Grand Traverse Herald, January 10, 1907

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 10, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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C^rattb ®mtotr0^


FrIwSly W«rW.

“What's thol?" asked

Ut A Blmpl* ud diiiAiBb old vorM,
And Rood, vbcs K# »»Bko«Mi r

By the lime the trees on ibecompoih means of the boles at Imth ends of

mud th.' ey.-s &eh Is composed ni

peculiar fart.

head of the bouse as be paused in the shed their leaves the him- pig bad be Whe n>pi>er ryllDder ffnd thus fill ib«

> parts, a mile sphere and a eou-

nuin has foumi that the wearing of yel­

act of eating, with kntfe and fork held come a bug of vast proportkms. .

It Ulna to b* liked, more th*ii onywIIUbr

te Hkf In retom.

And (he amall Tooeys answered in

Our i^g!"

"bow ihot

Mr. Tooey was not ooly eoasisteni

In Ills roDvIhlons but a mitn of actlun.
WeVe called it bafd nsin<>a for ao lone He prnmplly followed
Aod told ft lU fanlta witboui end.
That tt-a tan a Wi
empty CQ m.
Bui tea Klad to be friend to a friend
(be vortd.

VonYe reafly no eauae to ntand off:
Yon-re Jant tike tUb rent of it. full of
At which il'a no easy to neoff.

procesa of

An abet oa Ilfe'e )oam«r you wood,
If yoall warm your own heart and be
Rood to the worid.
—Buffalo Evening Timra.

ragreucd bis siubburnness 1u turnltic: from imploding, but
. hams and sid<- ia>rk.

the angry Mr. To«K*y Impowslble.




While the maid. «1th ■ iraubied air.

IVben the captive was driven forth;

know." tald



•lhai -Ua very wrong?i

d long


that were there—

siiifticv of the sea.

In silence he seated himself

lectable dainty only added to bli

discovered dead and floating oi

nani ponltrr In aafe aerluston for :
hour be lined up bis voice in protest






deny the charge.
Hr. Tooey coarluded hit Drat move­

upon a flank

Tooey's I

: that evening.

however, afforded exciiement of a
order. He appeaml in ailvahco o( an

Ihla la corractly aUled alnce Mr.
Tooey owMB the hM by purchaac and
Mra. Tooey received the bouuegaa

animal tliat bung luck a rope'a length
iiertormed Uke



twisted and dived and .all bin ■urued

It had been mov­

•rsBiiUs. bill TtWvy hebi
ed by megna of lack acrewa and roll- ftym grip.
wtn from a nreet aeroaa the common
to Ba graiMt lacatloo.
)W 'al Ibe milkman sranted'
plaornoeapeHal to Ftannlgan." raid the oldest t>f the
HlWDit ezeopt for the fact that It en- Tooey Juniors, lielog pMted on local
Wdiitil la Mm. Tooey a apirit eff commerce.

e that -la later Dluatraled.
■Do she be glvln* milh?" querievl
Oa the Tooey lot were likewise Iwi

Mrs. Tooey with suspicion.

outer balldlaga; one a altrabie coop
for a few fowls, the other a Muall dog

Tooey answereil ool.
tion at


Inferenre and



breath rendereil him speechless.

That the latter waa a amaU dog ken

■Where be She's bouser asktNl a


ia also a double tnitb. for tbr Tooey al tactless age and thirsiiiig for
caalae at one lime ownad by the Too- knowledge.
eya^waa eomethltii. of the terrier breed
octino .solved the prob­
dG the dog house fitted tala propor- lem of

residence, for Ihe imwllllng


bovine was dragged Inin the chicken
Terrier he may have been Ixit terror coop aud fastened i

,be snrely waa'to a briefly suffering

A frenxied eraciiailon iff the premis­

myiinrloMaly dtmppwed no one l>ut

es by the pig and fowls ensued that
satisfied eren the young Tooey's love

Mrs. Tooey viewed the clrcumaui
y and advocated the
tpMabllahmeot of a pig in his Mend.
"Thofe's no alnae la feeding a dog


por-rk,'' Ae obly argued.
Til no be havin' a pig

cm the primlaee aqualela' me awake Iff
the montlti'." .

For daya Mm. Tooey went about

btr work quieilr conaldering the prop­
osition and the more she pondered the
grraiKr became her deatre to possess
a large bog.
Therefore, when the young Tooeys
who roamed at large, reported the And
(ff a mother porker and aevetal |dnk
offaprlag at a certain place la the aul^urba, Mra. Tooey
to the epM to make
Id abort ord^one of the pttg-noaed.

two bodies cannot occupy the
space. It also





bribe whereby Mrs. Toney was t<


yoa :

are as inogteal a» an old man 1 n*^
to know Id Berlin. This oid man



The prassiire varies wtih the depth.
divide<1 Into two siiperiMsevI layers of

"The Fluonignns do lie havin' lur-ih

unequal thickness.

New York merrltani atlver





qiitrkly lo the fi
lute. Our enonnoiii



Itenrll mahufac-

nreets of eedal


Ibe other, beneath the sunlight, nev

chlneiT and all kinds of laltot-raving

er |>enerrai>>s. Four hundred yarffs be- .levices, have limugbl llte ilaily

Ttioey c)-ed her in wonder.

piil lip to l.HoO.Oiid iH’.nrlU a day. There

not ciwflned to the sense of marrTiag.
miwniiu: the entrance into a soleaia
Pb-lge -of anv kind. NoMes affd war­

to date





linct kinds—the orieniat mb






pure pale




On beat the ruby turns
a brighi grass #7X'u: liiil regalat its
original nilor

sea turtlM an

v.ry Urge num^. They



|s>unds. and tbeir aver.vce price la &0

Ihe value of the spinel. Its color
ies from dee|i



spinel The former Is mote ili«n doub

what is known as pigism-Mood color.

layer is illuiuined by the light of dav

'•So be we." was bis wife's laeohic

to the Engliah

A« first used ifae ward “wed" was

rior* were railed wedded bratbirai
umbrella behind him somewbere. Ac- .Wheu U,und bT oaths .rf am1l> aafi
.eordlngly. the next morning, the old
nan set out asaiti in qiiiwi of the lost
Mexico has riwdor^YM«^''Ai«ar
imbrella. He was unlucky at
.in the last five hundred yeara fhaa
The sevenib shop he vlslt«-l was the
any vnh.-r cuniiy in the world. Iho
me when-ln bis utnbrelia. turned up.
-output for that pt'rtod being H.050..
“tV’eir- he satd. after thanking the MAi.ntu).
hopraaii ns be started out with the reToikey-s navy nmsitia tff all erniq•overed iimbiella under hi* arm, "!
-s. g.^M■ loos earli; tan torpedo haala
iiitsi say you urn rtore honest here
unched in 1s<>n and tony large toeban they are al ilm-e othet shop- "
l>edo boats. «if ..; p but- two ara np

Rublencenaily. aided b>-

motv siienllon

language there Is a decline of Oerman as a sohmil subject In EngUfftl.

He visited the shoe­

Qualities in the Ruu

-b^ |H-nrlli


brelin in hand, sei nut ime morning oa

lor grocerb-f.. and

Wbii,. Ihe tierutans are paying more

roMlng. By this teat

■ true ruby <^n is' dUlInguished from

Thm. rare specimens of male tree
fern of more than IHOu year*' growth
have bts-n proriirad for ibe Imperial
Botaair iSardens




frvHn the virgin forests on the BUck
Sea ctiasi. near Artier.

•'t had my pig in the corner of theli of sunlight. Even this liihii Is lh<>ni
are ralestneii wh'tse annaal bookings
Immigrants change
• spInH or a gnrm-l, us w-elt
pen." she explained, "and thechlldther eticai rather than practical. Beyond snmuni to hair a mJIUon dollars each
namra npoD arriving in this rwuiliy.
fed him Hcraps f;oui the narhagd cans I'MO v-ards the light is so feeble that They give away hundreds iif tbuus- liardness The siar-roby 1* a Carlet}- on account of the difficulty they tad
fpuiut in Ceylon It l- rather cloudy ii
ic jiUoys."
idanis and all v-oiceunion .md-the heih- ands of |M-ucfls to adverilse iheii busl.
in gelling them s|>elled property. Mny
colorwnd when cut • n rabuchon ahuws
10 you is* mcanln- the big pig
-ss. Some use penrll- as iH-r-onal
ivoroiiB animals v-unlsU; Isdow. in tie
in New
York adopt the names pf
f star of six rays reflected from the
the Flannlgans U the one I turned out profounder w-alers. in u iiishi like thi
ards. and i1
a their
convex surface tff tbe^iono.
of Ibe coopT- asked Tooey wllh
night of the caves, nureacbed by i surely hiiv«‘ every iwickel *
•ed full.
It is asserted hy a auiisticlaa that
diam face.
single ray from old Sol. persist fix
the majorliy of persons who attain
World's Moat Fameua Aapinfl.
And the yoiinc Tom-y* |n unison
hardy carnivora. Jhe flesh eaters.
Cau That Go ta Church.
old age keep Ute buura. Eifil.*. onl at
*'%Tuit is Ibe most famous aariag
corked their l.u.p slUiice wlih an
But all deep sea restdenis are no
Rhiladelphia lays claim to twt
lea who reach the age of eighty never
ever made hy manT' no editor asked.
supposed to live in fiarkness. The markable eats, remnrkibleln that they
go to bedunlil i:at night.
Some thought that Caesar, some
famous nho-phorreeenee of lh<'
n-galar rhureh goers. The rats are
The cariusralsing fad has Invaded
thought that Socraieir. aome thought
. ure Under the Sea.
is <»•> cff-ilie most iM-auilfnl ithenome- owned by a family named Toijiey
Engund and Oennany. a florist of the
thai Linrrtln. some thought that Neb
I'nder the oenm v»:iy«-. far. far awa;
oppo-iie Hiintlne Park. i«i
lU .wbreb is possible In contemplate
Ihcfff the poor sea auiiualv live.
"After leaving the Cup<* Veidc ' Is
tiling; but finally the palm was award­
ilr. sans siinlighl. sans heat. Imii with
lands." w-nue ihe late navigator. Si:
The - Tele-^raph" tell* Hie.s
' and In beamy <ff form and color.
ed to Euclid, the mathematician
irtlflclal lights of their .tVn. with hr« WyriJle Thmi.Hm. "ibe s.-u was t
- Sunday morning:
It is said that a French chemist hna
Euclid went, to Aleuodria to legpb
Itantly colored Uslies. and whh un- is-iferl
Idaze of, pmsphorr-seent-e. arrives the pair uf felloes may In* seen
dlscovert-l a method of making e«lPtolemy Soier. the King of Egypt,
Imaginalde rirnditiims of living.
» no moon, aud at'houeb the fallowing ihi^trpevs to St; Stephen's
Inloid incfimbusilble. His method eonmathematlrs.
The ocean explorers ray so. and
perh'etly cleat and 'be stars -biirrh. Ili-oad and
Butler streets,
iau of adding perchlorble iff iron to
week or two. and then askthey ought to know, for ihe.v hare
bat tb<
shone brighlly..ihe luster nf the hea:
a eUieralcobol solutlcn of celluIMd.
gone, and seen, and ini-esiigautl the eas was fulriy eclipsed by that of the firings on lack fences, the two plou.s' eti Euclid inipallenlly if there
A late theory In legard to oeaalck• HXTial. shorter way by which h>
folks and ilieir dripping bouse.-.
t> read the smalletd
- probable attacks hy Imess Is that It Is a nervoua trouble,
could be taught.
Dr. Umli JoufaUD..who holds the chair
printjditing al the aft>T my idoiis Tnnugrels ami set an example
rbicb can l>e cured liy a few drops of
of goolag.v In the I'niversily of Paris.
Inriure of atrophine In one of the
eabla. and tfae Ik>ws shed <in eph^ that many humans -would do well to
-111 road to l-amlag"
Id Prof. Sydney J. HiokM>n. who has
ipldly widening wedges of ji<\- billow.
yes. or by Ktaidy putting a Laadage
the aame chair In Hie Vieioria Fniver- iatiec svi vivi.i as to thnin- tbq^lU
over one eye
Neichliors will attest to the tnilhfulN«w Linen and Paper Plant
slty of MancheMer, ure among the tal­
•— of Ihe .-iaii,jgieni that the church■The chief adoromeat of the worntm
and rigging Into dlstim-i -iigbra ~and
ler day men in |»-er inlo the lower r«'- diadows,"
■ing felims spend the very i-arly
of New Guinea, or Papua, la a necktie
eiro ropoMs the discovery of a wild
gtODS of Ibe w-alers. sind They ivpun
Itiof. Sydney Hickson of Cambridge, mornlng houi* of Sunday in licking plant in Rraril which pnnnises under made >ff bUric auis. The native glrta
that the temperature Uwily .i Tew dithemselves
Ibe ants In the gardens, bite off
England. s.-i)-s that a stmiiar sight mav­
illivallun to furnish a crest supply
greet almve freering point, that the
ind swallow the lower eod. throw
isin tiie BatKla sea-«. where, on BOSS w hich is raid ro b*- semudary on
abysses of the .bvp sra .vliraliilel.v
iway Ibe head and.string the thorai.
cl-wr nights; the w-hole surface of the ly to godlinosi. Their fur Is glossy,
IS armal sunlishi is
heir pawh
ininiaculate. and mx
1 seems to lie a''s-heet of milky
Some Bnclisfa farmers coniend that
named Brazilian linen pisat
concerned, that tke jw^nre- is euniTIte light is not only to be seen whl-ker i- o.ii nf |dace.
d Its cultivation has i>a*se<t the ez- the heads nf Ihe young hop vine wrv a
inuus. that there Is II^^ or u'l iudr<-liviHl at tlo- ebiirch. the eats eonwhere Ihe crasis of «-av'es are breakl-Hmenial stage.
In fart. Its i«nssi- supt-rior sUbstliiiie for asparagus, la !
ment of the water, ihul the fbs>r
themselves with ]N-<-ring in at the
jinrfare dislurlssl by the
bilMies for luannfaruirinM purpose* iHecoiiDlry dislilnsof Kent bop-bsiadn
la carpeted with a uniform fine, raft
largely eateo. wbeu in Ibe early
bows of the linat. it reaehe- as far ;i< jdoor. They are seemingly content 'o
ind. and that there is no plant life
[dilleRate lb.- praying l« their owneis.
can folhiw. It is stippttrusi
The InndUibiM-i ean. iindersufh'l all
ilie.1 by m>-TUda'of living rrea-,
" ihO slip into the v. Mlbnle of the I duct of large plantaiion- •slabUshetl
iway fritm. the plaals.
these conditions exeepi the enornmus
which emit inminons beams ..f' house adjmuing, ciirl
The greatest tea drinkers In ih«
for IIS culture lias been cntitrarte.1praSBure. Ami thai he ranmu
ini only near the surface bur Btso^'^'*’’^
•h.'u they for by Briilcb imeiests ind . costly wprid are the Australioni. they snnu________i_...
uppreclaie P ; li i» so far gre.nei
:he |,rofimDdm.t depths. '
T..ii.evs home and live nor- miichlBery- ha* iesHi ordei e.| for its ally coaMmiiu;
throeany airdwelier ran realise. Ai a depth
L..O won

...d l»n,ld.,„.
fourths pounds per head. In Bulond
of S.lkHi (aihomsthe pressure, roughly
tile, proportion is about six and threes. This is how- and why some
speaklng. U two uDiI -a half tons per
Ftaftis Whteh Cough.
foiiith- pounds Iter htsid and In the
Ibe deep sea animals are brilliantly
square Iqrh; that i»
severai times
Man has no( a of cotich •
Rcveml leading l-ondon physiriani,.
:olf>red with Iho tkrigbiesi yellow tints
-d Stales cinly one pound two
givaier than the pressure exerted by
and esikcciallj- srartet. and often h.ive. Ing, Befoie w.te a venebraietm are now advocating th.- use M Lund-lo
the steam mmn the pisum of the most
IKiw-erfiil engine, Th.vt i- to u.r. the eyes largei ami briefairtr than those

r brothers who live In ,ihe suiipressuiv per square inch apon Jhe
wd„d, E...U T„w.wd-,.„ ^ w»„: leiiied in the itockei,
shir.c. In some the eyes are exttvniely'
lodj of every denizen td the ocean
.the Istiai
>us di—d.™.,
dlMtemlnaior ttf germs. Tb.h»-!..The hotel
-man. in.sotae they are ^uite wanting.
know him
To own a enw nnd sell milk to lots floor is about lw:onty-flre times great
iiial* prnvidetl with ib" pn-ijm »o siipidy lu lime (be Rngl|sb deThe dotp sea animals are ncariv aler than the prassme ihat will drive
fonunate neighbors had
long Iwcn
NT arricb*. nu.-b-'m.uTly in'Japan.,;
Id. ArgentlDs's specialty is cor*.
railway train, Things do no. .wpl.kae
Mrs. Tooey's dream of what cvtmprisiSl
V Ittnanls( movement
.... They
Itrighi red. piirp;>
,liter e<njni:y has th<'.-icreage. popn- ,
in the land of the ocean floor.iThey
le-wn., p.,w custtnn -adopted in the
iiri‘ brllllun'ly phttsphorv
•■implode." Son^ of the ocean floor
' -' ivil ill'
Tbinss abuni
Tberefure Ihe pig dissemlhR was ^
-Itetial organs on the head, iiojy
■tanling expetimeot
It .is a o.vtiv. of
and moist t
parently and would .liive been praraiiitendages. or through the gv-neral
with -imploding
tienlly ended but for the fact llial Mrs
I- of the bo<Iy.
Tliev hei:piellca)ly s.'aird
I lK«h' ’
l.hattrally' i.> t.he du>t, ' When dust I. A cgrlou* custom -rill tr
Tooey was a w-omiin. Being o woman
trrts a ihick glase tuU' full of-.vlr.;, 1* was almit tw-emy-fiye ye..i> ;ia»
g'lilltas U saldixexliff
!. JHe.
w-tilc* on the brei.thinc por*- in tbeltbe vJIUige of Widde-don
-ndeivd it Impoasible for her to raseveral inches in lencih This fceahdi«t»^ »" I'tiHati naturalist. V-rraiig. ai
ligiTlir .H-covery ws* made by .
i. avM of-he plant and cb<>'them. a! barasblre. Etiab.nd ,.
- u aav
sign a pet project. Selling the home
tulte was wrapped in fiami.-l am! pUtc-l* thT-'h
yanjs. ca|.iur4-d a mol-E’lg.-iie Mr.i-eeanx. a proneb effgas nct-iifflulau'- InsWe. ami when 'tt ’ morning or evoumc of th.- t.-at a perless poultry- with a rtwervation for the
ed In a wide copp.-r tuth- ctmsinicied I >'isk. and eompar.-i tob soft fire- of aiins s-lflrieni
II and efM'.r*-i who rvicvniiy retarn-,
ire thero com»-» won can claim'a.frv^driDh of new'milk
Riimlay dinner was mil right In II
with bole* at both •mds. This was *cn«.,«'r Usht to topazes and sapphin-s Hi* an exploeioa wi-h' a ' so ind exactly , from a cow-|>ec»:il!y k*pl foi the benfi«.m Africa, The gorillas are ohoot
giving up Ihe pork w-:is an
down to a depth of
fathom* !"''«*-rv‘*tio*'’- passed quite ii'nt.-cosnir- like ro-jghltig an.J the d-i*t is bjowoloflr uf tl-ir-'y .w-av-fsrei-. This animal
<-n. f-et. six. inche. tall., four feet
other tuatier and involved w primsplf
. proliaMj becaus-'
M'beo drawn np the-c«ppv-r itibe ca<
w. Th- and on* <ff Iheoi
• loilg«ni*nt
■ is known I' .-m
To do the ordinary and mal
was fotind bniced and bent inwar<i ,st-a life had so; Iteeo mteb known.^
,: whicli tl
■rror kill'd after a ihrib
i. and when she’ die* a orher |,s*
:!1. He- plants g«
>r lbi- lieast was useless since
opposite the place where the gla: , Bat. f>r. Joiibin m<»re recentiy has seenfine -nc.iint-r, weighed s-ven hundred
; provided by -ih* |Xi«i
;r..,:sh 1h* <-ffo
Tooey conld easMy demolish the ^e iiilte I.vy. itiM as If it hati Iswm emu I the aame limiibous civsicie and h^j
and tw-:iiT {snind* On* of lis hands
pomealon of it cow. to reUnquish

to abake hla poalUon on the pork ques-


maneiivri' that showed flue illseni. It was. first of all. a demon-

Indnced. ibroagh

Argnmeata. thteaia. availed

Tooey* roupHle-malD lu estab­
lishing a row- in iho coop of the fowls

BtrailoB of the phllosopbical fact that

Mr. Tooey itreonouilr and niogical-

lead" penrll wii« almost worth

Us weight in gold, and a man wh<i got
a stipply hml lo In- w. ll recommended.

victims of the |H-f^eIl.

have ragiiled riimpiumiidy for an Indcff- The waters of ihe ocean have been


'Do I hear tbot blamed plg*“ be

passed wUhom further comment. Own-

bonne. Mr. and Mra. Tooey.

ly objected.

nnrroaonable whim, hik family tnigbi

sell." he finally commented.

being supperieaa because

a narrow atreet Banked by rowa
• Ob a

name vttttea

surface of the water

Sadly he renIHed that but for bis

lerastlng dev-eiopmeats. the iDcMeol

IKMd, nh aad ta tbMr own

Ijmg l>efore there

wen- ocean bed explorer# from

When a

—Robert Tmmnn Andrewa. (he amall Tooeys who had expected

or dingy houaeu in weed grown yarda

llest itn|>r>riail(ms were much Miugh


rts.-.! the art ,-al of a eonsignmeni of


Mra. Taaey^ Tact

long and IdVoInnliirv- >>nrni y to

other money than gvifd coin. A com

Ihe .Iry- land some flsh wldeb an

ment had l>een open to criticism and

Do yon think *twaa the eat that he

many led-ln its maiiufiiriore. Out rat

jlista-ncleil as after, and mae rimbl is- buugbl will

known to lie true deep sea forms


The iMt waa the part that I mh
Bm tba man ktuad one of

whin Mw

nui'le a rleariy dlscernalJe mark. Her-

the muscles are noi sironie enough

The caplurv formed a brief from the pork-Hrh nelgblNira. Tli>> de­

and Tooey heard and look heed.


atdtad. in denpnlr.


igh |ai>er of . Ihe

drive the. lio<Iy downwanls. The fish

licious odor of frit-d liver and onloDs

only available place left—the coop.

■r puanagenk

i are provbled with beds for'p

and porttfs call the travelers
•lets ten
teaViaMr., mes before the arrival of iraiaa.


the evening he found he had left his

I'poo arrirtng at his door the de­ It goes, and gradually Is killed on

xeiilng episode and the bone nf


hat. the grocer's

Our Lead Peneila.

waa located luxuriating in a neighbor­ take of w-bui he doubted noi was a gift
ing ditch.

•Von are not


and cooveyed. nquealing. to the Tooey
k Hera, for want of a better
Plnee i< deposit, ibe Rule animal was
lonerted toll first Into the empty dog

liU-raie the other and then ibe. pled inward by being vdoWHy
>iiidied,itfc structure, and he repoos,'
. aq-j-w
The glass tube Mself wilhln its that the light it produce* is »u(ficKm- •

That Us mphi growth arould debar act might lm|.crO the continued ow-nhis tutate eiii. ^ke e mud-turtle in Its erotlp of the cow. So to all. Bppear■nhrtl. entered got Into Mm. Tooey and aace the .rabellloB w-ua crushtd.

Haw Nerve* aro ARectM by CMnr.
* Frencli »pectal!ri ha* dlarovered

Rvtitehiid-s Hgiw.

weighed si»




flannel wrapper bad htvm reduced to’^or a pho-oentph n* be t;.ken. Dr. J»ii- <hai it* weanus of y. :inw ^oase* has

• Never tc!t buklne-s He- "

ha* many, pboioeraph* of «h* anlnuds.
, .

a Eae powder almost la-o snow.

- fjmoto} rryiT itBi* wr-ll."

A curious c'lstcdn is rihaerved In cer­

j hSn wa- off tte 'run..iy Man.l- .ti a

-'- • •
Later, as Mr. Tooey pa-raed to aad
-------------- anuago
fiChat had happeoed was that dhc,»'«fht when he mniced a l.-ts- ►j-cithe itbe new aequlsltlon waa ao cron- from his labor, he noticed that the sealed glass lul-e, when aiDklnc toj^ien vmitrtng a magnificent tplendtir
fonably housed.
baa paniiioned off
gradually inrreaidng depths, had held j trf Intense blue light. An atieippi warUke many animals of a higher or­ aer erf their hog pen and had Iscdaied oui long against Jhe presuro. but ihi* ‘»»«Ie to eapture it. but without »urder the Tooey pig depraeUied egUting one Inmate. Cnconsclously be began
ai last hod beeome loo great to sustain j-<e**
The animal liecatne fnghieited:

pivet-ptibie tuflucac- on 'ev-en ■ the
„,o.. ppip^nia'ic p-npie.

The yellow

,,r ,uwnge gln-fc-s exercise a sedorive
pp,j^ nen-es of the weaf*r - He no.- ..nly i< soothed and ralni-

•-Wort! hard -

• Be ptomp* in cveryuhlag."
-Pey your -!eV.s promptly."

tain, district* <ff Spain la* regard to
■beiroihal*. A v'win* man who deshmi

"Moke no >i-ele*« acquainTmeev."

to win The band of any damsel niUi

-Be hrsv.. til the struggle of life."

•on her paronis tor ihrw *rirt*-*auv»:

The reason
•Take time to consider, but decldi days at the same hour of tl
jay. Oa
said to be tba: yHlow suppresi es; t«»*ltt^Iy,-• •
the last occasloo be 1*ar< - hi* walk-^
cbemicat rays of the sun. on sii...
.Uaioula your integrity as a ■acred«lng-Mic»
>nd if h* Is to»l;ed oa with
• M.. nolna. aaionunaieiy.
mfortimaieiy. attrarted
s aubjeciing to expecimeatal feed- to a fine powd.-r The collapse had j
The orgaas which produce the light lar xrounde the use of yellov writing ihlng "
itavor by the.'maiden and her famliy'
Kr. Tooey'a stientton when the f.
lie become InleivMed In vibw-rv lag
quick and so violeoi t^t the; aiv in the skin of the bead and limbs.;paper i* recommended. From another
every tfetall of. the cane 1* handed |o him when be
gatluned at the «rt)Btac meal.
that the I
water hod not had rime to rash In by-jand ihej,:als.. fctrm a complete rircl
leal'.: uesin
aiiaa of Ihe aatnc^yoitr IsudnfwS."
coadilioas aad raised bu


abrill prateni at his lot in life.


averagtw iu.OiiO.oftd a year.
In Sweden the dv^C waiting tamta

Bigelow said ai length. "Indeed,

a shopping trip

float upwards and enable the original pencil was raully made of lead
the liotto

SI ray

their lacomet to the poor. Thla

makers for sb«M«*, Ihe haiier-s for a


iiiscles ol ;

"nie tiell In the Kremlin at Moscsht^


trawl were

be dlscvivercd.

legttin II



fall of a brick i their bodies can counieraci the ienden-i last ibrougb all time and eirrniiy. The

lered hlr day

on his foot further wped bhr-Well! r.v

depradaliona of bis fcdlow prisoners,

*Weli. I'm getting on faat an I

gin from her father.



so on. and w hen he goi liack home in

hit decree: "m Hot he havin' a pig <m

Incredibly shon


0 a certain limit.

n|y primisro. now mind tbot.“ he said.

Hn. Tooey peal her allb



French ibeaiers jrive l»i per rent of
rtmlliiey {|lc< low. rays

Perhaps the name 'lead p.mrir wll

* embli-

■pace of time. Then at an Injudlcloui

*1 don't nee why." aald the man.
*1ba‘t yon Kaow that we've not been

■YFky be atahbonir


l-llck billldini; w-beri- he earrie;i the expanded and their
greatly rvdure.1.
Rnyy of bis

Hera he resided among the indlg
*lhmY you

Before the dredge nr

iwlligbi as he passed on bis w-tiy u>tbe ming Madder

In Ihe terness-of spirit.
. The eat waa waal^ her hair.

ft clearly for mak-


- NM Very L-wgical.'

blue or red light

tenant and this he proceeded to ac-

its waa no task, but a joy. and in grecied bis noxlrils.

Waa ^ylag the eatechln. blnahing


Tooey lieheld the pre|iarailuDs for siderabie distunre above the floor ous sort of'animats, somethiiig of s
Ibis tniemning event- by the wintry of the orean. the gases eff their swim' "se-a change, rieh .-lud strange • vreiil.I

highways to himt pig.

waa acmichlng a potalcd


••ndeney. .

Yotk man abiMii ibt-Fanas

and Misted in the aeeldenf insiireoce*

ey to the da)-*# work in the mnralng.

I kaow. though I didn't


nei would riti him of the dbnoiloiis


raid to be almost uiaddentug to per' | ». ighs 4«,noi putmds. it I* the wortA-u

ure liable..’ With the light Ihe animal aitmci

I- fell white ooly to beconverietl
Vainly he reached
Into the rove(laiiieK—namely, ilisi of jumbling np- use<l ulMiiit thirty years go to depths
eroons depths; vainly he resorted to mnd in ifa^ireet when the Flannlgius Wiirds. If In chasing their prey, or fur of S.«ss. fathoms ami m.*re. It had
, ' any <>th<-r reason they r|M> to a emi- been ihoughi tliai s new and marv.-lcoaglng the ratrrotlng inmate fonb. held their annual bmchering.

Mrs. Tooey. as haa lieen hinted,

e at—


j ciileni not fnnnd among the c.-isnaliies

diately after the detmrture of Mr. Too­

ABd ni tell you }uM whft Iho ^threc

The man

praasure. and.

him away Just such a promising han-est ofl for all that to an auomaloiis son of aoj

ibttmgh the


I side of the face

may be - nerves, and the w.t.rmg x4 red veils ui

paiernal Tooey. He Hlleuil} but bitterly I huge


so a perauu of firm reaolve. Imme­

gray ««
ATAitng npoaa wall;


shuts or opens

demon envy entered the booum ofiliej inmed. Of roiir-e, aud adapteil to iheiuttie glands beneath Ihe skin, secivt-


And thus the Brat roniesi coded.
Twaa a aai^ and a ntald and a


pig through an opening at. a simllur

Into the commons. Mr. Toey relie

Uh glad to be frienda to a friend.


j Changed at will. like an electric foiin- j

The denlrens of the d<>ep nr-aeeus-; tain, as the anioiHl

lor one would suppaac. To pul a round



cni brought equilihrium m that way. This! light, which tfara is railed In rite i front .-kc<w>ive te-ai. Red is sald-io luFivnch 4s the lai^age that eartfan
; process Is esaeUy the reverse of an mltror. Only *me color at a timecaliMhe movt nying e..l..r to the ...e» and I best over the teleph<M,e.

AS fauiebering lime drew- near, the''

Nothing but the demoUtlon of th<
Aad yonH Sod wbea you're h

bog piifa

probahle kill-; explosion, and was named in implo.riou' be emittwl.

ing wetglit became a favorable i« ; I.) Sir Wyvltle Thomseui.

ejection. Tills was o«rt ihe slmi>h*«mi<

Blw was
Aod c«B^ 10 take aloefc


Cunjectures as to his

the sound

began a


A Litllc Of Evarything.

wurid's tolutceo.

"It bates the duuse." be coam'i nied j la|>se of

_ Aod U'a

Prof Edwwrd B. War-

mpiy spare left behlpd by the rot

e mirttir. and tt looks like m m- low het bauds gives safety from :
glass iul>e. but. instrod.
bull's en- lanlern.
Th.little j
the family tabic from time to time, had crushed in the conu-r wall and!sphere is the true produo-r lY tin*! headsHies whirh some people sofler

in mid


watch the growth of thU spraimeo

The tube had given away uad been add exilncul»he.l its light a-brusquely

whlrti be

croshed by the x-iolence of the action' »^»’e turn off an elertric Jet.


the ^ FUnnigans

ed but his spirit* rise.



Jw. l-Oo»«&i*h,
i«l tW i—eUoa o( tb« X. * 1«.
s «M An AtDpr ud Arndta nd
'Mtj Slnr ftXtwv*. ta « vlfiMe
Hal «k» tMMiaM of Maalitee ooontjr
MB no be pimd <3t. bftvlDs tbm
aOttag tuatntkn*. two cbuRdm.
4«l*e «( MMcntlle etore* ud bsoof acrea of Bott fertile tern
It flWtalBir tubs CMMMt M
tbe Mm yrefre-ire trUtac* fMnd In
the BBftbm tme and huBlota.
‘ «w vUtaca. Uke maBr others, ms
ibfwly a InnberlBK polst, wd trad. iBB P>aM for a few «
' pkmer famers vbo
MMsd sacb-a oMsealeat place to
. m»teae thalr JoetehaadUe at From
«Ua man bestaalnc the Wllacs has
^ iron mUI today It has a popalath»
: « »earUr etgbi hoadred and U steadT
Or cmla*. The outlylni eonstty ts
balac raptdlr dwetopod. as the vilta«e hM srowa. aad ao« their Butaal
aad MBSl AerekipBeiit baa tmusbt
a eeMamdal acUrltr (bat Js tarelr
faaM .la ylUacea twice >u bIm and


; .

SrooMjr BDd hard-wnre atom. Has
emunt stcee and reports i
C. a 8b#B to the Tfliage dtopenBsr of palalfihi*. candles, delicious
fruu and flganat "sBokes.’ Has a
store full of bolldsy goods ru both
young and old. He Is tbe proprietor
ef two places of busiases and their

aad Mr. Sheldon attends to the buslat hU btlUard and pool
which is located to another pan of
the town.
a G. Hendemcm and Pnul Coyne
are the viOape barbers. Both have
tine barbertog fnmlshtogs. targe, well
TcnUlated parlors and are aritou «f
superior skBl to their partlcolar line.
They report s flonrisUng business.
Ben Wepman. Is tbe clothing nnd
ry goods merchants of the Tillage
and fudging from tbe immeose stock
of goods seen in the store bssemeni
aad on tbe shelTea. Us baslness
must be flurishlog.
W. J. Racbow, cashier ot tbe Cope*
mlsh toak reports that the depoUu
-AMOBC those srho hare cron op of bib bank have tripled srltUa tbe
vKh- 4* ton and oho hue ahared past year and that he has noted a
m Blaaialty and pcnsparl^ darlBs great Increase to bis to«irance sad
the MMBS of lU eUstsoce. a tuunbyr rwl totate business to the Ylllage.
G. A. Summer Is the jrwt4er and
an MM tacatad bare, and are lust as
MtbMiaatIc aad pablhssplrtted in lu saich repairer here. Has a fine new
Mam jBdaatrlal ^ooth as they hare : Stock of Christmas and hullday g
been x the pMl.tnd it u with a great! aad to the local agent of tbe Ameri­
AMsee of pteaaare for the BooonS to can and Padflc.Eiprcss Co>. He is
epaak of their work and the esUb- Uert and UUmtlre to biudnesa. and
IhhmM Of their rarious baslness «o- by those uUts has built up a very
profitaUc totatoecs.
Louis HUarefa Is the moat dealer
of this village. He baa a bnUdtog
that to large and Ury. Has all the
aet of offldals that are aimys
devicos found to nay np-toAaie meat
U lor the beat laterests of ibo
market. A »ow aaUUry meat cooler.
I IB geoecal. They are bard work-


Their haatM ate as folmn: PrealdMt. D. A. Ooraelt; Villi«e Osrfc. Oeo. SansBer; Trtssurer.
> W. J. Baehow;. ne trasBes are r.
fL aiMtsa. K. Brlpmer. Oeo. Dodd.
^ Wnaon, Nohn Nood and Dare
AD are pitmlaenl boalness
«( thU YDlsce aad tbe
B In the
I of their prirate I
. alM practiced la their official
•ad as a resnlt Gopemlsh u one «f
dhe beet gorented plaoes foond In the'
aottb SMl practically tree trom debt.
Cleetfte LSflMs.
TWy are boay at work at this time
P '
ta eoswUerlBg plana to light their
1^; >' pretty vUlage. A wire U to be bailt
to ThoMpaoerllle. a nearby ton and
rnpn-r-‘ with aplndid lUhtlng sysa. ^ tm aad the'electrical power nansmi.jP Hr«I to Oopemlsh. Ptonr are Ughtt
&.'4eb«C BfiBy candle power .will be
P-.i-to .-■«
BtM «f tbe milage and eermil
. TUnihMt the town. It Is tbe amU« V tloa of the -TiUage dads" to make
f tho eOlMa of Oopernirti one of the
r< : hHt Ugktod Tillapsa in the north and
i jnUlBI from thetr Iborongb work of
t tha paat. It seem UkeU their boasu
wU baonBe a reality.
VHIape Park.
Tha park, doeering about ten aerea.
J to atoo very attcaeUre. It hai
» rnwillriri sumber of buge*trees o(
' f prlBenl growth, aad they afford
^ y—f of ahade tor the yoatha and
' •psff'iff Uila Tillage, when they are
' V fiMliOM cf rest and oonteato
- Thla park Is tocated near tbe center
; «| the muage and lu naininl beauty.
4 Its towering trees flowers and grassy
^ plots In the euBiner time are not in*
- treqMotly voben of by vfalbm of
V these parts as betag tbe amt beanUs ful recreatlTe. apou found anywhere



Pdha Noud is one of tbe TlUace
^ foresoat business metL He U
^ owner of a large w^l stocked generul
store, aad U a dealer In farm pr>
dan aad dairy prodneu. Dy strict at. tMUon to buslaess be has bulU op
a large snbetantlnl baslness here
that Is a credit to the Tillage and
sammndlttt country. Mr. Nood Is
also doing a lumbering hnalness aad
employs duKc a number of «
threoch a part of the year.
Oeo Dodt Is tbe proprietor iff
other geoetel store at tUs place.
. ' ',-haitdlsa grain, feed and flour In oco' t McHsb srith kU iMislaeas. aad by his
; fhir dealing wltb every one with
whoB he has com In cootrecl with
-> .la a business my. has bailt up a
«esy flMRUhlug business.
. ,
M. T. CruBBMU la tbe meidanl.
tuBfaurman and farmer of this legtou.
»e hu one of Che largest geanal
, sum la tbe village, a saw mUl with
ptrm npou acres of tinsber. aad farms
lHf» aad Uerc scattered all over
seuatry aad'with all these enterprises
to manage and look, after, be aad bis
sorpa of Ben are kept quite busy.
ML DaBTlUe looks after the furel*
tare wants of the Tillage aad keepi
a wHI slocked store lu choose tinoi.
Is also the proprietor of Gopemlsh
uadertaker's parior. reports u esctHIent bttSlncM in tbe furniture line.
C C Blglow Is the liTeryuaa.
also runs a sale stable aad feed bam
•la uMhecllM with Us tirery busl
and ea>oys an immense trade at this
ptoee. Mr. Blglon- was fortarriy In
kuilnius at TboapsoBTlUe and recent­
ly started a dmy ime in Cupemlsh.
IDs ham U built modemly and hla
rigs ptyllph sad o
Webb OunuU to the owuer of

export butcher and meat enttottbrougbout tbe year. During tbe
mer mouths be runs a meat wsgos
into the country to supply the rural
bu)-s hides, poullry
and live slock, and with bis years of
risnes to the umU business, the
vUlagm of CoppBisb can
ed they are getUng the cbUcest meaU
passible for Hr. MItorcb to obiaU
for them.
Tbe Oomell drug store to also
very vUnahle Imsineu adjunct to
this place, and within the stoma, can
he found a aUfndid
partment with a complete line of
drugs, -patent mcdktncs and toilet
A. Bolton. C. A. Turner, and Hike
Ftoan, are the dispuasers of tbe “wet

