatr Hw


heen rtailtag wHb frirad* aad leta-


WithiagioD and Ftaok TWta algnod

Hoavy Qoino'dUb Lo^iM'irdP lo the

MclnueR. wbo hare beea ape
•heir bomeB ai Crard Rapid*

Kiaasa Hotao Croon tad Bertha
KBiabi. wbo havn
Secretary of 8tate-J. B. Balcfa. Kj!CadUtac. 1 boor aod
mlouios: Cad­
|:l-'!r taeathiaB at Koat Day retaror duiy-ln-aboot amasoo.
illac to Rig RapidB. I hour and r.s mlnStatu t/<aeurer-3ohn H. Rohsm
I to 'be riiy tbi* moratag.
Idj: Eiay aad ara oot legally rospon, Big lUjUds to Grand Hapidt. Z
aibla for bU death. The teailoiony
L. F. Pnblow and wHd taft
hours and 27 niinulcs. Tbe car was a
AMotaey ecneral—I.onis C. Ilowleli.
the court of Inquiry was need to bi
wralog on a two week*' tri
Franklin sU-cyItad«T. and no dlfftaliy
staaiiaie ibe Qnillaga. Tbe report aaya l.lring^iL
rood Rapids aad ChicasDAuditor general — Pettff Prfmeaii
that tba mlUtiamon were acting
Jso. F. Burton and wife rat
Rockwell ctatma tbni now he knowi
dor orders to protect tbe priaon and Marquette.
borne at Wasbtagtrti. D. c..
■ood he can make Hie distance li
«M« joatlflod-ta tbe bomlcide and had
Justic9^ supreme conrt'long
this raoratog after aereral days eprat
five hours fiat. It U. Iiowever. proba—Ccoise U Yuple. KAlamanM.
a right to use any force at tbeir
the city
tliat the record made on lliU Hip Tallow ............... ................................ ................. tc
JuMite Bupreme court, short lerr
amad to apprehend the eonsplialor
Mrs. D. Noens. who has been In
mill nand fnr some time.
No I borae hides ............. tl.r.0 and op
wbo waa auenfptlng to buy ■
—RoUod H. person, Ingbam.
l< |.>r eone- iinic. rammed tn
gremmissloncr stale land offii-e—
'nn- at pillar lodiv.
laodo P. Pamta. Roscommon.
R.-e. MeiW'ef OcbwH is in
Adiwitted to Ball.

the bond. It U bellevod ir ao appeal
to Ibe BuproM ooait for a


>en vislltag srttb Meado ood ralJleft ihta meralog (or Vpsitaali where (Iv-w k*r* far two weeks, iitoiaad
lie meraliig.
they win take up ibeir rtiMlca s
Mrs. P. D. Burtweii ratunraB to bar
•>me at Cndiliar tbbr umraloc sUe.dtaaea .Btaaehe CMpp ood m
• sommer ol KeaMawaats reteraed

Price, lorr^ued
cied esrh Wsday aod


Judga Parklaaem la eoau ot SIO.cock. Hmity Hajrdap. WloUmip


botue at Graod
Rapids ibis
ilag after a wwsk's vlrtt la tbe
turned to hla borne M l*nn Hnrvn this city with frleado.
BojTA. wota 'of OotroH. who hoo


western organixatlon bureau of. lb-’ Avu WeotrtO Ora^Rapids on Train
Woodbridge N. Ferris, candidal
coTetTwr. and Alfred Ijirkiac. esndv

May be ApgUad for by

0. E. Btreehtr and wriftTy

In Ibe city Cor tbe part few davs

F. ft. AlUo s« wNo.

party. These Included S«tnilor Tbos.
P.' Gore, ot OklabOMS. beaul ol

aiHke la in diraat ottpeolilea to notoD

rs dfve' vMt wHh mends

e. A. McCraw. who has boon wlbitmg

liarlng Us report >

ba atrike. Two tkfwaand atrork laai
•IBM. bai tkara la w rtolwiee. Tb«

r~‘—nrt o( £ttor ood GloTaanUtl,


each day tbereafler If market varies. dny.
• Ijy and itow It in only ocraaliuially
A. M.' Hutton retuenod te hta fa
any of them exceed the speed
B.l Kolkaaka ihi* ntornlag after nev
fixed by llir stall' taw.
eral days ta the ritv on htwloeo*


Midac a total of tear tboBaaad now

lawdoB. am. S7.-Tbe Leadoo detanao eoamlnk^-vbiak ta collecting
faoda bod prouotlag ogalnK tbe Ira-

far Jtao arbor and w ill enii r ihi

Smiib wax served with

HU vlgilem-e b:>v ica>i<
tbe opeed ot mai-hinea ibrougbout ’

T. C. Rarfceer who has boon vtaittag
a (be rliy fur anme iin>t. left iWs
moralag tar Cadlltar. sfbere he afft'

MMo Clsnbol Wilhelm
left' this
few days befnre rHuralOg
orotag for Ypaitaiit where she will to his borne at Chtcago.
L. M. Studemsn ef MiKawkoe orSpaulding Frtedrieh left yoM
lied ID the vlly ihit mornlog lor 4

mile Ilmlu

UoKli.-b does his doty r'car^l-ss

rominitb'c these were 'dUaipate<

be Itiy lor eoiv Uaw. retaraod to
■■ borne »t Graad RapUa tiia mata.

tier the oormal.


TM YfMtMiid WMk Owt.
ImMtA*, Maaa.. SepL t?.—Oeaiklle
asateat a •Mtenii atrlke. two tboaaaad
■ora otHWAilTea ia iba Wood- awl
Mtyear rallla walhad onl tbti morolBK.

