Grand Traverse Herald, June 27, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 27, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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pm ORE


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NO. 2*.

Tb*i va* ten ream ar>. asd thougb I Ible for him to claim il.
Iher aim)'* apoke irben they met.'followed him up.

But Jobo t en dead a’sea-month. He waa Jlat and wtn-c he waiks Into his labora- ibuee grase h.«u»e Imlt-lers locrative
A UHlc of Evaiythlng.
\t ddin' by, an' he looks 'round an', lory ;n Kalamatoo. or rides fever bia employtnoni toronsir-jet some housee
inV hair lures grey flvg yrers
PblUp bad oerer goae to jtet hU Black |
--Shure abe'd etre ye wao.’ he raid. | • e Miss Prentlee In her garden, an'' broad acres, or oversees operations at that may bi' preserved ns models of
than a woman's,
r the Bluib Rose ao modi I "01 know from what she said 'boot ye t
give* th' reins int# ih' hands iv'hbt dlMlIlerie*. folks bow politely and an ancient art. But they and
queen of Portitgal has a mediflduc
dearer. All that malned to him of th* maniln'. but CM don't think Ord:t . boy. an' CM sees him— Look, will say to ibemselvee. •'Hiere goes Mr jUie
the grevs
huts that used to dot the-cai degree and
oaMly eani her
TbHr liDldca notof 4irar;
that happy June mornlnc wai a with-i beat tell ye, Ir coorse. me an' her'a
hastely womima on that'.Todd, the i»-i>nermini king!"
WIchtu reicrvallon liurg as a d.vtof.
W'hlla vtrllr frooi l»«> to Irf
ir^IIy away In alauld fri'ndt. an' what she nMyii D me I twK^boaht"
y minutes of twin In a year la
Tlie coulp bream crept
boa with some bits of Jewelry that j la in shirict confaydlnce."
| .'Is
ns esi the bushes If large eueiiIt. Mr Todd's firml prt>•:la^ are dwernuned ilmt ihHr butt socu'itmes alt that southern Egypt
. Till CruDk with puegeot f
n*hai did the Doetor^duevr the I •tilk of the iieppermlm all .vhall o« survive them,
had been hla mother-j tavoriiea.
-whal are you ulking
abotil* "
gets, and there is -no dew in that
i they Blcpt.
Always when he opened that box;pt|„p rteeled abruptly, it seemed
the t'nited Slates; the re-- Appearances are i<ten deceiving,' tailed with'nmind.-r
the of that bud greeted him.! , „crilege for John to speak *> fsmll-'
gros-n In a few favored One look ujaui a grass boas* and
When fleet the
It Is said that from gn to ipa tons
• h«i hw looked at hla dead
<,f prentice though he knew thul.'"-*
good half-hour spiM' ;n
iliuti.v, Xew-York state.etr, Itnacim- ;l aa racy ;biitg to build But
h.‘iieless pork rrodv lor curing, arrive
mother's rtnga be wished he might; „
,h,. old Irishman reverenced
“' Oi c'u o see mat
op*' rrodu( i-s a Ifttle. loo, bdt not not «>. jt [>. irdei-.! most Iniricair.
About the fouaialn'i tlm.
In tllasgow dally.
place them u|x>n PrenUce's stend'rl|,,.f
j'bout nildiclne. aythiv. Ol t
The gm»> Is gaihei>d early In the
The eld atone faun amlM drowally—
Wha'ing Is a crowing Industry in
j .,.^-bv. 'iwas 'bom ye.
But ,hnre. i'here's ncij^g loike a widdy
lit he isn't Piiinlhg a trust, and he st>rlng. when ll Is yet fresh
The sod
' We knew—wc apM on him!
the South Atlantic, centering around
t. p-:ffed up with pride. 1 found cittlng u.-uully iak<*s
Prentlee had ale-ays lived Oi'd l«>l no tril It," the old gardener I
ati old maldV
And wtaen atrajiitn footfalls. Uflhl and
ihe Palkland Mands.
to' 1- ji v-.-ry unassuming, kindly, ly alter n rjun. the »
there in her little eotUge cl.sie under ] replied, lantallxlagly.
"iU**' ITentl^ is not an old
being reniirv-ed
sausage fi~ir feet long and one
mcKlesi g-nileman. »hc» takes good to .v
,v thieVn-s
fef aUnt rtght Inches,
the wing of his mansion.
Not long' ''lYhat did she r«} •' Philip walked ’ Philip flared, anprily
Came dancins UirouBh the Ktaaa
thick formed the wedding rake at
sjld John, doubtfully, "nor yp care of hU empimees' Interests and Huff.ilo gra*.* sod is the only kin’d that
after that morning In June her father close io Jt*n.
^ reed bloa’n melody—'twaa Pan—
.viimiT butcher's wedding.
bava ll i^** **’•' 'h'vikh i*sl as health
(->i. tils farms he has built will answi-r the purpose n! ihehifildehad died, ami two years later her
'■Well, thin, since you
We aaw bla ahadow paas.
« woman ml»sl..nurv reeemlv pqt
tnother'had followed him. so now abe abe says. >evt she—we «>
““J*" P'lrUer: an' Oi'm modri hom.-,. n-arting and recrentlon He hegtns
.the foumb.ilon* as .,n
diver'.-suit In Tevr.m mtd IroW '
IJoclor's molnd. rooms. Ice bouses, bath-house, elc. Hla do>s the, stone ma*i«, digging away
. I wonder if aprlns wakcna there
lived alime except for her one aervauu there be thim Black rosea iv hers thinkin' that's th'
John sbiatk his head moutn barns, vtills and other btiydlngs a
, depth
a!.ouI one
Aa brav«Hy aa id old
She and John, the gardnisr. were Mv! they're bao'somer this aaywoi
: fully
"U'hin Ol think Iv ihitn four up ti- dale; there are Mephonea. go
1-utun of the rhiinks.
aiwaj-B friendly, and in summer-time
(f In the palaced alley Mill
than they her was before!"
,o tr„- outsole of from ■
''»"'■»>'>« »re pmeal users «
'half-grow«d boys iv his an' MiM-.Prvn- Touds. running water, mail and n
' The aame sweet laJea are told:
had many lalka about their flowers,
"What did Ssyr' Philip repealed,
tice mliberin' ihlm. an' workln' f'r way fuci!ltl<-s; In fact, a little town
pointed flniir. und Ihe pivj-rt frotii Ihe I'nlieJ .
And If. srlifalD the unknown land.
^he knew that be coveted the Black
"he say*. 'John,' says she. 'Mr.'phil
Stales is b.-st adan'ed for th<dr usea.
liillo delleotV a farm.
Another heart may atlr
rose but would not offer bim a bush, Ip is a folne man, an' honsome euoiigl thim wl
• nu-» ihrouch the
•Tine- Fdsa'd. eldest son of the
r. Toild's farm for the sniokiTo flulck remembrance at the breath tbougfa Bhe bad many.
f'r a quane. ati' honest an" Ihruai;
"< "'a'.- *-a- developed quite "Rolierta hasn't gr>i her
•• Philip'i:
-R rn-its Of ,1... lat’er iM>lnK eai
Of ann-warmed lavender'
offered one to Philip, and he enough fr any gimil.' "
savagely reminded him. ^
jrat-ed vep-iable
—Charlotte Becker la the New Tork never cared enough fw It to come and
To work It |i|pe on ili>- o'l' Id., of tho bill The
Th look of glad surprise upiu
"f ’’‘'rtheril
^le will. A man that's bad expay- ai all ni-o—Ualed.- IheV digging of'dtH.r Is iisnii'ly I the Mwlh and there
Bun. ____________________
get it." she told benelf a thonaand Philip's 'face was succeeded by one o
■niroiigh each tuft
Hence with women knows Jist wbal ililny nr forty miles of oiien ditches arvn-> window
ll was not at all like
A Cireua.
J evtendlng >i
a-e* a mile from
111 say to thim. He knows enough to aj hl» land. And, eve
a utUow 1
'. there tif ««-l t.
Old John had long ago made up bit Prentice.
Bf tbia oT werT
] Ihe s!;ore..
be righu to move Inui th’ big wan,
la a fleetin' ahow.
••la that inter be asked.
Acere-dl- •comes
and U length he nwolved to awiii
it'a the beat ol' elrcua
John met the stent gray eyre com
him th* 'no' nncl. he's got th' slnse to hadn't ihoiighi of piming on the
In tile moving.
I want to know.
pelting him without flinching.
knpi- right logg till be gets the 'vis' hursei.'
hig, rounded, wooden bog
!• Is inenly
"Hr. Philip." he began. In hla moi
Gimme a ticket
"As three as <M'm sbtandin' ht
he's afther. Whin Ol coorted me Mag- shoos, nearly a fool In diameter, held uo| at all iincomiuitn. u. s.v the sides •’v-g t blarneying tones, ooe monilng when with me pipe betsixl me teeth." 1
An' let her im!
recMillv been
gle. now, me thlrrud.. whlniOl says, in plane with straps, snow-shoe fash- of the grass houses turn green as
M*'s IT./
nuilp waa looking ft the roaea. "Ur. took a convincing puff, then added,
vexnr of Oalirav.
■Maggie, w'u'd ye lolke to be callin' Ion.
' spring api'roaches. Just as do the pas- np!«lnlod
Black R^ and a Bluth Roe
Philip, th' two iv na-me with
an Injured lone, ''Ye can lUik her ycr yerailf Margaret Ragan?
. .1 only wrtvman In
It has a! The .l-'tails of iwppermlnl culture-tures near them.
The houses are She !• *'e
A low faece divided Philip Byfeld'a
alntp an' ye with ye'er bo»* eltr If re don't belavo me."
.-••fled as a civil
piirly sound.' she ips an' says,
'An' are briefly as
follows: . EarlyIn 1 warm In winler and cool In summer. Ire’anrt. f ■padoiu craunda frem Preotlce Arin'l togllher relae roeea lolke
He would he likely to ask her! Y
w'u'd lavin' mb foor dollars th' spring the ground Is plowed andfur-, They n.-ver le.vk
Ofi.-n the Indiana engineer,
nold'a amall lot.
Philip had
Mies PrenUee'a. bliwa herV'
John's words (hough he could n
• - 'hstlttit* aolltAlT'
wake fr a puny name an' nothin' to!rows are made two and r>ni»half feel, have bants 'niade of the same mater.; It Is propllmea wlabed there waa no fence be­
■That la so. " Philip agreed.
quite beltere (hem had made him CO with ll?' An' she drives meoutlaimii. Iberes
I ' 'x yeSTw for the
roots and rtinnersatv Inl, bni In these days the redskins eonfl'iemert
tween them or their wreundt. yet they
"She's a folne IltUe lady, she la,
thrill with a hope that he had sup Iv th- house with a hrttom. Tit'
No death
nlxt'dug from an older mint Idul. andUId are made to live In frame sharks, and d.«ih penal'
were hardly aequalnteal with tach party an' swale as wAn Iv ye'er pink
posed was deed long
iwiicd fee some
toime Ol asked ber. Ol says, 'Jdaggle.jclosely tccether'hy hand along tbeaeithe once famous house will si»tn l.e senienc '-aetha notwlihaiandtnc their
"There's a rose Iv your'n. though me darlin', Ol'm filin' fifteen dollars furrows, the workmen mveiiiig tfaese'bul a recollvetlon.
love for reeea—e love that atnountol
that she hasn't Ih'lolkea Iv. 01,»'«d
Ih'wake, an'Ihere's ye'er foor dollars,
by pu-hlng ntril over them with :,
- —
almost to a peaahm.
give her wan. but it's tfat new Lady
on' livin' lift f’r me. K's a -Ighi aisler.jihe fi-t
In about two w<-eks rultiva-<
Reemy Foot-Gear.
PhlQp had Kmc borders of them, the
t gleamed among -the Clmory. an'.there's Jisi a few liloa
0 tie driven ilowar
In -RecoUertJoiis of a Hnimnter
dartin', to rook Fr two nor 'Ha fr
lion iH-gInv. and ronilnucs until late
■asst and raraat that money can buy.
countin' th' buds, an' Ol wj
all she says was. 'Lave me lone ■utiiraer. at which time Ihe growth
y," the'auiht.r. Mr
Klrffer. irlls hereafter than has been tha V*aa IB
and a aUlled Kardener. old Jotm Ra­
••Whin (M flret come Into ye'er afraid ye might not lolke mq givli
Ihe past.
John Ragan.'
But she shpared the iritcilcally rovers (he ground In long, i
•iiy inrldeiils n.uiiorlid with
gan to care for them. PrenUce's roaea
garden she were lotke th' pink raeee ■him awaj'."
1 by I'nele Ran lo thr
Rudolph Ulmer, a clerk In the oMce
broom that toime. An' Ui' nlxt toime straight, undulaiiiig.
were moatly the common varieties,
whin ye aces thtm in th' marnin'Vith
Philip hardly wailed for John's la.
’ the udjutant generri «l-^’aBhla«int. Ol took me courage with me.
that Rtmrh away almost to the'srrldlerw of Camp Curtin,
and she took all the care of them her­
lb- dew an’ th' bllasld eunligbt shpark- words—they had given him the excui
la. ha* Just completed &0 yaare of
: cribing various dllflntlte* ivenltlng
a goold ring wiih s hlg set In K horizon.
self. Bat there Vss one rtae of here
on thIm. an- now—" He waited bo wanted- Taking out his sharp
cmtlnutius service In the amplpy of '
When the plants are in full bloom from lli-flilinc garments, be says
Shparitled ioike dew on th' clover.
that Philip had never been able to
pdckethnlfe he slashed away at
s-BS AS greiie as th' bllssld sniiit's
le field* are rui with mowing ma"One day the sergeent was drilling
procure—an old-raabtoned one thsi
••Now," continued Philip
bush of Lady Clanmorrls rosea
novernmenl testa of flrt>UIIed tin­
mlmury. Alt' Ol eatebe* her hand an' rhine*. reked with horse rakes, son : the company on the facing*,
Prentice called tbo, "Black" roae. It
John's presence, and
spewking his he had cut every bud and boaaom
Ih' rtug on her flngvr—an' there dried and then haul.-d to the stills, face, left face, right about face, and of ier have demonalretod that this wood
waa not ovrlarse a^ the petals srere
like the oldBomcot
wratebed his men's feet closely s good and should bo roislldered as
■ II ii^uuN«aMU "eeewded as la many
fashloned Blush rose, the sweetart Pnntloe. lajing the roses In
horoughly ssaaoosd tlmbar. as far at
I lave holt iv that ring, an' Oi are taken from one plenUng.
|(o a,*- that Ibey eenl. through
of the newer vaMetSea, nor were the
■e that ft owe."
handa. as eager as any boyish lover.
t* u*o I* eoBcetiied.
TTie yield of -oil from S too of cut; niovemenl* promptly.
nlver begroodged Ib' cost I' lu ihough
husbea aueb rampant crowera: but the
"YIs. thal'8 It; see now what Ua
■John aaya you have no rosoa HI
The fish pepulailoe of the Nile U-'
: two days iv me hamid womik. pl*nis varie* • greatly aometlmes be- pair of ft*-i dr.wn the line that ■
roaea— ineh half-opened pointed buds
haver an eddkmUoo! Ol might Iv flit (base Mias Arnold. They are d ne
rorse. now. If Oi d have been
iiig as high a* eightero pounds and : budgid at tbe rommand. the sergeant aid to Iireweni a greater variety than'
of doeky beautyl aoeh full-blown ilobeart'tlll 01 died.
variety that I procured a year ago Ignerlnt ould lutch Ol d have give
snmetlmow much leas.
Mr. Todd’s . rushed up in ihi> possessor of them, h.vt of ajiy other body of water. Ao
bulee of Bveetneee! In the ahadow at
•■ipedtiioa sent
:t from
tbe RriiUh motstills each htive a rapacity of about and tu menarlug lone* deraunded:
black aa tMr name. In the eunsbinc '(wouldn't have eehcaped th* tip o' me and theee are the fl



l.-n, w

dewlDc crUnaon. and aa freersnt at tooogue."
He could hardly wail for Philip
It they had been steeped in the attan
•t oul of sight liefoTG be went

of the Orient!

Once, while PrenUce waa at work
amoBc ber rosea. Phil^ leaned over
the teaea. and called to ber. -'MUa
Arnold, do you know how wicked you
are when yon coei those Black roaea
to bloom*"
She looked up atanled out of her
usual tkyneea. "WhyT" she faltered.

•What do you mean iiy n'K facing
Philip wa* nw lislenlug to a w
ptwind* of oil a day. After the
"What beeuties! " Prentlee burled :he (dd Irishman was Kiylng: he <
dlstitlailnn. large rakes of moist "mint about when I t-ll you" I'll have you
her face
.loklng toward the little .irbor wb
hay" are inkeii from the vaU and jmt In the guard house'
plnk-bearied roses, parlly
"■Why. I did, sergeant.' eald
dried.—K.vrni Journal.
Prentlee was silling
their fragrance, more to hide
"Marnin' to ye. Miss Prentice." :
1 lell ye, she won't have m'
lined hla old bat. and put his black blushes dyring her cheek*.
toimo fr'roses whin she has ti
•k I* m.ihiiig moiv nor '
John stood watching them shrewdly shtnippin' .voung vannlnis lo h
pipe Into hla pockeL "An' 'Ua raealif
iirk of an evergreen trt
would lolke to Bay what Mr. Phlflp out of the (all of bla eye.
afther." John began u IndustriouHly
ipertus, growing prlnelpally inl
"He's ruined me Lady Cl'ranry. But clean tut tJie stem of hU pipe,
said 'about ye this martUi
•Why. you see.' said the poor fclnlver molnd. next year Ol do be bavin' -harp mile e.v.-» iteering oul at Philip Spain tini] in uiher countries border- .......... my shoes are so big that they
toongue hasn't th* way Iv 1:
Jo, j p, through
- blush-for she blushed
.' Black rosv*fmrn Iteneath tluHr grir.xled thalch of

Phlllp abotild have spoken
'‘Becnnae whenever I look at them aa eeally at thirty as she did
while his roses were cool and fragnini
I break a commandment I do covet twenty-then corosUy overcame
Philip said Kometbing under
tgalntt Prentice's face, and her
them—wkkedly. lereodllr covet them! Umldliy. and she asked.' "n'bat
breath, John did not catch the word*.!
I have aent away for doxena of the he aay* Bomeahlng about hla roses, warn and glad at the words John had
It he understood Ihelr meaning when
told her were Philip's; but though hi*
■ocalled Black reeea, but whee they
• saw Philip go towanl th"
full of love for her. and the derJ*lon In i-very Mep.
reflealvely. "twaa
bloem they are not like youre. «Tiere:
roes. He says, aaya be. 'Mlsa Pren- words Iremtded upon his longue, be
did you cet Ihemr
o think." John exHuitneil t
speak them,
"Mother got them from ber gnhdrc. now. do be knowln' more 'bout
"ih;<i lyin' should eome t

irdeii* It Is about fifteen >-ror* o1d.!,j„. ,notions on Ihe inside of them,
e hark is the right thlckni-ss and
quality for maniifncluring purposes.

o„,. „[ ,|,p

Ibe Order of Jeaulta la
Interdlcied In Oertnany, (be cautltupruvldc* for the entire liberty of
C0Q«rlenra> and for the complete aoeial
equality of all religious onlera.
Ralloons for earTTlog signala hsvs
bt*-n iniruduced toextslvely In tbs
German service. A field equlpneat
maouracturera (be gas. and the badlooa carry wires for receiving arirelesa
igea, aa well as cameraa for tak­

Honey Vinegar.

The bark is stripi>ed from the tree,

oiim not. lolrir a*«?«iOi|j^#.SM

,,rodurta coin-

ing plrtutra of the enemy's poaitlos.
In the rough at New York tbe aver­

Holland, that land of agn- age value .d dlmonds la I31.&0 a harat.
industry. Is h<mcy vinegar, The prim to the public Is more Ihab
of such width as t» retain Ihe curved !«.|,|rh Is now nianufaclured there oo tioo a karal. because of loss In e«(>
laUir In cleaving, cutting and pol­
from the top o* u»- trunk lo ih.- l>ol- , commercial scale.
The particular
ln»>n *lripp<-d.
'chariicteristicll. f vinegar luorto from ishing and dealera’ profits.
In irirvs id two or three Inrbe* In
ihirknws. of oonalderablc length, and

■sea than me an' ye put Into wan. an' golden moment passed.
e Ih" flrsi toime ibrvin'! .
The hark peeler, or cutter, makes
are^ agr.r-ible
The king of fliam has a l•odrgaW1l
she's bersilf lolk th' ould-faabloned
Afterward the had again pulled the so iniieh nater than th' truth, n
rd l<*t female warrtoni. At the age of
> liardly worth conflssln' to a »ln in the hark, perpendirularly ,,|,.;.:ant jasie.
"1 thought you could not fall to uke Blush rose, Ihal's awater than all th' manllo of reserve about herself, and
III they enicr tbe royal serrlce and ro
my broad hint " he laughed, aa be
kinds put toglther.' Ah. he's Ui' he could not distinguish I<-lween her Father'Uornaiy. a* hi- iiiiglii have I oiii the top of he trunk to tbe btrt-i
main In It until Uiey are ZL. when ther
Jelly kUklng Time.
vaulted over the fence, and stood lopk- rare Judge Iv ro«*. Mr. I•hlllp U! beauilful nu"le-iy tied the roldne
prejudi-ece- tti'll .gvt Miss I'r.-ulii-i- ’• i: another liu lsli
rtno. and at some dl*-.l
; reserve. Their sreapoa
jcllv !*ag In iKiillng water
she Hflecu-d to .eoncetil her feelingsIng down upon her while the cut a Now. ain't he. Mias PrenUce? "
lo pray fr me. an' that'll L- good',''
bniizontal cut* at the ,
it ..,’it B* dry a« pofslble beand they are splendlflr
'Why. yes, I auppoee he la." PrenJohn grew Jlssatisded with Ihe pro­ enough f'r nu'. tin' f'r Mr. Philip, too. '•
large htmeb of
the Icmg-etemmed.
meethir's garden. Wouldn't you like a
bonchr she asked shyly.

tlrn answered, divided betwent the gress of hit master's (k>iiriBhlp.
eomber roaea.
Ol'm thinkin'."
picee* are snaked in ff
"Well. well, to see th' lolkea tv
Her while aunbonnet had slipped
that she ought not to listen to
Big Peppermint Farm.
-wat-r, itml ar.- placed over a fire when;
from her bead, and bung about her
nd the happiness (bat Philip hlmseir:'' he reflected. "Ol've had
n Huiithwesleni Michigan. Albert iieariy ^ry. tli..y uae worched a IHUe j„
neck; damp curling tendril of fair had ao thought and si«keB of her. folve womcii.-heaven tills* thelrsowl*.
hair Ml about ber white fordiead and
“ dahuy tare; ber cheeks were flushed,

m U* bis gardner.
AH' any wan c'u'd




rii.r.ti-g ,'ei:y. as the nap on

Shure. It's ,ha„

loo.wi ,

f which

meself will br oblceged to pu*h hlm|n..iirl» une-half la d.vot.-d
to the and to brine
htm'seme •long *ome more, or Pi'll niver he gli- prowlng of jieiipermlnl. the reowlnder pra.ed down with weights
*.•* till* ..ime
Ahmd he asked. ' Will you put this enough Tr a quane. an' hnneei
being uilllz-d aa pa«iure for fimny'hta
i' tin thitu Black
a* BlD*ti huiidr<-d *h»rthorn caul*'. Iiilhvwib-I oi
bud In my bullonhole?
My flngere gond hearuyl oioogh. fT—Tr—a glfrill
betiher an' swatcr than soy R<»c. ayiher. "
are clnmay.'' he added, apologellcally.
Ur ilKt-<- shorthorn* are fi-d "mint
be spontant-oiii- artloO of
He studied a lone tintr. "Well,'' he hay.'.—(I by-product whirii remain* ih'Her o«n flngere trembled as she quane. Now. ain't hef "

kc^pi hi* pro-..'

■'I will come for It myaelf." hi

smile broke Into rhiiekles many limes,
jlhai day. hut V

1 PrenUcc'J



with the awwetnew* of


"Ol winl over to see Miss Prentlcejpcr to ye.


She* beysot there, la Ui' greally lcipr*r**ed by Mr T*»ld

prentlee with wldly hesUng heart, fled th- maratn'." he began.

Into a' frrepiift-d a fnllAet <rf the p'lblieatlooa

l-eif in tb" fruit, and the William of G"rr;»r y.
* to tb*f 1*0101. the weight ,m*en:flc|mtly Ici'-nd

tlirv.Y. hours u. exiraci the J'Jlc*

••xe*‘lleni bay for' viiiy tnl*farm

hr, William J. HoHand. director of '
bag- l« |t|.<- rurn.fii- muae-im, Pltlabtirg. has

ia l.'dv*-* * lure*' 'iie nlng of the miis'.-’iin 'u 1" aent to Emperor .

t*- KStn**l in that way


worth I : or »3 a pound, and yei


w flaiin*-! **-»*-.l


The books' are
and represent

in M*-ricn n goM tniuehaa J’i*t b*e*

!ov. ' a very mod<T*t*- heaufor two *>r c-cdP


j*tork feeding?
awtiy. whUsl Oi whl*-|
vYhvn 1 vidi.-d tbi*

i that The l*«t

x.-v.-r try lo rank*- )c|iy In about w.;d fur
iflv.- -••cottrts
The fruit should stand whh-h chul.'n*

It? 'How would Ctjff Polks

Philip walked ti> the feticr.

birb Includes that Of Button Owls'•I, which Is very rare,

! of th*' fruit pr*-}-MnF it out. Do not month* pf w'.rV on the part of the
jsnureif the hag; but little Juice can [.rinii-r«. sctgi*'*" and binders,

!*retitlee loll aji If she were upon a said u. himself, rrsigiU'dly. ''Olii Jlst after the oil ha» been dii-'Jllcd froml-ib*lek of Inquisliirin. and
to have lo makvih' lie oul o' whole cloth Ibi- plant*.
hit gray eummor coal and the blush
Bo, you see. Mr. Tod'l makes "fwo t.ilti'
upon her cheek deepened
it evade the qiiewllon, hul Jidin was this toime."
otic profl'ict— cirtij
He approached rhilip with a
matched the heart of a damask rose. merciless.
‘''ikm'!* of mtmey
'Ain't he IhalT" he petwisltvl.
"Mr. Philip." he sighed.
•‘Thank you." ho said, grwvcly. hla
. m<«*'v. and sbortoil of j«1.t»-rmlJi’
•Ye*. ! know he 1-." Then I'reaUce
"Anything happened lo the ft
.erything i- .-Men
ejva aUll drinking iho bcauly of the,
fattened Ue bud in the hutlonhole of

raped to Ihe house, and John went j„n„.
rosotlnted face uplined to hla.
"Then—-ihcre—is a small iwsh of; back to hts work with a shrewd smile! ”X<>t to any ro-- In this ganji
his wrinkled old face.
The|M|„ Prentice!"
the Black rose that you may have If

.r ti.fM.
A Pontmoiiih
(N. H.)
iivti ha* a nearly complete set and

til- i»g act* as a fllier.
no*- for J-Ily making I* at

though to himself. "She is like the tice assented willingly.
folne man.

y wj will aend John to take It up.'

made if the

•pt Mati'liiig over night heig
A fatitou flannel hag It

Tiald ha* a mini farm that I* oae on both sld-*. .vurt acquire a someour country'^ acrlrullural wondvrv ^whai, niun- rompaei texture by ihls|i.,
blip a-eoiiiiln' th' lot that Oi'vei|, ,-ompri*e*.

of that." Pren­ give him With this wan.


Rto-i' .‘Si-tly

th' deed an' ili' livin', th' guild, th'
blmT' betiher :in' th' •hot an' Ol nlver had

and as she relaed iho long-iasbed blue John ronttnued.
eym and nSe him

ihi* *aV'-» p-' «l fruit Juice trained In Ihe use of It.
complete set of the algnaturBS of
tig into t)!* cloth ■

c aaui-ma. 17.*:.-r accoiup i-

A few

be- of the proi<»— -

for*' straining, and H 1* best to le*
the jelly-bag drip' over nlgfct
Sever ►train .'oily Into a tin vc***-i. of

f.,r -h* dlac-jory of
<nilHed to foil
Mi- ago the value
T.*'i*poetiid. b«

r,f Albert Palos,
.-chant *.* ft.vipa, fwnd gralM
m ihc cro-* of hlg fowls, and

tmrr.<'*!Ut/'I>' took ►'.eps to arqvilre-tbs

trec-;aod chaiig.'s t.*!*-coii*r and tasti; of the land wb-r*.- the bird* rosoed.
inn of a gruj
here Juice.
A d'jgcjrt dertvea Its name from
.re to ub-U'1If •**. in»;d.- of p'My molds are th*-fact that the first onre made were
per-|hut.-. 'Bi roser-i.-h-i with lb- of an eggifor »p*irimen who p!ac»fd Uiisir bunb
Iife,Taii*»n life in iworoota frame sbacks.

"Ah. she's>„,c ondher her a'rbor. an' molght j >„ri,ii,y.^i» aMlity lo sta.ri 1
<- j-lly -will rnni
jing d'*g» In aa enclosure under tbe
for them by th*
’ jy-ara ago with lU-t borrowed capiul. which are t-elrg
Aroo1dr'j,bcti iwarrely iw-.-niy year* old. and gin'crnm-JH.. Th- gra*r hone.-. It i*!
B-fore pr-urinr jcIH-'s or prv~*wvc* ,«,t to carry them to tbo acAe of
rose iv hen.!
Veil nlver grt wan.!
"What I* it al*>ut
jlh*n to rise by hi* own cfloru to bfr.ciafm.-d. li-.fiir from being hcsltbful. ilnu. Jars, o- car*if';l!y that sM scum l*.ibo sp-rf Ruggy Isfftmi the Preach
"Oh. I have let him see that I care Mr. Philip unless It's wan Iv heri.;pj,ii|p
fr I],resent po*!tmn In 111.'.
'but-l* It ei-flainly comforlnbi''. says roeioved so that ail may he exelodtd.', w.rfri. boucgeola. the middle cltaa. a
Why don't ye ask her f'r one shmall i
-ob. oi suppose
for him!" she w^pered to he;
jthey wa* so named Mcause when first
"Ms vrtll desplse^e. itogh at me
bit Iv a budi. Bbe has morc'n sbejih* wans that thinks so." said John.!
Old men tr?i To do away with l^ondon'e emoke they ■••■ro the firs', to use theM car*
Bo siion Philip again saw her in wants or nadea Iv thim."
i ,rUh another heavy sigh.

to her mue room, and


Ih' rare puny lady! An' that BlHCklbear me."

bluablng fare In ber hands.

who ur.'feTatand: it is proposed **• use electric power riages Sulky wa* *o naDi*»d bscapao
Philip ahnigped his shoulder*, and' ••wu»f,.ai| tight?" asked PhlUp.lm' Urn large purchase of l.+oo acres of the, iriiie alive tod
le of These houses ■ generated el*ew1ie-c. for h*«titig. etc. wh* ti first InL-odurcd people pohsE
apparently worthless. Ftacniini l<ic. the art of building
away lomembcHng Mlterly, paUcDUy. "What's happened'
d tbesf r<vj Cremation I* Increasing In Bntaln.'fun si it', a.nd said that only a bulky
l*a.vlng, fJS.'iyJ IbenMor <a trifle more *o that It will *ta
•rt to the house, leaving Mm hetsiW- the bush she had ptraaised him soj - as Ol waa a-telUn' yc. Oi ’
generous iibe number of bodle* cr»dn»ie<l being ;n:»n wo'jid ride In a rarriags hiiut tor
wnntlerlng how be had offended long ago and the auddenwoldneM of.hero at wot* Ih' aaraln'. an' Ol see than tit an acreV and nraolog heav--fu*e to work.
, ;iralnsl-';''l i.
Tin- gov-mmem ha*. offor<*dj?li i)
ber tnamier that had tpodu H Imposa-jikictbor flcdicri*. Vo know hi* wir*>'a
- f.
- •
her gardsB. and was going toward her.

she protended not in see him. and turned


e l«hl;iw


BttdieacM Sited both efasrebea. In­
Etx RAnOS.
Ok Bapld>. Midi, Juae 21—Ocic or fanta were baptised by'botb pastor*.
CapL Hawley will start bis little
Uie pieneen ot the rill«g« paucd
leasnre boat, tbe Ruth. Monday
•war Htjeair nlctii. after a Uiinr

teen years of aga. for wbldi gold Eighth streat. the ring eeremony be-j
medals will be offered the wiiiBer^ Ing used and the offiriatlng clergy)




will alto be bell

rear*’ realdenee Jn IhU dir- Peter morning on regular trips up the In­
SMDd was bom la Swilterlaod Id land lakes, twice each day. No pretbe found In nerthern
IMS aad llred there unUl be

« School.
ImcnacuUU Con
Elk and Brief. Imwls Ludka and Albert Rakot
tbirtr rear* of ace. then he remored Michigan then these on
Torch Ukes to the beantlfut resorts have eompleled the required work of
to ABwrtea aad la 1877 be eetUed
where a few hours or the entire day the grammar grade* of the ImmacuBIk Rapid* and besaa «rork for i
m> Is- spent f,>r a amall fare.
Iran eotapaar. aad remained In thdr
lale Conception school and last Tbui*Hrr. Mont. Harvey of Torch Lake day graduated at Ihe Grand opera
enplor until he died.
s|k-nl last. wl«k in town.
Ho retired oa Woodar ereali
house. An exci-llont program had been
the Odd
Fellow prepared by the sister* and it was wil­
BDiMiaUy pood health and wht
«a not appear for breakfait Tucedar building. lormt-riy occ.iplod by (he
led by a small nut an appriria''morallie they went to bis room and bank have Ircen rented to the gov­
EKperially good was
a poKiofBcc.
foon<l him still la death.
At what ernment for ttke
the small childrea lu the
boor the tDewcncer called no one Nreexrsiry Ttirali* and alicmtirws drill* and chonise*.
bare li«-n rommenn-d on It and u*
The openlniL niimlicr w-t* a chorus
He was married to Mias Annie Ban >ooa a» they an-'rorniilcU'd llic post- •Wricome." by the *chi»,l. TTn- n
. nlcar In 1882 and from this union rilOce will h" moved into Ike new
fonr children came into the world. quarliT*.
Funeral service* were held Thursday
T.«l:i' ■ huge delegation ■>! U*Tlie mother died six pean
ralw«» the 111 CharU-vol* assiKlIng In
at the Oerman church end lnt<
■hi- c< iebratiun of Hacralice day.
made in Haplr Grove cemetery.
................O. Wright has renled'Ticr
Hr*. Fred Tannor of Ionia and her
/arm Just south of the village to W.
sUler. Ml*. C. BltwMoner. of Grand
n. White who will take posBcaslon
Rapid*, rewmed S’ridsy to their reJuly 1*1 anil Mr. White will r nuu dalspaeUve homes after a tteok's vl»li
,• farm and milk wagon.
with Mr*. Frank Vernier.
Albert Uraschl l8 making extensive

Mark ODcrawy of Ionia arrived a
ipalrs to his liou*e on Elm stn-et.
week api and went into camp on Elk
large |K»rch. a new stone foundalake near tbn depot. For thirty sneon and oihcr thing* am among the
eenlve /eara
changi* conuvnplated.
camped on Bk lake and firmly bc^
Ml** Mary Nackettnan I* home for
Uere* he baa enjoyed thirty more
7«ai* of life by so dolnc.

Mr*. Jaroi-s Vernier wont to Detrruf
MUa Sarah Ford of Petoekey *pent lust week for medical trraimenl. She
Hat w«* with Mrs; Amelia Voeg- may be ab*cul two months.
>* Helms anies aad Mis* Nora
Sylrester Brown of Traverae City Farrell were In Bellalfe two day* last
bonebt and ablpped a ear ot bogs week, taking tbe leaehe^s’ examinafiom.thli etatl-m last kTIday.
B. 'vaii Wagner ot Kalkaska has
Some Fourth of July Feature*.
temored bis family to Elk Rapid*: Fran Friday’s Record.

The motor boat committee of the
aad entered the employ of the €<■-

being the Rev. J. A. Canby ofi
Church of Christ.
The bODsej



Traverse City State Bank


prettily decorated for The occii '
palm*, c-ji flower* and ferns l-e-!

A. TRACY UkV, Prraldowt


Ing used. The wedding march was \
played by Mias Iram Elsie of Mas>s-|
md the wedlng party marched I
down the winding stairway and stood ^
beneath a bridal wreath bell The par-1
os alienried by Andrew Sibbnn
of Manistee nnd^Hi** Clara Hlckcr
son of Ibis city. Miss Pauline Canby.
daughter of ibe minister, aning a*
ring bearer, and she was attended !>>

Tire Insurance!

title and c.Vrrli-d swanKonlD and i-mi
The lirldi-smalrf worv vJlK or
IS firecrackers which Showed ci-ceJgandle and c^i^lcd pink rariialb’iis
<-ni training. ’I’se GchkI.” and
Hart." were fwv, rccliatlon* by Alice and sriillax. The party was rec-lv.-d
Albert rapcnguih. Rlsier i.f
>'e*ina and Ethel Uiirn* which were
-ivditaUly given. These were follow.-d Ihf groom from Manistee.
The pn-oeni* were nnmrrour, ron
,y a vocal snlc, ••Cilriiee<Jon.” by lU-


Plat* Class. 8tMm Boiler and Accldont Insurance.

Money to Loan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.

Myron Paprngulh. a nef.hcw of thr
groom from ManiMce. who earned a
»how-cr l)oqt:ei of crabapide blossoms
Tlte bride was aiitred In white lia

B. GARLAND, Caahl«r.

CAPITAL. S200.000

Room 310 New Stste Bank Building.

A GeaenU BasUsc Bulse&s Dste
3 per Cell tllowc* eg Xlae Depotlls

Traverse City.

• a.* a novel drill by !«>>•* dressed


Thiel A
pantomime. •Isllng Ilf cut glaSR. china, *ilvi-rw..riCll,r." by ten girls, was plciure* and (urnlluro.




■The Hriy

ell recolvi-d by the audienee. The
Iris who took part were;



Roast Ue-f. Brown Dresslr.g

Glldurski. rotators
Catherine Ufarek.

Blliabeth Bable,
nance* BalceRrak, Henrietta BalreKf-

fold Mail.,
Calduig- Salad

.Cakc.RoseRIriiari. EllMbelh Middle-' Ice Cream
on, lU-nha Roko*. Rulh llooUhan.
Out Ilf city gt;i-»l* wi-re Mr. and
A vocaj duet "The Quarrel," >

riven In tnie dramatic slyle by Julius

Mr*. Custaf and Cl.-iud Gustaf. fallic:

and niiiiher and brother of the groom.
Rokns Biid-Malwl Rlchrd*. The
raa one of tbe prctllest drills of tbe
’'Flower Kauiasilrs." by
seven gin*. Each girl carried a hoop groom. Mr, and Mr*. Papengulh and
sister and
bnuhi rs
of the
decorated with flower* and the figure*
luted were exceedingly


groom. Mr. and Mr*. Twter of Mid
dievllle. BUm an^r uncle of tbe brld,

Traverse City, • Mich.
Se^l ytii vout,l-ill Lira Ik'us.---r Uirn.
a full iim-of

Wo .-arry ;it


liet our ti jur,--: anti coiiijKir-- <uir ;:raili-s !- f<*ro !>iij iii:^

;u,r laprT-r«:»ptvrvl-e »=-l oai~WU»i* Itnra
KUM bwk
Tnran* u«r,

■tf JU. c..o> HUM B»aa bWliUw

rTlll-'.VT UUiw.* gll-d.
tr .g M..rv

irrrr Ji-buu*

a aiiNgV T-> M>AN SB RurM. XV*«M|. *x4
iVl 1^'• r


Lo-k fur tin-lit}.'H'v! I’laut.

.Cor. E -Mlt St au.1 LvkoAve.

Dtontf. IL-l!