A. Bolton has recently added to hli
place of buslueas. a new music box.
and it Is quite an elabotnte ^
C. A. Turner's place of bustoess.
3C oa tbe Inside, as for as the
painter’s bnito coUd make It.
Mr. Turner has recently f
the old bnOdtog formerly known as
the Union Hotel and converted it liAo
a modem npartmeni house, which feafnn of bouse construction U quite
MW to residents of vllages of Copemitb stoe and popnlatlon.
Al Gleason to another bustling busl*
?as man or Copemtoh. From a small
beglMlttg bit buHaeus has grown
troUI today be has one to the largest
general stores found to this section to
the eoontry.
to connection wltb bis
geoeml store n complete Itoe to farm
bays aad sells nU
farm products, bas large waiwbouses
to aiore hto farm oommodies In and
If fact to one to the buxleet men found
in this Tillage. Mr. Gleaeoo has be«n
to bnatoem about eight yearn.
There are three hotels located here
and the tmTelltog fraleraiiy and waypedMtTtoni are nerer wllhoet a
ptoee to suy. All hare large airy
stmetures. equipped modemly
igfsd along linen to give
traveler tbe beet senrlces at the lovpriccs possible. The nasMS to the
hotels are:
"Hotel Shamrock," Gopemlsh House"
“Brunswick" and their owners rvapcctlvely. Wro. FralJck. Ssundets Bros,
and Dave Barr, formerly a m«i dealer
to Copemtoh. All arc coogeBtol and
painstaking and make the tmveler
fed perfi-ctiy at honte whet^v
vtolU here, and stops at thetr |
to buslnws.
Tlie public schools to Gopemlsh have
II enrollment to nearly ISO pnpito
with a staff to thr
ly: Prof. Alway. Instructor to the
high sdtool; Hiss Josej.htoe Wsftoiam.
teacher to the grammar
and Miss Mary Anderson, lencher In
the primary department. Tbe lesrbegy
all ivport a very regular attemtonce
and a very rapid progreos on the part
to the pupito. Tbe teurbiiu are all
wdl equipped for the w«k and with
their previous experience to school
work, their great success It not to l»'
wondered at.
Wm. Smalley with his very efficleot
miller to the personage to L. R. Jewell.
,0 grist mtU owner to this pUre.
Being an experienced miller UnmeU
and haring toauUed all tbe modern
msefatoety necessary for good flour
making, hto buatoea# has become so
Urge that be thinks it wU be necess­
ary for him to increase hla mllltog
capacity to the near futarr. Me re­
cently Installed a 4(< horse power gas
pruductog UUgtoe buUt by the Tnveroe

OHy JiBB .W<^ to Travurse City. Mr.
Itoy atoo deals to aU kinds to
cmlns, and was formerly a huitosM
lan to Sherman. Mkk
B. BtoUagton is tbe proprietor to
plumbtogtand Un shop hwe. At his
store can be found all the toots necess­
ary for him to practice bis trade and
nil the material needed to originate
mend the work. Hr. Bitilngton to
expert mecbanlc aad enjoys n large
trade and aurisbing business.
H. T. Cnimmon s saw and shingle
mil! WUI soon tosto operntlaa.' TbU
mlU employes when to ncUoa about
twenty men aad is a very valuable adJanet to tbe manufacturing buslneu
of copemtoh.
A. B. Barr, formerly to Chicago, has
come to stay at Gopemlsh. He says
he Ukes it here nod expecu to re
John Stanton bas moved his family
from Harilto and expects now i
numbered with Copemtoh peran
F. Terry Is the cement block mann
fseturer at this place aad tbe- way
large stores and b^tUul dwellings
have be«9 constructed from bis fart
oty's output, he must certainly bo a
very busy man. Mr. Terry bas been
a cios.- student to buUdtog material
and particulariy to cement copsUiu
ency and today tbe mobi beautiful and
spaclouB butldinga in Copomish aianii
»amony to his superiur kona ledge
to oement ctmamirtlun. Hv employes
during the buildbig season a>n-enil
>en. at his wurioi and also manufar
ires chimnoy blocks.
Mrs. Ulna Reeves is tbe propriloress
to Copemtoh leading milliui-ry and
novelty store andicarries a veiy tasty
and cotopete-llm- .ifhat crenlioos and
notions so dear Ju ibe the fcminlui
>Yed Saunders to at this wriUng
the skk list.
, John Holland aiid ilerbcn II. liasley are the village blatotomilbs and
nrood-wurkers. While Uiej- have iiu
sprtsiding cbesinut trees to sunil
nuder they have ‘well equipped abopK
for ibeir respoctivc work and are
of wide experience to their panlcuiar
line and tbe farmers living around
Gopemlsh nod the villagers tbemseives
can be proud to their me<-bauioi.
C. B. Cunningham Is the lunch
counter man at ihe Union depot. HI.’
merits and knowledge of the cooking
can be best learned by calling at
hto place to business. This Is «rt«ly a short order restaurant, wltb every
thing In the eatable line, when yon
snt It.
H. A. Seldon. who has been on the
sick list fur a number of weeks is
again able to be up and will soon be
among, his many fri<-nds ngalo.
The Chapman and Siirgetil Wnnden
ware factory Is running full blast
■e days and cmploya^ aliout flfli
a the year around. They man
r the country.
I by D. J.
H. Bnnard to Pommja. Mich., on I>.
W. rbelpaan old resident of this place
wax a soeeesB nnd Mr. Pheiju. will
bis old assuctolcs
Dr. Frank irwln a magnetic healer
bas located here.
The iadles of the M. R. church
through the workings of ibeIr Home
Mission Society, bare erected at
cost to tftxi.tM) a belfry for thir rtiurcfa
and equipped It with a new bell. The
efforts to tbe ladles are deserving to
rraise for they have accomplished
herculean tack. The society' has
about 30 members and Mrs. ix-ivc Cor
noil is president: Mrs. Rose. Treas­
urer; Mrs. Geo. Dodt. Secretary. The
object to the seclMy’-tB to help mail
tain church Instltuthms here and t
promote good everywhere. They also
great deal of cbaratablc work

Mong thoae who need It.
The L. O. T. M. hare a very lire or-,
a unmber to entenatomeats. aocialx
and banquets si their bail to tbe ftiture.
Tbe CoDgrMatiunsl AM Scirir:y
to also an organization that
s pcteiu toflorttre In the community
They wnV hand In hand wiih tbe(
toinreh and m-lr ambition is ro keep
tbe chureh'i-s up at Copimikh. S
Mrs. J. Hunter U FreslJeni and Mm..
J. Harrington vice president, whilr
Mrs. DeWlt and Urs. F. Gleason, bold
tbe tofices to treawrer aad secrvtHry
resp<-ctivffy. Ret. Fulksoe l-» . the
pastor to Hit- CoagregatiMal t-lsuit-i.
and Rev. Kennedy partor to the M. K
CopemUh ha« a' splendid farming
eountry around it. aiid ibe (arms prr-|
sided OTcr by pmgt-mJve. aid—asaki
farmers, who till ih<-lr farms alout;|
seientifle lints and m-iih the srl<-ii>li<:j
market’fadliljes offered by OiiK-itj :sl;'
merchants and ih- two railwa.v
fur iranspuriailuu. ilH-y are la a jst-l
tion to dixpose and Miiii tb-ir Ittrm
commoiliLs at prirva tiud are tbe high
Mrs. Bmrua itlmous Is tbe Reenn!
sod fiersld ciirif»p<inth^l h«-iv and It
the nsldenls nf tin- loan will tuod
her any Item of ««»» It »
ly a|>preclal>-d l.y In-r aad ibi- Ri-.-ont
and Herald Uuldifdiiug 0>.. will alnbe greatfiil for tb<- sam<-.
l‘iKitruit3.ter Only I> aUiUI flu- liii-ii
i-el nun ilT <'briid.-ii.t<rfii al«>-il mail
time. M«i.Kny!>. b>- iH-liovin uk-iv mall
psRM-s tbrougb Ills offire ibaii any
other lowii wiib a |i»putoii>ui laeol:-pt-r rent grt-aii-r than tin- inbabitantliving tu and trlljiaary In tbi:’ ofricv
Hinlly a'«ti>--i rati h>- ro.iiid iii
t'ojMIDiKh ibai tlo - not bavr i's Kidwalks made fn*ni r>-ui^ aud tbai
ibies not
ti' sbat*: oT Kbaib- U.t-r
Death to Louts Kvands.
UihIb Kvanda rii-.l at tb- tiatiau
•rium Janmiry g. i.l i>i<li«dd I--**-:
ul thr :igf <d ;i4.
It-- bail Ix-n il
three w<*-kK and wuk bniiight to tin
city a wet k age. Ml. Kvau-la wav ae
••ugluftrr to lb«- Maiiiniqiii- <-ar f-rrt
and couKlna ul N<>nhi)ur1 will luuk
after thi- btHly. .Iiiii;ial will &k<- pbir-in the ritj ainl tu-rvlces will lie held
mcit Ibe ebutx-l tiMUorrna
nuirnlng at .-lo ■•'clock. He leav<« a
father aud tumh-r In Norway aixl a
brother lu New- York dt.v.


Tire Insurance!

te sQ its sup
Xlyto Cream

Ste ■aS'S.'KlSS.-A'S^'i
■sai. t:;
ca«nam»e»d to taka the Xtovln- my


Room SI O NSW State Bank Bulldln«.


3 nr ctauimce •• notBcmui

Traverse City,



oa:Ai.Kf*s iM
LUKBER-i'l Uflds.
BOOKS XB4 WINDOWS All styles. STORM SASfl-Tfle VfifB kbd.
ROOFING-The best iti cheapesL

D O. »XI_______
• • red HslKiw M

INTERIOR FINlSH-SiKk and stedal.


All kinds of shop work to order on short notice.
Get our prices before buying.
Pli Xivs. M il :«0; qito.'aos.

51.-. Like Au-nue*

Hs»c you ever tned the
WoyMl TTIk^v- 'Tmmm mn^ OoWTmmm

Hoyal tiger
They ore the best

Csmmtd Cap*
dwtf Sdlm0M

Sob! only by

Kreme Wt-rerkW Ser-rere«^

Dr. F.


nMBST er UETreu
r«0(wu:t%« w





THOfl. fl. RFRAeuff A flpa,


If you are poor your treatmeat
b free. If you are discouraged
Ctmb Bsha it fisced tan tbe werUi. s
tad we can cure you, we will wait
•nr tbe Btwteiat ssd h sUtsrbto.
BtAmmdsewTfeUon. li It sot drylse-dMa- tor our pay until you are welL
sec us; -tbb b your
aMwedstoSMtxIas.,Wan>«*>toS(-l«.ot by
i Trol Site, W wott by etu.
bst chance.
B.T BE0TIlSaS.M Wtnoa Sunkare Tstt
We live w do good, are honest
with alL Forty-five years’ ex­
perience free. Tbb trip and tod«y only.
60 VEAR6'


Jay-TS-!, JS IJ. DwSi

Tk Farmers’ Store
We have an 1- incii air ligLl lor...................................................80C
A 2-; iucb air litfbt. cast lop. hot blast dmh. for...............$4.76
A a iuoli air light, cs*t top. Lot blast dmlL for............. $4.00
A I'i ineb Jewfl Combination wood or coal, hot blut
W.-abohaveafew Jewel rang,* that are bargaios at the
pTf.-PUWB afi-offi-no;; tUtnii,

* aaftMttodltSktkMrbaManoirtk-nKtT

sssniTSiM jrs^{rr:isjs:>s

Before buying a stove or range come in
and look our stock over.

Sdailllic JfatricM.



fitoilmd Oeuglass


That is just what you are
duiog when you fail lo get reg­
ular and sufficient sleep. Your
body requires this unconscious
period fur repair work; with­
out it your nerve energy- hecomes exha^isted, and jdu are
tired, woro-out. nervous, cxdubie; have headadie. neu­
ralgia, indigestion, i>oor appe­
tite. or Ollier ailments caused
by a lack of nervx force. ^lake
it your business to sleep. If
Dc. Miles’ Ner\‘ine; it soothes
and strengthens the nerves,
and brings sweet, refreshing,
life^ving sleqi; and gives Uie
organs power to woiic nator*
ally. Try it to-day.
“t bad a mrore span to frrrr. srhicb
left tnt- In B wry wrak rundloon and
very nrrvoua t had wwtv nitoU to
bMdarh* and tM-unlcU’. arto <v<ald
alwp but viiy lltiv. KvifT
was wiada to rreov-rr ny atreneth waa


Aoocr to Laan on Improved Rea! Estate Only.

.u’l of cortoul .atisiret



Btooc CoaieaMm.

Flat. Gina., 8tmm Boiler vifl AccMent Insurance.



InTcrsc atf Slate Bank


. .S'S

• :vl r-<
. bsl


Double Thick Hotel Ware
It will stand hard knocks.
|ust tlicMhing to use
in a family ul growing children.


Fine Japanese Ware

Did you forget some friends at Christmas time ’Never mind, gel them a nice Japanese dish for
a .New Years IVesent.

T .^.ror. U-t J-r.ii; ^LriduiOae U »•«-

wciVfFT B>/C£Sat ifOM£ST ^' C£S


tovi-it Comawtr


MakC'lUis year the liest 1>y
' huyinuall yonr-sh(«.« of
Kowbud Dooghii-s.

Did You Ever Stop to Think?
what a useful present a good washing machine
would.make? We have a good, easy working
rotary machine that scUs for only
will bless you 52 times a year if you decide to
invest io one.


Miks McdicM Co*. EUwrt, lod




Ralph HMUnga for TrMwrw.
U U nttarr oarijr for octlvc vork !■
eoBDecUon wllh the aprlof elocUcm.
bat Raplli HastSoei, ooc of the noit
■cure Toonc ropoblleoni to the cUf.
benvTM la taklac Um br the forelock, oad bu Uetefore aaBooBcol that
’ he b a casdldaU fi^ the tepublicaa
aoalaaUoB tor dtj- tieaaarer. it Lav
heea auied that there are ocher cantttdaUa who aapire to tbie poalUon but
BO pnbUc announeeaMDU bare aa yet
tocB Bttdc. Mr. liadlDice to a younx
saw cf recoolzed ability and to a
Mouther of the InMnorc flrtn of E.
W. HaoUnsa ft goa.' He baa been eonB0CU4 wuh blB foibcT in (be Inauranee
toialneaa ever alaee hla rctura from
the Epanlab-aiDiflcaii war. whore he
.. Rametpated In the canipalo In Cuba.
With the oCBea experience whic


Oarinc the day four eomfortablea '
Ued. Supper waa also aerrcd i
wbleb they all went to thdr homes
srell eattoSed with their day's work.

turtle. Mr. McNamara was to the
The MHk Ouatora.
srookiD'g compartment at tbe time and
A score of mtlk dealers atet Sat
was thrown violently from bto chair. untor'for the lh{rd lime in three
Both of his knees are badly brulsad, sreeks to dtocoas (be mauer of ntotog
fals left leg injured and probably the price of tbe stafde.
Twreiwe Thousaad Pouada.
alight Inleraal injuries about the cheek 'Nothing was aecon^tobed wbca the
How many pounds of turkeys, gecae.
number of the passengers '
Record went to press. There are
and ducks were aold by tha IomI
factions amuiig tbe fannera themUuaeber abopa TbankaglrlnK to New
selrcs. one forthemalntenrace
present iiricc and tbe oib^ for rals.
to? .
W«^uc4Mto dob.
ing It. Last week the feeding qncatlon
Seven tbouannd pounds?
From Tbursday's lUscard.
and the fbet that it
The W<-qoi.'>U»g club directors
Ten thousand poonds then?
about 211 rents, daily to keep
laj'tog exiUBsIve plans for very lmThose guoaacs are all wrong.
cow w1y.« foddt-r must lie bought was
Tbe total weight of the turkeys. portnnt improvements al>oul tbe dub
house and grounds during the eomtog brought out by careful figures. The^
sese. ducks
majority of farmers wbo are helping
the counters of the toeal shops was season. One of tbe most liuponaai
supply the trade are forced to buy feed
1J.BOO iBuods or a pound for every win l>e the consinietlon of a nior^
reason for tbe prodock —
to aceommodaie
the ...
man and child In the city in- auluble —vm
change In price,
eluding the populaUcw of the asylum. creastiig number of motor lioais owned
by club members. Tbe river mouth is
Pretty fair record <^?
Royal Foresters Held Tlteie Annual
Now conaider this in addlllnn.
* Meeting 'Thuraday Night
within a very ahen time and while Mr.
Not a chleken was included.
The Royal b'oresters held their
Perhaps you ordered your turkey Monroe It here, the expvnm- of driving uual meeitog Thursday night and
rrom Uie man that supplies you with' pilea to front of the club house for a eeied the following ufflrert for the
butter and eggs fresh from the farm. Buiubic iltiek will bo reduced to a entulng year:
In that case yoor turkey is not In the minimnm. Tbe directors will take
Illustrious }>aiit commander. Ji
this opportunity and
Maybe you had aome friend that build a'doek whlrb will be much mure
illustrious commander, Chas. G3y.
than any heretofore
carefully failed up a dork or a goose
Illustrious lioutmant comma)
erected. The structures of the past |
or a chicken for your Thankaglrlng
George Burronrs.
Cbrlsimas dinner, then It to not in­ have been of a light choraeu-r and! Illustrious orator. Han T. MeUnllen.
have lH.-en destroyed or disnipted by
cluded either.
Illustrious keeper of archive#, John
boBvy sea* or (he lee.
The IS.SOn pounds, or six Ions aad
quarter of poultrr mentioned were to put in suffieleiilly biwvy piling
tllnstrtous ohaneclior. George Boim.
wlibstaiid ih<- force of any mw aad (be
Isold by the butcher abopa..
IIIUBirkms marabal. John Uanford.
That shows that TiaTcrse City waa
Captsin. Joseph Klaascn.
pteUy well fod during the bolidaya? the sht>re* of the bay in the winter
First lleuienani, Julias Jtdinsnp.
Seeniid lieutenant. OH# lAj'hm.
Other improvements are projected.
Now again.
Standard bvar<-n>. Henry Kruupa
The MOfl pounds of beef, so sneered Ineludiiig the painting of the club and Joe Houghton.
at by the Cadillac News, that was
The regular drill will l« hidd Iwo
InliTlor of the iip{>er story. |n this
passed nut by Ib« Salvation army
weeks from tost night and all memworit It is neceasary that all of llie
not included.
iH-rs are requtuded to Iw present.
shtuilil e<H>p<‘reto
If you had n nice roust on Tlianks- members
promptly pay th'elr dues. There are
Lady Maecg^ca.
Candidate for Offlee of City Traaeurer. flvlng or Cbrlstmas or maybe just
plain su-ak wllh a fringe of onloos
A numiM-r of the effleers of tinaround It, or sweetbreads or pork U*n- l(K>knl the iiialti-r of the rliih's neeea. great hive Ladles of Modem Maeeabaa had since that timet, be Is natural­
tierioin. or If you modcslly and quietly sides who ex|M-et to ri-uiain aa me
ses.s|on at tbe lUirk Place
ly well equipped for the dnilea Incibought a pound of "boneless porter­ Iters of (lie rlub. There will he
Thursday afiemoon. business eoncemdenui to the city treasurer's offlee.
house." commonly callwl liver, then loettog of the directors tonight
log the order being under consideraMr. HasUngs will {oake a atrong candi­
the amount expended for your dinner
date and tnany of hU friends'
urged to notify (he aoeretary of
Is not la the total either.
The headquarters of the executive
ready eaerrising tbclr inflneiico in his
But leaving the Ungcnl. the tact liu-lr tnienilon so that then- may lu- eiiiiimltlee of the great hive have
olmnieilon to Hu- plans for the neeiiily been niuvid from Ann Artsir
that 12.r,<Hi pounds o^ turkey*, ducks,
Tbet* will he no mayoralty docllem
and geese were umsumed bore In the
to Port Huron and now oeeii|iy the
Next spring aa Mayor. Pricdiicb's term
boHday time shows that the Traverse
w-eond floor of the new Msor.vbee
axteada auothcr year.
City Clerk
Only One Dollar.
City ttble* were weik filled.
temple erccleil last year at a rest of
Tracy GIHIa was elcctod last aprlng
From Saturday's Record
for one Vnar. and will be a candidate
Till* morniiic's Grand iupids Herald
The followtiig wen- pn-aeiil:
fbr n^arUon In tbe spring, probably From Friday's Record.
had the fullosinc to a.v> :
Great Comraiilider FiMiirls K. Ihirns
-wltbost oppoaltinu. The only conti-ut
Manager I. C. Hums of the Nonheni
'•Kraueis (iritUtlis. lli.- young
of 81. l>Miis, i.ioiili-iiaiii roniinaniler
tbsreforu to excite especial Intertsl Hlrhignn Transportnllon eninpany has
who. destllule Slid wllhoiit wt>rk. a|>- Anna O. Mm-llbe of Muskegon. Itosl
will be for (he offlee of dly treasurer. given to the Evening Kerord aom<
piled to tbo poor eoiumtsstonen
Commander Raehel A. liuUey of Grand
Tbe candidate for tbe donracratic
the freights handled help Thursday, hat bnind provlshm Raidds. G^t Revs.rd Keeper Hr.
aotnlnuioii will be J. M. Iby the company's boats on Grand Trav- for hi# need#, nltbaugh in an enitrely Emma E. Itowcr of Port Huron. Gri-al
the pmeeat idty Iraassrer, wbo
erse bay to and from this city during uneii>ecled manner.
Medtral Examiner - Ih-. Inbella llolawdated to aucooed Mr. Haskell for
past season. While It has been
"About two weeks ago the mother doii of Part Huron mid General At­
tha unaxpirad term.
impossible to gM tbe quanUty to car­ superior at 8t. Joseph's Orphan as­ torney !i. B. Mellwain of Port Huron.
Mr. Hastings to a young
loads. tbe Increase of cash reeclpU ylum to whjeh y-oiing Grifflih# wa
. .■dad cBsiadar and eery popnlar over the year IMS. furnishes a good
inmate until about ten yrara ago
Enlarged Territory.
throughout tbe city, and whoerer his Indlcailon of tbe dcvelopmeal of the
eeivpti word from Travi-rse City
M. II. Ilarner has rr-eelved notice
opponent may bo. he will give him
company's buElttoss in this section.
he had faliCD heir tu u eoosidei
rom the W. W. Kinihall Co. that his
good warm flgM fur the nomination.^
I Inennitog freights to Ihto city, estate through tbe recent death of bto terriloixfor Hie eomiwny has lu-en ex­
the Ineronac of eaafi receipt# over the grandfataier. Thomas MrCarry.
tended to Cadtltor. Is-ginntng Febru­
1905 was tT»:.3l; on oulgOiDg
"Till- iSotber Btiperior was ignorant ary 1st. Tbe KlmliolL Co. has liad'a
Cedar. Mich, Jan. 4.—Mrs. Trcflcy
freights the incn-sac was Sl.C91.9u
of the whereabouts of the yuuiig
regularly established agency at Paill' Hebert aad Mrs. C Hobprt of Maple
Acme the increase was SI.&OO: at Sut- unill she rvsd the aniele In yester­ liar, hill Mr. Hnrtier to one of tlir most
CiV. paaaed through town last Satur;,
lons Bay about SS.'Xli'. with proporilon- day's Herald of Ills iipiH-nl to tbe poor siK-eessfiil and progre.-^t-ive re|>res<-otaday eatoule for Trarerae City.
Blo Igcroaaed roeolpt# at. Northiwrl. eoninii*sioners. Bhv immedtotely >
■ Which the comiuiny has and li<Adaa DdsetokI of Boyne City, forBowen Harbor and Omens. Tliesc mutaeaied with the insir eommissioo- has been given the ueq- territory t
Beriy of tbto place sras In town last
figures being cash recelpU for frolghto, era’ offlee and it was not long liefnn- tionetl
show n very large Ineroase In (he bus!- tbe good news was broken to
Boy Demara vnt Sunday In TrarOB the bay In 190C. Taking Into young man.
anc City.
Broke Three Ribs..
Ideraliott that the shlpmenu of
"drlfllths spent the vest of the day
Mrs. Frank KraicwhvH of Gp«<filrk
potatoes were vastly less than a yeai at 8t. John's Orphan asylum and this
trait last SaU^rday where be had been
vine tllppeif oh Ice Friday ^hl uii<
ago (be figures are still more eloquent, morning will go to Traverse Olt.r
to look after the fortune receatly left
fr-II on a lall which she wa^csrrjlng
showing the Inercased traffic to first the ex|>raae of the asylnin to claim
him by bto unde.
SI the lime. She siniek on lu-r leli
ctoas merchandise. This is cspeciaUy his shane of lito grandfather's estate,
Mr. and Mrs, Frank KIrt were TrarSide and throe ribs were broken.
irae as to Traverse City, tbe tnrrease whleh as yet has not be<-n seiUed."
arse CRy Yitliors last Wednesday.
St other points being largely |>outo
investigation at the Pndiale offioe
Mr. aad Mrs. Jerry Sumran went to
here today diselosnl the fuel that
Whitehall tost Frlndsy to be gone
to piformatlun emphasises the Thomgp MeGarry left an estate of
Evening Record's stalemont in Its an­ alNHit ir.onti. the hulk ^ which went to
Ruben McQuvcr to on tho alrk list
nual holiday mimlwr rejadve to the hia two sons. Thotnaa. Jr., and Odle of
McFBII Uklnghls place on tbe dray.
volume of husineas of our local manii- Ihto city. The rhildren of Mrs. GHfTwo papers for the price of one.
Mrs. W. Tremaine of Traverse City,
faeUirtng Inductrics during tbe lasi flih were eaeh left (he sum «if 11 pro­
pasaed Urougb town last Thursday,
vided they were llvltig.
cm bar way to Maple CUy where abe

tbtSntd CrsHiw BmU
Tsrm and TIrtstde


will visit her aoa W. D. Ashley.
Will Begin Werit.
Tbe “Camella Oanccri Co?' came to, Tbo Miebigan Biareh ronipany wll!
Cedar New Tear's day. to m here a begin operations in this city proluibly
within the next two weeks with their
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Borough of Maple factory in belter shapo than It has
City, passed through Sown Its) Wed- ever bee« liofoiv.
aaaday for Traverse Oty.
H. M. (iratlenburg. whl will
Mrs. A. L. Smith ef Bnloa w in
itendeal, arrived today.
town tast Wednesday,
He ds from Pekin. Itl.. and
Cbaa. Bevolhclmer puivhnaol a new
perimirrd siarrh man and will begin
pair cf sictglui In Truvirse <Hly last business wllhmil n ptmud of KUin-h
band as nil that was In the wan-hoi
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer IWImaii. were has beea dispoeed of and orders i
la Traverse City tost w««k.
ling in rapidly whleh sbowa k
Martimer Donner. of Maple Clij
the bustoesB of the company has i
asstotaot at the depot was called home suffered by the long shut-down.
Wednesday on aeeount of the dcstb of
In ptocp of the plain hemlock piers
his Vnelr John Swartboni.
which were iisot for wip|M>rts thrruiBh
Mis. ii M. Bright and daughter,
the huilding. cement plera
Mrs. Winters, trf Traverse aty. visit been put lu- Tlip feed h»w.-s- ha.-- Iiceti
ed at the borne of F. J. nrigbi'x un filled out with a r-emeni basement and
New Tear's day.
he mMchinery has l>oen ihi>n'UKlily|
HertieR BoUlvan returaed to Trav- overhaiih-d and some modern apiuraerae CT|y Wednesday rooming to
til* addni among which is a new germ
same his studies at the business nni- exiennhialor to gi> with the Iho-e
which huie Iw-en in use nt tbe plant.
Mrs. P. J. Bright did shopping In None of the
Traverse City tost Saturday.
iem|<arsrr nature hot are rather of the
BnUlvan's saw mill began
kind that wiu etay and raise tbe value
Atom this momlBg afi(T a rest of four of the plant.
About eighty men will l>e employed
Tbe dance held in the hail on New and tbo fartory will ran tweniy-fotir
Tear's En-,. was u’ell attended and hwire every da)’. Tlwre will probably
•njoyed by all.
be no shut down for some time after
8cl«oo| eonuneoced this week In the tbe Stan bis been made.
grammar room after a wek'a vseattaL,
Was in Wreck.
On New Tears Day the I^iea Aid
E. McNamara has returned from a
mat In tha baaemestt of the church a pan of which was ratherstrenuousto
lor tba purpM of q-ing comforublcs
pan of wbleb was rather streolous to
and having f good time. At soon ai asy tbe least. He was to an Iniererbounteous dinner wna served to about ban can which was nmning at tbe rate
thirty members and their families. of about fifty miles an bour about tsro
which. was I
’ Httored and an done half mllea east of Ann Arbor,
aHwwtolfd by alL Tb«v \
wbea ibe car struck a cow. The car
membera and six vtoltore
Jumped the track and almoci turned


Pays for both a full year,
neuncement elsewhere in

Sale of Rockers.
Bargains Worth Looking Tnlo
On Bocoont of tbno i;oo«1b arrivini; too
late for tbfl Holiday trade, we have
avf an
eoonoouB Block oo band tbnt
nptoo mneb room.
Tf you want a Bockt-r.

Now Is tbe Time to Buy
) you
fwt itsenrtinwit and th»- lowest iwiitw in
the city.
Till-following; will t:ir<-you an idi-a of ibo sreat reduction wc
have made. Tbew art- only a few of Ibf many:
Lnnr.- .tnii Rocker. Roklon oiik finiali. T.-i:itlBr W value. Hi $1.4h
liar $:$.60.1
.......................... g.H-


Boat, now :i ‘.IS
- -......... from 4 15 tip.
All other hiirb grade Rockere sold ucconliugly.


B. M. A.
At the annual meeting of the Trav­
erse ('tty Bndness Men's osaoclation.
Thursday evealng. tlie following of-,
fleer* were elected:
rresldent. Joseph Birder.
VIee prosld<‘Dt. Frank King
•Becreury. H. N. Aubrey.
Trt-asurer. C. B. Taylor.
Board of dlrectora. U R. StioktiC}-, J.
J. nreriba. John N. JIcCormick.

lug and er.-ry business man In thi>
clly la nrgod to Ix-eome a roi’mber. *

Cannot bo Curod
tOr «SI

The firm of WUdiuan k 'ThtaiaB.
proi.riiHoni ot iIh- Falart- baiars. has
be.'n dissolved. John T»tm.-.n miring.
Tbe firm will bt'tvafm t-e known as 'd«wfse»-!«tbfr—»Jm»tf»ra>tatUn’»isWiidiiuta ft CO. Mr. Tatman bto sold
hU prots rty to this rtlr and will stvk «aUrTk.{rbk-l>ia
ar. SIS ■xnarsw.
pmsiH iiiy dwwiiere.
i>nr ItoBdnd r ~
aimrunred hi* .lefinlte pl-n*.
DwJtnra, .cwued hr flMsnkl itotS
H*jr*4.WtarTkvt«tw. twodf^
The asMviallon m«i-ts the first and
Clu.tb* L. Wris'ey ims l■.■o ap|»>int
“•-frw.. .---------- mi.
third Thursday to the month.
|.s.ima*ler. at Xnrthport, t<. *ii^
Ms tor cMStliw'to*
The mcmberablp to eonsunily grow- e.-.d Jl. E -Glll. rvstgued.

It Smells So Good

and it tastes so good—because it is good.
The fragrance of McLaughlins XXXX Coffee makes you hungry for
some—and the taste is »mply delicious—full, rich and mellow.
Other brands of coffee are »ld throu^ importers, brokers and jobbers beades the roasters and the retafl grocers. Each must get a profit.
But McLaughlin's XXXX (^ffee is import^ direct by W. F. Mc­
Laughlin iZk Co., the largest exclusive coffee roasters in the world, and sold
direct to dealm, saving you three profits. AU these profits are put into the
extra quality of this coffee and you get the benefit.
*nie handy air-tight package and the glazing of pure sugar keep this
coffee clean and fresh—protected from’dust, dirt and foul odors.
McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is sold by


Great Inventory Sale of

SmaU Instruments and Other Mnsicnl Goods. Stnrls Today al

In .1 large husiuess such as wc arc comluctioi; there is acoastaot acsamulation of uscxl and
Bhopwoni iuslnimcnts. discniitinnctl etyles. iiKinufuctarara' Banipka, etc. And now. afk.-r onr
cxlrtiortiiiDirj' Holiday !i:isiib-ss. we lind this atock gruntly uiijoi<»ted by miny iottrnsBnts Ukou
ill cxclcintfc.
Wc l ike our .\iiniil Inventory I'Mi 1. but Is-f jr«* then we mv goim* to cIoh> out this stock

at tbe lowest prices ever quoted. iin-forrioL' to turn ii.iiiu<c-ashorg<Kslp9|K-r.aic<>iisbienihle sHcntii'c. rather than carry ii oviT into our next Lusintss year. Everything ha#
marktsl rlnwii—awHV down f< ir w>-n-ali/o.-tliHt only
hell out this
.. .„ most
....... ........
.. ................
......... ......... would
........... ..Jl
large stock ill #0 sii..ft.I linn- Tu
To fuciliiatc
fuciliiaie buyiiu!
Hirgnin lostrumiuit will lieur a Ui|' witl<
(Ill- n-,;ularund aik-> in] prio-s marki'l iu pis in tignres.


Some of thpm ha\i-bwo use-l; oUi.-raarc m'-rcK Bliojiwom, but nil arc «rler-<l ul
Sensational Reductions-'itid on Very Easy Terms. If vm w:<nt a tint >■]•(#<) i'-i.-m.. '

iii.d d<-lot-ao-10 ititcjt, Pii<i!ii'h
PI.....I'll to
purchase u lu-w i.ucTHIS IS AN ul'I’UKTrMTV V‘»l

I’l.'iy. rs of nearly every make, taken in oxchuDi:e
gcjininc I*IAN‘lL.\—Ajiolln
mwro for the genuine
Anijehis, Kimball. Cccdliaii. etc, al] in |s*rfect or<ler regi.Uriy $20-i to t.'Wd. S?),lc pri.-c i'.\
f UX>. ?12.'». etc A few iise<l I'lANuLAS iit Iboo Ut $2(10. CooiT-nieiit terms of p lyinent iirruoL'i'.i
in'-lodctl. .Mi fnlly n-paind..............................................
and in spL-adid condition, Eieg.inl organs al 52-1. *V>
many styles elic.iI--'r. Term#,-*»0c U> $1 Wfu-kly.


:,r.$:r,, .V;


Warcnioin s.impl.-s .-in-l dis<-3>mtcr1 stylca
tliffen-Jil tunes, nt $'20 and $2'i for $'/J 9t(l>-s;

S'jnic liii-- instrument--, j-hiying
nnd $l‘> for $T-'< bIvIl-s; $-Vi nn'l S<|t| fur $1U0

Countless Bargains in Stringed and Brass Instruments, Music Cabinets
and All Kinds ol Masfe Goods!

Violins, liuitiirs Mandolins, liaojos. Cvmuts.CluriucU. Drums, etc., oither usol or marred
from hutolliui; during the Xmu rush, now offenl'd at a i.n.-uuint.- diw-oiitit of 2-"> to ■'/) rjer c*-nt
<^lmo9t cverj- iirst-class make incloded.
Handsonio Mnlioenny Jind f >ak Mtisic Calnnet# nt ooe- juartcr off.
Toy riHiios. Toy Drums. • ;i-, coiiig Hi cost an-licsB.

Your Credit Is Good

Bcmcmlier. tbe aak- c»misi-n<--f to-1 >y! Now Is the time if youI want anything in tic
Mosic line and approcisie aBIg Sabdng. Come and sec us ut on'v-. iKiforv
ins'trament tlisl
eforv the instrament
wophl liest suit yonr m)oiicmcQU is &oU to soQK'Joe else.
InstramenU sbippi^ to iinr ad lr>-3s
and liberal U-nin
is of payment arranged.
arramred. For further parti'-ulara
parti'-ulan waicli the newapapirra,
newapanirra, of wriu-

Your Reliable Furniture Store,

Griimell Bros., Headquarters at Detroit.
Branch at 159 B. Front SL, TRAVERSE CITY.

Grand Rapids Fnmiturc Co.
147 S. South Ouign Street


Where many of the Bargains may be seen and full tofarmatioo secured.


The total aboUtloo of any evil lobby

G. E. BaMvIn is the now agent at
the depot.
Oliver Dookc of Soloo arrived Sat­
urday to spend the holldaya with hla
breiber M. M. Deake and family.
May HcMkduiel and children left
Saturday fdr a visit with relatives In
Boutbern Hldilgsn.
Tbe school chDdren bad a Christmas
cc at the aebool boose Friday afterMn and a very enicrialnlng pn«ram

f*e.Kional dlv.-r and tL-erc arc his holldayr. '
At m —--------14 ai I
MS St the sr»
tbs Cilr at Trassns ' Hr.ts
A aarprise iipoa Mr*. EdUb Bates bMs «m«-. .a M
tbs M d*r •( JaaWLir.
oa sncccssfiillr carried <iat a day o:

“ I. frel B WsHnv. Jbd«s at
two ag-». The orraslon being her birth­
j iBlhsMUtsrd tbssMato H Cbarbv Lbb
day a&nlterrai>.
Gua FisniT rt^uiped borne Satur­
after ciiMine’fswiwtbtibsWMihanw^<
day tor his wlntyr'^
anolbcr year's Work an C:reman on the
Savon, one of the iargc'i ixo^on
o™. Ute. 1!. fa. ...M'
ailed' mau>
; »i i- taribss wiWssU tl»< i-aW**
Hsrwowl .rf Grand lUpl.D.
“ T‘
n;;dltor(er tl;.- P. M.-railroad was •" j
raaatm (
Monday and Tuesday chcecklug, "••a sesr-rSEP R WALK'S.
iip accoacts at the station.
I (tT"
jots d Prabit*
With no sloigliliig and no pMuto!
maikci, burinrvs U pretty ilgkt since
;e holidays.
ilre. J. Walter Levi cf Wolvcilno.
visiting her parents. A. Goldfarg and :^ ms'i
l-^f&tSfBWrradB wabw.Jod,.ofPrw
Chaa. Arnold, a Peru M.n,«ette
^ m. d A.ri—|

Baplre. Mkh.. Jaa. 3—Mra. U H.
Shank and daughters urc vUIttagJn
George Been of Chief Lake vlalted
the Snt of laal week vllb the family
Torblutts sad miJMfum.
of H. H. Aadrua. here.
Lore AckcrauD who is auending
aeboet at AIMoa. Is visiting h'ls parents
here during vacation.
Tbe Rev. Mr. oKoa is still condnetHarry Dewitt of Frankfort is visit­ Ing revival mcetlnga at the inland
ing the family of bla uaeie. Burr Cel- churcb aad has met with good snecces.
man. and other relatives here.
Angnatus Denko of Swam Cm-k U
lUrold Yoke and ainer Viedet went visiting his brother. M. M. Deake aud
to WlaUij the first of U« week for faraUy.
a visit with their brother Merton and
. .
Mrs. Oenevla Young and daugbter: Elk Rapids. Mich.. Jan. 4.—Mrs. j.
Fronc^sDiitsSoRjCtetMHelen e( Traveipc City arc viatUag
. earns and Charles Osvold wore
flcasmitetjCfisMBi RdllNr
the family of John Young at Bast £alarted Jan I at the borne ol John
flor UoeiaL
Cams, south of the village.
Miss Lulu Haakin. daughter of Ibe
t>*W* iiOm'a bSTiw AM Is said eosn
The populaUon of (be village suf­
Rpv. and Mrs. Haakin. I here from fered a goodly lou this week when the
. aad IsslBBSBt of faia dsesaMd. no* ca Sis la
CadtUae. where ebe Is at
young people left us to return to tbeir
Mr. Bcitncr BoufihL
^^g^idrwUaa dwi^ssU^^'aMls^
Dr. J. O. LstCore of Btk Raptda has work in tbe various schools and colA dosil has be<-n completed
ben quite sick sJnee coming bore the legea. lAmean Dearing returned to
which William bdinsr l>ecome*
first of last week, but la betur at tbU Alma. Mabel Waite to Mi. Pleasant.
owner of tbe American Butler DiKh;J»»^^. a
Neal Perry and room mate. O. tl.
ipooy's plant oo Bay street,
H. L. Neaaen returned Saturday aias. to Mlcbigao Agricultural col­
fram Chicago, where be went to spend lege. Neil Morrison and bis friend. property changed bands today.