Prices correrted earb MonBay

Toe geolsl raudldate tar aheriif
do'UiB n<M
llurrie« casbed up tbe l
(hrewleoed .dlerard early io Uo- day liy'Judge Uralur, cboerfniiy. and tte Hay .•...................................... ..........................Ill
diisoiih was closed.
liut abb the itatalenion of al
Straw, per ti
This i-sse-ta' anniber
proof that
nve menibcra or the old *Ute ceoiral



h«n^ Uiiung thta moratag
0 week In ibeVfly on hoataoes.

warr .a: sad appeared in court ihlc
moraing accompanied
by Goullcb.


tbta Mmlag. wbere abo wlU
regwoie her rthdie* ax tbe RonhaL
V. a Whaetar aod wtae. who haws
bred itaittag wlU mmada and r«4ativea ta tbe riiy tar aasdral dayK


«r C. Allen Sti.'ib speedlnx bU (.
on South Union street within the te

on Xovcmlisr 5.

If iMa folk a vote wH


O. 0. Carr, was hat hmn ir
Olty lor some lime 00 faostaOMty

W*a. L Ptatitao rutumod

total of i.::«. Tbe piwraillgg suoew who took Smith aloug In hta
alls, ta wtatb garb be was found
phere wau ot enlbaaiastir rooO
in a demotrallc victory at tbc .poUs oi'crbauling bis cor.



The totnl lUMo and by only a few paatlng rip­
tren cold weather has not rauaed
Wood taUL was baair baaieD wbea be SodaUat toU on Oklaboma four yMra ples of exritemeoi to diatsrb the gen­ AmocxipGotlleb to relax bis vlgiUnee
a«D waa tl.'St. Vkleb la tnotp ■*<■■■ eral aspect of barmony. today pot In­ til .-enrrh of «>eed I;-,.-. Motalcfs:
OaakM batweaa Mrtaera and apera- twicw that poUed la the atate of Naw to Domioatlon rrndidates for siate
Uvaa ratoaKirM atrlka wara fraaoeaL Jeraey. lo wblch tbe city of PatcraOB
i^hen be riiugbt Deputy Game \Vard-

ifiO« walked cmL E1«tatthoaaaDd tooro

■eaoie Haairaa Uft (or Mota-

wiut retatlrra

eeip».'sA.«OB: .eHT^.gT.4A«7.Mt Xo. Klngatey where she will vtaii lor
short lime behirw returaiag to b

BBT 9f-ber

ke*M»l arrMU wara nada (o aotat' baa alwaya beeti retarded at the forecenter of
iba mm duinct.
tbe CoUoeom at Boon waa the b
da^to «ba |Ma of eitor aad OMvaD- United Sutea.
demoeatlc ssaembly of lta<-kUid in
AfU AiaHMt tka atrtka.
■bit bUtory of Hlcbigan. More than
na atrtaa aurtod taat nigbt wban
MM) delegates were preseot out of

her racattaa

tbeta boras st Hawtaitw

returned to tbeir bomo ta TWtadO tbto
1 bis home at ttaacd kAyud* this mbrnlD^
Fe C. Markley left this moratag for
Mrs. T. e. Srowa of CMeoDh
Cadillac, where be will spend several
has bees vleiliiig in the cUy for the axa •• bustnoaa.
part tes; dej* left this BuxrnlDg f
Cea R. Maraor. who has bona In


UokaU Id tbo floM tbii foil, tbooab
tbo aoutb. 00 tbo wbola, la remark-

Misses Harai Knapp and Thorata
Ptaxbll left for Central Lake today
spend Simday wtib Mr. sad Mr*. Wal

IVbeo tbe rural

delivery syi

as Started sixteen yars ago the caH
Men wee* oaM tSee a yrar.


Dodge and wile left tor CodH- '
Uc todav. wbere they wlU rteti for a

C. M. El'liou. who hoo bcoft Viatt
te ta Ibe < iiy .Inc bobu- lime. !• fl Iht
loralBg lor Maalslee. where be wll

Kalamosea. where
«l».nd 'he winter.

Cadillac and -will be there .for

irir far a short lim- iTrlore retiirr

time on business.

Ig lo hi', h .lm

ul I'levelBOd

William M. Fowls, who is ongagod
T. R. Hardy end wife rrtumed f
tbe ice and coal bauacst id Grand tkeir home at Toroe(o, Caa. this o>ort
Rapids sn^^Jackaon is in tbc-clty for tag alrar several da.'s' vfsii in lb
few da5^^. Mr. Fowle l> a 1
•1th frIentU
ilUam Fob k. wbo was proprie

wiih fnends'before solag to

export' to

Mitohota aod family, wtao haws
been in Ihe
lor xome iime. left
thiH morning far SaglBaw.
L. Traey returttodto hie home M
Cadlltar (rutay oHOr a sreok's vi*l< la
the cUy.wiib trioato.