M-PKAJI.. Urol.,I,..v*rJi*r,«i- lWt.«
Trmi..^ <1'>. M-rii

We Believe

We have Ihe Best Tea on
the Market

D«. F. J. M


ne act comedy. "A Grain of Sail."
ac ett
Mrs. Brlnkenhoff
of Elk
Fourth of July celebrailoD held acastDr. Curem 1 renoa-ned grandmother of the VtiJe.
meet company.
fboi-'e I'licolon-l -laptn |articiiliirly tint-iluvnr atjil
Zink. Ur. and Mr*. Escu't 01
BsciBnlag this week. B. J. Brink- rueellng la*t vvculng and nlade ar- medical practitioner, w
:-[ition:it *tr,-iiL'ili
Manistee. Tliere «erv In all abou;
man will make regular trips duriag raogoments for the biggest motor aicd and he did »ome gn.ri v'ocal
lltat if
if tti
tti your
your likit,::
likit,:: try
satp],!-- |-,:;:ti-l ofthis
guesl* present..
In coDDtciJoD with bis-pail.
the aeasoB with the launch Anna boat display and races ever held ir,
t-will" take t’iir viiamua ou your comiiii'Ku-k.
Wlineim aiock
Traverea Oily
the clir- The InvitaUon to take part
' eomevly was a simple mile
between Old Mission
Ibt- race* and parade Is extended
htng, but was amusing enough
Bk Rapid* as follows:
<• timi- for summer vaciiiPm ha«
all the boat owner* of the region keep the audience Inloresled. A joke
and Saturdays leave Old Ulssion at
Ing jmivivl In the Primary riun-ls
■petrated upon Dr. Curcm by his
one p. m..
leave Elk and U U thought that there will be
School union, tbe following offlevrs
large number of visitors present In servant Jeremiah, who
writes his
Raplda at 4:30 p. m. Extra trips
ere elected yester’dty;
master a letter telling him
ena be arranged for at any lime by addition to the big Seel.
Preeldenl. Mrs. E L. Hagbes.
There will be fire event* in the orcune left him by an old friend -of
ttrst vlre-prerideoL Mrs. H.
iCes: 25-foot clas*. 22-foot cla**. 20- lis and asking him To come to tbe
Hr. and Hr*. J. Black of Burningfout class. 18-foot ctgas and IC-fcnt ifficc of Rufus Smiley a
bam. Ala, apent Sunday and Monday
t.Mrs. L
The delaiU it handicapping While the doctor Is absent tbe ter
at Winn Power*.’ Mr*. Slack was
have noi yet bven worked out but an
robes himself In tbe doctor's
Mia* Josephine
Smith formerly of
Third vice-president. Mrs.
equllal'le s)*lem will be used so that
lotbes and .receives cullcra. Tbe
Bft Raplda.
alKthe iMials will
bare an egmil roubles growing ont of this
Mr*. Otto Powers returned Satur­
Secretary. Mr*.' McManop.
chance and the flnisbw will be close.' illy Ktrnigntened out ami no harm
day from a two weeks'^sit with ber
Tvro paper* for the price of ona.
Treasun-r. Mrs. Han--.—
■ course has la-en laid vul *o ■omes of <hi' soivan’s
■uAber In Fremont.
ihiil all the race will Ik- visible to
Rarrr HIraebburg and wife reached
spcctalur*. Tbe boats will sun
Dr. Curem. a
borne Tuesday morning after an abWilliam James Brown and M
from In front of ihe G. B. A I. depoi. liracUtloner. Enri Joyce.
aence of several montha. most of the,
T*l*Fhce*.**>rar*|iS s*«
' - 'Urspr
•sail, ilriggs, bulb 111 this cjiy, wdown to IM- Oval Wood IKsh dock,
Jercluluh. hi* servant, Tlllis VerCllaU.
tune spent la Hot Spring*.
arriet! at the Fir-t M. E par.son:
turn around a slukc Imut. then down
«^r* he received medical atiwilon
yesterday afternoon, the Bcv. Joseph
Darrow's crib, around that and fipZtngeralll. an Egyptian
. and petunia aomek-liU impmved in
I Frah.Vs Ib-Cir.!
i Id front of the G. R. * I. depot, Sootge Kotian.
' haaltb.
the coarse bring gone over twice,
Prof. Sanitas, aff expert c u lunacy.
H.-nry Sii.ilh <d lliiigiiam an- in the
C. Cronin and wife at Kalkaska,
P. M. Summer Trains.
^t Old Settler*’ day with Hra. C.’s making a race about fire miles In i-'rank Zeotlck.
Tlic snnimer Rclu-oiiie of ihe Per>Officer Brown, one of the fine*!,
Mrv M M js-ickr-i „f zbi. riiy went.
■tiler. Mrs. P. Sweeney.
Marquette will go int-> effect at n«pn
The parade *111 be over this sane
illu* Vczlna.
Kin.-'l- y l!n» imnlilJig.
Mrs. Uootee Schuler, trained nurae
Sunday. The new time card eft'-clw
Mayor Skinflint .a retired officer,
M:> S.. IMu-ii ha* retiun'-l l-'» her
BOW In California, la enronte for Elk course and tbe boat* enteritis Into
none of the passenger trains pa»Iuc
the parado will be deeorated. prite* Roy Vise.
ic.mi. In t'Ja'U Lake nfi.-r vi-iiing
Rapids snd borne fur her sni
Rufus Smiley.
roiinscllor-st-liiw. through hen- al pn-s<-ni. but puls two
bring given-for life shill In decora­
rr-mh,11 itil- Hty
more on. Ihe -Canmin Hair flyer,
ting. A* there will be a large numleorge K«ilan.
M ->m- • F-i!lh..n
Mia* Mabel Perry Is expected home
luilh north -^ind siKith. n.-irc ji-ntli,
Jim Ix-.vry, ;i hostler. M. Gagnon.
lut.ugh Ih- .-'v ihi- intu-'jii>g -It
today for the summer. Since leaving Ikt of boat* and lh,> majority will b(
Hie train No. 9 leaves h.-;<- iil
afW.- rat: tuj-i-ly j-<iur u;iui-. in li.iyuiu an'! iiurvostiDS H»lr
famlLaaaing ahe baa visited in IsiwoU and
i-T a li-n niliiiiie stop,- nn-l
1 attracllvc fcalurc.
Joseph tv-11
Grand Rapids.
Wc- liirvc a
B-ii'lf of b-''l at-el an-l guarantcNxl in
south. No, pi. |.,-avi-s iit
This comedy was followed by
Adam Laubacbor ape^t from Satur­
.-wry Tvay fo; $1.00.
We o ,v,
u-vl eu.ilh f-r SOcl
The rammiilee spi-nt considerable eature of the evening. “Revri of
day miUI Tuewlay In Manistee.
Several trf the frilghi ii.Hins ai
lime on Ihe prtxe list, arriving
Valads." by a large niiraber trf liule
W--;iiw- have g-yUi-Btuni-s, hay
F. K William* 1* having hi* office
fected by the ch;ingi-. X"
■ coucinslon tliut it would be Udlvr fliiwtr .girl*. A mimlK-r of smaller
brightened with a new eXat irf paint
leave at ll-oft p m, insie^id i-t I
f--rkii a:i'l <itrlvc a large mimlK-r of prires rath- girls In gnen and pink drew* an
John Bverett. the'Utile 3 year-old'
than one Mg one. The prlri-s fP- carrying basket* erf flowers came.e
W!;--n you ivvii J-, I’.JUS '.iri;i-n your
yjii c :a «*ve
■OB of Mr. and Mr*. Henry Moore,
h ln»l<-ad of Ttlf. ami J
singe and
Icctpd consist of launch lights, fuldef North Milton, was burled Weduest-m.- -iii-l MibBty 1-y nio;; ih- If j- heat-r N«-w Multi Coini.r.-sw ■!
Ing anchors, life iirwcrvcis, etc.. Ihc aentmg Iho larger ptayers. Thl.s w-f
day in Maple Grove cemeten'.
,A-r Si,r.iy.-r with tl.ct 'ICit.t Kl-,;-'' N.-zcle.
V<u; - uii iiw the
•Ucllrai living made of first class undouhlodly Ihe hit ot the evening.
C. A. Whyland and wife of Chi­
articles only and all will lie found
Those in Ihe drill were:
l; r-l.-iJ •
toife sj-r.iy-r.
cago arrived on the Illinois Friday
Home Guards.
aUxil the lioal*. Atnoiig
Itlclianl. Mar».\Veiiowieckl, Theoroaad arc nleely selllcd for the
The Home Guards <if lie- Fi'
sia Niivak. IV-lIa n<,iidroaii. Vla»la
prizes -ire a st'l of batteries anil
amr in their bungalow <» Elk i
Genevieve E. church m--' wl’h ilp-ir m-w
of gasollue.
There will be Ryiint.
The Manlalee loaded IWW barrel*
luizes for IkhIi Ihe races and i-anide Wlnowlockl. Mary S&rtiosk;. Laura imendent. Mr*. Cardeii. r. :i1 i‘uat the cement dock Saturday ntgbt
irf Mis.s «v<tm-rs T!iiii'..l;i> a't-i
id on acronnt of Ihe number, man; Elsiner.
for MBwrahee. and tbe same day
After the presr-nlallon ot tbe dl- The following office:* were o!h
’ IIm- Ignis will n-cv-lve them.
the Hart took 18^ barrels for Mo• Prc»ld-nl. LiilVvre H.-tulerson.
Ample time will Iw given the rar plranas by the R.-v. John Shi-ehan.
bomUiee. Mich., and tleporc.
Vic*- president. Marol Gl- rlni
ig iKMIs t<> strip their decoralloas •Graidnight." was sung by Ihe young
mill ta DOW turning out her full l.noo
S-'cretary, Nina Canlketi.
so that they will not Ik- blnder<-d In Ladles- Sadoliiy.
barrels daily.
Treasurer. Naomi Finley.
Horst's orrbestra fnrnltbcd excel10 races.
Dr. J. C Gauntlell I* spemllng the
nt music during the evening.
Make Entries Eariy.
wetk with hiB parenl* at
There U DO for- conmried with en­
heme In Milan.
Mite box secr.-laiy, Murcii.:i’Violet Tea.
tering the race* or parade and those
• Hr*. Patrick Sweeney left Wednes­
w ho derire to take part nre urged to
day evening for Detroit, to spend
Margaret SKcrwbaud la their name* at onei- to the of Miss Beulah Coveil by the S. D. |
couple of we^ with her daughter.
last ■ evening
In btjnor of|
chairman of the commlUlee or any club
Cnhcalthy KiJncys »I;k: Inpur: Ei-jisS.
Mf*. aMbel vSley.
member, tbe committee eonslstlng ot
Sunday was Children’s d
.c .
L. U Stevenson, ehalriiian: H. D. Al- OS Oanie Cox. Eanie Rosser. Lola-Lut- .
H. R aJid Preebyterlan churrhe*.
Maude McM^hac! and Irene Pcs
narrow. Louis
ing of a ntimlter of fl«*-T gtirdens
Blaherale prepnmilon*
I’-.’U- Wlii;. H-- ;. r :5 - f ' •..•••I tio. -oHP r hrlt»,m.
Heig>-.s nnd Irving .Mnrr.iy' htiral.
*r>- four trLing-;!.
made fr*r H* alwiTVanee; -niid l«i«c
wore prettily prorated
II was suwi-sted al the meeting
If-.j.*.-«v;;r::- U*l-Ti.- $1.20 "t tns i-^-'ht.-'as v).-k!«-vf
where the walk* liii<-r»-vt
in lavendar and white the ^taa cnlthat those w ho cake pan in the
jlKK-n turned into pansy and Vvrbcn,t.:vaituk- t.-u.P.-.Tb $2J5 andlhc$2.50weth.;kiMl
lilacs and High whoel [lennants.
or inrade sear the rcguL-ilion whilt
wesJ end,
The archway leading into the dining J
suit consisting of
I are circular gardens of lilb? aad c-:
P 11 JG
I w«juH like
i: ’ i
fau^ with a C’irl:iii
while (Hershlrt and round haL Frank
r.nlums. The work greatly l-s-itlf:-Hamilton has samples of th<-se good- pie streamers and bunches irf vloleis
. -i .trii-’ll l‘>
: -••Wp --i:already beautiful spot and make*
wide ribbons of ' violet werol
on display and the whole outfit sells
grounds one of, the prettiest
slrotched from the chandelier* lo tbe;
,'T.for only 82.50.
think of .ouf Wa-:.-u--.M• ‘xrliapiii n-lU at
Peoy Division.
$3.00 at»a ll.e L;j!:t: u
at $3.25. I'-ttHaf
scalp or spine, hradarhr s< lop or bark
tied with Imoche* of the clast j
Tbe pony division of the t-lg pa
for Navy. /
:■ :• -jiialitf,
•f bead, noise* in Che ear*, spark* before fade uo.the Fourth td July, will
flower. The following menu was Tom Thursdav * Retoro
•a;;ii oti-.-w nn-l Ms f -r .'--Ats- f - •
tbe eye*. Bleemrstne**. dy*pep«la. paint sph'iidld feature. Miss Julia Kollcy wcrvrd; .
.iO'ira eotl
Chl- f V.-oinati E>laa:d I’
:ry..i„ at-J if yo-t ar- po-: sat:-'
i-and vramp*. Vuralgla, timidity.. Irrl* and Henry Hull have been
Veal IxMf.
Ewctlloped PotaVoot. lUd his l:a:. ;iuu u-tint'iug
tabllUT. mrlanrholy. physical neaknera
Bread and Butler
rtmi Ih,- I’.
« \V.-h--iiii-. «i
cummlllL-v to arrange this dlvlsloa
and general deblUiy are among ttw They Udh have
h town la-t n'-ritl. A:i -•ffi-u■rmpiotn* ef nervous eahauettoa.
xnlercst owners of other pony ri8«


Price, 50c per pound.






tbi Grand traotrse Ijtrald
Tarm aad Tirttidf


Tk Farmers’ Store
Haying and Harvesting Tools


We sell Paris Green


Dltes Tie Kidtejs Are
Weakened li( Oiei-Wmk.

five 1I«;T lUgh^hool graduates Miss.

V’-rtT^" oorg^, hav.-



•Mend food, pure air. aultab> rest and ill tbe city aud arrange a splendid dls
regular and persistent use of :
pbiy, A prire will b,- given
W. {’ba*''* Nerve Pills will thorr
best decorated pony rig and snothe
•eerrome the -most extreme ca:
prize for the second best display

Ire Creom,

A*r->ricd Cuke.



Ijivendar and white mint*

rniurf Stales navy.

Toasts written in the form of di- i«. open froru 9 a. m imti!
Master Hull and Ml*s Kelley should plomas were at carii plale and tbe;-n ij-,.. , r-alnc* f->r'lh<- la-r,>rflt
By noting your incrrase In wrtght be given
favor* w«T" cards on which were plc-j’tho,.. wh-, runtiot cal! d-irisg ihwhit* using Dr. A. W. Chase’* Nerve making this one of the best fc-jliirw
irc* ,rf the Htgti schoed and pcfi-j Mr W-viv-r i- .-.vsi.-i.-i -y T
FUbTO* can prove that new. firm fle»h of the cv-lebratlon
anis psioed by Miss <’*-veIl.
'Kn -i.
iK-i-ita! ai-prenKc-. I’r
and tnusTUlar tltwue are being added to
The evening was dcllshtrully■*pcat^T;,.c.. navy, and E.
F;-h, -iii
Aquatic Sports.
the body. H cents a box, *la boxes for
'The athletic club I* pUDBlng
42-tA at all dealen. or De. A. W. Cbaw!
Y-'iing ni--n ran set foil informa­
pull off tome big aquatic events and
He«dM Co. Buffalo. N. T. The portion
from the
their efforts' will undoubtedly mee
tntrMd stgaatur* of Dr. A. tV. Oboso,
William GusUf ana Miss Frances recruiting officer, who will also
with tba u*oal success.
the famoOB receipt book author, are no
b-^-. remember the ozoe, Sv i-r::
Tberv will Iv four swiBming event- Klrsch were united in marriage atlglad t.-> see the parents ot those who
» by Johnson Drag Co.

including a race for W.vs under six

h:gh noon

Tbjt>dey at

<12- \v esi desitv to »t;:er tbe


Get your r ircivorks out ol our show
window, look at them.





KIIMAy Lifhtning.

eapecuily i
IT the relief




.e reuima much Improved.
•tain, deputy collect••C- L. Oia
and OM «uartar <n|j«t aorth «T Shtf- or r>( Uie eusi
of thU city, baa uat
A party stepped Into White's hardWalman, <m atruok Cy Ugtitnln| and «n- reralrf<d a enmmiulcatton
are Saturday to look at some ra/ora
itantlr killad taat araiUng. yu map- inr I. Little. colUrtnr ot c
nd while Mr. White waa walHng on
tills dhitrlrt of Uirhlgan.
a«n. w^o wai.with Mm. waa knecfcatl Haven lu Ibv effect '
another customer, started to- teavc.
troiD revenue cutter ntflct
down, but ateapad with only aiithi lilnli
Mr. While noticed one raror
■an received at bla ofBce
mlsalng and called Offfeer Cramptoe.
Thb party admitted having It and
In eempsny wtMi th# bey, Mr. But^plloi rul
was taken before Justice MraLughllo
lar waa bn hla *ay hema from ina
uf paHullu'i.- laiiDchi
'amplaint wus made, but he paid
Held whara jhay had baan werking.
J2.*iO coats. The whoh- affair took tens
Ha «w* a black-falt hat and after the
aeeidant. piacaa e( Uiia ware faund
•• resulted in iwvcre penaltlee hav
Parks reached Saturday
twenty-flua te thirty faat diatant. 1
been iaipoaed by the Grand Huvcj
aiiendfhg the acbuol year Jn the
rim beln« all that waa left whei*.
tin Arbor high srboul.
we It Is said i
Mr..Bjtlar ana clad In a black aver
Miss Agnes Park* retnrn*-d y.sterInlailuns ol I
ahirt and the alaavaa ef thti were
ly fulfil, wlo-re she
e dlaptsyliiK
ualil In II,.- public of that
tern out and and ht^arma wart bare
IIIIS.I ami ts'li
'while whan picked up. blood wet hew
. .jipii
Ing from hla note and there waa a l■.3l. Iilaclnic ati el.iMi.
Ellioti M. Sly and Georue
large black apet on hit neck. He waa nil the vior.U. 'ariet s
ilh tL.-ir wlvee. were Elk Raplda
nf InlerpertlliK it i.s
a alrwig. tnuacular man.
Tn.-tiday and
Deputy BharlR
"In lo-eviiius years.


Hla cooipaAlob startM lo ebav U Cokndo. taught,seboM aad dM newsloose. When discovered the fox's jave paiatr work for a wblK- aad to m<
aim stuck faat while the sym- waa elected aadttor of Colorado an
pathetle one had gaawed bla mate's nffice which carried with it the duI Iff auperiniendem »f lasaiwnee.
A. W, Woodbury. J, E McGregoi head half off.
e sixth annual cattveeiton of the
Ikss he entered the N.-w York Ute
and Martin Dawson, of Tirsltaatl. hav.
igan Rural Carrier*' assacUHOD
inspector of agencies
In IKS» he
filed a bill of complaint and the city
f trunsf-Tred •« -he home office as
authorlHea ar.- cited to show .cause will be held at Flint. July 33 and ».

^ mm

rcicea which took the leading pan I

why they should not be restrained H E. CriiBih of Hillsdale if secretary
’ »he asaoetatlon.
There are over
from spreading ll.UOn on the tax roils
<H«i carriers in Michigan aad there
as s iKinus lo the hay pr<-s.ii compai
re over K»> momher* In the aasociancenily located
The lon-U ha
■m. The oi.-enng at FVni prinnlam
Men issai'd liy the city and sold:
I tie Ihe banner mrecing
^y falling iaio the bold of It
tiirr of the nceanlxatioo for attendfather * boat at UelroiL Tuesday. Rt
and f »!!! he a jubilo- meeting
a.,-1 McPherson, of ft>rt Huron, w;
Mr Crumh ha.i sre-ired Hon. W. r!
precipitated a diaiance >d iwa-nty-fi'
RplnolS. Mip.-rmien.l.'ii( of free de.
and. be.Ides sustaining iBjuries
. his head and legs, recelvcl iiiteinal livery, of Wusbir.gtou D C . who wiU

Hr was hroiight h.iiii.-.

Iufnnu!.ri<ei lecelv.-.!

snp.-rii;lendent of ag-ncie,

m 1S>J

-lectipl third vice-president in
vlceiweal.t.>m |u 1«-k John
A. MeCail u* president got ll-s.-tM. a
>-ear. Kingsley will get *5“.tirio.
Rcs-i..r l.a Follerte |s a graduate of
the M'is.-o:isin univ.-rsiiv, bnt be ram<-

• Back to die UoB I near not lu-.'iic Alttouith a
Miiistskir.g .in,I .-are.............
limier .-..J hiL-h 111 ,N. ,las»-s.


That’s where yoo


iinaie.ii he feil slightly t~'-.:k |.re«cril*-.l for gr*.l-ui


Nooe ol that “ (fc-h roasteil loose
by the jAiund ^ store stud from

After the Coldwater fir- dejurtniei.i
stated that the supreme eouri of Wlsnobody bow s where, full of Aist.
h.Miors in an
ititei> Iss-n calljjH to tho outsklrt* gf Hi.'
cvinsln ho* confirmed the verdict of;
Btmosphrre and soiled hands, but
Ity to •-xHngiilsh a sniail bUie. fire'
II !.'•*> damage* awarded i.i Ji-sie; bringing i
broke out la a lmslnr>. b!-s-k >.ii
real old. g^uine egg and sugar
Viiu de Bogart for injuvies'
L'lilcago Strc-t; osTie,! l,y Mrs W. N.
while In the enjpi<.y of Hie Mem.mlnee
coaled rVbuckle*: ARIOSA
and did avarythlng In hi. power to
I'a|«T Co . at Meiiominre. Tlu- ball
lidi a diploma.
which the folks keep in
Hry B«>d* M.ire was heavily d»nia*.-d.
.'niiueat has delerulued t
of the youtig wonuiii wa.s caught it
Guadalaj-vra. 1
Ing llghl.-d throughout, although
he orgin of the fire Is unknown.
| rrlininalklDS tH-iwcen thei
the original {acLage andgnad id
the marblnvry. puilins her »eaii. fn>m
lost vin;r|iii- sociiil organ
Kiii-I offlee and dining room.
T bmiU s
After attending a religious gs'herher hiwd. The riis... was In i-oiin f..r
e new wnlld IT I* cgtl.-.t
»• other plu's-s w,-r.. lighted
g in AuderMiii. Indiana. C. M (Tate.
ila Chi <' li.iiM.M m .1
ev.-niiig. Mr. nWlker la using
That's Coffee 1
Mich., derelop.*! i.ciiate
ao atruck by lightning lait night and |
it waP'a <iis:i|-|H4ti(.-d erow-l wtileh^
SJiibursf liunier ol twenty-five
aiila on .m Indiana .Fnioo Treeiiou
waa burned te the grourvd. It waa ro- eoma under the seriin
bmiK around th.- issstuffle.- at Birming-| In the beait <4 Ihe Tapa’ii
!e (lower with a prism which In­
pertod haea that Mm. Rica waa daad.| nilea relaltni; tn ■•^ii'
ir near Muacle. and it requin-.l sev
.ham. Thursday moniing. for there Thereat are present 4*i nirr
s'* each light to seventy-five canbut whtthar from th. lightning atrek. ,
no than ill HIrniinghum.. -Fonie mis.'
they esn tmi tw-idom .
power. The store has fountwo
or net la not known.
lodged in Jan. nan.- l«-ll.v.d lhal
of the IksM whieh
cr«.aot dining the tilghl had .broken)
« Hie nights, perfmn-! i.
harnerv, IlKhHng it perfectly with a lie hud Nvm given (Kiwor to punlsl
win disi
light^on the
llspluy a cre
Into Hi.- .lep... and raa.Ie .iff with
Il atroospber.' there a
Oroat Maoeabae Day.
oift light Ihat produces good results.
lH»ru or right s
ne. and that bo was Immune from
from and a gre.
rPMs IbtBrSay-t BaoM.
Cits Myers and wife have u-turned
throw the night mail in Ho- deiiot ”.u!
ur left side, <1 V.
Tero bundrtul and uver lired Macro
o KIk Rapi.I.s-. after nearly two yv«nt';
.- Iswid of edueatlon of Charlotte
h>«m refur
vsideuce In Kenton Harbor.
or.lln.vry U.m.-ni llghle.1.
h.-is railed a sis-ciul meeting of the
ritlK-r spending yi-slerday
luttrviing. but tills time it had e.»me'
ns wishing to procure Infoi
of pr
fhincaa Deeriag return.-d Friday
qnhm sehiwd disla and helping iJui cll)
"The only p.T»..ns
11 riward to the regiilrmem
'rom Alma rollege when- he (luishtsl
tot.ies- yearly, ip the’ manuluct'nv .u
to have
Iplagrel lime in Its hlalr.
of Charlotte, for June
i-tuisl sallsfli-il
. -shmiUI
'leal and the pres
il, freshman year.
aVoli -1 oo.l npli:33e.imn pwis of grail
the ndvasibilliy of l.iilldini; au
gmm went off almoat a
ilich with Cnplalu Geo.r'' 'V. I*nid.v
Ion to the Hawthorne erliool. lu..
ifs are nil.jiff lind tsdlslx-d.
Charles ». Eckllft.' got.-mm.-M
mil a drop iif laln fell and t
ibir nwial quota iif du
spectors of hull-s and Is.ilers
Took Thirty-three Daya.
Tb- Pied Hull Ibii .ff Islington T
rs'-'s natii.- f< Itix-ril.M <m
cause of Ihe lDcn .,-e In alte,:i(*aiice.
will he lung n-niembored by
Pruf. John stprinenidn of An.-cun,
Grand Haven "
Th.-*.' ar.' ida.-iM in a row- esM I.I liav.i Iss-n the Aral buns- i
Roefcwond anglerx are cemUslnlng te<-Is rather .■mhariass*'.! la-cause he
John Hodges nccomiuinled by his
vife und ihriH- ehllilrru arrived in this
Engtaii.l at wbk-li
smlUK. 1
•ity Prl.l;.y
having ,drlvObarlr
began to am
’F.iriy two pupils I
enipllMl their coach loads uf Uaern
-II through Ir.-m I'olorailo with an
logniplu or iiTint'. of th- owners of
Wre>Hinp i
the I.ipolar SpoH .
-v.-nlng liv ill.. i:i.woich I.-agii-. H.iNjea Into the llltle rlly until Ihr •xanilnuikiu »t lh<- -ouit house Ihii Uldsnioliil.-,
Th.- trip look thjitvthe
atreeta were fairly Jammed with them seek, the class Inc idlng a numbci Ihns- davs and the distune- was cov•Ndn'i think of g.iing and imssiwl the
The raaldcores and busIncM hoQtea
The'^ shiurtlng ciulHi are
vreil wiiliiiiit any werlini* accidents.
Dean John P SiiHuVlaiid. of the
T, r '
be blind (mmlnee f.i
-v.-nlBg wlfh bis mlMided bride. Mr.
if reeenr gnidnatea. The loUnwIag U
wei* prelll r deroniled
From here the ear will be *bippe,| to comphiliiing of the damagv ili.-v
SiTingmuii was teaidu-r In sliunhaii.l lke.i.iti I'lilversll.v Mcdkal srtus.L liM
cliy. Imigbte and clvlli
Mackinac where Mr. niid Mrs.'.-rs
doing to their rice beds.
Imsl to abUB the vlaitor
aii'I lyis-w-iiiline at AlUanii for s.-v- eticc.--.lev! In liAVliig the Course at Hi'-, Il his SIK-C'-SS HI biB wife., She ri-aiU
i|K-ii.| Hie suramiT,
Second Grade .
ling a .Ilsh of. ice s
Aa aome of the trains were an hour
-hisd for the M. U. d.-gree increase-r' o him dally 1-ape's *<> that he mayeitil y-ear* |«*i
s M. rrwland.
or BO late, (he nande wlilrh had hern
Ife of the 3-yCar-oid s.m of
vim four 111 five years
'This i> ili.- ris-p inf.Titii-d as to eiirreol event*;
Two Cants «n a
e. city; 3. Cl.'velaiid Hunk
hUled tor n o'clock, waa not auried
ami Mrs. Cyrus W. Bogar,. of Waver- bi.iik's n'-w hom.- at -Vilrian. will In.rsi medical schrail in the rvmDiry M
I No, C; Mary
lU law iMwdts. so Hiai he may maalB
Chicago. June II—1
iinill boon. There wore hundrerla of Traverse Cliy n, T
Hapids : Gayle Hui- iiday savs that iiOm-,
YVhile in Binghamton the little uccuii|.;d by the fore part of next
ibrtvis) Ilf ills coBIlwlllOts in bit pro
kalghta tn the march along with the -Multtkmey. IElk
Mary llurkmai
ill nillrtuids In the
wn,-» given a dish «rf lo- cream,
city offielala. the great camp and
he haiidsomest
will b.- rvdiictkl July
great hire ofllcera. bands cif music Weal Eighth mreet. clly: '
r eating Hii. cream he dlsfovert-d lisnk stnicJures In southern .Miehlga-i.
■eji selienn- ih.* of
etc. ImmndUlely after the pageant Wright. SIS Sev.-nlli street.
su.lium In Grunewald forest m th-TbQ Lenawee County Saving* bank Is
ThU decision was reneheil he.w — ,
Bernice Hi-ader*hol. S!" I’u'rk
had ptaaed over th<- line of ram '
It.-ikirts tff Jk-iiiu. Ii u< l.i l.r (.ro
ty; nella Arfh.t. city; Blanche ter a lotg and healed diwciisshin by *«alio». Th« liquid burned his mouth (-■je of Ihe pi<m.-er Mate banking Instt
PTeryhody made n hreak for dloi
the raUroad president* of the west-jand he dropped the bt.ttle and tuilons of the stale having been InThe hotels were rrowded and aim fur the piiblli'. and as proposed
roce, Elk Rnplds; Fannie S»'a
erery church In the city »•,
Id Nlssien; J. H. Hulett. lOlC
The attending physician eorporale.1 in Ik.Jl'. The building H
ill lit- a model of the Greek stadium,
-• Hie meeilug of the officials.|
dinner. The crowd didn'tt go
>ln street, city.
iih .laily Olympian gani'-s. .
il rofds adtpliied Uh-v bad been aiys that If Hie ice cream had not of 'presxd l-ru-k trimmed with Bed
but tbeir rapaclly waa man.,
lanifested fay
Third Grade.
to this suiid bv public opinion H-cn In the chilli’s stomach that it ford sltme and terra cotta The uppet
Admiral Goodrich, who succ.-<--ithe fact that some of them tried l<
Slid nnH-rallroAd
Ivgisl iHon.
Esther Gray. Traverne City H.
vould have died. The child is now rt.ior will II- r.'tiied n» offic—.
buy fruH before le.vUng for home
Th' Coghlan i.t the New Y'ork niiiy ym.l
They said no fiirthet
aad couldn't oven gel hold of an or­ D. No. 1; Anna Mulrooaey. Elk Rap
m the ivsic! to recovery,
vcsiil'iib- an-t l.-bl-y are wainscoted in •Urected the first sbtH U‘ ihe rpgag--ange akin.
Ida E Shauk, Traverec City R.
Conway Jotnes and Carl Daily. <if English vein
Italian matlde. Th* le-nts around KaiiUago de Cuba, and
Manittee fiext.
No- 6; Lola M. Lulmau. 23;
Iciroil. enjoyed all Hie plv>a.surps of building is bieaie.1 on East Maumer he-alsti ftnighl the lost naval engage.
The buainrwa meeilng waa held in Weal Ninth street, city; Maude Anne
I launch ride in Mace Day lake at street uliuosi a.-riMi the street from
of Ih.- war with Spain.- that in
the aneraoui anff Uaiilalee •clecu-d Mehlicbael. 231 West Blghlb airvet.
’iBiiluc. until they discovered that the the stand where-the insHtuiionalartcd
aa (be neat meellng place. The fol­ rltr; Vera Wynkoop. Park Terratc. From Saturday's Record.
►iipiily h
lowing ofllcera were elected.
Tnivcrse City: Edith Elkey. Treverw
Mis* Gertie P.-vvf.iia -.f ikei
tlam.-s quickly sprrunl to th.- w.s
I Rhode Island lawyer
Ray. was In the i-ltv un business
Bail A;
Cliv R. F. U, No. i; William Rlc
work, and the 'weiipanis of the U»
Klnesb-y; Minnie 1-iycs-k. Hhac
Miss Eva Gerard of Keswick, vi
McManus, r.its Fifth sire
wbre obllgvd to swim to shore, wbli
Secretary. wmiamiMacsaw. Manis
ieiids in the city yesterday.
hel Brown, Truv.Tvo Cliy
.Ijiiight .love lie
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kalsey of Grand
Treasurer. August Holmes. Manli F. O- So. 2; Ina U. Schell, Monroe Rapids. passed through the cllv ye,—
conipielely d-s••hsler of bisi
Orie Viola TlHimpson, cliy
elr way to Heir home
J*e.ii> is In hts
e of iniluenreB4-lvl.lcre hall bad l>eeii Sited
with friends at Siii
Gam-Ison. Williamsburg
Merlck R Th. Ws. aged nr. year--, a HI. pet project is
• largest i
It is said I
for the degivk.- team contesia and
Sarah F. She.-ta. Nessen City. R. F. V
Ica.Ung p.ilni.T and d<<ronilor of Ann 'If drain taxes.' wb
n beautiful sight. The Immi
whicU evvr lived or;
Herls-rl Rayniouil. who lus be............... Belle M. U.s-Be, OM Mission
a surgeottaly decorated
At her. was f.iund d.-a.l lo Ikwl by nis lit.-guIJy ri-qiiired '
■ling scliiiul at Ann Arlior |U
lh<- <Qil|dior liotluni whale «f th- Ps-'
Bether Benson. Travere.* Clly. It. F
.lugh 'ho city today on tils wii
wife, Tuesday nlghl. Thews was not To thill end. he .
clfie ocean. One spi-clm'-o has Wn j
b dareling brighti
D. No. 1: iN-a Boone. <4fi Webster his home at Romh Boardman.
considered dangettrasly ift. A widow seat at Bad A»e
foun-f which Is Su'fe. ( long and 32 ftw-t
On account of a mlaundenilandlng.
Hie ladles' degree team rontoala were •treci. city: Helen Thnrioll. 41D t-'lftli
and one child survives.
aroiiml. Its eulmated weight 1* 3S4,-[
anil keeps the "co
not pulled off.
Traverse Cliy had ttroel. city; Alice Taylor. TravermThe Michiran Pioneer and lll.-rori- ei.I.slty biisv aiisw
Bn* . at
.» quesHom *'t*ii pounds.
two teams entered and Manlatee one. L'lty R. F. n. No. 4; Anna M. Ikati,
ca! -vK-iety, fo-jttd.-d tn U74, will tu-l'l
Dr furv.-y w M-ii.-e. chief nf tiicj
“Improved Vilcing” suits
bul the |irlr<- will probably Im' kept Bik Rapids R. F. H- No. I: Bertha ilims tor br.ik manMr. UiHefield
Its ' ihirly-lhlrd annual .meeting
In. Huron eoumy official*.
tiiviskm of 'iiemirtry In Hi- Agrieui.! f^,^ boys sliould mean much to
■mill neat year. The g.nllemen'
runBachl, Rapid City. K. F. I). S«
team from Cadillac and Truveree Clt
.'alloon Lake. Charle- MnslBg. June M and 27. Henry' Rive corre>j«>n.icncc t.iiiii d.iiuiniueni. has b«.n v»t:ig'si, motjjcrs, as they are made ID a
bi-1 v,_piared, <2* Slate sire.
gave exhibition drills which showed
i, I'eioskv
nd Harbor Spriugs.
P.-iUlnelll 1* si-erelary. An esr.-edlng- with such nolalH B as .President Ms., by the French a
Jlewett. PIT
careful wtirk and long practice.
y left last night for
Ij Ini'-resilng iiregrnm l>c.-n Kliiley. I’res.d.-lit KunM-ie;., S's-ie-jsclenllAr: inquiry
nreworks were a fealure of the city; Addle E. Crisp, Ifcii.-s; Anna biislness trip
u Cadlllaci-lialors Alger Fr.-r.cb win
evening, and served ns a grand ell- Klingl.-smith, Summit Clay; Anneli:
tary R,-.,t ;,ii.l
Harold Gil-Hiii has nliirpe,'
luaa for the day which
The dbuippeiiriin.-e i4 two horse Smith. G.ivernoi> Bliss an.l Warn. r. | .--.liili. r.ct..,l.
Urdie. '.’IS Ktisi Ninth sinvi. eilv
llv.-t 1.1 hi< hum.- Ill Mayfield,
ao much lo the knlghlr
Miriam Alta Cotikltn, Wiiliamaburs
Tile Mi>s.-s Willi.-lni.-na Sham- an.l blankets is causing Atifnlus Kmika.
Luesl Band
-•jiric- H.-«Umamel went to Lafc.- of nelioJt. ooiisid.-ra1r!e worry.
AnThe Uind coulesl was pulled oft In
nn wh'-re Hiev- will visit with frlruds
(Sid Mission
lOTln* is iind-r om-si at
the afteniooa and Traverse City took
ir a few days.
ehare.-d with having stol.ii the h.irMaecoBd honor*.
The Cadillac liand Harriet Mae Bwaiiey. <>hi Mission.
kliss Ik-itha CaBif^l left yc<
made awa.v with Ihe flrsl place and
day tor Mi. PU-asaitt where sh<coverings from A-latn Cellar, lu Iloval
i-pf'P''' purse, while the Heetck band nego
.|M'Ud Ihi- siinmii-r. reluruing n.-xi fall Oak.
Hated third place.
I take up livr w.ifl
the clty
Mlssc-s' B- rnlec Johnson and Joi
Dauiel C Smith. iiC-d M years, and
The Xorthpun Cadets, an orgnnlra
a -ch.s.l
r..a're co.j
Hon of young lioys were a i'l*-a*lng
Mrs. Sliinsiai
for Mire lU-neri.'tia Hill, ng-d
llralacdil sjs'nl Sun.lny iu Trtii.-i
feature of the parade, going
Miinisio.- wh.-r.- sli.- will visit wlHi, i.-aeher. wer.- married at Ptweiui by
tMbcr. Ksfsr < C*. Nbt.. ChleuiA
•latives for a few days.
Juktice tVm. Maurer. This Is the aged
f^Wle from the hay ports.
Mrs. EKralieth Laifiln of Jefferson
i-vnii-. Grand Raidds. arrived last groom's foiirih v.-niniv un the iiintri
.vtiiiig to sficud the summer with nionliil se.i. Tiu-y w.-ie marrinl in ih<?r sisier. Mrs. G. C. Coveil
of K. O. T. M. hall and IS'* .if Ihe griKffii's
Eighth sin-et.
d wnh Intent, here
descf-odants wlm.wreil the ..-«-r.
T. Milllken. who ha* ii'en
The coimeil ha* granted the frariI
r Ihe Slimmer viirnrian last eblso for 11 *t<-ani railway gsked by W
Mr and Mrs J. \V. MUlIken. T Crw. tnisiec The rnitd is i.i U
(who have »i«>en Iti the east and south. built within two yctrs to connect w;
I returned home night before last.
Alice Archer letl this rooming for the n.-w t-eli line at DelnHl
>Ml. Pleasant, where she will take a railway. If bnilt. wl’l tie i-all.-d itr-ivotirse 111 the summer school.
existence pritn-irily for the, relb-f
Miss Hay Cronlu Is vlsHlng at the
the sugar fai'tory.
home of her ciuslns the Misses Oiyne
!n stepping from a street car on the
I of East Twelfth street, on her way
a more potent remedy Ih the ronU
I from P.-i.iskey to Chirago.
end herb, ol the field Ihaa area ever
y, fell and I
produced from drugs.
General New*.
bgoodold-fStloned da.n of
claim's Ho- <
a frw
drug* •
onr grandiL............
M.iigarei ('.inlan was;.-.1 fore idle had i;
uard in medicine.____ ___ __ When her i.:ayraate. live-yvi.rsi(posimarler- ill Munitb. Jack-s.-n Co.
Knkham. of Lynn. Maaa.. in her
dr.eea the aUge from Buckley, waa on .............................
the aeana vary aeon after the aeodent r-f ihr


T "s'"

,as they a
manner to witbstaiid the hard
wear and tear a bo3' ordinaril}'
pives bis dollies. They com­
binee styl
style and durability in a
it pie;

ive yon some idea of the individuality these suits possess.
‘Viking” suits are labeled.
V’e guarantee tbeoL

! For Sale InTiaterse Citf at

FronI Street Store.

Pianos to Rent


For Summer Homes Anywhere In Michigan

stad.v of reota aad herba

! V i.-e Paul Cross. resienW.

uth Konkle. rvacl
Eiiward IJeiM-her. of Miisk.-gon. has deep ivad Tif Farir and fi-!l
h.-jfnil Mr
IIS-.-II udmi' t.i practice K-fort the pearttig Inini sighr. IHI
of Hastings, aged
i Interior de|«nnivnt.
The firm ef Smith «c Leggeil. pub- Jumped in and dragce.1 l;tt> R-iir:

to the srooire ot the world
■Iv for their pecviUar Ills mopotent aad efficacious thsa »ny
couibiaaUuo ot drug*.

Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Componnd
is an honest, tried and tree remed.v of unqnesikinable therapeutic valoeDnring its record of ware than thirty .Tear*. Ite long list of actnal
esreaot tb'Mr serious ills necviliartnwameo. entitles Lydia E. Pink bams
VcgrUhlc I'onnwood lo the reaped and confidenuc of every fair minded
perwoD and rvvrv thinking woman.
tVhen woui.^i un- trenbird with irregtilar or painful foncHon*.
dtsplaoeuient*. nlrerallon or indai
flatulency, gen.-i
.................................... . indlgesti.
aboDid remembei
ham'a VcgeUblv -omponodKo other rvmedi
0 the
_e ccountry ha* enrh . record of core* of
female ills, and thou
ousan-ts of women residing in < erv psrt of the I'nited
-of L.vdia E. PiukHtotes bear willing t. ■titnony
to ihr_________
wonderful v
. r_ 1 __ . I. w.. J
ham's Vegetable vsimpouml aad
whal it has done for them.
Mrs. IHnkhsm invites all sick women to write brr for adeiee Rbr has
guided thousands to health. For twenty-five yearwshe haw been advising
sick women free of ehwrgt She is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E l*inkham aod as her aMisiant for years brfore her decease advised tmder her
•mmedlsto dlrr.-Uoa. fiddrrea. Lyt>n. Ma-«.
_____________ _______________

i-il^;-- mi.i

I lisherw at DeckerviUe, has Iwen di^ aehore.
Clara Go»h. .laughi.-r of a
isoived and the Imslness wtil »*■ con­
ducted by John P. Smith, owner of nent farmer nl Freeiort. w..s l.*d.,'
bitten by a mad do* sad Will be ^-r.i
! the Recorder.
War is being waged by the ehiel «rf to Ann Arbor lor the Pasteur irea■police at Ijmsing against v.redor* of ment. She wa# picking flow-et;^ wh. -i

every laiporian'
luralng Pian-i. «

I i-.-pevim. candy and cigare who take the hnite rach-d upon her It ir said
the doy ran all the way m Fre.-poii
lot. th.-ir plan-* In the streets.
The Isrgest alberlng’ of Shriacr* from Grand R*pi-l*. Ju mll-s di.tsm
lever known in northern J^lchlgai A half doren m-Q pursued and sb<>'
I open.-d in the upl-er p.-cl:isula pligritr
age Wednesday afteruonn ot the Si>






Fourth ktw caught -his Jaw In the wtres of hi.
reg.- lo such a way that b<- was held

[avenue. IViri'lt. singing teacher in thi

[public school* at Marshall, has l>evi


I. restrvat.ons may be c

-•One ."f two pet foxes which ha-.r

with a iiarade.of «no member* ol th been k.'p' at hoc' house No 2, of
[order. The'guesta are given the free- Film life department came to grief ;r.
a prealiar manner. The little red fel
I dotii of the two Soo*.

as la the vice-like grip of a steel trap.