Frederick Beitiicr will he superinCbriatmaa with his wlfea pareoU. Bert C. Kennedy, to OlUxt, Paul
The adaNatolratlOB of auu iBaUtu-,
tendant ond buMness will be ctmta vatdeoaatr.
- Mam «M tbe vork o( tbe aatloul Mrs. Kessen wilt remain (or a longer Wright and Alex Parks to Ann Arbor. tiDued.
Mabel Perry and Charlotte Dougherty
gaard aad mval reeerrea were pralaed
John S. Benedict, who has Ikh-o here
(MBS and Loss or 6UBR
Mr. aad Mrs.' Ai E.
to Lansing, Bessie Wright to Bllsa- Bad the foemr recoameaded that
children vUlied iaat week with friends fleld. Cora Hunter to Detroit school of since the dtaih of C. F. Search, re­
turned to bis home in Chicago with
at Benlth and South Frankfort.
music. Agnes Parks and friend to Man- hi* wife this afu-reoon.
CapL William Walker and hrotbor istnque and Chris Dearing to Mln>t T^dora
The plant began operations last
Jama Keltrle of the Sleeping Bear neapUs.
to tbe free I
bpring under Mr. Search and was
A. B. Dougherty and W. S. Amerann owned by Chicago people. The death
bariRaa. the gevetaor aald that they life earing sUUon are In town oo'buMneas today.
ent to Lansing Monday to mingle
had-baaa a gnat baoeflt U tbe aUU
Mias Carolyn Keltrte' returaed to with the crowd of poUllcisns for a few of the anperlnienduM neecsslaied a
' md^toateftbelT, «8I
change In ihc husincse.. - farYMtk. t«,eC7 bad been ghreo poU- Beaton Harbor today, where she Is days.
loBcher of mathcmallce in the High
ot lbs land, vu : Fts<tsnHi A XsbasTaaa d
The fifth annusl reunion of the MorTtaOB. Oat ot the M42I appikati
Tlic new ccmduiis f<i% the imdcr KiB«-jry.Mirh..JobnVaMte'«rt -f Mayfl-ld.
Grtngi' (or aM, lt,03! bad beea granted.
gmimd u1ri«s of the Twin <'Uy Tele
Johnnie, tho four-months-old
hall at Elk Uke en Monday. Dec. 31.
THullA* U,'ADDI^
Catend rtUry I
Mr. and Mrs. N«U Doran, of Ebei Em­
of the Mor­
The gewetaetr aUitad that the «orkBantiiD Iliirbor and Ibc w-urk of traospire. died Monday atterooon
rison clan arc the most enjoyable
tasi «r tbe etaU (aetoiT laapeelKM)
ferring tbo wires will be begun at
daggrtawat had bean aatlafactoiT and
once. In the spring the lelcphoiu- eiMra. R. 8nl» was called to
from this village were the
or KfWt In rharH-tcT
Thniaday by tbe aerioos llineaa of her families of Mra. Violet Dearing. Mra. chungc will 1)0 moved to tbe iiew
egtaadedto taetade eebooto. apartment
Rnbiiisoo IdiM-k.
brother. Cbarile K<
Parks. Will Bnice. Capt. Joe Hawley.
hoaaw and teooamBU.
JttUua Beiangcr and children arc liv­ Win Powers and Frank Bocr..A( alamt
, »..s Air««Jtule.-.''r",:5*e <in JoU Tjs-n'l-nlsth Pimm ,
5“*,--la-fegard to roreetry. be adrocated
ing In tbe Denisy bouse on Front
o'clock all the (anllies of the clan
dbe ledaeMbatkm o( Ubiber tanda and
eircet. recently varaled hy tbe family srere represcntcdi then alter an htxir
«tel the reroreated ttaeU be protected
of F. B. Morse.
Botdal grectlngM and
Mrs. Tbomaa shernutn and baby and llslenlng to a few selections on the
nephew. James Sherman, are vUiling
pipes by John Mclniouh. din­
noe and lUMUty tava a
.. lit I«ria a *>p IB
In Travcise City wUb (he family of h. ner was served, which was an elabor
*A A A B“^
B. Wokott.
display of .-III manner of eatahle*
railway this ycat
■ , TTia guvei uur oUled that the parole
t l«^"
A. r. Bunting wont
bare opened op a
... ) to
*ao ata
aad ladeUraiaate eenteBce lawa bad to LanelBg tbis work U take his place In the aliHciice of John CampiM'll In­

*■.('« I largely iocreased
vocation was offered by Mr*. Jean
I terriloryto theprobeea-vorWag very aaUafactoty. Out In tbe legtsUturc.
lAlJCtf ereuive Unner»oI
otw eoavkU who had been paroled
[Rl&fS Western Canada.
Work OB the new mill is progicsaing part>d for the occsslon was caoied
a n aid S -bip ni
and tbe gorrro, tfiHu I'ntar City ao-i
b«t t4 bad vtolated tbeir parole and rapidly. The frame work is all up and
meotolthe DominUa in and n W p. m
oat fl( this aamber only 2S. or S per will aoon be ready tor the machtnery. onL .
• amreic ~
iiin continneE to
duet—Allec Campbell and
give one bandred and tixty
«eat bad again engaged In ^me.
The smoke suck bns been erected and l^cllo Sours.
acres tree to ever)- settler.
Tbe lacieaw of tbe powers of tbe painted and the masons have the wuns
U-tvid. l■•e%■lb•T ailk a (Bit at**’
Select reading—Kali- Camtibell an.t
all Ih, eSTdlloO'if
of tbe engUB »<» nearly completed.
Recitation—Duncan Dearing.
Work on tbe engine bed will be began
Piano solo—Misa Cora Cams.
I'liyiilialtatae HiCoal, wood and water -io
K.PTU.IIM. Now lad
haealedge ot an IngiedienU in food, (hie week.
Ikiartfaelirand Tm
known, lb.-•am -Sii: i" each .-i-wllicv.
abundance: cbDrehes and
Recitation—Duncan Munro.
aalurr drar^U-tit ^.r dynand
I^hr ...
tadateg ooBfecUenury.
' UaJly
schools convenient; mar­
Chariee GMley. one of ibe blackFebruary. NInata n Hi
Sciceiion on Plano—Donna Munro.'
kets easy of access: taxes
•Lt Traverw Ctty.tOOam SUam S»pn
'- the aged of good roads was «npha- smiths la the Empire Lomber Oh’a
On la-dl'ind H-a-anl A Hi-,rol„n. wdk-lto
and Savar.
low; climate tbe best id (be
fnrddi-odani IT lU nRimiKK tbat all |wi
o'einrk a ,h. ,nr«..m,w. ...bft
‘iSjS “'.I"
gtoed. tbe statemeat being made U>at shop bere, vaa hurt Wednesday mq^Kortbera teoperatt tone.
leil to nodi rivroratKin
oldarViolin solo—Duncan, Morrlwm. acmfortaaateiy. nearby autes bad been Ing while Bboeing
contpanied by Don Horriaon on piano.
l Af.ffranl Rad
.BMia attaatlvc In Ibta regard tbon this
1 tb,..i,v,„-.f.w
.V.*-------------tsopn. Tlijm
F. Horen. He was bolding the
' Ar iTi-ae-i.
Song by Lowell Morrison and a (es
state and that Mkblgan. in tbla re- horses' foot when the aninul gave a
Ar F'-n w.yacAr (•im-ino«-i
' ’ gard. bad -ben lagging bdtind. The hard Jerk, throwing him to the floor Scoiiisb selections on tbe bag pipes
by John McIntosh. After the conclus­
nuiln- d th<- <a«t.vaip ,.f ihl« ,inl,T •liall >«■;
‘ami a( good roads u ImpeiaUre nid and Injuring hta hip. While there
ion "or the program a lm*tne» meetKi-'-o'-i
the goveraor.
day.from Ki'TIttw-nM-ialnm
A b.Blk..
no bones broken, the Injoty wna very
held which was called to
Trainnrrl».«nlTTa?wr» (Sly dally Id
paUL-dxal aad rtn-iU>iiae in lAhl C<nntr-f:v P CROTXER.
, Tba iBBpectka of private hanks was minfnl.
Traiae arrive U Ti«vm<w Oiy dally aa
Ki-nt.aBdalw>lnthc liraml Trarerw Herald. I
Atl'.mey f.r K»-u*-.r .rf ibe WiU d
order by the president. Archie Mun­
............. hlidtedeml
.-Irrtilallae Io ihaneweyapr'p
^iasMaAmded. tbe oppooltioe ot the
A n Btair.JJ.otea.-ma:::
The three oounty a
<1mniv<J <«rand- Trmr.-c-,
lli<-kU.-aii. w.i„.„.
wInt.- (
'grtmu bank oirnera to sneb a law tbe poor. C. B. Ackerman. W. C. Nel­ ro. and the following offlecra were
thr ivlariiail rlm-ed mndm-ilae tbr bann*-.^
elected for the next year. President.
I,r «a-k"mi.>ftlM>a l-eltnalnl
bolBg naaon cnoogh for lu ei
son aad Oeo. Craker visited tbe county Wm. K. Morrison; eecreiary and tiesBAIJTtgn WOtAX)TT.
nr-ali Jmlge
(arms In Antrim and Charlevoix c
urer. John .Mocrlson. Dancing wa*
ties last veA (or the purpose of mak' freely indulged in during tbe rest of
r of direct nomlat
Ing an eaUmalo on the cost of building tbe afternoon, after which an uy»«-f
d at length. Tbe g
a new poor bouse for Ledanau coun­ oupper was served. Tbe hall aa usual
Two papers for the price of one.
with evergreens, lace
■Mm -tow weee aeceemiy. Among
J. J, Twoddle ot Traverue City baa curtains and Mare and stripes.
dcMeU potated oat vaa tbe muer of been engaged by Mrs. M. Mlnnaugta te
t«B Smith shipped a car load of
ozpeaae to tbe pccqite and to tbe can- lodt after her Inurceu in the trial ot
Pays (or both a full year.* See i
potatoes to New York Wodnesdsy.
a • d eaid rnart beld at thr I'.mrt
nouncement elsewhere In tods
. dMatan. He atringly favored party en the murderer ot her aon Delbert Red
ein Ibe (i>T -f (irnml lUiart-. In -aM
Tho Presbyterian ctaurcb i-oclety has Herald.
ly. nn tlx ITih day d !>,>->-a>1eT. A 1>
-soamdnt believing that party nomi at AahUnd. Wla.
engaged the Rev. Mr. Vail (or pastor
■aaUnu ahoald be made members ol
PrrMt.Hiva Alfrtd Wobvin. ftrenlt Joilr«Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dailey were call­ ot the church here and In Yuba. The
lor IhmolBtloo ■>( il>« I'luv-fMil
the party.
all IB Tuvuabip Taeaty •evrvi ir, North rd. by •al'l own on Taraday. Uie IMb
ed to Kalkaska iaat Monday oo uc new pastor-Is settling this week into
He of lianreTwolrr ,1: W«d in Orand Trarwor- April A. D. WT, at Sro «<Uork t
The eaublisbmcnt of a blndcrtvlae count odibe death of Mra. Dailey's
tbe bouse lately vacated by ^red l.*ng.
Jolae. A.Hont.d<v.......................... ................ .-.Die
plant at Jackmm aa recommendtid.
A-w>-iail<,n. Ik-frudant
brother. John McKeJI. wbo died Sun­
will receive a cordial welcome awd cSniy.’tm”ihV^Tlk da?71baoaJi
In thte ranee, tbe .aid dafen-lnot. 'he 1‘
Haled. Trarrrw wit.
this 861b' h>M
Prlmiy gehoel Money,
day after an illnese of less than twen­ because the church has been paste
SStOFWstitw. Jude* ot hanne Sled lt> anoirw aad eru- Idll berda Io
fo .
-------------------------------------- --------------------- la ngvd to tbe primary aebool ty-four boura, with apoplexy. The de­ lens since August.
rrplr to th'- bill .rf ennii.lalm on bir b'mn
> ««a-e d William andh«>-1njr me..ri..rat -1 in ••id on-rser «od
tedm the ■aUiameat was mode that ceased ienvoe a wife and threa dangbThe German Wrudtlngmen’
Oaoiyd lirand Trr
eTMb ll a ooUtl-,0 for lb* dw—In'i'* "f iSe
. Witaeo. dadaaal
’orgti, A rSMAK.
•ai-l •IdemUot. di»o Ihe vrenod tbai ibe aaot
Oovenwr Warner had an daalre
. two of whom are married and aoclely cetchmted New Years day with
Holx-ironforr Complaieanl*
defendant 1* tn—lren'. nod harine allneh.H
oMifila the aeboolt but didn't believe
thereinaaiarealory d all'be eoial'. both r«al
sea. The family lived here (or a
supper and dance at their grounds
"fiwrrmieCity. MiebICan
aad i»T»ooal. In l^ond rriultT
ro'li rrvv'Aat tbe people abould be rellevsid of abort time abeot twelve yean ago. on Elk Lake.
ratlim. and d all Ri« Inoke. ami ,-eeu
__d to___
nUar relaiiac thereto, a fall. j.:el aad iroe ____
the oatlBe'eaat of Uralr malntaiiu
•astddiMl t
aad made many (rienda wbo trill re­
Tliere were twanydbree deaths
arronni ,•! ilo-i-aplt»I .Ki. k of -neli eorreira-------Uai'aRvaaar or vor foveaina,
ttoa. •perifylastnena.ereot U„ avekl.tiblefe.
gret to boor of Mr. Mdv'ell'e death, tbe village for tbe year ending Dec.
Und • xn— .1 Karuaelle. g|
reMdrwre wbrti kiwwo. tk- natnlpeT of
jyappotaled (hair»he|.o»siacto
I laraoaaa'.«t.. aad that bei.-mee..-d w
flSJfl per caplu for cadi ehll
was SI peara of age.
earn, the •fn'wfnl lalrl Ui
boy In the home of J'raak
■oel, ahar-o rr%]e«:iiTr Ir amt the omuant
adiaol age ehonld be apporUoaad
»r. Otto M, UOore of FruUport. Phclpi of the East -aide.
•flualty belwaea the Vniveralty.
and Mtaa atbol Collin, ddcei damriiter
There were lea couples from Trav­ la aaUav of b-arinc. in <b>OrandTraTerw
I coltega. the College of of Mr. and Mra. L. E. CollU of (his erse City at the club dance Tuesday Bwald.aii*w.t>ap< r pna’W aad cadolatad la
e noraul eollegos and place, were married Wednesday. Dec. evening. The party wan one of the
i t> wlxdo -n.-li •n«a»»m'-nl« «-r,
tbe several county normals.
»«, by tbe Bev. Wm. Haakin. at the M. largest hrtd (bis season.
____ knoirn. the Mim owini -ii .Web rred!l'.r. tle-i H, BBiatwthe f-dOe
a- Io. r-.r.'Inoo«. ewtw-.-. op,n a'et-aoWlraUoa I
iraoBBce. and left on the afiernoM
Ad. Valorem.
Court Elk Rapids. N«. 11T2. Inde
'VjW.RtiR (V. C
• . of tb- Und. ru » r-i-n-k A Kebarnaa of
r-..xri '••m
■d- Kinr.,«*.l*i^
f«m!-r-ei of Mayfleid.
T^ reeammendatloB was made (hat iralo for their future home at Fruit: pendent Order of I'nreater*. lias cleei•r iM.-k.
A...d.d a,,n-M, Htab.lbw ji.HV J i
I t'
the tax tew (or expreaa companies be port. Both bride and groom are well ed the following ofveer^;
-fecty-CaMr tagWum wu T«d u»'.-toy.-wiwgt Yp aot kHw. bat
■—ricNRwfcLirtw coTeriBc tbe qw»- HOM «f the sute tB • very tnoipMe
Baaser m4 etabodr4B( a aasber ot reeentattdai
whM abev that (be goreraor has
flaw the aStaaUoa careM tbeaglH.
Oai—ui Waiser beau br or
■m^ilaK the yeoiile on the ntUlaeiorr caadiUoa o{ alain la Xht
Blau, the yeace. pmpomr and bappi
acaA.that piaraU. The aaaodal eoe-EiOea <K the aUto la eaooUoot and
tbera have beeti ao bask IbIIoks la
the paat (oar jaara.
The Sm miter dUcaaBed vat that
tke rarMoa or the eoaatitatlo
the atau which the people voted to
Ihaer oT. The praaeat coauitaUen
•aa wmiea trty<aarea yeara ago when
Mchlgaa bad a popalatkm of lO.OOO
paopta aad bat «1M,«00 loveated io
•daeatlM InatiteUdea There baa
been sreat adraaeaweat aiaee then
aad -the etaU bae oatinova tbe old
aoebmaL - Tbe
oT revialoB ealls
(Or tbe bMt tboadkt aad laoat eon; aelaimai Jndgmeat oa tbe part or




iThe Kind You Have
Always Boa^
Bears the

For Over

M. il. L IWE WRB


i SASH'S;,

New Wheat Lands


5,000 s?;:rs







Cbt 6rsad trsptrse ^trald
Tarm and Tirtside

B as-.

'■“'■"‘BS.rrKat’ '-'T.'a-

Hi 1.00


" -™“”''' iiKi

"Ai, 'I, T.,.^






amended to dimiaate their ocean
mIMagh aad that riib expraaa and Ulephoee companies be Used on an ad
valotom boala.
Tbiat tke faRraada oboald be made
comama earriera ot live otock wai
roeommeadadoB to obvlau the dlsadvafttage Mldrigaa otoekmea are rests oColeetrlc
TnaiwMa by tbe railway commltnioner
In Ngud to tbe enr aaortnge. tbe
goTCONr anU that be beUeved that
I bn (It was now at band to appolai
a committee to toveeUgate tbe matter

mostvo power: If there Is any esMlng
dUerimlnationa agalnat the action of
vfak* MIebigaB is a pvt: if there is
any diacriiBinaUan in iwgard to eortaln
uoctkm at tbe atatn.
In ragMd to paasonger rales, be n
ommeadad a mlalmnm of 3 ooata
mile In tbe upper pnnlBButa and 3
roniB In «bn tree eaeapt la tba matt q( tbe ■!»» tedependent toafla.

known here and are wished much happlncea by tbeir many friends.
neadoD, Mich. Jan. 3.—Mr.
Mrs. Willard Marah and chlidten left
Friday for aoothern MIcblg^B. when?
they will spend the bollda»-a
Mr. and Mrs. Stickler left Tuesday
for Ornad Rapids where they will vlali
Max Slarrov la borne on a vlsIL
WUlard Deake baa been working tor
Fred Hoxle.
Wealey Landis was in Ftanktort,
Mrs. VicfceiT of Wylie spmit Friday
and Saturday at H. M. Deake*.
Mr. and His. Rosenbrook left Fri­
day for Kalamasoo and it Is with feel
lugs of genuine regret ve bid
goodbye. Mr. and Hr*. -Rosie" wtU
be much missed by tbel/ many friends
vboae best wishes (nr prosperity
with them to their new Ineatloo.
M -ft. Dcakc ww* In Trnrerso City

8. R.. Adam Laubschrr.
V. C. R.. E
C. S.. Winn Power*.
F. 8.. M. Pfielfer.
R. 8.. F. B. Wilson.
A. W.. Brace.
R. S, S. Jenny.
J. B.. M. Housen.
a a. H. Hogan.
J. B_ M. Larsen.
fir-nllJodee '
The Instaltation will occur on the
•Sih. when tbe membrns will Indulge;
Atti-.t_A troe_
About twenty-flve members of the prwrat. 8>B Prod
K. of P. lodge expect to ettend the
Joint meeting conducted by the grand
rS^M|aOd^’t«..----------------------- ~
offlevn at Traver** Qiy oext B'etiue*.
day ulghL None of our boys propoep , ...-mtid torro at prirale
to miM tb« banquet.
iT’h'day of Janrary.,
Apollo Lodge. No. lU. K. of P. Iostalled offleer* B'edqcsday eveulug :iid°pi£i“oSr“»!?
iroreanaUBiasaa-t aUowta* tail atxiwataad
Twe papen for the price of one.
On the I6tb the lodge will have op
mat pabTW aoo^
oyster supper to which tbe wives and
"b«m~ of tbe aiember* arc lovlied.
Thnma* nuroeber of Ihe Soo. spent
Pays for both a full ycaf. See anA few day* this week with hU hisier.
noitncenient eisewlierp in today's
Mra. B'ill Lorangcr. He Is a pd>

sSliiiy-siiMipgi A
“■*-'?irEES'C*« ffraad Cravtrat BrraM
Tun amf TImlit




Beet Wav.

wld^M TiJii

Could be made t f the host of
'!elii;hted hou?ewifes and their
ashihtbnis who have used our

Their romraendation': would fill a col­
umn of ihi. paper. If you are not a
user of Best Flour now, thi« iv just -a
him to try a single sack. Thai will
bctlie first of many.


& Lay Co.


NauMnway la only
Samettmes a cross vllek or slat helped
amall pibee. tbe buildlnga ere all old.
to brace toe whole body.
K oaed to be a lumbering town. Nov
Tbank yon for your New Tear groef.
And after the sheep's brad fell off
they are
tog. Tour letter rcatoed me on New tsro or three time* they shoved
they have got tbe min aboot oU flaed Year’s day.
piece of Uih into the neck and then
up. Papa U working on the roHwny
built the bead carefully arnuad
Bendoo. Mich.. Dec. 31. 19«.
Pieces of cosl msde very good eye*
to *lv« to Kboou Madiac u aoUee- about a mOe from town, t with
Dear Praaidenirice prealdeoi coolfl Ulk to ut
Uooi or loum. Whirt will be tbe
toougbi I would write you a letter and noee. and a bit of rope caught la
am to wriw*
toe spill end of a short stick, which
today. li to preti^ wet. W.
and tell ua all about her new borne.
WM then pushed Into toe snow

Tbere la no eebool here now. t beard Chrtstmaa tree to tbe aebool bouse tnal Mke a pin. made a very fair tall.
Katberlae Derlt bu brought
tbe Idtb of Deoembev and bad ihu of
I «■> «V«» «• •• IM • I
ibote waa going to be eebool after
Tbe bear was harder to do. but with
»we nwre 8|UM(ar wbool cards lor
New Year. We did not have a fer? preaenu from the tree, and we had a strong, upright stick to which

*mr tbe
ehUdiwa Jn Chtoa.
good time Cbrlatmas. We would bare speaking there, too. We woul go
ioagiber will be oa their war to tbe
school much longer. Just only foot fastened one set crossways for toto lM«« iMipM
paws they mansged very well,
Mi Wa« «i rnwfjtm mt t» ot^ «Me of tbe worid.
renee and Minnie coold have been weMcs. then will have vacaiton.
think 1 win close tor this time. S elephant* trunk tin-d them ull
iMi« tM».
wUb QA 1 got a collar, a cup to nae
It wouldn't stay oa unUI they de­
SoiM Une ago y
H I Mtt AH la ariflit to «•
for a tootb bniab mug. a bottle of
to make believe he was picking
laed to print a gai
From your Sunsbtner.
mrn» mrnm, i M -rqr. jqr
perfume la a pretty box. a lllUe dreea‘thing'from* tbe ground aod
Frank J. Zdenek.
er made of abeUa and a book mark.
btilh tbe trunk that way around a l«ig.
Baby la'Juat u cate aa the can be.
tbla Kick. Short piece* of wood made
ThI* la a RaMlan A»e. end meaaa
abe aaya everyiblng. Sbe bad tbe acar- yoar Christmas exercises, and seen the tusk*.
•attok." A row of ebalra put dote _
the pretty tree.
let fever, too, 1 -will close .tor this
How the Rirdoey children aad iheH
aetbcr but feeing altomateiy In oppotime.
MooTM Oritier. Mich.. Dec. 31. *0C. little friend* did enjoy that roo! Of
•aite dirccUona U placed In,tbe eenier
Dear Prealdeoi—
Ever your Stmahiner.
*11 the buys and glrU helped,
of tbe room; tbe playera. anaberlng
Oertrodc Owen.
1 will write and tril you what I got aud other animal* were added. A more than tbe cbaira. flti itaeffi'
We all know that (tortrude is a true for Chrisimaa. I got a gold ring, two loosier with rent tall feather* wa* one.
ecnpletoly. leaving one perami auadWe had a
Sonbeam beeanae of her beautiful, nn- boDka. aod a new coat.
up soberly, her till curl­
lag. Tbla one ukea a addc. and.
conpUlolng apirit. Ijei ua tend her Chrisimaa tree at our church,
ed lonnd her, was another.—Fxchange
mardilag around tbe chain, rapa with
loving ttaanfbU in our heart.
good time Cbrlatmas day. Ihavcalll«MMekAM'aaTn.c
U oa tbe floor In finm of <we chair,
ile brother. His name is Albertus.
The Trade Winda
Ktageley. Mich.. Dee. 28. 19GC.
then aaotfaer. tbna aummoiilng tbe oc(ton he Join the Sunshine Club? H els
Allusion 1* often made in books and
eupanti to follow blm. unlil tbe eaUre
six years old. We have two wevks’ In newspapers to the tmde wituls.
I thought I would write a few.lii
company are maicblng in IndUn flle,
Ami .VIM f
few person* know
beblad tbe leader; anddenly be Mila to you. I am well and hope you i
we will hare another week. Well. I actly w-hsi those winds are. They
ont. “Stock." and alto down quickly: the name. I go to school every day
will close for this lime by wishing produced by the.Inrush of n»td air
dy trlea to eeeure a bmI. btr 1 can. I will tell you what I got for
ytNi a Itoi^y New Year.
from the pole* to take tbe plare <>
neceaaariiy one irieH; tbla one tben Cbrtatama. I gM a handkerchief, and
the column of benied air tbai u<e<>ml:
Zella NoHslnger.
r candy and nm«. There Is not
takea up tbe ■■atoefc" and in lum
You must have bad a very happy from the oquaArr. The daily rotation ot
crowda out. eomebody elae; and so it any aebool next Monday and Tuesday
the earth towanl ihe t'sst makm thifloea oo.
and there was not any last Monday
air from tbe north a northeast winil
and Tuesday. Well. I must close for enti. Albertos has his card'and buii<
by toil lime.
and the air from the soitilt a somheasi
ila ilmA so good-bye.
The •Wrwi Cleutf'e «mw Men.
Maple City. Mich.. Dec. 21. iflOC.
wind, and thoiu- wlmls nearly alwa}^
TMtofAr the BOO* waa bigb.
blow in Ihe same direction on the
And bright and warm ibewia.
Ibnlne Davis.
I Uion^ I would ait down and
The spow yraa falling steadily, and ianilc end the Pacific Ocean, where
I am glad to bear from you again.
80 Ned. and Mar and Beae and I
write you a few lUwe to let you know
tbe Roduey children, strange as It may there Is nothing in tlxir way to oh
Lomlae. You muai enjoy your
. Went out to have aone ton.
I am not very well. I am going to
seem, were grumbling as they waicbeil wrurt or divert them. For thi- reason,
eebool now and 1 am In tbe fourth
lh<-y arv rellerl upon and made as.- of
We pIM tbe m
. oa«rooi BlM. reader, end my tencber'a naam
Traverse City. Mich.. Dec. 29' '06.
nme IHI cover the Ire for
by Kuiiurs. Many iktsoiis su|i|K>se
• Than Made-wbat do ron tblakr
HuA ADen. I have a pel and It la
Dear President—
week,’’ said Paul, wbo ached to try hia their
name., “iradc-wlnds." comer
A MpB «r aaov arltb noutb and eyee little dog. Hia name la Fldo. Mr. and
I have never written you before be­ new skates.
from their value in commerce, hi
Of aaaUe's ootored ink.
Mra. Brauea are llrliig with
cause 1 live so npar to you. One cd
“And then everything will thaw all
ore likely that the ulliisiua I
and t^ have two beblM. I have Iota my friends has gone away and I miss
once, and there won’t
their itoding or "treading ’ In on.
nia BMNBlRg tbroagh 'the gla
at fan vritb them. My graadma
her very much. I have seen
chance at all.’.’ added Phil, wbo was r.-ci lou.
I hope you will have a good Chrisimaa trees, one at the aebool. Just beginning to try cutting fancy
a world all aew;
The SMting Moan.
time Cbriatmaa. and 1 with yon a Mer- one at tbe chtirdi. and one at borne. figures on the ice.
tba AtortodoodA while we were iT .Cbitotoua and a Happy New T«ar. eW adMDhaeallvb abrdlu
Have you ewr had a chance ihaveabrh
••VaeaUon’ll soon be over, too,"
II- moon as it was setting hek>w an
Tbe MordlekriUc acboM bad a Chrial- We did not have a big one. for we ».lglied Alice. She had Jnst teamed
Hatu ^ared at **aaow aiea," too.
toaa today. Well, I gueaa l wUl cloae dont put oar pyeaenU cn It; they enough from toe boys to be able to unol«ituci«i horlzim, at sr-a. for.
pk? If so. It was not the w*oon Itsi-lf,
/or tUf time. Oood-bye.
would be too heavy. I got a purse aod skate alone.
- Tbe pmp'e a eoidler with «ne am.
a cardtull of Jewelry for my doll, a
"Oh. dear me suf!" exclaimed a lit- hut Its pefrecli-d Image, that you
(tor aan weara coa^d bat;
Age 12Martha May Lewia. work basket, apron, handkerchief box. tie voice in ibe comer. .They all a* the lower rim touched toe huriron
la liae tbe fenpe^ne^aU blara
Thank you. Martha, for your good two new books, and o few more things. laughed. It came from small Bessie, line, for the moon wa* already Ind-.w
rrara Qen-ral Hlicbpaet.fat
rlabea. Write
I tbank you ever and ever ao much' who was trilng to put on her big wax the line. The atnKMphere at the lit.ritort has a refractory power of one luilf
for that pretty little boto.
dolly’s nightgown backwards.
We pta7 tbeee men are warrtora bold.
degr«-e. and on.-faalf a degree Is the
Brer your loving friend.
“We all have our troubles.” said
To atom our caalle walU;
Katherine Davis,
Alice. “Come here. Pussy, and I’ll put meaniire of the appart-nt diameter of
Bo, Uke tbe kolgbu la atorlH old.
the full moon. Therefore, when yoa
It most have been nice to have seen It on for you."
srleh you and all toe aen><«*■»« a
We ate/ wltola onr halla.
»oe the moon at llml lime, you do.i‘1
Merry cairtetmea and a Happy New
sev It. tt I* rbe same,with the sun.
which present you liked best.
we’ll explode!- exclaimed Phil,
TbejTl eee that to 01^ beartbaide Year. We had a Chrlstmaa U«e at
for Its apparent diameter is also urnfor a SDM man sooo as w
oar church Chiinmaa eve. Por Cbriethalf a di>gree.
get ont.'’

k a New Teatament. a prMty
Tber dan't break tkrauA today.
"Me too." Mid the otoera, and Bes­
And eooB give ap and ceaae tbeir blae ribbon. Uith'day boMc. ribbon
I sie added. “Make me a..snow drtly.
The O'd Hen.
bolder. bandkereUef. and Cbrtstmaa
. %tom;
"Moth.-r," srbhed a 11tlle'thr4.e.yparcard, baaldea lou of candy and nuts. school: I am In tbe fourth grade and won’t you Pliuir
Then wen-go ont to play.
“Of course I will, -ni make you m old gill, tunning into the house, mnrh
My atodlea are muling, arltomettc. ge­
to the Boardmaa Avenue school.
offende.1. "I wi*|i yotid whip the old
ography. grammar, and spelling. My At efaureh we had a tovely^OirlKtinay woolly lamb, too." he said in fun.
•We could do It: I »>e»cve.’’ said hen; she won't I.-i m.> si<- iji.- cliiek.
la Mrs. Mina Holbrook. How I wUh you bad been there!
The »ecrct.
tea; she desl lift- tip her'iln-.-s uud
ber very mach. Wall. 1 gueaa 1 stosd of reeetvlDg preaenU. we gave Alice suddenly. “We conld make a real
h, ao vety hard! I
all run rtSbi under:"
one as big as life tf the snow packi
will ekme. With good wlabea.
He wtmderwd If be Mid.
preaenu to tbe poor. We did not get bard and dry. My teacher was leliing:
• BMora Twee time tor supper.
things for them to pUy with, we got
day what you can make
'Wheel In his pile cf wood.
uaeful things. First on ibe program
of snow-like und modeling,
You rntmt have had a merry Oirlst. waa the primary class. They tang
Alt soon ea he atopped dreading It.
Wkei yaw WaH Stays
ea. and we all hope you bad a happy dolllet- BongA and they all had dollA
With ooet thrown o8, yon eee.
“1 believe we could." said Paul
New Tear, too
He glM-t tad U hsU ao hard
And after toe litUe girU sang, the 111- briskly. -We might have a picture of
Aa be toougbt Twee going to be!
lOngaley, Mich,. Dec. «. 1906. He bo>x sang. And every risM gave sheep to look aj and some wooito
diriurb them
I beard Mm tell tbe reason.
•o««hlng. Our class gave apples. shovels or slats to Mis|>e toe he^.
Dear Preaidant—
cathartics but.
Hta ejsi toot danced with tan.
tho watch, toc}- w-iU
1 thought I would write to yoir and We gave two barrels and an express with and-to scoop out the snow for
-An Moa-e ywar mlnd'e mada wp." be tril you what I got for ChrlatmaA
cart full. Oood-bye.
tails and earn and to shape off the Isrd.
Your lorlag Sunshine girl.
got a pig bank, and a plate, a cup and
until toe}- arc p.;i
nnl*T1w bardaK pan Is done!'
Btoel Geraldine Lawrence. malA too. Bears"—
Mttoer. a puxxle. a
Into proper contlitiontodcPii.
That was a beauUful Christmas'.
two haadkercblefs. a bom, a pair of
•And-ond elephants!" exclaimed
One cannot mend
wriaUcls, a book, a mug. and an au­ Just think of tbe sunaUne It brought Phil. Jumping up. ’1)b, I wish It
a dvli.utc !>««.« of
Pheay. Jan. «, l»07.
tomobile. We weal to a ChrUimaB to tbe boys and girls who would not would atop snowing, so we could hf
mechanaen by vi-i.
lent inrtbodA nn-i
tree at tbe church and t went to one have had any.
gln!" And be went ttam{dng around
icbiae madv by man i* os fine
at my Grandma Bower's. I aptoe a
_ ---human body.
uMkh, R. F. D. No. 1. the room.
-»b.«1tatai«Id.-Tttvatae aty. name
jdeee at toe toorefa. 1 think 1 will close
Tbe use of pfll*. *alfA ca.-«or<.n
•There’s a lot to do to get ready.”
mm hr «toH Uwimee. .
Dec. 29. 190e.
for this time. Oood-bye.
and Wrong ca-.hanic mcdicir.« i*
said Alice. "You know papa says a
Dear President—
AlbartM Notatomr. Mcnne O
tnclbod. Tbe use of
Pram your little SunshI
I thought I would write you a. few good workman is always careful to
toe herb tonic las.itiee.
Hnea to let you know that I am well have hto tools in order. Let’s spend tth
What a alee Chrisimaa you bad. and hope these tow lines will find yoo ta^ttlng ours ready. You boys'll'
, T„r
I. HU to
Roy! ,1 would like to aee all your the same. 1 will tell you what I got lun-e to make tbe shovels or wbaicwr
Many nloe tettera fitmi bm
for Christmas. 1 got a work box. a you’d call ’em."
ABOU. and laarw what a fe^y Cbilatif the netbod adopted ^ iue’li.
"And ril look up tbe pIctnrcs ’Kiid
gold pen. a pMri penholder, and pearl
MM you bad. Mut.oM totter taOa ua
Ileadaibe.bacVache, Indigent ino.
Oat two of our dmr 8i
paper kalfe. a hairpin receiver, a lit­ Alice. We must choose the animal*.
s’.in d.-^^s—nil
tle telephone wKh a boiUe of per8BM to bmvm Cor.a Uttte
benefited imnieJialely by the BJe
By evening tbe tools were ready and
I chou^t I would write a tow Ihiee fame in U. and a cup and aancer. and
MUU Mttor made your ptmldeni
of this median?.
tatvy-beartad that It didn't atam aa > poo. -1 am wcU. and hope you aye four bandkerebiefs. Don’t you think le aaimato ehoseo. A aheep for Besdbongh she could amlle. Tbta. aud- le Hmc. We got a nice lot of praa- toose are enoagb preseals? | go to e. a bear, an elephant, and Alice
school every day. 1 am hi toe sixth chose a beauiifnl picture of a large
dcnlyjier toamalltorwed to taMbowa. ems. We had a Cbrlatmas
vhM tfke UbMsbt bmr bcaqttail a WM aU Ugkted up with eaadlea. 1 got grade. My studies are reading, arito- dog .lying down to make her image
Brat OrtmMs. la heaven, maat *e. for Cbrimmaa pitaenu a PmcII box. meik. grammar, gaograpby and spell- from. There were other plans, texj.
Bo, wbae we au want to amd loving a
of mltieuA n pink hair ribbon. ig. I am twelve years old. FOr peU should there be Ume to cany them
1 pin-trav. a pair of aldr combs.; have two esu and a dog. The cau’
Ihotigbla to Gertrude and tier paiia
“Pr’ap* all the boys -and gCrUH 1
names are Dutch and Nigger. The
and mamma, we can be very happy,
candy and peaauU. Tbla
dao. for our Sunbeam, who are not
saw a weasel after a rabbit. We dog’s name la Bouncy; he U playful. beJp." said PhlL -tod then wo could '
?i a lot done and have a loo."
all ran out and frightened It away Well, 1 will have to close.
"Wril. we may let ’em help." Mid
From your Sunshine girl,
from tbe rabbit; toe weasel then ran
back to the woods. We bad a spelling
Reiia I. Brown.- Pan!, giwndly. "but they’ve got to do
•chool last Friday night at tbe school
Tou eertalnlT bad k fine Chrirtmaa as we tell 'em. for we know Just how."
w of bars
The next day was exactly right for I
botue. Well, I musrcloac for this time I wonder if Bouncy and Dutch ai
I tbU winter. Sbe
«klng anew Image*. There, were j
Nigger enjoyed the day!
you ooaM all aee aome of ber preUy Oood-bye.
heaps of the white cryKtals.ererywbere I To all tbe Uteat deei(,'Di
Pttan .
ones that are la btoaaom a
Morencl. Mich.. Dee. 39. 1906.
le eff yonr soft, alutoy kind that
iefa^on Gfonnuiteeii. ever notice bow tbe planu lorn
Nellie Wilson. Dear Prcaldent—
melts away fast, hut good, firm, bonWbai a nice Chrlrinma you muai
nalic tool, .nd htal i„.
to toe aun, DO matter bow often you
1 will write to you now srhile t think
t snow t^f packs hard and is likHy I , prove*! maebinerv.
Moved toe pot? They warn u get have had! And w* are aU
of It. eW are staying at ay brotoer-#
last. The day was soft and gray and I aod work# 321 feay street
away from tbe darfcaeaa. and lift toem- TOO saved tbe rabbit’s Ufe.
I do not know where we will
snapping cold, ao there waa no
' Citizen's pbooe No. GHO.
•eleea. ap. up to toe h«»»wirui u^bt.
. Hleb. Dec. 28. 19«. to yet. I will write to you and tell
And rmt president thinks that we are Dear PreWdent
jA.W.RI lEM. Trayerta CBy
you where we more. We do not take
von' mseh Uke the MaatA Only
It baa been
txen a long time since
toe Grand Trarerse Herald now. it Is
As the children worked ihev found
«?Mdne to toe light that tome, from srroto
rcu and lou of tolnga have
Mr. Robson'A Trarerse City out many useful point* about making
happy brarti and
since that time. Two of our R. F. D, No, «. For Christmas 1 got
• Image*, 'niey soon discovered
like to be toe people w-jo are wbatwe Mar Sunbeamt have gone to Uve in
a komona. a pair of bedraom slippers.
they conldnt very well make a
can •touany." *«•,

tbe Haavealy Home, my broifaer Law.
bracelet, three bandkerebiefs and a shhep’s body and then lifi |i op and
aiA Hka toe planu that want toe aun. renee died Dec. S. and my slater Htoneck
on legs. The legs retnsed to be
ablne. we are able to make our
Tin* ni TImUt
ale died Dec. 22. Lawrence died of you get? I was put In the aerenib built, and the body lost it* ‘fine abape
euaabine. as well. Let na be real___ paeumonto. and Minnie compile
m to school, while I when th^ raised It.
Two papers for the price of «m
.beams all tbrcuMi toi. beautiful new bom acariet fever. Well, we have
was only in the sixth at Giaws. I
TTnaUy they decided to make tbe
year of Ifl*?.
moved to Ike upper peninsula. We wito you a Happy New Tear, as I am hodlM by banking np mounds of anew,
atanad from Travarse City 9^v I2. and to tote for Cbrtetmas. Hoping I will imbedding four sticka to make the leg*
got to a place called Qiicnat that see tbe Herald that tbta |a printed In.
ton }
strong and then soooplag oin tbe parts
ntghL then came on to Nsublnway i will etoee for this tine.
a the 1^ and nader tbe body.'




Lane’s Family

,__ ___ .>2^-

CN ffnsdCnmnv SvrjM


on the touilMt cbutii


Tbe condpctor puking from tbe heeled
intideof a trolley or to the icy tenpentm
of the pbtfonn—tbe omwaMcr ^swiwllng ea
hour or eo m o heeted boildtiif Rud
walkmg against a biting wind—know tbe
difficult of evoiding cold.
Scott*^ Emulsion strengthen* tfw
body so thet 'it can better withstand the
danger of cold from change* of Umperatuie.
it win bdp you to a*<^ taking cold.



We Can’t Change
the Weather
But we can lix both you and your horse so neither of
you will mind it. We have robes of the warmest sort
—l ur. Astrachan or Cloth full warmth for the .Iriver
and handsome enough lo go with the finest (uniout.

Also Driving Gloves,
Foot Warmers, etc.
In the mAniime, don't forget the horse. You've been
wrong in thinking that because we have such a high
grade stock ol Blankets, that we have nothing good
for the man who wants to pay less, and itill get a
good. warm, serviceable blanket. We have
• some warm ones.

Wc also have a First-class
Line of Cutters.

CarrlagcH.^Cu^ra.^^ameas. Hardwara

13.1 Slate Stmnt

Cite. Phone 99.