F. 6. Gordon end wifta who hove
From MoBitay's Record-RaTle 1
ran vlflilBg ta Ibo efty
far wKue
r. orta Mrs. R. ». Blrratay, who lime Wilt rataUrea, retained lo ibrtr
have been vlrtilog retativea fur tbo home at BeMiag to^.
boarding house.
Ur. Fowle
past four menks, retnrB*4 to their
H. A Crwgory estaraod to hta Hemo
ItTlog with bis see In Grasd Ropldsi heme tn Js'ksoo thta moralhg.
Creecile last eight alter a abort
time ago broke his
Fred Lindsey, whe has been vtalti*lt in Ihe t !iy w ith (rteoto.
serteua haadieap 10
ig IB Ibe nty lor several days, rrDr. H. B. Garner of Drtiwrt ta in tho
tbe old lUy House st the eon
L'nieo and Bay nreeu. wbicb a

tbe old lumber days Gie ' Company s'

he being
H yeara old
F. S. DIatMrsow.

ew.pectmaBtor of

lew daru on l•ilataeoo.
lately purchased a fruit

He hi

isroed to bis borne st Maaleto* tbio

farm oa

W. H. HaediBB''
Woaiiingteo. <
C.. to^ tbe city for a lea day* <

t< on bviBews

Mtaw Nioa CorapMO taft far brand
C. B. Hall of Cfacags. who haa been ■apid* this morning, called there h.
-prodtag tbe soiniDer ta PMortray.
ra ikoeto of ber brotber.
orrhed te ib* rtty thie toaraiog tor CHfvor A. Coaprao.
isit wH* frtaads before eeAl Dowldioa, who hoo boon wtab the


Uitta Tasern
niomr. left yeotortaft thta 4av for bi* wiatrt homo to Mtaort.

Mtao-etiicl Hlbbda retoraod today
to ber botar is Craeaeortlc. led,, after
Mouot Ftaoaaol to eooUaita her work speadlw
atitatarr bere.



a» ttMA Uf im

I, WMPAT, eotwit i,mi'

» In wni not at oer ■
ttdi^ ^ r'liBii, My methaia- naama am Ma*h and ha wwliiSi ok «bo hnr« kacan tapotR. Bho«ttaMlook«» t
: tat ftM ttma taftwwMd an
. omoua. for ha la mek.
Ray and Bay. Ov a^ooi atniMd tha bean dCUaprlneitmletodltar that the and ww dn: 'll >M manan that 1 1
: Btam»aO
asetaiy. Brat UeMny ta B^ambar. I am la rmtUmm «the lenaly alater oould ha mwt co to the ponr-torm CMa troobia
Irenlo SaUor. tba eicblk crada. kiy stndlw are Ua- nctfeetad.
of yaon. . Ton bnro hoM too Beod to ,
laty. eirll
“Wall. I karo .gam f« the ImroA* mo and oB of oa-Ko« taa will baeo
•. idvaMo^. a
aoU Mr. Worth WmaMf. drlrlnc into ‘ gho inttod n tam-wot tee# and thair
(encker. who le interemed in apaBlnc. We ere here crib- ihayord. -1 aoppoM ba li cenile.eyaamaC Tba womo atnnad.
nnr ktc Clab. Toe knew Mr. Wood- «maky etiec a while. I like ncrienl"Ferfectly ae.“ anawtrad ibo man.
1 didn't mann—I thawht—Oh. yooac amn drank three dr^ tam
warth MMileed to write yon mheiit Me toiw baetntaU my atadlea. Mr trwrbas the boy and r
^ OMk]
l Into the «hat hare I dooe*" ata bmka down tbe BhiK and aora anooch -hla hair be­
aebooL .
or-a name la Mr. Boma .
came cloany as tbe laraah wtac. U.
♦ I «m try MMT u mny m ♦ H«»*
tb* hudm «f tha
VnmlarWlt. Mich.
Tern lerMc Senbrnm.
naaa stnlcfct. and his ayan ad a Oo♦ fNtaM«MytMi«.
♦ OMten:
Bair. •«• iMrtM*;
Sept. SO. itir
erode Donaon.
let boa. Than ha Mcnad tbe paper,

■ ♦ PMHip B«lr u* (Mtc; TotUay Dmr SoltthlBe.'PreaUem—
interest««lHtryt.b.M hamr>i l ^
wyl» Bair. m. H*
and lo. tha atrnnear was enwa. Uke a
J nin awny oot on tb# ptalna In the »■» *»dy. and I do not wonder that Blake. bWtaOona. to tomtoe.Aaad.1 at the woman and than at tha harnm
eaatern part of Oteaco county. Ptem Fbo like It.
CO beaa. and then ha atoppod.
my ac&iol bonae atepa I enn neo (or
-mt to an ncht: only be nod t« “Macde. don't yon know her enma
mllea orer blU and mlley. esoapt on
WalUn. Mleh, Boi 3.
yp. He Jomped from the
the arest. There a beery giwwth o( '
SW- ». itir Old Ben (or the bof a aake.'
I 'TM'J2?“uta mum «.«.;■»•: mm
u. ttinm.; timber etlil staod*. There are no ®o*' Fresideoi—
8o Old Ben was drlrea away, and hoecT- '
and waieha^ kdtalhg ooe« ta tbe
• ^— r-'-ai I wHI «Trv. try • »»>>«<
acc fourwm: Jarry honaea in alcht. except two varant
» has been so leac since 1 bare to the three left briitod It seeBed aa
-VeA Pt.dK b« ytm dwl kanl me garden. A^ite teta It Waa brown •
oaea. where aotoaone has aomattme *riiten to the Soshtne pace that I If ibe Uebt of the .ommer day wan „ kao. jgu.- wa. the mthbUic reply.
• Biaa; Ona'Handwork,^acc tblnra:
lUed. 1 with they wetv dm there, thtmebt 1 woold write today. We
gather aou.
Fred HaBdwk. aie tea; D*e Haad- bat DOW tbe pUlof ore baoutKul. Doe hare a new teacher new. Hi. name i«
Sometbtoc that wa. donb.W.
One evening ad the harvaat tate cLAIIA BATU. KdHar
”'*■ •** **’'*“• 0*^F» Hale, ace aeet all ahades of color ta creen*. -'If- Trap. The amaUer room ha* alao prtoinc to tbe Old home happened a.
there rame a knock at tbo doM.
thlrt^; Beae Hair, ace tea: Tlleo.
yellowfc and brbwm., hud aometlo,e.'a •
temsbar. Her name to Mls» he left the f,na In the band. Of hi. gTwJ^ to
-.Now I have coma ter y^~ aaU tbe
n nlTm
Cltfll ■.««*
> 'dorr Hale, are aevea; Elmo Ca,w- dasb of red.
1 bare had my stunabine pin
«... ________ __________ii-i »»*«*■ «*
a kbarp cot with tbe whip
1 K~»»- tb.,. I„s.
f"b-»n.. Tb, .U»r .l,h, I
.• i*--,'" <ne
the Dank
bank tnsi
that failed Bre 'Very w*a The young boui waa
deni ly did not andeniand It. bat I _