Grinnell Bros.’ Music House


compaay employe BReen men
With the uoiuoal i\-omk that be I
three email boya aed a mile iJH. the
A OrMt Parade.
e Indualry ie a valuable one injnoiify the various »aloon-k<>op.Ts nf
Tba pande commltiec of the Fourth *lrl jirohably lu or IS yrare old, fleb• village, tbe produn belne add ; lapheuitnp not to sell or plve the petl.n the dock. He paid no atleolloo
' of Joir celebralloD, had a neellDC
tlQDor. a yojnc
lera-and eootlnued waUilns aUraa as fast a» it can be tnanufartured,
H u<ld!cl"d lo the ruin huldl. aM
the Khore when be heard crlee and
who has .-viden’l.r emu., lo il.- ecu.
the boye wildly wnrlnit - ihHr
have brm aent to tfa» vartoui masuieliishm 'but he would iiiiprOv'. ,hte
vhil)' the Illlle sin bad dUai>- Fnwi Monday s Refwd
^tactunn and bualocae houaes aakloit
r. F. Kllnkth-r Jeti this momlnp for ^cotidllion 11?' -ou-nnn up, ca'ied n! the
for eordUS mpport aod saoeroua dl»- peared.
jciTBre Ilf Mator Kolwrr*. Hi' iw.-i.-ii
KuanlBR to the dock, he aaw her
phr OB that occaalon. The coniniltMr. and Mrs. F. Dupuy who have(was at one- iir.iuii.d: .and wiiliiii I.,.:,
waittea feHi, that It tbo
elothlng. been staylns In this city for the pa?t!a:i himr a iK>hc-. oRin-r »..» ni|U.;na
aod bualom bpt aaal«( lo titU eabifew
th-i.'M!i.routels isatlnc the oTlelBl r-.u;
bltioa with aome Htiir marCT. the the man liimiH-d Idiu the bay and pick•;fi<-atlou u- tie- liquo; d-aler'.
Wile Birl In an'imconaelons home In Oak Park. III.
thoaaaodf of pnplr who will be here
Miss Aliim Hill of rontrul f.:,k.. .ls; x:a!.i. Willi..ri: Rinks ot Kaiumaci.i,
She had swallowed r<>ntoe^bratewlll be tavorably Impreaa. enndllloti
<‘de-i-ti|>. -vnxe nnd I>
a «< w- i<> th-rliv ilie oiest
J imiiorlanre

.d Mis A'lMii. 1



fp to this lime th.- eommitiis. has



for. tlnnid




CoveredW’'o!fH-?ndaid Nock Aflor
an Attack of Mrasios-H.t:r A'!
Came Out — DocIj'-’s T'oriiert
Had Na Efect-Sufre'ed€Moilis

The KluG Yoa Have -Ylways Boanlit, fin.l Mhi. It Bar. been
lu u*o l‘«>r over 30 years, luis boruo iiie

- aiM] lias tKH-ii Miuile under hi* per-


/7‘ J //SsouiO siipcrt i'lou eini-e il*i<ir.iiie\.
Allow I..M.netod.*-e,vev..„ :u ,1,;.
.All Coiiiii. It. .1', liiiiiutions ntid“<T>i<t-.>'.ut«Mr‘i>re I1..1
rviH-riiii.'iii* I b it triile with nntl rndungi-r the lie.-iih
liiluuts and Onldrv-u-llxpcrleueo Uk-am-l i^p.-rti.,eiiu


Just had till..' Colotuhla,


•wine alsard FOrliinaicly, hi
have already beeo aiaured by wrveral
•tiirti- al
a*.' of rlothltiK. which ';iv.ulj
Mrs Mlonl.. rhunipni-v
manufadurera that idaboraie ItoaU
him fn.m a, very trip.'••d iro... Noiii;|s.rt. w hei.- shn s.iKrnt
will be entered In the 'laratle. Iiirita
ali., li- >..VS n..« it- w.;: -o.-rTl.e chUiln-n had »es-n fishlnp ti'-' rmne jfrae m-uis-ratiiic from un at
tloai are alao eztendid to tbe fratern­
,- p..u-i0....g*
ina’a bent jrlii tor a, the i.utfli! lai-fc of h.ltummaiory rhetimuiism.
al aocletin to t<e reprewented
wlr' K. his lid and sti>* i.<
having been rlteeil hy their raolhei-;
Mrs. M.
Htilcuiiib ot Tenth
floau or marrhem nnd the. Central
orcordlhK ii> iheir story.
|*lreei, l»-fi this n.imilna for Honor.
Labor union will be asked lo arranite
, I when- she will vl.h for a
for diiplayn by the rlfnr makers,
Mr. ami Mr* W M r
primers, carpenter*. maMms and kin­
s|a-iidi«K ih- djv nii I’ari.
Ceiwral Newa.
dred craltsmeo.
• I,. F
H.-rk. tie Is r.'bl
It la deHred by the nimmlllee that
I'lstu- fiv.-r toilay.
there be a cood (llaidar of pony carts
Mr*, n, Tli.r.l.;ild ai..l Law.
Id the parade. There are several very
41 lefT till* ninriiilit: f»i
The leglBlHiiirt- has Just passed a
Sne pony rigs la the city and the ea111 iDlei'iUfllali- iHiliits.
eeutlre eommlilee haa notified the law which will be of Inlervsl to local
Mr'. Aillnir Hy.b- w’eni
Ciininrin-rs il;*.*.'.-,
e. as much gasoline Is burned
nd tills rfornlns
This law makea It . a misde­
will be made for a prite for the best
.'ih.-si- .lay*, ' Til- t-.-aiil
doeoraied and most attractive fnny meanor 10 sell gasoline in other Ihan
Smunhwaiie and
tunool. This will be a good oppor -ed cans or cans bearing n red lab.-I.
lughiers left itiH rooming for their
ted is Ibe generally accepted danger
ttmlly for the young people who own
■mine:' c'ot.ux-- at Piiiiak.- l.-ikc.
.ignal and the red lalK-1 or can means
ponies to make a handsome display.
Mr*. A- Hatis.'U aii.l family ot this iwimli .
bal the comenis. unless properly
This display will be a magalltreni
ty weal to Chl.-f Lake iliU n.on.lUR
han^Ied. are a dangemiis explosive.
feature of the Fourth of July celebra
I visit relatives.
uaiidttij: tinii.«-r cai.».*3
It will also do nway with the misiaktion end If the clUtens of the city
Miss A. VcmosItTinil of thU city animal*.
Ing of ihe kerosene can for the one
will generously decorate dhelr placei
|. |t y-Kterduy tor Chicago
A':c.-G<*d-Miyknn I* siiins Im-t
lining Ibe lighter and mnn- expio
iM buiiaess and homes. Traverse City
•he will visit with Mend* lor a lew
iiKl l->r
will present a scene of greater splen­
days. '•
In- chiiin*
dor than has ever been witnessed In
«. II. B. tl.mier and mu Carl
. Bueklcy-Manten. ■
HU Al<iva-\f.;.!k* .Ac-Sli-Juni-J*
this aeetioD of tbe stale before. I9weryRickley. Mich.. Julie Jfl-Mauton. left y.-rti-r.lay for !liirl->r «nririg*.
G.-rniauv ..ii— li-l.l Ihe T-.r
1 m this big Industrial
Buckley, 6. That wa.« the resiill where they will visit with Mrs. GnrK- (H'liS'.imptlo!. lit 1nl>aec« i» r ie .ul


Ca«t«riu i* a l.arnil.-'* Mil>*Utiif« for Ca»ior Oil. P.irv.
pirie, l*r..p* an.t s.K.ihiii); .S»r«ii«.
It 1*
iili.-r Opitmi, .Morpliltie nor otli.r N.itvotoMiUManei'. li-. .n-.. i-. It* piaruntisy.' It <li-*lr«.\» W •.nii*
and sulav. r. v.-ri*lin.-vs. It eon-s DIarrInra tn.d Win.l
roln-. II r.-lievcN r.-.-ihinp Tmiildes, eiire* fm.-i i|*.:i..i.
and riaiiii. iu >. It j«*-..inilnt«-* tin-1-NskI, r.-a'Wbite* tl... ^
Nlnniai-h an.. lte\>.-K. givintr healthy nnd ualiir..l *I.-rp. ‘
The Vluldrvu*' l•l,n.....4 - rijo .M..lln-r’* Fm-uU.



} Bears the Signature bf

5pecdilv Cured bv
TVarm 1-iH •

‘ >.ti.'.'n Sjip,
,I . . ... -1


The Kind
You Have Always BougM
Jn Use For Over 30 Years.


perade. ate invited i

the baseball game here Tuesday
ofcemqpn and Ihe fact thal the lut-al
0 detealed Manion was pleasing to

the eommlilee, which consists of Mr.
Hannen. L. R Stlclcney, Frank Cargv. W- R- Poole. John Rennie, and C.

rt‘s slsler, Mr*. Hepry \Vrlghi.
«, J. Prim- and family ha«v gone
I their cottage. 'Spring Park." for

now 1..-M It rti<- Kt-lsia«; w!:..
/1:.-.'! p.vm.l*' y.-ariy,

John W

II- summer.
-y resident. At the beginning of
s|>eciacb-s and Iis.k
Mr*. C. T. Brown «>f this city lofi fnllJ-maiiut-ivd
season, Msnion defeated Buckk-y
1 score of 2 to I aod aa tills was yesterday for Chicago.
s. WlUIsm Moth'-rslII an.I 'daugh­
only defeat ailminlslered during

E. Taylor.
Any person who can Introduce
the season, the Buckley team felt It
special feature or novelty Is Invited keenly
the victory
Tuesdayto eonMBunlcate with the committee, brought all the more loyAtTaageerenU however. Hiould be
The Buckley team now consider*
nmda immediately so that there wilt
that It Is In a III class to give the
ha mi delar or confusion on tbe momAil Stars of Grand Rapids a hard bai­
lu ef the FOortb
lie July 3 and A.
Death of H. C. Burt.

|.r>** ivitn*. 1
tl.a-f.-roU II.-


i»,-..iu-. ro.-i l..n.iifMi.c
-. ;.r-i Mt,.-,
v-t it


ter May of thl* city left yesterday- lor
Uettolt and other point* In southern

Prof- Oavis « Marr.ed-


part of Michigan.
Mrs Bagley and son have returned
. Old Mission, after a wwk's -sisit
with friend* in this city.
H. Quick. Mr. and

c.ii\-d f.w. c..mroercla? pmi-os-s,


M.imit M.wgai. of Qu.vii.'laii.l.-,

Quick. -Mpt. Uaviilvm and Mis. Vaii-

:ralla. it. praclically .1 hill irf gold-lp

sr of MaiilsUf- sin-ni the day in

mg mineral.
New 5'orl; eliy eompk-itv-

The *noy pistol- and blank
Crawn. Mich., June Si—H. C. Burt this city.
ridge are barred by law from children ot thla irisce. died at the I'. B. A. bosbuilding* each year, nvf-iacing »iv
OB the Ftarth and tbe sute board ef pUal In Grand Raplda yesterday
6UU Nevrt.
health has sent out a comniunicailnD morning al S o'clock, of cancer of the
Fire. thuiigUl 10 have started trem
lU-rlin I
.......... im.-d, I
CBlUag attention to the fact. Tbe
RjKirks from a tlircwhlng engiie-.

• .-■Jilim; lavn.g ••-inir.'-.i l
i,i n..-: - ,.. ■
.Mi«,,ln»lc wai-'.Mi.,
Jvilv. A. I*. 1“-:. :.l -,.1I -.'rji.-t, ip lbaiwl iIk- o.-dulnc w--t :<
JV..I-U-* (K?-- tf
>. <l.e e-ntyJ* fiv,.'
f.Hi.-.rte,! 0-: ..■*u:.i,niay
'.Idv aiiil-nlUm-i.i;: *»e*

troyed the gttilu barn* <rf Nelson
ceaaed was bom in Gratiot i
few mile* from Sieila, Mo.. Is .1
An Act to Prevent the Sale and Uae ty. Mich.. March 31. 1W2, He was mar­ Pooler, seven mites south ot
tiniqu.- like- »ltick wiul.lisUunmt, Brow­
Miss Stewcoton WiU-Wed.
of Toy Plstoia.
ried to Allle A. Hillard of Florence, mouili. Pooler's wagon* and
sing aro.ul 111 iH-rl.-ei cime'iitment in a
Or ijatur.b:y. Jute
■ bf M
(Onmplled laws of 1897. Sections Ohio, al CrysUI. Mich.. OcL 21. 1880. nosse* were lost.
vr park Is a berd of |N-aiitlf.iI
Jloui» in K-"",11. 11, , Mir- i‘lllW-lUn. P. A. No. 18S. 1BC.)
Tbe Scimh Baptist clinrch .-it Pxirt
Sl.-v.u-oti Mi; i- Miul-.l lic-l;.. IBurl moved to Grawn sixteen
bi* d.-er |.ark eoiiM.-is of 15
,uli flurl.v. I» K, lU-r-a-'o ol
The people of the state of Hlcbigan y^rs ago. where he haa been engaged Huron. I* to have the lnrg.-«l 1--H
ml at prei-eliL there are sr-ven
a .p;
the city. II weigh* l.M»' |Hmuds.
the hardware and implemeut
a till- plaee, 11 having aln-ad»
Tiilr .'ir.;,' til.->li»te. iH-iel* .
• Section 1. .That no ponoo shall
ure* 44 Inches arress the bottom
ibl this Ri-:i*i>n: "ilie VmniB .b e
.-I..IIOV ef 111. bl:.l|.t«-sell, give or furnish to any child undei
and it took 35 men 10 lift H.
-b,-y will CO n. J;k.*-.".w..
>1.1 eai'li ami Iwitii: 8:t5 a p
For the last eight years be filled
the age of thirteen yem. any cart
church organized akoul two year
rillzctl't'of New- Ik-i'Jii. O.. al
tbe office of poeimaater and was well
rtdga ot any tom or msierial. or an]
nnd from a memberslilp of flv»
known throughout this terrtlory as
pUtoL gun. or other mechanical coo
grown to -JfK*.
the proprietor of Silver Lake resort.
Ulvance. apeelally arranged or des
George H- BalU-y of Poiiiiae;
He leaves a widow, son and daoghIgnated for the esplotloo
ot th.
chased turnllur.- erf the H-me l>.ri.lter, George M-. and Minnie, wife
liire Co., on the inSlalinu-ni pli
till- piilille spiiar
Eniesl Harr. Inicnneal will be
March. In -\pril wifh.iui noHfyins th.- man, McKwi-y .
Maple Grove.
The funeral service
empany h.\mpv.-d 1-ag .and baggage liiical >pi-<-i li e!i
will be Saturday.
tag section, absll be deemed guilty .
Saginaw', owing t-iime It:, m
Mr. Burt was well known In
good*. Momliiy IVpiiiy CnllK-rl escortHr. Willi-im J. lliiUatu!.
clly and had a large number
tbenoC. than be ponisbed. by a Bnc
1*1 Ball.-y- back to l’l•l>l;llC and iodgi-tl Ill- Cani-gb* ilnsi uni. J'll
friends wbo will be sorry to learn of
ot not less than ten dollars, nor mor.
In Jail.
|,reii.M,-<l a full set of Ihbla death.
tku flfly dollara. and cosu of proachn En'.merscm <if Grand Rapids.
cBtlOB. or ImprlaoDroeDt In the c
Jail not tost than ten days nor
wn* found dead and b,-*We
Brnest kIcKean was born ul Colothaa ninety days, or both such fine
the IJIM- Shone.^rwd tro.k J.isi
ma. Dec. 12. 1S7». and died at
and tmprltooaent. in tbe discretion
soutU of the dljr^Ttedsday niornina.
home on Walnut street. Traverse City,
cm Sainrda)-. June 15. after a brief
it shall be unlawful to
illness.- He was aged 27 years,
Bpy'*«>*(n vnder the age of thirteen
month* ond three days. He bad liveil
yeers. to have In poeseasloo. or uae
this city for the past five year*,
•ay of the aniclee named in section
was married Jsn. I. 1»01. to Miss
OBB of this act.
Ida FortoQ of Traverse City and
Tbe elreular then gives the num­
two son* «-ere born. Stanley
ber of deaths resulting from leUnus
and Leonard. He Is survived by bi*
or lockjaw as Mlows;
cblldrvD, wife, father and mother, and
im. United Bute*. flS; Michigan.
I brother*, beside* nnmerous oUi-


im, Un^ SUlee. 105: Michigan.
IWC. United State*. KM; Michigan

Saved a Child.
From Tburaday's Record.
E. M. Clark, the Pullman porter
'Coeductor Feck's train saved a little
girl from drowning la the bny ywlerday. After pnlling her out and r<'
atortng her to con*clou»ne«a. he bad
JuM time to gel aboard bis car

Death ef Mra. Brakel.
V. Ausu C Brakel dlWI at

cloml j by 1
Ch.-irle* 11. Mahoney. I
lad. who made such a hit In ih-


phic public, last March, iigaiti
'pii*hi-rt himself in winning first pnr.
In the Drury prite oratoriral eonti-st

■ Ilf the Cin-rnt

F.irm-r* fc M-ivlii.t.'•
Hurl,nr. Mlchlg-in
ci.iil* and chati-l' aiiIn Olivet cnllope chain-1 Mim- Raytmind II Gill, i:furcy, in said r.iuriH.
light. Tills wa-s hi* la-i .npm-arand d-Pvi-n-d. 1 d.,l. ■
there. He will go to Flskv- uni


stnirk rather hard and was hurt. The
city aiiorncy say* he had no hu»lne**|
•c .rH- a-T
rWlng on the »i,ie*alk. .vlthough it
-f N„:Thw,>t quart,
uuiv-ersal cu'lom there.,
__J NertlesiM quarter -•■ • Nonhw.'«t
The Grwnd Rapids cean. :;'

her sixtyfourtii year.
She bad
goon bU trip on tbe G. R A I. He did
is miffed, tl feels thai it has a rick;; g',,
gf Ne-.-rhs—i X:.:been sick with pneumonia, which was
imsuliei! when there 'ai-e con-j, i, i; southeast quart, r ^
not even learn the name of the child.
the cauM- of her death
templated chanuo* in the city charter.!*-': quarter
Hr. Clark ws standing alongside
y.-ar* ago Mrs. Brakel and her hu»q-iar;-: <t.i
have pas*.-.1 a rt-solu-^
the track near tbe starch factory
Wllham. cleared a farm an
Ing for train time. He had noticed
lion taking exception to t'-','
hare lived on U ever since. Beside
j«*lng a slight change in
her husband, she leaves seven chi
salaries i-f the Ip-alth effi
dren, Frank. Wllllsm. Fred. Mr*. John
the abolishing •< the offii-e nf

Contletd. Mr*
Ida Pfannen*chml,
irshal and highw;.y couitiil»>ione; ,
.vnd Mr*. ■Wimam Saunders *11 of S
auJ uCe: for >*:■
wws dublW ripper IrgisUition.
lesiate 1
ver Lake, and Hr*. A. Hebert
, ... the hichvrt M'!
The «>wos*o high soltool'^p-ihl
W.. hutt.'vl
'..>....1 il r>r. fKA l».«, ItV-l-nl loE.'
am A aml^ ao*
sl.-de the ice cream, caught and ti-'t ^
<;-i,tul Trav-rw- Co
Will Rebuild.
amed psa ram maasy
holding lio- r -'
Sutton* Bay. Mich., one rii—At a Frank Kohler, gaggitl him. cut hls^iji,. p' -Mww-. tHchifom OO3. Hd..
! wiii'.m^ ,s..ld County, .m Tmass meeting of the citlsen* of Sm hair und threw him in’ a* w.i'eniis Cmin , - A
•IwmbMtadlinsgimIdaL TbM
n ib-r a
hf- forVn^.-a^ef Yhi.:
hm^ .aa attach rtpUm 1b*yt>en.d ton* Bay last nighi. several hundred .rough, are repenting In sack
MdttVpettBtsdaBdhlsd. KsSWsgbslpsd doltani were raUt-d to help tbe
and ashes. Wlicn arraigned '-W'' I
Dat-i iUv
A. t>.
. tow^ImsdPr-A.W.Cbam'sOtaS------CHARIXS S JOH-NSi^X
Cwrroii eiimiuiny rebuild their «teel- the «t.«l Imard the l-qs were m-ar I
Sh-rt1T .rf Grand Tiai-;—,Co.
ItalaMditom.* neabosataildmli
slor facl^ry. Encounip>d by this, the ed to a Miff lecture an.I i
Ba-A-V. QistoMtasmaOaL.Bsgaln.H-T.
IV to
.O pa>
...v- .or
or ti.c.
tl c i
* HARVBA'uoder
purchase machinery and .will resii
the Juol.tfs and yo-jng Kohler
| Eemon. Harbor, Mlcbisati:.
operations Ji:*l as aion as possible.
Per wl* by Johnson Orug Co.



'.<-f lTol..f.


jiOTATE OF •MK'lirG.tN., THIl 1‘1«>

linie (I.n;1 for lh>- eoi.iiiv nf Oifln.;
Trev.-r*.-in the tia'ier jd i*.-» .-tiiiir oi

Noti-e I- ieid y c.i-.r.i • .Hi

; Itmmtli- from ihc,i.^-b d:ir <f
“il.r. if-:, l.av.- b--;l ;.-1--.l.*3't
•:ie.* le Jirei-nt ro'.r '.r.Mc-,


it; tes:;-

: ES.,.,


In'eri*—Sea . .




•KV. Hi .-

j ^1,. f-r ..rdsr sod lTv..niv«J U... *»



ter. Miss Anna Emm.-rseti

verolty in Nashville. Teiin.. Afi.-r tl.e^
le was an honest and Industrlons romest the annual lameru parade wasj
n. a kind husband, an ^ectlonate
OwoK*n is ihrentened wlih a lawmill j,
Many beautiful floral tributes
for li.'-mv S. G. johlxsou. the »Ce<l!s.-<
-'Iwere brought by tbe kind hand* of
who rode his blcj-cle down
, ^.i ■
ueighbors and friends. The funeral
of stairs .leading from the side Ig.,..,-..,.f siec.;-n I
service was conducted at the resile the piwtoffice t«i*.'nKmt. hs» I N.wTh and W<
’H a h'-ce by the Rev. Joseph Dutton, of
First M. E. church.


No one I* known to have e<-en him
killed. He lived wlih an only da-jgh

father, and beloved by air wbo knew
IMS. United Stales.


(i,li-UO,«i. at said pr.-lKile .ifBro.
lor .Vdiniiilm: and idlov

tuijuise. -in' tb'rg.-ii'-i.-e
)b i.ald. >.m-B*t'.it“ i priuif-d-ynd «r.1

la aa follows;

tbo eonit.
Snetlon 3.

i-Ui'.w* i.-ivim: ftl.-d ill
... rmni H.eouiii S' Admin
litil t *t:-i>-; and hi* p4ltk«i.
• i!,r ali.,»:.tib.--^r«if.
r-ri. Ill*' lb. Mil 4ny '“f

t-id 1*


The New Brandt Sprayer
The lalcsl ot all devices lor cxlcrminating all
kinds of insects.
No waste o! time by stopping to pump II
ahead. Can be done as the
operator goes along.
Por Ois'tribLJ^iriS
Paris Green, Bordeaux Mixture/and etc, this
sprayer has no equal.


Work Shoes
for the farm


W.Uspi-a-- (
tl...l. w:d,ks,

l>on'; l)'u\ jour t-ttry
day she*;* :i'.' you
kind wt have.
The i-r;ce* are nothiijh.

.1 Spray from

15 ,fo 20, I


t Poutooa with oar.rl



The Fourth at Traverse City
w.I u 1.


Arrangements are eomplele lor the greatest day ever known in Northern Mlehigan. The Industrial, Military, Fra­
ternal and City Departments’ Parade will surpass ^ything ever seen in this part oi the State.
Seven Bands will iurnish Music from Morning hll Night.
Exciting Horse Races at the Driving l'.srk.
Two Good Base Bad Games.
Great Motor Boat Display and Races on the Bay.

I'he afternoon fireworks will be of csp< cial inte est Thcti. R ^i: 1. n giilar trains will arrive from the
to the children, and will be eq tally enjoyab’e
south at s;h*> a. m. and from the Nonhport Di­
vision at l<it05 a ni; And special trains will
to all.
leave Traverse City on the G. R. .N 1. for the
.-\ splendid displayIt-f both Day and Night ,1’ire’
_-L___ 1._____
south and _i____a
also oh ,uthe \.N'orthpon
Division at
works, the b«t .Northern Michigan has ever
lOtuf* i<. m.
The regular M.
N. H. train will arrive from the
An excursion from Manistique, a tliousind riron^.
south at
a in ; from Proveinont and C<rdar
will be brought by the great steam ferr) , ar­
at ''il4 a. m. The Provemont and Cedar
riving at Traverse City at'' o’clock a. m.
iMin »ill Icavi- Trav. rse Ci-.y. retnrninB ai
, (>JIT,. an.l the south bound train at n l.',
Special Tfains will leave Kalkaska by the Pere
p. m. .'or all points as far as Copemish.
Marquette at •‘iiW a. m. and Elk Rapids
-.1 1 ,•
at O h" a m .conne* ting at Williamsburg, .ir-‘ _ ,
''"t ''“'Iriving at Traverse City at 7;30 a. in. Specials
ihe ^alkaska tram will bring the famous
for both Kalkaska and Klk Rapids will leave
Kalkaska band. The Elk Eaoids train will
Traverse City.returning, at 11 o’clock p. m.
bring th" Elk K.ipid« band and a baseball

Games and Athletic Sports, open to all, for prijes.
Aquatic Even's for prizes.
There will be many attractive special features in
the Industrial Parade.
A prominent feature of the day will be the oldfashioned Public Exercises, with Music, Siiig*
ing. Reading the Declaration of Independence
and appropriate addrcssi^.
The splendid new bay steamer, the Chequamegon,
will run short cheap excursions on the bay all

t'.im, whii.:i will pl.iy the llu'llers in the
nu>rii.iig'at the Oval Wooil I >ish Co. s ground.
The Northpor; tram wdl bring the Hoys Band of
Suttons P.av
P-a\ ,aud ilie buttons Bav
Bay Base Ball
Team, which will play the Indepi-ndvnts in the
afternoon at the Twelfth street grounds.
fhe <.». P.
I. tr..iin front the south wilLbiing the
Kingsley Martial Band.
horn.; baa.i,. ihit Trav™ Cily aa.l the'
yueon City, null also luinish music all Jay.
-And the Manisiique'Kxi ursion Band will also add
TO the attractions o( the tlay.
-Mtogeiher. this will be the greatest celebration
Northern Michigan ever saw.

A Special Engagcfflcnt has been made with a CELEBRATED ACROBAT AND GYMNAST, who wili appear in the Parade
and at Several Stated Stationary Places on tbe Streets. This will be a Novel and Attractive Feature

Come and bring your Family and Neighbors. Come early, stay all day and remain, if possible, until after the
Fireworks in the Evening.


Discharge of Whistling Sockets “Special”

Sunrise Salute
The day will open with a grand acri.l

F"i re worlds !

calute-ef ten mammoth ma-

reonA «red from mortar*. Theae maroons aicend from five to aia hundred
feet Into the air, and explode at that height with a report that can be heard

Exhibition Device “RevoJving^^arwiV
This beautiful device rep'resenU a large double fan, studded with laSeiK.
Iivork of crimson, green, orange and blue, encircled by a double ring of

City li ready for tha day'a celebration and the children will probably hurry
thair parenU through breakfatt ao that they may loac none of tha fun of

ctreams of red. white and blue elarA making a fan-shaped fountain repre-

the day.

tenUng the stars and ttrlpcA

Discharga of one targe fountain battery, throwing

Day Fire-Works



Grand Emerald Illumination
illuminat.onsm^rtalns of illumlnsted vppors. tinted with emerald JawslA

volving columns of brilliant fire, ascending high .n the air. emitting showers
of golden spray, and terminating in a crown of variegated colored stare of

Kelt. paraeelA birdA c

every hue.
Alao elx twenty-Rve foot colored paper balleonA

Exhibition Device "Kaleidoscope”

Alee 12 Imported animal balleonA plgf. fleh, eiephanU. etc.
Thia day diaplay wHI be of eepecial Interest to the children, bu
people are net prehibiud from participating in the



hour’s aperL


n taken In the eelect.ap of this diiplay and meet of It will cenalst of heavy pleecA largely aerial, although there are several sat places

One dsutia mammoth "Old Glory" batiery, throwing high In tha air,
three immense streams of red, white and blue aUrs, making a fan-ahaped
fountain representing "Old Glory."

Thlt will ba followed by three twenty-five foot magnlfleonl firowerlw
r balleonA carrying with them a fine diaplay of RreworkA which explode at
a great height making a beautiful and Impreaaive feature of Ihe ooeaalon.
Following thiA will be given the regular diaplay of evening Hreworka.


market place and specloters can gather on

the sout()/bank of the river, which forma a great amphitheatre capable of
holding a hundred thousand parsonA

Thia ground la directly In the center

of the buaineoa oectlen of the city, making
atrangcra acd citlxtne4e congregate.



great height twinkling stars of great cahbre.
They float a long distance and change color


from parachuICA





Salvo of Neapolitan Bombshells---Three
Discharge of twelve marnmotti twelve-inch (three Break) Neapelitan

Both Day and Night Fireworks
set oft from

Ascension of Willow Tree Rockets

Otscharge of six two-pound paraenute rockets, each discharging at a

Tha evening fireworks will be inaugurated by a grand diicharge of
ten mammeth aerial maroonA elmllar to theee at sunrise.


changing each In­

Discharge of Parachute Rockets--Twinkling

that will ba very handaome.


Discharge of “Old Glory" Battery

This megnificent piece opens with two wheel* of brilliant fire, revolv­

stant in form and color.

d In the history of northern Michigan.




bombshellA fired from steel mortars. These beautiful sheirs are of ingen­
ious and skillful
construction, discharging in mid-heaven three separate
and disllnet times, displaying alternately red. wh,te and blue stars and
go'd rain; producing a aplenpid eflect.^ne of the





pyrotechnic art.

It lAearneatly hoped, that theaa from


tha Burrounding towni and country will remain to witneaa thia great div
play of firewerkA and arrangementa will be made for apecial traina to

and third burst, releasing sapphire and emerald




Into the air and explode at that height with a report that can b* heard for
a flight of sky reekeu with -Japanese eftceti.

milea: each being egusl to an eighteen pound cannon report.

Fusilade of Trailing Star Rockets


Exhibition Device •‘Japanese Glory”

Oiacharge of twelve apecial two-pound exhibition trailing star rock­
ets. fired from troughs which oeecmpany


apecial reeketa. made with greatest care:



exhibition. >



This splendid device cers-sts cf


fantaslicatly in opposit.le d rect.ons. w.ih
changing each
briltiint fire.







instant to beautiful figures, surrounded by a




Discharge of Jeweled Streamer Rockets
Six mammoth (our peund jeweled streamer recketA displaying great
-golden bursts of a large number of streamer* of brilliant fires eaeh ter.
mmat-ng with a shell burst of variegated'jeweled stars.
beautiful comt.nai'ons m pyrotechny.

One of the most

Salvo of R. F. Co.'s Night Shells
Discharge of twelve m.ammoth fifteen meh "R. F. Co.*" night shellA


shooting *ur*. meteors, ccmeit. duration sUrA

aerpert*. gold ra.'n, t-*,’ed surs, whirl,g,g*. parachute*, mammotn spreadars. eic.. p'cduc'ng a magnificent effect.

Ascension of Shooting Star Rockets
D-scrarge ef s.x mammoth four-psunfl star

Discharge of Golden Fountain

h aerial marronA e

Exhibition Device “Polka Quadrille"

colors, becides

Sib mammoth four-pound cornucopia rockets, each releai ng mam­
moth ahewers of brilliant nibirs, followed m ou ck succession by s sceapd

be sure of reaching their homes at a rcaaonable hour, the same night.


Six mammoth fpurpound willow tree rockets: eaeh throwing out at a
great height a masverf bnltiant fire.'taking the shape ef a willow troA with
Its long, hanging branches which spread and finally reach the ground.

fired Ircm. steel ms-tar*. These shell* are the grandest production in the
art. They shew every known color and all the beatrtiful coifibinations ef

Flight of Cornucopia Rockets

leave on all the reads after the evening's entertainment, ee tttat all may

Grand Aerial Salute of Maroons

Discharge of Trailing Star. Rockets
Discharge cl six extra large three pound oxhibition trailing star rocketa. m mid-heaven, they diaplay trails of extra large starA..whleh
continue floating, finally disappearing In the distancA

ing In opposite dircctionA with epacue centerA which are suddenly filled
with fanuctic flpurca In red. green, blue and orange;

The Evening Display of Fireworks
will be I

brilliant amber apur-flrc; the whole producing a beautiful combination ef
colora and eccentric movements.

Grand illumination of surrounding landscape by six Isrga amorald

Egyptian Whirlwind
Flight of six extra large priamallc whl^wIndA forming Immense re­

dapaneot r

displaying '

into a cloud of mJsL

Display of Stars and Stripes



n length, changing colorA while float-

a great diatanec.

focmilet; each being eguat to an eighteen-pound cannon report. ThI# ealute
will notify tha country for fifteen or twenty mllee around

Fusilade of Diamond Chain Rockets
Six mammoth four-pound diamond chair rockets;

Aacenaieu-of elx threepound calliope, o
exploiian. they fill the air with loud, aereeehi

This splendid piece commence* a hexagon vertcal Weel. with


Upon the.r proper altitudCA these rockets release several showers of
gO'aen sent,nation*, from which many shooing stars ef all odors of the
rainbow are continuously discharging ,n every direct.On, p'oduemg a novel
and beautiful effect.

Exhibition Device “Magic National Star”
Thi* beauliful device commences with a five-foot American star,
w'th jet* of red, wh,-e and b'ue. wh c» tommur:oa-.« ,n the background
te a fcei. ng sun. wm -.hangeafe f .:: ant fires .-rd colored centre*: the
whole terminating’ n a star ferm-d of bnli.a-t scintillating sun*, heavily


crimten. green and orar-gc centerA m-uiating to a beautiful naio of glory,
richly studded wuh cderec rubies.—t'-e pr-de of Japan, heavily marooned.

Each rocket at Its

TTiree double mammoth elght-psund diamond chain reckets; each
releasing a chain of diamonds one hundred feet m lengtn, ehang ng colorSn—

Displaying .n braotifully ihaded letters of lancework the word “Wet-

proper height throws out a bombshell, which explodes and displays a brill

floating festoons of fire and Jacob's ladders gradually -from




from view.

Grand Opening Exhibition Device
eeiBA*' surmounted by an arch of brilliant colored jets and radiant turw,
which project into the air vivid ehewera of Chinese hrA terminating with
a grand discharge of cannon salutsA

Italian Sunset .


Grand mun-matien of surrounding scenery of six mammoth crlmaen
illumlnatioaa; a splendid eftccL

Fusilade of Bombshell Rockets
six extra large three-pound bombshelj recketA

Grand Discharge of Diamond Chain Rockets

lent shower of vsrigaied colored surA

Discharge of Whistling Fountain
One double mammeth whistling fcunta.n

bslttry,—one of the most

beauliful eKecU known to pyrotechnic art. Beginning
shower of gelden-fij< changing to an -Hutr nct-on. intcrmuigled with cai^
ed sUrA with a fu^^l accompaniment of whistimg eflectA

Aerial Flower Garden
Grand flight of ene mammeth bousuet.* of hun­
dreds ef extra Is-ge calibre recketA grouped together ,n a tali, wooden
ease and prepared to fy in a mass at’ene t-me: the a- w-th ehrysanIhemumA willdw tree*. li'K*. dailies l.iies,
sheaves of wheat,
gdlden cloudA etc., the whole form ng an im-rentc aenai flower garden.


eiiANe TRAVcmc heralb. ntuMDAv. jimc a. \m.
opmUr# dntr.*' Ood did


preveot an atWBpl to lynch the kld-l

oho^ nnrderwd hla wife bwaaMjaty win ^ve a moat ceidW weleoae' In



OM at AayhiM.

la exatelw


Rufus C. Crane, seed ts y.wrs. a
D the world mcrHr ter enjor- napera of t-year-old Walter Lamana. afar iv^iaed to ace him when be re-|Sclala. or board of unde. Traverfe'dnd eatimatlng Umber and'lt an
who waa wantonly BUtden>d Irv hi. turned borne after serving a term In, to the rtUterv among whom will he | pert at ibii boMaeas.
He goea
j perwnnuaied Meibudtsi alnlaler. EICu
Md while It
Sing Sing.
1 Included pr«nlnent bnalnesa mes and Maetana to engage tn the--------------ibe aavliun
!at « o’clock -....................
.. — -SalorAar
la right for anyone to alrtre
local I
Mr. Allen who had already been to (night. Hf ' ti;e wv- m Big Raptd*
master Cn bia proteaaloo or employ-,
anooil memoHal eenriee. While
Elected Ofliera.
Uard M irwde wUl make It their haW-■ jiooyaia UiU spring, tvtoroed to ae-‘nml 1*e -w-as
luemt-er of ibe Detroit
meni, we ate not put here to spend nil I
«)eelln|[ with lodjw work dliwly. the
ihi-se are well cared
a huBde-d nr more men to work j coafen-nciTli.- i.-matii- were atOpof our time In working for aelf. 'He! Knocked down and trampl.-d uisTheTrav,
Her. W. H. Irwio'a addrew
I'nliiQ held a imetfng at :-:4i ID the | for and the
I Khiitet* of Pythias j la tb« Mociar.a lumber woods, hut'peg m Rig «.iTiidi, whrr.- a wife.-two
who gives to Ihla irarld no more aer-;by a runaway horse. Mrs. Mlctia.
which could not fall to '.mprau acrwhat be paid-for. la a rtn-lWeish an aged tealdent of Tu^y. - Church \>f ffarist Monday evealiig and<w|]| aiev(,te
Ir best attention m. round great dlfflcnliy la getting th*‘,ons and two
r- - itvove him,
one al all latereated In
thA fon)>w1i.g
r^rr}>«-«TA offlcera:.
* .k.-i........................
I, '------.raped
•* death by ---------almost----i -Iracic in el>rit-d the
brlr, visiting breihrvn
l-miber he wgnied a- every t>ody is as - „;n» and
-;'vive him.
woik. The text wax taken front th'*
Prvsideat, the Rev J. A Caob.r.
front of the residence of John A. Jncl This win he the tlrsi time, thai an itnisr in Mlflnaan as in Montana.
"lai |.;»co u.Biitta chapter of OalaHana. the
Vh-.- pri.ident. J.ihu Tr-emalne.
vciiraioii has cue;.- from Mnnlsili,iie ,
__________ __
In bringing out the third thought ' *on, 51* East
rroui, ear;..verae and pan of the aecond v<
,1.. thu city. Sine ih- board of tra-ie
oiitllnerl lu the test. “Ca-si thy bur ; Tuesday iiliumoon. As It U bvi Ih-Ij
-For ererr man aholl bear hla
; excursion last yrar thervt has leen;
den upop the i;Otd and Ho will su*-!lf frightfully ^niHed u a;e h-r Ups
burden. Bear ye one aooUter'a bur..................
»,establlsbed very pleasant aortal Ma-j Ml'-*
Bragcr daughter ot Mr.
tain Ihsc." Mr. Irwin auted it was! and nose, -some teeth being knocked
and pan of the twenty-aecond
meeting Ie-1 by Oliver-,mns and good-bn-lneaa relation* l,e- and M'»- Albert Btwger._3SI Second
Ood's plan to robpenie with ns Injout.
. verae Brtyflfth psalm.
'■ Nweeo the p.-ople .if tW* city and Man
-'nd Peter Thiel non M Mr. and
building our live* and to hHl. ,ua car«rs. Welsh and Mrs. MlrhsM
InrrdeB upon the latrd."
------------------------------ ■
II 1.
therefore es^-eiaiiy. Mr- *"'«* Th'"^
rr nur iHirdena, the hunl-ns that *.•! we re walking *<*t when O Scl»on
Elk Rapid! Dark.
|,dea«ani for Tn.veme City on the1" tnarrtage 31 r vVl.wk RaturIn hi* dpcntoR rentarka. Mr. Irwin enrry in our hearts and in our heaJs.iOld Mlishm drove hi-; tir.iae
aald. that eken with our iiailonal
Elk Rsiilds. Mich.. June :t-Rik-F„;,riiM.. 1. ai.l-i .-nt.nalii ih’f"'
I.U1 that he oues not absolve us from the C. R. A I. traeks in the same dlperily. there are things and condliloi.s earrylng banlens. "It Is not to live! rectiou. The animal li.-ram.' frtebt- Haiuds was again lu darkness lasiipj^ ^ ,.:^r -i--,r .Ur .a<i.»-.«
the grisnn’s patents •!!- H.-v A.A.AlIlnlIn tbetCe day* wbich will glvv th»
<fi-tiliig and after the few iilghta ofj,.,.alls.

ofUc-ii.Hng and riiv tine c-tvinony
for aelf that is legitimate In thl* Imne I at some cars on tt.- «rwnd Kapelectric lights It ,seemed darter than!
-------------- ^---------------riakJng idace In u l-iw->,- e; gowers.
peaslmiatleally ladlned plenty of food worW. bin to live i.i make out lives Ida Brewing company's sldlne
for thougbt. that In the moat vital count In tnir homes and in the muh-(siart-d to run. Tlie driiee did hi- bc-i
■la^ness was ra-ised It is |
| The Wst man
William Thiel.
dneatlona coDccmlng htiimmiiy at
1,...1-|A„ f».» .
Ujeh . June r« —Ml*s
- looking
—Ml«s Eliia-!
Eliia-: brother of -he unsuii .n-i Hi;e hri.1.<niunity for good.
large, even In our own state, ibera i«
I- (lieiric light plaui with Is-lh Kie-inskl un.l Prank P'.’flonel: i maid w;
»-riha ri,-:.!.
suited only ill I • liK-nkmi; <
conauntly a bitter wnr wair<M' PecviiisIdlTahle were united in marriage thl« morning i the groom.
ii match rosulilng
MlCaught lo Storm.
twoen the-two oppoaing f.>rc*-s. All
ai k o’clock at ihe Catholic church at | Boyd avenue was
Caught Oh the huy In ^lurday
The maddened aiilinni down <m ilamape.

Nei^boJTMiwdid the ADhDti


BUGS are miNGT


There will bt nc-d- of in*sctiicides-

Ilnea of Industry have been reduced to evening’s
The pi.w.-r for ili- dynamo Is fup
terrlftc thunder
storm. [ ii„. two women who w.-re wunied of
a MSience, compKIUon la noon keen, Bracken Jfelges and Ciiyler Hall drift-' ip.-ir dang-r hy the rih-s of .■nlisdi- ui-h.-d hy a gas . neltie unil there was
that a nun has to rob liUnsiIC of valu- ••d with the wind off, shore for a half,,-re. Mr-- Iloyd managed
a -irons stiiHI of eM-upiug gas wlmn
hour In an open launch trf-fore making the feiin- in from of the Jackson ns- title of tbe wmknien mad.- :m Invesildostry U-comes toil and dni^gcry. in sbore hy paddling kith their leather j idrnn- but the older woinati could giitiun abotit f> o-clork. Th.- reanPIng
order that he may raimfortahly sustain cushlnns.
•utplusiuii lone the lid uC the
• not and the anlmiil crosh«-<i ou
thime who de|iend upon him. to aay
tank and nlso 4l:iiiiiigi-d
the clothes
young men put off on llielai,,! i,t,tnph-d «p«in h.-i liody.
nothing of laying by anything should llelges' launch. "Maredu." frrmi Hie w.*igon sinick.lhi- t
I Ihe'nin although he .•scuiwil i
d Mr. Seldeath tobibsi home of Its bread win­ WMiue-Uing cluhttarly In ihevvcning.
s thnis-n
Tbe far-reaebing Infliiiume of The
,ne night
mgni vras
was sultdy
Hejialri. w.-r.
and the ymade
on hl« li-ad and slionlHejiairs
at .Wife statt.-d Imi
Iking 'on
the home wna brought out. as the P>v-|fQ^
ilers. hnilsitig them.
wiM h.- some time ls-f..te they ace r
ot uptm which all reform and all tlia! enjoying the r«*>! hret-re ihol chi
The litJvred woman was pirV.-d np.' pl-f’l. Th.- i.lant is iiwne.1 hy H.
whlcb tends toward the betten-------gathrrill eonselou* and carrl.-.l into thejJoyii' f.MTueily of Traverse. City,

For I’otaio lUiys ooihiiii;
luda. iy of hag ever been dis-vovgreii that
iNwier wnd i* as ROod as 1‘L'RH PARIS
Th.-y ar- ppunlllrtit yomgjthe MV*<-k Viola
'm-w---unforiunaiely many
peufile «f
Mt. Sleflon-k h;olng(of Soioti w«Te O
rierked for s*-vt r;tl years in Wi Igbt' w.-ddlng o»iv)i 1 - I.;av4-.r’jiy MK-;get holij of some of the jtoOr
‘c.race lUrtlt..-..MP«
and the c. r. moiiy! {jrades With whlch the market
^ rnlv. r-<
n,A ijc'ide »a« atliTi-d Ip -cnfn sat- taking plac..
;» flooded and results are not
-• I- <\.z'
chrysaniheniums. fn.inds and rela'i>.-s ili.. r
satisfactory as the Potato
eery prrtiiiy
They will make ih-ir b-.
raiser not only wastes timt'
and MIss.Fnincra Rosinski apuer of
he bride, was l.rld.uimald.'A aredding greotn's farm adjoiniiic luand money but also loses his
dinner was seiv.-.l at the borne of
Mr. ami Mrs. R..s|nsk1 und the yiwngl

|NHi|ile left iiNlav .in a wHl.lim:
Owing to the in.-T.-ii-u-l .!
.Mllwiuike*. and Chicago.
Ilaunrhacc.Tnmo.Utloi.-n,.they Ihniighl jmaiu- from where rorrtlcal aid was j
iiong club iN«t ho;i«. will 1tiuthlng of It. for despite
sumiuonwl. Her InJmhui whlh- |wln | .. Coming From Manialique.
Caught a Bullhead,
serious, and Imisissllde ti.-;'
The ex<s-iillvi- eomniiH.V of
flashtw of llghlnllIg.^m thunder jfu]
fishing la th.. Branlman river
It ,may seem, no 1sdu-s were broken. 1 Fiuirih of. July c.-l.-hratlon »-ep- noil- Siii'itday Edsard Ciirtl* son of V.
••Every man should bear his own could he fHatlngulshed an.I from all: p
lutrdrw. Ood has ordained that every appearanrtw the trouble seemed mll-s Her right ktu-e was badly cat alidjflcd Saiiiidny i^-eidnc !■>
Captain H. f'urlts. eaptnred a hiillhend. a lUh
aotil shall bear hurdeua. Some bur- away.
It travelled rapidly however, hnilsed while the left lower 11ml. was jRidi.-ii'nii ..f th.- I.lg ear f.-rry ManthesA water* tint qulie cotndelta are inaepaiwble.
Deliverance and Just befiire the rain began de­ hrui-ecl and the flesh mni ftom iha' an .-jeiir-liiti
oiher section.Mthough the
- F.MittU ij
from them is lmi>otsihIe. They tmisl scending the engine gave out.
hiillli.-iid i- iii'l a ihli'ig ..r lieaiiiy. he
Orln. th.- l y,-at-..W son of Mr.
be borne."
Tbe bmden of aurrow
The machine p-fused lo wo rk. de-|Ki>ro scratched und bruiM-.! niul h.u auspices of Hi.' Kniglils of Pyuliiac
of ihai
I'aidHlu lluls-riwin
waa tbe Oral spoken of. aa one that
terribly haili re.l.
-illc Ihe effort and the boat vi IS soonji,.!, eiiip
Fiin.-roi wa- hei.i from
stall'd that hr- cx|u«l(-d Ihe cr.iwd
innat be borne by everyone In every being blown off shore, before n stiff
known .us "Mississippi

w.-q<i. '

of munklifd. hinges, and that it
for the protection of the home
tnlteniBl aorieUna werefotindc-d.


none but the

-- .Lavanburg's -Star





----------------- makes the very best tireen
L,„. c«,»


ex<<s-d sK hiimlr.-.! |»-f>iile fmm
neceasnry biinlena wind .while the occupanu;
Kalamaxoo, Mieh- June 2*—William Waiilsiidu... The car ferry will Wu|»
wfaidi Ood has placed upon ns. for drenched with the downpour. The sit-!
Xorihporl-.Ki its way
wtthool It. we can never Im fully de- nation was far from vlensant and as j Weidemayer and three valuable race
last n«orl. the cnahlon* were uHl-lheraee were killed in a cyclone which
heie ni .S:isi o'rliK-k
vMoped. nor able to make the best of
ed a* loddle*. By dint of hard la-]*trtiek here al 2 o’eloek this morning, lug of the Foimh leaving al
onraelvni or lead the moat nseful
itrtm: The bnrden of renponalblllly. bor, they gained the gheller of ihejThe eyelone hit Recreation park and ..'rlork ,111 Hi.' ev.uiiuc.
—. . long
------ -------- .1
over Ihe Iiiak.- a Hiletidi.l trip for th- k
tbe InflaeDce of our life upon others, shore and ....
the .---------------------launch t s tl.vl up at
Htailan. and the

la one of which we must render an.