Bell pnoite 1S8

Complete Housekeeping


I New Piano
1 Kimball Orean
I Small Office Safe
Blacksmith Tools
Will Sell any of the above cheap

Smith Realty Co.
FLOYD L. SMITH. Minager.
Telephones. OOicc. Citizens 32: Bell 169.
Evenings, Citizens. 290

The Drug Store
”Hial Has It”
Th.t IS
is a Kirntmioo « have gaipol

carefull, w^cb.

u a eW to mU the best goods at moony naviog prici!
Whatever you want in Dxng Stem Ooo.b jm will '6od
It hue. UomfhCTqfifitaDdyoo’UhavetogonofBrthnf.

; Waifs Drug Store
’ S. W. Gmmt Irinrt an* UaioB SIncL




maltnmtcd memberw to tht-lr follest
Dent Threw Away DM Ncwip^cra. •agar, oaedbird cup arairr. Ball us^ll
ertenu When dusting, which I
Orange—4>our bolting water no
We Uke and read a good many news U trill harA« when dropped In coM
wliboiit gloves. I make li a rule ne>
large place of unstaelied lime. A*
papers, bm their iiariulnca hi bv no water. Poor while bo. over ihe heal a
Hath in 04ngul*A
slacks, ndd sufflcIcDt hot water to cov­ to horry. If one works hasUly. i
■MWD* ended wh>-n (hey baye bex-a white of the c*g lewilag c.Misiantb-,
hands are much more likely to be
er Ihe goods, strain and scald
taste as guod. If properly made, and I read: in fact, iba< I* only the begin, aad when It Ip n.-sr1y rcM, pjj- ur r
be lime watei ddeoially cot or bruised: so whih
boll) jvilow niia'
nine. *ay» a writer m The iJcitesgive three distinct variette*. say* a
imali piece for the do not waste time. 1 g mnever
writer In Good HousekeeploA Ror
Nut Cocoa Caht..
right shade: If ton strong, (he yellow haste.
We spread them about the stow
plain hasfaTt^p the meat tine, and use
For ant cucua cake, ctvum one cap
that tbe lovatld gladly forgets ber win be discharged, but Just tbe rigfat
■rC-butbsl (gg. a small onion and while we take up the ashes, thus mv
A CrMd.
boen perlormrd. I wash w>^ hands
sugar with twtsthlrd* of a cup M
sireogib gives a beanlifni orange
log (he roirpct or floor We spread
I bHtere In tb« UKbt tbal ahlaM ob woes, for a time at least, and th<
batter, add three.. well-beaiiM 0|x
Blue—For 3 pounds of cotton, dis- esrefolly. rub them wiib lemon juice
you have (he aailafactlon of leaving
of-tneat. Chop the onion fine, and fry them when we must walk -ui a newly
yxdka. Add two and ope half raps of
dve In separate tubs : ounces of to remot e any trace of grime or stain
UchUBC Ike blM or Ike aannwr cky her betier than you femad her. An In­
t> a mlsaoe in a lahlespaooftil i>f but­ wa*hr«l fli-or tsdorr }i -is qiilte dry to floor. sKied with (VO ond on-- half teaPmstlan blue and
ooncra of oxalic and Btteod to the nail*. WUh i n»i;
In (bo crera of iW sr«n. (be ktovIbk valid. particulariy If
ter: add the mat. hit watry. and ■br ) siH-e the ftsiimarks. We spread them
1 pre** down ib'd cuticle at tbacid crystals In sufficleot warm water
{ m atit folded to fit on the shrif where spoonsful at baking powder and o4ie
I. whose love t
of edefa lirtl iiDIII the while bslt- egg—alMi chopped Soason with salt
cup of »«-eet milk. Bral the wblft-s
to cover rags. It Is writ to pound the
Tbe VIM flovcT* stirred br (he iceDtic latea itself Into fear and apprehen.
IM-pper and a little mustard, and aim i we hqpi Ibf P’o-i- s for dlimer. and in
•llffir and then add to the baiter, wflh
Prussian bine In a mortar, as it is not circle i* visible, and then I cat- fail,
Blon. often gets her thoughts and Iq.
iner slow-, ten minnles For hrowaci! 1 the *>v-.a where the v»'get.ible( are
«ner Of a cup at eocoa and «W*
easy to dissolve in a lump. Dip Unit In snip off niy embry o hang nails or «a
jkiejiing wiTln to go in .to dinner, all
In (IM umA ss (her slag to their terests so^ceniered upon herself ihsi
ged skin. Th> dtine, I place a little hash. Us,, -qiial .parts of ccdil lean nic- «i.l hoi. W.- k-p them /-up of mliefl chopped walnuts and
her condition )>eromes chronic.
msles shore.
uafl-powdi-r on tbe nails of one band
n. wnteb have
and nlicraate for the desired shade.
Switch your own thoughi-curtwi
I bHiere In a world ihs( is roW hr
small, season with sal! and peppci j folded io eight, and strung oa a string
•si. Bake In a shallom pap ppr
Gietn—Color blue as dliecied. then
1 ikiIIkIi iIhid with tbe palm of the
whenever fear, anxiety, worry, envy
und moisten with a lime enld gravy 'hangliig near the sinl.-. ifa,-p.«titn we an ,wmr mix tiro tablespoon* «( ho,,,,.
follow Ihe recipe for yellow. This gives
lei. tht* method prodoring much
hatred, anger, doubt, or any other morI'lit enough driiijdug or bolter in a I lilt a h<M kettb- from the stove and set wt;b haU a cup of coc-u. add oae mp
i«r te-ulis than the use
n chsmiHaiilUiiI gv«Vn. Now ptuir the dlfferhid emotion or feeling intrudes
i bHIeee io s Power imseeo by sll
frying pan 1.0 cover the iK^iorn: h--Jt I it in the sink We ).,.T .11,. B fol.;..,l p*. Ilf ronf-ciKmer's augar and a qoansr
lu three minutes the nail*
)l solutions togetber toot lecludlng oi* luds.
! F- r under «nd tun no risk. Wbe.-i'
your mental horfxon, These art- all de­
Thai holds IIS faiit In lis woodroi
c siifficieiiil, piilished. und I um ml pm in the hash, set^ov.u :i h-U fli< !wa*h dl.he* we .:riq, a j-ajH-r',dii’l> of a cup of ihtn cream or rich m|lk.
IP lime Winer) and theiv will be siifpressing and unwholesome, and deri
' threH.
nd Mir until qni<-‘ hoi. ii'iiig enough
Beil about Ave minutes and then t^l
Arir-Di -stienglh to give a ijoupd or two
i-n ready for ;i rail from my most
dedly unlteeomlng a ehlld of the
II Uses IB the riser, nishlng along.
1 t|te diippiiig to make the hash sav; I folded on the no.r in from of the until .-ipjmy. Fltaor
of raga a pleasing nondescript color.
oidions friends. I have found that

In the teMs of v)iea< and the waving Good. Cut out every eircult exetfti
ry and to make It brown ipih-klv. As wink, and push'another ov-t th- two Tanllla. and .ptvad overr the
Black—For S pounds of rags In sufpiece of piimlce-stooe' Is .-xe«'-llen'
I browns on the Imtiohi. park It ilusc faistks In the wall ove.- the ^k to
llrtenl wycr lu cover the rags.luiil half
In Ihe moimialBS high and (be aylrsn hope. Jo.v and holiness, and you
tigetber. loos<>n from the {latt )iy run perv-e :is a sidash'-i. and llii-n the fl<i''■^r
ir 3 pounds of siiniac bark and thill so often forms <m the flnseiv |
olc- -...........
know health. ba|>plneas and prosperi­
nlng B thin knife unrtei it. .-md turn .......... — --------..........j»<«k « half packaae of gelatia
«roo<l. Steep twelve hunts, let lie la I have also discovered that le-lthei
one in I cake on a h»l idalt. t Vat, the small l-oy b-lp. aa.h >I.e dUb.uv | ^
And It whispers pein» lo (be bewns; ty And always be vMe to abide in sueh
water half an hour «prenare<i as •ei-y hoi nor very cold water 1* in-si
peace as the world cannot give, and
of naen.
the seasoning with csilsiip or .table B-'f'-n- we i-lran till- ianitc; ■>. snv>-r. ' pan put a cupful
and a half of (an- ,
d ('leaiuiiBgAnd that hurd wa
■ —Mary Moon Ingerson. in the Chrl«- finm which these little enemies, if har- hour. Diaaolve K ounces of eopperna
sauce The ihlr,l hash Is made by using ,ir ISIK the v,-g--aMes f.g dinnu. n#sl BPtlccg syrup, luldtac augar, if
er may U- iierfeclly softened with a
liored In Ihe mind on one pretext o
Usn Regisier.
equal pai:« of choptssl OH-.ii and <b<n> w,. k.y a lilg sb.e! of n. ws,«p.-r ,.n the necesssiy. IO make very aweel. Bring
tbe sumac solitthm, put few drops of ammonia c»r a small quatiother, would needlessly cut yoti rtff. Bo
raw |H>laiiM-.-. To a quait
thi« klich-n table, burn the ,w|>er w-h.-u we
the two solutions together, pul In rags,
r of liorax.
may you ever -Keep your heart i
me US,- a liall-iilnt of snick nr wa. at.- done, und Hi,- table is still t
gKaiine take from Ihe Are and (tir
aji hour, then again ti> lime waNow y-ou liave my secret, jilllnmgh
a little mi it.-d butted, and scas-in- with no «-x
-.•0111 di.s-lV.s! Add one laldcapooafu]
:> minute*.
Make a new dvr
is not so much of a secret alter all.
There at
ing to taste. Mix w,-!l. |«rk in » buliiTof lemon'Juice, strain and wet aside.
l)y boiling
pounds of h«w«o<i VVe do not know wbui we can do until
I) itttb It wholly
: Without your
e-i dish, and lak<- an hour in .a iiurier liiDi-s We ui-i tile ninebitu- with n long jWh.-n
The Revival of the Rag Carpet,
chips, or 2V4 ounces of extract of logry. and I c«-riolnly never reallxe-1.
liich utui sew ili.-m ii«t-ther Inw long |
'mis Is not only the day of rugs for wcuMl an hour In siifflricnl water to
I tried, hew- much of the hardcs!
Look for iba places that are smoblb floor eovering. hut It Is the day ololdau-l the unlieaien whites of^rse egga.
if you have some pastry left over,
Id and leave 3 household work can literally Im- hanand eMwr.
fashloued mgs. lays a writer la a re- hiinni. Urt^d add 2 ox. bichromate of
a- it to make sfiin,- ri*snles, otber- cur|M'l.pap«T. the prinler, ink will d;i and whip sii-adily unGl the mixture Is
dleil with glove*.-courage mirths and Buffalo bugs, and a thick, spoogj mass, turn Into a wriAnd ^leak of those to rest Ihe weary
11 magarine. The braUleil nigs and |u>iash (indMnve rags In this an liour.
wIm- calleil iiH-at iiininvers Roll il out
mtsine complain* that *he caniuit
: eariiei of our gramiranilicrs' hold WaA) In col4 water and dry in the
rut it III oblong or round ideo-s;. we can huiP il next fall, which Is «..t l.-d mold and ws away to chUl,
enviable plnrc in the lieaKs of this sliadc. Adding a pound of fustic will
iin each a laldespnOnftil of pr-'t-ar. fclwav* possll.Ie when caipet iia|»-r
generation. The fac carpel Is woven
neat. T.dd oviu- like a luro.oei. musi Irt- l-mcht at tlu- slure.
Par (he Msrrad TablA
a c(Ml black.
Ih-si advice { ran* give to this
rug shaped now. Instead of being used
----------- :-----------' Wtui Is out (ormenied with while'
press the v-dg,-s toseib.-r. and Itakc
one lime I made 9S jards of rag
ei luiwi-e' woman is to have a»
to cover (he entire floor, and frequent- caii>cting with US pnifbd* of rags,
Apple Roll.
spots rm the dining labje? To remedy,
flfion minute, in a quick lo.oi. Serve
band a vessel filled with biickwhe.-ii
ly it Is made of new and durable macupfuls
clnih* and saucers contalnh b<« girivy In a l-oat. For these
largely collou. There were Hpotindsof
bran floiii. and. after w-ashing and
'^Ik heslth; tbe dreary, aem-chang icrlalH. and of artistic colors and patqssinfiilx Of liaking powiler ing kei-is,-ne. alrt>b<d and sweet oil;
I ran us.- plain hash, iiccortllng t«
red. 4 orange. 34 yellow, 23 (an and
Itand-, lo-phiiie<- them Inlag taM
It even old materials may be hrown. 9 old calico, 13 black (largely dO'IbIt
■ u-cijie c!v,-n, first nllowing It to and a pinch tif salt. Mix a piece of hut- apply the k<-ros-ne find of all- If
the (lour. This wilt ko.-p them sofi.Of ■erui ^aladies'ls worn and stale: tastefully arranged if a little thmigbt
the wire of So egg with the dry k<‘ros,-ne or raw IIomxhI oil Is applied
coitonl. 17 green, 29H miscellanctius. and whiten them a* well. An equally get cold: lull they are infinitely nin>i
Ton cannot charm, or interest or Is given (be subject.
f fllltfl with m<-ai for cro ii-.grtalienis. riibliiiig them tigtelher aa aoon as the spot la firal made It
'mere were 40 noiinds of warp. 17
Take, for lasianceji mg made from knots Io Ihe yard I. If you expect a rag effective remedy, though a irillc i
lUi-Mc*. -This r,>ri|>e . for nttqnellcs wiih’ the flng-TB until ihi- huiier Is)may often Im- removed at once. After
harping ou that minor chord, dis- shades of blue and while for a blue
K one that hns. lu-en used for n long ihuroughly mixaxi with (ha- flour. Pour. the stain ha* been allowed to atanal
carpet to wear well, use warp freely. glycerine, iiiix—l with rosi--wn'ei. ■
Dlile denim after having been
ime. and If foll<n»e.i no one will him on-' cupful of milk Into the flour and;for some tfine] howt-ver. Aral apply
For 27 yard* of hit and ml*a the (<>;■
liutids and nib il in Is-foi-'
Say you aro well w all la well with washed numerous times takes on
• basil balls. - Have ready a pint <»f iiiaka- il ima# a suiorth iloiish. which i kenuu-ni-. then the second cloth with
lowing Hem* are submlied. a* (}ie
lovely soft lone, which Is pretty used
■■cat triiiqiiM.I v«a>- finei. a half-pint plucr am the Biamldlng laoard and roll jalcohad and finally Ihe third rioth with
cash oalJay: .94 imiinds of waip ■< S3
And God Shan hear your words and alone >r with u bll uf white In one of
If milk, a Uige lablesiumnrnl of lull- oui lu fha- HUcknes* art (rtia-ipianer | sw-s-l oil a>r linscd rtl. rubbing Ihe
pound. 82.<d>: OU yards of dam­
make them true.*'
Vegttable SoupA
these nig*. 'The warp may lie «if
c.-. two i-f fliiiir. one of liarsley and Inch, itpra-^ two (ablespaaonfuls of! last In ihortuighly iiiutl the at*>t bss
aged rt'd calico. 20c; 4 spools of thn^ml
>ny iieopb- In-slCite to aert e tuuips me of (uiion—Itoib rhoppe>i flue
deeiier blue. It should lu' woven along
bnita r on the alough and sprinS.le .with [ di*ppi*-ar*-a{,
weaving 13.24. total cost. 83.73.
Iiaranse of ibe belief that it I-: m-ees- quarter tif a teasponnftil of gtound a small cu)>ful ad sugar. Meanwhile 1
tbe ends of the strip* for an Inch or
liiie more than 21 cent-c a yard.
uary to have meat stock as a foiiuda- ihsitueg or mace, and salt and pepper l-ava- (art apple, rbopfxxl line and)
If a hem I* desired, or for n short
Stewed Steak,
P ' world are pleasant tkomrtiiA
distant and then left for fringe. This
asie. Put the batter In a ft,ing spieaal them thickly ever tha- sugar;’ Selacl a sllte of be»d from (he tqp of
-* and the greatest art In life Is
Tabic T.ilk. slinw what ran 1..- -lone
fridge may be braided or knotted In
sprinkle sugar and nurc a>ver th'c;ibe nsund al*iui an inch and a half
when melHttl^ put in i
• to hare ns many of them as pooTo many overburdened htrusekeep- w-lth the wlnifi- v.-geiable* wliHi are and parsle.v; e<«k a mlnui,-. adil the appla-s. roll the ilauigb up as you would j thick. \\'l|>e and trim It.
The effect of such a
Rnb Ibe
en>. whose time and sirragth seem tax­
e found in ev.-ry furiii and flnuT. mix sRKMUhly. and add the milk, a Ja-lly radl. and wiiff a sharp' knife mt. Urtiom of the dripplna pan with a Hi­
certainly good.
ed to tbe limit, every day In the year.
ilrring iinill it l-oils and form* a ll liitaa small pia-cas almtlt (Kic nnrtj >b- fat. (hen lay In Ilia- sesk. Pour
Tlie circular braided mats of tbe
dllowliig urtk-le will seem the ihc grrtceiitsf br dwelleis in oiilcs.
mooih. thick sane**, when mix In the «im-bair i«r4ies thick. Placa- them up-1 over H wie pint of straina-al tomato
old rBTlme are now replaced liy oblong
height of f.s.UshUe*s, yei. et.u (lie
rrrara of Onfui Sonp-IWl and cut
and take foini the Are. Season riehi in a liuilerasi luiklng pan leaving; eaiic,- and cova-r closely Place in a
roga made by Joining hralded strips
busiest may gain some ideas from II fine stifflriem w liite -uilops lo_me.,siiro > taste with ..v7i. |iepi>er and nutmeg. sjaeie between tha*m so that ali side* 1 moderata- ova-o an.! conk ulowly fur
ellber iengthwiae or erotswi*»\ Tnek-.
htch will help to keep iljelr hands
Dd Him oiii -ui a plaiter to cool. w ill brown. Bake in a moderate a»ven ! two boor* and a half,
In these days, when people are comfree from the (lalnful ehapping which
W-hen |•^riertly col.l. make Into small for half an hour anal serve with pnaltiW Bore and more to nadersund that ends of the strips secnrely while the
come* as an aceompanimem to win- cover a'nd c«»ik at tin- side of llie -file. cylinders or uausage ahni|ied rolls. ding saner-, made a* follosra: Gr-ddually
Fig Wafara.
•tMmghla are things.*' and that erery hraldinr-is in progress. These cods
wlnds. Others who have more Rhakiag frequently niitll lenib'r. but Have an egg Iteaien with a srani Bill- one gill of wata-r Inm a labla-spoan
Half a cupful of butter, one eaptnl at
anerward be. sewed carButly.
pMasaat void, erery kind and loring
Ume to devote to ihemselreA will l>e not colpred: udil one pint of warer and half-cupfnl of hot w-aier. Hip the rolls fill of a-aimsUrrh. M»va- ready one anal ■ugar. a»e tabJespnonful of milk, two
thonght vhlB we send out not only >Hi and miss nffeets are the easibat
glad of the hints whicii It ronialns. blmmor slowly tmill soft t-nnuRh to I-e fliwi Into cracker cmmli* or fine bread onaebalfrcupfuis of l-oUlng wauv and egiis. one heaping leaspooaful of Iwkhat a dirwet Influence npon lit reclp- to make, but aimple patieros may lie
Says the writer:
rvbbfil ihi-ough a sieve. In t'-i-- ntcan- Crtimbs. next In the egg. and then lu
Ing powder, one raipliil of flnety choplicb mil
ieaL but retnma in Increoaed meas- carried out by the patient bands, hack
ilme melt and mix in a *- tiuid sauce- crumbs .vaain 1st them stand ten mln- ling It badl for three mlmile*;lheiisilrl ped figs, a-naaiigh fltmr !•• roll oot very
. ura to Heas ibe aender. the following ed by a fair degree of ingennlty.
one inble.--i>oonrnl -4 biinei-.anil
. aad fry to a golden brown in In one cupfntofsncjr. the Juice and 'hin I'ia-i«t.- and mix the name aa
Stripes and block designs, or plain the land lh«- mistress has lieert comhy.IMon U Mnnnlng cornea at a dlpellad to dispense with tbe sen Ices
tabli spoonfuls of Jlcmi and c<s>k ItolHng deep fsi.
, r-a.-k:.-, Ulel •'
a kiiifi- inubhmg
rind a Caor- lemot and ulira
botdera on bh and mlaa bad
md Baaaage:
(4 the mald-of-all work. One curefnl wiihtwi cuWlDg Yur- lh:«sthen whila- i
are not difflcnlt. and one tnu
an who wa* thus forced to econo-^ Stir in gradually one pint of b»t
I. A mile style is secured by making (he edges
■ dtina lalo I
decided that she would not allow milk U'lK-n Meniiv'tl and i-is>l.-r| to m
laet will gaaarally enable one to do darker than the center of (he mg.
Two artists' mgs wt-re recently seen herself in consequence, to cootinually mooili sauce draw to one s.dtyiad
A luitrle of househtdd umilhWlia
thN gnteemny: hut If the inierioc. siiople nik-. Nothing is M Hfoetlve aa
conple of cb-an. Mtfl rioihs. tiiBor It rery potBstent. sometimes s in one of the pretiiest homes In Tr*' earn' about the islor of pot* and pans, Imnier ler five tu>mil<-s. Blit IMO ibis
was even more deiei-mlneil. the piil|~sl lUii.m, .-i.ld salt ^ wIilic wumd like much, bill they aiv the
eingar Bread.
taking a drink of water every hour or
- nimci rahuke win be tbe only recourse. cmc Cli.v. The firm had a center <
that her bunds sbaiild not become [s-[i|»ei- to taste util] a lin,* I.ini-li of hriflj houscj^vei,' fltro friends, and
The faallnwing ra-cipa- is COnl ril-ula'd two. Mealical men declare that we
TB- Instance. Hra. A. went across the pure white, nod n Imrder at each end
r. th--b sirunim- f-ir five nitiinb-s ihrir use. are manifold, says Talde . Home rh«-i by Mr'. Mary llaniard Mhould l-a- helped In varlona way* If
straat. and aakad her neighbor. Mr*, of Woe. 'me «her was a solid -ktld rough, red and grimy from the hard
we weia- mora- ibougbtful aM peralsTalk. Wh-ce shall we stait i« use it? of Mania-Du. HI.
a, to reaum and Inspect tbe caodliion blue- In the center, with a border rt work which she was obliged to i>erfom bragel.
ffils wmp. w-hb-h is highly esleem- Suppose We take the kliehen as the
One cup rif Jiiaalas-e s, one half cup lamt In ibl* res)*ecl. Il la eertalaly a
la which ceruin parlies hid left the blue and white "bit and miss " A pr<>r- She sliowed her pretty hands to an<-e. If you wash liutia-r or I:i:-1. Aald ia» this twi, scant sJuiiaie nile. anal one that Is wiilila
kw would lie a mg of blue admiring group la'iiy gslbered in her ed by (be French as a tu-ry ine. may
otRfr half of her double bouoe. Mrs. U.
irior. and all w-t-u- twger to know­ lie varitsi by HWbslitiiiing One cupful
glass or silver (which has been leaspasin- or soala alla-r dlssolvius in. learh ui Ihe b-ulewt among ua
fluabed a little on recelrlng such a re- and while "hit and miss" with Imrder*
thin Mralnc<l iniitain for one-half dlscolor—l by <-gg-i put a little am.- cna- cup ail luiHing water. Beal well.
<|iM«. hni replied with gentle dignity: cf plain blue. Tliese tugs are useil In how she niaiiagitl to keep thcm.ln such
the nmieani of waivi- given alsjve nionia iti the w-aur..;ind if egg niatks Ih'-fi adal tme. half cup laf Augat, omCleaning the Stov*.
. “Really. Mrt. A„ you most excuse (he blue and white luiih rooms and perfect oinditlon. All IlsteiiisI alien
A 4BMC of ordlMry table aalf ami
Io nut respond quickly rub them with ■ a-aspivanful .’ginga-r. otii- a>T citinamrxi.
lie washed whenever they are
me from eomptylng with your reqitbst.
of ber siieceas.
id w-asb vt-rv ibiiriJUghly itr<i quaits 1 little fiiiK drr talde salt
I war. Vln.-cat ntlalaeil brtakly atver Iba- tlla-ka-I
soiled, proving that a thing
111(1 eommence.*- site said, -wiili
spinat'b: chati-ae the wjl«-r four or
salaljamama-nis •* ibe klicbep range wba-n
both pretty and usi-ful. Thr same Ides
Pour aniinonia aud hot wa'ci •lowii and ai
<- times to maU>- sure that a'l rand ilu- sink difiin to free the pi|M-s of ■w=o egg*. Savanfesslnn ihai 1 hud never owned
f(0:lhe Mtjve Is cDOl'wlll male them
ran he carried ont In greea and whip
of aay ralae to me."
lemirvcl. Have teady « large kei- iri-aM-. I'la- it lavishly In the scnib
dish-num- I had lieHeve.! that dishes
pia-{ briebi and a-lnan as iia s Apply Ibe
ydlow and.while, in (act. there ts
Mrs. A. withdrew a little Mlffly. but
ak.-l pasta- frith a plere aaf flsniMd -cloth. '
let us hope that It tsngfat her a useful no end to tbe pretty eomblnailom
Imll for flfieen tuiiiuie*. drain and and 111
th- ;Tha- gnwse that lacruin-.lai-* on Ihe
which can lie made. The warp use with such a eonirivancc. hut ray IMi
lenon, anri-thai hereafter ibe
larch f,.r
under Ihe nt-w- conditions was to
> Inbi cold water (this heighten#
ta n* lids of the glaive tnav Is- aa.lly removrcalhm that aneh a retiuest implies for these tighl-eotorcd rugs is usually
rtdon; drain again, pressing as
• h-: ed with a flannel clinh .lipped in kerothat the goaalp thinks she is appmsch white anil the weaver will lie able to procure two of th--s-- little eonventen.(mmoma is taliuVIc •luting bnnseas possilde; ib<-n rho|v uiol (Kumd
i sene though lb- stova- vhuulal he erwd
rhich cost hut a few cents iipiere.
arraogemeats of the warp
Ing s goasiplng compeer.
cleaning ilm- . f-ir cleaning h.-il slat*,
kVaroini—nu" half •
ted i when It I* applied.
EwItdi the onrrent wbeo snyoue at- which will add variety to the potlems. My seconil piit-rha»»- was a pair of rule
white saiirt made with two.
I help In MTO-Ing colors, to lier glove*, sod wht-n I hnd kcIccIoiI a
tempts to tell yon a donbtful story. It
diilie U-aiitif-:llv. and with ompaiaof heavy kid glove* that my hus­ scant taWesimonftils c4 biitl.-i. tlii.-e
know that thirty-six yards of rags will
Is ntarly always prefflced with
ively 1H-I. lai-ot.
weave an inch of yard wide carpet band had dlscardetl. I was fully equip­ iblespoiiKliils of flerar and on- q-iati
know Ibis Is not rery nice, bui­
Afiei rans-t* .ind raatuncs an- 'Iwr.. milk. Adil a mile of this, a sp,>oii
lt Is much easier to ward off such an Rugs ran lu> quickly and neatly sewn ped for the work. The dlsh-ninp* have M
It a rime, to the piitp. siirritM: ouclil.v sw«-pt. they will hr l.rigtiK ne-l
il most pronoimcvtl success from.Ut
muehinv. not eniiing ihe ihvMd.
Infllctlcm than It Is to listen to It and
.ally If gt>n.- over with clean warm
rubbing that It may be smooththen to hsT# U Inirnding Into your but dniwiQg It out tor a enuplo of lach­ the start, for Ih-y not tmly nave the
it.-r and a b-He ammonia: change
Uionghts afterward, when you arc en­ es after sewing aenws the strip, and hands from the r«-dd--nlng and chai>- 1) bb-nded. Put »n the iiio and stir
Ilu- wat-r open, of course -b> many
greatdeavoring to center them on Ideali- l•ringine the loose end of (be sirir
Ko owe hat n right to potsnn your around In IdRp shape, adding the next l.v exp^ite Ihe wort, since they cn- reaches tbe lioiiiiig imltil; add salt and
I! it Is quit-' aliriy. an-i
one to use much hotter water pe|i}>i'r :•> taste, and strain. Return t.i
tnind In any manner, sad the only wny iirip. and eunilnulng the seslng. afterw-onrl-r why rhlngs da, naat list's ;
to' put an end to vile tnlc-bearing Is to ward cutting the ihr>>a<ls Is-lweim the than the hands could .mdure. One of the fire tinill scalding hot. iUen serve
bv tbe Kimball Music Hawse. We
— »•' '•>(>■» of the largewi
i; hall diriv wab r leave- a sr-a-al-;
the mops,I reserve for cleansing pot* with Huy rr.ciioas. oi add a half cuprefnae to listen. Children, espeelally. SI rip*.
Jiiinis in Jha- t:ada-: \V. W. Kimball r..- !.)'■» * H-aly, and the Kliea| app-aranr-;- wba-n dlt+tl V-.-v ba.',
saan I'horiuKTapb t.'o.
sbouM he gnsrded against such pollu.
The following recipe* are given for and pans, while the other 1 use only tiil uf wiilpi-i-d cream.
Cieani of Tomato Soup—.rook i(V water an.! ammonia will clean a.M alls-;
itoa. Every wnmg art must be In the twoefii of those who prefer to dyi for china and sflvet: and by their help
Hia/.Nai. 1-Boy your piano fr.-m -"tr.'- house that ha* a vital
able to jin serve my hands who! m-ther one hnlf of a‘ can of tomatoes, In satisfying the public aao t-isna’-—that must w-il good
tbcttght flr»t. and so the only way tc ilielr rags ai home. the writer;
•me clove, one slice of oqltm. one-half nia*ut>* bill scrub it well with ,■ nail ■
pianars in atnler lai continue in bti-lnr-*tasaro the white life Is to keep the
1 have used diamond dyes and what
HiOT So. •—Be son- (be bon-e .ro-i ‘b al wl'h kTiarw* wliat apiano
II teasinooful of sab. ane-half tea- blush, riiis-. and airy (ir g sofl ruwel.
-e termed chemiral dyes for coloring
reaby 1», and ila>.-s not, consider i' ‘.niril) a pi'-^- «l fiiiuit-are. anal,
A f-w diyqis adatevl t-i the barli sofl-rtis j
and greatly pmfer the hmer: the colMealA
thera-foie alh right il it doe* pot c-ia.- unglua-al.
scroMdng. and the leather ol parsley for twenty minutes, tbeji
BwKrh (he current when your ’
much more dnrable, and It**
Hint No. 3-Da> not place snv d-pa-n-!-nr.- -itsrr. the testlmonUls
it-s when sweeping or doing othc: rub through a sieve and leturn to the
nr enters npon a Ule of blood-cntdiing labor U reqalred. To color carpet rag*.
from unknown people who ma- Inutr a!-«al .i';v mathing of muaieal
In warm weather. Noihlng n.-'an- hair;
taatia-. G-j a piano With a .8rn-ci*s* ri-pura'l'in
nceidents or any other word-picture*
wind Intn balls, then reel and rong)' *-ock that d*>es not n-quiiv the Are. Taste to see that !( U higbly
scaaoned. Make one pint of white l-iusbt- and coralis like ha>t w-ate* aridi
nf bormr or eniamliy. Such recitals there will be no waste of dye. To pre- use ,if water.
^ Hint No. 4—Invertlgaie any --wa/mlerfr.;' offa-r# very rarefnlly.
P.ema-mt-t-r there Is no Having ;n ia-aying cheap inferior goods (or a
You must l<car In mind that these
help no one. and with sensitive per­
spniiiDg. soak In warm water
!•-«» price than yon must par I "' stsmJaial g'Odi.
sons they often leave a mental piv- til thoroughly wet. then wring. Do ntu prccaiitiOBS are not taken one -biy soup and M-ason with fcalt and pepper.
Hint Sa> 5—Beware of the judging-* p iaaae In yonr- owa-homa"
Tak/.' b-rth saiiremns from the fire, latly nursing bottle., anal -'nine.! vii..lute hard to diaplace.
use bran. Iron, or tin vesaciA alwayi
Ha-.--. A# a matter of fart, nro'-lr al! Inf- ita/r pianos are «M itaaf
omitted the n«'xt. for such spasm.allc •udd to the tomatoes one wail spoonfu: g»r efua-ts a-atRlbinaJ wHh flO'-lj brtlkBwttch tbe current when tbe conver­ wood for chnukal dye*.
war for ihe simple rea-sai 'hat ther wauild to- laughed at In the
an e=3 -h-ii‘ ana! warm water (t'nsation tnnu upon the various sympFor S pounds of cotton, dissolve 8 treatment wmilrt be of Jlille or no ben- of Idklng soda and Mir until It effer­
sart-srajom* of a Brsiu-ias* i-i-tno dealer The inovs-nce of the pur­,1
chaser yaermii# this plan to v-icceed v,;y often.
<oms at dtsesae with which this
ounces of sugar of lead in 4 qnarte of efl!. Even one day's work will leave vesces. Afier. two minutes add the to­
Ammania and powdered Fii'.la-ra
races,for some lime lO come, so mato 1H the sauce and serve imme­
Him No. d—Buy a KIMBALL Piano, if ya.a want a tUdo that
tbsr person Is autferinc. and espedall} Warm aoti water; In another vessel <I
&rth. mix-sl to (he consisieticv, id a
if perfect In tone pa rfert n r-C'-rucHoci. perfe-x in case design aiul
you sbouM switch the current uulckly use washiubsi dUsolve 5 ounce* of bi­ 1 am conaiani In my efforts to prevent diately.
the iMoit piano am earth f'«r '!>-• home.
A grea: variety of Cn-Sm vegeta; thin i-as'e, will remove oidinataend decidedly If tbe raterer bersetf chromate of potash in ' qtlart* of wa­ ihcac dlaHirarinB effects.' It Is not a
We sell everjihiiig
;u :).« music business. Come nnl «w
begins s narration of her aches and ter. Dip the rags In the sugar of lead
lialns. her medIciDea and doctors. solution, wring, then dip la the potash dish-wasUne and rieanlng without the altove rule* and subMltuting some Pul H on the spot, nllow to dry. then
sweep it atff gently Into a du#-pan|
some aort of protection is certain to vegetable which ha* Iteen cooked
Iher out of (he setflab morbidity stdiuhB and alieroatc, until you ba'
with a whisk, ami befaaald. wber;- i»
render the band* tender and painful, •ter and tedueed to a (bin pulp at
which'rrsves false s.vmpatby. and a the desired color. I>( tbe rags d
the s|m(! SaimcHnies Ibe grrwae soak*
enpeclally In winter: and tbe »kin on eciilrt-d in ibeae recipes. Celery,
tite-aamc time fastens her own fel Ihorongbly. then «ash twice In war
124 Fm.4 Strwt
M B. HABNEK. prop
in quickly. In such case# a aebond aplers the tighter. Talk health. raak< water wliboni soap, and dry in the the palm* generally shrinks until it is sify. ravroi*. parsnips, poiatoe*.
such bright and cheery' woid-plcuirea , shade. OtrecUoas tor diflemt color* rimoat Impossible Io open the poui iord'peas. etc., ail auikg most satisfsc- ■ pllcalloo may be n-rct-ssary.