only ftrst they moat m aad
MOB wmiaiBa.
Umtoe. Bockeer. ace aU: Jeeale Bachye.^ .aeA I col ume' o
seemed to make the bem of thine*.
..•Maad Vice Bn^dant—••»*. Iteae
^ ^rea; I.aer Warren, ace come from. If any of them oerv here 8«"hlner. and when I cot there I
.-thikfuKh ibVjyndne..
BUke. look at the oak tiwA jUl ahoot Ihe
Mr. Worth was an ««.y drirtw. for'
Be»aray BWaWa
aiaaler Warren, ace ten: to walk with me I would take them «"*■•
and be ha« helped me to oiany thtoc*: forest toavea lay Uho yallow goM natbe
'<*' ' »«'’ '«*
der their taat. otay oa tha wide
BfandwwHae Mm. A. t.
K*uk>r. nae aeventeen: Irene to an opentiuf la the wood., then »*'•'
It now he cannei do It any more.went one to falx bncc)' he was boar
Krlllor, ace ftflero: I>dii Frkbam. Er- alone a loccinc railroad lor about a
-Well he doesn't need lo, for 1 will aprcodlu oak they eevsrod an tb*
ihlokloK of the deal be Imd oa hand
mile, where wr woold vour to a little
neat Cervk.
e oBer that bcaarlMA bewwA h to trae. hot still
rioae out ibe
eloaler of board boumw corered with
> achera. not rery lone act. He
■ nHchbor Memed IItoomyxelf.Brm and strong.
one cr Mix BpmnaeV letten, tor paper. Thrv wi; „n,rtv ,|fVe
Olmrlcvoli. and stopped on hi. on whom ...__ __• t ialm. Thr old
You seA“ aaU te pmng mb. The
taker I. ItK. M»I ah* la a real BanaUner, beraetl.
horse went at Us own aalt and “Mr. «'«>rth was
outalde. except In sl«r. bjjt «o -iih
streager irownad. aad ttppad M the
■ “
know! I ahe
t told lb*
tomp-d Into grooDd With bto fem: and teo ta a

NMObar of aainto •« tbe Cmdla
nob, and read
flask be was gooa.
«eiu Oetahir 1, ttl*, MUaqoir of yoor VlaJu to them. I keep nirpriaed. Krerrfhtnx to neat end *“'‘*“*
norm the hfll road he went aad
*■" hour later be entered the vnrd
coxy; one would not expect to Bnd a
By and by to was wtattr. opd te
---------------------neari}- all of the SoBahioe pafea.
ihen np Ihe slope that led lo Ibe Haln ■* **'* **"" ®*
Blakem. Tbe famOne orcan and nice furniture to
young man sat by tha asnte aad watch­
^ Tbey are placed on the readlnc table.
beyond. This wa. a faWHlar path and *'> thooghi there waa aomatbtog more
Ptoce Where the iwopl. more m,
r*"“ '*“*
ed the roasting dMotantA Thor* ram*
Uahoi Hoitm, Ttnvarae City. Uhdi.. utd ] tall the bora and clrU te read a
-----. .....................
you are Indeed a tme Sonbeam, and I
a loud kiiocktag at tba dMs. ia.“
B. r. a No. T. Name eent by Uar- mem (or tbemeelrea. Then nhen I moeb. but you ran see imrh Ibliuto '
o «wd you a tww iniiioo.
right, Tbe driver wa* deep to bto «ghorse,

said Herr BehmUi'a daogbter where
imral Bcnom.
care the Inriuiloa to ioU> the Onb
nree as to the iwobable proBls oa the
heref he began to an as.
she aal sNontog EsA “thtow to that
■niea the cbndreDt 1 bare seen' '
Pnii,,eh Id.i.^ n«. -sr
Din Pnektanm and Emeet Carmak. Mariy ereryMe aecepted at oace. and
farni. amt did oot notice. Suddsml}'
' «>«> not want any’
Bent •! 'isil* the berM #u>|i|ied. Voir*, were hsprd 'htox to do with that horse of yours, same dark stranger, buitaand.Bear Lake. Mieh. Itaiera eent by doee then, all hare aaid that tho)' many who euipy the beneBta of city
Tb« young man aad lb* stianger