- Greillek dock, while 1


socooDl to Ood. The burdens of phyeieal htflnnlty. dally toll, dlaappolnt-

•n sought shelter in

against a live wire.

nieat. paia. etc., were also spoken of.
-Bat burdens are blpaaings. They are
all part of God’s program for you."

>m of the mill.




Os-sinlng. X. Y.. June 24-After
two yiptrs' nghl for life, cjhn nbtisnn

after they .aiv shipp.vl nonh. It U
►aio .Hull th|.y are trwbsfnrrned into'
salmon au.l iiiaiiy-rans of sremd sradc .

liqii. ami X.irilHiorl jM-oph-.
Hie car
f. rry is a lliie craft for an excursion

• niiHilng in.wi* n
fish of the MUslssIplil.

of this kind, provided with every f

cilliy tnr comfort and convenience.
dl.-d In the eli-ctric chair this
II will In. ri'memheriu]
iU;.i la
Troops Called Out.
year, the Traverse Ciy lawrd of
N>w Orleans. June 24—Seventy
^rotraci.-d legal hulii.' John-i vjslied at Manlciiqiie utiil w«-ie
armed de.nuties and extra details of
of that' fpniily.
police are parading the Orleau* par- son
who hail a ivll elnse to hi.; lu the .While this Is not an excui-slon' gibers
death bouse.

cen-r..""-- ................a., .,

1 under lb.--aiisi-ioi-s <d Hi. lr

city of- Ims 1..-


Fine Horae For Sate.
UtiuMial utiiNirtigilty
. cokIi. for tl

for years and




; niblKT tired; fine si-i hanieas fur Mf
i-enno*. I
,,...1,- ,,- n..T
-r .> i-.,<iae...c
reside,I.c iMk'n.—
tiS'Oaf front 1.
& roionSt.
r Adams. C'hlcago.
TraviTse City, Miib.
Edwai.l SleiMin.

on yqur Fourth of July Suits--Hats
Caps--Shirts--Neckwear-- Half HoseUnderwear and other furnishings that
you’ll not need to look further-


Boys’ Suits sizes for 15 to 20
years going at
$3.75, $4.50, $5.50 to close lots

Men’s Suits going at
$5.50, $7.50, $10. $12 to close lots worth
$7.50 to $15.
20 Dozen Caps One Fourth 45ft
Do your shopping early—There’s going to be
a rush.

Sherman & Hunter
Opesi^e Orand Opara MOu'aa

We have handled the same

tomeri always report sure
.and i;ood results. In bulk
or in boxes. Prices the ver>’
(lowest hit good Parts (»reen
I. ,
be sold at

'•’** and faniliv luara. illain be OnilHid.
s oM.
.iM,' 15
li :i-i hands high, weighs.
11)50 iHiuuds: warranu-d imil.-nly safe,
>»iund. kind, fearless i.f i-i'en-thlng.
She trotted law July in 2iJ.i. fseleas .
for horse dealer* or llveirmen to calb
s». of her to «im^,

We’re going to satisfy
you so well



salmon. ” iK lng taken ''‘"M 775',7,™'.'"""’" !*ni til great Quanilllei;. When!
they cmip out 1h<T are mtftsh,-hot

< boya aad girt*. 1 wish you la with It. Him Horttm pot It up injl^st Sanday 1 went seeking flowers '
could come too. It U tbe 21st of July tbe room. Our Club n»ci* today. Aj Well I must do*e for this time. Hop-'
I srltl be twelve then. I win be gisd few of the girts spoke their piece*. I, log to sec this pr(ote<l in tbe Sunshine
when the Fourth of July comes,
cant think of anytblng
to write, ciut department. I
this awful weather? Wc hare beea to good-bye.
Voai Bunsblner.
planning our ^rden and fixing
From your Sunahlne girl,
Age 10.
Laars Johnson.


flower dieds and tbey look nice
And It U no wonder, for,
We are building a derrick: ll is going
we cannot try to keep all tbeSonablnc
to be twenty feet np In tbe air.
rales without being good and happy,
had three cocoons, and the first 1
and the kind of people who are going
lerfly thst batched out about three
to moke the world better for having;
days ago had a fit and died. Another
lived Id It.
bsirhed out last nlgbL I saw It
Since I WRiteyou laat, I have been
II batched out. It t* ven' pretty. The
other one Is not hatched yet. Here
have not ocen anything that r*Mnlnd-,
are some names for the Sunsbinc
ed me of the trip I told you about.
remember my aiklng you to guess
\tniken*. Della Wllkens
Well. |i |s
a funny, unexpected thing I lutw.
very near school-time. *o I will say
up on a barren, rocky nounUlo
side? Some of yo u gneaaed II
•here were a goo<
efaine Oub.

everr Uvtn, thin#.
If I evtr fall in trying tc da

Russell Roblnsoo.
I should have Ilseu m have set

-getting warm." It was sueb a
foolish. mUpulded little thing which

Arley McDonald.
1 am so dad to have yvair IliiletwlTi
Did you have a piece to speak, fisters’ names on the Cradle Roll. 1
I am sure you all enjoyed the am sure they are'dear little Sun­

Traverse City. Mich.. R F. D. No.
May 16. 1907.
Dear Presldeai;—
1 thought I would write

Kingsley. Mich,



I thought I woi^ld -write you a let­
I -thank ter agata.' I go to srhml every day.
you very much for the postal y-m tent We are having i xumliiailon* this
me. It is M> prelty.
At borne we month. 1 did not liav- in uke two
have Ibrec lillle kiileos: two are sTudle* berauae I c u liai evyry day.

ogain before *chool lets om.

:!lSBiy $t.

gray aod one bUck and white. Th-y 1 like, my teacher very w< II | always
are overhead In the barn la the straw. look at the Sunshine de-«irtmTOt first
We haVr one calf and tea little pig* of all. Waldeniar .Menia-i whni* to
Tbey are all whtie. This I* itti t can Join
Send tlie card and button to
think of for this time, so good-bye.


ThlB Is alt

lur butterfly leave its cororm. How
Your Sunshbu-r-:^
Age 9.
Marie Gray
creeping out to fi-el the warmth Interesting that It!
Ace m.
: GIt-nn F Ijllat.
Cclar. Mich.
Don’t you think tiny lllile pigs are
What u splendid re-cord' for-your
r are that cold day that I just
June l.i. 1907.
lolng? I do.
o laugh, and thought It would be
You liave reason to la

Traverse City, Mich- R. F. D No. I. proud id that.
fun to gel you all lo,gues*iag. There, Dear Presidcoli—
I terelved your nice letter
Ma> to. 1907.
early April, miles from a fam,
Sntnms Bay, Mleh

s a fat. red pmalo bug. Now, hosPraaidofit—Clara Batca.
do you suppose It ever got way up
f=1rat Vie# Preaidenl—Mabel Bated there, and what did It expect to live
l don't know, dm
Second Vice Prwldeflt—Mr«. Irena
Pamatey Bhielda.
Organlaed December S. 1»S
But I must ten you about the real.
;ruely. live bear* which 1 I
tumbor el memberi belonging June •Jnce Iheii.
They were ll

Cut Stone Work


May 8. 1907.
Di-ai President: —


morning and Basic * card and l.iitton. Dear President; —
. 19"7.
brought another
I thought 1 would write as some of Dear Dresldeqi: —
mamma. After mamma came home the school an- going to'write, | got
1 am a lltUe hoy nine year# old
from Traverse City | brought another the postal yvm sent we .md thought would like to join your Sunahlne Club.
name to her. but wo are willing to it was very pretty. Mamma said may­ BO pli-aae send nie a card and bultoh.

take names in one by out-. I ruiist
be Hargan-l aod t eould come and see Fbr p-t.-. 1 have two calves and a ciil.
ry niy few lln»s iMs luornlng lit-cause you the next lime we come to town. I gb i<- kchool every day. 1 am In the
I want to mall the letter after v^hool. School Is going In let out May 2iih. second grade. We have four weeka;
baby bear*, twelve weeks old. which I asked mamma If she bad seen yon. Ttie leeve* an- eoiiiing out now. Wo of srhnni yet. Onr li-ncber’s name
were found by some men tat- off In but she said no. She was loo tired to have quite 'a f<-w plant* aianeii at Ik Mis* Jenaie Rnxgo to your house.
I wish I eould school and we hare two big planti-.
the mounuina. The mother was
The Sunahlne Club.
make the Cedar Ust fifty. Don’t
AliH-n riuud
there, and the men Clioughi by
The gv-rsniums are iu blossom. After
All booor to tbr Suntblne Qub, over ook* of the cub* that perhaps she all wish BO too. SuDshiners? Mamma schoiU lets out the^Club I* going to
Are you and Marcus l.aiiid .(tlrnda?

The woiH..n loucli-sl in hei kleep
The,. Tries .w-Kire; firel ’ were h-^rd..
•n.0 moil.-.- Iiad’.ips.-t the lamp, the
A VentrdoquMSt.
tiand and w tle wak<-d U|>. ••honlc-l ;ilid
nuni, who whio-kk..! Hie
i^-n>aui-aL-lhe eliil.lieti cried, lhou» ■
, gives titjoll-.aina d.u-rnpiion and# ol lavple came lunplng and-

hat alw-mrihsulkt ni nitiia did

v>..- - .-t.-l i. liiii.
'“’I ^nilMieu erit^. dbg* barked, the
“ ' walls roiiie rr.vshlng down, squibs and


'•'’jetackork evl’bided• nlelie .(l.-tlr... and-wil-!i .-.-lilbad,..,-i.,-d speakiJU, the..- ua. .d-nly h..vrd

Hu- batkii.g -i


Then we b. Sfd the'lu-'vvn.-iii ' o

The lire brigade

'’'jcatiie raring up. Walei wu pumped
in lorretitB and hlHsed. Ih the
ifiatnes ■
Tlo-.-aVprvkehtoiioii mat. #» tnu- to

WDa-"- ■


snoo Btroiifi

bad been killed, they were such huo- said that we were doing finely and meet a Illlle way farther down the I Wonder If yoti go
to. the sannwould soon have fifty nicmL-rs.
shore, tliiin where the srliiail-htui-a' :ehi*a.
will send two more name*. Emma Per- Blands. I will he gU<l when school
Maple Cltv . Mleb . R. p J) No. »
driiikloi; :mvl rrylng at the s-aine time !
rauli and Fred McQueer. I am Ji
May 13, 1907.
IMS out. I do not like i
•tudy wry
Tb-m-tber H.'.ketor -.mbrngly umi: .
----------a little girl liut am very tnueh lat
Dear PrcstdfUi: —
well whi-A ll Is warm.


esletl In the Sunshine Club. K I ei
I •riiuid like lo J..II1 the tsuusblne ib.-ii lies* to eliange Its elbthes
Your Sutishliier.
had''I 1-11 yo-* shat- aaid Wile Sam.
:herc. All da.v long l>unclr<.-ds of come to Truverne City. I will try
will you Id.-ase aeud 'Die a
laabd Wllsdn
"I ibltik .It’s ven funny,
>oop)e crowded around to see their see you. as your kind letter invited me
card and btiitmi? I have a lliUe wa’a.-ii-.l ..Pd was lH-ginnlt.g lo make.
I am so happy to think t:iai you a
The father seobb-d U. while The J'aa-loi, .nva I'v.- g-i the Hive*. .
They have Joined togetber heart and funny antics, but they did not mind
slater.-her name Is Alta Marie. a lii.iBe
going to keep ^|i the SunMilne Cl
Your SunshlntT.
She will U. five monilis old the 1.7IU the l.«bj ronllnued cijliic.- j!> at..!, Jliil 1 eanl find lie- l|..i.e>V'
It a bit. They had a awinglnK chair,
And fortned a loving, helping band. jn*t big <-nougt> for a baby, i
Mabel C. klalin.
t-f this month. Cun she j-dn
And hoae will e're
the <t
I am so glad to bate you such ah
ITadle Boll? Wf do nt>t lake the
toolal bsr*. and a ball Ued to a string,
May 1
Wbea to all they ^ a Uttic eun- wbiefa swung from the celling, and Interesting Sunshiner. Mabel.
Herald now. Our sebodl wo* out l.-u-i
Duar President: —
letter* are always full of Sun*hlne.
Saturday. Now we ar»- goinc to have
they played all day long. Sotoetl
postal yvHi Bent me and
the lllUe girl bear would get In
thought ft wa* vv-n’ t>reti>. '1 am in a long voealiim. Well. 1 must close.
Ob the Cradle Roll are ehndrca. little ebolr. and the two lltiK- boy bears Dear Preaidenl: —
dialogne for the last day of srh<s-l.| • remain
and wee.
would push the swing. Again they
I Ihoutdit that I
amma said I eould come up and s.-e'^SU 11Tbetr tathera iuid motbera a* Sun- wotfld box the ball around, or
Iter. We are all well and.I hope you this siiiiinier. We had ii eoevain In ’
aUnert enrolled yon nee.
on the bars, and
Romelimes they that this letter win find you tbe same.
*eli<aiI-hoii»e and It tiincheii out ’
Let the oM and young belong
would wrestle all over the j>lace. Just We got Pranci-s' etii-d and Ihonglit it
g moth. 1 brought a plant down
And make the Sunahlne Club
like real boy*. They bad bread and was prwty. My school Is out now and
the sehvad-lbvuse callevi u geranium.
lOJWO otroDg.
milk to cat and enjoyed it. too. Just
-ms quite lonesome at borne. My ll h;iB a lot of bud* on it, ThtTc was
NOt 1^ Themselves.
now they art- being Uken «
»ister went to gel married the first of
The soldiers, for all rtiilr bravery,
Frank Wllsoiils Sunday:
of tbe United States and are attract-, April and so she Is not nl home now, It didn't liurn the hoose up. I'omhI bye. were very tenderJinarled ws well, and
ing much aueniloD wherever Ibt-y
My papa has Iieen very sick with a
their first thoiigUi In time# of danger
WhatgiaddcDs all thU world of oats? They are railed the -Real Toddy
add and a rough. That Is why he is
or suffering wa* likely to be of their
Allwrtii MeManiiB.
nivy. annllght!
here. We all have bad a coin here on
I hope you ran couic and are- me loved one*.
JojM aimllgbt!
My letter is getting too long, so 1 Ihp Island. My teacher went iwd
haliery-laiy shot In the wrist was
its summer. It Is always a plesaurq
It ,#atiitt the beasty of the Bowers.
ust hot udi you any more about weeks ago last Friday.
given eblo'roforni la'the field hospital
Her faUior
have a visit with th.- Supslilner*.
U aett the rainbow in'the Miowera— them, bnt I will write agi
ck too. Well. I will close
Whiteball. N. C. -WJille lie was uii
Traverse City. Mich, R. F D No. C.
lust suolightl
time and tell you at>oui the cunning for Ibis lime, hoping 1 will have more
cunselou*. bis hand was aiupuiatwl
May 7, 19U7.
I tHI next time. Good-tiye.
an' the Binnip bound up. I was kneelWhat If thy lot right bard hath i>een? baby buffalo at itae park.
Deal President —
Toar loving «ice president,
From your SunsUncr,
1 «ni at school irelay.’ I go to Ing by-his side as he came again In
TrT suuIlghL
Mabel Buies Williams.
LiokUig varanily alm.ii
Mora lunllght!
school every day.
We hnve thlny. hi* sense*.
Esther Burgess
Grawn. Mich.
him at first, his eye* slowly itirncd
Tliiew open wide thy bean, begin
II IS so nice to hear from you again. two pupils ben- today. 1 have u llitle


Tkat bailie* for the rigbl. againet gr). friendly little things,
the wrong.
hunters brnugbr Ibem to D>-nver. and
They are engaged in a irarb that la sedd them to a raillrnad cnmpan.v.
which fitted up a big store window
in CdbUng broadcaaL rare of bamaa with wire netting and pul the babies

Scoli'j Emulsion gtrengthena enfeebled

nursing mothers by increaung their flesh and
nerve force*

It provides baby vrith the necessary fat .

and mineral food for healthy growth.

.. Ol

May 2(1, isflT.

To let the glonous sanahlqc.ln.
Try aunilght!

Dear President: —
tbuugfat 1 would write a few lines

There'a note of power than yea would and let you know that 1 ara glad 1
Suasbloe boy. 1 went to see Rus».-)I
In sunlight.

Robinson Saturday.

Brlidit aunilght!

and caught seven fish.

Would-you this great, gad «vth re-

We went fishing
We caught

that weighed one and one-balf
pound*. It was all Russotl could do
pnll him out


caught ho gave to me.

that Russel]


May 13.

Age n. •

Friday. June 31. I»07.

Harold Rodarmor.

You and Russell must have lou of

Kew aembers Joining since last re­
in Ingother. I am glad that yi
both wrote to me.
rr^ -Ramsey. Neaten City. Midi.
Honor. Micii.. R. F. D. No.
Daisy Hadley. Traverse City. Mich.
May 19. 1907.
Helen Gibson. Traverse City. Midi. Dear Preaidenl: —

to the bandaged stump, and'he real
Your Icllcrs are always wel- friend. Can she Join the Cradle Roll?
Her name Is Iturnlee Herron.' She Is ir.-d the tiuilh. Tears stood In bis ey.-s'
a* he exclaimed iinst-lflahly. "What
Sultons'Bay. Mlrh . kv'ven months old. i like, to go i-i
will IIIV mother do now?" ll wa* for
school. 1 havi-pikt eight mi^'e days
May 14. I9fi7.
her sake iliai he (rh-vefl over hi*
of school
school. We have tvro Mitir pup
r President ;rlo:l right hand; but be .lid not grudge
recelvod youi letter somo time IiiW. 1 ccan't think of any more lo
111* gift to hi* rtmntrv
.. govKl-bve.
. H reached me In due time


as very iBurh lnlcre*l<-d In whal
sent me.





.My pets are my
nleee* and nepbews.



raeeiinn and see

WV are all well at pres-

I Just got home



time this week.

best m scailertng Sunshine. I close.
Ell* M-.V Vanrteilionf.

What have you iiaiiu"l
Kcswlrk. Mlrh
May K. I'.ie

She has two lilllo:

jiirls and three boys.

Their nanu-s

Louis. Dominick and Don.
girls are Mary and Rose,
and Rose are the younger ones. Plea-e

Dear President.—
as 1 have time. 1 will an>w
vtir letter.

Thank you for the card

Rose and Dan a card and button

and hulton.
I lost m> bullon
Send ihem to me.
I craved my have my card.
Lawremce Scv<
card and button but still luK another (tnjDd niy butioD uji at Ills grandma'
friend who wants to join,
where we ehlldien wv*re playing. Yn
asked me if I would like to go to Cal

Yes. I would like to go an

lalui ami Ad.dpb.
My broilior
Adolph IS a cow bov In California.
staying with my sister. Emma
Flicker. We had two smatl calves.

Your frien.l.

s.i we .have ouly
itary Shomin.

plav-house novi.


Did you think your letter was n

eight dollf . two log dolls and
AH the lettersGeorge and Heub-n have

Nsme sent hr Dorothy Blood- your friends. I am sure they would gotbg to be printed?
safe, and win 'be published la ibe
make j-oii welcome. We usually have
Stntna Perranll and Fred HcQneer. great crops of apples and ether fruit, Herald in turn.
Nessen ary. Mich.
Cedar. Mich. Names sent by Mabel espedally wild tierrtes. I often s.-c
May 19. 19''T.
C. Mahn.
my Siinshitie friends In

Chnfle and Delta Wllkens. Harold Traverse Gliv when they- wriie to Dear President:—
Reading the letters in the Herald,
Rodaa^. Grawn. Mlrh. Names sent the Club. Wishing wc mar do uur
IV RnsseU Robinson.

I should like to sei. your cunning

1 was work IfiHe pnpiiies.
Ing there aad I will 1-e theiv- some them?


M. V. f. Sunshine Club Cradle Reli.
WiUlaai Charles Hadley. Traverse

Bertha Leitniaii

from Mrs. Cliippewn'n.

Rina MllUrd. Traverec City. ,Mlch.
It has been a hirely day.
It h:
Corning. Traverse
City. been nine yeara since I Joined the
please send another card and Initton
Sunshine auli nnd I fasve rend all the
(or my sister? She is Iwelve y--avs
Har^ and Gladys FsiibI. Traverse lellPTs with
d and wants to Join too. Well.
Clly.-iflrh pledge, i lliink, lias often helpi-d
Ill h.vve quire a king letlei to rvad
Hsttla Zaph. Traverse City. Mich,
eb I wan Inclined to worry. 1
> this will be all for Ibis time. Go­
Kane iget by Ruth py»ter.
Platte, near the lakes, where fish­
fose and Dan Chippewa. Sultons ing Is excellent. Many exri
Bay. Mich. Karnes


ade me Hunk that I weiild Ilk. -in and lie one in the U»i. Will

their curds yet

When l was eleven

years old mf papa sent me a wntcli.
When we were on the (arm I bad lots
of pets. A y.-ar before mamma ilb-d
little wbliechlckeu


The action of the licari <lcpends tijion tlie heart nerves
ant] mitsclcs.

When from any

causc tficy become weak or exbaiisic'l, and fail to furnish
stiflicicr.t fvnver. the heart fltiiUTS. palpitate.*, skiii,**;
anil in its cfTori to keep tip its
work, causes pain .ind (l:*ire-B.




PHone S36


around heart, arm and sh-mlder*.
Tlic circulation t* i;n—
pCilcd. anil the entire system
ytilTers from lack of nourisitiretit.
Dr. Miles* Heart Cure makes
a heart strong an.l vigorous by
rcncrhcmiig these
■ and

Grand Rapids Furniture Co,
127 S. South Union Street

When we sold -tbr'

loft Ir there
Ik getting


Beginning June 13th, our Oil Wagon
will be on the West Side Mondays and
Thursdays, on the South Side Fridays and
Tuesdays, and East Side, Edgewood and
East Bay resorts Wednesdays and Satur­
Special attention given to all launch
owners. /.Phone your orders to Grand
Rapids i^urniture Co. and same will have
prompt and careful attention.


Well, as


«H1 rh>s--.

With iM-kt wishes lu all. good-bye
liroGiirs and three sisters and
Yours tritlv.
always so deUghtea l» hear Our »eho«l is out. My learher's n
CUy. Midi. Name sent by Daisy Had­
go i:.
Xi'llb* So-lorgr--n.
LImIc Dunn of Onekania. Per­
from the older Sunshliiers. You have
What a lot rA doll* y.ui have. Tbr
haps TOO know her, ! have throe
been a member a long lime
Mamie Oetman, Owen Chase, and
My brethers- miqies are Me doU# may >*- nicer..but the UtilGrawn. Mlrh.
Beatrice Sanford. Traverse Cll.v. Mich.
She died wiien she wa* si* doll* an- more fui^ n* ilrv-*. ar. n:
May It;, it-.:. dead.
Names mnl by Uarrel Utter.
years old.
My brothers name* are. they?
Dear President F'jtlon* Rty. Mif4i .
Osr pint vice Hsardent is golltg to
tbougfal 1 wiiiiM ilroi- you a lliii- J-diii. riare aad Perry. My ali-lers'
M»> 7. I'.o.'T.
have a mile visU wilh us this week.
two to let you know that 1 nm name* are Fein. Belle and Currie, -n.e
Here Is her letter:

that died was Nellie. When t go Dear Presldem; —
well and 1 hope you arc tbe same. I
Denver. Colo.
am going to School leU after arbutus I will send you some
1 thought I woald write'once mere
must close now. mnainlug.
June 12. 1907.
■ a week frren Friday. I have .been
ltd thank you for the licouiiful card
Orar BnnAlners;—
Your friend.
■ding a bocdi; the title of it U
and buitOQ which I received a slioit
Fre-la Ramsay.
Toa have watted a long time for 'Tbirty-One Years on the Plains and
asked me w-h:-: ihr
DM yon get miK-h arhuius this name* of my twin *isicrs were Tlirtr
another letter from the wul Since
am reading the
I witde you of the .trip In the motra- story of -Black Beauty; loo. I stayed spring? It 1* sach a prelty flower.
MalK*!. Pleas,

Mtlea Medical Co.. Elkbart. Ind ;

No HoUdays

Gelling Tired of Paying Bent?
You » an own j hointj and pay for it almost as rasy
a9 paying rent, and think of the satisfaciiun of owning
your own home.
ll you arc sick or lose your job, no one is goini; to
[)Ut you out because you can't pay your rent.
Think this over and let's tell you about ourjeasy
payment plan.

taln*. many week* have paased. and

r'a Thursday ntght. They
Traverec Ctty, Mlcb.. R. F. D. So. I put their mames on the Cradle Roll
•yoor Sn{ vice pr-sidenc ha* been have four children: three boy* and
' May IK. t9«7
Th(-v are one year and sevea month*
made very faspi>r by the way oor
pel I have a little kitu-n
Tholr little girl
Dear Prcwideol:Bunabtaa aub ha* grown, and has with them DOW. We sent fishing ibe
thought I wtwid y rlte you a f-ra Her name is Topsy: she is gray. I go
read your letter* with great intemt. neeond of May. We caught two
schfkd every day.
I am In tli.
>. Hiss Horton rsnghi a coro-m
The Arbnr Day rewayK wore Bne. they were trout. I wilt t«- glad
M> teacher's uame 1-and brought It to school. It opi-ned
every cae of them, and everything yon nrhool leU nuL 1 am going to Boyne yesterday.
I like her v-r<
It ha* so many pretty Misk Irene Mortmi
hAve'wtiiiaa baa been worth reading.
atay with .by aunt and
colors: ll is so pretty. Hiss Horton much. We bave fire week* left of )i
* do not believe that there are soeh t
guess U Is ahoct ninety mile* np
rd It yesterday at recess school. My siudJe* are arithmetic
«te* lot M boys aod girts to ba/otmdj there.

J am getag to have a birthday

in aU the world, as are M oar' San- party,

i am going to have tbe same

She put It la a box



the spelUng-

iCbloraronn oe a rag apJ put ib« aeih guage It to sice vcoUier

in r-rejam.; I -,- r v.v -lav. fan.-' -.' .*» - —,
Wrinl*-.b..1 B-aixn.

Smith Realty Co.
Office cor Lake.Ave. and lO.h. Res. 429 W. lUth.
Oi'i'ica phone :j2. Kea. phone 'J.‘ )•

tbnmgh aod oeer them. Bet ibia M
tbe oTTB for aboat batf an hour. Sere*


very cold with rich .cream.



the berries mell la a preserving kattle.
heatSap aioml. for half an hour; then
add the sugar stid IsMl tsruety min­
utes. sDrrtiig trequenlly

lit Is the Mother Who Chiefly

amp child

Jam— Take

weighu of berncu and sugar.

When 8ietm«8S €om« to the
Little Ones

n m>>Tf thta <h* rhU4
!• ilM-pM lhaa «h»»of
•r..f lUi-taBilly.
k-'f->r«rard wllhOrntd
t >-l «u7nm«. thlnkme
th.- many
•f l«-f.Trihrm,
»*i>l -un
r »r» for» in brlOR
amntir lb* lull*



Stram-Iwrryai!.—Cnish n. a smooth
imste one quart of ripe barrlea. add
the jutce of oor I.-11..1D and three plbls
of maicr. aland thm- hour*, then

1 Ihq juuw thrvntgh a cloth ove*
(.■urDi* iK » (semd of susai.
sqieeiinp the eintli hard, and attr une siipi'i Is diswlred
l-efore serving

Fet tffTco

Strawoercca in Many Waya.
At this sriH-n of tbe yrmr fresh
ramberries shnjid he served just as
often aa the bcrsehola Bnanees admit,
taya the Nem I.l.w Ma^tlue.


A Hnltitode of Kothen
Have .l,«-ovrre.l ;:..,t ivtuak la thrtr
.unit i-y. and thut m nianyttf tbo all*
mcni. ..f .1171111; rod .ummer lo which
the children are, I'eruii’a la
I he remedy I hat mill ReneraUy quickly
Wh- )J^r It.. -prinR f.rer or.loRiarb
derantenieol. «li-ther it ia ladlgeetiua
nr Uimct die. j--. a •■•tirrhal eoURe.t|ob
of the mueou. -•jrfaer.i.theeauw.


I’cniem are rii-her than most fruits in
potash and II111.- salts. espeet.-inv soda
This fact adds to ih.-. .. vsln'fond to follow a rich wfnt.T diet
They contain a large pereentage of
revomraends ihem f.»t
spring and hot-mvaiher diet, Tiw
i-orablnaDon of vegetable adds wiih'

atkallea. which are converted Into vat
bona lea In the ayatem. are naeful aa a
re'una <iui.-l.Iy relieve, i hi. eonditloa
corrective article of diet when Iber*
Mrs. J. c. Sicrllna. IS Brown
of the muc'ou. nietnhVane*. lu -iM-taATcnue.Korb-lk. Va., write.:
are gouty tendenrtea.
iloB I. prompt. iheehildreQ donoidi.'•My llille «»}. Meredith. Buf­ like In lake the medicine, it ha. no del*fieme people •declare that they tamfered with tndicerilon eoliadly he' teriou. efr»-i. In anv i»rt -f ilie
noi eat alrawberriei 00 acctmnl of a
could not eat anyihin* wilh.iui li |
cutaneous eruption which follows
it einiplv remold th- eiuM- of the
maklns him very el.'k. «> I
their consampUnn Thli fault Ilea la
tboURhi (a« many other, hare):
the uDheallby atale of ibe vfcUm'a
that I mould try IVruna. and lt|
Parana i. a homehold r<mnedy for all
sviiera rather ihaa In the berry,
worked like a charm.
ratarrlia) ailnienu of wtntrr and eumwhich should be harmful 10 no one in
••bow be oaa anytblag hr'
enble mnd imlfppy beton Ibegaa takiagl
mcr. acute or cbhdiic.
ordtnnry beuHh. and la often raeomnitbes. aod I would not be alth••IwtHiUaolbewItbotilHIatbe boat, a—.
The iiioiher. alion-rthe |•nllld Siatee
"I hay* a baby bay. fa yean oU. to wbom I give Penn
out It foranythlotmended for invaUda
I are the hr.t fllcnd* that I'etuna ha.:
-My other imle l>-y. Allred,
ang my baabaadaho takes Panata.
_ _
There are many waya of aervinp
Mr.f.llalhK-k.Anlwerr.Mhio.wrile."Ilhaokyoaand wish yoa well.”—Mtt. F. Beockswo.
two amd a half year. old. ha.
■trambrniea. althoacb everybody ad
’ -My dauphlerAlllc. alter tailnp three
taken it and received a. tnudi
boHleaof vitr Pi-runa I. rntiri-ly cured
mils thal tbe brat laelbpd U W aerre
l.-iu-m from ferona aa
jofraurrh of the head of tmo ytare
PmnaaltoaM iw k«pl in the hooM nil
h and uncooked, as hMt intbailn*. t>na'lwnUUDl>l th» rhild 1«
I .tandlnp- W- have an-d Peruna a. a
Mr. Kdward Otto,9S7 De Bolo etieet,
deileloii* Davor of tbis moal
••I hope my i
sick. IbMi Mud to n dmi: ocro. llui, eill>aul, MlnBnerrUee:
general tonic a. •* <11 aa for catarrh and
delirious of fruiU
The Bngliah meA Child-t Lite Sared.
be of some benefit to otbers, at I fet
arc mell ph-a>.c<t milli It and recommead
bnvn Pannn on bnad-ncei-pi no nilf“1 caanol eay ennneh for Pemna. It
MarlttuviUo. as tboagb / taaoot praise It enoufh.
I Is a dellphifal way for breakI
haedone Bfrat work In my (amily, ee■-^Mrs.
“ra. J. C. SuHlog.
and Is worth recording her* for
OUldna nr* «p«clnUy liable lo aenie peclally for my oldeel boy. Wo bad
.on. Harry. 1. well aod
m,, Howard Andrew
rendan. nncalatTh. Indeed, oioil of the aBerUoae doctored with three or four different
tbe.ofrrrlnRil ha. mlURated.mllHieecr , healthy n - and me think if we do a* Canal Mrivl, KeadloR, Ta.. wtltea:
lamlllar with It
Large, perfect frail
eblldbood are catarrh.
dnetom and they did aot eeem to do bim be
• ' y,.udlr.-ctcd
us. he will k.-ep hi. health j, -i i,,Te I’eruna m my hnuac al
he fnlly
tnllT recorded.
I. the hulls being left no.
AH (orma of aore Ibroal, quiney, aay rooU.
Bnt BIIea.tlhl. tnnebean t-.aldihat and prow .tronp.
! time anti won't iwwUhout It. Ilia good
•« n graceful and lavtilag
amp, boamcaen*, larynpilie, etc., are
leratlon ow
owe. a preat'
boom- (bat oar little eon e life fo, children when tlicy take a cold
“tVe Ravr np hopce of care, and ao
ilnp pcDcrallnn
,tet dlflerenl phaae* of raiarrh.
the trull. Six nr. U very
II cured my baby l-.yof cronp-j thnie.
did they, hot we pnllod him throagh oa debt lo Perana, for it I. In the tender
ip. It
Peraar, and »
i, arc placed about a UtUa
?*-rs«a OoBtaina So SanoticB.
have Introduced Perana Into
rear, of youth thal .lipht a
Opereaeon whyPenina liax fonnJ per•. many
ny leal
tctlmofamine. ■!
mound of powdered aaimr <m Individ­
fiahle to develop Inm la.i
'•Me baa aevertl ttoefon mod they
■laacBt aae la BO many home* 1« that It
nialafr./nLin'tlhcr.mlomc cliildrco
and four have loo-n relief already.
ual platra; and. ia eating, tbe bervMa
aaUtbey coaUdoao more for bIm. ao tha. bla.iing the whole c
ooatalne no narcotic of any kind.
been cured hy perana. However, the
—Howard Andrew Slerni
we iriea Perana at a last reaort, and individual.
llroiihlcinour family,!
picked up by thesis, dipped Into
larpe majoniy of mother, mho uie
Femaa, U. taken acoonUae to printed Ibal dU the wort. Sloea tbea we
The mother, who are '
the sugar and bltien off Never noak
Peruna, we never hear fpun.
keep It In tbe bouse all tbe time, and
r chlltlren to-day to bcHcve in Pe
, Mr. \V.
iKiriop, Mt. Verana, Ho.,
berrtc* la matee, as this it auppbaed
be tiaa). say leBstb of Ume wllboat ao doctor Is re^ulred."-Eaward Otto.
do h-ar from a (rree; number
Aeacmn a. the value of Pernna t. apre .pvakinp from thclir experirn
to destroy the perfeclloa aad deUetcy
SnoBlrtac a draf baUl. It doei not
h a*a!of mother* who SI
There are a multllade of home* where
TheM children bmuphl up h. IwlleTcj -I haven.ed Petuna to my entire eaV
pradacstemppraryrevalta, but it !■ perof the flavor. To eManae them cf
received from
•ial p—d
p—. Ih. y I
,In Perana from the .tart, wiii, when 1 l.f.'i>"ii and am caeredlnply well pieveniive and ^-medyl many live,
a.aneat la lu meci.
I reelrain tlielr
sand and rt'isi. turn Into n eolaader.
Ithey liecome head, of ftmllle. Ihem- ph'».e-l m ilh Hie rcull., havinp .nf- be aared and thou.antl- of chronicc Iln-| Perana lliai
ItbaaaobBdetTeetapen the ayalem,
then dtp lip and down in a deep pan
perinK caeee of catarrh may be pre-lenihii.ia.tii, Tlo-y are anxi-vu. lo.hare
■« catarrh by reJ tbeee benvOtr with «lb« mutbeta,
full of cold water. let sUnd <m a dish
serins tbe ci >• at oatarih.
. Peruua contaJsed any u
U> drain; Uii-n bull. If waolod lo aerve
with cream. The operaUon of ^taanaIioillnc water and when ll I* diaaolved
should ba peflofmad aa quicUy aa ‘
friini his iM-iuiiiiiR face, a cii-iiHT coiir
.train ll into tbe strawlM-rry juice
paaalble. aa contact with water at all
age in his Innut. ami I vnrictied Itiive
I Sti!imlK-rry VHiiei>—Ib-at ooe egg Plure Die dl*h m a pan of Ice water do*a_ooi tqd i« Imprava tbe Oavor.
fold: iniiiy nerniy artiuiml |ne-svssoiand
,teiy llphl. null l-nir tl Into one cupful
The InfMlor^**^ ■aee- better to
ship of ti ilalDiy tuiqiiel. the restfui I
om- of-of sm.* i milk anJ add one tablespoon- egstard. and then allr la the whippet
aerre In any of the ftfliowlng metbedU;
con.cimisnesa of the joy of piVinp i
i tul of snpai. lino ihi. dio slices of cream. Turn into mold and eel awa:
fVfti a "Clip of cold m-aiiT lewauw. yoj
glioriCake — Oee
I Male elionpe rake < ul into neat ploees. to harden. Serve with whipped crean
iK-ry'ouii .’loricjikt- I fl
iH-ioiip lo Hi.m," and a jeuder rever-,
pin! of flour aifted with a fanaplng laaI Kr> 111 hoi bntiiT. arraiipe on a hnt aroond it ahd decorate the l/qi mith ctnonful baking-powder, one-half teai-tice for the iM-nedicilou-llln- m<irils.!
This recipe makes
i- iK-priei
Ilf ili.'lidaie .o'll li.ap e.veh plate with etram"Ih-ar.'.
Bummer Magic.
quarts, hi H ran Is- aptitmfnl salt: put lo a Iwwl and rub a
nearly n
ilH-rrie* ;oid «u=ar. Serve mlih
frienii iind littered, and mlilch llnpcrt-d '
level tabl.uipoonful of bolter Into I
This moraloR nofl aod bmndlnp
M< <if a amal! fanilly
..... .r... ^‘.-ilher
.ail...#. .idaln
r wLlpped. If preferred,
so sm-oeilv amt riiiteily in jny hivm nf’Tlii-ti ih.
tbe mixture la tff th* enaalateiiey
in tbo ararpt aumiiu'r rain
Stramis-rvy Sauc- for Pud
Tti.-re 1* tiiithliip on
ii.-:iri*. Dial In ninsiiip ov.-r Ihmi. i j
taw I ' rr.i
cora-meal: .then add Mffleirnt
The dtion or aenaD arc «i"'nfd
dine-t'ri'am i.tcdli.-r half a enpfiil
ahlrb tjt--*
fuiiuii hr* inaldllly of >|>'->-i-lt liiinpin-.; j
- of lit- ecc-. one gu.-irt of m>>k.
>et milk to make a aoR dough. Roll
T<i let me (rt« again.
of butler and one and ^«.*lialf . uiduK
a C I ,1 .-I ,-npar ati.l half » lea
me, :• pr»ia|.T abllliy of li.ioi, ii
Into an inchdhtek abeet to flt an
.1 pomden-d supar. De n add He yolk
of iioilUn toak.' a iKrth-i
enlnc, s<nMof coiiss-lons
iuma'.dj weal
1 paw Into tbo color
ong pan. Iirosb with milk aod bake
of on.' epR and a eniilul ..f . riisled
And frapnince of the flomi-tr.
1..1, Jhai lip ver.i
•pr.ic-.-mv..-1-t ,p.-ac*--,', | sn.isi.
fifteen mlnatM In a quick ov«o. Hare
And mell wUh every Wrd^ry
.111 see beaiiiii's in Uie iiicwi e<,ni
ris-iTH-* eleansed and bulled,
Slramlterty—(Tush imo
enish 'and strain Ihem . and
Ihinp*. aud And ernitommoni,
This brlncv vividly to Dm- .-.litor
To baanl tbe mlat-bluo^om-ontj.M.yx Mifair- m..P
quaos trf siramle-nli'.- and mit l»s) thee craah and aweeten. When the
even haKilne*. in .iirmiindlnpR Horn.’ I'heer the
of i
with ih.-ni half ii eii|if<il of aupnr
DliKo shallom tin*.
euplul- ..f *-ipar Di.flouphly thivUR'i cake Is done, brrek ll In bairn; hott tbrtll In erimaon quince-bud.
.1 liDle .niore if tbe fnitt i. v. ty
which to miiny woiilil wem morse •sm-.s-t
winch 'mas the hniti
and 'fill with tbe Cfoahed fralt;
‘.Take two ocipl-ll'
To ntpturea wiihoul tiADie.
slh-al till, pradiiiill' Into the
III., tardcii of '.tie who tovi-d the world
place occ-balf cm the othtr. heaping
■ir lin'il tile snear Is ihoompbly lUsAnd In tbe yelltnv tallpa
and wns n-iiiic to l.iJiip liappl,-ii ul.P-s of Die CRpe
Kill alsthe DiouRh! Ul
the top with the frolt. Cream and^lben p<ji th.'ni to'., a large
Burn with a pare atlll flanie.
tn oulwanl 1s-aul> to lie foiiiul
ji.s-s into the .ill es of tl.o*.- mitii mhoiii
ahouM be wrrH In aeparale
-quaj/lrf rht-.~ -eh.1h. hold It ov.T a
If preferred, ibe rmm may
1 Mend with the aofi ahadom-a
lKimf d.tMl STI.- /.- as Iniip — any jutre
be whipped and piled on top of Ibn
Of the younp maple Icavvs.
.M-'pilIp will ...lie- DiOeipli.
molornsis. Tbe blm.'of the sky.
Kd n >oj| In (.—•d ol eonif'irt ti iUr>-n eiii Inis
Thla maken a very pretty
And mmple la the raln-dmioi
the s.wd- and pulp Int'i a
Bi>eey cloud., i
I and Inviting dish
Tliii ablDc alone the cave*.