:^Jbwmd «• emft t»ih

Some Valuable Hints


Pates 91( lA


Prof. Menolds eff Tht
-me is the aneraoos session toz
Ifutnisliing of the aame.
who (Skew the place of Walter Car'Hie public echotris of Hrao
T. P. Smith is the village shoe
teaching the Nessen City schools Ueeebam. cbaliman of the flarace. tl«. who died so suMealy. when away
feature of and reports a very regular attendance way* rad im-aiss cvntBlnee. trade
palrer and Is quite oot ol the ordinary also
oa the holiday vacaikm.
in that particular trade, for Mr. Smith I the edifying and noble work being and rapid prograsa on U-half of bis v.-rliat r*-pOrt on the matter of aa apTbe mill siart.'d agaia today aftor
Th« ^wwn «™ gl»d to announce th*t they hove been enobied
while busily engaged in wooing at | done at Honor. Hasing a beautiful pupils. Hr. Menolds. is effletoBt. piopiiHtlon for the Humane aocicty a short toy off.
bis trade is constantly giving to the, school gliding, a large regular at- tbortiugh and a hard worki-r. and It which was . brought up by M. W.
to Moure Farm and RrooUe aa a premkin with the Grand Traverea
Fine times on the Ice now. Then
a Urge skating party oa Green
Herald for the anouing year. Thia aplendid farm papar
S***" «*'!**
and learnlDK of an enueaied mao. >!r. j wlcodoua staff of instructors It ranks atracior could not have iM-en found •No rccomibendsHoD waa made and lake Saturday atternoon. arbo haft
the Herald for IMS to ovary paid In advance oubochber and the prem­
Smith If a graduate of Oberlia college, •-- •*>«
e must progressive edu­
~».. by the NVssen Oly school officlalf.
Mr. Beecham stated that, while be tbelr photos taken by tbe vniey pheium waa 00 Mtlofaetarr and ao many of«
Is well versed In law. and by bis con- cational InstliuUno found
Miss Sadie Brewer. U tbe Rerard W’H* pertsHialLv Intereaird lu
lographer*. Mr and Hra. Caster, who
d not be made for 1M7, that we have e
tribuUons to a score of magaxinqs. parts.
and Herald correspondent here and moventeoi. be would rather gr> down turn out SCUM' fine (ftetures.
' Ciudad to make the came offer aa that of a year ago, and the publiahand other periodicals, ha:'
J. C. Van Blaricom Is' the Record will appreciate any items of news in iUs pocket aud donate nuieey than
Everyone had a fine time at the toan of Farm artd Fir
established for himself the quaint and Herald
That Nessen City residents may hand rote to appnqiriatc. "I don't Hks
suilation of officera at tbe Modem
It at then made with them.
place and would dt«m It a great favor her.
term'of "sage" of Ibe village.
establish that precedeul." be said.
Woodmen last Saturday evening. Af­
Every aubacHber to the Herald, who haa paid in full to. Jan. 1.
If the residents of Honor and immedHoula.
Tbe K. O. T. M. M.. and L. O T. M.
Tbe bohds of Ibe county officers ter the buslaraa srra over the floor"
IMS, at the nU of S1XD per year, will roealve. net only the Herald,
Four very modernly built, coally fate rtclniiy would hood him ,any M.. have well attended aad live frater­ were approved They are:
was cleared for a dance and all bands
but alee Farm and Firealde urhich It leaued on the let and 16th of
rtirnlshod, and ably managed hotels Items of news that mltflit be toierest- nal organizations here,^ and are doing
Roliert E Waller, clerk. L. 8. Wal­ tripped to the music uaillj^y ant
arc found Iiere. Their service# are ing to their many frirnds and ae. u grand work among *iheir bretbevn ter and Dent Blue sureties.
aaoh menth..givlns 24 numbera of that gre« journal each year. ThIa
qualntences scattered throughout
and tbe unfortunates of this vicinity
la the boot and moot aatiefactory premium offer that wm ever made
Hi] flrat-class and
If E A. Fisher has many moto rahRobert E. Walter, register in chan­
and all^ffcr a resting place for the north. The work of correspondent >s and' vUUge.
cery. D. C. Chandler rad G H. Cross sways be will aeed a new cutler,
by any MIehloan nowapaper. Thia premium haa given great aatiefachungry, tired traveler who niay a ''thankless Job"' wlih little, or
Nessen City's saw mlil will anon ix^^ sureties.
mil Johnson is on (be sick .HsL
tion during the, pact yMr to Herald readera. and we knew that they
chance to stop over bore at this
gin operation. The mill' emtdny*
D Baker made a trip to Traverae
G. W. Curtis, circuit «
wtll be very mueh pleased at the opportunity given for a continuance
and residents of Honor should deem about twenty mra when running and sinner. B. J. Morran and B. L. Ran­ City l*#i Wednesday.
pretty lltUe town.
of this arrangement for the next year.
means quite a eonsldevaiile to the
E. C. Cbesshlr. Is the congenial land­ it a favor for one of its r«Bidvuis
som sureties
Mrs. Kerchner who has Imen vtsllFleaae remember then, that every oubecriber to the Herald, who
lnt(-r<’st falm>«-ir. a1ih the doings of ctusirial life of Ncscvn City when
lord of tho Hoti-I Cbesshlr. aud
Charles Johnson, sheriff. Fred L. ing relative* to town ha* retanod U
la paid in full to dan. t, ISOS, will receive Farm and Firealde abaolutetheir mile place, and then put himsell iipcraliOD.
happy srolling eountenance would
Johnson. Jr. D. J Morgan. W. W. -Boyne City.
ly fTM for the full year.
deed be missed, if he sras not on hand to (be inconvrnicmv of •illilng the
The Slate Lumber Co., together Smith and O. C. MuSatl sureties.
C. I. Martin, with hla braad smile.
to meet the members of the travelling .sum eon paix-r or rehearsing their with tbo Buckley ft.Douglass Co. arc
E r. W.-iu-rmsn. .surnyor. Ameri­ ke.'ps busy up this sray with hla de­
haitpenings by wire
doing coDsIderable luml>ering here can Surety company surety.
fraternity as they atop here
livery wdgon. If tbe rest of the am
urt business Incidenial to the con- lo order lo serve- them through their this winter and employ M-veral of the
Frank Holdsworth. cotter. J. M.
?rns they represent.
local pi‘ople at their variuus eani|».
Wilhelm and O. B Chase auietle*.
Ike Sautee is the new jovial land
F. W. Wilson, register of dn-d.s. that tbe village U supplli^ wKh the
lord of the Hotel Robinson. He is an
W. L. Wlltna and J- O. Crouer aurc- cholcew of meat
Nessen City. Mich., Jan.
Bens FVom Monday's Record.
experienced hotel than, and spares no
Four Cenventlma.
lime or money to make the service at Shell, who has been vlsftlng friends
Under the pall of the county poor
F. E Brosrn. greasurer. United
Tour Sunday school caoventloos
here for the past week', has n-turned fanff propotlOtw, the -board of supe
his hostelry most enjoyable and
Stall's Fidelity and Goarantec
will be held to Acme and Whitewater
to her home In Cop<-mlsb.
visors convened this afternoon for puny aurety.
Honor. MIeb.. Jan. T—Wide-twakr Qouriahing and aueccatful buainew.
townships. l•efiinniDg.Jaa. 14 and conThe dsnee given he# New Year's their regular session. Two chain
V. Bartter Is the owner and manager
up-to-date and hoatllni; every minute
Uncle Epb's sugar bowl la anotber of the "New Eagle Hotel." This prel night was well attended and all en­ empty. Su|x-rvlsor Frank Hamlin of
ilnuing until Jan. 22. The coovenState Conwentiun.
buBlneaa attraction at this plucc.
are the three feoturea of Honor'a
ly ilKle hostelry Is neatly furnished joyed a good time. Miss Clara Carol Blair is at home quarantined with two
The call for the republican state Uooa win be -held at' the following
Bardal.mDd lodDStrial llte. that baa bis place of business can be found all
cau. of WalUo, the most popular young
It has been recently
of scarlet fever in the family navcntlon for the purpose of nomi- places:
■Ode it the banner tows of Bcntir kinds of palatable forms of "sweet modeled on the Interior and also re­ lady present; received a beautiful gold and Miimis Ihtrls of Fife Uke
Jan. U. Bates.
i,attog two candidates for regents of
ooosty. eurrouDded by hondreda o( gooda" and he reports a very auccesa- modeled on the outside. The scrvlee ring.
Jan. ir.. Elk Lake.
home n-eupeniilng from serious In- the onlvcrslty. two candidates for Jus­
eery fmAe ud highiy produeiiro ful buBlneaa.
Jan. 1«. Yuba.
Noel Wilkins and Pat Elgan have juries received the last day of tbe oM tices of the Supreme conn, ud one
if flrst-clasa and Mr. Barber who Is an
Dm and havtng wttble lu Ilmlu . O. E. Smith la the village "picture experienced hotel man. is quite proud returned to Dig Rapid*.
Jan. IT. aBeraooa. Mabel: evratog.
Mr. Davis was on a ladder chop­ candidate for member of Biale board
bMtMM aeo and reeidenta who hare laker." Hr. Smith la an expert photo­ to relate that business is good,
Miss Nellie Chapp.-ll of Wexford ping Ice from the cave of hi;! residence of education, haa been Issued by the Acme.
the welfare and beat iuterasta of tb« grapher and at bis place of huainesa sidcring the fact that the hotel
Jan, 21. Barker C-eek.
has been visiting Miss Ruth Tlmllrk when his fooling slipped and he fell chairman and seerr-tary of (he stale
tm at bout at oU Umoa. it makaa can be found some very artlaUc aam- but recently started.
Jan. Z2. WlllUmsburg.
tbis wees.
to the ground. The scalp was badly central committee.
U o vfllace wttbont a peer lo
plea of modern photography and a
The speakers at these meetings will
School has Itegun after a sraek's
temple and the force of
The Brundage hotel owned and
in-the appirnionmem of delegates it
•OMty for gun oral proMoHly and pro- floe collection of souvenir post-cards. by R. Brundage is also a very prettv vacation,

Bute President J, W. MlUkm.
the blow was such that his aena
y shown tl^-CniDd Traverae coanty
J. W. Mllllken. Mrs. E Ctm*. tha
Wearer Bros., are the meal dealers place of business. Mr. Brundage has
Mr. Berry of Copemish waa lo town
It entirely regained as yet.
U entitled 6 but fmir dclegatra while
BMtdM the splobdld faming eoun- at this place. They also buy and aell. been to (he hotel business to this town Wendoaday tranaacUng bualM>ss.
Bupcrvlsor Saffnrd of Union
horetoforr for many years w« have Rev*, E n. Bltsell. L. B. Canamter.
try with wblefa Honor la anmmnded. tive-atock. panltry. hides and canned
The men to camp would Ite happy ship rocemtiy whs saved from a violent been entitled to nine. The apportion­ W, H. Irwin. Traverae City, the Rev.
a good many years, and Judging
Thompson of BIk Rapids, the Rev.
It bM other BanateetuTtne InsUtu- goods. They also handle dairy pro­ from the number of "traaslonw" and If it would snow Instend of rain.
death by an toslgnlfleant atump.
ing of delegai(<a la baaed upon the
tioau that centHbute a great deal to ducts and during the summer time ran boarders he baa at his hotel, be i
'. Bolton made a trip to Frank­
II a load of logs when thc.v, vote for governor at the lait elocUon.' A. a Bowman uf Alma and other tonal
tbs iodustitel and boalneat lUe of tbla a meat wagon on the road into the ran it along pleasing and modern fort Wednesday.
lipped over. He was thrown ahead of At that clectton only 1213 volca were speakers.
Mrs. Hogg of Thompaaorltlo bns them and. on striking the ground, the cast for Gpveraor W’arner which
rural districts lo accommodate their lines.
Daath of Hen. W. a Vlntait.
Tho OuMph Paioot Goak Co.,
many raral patrona. Their place of
been rtolUng Un. Griner.
Imber rolled awiftly in his
F. C. Lee and R. Dranilage are
shonld convince republicans the Im­
News has bees recelred to this eltj
oBiaged bare la Ibe manufacture
irasinesa Is Urge and airy and the funiliurc dealers of this village. Doth
About six inches of (be first log portance of getting out to the polls of the death of Hon. W. G. Vtotim oT
vodOMwr thia-alaba naed in makleg ■aaitary cundlUona ate flrat-clasB. In cany complete lince of furniture of
caught on the slump and the rest
vote. Grand Traverae county Detroit, which oceuried early rasterpotent oaiks or barreU. Other lum­ foot mneh cleaner and wholesome. eveiy description, carpets, pictures
were blocked by it. The ligaments on should havi« a mueh larger delcgaU<m
day mortilng at bis home tn that city.
ber which to hot eaad In making thU thee markets found In cities where and wall paper. Both arc alert, hustl­
found along the main line of the M. his left hip wen- tom and hts head at tho state eonvontlon Uuu It will This news comes as -a distinct aboek
parUcuiar klad of venaerlng material they have to auli)ect themselves tc ing business nii-n. and with their
ft N. E Ry. Surroundi-d by a fertile bruised iiii! had it utit been for tbe have this year and the only way to
Ir. VtoioD's frieadt to this city
to sawed late lumber and tbla aavea
irrutinizing eyes of a regulurmeat choice line of g(N>ds. coupled with highly pruilucilve farming cnuhlry- ,lopping of ih<- tly lug log* bo would secure votes in the ctmvenllon that
and fals death will be deeply rwroOedpraeUeallr all the Umber that la irartheir low prioes. they have iniili up and having a saw mil] w-ltfaln- its
base been crushptl to death.
should have Is for the r^blicana (hrougfaoul Ibe eoilre stale. Mr. Viachased br tbla company. Nearly
a large and fltmrlKhing trade among Its. It supports quite a number of
Literary Day Tomorrow.
turn out to vote.
been for many years a pramU•Igbty men are employed here practi­
the vlllHgers und residents in the
Tumorrow [uornlng about forty tel
town rw-ldt-nis. Ammig those whnaro
t and wealthy contractor aad
cally Ihimigbont the year, and about Swartbout ate tbo ' mi-dical advli
rounding country.
ideatlfled Id n business way with (his lera received from various countira
builder la DrtroiL many of the pdaftOJMKI to paid out yearly to the
of tbla locality. AU arc men blgfaly
vlllnae is Arthur Bolton, proprl
dpal bulidtoga In that city having
ployM of this concern.
veracd In matoria-racdlcw and surgery City harness-maker, has tmentd up
and m-vnager of Nessen City's leading County Cl>rk Walter wrote to every
been planned and erected by him.
Carl Kart to the building material and Judging from the low .death rate harness stor«- and repair shot* at this
roiini.v. tbe greater pan ansv«ring his
meteantilc store.
Upon tbe orgnnlbaUoo of the eeatera
maaetocterer of tbla place and
of tbla pUce, ouo would naturally bo place. He carries a complete line of
His large spaciims store Is filled communications. The northern part was burned (his moroiag. loss esti­ Hleblgan inaane aarlom at PMttoe
plays several men Ihroagbent
I lead lo believe that their admlsto^ baraeasea of every descripihm.'blank­ front top to bottom with all kinds of of the slate seems lu be favorable for mated at ISOO. AU farming Imple­
Vtoion wa* appoloted «n Uie
year, tf* maaatacturera cant-hooka. lions to tbo people of Honor
ets and rolies. and being on expert general menchandisi' and owing .to the email farm, about twenty acres, ments were lost. Including a new
^Un. looclng and aiding. Also oper­ most successful, and that their work haraeas-maker himself and general his immense |>aironage he baa found while in the snutbero part, where the wagon, two plows, muwtog machine, board of trustees and served for
twenty yvwra in that capacity, and tor
ate* a feed mlil is eoanccUon.
among Honor's afflicted waa ccrtalnly harness repairer, the raral residents
neeessaiy to hire clerks, ^ing soil Is very fertile, some of Ibe county hay rake and other smaller imple­
r }-««n was prosident of tbe
ments, aa w<dl as the bay and corn.
of Honor and Imraediaie vicintiy can differetit fuuls of the seasmf Hts offlecre favor a larger farm.
boerd. His work aJoag (bis Rne was
One little calf was burned but the
Honor haa two railroads. Ibo M. ft
Kate Krlgley Asks Remuneration.
W. 8. Roblnaon and A. Todd arc rest assured that .it Mr. Hunt's place place of liiisinoas seems lo <^r about
of tbe greatest benefit to tbe aute
horses and cows were saved. The
M. K. By and P. M. Ry.
Kate Krlgley, the woman who w
the only place for the disposal of farm
(he feed, aaie and ilvery bam owncru
and bis name had become well known
was partially Inaured In tbe|
The X. ft N. B. Ry ran a brueb of this Tillage, and at their dtSoient
dairy pn>diicts and his prices on confined in tlfe Hoic-n>«elaaau by the
among the boards of maaagemsnta of
Farmers’ Mutual, the amouot under­
toom Ftotio River from ibe mala line piaces of buslnesu can bo found all the essential to their different wii^iis aud nuTchandlH- are always astonishing­ disriithcria scan-, wanu recolupi
sad raaa two mixed trains to and equipments that are modern and up- lasiee.
Hun fur her liwi time. The matter stood to be IfOO.
ly low.
lii« couDlry. Mr. Vinton wu a UfeThe
ocfrom this potat each day. it atoo col- (odate. They 'especially cater U> tho
Wm. Snow, is the prupletnr of
Mr. Bolton Is the supervisor of hi*
iong republican, and took an active In­
A couniuDlcailoii fii>m B. H. Allyn curreti at almut 11 o'clock (his morn' leeta the pameagtr and freight traSIc travelling public and turn out tone Honor's billiard luirlor. and has sonic township and also school director in
terest In tbe wvifare of the party. A
fitm the B^re and Boatheastera very alyllsh and comfortable rigs at very line hiking |mm>1 und bilUaxl Nessen City. Being public splrlld bniHshi the maiier nf Hu- Held iiiiie* Inc Is uneertain. Mrs. Badley's son
man of great tmergy and forts of ebarRy, at what is hnown to itavelleta in very reasonable prlcea.
tables to hU place «>f business. Also and energetic he Is a very vnliiabie made by Gtxiige E. Sii-el between tbe WHS away at the time and Mrs. Badacler. of the aounftest baainess Judg­
the north aa taptoe Jonetien.
shea short order lunches, and by part of Nessen City's btistoess, social year, IgR:; and IkiM or IKSS. and which ley did the chore*. Not a lantern or
Armatrong and Fay. are tho ownon*
ment and the strictest Inteffrity. be
congeniality has built up a large and cdiiealional life.
Mr Allyn say*, are now In poaae*slon flrr of any kind was near the tiarp
Tbo P. M. Ry. nna from Honor to of fttonor's geuoraJ blacksmith shop.
mad,' for btmseir a umc. honored abd
Clary and making stops at Carter's All the tools and machinery essential paying business.
Wilkins, also runs a general of E I*. Watcrnii.n. Ii is said that (he ihl* morning and shre<lded corn fml- respex-tt-d, nut only In hts own dty of
l>ecoming heated and caiialbg
The I. M. Covey ilnig sioje Is also
Siding. Tbla rmllraad carries freight to turn out Aral clast wood work and
this place, carries a large note* are the uriclnsl copies and have
Ueinrit but elsewhere wfaerwver
and p&ssungera aad makes it possible general repairing are found In their
very esseutiai tuslncss place
gnoils and by his fair and rhanoHl bauds until Mr. Waterman *[ioRlHneoiis combusliun *ecms t<
only reason that cau be given
«ad conveniant for Honor sfaltmera to shop, Both are ozperi mechanics and village. All kiiiils of drugs. paieW impurtlalflU-aUngs .with all has built claim* them for hi* own property. Mr.
Fr*r more than twenty years. lb«
Allyn ailvl.->-.t tllai they be reeovereil
ship to Uidlngton. Grand Rapida and (heir staff ade all very efficient and medicines, and lo.Iet spceialllea
1 a large flourishing huslnes?
writer of this haa known Mr. Vinton
P. B, Hyde and J S. Grice sic to l-e and proleciedcongenial men. A score of horses and found within its walls, and one of the
Imlroateiy. iH-lng closely asaoelated
Grand Traverse Grange.
Two more offers for poor farm pruis
stocks of dlUpldated and worn out flaeat and most complete pbarmaceu- cnngraiulat,-.] u|ton the up-to-date and
The following offlccra will aesve with him lo asylum affairs, and It la
my wenr read.
Honor baa a
vehicles and other repair work is con­ tlcil departments found in tbis coun- splendid mail service they
with profound sorrow that hla death
boast<>d of here. Wesley Covey itig the vlTiagei-s of Nessen ntj rad' Ellswtmh Ib.ry.a of Long Lake Is Hand Traverse grange. No. 379 for
to tte realms, that the cititena of stantly seen the their place of bus]I* BDao>inced today. The public Inthe year 1907:
Honor ud the raral retldenia cu nets and Judging from the amount of is (he pm dispenses, and a n-glsiered those living on the Nessen Ciiy-j
Kiituilons of the stale have lost a firm
Worthy ma.-t.-r. Arvllla Gardner.
fute. Mr. Grice alter a hmc
removed from the town and ewnwell be pnnd of.
repair work they arc doing and tho phannacist.
tnie friend, aad an Hrdent advo­
Overseer. Charles Irish.
BdwanI Batfmler. Is the village luir- persislent fight nbtalncri a mail pouch'''
Among them are Craac. Stacy and amount of work ahead of thorn at all
cate of all that was for their very boat
McGregor, who are the proprietors times, it acorns that the villagers and
to Ih- delivered from Traverse City lo
Interests. etHowially the asylums with
of one of Honor’s large mercantile rural roaldcota are quite satisfied tasty place of business. His pariort. his office on the t
south (sound From Wednesday's Record,
which be was most fanlllae. In tbo
I Assistant steward. E M. Franklin.
■tore. Bverythlng In the mercullle that they have tho best mechimlCR are nicely furnished anti .Mr. Baumicr train on the >1. ft N. E. Ry. and thus
Ar :: ori*«-k this afuiuu
death of Mr. Vinton. Mlehlgu loses
Chaplain. Alice Grubb.
line can be found on their store ahel- found anywhere In their midst.
\ is an artist in his chosen trade, is con­ making it possible for pe.»ple at this^Umri of adjourned until
one of Its ben rlHents. and his frleada
Tea and upon their aioie Boora aoU
place and the rural route to get new*.;
,..n,„rT,,w tnuroing. Two report.-,
Tho Honor Bank was opened luM
w loyal and inic- romrade.
T. T. E
a more up-to-date, extensive and well
and Cu^bU■^ Barker
paper.-, and mail from sixteen to one of whlMi 1* the comity poor house
I. Gatekeeper. Frank Gnibb.
kept line of general merchandise ports a steadily growing husinost. business to the lonsorial line.
twenty hours earliv
ihcT r.viM matter, are In the han-is of the proseWill Fractka Law.
Cere*. E*ier Water*.
would be hard to Bnd in. towns of This is one of the D, H. Powers ft Co s
L>-sit-r D, Welch, w-ho graduated
Flve fraternal onler# are found I previous to thl* new service. Thev >a,inc atturney who could not take
Pomona. E J. Rol*TtM>!i
Honor'a alae In Benzie county. These .system of banks, and Its establishmont within the.limits of Honor, and thelrjare to their dual capacity capacity aS|acHou on them unU! Thursday and
torn. Hi- law del«riDi.-ol «*f tb,- UlilFlora Grace B>-mpsi<«>l
Ceoilemen are all experienced busi­ at Honor waa warmly »«-lcomed by inlcra are the Wiiotlmen. Odd Fel- yillase postmaster und e.-»rrier, • ,hl* U one reasou why work was dlt
viT*it>- uf Mi'-hiKiiB last Jnne. has
ness men and In addition to ibelr those who taw the necetslly for the lows, Modern 'Maccabees, Gleaner*.' wide-awake, public spirited men. and;continued this afternoon. Another. Lady assistan' steward, Cai:l> Pvt Ix-anii the prarllre ol law- In thl* cKy.
ht*.c,rfi<v Is-ins at H«: Office of UndermeraantUe baslneaa. handle every same for so many years previous la Free and Accept,-d Mason*. They all; always on the l.wkom for the besi.waB that the city supervisors were' er*on
insurance agent. G—'i. J. Roli-r'sccn. wood A Uiiilur Id the Sutherland
klnd of farm pfodoeta and pay the lu estaldlshmoni
hove liveorganlazHon* wlUistrong, tot,Test* of their pHiron-.
! calb-d «|Kin t» a'l.-nd a meeting of th-‘
As*b>iani oecretary. W H Gray.
beat prieea poaMMe for them.
arc; Practically no jHiiato,'* mave bemipoard of health- Thi.» body was In
The A. B. Case Mercantile Co. is a memberships.Their meeting*
Mr. Welch I* a bright yovng man
W. p. Orlffllh U another 'hustling wide-awake bustling business concern well attended and theIr InOuence far! shipped from this point a* compared
,hi* nfiernoon preparing! ceo-g.- Blue -dicad of the fnrolturv
itnd to ad'liriuti to the required Isw
example of Honor's bualneia men's of this village. Within Us walls can
with vrar* before, only alxHti 3.X.H
work fur fhe overburdeno.!,
^fthe Hranah ftLayM-roan- cqurwe lus also done much apecUl
citele. FVtIlowlag hU teaching career l>e found every known kind of merChurehea.
: bushel* .of the "lultcrs " h«'-e beer,
,0^ aerounu eoairoim-e In the. y... ^p,nv left todav fur Grand work at tbe unlrcralty an that be Is
he engaged In store keeping. Erecting ohandlse and at i.rlcos asinnishlngly
Two pretty churches arv found here.I shippi'd-from here hh 1 a)r.ui Tuft.' ,,hape of hills The committee is tnaJ:^
abr. to attend the furadairalily qualified to hegto hU
n large modern store and fllllog it low. They also handle farm products the Congivgatlunal church, with ihcj bushels-remain at tbi* plire stored in^
headway Into their cord ori„|,,.r.. exhibits *aml purchase the ebosen professlou. He baa a large
from top^oboitom with fresh lines Hr. Cato is also engaged in InmiH-ring Rev. A. Bentall a* pastor Is making! to root house* and pit* tu Hwait ship-, .o of accounts and will probably be;i„g,..,, ,0^ t.,»t st,»-li that the cornnumber of friends here to wish him
of groeevia. dry-goods and notions, purauits and by his constant atiemion wonderful progress along moral Unes 'ment when the price*, are surh-to. at i
ng.,r th.-lr report tomorrow j
ha* t-ver handled
succeM lo hi* undertaking.
he haa ballt up a large flourtahtog to husiness, has bulltmp a trade that in the village. They have a large torat pay the farmer* for tbe actual,or next day
(jrtffln o! Old Mtssloo t* viabusiness.
Is very substantial, througbont the membership, a pretty parsonage, and; ezpeo*e* they hat-e been put to, Is L The report of the county *up,-rin-, mnj xjr., Kereens nn 'Bay stre«-t
Hurt Hia Hand.
Alexander Morris. Is Ibe dry-goods, year.
church and by the realou*. hard work; 'heir production.
' teodents of the poor for the last rlxj .ciaroace a. Sfteffer. who has been
CbriM Anderson, while working la
tdothtog. shoe and genu foralahlng
wsiderable precaution haa been of the. Rev. Bentall. are a potent Jn-; Fr. Jas. Colden is the spiritual «•!- mouths was rcffTr,^! to the commit- m the employ of Jens C. Petersen. Will tbe woods near Solon, hbd (he mlw
dealer tff tbit place. His store It well taken by Jos. Hackney. Frank Wright. fluence for good in this very thrifty, visor of The Holy Family church of:te,-on county poor this morning Th* K^re for Seattle tomorrow on boal- fortune to cut his Ml band quite
stocked^and since the large addition James Wyse and E, C. Cheaahlr In commimiiy.
.this piaee. rad has a Targe conerega-j report show* that a loui of I2.«l.inj
to bis pUee of buHnesa haa been built, avoiding any disease epidemic. resiiUThe Methodist church with the Rev. tloa lo administer to. Vr. Coldep’ has been expended on ih* needy ofj j,rob Abart of Kingsley I* very low
He was cutting brush wbcti the ax
be to better able to display a great Ing from the drinking of contaminated E J. Burdge a* pastor 1* also a very, says tbe reason the cbutch waa called the county. J727.70 of which went tul
glanced, striking hi* hand in sucb a
many of the gooda that were formeriy water at Hemor. So they In a body sncceatful church tostltuUon at thia "The Holy FYmlly church” wa'» to , the poor house and 12 104.24 for pur
way a* to make a gaah about fav
atorM to his baaemeni. Mr. Motrla have aet up four different places of place. It has a large membership ud av<Hd using the sacred names, to see po*es outside the house.
Inches long, extending from the flrwt
In very, attentive to business and b>' business, to differrnf parts of (he Is Bccompllshtog great spiritual wotkjlf profanity could not be discouraged. Superiisor Tedman was escusol
Wylie. Midi.. Jan. k—School com- finger back neariy to tbe.wrist fiotafi
bis .bard work- haa bulk np a very,
I and spared no money to the in the village.
| tn this way.
j this affernnon but will be had: for j menced yeeterday with a lady teacher clear to the boov.

An Announcement.


Wide Awake.* Full of Life and Strictly Up-to-date :




TH08. T. BATB8.
Editor and

....................... 4>.ao ibAAvw*
............ >elaAA<

Inga at the board has been good, tbo
arerage being edgfat. Tlie aocisi afternoona hare been eentlnoed thronghooi the year ai to the part.
-At the fltat pnarterJr meeting of
the year
to rertae the coaatltutloo and bylawa.
Tbia work has been completed and
6M coptea of the
bare been primed.
"A committee was also appoin
to proride a memorial bota and
n«ord tfaerelB tbe namea of ibr drceased nemliera wUb date of death
rlatfona. This was done and
the work aea-pted by the aaaucUtlon.
-Our aaaociallon aaa represented
1 the Stale Federation of Women'a
Clnbt held/sl Benitw Hartwr In Octo­
ber l»y Mra, F- D- Curtia. who gave a
very entertaining and taatructive nc
port of the proceedings erf Uial meetlag at one of the social ;
hold to November.
-We have U-en called' opon
mnom tbo loss of two members by
•The num1>cr of Imoks to the library
at the begtoaiag of the year was 2.A31
to tbU number bare been added
during Ihe year 127. making a toUl
at this lime of :.9:>« volumes, there
having liceB paid for iHwks during tbe
year I1S7AS.
-Wc have luild
on »nr new Jot
iMwldm the inviiig lax and Intcrcsc
We have advcrtlKcd our Pront sirrcl
property In the loc^ dally papers and
In an advertising Journal published'
to Detroit.
-You will see by the trcamiiwr's re­
port that tbe receipts and expendl: bare been about the'aamc as in
former years and that we now hare to
the treasury a balance of 1100.58.

Water Power FacIlWce.
to tu T«T floe epedal edittno on
JuBory let. tbe eretiloe Piw of
Oraad Bapid* Ocratee a pear to vater
pever todtlUea wbich are araUable
for OrmoO lUpIdt mai
doatriea.' Tbe imponaoce of esectlent
water power arallablo In Grand RapIda U
and the aTailabllUy of dteap power le
canae for cooitratnietlon In Grand
RapIdf ni it will maleriallr rednec the
eoat at pioducOod of.the pwat laanufaetnrlnc planU of that c«r.aa »«*»
na the'Yarlona atrcaaie have been
pre^edy barnoeeed. Wbat le true of
Grand lbM»lda. le a>ao tme of Traveree
CUy and other northern MIchlijaa
lowna. There are eercral atreama In
i:-'S nertbeni Mlcbican which hare not yet
haa Bwde arallable for water fMwer.
tat tlMlr Importnce le r^tloally being
raeagnlead ontll now there are aevetal
eoapCDlM in northern Mlchlgnn e»
pMUnc plane for banesaliic the
-niU le eapecUllytroe of the Manlatw ilror, a atream which fumiebee
-MaHon Corbett. Beeretary." •
■hwww unlimited power for the eoUbTreasurer's Report.
llabmente In nortbm Mtdtlgan for a
report of the treasurer.
grant many years to come. Two
. panlea bare been organized In Mania, Mts. i. V. McIntosh, showed that the
association Imgun the year with a
tee and hare aecnred auiublc
dama aeroaa the MapUtec. Trarene liBlancc of 8100.88 and that the total
Olty eapltallata bare organized tbe receipts were tl.61!i.14. while the ex­
penditures were 8I.SI9-16. leaving
Etoctrle Land and D
the same balance <m band
pany and hare obtained some of the
aa tost year.
moat valuaW sites on the Manistee
Llhrarlan’a mpert.
ilrcr less than twonty miles from
The report of the librarian follows
Tmrene City srhieh will furnish ap•'Nnmber of mombert last annual
- pcogimataiy 20.000 h. p. TbU compHiy has awnred tracts of land on report. J89.
"Nnmber added during year. 28.
both atom of tbe rtrer for a dlstanee of
"Number of members dropped for
mere than twenty mllee, which gives
them taportuniiy to construct at least non-payment of duet. 32.
-Ten luive mmod away and t«
Ere e.iMT which will furnish cl<«tric
- power for many enterprises both In bavc died, leaving a n)cnil>er8hl|> <
this city, Cadillac and surrounding 121.
"Number of quarterly meml>crs. 7.
towns when tbe pro}ecl has been pe^
-Number of books In library Jan.
faeted. The advantage of water pow^
to the cetabtiahment of new Indnttrtee 1906. 2831.
"Number of books added duriog the
to rery Importnnt and ahould
- ym siiht of to the futnre. Tbia baa year. 127.
"Total number in Mbrary. 2.958.
heca demonstrated by the Boerdman
"Nnmber of books drawn by yearly
' River Beetric Light and Power com­
pany whkdt has
‘Number of boerfu drawn by quar­
for eercral years, much to the adran-:
tape of many of Trarerae City's manii- terly members. 181.
-AnmuDt of fines collected. 810.50.
foetnrtes. While the Boardman rivet
-Since 1902 an average of 138 books
^re been added to tbe library each
‘‘Mrs- Thacker^ Librarian."


foipii—■ which most ultimately be
eatahUshed to this city to the fotnre,
' and not many yean hence.
In Ita dtoeemloo of the power euestlon. the Grand Rapids Press lays!
great streas apoo the Importance of tbe
issaiwasi river aa a aooico of cheap
power, and that thto stream wil!
eventnally fnrlnah a supply for Trav
erse City maanfaetmera la a foregone
ecMhmion. and this eapeeUtioD


Library a
a was held Monday
afterDOOB and the foilowlag uffleen
were elected for the coRiiIng year:
PiMWenl. Mrs. O. P. Carver.
Pint Tice prreident. Mrs. £. C.
Beeoad vice preeldenl. Mra. T. D.
Mrs. C.





nannctol secretary. Mra. L. Soule.
Aaslatant flnanctsl secmaiy.. Mrs.
C. E. McHanos.
Treeasrer. Mrs. B. Tbirlby.
Ubrarton. Mra. Calllo Thacker.
Aaalatoni Ubrarton. Mrs. Hunter.
Baanl et direciora. Mrs. A. L. Havitaid. Mra. J. V. McIntosh. Mrs. Mslioa Corbett, for two years: Mrs. S. C.
Xtoaprea. Mrs. C. R. McManus. Mrs.
Ashton, for «ic year. The piealdcnt.
recording eccietary, ftoanclal secre­
tary and tmtanrer ai« es-oack> lacmhera of this bonid.
Bmfwtory*a Repert.
The followtog la the report of tbe
neeretory for im:
*Mrt. Preeldem and Ladles of tbe AsnoelaUon:
*'ln accordance whb the requirePMnts of oar conatItuUon. I tacrewlUi
antaut the foUosnug brief report W
the srork acroniiaiBhed during 'the
year IMC.
“There have boon held four qnar
terty meetings for bearing the reports
trf the pffloera and liannaettng other
necemary bustnew and oac adfonmed quarteriy meeting for the
.pnrpoM of taking action on ihe report
of a committee appointed to revise
the coatUtatioa and bylaws.
“TTie beard of directors have held
eievee ragular and two apeclal meettoga. TTie atuvdaaco at Utcae meet-;

r place her high as


Thrtwghoiit the sute commercial
bodies are sneioBs for ooeh devtiopmewta aleog ttam- lines as shall give From Wednesday'a Record.
the bnsinc
These tomtatia«ia ar* carefully cee
to finished form from her raw ma- fccted every day. The loeel merket
iertaU. as has been the cose to Mlcbl- prieee are mipptied by local dealera.
Tha ontaWe qaftatlnna by wire, not
The hope Is fieely expressed, bow- clippad from other p^era of tha protar. that the present dlfflculty
and will be
died. The desire for manufac^nring
Eighteen toads were brought to the
activity If strong, and. trobampeied, it city market yesterday, six of thcfc
if beUered anneb coold be gained being potatoes, prtem still rvmain
from Michigan's example 'The
the same.f
Bibmiies to one line alone are indi­
cated by the opinion of I>r. J. R. Bras- By Wire fo the Evening Record.
ner. tbe famous geologist of Lelsnd
Detroit. Jan. S.^Wheai-No. 2 rcl
Stanford nnivenlty. who says that the 73«^c: com. 44c; otils. S7Hc.
now undeveloped irfiosphaco beds- of
Jan,. h.-Wheat-May
Arkanaaa will be worth more than all E5Sc: com. 43Vc; oat.: 2CVc.
the gold mines-of CallfortiU.
Tok-do. 0-. Jan. 9--Wheat-Cash
75l4c: com. 4344c: rats. 27c,
Joint Inauilation.
The Joint tosiallatinn of post /ml
W. R. C. was held Monday night with
Mrs. D. ^ I'adden as Installing of­
ficer for corps. No. laf. the followtog aeUve. lower. Yorkers. |r,.7t'ff6.75:
offl'cra »4it inslallol:
heavy and mixed. 86.7fl;
I'lesldont. Mrs. Hflllh. r.
Senior vice prcsirlcul. Mrs. .Morse.
Junior Vic- prosldenl. Hik. Macs.
Selling Prices.
Secretary. Mrs. Cir'veian.i.
nn.,rt,.rl ,...1..
Trt-asur.-r, Mrs. Tharker.
Chaplain. Mrs. Falrliiinka.
Conductor. Mrs. Murray.
Aaaistant conduclor. .Mrs. Morgan
rreaa correspondent. Mra. Itonaven.
Musician. Mrs. Irish.
Color bearers. Mrs. Marvin. Mrs.
Jnmwion. Mrs. Henderaou. Mra. Ganl
A C o'clock dinner was served and
social time enjoye.1 by all. The
Spanish American soldiers were prescot, which was much appreclaied.
short program closed one of the m
enjoyable Installations ever held.
The followtog are the G. A. R. ofOcera:.
Commander. P; D. Marvin.
Ccnlor vice commander. B. F. Nowlouse.
Junior vice commander. William
Core. Allan F. Little.
Quaitermawcr. George A. Steams
Surgeon. Wiliam Hooker.
OiapUln. R. n. Garner.
Officer of the day, Monrew- Morae,
Officer of the guard, A. J. Morse.
Sergeant major. J, H. Curtis,
Q. M. Sergeant, Curtis PowkT.
Palriotic instructor. H. A. Lan;wonhy.


Farmara* Mutual.
Tbe Farmera' Untual Hri- l3S=f
Bora company held Ita ananal meeUng!
today and tbe followtog officers were
Prealdent. J. H. Monroe.
Vice president. John White.
Secretary. George W. MeWethy.
Director*. WllHam Coro. Stcpbm
ljutner. W. U Wilson. H. W. Stewan. W, W. Bnrdk-k.
During ihe year there have been
lhlny-r,lx fires wllh a toUl Iws of
86.0SC13. twcnty-ihnvr of which <q^
by Hgfainlng. During the year 230;
new membera were added and the,
new inruranec amu-mis i» 8659J12i'.
The total ItiKnranee now tu fore. •» ;
8;:.l>5:.5u5 with a'sirplus of 86'^,iS.j
Tile i^mpany has nexcr bei-a in U t-j
ht shape.

The only fonn of food made
from vdieat that is all anttiment is the soda cracker, and
yet the only soda cracker of
erliich this is really true is

Uneeda Biscuit
fo<if cracker acieiitiflcall^
soda cracker efledaslly
■oda cracker eeer freak,
crisp and clean,
soda cracker good at aU

i Oueeti City Sand.
Ttir annual ehx-tlon of iifftcer. was;
lu-Id by the Queen City umd Mon-Lt ;
«v.ri.iK,»ull t-Vlng ;.s fonows:j
BfvalJ.-m. Reno Colby.
Viii- |.x-pi<|ent. H. Fifarok..
SiTrclary. John Furtyrii. \
Treasntvr, Mlknl.t.
Manager, R, ll.-rkuer,
Aiwlwanl maoaCer. H S'aby.
leader. II. nirh.
IWwrd «•! dirretop'. R. Colby,
l*aekard.Ji;oii> nfarok: . Tlie l.K-al mlnlrierw’ ar-soriatiou i«
luaklng nrrangx<nienis for a groat
AntlSiilonii • b-agne Sunday in Ihl*
city on al- ui F. b.
foU.Va haw’
h'-ru wrjtl'-n Jo s
of the be->*
mauKeiw ;n the nat.- in-, ii'ug them
he prcM-ui -bur d. auir.- artl-:i <in a
date bar- n<.t yet i.eeti .jal-a.

Iffl ibs .....................................
Middlings. ,^r IflO Ib.............



JiiH a.; ririr-fl-iU' In tu;« i

C..OUI ir;


If vewrant in U.-,.

Wf io'l CloUi Fini*li NoIj I’apcr by the irnin-l At 2'k ami :45c,
u'hli Ktivelopen !<■ mateli at 10c «tbt 1-je |»cr pAekaRo.
Kegs ............................................ 28fl32
Sail, per bbl...................
llay.t> :...812C13
Corn, per bu.................
Buying Prieea.
Wheat. p<-i bit..'......
n«ck.-i,«i. p.-, t-j...........................5S

Pa Don't Want Him.
A small boy appeared to one irf ibe
local banks yesterday with his older
brother offering the latter for sale
the consideration of three bucks.
'•Pa don't wan- him." said the young«cr. -BO 1 guess ni sell 'im." At this
Juncture a well known horse d-caler
who doemi'i live la the city entered
the building, gave the hoy three cop­
pers with the Inslrurilons to hn
aulomoblle. ten cents worth of jica- spn.k
nuts and then return the change.
Hens, live weight.............................DC
Hogs, dressed ........................ CeCtfe
Sheep, wrlth wr«l on.......................04
Real Estate Tcarmfera.
Cartcloii A. Hanimraid and wife w Spring lambs, live weight...............05
Melvin C. and Mary R. ililler. lot 31, Calves .......
and cH of lot 25. hlk. .1, V. H.'s 2nd
Bari J Cook nn-i wife to J. E. Grcillck Co, lot Hi. blk. 2. GwKlrlch'B 2nl.

Little Rock, Jan. 8.—WUb seventy
years of statehuod Just
Arkansas, the oldest state west of Ihe
Mlaalsalppl river with the exception
of Miasourt. is apparently developing
a desire to break away from those
Wnilam H. Smith and wife to CrfVconditions which for so long have
made her ehiirfly an agricultural com­ ^1«'
Myille T. Goodrich to Carrie
munity. This desire is made clear by
Wynkoop. parcel, sec. 6. T 27. R in.
the expressions of buslneas
Walter n. 1-von ami wife to n.
daced to part by the Sgurcs on the Wynkoop. pnrct-ls. see. 1. T 27. U
growth of the state during lIs seven 8P'.
Kat'ierina Sleder to Albert M«-idecades as compared with Michigan,
B 22 ft. lot 8. Mk. S. CiKaliirli's,
admitted at pracUcally the same time, lack.
with the same possiUllUes to the way
Michael N. Mycr to John C Wal
of Umber, mineral and agricultural gSBl. imrcels. sec. i. T -5. R |0. 8700,
fUelialvl Van rv-nlmrg to Feydliiiinil
riches. While Arkansas has grown.
apnlck BiKl m-lfe. lot 2s, blk. 2. GoodIt has been outstripped by Michigan,
rh's 3rd. 8200.
since It has never become the home
John Boyd to l-eoii F. Titus, lliii
•>r such manirfacliircrs as have given ber dw-d IparCT-ll Bee .".i. T “8. It tC
JoM'phliie c.«>k to wrniHm r
the northern stale Us growih. With
fo-uven. land rntitrue; iiiax-ell mi
pepulaiioDs of, roughly. in T
27. R 11.
Arkansas and L500.000 to Michigan,
Ilcfio RIplow el al to John W. Pal. li
only two per cent of the total of the in. tInilHT deed tparcdi sec 21. T
9. .
suuihern state are w age earners, while
Benjamin F. Sch. itcrly to Cl.arl.~
nearty eight per cent is tbe figure for
51. Lancaster ei al. n»4 of ne'« of
Michigan. Arkansas has some 2.<m<) ,. HOC. 1.5. T 29. R |0, 8100.
ChaflcB M. Lanraflbr et al to Carl
Michigan In the same length of time Vanka and wife. n4 of ne«« of ew‘*
has gatord nearly S.OOO. The capital sec. 1.5. T 29. R Ifl. 8300.
Sarah R. Fouls to Ella Burkett, par
thus Invested In Arkansas Is less tabn cels, village of Bl.-wkwuod. 8i»».
85o.ono.Min. as compared with alKwi
Wm. I. Brown and wife to Cha.«
M. Parker, cuanllnn. lot i. 2. ar-l '>.i.n.«i In Michigan. The c
Id* If. eveepi r r.u ft. Ji. U t tk> '>•
paiisoQ of the value of the product,
2mi. |:.c»t.
even more striking, ihc southern si
Hiram Tavlni to Henry Knaiip. par­
touiing about 8Sn.onu.nnn as against cel-. w-c. r:-. T 2.-.. R 11. 8»-r.
on.. Fortiisnek and wife in Anicii
8i3n.nno.non for Michigan. Anumsas
Sobestar and wlfe. n>^ ofnwM see
baa only one
T W, H 12. $137.';.
81.nno.nofl annually against fortyMarlin Stack and wife to Tli.-odoi
one to Michigan.
Calkins, parcels, sec, 21. T 2.-.. R 11.
Whno It may be puzzling to dls 8110.
Hiram H.Tyrrallio John H. Holnieco\er the cause of ibis discrepancy
IM 10. blk. 35 and Jot 2. blk 47. Inter
to growth. especUlly when It Is
lochen. 82uo.'
ibered that the suies are about
Hiram H. Tyrell to John H. Hotm»
the same In area and forms of nataral sw«4 of nwii see, 1«, T 26. R 12.
w««lth, the reason in attributed by 8l2iH>.
Cbrwier WllUams and wife to £•!many local business men. primarily
Williams. se*« of aw V, sre 22
tbe fact that Michigan early began T 26. R n. 8i:r..
Frank E Sours et al to Lester Into manufactuTe her osrn lumber prodacts. while Arkansas has been forced nis. parcels. 8200.
to ship her raw lumber out to be
A Mewwrabic Day.
finished elsewhere. Michigan's start
0 of the days we remember with
thns obtained, it is urged, has led to pleasure as well as with profit to wir
her greater mannfacturtog develoi*- health. Is one on which We Iteeanu'
mesu In all dircctimii. At all events, acquainted with Dr. King'» New tjf.-1
PilU. iJhP palnlCBS purifiers tbat ctiiei
there is a growing demand frit to all hendache
and billousacws. and koeiw
business communities In the stale the bowels rttat. 25c at C A. Bvgbee
Drag Co.. Hannah Drag Store, s e,
Walt & Sons.
wood prodneis with a belief that her
coal deposUs and other mtoerala TRY A HERAED WART AD



A Great Outaide Remedy.
Most pains an- of local urislii—a
"crick ' to the hark, it twinge of rlie.iniallsiii. a surciu-ss alt over iin>.|nc
front B cold—are all eur*-d by rmtsldciiliimK. Th<- iiulckesi. Ki<r>'M.ainI
certain method t» .4llc-orl,’>
Blaster, know'n thi- world mi-i a>' .i
milversal x-tiii-dy fur |Mln Tlu-y ll•■ver
fall, they act pnimptly. th.-y »„■ .-leioi
iitid cheap. You can go rizlii rdo-a-I
uilli your woiK w-hlb- the h<-aUiis pi-i>
, cis-K ««i. Sixty year.'' us.- ha> git
tli.-tn a gi’-al repni:ilioti.