InBO Balik>r.
arlahod to Joln.^ One of them U n life who are not so mrofol In their
around tbe wmmn.
I don't like him."
went out lagether to tb* wtotm moon
Un Bair, PkOUp Bair, ftmmy Bair, truly Sonbanm now. and (bey wni waya and who do.not try so Urd to
"Here are .Mr. Blake aiM Old Hen!
was alwaj-* geatle light. I'Bder tbe widmaproodtog oah
Weytar Bair, Hnioid Aiktaa. Mlirord all make cood onea. It U banUor me
We are glad lo see voerMr! "
»‘'li n*-" began the fonner owner.
tree tbe snow lay white aramd. but
ABeIw. Um KelUor. Banaal Keilor. to maka them ondaratand that there the boya and drlK of the wood *cut-What doe. this meonr Iboughi
"He la gentle, nil ricbl.”
(here oa (he brnncbei te Isaves stOl
Oa^m UMSf, Brolya IteUh. Bri- mj* no doaa. nor nnyttaiiic ezrepl iry- ten oamA
•never hoiked or—"
^Cindle Roll. It to mr baby bigther. the rnon in (be buggy .
rluac. small and ahrivUtd. aad taeandnh Wamea, MhM Povari.
mg to keep oar Bunahlne pMce. .
On »y way lo sehool I see mnurlHe |. nearly three months old. and
"What did he bring ti*. mammar
“Oh. he has not balked."
aa tbe wind Mlrrod te«. Tbe
M. Haten Mk Ona Hnadworh.
name to Royr* I., Buiion. I co pllied a small vole,
"He 1* a light eater.“We are cotoc to work qolle a Mi bird*, ehipmnaks and red miulrreU.
atrante^-(sow grew black aad hto
Ttad Baniwpfh.. fiaa Bandworfc. Ilka the Clark nebooL We hare three cad one mpnlnc I saw a larce Mark„.hoo,
uke my learh
"Whaf. Ibe roatterr aaked a gruB
nothing to romptoln of that eyes burnad. Ha lookai at te tooTto
QMra SalP. Boaa Male. Tbaodor# ,
our list. Helen Korniik and aaalrtM. Tbare are dem- irarkA too, „ n,r name Is Mist MrArter. I am tones of Mr. Worth, as be pul bis »■“)- ®“« 'h» fact Is that be te not
nadeagrowtlagaotoa; a
amn. ate Cpanbotna. Dwral Caw. Blancba Slmpaon. whom yoo alrand>- Ipthe woods and one rathe riij-t ap lu
third ends. We are bartoc head out from behind (he cuRatoa of «*r kind. He has made me more una clap of thoador. ba-1
romroriahte ibis momlng than I bare tobed.
Iba arhoothooa* eteps, I know be was
weather here now. My studl*. ib« Uiggi '
Before him were tbe ootltoes y Iba heea 10 lea yrara. aod I mo t euud - At tost, it was IB the bright sprtota
there, for I saw his iraHc. Maybe be i^^e read&tt. spellioc. nrllhmeiir. writ
Warran, Far»a SaUMr, Irena ^ crows any since she was lUor wcntedtocotoarbool! A lame deer
,nd lampmce. 1 tblok we will roluce of the Widow Maine. She H!"
time, aod bird* snag, aad te grata
Sallta-, Bmt Uka. Mich. Namaa. ram ymra old.
coma into Sunday acboo) ona day at
Micblcna imme time. 1 was to poor taealth and her husband
Mf- Worth climbed dovra'lroia the bod* swMled with aop. Ode eveatog
nine years Md. As this Is aU I bad died the wlnie^ before.
»* '■»« •" hi* rbeomatlc UmU tbe boose was ahakoa wHh o MitatDd
'Vaatarday I cot a letter from a SprtncralA and tbe soperlniendeni
-Beg tour pardon, air." she borrled
Uke him, and witboot another .knocking. Tbme waa the otramtaflsatoaloaary to whom the Clafk aehool had ]o pot him out because he made<,n think of I wll close with cood
hoys touch so much.wishes te you and all (he Stmshlners
to SAV. "I ibought It wa* Mr. Blake.
sulked from tbe.yard. He dM -Sow I lure come fqr yoo!' he call­
aaat aome aerapbooka and pictnraa. the
Now. {
ftate U BmtOA aca thraa mmiths,
He was so good to u*. and this tooka «*« rven look arotmd when Mr. Blake ed la a terrlbte volOA
t not write shio^ m boib sutM.
like his home."
, «*Ued after him to ptnteat against the
t Button.
-Very wen.- aaU te ypoag man.
•Well, what did he do for j-ou?”
atdon. oor when be b«Ard (be boy
Idaho a^ Mieblcan do not a
-only you are tt rsttOtabM oar ham
"Oh. nothing mncb. bot be was al- And hit i^her apeaklag familiar gain.- They went ent Wester lo te
disunt when we hare lnterem>
trte ■Hte. Tfnawta aty. MfclK
Tonr PraaMeat also tboncht It
ways coming to ask bow I waa gattl^
«> <he old horse. Instead be wideupreodtog oak trsA Tb* Uttio
shiners to/both atatem
B. r. P. Ha I Mama aant by Mar- *onld Interaet yoo. and aha has oopI
along, and bringing tbe children aom* kept quietly on his way.—Yoong Peo- greep-leaves dasead to tbe soa and
CcraC fTaM-nW
("f you to ^ Mlaa

Sunihine Boy. Sr.
thtog to eat or toad. He often took Pto'» Weekly.
t'opemlsti. Mich.
ta ahd among (barn tba oM toares.
■■ Bobtaaon. the mlaatonary. aaya: -I
Sept. 25, I»12. them to the Sunday school over to
gray and orttharod, wtaa^artag wtth
wonder if you hnaa-l—tid mn-w on
Waanf It funny about tba deer,
the valley, too."
' '
Tte CnaOBh.
the mnp. W« are nboat Bra thooaand boya and glial tfhen j-oor President
Old Ben got nnotber rut with the Hew the Netbaa Cam* «a Ota Oak