Fe-riMta Should Be Kept In
Erery Household
Where There Are Little

the Didtod fitatst Han Seeaind
mn Po-n-aa Can Henr Be |
Pnt Into WordA

' nie Kotben Held Pk-n-na is Hick

7e-n-na Prctect* tke Satin


HcntBd tbt editor’s toble

ins mill' of ehivi'. .. .........
Dn- flu
1 l.imil with i'U'theniM'lles wele ll.T ..WII Vl.t h.1
Ife, IU-S-..1I IV I sap.’ of hnjH. and h.i.-, Th-ie

ilsllde hltsoaimi
I lapee among the pmatcii

s.;.<d i-ui l.rliip

That preen the river'., brink;
And wltli the shy motia crealure.

wiio are

Go down at oeed.lo drink.

tn iialaees.


shut - .vw-aj

to; ulways a liitM-spray ol t.i*e p.-ut

l-eri a Ml »f a beliotrop-%

pr.’al. l»’a-iDful. eommoii plat-el
.lisirs, unspolb’d by iiH. ^taldii, f..»

I fade In allver mii.ic.
Wtoae dne unnumbered luAt-e
Tbe fropa and rainy liter.,


f the




y mdiinioii bn*li's

Bl^ from their reedy tbrouU.

s.mi.., "s

li. #’i- a'wjys .-ailed ili.'tn.
miiii.- tu.nsie-. loi ••th..iicii'.'

ed hy

Tills lhon-.:ht is IHnsirat-joiid meiu m a tinriuonK.ti*. .Iream like*

No teoemenl too lowly
To aerre ll for a tihnne

She f-ii*;

.norTl-'dii weiidiiic my.wayjtixm-y. l-'H h m'a'‘



How I. Il.we Inherii
Thla laarvel of ncm birth.


me. ten the err.-uul on.f.'l'- l.ilnpltic tin aWd.iip
. Dm'

«'baf'«iadom. what eiicbniuiucnl.


fnwaMod, fair.'and mb-iie.

4iie.j and i.tnp*'*i mss-vl 1 wap.-n.
*|siVe tha* —I li.hvld ii'.d iqvirv.

The Innocence of nature
Tbe ardor of the toul.


larlolate and free,
—Bll» Carmen in Htna'i** Ihiiuar

• There's never a roae in all the '


• '
• There't never a wind in all tJie '

' tahlesi'sofuls

'aiiig '



lOiiuict and ploiun'-qt
an iniuiikH. arbirh «a*
|tuo' ef symparhy an

' Fmli.rt


' EsUecUlIy D*y his.d.-ai IDtl.. nf»*.
■Out i>n the t.iWe.b.- r-'l's all bis,
I'Oi' }«iev. criiehrt iwf.-dCs-a hatulf-;’.

> piirt-b.i>5i a biviqucl'
■peas, mhii’h hot a tnoment h-ftso ij
^ '
would havef..!! t.. be ..-J’ oS ih- real* t' Why. Rt.Lln," ia-igli- grurrlma.' iJu—
o! my ple*ent fln»nrtal aMlitv, k.nd
.^rrles mil)-mak.
then .me each went
s..|>ar»ie may. ><eir .«eu a verj, >e* very -idion'
he wiDi'aii a.ldllltili-n! •Iline .in lil« i
wltxbby tilHe •pocket aud 1 f-viUie.f-W. Ij. i. l.nk I dou't fcvl Uvy buitpo

th.' •*
. 1- ) ak- -i.
- wA- -^rer




wiioie fruit

Cmrnlab with

Tha vlnee ai«" may be
Paaa cream with the



,. haver ’ in a glaw* dish Pour ovsq. theii.

'rawlerry I'll'’*.
One eaptnl augar
KX f'M- charlotte, when tbe gelatin is

Fruit punch—Into each

M. tbrt-e or




,• iy,:i maier as't add to one pint

add Juice ef on»halt lemoct

Whe;; thi.'' leiu'Mis . S-.-rie with sprAigo eak-

oil »

ml! slip nut unbroken
-I.**'! If •t'mirrt.

,Ms*^is.~t.fiil- "f gt isDn In oof cop-

..ti spread|

■I.; ■ -'igar

waii-r. Invert on to oold dtab, aod It


.'iiDh e-eam, if pr-ferrt-d

Islae the tide* Of a

mold or luialn *1th apongweake or
ladv-finr-Ts Dim the charlotte iau>
It sH '41 1''- until firm. Whea ready
m'd'l an instant In warm

; ' Frou Salad —Tn' st.-awls-rritn1 -mall pi'C'-* of
In slt'-rii«'e
vk-ti.g'." kiralnrt J'uce of two onnti .

! '

ofrcivel.v, fracraii’ s*-ecip-a,,-^'*wv-he caile.1 them.'


j tfc- otei. and h'ave It •only long enougr.
*,•11 brown sllglitti jierve te.ld' aii’!

Fir:,iil., ;n' <•*:

str.'in in.taclr..i'. n-r yet.a e-riu-r
T. but iitsu'sd lit
my , Md-.—;i ,.V a' quswr'liDV fipur.- „ap|Har»' tn| .,l.; Siru
faced, saiiny UslrcJ IPD- t.'i.eHie door.
t. Mandtiitf gusrvi
s li'ige baski t [Hogging hfe hat.' o hit- brown pma*^t.. serve, and

111' mnei."'


.| -prvs-1 Du* on-r D.c U rrn s, reliitn lu

i«-dioar>. aifsttsl me. u‘ih the worts,
.1 ln;%. -p'-iite '

Keep thou, by .ome larpv inidin^-t.

But makea aomo

'teen roi:<-d ln[ sugar .Heat lb- whtf
,'i.f Itr.c- eggs very stiff adding thr--

••Kiaoled. almt*-!. *.iiirrt-Dtn>-i*ly I
fiobm'a Sbertcake.
pl.niced ttp. mvtn.I'-iltii: t.,c'--.'-ty. »li-« I
almi.l1 im-. ctUiniiig Imw- m-viry. and G-wndm"' i—en le .im-.;' •I'.

Obedieni lo dealre?




Ivaec, smect inijce.' tillered ini.'jn-

Whal magic of Grvcii hire.

- tad flit with *trxwl.errie« which ha’


Gmld make the duat and Uati-r


.! t.rea.J cr'ists ami I,



Ire. s-irrliig sli*ly oalll-ll btCUM to
eongewi Di<vi fold Into It ooe plitl

'r.m around lh«- l»i
. DiOld lu the jlUM. I

I W..S Iwnt. wbe-u a

And miracle of earth?

To paaa. Mjoy. and iingcr. r remove and aland In emabed


hn! -^_j,

through ilH’ great ..irplnp s.-.i .'f hu-; Irsitipritie.' and lo«e 'hat Die d.s-p. r
ittvariwliy. l.-'-i tn eiei} • j‘tiber me.intnp ennld n..t fail to le-

Sharing the andeni woudir


enough atrawberrlea to
Ini of Jiilee
KUod tha
ID Id hnlllDC water until


It was ton :• hnnqni-t 'to at

jtniii aDenipin hi -H- nr<-

and strain

one cupful augar. stirring until dli

mith' i.hyme. and a dalttiy ipinv .d l.-ailiery

Mt*. M.wes. Iii NoiiUwi’.siT'ni 1 whole.


Btrawberry I'harlode—Boak
oae■f gelatin ia oawhaJf cupful
of -eold water until softated.

melted, then add the fruit juke and

mril.’is.iit sprtp of letuoii v.'it»'t».i nnd spicy.

afUnie only be sec. ulm lakes oft t wiitt'o Id.wstitii. I’l.-11'linp Die ll.iw.'i-. ,
hi* >ht"'s.''

No plory l» Itxi .piendM
To houae Ibl. .ail of mine.

And through the house of U-ios
Thou an at liberty

then i-nn.-f
agstn through
rhei^—ql.iD. Wn'ii >'« have only 1
l.iiU <a wsd' '.D
Add in all th .

*>•1.1. spriiikie ■



'b- aquepye ovie ih«itii the juiiv- of "i.'-

and 'itie orange, which give a deildoaa
tofflicHi-e flavor to the jelly; set in
ran of I-y. and when J'jsi beginning
■n er<sgeal fill a mold with alteraate

D.- lakf'
lop and loianc-. a-jd a f-w Mieen of i.ui.ct.a
Uyerv «f strawberrlca and ielly; net
,ft , ..I. iu(.. Serve ir.d a Jid'- i.Ui' .il.J.le also a ?• * et-' r
on ire. Vnineld aa lor charlotte. wh«ra
Des if ;-i.»i have them.
w*.;-t; .J.'firm, and sarolab with fro!'
iGii-.:"ia'. I't.ACi—8*wk punch .* H-rVed n-Sd a

qya*,,r |ee—To one q-ian of atrawgo,-It;for two of iKpw-der»-d s'jgar. msnt .--.d.
l.•.•rr.v juice add Jutce of 'me lemon:
1.1;. or eoJil water, tablosponnH:* of vbaved ice
— f.i ->-mrs ar.d.or.ej Strawb-TTu-a and Toavsuio" sugar to kcuoa: frw.-re To make a
- ;5»: .uge-hef'shd let I file-* «< stale Lr-a-i lerv Titt. tii'i stier'-et add tbe stiffly beatea whites
plB' oT tr>aM them a llgb. brv.iwa. bit--* qui'- ol TWO eggs TO the ice when frtnee (o
Stralo, the f-Jic*-Shirk, and Iloo -.i- bt-'utn siei 'ii-* s moth, then contiBOW tt- freealag.
j.--,-*ag through a-jof a pudding duh with them
F;:; Die Fm a sorisiuo. omit tbe eggs and add
l,!e wtthtei' tbe,xwds,‘dish with *tram^i--r«ew a> Ml -a.‘ ll <me-half pint <g sweet cream wbea
•iirin- likH a eupfui of .,tfj
wnd'-ift .
- .<1
-lun' |u.i-ie.;i fntreyi. ibeu ilni-b frtwaiiig
\V1 ;p oqe



PART^ffO ,

Pages 9 to 16

geiher for the purpoM of dlscus*lng|good work ef the last anoLuI meetingi Jvr-t aii'! lmiTv*» d ufi
the fact that we had gained four
out one (be other has no foundaUun.
. important buslneiyi project which'of tbe board of trade and bellew-1' .-ui that Trdver'.-City s lu have this, .five. BObstanlbil. although not ext
The way to e.ubll«h our public apir.
jthni the best any to acumpllsh
Imiv>rtiii;: ind'iMry. we niirt work for sH.. indimtrtew during the past th
leant much to Traverse City
SaiiU). jireBldetit at the board of trade,
Between the (wo eottaciw. twe
It. Is to rajse llie' niTf«ry to
mittbi be tonned • aiicia] pang
and atuaeUve table* were apread,
I.r l.njr years. He
of the many •Wtablleh the paper tnlll and b. ralre
Respenec of 1
new rs»:denceB and imlidlDg* erwted it. at once. He rvferrxl to tbe efforta
the pnimotloo pf InduglrtaJ pro*reaB. wlih a amaller Uble at the bea
A very fitting response to this wel-,’
apeakera of the occaaioi).
Mr. Sanlo ro}’aIlr entertained
waa mode by eg.mayor
thing* which could n.e | T.«n.irou.-er ei.iiih then Introduced daring fhw past few- >«virv and of the uf th.. buanl •< trade during th.- post
^ memUTK of ihe board of Irade at hli
with wild Hamilton, who slated
....-I that
..... Mr.
... and*’*’
“ ‘l‘Tl'li-1 m.-mher>hiii ui.e K.v
ftargiK. formerly of Imiiortance uf ki-ejung up the guod few year* and derlored that the board
beauilfal summiT home vl Omena. Bowent and the eRect wi
W. W. Smith. Tea
KaltimaziH., 'Who, wns familiar with
bad labored iind.-r great dlscuurage.
Mr*. Santo bad a must beautiful sumwheio hla ruoaU wore borne upon
Before thv repost waa served,
»al iht-y enjoyed tl, | At this j>o;itt. former mayor \V. tv. the I-U|. t 1,-u.ltiess. Tbe Rev.
Want New
»l«nmer Cbequamegon. inaugutaUnB clouds covered the sky. and a slight bot they did not fed that rle y could | Smith was
Mrl-lMr. Burg.-!.
that he himself,
II, .
the daj- with an exlremelr enjojable
but a refreshing breeze confine such pleaaure to themiwlvesj Smith raid
I* better oir. than (t ha* eret be«i,('
bnai Iliad held etoei. in severs
Tide on the bay. Horet's full orcbeatra Anally dUaipaled theae and Uie
He referred to the grwat pr>rvpetny'
I Kalamazoo, and
alone and therefore t-xiended iheir‘ne** m.n of Tran-i>e City to ink.-'
as driven In another dlreciion.
fumlihed maaic both- on the boat
, It-Uev.-d th.v 1: aa« i
bold of this tlitnc. That lb
.nieihltig fitr noth- of the factoricw nva in etsiaiion. and
at the reaort. -njerc were JC5 of
d'viorid that the tt.H..i*)ii sSwessarv
v.iM make. Ho^ urged :jng 'yuu
Public hpirit.
Ttmverae Clty'a
for the paper mill waa repMwetilel
At the oOtaet It may be slated
Bantu bud invited his gueetalClty a rliy_j^ lify,thousand
and aaaur^-d
si Travefw
Travenw [clothes
jdo.hes ffor tbe wber-wtthsl.
reiiB. iDCtuiliDK dly offldalK. bahkera.
in the body of men prcsetit and It
hddttlon to bis isirpaae o( e
nothing but a walle. and thatL''ears and he b^ieris] that united ef- City iJ
establishment id thi. „aod together, hand to hand, ks
naDufactuiera, merchaou and profea. talnlnghlB friends from he clt}-. Mr. everything would he provided for a!fort on the pan of the members of indost-T wouldf
great bene- uiao. m ^ unity uf action and we wjll should Ih' raised on the spot,
alooal oten. alao pi
Sonlo had another and more practical pinuutni day. Mr. Hamllum »tated [the board of trade and proper s-ippori
P. N (Soud. uf t'iDcInnslI. one of
men from Leolanan county.
motive when be extended his Invlu. that It was an inspration to look uimn '■ df its offieers. that <mr poinixtion
to an lilt
dewkliig eg compeiluoB, Dt. Gat. the reworlers at Omena aaa called
The boat left at !i;3ii in (he mom- lion. It waa one of public spirit. HU the, ramiofi dtdlar smile of Pr-sldent jeo'tld 1»- vaMly 1ncr. n»..! wlihlii a.fvw- rictiarks u
tls- s-jb:
Matnl; 'ficjiiwtuion 1» the eltx- «l*n t.i give a few riiiiark*. and be
inp and reached Omuua about 11:30. purpo«» -was to gather the biisinea. Santo and he finct-reiy hojied that In.l.viu.:'*.
elated that Ui.. t,ilk U|KUi the subject
■f life. With It. w-e will floorleh decLirid it wax a remarkalile nilBci.
.As the boat approuctaed thu dock. men of Traverse Clli- together for thi
future he would have a mll-j R. Muyd Clinch rd flilraK”. th- sh'itlld cohie fi«m the ne-n jvbii w-iwlcl
he Erven bav tree, withi.ji it me dene*- that h.. eh.mld be a ru*wl at
purpose of Uking an advanced step It lion doUars to go with it .
t stand *1111 or g,> backwards If a gBlh<.rlag fur the purpose of pro­
jheiid of the Hannah « laiy lut-reste f’lrnirb th- finance*. He believed
the matter of establishing new In.
The respoose to the Invitation from | lo Traveise City, responded to an in- :h« paper nut; and belli-ved it would Travers*. City sh.uilil teach a aUige moting a paper mill. He statid that
duatrlee, chiefly a)oag this line,
there was no c..miwtttloo, I be had many friends wbo had grown
repre*CTiatves <d Leelanau jviialion to address the gathi-ring Mr.
bring the paper mill project to a m
In (he paper mill knatnes. He
would pack up tay good* and move
ip-jcilnch suited that Treverse City as.
Coed InlercaL
a given by Wilbur E
deflnJte coodlilon of progress and
he believed II waa one of the
eisea-here. " He referred to .the en­
make a final eCort -io have the neceseiiierpriimi (hat people could be
city full of prinn- fervoniil :!i\-.-Higaili«i. be lielieved It terprise of thi- ••iiy of- l•a.1lIlac, but
mry stock taken to eatabllih
He Mated that the .-.ves of many wvwjld be a guml inv<>*iment and now stand Ibal Trav-nie rtty sli.eiM not Interested In. and In ooDclualan said:
appreciated and stated tl
er mill In Traverse City. The proa- Ulkm to give a response
y after.any other rlli W.- should,"If the^people uf Traveiwe City let
staleK were on (his part of Mlehlgao.- 1* iiirnished 'm- of (In- best oppi’rpecta are now that this effort will
: aueb an uidiorlurvliy a* ibla go byjoa
good traur.porta- tunlties lb ...labSUh a large Induegreat surprise, although be had: aad_thai with
prove successful.
an Could H«lp.
all an«»e south, and we will
be«i preparing for more than a week)tion faciliies and people of Ihv liigh- ’ry. that Ttavere.- City has had. He
cmie up here and take bold of It tmrBplandid Banquat.
r frvenlom f
make fcorrie furn of remarks t
Is-llev.-d that a strong and earnttat -f.
H, i-nii.if, secrt'lary- .,if
Leai than an hour after the guesu would fit tile occasion.
foil shoiiM let made III land the mill, l“Viid of trade, gave a Haul talk, ... .
arrived, Mrs. Santo announced that
those 1
gild to pbastring The imponanre ..I ibe pa*■
dinner waa ready, and It was a Jolly the program should Invade the Jungle* [sbtgild n
sulde* during ihe.hHp to tu- exteu' <rf his ability.
pruj.-ct and •dated ibat he Ikin J. Albectaun wbo haa been
next f«-w jvars.f He decla.-vd that thel Dr. II. U. (i.-inieriiiadi. a very splrit- ha<l Us-n pi-isonally Inli-iesied *om.- el.iwly cnnnectid with the ^ppr milt
gathering thkt soirounded the ban of Leelanau county for petqdi-to hob-1
quet ubiea. The menu cooaUled of: nob with royalt.v. He made a verj ilsiard of trade directors are.-men uf .-.I Jddives. If.. d.wlat.-d that thi*
that he bad Iwen asMwlaiisI projerl. since It wa* Inaugurated. In
cordial address In liehalf of the peo- sound Jiidgim-nt and ronimiih w-n*e cstheiinc would iiiake tedler frb-mls
Boiled Ham
Mashed Poutoea
I who had given (fieir lime Trav.w- nty. gave a very iBtelllgenl
plo of Leelanau corny and congralulat-jand men to wtn.m r.'.iild le- safely In- and .bt-lii-r m<-ii of all present
Stewed Tomatoes
•mil lUvseUgatlons. He de talk upon (he em<iprlse. i^erring to
PoUto SaUd
Broiled Lake Trout cd Hr. Santo upun the surctws'of thcjlniSUKl the *.*-uriTig of new Indue111 Traverae City gcner-[‘-'a'’^ that If cwtiyoiie would pur. th*. value of eleriric power a^ the
jtriiw. He refemd to the great ntwt«
B la this direction, fur.
Ice Cream
duck, u
it -e
He paid a giowlng tribute ' '"*■..... “
in KfUlng
those of- a--.........liuhsuthtlal
seciire the necesaao' funds to .w-[nlKhrd bv the Manistee and BoardA reritailim wa* •eien-ieud by
o* »i.
*>.. - -—=.............
After tNnner Minu
. showing t
Holley who m-a* forced lo te»i«nd tojeharaMw and ^llev.-d that the Judg.......... ...............'pro^sNahlirfi the plant. He beUevAf that nuin rtv.-iw adjar.tii to Traverae City
of the .rfficers of the l-wrd
,i.<.i,„HllH'm<thlng should be done and. ahouW' and stated that the.v was no better
Hoisl'e orebaire was located on the I encore.
irad.. could l.e iropllciiv r-Ile«l «l«h.|ia,-t..rv In tl..-cUv wa* ad-j•'“•■d that the-l-’lot In th-stale for ilhe paper manuporch of one of the cottages and dis­ After tbs. Nr Aanto made
H*. coficli»d.-d by- -u.yiug tlrat if.
,„jp ^„H«anah A Uy ioteri-»t*. had Inter | faclurtng Industry than Traverse City.
coursed Inspiring muile during the re- loct TwiBsrks. . which he
Jne. R. Santo.
.„.,*. of
..» ->.
. . !_,..a •*...,..—1._ ...
project, and' He declared (hat he bad InterrM ta
all puIl-toB-ther ..
I* adhcnM ‘
,I„4rr.,l .i
paaLMr. Sant gave hla gueeU a moat that the obje.
• -c gathering w#«/ spirit
Trev-ree City will U. to northern,„„
«l»ol«.!are r«dy to aasisl :............................
and; sereral r
PrMideat Santo waanpon tbe dock cordial welcome. He
for tbe benefit
.reverse City and
grtvsmage* an.] declared''‘‘“'‘•'■•f
Hannah A Lay Inter-; which w.ce paying Urge dividend*.
and welcoii^ hli tueets.Aa the lines gret that be could not Invite tbe said that be tf«-te-v*d what wa* good iilchipan what now New York City
New Vorii. an.l t'lilcago lo imnoi*:,^j^,
staleltw's had dei-rmlned wa* a good
F. E Robert* gave a abort blstorr
wMv oeenred. a roualng cheer went
i present, be. for Traveree Cily wa* goid
keep the Humo r.-btem-:
.jthmg-l* sure to be sound and cuuldj'if ihl* etiierprire. and Ua UBportance
up (ran the suesta for the boat of the cause be did not believe
Mry. H- r
. He referred I
day. Mr. Sanio atood at the canx(be many dlsoouragerocnt* met by the »blji to the wbol.. Mule *.f Michigan^
plank, and in company with hU
Lhat be desired. He stated also, offleere at (he Uiard of trade, nut us ibese emre do to their r-*p*<the j
It all Ibe bohrd-vd It ^
dancbier. shook handa wth each of that be recollected that Tuesday was only those In ofttre at present, bot
.[Wood Disli company, In
E. W Haallmm, e,., of the
hU r>MU aa they dlaembarked.
boart. r«pood,d to an Inviuuon U>\<^ Traverae City bad to do wa. U. do
Ironing day. and that boasewlfes had thoee wh^ had formerly devoted Ibeir
Paper Mill Project.
I from .'.Mi to more than
want duties at home. He Invited efforta for the braefit of Traverae After the conclusion of the ».anquei! March facb.rj from « to V>, the Pou- addnsatbe BUht-ring and ihiu Char-1'heir share, the real would be lorihaiy. He believed that ranch more II- esidiuf SamolDlnoluced theoalob-: I*, impletnemfactory from 32 to 65 act»id*tic way etilhuwd the crowd : «>ihlng without delay.
reedved gracioualy J>y Mrs. Santo. his summer hi
Unity of Aetloti.
could be accumpllshed In a little fami- J.H of the gaih-ring. He Mni.-*i that ■ and coiT-*i«.ndmg figures In work- H.- *uM that what we require t» pul.
While awalUng dinner the guesta dts-Jl
'invited them t
III- dmiivsl ui gi-i the biislueiw tn.-n to- lng' foir.-s in the other factories.'
I He spirit of the paj>er business. Thc->- Muyor Friedrich In rewpooM to an
ported .themselves about tbe groves bad another motve’ bringing them t
g-lher lo discuss the pnis-r mill pro I In uildiil'.u to this he ref-rrcd lojtwu elements g- hand In hand. With.
iConunued on Paga'lLJ

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Company
"Play and the World Plays Wlfh Yob;
Work aad Yoo Work Alone."

"All play and no work makes Jack a great b«y;
But aU work and no play makes him amereloy."

Our Big Store Will Be Closed All Day
Thursday, July 4,1907.


Our one hundred clerks have worked hard and faithful during the months of re-'
buildihg our store, and we want them to join our friends at the races, the motor boat
regatta, watching the parade, enjoying the many attractions that are offered for the
day’s pleasure and to celebrate the day in true patoiotic style.
Weicp€ cor ir.any tnt-(.f-tcwn frifnds will come acdyCB^joy the day's attraciions. We’ll join you and
aid yon all we can. Yon will aid us ingl?ftii: onr clerksthis day's enjoyment by^d- ing jour tiadethe day beftre.

The Hhnnah & Lav Mere. Co.



■fweial 4th of July Aareiee.
Bair llr«r. whUi taavee thU Ssld who wUl be manted to Robert
By hard and ertktent wort, Jamee
ney of Old Mtraicsi June S6.
dtr for tbe Booth at *:30 p. m,
9 bouse was pfwttUy decorated Kehoe, agent lor the Pere Marquette,
FiMinm wyjfciuhj » stmcM at;. mile and a hair north of Tboopac
with hearts and Bowen arid a sprink- has suoseded in getting a special
ras snspended from the ceiling train fur Btk Rapids and Kalkaska on
^Deluding four aleepJuly 4. It was at first announed that
ers. into the ditch. Charlo* Sunfleld. with ribboBs. From the spout of
ribbons led to the gifts which were there would be no apeclal trains from
Dgemah. vboae home la

Granl Trarcrsc tfcraU

Buffered a broketi rib and other In various placre. Tbe sprinkler Itself
was Ailed with Aowers and tbe <
l>ni«sea, but aaide rran t:
ncbeoie was pink and wblle. A dainty
te crew of paaaencen »
luncheon was served end the time
Tbe BfcWeni happeaed
the aleam wrecker from Grand Rapidi
ImmedUtd) aem oot while worti
trains rollowed rnan nrlous pMau.
iree end can were polled onto
tbe rails eaBlI)- tut the rest of Vie

• M TtMm Ottr

Tbe PDUe spirit Asd geomui bo«plUlitr or Joo. B. 8U1IO. pre«ld«al of
Ibe bawd of tnde. U doaerrlDg of

Runnnlng from Chicago

we City without losing a
lime Pere Marquette filer S
train »UI irive more trouble.
Dortb at $:3a. was forced 1
ack U badly tom up and It will ukc this city Simon-four hours on account
jt) Ilea and ten rails to put tt
.. _ freight wreck Tuesday* tnorning.
tape for travel again.
which marked the Brat run irf C ' "
Trains No. k, 'a and I detoured r
aln for the summer season.
Kalera and the «. A N. E. arriving
Tbe wrockMl train was extra freight
thht city late while the accident baa
o. 181. Bouih bound, and
caused a temporary ImiII up lii freight ifera put In the ditrh a mile north of


these two polau on the Fo-.inh but
Mr. Kehoe Immedlaiely went to work
and the rewuli was chat the follovring
scbediile for ludependenre day
announced this momln :


» ■wrtala mus. «bw«a
Pr*u ud Jislile. H i-uno- ir* -Ufisdast*.
I NoUceubstsl-r :adall.eUst|wb
ili.-so-iewtoir.rhifWtbiiW. w tbr Iroot
—la* CMin Huarrpi ihrlltr.tTraTsne

__________ _______________________

n Saturday. 1

A special train will leave Kaikas-Wednesday'. Record.
ka at 6;X“ a. m.
Tlmra quoutloiw ara earafully wr |
A special train will leave BIk Rap- rectsd avery day.
Ids at (.30 a. ffi.
Both these specials


. iprioM are aupplitd by local daalara
connect - The eutalda queiatiena by wtra, not

with a special train for Traverse City j dipped Irem eihar papera of tho ^
at WtlliamslHirg reaching
here at; rispa day.
T-rtii a. m. Tbe special fur Kalkaska _____________________ _
and Elk Rapid*
at'11 i>. I

will leave the city |


*- 0. 1907,

Ths local maHisi ----------------------- ---------------



PolalOeS. *0IO 25C

This will give Elk Rapids and Kal-^
.Cut Michicun gar
kaska peopl.ijk long day in tbe

u ihe lucnl murk-'.
. by. a broken flange. The track and a chance to see all the features: '
le Man Who Rock*, the Boat.
I III ab'diidaiio'.
lorn up for six car lengths and from the *
j..lfer«l at Kpeiqili- w.r.- .lo.w-n-d at Miiskeof the enrs were badly broken, j
. excellent quality. Onion.-, cucumliecs.
of ibent. mnialnlng potatoes. |
guo Sunday, niukirg
Hie i.saf ofBoyd Killed,
jpieiilant, loIi-u-<-. r.-idlshes. .-Ic.
anwreck on the return trip, 0rea the rested with Its feet In the air while]
twelve that m-1 -b-aih In ikat munHugh Boyd ofr wrniam..burc
Wllllam..burc receiv
].<, had in ipiantlib-* and an- ii,-r III Hie .-iMiuirr .ni ihm ,iiiy and
mon a1u
other five were sprinklid al>ou(l
«-ord yesterday that hi* youngest 1 n-celved
-1-V-* !-liai-- fi-iii thi
n the vlo<'|<ors.
t a f<> r
neeurditig to the .•lu.-.ig.i T;il,iine. a
right of way. A wr.-cker was im-'
James, was seriously Injured In h I
mediately aeut out and a cit-w <if talgrou.l total ..f Id I--r Hie *.a*un.
rallrond wreck In Washington. ThisirR.* will pnduilily
• r-ftily by 1
lso(.w-bo are working at Barker Creek
-lath* «er»- ynmorning wonl came that he was dead, j lancr |ui>t i-i 11.-xi
liee<-9-*ary 1- w.-II kii-.wti and that
routed out of their slumlters to |ialch
It has been seeia sgalD. This time
James with his brother left this part
makes them all th.- more depUirahle.
(he track The main line was clear
Hay is going <|own. The ma
was parading on
coimiry when the first gold
at 8:10 and No. S proceeded at 10:10.
riw runs from 8I: to Sir-, ihr dm
eari-h--* in-ople and tbe
Broseb farm and a lanncfa containing
• Alaska came and aflerdtard
one deserving of Hi.-
U-Ing b-es Ilian it was l;i-l w-.-k.
General P^senger Agent
three young men and two ladles ran
located In Washington
having en­
Meoller Iff Dciroll and District Pass­
loads WTO- In tho --hi for s
O take*
within Bfly feet of the shore whore
gaged In the lumber busliiesB In that
and rhlldri-n out In a
bi-foce Is-lng iIlM««eil Ilf yesurenger Agvni H. J. Grey of Grand Rap­
was Usklng In t
l)Ody win W- brought
day and g'-i-t hay ran b.- ba-I al |1*. amu*e* liim-elf ajid icinfl.* hic
ids irere both on o. 9 taking
script inn
ion given by Ibe parly
(Mlliamsburg for burial by his broth
singer* by riK-klng the boat. Hl>
trip with her The train Is made
ry w.-ll u
with that of Captain
Idiocy, a* Ho- |«up iff fonr sleepers, a c-afe car. i
Daeo Duanu exempt that they esllgeiienilly end* in a fatality and
roach and a baggage car and Is <j
Ibe sea snliual's length ai
New Books. '
wliw caiUM-s ‘ Hi.-l
foMTwt and nest niiiiiinK
Clerbiick iHirl,. ,.,-r Ib.
feet. There is an old slaughter bmise
The following taviks were reeeiilly
only <uje to *uff.-r It |
northern Michigan.
ar where the animal was seen
iidd.Hl to Hie
Is possible that it was attracted
Building Wraektd.
Hi-arts and
there in hopes of a meal of Beah
Dsireli. MIeb.. June
Grath; laitier. Ikiy 8w>\-lh.
The story of the strange thing-s ap­ piMiuns. the first of which oerurn-d
Burton Harrison.
ockc a iHial should he
pearance. told in yosterday a Record, at 2:3«i this morning, eon
Blood. Riitien Hlchenv: The Veiled
Irt-aied I
le as any .rtb.-r crimicaused much commenl, tbe large ma- wrecked the hoisting engines
Lady, F. Hopkinson Smllh; The Ui*al be t«. If the ikvajurily of readers being skeptical but new nine slory building of the Uel.<5
lings, i»r in
HuII are good swinmiers.
Bran. iK-r l(k) II
others accepted the story and various
Clty Gas company si
sim dangcruu*,a* no
..18.00 e
Huy per tun.
• rumors were surted. The
of Clifford street
Washington Hllina. Wllliiim F Eldvidge; 1V-b*iknown'1
■I Ih.- lual I- going In
Chickena. per lb..........
regarding Ibe pe<H>1e slgbtlog
boulevard. Windows of buildings
Adiim. Jack Loudon. Tbe Iron Hiii; potatoes..........
raiwlze add
gisid swimmer, taken
thing on the beach was ihc^only
neighborhood were broketi t
ade. Caiitnln Charles King; F«-Ilelty. Eggs...................
uimwares, la nut
that could be. traced and veiifled. how Patrolman Charles Piilnier was aeClara B. I.*ughlln; The Secret Pass­
with fartllty.
riously Injured.
age. Fergers Hume: The Klnstiiaii,
II tbe animal be "Dig Ben" of the
U la pracllcally cert.nlu that the ral'- Mrs, Alfred Sedgwick;
Friday, ibrState Newt.
Uncoln park *00, there la said 1
astrnphe was tbe result of the
Anibasna.bir Rosen, from Russia;
$im waiting for someone who
laed auempt to blow up the building TnilhfnI Jane, norenre M Klngsb-y:
I'-v.-l* Id A'm.-rlcan biinior.-and i
capture sod return him to the park. as the fuse which connected the
llfninible and I. Mubel Uani.-s GViindy;
<-v.-ry funny pajN-r lu- ran gm.
Those Interested in the matter have ora with the fire box was discovered
The Thinking Machine. Jacques Fii'
dtacuMied several plans,
Imrnlng only a few moments before lelli; The Uing^oad. John Oxi-nham,
feasible of which Is thal of running
le Brat exiilQsloD.
The Squaw Man, Julia Opp Favorhim down In a launch and keeping
George Saylor, clerk In AI. Smith's
sham: Miss Frnnres B:iird. R.
beneath the surface until tired restauranl, smelled
smoke In
Kauttrunn; The Brass Ib'wl, le-*1«
when he could be easily secured neighborhood of his place of bush
J<»o-ph Vunee; Srtda namer-n. .Mi-i
with a roi«e. Curious parties should about 8:IS and hurrying into the alley
edllh Siebolson; Partners of l>ri>vi
have a care with row boats as his gtdenee, Charles
Ttigantlr strength Is capable of cnish- fuse similar b
, IWhlle Cal, Gel.-U Ilurei-s.-: Ikui
ig a small craft to kindling wood«
Off d.vnamlreexpbn-bms wrapped HghiBuying PrlasA
I the hoisting
A number ol camera bwners sill ly several
ford of he Three Bars. Kale and Vlr
make an effort to aecnre a picture of boilers.
gll: The Fl.vers, Georg.Harr Mr
The iKilIre have accepted the story
■' ■
Cutcheon; Grahams of lions, while quite strong, are that the explosion was the result of a Ivan MclAtreo: Phantom Wires. Ar
very tender animals snd must be han­ malicious attack Intended to wreck tliur Sirtngerk Tli.' Iron Way. Sarah
le whole building.
dled with extreme care. If anyone
Pratt Carr; The Trea*uo-s of Paysl
Tbe Russell Wheel and Foundn' Gtlllard. John Heiineti: N<-w.Chnnil
fortunate enough to capture ~Blg
Ben" on land, the only way to hnodle company has the rnntnet for slrucof Rebecca, Kale Douglas.- Wig
him Is by means of a broom. If
The Jily-Hc-, Katherine
caught. Cy DeVy. kes^r of animals employed only non-union men. H Is Thurston:-Ihsluherlled. St.-lln M. I

The "Cannon Bdll" was held In IhK
the board of trade at hla bcaulirnl city four hoqra yestertlay on her ini
tomiBer borne at Omena
that, roupled wtih
a macnlflcrat loanoer. and by ao doiDg brooicbt the
of Trarerae City Into cloaer relation•hip and under clrcumatancca wbirh
ODUld not help but lie bonflcial tn
the Indttstrtal life of Traverse City,
and create a spirit of pmgtew that
cannot he Dnnly establUhed In any
other ,way. It is tneh public apirit as
tbia that make* for larger rlUew and

Tliat tbe hoepltaity was a

Cb-.rba.-k .sirr^rtr... isM

t neb a reple enabled
a occailan
to EUbto- at OM time. The
was oM of peculiar algnlBcance. It
was tmly a day of aocUblllty and
good diear. but an occaaloa which
•UmUted tbe pubUe

Bplrit of our

in nciirlng



trlaa, and U will be surprising if this

Oaaei From Lockjaw.
TBe atate board of bnllh has sent
Mt a circular eVlIng attention
the tarn OBrnber of 4eaUis tbai an•nally foitaw the celetamUon of the
roBith In this country. Tbe circular
dtn the ataia taw In regard to the
aal# or giilng away of toy [dstols,
blank cartii^ggs and the like u> childrea. and abowa wherein tbe danger
Thera are plenty trf war* *<> enjoy
the roarth. make
of noise and
have a good time wilboul anybody
lag kfIM. Tbe (etalHlcs that follow
the Foaith are needleea and could be

The n called -toy iHstol.

reaBr a deadly weaptm. Is one of the
moat potnt eaneet and tbe aale of
this weapon ehooid be i
TTavem City will
FCarth of July i

l ‘i

.............. f. ,,

It cured me of them for good 2h year*
tor- as excursion to Traverse
Cure* every sore, wound, burn
July fih. The steamer will depart
2Sc. at C. A. BuglR^
ig Co, 8. B. Wall A Son*. Hannah
from this port at 11 oclork. night of
July Jrd. going dlre« to Norihuprt Drug Store.
than up the bay to the beautiful raeBuckley Won.
trcgells of northern Michtgan. TrarKalkaska. Mich., June Jf—Buckley
► ene.Clly. Bxcoraloonu* will be glvdefeau-d Kalkaska yesterday in to I.
eo at least ten hours in Trrerso City
Today. Ibe Buckley business men will
to riew the tandaoms city and
play tbe Mecick business men at Mety building^ grounds and

•d that arrangemeou had bee
feeted for one of (he biggest Enurth'
of July c^ebrallona ever known
that mty. One of the featorss will
a monster Industrial and Bork-iy i
»•«. horse races, base ball Uaroea
slraet sporu. and in the evenlug
pytotechnical display never equalled
tn Ike north. Tbe Sreworks can Iw
aeea by the steamer while going out
of the hey.
Tbe Manlstlque City band sill aceompeny the excursion and provide
marne galora.
Baultd trip IldMs have been placed

A Real Wonderland,
South Dakota, with Us rich siAer
mines, bonania farm*, wide range*
and strange natural formations. I* a
veritable wonderland. At Mound City.
In the home of-Mrs. E. D. Clapp, a
s lately
ir death
____ ____ble
c spi-lU . ..
every fire mjnnles. " w rites Mrs. Clapp.
•■When I began giving Dr King's New
Discovery, the great meillclne. that
saved hts life and eoniplrtely cured
him." Guaranteed lor cough*
-lee. bv C
- ...
and. lung
lung Iroublee.
A. Bugbee Drug Co. S. E.. Walt A, Hannah l»rng Store, druggist*,
aud ♦1.00. Trial

Announeementa have

Ttefcets can be -secured
..ere bv the old illme friend* of Mr.
Ibtae drag tores to tbe city and from George* Banker FMIrbanki of hi* marH. J. Neville. Clarence Scott. C. H. Me- rtagi-. June Kih, to Mis* Mary Alice
«■ at Seattle. Wash, Mr. FairLaarln. W. H. Needham. J. L. Suren,

I w-

s no the airemer
—M OOK.oast.—Courier-Record of Uanls



bank-*' present home. There
friends In Traverae City who with all
loess to Hr. and Mrs. Faltbanki
In Honor of Mist Scofield.
WllUameburg. Mb* . June 25—T

Embrolderr club
ftailresd Wreck.
Fram Wedaeaday-a Saeord.
rw nnkwnrn raaaeim. the locomothra





-' ISO sctiiail day*.

U««.de.l .'.3 im-dal* up to Jan. 1. 1»T.
and itlsbiira.vl about t4o.<KM>. aside
friun about til^.iNNi givvn Ram Fran

■ ^

ni.- g.ivi-rnm.-m. <if Victoria. Analra-

Iln. i* going III build a faelury tnr wire
nmiliig. wllh. a catiaeUy «f
of wire a y.-ur
This. It I* expected,
will hre-iT the |io-->-nt pri.-e nt 1195 a


Than Inleresl money When
once —de « starL



()ld<-at and StroD^t Haul
Xorthc-m Mirliigan.


This rompiitiy paid -u.-r


I liadly ml
ear Caro, iwo year* iigo. and
Ill-art dlseuse; IUSS.-S last i.'tir.
growth h.i- be.-n i--ry
and- the filiii
t-ttly one asre-.-tn.-nt h.,s ........ tu;
S»m helped me; so my wit
ii ten year*.
1 trying Elecirle Billers, r
The eompeoy hal,.-u bt-'il..
restoring me to perferl health,
bottle dl<J me more good than all ,|iok.-n of bv the c.immlsM.ii;.-: ->f In
five doctor*
prescribed." Guar- surauce and M.chigan Farm.-, am, n____ ed to cure blood pol*ou. weakne** farmer should be without a p.i - v i i
and all stomach. Ilier usd kidney
plaint*, by C. A. Hugl-v- Drug C
E. Walt A Sons. Hannah ITnig Sl.irc,
drogglsls. 5hc.

Pere Marquette
Sunday. July 7.
aln will leave Truv.r-r
a. ni. S«-e |-•-ler- 01 as
I for iiaortleolac-


Pere Marquette
Low Rat* Exeuraion*.
Special low rale exeuraion tIeW*
D the Jamestown Exposition on -ale
I all Pere Marquette ticket offict
isV agents for jartlcular*.
uue i:-2o-27guiy t.
H. F. Moeller. 0. P.'A.


of July

To cat cordwood lor
Chemical Plant 32 Inch

•r me; one a
Hied it kidi


Celebrate tie Fourth


Many lariii.-ra In Michigan iiui. I
he profit.- of a lifetime by
tnd the wire man will profit l-y th.-.r
Badly Mixed Up.
hem Brown, of Winter


It bejrins to draw interest and TIever
day or night. This interest is compounded' every
months whether yo
look alter it or not.


Spring Ijiiib*, 1.

[llch Is pti'sidenl.

at «t.

and tbe 800 and K U. * N. t^pois.

\ l‘ili*l.iirg l*-y pl;iy«>d ttuaut I2fl

We pay three per cent interest on Certihea
Deposit or Savings .Accounts.