They Bear

Willi «-ver;
line nir fo
•- relief will
iiotfed. The tni-diraiion gm-s . ............
tbe 'jnii wliere tile ili.soa'i- ci-rni- ai-*'
loraliil and ri-nib-iw them luirmb-'the- fotnre.

An Execptionatly Fine Grade oi Pa|»er
for Invilattons.
Wc solicit onloN f jr l-InsfravoJ Caliim; t'divJs aitd liivitaliptit.

The l-eH eyljlcnre of the greirt' vcl................ -hlal...................
1h.ll ;< K. Wall 4c Sonx give :m alrsn
lim- guaranie.- with eriry outfli they
sell, thai If It does not give Katlsfurlion.
tlon. Ihc- money
muii.-y wii
win be T.-f.mded.
imii-1 outfit, consihi
A compltdi- 11)111
lug of il lalilV- of IIDemei. the inhaler
iio'dieine dryipper. co'ln but *1.
wiiib- e
<lf Hyomei, If nei-dr only 3oc.

The Oldnt find Strooffest
Bank in Northern Mi<-bi(nin.



Wg have been Selling House Furnishing Goods for the past 6 months.
During this time if you have purchased any article from us, and have
any doubts about saving big money, we want you to come in at once
and explain any wrong. For it must be satisfactory.


We have here at your command
catalogues frorp every mail order
catalogue house. Not only will
we meet these prices, but will
undersell and save you freight
and delay.

.arge 1
liu:lish for...................................... ■
Kitchen cnpliwril with diia<i .loors.
in. wi0.-.fL t; in |,ich for..

Traverse City
State Bank

The Hobart Co„ Prop.

Traverse City


Per Cent
from the date of deposit.

City Book Store

We wish to say a few words to you reBardiner Furniture and House
Furnishings. Have you made any purchase of this kind for your home
during the past six months? Have you been perfectly satisfied with
the quality and price paid after receiving the goods?

Wc l»fue Time Ccrlinrales
payiible on doniand. If you bubi
these errtifl'-ate* lor ;« jH-rind of
time not sborti-r thau six
inuiillis nur Innzer than twelve
niunihf^. they will l»-ar Intvrt-si
at the rote oI

lJ.>:|^4r<«to l‘a|aT9 from I4X-. to TAi tbat an- uorquailn)




Kitchen ealiineto. tvn •'iO pomol Hour 9 /wO
bins. toi> 2^1 h;inches, f-r...:.. Oa\J7

The Globe Dept Store





ing are the otAoera and diroeton:
Proaldent. A. Tracy lay.
roto mday'a Record.
Hr*. L«* F. Tltu* left for Chicago
Yloo-preaMent. R. Ftoyd aioeb.
Dr. Sarah T. Chase has returned thU movtilBg. where she will apead
Caabler, Samuel oarland.
from a icn-daya risti with ber parenu three weeks with her sister. Mr*. F.
•M.MO AMtstant caabiera. A. J. Maynard 1 Otsego.
O. Balch.
George Nsvarra left yesierdsy for
I3WM and A. J. Havlland.
Mrs. I), e; Titus left f.w niui this
DIroctora. A. Tracy Lay. R. Floyd Chicago to consult a speelalUst.
morslag. where she win apend a few
Clinch. H. C. Uavia. Bale R. Hannah.
N. P. Dally rriomed Ui bl* borne in weeks.and tb*-n go to Vlt^nla. where
omCRR*-*. Trmr tmSamnrt Garland, Jorry Suinvao, W. Empire afier transactl
"“TO <»■*. Vta.
■— —
she will visit friend.*.
iMEOMUv;>aiEA.XBMllMN. W. Smith.
le city.
Miss Florwocc Miller retumed to
Mr*. J Osborne retbmed to her fVtrrit tdSsy after spending the butimaoroBs-iL Trmr w. B- rtord
Pint Natiotwl Bank.
borne to Empire this marulng.
CMa«h. Nn. iaUa. T.
tnmi Uw^
H. c. Itaft*. itnj fcium>. Om. W. .The annual tneeilng of tbe aloekMr*. A. D. Hopkln* went to Plait
J OlUet toboUera of the Ftm National bank River this murtilog.
held Tucaday. The board
Mr*. A. L. Rmltb retumed lo ber
Arthur Walt Ic-fi for Olivet tbl*
directqra lemalna the aame with the
3 »er c*it iBevdl •t;TlBe
home in Soiim after spending a short oHiraing after spending the baUdars
addlUon of an extra member, I.^n F.
lime In the Hty.
In Ihe rily.
Tltna, caabler at the inatitatlon.
George Raff aod w ife left tor Glenn
Miss Margurd Cameron retnned
Tbt! caafaler'a report for the last all
Haven ihU|monilng. Mr. Raff will Mt. Pleasant this tnomlng.
monibn Bhoved a more than sulisfar
vsome wiring there for O. II Day.
"Pal- 'fltapker left tor Olivet Ihis
tory growth, the Hepoefta growing
Pre.1 II. I*mit vteni to Copemlsh
morning, whr-rv be will resume bis
trom ttrc.noo on Jan. I. im, to |7iKi,.
busliiess this monilng.
eoo tbo flrat day of thla yeor. Blnoe
Miss Roberta Kehue relumed
Nril Morrison t>f Tuba passed
lU organlution in 1S8&. tbe bank bns
Ann Ariior this morning sfir-r spcml- through the city tills, morning
earned $t2C.47G. a 7 per cent diridad
tog ihi> holidays In the city.
w.vy hack to Oliu-t.
iielng paid this year. There U a good
Dr.,r. A. Wolfe, the optician of
Mis* Lulu Way of Rapid City re­
balanee of eamlngw carried Into the
Cadlltoe. who ha* a branch offleo in turned to Ann Arlaw today to resume
undlTided prcdlta account.
this dly. visited Traverse aty yeater ber studies.
The board of directora held their
day on hi* reiuru from bis varaiinn.
FTwiik Kelley left this moniiag tor
meeting after the aiockholders and
His ufUre here ha* been ckwied for IJma, Ind.. where be la attending thr
the ofneem of the bank were re-ekwi
the' holidays Imt Dr. Paulson has re­ Iluwe Mlliury school.
Tbe aioefcboldfTK arc greatly
turned today to ukc atarge t>f the
Miss Margnret ilnlden retumed ir
pleaaed over tbe growth of the Inatliupfflee which Is reopened.
St, Mary's academy. Notre Dame. Ind.
F. B. Rolwrtw bu Jnwt returned UOB.
Jens. C. ivu'iseu went to Kalkaska this morning.
Croa a biuiniai trip to BIk Rapldi and
Rlllard Hans Irit for OUvcl ttslay to
Flloake}-. WbDe Ibere. be aecnred
Paoplea BavlrtgB Bank.
Miss Edna Miller left fur Evert this reaume bis s'lidiee after spending the
eoatncla for JW borse power which
The regular onnual meeting of
morning after a|Htiding the holiday* holidays In the city with bis p-m-nts.
will be used br tbe laduwtricee of Ihoae
ockbuldera for election of director* with ber iiarents In tbe rily.
Mi-rion Wilson of ningham retiinic.l
two placea. Tbit power will be furof the People'a Saving* bank waa held
Cris Roas went to Fife lake on bnsl- to Olivet today.
Blshed br tbe ESectrte, Land A DeTutwday.
cashier-* report
Harry Rhiigart retimied to Flint 11
■ralapaeot 'eompaar aa eooo a* their of the year-* biislnea* wai a highly
G. Buclimaa left today tor hi*: tmimlng. where he is attending the
dame are built on the Nanletee river. aalitfaclttry one. showing a large and
home In Rapid River, where ho w
Mlriilgdn 8cb'»l tor'tbe lewf. The
healthy growth over ihe burines* of
kjH-nd a few days |x-f<>r.> taking
of bis meiitfiil trip to tbe cpv
Baluiday, Jan. 12. tbe delegate
the preceding yw notwiihsUnding
tba aUle grange will meet with Grand Ihe fact that the policy of tbe bank posllloa on tin- i.e.d for a. IP iroli was sold exriusivelytoy the Record at
Traveree grange at tbair ball tn Travretire I dmg bouse. His territory will l« in the time.
MISS Myrtle Miller left yeslentny
erao city to give hi« repm* ead mmaU ooe and much buslnets not eonsid' the soulhwenit.
Hervey Anderson left this momlng for (Thlcagn. where she will si*-«d a
nMcera for Ibo oomtng yiyr. All i
end as eirtcUy within that line tab
beta are urged to come and enjoj- the been declined. All ihe loans of ihe tor Retheiiey. Went Va . where he will tnanth visiting with relatives and
tbo feoet before the meeting.
bank are aoand and desirable and tire
Mist Blanch Rumum reHime.1 y.'
Orrin Hnlcblns of Rapid City.'irin
bank enter* Ihe new year in the best
terday lo Mexico. Mo., where she will
Ibo rily on huslness.
of condition.
Wm Leave City.
The old Iroard of directors
J. W. and J. T. Mllliken went to reKiiine teaching at Hardin cidlege.
O. Foote, who for the paai three
she Is Inslniclor In violin,
year* haa eondueted a boot and ehne elected and F. H. Smith of the Smithumsical cumpoRitioD and harmony.
atoro on Went Front ttreel, today an. Hull oompany was added lo ihe beard.
Mr*. John Neriinger has reliimeil
Mrs, Thomas Smurthwalle went to
noonoad that on^ account of hU health Tbe directors now are: it. 8. Hull, A. fn«m a two we.*'s vlsil with n'lalhes
Friedrich, Cha*. Wllhelro. C, A. Ham. In Pllisbutg. While then* sho saw a Deirult yesterday for s vi*lt.
he would be ccWpelled to cloae
Olan-nre lugerwoll left Saturday f<>i
bU bualneaa and aeek a more eortge- mtmd. Wm. lioudon. Stephen l.autoer. brolher tor ibe first time to Ihiiiy
Alin Arbor tor treatment.
nlal climate. He ex|K«ta to dlaiKioc George W. tardle. J. M. Huellmobtel. year*.
Miss 0.*ui:l.. MiichVll of Frankfort,
. C. Desmond. Benjamin Thlriby. J.
of Ue Block within the next
who has l>e<-n vlsiiiiig her aunt. Mrs.
wrpeka and will then leave for Colo­ I. Crotser. H. D. Gamer. P. H. Smith.
George W. Curtis of this city IHt for
The directors of the People'* Sav­
rado. where bo expecU to upend tbe
Rapids Katunlay. where she will'
wloier. relnmlng In the apriog.
day on business.
visit irther rrlallves.
ed ufficers a* fallows:
II. S. Hull. prealdeuL
Herman Uynian. left today on a two
U. R. K. P.
A. V. Priodricb and Charlc* 'wil- weeks' business trip to Indiana nnd
At a meeting of the uniform rank.
R. of P. held laft evening, the follow- brim, vice pre.ldenis.
C, A. Ilanitnund. cashier.
Mr. and Mn. Fnmh qark and daii taC.tMoara wm moted:
R L. Edwards, aasiatant eaahl«T.
ghier- Hlas Oooitlc. rrinmed yesur.
CNpUln. PWi D. Cnrile.
The buRloess ha* tncrcaaed grea
day from Milwaukee, where they liavo
Firwl UeuL. Claud Pnlrer.
doring tbe year. Prom the net protts| been in spend the bolldayK with |
Second Ueut. R. J. Mercer.
of tbe twelve montb* a substantial relatlVi-s and friend*.
Rcoorder. Fred Dean.
dividend was declared and the surplus
TreiaaBrer. C. M. Been.
Mr*. J. E, lleiidemmi of «-.-idillar. is!lwwitoS^‘‘___ -...............
fund materially Increased,
ChapUn. W. H. Umlor.
visiting Mrs. P. C. CUlK-n ..f Seven,h
The policy of the hank to oeeepi
l.urk-«B th.-V -r* nv. r. with
toil- of rirt-r
The rwrd and aentlnel will be bf
feat Will I--oh, in
only safe, sound business U hIiowm
polntod by tbe captain later.
by the fact lhat of tbe nearly sevemyflve
Quiet Wadding at Flrat Methedlat
aince eommenctog bnalneu not a
lar of principal or Inieresi has I
lost nor is there a loan cm band
Howard, both of Ibli city, were united
cooalderM pcrfeclly aafe.
tn manfage Saturday evening at the
The atoek of the bank U much
First Methodlat paraonage, tbw Rev.
songlit afler but there Is
Joa^ Dutton offleiating. They were
attended by Mlta Nina Ounpbey and
Prod PMffer.



ClmilrtM.lliii .WNl, 2.92S

I Of Con
> of PonBttor* Proa Tharmtoy'a Record.
Hlu Maude Giinar left for Big RapHeld Annual Eleetlen.
The Sewing aoelely of tbo Com- Ida this otomhig.
A. F. Nerlinger went to Kingsley
panlona of Fbnwtera met Tbnisday
eronlac at the borne of Mrs. Bertha this morning on a short business trip
wm Oniett returned to Big Rapids
Conway on But Eighth ateeet and
John N. Smith and wife left thi*
. Mrt. Amelia Cbahoc.
morning for Seattle, where they will
Vico pre*ld«nt. Mr*. Mary WolL
make tbrirfuliire home.
SecreUrr. Mm Fannie Sbuter.
Mrs. Allen Gray uf Bmilarnsburg.
Trogaorer. Mr*. Er. Smith.
Plowor committee. Hra. Frank passed througb ihe city this morning
her way to klnpOey.
MIsa Edith Prentice left tbit morn
Ing tor Duinth.
Mr*. Nixon Is vtoitlng at Temple.
Mr*. James Wert r>Hnme«l to her
home In Gaylord IWs momlng.
eble. whnoe marriage took place New
Mrs. B. R Packard «reni to Cadillar
Toar-i day.
this morning.
Tbe bonae waa beantlfnlly dcco^ In Grand Rapids this momlng.
atod for tbe oeooaloo. Heon* were to Grand Roplds this momlng.
atrung from the comer* of ruone lo
Mr*. L. Noble went to Hatcbc."
tbe center where it ended with one Crossing this momlng.
large twd heart.
Mrs. John Grand retumed to her
Dainty refreshments were aeircd home in Empire thl* luorelng.
and maay beouiiful piece* of china
Oe«>rge Porton went to Htwor tbD
and good wlihM were given Mr. and momlng.
Mr*. Mnrebie.
Andrew Champaign left for Honor
Itesxle and Jessie Mann went to
this niomlug for a visit.
Frank Park* to Miss Christina F. PasWllliani Smllh, Jr. Is visiting ai
coo of Tlcior. Oulo, has been received
tn tbe rtlj. The marriage look place
Mr*. O. Gdgett left for Peatwater
Dec .n.
•III* nionilng where ahe will visit.
Mr. Parks was formerly a resident
N. Kllnker and wife went lo Hendon
of ihU rily aod has boats of friends
who Brill be inlereslod In this move. today where they will visit friends.
He leased a gold claim at Vlcior aerMis* RaHiri Harriagtcm of Herring
ejwl years ago. stmek it rich and Ml p.isiied ihroligh the rily this morn
booght the property.
ig on her way to Ml. Pleasant.
SUIc Bank.
The annnal meeting of tbe State
linnk was held Tuesday after
and, tba pepori* showed that the bank
has exparieoced ooc of the most pro*,
pemoi and bc^j yrar.s of lu history
and haa never been tn b»*tter condi­
tion. So exceUeat waa the abowing
that the cgfinera W re leodeted much
praise .tor the oblo maanrr to which
affair* bad been eoodneied.
The old offtem and dlrrvtora u...
an twalected and the only change
■Mo waa that W. W. Smith, who wa*
added to the directorate. The follow

LotiB LivB the King!
D. the poiHiuir cry tbroughoiii Euro
poan eoiiiitriee: while to America, th-^ of the present day I* "Uaig Uv.Dr. King's New Disrovery. King t-f
•ramat and laiog Remedie*'" of which
Mr*. Julht RydtT Paine. Truro. Ma*» ,
nays: 'll never falls lo gi\e Inime
dlale relief and to qulchly eute .i
►ugh or eo1d.“ Mr*. Paine * opinion Ilared by * majority of the |nh*h.
of this country. New Discover}
week Inng* and aot* throau af.. _.l other remedie* have failed; and
tor ctoighs and colds If* the only sure
----- Guaranteed by C. A. Bagbee

lUbere ^
Jird Sold Cbeap

Thin 18 a. bar^toiQ lime of yeur at tliis stom.

\Vp want to

. clwati up all the odile an^-gntls l>efor«- iDvcotor.i (Keb. 11,
■o have put tbeni ou tlie baiv'Ai» tables

At Prices That Will Surprise You

Heavy Sag Cmn
OoUlS »t ooly



ool Ingrain

ic. to oioBo uov


Ingrain Carpet Samples
36x36 Inches square




lor each piece. Pine line ol patterns and colon.

Linoleums In lengths from 8 to 20 sq. yards
worib np to 70 els., now only

50 cts. sq. yd.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
“THE BIG STORE"—Dealers in Eveiything

$1.50 to $5 Saved
Ihiring our gri-ai clean up and *p<-clal ash- which uoly lasts until Sstarday iilghl unto** th<- gnr*l* «r>-*vx>iu'r sold. The hardware division will
II M.U .
A MKxWli CuUlvaim-; ivs'ilar i-rlc>
n„w ...........................................* ] SO
A .Vo 2 .'uromtogs F.«l Cun.T. rt-unlsr KKt.ow.................... 14 90
^ So 11 Ik 11 n«f, fhoJa F.-d. F.-.-d fut..r. rt gular price I’SOn, lumr tC 00
A -V.. II Jh-ll nu.«4-ar F.vM. F.-.M f ul'cr, rt gnlar prt^ »23.<W, now. 17 00
Th<- otilv
icr iBSkicc 111’- v n nia: kat.b- price. Is b4-caqiU! wc
n<"ild niihir >iacrill<->- lii- (irnfits
carry lb*ia ox-r inventory.

An Ideal Breakfast

No doubt jvn can find just the •hoe
you want amoDi; Uicui.
Men’s »4.00 Eoauid “Walk-over" Shoes’..................................$2,95
Men's Tateut LuatLers. for.lreaa, fer .
Women’s Fancy Warm Slippers....................-,.
Warm House SltpiHtrs. sense »bapi>..


_Men’s Fancy Kmbroid. ml Slippers............. .......


Wluii lx4trv breakfavt c<>!ild yov a«k f->r these wlnt.T fuorulngs than
. ;iU-, and .vrnp. **>i-*g.- or liscxi aii<; ti«l coff-v? \Vc urv srilJog Jon**'
<•;. i.ia'.-.! r.uiiito F..mi lUu'kwb. ai Fli.uf at nuc * Mifk. Tm- ram*-brand
■d - jiiiiigi-jOc a |-.,i!ii! iu cn.sjiK-i or i'x in bulk, tin- ham at Sdr a i.juBrt
and ii.-ir.m iCc.
<;,.l-i.-n Drip fail.- Syrup *l 4(x- a t.llon and Roblnwn's giursntrvRl alMilut. iv p.ii»- Ohii. .Mspl.- g.vrup ;.t II
* gnil.ui Tb-n lop off Ih- hrsak• fas' with onr <«• moto rupv .rf «ift,.-r Yai. M.x^lia and Java fV^fpo at
|»i!)IHl*or i!;.' Monatrh l.l*-tid ai 4»c, T!---.- ar*- '*<» 'd lI-‘- br'-l bicndr ‘if
\l'*- kn-'W llx-,-- .-irc g'x.l b-r *•iiif.l ili«-ni kp-i w»- tl.Uil:
Wa ar»- a

Announcement- from the Candy
and Cigar Section

I’s Storm Rubbers


Stoms wltb rolled sole 65c
Men*s Sandal Rubbers


Rubbers lor Children 35c
This is but a few of them, bat it will dve
yon an idea of how tbe rest run. ~

MUs Anna Hauman ha.-. lx-*n .-ncaccij lo Iv4: afi*r this socOeti ami
Will **TM- ■><. II want* in tni.ii-a-inr majim r. Wt- carry Sirsab Br».s.
4i Amintt- - toll line „f cri> brwiol rliocukiP v :itid creams and can sHl you
candy fr.un v to .j-i- hoi:.'! \Vc carry p* fiw a liny and larg- usM.rimcnl
■ of ■•lEars «ni>.ki':;, iir l rh- wiiig
goods a* you will
TInd In >)!•■ t'l'}

Our Offer of 4 Ladies' Home Joumaf PanemsFree
Pt;il hold*
Ar.y |•.rMln brlOi-iag ;i.
yi-arly Mibaeriptioii* 'o tli-«
Ijidics' Hor.ii- Joumfil at ll.S'i
and ou* can be tbrir own if lb‘-y wl*b.
We wllf gilt- Imir cpuiions eiiijUing tbt-ni to any four dress p3itcrtui-afilic«ly
Jrec. CouiMXis HTc .good any. '.imc rtitbto sixty day*.



Grand Traverse Region.

Mm. Wm. Thomaa left Friday mora­
ine t.. visit her tnotber. Mr.. Btiahwho t* ill In Chicago.
H*UD. to Mr. and Hr*. MTIbar GUI.
at Harbor Sprine*. a boy.
School open>-d
Monday nmmiiig
with a foil attendanre.
Mr* Kmah t’amplwil of realfwl
Mr*. E E Cha*<* **r Traveiae City
wax ihe RoeM of Ml*. Col. Barne* l.3ke. U vuiiiiis her *>m. M'. E Campleii —......................
and umli*
New V**tB.
. .
O M. IWm*'an<I III E
Floml left J
.V.»i *1as Nelt»*a vl-ltrd li n Urttnthi* nioniliie for lon«ln>!.
i r ai ie<^=;ac dminy: ib:' | ..:.
Mr*. J*M* Tuy‘*»r and ehlWn>n ami;
.V.*s .Addle Nelson
»l*iev. Mra. Iliirrow*. arrlvi'd
Midi- wluxd »i Ciulll^: Monday nuHiiina
day Trtim M'alhicc-I.iirc. Canada, wheieji
><ue eu<e.-iaii.isi j numlM-r
ih«y «|M’nl ihe holiday*
p.s.ple *m Fridav Araiuif
•' ►s Time Prlm^n .'Udit- Newjof >.■
Yeais wtib taer sicler. MIks E*iitb. <if with a oam-tiis )Kir<y.

Charl-s Kanatm *jf Manton *p*.it
l**w da.** wiih hU pareniB 1a« »*••»;.
Km***! lT..rk
returji-d lr*»m

Arrhie Scon U aHcuullnR
R the F.f souih-<ti p.vt. *it the sr.!i|. last W—<ur~tuv. Bhfr. be *. r,* fo spend iiU*
lU iiiMlnttv at lUe Uapid*.
The little «.n *>f Mr *i..t Mr*. Ijib- iioii.ia.iK..
ibU.writ<:•«. i.>-*iie will op.-n ■> U'’*'!
f«me*' Casnon Ib veiy HI
j In th.* OustafF
f-hool alumnlj
MU* Bl!i-I. wnroii
Tlie Xonh|*>ri nUh
J .•5aui.iaw Bh.wv she»p.*til
Bill sJve a muBlcale In |h>-

ChampalKW of Tmverae City. Prlday.
MlvMl tM late tp UM. Alt eomav
«nca ifiMit r«ach the Herald offica not w*re the Kueats of Mr. and Hra. Orlater tean Tuoaday^i^n
aacAo^ tew DrrtBlne.
Jack Kins la worlrtna for Ktmry
I in. th^ may be aaaurod that It K Cftrliale
Tlii rr wax a naalr lantern ontcrtainmeni
hoBM* Saturday
tiirday ereBlDs.
Anhor nomine |. mirklns f'.r lila
ri Mij.i-T and <1
Thf «>.
ll••pbrw. CM*arr ihmiine.
and Mn. Msr^'-t
ll5r^*-> Martln'a
' fliia nomlDe ha* tnov^ ’ to
w*-IJ ailcBrt.^ and a very
Head to work at bl« old Job aealo.
dririns the hIiiIi <*art for the KHley
Luinlier Co.
cnmite N*-n' YMira.
The Kelley l.amlier Co. 'esp*-<t lu
0««ntf Klah i« KflllnR «nit <^ar
hiiirt full hlaat asaio Jun. ISth
fcB(» piMte lo ahtp Id nnilht-rn MichPnin**!'* Potton, who wax on the.
' Umn
Kick Hat. Is now able lu (a* aUml.
■ Mr*. JolKi Wrk'Tiion liaa BKaIn takThere are a aiaat many eaiw* of
M rhaiT? «f «h.’ KellP>- LirtnlH-r ComwhooplDC ewiijtli animn: i I* HilHren
. aanyV laatiilnK honnf «i Eaw Bay.
Krank Wnwh anil H*mry ilr»lth- and aome of the older |HS>|>t*‘-nat<- <n*'
.the holiJavmnpt ruitInK »<»rart
lor Claud** euiich. Jf* w«»r*r «n lliem than the oil KHdav ev.-nlns. Jan.
Mr.* W. K. raiiildieli wax ealh*d
1. L. Danie 1» nli- .dmun «m ih-Vcit
children. Many also have the sriiiia*.
Frank IVPer haa rented the Tom' t.i Eampon l*xt \Vedn-»d;iy by the for a '
* uni l>lwaril!< has now chars** <rf
Barton fori V to put In crop* i.esi lllneax *if lier moll
........................... mlw*r
Mr*. Ed CharUT
irUT w:i* plea*anlly «
. • «*lBh .
of nainp iR*l«iiai:'i; to lb** Tmvera** *™Mra Henry P. Fort*m and ehlldr<-n
ilx*r or -h.-i- M'-uds. After same* Uus Oagnuii sji.-iii
and MU* Hattie Pnn*m ao* th.* eue»t«
■ City ljiinti*-r C*i.
will. Ml*.
*i( Mr. and Mr*. J«*rome Forimi.
a ilalniy lunrti«in wp* -•r\ed,
Ed itomln**.” who.
time ino
Miui IValsh and MU*
\V:lson *>f
;r-.>.l!e:. Ivit
MV an* Borry to rt*ad in the EvenlnsWni t<» Bl8(*kfi»*n**.Vu, a-riH'B hoiu*» R<*eDrd about the iniiit.W of one of Trover*** Cliv were ciieux of Mi*.
that hr haa *-nonnh of ViraUila. Tb*'
our Ra*t Bay neishlioru and his m>ii- H Ryan over S-in-lay.
wind ia r*i)d and
at tbla titnr inJaw In Tniver».- rliy. We would
Will ^•hpIllnl•ul . left ve»leriUy .for
N bDO plan* fur a pour
fit thf ymrand li'a
Mo. to aitenil a jiracileat
advlne them to have an anilrwhle **•!• «i,
li.'W >>UI lnsi:ill;iti..n -tm Sm
roan, nr aur* hr ai*la a dollar a day tlemeni and nlinke han*l* and Im* piaul sehoo! In hrlek laying.
ui'lay afieimsm. Af. i
the iiixUHj
and PIIVK !::.&» i>ri wrak for l>oard.atirt
t.evi Bam*'* wiiv**<t to Ca<RUar
ilintu-r was s.-i-v.-.i lu th.-ir ball.
• i4«y>< hr will ahortly totum to lleiroii
I Montluy by i
death of hU *uMU* Beta Kel,.-y entertained
MU* Stiide Forton hn* none i*i Ttav- j
to rcmalii orrr winter.
ibei of ht-r school rri<*nd* *
•*<■ Cliv to work In ihi* H-itho* pin
. Many of oor yonns people Bti*mded departracni cf the Oval W.-al l>Uh Saturday night to ■iKlav •lenlug. Aftei cards and J.iiixtc
the hard time* dancd at the Swede
itnpTDve the iKuidx *if the number* a ilalnlv lonrheoo “a* mtv.*.!.- MU*
hall .New Vrar* nlahl.
«l the lighting and *#t*^r Ixwrd. Tlie Kita wax th.- reclplem of a new plajro
Jan. T.
Umds were In the sum of.ll
en ;
Prank DrToe.fa worklns for An*it*
lb.* xiirell.** wetv :i» follows: C. B
Kehlx surety, BJ fi. Kehl; S. W. Por *'.l I.: the C«mBr»-jn>iioual ebuieh thU
-• Perry Boyltislon
loyliistm last twaaon mliu**!
Vr and Mr* I'etmeit and family of irr* surety. Antoine ItaiiMt; <!. M.
I ?,'..a larse iml ftni*
Traverae t'l'v spent a few *1a,v» with C S*-.-Ug s surely, Janie* I. .K«*hl.
End* n n*4*ty markc*i a
Ml nil ! .Mr*. Atkinson laxi week.
Mr. and Mr*. Samuel Middleiua and
P*j:_»the *urp1’i
. yintrie is xiemdtng a s.**k •laughUT. Mr*. OtmmT. left W«*ln.-*K.-~‘ roro nv*o-j.................
or two a a., her lareni*. Ur. and Mrs. day for |i*rint* In Ohio Bhete tliey will
Kiv' to !h“ 1
Bpi.iul a few we**ks *IUi n-lallve.-"
ie .:-,y,.A, iB -aii.1 ya*r otit ihan potatoes. Phoaii.
lowInB *dlli-**t* I
Mr. Atkinson nnd »ob Oeorge. who and fri.-nd*,
Rile Onixl e»Kjit.* sronnd is Rood
Ai.i.r* llanl'-i>:.
Bfcre In Chlrago on huslno**. return­
I woold ndvlae tey brother
S« c_ Clia* AV.-i-i
ed Thitraday night.
night watch by the
^fknwer* to plant more com and lr«*
taiv. I!. C.. Harih.
Mr*. Plieatt gave a SVw Year* din­
MU* Florvne.- WHllanixon
P;y, putatoe*.
rtiUowIng the installxiion ilu* 1 t
ner, the giie*l* present being. Mr. and
K- and ili.-ii la.ll.w xai d*m
"■ ■■■
Tboiu. that held their winter opplea Mr*. Cha*. Krtipp. Mr. and Mr*.
liavlns spent the
sre now offered n Rood price for then
Minaker. Mr. and Mr*. V. Vlxkochll, parent*.
and thev may VM rralitc a dollar
Mr*. Atklnuoe and Mrs, H. VUkohll.
'sii|M-i-ri*nr Jolinxton
Iraahel for them ere long.
AM enjoyed It very much.
Garth** xpenl Wvdnes*lay in l^'liinrt,
The Mlanea Ante and Lafu Porion
Mr*. Keaael. one of th.* oldest mIMr. tb*l Mr*. 1,. Itii** were i.l.uxanl.were Butprlaed Friday evening, by a ih-r*.
nwav Prida,- iii.^tii at
ly xurpriK.-d by o' f«*w Irl**nds on New
number of young fol|f. of the nefghYear* «*ve. Cnnis and music w.-n* th.borhoOil. There mraa tnuale. singing
* vixhinf
order *.f the .'V.-iiiitg. It-fi -limi'.fi
and gatnex and a very pteasaat
IS. H.-i
wer.* serv***l.
enjoyed by all.
i.iiu- tiieiid* to nioiiin he. I.vs.-,


F.iU Atkinson, wim I- eii.uiiinR
Jam*** K**lil nnd soii O.-org- x|h*ui a
E immlne. Jerome and Blntey
m aft*
workini; In
the cedar ncloui Bt Travers.’ Clly. *:x--it IM* few day* in Maiiioii lavi w.-*-l.




Two defecate*. A.
A*k>Iph, win
meal unlwi. A". S. of


are rctjuired this f

A Few Dollars
hence ill*; more need

* !car
has U*-ii eomartK.'.n
e.i •. iodary put.:!.-

of safely for and con­
venience from the dol­
lar. In the

roi the p.,1 two w... K th- xhrtlTis

Peoples Snings Bank

V'.'r fmuL* Jiiv it.’l only
a.if>* Kill .-araiDC y«ta
iiL.leratc lut.-tvat ami .
!»• ilrawn :inv .l:iv.

n n *-..nii> aeai - Mjv.
K<x*p’.. iia^-iaV.-n
MivSi.w'* plac- as. Mr. Miu'- -.^t.
0._y. ifeiii;.- *•?•,-- S«-r>ii.-;;*>mi.


f.-w day* las- week.

o|. .1 It--



I.•elu^e . "The IhxJd ««*ba small .JiH-.r*.- o.

w':i!i a H*:: ..i .........

Bwtral * .««•

imal nwyili
.. «d 1
I.uilnnm «*ui<h was heH
dav uiurDiuc. nilluvline the serslc^.


\ir. T

on 'b‘- Vnl''Ji^”wng*
lew n.*K wai.-i w.okx i* piMgrewBllitm,,,., Jke 8«i a *su.
Jacoi. Doeld-: !- rw-xiincH. d*ei,

•vjaKtsSi,*«s,v«, “T



Th« Chacmiep Warn**-..
Ilv *me of pertert Bjurm
.1 ll.S
. snd f.-B'-fn-x Man) a plain »oman
I who <s*uU liev.T serve a* an anin *
jtu.«del |K*ssxs*eB Ibowe rare qaalKie.
v-i».i..!'bat all the world admire*: oeatn*-*«.



u'”'*’ luayer tn.*-11118 will Iw
M, und.l'*^

g.*al bealih

A phyxicalty


... .

J.;i.- rii-/. r-la’liis. spm *o'>'»-! <,.*..1 a louiv -iv. 11 f.v lv^.^r*Tl.o*n :’•'■"'"‘Y'll *’>«upleileu
MIehiean. who h.iv. U.-n vU-.*i,.
ynj,,;;,, A.-vIne.^
l UyMoela i
tx-uin mioomtw
P* tern*, drttggiali.


dav . vi-nlng, Sh.* w*^ AiToni;.. <i.-d jerlng from her llhieBX.
by Ml. and Ut> t'ly*** Hunxliew, wlin.
is-utt Thomberg. I.t-rJe'Ryl.’r. and j
Ttu-n- w-a» preaefalug at the PrvabpBie ntiu- making tli.-ii - li.*>ru'' In K.':l-t'| l^uu.. Fli-her-liaw ra*lurfied t<> Trav-, leriaii eluiirh today.
After a bictg
Hatishew Is vemxl.s In: er*«* CH.- to rvs-im.- their xln.llex.
abu-nre ihev hate wecuKsI a_mlBlaier.
be <' E Mwi.:iy
' IV |i.*l.l
li.'l.l au Endeavor
Ehdxavor He Rev. Mr Vale
from an attack .if
«*-laJ at Ihe iH.ii..- ..r Mr amS Mr*.
I* K<> wVnt home last Pri- K S. Ryker Fri.!a\
taking her lUlb* Bim who
*lav niahl.
lu.| Kje-ui
a *e.*k hi'ie Wllh her.



Heivey Tllpp ba« lxu-o’’lllape.-Ml.
aid. w ho bus ri*s|gned

kal.l..<r.l«-d. Alu.*. F. King, of
tbal place xavs:
Ralv- runsl e 1

" y-';
....... .

Soiiw time am

TUe sale ai W. H. Fife* last Pr»*
IV was v.-rv well altetidi'd
Mr and .Mr* Heory U'llkcv of Plyni'.iiih weir aiM-ndinje thrtr holMay*
lu i. . they were vUtilng Ibetr grandpai-nl* on
w*wk, tbep
mmd.* n cnll In Traverae Cliy for a few
'lavs Then l.> CktpvmlHb sod (Itaed
l.asige on theli rvliim hum.'.
Runday . school
niee«s hif- neii we«di.



special Sale Price on lour room Outtlt


This outfit would cost you better than $100.00 , at any^ther time. This special price, therefore,
enables you to save more than $40.00, something you can nqt afford to overlook if you con­
template furnishing
home any time within the next year or so.


I Couch upholstered in velour.
I Arm Rocker, cobbler seat.
1 Arm Rocker, cane seat.
1 24x24 inch parlor stand.

2 pair lace curtains.
Carpet to cover the floor.

I 6 ft. extension table.
6 Golden oak dining chairs.
100 Piece set of dishes.
6 Good Table Knives.
6 Good Table Forks.
6 Good Table Spoons.
Carpet to cover the floor.


I Golden Oak Bed. 4 ft. 6 in.
1 Golden Oak Dresser.
1 Golden Oak Commode.
I Closel^^tufted bed mattress.
1 All ste^l top bed spring.
Carpet to cover the floor.


Number 8 cook stove.
Full size kitchen table.
Galvanized wash tub.
Copper bottom boiler.
Heavy zinc wash board.
Pressed tin dish pan.

pressed tin water pail.
One pint pressed tin dipper.
pressed tin bread pans.
Roll edge pie tins.
Roll edge cake tins.
pressed tin wash dish.
Crimped cookie cutter.
Handled fried cake cutter.
Fine wire flour sifter.
Double action egg beater.
Copper bottom tea kettle.
Copper bottom tea pot.

I Copper bottom coffee pot.
I Good long splint broom.
1 Japaned dustpan.

: iSs

YOU may wonder how It is that we can make such an unheard ol priceon abUI oi goods ol this Idnd. It Is simply this, we must dean np our
slock belorc Inventory so that we can gel ready lor the hig shipments that onr buyer wlU purchase during the January markete ol Grand RapMs and Chicago. Don't tail lo lake advantage ol Ihe Mggest saving ever ottered yon on a complete ooUik







J. W. SLATER The Homemaker




Dao/1 aid leari what we
nCdU hare dole for others


l( Others, why not You?
We Arc Now starting


Oor third years practirt .n Traww^
City and point writn to the many
cdacB to whom we have been pbic to
affctd permanent relltr.

“®l?iS;^NED Avow The Knile

headaches cored
Read and team what
OUT Patients Say.

Travnrsc City. Orl. t:t. IWh;.

nyi« with »T»alr ol npnflal IfDabtrii Atarrt. «lh, M> t-res
Uir tatniP IllPt*. ni) iMiKtarlinn
I liBTc iUiiam>i't»vil'aD>l ihr viilon


liy thf iiM- nf o'ti t.pi-rial croimil l■1l
Mua willKnit th>- UM lit lur<ll:-ul <»
xiirxiciil in-uliofiilr.

I liasp for ytiiix l>... a in.iiU '
<•.1 »!Ui ll«aila"l»p-v SVrv.rii.ii-ss aiMl
Htan - Vls.uu
S-|it.-n.U i I
Ik. I'a
~oii. wlio b, iu .liirs" <if i>'.
Wolfik Tiiiv-is.-r»«> uC-f. I!r
I'anl-Iiii UttH me kIiIi a leiir nf
ttlassea that havo
lieailai-h> a aiul oeraouau’-rs. ami
Klaetl ti..- m
tlsKM- f-T l«<iU
dislain ami Jt-lr**- nnrk.
Eitn Kitwt,

The Most
Reliable Guarantee ot Our Ability
U Oie Records oi oar Successes In the Past.
CaU and Sec Photos ol Some oi Those whose Eyes we have
Slralghlened. Read oor 1907 Price List Examination FREE.
IVki edUe leniitp allver fremns.S
:<ky«wr r>M flilad Hdinc tenple. I.KO
tO-ycartold BUrd cable tnopie.. Z.Ka
oti-year gDid
Bar and

linirpin cbaiaa.' Ixnt

Dr P. A. Wolfe, Propriefor

extra hoary





tample........................................... S.;s



DR. B. L. PAULSON. AsstetanL
Wilbclm Block.
Traverse City.

lieal .