teen a tong time aince J hare
Tbe stranger sasmad to pw tall.
Two ma» Bdtrirmia out In the nan«mMi aaothweat of Ban PtnaMaeo, and was p wee midget, aba ^raeU saw a ,ti„«
tta Bunshloa page, and ! whip (hat time, and be went spinning
-CEd darken, and hto qyas lastad very
Ona mhAH 6ta. the other bad the addias. to Knaak. Cantina lax wUd 4aer come tot* Traverse City, j,a\ now-uta the plaasnre of writing down tbe ronA
Did yoo ever know bow U happened
Eta He roarta ta tory. aad then ta
ab^ K- P- O. . At present my alatar abd ran across the atraei*: Doesn't ,
„b„. j h,re aurtad to achoM.
"A'hat did 1 worn to come tbU way that the leavea of tbe oak tree are hU nge be tall ta te yoong toares
■T^ taOtah yatl“ hie OBkatant'ra- 1* •»>dytiik Iba Mar^
that naaa atraaga now: And bar fa- ^ow. and ani to the sixth grade. My for. anyhow:- ihooght the man In tbs notched nnd pointed? Hm la tbe aad Mt and tore teta with hta gtonm1 am stndytnc tbe OObeit toacancs-' tbm tte an anraatog story of a big lecher * name to Sir. Bigge. I Uke wate.

renaon as told to an old Oerman to■total
tog^th: so ta tad ragtag dwaa te
that waadered Into Sunday
^ |ik,
gu to school,
"HelloT There’s Old Bea.“ exdalB- Beod:
vadK biting aad taartag at all tta
berA with wboee toncMSe wa are per- aebool, whan the counto *aa all wild, we uke the Tiwrerae City paper, and ed a man aa-be drove op to tbe stops.
Oace u^n a time a aorrowfol yoong oak laavm in hto path.
t tan yon hie >aetly familiar. Altboomi Tnik to only Tba daelSAOd iba bear were both ,
ie„^„ ,t„b, ,hc "ilan> a mile ba* that eld horse been man sat under the shape of a widelistpn. Btf Chiu, t
Tta yoong man tea taraad ho**•mimu
aeren huhdrad mllea away from lere. modb more aalontohed and frlcbtencd SuDshlners. and also the stories aod drltrn on‘errands of klndnesA*'
Spreading oak tree *nd algbed: •'Atoa’
a iwunad him at «— faw ha ntmed the Knaaiean toncuaco to quite dUfer- Ibaa were the people who saw them.
"KIgbl yoo are:- broke to the w^t ri^j:d,rase la mine. 1 do net
Please send me a button for
-Hosbanl.- ad^5««r'’tahmdit'B
ent. Tbe Truk people lire on tbe atb- you may be sure:
myself, and 1 will wi- more-keeper -| have aeen him aurt Uhe to work. I have no money, and daughter as te wte te tt ate
XWB tsB Cha snah tiwi a UtHana ar ride of the lalaad. where they are
But, dear me; It Is time the VUlt
,or them. I will oow out after dark to take sonie suppliw Herr Schmidt's daughter wiu . nqt Mm. -I have BB te tar Out MbA
emptoyeh by a trader. The aebool gave place t letters from Ihe Son- ,
the marry me becaaae my hair It red.'
e this In print be- >o
r. hoping t(
, bare la Intended for the idrta of tbe ,
Just then there came along by the
"Nor hqvo L' aaU te yMBg maA
MarMinU and Gilbert Istonds. hut we .
him road Unr who bad an old-ahaped foot. and (bay wMt lata te Imma
ba»«/eleren beys nUo.' We bare lo
"Oot him SI B bsmln. I xopposcr" »lte la on tbe>iokoat (or those who
Merle Bsrnhsrd
Now do y«a kaow bow h <aaw
, hare tbe boys to help ut bj rUmblnc
■'So' " muin-red Mr Worth shortiv. romptoln of the corab*in their boogy. aboot that tha aak taavas are no
two ttuto boyo In a at
You sod vour »*»ter have bad the
Ihe breadlrult (rra. and dUxIucibe
"Good day. Herr Ritter.- he said, "and Dotchod aad petottd. Too ta aw be­
buttons sent you, sod I am snrr they smi be mrani It.
r ddis- 'ara. for (be food of tbe school, ao^
Two littls boy* '-ams out of Ihe h^w does It bappeo that so bandsoma lieve It? Boa tt tta teat oak yoaOwe atwnys perieot. tha other
Aux. SP. f<l2 »,ii
you of the biK Sunalas lor aalUv the canoca !•> which Dsar Pi^ldeni
-tore and they at once w«p! h|< to the s young man. who should have all der and see (or yooraatt Betoet**!.Mne rloh- '
•rtma'aiMik yet (or my taanlnc." -e co from not aide of the islaod to
It has been ao long slace 1 hav<hor»e
' the world before him. tita here tod
- if* Old Brn. nice old borae: " they *lfh* uml*-r thi* wide spreading oak
“ wTltlen you I will try and write a lyw
rt to sehool. sod uke the xdiiir lewoo* a* lines 1 bau- been sick for over s
oid Ben's Miaalon.
said. BU.I lhe> |«ucd the boriil's neck treoT'
the Clrto. Our rcnulsf session* sre ijf year,,but bo|W lo he >>rtt<-r soon, t sbi
-|t wouM hr too ba<l. Indeed 1' '*» the boy over at the farm bad 'done
The youog man looked up raotlous- worited bard o aa natory of two deh
the morulnc*. and In the afientobin lairtreti year* old. WIU you |ilea*e would;'' and the boy told his bead lAmebow it made the man oooasy— ■}'. for be bad heard, something of a Ur* a weak. He was a sobdota little
my dariinc: tkair locks karc (here are rarioos kludx of work, sew- tsll all the Snasbine girls and boys to agatosi tbe neck of the old borne no one ever pette.1 bl* hortes—and he queer-sb'aped foot before this. But it chap, (allbfid aad q«lat. Floallr. Jest
■ttrtad rcy.—'
‘“K preparatlou of food, washing, tioo- send me a card? -Vow that I am tick wbllc bis band petted the side of the •ordered Ihe boya away.
Is yet to be dented that a Certain before ChristmaA ta pinokod np roar- Om na a cnrarMr to atttint today;
etc- I thank you for tbe thing* I Ilk* to look at ibetn. 1 went to gentle aalmal'e (ace.
He aaw etbers come op to the bore* One ha* pn-tiy mannera: and. bosidcA age enoogh to ask tor aa UonaaA
Tba atbar. • pnupw. looks am at tha *hlch yon so klodly sent, whit* are aebool abool thirty dayi last wlnur.
-Boi. Charlie, something must be as be remained a little white at Iba u« had call.-d him, MaA the woedcot-How mota mar* wnU pan Mtar
bMoc iiaed by the mtoatonarie. at aad hope I can go this fall. 1 will done. Mr. Worth wanes hi* money, ttore. He started for home sooner leC* son. yerr Ritter—that it lo my. Inquired bit employer.
or taa ntmahoMa. nWI Mtaa bto dayA l^h. I send kindest renardi to your- ctoor with love,
sod the horse to mortgaged lo Mm." than bo had Intended and tho^t be Sir Knight.
"Well.- antwerta te tad. “I dea l
as af ywTA
aeH. and eryry member of ^ SunVonr Siuibtnyr.
-| kaow R, bni if father could get would pot off the forer^re of the
-Atei." he **ld. “why aboold I not think dlty ceoti for a week wmM be
sbloe Club.'
Mae Paublc.
eometblng to do (b«Tc would hr no farm notll tbe next day. Tbe talk be tlgh? I do no^enre to work. I have too moeb.'
We all boi-a you will be etrong aooA need of It "
had heard that morning had up set no money, and Herr ScbmldCt danghTw« ktadw^ paapto wa meet arerr 'Timi to the letter from the misiilon-Yoo are rather a smaO hqgr to >•*
-A'ell. he rsnnot. and that 1* the bim. It teemed strange that everyone ter will not mnrrT me h aute my earetog two dollars and a half a
ary. boy* and glrtx. Doesn't It make ny dear. I Vm anre the Sunbeams
One tool wocli. the other at ploy.
you feel strangely to tbink of tlie girl* will remember to send you a iKwtaL end of It. We have talked It all over should think so much of a bomety old hair Is red. There 1* ho one ix> week."