C. N ami A M.;. Th.
keL plenty of baitnless noise makers, targe clew of from fifteen to twenty June 83, to accept Hie call of Hie
End of the Game. Arthur Ib-riibloaand tbeae should be cboeen In prefer- landldates will be Initiated during Baptist church In Burkvllle. Virginia.
The Seeii i ut oiirl. iloliy E .^-.iw.-ll
was made
mma to the dangerous kind.
the day and the ceremony wlfl be wil- This step
The Mayor- Wife, Anna KaHu-rm.
“ne fathers and mothers should
rtessed by a large number of visitora through the conliued 111 heultb of
-n; The Tree of H.-iivn. K. W
advising a
In the evening, there will be a dance Olive; Ihe
Chamlx-rs; .Arkroy.l of llo- Faruiu
I of their children
all Odd Fellows, thiir la­ eh.inge to a milder ollmme.
i Ch.-ipin Ray,
Mr. WoudhmiM- ha* u large nunibf-r
b and rigomaV exclude any- dles and the Rebekaba are Invited.
of friemda In the city who while sorthat Is dandirous.
learn of his cUld's illaess. w ill
Here's Oe< I Advice,
O. S. Woolever. me of the best wish him all happiness and success in
ut 2n.' of cmr Ik-si birm.-ra
f LeRaysvMle. N.
r borne In t!
sured last y.-ar in Ihc-Si-il.- Muhin:
T., sajy: *'lf you are troubled with
though I
1 I>ion Rapbl- Cyrlonc Co,, of which .xC.iv.-ni-i:
pllee, apply Bucklin'* Arnica Salve.

Chairman NevlllcoftheK ofP.
BtHlee talked with tbe ma>-or ol Trav-

Nine men ktc to be bangml In HIs->ir1 within HI .liyk.

To start an ac> ount here takes but

4 there will be lou of fireworks In
Uiicoln park. Chicago, should be thought that it may have been the Ing; The Story of Maiiiii Co-. R
«hai(e of competent people so that Immediately notified by telegrapl
n agitator*.
Paine: Aimt Jane of K.-uiiieky,
then wlU be practically no danger.
Hall; The G.sld**** of Rea
Bot'cannon cnckera. dynamite caps
The I. O. 0. F. Will Celebrate.
Mary John-ton; Jenifer. lairv
and ‘the like ebould not be allowed In
EquaUiy lodge No. 503 i. O. O.
Cham Thiirslon; Tlie plow
of the Eaton Rapids Baptist church,
tbe^ds flf ehlldren. There are plen­
re planhlng a big Fourth iff July <
Eleanor Gales: The Prinr.-— Virgin
resigned there on Sunday morning.
ty of tmaller Areerackera In !{>e
ebration on their own

eiw Wedneeday arid from bim

al Traverse Cily

$1.00 per cord
prices address.


Mastiek ftiemical & Un Co.
Wells, telta County, Mich.

and buy your


Herfi is flecipe No. 6
This is an Excellent Cake Recipe-WHITE CAKE
One cup suuar.onc-Imlf cup I-utior, one-tialf cop sweet milk
one And one-hklf cups BEST FLOUR*
eges Qf wbit.-B .-f
tour, one and onc.-l;uf teaspoonsful baking povdi-r.
Bake in

City Book Store
The only large stock in the North-

layers an-l use any fRvorite Slliiu;-

Used Milh BEST FLOUR. It's sure tO be good

ern part of the state

Wholesale orders also so­

Hannah & Lay Co.




. 131,000

1 each township are the! Mra. a L. Reuaen went to the S
I eocloM today.
Bnice Hanshew and family went
a copy of the law. Tou will ate by
> Cadillac today.
Its woriiingB It abolisbu the rrad
machinery law. fOr now
tray toad msehinea. ooly

MIm Marie Tyo who bu been study
township Ing^elegnphy at tbe Western Cnlon

Passed a law compelling

of»«. left for her home in Big Rapids

phone rompanka I ke^ their poles
Mra. O. Oberlin roturned lo
home In IBg Rapids today.
out of the traveled road.
Amended law ao ns to permit
Mrs. A. C. Walker went lu Big Rapl«rOB»-A. Tr«*j LV. B. PiV*
lilgliway commiulooera to go sbud idt tbto morning.
k. Mr>. J«U« T. Hrnirt, ■mbwI O
and do k&OO worth of work without^
B. C.
0«.lOooilnued from Itlaih Ptge.i
advrrtlBiDg for bids and leitlhg a cooInvluilon to liilk upon the subject.
Slated: "We can build a paper mill
Appropristed tfSO.OOO for this
flfte.-n minutes. 1/ we want to But
department. tllS.OOo each year lor re­
ir you Iblnk we cannot do It. let us
fer roads, and llO.Wio each year
id.-, and take up something
for expenses of the department.
else that «-e can do " He declared
Trap rviefc or convict crush i
ten men wou!d%>al up ftwni or
hill psased the'senate and would have
-e thousand the rest wcsild lu- <
loued the house, bud the rammlttre
li H a Em EarpanL
i> uM If there «-rre unity of action
not received ordm-s to keep It In their
From TuMday'a Hecord.
und-pnmipi work by those, who
1« It a ara aerp«DtT
money, to lnv<».l. combluwl with
!■ It made of better kIuB it
I l>^lcve that Michigan now has
ternilusllon t<> do sonieihluR. ou
nucb naed aotoiner leaon falc<
ihe best system of road laws of
It quick, they would liullit the |
Captain Dave Duane bb}# It
luiie in the unloe. and In ten years
itherw-ise the project niiglii just
, tirid a Beoord reporter a« lael nlabt Ve'll be as widdy and well known
II lie aluindoned.
and trembled whllo reheBialna the
good nwda at we are for our bad
Moon urK«sl pnmnii anion
attwy. Ho U not the only perenn aho

S per cut aJtPwci n Time Oepceiu

Clnaldta this msk, 2.82S


Ml/ Hair
Ran Auxiy
Don't htve t falUoi out «-iih
your hgir. It mithi letve you!
Then vbti? That would mein
thin, scraniy, uDCven, rouch
hair. Keep your hair at home i
Fatten ii tichtly lo your sctlp!
You cin easily do it with Ayer’s
Hair Visor. It is somethine
more than a simple hair dressinc. It is a hair medicine, a
hfir ionic, a hair food.


The beet ktad of a taeUmcalal —
"fleld ter eret atotg ywars.-


/ITH ilie jirioe of material* ftilly 2-"i per
nl liiKbur .ibim .a t ear hg'a, tlieae
vnlue* are of moretban on^tnary in




In this case lotb quality and pri.-e will
staibl llie cl.ifest inr,qligstiou.
Every item in
tbeliil Ivlow is worth the readiiirf and w-orth

slated that hiMwas ivu<1> In ii
Aiisfim'a fishing Industry
y ill the pr..j«-i.
riem the handliap that Hie lislo-ruu-ii.
it there w-as no iise of
icaiTy u!l ill the clulrhes of uMirlelethill the pn,iK»itlt«i should
They are rtuBpelled lo to-rrow
phooe to Ibe Recoid offlre buixed frePERSONALS.
hold of lu earnesi and the money when the catch Is poor and
qoeatlr laat erentnir and the newa From Tuesday's Record.
are nevei able to gel out -if debt
that a real live aea aerpent was callC. V. Slater and wife are spendlnfl money raised now
Inc on the veet aide travelled rapidle week at J. W. Siaier's farm near
Hasilngs here and
>UBl canrastnew. aske.1 those
The fish |K>puIuHun of the Nile is .
. ir.
Captain Dave la probably ibe. onlr
Mr. apd Mrs. L. F. Perkett left present if they would not get
the said to present a greater variety il
penon *ho aaw the noniter at eleae yesterday afternoon for Manistee, front and do something. Hesponte* that of an)- other body of water,
promptly from several sources
ranee and that wa* too cloae for him. from there they fto by boat to Chlcseo.
xpeditiun aeiit (rum the Ilrlii-h n
aa* the aninal in the «.
cravIlBC on the beach ne.ii
tor oBat workaaither. for the

lie «aa roirlnK from the Carter dock They expert to be cone about a week, nntll a matter of t:t.‘>oO had betxi
aeraaa to the city when dnd. ahead spending nxisi of the lime on tbe subscribed In nnitmiiis rungiiig from
. T.

Beadle and

Mra. Ra.v

Committee Inereaaed.
Before adjmirttiug. U was derided

it. Tu'rolnc hla head.
Mr. Duane Thacker went to Bates yeaterdny for
could aee nothlnc. but a moineot later
few days visit with friends.
be was drenched by another splash
Mra, Beule Brooks of this clu. left Are mote for ihi‘
nearer bla boat as the tail of the yesterday for Central I.ake. where ing snlKcripiious.
ever It Is. broke the eurface. He bad
^ust time enou^ to catch a cUmpie
of a body peAapa four feet lone and
aeemlnsly covered wllb a dark brown

The bead of the animal waa

flat and the noae pointed while
Bharp white toaka
protruded from
tbe mouth.
Some cblidren .playinc on the beach
nuar the Motor Boat worka aaw a
e dark ahape nevlns mien* In very shnl.

water and the aame crunt or

bark, that Mr. Doune beard, was recocnlaed.
No trace of anything could
this moraine and all iboee who have
seen It arc confident that It liaa ftone
into deeper water. There la a poa*lbllIty that the animal la ,lhe renowned
-Bl* Bra" of UneolD park. Chlea«o.
wboBnde.Ma ncape-foor years a«o
and was aiippoeed to have made for
the Maultnu laland.-Ixit -aa this aea
lion sraa almowt elclit (itI limp, the
one racn yesterday—if It be a aea lion
and is cOTTeclIy doecrlbed—la only
half aa |ar«e.
Good authority says that the spr^
rie of a walrus baa iMam kni
exist and mnltliily In fr«h wa
they hove never been found ii
l>y waters, althoush Lake Superior
iKMiaU of a school of aeala with v
leu bldee. on tbe hortb shore.

Frank Hamllloc bu recelred i

urpose of soilclt
President Santo
appointed for this

good roads laws that this lectslature
-has passed are tbrae:
Repealed the wldeUre rebate

lar way -i-ic and i>0c.
special, per^ard........................................... 0^0
20 pieces India Linons, worth

MI'S Grace Clart: went to CuJlIlar w-ivrk for a few d.vys anil matt>r e visit Salhrday
as soon as ih*‘i' huxe stxtm-tlom:
Miss VIvtoD Blue went to Fife l.uke definite to present,
Mra. Frank Friedrich left Saturday
a Deadlock.
A Oai


The law was also amended sior SslurdHy lo ailead the mlAslonBO that any township In ibe coiiely.
convrnilon of the Churrh ol
U whlrit no county road is to be built Christ.
by tbe board mat. year, can build a
Miss Maude O'Neil left Saturday'
•tale reward ivld and draw cotinlyald
'lernoon for Dendnn, to stay o
more Sijnday.

county aid than they paid Into tbe
Miss Margaret Cameron who Is
eounty road funH that year.
Inidliig the Mt. ricwsant Normal.
fth. Passed s good roods district
vnie for her suniBiev varailon.
Mil, which raablee any combination of
Misses Grace aud Bnrbara CorbcII
towu-hliw. vilUgea and dtlra

Tiieee are iwo e|>erial piirehaaca

of Dwtght. HI, Miss Florence Miller

An Anc.snt Supei-st.tien.
t to a f-i- l Ibiit a .
1 j.uMh-ly I-u.iu-d ui UsM-l Iti
U, MT4, for lU*

>'• pieoq

and scraper. law.

this morning
S. E. Kelley and wife reinrned
F. A

today. leaving tbe elty this morning.

in dot, putay and






K- dam«*
all Linen Bli'aclieil Irttb Damii*k;will imn upniceandsmootli:


10 {mtcfs nil Linen
llrown Crash, worth


•ppcial pri.v.
jK-r yam...............


100 Bed Spreads
hut itiiperfi-stioTto an-So siidbt tliat you wntiM not tind them
V- are corte. each

gfk rf


Store closed all day Friday July Situ

Mortgage Sale.


Prize (Uinner?




Prizes in



amount of $50.00

Giuen Jlway Free

--siisjorneTi -t. .1

We will send up


-OR c-£‘.rds


each evening on July 1st. 2nd, 3rd and
4th at 7:30 p. m. from the market site in
this city.



the CTTL*. With on,
pli.'.l I., the -.utsi-le
o!h-r ie*tl-e in t!.- R
n Is u e^-4 r
the ordinary geni!« end b,.'-.::'.
Ilk- a-lae kills the f-raiei-.-:r» gItself he '.met a ni-'.H w-.n.’- rf


him for Ihelr paper* ln»t*ad of going
to the rottonl* of the varios* eoiintriew. He decide* all disputed quee-

^polite. |«slH^ *
“R-eU. ma'am- replied
Purgeoon went to Ann Arimr Hon* between the men and their nail­ abopwaJker. if b-'» a veri
maybe you'd Letter use both ejea.'
ing masters,

It 'T1p»“ out Of of- Ihelr home in. Reed City loday.

SiH> iwraty-flve ibuuund MthmaAera.

Ay _

T1>e reason of tbia is there
« no ititqikiiii t». match

ftieoeq of 1
Slimmer funiiahiou'*.

counlies and

t^ the mac* of the aatlquaU
Blaluie labor, elnder ranrenUem.

:i|iie<vq Wm. Keid'a Scotch

just riifht for



Gr.“‘.*“.‘‘,............ <C


liac«* growing w.iitl lu gr*-al iinrfusbiu
MonteiuDia vailey of folivradf.

(llaiilru tbe rlgbl
BhlpplBg commIssHiner for the p.'ri ■<
had splendid success with Ibe
raise net to exceea :: per cent by- They left for home Saturday after New York. He to the sailor's i.ijgsnd Jury. The men who sign en for­
enjoying their trip Immensely.
Cih. Cash road ux taw i>sMcd i
Mrs. A. Melulutr went to Kingsley eign eraft* now must appear befote

10 piivxw :i'i inch
worth t'c. while

inch Ohnllie*. regular Id-


basilisk ff ii Is? bsK-heJ o
heap by Hi- sertwf.t .w
YVbereferc the h.v-.lisk
.. fitting resting place will be ]•
and half s,-nqt,t.- He »a
vided by the city- This illl lu- m
rertsln is’rs-ut .le-lniv Ih
the grave* of Beethoven and Sehie l>a«m*k» fO'in »
Haydn t
Fonibm Macazinc.
In iSOB.
ed in Vienna
g tbs ivuDieen.
Prof. FHix Knorr. ol the folnraJo



Iniiijffto. Wine* and
ttray*. rentilar 12k

Every Woman Will Be Interestt
el'l’n'srT.mi?’ it-sioTi i/irii. -r. V.r i."«en 111.; e>ti>d -vrsTKAl.iab'I.SAK <■ <- 'h.
uslr i-rnslniu.-ntli.) t>-k-.i!it..r I'lire- t-lu*:w-erknis—■ sn.l Hseksi-b- Kulai-t. HI- ‘
sMI'HrisrT tr..ub'r. Al«u llrue.-i.i-mx-l-fi-t- S.......
A-l-lr.-- Tl- U
lira, v'u . te-ko* N Y

movat of the 1K.1U-S of Jrvsef
Vienna ■•whet.-, ' the rlty lathers s;

Agrifuttural college, ha*

20 pic.-.-. :i'i inch tV-rcale. stiimlard
........... in Calcotta*.
diirk rolors.

A Certain Cure fsr Aching Feet.
A powd-ir I'-r •wi-^lns. -1ml. hi.i. ■ usriininsmi !> amt racr ab'>FKrx
*hr K»»v SisiTvat v'osv l’*u, a nm ■
........................- -Urob Otoat.-.!. luhi-’. I

..uu.lary .
lugeihcT in a good A«df district and of Detroit, and Miss l»uls ttbe|M>r<1 of II I* believed thBt lohacco, wus
- v«»« for
wttrk tiB-l. r Ihe eounty ruad law. with­ Manna*, arrived In ilie cl’v Saturday. •xtcDslvoly in the Mum.-tuma
St ibv heao of an nriuj
out taking in the whole county.
It They will Iw bridesmaids
oue cf wvera! who s*i-;r
iges ago by the cliff dwtdiors.
tik«w a petlthm trom rech township, Montague-Kelley wedding Wednesday.
Mr. Hlenh of Chrtollanla. Norway, er*h:p of lloiiiin affairs
tillage and c'ty, of ten freeboldera.
ba* Invented a sysiefn of treaiiiig low- I Giciu a.) a:id MiascoJCr "
Charles Grinnelt aud B. SlUby.
ig pljtteJ ac
Ibe w
but tweaiy will he better because necicd with the branch music I
grade iron ore* In an electric *niclicr.
f lU.- .-ai'.i.i:
aomellmvu one cananl qualify ai^
graphite as a reducing mclitmi
of Crinncl! Brothers in Jarks<in. have
tbe lK-aii!.;r'
frouholder. Then the snpervlsora hire been spending their vacnilon wiih J tnsiead ol rtwl
He ha* heon a« ardi-d Ib-uicht th- msHcr ev.-r, exi-lJ.:.:c! »J
to submit It to a vote snd If It carrier W. Clllfe, manager of the Itawl branch
prize for hi* Invenilon by Hi- Iron
i l ef h * .-ngfiitisn*. -rb- ■: - li
in end cowseA nn-l *»
In the whtrie dislrlri ail'that pellt- of Orlnncll Brothers Music cumpan:
and Steel Inalllulc.
Iraed ara undet ihv Uw.
Sixty thousand »al1ot» look to H ,k Inaugurnicd tbe I'l'il war
I.BSI week they spent some time on
3lb. Faoaed a rouniy and good the Manistee river in company with Hanbury for advire and forpioteeiion to make him linivrjfar an-' Hi- --far*. ,
tbe world
ruada district 'bonding law. giving Frank Monroe of Madlscto Wit
Mr. Hanbury I* the fnlied Sta;--*

One highway rnmmjtsinner and one


12 1-2c for................................. ...yC
iKnight under ralue.

law ao as U
l.v open Ihvir roil.-se at C'rp Ukc.
sometimes l.-rmlnuies tatally
for building bridge* and chancing the
Mrs G.'B. Tsylnr nccompanie.l by the stoppage of liver amt bowel Tv
majority required to carry the bond­ her giiesi. Mrs. J. E. Clark, of Bulfnlo. lions. To quickly en
without disagreeable
■ sagrecsble seuwatiiins.
ing propoaltk* from
went lo Manistee for a low days vis. King's New
..V Life Pills should always
.sixty per cent.
It Saturday.
remedv. tluaratiieeil alisolmi • j-our r«
watlsfactory- lo ev.-ry r
Miss Lama Klicher left Satunlay
3rd. Amended tbe county nvad
. SI C A. BugbxH- lb
■o It Is clesriy cooslRutlonsl. In
for a two weeks' visit at Muskegon
Wail A S
control of tbe supervisors has been and rhlcago
pteced tbe fixing of Ibe amount ol the
M-. II Monroe hu
Slate News.
l&x. tbe naming of tbe roads
The Hiy co-iuell of Venua has m.i
her liome at Grand Rapids aBer spend
, tmprov-ed. and In Ibe Brat Insuoeea. Ing a few weeks at Omena.
formal overtures to lh>- auihornies
■ the naming of »e board of commts
» H. E. Cornell went to Excel­ Blsenstsdl bsiklng toward the

aa well aa aiaie aid. but not

In pieces Persian Lawn, worth in a r*cu-

-iim Ilia long ago s>Tur>>d b."o.i

. w / •>
of the b
Clair; nmeuding Isw of IfinO pr.-hildtMiss Bertha Hai1<ins of this city, purpose the following: J. W. Ilaniltn.
u«- of ferrets In bunting rsbbils
r. W. E. Moon. E. W. Hastings. .
visiting friends at WlllUmsburg.
... 11-rtaln
ivculailiig and
. Frlidrirb. and F. E. Roberts.
Robert Send of l.udingtoo Is visit­
ll.-eii.lHC fisting wilU tugs or b.wlts ia
About this lime the meeting a
lM>r.lering ou Hii. state- i-roliibing his itarenls of West Ninth street.
Joumert and Mr. Santo Invited h
itiiig S|iearing of flsl. In Juril.iu toka.
Clara Coddlngtoo
who hat
giiesu to take a walk around Ihe r
aud loolu isiuutli-w: to prol.s-t i
been vlsiUng frinds at Sulinns Bay­
II «;ratul river.1111.1 Mill .-r.s-k, [
«. An hour or more was si»-ut
bas TCtoraed to her home In this elty
■•.'Uiily; lu l.rut.-et fish ill I-illie^
lis manner very pleusanily and i
Medler of Honwis Day passed
llig fortiis.- lakes. VVa-liteiuiw :
;:o the bout departed lor Tr.iti-.-:
Ibrougb the city yesterday ooh Is way
e.iurity: i~Tuiilliug He- taking of ri.iigh
home from Suttons Bay,
Mii'lilgan during <l1iThe soilelling ciunmltlvv
rloswl se;, ain.-milug laxt of ;
Anton Prasll. and
HlascB Theresa and Ada, left yealcr- gether cm the itnut and detenulned prot.s-rnig inml oi .Vii Subb. ri..-r mol,
triluiiicrb-ir; niiieiuliug a. t of I'*'" b. '
make an elliirl to seciiro u-n i
duy for a Ihreo week's visit n New
liii |»vrij..ns ft 1..ik.- I
to who would take gi,n>H) c*aeh
York city, with rt-Iallvc*. They will
Ihe pui"‘r mill proJ.'Cl. The obji-ct of Fuferlorr reiM-slIiig ui1 of iKgiailtiuing I
visit lagara Falls on Ihelr rclurn.
S|H-.iriiic of •lenpaii farj" m Itu-'-d [
to get ten men to take i:
Prof. 1. B Gilbert left y.wlerday
lake, flare eminly: |uriuiiiiiig Iliu ,
a df Ihe stock and together
foT Kalamazoo, where be has charge
taking of tt'hltellsh from liulum riv.-r ■
of tbe psychology and methods of with Ihe stnaik-r stock holders efft-ct
Vlullet lake: iirnUlluting liuut.ucl
prellmlnar}- orgunixaUoii. elect olflfiimdiiy III Wayne and M.i<s.iul>(
education In the Western Normal.
■rs wht^ the peo|.le ccaild rely upon roiinili-s; jiroteeiing Eiiropeju i-ur1-;
IjOwcI of Brooklyn, and
the simoliug ..r u'lld ;
Mra. L. G. Vaa Uew and daughter of and have confldenee in. and after that
Ihe people of
nmiulre. huve arrived (o the city to
attend the MiKJtnguc-cKlIcy wedding. Traverse City for stock subscripllmir.
wengojMISB AincUa Aiidereun erf Grand
ini-r>-asliig hoiiniy for kllLug us.ix...
Rapids, to visiting with friends In
ly idetlged
each. In addlUou
to city.
Joint resoluHon pr-.i-s uc r. |-il of
Mra. Jennie Slivcra and Miss Gayle
coii.Mutional ...................... . of t.-.oluuc
Griswold 'went to Grand Rapids S:ii- of Ihe city who had already e*|>n-««“l luiiiii-al irsd.K lu .-uiivi.-u. ntiu-uddetermination to lake
Itig 1.IW
r.l.iiiM- to .;iln-.-s «i,d
urduy. Mr». Slivers will remain i« th:.t
stuck when the ^.10Je^l bad n-arhe.1
pi'IciiU'itiW of ini.ou eltl.l;il«.
ly but Miss Griswold will r-nurn.
business like shape.

Miss Minnie Laycock bas isttitri-.ed
er - discussing the iirupostlluu
Regul.-iliug the gr.viiling of r.-hef to
I her home at Ithaca after eoniplet
along this line, the committee
Ing her work
in the loral High
encouraged and It was In-lieved
If all those who bad alrvad:
Mrs. John Frankie and mother are
gcveruiug usylunis fur lu-fua.
prvmsetl ihemiu'lves ami were not
, Solon vlrlllog w'lh friends.
would take tbe atmviml speclfle.1
she will visit with friends.

ter from Horatio 8. Bsrie. slate highVisa Mo-lic Needham left for IV tbe paper mill inviject could be eiu>.
MMOBmIsaloner. showing what had troll Salurdiiy where she will attend
this week. It wu.« nmsooarOy ce
hIt accomplished In yhe good i
the ordlnaUon of her bi-o.vcr?Slie will
1 that the ten- required could Ix'
cause during the present srashm ol
til In the BoutherD part
secureD wlthmit difflculty, and If
tbe Iralalature. The letter follows:
tte,before returning.
me, the amuiiut
suhReplying to your Inquiry c( tbe 90tb
Urr. Gl«ti Power ht' ret.urncvl from scrtlHHl will approximate I" ooo.
Instant would uy that the leading a short trip to Omens
The commiit«' will continue It-*


the I'uyiiic.

I.1.0UO down to t2«h.

there aounded a terrifle aplaab and
nolee. half enmt. half bark, followod

aea aerpeol aea lion, oetopoa or vhal

\V«-do not advertise a thiiu:
a* 8|ie. ial uol.-ss the price and 'inality warrants

y ilr.p uf w-'.-r that ■««-

attached to each balloon, will state a prize
which .will be given to the person return­
ing the tag to our store on or before July
10th. 1907-

match for the Balloons and
win a Prize



sovmt CHANT.
T Biamaa anitttd bylmuck Und as dry or wtt It makes ihej
emertaloed hew ftrasa aad pasture land, and
1 Saturday ahthi
sboweron latl, It new lylni:
honor of their an nerr- of ilii» land of !and :u
Crop, .ire U.-H.taa tine and the pn».
lafl. The ro-ims romlna fiitiire mill W fuj>- vHlHre.1
for ali-it.J.nrv ■
fmlt wrir]
John UeCarlhy Is expected borne
Rueett nnm mad Mlta Grao- Wilsle
ran Ann Arbor todtn-.
[muBla and wh.i
Aiisutl Oreeawatd and family.
Mrs R. E, Canipbx'II
was very bavi- fnlk r.i-uvertsJ and
Traverse City, visited with Dr Meberi
I font [larsiui.
ploisanily aurpHted latt erenlQt l>> be abort,
family the latlei part
,JRev. Hotrnabout ?i lady frlrads. Ice cmai and
June it
I Itir th. m
*^lver Mills of Onrsl .has
cake were serve.l.
Mrs ^Caimdsi;
--------------- '
Inp a few days with his ne|*e«. Fnnk haves toniunviw morol^ foi
Uanfonl. comlnulnK hU Journey lu
TT..- «...> ef rh,.
Hre Ouo. Brown 1s iiasslnc a wm-k
With Mrs. Leo Wll. ai Sojlh '
n lo Mr. slid Mrs.
’’’hIss Lula Burke of Ih-ndou
on June ItCi. n boy
I) A MeMlIIlan yn >
Inx with her sunL Mrs. Wllllsm Ulark^
d last Tuesday on tin'oulte a number here air plaaiil
• Ihe S'M-sI oi Ur* C. n.
oa Pt»tn1l8K the Fourth at TraxiI Id hit l
iJWln Rawllnss of Hannah wa*
l‘sTl... le. ii.-.-ri ..s-t.,1 h..W
losrn Monday.
Ml'S Ora
1...W .-.tls. V
rhsri.wotx, lor fi fern w.-ek s si.
June 2S.
‘"■“.Hunt,.I M 1: ehinh Kndsv

Grand Traverse Region.





tM lat* to in*.
h tM
wmM rtoeh
U: ‘H»r«ld ettc* fMt


Ttmin IR. to«r >"■7 M MWtod «h

Hn. WllM >Dd Mr. Ce^ Ro>
vIsUlOC «t Dr. Kr^pk'i Tot »
dAT«. th*y
from P^Utun.
Hrt. Cbutoa Kroupa rMum«d homo
IWl Bnndto’ »«>» “ f«^*
Bd Bnory ba« rpmodeim hit Ik
•Dd |^«TF U a frcah coat of {mint a
trill nan os hit resuiar trirB
TniTerae and bat* twice a day. next
Tba hotel at
oposedyo tranalcau latl M<«day with
Hlat Mary Knaipt at landlady.


Mrs. R.-Iienl arrlvi-d home
evoainc on the iftln.ds, li.Hii ..
J....hin .ind Chail.V'i'
June 3:

■ piiesi of hit moUier.


'**Mre. Jessie Btolwnt %nd .huiKh'er
Majorte relumed to Tntveree City
Saturday niortlnR. aftw a
wveK '
Mr. and Mr- J.e-,.t, i;m..r>..ii
_________ _ .o epend tlw tummer here. Slay In town.
Mrs. Womn of Denver, Col . arrived
Thatn Gherlnp -and family tpent
Krldav l« spend the sutiiiner with hei
last Bsnday at CHd Mlatlon.
Tbe Ladles Aid of OdRemthuiT sister; Mrs Knle WIttot,
1. lara.- r.i.t id mas f.-om^ Vumi
I.. R. Perk and fmiillv s|smi Sun.
Chufdh bad an excurtlos to Marioo
day In SuUon* Usy,
jrese Wells Job.
Ulaod Utl Wedneeday. /
Mrs If. Ryan and ehlldn-n s|snt
A larc- ituiix of f. fc W. X R
last week with friends In Tran-rse MYllnn mew have Uvii n-i>;iiniiB
imek (leai- the mill.
^^'mi-. and Mrs Wilbur of Kansas,
rived Thursday on ibe llllhols T
c last Thursday, vh
^t. Walter nod John.
Hrt. 8twh« Sheeby sad da'iehua;
flf Grand Rapldt are jraeata of Mr. and
Hrt. O. U BntMn
Dr. r. R. Wmamt It pattlns a f—
. dayi at bit old home la Ladmpton.
8tTto> Commlttioner Route It
proTlBC Blair ttreet with a tcra
aad ferce of men and teamt.
The' coonlere and shelvlpa nro
lax ptoeed la
Ibo new

i Kiis"'. oh

ati.l explain what form it liest adapUd to ihv ,-ate in

Diffi-n at chctliliont

roqnirc .^• (.‘niit.

nil 1 Wi- often see nob* impropa-fiy


Vou are wel.->me to the Umefit of our ■ m; t x]. .
sii-ri' ■■ in » .‘ h tuatler*

r«ANK .


\1"ira.-isons ;




II People's
Savings Bank |j

M.. b.-ld ;

1..II.I H;.!-.intaieiit wt-ie h.-l.‘ m \ii
fitsi.ii rl.ok'ttiiii'lnv ,.'l.iiiis.n
inrei* eonur-'cH'iuii

The r
111.- orrhiirds u>re liiutlnniiie i-t -bos

Rev. Floyd Maynuid o
1 FYlday eveDlne lo
............................ .. .
vacancy w-l..................... -red hy I
nation of I
The Northport Cadets will enlerlnin
Saturday eventnK In the town hull,
with a mlnslrel performance nnd.the manaperaeat of Prof and
This will b>- Ihe U-si
amusement. Nonh|siri has had lor


Th.;-..l- V...- s>...i
■b..i.te Mel........ . :.»-l ...
i:n,i W.-riw.dUrys.-e h.r.. n e
.lavs i,.-t «.--k ui..i,:tiv I'-i- ..
*... E.i Ti. (tov.'iii. ir. X Y
Mi-S.-. KUinel-. HevnoMs ..ed

We are alI^OTE BLANKS are ofica i
1 w
wave wiilinrf to femith diem witle.i it I’bnrtie


t Can Sr Doer. Sa Sro'es e) Tra.
erse City Cit.»»n» Say.


S-i’epa'' tVui.




...... .


Mrs. ftamerou



U-. .1.- i.i-.t- wi-ut I

..Tied ■ 11 ii-tcal metnorkw ever known.
He k eu to Wart ..ver fifty operat
fp.-; ts'i.'litiTiff 10 rad.


our i-hu^Hi ho-t W<sliie».l4J .-vyiloB

ih-.iiKh he
.Who ,Zt ..rrco-l ,nr K.t f..r .-n..-ieU
uorUnu. vet he Jl
Mre Ia">.. Cull ,.Alii|.:.- f|'.
! MiialOC Bt.K ks ... a fa.-e value ..f .
ert ehiire'i 1..-1V-
meeline *^A*'ven preiiy wedilliiR t^ik place
lie vva«a-t ,u.rti-«lar sulf.-r-nc inV.-ry li.vtvy
ipmcetinx at S:3(» o’clork Sntniiiay vvenliiK nt
the Free Uetbodiil
I Kt.A-kshep.tif they only l«d«lol-r
, Ktdn.-s ft
doted mad became
bresl tin- d.-al |u,:el.,.-..,l al th.Wait rbaniMt-y, I
ill! preipnt ji^owere i'll' liu- n*iuhU..h.-.d P.i"u I' value of f.-e.o
and Interest Uff. when their only danphier,
blalOfT- The
ifiiv and Sunday. Muyul il.. . 1 , und nIII mate in..nry ..n U t-.. mint liu-.-of mu ujv.- i.-ll.-I wii
was united In niarrlape to Cbnrles and a v.-ry enjivynbl.- .
Berry and son of Mrs. B*'rry. The Saturday thy look iln-ir d'-iurture fur ‘eren. lui wh.-nl will I,.- ..he l.esl for j Old he want With eu.h st.-f? Well. ,.-1 lew .hi/s alt. i t.-liin -:ini< . I lu
...... «!t4UIi“.I O..UM lull Ibatinl-.i r.s.lvtul Un.llflal iye.iilU ti
Rev W. H. Hurlbul otflclsllns. Onl.- their henie In Brooklyn, P
tenaoe the i^— he B svf-lns readv to K- Imo th- Jutuk- 1 nrlUk Loan's Khltiev IHI- I... .he e
the relatives and a few Icllmate .
Mr.^nd Mrs. Ftomm.
wmiatii BickhHrs. Arthur Mayhew aad
.friend were prescal. FWlowlnp the Iciiesi^for a few days of Ihelr ehlld-.m-w iir.if,
>f Booklet
^ rupt. y <— «.i1.. ,1,,. 1.1.
IT Shaarer. both of
bus- ceremonv a weddinp supi>er was 'ren. ,Mr., and Mrs. Ue-i-t
p, j II
tax TdatlT«a here. while 1
n cro.llt..r«
with aened. after which Ihe bridiil coupl- Travr—
Ills lirolli.-r-. Y\
lap li
vcr»> e,..CUy.
il playlap
■j doiplssl,
. the Bockley team.
1 and a re 1
advaiilap. of Ihe dry sis-ll by]
John Briuht I...C
—_______ _____ as aecoad baseman. erwe Cllr. srhere they vrlll make Ihelr
New York Sun.
?hm.oni.. r .1..-,
in Ihi ii .
tin -Sulelnv
Mr. Berry has a post
in a,d..lnp a
Hrw. Uora Erhnrt was la Traveree

'll .3




mllroad office there.

I paslnn-s

J. W, Slater, the Original Homemaker
My Store Will Remain Open All Day the Fourth
This will give out-of-town customers a place to drop
in and rest and eat their lunches if they wish.

Our iarge piate giass windows on the second and third floors give a good
view of the parades and the people can sit down in chairs and watch them.
it will also give some of our mail order customers a chance to inspect
our stock and get acquainted with the people they have been buying their
goods from. Everyone is cordially invited to make
this store their headquarters.

Your Promise to Pay Will Buy Anything in Our Store

Why Not Enjoy
the Evenings?

Male Wash Day Easy

Ouick Meal Ranges

Bv luivin^ i> IJ'.vii
Wasluriu Mai-'iiii- h

In our years of experience in

is ulle ..I

ll.e easii xt

runnin:: .................... - '-n
the market. .\ .-iiiM

the home furnishing business we

Vou can take mor.'B.'it'l iv)mfcrt

hod that people soon forget the

For that reason our aim


always been to sell them

ii.iChiues. all til, ••v..y

nothing but good, substantial
goods, and we sell them at the

Csrpeu. Ro^s sod

very lowest possible price.

Wc can Bureiy ploass ynu. We

.-kcT, wiiU full
opera sesL at.............


A ROoil
well mavli




:0C ui. ! 35<lin.- .-ii;!

, lot; - s



Ti ink-f

-sst y


_'ot>vi !am;ly -i/'-. \v';U mad*-,


Lace Curtains
WV .-ist rc-v;v.-l «
n.-w suri'lv -..•'•1

In Rcfs we lure a
■Btnber of patterns
we are clostof ont
that are baretins.

si."« iin: 11






i.arts detachable,

one- 'cason. aside (rcrti keeping
T.t, il,
..U.l »,■ .ill
l.r w.llini: pri.v.

c ot,, in




peris, able



with h'ravy galvanircd iron, f!i

save more than its uwo i-ficc in


sells u]i {Mm 45c.


m.-tkiii^ i; ea'V to dean.


isb, cot vamisb. at..

whh a;r cliamb- r- all around.



,,..W iir.'i will

ns • he.Ti" r

dor stock was iirvor
Ivetter in lliis jiartic.


B ivt! i>f lawn (ur.'jilurc oa
II is self .-ei.'.-tin




Others np from $6.75




in one of u»-se Iroo-frame
LaMU Chairs th..i. .'.uy oiiur


price, b^t never forget the qual­


Quality First, Price Second



The Original Home Furnisher of Northern Michigan



"tJrf -u.
acfc obaattny apAaa
EvarM «f Nm>«.
of aUrer promised aharp ai {ilti pAinw
<|W AM<M»y
4 th*
H«Wfa *f TiMM rr»rer <4tn>n> are burtrd. pacb craiv
f» many yean • «nt*ln
■It la a CToaa." aaU the ilrairr
PaaoCar C/Mtur«a.
brine mariuHl wlUi a amall n»nr aoil a Papar taerlred aodny and Hub soaaip
»e harr tuadr for a vrry rrBsk.uj
Tha tartliaronB la a Mcnlkr rtr*- lanirm of fanclfol Jrrlm lianelee at froa • B*n »bo»^ Mrntlty «m nn,-hiirchEi
, eltl^r m.I. In thr lofty corrWo™ of craird by a eJarrr roaa.
Evrn bit.
It if c
, ariii vear It next bi»
or aveo *ora.
tbe oiiddle la a
bard tpol called tbe rM>e Tbe iSirty-tbree aecntesu Id front of tbe el^
die are need for porpoare
parpoaee of looonik
» pultem. vblie
•ke tbe anebon
Gr*^ tbe tall end of
of tbe mly
aloTly acfoaa tbe
Too Till fluil
a pecollar aenaatl
Tbe neoaatloD ta that prodneed be a
email file. It la caoacd by four d-.iiblc
rewa of tiny briailea eii.
Tbole lanpa of tbe animal ..
ml aurtaee. To tbe loner end of <«< b
brittle are atUehed amall niua<-ie»., *'y
Tbieb it can be pototed either forward
or tartraranl Tbeae brlatlea. there­
fore. not only render the ventral
fate roURb. bat atao aerre aa verwimplearprnda*rate ntahtt the ionRliis:.baI
and ctrcolar muaelei in lor.,motion.
Tbit BltDple. everyday wonii baa
moath. bralna, a pharynx, a .-n'li.
narroot ayatem, a blood elrculailuu.
mllet. a Klzaard. etoma.-b. Iiiteailne
reproductive orpana- But li baa no
heart and ia without eye*. It l» looib' lean, bot by meana of the i,bnryni
Bucka In Its food.
U baa twl.v aa
many kidneyt aa li
LmayLae tbia Itttie anliual bavins 9)0
kldneyi, while we pet niuns with two:
Kartbwonna rarely eoiu<' out of II
InrroWi except al nishi; b.'iire,
dboucta they hive no ^yea. they

tefnae to take otbera. «hlrb liidlrales
that they can taate or amell, or both.
Try tbe experiment of cutllns an
earthwonu to two.
Bolb enda will
winrie about for awhile. Thai portion
behind tbe plrdie. bowever. aoon dlaa.
Bnt tbe fonvard end. wblcb baa tbe
brain, will often devch>|i new augmenta and In time become agabi a
Tbe earthworm haa no lunca. bnt
breathea tbrooirb Ita akin. Every Bab•nnan famUlar with tbIa fact knows
that tbe wormi be (akea wlib bim tor
bau on a Babins axcnrmlon mual be
kept molat. otberwlae they die. Tbe
eapUMry blood veateto paaa ctoae to
(be aocface in order to aupply tbe,
blood with oxygen and to excrete ibe;
xrastaa. If tbe aUn becomee dry tbe,
blood toaea a great deal of water
wrapotatton. and tba baidaned outer


ire ""
are ’b<tb<- tomha
lumha and tnonniort
woaltby and noble of (b-noa.
are about
flfi<-eo feet
Tbf oorrlUont

' "•
ejtber aide
>» ■’I

: uTE

bar maldes naur. He fnr^labed
ibout tbe dolnira and «n
0f* In varloua rioba—lltilr aiorin
eolvlns people wboae naniea
lly all'

band a

renilera of new»pa|»>r culomne.
aald thu« to have averageil nn
gyuK-D. but tbe uiaj,,rlit arv laymci
of alioul tKi a week—not tnoch.
and laywomer. of uiurlddlr ard,':/ feenough to buy batn. glorea and canes.
He waa a moat Immaculate and ap-.
l.“ l
parenlly |.n*perou« peraon

' ' ..('M. .. m ,rr. u.'u..- »i ...Mjnj j,|i, k
neediwa to aay that be has iie
■ .TOU all over, and on lak.tu: U off yo-j
anarweted of

would Dad on your sklu i:;:inr iiiu
wealthy relative died ami left him In- ■
ct d:
When aome such man ,
-Uete la i
funilstw* the clew to a delectable, ,h,,
^ Hitle nc-Ole haps
aeandnl he liae done a sirnki- of bush crtUi you an eighth of an Invh
ne«s that will k.-ep bln. In small lux- „.l leapa lutck slleully
s pla-'
nrt.-s for months to come.--Wbltoian ,c,in.
Verr iinlnful • ..................... ...
Benn.'lt In noheialan.
you tcnn. Wiafa the u,alter:- '.v
Blitcb In niy side,’ you aiuncr irnit
Net So Daft After !
! folly.'—Mliiiieni»IlB
IlB J,
Daft Tam. as he was ralic I. wander________________
Hit Eat Elk Killad Him. .
Ing throush the vlllai:.-one day, cot se-'

Entering a Mosqu*.
Traicl"rs In Ulasourl passing iiloas verely Mllcn by the Mllace bin doc.
The poioilar Idea iH-opl*-are
tbe bichway one mile south of Kayeite
irenei^slliic to tbe Inn, ho the obliged as a aim of resim- t •
•»ay see a lonely toniluHone la a grove mistress «hat her -dawc- had done. ’ off llieir shoes ...iirriuc •
or trees m-ar the road, II rests uimve 8he was mu.'h alarmed and. puitlnc a niisuiue Is lne..rrc,.(. This is d-iw aim.
(he solitary grave of a man w ho met a half crown bit.. Tam-s bond, said:
\ pij- l*cauae the Doors .vf il... ino.,|Ucs
.'.kwn (I ■ ihe .b>ctor no,, an' pay him ‘
petnillar death many yeafti aga
covered eliber with mats or <-ar
HS5C H. B. Walts, aa eiirly soltleti wf Ihe hauf erow n."
Tam « (he .'.In, aaying;
owned a beautiful park </ twenty
> .lurlnc their devoilo
*1 dbinx ibluk I'll Isnher s
acres near Payeiie. lu this preserve
the faUbli
be kei>t four buffaloes, live elk and it doctor, but Jlpft kco|. the siller*'
sate g
flfly deer. One of the elk. knowu as*


re'» aanx <Jafl.'

eoiites-I.Hl wbh tb.i m.i.s.pie< 1-. the Is*
lief tliaf. ac.'.nlbic P, t!i.- Korin, I 'hrls
tkias must 0-1 Is- all-we.l I- .'nl.-i
tliem. Tills Is ntuo.tnii-ly oi,is,'-.,t tthe le.i.'binc
-f Ihe Korau. whl, h di'
. l;itv«
m or wenisu tuny eii
p-r a
Iw his ralicloii whn! It
tnav., In dhe earlier i-'rl-sl
the hi
iM-ry of
. Islam
. lam'll
It wis
was .,in»i,i,-ivd
,h„, t.i luvite
luvlie th.-m
them i,>
b. ntiend
aticnd ihW
jj-p «a» an ex.'.'lleut lu.-llnsl of
vcrtlnc un!.eilcvcrs.
.\t ih.' pr....'ni
time there Is but one tuosuin- la t',.n
stnnilnopir whl.'h a claotir may not la
,ppe,. th«- of Eyub.--rhc Sulmn and Hl« Subjects."
______________ .
^v tie am,.out of uuirlmeut.
„ ,i,p


lo (faIrty-Bre days. Tbe tramps
Aniiaal Cleanflaata.
A aeolwlst (bus wrtica npon a p
sad flannel a
t'pdcgraff carries
to vhhh ba dflms that tbe lower
toals aat an example to many i
Aa FIJI la a land of plenty which hat
■aya Cbnioa:
been oecnplivl hy few iwulen.. the plV
*Tt baa token boman betoga n
griffls hope to find soawtblag even bet­
bandrada of yeare to acqnlre habits of ter than Helicon Hull, where there were
neataeas and cieanIJacaa. wbereat the nnpoetic carpets to |>eit. They hope to
anlmak hare always paaa eased them SSiMlsi on cocoanuls
le sand asd wrliea

To Eurept In Thras Days.
gulab If deprived of aay op
AI the last meeting of ll«e sde« com
of ttolng a raid bath. Aa for Ibe apes, nlHeeef tbe h-nseof eommonsa imin
they are aneb-iticklera for cleanllne||s liuous rt»ris|.,n wa« reached In regard
that they expel ao^ i
lo (he rollo.,oe,v, Balllna and Belmullet
tribe wbo abowt a disp,
railway and piers Mil. says the I/md,>n
hU dotles iQ this rsapert. Even
Telegraph .,f a recent dale. Ttw bill,
a acrupaloos regard
la iDiponnnt lo nwpeet llmi It •# a amall
baatoeea. as snyhndy wbo has watebad *trl of the s,'hen.e promoted al an esUa ly broablng Itiwlf with lla feet, tor nuied cost of alv..u
for nintoatlnce, will readily
ntng a ne* ta.i irgnsatlamlc sera lea
from niacksod Uy to Halifax. The
promoters coniempliie putting ,... three
feat inrMoe sieniuers, earii
>sl £90.0n0. and b.< ii.b.ptluc this
Cainpe Eanto aa a Burial Plaaa Haa
■ It la claimed ihsi the joarncy m
He Equal In (he WoeU.
Pew tnVeters, wbetber for buslnca Halifax would be redu.-ed la ihrc and
half days, «lih a pr,.|r,ril,.naie reor pleasure. » b-> come wlihtn easy dtsdurtioo to other plicra In I'auadi. and
toaee of
fall lo spend at leaat a
leans -f the Canadian I'aclfic rail
day to Uw . It, of hills in order i.>
a abortcT route wonlrt als,. i- pn>Tisll this faiB-iui t'ampu 8anlo.'wblcb vWed lo Chinn. Japan and .iusiraha.
ai a burUl plara bas no equal In tbe
world. The pet-ullar srraiigeiuoot. tbe
Ttchoeas of ib- m,,u-imenla and
Tbe hlst,.rt.' plains .,f .ibribaai. la
Quebec, win Iw dedii-ated as n mi:,.mil
well dlaposed ahnU i.-r, cive one
teipreaslon of an aril-ii- cardcu rallHrr ^1rk
Hie t
•,f Ihe
than a eemcirry. f-t ii.,tv U little
yu.he.-, prvvid.-.l th.we
•Bggeej^tbe Isii. r .s It i. ruegesied


tbe oodern cecnrien.., of -.i.r raunlri-..
Troly tt ta a w.m.U rtul vigl,.. with
the plant arc niam-d l.y a
great cokonnsdrs and li. comps
and inslead of llatealng (.> the dn:
atatuary, and even U . n- has mu tbe that they remove to another slu
morMd rorioalty of w h.. Bod II owners of tbe plant demand i
plrsaureble lu tos|w.t ttr- i.,iriil pla.-e>
of large ctllni be nuv pp.nishlv a]teod '
an b-uror two In this s-.I.-u,-. prraincL
wliere aenlplora. priie lici... qalK-ea of
1 pnrtflci
iBeaus. bare works wbl<-li
e tloee of,that wooUl c
Suv.sH- fauiuus |.i.ld -1,1 la'tbe <«fu.
i'.'.f Si-imt VV'ti.lii'

July I

Semi-Annual Clean-up in

Carpetsand Rugs
n yrONDAY nORIONG. JULY l, we place on sale all large Rags, all
iVl sbort ends of Carpets and Linoleums, also Lace CorlaiDs, Portieres.
Conch Covers at a price that will turn these goods into cash
quickly. These lioes must he closed out within a few days. If yon need a
Carpet or Rug it will be to your iDterest to look dver our line- The saving
io price at this lime should interest you. No goods put aside or held with
deposit for more than two weeks during this sale.

j them and t»ldly walk Ini,> the ue.'oiur

IJundee Advcnlser.