Ikary Kupp and tlauRhier Laura
Md Alben Koelmer .pent New Voara
with Ur. and M«. B. ‘O. Raw»nit».
Mian \Tda Rhollrr la -ht-Ilo- pirl
far Fanuera Tvlephunt- oompaD
The fnfaiR ann of Mr. RDd
Prauk Worai died SntnnUy momlnc.
-tntennmi will U* la 8i. Mary'a cerne1«ry.
Afanui twenty-fire youQR friefntii of
Miax-'Mand ArtmM met at the Srbteh
tel home (or a farewell party 'Hiursday evenlnx.
Omea and Ufly pull
In, belpeti to pa* a ray the titae.
• UlM. Kate Rawlli
Ycara with Miaa May Maictaeil ol
Bobti Mayfield.
Mni. Philip Srhichiol who In
Am Arbor, takfap mtvlleal iimtineol,
U reiMrteil ip Iw rapidly fcalnlnr
Ml*. JaM#^An«ild Is mi low that
f*** bopai ^ enierUlned for her reHue nf her piin-nis In Dako'ta.
ift-rman Slrtonitller m
lie Kriwy will Ik- xinlled In marriaee
i 8k Morr'a Calhidlr cliiirrh. J

T^e county board of anpervlwu*
ametloi: waa held the laai of the
J. O nnaena of Gnltooa Bay won
Id town M'edneaday.
Mr and Mra. Bert Brown, who have
■ (n-eii Viehinx ai J. F. ttarilMI'a at
Bnat Joidan. triumed Thureday.
The Convent nrhool ai Proveronnt
baa been rioaed on nreoiini of diph­
A quiet woddine -took plaeo at the
home of Mr. and Mr*. Jam<** Maann.
Bi . New Ycai* t»bm thrtr daushier
rtthryn M-. was uiilii-.i iii maniase
II KeyDoid W. Jt^naon in i: (I'clnek-


S.-T.v:-<T f.itAItv. om1
The iwiiv,:.- <-hat!i.- Ski-r's »as .1
_Tb. V- irtKsr m , 's.x.O:V
tr:V i;rii-j
CnI'.-i-x i.i Traterx ih- pa-> *f k l.-H.siix n Mieryss. eieiume n-p.ii*. .1
lUis daD |i unj-i-s/saut neaite’
ter Jl'd|
Cniei Cr.Tim-.!-iMid itme. Thus.- pr.~wa:
many ar>- »s>aipl.>iali!^ .d
Fred f!n!n Mn R-eeis.
T. WVi,l»-r. Uis- Otara tm.
la-E hi.nunc is 'ar - a i
viilM-ii. Petrx TilI.itiM'fn • Carl
Frank S.-wdian Ce.I;ir Ran Hyth Oirp.-iiM. <11. nn Stoirs nf ft-rm
»!.-•. .A >. l<«li;rHi> IS mill \x-iv jev-rlr»m Maple city Mnmlay ntebl.
mil. aoil' Rosa
'Qiil'e ail exrltetiKOi uas raised in Ktiatip. Il.'i lia K’dnn-r Rlica ^'ovk-- !. and n.d patBlnc anx.
Ml-. Ih-ha'D'i.os e. Si.flie In -t'd
o'lr \iHap.> Tbursihi) tniaminp
B-ntha A-l. ni CbapiK-l. W.iV.- r’taii ieiiii.-' ih-: h»iidA>* ...
ih» timiM- na-pint l.v
niiita'' A'ie-H K-dm.-r. |ia iiD>1 F'.<1>1A_Kr« latitlix, h.x- butV'V! ,itr:o tfex
mid h;:.-ly <x-e>ipled
. Mat'> Mat'll-It. Cim ' Mamma'
-s-rsxB.I tl.s'i fftiti’ :*{-aiIiD<-IH» in- th.:
v< y, I.tiriir-.! j„ the pr..:
Lieit'rii.ton bJti-liiii;
i.» -111 hi-lp <«r .tlu- ti.ltl Cl
honrelmlil S'x-iis v.-. n- xav.
Ml-^ Ex.i Wai IU "I Tlatei... r, .
I -M-wlits at Mrs. J'l.. «:n.U.s'.
Mix J:-mes Klll-t' :• .ir Wn l-eil
Vlci.-r Vaud.-ixo!! i- :ii.j.r.i'..i,c '
Mi-.-- E*iHb niel» s
Tider IVnj of Tinv.-rni- C(ty and E'- xlik Ilsi. She has not »~s-n a‘-U to p
niitonih Ikiar liuaii. vlwi.-l I-* KThiid this T-nn.
XI Kntx-r: Oh-Hiy's tax- W-sli..->'.Ia
X.I nwir.- >nw k.epinp a whllni;.:;.n. A.
t-lslier si» .u
Sr-ii* is all ««me and it la y>
dn>s ai Lekind Iasi «>-.k. uiet-iliip •■•day.
<vith Dm Board nf RiiperviKors.
Ulivtn Marsh spin' Cbrl-in is vHli
Rols-n diver Is at
OnHda Mr. SoRKa. He ba-l'tn.s Itub'driver «nit
d ami Mrs. J.-u
li.-Ifiiiit ea-e fnr his hrothcr. Henry.
•IJX.' l»s;li sick
Mis. Skiver t«
n ‘iiad *..• ;i..t
1‘hll Sheridan. Point neiu-v iiphi- ... Is- lip.
k.-jsT. IS liei.-VixiiiUfi bis fath
Ml-. ISlaii. il r.,\ is iM-f.T'sy slio
. r and famllv,
cm f>e i.iov.-.l ;• Hill,’ til Imii. 1&’('lhink
t. F. Sheridan's lep wan nm broken -1.- will ui-l Well n.iw,
■ _
i.x ih.- kick Id a Ihms.-, hut so iMidb
Keitnati C.a- Inst liixnnly.cnw a'fv-w
liim ll Mlrenited silni biiii to U- Inured. dji-i'Tluu.
Hi- is al-ie l« sit nji a IlDb- now.
The MelbodlM qnari'-rly meetinp
-sits IH-Id In fhe cbnrf-h foieninm. TI..pi--si.lliic '-lil.-r WHS present anil
I in 'lie eereimniy.
tfi.' schis.l
. kiid Mrs. IMinb.ill



2ii lies*v xx'.i * 'h'tre
Ifarln-is, w. iv -iir|ni''-.l .V.-w Yei,i«l
*-v--.illi« of tiK- d.-slh Ilf 4i!
.x.-niiie h* an uu.-xt..-rl.-.l «U froml
.Slslllex-.. x,.-.
.-i;;hl.-.*n of their sr-lioUrs who pr.-l'*•' .M"'‘»uII .Sisniex
child ..f
s.-ni.-tl them wiDi u xerx*. K. K Uin.-h-xit. of Rlie-I
l.ini|i and china fruit .llah'. Tli.- .-x .-ii I »-'V. Mich,, tii ihi- ait.- of .-x.-ti months j
Im: wa.-i pliaainliy j.a.-e.1 »iii, imi.xlc, '‘n-^ -i'
'd d.-i"h. li«-arl|
Ing, after wbirh duinty refreKhDieiits j <*1 inornliii; with iis nim
Simtina .-'.id itani.-s Tl,". xx. ,.,t'i
n-m drop..................v..,wl
were served. The happy crowd d'-tian-| Q-ii'x- n lliDf ha- auil a miml.i-i of
ed Will! nuts und xiraii-i-,as.A.- lu ih.- tiiiih.
ed tfii-r huvlna apept .-i dellKhiful .-v- fni'm
Implmm-iiu -w.-rtc:insi.mi-<!
1 Loss is ..Illy parttally e»v>-nvl I.y in
:<ll-l III ind
. Clnn-nre. the wm of Mr. and Mi*. |-'»r»ucc.
ifrom Di.- lilile l.u-lv.
Wm. Cailaon. of Hits place, la III a> '
hUil Itimee l.s iiom<- from Ills Rats
,ws,v tie.-ni !»' I’lati. Hirer jiinrlion for
thia WTlilOK.
jl'lK. whi r.- h<- la aiiendine m-Iiim:
til.- M A X. E sev.Tal xe;ir« and at
Harry HInabaw went in Traverse| siMKiiline his varniion with hts |ui'
from ChM l.ake
H.- had lUit.
City, when- he will s|M-nil a few itiixsli-nis.
WisexHis-n iHSi Wmlni-sikix. ||<- thitik:- mov.'.l
Hit.-I- The remains w.-nwllh reUllvpS aad friend..
Havid Rolfe lost his hors.- last Fri- <hx-re ii. no plan- like Willkimsl.iirv I'li.-ichi to the honu- of. bU t.roilu i.
Mlaa Daisy Bryani U In rharee ofttiiiv nialit.
.•.tier aU.
J W ll'iiieliari. and tlu- funeral s.-'H. Rinnhuw'a rouf.-rUoni-rx durini:^
Miss Hnz.-I Ea.fin -aus quit.- Ill wiili
Mis* P.-arl Broomlu-ad vi-itvd at! vic.' tiel-l :t- ihe iloiri-h Sitmiuy at J
hin nhorl ab«-ni-e.
lonsultiis Iasi week.
(vast Uiiy niii- diiy Ibm «<s-k
Mr. iind Mrs. Moiris rlayiss.! o(i
The tralnetl nurse who has Ik-.>ii
I front Maple Ciiy snnt:
---------------I tendlue Mrs, ITpsol Muhin,
l!uu-s ilslli-xi at-nunicni Sin-lry
•* V ihe >,l.|e 'll a llitl'-l
Tiav. rs.- Ciiy bisf Salurtbiy. Jetivuie
I. .Ii‘iii. d lix-ie
Ira. Hoi
>1 made
Hohh. tm the Rain.
i. Tt'.-v hirvx- thi- d.>eiii-i
Jan. 7.
innih Ilf Traxerae.Cliy ,!:
. Ilf ih'-ii innny fricnxi’'.
A ehiitrb doanlinn wna belit at Wil­
hiislD-as trip iiHlaylis Ramsey's on Kriilay eveninp. Jan.
Thi-ie Is 11 KtiW .t'-.xl Ilf siek-«.-«s r.xilllie Ins
s' r>-is'U'-.l i
‘•'I'f 5 itiitd. .-esy uction of the U>»
i. for (he keneflt of Rto- KoHiies. Nel
1-. a siiiaii-.ill's.- nf's Hx-c'd'-'
proceeds of said sorlal ammiulml lo apiiiiid the town, cans.-.) liv th- iK-tti'r.
Mr, and Mrs. Hamoti S.<-I.-t uii.-ii,I-' i-noilLli. Tr.-jitiieut <-ir.-s halii'-i;il
over filA Then- w.-u- aYmui fliiy pe«s Dll- Iinheallhy w-eather a.- are hiixiiiv.
ronv'tiiinn ed the .liinrx' at Itark.-i (-..s-u |„«| ;; asliiisiioe.
pie piew-iil.
ceiiis a l«,x .V-k
'rusiisi ti.r 'h.-ni
One of ihe.pnteriniRloe fnniuren of lonr is MI1.-.1 III »K. her.- Tn.-sila..-. Jim.
all.I ait lliieresilijR prxntiam i- I..-,
Du- ereuinu was muidc fuinlalu-d by
i)va' sraphu|>hnse. They had Ins ph-nned.
-Ilin LniUli hut l-.-rii
.! t.. laksamex and a iMiunilful Kupju-r
a I'lniH.ruiy- v.icatlon fi-du Ids wink
Miss U*rm Dunn, te.irhei in the of .-ariylna Di<- piall mi nic-mui M Di
Ramsey dlslrin. sjmni h«-r vaeatkHi 1u-a1Di. In iml.r In itei Die lull lii'n.'

Co-ts- 1.1.x h'lM -he 'slJn'.V id iu> l-.a’-fn- .p'.-o • lokun. ■.
”'It; '•mio fi'.a'danir
Dm «n-la''». .
A e>-Ttain icumsS t.w wieb at ahkss
A n><siictn.-.iba]; answers mrwrx ealL
Js-ivisVs Knlm'v Pills, a IW spi.-eiftc,
Manx Traxeis.- Ciu p.-n|<le tv-ly m.
Here is Trav.-iM-Cii; pi.nxf,
Ur« U. C. 'rm>hips(in. Ilfs'KItnarn.^
Axe , TlBT.-i..- iVr Alii-h eaVM -"R'e :
b.ixo-iiMsI |i,Mil's Ki-lD.-c jnils init:i pitaraincx
and .
rham-d «i the U'a"
ncx i
D-B' Un Li.lnex
«ii>- ihai a.-exuA
jutnx this-cx.tnplaiai..It iv a r'-' tIuK whrdix
up lo the .-iaima
of 'th.- ..wn'-rN of this s'aii.tatd roan-ilx, \v«. .tuiv,- onen iwx-nniniende I and
i-ud»iM-<l Dll- use of (Vkili's
I. 'rth»r* and a - pleaaed '

"VC.-.-nt*. F.-Ktiv-ailhnni
N.b- In

all ,|.-al-x*.


Pti v M


Xxxw Volk, ool.- ae>m>s h-r Dh- I-bII'kI
8i3'c* ■
•h- iiatu.-- Dnaa> -Bafi
.- no oiher.*


^ o, p, :

ni her home m Onekaiua. ipilne fnini
then- 10 vlsU frl.-ml< In Manistee.
Tin- rollowlnc ><Hinc iMvtpk- of lUmsay .p.-nt ch.-li va-iiDun in Traverxi
Ruth Forayih went Biinilnr I
Cliv, and rrpon a fin.- Dme: Flm-d
WUb Uni. StADNlierryi t Wnllon.
and I-Vrn Sb«*els F*red Johnson,
Mr. FtRuyth will ntan (or Die hiijihmnnd P«-liy Kl'ldi-r.'
ber wood, lo n few ibiya.
Goditnrd. who has Item
‘Rie aneleRi order of Oleueni
Bamsi y for some Dim-,
Praaptwt Arbor ai their laat meetlajf
IsDiias with his imronis iiI TiavCbri.ii
*e Cliy.
Chief meaner. Ralph
Itessh- Brans of Tmverae City has
Cfilef Qltwner. John Price: (^plaln.
he.-n siietidinR hiT bolldsy varaitni
Mattie HrMbniiii; Rre. and Treaa..
her ex-sebiiolmiites ut Iter »hl
Alin- Pierre: Condtieinr. Alfml Wla- In Oram She will return
ten: l-fetinur. Wallace Brows: Inner
Gnard. Bred Pleree;
Outer Ouard.
SB Ixa Kidder was home from
OeoTRe MrManna.
*k to spend the holidays.
Andrew Prindle. Ralph faaer. Els H. Mof'nmlis is OD the sirk
Bier Pleroe apem Sunday at home, retnrsiDR Snaday exeola, to Prladle'a
Thrre was
n e-ji
good nitendnnrx-1
piarer mi-<DBK
Dbk h
held at Mr. McCorThe
mirk's Ills! Snliifday oveaiae.
I vtHIt a few
III Im> at Mrs. Bland
nii-elinc wll
p>'. then pK-r ish's. m-v! Saiu'day eveninc.
The W, V. Ijidl.-*' Aid win have
ihidi n«-*i me«*HnR wfifi Mrs S«-hell.
i^tb her alaier at Mayfield.
Jan. 17.
*rbe Oleoner's nucllDoc committer
ei Buiiirday evenins ai Clyde Ca
lies' 10 andll the books kept hr him

rmber .of our voun*
hey were very well pW-ased with the
. people
attended the watch pa«y
party NeaNi
av the work ba.l lieen dom-,
the home of the Ml«ii-. Neiile
Mabel iMxon of Wexford spent part
and Geonrta Panliiit. All
of last week wllh h»-i slsl.-r. Mrs F.
plewaast time.
The New tear'a ev
Jail. 7.

qnlia IH. la cnsraleaceBl at ihU wrlt-

Ur and Mrs. J. Brombead vUited
Charlea CalV <>l dipln- Ik bead.1 Ra*i Ba.v over
Mias Ko*> Ptyiier wbu ha. been
aa».»er here a( Ibe mill.
CeoiXP VrvetnaB
visjilnp her kt.rfber. nmirK - IVplcr,
Mlfs ratty Roaa tialtnl a< bORK Rapids Sanirday.
has ts-tMrn.-d ti. Beldins.
Smtilay nusbt.
Sleichluc i. sU pooe. whleh is n<
Fraak Gtt-h» has retarhed bnote dinti.-r at J itiadl.-i'auer'* yecterday..
Mrn. Newloa Skiver ed (Vdar i. the a v.rv eikhI pivsiws-t im iho..' ab
from Ohiras*-. where be «eof to at
Mr au'l Mrs C « Dye and f»attl
nf lii-r |v-|tmls. ibis
in ban)
lemt the Wed.ttBs of hU
.-Jnn,. ... Mr Rlwmnl'c yrMerdaT af- •
8<bun| <>|Mtted Mnoday mtmiina at
»ci. Miss HrI.T! Gtbim.
ter a TAciioD
r«o weeks.
ilr> Hi-.rr JatU.1 U aiilte mcL a^d I
Rrx. p, W Wond will
1 revlx'xl
Krani-er KowB a-iH Ivny Htirceai of
r, RotiM' and Wili Ta»Uy hav. l«.
Is 's.nflned to bi-r bed Titewlsv I
We.t A'mlia- aM.-nrinH ch-irf}. h.i~ etiffips top- Ji
-Va-mn aa-1 Harold iUbbs;
Snnday nl*h<.
•uli'T.' the,! .lie,
Ur. tteorpe E IC.-1I hail the nv.fot
Vin- tn mi
UY^IDre a' ItlilU !..*<
ty. has lirtm tlsHia
tliand -Ran
Mtsa EDtei I'lemta l.was tak.ti ai.k*
a> M •'s and Lad
f and Wts. U B. Pil-. nf Ht.djnn
A!is* jJliep St'‘>-kV nprin N'.'S V,a
V s Ir, Yo-hsijh of Ke.vsi.m.- ti!o;
. \T-lly<l bi> sUiL-r. Mis, B<-o ^11-' hifb M: and Mr* Ollu
"•si Marita unit's and 'oihet
ami r-rntbr-i, .S .A Pik. a li-v. '
Mr inid Bits Henrt Kuaecs >mi.i
le C ty
Ifc.-e oxer BirartaV .
.tax.- MM w.-efc.
...1 ,
Year's l-oswlih ih.
Ixiit! Ktwii je--.iia.s‘ bx-3io Sxt niax;
»1 Hiisiks was ir. nnr VI. tniiv M..I1 ; .t,,iieh!.T U-x, Wait-..- Ilf.niiBas tilahi.
dill- i>DitinE nj' a ni-*' Enipin- Cream >|.in.*iah

Revival meelincs lM*Bin 'here Tiiesdar evenini!.
H. K. Cowh*s vi.lle.1 at Wm. Cur­
t's Saturday. ,
Mra. John earns and dati,htrr l-ols
re In Elk Rapids tW« week.
J. L. Cmrv of this place und W X
Curry of Elk
Rapids an*
friends east of Alden this week.
■ » W. X Curry of Elk Rsnids!
visliinc friends In ihta netehlKiihooil a eouule ot .lays last wtu-k
The W. F M. 8 meei* this week St the panxonaue iii Btk PinMra. 1. R. Csnient.'T of Triiv
Cliv Is exf>ecl>Ht to In' present
Dinner will lie served.
MrK Uabet Ripli-v nnd Prank Mlkela drove .town from Trsversi- Cliv

lio-.p!t:.| III ■
E lii.'iM'
ifinil aii.l fi.-'ii;li' In
Jan. T.
Mr. lljirtli'B clinu-h at l.e
land Bu.i'lox.
Miss Mary tnmim Is on ihi- si.-i. ii-i
with x-elliiw Junmlir.-. Unlit- a -s'S.-i
many hen- have Ins-n
rt^-s.-irae wax.
Kiin'Sitv- B<-(tianl com- i.i I.<hold to w.,rk ftir Mr
. The MlKsCs Mari.- and Eliral"-':i
HoKou *<-i.- ralh-rs h. r.- la-i t-vii
CemY- Reruiid is wnrkiUR m Solon
for Wm. Helhiforth.
Mr. Olid ^I'l. Mom and Mis. Ursail i.n'l Hillilien wi-rt- visiinrN at MiHumelsiairs Saiiirday.
Clsi.- Kills Is woiixlittjtf the mid
for J.K- Kelfhlck.
'T '
Ml-* Il-maiil and Floreuee s’l-'n l
exi si-ivicK ai N»iDi|s'it x.->i.-ida.x
Ml.. H. Browo wns slishti. Ill xclenlity. it Is h"|H-it slo- will In- In :

. . MEN’S SUITS . .
Siui;].'(tnil IViublt- Hrcrt-lixl; i-.irrvl aiylea

Kt-guliir v.-iliix-g $10 to tl**00

Specials, 5.75 and 9.00
R-k'iiliir i>rift- T .-'O lo T.->u0

Same Reductions on

on Furs.




Specials. 6.90, 9.75 and $12.50

Cut Prices

llxivt’ Under Wsti and
now only JDc.
Ladies' Heavy Flo. ced
Pants, no-vonly 2Sxt.
Ltdies' Unitm P'leec»*d
Suit*, now only "Sc.
LxTfiies* - Fleeced Wsifi.
now only, Kic.

Is awhole medicine chest
Price 25c 50c 6 »1.00
Send For Free Booklet on HorseAC«lrtc.HeR» SfWtry.

Address Ok Earl S. Slo&n. Boston. Mssft.

In many case^rices in this sale are less than wholesale, but
,we have the goods and they must go.

U. TlKinia--' KU'i'tiic Oil is i
li'-sl li-ra'ilv f"i Iha- .ift<-n fn'al •
—croiip Has les-n um-'I with s
In inir fainitv for'oiitlir x.-ar>
. L. Whit'-arr.-. Huffalo. X V


tell for (lie Rapida. wht-rr i
’"'.•r S-inilav
Ihty will visit her sUter. Mrs. H, Wol
’ *'»
“"d *•>'“>« Mahan drtivThey have the best wishes of|<l«*'n from Trax.-r* .........

- There was a ou'
ou't-t xxe.ldlns
their I
r. naaiueiBCHi went to TcaveraetTty home of Mrs John CarOH Ne*
Mrs. Eninui Cams and Chni
this (otTminn.
wenMay Hanseati nf Butinas Ray aiieai
ouleily married l-x the |ia.<»r. R--x
Sunday with reUDlvt-fc.
Mn-. Ben Wolroit tif Rie Rapid. 'ThnlBsou. A few friends heina it<-'
aitrnde.1 the wetldlnp of her Bteter.;eni.
Miss ODiIvd M. Maann.
Andrew Pmlor seems to (<e havira
Mias Pbllumeii Rnii.s.m nf North-‘ht> share of Iwd 1-jrk. He i-. hiivire
poo speni a lea' days a iih Ur. and holla on hla face, which U lui'l en.mch
Mrs J. Mateo.
Itheii the row kick's) hint rm th-- finm '
.lay he c— '
diCll then
deep cash In his fiH.t . l.iii Is cx-t
lon-n Subi iiron
ac alimp as wi-tl uh can tn- eip.>rled
»-as a Travi-rae City call­
er Mt

The snrprito party given In bonixr
of Arthur lAi-derh' was larx'Iy ntimi.l
<>d I.y a niimher nf his triemls. (iniii'-s
and aiusir and card |iiiOI>>i( wen- ifatThe iisrn -rui the faroi owne.1 1
proJoadnatlBc (•atera* of the cxeu Mn. Peier aBdW.v. uear Mahil. hut

Sloaovs Lii\imeivt

Reductions in Every Department ^

'ed*:.y." '

Lilteml iliattrimt* will Isi:ivpn on ilie few fttra »*•
left. Kenietniu-r. uiir wtatli r
m;i9 pramiaea pleiily of coM
weatlu-r vx-rx' ao"ii

For Emergencies at Home
R)r ihe Stock on the Farm

. . DRESS G00I» . .
25c Tricot Flannel at................18c
35c and 50c Dress Plaids at...... 25c
54 inch Skirting
iiliip iiii'l Iirowo :if.................................................WifC

54 in. Cravcncttcs
l-T-'i v.-ilox-a. fli-.i'-',- to cluSD

36 inch ’Dress Goods,
The 50c kind for 36c



Early purchases before the advance enable us to offer new
Koods at especially attractive prices. As these prices can
not be dupitc Jted in later shipments, it makes it a splendid inducement for you to buy

E. WILHELM, Front Street

il': 'I,---,.


dtao arcra the nateajir bar folka 8n-

>a« Mra. i. K RliHiR
MMR. «M JUL. S. or «ra9«y «r tb»
h«rA « tk* Mt«( t ttoMIu. • dan.
Tka awvaa m kroagkt to
.aoB for barta). Tb« pareau had oolr
va«MUy Mtod to Ik* pUM aad tb«
Uitla M# *aa appanaUr *all aad all
rtfkL Tkt efeUd waa alck oalp a verr
■bon tbaa batata It diad. Tka taoatal
aartloaa vara bald Saedar at S p. b..
at tka tet Kataon eborch. Tka «holr

Wb. Mataer aad J. W. Rhloahart
««Rt to Baat tboB at Tnverae at}
■aurday aldbt aad brauckt tba
eotpn to Sbb Kaaaaa for the bcmt
cd pai*»A
' Mia. Balota aad Aaoibur
GaRar, Mr. aad Mra. B. ■- Riaabart
' sad daaUy ot Bttatay aad Mr. aad
Mra. J. W. Rlaabart aad family dl
■Ml Xaaaoa took aupper with Mr. and
Mra.' Wb. Motoor gopday alRbt.


aad *3 moat every day. Last night I ttga here have DO aalooBs: aot from ’ many days. Mr Packer leaves a wife OUvet today.
^ Bellalre a^ wm he g • a«oa|rie..or
weet to the daaee and New Year * principle, but ^ fear tbe blacl^ ^ ^ rtilld and many friends and
Bort C. Keaaedy retstacd to Olivet; moaths.
^^ioM HaUatt. H. Gaae aad bob CtU- supper. The great hall with every wUyesterday after yUkieg friends here.
ford. droea hemt Baaday from Cart- dow c^o was welterlBg h« with fan*
erk Bldlap.
going like jMv night with us. It is'
V with Ibem.
•.pent Sunday aiih Mn. Jim Flahcr.
Mra. Viola Laka la werklog for Mra. funny to see old gray-balred men and,
.H. Vfwrbeva.
Date OrayoB’A
aromen dance as MtergeUeally as Uk-{
Mra. Geurge Klnaey U very 111 wltB
Mtaa Viola Abbla froB Lake Aoti tbe young. They say It prolongs tbej
' kidaev trouble.
Mias Cora Pbote of Maabuie b ihtelephoned SBertB Mlggina that
eallad on bar brottaer, Binar Abbl* life eg the aged at lean ten ycarv:
lyipio CITY.
last Batarday.
guest of Mra. W. I. W’aivm.
!.•'had abut bis wife last ai^t aad the
to come here winiera. Of eoitrae it
Mra. Lola Steele baa bean rlaltl
coats too much for the average perl Raiitd City, Mich-.-Jaa.-4-—Little Prom MondayU Beerwd;
i sheriK la 1!
Hag Lamrock a
her niece. Mra. C J. Baiee, for t
n a life- Piom Tuesday'a RacenL
•oni--^- —^ - ....
, married only iwo wi-eks ago. and lb
peat week. She latomed to ber boi
t en)oy living at tbe leading hotel’A short time ago. ihi
il [-iluw Mi Unf assocUte in asylum work and a
!a Traeerae City Betarday.
J. II Moaror r^Huruid :u l^S'lag runsideced a rpautlesnaie person, lie
rhere II can
....... ', •imo a pond...
can aee
aee and
and talk
talk wHh culU
and the result
c.f the lo tJoae _______________________________
lal friend of the Hoi
MUa Rekab Wllaon.TMra. U
biMtedSdan^lhl. w«»:i
Baiea and Mra. Mabel Balea were (
TtIm ^‘telnomtk MdVomnH«-l**•’*'. *•" * »cvw cold which Uier^W. C VUluo. Mt tliU morning for!
Itoeeta of Mra Walter Lake Uat Tburt airea In this reaort.
. . but
they are arh-|
arh-1 -- gmuine dipfaiberu -----.................
aud! thdralt to attend
i«4 the faneral sen ie***' I'raak' Saxton wi-nt to Mano-I<«s : lAier rep>ns < lalm that the wile's
l-ioibe-* trip.
fatlier Bred the shot taiindlBg to kill
Ing on the coast to have paUtlai ho iwiw hllflife is despaired of. Dr. John- cf Mr. Vinton, who died In that
Mra. H. Halietl drove nrer to Car lels for the rich. We have the flneyt ^ ^ Kalkaska. Is attending
allending him.
J. H. Wilbur I'J OadHljc n4uPBed l^mragk. but mbasd. The wife b
yesterday morning.
ter-a Siding Saturday after Mr. HaV
chance* of releu.
James T. MHIIbw t«>day returned to*' his home today
Call Kinney fs also HI with lb>
Mra. bnella Steele and Mra. Mabel worth Ove cents a
Sow Haven. Conn., aheiv ho will re * Mr H. Mclntv.s. .d PcHii.m. wh«;"’»^ She waa •hot m ih* baeh »ad
UM- and as a. result of ibes«
Batee called on Mr*. CunnlngbaB of
ts b.,n
bx vMliug in Ibe>«j, Mumed.;*’*'
'**«• ln'r*«lb«.
va>>-.^ all chlldren-ainder IC yeara ofj sume hb simlW la Yale anlvenlt.y.ihas
Lake Ann a few daya ago.
>-rais>niie a foot in depth oo ,
rs left ifaU morning -for|t“ >tb
There are two new achoiara In oui lakes'and If it rtoesn'i rain every day. age hare b><en put uader qiiaraotloei
aebeol now: Dave Orayom'a eblMren. they run dry. “nie fetrible heat of the by being ordered uc the street.
IJma. Ind.. when- be Is atiendlng
J M McLay and wife Mi f.Vr Reed
Heavy. Impure htiMvd makes a mud­
Cheater I^ke la now Blaring wUb eon seems I'o broil the water. I’lenty
Lee Packer was buried. Sunday school after spending the Itolldaya Inictly i..lay, wbereib-> wiil maS.' thidr
bla graodparenia In Lake Ann.
of darkle* to do the work- Of cinirae
dy. piiuplT ramplHSluo. headache*.
the city.
^fiitnr. iHMae.
Mra. Lanra Balea la ylaltlng he- up Id CeorgU it Is dlifereiit. The Qulf from the (Church of Christ. Hr. ».n
nauM-s. imUgestloa. Thin blumi makes
daughter. Mra. Jeaae Haiku, al Car- sir(«m runs near the ojast h'Tc.
Uiuis Tinkliam Mi fur Ann Arisic, M. .M. iRiinit-r ; In- I nme
v»u Aeiik. pale, idcfcly. Bordock Blai4
ter-a Biding.
■ :i Ciaiid Hai.{il- ihl.s iu>.tulue.
Srx-Ully rhe crackers and Idacks
iiiiteis make* the bl<gML,-U^ red.
Mr. and Mra.
V too low to suit us. S>.|(Tal counit bs-n hi-atd In llie village for
OIIVT t^eker rt^uroi-d tn^ Mi- 1'.
the akailag pan;
p ireT-restores perfect health
report a dne tin...


(y^U^d^Hr! aaJT’MiT'SM.* Bartb
Jr_ wok aappar Baaday olgbt «lfb
Oao. Back aad (SBily.
O. Braoka bm«i Baaday vlib hN
mm Maucr i* faoma acahi oa ac
Joe Joaea waa the gneid of his parJ ttba soft waatbcr wc bate enta over Buaday.
eoaai of
ba* stoppi-d all
D. Pratt saya he ean'i haul lags
knMB ot k«i -uaiu Bora a
uBill there la more anow.
Mat Onurarm went after hla alsirr
Cmwrar iya”Sd boalaoia U aaarly Ada Saisday lb come home to care for
St a ataadatm. The
---------- her notber.
fterroy Lake called on hit father
r aaranl daya tbe^ r ada were Eddie Lake, one day Uat week.
«Hk lea and ^eral w«»aa kolk
Min Roaa’a daughter In Nebraaka
died a few dava.ago and he baa the
L party i
■ympaihy of the e
toy tba «
e young people In ihia vicinity
m'ptaaaurUate. Aak Mra. Nomura
I akallng party on the Wella lake
.WawtaaBaad Mra. Rc^raru if Utay did FVidav and Saianlay nlghU.
J. Sweet and H. Roaa have their
logglag mad completed and will Uhauling logs aa aonn they

load bSlad.
Jaa. a.

-----------—--- ^

•M vtU teota to Kali
*^Barl*n--'rT aad wife of Elk RapIda »Mitad bar parwta Suaday. Mr.



Our Offerings

IntnbeTing Joh over there.
Robert Wllwn waa looking for hU
boraaa Balnrday. We hope he fouml
Ibem before ihev got ve^ far awav
We hear that Mr. Wllhor Wllaon of
Inland haa gone to RtTWlIng Oreen. O..
to anead the ruiteral of hia aiepfather.
William Wakefleld.
Qeo. Lake called at nave Gnyom’s
tbla aMrwiag oa fanalneaa.
Tbe acbool bell U ripginc again af
r a vacation through holidaya.

Stand Head and aioiilders Pfondly Above
AU Others.

Here you run no chanocs—we do not offer a lot of antumitie.«,.“01il as the llilis”. Such we
have none, as for years past nothiug was ever allowed to “layover” in-this estaUislimuut,
and there is no one who can truthfully coutradii-t us! \Vc might ffo on aud more fully'ex­
plain matters, but in tirder for one and all to thoroughly apiiret-iate the splendid ehanee that
ntiw eunfronts yon here, You IWf ust Call.


From Mr. Veorbeea.
lake Helen Camp. Fna.. Jnn.
I kave learaetl wme peculiar condiiMif of “ara* down South*’—noDileal. InduslrUI-and aoclal—I mndenae
Of eooree. The political la almplr
Ihia; .the ataies rigbia Idea U not
twate ft«B Maaaateaa Wadaaaday. gleea np at all. In aplle of the great
«MN tkcy baw baas »ttlUa« Maada war; It atmply haa made the aoiiihera autea goverameoia reaped and
%VnMa Badlay’a bam boraad nrartally fear Uncle Sam'a central gor
Ml Ika cNoad thia laoratac. All iba
ni. The leading Florida paper
MWkkan asvpatkbw with kar la bar aaya; "Becanao the Soalh loat ii>
bead oooe. Ifa no reason why H
ahonld again - It boldly ataerta each
Mate haa iia own aupreme rights indc
naadeat of the ft>derai «oT«ramoai.
Wa 4» 2m w WatT that Mra. wm Thhin are oemlog IheJr way as in
MaHM bad a atroka of panlyaU per Root's speech in New York, they
Batenter. Hops aba will |« aiong all
U booming here in
tho central part of the etate. There
*!tu« HaaM Caaa waa the Bb«M <d an Immense amoom of aundlng pine
papif Rakab wnaaa a tew days teat here vet; the oraagea have a great
field: tbe gar'
*1Sa. Maada Wllaoa from lalaad ■at week, but l
waa tka latw of kar daBgbtar Mn. of tomatoes I ww froze, but plani
Mahal BateA oaa day teat weak.
four aeed again, and you have ripe
omaloea before the mow la gone la
Traverse. It b hard tc rmlUe
Mra. MOW HaBatt aad cbHlie ifaermofoeler goes up to TS

d( Cik ft^da


Reductions in


to a nii-re fracflon of Its l.inm-r lc(»■
fn«iii an) when-.

vortb 7.Sb and 104)0 for




Ladles’ Garment Dep’t.



worth .l.-^O at...;



Trice* alone do-sa't count —antrain can offer ctoUilng *Lour
price, but IK) THEY taVE VOO THE QUAIJTVT W* loava U
to your own good Judg«uenl-8«- om MBN’R SUITS ASH
oVEKfOATS AT -NINE FOIlTY FlVl-r and you miul admit that
t-a! eiiKioiiiv ri Iho iiwiu! at SlrtnUrgo.

worth -i.OOaiKl >>00 at


rath ir>. 1.- uid »ao .1

Gaze Upon These and See How Yon like lliem

bol the little akinipy kind thgCii
dear al any ]>rice. but good Iar>;e^
11-t Blaakcta. worth
a pair, at ................


Annual Statement'

aoaalBlaamiBtMelteyrafWdlag Oae. tL oat. of ite raudirai «r aOrii
WMaWM n« lamraera Oempwy. Imtrtl m Trannr OUy. MkU«ua. w
aWtkaChmMnM Oread Traram. Autrla aad LMbau. U WM atiW.

coltoh fitli-d, curCrivI wi'b Bickie
HOf. i,tx>d and large, worth
II.M. at .......... ...........


BED PILLOW8-tt.c al
w«>, S.-1IH at »1 r.,i lu *Shi :i
iMir, al..............................................

-t lot, of them (liat were St *c
and 7<- a yard, choice Dow..........

98 cts.

<4 cts.

You Can Pick Blindfolded Here—All Is New—No Back Numbers.


SILKS—Plalo color*, also black taff.ia. fancy check*
IxMiiaceoes. worth up to T3c, to eloM-. |mt prd...
I.rcoi;lb<i from one to IS yards.





_____ *

^ K WhUoa U aoBa batter.
Mite Bvaran and Miaa MeOaa nf
Iteiker Ciaak »ar* iha gnaala of Hla*
Cbra Pray BuBday.
W. A. WoidoB waa eallad to Ne»Bfo teat weak ea aceomR of tba daatb



Wool Dress Goods

ST-ineb colored Habutal wait allka. vtc kind for........................................ 3»e
Une piece Clack Surah Silk. St laches wide, worth .COc. at..........................39c
One piceo Black Taffeta. SO io. wide, a-dt Swiss flnUb. worth 75c. al....«9e

;:<:in<'li H'-ayy Navy rlauDc-l. good fur meu’a


wramtn'i ■fclrti


1 lor childreu's coaU, In white, red or gny. was S2.7&. to Close.S2
MMfakJuamr7l.l*e ....
I ea auiauB ucraaan n


' People Have Been Waiting lor lids Annual Bargain Festival


-■‘BtR* ■ ‘ ■

HOSIERY—3 doz.I.a<Uea’Black Wool Ilo*i<-r)'. woilh per palr...21e
HAND BAGS—New aud up-ln-date^aice Jig rize*. worth CSe. Dow... 43e

sn B.y.amM. "

CURTAINB-40 pair dt iJico Curtains. 4U locfao* wide aud Uiivc yards


lung—pretty deslgsa. worth one dollar p«r pair, at.............................. 73c



. Iwma md
1 WM da-

MwWflWjy.tera itaa agilhy

tea.T|gj2^ WM






NOTIONS—Nickle Safely pins in medium aod stnall aUra. worth thtw*
i.-m* i-r dogea. only.............. ........................................... .............................. Ic
HUck lk;.d.-d Moarniiig Pic*, worth threw ceou per has. ..uly..................te
lic.t quality EoglUb Bra** Pint :Cd In a p.,.er. at oaly............................. te
HBi»bli.g Ilnild. red aud blue only, worth 6c. at ........................................... Sc
Pia.d aad S‘.y-Uy Bella, worth 60c aud T3c. cholc* now only.............. 3Se

This Is not bad weather lor an umbrella or cravenette. It takes but a small sum.
UNOERWEAR-SmaU lota Ladle*'. MUse*’ and CLliaren * Wool Rib­
bed Underwear, worth SW. 73c aad tlAtv. choice per garmect...


LAOIEjl* GLOVES ANO MITTENS—Long elbow K-DSth Cult Glove*
Ift White and black, worth |1.W. al...................... ................................



thirl* and dnwwn. per

MULESKIN MITTS—Eztra Urge ilM and extra eaod aL I«r Pa>f


aod fJ.M- Tbey're ^ 4
daadk-a; al! choice, np-toriate atylce. at only ........................^ 1





It’s better tbsii a Imnk—the savings we offer ymi are enormous—Think ainl think well liefore you mdke your purcha-sea. 8hali it
be mercbautlise nf tjuestionable age, or tbe new, up-tu-the-split sefond kindy If the latter, you should eome to

TWal MPwra

'“'•asri'MHr •" *—



a Bna. HMa. Saru sM aaMaW

Popular Tradins: Place.