Urtog ooenrad tor, dying unknown. and boya. wa} orer iba btbar side of
horse He did not think It arms the wrelrhed aa I." ,
"I know I am small.- ta rapiM
So Old ^n was led to tbe shed and man who bad driven the aoltoal that
"El. Kl’",taid Uie stranger. "Here Is -but. to tell tbe troth, Store I're
Tha bus hi mi hiTe hath ever n drone, the world, gelag to school, and baring Tmveme City, Mich.. R. P. D. No. :.
' Bex lOT. Bepl.K. iHl2.
given the last allowance of feed wbtcb had won the irie^. “Uke matter, much flr» for IHUe meat. Bca here I worked here I're been H> boat I
lasBoas, liiH as )-oo del Only you do
Dear Proaitet—
be was lo have to the famil}' that lor like borwe." was a iootto whi< b be bad have a little ffasK'oll of bright silver, haven't bad time to grow.. TW MA toy ehod. H (ha aqolpato not uka loarbea to
It has bees qulle n whOc since I m
ore than ten years bad made him never beard.
If you drink bnl three drop* from this
of‘*Teadfnill" aod'-uro."
I|e got the raise.
.r^.i-xnx. ' Now we win have a letter (rein tba wrote to yoA so I win write today, tbe pet and hnnwred friend of the Slowly tbey Jogged along over tbe yonr hair win become glossy a* the
Anlmslf Eaea.
rorrespoadlng Secretary of our new Oor aehool began the second of Rep- lam. Tbe (arm Itself had receoUy hlllA while the man'* thoughts went raven's wtoA and your note will be.
. thlA tad my atcfT to Breoek Snnahlne Club. Irene KeHlor. (amber. Onr teacher's name I* Mias been sold, aod bow ratihfol horse hack to a honte he had bad when a come straight and yonr eye* of * »ioThe ears of tlgen. (oaa*. WoKei.
Armltage. I am to the eighth gradt must go to satisfy ibe debu that stUI hoy. He had ridden it io srboel. tak- let hue; moreover, e^erv wish ih»t rsi> tod other beutt of pray beod
lUar lAka. Mieh.
log hit only titter with hlm -hui that ton have will be granted no the spot ' forward, while Umoe of anlattl* ol