Encllshman. an IrLshman and a
®<'o“‘bman w.-re one day argulnc aa to
*"blch of the three countries posseawvl
tbe fastest iralas.
of the elk flghtini
aid tbe EnglUbman. -Tve
romtiatanis was JIni
When he tried
10 aepnraf Ihe Inftirlated animals be I Iwon
•’•'■n In
tn one of our trains,
trains and the telelebs
was altartied hv the i>el nn.l killed
” bedee.
"I've wen IlKi mllcslMiics appcur^llUe
It Is sihl Hut a rewmlBUIcsnnerward
tombstones." said Ihe SiOt.
tbe animal aeeuieil lo U- sclxisl |.y
•'Be JalcrsI" said Tat. “I was one
morse. He.retired to n distant cor
day In a train lu niy coimtbiy. and wc
of tbe park, where he raised himseirj
passed a field of tiinilps nml i Bold of^
on his hind legs, with his forefeet ou u ^
carrots, also ii field of .nbluice and,
111 of the fence, titterlnc meanwhile
paraley, then a jcml ..f w.itei. and we;
aonnd like the moinlnc of a human were colas that .,ulck I llcucht It
being. Tbe elk temalncd In this ntnett In order are diu'ks’. pilu.-a fowls'.
lltnde until abot.
. bens',' i

Updsgraff, Writer end Ea-Jsnitsr of
wariBB for a day's Balling and
ginslair's Csisny, Off ts Piji Islss.
eettalB In wUeb part of the
Allan IlpdegreS, Yale man. poet and
dyy an to he found, and If you do
ei janltor of Vpton Sinclair's colony.
not araM to dig ben. there and en
Helicon Hril, has started for tbe I'lJI
Whan at random.‘Insert a apad
laianda on fool, seeking a worlUi-m tu.l
(oik tate tbe ground and move
poetic paradise, says the Xcw York
handle to and fro a few Inches,
Times. Updegralf was unco Ihe city
the worms are tbere they will pop
editor of a Bouth (.'lilciign dall.v* j«.
to a panic and try to‘make Ibelr
per. lust fall be lefi Vole, where be
• 00 tbe aurlace. T1
bad been oa editor of tbe Yale Month­
feri tbe movement o
ly. and worked for the Aaaoclalcd
K fraoi tbe wrath to «
Cbaiitles as an Investigator until be
became furnace lender at Binds Ir'a
colony. He gave up ibnveUng coal for
■ritlog short atones and poamt for tbe
Wide Rengs el Waives.
Ihe range of a pair of wolves Is an
With Joeeph Barrat of New York,
araa at from all to ten miles square.
pbytieal cnlture enthusiast I'pdecraS
When the hunter learns that wolves
itly left New York few Sail Eranhave bean seen and beard In a certain
and will travel on foot and In
localUy, It nay Uks several daya of
care. It will be tbe real thing In
aeoattag bafoca tbe dogs can be got on
Il only
the tralL Tbe banter most look ataan>
They wilt w«wk for theirr food
for alitoa to soft or wndy'pUces and aloog Uie way and "borrow" vegetables
abac saeki and streamt. Tbe old and unwary ebtekena.
tody sroU win. aa a role, go to tbe
San Francisco they will abtp csi
aaareat water to drtok when letTlng
lha den er to get a drink aa she
W(Wk their passage to Ibe KIJls.
tarwa from tbe bant before going
They hare Ictten of Introducilon from
tbe dan. and lu hxamy Is often found famous profesaore and wriieri wh'ck
an aeooont at that babit.
A wolf they wlU use In case of ateudulc ne­
Ira^ can be dunago)shed from
cessity. With these and their Ibeorles
«( a dog because tbe two front
tber axpecl not to eUrve. Tbe pllMBs aio aet farther abeed. maktoc the
» took a train for Newark. N- J,
tradi mera pcAnted. When wdvea are and tramped from that place
U and eapeclally if frlgbi
venlent barn ten ralli^ west of Monia(beas taaa spread apart, nuking a
. Tbia made thirty miles tbe Bret
that at a bagly gUnce loofca very much day.
ttoa the tract of a deer.-Por Xewa.
Tboy expect to reach San Pranrisra



Ibe majority of
tvbirti are faithful ponraila.ot ♦.low
wbnai Ibey comioeroorate Very curloua to foreign .eye* do the flstirea look'
in Ibelr faithfully reiwadoeeO dre«ea ■
of lous ago. Here one may aee tbol
rtilBni>D« of the tlxtles, boys m soil ir
suits and men In frock conts. Many .
of the Semes and prunpi
l>enuliruL ai^ the work Is cxe<-uied
with loucb delicacy of cipreanl.jD. S-'iv
natural oud lifelike are aome of the
flsures that were It u..t for the tart
that Ibey ore nil starlllnsly vrbilc one
uilsbt easily mistake tlicai at a sliort
dlstnbce for llvlne |.T«,iia.-HaiTlcl
Oulmby la l,'a tVeokly.

pel. The young children [
Ofiou rode on bis luu-k. and be was
supposed to l«- lianniess. Mr. Watts'
and his family preiwred to attend a;
Mclbodlst camp meelluc one Septci
bee monilnc. When they came fro
Ttacc they I
tbe boase to enter a carrtacc
park Mr I
beard a dlsluri-an.
>n,l fnnn.i ^
Waits entered the

July I

Saturday at
Steinberg Bros.
$10s00 Suits fit $7*30 Men's and Young
Men's $10.00 Suits, including all of ,
the very choicest styles, worth ,$10.00
for Saturday only at...-.----

Brussels Rugs
Brussels Rugs
Velvet Rugs!
Fine Axminster Rugs
Best Body Brussels


Size thil2, floral or ori-ntal pattrnit.
TJie aintl alwaya aol.l ut $15 to $17.

Size'.1x12. all o-w pattonis
clioocie from
All $2.i Unga


Many kinilfi to

Si/.o*.ixl2.tiK> kind that
Belli at $”5. All good
patterns, at................................

. $22


'Uton Velvet Rugs ami all beet .Axminater Rnga. tlie $40.00 kind

$35 00



Pretty Rings at 10c Rings »'.!> imitation
Diamond Settings. Brooches, Scarf Pins.
etc, worth 2bc. 50c and $1.00, yourchoicc ■■■>*
for Saturday only at....................................

Tbe Heavy Wool Arabian Rag
Jo artistic designs and cgloringa—a ricli nig at a small price, suilaldo for any room, Sia» *21x3
yards, -x't ynnU. 11x51 yanls, 5x4 ynnls and 1x5 yards. Dari.
■ing this sale wo will acll them at oniy

75c Square Yd.

All Silk Tics &t 16c Men’s Ties. Ladies'
Ties, Ties for Children. Windsors. I*'our-in-handf.Bows
and String Ties. The prettiest styles, the
newest Spring Shapes, all of the best 25c I n#*
values, for Saturday only at.........................

1 Lot ol Small Sample Hogs, snitalile for any part of yonr hoot^


2Z-lncta Stair Carpet,

filling, thf lO.- kii.d




Ladies’ Hose at 9c i.a,iic> wack ho-c

<i->ing at a spe-ial mlu.-ti-ii in jirii-e .luting sale.

Broken Lots Oi Unoleum. in .'ll) gradca

from J to 12 B.('yanls.

Wnrtti up to 70c. eiioio- oj lot. ^luar. yani, ....,.................................................................................

with Ribbed Top. the best 12
value ever offered, for Saturday
only, per jiair.............................
Grass Matting, 11


■ 2 yds wi-!.-, worth lo - yd, a

B:| yd................................

ized I'ndcrskirts with deep
ep ri
ruffle and three
stiu'hed bands, worth 75c, (or Sat
only at •


W&stl Ootlis &t 4c All of our best large
size Wash Cloths in Rubdry. Absorbo and M ^
Turkish, for Saturday
only at.....................................................................

$1.25 Hand Bags at 75c i...ii» Hand

P(m'/our pta!



75c Underskirts at 47c eiack mccc,

Bagz. good styles in large, medium and
small shapes, worth $1.25. for Saturday


I >n many broken lots of Velvet. AMiiinster and Bmaaela Carpeto.

ChUdren’s Parasols at 12c t «c
little Parasols in al! colors,
worth 25c. for Saturday
only at................................................



$1.25 Straw Hats at 95c moo . s.ra.,
Hats, all of the best and newest
$1.25 shapes, for Saturday
only at..................................................



-.K <cks Summrt Saic n

>er tlie above specials are

Saturday only
at Steinberg Bros.

Sample Lot of Couch Covers a' 90c, S1.2S. IL50 and up


Chenille Stand Covers. 50c values 25c
Some Good bargains In Lace Curtains.
All broken lots must go.
Brussels Carpets for Hall and Stair,
27 inches wide,
85c quality at, per yard....... —


1 Oc each for Ingrain Carpet
Samples, size 36x36 inches.

( oli-n*r», nrc
nit cmiB>lro
tlal ao far at tbrtr laWrtlu kiwwl |
{ artea tn Iba ttoranimant ao ^oad con ;


To ptarrat tbc total axtlot^lm of tlie Ibaa Ainarleana. Irat la 1t cbMparvbau
•perlaa of wild fowl knowy aa the ira are inonlly rerta'n that they Inhnib ban. tb» only llrliic apaclniaita of
I corammatit of <
WbK-b In Iht worM are now cold to l»
ffnira of alata Ion* t
00 tba iFland of Jdanhai Vineyard.
n leAnia of thatiil
aBnilAar:-ac only bIkmjI 1«>. Dr, ilaotsa
“Plcaae dlaracard my lypawrllieu
W. nald. ebalmiaD of tba Uauacbl
lla prr.Japooeae aeotlmonls
ortU flaliofln nn.1 came potniulnloi
weta itlelntMl tn iny Japan*aa ra rre
bu taUed lor an ii|.p.'o|irlatl..ii of tary In order that I may not la> wateh
f?JOO from tba Maaaa.'Iniaeti. l.-slalm ei ea a dauyemiia iwram end to order
(tira. aaya a fbiaiaa dlaiatHi tu Iba that my fourteen yenra of lalmr lo
Ww Tort Tlmaa.
Japan may not !« ui>ael by barlnc
^bla exiiaelcd aiiproprletlOD. with three people think 1 otn a* true to
aliout tS.tno alread.r eonirli>i>i>-d by Ame-lee na rliej ere to Jaiwin.
pulillr apirttail elllti-iia. la to lie iti''il
*’tn''loee<1 liA-rewtih are f^o artIciM
lo bulM lira *lo:<a amuud Iba l.ra.dliic fiwni local newapapera on l.nreaaio
place of tba bltda oo Ibe lalaud atrl to Ilrom. Tlile 1* the niilhor I 1-alloro>
(Mvlde for malaUlnlBC artlOclal lo- yon nre pnrtlenlarly Interealeil In. lilt>
letlera bate rrentM n eirat »Iaal o'’
"TiM* flrat aattlarn of tba Atldnlle eonmieiit not here, end It all coea
FOaat fotimltbaer bltda eery mmierouR ybow tlinl It <li«-a iu>l pay for one >
fiwu Capa Ana to Vlrslula ’• uM Dr. eepnwa lite ime foejinca rr^rdlnc
tnabl. “Tlicy were niieelally iiuinar- nrdental Ina ll'iey eaimnt aerapt ro
•elta. niKxle Ulnnil. menl snfnlimialy) until after'be
Conoaellful. .New York aiHl Xa-w Jar
My and bet-aina ou lni|M>rtAiit nrtl'-Ie iiT

■onfftimlbanaliilaiid. TboaaonUar
Iboa Vlwyard are ilacranalni; yearly."
It la lM-lle>ed that tba lienili ban
ceilhl be jiiade an ttnponaiil ac<'iil li.
aaaUtliic In cuiitrolUii* liiaaet tawia oi'
fanna If It could be tvatond to tli<
mcliilanil. Tba bird l« aluillnr to tb>;
pnlrla eblikeu of llie MIrbI<u1|>i>I ral
Jay. but diffara from It aUcblly in alao
lo color end In tba aba|>e of ibe ferollar neck foatbera. wlikb civa It tba
name of tlie pliiuated CTUMur.
*n>e proieet la eirotiiny nnp-d by l»r.
T, B. Palmer of llir l.loloel<'al aurvey
of Iba depanuient of B*rU>iltiire ;it
.Wnabtarou aud alao by WHlIoin
Dolcbar. pnwlileiil of Ilia NHlioniil ,\ii
dnboo aoclaly. wbu baa written tbal
tbe aoriety atanda n-ady lo cite- eoan
dal anilaUDca If It la oeedad


blzbeat nmml of ili.- {adder until abe bad
a war with England or Anierh-.i lla
preferrMl Anierlia and at miee. as .la
1«n wna ri-:ul.r niid Aiiwrlen nOoilM
ahe U mdiiK to prepaie. tie tbouglit
tbal the weallli of Amertrn would be a
cretil ndvanince. bnl In a qul.-k war
Japan would aoon eonipel Atnerlea 10
iwek ternir of peai-e. It. on tli - other
hand. Japan Inat abe would atlll rank
blslter than nf i.r.-aenf, na abe bad
fousbl tlie larceal and Hi-heal nattoa
In Ibi- worl.l. lim tite I'nlteil Btatea
ronid not whip Jn|inn ev.vpi In a lone
war. nnil the world w..nld admit Jairan'a aiipremney on oen>iinl of ber
Inferior reaamvea on.l Iflr-U of filO>l«.
“Hete yon Unve tlie preaeni f^'ollnc
lhmncb.)ut Japan. They wniil wnr with
ns on me eliance of inlaalnu It. feelInc that they would win- tw matter
wbal the rwmi; mlsht be."

He retd Her.
Admiral MaUumata Pieka Hit Lni>d N
A *ond bleblaud tnlnUiler waa eaWin if Confliet Wart Reief.
denrorinc to aieer a boat load of city
An Amerlrau wbo In Iba bead of one ynuns l.idlee to a bndlnc jilai-e. A
«f tbe larcrat fonelcn coueanis Id Yo- aonull n:i* burstiuc. The BteerlulT sras
fcohamaoand wbo baa lived In Japan dllllctilt. One of ll»*lri« anuo.ved !:!a
lor many yeara bo- wrtiiin tbe foiiow- by iumpiu* up and calling euxiuualy.
tB| letter, received ibe other day. to a “Ob. wbem are we ffoluc tor’ “If you
well kMira New Yorker wbo rrcaotly do not Bit down and keep atlll, my
rialted Japen and wbo baa wrliten a younc leddy.~ said the uil.daler pilot
Bomber of artlclaa and dallverad lee- a'uccbjrtl.v. “tbal will serra Kte.Mly de­
torea on the '^reoent altuatlon In tbe pend OK bow jou were bnxicbt up."—
mlkado'a empire, nays the New York Dundee Adrertlaer.
ToAer OBotber cover t aeod you a
Gaed Advim.
tetter dictated lo my Japenem- aaera
Go oo Id alt slmtillrlty. b.> md bo
' tayy for yoo. "Of counw yonr kixiwl- DO anxloua to win a .lulet t.lod. and
edsa of thlnc« Jai«naae baa taochl H will la- nil the .tnli-Jer. IM not ex­
yon that every Jaiumeoa aultject eon- amine Ml cluM'ly Inlu tbe prottresa of
■Idem btmaeir In duty bonnd in report your own aoul. Do ih>I crave au muel;
10 bk coTemmenl any bit of luforma- lo l« iierfrcl. hut let yoor apirltiial
tiae of Interect to Ibe emperor tli»t be life be furm.-d by yonr dutlea aud by
may oocute anywbere In the w6rld. tbe artlena whl.-li are calle.1 forth \t/
CbOfldenlUl jwalllona oecupletf I'v Jap- flteum»lan«!».-*l-'i au«U «lo Sali-a.
cneae^eren In the ,eo>plo};.iupDt of for |

Front Street •

erahie Bad Immoral prarilcea tn pa**what a Nalplo R_______
The Sira of on Atom.
ent day eoIle*e atbleitra and arentd !
certain larce uiillmery eotalillab"lUlae 1 drop of naier i« tbe atfo
(trancly for tbe abnllabment of tbe ‘
luakee a e]>e<'lBliy of wonten'a ,of tbe^rth puJ ralic ne. atom ID tb#
•roCeaalonil eoa--!ili-g ayatem and tba trininwd hat. at k' and »10. Il h> cut aoi^
u._ proronb-.n.
au.l tbe ai.wa will
Rapt on Woeahipa.
Imltlmc of Ibe m^mler of Intemdleel- tm* Unrely tuio ibe trade of Ibe aniall- !
be In
‘ ».
|d,!.-I, i,.,vn tbe alac
Mura than 2.0UL> CbnatUn Endeavor,
Tbe flirt tzian wim aucceeded lo inak-'
-- de- rte.tihecreai.x- «r l.lsb ft dealer-. A aboil Unn.- pf _
a mar
tbci .f - rsAvl balL“
tnc a uaefnl cbulo ralHe war liobcrt nw awanna<l ujinn Yale the otber day.
T1..W ~L
.. wcunaii of fn-hl.'D wool liu-i tbo ‘ yboe
aaW l.--rd K.-1< in In mine to e*rahb-d Wakb hall, one of iba moot ax .
Pllon. and he <-zperiinratad wltli It li
ciiulra «r Iba undarcraduBias donni rted on at the pn-Mm lime, and tbo *.ial>ll>htn.'Ri m-ntl..ti«l and trle.1 oa ptnia to ilw n-r .Ittn w rld' h.-m tlltlo
IMH In a nnnil ablp named the Anur
nereneln* lep.l.'noy to limit raiher wveral liai«. but found none m ault
re.fe.i.>r Jabo
tork'H. kept the rampo* In an nproai
and Iriilrlla. of ailf tone burdau. IID dorlnc Iba two boon ttiey Uayad there :lian Inerewe the « of atudenta , her. Ketuie pdne o.n elie mlj«ed a j Bjaahear .'f 1.-' -i!i i-.r.'er.ln inakM
Btereeted Id ep.rt r.T apon> aakc- . ' vuluaNe baipm.
A oerelol ••'orrb 1
p,.,;.„t. 1'. m nil a ilnj v«»
cable was jnade of vify abjrt link*, and took their ataamhoai Imck to New
Id traelru 'he de.eloptneot of eom- fuiie.1 i.> Mine It to hthi. Dnd Its die- >
................ .
e m, |,.dr<>
with ito slay pine or
Tork loaded -Iowa with Yale rwureulr.
oetlllve ej-.n lie aald;
• ai>l“'»'m>'V r- tualne.! a myatery.
A 1 p.„ ...r;
I. «. er rte.-T-i.T-. Ivi; etB
* _J
I.... I.
;a rrophi
••The wliole Mislneaa of competitive tew d.i>« Inter the .-o.lonMT. -till look- j
lU.-ivli-. '-i .•i;d.I tnin.l.-rv ras
pole nml won. im.reover. fnvorahly re »*n apecial
il dlai«i > to Iba -New York
w-libin my knowlor a niltalie hat. .me of'aptHHous o'He-'f f--e .•
p>irlcd upAii by B-imi of Ibe procrmialve ^ TlmcB.
-•dge, slowly at flnit, but more rapidly | i
•xi»u«:.e inlllm-ry ehoiu. In the . a,^ ai|.,«.„i i„
oi.t . f I'.r. ve-«cl at
•canien of the time.
Jim Donnelly, the Bole patndniau
wllhln 111.- lH»t tweLly-llve years. Dili ' ,
Am.>:--e 111.* hut. eli-<wn t.i becitiie rate wf 1/si' - * i.-ii.i .* wPl reAt aluut Ibe BBOie peii-xl a Itenteu- cusrd, welgha .dOl ponndB. but be s
of crest e>Ml haa come crewl evil, and 11
of wli:. Il WS1 pthvil lower tUau j ,|atre IT ■;i;1aTdi. u- of ye.if* to einpty
ant Id tbe naty iiameil Hainiiel Itrown pot llrely enoufb to rover all Ibe
-.......................... -l.».-ly re-e-niMeJ '
duty to .i.rulml that e
WAB alio <-xp<Tlinenlltic wlib rhalu i'll' pntola of aitark at whb-h the Endear
j vlie .if II
“tVhal ... ____ -.
ble* made ut twletol link-, and Ibl* . orers aurced U|»n tbe eollece cruiindA
leces ore men of nieninl pow-.-r sad
when II waa duly pateute.I be btoiisbt nod be was aubdued llaally by a few
to tbe attentlob of lli<- navy k-ard ' doteu wiia Inalated un feedlns blur mental Interest, and not mere phyalea:
After miirh dlsenulou It wn« diilded'. srfibchoeolatea.
“Anoiber exacceratlon U the effect
lo cive TJentenanl BrQwn Iho e^.m- ;
A aeulor named Brown, who rootne
of ailileilc aueeesa on the InMlsutlon bnncliof anltl-Ul aowers
mand of a aallinf rawwl, the I*ewlo|ie. • |a Vanderbilt hall. Krid the tin* that
liaeTf.' llnrvotd has Hot tieen prei'mlh-euip.luc
hod a.-nd him on a voyoce to Yl.irti . tbe prupor. thine to do wae
nently »rctt~-iful In nblelle* lu the
-M.I«-«nM...rt.wv ichyclMw an-1
ubpie and Unadelonije. At Id. -iwn ex- i tbfv'ucb Weh-L boll Ue ahomeil
last iwenty-Bve years. Imt no oilier
WLi-ts C--U..S,-- b.dd
penae he wa« to -npply Hinln eaHes ’ 'Toiin* ladlee, the boaplrallty ■
for Ibe ehlp. and they were to 1-' I'S- domillory la at your dlepocnl
parlmeuted with on the Aoynce Diir. youraelvea at home If you are any oran.b tnist ::rJ re*:>e.-t of iU.-m- v.'bo
know- bow to .'lK»-e llie pla-e f.-r the
Inc the four nioulli« the eliip v;\« away . thine you watt tn any of the
tralula* of Ihclr vm-.
e new enbld svetv *l«eii :i iliorouch
' ll','. ""'b
re-|H>nd I- :^'•S4- lhr.i>
a by the
trial and phiml .lulle i«|T!"f;;i-tory
In flo.-ked tbe i
-e nnlo.-k one has lo w.-ar p.-iddluc. luail.a nod Von mlrhi tc
BTien Brawn made liU reiurt <
oroiv MT>tt of lb.' ruoina
e iinder- other defonsi.e artli-le* tu pre.ent seri­
nltlee waa appolnle.1 |.i adrlv
t« fd. and Id aome of then
Ibey 'w^u't
theadopllonof Iheelaln.whle In idnm craduate oecupanU eat. They eaucht ous Injur'. AKoiUer c'll la the .-ariTom-e bavins a iwuii -*:. :> u.-.l kr.L.-i>
of tbe bempeii. and na a pmll tb.- new the aplrtt of tbe raid and handed over Inc <’f the si>urt Inie dUlioiiurrihIo and
- nr..
AVe lu Ainerl.-a Itswlur AVe kl.n-.l ll, ..............
tackle wat cradually lutrmliieed Into cbrerfiilly Tale Sac* and .>lh<-r eollece Itamoml pni.thiw.
nieD-of-war. D-lween IH'i and t«ll trophb-s by tbe duxen. In aotne eaaeo have nlianduiie.1 Ibe meiliod of onr
Ibe llrat rtaln .-ablea wore aened out atiideiila fipm other dormltdrle. pro­ troi'heri. tbe iluclUb.




to Ibe oMfie, 1.111 Ibe full cniiilement, tended lo be tbe occu|«aU of YVelrb
of hempen istin-n waa Mill retnlm-d . hall moms and with op.-n hearted boaWerking U AImI Masks.
TUla avairro n-maliied In force until pttallty preoai-d tbe aouvenlti fh-tn the
they W..U1.I d.-.
Tlie worKmnii wen- ii st.»-l
IfHf, when Ibe nnmlier of hemi»-n tn- < rooms upon Ibe slrla. , Tbe I'kirirl.'
dona amuiii:
bleo waa re.liienl hi three, and lu tSIT ; tmek In which "Poi." Warner, the offl- with 'irlaie-l .-.eli.des. a niM-r
a further ebance was nnlerwl. two ^
eollece eipre-nmaii. natln-aleJ the luhlwr chirea and raliU r Umli. aii l he . _
bemreii ealde* oaly Udue refnlned as eatnpua, stood In froat ..f the dormlbw <arrte.l a |>-ilr of |» "f sll-.-ry alu- hul'lied aranud
boidilax ou tlM-lr tuioks. lb.' li -us niuL'
prliu'l|Mil luooriiiE tarkbv
j riee while "rap" waa conveylne a
-III ci-rtBln dei.artiu.-uis nf tb» j lac tu* attempt tu dutiirh th-m, .-'.-n
Dorlnc Ibe Ru«1an war the enpertor- ' paekace upalalra.
plant.” aald t1..- .lyttninlie nuii.ufne ; a«-nilnc to enjoy their .innpanlon.hip
Ity of chain oal.lea wns amply .l.-uum 1, "This
Is the
... uffl.-lal
... Vale l.iurinc------.
I .iin-e -nil i.tir u-oeDtiier. see .Ir.-HSt-J
strale<l on many .ai-aelons. Tin- ve. : eBlllle.1 -SU-vlnB Yale.’" culled out | U;'’''’;
aeU wera expos.l1 to the KBli-.i and bu. j Brow-ii. ".All aUwrd."
itv tlve
the !
« "b ■ lu-nil.1il<
r1c-nae« of tlie llaltk- au.l U»- Blii. k wa. | Twenty
tive Ctrl.
ctrU tunihlM
tumhlM Into
but wbeteastb.-niun-of-.war*vlib these'truck, and Brown shot IhJ-m atwund/"'>/I’bi''";''''‘'b r-.d.U
Tin brlioal Anehors.
ehalna weie able lo beei* llielr Anooi-1 the eomtius at ra.-lnc car M«iil. Ili-* Ilk- ll-iuld I-vc.
Tbo earllwl auebura of whl.-h wa
lues In tbe rauchest w'eaihefaiiaay of oeeupants ahriekbie nnd ellnclnc to ili* {
i"Mnlumui I.T•iC»
any r.-cord werv >.f w<«sl. aud
Ui? iD.T.-hantmMi trauaiu.rls. on-! m.Jea of the track. The Vale faculty ’
' bej nre tor iiriluc in.- cun ctiun
bainlK- cameD- -lied le-ltet.
ly with hemi«-n i«i-es. hmk.- away and ’ ^ di«.u„i„K tbe framlnc of s-.e'v .wra'‘'‘■•i' "' ''I
Ahumnlnm Crudually. Ihraucb tlie Iron anciiwr .>f
and tin- aiu-liur in ilic shaiw
met with disaster. And sn an nncleut „ns rnVs hraad eunuch n o'ver Chris- | '* l|"'only m'dnl u|*>n «bl. h Ibe nitric
Haolth Radpo.
no .-fT'-.-i
«if a rake, ilicrc was cv.d.ed the aaInduatrv, one w-blch In early days w.i« tian Endeavor excur»lon*.
' n.'l-l hai —.........
be poet
One Vtiie n man aakod Ibe
almost a m..iH>|s'ly In I lorselshlre. wns \
----------------------------wl.h flattened i
buw to Iw Iwaltby. and tbia 1.
•Kverjihlnc nil rtclu. Geor*er bo the Iwu curvlnc
placed Itiflolicly la a ■.•.•on.lury
I Ibe answer be received;
exiremlllea and the eruat stock
Jo». lemnerwnc* sn4 T«P<W»
Henry VIII. oltalulnKtluit- IM. l-,.r«.n;

■lam the doi.r m tha deaar'a aaow
" from lu-hind the mask .< ateel.—Ntw nn.'iioia was a iuue and one.
nnl Ibe lnb.bll.,1. eely -Ml imib. H.,|«rd
l-P-ji. hI TlSee.?^ '
1 Orleans Tlnies-Democest
cables" could brine iMiek tbe prasperL.iwitttian. Rays Her Prot.drat.
It was hove .I.H.e up t.. Ilk- .-a|u>UO
Enclaad nnd Acstralln are tbe only
or wlnillass; a man was let down lif Islands which ex.v-e.1 Cuba la their
lly to Brt.l|><>n wbh-li lUtH to.rn had* rcewlJent chnnes AV. l.lmt of liarrope In Issdi nu a linfe Uekle. hy
enjoved In the earliest .h:ys of Dili-i tard unlvemiy, ppealilnx l-f-r.- the;
BBtnral reaourroa.
lan<ra naval clory- A modem l«nle AaaoelMlon of New York Stale . ol- ,
I which the anchor waa then lodated.
olilp carries four main «Mes fliid an lectsi and nilversliles arfomell the , a ehemlsl ha» diseo'-ered a Mmplo
MmpIO aim pens-adieular.
pena-adleular. lu
to a aicut
aiout prajeciprojeci- '
are toys c"eii l-y I
Ylentorj' Is-ll*
Chora each coalln* als.itt £I.-Ji«i. This other inornInE. sp'ke a, follows, pays means .-f ceitiuB an ecE twllli nn- inc ilmls*r. -Then Ibe lower en.l bad Jn|winesc y.iutbs to their sw.-elbearlM
elves ber a
lulal of4rsl fntli.niis of
an Ithaca s]ie.'lal dispatch M the New prokcD shdli Into .a iKiiile nf, say, tho („ |,e li'jlsted tip horixonlally hy aa-e Tb.-y are c.instrm’leil-Ht-iOdis
cbalaeahle-IsmdoTi Glol*-.
, Tort Tlme«
'ordinary kind, moil for cliiBer ale. niber lacUe and tb.-whole maile fast. . audclk-aiely i-alacUhal iln-l^at vlbra_________________________
; “The prosperity of nannr.l In nth- aII .'on have to do Is m imok a ladled m the misleni st-'kli-ss andaT a , tkm m-Ib Uwui JIucIIiic. Tbe drilcau
; letics wculd lo- la-iii-r iironi.ii.'.l If eeg In vineenr for llir.e .lays. Tho chain la I.. It at the Inlancinc ' Dtikllns acrvi-s to rv-iiiliid their o.vaer

Harvard alisolulely wlilidrow fhc!. .ill si„.|i Mvimi.-s so soft ilml II can easily polul. and this 1- p;iss.-.1 tliMiiKh a a'tin-elver: bmi.v the |iri-lty. faucIM
“He never did rise In the worm tin jmpfc'upgint,. ntliloHci.
Tlie rcs-ou i,, f.inul llipmsh the inrrow aiienure pulley nl tb.- head of III- niiebor davit , uiuc, uifm..rv bells,
be ftamhled over a lot o dynamite.
,|,i» p u„. roiifldi-mv In tin- .\mor1. gf ni,i l-.itle. And oin-e It la Inside If ,
il..- an.-U.-r 1- lilnh i-tniuEli. dnv.'..
tbC'vllUce tosslp aald. 'nu mcu then
pnrenii «ln. bnvc Itic U-n lui.-r- p |. sonk-l In naier f.-r a Ill'll.- wlilio ; ,nd all kwIi.* ro.iiuD limit the nm-hoe '
™ " o deepe« *



,5 PTHi.,.™. .-I. .. .1...-Ti EUOT ON COLLEGE SPORTS. I „i.,:

like oo many men lu tbe r{s|u ^ husi-!
(orr—Atlanta Constitution.

Ohianoe 'to

j,,p pcc-hcll n-»i:iii.-i't' oriBlmil liar.l- ,

.....f tin- Mil'.innl. wli.-re It«

j and b
1 Clols-






tr> HH
valuta$15 and $18, at..................... UU

New 5-Story Block

\Vc have taken all our 22 and 27-inch plaid and striped
Silks, also many other novelties and plain goods
and placid on from table.
Value 1.00 and 1.25. choice at...................... / OL*

Extra values al oc. lOc. I5c I or J for i-j- . ®1 HO

(New price will be 1.25 to 1.50i

$ 1 .oo

No. 100 RIBBON


Al^ 97.69 ud 98 Jackets at . -..................... 96.00

IT L.^STS-aeinch Black

a 1-2 to 5 in-wide

We have too many $4 and $5 Waists.
2 Q8
Choice from several lines at. special ........
■ ^ LJ


Torchon and Val. Laces

99.90 and 9S.90valoes at.......................... 91.98

All 75c Fancy Silks at 50c
wool. DRESS C.OODS-High Clav> Novelties.

..... :.... $1.00



other Specials .......................... 19c' 33c. 50c, 75c
Wash Goods.........5c, lOc, I2i“2c. I5c, 18 to 50c

5ad Cfotlifng I)cpartm’t

About 75 Men’s Suitsto close, selected
frorn lines that were $12.50, $15
and $ 16. Take them at......... .......
Cool Underwear
straw Hats
5c to $6.00


and $3(IM ■! lalmes. i
close, chc-----

About'50 Youths’Suits to close’; with
long pants, age 13 to 19 years, $7,
$8 and $10 values at..........................
Belts, Etc.
Fancy Sox .



25c and 50c

^ j QQ

C- 1 BONNETT <S: CO.'S HO inch pure
1 CH
dye Black Taffeta at................................. ^ .OVJ
'New price will be 1.75 to2<»"’


New White Dress SUrta at. 91.76. 1.76. 3.75

r la 3.ICSI feel: ibo

With hose supporters from and back, made of ROo
■ tine Batiste. Special.........................................
(.i. D, ■■Justriie" CorsetV are ^uperior makes $3.00

Union Suits «*, so. i.

Oneiot of $10 and $12 Jackets, Coverts
and Mixtures, choice.................................. ^Oa< 3

wMld ii

cbalns.-Londoa i
; latter.
-~— 8£40 feet.


No. 503 F.P. CORSETS

IM 0 All Suits worth $10. $12 and $15 O? Cfl
LOl Z in this lot. Choice at..................... PlaUU

A lot of $1.00 and
$1 50 Dress
for........ ..


A $1.00 Corset everywhere, but as we arc not gO/%
going to carry this number, while they last. - '-'•.'V/

All Ladies' Suits divided into
two lots. Take them now
at these prices:
All 118. $20. $22.50 and $25
values.- choice oMot..................


The Mwakcr d.-im-.-uied ihi- di'’i-'0- : niRca-and there yni are;

..Special Offering.

:o'’.r: r.:



Cloak and Suit tepartm’t
I At I


lOc, 15c, 25c, 50c


26c and 50c

25c, 5bc and $ i .00




Tbnre'* a Rood tint* eonlnR.
nar vn'm Rotos to eMobtatc;
OM and roanx vill all bn roUii;

TIinm'i a food Uine eomlnx.
I^ipeam. eandy. inmooadn.
OraniBa and .tatemtiona. _______

R. Rot KUwy went to Hurley, WIs,.
a fpw days acoHanry Slealar bouRhl a
SO foot
to*«r wind tnill of J, J, Kll«y and
planted It over his pomp.
It Is n
ChalenRe and a daisy.
John Court of Trarerse City, built
a stona foundation for Auru»| »«iler
last vMdt and la now dolBS tbc c•^
*^J. Honon and his partner arepuilnR
dosm a tubalar well tor our webool
SoDwthlnc the school dis­
trict ^ould bare h^u tappUed with
LowoD Is rebnlldinR bis
Bhlncle nIU artaleb bunwd down aboiu


lee croain. nalnn In Ibe nbndr.
If it jtnt don't rain.



( th^iah I'/i ''- Vl-iuT:. :•. ! Ll^rThiv

irSrrrTSr sr-; rr.

barn' a Rood ilaw corolnR,
For tbe bands *111 plar
Fl»Dd fliwortts—tb«
II flnisb up Oin dtr.
It }iin don't rain.