Xraverae City, lVIIclild«i»-








type of eitUcBthIp as tbe bustaess
caivwni tf.tbeae two men.
Tbe tapir* Lumber Co., has been
driog baslaeas in tbU rcgkm about
twenty years and during that time
bas operated a Urge saw-mlll here
also a geeeral store aed farm sale
bureau here aed during (hat time
have given' tapire resMenis and tbe
rural dwellers of this hnlliy a bus!neu- admiaUtratloa that bss born
beoeflcUl to tbe greaterit degree. 'Not
many (owns can boast of baring such
enruerratlve. progressive busiaM
coocerae In tbrir midst and it U
hoped tbrir iulerests and influence'
will be felt here for a long time to

library to be secured by tax and (bis
One wiuter when Tbaddeos BtevOM
was backed by tbe reppblicana. Yeagtey declared tl.«oe should be allowed hod came bock to bit Vermout bame
be was tbe victim of a aevrre cold
andeouM oat leave (be bouse for many
Jobs Wanamaker was oece asked ts* Of tbs ^racy ef phyei.
weeks. One of bis esUers was Lewis tnvrst ta aa expedltioo to reeeacr ' abetb'bsd always been skeptkek Now.
(.lark. I man of short stslure. wbo dooMoone from tbe Bpemab mata‘I*"
Pkyelclaaa nmr to th*
In Ctrl er
t dsvi bsd been a playmate of which for half a cenmry bad Mia at
'«'■*' l»«*»‘riog. "with aH »a»tbe ■t>ld Commeaer" and waa a near
at other work. J. C. Bosren rasa
a tW** rer <be WeaN Brigbbor of tbe Steveaa family lo tbrir
•BOtber procmslve. arUr* and updo- boot aad aboe repair siiop in tbe room
rescham home. Yermooters had Just
B> BEI'. n. n. DOTLE„.iw. -I.1,
begun to wear .boffalo coats, and Hr.
dal« r(llac« ftmad in Uelanao eoomr. ajoinlag his barber shop, while J.
Toelc.-BcsiaBlac with Ood
}l U altuatM tm the thorn
Lake Lambkin has a wat^ repair ubte In
ltni:liis with Hla.W2cDr L 1,
wr; Clark arrived at tbe Sieveot borne al­ a better expedition ttaaa Uua right -g roun.-ilw*. diriot* and
most last in a coat wbleb reacbcl to here. Sear your own feet Hr t-eas-1 womco twlow ber to necn>t
Midtlm wblsh KtvM It one of the bis pariora. Geo. Jofaaeon amuses
In tbe flrM verse of tbe first t-beptev tbe ground. HU optuned collar com­ vrs tmtalA Too con have them all assUtsiwe. tier mc-laoeboly i
beft water ahipplnx Po*B<*
provldlni; *•
j <>ed sod irivsioisblr." and abe had aa
of tbe first bo* in tbe' Hil.le Mote* pletely euversd hla can and face, while by faithful sredy.
serthore Iowa, and hanax a rallniad. amokea” tor his many patroni
-Let os not be content to mlae ^ wuh to iiroleog it by teagibealng eat
dccl.-im tbdt
was tbe ticgimilng B fur cap completed tbe diagtUsethe tapir* * BonfbMatera. at a
A. r. Boating. U tbe Ibmca of this
-Is that you. LewUr asked Ur. moat coaL to make tbe !.rge*i lococD'e I **er iifr. bbe only broke slleM* ta
of all material thing*. "In tiw liegliitlno of caoreraMce. it cerutnir rank* lomlUy. aad also participates In tbe
Gres, to wesre tbe Urgest quautltlm' munnor. "l am not elA. 1 feel no
ning. Go<lr A marp ruaJesUc setitooee Stevens In sn iDrtvdBlons toes.
"Ye*. Tlrad.” be replied
(orewMM aa a dtlpptac point for msno- law making assembly at Lapsing. Doraf carpets, but amid tbe »ouud» of the l-aio. and yet 1 |•iBc away
coold not have been arte-ted to open
"Well. tklo youTvetf and alt down," pick, Ibe blow* of Ibe banaer. Ibe rat-'seked wbether abe bad any mrrvt
tactarwl Innber and fam prodacta.
tng his apefe lime be Is engaged ta
F. Horen |s tbe feed, sale and tbe history of Cod’* rristioo la tbe excliiiued the other.
tie of ibe looma aad tbe roar of ibe <wu<> of grief. She retaud that abe
universe sad to oisu. It iiresents at
A abort Use a«e. Bmplre aoBeredi the practice of law at this place aad Ilrety bam owaer of the place,
take care that tbe lmaansr| kaew of aetblog ta the world worthy
the loeabr Are of the large silLwhldk was a delegate to tbe conreatioa that ills fair dcaimgs vitta all aad bU up__
The story of ibe creat.-m is • 'bleh followed Mr. CUrk aaked Ste- mecbaoism u( God's own band-lbelof troubilng ber. Al ieogtb by '
feraUbed esplorseat to ao many of Dominated McKinley and Rooeeveit to-date cqulimtcnt of ilrety rigs and things.
not first toW and Hu relstlm of God •
‘f *»• wouklo't come back to bis mlnd-U still full traiacd for tbe blgb-' •» 1* *atd> abe wo* lifted from tbe
the Tillage reaMeaU. bat UUa blow for tbo pieridency and vice presl other re'blcles of travel bas built up to H revealed, but tbe first la impor-, Vermont borne and lire,
cat and noblnt serv ice."
cnabtnu* and put to bed. Her
Stereos. "You hive
Tbe Ignorant man ta always p'.accd ' tk>u uudcrweni no change, tiradhhily
a boBloess that would be envied bv tanee I* put flr«t In tbe rerool of Ibe ■
John DonirsB and Aadtrw Roea livery men (orated in villages many fact. And this Is tbe proper method ’ ^ »** seasons bere-winiru sod late
nwaer*. fkr tapire Lumber company
' about ber realised
No matter
in ‘ke
tbe f«
faa“-nsrr>er'i Weekly.
docMed to rebwUd Uie burned mill at are tbe two liquor dealen of this place times Urger than Empire.
The rreatorj ^
bow mu.'b natitraJ abllliy
rilty one may night live If »l*e would use mess*."
U In all rrepects superiore to tbe ciwa- ■
j hare. If be U Igeorant be U dUrooni- tan that she «oaUJ Dot be |i>f»ibflid.
cmea and hardly bad the aabaa cooled aad boUi hare lloely fnralsbed plaoee
Owo4n*W Sirwm* Jaw.
lion, sig] this fart aboaldJ be re-jgnixaA It Is cot enough to ptmeas aUlIty; aad prince*, as they tearfully acknokrtre-jgnix-;
OD the bufsed min-a alie when sa- of bUBlneea. Both are building ad­
Fhnplre bas several fraternul organBamuri Baker lu bta "Wild
edged, cannot lie coerced. Ni itrtks
terlal of crary deaertplloa aeeeoaary ditions to tbrir already epaclous bnUd- Ixations sltbln Us limits. Among ed St once. God It. the beginning of BeatU" say* that (be power of tbe U most be made avelleble by- mental
tbe material universe, "hi the l-egindiscipline. We ought lo t* ethsmed to le*t UDiil the ibird week Ibey tasked
' to etwet mie or Um soat atodera and iDgs.
iwa of the crocodile i* terrific. Once ______
IgDoraO'* In a land where forward to a renewal of ber old rimethose that are foremost are the K. O. nlng God created the be«ven» nnd tbe : J*’
I^omae Deering Is tbe village meat
■ptodate mint ta the oountry «aa
ity and tbe dispersal ef ber Mbstgy.
deaf snd dumb.
T. M. M, L. O- T. M. N and Odd Fel- earth." and therefore |iu Mij«crl.>r po-, ke had Ibe metal of a large book. Ibe - the blind,
taurrled to the grooada. Seprea of dealer -and at bis place of busli
efcnesa of erdiaory telegraph wire ! even cripples and Invalid., manage to Hut daring tbe week U sras petcrivad
lows. Tbeir membership I* large, rilioo should St once be
beet together, tbe
that tbe ground she bad hat coold;
larrhanlfa aad laborert were employ- ena be found every known kind of
la a slngniar fan that when the apes-................’.............—---------— barbed
— — get a good edncatlon. Tbe trout-le
their meetings wril attended
tie John dealret to relate Ibe hlatory point bring pressed..................................
ilgbOy agaltiri Ibe that many yoetha ttrow away l.itM
oolr be recovered (7 mlncie.
«d aaUI. today the big taak Is betag meat pradueed la thin tocrilty.
tbrir Influence largely frit throughout of Chrtot as tbe Son of God be shank and rendered uarima. Tbla com- opponimltlcs for *eir cuitur* ber;*'
<>n Weduewlsy. March 3.
bita aad
entered ber
nl the coat or noariy 130.000 br the llventoefc aad payi tbe highest priew
L. B- Boetaes has recently |
pr«e«loo-"In tbe beginning’’ Mn the'Jaws when selxlng a live duc-k whirti let tbe year* aflp by wiiboot say spw reive ber last. Instniettmm. Me bod
owneiu. tapire lylU have a aa«.mlll passible fat tbe came.
to give., Ttae arebbiabsp aad M>*-]
the Reynoida drug store and
witbovt a peer la this part oT the
Ssw MHI.
ops sffered up prayra st ber bedMde.}
complete tine of pbarmaceuiical sup­ tbe Word waa with Cod. nnd tbe Word; fastened beneath one * Ing: On one
Alonta Norark ta tbo owaer and
Cod. Tbe same was In Ibe be-1 occasion be found a fish'weighing te*- later by wakfbg op to tbe tact Uitt and Bbe derteM saoxc^eoeifort fross i
plies, toilet specUllles and stock
The tapire Lumber Oo. has eaoaiA Qea F. AylesworUi U tbe manager of foods. Mr. Boebes Is a registered ginning with Cod " John desire* to I enty pound* bitten clesn-tbrougb ns If jbey are still Ignorant ot «bat Urey tbeir mlBtatrot&s.'la^owrtBtrtta
■ank iDio s qirtet sleep, eorti atiike hod
tell fbe story of Christ from Ibe stand- divided by- a knlfa. Tbla. again, was ongfat to knew.
Umber'boMlBga in thla Tidalty aad a feed and custom saw^nlll at this
t and with hit many years point of Hla deity, snd be also icry \ tbe worii of a snap from the Jaws of a
bouBbt wittawt avail fer nearly s
nearby to kaep jibe slir ta conataat place. Their saw-mlll Is equipped of experience In the business tapire
iwoperly b^lM With HI* existence, crocodile. M Panl Bert once made eduratioD should be crowded Into a month. Bbe never sroke sgala. "About
aeUrlty for abo« dfleen yeara. aad with new macblaery throughout and
dispenser of pills and medicinal with God lu tbe beginning of etwnlty. experimeoti on tbe strength of ■ crot> few yecra of ^boot life. Tbe best 3 o’clock la tbe morning of Merck 24
baa optloaa on eaoogb sore ttsNr
Uoso* began tbe bUtory of the creetloo, odUe-, ja», t.y means of a dynamooie- edoeated people are ibese wbo are taw departed tbla life mihily. like s
•and* that U can be proud of.
aaMuai of woih, during the courae of
to tnaare yearw longer.
Dr. Shank Is one of the busiest men of tbe material nnlvcrwe with God. and;,ev. He found that a croridlle wrigh- ■Iways learning, alway* ahsorbtog umt>: easily, like a ripe apple from ttae
ne company aleo baa about I3.M0 tbe year.
,no p«,ads exerted a force of 909 kBowledgc from every possible sout-w irae " "'bcri *bv wa* exambtod sfier
of this localiiy. Having a wide scope John twgins tbe »trwy of man's spiritacrea oT epleadld farm lands that they
M. LaCere, Pieneer.
•edeoiptlon in the M*e manner. IpOTod* In dosing bis Jaw. The lion —and St every opportunity. I koow death lev physicians reported that *>dao
of country to practice In and a Ueg*
In ao doing they followed Ibe tgne hla-! bas an enonnons Jaw power. On one yeong people wbo tare acquired ■ bet­ bad a body of firm and perfect csostK
dewOl aril at eery rpaaonabte prices
pcqmUtlon at borne to administer
*^1^x0 trarcler pushed ter educaliou. a Oner culture, tbrongba tution. likely to have lieed manf
aad upon very liberal terms. A great CTMSlBg uaUl bnt
he Is kept on tbe Jump from early and support of all thing*, bolb material ,be imtt end of hi. gun Into a lion's btblt of olnerrailOQ or rarryinc a book years" Irealb wa*. la fart, iirqiseid
.saay former employes aad others
Amoag tbom sUU here nnd wbo morning.until Isle at nlgbtand spiritual.
mcnilli. snd the pretwore of tbe Jaws or article In tbe ii x-ket to resd at odd lo tile last In (argaiB with L-ra for *
from ouUMe bare Ukea advantage msemliU old Ume bealib nad JorUI
BotneuiB or by taking cenrses la c<w- few mure years of life. Imt bi* teroM
Tbe tapire and Southeastern rail
ty Is M. LnCfTre. He owns n Urge way is not quite as lolig aa other rail- Cod these wrlteni not only followed cTBcknJ It as though It bad been struck reqioodence s^Mols than ruSiiy wbo Implied an enfeel.-efnent of Ibooe toeor tbeir liberal ladocements uaUI
by a steam bsmuier.
hive gone tfarntigb college. Vmitbs UlUr* on whove unrestHrted •■xctcim
pire has a faming community all can term and came b tbeae parts aeariy road ayatems In Northern Michigan
orical method, but at tbe
wbo are quick lo ralvb at new.Meat bra (jneeniy fame seemed lo ber to deauggostoff an important
forty^tbree yesr ago. when only a trail
bnt U juat as wide and Is Just as wide practical Hesoa foe os. They began
was the road-way to Traverse CTty.
The hog." sahl a Baltimore Jodge. and wtto are In frequent eoniart wllh iwnd. By refusiug to be |<arty to tbo
In posslbllilles for its runs through with Cod. and so sbould we. r>o<I
truce she luvttedd^ overtbrow. bot
"la the greatest animal lu tbe workl- enfierior miud* not only oflca erqnlre
oeU in loeallUea much older aad long- Tbrir Journey to Traverse City
*be never ockunslsMgfd berself vasa very- fertile district of Und
sbouM have tbe first and suprei
Every pan of him bas a different fla- a perxoual charm. Iml. even to a re­ qnlsbed. Rbe made no will, abe baloo«
beset with many dangers, character­
wr ssder derelopmaat thaa this one.
markable degree, develop ruriiral
place Is our hearta and lire.. We
wben tbe timber commodity runt
anit e.a<-b flavor I. tieilerviban that
istic of a new country and that tbe
•d no gift on any of ibe fsltbrnl atpower. •
It will be kept quite busy carrying abouvi begin tbe day wllb GckI. Every ,
Ibe world l»f* great nnirersity. lendantii wbo wept brahJe bra dostkWhile the faraas bare been baay ground that tapire now aUnds npon,
. .■,,*111'and freight to aad from day should be liegun with the' readlugj
From tbe rrndl^ to the grave we are sl- bed. and *be decilDed to guide bof
la the derriopmeat of tbeir eoll the had coly one ilitU shed as a begin­ tbe points lying tribatary to Oiiplre nf km: mrt .M «u, i.,., t. n»o.!
ways in Gud'a great kindergarten, (xmar'l in
serrhaats of Empire bare aot bean ning CO tbe resident section of ttae and from tbe terminal of tbe Honor
The lervapiii la a tTealiou. But. to rewhere everything Is trying to tyacb Cornblll i
My atandtag by bat hare bnllt up Tillage. Mr. LaOore has
tnro to the iKW, all of him' 1* good.
branch of tbe M. A N. B. railway.
lit Us lesson, lo gire u* Its great 1^
hi* front feet. (Ttlne
aose eery modem store fauildlaga aad one being' now locntcd at Elk Rapids.
Ackeman A (toreti are the propri­
S* l*(eeMl De«*k.
Rome ]>eople are always at sclioeL
tllad them up wKb'grety Itne of awr- He Is a practicing dentist there and etors of tapire's furniture store and Ilona, Iml we abouki t.ikc llnie. It eau 1. a grent diali, but It doesn't compare always storing up prccioiM Wta of . A Joka wa* pUyed on Artbur Bal­
with Jowl. Jowl and turnip top* In the
' cbaadlae aecesaam to hniiff ealat* enjoys a very Urge practice,
In (boir places of business one
*I>rtiie ran be lieaten by only one ibing. knowledge. Everting bas a Icoson bis leoura of tbe Irish rtilef **vy#lsryother eon it located at Pruilport. Micb.
once aafl at prices that are popotar.
will (here’s a w.vy." We rnay ibink
for them. It all depend* upon tbe eye
And everything In the furniture
Among those who have baen tdentl- Re U a praeUelng physician Ibere pet. picture, window shades and wall­ that we raiiuoi affont to lake the time.
tbst can eee. the mind lhat can appro- Sbl(>- A rigor lux. detlvetvd to klm
o rpaulnaid *
priate. Very few people ever lepr* ■t tta boiue of COOKU n*,
fled wHh the baktaeas latereau of and eojoys a good rised patronage, paper line. In addition to the above

bow to use their eye*. Tliey go tbreogb Iraucb of ehamroefc*. "FriMO • oi*this place and w^o are nov located they are lespecUvriy, J. O. L*C(we buatecaa they conduct an undertaking ford not to take the time Time spent' fiirtipy#
wllb man. however Important tie- btial.
tbe worU with a *u|>miclal glance at crac Iri.b admirer." But. to iba taraad O. M. LaOore.
ben. a lew might
abllabmeoi. Mr. Ackerman bolds nns. will never re|«ay u» If
Iw timelime
'* ‘l'’li«-ioos. Iheperiy cook thing*. Tbi ir 'eye |>triuTea are sa faint ror of bit srcfrtsrlrs, the (lox was
r.- K. Drew and wife co|docl
NMatb Brae, are the proprietors of
,h God
*-j7 No; ril and ie-r\e(I. such a dlidi
reral public ofBccs and Is the vil­ tbnt Khoilhl be apenr with
yad BO dim that detail* ate lori. and no also fnuud lu contaio •-wicked look­
drygoods, grocery. mUttoery 'and oom.o <-,0
kings, and ualiaiia have gone to 1
taplrea leading geaeral store
lage poatmsster.
s'rong Inipresnlon 1* iu*<l» on Ibe min.1 ing tievi sirtiHf covered wilt a qtaar
Uon ator* at this place. They sUo
handle a compleu ttae 'of new i
.1,1"“"■ '-''■"I””"
The graduating class of the Empire b, lb..
nm eye waa InteDdcd tor a great ed white coopoaod. A cbemlcnl export
^aadibe. Tbeir priems on tbeir rar- handle an extensive line of shoes publle schools will have ten menbera liegin 1
ocator. Tbe brsln ls a pri«mer, nerer
Nutblug la mor.-t
ioaa aarcsnUla coausoditlea are astoa and enjoys a very Urge psironege.
oot to (be ouisUle world, (t de
this year.
ttpoo lu five or six servants, the Hr «xi>ertlng sn miWston. Tbe pssof the iKwr, and life ,0 G.«
In .1^^011. .be origin of
Al. tVlllard is one of thg insurance
■n»e (-nnimarid. of Ki-ripture
srnises. to bring It material, and Ik* xied cbendsL vootwring to pat s par­
Tbe Rev. Wm. Hasgeo Is tbe pas­
■ tittkiiowu,
en of this locality. (<c baa
Mrger pan orit eomes through tbe eye ticle of tbe compottbd on bl* tongn*.
tor cf the M. B. ebureb and reports
■na a gland. oosUlIng
rounded himself with a dozen or more
found that It was simply sugar l»give Me tbloe be.-irl." '-|{ememb*r two tiuy lobi'^julnrd togptbrv. nud
me mao wbo bss learned tbe art of
vofy targe and reguUr attendance old line Are
wlth IcoioB. He tben t
thy t'realor lu IIk- day* nf ibr yoolb."
prineaU a rerttabic bee4Ura or Mae. both la bU ebareb and Sunday school. with his many year* of bustneas ex­ "Seek yc fir«t the kingdom of God." named tbe Sella turcica IHysiologlai* sesSog things looks with tils brain.-' ed tbe box upside dawn and out roOsd
rusty cx^screw. a spiral spring and
try oe beery baataeas day of the year.
Hashed U a hard-working, con- perience finds no (rouble In gatbertug No language could In-nwre definite. In
an old nutmeg grater. There was Man
irioua man. and looks very bopeIt wtB be iwiembered by those who
tbe greet >-ri*es uf life we should be­ value lo our SDtcdtIiivi:iii ancs-riora,
Ae rreoeh TIew mt Msrrisce.
great amount of buslnees for hla
gin wllb God. Tills wa. tbe metliod
Tbe rrerch. guided by n-ason. s* s *0*11 of pBfier UiMTibed: "Boy the
are faMUar with Uie btuiaeaa later- ^llly to tbe future In conaectloa with; speetlve Insurance companies.
but whether it enabled llic-m
they aa.r. regard tbe loriltutloa of whisky youroelf. You can tbeq tomeats or tbe aorth that R O. Neasea bU work.
Mrs. Jriin Dunn is very III at this of t'brIsT Himself. No great doty the dark lu day* l»fore they
matrimony as a rational reguBtlon ot eort' tbe famons lenMoade of Bstlyfaced Him without Hit going to Cod
The Udtes of this riiurcb have
has ccmiloctad aad aUU roaa a very
writing and it Is hoped by her many with it. We abouU follow Ibe exaiiP fire or brlpnl tliem to find tbeir way tbe fact of sex. as a compromlae l>». bootey and drink (o odU IretanA"—
■anrso^l ateroaaUle boriBeaa at gaaUed a Home Miseloo eoririy wbteb friends that she will soon recover.
through traekle** forest* at wiM I•e3tl■ tween tbe "igbli of tbe iodlridual and Bohemian.
pie of (.Yirlst la this rea{io<-t. U a
Oien Atta. while hla bratber A. J.
ogreoalng very rapidly at this
The m’eatera hotel Is also one of word, let tis liegin with Grid In ((‘tery- can today or what other purpose It (be rights of soi lety. Tbe man olwya^
Neaaen. who has been a
the prettiest hotels found In (bis re- iblng. If so. we need have do fear of may have served we do not kuow aud but under protest. He is willing is
probably never sRll trow.
Of bnge bulk, greet eadonniw ud
1 on tbe rttad
Tbe Rev. Fr. James Golden of Nos- gloo. It la steam healed and equipped tbe result*.
sacrifice bi* I'beny so far. but ber^
for twenty years, will lot* after Um oen City It tbe splrltuaf advUpr of the with electric lights Has been
that p<Mnt be regervis self abnegation temarkalde vllemy. ebte lo owe*
Beginning with Cod. however. Is nil
quickly and turn starply. and endowed
bnataeas lataiaau of Neaaca Bros., at SC Pblttlpe ehurdb aad has a large
and tbe all the story. We mo«l eontlriue with
Take for yourself a well lic-d e-.lw. XX fanatlcxl asevtieixm. Marriage un­ wllb aw-h vitality aa enable* it to
der French usage Is a purtoeri-blp In
tbU ptoM. Both of tbe
manager's congeulat smile I* simply Cod. A good start dues not alway* get ber on full feed. citiTU and feeil and wbirti eiicb maitra* os charartra. taelJs charge Its enemlea even aftra reegivInsure final aiirees*. It only doe* ao
Irrealatablr when once row by the when tbe coetestaut contlnoe* goad Stuff and cram bra for. sa.v. a yi-ar. educatlou. birth and pcrqwrty are to lag a tiMctal wound, tbe physical qulhustlers aad H goes without saying
The public M-buoU of EmpH
oeoree of travelliig fraternity sa ibey work. 'Hie Galatians began well, hut Go to tbe IroulUe of «-n»tilng and <-nr be coDsIdered. t'ootnrtlng faiuUlei trie* Slooe of the buffalo would Amrylng
that tbe people Ibrlag la taplra aad also very progressive and up4oriate. recuperate and rent si bit mo<lem •OUT grew weary, and Ibe apostle Panl
om.ilnlze Ibe prr^vMed bride aud
twice a day. get down 00 your bunk
to Ms giaiii vireiigtfa and hulk tber*
tbe eurreundlBg.caaDtry srill be given Prlttclpnl R. F. Carr U the directing hostelry. The servlees
needed to exhort them to reeewe.| real er«. my friend, uind|ia|-er h*r h-vif*. groom as If coming up for admittance
mu«t l<e added Its laniate banlllty tt
“a aquare daal" ^ath In the giving spirit <« this educeilobal InaUtuHon and the prices most roi
and fervor. We must fake Cod with groom her leg*. i-n1l*b her horn* and tnfo a club. They look at our •visi.-ji
of marrying for love with str.szcoietit. tbe wbllc man, lu ferocity. Its lore far
ever their (arm and dairy producU and during tats seven yesrs of teecbns on airocenHona, and where we rao- bniHh her (all. nud by rb* rime »bi
«t we v-bonld look at n grocera ctrt lu .voimg and In a fight t high order ot
not take Him we ourwelres should not aee*on come* around vim slenild ba
tor tbe 'awRbaadUe tb^ may need Ing and directing here tbe pnbUc
BtSttNc..cnmilag (tat will upset tbe best (eld
(or tbedr dally nxUteaee. Henry Rm- acbools of tapire tank foiemost as
Knights rtf Pythias of soulbwnlero
a very eredifable Jx.king idi.iw cow
m-lcv a* boor. Our •.vsiem evoflues plans. - Hemltton Weight la WKta
hw that fbe taking of Cod I* abee- Sbcrldau (Mo.i Adrauce.
eea will still eoaUane ta ran bU store tbe educational InKltntions
are making srraogei
iu ric.r to tbe romantic dreams of World Magnsine.
pomibte for tbe rearon that Cnl
at Olea'Arbor.
county. Two Traverse City
for a grand eriebration In
youth aud regards mairimnnr rather
Ts si'llllng to abide with ii<
T*er ritSst Tally.
James Bowes and Goa Jobamm are ladies ate employed here In connec- os JannsT) lit. A hundred rsDdidate. great coodeseensino on Hi* part' In
a* a bollday ertUee then a coyage for i
■»s*****i* Wiessm.
"TYiat society newspaper pubi!»bed
the *-dbti<maera of the gaodlea- and tioa srtth Mr*. Carr to assist la the from sInuiKt a dozen couatles will be HI* Ron Jesus rtiiiat lie I* willing to some very flaiterlng remark* alout life. \Vc mar vrr In oor endeavor to ' "The trontde." said tbs deullst tS k*
men and women as d'.scmbod- { probed away at (be aebing teoUr Wttb
paUUMe ftRliB. anu aad
About 150 pupils attend the, here to be Initiated
come Into our bean* and abide
me." began Ml«s Persne.


InstnuneaL *hs srlflSMgoods of tbe vOUge. Both have large dUferant depnruaenis bei* and all
F, F- PIteber. former Grand na, and except He abide w ith u
•Te*," replied ber best friend: 'Tmt
think that tbe French err In tbeir reso 1/ doe to * dying n*-rve„well vadtUaled ntor«s aad very
are making great
TrtiDk surgeon, wbo liioke down and cutlet lead Cbriaiian rre* mmI l>rlng It wn* horrid of tbe editor to fo and Intlon to be scnslWe and rsgsrd meal “Well." groaned tbe Ttraim. If**
genial diipoaltlona. They ate younfl tkrir different courace of InstnicUen.;
taken to Kalamazoo asvlum. has forlh fruit to HI* honor and glory. spoil 11 In tbe way he did."
»» T"
«rrot tbe dying with •
"Spoil It. Indent Why. l>e «ald I tod worn* as animals taken in (ta
aad ambItloaB and tapire has
Mrs. FriU Rohr is tbe proprietoress recovered and Is locatod in Chicago, May Re therefore atilde with in and
we wllb Him. that our lives may be was a heautlful belle of tbe younger loll* of sorierv. Cur tbsory may look I *'«»•
busUIng business men of tbe Iowa It r tapite's leadlag bakery. In her where bo I* house physicisn In one
far Into tb» future, theirs linxer*
---------frallful la HI* service ana that we set anrt“caa well be praud oL
pUoe of ^uslneae can be found every of (be boapitsla.
far In Ibe brutsl p*st,-li. D. Sedg,
mar have the pr.>mt»e fnimied lo ns.
"Ye*. aud then he put yonr photo­ too
wick In AtUntic
Ml* Mlllyun-Oae ckn he rery kep.
MUa Jeaae TVeddle U the modUU kno'wn (oiin of pastry and all tbe
Omsr J. Morton of Bay Cii>. elected •Tf ye abide In Me and My wont* graph right under IL*’
,, py ID this world with h-sttb end auu-'
«r the Tillage and her
goods resulting from tbe cooking art. eounty treasurer, has a fight on to atdde la .vou. ye riuill a*k what you
. ey. Iteadhroke-Tliim lei’a be made
partocs are the scene tbe year araund
of tbe office. Couniy will, aad It aball be done unto yon.**
New Bank.
1 one. .1 bare the bealib and yon hsro
Mis* Backbay—You are familiar. In a
of many
aiatr nrrrarxrr*.
tapite's new bank reports a very Trassurer Zszelmeyer has anbonne' tbe oosey.-Ulnftnted Bit*.
The snob cnltivates n man or a wornPa. xril. L 2; Prov, in. fl. lO; Ecri. general way. with paleontoloey. are
eaaealU] and eo dear to tbe fmlntae raridly growing business. The de­ ed that be would bold possessioo until
you not? Mr. Camodelet —No. 1 don't
n not becanae be experts lo prt a Job
posits of this tnstltutkm have gros-n February I. Zagrimeyer refused to gn III. t; Matt vl. »: John xxl. SOSt; remember that 1 ever bap|>eae<l serosa
r s loan out of eltber. but twesuae be
Oao. WIHUmeon is tbe rural mall tar beyond expectancy. The hank
until he baa secured aeltH'ment Luke lx. 05: Jrim viii. .11..92: xr^fl; It But I onra read Itley on "Eti think* eliber can I.H|. bim slung into
Cat III. 10; Col. 1. lS-29
carrier of tbU riace and reports
building is Snitbed off very artistic­ with tbe aupenlsora.
denee* of rbristlsnity.’* or avmelhiog tnriety'* elect. He •-«« * former levery rirmons existence at aoi
ally and burceus of life and fire in­
Melvin Conklin ef I-anslns. the kbat nrierlan RoSeavae I* BallSIag like that, when I was a »«y. a:id I qnatntaBce liecanae tbe onfoniinate
Umce of tbe year, particularly folio
surance. crilccUon and real estate slayer of his brother Delbert. U ud
Cbrlsilao Badeaior is buildmg potii- found It awTol heavy reading-Tliica person aeean m ta ut no.use In bis
lag bonvy BDOW atonna aa the cot
own social advancenjent.
He aup
doubtedly insane. At the city ball to­ ot* who will Btsud In Ibe forefront go Tribone.
pretaes tbe Impulse that wsr lead
try. which hie route nns throui* la
W. T. Ruegsegger U the bank ensb- day Conklin eommonced tearing nut against lulqiiltle* which threatraiotarto dislike Dseful pet^le and like nse
tbe Bag It ts (Kiikliug I'brisiiis
very hilly aad raadt are ta
bU balr. His guards declared that
ler and it alert. wMe-swake and
Mnegins-I bear yon are tairiiig yi
i-replaces rough.
bustler In bit chosen profeerion
given Ibe aligbie.i opiumunlty be
dinglilcr'i roiec rulllvated Biicein
I clerk suppresses hi* snial! eitrava
cept* of Christ curreot in tbe nwtatt0«*se Hale u the new hotel owner nfe.
Tes. I'm afraM It c*u't be cured. •*
will destroy himself.
ginee*. bis foudness fur the rara track.
elat world. It M building leaden for
For over »ixty yetrs doctors
•r tapire, he baring racMtly gone
Wben tbe Per* Marquette mixed (be gtest esictpriae* of tbe <-bnr--b. It sm doing tlH- B«xt tiest thing—t*h: '* I Because nodal potiliou teem* su Im
Sam Joseph « Bro.. are tbe new
hfive eodorsed Ayer's Cberry
into tbe pioneer hotel of tbU place
rvdiaats of tapire. At tbrir place train from Howard CItv was leaving U biilldlDg men who win he williag to •Icljiblx Record.
J portant to bta be admire* exceMlreir
known better to tbe travelling public of buBlaea* can be found a new Use Cowan the last Utree cars were do- fill bumble plsee* amid tbe strain and
Pectora] for cooflifl, cold^
I those wbo fasre it and snub* tliooc
as Uriri La Rue, He has
I wbose poatUM be deems iDferior to fai*
aad at price# railed and tore up considerable track, atvtos of (blags with coafldcace and
weflk lunc>* broaebi^ cob*
the laiertor esUrriy aid r_____
sne eras hurt, although (be eoacb Joy.-Edwin Forrist Hsileobeck. D D„ bar# known Mr. TIgg be never bat
e aad the same t
gimpdoo. You eta trun a
In Cbrlsttaa EadCiver World.
It tbrougbou until today a prMUei>
paid me a compliment. Ile-Tlgg nev­
well ftiled.
CoRins and Fo' are tbe hardware
nediciBe die ben doctors *pThe Leetee A.
er ps.vs anybody.
PU« of buriaeea. U bard to find. (As ser^aats of ttae place. They carry
Tbe coal operator* of Bay county'
Tbe letter A It is Hebrew called
prove. Tbea trun thb the DCS
ratsa are reaeoaable and he nvona a full line of tbeir-warr. stores, tpbea. opened the new yesr by resewtag the
Rev. Chsrte* M. Rbrtdon. I>. (>.. says,
ilepb. au ox. and tbe PhoetiU-iio cbxr- i tine yoa have a bard,coa^
a very flourishing busUees.
bUalcetB, harnesses and farm impie- fight cat retail coal price*, and »ofi
i s recent Jettev to Prore*s.w .tmea
Ji.k loiHiou. the well
J. C. Bowra. J. B.
m^d saenU at tbeir place of business. The coal will go back to KM per ton. K
. Wells, tbe uidevl (Tiristiao Endeav­ novelist, lore, rblldrrai.
l^lnally a plctiw of an 01 bend:
“OoU tar ovsr Msta Tssts.
Oeo. Johnson are the barber* ri telrabone excbsnge Is located at tbeir
Mild that there la every probsfalUty or editor: “1 enjoy mvrv than e»ra tte|
Ip Ran FralicI*.,, there a»e two lwln^***“'^ ““
"«*'* *'*•'<> stri**
this rilUg*. All here nicely furrisb- place of butineM. Both are experi- that a further cut will be made.
work of ruy own ilirirtlaa Kada*'
lU (be tO{> of Ibe head.
r^v 0,r/vlT“ 'n ?""i”
Siec-rt. mile girW of year*, of wbom;®^
ed barbarabop* aad by yaar* of exI tlia uibar down
atroka tbe left *ide. aad
HndMm's new Caroegle Ubrary I* to
Til .V.”(>eglD tbe ^
readingl i>o tbe wav to bl. bvwt one morolox •
psriesc* and by a Urge patronage (be lookout for new business and are be ricsed because of a polities] row In
Oloeo fallen out of lue. repveef-*ome alories In about two weekai
have attained a proneucy la iheir art piiMle-epirtled and enterprising
e of (be twin* He •entedlta right side of tbe bead while
which Mayor John D. Yeagle.v and O. nod sbstl btre tbe plessuiv uf fating
very old Pboepiciau usbuacript.
il BiM -riixA bra IikimI.
that Is escdpilonally higta riasa. In
and tapire's grosih as n
Irierve, tldeniian. are the priucl- slMUt IM young people each Mundoy !
w.wra a* *...«.«■ w. *.*1^
eonaecilon with their buslaraa they staatial baslaeas locality oat* a Urge pala. PtMe* auagbt a larger anmni sight. Tkls Iss* gimd so BudlrwuMl -ttaol mortiinc. my dvse." be aaid. two dots above far sye* aad two be­
low (or aostilta —fltrU Ow lusam“Aud artrt.k of the twtiu or* ysu»"
-dbrtag dan Itbntt annae tbemaelTea amount of’bet presUge to Jtw such
of money for tbe malnteoanee of tbe SOT man conU wtab."
“I sm tbe one that'* out walkin'." blaaee complete.

Weak Lung,

------------- ..


In the Cloak Department
After the biffsest Cloak Season we have ever had we find our cloak department has One Hundred and Seventy-one garments. To some this^mliht
look like a good many; to us it does not. For this is not many considering the number we usually carry. But you are not interested in the
numbrrvye have. YOU are interested in your own personal needs, and you are the one we are talking to. Every cloak we have in our
department was bought in 1906 and therefore every one is fresh and new and we want to say that nowhere will you find such ari
assortment to choose from. Ask to be shown as many as you Tike and you can feel sure that you are nPt looking at any­
thing but what is the latest creation and also feel that the garments at their^original prices were worth every cent
asked forthem. When we offer you these excellent garments now at the prices we making can you run the
risk of waiting any longer? These will be picked up very quickly and if you would secure the best
bargains In coats that you have had offered you in a long time, we advise you to buy early, as
of course the best ones go fiast.




For the Little

will be strong



and save

Get yours now
and save

Tb.>.- lik.- th<' la<ll.'. (-.oata an- all
m-a, omblns ranii-d im-r. Thew: IKil>- wutm-na ('oaia arc modeled as
pertcelly as ibe aoown np«. and are
natty enn'Utfa to anil the mnel caactiug
youny nilKa.
Then- la plenty ol »arMy ttjc. you
<Ui nr>l bavc'tu b<- rmicot with iBU
or («u Myl-f. and wo cn> uflerlug
Ihcji. at JUBI half prtee Vou can boy
Hii'm now tor neat wlou-r.
Fam-y Mlatur-a that <n>l<l at IS.bO
(or ..................................................
Kaaey Mlatuii-. and pUin Che­
viots Ibat a»id at til.oo (or.........
Fbiio Keraera and Faney Nilt'irce (hai M>ld at
(or ..
Se<itob Cluakinta. |dam
au-1 Kerseya (hat e«i>l
■ • i.i »v«»'(or.................................. *4h0
JI->- foats (or.../.......................
IU--H* Coai> («r.........
roaia (or..............
»iy-- f*«ta (or............
. «.0P

Tbia weailipr makt's oiir SiiU 8aUof more Utan' unnaary imiwriance. tur
you can wear aolts any day now anil
be dreaacd warm coousb.
The Mylc# for aprltiE will differ lint
little from tbc tall siyk-a. In (an.
they are ao nearly alike tbai only ilio
Boat critical would notice the Olffvrenee.
' The suIlR we are now otTertne at a
third off are tbe very lop noieb o(
faablDn. made by the best ladies'
tailor* In the country, and tbe assnrtateot Is excellent. For your own sake
we adviBC yon to buy NOW.
Should the weather become colder
later, you stUl have a atylish.
date BOlt tor aprtBi; wear and have
•aved enodsb to buy a sprlnj; itown.
There area tewctceptlonanrictrbnfi
valuea abowa In vur we*< window.

Any 110.00 Coal eseepl (be epeelul
910M BUiaber. for...................... OAOT
Any tlS-OO Coal In (be alorc (or. .SUM
Any tl<-00 Coat in Itae store fur .*10.00
Any llAOn Coat In the More (or.012.00
Any 120.00 Coat In tbe store for.*13A3
Any *25.00 Coat to the store for.*1».7S'

Any *2i>«)n C<iat in the atun- lor *3(k00
One im o( (anev MiaturCs that
nold at IS to ll3.W(or..............
Oae lot of ion* loose red I’.uit'
Satin lined, braid tilmmed, Ibar
Mdd al
Fur Coats arv Idtal Rarinetiti- l-

liii.r. Irl la-e.ilIM'<>I Ibi i Min wn'ili'li.
m.l Ini'jiiw-Ml^-y .-.ji ati'il'i.-yim-rab i-tiy,-"rd M>leii <|m a-K
a» nli--n u-i ri->'h B«ri4--n>«
W«- ,>ff-T ><>it
Afli-.rlui; Clw! I" .......... *2t43

i;'- .t ti-inban C--al l-i
-M-t'r»-t' lu:
. . *3343
Car*k-«1 Coa< in; . .
. .*20h6
t::. Curik-il Coat for ..
Tbi-rv aiv ^ahll Ic
V,...... ClM-> 1-11............
... *3343


<w> I...,.-..


... **w»

rt-ai> f-iT..
Ev-;--t*iiue in Fur N.-< J.pK-f.vr
. r-dtp
at ........ i-j off
.1 (li-!i--.- l-f- a iiarc.iO SI M.--l-j n-.i vh-nfv Ir.t IMtli

Thii It our annual clean up on iheac goods, as we alwsvs sell ell t»c eld to mak- room for the new.
as the cotton used last year was better than .t to be found tn the 1907 geeds.
AM our eld stock >s serted up on tables and marked at

These are some caceptiona) value*

25 to 33 1-3 per cent off
This IVleans Thia-t IVs Your Yimo

»/re arc
.aci..l.mal offer*,
.on-.- d-v.;i, |-aa-.v,M.aturc SkUU only
a few l-(T of dtflci.-uMot*.
Idtsi an.l »-•.>. S..W* fur...:...**.**
A few »au„,;c Hklrt*
(rooi our
iift-.-lilr svBipU*
..................14 OFF

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