Sept. 2T. 1*12. .this year, aod havf live studies. They hung over the Involved father,
are arithmetic, civil gorernmeat. geogBveryone pitied (be ualortunaie slater was never with him now. Had
That would be very fine The >v>uda flight, at rebblu. deer, etc, bend
Dmr ahnsbioa PNabtoot—
inphy. hUtory and grammar. We take (amflv an^ yet It was like Mr Blake hit own heart been to blame? No. he mah bad al<aay* bad a desire (or backward- Thto to hecaoa* tta enre
I am Ooneapondlac ftoeretVT of tbe Grand Treverw Herald, nod I tike m give up hit last poaaeseioas to hi* felt tore that fa* had been right. Hg rnven htlr.' But what would he bat* of beaxts of pre>- are totandad W colthe Sanahloe Oob. ao K to my place very mnrh to read tbe Runshioe R-t- credltorA White be bad them be had had wanted more of the coeirm of the lo pay? For with a m-nny one ran iert xouDd la |h* dlrwtlM taksA by
to do tbe writing. We ergantoed a lent. Pbr peu we have two rat* and beea'onr of lbs most gooerous of men. farm il5( aa* left to them than she. buy hot a penny'r worth,
a ptonauna
the animal lo lu poioalt of pray. Tba
week ago. Oor oSiren are:
Aa wa notfon Bttlo pnlns:
and a little colt. ^WiO you pul my and be was as goneroiu to hit tauea and had made her leave him Of
“R^y. IKH* or nothing.- »ald th* can of on animal of Sight, tarn back,
Presideei. Irene KHBor.
tt we nito tafot our toaocA
fanKber’s name«n tbeCradle Roll?
“We are no worse oS than many eoorie be wai right. lie bad not seen atrnnger, "only to sign ihi* bit of pa- enabling It tt boor aennta mota bp
Vtoe Presideat—Don Paekham.
AM nmambar oU oor gatoa;
Hit mama is Willtom Nelson, nnd he to ottaeiA" be retnoriud. ns tbey stood ber for ua year*, although she wo* per. *»>'tog tlial In a twelvemonth you H* pursuer -^alectad.
Beereury—Mabel Powers.
U wa mate tar poMtato TirtooA
twsotrtwe months old. Mabel Moo- watcUog the horse Mt tbe oau. lirtng no near.
wlU go away srllh me "
And thatr tanUa rataae to ace.
roe would Uke to Join the Sunsbine -There U that tamUy of emlgreou
Bomethtag uotamltlar to the road
The young man heslutod. aod stood
Secretory. . Irene aob. Too can aeod her card aod but- that went by last night boand (or a made him took out. Where waa be? with hi* head on oof. side. 'In a
Ctaartnl plam thto smrM wotad be! Keillor.
too tt mo aad t will give lbM> to ber. borne out on tbe prairies. Tbe man The old borer had taken advantage of twelvemonth truly, bot then It would
tVhy. where waa Uitk BUI?
^Tooth'a OoBgutoA
Bditor. Ida Bair.
And wfU you picaae send me another told me that they bad ootbtog except fate dimming to wander Off aga». he the bright springtime, ami the Herr
-l.eoDorA- ata mM tt te cUM
I. ..„mm I
lAst apring 1 passed tbe eighth bottao aa I have lost mine?
the goods to (be wagon, and that if They wtte to the midst of a garden Father's garden mu.t be planted "
BBEBIDIMrB grade nsmtoatton and this yam-1 am
Tonr Sunbeam.
Uey do net. find a fanii toon tbey wnere UieTt were hotlj hock# snrh as
They would not quarrel about It:
-Is yoor imle broter Bir
only taking op four aobtaetA oo4ba
A«a IS.
Margam Ransom.
mnst-gD to tha poor-boose."
he oamt to aev by bu melbrr's door th* stranger would roine for him In '-OK no'm- Leooora aasworM.
Wtaro Stan your Preatdmt tagin oebolaia thought that It wouU be nice
Wtat n nice rooelve after ' “And then look at Mtoa Wottb—the A tmall cottage wa* before, him and^ tb# tummer.
ber bright hand qoHk.
bar tata this sraakT tttoOMotthe tormeto have two oSkea as I wonM aoeh a long tOencA 1 am happy to bat nothing to live oa and do to h* door was 'a woraaa. She cam* 'x But the anmmer wa* ao<h a warm,
• At te mere sogeatlaa od ate a qtawtea Wte tartean mte tn my! have mom Uma than tha msL
quickly forward
plaatam teaaom Tbe yoong man dM
print ter nnmo to onr.Bonnhlno page strength to bolp bereMf."
PartaVA Slot d( dU. te wfn ta
We hnve oor maetlaa eran-'FYlday •BOO iBore.
YIt to a ibama taat bar brother
-OKltwatso good of te»»ot think that he could go away to tbe
be ton'l: ta'a *kk.“
graOr tataadtoE tt laniw a n new at S:IS a m, and at our meettog to•
sbooU treat her so." brte to the come;* tbe said. "I did aot kaow tnmmer time,
—Anal* B- DateU.
a aob orgataaod by day we derided te rail ov paper CTba
A little sooner, a lliile later: the
BnOalrA Mich.. R. P. & No t. reifA He bat ptenty to iteep ber aad what to do: You know you Utd ma
Bear lAke, Ptoaaaat Fteaaaatoa News.- as
Try HiIa
' BepL M, ISIS, fateelf. bot be wiu not give ber a to aak yoo If you wonted anything, atrengcr -ooW come In tbs aotomn.
•Beta, who tautaa
asontaA Ceo- aehool houso to to Ptooaootoo Contra. Dear PiwaMant- ,
BimdfoH two boys sod sat tea ancMt-“
ad oow I do. When I taw OU Ban
-No. that wooU not do either, for (be
■Whir what o apttndM
We have two new aamsA Dm Peck(ba Utete Boor with otaig btel of
tTA Ten
I retatrqd the caiSe. aad think that
one knew ihJi better than tbo romtog ap tbe romi I Noew that my roqtb was so (Md ot oot*.
Chih aba otana ta tta Clorii bma. Bmr l*ke. Mich., sod Bmeat the SBtttatM Cradle SoR cordi ore bosbond blmoelf. He had more than iwayer was answered.'tae limped
A IH«te *oooer, a little later; tbe dry broo brtwoM tem. Olv* aseb a
grtifirl. rear betorr laM. aa bow the CermaK Bear Uke. Hieb. Dm IVch- veer prttty. (iaroU and Orville are oooe tt hi* Hmadt flvsa head tt ber aa aba toma ttward Bts'a tee ami stranger would cqme for him to the apota and let each teed te other.



K«“—« —■




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