Ten tbousand i^ople are after tbe


Hk- tnomlOR of th» Pbonli.
Ow clouds hfcBR low,
II luck In tlic biR iinbr«1ls.
Dd away wa'il ro.
Who's afiaid of-jain;

5». aaya a • bleaRo ai«?-isl dU|«tcb


feheuts au

_ -.

to provide special tranrpcrtailou faclU- ^.^uSeut.
Real PrepaRatlon.
The quattioo of raforuailQR


tbera ara thousands rff acres of pine
plains from which the nrlRlnal tlDilier
has all bean taken, la recalrlnR conaldarsbla atlancion. and will soon bocoRie u mallar of vital Importance
It is vary evident that someihliq;
most lie done to make Ibaw- lands
produce sotnaihina of value. There
are tfaouaands of acres ihsi are abso­
lutely valueless for fanulna purpose*,
that could be made of value In the
RTOWlDR Of trem, and the quesllon Is.
•-hat kind of tree* that are valuable
tor eohunereUl uses can be rtub d
uiwc this sudy soli that will soonest
reach a aira auBIcleDi to be made
The writer has recently mude conMdarable study and eiamlnaiion of
the queatloQ and Is tboro-URtaly imuvinead that the Oledllsln TnacanUiot.
commonly known by the several


»vu«. I. »,d.j b« 0.,.

the Sew York Poat. I‘ass.-nRer oOrials of the BurlloRtan aud other
era railroads are uialirlue arrausemeuta

That ley look the fanners have bam
weartoR all sprlnp hai inaliad off and
aome aiw haylnff In ^nc* a red bot
Biaila of lata.
Mr. Uoalar of InnaliiR. irwralar for
the Huhar ManufictiiTlnx Co., called
bare last waak on bualnnss.
Good Harbor baa Rot to ba quite a. ..... .................... .............. lust lor
fisUnc point, ns aiRht or nine pond1 this purpose.
'a been planted in tha bay.
Oraw* Rapidly on Sandy Plains.
It Is not si^lcular si to'ihe qunllly
G of aol< anil rtdws npldly on our sandy
while rnnnlnc hla lath mill, a fewr plains. While there are some vnrledaya afo. la RetUni along aa well asI ties of this timber that are sob)<wi to
can be eapected under the elrcurastati;- attack by Insects and disease this vsHet»ls hardy and enilrcJy free from
Iniuvt uiucks ami dloeaiw. It Is hard
June 24.
and solid Umber nnd Is especlslly well
adapted foe use for railroad Uca and
, fence potls, as It 1s more loatlns lii
Mr*. John Oorsey of QJenmere s
1 the ground than either while or ycl-:
here two days rlaltlag friends 1
low cedar, and belnR much harder will

tits for Ibuutands of lo-rsou. who are
anxious to secure bouiealrada -ul of
tbc SXdtW seres of land lu Yloutaua
for which the Rovernnit-m Uaa previdod Irrigailoa at an expenditure of more
than I2MJ0.UUU In tbe iia.1 too vt-ars.
canal ineuiv-iliri'e uud ouemile* Iona, wiu, bmoebes six aud
one-half miles lu l.-uatli.
This laud was foruierly a r.^-rvu i
tloo for the ('run- Indians, aud Ibey are
to receive Rl for every acre uf It taken
by eetller*. Tbe Ruteruuieut bus auDonuced Ihst applleailona for li.uue•leads on thU tract, whlih U loLiiu.iuly known at ihe Uuuilej IrTlpaUon
project, will bei^-elved at Ulllluss.
Uonu from June Is to June ■£>. luquliies as to rules wbb-b bate l>eeu
nllway v
n Iti.ui.
•ppllcaUona for the dU farms whlvb

Ibe Rorernment.
On June 20 RuverniueuI ulBt'hilt will
draw a tbotaand «uvelu|w* o.nlaluluR
the nances of applU-aou from Ibe total
number tied, and tbe succosafu! draw­
ers will be notiaed In greups of I.Vi to
make formal entries unili-r Ibe bouiesMd act for tbclr land, beglnuliir July
Karb person lu whom a bouiraieda
Is awarded must |iay tb.- Rov.-njin.-ut
the laud, or Iblx
.t»4 goes to tbe Indians am) Ibe
to tbe governuient lo defray
Ibe coat of tbe canal. Tbe buniealeadet
It to be given ten years to avbh-h U
iiay ftir tbe land. Tbe Qrst year Ur
must I>ay 8l.nn sn arre. the next tlire-e
last Tuesday for a two mocithi rUlt
TTh .
83.T.'> au acre and for tbe fullewwlib her iRotbH- in Toromo. Onl.
m.,1 e~—
BtURbam la here la I-'
'• weiaha At iwimds, it is also log ill years 83 an acre.
sail MOtna ta iMn«iisui is uei
^ valuable limber for the manufsclure,
The gjgtt-nimeBt has adopted strin­
furniture, as It Is capable of receiv-1 gent iiMsures to prevent any of ibU
d of
day for Indiana with hit father- log a high poUsh. and being a rapid tend frooi falling into the bands of
gtowef baa large grains, making It a
law. samoel Dnsleit, came home Fri­
any but aelual settlers. No |>ers.<n t-i.
beautiful wood.
day night. He aald the old gentlemnn
whom H bomeslead is allotted may sell
Rapid Growth.
atood the Jownwr ««ll
or iraniifer It to an.vbody. but himself
a^e Fttber, with, tbe Wonder
.._ we have said, our light, sandy must live vumlnuouely u|ua ttie land
took the OlM Arbor nine to Sleepins toll to well adapted to Its propagation for live yeara^ln order to secure final
Bear Faint today. They play a ^e and growth. Aa sboslog how rapid
of ball with the Ufe Savers, which a grower It Is, we will stale that the
Nearly all the peraons who desire to
reanlted la fhvor of tbe Olen Arbor writer has a locust nee In hit yard at j
Travene Oiy. which
was sune.L aernre laud to Ibis tract, made -.ery

HIM Panllne OUver baa gone to from a sprout of one season's gromlh; valuable by the governuienfa Irrigat­
Grand Rapids for a visll with- her vlghteen yeura ngo and today It ineiis- ing canal, will reach llicrv at Ihe some
14 Inchea In diameter. There Is lime, as the only lv>duced fare- iivailu
le time lixed for flung <-!aUas
*^^Dnimhrtn was a Traverse City
a grove of Rlack Ig*-ns<s In Trav­
erse City that started from sprouts
he "buniesecki-rs' ni.--" <.v j-j.-,
visitor last week.
Mrs. Onimbrill, Miss Ida Neaaen .from the roots of other trees, that
reomd trip fn-m .t'liicnge on.
and Mlaa Retia Shew atieoded tbe have since been removed, about 14 Tuestlay. June IR. slid on Jiiuc 11> from
Teaclrera' Inslltute last Thursday at
ago. Some cl tbdee trews have Kstuuis City iind oilier peiuis v.-e-t <rf
been taken out. hut there are now Chicago. 1)11 all olhi-r ds.vs up In tbe
Arthur Neaaeo of Ovlalt. was the atanding «|Kn a piece of light sandy
last day for tlilng claims the railroad
guest of Ally WestcoU several days ground 40 of these trees, growing
fare will Is- aliout Ibrev times the
within a apace of land six by elgin
last wwaii.
Mfw. Oeoigw Bherldau of
Glen rods. These tree* vary in slxe from "bouieoeekets' - rate.

........... .....................


«t to Open Up 33,000

Acres in Montana.

V> am SttMbmer.
n««'t a ■Md Udc eoBlDg
ros can l*el It in tb« nlr.
Bor* nAd «>rtn nr« invinc pannia
And thw bop* to nil bn tber*.
tt iost doo-i rein.


Piew-Letal and lllcRal.
trhsn -S' '• wrs
The pie cf CUT aae-Jiers ani eraed: mothers Is not mallene.1. Thwe pen
Ufd Curaea, lls Cbaneeller, Asks Ter
I tlnmestlc o-nfo. rkijis. mannfact.ired la •arefcl r-.-.t'i-;!
a Gift •< «1.2S0m.
fan to rh.nne It
Lord Curuaii. cbanccUor of the Ciil' rtiubari). chvrri.>s. blactliemes. cw>seT«v*lty of Oxford, baa made an anieaj
Cvaiwton fill.) Man Painted His TeU- ■ lierries.'hui-kl.-'oerrliw c-r tb.- akurtag
<m her behalf for $L2SO.OOO. Oxford'
phase Hdiaber on Mis Cow's FUnk. • be: deleterious mln.-e, wi;b -ui the In ,
r;r!}" -lnw-s tb» eiala
“ itambridRe. but Ox-1 A new method cf
rf uarkl-ac
luarkbp »-o.
tru'-a-iJi';i of exo;kc?.d
-r of the two. Osfonl| sj-nms Into use in Evanston. Ill
In'inldil-ia of c-. i-ran
Without mere Income a
_ rtlcaco
______ corrvriibiiaeut
— ’ - ...
' r ________
•msin the teacher of Ibe bu.' nty ln>tesd of Iwsrins a aym-l pure fesjd law. But ihst i<o-ti.-8 of
Tore Million Dollars Bpent an trriRa- ' maultlet and mathematics,
..................... _
aa >be bst
bat •»! burntd upan ibe fflank the cows iJe ptoJur: whU-h
.. the sound
tion ef Permtr Crow Indisn Rsterva. been, while even so she cannot do tbe
ewnera- lek-pbene
tek-pbene uumber
uomb« ithe sway of i->
i. .-..M-ried

Who's Afraid of Rah
Ok the dorioas Fourth}

I »A -

Haveu wma In town today.
12 Inches in diameter. Several
of U>(Un are large euou^ for railroad
AuROTt Warner oad famUy
living to the King bouse.
ties and fence pasts.
Min Simona of Burdlekrlllw who
\n Oniamental Tree,
surprised that the railroad Bishsp Geedse'l en Reetsvslt Ellst.
hn been drenraaUag for Mrs. WwrHadlsy. Wilsen and Day.
nees. to now drenmaklng for Mrs. compsnU , especially those ,
rresldcnl Roosevcll, Pre-.-^ldi-iit' Llic:
In Michigan hare not long before tnis
Ptaak PUber.
made use of a |«irt of their right of of Uarvard, Ilsdh-y of. Yale uiiii Wi:
Jane 24.
way for growing Rlack lAtciud for tie
of I'rlnivl-Ui aud fUnm-rllor
of Synimse w,-n- si-vi-n-ly critlci-a''
It strikes
----------------- --------------------The ban game between the Indians
the other do.v for ilieir fr-qiienl l-iil-Il.
tad Almira teama at Honor was 52 to
atlerouces by Bishop ILiilcI .Y.vre2. to lavor of the Almira team.
Ooousell or the Melbodlsl Epls--o|OI
Next Bandar the Almira team
a either side of 1
•biitvh In bis »rtdr.-*s at lln- .-••miu.-nc.
Hooor team will play at Honor.
wmld add greaUy^lo the beauty of the
neiit day exi-re-ls<-s of IVisimi uiilver
Mrs. Waller Lake was rtsltlng
Iandaca|<e through which lie
ally. sMVs a Boston siss-lal lo Ihe Nei
her slater at Fboch for a week.
laas. It Is a fine. ornnmenUI tree,
W'alUr Lake went to Trarerae
with prollflc, sweet smelling blOMoms Yorti tVortil.
•The seholnrs of fifty years ago llve-l
Batardty on huaineat.
The only objection to It is that Ha foli­
] a iixire genial aud •iiilci r.gc.- kuI.I
Clifford Cate's borae became frigh- age comet out rather late In
BlsUnp iH-slsell. "They were- 11--I steMd Friday evening and upwi Ihe spring, but when it does get out
e mip-'sslbllltles of kQou
bonty. breaking the top.
full leaf and bloom Its lk«.ity nnd
Tbe Ice cream eoclal at Henry
perfume with which It fills the __ .
i-nimot liungUie oue of ill Caaek Friday evening In honor ol the air is unsurpassed.
old tloA s.-holBr* l•lowllle n ln;i:i|s-baU taam wai a good aiicceet. ,
The Black Loevft.
Mast to eugiT enre on nil groat -inc
Mr and Mrs Bert Welsh and ebildThe Rlicfc Locust :s ensily prob­
diKK ITe-ilcb-ni Kli-t -if l|nr
ren were the guaats of Mr. and Mrs.
ated elUier from sprouts or tbe seed, vnrd. or siiggestln-g Uiiiis.-lf t-y |«i|lil< nl
M. C-J;ewls Sunday.
nd the growth of tbe tree is so rapid and lil*torU-ul kiiowhslgc »' ii‘coii-l:
Mloi Rekah RTlaoo was the _
hat within 15 years from planting dnte for pn-sldent, .-is c|.s-s W-khIi-ov
of Hr*. Laura Bate* Monday,
lany trees In u grove will reach
YVIIwiD of rrinceiiin: Us-omliig an an
Mr*. Viola Uke and Peart Ruahlow Ize largo
go onuugn
onougb lor
for nuiriNiu
railroad "
thoritiitive Mourev of re.-iioiiii-' kiu-wl
were calling on Mr*. R. R. Bates Sun
rhleh ' 1 a fact
very much
..............In its favor,
light remark Incldtuiully ibni edge, like Iladh-y of Yule: ••hi-.-rtiilL
'*^ra. Leona Rushlow of Traverae poUeemen'.
vlSorously and i-oiamaiul
pn's clul*
_____ ___________
are manufactured
came ap on tbe meniwtoo Sunday
as die's Pay of Syra
ulmoei exclusively
lively fr._..
fivaii Block
Iawusi. ingly prejudicing, asem ber aUter. Mn. Will Lake.
only a heovy and hard
wood, blit givi-s off a sound phen
"I doubt whether any graduate ol
■r cement walk Ibe older school would n-u hare- )ie.->.
Real Estate Teanafera.
iwtl by that older nlui-aihm of ili>ry A. Wlntfwlcskl to Julius M.
. .
in bitting well sehs i.'.l h-ud*
mantel, hn 1 and 2. block 5. H.
JI pay to i-lant exter
which ethllanilesThe.slore IbusievcH."
Go's tod. tSfM).
lark Locust fur the n
AudKor Oeoeral to Oeo, H- O
dieemrai'a rlubs alone,
alone there- ni
I. 1116.14.
' A Clilnese work, tbc aoQiortfy of
many other uses for which II
most valuable timber, taken In
which bas never Is-ea disproved. sa>'
1, T- 25, . R. 8. ncctlon with iis grcslh upon
that tbe wife of Ihe Emis-ror n'wuU2
;an*v soil makes It to our mind
te. 21140 B. C.. was the flnu to rear slL
Ooutlnental Iraproremeni
idea) Umber with which 10 reforeei worms, s Wlkwornis were IniresJure-.I
Owen A. ClariL tot 10. block 16. Fife our idne plains.
Into EnroU- abooi o5u A L. by tw 1
Lake. 110.
E. L. Sprapte.
reralsD monk*, who brought them
Herbert MoaUgne and all
from China to Conslsotip-'plc.
Tomans, piniels. See. 85.
When a Narajo Indian wishes
Eftoet ef ImaBrnttien.
bring haim to an enem- . he buries two
"wmTwrighl to Joseph B. HotderofI,
-ImsgluuUvu Las s great deal to do
bUDikea of ewi or raveo feathers
BW^ of nwV. Sec. M. T. 25. R-8. 81.
with some cases Of slcklo-"." said 11
Laura Howard, et. al. to J. & Hold- tbe place where the bated one sJeeta
doctor In 81. Joeeiib's hoirettul. illcUcd
or Urea. A third tmaeh of feathers
rrofl, timber deed, 8300.
In the niitodel|>bls Il<-curJ.
"Tb.-n8. Flower to A. B. Curtis, nti of burled'near tlir owner's Oreplace lu tbe
wuman who usrei to vumi' h«e
anlW. Sec. 2C. T 25. R 10. 8125.
kltcben to protect hlru fren. Invaal
she liad
Prank Flies and wife to J. H. Huell- of eneiuica.
(•'allowed a pin aud that It wa« siuck
maatel. lou £1 and 52. blodt 4. H. L.
lu her throat, hurting her dreadfall.v.
« Co s 2nd. 8500.
Amending an art ereailng a h|
John R. Hnlleo and wife to Howard
Week after week we assurevl Iht that
and power i-ommissleo f-ir the niy
WUttog. lota 13 and 14. block Z. H.
we could fluJ no pin. l-ul >t:ll she
Usniurtlr; aiitUorixing .wmi il -«f 1
L. * Go's 6th. 8650,
came. At last we detiTtularel to sat­
Henry P. RTiIpple. et. al.. to Louis Pleasant to esti-od water system wl
isfy her. so we told bur to oivn hiT
Mark, parcelt. See. 4. T. *5, R. 10, out ^ilng work by l■olllrac•t; c
mouth wide aud shut b-r cies. Thru
ferrlng joillce i«owers on eoiniii'ssi.m
wc plan-J a i>lu a pair of
Carrie D. Jobnam to Marion Weath­ era of Ylackinac IsUnd slate park .
forceps and ran It down ber
ers. s*M of aeM. Sec. 2*. T :t. R. H>. amending tow relative to meHings of
.\fier fooling around awhile we drew
(vnimy boards trf supervlsjrs: dir.--t« out and dis-lsred itui we bad at
rou^ and wifejo
Oeo. H. Cross
board of state amlltur* to exam ne
last auceeeded in extracting the WonWhiting.
.Jalms of ciru war soldier' f-*r Wesomc pin. Bbe got up. Ost lantl that
[h. ti«*'
botmtles: amending law relating to she fell beuer and went away. I saw
0 PbtUtp
pro-.-e*«lings against deWofs by atttvh- her later, and sbe dec lared Ibar the
». umber deed, |1.
■urot; relatirc to Bcqu'rtng title to real ittic In her tbtost had entirely dlaap
estate bj adverse poewseten: legah prared.-


,'mb lir


aud lunuedlate

succw.ful bas Wi. the experi

^............... .....
renpuose to the requevt Is' phone nnmliers.
.Vsiur—tbe Lvudon Astor,
gTiU.iJU>i. It la a wouderfulj

^ lndifl.-r«ic- of' EiifliaUui'eu
tne.v bsve taken ...________ __
all thal their tintt'IrsUle* lm«<without maklus due iwuuisrr niler-,
Iw! to relieve their needs. It Is so dlf
ferent here, wbree tbc Rlfis to teochlns
cume'boiL from those who luive Ina-u
tauaht and ibost- who wish tliai they,
hsd bad the o(.|)oriuult> t- Iw taught.
Olvlua to ediicslkm In tbe l ulled
Stales has uoi Ims.-u always olse. but It
)' RruwlDR wiser, while It bas lisrdly:
beRUii In Euelsiul. To name tlxrord
Is to recell ouc of Ihe mnsi precious
centers of llirtit and leadluc. ufleuniinR
and of lll>en,v. tliat men hiue ever posseased.
Ami that Ibis li-ader of rellRlmi and of tboURhi. this
tutliitsliier of imellectnsl fresslom.
ecgliiR fur
•T clad In U
<be day i eaks III for Ibe revereace and
uiauy rich
nuioiiR her anuy of llvliur seteds


">w< now carry trie-

sr„o.. -f I! -

Mslow Vri’^^biraVtri^wM

• •.
!.■. p„i

ihe tat.w -f

OTA-B ..B l.l<HBiAV

^j A,



^,,1,. j,j, „,,j ,[,rouBb Matoe colk*,-e. rwys Ihe K.-iinebn- tile t
pr-«v.-:« l s-:i--tbl' 0- far
J.mnaiL He bas la-cn l-liu.l frem birth
-Wiil i‘i..u have IbHand is a rishI exaiuple of
• .sided
o„j ...urace t-aii o.'otuplisL. ... _. .‘ Wb.-rei ; : II
rra.Iuate ..f Ibe Perkin. St lio-.l Tor the
buim) lu Itos-o-n iiD-l .-Htrred Ilal.-s lu
“inea*-, sir. ■
tb<- fall of Iftf!. II- ba. is-eu b>iI>
-Not the vial.
tsdlect- nfrnlrs. l.-hu: a Ivatllnc
-mU-r rtenryaiaii. aeh.
of ipi- Knrm-tpbla -.i -i-ir. nb.-re his
HSht canV
nm«|.-ul ability he* l.s-u'freely at the
dUis-uI of bU a.s.«lau-s. He has Iwu <.’;ure-*i -r
n most enthiislasilr su|ii»irier «f ath
bur. '>
letl.s. iinendluc all ibemiioes ami a.1.1 ;
luq hts rohv to ihr .li.s-riiie se<-tlun.;
Hr has isken k.h>-1 rank In Ills studies. - - -


i>n A. in ili.-li <
d. c«ai»--d
«aW o.uti '

u"’er';'.b{U ,.t said .bs,-.ase.| ere ....

(.lu trf T;.ivvi>.- f.ij to said' cuniy.
on .. lN-! the Is. day ..t Not.-ml-r.
A l>. I!-: ;.ml ihai sal-1 clsin.s will
I-- duy

N.oemb.T. A



IHoT. at



u Ibe classics and In l-'reucb and

«be PreJ^‘|«r _Bv-lng
deulslly an exre-Uriii deuiltrlce.
il. this band
Astrakban a pint ef tb* requisite seed*
rifling of Ihe gun on the f 'jock of ex­ euo be Uiughc fur a quarter of a penny.
plosion. This action causes the abet)
to revolve with lightning rai.ldliy , with
A RIaolible In'ferenm.
tbe result that It kee|« stead}' durlu*
-Mlrisin." said her iiioiber. "bare
Its flight thruugb the air. - Loudov
you ever glveu young .Mr. Stsplefcrd
riiy ivaeon to believe you .-ared fur
Lli:> enough to marry blm';"
think so." answered

oDe eye. Ho can't look at Ihe tbagullirel Tr»'““c- ____________________
object with the otoer eye opeoM. oa;
u...iu ■
Merely a
Jeweler. This
tVrigiil-rve ir 1 evcnthlnu. and
evidence thal one must ica
uovels don't SI n to eell. I'enman
r my u
details of one's trade. Wbi
■t tried
, -Kve
everything. You know. It Is aaid-thaf

inns." auswcTi'd
"How are LU <vlcramsr-lVa»blugU«a

..f w-la .. -tr.'e.l iy'

4.:i o;

A Runian Past.sna.
If tbe buuian Jaws ueed tome o.-.-uHiaiioD In tbe inter, els of inruls aud
Why Shelia Fly Straiflht.
' fostip. sayi Health Oullure. inistlctMany
w..nder why tbe .-one
„a,ij joani a le«.s.u lb,sbai-d
|.r.ijrc lUes In tU.-lr fllsb:
of aouil.ern Rtutsla, «bo exthro.isb tbe nlr do Dot wabble, ^.ut
,„,i. „f
drive siralkht olwad. This Is .-aslly ,Ue fasplau eunflowe*. Tcere U nut a
eipUined. Round tbe boltom ..f tbc „„,,i,.iun of a stimulant about It. no
•bell U a narrow l«nd of eopiwr wbl.-b rm-wlnB gum d>s[--|wla or navy plug
varies lu width acc.RllnR to Ibe s.K-.rf
jj ,, , jasilme and Ind-

Making a Diet
“Of coure-e y.oi kl JW somelhlng
about ikoit ranOidftle's political opiiilousT aald the trusty 1


„x" 4,' 4-

Miulsler tiui-ellng
kiiu.II l..y 01
S-unday aflernoou carrying a sirluc cf
Difcc-Jobmiy. Jn,i:iuy. do these bekif;
to jouV Jubiiut Yo-s. elr. Y'ou f» -.
that's what they got for chasing
a Eundar.-l'Iitladeli-hla Inquirer.

Meet Me at STEINBERG’S July 4th

OpeniJuljf 4Th
For {ii-ople to oine in and Tost and Tuit. and trade
if they like It will picnae ii« to liaroyou make
ihia store your lioatlquarten. wliere yon can leave .
pnekagu* and meet four frienda.

1~h« a-toro will Clom«
6 li-i -tHo Kv^nlns

Closed all Day July 5th


Hamilton Clothing Co.
You Wont Have
to Buy on

July 4th

nnless yon want to. but we want everybody lo come and see ns, whether they have
any Idea ol buying or not. Our salesforce Is al your service; glad lo give you all the
time we can, show yon anyttdng you wish to look at
Fact is. we like to show you through the slock, lor we have such a splendid line
ol everything that we are glad to show it. for we know that once you have seen the
assortments and values, when you are ready to buy we will get your business.

There are a lew of those HIGH-GRADE SUITS left,
It may be that we are out of your size but if we have it you can secure an exceptionally ifood bargain.

Had one of those in mind did you? WeU we have
the best assonment we ever iiad and the prices are
all right too SUijO buys one, or as much higher as you

We are doing a fine busine>s on Shirts: three rea­
sons—variety of stj les. handsome patterns and auractive prices.



Almost forgot them, but you won': forget them
after you see the values we are giving.

h’s suprising how much a hat will freshen up a
man’s wardrobe and it will be a surprise to you to see
how good a hat we are selling for
Some odd
lots of the season’s best sellers, some sold as high as

Don’t have to go outing to wear them, but the
man who is thinking of an extra pair of trousers will
do well to look us up on these; patterns arc excep­
tionally good and the values correspond. S'2-50up.



s Henry Dorsey called here X
hcut« war verr pfetUIy decorwted
present. '
with aoowbalie. .After the cwmootiy
ins eerpet------- ------------ ---------------------the ledlee enjoyed ihenuelree. Tlw
a very snniptaous weddloe supper wns
will m«!l wlUi Hn. J<Ab Teylor '
They served by the purrnts of the irroom.
two weeks.
The out ol town Kuesu were Grace
______________ Bumiekvllle the ean.e
June 34.
Banholm.-w ,>f silver Lnke. Mr and
evemisc tiy the enaollne lanaefa.
Mrs. Will
sister of
rey. Wheeler.
Miss niva Willard and
Roma Evans of Empire, caileil
Miss Olemes
tie Koelmer Sundmy.
Mls» Aont klenin
Mribodifi campDeedne ui KiQSsler
S., S Hnrke. who has Ixvn In Chi-1 brother
the bride. Mra. Frankie of
Wetlnesds)' and Saturday evenlDR ol
tano the IMSI two weeks ot. b-islnets. | Trto.........City Mr. and Mrs. Kr.m„aof.
last wt«k.
ariiv.^l or. the minols Sartrdav even Ikelt.. .u, and Mis. Otto .>theUand..
GiiH fkirmn inHseJ ihniURh

Wck Hue Flame W1 Cook-Stove


u.'iKlili-irhoud Monday.
Wamii Taylor afftl family sia-nt
Sun-lay ulili C-nlvli. I.m-v. near Wa!

Mr and Mrs. Radal-y. Mr^
.• and Tony Tliiel .i set of
Otto. •;
Jind Ump:

laie'i^nr^'T.x^rar^ h):’';: -p -^

Gi%'« b«t results. \1 )(
Reduces fuel ex- )) ^
pense. A wotkmg •
flome at the touch of the
match. "Blue Flame" means the hottest flame
produced by any stove. The New Perfection
will make your work lighter. Will not over*
heat the kitchen. Made in three sizes, vith
one, tvo, and three burners. Every stove war- ,
ranted. If not at your dealer’s, vrite to our
nearest agency..
The ■

rullfd u;i relaUves Saturday


^ 1..'


llnelet. over



r:;";,.!" ;^:^^r^ker art-

aiieudts) I'hiirrh
ills. Mae Mairheii
III lilarkni.-in :
Ml.. Angle
asBt.ililK Mr«. Sam Kiieieii fiu- lien-iiimi.|
to her lionje
past two week
d family. Mr. j:
Roeart nm! .-on Amos, w-re yu.-u- at
Is. Sunday.
Miss IvB lV«an w
Mis. Muiilli Saliinh.
home SiinMiss Iva retiinnsl n
day fA'cnlng


I- Wanner and son of'

.e ,.t„


The different
OU Stove
The improved
OU Stove


apitim Isl:

rlv..d on 11,0
linr.ois Sat.irdny. 'o,, i...
del,. Mr and Mr. Ttilei. a.
r-p.pd .he ...mmer a- th.-ir .v.-ta«e
,,i.. .......
-Ti.e Oa.:-.' on Oh-i. Ijke.
CeorB. Pta.l.'
in- Shank was ill .own on |.rofe-.
y-„„ ;;
.loiial bn.-lne... Saturday.
Rtolbolin. ». cak- i.k.r. . ilu.t.The UtVio). lu re tk.iniday| Kewniuiui ..n. half dur.-o .iK" i-.i i
ev..nlt.c lor the lime this ra-aatm I ..m.-i,.
Ki-anl. Knil.aid. ami wif-' a
She lia. l-<-a rhartored by I he Cr.isliy j .live
hue and wilt now niti on tl,si route.] IM.-r I'........ i; kUi..<-.. U-w I'nilor.
We at.- :il! M.rrv to
her go,
1.,-t of ula- di-li.-. Mrs G..-1. 'JliivkThe infantdwmhler -f Will Ig.ird-1. , I,- dlshe- ..................
Mr- lliap-,. a
iimbr -he ea,e itf itie doctor
Ifcath.-r pillnw.. E-uL-n- rnibu- and
Mr. Ui'sl. nceomiianhsl by A.her.uife. a laid.and j imw.-Is: \\i,1.
and Oscar Atkins.wi oalte.1 at
the ) Harrow, a Imx ..1 candy ; Mi> iVankie.
home ol Mr ...Id Mm. Merton Voi.-e , ...„rh Mr, I-sl spieadiAl-'
ffi.-.| l.uir U-.I spi.-ad, Gii. Newmann.'


R^O Lamp

Rivei a clear, tteady light. Fitted;
lateft improved burner. Made of brasa
throughout and beautifully nickeled.
Every Umpvamnted. Suiubleforlibrary,
bedroom. If not at
Qing-room, parlor or bedroom,
your dealer's, write to our nearert agency.

aiH.le-- I
Mrs. Walter Brown relumed home
last Saturday afler a Ibns* wwk's
rout Ism.
her slUer. .Mrs. tSeiio
irtav school with
Mr. Henry C. Burt was bom In
Briiw-n. /
organirerl at the Sabin
HllladaU, County. Mich.. March 31si.
Mrs. William Vaiuibtirc Is visiting
Villlam Itiakel of Sliver lai'se. Satur-|
visited ,
of J.otii; f
18t3, nnd died In the C. B. A. haspltai. June .10th. at 4 o'clock.
- Traverse city.
Grand Rapids. Mich., June M. 1907, Conhy uf Traverse City,
Jake Yorks, who lias ben visiting
II, llld \llssb.n :.njl Mr.
Will I’niy vi-iied ]
a«ed SS yemrs. 3 months and 2<i days. cordially lnvlte.1.
his cousin, Dave JnhnMin Ih*- past
Mr. Burt has been a rvwldeni nl
for Oosi-hiirg and
wiuk's, sturli'd f
|d<nlc; Green Lake Sanday Scbooi Ceven'.
Opi-nlng Senlreln chaigc "f
Grawn for the put la years and bad
n. WlscMu
many- warm friends. He was a roan:
.. Knight i
|{■'|.1l1s auil collecllons.
anilni; Is the «>rder of tl
Potato iilanilni;
of airlcl buidneas iirlncliih-s. which;
7 '» A Ih-glmiers Class taught liyaccounts for his aucceas In business
itv H-Mis Trav-use city
and. while be was dui a member of
nnd Mis. A. Thi.H of Snuih .. .......... .. ...... .
,„k.- In Ih.- hall gutiic,
trandaon I-os!le. drove It
the cbgrrh. he was a warm suppiru-r gran'
7 :!-• IMernsslon. Child tVmveretun.,
Sanigihiy ar, ^,,.4 l.oitt.. Wuimsi aini Oin Brown. In Id
.1 l» Mis It A. nantaril.
of the church. Jds bunds were open to Cliy Monday.
bHp In many ways and before leaving.
H.viT-t,.,ii l,y J. c. Ruuk,
lurday hv Ih.--------------;'l,- t-rismi's iKinntr
Tl;.- marriss
ii I-r.i> ;nid Goner Huinn
jtiiicng h)
Mrs. Fisher of
bomd for the hospital, ho colled his,jersey
was Vundui-tvsi %. tin- H<'
ti ihe thjieh pli-nir Hunduv.
frfeobi and among them, roerobetw of, stonn.
alt day mccling
Bum. to .Mr, and Mrs. Prank Bur-;
„f Tiuvni... fliy.
II Pisy .......................... Rapids
the church and uked thHr prayers!
mV July 4th
All iiiv k« ti. a dttiiglitvr. Monday. .Jimn I7ih. e„«u,i v a- ait»>nd<-,l by bis br..ih.It he there at
Isslletin- m.sny w-w iiiaihthat he mljihl be jvauly
un'd bring thi-lr din-]
Mrs. J. P. HagiTitiaii anil Miss J.-n-, wiMIhui nd.-J and ih.- hri.l.. wa.« a
iwalHng him.
I tiivlled
III Itadl.-y sp. m Sunday with
On th« 24lh
of OclolK-r, mso. Ml.I iiVni.' Therv Is also prayer m.-.-tlnc'"f Hd*
.-7'"';^,i- a sis'.-r of ih,- gr.s.n,. Ml,
•r. Mrs. P. Uadley.
I of
rial,'*su's. Rotn.ins *.
g by all. We hope
Burt was uolted In marrtagv ut Crys-i ..vory Tlmniduy nlghi. Sundiiy soh.s.l Iriviids at South Miimiou island r
T,ii, I i.ia.s. Hndal-v
Hum Wal-KOi made u trl|
Morning Eession.
tal. Mom Calm County, Mich., to Miss Mvvwv Sunday at lb:'SI a. ID. IT.-a.-Ii-, Mtm.lay,
1 Is-aror and tmla
and Ihilah MixTinverr,1- I'lir lust Saturday.
1 no—Ois-ning w-rvlr-- fn charge ol
. Hillard. To them has Is-cn mg vv.-ry Sunday night.
MIsa I.lly Millington Is vlshlng her i.i.svs of il.v gn-.m. w.-'.r.,i
Ed. I'riiy w-ml to Trav.
Invited Cirt-e's. '
Grawp S-jndny ss-h<»l: IteMWlousI »*-rand Ote-rge,
a. C. Wynkoon ilrmo
ilmvo to Traverse
Trnvcrsi' crandfnihvr.
randfniher. Mr. DaiilHs vd
llioJi..v, Holmes; On- hall hour
mtlav returning Monday.
with th- Woid uBd I'niver l.y
Inn partl.-s, .The s-. ddlng niar.di
The Misses Alice and l-Xa DaySherman Draggoo waa a Cedar Run
Mr. Bun wi4
If ,M„ w.-l, 10 B.e ycwinielf hnv
U-v W.ssl; Addrvaueid W.-i.s.y,..
oy,.-. H
!t*s Gnu--- Barthulniew
Glen Artsir callers Tuesilay.
| playeo 0
aller Monday.
Crawa teoL Ko. 809. Knights of tl
Perms lam is-autlOes lhe*hiime. *«i<
Wanen, R.-simiim-. H.wry bckelt
k-orr a
blue Henri-ll.i
ThelsM H|)UR
Mrs. nnny and lllUe daugMer of; The brh
Mrs. Ross Payne and children called
Maeeaboeu. and in theI frateniHy hi
h bo- and carrlvd snow- house Is to pnltit It
Singing l,y Mohrs- Cclit-r
Kundii.v yiMirwuiiue and uddress lu Bradley I
all b
n Grandma Harvey Sunday after- Traverse fiiy. passed through here, trltum-d
the high regard, good
Vrsirisii Co., rhlcagu. and they wil
Srh.s'l. K.vital ion I.} Mar, DunmunWednesday on their way 10 Soatli, ball-.
1.... brid-->nuld wu.- rtr>—,d & Vns-maii Palm. It w;
bm imoi
brelberen. Mr. Burt b
null you a msily liooklel "A Perma
Manltou Island where they inienu m iu r
arley KlnesleT and wlf<
s paol year, and ai
I.4C Home'' Prokop Kynelko.
Afternoon Snsien.
and carrUsl Miomhalls. The koj, K.VM-lku.
BIKUid some time.
-I in 1.
uuiierr a few papeHng fVed Coin's house this
sralJon for
foe cancerous
weeks ago, which seemed
EJrereU Crain, who has been yen'
but there
•re was
waa a deeper trouble prey- sick with the rh<>amailsni is Mitnv
« bla lire, and reluming to the bet t--r.
Alva Pnvno and Carrie Wagner,
tao^dlal. It was found he was beyond
bHp. he w«U down very lost, with Cloid Dishi nnd Mary Canule. Arthi'v
hU compniUon by his side he iMisscd Rarsieii ,iii,i Allle Kuhn, iittended the
awuy mat Tbureday. The bo^y wns
Asa Hnrvey rt-iunnsl from Marshe s
brought back to Grawn on Frtday
eveolng last.
'MiMT*&nure and Alva Piyne at­
The funeral was held at Hie M. E.
church, nt Orawp. the writer offlclut- tended the social at Henry Caw s of
ibi. The body In care of undertakor West Almira Friduy night.
Roy Deeman and Osta Harvey visit­
!l I* due to Mr. Burt ^
friends of Holland to say that Oieir ed Martha Payne at the home of 1
floral tribuUa were beautiful and will Sklner ot bong Lake Sunday.
evfw be remembered.
The church
Bkilne H»™*- — —
ebidd not near hold the many
man; w
Ing In a mill at Frankfort.
. Mnitle,
, ____ ______. .gards to
Mr. Groham and
m While
» choir asng
still tnmkiog logs fo
Frank Unslead wns a TravT1» remains were buirled In the roller Satnrday and Sunday.
Oniwp cemetery.
Mra. Burt and son and daughter Shorter's hall, to the dano- Sattirdav


’■sivs;;;:7;Lr .£3:::. „






Has there been such bargain news as this Great Stock Reduction Sale. We find that we are compelled to
unload and convert $ 10,000 worth of Merchandise into Cash. This fact affords you an opportuniW to
make your purchases at Money Saving Prices. Ih every department of our store you will find
bargains that cannot be duplicated. The prices are such that we must raise $10.000 in Cash._____

This Sale will L-as-t Ij riti I thanEvan^

Mighty Bargains in CLOTHING

Cloaks, Skirts, Waists, Etc.

Master Oanoo Peucnglll
the tick list thU week.
1 Mildred CTawson is
s soutbeni
frtendi inI 1thb


Hre. TVbmas. Btoc^^s is away visit­
ing at preaenL
Miss FkiTCt -Snuler who has been
’"neldloM Hitel and Daisy Tlrngh
nd Orn wont to Rapid City Saturday
of Trarenie City ire tislting here nt to visit friends.
Mrs. Will Bloodgood and children
Mtraselmsn caught an S lb pic
of Traverse Clly
Cily are vlBlllng her par
eral flsh In P^rl lake Sunday ai
ema. Mr. uud Hr
Frank Wilson caught two weighing
Mrs. Wm. Waugh of wniiamshtirg
ibe each.
. Jonas
• las Ba:
Dr. FTalllck' aoto waa seen in town and Mr.
Sunday evening.
Vicksburg. Mich., visited at
The young people's meeting waS ttint

well attended and allenilon excellent.
Sunday evening.

aflernotm, also aome instnimernal
music and singing down the line some

n. O. Helllnger and wife t
Cadillac on.- day Inst week.
**F^eaaor and Mltlreas Wm. Cole­
Delorm HcQui-er anil wife '
man of 111., were the ptest* of James Traveix- t'ltj Saturd:
•Wllaoo's and Wm. Beman s
Miss Urrie Ryke . who has b
tending High schuu
Hr! and Mrs Wm Brooks and fani has reiiiraed
By were the gucwls of Glen Bnigb and
F^k Newman and Lon Day are
family Sunday.
Mrs ^W. Benson of Traverse City
iprovlng thvir house wKh a coat of
Is vUlUng her parenu. Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Byer. Juit now.
**Mni. R. Flehcr and son Albert, vlsil
This warm groslng weather
Cedar Run today.
minds us again of the faithfulness of
1 pearl Thomberg is lyune m
Him who hath said "ses-<I tin
si»'iid Ii'i v.uOBIion after having atharvest should return os long Tit.verSs City High scbiol.
world remains."
John Rankle nnd family of Illiiidiain
June 34.
Vlrtiivl Mr. I'liiE over Sundaj.
June 34. '
Mr. McLaughlin ta putting an addlIr and Mrs. rattier Srak.nnga-i.
UOD to his bam. Mr. Jameson of
1 Mr. .nnd Mrs. 11 P Taylor vlslud
Keyitooe is doing ih* work.
h Mvrnii Taylor Sunday.
Mrs. Downer U still very bad with
'he retiori came lo 11s the avihi f
of the ranrrlace of Willis Alb-n,
Mr. and Mrs. Pern' Norris nnd fam­
formerly of Ibis pi
ily of Traverse City. vWiert
d wisb's o
Siimmii City. TTie
father.* Sunday, of this pbe
Mr. Bnkstnmi is improving from bis ffh-nds are extend,—
Miss raile Bogart went to Charleremt tllneea.
dx. Thursday, returning Saiuiday
Mr*. John Rimdsoin and children
Aoin# Box I- having sonu- an
ore having the measles nod whooping
‘^M^'and Mrs. Jerome Robbins spent
Sunday vrith ^ry Rice's family «i
Rtcc's Comera?
Mr. Eaton expeets to complete their
new bouse aocn and more Int,
Jake Mllbert who waa bun
bam raUing. U again able tc

:is Men s Fine Cca's and

lailij of fi'hiii r.tiiaan# nri.l fan- v
ioW tsftrlier in llic Bi-.-iej.-i for t-'i. if*
B. George Mtinro, Mr and

4:’us'l.trk and Ihv Misses Lena U
nd Man- IVigurt calbsl i«i Mr. a
. Hias

am Hurt.ut Friday.
MIHri-d H,*lges and
lilfby-nding n f.-w day*
f I-; It Gibbs of this
th.- lanillv of
Warren Taylor
Mr', and Mra. Shorter and Mr. ud
Mr*. WrtghI SuBdayed with Mr. Walton jSiiuday t.i visit t
Calvin lAK-e who .xp-els
Thtirp. o( Keystope.
Un. Riws and daughter spent soulh.-in luirt of ih>- stn
Thuraday wHIh Mrs. Downer and
•aMsted her In her work
Mr*. ***7110 M. E. ladles aid met with Mr*
There were 15
Downer is
to walk with rtHra- Bogart WedDcmUy.

r.'i Men’s-lark and Iii;ht Worst^
Suits, made of all this senaon’s

Ladles’ Saits, all this et^aon'e •tfics. inaiio in plain
' iloUi and fnucr KnclisU mixturot.
Pdoamu. BroaJelo
raU'ly triiiimeil.
Tiiie 6<-ui,in'ii
and eleeve* silk lined.
ilouding «»le price
and ii'i


Fieured Lawn Dressing Sacques.
I'niosdiug Sule price
........... 19c

Silk Eton Coats. vslu« up to
$10, for...........................S.98 and 5.98

Ladies’ Figure<l Shirred Organdie
Ki'Jionas. worth $1, for ...49c

rpadr-to-wear Dresses

trimmed, for tbis

Ji) Young M^'s Su!i5. excellent
patterns, will I'ompan. favorably
with any■$'< .'>0 suit in thecitr.


riilondiiig >alc- pfi"e.--.$8,A8



Dress PanU sold

earlier in the season for $3 and
83.50, will bo closed out
■50 Men’s Business Sniu, fully
worth 87,50. new spring styles,
this sale................................................4.48
A heap of Boys' two-piece Suita in
the Buster Brown. Eton and

Vouiii; Men’s Drrss r-uits nt black

Blouse styled.
Good 12.50 and
S3 valued. Sale

.\l«avs sold
for r.50-th:as--ile.............■..4,98

G',1 l.ailies' Shirt Waist Suits, spe­

24c, 89c,59c,7$c.98c

150 pair Men’s

8t .................................L98 and 2.48

cial (or this sule—

UnioddiuK site,


We place iliem

Ladies’ Not Waists in whit.- uml
Arabian cobrs, special for this
I'nloading Sale


12.*) Men's Saits with self-retaining

fabrics, well worth $10_und__fl^


25 Ladied' Sliort Coats, loose tkod


stylishly made of worsteds and coasimeros. aclnally worth $11.00 S.ile price ■

9ZJ99, tS.98 and $4.98


o-f Jxjly.

Men's Cotton I’ants, flark patterns
$1 valiK—this sale, per pr. ,69c


pries...............1.98 and 1.19
Boys' Knee Conluroy Pants, jtiit
for 8 flier, per pair..................... 24c


Dress Tfiinuud

Hats. n„v5c of ^'ood

braid, lloaers and irimmiues. I ddosdiug Sale
price. 98c.
1'.'.' Dress Trimnusl Bats, inclcline «*’ pat,u-ms. Tnloadiog Sale pri.v. $2.49,82.9?.
:tli Street Hats, mode of l*e9t braids, .trim'd
in ornaments, ribbon and .juilis. $2-5U to 8::
value, for $1.24.
All onr Cliildren's Mull Hats will uo in ti,is

dox. Men's and Boys' si.ft
Uisotn dr«..S6 ehiru ;o percale;
Madras, copied sliiriiHL'- pl»‘°
and silk fr.iQta. ••'lOc. T-V. 81.00.

for 37c.
Manufacturer's sample line of
Men's French balbncgan under­
wear in plain and fancy lolors.
worth 50c, “-Y-. for 36c.

lace and

on the Dollar
sale for 50c o


Best s. leciioo of Bovs' Waist

I D0Z.;s"Bt«: 7n

:n the . ity for ISc, 24c, 48c
Imiiaiiou Presid.i'it SusiAin


di-rs, per pair. ISc.



cV^ f

worth up to oik*, ^r..



fronts, embroidery






Must close out the Friodrich-Un-ilick shoe stock.


trimmcl. worth T-Tc. for 48c.
French Lawn Waisu. triminwl
with lace ami embroidery, fl 2->

Prices will do it.


Lsdies' White Canvas Orfonls. I'uload.tik' Sale iirn.'*- 79c.
, J5 and $1.28.
Men's. Boys’ and 'i'onths’ elk
shoes for 98c, $1.
-fX) pairs shoes p’aceil o

bargain tabh-s. worth np to 81. for 59c, 78c,

$1.39, $1.67, $1.98.

We Always Do as We


The Globe Department Store

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